#I pray that it will actually lead kids to notice the warning signs-- Just like with Steven universe and a toxic relationship -- I'm hoping
raimagnolia · 2 years
I'm losing my mind.
absolutely none of you told me Infinity Train was into the woods but on fuckin STEROIDS
What the fuck I just witnessed disinformation used to control ignorant masses, led by a sociopathic killer who's completely down with killing anyone, including other kids
There's also, like, a full-on older adult woman (who looks amazing as hell by the way) in this here children's program, who, very firmly, couldn't give a fuck about children
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bitchinfawkseh · 6 months
Heaven Knows Your Name, I've Been Praying: Chapter 1
Summary: When a mysterious string of suicides bring the Winchester brother's to Waterville Maine, they meet a fellow hunter: Cheryl Jones, who helps them with the case of La Llorona.
W.C: 3671
Warnings: mentions of suicides.
[A/N] Ahhhh chapter debut. I love Cheryl, I hope you guys like her as much as I do!!! And I'm excited to develop her and Dean's relationship:)))) I'm obsessed with using songs and applying them to my fics (if you read lyrics after you'll understand.) So if interested please listen to the songs I link each chapter
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Rain drizzled from the sky, little droplets darkening the roads and sidewalks - giving off a sweet earthy smell. Students bustled around campus from class to class and they all were hoping and praying that they didn’t fail this semester. College town: this is where that newspaper article about kids killing themselves like crazy took them.
Dean passed Sam a cup of coffee, it was nearly burning his hands with how piping hot it was - but the fresher the better. “Any leads?” Dean muttered before blowing on the coffee and taking a small sip. A jolt of energy to get him through the rest of the day was just what he needed. Sam shrugged and glanced up at Dean "We could try talking to the girlfriend of the vic? Her name is Maya Jameson." He suggested. Sam took a sip from his coffee, wrinkling his nose a bit at the taste. It was watery, not good at all, but Dean didn’t seem to notice. Then again, Dean would drink sludge if he was told there was caffeine in it.
Dean pursed his lips together and nodded slowly "Sure. Been lookin' for an excuse to go by Agent Jones again." He smirked. Sam rolled his eyes and glanced around the wet scenery, he liked the rain, which is why he was happy to be in a place like Waterville Maine - even if they were there only for a case.
It was a very beautiful city too, with a huge river running through it and beautiful old buildings. The changing of the leaves from green to red and orange was a nice touch too - it was peak autumn in Sam's eyes. Dean didn't have an eye for stuff like this, he paid no mind to it actually unless there was something noteworthy - which was usually just some huge tourist trap.
"Thank you for speaking with us, Miss. Jameson," Sam said, a small smile stretching across his face. Maya ushered them into the small living room of the apartment. It looked weirdly homey and nice for a college student. "No, thank you." She tucked some of her tangled light hair behind her ear. Dean glanced around the place, the kitchen had a sweet bar area tucked in the corner and magnets on the fridge from various states and cities. He gestured toward the fridge and pouted his lips together, "Travel a lot?" Dean asked. Maya glanced over her shoulder and then shook her head. "Oh no, my roommate does. She likes knick-knacks."
Dean nodded along and grinned "Nice."
The boys sat down next to each other on the loveseat across from Maya. Sam started with a " We're sorry for your loss." He was much more empathetic than Dean tried to be, but Sam just had that personal connection of losing a partner like that. She gave a curt nod and pinched the fabric of her shirt between her fingers. "The police already came and talked to me - so what don't you know?" Maya asked. Dean raised his hand "Tell us everything. The reports got all messed up," He then let out a small chuckle and then smirked. "Stupid interns, am I right?"
Sam glared at Dean and elbowed him in the side discreetly, now was not the time for jokes. Maya's eyes widened slightly and then she let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah."
"Did Noah show any signs of duress? Like… seeing things that weren't there or doing impulsive things?" Sam asked. He seemed very engrossed in the conversation at hand, he was leaning forward and his hands were clasped together. Maya considered his words carefully before replying "He would talk about this woman who seemed to be watching him - he even filed a report with the police but nothing came of it." Dean and Sam both sighed and then the girls' eyes widened. "Wait!" Her voice was laced with urgency and slight panic. "You don't think he was murdered right?! It was just a suicide -"
Sam waved his hands and cut her off "No! No, just standard procedure. Sometimes before people… do that, they have some issues."
As Sam and Maya continued to chat, Dean listened until he noticed a book on the coffee table. It was a hefty book, there were various runes along the spine of it and the title read 'Mexican Folklore & Superstitions.' Under it, there was another novel that looked like it was about runes and ways to protect yourself from the supernatural. He cocked a brow and pursed his lips together, "Were these your boyfriends?" He asked, gesturing towards the stack of supernatural books. She glanced over and then down at the books, she seemed a little confused about what he was talking about until she read the title. "No, they are my roommate's stuff. She's into all that creepy weird stuff." She replied shortly before turning her attention back to Sam.
Sam's brows furrowed and he shot a knowing look at Dean. "Where is your roommate? Can we talk to her?" He asked. Maya picked at the skin around her thumbnail and tucked her tongue into her cheek. "She's on a work trip right now, but as soon as she heard she said she was coming home. She'll be back in the next couple of days." Maya explained.
Dean squinted "She's not in college like you?"
She shook her head. "No, she's like 27 - and she thinks paying for an education is stupid when you can get knowledge for free from quote on quote 'life experiences'" Dean chuckled softly and shook his head, her roommate seemed amusing.
Sam reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket and passed her a (fake) business card with his number on it. "When she gets back, give us a call, we'd like to chat with her. Standard procedure." He said. Maya read over the card before smiling and nodding. "Will do. Thanks."
As they walked out of the building, Sam nudged Dean's arm with his elbow. "I think the roommate is a witch, I mean come on- those books she had… and maybe she's the cause of all of this." He motioned around them, clearly talking about all the suicides and the case. Dean pursed his lips together before shaking his head. No, this woman wasn't a witch. "Notice all the magnets from different states and cities? And the fact that she's always travelling for work?" Dean said. He grinned and looked back at the apartment building before Sam again. "She's a hunter."
His eyes widened and he glanced around before leaning closer to Dean. "What? How would she even afford an apartment-?" He asked.
"I dunno."
"What do you mean I dunno?" Sam mocked. Dean shot him a glare and pulled the driver's side door of his beloved Impala open. "I mean I dunno. There could be thousands of reasons why she can," He slid inside and Sam slipped in as he started up the engine. Baby roared before settling to a familiar soft sound that he oh-so loved. "Just saying," Dean began as he switched the car into gear. "It's a good possibility she is a hunter."
The rumbling of her bike between her legs made her entire body vibrate, Cheryl tucked some of her damp chocolate brown hair behind her ear. She pulled the keys out of the ignition and adjusted the collar of her bright red leather jacket. 1 more day until she's back home, and then no more shit motels for a while. When she heard of Maya's boyfriend's death - she left almost immediately to go back home. They weren't that close, but it was just a nice thing to do. Besides, his death was… sketchy to say the least.
Cheryl worked her leather fingerless gloves off and shoved them into her pocket as she strolled into the motel's cramped lounge to book a room. She flashed the desk clerk a polite smile, "Buneas, room for one, please?" She asked. It was like any regular motel, keys hung off nails on the wall and they each had a key chain that had various room numbers on them. The yellow lighting made the woman's hair at the front desk look white - and it brought out every little blemish on her face. The clerk glimpsed up at her before spinning in her chair and snatching a key off the wall. "Double fine?" Her voice was gravelly and quiet. Cheryl nodded and reached into her coat for her wallet. "Yeah, whatever you got." She said as she pulled some cash out. The clerk spun back around to face her and handed her the key "$15 and check out is 11 AM." This woman was really in a hurry to get her out of there. They swapped the key for cash and Cheryl nodded along, her lips thinning. "Alright. Gracias." She muttered before leaving.
Cheryl shouldered her way through the room, it was a typical motel. White bedding, ugly walls stained with cigarette tar and stinky crumby carpets that should have been burned years ago. She set her things down on the desk in the corner of the room and peeled her jacket off. "I should give Maya a call…" She mumbled under her breath. She glanced over at the clock above the bed and wrinkled her nose. She may or may not be asleep, it depends on how she is feeling. With a heavy sigh, she grabbed her phone from her bag and flipped it open.
It rang a couple of times before she picked up with a quiet hello. Cheryl frowned at how sad Maya's voice sounded, "Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked softly as she sat on the edge of her bed. Cheryl untied the laces of her black biker boots and listened as there were some crinkles of wrappers in the background before she sighed. "Oh you know, like my life is ending and how I should have noticed something." She finally answered.
"Oh, querida, nobody could have predicted it. Didn't his therapist even say she didn't expect it-?"
"Yes but-"
"But nothing, it's nobody's fault, Maya. And certainly not yours." She interrupted.
Cheryl cleared her throat as she tossed her boots by the door. "I'm in Massachusetts right now, and I'm leaving bright and early tomorrow so I'll be home around noon," Cheryl said. She heard Maya gasp over the phone, causing her brows to furrow and her posture to straighten. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing - that just reminded me. Police came by today again, they asked to talk to you when you get back."
Her forehead creased and she swallowed hard, "Why?" Cheryl hated the police - even though she often posed as them; yet another misdemeanour to add to the list. "He just said that it's standard procedure. They probably wanna talk about…" Maya trailed off, her voice sounded strained and thick with grief. "Oh! It's fine, I'll talk to them. Whatever they need - I'll provide. Even blowjo-"
"Shut up!" Maya giggled.
The next morning Cheryl got up around 7, had a quick shower, bought a cup of coffee and smoked two cigarettes before she left at 9. Carlos would probably kick her ass if he knew that she was still smoking - she swore she could hear his nagging voice in the back of her mind going: "Woman! Those are horrible for you."
Cheryl loaded up her things on her bike, strapping the last bag up and tugging on it to make sure it stayed. She's good on gas, and she wasn't that hungry so she didn't need to stop until she reached home. Cheryl zipped up her jacket, pulled on her gloves and helmet and then she was off. Biking was exhilarating - how fast you could go - the scenery - everything. She loved all of it.
"Maya told us to swing by around noon," Sam said as he exited the bathroom and came back into the main room. Dean sighed and tossed the nude mag he was glancing through onto the bed side table. "Alright, let's get goin'." He muttered.
Sam and Dean both sat down on the sofa, they got there a little early - the girl wasn't here yet. But Maya said she should be here soon, "She was in Massachusetts last I heard." She told them. She set their coffees down on the table in front of them and smiled weakly. Dean nodded in thanks and took a small sip. It was strong - warm, this was a good batch of coffee. "This is good, thanks." Dean said as he leaned back into the sofa. Sam raised his mug to Maya and took a big sip, he had barely gotten to swallow it when there was a jingling of keys in the front door before it opened.
Everyone looked over their shoulders at the brunette woman who just came in. She set her bags down on the floor in the hall and her brows raised as she took in the scene. Maya was quick to jump to her feet and sweep her into a hug. "Oh, Cheryl!" She cried. Cheryl awkwardly patted her shoulder and rubbed her back. Dean tilted his head as he took in the scene, a soft grin forming on his face. Cheryl looked to be a little shorter than Maya was - they both had pretty eyes. 
She pat Maya's shoulder again before pulling back from the hug. Cheryl glanced over at the men on her couch "Sorry, I underestimated how bad the rain was gonna be." Dean pursed his lips together and raised his hand and Sam sent her a reassuring smile. "No problem. You're here now, that's all that matters."
After Maya went for a walk, Cheryl sat in front of them with an expressionless face. Her brows raised and she stared at the two of them "So, what did you wanna ask me?" Cheryl started. Sam and Dean both looked at each other briefly before leaning forward a bit, their hands resting on their knees. "Did you notice anything off with Noah before he died?" Sam started. Cheryl pouted her lips together before shaking her head. "No, I wasn't here for a month and before that he was you know- the normal Noah." Dean's eyes narrowed and he glanced over at Sam briefly. "What exactly is your job?" He asked.
Cheryl tucked her tongue into her cheek and tapped her fingers against her knee. She didn't know how to reply exactly - but they didn't seem like professional real cops either… She shrugged slightly and squinted "Ehhh - stuff. I help people." She finally said. She couldn't exactly tell them she hunted the supernatural as a job - a job she didn't even get paid for, it could be considered "volunteering" at most. Dean's brows furrowed and he nodded slowly, swallowing hard. He tapped the hardcover of the book he noticed before - 'Mexican Folklore & Superstitions' and met her eyes. "Does it involve stuff like this?" Cheryl's eyes widened slightly and her nose scrunched, she looked a little… unimpressed. Sam watched her carefully - this was the moment they were waiting for.
"Yes." She answered, glancing at the two of them. Cheryl's voice dipped low - her accent making it sound like a purr. "So then you're hunters too?" Her eyes darkened and Dean's breath hitched, damn she was a sexy minx. He was too focused on her - her curves - her tits, he wasn't really looking before - but now he sure was.
Sam let out a relieved sigh and his lips quirked up into a small smile. "Yeah, we are." He was at least relieved to know that she wasn't some sort of crazy witch. Cheryl’s lips thinned and she looked Dean up and down "And you're here because of all the suicides? What do you think it is?"
Sam elbowed his side and he jumped, snapping completely out of it. "What?"
Cheryl grinned "What do you think it is? Ghost? Demon? Monster?" He struggled to form words - he was completely out of it. Sam answered for him, "We don't know yet. Maybe we can work together on this?"
This caught Dean's attention, he glanced over at Sam with wide eyes and swallowed hard. They didn't even know this woman's last name - let alone whether she was trustworthy or not. Cheryl's grin widened "Yes, gracias. Can't do much myself since I live here." She then glanced up at the clock on the wall over the fireplace and pouted her lips together. "Maya will be back soon - uhh, why don't we meet at the library at 5 and talk then?" She suggested as she glanced back at the brothers. Sam nodded frantically and smiled nervously "Yeah - sounds good. Right, Dean?" He said. Dean’s lips thinned and he nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving Cheryl's face. "Yep."
This was the second time they were leaving that apartment - and this time the energy was much more tense. Dean was in a sour mood and Sam was cheerful about the fact that they found a fellow hunter and got to work with her. It was finally Dean who spoke first, his forehead wrinkling as he looked at Sam in disbelief. "You really asked her to work with us? Seriously?" His voice got progressively more annoyed as he spoke. Sam narrowed his eyes, seemingly confused by why he was so upset. He shrugged slightly and shook his head "Dean she lives here - she knows the area better than us and she knew Noah personally too." He explained. Of course Dean didn't think of those aspects - she was a local and she knew the history of the area. He grumbled something incoherent under his breath as he jerked open the driver's side door of Baby.
Cheryl took a short nap before she went out again, and obviously changed into some more appropriate attire. A worn cropped Metallica tank top and simple black jeans. And of course, her leather jacket and biker boots.
By the time she pulled up to the library, it was a little past 5. Cheryl wandered the library a bit before finding Sam and Dean at a deserted table between shelves. "Hola." Cheryl greeted. When they both glanced up at her she corrected herself: "Hey." Dean's eyes narrowed and his brows knitted together. "We know what hola means." He said. Cheryl smirked and crossed her arms, "I'm sorry, I just assumed since you're a bunch of gringos." She chuckled. Cheryl slid into the seat next to Sam, across from Dean, and peered over his shoulder at the book he had. Both their eyes stayed trained on her as she moved.
"Are you fluent in Spanish?" Sam asked. Cheryl nodded and sucked air through her teeth, of course she was. It was all she spoke for the first 14 years of her life until she had to learn English for American high school. "Yes, I was born in Mexico." She answered. Dean's brows raised and he looked a little surprised. Explains her book. "Really?" Sam asked, his eyes widening slightly. She nodded and leaned back in the uncomfortable wooden chair. These were good for cracking her back - she loved them. "Yes." Cheryl shared as little about herself as possible all the time. It gave an unfair advantage over her… she didn't like to have things she told people in confidence to blow up in her face.
"So what have you got?" Cheryl asked, her eyes briefly meeting Dean's before they both looked away. His were so green - it was kind of eerie. "Well," Sam began. "All of the victims drowned themselves in the river - and they all mentioned seeing a strange woman around them." Cheryl nodded along and pouted her lips together, clasping her hands together to rest on her stomach. She inhaled deeply "How old are they? The vics?"
"All under 18, except for Noah." Dean said.
"Which breaks the pattern." Sam interjected. Cheryl suddenly sat up straight, her hairs rising on her body. It couldn't be - no way. She tapped the table and leaned forward towards Dean. "And they died in the river?"
His eyes narrowed. "Yes…?"
She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, her mother warned her of something exactly like this when she was a little girl. "It's La Llorona." She muttered.
Sam's eyes widened and he turned to face her. "The weeping woman - are you sure?" They encountered her once before, it was their first hunt together since Sam left for university, except it didn't really follow the actual legend of La Llorona. "Yes - I'm sure." Cheryl said. Her eyes landed on Dean for his reaction, he had an expressionless look on his face(not really, she just didn't know him well enough to read him). His lips curved up into a grin when he noticed her looking at him. "Like what you see?" He teased. Cheryl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms square against her chest. "No." Cheryl retorted . His grin only widened, he wasn't going to let her end his teasing that easily. "Really? You're starin' at me quite a bit."
"Dean." Sam said firmly, a warning. They could be pissing off a valuable asset like Cheryl.
After they were kicked out of the library because it was closing time, Dean walked her to her car while Sam went to grab food across the street. It was dark - and who knows what could've happened to her, it was just the gentlemanly thing to do. When Cheryl went up to the red and black Harley instead of the white Nissan next to it, Dean grinned widely. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his heavy coat, rain spitting onto it. "You ride a motorcycle?" He asked. Cheryl grinned herself and stared up at him as she pulled on her gloves and fixed her helmet on her head. "Why? You wanna ride?" She purred. He flushed a bit and shifted to appear more confident. "One day - maybe."
Her expression softened to something much less flirtatious. "Okay, well. Buenas noches, Dean."
"Night, Cheryl." He replied with a little smile.
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mazzystar24 · 1 year
Buck coma dream analysis part 2
Mind the tags for trigger warnings the part that applies is marked by a line of ****************** before and after
Buddie stans and Buckley Diaz family truthers the second point is just for you ❤️
Also I just realised i didn’t explain that my reason for bringing its a wonderful life into this is cos the episode made multiple references to it and chimney even said “like in it’s a wonderful life?”
(Part 1 here)
• anyone else think it’s kinda suspicious, kinda weird that in the coma dream Buck is a teacher (distinctly for young children not highschool kids) and who did Eddie last date? Oh yeah Ana Flores aka Christopher’s teacher, evan buckley I know what you are👀
• I haven’t watched it’s a wonderful life in a while but this caused me to rewatch it and if you guys are looking for more Buckley-Diaz family confirmation I got just the thing, the first opening lines of the movie are different people praying for the main character George to be helped by god, all the prayers line up very well with bucks character saying things like “i owe everything to him” “he’s a good man,give him a break” “he doesn’t think about himself” but most importantly and most relevantly one of those people is his kid and she says “something is the matter with daddy, please bring daddy home please bring him back”, remind you of anything? Perhaps a certain child who sat at his bedside asking what was wrong with him and told him to come back from wherever he is? Yes I audibly gasped when I remembered that from the movie
•the placement of Maddie’s bruise being in the same place as when he went to the hospital asking to stay with her and she mentions things at home being complicated in his brain this was the moment he should’ve noticed the warning signs
• in the final coma scene where coma Daniel chases him into the medicine closet and tries to convince him to stay in the coma (die) and that there is nothing for him out there you see yet another It’s a wonderful life reference this time it’s a white board in the background of the medicine room that says "No man is a failure who has friends." which is what in the movie is meant to wrap up the moral of the story and make George not commit suicide. That’s why this line and episode I feel confirm for me that that self destructive behaviour we saw in buck begins actually is a lot darker than what we saw, not only that but this also links in with what we know is Buck’s biggest fears- being a failure (“they think I’m a loser maddie, but I’m not) and being alone. I also feel like while it being writing is a reference to the movie, it being writing AND in the background AND the audience not even having their attention bought to it is just sort of a metaphor for how loud and prominent dark thoughts (Coma Daniel) can be. In conclusion I am never forgiving the Buckley parents cos making your kid think you only care about them if they’re bleeding leading to years of what can be referred to as passive self harm and suicidal ideation isn’t okay ❤️
• the creepy orderlies- no clue what this means but it’s unsettling
• chimney and hen calling Eddie “angry guy” I feel like this is such a callback to eddies spiral and the boxing thing, as buck is realising how wrong the coma world is a thing that sticks out and is meant to disorient him is Eddie being referred to as an angry guy
• also within that conversation did anyone else think they were gonna say that Chris didn’t make it from the tsunami and then it’s like they reworded mid conversation? Cos I did and I feel like it tracks well with it being bucks brain because he’s tryna think of this world where he’s not involved in their lives so he has to detangle himself from the story and see how it would be so the first line “ you would be (angry) too if you lost your kid” then you see pure fear on Buck’s face because it insinuates something different where you can see where his mind went until they explain that Eddie lost a custody battle. Because at first in his brain it’s like oh shit Chris would’ve died in the tsunami but then it’s like no he wouldn’t have been there if it wasn’t for buck but then it’s like Eddie would’ve lost him in a different way still and it’s like he’s reasoning with himself
• the pregnant yoga ladies - sperm donor storyline or father/son Bobby and buck moment callback?
•the tv in the waiting room looks to display an earthquake - which is both a callback to the early seasons and foreshadowing
• also I really hope that this doesn’t happen but there have been hints that point toward buck leaving LA and going to Italy because in the movie George says something about leaving the town behind and going to (a list of places) but first among that list was Italy and the cardiologist also mentions Italy in the next episode and buck says he’s never been
Fuck it part three maybe happening too
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Power Armor Punch Part Eighteen
Nick: *very slowly and carefully petting her head. His eyes start to flicker a little, that power issue becoming more persistent*
Jasmine: (Hums happily at his touch. Everyone that she once knew and cherished would stroke her hair often, so the gesture is overly comforting)
Nick: *taking some processes offline to ease up the strain on his engine. He feins a small gentle but tired smile at her as he tries to find ways to stay online long enough to get a to get repairs*
Lucille: *constructed the basic structure and equipment but still needs someone who knows how to make candy*
Jasmine: (Looks up and smiles sweetly back)
Nick: *pats the back of her shoulder* How are you holding up, Jas? *eyes still subtly flickering from the pain he's enduring, his system warning him that something's wrong*
Jasmine: (Gives a sarcastic chuckle, tilting her head. As a whole? Not good at all, horrible actually. Right now in this moment? She feeling safe, secured and loved, better then normal)
Nick: *slow blink, then lets a little of the facade drop with a slight frown. He looks down at Dogmeat* Hey, boy...
Dogmeat: *ears perk up and look up at the detective*
Nick: Do me a favor and find Lucille. I need a good tune up...
Dogmeat: *affirmative bark before he gets up and manages to open the door and leave*
Jasmine: (Face fills with concern again, her child like eyes going wide. Nick doesn't even look like he heard her response…)
Nick: Sorry- I heard you. It's just things are starting to look bad...
Lucille: *thinking about possible candy makers*
Dogmeat: *comes running up to her, barking non stop*
Lucille: What is it, boy? Show me!
Dogmeat: *starts leading her back to the hospital*
Jasmine: (Whimpers, still looking at her Dad with concern. How bad was it? Was he going to be okay?)
Nick: I'm probably going to be okay... *eyes are flickering more. Slight pained smile*
Lucille: *making her way to the hospital in a hurry*
Jasmine: (Again, she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek then rests her head on his shoulder, hugging him gently. Her Mom would say the same things after long days of working then give her kids a tired smile…. and it was all she could do for her. She closes her eyes, praying that Nick was going to be fine… Because for fucks sake, she cant kill everyone she touches… They don't deserve it)
Nick: *his motor starts to whine from the strain. He's doing all he can to stay up and running. His eyes flicker more noticeably and his vision starts to go in and out*
Lucille: *running down the halls, following Dogmeat*
Jasmine: (Tugs on his arm with one hand to see if he is still alright, keeping the other secured around him so he doesn't fall back) (Thinking to herself) “Shit. This seems really bad…” (She is still haunted by Nicks lifeless form from the last time he shut off because of herself)
Nick: *blinks slowly and looks down at her. He's had to shut off his audio so he signs slowly* Still up and running. Don't know how much longer-
Lucille: *runs into the room* Dogmeat found me. What's going on? Is anyone hurt-? *notices Nick's very flickering eyes* Nick-
Nick: *straightens up a little and signs* Engine failure. Need repairs. Auxiliary power may be necessary.
Lucille: Got it. *runs out quickly to set up wiring so Nick can run off of the extensive power grid of the Vault*
Nick: *mouths* Hurry...
Jasmine: (Gets teary eyed with fear and stress. She would burst into uncontrollable sobs by now if she wasn't so determined to keep a clear mind in case something bad happened. Plus, her crying like a baby would only make things worse for everyone…)
Nick: *strokes her hair slowly. Mouths* It'll be okay...
Lucille: *comes back with some wire, hooking it up to the terminal* Gonna need access to your engine, Val.
Nick: *slow nod and moves away from Jas. He pulls off his coat and shirt, opens his casing, revealing a very worn and shorting out motor*
Lucille: Hm... alright. *connects the wires to the nodes near his engine*
Nick: *eyes steady in glow. He restores functionality to the more basic systems, such as speech and audio* I'm shutting off the engine now. Let's hope it holds steady... *the whine starts to slow* Rerouting coolant to the auxiliary line. So far, everything else seems nominal.
Lucille: Good... *opening up his metal skeleton so she can take out his engine once it completely shuts off*
Jasmine: (Crosses her arms over her chest to hug herself for security as she sits away from them. Well, guess she was right about the peacefulness not lasting. It just wont stick with her, like the world said “Fuck You! You're going to suffer!” when she was born and thrown into a trash can. Then it threw one bad event after another at her…. Slow tears are now dripping down her face, she is still unsure how)
Nick: *reaches up and whipes tears from her face* It's going to be okay...
Jasmine: (Opens her eyes and looks straight back at Nick, really wanting to believe him but how can she when she and her world keeps falling apart…)
Nick: *looks less pained already. Small gentle smile* Lucille's got it... I trust her to fix me up properly.
Lucille: *pulls out his engine* Looks like a bad short and a fried turbine. I'm going to have to hunt down some Gen 2 synths and get you a new motor.
Nick: Alright... Please take someone with you.
Lucille: Mm... *scratches the back of her head* I guess I'll take Dogmeat.
Nick: *sternly* More than just Dogmeat.
Jasmine: (If she wasn't unwillingly bounded to bedrest by Nick and Curie, she would volunteer herself to help. Instead she looks down at herself in disgust, eyeing at her healing scars and cuts. It’s her fault Nick is like this, she was causing all the strain… If only all this drama didn't happen in the first place. Rubs her wrists, tilting her head slightly)
Lucille: What about Jas?
Nick: *puts a protective arm around Jas* Her wounds are still healing. No-
Jasmine: (Looks up at both of them with teary eyes. She really wants to go and somewhat fix this mess she created…)
Lucille: Okay. Then I'll go alone. I can't take any of the robots- they're this place's first line of defense against-
Nick: Take Curie.
Lucille: And what? Leave the hospital without its chief physician?? Right now I don't have much of a choice! Besides! I've gone solo plenty of times without anyone! I'll be fine!
Jasmine: (Blinks a few times at them, still wishing to go but she is highly sure Nick wont let her at all. Rubs her wrists a little harder)
Nick: What about Piper? Or Longfellow?
Lucille: Back in Diamond City and running supply lines.
Nick: *frowns* So there's no one...? No one at all?
Lucille: *shakes her head* No one.
Jasmine: (Closes her eyes. Fucking…. what did she do? Now her sister and pup have to go traveling in the dangerous Commonwealth after synths…)
Lucille: And you're sure I can't take Jas? I can protect her-
Nick: No offense, but the last time I put you in charge, Jas stabbed herself!
Jasmine: (Tapping on Nick) (Signing) “She cant go alone, I should go with her. Ive gone out there in worst physical conditions and I'm highly trained in combat.”
Nick: No. And that's final.
Lucille: Alright, that settles things. *walks out of the room*
Dogmeat: *follows her*
Jasmine: (Shaking her head, signing quickly) “Mom said to watch out for my siblings. I failed the other two…. I cant let that happen again. This is my fault, let me fix it please.” (Tears dripping on her face, her hands starting to scratch her wrists with all the stress)
Nick: *frowns as he closes up his torso just enough to put his coat back on at least. He grabs her hands* None of this is your fault, do you hear me? I'm an old synth- these things happen. Lucille should be fine on her own...
Jasmine: (Shakes her teary head) (Mouthing) “It is, I know that it all is.” (She was causing all this stress and trouble, she shoved him off the bed. Why wasn't it her fault? If Lucille gets hurt trying to fix Nick, thats gonna be on her….)
Nick: It isn't. *squeezes her hands tight*
Jasmine: (Mouthing) “Yes it is..” (Hangs her head as more tears flow. It always has been her fault… Ever since she broke her Moms heart and got her killed. Then it was one nad decision after another…)
Nick: ... You didn't kill your mother. You don't know all the details of the crash- what was going through her head. *takes out a cigarette* It wasn't your fault then and it isn't your fault now. *lights it and takes a drag*
Jasmine: (Looks up at him with teary bewilderment. How did he know what she was thinking again… But it didn't matter anyways. She wasn't changing her mind. It is her fault, no use in brushing it off. She puts her arms around her chest for security, looking back down in disgust of herself)
Nick: *drapes an arm around her and pulls her to his side*
Jasmine: (Lets him but doesn't look up or move her arms away from herself yet)
Lucille: *avoiding any and all fights she can as she seeks out gen 2 synths*
Nick: *pets her hair* I'm sorry...
Jasmine: (Wants to hug or hold onto him, but is afraid to as if she is going to break him) (Signing, her hands shaking and her head still casted down) “Why?” (If anything, SHE should be the sorry one right now…)
Nick: I should have told you how bad my condition was. Instead I left you in the dark and let it get to this point...
Jasmine: (Stifled scoff) (Signing) “I cannot say anything because I do the same.” (Her eyes catch her cuts on her wrists as she signs, making her frown)
Nick: *smirks* Looks like this is a lesson for both of us...
Jasmine: (Looks at him with her teary head tilted. Sadly, she would probably keep doing it out of instinct, like every other bad habit… Runs her hand over her gown where her stitches are)
Nick: *sighs and pulls her closer*
Lucille: *decides to stop in at the Railroad HQ to see if they have any missions related to coursers*
Jasmine: (Unsure where to lean without bothering Nick, wondering how bad it is for him….)
Nick: Don't worry about the chords. There's plenty of slack and the connection seems pretty sturdy. The cables won't just... fall out.
Jasmine: (Nods, resting her head on Nicks shoulder and wrapping her arms around his neck, her tears still falling)
Nick: *rubs her arm and shoulder reassuringly*
Lucille: *fighting off raiders as she gets closer to the Railroad HQ*
Jasmine: (Hums sweetly, but she still feels awful for what has happened… Looks back down at herself in disgust again, her eyes on her leg cuts)
Nick: If it makes you feel any better, I've been suspecting my motor would fail for a while now, so I doubt that little incident earlier was to blame. Like I said, I'm an old synth. I'm not even sure I was supposed to live this long. *wry sad chuckle*
Jasmine: (Scoffs again. She wasn't suppose to live this long either…. But her death kept getting pushed back for some reason…. Still looking at herself in disgust)
Lucille: *finally reaches HQ*
Deacon: Look who's back! Gotta say, things have been pretty boring without you.
Lucille: What? You wanna come with?
Dogmeat: *barks excitedly at him*
Deacon: Sure... wait, what's the mission? This isn't going to be another "go to settlement and watch you build" situation is it? You might as well not be around.
Lucille: Nah! Hunting gen 2 synths for parts- was hoping to find a courser and kill two watchers with one stone.
Nick: *heavy sigh, letting out a large plume of smoke from his cigarette* Glad I lived long enough to meet you, at least.
Jasmine: (Looks up at him with confusion. Was he serious? All she brought to the table was chaos and pain… She wouldn't want to meet herself)
Nick: What about that's confusing? *raises an eyebrow at her*
Deacon: Pam might have something for you. She's in her room.
Lucille: Gotcha! *already making a beeline for Pam*
Jasmine: (Signing) “Because Ive done nothing but cry and scream at meaningless things, making thing worse for everyone and myself. Why would you want to meet that?” (She was a fucking disaster of a person, did Nick not see that at all?)
Nick: Surely you've done more than that... I think in a way you saved me back there with that hug. I would have thrown in the towel then and there- let my engine burn out and go offline completely. But... someone's gotta look out for you. So here I am.
Jasmine: (Eyes go wide and her breathing hitches. What the fuck did he mean by letting his engine burn out and going offline?)
Nick: *notices her breath hitching* Lucille wouldn't leave me down for the count. Give her a couple of hours and a mission or two and she'd have me up and running in no time... But if she didn't, and I doubt she wouldn't, that'd be the end of old Nick Valentine till someone puts him back together again.
Jasmine: (Just stares blankly at him, holding her breath. What would even she DO in that situation?)
Nick: *notices* Breathe, doll.
Jasmine: (Still holding her breath. Seriously, would she even have the willpower to try to fix him? Or would she just crumble like the useless bitch she is until someone else does something?)
Nick: Holding your breath isn't going to solve anything... you know that, right?
Jasmine: (Blinks, not hearing him under her now yelling thoughts…. If only she wasn't such a fucked up mess)
Nick: *watching her carefully. Worried she's going dark again*
Jasmine: (Closes her eyes, still leaning on his shoulder with her hands starting to scratch at her wrists. She was to weak to do anything useful or meaningful. She was suppose to be this one of a kind human who could endure the impossible and do incredible inhuman things. Yet, she was sitting here spiraling further downwards in a dark hole that never stops…)
Nick: *grabs her wrists* Hey, Jas. Look at me...
Jasmine: (Slowly looks up at him, still holding her breath as her blank teary eyes stare back at him)
Nick: Don't worry about it... I'm going to be fine. *squeezes her hands*
Jasmine: (Blinks again, her eyes registering him. She finally out her breath, a little too quickly and she starts coughing while gasping for air)
Nick: Easy... deep breaths, Jazzy.
Jasmine: (Keeps coughing as she tries to take in slower breaths, gaining back somewhat of control after a moment Guess everything is going wrong with her today, even her breathing.)
Nick: Thattagirl... *reassuring smile*
Lucille: *left the Railroad HQ with Deacon in search of a courser* Remember, Deacon, we need the gen 2 motor intact so be careful not to aim for the chest.
Deacon: Aw, but the chest is the best part! I like seeing the sparks fly as the engine explodes into a fiery ball of blue flames!
Lucille: *snarls* Deacon... this is for Nick. I can't blow this.
Deacon: Fine, fine... I'll aim for the head. Specially if it's for the old robot.
Jasmine: (Takes in a shuttering breath, putting her hands over her face and letting out a sigh. Whats next? At this luck rate Curie is going to come back in and announce that something else is wrong with her… And that wouldn't even be a surprise to her)
Curie: *walks in as if on cue* I have good news and bad news-! Wait. What is this? *gestures to Nick*
Nick: *points to his right side where his engine was* Major system failure... Anyway, you were saying?
Curie: Oh! She is definitely is not pregnant and is free from all venereal diseases! The bad news is that she has a history of heavy drug use. Worse than Mayor Hancock, in fact.
Nick: Well, I'm not entirely surprised by that... I'll try to keep her away from the stuff if I can manage.
Jasmine: (Tenses and panics at Curies sudden entrance, her hand instinctively going to rip out the still in place IV. She quickly tearing at the corners and starts peeling it away. Look, with all the medical experiments done on her, she found the best way to avoid it was to do everything in her power to mess it up)
Nick: *swears and dives for her hands, quickly pulling them away before she can dislodge it*
Curie: I needed to apply new dressing, anyway. *grabs some bandages and medical tape. Tapes the IV back down and starts wrapping her arm in bandages to make it harder for her to rip it out. She then replaces her finished nutritional and hydration bags with new ones* All done. *leaves*
Nick: *holding Jas's hands tightly*
Jasmine: (Lets out a weak cry, wiggling her wrists to try at slipping away. She hates everything about this moment, The medical dress, the IV, the room, the bandages, her stitches and the restraints even if they are not on her in the moment. It’s all too stressful and familiar especially since she is mentally vulnerable) (Mouthing, glaring at the IV) “I do not want that, I hate it.”
Nick: *softly* I know, kiddo... I know. But it's for your own good. We're just trying to keep you alive and safe... *keeping a decent grip on her wrists but takes care not to bruise them again* I wouldn't let it happen if I thought it was actively hurting you. I'm sorry.
Jasmine: (Whimpers, still wiggling slightly as tears go down her face. Every time she starts a fit over something like this, the back of her head questions on WHY she is acting up. But it gets drowned out by the flood of bad memories and she cant help but to put up a fight… maybe because deep down she rather not end up dying….) (Mouthing) “I want it out!”
Nick: Sorry, that's not happening.
Jasmine: (Gives out a frustrated cry, but she understands why it must stay for her own sake even if she doesn't want it)
Nick: *pulls her into a hug* You're safe...
Jasmine: (Makes another sound of protest as she is pulled in, trying to wiggle away but gives up after a moment. She melts in Nicks hug with some quiet sobs as she rests on his chest)
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beskar-cowboy · 4 years
A Close Call
Part Three of The Best Things Dwell Out of Sight Series
Summary: After bounty hunting in the jungle, Mando comes back to the Crest with many pent up... feelings. (6k words) ao3 link here
Warnings: NSFW, smut, canon typical violence, descriptions of injuries, blood, yearning, mutual pining, rough sex, the helmet stays ON, breeding kink if you squint cause its Mando, also no season 2 spoilers
A/N: this series will be uploaded in a non-linear order! i realize that this way of doing things might not be everyone’s favourite so please let me know if you would like to be notified when all the parts are uploaded (which will be linearly in my masterlist) <3
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The sweltering heat was heavy, drowning you in your own sweat as you walked deeper into vines, tall grass and thick foliage of the unfamiliar jungle.
The air was humid, the forest vast and dense, filled with shades of greens that you never thought you’d experience with your own eyes. You were seeing colours you had only previously dreamt of. It was such a stark contrast to the ice planet you had been on maybe a week prior to this. You weren’t sure which extreme you preferred but you were not the biggest fan of the way the humidity was making your hair puff out, curl exaggeratedly and stick to your neck and forehead with the sheen layer of sweat coated on every inch of your body. Your clothes were beginning to stick to your skin as well.
Mando was a fan of that, however. Yet the helmet gave away nothing, as always. 
The moment you landed on the planet, he noticed the way your chest heaved, taking in the supple, fresh air for the first time. The look of wonder in your eyes, taking in the flora and fauna you could only have only ever dreamed of previous to this. You were very endearing, it made his heart feel heavy, tense, as if you were squeezing it in your perfect little hand, bleeding him dry.
You couldn’t believe this was your life now; travelling with a deadly bounty hunter, caring for him and his adoptive child day and night. What was even stranger, perhaps, was that you were having the time of your life.
No matter how cold Mando could be, how rude, closed off or just straight up silent he could get some days. You wouldn’t trade it for anything. This was much better than your life on that dingey planet, working that dead end job in the scummiest bar in town. You tried not to think too much of your past, but you couldn’t help the few untamed thoughts that crossed your mind every now and then. You shrugged them off with relative ease, usually being whisked away in some task the Mandalorian asked you to complete, or by the cries of the Child.
No matter how hard the days could get, no matter how lonely you felt some nights, you were thankful for the loving affection of the kid, you were thankful for how much he seemed to care for you. And you cared for him in return. Not because it was what you signed up for, to more or less be his babysitter, but because you truly cared and maybe even loved the little green booger like he was your own. He was very sweet, kind, curious and reckless like Mando. You liked how they seemed so similar in some strange little ways, it made your heart feel heavy.
Heavy with some emotion you wouldn’t dare name because it would only fuck you up further, fuck up the missions, fuck up your tasks, fuck up everything. That sickening feeling you got in the pit of your stomach everytime you caught Mando talking to the Child, staring at him sweetly, catching the way he seemed to stare at you sometimes too. At least you think he was. Whatever, that helmet made it near impossible to ever tell what he was thinking, feeling or even just looking at.
No matter how little he was actually beginning to warm up to you, he was still extremely apprehensive and closed off. He had his moments of perceived kindness, gentleness or whatever it really was, but he always seemed to take five steps back when he realized he had been too vulnerable with you. 
You couldn't blame him though, he was on the run from people who were trying to take the kid from him, or busy chasing after bounties himself, he didn’t have time for… whatever it was you were feeling. Whatever emotion you were terrible at suppressing, you know without a doubt that Mando didn’t have time for such trivial, childish things.
You huff and look down to your side, the Child’s pod floating seamlessly along your side, the two of you just a few steps behind Mando.
The Mandalorian was tracking a bounty and he said there was a good chance he’d be on this jungle planet seeking refuge with a friend or something like that. You had literally begged him to come along, not wanting to spend another day alone in the ship with the Child. It had taken a few days to get here, and you desperately needed to stretch your legs and breathe some fresh air. Mando was reluctant, very reluctant, but after enough begging and pouting from you he allowed for the two of you to come along, figuring it would be a pretty easy quest anyways.
Oh how he was wrong about that.
His visor display was showing multiple footsteps having walked in the same direction that the three of you were now walking. The footsteps were strange, seeming to be left by a herd of long bodied, four legged animals. Mando had no way of knowing if they were a threat or not, but he had a feeling he’d be finding out soon enough. The Child’s safety and… and yours was not something he felt like gambling with today.
Mando stopped dead in his tracks and you nearly walked right into him, having been engrossed in a more or less one-sided conversation with the Child.
“Head back to the ship.” Mando commanded, his voice trying to give the sense that there was no room for discussion. He barely even turned around to glance at you, but you noticed his hand hovering over his blaster.
“Why? What’s wrong?” Your own hand now hovers over your own blaster, technically Mando’s but he had trusted you to wield it after that one stunt back on Batuu when you saved him and the Child.
“Animals. Too many of them, you’ll be safer on the Crest.” He turns to glance at the Child who coos back up at him, his ears turning downwards as if he too knows of the animals which creep up on the three of you.
“No, I can stay and fight. I’m not leaving.” You, I’m not leaving you, you want to add. But you bite your tongue.
You can’t see because of the hemet but Mando is rolling his eyes at you, at your stubbornness but also your resilience. How eager you are to stand by and help him almost blindly. He doesn’t doubt that you judge him or criticize him in your mind, but he doesn’t think he’s ever heard a negative comment leave your mouth. You’re always sweet to him. Sweet girl.
“Our job is to take care of the Child, make sure he’s safe,” He huffs, pressing a few buttons on his vambrace and suddenly the Child’s pod is floating away at a leisurely pace, back in the direction you’ve just come from. “Follow it back to the ship, close the hatch and do not leave until I’ve returned.”
You glare at Mando and how he’s given you no choice but to head back to the ship. There was no way you’d leave the Child floating unattend, and without Mando’s directions, you had no way of finding the ship again on your own. You sigh but turn on your heels after the pod, following its lead through the jungle and back to the Crest like Mando had programmed it to.
It’s been hours.
Or at least it feels like it’s been hours. You aren’t aware of the planet’s day cycles so you have no idea if it's been minutes, hours or days but it was dark now and you’d been trying to keep the kid occupied, distracted from the fact that his dad wasn’t here and you had no idea when he would be.
Luckily, the Child was in an agreeable mood so he was distracted pretty easily, playing with various shiny things that he usually reached for on the ship. You made him a couple of snacks with what you managed to find stashed away, he took a nap and you cleaned up the tiny mess he made. Overall, a pretty good day for him.
You on the other hand, were fucking stressed.
It was dark, really dark, and Mando hadn’t even contacted you on the comlink, not that he even did that before but you think that if he comes back- no, when he comes back - you’re definitely going to make that a new rule.
The Child was rocking sweetly in your arms, you had been trying to get him to fall asleep for the past thirty minutes and he was finally getting a bit dopey. Those big eyes of his seeming to get heavier, his blinks growing slower. His little hand was wrapped around your thumb and you quietly hummed a random song to him, maybe it was one your mother sang to you, you’re not quite sure but it seems to be doing the trick.
You can hear small disturbances outside the hatch and you use your hand which isn’t holding the Child to hover over your- Mando’s blaster. You lean against the wall, blaster in hand, hoping, praying it’s him.
Please be him, please be him, please be him.
The hatch groans as it releases its locks and opens slowly to the ever humid jungle. That familiar beskar glints and shines in the moonlight like a precious jewel. You exhale a much needed sigh of relief, Mando was back.
You tuck the blaster back into your holster as you watch him roundup the quarry into the ship, pushing him aggressively up the inclination. He stands wide, broad and big as he does his job. He’s tired and annoyed, you can tell. You can always tell, but he’s strong too, always strong.
The quarry’s hands are shackled, his face beat up and bloodied. Mando really did a number on him… 
The quarry’s eyes meet yours, take in the sight before him, a beautiful young girl cradling a strange little green baby. He seems confused, he looks back to the intimidating Mandalorian inquisitively. It’s the last thing he sees before he’s frozen into carbonite.
You say something something to him, to Mando. You sound worried, but he can barely make it out. He had seen the way the quarry’s eyes racked the length of your body, landing on the Child as well. Mando saw red, his adrenaline still pumping heavy and potent in his veins, coursing through his body from the chase, the act of hunting. 
So much so, that he hadn’t even realized he had come to tower over you, caging you in against the wall which you had been leaning against.
You look up at him with wide, worried eyes, you look flustered, lips red and swollen. He wants to touch you, he… he wants to do more than touch you-
The Child’s sleepy cooing breaks him out of his wicked mind. He looks down at the kid who reaches for him sleepily with his tiny hands, eyes half closed. He takes him from you, out of your motherly hold. Your hands brush and he wishes he wasn’t wearing gloves.
“W-What did you say?” He finally asks, remembering you had said something to him and he heard absolutely nothing.
“I said your arm is bleeding, Mando.” Voice so small, gentle. 
Mando huffs, barely acknowledging it before he steps away from you, turning to the Child’s pod and placing him gently inside. It closes with a hiss. You suck in a shuddering breath.
Mando rummages around for a few moments before pulling out his tool kit, sitting down on the edge of his cot and pulling out his taser-like contraption. You watch almost dumbfounded, trying to piece together what exactly it is he’s doing. He reaches for the tear in the thick material of his sleeve, pulling on it and tearing it further to better show off his wound and his… his skin.
Flesh. Mando’s arm.
Maybe you weren’t supposed to be looking, maybe you were breaking his creed by seeing part of his skin but you couldn’t look away, and he made no motion for you to do so either. So you stand transfixed as he begins to shoddily cauterize his tanned skin.
“L-Let me help you, please.” You take a step forward, towards him, hands reaching out.
“I’m fine.” He basically growls at you, his rough tone startling you, stopping you in your tracks.
So you stand by idly, watching him burn his own skin, attempting to close his open wound.
You only interject again when he starts taking longer breaks between each electrifying tase. When his hand starts to shake and his movements slow down, motivation and determination leaving him as he slowly accepts the pain of the deep gash on his arm, blood trailing down his toned bicep.
“Here…” You say quietly again, hoping he listens to you this time. You reach into the tool kit, pulling out his bacta gel before coming to stand in front of him, your knees grazing his bent one from where he sits on the edge of his cot. 
He seems to have listened, his movements having stopped, the taser held weakly in his hand. You take it from him, setting it back in the metal box before zeroing in on his bleeding cut.
You shudder at the sudden proximity, his pent up adrenaline and anger palpable, intoxicating. It lays thick and heavy in the air between your two bodies. Your hands shake as you gently douse the wound with the gel, trying to stay focused, trying to get the bleeding to stop. You fingers brush gingerly along toned, scarred skin and you try, you try so fucking hard to focus. To not let your fingers linger, not let them wander to regions unknown to any other living thing.
Mando groans as it begins to seep into the wound and you wince as well, feeling his pain as your own. You mumble a quiet ‘I’m sorry’ but continue to apply the thick substance to his bicep. 
His gloved hand suddenly shoots out and latches onto your hip bone, fingers grasping the clothed flesh in a deadly grip, as if trying to ground himself to you, to the ship, to ignore the throbbing pain. You didn’t realize it would hurt that bad, maybe it went deeper than you thought. 
When you’re finally done with the gel, you turn slightly to get some gauze to wrap the wound in. Mando’s touch never leaves you, his hand seemingly welded into your form. His thumb begins to absentmindedly rub up and down in soothing motions, you try to ignore the way it makes your heart pound but… but it's not really a big deal is it? No, Mando’s touched you before, what's so different about it now?
The air? The tension? The way he looks up at you, through that mask, begging to be seen?
God, you wonder what colour his eyes are.
You bet they’re soft, beautiful, kind. They probably give away how secretly gentle he is, something no one else would notice or dare assume about the deadly Mandalorian, but you know. You know because he’s been touching you more lately, especially since the ice planet. Just passing touches but still, you can’t imagine how much significance a simple touch holds for a man covered head to toe in armour, and who’s never shown his face to another living being in decades.
“Who are you?”
His voice startles you. It’s dropped several octaves since he last spoke, it felt like hours had passed since he last spoke- or more, growled at you.
“What are you? H-How do you do this to me?” He helmet tilts to the side as he gazes up at you and your heart fucking pounds in its cage, trying to escape and expose itself to this metal man, expose everything you’ve been feeling since you met him.
“Mando-” You don’t understand what he’s saying, he’s not making any sense. Could the pain really be that bad? Making him this incoherent?
“You’re not real… you’re too good, to us, too good to the child… to me-” He was rambling. Mando was rambling. When has he ever spoken this much to you before?
“You’re good to me too.” You interject meekly.
“But not as sweet… not as sweet as you.” His words make your next intake of breath sharper than usual, no doubt he catches it by the way his helmet tilts up further. You wonder if he’s looking you in the eyes. It sure feels like he is.
“I-I don’t know what I would do if, if anything happened to-” His fingers tense on your hip as he lulls over his words, tossing them around on his tongue, afraid. “The Child… or you.”
“You keep us safe Mando.” You try to reassure him, but you’re not sure if he’s listening. His left hand joins his right one, both sides of your hips now engulfed in his large, strong hands. You throb everywhere, your body pulses for him.
Mando thinks about just letting his helmet fall forward, to let it rest against the softness of your belly but.
But he can’t. He’s too fucking scared. You scare him more than anything. More than any unknown animal in an unfamiliar jungle, more than any quarry, bounty chase, Mythosaur. More than anything, you scare him more than anything because this is the only domain Mando truly always fucks up. Feelings or whatever the fuck going on in his head right now.
“You take such good care of us.” He says, deflecting your words.
He pulls on your hips and you rock forward, almost losing your balance but your hands come forward to lean against his beskar covered shoulders, dropping the gauze you held. You shudder at the cool bite of the metal on your warm, overheating palms. Mando barely budged at your added weight, and you look down at him from where you now tower over him.
Your eyes rake over the sharp edges of his helmet in the low light of the hatch, down to his wound which still needs to be wrapped up but he was... Seriously distracting you for lack of a better word. You notice the heave of his chest, the heavy fall of his breaths like he’s having trouble getting oxygen into his body. And then you notice- you notice the bulge forming underneath his thick pants.
Mando takes you in as you do the same, watching as you finally notice his state, finally notice what you do to him. What you’ve been doing to him since the moment he met you.
“Take your pants off.”
You think your brain short circuits.
Because there’s no way that’s what Mando has more or less just ordered you to do, judging by his harsh tone.
“Take them off or I will.” He groans, hands squeezing your hips again.
You whimper and bite your lip, trying to see through the pitch black T of his visor, trying to find the man underneath the beskar. You remove your trembling hands from his shoulders, standing up straighter and letting them travel down, down, down towards the button and fly of your utility pants.
“M-Mando, I-”  
“Don’t make me ask you again, sweet girl.” You whimper at the nickname, it wasn't the first time he used it but this was probably only the third time at this point. With his thumbs relentlessly caressing your hip bones, you shiver underneath his touch.
You had been dreaming of this for months now, dreaming of his hands on you, sexual or not, you were so deprived of intimacy, having gone months now only barely touching, grazing each other. You both needed this, both needed this more than fucking anything esle right now and you were no one to deny him of what he wanted.
Mando keeps the helmet trained on you as your nimble fingers pry the button open, admiring how easily persuaded you were by his thick, lust-laced words. He couldn’t believe he had managed to draw this out as long as he did, his urge to just tear your clothing away from your body and sink his raging cock into your tight heat the moment he entered the Crest was…. overwhelming to say the least.
But he had barely touched you up until now, and he wanted to work you up to it, no matter how much restraint that meant he had to have on his part.
The sound of your metal zipper sliding down below your belly button tests that restraint. He keeps his eyes on you even though he knows you wouldn't be able to tell where he’s looking. He knows you feel it, knows you feel the way his eyes burn holes into you, devouring you silently, pleading with you, please, please show me.
He feels your hands come to rest over top of his gently, as if you’re still nervous about touching him. You interlace your fingers with his and lower your pants, shimmying them down your hips and thighs together. It makes Mando’s breath catch in his throat and his heart pummel in his chest. 
Never had he undressed someone before. Never had the patience, never cared to. But with you, oh with you.
Maker, did he care.
Maybe cared too much, but now was not the time for such ill inducing thoughts. You were becoming more and more bare to him as the seconds passed. You only let go of his hands once your pants went past your knees. Pushing them down to your ankles, you stepped out of them, kicking off your boots as well.
There you were, standing before him in a black tank top and that fucking thong of yours… of course that’s what you had decided to wear today. Mando groans as his hands come up to touch you again, tentatively this time. He can’t believe you were allowing him this, letting him touch you, letting yourself be vulnerable with him when he wasn’t sure how ready he was to be vulnerable in return.
Maybe he could learn.
His hands travel up to your hips again, toying with the thin waistband of your panties, letting his gloved hand run along your pristine flesh that was once covered in ugly bruises. He-
He thinks he wants to be the only thing to bruise you. From now on, he made a promise to himself (and to you, secretly) that he was the only thing in this galaxy that could mark you up, claim you.
Mando’s hands travel back, reaching for the supple meat of your ass, clutching it in his large hands, kneading it before he pushes you forwards again, into him. You yelp as you land in his lap, catching yourself quickly as both of your knees rest on either side of his hips. You readjust and sit back down, your minimally clothed cunt coming to land on his hard bulge, you gasp, eyes wide as you look into his visor. He was so hard, he felt big too.  
“S-Sorry I didn’t mean to-”
“What are you apologizing for now, hmm?” He asks tauntingly, helmet tilting slightly to the side, as if he were considering you. 
His gloved hands come up your sides, going underneath your tank top and brushing along the underside of your breasts, feeling the tight skin. You unintentionally rock in his lap, creating friction on your already embarrassingly wet center. Mando’s hands tighten at your sides, groaning as he tries to still your movements but. But it feels too fucking good to stop.
He brings a gloved finger to your lips, running the worn leather over the pillowy flesh as if to let you taste it. You look at him, confused.
“Bite.” He instructs, voice clipped, sharp. 
Without needing further instruction, your teeth latch onto the absolute tip of his glove, letting him slip his hand out of its leather confines, revealing to you the most precious amount of skin of his you’ve ever seen. 
Tanned skin, thick fingers, large palm, perfect. Him. The urge to litter the rough calloused skin in kisses, lick his entire hand, just put the whole fucking thing in your mouth was all consuming. Yet you sat there in his lap staring at his hand like it was a vase of water and you were a flower, parched for water. He asked you to do the same with the other glove and of course, you did as he asked. You quickly found yourself wanting to please him.
You stared at his bare, rough, strong hands in awe, watched as he let them peek underneath your thin top to skim along your silky smooth flesh, an expanse unknown to him. His fingertips brush over your nipples, feeling how the pretty buds pebble for him. He twists and pulls them in between his fingers, watching the way your face contorts in pain and in pleasure. It’s his new favourite thing, he feels drunk off of you already.
“Please.” You aren’t quite sure what you’re begging for, Mando isn’t really sure either. But he knows one thing, and it's that the sweet sound of your voice, begging for him, begging for anything, just so desperate, was enough to make him cum in his pants. His fingers dig into your skin, trying to cool his overheating mind, trying to slow down a bit before he actually does cum in his pants, before he’s even properly seen you.
His bare hands come down to your panties, toying with them again between his agile fingers.
“You want this?” He asks, daringly pushing your panties to the side, getting the smallest glimpse and your slicked up and drenched pussy. He thinks he could die right now, die happy, never want anything, ask for anything again.
“Yeah, yeah I do, always- have.” You choke on a hiccup, emotions welling in your eyes already from how fucking built up all of this is. You feel like you were both about to burst at the seams. You still couldn’t believe this was happening, even if it were to stop now and not progress any further, you couldn’t believe he had allowed you this much of him.
Mando wraps his arm around you completely, gripping your waist tightly to spin you around, pinning you underneath him in the tight space of his cot. You gasp, shriek at the sensation of it all, as he comes to rut against you, grinding his thick bulge into your cunt.
You notice how his arm has begun to bleed again, the skin ripping open and the deep red liquid trickling down what little part of his bicep was exposed, further proving his humanity, exposing the man beneath the beskar. You really felt like you could cry.
Lost in your whirlwind, Mando pulls off your thong, throwing it somewhere unpreciously behind him before doing the same thing with your tank top. Completely vulnerable, you laid bare before him as he hovered above you, covered head to toe, save for his hands, in beskar. That fact alone made you throb deep inside. The sheer power and size of him enough to get you off. 
You knew what little he had already decided to show you was all he could afford, you were so grateful for it anyway, that he was even willing to show you his hands, the little glimpse of his bicep. His skin was beautiful, but you couldn’t possibly grasp the words to tell him.
So you hook your legs around his backside and pull him to you, silently begging him to do something, anything. You would take anything he gave you, you’d even thank him for it at this point.
“Fuck.” Mando growls, bare hands coming to work at unbuttoning his pants, pulling them low enough to pull out his engorged, thick cock.
Mando was… he was huge.
This came hardly as a surprise to you, however. You would have had to be blind to not noticed how he walked. He walked like it was big, talked like it was big, fought like it was big. But fuck.
You were not prepared for that.
“Mando, I-I don’t know if it’ll-”
“It will.”
You moan and arch your back towards him, needing it now, needing that sweet burn and stretch that you know is about to come.
And oh does it come.
Mando thrusts into you without further warning, giving you no time or preparation to adjust to what he was packing. 
He makes you take it. He makes it fit.
The stretch burns, it bites and it knocks every single breath and thought from your body as he nestles himself all the way up against your cervix. Your body convulses in retreat, trying to push him away from the aggressive intrusion but your mind wants more, needs more. Needs him to fucking split you in half on his cock.
You scream and Mando growls, loud, his helmet falling forward and resting in the crook of your shoulder which meets your neck. His helmet is cold and your skin is burning hot, it creates a fog on his visor and he desperately tries to wipe it off on your skin, trying to look at you so up close. The way your eyes screw shut, squeezing tears out, watching the beautiful dew drops roll down your cheek so perfectly.
It hurts. Maker, does it hurt but fuck does it feel good. The pleasure overrides the pain more than you could imagine and you find yourself begging him to give you more even though he’s already started thrusting into you like he’s on a mission, a mission to sever you in half with his cock.
He was surely succeeding.
Mando watches you cry in pleasure as he fucks into your pussy with such aggressive fervour, like someone had a gun to his head. One hand on your hip and the other around your neck, bruising your skin in that beautiful way he always wanted, how he always dreamed of. He holds you in place so that his hips don’t drive you up his cot because they surely would from how fucking deep and hard he’s pounding into you. Stars, you think you can feel him in your stomach, in your throat.
The hand on your hip travels up to one of your bouncing breasts, kneading the sotf flesh in his palm and watching you wither beneath him. So desperate -
“S-so helpless.” He moans, watching your body bend to his will beneath him.
“Mando- oh my god.” You cry, hands and arms flailing at your sides, not knowing where to put them. Mando sees your struggle and takes both of your hands into each of his, pinning them above your head and using it to drive into you even harder somehow.
Your pussy squelches obscenely, trying to suck him in deeper, keep him inside forever. The only sounds in the cot are fucking lewd, skin on skin rhythmically slapping. You pray the Child can’t hear any of this from inside his pod, you pray he’s asleep.
“So fucking wet... You’d let me do anything, wouldn’t you?” You nod your head so fast you think you’d give yourself whiplash.
“A-Anything, anything Mando- fuck.” That familiar coil was beginning to tighten in your belly, your toes curling, fisting gripping onto his, no doubt cutting off some of his circulation.
Eyes rolling into the back of your head, your chest arches up, up, up your breasts rubbing against unforgiving beskar. 
Underneath said beskar, Mando felt like he wasn’t getting nearly enough oxygen into his helmet, his skin flushing underneath the heavy armour but the pleasure rolling off of you and into him would be enough to sustain him for hours, he thinks.
Your pussy was squeezing him so tight, the ridges of your inner walls so soft, warm, wet, inviting. You felt like home. Absolutely fucking drenched, no wonder you were able to take him whole with almost zero preparation, you had fucking wanted it that way. Wanted him to be rough like this.
“I’ll never leave- never leave this sweet pussy...” He moans, hips stuttering, rolling and grinding deeper and deeper and you felt your orgasm quickly approaching, his words were only bringing you that much closer.
“Please, I- I…”
“Cum for me ner mesh’la, need you to cum for me.” He groans, cool and sharp edges of his helmet resting on your cheekbone.
You envisioned the faceless man deep inside you, what his face must look like now, deep in the throes of pleasure only inches from yours. You pictured the tanned skin covering his entire body head to toe, flushed and splotchy, hot to the touch. 
Would his eyes screw shut? Would his mouth hang open, little pants, groans, moans slipping through swollen lips, only loud enough for the ears of his lover to hear?
Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, you try to look into his visor as your orgasm wipes your mind blank, eyes screwing shut, an endless stream of tears falling onto already damp cheeks as you moan and cry his name into the tight space of his cot.
You don’t think you could recall anything if anyone asked you. Not the name of the planet you were currently on, not the name of the planet you were born on, the bar you used to work at, your old bosses name, your name. Nothing.
With two, three, four more thrusts, Mando’s hips still after he drills himself into the deepest and darkest parts of your hot cunt, spilling white hot cum into you with the lowest moan you think you’ve ever heard flowing deep from within his chest. You gasp at the sensation, that warm pleasant feeling of being absolutely stuffed full, somehow more than you already were.
He draws his cock out before pushing it back in, plugging you up with his cum, pushing it deeper and deeper inside of you. You cry, bordering on overstimulation, his cock only softening in the slightest so the hard intrusion was almost too much for you to bear.
“Fuck Mando I’m- I don’t have the implant..” You whimper, suddenly worried, voice coming out uneven with your ragged breaths. 
Mando feels another surge of blood to his cock at your words, groaning as his dick twitches and thrusting into you a few more times…. For-
For good measure, he thinks.
Not that he would necessarily want that right now but fuck. Fuck did the mere idea of it make him painfully hard against his own will. You…. swollen with-
“Fuck.” He growls, pulling away from you a bit to better look down at you. Your eyes are shiny, lashes coated thick and wet with your precious tears. Lips swollen, chest flushed. You look worried, but beautiful. His. 
Mando remembers your old job at the bar…. Wouldn’t they have made it mandatory for all the girls to have the implant to prevent them from getting pregn-
“But- your job, you-?”
“I didn’t do that, I didn’t fuck them… just drinks.” You smile up softly at him due to fatigue, bashful nonetheless. 
Mando likes that, it puts him at ease in some fucked up way to know that those men in those types of places couldn’t get too far with you, even if they wanted.
“We can, I can get it for you on the next planet if- if that’s what you want?” He asks, hips still gently thrusting into you and you start to see stars behind your eyelids. You whimper, feeling his cum mix with your and gush back onto his cock and down the backs of your thighs.
“O-okay… thank you.” Mando nods but says nothing, pulling his cock from your fluttering pussy. You gasp at the sudden loss, feeling terribly empty and used. More cum dribbles from you and you quickly cup your cunt with your palm, trying to stop it from leaking everywhere on his cot.
Moving quicker than you would have expected him to, Mando stands up straight and tucks his wet cock back into his pants before walking away abruptly. You, however, barely notice as you lay flat on your back, head staring up at the ceiling with eyes closed, trying to catch your breath, regain some sense of self after getting all of it fucked out of you.
You’re made aware of Mando’s return by the touch of a warm and damp washcloth to your abused pussy. You gasp and sit up on your elbows, looking down the length of you to see the Mandalorian between your thighs, wiping away the mess that both of you made. Together.  
You want to thank him again but you can’t find the words within you, all of them lost to you because of this sudden display of dare you say affection.
“Stay here, gonna put us into hyperspeed. Once we’re up there, go clean up.” Mando orders softly, nodding his helmet at you. You nod back, still breathless, still shaking.
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abbynx · 3 years
Encounter (Gelato and Sorbet X Reader)
Genre: Platonic, found family, fluff, wholesome
Warning: Harassment, stalking
You didn't found this coming, associating yourself with the Mafia in a way that one wouldn't thought of and can only fantasize about— if being practically adopted by a pair of couple from most heinous, most successful mafiosi syndicate Passione's hitmen team is someone's fantasy. It just happen to be that you found yourself in a bad situation, one thing lead to another and then all of the sudden you were like a child to Gelato and Sorbet without calling them your parents. And to be frank, so did the entirety of La Squadra, as they thought the couple were content with each others company but nope— they decided to pick up a random kid from the street... At least that's what they knew based in the info the couple has given them. To you, it was an entirely and distinctively different narrative. It all started after spending an over time in school tending to the Mount Everest tall school requirements, picking up numerous books and shoving all of it in your bag. If ever you were pushed in a river, you swore that the bag will simply weigh you down in it. It was in the middle of the evening, idly walking back to your home passing through crowds of strangers. Your home was quite the distant, but you decided to persevere and walk home, as you had to spare money for an extremely expensive fare at this time of the night. Naples' streets were still busy despite the time, but you couldn't blame them. All the sights and sounds visible during the night can be quite pretty and desirable than the day. And so there you were, minding your own business, walking... Walking... Walking... And musing about the possible dangers of the night may bring I mean come on— this is Naples for crying out loud. It was sadly the norm, but you were used to it. All you can do was to look down, and prayed that it wouldn't be your day to encounter these type of people. But of course, the universe operates in a way in which it will take any opportunity to fuck one up, one way or another. You take your usual route home, idly swaying along to tunes you've made and mumbled to yourself when you noticed a particular person who has been walking behind you ever since you've set foot outside of the school gates. At first you shrug, knowing you weren't the only one taking this route and so you ignored the stranger completely clad in dark colours, with no chance of identification. This was your first mistake. Finally, you noticed how much he took the same turns as you did, watching you intently through their dark tinted glasses. And so, you picked up the pace of your strides and so did he. Panic arose in your stomach, but you made no move to implicate your extreme anxiety pulsating through your nerves. It felt like drinking five cans of energy drink in the middle of the night in a span of two minutes after being dared by friends (oddly specific, I know.), except you were actually fearing for your life. You looked around you for a possible place of escape, gaze darting from structure to structure until it landed on people. It was a good idea to hide or perhaps blend yourself with groups of people and yet somehow, your first instinct upon laying eyes on people was latching yourself on the first civilian you can latch on. This, being the couple who had decided to take a breather from the suffocating environment of La Squadra headquarters. Sorbet was confused the moment someone clung to his arm, tight and showed no signs of letting go. He was pissed, but got a glimpse of your shaking hands and the fear in your eyes. Whilst Sorbet was busily analysing your intent, a wrathful blond was ready to shed some blood. Gelato was more than prepared and had no problem to discretely retrieve his revolver from his back pocket, pull the hammer and trigger, empty the whole damn barrel in your brain when you had the most brightest idea to cling on Sorbet's arm whilst they were having a peaceful walk. He was more than pissed at the fact that Sorbet hadn't shoved the bitch away the moment they clung to him. "Please help me..." Your voice low, small and desperately pleading
for help. This was then further solidified at your shaky hands clinging tightly onto Sorbet's arm. "A man... He's following me, sir... Please... He's walking behind us... Wearing all black. I don't know what to do, please help me." Well then, it turns out Gelato was plotting to empty the barrel of the gun on the wrong person! Well at first he was righteously indignant by your audacity to cling onto his husband so suddenly, and rage has further blinded him that he didn't notice the fact you were wearing a school uniform, smaller than they were. "Oi kid, your padre and I were worried about you! Why are you still out this late, hmmm?" Sorbet acts naturally, assuming into the position of a stern and protective father far too perfectly. Knowing his husband truly well, Gelato knew what to do and decided to play along. He lets go of Sorbet's hand, before going around to grab yours so they had you between them. "What were you doing in school anyways? Is it your damn teachers again?" For a moment you were taken aback, before realization dawned on you and cleared your throat to answer, "Well I was just finishing up some works school. I thought you wanted me to improve in school?" "It's flipping eight in the middle of the night! What if some sicko snatched you up?" Sorbet scolds, momentarily looking behind his shoulders before noticing the figure dressed in black still following. "We will discuss this back at home. Let's just get dinner for now." Gelato chimes in, as the three of you stopped in front of a restaurant. The couple had just gotten out to eat, but fuck it. Sorbet sighs, "Fine. Next time you won't do that again, alright? Your padre and I were just worried is all." "I'm sorry, Papá, it won't happen again." You entered the restaurant and reserved yourself a booth. You were more than relieved upon entering the restaurant and seeing the man following you scurry back. Letting out a sigh of relief, you look across the booth to give the couple your words of gratitude. "Thank you so much, I didn't knew what to do! I'm so sorry for disturbing you!" You profusely pouted out, picking your bag up from the foot of your seat, preparing to leave when the blond assassin gently got a hold of your wrist prompting you to stop. "Kid, it's late. I think it's best if we wait this out for a little bit, okay?" Gelato said, whilst Sorbet nodded beside him. "What's your name?" "It's Y/N... Signore." "My name is Gelato, this is my husband Sorbet." "It's great meeting you, Y/N. Would you care for some refreshments? Our treat." After getting to know each other, how they now knew you were an orphan residing in the local orphanage, they took the time and care to make sure you arrive home safe and sound. The couple had the mutual revelation and agreement they wanted a child of their own. The way you referred to Sorbet as Papá somehow awaken the remaining fondness he has for another human being other than his husband, Gelato. Time exploded like a bullet from a gun and after school you found yourself spotting the couple, waving hi to them and stopping for a quick chat before going your separate ways. To you, your encounters with them were purely coincidental, you only get to interact with them within occasions you can see them. The couple, on the other hand... They were settling some paperwork in the orphanage from where you resided your whole life. "And now I'm here, I guess." You shrugged, as Formaggio and Pesci seemed to have been frozen in time, taking the time to comprehend how distinctively different your telling was from their colleagues. "Now you know." "Heh, I knew it." Illuso proudly proclaims, crossing his arms to.his chest with a lopsided grin. "Y/N, it's late. Go to bed. Your fathers are going to kill us if they found out you're staying up late." Prosciutto says as he passes the couch you were seated on. "What? But it's the weekend tomorrow! There's no school tomorrow!" You whined, watching as Prosciutto disappear from the hallways. "Huh, I always knew the two weren't painting the whole picture." Melone
mutters out loud. "Painting the whole picture? What's that supposed to mean!?" Ghiaccio suddenly chimes in. "Y/N, it's pass your bed time. Please go to your room." You jumped upon the sudden intrusion of a new person speaks up behind you. Looking back from your shoulders, you see the Capo's lingering and towering figure over you. "Y-yes sir. Off I go to bed." You stepped away from the couch. "Goodnight everyone." A chorus of goodnight responded, before you entered your designated room. The whole La Squadra may not have seen this coming, nor do they thought it was practical but seeing the couple happy with this decision of theirs, then they'd brush it all aside. They're just happy that they're happy.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Surrogate - Chapter 4
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The Surrogate:  A Clintasha Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Word Count:  1813
Rating:  E
Warnings: Blood and Serious Injures, talk of past miscarriage and red room fuckery.
Synopsis: A freak end of the world incident leads to meeting your two best friends, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff.  While your friendship with the two Avengers is anything but conventional, they are your all-time favorite people.  When you find out that Clint and Natasha want to start a family but have exhausted all their options, you realize your powerset might allow you to give them what they want.  Having your best friends’ baby might seem like a good idea on paper, but when you are as close as you, Clint, and Natasha are, will doing something so intimate mean feelings get a little mixed up?
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Chapter 4
“We could use a healer over here!”
Clint’s voice had come over comms, and you looked around the area trying to figure out where ‘here’ actually was.  You eventually spotted both him and Natasha with a group of children, sheltering under a bridge.
You took a quick looked around, and ran out from your hiding spot, vaulting over a stone fence as you charged in the direction of Clint and Natasha.  Gunfire immediately broke out and you caught a bullet in the side.  It slowed you for a moment as a hot pain flared out and then died back off.  By the time you reached Natasha and Clint, the only sign that you had been shot at all was a hole in your catsuit and some already drying blood.
“Think this might be above your abilities,” Natasha said.  She was cradling a young boy, and when you moved closer she moved her hand showing you where their leg now had broken exposed bone.
“Fuck,” you cursed, crouching down.
“She said a bad word,” a very young girl said.
“She sure did.  And right now you all have special Avengers’ permission to say as many bad words as you know,” Clint said, as he loosed a couple of arrows. “Ready… set… go.”
The group of children all broke out into random cursing and you looked at Natasha.  “I’m gonna try blood.  Pray to Thor that we match.  Can you get that bone back into alignment?”
Natasha nodded.  “Okay, malysh,” Natasha soothed and took one of her lives out of its leather holsters.  “This is going to hurt a lot.  But I need you to be very brave for me and hold as still as you can.  And when we’re done, we’ll make sure you get home safe with your family.  I promise.”
He nodded weakly and she held the leather holster to his lips.  “Bite down on this, little one.”
The boy bit down into the leather and Natasha quickly snapped the bones back into place with a loud and gut turning crack.  The boy screamed into the holster and passed out. You took the knife that the holster homed and cut open your arm.
You had been part of the Avengers for over three years now.  One mission had turned into many and you had gone from being a new recruit to a full-fledged agent.  You settled into life at the compound and the memory of a time where you were scared and didn’t know exactly how you could use your powers to help people.
You had friends and a routine and you dated on and off and when you were off you would hook up with Natasha and Clint because they were just that little bit too hard to resist.  Especially when you’d just gone through a breakup.  You considered them your best friends and you loved their relationship dynamic.  They were hilarious together and their way of showing affection was so perfectly them.
Most of your missions were with one or the other or both.  The closeness had made you be able to work like a well-oiled machine together, being able to predict each other’s patterns and counter each other.  This particular mission was a big one though.  A small town in the Midwest had been attacked by domestic terrorists and the whole team had been sent out to stop it.
As your blood mixed with the boy’s, nothing seemed to happen.  You cursed the stupid limitations of your powers and you were just about to let your own wound close back up when you noticed the bones and flesh knitting back together on the boy’s leg.  You had to keep twisting the knife in your own wound to keep the blood flowing and your hand was beginning to shake from the pain.  As the wound closed you let go of the knife and your own cut rapidly healed.  Color returned to his skin and his eyes fluttered open.
“Thank Thor,” Clint sighed.  He turned back to look at the kids like he was planning what the next move should be and there was a crack from a bolt of lightning behind him, making him jump
“You can save the thanks for when I have actually helped,” Thor teased, playfully.  “Come, your extraction has arrived.”
A huge armored vehicle pulled up at the bridge and the side opened.  Clint ran to the side of the truck and began loosing arrows out past it, creative cover.
“Come, little ones,” Natasha said.  “Onto the truck.”
You and she herded the children into the vehicle, carrying the injured boy into the back and putting him on a stretcher.  When you were all safe inside, Clint climbed in and pulled the door closed behind him.
“Hold tight,” the agent driving called back.  Clint sat down on one of the benches as the truck took off much faster than you expected.
“How close are we to being done with this?”  You asked as a little girl climbed up into Clint’s lap and clung to him.  He wrapped an arm around her and held her steady as the truck bounced over the rough terrain.
“Captain Rogers is mounting an assault on the last remaining group now.  Shouldn’t be much longer,” the agent called back.  “You were the last group that had been cornered by them.”
“Thank god,” you sighed and let your head fall back against the wall of the truck.  You immediately regretted it, as it banged against metal.
You sat back up and watched Clint with the little girl.  She had calmed down and was gradually drifting off to sleep against him.
“Clint looks really good with kids,” you whispered to Nat.
She nodded.  “Yeah, he’s a natural with them.  I think because he is basically a giant child.”
You snorted and bumped her with your shoulder. “You were good with them too.  You guys gonna have kids someday?”
Natasha frowned.  “Can’t,” she said, trying to keep her voice neutral, but the slight strain giving away her pain.  “We want to.  But… the Red Room did something to me.  Having children creates weakness, so they sterilized me.  But… not… I mean… I have been pregnant but it ended up in a late-term miscarriage.”
“I’m so sorry, Natasha,” you said.  If it was anyone else you would have wrapped your arms around them and let them be weak.  Natasha would rather stab herself in the eye than let that happen though, so instead, you leaned against her a little, hoping that your weight might be comforting and allow her to be strong.  “Have you ever considered adoption?  Or surrogacy?”
She nodded.  “Surrogacy is out, it’s something about the genes.  They have a self destruct in them.  We applied to adopt but were told in no uncertain terms that no one is allowing an ex Russian-assassin adopt a child.”
“That fucking sucks,” you said, not quite sure what else you could say.  It did fucking suck and you wished there was something you could do.  You weren’t used to hearing that crack of pain in her voice.  It was akin to seeing Wanda in actual tears.
Natasha laughed softly.  “Yeah.  It does.  I’d love to be a mother.  But I guess for me, that isn’t to be.  I have escaped what the Red Room did to me.  I’ve tried making up for it.  I send money to the families of my victims.  I save people.  But they will always have this over me.”  She sighed and looked over at Clint.  “He says he’s okay with it.  I know that he would never complain about missing out, but I hate that my past has taken this from him too.  When he called me to tell me he met a healer that day when he met you, I got a little excited.  I thought… I hoped maybe you could undo what they did to me.  But that’s not how your powers work.”
You shook your head.  “I’m sorry.”
She rubbed your thigh.  “Not your fault.  You didn’t do this to me. They did,” she said. “Just have to accept that maybe after everything I did, I have to just be happy with the ending I get.  I am lucky I have him.  It’s enough.”
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You couldn’t stop thinking about the things Natasha had said on the way back to base, through the cleanup, on the ride home, and through the entire debrief.  Your powers couldn’t help fix what had happened to her.  Even if you gave her a full blood transfusion they couldn’t fix something that had been done to her so long ago.  You needed an exchange of fluids and it to be fresh.
Normally a surrogate wouldn’t work because whatever they’d done kicked in late on in the pregnancy due to genes.  But if you were the one that was pregnant, the issue wouldn’t be old, your powers would be here, correcting mistakes and potential health issues before they happened, and as far as fluids, they’d be soaking in them, and sharing your blood supply.  You didn’t know for sure if it would work, but the more you thought about it the more you were sure it would.
You thought about what it would be like having a baby for someone else.  It took a special kind of person to agree to put their body through that for almost a year and then to give that baby up.  It wasn’t for everyone and it would be hard, both physically and emotionally.  Clint and Natasha were your best friends and you might be the only chance they had to have kids together.  If you could give them that, you wanted to try.
After the debrief, everyone scattered to their rooms or apartments to sleep it off.  You couldn’t turn your mind off and so after half an hour of pacing your room, you went to Natasha and Clint’s apartment and knocked on the door.
Clint answered the door and looked you up and down, grinning.  “You didn’t get enough of us this week?”  He teased.
“I just… I wanted to…” You shook your head and took a deep breath.
“No offense, dorogáya,” Natasha said, coming over to the door.  “It’s been a long week and Clint and I just want to have some couple-time.”
“Right, yeah.  I’ll leave you to it,” you said, tapping your hands nervously on your thighs.  “I just… I wanted to say…”  You took a deep breath and let it out in a huff.  “Let me do it.”
“Let you do what?”  Clint said, putting his arm around your shoulder.  “Babe, what’s wrong?  You’re so worked up.”
Your eyes flicked between Clint and Natasha.  You didn’t know why you were so nervous.  This was a nice offer.  If they said no then they said no.  “Natasha,” you said.  “Nat.  Let me carry your baby.”
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peaches-writes · 3 years
skz of christmas day 6: rice cakes with changbin
member: changbin  wc: 1.9k genre: fluff, comedy, slight idiots to lovers au, neighbour au, this is actually a binsung fic jk warning: explicit language  note: obligatory ben&ben christmas post duh + connects to the jisung entry + issa bit rushed just bc ive been busy da whole week im so sorry hnnnnnnng
day 3
Even with Changbin’s deadliest glare almost burning holes on his face and a stomach cramp threatening to explode on his lower half, Jisung wouldn’t stop laughing. In fact, other passersby are starting to momentarily look their way because of his cackles echoing as loud as the church bells tolling for the next mass.
“I fucking hate you.” The boy being ridiculed rolls his eyes and punches the younger boy on the arm. “Shut up.”
“I just—“ Jisung seemingly wipes away a tear in between his non-stop giggles, clutching his stomach again after as he slows his breathing down. “You’re such a—you’re such a wimp and it’s like the third year now!” 
Changbin wants to correct him by saying that it’s only the second but ultimately decides against it to avoid feeding the mocking laughter. “I’m not! I was just trying to be respectful!”
“Seo Changbin, you’ve been neighbors with Y/N since who the fuck knows how long. If anything, not holding their hand during the Lord’s Prayer is actually rude and disrespectful.” Jisung scoffs. “Like look, I scored a date with my neighbor yesterday and they’re only here during the holidays. Where’s your progress?” 
The last comment deepens Changbin’s glare and disapproving frown. “Well, what if—what if they didn’t want to? Not everyone likes holding non-family members’ hands during that prayer. And excuse you, you landed that date from stalking me.”
Jisung comically slaps his hand up to his temples this time, exhaling a very deep breath in amusement before shaking his head in disapproval. “Oh, Binnie, until when are you going to keep telling these things to yourself? Y/N literally had their hand up for you a while back! Just hold them for a minute!”
“Yeah, but—“
Before Changbin could fully refute, however, the two boys then see you pass by with your grandmother, a passing smile gracing your features as you wave at them politely with your free hand. “Good morning, you two!” You briefly greet before shifting your attention back to your grandmother again, your gaze lingering to Changbin for a second longer definitely not going unnoticed by a grinning Jisung. 
“Good morning!” Changbin and Jisung return your sentiments, the latter then elbowing the older boy as soon as you turn away. 
“I’m telling you,” Jisung whispers tauntingly after, leaning his face close to Changbin and placing a hand over his ear. “just hold Y/N’s hand. It’s not that hard.” 
Taking one last look at you right before you’re whisked away to your grandmother’s friends, Changbin sighs and mumbles, “Oh no, Sung, you don’t know shit.” 
day 5
Every time Changbin does so much as glance in Jisung’s general direction at the choir area in the middle of the service, the younger boy would wink suggestively or make the most comical kissy faces and it doesn’t help his case at all. Somewhere in the back of Changbin’s head, he hesitantly thanks whatever driving force there is in this universe that you’re mostly occupied with looking after your grandmother and passing the time with mindless gestures to notice.
“Just do it, man!” Jisung mouths to Changbin for what already seems to be the eighth time since the mass started, balancing his guitar on his lap to clasp his hands right in front of his face. “I got you!”
Changbin rolls his eyes before glancing over to you standing right next to him. To make things worse, the topic of holding your hand makes his attention wander over to the said body part that taps a noiseless beat on the pew in fromt of you. On your other side, your grandmother seems to have fallen asleep right after you made her sit down because of her weak knees.
Now would be the time, dumbass, The voice in Changbin’s head points out in a way that awfully resembles Jisung. Do it!
But when the familiar tune starts playing and your gentle tapping stops, Changbin’s quickly overcome with nervousness again.
The poor boy’s lifted knuckles knock against yours but fails to take your hand once more.
“Even Jesus can’t help this dude now.” Jisung sighs from across the church as he watches the helpless scene unfold. “Ah, whatever.”
day 8
“Dude, come on it’s been eight days. Stop staring the rice cake down, it’s going to burn up!” Jisung scolds, clutching Changbin by his nearest bicep and pulling him away from the rice cake stall. “Come on, let’s re-group somewhere else!” 
“Re-group?” Changbin furrows his brows, letting himself get dragged to a nearby corner right underneath the outdoor display grotto anyway. “What for?” 
Jisung, skidding to a halt once he’s reached a spot far away from the usual crowd of church-goers, rolls his eyes and faces Changbin belatedly as he answers, “Because you’ve been looking like a whole dumbass at church for the third year in a row now and I swear even the priest is starting to get frustrated!”
“No, I don’t!”
“Yes, you do!”
Changbin squints his eyes in annoyance now and crosses his arms in front of his chest, visibly unamused at the younger boy’s antics. “I’m...a respectful person.”
“You’re a coward.” Jisung argues back bluntly with a draamatic and disapproving shake of his head, taking ahold of Changbin’s two hands after and holding them up in between them. “Just hold their hand like this, chant the Lord’s prayer, and be done with it! We’re all friends, it’s cool!”
Changbin scoffs, wriggling his fingers out of Jisung’s death grip only to get caught immediately. “You don’t understand, dude.” He sighs in exasperation, frowning even more in annoyance when Jisung makes a judging face at him with pursed lips. “It’s Y/N.”
“Exactly, it’s just Y/N.” Jisung retorts in a gradually patronizing tone, making sure to drag out his words. “It’s not like you’re obligated to get married if you hold their hand! Heck, even the kids who sit two rows behind you are braver and those two are just making gang signs at each other during Mass.”
And, as if it’s the way of the universe siding wholeheartedly with Jisung, Changbin hears you stifle a giggle with your hand from behind him. When the flustered boy turns around, he sees you and your grandma approaching with candles to offer to the grotto’s statues.
“Shit.” Changbin curses under his breath, quickly hiding it with a greeting to you and your grandmother. “Good morning, Mrs. Y/L/N! Hi, Y/N!”
“Hi, grandma! Hi, H/N!” Jisung waves with his hands still intertwined with Changbin’s, making the latter blush even more as he quickly lets go. “Ooh, scented candles! Are you guys out here to pray for wishes?”
You nod with a hum, pursing your lips quickly at seeing Changbin pretend to wipe his hands down the sides of his jeans. “Yeah, just the usual year-ender stuff.” You explain, helping your grandma up to the stone steps leading to the religious status. Glancing over the two as your grandmother goes ahead on her own, you then ask, “Were you guys in the middle of...something?”
“W-What? N-No, no! We were just...” Mentally, Changbin’s cognition is already shutting down under your genuinely curious gaze. It doesn’t help that you’re a step above him and Jisung too, giving you a rare opportunity to tower over them. “Jisung was just being weird!”
“No, I wasn’t!”
“Dude, you just held my hand out of nowhere.”
“Yeah, to tell you that—mmfffff!” Changbin interrupte Jisung midway by clamping his mouth shut and making you chuckle.
“Okay, if you say so...” You finally let out a laugh with ease at seeing their antics, waving goodbye once more and taking another step upwards again. “I’ll just see you two around later! Grandma and I still need to say some prayers for our relatives.”
“Sure. See you around, Y/N.” Changbin smiles up at you, returning your wave with his free hand.
Behind his other hand, Jisung tries his best at yelling out to you, “Pray for Changbin, please! For everyone’s sake!”
day 9
The first thing Jisung notices—well, the second thing since he noticed your rather sleepy expression prior—is how you walk in and sit down next to Changbin at your usual pew without your grandmother. Changbin, on the other hand, notices rather belatedly when he notices you only when you’re already seated.
“Where’s grandma?” He asks, whipping his head around everywhere for your grandmother’s familiar grey hair and white church veil. “Is she okay?”
“She just stayed up too late for a Christmas party last night so I told her I’ll go to mass for her while she rests.” You nod reassuringly, only at such point fully comprehending the unfamiliar atmosphere of only the two of you sitting on your usual place. “She’ll be around again tomorrow but, you know, as far as the legend goes, she won’t be able to make a wish on Christmas Eve.” 
Changbin chuckles at this, leaning back in his seat more comfortably now as you giggle along. “You still believe in that? We all know that parents only say that so we wouldn’t sleep at Mass when we were kids.” 
When the boy glances over to you, he sees you nod in between laughs. “Yeah but don’t you think it’s something nice to think about and believe in? Don’t you make wishes after the ninth Mass anymore?” 
“It depends.” He shrugs. 
“Then why do you still go, hm? Your parents don’t even come around as often.” 
To see you, Changbin’s mind immediately drifts off but he bites his tongue back quickly before he could accidentally blurt it out. “I just like hearing the choir sing in the morning.” 
“I doubt that.” You chuckle with a shake of your head, just as the choir begins to sing the opening song. “Speaking of which...” 
Changbin whips his head around in the same direction you avert your gaze to, finding the Mass already starting. “Oh, it’s starting.” He muses out loud, following the crowd and standing up. When he turns to you again, however, you’re still seated. “Aren’t you standing up?” 
“Will you help me up?” You ask rather teasingly, holding your hand up to him. 
“What?” His eyes widen, blinking twice slowly until he’s sure that your hands not moving back down to your side. 
“Changbin, just hold my damn hand.” You hiss under the loud music, waving your hand in the air until he finally and reluctantly takes it and pulls you up. “There. Wasn’t so hard, was it?” 
Changbin is quick to blush under the bright lights around you, fumbling around his words and even more when you don’t let go of his hand. “I—y-ya, you’ve known all this time?”   
In response, you simply shrug as you bring your hands down in between the two of you. “Maybe? Why do you think I’ve been making grandma sit here and not at the front as usual?” You explain sheepishly. “I was hoping, since we know each other and everything anyway, you’d...hold my hand at prayer. It’s silly, I know.”
“So you—” 
“I like you, Changbin.” You beat him right to it, clearing your throat immediately to ease the atmosphere. “I just...hold my hand at prayer, will you? If it isn’t weird or anything.” 
“S-Sure.” He awkwardly nods, looking away to hide an embarrassed smile. “I-I like you too.” 
Across the room, Jisung almost jumps up in his seat while playing the guitar and elbows his significant other rather harshly as they play the piano. “Ya, dude, it’s happened! Look!” 
The pianist hisses in pain at Jisung’s elbow on their sides before mustering up a chuckle once they’ve regained composure. “That’s good to see. Now, how many days will it take for him to buy the rice cake?” 
december 22 (lee minho)
skz of christmas (masterlist)
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beauregard-s · 4 years
Verdigris | Bill Denbrough
Pairing: Bill Denbrough x Reader (18 yo in this one)
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: language, mild hate-to-love trope and mentions of cheating and toxic relationship
A/n: ‘The one with Baseball Player!Bill and the song Verdigris by Gus Dapperton’
He can’t stop watching you. 
At the bowling alley on a Friday night. Your arms crossed, a hidden smile on as one of your friends rolls the ball and misses the pins miserably. You probably had a night off, or else you’d be at the arcade trying to tame the thirteen-year-olds that keep fighting over the Pac-Man machine. 
Bill can’t stop staring and it’s annoying beyond belief.
“For fuck’s sake, Bill! Are you playing or not?”
He’s forced to drag his attention away from you under Richie’s hiss only to perceive how everybody is staring at him - except for Ben checking on his shoelaces after tripping on them at least twice already. The looks range from Richie’s pissed one, to Mike, Beverly, and Eddie’s confusion, and laying on Stan’s impassivity.
“I just puh-played two rounds ago, Richie, stop m-mah-messing the order,” he complains, yes, but stepping up and grabbing himself a ball is the same as calling his own bullshit.
His move is absent anyway, only hits three pins because he backs off as soon as the ball leaves his fingers, making room for Ben to go next. Standing more in the back so he can turn his head in your lane’s direction again, all the way across the alley.
Only in time to watch you striking for the second time that night.
Only in time to catch how your eyes automatically fly in his direction right after that.
It’s quick, just a few seconds before you turn away again like at school two - or three? - weeks before, when you shouted out loud in a hallway about how you were cheated on, a thing many girls would hide, never talk about and pray for it to never come up. But you didn’t. When Henry Bowers leaned by your locker and probably tried to slide in some smug explanation, you shut the metal door so loud people around turned their heads and others who didn’t hear it from the first time caught on what was happening as soon as you told him to go ‘get his dick wet with Anna Thompson from now on’.
That being said you stormed out, and your eyes met his because he was frozen in a trance not perceiving at first he was blocking your way.
He couldn’t call you a bully, but nor could he call you an angel. You were Bowers’ girlfriend for quite a while, never messed with him but was never smooth either. You always stood neutral about Bowers tormenting him, almost bored, he noticed. Maybe uncomfortable with the situation if he overthought on that?
Never mattered. Bill recognizes he doesn’t know much about you, never got interested in doing so. Never needed to. You are just y/n, Henry Bowers’ blessed girl - because, thinking about it, yes, someone must be somehow holy to endure that one. Y/n, who he thought that barely minded him but still locked eyes and seemed to flash him a very inconspicuous smile that brought him back to Earth and made him move aside to let you walk into your 6th period class.
Y/n that since then started to hover above him like a little bird of prey, keeping those secretly mischievous eyes on him whenever they shared the room. Driving him insanely curious to find out what all of this is about.
“I swear to God, Big Bill!” Richie cries out in frustration, clapping his hands together in a desperate try to get his attention, “it’s your turn again!”
“Homealone again?” Stan asks while buckling up on the driver's seat after leaving the alley almost forcefully when the place closed, Mike’s horn breaking the late-night silence as he leaves to take Ben and Bev home.
“Yeah, for the weekend.” Bill sighs, sinking into the seat and smirking. “Why? Wanna throw a p-party?”
Stan snorts in the dark, turning the keys for the headlights to break through the darkness ahead. “Not after the last one,” he starts the car and leaves while Bill recalls the last party they went to. The party where around 1 am everybody started gossiping about how someone entered a room without knocking and... 
“Y/n l/n, then?”
Bill moves uncomfortably. Of course, the party where everybody found out you were cheated on before you could do it yourself. Stan Uris really sees everything, knows everything, and perceives everything. And also have the gift of smoothly leading people into the point he wants to get to.
“I don’t think so,” Bill says. 
Stan swirls the steering wheel to the left into a quiet street, suffocating another laugh. “So you’re telling me you were not perving on her the whole night.”
“I wasn’t p-puh-p-perving!”
“No!” Stan’s laugh finally comes filled up with irony. “At the bowling alley, at school, whenever she shows up during practices and her great presence disturbs you to the point you miss the pitches… Since she broke up with Bowers, whenever she’s around your mind goes wasted”. Bill grimaces and he goes on. “And judging by tonight, she seems to be at the same place as you are.”
“She’s not at the same p-place as I am because I’m not at any p-place, Stan.” Bill sticks his arm out of the window into the cold breeze, feeling something boiling inside him. That annoyance again. “She’s been teasing me since she broke up with her dear b-boyfriend, it’s all.”
Stan slows down at a crossing, making a snap noise with his tongue. “How convenient, no?” Bill scowls, eyes off the road to look up at his slightly raised brows, and he goes on, “Bowers’ girl gets cheated on and then starts flirting with you, Bill Denbrough. The guy who had his lip split open by those fists more times than we could actually remember.”
“Tell me about it…” Bill’s voice barely comes out as he watches the stores slowly turning into houses with dark windows and faded front porches, trying to smother that burning feeling inside. 
“And you’re playing her game,” Stan adds calmly.
Bill snaps his neck towards the driver's seat again but Stan only shows that same impassivity from earlier, eyes solely on the road. “Don’t tell me you’re not, because you are. I saw it tonight. Besides it, we all know you’re that sucker for unbecoming stuff.”
Bill shakes his head, gnawing on his cheek in bitterness as the car stops in front of a two-floor house and Stan turns the keys, sending them into silence and darkness again, turning on his seat to face a skeptical Bill unclasping his seatbelt harshly.
“I am not. I wanna f-find out what game is she p-playing b-but I’m not playing it myself.”
“Okay,” Stan taps onto the wheel, grinning in his disbelief because he knows Bill well enough to know he may sound like he has his foot down when he’s in fact as unsteady as sand. “But she could put you in big shit trouble, you know?”
Bill gets out of the car, leaning into the window as soon as he closes the door, drawing a cockish grin. “Yeah b-but, again, I’m not playing her game, Stan.”
He assured himself that, even though his mind wanders towards you until he goes to sleep and even though you remain there when he wakes up Saturday morning. 
He’s not playing your game.
But you’ve been testing his limits, slowly getting under his skin somehow with so little effort. Catching his attention when he doesn’t want to give it to you. You’re guaranteed trouble and he hates how you leave him restless whenever you are out of his sight and trouble his mind whenever you are both sharing space.
But he’s not playing your game.
Yet he still finds himself waiting outside the arcade later at night, at a discreet distance with his hands tucked in his jacket’s pockets to keep them from freezing under the fall weather. Bill watches you leading the last kids outta the place, promising an upset little guy they’ll be open early the next day too and turning the sign hanging on the glass door as soon as they leave to warn everyone the place is finally closed. The sweet way you talked to the kid doesn’t match the troublemaker image he painted of you in his mind throughout the day.
He’s not playing the game, but he’s ending it before he goes insane. Being a chess piece is not on his plans. He doesn’t know where you’re going with all of that so he walks into the store, immediately catching your attention.
You’re checking and closing the cashier when the noise makes you look up from behind the counter only to find the surprisingly-not-so-popular pitcher of the Derry High School’s baseball team standing there in between the flashing machines. 
“Hey there, Denbrough,” you say softly, bringing your attention back to the dollar bills. “We’re closed.”
He taps his foot, trying to find the words to say what he wants to say because even though he planned talking to you the whole day, suddenly he feels lost and vulnerable under that nonchalant way of yours. 
“I know, I didn’t come to play.” Bill feels proud of how steady he sounds although he’s clenching his hidden fists. He has the slight impression you are not as confused as you seem when you eye him again. This time deeper. 
“How can I help you then?” 
He thought he had a solid plan, but he doesn’t at all. All he can think of is how did Bowers get you? A straight A’s girl with such sweet talk, pretty face, and bold demeanors. 
“You can help me by stopping m-messing around.” There goes his steadiness through the window, every single drop of it when your lips give him a lopsided smile, closing the cashier and pulling a bunch of keys out of a drawer.
“And what do you mean by messing around?” you walk around the counter and passing by him because even though Bill Denbrough is standing in front of you straight out of a dream in his stupid letterman jacket, a robbery wouldn’t be welcome and you gotta lock the doors and close the curtains. That blocks all the light from the outside, sending both of you into a gloom only lightened by the neon lights around. 
“I mean all the flirting you’re doing.” His voice deepens a tone. “ I want you to stop it.”
He looks adorably anxious, of course. All fidgety when he’s trying to confront you that way but flinching when you turn on your heels to face him, his hands still in his pockets for what? Hide his nervous manners?
Not that you’re that secure yourself with your sped up heart. You wish you had pockets too so you could hide how you poke a cuticle on your thumb.
“I’m not flirting with you,” you say simply. “I know you’d like that, but-“
“You wish, l/n” he hisses and you know you’ve hit a weak spot. Also not that you didn’t know said weak spot exists.
“I know what you’re doing, and I’m not getting in trouble for it.” Bill steps closer, letting his sweaty hands finally fall to his sides. 
“Again, I’m not the one messing around” You see his jaw clench, and go on leaning back against the Donkey Kong machine. “You are.”
Bill snorts and the way he runs his fingers through his auburn hair messing it in frustration makes things to you. Yes, Bill Denbrough in his lettermen jacket is stupid… stupidly hot, even if you hate admitting that.
“I’m n-not-“
“Are you sure?” You defy him, resting your hands on the machine and accidentally hitting the joystick. “So you’re telling me you’ve not been leering me around, casually hanging out with your friends by my locker or… Following my ex-boyfriend around to make sure he’s not coming close to me, Bill?”
You never called him ‘Bill’ before, but thought it would match the soft-turn your voice takes and the little ‘got you’ move you just made. Bill thinks it raises a level. He said he didn’t come to play, but it feels like he did and now he’s losing because you know something you shouldn’t. 
You know last Tuesday he followed Patrick Hockstetter’s car because he saw them harassing you when you were walking home after school. He watched when they pulled over by the sidewalk, Bowers leaning out through the window and saying something that made you argue with him for a while before you kept walking and they drove out. Bill should’ve turned right and drive home, but he turned left and followed them instead, made sure they went home and not after you. 
“I was just trying to m-muh-make sure you were safe,” he reasons but inside he’s recognizing his failure.
Maybe you’ll call him a creeper for that? No, you just bat your eyelashes.
“You really have an unforgiving hero complex.”
“I don’t have a hero complex.”
He does. And maybe an unforgiving crush too because he realizes you’re not the one hovering here. He is. He always thought he never paid attention to you but he did all the time in the deep of his head, dreary by the fact that you ended up with someone like that disgusting jerk.
“A hero complex and a huge neglect towards yourself, apparently” you bicker, the changes in his mind showing briefly in his expression.
“Okay, I m-may be the one m-messing around but you don’t seem like you’re trying to run from it.”
The others have already warned Bill about that, his lack of fear and his broken anti dumbness filter, mainly Beverly, but there he is again. Making dangerous, uncalculated moves, totally improvising his next step to avoid a checkmate from you.
He’s kinda angry, maybe embarrassed, eyes locked on your as he comes closer. You don’t answer because he got a point. From the moment you noticed Bill paying more attention to you after you were publicly free from Henry, you never intended on cutting him off. You fed the fire and now, with his eyes so deep in yours and the smell of his cologne all around you, you let him taste a bit of power to decrease that embarrassment of his. 
“Are you trying to imply that I want you too?” You whisper, no need to talk louder with his chest an inch from yours like that. 
He likes how beautiful you look like that, face shining in verdigris tones flashing from the next machine, the way it turns you into neon pink and back to the blueish-green. He likes how daring you look even if he’s towering over you, inches taller, little knowing how you’re putting on a fight to keep yourself solid and your thoughts in place. Without much success when he leans in and brushes his chapped lips along your soft ones.
“Again, you wish, l/n.”
The previous moves were yours but in a turn, you’re the one getting the final checkmate when you give in and pull him into a kiss. A greedy and heated kiss that showed how you’ve been craving each other. Bill presses against you as he’s trying to challenge the laws of physics, his tongue licking into your mouth as your hands clutch on his thick jacket, feeling his broad shoulders underneath. His hands cup your face, his thumbs gently tracing up your cheekbones in contrast to how roughly his lips take yours, only for a moment before his arms embrace your waist and he smugly slides a large hand into your jeans’ pockets.
He swore himself he wouldn’t play your game, but he feels like he did and just lost it when he leaves your lips and trails the tip of his nose down your neck, feeling how you softly quiver in his arms, breathing in your perfume. Pulling away before everything goes to waste.
“As I said, totally n-not running away from me,” he mutters, leaving you. 
You shake your head slowly, a mazy little smile glued on your lips. “Screw you, Denbrough…” But the words drip out like honey to him as he walks backwards towards the door. 
Bill turns the keys still in the lock behind his back, flashing a cocky grin at you as he pushes the door open. He feels defeated, you do too but somehow none of you regret what just happened in the empty arcade. He can see you don't by the way you look at him as he leaves. It’s not just one of those glances anymore.
He feels defeated, but maybe it will be worth it.
“S-see you later, y/n.”
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
Tumblr media
Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Eight: The One With the Party
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 3083
   Now, nothing in Lily's life ever really came easy, quick, or without some sort of repercussion. It was as though the universe had decided that she hadn't been through enough in her fairly young life already. Hence why it didn't surprise her when the communication between her and Bucky fell off, or more so, never really started. The day at the cafe had been nice, they didn't exactly speak and they were at separate tables, but even Rose noticed the shy glances her older sister would send to the man across the way. Which of course lead to teasing and taunting the rest of the night and for a few days.
Three weeks later, she hadn't seen him. It didn't help that the hospital had scheduled Lily for multiple shifts of overtime and staying late. Which resulted in Hunter spending extra days at Scott’s, and Lily not being at the cafe as often as she typically was. Flu season had come around and all parents believed their kid may have something more serious, but it was simply a lot of flu vaccinations, the odd time an appendicitis surgery. Routine procedures, just a lot of work.
On a chilly day at the end of September, for once, Lily could wake up without having to go to work for twelve hours or more. Her son snoring gently beside her after crawling into her bed from a nightmare the night before, and Joey snuggled at the end. Her deep green eyes fluttered open as the phone on her nightstand buzzed like crazy. Rubbing her eyes, Lily's other hand reached out to grab hold of the device, blurry eyes seeing Bucky's contact pop up on the screen.
With a groggy voice and a confused expression, Lily slid her thumb across the screen to answer, "Hello?"
"Lady Lily! It's Thor! Son of Odin!" a booming voice yelled into the phone, startling the young blonde. Her eyes glanced to her right to check to see that Hunter still laid fast asleep, and to ensure it stayed that way, the doctor slipped out of the bed and out into the hallway. When she closed the door, Thor continued his yelling, "I have stolen sergeant Barnes’s cellular device! I have overheard him and Captain Rogers discussing his feelings towards you!"
Lily winced at the loud voice radiating through her ear. She hadn't met Thor officially, just seen him with the others at the table weeks before. Personally, Lily wasn't interested in blondes, but no one could deny an attraction to the god. You could be the largest lesbian in the world and still would not mind getting down and dirty with the son of Odin. But of course, for the most part, Lily had only been staring at Bucky. And it didn't go unnoticed to many, especially the other Avengers
"I'm sorry? His attraction?" Lily muttered, still attempting to wake herself up from the much-needed sleep she had been woken up from. She wrapped one arm around herself while resting the other elbow on her hand, shivering slightly at the cool temperature of her home.
"Yes! This is lady Lily correct? If so, then I have an invitation for you! Sergeant Barnes does not know about this, nor does anyone else. But it is our dear friend Sam Wilson’s birthday!" he continued to boast, resulting in Lily holding the phone an inch or so away from her ear, "and I believe it would make Sergeant Barnes happy if you came. And bring your friend and sister! Sam has a small thing for lady Rose."
Before Lily could even answer, there was a crash on the other end of the line and the call went dead. Lily could only assume that Bucky had noticed the conversation taking place and shut it down, leaving Lily with a possibly life-changing decision on her plate, but she didn't know that yet. All she knew, was that Gen and Rose would go to any lengths to get Lily to attend the party, saying things like 'it'll be good for you' or 'you can see your loverboy again'. And Lily couldn't deny, she'd love to see Bucky again. But she'd be damned if she admitted it out loud.
After walking joey, the three Osborne’s loaded into the car and drove down the busy roads of New York to Gen's cafe. Scott was picking Hunter up for the weekend, which meant that Lily was free for the night anyway, so maybe the party wasn't such a bad idea? But if you could deduce anything about the blonde, it's that she hated large gatherings and commotion. It made her anxious and paranoid about something that could go wrong. Plus, last time there was any real party like this in her life, she had been shown a video of her husband locking lips with a young brunette who looked about half his age.
"Hunt why don't you go see if there are any treats you can bring for Leila in the back," Lily whispered to her son with a gentle smirk on her face, "I have to talk to aunt Rose and auntie Gen for a few minutes." she continued, ruffling the boy’s hair and sending him on his way to the kitchen around the corner.
The two girls that were sitting opposite of Lily looked at her with matching skeptical expressions, both of their left eyebrows perked with interest as Lily sent her son away. Whenever this happened, Lily usually seemed to drop a ball on the two. Whether it was when she announced her pregnancy, being chosen as valedictorian, or when she shared the news of her divorce. Typically things that Hunter wouldn't understand, or wasn't old enough to know or mature enough to hear. But this was mostly so he didn't grow saddened at the idea of his mother hanging around his idols.
"So I was woken up by a strange phone call from Bucky Barnes," Lily began, and the two girls across from her simultaneously dropped their jaws. Lily held her finger up to signal that she wasn't finished with her story and for them not to jump ahead and get crazy ideas, "but on the other end was actually Thor. He invited us to Sam's birthday party tonight."
This caused shit-eating grins to replace the curious smiles on Gen and Rose's faces. Rose clapped her hands together, while Gen just shook her head in disbelief. These two women were Lily's closest companions in life. Rose was her biological sister that she had no choice but to deal with, sure, but their relationship was more than that. It was deeper and held more meaning than a simple sister relationship. They could lean on each other in times of need and never kept secrets, as far as the other knew. Most kids with multiple years between them aren't as close or never really bond, but Rose and Lily always clicked. Mostly because of their opposing personalities, which was the same as Gen. Gen was Lily's sister from another mister. From the moment they met, they were perfect, and things hadn't changed in all those years leading to this.
"Well, obviously we're going!" Rose exclaimed, pulling out her phone, "I will get the best dresses from my agency and ensure we look unclockable!" the younger Osborne sister beamed while excusing herself to make a few calls, to make sure they looked as good as she pictured. Rose seemed to forget that Lily hadn't agreed to go, but deep down, the eldest Osborne knew she didn't ave a choice.
"This is great! It'll give you a chance to see Bucky again," Gen winked, sipping her coffee. This was typically how the cycle of Gen's setups began, sort of. Lily would stumble across a guy that seemed interested in her, and Gen would stop at no end to get the two on a date. Of course, Lily never really seemed to have any interest in the guy that her best friend set her up with, but maybe this time was different. Maybe Bucky was different. And that's what Gen prayed about as well, "Maybe get to know him a little more. You get chatty when you're tipsy."
Lily Osborne drunk was a sight to see. All of the fear and anxiety she felt seemed to melt away with the ice cubes in her cup. That's why it was called liquid courage. One of the main signs of Lily being intoxicated was her desire to sing. for years, Lily sang in the choir, but always turned down solos, despite being one of the most talented singers that her school had ever seen. She was terrified that people would laugh at her, but if she was home alone, she sang like an angel. Her voice was soft and supple, and her ability to harmonize was unrivalled. Both Gen and Rose secretly hoped that the avengers would be able to be blessed with the sound of Lily's voice because it truly was as angelic as she was.
"I don't know if I even want to go. You know I don't do parties, let alone one hosted by the king of parties himself, Tony Stark." Lily sighed, twisting the straw in her lemonade around as she nibbled on her bottom lip. Her eyes glanced up to see Rose beaming out the window of the cafe, saying something to a designer or somebody on her phone. She looked so excited, and Lily didn't want to be the one to take that away.
Not after the past few weeks, Rose has had.
"C'mon, Lil," Gen sighed as if reading her best friend’s mind. the brunette reached her hands out and cupped Lily's frail and nimble ones, a soft and gentle look on her face, "Rose is excited. For the first time in weeks. Plus, nothing will happen. I'll be there, and so will Rose. Plus, I doubt Mr. Winter Soldier would ever let anything happen to you anyways. Buddies totally whipped."
"Mr. Winter Soldier? really?"
After Scott had scooped Hunter up from the cafe, Lily stole the two adult women away from whatever they were doing, leading them to the car. But, Lily apparently wasn't allowed to drive. It was around two now, and Lily had to get back home to take joey out on his afternoon walk. But no matter the protests she gave, the younger sister was the one behind the wheel and had control over where they went either way. Lily accepted her fate and leaned back in her seat, attempting to figure out where Rose was have taking them.
Recognizing upstate new york, Lily glanced over towards the blonde that sat next to her. The young mom had figured out exactly what Rose was planning in that mischievous head of hers. One thing with all Osborne’s is their ability to not only think on their feet but figure out what was happening around them without anyone telling them. the art of deduction, in a way. But not that advanced, just piecing together their surroundings and doing the math. And with where they were, Lily knew that Rose had the genius idea to take the two other girls to a hair salon to get all nice and done up.
"Yeah no, I can do my hair," Lily stated, crossing her arms over her chest and putting her foot down. No way in hell was she letting another person that she didn't know, do her hair. She had a perfectly good hairdresser down in the suburbs of Manhattan and was fine with just going there for when she needed a haircut. And today? She did not.
"Let me check again...Gen?" Rose swivelled in her seat to look at the back where Gen sat, attempting to hold back a laugh, "Which one of us is the doctor and which one is the stylist?"
This caused Gen to let her giggles escape as she rested her velvety hand on Lily's shoulder, leaning forward towards her best friend, "Rose makes a fair point. You specialize in children's health, she specializes in adult fashion. C'mon, it'll be fun."
Once again, despite her protests, Lily was overpowered and dragged into the salon. The moment she was asked what style she was looking for, she answered, beating out her younger sister in deciding what would look best. She requested a simple hairstyle, possibly a ponytail of sorts. The hairdresser nodded along and got to work. Luckily, no hair was cut off or changed, and it was a simple styling appointment for her and the other girls.
Half an hour later, the three were back in the car, this time, with Lily behind the wheel. The three sang along to the radio as they returned to lower Manhattan, where the suburbs laid. Lily had managed to convince Rose to do her makeup instead of a hire professional, claiming Rose had the same talents as they did. It was true, Rose was a wizard with a makeup brush. Plus, it was fun to see her sister so focused on something like this. All of the pain of the past few weeks forgotten as she created a beige smokey eye on Lily, an a darker version of the same thing on Gen.
After she glanced in the mirror, Lily didn't believe it was her. She looked matured and awake, instead of the typical baby-faced ball of stress she was on a day-to-day basis. She stared into the mirror with a shocked yet elated look on her face, enjoying the feeling of confidence that rushed through her. She was Lily Osborne, full-time doctor and mother, older sister to two siblings, and a survivor of a toxic relationship. But it seemed that all of that confidence shattered when Rose pulled in a rack of dresses for Lily to try on. All tight around the hips and bust, made for girls with hourglass figures who hadn't given birth to a baby. Something that Lily wouldn't be caught dead in.
"Not happening. I refuse."
Compromise. that's the lesson of this section. Taking other’s options or opinions and your own, and finding a common ground. That was the foundation of Rose and Lily's relationship. Learning to compromise with each other to keep the peace. And that was the result of their dispute of the dresses Rose had brought in. Most of them were sleek and tight, almost like a second skin. And as pretty as Lily felt all done up, she didn't have near enough confidence to rock one of the body-con dresses her sister had brought.
In the end, she decided on something a bit more classic and Lily-like. A lake blue dress with spaghetti straps holding it up. It had silver lace decals spread all across both the lower plunging neckline and a-line tulle skirt that hit just below Lily's mid thigh. A piece of mesh fabric kept the cleavage that Lily had tucked in, instead of placing it on display like the majority of the cocktail dresses Rose had brought in. The deeper blue helped extenuate the green of Lily's eyes, which was complemented by the light golden shimmer that laid atop of her eyelid. Her lips were a pink nude with a touch of gloss to create a shiny effect, and her hair was pulled into a pony connected by two criss-cross pieces of hair, with two strands falling forward to frame her face. One word to sum it all up, breathtaking. Lily radiated in her outfit, and anyone who saw her would have no choice but to agree. And if they didn't? They were either delusional or lying to themselves because she was stunning.
Rose, on the other hand, was embracing the small window of time she had left without showing the baby bump. She adorned a burgundy lace dress that hugged her curves like a glove and came to a halter top point around her neck. Her golden blonde hair laid across her shoulders in a curly river, with deep red lips to compliment the dress. Her eyes were done a bit darker than both Lily and Gen's, making her forest green eyes stand out as well. Rose and Lily were blessed with the looks of their mother. High cheekbones, plump lips and a perfectly sculpted nose that tends to make most jealous. Although Rose knew her worth and understood her beauty, Lily had a harder time coming to terms with it due to the anxiety that plagued her mind. It created a constant reminder that she just wasn't enough, and to try harder.
Gen stayed true to her out-of-the-box aesthetic and wore a suit jacket dress that reached her mid-thigh, with a pair of bright yellow pumps to create a splash of colour in her outfit. Her braids were pulled into a high ponytail, and a darker smokey eye created a glowing ring around the amber eyes that she was blessed with. Her plush and plump lips were painted a deep maroon, and she looked like a businesswoman who had men falling at her feet. When in reality, she was the most easy-going and relaxed person you would probably ever meet, and would rather die than ever be stuck behind a desk at a corporate job.
The three ladies corralled themselves into Lily's car and began their journey towards the avengers compound a bit before the event started. Rose had instructed Lily to leave at a time that would make them fashionably late, to keep Thor guessing whether or not his invitation was accepted or not. Plus it built up the suspicion of the others around the man. Somehow Rose knew all of this, and Lily guessed it was because of her extensive work in the fashion industry. Having to tell people what will make them look their absolute best. Both fashionably, and socially. And who was Lily to argue?
When they did arrive, Lily let out a shaky breath before turning off the car. There was no turning back now. They had drove all of this way, and Lily knew Rose and Gen would be pissed if she chickened out now. Plus, she doubted that they would even let her. Honestly, the two would drag her in by her toes if they had to. Out of Lily's best interest of course. They wanted her to move on and live her life outside of work and Hunter.
"Come on Lil, let's go get the tinman to fall in love with you."
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goldenfawnwriting · 3 years
Birds Of A Feather- Part 10 Hawks Fic
Summary: Finch is finally returning to work where she’s faced with a series of struggles, one being the infamous winged hero himself.
A/N: Here you go readers. Hope you enjoy
Warnings: Just angst lmao
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Finch slid on her heels with a sigh. Today was the day, she had talked herself up over coffee all morning but, as she swung her purse up onto her shoulder she honestly wasn’t feeling any better. She was nervous, nervous to return to her job, nervous to see everyone again... Nervous to see him. 
That was what it really was, but she wouldn’t admit it. She was terrified to face him again after the blatant betrayal. She knew he didn’t see it that way or he would never do what he did. Or maybe he did and just didn’t care, maybe this was his way to get her off his back. She didn’t have the guts to ask him even if she did see him, which she would. It was inevitable. 
And so she locked her apartment door before heading off to work, walking a little slower into the building when she got there. Her wings bristled as she looked up to where his office would be. The windows gleamed in the light, the very top one open wide, as usual. It was getting warmer now, the air giving the feel of a new beginning. 
The elevator music was a little sickening but she endured it, walking into the office and setting her things down before heading to briefing. Her throat was tight with anxiety. She knew this would be when he saw her. Her wings brand new, not crippled anymore. 
She stood next to the boss, looking out at all the other workers there. Everyone was waiting for Hawks to show up but after a few more minutes of silence the boss cleared his throat. As he began talking Finch jotted down notes and grimaced. No sign of Hawks anywhere. Was he avoiding her? 
When she got back to the office she looked around and noticed Hawks’ seat was still pushed in, meaning he still hadn’t gotten here. So much for his schedule, she grumbled in her head. She clicked through his schedule on her computer, thankfully there were only a few things astray from her stand in. Beginning to take calls and fill in times she was beginning to worry. He still wasn’t here. It was going on an hour into the work day. 
She sighed, pulling out her phone to find his phone number, calling from the office phone so that maybe he’d actually answer. It rung twice before going to voicemail. He had done that, he had declined her call. She huffed angrily, calling again. After the third time, someone finally picked up, but it wasn’t the voice she wanted to hear. 
“Can I help you?”
A grumpy voice came over the line. Finch felt her stomach drop before she cleared her voice and put on her service voice. 
“Hi, this is Mr. Hawks secretary calling from his office, may I ask who I’m talking to this fine morning?”
“U-uh, it’s Amika...”
“Hello, Ms. Amika, pray tell, is Mr. Hawks available?”
“Y-ya, let me wake him up for you.”
There was rustling on the other end of the phone and Finch felt absolutely sick. This was ridiculous. If he could make her first day back any worse she would be surprised. There was a grumble from the other side before his voice rang through. 
“Mr. Hawks, this is your secretary calling, it seems you’re late to work by- let me see- an hour and 20 minutes now.”
She gave in a grumpy tone. He gave a rushed reply.
“Oh uh- fuck, Finch, I’ll be there in 10, I am so, so sorry-”
She hung up on him. He looked at his phone with surprise, running a hand through his bed head. She was livid, he already knew it. 
Back at the office, Finch fixed her makeup in a compact, accidentally letting a few tears run, stress and a tiny bit of heartbreak finally squeezing it out of her. She was so tired of this. The dancing around her feelings, dealing with his bullshit. 
She was just pressing powder into her under eye, trying to rid the mascara, as he came in the window. She glanced at the time. 5 minutes, instead of 10, color her impressed. 
“Looks like someone finally decided to show up...”
She grumbled, he started to come towards her but she stopped him. 
“You have a meeting in 3 minutes with the chief, try not to be late this time.”
“H-have you been crying?”
“Can’t you find anything else to worry about?”
She snapped, closing the compact and stowing it away in her purse right as there was a knock on the door. It was the chief of commission, probably coming to save her ass by stealing him away.
“Hawks! I didn’t see you this morning, I was almost worried.”
“Haha, just taking an early morning fly to stretch my wings!”
Finch couldn’t help but roll her eyes dramatically. What a lame excuse. It seemed to have worked though, the chief laughing with him and throwing an arm around his shoulder as he lead Hawks off to the meeting room. Finch sighed. 
Today was going to be full of trial and tribulation, she already knew it. So far, not much was going to plan. While he was gone she answered phone calls and sent the usual emails, stretching and working out her fixed wing all the while. The PT didn’t end when she didn’t have anymore appointments sadly. She worked on it whenever she had time, wanting to fly more than anything and as fast as possible. 
It was maybe 30 minutes later and the door to the office busted open, catching Finch’s attention quickly. It was Hawks, sighing loudly as he brushed back his hair with his hand. She busied herself with another email, keeping her eyes glued to her computer screen. Her attempt at making herself invisible through sheer willpower seemed to not work though. 
“I’m glad you’re back...”
He started, looking at her from across the room. She ignored him, continuing to type quickly. 
“Are you mad at me?”
Her face was getting red with frustration. She wanted more than anything to tell him off but, she reminded herself that her feelings didn’t matter in the situation. He advanced, sitting on the edge of her desk. She grumpily pried a paper out from under his leg. 
“Why were you crying earlier?”
“I wasn’t.”
“Yes you were, you still have mascara on your jaw-”
He reached out to rub it away from her face but she jerked away from him quickly, turning to look at him.
“Don’t you have hero stuff to do?”
“Why are you acting like that?”
He confronted her, looking at her sharply. She looked away from him, his gaze penetrating. 
“You were crying this morning, you were pissy on the phone and now, what is going on with you, you’re never like this.”
“I just don’t want to talk about it ok?”
“Is everything going ok with your recovery?”
She blushed hard and fanned her wings in reaction to him mentioning them.
“Ya, they’re fine...”
He paused for a moment, looking them over. 
“Wow, birdie, your wings might just be bigger than mine.”
“N-no they aren’t!”
She stuttered, blushing even harder, the red contrasting with her freckles. He pulled her up  and spread his wings out to their full size.
“Spread your wings I wanna see.”
“Aw come on dove, let me see them!”
She crossed her arms as she spread her wings. They just barely came short of his.
He trailed off, looking them over. He circled her, like a shark, taking in his prey. She cleared her throat as he came behind her, running a delicate hand over her feathers making her shiver. 
“D-dont t-”
He ran his hand along the edge of them, feeling the silky brown feathers and the light speckles that adorned them. Her face reddened even more if it was possible, her body betraying her as she let out a small pant at the feeling.
“Doesn’t it feel good to stretch them out? Have you tried flying yet?”
Her wings bristled with the stimulation and she gave a small squeak in reply.
“Really? I figured that would be the first thing on your mind-”
His fingers buried themselves into the tiny downy feathers where her wings connected with her back and she couldn’t help herself, moaning lowly at the feeling, electricity being sent all the way through her body, making her roll her eyes, her cheeks blazing.
He chuckled as he pulled away from her wings, walking across the room and side eyeing her coyly. He knew exactly what he was doing, his wings were just as sensitive.
“Someone’s a little worked up..”
She panted as she came back down from her slight high, looking over to him with her pupils resembling the head of a pin. 
“Take a breather birdie. Maybe in an hour or two we’ll try flying.”
She blinked away the rest of the fogginess and gave him a look.
“That was absolutely not fair Hawks.”
“Aw come on lovebird-”
“Stop calling me stupid nicknames, you have a girlfriend!”
She snapped, hugging herself to try and make herself seem smaller. She didn’t feel right with him acting like nothing happened. 
“What are you talking about?”
He asked lowly, furrowing his eyebrows. 
“The red head Hawks! Amika? It was all over!”
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
“Oh you saw that?”
She was getting increasingly angry.
“She isn’t really my girlfriend, more like an old friend of mine that came to visit...”
Finch snorted, trying to hold back laughter. 
“Are you kidding me? She literally answered your phone this morning.”
“Finch, she’s been staying in town is all, she’s an old friend of mine from back when I was in school-”
“Look I don’t care, have fun with her, I’m going to lunch.”
She grabbed her purse, storming off, and closing the elevator doors as Hawks tried to board it with her. She knew if he really wanted to he would just fly down but she almost wished he wouldn’t. As if the stubborn man wouldn’t.
“Why’d you close the doors on me?”
He asked as she walked out the front doors of the building. She ignored him as she made her way down to the line of booths selling street food. She got an order of roasted sweet potato before Hawks caught up to her again. 
“Finch you can’t seriously be mad-”
“Why did you stop coming to see me? You ignored all my calls.”
“Well I-”
She threw a hand up.
“Save it. You were with her. Asami didn’t even have the guts to tell me. You know its bad when she of all people hides something from you.”
He didn’t have a reply and Finch walked off, making her way back to the office as she ate silently. How ridiculous could he be?
It was silent for the rest of the day until they were about to get off, Finch shutting down her computer and grabbing her purse. 
“H-hey uh.. did you still want to go flying?”
Finch rolled her eyes silently. 
“I’m sure Amika is waiting for you at home.”
She replied, giving a sarcastic, tight lipped smile. She made her way out, the elevator dinging before she started on her way home. What a first day...
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
When kaito was learning to control his quirk.. what if he killed someone before kai's intervene? At the age of 5. Just like how kai killed one of his parent (in theory). Even though kai did make the person alive again since its just the same damn quirk but kaito was traumatized. Fear can be seen all over his face and tears are just running down non stop. I know you arent taking requests but if you like how do you think kai would "feel" and "do" about this ? You can ignore it too.
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"Grab this." Chisaki said nonchantly at the boy while holding a pair of gloves.
"Why though daddy?" Kaito arched his eyebrow up in confusion but took the little gloves anyway, but not putting on.
"Your quirk is the same as mine." Chisaki lifted his hand up and overhauled the glove monotonously to hive emphasis to his son "The overhaul is a powerful yet fearful quirk. I don't know yet if you can use it with both organic and non organic things, but for now if for security measures that you use these until you get some control over it."
Kaito pouted, still not putting on his gloves, while Chisaki just stared back blantly at him.
"I'm not a baby daddy. It was just a scare when it manifested, that's all." Kaito stated while Chisaki arched his eyebrow and pointed at the elephant on his side.
"And you use it on that plaything of yours and cried for at least 15 minutes." Kaito gasped and stood up on the couch, angry and flustered chubby face as he tried to glare at his father.
"I did not!"
"You did." Kai sighed while crossing his arms "Even your mother saw it and had to comfort your bratty self."
Kaito puffed up his cheeks while Chisaki rolled his eyes at the stubborn kid.
"What even could go wrong?!" The kid lifted his arms dramatically while his eyebrows furrowed "You can fix it later or even myself! Right?!"
"I just told you. It can be also dangerous, especially for your mother." He hissed the last part, and that was enough to make the kid huff a pout and sit down on the couch with crossed arms.
Rarely he had flashbacks on how himself got his quirk. Even not liking, more rather despising it, he really didn't meant to kill that man with it... neither that man on the hospital once.
He could be many things, but he wasn't going to be the hypocrite to allow his son to pass the same torture he got through... and heavens forbided that Kaito overhauled you by accident.
"How it was for you daddy?" Kaito suddenly asked. He furrowed his eyebrows at the memory before he sighed.
"Nothing big about it. But we must prevent it any accidents. Put on the gloves, your mother just messaged me that she is coming back with-"
"Heya my boys!!" You came in the room with a lot of bags as Chrono helped you out with some, since the poor man was also responsible for the kitchen, and Chisaki wasn't available to go with you at the time.
"Mommy!" Kaito jumped from the couch but soon heard a cough from his father, turning around to see him sternly looking at him and the gloves, earning a growl from the kid.
"Just got back and you two are already fighting?" You asked in giggles while laying the groceries on the table before hugging Kaito close to you and getting up to kiss your husband. Gladly he accepted, lowering down his mask despite Kaito's disgusted sounds.
"Help me out. This brat refuses to put his gloves." He said nonchantly as Kaito poked his tongue out at him.
"Gloves?" You tilted your head in confusion before the thought hitted you like a train. Kai was very allerted and aprehensive every since Kaito got his quirk....
"They're annoying!" The kid protested as Kurono chuckled at both Chisakis being having the same amount as stubbornness.
The said man came close as well by Kaito, half smirking in amusement at the kid trying to argue with his father, whose had the same stoic face as usual, but the tone of his voice indicated how annoyed he was.
"Kaito. Settle down for once." Kai said with more strictly as he started to glare at Kaito "If I am ordering for you to use gloves, then you are going to use them."
"Come on!" The kid whined as he threw his hands at the air "Is not like I can hurt someone daddy! Geez!"
You send a look to Chrono, mentally praying that he catched your silent question if he wanted to leave, which he just got confused at it.
"Actually you can hurt someone brat, listen for once."
"Yeah sure." The kid rolled his eyes in annoyance and holded his arms up with annoyance "You are always RIGHT!"
Although this action of Kaito, and due to his emotions being so out of control, made him accidentally bump his hand on Chrono's leg...
"FUCK!" The man shouted as Kai and yours eyes went wide open at sieng that Kaito indeed had the same quirk as his father... overhaul any non organic AND organic material...
Chisaki immediately repeated the error of his son, while you holded the boy in your arms... whose had his body trembling but yet frozen in place.
"Kurono you're alright?!" You ask in worry as the man touched his leg a few times, grew eyes wide open more in shock than horror.
"Man your kid has your quirk?" Kurono asked to Chisaki in amusement as Kai picked a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped furiously his hand.
"As yourself could see." He hissed and just when he looked at his son his eyebrows furrowed at the sign.
The boy was looking at his hand with nothing but horror, drops of tears on the edge of his eyes as his body was cold and unmoving like a ice cuh in your arms.
"Kaito?" You asked after regaining your breath "Sweetheart?" You crouched down in worry and hold his shoulders.
"I-I did t-that..." he said hushed while trembling.
"Hey brat." Kurono muttered "Is alright, suffered worse." He said nonchantly while Kaito brought his little hands to his head as his eyes were wide open while he started to loose the control of his breathing.
"I-I did that..!" He arched his back a bit, not fully noticing your worry neither of any of the three adults on there "I-I'm sorry-! I didn't meant it! I didn't meant it uncle Kurono!"
Deja fucking vuu... his chest was icy cold but he still had the strenght to get closer.
"Hey, I'm walking." Kurono got up and patted the ground with his boot to give emphasis "see? Nothing wrong, I swear."
"Honey. Calm down. Take a breath." You went to grab his hands that were clenching and probably hurting his head before Kaito yanked himself out of your embrace.
"No! Don't come any closer! Daddy warned me about it but I didn't listened!" He sobbed and let himself fall into the ground to curl up in a ball "I dont want to hurt you mommy! Neither anyone!"
Your heart clenched painfully while Kai just could feel himself almost passing out from how BAD and FAMILIAR this situation was. Disgusting flashbacks of his own biological parents going crazy at his first mistake and the final blow that made that woman to kick him out.
But hell.He promised you that he would do his best to his kid to not suffer, even if it meant him having the same disease as his.
"Chrono. Give us a moment." He muttered lowly as the man himself nodded and left the room.
You and him changed looks before Chisaki made the first move. Walking towards his son, in fetal position on the ground as he cried his eyes out. He crouched to be at least on a average level and hesitated for a bit before laying his gloved hand on his head.
The kid looked up to start to shout for his dad to get away, but the words got stuck on his throat when Chisaki lowered his mask and started to carres his son's head. Face on full display showing to the little boy genuine concern.
"We have the same quirk midget. You're not going to hurt me even of you wanted." The kid started to sob and he winced mentally at the wrong choice of words.
"I-I don't w-wan-"
"I know you don't." He said nonchalantly and grabbed his son's wrists to make him look at him. "Since we now know you have exactly the same quirk as me then is less complicated."
The kid made a confused sound while sniffling. Chisaki releasing his wrist to offer his handkerchief for the boy.
"Practices leads to perfection. Myself did train on my own, so imagine having someone whose knows exactly what to do for training... you can develop this on a more faster and effective way."
"B-But I just-"
"It was a accident sweety." You kneeled right besides Chisaki to look at your son with a gentle smile "You didn't meant it, and Kurono knows it too. It's okay Kaito, we swear."
The kid sniffled once or twice before he succumbed into loud sobs, falling without hesitation in your arms as you cooed to him in a awffort to calm him down.
"Kaito." Chisaki said monotonously, but still carresed his son's hair as the kid cried on your chest "This was bound to happen in some way. It was in my own case when I developed my quirk."
After some time of crying, your son was still in your chest, but only sniffles from him were heard. Giving a sign for Kai to speak up again.
"I did the same accident not only once but twice brat. The difference between us is only one and very important." He made Kaito look up at you and him, maintaining his face but with a hint of more emotions circling around him, shooking even you.
"You have someone to help you to control it and to dominate your quirk, me at this case, your father. And also, you have someone just as caring and sweet as a angel, your mother. Why the hell you think I call you deviant on the firts place?"
The kid sniffled, rubbing his forearm on his nose.
"Your mother is the incarnation of pure and gentleness."
"Shut it. You know is true." He growled to you "And I am what I am. Devil. A mixture of this we get a deviant. This case, you. A brat that can be just as sweet and calming yet so mischievous and troublesome."
He grabbed his son chin and tilted it up.
"Also you got inteligence. With that, you will be able to master the overhaul without causing any accidentents... I promise you that deviant. You are your mother's and my son."
"And we will always help you." You finished the sentence that you knew your husband wanted to say but still struggled to get out, being weird with emotions as always.
The boy nodded slowly as snuggled back at your chest, muttering a ask for his father to give him the gloves.
"But you don't like wearing them honey." You cooed and your son only burried himself deeper.
"Is safer..." you furrowed your eyebrows before Chisaki beat you to it.
"First time and probably last talking like this in front of you but, screw the gloves." You widened your eyes at hearing and even doubting if your husband just had said that.
"You're not a prisoner of your own power. You will learn to control it and I will assure you of that." He patted his son, half smirking at his and your face of shock "Simple as that."
The kid blinked and looked at you before pointing at him with wide eyes.
"Mommy! Daddy is smilling! Sorta..."
"Yeah." You giggled and kissed the boy's head "A beautiful smile, right?"
"You two should feel like rarity." He scoffed before smirking at you "Only you both get to see that."
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eddieismypimp · 4 years
Shouldn’t have done that.
Oscar x plus size black reader (gotta show love to my QUEENS)
Summary: Oscar and "Y/N" have been fighting all day, it gets a little out of hand and he buys you a puppy to make up for it.
Warnings: I NEVER KNOW HOW TO END THESE SHITS SO THE ENDINGS ARE ALWAYS STUPID. Cussing, little bit of violence, yelling, arm grabbing, if that freaks you out please please don't read this. Also, I hate writing shit about fighting because I come from trauma and I always take it to far because thats what I'm used to so I'm sorry lol <3
A/N PLEASE PLEASE READ: I DO NOT support any type of abuse IN THE SLIGHTEST BIT even arm grabbing but I put it in this story and I'm so sorry if any of you who reads this is going through abuse or anything like that. With everyone being quarantined and kids being at home with their parents, there's a possibility that they are in actual danger and it terrifies me and hurts my heart to even think about that. Please dont be afraid to ask someone for help if you're in that situation. You can text me anytime if you need a friend and we can just talk. I pray for the babies who are in bad situations right now. I love you all.
                                      Y/N POV
"Just drop it y/n." Oscar said sitting at the kitchen table sipping his coffee. "What I decide for Cesar isn't your concern."  Wow.... that shit HURTED. ''I know I haven't been around since the very beginning but that doesn't mean that I don't care about you and Cesar." I said. "That doesn't change the fact that you weren't the one that raised him since he was a little child." He said standing up and walking to the kithcen. I followed him, not ready to finish this conversation yet. He wasn't gonna win this time. He needed to see my point.  "I had to give up EVERYTHING to make sure there was food on the table and he was taken care of." He said getting a little loud. "Baby, theres no need to get loud." I said. "I know you have given up a lot for Cesar and I think you're amazing for it.... but do you really think Cesar wants this life?" I asked. He didn't say anything. "I know you just want him to be protected but is this really the best way to go about it? Is there really no other way you can protect him without getting him involved in this shit?" I asked again. "It's not to late.. for either of you. I know you think it's to late for you but you can still get out baby you ca-." I was cut off by Oscar slamming his cup on the counter. I flinched and gasped. He turned around getting in your face. "Don't speak on shit you know nothing about." He said it calmly but I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. With that he walked away and I stood there dumbfounded.
                            -time skip-
It's been about an hour since Oscar and I had that argument and I've been sitting in the living room watching Coco. That movie always makes me feel so much better. Miguel is the cutest! I was  singing along to Un Poco Loco when I seen Oscar walking towards the door. "Where you goin?" I asked him worried. He looked at me. "Cesar needs me." "I'm coming with you." I said getting up and turning off the t.v. I slid my Nike slides on and walked out behind him getting into the car.
                            -another time skip-
"Why is Cesar in Brentwood?" I asked looking at Oscar. "Him and his friends were trick or treating." He said not taking his eyes off the road. "Oh." Was all I said as I looked out the window. We finally pulled up to this house party and I seen Cesar standing in front of this white boy. We got out the car. "Oh so you think you're hard?" I heard the kid say. The fuck is goin on? He better not be comin at my little baby crazy! I thought to myself. "No... but he is." Cesar said pointing at Oscar. Oscar walked up on the boy with me right behind him. Ope- this kids in for it now. The kid looked at me. Oh Christ. I internally rolled my eyes. "Well.. look at you. Aren't you beautiful." He said which disgusted me to my SOUL. I had an idea though. I faked a smile and pushed past Oscar. "Thank you." I said caressing his face. "You're not to bad yourself." Which was an absolute lie. The kid looked ROUGH. He also had a fake tear drop tattoo and it was very obvious he was trying to look like a cholo. I was gonna end it there knowing Oscar was already jealous as shit and we would have some bomb ass makeup sex later but when I turned around, I felt a hard slap on my ass. "Yo what the fuck!?" I said turning around and slapping the kid in the face. Before anyone could say or do anything else, Oscar gently pushed me outta the way and grabbed the kid by his shirt. "Aye, don't touch my girl homie!" Oscar got all up in his face. "I'm sorry man, she came onto me." The kid said clearly terrified.  Oscar saw the fake tear drop and got noticeably more angry. If that was even possible. He licked his thumb and wiped it off the kids face. Then wiped his own tattoo, which didn't come off. "This shits real." He said. "Please, what do you want?" The kid asked with tears in his eyes. I laughed a little to myself. Who's tough now, pussy? Oscar let go of his shirt and tilted his head at Cesar telling him to come over. As Cesar was telling the kid what he wanted, Oscar turned towards me grabbing my arm and leading me to the car. I got in and he did too shortly after. We waited in silence for Cesar. Him and Monse walked up to the car and I got out to let them in. Once they were in you sat back down. "How is everyone else getting home?" I asked looking at Cesar. I can't help it, I worry about everything. "Ruby's abuelita is taking them." He said. "Oh okay." I said facing the front less worried. Oscar started driving as we all sat in silence. It got a little to quiet so I grabbed the aux cord and started playing my favorite song. I knew Cesar and Monse liked the song to because they were in the back straight vibin. I was playing the song get back by pop smoke. (r.i.p papi) That song was a straight bop. Oscar showed no emotion though. He just sat there in silence. focusing on the road. I gave a slight frown thinking my plan didn't work but put my focus back on the song.
                               -time skip-
It was like that the rest of the car ride. Me playing bomb ass music while me, cesar and monse jammed out and oscar just sitting there with literally no emotion. We finally got to Monse's house and I let her and Cesar out. Cesar was gonna stay at her place tonight since her dad was out of town. Which actually worked out perfectly, now me and Oscar will have the whole house to ourselves. I internally smirked thinking about what could go down tonight. I was excited. We finally pulled into the driveway of our house. Oscar got out without saying anything and went straight to the door to unlock it. What the fuck? I thought. I got out and walked in the house. "Oscar, what's the matter?" I asked wrapping my arms around him from behind. "You haven't said anything since we left Brentwood." "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked coldly. That threw me off and I backed up a little as he turned around to look at me. "What?" I asked genuinely confused. "You think you can just pull that shit and I won't get pissed?" He asked. I started giggling realizing that my plan did work. "So you think the shit is funny now?" He raised his voice stepping all up on me. My smile left my face quick as shit. "Wh- no.. I-" I was cut off by Oscar grabbing my arms pretty harshly. I gasped. "Why you out here actin like a whore?" He asked, his voice still raised like I wasn't right in front of him. "Oscar, you're hurting me." I said. I was kinda shook right now because I didn't think he would get mad enough to actually hurt me. "I don't give a fuck." He said tightening his grip. I had tears in my eyes now, this is starting to scare me a little. "You're supposed to be my girl... not touchin up on some fools right in front of me." He said, still not letting go. "Oscar, I only did that to get your attention. I didn't think you'd for real get mad." I said struggling to get my arms out of his grip. His eyes softened a little and he finally let go. I rubbed my wrists backing up. "Mama... I'm so sorry..." He said trying to pull me into a hug but I backed away. I looked at him for a moment before turning around and walking to our shared bedroom locking the door and falling on the bed crying. A few moments later I heard the front door close and the car start.
                              Oscars POV
Why did I let it get to me like that..? I love y/n with my whole heart. Why would I ever hurt her? "What the fuck do I do?" I asked myself. I parked my car in a park so I can think of ways to make it up to my little baby. "Okay Oscar.. think... Something that will make her happy..." I finally got it. A fucking puppy. She's been asking me for one for like two months now. I only knew one pet shop that was open this late so I started my car and drove there.
                               -time skip-
I got there and I looked for about 20 mintues before I found the perfect one.I picked him up and brought him to the worker. "This is the one I want." I said. "Okay," She said taking him from me. "I'm gonna have you pick out a collar, a leash, dog food, and food bowls for him." The lady said. I nodded my head going to pick the shit out. I got all the stuff and went to the counter. She rang up all my shit and then gave me some papers to sign. "What do you want to name him?" She asked me. I had to think for a minute. What's a name y/n would pick...? Oh wait.. I can name him Miguel. Her little ass loves Coco and thats her favorite character. I told the lady what I wanted to name him and she wrote it down somewhere on the paper I just filled out. She bagged up my stuff and handed me Miguel. "Have a nice night!" She said smiling. "Thank you, you too." I took all my stuff and walked out to my car.
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She's gonna love him. I thought. I put all the stuff in the backseat and got him settled in the front seat. I took a picture of him for memories. Then I started driving home.
                             -time skip-
                        Still Oscar's POV
I finally got home. I stayed in the car for a minute trying to figure out the right words to say. I hope I can fix this. I love her so much. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I grabbed the bags from the back seat and then grabbed the puppy. I opened the front door as quietly as I possibly could. The lights in the living room and kitchen were on and so was the t.v. Of course she's watching Coco. I didn't see her on the couch tho. Shes probably in the kitchen. I sneakily walked over to the couch and sat everything down including the puppy. I walked toward the kitchen to see if she was in there but she wasn't there either. Right when I was about to walk to our bedroom, she walked out of the bathom and we almost bumped into each other. She didn't say anything, and she tried to walk past me. "Wait, baby.." I said.
                             Y/n POV
I tried to walk past Oscar but he wouldn't let me. "Wait, baby.." He pleaded. "Please just listen." I sighed but decided to listen to what he had to say. "Okay Oscar." I said quietly. He let out a sigh of relief. "Baby, I am sorry." He said taking a step closer to me. I took a step back. Not because I was scared but because it was my natural instinct. He had a pained expression but he continued. "I love you and I don't know why I acted like that." I just sood there. "I would never hurt, and I'm sorry.. I took it way to far. It'll never happen again." I was staring at my feet but I could feel his eyes on me. "Please mami. Please forgive me." He pleaded. I couldn't stay mad at him for long. "Okay, Oscar. I forgive you." I said. "Oh thank God." He said pulling me into a hug. "I love you so much." He said kissing me all over my face. I giggled. "I love you too papi." I said smiling at him. "Come here boo, I got something for you." He said grabbing my hands and leading me into the living room. I was mad confused until I saw the most beautiful puppy I have ever seen. I gasped SO loud. "Oh my goooooood.... Oscar, is he mine?" I asked looking at Oscar. "Yes ma'am, all for you." He said smiling at me. I smiled back at him as I went to go pick up the puppy. "Awwwww,babe. I love him." I said cuddling the puppy. "Whats his name?" "I named him Miguel." He said proudly. I melted. "I love it boo. He's perfect." I started to tear up. "Aw baby, don't cry." Oscar said hugging me. Everything was quiet for a while until I heard Oscar sniffling. I looked up at him and he had tears in his eyes. "Babe.. what's wrong?" I asked worried. "I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you like that ever. I know buying presents isn't gonna make up for it, but I just want you to know i'll never hurt you again." He said kissing my forehead. "You don't have to cry baby. We both did stuff we regret tonight. But it's okay, we can talk it out and work this out and become better than ever." I said, planting kisses all over his sweet little face. "This is why I love you." He said. The rest of the night, me, oscar and our new puppy cuddled and watched Coco.
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astraeass · 3 years
[2] start once again;
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[cross-posted in ao3 • fem reader]
previous chapter
pairing: levi ackerman/reader
warnings: cursing
words: 3625
first day of training meant new faces that you will not forget, and maybe even new friendships
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"Welcome to your soon to be worst years of your lives!"
Nice, what a way to start. You knew that the training corps wouldn’t go easy on you, of course not. This warm welcome message did not surprise you at all. All of you were lined up, organized like pawns in a board of chess that was about to start.
Claude Duvalier, their instructor was a very intimidating man, tall with wide shoulders and muscular, the perfect definition of a rough man. You looked at your sides searching for any type of reaction of your fellow companions. Just to be sure you weren’t the only one that wasn’t scared at all.
However, you weren’t as careful as you thought, because your instructor apparently noticed how you got distracted, and wasn’t listening to his longass boring and repetitive discourse, and it was sickening him.
"HEY! You, the girl in the second line" Claude pointed at you with a deadly glare in his orbs.
Instantly you looked up and started at his pale eyes, you knew he was talking about you, it was impossible to ignore those widening eyes. You were used to not let anyone intimidate you at all, not caring what their position in society is neither their size or experience. But his dark aura was difficult for you to accept this time.
"Yes, sir" you instantly saluted and answered firmly, sweat sliding through your forehead.
"Would you be able to repeat every single word I told up there?" He hissed, knowing your next answer already.
You gulped, trying the make the movement as fast as possible, you shacked your head as response "I-I wouldn’t be able to do so, sir" you mentally palmed yourself when your heard your stutter. C'mon [Y/N] you need to show how strong you really are, don’t let be intimidated by a piece of shit.
The instructor seemed to read minds because his fatal ambience just deepened into you. If glares could kill, this man would have assassinated you at least five times without stopping. But you didn’t let the scared part of you to show and waited for him to talk again.
"What’s your name, you little bastard?" He said rather loudly, but apparently coming back to normal, his usual shitty look not being that shitty anymore and that surprised you and urged you to answer.
"[Y/N]... [L/N], sir" this was your first time telling your real name to someone, you imagined this moment to be special but fate hated you and your situation right know is being humiliated by your instructor in front of tons of people of your age. [Y/N] you were supposed to make friends this time, now what? Giving a weak first impression wasn’t in your plan.
"[L/N], why the fuck are you here?!" He next said, increasing his already loud voice, it even hurt your ears since he was getting closer to you, wanting to break your hard shell and make you fall or your knees crying, humiliating you even more. You weren’t one to give up like that though.
"I am here to help humanity with the threat outside the walls, sir!" You responded once again, slightly raising your voice with him.
"Why are you doing it, [L/N]?!"
"Because I want to know what’s beyond the walls!"
Claude grabbed the collar of your white shirt tightly and lifting you up in a way your feet weren’t touching the dusty floor below you. A loud gasp escaping your mouth when he did so, you were about to loose your cold and strong composure to in front of everyone.
"That’s a whole load of bullshit...! You’re here because humanity needs your and everyone’s help, not for a stupid childish desire, you piece of shit!" He shouted in your face, you could even feel some of his saliva sticking to you cheek by the way he’s holding you. You just decided to shut your eyes with force, praying for this to finish soon.
When everything went on silence again, you opened your eyes meeting Claude's cold and fiery gaze, he seemed to search something inside your eyes, perhaps any sign that you were about to shit yourself only to make more fun of you, but he never found it, he could only see the determined glare of a young woman. He just clicked his tongue forcefully and let your collar out of his grip.
The distance between your stance up in the air and the floor was quite large, but you somehow were able to steady your form with somewhat grace, that maybe helped your already broken reputation, just in case anyone saw it of course.
By the time you were fixing your messed up shirt and collar, Instructor Duvalier already have found another victim. This time, it was a boy that seemed a little bit younger than you, this kid however didn’t get the same awful treatment as you.
You just rolled your eyes in annoyance. Claude reached another victim after almost throwing the last one. This time it was a petite brunette girl whose hair was tied up in a neatly made braid, she would have seemed too pure for this world if it wasn’t for her piercing pale green orbs. She had a scowl on her face that transmitted irritation.
"Why do you look like you have a stick up your ass, cadet?" Instructor Duvalier growled at her lowly, the girl didn’t even moved her face to meet his gaze like everyone else did, she looked brave, you liked that.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, useless brat!? Answer me cadet!" Claude was growing irritated second by second by the girl's attitude, this will not end up good at all, and you actually feared for the future condition of short girl.
"Mary Rosé, sir" She answered, her voice high tuned and pleasant to hear, exactly what you would have expected in a sweet-looking girl like her, she still didn’t look up thought. Was she scared? You doubted about that.
"Rosé, can you explain me why you had the fucking audacity to ignore me gaze just some seconds ago? Do you think you’re the center of this damn world?!" Claude's expression was covered in anger, however there was an unknown glint in his eyes, you wished you could read his mind, curiosity invading yours.
You couldn’t tell if Mary also saw the small difference in his deep glare but if she did, she apparently didn’t want anyone to know "I don’t, I just didn’t know how to react, I apologize sir" the girl flatly answered. Despite her serious and uninterested appearance, her words sounded honest.
After Mary answered with that simple sentence, Corporal Duvalier moved on to the next cadet. He didn’t ask anything else, and he looked rather... intimidated. In his defense, you admitted to yourself that a simple look of her to your direction would make you piss your pants but that actually made you want to be friends with her even more.
You didn’t notice that you got lost in your thoughts after Instructor Duvalier snapped his calloused fingers snapped in front of you, making you jump where you stood "[L/N], you there cadet?" He said with an annoyed look that you instantly responded with a nod of your head "Yes, sir. I was just thinking."
He snickered, a sarcastic smirk adorning his face "If you zone out like that in middle of an expedition, you’ll be titan food and no later after, titan shit. So you better stay focused, [L/N]" He looked ahead for a short span of time, then back to you, with a determined gaze "C'mon, I told everyone to prepare theirselves, training starts now" and with that, he walked away from your still stunned form.
His order made you look around, and be aware that you were one of the last cadets standing in the main area, so you made the decision to walk away too. However, a certain tall blonde had another plans for you "Clair- Oh, I mean [L/N]!" You turned around when hearing the familiar voice, saying - loudly, almost shouting - your last name.
"Ah, Smith... fancy seeing you here" You said with a teasing tone in your voice and a wave of both of your hands when you saw him near enough. He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck with a blush of embarrassment in his bright skin. That unusual expression suited him, you thought "Was it that obvious?" He told you with a hint of amusement in his tone, answering your last statement.
You weren’t and currently aren’t close with Erwin Smith, but you needed to be really close minded and out of reality to not know the young man's fond with his idea of what’s beyond the walls. All of your thoughts suddenly reminded you to your current situation, your main goal and why you were doing all of this fucked mess, Smith will be a great acquaintance and help for it.
You were about to continue your conversation with him, but the sudden shout of your Instructor stopped you. Your back was turned to him, so you couldn’t see him burning holes in the back of your head, however, that didn’t mean you couldn’t feel him doing so, and that made you afraid to turn around and meet his gaze more after the personal scolding he did to you.
But you knew you couldn’t stay in that position longer, even Erwin was giving you a glance that screamed 'you’re dead' in every way. Fortunately, for you, Claude was standing in front of the cadets that already came back for the instructions of their ever first training of much many. Duvalier was ready to start talking again "As I said before, the training starts here and right now, so prepare your filthy asses for the worst time of you lives"
It was obvious that the journey to reach to be a scout was everything but easy, you took it easy... at first, and that was already your first wrong move. Everything started with some simple laps that you could easily take the lead of, a large number push-ups and even he gave the opportunities to spar between you and demonstrate the initial physical level of each other. But the intensity increased to the point were even, Erwin, a man with a notable level above average yet he couldn’t feel his own muscles for the end of the day.
"I’m... exhausted" you sighed loudly while carrying your tray of food that contained a liquidly tasteless soup and a piece of bread you were surely you could break someone’s head with. Not so far away from you, walked Erwin with a tired expression in his face "I’m already calling it a day" he agreed with you, eyes closed while grabbing his tray and following you.
Erwin and you spent the training attached by the hip, he sometimes could have easily pass you when running the laps and show off his incredible stamina or finish his push-ups earlier and prove that he had the strength his body showed he could also have gone with some people that you recognized as some of your classmates that you certainly knew Erwin was fond of. But for a reason unknown to you, he kept following you all day.
Not that you were complaining now.
You remember how eager Erwin is with his dream, and how much in common it has with yours, so you were fine with the idea of having Erwin around you. Erasing the thoughts that have been wandering your mind all day, you found a nice empty seat for the both of you and sat down, throwing your tray in the table with little force, feeling Erwin's gaze on you.
"You can sit with me" you said, amused by the sight of his widening bright blue eyes, wondering how could you read his mind that easily without even meeting your own eyes "Ah.. thank you" he said lowly, sitting in front of you with an expecting expression, the orbs you saw earlier, now full of curiosity. You recognized this look from before, when he corrected himself with his now, new knowledge of your last name.
You were already tired as fuck, but the intensity of his deep gaze on you made you even more tired making you sigh for the nth time today, while looking down your watery soup and then up to him, you weren’t surprised when you meet his eyes already looking at you. So you decided that telling him your story will be the end of this awkward and tense ambience. Is not that you trusted him with your life, but the feeling of needing to vent to someone overpowered you.
"Alright, I guess I’ll have to tell you what happened, right?"
A few weeks passed, and the intense training was beginning to give it fruits. You could feel your muscles getting stiffer and you certainly feel very proud about it. Your skills and stamina levels also increased and Erwin's casual advices were a big plus for you. The training was becoming repetitive, even if the intensity changed frequently and some dynamic exercises were added here and there, you wish you could do something more unique.
Erwin and you became closer. At first, when telling him your story made him strangely protective, and his first reaction didn’t help at all, so you became watchful around him. However, his attitude changed when you almost won against him in a sparring session a week after arriving the division. It was like he knew you would be safe by your own, not that you weren’t before, but Erwin knowing where you were raised, he assumed that your experience with spars, little did he know that you could defend yourself easily. The memory making you smile unconsciously.
"Ah.. I didn’t expect that at all"
You giggled remembering that specific moment when you threw him to the ground when he last expected. His stunned expression graven in your mind, often using it to tease him. He still went easy on you and won thought, so you knew that there was still a long way ahead. A cough way too familiar made you jump, completely breaking you free of your thoughts, your face coming pale when remembering where you currently were.
Instructor Claude Duvalier was standing behind you and instantly went stiff when you felt his presence, not daring to look at his probably deadly gaze. So you decided to look ahead you with wide pupils wishing this to end up fast. "[L/N].. could you tell me, what you find funny with me explaining how the fuck we are going to train the with 3D maneuver gear?!" Wait what.
Did you really were that deep in thought to not catch what your instructor was explaining. It wasn’t that he was talking, of course not. You usually give a fuck about what he said when it comes to hear the steps of the common training and the ask Erwin what you needed to do for today, what was important to you is how you missed the 3D maneuver gear explication.
One of the most impressing skills that you admired about the military regiment was how they used such a complicated mechanism to sometimes displace around, and how the majority of them did it with such a grace when you occasionally remember seeing how the military police chased a thief and catching him not long after using the heavy device attached to their hips.
The 3DMG was that device you were the most eager to use and learn. You are shocked with your own self and even angry for how vague you were sometimes. Seeing it that there esas the any type of response from you, Duvalier gave up not missing how your form relaxed instantly and walked ahead you to stand in front of the training corps once again.
"In case someone else is as incompetent as [L/N], what we are training today is how skilled you all will be with your future 3DGM, but before that, we need to see if everyone is going to be stable when using those, so stand your asses and go outside" Claude demanded, making every cadet stand up in an instant walking out to the camp in order.
Some weird tall machines were placed in the front line of the ground. They were formed by three large wood columns that connected at the very top by a metal structure, wide strings attached in both of the ends and finally, those strings tied into a leather belt "Everyone will be trying these rusty machines, the main point is trying to maintain your equilibrium, if you aren’t able to, you’re the fuck out. We don’t accept useless shits here"
In front of you, Nile Dok who you recognize as one of the friends of Erwin, stood in between the wood pillars, attaching the old-looking belt around his waist, a cocky smirk adorning his lips. You didn’t interact with him at all, but enough to know that he’s a proud little bitch. He always remarked about how he’ll be ranked between the 10 best cadets of the division and live a comfortable life as a member of the military police, not that you cared, but the way he always looked for competition - most of the time against Erwin - totally annoyed your usually quiet behavior.
A superior from the training corps stood nearby, while another cadet was preparing to move the handle forward that would lift Nile from the ground and show us all how good he actually is. The cadet moved the handle forward, he looked nervous, ready to carry all the fault if Nile failed to maintain the equilibrium. Your gaze trailed to Nile, his eyes widened when feeling the mechanism working on him. He stumbled backward and looked like he was about to fall, but posed in a way that kept him still, it was a bit impressive, nevertheless that didn’t stop you from laughing at his struggling expression.
You didn’t notice that you were the only one laughing out loud, you could feel the looks of the cadets nearby, it was rare to see you in another expression than your regular serious scowl. Nile hearing your laugh looked up, his already contorted features worsened when meeting your [E/C] orbs and that made you instantly stop, feigning wiping a tear from your eyes and waking away with a wave. You swear hearing his voice insulting you when you walked away, blowing a raspberry, you continued your search for Erwin.
Walking around and trying to not be caught by Instructor Duvalier, you finally found Erwin, standing close another circle of your companions and watching with interest how another cadet was being lift by the 3DMG training mechanics. Walking closer, you were now aware that the cadet Erwin was staring at was Mike Zacharias a tall, dirty blond young man and another of his friends, however, this one wasn’t a little bitch, just a bit weird. He was funny when he wanted though. Mike was way better than Nile, but you still procured to stay a bit far away from him since his sniffing habit always weirded you out, and yourself disliking people breaking your personal space didn’t help at all.
"Hey [Y/N]! Were you able to try the training?" Trailed by your thoughts, you failed to notice that you already reached Erwin's position and situating yourself at his side. You looked up and shook your head with a sigh "Fortunately, I didn’t" Erwin laughed at your answer, petting your head with a teasing smirk in his face, you frowned at him but didn’t make anything to stop his caring treatment.
Behind Erwin, Mike approached both of you, grabbing Erwin's shoulders forcefully and causing him jump thanks to the sudden rough touch. Erwin's hand lifted from your soft [H/C] locks and turned around to punch Mike's arm with some force and even if the taller blonde tried to contain his pain, you clearly saw how he winced at the contact making you giggle again "Ah... answering your questing from before Erwin, nope, I didn’t try it and I’m not looking forward to do it so neither" you said sighing and changing your pose to be more comfortable while standing.
Unfortunately for you, your turn was sooner than you expected and time passing faster than you thought, you were already between the training mechanism as you reached down to grab the belt so you could attach it to your waist tightly, with the hope that if you failed to complete the task, the belt would save you from a nasty fall. Behind you, Mary with a neutral expression was ready to pull the handle forward and besides you the Instructor glared at you with an unreadable expression in his face. Seeing your hesitation, Claude scoffed shaking his head while looking at the ground "C'mon [L/N], we do me have all this weakass"
You nodded rapidly, sending Mary a determined gaze and a thumbs up as a sign that you were ready. She understood and moved the handle with all of her energy, it was cute to see her, a normally strong-headed girl, struggle with a simple task. Your thoughts were interrupted when your feet didn’t feel the ground anymore, your pupils widening in surprise. Little did you know that you have stayed up for a while already, everyone looking at you in disbelief but for Erwin, who looked like a proud big brother with a heart-full smile.
"That’s it [Y/N], you got it!"
"Ahaha... t-thank you!"
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Pretty Boy (KaiSoo)
Kaisoo one shot! 
Based on this pic 
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"Get out Kim Jongin! For the last time, I warn you to run before you regret not doing so," a man in his sixties stresses each warning while swinging his golf drivers. Kim Jongin sinks to his knees, he begs with all his might for his father's forgiveness while praying with all his might he can dodge the strong swing his father did. His face has had enough bruises from the painful strong punches his father flew to him earlier. He has to admit, as his father gets older his punches got stronger and his ring stings more. Jongin closes his eyes before he got lucky, the powerful blow missed and hit mother's favorite flower vase. The young boy closes his eyes when he sees the glass shatters along with his last hopes of staying in this house as the second child of the wealthy Kim family.
His brother, Kim Junmyeon, is trying his best to stand still behind his father; though his heart is screaming 'stop' and as much as he wants to jump and protect his brother, Junmyeon knows better to never interfere his mad father. Junmyeon saw the puppy stare from his little brother and for the first time he has to let Kai fight for himself.
"Leave now! You are no longer a part of this family. Take only what you are wearing and leave!" His father screams on the top of his lungs. His breaths are short and his eyes are bloodshot.
Jongin for the last time gestures his apologies and pleads. What else can he do to make his father forgive him? Going low as kneeling down didn't shake father's final choice.
Jongin looks around the big living room for help. He feels humiliated from the cold stare from his father's bodyguards. Mother is running into the room from her shopping and she is more than surprised to see the chaos. Her husband is swinging his golf driver, slamming everything in his vision field, on the other hand Junmyeon is busy signaling Jongin to leave.
"Yeobbo, what is happening? Calm down... your blood pressure will kill." the beauty in the house runs to her husband's side. Her eyes widen when she saw the bruises on her son's pretty face.
Mr. Kim brushes her soft hand away and walks towards his second son, who has his eyes on the floors.
"Why is Kai kneeling for you on the ground? Stand up honey," the sweet voice instructs her son to stand. Kai smiles sadly at the realization that his mother is still calling him Kai, his sweet name.
"No! Let him beg. He has caused too much trouble. Today we got another call from the police informing us this person here—" Mr.Kim points disgustingly at Jongin, "—he was called for a privacy harassment case. This guy here is not my child; my child will never bring disgrace to the family. He won't stalk on some random kindergarten student and make her uncomfortable!"
Mrs. Kim seems baffled, she knew Kai isn't as bright as Junmyeon, but Mrs.Kim knows her child is not into younger girls; moreover she loves Kai a tad bit more than anyone else in the house.
"Yeobbo, maybe the people are only trying to get money from the case... I'm sure our Kai will never do that," Mrs. Kim turns her head to see her son, "Right Kai?"
Kai quickly raises his head and furiously nod, "Yes, mother is right. Please dad, believe me... I am not into young girls! They are only playing tricks..."
His father's anger has resided down, thanks to his wife.
"Right dad, we can always take control of the problems Jongin have." Junmyeon takes a deep breath, "Let me handle him. I'll clear his name."
Mr. Kim starts to swing his stick again; he walks to the kneeling man and arrogantly smacks his lips, "Out. Junmyeon will clean your name for the last time—" Kai jumps to his feet and holds his father's hands
"Thank you... thank you so much dad." Kai flashes his grateful smile.
His father glances at him and throws his hands away, "Who said I forgive you? You're still leaving the house now!" He screams to the boy with bruised face.
Kai is stunned and surprised. His dad is not changing his mind about kicking him out.
Mrs. Kim looks at her husband in disbelief when the bodyguards forcefully drag a kicking and begging Kai out of the room and to the gate.
"Take his wallet and phone. It's still nice I let him keep his clothes he has." Mr. Kim instructs his men to take all of Jongin's belongings.
"Yeobbo, you're too hard on him." Mrs. Kim pleads him with tears in her eyes.
"He needs to learn it the hard way." Mr. Kim stares at the closed gate.
"Whoever dares to help Kim Jongin, will not live in peace. Leave that boy alone. How embarrassing." Mr. Kim stomps and turns to head to his office.
"Junmyeon-a," mother cries when she finds her oldest son standing in the living room heartlessly.
"Why didn't you stop your father? Isn't kicking Kai out of this house with nothing except clothes a bit too harsh?" Mrs. Kim rants her frustration into her oldest son.
Junmyeon brings her mother to his warm embrace, "I'm sorry... father is a hard man."
"Will he be alright?" Mrs. Kim wonders. The wind blows softly and her designer perfume fills the air. She secretly lets a tear out, Kai didn't even have the chance to say goodbye. He only has his denim jacket and jeans in the middle of autumn. The wind gushes once more and Mrs. Kim tightens her expensive coat.
"Mother, let's go in, the wind is getting stronger." Junmyeon leads his mother back into the warmth of the Kim's mansion.
Kai was forced out of his mansion only with a jacket and a hungry stomach. He winces at the pain his body felt. His face aches from the punches, his body hurts from the strong grip and forced dragging earlier, his heart broke when he realizes he lost all of the love in his life.
He walks and walks with no direction; the taxis are tempting, but his wallet was confiscated. Kai pays attention to his steps, he hopes someone left a dollar bill on the road, or maybe he is lucky enough to find some coins. He doesn't know what time it is, but he knows it must be close to dinner time as he sees the sun sets and his stomach grumbling harder.
Kai tightens his denim jacket and pulls his hoodie. He walks quietly and aimlessly to wherever his feet lead. He tries his best to remember where his friends live, so maybe he can come and tell them what happen. Maybe they will feel sorry and invite Jongin for dinner and offer a room. Right, Kai feels warm from imagining a nice warm dinner and a comfortable bed.
Countless names run in his mind, he mumbles to himself "Sehun? No too far... Baekhyun?" he thinks for a moment, "Ah a different province. Chanyeol?? Where's his house again???" Kai stops and squeezes his eyes.
He thinks and thinks, "Ah! Right, Chanyeol has just left to America... Yixing is in China."
Kai continues walking under the full moon. He reaches a small mini market with chairs in the sidewalk. His smile pops and his aching feet make its way to the empty chair. He drops his butt and stretches "Aigoo how nice it is to sit." He yawns, "Ah I'm hungry."
Kai fishes his pockets, biting his lips when he finds out nothing is popping up magically in his empty pockets.
Kai buries his face into his hand and reflects on the unfortunate events that happened to him.
The pretty boy is a second child to the Kim family, the richest man in Entertainment industry. Kim Junmyeon is older by three years. Junmyeon was always the brighter one, the one with medals and trophies, the one who wins thousand of girl's hearts, and who always succeeded in love stories; while Jongin is none of that. He is clumsy and innocuous. Jongin enjoys having fun and living his days to the fullest. He did admit he made a lot of problems since young, but they were nothing big. For example, young Jongin loves animal so much that he secretly opened the cage for dogs that were about to be sold to the black market. He did that out of kindness towards dogs. He once punches a kid bullying a blind girl, and he went home beaten and reported for starting fight. Jongin actually did nothing bad, he's just unlucky that people can turn the table over; moreover when they knew He is That Kim's child.
"I'm so unlucky. How can all of my friends live away from me?" Jongin pulls at his hairs frustrated. He comes to a conclusion he has no help today. He slams his head to the table, which was unfortunate since he forgot he has bruises there.
"Ouch!" he wipes the painful area, his hand punches angrily at the table, "How can I forget I'm already beaten up."
"Excuse me, you're not allowed to sit here." A hoarse voice surprises Jongin. Jongin jumps from his seat then looks around confused.
"Where am I? Jongin wipes his sleepy eyes.
The part time worker rolls his eyes, "You're in front of K mart, asleep for a good one and a half hour."
"What? Asleep?!"
"Yes, and please leave now."
"But this seat is not occupied and there are more chairs over there. Why can't I sit here?" Jongin questions the man in uniform.
"It's written there that these seats are only for our customer. We noticed you haven't bought anything and you've occupied the seat for half an hour." The man points at the sign and towards the other tables which are occupied by people who purchased something.
Jongin's eyes double in size, heol he never know the world is this cruel. All his life he only knows what it's like to have power in the house, to not move a finger and still get anything he wants.
"So, please leave before our boss sees you," the man forces a smile and shows Jongin the way out.
Kai changes his sour face and leaves his chair. He takes one last glance and taunted at the store. Jongin has lost his sense of time and direction. After some steps over the houses, he finally reach a district.He mumbles the street sign, "Hongdae"
Kai walks through the outskirt of Hongdae, he is far from the student-life parties and he is far from the festival lights. He's not going to Hondae without money, heol what will his image be.
The tanned man tirelessly keeps his head down as he traces the outskirt of Hongdae. There are small pubs and bars here, but their signs are not flashy and Jongin felt eerie walking here alone. He paces up his steps and keeps his eyes forward. It's not a good idea to walk here alone; although Kai is a man he still feels his body shakes when passing the cold alley.
Between the absent street lights, another young man sways on the road and stops when he found an unoccupied seat on a closed café. He looks around and giggles when he found no one in sight. While mumbling a happy song and smiling, the man with short hair fishes his box of cigarette from his pocket and flicks the lighters on. He bites the stick between his plump heart lips and skillfully lights the small burning cig. He inhales the burning sensation in his lung and blows out the smoke playfully to thin air.
The world belongs to him only for a moment when he adores the street light which he mistaken as the moon.
"The moon is bright tonight, so bright that my eyes are blinded." The man giggles at his own exaggerated words, "How I wish I have a companion tonight." He huffs out a blow of thick smoke and gets into a fit of coughs when he saw a figure walking over him.
He holds his cough and clears his throat once in a cool way, which successfully caught the passer's attention.
"Hey pretty boy," his deep honey voice did make the passing man's shoulder jump, "It's dangerous to walk alone at night."
Jongin looks right and left and saw no one is there except him, he questions himself, did he hear it right? Pretty boy? Surely that's not him right? But there's no one else except him and that guy who called him.
"Yes you man in hoodie." The caller brings his cig away from his lips.
Jongin points at himself, "Me?"
The tipsy man rolls his eyes and smile. Jongin notes how sweet that smile is under the moonlight. How unfortunate it is that he is drunk and smoking buds.
"You're alone sweetie?" he runs his eyes through the bruised man here, from the clothes and the smell of perfume he sure comes from a wealthy family, but why is he here alone, beaten up, and looked lost.
"You smell funny." Jongin closes his nose; even from this distance it is noticeable. He hates the smell of alcohol and smoke. Voila this man here has both smells.
"I'm sorry, you're drunk. I shall go." Jongin runs his eyes to the road. Why is there nobody in sight... he steps back and gets ready to continue his journey, or run for his life.
"I'm tipsy. Don't be afraid... I'm just telling you it is dangerous for pretty boys like you to walk alone." The man with heart lips shrugs his shoulder and ignores Jongin. He returns to his activity earlier blowing smokes and giggling by himself.
Jongin looks at him in horror, his neck is stiff and his hairs stand. Jongin quickly hugs himself and continues his walk, ignoring the calls.
"Hufth! How creepy! I should've never trust strangers." Jongin keeps his eyes on his feet.
Just then he saw three pairs of shoes in his eye sight and he gulps when he slowly raises his head.
Jongin is a tall man, but right in front of him are three taller and bigger men. All wearing black and looking tough. Jongin takes a step to the side and keeps his head down, but one of the man stops him.
"Where do you think you're going pretty boy?" Jongin curses in his heart, why is everyone calling him pretty boy tonight and why is he so unlucky today!
He slowly meets the big man's gaze when he pushed Jongin's chin up.
Jongin notices these three are no good. They were definitely here to disturb him.
"I have nothing." Jongin makes his voice sounds miserable.
The three men laughs and Jongin forces a confused smile, "Can I go? I have nothing." The three men laughs harder and Jongin is left confused.
"Well, if you don't have money... we're always welcome with services honey." The tallest man with big dark tattoos on his body grabs his chin and stares into his eyes.
Jongin gulps when he feels the other two touching his body, "He really doesn't have anything."
"That means we'll leave you after a good service." The man with golden tooth smirks.
Jongin is tongue tied. He doesn't know what will happen to him... he really hopes someone will help him.
Just when one of them pulls Jongin for a kiss, a loud voice roars and footsteps are heard.
"Go! Leave that man alone. He's mine." Upon that word, Jongin felt the grip lose and the three men runs in panic. Jongin still has his eyes shut in fear.
"Open your eyes. They're gone." A strange but familiar voice greets Kai.
Jongin opens his eyes slowly and finds the heart shaped man with round eyes earlier.
"What are you going to do to me?"
The man chuckles, "Told you it wasn't save to walk here alone."
"What's your name?"
"Kyungsoo," he smiles. Jongin notes how sweet that name is.
"Thank you... for saving me." Jongin bows.
Kyungsoo shakes his hand, "No problem, I just happen to pass by."
"You... how did you make them go?" Jongin sounds confused and curious... he was sure Kyungsoo only yelled some dialect words and they ran for their life.
"Nothing you should know, want a stick?" Kyungsoo offers him a stick when he sees Kai shaking. 
"No thanks, I don't smoke."
"Ah, cliché..." Kyungsoo bites a new stick.
"Why did you smoke? It's not good for you." Out of the blue Kai feels like this man here is too cute to die fast.
Kyungsoo raises his brow, well no one has ever cared to ask him that and this stranger right here does.
"Because that's the only way to remember the taste of her kiss that night," Kyungsoo gives Kai a sad smile.
Jongin's surprised, wow that's dramatic. He thought he was the only one who doesn't feel love right now. Turns out there are people like him too.
"I'm sorry... anyways... let me thank you for helping me," Kai pauses when he remembers he has no money at all right now.
Kyungsoo judges the man in front of him, sweet personality, pretty face, slender body, pure heart, he looks lost.
"Do you want money? Car? House?" Jongin offers his life saver these things.
Kyungsoo giggles, Jongin melts upon hearing that cute laugh and the glowing cheeks. Hell, how can someone looks so scary and tough but with just one laugh he's a teddy bear.
Jongin finds himself drowned in Kyungsoo's deep eyes and squishy cheeks, plus tempting lips.
"Sorry, but you have no money right now... how will you give me those things?" Kyungsoo offers his trademark questioning cute look.
Jongin blushes, he thinks for a moment and impulsively pulls the half finished stick between Kyungsoo's heart lips and he boldly presses their lips together. There's a pungent smell of smoke and alcohol, but Kai is not stopping until the only thing he can taste is something new.
Kyungsoo was taken aback by the sudden action, but instead of pulling or pushing, Kyungsoo runs his hand to play with the taller man's hair. This pretty boy who is kissing him right now is the first person who makes his heart beats faster, butterflies swarming his stomach, and the world once again is pink.
Kai deepens the kiss, he pours his emotion in it and the other man plays along well. Their kiss ends when Kyungsoo hits him to breathe.
Their chests are still heaving up and down from the sudden crazy activity they did. Their hearts are still pumping bloods to their shaking bodies; their brains drown them in Oxytocin and Adrenaline.
They both drown themselves in each other's warmth and comfort.
Kai looks at his shoes and a sudden feel of embarrassment takes over him. He is back to the Kim Jongin mode.
"Right, I don't have the money to give you that..." Jongin rubs his nape.
Kyungsoo smiles, "It's okay... I don't want that."
Jongin confusedly waits for his next request.
"Just give me your name," Kyungsoo smirks.
Jongin laughs, "Kim Jongin, anything else?"
Kyungsoo puts his hands inside his pocket, "Kim Jongin, follow me home tonight. Let me take care of your wounds."
Kyungsoo turns his body and walks first leaving Jongin squealing behind his back. He finally found his guardian angel or maybe his significant other!
"Are you coming or not?" Kyungsoo turns to look at Jongin who's still frozen in his place.
Jongin quickly runs to catch his steps.
"Thank you! What else can I give in return of your kindness?" Jongin asks when they reach Kyungsoo's comfortable and tidy small house. Kyungsoo takes care of his bruises and wounds meticulously like a nurse, and Jongin feels burdened to return his generosity.
Kyungsoo sits beside him with a mug of coffee, he tosses his glance to Jongin and calmly leans in closer, "You can give me your family name later, but for now..." Kyungsoo leans in for a quick kiss.
"Please help me learn the new taste of your lips." Kyungsoo whispers.
Jongin smiles and hugs the man beside him, he thanks Heaven he finds Kyungsoo in the middle of his chaos life, and Kyungsoo thanks the universe for sending him Jongin before he totally lost himself in the dark world.
Jongin learns a good meal doesn't have to come from an expensive kitchen, a good sleep doesn't have to come from an imported mattress, mostly he learns love doesn't have to come from someone in the same league. He learns love can be found even in the darkest and smallest place, only when one remembers to feel it carefully.
In the end, if they were meant to be, fate will find its way to bring them together; no matter what.
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seokjinsdisciple · 4 years
jinyoung x reader
when you switch places with your twin sister to teach English in South Korea. You quickly find you’re worse at the job than you think. Luckily, kindergarten teacher Jinyoung helps you navigate the waters of teaching and help your class pass their end of the year exams. 
requested, unedited
warnings: oh boy where do i even begin, sub jinyoung, baby boy and mommy used excessively (im not sorry), overstimulation (sort of), nipple play, jinyoung is just really subby and cute ok, let me know if im missing anything bc this is a mess
word count: 3.1 k 
There was a certain way that your twin sister had about her that made it impossible to say no. She had used this against you her entire life, and it hadn’t stopped as you grew out of teenagers and became adults. In fact, her requests got more and more demanding. Which is how you found yourself on a 15-hour flight to South Korea. 
It was a simple switch really, she had gotten pregnant and wanted you to fill in for her. She had spent about half of the year teaching English to 6th graders and couldn’t leave for half of the year. You were pretty positive that she had just told you that so she wouldn’t have to pay rent on the year-long lease she had signed, but honestly, you were kinda excited. Not about the kids, you had no idea what to do with them, but more so about living in a different country kinda thing. 
The flight was long, and you spent the whole time watching movies, unable to sleep. So, admittedly you were exhausted when you stood in front of your new apartment. You made your way inside, and you had to be honest, the apartment was way nicer than your home back in the States. It was nowhere near as big, but it was filled with nicer, comfier furniture and a giant bed that you couldn’t resist. 
You awoke with a start, rubbing your eyes and groaning. You had no time to waste since your first day in the classroom was supposed to be today. You hadn’t made any plans for your students, but you didn’t have enough time to make one. Scurrying around the apartment you pulled together a business casual outfit, grabbing a piece of toast from the toaster and hurrying out of the apartment with only one shoe on. The other shoe balanced delicately in your hands with a cup of coffee, and your toast. 
By the time you made it into the school, You were more put together. You were still extremely nervous about meeting the students and you were praying that they would be nice to you. You weren’t too fond of kids, and, unlike your sister, you were terrible at interacting with them.
Your thoughts of the day were taking over, and as you desperately searched for your sister's classroom, you bumped into a broad chest. 
“Hey, you ok y/s/n?” A handsome man asked, his sweater showing off his broad shoulders. You had no idea who this guy was, but damn your sister for failing to mention that someone so handsome existed. You smiled at him, your cheeks heating up as you stared, looking for some sort of name tag. You couldn’t find one.
“I’m ok, just kinda lost for some reason,” you laughed, “My brain hasn’t started yet, I guess.”
“Ah, well maybe I can point you in the right direction?” The man said, looking at you quizzically, you were clearly failing at convincing him you were actually your sister. If he had any questions, though, he didn’t ask them. Instead leading you down a winding hallway and into a classroom. 
“Ah, it’s good to be back,” you smiled, praying that he wouldn’t be too suspicious, “Thanks for your help!”
The man just took one glance behind him, before deciding to just close the door of the classroom. 
“So you’re the twin, right?”
“Uh, I don’t know what you mean…” You tried, glancing at the desk and seeing the picture of you and your sister. She could be a real idiot sometimes. The man just raised an eyebrow at you, glancing at the picture on the desk and then back at you. 
“Listen, I know you aren’t y/s/n,” he stated, “she’s never this nice to me. Plus, what kind of teacher forgets where their classroom is?”
You let out a nervous chuckle at his accusation, it was only the first day and you had already been found out. 
“Don’t worry,” he added, “I’m not gonna tell anyone. My name’s Jinyoung. It's nice to meet you…”
“YN,” you said, taking his outstretched hand and shaking it, “I really don’t want to get my sister in trouble, so it would be really great if you kept it a secret.”
“Like I said, I am not gonna tell anyone,” he smiled, “but you are going to need to learn everyone else's names if you are going to try and pull this off.”
That was how you found yourself studying the school’s website, trying to memorize faces and names, with Jinyoung’s tips about their respective personalities. One thing you learned was that your sister wasn’t liked here, probably another reason she hadn’t wanted to tell you who she was working with. You got to talking with Jinyoung and learned that he was a kindergarten teacher. You and Jinyoung talked through your planning period, at least that’s what he called it, and when you told him you had no clue what you were doing, he suggested putting on a movie, an English movie of course. 
You stared at the list of names on your roster, Jinyoung laughing at your pathetic attempts to pronounce their names. He had to write out the pronunciation just so you could get it somewhat recognizable.  As you called the students of your class up during the first period, you had them write an English name that you could call them by. It was just easier and the kids seemed to be relieved that you weren’t going to butcher their names, although you did feel kinda bad about not calling them by their names. You explained to them that you'd be spending this semester watching and dissecting movies before putting one on. 
As time passed, this became your teaching method, watch a movie with the kids, and go over any questions about words that they had after the movie. You weren’t really sure if this was an effective way to teach English, but you didn’t have any better ideas. Jinyoung had become your only friend, as the rest of your school hated your sister, it just made sense. Especially because he knew about your little secret. It had become apparent that the two of you were attracted to each other. Both your students and he had started asking if the two of you were dating. You, of course, denied it, because he was just your friend. No matter how handsome he was. You shook thoughts of Jinyoung out of your head as you started to clean up the pizza party you had to help calm down the kids. You had never met kids who were as stressed out like these ones. Plus their exams were in a few days, and they needed a little break. 
You let out a quiet curse word as a cough rang out from behind you. 
“Any pizza left for me?” Jinyoung asked, his presence beside you sending you into the same thought process that you had been in before. You cleared your throat, reaching for a plate to hand to him. 
“The leftovers are all yours,” you smiled, chuckling at his over-exaggerated hand heart that he sent your way. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to get a drink tonight?” Jinyoung asked, a mouthful of pizza making his words hard to understand. 
“What?” You laughed, “Chew your food first you monster.”
He just laughed with you, covering his mouth as he chewed, “Sorry, I was wondering if maybe you would want to get a drink with me tonight?”
“Ms. Y/L/N, you have to go with him!” One of your students whined, apparently he had forgotten his coat for recess. Jinyoung just grinned at you, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. 
“Stay out of it,” you warned, shooing the boy back to recess. Your focused honed in, ignoring a grinning Jinyoung and busying yourself with tidying the plates and napkins. 
“You should listen to him,” Jinyoung sang, heat flaming your cheeks as you looked at him. 
“I’ll get drinks with you, but only if you SWEAR not to tell your kindergarteners, deal?”
At this, Jinyoung just chuckled, “It’s a deal, I’ll pick you up outside of your room at promptly at 4:30.”
It was your turn to laugh, the banter that the two of you often shared making a warm fuzz to fill your tummy. The fuzz that was normally only achieved through alcohol. You ignored the periods after lunch, your thoughts filling with Jinyoung. To be fair, most of the conversations your students were having were about you and Jinyoung too. The word of the date spreading quickly through the 6th grade, and you were assuming through the rest of the school. 
Your nerves didn’t pick up until your students were dismissed. Frankly, you couldn’t stand the thought of grading worksheets when you knew what was in store for you later. You needed some time to relieve some stress, and you had a feeling that Jinyoung would help provide that for you. 
Jinyoung was at the door of your classroom right when he said he would be, and his over the top bow made you chuckle as you collected your things. You weren’t sure exactly where you were going, but you knew Jinyoung would take you somewhere nice. He did. 
When you walked into the Korean Barbeque restaurant, the smell of cooking meat filled your nose, and the sound of it sizzling on the grill had your heart beating faster. You hadn’t realized how hungry you are until you sat down and heard your stomach grumble. 
“You should really take care of that,” Jinyoung laughed, lazily perusing the menu. 
“Well then, order me some food,” you smiled, taking your hair down from the bun it was in. When you look back at Jinyoung, his eyes were darker, and if you could’ve seen his crotch, you were certain there would be a noticeable bulge. 
“Excited for the food?” you asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“I’m thinking about dessert,” he smirked, his tongue wetting his lips. 
This flirty banter continued all throughout dinner, your arousal growing by the time the both of you had finished your 3rd soju bottle. 
Jinyoung’s cheeks were flushed red and you couldn’t help but smile at his drunken ramblings. When he paid for the dinner and stood up, he wobbled a little bit.
“Woah, there,” you laughed, watching his ears burn red as he steadied himself. 
You walked together out of the door, his balance much better than it had been when he stood up. 
“Listen, I’m not that drunk, just feeling a little fuzzy,” he said, his already red cheeks flushing even more. 
“It’s ok Jinyoung, I’m feeling fuzzy too.”
You walked in silence for a moment, but you could feel Jinyoung’s eyes burning a hole into the side of your face. When you turned to look at him, he had a goofy grin on his face, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
“I like making you laugh,” he whispered, grabbing your hand and interlocking it with his own. His hands were cold, but they warmed you up from the inside out. His thumb rubbing gently over your hand as you walked. He had your heart beating out of your chest, and by the time you made it to your front door, his body was pressed flush against you. His arms wrapped around your waist, and you both waddled into your apartment, Jinyoung refusing to let you go. When his face landed in the crook of your neck, your stomach flipped. 
“Your hair smells good,” he sighed, his soft tone making you close your eyes and rest your head on his shoulder. You stood like that for a while, peaceful silence almost causing you to fall asleep. When Jinyoung started tonguing at your neck, you couldn’t help but let out a low whine. His actions sped up, and when you were desperate enough, you pulled him along behind you to your bedroom. Your lips found his, softly pressing against each other. His hands roamed your shirt, squeezing your boobs he deepened the kiss. When you pulled away, you both threw your shirts off, his hand reaching around to undo your bra. That’s when you first noticed it. 
One hand became two hands trying to remove the garment, and then with two hands came a pout. You held back a smile as you reached behind yourself and unclasped the bra in one go. His pout just deepened, and ears so red they could probably be seen from miles away. 
“Jinyoung,” you whispered, placing a chaste kiss on his lips as you pushed him gently down on the bed, “are you a virgin?”
Jinyoung’s hands found your waist, and as he pulled you onto his lap, he buried his head into your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair as he gently shook his head no. 
“I’m just inexperienced,” he whispered, his head refusing to come out from your chest. You continued to massage his head, a whine leaving his throat as you helped him relax. When he started to nuzzle into your boobs, you weren’t expecting him to lick your nipple, and then take it into his mouth to harden it. He repeated his actions on the other side, your breaths hitching every so often as he sucked and bit. When he finally looked up and met your eyes, you almost squealed at how cute he was. His nose and cheeks were flushed a deep red, and his eyes were watery.
“Oh, baby boy,” you whispered as his pout deepened a low whine leaving his lips at the nickname, “What’s wrong?”
“-m ard,” he mumbled, hiding into your chest again. You just cooed at him, running your hands through his hair again. 
“But baby, I have barely even touched you,” you said, “Do you want me to help you?”
You just tsked when Jinyoung nodded into your chest, speaking a little louder than before, “Use your words, baby boy.”
Jinyoung looked up at you, his lip trembling at your harsh tone. You caressed his cheek to soothe him, and that's when he said, “will you- will you please touch me?”
That was it, you were done for. You normally considered yourself to be a more sub leaning switch, but boy was this subby little baby making you go crazy. You pressed your lips onto him, reaching your hand down and pressing on his bulge. Jinyoung almost didn’t let go of you as you climbed off of his lap, but one glance at him had him looking down and loosening his arms from around your waist. 
When you undid the button of his pants and allowed you to pull them down his legs you praised him. His pretty cock bobbing at your words. 
“Do you like being complimented baby boy?”
Jinyoung nodded again, letting out a whimper as you slapped the inside of his thigh, “Yes, I do mommy.”
If you thought you were a goner before, you didn’t know what to think now. It was clear Jinyoung was going deeper into subspace, and holy shit you didn’t know how much you liked being called mommy. 
“You’re such a good little boy, Jinyoungie,” you smiled, pressing a kiss to the tip of his cock, “and you have such a pretty cock.”
His whines at your teasing only intensified as you complimented him, “Look how big it is, baby,” you smirked, wrapping a hand around his cock and tugging once,” but you don’t even know what to do with a cock like this, do you baby?”
“N-, no mommy,” he hiccupped as you sank your mouth all the way down his length. 
“It’s ok, love,” you smiled up at him, “Mommy will take care of you.”
His sniffles were just so cute, you couldn’t stand to tease him anymore. You slipped your skirt off, placing both of your hands on Jinyoung’s cheeks. 
“Are you sure about this?” you asked, running your thumbs gently over his cheeks as he nodded, “Words, Jinyoung.”
“Yeah, god yeah, please,” he whined, gulping as you straddled him, sinking down until you had all of his length inside of you. 
“You tell me if you wanna stop, ok baby?”
“Yes,” Jinyoung whined, letting out a broken moan as you began to ride him. His fingers gripped your hips, pretty moan after pretty moan leaving his mouth as you chased your high. You were worked up, he had worked you up. He was just so good, and once you set eyes on his cock you knew you wanted to feel him in you. Now, you could maneuver yourself so that he was hitting you in all of the right places. And your sweet little love was so so close, you could tell. His hips were almost running from you, sinking as far as he could into the bed to try to take some of the pleasure away. His moans gave him away as he clung to you. 
“Mo-mommy, need to, need to come,” he whimpered, tears pricking his eyes at your silence. You kissed his nose and picked up your pace.
“You can come, little love,” you moaned, your heat clenching around him. He muttered a string of thank-yous, as you felt his cock twitching inside of you. You just kissed him, not wanting to hear his overstimulated moans as you kept riding him. But his mouth broke away, scrunched face as he moaned. 
“M, mommy,” he whined, face still red and scrunched. You tried to calm him, slowing your hips to try to relieve some of the overstimulation, but that's when you felt it. His cock twitching in you again. You let out a groan and came with him. Your eyes rolling back into your head as you clenched around him. You relaxed around him, your hands finding his cheeks as you took a deep breath. You quickly looked up when you felt the wetness on his cheeks. 
“What’s wrong love?”
“I was bad,” he sniffed, “Youngie came without permission.”
“You weren’t bad baby,” You smiled, pressing several kisses all over his face until he laughed, “you were the best boy.”
You let him pull you down across the bed, snuggling into your side and nuzzling into your neck. You fell asleep, and so did he soon after, both of you worn out.
You and Jinyoung spent the entire weekend together, laughing, making out and growing his experience. When you arrived at school on Monday, you were glowing. Your kids begged you to tell them if you went on that date, but you refused. At least until it was time for them to start their exam. In fact, you promised to tell them what happened (minus some details of course) if, and only if, they passed their exams. 
Not a single person in your class failed.
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