#*sticks my head out of the sand* have an update
reneesbooks · 1 year
The Knight of Lacuna Lake - Part 4
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summary: as winter descends on Morbhard, the past haunts Keelan and her family's secrets haunt Maura (4.7k words)
intro post, part one, part two, part three
taglist (ask to be added! <3): @serenanymph @lyssa-ink @oh-no-another-idea @lena-rambles @ashen-crest @tragicbackstoryenjoyer @serpentarii
Keelan gets every Camhaoir off, so on the anniversary of the night Leyne burned, he is sitting on the floor in the chapel, lighting candle after candle. He can't remember every name and face, but he lights one for each one he remembers. His parents, Old Haidi, his friend Ollie, the other farmers. The other children. The baker who'd always made extra sweet buns on the night of the full blue moon. The priestess who was prone to long-winded lectures that Keelan could never pay attention to. The barkeep who always shouted nasty things at the playing children if they got too close to his garden.
He's surrounded by candles when the door on the east side of the chapel opens. He looks up at the sound of the creaking old hinges. Maura lifts the hem of her dressing gown, stepping carefully out of her shoes before making her way towards Keelan. He watches her approach from behind his wall of candles. She stops at the edge of his pool of light.
“Princess,” he says quietly. “I apologize. It's my night off, but if you—”
“No,” she interrupts. She shrugs off the dressing gown and Keelan looks away, his eyes burning. She lifts the much shorter hem of her foamy nightgown and steps cautiously over the candles. She settles down next to him and pulls her knees up to her chest. “I couldn't sleep and saw the light. I thought you might enjoy the company.”
Keelan lights another candle. Shira, he miller's daughter. Maura says nothing more, just sits beside him while he continues to light the candles. Too soon, he runs out of names. He sets the matches down and shuts his eyes.
“I've never been a very devout person,” he says, his voice echoing in the empty chapel. “But my parents taught me the funeral prayers. And the memorial ones. I've said them for as many...as many people as I can remember.”
“Do you want me to say them with you?” Maura asks softly. He shakes his head.
“There are too many names.” He opens his eyes. “I wish I remembered more.”
“I'll say the prayers, then.” Her hand slides into his. “And you just say the names.”
He swallows and nods.
Her voice rings in the dark chapel. “May the souls of the remembered find the strength to visit those who remember them tonight. May the souls of the forgotten enjoy the eternal rest of the gods. May Tidon judge them fairly, may Hatha welcome them with warm arms. We ask the gods to allow them to join us tonight, as another year passes since they left.”
Keelan clears his throat. He always starts with his parents, but with Maura's hand in his, the syllables feel even heavier on his tongue. “Saoirse. Padraigh.” Maura's fingers squeeze his. “Haidi. Ollie, Shira, Tommy.”
His mouth is dry and he dreads the years to come, as memory fades and Leyne is no longer real, until it is nothing but a story and a song and a few stones in a field. They'd had a fountain in the town square, a windmill, a chapel with only one stained glass window. He never paid attention during lecture days, so he remembers every detail of that window—the beautiful segments of glass set into intricately wrought iron, depicting the spirit of Leyna, who was said to have created Leyne's vineyards from a strand of her hair. He remembers the shattered glass glistening in the ashes of the chapel, reflecting back the fires as the sacred grove burned.
The tears come easily, and Maura rests her head on his shoulder. He tells her as many stories as he can remember, about Leyne's people, Leyne's history, Leyne's legends. Someday he and his home will be dust but for now he is alive and Leyne is still real.
He runs out of stories long before he runs out of tears. Maura is steady as stone, but her touch is velvet in his hair. She kisses the side of his head and he lets her hold him until he has the strength to stand. The candles are burning low, the time for the spirits waning as the wax drips away. Maura stands with him and he imagines what the chapel could look like if it were really filled with spirits—all the people of Leyne, surrounding him like the candles. Would they look the way they had when they'd died, burned and bloody? Or the way they existed in the world beyond?
It doesn't matter. Leyne is gone.
Maura whispers something and the candles flare up, casting the shadows of dozens of people across the walls and sloped ceilings of the chapel. Keelan takes a step back, a dry sob catching in his throat. The candlelight dies down, a few of the candles flickering out from the strain. The shadows fade.
“I don't know if the priestesses are right about the world beyond,” Maura says quietly. “But I know enough magic to feel its presence. Leyne is not gone; it lives in you.”
Keelan closes his eyes. “And when I am gone?”
She inhales sharply, her fingers curling around his. “I don't know.”
They stand there until the rest of the candles burn out. Keelan steps over the candles and picks up Maura's dressing gown. She joins him and he drapes the gown over her shoulders. She pulls it around herself and he walks her to the chapel doors.
“I'll see you tomorrow,” he says, avoiding her gaze. She stands on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek and he sighs, letting himself relax at the touch. His hands brush her waist as she pulls away and he craves a touch from her that lingers.
“Until tomorrow,” she says, and disappears with the scent of her sweet-pea perfume.
They are still in the garden when the silver moon peeks over the wall of the castle. Maura and Birdie are laughing, drawing shapes in the thin film of snow that covers the grass. Birdie's laughter ends abruptly and she turns to face the silver moon. Her pupils shrink until her eyes are two more silver moons. She starts to recite her prophecy. Maura drops her stick and Keelan leaps up from his seat under the twisty tree.
He scoops Birdie up, cradling her gently as he and Maura hurry towards the castle. He has a headache from the bright light of Birdie's hair, but he just squints and keeps going. Birdie is starting the second recitation when they make it inside. Keelan sets her down on the nearest cushioned bench and she sits unnaturally still as she continues to chant in her haunting, tripled voice. As the third recitation starts, a drop of blood slides out of Birdie's nose, then another. Maura turns her face into Keelan's shoulder.
The prophecy's end is followed by a thick silence. Then Birdie's little voice breaks it— “Keys?” The word trembles with tears. “My nose.”
“It's okay, duckling,” Maura says. She crouches down next to Birdie and wipes the blood away with her handkerchief. “Sometimes that happens when it's cold out. That's how you know it's time to come inside.”
Birdie sniffs. “I don't like it.”
“Me neither, princess,” Keelan says, offering her his hand. “But it's over now, see?”
She takes his hand and they start off in the direction of her chambers. Maura walks silently beside them, lost in her own thoughts. Birdie swings Keelan's hand, humming to herself. They're nearly to her room when she speaks again. “I like snow,” she says decisively. Keelan laughs.
“Why is that, princess?
“Because it's sparkly.” She jumps down the step into her bedroom. “And it makes Sissy's hair look like Momma's brace-lets. Sparkly.”
Keelan waits outside the door while Maura tucks Birdie in. He can just barely hear them through the door, Birdie's little chime of a voice and Maura's soft replies. The sweet notes of Birdie's favorite lullaby reach him, but he can't make out the words.
Maura steps out of the bedroom and stands in the corridor for a moment, staring at the wall opposite. “That's never happened before,” she says quietly.
“I know,” Keelan says. He steps forward to take her hand. “Are you okay?”
“No.” She lets go of his hand and presses hers to her face. “I need to speak with Levi. Or my mother.”
“Where would they be at this hour? Levi isn't in the library at night and your mother likely already turned in.”
“I don't know.” She starts walking towards her mother's chambers. “I just...there has to be something we can do for Birdie.”
Keelan follows her, keeping pace despite how quickly she's walking. “She's going to be okay.”
“You don't know that.”
“No,” he says, reaching forward to catch her hand. He pulls her to a stop and she looks up at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears. He cups her face in his hands. “I don't know that. But I know that you will do everything you can to make sure that she is okay. And I know that you always get what you want.” He lets the corner of his mouth quirk up. “Eventually.”
She closes her eyes, a tear slipping out. “I'm so afraid, Keys.”
“I know.” He presses a kiss to her forehead. “It will be okay.”
She takes a moment to compose herself before continuing down the corridor. Keelan stays at her side as she checks her mother's chambers. The ladies' maids tell them, giggling, that the queen hasn't turned in for the night yet. Maura's frown deepens and Keelan watches the maids out of the corner of his eyes as they leave, seeing them whispering behind their hands.
“She's probably with my father,” Maura says, rolling her eyes as they round the next corner. “The maids are so immature.” She bites her lip, the worry seeping back in. “I don't know where Levi's chambers are.”
Keelan tries to think if he's ever been to them, but he can't remember. “I'm sorry, Maura. We'll find them in the morning.”
She nods, but doesn't turn to go towards her chambers—instead, she takes the side passage to the library. Keelan doesn't need to ask why.
When they reach the top of the stairs, Maura summons a ball of golden light, pushing the doors open. Keelan blinks, startled by the sudden flood of light. The chandeliers are still lit and Maura's light fizzles out. He rests his hand on the hilt of his sword, squinting at the interior of the library. Nobody is ever up here this late except Maura, and the coincidence is not lost on him.
Maura takes a step forward before he can stop her, but her eyes are fixed on something that he hasn't seen yet. Her voice trembles and breaks— “Momma?”
Keelan blinks again, his eyes finally adjusting to the light. Maura is staring at Rosaleen, who is pushed up against one of the bookshelves, her dressing gown falling off one of her shoulders. Her red hair is falling out of her braid as she gasps at the sight of the two of them in the doorway, pushing Levi away from her. Keelan's eyes are the size of saucers and all he can pay attention to for a second is the way Levi's shirt is unbuttoned nearly to his hips.
“Maura, sweet pea,” Rosaleen says, pulling up her dressing gown. Her eyes dart between Maura and Keelan. “Oh, darling, this is...we need to talk.”
Levi steps forward, his fingers sparking with blue magic. “Rosaleen, they don't need to know about this—”
“No,” Rosaleen says, catching his wrist. “No more memory spells, no more hiding.”
A tear slides out of Maura's eye. “Memory spells?”
“Listen, Maura,” Rosaleen says, walking towards them with hands out placatingly. “Let me explain.”
Maura steps back, running into Keelan. He wraps an arm around her protectively, feeling her tremble, and draws his sword with his other hand. He aims it at Levi. “Stay away from the princess.”
“There's a lot going on here that you don't understand, Keelan,” Levi warns, blue sparks still flying off his fingers. “Don't be foolish.”
Keelan glances back. The doors are still open. He could get Maura out quickly, if it came to that.
“Levi, that's enough,” Rosaleen snaps. The blue sparks fade from Levi's fingers and he crosses his arms over his chest. Rosaleen inhales slowly, pulling her fiery braid over one shoulder and her dressing gown tight around her waist. “This is not how I wanted it to happen, but I should have told you this a long time ago, sweet pea.”
Maura clutches Keelan's arm around her. “Told me what, Momma?”
“I love you,” Rosaleen says, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “But I don't love your father. You know...you know our marriage was arranged after your grandparents died. We never planned it to be a love match.”
Keelan keeps his eye on Levi, not trusting the way the witch's fingers are hidden from sight. His mind is spinning, piecing together information faster than he can process it, but the warmth of Maura in his arms keeps him grounded.
“Levi and I...we fell in love.” Rosaleen hesitates when she reaches the tip of Keelan's sword, but he lowers it and lets her come closer. “Darling, you must know that I never wanted to hurt you by keeping this from you.”
Maura's fingers dig into Keelan's arm. “Birdie's nose started to bleed.”
Rosaleen presses her hand to her mouth and Levi lets out a short cry. Keelan's knuckles whiten around the hilt of his sword, his attention caught on the familiar upward turn of Levi's eyes. The slightest upward tilt that he's seen a hundred times, but in a different face.
“Birdie's nose started to bleed,” Maura says, her voice trembling with something that is inching closer and closer to anger. “She was having one of her prophecy trances and this time it gave her a nosebleed and where the hell were you?”
“How much blood?” Levi demands, his eyes wide and panicked. “Just a little, or a lot?”
Keelan's blood boils, his spinning thoughts settling into a sickening conclusion. “That doesn't sound like the curiosity of a librarian. Could your concern stem from something more personal?”
Rosaleen flinches. Maura turns her face into Keelan's arm. He feels the tears wetting his shirt and regrets his words, if only because they upset her. Levi's eyes dart between Keelan and the queen, as if he is trying to weigh something.
“How could you keep something like this from me?” Maura whispers against Keelan's arm. It echoes through the library anyway, and he sees with some satisfaction that fear is creeping into Levi's expression. “She's not my true sister, is she? She's his daughter.”
“Maura,” Rosaleen says, reaching out to touch Maura's face. Maura jerks away and Keelan pulls the two of them back another step, until they are almost out of the library again. “Maura, baby, she is still your sister. You are my daughters.”
Maura shakes her head. “You're both liars. You're all liars.” She tucks her face against Keelan's chest. “Take me home, Keys.”
“Yes, princess,” he says. He sheathes his sword and swings her up into his arms, carrying her back down the stairs and far away from the library.
Maura's bedroom door flies open at eight exactly and she steps out looking as if she slept on a cloud, attended by faeries, and not like she'd fallen asleep with her head in Keelan's lap after crying herself dry. He wonders if there is magic involved but resolves not to ask.
“Good morning, princess,” he says, bowing. “What would you like to do today?”
“I don't think I want to study today,” she says, the scratch in her voice the only remnant of the wracking sobs that had shaken her the night before. “I think I wish to take a trip into the city today. The market in Ivy Reach does have the most beautiful books.”
“I will inform the stables and have them prepare your horse.” Keelan follows her as she sets off towards the kitchens. “I heard Stiofán made eggs in a basket for breakfast today.”
“You haven't eaten yet?”
“I wanted to make sure you ate first.”
She slips her hand into his. “Thank you.”
Stiofán doesn't question either of them, just gives them breakfast and packs a satchel with wrapped sandwiches for lunch. Keelan straps the satchel to his horse, gives Maura a boost onto hers, and swings himself up.
“Shall we go to the Grand Market, princess?” The usual guard detail is trailing behind them, but Keelan finds it easy to ignore them when Maura's riding skirts hike up to her knees as she adjusts her saddle. “I don't know about books, but there is a wine merchant with some of the finest vintages in Raedora. I could recommend a few for you.”
Her smile is small, but the victory is sweet. “We'll go there first, then.”
The Grand Market is bustling despite the early hour. Keelan leads the way to the wine merchant's stall and dismounts, helping Maura off her own horse. He is loathe to let any of the other soldiers put their hands on her. Her hand lingers on his arm.
“Your Highness,” the merchant says, bowing deeply. “You do me a great honor.”
Maura smiles politely. “I have heard excellent things about your offerings. I would like to sample a few.”
The merchant keeps bowing. “Any vintage you would like.”
Maura loops her arm through Keelan's and leads him to the table, resting her fingers on the stained tablecloth. “Sir Keelan. You are the expert here.”
Keelan considers the bottles laid out on the table. “This one, here. Good red grapes from the west. The climate there gives them a distinct sweetness that you don't get from other wines.”
“Three casks of that one,” Maura says to the merchant. He immediately scrambles to start writing out a receipt. She turns back to Keelan, her smile beginning to reach her eyes. “Tell me more.”
He manages to tear his eyes away from that smile and looks back at the bottles. “Do you prefer red wines or white, princess?”
She hums. “I don't know. I haven't had enough to have a preference.” She lets out a short laugh. “I'll have to try quite a few to find out which I like best.”
The merchant's eyes are hungry but he wisely keeps his mouth shut and motions for his assistant to begin helping. Keelan surveys the selection of red wines. “If you like dry wine, this might work.” He picks up a bottle with a sketched label that he recognizes. “It's from the east of Raedora, near the Guildin border. Much drier climate with a taste to match.”
Maura laughs again and he can feel the tension beginning to drain from her muscles as she shifts her grip on his arm. “How can a liquid be dry?”
“A taste, princess,” the merchant says, plucking the bottle out of Keelan's hands. The assistant holds out a glass and the merchant pours, offering it to Maura. “Free of charge.”
Maura takes the glass with a polite nod and sips. She makes a face. “It's sour.”
Keelan laughs, hearing his father's voice in the back of his head. “Always dry, never sour.” She raises an eyebrow at him. “It's something my father used to say. 'Sour sounds bad—it's what happens to old milk and old ladies. Dry is a contradiction, so it makes the customer curious. A curious customer is a paying customer.'” He shrugs. “I didn't get it; I never liked dry wines either.”
Maura hands the glass back to the merchant. “Not that one.”
“Of course, princess.” He bows and throws the glass to the ground. Keelan nearly laughs at the shatter but instead gestures at another bottle.
“You'll want something more like this, then. Also from the east, so not as naturally sweet as western wines, but the winemaker's specialty is how he brews his wine before ageing it. He visited Leyne once when I was a child to barter for grapevine clippings with my father.”
“Five casks,” Maura says to the merchant. “What about these?” She gestures to a group of three bottles set slightly behind the red wines.
“Those are pink wines, princess.”
“I do love the color pink,” she says, delighted. Are they made from mixing red and white wines together?”
Keelan laughs. “No, princess, only from pink grapes. They’re not common in Raedora as pink grapes grow in much hotter climates. Only a few vineyards in Raedora are able to produce quality pink wines. I myself have never had much so I can’t speak to those three.”
“A cask of each, then,” Maura says. “And we’ll come to a decision later.” She turns to the white wines. “There are still so many to consider.”
“Many of these are dry, princess,” Keelan says. “That will narrow it down significantly.” He inspects the labels and picks up one bottle. “This one should be to your liking. From the southwestern coast. The grapes that grow on the cliffs are some of the sweetest I’ve ever tasted.”
“Five casks.” The assistant is puffing from exertion, hauling cask after cask onto the cart that the soldiers have managed to procure. Maura runs her fingers over the label on the bottle. “There’s no writing. How can you tell the difference so preciscely?”
“All Raedoran winemakers have their own sigil. The grapes on the sailing ship, the wheat, the unicorn. Most vineyards perfect one kind of grape and make one kind of wine, or only one of each kind. There’s no need for writing and most of us can’t read anyway.” Keelan’s fingers freeze over a label that is etched into his mind and the leather satchel that he brought with him from Leyne.
“Keelan?” Maura's voice breaks through the rush in his ears. “What's that one?”
The spirit of Leyna mocks him, smiling up at him from the bottle. The basket of grapes resting on her hip, the long flowing hair that becomes grapevines where it hits the ground. A near-perfect recreation of the stained glass window that had once graced Leyne's chapel.
“This one,” he says, his voice hoarse. He raises his gaze to the wine merchant, who goes deathly pale at whatever he sees on Keelan's face. “Where did you get this?”
“A rare vintage,” the man stammers. “I bought a large quantity a while back that did not all sell.”
Maura's hand tightens on Keelan's arm. “Keys? What is it?”
“This is a strong, sweet wine from the west,” he says, rubbing off a stain of dirt on the bottle. “Made with the finest white grapes grown in Raedora, blessed by the gods themselves.”
He holds the bottle out to her and watches her trace Leyna's face. “Sweet, light, with the faintest kiss of wild cherry.” He swallows, feeling the tears building up behind his eyes. “This is from Leyne. This is my father's wine.”
Maura says nothing for a minute. The wine merchant is frozen, his eyes ticking back and forth between the two of them. Finally, Maura looks up at the merchant. “How many casks of this wine do you have?”
“Fifteen, princess.”
“Are you sure?” There is an edge to her voice.
His face drains of all remaining color. “I will check, princess.” He disappears behind the stall for a moment and Keelan can hear him swearing at his assistant, a few casks crashing to the ground. He returns after a moment. “My deepest apologies; I have seventeen, princess. Two are very old, but the wine should—”
��I'll take all of them,” Maura interrupts. The merchant bows and starts in on another long-winded speech about the honor she does him, but she waves her hand and says, “Any bottle that you have, as well. That will be all. Thank you.”
She gives the bottle in her hand to the nearest soldier and spends a moment discussing transportation with the soldiers by the cart. She turns back to Keelan after a moment and he inhales slowly, composing himself. “What now, princess?”
“We have wine to entertain ourselves with, so next we need books.” She walks back over to her horse and he boosts her into the saddle. “I've been to every book merchant in the Grand Market, but I hear the Ivy Reach market has the best illuminated manuscripts in all of Morbhard.”
“Then we shall go there next.” Keelan swings himself up onto his horse. “Do you want to wait for the rest of the guard detail to finish here?”
“No,” Maura says. “I trust that you will be able to protect me yourself.”
She sets the pace, riding through the Morbhard streets with him at her side. The common folk shout blessings and a few even throw roses, but Maura's eyes are fixed on the horizon, her mind clearly elsewhere. Ivy Reach houses many of the nobility of the city, so the streets grow cleaner and less crowded the further north they go. Soon, the only people out and about are ladies attended by maids and footmen, a few nobles on horses, and servants rushing to run errands and finish chores. The local market is much smaller the Grand Market, but many of the stalls are nicer, with embroidered tablecloths and freshly-painted signs.
Maura stops in front of a booth whose sign shows a dragon holding a book. Keelan jumps off his horse and lifts her down. She lingers close to him this time, slipping her arm through his. “Do you want anything?”
“I'm hardly the expert on books that you are, princess,” he says. “But I enjoyed the stories of Raedora's history.”
“Let's see if we can find you something, then,” she says. The merchant is already bowing and scraping, but their voice fades into the background. Maura runs her fingers over the spine of the first book on the table. Keelan squints at the lettering, trying to decipher it.
“Thee...thee his-history of Gilduh.”
“The History of Guildi,” Maura says. “My father's country.”
“I never knew much about Guildi growing up,” Keelan says. “Fierodia was closer, so we had people come through from there all the time,”
“This one,” Maura says to the merchant. She picks up another book. “Songs and Stories of the Northern Coast. Have you ever been?”
“No,” Keelan says. “But I've had some of their wine.”
She hums and sets the book down. Keelan loses track of time easily, listening to her describe each book in turn. She flips through the pages, tracing illustrations with her fingertips and daring him to try to pronounce random words. His saddlebags fill quickly and the soldiers must still be wrestling with the wine because none come to help. The two of them are left in a peaceful bubble as the sun rises over the lake and the morning chill dissipates. He can hear the bells tolling noon when Maura finally grabs her horse's reins. “Sir Keelan. Shall we return to the castle?”
“If it pleases you, princess.”
Her eyes stray to the towers visible over the grand houses of Ivy Reach. “I don't...I don't think I want to go inside just yet.”
“There are always the gardens,” he offers.
“No,” she says quickly. “No.” She strokes her horse when it fusses. “Birdie's governess usually takes her out into the gardens in the afternoons.”
Keelan steps closer to her, close enough to brush his hand along her waist. “We could always ride out of the city. Spend time in the countryside.”
She hums thoughtfully, still stroking her horse. “There is an abandoned farmhouse just outside the city limits. It could be worth exploring.”
“Princess!” A soldier comes running up to them, his armor clanking loudly. Keelan quickly steps away from Maura. “Your father requests that you return to the castle.”
Maura sucks her bottom lip between her teeth. “Thank you. Inform him that I am on my way.”
“Yes, princess.” The soldier disappears back into the crowd and Maura turns around to face Keelan. He fixes his sight over her shoulder, the bookseller's gaze suddenly feeling scorching hot on the back of his neck.
“Is there anything else that you need, Your Highness?” Keelan asks. He sees her hand twitch towards his before she turns back to her horse.
“A boost up, Sir Keelan. We shouldn't make my father wait.”
10 notes · View notes
talkfastromance4 · 11 months
Listen… I am obsessed, as I’ve said before, with Sugar Daddy!Jake and Sugar. And I’m a sucker for being taken care of so the blurb about the migraine and bad day was my jam but it got me thinking… Jake needs taken care of too sometimes, and I’m dying to know what that would like when he’s having a bad day and just needs a little tlc
Sure thing bby😊 prepare for extra soft!Jake
Lift Me Up–Jake Seresin (An Arrangement Series)
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An Arrangement Masterlist
Follow here for all updates as I do not have a taglist
word count: 1.7k
Feedback, asks, comments/reblogs mean the world to me!
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You were just finishing up some boutonnieres and corsages for another wedding when your watch buzzed on your wrist. At a quick glance you saw Rooster’s name appear but you didn’t read the message yet because you had to finish wrapping twine around one more set of flowers. Your wrist buzzed again, and again but you were adamant on finishing this before being distracted.
Once it was wrapped and tightened, you scrolled through your notifications, messages equally from Rooster and Phoenix.
Rooster: are you coming to the hard deck by chance?
Phoenix: are you busy tonight? Please say no, Bagman is extra sour
Rooster: we’re all begging. Hangman’s in a terrible mood.
Phoenix: please babe, he’s bad
“What in the world?” you mutter as you read through the frantic texts. 
It’s only a little after five, what could Jake possibly be doing that both Rooster and Phoenix are reaching out to you? You place your finished flowers in the boxes and set them on the shelf in the fridge and gather your things. Reynolds is waiting for you in his usual parking spot, his smile turns into a frown at your own troubled expression.
“Is something wrong?”
“Can we go to The Hard Deck? Something’s wrong with Jake…”
“Really? He didn’t text me…” Reynolds scratches his chin as he opens your door. “But we’ll stop by and see what’s going on.”
“Thank you.”
The bar isn’t that far from your shop and for a Thursday night, it’s pretty packed with cars and pilots loitering onto the sand. 
“Should I come in with you?” Reynolds asks.
“No, I’ll be okay. Maybe wait for a bit in case we need to drive him home,” you say and get out. 
Some of the other pilots say hello to you as you pass them but you barely smile because you’re growing concerned for Jake. Is he drunk and he’s acting belligerent? Is he sick and refusing to go home?
You weave through the crowd finding Rooster near the back by the jukebox and pool tables. There’s a loud crack! followed by a collective groan and someone cursing Jake’s name. 
“Penny’s gonna ban you from ever entering her bar again,” Rooster shakes his head and moves out of your way.
You see Jake holding a splintered cue stick, one half of it is on the pool table and his face is hard, stony. His brows are furrowed in a permanent scowl as he tosses the broken stick on the table.
“I’ll replace it. Give me another one,” Jake snaps his fingers but no one moves. He turns around snatching one from the holders and you push yourself in front of Rooster.
“Thank God you’re here,” he mutters. “Hangman, time to go home.”
“No, I’m not ready to go home, Rooster. Not until I win a game of pool and–Sugar,” he stops himself short when he turns around and sees you. He drops the new stick in his hand as if he’s caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “What are you doing here?”
“We called her to come get you,” Phoenix says. “It’s been a long day. Go home.”
“I thought you were working late,” Jake says, ignoring the others completely. 
“I got caught up,” you walk towards him, hand reaching for his cheek. When you’re close enough his cheek falls into your palm effortlessly. You can feel the tension in his jaw. “You had a bad day?”
“Wasn’t the best, no,” he murmurs as you bring your other hand to his other cheek. You rub at the circles under his eyes, noting how they’re bloodshot. 
“Let’s go home.”
He follows you willingly, walking past his friends who stare at your retreating backs dumbfounded. They insisted he should go home hours ago but he refused and then you come in saying only a few words and he follows you not a problem. 
When the two of you get back outside you let Reynolds know he can go home. Jake says he’s fine to drive and you want to ask him what happened but his body language is screaming annoyance. He keeps one hand on your knee and you trace your finger over the grooves of his knuckles, circling over the back of his palm. 
His silence is so loud when you’re finally home and he slams his door when he gets out. He opens yours more gently, his hand held out to you, his gaze soft as he looks at you. You take his hand and close your door behind you, following him closely into the house.
“Can I make you anything?” you ask quietly. 
“Do we have tomato soup?”
“I’m sure Rhea keeps it on hand,” you smile, continuing to stroke his hand with your thumb. “Do you want grilled cheese with it?”
“That sounds good,” he nods.
“Okay. Why don’t you go take a hot shower, the food will be ready when you’re done.”
You squeeze his hand, debating on kissing him but he turns away and heads towards the stairs. You skip to the kitchen grabbing the necessary things to make the soup. Of course Rhea bought the best type of canned tomato soup and you took two out since you hadn’t eaten yet either. While the soup is heating up in the pot you begin on the grilled cheese using the panini maker. 
You’re humming ‘The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face’ as you look in the freezer for dessert. Jake loves sundaes with chocolate syrup and sprinkles. You stir the soup, make another grilled cheese and then Jake struts in. You were hoping he’d take a longer shower, letting the hot water worry away his tight muscles. 
“Hey,” you smile loving how fluffy his hair is looking already. He has on your favorite shirt, the NAVY one and a pair of plaid pajama pants. “That was a quick shower.”
He moves past you and turns the soup down on low so it simmers. Then he places the grilled cheese on a hot plate and covers it up.
“The soup is just about done. Aren’t you–ahh!” you squeal when he lifts you up onto the counter. You open your legs and he slots between them, his arms moving behind your lower back. 
“Wanted to be with you,” he mumbles.
“Jake…what happened today?” you ask resting your arms on his shoulders.
“I couldn’t beat my times today and in the meetings following, I was used as the example of what not to do. I don’t know what happened, I couldn’t accelerate fast enough. So I wanted to blow off steam at the bar, prove to everyone I can do it all.”
“I’m sorry you had a bad day. It’s okay if you can’t do it all, you know, I think you’re pretty perfect already,” you encourage. “You’ll beat your times, just keep practicing and you’ll get there. Want me to come yell at your officers for singling you out?”
“No, that’s okay,” he chuckles slipping his fingers under your shirt. He draws circles on your skin. “It wouldn’t do much, you’re too adorable.”
“I can be feisty if I need to,” you put on a tough face, “I can scream and shout about how you are the best pilot there is.”
“Thanks Sugar,” he smiles. He turns his head so he can kiss the inside of your forearm then sighs. He keeps kissing up your arm until he’s by your shoulder and you turn his head so you can press your lips to his. 
Your arms tighten around each other, and your legs hook around his hips. His kiss is hurried and hot, his fingers hot on your bare skin as he shifts them up under your shirt. One hand moves to your stomach, his lips feverish as they transition to your jaw and neck. You toss your head back gasping, his fingers graze the side of your breast as he sucks on your neck. 
Your hips involuntarily rut against his, fingers tangling in his hair. Your body is electric from his touch and kiss. His hand on your lower back rocks you forward, his lips moving to your collarbones and in between your breasts. 
“Jake,” you whimper enjoying the sensations but then he stops. 
He removes his lips from your breasts, his breath hot and wanton on your skin as he recollects himself and pulls you back up in a sitting position. You stare at him quizzically.
“Sorry, I got a little carried away,” he exhales.
“I wasn’t telling you to stop,” you shake your head suddenly feeling ashamed. 
“I know. But I don’t want to rush anything, wanna take my time and give you the proper attention you deserve,” he says pulling your shirt back down. “And not when I’m upset about work.”
He shushes you with a soft kiss. 
“Don’t forget how much you tempt me on the daily, Sugar,” he says on your lips. “You made me my favorite comfort food, so let’s enjoy that okay?”
You nod and hop down the counter, your legs a little shaky from that quick but intense makeout. You ladled the soup while he gathered plates and silverware. Still feeling a little dejected, you sat on one of the stools and began to eat slowly. When Jake joined you, he dragged you closer to him, the stool grating against the floor. Then he lifted your legs onto his lap and smiled.
“Want you as close as possible,” he says then starts to eat. You smile into your spoon.
When you’re finished eating, you move into the living room climbing onto his large couch. 
“Pick your favorite movie,” you tell him. He decides on 10 Things I Hate About You and when he turns around, you pat your chest as a place for him to lay. 
He jumps onto the couch cuddling onto your chest, basically laying on top of you with his arms and legs wrapped tightly around you. His overexcitement makes you laugh and you start to play with his hair. That calms him down fairly quickly and you scratch at his neck.
“You’ve no idea how good that feels,” he groans. 
“Oh I know, it’s my specialty, remember?” you tease and kiss the top of his head. You move your hands down his back, scratching it lightly and he groans again. 
“Don’t ever stop,” he sighs.
You remain that way for the whole movie, one hand scratching at his back and the other petting his hair thinking the whole time how you never want to stop.
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idksmtms · 12 days
You Are Not One Of Us (Poseidon x Norse Goddess!reader) - Part 6
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Full Request P2
AN: GUYS! Firstly, I’m back!!! Here’s a surprise update!! Secondly, omfgggg I found new pictures of Toby Stephens so you KNOW I had to make a new header to incorporate them. That man is the inspiration for this series so it is a MUST. 
The beginning is a bit of a filler to kind of answer some side questions about how things are changed between this world and the original Percy Jackson world and what I’m keeping the same 
Most of the action is at the end so pls stick through it because it starts to get intense. 
Also, they don’t call him Percy at first but like it works with the story and ideas have for later so idk, deal with it 
+ my summaries are just getting worse and worse I’m so sorry 
Summary: Time is running out. Sally and Poseidon meet, but there is still a big decision to make. 
Word count: 6.8k 
Trigger Warnings: she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, profanity, innuendo, age gap (even tho they are both thousands of years old), non-explicit depictions of giving birth, giving your child away, (please let me know if I missed any) 
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians characters. I do not claim to own any of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians characters. I do not own any pictures used nor do I claim to do so. 
Always appreciate comments, likes, and reblogs :)
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You met Sally on the beach at midnight. Poseidon had agreed to meet her but the true test was getting her to walk deep enough to submerge her head. You had spent an hour trying to tell her that everything would be alright, that both of you would be able to breathe under Poseidon’s protection, but you could see that she was still sceptical. You grabbed her hand and began toward the water. At this time of night it was at a slow crawl up the beach, and you looked forward to dipping your feet into it. You felt a shiver pass through her but you just held onto her hand tighter and continued dragging her into the water. Both of you walked until you were waist deep in the water. 
“Everything alright?” You asked, but Sally just nodded. You could tell her mind was running, it was difficult for mortals to take in the knowledge of the gods, but you just continued until you were shoulder-deep, the taller waves washing over your face and hair. When you could no longer feel the sand under your feet, you submerged yourself entirely and let out a deep breath to sink to the floor. It took her a moment, but Sally followed suit and you watched the shock register on her face when she took a breath in and inhaled nothing but air. 
“See? I told you,” you replied jokingly, and she just laughed, swimming around, walking on the surface, enjoying herself to her heart’s content. You watched on with a smile, almost like a proud parent, when you felt a presence behind your shoulder. Arms wrapped around you and a soft beard pressed to your cheek. You felt instantly warm, and you turned around and pressed your mouth to his. He chuckled against your lips, kissing you again and again before your laughter could no longer keep your mouths together. 
“Hello, my love,” you whispered, caressing his cheek. There was something so jovial in the air, as if you were all filled with hope and happiness and everything was just… right. He pressed his forehead to yours and reached down to caress your stomach. You always marvelled at how large his hand was, but soon your stomach would be its rival!
You turned around and found Sally standing a few paces away, smiling simply like a friend who was happy to see their friend happy. It felt so… nice, that for a moment tears came to your eyes. In Asgard, in Valhalla, you had Loki as your only close friend. Even with that friendship, there had always been something behind it. You were friends simply because both of you were gods, you were friends simply because both of you happened to live among the Aesir together, that there were no better options for friendship. While you still loved Loki, and a good friendship had bloomed from those circumstances, knowing that you had a friend because both of you chose to be friends, was something entirely different. 
“My love,” you held onto his hand and moved him closer to where Sally stood, “meet Sally Jackson,” you introduced, the bright smile on your face bordering on artificial with how nervous you now were. 
“Nice to meet you, uh, sir?” She tilted her head and both you and Poseidon laughed. He shook his head though his shoulders eased down slightly. 
“Poseidon is fine, it is nice to meet you Sally,” he reached out his hand and she shook it gingerly. You were sure she could feel his power through that simple handshake. Physical contact for a human with a god could be overwhelming if the god willed it. You beamed proudly at both of them, but especially at your husband for deigning to be so kind as to offer a mortal this much respect. “My wife has told me much about you.” Your stomach turned over and over each time he called you his wife, as if everything in the world settled into its rightful place for a moment. 
“All good things, I promise, Sally,” you added with a cheeky smile, but she just laughed, digging her toes into the sand. 
“I’m an innocent person, what bad things could there possibly be to tell?” She joked, but you just raised an eyebrow at her as you remembered one night from a few weeks ago when she was laying on your couch after having a bottle of pink wine all to herself, kicking her feet in the air like a child and giggling about the male anatomy. 
“Mhm, ok,” you muttered, but a small laugh still managed to huff out of you and you pressed your cheek to Poseidon’s arm. He pulled you close right after, almost encasing you entirely in his arms so your head peaked out just over his biceps and his chin rested on top of your head. 
“So, you’re like the god of all this, huh?” Sally asked, looking at Poseidon with raised eyebrows. “So if you’re real, does that mean Zeus and Hades exist?” Poseidon cleared his throat and nodded, a little frown creasing his eyebrows just slightly. 
“My brothers do indeed exist as well, one is currently throwing a rather useless feast for the gods on Mount Olympus so he can force his cupbearer to prostrate the new chalice Hephaestus has made for him, while the other chooses to ignore the invitation to play fetch with Cerberus over the fields of Elysium. I’m sure you can guess which is which,” he sighed tiredly, but you giggled into his arm. 
You never tired of hearing his stories of Mount Olympus, of the ways in which his brothers had not changed one bit and how your previous friends were doing now. You had been angry with all of them once, seethed with rage at even the thought of Ares or Zeus, but after an eon you’ve slowly let go of your anger. You can understand why you were the target of their suspicions, if it had happened in Valhalla, surely any of the Greek Gods would be the first suspect if they had been visiting. You only wished your father and Zeus could come to terms with their own anger and release this hellish bond they had placed on you and Poseidon. Too much time had been wasted on such petty nonsense, especially since the lightning bolt had been found so soon after. Whoever had stolen it, surely had not been serious in their thievery to leave it to be so easily found. And whoever it was, because the mystery had continued for these last millenia, had done nothing of the sort again, so what did it matter now? 
“I would say to give them my well wishes but… you know,” you shrugged, and while Poseidon’s frown deepened, you only smiled and chuckled lightheartedly, moving your hand up to rub at the wrinkles on his brow until his face relaxed again. While you had begun to joke about your situation, he still was not ready to release his anger. 
“I cannot stay long. It is already criminal for me to have been away from the feast this long without at least sending a gift in apology and I cannot possibly sacrifice another dolphin for Zeus’s new aquarium project on Olympus.” He sighed again, rubbing his forehead and you reached up and kissed him gently, a short but important distraction. You could feel the tension in his muscles, the worry that he seemed to carry everywhere with him, but you just pressed a kiss to his cheek and gently began rubbing his shoulders and arms. 
Poseidon turned away from you and looked at Sally with a warm smile, as if a thank you for the moment she quietly allowed the both of you, and he pulled something out of thin air and held out to her. 
“If you are ever in trouble, or require a godly hand, flip this coin into some water, and you shall receive whatever it is you wish for,” he dropped the coin into the palm of her hand and she gawped at it like one of the fish that swam past her. 
You smiled warmly up at your husband as she examined the drachma. You caressed his bearded cheek and pressed onto the tips of your toes to guide your foreheads together. He smiled, though you felt it more than saw it, and he shifted to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. 
“I already miss you,” you whispered, and he huffed a chuckle but did not refute your statement. 
“Every moment away from you is one moment spent in the body of Prometheus,” he sighed, and you almost teared up, cupping his cheek and pressing your mouth to his firmly. He kissed you with a sort of reckless abandon that he lacked everywhere else in his life, and you took joy in being able to turn this poised god into a rushed mess. 
Sally cleared her throat behind the two of you, a blush on her face as she thought about how far the both of you were willing to take this makeout session with another person present, but you just began giggling against his lips and he put you down. 
“Goodbye, my love,” he whispered to you, stealing another peck before stepping away. “And goodbye to you, Sally Jackson, I hope you learnt whatever it is you wanted to know.” Then in his place was a flurry of bubbles and your husband was nowhere to be found. 
You smiled at the sand underneath you sadly for a moment, wishing his arms were back around you, before taking a deep breath in and going over to Sally who was staring down at the drachma in her hand. 
“Are you ready to go?” You asked softly, gently touching her elbow. She looked up at you and nodded, but she wasn’t smiling. Her eyes seemed somewhere else, and you just nodded in response, walking beside her as you both slowly made your way back up the beach and out of the water, completely dry. 
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You hadn’t seen Sally for a week after that. Usually she would be the one to come to your door with an invitation to do something or other during the day, usually something to just waste time but a fun way to just be in the company of someone else. But since the night you had taken her to meet Poseidon, she had not seeked you out. Every day you waited for the knock on your door, the jovial voice that called for you to open up because ‘surely you aren’t doing anything more important than spending time with your bestie!’ But nothing came. 
It was one of those days when, despite doing nothing differently, the very air in the world seemed to weigh extra heavily. You had woken up and instantly felt a frown pull on your face. The weather was rather muggy and a sheet of pale grey clouds stretched until the horizon, bathing everything in their muted light. 
You had tottered around the cabin doing little things to keep yourself from falling further into the cloying sadness that seemed to hang at the back of your throat, but when there were no more countertops to wipe and no more floors to sweep, you sat on the couch and stared out the window and when the baby kicked again, you felt the emotion wash over you. 
You pressed your hand to your mouth as you cried, biting into it to hide your sobs. The pain in your heart seemed to seep into your entire body. Your hands trembled despite how tightly you clenched them into fists. Your eyes continued to leak tears despite how you squeezed them shut. 
Every time the baby kicked your heart soared then plummeted like a bird giving up mid flight. You could feel the little butterfly flutters in your stomach, the soft feeling that was the most odd yet most endearing thing you had ever felt. But you couldn’t help but think about how it would not last much longer. Soon the child would be born, and these kicks would become visible, yet you would never have the chance to see them. You would never be able to see its chubby little hands grasp for the air, its plush legs kick wildly into the air. These thoughts plagued you, never letting you sit still for long enough, because if you did, you would react the way you have just done. You would never recover from your tears, would never function again. 
You had never cried this much before your pregnancy. Even when you had been forced away from Poseidon, you had cried for a week straight and then only a few times after that. Now it seemed you cried at every minor inconvenience, at every thought about your baby or your husband. You looked up to the mantle above the fireplace and gazed at the pearls arranged in their shells. 
There was a knock at the door and you shot up, placing a hand on your stomach, apologising to it for the jostling. You wiped haphazardly at your face as you walked to the door, hoping to recover any semblance of normalcy before exposing yourself to whoever had deigned to visit you. You stood at the door and took a deep breath in before opening it. 
Sally looked just shy of solemn and she was staring at the door, not you. You could see that she was holding the drachma, flipping it between her fingers mindlessly as if she had spent the last seven days only doing that. 
“I’ll do it.” She announced simply, not daring to meet your gaze yet. Your heart began beating so hard that you were sure she could hear it too. “I will do it.” She repeated slower, and let loose a breath that seemed to take away all the weight on her shoulders. She finally turned to look at you, and her eyes were bloodshot and a little puffy. Your mouth began to quiver and your face seemed to crumple in slow motion but when the first whimper fell from your mouth and the first tear dropped from your eye, she was hugging you. 
“But I have a few conditions,” she whispered, and all you could do was nod, because you didn’t care about anything else. You would do anything, you would bring stars down from the sky if it meant your baby would be with Sally, your baby would be safe and happy. 
“Come inside,” you sobbed out, smiling broadly at her as you continued to shake with your tears, “come inside and we can talk.” She nodded, smiling a watery smile so similar to your own, and stepped inside. 
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“I want the kid to know as much as possible from the get-go. I won’t be mama, I’m Aunt Sally. They’ll know their parents love them, but cannot be with them.” You nodded vigorously, smiling brightly at Sally. 
“Ofcourse, yes, I agree completely. Tell them everyday that we love them, that this situation is for the best and they will understand someday. Just… just make sure they know we love them more than anything that has ever existed.” You smiled and nodded again, as if reaffirming to yourself that this was real, and things may actually be alright in the end. 
Sally smiled in return, reaching forward and patting your folded hands gently, a warm, knowing kind of smile on her face that made you feel somehow more hopeful. 
“And I want you to send me some type of sign, I don’t know, like a message on a steamy window or something, whatever it is. Just a sign that you’re there, that you’re looking out for the kid, and that everything on your end is fine for the moment.” She raised an eyebrow at you with this, and you just chuckled quietly. 
“Of course. Though I won’t be able to send them often, I don’t want anyone to stumble upon your location, but every so often, a little blue butterfly will appear wherever you are, and you will know that I am watching, that I am wishing to be reunited with my child.” Your head dipped slightly as you opened your palms and watched them as a beautiful butterfly began to appear in the middle of your cupped hands. Its wings shined in the light, bordered by an opaque black. 
“It’s called a giant blue morpho,” you told her, nudging your hand up so the butterfly could flap into the air and make its way to Sally, resting just on the tip of her finger. “They are found in what you call Peru today. They are my favourite species of butterfly,” you smiled dazedly, eyes transfixed on the little creature that gently flapped its wings every so often to stay on Sally’s finger. Sally reached out with her other hand and touched the tip of her index finger to the very edge of the butterfly’s wing, barely even a hint of a touch, but it burst into tiny little pieces like it was made of the most fragile glass and dispersed into the air like glitter on the wind. She stared at her empty hands, eyes wide and mouth tipped slightly open, but you only sighed with a tired smile. “The ones I create are not real, more like images of the real thing.” Sally nodded but you could tell she was still a little freaked out, unused to seeing you use your powers so freely, so obviously. Your smile became sympathetic and you cleared your throat, hoping to move the conversation on. “Any other conditions?” 
“Uh, yes, um, yeah, sorry, yes, I want a coin for the kid too. I want them to have that lifeline as well, if anything ever goes too far and they don’t know what else to do. It’s a connection to their father. I want that for them.” Her tone was firmer this time, as if this was one of the more non-negotiable topics, and you nodded in response. 
Sally had mentioned some stories about her own father, a strained relationship from what you had pieced together, a certain lack of trust, and you could see that she wanted better for this child. You almost hugged her in that moment, promised her that Poseidon would not be like that, that he would do what he could for the child in whichever capacity he was capable under such difficult and complex circumstances, but you stayed silent and simply nodded. A promise that things would be better. 
“And… I don’t think they should be told about all this stuff until it’s time for them to go to this camp. If they’re going to grow up in the human world, they don't need to be confused about what they’re seeing versus all this magic stuff I might be telling them. If it’s going to be a secret, then it needs to be a secret from them too, for their own safety. And that way they can go to school as well, a normal school for normal kids, for as long as possible. I know they won’t be normal, but if you’re posing them as even half human, then I want them to have that experience, to know what it’s like to just be a child and go to school, and not worry about anything else.” Sally paused for a second, taking in a deep breath and releasing it before looking you straight in the eyes. 
“You said this child will unite worlds. You said this child will be capable of great things, of-of breaking down everything all the gods once knew, but I think they have potential for more than that. I think they can make things better for humans as well, or at least the human children of these gods. If this child knows what it’s like to be mortal, if they know how to appreciate life and the fragility of everything, the sacredness of the time we have all been given…. Y/n, I think this child could change everything.” 
You held your breath as she spoke, at the fire in her eyes and the way she leaned forward as if this was the most important thing to ever have been said, and maybe… maybe it was. The room was quiet for a few moments as you both sat in the words she had just spoken, at the many possibilities that had opened up before the two of you. At least five minutes had passed when Sally spoke up again. 
“Ok, so tell me about this ‘camp half-blood’? What is it? Where-” 
“I could not have asked for a better person to look after my child,” you interrupted. A watery smile overtook your face as you watched Sally. She could see how happy you were, at the sparkle in your eye she had only ever seen when you looked at your husband. “You will be a great mother, Sally Jackson.” 
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The remaining months of your pregnancy were rather blissful. You did not have to deal with any of the symptoms the poor mortals go through. Sally explained morning sickness and swollen ankles to you and you truly believed that if you had been mortal in that moment you would have begun praying to the Aesir and making sacrifices to Frigg and Freya for relief. Though you were not completely immune either, and occasionally a slight twinge in your back would force you to sit down and rest before continuing about your day like normal. 
Nothing particularly eventful occurred, and Poseidon’s visits were more often concerned with laying on the ocean floor and discussing a hopeful future (because neither of you would entertain a possibility of anything else). 
As the days passed by and the time of the birth neared, a feeling of something building began to permeate the air. A heaviness settled on your shoulders, as if you were a character in a story that didn’t know something big was about to occur, but the reader was yelling at the book, unable to change anything. You began watching out of your windows day and night as if someone would arrive unexpectedly, as if everything were about to explode, but you simply didn’t know when. And so you waited, waited for anything to happen, for someone to pop the balloon. And then your water broke. 
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On the day your son was born, a storm began. Grey clouds began to gather over the beach, and with every hour that ticked by, the winds began to rush faster and faster. Thunder crackled, and lightning flashed bright white in the depths of the thick grey clouds. There was something in the air, a certain heaviness that could only be felt by the gods, and you knew your time was up. Someone on Olympus knew that you were here, that there was to be a child with the blood of the Greek Gods in its veins, and they were getting close to finding you despite all yours and Poseidon’s magic working to hide your sanctuary. Zeus knew you were here. 
Your labour was the most painful thing you had ever physically experienced. You had been imprisoned, stabbed, fallen so close to the brink of death in many a battle, but nothing could have prepared you for the sheer pain and exhaustion that came with having a child. It was as if the lack of any other symptoms during your pregnancy came back to make the experience ten times harder. It seemed to bloom from your core and spread outward until you wanted to writhe in pain and kick and scream and even cease to exist. Your skin burned, your insides clenched and released and clenched and released. Even your ribs began to feel like they were poking into your flesh and moving in and out of it with your every breath. 
You lay back on the bed, eyes shut tight so all you could see was the reds and oranges of light passing over your eyelids. Your hands began to steam as you lost control of your powers before Sally pressed them into bowls of ice water she had brought up to your room. Every few minutes you screamed at the top of your lungs, releasing this guttural urge that seemed to push out of you. 
In a small moment of clarity, when it seemed the baby needed a rest from pushing itself out of you, you looked toward Sally who stood by the end-table in your room and watched her. Her hands shook as she prepared towels and cold cloths for your forehead. Her face was pale, but stern, and she clenched her hands every few seconds to try and stifle any fear she was so clearly feeling. You began laughing, a breathless huffing where the sound was mostly just air pushing from your lungs. Your head was thrown back on the pillows and your chest glistened with sweat, cooling in the breeze that blew in from the open window before being bathed in sweat once more. 
Sally turned to look at you, bewildered. You were such an odd sight, lying prostrate on the bed, arms spread slightly, hands immersed in bowls of water that were once full of ice, legs akimbo from your most recent bout of screaming and writhing, but here you were, laughing like someone had told you the funniest joke you had ever heard. She began to laugh with you, began to laugh at the incredulity of it all, at the fact that here she was in her early twenties, helping a goddess give birth before taking responsibility for a child that would change worlds. She laughed so much she began to cry. 
“It’s ok Sally,” you whispered, trying to hurry the words out as you felt the pain begin to increase again. “It’s alright. I am so proud to call you my friend, and so glad to know my child will be raised by you.” Tears streamed from your eyes, and when the pain began again, you couldn’t tell why you had begun crying in the first place. 
You didn’t know how long it took you to give birth to your son, but you were lost in a haze of pain, ebbing and flowing with it until it crescendoed to a new height you didn’t even know was possible, before releasing like popping the cork from a champagne bottle. You felt paralysed, your entire body throbbing, eyes sparking and patched with black. You were numb all over but so sensitive at the same time that you would have cried if even a fly had landed on you. 
Slowly, you began to move your fingers, splashing them slightly in the bowls of water. Then your toes, a more painful task that shot tingles up your legs. You began blinking your eyes, hoping to clear your vision, and as the world came back into focus, there he was, standing above you with a little bundle wrapped in his arms. You stared up at Poseidon, stared up at your husband, as he cradled your baby. 
His hair was dishevelled, as if he had walked through a hurricane. His cheeks were pale, as if he had lost as much blood as you had, but his ears were bright pink. His eyes were bright red and shedding tears, pouring them out like the waterfalls he controlled. He had not looked at you yet, had not noticed that you had returned to the world. He was enraptured with the child, swaying with it in his arms, whispering words you couldn’t hear over the rushing of your blood, touching its cheek with the tip of his index finger. 
A noise came out of your lips, a gurgle and a yearning, keening, sound all in one. His eyes snapped to you, bright and brimming with a thousand words he couldn’t say. Tentatively, with the gentleness of a hummingbird, he sat down on the edge of the bed, as close to you as possible without touching you. He leaned forward and gently placed the bundle against your chest. You forced one of your arms up to wrap around it, to secure the fluffy pile of blankets to your chest, before looking down. 
Thick, gurgling, sobs began to fall from your lips as you looked at the most beautiful child you had ever seen. A red, wriggly thing that would not win any awards for looking particularly beautiful, but he was the most precious thing you had ever seen. He had little wisps of blond hair, soft tufts against his scalp that began rising up as they dried and lightly tickled your chin. His hands and feet were so small. They were so small, and you weren’t sure if you had actually begun to burble about them to Poseidon. 
The blanket he was wrapped in was baby blue, and he kept pushing his hands out of it to try and grab at the air, shifting his little body as much as he could. Poseidon reached over and adjusted it to cover his arms, stroking the top of the baby’s head. Your baby’s head. 
He looked down at the both of you, his face flushed, eyes red and teary, hands shaking and chest tight with barely held sobs. He had never felt joy like this. He had been alive since the birth of Ancient Greece. He had seen cities built, empires fall, people rise to a greatness unheard of before, but nothing would ever compare to this joy. To see his wife and son together like this, something he would most likely never see again, made a sob choke itself from his throat. 
You stared at your son, your little Perseus, with his eyes scrunched up and his tiny lips opening and shutting to let out soft grunts, and you began to sob again. Painful, heart wrenching sobs, like the wails of a banshee. Thunder cracked so loud outside that the entire cabin shook. Lightning flashed, so hot that it glowed blue, and Poseidon hovered himself over you and Perseus, just shy of laying on top of you. Perseus began to cry with you, the high-pitched wailing of a baby piercing the air. He began shushing you, soft sounds and affirmations slipping from his lips directed both at you and his son, trying to keep calm despite the desperation for your pain to cease. He had never heard such painful sounds. 
“Please,” he whispered, “please do not cry. I am here, we are all here, together.” But you only shook your head, clutching Perseus tighter to your chest and staring up at Poseidon with wide, child-like eyes filled with pain and desperation and denial. 
“I don’t want him to go! I don’t want to let him go!” You cried out, over and over and over. You kept repeating the words, stabbing him in the heart over and over as he sniffed and nodded, trying anything to get you to calm down. “Please, please, I don’t want to let him go.” Your voice cracked, and you began chewing on your lip, looking between Perseus and Poseidon like a lost child. He reached out and cupped your cheek, cradling your head in his hand, fingers splayed behind your ear. He stroked your cheek just under your eye, smearing your tears on your face, and began hushing louder. You gulped, once, twice, then breathed in and out shakily. Slowly, as the thunder quieted to a rumble outside, your breaths quieted, and you blinked less, just staring into Poseidon’s eyes. He smiled sadly, eyes wet with tears and bloodshot, and he nodded. “But he has to go,” you whispered, as if affirming between the both of you that this was the right decision. Again, Poseidon nodded, but this time you nodded in return. 
Slowly, with one shaky arm, you pushed yourself up to sit straight on the bed, swinging your legs to the side as your body began to heal and dulled the pain and exhaustion in your limbs. You still felt shaky, and you knew this recovery would be slower than any others, but you continued moving, pushing yourself to stand so you could look out of the window with Perseus cradled in your arms. 
The waves were crashing onto the beach furiously, cresting at even the farthest point your eyes could see, white capped and frothing as they attacked the shore. The dry sand higher up the beach moved in waves in the wind, and you could almost hear the little grains striking the front of the cabin. The wind howled, like Fenrir had been released to hunt you down and was announcing his presence. The clouds in the sky were almost black, and the lightning seemed to flash constantly. The thunder either crackled or rumbled but never ceased, not quieting for a moment, and you knew your time with Poseidon and Perseus had ended. Zeus knew something, or at least sensed something was off in this place, and he would soon come to find out himself if you all did not separate quickly. You turned to Poseidon, absentmindedly nuzzling your chin against the top of Perseus’s head.
“I will go to delay him, buy you some more time with Perseus.” You stared at him, face stoic, and he could not even begin to fathom what you were thinking. You took slow, shaky steps to reach him. He leaned forward and took a hold of your hips to steady you as you walked, allowing you the space to choose how close you wanted to be to him. You walked until the baby was pressed to both his chest and yours. You did not push further, fearing to hurt your Perseus in any way. You looked up at Poseidon, and pressed onto the tips of your toes so you could kiss him. It was gentle, your mouths just pressed together so you felt the plushness of each other’s lips but did nothing more. Neither of you tried to deepen the kiss, tried to take things any further. You stayed like that for a few moments, had another similar kiss, and when you pulled away, both of you had your eyes closed. 
“Goodbye,” you whispered, so soft that not even the baby pressed to your chest would hear you, and when you opened your eyes, there was only an empty space in front of you. 
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You knew you did not have long. Zeus was closing in and you had to get Sally and Perseus out of here before they were discovered. You swayed with Perseus in your arms for a few moments, allowing yourself only that. You watched him yawn and smack his lips, scrunching his eyes shut and settling into your arms. You hummed a tune you remembered Frigg singing from your own childhood. You couldn’t quite remember the words, but the music was imprinted on your brain, and you hummed it to Perseus over and over until you knew too much time had passed for you to dilly-dally any longer. 
“Sally!” You called through the closed door, hoping she was close enough to hear your raw voice. She was in the room in an instant, checking both you and the baby over, but you just smiled and shook your head. “There is no time, you and Perseus must leave. Zeus is suspicious, he has felt too much power here, has noticed a shift in the world, and he will begin investigating if this power does not dissipate.” You looked about the room for a moment before hobbling out and slowly making your way down the stairs. 
“I know you’re a goddess and all but shouldn't you be taking it easy? You just gave birth, you should be laying down and letting yourself heal. You should be… you should be spending time with him before… you know.” But you only shook your head in reply, pursing your lips as pain shot through your legs with every step down the stairs.
“You need to go Sally. I hope all your things are gathered because there is simply no time to lose. You have your car parked nearby, start loading everything into it while I put some final defences in place for Perseus.” Your voice left no room for argument, so Sally just nodded and ran back up the stairs to grab the baby bag. 
You stood in the living room with Perseus, making sure that any power he may possess was suppressed to that of a strong demigod. He slept so peacefully, so softly, and you couldn’t help but smile down at him. You pressed a finger to his forehead, closing your eyes and focusing only on what you could feel of him. There were flashes in your mind, of battles to come and parts he would need to play, of a great love, of families and friendships, and you began to cry, knowing you would not see any of it. And then it was over, gone in a moment as he became like any demigod child of the big three would be. 
Sally came back from the car, hair tousled and chest heaving, and stood by the door, watching you. You looked over to her, at the way she stood so still, and you knew your time was up. You looked back down at Perseus, at this beautiful little boy who had done so much just by existing, and you leant down to press a soft kiss to his downy little head. A small smile, the most a baby could conjure perked onto his lips in his sleep, and a teardrop fell from your eye and splashed onto his cheek. 
Slowly, you walked over to Sally. You stood in front of her, not saying a word. The world seemed to go quiet for a minute, as if even the powers of Zeus died at the moment a mother gave up her child. 
“Don’t… don’t tell him about me.” You sniffled, blinking rapidly to stop the tears that refused to cease. “Tell him about his father, tell him about all the Greek heroes that came before him, about Olympus and the pantheon of aunts and uncles. Don’t tell him about me,” you whispered, stroking his cheek. “I don’t… I don’t want him to miss any part of me.” You smiled, nodding to yourself, but Sally frowned. 
“He will miss you regardless,” she replied, “he will ask about you, and miss you, and want to know everything I can tell him.” 
“Yes, I know, I’m sure he will be a very curious boy,” you chuckled breathily, leaning down to kiss his head once more. “But it will be easier if he feels he doesn't know me.” 
“Easier for who?” She whispered, watching you with concern turning her eyes down and contorting her lips. But you just closed your eyes, gulped, and offered the baby to Sally Jackson, praying she would take him from your arms quickly. 
You felt her fingers slip under your arms, felt her grip him, lift him so your arms were light as air and… empty. Your entire body felt empty. Your chest was hollow, your stomach was empty, your limbs were simple outlines. You could still feel Sally and Perseus’ presence, like the warmth of a heater just a little too far away, a brush in the air in front of you. You knew Sally was about to say something, to try and comfort you, but you began shaking your head and pointing to the door.
“Please go. Please. There is no more time. Take him and go.” You almost wanted to scream, to yell at her and tell her to get the hell away from you before you decided to throw everything to the wind and keep Perseus with you. “Please,” you whimpered. And then the door was opening, the wind howling around you, a whisper from Sally lost to it. And then it was shut again, and you were still, and the room was quiet, and there was nothing but the wind outside, the creaking of the house, and the thunder above. 
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You stayed in that house for a few more hours. You lay on the floor, allowing your body to heal and thinking back on the precious moments you had with Perseus. You walked through each room like a ghost, thinking of the first time you felt the little flutter of a heartbeat in your stomach, the first kick he ever pressed against your stomach, the last… 
You weren’t sure how long you stayed, but by the time you had gathered your sword and your pearls, had changed into one of the dresses you had stopped wearing after the banishment from Olympus, the thunder had become distant. You gave one last look to the cabin, a fleeting glance back, then made your way back to Asgard and the Aesir you had not seen in years, back to the rest of your life…
Taglist: @thicficbich1, @pasta-warlord, @turtleshavesoulmates, @wolfgirl294, @stanswifties
(If you are in bold, I couldn't tag you for some reason)
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mitchellpete · 1 year
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summary: You’re bad at playing hard to get, and you don’t want to let the opportunity slip. Maverick gives you your first motorcycle ride.
pairing: pete “maverick” mitchell x gn!reader
tags/warnings: maverick being flirty, shy!reader but also not really?, some drinking mentioned, overall fluff
word count: 1.4k
A/N: i feel terrible that i keep making excuses not to post so i'll let you guys have this one. i don't know who's still on top gun tumblr but i hope you guys are still around. and that you guys like this! it was supposed to be a drabble but..?? ANDDD one more thing: my request page has updated also!
“Wait, you’ve never been on a bike before?”
“I’ve been on a bike. I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”
Maverick scoffs and then cocks a brow, a smirk tugging at his lips in his frail attempt at reading you, or at least pretending he knew you.
Except he doesn’t, because out of the many outings at the bar, tonight had been the first time he’d spotted you. You were ashamed to admit that it was kind of flattering having him follow you around for a good half an hour, even after you locked eyes with mustache Hawaiian shirt blonde guy across the room. Ah, it was all a game. But God, was Maverick pretty. And charming. You couldn’t decide whether you were bad at playing hard to get or if you simply didn’t mind being the game.
(It was definitely the former.)
Panic filled you later that night when you watched him slip his jacket on on the opposite side of the room. He was still distractedly rambling with his friend, however, and you took the opportunity to push past at least 5 people and make it out of the door before he did. 
What to say or do the moment he stepped out? Your head was empty. But hey, he’d see you out there, make another flirtatious comment, make you blush and then it’d go on from there, right? God, please. 
This had to have been like the fourth time you’d seen him. He was most certainly the prettiest out of all the aviators that confidently waltzed into the bar every time you and your friend met for drinks. 
Miramar. A lovely place, truly. 
Beautiful, too. The sunset is beginning to form, and you step towards the wooden fence separating the sand from the small parking lot in front of the building. A packed bar, only a few vehicles. You wonder if any of them belong to Maverick. You pray that he walks this way at all.
The beach in front of you is littered with people, families, couples. There is chatter everywhere, drowning out the sound of the bell on the door behind you, or the sound of his voice if he happens to be walking out, talking to his friend.
That’s why when you eventually zone out maybe a good ten minutes later, you don’t notice that he’s already walked past you, striding towards the vehicle closest to you. The motorcycle. Red, black, adorned with decals that match the patches on his pretty jacket. You wish you’d noticed. 
He’d certainly noticed you, watching you avoid his gaze as he swung a leg over and took a seat. “Going for a swim?”
Tongue in your cheek, you meet his eyes. “No. I.. needed some air. Where’s your friend?”
“Where’s yours?” A cheeky smile spread on his face as he reached for the handles. 
Oh, he’s sooooooo—
“Inside. I’m uh, actually waiting for another friend right now. She’s picking me up soon, I think.” Lies, lies, lies.
“In a car?” 
“On a motorcycle, actually. How fast does yours go?” Jesus Christ. You know nothing about motorcycles, by the way.
He leans slightly forward, intrigued by your response. “Faster.”
“Hm.” You glance out at the shoreline again, at the sun turning bright orange. You feel the warmth on your cheeks. Stupid. You’re playing hard to get again, for fuck’s sake. He’s too pretty, it makes you nervous. 
Lucky for you, he breaks the tense feeling in your stomach with a laugh. “Actually?” 
He sticks the key into the ignition, filling you with the slight panic from before that he’s slipping away.
You fake a snicker, although it comes out dry and humorless. “I’m kidding. I don’t know a thing about motorcycles.”
The sudden rev of the engine startles you, and he smiles. “Some people are just meant to look pretty on the back of ‘em, I think.”
There was already a warmth to your cheeks, but now it’s heat. “Well.. that sounds like fun.”
Furrowed brows. “Wait, you’ve never been on a bike before?”
You snicker again, this time for real. “I’ve been on a bike. I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”
Maverick scoffs and then cocks a brow, a smirk tugging at his lips in his frail attempt at reading you, or at least pretending he knew you. Playfully rolling his eyes, he revs the engine again and waves you over with his hand. “Come on.”
Your face falls. A different kind of panic. “Huh?”
“Just a quick ride. Before your friend gets here.”
“A-are you sure?” 
“You’re scared?” He grins.
“I—No. I just..” You hesitantly make your way over, your legs suddenly weak. “I drank a little, so I don’t—”
“Can you relax?” He laughs again, his laughter as pretty as he is. “It’s not scary, I promise. Here, step on that part. Just hold onto me and hop on.” He points down below and then sticks his arm out for you to grab.
“I’m not scared,” you mumble as you manage to perch yourself on the space behind him, careful not to grip his arm too tight. “I think you’re a little strange, is all.”
 “How so? You gotta hold onto me, sweetheart.” Another engine rev. What is his deal?
You lean forward as much as you can, pressing yourself to him and wrapping your arms around his middle. The seat behind his is slightly raised, and your face absentmindedly presses into the back crook of his neck. It’s too late to pull back when you realize, and the heat in your cheeks starts to burn. Nevertheless, you go through with your accusations.
“Well,” you begin, conscious of your voice as to not be loud in his ear. “You follow me around the bar for some stupid bet, and.. now you’ve forced me onto your bike.”
Ha. As if you hadn’t planned all of this. Sort of.
Another pretty laugh. “It’s a motorcycle,” he mocks you. 
That gets a laugh out of you, squeezing your arms around him a bit as he starts to move. 
“Although, I do have to say—” He halts, a foot firm on the ground, and turns to look you over his shoulder. “Out of anybody I’ve followed around the bar, you’re the only one I’d give a ride to.”
God. You think you’re already in love with him. “That so?”
He presses his lips together and nods, fake serious. 
Pressing your forehead to the back of his jacket, you chuckle. “I guess that means I owe you something.”
“I’ll start driving on one condition,” he offers, his tone playful.
“Give me a kiss.”
Oh boy. It’s easy by now; you’re already melting into him. Glancing up, your surroundings become a blur and all the outside chatter, the bell on the door and the sound of the other cars go completely silent as you lean your neck to reach. It’s a peck, but it’s complete; all of your lips feel the soft skin of his cheek, plump from a smile under your kiss. And then your chin goes to rest on his shoulder, and next thing you know, you’re off. 
There’s suddenly wind; you weren’t prepared for your hair to flow, as he took off from the parking lot and immediately down the road.
You’re clinging onto him with all your might, maybe a little scared for a moment, but then it starts to feel nice. You don’t even recall the moment he’d slipped his aviators on; perhaps the little kiss you gave him left you in awe instead of vice-versa, or maybe it was the drinks you’d had earlier? Maverick says something but you barely hear it, your stomach fluttering in excitement as he swerves between cars to get out of their way, to fly by beyond them on the road and to make the moment about just the two of you. Nobody else on the road. 
He turns onto a different road, this one longer and less crowded, and you squeal as he starts going faster. A euphoric feeling overtakes you, and even in the wind, through the sound of the engine and Maverick’s muffled voice, you’re convinced you can’t let him slip away after this one either. 
Wind, wind, wind. The engine.
Tapping a hand on his side instead, you catch his attention. He slows down just a bit, momentarily glancing over his shoulder again before looking back at the road. 
“You wanna stop?” he yells.
“No!” you shout back. “I just wanted you to know something!”
“What is it?!”
You lean closer to his ear, face in the crook of his neck again. “I was lying! There is no friend!”
He grins. “I know!”
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a-aexotic · 1 year
Congrats Ren<3🌙 For Rafe Cameron
For My Tears Ricochet!
“And if i’m dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name wishing i stayed”
pairing. rafe cameron x fem!reader
warnings. angst, mental abuse, insecurities, cheating so so so sorry for this fic....
summary. rafe betrays you after years of you commiting to him.
➜ missing out on updates? ❪ navigation. masterlist. taglist. ❫
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Betraying you was the worst decision that Rafe had ever done and considering everything he's done, that's pretty far.
He'd done a lot to you but you always stayed. You always saw the best in him, no matter how bad he hurt you. You wanted to be there for him, protect him from himself and at first he thought it was endearing. It was sweet that you thought there was more to him.
You were the best thing that's ever happened to him and he knew that. Ward told him millions of times that you were his way out - if he kept going out with you, listening to you and loving you that eventually he wouldn't become the person he feared the most.
He was so scared to lose you, for you to slip through his fingertips like sand that eventually he was too scared to even be with you. He was scared he was going to lose you.
But then Rafe did the inevitable; he self destructed.
The relentless voice in his head that he wasn't good enough for you eventually won. But he wanted you to stay, he wanted you to stay for him and save him from yourself but you were too fragile, you deserved someone better.
The more you dated, the more toxic you became.
Before him, you were happy; you had a life outside of him, you had friends, a family. Until you dedicated all your time to loving him, to proving to him that he was not only enough for you, but enough for himself as well.
You proved yourself wrong plenty of times. Every time that Rafe degraded you for even sticking around, you knew that he was right. But you couldn't just walk away, you loved him. You swore to everyone that you loved him more than anything, even when he stabbed you in the back, you still swore that somewhere he loved you back.
You stuck with him through everything. And he still stabbed you in the back, right where it hurts. You thought maybe everyone was wrong, everyone warned you how dangerous it was getting this close to the devil himself, even he did.
You couldn't even blame him at that point.
Rafe had never hated anyone more. The adoration you held for him was a new low for you and that was very low. He hated the fact you tried to prove yourself to him every time they were together and he was tired of it.
That's why he was with this girl right now, doing everything right - doing everything he was supposed to be doing with you. After the pleasure faded, he laid in bed, ignoring her calls of his name.
He got up and put on his clothes, walking out to see the one person he didn't want to. You. His heart dropped once he saw your face.
"What the fuck Rafe?" Was all you managed to choke out as he looked at your face. For the first time in months he registered your pain, and he felt a sharp pain right in the heart. He'd seen you cry more times than he's seen you smile at that point, but for some reason this time it physically pained him.
You were holding flowers in your hand. It was your anniversary, he finally remembered. That's why you were blowing up his phone more than usual today.
"Y/N... I..."
You threw the vase next to him and as the glass shattered, you walked away, your hands wiping your tears. He ran after you, calling your name.
"Y/N, please. Listen, wait. Listen to me."
You turned, your eyes puffy and red. "What do you have to say for yourself, Rafe? You finally pushed me away, this was my last fucking straw. You finally fucking proved yourself, you're a shit human." He knew you didn't mean any of it but it finally clicked in his head that in a few months, you would mean it.
Rafe wanted to cry. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. You never deserved any of it-"
"Rafe, stop." You knew the more he talked, the more he was going to pull you back in. Especially with the whole pained look, he knew you couldn't resist him. "I'm done."
He knew what you meant and this was he wanted, right? You to leave? You to finally realize what a shit human he was? So if he wanted it, why did it hurt? "What?"
"I'm done. I didn't want to tell you but I accepted into (dream college) and I'm going."
He looked down and let out a soft cry.
"I wasn't going to accept it to stay with you."
Rafe looked up, "But I love you."
"No. You don't."
You thought you would've been crying harder but it seems like you were just tired. Tired of the same old thing, same apologizes, same habits. It was draining. You wanted back your life and you knew you can't have Rafe and your life, you had to choose one. And for the first time in months, you did something for you.
When you left, Rafe had somehow hit a new low. He realized that you were the one for him, if he had just given you a chance. If he hadn't listen to that voice in his head, maybe he wouldn't have turned out the way his father sees him; a coke addict with no future.
If he had treated you right maybe he would've gotten what he's always dreamed; a beautiful wife, beautiful kids and a home far away from the Outer Banks. But he gave it all away, for what? A quick fuck? Some coke?
Maybe one day, when he's sober and you're happier, he can get a second chance.
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hekates-corner · 6 months
Apothecary Diaries • WN Translation • Masterlist
Hello, if you've never seen this blog before - I write up posts as I go along translating the web novel for myself. For now, I'm working on arc 9/soon to be V10 of the LN.
I translate the entire chapters, so be warned, as I go through telling you all that happens.
If you'd like spoilers, but less - my dms and asks are open!
I'll add my proper introduction at the end, to keep this rather user friendly.
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Arc 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 • 🃏
Chapter 4 • 💭
Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Chapter 10 • 🃏📍 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Chapter 13 | Chapter 14
Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
Chapter 17 • 💭 | Chapter 18 • 💭
Chapter 19 | Chapter 20
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Masterlist Notes
The chapters divided by “|” are parts that link directly together. I'll usually provide the titles I get in the post, but since not all of them translate as well for me, I'll omit them from the masterlist for now.
I'm probably going to use three symbols:
💭 is for chapters that involve Maomao and Jinshi interacting
📍 is saved in case there should be any triggers - which I'll detail in the chapter posts
🃏 is for a change in narrator
For now I don't have a proper update schedule. I'll usually post once a day, if not then I'm probably working on a string of chapters that are tied together, or the chapter and I have some communication issues.
Just save the post, follow, or check the tags. If you'd like to get tagged in updates or be notified when I do, send a dm my way!
I originally had this intro in chapter 1, but since I'm getting things done quite quickly, we're here.
I picked this up because, like many, I would likely never hear the end of this story, if I kept waiting for the LN translations to get up to date. Out of sight out of mind is a real issue.. but I love the story, plus I've translated some bits and pieces before - so, I chose to not stick my head in the sand while all the content is right there.
I'm pretty transparent if I don't know something, this is all just for fun and a learning curve while trying the best I can. My main perk is that I can translate to both english and german, which is pretty much what I'm doing to try and raise accuracy.
Please note that there are differences between the Web Novel vs the finished Light Novels. I chose to go with the WN, so that the actual finished LN's remain exciting - it's also why I don't share the art that's out there.
So if you're up to go down poison alley with me/my posts - Welcome!
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WIP Wednesday
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Happy Wednesday!! And even bigger, happy PJO AU day!!
We (my co-writers @inexplicablymine, @read-and-write-, and I) have released not just one but two chapters of Super Six and the Siren's Call now, matching the TV show's double release :)
All that being said, you should be fine to read this without knowledge of Percy Jackson-while there's certainly some nods and terminology, one of our beta readers hasn't read any of the books!
It's fully written, posting Wednesdays and Saturdays. But the last section is in beta reading, so, for this WIP Wednesday I'm sharing a section I particularly love that will be coming to your screens fairly soon :)
Alex is distracted from hitting his third bullseye in a row when he hears a clattering sound to his left. He glances over to see a broken pot holding one of the target stands, sand spilling out of it, an arrow lying in the middle of the crime scene. Sparing a look at Henry, the only person who could’ve been responsible, reveals that the man in question is as red as the Ares cabin’s paint job. “You know, you’re supposed to aim for the targets, Katniss.” “Shut up.” “I’m just saying, the naiads will kill you if you start a forest fire with a flaming arrow. Who let you graduate to those anyways?” “I’ll have you know I’m in the Masters Archery class,” Henry responds airily, sticking his chin in the air. Alex shakes his head. “Yeah because you’re an archery nepo baby, Merida.” “I just don’t do well under pressure.” “Good thing you’re going on a quest, then.”
Thanks to everyone who's tagged me for today @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @firenati0n @littlemisskittentoes @xthelastknownsurvivorx @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin!
Tagging @14carrotghoul @affectionatelyrs @ssmtskw @gayrootvegetable (our four lovely betas) and @gay-flyboys (art featured in work!) and @welcometololaland for the lovely shoutout in her fandom holiday gifts read! Also tagging @whimsymanaged @indomitable-love @user-anakin @daisymae-12 @suseagull04 @cultofsappho @zwiazdziarka @anincompletelist because you all tagged me in things recently :) I will be getting to those christmas trees soon!
Also you can follow along for more PJO updates @auntiepezzasupdates!
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athenagc94 · 3 months
Elliott x Farmer Fic Sneak Peak
Here is a little sneak peek of the "meet cute" for my Farmer (Cassandra) and Elliott in a new fic that I've been working on in celebration of the 1.6 Update.
The plastic tablecloth shuttered and only then did Cassandra notice the pair of legs sticking out from under it. She traced the green trousers all the way down to the fine wing-tipped loafers, curiosity spiking. It was a little early in the day for someone to drink themselves under the table.
She scanned the crowd, marking the usual suspects.  
Pam, Shane, Clint—all of them were accounted for, so she had no idea who this was. Lewis would have a conniption if he found someone passed out under the table, so she decided to take one for the team and help the poor sap out. 
The legs twitched as she knelt in the sand. 
“You alright there, champ?” 
“Yes, well, no—I mean, yes?” 
Cassandra downed the rest of her cup, the dull burn of whiskey coating her throat. She needed more liquid courage to deal with this kind of fuckery. “Which is it? Yes, or no?” 
“Yes, I’m quite alright. I just dropped something, yes, that’s it and I think it drifted under the table. I was, well, searching for it, but I can’t seem to find it. Oh, well.”  
They shimmied out from under the table. 
A man brushed sand from the front of his double-breasted suit coat. He looked like he stepped straight out of a period romance novel with his chiseled jawline and flowing auburn hair. He tied it back with a ribbon the same shade of spring green as his eyes. 
It was a bold choice for the beach luau... in the middle of summer... but who was she to judge? Cassandra hadn’t changed out of her mud-stained jeans. 
“Hello,” he said with a timid smile. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
“Oh, you’re fine. I just didn’t want anyone tripping over you.” She offered her hand and helped him to his feet. He stood a head taller, which was something seeing as she stood just over six feet herself. “What did you drop?” 
He blinked. “Pardon?” 
“You said you dropped something?” 
His brow pinched. “Right, yes, I did say that didn’t I? I dropped, uh, a feather. Yes. A lovely duck feather that I found while wandering the Cindersap Forest the other day. I had it tucked away in my pocket for good luck, but a particularly strong gust rolled off the water and swept it away.” 
He licked his lips which might have drawn more than a glance if she hadn’t been picturing this man chasing a duck feather down the length of the beach. The mental image was so absurd, she smiled. 
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eridanidreams · 6 months
Snippet Sunday
Tagging: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon@violenceandviolets, and @artemis-crimson
from stars through my fingers like grains of sand
Sam was already at the Rock when Cait got there; he was deep in conversation with the dark-haired senior Ranger she'd passed a few times. She didn't interrupt, just headed up the stairs to the Marshal's office. He wasn't one to waste words or time. "Welcome back. Any luck finding out who stole the ship from HopeTech?"
Blake's crisp efficiency cut through any lingering haze from the morning, and Cait could almost feel her spine straighten a bit more in reaction. "With Ranger Pryce's help, we tracked it back to a known ship-jacker name of Grace Early. From what she said, I still think it was an inside job, but I've asked Ranger Kalu for assistance with that aspect. She's better positioned to follow up in HopeTech itself. She had some physical evidence—an encrypted slate—which I've handed over to Ranger Hadid. He's asked me to keep an eye out for more of them."
"Good," he said. "I'm glad to see you know how to work as part of a team. And, it sounds like you're making real progress."
"Not as much as I'd like," she said grimly. "I have a couple names, but shutting down the First won't help unless we can get a tie to whoever hired them." Blake nodded, and she sensed agreement and approval in his tightly-controlled emotions. "Since you have personal knowledge of the First, sir, I was hoping you could give me some intel on these names: Maya Cruz and Marco… something. Marco's a money man. Cruz was the go-between."
Blake grunted. "I served with Maya Cruz. Technical genius and expert hacker. Arrogant. Not a people person. Marco… about the time he got out of jail, we started hearing his name in connection with a smuggling racket. Based on what you've learned, I'd presume he's funneling his ill-gotten gains to the First. Autumn MacMillan's looking into that operation out at the Red Mile, but…" He frowned. "He runs a tight ship, but one of his suppliers isn't quite as careful. Sonny di Falco. He's got a little estate on Maheo I. If you want my advice, I'd follow up there first before jogging Autumn's elbow."
Cait nodded. "As for Cruz, she was suffering from some kind of serious illness; I thought I'd start looking at the Clinic."
"Best medical services money can buy," Blake nodded again. "Good call. With their privacy guarantees, it's ideal for someone trying to keep a low profile. Ranger Ben Armistead is posted there; I'll send him an update on the situation. He'll be expecting you."
"Thank you, sir," she said.
"You're welcome. Just remember, your priority is to gather more intel on the First. What are they planning? Who are they working for? Where are they headquartered?" Blake fired out the questions like bullets.
"Whatever they're planning," she replied, "it's going to be something meant to hurt the Collective. They believe that the Collective betrayed them."
"That's right," he agreed. "Your targets were locked up because they were loyal to their unit and Major Hull. They won't take kindly to you sticking your nose in, so watch your back." He gave her a stiff nod of dismissal. "Good hunting, Deputy."
Cait echoed his nod and made her way back downstairs, thinking hard. All in all, she was inclined to take the Marshal's advice, start with the easiest nut to crack. Sam was sipping a Boom!Pop while chatting with Helga; he gave Cait a casual little wave of acknowledgment when she entered the bar. Despite her best efforts to keep his feelings at bay, she couldn't help but pick up fragments of his good mood. Cora's visit must have gone well, then. She paused a moment at the jobs console, giving Sam time to wrap up his conversation.
He caught up with her just outside the Rock. "Mornin'," he said cheerfully, handing her a Boom!Pop Cherry. "Sleep well?"
The question made her damn near fall on her face—How could he know?!—before she realized how impossible it was that he'd be referring to—that. "Fine," she said hurriedly, trying to fight down the flush she felt creeping up her neck. "Just fine, thanks." She took a deep, determined breath. "Um. You?"
"Oh," he chuckled, "I slept juuuuuuuuust fine." Cait didn't have to see Sam's grin to know it was there, an air of lazy satisfaction that thrummed down that weird little connection she had to him, sent a tingle down her spine and made her insides tighten. With an effort, she shoved it down, but she couldn't help but be hyper-aware of his presence next to her, warm and solid, and all she had to do was turn around and bring her lips to his—
Dammit! What the hell was wrong with her? She shivered, running her hands up and down her arms. Sam—of course—noticed, but fortunately he chalked it up to the cool of the morning. "You know," he said affectionately, "you wouldn't be so cold if you grabbed a jacket. Why don't you take mine until we reach the ship?"
He was already starting to shrug out of it when she blurted, "No—!" That no was the hardest thing she'd ever had to say; she desperately wanted to say yes, to surround herself in his warmth and his scent… and she was terrified of what might happen if she did. Had to remind herself that they were just friends. That he loved someone else. "No," she managed to repeat more normally, even smiling a little to soften it. "I appreciate the offer, but a little cool won't kill me."
"A'right," Sam said, settling it back on his shoulders. "So what's the plan?" He seemed different today—his emotions seemed more—muted—than usual, like he was holding something in. Cait should have been happy about that, given the trouble she'd been having tuning him out—but instead she felt bereft. Again—what the hell was wrong with her? "Cait—?" He sounded concerned, and she shook herself out of her thoughts.
"Sorry." She gave him an apologetic smile. "Um, Maheo I. Marco's got a smuggling contact by the name of Sonny di Falco; he's got an estate there. Marshal thinks we're more likely to be able to squeeze something out of him." Sam's emotions flared cold hatred, and when Cait chanced a look at him, his face was set in stone.
"I know him," he said, and his voice was as flat and hard as his expression. "He's a slimy bastard. Big shot on Neon, 'til he did something to cross Ben Bayu. Couldn't have been too bad—he got out with his skin in one piece—and he's still got his fingers in a lot of pies. If he's working with Marco, that's bad news all around." He looked at her, a strange, almost desperate intensity in his gaze. "You watch yourself with him. He has a lot of charm, he knows how to use it, and he's good at getting his hooks into the innocent and naive and—twisting them all up."
"And which am I?" she asked sarcastically.
He exhaled harshly. "That first one. Cait—" he held up a hand to forestall her protests "—when it comes to dealing with people like him… you are. He likes to think of himself as a collector of people, and you? You're—you're unique. He's gonna take one look at you and—" He shook his head, and something dark and savage surfaced for a moment in his eyes. "Just trust me on this one, okay? Do not agree to anything. Do not take anything he offers. 'Specially not Aurora. He'll get you hooked on that shit faster than a grav jump to nowhere." He was holding in his feelings so hard it had to hurt—all she got was a vague sense of mingled anger, hatred, and fear that burned like acid.
"I trust you," she told him softly. "If you say he's bad news, I will be extra careful." She hesitated. "Are you going to be okay going in there with me?"
"Don't even think of going in with someone else," Sam growled, shifting his rifle a little on his back.
"Okay." Cait didn't hesitate to give him her agreement. "I'll make sure you're carrying a couple extra junk flushes, then. I… don't react well to Aurora, so if he does manage to slip me some, you might need it."
"If he does, he's dead." Sam's voice cracked like a gunshot. Mood he was in, she wasn't going to argue.
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thewriterg · 1 year
𝐣𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬
pairing(s): JJ maybank x oc!charcter, Pope Heyward x oc!character, JJ maybank x pope heyward, pogues x oc!character
summary: pougelandia was paradise and now it was gone and it was back to chaos and commotion
word count: 3.1k+
warning(s): Polyamory themes, jealousy, kidnapping, plane crash, weapons, and language
A/n: —GIFs; @misandriste & @winchvster— So I’m starting a new series chapter two is up on wattpad so if you’re invested and want to get updates early heres my page!
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𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 from a distance as JJ finished hanging up the Pouglandia sign that he a had made from a ratio of cloth and the char off a burnt stick but before the brunette could comment Kiara was already a step ahead cheering the blonde on with all her might
The girl took a step back bare feet sinking in the sand as she began to walk away her orange top that she had made out of one of the blondes tank tops clinging to her body like an overbearing hug leaving the pair alone
Everyone had a job to do and a partner to do it with
Everyone except Bonnie it seemed she did task plenty to keep herself busy and the pogues alive such as cooking meals, showing John B how to crack coconuts more times than she could count beyond her ten fingers, and weaving baskets to carry fish and different berries in
But what partner did she have? JJs attention was basically Kiaras and Pope had Cleo now the girl was inevitably alone
"Going somewhere?" Bonnie didn't turn her head to look at the dark skinned boy on the side of her as she hummed continuing to walk along the trails worm by their feet
"Thought you were picking berries with Cleo" Pope raised his eyebrows slightly inching up to his hairline at the girls tone he didn't think she meant it she always sounded more harsh than she intended majority of the time
"Got done early, when you weren't with JJ I came looking for you" He said in a mater of fact tone as the girl pursed her lips continuing walking her trail
"I think we should just live here, when JJ said it first I thought it was just stupid but I think I could do it with you two." Bonnie finally looked at him and she couldn't help the small smile on her face and Pope didn't miss even when she tried to shake it away
"Come on Jimmy Neutron we need to head back" The brunette sighed watching the sun begin to set on the horizon and the pair began their walk back to the beach
"If you could do it all again what would you do different?" Sarah questioned the group sitting in a circle playing one of the games they found themselves playing often
"Get the gold out before Ward did." JJ stated
"Maybe hide the cross a little better." Pope sighed
"Not yell murderer at Ward maybe" Kie grimaced at the thought
"Not threaten to kill Rafe in front of a police station" Bonnie shrugged
"Uh, steal a couple bottles of rum before we jumped off the boat" John B finally responded
"Yea why didn't you do that actually?" JJ questioned turning around to look at the boy with a playful glare
"Maybe 'cause I was in a fight to the death?" The tan boy rolled his eyes
"I would look both ways before crossing the street" Cleo turned to look at John B pausing from sharpening her knife the group took a few more turns until the badly woven hat got placed upon Bonnie's head
"I think I'll finally go with a dare" The girl rolled her eyes as the group clapped JJ going as far as whistling at her finally abandoning the 'safe' answer as John B called it
"I dare you to go with the big jump no one's done it yet" Kiara challenged as Bonnie immediately began to shake her head at the thought as everyone began to boo at her
"Hell No absolutely not" The girl laughed shaking her to the point where she couldn't notice JJ slowly rising out his seat until he finally tackled the girl girl beginning to run off with her in his grasp as she screamed and yelled the girls began to giggle excluding Kiara as Sarah blew kisses in her direction and Cleo help up a heart made from her hand
JJ looked for a good climbing spot and found the best on the other side of the makeshift mountain finally sitting the brunette down on her feet
"JJ I'm not going up there" Bonnie stated looking how far up she would have to climb it was dumb and dangerous
"Come on princess, I'll go with you if it makes you feel better" He was cocky and no matter how much she said she hated it deep down the blonde knew she hated it a little less with him he knew her better that anyone
They knew her better than anyone.
"Come on one foot in front of the other one arm above each other" The pale boy encouraged as Bonnie began rock climbing to the top as he trailed behind her
"Shut up Maybank" The girl didn't know how many times she had rolled her eyes in a day but it had to have broken some record as the pair finally made it to the top they could hear the cheers from their friends down below
"Oh shit" The hair on her neck began to stick up from the cool breeze nipping around her body was the mountain always this far up?
"Don't get cold feet now Bon come on, if you don't hurry I'll throw you I swear" JJ was already at the tip of the platform ready to jump with no hesitation and Bonnie was in the middle of the landing with the almost ground area looking over the rocks
The girl screamed out a laugh as the blonde began to approach her with a small smile on his face
"WAIT okay, okay I'll jump. Just, just let me take off my shorts these are the only dry pair I have" The girl shot the blonde a pleasing look as he stood in his tracks waiting the pogues could be heard by both of them from down below but it began to become background noise as the brunette began to slip the brown shorts off from her waist along with the waist beads her and Sarah's had made with rope and rocks the had searched for around the island
JJ had stretched a hand out to her which she took stepping away from the pile of clothes she had left as the made their way to the tip of the peak the girl had to admit the view was beautiful
"On three" JJ began to count down their fingers still intertwined with one another as he stared at the girls smile her shoulders slightly shaking in anticipation
𝐎𝐍𝐄 He couldn't process how someone like her could even give him the time of day. How she could let him into her bubble of creativity, let him touch her upon her spirituality, she was something that he could understand unlike any subject in school or any problem through at him in life. He knew that she couldn't even begin to understand how bad he has it for her, how bad he has it for them.
𝐓𝐖𝐎 The blonde then turned to look at the dark skinned boy below them both. He was sure that he was the smartest person to walk the planet he'd be an Einstein one day going off to make the world better and giving the government a run for their money leaving him behind taking his heart with him and he'd let him take it to the ends of the earth with no fuss
𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 It was settled how could he let someone like them go? The simple answer was that he couldn't even if we wanted it was a the stupidest mistake anyone would ever be able to make and he was sure of himself he wouldn't
𝐆𝐎 They finally jumped still hand and hand as the cold water hit their skin screaming was the first thing they heard when their head were out of the water beginning to swim to shore as the girls laugh erupted his ears as a melody
Pope was the first to reach them both engulfing the two in a hug the water transferring to his shirt off their bodies didn't seem to phase him as JJ laughed openly pushing his wet hair from his face before wrapping an arm around them both before Bonnie's did the same both arms wrapped around both boys shoulders and waist
Her boys they all thought
"That's what I'm talking about now freshly caught" The group sat around a fire eating fish in silence Bonnie had her head rested on Popes shoulder and her legs were over JJs lap as he rubbed his palm against her flesh leaving a trail of goosebumps as he went
The rest of the pogues couldn't help but sneak glances in awe it took long enough John B would say but the silence was enough and spoke for itself
Kiara watched them all with a sinking feeling in her stomach she wasn't chirpy about it how was she supposed to be when the boy she had feelings for found that same feeling in other people?
Pope could feel himself stir as he began to blink away the sleep from his eyes at the sound that evaded his ears on the usually silent island when the pogues weren't talking and the waves weren't crashing against shore he happened to look up in the sky at helicopter that flew over the ocean close to the island
"Guys wake up!" The boy was immediately up on his legs grabbing his shoes and JJs lighters that once rested in Bonnie's bag before he was off
Bonnie woke up the sight of the brown skin boy that once lied next to her running from her peripheral view was enough to get her on her feet as she quickly tapped JJs thigh before going to follow him
It didn't take long to catch up to Pope as you both ran up the hill to a pile of wood that you had made just in case as the boy cursed at the spiking lighter that wouldn't erupt in the wind until Bonnie cupped her hand around it making a small flame that was enough to light the sticks and tree branches as the pair began to yell waving their hands in the air
"𝐇𝐄𝐘, we're over here!"
"𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 help us!"
The plane continued a it seemed no matter how much the pair screamed it was deemed useless as they both panted heavily until the plane began to turn to its side wings frozen in the air as it turned around
"Pope, Pope they see us!" The girl yelled tapping his shoulder jumping up and down until the boy picked her up his arms resting under her thighs spinning in circles as they both screamed in victory
The pogues began to run after the plane that landed in the pond as the door opened and a middle aged man long hair and a button up shirt stepped out
"Well what do we got here?" Pope ran up to John B wrapping an arm around his shoulder as both boys exclaimed in victory while Bonnie approached JJ with a bright smile that he couldn't quite mirror as she hugged his side her head resting against his bicep and just the peak of his shoulder and the blonde didn't hesitate to hold her before he handed her her bag
"You know, just some castaways." John B replied brightly
"Well I'll cross that off the grocery list, you know I got just the thing for y'all the two things you need on a deserted island first aid and rum" The man tossed both of the said items the rum landing in the pond before getting picked up by Sarah and the first aid landing in Popes hands
"So what's the story, you guys sink a boat?" He said as if it was the most reasonable thing in the world
"Jumped off one. Her dads." John b replied nodding over to where Sarah stood beside him with a skeptical look on her face
"In-laws man their tough. Well have no fear Jimmy's here I got you" The group began to laugh
"Well all hail Jimmy guys! Let's go." Cleo cheered as the group began to get on the plane the last two left were JJ and Bonnie as the two looked at each other before following their friends
"So what we're you doing all the way out here?" JJ questioned not fully sitting back in his seat Bonnie sat In between both him and Pope waiting for the man's response
"I got a little guide outfit in Saint Vincent I was spotting fish." Jimmy responded starting up the plain as the engine roared to life
"What we're you spotting?"
"Oh you know the usual Wahoo... I'd hand on to something get a little spicy on takeoff" The brunette didn't miss the look on JJs face as he squinted at the man before before clutching onto one of the handles that hung from the ceiling as the plane began to accelerate up into the air
"Wahoo don't run in September ever. So whoever this man is he's not a fisherman" The girls head snapped to look at the blonde her lips slightly parted
"Maybe the run just starts earlier out here" Pope tried to reason a small look of alert taking over his features
"Are you sure about that? In the Caribbean" JJ shot a look at the boy as Bonnie's knee began to bounce up and down a habit she had when she was trying to think or when she was anxious
"No I know what this is, he's working for my dad and he's probably been looking for us the entire time." Sarah spoke up in her seat next to Cleo all eyes shifting to her
"All right we gotta find out looking for some sort of... clues" The blonde trailed off as he looked at the bag on the back of the pilots chair as he looked at Bonnie and John B
"Hey Jimmy, how long you had this bird?" The boy questioned as JJ stretched an arm across the isle way sticking a hand in his bag
"Probably about ten years"
"How long you been flying?" Bonnie spoke up as the man shook his head with a smile that made her stomach uneasy
"I've been flying all my life"
"Uhh who's the lovely lady right there?" John B through another question back like a grenade ready to blow
"That right there? That's Cynthia" The man laughed loudly overly loud the Bonnie though his headphones probably had something to do with the fact
JJ began sprawling some of the things he got from the man's bag out on his lap as Bonnie picked up the book flipping through pages for anything useful as JJ handed Sarah a picture
"The costal venture oh my god this is the boat we were on with Eberhimi and the cross" Sarah whispered
"So he was looking for us?" Cleo questioned even though it was more than a statement as JJ agreed nodding his head
"He's working for my dad" Sarah declared before the plane began to shake as Bonnie fell into Popes side the boy wrapping his around her without missing a beat
"You guys better hold onto something we got some unexpected turbulence up here" Jimmy called back
"Guys whatever it is it's happening fast look." Kiara pointed out the window and everyone could see an island the plane began to approach
"It's Barbados. It's where I lived there before I moved with my dad to the cut" Bonnie stated as she remembered the memories she had before her dad moved them both to the obx just when she was seven on the peak of turning eight
"Okay there's seven of us, one of him. You know my vote we storm the cockpit." JJ stated the girl honestly questioned it logic majority of the time
"No who's gonna fly the plane dumbass" John B protested
"I've seen Pope fly simulators" The blonde responded and the girl pinched at his arm for putting him on the spot to which he pouted genuinely beginning to rub his arm
"I crop-dusted for my uncle last summer this is not the same thing" The brown skin boy shook his head
"We don't have time to pretend that's a real option" Kiara responded
"Do you have an idea?"
"Something safe."
"Why don't we just wait until the plane lands somewhere safe, and if someone comes to mess with us we handle it." Bonnie interrupted the banter and everyone seemed to agree
"I like the handling part" JJ responded and the girl couldn't help but roll her eyes
"Just put that back" She pointed to the stuff in his lap as John B began to stir up conversation with Jimmy again as the man turned his head catching JJ putting back one of the books he had taken back in his bag
"Hey what the hell are you doing man" He had reached back pushing JJ letting go of shift sticks to control the plane in the process as the plane began to drop
"Please fly the plane!" Jimmy had finally took control of the stick pulling upwards with abnormal force and soon the plane finally crashed in the water beginning to sink
"We got to get out come on" The group jumped one by one until it was Bonnie and Kiara left Pope had his arms out for the girl and Bonnie reluctantly jumped out the plane into the boys arms as JJ took the girl from his grasp beginning to swim of the direction underneath the pier
"Kie went the other way!" Sarah exclaimed as they watched the girl begin to run of the shore deeper into the island men dressed in khakis and cargos chasing after
"What are we going to do we're going after her right?" John B questioned as he watched his best friend get dragged away
"What can we do?" Pope questioned
"That girl always has to play fucking hero" Bonnie panted JJ still holding her tight in his grasp
"Guys my dad didn't, didn't sell our house we can crash there until we figure something out" The girl continued beginning to shake from the cold clear water and the pogues had settled on that idea quietly swimming to another part of the shore making it to land
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gamebunny-advance · 4 months
Kun3h0 Accessories DLC + Patch Notes v.1.0.1
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GAB accessory
Karrot-98 accessory
Updated top.
Fixed hair bug. (Hair would easily slip off model.)
Minor improvements.
(More pics and notes under the cut.)
So I finally finished up Kun3h0's accessories and fixed up her top.
So, we've got her GAB and her drill, the Karrot-98.
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GAB started out as this little dino thing that I just cut up and sculpted onto.
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The original plan was to sculpt onto the original arms after I cut off the wings, but they kept bumping into the head, so I opted to completely resculpt them.
Now they can still turn their head, but that's the only point of articulation. I really should have sanded it more, you can really see the texture still in the clay, but such as it is.
The collar isn't the most elegant thing in the world, but at least it's there~ It's also disappointing that I couldn't get the edges of her screen completely straight and even, but it is what it is.
Overall, I think it's a decent recreation of the original design, even if the purples aren't quite right.
I should take a pic of them next to my other GAB recreations so y'all can really see the difference in scale. I believe this is the smallest GAB I've made so far, and also the only one that has the big heart-shaped tail~
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Next is the Karrot-98, Kun3h0's magical drill. I don't have any "before" pictures, but it's made from another accessory that came with the doll, a little clay, and a piping tip that I had lying around + extras.
I don't have a set design for the Karrot yet, so I just kinda painted it with colors I already mixed. When Kun3h0's holding it, it does kinda get lost in the pinks of her outfit, but by itself I think it looks fine. If I come up with a better color scheme for it, then maybe I'll repaint it.
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Next, I completely re-did her top. This time, I doused all the fabric in fray-check first to keep it from pulling apart while I was sewing it together, and I completely redid the sleeves. Originally, I had painted the arm guards onto the sleeves because I didn't think of any other way to do it. This time I tried making them with craft foam to better replicate that they're supposed to be two different materials. I'd say it was mostly successful.
Since it's kind of a pain to slip the sleeve into the guards, I don't have any pics of the top without them on, but the sleeves are more form fitting, so the top looks more like a proper tracksuit without the guards on. It's a slightly better look than the original IMO, but it's still not perfect: the guards are basically like a Miku sleeve, so you can still see into them even though the only opening is supposed to be through the cuff (which are barely visible in this pic, but they can stick out for a more accurate look.)
I would show the new top next to the old one, but I kinda destroyed the old one trying to test ideas for this new one XP (in fact, the collar IS from the old one, I just ripped it off and reapplied it to this one).
Lastly, I fixed her wig a little bit.
I don't have pics of it, but I just stuck some velcro to her scalp and the inside of the wig, so now it should stop slipping off while still being removable.
I'm just against completely gluing it down because I still have a lot of yarn left from this project, so I would eventually like to make her some alternate hairstyle wigs just to use up the yarn.
Now I feel pretty confident in saying that she's actually "done." There are a few places that I could touch up with paint, but as for "making" anything else for this doll, I did everything I really wanted to do.
Admittedly, Kun3h0 is one of my most self-indulgent designs (as though everything I make isn't in some way self-indulgent), so to have a physical object which embodies so much of what I like, truly satisfies me. We'll see if I still feel that way about her a week from now, but at the moment, she is the culmination of almost every creative skill I have, and I'm very pleased with the results of that effort, more so than possibly anything else I've ever made~ <3
I may post more pics of her when I can actually dedicate some time to making a proper scene and/or backdrop. There's a lot of little details that I like that I haven't really taken pics of. I dunno if I have the courage to do it, but it'd be cool to take some pics in an actual arcade with her~
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acey-wacey · 2 years
Magicam Monsters
Feat. Leona Kingscholar, Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchi, Jamil Viper, Idia Shroud
Requested by @thelazyhermits on Ko-fi! I owe you my life 😌.
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🦁 Leona Kingscholar 🦁
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He's busy enough with his own dorm being trashed that he doesn't even have time to visit you the whole Halloween week, which he's pretty pissed about.
When he finally gets to go to the Ramshackle dorm, he's just in time to see you shooing a few Magicam Monsters out the door with a broom.
These ones aren't particularly persistent so they leave without too much of a fight, not wanting to face your wrath again.
Leona manages to sneak past them and enter the dorm, not expecting you to start hitting him with a broom.
"I told you to stay ou- oh Leona, hi!"
You don't even apologize for whacking him, he deserved it.
When you tell him what's been happening with the Magicam Monsters, he is furious.
He can deal with nosy clout chasers bugging him but once they start invading your privacy, he gets absolutely LIVID.
You have to actively hold him back from turning the MMs to sand.
Eventually, you convince him not to seek revenge and to instead watch scary movies with you on the couch.
(and maybe make out during the scary parts)
🐺 Jack Howl 🐺
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He would usually be texting you updates throughout the day, but the MMs are so persistent, he hasn't even had a second to breathe.
You are rather worried that he hasn't responded to you but you can't even leave the dorm without having a camera shoved in your face.
Every annoying influencer wants a shot of the magic-less prefect and their pet cat.
Once the attackers finally relent and leave the dorm, you practically run to the coliseum where Jack was still fighting off the selfie sticks.
You managed to drag him away from the excitement long enough to fill him in on your situation.
He's just really sad that you can't even enjoy your first Halloween in Twisted Wonderland.
He promises to make it up to you after it's all over.
"We'll get some candy corn and caramel apples, and have a real normal Halloween party. Would that be okay?"
You laugh at how sweet he is, despite having problems of his own.
Even while dragging MMs out of your dorm, you still can think fondly of the celebration you'll have with Jack once Halloween is over.
🍩 Ruggie Bucchi 🍩
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Contrarily, he's the one complaining to you.
You've both had struggles with the relentless monsters throughout the whole week, but he's the brat between the two of you so you have to stroke his hair and comfort him while he tells you about his problems.
While you're cuddling, a MM manages to sneak in through the window and tries to take pictures of the two of you.
You gently remove Ruggie's head from your lap before not-so-gently snatching the intruder phone and dragging them out of the dorm by their ear.
Ruggie is watching in awe as you scold the intruder like a puppy.
He's honestly a little bit attracted to your mean side.
After you slam the door in the MMs face, you hold up their phone that you confiscated.
"How much do you think we could sell this for?"
You're literally the most perfect partner in the world.
🐍 Jamil Viper 🐍
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You manage to sneak past the MMs bombarding your dorm to go see Jamil at the student store.
You drag him away to check up and fill him in on your situation.
He apologizes for not returning your calls but after he points out all the bugs in the garbage cans, you give him a free pass.
Both of you really need a break.
He already deals with Kalim and you already deal with Grim so the MMs are just panic icing on the stress cake.
You pinky-promise him that once Halloween week is over and all the tourists have left, the two of you are going to have some serious RNR.
Maybe get someone else to babysit your kids and then you can just chill out for at least a week.
He feels really bad that you have to deal with the MMs trying to take pictures of you and the ghosts.
"If you put up one of those electric fences, they wouldn't bother you anymore."
You definitely consider it but Crowley would never give you the funds.
🎮 Idia Shroud 🎮
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With his projections, he can just make a hologram of himself so he doesn't have to be there.
As proud as he is of his Creepy Hollow projection, he's been getting urgent texts from you for the past hour and he really needs to check on you.
He sneaks away to the Ramshackle dorm, grateful that he's still hiding behind his pumpkin mask when he see the MMs bombarding your dorm.
You manage to kick them all out without his help and retreat into your house again before you notice the knight creeping around the front door.
You are startled for a moment before remembering Idia's costume.
You laugh and pull off the mask, his hair tinged with pink when you kiss his cheek.
"If you aren't too busy after your stamp shift, would you want to watch Creepy Hollow and cuddle with me? I need a break."
He doesn't even have to say anything for you to knew it's a yes.
The puppy dog sparkle in his eyes give him away.
Rest assured, he's going to infodump random trivia about the movie while your watching it.
339 notes · View notes
honeybeezx · 10 months
Armor -Oberyn Martell x Reader x Ellaria Sand - Part 8
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Authors Note: haha ✨surprise✨ I t’s been forever since an update, i honestly kinda fell out of writing for a while. But I rewatched game of Thrones recently and knew I had to finish this. I will try my best to be more consistant with this because I love the characters and I have a plan for this story. Thank you for sticking with this story and I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Summary: Silver Hawk’s first night in Dorne
Word Count: 5k
Trigger Warnings: none
“You seem distracted.” Ellaria teased, pulling you out of your state as you both rode your horses into the city.
“Just in awe.” You clarified as your eyes danced across the bright colored buildings and the jubilant people welcoming back their prince. “Your homeland…it’s beautiful.”
Ellaria smiled softly, a smile that would have looked out of place on someone with a razor tongue. But you knew her, and you hoped she would always smile at you like that.
“For as much as Oberyn and I love to travel, Dorne will always be my favorite place. Sunspear agrees with you.”
You couldn’t argue with that. It was as if the land itself had opened up to you.
But you saw the people among the streets, saw them whisper as they looked at you. You normally did not care about the judgement of others, but whispers could be dangerous to a foreigner. If word of an assassin sworn to obey the command of Tyrion Lannister, the Martell’s sworn enemy reached the ears of the people, you knew your presence would create an uncomfortable situation for House Martell.
“Don’t worry. The people simply do not know you, but they will.” Ellaria assured confidently.
“I hope you’re right.”
It wasn’t long before you reached the palace. You dismounted your horses and walked up the luscious water gardens until you were inside the palace. It was as if the palace had built by the very sand that it rested upon. The many columns and archways were more impressive than they were foreboding, unlike the Red Keep.
You thought you were being received in a throne room, only to find Doran Martell waiting comfortable in a small parlor, a man behind him which you could only assume was his guard judging by the size of him. You imagined most people thought of Dorne’s ruler as weak and feeble given his condition, but Doran seemed every bit as stoic and strong as a king should be.
“This is my brother, Doran, Prince of Dorne and head of House Martell.” Oberyn introduced, like he was proud to be by your side, proud to introduce you to his brother.
You hoped you were worthy of all that.
“Welcome to Dorne, Silver Hawk. I’ve heard many a great stories about you.” Doran greeted warmly. Strong, stoic…and incredibly kind.
“It is an honor, your grace. I am very fortunate to be received by such a beautiful land and by such a kind family.”
“A land that has only been made more beautiful by your presence.”
Were all the Martells just inherently charming?
“Be careful, brother. I had my eyes on her long before you and even then she did not take so kindly to my…compliments.” Oberyn teased, making you roll your eyes.
“Your grace, it was a much more complicated situation.” You defended before flashing Oberyn a look that was anything but pleased.
But Doran simply chuckled. “Nothing with my brother is anything less than complicated. As I said before you are very welcome here. Should you need anything during your stay do not hesitate to ask it of us.”
You smiled softly. When was the last time you liked someone so quickly?
“Your grace is too kind. Thank you for your generosity. I will do what I can to repay you for it.”
Doran shook his head. “Not necessary. You are a guest, I demand nothing. Please, simply enjoy your stay. You are welcome to join the rest of the family for dinner, however, if you are overwhelmed by your travels and prefer to be alone we will happily send some to bring you food.”
“Oh that won’t be necessary.” You quickly intervened. Most of the time you hunted your own food, food being prepared for you was strange let alone having being brought to you. “I’d be happy to join everyone at dinner. Oberyn and Ellaria have spoken so highly of their family and I’m eager to meet them.”
“Wonderful. I will see you this evening then.” And with that, Doran was assisted out of the parlor and out into the water gardens.
“He liked you almost as quickly as I did. Though you were much friendlier and obliging than you were upon our first meeting.” Oberyn teased, almost like he was wounded. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you prefer my brother.”
“I don’t prefer anyone.” You retorted sharply, glaring at him disapprovingly. “However, your brother never asked if I would consider fucking him.”
Ellaria didn’t even try holding back her laughter.
Oberyn smiled devilishly. “I simply made our desires known litse riñe.”
“Litse riñe?”
Oberyn smirked, but didn’t elaborate. “Come, we will show you to your quarters.”
You looked to Ellaria, hoping she would explain the meaning of her lover’s words, but she simply cupped your cheek gently and smiled before following Oberyn.
The room was better than you could have imagined. A huge open archway allowed sunlight into your room, and led to a small balcony that overlooked the city. But doors were attached, she you could close them at night and keep yourself safe, or to at least feel protected. The bed was huge, it encompassed the middle of the room, yet there was still space for more things. The wall opposite the balcony was lined with books, maps, and scrolls that you were sure would be well-read by the time you left this place.
“This is too much. Would you rather save this space for an honored guest? I’m perfectly fine in a-“
“You are an honored guest.” Ellaria cut off. “And you should be more than just comfortable. Who knows how long it will be until you are able to return to Tyrion? This place should feel like home, even if it’s just for a little while.” She chided, but somehow you got the feeling she wouldn’t mind this being your room permanently.
“It’s just so…big.” You had never had anything this nice, not even in the Red Keep.
“If you don’t like it we can-“
“No!” You cut off Oberyn quickly before calming yourself. “I mean, if you need this room for another guest or for any reason at all I should be happy in a smaller quarters. But this room is perfect. I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful…I’m just not used to such….luxury.”
Because that’s what this was, a luxury that you weren’t quite sure you deserved, or even knew what to do with.
Oberyn chuckled and glanced around the room. “You should join me in the library sometime if you wish to see true luxury.”
“Or our bedroom.”
Both you and Oberyn shot Ellaria a surprised look, both of you thinking talk like that was out of the question, especially since you had made your feelings of discomfort known when it came to flirting.
But Ellaria was far more observant than her lover. You let Oberyn call you a sweet name without too much questioning, even though you could easily get the explanation out of him. You let Ellaria touch your cheek without even flinching.
And you had kissed their knuckles aboard the ship. A simple gesture that should have seemed like nothing, but was everything to the three of you.
“As soon as I am settled I’d love to see everything.”
“We hope to see you there soon. Until then, get settled and join us for dinner. I will send Syrene in to help you unpack.”
“Thank you….both of you.” You said simply, though you knew there were not any words you knew of that could have expressed your gratitude.
They both simply smiled at you before taking their leave. You began to unpack, which really just meant you took off your sheath of arrows. The rest of it was already there. A large dresser was already full with pretty gowns that you were sure you would never wear. But Ellaria and Oberyn knew you better than that. In the lower drawers were cotton pants and loose shirts. Different from the heavy woolen shirts you wore under your armor in the North, even different from the tight under-armor you wore in the capital. Still, Dorne was a blistering hot country, and although the clothes still didn’t exactly suit your tastes, they were certainly the most logical for the climate.
But you didn’t have the slightest clue what to wear to dinner. Normally you wouldn’t care, but you’ve never been a guest of a great house before, especially not as just another assassin. Did they expect you to dress nicely? Or did they expect you as you always were, with arrows strapped to your back and armor covering your body.
As if she heard your thoughts, Syrene knocked at your door.
“I’m so glad Oberyn and Ellaria sent you. What am I expected to wear to dinner.”
Syrene thought for a moment. “Well…you aren’t on duty as a guard or anything now, and you have no reason to wear your armor, so…” she opened your drawers, luckily the ones that weren’t full of dresses.
“Here.” He laid out a…you weren’t quite sure what it was.
“How do I get in it?”
Syrene laughed. “You step in it, silly. It’s all one piece so it somewhat gives the appearance of a dress, but still gives you the freedom to move as you do in trousers.”
It wasn’t the worse thing you had ever seen. It was a brown color, but it had orange hues that matched the Dornish colors. In the middle was a think brown belt that would easily let you hide your dagger (not that you knew how to use it well, or that you even thought you needed it, but you could never be too careful). Your arms would be exposed, but you supposed you could deal with that for tonight, especially in such a hot climate.
If you were being honest with yourself, you actually really liked the design.
“Thank you, this is perfect.” You knew you would be indebted to your friend by the end of your stay in Sunspear
“Do not mention it. Would you like me to do you hair?” She offered kindly.
Your hair, when was the last time you ever cared about your hair?
“No, I think I will just put it up in a simple braid, but thank you.” You could change your ways a little in a new land, but somethings you wanted to control. Your hair was always up or in some sort of braid, you didn’t want to change that now.
“Certainly.” Syrene smiled. “Are you nervous about dining with them? I mean, the Martell’s are a good family, but I think I would be scared to dine with such highborn people.” She admitted.
But you simply shrugged.
“They’re just people. I don’t believe in people being born higher or lower than others, just those who were born into better circumstances. The Martells have flaws, they will live and they will die as everyone else will.” Goodness, you did not expect to reveal so much of your thoughts to her, you made a note to keep them in check. Syrene was a friend, but she was still someone you barely knew. “Like you said, they are good people. I’m not afraid of good people.”
Syrene smiled. “If I were half as intimidating as you I don’t think I could be afraid of anyone.”
You shrugged. You had always known what people thought and expected of you, but it wasn’t nearly as fun as it sounded. Sure, you could be a threat to those that challenged you, but sometimes…you just wanted friends. Tyrion had befriended you easily, but he saw through you, better than most. Not everyone was as clever as him, even Bronn and Shae had trouble trusting and connecting with you. You hadn’t blamed them, it was just…difficult.
You made a mental note to work on that.
When you were fully changed, you were shocked by the image in the mirror. It wasn’t often you were without your armor, and even now the idea of it made your heart race. What were you thinking? This was a strange land, and although you trusted the Martell’s, you couldn’t expect the whole land to be fine with an ex-guard for one of the Lannisters roaming about their homeland. If word got out quick enough, you knew there could be a bounty on your head.
You can never relax, can you?
Even when he was away Tyrion was a nagging voice in your head.
“Do you like it?” Your new acquaintance asked as she adjusted the necklace she added.
It was a hard question. Truthfully, you would always feel on edge without your armor. But otherwise….it was comfortable.
“It’s perfect.” You settled on, not wanting to hurt Syrene’s feelings nor make a big deal out of something as trivial as clothing. You could deal with being armorless for one night.
The dining hall was impressive, much larger than you expected. The the table stretched the length of the room, but everyone was gathered at one side and close together to allow easier conversation. Oberyn, Ellaria, and Doran were there, but then…four younger girls that no one could have doubted to be Oberyn’s daughters.
But when you entered, all eyes fell on you.
“Who’s the pretty lady?” A girl, you had to guess was only slightly older than the little girl next to Oberyn, asked so sweetly it could have turned even you soft.
Ellaria smiled and booped her daughter’s nose. “The pretty lady is The Silver Hawk your father and I were talking about.”
“But where’s her armor?”
“Take a good look, because this might be the only time you see me without it on.” You laughed while Oberyn stood to pull out a chair for you. “You’ll have to see me when I’m out shooting sometime. It’s better to see in the sunlight anyways.”
“Can you really shoot apples off people’s heads?” Asked another, slightly older than the other.
“Don’t be stupid, no one is that good.”
“Girls.” Oberyn cut off sharply. “Elia, that wasn’t kind, apologize to your sister.”
The girl groaned, but did as her father instructed.
“I apologize on behalf of my daughters. They have curious minds and I’ve been telling them about you in my letters. I’m afraid the tales of your talents have reach their ears and there’s no quelling their interest.”
You never did care for all the far-fetched stories about your talents, but somehow you didn’t mind Oberyn telling his girls. In truth, it was sweet. You flashed a quick smile to Oberyn before smiling softly at the little girl next to you. “I can shoot an apple off of someone’s head. I did it in King’s Landing, your mother and father saw it.”
“It’s true.” Ellaria interceded. “She saved his life too. Won a whole archery competition in front of the queen regent and the king. We have a true talent in Sunspear.”
While it was true, you didn’t know if you wanted so much attention on yourself. “All this talk about me, and I don’t even know any of your names!”
“I’m Dorea!”
You smiled, already liking the little girl who had called you pretty first thing when you walked in.
“My name is Obella. It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.”
She was very articulate for so young a girl. She looked sharp, smart and clever as her father, but beautiful like her mother, showing more of her mother’s features than her sisters did. “The pleasure is all mine.”
The oldest of the four was quiet, crossing her arms in defiance. Both Oberyn and Ellaria shot her a glare, and the girl knew she wouldn’t be getting out of this.
“Elia.” She replies curtly.
“A beautiful name.” You tried complimenting, remembering that it was Oberyn’s late sister’s name.
But the girl was not so easily charmed, she remained quiet.
You didn’t know what you did to her, but you didn’t press. Even then, you liked her. You didn’t like very many people upon first meeting them either.
So this is what Oberyn and Ellaria felt like when they first met me….
Oberyn nudged the little girl sitting between you and him. She was the cutest little girl you had ever seen, but you could tell she was still shy.
“It’s your turn little one, can you tell our guest your name?” Oberyn asked, giving his little girl an encouraging nudge. But the little girl just hid her face in her father’s arm and cuddled close to him.
“She’s shy.” He mouthed to you over her little shoulder.
“You have a very pretty dress.” You complimented, hoping to get the little girl to look at you. “Very fitting for such a beautiful princess.”
The girl eventually did peek back at you, but then quickly turned back to her father. “Is she a princess?”
You weren’t even wearing a gown, so the girl’s assumption took you by surprise, but you were flattered all the same, even made you laugh a little.
“No, but she certainly looks like she could be, doesn’t she?” Oberyn smiled, ruffling her curls before lifting his head to smile at you. “I’m sure she would still love to know your name, little one.”
“I would.” You agreed.
The girl barely peeked back at you. “Loreza.”
And suddenly you liked children.
You didn’t think you had before, but your heart was already melting at all these sweet girls. Elia still needed some encouragement, but even then you liked her spunk. You had never really seen what a good, healthy, relatively normal family structure looked like, you had chosen your family after your father died, and even then it’s was just the two of you. But here were four girls lucky enough to have two parents and a luxurious home…you thought they would be entitled rich kids…only to find that Ellaria and Oberyn were the best parents you had ever seen.
And it made you softer than you would ever admit.
Dinner passed by quickly, it was mostly filled with tales of your misadventures with Tyrion and the others, even some of the trouble you got up to by yourself. The girl’s hung on your every word, even Elia seemed interested, though she hid her enthusiasm far better than her little sisters.
But soon enough, Lorena gave a few quiet yawns, signaling the girl’s bed time. You smiled softly, ready to excuse yourself to let the parents tuck in their children before you felt a tug on your pants.
The little girl didn’t say anything, just lifted her hands in the air, like picking her up and carrying her was expected of you. It made you smile, but you looked to her parents for permission. They nodded and you didn’t even hesitate to scoop her up once they both gave encouraging nods. You could already see her eyes getting heavy as you let her head rest on your shoulder.
“You two will have to show me the way, I’d get lost trying to find my way by myself in this place.” You joked.
“Come on girls, I’ll tuck you in while your father and our guest take care of your sisters.” Ellaria chided, taking Elia and Obella while Oberyn scooped up Dorea.
“Good night girls, it was a pleasure meeting you both.” You smiled. Elia still seemed unimpressed, but Obella gave a sleepy wave goodbye before following her mother. You’d take the small win, even if you were determined to convince Elia that the two of you could at least be acquaintances.
A mission for another time.
Right now you needed to get the sack of potatoes in your arms to bed.
“Follow me.” Oberyn whispered, Dorea already out in his arms as quickly as Loreza fell asleep in yours.
You took quiet steps to reach their shared room. You placed the sleeping girl in her tiny bed and brushed away a few of her raven curls from her face. It was a sweet scene, almost instinctively you wanted to give both girls a goodnight kiss on the forehead, but thought better if it. They weren’t your daughters after all…
“Thank you for entertaining their imagination. My girls are strong, they have dreams of becoming warriors like their older sisters. It’s exciting for them to hear of other female warriors outside of their homeland, makes it feel all the more possible for them to achieve their dreams if they have other women to look up to.”
Look up to?
You had never thought of yourself as someone people would look up to. You didn’t do what you thought was right, you always did what you did to keep yourself alive. Their own sisters were more of an appropriate roll model, strong women who fought for their country, not for themselves.
“I’m not quite sure ‘warrior’ is the word, and I’m not sure I can inspire them as much as their own sisters probably already do, but I’d do anything to encourage them to learn how to at least protect and defend themselves. They’re strong girls, they get that from their parents.” You complimented with a small smile towards the girls’s father.
“That’s all a father can hope for. I want everything for them, I want them to be able to do anything they put their minds to. I’d do anything to help them with that.” Oberyn spoke as if you weren’t there, he was focused on Dorea, brushing her hair back from her face with careful fingers. You didn’t mind being forgotten, it was sweet. You still felt like you didn’t know everything about Oberyn, but the one thing you could be certain on was that he was a fantastic father.
He pulled himself out of his musings and returned to you. “Forgive me, I’m afraid my daughters can make me rather sentimental.”
You shook you head. “Never feel like you have to apologize for loving your daughters. I’ve never seen a man feel so blessed to have daughters, most men want sons.”
Oberyn shrugged. “Perhaps I had wondered what it would have been like to have a son, but I wouldn’t change anything, not for the world. I am too content with my daughters to change anything. Happiness is a rarity, when you have it, don’t wish to change any part of it.” He smiled before coming to stand next to you and kiss Loreza’s head as well.
And then…he was so close to you.
So close that you saw the specks of amber in his deep brown eyes, and the way his hair was much curlier near the nape of his neck, the way his chest heavily rose and fell with every steady breath.
So close that you could have touched him.
But you didn’t.
“I hope that you will find happiness here, even if it is for a brief time. I know your happiness lies with your chosen family but-“
“It’s not.” You interceded, to both of your surprise, but you had meant it all the same.
“Tyrion, Shae, Bronn, they make me feel safe, they are my family, but they’re not what makes me happy…or at least not the happiest.”
Oberyn looked at you with narrowed eyes and you just realized how cold and unfeeling you sounded. “I had a life before all of them, and I knew happiness before them. I found happiness in the trees…in using my arrows to defend myself, but to also provide for myself, whether it be from offering my services or hunting for food. I found happiness in choosing my own path. I’m not a princess or a lady, I don’t have luxury, but I also don’t have to prepare for ruling a kingdom or building one. I just…live. And nothing in the word makes me happier than that.”
And you didn’t even realize how much you were telling him. You supposed you had nothing to lose now. Your family was already in harms way and there’s was nothing you could do about it, you were in a strange land, and he was the only person you knew other than Ellaria. In truth, it was amazing that he didn’t know more about you, you felt at his mercy.
But Oberyn just looked interested in all this. You couldn’t even be surprised. You couldn’t even bring yourself to tell him about your father aboard the ship and here you were telling him your secret to happiness. Of course he would be interested, this was the most you had given him in months.
“You value freedom.” Oberyn nodded. “As do I, I just supposed I always had it. There are certain expectations as Prince, but not as many if I had been named king. It is fortunate that I was not named so.” He laughed, and while you liked Oberyn, you knew he would be a terrible king.
“You would have had a powerful queen at your side, she would have helped you…but then you would have never had the pleasure of having me threaten you in a brothel.” You teased.
“Truly the highlight of my life.”
You both chuckled before Oberyn ushered you out the door, not wanting your laughter to wake his sleepy daughters.
“Thank you for helping me get them to bed. Trying to carry both of them would have been nearly impossible and I know one of them would have been upset about trying to walk. Loreaza is shy, but she doesn’t let just anyone pick her up. She likes you, even if she doesn’t know how to say so.” Oberyn deciphered, leading you back to your room.
“I’m not sure Elia feels the same.” You laughed. Oberyn looked back to you with concern, but you shook your head. “I’m not offended, I’m the last person who had any right to be offended. I don’t like anyone I meet the first time either…except your daughters.” You added as an afterthought, realizing you took to them quicker than anyone else.
Oberyn smiled softly at the ground. “It warms my heart to hear it. Elia will come around. She is difficult at times, but she’s a smart girl. She knows more about the world than her sisters so she’s more guarded, but she will come around with time.”
You nodded, but somehow you wondered if Oberyn was making the task of winning her favor seem easier than it really was. “I’m not worried, I think she’s right to have her guard up. An archer who was previously employed by the Lannisters, marching into Dorne, their greatest enemy…I think the bigger problem will be preventing someone outside the palace from murdering me.” You tried laughing it off, but the people of Dorne were fierce people, they felt everything strongly. If there seemed to be a threat in their homeland, they would do something about it.
“Then we will have to show them that you are not our enemy.” Oberyn was apparently king of confidence. Everything seemed so simple to him, he had more faith in you than you had in yourself.
“And how do you purpose we do that?” You asked, because things were not so simple to you.
Oberyn stopped, and before you even realized it you were back at your door. He looked deep in thought, his strong brow furrowed. “I don’t know…but we will find a way. I will talk to Ellaria tonight as well. These people will not hate you. I know them as if they were of my own blood. You have too much goodness in you for them to dislike you.”
It were as if his words stole the air from your lungs. What were you to say to that? Goodness? When had anyone ever called you good? You were an assassin for hire, your job was to kill. Your goodness was a lie that not even Tyrion could pass off.
“I think you think too highly of me, Prince Oberyn.”
“I don’t think I do.”
Was he getting closer? His eyes never left yours, they burned a hole right through you. You wondered how it could suddenly feel even hotter in this desert, but the warmth flooding your cheeks was proof of the change.
Then his eyes moved to your lips.
You parted them.
Then he took your hand and placed a soft kiss to your knuckles. “Good night, Silver Hawk.”
You wanted to say something, anything, but everything felt like too much; his eyes, his warmth, his sweet kiss. You looked to him to try and convey some sense of a reply, but it seemed impossible. You scrambled into your room, only having enough control to not slam the door in his face. He had seen it, your cheeks and the look in your eye.
For the first time he had seen you look truly afraid.
Because you wanted to kiss him, but something told you you couldn’t.
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 5 months
Research Story
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[ID: The banner of the game research story, drawn in anime style. It shows a person next to the game's title, looking at a yellow flower through a magnifying glass, papers in hand and a black cat with a sprout on its head on their shoulder. End ID]
You move into the cozy little village Shimmerbrook as a researcher. Unlike in other farming sims, that means you don't purchase seeds/animals, you have to pick up a plant/animal/fish part, start researching, observe, learn how to forage seeds and how to tame the creatures, then grow the plants and bond with the creatures by fulfilling their needs.
Once it likes you, every creature has a different perk, from giving you bonus seeds when foraging plants, over finding mushrooms, over automatically fertilizing soil when planting seeds, over finding treasure, over…
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[ID: A screenshot of the game. The artstyle is pixel graphics, the colors are muted because it's after nightfall. The player character, with pink hair and yellow and pink clothes, walks across a meadow towards a house looking like a giant tree stump. A chicken, a rabbit, and a fox are following them. End ID ]
Different plants/creatures appear depending on weather, location, season & time of day. Some plants only grow next to water, some fish only appear in caves at night. All creatures have multiple possible traits, for example needing a buddy to be happy, and some being sheltered by a nearby tree. The more things you research, the more your rank increases, unlocking more things - like weekly fetch quests for villagers.
Research (d'uh)
Looking at it objectively, no feature is extremely deep (though I believe some will be expanded before 1.0). There's only a limited selection of decor items, no farm buildings, different requirements make large-scale farming tedious, and the fishing minigame is very simple. Dating is still getting expanded (no marriage yet), and crafting is rather limited, mostly things you need for research like different kinds of feed, bait, soil, and crafting stations. There's no cooking yet other than throwing a few basic items into a campfire to get a roasted version, and only a few equippable items as rewards.
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[ID: The same player character stands in a small, square house against a black background. The house is furnished with a bed, a bedside table, a desk with a pot of pink flowers on top, a painting, a pale yellow rug, and several wooden chests. End ID]
But, at least for me, it all fits together incredibly well if you accept the research part as the main goal. There's just enough of a carrot on a stick I want to keep playing.
Shortly after release, I already put about 25 hours in and didn't even reach the first year's fall. That was before a lot of the content updates, so there's definitely enough to do for the price tag. I want to earn more money because I want to buy some furniture, and I need those recipes because and I want more sprinklers, and oh my, I forgot upgrading the scythe gives a chance of getting insects, I need insects, so I need more ore, two more days and my research is done, oh yay I reached the next mine level and can finally get sand, and why is it 2am?
Now to be fair, the gameplay loop is - as so often in those kinds of games - rather repetitive. Feed animals, water plants, forage whatever grows today, fish and mine, talk to some people, day's over. Especially feeding the creatures is tedious at the start, since some food items are rare, you have to hand-craft the food, and each pen only holds 2 servings.
But later, there's sprinklers, and feed crafting stations, and autofeeders, and also - creatures don't die. If you don't need the creature's perk, you can just ignore it (Sorry, Rock Salamander!)
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[ID: A screenshot of the town in the game, showing 4 different houses to both sides of a river. Two are built out of wood, one being a tavern, the other a potion ship with a small garden in front, and two are built out of stone, one with a forge, the other with masonry tools in front. The player character stands next to the river, fishing. End ID]
As for the game world, it's incredibly cute and the artstyle is minimalist but adorable. The town itself is by far the highlight - other areas have a bit much open/empty space. Speaking of maps, the mini map is great: not only does it show you the opening hours of each store, once you befriend people to a certain level, you can also see their position on the map.
In general, this game has so many convenient features. Excellent auto-stacking and quick transfer into chests. A bell tool to send creatures back into their pens. You can adjust the length of day and amount of energy in the settings (at the moment with no achievement penalty, though there might be one in the future requiring to play with default settings). Energy itself is on the lower side, but you're supposed to use food, not hoard it like a little raccoon as I do. Oh, and - you can save anytime, anywhere. Yay!
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[ID: A screenshot showing the dialogue window of the character Teagan in their potion shop decorated with purple furniture, shelves with potions, and various potted plants as well as a big cauldron. The portrait is drawn in anime style. They have pale skin, long, pale pink hair with blonde tips and are wearing purple clothes and a headband with feathers and a bird skull. They ask: What can I do for you? End ID]
The controller support (and, therefore, the steam deck support) is great. Everything works, and what little hiccups there are I expect to be gone by the time it leaves early access. Cloud save between the deck and a pc work as well. The only thing missing is the 1200x800 resolution, which is really no good reason for an "unsupported" label.
I really love this game. Sometimes I don't want to build a farming empire. Sometimes I just wanna crawl in the dirt while watching a little bunny poop so I can pick up the droppings and figure out what it eats.
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
The update was WONDERFUL! 😍
I am so inlove with the characters. Love how Rook chooses to show he cares and how Beck seems to have do much depth. Lars.. was interesting. Ugh grumpycat ROs are so appealing. Every RO brings so much to the table beyond surface level attraction.
It's more than "oee he's hot so I like him" it's so hard to choose an RO 😭 I'm kinda most excited to meet Zoe tho. Ngl
What I love above the romantic routes or the dynamics with the ROs is just how much thought you actually put into MCs state of mind. And even little choices like wearing gloves or not.. how they affect MCs state of mind and how/why they made those choices. If they replied to message or even how they reacted to their mother.
I've rarely seen an MC with such depth and actual discernment and self awareness. Even if you choose to be numbed out there is so much thought into the choices as to why we choose to be in denial or stick our head in the sand.
I love how different choices create a certain MC Even in the default dialogs where mc doesn't have choices.
Lastly I really appreciated the POV from Beck. I adore RO POVs and they always give so much insight into characters.
I think you did a phenomenal job with chapter 1 and I'm so inlove with this all over again! ♥️
😭😭 I'm glad you enjoyed the new chapter! Half the reason it took so long is because I had mixed feelings about it until I accepted it was just the prologue part 2 ajsjs seeing people enjoy it has been really reassuring!
Also I'm actually really glad you're enjoying MC! I actually love them a lot lol and above all else BA is about them taking control of their life I think, as well as finally coming into their own.
I think outside the ending sequence w/mc, Beck's pov was my fav part to write solely because it shows he gets just as annoyed with Rook as Rook does with him even if he doesn't show it and is nice about it lmfaO
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tokousername · 11 months
John B/JJxReader
This gonna be a kind of series of one/two shots where the reader is in a fwb situation with both John B and JJ. They are both aware of the other being involved and they also both want her heart. However, she doesn't want to be in a relationship at the moment so she insists on staying friends with both of them. This is a SMUT. Every chapter will have smut in it.
This will not have a regular schedule because writing smut takes a lot out of me ngl so it'll update whenever it updates.
Chapter 1; John B
I smiled widely while riding the wave I was currently on with Kiara just a few feet away on her own board. I looked over at her, my salt water soaked hair sticking to my shoulders, back and face as I turned my head to see her. She was trying to top me again for who can ride a wave the longest. I whipped my board to throw some foam and changed my direction so I was heading horizontally across the wave. Kiara tumbled, taking a dive for it in the water, she knew she wasn't gonna regain her balance. I bent down closer to the water while going to finish it off and stuck out my tongue at her on the way by. She cackled and resisted the urge to tug on my cord.
Finally when I got to the end, I dove into the water and resurfaced quickly, watching Kiara walk up the bank with her board. I waved at the group of Pogues on the beach from the sand bar. I grabbed my board and got on, paddling as close as I could and then getting off to head up the beach to the rest of my friends. I flashed a grin at John B on my way up, he had a glint in his eyes, the look of admiration was unmistakable. I gasped and shouted, dropping my board as I felt my feet leave the sand. "JJ! You're lucky I already took off my cord!" I yelled at him, I gripped his arm to hold my top half up as he slung me over his shoulder.
"That was fucking awesome, N/N!" He exclaimed, gripping my thighs so I didn't fall over his back. He grabbed my board with me still over his back and ran up to the rest of the group. Faking that he would drop me at least once on the way. He handed my board to Pope who put it with the rest of the boards. JJ put me down and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him and still moving around so I was stumbling with him.
"It wasn't even the biggest one I've pulled." I giggled. John B snorted and stood up.
"Alright, alright, let go, JJ." He told him, JJ groaned and took his hands off. Pope sat back down in his beach chair next to Kie. John B took his shirt off and smirked at me.
"Oh hell no! No!" I screamed, trying to run away. He laughed and chased me, I only got 10 feet away before he caught up and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up bridal style and racing down the beach to throw me back in. "JB!"
Pope laughed and got up, taking off his hat, sandals, sunglasses and shirt to run after us, JJ also followed to the water. Kiara smiled and stood up, walking behind the group and standing at the edge of the water to watch John B throw my ass in and then a water fight start between the four of us. Shortly after, I shrieked at John B and tried to run in the water but he tackled me. Pope, JJ and Kiara had gone back up to the beach to get the things back together because the fire was starting to go out. He lifted me again and tossed me in the water. "John!"
He laughed and settled down, standing in the water and pulling my head into his chest an apology. He had his hands holding my head and I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry for throwing you in the water." He tried to hold back a smile, I could see it.
I just stared up into his eyes and rolled my own, pushing him away. "Sureee." I snickered. "Come on, we should go back to the group." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the water, walking up the sand to the burnt out fire. Something I didn't notice at the time, but JJ did, was that John B who was being led by me, was watching the way my body moved while walking to the tiny bonfire. He liked a lot of things about me, the way my hips moved, my laugh, the way my legs carried me, the way my hair still looked beautiful while soaking wet and sticking to my torso.
I let go of John B as we got close and went to help put the rest of the food and empty been bottles in the cooler. John B immediately went to JJ with a grin on his face, I could hear the two of them saying things to each other and then laughing and then saying something else. Sounded like teasing. We got the rest of our stuff together and made sure the fire was fully out, then left to get in the Twinkie and go back to the Château.
We packed everything in, John B was driving with Pope in the passenger seat and Kiara, me and JJ sat in the back, there was a full on conversation still happening between the five of us when JJ pulled me over onto his lap, he didn't make any weird movements after, it was like he just hauled me onto his lap to move me. "Yeah!" He argued.
"No it's not the same."
"It totally is, how come you can be a Pogue with Kook parents and money but Y/N can't be a Pogue with Kook money and no parents like John B?" He asked a valid question.
"Oh yeah, I appreciate being used as an example, thanks for asking me first?" John B scoffed jokingly from the front seat.
"Hey, he's arguing for my honor without me asking too." I smiled, shaking his shoulder gently.
"Well, because she has Kook money, I don't have Kook money, my parents have Kook money." Kie was losing this debate.
"That's the SAME THING." He emphasized, laughing. He set his hand on my hip and squeezed, still making zero acknowledgment of his hands or anything he's been doing. I couldn't help but shift just slightly only for a second but I was very much resisting the urge to make more contact, it was uncomfortable knowing he was right there.
I looked over at Pope, who was reading of course and then at John B again, I actually got a good look at him this time, including the backs of his hands. "Oh my god, John B." I moved off of JJ and grabbed his free hand, looking at the back. "What the fuck happened?" I raised an eyebrow at the bruises that covered his knuckles.
"Nahh, don't worry about it. I just had a problem with Rafe again yesterday." He sighed.
We dropped off Pope at his place and Kiara at hers since their parents were generally strict on staying out on school nights even though it was only like 6:30. John B pulled into his 'driveway' and turned off the car.
"Shit!" I jumped from the sudden shout that came from JJ as he checked his phone for the first time in hours. "Oh shit. Shit! Fuck!" He was shaking from what was most likely adrenaline.
"Wh- Jayj?" I questioned him, he slammed the van door open and grabbed his dirt bike.
"My dad texted my three times already. Oh, I'm so FUCKED." He growled.
"You can stay here again, JJ." John B told him, grabbing the cooler from the back of the van. I climbed out the back and grabbed my shorts from inside, finally putting them back on with the baggy shirt I was wearing that was now drying.
"No can do, he wants me home, I ain't riskin it." He stated. "See ya later, Pogues!" He saluted, starting up his bike and riding off.
I sighed heavily, worried about him. I closed the van door and followed John B who was now walking inside the shack. I went ahead to open the door for him since his hands were full and closed it behind us. He put the stuff down in the middle of the living room and watched me as I headed to the bathroom to take a shower. He listened for the water turning on and groaned when it did, throwing himself down onto the couch. "Fuck.." he leaned his neck onto the back of the couch and replayed the day in his head.
He'd been there a while because he lifted his head when he heard the bathroom door open and then the guest bedroom close. "Cold shower." He told himself, getting up to head in and try to get rid of this urge he had.
I heard him go in the bathroom after me, no doubt he probably wasn't gonna get any hot water if he tried. I dried my hair as much as I could without my hairdryer and then brushed it out, put on undergarments and then a baggy shirt that covered everything. I didn't want to wear jeans right now and that's literally all I had in the drawers of this room. Jean pants and jean shorts. By the time I'd opened the guest door so JB could come in if he had to, he was already walking out in a towel to go in his room. He didn't look happy to be honest. I put my hair up with a claw clip and backed up to look at myself, my eyes ran over my body as a tilted my head in thought. I ran my hands down my arms and put them on my hips, blowing out some air. I snapped out of it when John B's door opened again, I shook my head and walked out of the room to get some water.
He watched me as walked to the kitchen. Thinking about what he'd just seen me doing, it didn't look like anything he'd ever seen me do before. He stood still, chewing on the inside of his cheek for a minute and really digging through his head before deciding to follow me.
I reached for a glass in the cabinet and glanced over at him for help when he came around the corner. The glasses were up fairly high because Big John never wanted John B to get his hands on them as a kid. The plastic cups were gone so I had to use a glass. John B walked up behind me and grabbed it, handing it to me along with a straw. "Thanks JB." I smiled at him, his face became softer upon seeing my smile. He watched me fill up my glass with ice and water and then drink all of it.
I put the cup down and looked at him. "What are you looking at?" I wondered, it was quiet inside the wooden walls of the Château aside from our breathing. He approached me and trapped me against the counter, reaching his hands to the sides of it to lock me in.
"I need you again." He muttered, lowering his head to my neck and running his nose in the crook. I reached forward, running my hands up his chest and around to his neck. He moved back up and watched them until he couldn't anymore. He always liked my hands, especially with a fresh set.
I tilted my head up and pulled him down to me, stopping when our noses almost touched. "You're obsessed." I told him.
He smiled lightly. "Yes, I am." He admitted, moving his hands from the counter to my hips. He lowered his head the extra space and caught my lips with his. I hummed and moved my hands up into his hair from his neck. I ran my fingers through it, scratching his scalp gently every so often during the kiss, it was still damp from his shower. He gripped my thighs and lifted me again, wrapping my legs around his waist so he could carry me to his room.
(Smut be starting here)
He closed his door behind him for no particular reason and set me down on his bed, he took off his already unbuttoned shirt that he'd just put on and climbed into bed with me, he moved his mouth down to my jaw from my lips and then started toward my neck. I sighed contentedly as he slid his hands up my shirt and held me close. I moved his hair out of his face when he looked at me again with his beautiful brown eyes. He moved back and grabbed my shirt, I helped him pull it over my head and toss it somewhere where the rest of our clothes will also end up. He reached back and unhooked my bra, throwing that too.
I pushed him over and straddled his hips, his breath hitched in his throat as he watched me take my hair out of the clip and carefully toss it onto my shirt that was on the floor. He admired me, sitting up so he could wrap his arms around me once more. "Just let me." He spoke softly. I ground my hips and he flipped us again, grabbing at the sides of my underwear to pull them off. He kissed my neck, then down my chest, stomach and the inside of my thigh. He situated himself between my legs and without hesitation, licked right up my pussy.
"Ah.." I gasped, he stuck his tongue inside me and licked up again, he started sucking on my clit mercilessly. I couldn't stop squirming, my hands found their place in his hair, running my fingers through it. "Yes." I moaned. He wrapped his arm around my leg and held me in place, the other one pushed down on my hips, trying to me to stop moving. He kept licking and sucking on my cunt until I couldn't handle it anymore. "John B! Oh.." I shouted, moaning loud from the pleasure. "Fuck! Yes!" He hummed in satisfaction as he felt my body relax after cumming. He licked one more time so I wasn't dripping his spit, then let go of me and moved up.
I was catching my breath but couldn't help getting excited again when I saw him unbuttoning his shorts and get up to pull them off along with his boxers. He climbed back into bed with me and lifted my legs to his hips, kissing me deeply. He pulled away and stuck his fingers inside me, making sure I was still wet before sliding in. It was easy since he'd done it before, I couldn't help but gasp though, he was bigger than average and his cock filled me to the brim. "Oh god.." I sighed.
He smiled and kissed me again, I tightened my legs around his hips as he started thrusting slowly. He kept me quiet with his lips, running his hand up to mine and intertwining our fingers, then forcing it next to my head. My other hand stayed at the base of his neck in his hair, gently scratching his scalp in our kiss. I moaned into it, he was slow and gentle at the beginning, continuously looking to make sure I was okay. And then I pulled away from the kiss. "John.." I gasped. He looked up from where he had his head lowered and into my eyes. "Harder." I told him.
He let go of my hand and put it under my knee, his other lifted my leg over his shoulder so he could get a better angle. "Fuck." He grunted, thrusting faster and harder than he was before. I gripped the sheets to try and keep myself grounded but it was so hard with how good he was fucking me.
"Fuck! John B, turn over." I told him, he let my leg go and moved so I was one top. He had his chest against mine as I started bouncing, his hands slammed my hips back down onto his. "John B!" I moaned. He couldn't help the animalistic growl that ripped from his throat at the sounds of his name rolling deliciously off my tongue.
The sound of our skin slapping and harsh moans only made me wetter, I was falling apart above John B and he knew it. I was getting tired, a mix of the movement and the pleasure instantly striking fatigue into me. JB started doing all the work, moving my hips to his liking as I wrapped my arms around his neck and shoulders. He hissed at the feeling of my nails digging into the skin, moving one hand up to hold my head, his fingers tangling in my hair. I gasped, feeling the thrust of his hips get harder as he pulled me into a kiss again.
I couldn't think, all I could do was kiss the brunette that was fucking me stupid and let him do the rest. I really needed to cum, my high was coming fast and hard. "Ah! John B!" I shouted.
He kissed my chest and collarbone before looking back up at me. "Cum for me, Princess." He groaned. I couldn't hold it anymore and came undone on top of him, he pulled my hips down a little more, putting his head on my tits as he came inside me. He let go and laid back on his bed, catching his breath. I leaned my hands on the sides of his chest, also coming down from my high. I couldn't help my pussy squeezing him because he was still inside. He grumbled and lifted me off of him, not wanting to get hard again, seeing that I was drenched in sweat.
"Fuck.." I sighed. I'd laid next to him, he stood up, putting his boxers on and getting back in bed to lay next to me.
"You were great on the waves today." He mentioned, closing his eyes sleepily.
"I know." I smiled. I got up, leaning my hand onto the nightstand to keep myself up as my legs strengthened to hold me. He watched me from his bed.
Suddenly, the door to the château made a sound that made it seem like it was slammed open. I put my clothes on quickly as I heard someone going through the kitchen. John B got up to get dressed too and I walked out before him, leaving him alone to see who was in the house.
"JJ?" I questioned, standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He turned to look at me, putting the water he was chugging down onto the counter. "Oh.." John B walked up behind me, glancing at his best friend in the kitchen. He'd been crying and there was only ever one reason JJ would cry.
"I'm gonna take a nap." He said flatly, passing us and heading to the guest room.
"I don't know what to do anymore." I muttered to the boy standing next to me as we'd turned to watch JJ walk down the hallway.
"There's not much we can do except be there for him." He stated.
I couldn't help but think about every time he'd come to mine or John B's to get away. I assumed he hit my house first because I lived closer but since I wasn't there, he came here. I sighed. "Shit."
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