#I turn into a giant fucking baby when my sleep is fucked up
thisperfectmonsoon · 6 months
pouty princess hours, does anyone care to join me?
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hauntingblue · 1 month
Why do they say dragon is luffy's father but doesn't look much like him... I mean it is true but why point it out... in that way he doesn't look like garp either
#i thot we were gonna get baby luffy but no.... old man luffy.....#also the opening is so intense 'dreams save all of us' and the arc starts with luffys dream i might throw up#zoro and brook staying behind to protect them from the government.... yeah.... VEGAPUNK AND DRAGON??? ACTUALLY FLABBERGASTED#maybe vegapunk is part of the rev army but then he modified kuma on the behalf of the gov??? thats so cruel.....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1094#the fucking opening..... dream save all of us like okay damn it goes hard#incredible how they just take the hit from the laser.... minor injuries that's all... seraphim jinbe has mr pink's power???#how come sanji hasnt immediately jumped on the seraphim like god. and nami not being able to hurt children yeaaahhhh ROBIN GO OFF!!!#zoro conveniently being the only one who doesnt see the seraphim..... come on....#york what an icon i wish thay were my job too. eat shit sleep amazing#900 YEARS AGO???? EMPTY CENTURY TIME!!!!!!!! LETSGOOOOO D LORE D LORE D LORE#episode 1095#and that is IT for today. yesterday i watched like 5 today we are measured.#<- this is when you find out i stack episodes on my posts even if i dont watch them one after the other...#i am sensitive rn and the preview has ohara and robin crying i am not making it out of this one folks#YEAH YEHA THE KINGDOM (OF THE D I AM SURE) VS THE WORLD GOV usopp hitting his head against the floor akdjka#clover and noland have to be related the flora on head has to be genetic or smth#also now they showed lulusiq being obliterated we can assume imu was responsible for destroying this advanced kingdom right#THE BOOKS FROM OHARA MADE IT????!!!!! DRAGON IN OHARA??? THEY HAVE THEM??? BUT THEIR BASE BURNED????#luffy calling the robot robo ace. should i end it all rn be honest. and the robot turned on. nvm someone was in there#vegapunk meeting with luffy knowing dragon oof also ohara was in the west blue???? wow#episode 1096#that giant was the one in dressrosa??? hierjudin??? omg dragon without his tattoo... 33?? damn he is 55 now...#OMG JAGUAR D SAUL GIANT FROM ELBAF????? VEGAPUNK DIDNT JOIN THE REVILUTIONARIES??? SELL OUT!!!#dragon pacifist???? god this lore. sanji didnt know about ivasan??? the books are in elbaf... with saul.... omg.....robin ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#jinbes face reacting to vegapunks fruit ajdjsjs did vegapunk cut off his head? is he stupid?? -luffy#vegapunk wants to make wikipedia.... omg lucci already too... the robot attacked marie geoise ✍️✍️✍️#episode 1097
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ghouljams · 6 months
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Build Me a Castle of Memories Rating: M Word Count: 6.8k Tags: hurt/comfort, christmas fic, Ghostxf!oc/f!reader, background Pricexf!oc, dissociation, anxiety, grief, 09 Ghost's backstory, Ghost reconciling with his past, dad!Ghost, baby oc Summary: Ghost has never had what you would call a happy Christmas, but you have and that chafes more than he wants it to. He wishes it didn't, but he doesn't know how to stop it. Maybe he was doomed from the start.
“Simon, wake the fuck up, we got chores.”
Ghost folds his pillow over his ears and rolls over, away from the pounding of your fist against the door. There’s nowhere to escape the noise in the little one room house, but damn if he can’t try. He presses the pillow more tightly against his ears, squeezes his eyes shut. He feels like a kid again, your insistent knocking filling in holes in his memory he’d rather forget.
His father banging on the door, screaming as he tries to shield Tommy. His mother’s voice attempting to pacify him. The crack of skin against skin, the soft shocked noise that comes from being struck. A sharp yelp, a plea, but the banging on the door doesn’t stop.
Ghost jerks awake again. His mind struggling to disconnect from the past and focus on the present. How long have you been trying to wake him? He tosses the quilt off and grabs his mask. He needs to get away from this memory, and you’re just in time to help. The mask is pulled on as he goes to yank the door open. 
You stare up at him, unapologetic for the early hour. Actually you look a little annoyed it took him so long to get up. Your eyes drop down, and Ghost leans against the door frame to let you look. One nice thing about Texas he supposes, it’s still warm in the winter. Warm enough he doesn’t need more than a pair of shorts to sleep in. 
Your eyes pull back up to meet his and he cocks a brow.
You’re cute in an oversized jumper and shorts. He wonders if you’ve started chores, must have since your boots already have mud on them. “Is it a Ghost day today?” You ask, referring to his mask. He hums. 
“What do you need, Princess?” He’s already tired of the direction this conversation is taking. Better to keep you both on track and avoid unnecessary topics. December is starting to chafe despite the climate. The feed store had giant candy canes out front the last time he passed it, and a tree lot has already been erected by the church. Must be a merry time of year, not that Ghost’s ever enjoyed it.
“Momma wants the Christmas tubs, and I need another set of hands with the trailer.” You explain, dangling the keys from your fingers. Ghost hums again, you shouldn’t have trouble with a few boxes of decorations, not enough to need his help at least. It’s a good excuse to grab some time alone with you though, one he’s happy to take.
You’re always a welcome distraction from the tightness in his chest.
“Lemme get my boots,” He grumbles, turning back into the house. He leaves the door open for you, knows you’ll follow him in and make yourself at home. It’s charming, you’re charming, if a little annoying.
Sure enough the door clicks shut behind him, and he hears you fussing in the kitchen with the kettle. Ghost is tightening his belt when you offer him a to-go mug of tea. It always tastes better when you make it, the thermos is warmer, the bitterness a little softer, the sugar a little sweeter. 
He burns his tongue on the scalding liquid as you pluck his hat from the coat rack by the door and settle it on your head. You toss a smile over your shoulder at him, and it’s like a sunrise over the hills.
The darkness of memory scurries back where he can lock it. The house feels gentler somehow, he feels gentler. Softer around the edges when he rubs his thumb against your cheek. 
“Come on ya big softy,” You laugh, patting his chest, “The quicker we get started the quicker we get done.”
Ghost huffs, “They’re Christmas decorations, how long could they take?”
Ten tubs in Ghost decides your mother is insane.
The shed that they’re all in seems dedicated solely to Christmas decor. There are light up reindeer and inflatables, boxes overflowing with lights, and tubs. Tubs upon tubs of heavy ass decor. You hand him another box to find space for on the trailer and Ghost is forced to reconcile with the fact you’re hardly breaking a sweat. You give a soft noise of effort when you lift a tub from the floor or pull one off a tower, but otherwise… Ghost spends a fair amount of time on the walk between the shed and trailer thinking about it. 
Maybe they’re not that heavy.
He comes back to the shed to see you stripping your jumper off, the dark tank top underneath hits him like a train. You fold your jumper neatly and place it on top of the tub you lift off the ground with a huff. You blink at him when you turn to take it to the trailer, and a smile creeps over your face. 
“Pick your jaw up baby, you’ve seen worse than this,” You tease, shouldering past him just to bump his arm with yours. Baby. You could call him anything you wanted and he’d have to stop himself from following after you. How can one little word make his chest swell and tighten?
How could he ever want to raise a hand to someone that made him feel like this?
Fifteen tubs, nine light up reindeer, and more lights than Ghost has ever seen. He boxes you in as you’re locking up, leaning heavily against his arm on the shed door. You turn to lean against the rough wood as you tuck the key back into your pocket. He holds your chin with his fingers, thumb rubbing against your skin as he takes you in. You give him a confused sort of smile and settle your pretty hands on his chest.
“You ok, big guy?” You ask, your voice light to disguise your concern. Ghost tips his head, quiet. It’s the season, he wants to say. It’s bitterness and resentment that creeps in every year at this time. It’s the smiles of kids swinging their parent’s hands and chattering about santa. It’s the sun shining and the wind blowing without a chill, like it would hate to ruin a perfect December with snow. 
“Fine,” Ghost tells you. Your brows twitch down like you don’t believe him. He kisses you quick before you can ask again. 
“Swear you got more of this stuff every year,” Price gripes back at the house, his smile telling Ghost he truly doesn’t mind. Your mother eagerly pops the lids off each tub to inspect the contents before telling Price where to take it. It’s a slow process, slower than the initial loading, but easy enough. Ghost takes a huge tub from you, this one clearly labeled “garlands.” It’s unwieldy, but not too heavy. He shifts it up over his shoulder to get it up the steps to the farm house’s front door. 
“Thank you for helping Simon,” You mom smiles at him, her hand light on his arm. Something about her touch sears against his skin, her smile chokes him, he’s glad for his mask as he holds her gaze. He nods and continues into the house.
Outside he can hear your mom arguing with you about something. A well meaning sort of tone that carries through the air without yelling, never yelling. Your huffing and whining hardly seem to break the atmosphere. No harsh words, no physical altercation, no familiar ending. 
Price passes Ghost on his way out and pauses. His eyes dart to him as he brushes past before he’s out the door again. Ghost sets the tub in the living room with the others. He pats the top, stares at the red lid, pats it again. His stomach twists. He pats it again.
Why can’t he move away?
He pats it. Job done. So why is he still standing there? 
He pops the lid off the tub and stares at the pine green garlands, nestled in with fake snow and little red baubles. Christmas-y. His fingers skim the fake needles. Plastic, of course, crushed and bent in places from years of wear. Where do these go? Ghost glances around the room, it feels smaller with all the tubs. The first garland has been lifted from its place by the time you wander by with your own tub, and your jumper on.
“Better leave it, Momma’s particular about her decoratin’,” You tell him, setting your box on the dining table. Despite your warning you tug your tub open and pull tablecloths and centerpieces free. Apparently you’re allowed to help past moving boxes. 
Ghost drops the garland back into its tub and presses the lid shut. He goes to grab another box.
For how many tubs there were, the actual decorating goes fast. “Plenty of hands,” You mum, Duck, she told him to call her Duck, tells him with a smile.
There’s a heavy weight on Ghost’s chest, something too large to wrap his arms around. He doesn’t say much as he helps get reindeer plugged in, and fluffy cotton snow tucked around ceramic houses. He finds himself outside with a cigarette between his fingers more often than he’d care to admit. The choke of smoke in his lungs is more familiar an ache than the other one. Nameless, because to name it would mean acknowledging it. 
Ghost watches the wind rustle through the dry grass, his eyes trained on the wide horizon. He wishes he could change the shape of his shadow, knock off the parts that dig into his skin. He’s tired. Maybe he should find somewhere to go for the next few weeks, get away from the festivities. Just for a while. Just until it stops hurting. The screen door knocks against the frame behind him.
“You’re quiet,” You lean against the porch railing, eyeing him. You’re so damn observant it kills him. Ghost snubs his cigarette on the ashtray next to him and lets the last of the smoke leave his lungs.
“So I’ve heard.” He tells you, turning to push past you and back into the house. If he stays around you too long he might say something he can’t take back. It’s better like this.
Price is busy enough with the upstairs decorations that Ghost doesn’t feel bad making a beeline for the living room. Red and green cover the place. The mantle over the fireplace hosts a christmas village, the couch boasts flannel throws and christmas pillows, miniature christmas trees in various styles are set on every horizontal surface. Somehow the room feels warmer, the twinkle of fairy lights giving everything a soft glow. 
How could he have anything to say around this? All this- Fucking hell why do you have to be one of these families? A happy family. You don’t even have a proper tree yet but there are already presents set in the corner Price partitioned off as the “tree spot.” 
Ghost rubs his thumb against one of the garlands hung up around the entryway. So this is where they went. Your- Duck waves him over when he makes eye contact, offers him a baby of a hammer and a few tiny nails.
“Make yourself useful and tack up the cotton,” she smiles at him. He gives a short nod and follows the line of her fingers to the line of cotton circling the room, nestled neatly over a thick garland. Duck surrenders the step ladder to him and Ghost is quick to take over. He tucks the cotton into place and pushes the little nail into it, taps it with the head of the little hammer.
“We have to re-plaster every other year or so,” Duck says behind him, filling the silence with her voice.
“I can tell,” Ghost grumbles, eyeing the little holes that dot the wall. He tacks another length of cotton snow to the wall, squishes it up against the ceiling and drives the nail in. He looks back down at Duck and holds his hand out for more cotton. She’s already holding the next batch of it, apparently well versed in this whole decorating business. 
“You should’ve seen the wall before we started fixing it,” She hums, “years and years of holes.” Ghost says nothing. These holes are nothing. Years and years of holes knocked into walls, covered by picture frames and curtains. “Most of these decorations have been in the family for years,” She tells him, background noise to the drone of his thoughts, “We still use my mom’s plates for Christmas dinner.”
“You ever broken one?” He asks, feeling his throat tighten as soon as the words are out. He squeezes his fist, the points of the nails digging into the meat of his palm. 
“Of course,” Duck’s tone is alien to him, it’s all alien to him, “that’s what happens with old things, but I don’t need the plates to remember her.”
Ghost stares at the wall, the plastic needles of the garland, the red bows and white cotton. He bounces the weight of the hammer against his fingers, unseeing. There’s something at the edges of the statement that feels targeted, that speaks to an understanding he wishes she didn’t have. You don’t know me, it says, but I know you. Something wet tickles his fingers, he can feel the warmth of it dripping from his grip. 
Remember when you had things you could carry with you? He asks himself. Pictures, smiles, something more than a memory? When’s the last time he visited their graves? Are they clean? Has anyone brought them flowers?
“They’re just things Simon,” his memory whispers, voice watery, like it doesn’t want him to see it cry.
Someone touches his arm, and asks, “Simon?” in a voice so close to his mother’s that he jumps, and nearly topples off the step ladder. A pair of hands press to his back to keep him steady.
“I’ll be alright,” his memory finishes, like a hand stroking his hair. He feels small. It hurts.
He drops the nails from his hand, lets the hammer fall free as he grips his wrist with a shuddering breath. Shit. Small puncture wounds dot his palm, nails still clinging to the meaty base of his thumb. He focuses on his breathing, pushing the pain down into its tightly lidded container as he steps down off the ladder.
Duck grabs his hand before he can shoulder past her towards the bathroom, inspecting the damage. Damn doctor. She clicks her tongue, the same way you do when you’re upset. She spreads his fingers out, opens his hand as she prods around the blood.
“Doesn’t look like any permanent damage done,” She smiles up at him, a mother’s smile where he’d hoped to see a doctor’s, “Just needs cleaned up.” Simon swallows.
“Let’s get it over with.” He responds, the same way he always does to medical.
Ghost studies his bandaged hand in the quiet of his bathroom, water patters against the tile of his shower in the silence. Plain gauze and bandaging, the same as it always is. No stitches needed. No permanent damage. Just plain gauze. And bandaging.
He rubs his thumb against the rough bandage, feeling its familiarity.
He sighs and leans back against the sink, presses his hand over his eyes to block the buzz of the overhead light. How much longer does he have to wait before it all stops hurting? 
Things quiet down after the house is decorated. The holiday lulls into something almost palatable. You’re over less. In the week following Ghost finds himself sleeping alone three days in a row, finds himself unable to sleep when he does have you in bed with him. You hug close against his chest, your legs tangled with his and your breaths soft and even. He can’t lose the time he has with you to sleep, his lips press against your forehead as he feels like an outsider in his own skin.
“You should come stay in the main house,” You offer over your coffee, “until the holiday is over.” Ghost hums.
“Wouldn’t want to disturb the Christmas cheer,” He sips his tea, scrolling through the news on his phone. Never anything good, never anything that makes him happy he left the service.
“I want you there,” You press, “we want you there.” You always do that, make it sound like you aren’t enough to convince him, like he needs more than you to ask for something before he grants it. 
“I like my space,” He looks up from his phone, and his heart twists at the sadness in your eyes, he fixes his eyes back on his phone, “I’ll think about it.”
“Maybe closer to Christmas? I know it’s not-” You hesitate, he hates hearing you hesitate, it doesn’t sound right to his ear when your confidence wavers, “With my parents around, I know it’s not ideal, or romantic, but-”
“I don’t like sleeping alone either,” Ghost finishes for you, swallowing his own feelings down, “I’ll think about it princess, promise.”
“Ok,” You smile, and kick your feet up into his lap under the table. 
He spends the whole day thinking about it. Spends the day thinking about sleeping in a guest room, about seeing Price in the morning outside the bathroom, about family meals, about waking up surrounded by cheer when he feels anything but cheerful. He walks into the kitchen to grab lunch and finds the counters covered in unfrosted Christmas cookies, sprinkles and colorful icing laid out with joyful care. It makes his chest tighten uncomfortably, his memory working overtime to remind him of the clatter of baking sheets and the shouting that comes after the smell of burning flesh. 
He skips lunch.
There’s something broken in him, Ghost knows that better than anyone, but he can’t stop the sharp edges of it from cutting. There’s something angry clawing at his ribs, licking his scars until they itch, choking his throat with dirt and earth. He snaps at Price while the cattle files past, and wishes his captain wasn’t so damn sturdy. “I know son,” Price tells him easily. It hurts more than it has any right to. All of it hurts more than he knows it should.
He holds you in bed at night and stares at the wall, tracing the path of the moon by the light it casts through the windows. He just needs to make it through the holiday.
Easier said than done.
Christmas seems to take over the ranch the closer the holiday gets. Presents appear piled under the tree, cookies tower on plates just out of reach of the dog, carols seem to always be playing, and the television happily hums with every holiday movie he could think of. You catch him under a mistletoe and Ghost feels like he’s quickly reaching a boiling point. Your joy, usually so infectious, now seems tailor made to destroy him. 
He’s not mad at you, he knows he isn’t, knows exactly what this feeling is. It’s the same feeling he had in primary school watching other kids excitedly chatter about Christmas plans. Jealousy. Why did the universe see fit to give everyone else a happy family but him? He was just a kid. Kids don’t deserve that. Why did he have to go home to hell when you came home to Christmas carols and twinkling lights? 
He tried so hard to be good,
And it never mattered.
Still, he doesn’t want to ruin the holiday for you. He follows you around town while you Christmas shop, smiles when you smile, offers you new jokes to hear you laugh, stops to look at the little display in the antique store window. Somehow it cheers him up, buying you a gift. It feels small, but genuine. He tucks the little felt lined box into his pocket and rubs his thumb against it when his thoughts start to drift away from you. 
You squeeze his hand, your fingers intertwined as you walk. It feels reassuring for the first time in days.
With your gift in the back of his mind Ghost finally feels like he’s getting a handle on the whole Christmas situation. He can do this for you, he can give you a good holiday. You deserve a good holiday, even if he feels like a recruit getting pushed into action without so much as a vest. It still chafes at him, but Ghost has gotten good at ignoring uncomfortable feelings over the years. He shoves down the green eyed monster, and tries to throw a tarp over the old wounds that threaten to reopen. 
He ignores the twitch of your mother’s brows, the clench of Price’s jaw, your hopeful smile. It’s strange how… easy it is to join the holiday, like you’d been waiting for him, holding a place for him to slot into. The warmth of it sinks into him, wraps around him gently where he’d thought it would try to pierce him. 
He still hasn’t worked up the courage to take you up on your offer. He can’t look at you when he leaves, can’t see that tinge of disappointment in your eyes. It feels colder when he goes back to his little house. You’re so busy with your family, and he’s been holding himself back from you. He’s never been a coward before, but it’s better than the alternative. Better than letting you know how hurt he is, how broken he is to be jealous of your happiness.
Ghost tugs the towel off his mirror and stares down his reflection. His fingers squeeze the edge of the sink, knuckles white as he leans against the porcelain. It’s the season, he tells himself for the hundredth time, but it isn’t, is it? There’s a piece of his father lodged in his soul, dark and cloying, desperate to get out of the cage Simon shoved it in. The little voice in his head that asks why anyone else should have something nice if he didn’t get to. 
He grips the sink tighter, keeps his eyes focused on their reflection. 
The world is unfair and cruel. That’s why he joined the military, to even the scales. It’s his mum’s fault really. He swallows the lump in his throat. God she would have loved this, loved all this Christmas bullshit, pushed him to enjoy it, pushed him to stop holding you at arms length. She would have loved you, and you would’ve gotten on with Tommy like a house on fire.
The sink cracks under his hand.
It’s shallow, but he hears the break like a bell. It pulls his attention from the mirror as he rips his hand away and inspect the damage. He shoves down the guilt that tries to bubble to the surface. This is exactly why he’s keeping his distance. He wouldn’t be able to survive hurting you, can’t stomach the thought. He’s not his father, he can give you a good Christmas. He’s going to give you a good Christmas.
He’ll kill himself before he puts you through the sort of holidays he had.
Christmas eve creeps up without Ghost realizing, and all of a sudden he can't escape the warmth of the main house. There are no chores for him to do, you and Price having gotten up early to finish them. There's no help he can offer, Duck shoos him out of the kitchen. Every time he attempts to leave you drag him back to the couch. It's suffocating. Price follows him out to the porch to smoke, and he realizes he hasn't had a moment to himself in hours. Ghost can't turn a corner without bumping into someone. You're all just… hovering.
And yet no one has said anything. That almost makes it worse. The atmosphere inside the house is warm and festive, but Ghost can't help being reminded of a funeral. It's the sort of long dirge that seems to have no end in sight covered in a Christmas carol. There's plenty Ghost can ignore, but this is pushing it. He's both scrutinized and ignored.
You laugh and make jokes, Price snags cookies off the plate, Duck asks about santa. The dog is handed a bone and jumps around excitedly. The lights twinkle and carols ring through the house. Ghost doesn't think he's said a word in an hour, there's no point. “Big family syndrome” Soap had said once, “makes ya louder even when there's just the two of ya.”
It's too loud. It's too normal. It's too happy when he feels like he's going to break. All of the anger and hurt in his chest that wants so desperately to explode only makes it that much worse. He can't do this.
Ghost pushes back from the table when you settle your hand on his knee. He balls up his napkin and tosses it onto the table, turning to leave as your chair scrapes against the floor. He hardly hears when you call after him.
He just needs a minute of silence, a moment for his grief. He just needs two Goddamn seconds where he doesn't have to pretend he didn't lose everything. Where he can hate Christmas in peace.
Ghost presses his hands against his eyes, he can’t stem the stream of anger and hurt that pounds at his ribs. Why? Why can’t he push this down like he always has? Why does it feel so much bigger, so much meaner? It's never been this bad before, he's never had grief boil like this.
He doesn’t raise his head to the crunch of hay underfoot. You’re coming to try and comfort him, he supposes. He doesn’t want you to see him like this. 
“Go away princess,” He grits, as you take a seat next to him.
“Oh that’s cute,” You mother hums, “she is like a princess isn’t she.”
Ghost looks up from his hands, glares at Duck to try and dissuade this line of conversation. Somehow this feels worse than if you or Price had come after him. He doesn’t know your mother well enough to anticipate her script. Open water without a life vest.
“I like to come out here when I’m upset too,” Duck smiles, looking out the open barn doors. The texas sky is darkening, the first pinpricks of starlight starting to make their appearance. Somehow it feels like Christmas, even without the cold.
“I’m fine,” Ghost looks towards the doors too, clasps his hands together where he leans over his knees. Duck hums again, quiet and patient. So assured that Ghost would spill his heart to her that he almost wants to. When he glances at her again she isn’t looking at him, her eyes watching one of the barn cats sleep with a soft smile.
“You know the first christmas I had with John was two years after Goose was born,” She tells him, “he was still in his fatigues, fresh from the airport, and I was so mad at him-” She laughs, “-because he didn’t want to hold her for a picture.” Something in her smile strikes Ghost as sad, he can’t take his eyes off of her. “He said he didn't want to get blood on her, and I-” a shaky breath “-I don’t know. Eight months in combat and he couldn’t touch his daughter, I just wanted to make him forget about it.”
“That’s your sob story?” Ghost raises a brow.
“That’s why our Christmases look like this,” Duck turns to him, “I’m sure your mother had the same thought.”
“You don’t know my mother,” Ghost grits, squeezing his hands tighter, “There wasn’t any- We never had a happy Christmas, the old man wouldn’t have allowed that.”
His father always felt so big. Always stood so tall and hit so hard. He was impossible to go against, impossible to ignore, the threat of him always hanging over Simon’s head. Christmas especially he seemed to haunt, a monster around the corner ready to pounce. He delighted in others' misery, it was no wonder he seemed to take such joy in destroying the holiday.
There was no father Christmas, no meal good enough, no decoration that didn’t end up destroyed. Good china smashed and ornaments shattered. Just things, his mum would say wiping snot from his nose, not worth the tears.
“It couldn’t have all been bad,” Duck tells him quietly, “your mum wouldn’t let it all be bad,” her grip on his hand tightens, “I wouldn’t.”
“It was all shite,” Ghost assures her with a harsh chuckle. “Just about the only Christmas that went well was-” Ghost stops, frowns as he stares out of the barn. Duck is quiet next to him, letting him sink into the memory. The first Christmas after he kicked his dad out. The first Christmas after Tommy had Joseph, his pudgy little fingers reaching for the shiny ornaments on the little tree they had. His mum had baked cookies. It was the first time she’d actually managed to get them all iced without anyone storming in to scream at her, or throw the tray on the floor. They’d sat on the floor playing Father Christmas, passing out presents with smiles. It was warm, and quiet. Just how he’d always wanted it to be.
Duck’s hand cups his face, her thumb brushing against his cheek with a startling gentleness. Simon looks at her and she smiles at him, something warm and watery in her eyes. He feels the tightness in his throat reflected back to him, feels the wetness tracing lines over his cheeks brushed away with care.
“You two would’ve gotten on like-” He shakes his head, looks away from the ache in his chest, “Doesn’t matter now.”
“She would’ve been proud of you,” Duck says, and it hits him like a bullet through the heart, “I am. We all are.”
And he realizes where you get it from, realizes why you change your ‘I’s to ‘we’s. It’s not a worry that you won’t be enough, it’s an assurance that he has more than just you. 
Simon looks at his hands, unclasps them to rub his thumb against the pinprick scabs that dot his palm. It hurts, the ball of grief in his chest bounces around hitting nerves and making everything feel bigger and scarier than it is. It eclipses everything, impossible to ignore. Duck settles a hand on his shoulder and grief presses too hard against his throat. His vision swims, and a tear falls into his hand. Duck squeezes his shoulder, an ever present warmth at his side as Simon tries to stem the flow. 
“It gets easier,” Duck's voice is soft, sympathetic, “but the good times always hurt worse than the bad ones.” Simon shakes his head, and looks at her over his shoulder, she swallows down the sadness in her smile. “I'm sorry baby,” she tells him, her sincerity hitting him the same as Price's, “I'm so sorry.”
Simon nods, he feels small and far away. He's too big to want to be held like a child, too old, yet Duck pulls him into her arms and he can't do anything but curl into her grip. His hands grip her jumper tight, keeping her held in place as he takes the offered comfort like a starving child takes grapes from the pale man’s table. There’s no judgement as tears stain her sweater, no harsh words or calls for him to “be a man”, only the quiet of the barn as Simon lets himself feel the grief he’d been avoiding all month. For years really. Ever since he found his family dead, felt the cold grasp of understanding wrap around him that he’d never have the sort of Christmas normal people have.
Not when his gifts were soaked in blood, not when he burned the last good things in his life.
“Why don’t you stay with Goosey tonight?” Duck offers, cutting through the tears, “The guest room is a mess, and I know she won’t mind.”
Of course you won’t, you’ve been trying to hold onto him all month. Trying to pull him out of the past as desperately as he was trying to avoid it. The first good thing in this chapter of his life. He should’ve been holding onto you, not pushing you away.
“You’re a good man Simon,” Duck mumbles, her voice quiet enough that he almost doesn’t catch the end of her sentence, “they wouldn’t blame you.”
He says nothing, just curls a little closer, and imagines it’s his mother saying those words.
The house is quiet when he and Duck walk back inside. Price sits on the couch reading, and opens his arms for his wife when she wanders over to him. His captain pulls her onto his lap and brushes her hair off her forehead, a quiet moment of affection in front of the fire that speaks to years of familiarity. He can only hope to have that with you someday, but first maybe an apology is in order. Simon bypasses the happy couple to go upstairs, following the lights to your room. 
He pushes the door open as quietly as he can, watches you look up from where you're sitting on the edge of your bed. Your eyes water, but you smile for him. Simon steps inside, and closes the door behind him with a soft click.
“Momma finally convince you to stay here tonight?” You ask. Simon hums, and holds his arms out for you. It's entirely too endearing how quickly you rush into his hold. You press your head against his shoulder and Simon does the same, burying his nose against your neck to breathe in your familiar scent. Somehow it settles in his bones like coming home. God, he missed you. Missed the way you feel in his arms, the way you melt against him with a sigh like he’s all you’d ever need to be happy.
“You were waitin’ on me,” Simon says looking at the still made bed. The room is bathed in the soft glow of Christmas lights, and you stare up at him with a funny sort of smile, the kind that makes him think he’s said something colossally stupid.
“I’m always gonna wait on you,” You tell him, like it doesn’t mean the world to him. Always, you tell him, and Simon wonders again how one little word from you can make his heart feel like it will burst. You reach to cup his face, stroking your thumb over his stubble with a fondness he’s never seen before. It makes him want to tell you he loves you. 
“I have something for you,” You say before he can spill his heart. You lean out of his arms to swipe a present off of the dresser next to you. You hold out a flat parcel, wrapped in brown paper with a neat red bow. It’s simple, but the way his name is written carefully on it, far flung from your usual chicken scratch, speaks to the care put into it. He lets you go to take it gingerly, turning it over in his hands to check the seams.
“We’re more of a presents on Christmas family, but I thought you might like this early.” You explain as Simon carefully slides his finger under the tape holding the paper together, gentle not to rip it as you watch him. He turns the picture frame over in his hand and freezes.
Grainy and just barely colored is a photo of Tommy’s wedding. The happy couple smiles up at him, with Simon and his mother standing at his brother’s side, while their new in-laws stand with Beth. His fingers trace the smile on his face, the way his mum holds onto his arm, happier than he'd ever seen her. He looks up to meet your eye, your unsure smile.
“Where did you get this?” Simon asks, looking back at a life he'd buried years ago. You step closer, settle a hand on his.
“I called a couple genealogy places in Manchester,” you explain, “figured your mom might've put an announcement in one of the local papers. They faxed a couple photos over.” You pause, unsure as Simon looks at the photograph. He looks back at you when you've been quiet a moment too long. “I have one of Joseph under the tree, I can go get it.” Your nerves bleed into your voice, your tone softer than Simon's ever heard it. 
“I gotta have something to open tomorrow,” He tells you, wrapping his arm around you, pulling you close to his side and kissing your forehead. “Thank you.” Simon feels quieter, you wrap your arms around his waist and squeeze.
“I know it's not much,” you murmur, and Simon cuts you off.
“It's perfect.”
Somehow looking at the photo makes his heart feel lighter. It’s tangible, physical proof of the life he lived, and of the people he lived it with. He wonders if it was really so easy to find, you must have gone through a lot of effort to find this picture. The kind of effort you only put in for someone you love. 
“Got something for you too,” He sniffs, settling the picture back where it had been.
“You do?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Simon flicks your forehead, and you swat at his hand. He grabs the little hinged box from his coat pocket and tosses it to you. You barely fumble it, popping the lid open with a smile. He almost worries you hate it the way your face screws up, your lips pouting and your nose wrinkling.
“I love it,” You tell him with a wavering voice, pulling the necklace free of its velvet prison. The little porcelain charm hangs gently from the silver chain, a tiny white goose with an orange beak and a blue scarf painted on it. You hold the charm in the palm of your hand, studying it. “Can’t believe you got me jewelry,” You joke, trying to cover the water brimming at your lashes, something Simon is happy to brush away with his fingers.
“Thought it was cute,” He supplies, you nod.
“It’s perfect,” You unclasp the clip on the chain, and hold it out to him, turning so Simon can pull the two ends around the back of your neck.
“I ever tell you that the bartender no-showed the reception?” Simon asks, helping you clasp the necklace. You laugh, trying to keep your voice down.
“No time like the present,” You smile over your shoulder at him, the sun peaking over the mountains just for him.
Simon holds his daughter up in front of the family Christmas tree, her little pudgy fingers reaching for the shiny ornaments as her eyes reflect the lights. She kicks her feet excitedly, cooing at the display and letting out eager huffs as she attempts to escape her father’s arms. He’s never seen anyone so excited about a few decorations, but the glee that radiates off of the baby is enough to lighten anyone’s mood. 
“Don’t let her grab anything,” You call from the couch. Simon pulls Mary back into his arms and steps closer to pull a little fuzzy teddy bear ornament off a branch. He jingles it in front of her grubby little fingers with a smile.
“This one’s yours,” He tells her quietly, “don’t tell your mum.” Tiny fingers wrap around the soft toy, and pull it close. It’s amazing how different the holidays feel with a baby, it’s like experiencing everything for the first time all over again.
Mary holds onto the little bear and Simon holds onto the ornament hook, keeping it out of her mouth as she gums at the ornament’s ears. He’s almost tempted to let her keep it, except that the baby has more presents under the tree than any of them. The perks of being less than a year, he supposes. Having doting grandparents helps too. 
Not that Simon can blame them. Mary smiles at him around the bear’s arm and his heart melts a little. Christ, how did he ever make something this perfect? “How many of these did you say you wanted?” He asks over his shoulder.
“As many as you can carry.” You hum. Simon bounces Mary in his arms, and pulls the ornament from her grasp when she switches her focus to him. Tiny fingers reach for his face, soft baby skin feeling over his stubble and giggling. He catches her hand and presses it to his lips, feeling the way Mary squirms in his arms, her chubby legs kicking excitedly.
“They’re all going to be good,” He promises her, “every Christmas-” he kisses her hand again, “-and every birthday-” another kiss, “-and everything in between. For the both of us.”
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bonny-kookoo · 6 months
Oh i am already so beyond whipped for baby darling bc wtf why is it so sweet and cute and healing?? Makes my heart burst. I’m terrible at drabble prompts and ideas but I will happily and thankfully devour any crumbs you choose to offer.
One day there will be crumbs. Ah fuck it whatever let's have a crumb right now.
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"Aren't you cold like that?" He asks you, mentioning the lack of your clothing. You're just wearing some socks, underwear and an oversized shirt- and like he said, your apartment is cold.
"I mean, I was just in bed." You shrug, stretching your limbs before you pull them back closer. "Wasn't expecting anyone. I can turn on the-"
"You don't have to, really." Jungkook chuckles. "Was just wondering. Do you want to go back to sleep?" He asks, and you misunderstand a little, nodding.
"My bed is a bit small, but we can make it work." You say, getting up to walk towards what he assumes might be your bedroom- and he can't help but feel a bit.. nervous?
This is pretty much the tamest thing ever. He's pretty adventurous when it comes to sex and such- sp why is he now nervous about a nap of all things?
Your bedroom is cozy, as you kick out your stuffed animals to make room for him, and he has to laugh. "You do know if we have sex they'll have to leave, right?" He tells you, taking off his jacket to put it over a giant bear in the corner of the room- shielding it's face.
"Why? I can just put them on a shelf maybe, so they're out of the way..." you answer, not at all fazed by his mention of intimacy- and it makes him happy, relieving some of the tension. You seem comfortable with him, and that's a huge compliment towards him.
"No, they'll look at us the whole time then!" He whines, moving to turn the multiple push animals so they face the wall instead. "That's creepy." He mumbles, while you laugh, sitting on your bed. "What? Voyeurism isn't something I'm into, don't kink-shame!" He argues playfully, making you laugh even harder.
"I'm not!" You finally get out. "It's just funny."
"What's funny, huh?" He challenges, getting on the bed as well after shedding his jeans and socks somewhere I'm the room.
"Full sleeve of tattoos." You shrug, fingers tracing the colored lines as you lay next to each other. "Piercings. All buff and bold." You describe him. "And yet can't get it up when a hello kitty is watching." You tease, as his eyes sharpen, hand on your hip moving to squeeze your butt for a second.
"Never said I couldn't get it up." He tells you.
"Just don't want anyone to see you but me."
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shuenkio · 10 days
Accidentally - ❤️‍🔥
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Paring: Hyung line x male!reader
Genre: nsfw 18+ (don't like don't press)
Cw: mentioned of sex [d] toys a lot, no sex.
Summary: Your delivery sent you the wrong package.
Non proof read :') lmk if something is wrong.
Crd to all pics&dividers
Below cut !
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Lhs: you were still in a deep sleep when he went to open the door for your delivery package. The moment you woke up, rubbing your eyes to start your day, Heeseung was sitting at the end side of your bed, glaring at you in disbelief. You asked him what was wrong. And he throw you a package that he received for you. You open the unwrapped package when you see a giant dildo inside, and also a transparent one. Your eyes went wide like you just have seen a ghost. Wtf a dildo!
"What. The. Hell. Is. This Hyung!" You almost stutter, having a feeling that he probably misunderstood you for ordering this thing.
"I should be the one to ask you. A dildo? Is my dick not big enough to rail you up? Tsk such a waste" he scoffed, irritated with you as he huffed the hot air unbelievable.
"Excuse me!! I did not order such a thing, why should I order this massive toy when in fact I order a fucking skincare package" You fire back, your blood rushing to your cheeks in a heat emotion. You observe the name tag on the little note and show it to him, tapping your fingertip on it aggressively.
"Put your eyes here and SEE" Heeseung takes a glance at the name tag before realizing it's not your name on it and he signed the confirmation wrong without thinking. Which left him stunned in the place, unable to speak. As the guilt started to wash all over his body, embarrassing.
"I- uhh haha just a misunderstood... My bad mn I should've looked more carefully, please — forgive me" He kneeled, begging on the floor, as he had made a really big mistake, his hands were rubbing against each other, asking for your forgiveness.
You leave your bed, with burning cheeks as you stomp your feet furiously to the bathroom. Heeseung keeps on pleading for your mercy, even if you don't give af about him.
"Please mn~ speak to me i swear I'll do anything hm? Any dare just anything whatever you say! Do you want my body? I can be naked the whole day to please you baby uhh y- you want your skincare I'll go get it real quick for y-"
Sigh, you let him go as your toothbrush still pulsing inside your mouth. Shaking your head in annoyance seeing that he would do anything just to please you, giving you a warm feeling inside, as your madness for him faded away.
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Pjs: You accidentally sent the wrong location for your delivery, which will arrive by the next day. However as the next day comes, you've called your boyfriend Jay to pick up your package for you and explain how your clumsy self, sent your delivery wrong location. He brushes it off, thinking you probably ordered useless things again, so on the way to your apartment, he takes a peek what's inside before discovering two 25 inches dildos, his mind goes blank, and flabbergasted makes his not-innocent eyes even dirtier.
When he arrived, he greeted you with a tight hug as usual. But oddly, he gives you a small gift instead of your wrong package.
You furrowed your eyebrow skeptically, as you opened it to see what was inside.
"Love... Why are there so many condom boxes?" You asked boldly, straightforward question him why, as your face turned even more red when a grin started to spread across his face.
"I just checked your little box, honey, ~ you should've just told me if you want my cock so bad for pleasure, don't be such a coward for that" he leans down at your level, as his eyes darken, full of lust and desire, explained that he's eager for bedtime.
"Wdym love I don't understand -" you respond, still not ringing the bell. You want to ask him with full force from your chest why but you choose to assure him kindly.
"Haha I've seen two dildos inside your box honey, and it's longer than a human's size could reach. I can't believe you're so wild in this field" Jay chuckled softly under his breath as he mentioned what he saw, drawing you more to the edge to see it with your own eyes.
"W-what? I don't order those kinda toys though. I ordered a new book that was just published yesterday, Jay! You're sure you're not wrong?" You reply, telling the truth with your heart pounding inside your chest.
Jay tilts his head, checking your package once again carefully word by word, as his eyes lay on the name that's written with someone else name.
"W—wow um... Sorry, God, I am super sorry, I can't believe this" The truth was revealed, when he dropped the box down, and covered his flashed face with his palm, ashamed at what he just brought to you. Boxes of condoms.
You wheezing on the spot, laughing your ass out like there's no tomorrow, Humiliated him even more. You pause your snort for a sec before steadying yourself once again.
"Don't be embarrassed love, I know what's in store for us tonight with your little gift mwah"
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Sjy: today was your date, it's happened that he came to pick you up so early, giving you no time to react, quickly grab your clothes and towel, rushing in to shower in the bathroom. He takes a sit on the chair inside your bedroom. As his eyes began to explore the decorations, he saw something on the bed sheet.
He didn't want to touch your pieces of stuff without your consent however, the urge to feel it getting out of hand, made him want to open it up, ripped to shreds to see what was inside. Eventually, he did but he didn't tear it into pieces. He unties the wrap on the box, as he learns that, inside the box has a horse dildo, a fucking horse dildo. His expectations went wild, he thought you would order some nice stuff, daily life items or something but a sex toy. Instead of shocked, he's amazed.
After you finished dressing up, you saw him sitting on your bed, giggling all alone, back facing you. You tap his shoulder for his attention, he turns toward you with an enduring horse dildo.
As a result, a gasp left your mouth, catching you off guard. He encounters the wrong package on your bed, where you forget to hide it.
"Jake it's not what it looks like, the delivery man sent me the wrong box you've to trust me" you reassure him nervously because you know that once he's turned on, nothing can stop his beast.
He stood on his feet, slowly closing the gap between you two, as he wrapped his hand around your waist tight.
"Idc what your reason is, you're responsible for my hard cock underneath, now bend over for your bf~"
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Psh: The same goes for Heeseung. When you're busy cleaning the house upstairs, he went to pick your package up as soon as he heard there was a delivery. He signed without a glance, and didn't even bother to care about what was inside.
After the intense activity of cleaning the whole room upstairs, you take a break together with Sunghoon. At the same time, you settled for lunch times, scooping all the food, and enjoying your time after all the sweat.
Once you're finished eating, Sunghoon gives the box to you on the table while he's still eating. You let out an excited noise, overjoyed that your order had arrived faster than you thought.
Your hand started to unveil to unbox the lovely new earphones that you've always wanted, however, instead of the headphones, a fat massive inhumane dildo exposed on the table with its brown color, detailed veins and even hair pattern on the dildos.
As soon as Sunghoon caught sight of it, he choked on his food. Almost spit out all the foods he had just eaten.
"Fuck me you almost killed me with your damn dildo," He said, half surprised and half choked, gulping down a glass of water to pour the food that stuck in his throat.
"Hell nah, they sent the wrong one but— who tf ordered such a wide-length toy omg" The dildo is not only big but also massive at its length too, catching you taken aback by your discovery. Sunghoon then pressed his finger to feel it before letting out a rich laugh.
"I wouldn't be so surprised though if you order a real sex toy but you can always just use me right?"
"You talk nonsense again stop—" He cut you as he snatched your hand to feel his cock that's semi-hard inside the fabric right now. As he pressed your hand rubbing harder, begging for your touch without a word.
"Use my cock like a dildo mn~ I'm more than happy to offer myself for you, raw and even more tasty"
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️ Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ lack of perfect words ;-;
Ps: This is the wildest shzt I ever write 😗🤌
Anyway thanks again pookie for supporting this writer 🥰🫶.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 1 month
"Since you asked so nicely..... this is how well my transition is going, big bro!" Hayley said on a Zoom call, setting up her phone on a tripod to flaunt her extremely pregnant body for her brother, Sean.
"Holy shit, you look incredible. How many kids are crammed in that belly?"
"Hmmmm, good question. I think I feel at least eight? Maybe more?"
"You don't even know how pregnant you are?"
"Nope! It's not that important. My medical team just tell me they're injecting me with a lot of fertilized eggs and do their thing."
"So you have no say over whether you get pregnant?"
"Nope! My doctors are gonna keep me pumping out babies forever, a girl's gotta keep her womb nice and full, don't you agree?" She smacked her belly playfully a few times.
"God damn.... I didn't even know you got a uterus."
"Well, you've been away, Mr. College Boy, leaving your poor adorable trans sister so alone...."
"...... Mom and dad say you fuck new guys like every night, Hayley."
"Well, aside from that I'm totally lonely! I miss having you around. You're why I transitioned, you know?"
"Hayley.... please, that was forever ago. We can move on past that."
"Why would we? You encouraged me to dress like a girl, act like a girl, you told me how much you fantasized about having a younger sister for company...."
"Ew, don't be gross."
Hayley bit her lip. "Why? Gross is fun. Besides I'm twenty-one and you're like twenty-six. We're both adults who know what we want."
"Are you planning to be like this the whole time I visit?"
"About that..... so, mom and dad use your room for their exercise equipment and storage now, so you'll be sleeping in my room, with me."
"..... And how will I fit in bed with you? You're gigantic."
"Don't worry, just snuggle up real close, my belly's so warm I'm sure you won't mind. Isn't this always what you wanted? You used to watch so many pornos and hentais about older brothers breeding their younger sisters. Mom and dad even think it's cute that I have a crush on you."
"Seriously? They're cool with it?"
"Of course! They already told me they can't wait to hear us upstairs catching up for lost time, shaking the walls, my pretty moans filling the hallway as you fuck my fat, girly ass. Doesn't that sound divine?"
"Fuck.... you're for real? You actually want me to fuck you, when you're that pregnant?"
"Don't worry, my womb isn't connected to anything. I stay pregnant til my team decides to give me a C-section. Usually I'm forced to stay pregnant for a whole year. The contractions get unbearable, but feel amazing! And as a surrogate mom living as a baby incubator, I'm paid very handsomely. Mom and dad already retired. They live mostly on the money this giant womb rakes in....."
"Jesus, you really committed to being a breeder, huh?"
Hayley reached in her shorts, pulling out her swollen, ten-inch cock off to the side for him to see as she stroked it. "That's what you wanted me to be. Watching those perverted videos every day, talking me into wearing girls' clothes, learning to do makeup, telling me at length how hot you think it'd be to have a submissive breeder sister. You even dared me to come out to mom and dad and ask to be put on hrt and blockers asap! You're the reason I'm a beautiful girl with a perpetually stuffed womb, flooded with more kids than my dumb, girly brain can probably count. This is all for you, big bro. I'm a knocked-up breeder slut dreaming every day to feel your cock inside me...."
"Fuck, you turned out better than I ever could've hoped, Hayley!"
"I take it that's a yes?" She enthusiastically jerked off, watching her brother stroke his cock under his jeans.
"Damn straight. I can't wait to fuck that fat ass of yours so hard you cry. Every day, every night. I'm going to fuck you in front of mom and dad. I'm going to fuck you in public. I'm going to humiliate you, grab your tits, jerk you off on the train. Everything I ever fantasized about doing to you."
"Mmmmm, ohhhh fuck...." she softly moaned, shooting rope after rope of cum out of her cock. "Look what you made me do, big bro." She showed him the cum all over her hand, then licked it up, off each finger.
"You're perfect. Maybe if you're a really good girl, someday I'll even marry you, and make you my submissive little pregnant bride, so I can humiliate, fuck, and torture you every day for the rest of your life."
"That sounds like every little sister's dream come true. ❤️"
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thepepsislvt · 4 months
nobody asked for this but im gonna give you my top 5 baby girls and their pros and cons
in order even bc im insane
this also turned out to be more of a drabbles so yall still getting fed
number 5: Sanji
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literally such a sweetheart
traumatized just like me
always coming with the best insults
best cuddles cant tell me im wrong
so fucking kind <3
supports my nic addiction
also doesnt smoke around you if you dont like it
probably wouldnt even look at me until i show him my tits (im a trans guy)
probably smokes a pack a day
thinks he can out smoke me when im literally a feind for nic
on the off chance he gets in a relationship with me he still would flirt with other women and i have abandonment issues
Number 4: Ace
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Also very much a sweetheart
hes silly and knows how to always make you laugh
personal heater for the winter
will let you trace his freckles
best kisses ong
make cute little shapes with his flames
probably wont let you wear his hat
will fake punch you like a brother
too damn sexy
also way too hot during the summer like do not cuddle me i will not go to sleep in the heat
Number 3: Bartolomeo
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his hair is green meaning hes gotta be a walking green flag
will let you wear his clothes
especially his jacket
wants to kiss you every chance he can
fanboys over anything
hypes you up for anything you want to do
doesnt clean his piercings so you have to force him
doesnt understand personal space
Number 2: Rosinante
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another man that will let you wear his clothes
theyre gonna be huge since hes 9 foot 7
big friendly giant
when he trips bc hes clumsy he requires your kisses to feel better
will pick you up and carry you around if you let him
lets you help him with his makeup
always makes time for you no matter what hes doing
smile brighter than my future
Number 1: Izou
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bro is damn gorgeous
will ask your opinion on everything when shopping for makeup
will even do your makeup if you want him to
self care king
even when youre not feeling it he will at least help you do the most basic things
very patient with only you
big on protecting you
smooches your forehead or temple a ton
has you help with his nightly routine
has you ALWAYS help with his nightly routine
“oh im too tired can you do it yourself tonight?”
“Thats too damn bad my hair needs to shine brighter than the sun”
always looks more stunning than you (when is it my turn buddy >:( )
doing his makeup last over an hour
(this one is personal but i wanna cosplay him so bad but hes so feminine im scared i might get mad dysphoria)
thats all :)
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rafeandonlyrafe · 8 months
childhood bedroom
words: 1k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, protected p in v sex, caught
you’re not sure what to expect rafe to say when you invite him to your upcoming family dinner. you’ve been dating for a couple months, but rafe doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to be into meeting families, even if he is serious about you.
“your parents are going to love me.” rafe says with a laugh surprising you in how eager he is to meet them.
you have no clue how true his words would be when he shows up with a giant bouquet of flowers for your mom. you giggle as she gushes over them, separating them into bouquets while thanking rafe over and over. you lean against him, looking up at his satisfied face, unable to hide just how pleased he is.
“you know, it’s going to be a lot harder to win over my dad.” you say, holding his hand as you head towards the backyard where your dad is barbequing.
“i won you over, didn’t i princess? and you thought i would never do that.” rafe says, kissing your cheek. 
you giggle, squeezing his hand tightly as you step out onto the patio. when rafe first started flirting with you, you turned him away multiple times, not thinking that he would be a serious boyfriend, and you were certainly not looking for just a fling, but you finally gave him a chance after he literally begged, and he’s done everything to prove your initial doubts wrong since then.
“hey dad, this is rafe.” you say. rafe lets go of your hand to clap his against your fathers, before they strike up a conversation about what he’s barbecuing. you give rafe a kiss on the cheek before heading to sit on the daybed underneath the shade of the balcony, not wanting to stand in the bright sun.
you watch rafe interact with you dad, half-listening as the conversation switches to golf. after a few minutes, rafe lets your father get back to focusing on barbequing. he comes over to sit next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“i told you they would love me.” rafe says, kissing the top of your head as you lean against him.
“mmm, as they should.” you say, squeezing his thigh. “considering i love you.”
the rest of the night proves even more how charming rafe can be when he really turns it on, making your parents laugh throughout the whole dinner, and you think you even catch your mom blushing a couple times.
when it gets dark, you all head inside for some wine and card games, rafe winning the perfect amount to impress your parents but not annoy them. you’re surprised he can hold back his competitive side. 
they like him so much that they don’t even bat their eyes when you say that rafe and you are gonna sleep over, not wanting to drive home drunk. they let you sleep in the same room without question, which they certainly never would allow any of your past boyfriends to do. you assume that they also see how serious you too are about each other.
or maybe they just don’t think you’d risk having sex with each other while they’re sleeping just a couple rooms away, but that’s certainly not true as rafe currently has you pinned underneath him, hips pushing into yours over and over again.
“shh, come on baby, you don’t want your parents to hear, do you?” he teases as his thumb rubs over your clit. “who do you think they’d be more mad at, huh? me or you?”
“rafe.” you whimper, hands tight on his shoulders. his hips speed up, cock swelling inside of you.
“shh, good girl.” rafe presses his lips against yours to silence you. you know you’re not going to last much longer, you just hope you can finish quiet enough to not wake your parents up.
“letting me fuck you in your childhood bedroom, dirty slut.” rafe laughs in your ear, his thumb speeding up over your clit. he brings his other hand to cover your mouth, knowing that you’re unable to stay silent when you cum.
you moan against his hand, sounds muffled, the only noise echoing throughout the room is his hips slapping against your skin.
“fuuuck.” rafe groans, pushing his forehead into your shoulder. “fuck baby, you’re gonna be the death of me.” 
his hips stutter faster and faster until you feel him release inside of you, filling up the condom. rafe pushes his hips in deep as he rides out his orgasm, thumb continuing to rub at your clit until your whole body shakes as your orgasm rolls through you.
rafe slowly removes his hand from your mouth, giving your neck a kiss as you both breathe deeply, recovering from your orgasm. rafe eventually pulls out, giving you a soft kiss on the lips before pulling the condom off and standing up to discard it in your trash can.
you smile as rafe rejoins you in bed, letting him take you into his strong arms. you close your eyes, the tiredness from the sex quickly overtaking your body.
“oh mom, rafe is here! do you wanna say hi to him?” you ask on the phone, happy that your mom now knows rafe well enough to talk to him on one of your weekly phone calls.
“hey, mrs. y/l/n.” rafe calls, giving you a kiss on the cheek as you continue to prepare dinner for your at-home date night you had planned.
“oh rafe! how are you, sweetie?” your mom gushes. 
you giggle and continue to stir as rafe converses with your mom through speakerphone.
“oh, y/n.” your mom calls. “i wanted to talk to you and rafe about something.” “what is it mom?” you ask, turning the burner down to let the dish simmer.
“i was taking out the trash in your old room the other day-” your eyes widen as you snap your head to rafe, remembering the discarded condom that you completely forgot about.
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angelofsmalldeaath · 1 month
'cause my baby's sweet as can be, she give me toothaches just from kissin' me — a.h.b.
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cw: fem!reader, mentions of food, mentions of diets, kinda suggestive, fluff (literally at this point what else do i write other than sickly sweet, domestic fluff)
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for two weeks now he’s been on a diet so strict it’ll put a hollywood starlet to shame. 
it’s necessary, he’s aware—he needs to be fit to perform on stage every night for hours, keep up his energy. he needs to entertain. he’s indulged enough in the last few months anyway. 
which is why when the smell of chocolate and vanilla wafts out of the kitchen, his head turns. his eyes flutter shut of their own accord, his mouth floods with saliva. 
it really is a divine smell. 
he imagines the silly little animals in cartoons, imagines their anthropomorphic feet lifting off the ground, the noses trailing the translucent vapours, leading them to the source of it. a giant batch of warm, homemade biscuits in this case. 
he won’t fall for it though, he knows it’s not for him—it’s for the neighbour’s boy of all people, for his 10th birthday, apparently. still he can’t resist taking a peak. 
when he stops at the threshold of their kitchen, he finds exactly what he predicted. 
the kitchen is bathed in rainbows, sunlight filtering through all the sunlight stickers on the windows. the music isn’t deafeningly loud, but it’s loud enough that she barely hears him when he walks in. she’s too engrossed to even hear him snickering at her off-key singing. 
“hello, you,” he smiles, hugging her from behind. she jumps a little at first but melts the moment his arms wrap around her. “this smells delicious.”
“so have one,” she shrugs. the tiny movement intensifies the sweet smell clinging to her—sugar and vanilla and chocolate. something that matches her so perfectly that he can’t resist sliding her hair aside to place a little kiss on her shoulder.
“you know i can’t, you cruel woman.” another kiss, longer than the last one. “i’ll have one, and one more, and one more, and, well…there might not be any left for the birthday party.”
she sighs deeply, pretending to be engrossed in thought, giggling when his kisses turn more frequent, lips moving from her shoulder to her back, to the nape of her neck. 
“on second thought,” he breathes onto her skin, enjoying the way she shivers in response, “i could eat you, you're the sweetest thing in the world.”
“you called me cruel two seconds ago!”
“mmm yes, it is cruel how perfect you are now that you say it.”
“what’s gotten into you, huh?” she laughs, a touch too breathy to be teasing. he could decipher her laughs in his sleep—this one particularly. she’s enjoying it, she just won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing it. 
“pretty baby,” he nips at her earlobe, “i like watching you bake. you have this look on your face of utter concentration…tongue poking out and all.”
“do i? didn’t know you had such domestic fantasies about me.”
“oh i have a variety of fantasies about you.”
he knows she’s biting her lip without even looking at her. it’s in vain though—she’s never been able to stifle a smile, not around him. he prides himself on it too much. 
“keep a few biscuits for us, will you?”
she turns partially, furrowing her brows. “thought you didn’t want any.”
he takes the opportunity, turns her around by the waist until she’s pressed flush against his chest, trapped between him and the kitchen island. he sees the small smudge of flour on her cheek then, even the smudge of chocolate on the corner of her lip from when she no doubt snuck a piece. or two. 
“‘s not for me,” he clicks his tongue, bends till his nose is pressed to her cheek. “‘s so you could eat them, and kiss me after. it’ll make them sweeter that way.” 
even with his eyes closed he feels her cheeks flushing, feels the thud of her heart when he kisses the chocolate smudge away, flicking his tongue over her lip in the process—something he simply can’t resist. then he brushes the flour away with his knuckles and tilts her chin up until she has no choice but to look at him. 
“stop flirting with me,” she frowns deeply, trying to look all serious and jabs a finger in his chest. “i have a kitchen to clean.” and even that lacks any conviction. she’s enjoying far too much to put up any facade. 
“unless—” he’s not even surprised by the perfect puppy eyes at this point “—you wanna clean it for me? you do love me, don’t you?”
and that’s definitely a trap he’s walked right in. 
he laughs, rests his forehead on hers for a moment. “go sit down, i’ll take care of this.”
she pumps her fist in the air, not even trying to be the least bit subtle. and just like always, he’s fallen for it (for her really) hook, line and sinker.
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nctsplug02 · 9 months
okay but like smth i’ve been having on my mind is that johnny LOVES when he’s gets to have ur thighs around his head ,,, like that man is in HEAVEN especially with thick thighs…
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GENRE: fluff, smut, hot dilf next door, older male!mc and younger fem!mc (age gap).
WARNINGS: age gap; (41-25), thick thigh reader, kissing, flirting, possessiveness, praising, thigh fuck, face sitting, oral sex (F receiving), and cum eating!
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you rub your eyes with a yawn while you walk down the staircase.
“oh, hey there.” you gasp, biting back a scream when seeing your 6’2 giant boyfriend in the kitchen, half naked and holding a coffee mug with the labels; “i♥️my girlfriend.”
“i’m so glad my throat is worn out, otherwise i would’ve woken up the whole neighborhood.” johnny laughs and grabs your waist, pulling you in and giving you a kiss. “i’m pretty sure you already did last night.”
you smack his chest. “i’m kidding! maybe,” he mumbles. “g’morning, princess.” you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him once more before pulling away.
“morning, love. how’d you sleep?” you ask and fix his messy bed hair. “slept like a perfect baby. especially after eating your pussy.. slept amazing.”
you giggle and hide your face in his chest as he cups your ass cheeks.
you pull away and press a kiss on his jaw. “can you make me a cup of coffee, love?” johnny nods with a soft hum and taps your thigh.
you jump and instantly johnny catches you. he brings you over to the counter next to the coffee maker and sits you next to the machine.
“how are you feeling after last night?” johnny asks, grabbing your matching mug (i♥️my boyfriend) and pouring the black coffee into it.
“sore; my thighs, hips and clit are so sore, right now.” you rub your hips while watching johnny add creamer into your coffee. “aw, i’m sorry, princess.” johnny hands you your mug.
you take a sip and nod, groaning at the sweet taste. “you make the best coffee, i swear.”
“well, i do own the best café in the city.” you set down your mug and nod. “mhm, that’s where we first met. i’m sorry, again.”
johnny laughs and shakes his head. “it’s fine, princess. i know you didn’t mean to spill coffee on me.”
johnny, your boyfriend of four years who owns a small coffee shop and is a CEO at one of his parents companies.
“that reminds me. what time is it, don’t you have to get ready for work?” johnny shakes his head and spreads your legs, wedging himself between them and picking up his mug.
“it currently is,” he looks behind him and turns back to you. “ten in the morning and no, the meeting i was supposed to have at the company was postponed for next week.”
you frown, “that sucks but yay, another day for us!” you say with a small cheer.
“mhm,” johnny sets down his mug. “and, what would you like to do today since it’s a day for us?” johnny rubs your thighs and bites his bottom lip.
“you think we can go to ikea? i need a dresser for my guest room.” johnny groans and rolls his eyes. “can’t you just move in already?”
johnny, your boyfriend of four years, who’s also your next door neighbor.
“love, we’ve already talked about this.” you cup his face and smoosh his cheeks so his lips pout. “i love you but i don’t know if i’m ready to move in yet.”
“baby, you’ve moved almost all your stuff into my house already. i think it’s kind of a waste to be paying rent on your own place when you’re over at my house 24/7.”
you bite your lip, he was right.
“i’ll think about it, alright?” johnny nods.
you set your mug down. “what should i make for breakfast?” you ask after hearing nothing but silence.
johnny smirks and it was a smirk you knew. “i’m craving for something sweet and juicy.” johnny plays with the end of your shirt.
“you want stake for breakfast?” johnny presses his lips together and glares at you. “i’m kiddingg,” you giggle and kiss his lips.
“you want my pussy, you gotta use your words and ask.” you wrap your legs around his waist and rub his bare chest. “c’mon, baby. just a little taste. i’ll order you waffles and boba?”
“extra boba?” johnny nods. “i promise.”
you pull off the oversized shirt and toss it on the ground behind johnny. “fuck, you aren’t wearing anything under?” besides a thong, you were bra-less. “i got a little lazy.” you shyly admit with a shrug.
“you’re so sexy.” johnny groans and grabs your hip, pulling them a bit forward and then slowly pulling off your thong.
johnny lowers himself onto his knees. “have i ever told you how much i love your thighs?” johnny smacks and watches the recoil from your thighs. “always.”
you gasp feeling his mouth come into contact with your inner left thigh. “n—not a day goes by without you telling me how much you love my thighs.” you sigh in relief when his nose brushes against your pussy.
“you smell so sweet.” johnny sighs and smears your folds. “i love your pussy so much.” johnny bites his bottom lip and then ghosts his thumb over your clit.
“stop being a tease and eat me out!” johnny chuckles at your impatient cry. “please?” you add.
johnny chuckles, again and shakes his head. “so impatient.. it’s pathetic.”
johnny presses a kiss on your folds and pulls back. “while i eat your pussy, i want you to think about you moving in with me, got it?” you nod in a hurry. “okay, okay! just.. please hurry?”
you moan in a dreamy way when feeling johnny mouth your pussy. his tongue laps your folds and flicks your clit.
your hands find themselves tangled in johnnys hair. moans pour from your throat and groans spill from johnny as he laps up your juice.
“j—johnny,” you gasp and pull on his black locks. “y—you’re a menace.” your gasp pitches up when he sucks your clit.
johnny pulls away and licks his lips. he looks up at you through his lashes with hungry eyes. “i just.. mm.. love how sweet you taste.” johnny licks your right inner thigh and begins sucking a hickey where he’d just licked.
your legs hang from johnnys shoulders, toes curled, thighs suffocating your boyfriend who doesn’t mind.
your fingers tighten around johnnys locks as he goes back to eating your pussy but this time his fingers are slipped inside you.
your chest is lifting heavily and falling back at the same pace. your moans are filling up the perfect sized kitchen. your eyes are shut tightly to keep this as a memory.
“mm,” johnny pulls away and wipes his chin with the back of his hand. “gonna cum yet, princess?” johnny asks, looking up at you through his lashes.
you nod with an uncomfortable face.
“c’mon,” johnny sucks on your clit and groans, “cum on my tongue, baby.” your legs hanging off his shoulders begin to tremble, johnnys fingers had hit the best spot causing you to fall weak.
with a cry of pleasure, you cream on johnnys fingers and tongue.
johnny pulls away with one last kiss on your clit and comes up with his fingers in his mouth, he groans as he sucks them clean.
“mm, boy am i full.” johnny smiles and rubs his bare belly. “tch,” you sit up and allow your legs to slowly shut. “lucky you.” johnny helps you off the counter and holds you by the waist.
your chest pressed against his bare chest, you on your tiptoes and your face making a fake angry face.
“i still want my breakfast, suh.” johnny lifts you so you’re off your feet for a split second and kisses your neck. “of course, it’s what i promised and i don’t break my promises.”
johnny grabs his phone which is on the counter behind you and begins ordering your breakfast. “babe, can i get a side of hashbrowns and eggs? i really like the eggs, they have cheese in them!” johnny chuckles and nods.
“anything for you, baby.” he rubs your thighs and ass while confirming the order.
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“babe,” you clench your thighs together and hold onto johnnys arm. “yeah, baby? what’s wrong?” he holds you up in front of him. “my thighs—the baby powder isn’t working anymore!”
you and johnny were at the club with his friends and yours combined.
while getting ready, you were torn between two dresses; a barbie pink thigh cut dress with the straps tied around your neck or a black and nude dress with a long v-cut in the middle.
johnny being the fashionista he is and picks the barbie pink dress, saying it fits the club better and saying how you’d outshine (glow) everyone like you always do.
“what’s wrong with your thighs, baby? are they starting to chafe?” you nod as johnny rubs the peeling skin. “okay, let’s go home. i’ll take care of you, baby, don’t worry.”
johnny finds one of his buddies and tells them to tell the rest that you and him were taking off because he wasn’t feeling well.
your heart melted by how he took the blame.
“i think i have some vaseline and bandaids in the car somewhere but i’ll have to look as soon as we get to the car.” johnny says guiding you out the club.
you wince and stop when reaching a stop sign. “dude,” you laugh in pain and grab the pole that holds the stop sign. “my thighs are absolutely killing me!”
johnny laughs and watches with his hands now in his pockets as you rub your inner thighs. “my skin is peeling, i can feel my skin burning and my thighs scraping against the other.”
“alright, baby. take your heels off.” a bright glow outlines your body when hearing johnnys command, you knew exactly what he meant by that.
“yay!“ you clap your hands and do little hops before undoing your heels. “piggy or shoulder?” you shrug and hand johnny your left heel. “whichever is easiest for you.”
johnny smirks, “both are easy but there’s only one of you and i’d like to keep it that way.”
with one hand, you hold both your shoes while johnny picks you up and tosses you over his shoulder. “you alright, baby?”
“perfectly fine!” you say with a giggle and a little kick.
“this is absolutely perfect.” johnny says as he begins to walk. “how so?” you ask while hanging lifelessly. “because, my face is facing your thighs and i fucking love your thighs.”
“you love my thighs or you love fucking my thighs?” johnny stays silent. “both, of course.” you roll your eyes.
“that reminds me,” you hum. “how are your thighs now? still hurting—? oh, look. our car!” you grab your bag and dig around for the keys, holding them out by your ass when finding them.
you close your bag and let it hang lifelessly with your arms. “my thighs are fine for now. i can feel the skin just.. absolutely stinging.”
johnny sits you in the passenger seat after unlocking the car and opening the passenger side. “can we get food on the way home?” you ask while seat belting yourself. “sure, what are you in the mood for?”
“i don’t know.” johnny glares at you. “i’m not really craving for anything specific, i’m just hungry.” johnny doesn’t say anything and shuts your door. “uh, rude!” you shout.
“figure out what you’re in the mood for and i’ll take us to go get some.” johnny says when entering the drivers side and buckling himself in. “i’m feeling beef tacos right now.”
“beef tacos it is! let’s go to our favorite taco truck?” you look at the time, 11:23PM. “it’s almost midnight, i’m not sure if they’re open.” you look at johnny with a sad pout. “we can go check and if they’re not then we can go find another place to eat at or something else to eat.” you nod and johnny drives off.
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“c’mon, babe. it wasn’t bad last time, we loved it.” you shake your head and toss the folded jean on the jean pile.
you pick up johnnys barbie pink boxer and sigh. “babe, for the last time. we’re not doing anal tonight! the last time we did anal, i could barely sit for a week straight!”
johnny giggles and scratches his head. “i know, i’m sorry. but, hey! you told me i could go at whatever pace and you just felt so damn good, i couldn’t resist.”
“please, baby.” you look back at johnny with a glare. “maybe another time, johnny. tonight is not the night for anal.”
“can we thigh fuck, then?” you snort.
you look back at johnny who stands against the door frame with his arms crossed. “i’ll think about it, okay?”
johnny goes silent and stays silent for a few minutes. “okay, can you hang up our shirts?” you ask johnny and fold the last pair of shorts. “of course, baby.” johnny takes the basket and goes into the closet.
you finish shoving all the neatly folded clothes into a drawer and you walk into the closet, watching as johnny hangs the shirts in a color coordinated way.
“johnny,” you wrap your arms around his broad chest. “you still up for a quick thigh fuck?” johnny tosses the shirt that was in his hand back into the basket and turns, grabbing you and guiding you to the bed.
you sit in the bed with johnnys tap of demand and watch as johnny pushes down his sweats. your eyes widen and blinks repeat several times when seeing johnnys cock spring free.
“i will never pass on a thigh fuck with you. your thighs are my favorite body part on you.” johnny says in the softest yet nastiest tone ever.
it was mixed with both honey like and sultry.
johnny goes for your leggings. “what happened to my boobs being your favorite?” johnny pauses with the leggings scrunched on your knees. “that was yesterday but today it changed to your thighs.”
he pulls off your leggings and tosses them behind him. “does that make me look sexy?” johnny asks. “you’re always sexy, john.” he laughs. “i know but, did me throwing your pants behind me make me look sexy?”
“yeah, i’m so wet from that.” johnny groans and reaches down, rubbing your pussy through your damp panties. “fuck, baby.”
“nuh-uh, no mind changing. stick to what you wanted and fuck my thighs already.” johnny clenches his jaw and glares at you.
his stare is subtle and dark.
you gasp when johnny lands a slap on your pussy. “don’t tell me what to fucking do, brat.” he lands another slap on your pussy and this time you don’t make a sound, only barely whimpering and pouting at his meanness.
johnny stands straight and grabs the bottle of oil from his nightstand, spreading your legs a bit and dropping a few drops of oil on your thighs.
johnny snaps the oil bottle shut and tosses it next to you. he rubs the oil in between your thighs and uses the leftover oil on his hand and rubs his cock with it.
“fuck,” johnny whispers when feeling his hardness and rubs the precum from his tip.
just as if it was your pussy, johnny slips between your thighs. “shit,” johnny sighs when feeling your warm thighs around his cock.
you let out a wince when johnny slaps your thighs.
johnny has your legs propped against his shoulder while he fucks your thighs. you watch as his tip disappears and reappears from between your thighs.
“fuck, baby.” johnny hisses and moans.
you raise your arms above your head and rest your arms on your forehead. you only look up when your thighs don’t feel johnny thrusting anymore.
johnny pulls your lavender pantie so that they’re stuck above your knees. “i can’t resist your pretty pussy, baby.” johnny says and enters you, you gasp and grab his hand on your thigh.
“god, you’re so big, johnny!” you mumble and moan as he fucks you.
johnny lets out groans and pants as he thrusts his hips like there’s no tomorrow. “you feel so amazing, baby.” he hugs your legs and lifts his shirt, peeking at how well you take him.
“you’re so good for me, y/n.” johnny pauses and reaches down, grabbing your shirt and lifting it, pulling up your bra after not succeeding the first time. “fuck, you’re so, so, good for me.”
your breasts bounce every time his abdomen hits your ass. “you’re just perfect, baby. so fucking perfect. too perfect.” he spits out.
“look how well you’re taking me. you’re taking me so fucking well, baby.” johnny groans when seeing his cock being swallowed by your glistening pussy.
“urgh—i’m gonna cum!” johnny growls and tightens his grip on your thighs.
johnny reaches forward and grabs your large breasts, fondling and pinching your nipples.
“c—cum in m—me, johnny.” you grab his hand. “my baby wants me to cum in her?” you nod and slip his finger in your mouth, placing the finger pad on your tongue and suckling the saltiness.
“fuck me!” johnny groans and pulls his finger away, hugging your legs tightly.
his thrusts grow sloppy as he grows closer to his climax. you gasp and clench the bedsheets when johnny shoots ribbons of cum on your walls.
johnny chants a few curse words before spreading your legs and falling between them, laying his heavy breathing body on top of yours.
after sitting for a few minutes, you strike a conversation. “i’m hungry, are you?” you rest your hand on johnnys back. “a little, yeah. i could go for some food.”
“can we go eat out at a restaurant?” johnny lifts his head. “sure, why not.” johnny stands and pulls out of you, his cum slowly spills and a satisfied grin appears on johnnys face.
“i hope i don’t get mistaken as your uncle or dad, again. that shit is so fucking embarrassing.” you laugh and sit up. “it’s so funny whenever they mistaken you as my dad or uncle but, i can’t blame them. we are fourteen years apart after all.”
johnny rolls his eyes and stands, running his hand through his sweaty hair. “let’s take a quick shower and then we can go, okay?”
“uhh, i still have to do my makeup, do my hair and then pick out a pretty outfit that’ll make you wanna rip it off in the middle of the restaurant and fuck me on our table.” you pout.
“so, my pretty girl needs her time getting dolled up, i get it. but, every outfit you wear always makes me want to rip it off and fuck you on every surface.”
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johnny slams the door after you stumble in, full on dying of laughter. your body shakes as you attempt to quiet yourself.
“it is not that funny, y/n.” johnny sighs and yanks off his tie.
“it is so funny!” you hold the wall for support as you die from laughter.
“i don’t get why people can keep their comments to themselves. i mean, seriously. do i really look like your dad?” johnny points to his face.
you laugh even harder and you cross your legs. “i’m gonna pee my pants!” you let out a cry and continue laughing.
“you aren’t even wearing pants, you dummy!” johnny glares at you with a pout.
johnny yanks you by the waist and stares down at you while you continue laughing. “y/n,” you look up at him and attempt to shut your laughter up.
you fail with snickers breaking your silence. “i’m sorry, it’s just so funny!”
after johnny holds you up for another good minute, you’re able to calm yourself.
“i appreciate and love that you find humor in a younger man asking for your number and assuming i’m your dad when finding out that we’re dating but, i find that rather disturbing and disrespectful. do you like younger men, y/n?” you look up at him with a now worried face.
“tell me, y/n. do you like younger men rather than older men? do younger men hitting on you give you better satisfaction than i do? can younger men please you the same way i do?”
johnny smirks when hearing no response. “that’s exactly what i thought. please go to the room and strip on the bed.”
“you party pooper.” you mumble while walking to the bedroom with your arms crossed and lips all pouty.
“what was that?” johnny shouts, cuffing his sleeves and undoing a few buttons of his button up.
“i said you’re a party pooper!” you shout back and pick your pace up while going up the stairs when hearing johnnys sarcastic chuckle.
oh, this was gonna be an amazing night.
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gglitch1dd · 11 months
Hiiii ❣️ so i was wondering if you could please possibly write a story one day where reader is obsessed with alpha dynamight in his hero costume and gets riled up whenever she sees him in it especially his boots? 👀 idk pro hero Bakugo in his boots does something for me I want him to step on me 😩
The Suit
Alpha Bakugou x Omega Reader
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<AN: Sorry for the delay babes, I just had to sort somethings out and write it. But I really hope that you like this. Thank you for the request!!>
Warning: SMUT, NSFW, OMEGAVERSE, Degradation, name calling (slut), a bit of heat influence, fingering, slight belittling, BREEDING KINK (it aint me if there isn't a breeding kink somewhere).
Being mated to an Alpha like Bakugou Katsuki was something that you don’t think you would ever get used to. He was a giant force of nature, an Alpha of his own pedigree that was often labelled too aggressive, competitive and rough to be a good Alpha in terms of being in a relationship. However, you knew better. You knew your Katsuki. You knew how loving he was, how soft he could be when it was just you or whenever the two of you were with your pack, you also knew just how caring and how big of a heart he had.
It was a bit intimidating when you also remembered how attractive he was. He was often doing photoshoots, on front of magazines, billboards and leading so much in the brand that he as made as Dynamight. It was hard sometimes reading all the praise he was getting from fans that you thought much prettier than yourself. However, your Alpha often than not fucked such thoughts out of your head.
One of the things you loved about him still now even after all the type you spent together was seeing him in his hero uniform. That slender and tight fitting hero uniform that would highlight his hard earned muscles that you couldn’t help but salivate at the thought of. He was just so gorgeous in it. He always looked so domineering and superior in it. Honestly, it was one of the first things you found attractive about him.
Which also made it hard for you whenever you tried being angry with him. Like right now.
“Where have you been?” You asked him as you folded your arms over your chest, a frown on your face as you looked over at Bakugou with a glare.
The large blond Alpha had just started entered the kitchen of the apartment you both shared, only to find that you weren’t sleeping. Bakugou looked at you with wide crimson eyes, still processing the fact that you were standing in front of him and he wasn’t just sleep deprived. He eased at the sight of you walking over to you. “Jesus, baby, you scared me.” He said as he moved to bring you into his arms.
You put a hand against his chest, stopping him in his tracks. You looked up at him with a scowl. “Where have you been?” You asked him, not letting out on your scowl.
Bakugou raised an eyebrow at your question. He looked you up and down as he moved to fold his own arms over his chest. He smirked at the sight of you so worked up. “What’s got you all cranky?” He asked. You released a hiss, your scent turning sour at the question. Bakugou chuckled at your hissing. “I was just at work, you cranky little Omega. Eijiro had to rush back to the Mrs so I had to cover his extra three hours on patrol.” He reported back to you. He watched as your shoulders lowered slightly at the news of where he had been. He let out a low chuckle as he moved to accept you into his arms. “Is that what got you all worked up? Oh, my poor little Omega.”
You let out another hiss at his teasing, not appreciating his tone that had you looking away from him in embarrassment that you got so worked up over that. Bakugou let out a loud barky laugh at your hiss, his body moving to turn and grab a glass from the cabinet. His back muscles contorting and stretching to show off the power that was underneath his skin. You felt your throat constrict at the sight.
You looked away with a pout. “You should have told me you would be late. I got worried.”
“My phone died. You know I would always contact you if I had it, dumbass.” He told you matter of factly, moving to grab himself water from the fridge. He moved to lean against the counter table behind him, He raised an eyebrow as he took a sip of water. “Where did you think I was anyway?”
Your eyes caught on the bulge of his muscles between his sleeves. It was one of the few days that worked seemed slower than normal and luckily he wasn’t hurt or seemed rather spent today. You swallowed down hard and looked down at the floor trying to get a grip over yourself.
Bakugou assessed your silence. He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, moving to look back at the fridge and the calendar on it. He looked over the days. “Ah… I see.” He let out amusedly, with a low chuckle. Bakugou put down his glass, walking over to you.
At the sudden fact that the large blond was making his way towards you, moving at an uncomfortably speed for you, you started moving back but quickly were scooped up in his arms. You tried pushing yourself out of his arms with meaningless trills of fear. Your hands grabbed at his muscles, pushing back away from him, your hands finding a resting place on his pecs. You then felt a low rumble coming out of his chest as he kept you wrapped up in his arms. He brought his head on top of yours, his eyes closing for a moment before looking down at you with a sharp smirk. “I guess you still can’t understand that I’m yours.” He let out lowly as he moved his face closer to yours. “I know you’re close to your heat baby, but there’s no need for you to get so defensive of me.”
To be honest, you weren’t remotely listening to what he was saying. Your eyes still taking him in his hero uniform that was designed to hold his body to perfection. He looked so good in it right now and you felt so need too. His crimson eyes were only accentuated by the soot around his eyes that he wore. You swallowed down hard as you looked up at him with wide eyes, nodding to everything he was saying.
Bakugou stopped talking as he looked down at you. Your eyes blown out and your scent getting sweeter and heavier by the second as you looked up at him with not a single thought behind your eyes. He let out a scoffed. Without hesitation he moved you over to the island table and pushed you down over it. You let out a surprised chirp at the rough treatment.
The blond Alpha let out a loud growl down at you, keeping his hand to the back of your neck, keeping you down against the cool counter top. His growl turned into an amused chuckle as he looked down at you with heated eyes. “You ditry little slut.” He grinned down. “Here I was trying to comfort you and you’re busy eye fucking me.”
“Can you blame me?” You asked him softly as you looked back at him with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve been so busy with work, Kats. You barely give me any attention anymore.”
Bakugou looked down at you, sort of surprised that you would say such to him. Without warning, the large blond Alpha moved and gripped the waist band of your shorts, ripping them down and off of you. You let out a squeak as cold air hit your already slick cunt. Bakugou saw the wetness of your sex, a low pleased rumbling coming out of his chest. He roughly shoved two fingers inside of you making you moan as your sex quickly adjusted around his fingers. Immediately the blond could feel that you were already stretched out. He let out a scoff. “Well looks like I don’t need to give you all that attention, when you’re clearly giving it to yourself.”
You heard him unbuckle his belt and already you were pushing your ass back, searching for his cock that wasn’t even out yet. Bakugou let out a low growl at how needy you were, how you were already whining in want, wanting his cock inside you already. With a big hand he forced your to stay down against the counter top and not raise yourself off of it.
You felt the head of his cock glide between your folds making you tighten around nothing in want. You mewled and whined, pushing back. “Alpha,” You let out dripping in desperation. A hard slap came down on your ass forcing you to shout in surprise.
“You’re such an ungrateful slut.” He gritted out as he pushed his cock inside of your sex. Immediately you felt your thighs tense. You hummed in pleasure, loving the feeling of his cock inside you, almost as if he was made to be inside you and you were made to fit him. Bakugou let out a low groan at the feeling of your soft velvety sex tightening around his cock like a vice. “Fuck, how are you so tight?” he asked more for himself than for you to answer.
He looked back down at you with a heated crimson gaze, large gloved hands holding your ass apart enough to watch the way his cock was sunken into your pussy. He let out a grunt as he moved to thrust in and out of you. His rhythm calculated, accompanied by grunts and groans as he moved to watch your ass slap against his pelvis. He let out a low growl as he pounded into you, watching the way your ass bounced.
You moaned like slut he called you, your mouth hanging open as you gripped the counter as if your life depended on it. Your sex was heavily slicked out, only waiting for your Alpha’s cock to slip in. Low growls going straight to your clit as he used you hard and rough as if you were a cocksleeve for his use. You loved whenever he fucked you straight after work, when he came right off the street, dirty and raw, still filled with the pent up aggression he might have not released during the day. It made every thrust that nudged your cervix even more delicious.
You let out a squeal as he nudged a specific spot inside you that had you seeing stars. Bakugou growled. “You really have some fucking nerve to question me, to question your Alpha!” He shouted down at you as he held onto your hips and fucked you back into him. He loved watching as your ass bruised, at the harsh pounding he was giving you. He grinned at the sweet heavenly sounds escaping your mouth. Every thrust making you mewl and moan out like a pornstar. He groaned as he rolled his neck, his pace only increasing, making the knot inside you tighten as your impending high approached. “Oh I can’t wait for your heat. Maybe I’ll get to fuck a baby into you and maybe that’ll stop your stupid insecurities. Hm? Would you like that?” A harsh heated slap went to your ass making you moan, pushing back against him. He chuckled at the feeling of you tightening around his cock. “You get tighter whenever I bring it up, baby. Breeding you so full you give me a mini Dynamight? That would be something, huh?”
<Bakugou Katsuki Masterlist>
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Eddie Munson's family dinner
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 23
Prompt: Uncle Wayne adopts Steve
Rated: M
CW: nudity
Tags: Modern AU; Rockstar Eddie; Royal Steve; Established relationship
Notes: Continued from days 11 and 14. I can't get this AU outta my head, halp!
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Eddie can't recall the first time he saw Steve. 
In all likelihood, he was two years old and Steve a tiny, wrinkly baby. His face was all over the news in the days and weeks following his birth, after all. Cradled in his mother's arms, staring bleary-eyed into the world as newborns tend to do - only that in his case, the entire world was staring back. The birth of the King's and Queen's first child had been long-awaited after all, a once-in-a-generation event. 
In the years that followed, Steve was always just … kind of there. A strange-but-familiar boy who kept popping up on TV and the front pages of magazines, living a life so different they may as well have been from different planets. 
Eddie still remembers fixing dinner in the trailer's tiny kitchen one night, news droning in the background. 
"Poor kid," Wayne grumbled. 
Eddie, sixteen and a giant shithead at the time, paused in putting the plates down on the table and glanced up to follow his uncle's gaze to the TV. 
"Oh yeah, woe is him. Must be so fucking hard, living in a palace. Having an army of servants to wipe your ass and shit." 
On the TV, the Prince sat between his parents at some sports event or other, a tiny carbon copy of his father with his Italian suit and carefully styled hair. Clapping at all the right times, face a polite, empty mask of a smile.
Wayne huffed. "Ain't no kid deserve that kinda shit. Always under scrutiny, paraded around like some trained dog." 
Eddie rolled his eyes and changed the topic and they didn't talk about it any further. 
Wayne's plates are still the same ones that Eddie was putting on the table all those years ago. Eddie has offered time and again to buy something new, but the stubborn old shit won't have it. Insists that Eddie already bought him a whole-ass house with the money from that first record deal, a car after the second, he won't die of a chipped plate or ten, thank you very much. He'll just have to get him new ones for Christmas, he guesses.
"This is delicious, Mr Munson," Steve is saying. He's sitting next to Eddie, back ramrod straight, elbows at a perfect angle, dissecting the meatloaf with careful precision. 
Like some trained dog. 
"My mom's recipe," Wayne hums, but then he sets down his own cutlery, expression serious. "Now … what are your intentions with my nephew?" 
Eddie flushes about twenty shades of crimson. Incidentally, so does Steve. 
"I …" he sputters, all traces of composure suddenly gone. "Well, I like Eddie a lot." 
"I figured …" Behind Wayne's beard, his mouth twitches. "Seeing how you're wearing his clothes and all." 
Steve blinks down at himself. They make sure to keep it low-profile when they're together. The paparazzi never sleep, after all, and they've both had their fair share of run-ins with the fuckers in the past. Which is why he's wearing a red-and-black flannel he stole from Eddie, faded and soft from too many cycles in the wash. Eddie wants to burn all the Italian suits in the world, wrap him up in soft and comfy clothes always. 
"Um …" Steve says. 
Wayne smiles. 
"Relax, son, I'm pulling your leg." If he notices how Steve tenses at the word son, he graciously ignores it. "Now are ya gonna take my boy's hand, or what?" 
Steve gapes. 
"Might as well," Eddie winks, takes the knife from Steve’s limp fingers and entwines their hands. "He'll just keep nagging until he gets what he wants." 
Their gazes lock and Steve smiles. Not a mask. The real one. The one where his eyes light up and he looks five years younger. The one that Eddie is rapidly becoming addicted to. 
He turns back to eating his dinner one-handed and remembers another boy, a boy from a very different planet, getting coaxed out of his shell over the same plates, the same meatloaf. 
Fuck the plates, he decides. Wayne is getting a whole damn kitchen for Christmas, whether he likes it or not. 
"He's a great guy, your uncle," Steve mutters into Eddie’s chest later that night. They're all curled up in Eddie’s bed and he's naked except for the flannel. He claims it's to ward off the cold air seeping in through the open window, and Eddie isn't about to argue. Not when the sight does things to him. 
"Sort of thought he was gonna hate me," Steve continues, and Eddie hums quizzically. 
"Why's that?" 
"Hm, let's see …" Steve's brow crinkles in mock-thought. "He raised the guy who wrote two top-ten songs about how much the monarchy sucks, that could've been a hint." 
"Nah," Eddie chuckles. "Guy would've adopted you as a kid, if he could've. He's always loved you, way-" 
Large hazel eyes blink up at him and the words get stuck in his throat. 
Because he hasn't said it yet, even though he's rapidly coming to accept that it's true. 
Way before I did.
"And apart from that," he says instead, "if you marry me, I'll be a princess. What parent doesn't want that for their kid?" 
"Hold your horses," Steve grumbles, but his eyes are sparkling again. "We can't get married if your uncle adopts me." 
"Shame," Eddie quips and presses him down into the pillows. "Would've loved to wear a tiara on stage, that sounds like a killer look."
Eddie doesn’t recall the first time he saw Steve, but he doesn’t really think it matters. Not when he gets to see the real him now, with no-one else watching. Blushing and naked, lips kissed pink, glowing with happiness.
It's an image he's sure he won't forget.
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All my holiday drabbles
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randomhealer · 4 months
->♡ᴛʏᴘᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇꜱᴏᴍᴇꜱ♡
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tw: not shipp, gender neutral reader, mention of kidnapping in Kisaki's part if you squint, there was supposed to be a Baji/reader/chifuyu but it was discarded Peke-J was included sorri :(, There was going to be a banner but I couldn't find a good image of Kisaki...he fucked up everything. take this as a test work (i hate kisaki pls I just used the left part of it)
Congratulations, you have a great green flag and a great striker with you, it's a great combination, isn't it?
while Rindou takes care of you so no one touches you or something happens to you while Ran does the dirty work... but sometimes it can be the other way around too...
basically = Rindou closes your eyes while Ran breaks the bones of some idiot who looked at you too much
well...but if they protect you then who protects you from them?
In moments at home, Rindou tends to be more careful and romantic with you, preferring to hug you on the sofa or do small household chores together while kissing here and there.
Ran prefers to play with you, in the most provocative yet romantic way... as if he started something and wouldn't finish, leaving you in pieces... or making your face look confused and flushed with that cute little pout you make when you're upset... well he lives for this
Of course, most of the time it would be Ran entering Rindou's moments with you, as if you and Rindou were in an intimate moment Ran would just come in out of nowhere and make up excuses to pull you away and take you with him or if you were just feeding Rindou and Ran simply pushes Rindou out so it's his turn
(Rindou also does this if you feel like his brother has a lot of time with you)
Sometimes there's always a little silly dispute between you, like which side would you sleep on today? or which sweatshirt of theirs would you wear... in the end, it always ends up with both trying to make you accept both at the same time (and that applies in bed too).
a threesome broken between a Mindmaster, an innocent and a crazy dude (both manipulators)...you'll probably spend more time with Hanma than with Kisaki, and probably always with a jacket on either Hanma's own or the valhalla, Well, take this as a marking of territory, while Hanma calls you doll, honey, baby or anything forcibly sweet Kisaki doesn't call you anything other than a short nickname of your name, not because he doesn't want to or don't like it but he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable.
while Hanma takes you to fight with other gangsters to show off his strength to you and show you off, Kisaki takes you for small, calm walks because he knows that if something happens he won't be able to protect you (and he'll probably run away and left you there)
If you are not with Hamna then you will be with Kisaki, if you are not with Kisaki then you will be with Hamna because this guy will not leave you alone, he will ask you to be by his side whenever he wants and you have no right to appeal, Neither Hanma nor Kisaki mind sharing you, if Kisaki loves you then he will realize that Hanma is a good asset to keep you protected from anything until he comes up with a plan to take you to a safe place even if you don't want to.
now Hanma can say that he likes you and Kisaki, Kisaki keeps him entertained and you are good submissive company that also keeps him entertained when he is bored and Kisaki is not around.
unreviewed, I'm finishing this in the bathroom because I felt sick and now I'm taking a shit while there's a giant worm on the other side watching me while I poop...this isn't coquettish at all but I'll accept it :( my blood pressure dropped while I was shitting...again
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
need my request for glory role with historyProfessor!Ari where he is obsessed with the reader and she works on a glory role to help pay for college and one day he finally finds out how her lips feel around his huge cock 😏😏🥵
Could you also include a little flirting in the classroom and she being his favorite because she knows all the answers to his questions?? pleaaaaaseeee love you 💖💖💖
hey baby, I'm sorry this took so long, I didn't get to sleep till 7am yesterday. I love you too!
summary - your professor finally gets to feel your lips around him.
warning - smut, gloryhole, taboo, teacher/student relationship, oral sex, swearing, slut.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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Ari could feel himself harden at the sight of you entering his classroom. Seeing your tiny skirt and plump, glossy lips made his mind swirl with thoughts of you deep-throating him. You smile widely at him, waving as you say good morning. Ari watches you walk to your seat with a sway of your hips, and he holds back his groan as you take your seat right at the front, giving him a lovely view of your pink heart knickers. He clears his throat when the rest of the students begin to fill the classroom. He stands tall in front of the whiteboard, gaining the class's attention. Your eyes move down his body slowly, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth as they land on the giant bulge in his pants. It looks so big even when it’s soft. Ari hides the smirk that threatens to appear as he notices you checking him out. 
“Right, Miss L/n?” You blink and feel your cheeks heat up as everyone stares at you. “Were you not listening, Miss L/n?” Ari smirks, his arms crossed over his chest as he stares you down.
You cheekily smile, “I’m sorry, sir. I got distracted by the god standing in front of me.” You watch his cheeks turn a deep shade of red before shaking his head and continuing with the class, smiling proudly at you as you answer every question correctly, and when the bell rings, you both feel disappointed that you have to say goodbye. But Ari sighs in relief, feeling his cock ache and strain against his dress pants. Ari knew it was wrong to follow you sometimes, but he couldn’t help it. You were his favourite student, he couldn’t let something terrible happen to you, and when he found out you worked at a gloryhole outside of town, he was both fuming and horny. The thought of other men besides himself touching you, experiencing you, made Ari’s skin crawl. So today, after class, Ari makes sure to head to your work, knowing you’ll be working tonight. 
He’s swollen, thick and throbbing as he gets closer to finally feeling your lips around his cock, taking him deeper until your gagging and choking. Ari groans, sliding some cash to the woman before walking to your booth. He growls and pushes a guy out of his way before that man can even unzip his pants. Ari ignores him as he takes out his heavy cock, sliding it through the hole with a bit of a struggle, and grunts as your tongue flicks out and gives it a little lick. You wrap your lips around his large mushroom tip, sucking it deeper into your mouth, moaning around the base. Ari rests his forehead against the wall, feeling his cock throb in your wonderful mouth. “Fuck, I have dreamt of this for so fucking long. Best fucking mouth.” 
Your eyes widen, recognising the voice as your professor’s. But his cock tastes so good to stop, your eyes slip closed, and you take him deeper, gagging slightly around him before you swallow, feeling your clit throb at the sounds that escape him. You suck hard, swallowing and tracing every vein with your tongue. Your hand comes up, and you begin to stroke the parts you can’t fit, twisting your wrist and jerking his cock. Your other hand slips between your legs, rubbing your puffy clit, and the pleasure causes your eyes to roll to the back of your head. Your moans vibrate his thick cock, making Ari jerk forward and let out a shout. “Shit! Are you touching yourself, baby? Being a good little slutty student for me?” You throb, and Ari’s eyes roll back at the intense vibrations, feeling his end approach rapidly. “Fuck! Get ready, I’m going to fucking cum, and you better be the good girl I know you are and swallow.” His balls tighten, and his cock twitches as thick cum spurts out of him and into your mouth. 
You moan, eyes filling with tears as your tongue flicks the underside of his tip, prolonging his orgasm as you continue to rub your puffy clit. Your mouth overflows with his cum, sucking it deeper and swallowing as you cum, whimpering around his softening member. You slowly pull off, panting as you stare at his cock, watching as he pulls it through the hole and tucks it into his pants. “Get dressed. Your mine now.”
Let’s just say… You lived very happily.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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irkimatsu · 3 months
requesting a little husk giving sweet tender aftercare after wrecking your shit in his bestial form, as a treat <33 - love con (+ jeronimo lol)
Con! Jer! <3 Is this a treat for you guys, or for me?! Either way, I think we'll both enjoy feasting on this one!
Set with Overlord Husk because it's my blog and I do what I want. GN!Reader has just been fucked out by Husk in his bestial form, and then he helps wash them off. Lots of cuddling and nuzzling and compliments and god it's so sweet my teeth hurt. But I'm still calling 18+ because this sweetness is obviously taking place right after rough sex.
By the time he’s done with you, you can barely breathe. You’re left sprawled out on your stomach on his giant bed, over his luxurious silk sheets, as you try to remember how to move your limbs… or find a reason why you should move from this spot in the first place.
Overlord Husk still looms over you, his hot breath hitting your skin. His large paws rest on either side of your head, his right paw tightened around the golden chain affixed to the jeweled collar around your neck. You admire the long claws at the tips, thinking about how they dug into your hips earlier… no way could he do that now. They were so much smaller before he transformed; he’d rip you to pieces at this size.
“You okay, doll?” asks a rough, gravelly voice that’s still struggling for breath.
“Mmm…” You’re not sure yourself if that’s a yes or a no. You’re too exhausted to think. All you want to do is sink into sleep in these soft sheets, never moving again…
A light moan escapes your mouth as a large, rough tongue starts lapping at your shoulder blades, slowly working its way down your spine. When your relationship first started, it took you a while to get used to the barbs on his tongue (among other places), but now the gesture only feels comforting. You know he doesn’t mean to hurt you; you know he couldn’t even imagine it. It’s what allows you to let his abrasive tongue drag its way across your skin, without ever wondering what would happen if he licked too roughly.
He wouldn’t do anything too roughly with you, so it wasn’t worth thinking about.
“Can ya turn over?” he asks. All you can do is groan again; moving on your own is definitely not happening for a while. Thankfully, you have him to help. Moving carefully so as to not injure you with his claws, he turns you over using the paw that isn’t still holding your chain. He takes a moment to look you over, remaining still and silent. His face is so much more animalistic than normal now, with a more pronounced snout and two long, prominent fangs.
You use what little energy you have to lift your arm and cup his muzzle. He nuzzles into your palm in response.
After you let your arm collapse back onto the bed, he resumes grooming you. He starts under your chest, avoiding the most sensitive areas, and laps his way down your stomach.
As his head moves downward, you can’t help but think of where he was not too long ago, holding your legs wide open in his paws as his huge tongue lapped so lovingly between them…
“Fuck…” you whisper to yourself as you remember how much he made you shudder.
You feel him slowly shrinking above you, his presence becoming much less looming but still no less comforting. Now that he’s back to regular size, his tongue has much better control over where it grooms you. He licks his way back up your body, still moving carefully over your chest so he doesn’t overstimulate you. He soon reaches the side of your neck and focuses his attention there, purring and nuzzling against your collar.
“You did so good, baby…” he says, and your heart swells at the praise.
“So did you, sir…” You wrap your arms around him and hug him tight as he laughs.
“Sir… still sounds as good as the first time,” he says. “So, everything was okay? I wasn’t too rough?”
“You were perfect,” you assure him as you lightly scratch his neck. You’ve always heard warnings about making deals with Overlords, especially a greedy, demanding beast like the Gambling Demon…
But as he lays over you like this, you can’t imagine any other role in this world than that of his loyal pet. He always takes such good care of you in exchange for your loyalty, after all.
“What would make you comfortable now?��� he asks.
It takes you a moment to decide. “Mmm… a bath? I could use a cooldown…”
“Of course.” You hate that he has to get off of you for even an instant, but soon after he stands, he effortlessly scoops you into his arms, supporting under your back and knees and pulling you close to his still-pounding chest. Before he moves again, he can’t help but lick your cheek, purring again as he does so. The chain around your neck dissolves as he carries you into his master bathroom and gently sets you on the bench of his large tub. He turns on the tap, but doesn’t close the drain. He fiddles with the knobs as he holds a single finger underneath the running water, frowning and grumbling about the water on his fur, but he eventually finds the right temperature. He shakes his finger dry as best as he can, then retrieves a cloth from a nearby shelf and runs it beneath the water.
You love soaking in this large tub by yourself, filled with hot water and the various calming scents Husk keeps the bathroom stocked with, but you also know that’s a luxury Husk could stand to live without. Still, his idea of bathing with you is just as relaxing in its own way.
After the cloth is properly soaked, he turns off the tap. He then dabs a bit of honey-scented oil onto the cloth, then takes his spot next to you on the bench. The cloth is cool against your skin as he massages your neck with it; not the usual temperature you prefer for a bath, but after the exertion you just went through, your heated skin could use it.
“Lean against me,” he says, and you follow the command without even thinking. He holds you in one arm as he continues wiping you down with the cloth, knowing by now exactly where you like to be rubbed, with which patterns and pressure. You snuggle against his shoulder and sigh at the cloth gently rubbing up and down your spine, lulling you halfway into sleep. His gentle kisses to the top of your head only relax you further.
“God, you’re beautiful…” he murmurs as he wipes your hip, trying his hardest not to tickle you too much. “I love having such a beautiful treasure…” He pushes up on your shoulder slightly to make you sit up, then starts massaging your chest, showing it much more tender care than he had earlier.
You only hiss a little as the cloth runs over a fresh bite mark, one of the many reminders on your body that the Gambling Demon has decided you belong to only him.
“Sir…” you whisper.
“It’s Husk now,” he reminds you, gently running a paw down your cheek. “When we’re like this, it’s Husk.”
“Husk…” you repeat.
Perhaps as a reward, he kisses your lips as he continues cleaning you off. His kisses are so much less hungry now, but he can still show so much passion with such a gentle touch of his lips against yours.
“Feeling better?” he asks after the kiss. He’s gazing at you with deep compassion and concern, an expression you never could have imagined from him when you first met him at his casino all those months ago.
You wonder how many others have seen him with that expression, and you can’t help but enjoy the idea that you’re one of the lucky few.
“Much better,” you say before returning to cuddling him and nuzzling under his chin. He holds you tightly for a brief minute or two, silently rocking you and enjoying your presence.
It’s so cold when he lets you go and steps away for a moment, but he soon returns with a plush, wine-red robe. He helps you into the robe and ties the sash shut, and after one more kiss, he picks you up again. You wrap your arms around his neck as he carries you back to bed, in no hurry for him to put you back down. You’re once again forced to lose his touch as he lays you down on his mattress, but he’s quick to join your side. Once he’s laying on his back, he grabs your sides and pulls you on top of him.
“Let me know when you’re settled in,” he says.
You rest your head on his chest, your senses basking in his soft fur and warm skin, his steadily beating heart and the faint traces of that day’s cologne. “Okay… settled.”
He doesn’t pull the blanket up over you. He doesn’t need to. His arms and wings wrapped firmly enough around you to keep you warm and protected as you sleep.
“I love you, my jewel…”
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lambsouvlaki · 9 months
His Heart (Dad!Jason AU)
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Character: Jason Todd x civilian! Fem!oc
Rating and Warnings: G, no warnings, besides sappiness.
Word Count: 1,390
Summary: Jason comes back from a years long mission in space, and finds out he's a dad.
Jason stepped into the JLA Watchtower. Earth glowed, vast, blue, and beautiful, through the giant windows. It had been almost two years since he saw it. Dorothy knew what she was on about, there really was no place like home.
He was so sick of sleeping alone in his bunk. Andy had just moved into his apartment when he got swept away, and it had just started to feel really right. 
Dick stood in the otherwise empty airlock in civvies. The furrow on his forehead was a little deeper than it had been last time, but his smile was just as wide and genuine. 
He stepped forward and wrapped Jason up in a hug. Jason hugged his brother back, far beyond pretending at coldness. Space was cold enough, and the two years on the front lines had taken their toll on him. 
“I wasn’t expecting a welcome party,” he said as they pulled back. 
“What were you expecting?”
“I dunno,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “Maybe a giant spray painted sign saying ‘And don’t come back!’”
Dick laughed. “Sure, if we wanted to see how long it’d take you to break into the tower.”
“Three minutes.”
“Well, you’re tired, we wouldn’t hold it against you.”
Jason scoffed. “I missed you, you asshole.” 
Dick flashed his winning smile. “So now what? I only saw your arrival by chance. Do you have plans?”
“Not really. I’ll probably slink home, see if it's still standing. See if Andy still… wants anything to do with me.” 
Dick blinked, his expression going blank. 
Jason’s heart clenched. Was there just an empty apartment waiting for him with a note that had been collecting dust for eighteen months? It would be exactly what he deserved, he thought with a bitter twist of his lips. 
“I guess I’ll settle in for a couple of days then go find her,” he said. Maybe just messaging her would be kinder? No, he was going to look her in the eye, even if it was just to say goodbye. 
“Don’t do that,” Dick said. He touched Jason’s shoulders urgently. “Go straight to her. I’ll take you, we’re going now. She deserves that much.” He turned and hurried through the hallways towards the zeta tubes. 
“Whoa, what? What are you talking about?” Jason caught up to him, grabbed his arm and dragged him back to a halt. “What’s happened?”
“Look, it’s not really my place to say.”
“You’re freaking me out, Dick,” he growled. “What, is she dying?” 
“No! No, Jason, she… she’s had a baby. Your baby.” 
For a moment the world stopped. The rotation of the vast planet out the window surely halted, same as the beat of his heart. 
“What?” Jason rasped. 
“Sophie. She turned one a few months back.” 
“She’s my–? Oh. Oh fuck.” 
The world rebooted, spinning anew but the axis had moved. Jason leaned hard against the wall. “Sophie,” he whispered. 
Dick patted him on the shoulder. “Congratulations, by the way. For a year ago.”
Jason laughed, frantic and broken. 
“Do you need a moment?” Dick offered. “We can go sit and–”
“No.” Jason pulled himself up. He marched towards the zeta tubes. “We’re going now. Straight to Andy and my– my daughter. Is she… how is she? Are they okay? Did the family help out?”
“Of course, Jay. That little girl has a whole circus’ worth of aunts and uncles who love her to bits. And a doting grandfather and great grandfather who spoil her rotten.” 
He hung his head as they reached the platform. “I should have been there. I should have been there. What kind of deadbeat am I?”
“Save that for Andy.” 
They drove from the manor to the apartment by the river overlooking the Narrows. It was the same one he and Andy had shared for that halcyon four months before duty came calling. 
Dick dropped him off downstairs, saying he didn’t want to intrude but demanded Jason call him when he was settled in to plan some kind of family night. Jason didn’t hear a word of it. 
He made it to the apartment door without registering any of it. He dropped his bag of gear. 
He knocked. 
“Coming!” Andy’s voice called. Faint music was drifting out through the walls, something upbeat and light. The door opened, letting in noonday light to the dark hallway, shining around a smiling Andy. She was in loose workout clothes that were stained on the shoulders. She wore no makeup and her hair was up in a bun on top of her head, and her skin had a light sheen of sweat. 
Her expression stuttered at the sight of him. 
He had no words. 
He surged forward. She met him halfway. Her arms wrapped around him as tight as his did around her, and it felt more right than anything ever had before. 
He managed to get her name out, before he kissed her. Her hand grazed his cheek so tenderly. 
He pulled back and looked into her eyes. Had there ever been anything so beautiful? 
“Jason, I have to tell you,” she said, putting a hand on his chest. “While you were gone, I…”
“I know. Dick told me.” He looked around the entryway. Even if Dick hadn’t said a word the folded up pram, the tiny raincoat, and the row of little shoes would give the game away. The furniture had seen a change too, most things had been moved higher up.
His eyes caught on the shoes. They were so small. He couldn’t help his smile. 
“Where is she?” he asked. 
“Gaa,” a high pitched voice rang out from the living room. 
Andy’s lips quirked. 
Soft, slow footfalls patted on the hard flooring, heralding the new arrival. 
He stepped forward, out of the still open doorway. 
And a little girl toddled into view. She was wobbly but her face was fixed into a determined pout. She stuck her nappy-wrapped bum out for balance, and held her arms cautiously forwards. She wore a single sock and a yellow dress. 
Jason’s heart relocated itself. It no longer lived in his chest.
She had a wispy halo of black floppy curls and a chubby round face. She stared at him. 
He knelt down. 
“Sophie, baby girl, this is your daddy. Can you say daddy?”
“Daddy,” Andy repeated, her voice wet.  
Sophie hummed. She toddled closer, relentless despite some wobbles. She stuck out her lower lip and fixed her eyes to him with absolute determination. He held out his hand. She reached back, closer with every step. 
Jason held his breath. 
Her whole tiny hand wrapped around his crooked index finger. She laughed in triumph and then fell onto her bottom.
“Oom,” she said on impact. 
She looked up at him again, actually seeing him now that her quest was complete. Big curious eyes of sparkling blue stared at him. 
“Hello,” he said. He offered a shaky smile. His eyes were glassy. 
She stared back. She blinked.
His tears fell. “That’s me,” he said. 
“Da. Da. Da de da den dayaya,” she babbled and giggled at herself.  She lifted her arms at him.
He lifted her gently and held her to his chest. She was so impossibly small. He could feel her heart beat against him, so feverishly fast. But she was calm, quite happy to be held. He curled around the most precious thing in the world. His breath hitched as he tried not to sob. 
She hugged him back; chubby little arms wound around his neck. She was so unafraid. 
He looked up at Andy. She was smiling down at them through her own tears, her hand held over her mouth. 
He stood, lifting his baby up. He held his little girl in one arm and the love of his life in the other. The baby was the only one dry eyed. Andy kissed the downy top of her head. Sophie leaned her head against his chest with a little sigh, safely ensconced between them. 
“Hn?” he queried. 
“No, baby, he’s not an uncle.” 
Sophie turned her head back, looking up at him.
“Uncy Da,” she said, like she wasn’t letting them trick her that easy. 
He gave an amused snort that almost covered the yawning gulf in his heart. “That’s what I get for not being here.” 
“You’ll just have to stick around and convince her otherwise.” 
“Yeah.” He took a deep breath. “I will.”
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