burning-academia-if · 13 hours
How old is Mc and the Ro's?
This is in their intro posts! (reminder #2 to link them in the pinned post lol) This also takes place during the whole school year, so some of the characters will age a year in game, including MC, depending on what birthday season you select
MC: 20
Rook: 20
Beck: 19
Rhea: 21
Zoe: 21
Lars: 23
???: unknown
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burning-academia-if · 13 hours
How would the ROs react to a shy MC just nervously asking for a kiss while blushing up a storm and avoiding making eye contact with the ROs?
Answered here!
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burning-academia-if · 14 hours
Owl City lovers unite!!!
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What are your favorite songs? Mine are Firebird and Learn How to Surf.
I'm nothing if not basic and nostalgic lol so I'd have to go with Fireflies and Vanilla Twilight
The whole Ocean Eyes album was like the backdrop of my youth
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burning-academia-if · 14 hours
What’re the ros like when they’re jealous and how would you rank them from the most to least jealous/possessive
The only ones who really get jealous are ??? and Rook lol, with that said here's from most to least:
1. ???: they're really subtle about it, and patient. The minute whoever they're jealous of says/does something that bothers mc they're quick to comfort with honeyed words while also saying things like "they shouldn't treat you like that" planting seeds of doubt towards that person to start to drive you apart
2. Rook: purely internal, never shows it, a whole lot of self sabotaging thoughts and internal berating but also still seething
3. Lars: not really jealous but can get really posessive/protective like you put your hands on someone I love and I will break that hand
4. Rhea: It's more fear/insecurities from past experiences (she's been cheated on before so 😔) but she tries not to let it get to her
5. Zoe: definitely insecurity based then real jealousy as well, a whole lot of "I have no idea what I'm doing" kind of doubts especially at first but they also trust mc so it's not a major issue
6. Beck: has never felt jealous or possessive in his life lol
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burning-academia-if · 15 hours
More Songs!
Dawn Path -> Shine Your Way by Owl City & Yuna
Day Path -> Brighter by Patent Pending
Dusk Path -> Victim or Survivor by Citizen Soldier & Icon For Hire
Night Path -> Back from the Dead by Skillet
General MC Vibes -> Bird With A Broken Wing by Owl City
I feel like I can finally say our music taste has a solid degree of overlap lol
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burning-academia-if · 15 hours
I can’t draw but here’s my MC
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Himari Tsukino <- a name to the annoying face
Oooh I finally have a name and face to your annoying mc!!
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burning-academia-if · 20 hours
The fell and hit a chair thing actually happened to me (I’m not that anon who asked, it just jogged a memory) but instead of my lip, I hit my eye. Gave myself a black eye and a got a story no one believed.
Ajsjs I'm the clumsiest human alive so I've done the chair thing too 😭 the amount of times I've ran into/tripped over things is unreal
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I hope I don't come off as annoying for this but... thank you for your kind words about my art style, that means a lot to me!
Omg you're fine, it's not annoying at all 😭
And of course! Honestly thank you for the fanart it genuinely made my day!
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How would the ROs comfort an MC who's going through a really difficult time and crying a lot? (definitely not because I'm having a bad go of it lmao)
Rook: Suddenly, it's like he knows everything about you. He shows up with your favorite snacks and drinks. He sets up your living room like a pillow fort, putting your favorite show/movie on the TV. He does everything he can to get your mind off it, while offering to help in any way he can, or to at least be your escape. He sticks by you for as long as you need.
Beck: He knows those feelings better then he'd like to admit. He'll help you with anything. Don't have the strength for chores on your own? He'll help out. Too out of it to eat? He make sure you have things that don't take a lot of energy to prepare and gently remind you if you haven't eaten all day. He'll help you through it, no matter what
Rhea: She's a solutions person, but she isn't going to jump straight to them when you're probably not even in a state to hear it yet. Instead, she'll get you you're favorite drink, and stay by your side, talking about nothing at all. If you need to talk or not, she's there for you.
Zoe: Is unsure what to do, and finally blurts out if you want to go over to their house. The next thing you know, you have Zoe's entire family bundling you in warmth. It's so bright and lively, that it's almost easy to forget everything. Their siblings drag you to play games, and their parents offer the spare room for you to spend the night if you need. Zoe prepares the room and in a way it almost reminds you of your own with how they arranged some of the items. It's like an escape
Lars: He presses his lips together, and if you're in public when he notices you're about to fall apart, he'll bring you somewhere private. One of the music rooms, an empty classroom, hell even his dorm if it's close enough. He lets you hold onto him and cry it out. An arm wraps around you in awkward comfort. He might not say much, but he'll spend the next week checking in, just to see how you're holding up.
???: They'd do anything to take your pain away. To take it into them, drawing out every ounce of stress and sadness. For now, they keep you close, promising you'll get through this. You've gotten through so much before, you'll make it this time. Don't forget. They'll keep close to you for as long as you need, in whatever way you need.
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What kind of hobbies could MC have that the RO's would be interested in learning about/are there any hobbies they would be particularly "wow'd" by?
Rook: I think he's so used to whatever weird/interesting hobbies MC would have at this point lol I think if MC took up a unique sport though, he'd find that pretty neat. Something like archery or dance, maybe. For a more wild one Competitive Tag lol
Beck: I think anything creative art wise. He's not great at that kind of stuff (besides knitting), so he's always amazed at artists. I think he feels similar to writers as well.
Rhea: Any more niche art stuff, like glass blowing or something wild. She loves a lot of art forms, and MC doing something really outside the norm would get her super excited and interested
Zoe: As a book lover, it feels easy to say any writers also lol. I think they'd really like people that cook or bake, too. They'd love to learn new recipes, and being in a kitchen making something with someone just feels nice to them also
Lars: I....can't see him being impressed by anything, he's so joyless lmfaO weirdly enough I think more technical/problem solving skills would catch his interests. He might make fun of them being 'old people' hobbies but puzzles, cross words, suduko, etc he would kinda find interesting. Especially puzzles since he doesn't really have the concentration for them.
???: They know so little of the world, I think most hobbies would be something they find really interesting. I think anything to do with technology would intrigue them the most tho. Game development, or computer programming, or anything of that nature since they've had no exposure to tech really.
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How would the ROs react if they see MC have a bruise on their lips and only to found out it's because MC accidentally fell and hit a chair?
(friend and dating stage)
Me 🤝 MC: being the clumsiest human alive
Rook: "Wow, you look like you got punched in the face-did you?" Would probably find it really funny when you told him, before throwing ice at you to help. During the dating stage, he's a lot more gentle about it, but he still finds it funny once he realizes other then the bruising you're ok
Beck: Furrows his brow, and reaches out almost by instinct wondering what happened. You feel the buzz of his magic, although he asks if he can fix it. Dating is much the same, although his hands are closer to cradling your face, thumb brushing against your lips. Doesn't really care how it happened, just wants to make sure you're ok
Rhea: When she looks up from her desk/work, she goes still. It's not a sight she was expecting, and she rises immediately. "You need ice on that immediately." When you tell her what happened, she's almost at a loss for words. Dating stage, she just gives a soft shake of her head, "Oh my dearly beloved, how are you so clumsy?" before pressing the ice to your mouth
Zoe: Isn't sure what to say at first, or how to even ask what happened. When they finally ask what happened while grabbing ice, they just stop and stare, "...A...chair?" Dating stage they're a lot more proactive, but the fact you did it via a chair still gives them pause
Lars: "You never fail to amaze me." He says in the most sarcastic tone of voice ever. He also doesn't look surprised you got this from a run in with a chair. Doesn't see it as a big deal, probably because he's had/seen worse lol, you'll heal. Dating stage, he just gives a look, before you feel the zing of his magic and the pain vanishes. He goes back to what he was doing with a shake of his head.
???: I like to imagine during the friend stage they're still in your head and witness you fall spectacularly lol. They're probably really concerned, and insist you ice it before it swells. During the dating stage, they furrow their brow and tilt their head when they notice the bruising and swelling. When they inquire about it and you tell them, the concern remains but they're also almost impressed by how perfectly you managed to hit
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Will MC have a chance to talk with Marlowe later in the story (especially since MC is now enrolled in a school and living away from their Mother full-time)?
Another question that's possibly too much of a spoiler, but how would the RO's feel about Marlowe (and has Rook met her before)?
Yes! She makes an appearance at some point and you'll have the chance to talk (or not, depending on how your MC feels about her lol).
Second question is a spoiler! You'll get to talk to the RO's about your family/their family at some point! Rook also has met her back before she originally left to college (when MC was 13).
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Evil girlfriends.
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Jumping back to the interruption of an argument with a kiss to shut them up. How about instead of shutting them up, it's an im m Moultrie move that mc made to show that they care and air the RO even though they are in a fight or arguing?
Is this in response to how Zoe and Lars reacted? Lol
Rook: A much needed reassurance, probably would be the thing to break him as you gently kiss him. Tries his best to keep his breathing even and not cry "I'm sorry for this"
Beck: not an arguer lol
Rhea: She doesn't try to stop herself from crying. The two of you love each other, there's a better way to approach this. She doesn't want to fight, she just wants things to be ok. She doesn't say much, but when she pulls away she moves to hold you instead
Zoe: Goes tense, but let's their eyes close at the sudden softness in the middle of the harshness. When you pull away their the Zoe you know. They whisper an "I love you" as the fight leaves them
Lars: It's a moment of irritation, but whatever harsh words he might have been saying before comes to a grinding halt when you pull away. He knows you love him, he just needs time to think things through
???: They sigh softly against the kiss, whatever fight they have in them emptying out. They don't want to hurt you, especially not when you're still showing them love in a moment like this. When you move away, they cradle your face "I love you, too"
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Who of the ROs would be okib with an MC who loves glitter? Who is wearing a hazmat suit lol
I think all of them would be ok with it lol Zoe might be a little exasperated finding it everywhere and Lars will be like "keep it away from my instruments" but other then that none of them would really mind!
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Im not ready to the drunk confession scene. As a reader I love rook, but my mc is kinda bitter about their relationship 😔 im afraid if I give in to the temptation and they get rejected they're just gonna pretend they never knew him in the first place lmao
If it helps, he can only break MC's heart once 😌
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My mc would 100% find that asking out note they gave rook in the trash and keep that memory with them. All the more reason to stone wall him after joining the academia mehehe (said like he's not my main romance goal lol.)
You think Rook is a rookie? He did not throw that note away at school lol he took it home with him and put it in the paper shredder or something, he's not taking any chances when it comes to leaving evidence
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