#I mean I guess at least I’m not worried about getting pregnant that’d make this even more stressful
keenestpeach · 1 month
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thewritingginger · 3 years
Obey Me! Brothers React: Baby?!?
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This is a VERY old request that I actually found I had when scrolling through my blog lol
I liked it so much so I did the thing. It also gives some fluff between all the sin I have in my WIPs 
Probably the calmest out of the bunch
“Are you okay?” “I’m prepared to take responsibility and make sure you’re happy.”
Makes sure you have your doctor appointments and goes with you
Very attentive to your needs
Over all he is pretty organized and prepared . . . on the outside
On the inside he’s a bit of a hoverer, but never too obvious. Just kinda stands to the side and observes,”just in case” you are carrying precious cargo afterall
Also he won't say it outloud but seeing your growing belly makes his pride shine the most and very territorial of you more than usual You are his and everyone will know
Kinda low-key didn’t not-not try to impregnate you but you didn’t hear that from me…
You and lucifer ended up having a Baby Boy Great another boy in the house
“Am I just destined to be surrounded by boys my whole life?” “I can always try to give you a girl. Just tell me when.” 😉
Yeah you’ll probably wait a year or two to actually plain for another baby, that is if Lucifer doesn’t “if it happens it happens”you again and BOOM baby #2 smh
Not as strict as one may think when thinking of Lucifer’s parenting style
Mammon definitely has something to say about that 
Does like to try and keep to a daily schedule of when they not just eat and sleep but also scheduled play and study time when they get to that age
He may need an ambulance
JK but he is a bit of a nervous wreck
Wait till he finds how birth works
But after the initial shock he is still worried about you
Maybe a bit overbearing
“Mammon, I can walk! I’m pregnant, not crippled.” “What? I can’t carry you around for no reason now?”
You end up having a Baby Girl
Cue panic mode!
Must protect baby girl at all costs Daddy mode engaged!
“My Love, you don’t have to watch her all night. She’ll be fine.” “I don’t know that!”
That dad that gets upsetty spaghetti if a “snot-nosed brat” messes with his perfect daughter on the playground
Levi.exe has stopped working
Try turning off and turning on and try again later
Wasn’t ready for you to say it
I mean sure you guys do do the do, bUt hOw?!?!?
“Can we go back?” “Levi this isn’t a video game level.”
Don’t get him wrong he’s not mad just scared!
He’ll get into it after he has time to process it 
“I guess it would be nice to have another player when your busy.”
Started “practicing” with a life simulator game
You and Levi had a baby boy!
Games galore! 
When your little boy is still a baby obviously he can’t play video games with Levi but Levi has surprisingly really liked playing peek-a-boo
You do find Levi with your son on his chest as he plays video games most of the time when he’s watching him 
Is about tied with Lucifer on the calm factor
Actually knew before you told him
“How the heck did you know, I just told you.” “Your period was late.”
Read all the books he can find on parenting and newborns in both humans and demons
You kinda wished he didn’t read so much because it went from ‘just wanting to cover all bases’ to being a bit of a worry wart and always “helping” you and “informing” you
Can you say Papa Bear!!! VERY protective!!!
Will damn near bite someone's head off if they bump into you especially w/o apologizing
Reads and/or plays music for the baby every night
“They say they can start to hear and recognize things in the womb at about 18-24 weeks. I have so many books I’d want to show them so might as well start early.”
Finds himself talking to and kississing your belly when your asleep late at night
“I promise I’m gonna make sure I’m the best Dad for you!”
Does touch your belly though everytime he kisses you
You and Satan had a Baby Girl
Truely a Daddy’s girl! She definitely has him wrapped around her little finger
He denies it but it’s true lol
Checks under the bed for “the scaries” every time she asks 
“You know Daddy will always protect you!”
Obviously the one to teach her to read and write. Making sure they get at least 30 mins of reading time together where they take turns
You’ve walking into the library many times to see Satan laying on the couch with your daughter on his chest, both asleep
At some point he finally admitted to you that he’s scared to “let her go”
He wants his baby girl to be his baby forever but he knows sadly she has to grow up but he hopes that when that happens they still have their book discussions and reading time together
It’s how he bonds with her the most.
Okay. Okay. I’ll stop cuz we should know I love Daddy Satan so I’ll stop before i get out of hand lol
Ok but really he is excited
“With my charm and your cuteness, this child is gonna be the most sought after person in devildom.”
The day you told him he started preparing their room. Filling the room with bins of stuffed animals and toys
And clothes. Lots and lots of clothes.
“Asmo we don’t even know the gender yet.” “That’s ok! What ever we don’t use I guess we’ll just have to make another for those.”
He is gonna be in for a rude awakening literally when the baby comes
Say goodbye to your beauty sleep Asmo 
You and Asmo had a Baby Girl
When he found out you were having a girl, demon lord help this new doll baby
Dress up everyday 
Loves parading her around in his arms or the stroller
“Excuse me, Princess coming through!” 
Telling him you were pregnant made him really happy!!!
“I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.” “You’ll be the best mother.”
Of course he was nervous but he had you and you always knew how to make him feel better
And when the stress of the actual baby came up he just focused on what he did know
Snacks. Snacks. & more Snacks!!!
Your pregnancy cravings were arguably the easiest part of your pregnancy for him because he was always down to go get them for you it also gave him an excuse to get more snacks for himself too and he got to try all your favorite snacks and weird concoctions you’d want.
You and Beel had surprise, surprise. Twins!!!! Fraternal Twins to be exact, a boy and a girl
One baby was scary enough but, multiply it by two!?!? Oh nelly.
But Beel really has a way to calm you.
Divide and conquer is your modo
He’ll bathe and clothe them and you feed them Beel has helped with the feeding but somehow the food seems to disappear rather fast and the rest you share and tag in and out of
I’m sorry. He must have heard you wrong.
Maybe he is still asleep and this is a dream
But nope. It’s not! You are tellin his face that he had accidentally put a … baby… inside you…
“Are you really pregnant?” “Yup” “I’m telling you right now I’m getting rid of it if it interferes with my sleep.”
Yeah… that didn’t happen :)
He lost sleep, yes. But although annoyed he was even shocked with how attached?!? He was to the child
Oh you had a boy!
You thanked the heavens for not “gifting” you with twins
A plus is your little boy takes after his father when it comes to sleep
Altho he’s still a baby so restless nights are still very much in your future 
Belphie gifted him his very own special pillow :3 He was sick of his kid stealing/hogging his
I kinda went into them as parents bit oops  I got too excited lol
Maybe I can do more Daddy AUs in the future if that’d interest anyone.
I hope you enjoyed reading this, I really liked writing it.  I can’t be the only one obviously that really likes Daddy AUs :3
I love the fluff and I hope you do too :D
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💛 ~
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
Vows Pt.9
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Series Summary:
The last battle with Negan doesn’t go as it should, with Negan coming on top, and so reader, Daryl’s girlfriend, offers herself as a wife to Negan if he doesn’t kill Daryl or anyone else. Negan accepts, he won’t kill anyone but will take reader as a wife, and he’ll take Daryl and some of the others to the Sanctuary as prisoners, promising not to hurt anyone if reader is one of his wives and the communities work for him.
This has both flashbacks to reader and Daryl’s story since meeting to now, and the present with reader living at the Sanctuary as a wife, trying to keep Daryl and their people safe, and she and the other wives dealing with Negan, plotting… (This is not a Negan x reader fic!)
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You had to wait several weeks until you could put in motion your plan to set your friends free from the Sanctuary. Not only had you to come up with something with as little risk of backfiring as possible, you also had to wait for the best, or rather only, moment in which it’d work.
At first, you’d wanted to do it yourself alone, not wanting to put any other wive at risk, and the less they knew about it, the safer they’d be, but Abby knew that you were up to something, and she hadn’t stopped until you’d agreed to let her help.
Since then, every other wive had ended up knowing about your idea too, noticing that you were planning something…now you thought that without their help, you probably hadn’t been able to put everything in motion.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Lila had come to your room at night, announcing that she knew what you were trying to do, that she’d heard you and Abby whispering about how to get a key to the cells, and that she knew how to get one, and was going to.
Apparently, Arat was on the rotation of saviors who watched over the cells. Lila’s idea was to slip off the wive’s room one night when Arat were on watch and go see her, tricking her to get the key without her noticing it.
You guessed that involved sleeping with Arat, and you didn’t want Lila to have to do that just to get you the key, put Lila kept assuring you that it was okay, that she didn’t mind it at all, and you didn’t have any other idea as to how to get the key, so you ended up agreeing.
You were now pacing nervously around the wive’s room, waiting for Lila. Tonight was the night in which she’d gone to try and play Arat. You were scared thinking Arat might discover what Lila was up to, or that Lila’d be caught up with Arat, or sneaking around the Sanctuary. Lila had told you that she’d be fine, that it was not the first neither the second time that she sneaked out of the wive’s room to go have fun with Arat, but you still couldn’t shake your worry. You didn’t want Lila, or anyone else, to get hurt while trying to help you.
Every other wive was now aware of what was going on too, but they didn’t seem as anxious as you. Apparently, they were used to Lila sneaking out to see Arat, and she’d always been fine, so they weren’t too worried about it…she’d never tried to steal a key to the cells from Arat, though, so you were scared thinking what Arat might do if she caught Lila, although she must know that all the other wives would team up against her and try to convince Negan that she was pestering Lila if she tried anything…but if she was caught losing the key to the cells, nothing good could come to her either, so you weren’t sure how Arat might react if she caught Lila…
“I still think we’re not taking full advantage of this…” Frankie commented, taking you out of your thoughts.
She’d been helping too, but she thought that you all could be doing more. Your idea was to free your friends, open the cells but bust the locks to make it look like someone had helped them from inside without a key, and have them running away from the Sanctuary, the other wives seemed to know a lot about the corridors and whatnot, and about the saviors taking watch, so they had helped you choose the best escape route.
Frankie, though, didn’t think it was the best plan. She thought that your people shouldn’t run away once free, but go to the armory and get weapons, you all would be joining them there, and then fight against the saviors too, probably other workers would join too.
You, on the other hand, thought that too dangerous, both to your friends, the wives, and the workers.
You didn’t know in which condition were your friends, but you knew it was not good, after weeks inside the cells with barely any food, you didn’t know if they’d be strong enough to fight so many saviors, not to mention in their territory…it’d be hard enough even if they were as strong as ever, not to mention that you all would have to get to the armory, which was guarded by saviors, while you barely had any weapons. And you knew that Daryl was still weak and recovering from the iron burn...you gave thanks every day that he hadn’t died of an infection.
Neither did you know how many of the unarmed workers really knew how to fight anyway, and could stand against the saviors, while most of the saviors were skilled, ruthless, and good armed. You knew that Frankie and Abby could work a gun and use the knife, but the other wives had no experience fighting, they had barely put down walkers, let alone kill human, alive people who was fighting back.
“I told you, I want to burn down this place too…” You assured Frankie. “But I don’t want us dying on the process…my people will help us from outside once they’re free.”
You had written a note to Rick to slip it into the cell with the key, explaining everything about how to get out, advising him to hide with the others but not go to any community controlled by Negan, though you didn’t think they’d be that stupid, and explaining that, if they’d try to overthrow the saviors from outside again, you had people who’d help from the inside…you didn’t know how you all could coordinate that attack, you had no way to communicate with them.
“Yes, because your plan from outside worked so good the last time…” Frankie sighed.
“Hey…we almost won…Eugine plan tampering with the bullets worked…they were just way more and with more weapons that we knew, and they tricked us using Dwight.” You shrugged defensively.
“Yeah, Eugine’s plan to send away the walkers that your people left surrounding the Sanctuary worked too…fucking Eugine,” Frankie cursed, and you had to agree, you had hated Eugine for that too, when you still thought he’d betrayed you all. “Didn’t want to help us poison Negan either.”
“I still think we can work that idea without Eugine, we should think about it…” Abby said, and you weren’t very sure of what they were talking about, but it sounded like something you wanted to be part of. “Also, who was the idiot who decided to crash a truck here to let walkers inside when we were surrounded? My sister was cleaning the savior’s rooms and the walkers almost got her if me and Laura hadn’t got to her first!”
You let out a sigh, rubbing your forehead. “I, uh…I’m afraid that was my idiot…he wasn’t thinking straight…”
“Daryl?” Abby scoffed. “Woman, once every fucking savior is dead and we’ve gutted Negan, I’m punching your boyfriend for that.”
“Fair enough,” you snorted…your friends safe, the saviors and Negan dead…could that be a reality?
The door opened and you all looked to see if it was Lila, though you knew it was way too early. It wasn’t her but Tanya, who came from the infirmary, setting in motion another part of the plan.
“Not pregnant,” she announced, her excuse for having gone to the infirmary was wanting to take a pregnancy test.
“No shit,” Abby snorted.
“I mean, I was already there so why not check for real, last thing I need is baby Negan,” Tanya shrugged before looking at you. “But I talked to your friend Siddiq, didn’t give him details, but told him that this night he must let himself be seen all the time, so people can vouch for him, and also next Wednesday night.” That was the date when Aran was on watch again, the one you all had picked for your friends to escape. “He wanted to ask things but I didn’t let him.”
“Good, good, thanks.” You nodded. The less Siddiq knew, the safer he’d be. You also wanted him to escape, but he wasn’t in a cell, being the doctor of the place, and you hadn’t been able to come up with any idea that wasn’t too risky.
“Now…let’s wait for Lila.”
It was late at night when Lila finally slipped back into the wives’ room. She was carrying with her a box of chocolates, and you guessed that’d be her excuse if someone asked her what she’d been doing outside.
“Are you okay? Did Arat notice something?” You asked anxiously.
“I’m fine, I told you I could do it, Arat doesn’t know anything, didn’t notice me getting the key, she was busy,” Lila chuckled, placing the box of chocolates on the table and taking one before flopping on the sofa.
“Okay, okay, good…” You nodded, but you still couldn’t help how nervous you were. “You think she’ll say that she’s lost her key?”
“And face Negan’s rage at it? Would you?” Lila snorted. “Nah, I’m sure she’d just try to find it and hide that she doesn’t have it for as long as she can…she’s not the first one to lose a key, Sherry stole one from Dwight, I’m sure, and there was this other savior too…the idiot admitted having lost it and he ended up in one of the cells himself. Nah, Aran’t won’t talk.”
“Alright…okay…okay, good….” Everything seemed to be working, but that wouldn’t make you worry less about this whole thing. “You got the key, then?”
“Got something better.” Lila smiled and you eyed her with worry.
“What did you do?”
“Well…I was going to be near the cells already, so I took that note you had written for your friend Rick, once there I told Arat to go make sure there was nobody around that could catch us, and while she was at it, I slipped both the note and the key under Rick’s cell door…at least I think it was Rick’s…”
“What?! That was dangerous! What if Arat caught you?! Or somebody else!” You had wanted to be the one delivering the key and the note with the instructions, you didn’t want anyone but you having to take that risk.
“She didn’t catch me, nobody saw me, it’s fine.” Lila shrugged, and you had to admit that maybe she was actually quite good at sneaking around, you hadn’t noticed her taking the note with instructions from where you had hidden it. “I know people look at me and think I can’t fight or do anything like this, but I can, see? Maybe I’d have been even a better savior than wife.” Lila smiled, but you still felt guilty.
“Lila, nobody thinks you can’t do it, but you didn’t have to, you didn’t have to put yourself at risk, you don’t have anything to prove,” you insisted.
“It’s fine! It’s not that different from sneaking out of my parent's house through the window of my room to see whoever I was dating that moment, I used to do that all the time when I was a teen.” Lila shrugged, chuckling, and she nudged you when you still looked worried. “Relax! Come on, you have to look like nothing is going on, there’s still a few days to wait until your friends try to go out, Negan can’t notice, yeah?”
“She’s right, we have to act like everything is fine and nothing is going on, alright…” Frankie nodded.
“Yeah…is not like we’re not used to acting here,” Abby snorted. “Good job, Lila, and you even brought us chocolate.” Abby sat down next to Lila, wrapping an arm around her before reaching to pick one of the chocolates.
“Hey, Lila,” you insisted. “You know what could happen to Arat if Negan finds that she lost the key, right? Or when my people break free on her shift…you okay with it?”
Lila shrugged, but her smile was gone. “Yeah…I mean…I have fun with her, and she’s hot, but I do know that she murdered a bunch of kids in Oceanside, and other things I don’t know about…so…yeah…she’s no innocent…”
“Come on, everyone...we have to act like everything is fine…”
The days leading to the evening when your friends were supposed to escape felt eternal, and every hour you spent with Negan, you were afraid you were acting suspicious, but finally, the day came.
Every other wive knew what to do, stay at the room, let herself be seen there, and you hoped that Siddiq was doing that too, getting himself be seeing by saviors and workers.
The other wives had decided that you should be entertaining Negan that evening, since you’d be the main suspect of your friends breaking out, and so you’d lured him into the bedroom as soon as you could, trying to channel your best black widow seductress performance despite your nerves, and intending on keeping him there for as long as possible.
You’d timed the plan as best as possible, but there were variables that you couldn’t predict…how long would it take Rick and the others to be able to leave, would they run into trouble, would they be caught and have to fight their way out…if so, Negan would be the first to know, and so when there was an urgent knocking on the door, your heart leaped to your throat.
The door opened before Negan could say anything, and Abby peeked inside.
“What the fuck, doll, couldn’t wait to join or-” Negan began but stopped when he saw Abby’s urgent expression. “What?!”
“Something happened, Rian is looking for you, it seems urgent, you need to come right now!” Abby seemed genuinely worried, and it was scaring you, but you knew it might be just an act, you didn’t know what to think…
Negan cursed and began dressing up quickly, and while he had his back to Abby, she winked at you, helping you ease your worries a bit. Negan stormed off his room, rushing down the corridor and out the wives’ room, leaving you all there.
“So?” You asked anxiously once you were sure Negan had walked away.
“They did it…I mean, at least they escaped the cells, I know that but couldn’t get anything else, I don’t know if they’re out the Sanctuary or not…”
“Okay….okay…” You tried to breathe, sitting down on one of the sofas, and Noemi sat down next to you, reaching out to hold your hand.
“All we can do now is wait…and we have to keep pretending that we don’t know what’s going on, just in case…”
You didn’t know how long you spent there, waiting, probably less than it felt, but it felt eternal nonetheless, until finally the door opened and a savior that you’d seen around often walked in.
“Y/N? Negan wants to see you.”
“In the bedroom?” You asked, trying to sound nonchalant, and the savior scoffed.
“No. Follow me.”
You did so, the other wives giving you encouraging looks before you closed the door behind you.
The savior led you through the Sanctuary, stopping in front of a room, and nodded at you to walk in. As you’d been walking, you’d tried to remind yourself that you’d trained how you should act, whatever was the news, that you could do it, you’d been acting and performing for months, after all…
You tried not to forget it all as you walked into what seemed Negan’s office or place of meeting. There was a table in the middle of the room, chairs around it, and Negan was sat down at the head of the table with his bat lying against the side of the chair.
“What’s going on?” You asked when he didn’t say anything, and Negan kept looking at you in silence before he spoke.
“Your friends are gone.”
“Gone?” You glanced at his bat and swallowed hard, both pretending to be anxious and nervous for real. “What do you mean…gone?”
“I mean, gone!” Negan snapped. “Gone as in they left without saying fucking goodbye!”
You blinked at Negan before scoffing. “You’re trying to make fun of me…quit it, it’s not funny, Negan.”
“Do I look like I’m laughing, doll?” Negan asked, his voice sounding dangerous.
You frowned at him before sitting on a chair, facing him. “So…you’re telling me that my friends left their locked cells, walked around a place full of your saviors, and left said place, while more of your saviors kept watch on the lookouts.” You said and Negan just looked at you in silence, seeming to study you, so you tried to hide your nervousness. “Is this…is this some kind of trick?”
“You tell me, doll, is this some kind of trick?” Negan kept eyeing you in that dangerous way. “Won’t you happen to know how your friends managed to do everything you just said, get out the cells, knock out Arat who was on watch, kill my lookouts, ran away? I was thinking, dear wife, that maybe you have a say on this?”
You scoffed at that.  “Yes, I sent my double to fuck you while I went to get a key to the cells, set my friends free, help them escape, but I decided to stay here instead of leaving with them,  because my new husband is too charming for me to want to leave this place and go back to my friends and family, how could abandon you if I’m given the chance, the man who burned my ex-boyfriend with an iron and threatened to throw me to one of the cells if he misbehaved.”
You weren’t too sure of how Negan was going to react to your words, if it might work as you expected it or backfire, but to your relief, he snorted.
“Charming as always, darling, even when you should bite that pretty tongue…” Negan told you, but he didn’t sound that threatening anymore, you could read him better now than when you first married him. “Don’t you think this might not be the best moment for you to say what you truly think of me…and here I was, thinking that you were fond of me now,” he joked.
“Well…” You shrugged. “This life is not that bad as I thought, I can give you that…would you rather I lied?”
“No, darling, I want you to say the fucking truth…” Negan was back at studying you. “You know nothing of this then?”
You sighed, rolling your eyes. “Truth is it? I have no idea, otherwise, if I had known that they were going to escape, I’d have tried to go with them in a second…and you know it.”
“Yeah…won’t you want to be far from your rabid bitch Daryl, uh?” Negan asked darkly, and you just shrugged. “Who did this, then?”
“How do you want me to know?” You shrugged, rolling your eyes, trying to look exasperated. “Who has the keys?”
“They didn’t use the keys, the locks were busted from outside,” Negan explained. “Who do you think would want to get your friends free? Besides you.”
“No one?” You scoffed. “Workers have no reason to risk it, your saviors hate us, so…well, there’s…no, nothing…”
“What is it, doll.” Negan squinted at you. “I told you I want the truth…for your own good, darling.”
You looked at him and then let out a sigh, falling against the back of your seat, pretending to give up. “Siddiq…you didn’t have him in a cell…maybe…I don’t know if there’s a way for him to reach the cells without being seen…” You really,  really hoped that Siddiq had followed your instructions and let himself be seen by saviors the whole time, so you weren’t throwing him under the bus.
“Good thinking.” Negan nodded. “Same than me, I’ve been having a lovely conversation with our dear doctor right before they brought you in…It wasn’t Siddiq, he was at the infirmary with a couple of my guys, inventorying whatever the fuck they have there,” Negan explained, to your relief. “Didn’t seem to know what had happened either, and I was very thorough in my questioning.”
You hoped that it didn’t mean he’d hurt Siddiq, but you didn’t ask anything of that, instead blinking at Negan. “So…so you mean Siddiq is still here too, then? He didn’t leave with the others?” You frowned before scoffing quietly. “So they left him behind too…” You muttered.
“What was that?” Negan asked, and you shook your head. “Oh…oh, you think your friends left you behind…” Negan chuckled and when you glanced at him, he was looking at you with a smirk, but you just shrugged.
“I think…I think that somehow they found themselves free, and they managed to leave this place, without bothering on checking if they could take me, the person who agreed to marry you and shag you to keep them safe and alive, with them when they escaped, because yes, why would they do that,” you blurted out, pretending that you hadn’t rehearsed it, and Negan chuckled at it.
“Oh, darling…” Negan’s dark smirk grew. “I’d say you’re sounding kind of bitter…I thought you’d be jumping in joy…and I thought your dog would never leave this place without you…”
“Yeah, you and me both…” You muttered bitterly…you were relieved Daryl had left, though, you were afraid he wouldn’t leave without you, and you had told Rick on your note to do anything that he needed in order to take Daryl with him.
“Well, well…maybe I’m starting to seem more charming to you now?” Negan teased you and you glared at him. “Here you are, admitting that you’d leave me at the first chance…while I wouldn't have left you behind like your friends did, you know…”
“Yeah, I’m sure if there’s a fire at the Sanctuary, you’d carry all your brides to safety before saving your own skin,” you scoffed and Negan just chuckled.
“I would.”
“Yeah,” you scoffed again. “If you didn’t want me to admit that I’d leave this place at the first chance, you shouldn’t have made me say the truth.” You shrugged. “So if you’re going to punish me for it, just go ahead already.”
“I’m not going to do anything to you, doll, I’ll let it pass…It’s not like I didn’t know it already.” Negan chuckled darkly. “And I’m not going to punish you for being honest and saying the truth when I ask you to.”
You didn’t say anything to that, just shook your head bitterly.
“Jumping in joy…” You repeated Negan’s words. “You think I’d be jumping in you if they escaped? They were idiots…” You sniffed, swallowing hard, trying somehow to summon tears to your eyes. “I took this deal to keep them safe! I’ve kept them safe, didn’t I?!” You ranted. “But no, they didn’t seem to trust me to keep them safe, they had to run away…and now, now when you find them, you’re going to kill them, no matter our deal, right?”
Negan nodded. “You know I have to do it, doll, can’t have people thinking that they can try to run away without consequences.”
You sighed, letting yourself fall against the back of the seat again, before looking at Negan. “All of them? Can you just…spare all but one or something, kept the others locked again or…I don’t know…” You said, trying to sound desperate.
“What, you wanna be the one picking who I kill?” Negan chuckled darkly and you glared at him with tears in your eyes. “Haven’t decided, doll…Rick and Daryl…you know I’ll kill them, darling, you know I have to,” Negan said and you nodded, closing your eyes tight as you swallowed hard. “Rosita and Eugine…those two are useful…might kill them anyway, but…” Negan shrugged. “Dwight, second time that rat crosses me…”
“Wait…Dwight?” You interrupted Negan. “You’re telling me…you’re telling me that they took Dwight with them, but couldn’t spare a second to try and get to Siddiq or me?” Negan didn’t say anything, but his smirk grew and you glared at him. “Don’t you dare to smile at that or…”
“Or what, darling?” He asked, but he sounded more teasing than threatening.
“Or nothing…” You let out a defeated sigh. “Got nothing I can do…but…” You chuckled darkly before looking at Negan. “You got nothing on me anymore, either. The people I was protecting with our deal are gone…you got nothing on me…you said I wasn’t here against my will…”
“What is this, doll, you saying you're dumping me?” Negan squinted at you.
“Well…maybe you know any other place where I can get a bed as comfortable and a supply of chocolate? If you don’t, then I guess I’ll have to stay married to you.” You blinked at Negan and he smirked.
“I’m afraid I don’t, darling…and I’m sure your bedroom is way more comfortable than the cell where I’ll have to keep your pretty ass if you don’t want to be married to me anymore.”
“Then I guess I’m still your wife…worse things in the world, I guess, than a comfortable bed and a supply of sweets…” You joked.“So…yeah, yeah, I’m still married to you even if there’s no deal anymore, even if I’m not protecting my family anymore.” You knew you served your people better as a wife on the inside, than locked and unable to do anything.
“Your family…” Negan chuckled. “The way I see it, doll, your family just abandoned you without looking back.”
“Don’t say that,” you pretended to snap, glaring at him.
“What, you said it yourself, love,” Negan smirked at you. “They didn’t even try to help you out, not even your dog, after all you did for them…they got their chance, they seized it, I don’t judge.” Negan shrugged. “But…I told you, I wouldn't have left you behind like that…so, darling, maybe you want to start reconsidering where your loyalty lies from now on…”
If you enjoyed this, comments and reblogs are always more than welcome, thanks.
Also, as always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
New taglist for Daryl,I trimmed it, if you want to be tagged let me know and also, please, if you are not interested in being tagged anymore let me know too
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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Drop Off
(Story Post)
The middle school grades were already off for the summer which is how Diederich and Nari were able to take their Europe trip, but Dax’s second grade class was only just wrapping up that week. He still had classes to teach leading up to his weekend trip with Nathan, but he always went to his boyfriend’s place immediately after school. He knew Nathan felt overwhelmed having to take care of the twins and Wano by himself, so Dax tried to be as available as possible. On Wednesday, he came home surprised to see none other than Jeffrey Matthews standing in the front hall with Ben strapped to him. Nathan was there as well, drilling him like it was a game of 20 questions. “I told you, he didn't invite me,” Jeffrey was saying. “I just came by to give Wano a gift.” “What kind of gift?” Nathan demanded. “Good afternoon?” Dax announced himself as he came in. “Hello, Jeffrey. What are you doing here?” Jeffrey rolled his eyes. “Like I've been telling Nathan, I brought over a gift for Wano. That's all.”
Wano came down the stairs at that point and went over to Jeffrey eagerly. “Hello, lovemate. How are you?” He gave Jeffrey a peck on the forehead. Nathan frowned. “Wano, did you invite Jeffrey over?” Wano shook his head quickly. “No, this is a surprise to me!” “I brought you this,” Jeffrey said handing Wano a box. “Made it myself!” Wano opened the box excitedly to find a cake inside. “This is for me? Why?” Jeffrey just shrugged. “I was saving this recipe to make for Bler for Father's Day, but you know, he’s gone, so I made it for you.” “Is that a chocolate cake?” Nathan asked. “Chocolate's not good for your Eclulan diet, Wano.” “I still like it,” Wano said. He smiled at Jeffrey. “Thank you.” Dax went over to his boyfriend and rubbed his back. “Nathan, relax.” Nathan placed his hands akimbo. “So, if that's everything, Jeffrey you can be on your way.” Jeffrey frowned. “Why are you so pushy? I came a long way. I would at least like to stay for some of the cake I made.” Wano looked at Nathan and then turned back to Jeffrey. “No, I am sorry, Jeffrey. You cannot stay.” “What?” Jeffrey huffed. “Why not?” “I did not get permission for guests,” Wano said. “But it is okay, I can see you this weekend! I will be at APID while they go north.” Jeffrey softened a bit. “Oh yeah? Okay. Can you save some cake until then?” “If you want, you could take it and bring it back to APID Friday,” Wano suggested. “No, no. You should have some while it's fresh. Just save me a piece,” Jeffrey said. “Jeffrey, if you'd like, I could drive you home again,” Dax offered. “Naw, you just got home,” Jeffrey brushed off. “I've got a bus pass.” “I insist,” Dax said. “After all, we have car seats and that'd be much more comfortable for Ben than being carried a long way, wouldn't it?” “I guess so,” Jeffrey said. “Right now, or can I say goodbye to Wano?” “Of course, you can say goodbye,” Dax said giving Nathan’s hand a squeeze. “It'll only be about twenty minutes there and back, babe.” “Thank you, Dax,” Nathan said. Jeffrey wrapped his arms around Wano's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. “Text me, okay?” “Yes,” Wano said. “I will show you how much I love eating your cake.” “Nathan can't have any because he's being mean to us, okay?” Jeffrey decided as he pulled away. “I'll see you later.” “Okay.” Wano gave Ben a pat on the head. “Goodbye little Ben.” Jeffrey grinned and made Ben wave. “Say ‘Bye Wano'! Bye bye!” Ben just looked up at Jeffrey. “Buh?” “He's not much of a talker,” Jeffrey admitted. He gave Wano's bicep a squeeze. “Alright, see ya, handsome.” “Bye.”
On the way to Ollie's apartment, Jeffrey was clearly upset. He’d asked for the aux but he wasn't settling on any song for more than a few seconds. Dax found it very distracting while he drove, so when a song he knew came on, he told Jeffrey he liked it and it was left on. “So, you and Wano,” Dax tried to make conversation. “Pretty serious, huh?” Jeffrey frowned. “Yeah… I don't get what Nathan has against us being together. We're both adults. It's none of his business.” “Well, Nathan cares about Wano a lot,” Dax said. “And I think he's more concerned about the fact that you guys won't be able to be together because of Wano's immigration status.” “He got an extension,” Jeffrey said. “Can't he get another one?” Dax sighed. “I don't think it's happening… I think Wano will be deported one way or another. He can reapply to return but it's hard to say if it would hold and how long it would take, considering he violated his VISA by acquiring a criminal record.” Jeffrey pouted. “Still… He's still here for now. He should be able to do what he wants.” “That's not really true,” Dax said. “His staying with Nathan is conditional. He can't leave the house and he must behave himself. Nathan is partially responsible for him considering he’s housing him. We're just trying to make this transition smooth so he's in good standing with APID should he be allowed back.” Jeffrey crossed his arms. “How is seeing me misbehaving?” “It's not really about him seeing you so much as… Well…” Dax frowned. “He says you're both trying to make a baby. Is that true?” Jeffrey shrugged. “Well, it’s normal for two adults in a relationship to have sex… I don't really like condoms and stuff. Most aliens can’t carry our STDs anyway. And if I get pregnant, I get pregnant, I guess…” Dax sighed again. “Do you see how that can come off as irresponsible? Wano's not…the brightest, and he's driven by a lot of very, I want to say, basic instincts, so I'm not really that surprised if he thinks having a baby will make everything great, but I know you’re the smarter one. You have the ability to be the responsible adult in this situation. Do you really honestly think having a baby right now, with Wano of all people, is a good idea?” Jeffrey huffed. “…You know, you're not my dad… I don't need your life advice.” “No, I'm not your dad,” Dax agreed. “But I was your teacher once, and I do care about all my students. You have a lot of potential, Jeffrey. I would like to see you thrive in this world. You have options. You are capable of making good choices.” Jeffrey just went silent. Dax just gave up for now and decided not to bother him the rest of the way. When they got to the apartment building, Dax went up with him to make sure he got in safe. Jeffrey's cousin was there, and he looked rather upset when he saw Jeffrey. “Where've you been?” Ollie asked. “I texted you and you didn't answer me.” “I just went out. I don't have to tell you everywhere I go,” Jeffrey stated as he took off his shoes. “I was worried about Ben,” Ollie said going over to pick up the baby. “I thought you might've taken him to a bar again…” “That was one time,” Jeffrey moaned. “Can you get over it?” “And who's this guy?” Ollie asked looking Dax up and down. “I'm Dax,” Dax said. “I—” “He's a friend of a friend from group,” Jeffrey said. “He offered me a ride home.” “I actually taught Jeffrey in high school,” Dax said rubbing his neck. “Never expected my partner to be in the same pregnancy group as him, but here we are.” “I'm Ollie, Jeffrey's cousin,” Ollie said. “I went to the same school as Jeffrey some years before him. I don't think I remember you.” “I was only there a couple years,” Dax said. “I work at APID E now.” Ollie shrugged. “Are you an ‘alternative person' like they're calling people these days?” “Uh, well—" “Ollie, you know that’s rude!” Jeffrey snapped. “It's alright, Jeffrey,” Dax said. “My situation’s a bit hard to explain.” “We're fairies, you know?” Ollie said, smoothing out Ben's hair. “Probably wouldn't guess from looking at us. Jeffrey's more than me. That's why he's so short.” “That's actually quite interesting,” Dax mused. “Is it a matter of being mixed, or are fairies like merpeople, where the child will always be a merperson no matter if one parent is human?” “It's a bit of both, I think,” Ollie said. “Fairies have been interbred with humans over a long period of time so we've sort of evolved with humans… But, uh… It's like this. Both of Jeffrey's parents were fairies making him a high blood fairy. Only my mother was a fairy, making me low blood. But I'm still considered a fairy 100%. Any kids we have will be 100% fairy no matter what.” “So, even little Ben too then, despite his alien heritage?” Dax asked. “That’s right. Low blood like me but still 100% fairy,” Ollie said. “That’s truly lovely,” Dax said. “Since embracing my native heritage, this topic has always fascinated me. I did my Masters thesis on the ‘Blood Quantum’ and it’s negative effects on indigenous groups in Canada—" “Ugh, if you guys are gonna nerd out, I’m going to my room,” Jeffrey said taking Ben with him. Ollie waited for Jeffrey to close his bedroom door before sighing. “Sorry about my cousin… He’s very scholastically averse.” “Oh, I know, imagine trying to teach him French…” Dax said. “But please, I’m now a bit invested. What sets a fairy apart from a human?” “Hm, some basic stuff,” Ollie said. “It’s mostly magic sensitivity. But physically… Can’t grow facial hair, generally short, can’t really gain weight, some magic ability, sometimes inhuman hair or eye colour. Oh, and the ears.” Dax tilted his head. “Well, your ears aren’t particularly pointed or anything… And you’re rather average height.” “Low blood as I said.” Ollie spread his arms. “All I really got was the eyes, the lack of facial hair and the metabolism. Although, if I try hard enough, I can gain some muscle where Jeffrey can’t… I think I’ve even heard of low blood fairies getting big and muscly and growing beards. Never met one, though I don’t really know other fairies outside the family.” “You do look rather fit,” Dax commented. “You have great calves.” “Thank you, I’m a runner,” Ollie said proudly. “And you’re not too bad yourself.” “Ah...” Dax rubbed his neck. “I’m a bit of a yoga and swim nut. Although I’ve been a bit out of shape lately…” “Are you kidding? You have very tight buns,” Ollie complimented. “Well, thank you… I really should start working out again…” Dax said, rubbing his neck. “I keep looking up some fun smoothie recipes I want to try for workouts, but I haven’t found the time. Not to mention the protein powders are expensive, and I kinda need it with my diet.” “Well, the one I get isn't so expensive,” Ollie said. He moved to the cupboards. “You know what, the taste's been a bit different lately so you should try some of mine and if you like it, you can get it online at wheylux.com.” “Oh? Alright, sounds promising,” Dax said. “I can order it, you don't have to share.” “No, no, it's no big deal,” Ollie said grabbing the container from his cupboard. “It really is reasonably cheap, and you don't need much each time. I take a teaspoon and it lasts so long.” “Well, alright. I'll try it,” Dax said. Ollie made up a tiny Tupperware for Dax and handed it over. “There you go. Keep the cup. I have plenty.” “Well, thank you,” Dax said pocketing the product. “I appreciate it.” “Don’t mention it.” Dax smiled. “I should probably head home though. Promised I'd be back in 20.” “Don’t let me keep you,” Ollie said. “Dax, was it?” “Yes. Dax Olivier.” Dax stepped out the door. “And Ollie, right? Are you a Matthews as well?” “Larson,” Ollie offered his hand. “Oliver Larson. Or just Ollie.” Dax shook his hand. “Well, it was nice to meet you, Ollie.” “You, too. Safe drive. Thanks for dropping off the brats.” Dax chuckled. “No problem.”
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I'm so sorry, it's such a horrible day all around and I'm sending you al the good vibes I can find. I've never really sent a prompt before, but if you felt like writing some Buddie 2.01 AU, where their first meeting wasn't actually their first meeting, that might be fun? Or literally anything, everything you write makes me smile! Hope it gets better soon!! ❤
Hey! Thank you for sending this. Tonight has been an absolute shitshow of emotions but having something to focus on definitely helped. 
So, yeah. This is a First Meeting AU of sorts. Again, thank you for giving me something to do other than cry. I really appreciate it.
Dear Eddie,
Thank you for being my bunk buddy. I had a really good camp with you. Please write me from Texas.
From, Buck.
 Dear Buck,
Hi from Texas. Thank you for the bracelet. My sister said bracelets are for girls but I don’t care. I also had a really good time at camp and I can’t wait to go next year. Will you be there, next year? Maybe we could bunk together again. School starts soon and I’m a little nervous because fifth grade is my last year at this school and I don’t want to leave my friends behind. What’s your favourite subject in school? Mine
 Dear Eddie,
Please tell your sister than anyone can wear bracelets and that if she tries to make fun of them again, the ghost of Camp Kuriakas will haunt her dreams. I tried that on my sister but she just laughed at me so maybe you’ll have better luck. Mom says I can’t go back to camp next year because we’re moving and it will be too far away. But don’t worry, you can write me from camp and tell me all about it. I don’t really like school but I do like the library. I’ve been reading this book called
Dear Buck,
Camp wasn’t as fun without you but you were right about Suzie Pecoski, she had to leave a day early because the popcorn got stuck in her braces. Jose laughed but I told him not to and he told Counselor Lia that I punched him. So after dinner, I did. He didn’t tell that time. I still missed you though. I hope your new house is nice. What is your room like?
 Dear Eddie,
I can’t believe I start high school tomorrow. I tried to call Maddie and ask for advice but she didn’t pick up so I guess I’m on my own for this one. Except I’m not alone because I have you. You’d answer if I called, right, Eddie? Anyways, I’ve been thinking about your theory about the island being purgatory
I have no idea what I’m doing but I definitely think I just asked Kylie Wilcox to the dance. I am freaking out! Kylie’s nice and she’s so pretty but I didn’t mean to ask her. I just meant to ask if she needed someone to help on the committee. But I guess I have a date to the dance. What do I even wear? I’m not asking Sophia. One: she’s two years younger and would just make fun of all my choices and Two: she would definitely tell Adriana who would tell mom who would tell dad and then I’d never hear the end of it. Help me, Buck, you’re my only hope!
You do remember that these letters take weeks to get to me, right? Didn’t the dance already happen? I hope you didn’t trip over your two left feet and fall flat on your face. Oh wait. Yes I do. That’d be so funny. And you need to have more fun, Diaz.
Have you ever had feelings for a guy that you thought you could only have for a girl?
 Hi Eddie,
Isn’t email so much better? We’re one step closer to communicating like human beings. Welcome to the 21st century. Anyways, graduation’s coming up and my dad keeps asking me where I’m going to go to college and I don’t know how much longer I can keep avoiding answering him. How do I tell him I failed? How am I going to face him? He’s going to be so disappointed in me. Maddie and Doug are driving in for the ceremony and I haven’t even told her that they’re letting me walk across the stage out of pity. I’m scared.
 Dear Buck,
Greetings from El Paso! Remember when I said I was never going to work for my father? Guess who’s the newest employee. I suppose it’s a good thing. This thing with Shannon is getting serious and I know I should have a stable job. I just thought I’d have a little time, you know? I thought I’d get to be me for a little bit. Sorry Seattle didn’t work out. Hey, maybe you could try Texas next. Try all four corners of the country, right? That wouldn’t be so bad.
 Dear Eddie,
I am writing from an internet café in Guatemala. Don’t ask me how I got here, I’m not entirely sure myself but I know it involved tequila. And possibly the guy I woke up next to (I think his name was Nico?) but who knows. Congratulations on Shannon getting pregnant!!! I know you’re freaking out. You don’t have to tell me that you’re freaking out because I know you. But you’re going to be a great dad. Hell, you’ve been half-raising me since you helped me learn my times tables at camp. I can’t believe what losers we were that we stayed up all night doing math. Anyways, I’ll let you know when I’m back in the states. And STOP FREAKING OUT.
 Dear Buck,
I’m sorry it’s taken so long to reply. The WiFi’s shit over here. I’m actually typing this from a hospital bed. Don’t worry, I’m okay. Or at least I will be. They said they’re sending me home and (you’re the only one I can tell this to) I got scared. I don’t know what’s waiting for me back in Texas. I don’t know what I’m coming home to. The officers keep telling me that it was an honor to serve my country and Shannon keeps telling me that she would rather I serve my family. I thought I was doing that but I was wrong. I was wrong about a lot of things, Buck, but there’s one thing I do know. Only one of us is throwing our life away for a worthy cause.
You are a pretentious asshole, you know that? You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Just because I don’t have a wife and a kid and a white picket fence, you think I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. You’re wrong. You think you know me because we shared a room one summer when we were kids but you don’t know me, Eddie Diaz. You just want me to be like you.
 I’m sorry, Eddie. I didn’t mean any of it. The truth is I’m lost. You were right. You’re always right. I know I’m just a screw up but please don’t tell me I’ve screwed this up too.
 Eddie, I’m so sorry. Please respond.
 Hey Buck,
It’s been a while (two years, I think?). I just wanted to see how you were doing. A little update on my life. Shannon left me. Sort of. It’s complicated. Christopher and I actually just moved to California so I could start a new job. I’m hopeful that this is the right change for us. I hope you’re doing well. I know I never said it but I forgive you and I’m sorry. You were my best friend, Buck, and I hope we can be friends again. I didn’t realize how much I relied on you until you were gone. I know I’m the one who shut you out. I really hope you can forgive me for that because I miss you. I miss my friend. Anyways, if you’re ever in Los Angeles, let me know. You know after all these years, I don’t know what you look like. I still remember the skinny kid with the birthmark over his eye who tried to go skinny dipping in the lake but slipped on the docks and bruised his elbow. I wonder what he’s up to.
 Dear Eddie,
You’ll never believe this, but I ran into a guy at work who has the same name as you. What a coincidence, right? I think I was in denial for most of the day that, of all places, I would reunite with you at a fire station in Los Angeles. But I’m really glad we did.
I’m sending instructions for Christopher’s birthday party (I know, I know, you are the party planning expert but I’m the father so you have to at least pretend to listen to me). He’s really looking forward to it. It’s the first one without Shannon so Buck? Please make it perfect for my kid? I could really use a win this year. And no ice cream cake (don’t think I don’t know he’s been trying to talk you into it). I’m already going to have to deal with a room full of hyper nine-year-olds, I don’t need melted ice cream on top of that. What am I saying? You’re the party planner, you can clean it up. What would I do without you?
I was going to text you but that seemed too informal and there’s too much pressure on a phone call so I thought I’d go back to what we do best. You were right when you said I was afraid. I’ve never felt this way about anyone and it’s you. We’ve known each other our whole lives and it never occurred to me that I might be in love with you. But that doesn’t mean I’m not. Eddie, I think I’ve been in love with you since we were nine years old and you kissed my bruised elbow. When you kissed me tonight, I don’t know, I froze. I’m so sorry, Eddie. If I could do it over, I’d still be kissing you. God, I really hope I haven’t screwed this up for good.
 Hey Buck,
Turn around.
Love, Eddie.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 9
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2443
Warnings:  Pregnancy, mentions of past child abuse
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 9: Ghost of Family Past
It wasn’t long before I felt settled in the new place.  I loved the house out at the compound and I was glad we had it, but it had been so large that it still felt a lot like a hotel to me.  This new layout at the tower and the familiarity of being in the place where I’d spent so much time, I felt at home.  Not to mention it was nice being in the city again.  We could order in food, something that had been impossible out at the compound.  It was great having the big meals where we arranged them all by type and then just took what we wanted again.  People had gone back to stealing things from each other’s plates.  All these little habits that had been a huge part of our collective lives were coming back and I loved it even after a few days.
Things quickly found their rhythm too.  Natasha and Wanda’s morning sickness was hitting hard in the morning so they were generally staying home.  Wanda was in full nesting mode.  She was spending a lot of time with the kids and looking at baby clothes online.  Natasha was working in the office, going over mission briefings, and compiling intel.  She also was adamant that we did not take the kids out without her, so she would finish work in the afternoons and take them and anyone else that wanted to go to the park and the library for storytime.  Her new cloaking powers meant that they were going to be able to live a fairly normal childhood in the end.  Or at least, paparazzi free.
I was mostly spending my time between the lab and home and planned to keep it that way as long as I could.  So far I wasn’t getting any morning sickness.  I was still really only barely pregnant, so all those signs hadn’t kicked in yet, though I was expecting them to start soon.  Mostly I was just relaxed and enjoying life returning to normal.
Bucky had booked Tyr and Spotty in to be groomed and the two of us went to take them to the groomers during our lunch break one day not long after getting back.  It was the first time I had gone out without Natasha since the wedding and so my first experience with the paparazzi after they got word that I had married Tony Stark.
They had been grouped around the front door and security had to push them back as we made our way out with the dogs.  Mostly they were calling out my name and asking about the wedding.  Some seemed to be trying to make Bucky angry for some inconceivable reason.  Yelling out to him about being a second choice.  Luckily he was good at keeping his reactions neutral.  He just put his arm around me and pulled me a little closer.
“Should have gone out the back,” I said.
He shrugged.  “They’re around there too.  Just ignore them.  You’re all glowy so the pics are gonna be nice.”
I giggled.  “‘Cause that’s what I care about.”
“Just keep walking, don't engage.  Security will keep them out of arm's length and if they get past them, they won’t have any arms when I’m done with them,” Bucky said.
“Bucky!” I scolded.
He chucked and rubbed my shoulder.  “I was kidding.”
“How long will we have to worry about them?”  I asked, looking back over my shoulder at the crowd following after us.
“They’re just greedy ‘cause they don’t get how the wedding thing worked.  They’ll get over it soon.  It’s not like they’re gonna catch us going out that way very often,” Bucky explained.  “If it makes you feel any better, the dogs think they’re fucking annoying too.”
I laughed.  “Oh no, babies,” I cooed and reached down and scratched Spotty’s back.
“You better pat Tyr too,” Bucky said. “He’s jealous.”
I bit back more laughter and pet the Cavalier awkwardly as we kept moving.
The use of my less formal name by someone in the crowd drew my attention and I turned to see who had called out.  The voice was familiar too, and yet it wasn’t until I saw who was calling out to me that I recognized who it was.
“Elly, please.”  My younger sister was being held back by two security guards, looking at me imploringly.  I hadn’t heard from any of my family in years.  I had kept in touch with my sisters for a little while after I ran away from home, but when they started dating what my father would have considered the right people and I remained the black sheep.  The last time I spoke to any of them was around the time I had been kidnapped by Madame Masque and only then was I calling my father once a month so he wouldn’t send out the police to find me.
“It’s alright,” I said the security.  Bucky looked at me confused.   “It’s my sister,” I explained quietly as they let her through.
He nodded.  “Keep walking,” he said, his voice low and serious.
I started walking again letting Amanda catch up to me.  I wasn’t sure what to say to her.  Or why she was here.  It wasn’t like people hadn’t known where I was for the past six years.  I’d been in the media on and off since my first date with Tony.
“Tell us what you want,” Bucky said as she pulled up next to us.  There was a growl in his voice.  He was angry and protective and worried Amanda was here to hurt me.
“It’s okay, Buck,” I said rubbing his hip.  “Let her say what she wants to say.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t keep in touch,” Amanda said.
“I didn’t exactly keep in touch either, Mandy,” I said.
She shrugged a little.  “I know but I was the one that stopped first.”
I could feel Bucky tensing more and more as we walked.  I slipped my hand into his back pocket and looked up at him.  “It’s okay,” I said quietly.  He scowled at me and nodded but he didn’t relax at all.
“So… what?���  I asked.  “You suddenly got into the mood to make amends and you thought rather than calling or reaching out to me online you’d stalk my home?”
“It’s not like that,” Amanda said.  “You cut us all off when you started -” she waved her hand in the direction of me and Bucky.  “-all of this.  We haven’t been able to get through to you.”
“We?”  I asked, not sure who exactly she meant by ‘we’.  Then the rest of what she’d said sunk in.  “Wait… what?”
“Mom and dad.  They’ve been trying to get through to you, but they can’t get past your security,” I stopped walking and it took a few steps for either Buck or Amanda to realize I wasn’t with them anymore.
“El?”  Bucky said, turning back to me.
“Why wouldn’t I have been told that my parents were trying to get in contact with me?”  I asked.
Bucky shook his head.  “I don’t know, doll,” he replied.  “Would you want them to?”
“I - I -” I shook my head, trying to clear it.  My brain was a jumble of thoughts that involved my abusive parents trying to get back into my life and my overprotective spouses not telling me shit that directly involved me again.  “How long?  When did they first try?”
“We need to keep moving, El,” Bucky said.
“When?!”  I shouted.  The paparazzi had all started taking pictures in a frenzy like this was the best scoop they’d ever gotten.  Bucky moved to me quickly, putting his arm around my waist.
“Come on, darlin’.  Not here,” he said quietly.
I nodded and we started walking again.  “When was it?” I asked again.
“When they read about the wedding,” she said.
“Oh, that’d be right,” I snarked, rolling my eyes. “And you haven’t thought about me at all?  You have a niece and nephew and it didn’t cross your mind.”
“Well, so do you,” Amanda retorted.  “You’re hardly in a position to judge me for that.”
“You have kids?”  I asked, frowning as I looked her over.  She looked a lot like me.  Her hair was cut short, in one of those ‘I want to speak to the manager’ styles, and she was dressed in a grey skirt suit.  But aside from the styling differences between us, there was no mistaking this woman was my sister.
“Yes, three,” she said.  “And so does Olivia, and so does Ian.”
“Right,” I said.  “I’m sorry.”
We’d arrived at the dog groomers and Bucky turned to Amanda.  “Wait here,” he growled.
Amanda drew herself up, obviously not used to being ordered around by random strangers.  “Now listen here…”
“No, you listen to me,” Bucky hissed.  “You ambush us while we’re out walking the dogs and you think you get to run the show?  I don’t fuckin’ think so.  You’re gonna wait here while we drop our dogs off and then we’ll talk.”
Amanda took a few steps back like she was facing a wild animal.  Bucky put his hand in the middle of my back and guided me inside.  “You okay?”  He asked.
“I … I don’t really know,” I admitted.  I didn’t know how I felt.  It was a mess.
“Tell her to fuck off then,” Bucky said, picking Tyr up and putting him in my arms.
“She wasn’t the one that hit me, Buck,” I said.  “She was a kid in that house too.”
“Right,” Bucky huffed.  He picked up Spotty and we carried them to the counter.  We checked them in and were given some paperwork and a time to pick them back up and Bucky took me aside.  “Alright, this is what we’re gonna do.  We’ll take her to that bar on the corner.  Get something to eat and get to the bottom of why exactly she’s here.  Then we’ll get the dogs and go home and you can think about it, alright?”
I nodded.  I couldn’t fault the logic.  He went to move and I grabbed his arm.  “Why didn’t anyone tell me they were trying to get in touch?”
“I don’t know, El,” he said.  “I promise if I did I’d tell you.  I’m guessing either Steve or Tony said not to let their calls come through, or they just haven’t got that far into the messages while we were away.”
“Right,” I said.
“You can ask them tonight,” he said.  “It’s gonna be okay.  I promise.  I’m here.  You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
I nodded and we went out to find Amanda.  She was waiting with our security detail and Bucky approached her.  She took a few steps back, and I saw that same kind of terror in her eyes I always felt when I knew I was in trouble.  It made me feel sick and I hurried up to Bucky and took his elbow.  “Mandy,” I said quickly.  “Can we have lunch?  Talk this over?”
Her eyes flicked from Bucky to me and she nodded.  “Yes.  Yes, please.”
We walked down to the bar in silence, me clinging to Bucky’s hand.  We were given a booth in the back and some of the security took a booth near us, while others waited outside.  After a quick peruse of the menu, Bucky went to place an order for us.  I wanted nothing more than to order a whole tray of shots and just drink myself into a coma, but thankfully rationality won out.
“Ended up with someone just like dad after all, didn’t you?”  Amanda snapped when Bucky went to the bar.
“Bucky is nothing like our father,” I hissed, balling my fists under the table.
“Right, looks it,” she snarked.
I clenched my jaw as I tried not to completely lose my temper.  I wanted to just yell at her that she didn’t know him and she didn’t know me.  That I hadn’t ever felt safer with anyone than I had with the people I was with.  But there was no point.  She had her idea of what he was like and while he was in angry protective mode, that wouldn’t change.
“Why are you here?  Really?” I asked.  “And why now?”
Bucky returned to the table with a number, a glass of white wine for Amanda, a beer for him, and a pineapple juice for me.  He sat close to me, putting his arm around my shoulders and resting his hand on my hip.
Amanda’s eyes flicked to Bucky and back to me and she let out a breath.  “Mom and dad asked me to come.  You’d blocked them on most things, and they tried calling the Avengers people, but they weren’t getting through.  They want to see you.”
“Over my dead body,” Bucky growled.
“Buck, honey.  I really need you to not do that,” I said.  He huffed and took a drink of his beer.
Amanda took a sip of her wine and fiddled with the glass.  “They did think about it when you were pregnant.”
“But they waited until I got a rich husband, huh?” I snarked.
“They’ve changed, Elly,” Amanda said.  “Dad’s mellowed out.”
I shook my head.  “Uh-huh.  And the fact they’ve chosen now that I’ve married one of the most famous billionaires to get in contact is a coincidence.”
Amanda sagged a little and blinked her eyes.  “Elly, I know it was harder for you than the rest of us.  I know that when you ran away they just wrote you off.  When it came out you were in this big -” she waved her hands again.
“Polyamorous.  The word you’re looking for is polyamorous,” I hissed.
“Right, that,” Amanda said.  “He completely lost it.  Said it was going to look bad on them.  That if people found out he’d lose his position.”
“You’re not spinning it in his favor there, Mandy,” I deadpanned.
She sighed.  “I know, but… he’s your dad.  And they’re your kid’s grandparents.  They’re really good grandparents.”
Bucky stiffened up.  “If you think for one second, I’m letting my kids near that monster…”
Amanda leaned over the table and put her hand on mine.  “Please, Elly.  Consider it.  For me.”
There was a fear in her eyes and I looked down.  There was a thread that joined me to her.  It was very faint and hard to see with all the other much brighter ones.  I looked at it and I knew… we were family and I was going to have to meet with my parents.
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milkacchan · 4 years
More omega Izuku and Alpha reader?? Yeah. Absolutely.
Listen theres NSFW here too okay??? Along w the fluff bc I'm a sucker for omega Izuku
I'd also like to point out that alpha reader is female, however, I made it kinda gn so you can still read it.
You started at the trash bin. What was in the bin more like. The white stick- you knew it well. Bakugou had had his fair share of pregnancy scares and he always came to you with them. Not that he didn't trust his Alpha because he did- he just- that was something you go to your friends for first.
And Izuku had left early this morning, rushed out- earlier than usual, giving a quick goodbye kiss that left you confused.
You weren't confused anymore.
You pulled it out, looking intensely at it. Two lines, two pink lines side by side. Izuku was pregnant.
You weren't really sure what to think. You hadn't mated him yet, fuck you hadn't even asked in fear he'd say no. He was an unmarked omega, the amount of shit he was going to get for this was something you didnt want to think of. You were mad at yourself- unsure of where it went wrong. Your alpha blockers must've failed. Or maybe his contraception. He wouldn't be able to work anymore- at least until he delivered the child.
The kid- oh fuck the kid. Half of you was so proud- so proud that'd you managed to fill him up with pups, you dreamed of a family. He did too. Just-just not this soon. The thought of Izuku getting rid of it, sent pangs through your chest. You knew he could- it was his body, you didn't have a say in the matter, you two weren't marked. He could choose to do whatever he wanted. You weren't kids anymore.
You set the test down, leaving the bathroom and picking up your phone. The first person you dialed? Katsuki.
It rang a few times- he was later than usual to pick up, picking up after 4 rings instead of two.
"What is it." His voice grumped from the other end.
"Izukus pregnant." You blurted, not wasting a moment.
"He's what?"
"Katsuki he's pregnant. I found the test in the trash this morning- I fucked up. I haven't even asked to mark him yet. We're not mated."
"Calm down," you could hear shuffling on his end, indistinct whispers. "I'm assuming you still haven't talked to him?'
"No, he's at work. He left early."
"Probably talking to Ochako and Tenya. Half n half is probably there too."
"I don't- I don't know what to do."
"Karma for giving me shit, asshole." You could hear the smile in his voice.
"I didn't give you that much shit." You chuckled slightly. "But I guess it was enough, wasn't it?"
"Seems that way."
You sighed, flopping onto the couch. "I should've realized. I've been so busy I hadn't even realized he'd missed heats. I thought it was just the suppressants. I mean- We're not ready for kids, not prepared. But I make a decent amount of money, so we could be."
"You do. You could be. You'd be a good parent. So would he. So talk to him about it when he gets home. Get him something nice- maybe take out, and sit down and talk."
"I suppose so. He's been craving chinese lately. Probably a product of what's been going on."
"I'd say so."
"Well thanks, sorry for interrupting cuddle time with Kirishima."
"No problem!" You could hear Kirishinas smile too.
"Bye guys."
Izuku groaned, dropping his head to shoutos table. "This is a mess."
"You have to tell her." Ochako urged.
"I know."
"Well- what do you intend on doing? Because it's not her choice." Tenya looked at his friend with concern. He'd known before Izuku did, it wasn't hard to tell.
"Well...if she'll stay with me, then I'll keep it. She always talks about wanting a family, wanting kids and settling down. But we're not mated yet, she hasn't even asked to mark me yet, who's to say she won't leave?"
"You've been together since first year. She's not going to leave you." Shouto looked look a sip of his drink. "She's infatuated with you and she talks so fondly about kids."
"She does, but we aren't prepared for a kid." Izuku rubbed his face. "I'm not against keeping it- at all. I'm just scared."
"It's okay to be scared, it's okay to be worried. But you have to go through it like anything else. It doesn't have to be fancy, it doesnt have to be romantic, you just need to tell her. And if you need a bed to crash on, we're all here for you." Ochako smiled, taking Izukus hand gently. "Okay?"
He nodded slightly. "Yeah.."
"And if you do decide to keep the baby, my brother has many parenting books that he'd have no problem letting you borrow. So you'd be better set."
"I still have an old crib that you can use too. It's from IKEA so it's pretty nice." Shoto grinned.
That's right, two of his friends had older siblings, both of which have kids. He wouldn't be alone, he'd be far from it.
"I don't have any of that- but I can sew! So I can make them blankets or something. Whatever would help."
"Stop," Izuku whined, "I'm gonna cry." He was already tearing up, his hormones were already kind of crazy. He wiped eyes.
"Don't cry! If you cry I'll cry!" Ochako sniffed.
Izuku laughed, squeezing her hand.
That night came quicker than you anticipated. Izuku sent you a text saying he was on the way home and you looked around. You'd straightened up, vacuumed and so on. His favorite blanket was sitting on the couch, along with the stuffed dog you won him on your first date.
The deliver guy for the take out should be here soon. You had the money set out already so you were good. You sighed, shakey and nervous- was there anything else that needed to be done? The test- the test. You walked into the bathroom and picked it up off the counter. You looked at it again. Still positive. What else would it be? They don't just change. You felt the realization hit you again and shook your head, tucking it softly in your pocket. You walked back out, just in time too. There was a knock on the door.
You picked up the money from the counter and opened the door, smiling at the boy standing opposite of you. You handed him the money and he handed you the two large bags. You thanked him and bid him farewell before closing the door.
Once you placed each bag on the coffee table, you sat down and waited. It felt like forever. Your heart raced and your mind was racing but finally, finally the door opened.
"I'm home!" He chirped, hanging his keys up by the door.
"Hi baby, good day?" You smiled, walking over to greet him. You kissed his forehead gently, eyes flickering to his stomach.
"Yeah, good day." He smiled, walking into the apartment. He paused. "What's all this?"
"Well- I know you've been craving chinese lately. So I got you some."
He smiled nervously. "That's sweet angel."
"Do you want some water? A drink?"
"Water, please."
"Alright, well you go sit down." He nodded slightly, shuffling over to the couch.
His blanket was there- he paled. you knew. You had to have known. The test- oh god the test, he'd left it in plain sight. He felt nauseous. It wasn't rare for you to display affection in large quantities. It wouldn't be the first time you'd surprised him with something. You were such a good alpha, you always had been.
"You zoned out there, you okay?" You set the water down in front of him.
"Yeah, 'm okay." The blanket was on his lap now, he was fiddling the the seem, lightly tugging it.
You sat next to him, hesitating before speaking. "Baby..." you started. "I'll just- I'll get to the point." You reached into your back pocket, pulling out the white test. "I know. You left it in the bathroom."
"Shit I- I was going to tell you, I promise but I didn't know how so I went to Shotos to talk to them." His breathing started to get heavy, the air was twinged with a bitter scent that made you wrinkle your nose. "I don't want you to leave me." He whispered.
You immediately took him into your arms, kissing his head. "I'm not going to leave you baby, alright? Next step is we just talk about what we're going to do."
"If you'll stay- if you want to stay, I want to keep it. I want a family with you."
"Ultimately its your choice," you soothed, rubbing circles on his arm with your thumb. "But I want to stay with you. I know we're not ready now, we're not prepared but we can be. I make a decent income, we both do, I can provide for you and the baby. I'll make sure that we love comfortably and that you don't have to worry. I can provide for you. And I know you won't really be able to work until he's born, at least not the way you'd like so I'll try to help with that too."
"I know you will." He whispered.
"So we'll keep it?"
"Yeah, we'll keep it." He squeezed your hand.
"Izuku I know we've been together for a very long time. I love you more than anything. I was still trying to plan out how I was going to ask, but I want to mark you. I want to mate. I was just worried you'd say no." You gently kissed his cheek. "I want you to think about it for a couple of days first though, alright. I don't want you to rush into something just because we're having a kid."
"How long do I have to wait until I can say yes?"
"5 days. 5 days and if you say yes I'll mark up that pretty little neck of yours and you'll be all mine." You hummed.
He leaned into you, taking a deep breath. "So I was scared over nothing."
"Over telling me? Yeah. You were "
Bonus smut bc I'm horny
Izuku wasn't entirely sure what events lead to this- you your mouth licking hot strips up his dick and he really didnt care. He whined, jerking his hips.
"You're so wet baby, all for me." You hummed, taking your mouth away from his length. "And you smell so good, fuck-"
"Please-" he whimpered. "Alpha,"
"And you're already coming undone. I haven't even done anything serious yet." You smiled. "Baby do you want to fuck yourself on my face?"
"Yes," he breathed, "please,"
You hummed again, gripping his thighs. You held them apart. "You're so pretty Izuku." Your eyes flickered up to him. His face was flushed red and his eyes were glossy. You looked back in front of you. He was DRIPPING. His omega slit all pretty red. You kissed the top before poking your tongue in.
Izuku moaned, "w-Wait Alpha you said I- I want-"
"You will baby, you will. Be patient." You smiled, looking at his thighs. They were already covered in hickeys and bites. His thighs were so sensitive. You licked at him again, lapping over his heat and taking in his slick.
He tugs at a fist full of hair, bringing your mouth closer and you let him. You move his thighs so they sit over your shoulders and you let him move himself however he wants. Because the sounds he's making while he's doing it are so pretty. Breathy moans that turn into strangled whines, it enough to get you off for christ sake.
For Izuku, it's overwhelming but it feels so good he doesn't want to stop. He knows he's not in control, he rarely is. Theres been the occasional time where he'd take the lead and make his Alpha submit, but this was not one of those time. But you wanted to see him happy, Izuku knew this too, so he had no problem with fucking his cunt on your face. You seemed to be enjoying it too, the way your hand hand dipped into your own pants, stroking yourself with a steady rhythm.
"Fu-fuck-" he groaned out, he was close already. The way your fucking tongue moved around him, and in him, had him all sorts of ways. "I'm-" He didnt even get to say it, he moaned out, his thighs tightened around your head and he tugged at your hair as he came. He rolled his eyes back and topped the hand from your hair, he could still feel your tongue, working him through it and he shuddered.
He came back to reality with you kissing his cheeks. "You did so good baby," you preened.
"What-What about you?"
"I finished when you did," you hadn't, not really, but Izuku didn't need to know that. Tonight was about him. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up. I'll run you a bath."
He nodded, lifting his arms up and sighing happily when you picked him up. "Can you join me?"
"Of course, Zuku. I'll even wash your hair for you."
He smiled gently and put his head on your shoulder.
God he loved you so much
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 125
A nice big bed. Plenty of soft blankets. A few bags of A+ blood. Lance held plenty of fake hope as he was marched along, well aware that’d he’d gone and got himself kidnapped. There’s been stairs, now things smelt damp, this was definitely a secret lair of some sort and he already hated it. People these days had no respect at all for pregnant people. You accidentally vomit on someone and suddenly your missing half your teeth. He was so stupid as to be intentionally uncooperative. He wasn’t that stupid... well, maybe he was. He’d gotten his arse kidnapped thanks to what was now obviously not a message from Shiro.
Marched along, he kept his mouth shut, playing docile. The fabulous hospitality he’d been shown ending with him literally kicked into some kind of dirty cell, before the grating of clearly metal bars. Fucking idiots. He was a vampire. You know. Stronger than the average human. What were bars supposed to do?! Hissing as his knees scraped on the stone floor, they could have at least taken the stupid bag off his head and untied his hands
“I’m leaving you the worst YELP! review ever! 1 star and a stern warning about your manners!”
The stupid bag was dosed with orange scented... surface spray if he had to hazard a guess. All scents wiped out thanks to “dumb” and “dumber”. Hearing someone moving, he automatically tensed, preparing to lose his head, yet instead, all he lost was the obnoxious bag. Matt, Sam, and Curtis sat together in the corner of the dark room, craning his head up, he tried not to smile at Shiro
“Hey, guys. If you were going to throw a party, you could have invited me the normal way”
Shiro chuckled humourlessly. Lance felt that to his soul. He was going to be in sooooooooo much shit when they got out of here
“We didn’t think we’d be seeing you here. Let me get those restraints off your hands”
“Thanks. They’re really not comfortable, and probably not my colour either”
Crouching down behind him, Shiro started working at the biting restraints. Lance trying not to hiss as the pins and needles sensation in his hands burned
“Does Keith know you’re here?”
“Nope. He went with Coran to pick Rieva up”
“She’s okay?!”
Lance nodded slowly. Matt’s eyes were glowing yellow and he really didn’t want to be turned into Lance paste. He really didn’t appreciate the lingering scent of orange at all. He might just risk scurvy because it’d be along time before he went near an orange again
“Yeah. Everyone’s pretty much like joined up. Pidge is safe, so’s Colleen, and Hunk and Allura”
“Thank fuck for that...”
There was a burning need to question how this had happened, instead that hiss finally escaped as Shiro pulled the restraints of his hands
“Sorry. Matt chewed through ours...”
“Yeah. I feel like Sendak is scraping the barrel with his new hires. No brain cells there at all”
Moving around him, Shiro offered his hand, Lance letting himself be pulled to his feet before half collapsing again Shiro from dizziness and relief. Shiro wrapping his arms around him as if he thought this was an intentional hug
“Did they hurt you?”
“Knocked a few teeth out. Zero respect for the pregnant”
“And they didn’t...”
His face was their punching bag, which he’d be more grateful for if he didn’t have to feel his teeth growing back
“Nope. I’m sorry, but I’m pretty much sure you guys were used to distract everyone so they could kidnap my dumb arse”
Shiro asking
“How did they even get to you?”
“Used your phone. I stupidly went out the front. Douche canoes got me with a tranquilliser or something...”
One moment he’d been up, the next the ground was rushing to say hello
“You should sit, here, take my jacket too...”
Even in a situation like this Shiro was a worrier
“You need it more than I do”
“You’re still in Keith’s sweats. You might not be cold now, but we need to keep your warmth up”
Right. That. This wasn’t exactly a tropical beach... and why were they still in the cell?
“Why haven’t you guys busted out?”
Matt bitterly spat
“Lead and mercy on the bars. Plus they shock you when you touch them”
“Did you try covering your hands?”
“Nah, I thought what’s a little more fucking burn”
Okay. Matt’s ego was dented and his mate hurt. It wasn’t time for Lance’s ego to keep cracking wise arse remarks to hide the fact he was secretly panicking. He could feel he’d let go of it too much. Feel his fear and annoyance feeding its cockiness
“Sorry. Sorry, I’ll just... yeah...”
Shut up is what he needed to do. So he would. He was dumb for thinking they hadn’t already tried to break out.
Shiro sat him a little farther away from the others than he would have liked. Matt’s anger stank so bad that he could taste it instead of smell it. Covering his shoulders with Shiro’s jacket, he pulled his knees up to his chest, burying his face between them. This sucked. This sucked so hard. He’d felt like something was wrong with Shiro’s message but he’d run off instead of calling Keith who hadn’t called him even though he said he would. Lance already knew they wanted him. They’d talked about how he was a valuable sample now the pregnancy was confirmed. Curtis wouldn’t have wanted to talk, but his friend couldn’t help if and it wasn’t fair at all. He wanted to feel angry over it, but they’d definitely said Curtis confirmed he was pregnant. Not told them outright like it was fresh information. He was a goddamn vampire. A sleepy, cranky, ready to blow his lid, vampire... Who didn’t love dark and scary spaces unless he was exploring with his friends.
“Are you okay?”
No. He wasn’t. He was tired and hungry and couldn’t imagine what Keith was going through. Softly he mumbled, trying to deny Shiro sitting next to him made him feel a tiny bit better seeing the man surely had years of experience under his belt and would come up with some amazing plan
“I’m fine... you should go sit with Curtis. I’ll be okay”
“Lance... Keith would...”
Keith would want him to rely on Shiro. To rest and gather as much information on his surrounds, but hearing his boyfriend’s name was too much. He really fucking missed and it’d only been a short time
“Keith was a wreck. He left me at VOLTRON so I’d be safe. Instead I fucked up...”
“Oh, boo hoo. It’s not like he was shot right in front of you”
“Matthew! That’s enough”
Lance whined softly. He deserved that. He only knew what it felt like to be scared shitless in front of someone holding a gun on Keith. Not to see it happen... Sam scolded his son, another whine slipping out as Shiro settled next to him, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him up against him
“We’re obviously going to be here for a while. You should rest”
AKA he should shut up and stop with the pity party. No one wanted to hear it. Not when Matt was worried about Rieva and his father. Mutely he nodded, wondering if the smell of orange was blocking out traces of Keith’s scent on Shiro. Sendak had to have some fucking master plan... Lance kind of wanted to skip punching him in the dick for ripping off his testicles. He was old and he was tired. The bastard ruining his plans... but he also never wanted to set eyes on Sendak again. He’d rather be locked down here with Lotor for the next decade of his life than stand before Sendak and be made to feel all those messaged up things again.
Dozing off without meaning to, Lance kept his eyes closed as he listened to the others. Shiro had moved from beside him. Sam and Matt talking technical stuff while Curtis and Shiro fretted about having Lance in the cold and how it couldn’t be good for his mental health... that and how Lance was going to need blood. He could have kept up the charade if he hadn’t been suddenly made aware of why he was awake, throwing up violently beside himself. Fuck. Pregnant. Right. His twins didn’t care they were making his father throw his guts up at random times.
Hacking and coughing, Shiro came over to him
“Lance, you okay?”
“Morning sickness... sucks”
“It’s alright, buddy. Let’s get you away from the mess”
“Not much point when I’m...”
Yep. There he went, gasping like a fish out of water before throwing up again. The cold had crept in. Holding his ego down was hard. Those bars looking pretty tempting despite their construction.
Shiro sat patiently by him until he was done. Letting himself be moved by Shiro did nothing for his ego. His nails extending as the hunter sat him down closer to the group
“You just had to throw up, didn’t you?”
“Fuck off, Fido”
Growling at him, Matt pushed the wrong buttons. Lance snarling back in his friends face with his fangs extended, Shiro looping his arms around Lance’s waist as if he was trying to hold Lance back
“Enough! Matt. Your ego is out of control. Rieva is with Coran. He’s the best person to help her. Lance... can you try to bring your ego back under control. You’re making your scary face”
“He can’t fucking help it. He won’t settle until he sees his mate. And I can’t stop my fucking morning sickness. Fuck this”
Unexpectedly Sam chuckled
“I never thought I’d ever hear you swear quite as many times as you have. Somehow it’s quite relieving”
Ugh. He had been swearing a lot. And thanks to Keith “Fuck” had slipped more and more into his vocabulary. No one really used it swear any more as it was. It was just a convenient word for summing up all sorts of feelings in different situations
“That’s because my Mami taught me to have manners. I’m not usually this angry”
“Usually he’s pathetic”
Lance nearly snarled at Matt again. He would have if Shiro hadn’t sighed, changing topics
“Okay. Lance, we started discussing exit strategies on the way out. Naturally we assume everything we’re saying can be heard”
Lance nodded because it did make sense
“Sendak would hear it. If not him, he’ll have someone listening out”
Technically he didn’t know if it was Sendak. He was simply the assumption seeing Lotor was at VOLTRON and they were here. Lotor also knew he was pregnant and probably that he hadn’t been well. Maybe if he could have turned into a bat, he could have gotten them all out by now. Half talking to himself he said his inner thoughts out loud
“If we can overload the bars then we should be able to bend them”
Either he had to grab them or Matt did. He obviously couldn’t because of the twins. Matt had been through enough as it was. Maybe...
“If we put something against them will the current shock it? Like... maybe we could start an electrical fire and trigger a fault?”
“Or we could start a fire and die in it”
That was too close to Keith’s nightmare for comfort and way too close to how he’d lost his father. He wouldn’t do that to Keith. Sam pretended it was a good idea
“We’ll keep that in mind. Matt, can you check if you can see any kind of cabling or switches?”
“Why? We’re on the wrong side of the bars to do anything”
Ugh. Even Lance got that they needed as much information about the environment they were being kept in, and he was falling back to sleep
“Your eyesight is better than ours. It’s so dark in here I can barely see a thing”
Matt got up, walking over to the bars, he stood there for a good moment and a half
“I don’t see anything. I’d say we’re in a basement, but other than a few scraps against the wall, there’s no switches”
“Nothing on the roof?”
“How thick is the outer wall?”
Oops he was asking questions again... Matt sighing at him. Matt really wasn’t great at this “captivity thing”. He expected more “Let me out!” And “I’m going to piss on your leg!” from him
“How is that supposed to help us?”
“I don’t know, we’ve got a vampire, a slightly cursed human and a werewolf. If we can’t go through the wall we can always go through the roof”
“And what do you know about construction?”
“I know enough. I renovated my house inside out, plus dust and mould don’t really affect vampires like it does with humans”
“Dude, you’re so weak I doubt you’d make any impact if you tried. Why don’t you just go back to sleep?”
Lance had had enough of Matt’s attitude. He was trying... even if he was failing, he was still trying... Matt might be able keep his hunger under control, but a few days and Lance would either go completely crazy or collapse unconscious and be no help at all
“Matt’s right. You need your rest”
Now Shiro was agreeing with Matt?! Maybe he wasn’t the best “prisoner” but it hurt to be dismissed. Whatever. He was going to keep his temper and hopefully his mouth in check.
Lance had hit cranky. By his estimate it’d been something around 12 hours since he’d been rudely stolen. They were resting in shifts. Shiro urging Sam and Curtis to rest. Lance trying not to feel any kind of jealous over the pair of them at least being kidnapped together. He missed his boyfriend and hunger was setting in. He was cold. Cold. Tired. Hungry. Lonely... and mostly cranky. There should be kind of clause to this morning sickness where you only threw up when there was something there to actually throw up. Rubbing his stomach in soft yet agitated circles, he couldn’t bed himself down like the others, instead getting up to pace.
Shiro sounded sleepy. He’d known the hunter was still awake, but had wondered if maybe Shiro was really simply sleeping with his eyes open
“I’m fine”
“I didn’t say you weren’t... but I would understand if you’re lying to me right now”
“I’m fine, Shiro. You should sleep”
“Nah... I’m good”
Well this was awkward. Why was Shiro trying to talk to him if he didn’t have anything to say? Walking over to the door into the cell, Lance stared down the lock. It was keeping him from his Keith and he didn’t like it
“Don’t touch it”
“I wasn’t going to”
“I know it’s hard but the best thing we can do at the moment is wait it out”
“There’s lots of other things we could be doing”
Whoops. He was letting his crankiness show. Seriously though. He didn’t get how a little bit of electricity was keeping everyone so obedient. Covering your hands would protect you from the lead and mercury. A hard blow against the gate would probably work to knock the damn thing unlocked. His hunger was definitely affecting his thought process.
Climbing up from where he’d been sitting, Shiro walked over to him
“Matt got shocked when he tried touching the bars”
“I figured that much out already”
“I know you’re anxious and you want to see Keith...”
“Sorry, Shiro, but don’t even go there right now. I know he’s your brother, but to me... He’s the love of my life and the father of my twins. Like Matt can’t keep his temper worried about Rieva, I can’t keep my temper right now”
“Then what do you need?”
“Other than out of this ridiculous cage? Oh, I don’t know. My boyfriend. My bed. Blood. A good nights sleep. Honestly, pick one”
“If you need blood...”
“Don’t. I’m a ticking time bomb and you all know it. Starve me and I’ll lose control. Don’t tempt me with your blood”
Shiro sighed at him as he pinched the bridge of his nose
“Lance... You can’t help what you are”
“I’m not about to fucking feed on you. I have some self respect left under everything”
“It’s not about self respect. Look. We don’t know how long we’ll be in here”
“Well maybe if we fucking thought of an actual plan, we could break out”
“And what’s on the other side of the door? How many vampires are between us and getting out?”
“And how long until Matt wolfs out? How long before I lose control. I’ve fucking had it! You’re all here because I’m pregnant. Keith’s going to be fucking blaming himself. We have no clue what’s going to happen. I swear I’ll take my own fucking life before I let them hurt Keith’s children”
“We need to wait. Patience yields focus”
“I’m fucking focused enough. We don’t even have to start a big fire to short the bars out. We could collapse the fucking ceiling between me and Matt. Yet we’re sitting here like good little children. They hurt Keith and I’m not going to hold back when I see them”
“Keith’s fine. He was with Coran”
Physically fine meant nothing when Keith would overthinking absolutely everything
“That’s not what I meant and you know it. You didn’t see the look on his face at the news you guys were missing. I did. He’s going to be tearing himself apart. Blaming himself for everything. He’s been through more than enough”
“And if you get hurt? Then what? He wouldn’t want you hurt”
“At least he’d know I tried my hardest to get back to him”
Shiro wrapped his arms around him
“We’ll get back to him. You’ll see. He’ll be fussing over you and the twins in no time”
“I... just want to see him again”
“I know. We will. For now all we can do is wait”
Lance sniffled, returning Shiro’s hug
“I hate what this is doing to him”
“I know. I also know whatever he’s doing, he’ll have Krolia, and Coran, and Allura. He’s not going to be alone”
“Not until he snaps and pushes them away, or takes off on his own thinking he knows best”
Shiro chuckled
“They’re not going to let that happen. He’ll be cranky, and probably won’t let you out of his sight, but he’s not going to care about anything once he sees you again”
“You too... it was like the worst feeling hearing Rieva was shot and you guys were missing... I felt so useless”
“At least you’ve got hilarious friends to keep you preoccupied”
“I don’t see anyone hilarious in here”
Shiro chuckled again Lance’s weak humour
“Alright, come sit back down, kiddo. When the moments right, we’ll all get out of this together”
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littletayyswriting · 4 years
Title: Last Chance Surprise (1/3)
Author: LittleTayy
Rating: Teen
Characters: Addison Montgomery, Mark Sloan, Callie Torres, Derek Shepherd
Summary: The casual sex Mark and Addison had been engaging in before the no sex bet causes some unexpected results. Set during Season 3. AU. Canon Divergence. Maddison.
Read On: AO3 or ff.net
Last Chance Surprise
~in these uncertain times~
It's fourteen days into your no sex bet with Mark when you start to feel sick. You're nauseous and exhausted - you feel so drained you've almost fallen asleep at the nurses station multiple times over the last week. On call rooms have become your best friends as of late; and not for illicit purposes, though Mark wiggles his eyebrows playfully any time he sees you heading for one.
A whiff of Karev's cologne one morning has you turning green, hurtling for the nearest restroom, Callie following you in worriedly. "Addison...you okay?" Callie asks and you feel her pulling back your hair and you can't help but think she's a good friend.
Ten minutes later and you're washing your hands, gazing tiredly at your reflection in the mirror as Callie leans against the sinks. "Can't believe you still look good after throwing up like that," Callie teases, casting her gaze over you.
You can't help but chuckle, shaking your head. "At least I feel a little better now," you tell her when you catch her worried gaze, answering her before she can even ask.
An eyebrow raised. "Really? No more sick feeling? Cause I was gonna suggest you should go home or something…" Callie tells you and you sigh, turning to face her properly; hip resting against the counter.
"Honestly, I feel fine Callie. Still tired but it's just one of those weeks, I think," you tell her with a small smile and a shrug. "But hey, at least it's kept my mind off the no sex," you joke, throwing her a playful look.
However, the mention of the no sex bet, triggers something in your mind. You frown as you contemplate everything you've been feeling in the last few weeks and then you're counting back the days and you realise you're late. 22 days late, in fact and you gasp in alarm.
It's then you remember that Callie is standing in front of you. You look up at her, eyes wide and mouth dropped open in shock.
"Callie, I think...I mean, I need you to take my blood. Right now," you insist, almost desperately.
You watch her brows furrow. "What? Addison...what's going on?" She asks and you grab her hand, dragging her towards the restroom door.
You take a moment, wondering whether to spill your suspicion to the ortho surgeon. But Callie has been a good friend to you so far and you feel like you can trust her. Hell, she already knew about the first baby and the abortion you had.
"I think I might be...pregnant," you whisper to her urgently, glad that the bathroom is empty. You'd be mortified if that little tidbit of gossip somehow made its way out. The nurses have no scruples when it comes to gossip.
"What?!" Callie exclaims, her eyes wide, her expression shocked but somehow delighted. "Sloan?" She questions after a moment, name drawled carefully.
Your face crumples, a pout on your lips as you nod. You glare as she whistles even though you can see she's just trying to lift your mood. "What are you going to do if you are?" She asks as you both make your way as discreetly but quickly as you can towards a deserted exam room.
"I don't know," you tell her, despite the fact you've been thinking about a baby a lot lately. One thing you know almost for certain though, is that you want the baby. If there is one; you won't be getting another abortion.
You step into an exam room, Callie following closely behind and you're glad to see how private it is. You're in a daze as Callie takes your blood and you're grateful when she keeps your name off of them. You're still sitting on the exam table when Callie gets back from dropping the blood test off, wringing your hands as you try to think of what you're going to do.
"You know, we could always just go up to Obs and commandeer an ultrasound machine," Callie jokes, arms crossed as she leans against the door.
You can't help but laugh at the idea, shaking your head. "I'm not sure that'd be a good look," you say, though the amusement is clear in your tone.
"You're the Head of Obstetrics!" She exclaims. "You should be able to commandeer anything you want up there," Callie tells you with a grin.
You laugh because she's right. But you'd rather not risk anyone finding out just yet. You're about to say as much when your pager goes off and you're suddenly reminded you're meant to be working; the both of you.
"I have to go deliver a baby," you say, pushing up off the exam table as Callie straightens up too. "Page me when you get the results back. Please?"
Callie nods and then you're both exiting the room and going your separate ways.
. It's close to 6pm when you trudge into the Attendings lounge, intending to grab your stuff quickly and get back to the Archfield. You pause for a moment as you pull out your handbag; if you're really pregnant you're going to have to find a house or an apartment. A hotel is no place to raise a baby.
Of course you try to shake the thought off, you don't even know if you're actually pregnant yet. But the more you thought about it as the day wore on, the more convinced you've become. All the signs are there and you rack your brain to try and figure out a conception date. It is, embarrassingly, harder than you thought it'd be to pinpoint - you and Mark had been sleeping together rather frequently before the sex bet.
By your current symptoms though, you'd estimate you're at least 5 weeks pregnant. And as you make your way out of the attendings lounge, you're glad to see Callie waiting for you; test results in hand. At least if you can see your hCG levels, you know you can figure out just how pregnant you actually are.
It doesn't even surprise you when Callie nods, handing the results over. She knows you well. You need to see them for yourself so you can finally realise your suspicions were right. "Thank you," you murmur to your brunette friend as she falls in step beside you.
"So?" She asks as your eyes take in the results and readings in front of you.
Your hCG levels are higher than you expected them to be and you realise you must be six weeks along. Almost seven weeks in fact.
With that information in hand, one night stands out in your mind. The night after the woman with the toxic blood incident. You remember how worried Mark had been about you and you remember how surprisingly intimate your evening with him had been. The fact you'd been deliciously sore for days after had annoyingly boosted Mark's ego to a ridiculous degree.
It seems fitting, you think, that that's the night he got you pregnant. Again.
Silently, you curse yourself for not using protection. But you had both wanted to feel each other - all of each other and it wasn't like it had never happened before. In fact, thinking back, you realise Mark is the only man you'd ever been so reckless with. Even with Derek you had been careful. Mark just always seems to make you lose all sense.
"Addison?" You hear Callie's voice and you pull your eyes away from the results. You'd completely forgotten she was even there for a moment.
"Sorry," you murmur, tucking the test results into your handbag as you gaze over at your friend. "I guess I'm just trying to process…" you tell her and frankly it's the truth.
Mark has managed to get you pregnant twice in a year. It's ridiculous really. Fourteen years with Derek and not even a scare; two hot albeit one misguided, nights with Mark and you're sufficiently knocked up. He's got to have some kind of super sperm.
You can't help but wonder how many potential illegitimate children Mark Sloan has running around out there. You can't believe you're going to add to the number. It's uncharitable to think, you know it is, Mark is your friend but you can't deny that there's a good chance Mark really does have a child out there he doesn't know about.
Which leads you to realise that you can't keep this child from Mark. From his point of view you've already taken one of his children from him; even if it'd been the right choice at the time. You sigh as you and Callie stop at your car, your mind focused on Mark and the embryo inside you. You need to tell him but you truly don't know how; especially with the current bet between you both.
"Yeah. It's probably a lot to take in. But...it's a good thing isn't it?" Callie asks.
The question freezes you. Is it a good thing? You're not quite sure yet. Your life is nowhere near what you'd thought it would be but you do want a child - even if you hadn't thought it'd happen quite like this. You're not terrified like you were last year and it's still not an ideal situation; but you think it will be a good thing.
"I think so. I suppose I just need to get used to the idea," you tell her with a smile and a slight chuckle. "I-Callie...please don't tell anyone, okay? Especially not George. I don't need the interns knowing because then it'll only be a matter of time before Grey tells Derek and I can't handle that right now. Plus, I need to tell Mark first…"
You let out a sigh of relief as Callie nods and you can see she gets it. "Of course! Addison, my lips are sealed," she assures you and you smile.
"Thank you Callie," you breathe with relief. You truly don't know how you'd get through your days without Callie, she's become one of your closest friends here in Seattle. One of your only friends really; you can't count Mark as a friend anymore, not when he makes you lose all sense and you're pregnant with his child.
"No problem. Go home, rest or whatever. I'll see you tomorrow," Callie tells you with a smile and makes her way towards her own car.
You watch as she leaves before getting into your car and heading for the Archfield. You've got a lot of thinking to do.
It had been over two weeks since you'd found out you were pregnant and Callie is still the only other person to know. You know you should tell Mark but you've still got the whole no sex bet going on; which you realise, is complicating things a bit. You'd told Mark that if he could go 60 days without sex, you'd give him a chance and though you'd never admit it, you want him to pass. Your own part in the no sex bet barely crosses your mind.
The problem is the fear you have at telling him about your pregnancy. He'd be wary but excited and you know that'd push him to take the sex bet even more seriously then he is already. You don't want him to want you just because of the pregnancy. You want to know he wants you for, well, you. It's ridiculous and Callie has told you as much but you can't help it - you've already been hurt too much in the past few years.
You're bringing a child into the world and if you and Mark are to have a relationship; you don't want it to be based purely on the child. You won't subject your child to the kind of upbringing you'd had with Bizzy and the Captain. And though you don't want to admit it, you know Mark would understand that - his own upbringing as empty as yours.
So no, you're not prepared to tell Mark about the baby. Not yet anyway. Callie thinks you're being dumb and you don't know how but she's managed to wrangle a promise out of you; whether Mark lasts the sixty days or not, you have to tell him. You were a little offended when she brought it up but you had to admit, at least to yourself that the younger woman knows you. Apparently well.
You've been feeling like shit for the last few weeks that you've almost forgotten your part in the bet. If Mark wasn't having sex, neither are you. Frankly, the way you've been hugging the toilet morning, noon and night, sex has been the last thing on your mind. You're sure that the surgical wing thinks you've got one persistent flu - you hope so anyway. Callie can only cover for you for so long.
Mark however, has gotten more persistent and considerate in the last week. He's stopped the dirty jokes and suggestions and instead been watching you with worry clear in his eyes. He's started bringing you tea in the mornings and chicken soup to your hotel room at night. If you didn't know better you'd think he knew you're pregnant. Because of course, if he knew that he'd have asked you - there's not a part of him that'd keep silent about that.
You're on your lunch break, a measly hospital salad in front of you because it's light enough not to set off your stomach, when Mark slides into the seat beside you. You're focused on the lettuce, trying to ignore the intense look Mark is giving you. From the corner of your eye you can see he is relaxed back in his seat, dark scrubs setting off his eyes and an amused smirk on his lips. It takes everything in you not to stare, his ego is already big enough.
"You still got that flu?" He drawls and the way he says it, you worry he knows the truth. But you shake it off - there's no way he could possibly know.
You simply roll your eyes in reply, finally lifting the lettuce to your lips. Your lack of a verbal answer doesn't seem to deter him, it never has in fact.
"Cause, I know I'm irresistible. But I didn't think you'd go and get yourself sick just to stop yourself from jumpin' me," he teases and you can't help but laugh at his words.
You realise too late that that was his intention all along. But despite your realisation, you can't help the warmth that spreads through you at the thought of him trying to cheer you up. It's sweet and it doesn't surprise you because Mark's always been that way with you. It's part of the reason your feelings grew from friendship to something a little more for him.
"Oh yes, I just want you that badly," you tease right back, actually enjoying the light banter.
You're both grinning at each other, Mark clearly ready to reply with some kind of innuendo when you realise you've been overheard. Derek is standing not far from you both and by the look on his face, you know he's heard your words. You freeze for a moment before realising that you no longer have to care what Derek thinks; though a part of you still does. You're going to have Mark's child, even if no one else knows that yet, so you figure there's no point worrying about what Derek thinks any longer. You two aren't married and he's been perfectly clear about how he feels for you now.
"Something we can help you with Dr. Shepard?" You ask, the petty part of you enjoying the strained look that flickers over Derek's face at your use of we. Mark, you can tell, is amused.
"I need Dr. Sloan for a consult," Derek replies tightly, gaze flicking between you and Mark before settling on the other man.
"Ah," Mark sighs as he pushes himself up from his seat. "Well, duty calls. I'll see you later Addie," Mark tells you, winking at you playfully.
You can't help but smile at the gesture. You wonder if it means he'll turn up at your door with dinner because despite your vomiting jaunts, you've enjoyed him bringing or sending you meals. Maybe you'll even let him convince you to eat together tonight.
Watching him leave with Derek you can't believe how easily he can turn your mood around. You're still worried over everything, of course. Whether to tell him now or after the bet is over is constantly weighing on your mind. It's not that you're planning to keep it from him forever but you just don't know when the right time is. Nausea swirls in your stomach and you give up on the lousy salad; you move to stand up, the nausea strong and feel a wave of dizziness wash over you.
Black spots dance before your eyes and as you move to pick up your tray, your body feels heavy. You take a few deep breaths before darkness crashes in on you.
Your eyelids feel heavy and you feel sick. It's not a good combination and you want to throw up but you want to at least wait until you can open your eyes. You groan, feeling downright icky and no it's not a medical diagnosis but it's the accurate way to describe how you feel.
Slowly, you open your eyes as you hear people talking around you. You grimace as the bright lights of a hospital room greet you and you wonder how you got from the courtyard to here. Miranda Bailey and two of her damn interns are there, so is Richard and to your surprise, so are Derek and Mark. All look worried but it's Mark you direct a soft smile towards.
"Welcome back sleeping beauty," Mark says, the first to speak and you can see Derek's eyes roll. Miranda and Richard don't look particularly impressed either.
"What happened?" You ask, choosing to ignore him for the moment, gaze flitting to Miranda's. This is clearly not a surgical case but she's checking you over anyway.
"You fainted Montgomery. In the courtyard," Miranda tells you and you can already feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. Fainting in public is bad enough, it's even worse in your book considering you're an Attending. You can only imagine what people are saying about it.
"Oh," is all you murmur, your embarrassment clear. "I'm feeling fine now though," you announce, pushing yourself up into a better position. "I can get back to work," you insist but already you know that won't work.
"Not going to happen Addison," and this time it's Richard answering. You turn your eyes to the man and though you see him as a sort of father figure, you know you won't be able to talk your way out of this. "You've been sick for over a week and now you've fainted. You need to lay there and rest. I have half a mind to send you home until you're not throwing up or passing out on us," Richard continues, arms crossed as he gazes at you worriedly.
You sigh, nodding in acceptance. You know there's no use in arguing with him. "Fine."
Two sets of eyebrows raise in surprise and you know it's because they've never heard you accept being sidelined so easily. You glance at Mark and Derek out of the corner of your eye and can't help the little grin on your lips as you realise how worried both look. It amuses you, if only because you know they are probably both confused by your behavior.
It's Miranda's voice now that cuts through your amusement. "Alright. She's awake now. I'm sure she's enjoying the gawking but let her rest. Don't you have patients to see?" Miranda says sharply, her shrewd gaze on Mark and Derek. Mark looks amused and Derek looks alarmed as they nod and head for the door.
"I'll spring ya outta here soon Red, don't worry," Mark throws over his shoulder as he exits and you can't help but giggle a little. A giggle that dies down at the knowing gaze of Miranda. She's ushered her interns out the door too and Richard's not far behind.
"Rest, Addison. I can't have one of my star surgeons ill," he tells you but you know he too is worried.
You expect Miranda to leave too but instead she shuts the door behind the Chief and turns to look at you. You try not to squirm under her scrutiny but you can't help it.
"You gonna tell me what's wrong Montgomery? Or should I wait for the blood results?" Miranda starts and you sigh a little. It's clear she knows something and you trust her, especially after she helped you with your poison oak situation.
"I'm pregnant," you say eventually, letting a hand stray low on your stomach and a small smile settle on your lips.
You watch Miranda and you're not surprised when she doesn't seem all that surprised. "Didn't think it was a three week flu you had," she scoffs, shaking her head a little. Her gaze settles back on you then and you're surprised by the spark of curiosity you can see in her eyes. "Do you know how far along you are?" She asks and you grin.
"Nine weeks and a day," you tell her softly. You're happy about this and you hope if you can convey that, Miranda will be happy for you too.
"Nine weeks… Do you...uh," and she stutters here, waving a hand around in front of her. It's clear to you what she's trying to ask and you feel your cheeks flush once again.
"It's Mark's," you tell her softly.
Miranda scoffs then, shaking her head. "Couldn't keep ya knees closed around him, hm?" She teases, harkening back to an early conversation you'd had with Miranda when Mark had first started working at Seattle Grace. That seemed so long ago in comparison.
"I told you I lose sense around him!" You spout, huffing a little though there's no weight to it. You can't convince yourself any longer that you're as opposed to Mark as you'd like people, him included, to believe.
Miranda simply gazes at you, lips pursed in the way she's wont to do. You simply look at each other for a moment before she shakes her head. And you know that will be the end of that conversation. You're grateful that Miranda is choosing not to question your decisions too much regarding Mark.
"You're probably dehydrated and got low blood sugar. I've seen the way you've been vomiting all week. You need to start eating better or more at least," Miranda advises though you both know you know all this already. In fact, you're usually the one giving this advice; it's odd to be on the other side receiving it. "I'm going to get you hooked up with an IV and get some more fluid in you. You've gotta do better Montgomery," Miranda admonishes and you can't help but grimace sheepishly.
"I know, I know," you murmur. "I've been trying but I can't keep anything down. What'd you do about morning sickness?" You ask her, slumping back a little in the hospital bed and hoping she'll have some good advice.
"My morning sickness wasn't too bad. But you can never go wrong with saltines and ginger ale," she tells you and you chuckle. It's the same thing you've said to your patients thousands of times.
"I'll try it," you say, giving her a smile. She seems to be done now and is heading for the door. "Oh, Miranda. Could you not mention...my situation to anyone? I haven't told Mark yet and I don't want him to hear it from anyone else," you call out to her softly.
You can see her considering you and your words before nodding. "Not a word from me. Don't worry. But tell him soon, I'm sure there's already bets going around about what's wrong with you," she informs you and you can't help but shake your head. Mostly because you know she's probably right.
One minute you were glaring at the nurse hooking up your IV and the next you're waking up to Mark Sloan lounging around in the seat next to your bed. You weren't officially admitted but you'd cleared your patients for the day considering Miranda and Richard didn't think you could even stand on your own. You hate being confined to a bed but you can't deny how well rested you feel now that you've woken up.
"Mark?" You call out to him as you watch him so focused on his phone. You have a sneaking suspicion he's got a game of Snake going on. You smirk as he startles, he'd clearly been engrossed.
"Red!" He grins at you, seeming happy to see you awake. His wide smile and caring eyes send warmth shooting through you. "You're awake. Was worried you were gonna sleep through the night and I was gonna have to sleep in this chair," he continues, complaining playfully as he sits up straight and stretches a little.
You shake your head. "You wouldn't have to stay with me," you tell him, stretching a little yourself.
Mark simply smiles and shakes his head. "I know that. But I want to Addie. I've been worried about you. You've been very sick lately…" he trails off then and you can see clearly just how worried he's actually been. It surprises you but you know it shouldn't. Mark cares about you, he always has.
You sigh, frowning a little as you realise you need to tell him. As touching as it is that he's so worried for you; you don't want him to worry anymore. Knowing Mark he's probably deduced your recent bout of illness to some kind of incurable cancer. You'd rather not have him thinking you're dying.
"I have been very sick lately," you agree with a nod, wrapping your hands around each other nervously. "But I'm not sick per se…" you continue, hesitating for a moment. Your eyes meet his and you can see the worry and confusion mix. "I'm pregnant Mark. Nine weeks."
You exhale. You've finally told him and the weight you've been carrying around has finally lifted. But the anxiety rears its head as you watch Mark, trying to figure out what he's thinking.
His eyes flit between your face and your stomach and you see he's processing. "Nine weeks," he murmurs, brows furrowing a little. "When you went in to put that girl with the toxic blood under again?"
"Yeah," you say with a nod, eyes still focused on the man. And you can see he's thinking about that intimate night you'd spent together. You'd both been exhausted the next day and the fact you couldn't walk properly the next day had made him unbearably smug.
"So it's...mine?" He asks almost cautiously and you can't really blame him. The last time you'd been pregnant with his child you'd terminated it after all.
"Yes," you reply firmly. You seek out his gaze and can see the unasked question in them. "I'm keeping the baby. I want this child Mark."
You hadn't expected the sigh of relief but you had expected the grin. "Really?"
"Really," you echo back to him and you've barely got the word out before his lips are on yours.
You grin into the kiss despite yourself, hands coming up to cup his cheeks as you kiss him back. It's a quick kiss though and he pulls back quickly, sitting on the edge of his seat. One of his hands has found yours and he's squeezing enthusiastically.
"We're going to have a baby Red. I want to be involved. Anything you need… I want to be a Dad, Addison. I know you think I'd be a terrible father but please, give me the chance to show you differently-"
"Mark," you interrupt because you can see where he's going with this. "I-I'm sorry for saying that. Our situation back then was very different to our situation now though. I want this baby to have both their parents but that being said...there's still a lot we need to figure out," you tell him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
He sighs but nods. "You're right, of course. But I just...I want you to know I'm in Addison. You know I love you and I want this to work out. I want to be a family with you."
You can't help but smile at his words. This was the kind of love you'd thought you wanted with Derek. You never expected this from Mark and somehow, that makes it feel better for you. Mark wants you, Mark's been choosing you for so long now and you think it's about time you let yourself choose him too.
"I know you do. I want that too Mark," you tell him softly, your smile wide as you gaze into each other's eyes.
"You do?" He questions and you can't fault him for asking, for making sure.
You nod, reaching out your hand to take one of his, entwining your hands together. "Yes. You're changing Mark and I suppose I haven't ever really given you enough credit for that. The Mark from New York wouldn't have agreed to a no sex bet…" you shrug then, lips pressing together as you try to think of what to say next. "We're going to have a child together. I have to see you for the man you are now. And that's...well, that's my issue. Not yours," you admit sheepishly.
Mark is simply watching you with a grin on his face. It's slightly unnerving. "Thank you," he murmurs after a moment and you don't even know what for. It must be clear on your face because he continues. "For giving me a chance. To be with you and to be in the baby's life. And just so you know...I think we should both stick to the bet. As much as I enjoy sex, especially with you Red, we need a foundation that isn't built on it. Especially with a baby coming," Mark tells you and you're surprised by the maturity and can't agree more with his assessment.
Thus begins the start of your dating life with Mark.
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rubidusmagnet · 4 years
Kid, how would you react if you found out that you accidentally got someone pregnant? What would you do?
// Yeetus the fetus
“Like that’d ever happen buddy, I know how to be careful about that stuff so I’m not worried about it happening anytime soon.”
But if such a thing were to happen.... Condoms can still break after all and he can’t possibly know if the woman he was with was on the pill or not without asking like a creep... The idea of having an unknown child as he sailed on left a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach, as even unknowingly Kid could be just like his own father and be completely absent in the youngsters life.
“I don’t intend on being a father anytime soon but I guess in a scenario like that one... The least I could do was make sure the brat and his/her mother had a safe place to stay as any association with me could get them both killed.”
Kid doesn’t mean to seem so callous but he does have a dream to complete, if ever he had a family he’d prefer it to be on his own terms otherwise he’d be forced to be away for a long while until he either succeeds or dies trying.
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littlemisskookie · 5 years
Loveless: Chapter 4
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Loveless: Index Ship: Reader | OT7 Description: Spy/Men in Black!AU | You worked at an institution that dealt with aliens- aliens that were the fictional creatures we were told were from fairy tales. The job entailed love only for it, and nothing else. That’d all change when a mission goes wrong. Warnings: Smut in next chapter, Nightmares, Angst, Death, Slight Gore descriptions, Violence, Comedy, Reader says yeet ironically Word Count: 5,115
Tonight was the night that Jeon Jungkook would die.
Tonight was the night when Agent Z would be born.
Tonight would be etched into his brain for the rest of his short life.
Jungkook watched in the rain as his house went up in flames, knowing all of his pets and family was out. They'd have enough insurance to replace everything, and anything truly of value, personal or financial, was in a fire-proof safe in the basement.
He would be the only one who didn't make it out of the fire.
It was perfect, really. A gas leak would've come about, and Jungkook was in the house when the stove came on. However, the police would figure that bit out was up to them. Jungkook wouldn't have to deal with any of the consequences. How could they question a dead man?
It was foolproof. Jungkook still didn't know how they managed to make a replica of his skeleton, even making it where the DNA would match. Bits and fragments of bone, more accurately, were left at the scene. After all, no matter how hot, usually there would be bits and pieces of bone that were left uncremated, refusing to melt away along with the flesh. There would be no hope for the family to see their son once again.
Paramedics, firefighters, police, and people from all around the town surrounded the house as it slowly began to crumble, falling apart as it made its way to becoming ash. Jungkook could hear his own mother's screams among the chaos, yelling for her son, praying that he had gotten out. After all, they had yet to go in and search for the fake corpse.
Jungkook only wore a blank stare, his suit sticking to his skin as it poured heavily, the rain still refusing to douse the house of its flames. He soaked in the feeling, committing the feeling of the rain pounding on his shoulders and head to memory.
He knew, though. Sure, his family would weep for his loss, but more likely the town wouldn't grieve. Word would get around about his underground boxing, and even fewer knew about his dealings in the black market. They always assumed his strict family was what drove him to his delinquent ways, from his tattoos or many ear piercings or whatnot. But they couldn't blame anyone for this. It'd be labeled as an accident. The most they'd be able to say would be, "Good riddance."
He choked down tears, a lump still prevalent in his throat.
Suddenly he felt none of it and looked over to see you on your tippy-toes, holding an umbrella high above your head in an attempt to shield him from the pouring rain. "Agent Z?"
"Oh. Agent Q..." He should've figured his tutor would be here to make sure that the job was done. That he didn't fuck this up the way he had in his past.
What you said next surprised him, though.
"It's not too late, you know." You look up to him, a sincere look on your face. He couldn't tell, though. He'd believe anything you wanted him to believe, your specialty after all. "I mean, I won't blame you. Lots of agents wish they had. You can come out there unscathed. No way they can get in the building to check. You can hide the fake body easily."
"Is this a test to see if I'm loyal or not?" Jungkook questioned, skeptical.
You shook your head. "No. As I said, this is what most agents regret: leaving their family behind. I just don't want you to regret your decision. We always make this decision when we're young and dumb, hating our family because of our restrictions. What you want may change in the future as you mature. I know no one would blame you. I most certainly wouldn't."
Jungkook thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. "No, I'm sure about this. There's not much I can offer other than disappointment and criminal records. At least in the EAA, I can serve the world. Do something positive for a change. I know it'd do a lot of good for my family, too. I'm better forgotten."
"I don't think you'll be forgotten, Agent Z. There wouldn't be so many people here if you hadn't made some sort of impact."
"You know how people are. They stick their noses into other people's business."
"Perhaps. But human nature is what makes us human, isn't it? I like to see them as small quirks of our species. You'll come to learn how many others lack curiosity."
"What about you? How was it when you went through this stage of initiation."
You let out a huff of air, thinking about it for a moment.
"It wasn't easy, to tell you the truth. I definitely regretted my decision for a bit after. I had faked my death through the agency I was a part of. They got a message that I had served my country well as a spy or whatnot, not that it made it any better. My parents ended up splitting after my death. Seeing each other reminded them too much of me, apparently. But it got better. I still see them, even if they don't see me. My mom remarried and is pregnant, and my dad is traveling in Europe. Both seem to be really happy, and that's all that really matters in the end. They miss me... visit my grave on every anniversary. I like listening to what they have to say. It helps me move forward to do what I do. Who knows? Maybe I'll disguise myself as a babysitter and tell my little brother tales of fictional creatures and the spies who ran with them."
Jungkook took in that piece of information, looking over to his mother, who still drowned in her sorrows. His father's arms wrapped around her as she wept, burying herself into him as she could no longer bear to look at the fire. He wondered what would happen to them if they'd end up finding happiness even after his death.
"So why'd you join?"
You smile a bit at that, chuckling to yourself as though it were an inside joke. "That's a personal question, kid. Ask me once we're closer and you're done with your training. There are some other agents here who don't even disclose that kind of information. Like Agent C? I'm pretty sure that guy has at least five families. Wouldn't be surprised. He'll fuck anything on two legs."
Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at that, feeling a bit more at ease. "Does every agent have a dark back story?"
"Most, but not all. Stories like those are to be earned."
"You promise you'll tell me yours?"
You smile. "I promise, kiddo. Though I'm sure you'll find it rather disappointing. Agent A and D have the most interesting stories in my opinion, though those are from the ones I know."
There's a moment of silence between you two. You simply stare at the scene before you. Jungkook didn't know if this would end up being the last memory of his family. He'd have to treat it like it was.
Your hand wrapped around his, fingers woven as you squeezed his palm. "They'll be ok. One way or another. They aren't right now, and might not be for a long time, but that's ok. Without moment like these, we won't have anything to compare the truly good things in life to. The highs and lows are what give our lives character and depth. A life that was filled with nothing but happiness holds no meaning."
"Those are wise words. Perhaps you should've been a writer," he comments.
You simply snort at that. "Put me on a holiday greeting card, why don't you? But seriously, don't worry. You'll always have a family. This one and the one at the EAA. We've all gone through the same thing, and we can all sympathize and support you throughout this process. No one said it was going to be easy, and truth be told this is the hardest part of the job."
"I hardly know the people at the EAA, though. I've barely begun to get to know you."
"I'm simple, there's not much to me. What you see is what you get," you smile. "And the guys- the higher up agents- have a bit of a soft spot for you. Don't tell them I said that, though. I guess they see something in you that they see in themselves- you know, behind that buff baby exterior."
Jungkook genuinely laughs at that, and you pull at his hand, gesturing for him to move with you. "Come on, you shouldn't stay out here too long. Might catch a cold or something."
Jungkook got what you meant. It'd shatter him further, whether or not he cared to admit it, to stick around for much longer. And so he let you drag him along as you shoved the umbrella into his hand, dragging him to a local coffee shop.
To your surprise, he got some grande peppermint frappuccino.
To his surprise, you took it straight black. "Like my soul," you cheesily joked.
Jungkook didn't know why that memory came to his mind at a time like this. Was it because it was the first time he felt truly loved? Not unconditionally, but with genuine care? Affection that wasn't obligated or used to benefit one's own purposes?
He couldn't help but think back to the woman that night. How different she seemed from the near-corpse on the hospital bed.
"Are you just going to stare at her? Let's get moving!" Yoongi hissed, head poking out from the vent.
Jungkook snapped out of it, quickly getting you out of your bindings and lifting you into his arms. He tried not to think about how light you were, instead turning to Seokjin, who laced his fingers together and bent down. Jungkook jumped on his hands, getting boosted up into the vents with Yoongi. Seokjin managed to climb his way up after.
You began to stir from your sleep. "Is it time for shots already?"
"It's not 5 PM here yet, Agent Q," Yoongi snipped, already leading the way through the tunnels. "We can celebrate once we get you out of here."
"My knight in shining armor," you say sarcastically, still groggy as you try to bring your wits together.
"You'll thank me once you're awake. Let's get going, nuisance," Yoongi grumbled, making a quick left, navigating the system quickly as Jungkook followed. Yoongi must've spent days memorizing the interior of the ventilation system.
It's only after a few dozen turns that you stop at a vent, Yoongi quickly undoing the
"Why isn't the security system going off?" you questioned, blinking to get used to the new lighting.
"Agent B's hacked into the mainframe and the system will be down for about five minutes before it reboots. Sort of the reason we're in a rush," Jin mentions.
"You always rush things, don't you?" you reply, a snarky tone as you chuckle to yourself.
Jin merely rolled his eyes. "Who would've guessed that you'd find a way to insult me even when you're out of it?"
"I try my best."
"I've got it," Yoongi says, moving the scrap of metal to the side to reveal the hole. "Jimin, Hoseok, you down there?"
"Yeah. Hurry up, time's ticking," Hoseok reminds the group.
Jungkook places you down near the hole. "Hoseok and Jimin will catch you, just ju-"
"YEET!" you shout, slipping through the hole into the awaiting arms.
"Did she really have to do that?" Jin questioned, rolling his eyes.
"She wants to relate to the youngin's, I believe," Yoongi sighs, slipping down as well. Jungkook follows, as well as Jin's.
The moment Jin lands, however, sirens go off, lights flashing as lockdown prepares. You could already hear the sounds of footsteps from down the hall, ready to doom you all. The loud blaring of the sirens gave you a headache already, ringing in your ears as everything before you was illuminated in the same shade of red.
Code black. Code black. Code black.
Hoseok tosses you a gun, looking over to Jungkook. "Agent Z, you'll have to carry her on your back."
"On it," he immediately, hoisting you up as he holds onto you with security and strength.
"What's the plan?" you question, cocking your gun as everyone takes aim.
"Complicated. Kill anyone who isn't us," Jimin replies.
It's at that moment when aliens and humans alike flock the sides, blocking the exits. Your team moves as one, killing one enemy after another while diverting the bullets. Even when half awake, you had better aim than them, even managing to get a bullet through two skulls with a clear shot. You weren't getting as many kills as Hoseok, but you weren't one of the top agents for a reason.
Damn, I'm good.
Yoongi tosses you another weapon the moment you hear the familiar click. You catch it in one hand with ease, recognizing it as one of the handheld lasers. One of the best weapons save for what little juice it runs on. You had two options- shoot beams at the enemy with precision, perhaps ten shots at best, making you the most legendary player at laser tag, or sweep through them for a solid two seconds, cutting many in half and drilling the beam even into the wall behind them.
You choose the second, immune to the screams of agony.
Despite how your life was in mortal peril, with every bullet that whips your hair behind your face or the fact you were in a weaker state, your heart rate doesn't do so much as accelerate. Sure, there was comfort knowing that the others were with you, but truth be told you had learned to suppress adrenaline long ago. Sure, it enhanced ability, but after becoming so used to these sorts of situations, always moments from death, you were desensitized. Besides, adrenaline could make it hard to focus, or more accurately hyperfocus on simple survival. As a spy, you had to focus on a million things at once.
And one of the things you had to focus on was the man beneath you.
Jungkook did well to dodge the bullets, making sure to block you from the onslaught of ammunition as well as avoid jostling you around. You held up well, though, gripping on tightly to him as you swung your weapon to aim at another agent.
"Ah, fuck," Jungkook hissed, crumpling on one knee beneath you.
"Agent Z? Agent Z are you ok?"
"Just shot just- fuck, keep shooting," he grunted, pressing your body closer to his as he tried to rise again on both feet, though he was shaky in the process.
You cursed under your breath, cursing yourself for not being more useful in the situation, what with your weakened state.
"Dammit, Agent S! I really liked her," you hiss under your breath, eyeing one of the corpses on the ground as your group made for one of the cleared exits.
"I didn't. Bitch kept stealing the brownies I packed for lunch," Seokjin grunted.
"C'mon, we've killed about ten out of fifteen out there. Who knows how many more are on their way," Hoseok commented, covering the group as he hid behind a corner, reloading as quickly as he could. "I'll cover and meet up. Jimin, you'll have to carry Agent Q to the van. Jungkook's injured and Jin will have to take care of him for the time being. We'll slow them down for you until we can meet up."
"Yoongi comes along as well, then," Jimin says, quick to get you off Jungkook's back and into his own arms as Yoongi runs along with the two of you. "Yoongi, cover me for the time being. You too, Y/N, even if you're a bit injured."
You didn't need to be told twice, but still, you were uneasy. "We aren't leaving them there, are we?"
"They'll catch up."
You had no choice but to let Jimin carry you off, remaining in his arms as you took aim at potential threats. Yoongi did most of it, though, as stealthy as could be as he shot down whatever was in range. It wasn't long until you stood at the front doors, barricaded in advance.
The sirens were giving you a headache.
Code black. Code black. Code black.
Agent gone rogue. The most dangerous kind.
In this case, it was eight.
Jimin placed you on the ground, helping Yoongi with the code box near the entrance in order to get you through the barricades. Yoongi was busy yanking out wires, trying to rearrange them, while Jimin was getting out the different tools that were brought.
"Fuck, I hear some coming already," Jimin hisses. "How much time do we need?"
"Give me thirty seconds- it won't last long though. Perhaps ten seconds for it to open before someone gets it to close again. No doubt someone's back in the mainframe trying to prevent us from wrecking their shit," Yoongi replied.
You try to right yourself up, feeling an ache in your body as you brought the gun up. You felt so drained, but you had to push through. For them. You couldn't have them waste all of this effort only to be met with failure.
"I'll cover you two," you grunt.
"Y/N, when it opens you'll have to crawl underneath as soon as it opens enough. We won't be able to follow but Namjoon and Taehyung will be waiting in a car outside to take you. You'll have to tell him where you want to go, we know you'll figure it out. We'll meet you there once we're in the clear and escape the agency."
Your eyes bug out. "You're not coming with me?"
Jimin frowns, "Agent B and V will be with you. You're in safe hands."
"I don't want to leave-"
"Stop worrying about us for once and hurry, it's about to open in five seconds. Also to your left."
You turn to the left, immediately sending a bullet between the brows of the enemy at hand, attempting to sneak past and catch you by surprise. At that moment the barricade creaks, the metal groaning as it lifts. You follow orders, rolling under, and the moment you're outside it closes behind you.
You still weren't out of the clear, though.
You hid in the bushes, crawling through and trying to spot where Namjoon was. Your getaway driver was nowhere to be seen, however. Right when you were considering just making a run for it on your own two feet you feel someone bump into you. A hand is placed over your mouth, and you're barely able to make out Taehyung's face.
"C'mon, let's bounce."
"Are you sure you're just twenty-three?"
You hurry to an old, discreet car that was hidden in plain sight- a crowded parking lot. It was inconspicuous, a worn-down Kia, the kind a suburban mom would drive. It's when you hop in that you recognize all of the usuals- secret compartments to hide weapons both human and alien. Namjoon takes off, the sirens sounding off even outside, and other cars making their way out. Before you knew it you were speeding off.
"Agent Q, I need you to tell me one of the CIA rooms from your time. Any information you have."
Ah, that's right. The CIA had multiple rooms that were rented year-round, prepared with anything a typical spy would need. Predesigned disguises that did nothing to flatter and everything to blend, secret compartments filled with bombs, guns, and poisons, and etc. They typically didn't change the rooms, only required once someone or one of the maids accidentally stumbled upon the true purpose.
You tried to remember one of the bigger apartments, spitting out the location and room number. Thank god for the flashcards you had used when you were younger.
Namjoon put the digits into the GPS, the phasers beneath the car starting as the wheels were swiped out, and before you knew it you were floating in the car-turned-hovercraft. You wondered if Namjoon would be able to handle this. After all, he was rather prone to motion sickness. Still, he seemed to be in control, hyperfocused when it came to navigating it, making sure no other hovercrafts had caught wind of your direction in hopes of tracking you down. You had no doubt the others had dismantled any tracking devices from it, as well as stocked it with the various amounts of food, weapons, and first aid kits that were hidden in the secret compartments.
"Agent Z's injured. Got shot," you murmur, lips pressed tightly together in frustration.
"Is Jin still in there?" Taehyung questioned.
"Then he'll be fine. Jin will patch him up in no time. His specialty, after all."
"Hoseok was covering them."
"Gives them more time. I saw him kill ten men with one bullet, you know."
"Jimin and Yoongi were left at the entrance."
"I'm not worried about them. Yoongi scares the dickens out of everyone," Namjoon chimed in, chuckling.
Still, you were slowly getting more irritated. "Shouldn't we be going back to get them? We can't leave them there. They'll get killed."
"They aren't the top agents for no reason, Y/N," Taehyung assured you. "I'd like to see them try. The guys are practically invincible."
"Still, they need help-"
"No. We all agreed on this plan. They'll meet us at the hotel room anyway. Once we land I'll inform all of them. They'll only be able to receive it once they're in the clear, so we don't have to worry about someone finding it if they're kidnapped or killed."
"You can't possibly say that," you say, flabberghasted at Namjoon's methodical approach. "We can't abandon them! The sooner we help the faster it'll go."
"I can assure you we've got it under control. You're our priority."
"Why?" You blurt the question out, anger and venom now lacing your tone. There's a hush in the hovercraft, save for the low hum of the engine and phasers beneath.
Taehyung cuts through the silence, placing a hand on your shoulder. "You mean too much to us. We couldn't live with ourselves knowing you were stuck in a lab being tortured every day because of our mistakes."
"It wasn't your fault, though. It was mine," you admit. "If not then it couldn't have been prevented. If you have to blame anyone, blame Jashwi."
"We do blame her, but when you think back we all found something we could've done differently. There was no guarantee it would've changed the course of events, but there was a possibility," Namjoon sighs.
"I don't want the rest of you to pay for it either, then."
"We won't," Taehyung assures you, squeezing your shoulder a bit tighter for comfort. "We planned all of this as quickly as possible, but it was efficient. We've got you out, don't we?"
"You should've left me there."
"No. Don't even think like that," Namjoon scolds. "To us you mean... Look, forget even thinking like that. We wouldn't have stopped until you were out of harm's way from the EAA, and we'll continue to do so."
"Aren't you going to do the same for the others left in the building then?" you huff, infuriated.
"They agreed to this and know what they have to do to get out. So far everything's been going according to plan."
"Jungkook's been shot!"
"He's been through worse," Taehyung reminds you.
You couldn't argue with that.
Still, tears well up in your eyes. "You don't get it, do you? We have to go back. We have to save them. We have..."
"Agent Q?" Taehyung's eyes showed both surprise and sympathy as you broke down, tears streaming down your face. "Y/N?"
"I can't leave them. I can't leave you guys. I don't want you guys to feel the way I did down there. Cold. Alone. So, so alone. I thought you guys had left me down there for good. I thought you were done with me and figured I wasn't worth the trouble. I thought you had forgotten about me and didn't care and you were going to let me rot down there with the needles and the dark and-"
Taehyung wrapped you in an embrace, petting your hair as you broke down into chokes and sobs, shaking in his arms. None of them had ever seen you this frazzled. Namjoon wished he could console you as well, wrap his arms around you and protect you from the world. Unfortunately, his hands had to remain on the steering wheel.
"Shh, shh, it's ok. We won't leave them, ok? We'll go back once you're safe. If they're in trouble we won't hesitate to rescue them," Taehyung assures you, holding you securely and tightly against his chest, placing his chin on top of your head. You breathed in his scent, the cologne helping calm you down once you were reduced to mere sniffles. "You're not alone anymore, ok? We're here. All seven of us. We aren't letting you go again. You're safe now, you've got us. We aren't leaving you, and we never will, you hear me?"
"We never left you, Y/N. We had been searching and the minute we found you we began planning. We couldn't forget you if we tried- we couldn't live with ourselves," Namjoon assures you from the front of the car.
"Y-Y-You just feel guilty..."
"No, not just that. We love you, ok? All of us."
You weren't able to truly process his words, however, the crying effectively lulling you into a deep sleep.
You wake up in a cold sweat, your breathing accelerated as well as heart rate. You scramble, your nails scratching and searching for whatever was near, only to find sheets. It feels good to wake up without bindings, but still, you're frazzled, tormented in your slumber with images of your colleagues dead in the agency's halls, their blood coating the floor, spilling around them. Abandoned just as you thought you were.
You clawed at your hair, feeling how lifeless it was as you dragged your nails over it and to your face, feeling the protruding bones that threatened to cut your skeletal fingers. You couldn't wipe away the images. Jungkook scrambling, dragging his body through his own and his friends' blood, inching away slowly. Hoseok's mouth filling with blood as he gagged on it, a bullet embedded in his throat. Jimin and Yoongi, crushed beneath the door in a feeble attempt to escape. Jin watching all of his friends die, knowing no number of bandages and medicine would be able to bring them back.
You couldn't stay alone in this room any longer.
You wander about, recognizing it as the apartment you had informed Namjoon and Taehyung about. You must've slept all the way through it. Based on the lack of light from behind the curtains, you assume it's still dead of night. Namjoon must've let you sleep through all of it, but it wasn't long enough, seeing how sleep still clung to your mind.
You open the door, surprised to see Taehyung there.
"Y/N? You should be sleeping."
"Oh, Agent V. Surprised to see you here. As for why I'm up I...I can't. It just... I want to but I can't." You press your lips together, clear that you don't want to elaborate any further.
Taehyung purses his lips, sympathetic. "Do you need company?"
"Yeah... Why are you up though?"
"Keeping watch until the others are back."
Your heart sinks. "They haven't returned?"
"No," Taehyung confirms, frowning. "It's not all bad, though. I'm sure they're on their way. Last I heard Jin had moved Jungkook someplace safer and had finished patching him up."
"How long ago was that?"
"About an hour after you fell asleep."
Your heart sunk even lower.
Taehyung offered a sympathetic hand, rubbing your shoulder in a feeble effort to console you. "I'm sure they'll be here within the hour, Agent Q. You can't give up hope. Look, Namjoon's sleeping in the bedroom down the hall, two doors to the right. He'll keep you company if you can't sleep. I'll be sure to tell you as soon as I get any more news, alright?"
You offer a weak smile, glad to have Taehyung by your side. You give him a hug, ignoring how his breath hitched at how frail you felt around him. Like dying ivy, straining to wrap around a tree trunk, stretching as far as possible for a sliver of light. "Thank you, Tae."
He coughs, his face a bit red. "Yeah, no problem."
You follow his directions, finding yourself at Namjoon's door. Once you're hovering over his bed you shake him lightly, seeing as he jolts upright. He must've been tired for him to have slept so heavily. You would've suspected he'd be wide awake the moment you opened the door.
"Agent Q? Is everything alright?" he questions, his voice low and gravely.
"Is it ok if I sleep here tonight? Next to you?" You go ahead with the question, not bothering to dance around it. Examining his perplexed expression, you continue. "I had a really... bad dream, needless to say. I just don't think I can handle being alone right now, what with the nightmares and the guys still out there and-"
"No, no it's ok, I get it. You're more than welcome to sleep next to me," Namjoon says, assuring you.
You let out a sigh of relief, climbing in once he lifts the covers, scooting to make room for you. "I think it's just been so long since I've had physical comfort, you know? Back in the lab, they weren't allowed to make skin on skin contact with me. Just rubber against my skin, what with their latex gloves. Hell, I think the last time I was held was when I still lived with my mother."
Namjoon chuckles at that, and you curl into his side, breathing in deeply in an effort to memorize the scent of him. He seems tense, unsure of what to do.
"I won't try anything funny, trust me," you assure him. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Like I said... it's just been a while since I've been physically close to anyone."
"I understand," he nods, offering his arm to tug you a bit closer. You're happy with it, resting your head on him as you feel his heat envelop you along with the sheets, a warm hug. "It's been a while since I've been close to anyone, admittedly," he confesses, his voice a whisper.
"Mhm," you hum, eyes drooping. You were already beginning to sleep again, and you could only hope it would be dreamless, uncorrupted. You wanted to see the faces of the men smiling, not in agony.
But you could only hope.
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yikesola · 5 years
Hospital Update—
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howdy! did i emo post about feeling sick and going home from work and then didn’t post for a few days except to complain and say “i’m okay! i’m in hospital but i’m okay” 😦
oops, i guess i did
so if i worried you with that i’m truly sorry, and i want to emphasize the i’m okay bits of this story and the fact that i am still definitely okay but still definitely shook up and exhausted and processing that this week even really happened. so i’m gonna try to go over what went down and y’all aren’t allowed to make fun of me if it’s not as funny as my usual writing, deal? deal!🥰 i just have had a verrry shitty time with the fact that so much that happened is a blur and i kinda depend a lot on my interpretation of events, and i want to write it down so i have some kind of record before i lose even more details— and that can mean that while writing this out it’s gonna actually be a litttle tmi, and more medical mumbo jumbo than you care about, but hey what level of social media isn’t dripping in performativity? what else am i gonna do, besides type this out? watch more family feud? wait for my next potassium horsepill?
so i legit just thought i had a flu last week, thought i’d need to just sleep off the nausea and fever and body aches and tummy troubles, have some soup, have some sprite and gatorade, have some saltines, have some tylenol. i had been complaining for a few days about not feeling well and thought that’d be the worst of it as i never really get sick and when i do i never do much about it other than being a pioneer woman and suffering through it. and this post would be soooooo boring if that were the case— don’t worry, it was not the flu.
so something cracked in my blood after i went to sleep to try to feel better, and my body did that autoimmune thing that bodies do where it said “hey..... something’s trying to kill us. what if we died first?? that’ll show em!” and my blood platelets started eating themselves. not ,, good.....
meanwhile it was the next morning and i was supposed to get ready for work but i still felt like shit (because my body was torpedoing itself) so my dear memere coming to check up on me saw me wild and vomit-strewen, except i wasn’t actually wild at all i was just shutting down blood-utilizing organ by one and imagining that i was this wild Romantic mrs rochester in my burning nightgown while my aunt and memere quibbled over whether they could get me into the car to try urgent care. in my haze i heard that and my dumb ass was like “is it that necessary??” and luckily my dumb mouth wasn’t functioning at the time bc she didn’t say nothing and instead my relatives called an ambulance. our little mountain town has its own hospital, that’s a nice part of the story! it’s a nice little hospital!
the paramedic was lovely and tried to get me sweatpants because it’s november. i didn’t listen to her because my fever was insane and i was more concerned with making sure my cats weren’t in the way of the gurney 🤪#yikesolabranding
i had the same paramedic in the ambulance with me when they sent me to the hospital in the big city and i spent the whole 90 minute drive talking about how much i love those fucking cats
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that’s beside the point, but i want to be clear about who i am at my core apparently, always talking about the gals 😻
so i get to the hospital and this is the first black out. i guess technically second because of when it all started, but let’s pick up with me waking up in the hospital. i have nine plasma. i have a fever of 105. i’m being given a blood transfusion, thanks high schoolers who wanted to get out of running the mile in PE that day!
they throw their dartboard tests and decide i have TTP—
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basically, they just need to trick my blood into calling off the attack. how are they gonna do that? they’re gonna confuse the blood, overwhelm it, overcrowd it. they’re gonna get me to the fancy city hospital and treat my veins like frosting piping bags.
it’s snowing— no helicopter for me. i have a catheter at this point btw, and this is one of the parts that i know is tmi but ....... ladies and friends, y’all ever had a catheter?? 😩🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 i’m dying and legit think i’d rather piss myself to death, it hurts that bad. we take an ambulance down to the valley, i complain enough about the catheter that they finally take it out for which i apologize incessantly (something that’s probably more annoying than the original complaining but i could die in my own piss comfortable and happy so whatever let’s not worry about it.) i pass out again.
i wake up in ICU. i’m assured i am neither pregnant nor have AIDS. good news✌️ especially considering some family history i won’t dive into here. they’re saying the catheter word again and that scares me bc ow, but don’t worry! this one is going in my neck :) it’s how we’re gonna save my life—
we pump thirteen (13) bags of plasma into my neck via dialysis. it works so well they decide they’re gonna do it for a week! i am weeping through the entire 90 minute procedure btw, and apologizing for it. i’m a Fun Patient!
i pass out again.
i wake up to another assurance that i am still unpregnant and don’t have AIDS. hmmm glad those ones stick!
my aunt is begging me to rub my two brain cells together so i can unlock my phone. i do, which is interesting considering when asked the year i repeatedly answer 1992 and 1994. but my 4digit phone passcode? try and wipe that from me, bitch ass stroke
my aunt calls my dad. he is less of a jerk than he could be :) he thinks my uninsured ass should move to the hospital he works at in california. fucking comedian
i text some friends waiting in my hospital bed. it’s a messy text. if you’re a friend who got one of those texts, bless your reading comprehension abilities and please know that my intention was to say something like “i don’t want to worry you, I’ve checked into the hospital but am okay” but it was like in pooh’s grand adventure when pooh bear spilt honey all over christopher robin’s note that literally said “DONT worry about me, i’m NOT going far away” and read it as “worry about me, i’m going far away” and basically i should’ve taken the opportunity to pass out again instead of trying to text lol
i did call one friend instead of text and she was at dinner with her husband, so sent a little “call you back later!” before listening to the voicemail and the poor dear felt very bad for blowing me off, though i promise i did not feel blown off, i shouldn’t have called at dinner time like a damn telemarketer!
so i wake up again and it’s been two days 😞😞 whoopsie! they’ve done more plasma, i’m stable, and my brain is coming back. I’m BORED. i’m trapped in my body and can’t move and in incredible pain! i’m covered in bruises. i’ve vomited on myself. it’s time to pump me with more plasma. while they’re doing the 40min prep work for that, i am drenched in confusion, like that camouflage spell in hp5. i start screaming apologies (even when my brain is broke i can apologize, social feminization is a hell of a drug) to my doctors who ask me who the president is and i become the “don’t make me say it” meme. that made us all feel a little better.
they pump their plasma. my episode passes. i have a violet allergic reaction all over my body. they pump some benadryl. it goes away.
i can eat solid food! by “solid food” i mean strawberry jello. they tell me to order food of more substance. i order a meatloaf, and pass out before it arrives. i feel bad, eat it cold. i have Never had a better meatloaf, although if i’m being perfectly honest she was closer to a salisbury steak. genuilnely, *chefs kiss*
it’s day five, it’s time for me to leave the ICU. this fancy new room has a toilet :) and a shower! i finally get that vomit out of my hair. my aunt brings me my glasses; they’ve been on my bedside table this whole time
day six is a petulant day ..... idk why but my neck catheter was killing worse than usual and the plasma treatments had been slowly getting more bearable but then this day ,, wasn’t. and suddenly this all felt like a lot of hoops to jump through. and i had some “this isn’t fair🥺” moping as though not being dead isn’t wicked cool enough on its own. whatever, i’m feeling a lot better today, and y’all were really nice about my grumbling so thank you for that, without an ouce of facetiousness🥰
day seven, thanksgiving! i’m finally awake early enough for breakfast. i have fruit loops and laugh at mr amazing’s pain. i have hospital turkey for thanksgiving. it’s as bad as hospital turkey has to be, i can’t blame it for that. my memere sends two blank text messages. she’s 84, so i interpret them as “happy turkey day” and “love you”
i have what is supposed to be my last plasma treatment. before they pull my neck catheter out, they decide it willl not be. i’ll have at least one more in the morning. they’re still not comfortable, but i don’t cry through all 90minutes now. only like ,, 70 minutes of it🤙 maybe i’ll break under an hour tomorrow.
that’s all for now— at this time discharge is looking like monday or tuesday. my TTP recovery is likely, just a matter of time. i’m having a really hard time looking at my phone screeen (typing this has taken on and off 4hrs of dizzy and break) but so look forward to getting back into things that make me happy like japhan content and all the fests and kiss prompts i was working on before this. thanks for listening to this poor approximation of what i remember of my hospital experience! ✨✨🥰 sorry idk how to add a damn read more
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alittleshocking · 4 years
Phillip and Shock are Disgusted and Frankly Appalled by the Miracle of Pregnancy (*) [Tell Tale Heart]
In which the title explains it all...[takes place idk some time]
[tw -- frank discussion of abortion]
SHOCK: “So, I’m pregnant,” Shock said to Phillip as she lay in his bed, the blanket tossed artfully over her lower body. She slid her heel up the mattress, so her knee was bent, the black sheet pooling over her abdomen. She let out a huff.
Yes, Shock was pregnant, because she let men inside her body however she wanted. Usually, she was rather good about it in terms of the pull out or what not, but she had always played fast and loose. She had assumed God or whoever the fuck owed her majorly for giving her fucking cancer as a kid. Maybe she had used up all her “poor little cancer girl” tokens in the slot machine, gambling away for more time consequence free. 
Maybe it was just shitty luck. One too many times letting some dumbass come inside her.
Honestly, she didn’t even know if it was Phil’s. He was her best guess, considering he was a frequent customer, but there would be no telling without a DNA test and if Shock had anything to say about it--that wouldn’t be necessary at the end of the day.
Shock lit a cigarette, even though she knew Phil’s tight-ass roommate hated her smoking in the house. Maybe she should’ve announced this at family dinner. That would’ve been hilarious. John would’ve popped a blood vessel. Tom would’ve asked to be godfather or some shit. Of course, in this scenario, Shock convinced them all she was keeping it. Which--
“Don’t freak out, I’m not keeping it.” The cigarette wagged between her teeth as she spoke and then she took a drag, plucking it from her lips and letting the smoke drift into the air. 
PHILLIP: “Oh thank fucking God.”
He let out a breath. He’d been totally and utterly frozen the moment she’d said what she’d said, sitting up so his back was against the headboard. He’d been about to suggest they grab a drink after she lit her cigarette and then she’d spoken and Phil couldn’t hear much else.
Here was a thing Phillip Knightley knew: even the best birth control was only 99.9% effective or something. He couldn’t beat those odds.
Here was another thing: Phillip had been...how shall we say...particularly careless when it came to fucking Shock. He wasn’t normally, mind you. He was normally very careful about rubbers and all that sort of stuff, because if there was one fear Phillip had, it was some woman knocking on his door heavily pregnant and demanding he pay for a child he did not want. That’d make his father quite happy.
Not that Phil didn’t want kids eventually. Maybe. He knew he was supposed to want them — or at least supposed to want to breed like a rabbit and produce strong Order sons. 
But a kid running around from some non-approved woman was a fucking nightmare — and it’d ruin his status. Not that Order members didn’t on occasion keep side mistresses or slip up, but Phil couldn’t do that to the Knightley name. He’d already fucked up once. 
“Not that I won’t help you remove it,” said Phillip, smiling now, because that’s what he did when things got weird. “But how the hell do you even know it’s mine?” He nudged her with his leg. “Not exactly like we’ve ever been exclusive.” 
SHOCK: Shock snorted at his emphatic response. She’d wanted to elicit a similar sort of reaction from him, just because she’d find it funny. And she needed funny right now.
No, Shock was not having some moral quandary over yeeting a fetus out of her uterus. She was having a monetary quandary. Since she wasn’t a citizen, she was going to have to pay out the ass for an abortion. And there was no other option. Either Shock was gonna have to prostitute herself out for a few months to gather the near 500 pounds she was gonna need (maybe more including a place to stay for the recovery after the operation) or she was gonna get it from Phil.
She knew he could afford it, which is why she had targeted him for this particular favor. Well, he was also the closest thing she had to a friend in town. They actually spent time together not having sex or doing drugs sometimes, which equaled friendship in Shock’s eyes. Which meant there was an emotional connection here she could play on too--garner his sympathy. 
She rolled her eyes. “You’re fucking me a lot more tan anyone else. Didn’t that big fancy university you went to teach you statistics?” she scoffed at him. 
PHILLIP: “You overestimate my ability to pay attention in school and do math,” fired Phil right back. 
He was quiet then, thinking about the weight of it all. He couldn’t help it. Stewing on things was part of his nature, trying to find some sort of meaning to it all. Logically he knew this would get taken care of very easily. Phil had money. He knew Shock probably came to him because she knew that he had money. He knew that he wouldn’t have said no. She didn’t need to convince him. It was something he’d do for a friend. 
The corner of his mouth tugged up. He didn’t know if he’d consider Shock a friend — just someone he was fucking. But it was more than that, wasn’t it? It wasn’t romantic, nah. Phil knew what love felt like, this big, gnawing, pulsating thing that clawed in his chest and suffocated him. He didn’t feel like that with Shock. He looked at her and he felt — he felt like high-fiving her. 
“Wow, fuck. We made a thing.” He laughed, poking Shock’s lower stomach. “There is a thing in there. That’s mental. That’s fucked. That’s straight up horror movie shit, I don’t know how women do it. Something just bloody grows inside of you for nine months all because a bloke didn’t pull out fast enough.”
He shivered a little and then for good measure, slapped a hand on Shock’s thigh.
“Alright, when do you wanna extract this thing? How does this work? Do you call ahead? Make a reservation? Just show up? I’ve no idea. Maybe I should.” He tilted his head. “For the future.”
SHOCK: Shock actually smacked his hand away. She didn’t feel like high-fiving. She felt like breaking his damn fingers, one by one. Or kneeing him in the groin. She didn’t think it was mental. It was horror movie shit. She had done a lot to keep this body: chemo and radiation mainly, though malnutrition definitely played its part. Part of her body had never really recovered from any of that. And she liked it that way. The idea of getting fat was a fucking nightmare. Especially if it wasn’t because she’d gorged herself on delicacies and sweets because she could.
It was disgusting and awful and she wanted it gone. The thought of thinking of something unauthorized growing inside of her made her feel violated. Her room was not for rent, get the fuck out squatter.
“I’ve got to make an appointment and go through some bullshit pre-screening process, probably to get convinced out of it. Don’t worry, that’s not going to happen. I’d rather die. And as soon as fucking possible. We have to go up closer to London, because there is no doctor out here in the boonies that’ll do it. Also, it’s gonna cost you 500 quid or whatever the fuck you say. And that’s just the operation. Apparently I’m gonna need to be there 48 hours before. So, add hotel on top of that. And I want the fancy shit, as mother of your bastard, I deserve the best.”
She flicked some of her blonde hair into his face. “I know you can afford it, so pony up. Oh, also, if you’re using a credit card, you’ve got to come with me.” 
PHILLIP: “Yeah, yeah.” Phil waved a hand at the mention of a hotel. He knew a place in London that was nice, but tucked out of the way, the sort of place that rich executives — and rich Order Princes — took their mistresses.
“Don’t worry, nothing but the best for my baby mama.” He reached on the side table for his phone, typed in the name of the hotel and then pulled up the website that listed all the amenities — spa, pool, lounge, gym, all that jazz — and tossed it to Shock. It was an expensive hotel, the type with a big flashy chandelier in the lobby, and if Phil didn’t already scream money, he sure as hell did now. The Knightleys were old money, basically gentry, which Shock, an American might not realize, but Phil knew she knew he knew that she knew that he was loaded. He wasn't gonna skimp out now. 
“That good enough for you? Might as well make a mini-vacation out of this whole thing.” He sighed, leaning back on the headboard. “Vacabortion. Aborcation? Something like that. Is that crass? That’s absolutely crass. Good thing we’re on the same page here.”
SHOCK: Holy shit, this was working?
For all the shit that Shock talked, she didn’t actually know if it was going to and there was a part of her that she’d never admit to, if you pried back all the rest, that was terrified. She didn’t want to go to some shady backdoor doctor, she didn’t want to turn tricks in order to afford the abortion and probably end up with some disgusting STI in exchange. Her options, outside of Phil, were unappealing and dangerous. As much as Shock liked to risk her life, it was always on her terms.
Not to mention: Shock hated hospitals and anything medical. She barely took Advil, if she could help it. Now, she was going to have to have surgery. Be strapped, helpless, to a table and dissected.
This fear lurked like a shadow against the wall, in the peripheral of Shock’s vision. Just faint enough that Shock could ignore it. 
She hadn’t panicked. She’d gotten to work.
There was this burn in her chest when Phil handed her the phone. Something that was as thick and cloying as perfume: gratitude. Shock would rather choke on it. 
Good thing Phil handed her his phone. She took it with eager hands and, despite her composure throughout this conversation, her eyes bulged wide at the sight of glittering chandeliers and a pool bigger than any she’d ever seen.
“Holy shit, that bathtub is a-maz-ing! That’ll be so great to soak in after they’ve ripped my uterus out through my vagina.” 
Shock wasn’t going to say thank you. Even if the words were on the tip of her tongue. Instead, she leaned back against the cushions and clicked the “book room” button--
“So, when are we going? You don’t have school yet, right? And if Gaston doesn’t let me off, I’ll just start a smear campaign about him.” 
PHILLIP: “I’m literally always free,” said Phil, which was somewhat of a lie. He’d have to make up a reason to tell John and Tom why he was going out of town with Shock. Maybe the reason was just as simple as he was going out of town with Shock to the Belleview — which both of them would recognize immediately — and Tom would make a big deal about it and John would roll his eyes, but Phillip could deal with that. 
He did not want a child. Not right now at least. Maybe one day. In the future. In the far future. Hopefully. Phillip hoped that one day he’d wake up and the future that was laid out for him — marry a nice well-bred Order girl, breed like a rabbit and have an army of children — would be something he realized he’d been looking for. All this youthful ennui and restlessness was just an adolescent phase. Phillip Knightley was just a bit too late in growing out, of course! He wanted to want it, wanted to duck his head down and make his parents happy, please his brothers, stay by John and Tom’s side for the rest of his days. 
He glanced back at Shock, the thoughts too heavy for even him to infuse levity in, pushing them out of mind as he browsed more of the Belleview’s amenities. 
“Next weekend? Or is during the week better for you? What would please the boss man? Like I said — and like you know — I am very flexible.” 
SHOCK: The relief was like a shock (ha) to the system with how immediate and all-encompassing it was. She hadn’t even realized how stiff she’d been until her body finally caught up and realized: damn, girl, you actually got us out of a shitty situation for once. She felt herself relax into the fluffy mattress of Phil’s bed, her body aching slightly. 
“During the week probably. Definitely can’t take off Friday/Saturday. Could leave Sunday and get back..Tuesday? Do you think there is a long recovery time for getting your uterus lining ripped out of your vagina? I mean...usually that shit takes a week, I can’t imagine it all done at once.” She gave a shudder before perking back up. “Hey, you think they’re gonna give me pain killers? Like--the good shit?”
She laughed. Awesome, if she got those, she could turn around and sell them maybe. Give Phil back at least some of the money. As much as she enjoyed having money and attention lavished on her, she didn’t like the idea of being a charity case.
“Thanks, though. Guess I owe you a really good blow job or something.”
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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Break Up
(Story Post)
“What about Ben? Yeah, I—No, but—” Jeffrey sniffled. “Well go then! Don't come back!” Nathan was just coming out of a meeting with Korsgaard when he caught the end of Jeffrey’s phone conversation. Jeffrey was in the hall carrying Ben strapped to his chest and after hanging up the phone, he just pressed his head against the wall and sobbed. “Whoa, hey…” Nathan rushed over quickly and placed a hand on Jeffrey’s back. “…What’s up? What happened?” Jeffrey flinched but relaxed when he realised it was Nathan. He quickly wiped his eyes. “It’s Bler… He just broke up with me…” “No way.” Nathan wasn’t surprised at all considering how little Bler seemed to be involved with his family based on what Jeffrey had shared in group, but he still felt bad for the boy nonetheless. “I’m so sorry. That’s terrible.”
“He did it through text too!” Jeffrey sniffled, holding up his phone. Ben was visibly getting upset as Jeffrey did, but he didn’t cry. “Who breaks up with someone over text?!” “You were just on the phone though…” Nathan remarked. “He texted me during my counseling, but I called him as soon as I saw it after…” Jeffrey said. Nathan didn’t even think young adults made phone calls anymore, but he didn’t bring it up. Instead he searched his pockets and found one of the twins’ toys, a little squishy octopus, and handed it to Ben. He hoped it would entertain him enough in the moment to keep his attention off his father’s breakdown. “…Break ups are difficult. Not to mention, it must be even harder when you have a baby between you… If there’s anything I can do to help, just ask.” Jeffrey slumped his back against the wall and wiped his eye again. “I… I just don’t know what to do…” Nathan nodded and rubbed Jeffrey’s shoulder. “Who’s picking you up today?” “No one…” Jeffrey answered. “Ollie’s at work until later and Korsy’s in, like, Montana or something… I took transit.” Nathan shook his head. “I’m not letting you go on transit like this. How about you have dinner with us? Then when your cousin gets off work, he can get you. Or Dax’ll drive you.” Jeffrey hesitated for second. “That’d be cool, I think… Thanks…” “I’m on wolf cycle which means I’m eating in the cafeteria this week which is good for us because we don’t have to go all the way home, but it also means you can’t stay too late,” Nathan explained. “But I’m headed to my room right now if you’ll join me.” Jeffrey nodded. “Sure.” Nathan offered to carry Ben for the way down and Jeffrey took the break thankfully. He was quiet the whole time as he was guided down to the resident floor, but he wasn’t crying anymore which Nathan hoped was good. Ben watched Jeffrey the whole time with his big wide eyes, almost like he was studying his father. When Jeffrey noticed, he pulled a silly face for him and pet his head. When they got to the room, Nathan let them in with his key. Wano, who had been watching the twins, got up from the floor by their play pen and came to the door. The tall stranger overwhelmed Jeffrey and he stepped back a pace before Wano was standing over him. “Who is this?” Wano asked, tilting his head as he scanned Jeffrey’s face. He glanced at Nathan and then pointed to Ben. “And this. This is not yours, Nathan.” “No, this is Jeffrey and his son Ben,” Nathan said. “He’s in my pregnancy group.” “Uh, Nathan… Who’s this guy?” Jeffrey asked. Then he lowered his voice. “You’re not sleeping around on Mr. Olivier, are you?” “What? No!” Nathan patted Wano’s arm. “This is Wano. He’s under my care at the moment.” “So… You’re fostering him?” Jeffrey asked. “Sometimes it feels that way…” Nathan chuckled. “But, no. It’s sort of like a sponsorship. He stays with us to get some more time outside of APID.” “But this is APID,” Jeffrey said. “Yeah, he still has to come back when I’m on my cycle, but when we’re home, he gets to come live with us,” Nathan said. Wano was still looking Jeffrey over. He pointed to Ben again. “You made this?” Jeffrey’s pride took over and he grinned. “Yeah, baked him myself.” “So, you are a parent?” Wano asked. “That’s right,” Jeffrey said. “Recently single parent.” Nathan watched how Jeffrey’s eyes flicked down Wano’s torso and a sudden realisation of what he might’ve just started filled him with worry. “You’re ra bit small, though,” Wano commented. “How do you fit a child inside? You’re not as tall as Nathan. He can fit two children.” “I think most pregnant people on Earth are usually closer to Jeffrey’s height or shorter actually,” Nathan said. “But I guess you haven’t met many parents here yet, have you?” “You and the fish,” Wano said. He looked at Jeffrey again and nodded. “You are closer to the fish size. I understand. Probably only one baby at a time then. That’s fine.” “I bet I could handle twins,” Jeffrey said, placing his hands on his hips. “No problem.” “Really? That is admirable,” Wano said. “I cannot carry children. I can only plant seeds.” “That’s totally fine by me,” Jeffrey said. “Okay, you know what, I’m really hungry,” Nathan said to try to slow the roll on wherever that conversation was going. “How about we go to the cafeteria now and I can text Dax to meet us there?” “Alright,” Jeffrey said. “Is Wano joining us?” “Of course,” Nathan said. “Wano, could you help me get the twins in their carriers, please?” Wano nodded and went to grab them. Nathan handed Ben back to Jeffrey so he could carry one of the twins while Wano took care of the other. He didn’t have to message Dax as the teacher came strutting down the hall to meet them at the door. “Hello!” he saved waving. “Looks like I’m not too late! Hello, Jeffrey. It’s nice to see you again.” “Hi, Mr. Olivier!” Jeffrey said quickly. “Or, uh, Dax, right?” “Of course! I'm not your teacher anymore. Just call me Dax,” he insisted. “Okay cool. Feels kinda weird but I guess I'll get used to it…” Jeffrey said. “Jeffrey’s cousin can't pick him up until later, so I invited him to have dinner with us,” Nathan explained. “Sounds good. I'll put my book bag down inside and then we can head over,” Dax said. They went down to the cafeteria all together and chose a table to sit at. Nathan left the twins with Dax while he took Jeffrey up to get food first. While they did that, Dax and Wano set up a highchair for Ben too. “The food's really good here,” Nathan said as they lined up. “If you don't have dietary restrictions, it's pretty much a buffet. Desserts are portioned out for the residence, but you can have mine.” “Do I have to pay for any of this?” Jeffrey asked. “No, no. It's free for anyone with entry into the facilities,” Nathan said. “Just tap your APID card at the end over there.” “Cool. Nobody told me there was free food…” “Yeah, it’s great. How old’s Ben? Can he eat solids?” Nathan asked. “Oh, yeah. He's big into Cheerios and yoghurt,” Jeffrey said. “And he’s ten months old.” “Ooh, a birthday soon, nice,” Nathan said. “They should have some options for Ben at the end by the desserts.” “This is pretty cool. I might come here more often,” Jeffrey said. “So uh, where’s Wano from?” “Um, Eclul. He’s Eclulan,” Nathan explained. “Listen, about Wano—” “Are they all purple like him?” Jeffrey asked. “More or less,” Nathan answered. “I’ve seen darker shades, but they don’t really vary in hue like Yulinians.” “Bler’s species wasn’t very different from us,” Jeffrey said. “His skin’s tiny bit green and his eyes are big, but that’s about it. Ben mostly just got his hair and eyes.” “Good for fitting in, I imagine,” Nathan said. “If that’s what your going for anyway.” “Yeah, when I go out grocery shopping with him or something, sometimes little old ladies come up and tell me my son has such beautiful eyes,” Jeffrey said. “But he could’ve also got that from me, ‘cause I used to get a lot of compliments on my eyes. You know, since they’re a little pink.” “They are a really nice colour,” Nathan considered. “Is that the fairy side?” “Ollie says so,” Jeffrey said. He looked back at their table. “I don’t think I could date another Prilarian…” “May be for the best,” Nathan said. “I think the best thing after a bad break up is to have some time to yourself. I didn’t even think I could ever date again after my last break up. But I guess, that was for more personal reasons.” “Maybe… Maybe not,” Jeffrey said. “And I’m thinking about Ben here. He needs a dad.” “Well, is Bler not going to be around at least for his son?” Nathan asked. “Nope. He has to go back to Poland,” Jeffrey said. “He said Canada deported him back there because it’s where he landed and he has a criminal record or something… He doesn’t think it’s worth it to try and fight to come back because he could be deported off planet… Korsy warned me this could happen because it happens a lot to Prilarians since they tend to ignore the law. I just think Korsy hates him. He’s probably the one who got him kicked out…” “Wow, that’s… Well… I don’t really know anything about Prilarians,” Nathan said. “Yulinians seem to be the majority at APID.” “What about Eclulans? Are there a lot of them?” Jeffrey asked. “I think they’re like a far second,” Nathan said. “Yulinians are mostly here to work as ambassadors in their fields but Eclulans are mostly here to make a better life for themselves. The thing is that most of them are pretty stubborn and typically come to Earth under false VISAs because they won’t admit they’re refugees of war on their planet.” “So, they’re runaways?” Jeffrey said. “That’s kinda hot.” “I don’t know about hot, but it means a lot of them get deported,” Nathan said. “Wano himself is in the middle of getting deported which is why we insisted he stay with us so he can see a bit more of Earth before he goes.” Jeffrey frowned. “Oh no… You’re fighting it, right?” “Yeah, but all we could get so far was an extension,” Nathan said. “It seems like he might have to go back to Eclul and reapply to return. It’s hard to know he’ll be safe though if he goes back.” “Oh…” They got their food and headed back to the table. Jeffrey smiled to Wano as the Eclulan got up to get his dinner with Dax. Nathan wondered if Dax was picking up any of this, or if Wano was even aware of how interested Jeffrey was. Jeffrey got Ben out of his carrier and placed him into the highchair. He put out a bowl of dry cereal for the baby to try and Ben seemed more than happy grabbing from it and shoving pieces in his mouth. “What do you do for fun?” Nathan asked as he started to eat. “Play video games mostly,” Jeffrey answered. “I'm starting to stream. I'm hoping I can build up some fans again and make some money. Reggie's helping.” “Again?” Nathan asked. “Yeah. I used to livestream when I was pregnant with Ben,” Jeffrey explained. “People paid to see me getting bigger. They seemed to know before I did that I was pregnant though. I was just trying to gain weight. Turns out I'd been wasting my time since my fairy genes won't allow it. But I got Ben out of it, so there's always that.” “I see…” Nathan said. “So you've stopped making those types of videos?” “Yeah. APID pretty much made me delete my account,” Jeffrey said. “I did give birth to an alien on camera, so they wanted to shut that down pretty quick. I do miss it though. I really enjoyed being big and round and just so tight and full… I was hoping Bler would give me another child but it seems that's not likely…” “You want to get pregnant again?” Nathan asked, a little more worried. “Of course! Don't you?” Jeffrey asked. “Not even a little bit, no,” Nathan said. Jeffrey waved a hand. “That's fine or whatever, but I want to be pregnant again so bad. I loved just how big I was, just waddling everywhere. And I want Ben to have a sibling to play with.” “Don't you worry about that getting in the way of your ambitions?” Nathan asked. “That is my ambition. That's why I want to do the gaming thing,” Jeffrey said. “Gaming is something you can do from home and you don't have to worry if you're pregnant. It's not like there's a boss that needs you in the office or whatever. It's flexible. You're your own boss. You create content whenever you feel like it and make bank.” Nathan wasn't sure Jeffrey was being too realistic. “That's if you get really famous, right? Until you start making that money, if you're supporting a family, you need a day job too. It costs a lot of money to raise children.” “Well, that's why I don't want to do it alone,” Jeffrey said. “The sooner I start dating again, the sooner I find someone who can support myself and my kids. It’d be much harder alone.” Nathan reached over and took Jeffrey’s hand. “Listen. I still think it'd be best for you to take some time to yourself. Process your break up before you jump into anything you'll regret.” Jeffrey frowned and took his hand back. “I appreciate your opinion, but I didn't ask for it.” The others came back at this point but before sitting down, Dax tapped Nathan's shoulder. “Oh, I got the meat lasagna instead of the veggie. I’m gonna go back up. But Nathan, they had your favourite bagels out. Did you see?” Nathan looked up at his partner a bit confused but he saw the insistence in Dax's face and realised he wanted him to come with him. “No, I didn't see. If they're my favourite I should get one.” Nathan got up and grabbed his plate. “We'll be right back.” Nathan and Dax drifted off back over near the buffet and Dax dropped a hand on his shoulder. “What's going on here?” Dax asked. “Are we on a double date?” “Oh god, I hope not…” Nathan sighed. “So, you're getting that vibe too?” “Less of a vibe, more of a big blinking billboard,” Dax said. “Wano has been very explicit about how he'd like to bed Jeffrey and fill him with offspring.” “Ew… Now that Bler's officially dumped him, Jeffrey seems to be ready to jump into bed too,” Nathan said, starting to panic a bit. “I didn’t realise they’d be like this. This is all my fault for inviting Jeffrey to dinner.” “No, no. You were just being nice,” Dax said. “This happens, I guess. They're young. Or, actually… How old is Wano?” “Physically? I don't know. Emotionally, ten. Maybe thirteen, tops.” “Mm, well… They are adults. There isn’t much we can do,” Dax pointed out. “If they both like each other mutually, then it isn’t really our place to try to break them up.” “But if they do get together and they do have a child, what then? From what I know from our group sessions, Jeffrey already barely has the means to support Ben and Wano is literally getting deported. And, I mean it's not breaking them up if they haven't gotten together yet, right?” Nathan said. “It's prevention.” “I think at this point it's breaking them up,” Dax said, pointing past Nathan. Nathan turned around and sighed. Jeffrey had slid around to sit beside Wano and they were feeding each other their dinners. “Fucking hell…” Nathan groaned. “Well, Wano has to stay with you so technically, they shouldn’t really have much of a chance to be alone, right?” Dax said. “And when he's alone in the house, he has to watch the kids.” “You’re right…” Nathan was still a bit unconvinced. “But I’m still worried.” Dax pursed his lips. “Well, if you don't want them to start making out in front of the kids, we should probably get back.” “Yeah.” They rejoined the table and Nathan sat across from Jeffrey now that they were on opposite sides. “Hey, um. Have you let Ollie know you’re here with us?” “Oh, not yet,” Jeffrey said pulling out his phone. “I'll text him now.” “Who is Ollie?” Wano asked curiously. “My cousin,” Jeffrey said as he typed. “I can't drive but he picks me up all the time.” “Cousin?” Wano inquired, unfamiliar with the word. “Yeah. My mother's sister's son.” “Ah. You are blood.” “Yep.” “Wano, you ate all your green beans,” Dax remarked. “Good job.” “They were not disgusting,” Wano said. “Very tolerable.” “I'm glad to hear it,” Dax said. “Yes, Jeffrey made them enjoyable to eat,” Wano said. “He made spaceship noises.” “Oh...” “Shit, it doesn’t seem like Ollie can get me tonight…” Jeffrey interrupted after receiving a text message. “Dax'll drive you then,” Nathan said. “Right, Dax?” “Sure,” Dax confirmed. “I'd be happy to." “‘Kay,” Jeffrey accepted. “You guys are so chill. I always figured teachers were really boring and dusty, but you’ve always been pretty cool, Mr. Olivier. Or, Dax. Sorry.” “No, that's alright and thank you,” Dax said. “Let me know when you're done eating and then we can head out.” “Is there a rush?” Jeffrey asked, sliding his hand onto Wano's knee. Nathan tensed when he noticed. “Well sort of. You know, I have my condition. Too late and it could be dangerous for you.” “Does Wano stay in your room while you guys are living at APID?” Jeffrey asked. Wano shook his head. “I have my own room. It's smaller, but the wi-fi is good and the bed is nice.” “Well, if it gets too late, then I could hang out in Wano's room,” Jeffrey said. “No, no… Uh, doesn't Ben have a bedtime you wanna stick to?” Nathan mentioned. “Yeah, I guess.” Jeffrey patted Wano's leg. “Another time then?” “Yes. You can see my rock collection,” Wano said. “Ooh, are they really hard?” “Yes, they are rocks.”
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snowdog49 · 5 years
ROYAI Week 2019
Day 6: Revival
Rating: General Audience
His fingers tapped on the steering wheel as the soft music played in the car. It was quiet, like the sleeping form next to him. The dark road was dimly lit by the headlights, straight and narrow, leading into some farmlands. Dark haired, casually dressed, the high ranked military official took his time, driving slow to be careful of holes and bumps. He wasn't tired, as he should have been. His black eyes inspected the road which he would have guessed that it was only used by locals. Considering it was summer season, the harvests were not ready yet, and the road would have little traffic at all. Last time he drove down it was years ago, but before that, he was just a lad. It was hardly a road then. At least now he didn’t have to have her walk for miles to get there. He was sure that’d be a disaster in the least. Roy had been thinking about this for the past week. It was essential that she didn’t wake. The surprise would be ruined. Roy had never driven so carefully before. He watched diligently for wildlife, holes, and anything else that would ruin this trip for them. He wasn’t going to screw this up. It was a very important gift.
It’d already been stressful enough, and insomnia plagued both of them. She tossed and turned at night, groaning as she tossed the covers off, or pulled them closer. If she was awake, so was he. Normally he wouldn’t mind. She usually comforted him when he woke and was unable to sleep. However, she needed sleep for a whole other reason besides just going to work every day. Since he had bestowed the responsibility upon her, he would be awake when she was. It probably didn’t help her mood swings either. Roy merely tolerated those. Once he was given the news, he read every pregnancy book he could get his alchemic fingers on.     
The trip wasn’t without its specific purpose. Work had taken its toll on both of them. The paperwork and tasks didn’t decrease even though Roy explicitly told others to take parts of her duties for her. He watched her struggling to stay awake, her getting up and moving though it was painful on her swollen feet most days. No matter how bad she wanted it, the doctor, and he refused to let her exercise. At lunch last week she was lamenting on how fat she felt. No matter how often he kissed her cheek and told her that she was the most beautiful that he’d ever seen her, she only broke down and cried. There was nothing Roy could do to make her happy. She was unhappy, he was unhappy, and moreover, he felt useless.
As his fingers drummed away to the familiar tune, his chest felt full with the idea of himself being a father. It wasn't the perfect situation or time, but he'd welcome it. It was certain that he was taking it better than her. He didn't consider himself father material. His past was dark, heavy, and regretful. He didn't deserve anything. He certainly didn't deserve the sleeping angel next to him, the growing child in her, or his rise to redemption. The little light that it was, it was strong and mighty as it shone through the darkness of his deep hole of despair. He would not only change the world through his own leadership but through his child.
It was fun even to think about the child’s gender. He teetered back and forth on what he wanted, but truth be told, he didn’t care. Sitting down with Havoc, he admitted that a girl would be wonderful. She’d have anything she wanted. Riza only giggled and told Havoc that Roy just wanted a boy so that he had someone to get in trouble with. Roy imagined both worlds clearly. He did have a habit of having clear and larger than life ambitions. It was even amusing to him, imagining himself, a General, with a little girl attached to his finger, dressed in her finest dress, as he inspected the troops in the morning. He could see a six-year-old boy, looking identical to himself, jumping around the cadet school and playing on the training equipment. He snorted as he imagined Lieutenant Breda holding his girl, being ordered to read her favorite book to her for the tenth time.
The short golden hair, peaceful expression, and twitching fingers were lost in the dark car. Roy knew they were there, however, the only illumination was from the dash and the stereo, which was a yellow weak glow. It was probably best for a darker interior. It’d help her sleep. He was more surprised that she had only woke once when they were at the gas station when he was getting gas. She went in to use the restroom.
"Where are we?"
“I don’t know,” he lied with a shrug. “I’m just driving.”
She looked around nervously. “When are we going to head back?”
Roy shrugged again.
“I hope my legs don’t cramp,” she warned, getting back into the vehicle. He put his jacket over her before starting the car and continued on his way.
He hadn't been in this direction in a long while. His dark eyes glanced at her as she snored lightly, seemingly as if she was waking up. He held his breath, hoping that she wouldn’t be angry that he had dragged her out into the wilderness. But she didn't. Riza shifted, letting out a hum, her body stiffening and relaxing. Roy could hardly believe how beautiful she was. Granted, it was the same thought that led the two of them into this situation, but she continued to blow by his expectations every day. He woke up next to her and felt as if he was blessed as if he wasn’t a complete failure after all. Though having a child out of wedlock was viewed as irresponsible and maybe heavy looked down upon, Roy put all that aside and still puffed his chest out with pride. He loved Riza with all his heart. He couldn’t say that he regretted it...yet...
It was exciting too. Every new turn of events, every experience was seemingly more exciting than the next. He thought back to just the other day when they were in the office. She jumped in her seat, resulting in a quick jump from him as well. Every officer nearby looked at her.
"It kicked," she had whispered, putting her hand on her stomach.
"Kick it back," an officer joked.
But Roy didn't hear that. He only felt the sinking of his heart that he couldn't run to her and touch her. He couldn't feel his child. It wouldn't be till they got home. By that point, he was following her around with his hand stuck to her stomach in constant anticipation. When they slept, her back tightly tucked into his chest, his hand resting on her, waiting even in his dreams for his child to reach out to him. The moment he did feel it, Riza could do nothing but laugh at him. He jumped up and down, celebrating with such vigor. Once was not enough either. He continued to follow her, relentless, without a parting touch until Riza had enough and swatted him away.
Another strange difference was her smell. Roy could have sworn that it was her hormones that made her smell so good. He was attracted to her, so naturally. He found himself leaning over her shoulder at work, or holding her from behind, just to nuzzle her hair. It was intoxicating! He even joked that her body was brainwashing his body. And he did want her. He wanted her madly some days. It seemed as if a primal instinct was released from him to protect and care for her. Maybe it was the smell of his unborn child, that made him so attracted to her. He wasn’t sure. But Roy wanted to be by her side and serve her with every want and wish. That included snuggling up to her to get another deep breath of her.
The other side of the hormones was her sexual arousal. He wouldn’t deny it. He was drawn to her like Breda was drawn to a meatball sub, or maybe Hayate to bacon. And it was never that he found her unattractive. At seven months, it was difficult for him to mentally move past having sex with her with the baby there. She insisted, begged, for it. And he tried, but he continued to worry about hurting her or his heir. She was blatantly pregnant at this point. It wasn’t just some small bump he could mentally get over.
"I'm not made out of glass, damn it." She screamed at him. "You already got me pregnant! Fuck me like you mean it."
Maybe he'd come around to it.
The sky above him began to wake. The dark l, starry blanket above him brightened and the stars faded to their own slumber. He was almost there. He would have been there earlier if it wasn't for the road conditions. But he wasn't late, and that was the important part. When he did arrive at the parking lot, Roy felt horrible for waking her. He’d much rather let her sleep. It was as if she was finally catching up from all those lost nights. He reached back, grabbing their jackets and a blanket, his gentle touch awakening her.
"Riza, Love… wake up."
She opened her eyes, noticing how dark it was. She didn't even know where she was. "Where…"
"Thought that we'd get away for a morning." He smiled at her. Roy reached back one more time, handing her a roll of toilet paper. "You better go," he offered.
Riza pulled herself out of the car, stretching towards the warming sky. He watched as she rubbed her leg as she looked around. "I got stiff," she yawned. "Guess I better find a bush before this child decides to puncture my bladder." She couldn't even squat on her own. Roy felt as a good "husband," he should be helping her even in this moment of vulnerability. He squatted behind her, holding her from behind as she did her best to go pee. She was a highly independent woman, never needing help. She was disciplined, calm, level headed, and most of all, loyal. Though all these qualities were never… mostly never...compromised with the pregnancy, her independence was somewhat taken from her. She was barely wouldn't even be able to tie her shoes. She was seven along and was more than upset she couldn't pick up dropped papers and pens. Roy had offered to get her a lieutenant to help her. That ended well…
He helped her put on her jacket, more out of courtesy, and extended his elbow for her, as if he was taking her to dance. She smiled, tiredly, her eyes wrinkled with sleep, taking his arm and following him. He could tell that she wanted to keep up with him, go at a faster rate. But He took his time, letting her set the pace. “Doesn’t this place look familiar,” she grinned sideways, knowing exactly where she was. “You’re very clever, Roy Mustang.”
He snickered, cresting the top of a knoll. He pulled the blanket from under his arm while she stood looking East.
“I haven’t been here in forever,” she admitted quietly.
That left a big grin on Roy’s face. The sky was brightening faster, the stars already are gone. Slowly a bright, yellow glow grew on the horizon; pink and purple erupting in a beautiful blend towards the high of the sky. Roy wrapped the blanket over his shoulders before pulling her into his chest. His arms wrapped the flannel blanket around the two of them. He knew she’d enjoy his warmth on a cool morning. Roy rested his head on her shoulder, taking advantage of his position to smell her. His hold on her tightened as the glow brightened, the golden rays reaching out from the green fields. The land awoke with the sun’s yawns, peaking above the horizon to greet the world. To top it all off, birds below them in the trees began to chirp lightly.
“Feel better,” he whispered in her ear.
He felt her nod, leaning her head against his. “I do. Thank you”
There were many things that made her perfect to him. He couldn’t name all of them, but he felt them. And one of those things was when he held her during a sunrise. It didn’t matter if it was a hill in her hometown or in bed with the blinds open, the feeling of warmth and deep connection radiated through him. That moment was when he felt most complete.
“Nothing like starting a new day with the sun, feeling renewed,” he sighed.
“A birth of a new day,” she giggled. “That is a little ironic.”
Roy laughed. “I think it is yes.”
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cassie-and-ren · 5 years
Monsta x reaction thinking you're pregnant
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Shownu was a softie
He was in bed too
That's not to say he couldn't be rough
Because he could
So of course the first few times some mistakes were made
You both knew what those mistakes were
You knew nothing was wrong but Shownu had no clue
So when you got really sick one day and threw up in front of him
He assumed that mistake grew
He wasn't convinced at first
But when he overheard you talking about baby with someone on the phone
He was sure of it
When you got better and hung out with him he pretty much did everything for you
Got anything you asked for
He even told you he'd provide for you two
That's when you questioned him
He said he knew about the baby
“I'll be here for you and the baby you don't have to hide it anymore.”
So of course you were beyond lost
He told you he overheard you talking about a baby as well as being sick
You told him you caught the stomach flu and your mom had called about your brother who was having a baby
Shownu was embarrassed to say the least
You told him you were happy at how willing he was to raise a child with you
And how great of a husband he'd be
But that'd be saved for later
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After you guys had sex the first time
It wasn’t like it just never happened
No, it happened a lot
When he was frustrated
When you were
And even just randomly
Sex was going to happen with Wonho
So this one night
He stayed over
In the middle of the night he went to use the bathroom
And ran into your trash can
He found a pregnancy test
Actually he found two
One positive
The other negative
He had no clue which one was true but he knew one thing
He could be a father
After that night Wonho thought hard about the situation
He loved you
And having his baby was something he did want
He figured you were worried about that, and that's why you hadn't told him yet
So he decided to beat you to it
You met up with Wonho when he called you to meet him
“(Y/N), I love you and even if your scared about having a baby you shouldn't be!”
Wonho proposed to you
With a ring and everything
“Because I’ll always be with you.”
Even though you were shocked to see the ring you were more concerned with what he said.
“I'm not pregnant, Wonho”
Wonho was confused and told you about what he saw
“One of those was mine, but the positive one was my friend had been trying get pregnant but... I was worried after a few times when we just did it. You’re really hard to say no to and there were sometimes I forgot to take the pill.”
Wonho didn’t know what to feel
He honestly wanted you to be pregnant
You knew he was upset likely because of that and kissed him
“Wonho, I love you too, but I think if we’re going to do anything like this we should be planning this. I would love to get married but I don’t want it to be on the cost of you thinking you have to.”
Wonho was alright after that
“Maybe we should have sex less then.”
“Okay let’s not take it that far, maybe we should just be a little more careful.”
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Minhyuk wasn’t the type of person to dismiss sex
So most times when you asked he delivered
And very well
But there was one time when the condom broke
You were worried
He understood this and let you sort things out by leaving you alone for a bit
He still checked up on you
Telling you things like even if it was positive he’d be overjoyed since he wants kids anyways
You loved how supportive he was
It eased you as you waited for the results
It was negative
When you told Minhyuk he was a happy that you could relax now
But he still was a bit upset
You knew why
“I know you want kids and it makes me so happy knowing you want me to be their mother, but you don’t have to worry you’ll get your children and we’ll make a big family together!”
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“Yeah, I mean she said not to tell you because she’s scared about you would react but…”
“I told Kihyun we should tell you, even Showun agreed!”
Minhyuk, Kihyun and Shownu explained to Hyungwon about his potential fatherhood
He didn’t know anything like that was even happening
But he understood why you could be nervous
He didn’t make it very known that he wanted children
But if they were yours and his he’d have no problem taking care of you two
Hyungwon didn’t mention anything to you
He instead wanted to make you comfortable with the idea of him being a father
That way you’d come out and tell him
So whenever he stayed over at your place he would cook for you
He helped clean
He stayed up later than you helping you to sleep
He showed up on time if you went out on a date together
These things were so out of place for him
Then one morning when he was cooking you asked him what was wrong
“Is it wrong for me to take care of you?”
He knew the answer to that
So he caved in and told you about your worry about being pregnant
“Hyungwon, who told you that?”
“Kihyun, Minhyuk and Shownu why?”
“They’re pranking you…  they said they were mad at us that one time we… did it in the dorm and were being loud. They told me they were gonna get us back but I didn’t think they’d do this.”
Hyungwon was pissed now
He did that tongue-cheek thing he does when he’s mad
“So you’re not pregnant?”
Hyungwon didn’t know what was worse
That he fell for that prank
Or that he listened to them in the first place.
“But you know, it only makes me happy to see that you’re willing to step up to being a father.”
Hyungwon was happy to know that at least.
“But we should get them back.”
“Yeah, maybe I should stay over at your dorm again?”
“I would love that, the guys would too for sure.”
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Kihyun was tired of your place being a mess
So he volunteered in helping you clean up one weekend
While he was in your closet he found some baby clothes
He didn’t know who they belonged to or why you had them
But he figured that answer by how you were acting recently
Even your bloating
He acted like he knew nothing for a while
He figured if you hadn't told him by now you must have been apprehensive about the whole thing
He understood that
But he didn’t like you thinking you couldn’t tell him
So he maybe dropped hits here and there
maybe a lot
Talking about his own nieces and nephews way more than usual
Bringing up the few times he did spend with children on Monsta x-ray
Talking about shows like The Return of Superman
It got to the point where you confronted him about it
“I mean if it’s happening then I don’t think we should be scared to talk about it. I’ll be here for you and the baby!”
Though you loved how supportive he was, you hated having to lie to him
“I thought I was pregnant about three months ago, I was going to tell you but I wanted to be sure before… when my test came back negative I just forgot about it.  Before that I was sure I was having a baby so I bought that stuff because of how excited I was.”
Kihyun hated knowing that you actually wanted to have a baby with him
So he promised to you that when you were more ready he’d give you the baby you both were looking forward to.
“If you want we can start right now.”
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You had asked Jooheon to help look for your phone
When he found it he didn’t mean to see that you had gotten a message
He read it now that he was curious
“I know, having a baby is going to be a lot of work but…”
Of course he was in shock seeing this
He said nothing about it and things between you two went on normally
When you weren't around he told everyone else asking for their advice
“You having a kid before me?”
“You guys actually have sex?”
“I think you’ll be a good father... just don’t drop the baby.”
“Please let (Y/N) name it.”
“Don’t just push it onto us whenever you’re tired.”
“No, bring it over, I’ll be the better father.”
guess who said what
No one actually helped him but he was really nervous
After a little while he just decided to ask you
“You can tell me anything… e-even if it might be something really serious like a c-child.”
You had no clue what he was talking about but you reasoned if he was nervous and mentioning a child he must have thought you were going to have his.
You told him you weren't pregnant.
He was relieved.
“Why’d you even think that?”
“I saw you talking about a baby on your phone.”
“You really need to stop snooping around, I was talking to my brother about our older brother having a baby, he’s an idiot and might hurt that baby boy.”
Jooheon couldn’t believe he was wrong
While he was grateful it was wrong he was also kind of sad now.
He was almost hoping that he’d get the chance to be a father
Especially with you as the mother
“Don’t pout like that, one day you’ll be a happy father and I’ll be the luckiest mother.”
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Changkyun wasn’t the type of person to rush things
So when you first got together
Sex was the further from either of your minds.
Though almost a year into it, you both felt like it was going to happen
And it did
Though not without mistakes
You were both virgins, that was expected
Wrong sizes were picked and wrong information was known about the whole affair
Still, it went on
for hours
So when Changkyun forgot to ask someone to buy condoms for him
You both were under the assumption that your pills would be enough
Though you forgot to even take the things and didn’t realize so until after word
What was suppose to be a sweet moment instead turned into panic as you and Changkyun argued about the situation
“Why didn’t you just make sure you bought them?”
“Why’d you forget about the pills? You should remember what goes down your throat.”
“That’s real appropriate considering the situation, you didn’t even let me do anything!”
This argument went on for a while until you just wanted him to leave.
He didn’t though and instead you guys started talking while lying next to each other
He admitted that he was more nervous about this than he led on and purposely didn’t buy the condoms so you guys couldn’t have sex.
Similarly, it’s why you had wanted to wait for so long.
You two said nothing to each other for a while.
“I mean we won’t know anything until a little while… do you not want my baby?”
“Changkyun of course I would want that, but I don’t think it’d be very smart of us to do this right now, we should wait until we’re both a little more prepared a baby.”
Changkyun didn’t argue and you both just sat in silence.
“But you know, if you’re going to have a baby anyways there’s no harm in doing it again right?”
You smiled and had no arguments.
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