#if I took t more perfectly this wouldn’t be happening
keenestpeach · 1 month
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waywardcrow · 5 months
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Summary: After a mission where they crossed a line, Bucky decides to talk about what happened that night with you.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader.
WC: Almost 1600.
TW: Avengers kind of things, talk about weapons, sad reader and sad Bucky, misunderstendings, agents talking shit because of jealousy, SMUT (do not interact if you're not +18) some kissing, dancing and boners lol, semi public make out, oral (f recieving) fingering, hint of other things but not so much because I'm so bad a t this, sorry, let me know if I missed something.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language, please tell me if I make grammar mistakes.
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You hated everything that night, the happy people who were eager to get drunk and forget about the ending year, the music too loud that didn’t let you think, the beautiful dress you bought for that very occasion specifically because you wanted to impress a certain super soldier in the New Year's Eve party but that was before last mission, before you messed it all up.
If you closed your eyes, you could see everything playing perfectly in your mind, how unprofessional you were, how much space Bucky put between you two in the quinjet, the tension that followed you the last days and the words of the agents who probably knew about what happen from him. It was a disaster and you wouldn’t escape from it, Tony would never let you go without an explanation if you requested a transfer to another area.
Distracted, drinking your problems you didn’t noticed Bucky’s gaze tearing apart the pretty gold dress you were wearing as if he could feel your skin against his like that night.
It was a simple mission, find the target, watch it until Valkyrie and Wanda could secured the evidence –an arsenal of Asgardian weapons- and then arrested everyone but your cover was necessary and thanks to your powers, the ability to manipulate brain’s perception to make your audience see what you want- make you perfect to blend with him in that shady club pretending to be just a couple looking for a good time.
Easier to say than done, Bucky fought his boner all night with you dancing too close to him, whispering things in his ear, sitting in his lap… sure you could feel how much he wanted to fuck you there in front of everybody, he indulged in his little fantasy when he feel your own arousal, he told himself it was for the mission when he took you to a semi empty corridor to kiss you dumb.
You tasted better than he imagined, like honey and salvation, Bucky was sure that if he kept kissing you he would find heaven.
“Are you ok, terminator? You look like you’re about to have an aneurysm” Sam pulled him out of his mind just in time before he got in trouble righ there in the middle of the party.
“I’m fine” he wasn’t and Sam let out a chuckle.
“Just go and talk to her, you can’t keep avoiding each other forever.”
You were avoiding him, Bucky just gave you space after you walked away from him when the mission was over, like he didn’t almost cum from having you exactly where he wanted you, with your perfect legs around him with just a thin layer of clothes between you.
“I said I’m fine” he said again, not looking at Sam when you made your way to the elevators, going after you.
It was better for you to leave early, too many drinks and you could end up crying or doing something you’ll regret, like talking to Bucky, who jumped in the elevator you called before the doors closed.
“Going to bed already?” he asked and you stared at him like an idiot, how could he look that good all the damn time? A black suit and white shirt shouldn’t make someone that hot, it was cheating “are you alright, honey?”
How have you missed his voice! A simple taste of him and you wanted more, you wanted him to touch you like that night, like he couldn’t get enough of you, like if time was against you both and every second he wasn’t making you feel all of him was a sacrilege.
“Why are you here, Bucky?”
Cornered, you crossed your arms in front of your chest, drawing his attention to your breasts, the memory of his lips pulling softly at your nipple made you want to close your legs to get some sort of friction, trying to calm the need for him.
Like he could read your mind, he licked his lips, wanting to pull your dress and bury himself in your chest but Bucky needed to have a conversation with you first.
“Are you going to avoid me forever, hon?” the super soldier lifted your chin to make you see him when you set your eyes in your heels “I can take a rejection, sweetheart but not you shutting me out completely.”
Bucky had made lots of friends with time but you were his first one, he didn’t want to lose you; you, in the other hand, were more confused than ever.
“What rejection? If anything, you’re the one who is not interested!” boldness coming from the alcohol made you talk before thinking about stopping “and don’t give me that look James Buchanan Barnes, you know perfectly what I’m talking about.”
The elevators door opened and you stormed out, going to you room, the audacity of that man!
“Can you explain to me what are you talking about?” Bucky took your hand and made you face him when you reached your door, all his cocky attitude was replaced by confusion.
“Please don’t pretend you didn’t tell Carla and Ashley what happen that night, I heard them talking the morning after in the gym” Above all the embarrassment there was hurt, you thought he could be trusted but Bucky proved you were an idiot “they were talking how you hated being assigned with me and to pretend to make out with me.”
Bucky’s heart hammered in his chest, what the hell were you talking about? He didn’t say anything, at all but you looked so sure he couldn’t speak.
“You made it very clear putting distance between us in the ride home but you didn’t have to tell them” your voice trembled, still you refused to cry, if that was the kind of man Bucky was, he didn’t deserve your tears.
“I swear I didn’t say anything, honey, I swear” he promised, making himself small to look at your eyes “I don’t know how they know, please believe me.”
You shake your head; you wanted to believe him but…
“I told no one, I really thought you were mad at me for taking advantage of the situation, that I misread it” he mumbled, desperate to prove you he was telling the truth, taking your face in his hands “I should have been more professional, more of a gentleman, ask you properly on a date, not acting like that, no matter how much I wanted it. That’s why I put space between us; Wanda and Val were looking at me like they would spray me with cold water if I breathed near you.”
Bucky wished you could read his mind to see he was honest but you still could, sensing his desperation matching yours.
“Do you really mean that?”
His heart broke at how unsure you sounded, he would spend every day of his life proving to you how much he meant it.
“I do, honey, you’re not only a friend to me, why do you think I requested to be with you in that mission?” with his arms around your waist, you put your hands in his chest to feel his heartbeat “I can’t be apart from you, I needed you close while I was gathering courage to confess my feelings but then I couldn’t hide it and…”
You interrupted him to kiss him, not giving a damn about anything but Bucky’s lips in yours. He opened the door and you took him with you to your room, tossing his jacket to the floor and taking your heels off.
“You should keep them on” he said between kisses, guiding you to your bed.
“Maybe next time” you promised, opening his dress shirt, he gave you a smirk while he took it off, like he couldn’t wait.
“This dress has to go, even if I love it.”
“I only bought it for you to take it off” you confessed, mesmerized by his hands undressing you before he placed you softly in your bed, earning a grin from him.
“Really? Well, you deserve a reward for thinking about me, honey”
Before you could ask, he was with his knees on the floor, ripping your panties to eat you out like he needed it to keep breathing.
It barely gave you time to let out a lewd moan that only encourage him more, putting your legs in his broad shoulders, nipping at your sensitive bud and teasing your entrance with his fingers.
It was real? It was the alcohol? You could think so if it wasn’t very improbable, your imagination couldn’t make this up, not something this good at least.
“Please” you begged and he shove one finger in you, then almost immediately another while licking you and going back to your clit, moaning at the taste of you, humping the mattress to get some relief, especially when you pulled at his short locks, making him groan.
“Bucky! Pleaseplease…” were the only words you could form but then he decided to replace his fingers with his tongue and you were gone, the orgasm hit you like a thousand waves and you could swear you fainted for a second, only coming back to yourself when you tasted your own arousal in his kiss.
Surprised to being this responsive with him, you kissed him back and he looked at you, fire blazing in his eyes.
“Come back to me, honey, we are just getting started” he promised against your lips and dear God, he was a man of his word. Hors later, the fireworks were loud enough outside but you both couldn’t care less, you finally have what you wanted: each other.
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So this is my first time writing smut and I wanted to do it for New year's Eve, it was fun! Tell me what you think and happy new year!
Love, Lily.
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kinopio-writes · 3 months
Hi! Would you be willing to write something for Adam with a sensitive reader?
Everyone knows that he is loud-mouthed jerk, even reader, and she loves him regardless, but one day he crosses the line and says something particularly mean that makes her cry. Like REAL mean. To the point that he pauses because he did not think before speaking (or, well, less than usual lol)
I'm happy with whatever format you feel like using! Thank you!
A/N: I will be more than delighted to write that for you. But would you excuse me for a moment? AHHHHHHDISJDIOEOFJSKXJND—I’m sorry; I love this idea so much. Reading ‘Adam with a sensitive reader’ got me hooked instantly. But I’ll go over that in the headcanons, along with the general stuff. And I’ll add a oneshot at the end that plays the exact scenario of Adam taking it too far.
Holy sh!t. I made it so that the reader being sensitive is their greatest but also weakest point and it turned out pretty angsty. Has a bit of hurt/comfort, though. Did I go overboard? Maybe. That’s why it took so long. Sorry, anon.
Words: 2,328 (edited the end a bit because it didn’t sit right with me)
Warnings: Sex is mentioned (only a bit, surprisingly), Angst, Adam being Adam
Adam w/ a Sensitive!Reader
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• ha, this man is also sensitive himself
• well, sensitive about himself
• he feels his own emotions strongly, so he’s not the caring, easily able to pick up on other’s feelings and empathize type of sensitive
• you, on the other hand, are on the opposite end of the spectrum compared to Adam
• so you experience other people’s emotions just as strongly as yours
• you easily know what makes someone tick
• you’re selfless
• you’re able to admit your mistakes and apologize
• you’re respectful and actively listen to people when they talk about themselves
• you don’t push people down to make yourself seem better
• you try to make everyone feel good and comfortable
• you’re everything he isn’t
• because you fit in Heaven perfectly
• you deserve to be there
• and Adam knows that he doesn’t belong (subconsciously at least)
• you’re able to draw people in just for being yourself
• and he’s envious of it
• so he demeans you and is snarky about everything you do, and every time people give you praise or affection, he tries to divert the attention to himself or just stares at you with utter hatred from afar
• although all of that is just when he hasn’t even had a conversation with you
• after a while of being around you, he’ll cling to you because you give him the reassurance and validation he oh-so craves (he acts as if he didn’t hate you before. What do you mean? You two were always buddy-buddy!)
• you acknowledge all of the things he puts his worth to
• heck, you hang out with him—you sometimes even initiate it—willingly, and you’re genuinely interested in everything he has to say
• but he‘ll only hang out with you where no one recognizes you (so you don’t get all the attention)
• terrible transition here, but he notices that you mimic people’s expressions often
• he definitely makes fun of you for it
• and also mocks you
• up until he realizes that you do the same thing to him, too
• which is fine and all, if only you didn’t do that when he’s upset
• well, you mimic him when he’s joyous as well, but he (already subconsciously) expects you to. I mean, why wouldn’t you? He’s fucking hilarious!
• so you copying his negative emotions just stands out more
• and he…doesn’t like it
• that’s only really what he doesn’t like about you
• and the fact that you hog all the attention
• and the fact that people see you as perfect…
• buuut what happens when he gets to see a new side of you that isn’t exactly upholding that image?
Your phone lit up from your bedside table, brightening your otherwise dark room along with the soft glow of your halo. You only moved your eyes to the light, not wanting your tears to spill and dampen your pillows.
You had an inkling as to who was texting you this late—if the fact that your phone lighting up several times in the span of 5 minutes had anything to say.
When the texts stopped pouring in after a few seconds, you heavily sighed, wings ruffling. You resisted the urge to rub your face as you went to grab your phone.
Figured. Of course, it was Adam. He was the only person you knew who’d be awake at this ungodly hour. And the only person you knew who’d disturb your peace if it meant curing anything that ailed him. Which was now about boredom, it seemed.
You read a few of his texts displayed on your lock screen before tapping one of the notifications and opening the app, scanning the rest of the unread messages.
Adam was going on about ‘that bitch with the huge tits’—her name was Tiffany, you were sure—and how she was rumored to have slept with an archangel to assume higher authority. He also went on to complain about how he didn’t have the chance to bed her anymore since she was basically deemed an outcast and that he couldn’t be seen with someone like her.
You frowned, not believing any of it, but you didn’t have time to think about it enough when he began typing again.
You barely finished reading the new message when another one popped up.
You frowned deeper, quick to type out a reply.
i’m not (2:43) i was just reading your texts (2:43) don’t worry (2:43) i’ll be there soon (2:44)
When he stopped typing, you placed your phone back on the nightstand, sitting up on your bed as you carefully wiped away your teary eyes. You hugged yourself for a moment, wings functioning as a cocoon while a hand tugged on your hair.
Today had been draining—both mentally and emotionally. Just like the day before, and the day before that. But you didn’t want to think about it, lest you start to cry some more and smear your face with tears this time. What mattered was that everyone was back on their feet again.
Since you didn’t bother changing into your sleepwear when you got home, you only checked your face in the mirror to see if your eyes were puffy or not. You then took in deep breaths, holding up your drooping wings before putting up a charming smile.
You couldn’t stay in the bathroom for long, quickly leaving to tread the path to Adam’s.
“BOO!” Adam’s masked face suddenly peeked from the corner of his hallway, earning an indescribable scream from you as you jerked back. He burst out laughing, brows creased in confusion but also amusement. He couldn’t even make fun of you for getting scared. “What the—what the fuck was that scream?”
Recovering rather quickly as you blinked, you only smiled at him. You were expecting him to wait for you on his couch as his front door was left unlocked, but you weren’t complaining; his action took away any drowsiness you just had.
When Adam didn’t hear you laugh with him, his laughter subsided as he opened his eyes to look at your face. He raised his brows and placed the back of his hands on his hips. “What’s up with you?”
Shit. There was no way Adam was seeing through you.
“Nothing; I just love hearing you laugh.” You heard a tiny squeak in response. “Anyway, what did you make me come over for? Surely not just to scare me.” You moved past Adam and tightly crossed your arms, entering his spacious living room.
“Pshh, fuck no. You’re so easy to spook. Though that was a first. Didn’t know you could hit high notes, (Name).”
You didn’t know what to say to his…compliment? And sort of insult? Was it really either of them? Should you thank him? But in a sarcastic way? No, you weren’t known for being sarcastic, so he might think you were being genuine and look at you weirdly. And it would also seem highly egotistical.
Not as if Adam had much to say about that…
You tugged at your hair when you caught yourself with those thoughts. Shit, that’s so rude! You can’t think that! You shouldn’t think that!
You settled on an awkward chuckle, making yourself appear smaller as you averted your eyes to his TV space.
It was different, certainly. The modular couch pieces were rearranged into a pit sectional. And it looked as though he had chucked a bunch of pillows and one large blanket as an afterthought. It appeared messy, but at least it looked cozy.
“What’s this?”
“Hm? Oh, well, since you were taking your sweet ass time coming here, I thought to switch things up a bit.” You flinched when his head appeared right on your shoulder. “What’d ya think?”
“It looks super comfy.” Adam wore a goofy grin behind you as you walked closer to the area and noticed that he already prepared snacks on the low table. “Is this a way to say you wanna do a movie marathon?”
“You know it, baby.” He flew past you and landed on the sofa, patting the space beside him with a smile you just couldn’t reject.
Heaven’s natural light beginning to peek through the open windows indicated that it was already dawn. Thank goodness you didn’t have work today.
You two—or rather, Adam—had settled on watching the film series, Die Hard. Every single one. You didn’t mind, but you didn’t understand why Adam invited you over if you two were just going to rewatch the film series for the eighth time.
He had also been pretty immersed in the large screen in front of him, so he hadn’t attempted to converse with you ever since the first movie started. In all honesty, he could have just watched them all by himself.
But you didn’t question it. This time was the same as the last seven, after all. You always concluded that maybe he just wanted someone to watch movies with, no talking necessary. Even if the no-talking part sounded a bit out of character.
Was it though? Because he did that quite often. For instance, he constantly brought you along to whatever mundane errands he had to do during the weekdays and never really talked with you unless he found something cool and pointed it out.
Although, the earlier times you tagged along with him on his errands, he kept yapping his mouth off about the ‘totally awesome’ things he does. He talked about music, his own albums, his band, women, sex, and himself as the first-ever man.
As time went on, however, the talking was replaced with silence. You wondered if he just ran out of things to say or if he found it unnecessary to talk anymore.
You also sometimes wondered what was going through his head when he thought you didn’t see him glancing at you while he was doing something he believed was boring.
The sound of Adam’s stomach rumbling broke you out of your train of thought.
You both looked at each other blankly as if either of you were to blame.
He blinked to break the eye contact between you. “(Name), I’m hungry.”
You snorted, facing ahead. “You ate all of our snacks before the first movie even finished.”
“Don’t blame me.” He hugged the pillow he held tighter. “I’m still fuckin’ hungry, though.”
You hummed as you reached for your pocket. “Do you want me to—oh. I…I forgot my phone.” You frowned. You never forget to bring your belongings.
Adam merely stared at you, unblinking.
You averted your eyes and held your legs tighter. “Uhm, We could get delivery if you want. Can you lend me your phone?”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” He casually tossed you the device before laying on his back and looking up at you. “I’m down for anything.”
His phone hit your knee before you could catch it, silently landing on the cushions. “Are you sure?” You picked it up, opened his unlocked phone, and stared at his basic home screen.
He didn’t really use his phone that often to know that it could be changed. He only really used it to fetch one-night stands or occasional dates, text, play music aloud, look at outdated memes, take random blurry photos, and right now, order delivery.
“Totally.” His crow’s feet displayed on his mask as he puffed out his cheeks.
“Because last time you said that, you didn’t like what I had to pick.”
“That’s because the 5 ʼn 2 is so fucking overrated!” he suddenly started to complain. Your wings ruffled. “Jeez, I swear, every fuckin’ time I take a chick out and ask her what her favorite eatery is, basic bitches always go, ‘Oh, bREaD & fIsH, ceRTAinLy’ or ‘bReAD & FiSh’S a cLAsSIC’” He used his hand as a puppet to imitate their words before waving it. “Like, helloooo? Can’t you see the joint that’s literally on the other side of the street’s a hundred times superior? It’s cheaper, too, unlike Bread & Fish. Overpriced ass. You get me, right—?”
“Then you pick!” Adam jumped at your volume, and your eyes widened upon noticing yourself. You quickly gave back his phone as you turned your face away from him, and he slowly took it with a weird look.
“Shit, chill, (Name). The fuck’s up your ass?” He kept his gaze on you before turning to his phone.
While he was serious about his opinions of your bland tastes, he didn’t think it was that personal. Your preferences were the same as everyone else and that was boring. He was just being honest. And you usually didn’t take the things he said that seriously.
“Adam, I’m sorry,” you spoke up after a moment of silence and ran a hand through your hair. “I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
“ʼs not a problem.” He was still a bit weirded out, but he was willing to shrug it off.
You insisted, however, “I mean it. I’m not mad at you.”
“Okay…?” he muttered when he saw a notification pop up from Lute. Her message consisted of how some of the exterminators got into a quarrel during roll call and the ones involved got injured in the process. She said she was going to discipline them.
Adam did not want to know what she meant by that and was most likely not going to stop by their place today.
“Really. I’m not. Sorry. It’s just that yesterday’s been…”
“Uh-huh…” At this point, Adam was not listening to anything you were saying. But when he still heard the static noise that was your words, he groaned. “Look, sweetie, I really don’t give a fuckin’ shit about your fuckin’ apology, ʼkay? I don’t fuckin’ care. Now what do you want?”
You saw Adam’s confused yet concerned expression after he looked up from his phone and immediately noticed that you were starting to cry. You instantly turned your face away as you carefully wiped your eyes.
“Sorry. Sorry. I’m not crying because of you.” You didn’t know if that was true. You didn’t know if you were crying because of his words or were crying because of everything else.
That was the first time he ever used a sweet petname for you in a long time. He only ever used that to demean or mock other people.
Shit. Stop thinking—you were going to cry more. But even after carefully wiping your eyes away, new tears kept flowing. You couldn’t stop. This was humiliating. You wanted to disappear. You didn’t want anyone to witness you in this state. It was mortifying.
“Shit.” Adam’s voice came out panicky as he held his hands out towards you, but he hesitated. Hesitated in what, he didn’t even know.
He…didn’t think you could cry.
Adam didn’t know what to do; this emotional shit wasn’t his thing. He couldn’t ask you to leave, he knew that much, but he didn’t want to leave himself. This was his place. Why should he leave?
So, he did the only thing he could do in this situation.
You suddenly felt something warm envelop you.
You didn’t look up, but you knew it was Adam. You could feel the texture of his robe on your hands and the side of your face. You could feel his hands on your shoulder blade, but you couldn’t quite feel his arms on you.
You stopped wiping your eyes for a moment.
No one had ever hugged you before when you were sad.
No one had ever let you be sad.
Adam heard you sob.
Fucking great. He made it worse. What the fuck was he supposed to do then?
But when he went to unwrap his arms, he felt yours slip around his midsection, pulling him closer than before as he grunted from your firm hold.
So you wanted to be hugged? Alright. Whatever.
Adam slowly hugged you back after you muttered a ‘sorry’ and loosened your grip.
The next seconds were silent, so when he heard muffled words coming from you, he looked down. You also looked up moments later when he didn’t respond, realizing he must’ve not heard you.
Your gaze softened as you two held eye contact, and with teary eyes, you smiled. “Thank you, Adam.”
Something about his expression changed, but before you could stare any longer, you felt a hand behind your head push you back to his chest as the arm on your back held you tight.
“Yeah, whatever…”
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altheasays · 6 months
First Kisses With SVT OT13
S. Coups
Jaw holder
This man is confident, he knows you want it and will make it known he wants it just as bad, he’s super sweet about it, hands placed on your jaw and your waist and pulling you as tight to him as possible. After the kiss he’s left wanting more, might even whine as you pull away for air and chase your lips
This man will find a way to tease, especially if you’re shy. He doesn’t make the first move, he leans in but keeps pulling away until you get frustrated and kiss him yourself! But he’s just as nervous secretly
He planned it out to a T, everything was so soft and sweet,and it all went smoothly, even if he had to threaten some of his members to make it happen.
This man kissed you, and of course you’re gonna blush! Of course you are! But he had the audacity to tease as if he wasn’t blushing tenfold, but don’t comment on it or he’ll deny and make it worse on you
Hoshi is a passionate lover, he’ll try to convey his emotions in a kiss just like he does when he dances, so be prepared to haventhe wind knocked out of you.
You were just trying to see what he was doing it wasn’t your fault he tried seeing what you were doing at the same time, he was utterly shocked feeling your lips against his, but that did not stop him from pulling you back in 
Trying to distract him with a kiss is how youre first kiss happened, you had been thinking about it for a while and decided to try and use the shock value to your advantage. However that didn’t happen, he stayed perfectly composed with just a little tinge of red on his cheeks, you were offended, until a week of the silent treatment later when he confessed he had to hold his breath until you left so he wouldn’t lose control and not stop
A for Effort
He tried so hard to plan everything out and make it romantic, it was so cute, until he took in how your eyes sparkled when you gazed at him, oh boy he couldn’t help himself, pouts and demands to remake it the way he planned, refusing to acknowledge the first kiss.
The whole situation is a mess, there's no way the clumsy giant doesn’t have a messy first kiss, maybe cooking and you're covered in ingredients but he finds the domesticicty of it all so endearing that he just grabs you into a kiss.
He tried to have it all planned out and perfect and it would’ve been, had you not kissed him first, is utterly offended for a moment and pouts until he works up the courage to explain why he’s upset, blushes as you coo at him for being so cute.
The Chased
He doesn’t chase, he wants it, but he wants to know you want it just as bad, will hint at it and hint at it until you say fuck it and grab him in for a kiss, will stutter and blush afterwards mentioning how he didn’t expect that only to earn an eye roll
He takes his time admiring you before he kisses you, full confession beforehand so sweet and thoughtful.
At first I thought he might be cocky about it however i believe he’d be so shy and awkward, not really knowing how to react, you’d kiss him first, he’d think it was a prank at first honestly, but quickly warms up to the notion and won’t stop kissing you after that
Picked by: @hwasdollie tagging: @glitterjay
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asdfghjklmals · 1 year
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. daddy joke. WORD COUNT: 0.9k words. TAGS: boyfriend!gojo, satoru gojo x fem!oc. established couple. adoptedkiddo! megumi makes a small appearance.
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SYNOPSIS: oc gojo girlfriend tries to play a prank on satoru, but he slips up and gets himself in trouble instead... AUTHOR'S NOTE: lol i saw a funny reel of this girl pranking her boyfriend and i got inspired. also used something from the jjk short stories. 😉 REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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“satoru gojo!” you bellowed from the bedroom.
you heard his feet promptly shuffling to your room as your white-haired boyfriend peaked his head through the bedroom door. you repeated his name again.
“satoru gojo!”
“uh? yeah? that's me...” he stared at you, concerned and confused, walking slowly to the foot of your king sized bed.
“come here.” you said with no emotion in your face, using your index finger to lure him towards you. it took all of you to not burst out laughing in his face. it was amusing to see the soft and bewildered look on his face. he was really such an attentive boyfriend who loved you silly and he was truly worried.
“why are you calling me by my—wait, you never use my government name. we go by babe, baby, sweet cheeks, honey, and sometimes daddy in this household!” he stomped his feet jokingly, trying not to laugh because he couldn’t tell if this was a dangerous situation and if he needed to tread lightly. your lips twitched as you also tried not to laugh either or your cover would be blown.
“satoru, honey.” you said more calmly, but with a hint of danger in your tone. god, you deserved an emmy award for your acting.
satoru was going through all the events that happened today in his head, trying to figure out what he did wrong along the way. “we went shopping today, i made you your morning coffee perfectly may i add, i took out the trash, megumi did the laundry, and i didn't leave my socks around the apartment… so why are you using my government name like that?!”
“what do you think it is?” you questioned him.
“i literally have no clue. you should be having a good sunday so far and i was enjoying my day until you used my full name instead of baby. i haven’t even done anything yet!” satoru defended himself, scratching the back of his head. he was out of back up plans, it was time to resort to an emergency measure. kisses. lots of kisses.
he swiftly made his way over to your side of the bed and sat down next to your side, he grinned at you and tried to sneak a kiss on your cheek but you stopped him just shy of your face. his lips hit your palm instead. “you know what you did.”
“babe, what did i do? just tell me and i promise i’ll make everything right again,” he whispered as he kissed your ear. you felt the hairs on the back of your neck raise as you shuddered. he stared at you with piercing azure eyes, his sunglasses sliding down his nose bridge.
“why are you whispering?” you started giggling.
satoru gojo was a smart and calculated man (most days), but today, he was really at a loss. “why are you laughing?” he demanded to know.
“i saw the funniest video of a girl doing this exact thing to her boyfriend and you had the same reaction as him.” you kept giggling after explaining. your bright smile made your green eyes disappear, crows feet wrinkle, and your pearly whites glisten.
as much as satoru could melt by watching you laugh, he kissed his teeth in annoyance. “i really thought you were upset with me! you never use my full name unless i’m in trouble with you. i thought my ass was going to be sleeping on the couch tonight for sure. my neck already started to hurt thinking about it.” he dramatized as he massaged the back of his neck, but it wouldn’t be satoru gojo without the theatrics.
“i had to go through all the things in my head that would’ve upset you like not taking out the garbage, leaving my socks around the house, fighting with megumi, not putting down the toilet seat after peeing cause of that one time you fell in, not separating the white and dark laundry colors, or even when the kids and i were at the maid cafe last wee—”
and that’s when satoru gojo saw his life flash before his eyes. he covered his mouth quickly with his free hand, his eyes wide open in terror. you glared into his panicked blue eyes.
“satoru gojo! you went where?! and you took megumi too?!” this time, there was no acting in your tone.
“come on, megumi, pick up the damn phone. don’t forget that i pay for your phone bill.” satoru gritted through his teeth. he had just received a 20 minute lecture on how megumi and yuji didn’t need to be in a maid cafe and that he didn’t have any business being there either. it was actually an honest accident that they ended up there. the kids followed him into the maid cafe where he was scoping out an abandoned building where some curses were lingering across the street. he wanted to use the building as his afternoon lesson with his students.
“what do you want?” the younger fushiguro picked up, annoyance in his tone of voice.
“well, that’s not a polite way of answering the phone that your guardian pays the cell phone bill for.” satoru quipped.
“it’s always something with you, gojo-sensei,” megumi sighed. 10 years of putting up with satoru gojo did that to people. megumi wondered how you dealt with him. you deserved a nobel peace prize in his eyes.
“well, (y/n) found out about the maid cafe,”
“and you’re in trouble with the boss. cool, i’ll see you at home la—”
“no, no. not just me, we are in trouble.”
“it was your stupid idea to go there! who the hell scopes out an abandoned building at a freakin’ maid cafe?” megumi couldn’t believe that he was being dragged into a punishment too. last time he got in trouble, you took away his kindle that you and satoru had gotten him for christmas last year.
the white haired sorcerer pulled a picture out from his wallet. it was a picture of megumi and yuji from the maid cafe. satoru cunningly suggested a scapegoat, “how do we somehow put the blame on yuji?”
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a bloody affair
kinktober 2023 masterlist
milf!serialkiller!wanda maximoff x reader
18+: reference to blood and murder, smut; blood and knife kink, mommy kink, degradation, car sex, fingering, thigh riding, infidelity
a/n - kind of wanna do a sequel idk, there isn’t enough murder in this :( | wc: 1.8k
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If you’d tried to imagine your first official meeting with your older neighbour, this wouldn’t have been it. You’d thought that perhaps - if it were to ever happen outside of your crush-fuelled thoughts - that it’d be something neighbourly. Feigning an excuse to finally knock on her door, maybe to borrow a cup of sugar or to offer to help mow her lawn.
In less than realistic ideas you’d conjured late at night, you’d thought of her knocking on your own front door, hair scraped back, chest on show from a low neckline, and a flirtatious smile on her lips. You’d pictured her with a faux innocence, telling you she’d locked herself out of her house and was oh so thirsty; you’d invite her in until her husband came home and she’d claim you as her own. She’d leave you breathless and yearning for more before heading home to her nuclear family with a peck to your lips and a promise of another visit.
But tonight, walking home from a friend's house through the wooded area not too far from the suburban street you shared, you saw her closer than you ever had before.
Not through her bedroom window, not across the street where she helped her twins out of her car. But right there, in front of you, standing over a lifeless body of a man you didn’t recognise.
Her chest heaved with ragged breaths as the back of her hand swiped at the sweat on her forehead whilst the other had the hilt of a kitchen cleaver in its grasp. You froze - of course - how else was one to react to such a sight? The perfectly pristine facade of the woman you harboured lusting feelings for had been blanched with red, it was an impossible scene to imagine bumping into.
Her head whipped in your direction at the unfortunate snapping of a twig beneath your shoe and the smirk that upturned the corner of her lips made your heartbeat pick up even more. Somehow, all thoughts of the immorality of the situation were pushed to the back confines of your mind and were overtaken by the sight of the woman walking towards you.
Her face was splattered with drying streaks of blood and her t-shirt was soiled all the same. You’d barely spared a glance towards the blood-soaked man lying nearby before she’d grabbed your arm harshly and dragged you to the car shed parked across the street.
You were silent with the stumbling steps you took as she dragged you behind her, opening the back car door to push you onto the leather seats. She climbed in after you and the proximity of the macabre woman made your stomach flip in anticipation; the dirtied blade of the cleaver ghosted the side of your neck while her dark eyes stared at you.
“You’ll keep your fucking mouth shut,” she muttered through gritted teeth. “Am I clear?”
“Yes,” you breathed with a nod, fearful and lusting all at once. To your surprise, as well as her own, you held little regard for the fact she’d just murdered somebody.
“Good girl.”
“What - who was he? Did he - have you done this before?” your words were embarrassingly stuttered and frankly you had little clue what to ask her. The casual air about her indicated this wasn’t the first time and somehow that only made her more attractive; the idea that this innocent housewife held such a dark and callous secret that only you are party to made the hairs on the back of your neck stand upright.
“I don’t know him,” she shrugged. “I’ve just seen him around, and no, this isn’t the first time.”
Her voice held little emotion. As though this were something completely ordinary. She was an enigma to you, ethereal, and somehow you needed her more than ever.
“So those missing men - those articles in the papers - it’s all you,” you stated, it was all adding up. You know you’ve seen her arriving home at odd hours isn’t the night - you thought, perhaps, she was having an affair, and though you were jealous of the mystery companion, you didn’t blame her. Anyone would stray from such a boring life, and it turns out, she’s chosen a much more extreme extracurricular hobby.
“Mhm,” Wanda nodded. “But you won’t say anything, will you baby? You don’t wanna get mommy in any trouble.”
You’d not noticed the bag of tools she kept in the footwell beside you. Not until you felt the knife she’d reached for brush across your cheek as she spoke; whether you were to agree with her or not, it didn’t seem you had much of a choice. With the edge of a blade pushed against you, disobeying the wants of the wielder doesn’t seem wise
You merely nodded in earnest. Your head swam in an unfamiliar way at what she’d called herself, at the metal on your warm skin, the hand that had found your waist, and your back that had somehow found the solidness of the car seats. You’re not sure when she’d got you laying beneath her with her knees trapping you but the heat of her body this close was more sublime than any late-night imaginings.
“I won’t say anything, mommy,” you whispered, you could hardly get your voice to be any louder what with every lusting emotion coursing through you.
“I knew you were a good girl,” she smiled, inching your shirt upwards until the knife stroked over your belly. “But I also knew that the good girl I see in her bedroom is less than innocent.”
You could hear the thump of your heartbeat as she spoke and you hissed slightly at the sting of a small cut she left on your rib.
“I’ve seen you bringing people home,” she muttered with a hint of jealous venom on her tongue as she watched the blood form on your skin. “I see you come back at night. I see you after a shower, undressing yourself for anyone to see. I know that you’re a little slut, y/n.”
The angered tone of her voice uttered your name like velvet, each syllable was made for her lips.
“I’ve just been waiting to finally put you in your place.”
You sighed out at the feel of her tongue licking at the cuts she’d left behind, each one slowly placed with a musing pressure and an entertained glint in her eye. And to know that she’d been wanting you as much as you’d craved her only made the kiss she pushed against your lips that much sweeter. You could taste your own blood; metallic and blanched with a heated tension.
You accepted the dominating push of her tongue and held the softness of her hips in your hands with your thumbs nudged beneath her shirt to feel her skin. You could feel the warmth of her body and each exhale of breath caused by fervent kisses; you felt the smile she let out at the way your body tensed at the painful touch she lay to your rib, melding it together with the pleasure of her teeth ghosting the line of your jaw.
The hand that made its way into your underwear was confident and Wanda was pleased, yet unsurprised, with the wetness of your cunt. She knew her pretty neighbour was worth the wait, that each time she’d thought of you as the only means to get her through a lacklustre night with her husband, was going to pay off eventually. She’d been waiting to sink her teeth into you.
“I’ve noticed you watching me, sweet girl,” she murmured as her fingers pushed into you. “I know you’ve been aching for me to fuck you, haven’t you?”
“Yes, mommy,” you nodded abashedly, feeling your cheeks burn with the teasingly slow movement of her digit’s curlings. “I’ve wanted this so badly.”
She merely offered a hum in return, deep and guttural with her fingers burying into your sex and her hips absentmindedly rutting into yours. Everything was hot and sensual, bodies heated, and the feel of drying blood you felt on her cheek only added to the flusteringly wanton situation.
Wanda reveled in the small sounds at the back of your throat as her thumb rubbed over your sensitive clit, responding perfectly to each touch and maneuver she gave you. The ridge of the seam of her jeans hit against her with each glide of her core against your thigh, stimulating her senses just enough to pull the coil in her stomach tighter and tighter.
You aided her movements, fingers in her belt loops whilst lips were still partaking in sloppy, breathless, wanting kisses. The sounds you’d let roam in the secret of your mind could never compare to the ones the woman let out above you; musings hadn’t given them justice and the way they fell onto your ears made your cunt clench around her digits. The stuttered moans and scattered mutterings of your name, peppered with murmurs of praise, made your heartbeat pick up tenfold.
Her free hand held up the weight of her body leaning against the window, handprint smudging a cleared space in the steamed-up glass; you’re sure it’d be somewhat of an alarming sight from the other side. But, with her lips ghosting your skin with kisses that grew less precise with each step closer to her release, it was nowhere near the forefront of your mind.
You knew there’d be marks where her teeth had harshly dug into your neck; where she’d painfully sucked at your flesh as you mewled beneath her. You knew you’d look at them fondly, remembering this night vividly until they fade. And Wanda knew she’d leave more soon, she was nowhere near through with you.
“Cum for your mommy, sweetheart,” she rasped above you, keeping her eyes on your glossed-over ones with merely the dim light of the moon to show the lust-blown hue that had taken over the sea glass of her own.
It took little more to pull you over the edge with a moan of her name at the sublime feeling; the way your back arched into her chest and the slick arousal that coated her fingers had the same pleasure washing over her too. She rode out her high with her clothed pussy pushing along your thigh and she could feel the way her underwear had dampened, making a mental note to have you taste her as soon as possible.
Wanda blissfully sighed at the taste of your cum on her fingers, sucking them into her mouth with her tongue swiping them clean. You watched as she did so, taking in the surreally beautiful sight on top of you until she kissed you again. This time was less desperate, slower, a translation of crushes long kept.
“I’d like for us to do this again,” she spoke, looking at you questioningly and almost with a hint of nervousness.
“I’d like that, Wanda,” you nodded.
“Come over tomorrow,” she stated. “Maybe you could accompany me with my nighttime hobby.”
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Here's something that's been cooking in my head for a while. So there's a lot of fics where Marc and the reader will have a argument and then Marc will sort of shut out and just leave Steven and Jake to be out as a means to avoid reader, and some have it that while that's happening Steven and Jake then just spoil reader with affection and stuff and then there's some point where Marc just comes out and they talk it out. But hear me out on this one and even feel free to run and do your own things with it-
So let's say that that's a common scenario that happens and that Marc and reader are arguing about something and at some point things boil over a little and they do a whole "Fine! "Fine!" sort of thing. Reader walks away to cool off and maybe go back to the issue later when both of them are more calm but then Marc goes "I guess this is the part where you sit somewhere and wait for Steven and Jake to spoil you rotten!".
And now there's an even bigger problem because now Marc is bringing Steven and Jake into this and that pisses them off and there's a whole argument between them because Jake and Steven are saying that they wouldn't have to if Marc would just man up and not turn every issue brought up into an argument. And Marc is saying that it wouldn't be such a big deal if they just let him sulk and solve it himself without them swooping in and overhearing/seeing them basically fawning over reader. And reader is even more upset because it's somewhat true but because you're still made they want to prove him wrong.
You can continue from here or just leave it. Just thought you'd like to hear it at least
Thank you so much for this ask! It has been fermenting in my mind for days now. I hope I've done it justice ❤️
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Spoiled Rotten
Marc Spector X GN!Reader Rating: T Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: arguements (subject matter is not specified), hurt and comfort (heavy on the comfort), typos, rail road sentences Please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 1496
“No that’s not what I said, you’re not listen-”
“You’re just repeating what you said over and ov-”
“I wouldn’t have to repeat it if you would just li-”
“It’s not even relevant to this, you’re changing the sub-”
“I’m changing the subject? What do you think you’re doi-”
“Stop talking over me!”
“Stop talking over me!”
You both glare at each other, rage boiling over like an overfilled pan. 
Your breathing hard, your lips forced together, just waiting for him to say something so you can both go at each other again. 
You could strangle him, the way he sneered a little as he spoke, that little mocking tone he used specifically for you, the fact that he would never, ever, ever back down. 
Your breathing calmed a little as he stayed quiet, good. His hands were balled into fists at his sides, a few rouge curls had escaped his carefully slicked back hair, breaking his illusion of being oh-so perfect. 
Oh, I’m Marc Spector and I never do anything wrong. 
You loved him, of course you did, and if anyone ever laid a finger on him you’d gouge their eyes out, but good god if that man didn’t know how to get perfectly under your skin. 
He stayed quiet, scowling at you. 
With a deep breath you looked away from him and walked into the kitchen. There was no reason to stay in his presence if he was going to be like this, trying to bait you into talking first like a child. (As if you hadn’t been trying to do the exact same thing to him.) 
You thought about making a comment, saying something like ‘oh, the silent treatment, Marc? Real original.’ But you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. And you knew how childish it would sound. 
You stopped in front of the kitchen counter and sighed. Cliché as it was, you couldn’t remember what you had first started arguing about. Or why it even mattered. 
Maybe if you just took a few minutes to cool off and-
Marc’s distinct footsteps sounded as he came into the kitchen. “So, I guess this is the part where you sit somewhere and wait for Steven and Jake to spoil you rotten!" His voice was somewhere between normal and shouting, raising in volume even more at the end. 
He had been trying, and promptly failed, to sound collected.
You turned, anger rising in your chest and throat, “what?” 
“It’s always the same-”
“It is not always the same-”
“We have an argument, you go off and sulk and then,”
“I sulk?” You gestured to yourself, “I’m the one that goes off and sulks?”
“And, then, Steven or Jake front and it’s all ‘oh what has that horrible Marc done to you now.’”  His eyes flicked to the side the second the words left his mouth, the muscles in his jaw clenching and unclenching hard. 
You recognised the movement instantly. Steven or Jake, or possibly both, were saying something. 
Heat rises to your cheeks. “That’s not what happens.”
He glances back to you, the smallest twitch is his forehead telling you that Steven and Jake must still be talking. “Liar.” 
You clamp your teeth shut, trying to stop yourself from saying something you know you’ll regret. 
He was right though, and you hated it. Why did this insufferable man always have to be right? 
You and Marc argued the most. 
Jake didn’t shout, he didn’t like that kind of confrontation. He would go quiet and listen to you when you were angry. For anyone else his silence would have made it worse, but there was something about his expression. How he just folded back, bleeding emotion out of himself until he seemed monochrome against your rage. It never failed to refuse you. You’d both end up talking calmly about your disagreements. 
Steven was the king of sarcasm, and passive aggression when he wanted to be. But when an argument with you was getting too far he would just call a timeout and let you both go your separate ways to calm down. 
On the whole, very rarely did any of you argue, and when you did it was usually about something silly. 
And as you’d been together longer, disagreements with Jake and Steven had lessened to almost nonexistence. While arguments with Marc had stayed the same. 
It always followed a similar pattern: you and Marc would shout at each other and then Jake or Steven or both would come and make it better with hugs and kisses and soft words. 
“Well it’s not going to happen this time.” Marc snarled. 
You looked back at him, realising you had been lost in your thoughts. 
“You're stuck with horrible me.” 
He was goading you, trying to get you to shout at him again. Needing you to yell, to express your anger. He could deal with that, could fight against it. 
You stayed quiet. 
“Gonna give me the silent treatment? Because I’m not good enough for you? That’s real original.” 
You almost laughed then, but just managed to stop yourself. There was no way that could help in this situation. Your shoulders slumped slightly. The problem was, you were both too similar. 
“Sit down.” You spoke softly, and gestured to the kitchen table before walking over to the coffee machine. Marc was the only one who really used it for the fancy milky coffees he still pretended he didn’t adore. 
“What?” He snapped, watching you move. He took a step towards you, his hands flexing in irritation as he saw you switch the coffee machine on. 
You turned fully to look at him, “sit down,” your voice sounded calm and kind, even though you were still fighting with your own exasperation inside. “Or stand, whatever you want.” 
You expected him to snap back with another dig. But to your surprise he swallowed, a small bob of his throat, and sat down on the chair closest to you.
He didn’t take his eyes off you while you made a coffee, the crease in his forehead deepening as he assumed you were going to drink it right in front of him. 
Instead you heard the little breath he exhaled when you placed the cup on the table directly to his right. 
Marc stared at it for a second, dumbfounded. He was so caught up in staring at the coffee that he didn’t hear you step back and open the cupboard, only realising that time had passed when you set a small plate with choco leibniz milk biscuits in front of him. 
“Those are Jake’s.” He whispered. 
“I bought them for everyone.” You leave out, ‘except Steven’ as that was a given due to the milk. 
The biscuits were, however, a favourite of Jakes. And he did have a tendency to eat them all before anyone else got a chance. 
Marc pressed his lips together into a tight line. 
You didn’t want for him to say anything else as you walked into the living room and turned on the television. You spend a few minutes searching through the listings until you found something that matched your criteria. Marc had a soft spot for westerns. 
You clicked on The Searchers and pressed play before grabbing the heavy, fluffy blanket out of the airing cupboard and laying it out on the settee. 
When you came back into the kitchen Marc was chewing on a biscuit. He looked up at you as you entered and for a moment seemed much younger than his years. 
“Come on,” you spoke softly, lifting the plate and cup from the table. 
Marc didn’t question you and followed you into the living room one step behind. 
You gestured to the settee after you put the biscuits and coffee on the table, raising the blanket for Marc to sit. He did, slowly, as if he was waiting for something awful to jump out at him. 
You sat next to him, pulling the blanket over you both. You left a ‘sensible’ space between you. Not wanting to be too far or too close, and upsetting him with the extreme. 
He stared at you, not even glancing at the television. “What are you doing?” He whispered. His expression was nervous, pained, and it chased away the residual anger in your chest. 
“Spoiling you rotten.” You said quietly, The Searchers opening music nearly drowning your words out. 
Slowly, you lifted your arm to the back of the settee, leaving an open invitation for physical touch. 
To your surprise he moved instantly, burying himself into your side and laying his head against your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tight. 
You smiled and kissed the top of his head as you hugged him back. 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled into your chest, his breath hot against your skin. 
“Me too.” You kissed his head again as you both relaxed into each other's embrace and settled down to watch the film.
Thank you for reading!
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hii I don’t know if I’m supposed to give ya a prompt like said. But I’ve been feeling angstyyyy sooo if you can no bother my love, could ya do : all of the outsider boys reacting to you (s/o) death?
A/N: Hi anon! the post for the prompts thing is here but i’m taking requests too so dw! I’m feelin the angst rn so this was perfectly timed!
The boys if their S/O d!ed
⚠️ TW for death, implied suicidal thoughts ⚠️
He would go on living for the most part, not because he doesn’t care about the fact that you’re gone, but he just can’t afford to shut down. if he does, he risks losing Soda and Pony too.
He’d bring flowers to your grave once a week, on Wednesdays (don’t ask why i just decided this). Your favourite flowers. When the first bunch he put down dies, he gets someone he knows, (maybe Ponyboy, i feel like he’d dig arts and crafts) to either press the flowers or dry them so he always has them, even if they bring back painful memories.
To add to the whole getting flowers thing, he’d always take one out of each bunch, just like he did before your death to make sure that he replaces them as soon as they wilt.
He most likely got the call about your passing and had to tell the guys. He tried to stay calm while telling them but he broke down before he could finish.
This hurts just to think about! He, unlike Darry would shut down completely. He’d be failing class, wouldn’t get out of bed and would hardly eat. If we count it as after Johnny and Dally die, that would be 3 people he cared about that died (other than his parents)
If you two watched the sunset together often i feel like he’d never watch it again. it would be too painful for him.
Whenever he gets into an argument with Darry he runs out of the house and straight to your grave. He’d sit there and vent to you and eventually fall asleep there. the guys probably put a bench by your grave so he’d sleep there.
I think that after he was functional again, he’d get very cold and bitter, kinda like Dally. He’d get into fights all the time and would start acting out. He just doesn’t know how to cope with you gone..
Sodapop would go to your grave everyday after work and just talk to you about his day. he would fill you in on everything going on with the guys, any rumbles or fights with socs, stuff like that.
I honestly think that if Soda was serious about your relationship he would have given you a promise ring. I think that even after you were gone he would keep wearing it and maybe even put yours on a chain and wear that under his t-shirt, right next to his heart.
If it was a violent death? He would completely stop fighting, he would only see it as a constant reminder of what happened to you, he would realise that it really didn’t do any good.
He wouldn’t fully shut down but i think he would stop hanging out with the guys so much and would get very quiet. He wouldn’t be his laughing, wild self anymore. He knows that isn’t what you would’ve wanted but how could he keep on joking when you were gone? how could he ignore it?
Dally would go on hating and fighting more than he ever did. The world took so much from him and now it took you too? Why should he care about anyone or anything if you weren’t there anymore.
He’d spend a lot of time at your grave. No talking, he’d just sit there and smoke a cigarette. Sometimes he’d silently cry, but he hates crying out in the open.
Dally would blame himself. It doesn’t matter how you passed away, he would look at every detail of the days leading up to your death and see if there was any moment where he could’ve done something to stop it. if it was a violent death, could he have stopped you from getting into that situation in the first place? if it was an accident, could he have stopped it from happening, could he have made it so that it was him instead?
Steve would be kind of like Dally. He’d hate and fight more than ever. How could the world be so cruel that he’d take you from him?
I feel like it could be his first proper experience with loss, which is different to the others that i’ve written about so far. He really wouldn’t know how to cope. he’d try to go on living, then he would shut down for a while, then he would probably just have to get out of town for a while.
I honestly think he’d do something drastic. Rob a gas station or snap and start a fight with his dad or something. He would get very reckless too. where he would be careful when competing in drag races, now he would speed up if anything.
He is so afraid of forgetting your face. He keeps a picture of you in his jacket pocket to make sure he doesn’t forget but he realises he’s starting to forget the smaller things like how you’d make this particular face when you’re being sarcastic, and how your face would light up when someone mentioned your favourite things.
Two would start drinking even more, you were lucky to see him sober. He’d stop hanging out with the guys.
He would be angry for a while. Angry that you left him here alone. Of course he knows deep down that it’s not your fault but he can’t help it. Two probably went to your grave one day, drunker than ever. He started giving out that you left him and ended up throwing his bottle of beer at your headstone. That snapped him out of it. He picked everything up and cleaned the headstone best he could.
After the angry phase is gone he would start to write you letters filling you in on everything. He couldn’t bring himself to go to your gave so he just pretended you had moved far away. He puts them in a big box under his bed. He considered burning them, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it
He sometimes forgets you’re not there though. Say if he’s doing something he might yell “Y/N could you pass me the ___” then remember you’re not there and just sits down and cries, even a few years after.
Johnny really can’t deal with it. With his parents being so bad and you being his main support, he couldn’t take it anymore.
I honestly think that he would run away, let everyone forget him. Sometimes he would consider the ways to see you again, but luckily someone always snaps him out of it.
He hangs out with the guys more than ever, it keeps him from shutting down completely. they become his main support, but he’s even more quiet, he sits a little outside of the group when in the curtis’ house.
After a few months of grieving he remembers a list you guys wrote about all your hopes and dreams. So he decides that he’s going to complete everything on it. He lives for the two of you.
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sunflowerreid · 1 year
Worth the wait - S.R
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Spencer has never had an orgasm before, reader helps him out
Warnings : Sub Spencer, Dom reader, Handjob, Blowjob, Masterbation, Praise kink, Swearing
Spencer had always been a mystery to you. The extraordinary genius with the IQ of 187, eidetic memory and ability to read god knows how many words per minute. There was nothing he couldn’t figure out or find a solution to, it was that simple. He was a genius, a prodigy, a miracle worker. You never would of guessed that this beautiful man was still a virgin, sure he seemed innocent enough but not that innocent, I mean come on, he was gorgeous and adorably caring who wouldn’t want to ride him for hours on end.
You’ve always had a slight feeling that he may of been more innocent than you had predicted especially when you wore a low cut top that showed just the right amount of cleavage to remain professional, or your tight trousers that sculpted your arse perfectly. Spencer was normally a lot more blushy and twitchy than usual on those days, you loved teasing him.
Today you decided to treat yourself, dressed in your black low cut top and tight grey trousers you strutted into work, armed with two cups of coffee from the local cafe and a proud smirk. Spencer was in his usual outfit looking as cute as ever, his fingers resting on his lips as he worked through his paperwork at his usual 60 mph speed. “Morning Spence” you said with a hint of amusement, ready for when his adorable eyes would predictably widen at your outfit choice. “Morning y/n” he said shyly as he squirmed in his seat, his eyes widening slightly as you leaned down to place his cup on the unusually clean desk. “T-thank you, you didn’t have to do that”, could he get any cuter you thought to yourself. “No problem Spence always got you covered” you smirked as you walked away over to your desk, you had the perfect view of him from across the bureau as he fidgeted in his seat.
All day you’d spent stalking him, well not stalking per say more observing his every move to see if you had your usual effect on him. Spencer had a new record going, he made it all the way to lunch time before he ran off to the bathroom, presumably to cool off. He returned to his seat next to you for lunch, resuming his stiff posture and blushing cheeks. You loved your job for many reasons, this just happened to be the best one.
-Three days later-
“Do you want to shower first Spence?” You asked as you opened the door to your shared room, “No that’s okay you can go first” he said kindly as he followed you in. God he couldn’t get any sweeter could he. “Alright I wont be too long” you replied with a smile as you went into the attached bathroom, accidentally forgetting your body lotion and only noticing after spending 10 minutes in the shower. Dripping wet with a small towel wrapped around your flushed figure, you slowly opened the door a crack noticing the pretty boy waiting patiently on his bed. “Spence could you get my body lotion out of my bag please I forgot it” you asked sweetly startling him out of his daydream. “Y-yes of course y/n” quickly jumping off the bed, he made his way over to your bag, gently rooting through it trying not to unravel your neat packing. He stiffened slightly as he reached the layer containing your white lace panties, gaining his usual blush and nervous stutter as he reached the bottom of your bag grabbing the lotion and hurrying over to the door to hand it to you. “Thank you sweetie”.
Spencer squirmed on his bed, the intense throbbing in his slacks clouding his thoughts as he palmed himself slightly, sighing in relief at the blissful friction. Unfortunately for him, you had chosen that moment to open the bathroom door dressed in an oversized t shirt and the black lace panties that matched the white pair. Spencer quickly took his hand off his bulge praying you didn’t notice the dumb pleasure filled look on his beet red face. “Showers free sweetie” you said with a hint of amusement as he scurried around the room collecting his things before rushing into the bathroom. You lied down on your bed attempting to untuck the hotel sheets that were practically glued to the mattress fidgeting around for a few minutes before giving up. Your internal struggle had masked the whimpering noises coming from the bathroom, little grunts and moans “cmon please just once just once please” you heard Spencer whisper as you approached the door “please I need it please cmon cmon” he whimpered in a desperate tone before you heard a loud groan of frustration. Spencer was touching himself that much was obvious to you but the frustration was surprising, normally wanking was a therapeutic, relaxing a way of relieving stress. “You okay sweetie?” You shouted when you had returned to your bed, not wanting him to know you’d been listening. You heard what you assumed was a shampoo bottle crashing against the bottom of the shower before a simple, squeaky “Yep everything’s fine”. Silence followed for another 5 minutes before Spencer shyly opened the door dressed in a pair of tartan pyjama bottoms and a simple black t shirt, quickly making his way over to the bed before untucking the sheets effortlessly. Show off.
The room was silent after you turned off the lights and said an awkward good night to each other. You couldn’t help feeling sorry for him as he tossed and turned quietly, he was a 23 year old man of course he got horny, you’d been teasing him non stop since you arrived at the bau sending his hormones haywire what did you expect. “If you want some time to sort yourself I can go to Garcia’s room for a little bit sweetie” you whispered into the dark room. “N-no that’s okay y/n, I’m not going to kick you out of your own bed, I’m sorry for earlier I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” he said shyly, “Nonsense sweetie you have needs like the rest of us”, receiving a small sarcastic laugh from him you could tell he was embarrassed, of course he was he’d been caught wanking himself off, reaching the same miserable conclusion that he normally got. You knew something was off, normally he’d been throwing facts and statistics at you, his way of coping when he’s nervous. “I promise it’s no trouble Spence” “T-thank you y/n it’s okay, I’m okay, not like it would solve anything anyway” he whispered, the end barley audible. “Sweetie I thought you of all people would know the benefit of masturbating” you said teasingly, “O-oh I’m aware of the benefits if you can achieve-” he cleared his throat slightly before carrying on “an orgasm” he whispered shyly. “If?” You questioned. “Spence have you never… you know?” You asked him gently no wanting to embarrass him further. “Um I mean.. I’ve tried I guess but no not while i was awake anyway”, “Oh sweetie that’s okay, nothing to be embarrassed about” you reassured. You couldn’t feeling both horny and sympathetic at the same time, imagining him trying and trying to cum the desperation he must feel to experience the relief that practically everyone else his age can, including you.
You finally gained enough courage to ask him the question, if he rejected you that would be okay right? You’d get over it but you couldn’t help feeling that he liked you the same way you like him. “Spence if you’d like some help all you have to do is ask”, “R-really?”, “Yes sweetie if you’d like that” you could hear the sheets of his bed rustling as he leant over to turn the lights back on, revealing his blushed face, his desperation clear as day as you sat up leaning against the headboard. “Please, please help me”. That was all the conformation you needed.
Signalling him over, he quickly untangled himself from the sheets quickly making his way over to you, unsure what to do next. You sat up onto your knees reaching for him as you tangled your hand into his damp hair and pulled him down for a passionate kiss. “Fuck please” he whimpered into the kiss as he straddled your thighs, his excitement pushing against you and he began gently rutting himself down onto you, encouraged by your other hand guiding his movements. You figured he had been teased enough when you felt his cock beginning to twitch under his pyjamas, constant whimpers flowed out of him as you guided him down to lie on his back, his cock tenting the material of his bottoms. “Please please do something y/n it hurts” he whined before gasping in relief as you pulled down his pyjamas and boxers at the same time, his cock springing up and hitting his tummy with a wet slap. “Fuck so pretty for me sweetie”, his cock twitched at your words, red, throbbing and leaking a steady flow of precum from the tip. You quickly took it into your hand, pumping him slowly from base to tip your hand slicked up as more precum spurted out of his slit as you pinched it open slightly “Fuck yes” he shouted, the relief evident on his face as you began to speed up your hand, moans flowing out of him after every passing of your palm. “Please yes fuck feels so good s’good more please more” Spencer babbled as he throbbed in your palm, “More, need more, please, please y/n, god yes feels so good, right there” he whined as you teased him red, swollen tip. “Feels so much better than my hand, please keep going please, wanna cum for you, need to cum” he begged as he felt his orgasm teasing him, the same feeling he always left with after trying and failing to cum by himself. You could tell he was getting close, his loud moans turning frantic, the erratic rutting of his hips as he humped up towards your hand. His eyes began to roll back into his head, his back arching before the pleasure stopped. “NO please no y/n, please keep going i need it please” he begged, tears streaming down his face as you took your hand off.
“Calm down sweetie its okay, I’m gonna give you something better okay sweetheart” you reassured him before replacing your hand with your mouth, his hands immediately went to your hair holding on for dear life. “Fuck yes” Spencer moaned as your tongue traced the veins on the side of his cock moving up to tease his slit before you put his tip into your mouth sucking gently “GOD YES” he screamed as you moaned, the vibrations causing him to shake, twitch, beg. “Fuck something’s happening, wait wait” he whined as he tried to push your head off, “Please y/n think mgonna wee feels like its gonna happen please no no” he begged as you carried on aware of what was about to happen, before pulling off “It’s okay sweetie your gonna cum for me okay that’s what it feels like don’t be worried I’m right here, let go for me sweetie okay”, “Fuck yes, gonna mgonna cum y/n, so close, please don’t stop, please mgonna gonna…..” he screamed as his back arched, eyes rolled back, reaching his end, finally after years of trying and failing he was cumming. “Yes god yes m’cumming y/n” he shouted as he spurted rope after rope of cum onto your tongue, cock twitching relentlessly as you milked him for all he was worth. “Fuckk” he moaned, his entire body twitching as you held him in your arms allowing him to recover from his high. “Hope that was worth it sweetie” you said gently to the a nearly asleep Spencer. “Was definitely worth the wait” he gently muttered into your neck as you stroked his hair and rubbed up and down his back, the calming actions sending him to sleep.
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cumulo-stratus · 5 months
hii!! luv ur layout sm! also I have a little request >_< !
do you think you could do a Spencer x Male!Reader fic where Reader is having a rough week, just super overwhelmed and eventually he just has a meltdown over something small that everyone can tell that he isn't crying over that. and then Spencer feels horrible for not having noticed his boyfriend struggling and he immediately goes and comforts him and takes him home to relax. at home he just helps Reader calm down finally, making sure he okay and apologizing for not noticing the little signs earlier. maybe just have him holding Reader and kissing him (like all over his face and hands) until he falls asleep?
the melting down over nth efinitely hasnt happened to me btw 🤗.. but if it had i wouldve loved to be comforted like that + by Spencer
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Male!reader
Summary: Mellifluous; Sweet-sounding; pleasing to the ear. Spencer's voice is Mellifluous
Warnings: descriptions of being overwhelmed/having a meltdown , reader yells at Spencer, use of y/n, not proof-read, boys kissing 🤩
A/N: thank you so much for the request lovie!! I had so much fun writing this especially since i have t written as much lately! mwah 🫶
wc: 1.2k
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It was all wrong. 
Emily wouldn't stop clicking her pen, somehow Rossi was managing to breathe loud enough you could hear, and Derek wouldn't stop trying to chat up some trainee. Although to most people these seemed like regular, not at all bothersome noises, and most of the time they were- today it was going to drive you mad. So there you sat in your office chair, paralyzed, but somehow incredibly fidgety at the same time. And no one seemed to notice, mostly because they were wrapped up in their own excited conversations about the upcoming weekend. 
“Hey y/n would you mind double checking this consultation I'm doing?” Spencer's tone was perfectly friendly, as well as his general demeanor. Although in his hurriedness to finish his work for the day—he had planned a surprise date for you—he hadn’t noticed your unusual state. Usually the master profiler/boyfriend would have noticed these things, but it was for a good reason. 
“Oh my god Spencer- can you just shut up for once?!?!” you raised your voice at spencer and tears stung your cheeks when you were done speaking. Spencer was immediately taken aback at your tone, you never raised your voice at spencer, ever. For the split second after you spoke, everyone, including yourself, was stunned silent and still. You took the opportunity to dash out the doors of the BAU and down the stairs, still rubbing tears off your cheeks. 
Back in the bullpen, everyone was still silent until Spencer broke it by saying “ something’s wrong, tell hotch i'm going to check on him-” Spencer didn't seem angry, more like concerned, it was his boyfriend after all. Spencer did give anyone the chance to respond before he had grabbed your things and his, knowing he probably wouldn’t be back to the office. He could finish his paper work tomorrow, Spencer thought to himself as he rushed down the many stairs down to the first floor of Quintico. His only focus in that moment was you, and making sure you were alright.
When he arrived in the large parking garage under Quantico he found what he was expecting, you and your car gone. Since you had carpooled in together Spencer was left to walk the 15 minutes back to your shared apartment. 
The walk back was brisk, in all senses of the word. Spencer was eager to his boyfriend, make sure he was okay. His fingers twitched as gripped the strap of his leather bag tighter. 
The lights were off in your apartment when Spencer arrived, and in that moment Spencer was eternally grateful for the apartment key you had given him for emergencies.
Spencer's voice echoed solemnly into the quiet of the dark apartment. Even though it was only five pm, practically all the light had disappeared under the horizon. 
No response came, Spencer wasn't expecting one. His calling of your name was more of an announcement of his arrival than an actual calling for you. 
Spencer finally crept his way towards the living room and away from the entrance area, after dropping his messenger and shoes, knowing you didn't like shoes in your house, and you were often particular about these things. 
The floorboards of the god knows how old apartment building creaked underneath his brightly socked feet as he approached the couch. Spencer knew he was going in the right direction when he heard small sniffles and stifled sobs coming from the couch.
Spencer's heart breaks right there at the sound of his boyfriend's cries. “Sweety?” Spencer speaks with a softness to tone as if he was speaking to a spooked animal. 
As Spencer rounded the couch you came into view, you were sitting criss cross, your head bowed trying to calm your breathing. Your hands sat pressed against your ears, trying to block out the ringing. Spencer knew it was irrational, you couldn't stop the ringing with your hands- but you couldn’t think that far right now. It was one step at a time. 
Spencer could see your whole body tilting back and forth slightly in a self soothing motion. “Can I hold your hand?” Spencer was always careful to ask permission, especially as someone who found physical touch to be unnerving himself sometimes too. 
you nodded, and Spencer carefully pulled your palms away from your ears and into his hands. His skin was soft, but cold. You found it grounding. He started placing soft, feather light kisses all over your knuckles and fingers. 
Even simply Spencer's presence had a calming effect, it often did. Although a few stray tears sometimes fell, or the occasional hiccup erupted, you felt a good bit better, and the grounding of his cold fingers in your burnings ones allowed you to focus on something, bring yourself back to the present and away from the sound of emily clicking her pen incessantly. 
Spencer started trailing said featherlight kisses up your arms, scattering them here and there until he reached your shoulders. It isn't in any way sexually charged, like one would expect- it was an act of intimacy in the most comforting of ways. You allowed your eyes to flutter closed when spencer placed a chaste kiss on your lips. 
“wanna talk about it?” Spencer always had an ability to read you, he had already figured out what was most likely the cause of your burst of anger. But talking always helped, Spencer always helped.
Something about his voice, his touch, his everything, had a calming effect on you. “No, I just want you” you said, voice barely above a whisper. But in the silence of the apartment it felt like a shout. 
Spencer smiled softly at your request, nodding. He then rose from his kneeling position on the soft carpet, sitting on the couch next to you and pulling you into his arms. Spencer places little kisses on your face and lips ever so softly, kissing away the last of the stray tears. 
you sat there in comfortable silence, Spencer's fingers gently carding through your hair, and your fingers idly fidgeting with the promise ring you gave him. Spencer still pressed the occasional gentle kiss to your forehead, still not saying anything. 
The silence was comfortable for a while, until you felt Spencer start to shift slightly under you, preparing to get up off the couch. Spencer thought you couldn't tell, but in the tail ends of the breakdown still lingering in your mind, your senses were still hyper alert.
“Don’t go. I don't wanna be alone tonight..” your voice trailed off in embarrassment, not used to feeling unusually vulnerable like this. But Spencer was quick to reassure you, “don't worry honey, i'm just gonna bring you to bed. You're practically falling asleep right here,"Spencer chuckled toward the end of his sentence, causing you to let out a breath that could constitute a laugh as well. 
you sighed, looking ruefully at where you'd previously nested yourself into Spencer's arms. When you arrive at the end of your trip to your bedroom, Spencer carefully releases you onto the bed. He almost immediately climbed in next to you, beginning to softly card through your hair with his slender fingers again. 
“ i love you..”
spencer spoke into the darkness of the quiet apartment, hoping for your answer. But the only response spencer was given was the sound of soft snores falling from your lips as you unconsciously curled yourself farther into spencers embrace, leaving spencer to let the rythmic sound of your breaths, lulling him to sleep as well.
The End
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fanfiction4sooya · 1 year
Make me yours
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It was a mistake, Yunjin knew now. But it wasn’t on purpose, she was just sleepy and hungry and she didn’t think any paparazzi would be there at 1 am.
She ordered food for her since she was hungry and didn’t feel like cooking, Eunchae and Kazuha were out for the weekend visiting Eunchae’s parents and Chaewon was recording the reality show with Yena and the others; It was only Sakura and her at the dorm, but she was basically by herself since Sakura would always want to be left alone since that disastrous night of drunk confessions from Yunjin.
She heard the faint honk from the delivery guy. Since it was a warm night, she just put shoes on and went to pay and grab her food wearing jeans and the thinnest t shirt ever without a bra.
“Hi” She said warmly to the delivery guy, who just nodded his head and looked quickly to the side, not really looking at her. She frowned a bit, but didn’t really mind him.
“Card” He said, clearing his throat. He was beet red.
“What-” She was about to ask what was going on when she felt something lay on her shoulders, a jacket to be more precise.
“I am so sorry, please take this and keep the change” She heard Sakura’s voice before looking at her. The shortest one bowed and left, taking the food and a very confused Yunjin by the arm.
“Sakura, what the hell?” Yunjin said, eyes wide because of the older one’s action. “What was that for?” She backed down a bit, looking at the angry expression Sakura had.
“How can you be so reckless?” She almost screamed; Yunjin was still confused, kind of looking around. Sakura took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. “Just look at yourself” She pointed to the mirror on the far end of the dorm’s living room. And that’s exactly what Yunjin did, eyes widening in shock when she realized.
“Oh” She covered her chest. Sakura scoffed.
“Right, ‘oh’ ” Yunjin was about to cry, panicking because of the many thoughts in her head. “You are lucky there were no paparazzi outside and you are even luckier that that guy wasn’t a pervert!” She massaged her temples, closing her eyes. “The thought of him even looking at you makes my blood boil” She opened her eyes to a teary eyed Yunjin.
“I am so sorry unnie, I didn’t mean to”
“You never mean anything Yunjin, that’s your problem” She replied sarcastically. She was enraged, her heart pounding in her chest, her mouth almost saying something she shouldn’t say.
“I get it, I made a mistake!” The taller girl said, exasperatedly. “But it was one mistake. I was just hungry, I didn’t think anything would happen or that anyone would be at our door” Tears were rolling down her face now, just the thought of upsetting the japanese woman again was enough to get her desperate.
“You didn’t mean, you didn’t think… always the same thing, the same excuse” Her tone was cold, but her eyes showed something different. They were angry, jealous… hurt. “I…” But she wouldn’t say a thing to Yunjin. She couldn’t. “I’m going to bed” She said, storming off.
Yunjin was left crying in the living room, her heart broken one more time over a drunken choice she had made almost three months prior. It was humiliating to say the least, the way Sakura simply shut her off, as if she didn’t even know her. In front of the cameras everything was perfectly fine, but whenever they would stop rolling, that was another story. Sakura never rejected her, no. But the silence, that cold and cutting silence, was somehow even worse.
Her legs were moving before her mind processed the whole thing, but soon she knew exactly what to do. She deserved something, to at least get rejected so she could finally move on. Anything would be better.
“I can’t be like this anymore” She pushed Sakura’s door, scaring the living shit out of her. “I can’t live pretending that this situation doesn’t hurt me” Her pleading eyes were almost enough to make Sakura crumble, but she wouldn’t let that happen.
“Get out of my room” Sakura said in the most stable way she could.
“Please, say something” Yunjin cried out. “Please, tell me you hate me, tell me I’m stupid and a fool for loving you but please, say something” She was basically sobbing now, clutching her chest. “If I ever knew I would lose your friendship and make you hate me like this I would’ve never ever said anything” She fell to the ground, her knees numb, weak.
And for the first time in months Sakura’s stone mask fell, revealing a much softer look. Her cold and distant eyes were replaced by soft and compassionate ones and the distance she tried so hard to maintain became closeness when she kneeled in front of the younger girl to get on her eye level.
“You don’t deserve to live like this” She said softly, holding Yunjin’s gaze.
“You are right, I don’t” Her voice was weak. “So yell at me, tell me to get out” She clutched Sakura’s shirt, pulling her close, contrary to what she was asking. “Reject me so I can move on from you” Sakura shook her head. “Why? If you don’t I’ll keep loving you from afar, that’s all I can do. If you don’t tell me to leave, I won’t. So just…” She was interrupted by a pair of lips on her own.
She blinked once, twice, and didn’t wake up. That was real and the Miyawaki Sakura had kissed her. So she kissed her back, tears and all. She was shaking so much that Sakura stopped the kiss and hugged her, petting her hair.
“I am so sorry” She said, to her ear.
“For kissing me?” Yunjin’s voice was nothing more than a whisper. Sakura pulled away enough to look into her eyes.
“No, not that” She shook her head. “For shutting you off, for pushing you away. For hurting you when in fact all I wanted to do was make you mine” She looked down.
“Then why? I don’t get it” Another tear rolled down on Yunjin’s face, Sakura caught it with her thumb, caressing her face gently.
“I was scared” Yunjin frowned, silently questioning. “Everybody knows I have been with women since my first debut” She said with a sigh, as if a weight was being lifted off her shoulders. “Everyone just pretends they forgot about it so they can keep loving me, you know?”
Tangled in each other, they were not even realizing they were still on the floor, that Yunjin was still clutching to the other’s shirt and that that was probably the most they have spoken in months. But Sakura was being brave now, and she wouldn’t stop for nothing in the world.
“If they find out about me with another woman, they’ll cast me out of the country and that ‘s it. I’ll go back to Japan and will probably be received with open arms like before; You? That would break you, take your dream away. I couldn’t let that happen, I had to protect you” She was still mindlessly caressing the younger’s face. “But it hurts too much to stay away from you” She whispered.
“I never asked for your protection,” Yunjin said, blinking sadly. “I just needed this, you. If you had talked to me I would’ve made the choice of staying or leaving and none of us would be this hurt” She put her forehead on Sakura’s, touching their noses. “I have no experience in the dating field, I know, but I’m pretty sure decisions should come from both of us.”
The japanese woman laughed softly, taking in Yunjin’s scent and body so close to hers. That perfume that never failed to make her go crazy, her braless tits so close to hers in that embrace. Seeing that gorgeous woman everyday and basically all day and not being able to do anything to her was definitely her punishment and personal hell.
“Why did you decide to go after me outside?” Yunjin pulled her out of those sudden dirty thoughts. She bit her lower lip, a tint of anger passing through her expression.
“You made me jealous” The palm of her hand stroked Yunjin’s face more firmly now.
“W-what do you mean?”
“I was watching you cross the garden from my window, just to check if you were okay” She glanced at the other’s thin t shirt, the jacket long gone from her shoulders. “I noticed you with no bra and well, let’s say I never ran that fast in my life”
“If I knew that not wearing a bra would set you off so much that you would willingly talk to me I would’ve done it sooner” She laughed, her eyes still shining from all the crying a few minutes before.
“Don’t even joke about that” Sakura said, pulling Yunjin by her nape, their lips almost touching. It was as if the atmosphere had made a whole 180º. Suddenly the so sweet and oh so composed Sakura was anything but. “You have no idea how jealous and protective of you I became after that night, even though it was wrong of me to be” She took a deep breath, letting go of the other’s nape.
“You did?” Yunjin’s cheeks were beet red with the thought of jealous Kkura. She felt an ego boost and well, let’s say that statement made something inside her heat up. “You don’t like thinking of anyone even looking at me?” She whispered, mindlessly staring at the other’s lips.
“Yunjin… you shouldn’t play with fire” She said, holding the other’s face with her left hand and the right holding her waist. “If you continue with this our night is going to end in a way that I wouldn’t deem correct” She lightly squeezed Yunjin’s waist, shaking her head to expel those thoughts out of her head, trying to focus on something else. “Let’s go to bed, the floor is too cold for you” She got up, taking Yunjin with her.
“How do you want me to not think anything dirty when you casually ask me to go to bed with you like this?” Yunjin groaned, sitting on Sakura’s big bed.
As the oldest, she was the only one to have a bedroom for herself, being able to have a king sized bed on it. Yunjin groaned a bit when she felt her wet panties sticking to her skin, a bit embarrassed.
“I don’t think you should think of anything dirty because if you do, then I’ll have to deal with it” She placed both hands on Yunjin’s sides, her eyes dark with desire.
“You say as if it’s a bad thing” She whispered, their faces inches apart.
“You deserve something different from what I can offer you right now” Yunjin smiled, her lips brushing against Sakura’s jaw.
“I deserve for you to fuck me for all those months we were apart” She whispered again.
Sakura’s heart was beating so fast she could hear it, her hands gripped the sheets, trying really hard to restrain that desire. The internal debate was almost loud enough for Yunjin to hear. She never wanted something like she wanted Yunjin, but at the same time she really wanted to be nice and romantic with the girl.
“Hey, look at me” Yunjin caressed her face with both thumbs. “It’s okay” She kissed her slowly. “I want this, unnie” She said with those pretty doe eyes. “Please, show me how much you want me to be yours, only yours”
“Say it again” She placed her thumb on Yunjin’s lower lip, who promptly stuck her tongue out, sucking on it and making Sakura’s breath hitch.
“Please unnie, make me yours”
The next second was a blur. How could time go fast and slow at the same time? 
Sakura kissed her with a certain urgency, promptly sucking her tongue, roaming her hands over her body, getting goosebumps and a whimper from Yunjin who was absolutely too horny and too wet to properly function. She tilted her head to the side, moaning when she felt the japanese’s wet tongue licking her pulse point, biting softly. 
“No, please” She breathed out, her right hand squeezing sakura’s upper arm. “Mark me” She pleaded, getting a guttural moan from the other one just with that request. 
“We have schedules this week, baby” She kept licking her neck, making her whine and squeeze her thighs together. Sakura took a step back, smiling devilishly. “I can’t mark your neck, but I can make sure you’ll remember me every time you take a look at yourself, love” 
Yunjin was so beautiful like that: puffy eyes, swollen lips and that beautiful hair all messy, panting as if she had ran a marathon. 
“Will you do something for me?” She said, her tone seductively dangerous. 
“Anything, unnie” She whined,a sweet tone to her voice. Sakura smiled.
“Take off your jeans” Yunijn’s heartbeat was on her ears like drums, she could only see Sakura. She could only feel the need to obey and please that gorgeous deity in front of her. 
She unbuttoned it, taking it off of her with ease, feeling the japanese’s gaze follow every single one of her moves like a lioness would follow her prey. She was so unbelievably wet that she could feel it now on her thighs. 
She sat back with her legs closed, a sudden shame making her feel uneasy. Sakura passed her hand through her dark hair, wetting her lips with the sight in front of her. She kissed Yunjin again, wet and exploring, taking part of that shame off. 
“Do you ever touch yourself thinking of me?” She asked, profusely looking into her eyes.
“I…” The blonde looked at the side, avoiding her. “N-no?” It was more like a question than an answer.
“You don’t fool me” Sakura caressed her bare thigh, sitting on the bed and positioning herself between Yunjin who was now laying down. “I’ll ask again and you are going to tell me the truth, or I’ll stop” Sakura said, reaching for the other’s hard nipples slowly, making her roll her eyes and bite her lips.”Have you ever touched yourself thinking about me?” She squeezed her tits together, observing her hips roll and her hands grab the sheets with her closed eyes and furrowed eyebrows. 
“Yes, unnie” She swallowed a moan when Sakura pinched her covered nipples.
Sakura reached for her face, kissing her deeply, then leaning back, her intentions quite clear. 
“Show me, baby” She bent the other’s knees. “Show me how you fuck yourself when you are alone in your room” Yunjin moaned, her cheeks red with desire and hesitation. “Give me your hand” She took Yunjin’s hand, slowly putting it in her mouth, licking her fingers. 
“Fuck, Kkura” Her cunt was drenched and pulsing in an impossible way. 
“No unnie?” Sakura said, still licking her fingers, spitting on them. “You get horny and disrespectful now?” She mocked. “Guess I’ll have to stop to teach you some manners…” She was about to take Yunjin’s hand out of her mouth when the other stopped her from doing it. 
“Unnie! No, please, I am sorry” Her eyes watered. “Please Kkura unnie, don’t stop” She moaned, looking at the other’s mouth glistening with saliva. 
“Touch it, baby” She said, putting Yunin’s wet hand on top of her own pussy. “Let unnie see how you fuck your pretty hole” Yunjin moaned, wanting so bad to be touched but wanting even more to please the other. Sakura pushed her panties to the side, moaning at the beautiful sight of her glistening cunt pulsing for her.
Yunjin was so wet that it was pretty possible three fingers would fit perfectly in her without waiting to adjust, the japanese thought. 
She used her middle finger to collect some of her juices, moaning at the feeling.
Circling her clit she rolled her eyes, opening her mouth to scream but nothing came. She wanted to put on a show for her unnie, so she dipped a finger on her entrance observing Sakura’s dark expression change a bit, swallowing hard the need to fuck that pretty pussy. 
“Unnie…” Yunjin called with a moan, snapping the other out of that trance. She kept circling her clit, feeling her wetness spread on her skin. 
She was feeling so strangely good, it was new to her. As she stated to Sakura before, she didn’t have experience dating and even though she did have sex and theoretically she did touch herself, she was just never able to finish alone or with anybody else. 
“Unnie, oh my god” She called again, strained.
“Keep going baby, you are doing so good for me” She said, looking at Yunjin who was a panting mess in front of her. She got rid of her own shorts and panties, using only a jersey now. She lifted Yunjin’s white t shirt, revealing her tits, touching herself at the sight. 
Yunjin felt her body tense, shaking and too hot for her to handle, her vision was getting blurry, it was all too new for her. She could only hear the mix of her moans and Sakura’s. She circled a few more times, that suffocating feeling too strong now, making her stop all of a sudden, squeezing her eyes shut. 
Sakura, who was also almost cumming, stopped on her tracks too, a bit worried. 
“Are you okay, baby?” She panted, trying to recover. Yunjin had her eyes closed, too embarrassed. Sakura laid between her legs, wincing a little, still too horny. She kissed her face, silently panicking. “Yunjin-a” She called, a worried expression. “Are you okay?” She caressed her hair and face and Yunjin hid it in the crook of her neck. “You didn't come, did you?” She nodded, still hiding. 
As an experienced person and of course, as Yunjin’s friend, she knew it didn’t happen. 
“Are you uncomfortable?” She asked and Yunjin answered with a muffled ‘No’. “Baby, look at me” Sakura asked, but the other didn’t budge. “Do you trust me?” She softly asked, her pussy still throbbing with need. Yunjin finally looked at her and she smiled, kissing her on the lips and pulling her closer. 
“What happened?” She asked in the softest tone she could. Yunjin didn’t answer right away, trying to elaborate an answer. 
“I felt like I was suffocating” She said, a bit embarrassed. “I never got so worked up before, I guess” The other smiled reassuringly. 
“I understand” She kissed her lips. “Was I too fast?” 
“No, you were perfect unnie” She caressed Sakura’s face. “I just never, you know” The brunette raised an eyebrow and she fought the urge to hide her face again. “I never had an orgasm before, I guess” She chuckled and Sakura went silent, her expression going from worried to something else. 
“I see…” She swallowed thickly. “And why is that? I mean… you had sex before, right?” 
“I mean, yeah. But I think it didn’t have the effect in me like it had on others” Sakura chuckled, that dark expression showing itself again. 
“Oh, Yunjin…” She smiled, kissing her lips slowly but firmly. “Do you want me to show you how it’s done, baby?” Yunjin nodded mid kiss, that fire on her stomach growing again, making her pussy ache since it’s been denied an orgasm before. 
Sakura put herself in the middle of the other’s thighs again, kissing and biting there. Maintaining eye contact with the younger one, she pulled her wet panties down to reveal her pretty pussy, her clit poking out from its hood red and swollen. The japanese woman groaned at the sight, taking off her own jersey and Yunjin’s t shirt, leaving both of them bare. 
“Is it okay to keep going? Is there anything you don’t wanna do?” She asked, caressing Yunjin’s thigh.
“Do what you want with me, please” Yunjin moaned. Sakura kissed her on the lips
“Tell me if anything bothers you, ok?” The other nodded, feeling her heart beat fast as hell. 
Sakura trailed Yunjin’s body with kisses, working her up, her tongue hot and wet making the other moan. She licked one of her boobs, sucking and biting at the skin to get her marked up like she said she would do. 
“Unnie I need you to fuck me, please” Yunjin said, her hips searching for any kind of friction. Sakura smiled against her skin, sucking a dark spot on her abs. 
“I am dying to eat you out, darling” She said, going lower and lower. “I just want to mark you to remind you that you are mine now” Kissing the inside of the other’s thigh, she inhaled deeply. “Fuck, you smell so good” She kissed the small patch of hair on top of the other’s cunt, licking from her slit to her engorged clit in a slow motion. 
None of them could describe the feeling of how the other made them feel. Yunjin almost screamed at the sudden hotness and pleasure, instantly grabbing the other’s hair; Sakura went to hell and bounced back straight to heaven while sucking that delicious pussy, throbbing at the feeling. 
“Oh my god” Yunjin said when the other strongly sucked on her clit, her eyes rolling to the back of her head when she felt the vibration of Sakura’s moan as well. “Fuck, Sakura!” She said, mindlessly humping her wet cunt on the japanese’s tongue. 
Sakura kept her gaze on that beautiful face, feeling proud to be making her feel so good; Yunjin tossed and turned, moaning like a bitch in heat, pulling Sakura’s hair with one hand and with the other pulling her nipple, her eyes watering and that feeling in the pit of her stomach again, but this time it was stronger, got her legs shaking and her body tensing up 10 times worse than before. 
“Unnie, oh my good” She said, her mouth shaped like an O, looking at Sakura's relentless tongue on her pussy.   
“Let it happen, love” Sakura managed to say, diving back to suck on her pulsing clit, her chin wet and glistening.
Yunjin kept humping, her moans getting even louder if that was possible, her legs squeezing Sakura’s head between them, the so awaited moment coming like a missile, making her lose her voice and all her strength.
She felt an unfamiliar buzz on her ears, blinking about three times to recover full consciousness. 
She was pulled back by Sakura’s tongue in her mouth, making her taste herself and hum at it.
“Your pussy tastes so good” She said, grabbing the blonde’s face and spitting into her mouth. “I could keep eating you out all night” They moaned into each other’s mouths, a string of spit connecting their kiss. 
Yunjin felt like she was supposed to feel sensitive like her friends said they felt when they just climaxed, but with Sakura on top of her saying things like that she only felt more aroused than before.  
“Unnie, fuck me with your fingers” Yunjin kissed Sakura’s fingers and directed them to her cunt, watching with attention when she pushed two in one go. 
“Look at this” She said, devilishly. “I’ll stretch your pretty pussy so good, baby” She moaned when felt the spongy spot inside of the other one. “One day you’ll be able to take my whole fist inside you and you'll love it” Yunjin’s eyes rolled back, being fucked so hard it was impossible to think properly or to feel ashamed at anything she might've said. "tell me you want my fist up your cunt baby, tellme you'll love it" Sakura said through gritted teeth.
"I- jesus" She stopped mid sentence after the other hit a particularly good spot. "I want your whole fist inside me unnie, fuck"
"I know you do, my love" Sakura growled, spitting on Yunjin's clit, thinking how pretty that stretched pussy looked. 
“U-unnie…” She cried, grabbing Sakura’s hand to increase the speed. “Yo-you fuck me so good, so good” She felt that tight feeling again, opening her eyes to say what she was about to say looking directly into her eyes, fully aware of the effect she would cause. “No one ever fucked me like you, ever” She shook her head, tears spilling from both of her eyes, a babbling mess. “F-fuck my pussy like you own me” She said. 
Sakura growled, fucking her with her right hand and grabbing her neck with the other one. 
“Mine” She said, closer to Yunjin’s lips now. “My little slut” The possessive tone made her pussy clench so hard it was hard to Sakura move her fingers but she didn’t stop, feeling it tighter and tighter, her second orgasm ripping through her body and making her a shaking mess, tears falling freely from her eyes now, the stimulation was too much but too good. 
“No one will ever fuck you like me, Yunjin” Sakura said, raising one of Yunjin’s legs to her chest and positioning her clit on top of the blonde’s, much to her surprise. 
“Kkura, what-” She started saying, trying to stabilize her voice but a moan ripped through her throat when she felt the other’s wetness mix with her own. 
“It’s unnie ” She angrily growled. “You were the one that reminded me someone else’s hand touched you, baby” She started thrusting at a rapid pace, tightly hugging Yunjin’s leg to her chest. “Now I’ll have to- Oh, jesus ” She closed her eyes when their wet clits touched in a better position. “Now I’ll cum all over your little cunt to show you that only I can make you feel like this” She nibbled at Yunjin’s leg. 
“Unnie!” Yunjin tossed herself against the mattress, sure she would die of overstimulation. But oh, it felt so fucking good. “Keep going, please unnie, please” She pleaded, scratching the other’s milky thighs, marking her as well, drooling in the most beautiful and fucked out state.
“My little pussy, only mine” Sakura repeated it like a mantra to herself, animalistic. 
She kept that hard pace for a few more thrusts, smiling when she felt her orgasm, Yunjin almost passed out on the soft mattress. She was smiling because she knew exactly what was coming, shaking with desire and pride. She pushed herself off the other only enough to tap her own clit a few times, squirting all over the blonde girl who had the third orgasm of the night. 
“Mine, just mine” She kept growling, her eyes closed in pleasure.
Yunjin was barely awake, trying to recover her breath; Sakura laid beside her, pulling her to an embrace, kissing her mouth. The only thing she could really feel was the japanese woman, so engulfed in her perfume it was dizzying. Sakura didn't let her go, kissing her, licking her neck and chest like a cat demanding affection.
They kept kissing for what felt like ages, Yunjin’s body sore and tired, almost shutting off. 
“I wanna touch you too” She said, sleepily touching Sakura’s body.
Looking outside the window Sakura noticed the sun rising already, smiling at how time flies when you are having a good time. She pulled Yunjin incredibly closer, kissing her temple and inhaling her scent, pulling a blanket over their naked bodies. 
“You can barely keep your eyes open, my love” She caressed Yunjin’s back in an up and down motion. 
“But I want to, unnie” She yawned, falling in and out of sleep. Sakura chuckled. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be here when you wake up” She touched their noses, thinking the blonde was already sleeping.
“You promise?” She stared at Sakura’s eyes, her gaze heavy and reddened.
Sakura took a deep breath, ghosting her lips over the other’s. 
“Yes, my love. I promise” 
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fluffy-lee-boa · 5 months
Squealing Santa 2k23
Of Buddies and Bros (a barbieverse tickle fic)
Fandom: Barbie (2023)
Characters: Ken and Allan
A/N: Hello @sweettallahassee! It is I, your secret santa >:3 I was so excited to get this assignment- The world could definitely use some more Barbie t fics. Especially ones with Allan. I really hope you like it! I saw the words “cheer-up tickles” and was possessed to write way more than I anticipated haha. Happy Holidays!
This was super fun, and I can’t wait to participate again, since this was my first time and now I think I’ve really got a handle on things. Thank you so much to @squealing-santa !!!
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
It had been a good amount of time since Stereotypical Barbie had left Barbie Land altogether, with Allan having become Ken’s closest confidant and friend from there on out. It was a pretty surprising change, and one that took some getting used to, as Allan had been used to being number 3 in a world of couples. But now? Well, it was practically his job to stick by Stereotypical Ken, and help him along his journey in self-discovery. Help him find some sort of identity outside of “Beach” and Barbie.
Unfortunately, Ken was very much still attached to both Beach and Barbie, to the point that it was a real hindrance on any progress being made in that department.
Allan knew it must have been hard for the guy, so he wasn’t annoyed or frustrated. More concerned, really. I mean, even with all the changes that had come to Barbie Land, every Ken still had their Barbie. Every Ken… except for his Ken.
His Ken? Ok, that was a weird thought. Better to just ignore it and move on. Narrations could be tricky sometimes, and he of all people knew that.
But either way! He was here to help. Be a buddy, whatever that meant.
It had been another perfect, beautifully sunny day, one in which Allan had been trying and failing to get Ken out of bed. Ken had begun staying in Stereotypical Barbie’s old place, as it was vacant, and already had quite a lot of Mojo Dojo Casa House decor, including the “manly” fur coat that Ken had draped over himself as a makeshift blanket as he grumbled about being woken up.
“Ken, come on.” Allan sighed, tugging at the end of the coat lightly but firmly, “We already told Pilot Barbie we’d be ready for your skydiving lesson at noon, we can’t miss that, or it’ll throw off our whole schedule. Remember? We even had a quick stop at the beach to try surfing again…!”
Allan had been meticulously planning their days filled to the brim with activities that might lead to Ken finding his true passion. Usually Ken was pretty gung-ho about the whole thing, but today seemed to be an off day. It was probably because yesterday he’d tried acting, and instead of impressing Director Barbie with his stunning talent, he’d ended up really crying for about an hour and they weren’t able to get any good footage out of it.
So here they were, at a stalemate in Barbie’s old bedroom.
Allan considered his option, his mind cycling through possibilities. He could simply rip the fur off of him to force him up, but that sounded harsh, and Ken needed a gentle touch right now.
Wait a minute.
Gentle… touch.
That gave him an idea!
So after a second more of contemplating if the possibility of revenge was worth it, Allan made his first move. He was just lucky enough that Ken’s leg happened to be sticking out from the bed, giving him the perfect opportunity to put his plan into motion. He pushed aside any hesitation and lurched forward, putting the other’s foot in what was essentially a headlock and sitting at the end of the bed.
“Wha- HEY-!” Ken was instantly sitting up, the coat having fallen away to reveal a particularly pink set of pajamas that would have matched with Barbie perfectly had she still been around.
“Sorry, but you wouldn’t get out of bed, so…” Allan shrugged, trying to suppress a smile as he utilized a persuasive skill Barbie Land had only picked up on when they last interacted with the real world- Tickling.
It wasn’t entirely new to them, of course, but the concept of a tickle *fight* was something so novel that it had been on Allan’s mind ever since Barbie had left, and this was as good an excuse as any to start one.
“AH- AhAhAllan! You can’t-!”
“Can’t what, help my buddy cheer up?” Allan teased as he scribbled away at the little divots in between his toes, though before he could say anything further, there was a flurry of movement that was too fast for him to catch in the moment.
When Allan next opened his eyes, he found that Ken was now firmly rested on top of him, holding both his arms above his head in one hand. Curse his stereotypically large and admirable muscles- there was no escaping such a grasp.
“No… I was gonna say you can’t expect me not to fight back,” Ken replied after he’d caught his breath with a more confident smirk this time, his free hand hovering over Allan’s unfortunately unbuttoned beach top menacingly.
“Whoa! Ken, heyyy, we can talk this out!” Allan babbled the moment he realized the predicament he was in, sinking into the softness of the bed below them with a nervous, borderline awkward laugh, “I was just- trying to get you up! And you’re up now! We can go!”
“Mmm. I don’t think that’s gonna work for me,” Ken’s hand was getting dangerously close to his ribs, which made Allan start squirming without him having even touched him yet.
“In fact… You were right, buddy. This is cheering me up already,” Ken added smugly, before his gently clawed his hands back and forth over his lower ribs like he was trying to feel every gap and ridge in his rib cage.
Allan immediately burst into frantic giggles that resembled a bird of paradise making alarm calls- they were by no means graceful or dignified, but there was no arguing it, they were adorable. There was even an interspersing of snorts and yelps that kept things fresh whenever Ken wandered a little lower down to vibrate his fingertips across his barely-visible abs. Speaking of which…
Ken’s eyebrows raised when Allan’s protests spiked, and he realized he must be getting close to a goldmine. He kept that same goofy smile, the one he always had when he was proud of himself for figuring something out. If Allan could focus on it, he’d probably melt, but he was too busy being reduced to breathless laughter as he begged for what seemed to be his life.
But what spot exactly might be causing such a reaction?
Well, as Ken was already quite pleased with his deduction skills, he was sure he’d figured it out. So he let his hand drift farther down, lightly tracing a line with the spider-like movement of his fingers to his upper belly. Aaaand Bingo.
“KEHEN!” Allan barked, attempting to fold in on himself like a beach chair.
Ken knew this spot must be the absolute worst for him, so he was careful not to take things too far. He kept his tickles light, and almost teasing, using his perfectly manicured nails to swirls little hearts and star shapes around his belly button, “Yeah, bro?”
Allan simply shook his head, eyes squeezed shut as he dug his heels into the bed as if to dispel some of the nerves. His open-mouthed laughter hadn’t let up much despite the change of pace, and his cheeks were now a bright shade of red. So Ken, being the kind and generous person he was, decided he’d had enough.
He slowed his movement to a stop, letting go of Allan’s wrists so he could prop himself up on his elbows above him with an affectionate smile. He rested his chin on the other’s chest, which made Allan tense up with the lightest of giggles at the way his stubble scratched at his topmost ribs.
“Feeheel any behehetter?” Allan managed to ask, looking down at him with a softer smile.
Ken thought about it for a moment before he hummed, his voice smooth and deep despite the strenuous battle, “Yeah. Definitely.”
Ken moved to stand up, hands on his hips as he looked out over Barbieland from their vantage point at the end of the block. To his surprise, Allan’s giddy laughter had caught the attention of quite a few neighbors, who gave him looks that came across as almost… relieved. Truth be told, everyone had been worried for Ken for some time now, but seeing, or more hearing, him be so carefree and mischievous, it was nice to see he hadn’t changed much.
Allan had to take a few more minutes to fully recover, though eventually he sat up with a deep breath, rolling his shoulders with a smile, “Gee. Remind me not to mess with you again.”
“Or- I dunno- maybe more often…?” Ken replied, his voice bordering on shy for once, “I wasn’t lying. It really did cheer me up, broski.”
And with that, Allan knew that he didn’t have anything to worry about after all. Ken was gonna be alright, even without Barbie, and even if the journey was longer than they anticipated. They would walk down that road together, wherever it was gonna take them. That’s what buddies are for.
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Imagine Vash Teaching You How To Shoot
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Vash the Stampede X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Target practice
Word Count: 1k
(A/N:) I’m putting all my pew pew knowledge into this one! I’ve saw other fics with the same concept but I thought I’d give it a shot (heh heh pun not intended) myself as I had this idea a little over a week ago. I do have more than basic knowledge when it comes to target practice and I was very impressed with Trigun Stampede’s weapon usage and the .22 shell was an actual one. So bravo Orange for doing your homework! I’m impressed! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Also peeps be careful when it comes to any form of weaponry. Safety is key as accidents can happen. I have lots of experience and my dad made sure that I knew proper procedures and to take care of myself and others. One accident could be the last with any type or form of arms. So take caution and kids don’t go behind your parents back, that’s a no no just ask them. 9 times out of 10 they’ll answer your questions.
Vash was watching worms circle in the sun, lazily enjoying a much needed down moment until your voice broke the silence. You called his name cheerfully as you ran up to him, your arms full of discarded bottles.
“Vash,” you panted the bottles clacking together in your arms. “Will you teach me how to shoot?”
He seemed reluctant to at first but when he saw the excitement in your eyes he couldn’t refuse to teach you how.
“Sure,” he finally agreed and you shouted in victory.
It didn’t take long to set up the bottles on the ledge of a mountain. Vash didn’t want any stray bullets to go further than he could see. So the mountain would be the perfect containment zone for any mishaps. You danced in place as you were both excited and nervous. You always wanted some form of protection against any villains will ill intentions towards you and you just knew Vash would be the perfect teacher. He chuckled at your enthusiasm as he stood by your side.
“Ready,” he asked.
“Naturally,” you replied making him chuckle. Unholstering his .22 he handed it over muzzle facing downwards. You carefully took the grip, trying to remember how Vash held it. He mostly shot one handed at times, but you knew you weren’t quite ready for that. Seeing how you were lost on even holding it, Vash held out his hand and you placed it back into his palm.
“Hold it like this since you’re a beginner,” Vash spoke showing you the proper form. “This hand goes first with your index finger pressed against the side until you’re ready to pull the trigger and then you’re going to balance it with this hand. Make sure you keep your fingers from the hammer and the cylinder as you don’t want them to get pinched. That would hurt like you wouldn’t imagine.”
“Got it. Watch the hammer, hold it like so.”
Vash nodded handing the weapon back. You had more confidence this time as you held it just like he had shown. With a couple tweaks you were one step closer to actually shooting.
“Now what,” you asked ready to learn more.
“Make sure your rear sight and front sight are perfectly align. The front sight should be even with the rear. If the front sight is up farther than the rear you’ll shoot high. If it’s lower than the rear you’ll shoot low,” Vash started explaining. “Now when you’re ready to pull the trigger don’t use your whole finger, just your fingertip. If you use too much of your finger you’ll pull it off your target and cause it to move left or right. And don’t expect your shot, let it surprise you. That way you won’t pull off your target or flinch.”
“Man,” you grumbled, “this is complicated.”
Vash laughed, “Pistols are harder to shoot than rifles. You put rifles on your shoulder and you’re much steadier this you only have your hands and arms. Need me to explain again?”
“Make sure my sights are perfectly aligned, don’t use too much finger, and let it surprise me.”
“You’re a quick learner. But widen your stance and get down on it or you’ll be unsteady and if your arms get tired don’t drop it down pull it to your chest then thrust out when you’re ready to shoot.” Vash was getting into his element now as you were soaking every word up like a sponge. “I’ll teach you about how to walk steady too but let’s see if you can hit your target first.”
“Okay,” you breathed going over everything Vash just said. While aiming, your arms began to tremble from the awkward stance and the weight. You couldn’t imagine what a bigger caliber would feel like. Vash’s .22 was heavy enough on your arms. Trying to steady your wobbly aim as best as you could, you started to squeeze the trigger. The boom echoed across the desert but the bottles remained intact. You pouted looking back at your teacher.
“Try again,” he encouraged.
You tried again, the hammer hitting the primer and sending the shell out of the barrel. Only for your second shot to miss. This was becoming a lot harder than you expected and you felt bad for wasting Vash’s expensive ammo.
“This is harder than I thought,” you moaned.
“One more time you have six rounds in the chambers. Well four more since you’ve already shot twice.”
You steadied yourself pushing the pistol back out and aiming. Another round. Another miss. You were getting frustrated now, so much you didn’t hear Vash come up behind you. He moved your arms back out into the shooting position, his back pressed up against yours. His added steadiness had the pistol in a steady grip.
“Squeeze the grip as you pull the trigger. Don’t be in a hurry, quickness comes with experience. Take your time be steady and you won’t miss. You got this.” 
His breath puffed against your cheek causing you to shiver. But with his added encouragement and him pressed up against you, you tried again. The pistol went off the bullet whizzing towards the bottles, in seconds one shattered instantly sending glittering shards through the air. You looked to Vash in bewilderment while he just smiled.
“Told you,” Vash raised his hand for a high-five. You didn’t hesitate your palm slapping against his.
“I think you did more than I actually did,” you answered though you wouldn’t let it sour your mood.
“Nah you’re awesome. But I think my teaching has earned me a reward.”
“Oh yeah?”
“How about you buy my next meal?”
You seemed to think about it while handing him back his pistol. He holstered it by his side swiftly and smoothly. He reminded you of all those cowboy stories you heard about as a child growing up.
“I think that’s fair,” you said knowing that he deserved more than just food. But Vash wouldn’t take it as he was too nice. But you looked forward to learning more from him. He was the perfect teacher and you wanted to know what all he had to offer.
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𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 🎃💦 ∘₊✧ 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝟙𝟙 ✧₊∘
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@absurdthirst's Kinktober 2023 Prompts
Day 11: Body Hair/Shaving, Exhibitionism/Voyeurism, Teasing
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| PAIRING(s): Ezra x fem!reader | RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 1.1k | CONTENT: established relationship, body hair kink, sweat kink (?), Ezra bein the nasty lil slut we all love | SYNOPSIS: Ezra mourns your decision to shave your private area even though it's just to feel more comfortable in the heat of the summer months.
You left the bathroom door ajar even though that almost guaranteed you’d see Ezra’s pouting face emerge and disappear in the hallway as he took obvious glances at your current task.
“May as well just come in here and see the carnage up close, Ezra,” you deadpan loud enough for him to hear around the corner.
A few soft footsteps later and the door creaks open. Ezra rests his forearm against the doorjamb and leans casually into it as he looks you up and down.
“Carnage is surely to be sired. Unbridled ruination of a perfectly unfallowed meadow,” he hums in disappointment.
“Ezra,” you snip, “I told you I don’t care in the winter, but when it’s hot out like this it gets so scratchy and itchy.”
You pull the plug on the bath and sit up straighter to reach the shaving cream and razor. “Give it a few months, and I’ll be back to my usual Highland Cattle self.”
“Must it be razored? Would a robust clipping not suffice?” he argues. He plops down onto the closed toilet lid and eyes you mournfully. 
“You’re being very dramatic about something that you wouldn’t even knew happened in the first place if you saw me a few weeks later. It’s hair, Ezra. It grows back.”
He snorts and huffs in disagreement but doesn’t say anything else. You roll your eyes and begin the task of shaving your private area. You’d long given up on aesthetics and appealing grooming habits, and, luckily for you, Ezra seemed to like you better the more hair you had. 
He’d lick at your coarse armpits, groaning with a primal urge if you were still sweaty from the day’s work. He’d press the wiry curls of your calves against his hips as he fucked into you. He’d run his fingertips over the hairs around your asshole, moaning as she shoved his tongue into you. He’d ramble endlessly about how you were never to rid yourself of any of it, that he wanted you raw and bristled and brushy.
His brow drops as he watches you now, lathering up the cream between your legs. He’d always been a free spirit – to put it lightly – who encouraged and at times demanded you follow your own individual call, whatever that might be. To watch him sulk as you groom yourself in contradiction to his personal likes was nothing short of comical.
“Last chance to look away,” you taunt.
His eyes narrow the tiniest bit before he juts his chin out for you to get on with it. You look down between your spread legs and pull one side of your labia taut. You press and guide the razor carefully around your curves until you finish the stripe. You flick the end of the razor towards the drain, clearing most of the residual cream and hair from the blades.
You start your second pass when you notice Ezra sit a little taller. You finish the second pass and clear out the blade again. It makes a soft splat against the fiberglass basin surround. You’re just about to start the third pass when Ezra clears his throat. You look up to find him donning an indiscernible expression.
“You may want to–ahem– part the bits of flesh that enshroud your divine womanhood,” he rasps. His tongue flits against his lips, darting here and there to patches of worried flesh. “So as to not rend yourself as you proceed inward.”
“I’m gonna do the inside of the lips after I do the outside, Ezra, but thanks for the helpful suggestion,” you quip.
You go to shave again, but Ezra jerks forward on the lid until his backside occupies the smallest edge necessary to remain seated. You pause and try to read his face. It’s something akin to desire and exhilaration, but you can’t imagine what in this current situation would elicit such a reaction.
“Indulge me,” he murmurs, low and heady.
You bulge your tongue into your cheek when you realize Ezra is turned on by something about you shaving yourself. You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth and decide it could be fun to test your hypothesis. You slowly spread yourself with two fingers, opening yourself wider for his viewing. His eyes snap shut for a moment as he groans.
“You’re enjoying this,” you charge with a delighted giggle.
Ezra smirks to himself and nods before settling onto the floor in front of the tub. His hands reach in, and he presses his thumbs against the bottom of your lips to hold them open. He takes short, excited breaths as he eyes your half-shaven pussy.
“I will serve as anchor to your precious flesh while you continue,” he proposes.
You hold yourself from the top of your intended path and gently guide the razor against your scratchy, wiry hair. Ezra mindlessly rubs small circles with his thumbs, and it’s close enough to get you aroused but too far to be satisfying. Sensing your shift into where his mind currently sat, he grabs at the fat of your backside for more leverage.
“You just keep pruning that hispid little cunt,” he gently commands. “I will see to it that you have all you desire if you let me bear witness to this.”
You manage to shave yourself quickly and without any nicks. Ezra runs his fingers through the deflated foam and hair mixture near the drain for a moment with a groan before turning the faucet on and gathering enough water to douse your skin.
He ruts into the side of the tub as the water slowly clears all remaining shaving cream and hair. Ezra stands abruptly and fishes something out of the linen closet.
“Oil? What are—”
He snaps the cap open while his eyes are trained on your shaven pussy. He splashes several drizzles onto your skin before yanking his pants down and revealing his leaky, rigid length. He falls to his knees and squirts some of the oil onto his weighty cock. He strokes himself a few times as he spreads the oil against your skin. It glistens across your newly bare private area.
You moan as his fingers slip against your sensitive skin and clit.
“So exposed for me. The shameless parade of her entreating valley to me,” he murmurs. His eyes are locked onto your entrance where his fingers tease. “Perhaps an unencumbered view of me feeding my cock into her will countervail the loss of such springing growth.”
You try to adjust yourself so that he might have a more advantageous angle to test his supposition, but the round of the tub makes it difficult.
“Still, my Starshine. I will take you here and take you again in the bedroom.”
You lay back as much as you can just as Ezra begins pumping his fingers into you. He tugs himself in equal paces and mutters something about wildflowers sprouting in the meadow as his eyes burn into his work.
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stray-dog · 1 year
Cigarettes out the window (Il Dottore xMale!Reader)
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A/N: This was originally posted on AO3, but I decided why not here as well, just to contribute after my endless search for Dottore fanfics. Modern setting
WC: 2.4K
CW: Smoking, NSFW content, slight angst towards the end, minors dni
"Hop in" You cooed, rolling your car windows down, just enough for Dottore to hear you. He sat down on the passenger's seat beside you and took off his jacket, revealing his chest that was covered by a t-shirt that perfectly captured his build, wide shoulders, nice pecs and his abs. Not many words were exchanged, not that there was much to talk about. You drove as usual, just until you saw Dottore turning off the air conditioner and rolling down the window to the lowest setting. 
"What are you doing?"
"Can't a gentleman smoke in peace? 'Fucks sake work was tiring dear ."
"Smoking in someone's car isn't really a 'gentleman' thing to do."
He ignores you, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting it aggressively, inhaling deeply before puffing a cloud out the window. Then silence enveloped you two, you subconsciously syncing your breathing with Dottore’s deep breaths. You wanted to nag him, what if the police sees us?  Or what if you get caught throwing your cig out my car? But you knew he wouldn’t listen, he’d just give a sarcastic reply and move on like nothing had happened. You contemplated to yourself, how the hell did you exactly get him to sleep with you, and have the balls to fall in love with him. Your apartment complex was familiar with him, the doctor who was out of his mind, your ‘one night stand’ that lasted far more than 1 night. 
You were caught off guard when your vision went cloudy and felt a slight painful sensation on your eyes, only to look by your side to see Dottore blowing smoke at your face, by accident? Whichever it was, he caught your attention nonetheless. “Back at your place, my dearest?” he sounded somewhat loopy and out of himself, “Yeah, I mean where else would we go, your place?” You replied, waving your hand in front of you to clear the smoke Dottore had oh so graciously puffed.
The sound of your keys jingled as you opened your apartment, the smell of your lemon air freshener instantly being challenged by the smoke Dottore had puffed again. Nonchalantly, he laid his coat on a chair near the entrance and had the kind heart to head to your balcony, closing the frosted doors behind him. You on the other hand, prepared for what always happens when he comes by, you head to the bathroom, fix yourself on your way out. You prepared a small cup of coffee for the both of you before joining him in the balcony, setting the cups of coffee on the table.
“Coffee?” To which he didn’t reply, you sat on the chair and waited for him, a few moments later, he finally turned back at you, pressing his cigarette’s tip on the ashtray before disposing of it, Pulling out a new one and lighting it once more. He gestured to you to come over, and so you did. He looks at you with a small grin before brushing the cigarette on your bottom lip, signalling you to take it. You refused, holding his wrist lightly and pushing it back, “‘don’t smoke anymore?” Your lack of reply must have ticked his impatient ass off, the next second you felt his face brush against your clothed chest, inhaling your scent, smelling the trace of nicotine, you surely haven’t quit. He stood back up and inhaled more smoke, breathing out and kissing you without a word. The familiar taste of cold yet spicy feeling touching your tongue, the usual sensation felt so much better, having Dottore kiss you while one of his hands secured the back of your head to prevent you from pulling away.
He pressed your foreheads together after pulling away from the kiss, “definitely haven’t quit.” He added, kissing your forehead and pulling you in for  a hug. One of his arms caged you to feel his chest closely, while the other reached for his mouth to get a taste of the cigarette once more, “My poor dear, the world being harsh on you again?” He teased, hushing you whilst he continued to caress your head, occasionally kissing it and swinging your bodies left to right to soothe your feelings. “Shh shh.”
After another while of silence, you felt his pants tightening, something growing harder by the second. “Horny fuck” You scoffed, “Isn’t that why you invite me over?” He laughs, his hands wandering around your ass, sliding down to your thighs as he holds it and hooks them around his waist, your arms swiftly locking around his neck for support. He carried you so effortlessly as if you weighed like nothing, he walked you two to your bedroom, gracefully putting you down on the sheets and propping himself up to you, one of his legs in between your thighs. You wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him down, kissing him and savouring his taste while he fondled your clothes, sliding them up your chest, grazing your stomach while doing it. Your back arched despite the lack of stimulation, beckoning him to quicken his actions.
Finally removing your top, he looks down on you, taking a deep breath before eyeing your chest. It was as if it was his first time to see you half naked. He lowered his head down onto your nipple, sucking and lightly biting on the skin while his other hand had rolled your nipples, tugging at it from time to time to emit soft and whiny whimpers from you. You, on the other hand, rolled your hips and found something to keep yourself busy with, constantly rolling your hips up and down on his leg to feel the sweet sensation that had sent an incredible amount of tempting pleasure all over your body.
Finally, his head rose again to kiss you, “Come on” you said, sounding needy while you pointed to your drawer where you stored some lube. “So needy.” Tilting his head and smirking devilishly before undressing your lower half and practically ripping his own clothes apart, grabbing the bottle of lube and gripping the bottle tightly before spreading the lube onto your hole, easing and teasing his fingers in and out. He starts to pump his fingers. Your hips syncing while he curled his fingers deeper into you, massaging your prostate. You felt your orgasm building up in the pit of your stomach, struggling to stop your legs from closing together, your cock hardened and grew a shade of red from the lack of attention, tip drowning in precum. Dottore watched over you as you writhed in his touch, your orgasm completely in his hands.
Just as you were about to cum, he pulled his fingers out smoothly, causing your legs to spasm, whining after being robbed of your orgasm. “You weren’t planning on cumming alone, did you?” He says, hooking one of your legs to his shoulder while you heard his belt unbuckle, his cock sprung out, dripping in precum, so he was just as desperate as you. He guided his cock, tracing around your hole, almost looking like it’s begging for it to be pounded. With one final spread of lube, he thrusts into you without a warning, almost causing you to cum right then and there with a single thrust. You released a high pitched moan from being startled, you gripped his arms while your whole body shook in sync with his quick and deep thrusts, throwing your head back as he hit your prostate, going deep into you. 
You panted heavily as he continuously gave you immense pleasure, looking down to see your stomach have a bump from his dick kissing your deepest parts. He chuckles at the sight of you in awe of how good he had made you feel. Truthfully, it wasn’t any different than other nights you two fucked like animals, despite that fact, it felt more special, intimate even? Perhaps it’s the nicotine? Or the fact you felt tired and light headed already? You felt your orgasm come back, your hips subconsciously meeting Dottore’s thrusts. “ Archons you’re hard as fuck.” He commented, seeing your dick leaking and dripping precum, he slows down again, losing the pleasure you had felt in between your legs. “Ugh fucker, keep going for fuck’s sake- Ah!” You whined, he did what you just said, his animalistic speed grew faster and faster while he jerked your cock off as well. Rubbing his thumb on the tip while you become a moaning mess beneath him. Drooling and slurring out incoherent pleas to make you cum. It was surely amusing for him.
Your mind was clouded, you could only make up one thing that he said; Get on all fours. And you did, he didn’t stop for a second, still pounding into you harder, your dick being stimulated longer and longer, each second felt as if you were entering heaven itself. Your tongue lolling out as your eyes rolled back, finally, let you cum. A spurt of cum squirting out of you while you had felt your ass numbing around his cock, your stomach getting filled with cum while Dottore came in you, it felt like ages before he finished. He grinds himself against you, overstimulating your hole and causing you to curl your toes and throw your head back, arching further before your entire body collapses. Dottore being your only support when he hugged your stomach to his.
“We're not done, just yet.”
He whispers in your ear, followed by him pulling out and plunging back in, nasty, loud squelching noises filling the room, your body twitching and shaking from the overstimulation. His thrusts were sloppy and irregular as he felt his dick overstimulated as well, but nonetheless, he continued to pound into you. Your hole recovering from your previous orgasm, still felt numb, only feeling a hint of pleasure. You felt Dottore twitching in you whilst you whined and moaned shamelessly onto your pillow, occasionally throwing your head back and releasing a chain of moans which only turned Dottore on.
He pulled out again, flipping you onto your back to face him. Propping your legs back, your thighs touching your chest while you hold both legs together. He grinded onto you, moaning close to your ear which only made you feel butterflies in your stomach, well, butterflies and getting pounded. The continuous stimulation made you break, you came undone, cum decorating your chest and face while strings of cum dripped down your face and chest. Earning a chuckle from Dottore, “So fucking messy” he scoffed. Licking the cum off of your face before continuing to slowly thrust back in and out of you. Not long after, he came as well. He huffs, sitting down and lifting you up before dropping your ass onto his cock again. You felt woozy, your head was clouded with pleasure while your eyes wandered around the room. Your heart beating rapidly against Dottore’s bare chest. He rests his head in between the crook of your neck, tracing kisses and occasional sucking on your skin.
“You must be tired, hm?”
“Very,” you managed to groan. He proposes to prepare a bath for you, which you happily agreed to. Once the bath was ready, he had carried you bridal style into the bathtub, the warm soapy water calming your nerves and muscles. He joins you shortly, your back against his chest. His hands trail up your arms, then shoulders before he begins to massage it, loosening your muscles while your head tilted to your left, resting and closing your eyes against him. He kisses your nape before pulling you into a hug. Drawing circles on your stomach with his thumb.
You got dressed and so did he, having stored some of his old clothes from previous hookups, he easily found clothes to cover himself up. You took it upon yourself to dress in his t-shirt which made you look smaller, and if he could, he wanted to fuck your brains out in his clothing. But alas, he didn’t have much time to spare. It was always like that, no matter how intimate or lovey dovey he is during sex, that was it. By the time aftercare was done, he was gone.
“Leaving so soon?”
“I’ll have to leave for a trip tomorrow dear, and I haven’t started packing.”
“How long?” “A month? Or longer, depending on my co-workers.”
He said without even the slightest hint of sadness or signs that he’ll miss you, lighting a cigarette casually before taking it into his mouth. You felt your heart sink, he had just came back, now he’s leaving again? He didn’t even look sad, he looked rather occupied with work, as if work was his priority. He walked towards you, pressing a kiss on your forehead before sitting beside you. Leaning on his right arm while he eyed you, just about to drift to sleep. “You look disheartened, shouldn’t you be used to this by now?” He asks, puffing out smoke before he moves the cigarette to you, gesturing to you to inhale some. You obediently took it, huffing out before you held up the cigarette, rolling onto your side. 
“Don’t be so cold now.”
He lays down beside you, getting under the sheets and hugging you by your waist. You press the cigarette down onto the ashtray, hearing the familiar tss . You wanted to say something, but to your misfortune, he was already sleeping, inhaling your scent with each breath he took. 
You woke up, in a cold and empty bed. Dottore was nowhere to be seen. Only a letter to replace his presence, an ‘I’m sorry’ note left on your bedside table. You felt your own sadness cave in, a frown obviously painted onto your face. You look down, only to remember you were wearing his t-shirt, you inhaled in, already missing his scent. Your legs felt limp as you walked to your balcony. Seeing the large billboard shining, your tear stained face felt cold. It felt as if the billboard was mocking you. How small and little you felt without Dottore around.
Thoughts ran through your head, your eyes narrowing at the thought of him coming back and acting like he didn’t hurt you. You sighed, losing track of time completely, for all you know, the billboard had changed 12 times, repeating the same ads which irritably reminded you of Dottore. This is fine. You thought to yourself, I’ll live off as a man a-chasing another man forever, someone who wouldn’t have time for me. Maybe it was too early to say that, it was too early to draw the line like that. But to you? Dottore was the only one who, despite makes you feel shitty after a fucking session, he still made you feel things no man has, whether that’s during sex, you’ve accepted it.
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sixosix · 1 month
THOUGHTS THOUGHTS THOUGHTS THOUGHTS- Akjsdhfaksljhflka Exam season ended earlier than i thought so it's time to poke for details! 
I gotta start off with me kicking my feet over my shared theories from last time. They weren’t fully right but AAAA
The fact that Thawed!Reader was a distraction to Lyney and Father leaving her alone all this time…asjkghhsgaf Her just casually mentioning, ‘oh yeah, I knew she couldn’t have gone far’... And her implying that she had already had a plan to deal with this type of situation before Aether interfered just says so much about her character. I wonder how different it was going to be, because it seemed like she was just going to leave T!Reader be until she actually interfered like now. Maybe use the potion still? Relocation? Her character both in general and here makes it seem like she wouldn’t just kill her without a second thought. 
Also, I like to imagine the research she did into Rosalie was not only to come up with a plan as to what to do now that there were new variables, but to make sure her child was at least going to be ok under Rosalie’s care. After her not-a-answer answer…. Adlkfhjasldkfjlaks Father cares in her weird way it's fine, don't worry.
I love the inclusion of the potion from her story quest by the way! I think it adds a more devastating twist than what I originally thought may have been on the line, like her life. Like, Thawed!Reader would be perfectly fine, but not only does she lose memories of all the recent (and previous) memories such as any positive moments with Aether or her familial connection with Rosalie, but also people who deeply care about her (Rosalie, our fauti trio, maybe aether and paimon?) suddenly lose their friend since her identity is so closely tied to being a part of the Fauti. From being one to becoming a runaway one, almost every action she has taken till now has been influenced by her past and if she accepts then it's all gone. I know you mentioned that Lyney would absolutely still chase after Thawed!Reader even if she took the potion and he had to start from the beginning(which absolutely see it ashdlaksh) but there is absolutely no way he wouldn’t feel any short of hurt by that. Even as he tries to woo her for a third time, he’s going to be holding on to memories he can’t tell her about for multiple reasons. Experiences he adores like sparing but she may not be able to do any more. 
(Speaking of the potion, i do have my own theories on what may happen with everyone involving that… but i’ll share that in a separate ask.)
The Knave’s and Rosalie interaction was so nice; both sets of parents really do be fighting huh. But while T!Reader’s and Lyney’s was a bit more high strung, the other parents feels a bit more like understanding each other. Not that they like it, i mean, look at Rosalie. It felt like two different parents trying to co-parent, if that makes sense? I mean, like I mentioned before, if the Knave really wanted to, she could have just killed T!Reader and even Rosalie and be done with it. But besides wanting Rosalie to act as bait; she mostly had a calm discussion, and seemed to keep Rosalie’s feelings in mind as a fellow parent of this kid. I mean, she even reined in the soldiers when they lashed out at our favorite flower shop owner in their blind loyalty. And her kinda silent approval at Rosalie’s answer about the potion? Why is the set of parents that includes a harbinger having the calmer convo? (Gotta ask as well! What flower did Father give Maman? Despite the meanings, I do think that considering her ascension materials, it may have been a rainbow rose. But if we consider other Fontaine flowers, Lumiose bells also fit well! And Romaritime flowers sadfasfasdf…) 
As for T!Reader and Lyney- akdfjalskjf THE PARENTS REALLY DO BE FIGHTING HERE! Dear god the tension rising in the situation, T!Reader is blinded by worry and anger while Lyney is partly blinded by love and his want to help. Paimon, Aether and Lynette are the audience at this point (although, gotta say, love the explanation to how they know there T!Reader lives! Despite how she’s acting now in the context of Rosalie being kidnapped, it was a perfect compromise to deliver the gift but let T!Reader keep some form of privacy. Too bad it is also working against the twins in this moment with  Arlecchino’s plans. Plus, they may have found out anyway due to the fact their crew of workers had also seen T!Reader around Fontaine in the past. All it would take was one of the workers going to Rosalie’s shop while T!Reader was working.)
Lyney almost said love!! My man had a confession moment!! Too bad that it was in the middle of a fight. That whole conversation had layers I want to poke at for more information. Lyney’s automatic confirmation of betraying Father for T!Reader, her calling Rosalie her mother to everyone, Aether’s hurt at her blaming him, T!Readers fixation on the fact that; from her point of view; Lyney is only taking and taking and taking.But it's her exit that caught my eye the most. It felt like a really cool parallel from back in chapter three when T!Reader gained her vision. 
Both times T!Reader was upset and angry, and Lyney comes in as both connected to the source of her problems as well as someone who just wants to help her. Both times she lashes out at people (the fight/freezing during the first and the cruel words plus biting cold in the second). And both times she walks away leaving behind a barrier of ice (technically it was a door covered in some ice in the second fight but shh we’re still counting it).
I wonder if Lyney also recognized the parallels as well, since his tone switched from stubborn and confident to weak pleading the moment T!Reader starting walking away! Just the echoes of it, I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in lyney’s thought process was just like ‘not again, please not again’. All the effort and care he took into trying to not scare her off again just went down the drain by Arelcchino’s actions, and just like before, he’s unable to convince her to stay and let him help. However, this time, he has a lead in the form having some knowledge on Father’s methods as well as knowing that T!Reader is going to try and go after her to get Rosalie. And I’d be willing to bet money that he’s going to latch onto that and not let go. 
Also, remember how my first ask mentioned aether being a deadman once lyney found out that he blackmailed Thawed!Reader? Yeah I think we’re at that point, we’re gonna see this man go feral like he did in the fortress. Not to mention Rosalie and (maybe) Arlecchino’s reaction. I doubt Arlecchino will actually do something since the potion is already her plan but I’m sure she’s curious about how the traveler pushed up the timeline. And I doubt Rosalie is gonna be a happy maman once she learns why her daughter started hanging out with the Outlander. 
P.S, totally for absolutely no reason in particular… how do you feel about fanfics of your fanfics?
-deadman aether anon
- father does care!!!!! and it shows even in canon lore!!!!!!! ofc the children wont have it easy and they wont be spoiled rotten with affection but i think thats what makes arlecchinos way of doing things even more special and i rlly wanted to incorporate that here toooo
- yesss:( mc’s entire identity is VERY tied to her “past” as a fatuus! of course lyney wouldnt be happy about mc forgetting everything that made their relationship, because what they had was very special to him!! (and i would love to hear that potion train of thought)
- i think i didnt write it clear enough which is my fault! but the flower i was hoping to hint that arlecchino was giving to rosalie was the “Snezhnayan” flower that Arle bought from her a few chapters ago. fun fact i didnt want to assume to whatever hyv had planned for snezhnaya flowers, but i wanted it to be a flower that had originated from khaenriah but still became relevant to snezhnaya. so to rosalie, it was just an imported flower, but it was one that was unique enough to make her remember whoever bought it!
- and yes HAGSHAHA i found it hilarious to write in that rosalie and arlecchino would have a calm meeting while lyney and mc are a mess and a half. i think it shows that they both have a long way to go before they reach the same level as the other two:)))
- THE PARALLEL!!!! YUUPPPPPPP i wanted to reference it in the next chapter too in case people didnt realize it but im glad u caught it BAHAHAA
- i guess we will find out if aether truly will be a dead man next chapter…. Didnt even get the chance to reunite with his sister ohhh poor boy. this is why u dont blackmail someone! learn from aether, everyone
- ALSOHELLO??? fanfics of my fanfics? oh. PLEASE. hello. YES! i would absolutely love to see how people interpret my series and the characters within them:( that would be such a joy!!!!!! but i also just want to see how people think of thawed!lyney HAHAHHA
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