#I honestly don’t usually ship them like that
teecupangel · 2 days
I’ve recently noticed (as in I only noticed recently, not it only happened recently) a distinct lack of it in your content so I thought I’d ask: opinion on EziDesAltCon? (I never know which order it’s supposed to be) cause to me it just seems like the obvious conclusion.
I honestly don’t know if there’s an ‘official’ shipping name for it. I usually go for AltDesEziCon, in the order of their games XD
I like it. Honestly, I’m all in for them being in a polycule or if this is primarily a Desmond harem XD
I cannot remember if I have ever answered something like this but there was this Desmond harem in a Royal ‘Family’ AU idea last year so I’ll focus on a poly kind of situation for this one.
Have some unorganized notes!
They all fall in love with Desmond first and it starts of as them being rivals for Desmond’s affection.
Altaïr and Ezio are highly competitive and tries to one man each other. Ratonhnhaké:ton is more of a chill dude but turns out to just be as competitive. He’s just more sly about it. There have been many Altaïr versus Ezio competitions that ended with Ratonhnhaké:ton’s stealth wins and it was all planned.
Desmond loves them all and realize that Altaïr and Ezio’s competitiveness is kinda like their foreplay.
He gets the idea of making them fall in love with one another so they can all be together (and Desmond doesn’t have to make a choice)
Shaun thought he was mad, Rebecca was more on the side of “It’s crazy enough to work”, Clay is there to watch the chaos unfold.
The Auditore family has an ongoing joke of disowning Ezio and adopting the others if he breaks up with any or all of them (not that it would happen)
Everyone but Ratonhnhaké:ton call Haytham ‘father-in-law’ to fuck with him. One time, Ezio calls him ‘father-in-law’ during a party with a lot of rich people and that’s how people learn that Haytham’s ‘unknown’ son is dating 3 dudes all at the same time.
They all call William Miles ‘Bill’ though.
This is full on modern day now apparently so Desmond’s parents are divorced and his mom married Minerva. Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton call Minerva stepmother-in-law while Desmond and Altaïr call her ‘Minerva’. Minerva just rolls with it and calls Desmond’s beaus “my stepson’s harem.” (this is honestly inspired by what @thedragonqueen1998 and I talked about in the comments of EOA XD)
They all live in a big apartment and have the biggest bed their friends have ever seen. They have a schedule on who does what chore each week. Altaïr is rarely given kitchen duties because he will season the ingredients and put it all in the oven. It’s not bad but Ezio keeps teasing him about his lack of variety. Ezio is forbidden to do groceries unsupervised because one time he bought more than they needed because things were ‘on sale’.
Altaïr’s grandfather doesn’t mind the number of lovers he has or that they’re men. He’s still annoying Altaïr to give him great grandchildren before he dies though.
Kids are not off the table but they want to spend time with each other first. (They all agree the oldest must be Desmond’s XD)
Malik is worried that Kadar would think that he could be invited into the poly. Kadar is honestly just living vicariously through Desmond at this point. He and Rebecca are the only two people Desmond confesses all the kinky shit they get into.
Leonardo knows the kinky shit they get into courtesy of Ezio.
Ratonhnhaké:ton doesn’t tell anyone the kinky shit they get into but Rebecca sometimes ask him for clarification because she knows he won’t embellish anything. (“Even the skydiving thing?” “Altaïr had to research a lot about that one”)
They sometimes go on doubledates and switch partners in different points of the day.
They have movie night every Sunday and the one who picks the movie is Desmond → Altaïr → Ezio → Ratonhnhaké:ton. Sometimes, movie night is in the comforts of their home, other times it’s in the movie theatres.
They schedule their offs so all of them can be together. Ezio is the one who mostly suggests they go somewhere which the others don’t mind.
Desmond always sleep in the middle of the bed, surrounded by the men he loves.
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thewulf · 1 day
Love Strikes || Dallas "Dally" Winston
Summary: Request - ok so wild idea but could u do dallas winstin x fem reader who is in the middle of finals and shes really stressed bc shes getting slammed by school work, is tired and her parents keep giving her like hella chores before and after school, so much so shes getting really behind from an straight a student to b's and c's and shes just been bottling up untill she punched a wall and broke her hand- also could her and dallas be in a pre existing relation ship?
A/N: Another one for the sweeeeeetest boy! Hope you guys enjoy
Pairing: Dallas "Dally" Winston x Female Reader (Buck Merril Cousin)
Word Count: 2.7k +
TW: talks of abuse (mental), punching, threats of violence, general Outsiders warnings
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The day you started working at the local diner, you immediately caught the attention of the regulars. The group known around town as the greasers. But it was Dallas Winston who couldn't keep his eyes off you. His reputation as a tough, unflappable rebel made his obvious interest in you all the more intriguing. The other greasers noticed it too and they quickly adopted an unspoken rule: you were off-limits because you were Dally's girl, even before a single word had passed between the two of you.
Months passed with stolen glances and the occasional smoldering look from across the room, but Dallas never made a move, and you wondered if his reputation had made him hesitant. Then one quiet Tuesday afternoon when the diner was almost empty, and you were wiping down tables you decided to break the ice.
You approached him, heart pounding but armed with a casual smile. “You know, for someone who doesn’t talk much you sure do say a lot with those eyes of yours,” you teased trying to keep your tone light.
Dallas, usually so sure of himself, blushed a deep, unmistakable red that made him look unexpectedly vulnerable. He stumbled over his words. A stark contrast to the smooth, confident persona he projected. “I, uh... yeah, I guess I do. Sorry ‘bout that.”
It was so endearing. So contrary to everything you’d heard about him that you couldn’t help but laugh. “No need to apologize. I find it kinda sweet.”
Dallas looked up locking his eyes with yours. “Yeah?” he asked, a hopeful, almost shy tone in his voice.
“Yeah,” you affirmed with your own cheeks heating up.
From that day on Dallas made a point of talking to you whenever he came in. The other greasers teased him relentlessly seeing his awkward attempts at flirting, but Dallas didn’t care. His buddies ribbed him one evening as he left the counter with a grin after a particularly long chat with you. “Look at Dally, all love-struck and stumbling!” Johnny called out making the others laugh.
But Dallas just flipped them off casually. His eyes never leaving you as he walked back to his seat. “Shut it. She talked to me,” he said with pride in his voice undeniable.
Soda can't help but laugh. The sound echoing around the diner as he watches Dallas's rare display of affection. He shakes his head with wide grin plastered across his face and leans across the table to give Dallas a gentle shove. "Look at you. All tough and scary but you melt just like butter when she talks to you," Soda teases, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You're one lucky guy, Dal," he adds more seriously as his tone softened. "Don’t screw it up, okay? Because honestly it's good to see you smiling for real."
Dallas just snorts trying to maintain his tough exterior. But the corners of his mouth betray him, curling up ever so slightly. Soda’s approval means the world to him and it's clear that your interaction has lifted his spirits in a way that the rest of the gang rarely sees.
That was the beginning. Despite the rough edges and the chaos that sometimes surrounded him Dallas showed you a side of himself that few ever saw. He was protective, surprisingly sweet, and more loyal than anyone you had ever known. As your relationship deepened those moments in the diner became your cherished memories. The foundation of a love story that defied expectations.
Now, months later, the dynamic of your relationship had comfortably settled into the quiet routine of your evening study sessions. The small lamp on your desk casts a warm glow over your textbooks and papers. The quiet of the evening interrupted only by the soft scratch of your pen against paper. Dallas lounges on your bed with a copy of a car magazine balanced on his knee, but his attention isn't really on the articles. Instead, he watches you sensing something was off. His gaze occasionally flicking to the window where the last streaks of sunset are disappearing.
You pause in your studying feeling his eyes on you. You look up with a sigh. “Dad’s been on my case non-stop,” you confess sensing his eyes on you. Dally missed nothing. The weight of the words heavier than the textbooks in front of you. “Ever since my brother started getting into trouble… it’s like he’s taking it all out on me. More chores, more rules. I can barely keep up.”
Dallas sets the magazine aside. His expression turning serious as he shifts to sit more upright. “That’s not fair to you,” he says, his voice low and steady. “You shouldn’t have to pick up slack for things you didn’t do.”
You nod at him while rubbing your temples. “I know, but I don’t know how to make him see that. It’s like, the more I try to explain it to him the less he listens.”
Dallas’s brow furrows. He swings his legs off the bed before coming to sit beside you. He takes one of your hands. His touch always so reassuring. “Maybe you don’t need to make him see anything right now,” he suggests. “Just focus on what you need to get done, for school and for yourself. I’m here, okay? I can help with whatever you need. Chores, dealing with your dad, anything.”
The simplicity and sincerity in his offer bring a small smile to your face. “Thanks, Dal. It means a lot, really.”
He squeezes your hand gently, then glances at your books. “Let’s tackle this together tonight. You study, and I’ll quiz you. And hey, I can even stick around to help with the chores your dad wants done. Might make him ease up a bit if he sees you’re not handling it alone.”
Grateful, you scoot over to make room for him at the desk. As Dallas picks up a set of flashcards you’ve prepared, his presence makes the pile of work seem a little less daunting. You dive into your studies together with the occasional question from Dallas punctuating the evening. His efforts to lighten your burden evident in every word he speaks.
As the night progresses the shared tasks and his unyielding support make you feel less alone in your struggles. Dallas was usually so rugged and distant with others. But he’s do different with you. He’s with you in this—completely, undeniably supportive. It’s in these quiet moments that you truly see the depth of his care for you.
As you try to focus on your calculus homework your bedroom door flies open with a force that makes you flinch. It’s your father. His face flushed with anger. “Why haven’t you cleaned up around the house yet? I asked you hours ago!” he demands, his voice sharp and piercing.
The words strike deep, exacerbating the stress already coiled tight within you. “Dad, I’ve been trying to keep up with finals,” you stammer. Your voice laced with desperation. “I need to study to maintain my grades. I have to get into the University of Oklahoma.”
But your father is relentless. Dismissing your worries with a wave of his hand. “There’s always some excuse with you, isn’t there? You need to learn some responsibility,” he snaps before slamming the door as he leaves.
The silence that follows feels heavy, suffocating. You stare blankly at your textbook. The numbers and equations blurring before your eyes. Dallas moves closer, concern etched across his face. “Hey,” he starts softly, trying to catch your eye. “Don’t listen to—”
But his words fade into the background as a torrent of frustrations and fears overwhelm you. Tears start to prick at the corners of your eyes. Your voice trembling. “I just can’t do this anymore!” you blurt out. The dam finally breaking. “The grades, the chores, everything! They expect too much! I’m trying so hard, and it’s never enough. I’m never good enough. I’ll never be good enough. What if I don’t get into college? What then, Dallas?”
Dallas leans closer trying to make eye contact. “Hey, listen to me,” he urges softly. “You are enough, more than enough. Don’t let them—”
But you can barely hear him over the roar of your own insecurities. Your words tumble out, one over the other, each thought darker and more desperate than the last. “I'm drowning, Dallas. It feels like no matter how much I try, it’s just never enough. They don’t see me struggling—they don’t even care. And every day, I feel like I’m losing a piece of myself just to meet their expectations.”
Desperate to reach you, Dallas grabs your shoulders gently, trying to ground you. “I see you, I’m here for you, and we’ll get through this together,” he says firmly just hoping his words break through the storm inside you.
But his words meant to comfort only seem to amplify the pressure. It feels like another expectation to meet, another standard you fear you're failing. "You don't understand," you murmur. The desperation in your voice breaking through. "It's never enough. I’m never enough."
Seeing your distress Dallas softens his hold on you. His concern deepening. "I'm trying to understand. Just talk to me," he urges gently.
But the space around you feels constricting. The walls of your room closing in as each second passes. Overwhelmed, you instinctively step back, shaking your head. "I need... I just need space," you gasp out. A plea for a moment to breathe. To let the tightness in your chest ease.
Turning away from him you face the wall. The cool plaster seemingly the only thing not demanding something from you. You shut your eyes trying to shut out the world, but the silence of the room echoes the loud chaos in your mind. With a surge of frustration that feels bigger than you. Your emotions spill over. Before you can stop yourself, your arm swings out, your fist connecting with the wall. The impact is jarring, pain exploding in your hand as it meets a wooden stud behind the plaster.
"Damn it!" you exclaim. The shock and pain momentarily overwhelming you. As the reality of what just happened sinks in a fresh wave of tears starts to fall. You cradle your injured hand close to your chest feeling utterly defeated. Each sob shakes you harder and between gasps you mutter despairingly, "Can I do anything right?"
Dallas is by your side in an instant. His face filled with concern. "Oh no, no, no, baby," he coos gently. His voice soft and soothing. He carefully wraps his arms around you making sure not to jostle your injured hand. "You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s alright, it’s going to be okay," he reassures you. His tone utterly tender.
As he helps you sit down making sure to keep you close, his presence a calming force. You nod but a new worry creases your brow. "Dallas, please... don't tell my dad," you whisper. Your voice shaky. "I'm terrified of how he'll react."
Dallas looks into your eyes, filled with a mix of concern and determination. "Of course, baby. I won't say a word. But we really need to get that looked at," he assures you as he carefully observes your swelling hand.
He gently guides you to stand and leads you toward the door. His arm protectively around your waist. As you lean into his strength, despite the pain and the overwhelming emotions, Dallas’s steady support offers a small comfort. His presence and protective assurance help you gather the courage to face the immediate challenge.
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In the starkly lit hospital waiting room you and Dallas sit side by side. The hum of the fluorescent lights overhead only adding to the tension. You shift uncomfortably, cradling your bandaged hand close, the pain a constant reminder of the day's frustrations. Dallas watches you with a mixture of concern and determination. As you both wait for your name to be called, he leans in, his voice low and serious. "Look, when we get outta here, maybe I should have a talk with your old man," he suggests. His tone suggesting he's already settled on the idea.
You look at him completely surprised by the suggestion. "You think that would help?"
Dallas nods with his expression resolute. "Yeah, I think it could. Your dad and I get along alright, and maybe he'd listen if I explained how tough he’s been on you. It’s worth a try, ain’t it?" He pauses before gauging your reaction. "I can handle it, don’t worry sweetheart."
The idea of Dallas intervening on your behalf brings a mix of relief and anxiety. "Are you sure? I don't want to cause more trouble," you say. The worry evident in the cadence of your voice.
Dallas gives a short, reassuring chuckle. "Trouble’s my middle name, isn’t it? But this is the good kind. I’m not gonna let him keep pushin’ you around like this. You need your space. Especially now with everything you’ve got on your plate."
Feeling a bit relieved you nod slowly grateful for his offer. "Okay, if you think it'll help. Thanks, Dal," you say feeling a bit more hopeful.
"Always got your back," Dallas responds with a firm nod, a slight smile breaking through his usual tough demeanor. He opens his arms invitingly and you slide into his lap, seeking comfort in his embrace. Dallas wraps his arms around you securely. As the the nurse finally calls your name he gently kisses your forehead. "Let’s get you fixed up," he murmurs softly. With Dallas’s support you stand up together ready to face the treatment and whatever challenges lie ahead. His protective presence reassures you that no matter what, you truly were not alone.
After the hospital visit you and Dallas return to your house. The lights are dim, and the house is quiet. Your parents are already asleep, seemingly unaware of the turmoil you've endured today. The lack of concern from them stings but Dallas's presence offers a soothing counterbalance.
He helps you into the house. His hand gently touching your back, holding you with care. Once inside Dallas guides you to the sofa and helps you sit down. He disappears into the kitchen for a moment and returns with a warm cup of tea and a soft blanket which he drapes over your shoulders. "You should rest," Dallas says. His tone laced with a protective warmth. "I'll handle everything else around here for tonight."
You nod, grateful for his thoughtfulness. Watching him move around your living room, picking up a stray magazine or straightening a cushion, you feel a profound sense of gratitude. Despite his rough exterior Dallas shows an unparalleled tenderness and care that fills the gaps left by others' indifference. As he sits down next to you his proximity is comforting. He doesn't say much. But he doesn't need to—the steady rhythm of his breathing, the occasional touch of his hand against your back, speaks volumes.
"Dallas?" you whisper, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Yeah?" he responds, turning to look at you.
"Thank you... for everything today. For being there when it felt like no one else was," you say, your voice thick with emotion.
Dallas gives a small, sad smile, a rare crack in his tough façade. "I wish they cared more. You know? But as long as I'm around you won't have to go through anything alone."
Your heart swells with a mix of emotions. Gratitude, relief, and something deeper that has been growing stronger each day. Moved by his words and his unwavering presence you find the courage to express how deeply you feel. "Dallas, I love you," you say softly. The words feeling both monumental and profoundly right.
He looks at you, his eyes softening and filled with affection. "I love you so much, my sweet girl," he replies tenderly. He leans over and kisses the top of your head before gently pulling you into his side. "Now close those pretty eyes," he murmurs. His voice soothing after your long night.
Leaning back against the sofa, nestled against Dallas, you feel the weight of the day's events begin to lift. It was replaced by a deep, comforting peace. The room is quiet, save for the soft ticking of the clock and the gentle presence of Dallas beside you.
As the night deepens, the chaos of the day finally settles down. With Dallas by your side the challenges ahead seem less daunting. In this quiet moment your bond with him strengthens. Grounded in a profound understanding and mutual care that promises to endure whatever comes next.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!) : @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @kenn-spencerswifey @guacam011y @illisea @il0vebeingdelulu @hiireadstuff @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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mazzystar24 · 5 hours
Honestly at this point I think their are some in the buddie fandom that just get off on keeping the drama going. I mean, call out the bad b/t behaviour is one thing, but like we need to just collectively let them be. Let them have their theories and fic ideas. (Even the b/t adoption shit) because we know it won't happen and they're entitled to them. Kicking the hornets nest every five second is frankly exhausting. It's fandom and they're allowed to enjoy it the same as we are. As I said, call out the bad behaviour. The racism and the abuse, but beyond that, let them just live their fandom lives. We're just making ourselves look bad. We need to stop rising to the bait. Be better. Before this war ruins the 911 fandom for everyone.
When did I turn into discourse central guys 🤩🫶
Where are the fun spec and squeaking about things or headcanons asks 💔
(Not targeted at you anon dw)
Back to topic-
Hi anon!
See that’s the thing, I feel like the large majority aren’t “kicking the hornets nest”
The people who are fit into that “bad behaviour” umbrella
And I and majority of others are all for then having their own spec/fics, having their fandom, etc
But one thing you pointed out from some of the b/t shippers spec or fics is the killing Eddie off for the sake of b/t raising Chris, this I think bothers the buddie fandom (and rightfully so in my opinion) because the same people saying it are also the same ones who are character bashing Eddie or being not so subtly racist (if I had to make a Venn diagram it would probably be a circle) but also it’s being discussed because it’s like at what point are you saying a character who many love and who is kinda crucial to the show should be killed off just to further a ship that’s been around for 5 episodes like it just rightfully confuses and kinda annoys people
Look the way I see it both sides are free to engage in discourse and like shit talk/ rant about eachother but there is a right and wrong way to do so, you can still be respectful about it and tag it properly and not target specific people or you can not like be negative or hateful to the people themselves (like don’t go around bullying people) but rather you can disagree or diss or whatever their opinion
Cos the reality is there will always be discourse in any given fandom but as long as people are doing it respectfully then go to town guys
As usual thanks anon for the ask!
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well-golly-gee-balkan · 7 months
Soda: Steve and I got married!
Pony: don’t share your personal problems with everybody else
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plaid-maniac · 1 year
Do you ever think about how there totally could have been an old classmate of Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth in the audience during like turnabout sister or turnabout samurai. Do you think they would realize? Like “hey, were those the guys in my class in like fourth grade? I kinda remember them. Wonder if they remember each other. But it was so long ago, I doubt they would even care.” Meanwhile Edgeworth and Phoenix are undergoing the most insane mental battles where both of them are going “I recognize my best friend across the courtroom and I desperately want to be close with them again.” And “god he is so god damn annoying I wish he would die already.”
#ace attorney#miles edgeworth#Phoenix Wright#not specifically ship so I won’t tag it but kinda ship if you get it#the classmate usually sits in courtroom trials because they love the drama#and honestly they like miles Edgeworth’s cases cause ‘hey I know that guy’#but of course they don’t like go up and talk to him cause they weren’t really that close and he left kinda abruptly#cause knowing someone for like a year in elementary school and then pestering them about why they left 15 years later is a weird thing to do#course Phoenix comes in and now the classmate now has to deal with the knowledge that the defense and prosecution used to always eat lunch#together and play superhero’s during recess with that really weird kid who was always up to no good#what if one day the classmate was like ‘maybe I should introduce them to each other again. sure that we would all get a laugh or two in and-#-that would be the end of it and they would continue with their lives as normal people. they certainly wouldn’t get super gay and awkward-#-about the whole thing and just be completely chill.’#god what would happen and Edgeworth v state?#the classmate would probably leave the third day like ‘I am a changed person. I can never go back to not knowing so much about this person.’#and like they wouldn’t be able to say or do anything cause like??? how do you even have that conversation???#‘hey I know you don’t remember me but I like sitting in the audience of courtroom trials and I was there for your case and I just want to-#-ask are you good? like honestly do you need someone to talk to?’
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cryptcoop · 8 months
(Positive ask to cleanse that other one) do you have any other favorite moira ships alongside bioticqueen? I love the way u draw and characterize her soooo much I am in love with that old man <3
My favorite favorite person to ship her with is Cassidy, where he has a one sided crush on her. I like their dynamic a lot, and what is a man without his crush on a lesbian.
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hershelwidget · 6 days
I don’t know anymore have a Caleb prepared to Fight for his bestie
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“she asked for no pickles” lookin scene
#his character arc from goofy tall guy to Don’t Talk To Me Or My Friends Ever Again is WILD#hershel’s octonauts au#octonauts gups#in all seriousness this scene is based off of the concept of lars making his way onto the ship#caleb and beast both want him DEAD dead#also to explain emma:#she gained a genuine phobia from the trauma of her experience with lars and has nightmares about him like. 3 times a week#bundle that info with the fact that caleb and emma are quite close and badda bam you have the scene#technically speaking emma did ask for no pickles. she asked to not Be the pickles.#i’m normal about these two specifically i need to study their friendship under a microscope#to ramble about caleb for a second sorry-#he had enough soup before his death for the effects to. well. take effect. and he gained a rather mild form of amnesia but still Amnesia#he doesn’t fully remember darwin but knows in his heart that darwin is important to him so he stays near them when possible#(as a result from the trauma of being murdered) he sometimes has moments where he Shuts Down#but he’ll still try to be close to any of his friends ; though those moments bring him closer to emma because she’s usually the one to#guide him when he does that (she does it too)#he wants lars dead because he’s being angry ‘on behalf’ of darwin and emma his two favourite people in the world#obviously thats not really how it works but that’s what he feels is going on#’if not me then who’ type of situation with this guy yk.#also ALSO one time he absolutely destroyed felix because he found out that he’s been manipulating emma so there’s also that#caleb is VERY protective about emma actually. most of the time it’s unnecessary honestly#it only really becomes useful against the other spirits or against lars#like in the picture !! woah it comes full circle i know right#thats my cue to post the thing . sighs . caleb i love you don’t let lars hurt anyone else
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autoneurotic · 2 years
i know i’ve talked about my horrifyingly vivid nightmares on here before (and definitely in therapy!) but like. how on earth do you stop them. i’m not anxious in my waking life, the anti anxiety/sleep medication i take just gives me different kinds of vivid nightmares. what’s a guy to do
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juvian · 1 year
Tumblr how dare you recommend me a anti-gr*via discourse blog to me ?!?!?!
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ttpdsargeant · 7 months
invisible string
oscar piastri x reader, ex!lando norris x reader
part 1 part 3
in which she moves on with his teammate, but why should she care about his feelings? he never cared about hers. besides, oscar is a much better boyfriend.
this is for the oscar girlies and is also like 6 months after say don’t go!! (we’ll pretend 1989 tv was out 6 months ago for the sake of timelines😭😭)
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxfewtrell and 935,746 others
yourusername, 🤍🤍
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⤷ user2, i might be insane but like… OSCAR????
logansargeant, i expected a better caption from you considering how much taylor swift you listen to
⤷ yourusername, i couldn’t think of a song to use oops
user3, what if it’s logan????
⤷ user4, not captain america stealing my gf
user5, that should be me holding your hand💔💔
lilymhe, i had to sit and watch you guys be so unbearably cute and i don’t get pic creds for the first one??? criminal!!!
⤷ yourusername, SORRY SORRY IM SORRY thank you taking it lils ily🫶🫶🫶🫶
user6, kinda hope it’s oscar or max just because lando deserves it
⤷ user7, max has a gf but oscar… i need
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liked by moref1, norrisupdates and 29,737 others
f1wags, y/n y/l/n has arrived at the qatar gp with kika gomes, but for oscar piastri rather than the usual lando norris👀
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user1, fav homie hopper😋😋
⤷ user2, i mean it’s not like it’s unprovoked
user3, don’t let your boyfriend stop you from finding the love of your life🤞🤞
user4, i wonder how lando feels about this😭😭
⤷ user5, doesn’t he have a new gf?? he arrived at the paddock with another girl today so he can’t really be mad
user7, usually i hate wag accounts BUT i am kinda thankful for this i needed to know who the guy y/n’s soft launching is
⤷ user9, if it was logan we could have more lily and y/n cause alex and logan are teammates💔💔💔
⤷ user10, i don’t think they have to have a bf from the same team to be friends babe
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 953,746 others
yourusername, when he’s a sprint winner >>>> (pic creds: lilymhe)
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user2, prettiest couple i love pretty people
oscarpiastri, ❤️❤️
⤷ yourusername, 🤍🤍
user3, i would not have wanted to be in the room when lando found out😭😭
user4, she’s just like me i would also date my ex’s friend if he did me wrong🤭🤭
⤷ user5, i’ve honestly shipped her and oscar since before her and lando broke up is that weird
⤷ user6, i don’t blame u i kinda feel like they suit each other more yk
⤷ yourusername, I LOVE U GF
⤷ oscarpiastri, how did alex get used to this
⤷ alex_albon, i didn’t it’s just something we have to deal with unfortunately😕😕
user7, does this mean more alex and oscar🤭🤭
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sorry for making lando a sucky person but oscar is my one love so😋😋also i had to repost this cause i forgot to add tags and it wouldn’t show up under the tags after i edited it and added them😭😭
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trashytoastboi · 2 months
Can I request headcanons of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Ace with a sleepy head S/O? They just love sleeping and taking naps.
Hiya! Sure thing! My apologies for the long wait on your request and hope you enjoy ~
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Headcanons: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace with Sleepy head S/O – They just love sleeping and taking naps
> (Gender Neutral) <
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Monkey D. Luffy
🍖 Luffy could always find {Name} in their favorite nap spot. They had developed little napping corners, all throughout various places on the ship. Some were cozy, others unusual. Luffy initially found it to be entertaining like a game every time he had to seek out another new place that {Name} dubbed as their sleeping spot. He had even adopted some to be his own sleeping corners that he would share a refreshing nap or two with {Name} especially after a big meal. He didn't understand how one could sleep so often but nevertheless, {Name} had their moments of energy. Although everyone could agree it was an unusual match up considering how low energy {Name} is compared to the ever energetic Luffy. 
🍖 Luffy loves that {Name} is so trusting of him that he could move them around in their sleep and instinctively they’ll know it's him and won't wake nor stir. Simply entrust themselves to him. That trust is a precious thing to Luffy, and he would never seek to betray it. Out of curiosity they had tested if it worked with anyone else on the crew and with the exception of Chopper, no one else was able to even touch {Name} without waking them up. Knowing that they don’t stir or get disturbed Luffy is still always careful when handling them while sleeping. 
🍖 It goes without saying that naps are a daily occurrence, {Name} enjoys napping with Luffy. It’s a two in one, they get to sleep and spend time with their beloved. How could they possibly pass that up? Especially after a delicious meal served by Sanji, a satisfied stomach makes the eyes heavy. {Name} already heads to their spot of the day and Luffy follows. I mean nothing beats a post meal nap, and it’s only got all the upsides. He does find it surprising that {Name} can easily sleep more than Zoro but when you’re tired, you're tired. He’s understanding of that given the amount of times he would see Ace just fall asleep in the middle of things. He wouldn't even wait until after the meal until he was passing out.
🍖 Luffy has tested how deeply they sleep. He’s poked, prodded, tickled, raised a ruckus and yet they slept through it all. Honestly you’d need that kind of deep sleep to survive the craziness of the Straw-Hat crew. He also finds it adorable how they koala to him. If they sense that Luffy is near they’ll stretch, shuffle and pull him into a surprise snuggle. Which 99% of the time also results in Luffy deciding to take a nap too. 
🍖 Luffy can tolerate a lot, but there are some sleep habits that just don’t fly with him. He can tolerate the blanket stealing, snoring and cold feet. But the sleep talking- specifically sleep talking about food is just one of the worst habits {Name} has. It makes Luffy so unbearably hungry that he has to go and find food as soon as possible, even if it means getting through Sanji and the padlocked fridge. 
🍖 {Name’s} sleeping habits, believe it or not have actually gotten a lot better. One of the trickiest things to deal with, was {Name} falling asleep in the middle of fights. One second they’re dominating, next someone is yelling to rescue them before they’re injured because they decided to stop, drop and nap right on the spot. The only saving grace was that their adversary was so stunned that they just stopped fighting momentarily, which gave Luffy an opportunity to save his partner and take them to safety. Which usually entailed tossing them as gently as he could to some random corner. 
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Roronoa Zoro
⚔️ Zoro never thought he’d meet someone who shares his need to nap. If not more so, he appreciates that they understand. Who can refuse the true beauty of a good solid nap, you wake refreshed and energized, sometimes a little hungry but right as rain. Sleep was the magic cure all, and {Name} embodied that. When awake they were sleepy, yawning and dazed as if they were constantly on the verge of going to bed. Zoro finds it charming in his way, and {Name’s} constant bedhead is something he also finds quite adorable. He’s even gotten to the point of being able to rate the quality of their naps based on their bed hair. A neat little party trick. Not that he could say he’s met someone that sleeps that match, so he likens his partner to a cat because that’s the only creature that comes to his mind that naps as much as {Name}
⚔️ All of Zoro’s napping spots became {Name’s} napping spot and underwent a metamorphosis, to become extra comfortable. A whole upgrade, things were far more comfortable than Zoro thought possible. {Name} had the magic touch, Zoro swears that he had never in his life ever slept that comfortably. His partner was genuinely happy that they could make his naps, along with theirs a little more peaceful and accommodating. Hell, even Franky swore left and right that they must use sorcery because he couldn’t see HOW it made any sense. {Name} has often said that to understand the art of sleep, one must sleep a lot. 
⚔️ Zoro wasn’t much of a cuddler, not at first at least. He would fall asleep his usual way, on his back with his hands behind his head. Sometimes he’d be holding his swords and other times he’d just lay on his side on the deck. {Name} would scoot, shuffle and shift until they were snug against him, comfortably and using Zoro’s chest as their pillow. They said it was the best pillow and it was hard to nap without. Eventually Zoro got so used to them, that he just always fell asleep expecting {Name} to eventually join him. Oddly enough Zoro discovered he was quite the big fan of snuggling. Having them in his arms, and feeling the warmth of another person was so comforting. Unless there was a heatwave, being the only exception when {Name} didn’t cuddle up with him. 
⚔️ Zoro never knew whether to be impressed, entertained or creeped out by the fact that {Name} could hold full conversations in their sleep. They’d said it’s all basic and autopilot answers. There were plenty of times when they weren’t supposed to be sleeping and at least being able to answer questions and speak saved them a lot. If someone tried to wake them they would simply reply “I’m not sleeping, just resting my eyes.” The most common excuse in the book is that someone would ask a second question and [Name} would respond, even going as far as being able to make small talk. All for the preservation of a good nap.. 
⚔️ Constricting. Zoro absolutely detested this strange sleep habit of his partners. For literally no reason, their cuddles would turn into crushing death grip, strangle holds and gentle arms turned into constricting snakes that would have Zoro being crushed. He thought it was related to dreams, nope. Come hell or high water, good dreams or bad. {Name} would get these random moments when they would just tighten their grip and send Zoro into mild panic until he wakes them up or slips out of their hold. Now it’s just a thing that happens and he handles it easily, the first few times however were nothing short of terrifying.
⚔️ Well Zoro has had his fair share of badly timed naps, during a crisis when he’s napping so soundly. But one thing he wishes {Name} would work on, is having no sense of crisis. Mid fight and they’re eepy? Sleep. The amount of fights he’s had to undertake with {Name} slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. If not that, then falling asleep in the bath and literally fearing for his partner drowning because they decided to take a quick nap in the bathtub. 
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🍽 Cute, so cute, adorable- precious. Sanji has many adjectives to explain his partner, not that they ever do any justice because {Name} exceeds them. He thinks their sleepiness is adorable. Sounds odd, but seeing how they yawn, eyes barely open and they waddle towards Sanji to hug him and wish him a good morning, nuzzling into his chest as the warmth lulls them back to sleep. Sanji is literally trembling from how cute that is. “{Name-chan} You should go back to bed.” He helps them back to bed, and even prepares the usual. {Name} gets an exemption from the dining table to enjoy a leisurely breakfast in bed, benefits when one’s boyfriend is the chef. 
🍽Absolutely adores what a snuggle bug they are. Sanji loves it. If he’s cooking they’ll usually hug him, leaning into him while he’s busy. They’re half asleep mumbling half asleep answers, occasionally being fed bites to taste test while Sanji deciphers and translates based on their hums and mumbles. If he’s sitting down, they want to use his lap as a pillow, if in bed, they’re snuggling him. Sometimes they intentionally seek Sanji out, pouting until he agrees to join them in a nap just so they can cuddle him. He loves the affection. 
🍽 {Name} has gotten Sanji into the habit of taking naps too, in the small time gap after lunch and before dinner. Sanji originally didn’t see the appeal, only if he had a poor night's sleep, then he’d do it for a boost of energy. Ever since {Name}, naps were his daily ritual. His little bit of me time, and thankfully he convinced {Name} to sleep in relatively normal places. Some of their previous places were questionable if not downright dangerous. One long lecture later, they shuffled around until napping spots got Sanji approved. 
🍽 Sanji discovered the greatest joy he has. {Name} who is always extra ravenous after waking up from a nap. They say food always tastes better after a nap and eat whatever Sanji serves up with such enthusiasm that it genuinely touches his heart. He loves being able to cook and prepare light meals, snacks, anything they crave really after a particularly good nap. Even with their sleepy and low energy selves they express such clear excitement for whatever Sanji cooks up. 
🍽 Sanji has very little to complain about when sharing a bed with them at night, the only thing he’ll probably say was tricky to get used to was how much {Name] moves around in their sleep. They change sleeping positions every so often, occasionally banishing the pillow from the bed unintentionally or throwing the blanket off, Sanji always wakes up to return their pillow and cover them again. This happens a few times a night, even if they’re cuddling sometimes {Name} will very abruptly change their sleeping position and smack Sanji in the face, giving him a nosebleed. (Oh the irony) 
🍽 Sanji was wholly curious about what would happen should {Name} not sleep as much for a day. Satisfying his curiosity they didn’t nap and it was hard. They were so groggy and tired it made them sluggish. They grew irritable beyond belief, and grumpy. They would hug Sanji everytime they walked past but instead of enjoying it, they would leave almost immediately saying it would make them sleepy. Sanji knew that naps were like snickers to his partner. Because {Name} wasn’t themselves without having a nap. 
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Portgas D. Ace
🔥 Ace is very high energy, he is always in go mode. Ironically until he has those sudden naps that recharge him for his next bout. {Name} found that relatable and cute on Ace’s behalf. Meeting while he napped in his soup probably wouldn’t make the best first impression to most. {Name} reassured him it's quite alright. It happens to them often too. Ace took it as a joke, not exactly knowing that it was almost the truth. {Name} is so sleepy all the time, that a couple of instances of falling asleep in their food was actually pretty commonplace. Ace thinks it’s cute though.
🔥 {Name} loves sleeping with Ace, he’s always warm and loves cuddling as much as they do. Ace enjoys seeing them so peaceful and undisturbed, he strokes their head to calm them and it works. It soothes {Name}, anytime they’re with Ace and he starts doing that, it’s guaranteed that they will fall asleep. He knows it too, he doesn’t mind if they fall asleep though. Ace takes it as a sign of their trust in him, enough to fall asleep near him and entrust them with their safety. That trust is something precious to Ace even if it stems from something like sleeping near him, he still values it. 
🔥 {Name} will occasionally ‘kidnap’ Ace to join in their afternoon naps. One minute he’s socializing with the crew, the next {Name} is sprouting up out of nowhere trying to drag him to their favorite napping spot, which of course is decided at the time. In consideration of a few key factors, such as the weather, the sun, the wind, comfort factor, and {Name’s} mood of the day. Do they want an indoor nap? Outdoor? Is it cold or hot? 
🔥 One of the most entertaining things for the crew to witness is Ace trying to escape from {Name} after they’ve fallen asleep. Him trying to stealthily slip out of their grasp and every time they stir, threatening to wake up he freezes. Holds his breath in this game of red light, green light until he’s finally free. Eventually he shuffles a pillow closer to act as his body double as {Name} snuggles into it and goes on sleeping without a care in the world. 
🔥 An annoying sleep habit that {Name} has is ‘mood swings’ in a sense, one minute they want cuddles, snuggles and fine, the next, they want their own space and roll away from Ace or violently boot him out of bed (All unintentionally), Ace never knows when the mood will shift. One moment he snuggles, the next he dodges an elbow, a knee, a foot and resorts to sleeping on the cold side of the bed, banished to the forsaken realms until [Name} is rolling back towards him.
🔥 Ace learned to deal with his adorable partner who just curls up and sleeps on any comfy surface, even if it’s an inappropriate place that could potentially be dangerous. The amount of times he believed his heart would give out when he saw half of the strange and perilous places his partner fell asleep in. Ace had the tendency to worry about them and made {Name} promise that even if they’re tired they have to hold on endure until they get to a comfortable and safe location above all. 
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ellecdc · 2 months
I don’t know their ship name! Do they have a ship name? Anywayyy, I was thinking long and hard about this, I want it to be 🤌🏻
So I was thinking, Remus x James x reader, possibly hyper Jamie and reader, and Remus is chasing after them
or maybe the most beautiful hurt/comfort (because who wants straight angst?) where James is upset because he feels like he’s too much sometimes (even though he’s my perfect baby Angel) and it’s just reader and Remus comforting him
(Fem!reader if that’s ok) (also reader should have a cat named Birdie, is it because I want Birdie content? Yes. Do I live laugh love Birdie? Also yes.)
kisses 😘
okay, I love you, thank you for this request. New rule: NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO HURT OUR SWEET SWEET JAMIES FEELINGS EVER AGAIN 😭😭😭😭😭😭 also I couldn't figure out how to incorporate Birdie but I have another request about a reader with a cat so you'll be able to see her there ;)
poly!moonchaser x fem!reader who is in Slytherin
CW: James cries and it's horrible and Marlene should be sent to Azkaban for this.
James was feeling pretty good about Gryffindor’s odds this year for the House Cup. He’d been working his team a little harder than usual, but he was certain the extra effort would pay off this weekend in their game against Ravenclaw. He wasn’t on the quidditch pitch to make friends; he was there to win.
Off the pitch, however?
Off the pitch he loved his friends.
Which was why he’d told everyone to hit the showers whilst he cleaned up the pitch for Madame Hooch.
After James had stored the last of the brooms and quidditch balls in the equipment locker, he began to head past the Beasts classroom for the castle.
He saw Marlene leaning against one of the posts of the building, and James began making his way over to catch up with her but thought better of it once he saw Dorcas Meadows sitting on a table in front of her. He smiled to himself at the thought of his friend’s happiness and took the path on the opposite side of the building in order to give them some privacy.
“Potter’s not working you lot too hard, is he? You’re actually making Slytherin sweat this year.” Dorcas taunted, earning her a chuckle from her girlfriend.
“Ha ha.” Marlene deadpanned before she let out a sigh. “He’s working us like dogs. I know he loves quidditch, but Godric.”
James knew he was pretty competitive, but he had a job to do as the coach, and like Dorcas said – it was paying off.
“He can be a lot.” Dorcas assuaged.
Marlene scoffed dramatically. “Sirius is a lot; James is too much. Honestly, I don’t know how Remus and Y/N keep up with him; he’s exhausting.”
James’ ears filled with cotton as his steps faltered and his heart sunk.
Is this really how his friends thought of him; was he exhausting? Too much?
James knew he could be a lot sometimes; a lot of energy, a lot of fun, a lot of love, a lot of mischief, a lot of noise...
But was he too much?
He loved you and Remus more than anything; he never knew it was possible to love two people so much.
Remus: the moon to his sun, his safe space, his level head, the cool side of his pillow.
And you: his sweet girl, his biggest supporter, his confidante, the quiet in the chaos.
And what was he, then? What was James?
He was loud, he was chaos, he was constant.
Maybe he was too much...
He’d spent five years with his sights set in the wrong direction before he realized he had everything he could ever want in the two of you, and by some fucking miracle, he’d managed to snag the two most wonderful people in all of Hogwarts, perhaps all of the UK; neigh, the world.
Was he losing the two of you? Was he slowly pushing you guys away? Exhausting you? Were you two going to grow tired of James?
He couldn’t lose you guys; he couldn’t let that happen.
He wouldn’t let that happen.
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You and Remus had been sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall when Sirius came back from practice.
“Where’s Prongs?” Remus asked quickly, earning him a scowl from his long-haired friend.
“Gee, hello to you too, Moony.”
Remus’ sigh was accompanied by an eyeroll as he corrected himself. “Hello, Sirius. How was practice? Where’s our boyfriend?”
Sirius adorned a cheeky smile as he began loading up his plate. “Hi Remus, Y/N. Lovely evening we’re having. Practice went well; James is working us hard, but I think the extra work is paying off. We’re shoo-ins for the House Cup this year and-”
“Circe’s tits, Moons, is it almost your time of your month?”
He was answered with a dinner roll being thrown at his head.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He grumbled. “Prongs is tidying up the field, told us all to hit the showers and head to dinner.”
“Black, you’re a dog.” You grumbled, earning you a boisterous laugh from the dog-like-man himself.
“You have no idea dollface.”
You groaned. “I can’t believe you left our poor, sweet boy cleaning up after you tossers out there all by himself. It’s getting dark.” You whined, looking to the windows.
“He’s far too nice to you lot.” Remus agreed, starting a plate for James pre-emptively.
You liked that about Remus. You loved that about Remus; predicting his loved ones needs, always one step ahead the rest of you.
You perked up when you saw the familiar head of hair make his way into the Great Hall, but had an uneasy feeling settle in your stomach when you noticed his demeanour.
“Hey bubs.” Remus greeted, seemingly unawares of James’ dour mood. James smiled kindly at Remus, but you noticed the smile never reached his eyes.
You hated it.
“How was practice?” You asked quickly, earning you a scoff from Sirius.
“What? Don’t trust my word for it?”
“Sod off, Black.”
James itched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact. “It, erm, it went well, I think. It went well, right Pads?”
Sirius looked inquisitively at his friend but nodded nonetheless. “Yeah mate, I think we’re definitely going to see a difference with the extra drills. Fenwick and I were just talking about it.”
“Fenwick? What’d he say? He thought the practice went well?” James asked eagerly.
Sirius and Remus exchanged a bemused glance as you watched James; he seemed to notice the silent conversation going on between his friend and his boyfriend and curled in on himself.
“Sorry.” He muttered quietly, poking at his plate with his fork.
“No worries Prongs. Fenwick said he was tired, but the good kind. He’s looking forward to the match this weekend.” Sirius said carefully. James hummed but that was the extent of the conversation.
“Everything okay, James?” Remus asked cautiously as Marlene and Dorcas sat a few seats down. James lifted his head and nodded quickly, offering a quiet “yeah.”
“What’s the matter?” You asked quietly, causing James’ eyebrows to furrow.
“Nothing, nothing. I’m not that hungry actually, I think I’m going to head upstairs.”
He didn’t give you any time to argue as he stood from his full plate and left the Great Hall.
You went to stand to go after him, but Remus grabbed your sleeve.
“You should eat, dove. No sense in both of you going without.”
“We’ll bring him his plate in a little; let him take a minute to himself.” He offered, and though Remus sounded awfully reasonable, you didn’t like the idea one bit.
In the perhaps 45 minutes you and Remus spent in the Great Hall, James had already done his bedtime routine and had the curtains to his fourposter bed drawn shut with what sounded like a silencing charm cast around it.
You let out a sigh and moved towards Remus’ bed.
“It’s probably just an off day, dovey. He rarely has them; we can grant him this one, can’t we?” Remus lamented.
It didn’t feel like an off day, though. Not to you.
He’d been just fine when you bid him farewell before practice; he’d been talking your ear off about all the new drills he prepared and the extra practices he booked. He’d been your enthusiastic, sunny boy just a mere few hours ago, and now he was...well...this.
Had you done something? Had you not been enthusiastic enough about his stories? Had you said something to offend him? Maybe he didn’t want you here; maybe he wanted to spend tonight with Remus – he’s known him longer, maybe he’d be talking to Remus if you weren’t here right now.
“I can hear your brain in overdrive, dove. What’s going on inside that head of yours?”
“Maybe I should go to my own dorm tonight?” You asked shyly, earning you an unimpressed look from Remus as he pulled his sleep shirt over his head.
“Fat chance I’m sending you down to the dungeons. I’ve already lost one cuddle partner.” His lip jut out comically at the end of the sentence and you felt some of the tension leave your body.
“Okay, big baby.” You acquiesced with faux resentment, laying back on Remus’ bed and welcoming him into your embrace.
“We’ll fix it tomorrow, yeah?” Remus said into your neck. “He’ll feel better in the morning.”
Except James did not feel better in the morning and now you were spiralling.
He’d woken up early to go for his run but didn’t ask if you wanted to join him (he usually woke you up as he extricated himself from the bed and would always ask if you felt like joining him. You’ve never said yes, but he always asked you anyway).
He changed quietly and sat at the desk to do some schoolwork. You woke up and pressed a kiss to his cheek on your way to the washroom, which earned you little more than half a smile and a quiet “morning”.
You couldn’t take it anymore; the nerves were eating you alive, and they were only made worse when Remus woke up and James was just as cold with him.
“Jamie, have I done something?” You blurted, causing both boys to look at you in horror.
“What?” He asked quietly.
“I’m sorry if I’ve done or said something to offend you. I know I can be harsh sometimes and I know that I’m not often as kind as the two of you; certainly not as nice as you, Jamie. But I often think you guys have worn off on me a bit and I’m a little less Slytherin-y and-”
But Remus cut you off as you started to ramble. “Whoa, dove. Take a breath, yeah? You’re alright.” He said gently, placing his hand on your shoulder and gently rubbing his thumb along your collar bone.
“I’m really sorry, Jamie.” You said again, feeling your eyes well with tears.
James' eyes mirrored yours as he looked at you in horror. “No, angel. No! You’re perfect, I swear!” He said, tears finally betraying his inner turmoil.
“What has you so upset then, Jamie?” Remus asked gently, which caused whatever dam James had set up behind his eyes to fully burst.
“It’s not you guys, honest!” He cried miserably.
You felt all the blood drain from your face at the sight; you’d never seen James this upset before.
“Oh, Jamie.” Remus cooed in an exhale moving towards him, obviously just as distressed at James’ upset as you were. 
“I’m sorry if I’ve been exhausting you lately. I don’t mean to be too much.” James whimpered between sobs. Your hands twitched as you stood uselessly, staring at Remus cradling James’ broad frame and gently rocking him back-and-forth, rubbing broad strokes up and down his back.
“Why...why would you say that, Jamie? I’ve never found you exhausting. ‘Too much’?” You asked incredulously, feeling sort of nauseous at the insinuation that you could ever grow tired of the effervescence that was James Potter. 
“I overheard people talking about me.” He admitted shyly from the crook of Remus’ neck. Remus’ movements stuttered before he quickly resumed his ministrations.
“Who?” You said simply, hands balling into fists at your sides. 
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Like hell it doesn’t.” You argued.
“Easy, dove.” Remus placated, pressing a gentle kiss into James’ hair. “I don’t need to know who it was, because they are so far off from the truth.”
“Can’t be too far off, I’ve known her my whole life.” James muttered.
“McKinnon?” You asked with a scoff. You were answered by James’ silence.
“Jamie.” You said sternly, stepping towards your boyfriends and causing James to look up at you. “You have been nothing but pure joy since the moment I met you, and any moment I get to spend by your side is an absolute honour; do you understand me?”
James sighed and tried to turn back into Remus’ shoulder, but you gently grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you.
“I love you so unbelievably much, I worry about my sanity sometimes. One of the best things about me is getting to love you, and having convinced you to love me back. Okay?”
“Okay.” He whispered back, offering you a soft smile.
James chuckled sadly and took your hand in his. “I love you, Y/N.”
“That makes me the luckiest girl in the world.” You promised him.
Remus continued rubbing James’ back and whispering sweet nothings into his ear as you got into uniform. 
“You okay, Rem? I’ll catch up with you guys later?” You asked him quietly. Remus nodded at you and accepted a chaste kiss to his lips.
You pressed a kiss to the top of James' head, reminding him again that you love him and you’d see him later before heading out in search of the person on your radar. 
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Sirius had gotten up today to find James already gone on his morning run and you and Moony still asleep in bed, so he decided to take the initiative and organise the supplies for the Marauder’s next prank.
“Oi, Black.” Sirius heard, causing him to pause in his steps down the corridor. 
“Y/N, we’ve known each other since we were in nappies; I’m pretty sure we were engaged to be wed at one point. I think you can go ahead and call me Sirius.”
Your eyebrows furrowed almost comically as you looked him up and down once, seemingly almost disgusted at the thought of calling him by his given name.
“Right, I will not be doing that. Listen, you’re friends with McKinnon, yeah?” You redirected, falling into step with him as he carried on towards the potions supply closet. 
“Marlene? Yeah.”
“‘Kay, deal with her then, because it won’t be pretty if I have to.” You said darkly, causing Sirius to pause again and grab you by your elbow.
“Whoa there; what are you on about?”
You turned towards him with darkened eyes, quite possibly the most like your parents he’d ever seen you. “She upset James.” You said simply. 
Sirius scoffed. “Please. James doesn’t get upset. She probably just cheered for his rival team at the World Cup or something.”
“Black. My sweet, lovely, wonderful boyfriend is upstairs crying right now because he was told he was too much and exhausting.” You said severely, causing Sirius’ heart to stutter. 
His heart picked back up in double time when he noticed your eyes fill with tears.
“And if McKinnon is left to me, it won’t be pretty.” You concluded, sniffing quickly and stuffing your emotions back down deep into your stomach like Sirius knew you’d been raised to do.
“Crying?” Sirius asked breathlessly.
“Sobbing.” You corrected.
Well, this just wouldn’t do.
Turns out, Sirius was going to get detention for hitting a girl today. 
“Oi! McKinnon!” Sirius called out when he spotted Marlene sat under a tree on the Hogwarts grounds. “Take your earrings out, you and I are fighting.” He called as he got closer, pulling his earrings own out pre-emptively. 
Marlene scoffed. “Have you taken one too many bludgers to the head there, Black?” 
“What’d you say to James?” He carried on.
“Sod off, McKinnon. What’d you say?”
“I haven’t spoken to him since we all left practice yesterday!” She argued.
“Well you said something, seeing as he’s now apologising to his boyfriend and girlfriend for being ‘exhausting’.”
Sirius watched understanding pass over Marlene’s face as she sighed.
“Oh for- …he wasn’t meant to hear.”
“Make it a habit of talking poorly about your friends behind their back?” Sirius accused.
“Take it easy, Sirius… she didn’t mean it.” Dorcas interjected, causing Sirius’ stormy glare to look her way.
“Then why’d she say it, huh Meadows? Are you calling her a liar then?”
“I was just tired and sore after practice yesterday, Sirius…” Marlene mumbled.
But Sirius didn’t care; he didn’t want excuses. He wanted everyone to see the James that he saw:
James, who had so much love to give.
James, who gave everything he did 110%.
James, who took care of everyone around him like his life depended on it.
James, who pushed his team to victory because he knew they were capable.
James, who knew he was pushing his team hard so let them all leave early whilst he cleaned up after them.
James, who brought out the best in everyone around him.
James, who offered him a home when he had nowhere to go.
James, who was everyone's safety, smile, sanctuary.
“Maybe if you didn’t spend so much of your life finding flaws in everyone else, Marlene, you’d have a little more time to work on your own. I suggest starting with your poor fucking attitude.” He shot at her, feeling the generations of vile, vicious Black’s creep into his psyche. “Perhaps then you’d manage to be even a quarter as loved as James is.”
“Was that really necessary, Black?” Meadows barked angrily. Sirius scoffed in return.
“No more necessary than what she said about James. No one upsets Prongs like that, you hear me? So tell your girl to watch her fuckin’ mouth.”
And he stormed back up to the castle. 
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Remus was understandably distressed.
If having his usual bright, sunny boy so down and turned in on himself wasn’t bad enough, you seemed to be equally if not more distressed on his behalf.
He’d been sort of nervous when you took off this morning, but when Remus saw Marlene in one piece in Charms later in the day, he knew you hadn’t done any (permanent) damage.
James was glued to your and Remus’ sides for the remainder of the day, and you were both more than happy to fawn over him as much as he needed. His mood didn’t seem to improve for your efforts, however.
The three of you were eating dinner with Sirius who was carrying most of the conversation on your behalves, which you and Remus (and likely James) appreciated, when Barty approached the Gryffindor table.
“Hey Y/N, I just had the most brilliant i- whoa, wait, whoa, what the fuck?” He cut himself off, looking to the group in horror.
“What’s up, junior?” You asked calmly, feeling particularly defensive of your boyfriend and keeping an eye on James in your periphery.
“What happened to Potter? What’s going on?” He asked, sounding particularly disturbed causing Remus’ brows to furrow bemusedly. 
No one seemed to have a good answer; Sirius and Remus exchanging confused glances, James lowering his head in shame, and you rolling your eyes at your friend's dramatics.
“Who did this?” He asked then, voice taking on a shrill quality. “Y/N? Did you do this?” He demanded, gesturing to James.
“I did not do this!” You shouted back.
“Okay well this is bad!”
“I know it’s bad!”
“No, this is bad, bad. This is like… this is. I have no words. Y/N, fix it, fix it right now.” Barty insisted, roughly jostling your shoulder as if you were simply standing here negligently as your boyfriend suffered. 
Remus, James, and Sirius all watched in abject fascination and horror.
“Who did this, Potter?” Barty asked quietly, turning his attention to James when he felt he wasn’t getting answers from you. “Give me names; who disturbed the delicate balance of the universe?”
James’ eyebrows were in his hair as he looked between you and Barty.
“Oh gods,” Barty breathed. “It’s worse than I though.”
Barty shoved his hand into his robe pocket and pulled out a lolly. “You like candy, Potter? Here.” He said as he threw the lolly at him without waiting for a response. “I have more, one sec.” 
With that, Barty turned his pocket inside out and piled what had to be almost thirty lollipops in front of James.
“Why do you have so many lollies, Junior?” Sirius asked, reaching over to grab one from the pile which earned him a squeal and a harsh smack on the wrist from Barty.
“None of your sodding business, Black.”
Remus delighted in hearing a slight chuckle under James' breath.
“Why do you have so many lollies?” Remus asked instead, knowing Barty was slightly less volatile with him than with Sirius.
“I was trying to quit smoking. Now I’m just addicted to sugar and cigarettes. Also, Y/N likes them.” He said, producing one from your pocket with a flourish to hand it to you.
“M’lady.” He said with a bow before resuming his piling of more lollies in front of James.
“I think that’s enough lollies, Junior.” Sirius suggested, earning him a scowl.
“The world is fucking topsy-turvey right now, Black! I don’t see you doing anything to correct it! Absolute tosser, thinking I can just go about my day when everything is wrong.” Barty was mostly muttering to himself at this point as he pulled his bookbag over his shoulder and started discarding various things onto the table.
“Why are you all just sitting there? Do something, for the love of Salazar!” He shrieked. “Fix this Y/N! Fix it now; I’m running out of candy!”
And with this, James dissolved into a fit of laughter, causing Barty to pause and whip his head to face him.
Remus wasn’t always Barty’s biggest fan, but he knew that you cared for him and more importantly, he cared for you, and right now Remus could kiss the sod right on the mouth for managing to bring a smile to James' face.
“Is this a fucking joke to you, Potter?” Barty asked incredulously, causing James to laugh harder and even encouraging a laugh from you. Barty’s face softened immediately at the sound and turned to beam at you. 
“There!” He proclaimed then. “All better!”
And with that, Barty headed towards the entrance of the Great Hall.
“You’re welcome everyone! I just corrected a major blip in the universe; but this is the last time I do it for free!”
James began to catch his breath and wipe away tears from under his eyes. 
“See?” You said, reaching across to gently shake James’ wrist. James caught your hand before you could pull it away from him. “Even Barty likes you just the way you are. And he hates Gryffindors.”
James barked another laugh at that and let out a steadying breath. 
“Not as much as we do, though.” Remus pressed, resting his forehead against James’ temple as he pulled him closer into his side. 
“Thank you guys.” James admitted quietly, squeezing your hand that he still held captive over the table.
“There’s nothing to thank us for, bubs.” You insisted, causing Sirius to snort.
“Yeah. These two did fuck all; you should be thanking Junior.” 
You all started laughing again, distributing lollies to the younger students sitting around you.
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strniohoeee · 6 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is a virgin who so badly wants to have sex with Matt, but she’s scared. However when they’re alone in the triplets house things take a turn….this is for the two requests I got for a virgin reader having soft sex with Matt🥹
Warnings⚠️: This is soft cute sex. Virginity lose, and that’s about it 🫶🏽
Song for the imagine: J’s Lullaby(darlin I’d wait for you) Delaney Bailey
⚠️This is an 18+ story, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
Matt and I had been dating for roughly 7 months at this point. These past 7 months have been the best months of my life. I was surrounded by 3 people I loved, and making memories that would last forever
About five months into the relationship is when Matt and I finally decided to tell their fan base. Since I was always in their videos, some fans started to notice some vibes between the both of us.
Honestly I was petrified to tell them because a lot of their fans were super protective over them, and I’m a sensitive girl. I didn’t want to get any hate. Surprisingly we received way more love, and the occasional hate from some 14 year old, but nothing to make me feel any type of way.
Constantly Matt and I would watch shipping edits of us, some that even showed how we acted like a couple months before we even started dating. We loved it so much
Other times I would watch edits on my own of us, or just of Matt, and the comments had my jaw on the floor.
“I know he gives y/n the pounding of her life”
“He’s a skinny white boy. You know he be laying that pipeeeee”
“Poor y/n…..I know he be tearing her shit up”
Although these comments made me laugh, they also made me blush from embarrassment because they couldn’t have been further from the truth. I was a virgin, and Matt and I had only really made out and got handsy. Usually I’d break away and stop it, and he respected it and never said anything about it.
I knew he wanted to have sex because he’s a 20 year old man, and I for sure wanted to have sex because?? We’ll have you seen Matt??
But in the back of my mind I was so fucking nervous. I had never ever had sex. I’ve never given a handjob, a blow job, a hickey…..I’ve never even seen Matt’s dick.
Many times I would crave this intimacy, but I always allowed my fear to get to the best of me. However I was more than ready to have sex with the love of my life, Matt.
Matt and I were alone at their house since Chris and Nick had an event that Matt really could care less for. We spent the whole day together, and now we were currently in his room watching a movie
The whole time I kept thinking about having sex with Matt, and what it would be like. If I’d be bad, nervous or just out right not cut out for losing my virginity.
“Matt…” I said waiting for him to look over at me
“Yeah?” He said looking over and smiling at me
“Can I ask you something?” I said
“Of course baby” he responded back as he paused the movie
“Do you want to have sex with me?” I asked him, and to this his eyebrows raised
“In general or right now?” He asked laughing a little bit
“In general” I told him
“I mean it’s not something that’s necessarily crossed my mind. Of course I get urges, and want to have sex, but it’s not something my mind is always on.” He responded
“Well how come?” I asked him
“I mean I just care about you, and making you laugh and smile, and spending time with you. I just love to be in your company” he said back
“Oh….well have you ever thought of having sex with me…like at all??” I asked him
“I mean sure. Whenever we’ve had heated make out sessions it has crossed my mind. You know? It’s like I think to myself could this go further” he told me
“Oh…” I responded
“Have you thought of having sex with me?” He asked
“Mmm quite often actually” I said being completely honest
“Oh?” He said starting to blush
“But I know I always pull away before it goes any further” I told him
“Yeah, but I don’t mind at all” he said smiling at me for reassurance
“I guess I’m just scared” I said
“Scared of what?” He asked me with a head tilt
“Well I’m a virgin” I told him
“Oh” he said actually shocked
“Yeah, and I just never felt like I could move forward. Not because of you! I know I want to lose my virginity to you, but because I’m so afraid of being bad, or too nervous that it doesn’t work out” I said to him
“I get that. Losing your virginity is very intimate, and for sure scary. That’s valid” he said to me
“I was thinking maybe we could have sex” I told him
“Yeah of course” he said nodding his head and smiling
“Tonight” I then responded
“Tonight?” He said surprised
“Yes. I think I’m ready for tonight” I told him
“Okay. Then tonight it is” he said leaning over and kissing me
Matt and I had been making out for a good five minutes
“Are you doing okay?” He asked looking into my eyes
“Yes Matt I’m doing great” I said giving him a smile
Matt had kissed down to my neck. Leaving light kisses that were making me burn up inside. He had removed his shirt, and I removed mine as well
“Can I take your bra off?” He asked me leaning back a little bit
“Of course” I said shyly
Matt reaches behind as I lift up, so that he could unclip my bra. Slowly pulling it off of me, and allowing my breast to fall exposed
I started to blush. Never allowing a man to see me this way causing me to get a little shy
“Don’t get shy on me baby. You look perfect” he said giving me a sly smile
Matt had started to kiss my neck, and slowly went down to my breast. Massaging both breast before taking one into his mouth
“Oh Matt” I said in a whisper as my eyes fluttered shut
He then went down to the valley of my breast, and started to kiss down leaving sloppy kisses on my stomach. I was aching for his touch.
He kissed both hip bones before looking up at me
“Can I take your pants off?” He asked, and I nodded
He started to take my pants off as I lifted up a little for him to get them fully off. Matt in return removed his sweat pants as well
He went back to kissing above my underwear. This feeling alone left my hair rising and my thigh quivering
Matt laid next to me, and started to kiss me soon breaking away
“Okay baby. I have to stretch you out” he said. I turned my head towards him and agreed
Slowly he trailed his hand down to my underwear. Slightly dipping his hand in to massage my pelvic area before completely sticking his hand down my underwear
“Open wider baby” he told me, and I allowed my legs to open up more for him
“Perfect” he said, kissing me, and then he slid his hand all the way down coating his fingers in my arousal before bringing them back up to massage my clit
I just gasped and opened my mouth as Matt and I kept looking at each other
“Feeling okay?” He asked
“I feel so good Matt” I told him licking my now dry lips
Math started to rub my clit in circular motions. Allowing me to squirm and moan at this foreign feeling.
“Okay baby this may hurt” he said before sinking his middle finger to my entrance. He was looking into my eyes as he slowly started to insert his finger into me
This was a burning stretch I’ve never felt before, causing my eyes to shut and my brows to furrow
“Ow Matt” I said finally opening my eyes
“Too much? I can stop” he said reading my face
“No no keep going” I told him, and so he did. He slowly started to rock his fingers in and out curving them up to hit my G spot
“Oh fuck” I moaned out
“That feels so fucking good” I said as he started to rub my clit with his thumb
Slowly he inserted his ring finger. This burn was something that almost made me stop him, but I wanted this way too much for him to stop now.
Once he got the second finger in he started to pump in and out at a come here motion
“Oh Matt….ive never felt something like this” I told him as my mouth fell open
“Does it feel good?” He asked
“So so good” I said whispering the last part
He was slowly fingering me for 5 more minutes before he decided to stop
“Do you think you’re ready?” He asked me
“I think so” I told him, Matt removed his underwear and my mouth fell open
“Matt….I don’t know that that will fit in me” I said almost laughing
“Baby don’t boost my ego. It will fit” he said blushing and biting his lip
“This will hurt, so I’m going to go slow, and if it’s too much I’ll stop” he said
“Okay thank you” I whispered to him
Matt had both arms on either side of my head and was looking into my eyes
“Ready?” He asked one more time
“Yes Matt I’m very ready” I told him
Matt grabbed his dick with his right hand and slowly started to push the tip in. Looking up at you to read your face. He slowly started to push the tip in, and as he started to get in is when you winced
“Fuck Matt that hurts” I said gripping his left arm with my right hand
“Want me to stop?” He asked
“No no keep going” I told him
He slowly started to insert himself into me. Paying close attention to my face. Soon he was all the way in, and he let out a sigh
“So perfect,” he said, moving my hair out of my face. Matt was allowing my vaginal walls to relax around him before moving
“You can move” I told him, and so he did. Slowly sliding back and then in. My pussy was still stretching and burning around his dick
He was letting out little moans that were making me so wet.
Slowly Matt started to pick up his pace. Sliding in and out of me in such a delicious way
“Fuck Matt you can go a little faster” I told him
Matt started to thrust into me a little faster and I was completely losing my mind. If sex felt this good, why was I waiting this long?
“Matt this feels so good” I said moaning
“You feel so fucking good around me” he said moaning the last part
Matt had gotten a little more on his knees, and allowed his arms to bend. Coming down closer to me our chests were touching, and his head was right next to my ear
I could hear his pants into my ear as he was thrusting into me
“Fuck Matt you sound hot” I told him pulling his hair at the back of his head
“Yeah?” He said in a breathy tone
“Yes…so so hot” I said as I continued to pull at his hair
Matt continued to thrust into me becoming a sweaty and groaning mess above me
“I’m going to start rubbing your clit, and you’ll be able to cum in no time” he told me before snaking his right hand down to my clit starting to rub
“OH MY GOD” I screamed out at the intense sensation I was feeling
“Too much?” He asked looking at me
“No no just right keep going. Fuck Matt I think I’m going to cum” I told him as I started to clench on his cock causing him to moan
Matt was fucking into me at a good pace and rubbing my clit, going in between slow and fast circular motions
“Matt Matt Matt” I said scratching his back and clenching down on him harder
“Come on baby! You can do it for me” he said rubbing his fingers faster
“I’m going to cum. Fuck fuck fuck” I said shutting my eyes and throwing my head back even more
“Come on. Come on give it to me” he said into my ear
“FUCKKKKK MATTT” I screamed out as I started to convulse and tremble. My orgasm completely washing over me. I was seeing white and my legs were shaking as I was cumming so hard. Slowly I started to come down my from my high with heavy breathing and dry lips
Matt pulled out of me when I stopped twitching around him. I felt weird without his dick in me. He started to pump his cock
“Fuck I’m gonna cum” he said kissing my lips
He pulled away and his lower abdomen started to contract as his mouth fell and his brows furrowed. He looked into my eyes as he came all over his hand and my lower stomach. Slowly coming down from his high and rolling onto his back next to me
“Matt that was amazing” I said looking over at him
“Was it? You don’t have to lie” he said catching his breath
“No matt. It was amazing, and you were so careful with me I appreciate it” I said rolling over to my side and kissing him on the cheek
“Anything for my pretty lady. I love you” he said looking over at me
“I love you too Matt” I said smiling at him
“Let’s get you cleaned up. Follow me let’s shower” he said and grabbed my hands
When I got off the bed my legs completely gave out on me and I almost fell to the ground
“Oh my god Matt…my legs are fucking jello” I said laughing as he grabbed me and helped me walk to his bathroom
“I’m sorry baby” he said also laughing
“I can now say Matt Sturniolo has made me weak in the knees physically” I responded laughing
“Shut up” he said all shyly as he turned on the hot water and let me step in first
We had showered together, and then spent the night watching movies until we eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed this one! And for the two people that requested this I hope I didn’t disappoint, and I’m so sorry it took forever for me to get this out 🥹❤️❤️
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anystalker707 · 8 months
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: Reader seems burnt out, so Sanji does his best to help his partner feel better Tags: Boyfriend material Sanji (the usual / lots of fluff a/n: i need him carnally
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          Sanji looked at the door of the galley the moment you walked in, blinking in curiosity as he observed you walk past him and right to the cabinets, all in feigned casualty. Once you closed the door to the cabinet, and he saw what you had in hand, Sanji rolled his eyes and grabbed you by the collar before you could walk away.
“Sanji…” You clicked your tongue, turning around with a sigh.
“No, no,” Sanji scoffed. “Go put it back, dear! I already told you not to eat those! I use them, and they’re hard to find!” He put his hands on his hips, brows low as he looked at you.
“But Sanji…” You recurred to pouting; it was not new that he would get soft way too easily when it came to you. “I need to munch on something! Anything!”
Sanji pointed to the cabinet, face unchanging. “Put it back, dear. Come on.”
A sigh escaped your lips as you put the jar back into the cabinet, then turned to him, still with a pout and also slumping a little now. “Why can’t I have it? No love for (y/n)? You don’t love me?” You pressed your lips together, shaking your head in disappointment.
“Quit being dramatic, you know I love you very much!” He cupped both of your cheeks and pressed a kiss to your forehead. He smiled softly, observing you for a solid minute. “What’s wrong, hm? I’ve seen you come in here a little too much today. That or the way you simply spent all day long in the quarters, like yesterday, with no in-between. What’s going on, sweetheart? I didn’t even see you work out or train for a while, and you seemed very hyped up about it.” His thumbs ran across both your cheeks, caressing them gently.
You frowned a little bit. Was it that noticeable? Maybe it wasn’t just something as pointless as you thought it’d be. The past few days had been a little too monotonous. Too long without any interesting island, summed up with the nonstop training after the last battle—which you lost terribly—, left you in that terrible state. It slowly crept in after you took the first proper break when Sanji asked you to help him in the kitchen one day.
“Don’t overthink,” Sanji said as if he could read your thoughts, playing lightly with your hair. “Just tell me, sweetheart.”
Those blue eyes looking into yours with so much worry and care… Your heart fluttered as you looked back at him for a second before averting your gaze away.
“I’m not sure,” you said with a soft sigh, wrapping your hands around his wrists and caressing them gently. “I’m kind of bored of everything. Tired, even if I’m barely doing anything. I mean, I did try to do something else, but…” You shrugged.
On the previous days, you’d helped Nami with organizing her maps and clothes and also hung out with Usopp to listen to his stories while watching him construct stuff. Luffy was showing you the beetles he’d found around the ship as well. Even with all the laughing and good time you’d spent with them, you still had the same feeling afterward. It all was so bland. You just felt the urge to do something different from the usual and to lie down all day long at the same time.
Sanji furrowed his eyebrows. “Sounds like you’re burnt out, dear. Do you think that’s it?”
Burnt out… It made sense, honestly. “Hm, maybe,” you mumbled in defeat.
“Okay, at least we already have an idea of what’s going on,” he said as he ran his fingers through your hair and kissed your cheek, pecking your lips after. “I’ll finish what I’m doing and be back in a second, okay?” He smiled before he walked away to finish the dishes he’d been preparing.
You took a seat at the dining table in the meantime, silently observing Sanji cook. Sanji was so pretty and also so caring… It made your heart flutter in your chest while your cheeks heated up. At the same time that you didn’t want to bother Sanji, you also liked it a lot when he took care of you, so you didn’t really argue. He put some platters in the fridge and others in the oven before he started cleaning everything. The only thing he neglected was drying the dishes to put them back into the cabinets, but it was for a good reason.
“I’m all yours now,” Sanji said as he took his apron off and hung it before walking over, offering you a hand. “Come on, let’s do something relaxing, my dear.”
For a moment, you observed his hand. Would his touch be overwhelming? It was a fact Sanji could be quite touchy, even more so if you already started by giving him the freedom to, hence you needed to take a moment to decide whether you wanted it. It’s not that Sanji didn’t know boundaries—he did, and he made sure to respect each one of them very so carefully—, but it was more about how hard it was to let Sanji know about them or push him away.
Holding back a sigh was difficult. You slowly slipped your hand in his and stood up, quietly following Sanji out of the galley. As much as holding his hand and being with him was nice, everything felt so bland.
The shadow cast over the back part of the upper deck, near the tangerine trees, so Sanji took you there. There was just an unending sea to be seen, so you weren’t exactly excited while leaning against the railing to observe it. Some clouds littered the sky, but not that many.
As you turned your head to the side to look for Sanji, he showed up right in front of you, pressing his lips to yours immediately. The kiss was sweet and very gentle; he was treating you as if you were made out of thin glass, placing a hand on your hip with a light touch and another on the railing as he held the kiss. Sanji pulled away only for a brief moment, kissing you once more right after. The position wasn’t the best, with your head to the side like that, but the kiss was so loving. It made you feel so loved.
Eventually, the kiss was over. Sanji’s arms wrapped around you in a hug from behind, settling themselves around your waist. He kissed your shoulder through your clothes, then rested his chin on it. His touch was so comforting.
“Beautiful day, isn’t it?” His voice was soft next to your ear. “But I don’t think it’s as beautiful as you. Well, I don’t think anything is as beautiful as you.” And there he went with his cheesiness again, but you wouldn’t complain about it. As pathetic as it could be, it never failed to make you all fuzzy inside.
You hummed softly in response, leaning back against him.
“Sorry for neglecting you,” Sanji whispered. “Maybe if I’d given you more attention, this wouldn’t have gotten to this point.”
“It’s my fault,” you mumbled. “Maybe I pushed myself too much.” The way you’d been so immersed in your goals only became clear now, unfortunately, but trying to get it off your head never made you feel any lighter as it should’ve.
“If I had noticed, I’m sure things would’ve been different.” He sighed softly, hugging you tighter and burying his face into the crook of your neck. It tickled a little, but it was also so nice; you could barely hold back the smile that tugged on your lips. “But I’m helping you feel better, that’s for sure.” He kissed your shoulder again, slowly loosening his grip.
Your hand reached back to Sanji’s hair, stroking it lightly. “Don’t blame yourself!”
“Sanji,” you groaned, making him click his tongue.
“Damn it,” he whispered with an air of playfulness in his sharp tone, making you chuckle.
“If you keep blaming yourself for every bad thing that happens to me, you’ll go crazy,” you said, turning your head to kiss the side of his face.
Only silence came from Sanji for a moment until he finally moved, kissing the side of your neck a couple of times. “Can’t help it,” he sighed and straightened his posture, but kept holding you. “Let’s talk about something else, though, pardon for bringing it up, my love.” He kissed your temple.
All the little touches were making you feel fuzzy. The worries you’d had about Sanji’s touches making you overwhelmed slowly faded away—you actually wanted to melt into his arms and spend the rest of the day there. He probably noticed how you felt, nuzzling your hair gently.
For a few minutes, Sanji let the silence hang between the two of you. He just held you there while the two of you observed the sea, getting lost in thoughts for a moment. Eventually, you snapped back to reality with a deep sigh, rolling your shoulders a little.
“Sanji,” you mumbled, “can we sit down or go somewhere else? My legs are kinda tired already.”
“Of course!” Sanji let go of you with a sigh. “Let me think about something else we can do, my dear.”
Sanji’s hand wrapped around yours, taking you with him as he walked down the stairs to the main deck again. He’d left you there for a moment before coming back with a blanket, which he extended over the ground, on a spot under the shadow, before he sat down. He set a pillow over his crossed legs.
You raised an eyebrow before lying down with your head on the pillow. “We could’ve done this inside,” you mumbled, looking up at him.
“Maybe.” Sanji shrugged. “But you’ve spent way too long in the quarters already. Breathe some fresh air. Do something different.” His fingers ran through your hair, sometimes gently massaging your scalp as he played with your strands. It was weirdly relaxing, even if you weren’t in the most comfortable place. Being with Sanji itself was comfortable.
You didn’t really know at what point it happened, but the next thing you knew was that you were waking up with Sanji gently tapping your shoulder. The afternoon sun seemed to be excusing itself already, giving place to the stars. The shade of blue that took over the sky was different from the one you remembered. For how long did you sleep?
“My love,” Sanji said softly, caressing your cheek. “I need to go get dinner ready. Do you want me to carry you back to the quarters?”
A soft groan escaped your lips as you stretched, your back aching a little from lying on the floor. “Can I help you with it?” You didn’t feel like leaving Sanji’s side just yet. Even if you couldn’t feel direct improvement in your burn-out state—at least yet—, being with Sanji felt so much better than anything else. You feared it’d all get even worse if you left him now.
Sanji smiled. “Of course. Get up so I can put these away.”
You felt a little light-headed when you stood up, groaning softly. Honestly, you could feel like you’d either have a headache or just be unable to sleep later on, but it wasn’t much different from what was going on the previous days. The fact Sanji was now helping you gave you some hope, though. Some comfort.
Sanji returned before you could notice, a hand on your lower back as he smiled softly and nodded to the galley, heading there with you.
At least, your mind was empty. There weren’t many thoughts bothering you now that you helped Sanji out with preparing the dinner—practically just assembling and heating up the stuff he’d started preparing earlier. All you focused on was getting everything done, making sure it was all perfect. You weren’t exactly inexperienced when it came to the kitchen; being around Sanji for so long did give you some practice that you could rely on.
A sense of pride and accomplishment took over you as you observed the table all set now. Sanji probably felt the same thing, but not only for the cooking. He wrapped an arm around your waist, enjoying the last few moments you had alone before dinner, and pressed his lips to yours softly.
“I’m here for you, okay?” He smiled.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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writingmeraki · 8 months
cold enough to chill my bones.
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a roronoa zoro drabble !
pairing : zoro x gn!reader, teasing frenemies to ???
genre : fluff, romance, they like each other but aren't dating...yet.
warnings : not any i can think of! if you find anything alarming then lmk :)
author's note : enjoy this quick drabble while you wait for the first chapter of the zoro series!! and also i got the idea to make after i got almost sick last night- maybe zoro is a bit of ooc? idk i just love the idea of him being a menace while flirting but not knowing what to do when someone flirts back at him lololol let me know what you think ! <3
word count : 1k
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Despite the sun almost blinding you as it set, the sky turning into shades of deep pink intertwined with light purple and hints of yellowish orange, you felt cold.
Naturally, you'd always been the type to get cold easily, quite literally. Before even the harsh winters used to begin, you'd be getting the chills amid the warm autumn.
Though. it was beneficial when it was the blazing summer and you were always not on the brink of dying due to the immense heat as your cooler hands and feet made you more comfortable. 
But today, it was a bane to your existence as your teeth chattered as you sat down on the lounging chair in the middle of the ship, trying to rub your hands to bring life back to them. 
“Seems like someone can’t even take the fall breeze huh?” 
The familiar voice taunted you and you didn’t even need to look at him to know he was probably smirking as he looked down at you. 
Sighing in annoyance, you faced Zoro and clicked your tongue when you were right about him smirking. 
It was a tad bit distracting though, especially since he looked too…attractive than you’d like to admit.
“If you’re here to taunt me then leave me be.”
“The weather is annoying enough anyways, I don’t need another nuisance.” Not wanting to entertain him today, you turned your back towards him and faced the sunset. 
Too bad it was such a beauty but your body wasn’t allowing you to just simply be in bliss to enjoy it. 
Suddenly you felt a heavy weight on your shoulders, which took you by surprise as you flinched to stand up and yelped loudly. 
“Calm down idiot, it’s just a jacket,” Zoro said as it was his turn to roll his eyes,
“For the record, I didn’t come to ‘annoy’ you as you said which is quite ironic coming from you but I saw you shivering like a drenched cat,”
“So me being the considerate person I am,” You scoffed at his humble attitude which he chose to ignore, “I’ll let you wear my jacket for the time being.” 
Honestly, you were confused. Zoro was a confusing man you‘d concluded. Since the time you’d joined the crew, he’d been confusing you by saying something different, different as in finding every way to taunt you but then he’d be nice as a true gentleman with his actions.
Like right now for example. 
So ultimately, you were confused about how to thank him.
“Uh…thank you?” You’d thought it was best to just say it, figuring it was enough as you pushed your arms throughout the black clothing that was a tad bit larger than you. 
Of course, it was larger near the shoulders, enough to fit almost two of you inside.
“That’s it? That’s how you thank me? You know I almost saved you from I don’t know shivering to death here?” 
You sighed, now in exhaustion at his over-exaggeration, it wasn’t like if he hadn’t helped, you’d have not gotten up yourself and gone into the kitchen since it was usually always warmer as Sanji was always cooking something and the heat was always bubbling there.
He tsked at your sighing and supposedly unappreciative attitude, ready to go on a rant about how people nowadays never appreciated the little things and whatever.
When suddenly you got an idea. 
“-sometimes even if a gesture may be less, you should sti-” You shut him up by leaning forward, on your tiptoes and pulled him by his yellow shirt closer to you, landing your lips on his surprisingly soft ones.
That oughta shut him up. 
You pulled away in about three seconds, eyes shut as you just relished how soft they were and how right you’d been about them being like this from the countless times you’d imagined kissing him.
When you pulled away, you saw something you didn’t think you’d have seen anytime soon. 
Zoro was red, a bit wide-eyed as he stared at you, not speaking another word, his cheeks highlighted with a blush that was familiar to you in a way it was something you’d always experience whenever you’d check him out for too long. 
“Sooo is that enough for a thank you?” You smirked at him tauntingly, thriving in the way he was speechless, happy he could feel how you felt at times when he decided to shamelessly be a menace, a cute one, at that. 
“Now if you excuse me, I have some work to do.” Turning around, you didn’t say anything else as you tried to hide your giggles recalling his comical expression of astonishment.
“YOU CAN’T JUST DO THAT!” After a few moments of gathering his thoughts, Zoro was able to form a proper reaction.
“I deserve more than a peck! Kiss me like you mean it-” You burst out into giggles now at the way he was whining as you shook your head abruptly turning around to face him when he began to follow you. 
“For that you have to earn your way to it!” You mocked him, pocking your tongue out as he glared at you, now crossing his arms.
“Are you seriously messing around with the Roronoan Zoro, demon pirate hunter?”
You rolled your eyes at his seemingly serious tone but you knew he was playing into the little thing you’d created as his lips twitched, trying to hide his grin.
You grinned widely at him, now your dimples peaking out, 
“Ohh if you are the pirate hunter, you’ll have to catch me first to get your treasure!”
 As cheesy and cringy as it was, you caught him off guard as you turned around and ran, figuring the place to run to was likely the kitchen in the confined space you had.
“HEY! Now you’re just cheating!” You heard him shout behind to which caused more giggles,which left your cheeks aching from how widely you’d been smiling.
Admittedly, the once cold you’d been feeling was now replaced by the warmth unknowingly yet knowingly caused by the oh-so-famous pirate hunter.
Maybe he did deserve a proper thank you afterall huh?
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri.do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest. I don't own any of the characters from the movie, rightfully belonging to One Piece creators and the Netflix franchise and also this is a fictional work, not relating to any of the cast in real life.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2023
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marlynnofmany · 2 months
Catching Things in Zero-G
“Reach over the border,” Captain Sunlight directed the Frillian twins. “Make sure they’re touching the floor when they cross into gravity.”
I watched from well out of the way as Blip and Blop nodded, holding muscular arms out for the oncoming guests. No one here was new to gravity fluctuations, but that didn’t mean they were fun.
The first person to cross from the damaged ship to ours was a bright red Heatseeker whose name I’d forgotten. He stumbled a bit on landing, grateful for the assistance. Blip and Blop released his hands when he was stable, looking like parents helping their lizardy toddler off a swing set.
Hard on his heels was Bopburt, the big gray Strongarm whose name I did remember (along with his extreme and hilarious dislike for pizza, from when I’d talked him into trying it that one time). I’d worked briefly on that ship before getting a more long-term position on this one. Nobody had changed since then. Bopburt was still a bigger octopus alien than the Strongarms on our ship. He was surprisingly talented at navigating in zero-g, though.
“No need,” he said, waving a tentacle at the waiting hands. He launched off the wall and landed with a splat just on this side of the seam between airlocks. “Thanks, though. They’ll want help with the cargo. Ah, here we go.”
He tentacle-walked over to stand near me as several other crewmates appeared at the hatch with an expensive-looking shipping crate. I couldn’t tell how heavy the thing was about to be, but it was a cube about the size of the bedside table in my quarters, and it shimmered with pearlescence. Even the label on the top was embossed in gold, matching the seam around the edges. Four different crewmates worked together to guide it oh-so-gently toward our ship.
“What’s in it?” I asked Bopburt. “Do you know?”
He made a rude noise. “Clients wouldn’t say. Rich jerks.”
Captain Sunlight watched with concern. “Is it heavy? Should we get a hoversled?”
“No, just don’t drop it.”
There were far too many people involved already, so we just watched as the whole procession made their way awkwardly through the airlock. Captain Kamm showed up during all this, along with the rest of their crew waiting to cross over. She and Captain Sunlight started a conversation over everyone else’s heads.
It was getting crowded. I moved back toward the hallway, where a few of my own crewmates had gathered to greet the guests. It’d been a while since we’d seen our sister ship, and while a damaged gravity generator wasn’t the best of circumstances, it was still nice to visit.
A furry shape trotted past my ankle. I scooped up the cat before she could get in the way. “Hang on there, Telly. You don’t want to get stepped on. I know it all smells new and interesting.”
Telly ignored me, watching the proceedings with great interest. Her mismatched eyes were wide, and she didn’t react when I ruffled her two-toned fur. This was more focus than new arrivals usually got. She hadn’t run out the airlock yet, but there’s always a first. I kept a close eye on her.
“What kind of animal is that?” Bopburt asked, looking up at the tense shape in my arms.
“A cat,” I said. “Humans keep them for companionship and…”
Telly was chattering — that distinct “I see prey” noise.
I turned toward the hall, but too late. She launched off with a kick to my ribs and flashed toward the gravity barrier.
“Telly, no!” I exclaimed, like that had stopped any cat ever.
Some crewmates looked up at me while others jumped aside with startled noises. Blip nearly caught her, which was pretty impressive honestly, but Telly jumped right past and into the other ship. She immediately careened toward the far wall, meowing and clawing at the air.
“Sorry, I’ll get her!” I dodged through the crowd. “I don’t know what she’s going after.” I ignored the conversation behind me and dove into the zero-g. It was just as disorienting as it always was, but I was heading in the right direction.
I caught up to Telly in midair where she’d bounced off the wall and been unable to catch anything with her claws. Those claws immediately tore into my sleeves, leaving more than one scratch that would probably need to get patched up, but I was busy offering comforting noises as I focused on holding her close with my arms while getting my feet into position to hit the wall.
I landed gently, making sure to take it slow before pushing back off, and in that half-breath pause, I saw something skitter past. “Ah!”
“What is it?” called Captain Sunlight.
“Something moved!” said, trying to look for it while shuffling the cat to get an arm free, and also searching for a handhold before I drifted away from the wall. I found a little hook that had probably held decorations once, and that was good enough. I clutched it tight. Telly tried to scramble onto my shoulder. I did my best to hold her in place. The creature had disappeared.
But Telly was chattering again, looking at the ceiling.
Somebody shouted about wire-eating pests. More people were coming back over the gravity barrier, a jumble of motion and urgent conversation about which tools had the best shot at catching something so fast.
“That’s why the gravity’s out! I knew it wouldn’t fail suddenly!”
“Do gravity wands work in zero-g?”
“Better to use a stun gun. Just nobody shoot anyone else.”
“What about that net in the cargo hold? We could—”
I tuned it all out when I spotted the thing Telly was chattering at. It was a flat little silvery beastie with lots of tiny legs and segmented plates on its back, every bit the kind of thing I could see wreaking havoc in the guts of a spaceship. It clung to the ceiling with stillness that could break into astonishing speed in an eyeblink.
The wall below it had pipes sticking out, curving into the living space in the type of ship design that was a little unsightly but immensely useful right now.
With one hand firmly holding Telly against my shoulder and the other on the hook, I turned in the zero-g until I could stick a foot through the loop of pipes. Then I used both hands to grab Telly, holding her out in front of me as I did a sit-up toward the ceiling. “Get it, girl!”
Telly didn’t disappoint. The thing saw her coming and tried to dash away, but she twisted in my grasp to launch off my wrist in a way that was incredibly painful but worth it. She snatched it off the ceiling and brought it to her mouth with a crunch of exoskeleton that I could hear from there.
Then she dropped it, shaking her head in comical disgust as the crowd cheered. Somebody caught it easily. I caught Telly before she could fully realize she was drifting again. After that, it was just a matter of making my way back to gravity without use of my arms. I ended up crowd-surfing, which wasn’t my plan at all, but everyone was appreciative and eager to help.
When I got my feet back under me, the first thing I did was find Eggskin the medic. “Was that safe for her to bite? She doesn’t usually react like that.” Telly wasn’t trying to jump free, busy licking a paw with vigor.
“Yes, I remember it from her original bio scans,” Eggskin told me. “Definitely on the safe list. These are a known pest with a strong flavor. They’re actually a sought-after delicacy in some circles.”
Eggskin was also the cook, which had seemed strange when I first joined the crew, but it made perfect sense these days.
“Oh good,” I said. “All right, kitty, great job. I’ll get you some treats to take the taste out of your mouth, okay?”
Captain Kamm appeared at my elbow, standing on the tips of her tentacles to get a good look at Telly. “Does your little predator like fish?”
“She does!” I said.
“Then we will be happy to reward her with some.” She waved a tentacle at a maroon-and-teal Frillian who was carrying a mesh bag of various things. “It’s the least we can do after she caught the source of our woes. Thank all the stars that it’s a small one, not old enough to spawn more.”
“Hey captain!” someone yelled. “There’s a gap in the seam of that expensive crate! And the bio-scanner shows traces of droppings!”
“More excellent news,” Captain Kamm said with an angry smile.
Captain Sunlight asked, “That crate has a scanner block, doesn’t it? No way to scan for hitchhikers.”
“Oh yes it does,” Captain Kamm confirmed. “How kind of that pest to leave its droppings by the hole where we can detect and record them.”
“They signed a waiver, right?”
“Oh yes.”
When I realized that the rich jerks had set themselves up for paying to repair the gravity generator that their negligence had damaged, I broke into a grin as well. “Such great news!”
Telly moved again, making me tighten my grip instinctively, but it was just to get at the tray of fish chunks that the Frillian was holding out. I took the tray and held it for Telly to eat from. She made some adorable happy noises.
“So you were about to say,” Bopburt said, “That humans keep these creatures for companionship and, and I think I’ve figured out the other thing.”
“Yup,” I agreed. “Valuable predator services.”
“You’re bleeding a bit there.”
“Ah, it’s not the first time. Worth it.”
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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