#I was definitely writing this with a certain f/o in mind <3
lieutenantselnia · 6 months
Imagine your scientist f/o inventing a new kind of birth control for the two of you. They'll do everything they can to come up with something that's easy to use, and most importantly, doesn't have any health risks or bothersome side effects. They'll try to come up with something that you don't have to keep track of all the time, but only has to be renewed once every few months or so. Maybe they even manage to create something that can be used regardless of which biological sex a person has, so you're free to decide who of you is going to take it, or maybe you want to take turns or both of you use it to make sure. And should you decide one day that you want to have children now, it will be completely reversible without issues, and you can start your family together.
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milla984 · 1 year
This Spencer Ried guy that i see on your blog a lot... sorry haven't watched criminal minds yet.
Tell me something about that character. Why do you love them so much
… well, Anon, grab a chair and make yourself comfortable!
The first thing I actually liked about Spencer Reid back in the day was the fact that he’s played by Matthew Gray Gubler, so he’s definitely the perfect example of non-toxic masculinity to me.
The character is almost immediately introduced as a genius - by his own admission he’s got an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, can read 20.000 word per minute and has three PhDs (Mathematics, Chemistry, Engineering) which is enough to make me go “yes, give me more of this guy, pls”. Later on it is also revealed he holds BAs in Sociology, Psychology and he’s studying to get a third one in Philosophy. Need I say more?!
During the first season he’s only 23, meaning he’s the youngest member of the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) team and actually looks like a puppy. Spoiler alert: even after 15 seasons he still looks like a puppy to me and I just want to hug him and keep him safe. Why? Because he’s S O F T, caring and loves his mom and friends to pieces. They feel the same about him and he ends up being the godfather of both sons of Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau, his fellow team member; another team member, Derek Morgan (who affectionately addresses Spencer as 'kid') names his firstborn Hank Spencer - after his own dad and Reid, obviously, claiming he’s the best little brother anybody could ever ask for.
So, yeah… Spencer is a total sweetheart and has been through A LOT: his father left when he was very young and his mom sadly suffers from schizophrenia, meaning little Spencer had to care for her and was forced to commit her against her will when he was 18 (what’s truly heartbreaking to me is that she’s fully aware and immensely proud of his abilities: she loves him and when she’s not having a bad day she’s easily his biggest supporter). He’s also shown to be very empathetic towards certain unsubs (the “villains” of each episode, so to speak) especially when it turns out they’ve been victims of violence or abuse, because he himself has been targeted by bullies; in Season 3 he recalls the time his high school mates tricked him into believing the prettiest girl in school wanted to talk to him in private, while in reality the entire football team ambushed him, stripped him naked and tied him to a goalpost (it’s worth mentioning that he was about 12yo when this happened, because being a genius he graduated from high school around that age).
In Season 2 he develops an addiction to Dilaudid, after being kidnapped and tortured by an unsub; the authors of the show have a questionable habit of putting him through hell, just because, and IMHO the only instance when Spencer getting shot actually has a valid purpose is in Season 5 - Gubler dislocated his knee IRL so they needed an explanation for Reid walking around in crutches for a while.
Since I have a feeling this post could go on forever (and we don't have that much time), I’ll just throw in a few more random reasons why I love Spencer Reid: he wears his wristwatch over his sleeve. He’s a Star Wars and Doctor Who fan. He always wear mismatched socks (as MGG, the actor who plays him, does) and is often seen wearing Converse shoes. I’m biased and I know it, but to me he’s easily the best dressed character of the entire show. His apartment is a mood and very dark-academia-ish. He’s socially awkward and displays a lot of behavioral indicators he’s on the spectrum (sadly the authors never confirmed it and it’s one of the many issues I have with the writing on this show, but that’s not the place to talk about it) so I adore his mannerism: he loves to sit on desks/tables, he almost never shakes hand but greets stranger with the cutest hand-waves ever and when he’s excited about something he rambles/talks super fast and sometimes he has an adorable high-pitched squeal (Reid stans definitely knows what I mean).
Hope this answer works for you!!
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nanengko · 3 years
atsumu x f!reader [ft. msby]
requested and written for @deareren:
hey! could i maybe ask of you to write me a little smutty something with a really possessive atsumu who just doesn't like the idea of having to share your attention with other people? he can be as needy, clingy and dominant as you feel would match it best. i just want to fantasise about him making me repeat his name over and over again as he marks me up 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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NOTES: tysm for requesting, i had so much fun writing this for you! i added a couple extra things, but i hope it's still to your liking <3; network: @hqintheclub
GENRE: smut
SUMMARY: you love him and he loves you, but this time you'll really see how deep it goes
CONTENT: [DC ⚠️ possessive behaviour; possessive thoughts; jealousy]; atsumu; f!reader; msby; established relationship; alcohol mention (atsumu and reader are not drunk); the act of marking with hickies (no description of how it appears on skin); dirty talk; mirror sex; impact play (x1 slap); manhandling; creampie; reader is called sweetheart and baby
WORDS: 3.1k+
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It's off putting—a restless weight in Atsumu's chest that threatens his common sense. He shouldn't be feeling this way, knows it's not right, but that weight settles and digs its claws deeper the more he watches. Your attention is too precious, too valuable to be spent on anyone other than himself.
Maybe it started when Meian placed his hand on your lower back, guiding and welcoming you into his penthouse for yet another after-game party. It was an odd sight that had Atsumu's brows raising and his jaw tensing. Why did he have to touch you like that?
Or maybe it was when he heard you laughing at one of Bokuto's drunken jokes with that spellbinding voice of yours. It's downright intoxicating, and to this day still causes Atsumu's heart to race. So, if it's directed towards anyone else, he can't help but scrunch his face with distaste.
It could have been the way he saw your eyes light up when talking with Hinata. Anyone who has the pleasure of meeting your gaze would notice how alluring your eyes are—how can they not? Even Atsumu, who has stared into them countless times before, still gets lost in them.
It may also be the sweet smile you gave while complimenting Sakusa's spike from the earlier game, and Atsumu definitely saw him give you the faintest smile back. Why does Sakusa get to see your smile while hearing your words of praise? What about the set that he did so that spike could happen in the first place? Where's your words of praise for him?
It's all of that, and he's bothered. The nag is constant and an annoyance that makes him want to show everyone that you're his, and his alone.
Atsumu sits on the couch with an expression on his face that mirrors exactly how he's feeling inside. The energy he emits has the rest of the guests gravitating away, leaving him alone to mull in his silent jealousy. Last he saw, you were with some of his teammates, and he's wishing you would just come sit with him instead.
The mixture of voices around him is loud, and the music is even louder, but the thoughts in his head are screaming at him the loudest. He closes his eyes and curses underneath his breath, leaning his head back to regain some sort of control.
═ ❀ ═
Currently, you’re squished shoulder to shoulder between large-bodied athletes. Through their drunken haze, their voices and words are gruff and vulgar, and you want nothing more, but to go see your boyfriend. He made some excuse earlier to go “cool off” and you haven’t seen him since.
The conversation at hand seems to be going nowhere except in substanceless circles, and your mind keeps wandering back to a certain person. Carefully, you pry a heavy arm off your shoulder, and quietly slip away from the group—too caught up in whatever they're talking about to notice.
The lights are dim, and there's a sea of people, but you spot familiar tufts of blonde peeking from above one of the couches. Sneaking your way past the crowd, you stop in front of your boyfriend.
Taking a moment to yourself, you let your gaze roam over him. "Tired?" An innocent question naive to the ferocity of his mind.
The soft familiarity of your voice has his eyes instantly opening. "Baby," he straightens himself before interlocking his fingers with yours to keep you in place, as if afraid you would leave him again. "Not exactly tired." He places a kiss to the back of your hand, his piercing eyes never once leaving yours.
Giggling, you step closer towards him. "Then why are you just sitting here by yourself?" There’s a curious tilt to your head and you give his hands a reassuring squeeze.
He waits a moment before responding, "Just thinkin'."
Your smile widens, "About?"
"Things." He takes your other hand to place another kiss.
Your brows furrow at how vague he's being, it's not like him to be so indirect. "Things like?"
His strong grip tightens around before he pulls, and you’re suddenly falling into his lap. "Things like how I want ya all to myself, sweetheart." His voice is deep and smooth, but the overwhelming intensity in his tone makes your heart skip a beat.
"What do you mean? You already have me all to yourself." You tell him like it's the most obvious thing while hiding your face into his neck to press an endearing kiss to his jaw.
"Yes, but it seems like there's some people who don't fuckin’ see that." It's a whispered snarl underneath his breath that’s spoken through gritted teeth, and it’s barely audible when it gets lost in the surrounding noise.
You bring your face up to look at him, “Hm?”
The only response that comes to Atsumu’s mind is a kiss. It's frenzied, desperate, and the way his mouth locks onto yours only conveys more of his possession. That familiar warmth starts to dust your cheeks when you hear a low whistle and some laughter from somewhere behind, but you shyly comply and kiss him back.
Your kiss is chaste and sweet, a drastic contrast to what he's looking for and needs, and you gently break away. “They can see," you quietly hiss, eyes narrowing the slightest bit.
"So? Let 'em." A firm tone that he matches with a challenging spark that crosses his eye.
You bite at your lip while insecurity begins to gnaw at your composure, and you take a discreet look around. You're too focused on the potential stares and drunken hollers to notice your boyfriend's jealous pout.
A rough palm comes to the side of your face, firmly guiding you back to face him. “Eyes on me, sweetheart.”
You stare into his eyes, and your discomfort doesn't pass him. "Believe me, I want to. Just not here."
He grumbles in silent understanding, "Okay. Sorry," mentally berating himself for acting so stupid, but you stand and take his hand, pulling and leading him down a hallway.
You push him into the first unlocked room you see with a laugh, the music and noise muffling with the shut of the door.
He takes a look around and smiles, "A bathroom? Didn't think ya had it in ya."
Placing an open hand onto his chest, you give him a playful shove. "You're the one who's being so needy."
He holds his hands up in defeat, but grabs your wrist, keeping your palm pressed against him. You can feel the rise and fall of his chest with every breath, and his face only gets closer.
"Yeah, baby? Ya think? Well, it's not easy watching ya when it's not with me," he murmurs gently against your lips before kissing you once more.
The flutter in your chest only intensifies with the way his mouth moves against yours; it's long and fevered, but soon turns urgent, selfish even. Hands cup your cheeks, guiding your movements to satisfy his need of having you.
So lost in the way his mouth feels and meshes against your own, your knees buckle underneath the heavy tension in the room, but he’s there—catching and roughly pinning you against the door. It thuds against the frame, and you can hear the drowned out music and voices coming from the other side, reminding you of where you are and what you’re about to do.
Breaking away for the briefest moment to catch your breath, you lean your forehead against his chest. He lets out a frustrated groan that seems to border more of a growl, and slots a thigh in between your legs.
There’s a deep inhale against your hair and he pauses, “Ya smell different.” It’s a simple observation that seems to strike him harder than he initially lets on because it’s a scent that hints notes of an expensive cologne that definitely doesn’t belong to him.
Too dumbfounded by his tone and the nature of his statement, you stay silent. “Answer me, sweetheart.” He presses his muscled thigh against your cunt, warning you to respond.
The more pressure he adds, the more obvious your need becomes—gasping, digging your fingers onto his biceps, and pathetically grinding yourself back onto him for some relief.
Astonished eyes peer up at him. “Oh, I–It’s probably from when I was with the team earlier...Tsumu, what's gotten into you?" You ask him with all the innocence you can muster, but you would be lying to yourself if you said the way he’s acting wasn’t such a turn-on.
His hands continue to hold your face, and he leans over, resting his head against the door. “Again,” he bites out harshly.
You stall for what seems like forever, unsure of what it is that he wants, “Again?”
His face finds comfort hiding into the side of your neck, “My name. Say it,” his tone seems to soften, but the possessive edge still cuts deep.
There’s a warmth between your legs and your voice seems to be caught in your throat, but you gather your courage, “Tsumu,” it’s a breathy whisper, quiet and soft, but it’s all the motivation he needs to hear.
A sigh of his relief, hot and long rushes past, then there’s a feathery tingle that courses through your body—a barrage of lips and teeth dragging and sucking along your neck that sends your senses into a heightened overdrive. The more he pushes you against the door, the more obvious the heavy tremble of the bass is against your back; your head rolls to the side, biting your cheek to swallow down a moan.
He has your body mapped from the countless amount of times he’s touched you. If you were a canvas, and his lips a brush, there would be no doubt in either of your minds that every inch on your body would be covered with traces of him. But, he needs more, just that isn’t enough because having traces of another on you infuriates him to no end.
"Turn around, bend over the sink." His words are stern, and you obediently listen, while suppressing an excited smile.
There's a large mirror in front of you, it's intimidating, yet the thought of watching your boyfriend ruin you has you so enticed. You stare into the reflection, and he's looking right back. He's so handsome, but the darkening glint in his eye and ferality in his smile makes him even more deadly.
Large hands grip around your waist, then a muscled chest is pressing against your back, forcing you down and bending you further against the marble. It's cold, but his lips against the shell of your ear and his weight so deliciously pressing against you warms you in more ways than one.
“Think of me, and only me,” it’s a desperate plea that he emphasizes by leaving his claim along the column of your neck.
You watch his impatient hands pull off your shirt, exposing more of your skin for his taking. He's rough, almost angry in the way he sheds your body of your shirt and bra. He grabs hold of your upper arms, pulling you upright against his chest with so much ease, and with your bare tits reflecting back in the mirror for you both to see. Your hands react to cover yourself when shyness starts to creep, but he frowns and clicks his tongue in disapproval.
He pins them back to your sides, “Don’t hide from me.” Those same hands cup each swell of your breast, roughly kneading as if it would somehow erase all traces of other hands that have come before.
In the lewdness and obscenity of it all, and in some hidden darkened desire to watch your boyfriend have his way with you, you can’t bring yourself to look away. Your body relaxes against him, head weakly rolling against his shoulder, and you stare back into the deep reflection of his eyes.
“Atta girl,” he whispers into your ear, his lips once again grazing your neck, “Anyone else ever take care of ya like this?”
“N—No,” you gasp at the suction and soft pressure building against a sensitive spot underneath your ear, “Not like you, Tsumu.”
His smirk only grows, loving how you try to respond so casually, but your stammers and whimpers tell how you're barely hanging on, and it's all because of him. It makes him wild, seeing you crumble underneath his touch, for your thoughts to be filled with only him, and for his name to fall from your lips.
His mouth pops off with a wet smack, and your thighs squeeze together when you feel his fingertips graze underneath your skirt, but flinch at the quick slap to the side of your thigh. “Keep ‘em open,” he grits while rolling his hips against the curve of your ass.
His fingers hook into the damp crotch of your panties, peeling them down from your warm slick-covered cunt with a wicked smile. “So fuckin’ wet, baby,” his thumb rubs between your folds, “And who’s all this for, hm?” He coos with a feigned sweetness to satisfy his dark desires.
“All you, Tsumu,” you moan, staring his reflection dead in the eye.
“That’s right. All me, all me.” He places a long kiss to the side of your head, his hand gracelessly trying to undo the front of his pants.
He's impatient and needy. Thoughts from earlier rush in like a violent tide, he plays back every touch, laugh, gaze, and smile that wasn’t meant for him with an absurd amount of detail. Nobody except him can have you like he can; he's going to fuck you like nobody else ever has, and ruin it for anyone else to come because he'll make sure it's him you'll ever think about.
He lands a hand between your shoulder blades, pushing you down and folding you over the sink. Grabbing his cock with a heavy hand, he drags it between your folds, and rubs your slick along his length.
"Listen now," he strains his words with a few generous pumps with his hand, "Ya have no idea what ya do to me."
With the last of his resolve, he sinks himself into you, burying his cock deep inside, and watches your face in all its fucked out bliss. "Oh, fuck," he drags out the curse with a deep shaky breath while slowly pulling his hips back, then quickly slams himself into your tight little cunt with a resounding snap.
He rips a scream from your throat that echoes throughout the marble-covered bathroom, your hands grip onto the sides of the countertop, holding on for what’s to come.
"Not gonna go easy on ya, baby." His hands move to grasp around each of your upper arms, and he starts at an unforgivable pace, pulling you back into each of his thrusts while groaning with every slam.
It’s harsh, but the way his thick cock drags against your walls has you wishing he would never stop. Every slap of his hips against your ass is loud, and he hopes whoever passes the door can hear every one of his thrusts and every pretty moan he elicits out of you. You can feel his ridiculous strength in the way he's holding onto your arms and how perfectly solid and calculated his hips are when splitting you open.
“Anyone ever make ya feel this good, sweetheart?” He pants, pulling his cock out halfway, his fat tip dragging over a spot he knows makes you weak and stops, waiting for you to answer.
You shake your head violently, wanting him to continue his brutal pace. “Just you, only you,” you whine, squeezing your walls around him.
He silently beams and continues to fuck you, and watches your tits bounce with his every thrust.
"You’re fuckin’ mine, ya hear?" He lets go of your arms, and you fall forward against the counter, too caught up in your pleasure to bother with holding yourself up.
He follows suit and presses his chiselled sweat-covered chest against your back. His arms hug you tight around the waist, but his hips don’t waver, the continuous resounding snaps filling the bathroom.
He leans his head by your ear. “First,” he grunts, “I’m gonna cum inside this pretty little pussy.” His pace quickens the more you milk him for all he is, “Then—fuck, you’re gonna walk out there and not spill a single drop.” His hand slides down your belly, tracing your folds, before finally finding your clit, “But, before any of that. I want ya to cream on my fuckin’ cock.”
It’s a wild sensation that you can’t even begin to put into words, and a feeling that only he’s been able to awaken in you. “Yes, Tsumu,” your moans sounds filthy, and it shocks even yourself, but he just hums in content—the deep vibration against your back almost has you cumming on the spot. Every drag of his cock and flick against your clit works in tandem and is so impeccably precise, it almost drives you insane.
“C’mon, baby. Do it for me.” His thrusts turn shallow, and he’s grinding himself onto your ass, but his intent doesn’t disappear.
“Tsumu, I’m close gonna—,” he presses his lips against the side of your neck and lightly nips at your skin with his teeth.
You can barely finish your statement because you’re coming undone, unravelling yourself onto his cock, while screaming his name and your words of surrender.
"That's it, that's it," he praises, your walls spasm and convulse around him. “Shit, shit, shit!” Each of his words are emphasized with sloppy thrusts and stuttering hips, but it’s all he needs to empty himself into you and finally do what he's been meaning to do all night.
He blows load after load, making sure nothing is left because it's all for you. He rests his weight on top, trying to catch his breath and calm his mind. You’re here, you’re his, and it’s his cum that you're currently filled with. God forbid you were no longer his, but if anyone were to touch you, it's his touch that he hopes you'll wish for instead; if you were to kiss anyone else, he hopes it's the taste of his lips you try to find in them.
No matter how much of his claim he lays down, he has to admit how much of your own claim you have over him for just being you because there’s nobody in the world he would rather have. He’s more than aware of how twisted and selfish it is, but just as much as he’s ruined you, you've ruined him all the same.
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if you enjoyed, a like/reblog/comments are appreciated!
© nanengko — DO NOT alter/edit/plagiarize my works or re-post/distribute works on other platforms (tiktok, wattpad, etc.)
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yoonpobs · 3 years
bad boy good thing xviii. | m [last chapter]
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pairing: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: angst, smut, fluff, miscommunication (we hate her lol), pining
warnings: sad and happy tears, growth, so much cuteness, smut, face-sitting, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, jk's body o-o, mentions of a quarter-life-crisis, the END ;(
words: 15, 628 (!!!!!)
summary: a series of drabbles where you’re confused and jungkook’s confusing
oh my god!!!!!! we're finally here. the last chapter of bad boy good thing. honestly, it feels surreal to even say because I couldn't ever imagine it getting this far, especially with the love and support that it's gotten along the way. I've grown attached to the characters, especially since I was essentially writing them through each chapter and it's nice to see that they've grown along with the story.
i wanted to end the story in a way that's both satisfying and necessary, and I really enjoyed writing this chapter despite it being the last one for bad boy good thing :(
thank you so much for everyone who has read this story and has shown so much love and support that I frankly don't know if I deserve or not. i hope you enjoy this chapter, and find it as pleasurable to read as it was to write.
[and on another note, I'll be opening up an Ask My Muse for bad boy good thing, so please drop any questions that you have for the characters in my ask! I'll release it all as a separate post at a later date 🥰 happy asking!]
- pobbie <3
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What people don’t ever tell you about change is that you can never plan it. No matter how stringent you claim yourself to be in following timelines and the zero hour—life will work out in the way it’s supposed to and you’ll have absolutely no control over how things will play out. Usually, these thoughts unsettled you. Your routine was the most important aspect of your life because it never changed. It was always to keep up with how you’ve got by so far, kept the people you were already comfortable with close—and never do things that you were uncomfortable with. A routine was perfect—for you. Not for the people around you.
To a certain extent, you couldn’t even fault people for saying that you had a stick up your ass. Though there were definitely far more constructive ways of pointing it out—you knew that people were simple yet utterly complex creatures. Often, they made split-second judgements in scenarios that required more thought and care. While on the other end, simple decisions were decided with rigorous usage of your brain muscles that lead people in creating unreal, unsolvable and frankly—uncomfortable—problems.
But complexity was unnecessary and unhelpful. Especially when your heart and mind are on two completely different pages. Yet, they remain the two organs that play the most vital role in keeping you alive and sane. People are aware of the internal conflict that most face when it comes to making rational decisions, though verbalising these exact sentiments never come easy. How do you accurately depict a struggle that is both so universal yet so personal all at once? It’s a paradox that only continues, and as humans, we add fuel to that already blazing fire.
You suppose that time did indeed dictate all. It was linear, continuous, and perhaps a social construct. Nothing worked out in a timeframe, yet we adhere to strict rules of day and night, do or don’t yesterday and tomorrow—we followed time because that was the only thing that allowed us space. You didn’t understand when people said that things will just feel right, because how could something feel right? Right wasn’t tangible. It wasn’t just a direction, it wasn’t just the socially acceptable option—it was a multitude of things. But like most things in life, they only become real when it happens to you.
And today, it felt right. It felt like time.
It could have felt right a week ago when you first got your tattoo. The impulsive yet not-so-impulsive decision felt right. It felt uncomfortable, terrifying and frankly—stupid—but it didn’t for one second, feel wrong. But somehow, the tattoo being right was the only thing that you could truly feel. The apology you owed? Not quite.
Not even when your friends carefully gauged your reactions to let you know that Jungkook was joining your group for lunch a few days back. You missed him, your heart definitely did—but your mind did tell you—it wasn’t right. So, you let them know. The right time will come, but until then, you’ll do your part and allow time to dictate your next steps for you. They didn’t pry, though you could tell Jimin was curious while Namjoon remained concerned. You didn’t need to explain anything. What would you say, anyway? Your existential thoughts were candidly absurd to be comprehended by most. It was things that ran through your mind, not necessarily needing to be shared.
You don’t know if it’s the tattoo, or if it’s Jeonghan, or if it’s Jennie, or if it’s Jungkook—of if it’s just you—but there was something that you buried deep down in your chest for a long time, and it finally felt big enough to leave. To let go.
Maybe it’s because you officially turn a year older today. The impending doom of a quarter-life crisis washing over you while you frantically decide that you didn’t want to take the mindset you and in the first twenty-five years of your life along with you into the next chapter. It could be a multitude of things. But you woke up today, weary yet determined—and you knew that it was the right time.
“Happy birthday!”
You’re welcomed with an overexcited Yena as she topples into your body in giggles and grins while she wraps her arms around you. You stumble back but catch yourself before the both of you fall over. Though you’re surprised, you can’t help the smile that makes its way to your face—sincere and happy.
“Thank you,” you laugh, hugging her back as you rest your head on your shoulder.
She hugs you for a while longer, as if you were going to head anywhere but into the apartment, you rang the doorbell to. You don’t complain because you know she likes this. It’s her way of telling you that she’s happy and glad you’re here. You understood her well enough to know that the way she clings to you is her love language and you appreciated that.
When she pulls away, she’s still beaming. It’s almost comical to see Yena so happy. Not that she wasn’t on a daily basis. But her facial expressions were usually limited to her usual stoic appearance and misleading resting face that intimidated people. This Yena was a cheerful puppy waiting to be played with.
“Very Gemini of you to turn up late,” she says snootily, eyeing you up and down as you roll your eyes.
“By five minutes,” you clarify.
“I’ll let it pass only because it’s your birthday,” she pinches your cheeks as you nearly bite her finger off at her attempt. You’re about to finally enter the apartment but her hand on your shoulder stops you from getting far. “New outfit?”
Her question makes your eyes dart down to your attire. You take in the relatively risqué apparel you opted for today. But in reality, it was simply just a cropped tank top and a pair of high waisted jeans that showed a little bit of your skin. You weren’t thinking much when you reached for the outfit, your only intent was to show off the tattoo you got. But now as Yena ogles you further, only do you realise how different it is from your usual style.
“Yeah,” you breathe, even if your heart rattles a little in anxiety, “Is it okay?”
Yena grins.
“You look gorgeous,” she compliments before she’s gripping you by your arm and dragging you into Jimin and Taehyung’s apartment.
You stumble forward, and you’re greeted by blown up balloons that wish you a happy birthday, along with streamers and party hats that adorn your friend's heads. They’re all beaming at you, eyes crinkled into thin slits as you laugh at their keen endeavour.
“The birthday bitch is finally here!” Yena hollers, queuing the loud horns of streamers that Jimin and Taehyung attempt to deafen you with as Namjoon slams his hands un-rhythmically against a tambourine.
Your eyes soften ever so slightly when they finally rest on Jungkook, who’s slightly tucked away from the rest but yet still carries a sincere enough smile on his face. You know him well enough that it doesn’t quite reach his eyes, and your heart clenches for a split second when you recall the reason. But you hear the birthday song be led by Taehyung, and you’re snapped out of the mini-stare off you and with Jungkook.
“Happy birthday to you!” He all but shrieks, drawing closer as you wince, “Happy birthday to you!” Taehyung ditches his instrument to wrap an arm around you while the rest of the circle you like prey as you laugh at their antics. “Happy birthday to ____, happy birthday to you!”
Your cheeks hurt from laughing and smiling, and your heart feels content with the way your friends continue to huddle around you, squeezing you until it hurts to breathe. In the best way possible.
“Is this what icon treatment feels like?” You snort.
You spot a grimace on Jimin’s face, even if you know it’s a light-hearted jibe. He rolls his eyes but tugs you to his chest fondly anyway, his arms immediately providing you with a sense of warmth in a friendship that’s lasted for over a decade.
“Don’t get used to it,” he warns, “I think I’ve exercised all my festive spirit this year.”
“My birthday is in September, you know,” Namjoon interjects.
“Then celebrate it by yourself,” Jimin sticks a petulant tongue out that Namjoon gapes at.
“It’s my birthday month too.” And for the first time, Jungkook speaks loud enough that it has all of your heads turning to him. The millisecond of silence is loud enough for you to hear, and perhaps to everyone else too. Your cheeks heat ever so slightly, but Jimin—ever the observer—picks up on this immediately.
“Hm, no wonder the two of you are so alike,” Jimin mumbles off-handedly, a glint of mischief painting his tone.
You don’t miss the insinuation behind his words as you shoot him a glare that you hope isn’t as obvious to the rest as it is to him. He smiles innocently before ruffling your hair, hopping away towards the table of assortments that they likely prepared for the celebration.
“Happy birthday!” Namjoon walks over with a dimpled grin, arms immediately open for you to lean into as you giggle at his exaggerated expression.
“Thank you, Joonie,” you beam up at him.
Namjoon gives you a tight squeeze before he reaches his arm towards the couch where you only notice the small box that lays atop of it. Your eyes follow his arm where he subtly (or not so) hides it behind his back that makes you shoot him an unimpressed look, your heart immensely thankful but the gesture still flustered you.
“I got you something,” he mumbles.
You whine, “Joon.”
“No, none of that,” he scolds, “I wanted to get you something, okay? Just let me gift the birthday girl.” He adds on playfully.
You scowl but receive the gift anyway, wrapping an arm around his waist as you admire the pretty mint colour the box was embellished in.
“You didn’t spend too much money, right?” You ask sceptically.
“And if I did?” He retorts.
You scowl.
He sighs, “Okay, it was a decent amount of money but”—he stops you from returning to gift into his arms as he shoots you a stern look that you pout at—“I told you. I wanted to get you something. You’ll make me really happy if you accept it.”
You know he’s baiting you with his puppy eyes and you sigh at your resolve dissolving at his attempt.
“Fine,” you accept, “Thank you, Namjoon.”
He waves you off with a bashful smile as he urges you to open it. You abide as you carefully unravel the meticulously tied ribbon (that you’re kind of sure that he got help with) as you wonder about what he had gotten you. Namjoon was always a thoughtful person and you were really warmed by his consideration—so you knew that whatever he got you, you’d love.
Once you finally reach the end, you lift the lid as you gasp—an intricate ceramic planter that mirrored your favourite animal—a cute rabbit that peers up at you with wide eyes. It’s a pale yellow, with a red ribbon carved around its ears as your face crumbles in adoration.
“Oh my God,” you marvel, “It’s adorable! Thank you so much, Joon.”
He grins at you as he leans forward to admire the piece with you.
“It’s a customised order by one of my favourite ceramic artists,” he tells you, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
You nod your head vigorously as he chuckles at your awestruck expression.
“It is,” you breathe, “God. It must’ve cost a lot, didn’t it?” You accuse playfully with narrowed eyes as he rolls his own at you.
He brings his finger up to his lips to mimic a lock before he throws away the key, smirking at you when you huff petulantly. Nevertheless, you were touched and you absolutely loved the gift. It was very Namjoon and very representative of what you liked—and what he did.
“Thank you again, Joon,” you murmur, engulfing him in another fond hug that he returns with equal affection.
You’re not sure if it’s bad taste to hug someone like this when they had feelings for you. But Namjoon was a great friend and a great person in general. But when you peer up at him with gentle eyes and he returns the gesture, you know that despite it all—he’s a friend that you’re willing to fight for.
Before he can get another word in, the presence of another person hovers by your side as you feel their shadow loom over you. You release Namjoon from your tight hug, and his eyes briefly dance across the guest as he smiles knowingly to himself, shooting you an equally implicative glance that makes your throat clamp up. You recognise it intimately; and even if you didn’t. You knew that only one person would induce this type of reaction, especially in the current setting.
“I’ll … I’ll leave you two to talk,” he smiles, and that’s when your head finally turns, face facing Jungkook who stands awkwardly by your side with his hands stuffed into his pockets. Namjoon squeezes your shoulder to bid farewell for now, but you know the implication runs far deeper than it did. “Hope you like the present.”
Namjoon leaves with a smile before you can muster a thank you. He leaves you with more than just a gift, but an empty space waiting to be filled. The person was right there, Jungkook hovering quietly as he awaits your introduction. You knew you knew that it was you who needed to take that leap of faith. His silence or perhaps his patience was a queue for you to take that.
Not here. But you’d do what you could with what you had.
“Hey,” you say breathlessly, offering a gentle smile to Jungkook.
He returns the gesture but his eyes aren’t settled on your face. They’re on your shoulder, or more specifically—your upper arm and on the comprehensive detail that marks your skin permanently.
“Hey yourself,” he replies equally as breathless, then he looks up at you with the same gentle eyes that you grew up with, that evokes far more than a sense of familiarity but thunder in your chest. “Happy birthday, by the way.” He says softly, knocking your elbow in a way that’s both friendly and hesitant.
You laugh softly, “You can ask you know.” You say teasingly, an attempt to defuse the situation. He was too tense. It was odd because it was definitely a switch in your roles. But you supposed it was necessary, the only way that you could grow and learn.
“Oh, I definitely was about to,” he snorts, “A tattoo, huh?”
You nod, twisting your body ever so slightly so that he gets a better glimpse of the artwork.
“Yeah,” you smile, sincerely pleased with the choice you made; albeit spontaneous and driven by the inherent need for change. “I took the leap of faith.”
He catches on your double entendre, and a small smile twitches on his lips as he nods his head slowly. He leans in closer to observe the work, and his eyes squint as if he was taking the time to appreciate the beauty of it. You suppose it’s the artistic side of Jungkook that pushes him to do so. He was talented, in more way than one. He knew what looked beautiful, how to create beautiful things—and definitely how to appreciate them.
“The line work looks familiar,” he peers up at you, “Did you get it done at the tattoo parlour by the book shop?”
Your eyes widen at his spot on pinpointing. Was it that familiar? Or was it just a tattoo-lover thing?
“I—yeah,” you nod, “How did you know?”
His eyes harden along with his jaw but he shakes his head off-handedly, shrugging his shoulders.
“I recognise it. Got some of mine done over there,” he mumbles, “Maybe not anymore.”
You know exactly what he’s referring to, especially when the second part of his sentence comes in as you freeze. You nibble on your lips, chest needing relief on the truth behind your tattoo. But you’d settle for the surface level honesty before anything else.
“Jeonghan did mine,” you blurt, “Maybe that’s why you recognise it.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen, next to his brows furrows, clearly displaying his confusion when the words leave your lips. You don’t fault him for his confusion, especially when the last interaction you had with him turned out more sour than pleasant—all at the hands of someone who apparently gave you your first tattoo.
“You—?” He starts, brain gearing to piece the information together. “He gave you your first tattoo?”
You nod your head, firm and resolute. You muster a smile, one that you hope tells Jungkook that it was far more than just him giving you a tattoo. It was a needed sense of closure that you didn’t plan for but somehow needed.
“Yeah,” you murmur, eyes peering up in a gentle and calm way. “I think it’s exactly what I needed.”
Jungkook accepts though you can tell he’s still slightly perturbed by the information. He still stares at your tattoo, though. He smiles ever so softly that you almost miss it, but you’re highly tuned to Jungkook’s every reaction. The smallest change of mood is easily picked up on, and you know that he likes it. That’s all that mattered to you.
“It looks beautiful on you,” he says softly.
You flush, fiddling with your thumbs.
“Thank you, Jungkook,” you say in a low whisper.
He shifts his weight across both his heels, hands still stuffed tightly into his pants pocket in a way that shows his restlessness. You can tell he’s thinking of something else to say, but can’t quite find the exact words. The situation is all too fresh, you suppose. You don’t blame him. You wanted to tell him that he didn’t need to feel that way, that you were done running. But you don’t think now is the time and place—not with the cackles of your friends as the background music, or with the promise of cake to be devoured.
He settles for a tight smile before he turns to leave, but you stop him before he gets far—your shaky hand wrapping itself around his wrist. Jungkook stops, head-turning over his shoulder with a raised brow as you clear your throat to prepare for the next words that leave your lips.
“Can we talk?” You ask, and Jungkook’s eyes widen. You realise the lack of context immediately as you flush in embarrassment. “After. I mean. At your place—or mine. Wherever works for you.” You stammer out nervously.
Jungkook’s gaze rests on you for a tense second as you nervously wait for his response. You almost think he’s about to say no, but a small smile makes its way onto his face that immediately soothes your nerves.
“Mine. It’s closer anyway,” he says, “Happy birthday, again.”
He stuns you by pulling you into an unexpected hug, chin resting on the top of your head as he squeezes you tightly but holds you contrastingly soft. You immediately melt into his hold, missing the warmth of his sincerity in the short yet long time away from him. You smell him, and he smells familiar. He smells safe. You sigh contentedly when he doesn’t let go, and neither do you.
“Thank you, Jungkook,” you repeat.
“I—” He’s about to say something but cuts himself off immediately. He pulls away, ears slightly flushed as he shoots you a brief grin before shaking his head. “Never mind. I’ll tell you later.”
Your head tilts to the side, but you don’t question his vague statement. You allow him to leave with a tender grin. You had things to tell him yourself, too.
“Hey, you,” Yena bumps into your shoulder with her own as you turn your head to face her. Her head cocks to Jungkook’s retreating figure where he joins the rest of the boys in an attempt to devour the assortments that you hadn’t had the chance to dig into just yet. “Everything okay?”
You smile gratefully at her before bringing her into a hug, surprising her ever so slightly.
“Yeah,” you murmur, “It is.”
And for once, you mean it.
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“Sorry about the place,” Jungkook apologises when the two of you step into his apartment.
He’s referring to the pile of clothes sprawled across his couch and the numerous amount of art supplies that take up the floor space. You wave him off with a smile.
“Don’t mention it,” you say, “Your room, then?”
Jungkook raises a brow at you before you blush ever so slightly, catching the insinuative tone before you’re offering a meek smile and a correction.
“To talk.”
He nods his head in understanding before returning the gesture with a small grin of his own. He helps you with your stuff and sets it aside, as well as your shoes because Jungkook was meticulous about things like that.
When the two of you approach his room, you take a few moments of silence to get your thoughts in check. It’s terrifying, knowing exactly what you want to say but having no idea how to say them. You always told yourself that honesty is the best policy—but your mind races at a hundred miles per hour whenever you’re around Jungkook, and you don’t know if you have it in you to be eloquent.
His room is the same, and so very much like him. It’s neat and it smells fresh of laundry. He’s nothing like the stereotypical college student that dumps his laundry in one big pile (though the mess outside suggested otherwise), but you’ve always remembered Jungkook to have been a fan of tidy spaces.
He’s like this with his habits too. Strict and clean, always going the extra mile to ensure that his comfort was maximised in a cosy environment. And his room clearly represented this habit and goal of his in mind.
He gestures for you to sit on an old beanbag you fondly recall from your younger days where you’d sprawl across when you hung out with him. You know he took it with him to college for that very same reason. Well, before everything that has transpired between the two of you anyway.
Though things are not quite the same—you don’t wish it to be. You don’t want to be the same person you were just a week ago, let alone years ago. You wanted to be the person you were meant to be now. And that meant doing things you would’ve never done but should’ve done a long time ago.
Before you can plan out a speech like you usually do with any events you considered important, your mouth moves faster than your brain does.
“I’m sorry.”
Jungkook’s eyes shoot up from where it laid on his lap as he eyes you with a wide gaze.
“Why are you—?”
“I know you don’t think I need to apologise, but I do,” you say with a sad smile, “I owe you an apology, Jungkook.”
Jungkook purses his lips, hinting that he wants to say something but decides against it when he recognises the determined expression that lingers on your face. It’s the same one that you have when you really wanted to do something. Or at least had a plan on what to do.
He doesn’t interrupt that momentum, not when you take another deep breath.
“I’m sorry for not choosing you.”
He flinches, head drooping to his lap while he fiddles with his fingers.
“I’m sorry for not choosing you the first time,” you repeat, and his head glances up with a furrowed brow, “I’m sorry that it took me this long to realise that all I needed … that all I needed was you—not anyone else.”
“It’s not your fault.” He interjects softly.
“Maybe,” you shrug, “Maybe it is. But that’s not the point,” you say softly, “The point is that I was searching for answers everywhere else but where I could find one that mattered. I looked for answers in people, in the words of others—as if what they said somehow would change the way things were.” You murmur. “It didn’t.”
“Then why look?” Jungkook asks, the question heavier than it sounded. You know it’s because he wonders, too.
“It’s because I was afraid,” you confess, “I was afraid of so many things that I didn’t even know what I was afraid of anymore. I kept on making excuses for us—because that was safer than … than choosing. Because choosing meant there was a wrong choice and I didn’t want to make a wrong choice.”
Jungkook looks at you with a solemn expression before you begin to fiddle with your thumbs.
“My tattoo means a lot to me,” you tell him.
“Well, it’s beautiful,” he murmurs quietly.
“It means I’ve grown,” you continue, “I-I always wanted a tattoo. I just—I never got around to getting it until recently.”
He nods his head in understanding as he eyes the piece once more. He takes it in gently, not judgementally, and you can feel his smile than see it when your eyes dart to your lap.
“I’m glad you finally did.”
“Me too,” you say. “I’m glad.”
“But …” he trails off, “Jeonghan did it—right?”
You can hear the edge in his voice when he brings up a name that should’ve evoked a sour feeling in your chest. The discomfort is there, but just like anything in life—it would always exist. It was just a matter of what you focused on and what was your priority in that moment.
And now, when you see Jungkook, you know it’s not yourself—but it’s Jungkook who’s your priority.
“Yeah,” you breathe, “It didn’t matter, though.”
He raises a brow, “Really?”
You nod.
“He doesn’t matter,” you say softly.
You hope Jungkook gets it, that this is you letting go of the fear of judgement that took away such a huge part of your happiness—for the both of you. But you knew that speaking in riddles wasn’t what he deserved. He deserved to hear it—to feel it.
“Why not?” He asks, just as softly.
“Because no one else matters but you, Jungkook.”
Jungkook freezes, but you don’t let that deter you when you look up at him with gentle and resolute eyes.
“Because you were the only thing that should’ve mattered,” you say more firmly, “Because …”
You swallow when you realise that Jungkook’s staring straight at you.
“Because I love you.”
You don’t know if this is the first time you’ve said it. But it’s the first time you’ve allowed yourself to truly feel the way that you do. There’s no more judgement from your end. No more critical words on how other people may talk. There was nothing. Nothing but pure, unadulterated love.
“Is that enough?” Jungkook asks.
“It is,” you smile softly, “You are.”
Jungkook smiles, gentle and calm when you allow yourself to just look at each other. And for some reason, his face makes your throat clamp shut and your eyes water. It’s more than just him—it’s what had happened.
It’s the fact that you’ve been stalling for so long, hurting each other in the process when you could’ve just been honest. When you could’ve just chosen him.
You should’ve chosen yourself, too.
“Hey, why are you crying?” Jungkook asks softly, even though you hear a small smile in his voice.
He’s a distance away, yet you feel his sincerity, his concern. And that makes you cry harder.
“I’m sorry,” you choke, “I-I’m so sorry.”
You don’t leave your spot, too flustered to do anything.
“It’s okay,” he returns gently.
“I want to be with you, Jungkook,” you mumble, “I want you.”
Your second statement returns with much more determination, even through your puffy eyes that you’re sure made you look ridiculous. But you can’t think of anything more than you wanted—that you’ve prepared for.
“Me too,” he smiles, “I want to be with you.”
For the first time, you feel like your feet takes you further where your heart yearns to be. One moment you’re sat in the small beanbag that Jungkook keeps in the corner of his room, and the next you’re toppling over his startled frame and onto his plush bed. The two of you land (more so him than you) on his bed as his palm rests on your waist to catch you.
Your arms are wrapped around his neck while you helplessly sniff into the crook of his neck. Your heart lays easy and your body feels light. There’s still a fear in you but it doesn’t matter. Not when he laughs, clear and loud as you whine against him.
“Stop laughing!” You hiss, and your words sound clogged due to your stuffed nose, which only makes Jungkook laugh harder.
His hand squeezes your hips when you don’t bother to pull away, even with the potential of suffocating Jungkook to death with your body atop of his.
“Sorry,” he snickers and his apology is half-hearted at best. “You’re just—you sure you’re okay?”
His hand leaves your hips, much to your disappointment, but reaches up to your face to force your cheeks to peer up at him. He chases your wandering eyes playfully when you avoid his wide smiles, eyes still unalterably puffy from the tears you shed earlier. You were sure that the tip of your nose was still red and that your cheeks were tight with your dried tears. But he doesn’t relent, even if you threaten to bite his fingers off.
“Stop looking at me,” you snap.
He shoots you a toothy grin, “But you’re so cute. How can I not?”
You tuck your face back into his neck and make a noise of frustration, mostly because you were so flustered that you didn’t know what to do with yourself. Jungkook seems to enjoy your demise, however. He was definitely far better at the teasing than you were—that enough was obvious, especially when he coos onto the crown of your head while you pinch the skin at the back of his neck in warning.
He yelps, shooting you a playful glare that you return with you sticking out your tongue.
“Don’t be mean, baby,” he husks, and you’d be lying if the term of endearment didn’t make you squirm, both under his hold and his intense gaze.
“You were being mean first,” you pout.
“But that’s because you’re too cute,” he retorts smartly, “All I wanna do is be mean to you and see you blush.”
Jungkook’s grin is nothing short of mischievous as you gawk at his blatant admission. He doesn’t look embarrassed, that was your job. His job, was just as he said, to be mean to you and see you quiver.
“Shut up,” you scowl.
“No,” he smiles, and before you can get out another retort, or shove yourself off of him, he pushes the two of you up until you’re straddling his hips. Your head spins at the sudden movement as your arms leave Jungkook’s neck to scramble for balance, but the one arm around your waist is enough to keep you comfortably rooted into position—right on his lap.
Just as you’ve recovered from the sudden whiplash, you’re about to give him an ear of expletives until you realise that he’s yet to shift his gaze away from you. In fact, Jungkook’s just staring. Soft and gentle, yet wickedly all at once. Your faces are so close, and despite the heartfelt moment the two of you shared just moments prior—you still can’t help but get flustered at the proximity.
When you’re this close, you can see all of his pores. You see the freckles adorning his cheeks that he never quite grew out of, despite his whines. You see the scar on the top of his cheekbone, a permanent reminder from his rough-house days with his older brother. You knew he grew up to accept it, and you found it adorable. A necessary part of Jungkook that made him him. The slope of his cupid's bow is more apparent than ever when you’re basically pressed against his body, and foolishly, your eyes dart down.
You feel his breath on your lips, yet neither one of you moves. It’s intimate like this, just being held. You wonder if this is what you could’ve had if you weren’t too caught up in your own thoughts. You wonder if there was an alternate world where you weren’t as selfish.
“Hi,” he murmurs, breaking you out of your thoughts as your eyes snap back to his.
His eyes are still gentle, especially when the arm around your waist tugs you impossibly closer until you’re all but flushed against his chest, hands looping around his neck as the only space available for you to leave them.
“Hi,” you return shyly.
He’s gentle when he brushes the hair out of your face, fingers trailing across your cheek and down your face until it’s softly gripping your jaw. This time, his thumb rubs across your cheekbone and all you can do is melt into his touch. You’ve never felt so accounted for. As if you were being studied by someone who wanted to melt your feeling into memory. And the fact that it’s Jungkook giving you this attention makes your heart uncontrollably flutter.
“This is real, right?” He asks in a soft whisper.
“I am in fact, very real,” you joke, even if you know what he’s implying.
He rolls his eyes, squeezing your jaw in warning as you swallow. The heat in your stomach is soft, but definitely brewing. It didn’t help that you were precariously placed in Jungkook’s lap, where your hips could just inch—
“Don’t be a smartass,” he sighs before leaning closer to you, “Makes me want to do real mean things.”
Your body heats, but you’re empowered by some sort of confidence that you only get when you’re intoxicated with Jungkook’s warmth and scent.
“Then do it.” You challenge.
Jungkook’s jaw ticks and you note that he doesn’t relax the hand clasping your jaw. You teasingly rub your cheek against his thumb, hips slightly inching forward. And as observant as ever, Jungkook’s other arm that was wrapped around your waist stops you as his fingers drop down to your hips—squeezing in another warning that has you anticipating for more.
“I don’t think so,” he shakes his head as you frown. The expression he gives you isn’t one that’s saying no. Instead, he still smiles. “You deserve a tender kind of love.”
When he whispers those words to you, you literally melt into his hold. Your mind and heart can’t take it anymore. They make the decision for you to lean forward, crushing your lips against his as you chase for that euphoric feeling that only Jungkook can evoke in you.
Jungkook grunts at your force and uncoordinated movements. You don’t think too much about how there are more teeth than mouth, but what you do focus on is how Jungkook taste. He tastes like the strawberry chiffon cake from earlier mixed with cherry whine. It’s addictive—and you wonder if this is what love tastes like.
“Calm down, angel,” he whispers onto your lips, briefly pulling away.
Your eyes are half-lidded and dazed when you watch the string of saliva that connects your lips. He sees it too. His eyes darken significantly as you tug on the collar of his shirt, a whimper stuck in your throat as you peer up at him with your best version of a bedroom gaze.
“Kiss me,” you all but demand, “Kiss me stupid.”
Jungkook looks at you filled with lust before he’s recapturing your lips with his own. This time around, he leads. He’s by far more experienced in dragging out the experience and heightening all of your senses when he plays with the pout of your lips, purposefully dragging his teeth over the creases and nudging your lips open with his tongue.
He’s especially good when he groans into your mouth, low and husky as it pulls out a whimper from you. His hands explore your body, running up the curves of your waist, over your hips, and unconsciously pushing you forward on his lap.
“So pretty,” he murmurs, kissing down your jaw as you tilt your head up to give him more space to work with. When he looks up for a brief second, your breath hitches at the way his lips are swollen at red. His gaze is dark, and you suppose it’s because your lips are likely the same. “So fucking pretty.”
You whine in embarrassment, approaching to cover your face with your hand but Jungkook stops you with a firm grab to lock your wrists together. His look is enough of a warning, and your lower body clenches in response.
“Don’t,” he warns, “Wanna see your face.”
What else could you do but comply?
You nod silently, and all your senses are in overload when he returns to laving at your neck, tongue darting out to soothe any bites that he’s left. All you can do is helplessly gasp as he sends goosebumps all across your body, growling into your skin with a purpose to drive your mind wild.
You never imagined making out to be this pleasurable. But you suppose it’s both because of Jungkook’s skill and your ardent feelings for him that makes you crazy. It’s the same feeling that makes you want more, that makes you grind your hips in a slow circle, right on his crotch.
Jungkook’s hand stutters as well as his mouth, probably not expecting the sudden onslaught of pressure on his lower half. He groans, tucking his face into your neck as you continue your ministrations, your own bundle of nerves stimulated with each grind forward.
“What are you doing?” He hisses.
He looks up and his eyes are completely blown up. You swallow, the fire in your chest already slowly starting to erupt into flames. His palms are unconsciously splayed across your ass, and you just know he’s tempted to push you forward.
“Wanna—” you croak, emphasising your point with another grind that has him hissing in pleasure. “Wanna feel you.”
“Don’t start a game you can’t finish, baby,” he grits, eyes fluttering shut as you continue rutting against him; your own breathless whines escaping your lips.
You shake your head frantically, “N-No!” You deny, and suddenly you’re darting forward as your foreheads clash. You wince in pain, and so does he—but the clumsiness of it all only makes Jungkook smile fondly at you, briefly dropping the persona he’s admonished. “I really—I really want you. All of you.”
Your desperate pleas don’t go unheard by jungkook. In fact, his arms completely still, as if he took a whole out of body experience to process your words.
“Really?” He smiles playfully, a look that has you softening into his hold. “You want me?”
You nod your head, “Y-Yes.”
Jungkook nudges your nose with his before he’s kissing you again. You whine, frustrated at how he still insists on kissing you. Sure, you loved his lips on yours—but you were undoubtedly wet right now, and you felt the telltale signs of his cock pressing against your inner thigh.
“Jungkook,” you whine, pushing him away as you scowl at him, “I want you.”
You’re aware of how petulant you sound, and it’s almost embarrassing when you shamelessly rut your hips forward. Jungkook laughs with a small smirk, and you’re about to chew him out for laughing at you when he was clearly hard! There was nothing amusing about the fact that you were so wet that you could die and he was doing absolutely nothing about it.
“My pretty girl wants me?” He croons, pulling you flush into his chest until he’s plopping back to the bed. You shriek, falling forward as you all but gracefully crash into his chest. “You want me?” He teases.
You scowl, suddenly more irritated than horny.
“Oh my God, do you have comprehension issues?” You snap, glaring at him when he grins cheekily at you from where you tilt your head up. “I said I want you!”
He hums noncommittally, “You gotta be more specific than that baby. Use your words.”
The way he shifted from such an alluring and … dark tone to such a light-hearted jibe that still makes your stomach clench is stupefying and impressive. But this Jungkook seemed more collateral with an easy smile marring his face, arms wrapped around you in a relaxed way as if he had all the time in the world.
“I-I—” you stammer, cheeks flushing embarrassingly red, “What part of I want you do you not get?” You opt to scowl at him further, glaring at him with your red cheeks.
“Let me help you then,” he murmurs, shifting backwards ever so slightly until his head was perched upon a pillow, right against his headboard. He looks at you with lazy eyes that has your core clenching unconsciously. You blush, unsure if he felt. If he did, he doesn’t say anything but smile. “Tell me how you want me.”
You blink.
He nods, hands resting around your hips as he nudges your body upwards until you’re the one fully straddling him while he lays down, comfortable and casual as he rests his arms behind his head.
You gape at him, especially at the relaxed state he was in. As if he hadn’t riled you up in a way that has you wanting more while he awaits your answer as if you were just having an ordinary conversation.
“Yeah,” he nods, “You’re always complaining, right? Use your mouth and tell me then, and maybe if I’m feeling nice I’ll give you what you want.”
You still completely above him, legs resting at the sides of his hips while you stare at him like a deer caught in headlights. You were unsure where he was going with this, but you liked it. Despite the sheer mortification you felt at the insinuation of the fact that you had to verbalise what you wanted, the wetness pooling in your panties definitely told you that you were enjoying whatever Jungkook was playing at.
Especially when he sighs as if you were taking too long. The inherent need in you wanting to please him was overpowering your senses, even the one where you feel embarrassed.
“I,” you clear your throat, eyes looking away with red cheeks. “I want you to … I want you—to—t-touch me.”
“It’s rude not to look at people when you’re asking for something,” he snaps.
His voice suddenly startles you into looking back at him. He’s frowning at you, and your heart suddenly drops.
As if he senses your hesitation, the gentle look replaces the bored one almost immediately, hands darting out to grab your hands.
“Are you okay? We can stop—”
You shake your head immediately. You were way too worked up to stop right now and Jungkook looked too appetising with his cold expression. You knew that you’ve come to a point where your feelings for each other are known and that you are his as much as he is yours. It was nice, to have the coldness—it’s almost shameful to admit. But you thought it was hot. And the fact that you knew it would go away right after this was done made the situation even more arousing.
“N-No!” You deny, “I-I’ll be good. I promise.” His eyes widen at the sudden breathlessness of your voice. “Sorry.”
You duck your head down, and Jungkook gauges your expression for any hint of discomfort or uncertainty but doesn’t find any. He almost chuckles at how eager you seem, all innocent and doe-eyed when you struggle to find the right words.
“I forgive you, baby,” Jungkook husks, thumb rubbing a circle against your hip before his arms return to the back of his head. “You remember, right? Use your words and focus on me.”
You nod your head obediently, swallowing the saliva in your mouth as you shift around on his lap, unconsciously trying to relieve the pressure in your lower region. Jungkook’s lip twitches in a smirk at your semi-frustrated expression but doesn’t comment on it. He’s enjoying this way too much, and it was taking him more self-restraint than ever to not give in.
He knew what you wanted. But he wanted to be sure. He could wait for years if that meant having you fully be ready. This playfulness that he adopted was a first too since he was usually a one-and-done kind of guy. It wasn’t something he was proud of but it worked. It worked with women he didn’t care about. But you weren’t just a woman he cared about. You were the person he’s in love with. The woman he’s been in love with for the last decade of his life and the only other woman that wasn’t his mother or grandmother that he loved.
And you seem to be enjoying it, even if you’re a little unsure. It only adds to the sexiness of the entire situation. Even with your flushed cheeks and wide eyes, he thinks you’re stunning.
When you decide you’re ready, you clear your throat and establish unwavering eye contact with Jungkook, even if you felt like your face was the surface of the sun with how hot it was.
“I want you,” you say softly, yet your voice is firmer than before. “I want you to—touch me. To t-touch my body.” You say breathlessly, leaning forward ever so slightly as your hair dangles in front of your face. Jungkook clenches his jaw at how you’re progressively getting breathier, almost desperate as the manic look in your eyes surface.
“Where, baby?” He prompts.
You flush harder but swallow.
“My b-breasts,” you whimper, embarrassment painting your face, but Jungkook nods in contentment, cocking his head for you to continue. “M-My … my …?”
You didn’t even know what to call it. You knew it was your vagina—you weren’t stupid. But the lewdness of all other alternatives made you want to quiver into a hole and never return. It sounded good when Jungkook said it but what if you sounded awkward? What if he thought the way you pronounced its synonyms was unsexy—?
“You want me to touch your pussy?” He finishes for you, voice low in a whisper as your eyes widen.
You nod shamefully, still maintaining eye contact as you unconsciously find yourself nibbling on your bottom lip while you gauge his expression. Jungkook’s eyes immediately dart down, as he licks his own lips in response.
Jungkook smirks at you, suggestive and devious while he rakes his eyes all over your body. Your outfit is different from usual, but still nothing to rave about. Yet, with the way he ogles you, you feel almost naked. And, an even more absurd realisation comes across you when you note that you don’t mind.
“You gotta say it, baby,” he sighs as if he were disappointed in you.
Your confusion only spurs him further, cock straining against his pants when your mouth moves to get the words out, the lewd term still feeling foreign on your tongue.
“I—I want you t-to touch my—” the breath you take is shaky, but as always, you were always a determined person by nature, especially when something you wanted was on the line. “—want you to t-touch my p-pussy.”
When the words leave your lips, you hear Jungkook groan under his breath, eyes fluttering shut as his hands twitch behind his head. His obvious satisfaction causes a deep sense of pride to swell in your chest, the humiliation being overpowered by the innate desire to have Jungkook make that sound again.
“Please touch my pussy,” you beg, almost whiney when you look down at him.
Jungkook’s using all the restraint in him to keep himself level-headed. Where in actuality, he’s both baffled and thanking the Gods above for having you in front of him like this. He’s never allowed himself to delve much into his fantasies, even if he’d shamelessly admit that he had one too many of these same scenarios play out in his mind. It sounds sweeter on your tongue, almost verboten when you whimper those words out.
The usually kept together version of you is slowly unravelling, and Jungkook never thought he had a corruption kink—but he definitely did. Or, maybe it was just you. He wasn’t going anywhere else to find out.
“What a good girl,” Jungkook murmurs, hands teasingly drafting across your thighs as the lower half of your body twitches ever so slightly at the touch.
He smirks at your eagerness, but there was a devious part of him that wanted to drag this further. To see you completely be his, even if he knew where your heart laid.
“Take off your clothes, then.”
You were just about to rut against his crotch desperately, the heat in your body almost searing uncomfortably as you feel the fabric of your panties sticks against your folds.
Jungkook tongues the inside of his cheek, “Do you see me helping?” He asks with a raised brow.
You don’t, in fact. Jungkook’s completely still, perched snugly under you as he continues to draw lazy glances over your body, awaiting your next move. Your cheeks are still on fire, and every inch of your skin is begging to be touched. It’s almost hysterical at how Jungkook’s managed to reduce you into an absolute desperate mess without even needing to touch you—directly, that is.
He’s fully clothed, cock hard—and he commands you to his will. And you obey.
You’re about to push yourself off his lap, but he stops you before you can get any further.
“On my lap.”
His authoritative tone makes you whimper, almost frustratedly begging for him to do something. To touch you. To kiss you. Anything.
When people spoke of sex, you always thought that they just got to it. Sure, there was foreplay that was enjoyable, but sex has never been something that you found inherently desirable. That’s one of the reasons why you still hadn’t had sex yet. It’s because you never saw the appeal.
But you suppose you’ve never had a reason to. Not until now, at least. Because Jungkook makes you want him. Makes you want to feel his cock in you while you moan and cry. It’s a part of you that you’ve never seen, but you imagine has always been there. You wanted him—and that was still as scary as it was the first time you realised it.
You hesitantly start at the hem of your tank-top, fingers stuttering when you realise that Jungkook’s just staring. It’s different this time. His eyes are dark and purposeful, trained sternly on your upper body that still remains covered.
“L-Like this?” You ask hesitantly, lifting the fabric ever so slightly.
You realise that you’ve never been fully naked in front of Jungkook before, despite him being somewhat familiar with your intimates. The thought makes you nervous, but the way he’s looking at you makes you feel sexy. Like you were capable of making him push himself over the edge.
“Touch your body, baby,” he directs.
You follow his instructions obediently, albeit a little stiffly. You try to channel your inner seductress out when you graze your fingertips across the panel of your stomach, the sides of your body and up your breast. It’s so intimate, especially when Jungkook’s looking at you so intently while you attempt to map out your body. It’s funny how it’s been twenty-five years, yet this is the first time you’ve properly felt your body. That it’s the first time it’s felt like a home.
“You’re doing so good,” he encourages you softly, eyes raking over your breast when you give them an experimental squeeze. Your hands are small, but they do the job of alleviating some form of pressure. You gasp, eyes fluttering shut when it starts to feel more natural.
Jungkook’s praises spur you on, as you finally decide to tug at your tank-top, slowly and steadily as you attempt to teasingly lift it up.
“You’re a quick learner, aren’t you?” He murmurs, smiles apparent in his voice as you slowly peel your tank-top off, your heart beating with the adrenaline pumping through your system at the prospect of Jungkook seeing your body for the first time.
It’s both terrifying and arousing. You wonder if he notices the flaws you see when you undress at the end of every day. You wonder if he likes your body—more than you—or less than you. Though, it’s even exponentially more terrifying to think if he liked it less than you did. You’re nervous, especially when he hasn’t said anything and you’re fully topless, with the exception of your bra that covers the last bit of modesty across your chest.
What if he didn’t like your boobs? Did they look awkward in the bra? It wasn’t … sexy. You weren’t trying to get laid tonight. But you don’t know if Jungkook preferred the extra get-ups, or not. You didn’t know at all. And you definitely didn’t know what he was thinking when he continues to stare at you, face surprisingly blank.
“J-Jungkook?” You whisper, voice nervous.
Then, his eyes flutter shut, as if he was defeated before you hear him mumble a low fuck under his breath.
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, and before you can do anything else—he stares up at the ceiling as if there was something he needed to contemplate before you proceeded.
“You’re gorgeous.”
You don’t know how to react, especially because his works sound almost pained when he chokes it out. He wasn’t even looking at you—so you were rightfully confused.
“I—thank you?” You say slowly.
“I love your tits.” He blurts, eyes suddenly returning to zero onto your chest.
You blush at his vulgar words, hands immediately rushing around to hide your chest despite the fact that he continues to ogle.
“Don’t,” he whines, suddenly turning into the regular Jungkook that you know and love. Your eyes almost widen comically at the duality of the man in front of you, especially when he petulantly tugs at your hand to reveal your cups back to him.
“Did my tits really break you out of your persona?” You snort, finding the situation both funny and stimulating.
There was something about breaking a joke with someone during foreplay that made the build-up to sex much more enjoyable, and your heart nearly flies out of your chest when you realise that you’re experiencing this with Jungkook.
“I’m sorry but if you’re finally seeing the main character of all your teenaged wet dreams in person then I think you’d react the same way,” he snaps back.
You gawk, “Y-Your teenage what?”
He scoffs as if he can’t understand your disbelief.
“Don’t act so surprised,” he sneers accusingly at you while you continue to gape at his sudden confession, shirtless and all. “The number of things that I did on your tits—” And what makes it worse, wasn’t that you were turned on, but was when Jungkook’s eyes fluttered shut as he groans—as if he was picturing it all over again. “—fuuuck.”
“Jungkook!” You shriek, slapping his chest as he sighs, a dopey smile on his face.
“Promise me you’ll let me.” He begs.
You look at him dubiously.
“Let you what?” You ask carefully.
“Cum on them. Fuck them. Suck on them.” He shrugs. Your jaw is slackened when he says them so casually. You also note the jump in his pants, his cock twitching against your core as you gasp.
“J-Jungkook!” You say, scandalised.
(Though your panties are definitely drenched.)
“Please take your bra off.” He croaks, hands finally reaching out to grab at your hips.
You roll your eyes at the desperation in his tone. Even if Jungkook had done some growing up, he was still such a boy. You find his fascination with your tits almost amusing, especially when his eyes darken even further when you reach out to unclasp your bra.
You feel empowered on top, even if you know that ultimately, Jungkook calls the shots. It’s the way that he groans beneath you when your tits finally fall free, cups thrown carelessly aside as you smile bashfully at him.
“I’m going to die,” he groans.
“Just because you saw a pair of tits?” You snort, “Hm, maybe you really aren’t as impressive as I thought you were, Jeon.”
Jungkook immediately snaps up to look at you, eyes narrowed at your amused grin painting your phase. You’re about to continue jibing at him, but you realise that his eyes are hooded and menacing when they stare straight into your soul. Your face slowly drops when you realise he doesn’t respond with an equally light tone.
“I-I was just—”
You can’t even get another word out before he’s interrupting you.
“Pants off, baby.”
He doesn’t ask this time. He’s demanding.
You don’t argue this time. Even if you’re excited at the way he so effortlessly switches back into his first persona—you didn’t want to piss him off. Yet.
Fed with more confidence than earlier, you trail your hands up your thighs until they reach the button of your jeans. Jungkook’s still watching you intently, face void of any emotion that you can read as you begin to undo each button until your panties are peaking through the slit.
You slip your jeans off, a little unseemly, but it gets the job done. You aren’t sure if you can keep up being patient this way, especially when you return to settle down onto Jungkook’s lap, you feel the roughness of his jeans press against your clit as you gasp.
“So fucking wet, baby,” he smirks, “I didn’t even do anything.”
“Jungkook please,” you beg, hips jutting forward to chase anything. This time, without the barrier of your jeans, it feels so much better. So much more raw as the bump of his zipper nudges against your clit, your wetness lubricating the movement. “Do something.”
He stops you from moving before peering up at you with dark eyes and a warning expression. You immediately halt, the same fear returning as you whimper in a desperate tone.
“On my face.”
You blink owlishly at him as you attempt to process his demand.
He quirks an eyebrow up at you, impatient when he clicks his tongue.
“Did I stutter?”
“I’m sorry but did you just say—your face?” You ask incredulously.
Jungkook sighs, annoyed.
“Yes, my face. Hurry up before I get mean.” He warns.
You almost tell him that you wouldn’t mind, but the demand finally settles in as you gape at him in horror.
“I-I can’t sit on your face!” You snap, “I’m going to crush you.”
“I’m a big boy,” he rolls his eyes, “I can take it.”
You don’t think you can.
“Jungkook, you’re literally going to suffocate and die.” You deadpan.
“I’m not,” he drawls as he shoots you an unimpressed look before he’s pulling your hips forward. You nearly stumble off if it weren’t for your palms that press against his headboard. You turn absolutely red when you realise that you’ve hovering above him, cunt in his face as your scent essentially surrounds him.
“Fuck. You smell so good.” He groans, sniffing your pussy in an obscene manner that has your cheeks burning.
“J-Jungkook—“ you say nervously, attempting to shuffle back in embarrassment.
“I’ll be fine.” He snaps.
“I really don’t—”
“Why do you have to be so bratty,” he sighs with an irritating tick to his brow when you peer down, “Even if I die—I’d be happy to go by your pussy.”
You flush even harder at his crude words.
“Jeon Jungkook!”
“What?” He says defensively, “Do you need it in black and white in case I do? I’ll write you a contract if you—”
“Oh my God,” you huff in exasperation, “You’re unbelievable!”
“Unbelievably hard and horny so if you mind I’d really like for you to sit that pussy on my face,” he retorts snappishly.
You sigh to yourself, still embarrassed. You’re still confused at how Jungkook’s able to switch from one personality to another, and you suppose it’s just the many faces of Jungkook you’ve yet to learn about.
“Jungkook, I really—Jungkook!”
Your complaints are interrupted when he quite literally rips your panties off of you, the sound of the fabric tearing filling his room as you gasp.
“Jungkook what the hell?!” You shriek.
He doesn’t placate you with a response until he’s tugging your hips down to his face, his mouth immediately latching around your clit as you fall forward at the first lick. You never stood a chance.
“F-Fuck!” You scream, loud and unabashed when your lower half seizes in pleasure.
Jungkook immediately laps you up like he’s parched for water. You don’t even know where to look, especially when your body is inevitably hunched forward due to the onslaught of pressure relieved at your lower region. Your eyes eventually wander downwards and you’re welcomed with an equally as erotic sight with Jungkook’s purple hair between your thighs, his own eyes shut in pleasure as he laps at your pussy like a madman.
You’re undeniably flushing and beyond wet. That enough is clear when the wetness of your cunt is audible enough in between your gasps of pleasure while Jungkook keeps his arms wrapped around your thighs.
“J-Jungkook—oh my G-God—“ you mewl, the heat in the lower half of your body sending you into overdrive, especially when he’s dead-set on making a home between your thighs. “Oh, oh.” You’re moaning lewdly at this point, eyes rolling to the back of your head when he pushes you further onto his face. “I-I can’t—!”
Your hands reach out to grab on his hair, startled when you realise that you’re almost fully sitting on him.
“You can and you will,” he snarls against your pussy, the sound muffled by the wetness and the way he doesn’t bother to even take a breather as he drags his tongue across your folds to gather all your wetness and centre it around your throbbing bud.
“J-Jungkook, I’m g-going to crush you!” You cry in the middle of a moan, “Jungk—fuck.”
On Jungkook’s end, he’s positive he’s already dead and in heaven. All he can smell, taste and see is you. Your face is contorted in pure pleasure when he licks across your slit, tongue fucking into you with a sense of purpose that drives you insane. You taste so heady and sweet. All for him. Especially when he gets to see your tits from below.
“Fuck,” he growls into your pussy, the vibrations making your thighs shake at the side of his face. Your hands were the only things supporting your weight right now, and even then, they were close to giving out with how good Jungkook was making you feel. “Ride my face baby.”
Your eyes widen, immediately darting down to shoot Jungkook a stupefied expression. Too bad he doesn’t catch it because he’s too busy shaking his head, tongue following his motions as he presses it firmly against your clit. You let out an embarrassingly loud cry and a moan, your hand immediately reaching to clamp over your mouth in embarrassment.
“Don’t,” he complains, “Wanna hear you cum, pretty girl.”
You all but melt into him further at his term of endearment. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably at the way he refuses to give you a break. You feel the coil tighten further and further, so close to release especially when your body gives out of you—the weight of your body resting on his face as you unconsciously grind your hips across his tongue.
And fuck. Does it feel good.
“O-Oh, oh—J-Jungkook—fuck, you’re so good to me you make me—feel so—good,” you ramble manically, heading dropping forehead to rest on his headboard as you grind further onto his tongue, uncaring if he’s crushed. Jungkook lays there at your disposal, tongue out for you to use as he continues to hum into your pussy like a personal vibrator.
“Come on baby,” he encourages with a growl, “Cum for me, yeah? Gonna prep you real good for my cock. You want it, don’t you? Deep in your pussy while I make you scream? Cream my face for me, baby.”
His dirty words make you gasp, your hands tightly pulling at his hair as you shamelessly chase your hair. Your face is completely pressed against the headboard, and Jungkook can only admire the way your face is morphed into an expression he never thought he’d be able to get out of a girl—let alone seeing the girl of his dreams all desperate and wet for him like this.
You feel so filthy like this—in more than one sense that wasn’t just your sweaty body and malleable limbs—but the way he digs his nose further, occasionally brushing against your pelvis as you grind against his tongue. Your body is moving on its own, the innate desire to chase your high is the only thing your mind can register. All sense of poise and modesty out of the window when Jungkook lets you use him.
“J-Jungkook—” you sob, “I-I’m c-cumming—!”
“Cum for me baby,” he purrs, “Cum on my tongue.”
Just as you’re about to cum, Jungkook makes a split-second decision to roll you over until your back is pressed to his bed. He loves having you on his face, but he loves this. Seeing you squeak in surprise while you continue to mewl in pleasure, your back arching off the bed as you gasp for air.
He buries his face impossibly deeper, speeding up the way his tongue rolls against your clit. You’re moaning out incoherencies, hazed to absolute pleasure as your thighs quiver by the side of his head.
You cum loudly and messily, your pussy clenching and unclenching rhythmically as Jungkook laps up all of your essences, continuously tongue-fucking you through your pleasure. You almost blackout at how intensely your body was shaking from that orgasm, your thighs clamping shut around his head in oversensitivity when he continues to slurp at your pussy in an obscene manner.
“J-Jungkook—” you whine, attempting to push him away as he finally relents, parting from your cunt with a soft kiss to your clit that has your legs jumping.
Your back is absolutely damp with sweat, and sore the sheets beneath you as you attempt to catch your breath. Your chest is tight with the lack of oxygen while the room spins. You feel more than see the sheets ruffling by your sides, and Jungkook slowly inches up your body with wet kisses against your skin.
You all but let out helpless whimpers, absolutely spent—yet frantic for more.
“You did so well,” he coos, gently kissing up to your stomach, your ribs before his hands are capturing your breasts in his large hands. He squeezes them, evoking a gasp from you, body still tingling from your orgasm. “So good for me. Don’t deserve you.”
You can barely register his words, especially when his mouth attaches itself to your right breast, immediately delivering kitten licks to your nipples that causes your back to arch into his hot mouth. You mewl in pleasure when he doesn’t keep himself soft, instead, it’s wet and loud and desperate when he looks up—eyes dark as you whimper.
“Oh,” you exhale when he plops off with a pop, sending you a smile that’s far more gentle than how you feel. For that split second, you feel your heart melt, shooting him a weak smile in return.
“Can’t believe you’re here,” he sighs dreamily into your left breast, peppering kisses around your peaked buds before squeezing it between his fingers. His eyes are honest when they maintain eye contact, the gesture too intimate for you to handle as you bashfully look away. “Can’t believe this is happening.”
“It is,” you say softly, “I’m here, Kook.”
The nickname causes him to groan, his head resting on your breast as your hand finally finds the strength to instinctively wrap your fingers between his locks, delicately scraping through his hair as he sighs.
“You know I never thought I was good enough for you,” he abruptly confesses.
Your eyes widen.
“What? Why—?”
He doesn’t respond, instead; he kisses up your chest until he’s inches away from your lips, his face carrying the weight of your words as you search for an answer.
And it’s scary that he looks so much like himself. The Jungkook you’ve known for long loved for just as much—but were only brave enough to accept recently. He’s always looked youthful, though he definitely grew out of his round edges. He’s more defined, carved by years of experiences and mistakes that made him the person he was today.
He looks hesitant for the first time this night. As if he’s mulling over the next things he’ll say.
Jungkook looks at you, eyes holding more than just your gaze but the magnitude of his heart. You wonder how long he’s looked at you like that for.
“You’re amazing,” he finally says, and it’s against your lips.
“You are too,” you say with a soft gaze.
He shakes his head, and it’s probably an odd conversation to have while you’re fully naked and Jungkook’s yet to shed off a single piece of his clothing.
“I’m good at things, there’s a difference,” he sighs, “You’re … you’re it, you know? I don’t think you know how great you really are.”
“Jungkook …”
“No, really.” His eyes are suddenly wide as if he was afraid you wouldn’t believe him. Yet, you found it hard to truly trust his words, the part of you that feels lacking refuses to. “You’re driven and you’re passionate. You care so deeply and profoundly that it’s impossible not to love you. You just—how could I ever deserve someone like you?”
Your eyes soften as his eyes dart away from yours, his eyebrows furrowed in displeasure. You know he’s caught up in his own thoughts. The expression is too familiar to you because you’ve been there. You were just there, and it took a long time for you to recognise that sometimes—we won’t ever know what we deserve or do.
“Jungkook,” you whisper, hands reaching out to hold his cheeks and guide his gaze back to you. His eyes are unsure, and all you want to do is reassure him. So, you do. “Look at me. Please?”
He does, albeit hesitantly as you offer him the gentlest of smiles.
“It’s insane that you think that because I wonder how I could ever deserve you,” you throw his words back to him with a small smile.
His jaw drops, “No way—!”
You giggle, shushing him with a gentle peck to his lips that has him melting into your touch.
“My point is,” you continue, never breaking eye contact with him. “We’ll always feel lacking in some way because we always will be. We’re human. We’re bound to make mistakes and we’ll never be perfect. But I wouldn’t have you any other way. I fell in love with this version of you, and I’ll love every version of you that I’ll be blessed to learn about.”
Jungkook stares at you, awestruck as you continue smiling lovingly at him. Whatever you had just said was the truth and you’d tell him that over and over again if it meant he’d trust your words just a little more.
“Do you understand?” You ask softly, “I love—”
He shuts you up by smashing his lips to yours, causing you to gasp in surprise at the ferocity of the force. He’s pushing you into the sheets, not enough for it to hurt but enough to show you his intuitive want for you at that very moment.
His hand reach up to cup your cheeks, the other one already making its way down your body until it's cupping your mound.
“J-Jungkook,” you whimper, eyes dazed as you tilt your head to the side, “Take off your clothes.”
You emphasise your point with a tug to the hem of his shirt and the waistband of his jeans.
He doesn’t argue with you, quickly pulling his shirt over his head from the back, exposing the firm expanse of his chest. The intricate design of tattoos trail up his arm and onto his shoulder, emphasising each slope of his muscles.
You really can’t close your mouth as you’re blatantly ogling him. You’ve seen Jungkook shirtless many times, it’s a given since he basically lived at the gym and was comfortable enough around you and in his own body when he lazily throws off his shirt when it got too hot. But you’ve never seen him like this. So close to you, panting in desire while his carnal eyes rake over your completely bare body while he’s in the midst of undressing.
“You’re staring,” he smirks.
You scoff, cheeks flushing even if you know it’s nothing but the truth.
“Pants. Off.” You demand, lips in a pout as he laughs, bending down to give you a quick smack before he shoots you that charming grin of him.
“Want to help?” He cocks an eyebrow up, licking his lips as you feel your pussy flutter at his tone.
Really, Jeon Jungkook was too hot for his own good.
You roll your eyes, yet you find yourself already shifting forward, despite the shake in your legs from your previous orgasm as you make your way towards the button of his jeans, fingers already working their way to undo it.
Jungkook observes your eagerness, especially when your eyes occasionally drift upwards as you search for his approval. All Jungkook does is rub a soothing hand over your head as you continue your ministrations. You help him tug his pants down, his briefs not doing much in covering his bulge that practically stares you straight in the eye as you swallow.
You’ve seen it once, had it in your mouth—yet, the thought becomes more appealing the longer you ogle.
Your hands are already reaching out to cup him through his briefs, your state of horniness throwing all hesitancy out of the window as you hear Jungkook suck in a deep breath before his large hand closes on top of your own.
“Next time, baby,” he murmurs, “This is about you.”
You roll your eyes at the cliche phrase, and you can’t help the indignant tone that travels through your chest and out of your mouth.
“And what if I want to suck your dick?”
Jungkook shoots you a pointed stare before pushing you down back onto your back as you squeak in surprise.
“Don’t be a smartass,” he sighs, “Besides, I’m the hardest I’ve ever been in my entire life and there’s no way I’m going to last if I have your mouth on me. The only place I wanna feel is your pussy, got it?”
Your eyes widen at his blatant words, and your gaping face may have thrown Jungkook off as his expression suddenly mimics yours.
“I-I mean—that’s if you’re still—we don’t have to have sex—”
You interrupt him by wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.
“Jungkook,” you mumble against his lips, pulling ever so slightly to shoot him a serious look, “If you’re not going to fuck me then I’m going to be really disappointed. Or—maybe I’ll just go find someone who is going to fuck me—”
Jungkook growls, hands delivering a pert smack to your right asscheek as you gasp at his actions, his gaze dropping to yours in a hooded gaze.
“I’m not going to fuck you,” he snarls threateningly as your face drops, “I’m going to love you so good—you got that?”
Somehow, his rough tone is contrasted against his gentle words, especially when his eyes soften on your face.
“I’d really like that,” you smile.
Before you can say anything else, Jungkook already has his hands trailing down your abdomen once again to cup your mound. You gasp, squirming under his touch as you whine.
“Jungkook,” you whine, “Just—please just stick it in already.”
You realise how whiney you sound, but you were still really worked up and your previous orgasm along with Jungkook’s spit has provided enough lubricant for you to take him. At least that’s what you think.
“There’s no way my cock’s going to fit if I don’t stretch you out,” he says pointedly, “Even if your pussy’s all sloppy.”
His words make you whimper, thighs clenching in reprieve to relieve the pulsations in your lower abdomen. You can’t even imagine how it’s going to feel like—and you know that Jungkook isn’t average-sized by any means. It was already a struggle to have him in your mouth and you could somewhat contract and relax it voluntarily. Your pussy on the other hand? Not quite.
“P-Please hurry,” you beg, eyes peering up desperately.
Jungkook opens his mouth to say something but decides against it at the last minute, likely too worked up to do so. Rather, his fingers immediately gather the wetness from your pussy to your whole, causing you to mewl in expectation.
His index finger prods your hole before it slips in, as he peers up to gauge your expression. At this point, anything that Jungkook did would evoke a whine from you because you’ve already been riled up enough. He curls his digit, the pad of his finger immediately reaching deep in your wet cunt.
You gasp, head falling back onto the pillow as Jungkook smirks at you.
“Already?” He teases, “How are you going to take my cock if one finger gets you like this?”
You glare at him through lidded eyes.
“Would you prefer me to shut up and take it like a starfish?” You can’t help the spite that escapes your mouth, throwing back the familiar yet painful words back to him.
Jungkook’s eyes widen, mouth falling agape. You weren’t trying to be mean, in fact, it was more so that you were frustrated than anything else. Your heart has healed, but there was no harm in teasing—right?
“I—well”—he gulps, eyes comically apologetic as his face crumbles while his finger twitches in your cunt—“Baby you can’t do this to me.” He whines.
You roll your eyes.
“Then how about you get to it,” you smile sweetly at him, patting his cheek as he pouts, “Stretch me out so I can take you good.” You purr.
Jungkook nods his head obediently as if caught in a trance and you almost want to laugh. You quite liked the hold you had over him, even if it was just momentarily. You don’t dwell on your thoughts for too long because Jungkook’s slipping another digit in, your pussy acclimating to the stretch.
He thrusts his fingers into your pussy, digging deeper each time as you feel the tell-tale signs of your stomach clenching in desire as you moan softly.
“Does it feel good?” He asks.
You nod your head, eyes fluttering shut as he speeds up his fingers, your pussy throbbing around the digits. You were still wet from your previous orgasm, and still as sensitive—so you felt every inch of his fingers reach your walls and it felt heavenly, especially when Jungkook was pressed so close to you that his body warmed you up.
“So good,” you whimper.
“Can you take another?” He murmurs, the third digit already testing the waters.
You nod your head.
Once he gets your consent, he inserts his last finger as you wince at the burn. His fingers were long and girth enough to make you feel the stretch. He stills ever so slightly to catch your expression as he shoots you a concerned gaze.
“You okay?”
You nod your head, whimpering ever so slightly when he shallowly thrusts his fingers. Your pussy stretches to accommodate the new girth, and it’s both pleasurable and uncomfortable—but the way that Jungkook begins to press his lips to yours distracts you from the burn.
You feel his palm bump into your clit every time he thrusts harder, fingers curling expertly into the spot that has you moaning into his mouth, fingers clutching his hair in desperation to ground yourself. You think he’s just here to stretch you out, so you don’t expect much—but suddenly, he’s snapping his fingers into your pussy so rapidly that you catch yourself in a cry of pleasure.
“J-Jungkook—I—w-what—?” You ask manically, your voice high pitched as you clutch his arms while you feel your pussy clench uncontrollably around his digits.
“Cum for me again,” he grits, eyes narrowed in focus while he watches the way your wetness coats his fingers.
He scissors your pussy and you barely feel it, purely because your wetness makes it so much easier for him to thrust his fingers in and out without any barrier. It’s loud and wet, the way that your pussy squelches each time the heel of his palm purposefully drags itself across your clit.
“I-I’m going—ohohoh—please don’t stop please don’t stop,” you sob, head thrown back.
“So wet,” he growls, “Wanna see you cum again. Will you do that for me?” He whispers into your cheek, your whines caught against his mouth as you feel yourself reach the very edge. “Come on, you’re doing so good for me. Aren’t you? The prettiest and best girl.”
His praise makes you clutch onto him harder while he doesn’t stop the brutal thrusts into your cunt. And with one particularly good drag of his fingers on your g-spot, you cum—and it’s a silent cry that you let out while your lower half shakes.
Jungkook continues finger-fucking you through your orgasm, even when it begins to burn in oversensitivity as you whimper, body spent for the second time that night.
“That’s right,” he coos, “Always so beautiful for me.”
When you come down from your high, you slowly blink at him while you catch your breath. Jungkook’s already staring at you, and even if he’s yet to receive any direct stimulation, he looks equally as fucked out as he breathes, chest rising up and down while his eyes remain trained on your body.
“Jungkook,” you croak, throat raw from your moans. Your hands trail to his briefs as you tug on them, still desperate for more if it was from him. “Please fuck me.”
You don’t recognise your voice or your tone. You don’t think you’ve sounded this desperate in your life, but yet—you don’t feel ashamed. You don’t feel as embarrassed as you thought you would be. Instead, you feel even more desirable because of the man in front of you that gave you two mind-blowing orgasms while his cock strains against his briefs.
“You sure—?” He raises a brow at you as you whine.
“Jungkook please,” you plead, “I want you. All of you. In every way possible.”
The words are so similar, and Jungkook can’t stop the smile that threatens to appear on his face when he recognises it immediately. It’s the same words he’s reassured you with, and here you are throwing it back at him. You don’t realise the honest intention, but Jungkook does.
And he has to press another soft kiss to your lips before he’s quickly shrugging his briefs off, his cock springing free. It stands long and hard against his abdomen, the pre-cum undoubtedly leaking from his tip as you feel your mouth turn dry at the sight.
Jungkook was an attractive person but he was absolutely ethereal bare. His natural state, sweaty and flushed—only makes your pussy clench in expectation as you let out a tight groan of your own.
“You’re so hot,” you complain, “How are you so hot?”
Jungkook snickers leaning across your body as he reaches towards his bedside table. You briefly snap out of your horny daze as you furrow your brows at his gesture.
“What are you doing?”
Jungkook hums noncommittally before expertly dragging his drawer open to draw out a—
You blink at him.
“You don’t need it.”
Jungkook freezes, hand still gripping the foil as he peers down at you with wide eyes.
“I don’t—?”
“You know I’ve been on birth control since high school. Acne and stuff.” you say pointedly, “Unless you’re not clean?”
Jungkook tosses the packet aside immediately before he’s hovering above you like a sweaty God.
“No,” he blurts, “I mean yes. I mean no, I’m not—I don’t have anything. Yes. I’m clean.”
You giggle, before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close, just enough so that his lips are fanning across your own.
“Then,” you lower your voice seductively, “Make love to me, Jungkook.”
Jungkook blinks at you before he’s letting out a groan of himself, looking to the ceiling for one second before his gaze returns to your own.
And the events of the entire night have been leading up to this moment, the way even Jungkook trembles when he lines up the tip of his cockhead to your hole as your heart beats vigorously against your rib cage.
It’s this. The way that Jungkook looks at you so softly while you bite your lip in anticipation. It’s this. When he finally breaks through the first barrier of your pussy as you feel the tip enter. You gasp, and he grunts, your fingers tighten against the sheets as you shut your eyes.
The burn is unpleasant. It’s expected. But Jungkook’s keeping a thumb on your clit the entire time to soothe any displeasure.
“Are you okay?” He whispers.
You nod, afraid if your voice would fail you.
Jungkook searches for any hesitancy before he continues slipping each inch in. It’s intimate this way when you see him clearly and he sees you. He watches your expression closely, even kisses away the frown lines on your forehead when you’re grimacing at the way your walls attempt to take him.
It’s when he licks his tongue into your mouth that he bottoms out completely. You gasp, feeling so wholly full and filled, even if the burn becomes more intense. It’s not painful, just … uncomfortable. But it’s almost mixed with the fact that he presses against your walls so well that there’s a fuzzy sense of pleasure that erupts in your lower abdomen.
“F-Fuck,” Jungkook chokes, his head dropping to the crook of your neck, “You feel so good.”
It strokes your ego that Jungkook looks absolutely destroyed right now. His face tight and eyes shut while he breathes heavily into your neck. You can tell he’s holding himself back because he’s scrunching the fabric of his sheets so tightly next to your hips, cock throbbing between your hot walls.
You can feel every inch of him like this, and you’re sure he does too. It’s because you get wetter just thinking about him fucking you, finally making you his while he becomes yours. The intimacy, the love, the years of pining finally bottoming out.
“You can move,” you whisper, running your hand through his hair.
“Are you sure?” He asks sceptically.
“Please, Jungkook,” you reply softly, “I’m okay.”
Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief before he tests the waters, pulling out completely before he thrusts back into you. At the impact, your body hikes up as you gasp, the pleasure tripling due to your sensitivity and the preciseness of his cockhead brushing against your sensitive spot.
“O-Oh,” you gasp.
“Baby, I need to warn you,” he says through a hitched breath, “I don’t think I’ll last long.”
You shake your head with a small laugh, your voice interrupted by your mewls when he starts to build up a rhythm of his own, thrusting into your pussy. You don’t care about anything else, except for the fact that you feel all of Jungkook. The heat and the desperation, all while he looks at you like you’ve hung the stars in the sky.
Jungkook grunts and groans above you, hips slapping against your own when he grinds his cock deeper into your cunt. He’s not rushing, and you suppose that the pace doesn’t need to be hard or at super-speed when you know what you’re doing. And in this case, Jungkook’s managed to master the art of your body and what you liked by just gauging your expressions.
His hand reaches out to intertwine his fingers with your own before bringing them to the side of your head. The gesture is so intuitively intimate and romantic that you unconsciously clench your walls around his cock, causing Jungkook’s hips to falter ever so slightly before he shoots you a playful glare.
“Don’t try and kill me now,” he warns teasingly, face leaning closer to yours as you smile brightly at him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you reply.
He catches himself and begins snapping his hips harder against your own, his cock brushing against your g-spot with every thrust as you moan in pleasure. The sounds of skin slapping on skin reverberate against the walls of his room and you feel yourself burn from the lewdness of it all.
But it’s worth it when Jungkook groans against your lips while you feel his sticky chest pressed against yours when he hikes up your legs with his free hand, the other still dead-set on holding your hand.
“I’m going to cum,” he warns in a breathless tone, “I’ll get you off later—”
You don’t allow him to continue until your hips are moving at their own accord, chasing his thrusts as he chokes at your sudden proactiveness.
You don’t care if he gets you off later or not, not when he looks like this above you, feral and desperate as he chases his high. His thrusts get more intense and desperate, and especially deeper when you feel his cock throb inside of you.
“Cum in me,” you murmur against his lips.
You hear Jungkook mutter a string of curses under his breath before he shoves his cock impossibly deeper into you and stays in place, all while you feel his hot seed pour into your cunt as you gasp.
Jungkook cums like he’s on a mission to milk himself dry. He doesn’t leave your lips either, mouth continuing to receive open-mouthed kisses from you while you hold him close. He shallowly thrusts into your pussy, his cum pooling at the entrance of your cunt as you whimper at how erotic it feels.
When Jungkook finally comes down from his high, chest heaving, he does so by pressing a kiss so passionate that it makes your head spin and your heart grow ten times larger. He keeps himself in you, despite the way he’s softening.
“Fuck,” he laughs, eyes crinkling, “You’re really going to be the death of me.”
You smile cheekily at him, even though you feel the exhaustion suddenly hitting you like a wave.
“Nice doing business with you, Jeon,” you giggle.
He rolls his eyes and finally slips out of you with a wince, while you immediately snap your legs shut—not wanting to stain his sheets.
He raises an eyebrow at your gesture before you’re blushing.
“So this is what this was?” He pouts, “A business transaction?”
Now, it was your turn before you’re rolling your eyes.
“Don’t be dumb,” you scold, but it’s light.
He sighs contentedly and brings you close by wrapping his arms around your sweaty body. He rests your head against his chest while you listen to your heartbeat.
You’ve always imagined having sex for the first time to feel a lot more … desolating than this. Perhaps it was the unhealthy mindset that you associated having sex for the first time with losing a part of you. A part of you that somehow was someone else’s to claim. But with Jungkook’s breathing and your own intermingled together, it doesn’t feel like you’ve lost.
“Hey,” he whispers, catching your attention as you look up at him.
“You know I love you, right?” He asks.
You grin from ear to ear before leaning up to kiss him.
“Yeah,” you nod, “And you know that I love you too, right?”
Jungkook laughs, tired as his eyes threaten to shut.
“Yeah. I do.”
When the both of you fall asleep, sticky and honestly, gross. You feel anything but discomfort. You feel content. You feel happy. And most importantly, you feel at home.
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shotorozu · 3 years
sleepy fem! reader who usually doesn’t initiate physical affection and isnt rly big on it (like no pda except for hand holding) bc she’s rly introverted/reserved? x kaminari, kirishima, shinsou! she suddenly sits on their lap while gaming and she kinda fiddles with their hair/ear lobe (they’re soft okay 😭)/their shirt and then dozes off on them and the boys reaction?
sleepy s/o suddenly sitting on their lap
characters : kaminari denki, kirishima eijirou, shinsou hitoshi
legend : [Y/N = your name] f!reader, quirk’s not mentioned
fic type : headcanons [fluff]
notes : i didn’t proofread in this one (i’ll do it later though,) but i’m a fat simp for this concept :,) ESPECIALLY FOR THE CHARACTERS I HC AS GAMERS rip.
»»————- ♡ ————-«
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kaminari denki
i headcanon denki as a big gamer, because he accidentally went one day without leaving his room because he was gaming—
but because i’m not exactly a ‘gamer’ i can only imagine denki playing shooter games and roblox??
please don’t clock me
anyways, he highkey wanted you to sit on his lap— like he’s always ask you to do so
but you’re not very big on pda besides hand holding, quick hugs and kisses so :((
he could only dream of that day to arrive, denki will wait for you to be comfy
lucky for him! that dream would soon become a reality
it’s a saturday afternoon right? and you’re taking a cute lil nap, curled up on the bed
while he’ll lowkey harasses 12 year olds on roblox
your eyes peer open from your lap, and while you usually had restrain over yourself from doing certain things
you’re half asleep, and you’re not really aware of the things you’re doing right now
so, you stumble over to denki’s gaming chair— and he’s like “hey baby, you’re awake!”
you don’t reply, and you just crawl onto his lap
denki’s probably going to freeze for a second when he feels your thighs pressing against his lap
but on the inside, denki’s like “omg the day has come! Y/N is finally on my lap NANDKWD”
okay, but when you started playing with the cord of his headset though-
he’s trying pretty hard to not short circuit, and he doesn’t want to electricute the both of you-
but he’ll immediately lose in whatever game he was playing, and he’ll just focus his entire attention on you— doting over you
“what’s all of this for, Y/N?” he asks— not that he’s complaining though,,
you just press yourself even more into his body, drifting back to sleep— and kaminari has you in his arms for the remainder of the afternoon
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kirishima eijirou
another gamer, but he’s probably not as hardcore as denki or hitoshi ngl
but look,, kiri playing animal crossing with you omg (not saying he doesn’t play other genres of video games though,,)
regarding pda— he’ll be a little down that you won’t hug him everyday and stuff,
but he’ll quickly adapt to that (just for you) but he’ll still wait for the moment you’ve become comfortable with pda
but he just wants to hold you, even if it’s just your hand :))
it’s 8pm on a friday, and kirishima was playing his games with sero and kaminari
and you’re sleeping already because you were up late yesterday because you were studying for an upcoming test
it’s 8pm on a friday though?
moving past that, he doesn’t hear the blankets shift, nor does he hear you getting up from bed
but because of his peripheral vision, he sees your sleepy state walking towards you
he mutes his mic for a second, and he’s happy to see you up
“hey babe! what’re you doing up? are you hungry— wait,”
he’s a little surprised when he sees you move under his arms to sit on his lap, considering how you’re naturally reserved
you’re wrapping your hands over his shoulders, the chair creaking over the sudden addition of weight
he unmutes himself, telling kaminari and sero that he’s still alive, while leaning against your shoulder.
he was going to continue his game (almost as if he wasn’t flustered or anything)
but you started playing with his hair and omg, his cheeks are rivalling his hair at this point
hold it in kirishima eijirou, just hold it in for just a few more minutes
suddenly, he couldn’t take it anymore— and he just told sero and kaminari that he had to go, leaving the game and turning off his pc
leaving the both of them confused as hell
he won’t leave his gaming chair, just because he doesn’t want to wake you up
instead— he just stays there for a bit, not long before he drifts to sleep :)
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shinsou hitoshi
a bigger gamer, he plays/played basically every single genre out there
from horror, to rpgs— you name it :)
repeat after me, shinsou hitoshi is an insomniac. he’s a bigger insomniac than me
he won’t mind that you’re a little reserved regarding pda, since he himself isn’t so big on it
but he’ll definitely wait for you to be more comfortable
anyways, regarding the insomniac part— he’s probably up late (3-4am kinda beat)
just playing video games
you’re long gone at this point, because hello?? it’s 3-4am??
you shift in your bed, and you can feel the empty space besides you— and you just
get up, and navigate through the dark— trying to find hitoshi
while you’re half asleep
he’s very immensed in his game, but he’ll probably detect the padding of your feet against the floor
he’ll watch you swing your arms around him, pressing yourself on his lap
he was surprised for a bit because,, he assumed you were asleep, but the bigger part of him is like
Y/N is on your lap, your fantasy has came to life.
he’ll call out to you, just to check how awake you are— but you only respond with playing with his ear lobe
omg that’s cute
unlike the other two, he still continues his game— but it’s not like he’s neglecting your sleepy existence
he’s pressing his face against your shoulder, while his hand’s brushing up your back from here and there
he finishes after an hour (rip his eyeballs) and he swiftly carries you both to bed
pressing a soft kiss against your temple, he admires your sleeping form
“i love you.. sleep well, Y/N”
he won’t sleep, but he’ll definitely lay in bed cuddling you while just.. admiring your existence.
i’ll die for this man
»»————- ♡ ————-«
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing.
do not plagiarize my work :))
2K notes · View notes
mutigold · 3 years
∞ teacher’s pet — i.n.
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summary: in which the top student fails a test and gets extra help from his favorite professor.
pairing: student!jeongin x teacher!reader
genre: college!au
warning: sub!jeongin, dom!reader, pet play, noona kink, exhibitionism, handjob, ear licking, humiliation, quirofilia, seduction, he still has his braces.
word count: 1.9k
authors note: i really don’t know where this idea came from, but all i know is subby jeongin = 🤤. thank you for supporting me! watching people like my little writings really make my day.. hope y’all enjoy this <3. stream “Going Dumb”!
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“would anyone like to explain what it means to be dependent on an organism?”
jeongin’s eyes concentrated on you, as he listened to your voice encompassing the leveled platform. today’s lecture was based on the living organisms in the world and you seemed to be determined for everyone to learn the curriculum.
however, jeongin could not focus on anything except your figure. you were wearing a white skin-tight turtleneck and black formal pants that emphasize your ass. all topped off with a large suit jacket and black louis vuitton heels.
it overall made his heart jump for joy just enjoying the view.
he thought about how those heels would look wrapped around his waist as he pounds into you; screaming his name. or maybe how your tiny hand would slip around his throat as he begs for your come.
“mr. yang?”
jeongin quickly snaps out of his trance to hear you calling his name. and not in the way he wanted.
you looked up at him with sad eyes, upset at him for not paying attention to your favorite lesson. “what’s going through that head yours? is it more important than organisms?”
he quickly fixed his posture, shaking his head rapidly, and responded with, “n—no, i’m sorry noona. i just was thinking too hard about something. i’ll promise to listen from now on.”
you hummed with caution, continuing the biological lecture. the student sighs gratefully for you letting him go off easily and tries to at least take some notes.
“yo, i.n. you okay?” a familiar voice whispered.
jeongin turns to see his two close friends, seungmin and felix, staring down at him in question. “yeah, you seem a little off today.”
confirming he says, “uh. y—yeah; i’m okay.”
“mhmm. okay with staring professor y/n down huh?” felix smirks.
the heat on i.n. 's cheeks becomes noticeable when hearing about his staring. he then tries to ignore the statement by writing his name and the current date in his notebook.
“leave him alone felix. he’s just probably having some problems with the lesson; you should perhaps ask noona for help.” seungmin tries to intervene.
“yeah; i mean, maybe noona can also help you with other problems. if you know what i mean.” felix grins bumping jeongin’s arm.
“boys?! care to tell us what is so interesting other than my lesson?” your voice suddenly booms throughout the room. jeongin jumps at your tone and begins to apologize again once making you soften.
“that’s alright, but please pay attention. oh, and jeongin, stay after class for a few minutes to speak with me.”
he didn’t know what to think at that moment; with felix oohing in one of his ears and seungmin trying to shush him in his other or the fact that you wanted to talk to privately.
alone, with no one around, made his mind officially shut down.
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“you wanted to speak with me noona?”
you shifted around to see jeongin’s stiff form; then took note of how nervous he looked and gave him a light smile. “hey, kiddo. i just wanted to see how you were doing lately.” you wished to see some type of relief release through him.
but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
he still looked kind of anxious to speak with you, letting you know how intimidating you seemed. “hey it’s all good, you're not in trouble or anything, i promise. i’ve noticed how you’ve been acting recently in my class and how your scores dropped a little,” you reassured.
“ai! i’m so sorry noona!”
you giggle at the student’s consistent apologies. in your mind, you thought how cute he was; like a puppy aching to gain approval from its owner.
maybe you could make him as your puppy and work hard for that admiration.
immediately, you shake your head from the naughty images. ever since the semester started a few months ago, your thoughts almost ran around yang jeongin.
how his pretty smile, concealed by clear braces, shined at your speaking, how his crescent-shaped eyes followed your every move; making you feel sexy, how large and veiny his arms grew over time within the season, etc.
“that’s alright, jeongin. i just want you to feel comfortable in my lectures. how about this, you and i have a session later this evening to cover the material for the next exam. what do you think pup’?” you offering, accidentally calling him by the pet name you gave him.
after catching the tiny nickname, jeongin clumsy drops his possessions while feeling something swell in his pants. he begins to overthink the word. pup’? why did that sound so nice coming out of your mouth? and how was he gonna hide the fact that his dick got hard in the middle of their conversation?
“i–i’m sorry!”
“oh! no worries hun! here; let noona help you out.”
you instantly proceeded over, bent down, and gathered i.n.’s school objects. starting with some of his blue pens, his macbook, and then his green two-subject notebook. “n–noona! i got the notebook, it’s okay.” jeongin stuttered.
it was almost like he was trying hard to hide something in the notebook, and suddenly it all made sense as it opened to the front page.
yang y/n. it was his surname combined with your first name.
it seemed as if time swiftly froze with silence when discovering the secret. however, it didn’t bother you essentially much as jeongin thought it would have had. “aw, pup’, this is cute. yang y/n has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
the air that was in jeongin’s lungs properly stopped working when distinguishing how seductive your tone became. “i–i..”
“relax a lil’ pup’. listen, will you promise to meet me later this eveningfor some tutoring. i think you could really use it. plus if you’re good–”
you shifted closer to the student’s ear lobe and whispered, “–noona could give you a reward.”
jeongin swore he felt some pre-cum drip down from his pants. “y–yes, noona.” he swallowed trying to moist his dry throat, then jumped moaning in pleasure when your small hand gripped around his erection.
“good. see you then, pup’.”
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a few hours later, jeongin ends up at the university’s public library, not knowing what to expect. though, he did make sure to be ready for any possible situation. what did you mean by rewarding him? did you feel the same way he did?
you must have since you did touch his swollen cock during your conversation. or maybe it was just his imagination?
jeongin sighs restlessly thinking of the concept while waiting for your arrival. that soon ends as he hears your alluring voice greet out, “hiya pup’! ready for our lesson?”
he peers up from the library’s table to see you wearing informal clothing. a tight crew neck that reveals your smooth arms extending down to red-painted nails and large breasts bouncing with every step you take.
“ah! i hope you weren’t waiting too long, i got held up in traffic.”
“t–that’s okay noona! i just got here.”
you smile at his nervousness, now acknowledging where it came from, and sat down in the hard chair right next to him. “good, we can get started. i hope you’re ready,” you whispered, feeling an urge to dominate.
jeongin gulps recognizing a certain excitement coming from his pants within hearing your tone and replies with, “r–ready?”
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“so, what does adaptation consist of?”
jeongin couldn’t comprehend what you were saying being he focused on the way your glossed-up lips looked. the way he could imagine it wrapped around cock or it traveling up and down the side of his neck molding kisses; it worked him to the point where he was solid hard.
“pup’, what is going through that mind of yours?”
“s–sorry. it’s just, i guess this lesson isn’t grasping in my head yet.” he tries to explain not wanting to upset you.
however, instead of upsetting you, your colored eyes just darken. “oh! i have any idea; remember when i said i would reward you if do good–”
jeongin nods excitedly, making you giggle.
“–well, i know you understand the concept of this chapter. so to push you a little more, i’ll ask you a question and if you get it right, that little cock of yours will get to come.”
the student freezes up at your approach, thinking it was a dream too good to be true. “w-wait what?”
“what is the definition of homeostasis?”
“i, uh, i think it's an organism's constant adjustment to maintain stable conditions in itself?”
you reached under the table discreetly and unbuttoned the pants on jeongin grasping his swollen cock. “o-oh my god, noona!”
“shh, pup’. you gotta be quiet for me; now onto the next question. who created the biogenesis theory?”
jeongin’s breath became too much for him to handle feeling the pre-cum drip from his blood-filled tip. “n–noona, please.”
“come on puppy, tell me the answer or i stop.”
his mind starts to rush trying to find the answer before you let him go. it took him a couple of seconds, but once he got it, he hurried to speak. “henry charlton bastain!”
“good puppy.” your tiny hand moves faster, satisfied with the statement. you felt his cock throbbing with every stroke you took. like jeongin, you dreamt of this same exact moment. you wanted to control the poor student every time he walked through your room, when he made eye contact with you, or even when his plump bottom lip was bitten from his teeth.
and finally, it was happening.
“oh, who’s a good puppy for noona?”
“m-me! i am noona.”
“that’s right pup’. next question, what are the five steps to the scientific method?”
i.n.’s vein from his cock popped out sensing the rubbing moving faster than before. “i only know four noona!”
“too bad, i wanted five or i slow down.” you coldly demand.
jeongin began to try to think hard on the five steps letting the sensation run through his body. “o-okay. it’s defining the problem, making a hypothesis, testing it, analyzing the results… then..”
your hand slows at his hesitation. “give me the last one puppy.”
“oh! noona, don’t stop! i–i. is it d–drawing the conclusions?”
“good puppy!”
his cock grows bigger when your finger grips at the base. then, you painted nails lightly scratch at his tight balls. “oh! noonaaa. that feels sooo goood. pleaseee.”
“continue to answer like a good pup’ then i’ll keep going.”
soon after the next few questions, jeongin sits near his breaking point. “nooonnnaaa! please!”
“grab your textbook and hold it up.”
i.n. clutches the hard-covered biology book to cover both you and him from public eyes. suddenly, you lower yourself to his lips, deeply kissing him with tongue, and wander towards his earlobe. “one more question, pup’. what does stimulus mean?”
“uh! noona! please let me come! make your puppy come!” he moans a little too loud.
“shh. answer the question, then i’ll let you come.”
“s-stimulus? it m-means anything an organism responds to.”
you then move your head to spit down to moist his penis. “good puppy! getting your small cock rubbed in front of everyone like a little slut.” you cup the back of his neck feeling the shivers release through him.
“you can come pup’, come for noona.”
jeongin then lets go, coming hard in your hand. “o-oh! thank you, thank you noona!”
after guiding him to his high, you let go of him and licked the white, sticky substance from your hand.
“good puppy. i’m sure you’ll be ready for that next exam.”
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glattandblade · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet with C!Technoblade
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By Author Glatt
hi! so heres a filler inbetween fics, im currently writing 3 and im trying to take my time, so in the mean time i whipped up this, im also posting an nsfw one later :)
Warnings: none
Hc Template by: @ magical-warlock 
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Techno usually likes to stay inside, cuddling you and bonding over books you read, sometimes you guys go adventuring together but techno is pretty protective
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Techno could care less about looks, but he usually prefers his s/o abit heavier since it reminds him of aphrodite!
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Techno would be great at this, having known how it feels. He’d learn what you need, trying not to overwhelm you and just wrap you in a blanket and hand you water/whatever you need and hold you.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Techno doesn't really have a picture in mind, but he does know he will be with his s/o forever, he's dedicated to you, he’s content how it is now, so he’ll do whatever you want
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Dominant! Definitely dominant.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
It would take a lot to piss off techno, considering he’s head over heels with you, it would take a bit to forgive you.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Very grateful! Techno is grateful for every day with you, and he thanks the gods they gifted him with you.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Techno likes to be fairly honest about everything, even the voices, but he refuses to reshare anything from battles or certain things the voices say, they don't want to make his s/o uncomfortable or anything.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Techno definitely had his life lit up, he was getting rather lonely alone in his cottage, but he looked forward to coming home from battles.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Techno wouldn't get jealous too easily, he knows you love him as much as he does, although he does have times he gets jealous. 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
I dont think techno would be too good at kissing at first, his first kiss would be with you, very clumsy but he’d learn quick and get good at it.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Oh god- it was awkward.  Techno has never done this before, what was the proper way? He asked philza’s opinion, and he ended up on your doorstep with a gold bracelet, and asked to court you.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Techno would definitely marry you, i feel he’d propose somewhere you were the most happy (like if you liked going adventuring to x) the marriage would be great, although he was always worried about losing you.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Techno would start calling the reader Porkchop! It kinda stuck, i think it would come from phil! And also princess, hes HUGE on princess/prince, because you are one in his eyes!
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Its not obvious at all, people were shocked when it came out you were dating, he never really talked about you and you never did PDA, he likes to keep it in private.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Techno prefers not to do PDA, but if asked he will confirm hes in a relationship with you, if you really wanted to he’d hold your hand in public.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s quite tall! So it makes for great cuddles, that and i feel like he would always have an instinct to trade, just like piglins. So when you got him gifts, he would give plenty of gifts back :)
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Techno wouldnt be that romantic at first, hes still getting the hang of it, but as time goes on he would be more romantic, he’d be rather creative.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Of course! Techno would reassure you and do everything in his power to help achieve your goals.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He’d be down to try out new things, but he prefers to keep to a certain routine
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows you pretty well, and he is empathetic but sometimes you get into fights bc hes a sarcastic asshole and he doesn't seem sarcastic and seems /srs
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
It means so much to him. Man would be taken back to be executed if it meant your safety
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Techno gets embarrassed by it, but he loves when you scratch the back of his ears, it feels nice! If hes having a rather bad day, you guys will cuddle and you’ll just scratch his ears
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
In private? Fuck yes. Man is rather touchy
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Well, hes usually out killing, so killing (get it ig) he’d be kinda urked and you could tell lol
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Like stated, he’d sacrifice himself for you, he’s hell-bent on keeping you safe, since he's such a big target from everyone.
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
S/O with a Werewolf Quirk
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, 18+, cursing, Bakugou being a simp
A/N: my references mainly come from Teen Wolf, and if you haven’t watched that show, I highly recommend it ;)
*Everyone is aged up to 18*
Man, when Bakugou first laid eyes on you, he only thought of one thing
“Yea, I’ll beat wolfy’s ass any day” cocky bastard
He took notice of how you could control whether or not you wanted your ears and tail to show up. In his mind, he thought it was way cuter
Not that he would ever tell anyone
But what really grabbed his attention was your control and power when it came to your quirk
At first he thought “so what, she’s a wolf. Those wild dogs could easily be beaten.”
BABY BOY BABY BOOYYYYUHHH!! Miss Y/N ain’t just a wolf NO BABYYY, she’s a WEREWOLF
So when he saw you’re superhuman speed, strength, sight, smell, and hearing you can say he was thoroughly impressed
What sealed the deal was when he watched you spar with Kirishima
That’s when he saw you do a front flip into your giant wolf form. Your white coat, sharp claws, and razor fangs threw the blonde off guard
Then your E/C eyes changed to red (symbolizing your alpha status)
Yup. Katsuki was awestruck. And when you easily took down his best friend in your sparring match, even he was sure that he felt something towards you
And now here you both are, almost in the 2nd year of your relationship
Katsuki absolutely loved and adored everything about you
He’s definitely a simp for you
Forgot your notes? Have his. Need some food? Your favorite meal is on the table. Lost your eye-liner? Katsuki is giving you his entire supply
(C’mon, we all know that boy uses it for his hero mask)
One time you started tearing though because you poked your eye with your eye liner and Katsuki threatened it
.....Yes. The boy threatened the eye-liner
Don’t make fun of him, he just loves his pup too much
Speaking of pup, it’s one of his many nicknames for you
Of course there’s the basic “babe, baby, princess, and my love” and also the very Bakugou names like “dumbass, nerd, shitty woman, and loser”
But there’s also the ones involving your quirk! Like pup, wolfy, Alpha girl, and she-wolf
Training was always fun with Alpha girl
Bakugou thought fighting a creature of the night would be exciting
Y’all never held back against one another, so you were the perfect matchup for Katsuki. Your human form alone could definitely take him on but oh boy, when you went into wolf form
You were IN👏 THE👏 ZONE👏
You definitely stay giving Katsuki some of his hardest matches but he loves it all at the same time
You were definitely an outdoors typa girl, which was great for Bakugou!
Picnics on top of the mountains? Definitely. Hiking in the forest? Duh! Rock climbing? Girl he gonna marry you
But it wasn’t just the dates
He loved how affectionate and loyal you were and How you would always have his back no matter what
You really made him feel secure in your relationship
Cuddles are the best
His favorite types of cuddles are when you decide to bring out your soft and fluffy ears and tail
He loves to hold onto your ears and tail and just pet you, it works as stress relief for both you and him
That’s not the only stress relief he experiences while dating you though👀
Heat season baby!!!
While it only happens once every 6 months, and for 5 days at max, Katsuki enjoys it every time. He enjoys helping his pup with this certain problem
It’s definitely the most exhausting and euphoric week Katsuki gets every once in awhile, but he loves every second of it
Nasty teenage boy hormones
You can bet everywhere y’all went, y’all christened the place. From yours and his beds, y’all tables and desks, not to mention the floor to even the school building in places like empty classrooms, small closets, and even the locker rooms
Y’all some Nasty freaks
Moving on
Katsuki overall just enjoys your fierce passion for everything you do. It inspires him in a way
Your devotion, determination, intelligence, loyalty, and charming personality had Katsuki wrapped around your finger and he knew this
And he didn’t mind it at all :)
A/N: My first headcanon! What do you think? Still getting used to the writings and I’ve been given some awesome tips. I will definitely be exploring other forms of writing pieces like Drabbles, short stories, headcanons etc. Hopefully I get better in the future. Once again, NOT spell checked, my apologies for any mistakes. Thx bear Cubs! Hope you enjoyed <3
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Nagito’s Fluff Alphabet
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Mod Ibuki: Yes!!! Two of Mod Ibuki’s favorite things! Fluff and Nagito! Here you are, Nonnie! I hope you enjoy! Fluff alphabet is from @mod-sonia-writes-stuff
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
-Nagito loves being able to just spend time with or around his SO. I feel like one of his favorite things would be quiet dates while cuddling and just enjoying each others company.
-Nagito would love to do quiet activities with his SO like reading outside or going for walks on sunny days.
B eauty- What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
-....This man you guys.... Nagito would believe every inch of his SO is the most beautiful thing in the universe! Nagito would adore his SO in all of their being.
-If his SO is insecure about something, you’d better believe he’s going to spend the next few hours telling you about how much he adores every bit of you and how your so called “flaws” are really just what make you even more beautiful.
-Although, Nagito is more of one to fall in love with his SO for who they are, rather than what they look like. I think he finds his SO’s kindness to be the most beautiful thing about them.
C omfort- How would they help their S/O when they feel down/have a panic attack?
-Nagito can read his SO like a novel. When he notices them starting to spiral, you’d better believe he’ll be there with his arms open. Nagito has had more than his fair share of panic attacks, so he’s also pretty quick to realize when his SO starts to spiral.
-He starts out by pulling you into his arms and repeating sweet nothings as well as reminders that you are safe.
-After you calm down, he’d ask you if you’d want to talk about it, and he’d hands down be the best listener when it came to needing a listening ear.
-If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s completely fine! Nagito would spend the rest of the day telling you how much he loves you and would probably be watching your comfort shows/movies with you.
D reams- How do they picture their future with their s/o?
-Honestly, Nagito never even would’ve thought he would’ve gotten this far. His luck has blessed him with an angel.
-He’s hesitant about planning ahead too much, because he’s afraid his bad luck will jinx everything.
-But deep down, Nagito would be happy as long as you loved him forever, and he got the chance to love you forever <3
E qual- Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
-Nagito overall is pretty passive, most of the time he lets his SO make decisions because for a while, he didn’t believe he was good enough to be making decisions.
-It took a lot of love and convincing on your part to remind him that you are equals in your relationship and you wanted his input.
-Even after he brings to make suggestions for date ideas and such, he would always seem to want your approval. Give it to him. Give it to him now
F ight- Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
-Honestly, fights with Nagito are about as rare as they come.
-I honestly find it hard to believe Nagito would really have true fights with his SO.
-When/if they do fight though, usually it would be about Nagito’s SO trying to help him with his self depreciation.
G rattitude- How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
- Nagito is beyond grateful for his SO! He’ll let you know every second he gets the chance to as well!
-“SO, I truly am lucky to be graced with your beautiful hope every day”
- Nagito is more than aware of what his SO is doing for him and honestly feels guilty at first. He thinks he doesn’t deserve you, but overtime that insecurity fades
H onesty- Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
-I think Nagito would be a mostly open book with his SO, although it would take a while for him to open up to them.
- Once he’s comfortable, I believe he would tell his SO just about anything
I nspiration- Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helping them over some personal problems?
-I think we all are aware of Nagito’s self depreciation by now.
- It took a long time, but eventually you were able to help him break this hateful way of thinking.
-Anytime he would say he was trash or unworthy, you would step in with complimenting him instead
-“Are you really sure it’s okay for trash like me to touch you?”
-“Nagito, I think you’re beautiful. And yes, I’m completely sure.”
-The first time you did this he was completely taken aback
-Nagito.exe has stopped working
J ealousy- Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
-Nagito does get jealous easily, but not in the traditional sense.
-For instance, if he sees his SO spending time or talking with someone else, he goes back to self deprecating.
-When he gets like this, he does one of two things
1) distances himself as much as possible in the current area or
2) Tends to hover or even become clingy
-After the first few times, his SO picks up on his behavior and tries to include him in the conversation or holds his hand while drawing patterns on his palm as reassurance.
K iss- Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
-Nagito is pretty hesitant at first when it comes to kisses.
-He’s so afraid that he doesn’t deserve you and feels as if he’d be dirtying you in some way at first.
-As for the first kiss, I believe that his SO would have to initiate it.
-This would be his first kiss as well, so he wouldn’t think he would be very experienced, but it’s a good thing luck is on his side because his kisses are always gentle and comforting
-The first few kisses you share are very soft, almost as if your lips are barely touching at all.
-After a while though, he realizes how addicted he is to his SO’s kisses and quickly becomes more comfortable
-He’ll never outright ask for a kiss, however you can usually tell when he wants one.
L ove Confession- How would they confess to their s/o?
- I believe after Nagito allows himself to love you, he would tell you right away
- He would wrap his arms around them and whisper to them about how in love he is with them and the hope that they emit
-You can feel just how fast his heart is beating as he confesses and how it speeds up when you tell him that you love him too
M arriage- Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
-Nagito has always wanted to get married, but I do believe he would be scared that his luck would get in the way
-It would take some time and a lot of heart-to-heart conversations, but he would eventually ask you to marry him.
-I believe he would propose to you on a pretty relaxed date while doing something you both enjoy
-When married, Nagito would be a stay at home husband because of his illness while his s/o would be at work or whatever they choose.
-Because of Nagito’s wealth, you don’t necessarily need to work if you don’t want to. However, he would be fully supportive of whatever his SO chooses to do.
N icknames- What do they call their s/o?
-You are 100% without a doubt “My Hope”
-Would also call you “Angel”, “My love”, or “My dear”.
O n Cloud Nine- What are they like when they are in love? How do they express their feelings?
-I believe that Nagito would definitely follow his SO and be kinda clingy
-When this boy is w h i p p e d for his SO he is going to follow them around like a puppy
-He also looks at his SO like they are the most precious thing in the world (because, well, to him they are)
-Nagito would be one to wrap his arms around his SO and whisper in their ear about how much they mean to him
-Please play with his hair when he does this
P DA- Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag about their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
-Oh 100% upfront about his relationship
-When talking to others, he will always find a way to talk about his SO and how wonderful they are with a lovestruck look gracing his features
-When it comes to physical PDA though, it takes a while for Nagito to get comfortable with the idea of it’s something you desire.
-After a while though, is almost always holding your hand or hugging you from behind
Q uirk- Some random ability they have that’s beneficial to the relationship
-Hmm so I believe that his luck combined with his knowledge of romance stories would be very beneficial.
-Nagito swears he knows nothing about relationships but this man is S M O O T H
- Nagito is 100% the guy that would have flowers delivered to your work because they reminded him of you
R omance- How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliche or rather creative?
-Like stated above, Nagito is a hopeless romantic who tends to be more on the cliche side.
-He would quite literally do anything to make his SO happy. Want chocolate and snuggles? Done. Can’t sleep and want to watch a movie? He’s there with your favorite blanket and snack.
S upport- Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
-Nagito would be supportive of his SO i’m just about anything they set themselves to achieve as long as it doesn’t harm them in some way.
-He will always be there to support and love you no matter what you set your mind to <3
T hrill- Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
-Leave Nagito’s luck to spice just about anything up. That being said, he prefers to plan things to be pretty simple in the beginning. Sometimes however, his luck can make your plans take quite the unexpected turn
-I believe he would like to have some sort of routine and stay on the calmer side though. Just enjoying being in the presence of his SO is already more than enough for him
U nderstanding- How well do they know their partner?
-Nagito is very good at reading people, his SO is no exception
-Nagito is able to read his SO like a book, and sometimes you’re convinced he knows you better than you know yourself
-He can pick up even the slightest hint of discomfort or unease that you may produce in .5 seconds
V alue- How important is the relationship to them?
-Your relationship means absolutely everything to Nagito. Not a day goes by when he doesn’t think of his SO
-It was his dream to someday be loved, and now that he’s got that, he’s going to hold onto it as best as he can
W ild card- A random fluff headcannon
-Nagito absolutely LOVES playing with his S/O’s hair. Whether he’s simply running his hands through it, or braiding it, he’ll always be content.
-He’s also very good at braiding hair, and if you ask him to braid it, he’ll be there in 10 seconds with a comb and a hair tie.
-He also loves his hair being played with. He’ll fall asleep the quickest with his head on your chest and your fingers running through his fluffy hair.
X OXO- How affectionate are they?
-Nagito is a very affectionate lover. You wouldn’t be able to go a day without knowing how much he loves and appreciates you.
-I personally believe that Nagito’s love language would be physical touch, so he would always want to be close to you any second you have the chance
Y earning- How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
-Nagito would be very down when missing his SO and I believe he would become even more withdrawn.
-He usually copes by reminiscing about time the two of you have shared and by looking at pictures you two have together
Z eal- Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship?
-I believe Nagito would do just about anything for his SO. As stated before, his relationship means just about everything to him so you’d better believe he’d be willing to go to great lengths for his SO.
-You are his ultimate hope after all <3
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
Hi I love your blog! Can you do the fluff alphabet for Mikasa?? 🏳‍🌈
YES I love Mikasa <3
Sorry these take forever because they are a COMMITMENT to sit down and write, but they’re also so fun!!
Fluff Alphabet: Mikasa
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
She honestly just wants to be with them, but on special date nights, she would love to go to the park for a walk or maybe an art gallery. Probably her favorite activity with her SO is stargazing, just the two of them curled up on a blanket admiring the sky, it’s so intimate.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
She is absolutely enchanted by her SO. She loves the way they blush just slightly when they smile, the way they dance to their music when they think nobody’s watching. She memorized all of their tiny unique mannerisms because they’re just so charming. Everything about them is so stunning.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
She’s not great with her words, but she has such a determination to comfort them. If they were having a panic attack, she’d make sure to get them somewhere quiet and calm. She’d offer to just wrap them up in her arms, or to sit quietly with them. If they were just having a bad day or feeling down, she would clear her schedule so she didn’t have to leave their side all day. She’d lay their head in her lap, running her hands through their hair, and either letting them vent, or talking to distract them. She hates seeing them upset, and her protective instincts kick in instantly.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
She doesn’t think about the future. Since she was little, she’s had to live in the moment and think on her feet, so she never really lets herself start to make plans. But, once she started getting serious with her SO, she probably let herself have just a little bit of faith in the future. I don’t think she fantasizes about the typical domestic life, but she does love the idea of stability. In general, she just wants more time with her SO.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Equal, leaning towards Mikasa being a bit more dominant. She tends to fall into the role of protector for her SO, literal or figurative, but there’s obviously nothing definite. She needs to be protected sometimes, too.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
She doesn’t fight over petty things and serious fights don’t happen often, but when they do, it can be pretty rough. She doesn’t yell or anything, in fact, she gets very quiet, and it’s obvious that her feelings are hurt whenever they fight. She’s good at finding compromises, though, because she really hates fighting. Her goal is never to hurt her SO back, even if they said something that accidentally hurt her, because she hates making them upset.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
This baby is sooo grateful! She’s so used to being the one supporting other people, so each time her SO goes out of their way to show their affection or do something for her, she is so ridiculously honored and touched. She considers herself so lucky to have them in her life, and even though it’s awkward, she voices it as much as she can.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
She would never hide anything from her SO that involves them or could hurt them. For the most part, she’s an open book. But there’s obviously a lot in her life that she would have reason to suppress and not talk about, in addition to the fact that she has trouble voicing her feelings. Even still, I think she would make an effort to talk about her past in the name of total transparency in the relationship.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I think they inspire each other. She’s such a calming presence, so I think her SO, especially if they’re a pretty anxious person, might become a bit more relaxed around her. On the other hand, Mikasa is absolutely inspired by them every day. She allows herself to depend on them and open up to them, even having some hope for the future. I know it sounds cheesy, but they genuinely remind her that there is so much happiness in the world.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
For the most part, she’s not a jealous person. But, she’s human, so of course she gets jealous once in a while. She trusts her SO without a doubt, but it makes her uncomfortable when she can tell someone is flirting with them. If it makes them uncomfortable as well, she’s scaring that person off instantly. When she does get jealous, she probably just goes to her SO for a hug and a quick reminder that she’s more than enough for them. It’s never caused a fight or anything.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Their first was just a small, soft little kiss early in the morning, and I think they probably kept that tradition of tiny kisses. Mikasa isn’t an overly affectionate person, but she expresses a lot with just a little kiss, maybe even on their forehead. It may not be what people would consider “passionate” but there’s still so much behind it.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
She probably thought about it for a bit, but she had no idea she was going to confess when she did. They were absolutely stargazing in the park, and she looked over and thought about just how amazing her SO is, so it just came out. She wasn’t even really embarrassed afterwards; if anything, she was overwhelmed by how easily she had said it. And it’s not something that she throws around all the time after that, especially because she has trouble with vulnerability. Every time she says she loves them, she means it.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
She doesn’t really fantasize about getting married like some people do, but it’s not something she would be opposed to. Personally, she feels secure in her relationship no matter what, and she doesn’t need a document to tell her that she’s in love. But if it would hold meaning to her SO, she’s all over it. She would plan a quietly romantic proposal in private, probably somewhere significant to their relationship. Their wedding would be pretty small, just between themselves and close friends and family, celebrating their love. It would be beautifully planned, too.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
She probably uses “love” sometimes, but for the most part, she uses their name. It just sounds so nice, and it’s a little added connection between the two of them.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
She’s not obvious at all when she’s in love, except to her SO. Anybody else she interacts with, even the closest family and friends, wouldn’t notice a thing. But her SO can absolutely see the way she stares at them with a quiet smile, thinking they don’t see it. And they notice the way she always needs some form of contact with them, whether it’s holding their hand or pressing next to them while sitting together. She does make an effort to express her feelings as much as she can, even if she has trouble being vulnerable.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
She’s very private with her relationship. The most PDA anyone will see is her holding their hand underneath the table, or slowly sliding closer to them until their knees are pressed together. She also doesn’t really talk about it much. The people close to her absolutely know about the relationship, but she’s not one to brag; she just wants to keep the best parts of their relationship between the two of them.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
She’s incredibly motivated. Sounds like it would be overwhelming for her SO, right?? Wrong. She channels that motivation into helping them, especially if they struggle with mental health and are somewhat unmotivated because of it. She’s that one person who volunteers to help clean someone’s depression room, and she’s her SO’s best support when they need to get something done. She loves being able to lift just a little bit of their stress by lending a hand.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
She’s incredibly romantic! She loves finding little ways to make her SO smile and express how much she cares about them, so she’s definitely more creative. But, she also probably allows herself to indulge in some cliches once in a while because it’s something she never foresaw herself getting to do.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
She’s their biggest cheerleader! She absolutely believes in her SO to no end, and she’d do whatever she can to help them reach their goals. She’s honestly inspired by their determination, and she knows that they have the ability to do anything they put their mind to.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Probably a mix of both. She loves getting to experience new things with her SO, especially if it’s something they’re interested in. But for the most part, she feels so comfortable and safe in a routine, and she loves having something she can depend on to be the same. Besides, their routines are likely much more intimate than any new activity, and she adores getting to spend time with them like that.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
She’s practically a mind reader. It’s really just because she observed her SO at the start of their relationship, their mannerisms and reactions and opinions, and she took note of them all. Now, she can tell instantly what is going through their mind or how they are feeling, and she empathizes strongly, even if it’s not something she’s experienced.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Their relationship is so important to her. Since they became serious, she’s slowly allowed herself to open up and rely on them, trusting that they will be there for her, so I think it would be hard for her to lose that. But more than anything, she just wants them to be happy, whatever that means.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon
She tried to learn to cook for her SO as a surprise for their birthday. So she printed out recipes and bought the ingredients for their favorite foods, and before they were even awake, she started cooking. It didn’t turn out great, but they could tell she was so proud, and it was adorable. She probably had to try not to gag after the first bite, so if her SO ate any of it, she would be absolutely touched.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
She’s not honestly an overly affectionate person, partially because she has trouble letting herself be vulnerable. She just expresses her love in different ways. But, especially if one of them had a bad day or if she’s tired, she will be very affectionate. She absolutely loves when her SO runs a hand through her hair as they lay together, and she feels so safe with her head in their lap as they trace little circles over her cheek. She also loves getting to wrap them up in her arms, their head pressed into her chest as if she can physically channel her emotions and love to them.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
She’s definitely not a yearning type. She misses them, absolutely, but she also loves how independent and bold they are, and it makes her happy to see them out chasing life experiences they’re passionate about. She would probably check in on them each day they are gone, though, just to make sure they’re alright and to hear their voice. Otherwise, she just continues to go about her routine, and logs anything funny into her memory to share when they return.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Absolutely. She’s invested in the relationship, especially because she’s not someone to take relationships lightly. If there is anything she can do to make their connection stronger and healthier, or to make her SO happier, she would do it!
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soobmint · 4 years
sober thoughts | choi yeonjun [f] ; [s] friends to lovers! au, 2.05k words
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s u m m a r y ; yeonjun has been your best friend for as long as the both of you can remember. he was there when you learned to tie your shoes, when you won your first spelling bee, when you had your first breakup, and when you graduated high school. now you’re both entering your first year of college—as the same old best friends, of course. the catch? yeonjun has conveniently forgotten to mention that he doesn’t quite see you as just a friend anymore.
n o t e ; my version of “suggestive” is still fluff, it’s just a tad more passionate than my normal stuff. i hope you enjoy this little musing of mine! it’s a very light-hearted oneshot that gave me so much joy while writing <3 (it’s almost too short for a oneshot, but definitely too long for a drabble, so i was a bit lost on what to categorize it as haha)
[back to masterlist]
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In elementary school, it was his job to wait for you every time you were running late, often forgetting to grab your backpack before you walked to school with him. He would wait beside of you on the sidewalk when you realized you had left your laces undone, or when he pointed out that your shoes were on the wrong feet.
As a middle schooler, he waited for you outside the orthodontist when you got your braces put on and during the countless checkups you had. And of course, he waited for you a few years later when you had both just entered high school as you got your braces removed. You had rushed out of the office right away, flashing him a big smile as you pointed to your teeth, chanting, “No more braces, Jun!”
When he saw your smile that day, he felt the butterflies for the first time.
Later that year, he waited for you when you were studying together for your first big test. You paced around the room, fretting and tugging at your hair as you complained about not having enough time to study, about the test being too big, about how you were certain you would fail. He waited until you paused for breath before he stood and took hold of your wrists, pulling your hands away from your face as he assured you that everything would be fine, that you were the smartest person he knew, so how could you fail?
When he gently held your hands and stared into your wide and sparkling eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he knew that he liked you as more than a friend.
In your senior year of high school, he waited as you sat together at the bus stop one night, rain pouring down, your head on his shoulder as tears spilled down your cheeks, falling onto the fabric of his shirt, the denim of his jeans, the skin of his hand. He waited until you had finished telling him all about your first heartbreak. About how the boy who promised to give you the world instead caused it to fall to pieces around you, because you had been certain he was the love of your life, so how could he break your heart in such a terrible way?
He waited until your sobs had slowed to hiccups before he placed a finger under your chin and lifted your face towards his, bringing his hands to hold your cheeks so he could catch your tears with his thumbs.
When he saw your swollen face and felt you tremble from the heartache against his hands that night, he swore that he would do anything he could to restore the promises your jerk of an ex failed to keep. He would catch the very stars in his hands if that’s what it took to bring the light back into your eyes. He would do anything to see your smile, the same one that brought him those first butterflies all those years ago.
It was then that he knew he was helplessly in love with you.
But, as always, Yeonjun knew he would have to wait. He was certain that you did not love him as anything more than a friend.
If he planned to wait for your feelings to mirror his own, he figured he’d be waiting forever.
But what else was he to do?
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Since you had both started college together a month ago, you had agreed to make time once a week for movies on Friday nights at six o’clock. They were usually hosted at your house, but this week, Yeonjun had invited you to his apartment so he could show off his new T.V. 
He had excitedly prepared your favorite drinks and your favorite movie snack—popcorn with M&Ms mixed in. He had to carefully pick out all of the red M&Ms by hand. It was an old habit; as kids, red dye had always made you exceptionally hyper. Whenever you ate M&Ms, he would pick out the red ones and eat them, leaving the rest for you. No matter how many times you told him that it didn’t effect you any longer, he refused to change his ways.
“After all that trouble, you’re not even going to show up?” He mumbled from where he sat upside down on the couch, his head on the floor, legs stuck straight up in the air. He glanced at his phone, pouting at the lack of a text or call from you. It was twenty minutes past six.
After a moment of debating, he decided to try calling you. He was shocked when you picked up right away.
“Jun!” You said cheerfully, the volume in your voice louder than he had expected.
 He pulled the phone away from his ear with a grimace before answering with, “Where are you?”
“I was just about to call you! Some friends of mine dragged me to the bar, and I didn’t get a chance to tell you’d I’d be running a bit late,” you explained. 
“The bar?” Yeonjun furrowed his brows, swinging his legs down so that he could sit up straight. You had a tendency to say—and do—odd things when you were under the influence, so you usually avoided drinking in public. He found it odd that you’d go out drinking so unexpectedly, and with such little resistance.
“Don’t worry! I’m on my way to your place right now,” you assured him. “Actually, I’m here now! Could you ring me in?”
“Mm,” Yeonjun hummed, standing to his feet as he ended the call. He rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly feeling more nervous than he usually did at the thought of you coming over. In the past, whenever you were drunk and around him, you would get really close to him, touch his arm, lean in when you spoke to him, and hug him way more than usual. Of course, he didn’t mind these things. But he was afraid every time that he’d accidentally let his guard slip and end up telling you the secret that he’d been keeping from you for years; he was in love with you.
With a sigh, he buzzed you in, doing his best to steel his nerves before you walked in. 
He was already back on the couch and turning the T.V. on when you burst through his door, slamming it shut behind you as you tore your shoes off and slid your feet into the pair of slippers you kept at his apartment. He glanced at you over his shoulder, unable to stop the grin that spread across his lips at the sight of you rushing about.
“Yeonjun!” You shouted, stumbling over your feet and nearly falling to the floor as you ran to the living room. You planted yourself firmly in front of him, blocking his view of the T.V. 
“Hey, move over would you?” He griped, swatting at the air in front of you with his hand. “I’m trying to get the movie started.”
“I have something to say first.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, curiosity biting at the back of his mind. But, he remembered that you had been out drinking, and decided that anything you planned to tell him was probably a result of the alcohol in your bloodstream. Not wanting to put himself in a compromising situation, he shook his head quickly, pouting. “Just wait ‘til after the movie, alright? You’re already twenty minutes late, you’re lucky I didn’t start it without you—“
He stopped in the middle of his sentence when you tore the remote from his grasp, switched the power off, and threw it to the ground. He watched, slack-jawed and dumbfounded, as the remote slid off under the recliner on the other side of the room.
“What—what are you doing?” He asked. Slowly, he raised a finger at you. “This always happens when you drink. Next time, I’m not letting you in my house drunk—”
He was cut off once again, breath caught in his throat as you leaned forward, placing both hands against the back of the couch on either side of him. He leaned back right away, but even with his back pressed fully into the cushion behind him, your nose was brushing against his, lips a breath away.
“What are you doing?” He asked again, his voice hardly above a whisper. 
Your eyes searched his for a moment.
And then, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his.
He gasped against your mouth, and he could have sworn that his heart went still before it began pounding against his chest at triple the normal rate. It was a moment that he had imagined for years; lying in his bed late at night, wondering what it would feel like to have your lips against his, the smell of your perfume encircling him, the feeling of having you so close to him, of your body moving closer, your lips growing insistent as they moved over his own.
But now that it was happening, it was all wrong.
It took everything within him to bring his hands up to your shoulders and gently push you back, breaking the kiss. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, something similar to the hurt he had seen after your first breakup present in your gaze. He glanced away, hands gripping the fabric of your shirt sleeves.
“Sorry,” you whispered. “I thought—I just thought that you maybe felt the same way.”
“It’s not that,” He said quietly as he slowly brought his eyes back to meet yours, lips still tingling with the memory of your kiss. He glanced down at your lips, swallowing before he said, “You’re drunk.”
You furrowed your brows at him, tilting your head to the side. “I’m not drunk.” You narrowed your eyes. “Are you drunk?”
He blinked once, then twice. “N-No? But you said you were out at the bar—”
“Yes, as the babysitter for my friends,” you finished for him, a smile breaking across your lips. “I drove all of them home before coming straight here. I didn’t have anything to drink, Jun.”
He was quiet and still as he tried to process what you had just said. In an instant he had leaned forward, his lips capturing yours in a swift kiss that caught you off guard and caused you to stumble back a bit.
He pulled away quickly, swiping his thumb across his lips as the gears began to turn like crazy in his mind. 
He tasted no alcohol when he kissed you. Only the overpowering flavor of the cheap mint toothpaste that you always used.
That meant you had been sober the whole time.
That meant you had wanted to kiss him.
In a flash, his hands were on the sides of your face, his lips covering yours in another kiss as he stood to his feet, bringing you up with him. His kiss was desperate, his lips moving against yours feverishly, trying to make up for all the years they had spent waiting to touch yours. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck as he began to walk forward, hands pressing you up against him as he backed you up.
He moved forward, lips never leaving yours, until your back met the wall behind you. His hands traveled up your sides as he moved to kiss the corners of your mouth, then your cheek, then your jaw. He exhaled against your neck when your hands moved to his hair, tangling in the long threads and pulling on them gently. He placed his arms against the wall on either side of your face, caging you in as he moved his lips back up to yours, catching your bottom lip in his teeth.
He kissed you with all the passion and adoration he had been harboring for so long. After all those years of hoping and dreaming, of wishing and wondering, he kissed you like there was no tomorrow. 
Because Choi Yeonjun no longer had to wait for you, and he wasn’t going to waste a moment ever again.
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lilikags · 3 years
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ೃ‧₊› a b o u t  t h i s  p o s t° ➮ Pairing: Miya Atsumu x reader ➮ Oneshot ➮ Tags: fluff ➮ Word Count: 2182
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A/N: This is for @serowotonin​! [for Luna’s Valentines Day collab] Ik I said I was doing Atsumu bc “I was bored” but I always say “imagine being bored” and truly, I haven’t been bored for so long. I forgot that this was for the collab for a fat moment then when you saw the preview I was like, “Wait- no- it’s a surprise.” 
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Premise: You and Atsumu are cleaning out the apartment, when you find a few letters you thought you would never see again… 
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“Oi, (y/n), look at what I found,” you heard Atsumu say, leaning over the contents of a drawer he had been sifting through. 
“What?” you walked over to see what he had found. The two of you were cleaning out the apartment, as you were going to be moving out soon. Atsumu had a habit of keeping things that connected him to an important memory of his, unless he wanted to forget it- and this was one of them. You didn’t know he kept them- actually, it did make sense of him to, but you had simply forgotten about it and you somehow expected the same for him. You looked down to see what he had in his hands, and your face literally went emotionless as you saw the letter in his hands. 
You really didn’t mind the letters, for the most part. Actually, they held dear to you. However, that first one… you were grateful for it, but you also remembered just how bad you wanted to buy a grave space and bury it for eternity back then... 
Miya Atsumu.
This was a dare. This is a love letter. For Valentines. Happy valentines day. If you have extra chocolate, send me some. 
Sincerest thanks, (y/n). 
Atsumu usually threw away the letters he received every Valentines. It wasn’t that he was trying to be rude; it was just that there were too many letters for him to read (and reply to), so he usually just threw them out. Osamu often teased him for this; he boasted that he at least read his letters.
“Oi, ‘Samu, look at this one,” Atsumu called out to his brother. 
“What?” Osamu looked at him, with a face of disbelief. “Yer actually lookin’ at them?”
“Nah, not really, but this one’s hilarious,” Atsumu laughed. 
“Okay, not funny, keep yer lame humor to yourself.” 
“(y/n), truth or dare,” (b/f/n) asked. 
You smiled, “Dare.” 
“Hmmm… alright, send a love letter to Miya Atsumu- it has to be at least one line long.”
“I’m- okay then.” 
You brought out a piece of paper, wrote the first things that came to mind, and once you reached one line, you stopped. You folded the paper and grabbed whatever envelope you could find and sealed it with tape. The dare required actually giving the letter, much to your dismay, but it wasn’t like you could back down from a dare. After all, it was (b/f/n), and the nonstop teasing would definitely occur if you failed to complete the dare. 
Dearest (y/n), 
I did in fact receive your rather interesting letter, and I have decided to bring you some chocolate as you wished. I wish you, as well, a very happy valentine’s day this year.
Most sincerely, Atsumu. 
Atsumu was intrigued enough to write a reply; in fact, he decided to write in the most formal way possible. He knew from the letter that you were either a tsundere or someone who was actually dared to do so, and decided that it would be fun entertainment for the both of you. 
When you received the letter, you were surprised to see a reply. It was known he didn’t send out replies, yet you had received one. As you read it, you felt a need to reply; you’d simply feel bad if you didn’t. However, what was there to talk about? How the chocolates were good? He had stuck it on your first period desk, out in the open. And you also sincerely wondered what was with the overly formal tone. You do remember writing the most shitty letter you’ve ever written to him, and that volleyball-obsessed dude just writes something formal to you? Baffles the mind.
Well, then, if he was going to reply, you would too. 
Miya Atsumu,
Thanks for the chocolate- your fans make pretty good chocolate, I have to say. Bet I could make better chocolate than ya, ‘cause all ya focus on is just volleyball. Anyways, what was with the overly formal tone- ya like me or somethin’? Would be funny if ya did and I turned ya down. XD  
You never really thought of Miya Atsumu, but this really sparked your interest. It was amusing, his reactions. It was definitely something you didn’t expect- you actually didn’t expect a reply at all. The reply you received was definitely out of the ordinary as well, one you never thought a hotshot volleyball player would write. It seemed he was interested in you in some ways- and you as well. 
Pfffft, you think I might like ya? I just thought yer letter was interestin’, that’s all. Ya really think I can’t make chocolate? Bet I could make better chocolate than ya, I’ll show you. I make you chocolate myself and we’ll see how it tastes. Just you watch, I’ll make ya say I make the best chocolate ever! 
You saw that in your shoe locker the next morning- and everyone saw it. You were beginning to regret actually replying to him, but there was no backing out now. (b/f/n) really hit the goal here, for her. People were probably talking about it. It’s always some event that involves romance that catches everyone’s eye. And since it was just after valentine’s, everyone would automatically assume it was a love letter. In reality, it was simply a little bit of playful banter. 
You wondered if people actually knew who it was. You hoped not; it would gather way too much attention for your liking. You’d have an entire fanclub after you, and it was definitely (b/f/n)’s fault that you got into this entire mess. You had absolutely no idea if anyone saw him slip that into your shoe locker, since it had probably been there for a good hour or so before you and most of the other students got there. In any case, there was nothing you could do about people knowing things they already know, so you headed onto class. It was exam week, and you sighed; it would be a long day. 
When you arrived at homeroom, you were not-so-pleasantly surprised with what you found at your desk. You just wanted a quiet day; go to school, take the tests, and get out so you could relax at home. But no, you just had to see this and you knew there was a thing called rumors you had to deal with. Well, you could just be like “whatever” and not care, but you definitely knew who’d be after you, for real. Atsumu’s fanbase was quite scary, and definitely large- a group of people one would regret messing with. 
“Ugh- what am I going to do with this chocolate now, he gave me a lot yesterday…” 
“(y/n)! Oiiii, you got chocolate?! From who from who-”
“(b/f/n), if you say a word, you are going to be dead to me.”
“...” she looked away, but then turned to you again and whispered in your ear. “So, Miya Atsumu, who has a fanbase, likes you.” 
“I’m- no-”
“But what I’m seeing says otherwise?”
“Ugh, you’re coming to my house and you are going to pay for that dare.” 
“Oh ho ho, seems like I started something…” “Bet you did.”
Pisshead Atsumu
LMAO bet ya didn’t make the chocolate, yer terrible at lying <///3 seen this chocolate before. And like wtf you put a box of chocolate on my desk with YOUR NAME on it. Ya know that people will do a thing called assuming things, right? Smh, think before you act. Anyways, I’m counting on ya to fix up this mess.
When you finished class, the first thing you did was write the note. You were absolutely paranoid with this mess, and you were going to have Atsumu fix it. Yes, you did technically initiate contact first, but that was (b/f/n)’s fault and this could’ve avoided this if he hadn’t pulled off a whole stunt. 
It was already around 6 when he saw the note. A small smirk filled his expression, he was so sure that he would be able to get a good reaction out of (y/n). It was written on scrap paper, the back of a phys. ed worksheet. You wrote it in a rush, very obviously. That wasn’t really what caught his attention though; he was puzzled as to how he would fix this. Tell his fans to fuck off? Osamu would tease him for eternity.
“Oi, what’cha starin’ at?” he heard Osamu nag. “Mom’s waitin’ for us for dinner.”
“Hey, ‘Samu…  ya know how to fix this?” 
“Oi, ya shouldn’t be fightin’ at this hour,” the two heard Kita say, as he gave them a certain look. “... ‘m sorry…” the twins apologized.
Even after a fulfilling dinner made by their mother and a nice, hot shower, Atsumu still couldn’t think of a solution. Osamu almost snitched on him, but he decided that there was enough on their mom’s plate of problems at the moment. 
“What if ya said you were dating?” Osamu offered. 
“HAH?! ARE YA INSANE?!” Atsumu yelled at him.
“That would explain what happened at valentine’s.” 
“But there’s nothin’ between us-”
“Yer fanclub wouldn’t really believe anythin’ else.”
Can we meet when practice ends at 6 on Thursday?
M. Atsumu.
“... I’m- Is he just going to apologize then run away? Tch.” you sighed. You had the idea that Miya Atsumu was overconfident and carefree, but not to this extent. The least he could do was fix this- he had power over his fandom and what people said about him, unlike you. You had to go, it wasn’t like you really had much of a choice if you wanted to talk it out and fix it. 
“Hey, (y/n) are you and Atsumu dating?” one of your classmates asked, and a bunch of others hovered around the table, waiting to hear a response. (b/f/n) had told you rumors had spread around the entire school; you figured that would’ve happened. Any topic related to the twins spread like wildfire, especially the blonde-haired one. 
“... Can you not try to pry into my private life?” you replied, which you instantly realized was exactly a wrong answer to give. This implied that you were in fact dating Atsumu secretly, and you just made your life 10x worse. You figured you should just tell everyone what had happened, then the blame would be on (b/f/n)- it should preferably be placed on Atsumu, since he started it, really. 
When you met him at 6pm, you expected no contribution from him. Instead, you were met with a solid plan for something you weren’t really happy about, but it seemed the easiest to convince the public of a story they put out. 
“(y/n)... let’s tell them that we’re dating.”
“Hmm… well, they already think that…”
“I’m sorry… I wasn’t thinking…” “It’s fine. All we can do is move forward, I guess.”
“Yeah… ‘Samu gave me this solution; it’s all I have, I’m sorry if it’s-”
“It’s fine. Let’s go through with it. Just protect me from the crazy fangirls; that’s all I want.”
“And we’ll need to put together a coherent story; what’s yer number?” 
“Ahaha, seriously, maybe (b/f/n)’s a prophet. She told me that she was aiming for somethin’ to happen between us,” you commented, remembering what happened years and years ago. 
“Ya were just so unnecessarily worried about the fangirls,” Atsumu mentioned. 
“Oi! Yer fangirls were hella scary back then…” 
That night, you stayed up coming up with a story, which ended with the two of you breaking up so that you could go on your separate ways again. However, the story didn’t last too long, as (b/f/n)’s parent’s investigations went a little too far and spread the truth a little too much. (b/f/n) is one thing, but you had almost forgotten her parents were another, seriously. They’d been a little busy over the last few years, thus the lack of investigations of local drama, but they had been doing so for decades, what could you expect from them? 
Nothing was Atsumu’s fault to the fanclub, unless he seriously convinced them that it was. You were guilty until proven innocent. Unbeknownst to you until after, he gave them a whole (to be honest, not-so-great) speech on how he kind of went too far with the joke, but also placed the blame on everyone else for assuming things. People were absolutely ridiculous; their ideas and their insane imagination should learn that the left side of the brain exists too. 
“Funny how we met again after college, after all that time.”
“Ya… a real wonder” 
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『••✎••』 Extra Info * ˚ ✦ ⇢ If you would like to read some of my other works, find them here! * ˚ ✦ ⇢ Taglist: @serowotonin​ @luna-la-ley​ // send me an ask if you would like to be added!
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simpurnatural · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Awesamedude Edition
Awesamedude x Reader
Warning ⚠️: 1 or 2 Curse words :)
Any writing errors? Point them out! Love some helpful feedback! <3
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Gift giving, you guys see how generous he is when it comes to Ponk. He’s so sweet. But if we’re trying identify his love language, it’s probably touch. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’d be the tall best friend that though he looks intimidating he’s actually such a sweetheart. If someone were to talk shit about him you would be the one throwing hands. He would just pick you up, throw you over his shoulder and walk away. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes and if he doesn’t mind switching between little spoon or big spoon. Just enjoys sharing warmth with another person in general. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Sam would want to settle down at some point when he finds the right person. He isn’t the best at cooking but does try to keeping things tidy and neat.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’s not the asshole that breaks up with you over text. He’d ask to meet you somewhere and make sure that you are in the right state of mind, sitting down, and break it to you as nice as possible. He’d want to break up with you on good terms and would keep in touch too.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
If he asks you to marry him, he’s ready to be with you for the rest of his life. But he wouldn't try to rush you into having a wedding right away. He knows that there’s a time for everything and when the time is right, that’s when you’ll say I do. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Oh he’s very gentle! Sam is a total Mama’s Boy and you all know it. NEVER raises his voice and would NEVER raise a hand to you. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs and enjoys those slow-mo dramatic run and hugs after not seeing you for a few hours. He’s spin you around and kiss you on the lips.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’d say it often over the smallest things like for example, you decide to get him food while you’re out even though he didn’t ask, he’ll just say it. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Trust is one of the most important things in your relationship, he knows you wouldn’t  cheat on him and you know he’d never cheat on you. But if he sees a guy out of their way to flirt with you, he’d step in right away.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Whenever he kisses your lips, it’s always out of love whether it’s long and leads to a makeout session or just a quick one before running out the door. He likes kissing your cheek or your hand because is such a gentleman. However, he likes to be kissed on the neck or jawline. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s a natural, babies never cry around him and he always asks if he can hold them with his arms ready to cradle them. He knows how to prep a bottle and burp it (OMFG DID I JUST REFER TO A BABY AS IT).
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He tends to sleep in but when he wakes up, he’ll just lay there with for a few minutes in a peaceful silence. Probably would wrap his arm around your waist and pull you closer to enjoy the warmth underneath the sheets.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
You guys fall asleep to watching movies all the time for sure. You’d be so hyped and excited to watch it but end up having to rewatch the next day because you slept through it.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Sam doesn’t usually like bottling up his emotions so he’d pull you aside and tell you right then and there how he feels about anything unless he’s nervous or doesn’t know how you’d react.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s patient and would never try to rush you into something you weren’t ready for. If it was a something he’d be able to teach you how to do he’d definitely be there to help. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers a lot of things and when he buys you something from the store he’d say Well you were talking about it last week so I decided to buy some for you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you got to meet his mom, he was worried that she wasn’t going to like you but when she opened the door and her arms for a hug-all his worries were put at ease. You and his mom talked and laughed for hours, cooing at all his baby pictures.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
When out in public, he always has an arm around you waist or shoulder. If he thinks that you’re in certain part of town or situation that seems a but sus then he’ll tell you. He would throw hands for you and knows you’d be swinging at someone if they were being an asshole (talk shit get hit).
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He tries to do his best no matter what it is. Doing the dishes, planning dates, buying you flowers, and the list goes on and on.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Though he keeps most things clean, he never wipes down the counter or mirror after using the sink which is probably a pet peeve of your’s. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not very concerned. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, if got into an argument and you stormed out of the house then he’s give you a minute to calm down before deciding to apologize to you. He doesn’t want to loose you. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
You guys tried a couple’s yoga class and though he was trying to be graceful, it ended very bad.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like keeping secrets from his partner nor liking that his partner keep secrets from him. He likes a open healthy relationship. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’ll take all the blankets but not on purpose so that’s why you guys decided to buy two blankets. 
shoutout to @the-coldest-goodbye for the template <3
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
Business Trip [M]
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Gender of the Reader: Female
Word Count: 1.4k
Alternative Universe: CEO! AU
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Sexual Language + Dirty Talk; Dom-/Sub-Themes (Dom! Yoongi x Sub! Reader); Phone Sex; (mutual?) Mastubation; Handjob; Fingering; Daddy-Kink; Kitten-Kink; slight Edging + Teasing; Begging; Praising; slight Orgasm-Control; Mentions of Squirting
A/N: Omg, finally an official Yoongi-Fanfic on my blog! 😭💗 I didn't believed anymore that this will ever happen but here we go~🙈💕
Summary: It's a stressful life to be the CEO of a big and international known company. Always hopping onto the next flight to a new investor or business partner, all around the globus. But sometimes he can't fix his little problem alone, so you need to help him out with some naughty stuff through these rough times of his job~
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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You were preparing your dinner when your phone started to vibrate. At first you just think you've got a few new messages in a row, but the buzzing of your phone against the table doesn't want to stop. With a sigh, you turn the stove off and draw your attention to your phone on the kitchen table, wondering who in God's name needs to reach out at you at half past seven in the evening on a Thursday.
You pull your eyebrows together until a puzzled frown appears on your forehead. The display shows Yoongi's name, so he is the one who troubles your phone with his incoming call.
Why are you so confused? He is currently on a business trip in the US and at lunch time, when he woke up and wished you a good morning via text messenger, he mentioned that he will have an important meeting with one of his business partners at 3:00 p.m. local time. Right now, it's 2:32 p.m.there.
In the half hour before such important meetings, Yoongi usually looks through all of his documents for one last time, to make sure that he has everything he needs for it. So why on earth is he calling you now?!
Hesitantly you answer the call, try to prepare yourself emotionally for any kind of reason. Maybe his business partner just jumped off from the deal or Yoongi even had an accident and therefore can't attend the meeting or can't come home on the planned date, what if-
"Hey baby, finally you pick up!", sighs Yoongi's familiar voice on the other end of the line.
"Yeah sure ... But why did you call me? You have a meeting in less than twenty minutes!", you reply in a questioning tone. Digging deeper for whatever reason he calls you at such an unfortunate time, where you shouldn't even talk to each other on the phone.
"Listen, Baby...", answers your fiancé and takes an audible deep breath.
"Since two weeks I haven't seen you. Honestly, it drives me crazy and yes, fuck yes, I know that I have a meeting in less than 18 Minutes! I'm still at my hotelroom and for the conference rooms I just need to get two floors up. Fuck, Babygirl... I just need to hear your voice and tell you the filthy stuff that's on my mind constantly for the last several days. Princess, I can't wait to come home again, I miss you so fucking much... I miss your lovely scent in my nose, your soft skin against mine and especially that sweet and tight pussy of yours around my cock! God, Baby... you can't imagine how much I miss it to fuck you raw until you scream my name and almost choke on your own moans. My little Queen... could you be a good girl and touch yourself for me? I'm sitting here in the armchair of my hotelroom, already dressed in my suit and having my rock hard dick in my right hand. Palming myself to the thought of your cute little fingers, how they're buried knuckles deep into your dripping hole. Baby, I need your voice to be able to cum... I can't get off without you. Please, Princess. Be a good girl for me."
Yoongi ends his monologue with an almost pleading groan. You don't know how to answer him than a breathy "Oh my god" in your native language. Yoongi growls at the sound of the foreign words, he loves it when you lose yourself completely during sex and start to beg in your mother language for mercy.
He has a certain kink for it, he loves to wreck you up to the point that you forget the language in which you've to speak to understand each other.
But Yoongi's words didn't pass by you without a specific trace. As you press instinctively your thighs together and when you feel the wet panties between your legs, you want nothing more than tearing jeans and underwear off your body.
In this moment, you don't have any other goal than that and to do it as soon as possible.
To please Yoongi's desires, you let your fingers travel between your thighs, want to give him the whimpers and moans that he needs to make himself finally cum.
You whine in embarrassment when the juices between your pussy lips starts to make lewd squelching sounds. You gasp for air in a steadily quickened rhythm, stuffing three fingers of yours into yourself and rubbing your clit with your thumb.
One the one hand, these filthy and frivolous noises makes you all shy and embarrassed... but on the other hand, they encourage you to make them even more audible for Yoongi. Especially when you hear his deep growls and moans from the phone next to our head.
The sounds of his aggressive hand movements will not be withheld from you, no, you get rewarded with these lewd noises for your goodness while your fiancé whispers sweet and so, so filthy compliments into the speaker.
"God yes, Princess! That's right! Fuck yourself with your pretty petite fingers, just how I would do it for you. F-Fuck, you are such a good girl for me! God I love your sweet moans and whimpers, how I adore these filthy noises your beautiful pussy makes for me. Baby, fuck your tight hole open for Daddy's cock. When I'm home again, I want to bury my cock right away into your tiny pussy hole and fill you up with my cum, I couldn't wait any longer! What do you say, Babygirl? Would my little Queen like that?"
Yoongi's breathing becomes irregular when he describes what he would like to do with you. His voice went two octaves lower and got a rough, growling tone. God, how you love to make such a primal beast out of him. Just the idea that Yoongi would sit in the armchair in front of your shared bed, watching you. Looking at you like you are his prey. Enjoying the view of his little kitten, how she's satisfying herself with three fingers deep inside of her pretty cunt.
Just the thought of it let you spread your thighs even further for Daddy. The cold air, which has now even more access to your sensitive areas makes you tremble.
"O-Oh God, yes! Yes Yoongi, I would love it, oh God please! Please give me the permission to cum, I-I'm so close!", you whisper desperately into your phone. Pressing your shoulders into the mattress and your arching your back. The only thing you can think of is the sweet redemption of your incoming orgasm, longing for the final burst of the explosive pleasure in your abdomen.
"Please, please, please Daddy! I've been a good girl for you, Daddy!", you whine and wait desperately for Yoongi's answer. All you need is his permission and you could cum right away.
"God, Babygirl! You are the death for me... Yes, Princess. You're allowed to cum, gush your lovely pussy cum all over your fingers. Such a good girl for Daddy... let Daddy listen to your angelic moans while you cum...", your fiancé replies with a deep and raspy groan.You can hear from his voice that he also doesn't need much more to get finally over the cliff and reaching his own climax, freeing him from his longing desire for you.
You breathe heavily, your body is covered in a layer of sweat and your right hand sticky from your moisture but you're deeply satisfied and happy. Yoongi on the other phone takes three deep breaths before he stands up from his seat, seem to throw something away and hectic rustles of some papers.
"Baby, thank you. I really needed that. We'll see us in three days again, okay? Make sure that you're ready when I come home. Love you, Princess," he says in a hoarse voice before hanging up.
An smile of anticipation appears on your lips. Oh yes,you will definitely make sure that you are always ready for his Yoongi's sexual needs...
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1-800-smash · 4 years
can you do the alphabet with kirishima please 🥺👉👈
「 now i know my abc’s. 」
feat. kirishima.
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summary: learn the alphabet with everyone’s favorite daddy shark ;)
warnings: nsfw content.
[all characters are aged up appropriately.]
word count: 2k
request: @im-alyssa-btw — ❝can you do the alphabet with kirishima please 🥺👉👈❞
a/n: ahh my first request, thank you so much! i hope you like it as much as i liked writing it. please enjoy  ♡ —  shelbs.
submitted — [09.16.20]
nsfw under the cut.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
⚘ the most attentive and caring to his partner after sex, you need something? name it.
⚘ water, your favorite snack, an extra pillow...
⚘ doesn’t matter what it is, he’ll always get it for you. all you have to do is ask.
⚘ it’s the least he can do after all you do for him alone, he’s so appreciative of all you do.
⚘ 100% down for cuddles after, he loves the feeling of your body on his.
⚘ and who could forget about the soft kisses he peppers your face with afterwards? not kirishima, that’s for sure!
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
⚘ kirishima is an absolute ass man.
⚘ there i said it.
⚘ he loves grabbing your ass when you ride him or even just staring at it from across the room, he fucking loves it.
⚘ and as for his favorite body part? his hands.
⚘ how else is he supposed to grab or smack your ass?
⚘ but also because he just loves holding your hand...
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
⚘ his loads are thick and when he cums, he comes a lot.
⚘ has a nice milk white color to it but still clear and very messy.
⚘ the taste isn’t that bad either, not that salty and you can swallow it like a champ.
⚘ fuck, if he doesn’t love it when you swallow...
⚘ and when he cums inside you, the feeling of it pooling out of you is enough to make you run straight to the bathroom.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
⚘ this may sound a little boring, but i don’t think he’d have one?
⚘ he’s not that experienced with sex and while he is open to experimentation i don’t think he would do anything on his own.
⚘ if you introduced him to things like toys, i think he would be really into building a collection with you.
⚘ he wants to try it ALL.
⚘ maybe even try them on himself when you’re not around to use them with?
⚘ but as for by himself, probably not.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
⚘ he doesn’t have much experience when it comes to sex.  
⚘ our baby shark doesn’t mess around when it comes to matters of the heart, it takes a lot of trust for him to be able to have a physical relationship with another person.
⚘ but what he lacks in experience he makes up for with an eagerness to learn, he wants to make you feel good!
⚘ with some careful guidance and mutual trust, he’ll map out every inch of your body with careful precision.
⚘ which areas draw out those cute, soft moans of yours and which ones leave you crying out his name is desperation.
⚘ it won’t take long for him to leave you a shivering, cum-filled mess by the end of the night.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
⚘ he likes to see his partner’s face during sex, he loves looking at all the expressions you make.
⚘ from the adorable moans you let out to the sinful look on your face as he makes you cum for the 3rd time.
⚘ he also likes to make sure he’s doing a good job and making you feel as great as he does.
⚘ missionary would be the most common in your relationship.
⚘ but he’s always down to try new positions with you, he wants nothing more than to make you happy.
⚘ he’s also a big fan of cowgirl, he’ll be rendered absolutely helpless under your control when your fucking his brains out.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
⚘ he takes having sex pretty serious, so he won’t be joking around too much.
⚘ that isn’t to say he won’t try to lighten the mood, especially if his partner is self-conscious.
⚘ he wants you to feel absolutely comfortable, and if that requires him to be a little less serious then so be it.
⚘ anything to make you feel safe when you’re with him.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
⚘ he tries his best to groom it but he mostly just leaves it the way it is.
⚘ the carpet DOES NOT match the drapes.
⚘ them pubes are as black as his hair was on the day he was born.
⚘ probably wouldn’t dye his pubes, he already puts too much time into his hair alone, why would he add his pubic hair into that mess?
⚘ his pubes are not as spiky as his hair but still have that pointed look and feel to them.
⚘ but don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt! in fact, it feels even better when they rub up against your clit as he fucks you into the mattress.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
⚘ oh, this boy is SUCH a romantic.
⚘ can be cliche at times but honestly it’s so endearing that you could care less.
⚘ he wants you to know just how much you mean to him, and if that turns him into an absolute SIMP for you than so be it.
⚘ he’s always whispering how beautiful you look when you’re in the moment, caressing your face, kissing you everywhere.
⚘ when he’s done there will be no doubt in your mind that this boy loves you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
⚘ he masturbates at least 2-3 times a week or well at least he used to until he met you.
⚘ why would he need to masturbate when you’re sitting there and so ready to please him?
⚘ he doesn’t like to make sex just about pleasing him though, but he has to admit you do a good enough job doing that on your own.
⚘ the only time he really masturbates now is when you’re not in the mood (which is rare) or not home.
⚘ and even then it still doesn’t do much for him the way it used to, not when you can make him cum so much harder just by moving your hips that certain way...
⚘ you’ve got him seeing stars.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
⚘ let me tell you, this man has a PRAISE kink.
⚘ nothing will get him off faster than knowing how good he’s making you feel.
⚘ kirisima’s always struggled with his self-confidence and self-worth.
⚘ that’s why he’s so much better at making other people feel good rather than himself.
⚘ so for him to hear just how good he’s making his partner feel makes him really happy.
⚘ please, please, PLEASE tell this boy what a good job he’s doing!
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
⚘ he prefers a more romantic setting when it comes to sex.
⚘ *cough* your bedroom.
⚘ he’s definitely down to fuck you wherever though if he’s needy enough.
⚘ on the couch? why not. in the shower? hell yeah. on the kitchen counter? oh absolutely.
⚘ isn’t a big fan of public sex, he’d be way to worried of getting caught by someone.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
⚘ he adores you to the moon and back, but what he admires about you the most is your strength.
⚘ show off how strong you are with him around and he’s going to be swooning over you.
⚘ he also loves being surprised with you by being the one to initiate.
⚘ it makes him feel loved and wanted!
⚘ and there’s nothing that makes him feel better than knowing that you want him to fuck your brains out.
⚘ figuratively speaking, of course.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
⚘ nothing that involves hurting you in any shape or form, he loves you!
⚘ why on earth would he want to hurt you?
⚘ he’s the type of guy who would stop sex just to ask if you’re okay from even just a HINT of discomfort.
⚘ there is no way you could convince him otherwise, there just isn’t.
⚘ hurting your partner isn’t MANLY.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
⚘ absolute BEAST when it comes to giving oral.
⚘ he will leave you trembling under his touch as he draws out another orgasm out of you.
⚘ you’re not even going to remember your own name when he’s done.
⚘ sorry, but kirishima just takes the cake with this one!
⚘ no one will ever be able to eat pussy like this man does.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
⚘ his pace starts off slow and sensual, but he tends to pick it up once you get closer to your release.
⚘ he doesn’t like being too rough with you but with enough coercion he might be persuaded to be a little rougher than usual.
⚘ obviously, he doesn’t want to hurt you, so communication is key with him!
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
⚘ when the two of you have sex he really wants to take his time and leave you feeling absolutely satisfied.
⚘ he doesn’t mind quickies, he just wants more time to be intimate with you.
⚘ if the two of you only had time for a quickie then he wouldn’t mind, but he would think about how much he was going to make it up to you the next time you two are alone together.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
⚘ hell yeah, this man is game to experiment!
⚘ as long as you’re comfortable with what you’re doing than he’s good to go.
⚘ if at any point you want to stop then he’s there in a heartbeat, whatever you need it’s yours.
⚘ don’t even worry about it, he just wants you to feel safe and secure.
⚘ as for risks, it depends on what the risk is...
⚘ nothing that will hurt you or have anyone walk in on you both.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
⚘ he can go for at least 3 rounds, maybe 4 if you’re really into it.
⚘ baby boy has lots of stamina and all the more desire to please you all night long.
⚘ he wastes no time in fucking you absolutely silly.
⚘ sex with him can usually last an hour, but if you go for more rounds after they’ll not be as long.
⚘ what can he say? it takes a lot of energy in pleasing the one you love.
⚘ and god, does he love you a lot.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
⚘ he has a pretty open mind when it comes to these things.
⚘ now, while kirishima wouldn’t own any on his own volition, i think if his partner recommended it he would definitely want to try it for himself.
⚘ it doesn’t take much to convince him!
⚘ and if he really enjoys it he may even look for toys on his own to surprise you with or ones he thinks you might like.
⚘ i could definitely see him being into it once he gets nudged in the right direction.
⚘ *wink wink* ;)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
⚘ he doesn’t like to tease that much.
⚘ now whether his partner likes to is a different story all together.
⚘ but mostly, he loves to fulfill his partners needs and he just doesn’t think teasing will get him there any better.
⚘ what can i say, this man lives to please.
⚘ would be open to tease you if you suggested it to him and assured him you will like it,
⚘ he’s very big into over-stimulation though, he will leave you an incoherent mess that’s unable to walk when you’re done trust me on this.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
⚘ he can be very noisy and it doesn’t take much to break him.
⚘ the closer he gets to cumming the louder he’ll be, broken whines escaping from him as he tried to hold just a bit longer.
⚘ but with you, it’s impossible.
⚘ you know exactly how to make him cum until he’s whimpering from over-stimulation.
⚘ needless to say, the noises this boy makes is heaven to your ears.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
⚘ he has some pretty sharp teeth, so i wouldn’t be surprised if he might have a slight biting kink.
⚘ while he absolutely hates the thought of hurting you i think he’d be ok with soft nibbles here and there.
⚘ as long a you’re ok with it, of course!
⚘ i mean... they don’t call him daddy shark for nothing ;)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
⚘ he’s about 5.6 inches, uncircumcised.
⚘ it’s pretty thick and has a nice girth to it, makes you feel small whenever you hold it in your hand.
⚘ but god, if it doesn’t make you feel fucking amazing.
⚘ he can make you cum 3 times just from his cock alone, and fuck if he doesn’t make sure you do every damn time.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
⚘ he has an average sex drive.
⚘ he’s enjoys having sex like any other guy does but by no means is he going to be humping your leg every 10 minutes.
⚘ he respects what you want and if you don’t feel like it that’s all you have to say and he’ll go back to whatever you two were doing before.
⚘ he drinks respect women juice daily.
⚘ on average you both have sex with each other at least 5-6 times a week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
⚘ he will not fall asleep before you do, he always makes sure you cared for before he even thinks of dozing off.
⚘ once he’s sure you have everything you need and your fast asleep in his arms, only then will he be satisfied enough to fall asleep himself.
⚘ it won’t take him too long to fall asleep after you, holding you tight in his embrace while he tries to think just how on earth he deserves you.
⚘ and honestly? he doesn’t know but he’s sure glad he does.
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jotarosbelt · 4 years
Colorful Camboys, 2.
a/n: hi!! i'm back! i finished up school and got a bit of my writing inspo back, so, i thought i'd write another Colorful Camboy's chapter for you guys <3
hope you're all staying safe! enjoy~
p.s. i haven’t written smut in a HOT minute and lowkey forgot how to write for josuke, but i tried! i’m sorry 😭
p.p.s. i didn’t proof read :) we die like men, fuck it
Summary: A Modern AU where your favorite boys are just trying to get off and make money.
You're one of their viewers and happen to catch their attention.
18+ content ahead!
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Josuke - Pink
You’d come to the point where porn was honestly just boring.
It didn’t hurt to want to try something new! Maybe a new genre, a different site? But, all of it was the same old same old. And the disgustingly cheesy, clickbaity titles didn’t do much to turn you on or catch your interest either. You pursed your lips as you scrolled, coming across a camboy website.
You blinked. ‘A camboy website?’
Curiosity had ultimately gotten the best of you as you clicked the link. Almost immediately, tons of live-streams came up, thousands of boys right at your disposal.
‘This is gonna be fun.’
You scrolled through the plethora of streams in search of a boy that appealed to you. For the most part, a good chunk of them were your type. In shape, good looking— there weren’t many bad apples on the tree you were picking from.
Your eyes landed on a certain pompadoured boy by the name ‘ShiningDiamond1999.’ The username definitely raised an eyebrow or two, and the boy sure was good looking, so you simply clicked the stream to see what was up.
He wasn’t popular for no reason. He was cute! It was the oddly ‘adorable, yet super hot’ combo, and girls (and guys alike) were eating that shit up.
You sat back as you watched the boy palm himself through pink boxers.
“Oh? We gotta new person, huh?”
He leaned forward, hand still on his cock as he narrowed his eyes at his monitor. Part of you was embarrassed that he caught you so quickly— he had so many patrons there already! He must’ve been an attentive host.
You liked that.
“A guest, eh? How about you give me a name to call you by, cupcake? You don’t have to make an account for me to take notice of you, yanno.”
You couldn’t help but smile. He seemed sweet; he gave off the aura of someone who’d take care of his partner no matter what, and you had to admit that it was comforting. Not only was he easy on the eyes, he was someone who gave off the impression that he wouldn’t break your heart despite the fact that everything he said was meant for both you and the thousands of other viewers he had right now.
He really must’ve been good.
You splayed your fingers out across the keys, typing out a response. ‘Just call me [username].’
You could see him raise an arched eyebrow. He smiled brightly and leaned back into his chair. “[Username]? I can do that for you, babe.”
Teasingly, he ran his fingers down his torso to the waistband of his boxers. He simply smiled mischievously at the camera and popped the band against his hipbone. “Enough with the chit chat, yeah? I don’t wanna bore our new guest, so let’s get this show on the road, babies!”
Thumbs slipped under the elastic and pushed his underwear down his muscular thighs. His cock sprung out, slapping against his toned stomach and you couldn’t help the groan that escaped your mouth. No wonder he was so loved— he was sculpted by the gods themselves.
His bottom lip wrung itself between his teeth as he gripped his member with a large hand. Up, down, up, down— the motion was hypnotizing as it was erotic, and you could’ve sworn the way he looked at the camera while he did it brought you to the brink of an orgasm alone.
“I hope you’re touching yourself, too, baby girl. I don’t wanna be the only one getting off.”
His hand left his cock to push his boxers the rest of the way down. Without the restrictions the garment brought, he spread his legs wider. You could see everything from the way his balls tensed whenever he teased his head, and the way his asshole clenched around the pink buttplug on the downstroke.
Your eyes widened. ‘Buttplug? He's into that?’
Your eyebrows relaxed and a sly grin took form on your face.
The things you’d give to ruin this boy.
“God, fucking—“, he keened desperately, “I wish you were here right now.”
You subconsciously rubbed your thighs together. You were here to get off, but his performance was so goddamn captivating that you didn’t want to take your eyes off of him for even a second. So, you did what you could to strip yourself of your shorts and panties while still watching, reaching over to grab your vibrator.
“You’d be taking care of me right? Stroking my cock till the head turns red— shit—“
The soft buzz of the toy filled your room and you gingerly placed it on your clit. You jolted at the sensation. It had been a while since you had a nice session for yourself; you didn’t have much time to draw it out and really make yourself see stars. This was nice. Being able to sit back and watch somebody get off to help you get off wasn’t something you had seen yourself doing, but you really might have to make it a more common occurrence.
Your eyes snapped open and met his, despite the fact that he couldn’t see you. You switched the vibrator over to your non-dominant hand and let the other reach out to the keyboard to type out a quick “yes?”
“Since it’s your first time here, I’ll let you choose.”
Well, this was interesting.
The man on the other side of the screen reached out of frame for a moment to grab something. When his hand entered view again, he had a hot pink dildo in hand.
“So, love, buttplug or dildo? What’cha in the mood for?”
You narrowed your eyes at the screen best you could in the midst of your pleasure-filled haze and typed out your answer.
You didn’t miss the inkling of a grin that lied on his lips. The ravenette leaned back in the chair and pulled out the plug, replacing it with the pink toy.
“Hah~, fuck. Good choice, babe—!”
His eyes rolled backwards into his skull as he sank the silicon toy further into himself. You whimpered and leaned back further into your seat, bumping up the intensity of the toy. This was gonna be a good session, if you said so yourself. You’d have to bookmark this page for later.
“Fuck, I bet you look so good right now. All flushed and panting and wanting to cum, right?”
Your breathing sped up, chest heaving as your hips canted into your hand. “God, yes please—“
Almost as if he heard your pleas, he continued right after you finished speaking. “Then lets cum together. S-Shit, cum with me baby, I’ll count.”
As if on instinct, you grown the vibrator into you, putting it on its highest setting. It was enough to make you jump out of your skin. You had goosebumps everywhere, cold sweat was running down your forehead, and your thighs were shaking like mad. How could a stranger have so much power over you?
You forced your eyes open to look at your screen, eyes locked on the streamer and his hand furiously jerking himself off. You watched as his adam’s apple bobbed in his throat.
Your vision began to blur. You were so close yet so far from your orgasm, and in all honesty, you could’ve came right now. But, finishing with this stranger seemed a lot more appealing than doing it on your own.
“Ah, fuck— three—“
The veins in his arms bulged and he reached around to grip the base of the dildo. He threw his head back as he fucked himself it, his jaw falling slack and hanging open.
At this point, both of you were chasing your releases like animals. There was something so primal about this— backs arched and hips spasming as you both selfishly chased euphoria. You gripped the side of your desk chair bruisingly, waiting for him to finish counting and—
“One— fuck, one, I’m cumming—!”
Your moan mixed with his as it came out of your laptop speaker. He whined, you yelled, and you both were riding your orgasms like a wave. You hadn’t cum that hard in a while. It was the kind of finish that makes you see stars and make your scalp tingle, and when you came down, you saw the camboy covered in his own release and strands of his hair out of place.
He looked so out of it. He was panting heavily with red airbrushed over his chest and cheeks, and pieces of his once perfect hairstyle stuck to his forehead. He was definitely not present in that moment in time, still on Cloud 9, but you didn’t mind watching as his vision came back into focus and his breathing slowed.
Slowly, he reached down to pull the toy out of his ass and place it some place out of frame. He laughed airily, his large hand running down the expanse of his throat momentarily before speaking.
“Alright, that was really fun. I gotta go clean up now, but I’ll be back to tomorrow, same time!”
You followed his hand as it moved to his mouse to end the stream.
”Oh, and I hope to see you again tomorrow, too, [Username]. I hope you had fun, love.”
This user is now offline.
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