#Retail life lessons
harmonyhealinghub · 3 months
The Indispensable Lessons I Learned from Working in Retail
Shaina Tranquilino
February 4, 2024
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Transitioning from full-time retail work to a career as an educational assistant at a school was undoubtedly a significant change for me. However, even with my reduced hours in retail, I quickly realized that the valuable lessons learned during my years of working in customer service continue to shape and enhance my professional growth. In this blog post, I will delve into how my background in retail has proven to be an invaluable asset in my current role and beyond.
1. Effective Communication Skills:
One of the key takeaways from my retail experience is the ability to communicate effectively. Whether it's interacting with customers or collaborating with colleagues, strong communication skills are crucial. My time in retail taught me how to listen actively, empathize with others' concerns, and express myself clearly and concisely – all traits that have been invaluable when assisting students with their unique needs and facilitating effective teamwork among educators.
2. Adaptability and Resilience:
Working in retail often meant dealing with unpredictable situations and challenging customers. This environment forced me to learn how to adapt swiftly while maintaining composure under pressure. These skills have proved essential when faced with unexpected situations within the school setting, such as handling emergencies or adapting lesson plans on short notice. The resilience developed through countless encounters with demanding customers has helped me remain calm and focused during high-stress moments.
3. Customer Service Excellence:
Customer service lies at the heart of any successful business, including schools, where parents and students are our valued "customers." My previous retail experience ingrained in me the importance of providing exceptional service by going above and beyond expectations. This mindset now translates into ensuring that every interaction I have within the school community is characterized by attentiveness, understanding, and dedication.
4. Problem-solving Abilities:
Retail work constantly presents challenges that require creative problem-solving skills. From resolving conflicts between customers to finding alternative solutions when faced with product shortages, I honed my ability to think on my feet and find practical resolutions. These problem-solving skills are transferable to my role as an educational assistant and other areas of my life, where I encounter various obstacles daily, such as addressing behavioral issues or adapting teaching approaches to accommodate diverse learners.
5. Time Management:
One of the most valuable lessons from working in retail is understanding how vital efficient time management is. Balancing multiple responsibilities simultaneously while adhering to strict deadlines is a skill developed through years of organizing inventory, handling customer requests promptly, and managing shifts effectively. This proficiency has proven invaluable in juggling the demands of both my school job and part-time retail position without compromising quality or effectiveness in either.
While transitioning from full-time retail work to a career in education was a significant shift for me, it's clear that the experiences gained during my time in retail continue to shape and enhance my professional growth today. From effective communication skills to adaptability, resilience, and problem-solving abilities, the lessons learned have seamlessly integrated into my educational assistant role, providing me with a unique perspective and a well-rounded skill set. Embracing these learnings has not only enriched my interactions with students but also empowered me to excel in various aspects of life beyond the workplace.
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lookninjas · 6 months
They brought the new logistics lady in for the corporate visit today, and I'm pretty sure they brought her in specifically to make a point about how bad freight has gotten in small stores, so. Glad I could help, now get rid of half my shit and stop replenishing it, please?
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sketchesmick · 2 years
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athyrium-angustum · 2 months
This morning at work a guy walked in and said “hey I work at the chipotle next door and I was wondering if your cameras record in the mornings? Every morning I do a little dance in front of your camera and I want to know if anyone sees.” I was like, every morning? He was like, yeah at 5:45-6am. Then he left without buying anything. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with this information. Now that he’s confessed, will chipotle man continue his daily morning dance for our front-door security camera? Life is full of so many strange and wonderful things
Also retail really does give you every flavor of human interaction, huh
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Lesson of the day
Even if your car has a Pressure relief valve on the radiator. it might not be the best idea to open it, reports say...
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paridoxpower · 10 months
I’m begging y’all to teach your kids how to count cash. Physical money may be becoming obsolete, but it’s not yet and it’s a life skill they should have until it becomes so. I paid for something with paper money and coins and the poor young teen behind the counter had to call a manager because they were unsure how to count the coins. I don’t blame this kid for not knowing this and I hope any future customers are as understanding.
So please teach your kids how to count physical money, regardless of whether they may never come across it (which I find hard to believe)
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bolbianddolanhouse · 2 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 4]
Not caught up? Why not?! Here’s som handy links 1 * 2 * 3
Chapter 7:...Yes, A Really Good Book
The twins are now seeing the reality that their whole family went through at UA, all the rigorous training but now with the added expectations to be like the rest of their family. It’s only been a month and they’re close to exploding emotionally.
-Saturday, Iida household-
“Gemelos, adone estan?” their mother coo’d for them “I cut some fresitas, come eat.”
A collective groan was made from the living room. The twins were face down on the carpet, unmoving and sore as hell. 
“Come on, I’m not air lifting you guys” sighed their mother as she floated over to her children with the bowl of fruit “I know training is kicking your asses, this is why your dad and I trained you. Without it, you’d be dead tired.”
Tensei rolled onto his back “Ow! Mama, how the fuck did you survive doing both hero and intelligence training?!” He looked at his mother with curiosity “All the staff is expecting us to be on par with you. And I took a major L yesterday when doing the rope climb.”
“I set the rope on fire because sensei got me mad” Hanaka added, barely lifting her head.
“Ah my favorite” their mother said sarcastically as she folded her legs to sit next to her children “I was just built different. Had to fight my way through everything in my life before coming here. So this training shit was like a breeze in comparison.”
“Is America really that intense?” questioned the twins
Their mother sighed and nodded “I was raised in a very conservative time, anyone that wasn’t white or white passing was oppressed. But especially if you had more than one quirk!”
Tensei attempted to sit up properly “No way! What did you do to hide your quirks? Everyone in your family would’ve had to hide their too!”
“We just didn’t say our quirks publicly, my mom worked in places where they were safe to use both their quirks. My sister had to register herself as disabled because both of her quirks prevent her from getting a job or living an independent life” she described “My brother didn’t have much trouble hiding his and I struggled a bit.”
“Why mama?” asked Hanaka as she shakily tried to sit up and plopped back down.
“My telekinesis wasn’t stable and was borderline disabling” their mother said as she watched her children struggle to sit “If hero culture was a thing, I’d be sent to a specialized school to hone my quirk as a child or be encouraged to use both of them in public... But I was just another cog in the machine that the government was willing to cast away at the moment’s notice.”
“That’s so wack! How could you be okay with that life?!” protested Tensei, now sitting up “You always said you wanted to go back or that you wished you never left, how is that better?!”
“Oh my sweet bebe, it was so liberating to not be dependent on your quirk to live a normal life” she sighed as she floated a strawberry toward her son “I didn’t have to worry about a single thing, I had everything I needed and I only ever wanted to be loved and be comfortable. And when things went down, I fought to have my shred of normalcy back.”
“Thats all you wanted?” Hanaka questioned, still struggling “But what about meeting Papa? You’re so in love with him!”
Their mother sighed lovingly “Ay mi~ As much I love your father” she gently fed a strawberry to Tensei “I had a boyfriend that I was willing to marry before I came over here.”
Hanaka latina gasped and finally sat up properly, ignoring her pain “QUE?! I lover left behind?!”
“Si mi amor, I left behind who I thought was my one and only”
Tensei swallowed his bite of strawberry “So what happened to him?”
“I don’t know” their mother showed a pained expression “I lost track of him when I graduated from UA. I don’t know if he’s still alive or if he moved on to someone else. But I hope he’s doing okay and he’s happy with his new life...without me.”
“Aw mama I didn’t mean to make you sad” Hanaka comforted, she hates to see her mother so sad.
“No bebe, I’m not sad” their mother smiled through the pain “I just miss him, I literally planned my entire, short life with him. And he just swept me off my feet with the simplest things, plus it helped that he was so talented and sensitive. We didn’t need money to be happy, just each other.” She glanced over at the family picture on the wall “Not to mention that my parents LOVED my boyfriend and his family. They were really rooting for us to get married the moment we turned 18.”
“Abuelito and Abuelita love Papa no?” questioned Tensei, hoping he was right.
Their mother let out a sharp, singular laugh “Oh no bebe, your grandma HATES your dad! She really wanted me to marry a latino with those hard working morals. Not your rich boy playing superhero father, or as she puts it ‘a cop without the gun’”
Tensei scrunched his nose “Well in that case, why move on? I wouldn’t if I loved someone else before.”
“Oh yeah Tensei, the girls are just lining up to confess daily” sarcastically spoke his twin “they stuff your locker with notes and give you handmade bento to spoon-feed you at lunch!”
Tensei squinted at Hanaka “Sure! And the boys are on their hands and knees to your every whim too!” he matched the energy “They’re bending over backwards to shade you in the sun and carry you to your desk, so you don’t tire your little legs!”
“Okay enough you two” mediated their mother “You’ll understand once you meet your special someone, things will fall together and wonder why you ever lived without them.”
Tensei was always skeptical about love and romantic feelings, so his mother’s words were just another thing that he didn’t see the logic in. Hanaka absorbs anything love related but doesn’t put in the effort to be in a relationship. Not like anyone was actively seeking them anyways, especially not in UA! 
-Two weeks later, Homeroom-
“...next for spars, Hanaka-”
“Please not Tensei, PLEASE NOT TENSEI!” Hanaka harshly whispered her plea in the gym bleachers.
“aaand Tensei”
“FUCK! OF COURSE IT’S MY FUCKING TWIN!” screamed the twins, angrily making their way to the sparing circle. 
“Sheesh, you’d think they’d be over their tantrums” Masaru whispered to Tetsu, as they watched the twins do their little pre-spar stretch “This was bound to happen!”
“Heh, bet you 1,000 yen that Hanaka is gonna beat the shit outta Tensei” Tetsu wagered.
Masaru gasped “Don’t you have confidence in our friend?!”
Tetsu deadpanned to Masaru “Dude, she sent the class rep to the nurse’s office with a multi-punch attack in under a minute. Not to mention that she’s undefeated so far in spars!”
“If you put it that way” Masaru sighed in defeat “I’ll throw in this betting rink.”
The buzzer rang and the twins carefully circle each other, waiting for the other to make a move.
“I’m real sick of getting put up against you” spat Hanaka, high off their last 2 wins “Do me a favor and lose because I’m the queen of spars, that’s MY thing NOT YOURS!”
“The feeling is mutual hermanita” Tensei responded “But you know me, and I won’t go down without a FAIR fight. Not that you know how to play fair.”
That pushed Hanaka over the edge and ignited herself, tensing her body into fighting stance. Tensei did the first move and the fight escalated into a sibling fistfight and less of a technique display. Hanaka tries to pin her twin down for a pummeling.
“I should of ate you in the womb!” she yelled “then I wouldn’t be compared to you!”
“Bitch I wish you would’ve!” Tensei yelled, dodging his twin’s fast fists “then I’d never be compared to you!”
“Me?! You’re the perfect twin!”
“Bitch, you have the powers!” Tensei landed a punch on Hanaka’s stomach “Everyone wanted to you to be strong and carry on the family legacy from the moment you popped out. Everyone thought I was fuckin quirkless until 3rd grade!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” screamed Hanaka as she shoved her twin to knock him on the ground “Everyone tells me why am I not as smart as you all the time! Since you won those little, stupid academic awards, where are my titles and awards?!” She swings a kick to Tensei’s side but he teleports to the other side of the circle “I’m just the dumb and angry one, so just let me HAVE THIS!” 
She lunges a fiery punch toward Tensei but the power in that punch, with the solid block from Tensei, sent the twins out of bounds. 
“No winners that round” sensei clicks his pen to scribble on his sheet “I have lots of technique critique and spar etiquette comments, but I’ll have you read them later.”
Hanaka wasn’t listening, she was absolutely crushed by the fact that her winning streak was gone. Just like that, all because of her twin. Feeling tears welling in her eyes, she ran out of the gym.
“Hanaka! Come back!” her friends cried out and chased after her, even though they have no hope in catching up to her.
“Aren’t you gonna-” started Tetsu
“No” Tensei interrupted “I don’t know what’s her deal, she’s been on my nerves at home about studying. And when I offer my help, she gets all defensive and shouty that she can do it herself.” He starts skimming through his critique paper “I blame my dad for focusing on quirk training with her instead of the other shit.”
The journey home was quiet as Hanaka fumed in the backseat of their dad’s car. When they got home, the twins went straight to their rooms with slammed doors. Without the older siblings at home, there's no mediator and dad is left with all the high emotions. 
“Tensei? Can I talk to you?” asked their dad, knocking carefully.
“No, I’m busy” Tensei responded, totally lying but he really didn’t want to talk to his dad “Hanaka is the one with the problem, go talk to her!”
Their father sighed “I know your sister is the one that is angry. I just want to know what happened.”
Tensei sighed and unlocked the door. He gestured toward his desk with an arm chop “Come in, sit down please.”
He sits down and waits for Tensei to sit down “Alright, what happened?”
Tensei sighed with a slight groan “Did you know that your daughter is failing in her common core classes?”
“Even English?”
“Dad don’t be dumb! We tested out of that” sneered Tensei “But we got a report card today and I got praised for having the best grades in class and I guess that made Hanaka mad.” Tensei crossed his arms “Like? Who cares?! It’s not like I’m also good at fighting or rescue like she is! I get my ass kicked every class training, except when I went against Kyanka but that’s because I dodged at the right time for an out of bounds win.”
“Oh she’s upset over grades” their father connected the dots “and you’re upset that she’s excelling where you’re faltering.”
“Hey! I’m doing okay!”
“Show me your report card then” challenged their father.
Tensei handed over his report card, not making eye contact.
“Ah, so your ass is getting kicked in those parts” their father said after skimming the card��“Well Tensei, I’m going to do what I did with Lili and Iwata.”
“Huh? What did you do?” Tensei was confused, he didn’t see the connection between their older siblings and him.
Their father stood up “I’m going to train you until these grades get raised” he handed back the card “You might not know but I made my way up the ranks with my ability to rescue and close combat. Just because you don’t have the family namesake quirk, doesn’t mean you can’t do what I can do. I see a great rescue hero in you.”
“You punched that boy off your sister, even if it costed you the debate” he listed off “You pulled your sister and her friends to safety during the entrance exam, despite not being skilled enough in your quirks. And for someone that says they aren’t strong or fast enough; you always manage to push your unsuspecting sibling out of the way to an oncoming dog pile.”
Tensei didn’t have a comeback, he recalled everything his dad listed and meditated on it. It’s true that he can sort of sense danger at the most critical moment, but all those times were because it’s his family or people he cares about. He certainly cares about his family; can he really do the same for someone in need? And will Hanaka ever make amends with Tensei now that there’s a clear divide in what type of hero student they are?
-Chapter 7 end-
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mageknight14 · 1 year
Sometimes I often think about Nagi Usui and how she’s one of the best characters to have come out in the past few years.
-One of her main motivations to get back into the real world is so she can play more of her mobile gacha game.
-She gains an instant crush on someone just because he resembles one of the main characters from said mobile gacha game.
-She’s the only one of her team to actually like the Grilled Alligator meal from SBY BBQ.
-The kanji on her shirt changes for every situation she finds herself in whether it’s for fights or eating.
-Some of her other kanji shirts reference The Art of War, kendo, Buddhist proverbs, JRPG terminology, and chuuni terms, among other things.
-One of sayings on her shirt translates to "Now I'm motivated" when in battle which means that yes, Nagi is a DMC Vergil fan.
-In the Field Walk RPG, Rindo wonders about how the letters of her shirt keep changing and Nagi tells him that she changes her shirts in between fights and food. He then wonders about how he never notices and Nagi tells him that she’s mastered the art of changing them in a millisecond before saying that she’s just joking.
-Is the only one out of the team with a dedicated maid outfit.
-Brags about being a one time Quiz Academy Queen Quizster after going head-to-head with a DRS member over the title and winning over him in the manga category.
-Accidentally intimidates other EleStra fans from approaching her through sheer aura.
-Her English VA based her performance off of Peridot from Steven Universe and Entrapta from She-Ra.
-Said VA also confirmed that Nagi would most definitely be a Sonic fan, with her being a fan of Shadow the Hedgehog in particular.
-Surprisingly, she has the most connections on the Social Network outside of Rindo due to her natural ability to understand people
-Gets into a pissing contest in Another Day with a ojou-sama, metalhead fan over who’s the bigger Takeharu Ishimoto fan
-Owns and is raising at least 10 snakes in Another Day
-Only knows how to cook sunny-side up fried eggs from the box, with the yolks described as 'frozen' and the eggs described as unpleasantly chewy.
-Is insanely competitive at fighting games
-She considers video game arcades to be the perfect date location.
-All of her "gurgly sounds" combined make for more than two minutes straight of audio.
-In Japanese, her personal pronoun is a neetspeak version of a pronoun usually used by sagely old male characters.
-In general, she uses a lot of netslang, including the Japanese equivalent of "kek" basically.
-She's too anxious to use a phone and to work a job that requires her to interact with people regularly such as retail.
-She’s the most bloodthirsty of the Wicked Twisters when it comes to fighting Noise and even lets out an evil laugh when unleashing a Grenade Launcher pin
-She really likes jigsaw puzzles and finds them calming; more specifically, the "1000-piece" type of jigsaw puzzles.
-Even with her eccentricities, she’s one of the most emotionally intelligent and empathetic characters in the series, and is never once treated as off-putting for her interests and actually uses the life lessons she took from EleStra to help out others in need.
-Is more than capable of killing a man with her psychic mind powers.
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saintmachina · 7 months
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I'm thrilled to unveil the cover for EVOCATION, book one in my urban fantasy romance series. Evocation kicks off the Summoner's Circle series, and follows David, a psychic medium and hotshot lawyer, who must team up with his sorcerer ex-boyfriend and the ex's witch wife to break a family curse. Forced proximity, magic lessons, and polyamory ensure, all against the moody backdrop of Boston. 
I'm absolutely breathless with what a phenomenal job artist Eleonor Piteira and designer Alice Coleman have done bringing David to life, and I'm indebted to the entire Angry Robot crew for all they do for me. 
The day David Aristarkhov’s occultist father died, he bought himself an Audi, drank every drop of liquor in the house, and abandoned his life as a teen psychic prodigy. Now pushing thirty, David is a Boston attorney, moonlighting as a medium for a secret society.
But when the Devil comes to collect on a deal David’s ancestor made, he reluctantly reaches out to his ex-boyfriend Rhys for help. However, to get to Rhys, David will have to befriend Moira, Rhys’s wife. The trio gets a little too close for comfort as they combine their powers to unravel the century-old curse, and if they don’t break the curse by David’s thirtieth birthday, he won’t live long enough for everyone to figure out their feelings for each other.
EVOCATION hits shelves in May of 2024, so there's still time to preorder from any of your favorite retailers! You can also add the book to Goodreads, or post about it on socials using the hashtag #manifestingevocation.
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liminalpebble · 5 months
Happy Thanksgiving, folks.
While I don't agree with the colonialist horseshit wrapped up with this holiday, I am in favor of a day dedicated to cooking, eating, lazing about, being with the people you care about and (shocking for Americans) appreciating what you already have and focusing on gratitude.
It's my second favorite American holiday after, of course, Halloween.
Anyway...I'm grateful for you. I'm grateful to live in a time and place in history that allows me to stay connected with you in ways previous generations couldn't even dream of. I love having this community of beautiful souls, imagining together.
Thank you for all the stories you've given me. Thank you for reading mine and playing pretend with me. Thank you for all the likes and shares and comments and follows and rallying around me for silly imaginary gatherings. And I have to give honorable mention for how enormously you've all built me up during some of my hardest times and made everything so much better.
I'm lucky. I'm so lucky and so grateful. It's amazing to exist. It's amazing to have a comfortable life and the things I need and a lot of the things I want. It's amazing to have good people and experiences with me on the journey. To be able to hug people during the brief time in which we share the planet (or even just to hug you digitally).
It's amazing to have this nice coffee, and a warm sweater, and a cookie, and hot running water, and electricity, and hundreds of movies and books and stories and lessons at my fingertips whenever I want them.
It's amazing to be alive to experience annoyances, and sorrow, and grief, and anxiety, and bad days, and survive them, because...hey...I'm still here, and that's one in the eye for death. That's amazing. You're amazing too. Thank you for being with me. You've all been so kind to me. You've changed my life for the better.
Much love,
P.S. Black Friday, that horrendous Wario of Thanksgiving, can go right back to the depths of retail hell where it crawled up from. I worked too many Black Fridays in my life...never again. It's unbearbly stupid to trample people in a frenzy of greed mere hours after a day dedicated to gratitude for what you already have.
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@sweetsigyn @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @smolvenger @muddyorbs @mochie85 @coldnique @little-wormwood @littlespaceyelf @goblingirlsarah @anukulee @loopsisloops @peaches1958 @peachyjinx @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @thedistractedagglomeration @thenerdyoldersister @slutty-thevampireslayer @leelei1980 @josephfakingquinn @unfocused81 @unlucky-number-13 @mischief2sarawr @mischiefmaker615 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @jennyggggrrr @loz-3 @lokihiddleston @marcotheflychair @fairyysoup @granuaile-slore @gigglingtiggerv2 @aesonmae @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @veemoon @hellfirenacht @lemongingerart @sarahscribbles @take-everything-you-can @sailorholly @eleniblue @elegantkoalapaper @tripleyeeet @textsfromthetva @ladyofthestayingpower @fictive-sl0th @the-haven-of-fiction
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astrogre · 6 months
House Transit Money Observations:
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Sun in 2H transit is at the same time every year and tends to be minor pay raises, a month of spending a lot of money, in that season your bank account either spends more or less
Full moon transits for money houses (2H, 8H, 11H) maybe mean new clients, payday, good money, generally brings good money.
Mars in 8H transit triggers 8h theme of need to put bigger deposit on something or purchase an investment (moving house, expanding business using funds)
Mars in 2h transit can make you have impulsive spending, motivation to put out projects and work for yourself
Jupiter 2H ups your spending, you get more work like more clients, more salary, more inspiration to start your business, eclipses especially are when people may decide to freelance
Transits of Jupiter, Saturn, NN, SN are important to see bigger and lasting changes to your finances.
Jupiter 8H transit can be a big bonus at the end of the year, or an influx of money at once as it’s not a result of your day to day efforts but a thing you get all at once as a “here you go, well done!”
11th house transits is usually when you receive an elevation in the financial quality of your life, like being able to buy from a more premium store for food, having enough income to pay for better clothes etc.
Moon in 2nd house transit, purchasing things for emotional fulfilment, you’re in your retail therapy phase and that’s okay… just don’t overdo it 😅
Saturn 2H transits usually are kind of stressful, being restricted financially, to give a wake up call to the native like “I need to get my finances up”. A 3 year long period when you are getting better financial structures, learning how to manage your money but only after you have a better understanding of 1. how you make money, 2. how you want to structure business, 3. what makes you most money is this lesson mastered. Each Saturn transit picks up from last time teaching you more about how to manage, expand or distribute your finances.
Saturn 8H same as 2H but also having to pay other people, outsourcing, bringing on other people, having to share your finances more.
If any of your money houses in your natal chart are empty (2H, 5H, 8H, 11H) and there’s a planet transit in that house it will activate the the house giving it energy to manifest in your life and make it a contributing theme in your life you are working with
E.g a native has empty 5H under the sign Pisces. The sun hits transits for this house for a month and during that time period the native may suddenly find themselves being noticed and working really well in their creative endeavours and having a ball in risky investments or gambling for their own personal enjoyment
North Node, South Node transits (as they’re opposite) if one is in 2H or 8H so will the other. This transit brings constant themes at the same time for a year and a half to 2 years of how you save, invest, what’s worth your money, what your skills are worth. How you can plan for your financial future.
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moonhoures · 10 months
piano lessons
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pairing: jay (enhypen) + reader (fem.)
genre: non-idol!au, (kind of?) college!au, fluff, meet cute
warnings: none!
word count: ~2.3K
synopsis: working at a music shop has its perks, like meeting cute boys who can play guitars 🤭🎸
a/n: my first fic back!! woohoo!! i hope you guys like this, i only read through it twice, so there might be some proofreading mistakes. please forgive me 😇 enjoy! 🫶🏻
a/n: for reference, this fic is heavily inspired by these tiktoks [ tiktok #1 & tiktok #2 ] and [ this ] is the song jay is playing 👍🏻
posted: july 13, 2023
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Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays were usually the slowest days at your job. You worked at the local music retail shop, spending most of your shifts just cashing people out, organizing instruments and equipment, or re-alphabetizing the store’s music catalog. It didn’t pay that well, but it was enough to keep you busy and get you through college.
On most days it was fine; the only real downside being dealing with older people who didn’t understand some logistics of the instruments or the younger know-it-alls that tried to mansplain the equipment you sold daily. Another downside was having to listen to people tune the instruments to their liking and/or play them awkwardly in the middle of the store.
You understood why they did it; they just want to get a feel for the instruments they want to buy. But most people either were beginners who played awfully or intermediate players who didn’t play nearly as good as they thought they did. After almost a year of working at your location, you had gotten used to the sound of the store’s center speakers being hooked up to various instruments while people tested out the sound quality or other logistics of their instruments. Today was no different.
You were in the middle of organizing some invoices at the register on a late, gloomy Tuesday afternoon in the middle of September. The faint buzz of the center speakers humming to life on the other side of the store caught your attention, but you went back to focusing on your task at hand. There was only a handful of people in the store at the moment, so it was pretty quiet aside from the very soft jazz music emitting from the speakers in the corners of the store.
After a moment of peace, the center speakers crackled. You prepared to be annoyed for the next five to ten minutes by some young kid about to play some Nirvana riff very amateurishly. However, you were surprised when the opposite happened. A single, short, sweet strum on an electric guitar rang through the shop. It wasn’t obnoxiously loud, just enough so that you could hear it from across the room. You didn’t recognize the melody that soon followed, but it was pleasant to your ears.
It was a very relaxed, R&B sound. The sound was so calming. It fit perfectly with the gray clouds and drizzling rain outside the shop. Like a soundtrack to a movie scene. You decided you had to see who this talented musician was.
You picked up a vinyl that needed to be put back in that area, and decided to use that as your excuse to go be nosey. Throughout your walk there you noticed that the elderly couple you had seen earlier was now gone, leaving very few patrons left. There was one guy who seemed to be in his mid-40’s browsing through the CD collections. And there was a high school-aged girl looking through the magazines by the door. Other than that, it was just you and your mystery guitar player.
The soulful music continued to play, growing louder as you got closer to the source. You turned the corner of the shelf just behind the speakers that the music was coming from. Your eyes travelled up to see a boy about your age. You were getting a somewhat side profile of him, but he was admittedly very handsome.
He had black hair that looked soft and untouched by the rain from outside. Rimless glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. His jawline looked as though it was sculpted by an artist. He wore average-looking clothes—khaki pants, dark blue graphic t-shirt, unbuttoned denim shirt, and converse. One of his ears were covered by the chunky headphones he brought with him, presumably listening to the song he was trying to play. You found it odd that he wasn’t using sheet music, like most people did. Perhaps he played better by ear?
The sound of the bell above the door ringing made you jump, but it was only the high school girl leaving. You clutched the vinyl in your hand, remembering that that’s what you were supposed to be doing: finding it’s home. You turned to the shelf beside you, thumbing through the albums until you found the spot you needed. The albums thumped to one side as you slid the vinyl into place before they were pushed gently back together in harmony.
It seemed the song was coming to an end, so you stood in place as the boy wrapped up the tune he was playing so elegantly. When he finished, he started inspecting the tuning pegs on the guitar in his lap. Your feet were moving before your brain could stop them. The inside of your throat felt like it was closing, but you still somehow managed to speak.
Softly, you praised him, “That was amazing.”
Dread filled your body when he didn’t so much as even look at you. Nothing signaled that he heard you, so you cleared your throat and tried again. Only this time, you took another step closer to him.
“That was amazing,” you repeated a bit louder than before.
This time he heard you, his head whipping around as if you startled him. You quickly apologized, but he shook his head.
“No, you’re fine. I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“I just said that was amazing, what you played. You’re really talented.”
“Oh,” maybe it was your imagination, but it looked like the lobe of his ear was turning red. His foot fidgeted on the bar at the bottom of the stool he sat on. The fluorescent lighting in the shop casted a white glare on the edge of his glasses when he looked at you, but you could still see his brown eyes clear as day, “Thanks.”
“Was it yours?”
“Was what mine?”
“The song,” you busied yourself by picking up the sheet music left behind by previous patrons of the day and putting them back in the folder where your boss kept them. He reached up and moved the headphones down from his ears to rest around his neck.
“No,” he shook his head, “It’s a Frank Ocean song. Have you heard of him?”
“I can’t say I have,” you confessed, “But it was a beautiful song. I’ll have to look it up later so I can get the full experience of it.”
“You should. The, uh, album that it’s from is great. It’s called Blonde,” he continued to twist and tune the pegs at the end of the guitar’s neck. His fingers were proficient and gentle; you assumed that was from years of skill crafting.
“How long have you played guitar for?”
“About 5 years?” his face expressed that he was trying to recall the moment he started.
“Wow, I figured you might be a prodigy or something. You sound like a seasoned player.”
Now his ears were definitely red; there was no way it was a trick of your mind. The same rosy color also looked like it was spreading across the apples of his cheeks. His lips twitched from holding back the bashful smile that wanted to appear. He adjusted himself on his seat, getting a better grip on the instrument in his lap, “Thank you, but I’m no prodigy. Do you play anything?”
“I took a few piano lessons when I was little,” you shrugged, fingertips mindlessly and quietly tapping on top of the speaker in front of you. An almost silent hum still thrummed from it, “But I don’t play much anymore.”
“Well, if you’d like some lessons in the near future, I know a guy who’d be willing to teach you for free,” he spoke as he stood from the stool and carefully placed the Paul Reed Smith guitar back on its stand a few feet away.
“For free? Is he doing volunteer work or something?” you teased, eyes accidentally meeting his as he returned to pick up his keys from the stand he left them on. The same stand that held the speaker you were previously tapping on. You wanted to look away, but his eyes almost held you in their gaze.
“No, but he doesn’t mind teaching pretty girls like you.”
Your breath hitched for a second, and heat rushed into your cheeks. Was he seriously hitting on you? More importantly, was it working? You had to avert your eyes.
“Oh,” you mentally kicked yourself when the shy smile took over your lips, “Does he live around here? I might consider, if he’s not too far.”
“He lives in college town actually. Are you familiar with it?” his keys made a jingling noise as he swiftly slipped them into the back pockets of his pants. You watched with a twinkle in your eye as he used the same hand to carelessly card his fingers through his hair.
“Yeah, it’s not too far from me actually. Does this guy know Frank Ocean’s music too? I think I’d like to hear some of that on the piano,” you said, walking alongside him as he started to walk towards the front of the store. The rain was still coming down, barely. The droplets were sparse, but the gray clouds remained, just as dark and gloomy as ten minutes ago, “I like the R&B sound of it.”
“I’m sure he’d love to play some R&B music for you on his piano,” he smirked a little, secretly loving this back-and-forth with you. He didn’t want it to end, but he did have plans with his friends soon, “I think he knows one or two Frank Ocean songs.”
“That’s good. Well, this guy sounds decent. Do you have his number? I’ll have to send him a text to set up a piano lesson with him.”
He nodded, so you took the few steps over to the front desk, pulling a notepad and pen out from next to the register. You tore the top sheet off that had scribbles of invoice numbers and customer information. Then you handed the pad and pen to him, folding the torn paper in your hands as you watched him jot down the phone number for you. He handed it back, and you carefully tore that paper out too before slipping it into your pocket where your phone rested.
“Thanks,” you walked him to the door, only now realizing that you were the only two people left in the shop. Were you really that wrapped up in this boy to notice the older guy leaving? Did he really captivate you that much? You supposed he did.
He pushed the door open, stepping out onto the sidewalk, “I guess I’ll see you around then.”
Some little voice in the back of your mind let out a sigh, expressing its disappointment of his departure. Another voice in there exclaimed a reminder to you.
“Wait!” you called out, causing the dark-haired boy to turn back towards you. He was already yards away, but you could still tell the weather was starting to make his glasses fog up, “You never told me this guy’s name.”
He smiled again, “It’s Jay. Sorry.”
You nodded in understanding, and he stopped you before you could go back inside.
“What’s your name? I should probably let him know so he can expect your text,” he reasoned, his hands burying themselves in the pockets of his denim shirt. The heel of his converse scuffed the wet concrete as he shifted his foot nervously.
Now he was the one nodding, “Got it. I’ll tell him to look out for a text from ________, the pretty music shop girl.”
“Thanks a lot,” you waved him off, the smile on your lips refusing to leave even after the door closed behind you. Even after a glance out the door confirmed he was so far down the sidewalk that he was now out of sight. You hummed that melodic tune he played to yourself as you started to think of what tasks still needed to be done. You had the whole shop all to yourself, and there was still a couple hours left until closing.
You decided to hijack the store’s AUX, hooking up your phone. You went to your music player, typing in ‘Blonde’ and picking the first option that came up. You let the album play from the top, immediately nodding your head along to the beat that began to play. He has good music taste, you thought to yourself.
For the remainder of your shift, you enjoyed the music playing. The store had no more customers after he left, which made for a quick and easy closing. The rain was done by the time you were locking up, which you were thankful for. Once you got to your car, you pulled your phone from your pocket along with the written digits pressed against it.
You debated acting on your thoughts so soon, but decided to do so anyway. Your fingertips tapped against your keyboard swiftly, typing the phone number into the messaging app. The cursor blinked as you thought of what to say. It took a minute or two, but you finally sent a message you deemed good enough.
you: hi, is this jay? a friend of mine said you could give me free piano lessons, is that true?
jay: is this _______?
you: it is 😊
jay: well, i have some good news and bad news
you: okay…
jay: i can give you piano lessons, but they won’t be free
you: oh, okay. what’s your price, then?
jay: for first lessons, it’ll cost you one dinner date at any local restaurant of your choosing. is that within your budget?
you: i think i can make that work. is saturday okay with you?
jay: saturday is perfect, actually!
you: cool, i’ll update you when i decide what restaurant we’ll go to 👍🏻
jay: sounds good 😊 have a good night, _______
you: goodnight, jay 🌙
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zzzzzestforlife · 2 months
Getting My Life Mentality Together 🌝☕🌱
once again, i am trying to find stability, be inspired, and heal more completely. (lorde wasn't joking when she said maybe the internet raised us, it's literally how i'm reparenting myself.)
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good morning to me 🌻
my morning didn't go as planned the moment i started working 😂 i know the importance of guarding my time, but i also just feel an enormous amount of pressure when it comes to my job these days 😅
❤️ try a new guided meditation
🎧 Korean intermediate podcast
👩‍💻 admin tasks + stand-up
🥰 warm-up + workout
👩‍💻 pair programming session
good afternoon, lovely 🌹
i found out i basically relapsed 🙃 my chronic pain is indeed chronic 🙃🙃 i then bought a fluffy sweater on sale to feel better ☺️ retail therapy >> physiotherapy
👩‍💻 code review (2x)
👩‍💻 ticket grooming
📚 read 2 chapters of Sophie's World
📝📝📝 Japanese lessons
🥰 physiotherapy appointment
good night, darling 💕
there was... a small fire... 😬 it's kind of personal, so i won't talk about it here, but it took some time to work through and i endured a lot of stress. still, it was important to deal with.
🧠 comparative cognition readings
❤️ journal
🎧 Japanese listening practice
❤️ plan an extreme form of time-blocking for tomorrow
💌: 힘들어 일 😮‍💨 많이 것들 있어요 😵‍💫 가끔 선택 없어 거 같아요 🤷‍♀️ 근데 이건 진짜 진실있습니다? 🤔 가끔 다 좋은 선택, 가끔 진짜 좋은 선택을 없어요 — 아무튼, 우리는 항상 선택을 있어요 😤 미래에서, 난 더 좋은 선택을 만들어게요 🤧
💌: it's hard work 😮‍💨 there are many things 😵‍💫 sometimes i feel like i have no choice 🤷‍♀️ but is this really true? 🤔 sometimes all the choices are good, sometimes there are no good choices — anyway, we always have a choice 😤 in the future, i will make better choices 🤧
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sketchesmick · 1 year
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on hold 938, 939, 940, & 941
enjoying my comics then head over to my patreon page for more comics and early releases. make sure to check out my instagram account for more fun comics daily.
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🚨 Do NOT Practice on Low Standard Men 🚨
Dear Princess,
Refrain from using high standard woman mannerisms on low standard men. These men think they can get something for nothing, and they will attempt to take advantage of you if they see you as naive due to your age, job nature or personality.
What you practice on one type of person won’t always apply on the next.
I cannot count how many times I’ve had men try to manipulate me out of what I deserve and guilt trip me for “growing up to be a gold digger.” This goes for other ladies working dusty jobs!
🚨🚨 Please, please don’t allow anyone to negotiate your worth because you’re afraid of hurting everyone else’s feelings except yours! Also, catch yourself if you feel you’re being lead into a dangerous situation! Those mistakes can be fatal!🚨🚨
Let “life lessons” you hear from dusty men go in one ear and out the other. I’ve heard countless stories about “the gold digger” and “the poor man” having his heart broken because she’s soo relentless in taking half of his cardboard box and $5. When they do this, they’re attempting to condition you to go for men like them because they’re smarter than the rich man who’d allow himself to be swindled by a money hungry woman. Those stories are so generic!
Do not sympathize with low standards. If you hear a sentence that begins with “well,” or a sad story, you know your energy will be on a rollercoaster. For ladies that have customer service or retail jobs that cater to people with low standards, any story you hear is a learning lesson on what you don’t want and will never have.
Simply, low standard men aren’t the bullseye I want to hit.
Also, don’t argue over standards online or in person!!
Do not be swayed by money being dangled on a fishing rod. On one hand, someone may be offering you money benevolently while on the other it’s construed as you’ll do anything for money. You ARE NOT desperate for a $20 bill, even $100. Low quality men aren’t your friends, mentor or target.
Do put your self esteem into question. Ask yourself if your self esteem makes you feel if the only things you deserve is $20 and to be a poor man’s fantasy.
Do not seek out compliments. Compliments are not currency. If I hear how nice I look from a low standard person, I am doing something very wrong. I can inflate my ego myself!
Do receive compliments sparingly. Considering your age, compliments can be very flattering and as a result used as a means of control.
Coming out Saturday is “Dressing Like the Paparazzi is Following You,” for ladies who feel their looks of the day aren’t up to par for what they deserve!
Luxury is a feeling!!
Be Luxury, Live Luxury!
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ms-rampage · 2 years
Familiar Taste of Poison 
Lloyd Hansen x Fem!reader 
Summary: Y/n has a habit of threatening Lloyd's men, so he has to teach her a lesson
Warnings: Language. Drugging. Smut. Some degradation. 18+. No minors beyond this point. 
Word count: 2.1k
Sorta based on the song "Familiar Taste of Poison" by Halestorm 
A/N: I do plan on writing more of Lloyd! Working on part 2 of "Sold Off"
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Just by being associated with him, puts a huge target on your head. You use to live a normal life, you went to work and went back to your apartment in the city then you met Lloyd Hansen, you were lying if you didn't think he was attractive, maybe if he shaved that 70s porn-stache then yeah you'd fuck him, but you didn't really think much of him and you thought vise versa, but no Lloyd took an interest in you. 
Not by how innocent you look, even though you didn't look innocent to start with, but how you held yourself, he's stopped by your work a few times, you worked in a diner, and there were a few times where you raised your voice at some entitled, impatient customers because you were short-staffed, and you also had to make coffee, take orders while you, and 2 other coworkers try to move as fast as you can taking orders and getting them out, while your manager was nowhere to be found, probably taking another smoke break, that lazy, no good asshole. 
After a late shift, you finally leave, and go home. Working over time, you walk to your car, get in and drive home. Only a 15 minute drive from work to your apartment. 
Fast forward to a few weeks later, you meet Lloyd again while on your lunch break. You hate the food your work serves, crappy diner food that you couldn't bare to eat because it made you nauseous, so you went to the deli that is up the street from your work, and got your usual freshly made sandwich. 
You sat down, took a bite of it, and searched for a video to watch on YouTube. As you were eating, and watching your video, you felt a presence next to you, turning your head and you see him, that's right, him Lloyd Hansen, you didn't see him walk in, or when you walked into the deli, just the usuals sitting in their usual spots, doing their own thing. 
“Hello sunshine.” he greets you, showing off his pearly whites. 
You remove one of your earbuds, “Hi.” you respond awkwardly, “Can I help you?.”
He adjusts in his seat, facing you completely, “Yes you can.”
*8 months later*
“You want me to take out a gun, and blow a fucking hole in your head, right here, right now?!?!.” you threaten one of Lloyd’s men who is speaking utter complete nonsense which is what Lloyd absolutely hated, especially from the new guys. The so-called know-it-alls.  
“Miss Y/L/N.” he mutters, scared for his life. 
“You want that?!.” you threaten him. 
“N-no, no Miss Y/L/N.” his voice shaking, fear in his eyes. The poor guy has been working for Lloyd for a few weeks now, and he already got on your bad side.  
“Good, because I’d hate to kill another one of Lloyd’s men who thought it would be a good idea to get on my bad side.” you tell him. 
“A-also, uhh, Lloyd wants to see you in his office.” he finishes before being dismissed by you.
You wave your hand as a sign for him to leave your office, which he doesn’t hesitate to do. Months ago you were working in a diner, making minimum wage, and went home exhausted, only to do the same thing again the next day until you met Lloyd. You wouldn't say you have a short temper, but working retail, and hospitality had lowered your sanity because of how stupid, and entitled people can get. You tend to see that side of humanity. 
After that you didn’t worry about money, because he had it. He treated you well, he spoiled you, and not to mention the sex was unbelieveable. You knew what he did, to his, and also to your surprise it didn’t bother you, not even a bit. 
After getting word from the new guy, you downed the rest of your red wine that Lloyd had sent to your office. You poured yourself a little more wine before leaving for his office which is three doors down from yours, and it also has your shared bedroom attached to it. 
You approach the corridors, and open them to his office, “You wanted to see me?.”
"Yes pumpkin." he answers, standing up from his chair wiping his weapons "What have I told you about threatening my men?."
You shrug, your normal sarcastic, and smartass self "Not to threaten them." 
Placing his gun onto his desk, "And what have you been doing?." 
"Threatening them, but it's not my fault that they're idiots who get on my bad side.". you tell him, standing your ground like you always do. Lloyd knew what he was getting into when he took you under his wing. You're sarcastic, bold, blunt, strong-minded and straightforward. 
He cups your chin, forcing you to tilt your head back to look directly up at him. 
"What am I gonna do with you?." he tilts his head to the side, "Such a loose cannon."
You smile up at him, "I try.". You always had to sass him, as much as he hated it, but you knew he loved it, he just wouldn't say it. 
"What was it that you said? 'You want me to take out a gun, and blow a fucking hole in your head, right here, right now' is that what you said?." 
Shaking your head, "Thats exactly what I said, you heard that?." 
"You said it pretty loud sweetheart." he says, squeezing your chin, "God I love that mouth of yours."
Still holding your chin, he guides you back towards the doors to your bedroom, you were lost in a trance with those blue orbits of his that you didn't even notice the back of your knees hitting the end of your bed. 
You knew where this was going, and you were prepared for it. He's taken you hard, and rough before. 
To his surprise yet again, he was your first time, but at the same time he was honored, and a bit cocky when he took your virginity. Him being your first time boosted his ego to a new level. 
Lloyd pins you down into the bed, the look in his eyes, completely dark and sinister looking, he's not gonna show you any remorse. 
You always threaten his men, the new ones mostly, and he had enough of it, you've been a bit bratty. 
"You've been very bratty." he whispers in your ear, "And in gonna fuck it out of you until you can't walk properly."
Your breath hitches, your head suddenly starts spinning, vision is hazy, and you are unable to move your limbs.
"I know that look, might’ve been the wine I had sent to your office." he tells you, "Might have laced it. Might have not."
Did he drug you? If so, why? Was it necessary? He's never done it before. 
"W-why?." the only word you're able to mutter.
He moves a few strains of your hair away from your face, cupping it "Because pumpkin, you're a fighter, and I'm gonna need you… restricted. Not the first time I've drugged you cupcake, but this time it was in a slightly bigger dose."  
Your eyes wided, he wasn't wrong, you did enjoy fighting him when it came to sex, you've tried topping him, only for him to make you a bottom, you're very fiesty, but he did have his limits, he enjoyed taking control when you weren’t fighting, or resisting him. He could tie your hands to the headboard, and you would still find a way out of them.
The drugs he had slipped into your wine had stopped your movements completely, now you're laying there unable to move. You start to internally panic because you know what Lloyd was capable of, and only now it started to scare you. 
"L-Lloyd, please." you beg, wanting him not to do this, you weren't sure about being drugged, "I'll behave, I won't fight, please."
He clicks his tongue, "Oh princess, too late now. Can't magically cure you from the drugs." 
He shifts in bed, and starts to undo your pants, taking them off as well as your shoes. You couldn't tell, but you were 100% sure you were naked within a few minutes,  you might still have your bra on, you couldn't tell or remember if you put one on in the first place. Your hands pinned above your head, even though he wasn't even grabbing your wrists.
Lloyd started to strip out of his clothes, you hoped no one walked in, because it would be embarrassing for you to have anyone but Lloyd to see you naked and submissive. 
Yeah, you're a loud mouth, you don't take shit from anyone, except Lloyd, and you are gonna face a consequence of your actions. 
It's not just sex, it's sex with Lloyd, and he is one for edging, denial, choking, degrading and overall harsh punishments. 
It takes you back 8 months when you two first had sex, you wanted more of him, to feel him, to be underneath him. As much as he got under your skin, you still wanted him, it was like a sweet escape from reality, he was easy on you, but now he drugged you because you had to fight him when it came down to sex.
Without warning, he shoves his full length cock into you.  You let out a loud gasp, and it felt like you got stabbed down there. 
"It's okay sweetheart, you're doing so well." he whispers in your ear as he shoves himself in and out of you. Placing one of your legs over his massive shoulders. 
You can feel him in your stomach, if you could look down, you'd probably see a bulge in your gut, rearranging your insides. 
Not gonna lie, but being drugged made this sensation, the feeling, a lot better. The feeling of his cock going in and out with full force made you get there closer than usual, probably because you had no control over your body. 
"You're such a needy little slut aren't you?." he groans, grabbing a handful of your hair "My desperate, needy little whore." Making your head go back, as he attacks your neck, continuing his fast, rough pace, stretching you out, as soft whines and mews escape your lips. 
"F-fuck." you whine, as your body obeys Lloyd's movements. Tears rolling down your cheeks, you feel an orgasm coming, but you know he's gonna deny you. 
"I-I'm.. gonna." 
"You will do no such thing, pumpkin, you will cum when I tell you to cum. Understand?." 
You loved it when he was in his dominant headspace, which was all the time. "Y-yes." you're able to whine, looking and sounding pathetic.
"Yes what?." he asks, tilting his head as he continues to rearrange your insides at an aggressive, painful pace. 
"Yes, daddy." 
"That's right sweetheart."
He continues to fuck you like his little toy whore, making you hit your climax, and cum, not once, not twice, not thrice but four times and each time he denied you to cum, and edge your desperate ass. Your energy was completely drained even when the drugs wore off, he kept on going, he's relentless. He knows your body better than you do.
"F-fuck daddy." you cry, feeling the painful soreness between your legs, "Fuck, you feel so good." He places a kiss on your forehead slowing down his rough pace. One hand holding your leg while the other holds the back of your head, tight grip on your hair, the only thing you can do is grip the bed sheets. 
"You're so good to your daddy." he chuckles into your ear, "A loud mouth smartass, but you're so good to me."
Both your bodies covered in sweat, he rolls off of you before getting every last drop of cum into your pussy. Laying beside you with one arm behind his head. You're a panting, sweaty, messy hair mess, legs sore. Your whole body is sore, Lloyd isn't even tired, he looks like he could go another round or 2. 
"I hope you learned your lesson, pumpkin." he says, turning to his side to face you. Breathing heavily, tears still running down your cheeks. 
"Was drugging me really necessary?" you ask him, turning your head to look him in the eyes.
"Yes, I like it when you're submissive and I'm in control." he tells you, moving one of his hands onto your waist to bring you closer to him.
You scoff, "You're an asshole." He chuckles, moving your hair away from your face "But I'm your asshole, and you're stuck with me." He places another kiss on your forehead, before placing another on your lips. 
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