#*reads through comics real quick* yeah he did
theresamouseinmyhouse · 8 months
i know we like to clown on tim for the rr cowl but we should also not forget that the initial reason behind wearing it was to protect the massive fucking burns he got after getting caught in a warehouse explosion where two kids died
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momokarp · 3 months
Heyyyy I saw your Danny Phantom comic about him reading the Great Gatsby during the fight with Vlad (great art btw), and I was wondering if u could give a long-suffering student a rundown of the themes?
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I’m gonna cover the themes I can think of off the top of my head and if you really need me to go into more details, I CAN??? But this is just a quick “it’s 7 in the morning for me and I’m actually gonna hyperfixate real quick” kinda moment.
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Yes, there are two kinds of rich people, and yes, one side really doesn’t like the other. It’s apparent in Tom and all of his opinions of Gatsby are later on in the book when he finally attends one of his fancy parties.
Old money gets their opinions and styles and tastes from their parents who got it from their parents. It’s a boys club, if you’re in? You’re in, and it’s hard to get in unless you’re of a certain pedigree.
New money? Loud. Outrageous. Doesn’t even know what to do with all that money and everyone is welcome to enjoy it. Gatsby owns a BRIGHT ASS YELLOW CAR not because it’s of a certain model but because it screams loud and expensive and “look at me” and it’s not just cause he’s trying to get with your wife. He knows how to ACT like old money, to a certain degree, but at the end of the day, he can’t hide that he wasn’t born into it.
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An unreliable narrator is usually a story told from a first person point of view and their own biases can often warp the reader’s perspective on the events unfolding. Nick even tries to clarify that he doesn’t judge people. Yeah, OUT LOUD, but he’s judging internally. Which is making you, the reader, judge. Tom has an affair with Myrtle Wilson. Nick IS quietly judging them although he tries not to and how could he not? Daisy is his cousin, and he sees the man she’s married make her move away from Chicago and Tom is not hiding his affair very well, she clearly knows about it and hates it.
Oh but here comes Gatsby, with this beautiful story of how he fell in love and went to war and couldn’t be with her and came back and she’s MARRIED and now he’s trying to win her back- and Nick HELPS HIM. THAT’S NOT UNBIASED. HE IS SWAYED. He sides with Gatsby through and through, even when he starts to see the flaws in Gatsby’s vision, he wants to cheer for him.
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We’re going back to the green light here for a minute. Gatsby gets a house DIRECTLY ACROSS the lake from where Daisy’s is. There’s the green light at the end of her dock that flashes, that’s a reminder to Gatsby when he looks out that his dream is just over there. Daisy, the perfect gal, along with acceptance into the fancy rich lifestyle. He wants to meet her parents, he wants to have kids with her, he wants to be a somebody, an established respectable person.
But he’s kind of fooling himself too. He wants too much. It’s not enough to have Daisy, she needs to RENOUNCE her ever loving Tom and then properly marry him. He wants to be a part of the boy’s club, but Tom finds out that he has gained his wealth through the mafia and that’s not very respectable! He wants Daisy to call him in the morning, a call that never comes because she won’t cast aside her lifestyle for him. She was raised to trust and live in the sheltered life she was brought up in, even if she’s unhappy. It’s safer than the unknown. She chooses to stay with Tom, as even she realizes she can’t live up to Gatsby’s ideals.
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It’s ironic cause this is the Oxford English Dictionary definition and Gatsby is an “Oxford Man!” Not only has Gatsby idealized on the American Dream, but it’s a dream that was never real. Yes, he did get rich, but not because he had equal opportunities. He got lucky to help out an old rich man on his boat (WHICH HE DIDNT EVEN GET ANY MONEY FROM) to learn the rich social skills, and he worked with the mafia to get all his wealth. Yes, he got Daisy, but not REALLY. He had an affair with her. They didn’t marry properly, didn’t have kids, didn’t move in together. And Daisy never intended on doing any of these things. She wanted to run away.
And Gatsby was never going to get these things because he wasn’t BORN rich. Tom represents the concept of Old Money so well not only in how he lacks any genuine character that isn’t inherited from his father, but how protective he is of keeping the status quo, so that he remains in power and no one who doesn’t fit the club can come in.
And Gatsby pays the price of his affair while Tom gets away with everything. How is this the American Dream? It isn’t.
Okay, that’s my stuff. I can go into symbolism on the yellow car and big billboard and all that other stuff if this was helpful at all. I hope it is helpful???
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fractualized · 6 months
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Alright. Let's break down this "oh" of an ending. NEGATIVE NANCY, COMING THROUGH
Spoilers, ho!
Ending a story is hard, if they're long or short. Whether you wrap up key threads or leave them open, you want some kind of takeaway that puts a period on things. Even in comics, where we know these characters will go on and on, ideally a story will end in a way that just... fits. Even amateur fic writers have loads of WIPs just sitting there because exactly how to end this damn thing eludes them.
I don't know if Rosenberg had an ending in mind when he started The Man Who Stopped Laughing. I don't know if he decided he'd figure it out by the end of it's year-long run. I don't know if DC Editorial lets people do that; it sounds insane, but if you've been paying attention to their current level of editorial "oversight," which I imagine is supposed to make concurrent titles mesh together reasonably well, I wouldn't be shocked if they let people wing it. Or, more likely, perhaps DC Editorial swooped in and made Rosenberg change the ending he had planned and that's why the result falls flat.
In any case, after 11 issues of enjoying myself, I'm left feeling deflated.
But let's start where #12 does, with the Joker who's been told he's John Keyser, a toxin'd henchmen that the real Joker made into a doppelganger for funsies. He approaches a hotdog vendor.
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I'm stuck on "Hello. I've been looking for you"?? I didn't catch that on my first read. Joker has a favorite hotdog vendor? lol
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Shut up, Waffles!! All we have is your word for it!!
In any case, hey, Keyser Joker has already been Jokering this long, so yeah, why not keep going? And why not with help from poor woobie Jason, fresh from nearly getting himself killed in Gotham War?
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Bruce did not fix Jason at the end of Gotham War, so his adrenaline is still triggering fear in his brain. But Keyser Joker has a solution for that!
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It's a tiny dose of Joker toxin to take the edge off of Bruce's programming. Joker makes a point of saying that the effects are only temporary, though. (And like, I assume this is just the quick-fix solution Rosenberg came up with to pull off his own ending when told Bruce's plans for Jason over in the other titles.) Jason is skeptical of this "help," naturally, but Keyser Joker brings up their matching interest: getting rid of the other Joker.
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Jason, why you gotta ruin Albert's good time? 🙄
Cut to Red Hood dragging a clown henchman through the streets of Gotham.
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But "his" face being blacked out and some of the dialogue clue the reader in: things aren't what they seem.
DERAIL TIME: what is up with this batmobile?
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Like from some other angles, it looks sportier, but in most of the panels it looks like an old Buick? lol ANYWAY.
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With the flaily way this person jumps off the bike and runs, I was sure that this was Keyser Joker and we might see Batman interact with him. Alas.
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It's Ravager, who survived last issue's explosion. She's helping Jason 1) distract Batman and 2) get Albert out of harm's way, far from Keyser Joker's plan.
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Naturally Keyser Joker is planning something more destructive than he's led Jason to believe. Also like…
The idea that Keyser Joker really is this John guy, not the real deal, is still not sitting fucking right with me. Seeing him here in another costume, with a goofy death train with mismatched eyes just like his, it feels like a signal that he actually is Joker and Waffles is either lying or mistaken somehow. Like compared to the other Joker, who we haven't seen in a costume? Who left Gotham for weird reasons? I really thought there was going to be a reverse reveal.
And since it doesn't come, I guess it's a good time to mention that! There is no reverse reveal of who the real Joker is. Things get a little muddy later, but…. hrm. HRM.
That said, the other Joker does something pretty dang Jokery: he shows up in a dirigible with his face on it.
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Killer Moth and a bunch of clown goons (that aren't supposed to be available because of Gotham War but WHATEVER) attach the dirigible to the train and it's pretty chaotic!
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I love when villains are like, "Look I may kill people, but an endangered gorilla?! Get outta here!" 😂
Jason also arrives in style.
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I guess he was observing Ravager's distraction?? Which feels like it defeats part of the purpose of having her do the distraction. But then he couldn't have this cool entrance in which he bludgeons people with a motorcycle. Trade offs!
Meanwhile, Real Joker makes it to the front of the train to confront Keyser Joker. One of Real's goons offers to shoot Keyser, but Real Joker wants to make this personal and kills the poor hench so he can do it himself.
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Jason coming in like YEEEEEAAAAHHHHH 😎
Then he gets the bad news.
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Keyser is as casually suicidal as your average Joker! Also "Real" Joker never acknowledges Red Hood's identity, afaik. It's always Keyser Joker. Details like this got me thinking that reverse reveal was coming, AND YET.
That aside, next comes a fun comedy beat.
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Real Joker going right for the hair!
Jason isn't going to let this be the end of it, of course, and once again Killer Moth must suffer at his hands.
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Jason shoots so many clowns. Just never the one he wants. 😞
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Waaaaaaaaaaaaaait wait wait. You're telling me that Bruce knew about the imminent TWO JOKERS situation. But he decided to prioritize a report of Red Hood dragging a clown through the streets. When in the same breath he's saying there are other people coming to the scene with him, so he obviously could've sent someone else? On the same day Batman #139 is like "oooh Bruce is totally onto Joker now"? This is what you're telling me?? Augh.
Well, we can't rely on Batman right now, clearly, so it's up to Jason.
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Meanwhile, Keyser Joker has told the other one that he actually does have a secret way off the runaway train safely. After they fight some more, the tune starts to change.
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Alright so, this "deal," which would sort of start them back at square one, doesn't bother me because obviously it's on shaky-ass ground and one of them is definitely killing the other before this issue is over. What does bug me is the "franchising" line, for two reasons:
1) Is this supposed to imply that Real Joker is the one who was behind Joker Incorporated in the Batman Incorporated issues, not a third one?
2) I was just SO SURE it was another indication we were getting a reverse reveal. Joker absolutely does not love the franchising idea. That's kind of been the point of this whole series. The genuine Joker in Keyser Joker's hallucination/memory said that having two Jokers around is stupid. HRRRRMMM.
Anyhow, they leave the train together, though the escape plan is literally just jumping off, which has more issues than they bargained for.
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So do you think, assuming the Gotham War writers actually communicated at least a little, that Zdarsky asked Rosenberg what he needed Jason for at the end of TMWSL, and Rosenberg was like, "oh I need him to heroically crash a toxic blimp and almost die?" And then Zdarsky was like, "er, I need him to heroically fly a plane into a magic meteor and almost die?" And then they just shrugged and closed the Zoom?
But yeah, the blimp crashes, and I'm sort of confused because I thought that earlier Bruce was saying that even if the toxin gets into the water, it'll still make it's way to the city. So for one thing, it's still exploding in the air and it's still gonna drift. And the parts that dissolve in water are still gonna drift. There's a part to the equation missing here.
But these two are just thrilled at the excitement.
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Until the sudden yet inevitable betrayal.
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Shortly after this, Ravager shows up with Manhunter, who also survived last issue's explosion. (It just doesn't come up at all. Like it doesn't have to, I guess, but it's just weird that there's not a word or wound about it.) Ravager dives into the water looking for Jason, because she instinctually knows he did something grand and dumb. She finds him among the clown bodies and brings him to shore.
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Nothing can kill this man! He came back from the dead with nine lives! And also maybe that Lazarus resin from TFZ is still helping, I dunno.
Elsewhere along the shore, what's left of both Jokers' crews find themselves waiting in the same spot for the Joker they expect to be triumphant.
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You know what. I'm soured on Waffles now. Leave him.
And then, from the water…
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And that's it. That's how it ends. With a sort of snide cop-out?
Like, it's Joker's POV, so yeah, you could say the dickish tone is just him. But following this story for a year, and then seeing it end with simply the old "you'll never know which Joker prevailed," it doesn't feel clever or whatever this is going for. It just feels obnoxious.
Honestly, it feels like the same takeaway as freaking Three Jokers. 😐 That it doesn't matter who Joker is. All the lead-up to this, where maybe we get a tiny bit of depth and development, even if just in this story, eh. Doesn't matter! We're ending this with blah payoff.
On the other hand, the part of about about there being more questions, about this ending not being tidy, makes me think that this is leaving open the possibility that Keyser Joker actually was the real one. After all, we don't get a flashback to the actual events. The events we see are part of a hallucination, and Keyser never said he had clear memories of being the real or the fake one. He just went from assuming he was the real one to taking Waffles' word for it that he was the henchman.
Also, Keyser Joker was always the Joker giving narration. And the narration boxes for the Final Joker at the end remain in his style. So it seems like we actually have a huge indication of which Joker prevailed-- unless we're meant to assume that if the other Joker prevailed, he merely took over the narration.
I mean, this is what we have. So if I can just choose what I want to believe, I'm going to believe both that Keyser was actually the real guy and that he won. But it puts a real sour taste in my mouth to be super engaged with a story and wanting an ending that says something about Joker's character… and the ending is just that one murders the other and you don't know who, neener neener. It's anticlimactic. It's a predictable direction that I thought SURELY Rosenberg wouldn't go in. It feels like a dick move.
And... what else is there to say? So ends my year of consistently buying a comic, I guess. Nothing else has really grabbed me like TMWSL did, though City of Madness looks promising. After the multiverse and Gotham War stuff, I'm not about to start picking up Zdarsky's Batman. #139 had plenty I should enjoy, but it's soured by Zdarsky deciding to bring a canonical take to the three Jokers concept for some ungodly reason.
A new three Jokers take feels extra stupid after a year of a story about two Jokers. And the second Joker in TMWSL isn't even taken into account in Zdarsky's story. Based off that #135 scene, it really looks like he's going to say that Darwin Halliday accidentally copied TKJ Joker somehow. lmao Why. Why do we have to do this. Why can't this just be one of the things that gets retconned away. I just want my murderclown to be fun.
I need to get back to my list of unread older comics. Or read One Operation Joker! I didn't think I was interested, but I think a random goofy premise is actually just what I need.
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cevans-is-classic · 7 months
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18+ only, please. Language, sexual themes, beefy Bucky
Sebastian Stan
@sergeantbarnessdoll (sorry it's short, dear, but I hope you enjoy it!)
He texted hours ago hoping you’d be home when he got in. All he could think about was curling up on your couch, cuddling down with some movies and some snacks before taking a very extended nap. Maybe some other fun stuff, too. 
Nap first though, he needed some sleep, possibly food before that happened. 
He smiles when your car comes into view, his driver dropping him off beside it. Every step closer makes his stomach warm with being home, being with you. 
“Hey baby,” He calls out when he swings the door open, “I’m putting my stuff in the bedroom real quick.” The TV is on, the mumble of voices growing faint as he drops his suitcase off. He hears you laugh, a sharp bark, and he grins before slipping into a pair of sweats and making his way toward the living room. 
He hears the music first and pauses in the doorway — it takes a moment to recognize what you’re watching. When the scene shifts and he sees RDJ he laughs — startling you. 
“Dude,” You look back at him, “Oh, Hello.” 
Seb wiggles his fingers. “Hello to you as well.” 
You flush, fidgeting, “Welcome home.” 
He moves through the living room, sitting on the couch behind you. You shimmy until you’re between his legs and he can drop a kiss on your head, “Mind if I ask why you’re watching Civil War?” 
“Yara and I played a drinking game last night for how many times Steve and Tony say each other’s names. We started with Avengers Assemble but made our way to the movies. I got kind of hooked again and had to keep watching them.” Your eyes never stray from the movie, even as your hand reaches back to grab his.
“Right here.” You point at the screen, “They forgot to put your arm on, or CGI it, whatever, but you can see your real arm and lemme tell you -” You lean forward, “Beefy Bucky is the best.” 
“Beefy Bucky?” He squeezes your hand. 
Sebastian watches the screen, eyes following Iron Man as he fights against the Winter Soldier. He remembers the choreography of this scene, how many takes it took, and when he’d switched out with his stunt double. 
He follows Chris chasing after him and watches Bucky try to fly the helicopter away.
“Yeah, I got beefy for this movie,” He pauses. “I felt like I had to size up to the others, which thinking about it now, makes no sense. The only one who I was up against, in my mind, was Chris.” 
“Cap is an asshole.” He knows you have a little frown. “Poor Bucky, though.” 
He laughs, “Yeah poor Bucky.” Both of you keep watching the movie playing on and he has to admit it’s been a while since he’s seen it. Everyone did an amazing job and watching Chadwick- it squeezes his heart. 
“Oh! Oh!” You jump forward, “You missed it, ugh. The fucking motorcycle scene. Baby, babe, he literally throws someone off the bike, but my god it’s gorgeous. Bucky is gorgeous.” 
“First off,” He pokes your shoulder, “That’s my stunt double you’re calling gorgeous. Second, you know I play Bucky, right? Me? The man who is currently sitting behind you?” 
“Yes,” You look back at him, “and you’re hot while doing it.” 
He grins at you, raising a brow when you turn around to face him, “You know, when I first saw this movie I was super drunk and told my partner at the time I was going to suck your soul through your dick.” 
Seb jerks a moment, his stomach tightening. “Yeah?”
“Never fucking thought I’d get the chance though, one in a million shot, right?” He didn’t notice you pausing the movie until the music stopped. 
Your hands trail up his legs as you rise to your feet. “You said you read some comics, right?” 
He grabs your hips, sliding his hands up your back as you settle in his lap, “Some. Why?”  
Your fingers trace the collar of his shirt. “You’re too tall.” 
Seb blinks, “What?” 
“Bucky is only five foot nine in the comics, I think? I’ll have to check.” Seb shakes his head, your fingers touching the edge of his jaw. “I think you make a great Bucky, though. Really brings him to life.” 
He squeezes your waist, digging his fingers in until you squirm in his lap. “You’re welcome.” 
That earns him a wicked smile, your tongue coming out to wet your lips. He follows the path, thinking about the feels of your lips against his and how warm your mouth would be around him. He leans forward to kiss your chin, then your cheek, over to your lips.  
You pause for a breath, “On a scale of one to ten how cool are you with me shouting Bucky while you fuck me?” 
Seb hums, brushing his lips over yours. “Let’s find out.”
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dragoncookies · 1 year
About Chapter 43
So, this just a quick little comment I have about the “you kissed him, you didn’t even kiss me!” statement Fitz made. 
Fitz was so mature during this scene. He was completely under the assumption that Sophie still liked him romantically, and thought they were working to make the relationship work. Then, surprise! Sophie comes out and says she not only has feelings for Keefe, but kissed him and now has an arguably more defined relationship with Keefe than Fitz did for 3 books. (no sophie hate here, just Fitz’s perspective). Sophie herself still wasn’t even 100% sure she was completely over Fitz in this chapter, so her starting something with Keefe was NEWS for Fitz, to say the least.  
Personally, I would be flabbergasted. The situation is almost comical. It feels like Fitz got pranked. So when he went,
“I mean...you kissed him? You didn’t even kiss me!”
The notion that it could be perceived as immature went right over my head.
I actually laughed when I read him saying that because it’s true. It’s so realistic and on brand for Fitz’s character. It was kind of, to me, a funny way of writing Fitz reaction to the news. It felt light hearted and made the scene a little less grueling to get through. It just makes me chortle for no reason every time I think about it.
I don’t believe it was immature to say, either. I believe it was just a genuine reaction. Fitz is characterized as VERY blunt, to a fault, and speaks whatever is on his mind. So, this statement was probably just him trying to make sense of what was happening. I don’t think it was meant to be taken very seriously, or have actual meaning behind it.
Honestly, it was what I was thinking during the chapters following the kiss scene up until this point. Maybe that’s why I brushed over it. Could it be perceived as trying to guilt Sophie a little? Yeah. But what else was he supposed to say after Shannon described the hurt and devastation in his eyes? “That’s unfortunate, but I definitely don’t care about how quickly you moved on from me to Keefe”. NO. Fitz was so true and real for making that goofy little comment. 
Fitz is just so real. End of story. Stop bagging on his character. 
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sapphire-drawings · 7 months
Hey Sapphire! In your adult Webber/ Wendy au, could you please describe and talk about Wendy’s statues. Because, not all the survivors know her, and that is like the way they see her beyond the radio’s voice. And, I imagine, she portrays herself different from how Maxwell portrays herself, because she isn’t seeking fame and its greatness. Also, your Au is great, and I pretend to write about it, so, do you have any problems if I post it?
Quick-ish reply cuz you got me thinking and the truth is... I've no idea what's Wendy's role in the Au
But first
Anyone's free to write, to draw or whatever they please with this Au. I'm not the owner of the originals, this is just something I came up with for funsies and obsession
Just don't put things in my mouth for "what's canon and what's not" and tag me so I can see it!! ^^
Although if I like someone's idea I'll ask to make it canon lmao
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Now get ready for some random nonsense.
Or don't read it and just enjoy the drawing, whatever please your eyes
The original idea was for her to be a magician just like canon Maxwell and Abigail would be her assistant. Carter Sisters' magic show or something
But my Au is weird and not planned at all
Abby is also Jack and Will's mother (weird, I'm aware) so, How is she the assistant/Next-Constant-Queen and mother mourning her "dead" sister and children?? (well, Jack is the only one dead for real)
...I'll be rambling from this point forward, sorry but not really
Abby HAS to die thanks to something Wendy did
What if... Wendy's show is the medium type? She "contacts" spirits and fortune telling stuff. She's a failure until the codex appears. By this point she lost contact with the family, (hence why William and Jack don't recognize her at first glance (A simple "she looks like mom but not quite")) focusing in what the canon says, fortune and glory seeking evolving into greed.
Then Abby goes after her??? For some reason???
They reunite and Wendy is too stubborn to go back and then They cause an accident that takes Abby's life but as far as she knows it was Wendy's fault??
And her last act before everything goes down to hell is an attempt to bring her back through the codex?????
Or something different I can't think of??????????
...Few on the only things I know is that I want Wendy to still be involved in spiritualism to decipher the Codex while baby William got into dark arts as an attempt to bring Jack back. "Why would you? that doesn't makes sense" you may think
1.- None of this makes sense so shut up. I can't think that far
2.- I want William to still being able to create shadow puppets cuz I have a comic idea where he spawns one by accident and Jack haunts it and "gains a body". Mr. Webber puts a painful stop to it to prevent any possible danger or corruption and blah blah blah-
Ssssoooooooooo yeah
Everything's a mess but I'm glad you guys are enjoying the ride
I'll update you if I ever come up with a "canon" timeline)? and what not (I won't get mad if you come up with ideas to help either.....)
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itsybiggy · 1 year
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Stuck With Me: Peter Parker x OC
Cute Peter Parker slow burn, less spiderman action more just good ol awkward Parker.
Peter has been in a bad mood all month, but with soon to be divorced parents, trying to figure out what's wrong with him is the last thing Lani needs. Thankfully summer break is here. Lani, Ned, Peter, and MJ set off on the summer vacation road trip to California. Drama ensues
🕸️Chapter 2🕸️
Chapter 1
Master list
He left me on read. He never does that, like ever. My thoughts begin to wander to attempt to make evenly winged eyeliner.
So much for keeping it positive.
Intrusive thoughts pile up in my mind. I'm not dumb enough to really believe that Peter now hates the mere thought of me; but the little "read" under my text makes me anxious all the same.
I being wracking my brain. Thinking of everything I have said to him in the past weeks. I mean maybe I said something to make him upset or did something and just not realize it. But honestly, it only makes me smile as I recall the jokes we cracked and fun we all  have had. Nothing bad is really coming to mind.
My screen is still void of any text notifications.
I check my refection in the mirror, smiling. I usually try to stay positive when it comes to my appearance. And I definitely can't complain of how my butt looks my black maxi skirt. I adjusted my white crop top, making sure the tiny cross stitched spider was visible. After a quick click of my off brand Dock Martins I decided humidity was a virtue and mirror time was over.
It was already 5:15, I didn't feel quiet ready but Ned would be waiting.
~15 minutes later~
"GET IN LOSER WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!" I yell as Ned walks down the apartment stairs.
He gets in the car "Hey."
"Hey." My smile drops and I hope it's subtle. The tone of his voice worried me. Silence between us is uncommon. I squirm a bit in my seat.
Seeing as he isn't going to make conversation, I speak up.
"Did you get the texts from me and Michelle?" I say.
"Yeah, I have no idea what's wrong with him. Maybe we will figure out tonight" he says quickly, shrugs and looks out the window. Silence fills the car again.
I know you can't sound like anything over text, but Ned sounded a lot peppier when we were messaging. What was going on with my friends?
"We should go see a movie after."  I make a lame attempt to kindle a conversation.
Ned seems to perk up a bit at this.
"Yes! The Joker is out!"
I laugh at this, I'd never been much for DC superhero comics. Especially when they are made up. It didn't really make a lot of sense why someone would make up a superhero and a supervillain when there are plenty to choose from that are real. Movie production companies have tried to profit off of rising superhero stars. The movies are never as good as the up close and real action.
I shrug "I'll see whatever you want bubby."
He winces at 'bubby' and goes back to looking out the window.
I feel my face getting hot. Ok mental note, after being called bubby for 3 years Ned now doesn't like it.
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH MY FRIENDS! Blasts in my mind. My only hope now was that Michelle was normal.
To my relief she was. We got to the diner at 6:04, Michelle sitting down at our usual table in the back. We try to sit in the back as to not disturb other customers. Our laughs are usually boisterous and frequent not to mention the cheeky jokes. And all being on the decathlon team, heated arguments or "debates" on some old dudes theories or such tend to heated. But we are high tipping customers so we don't worry about it too much.
"Hey guys surprised to see you have made it here alive." She jokes.
"I don't know where you got that I was a bad driver!" I motion for Ned to take a seat before I slide in next to him.
"Oh I think you know." She winks.
"what?" I look at her, perplexed before she shakes her head.
"Speak of the devil" she said just as Peter walks through the door.
The little bell at the top of the door gives a joyful ring. Peter flinches but his body quickly moved back into its slightly hunched position with a frown on his face. Oh great.
"Hey Peter!" I say as he sits down next to Michelle.
He looks into my eyes and gives a slight smile. But says nothing.
A waiter soon comes around with menus "Can I get you started off with anything to drink?"
"I will have a coke." Michelle starts.
"Same." Peter mumbles.
"Sprite." Says Ned cheerfully.
"Tea for me please and thank you." I say brightly, I had to stay positive. I am with my friends to get away from negativity, not have more of it.
Once the waiter left we all began talking. Peter slowly starts engaging more, and it seems to feel right again. Something about him is definitely off; though that does make me very worried about him, I know now was not the time to ask. I will just do my best to cheer my moody friend up.
I smile, mentally stepping back from the conversation, contentment filled my heart. There is nowhere I would rather be and no group of people I would rather be with. I mean they are the only friends I have...
Good Eats has become a favorite of ours. We started eating here for dinner or after school almost every weekend, for about 3 years now. It was cheap for the quality of simple yet delicious diner food. But it's usually pretty quiet in the evenings— (we learned the hard way to avoid it during the mornings where the line is out the door.) —a steady stream of customers usually taking things to-go. Which I don't get, a big part of this place being great is the aesthetic. It reminds me of a 70s diner and most likely opened then. Yellow booths, a jute box always playing great oldies music, kinda ugly wallpaper, and warm lighting. And the store owner is a really nice guy. He usually brings his grandkids. It's always funny when you get rung up by a 10-year-old or have your water refilled by a 7-year-old. Since we have been coming for so long so often, the owner has a special discount for us "I've got to treat my best customers right!"  he always says I'm pretty sure it's just a %10 student discount. We usually tip as much much as we can.
I snapped back into reality when I heard my name. I didn't really know who it came from.
"What?" I said shacking my head out of the clouds.
"We were asking about the van. Summer break is almost here, when is Caroline gonna be ready?" Ned asks
"Oh right, I would say just in time for school to let out." I say.
We have been planning our summer break since school started this year. It will be our last summer vacation ever, so it had to be epic. I always get excited butterflies from it, but it is usually mixed with dread too. Dread because I know when I get home my parents will be officially divorced. Not that I haven't known this was coming or that it needs to happen. It definitely does, I have a cup bruise on the side of my head to prove it.
No, nope stop! I feel my eyes watering. Internally I let out a big sigh. This summer vacation has to be perfect. I don't know what I will do if it's not.
"Alright let's go over the plans one last time," Peter says.
I smile reaching into my purse, and pull out a small, light pink, piece of paper. 1-10 lists of things we need to do while we are in California. We had decided a beach trip is definitely what we need.
I clear my throat and begin to read.
1. start off at Stark Tower to go over things with Tony such as Hotels, food reservations, and tickets
Did I mention all of this was Peter's early birthday gift from TS himself. We are all pretty jazzed. And by that I mean we about shit our pants when Peter told us.
2. head out across the country stopping at the finest Tony Stark hotels (hotels with penthouse suites that Tony has frequent so much he just straight up bought the hotels.)
3  get to LA and check out our crib
4. beach
5. Disney Land
6. More beach
7. eat at a super fancy restaurant
8. ruins of Mr. Stark's Malibu mansion
9. Santa Monica Pier
10. hike to the Hollywood sign
It was a packed summer for sure, but it had to be the best, it just had to be. My last slice of happiness before I move away with my mom, before I move from Queens to which ever relative my mom decides to move close to. Away from all of my friends, who are more of a family then my real ones. Who have gotten me through so much, stuck by my side through it all. And even feeling upset makes me feel like I'm a monster. I want to support my mom, but I don't want this! I don't want to be away from them. Away...I hate that word.
"You ok La?" Ned asks  his hand rests on my back, lightly rubbing it.
My cheeks grow warm with embarrassment- I was crying. And of course Ned's kind questioning made more tears flow. I quickly wipe my eyes with my sleeve, and give a quick fake smile to my friends. They look concerned, except Peter. He looks almost angry, this made me cry more. Amazing.
"Yeah I'm fine. I-uh-i yawned." I stammer, I yawned wtf, who would believe that?!
"What the hell Lani?! No one's yawns make them cry that much." Michelle said, her voice rose she was almost laughing at the dumb lie that came out of my mouth. But I knew she was just concerned.
Ned quickly drops his hand from my back, my head instinctively turning towards him. He's looking at Peter.
"I'm fine I, I-just." I paused. I had told them about my parents getting a divorce, but not much. More importantly, I hadn't told them I was moving, and I wasn't planning on it till the trip is over. If they knew it would just ruin the whole trip for me. Not to mention I was so scared to even say it out loud, it would just make it seem more real. I tried my hardest to not think about it ever. Yea I know it's is unhealthy, but it's how I'm coping now. Might as well let future Lani deal with it.
"It's just my parents divorce, it's getting close to the last of all the court stuff. I just, can't stop thinking about it." My face continued the hot embarrassed sensation. I felt my under arms tingle and I could feel their eyes in me. My eyes stayed glued on my hands like my left depended on it.
There was a small pause. Oh gosh this is embarrassing.
"Lani, no madder what, you will always have us. We love you." Michelle finally said. Her tender words caught me off guard.
I looked back at her, giving a genuine smile "Thanks, that means a lot."
But the little voice in the back of my mind kept screaming Except they won't always be there for you.
"Are you guys ready to order?" We all jumped a bit as the waiter had finally returned to serve us. She placed each of our drinks in front of us.
After we ordered I had asked if we could just forget I said anything, what I needed was a fun night with my friends. They all agreed and once Ned had brought up The Joker, a new conversation sprung. I was just happy to not discuss anything family related.
Once we had all gotten and eaten our food, we decided to head to the movie theater to watch The Joker.
"Ok how about Peter pays for drink, Ned pays for Popcorn, and Lani pays for the tickets?" Michelle suggests as we walk into the theater.
"Um, that's convenient, seeing as you pay for nothing." Said Peter, slightly annoyed "and we should all pay for our own tickets, they are too expensive for Lani to pay for alone."
Michelle give a little snicker before we all decide it was every man for himself/herself.
I walk up to the counter, and smile brightly at the young man at the register. "Four tickets for The Joker, please and thank you."
"Sorry The Joker is sold out." He replies in a monotone voice.
"What?!" Ned exclaimed "but- I just checked online like 5 hours ago."
"Sorry The Joker is sold out" he repeats in the same voice. I don't blame him, he has probably had to say this so many people tonight.
"Hey, guys it's fine we can just pick another movie!" I say trying to lift their spirits.
"It 2 is out." Michelle offers.
Oh no
"Yeah I'm down" says Ned.
Oh no
"Yeah me too" says Peter.
Three pairs of eyes look at me. I give a sheepish smile. I get scared very easily, they know this, but I'm willing to take one for the team... even if it means I won't sleep for a few da-weeks. "Yes, let's go see It 2" I say in a fake enthusiastic tone.
I turn back to the man at the register "um, four for... It 2 please."
The theater is completely empty, which makes it about 1099999373783298xs more scary. It's a pretty popular movie so the rows of seats absent of people makes it feel like the twilight zone. We look around, deciding to sit in the far back.
I see Peter hanging back, walking slowly behind us. Strategically, I begin to slow my pace; slipping behind MJ to sit beside Peter. If there is anything that will distract me from the killer clown, it's Peter. We enter the row and settled in. And Peter grabs my hand.
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seas1mping · 5 months
MORE LORE this time it doesn't involve Reena (that much) and is just LJ and his carnival it's hc and a story but the story is gonna be angsty so I'll put it under a read more so you can skip it if you want :)
Update I lied the hcs got away from me the post is just a read more I'm sorry 😭😭
update 2 i cut the story cause i couldnt think of anything
Okay so basically when LJ first was created, he was more of a dream figure for Isaac right
LJ could bring him to a carnival, but the carnival did not exist outside of Isaac's dreams, so it was a reflection of him.
Well, when Isaac abandoned LJ, LJ needed a purpose because otherwise he felt as though he was nothing
That is where LJ met Creation, a God-like being that could make almost anything
(Exceptions being humans, animals, etc)
Creation takes the souls of sentient beings and puts them back into other forms, for example, taking a lost soul and placing it into a vessel like a tea pot, with the right kind of magic.
The only problem is that Creation is not infinite; it needs a bodily host made from the two lineages that formed a pact to sacrifice someone once every so often. Without that host/sacrifice, Creation will eventually use all of its magic, and die out.
So Creation figures it can use LJ to harvest souls to stay alive long enough to have another host, plus, a little company isn't so bad every once in a while
Upon meeting Creation and becoming bound to it as a proxy of sorts, Creation grants LJ access to a pocket in the fabric of reality, where he has an actual carnival, which Creation uses and continues to use as a reservoir for souls just in case
(It has to use it because kid souls aren't exactly very large because THEYRE KIDS)
Issue #2 is eventually a woman comes along and it's at this point that Slender isn't the nicest person, so he basically locks her in the basement and uses her to try to further his rule.
So anyway she's from an alternate dimension where she's married to Slender but he has 99 problems and a bitch ain't one
So LJ is like "wow, I have emotions and I feel bad for her" so they become friends :) and a little more :)
And then he's like "she talks about her kids a lot, I should give her some so she doesn't have to miss them too much because they're right here!!!"
spoiler alert: that motherfucker is infertile.
And Creation is like "[WHY][DONT][YOU][MAKE][VESSELS][FOR][YOUR][SOULS][?]"
Yeah it talks weird keep scrolling
And LJ is flabbergasted and is like "oh em gee you're right I have all of these souls and I need somewhere to put some of them too!"
Insert comically large corn maze
LJ, being the sick bastard (/aff) he is, creates a game for the souls.
Start at the edges of the maze, no cutting through walls, get to the middle and jump down the well, without getting caught by LJ. With a 5 minute headstart, of course.
Well our notable figures here are LJ, and a girl named Eloise.
Eloise was LJs first victim after Isaac, an older girl, about 10, who was the oldest in an orphanage she was in.
And you know how they treated women/girls in the 1800s
Eloise made her way around the maze, she'd gather kids, and lead them towards the center, but when LJ would pop out, she'd disappear, off to help another less doomed child or group.
Eventually, two were left, a boy and a girl, Mary and Tansel. And Eloise had brought them to the center.
LJ rounds the corner, jumping out at them, but Eloise is quick to dump the two into the well and run away.
With the soul he needed, and the extra one that was like a little bonus, he set to work making a line of patchwork
The patchwork turned into silhouettes and the silhouettes turned into fully formed dolls, monochrome just as him.
Infusing the souls with the dolls was easy enough, she loved them so much, but was slightly surprised when they turned into children, but loved them nonetheless.
Until she was removed from the house, moved in with another mf, had a real baby AND GOT EXECUTED
The dolls were promptly ushered back into the carnival and work as performers!!
if this doesnt make sense im sorry :(
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ssj2hindudude · 1 year
Aru shah birthday headcanons? Thank you.
So, Google says she was born in 2005, meaning this would be her 18th birthday!
Aru: That's right everyone. Henceforth, Aru Shah is officially a fully grown adult!
Everyone: 🤨
Aru: Ok, a grown adult!
Everyone: 🤨
*Krithika clears her throat*
Aru: ...but I won't until I'm ready and well informed.
Krithika: Good. (Mini, you'll get your check in the mail)
Aru: What?!?
The Scene: a small gathering of close family, friends, and others (cough cough Aiden). You would think it would be at the museum again, but after the Sleeper's attack...yeah not taking any chances. They just had it at Aru's house.
Round 1: Presents
Is this a day planner?
Practical, isn't it? You can finally get things in order and-
Mini, some of the best things in life are surprises.
So are some of the worst, but not this time. Why don't you open it?
With practically infinite spending directly linked to Naga-loka's treasury, courtesy of the King.
I made the cake, isn't that enough? Ugh, fine, if you wanna be spoiled about it. Tear into this.
*opens* An old Marvel comic?
YOUR old Marvel comic. Spider Man, First Issue
I didn't just touch it. I also took it somewhere (with Mini's help) and had someone take a look at it. Take a look at the bottom
Go on, say it!
I know.
Ok, don't be too disappointed with ours
Guys, you're my sisters! It's the thought that counts! But just so we're clear, being young isn't an excuse to be cheap
And being old isn't an excuse to be material, but that's beside the point. Here.
WHOA! This green sari is like waving grass! And the glimmering silver makes it look like lightning is coursing through it! AND ARE THOSE REAL EMERALDS?!?
Of course, I'm not an amateur.
Open mine, open mine!
A tea set? Sheela, that's sweet but you know about Starbucks, right?
Is Starbucks enchanted to give you clear visions of memories like your own personal tv?
Shut up! It does not!
Try it!
*sips* I'm not crying am I? (She never tells anyone, but her first choice was her first memory of her father before he transformed)
Your sisters told me you like to read, so I picked this up for you. I hope you like it!
"The Serpent's Secret" interesting! Did they also tell you I'm a Slytherin?
No, I knew that already! As if I'd forget my sister's house.
*record scratch* What?
(Little did Kara know, along with her book, she also gave her sister the gift of hope)
Ok, you don't know this, but I called in a quick favor from one of my old bosses...and a little bit from Mini's father.
Nepotism. I like it!
Aru, I want you to say hello to an old friend!
Mom, that's just BB
BB?!? Is that what you've been calling me all along?!? Such utter disrespect for your old teacher!
(Needless to say, everyone was in tears with that little blast from the past)
Round 2: Cake and Concert
No one knows how she pulled it off, but once again Brynne proved herself a master of amouse-bouches by making Swedish-fish tiramisu the size of a small desk. Everyone agreed it was light, flavorful, and not too tart due to the fish (and not just because she would've pummeled them otherwise)
While they were eating, Rudy's big gift was a surprise concert from Rudy Rox...and when everyone refused, he just had Mini teach him how to make a mixtape instead. It was fire, but also disorienting to move from Aiden's big song to the LOTR soundtrack. Still, Aru plays it everywhere she goes to this day...
Round 3: Pics
Everyone gathered around the living room for a picture to capture the moment. Obviously Shadowfax took them. Aiden's been taking pics all night (yes especially the embarrassing ones). It's hard to describe everyone's expressions in a way that makes them look as blissful as any other family, so let's just say it was perfect enough for Aru...
*Secret* Round 4: Aruden Time
*later, outside*
I forgot to give you your present
You pulled me aside. Like hell, you forgot
I'm a big girl now, I can use big girl words
Then I guess you won't need this little girl present *runs*
Oh no you don't! *THUMP* Pinned ya!
Why are you like this Shah? (As if I didn't want that.) Why don't you see what you got?
*opens* *soft gasp*
I know it's not as good as Home Depot, Stan Lee, or Resurrected Boo, but I at least hoped it would be something you like-
*holds him tight and pulls him into a deep kiss* I love it!
And I love you, Shah. Happy Birthday, Aru.
You're probably wondering what he got her...well so am I, they never told me XD
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Peacemaker in Blue Beetle 2006 is Christopher Smith, a PSA
So theres this really common misconception that the Peacemaker that mentored Jaime Reyes in Blue Beetle 2006 is Mitchell Black or some other Peacemaker, basically anyone but Chris, and its a misconception that can only survive if you havent actually read the first half of the run all the way through. However its also common enough to really bother me and since Jaime might be about to get a lot of new fans who may not read his comics I feel the need to make this post collecting evidence. So heres the "Peacemaker in Blue Beetle 2006 is definitely Chris" post.
Going under a read more because this is kind of long because Im gonna talk too much, but if you dont want to read it you WILL just get the gist by just looking at the screenshots included.
Also its Peacemaker so CW for nazi imagery/depiction of nazis in some of these screenshots and mention of nazis, also depiction of someone about to commit suicide by firearm, also mentions of ableism
So this misconception comes from the fact that in early Blue Beetle 2006 Peacemaker tells Jaime and his family that hes Mitchell Black, the third Peacemaker:
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This is lampshaded immediately as probably being a fake name just because of how Fake It Sounds (though ironically it is Mitchell's actual legal name, poor guy), and Peacemaker's response to Brenda asking if its his real name is "Its what I told you."
By issue 13 we have Peacemaker being called Smith-Peacemaker by the Negotiator.
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By issue 20, which is also the issue that heavily focuses on Peacemaker and goes into his backstory, Chris is referred to by his full name by the Reach.
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Chris's backstory in issue 20 is his backstory. This is fully Christopher Smith specific. You cannot apply any of this to the other two Peacemaker's that existed at this time.
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So yeah, its definitely him, but Im gonna also really quick go into "so why did he tell everyone he was Mitchell Black?" because I really like talking about Peacemaker.
Basically Peacemaker playing things close to his chest and also straight up lying sometimes is actually a really consistent character trait for him, both in Blue Beetle 2006 and also before that
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As for why hes lying its probably because he doesnt want anyone to realize hes still alive, since the chances are high he'd be arrested and either put back in prison, back with Checkmate, or straight up assassinated. He probably started using Mitchell's name because that way he can keep doing Peacemaker stuff. The guy also pretty much didnt have any real freedom until Blue Beetle, constantly being monitored by the government/Checkmate and constantly being under threat of either being forced to fight or forced institutionalization.
In summary Blue Beetle Peacemaker is Chris. Please stop saying hes not Chris. Its so good for both him and Jaime for that to be him and everytime someone says its not him I start crying really loud.
Bonus screenshot of Jaime referring to Chris by his last name because it didnt fit into this but I got it up and its cute. Thank you
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wc-wild-rewrite · 7 months
Into The Wild Reread!
Its actually been like 6 years since i last fully read this series, so it was fun going back through! Overall i give it a 9/10, one point removed for slightly clunky writing and scene changes.
HOWEVER, Every single sentence that includes Spottedleaf is awful and uncomfortable, so it's actually getting an 8.5/10
Please note that i wrote the notes as i read it and have not edited them
My chapter by chapter thoughts and notes are under the cut!
Iconic opening prologue, but we're really stretching the definition of bracken-colored for mr reddish-brown oakheart here.
When did the clans meet otters
I wonder how Mousefur feels about the last fight alongside redtail being the one where tigerclaw saved her
"Fewer kits than normal" bluestar theres 5 of them i'd say thats a decent number, 6 if we're counting Lynxkit
I dont remember many of the prophecies but i hope they use more star ones, the shooting star is a cool one
Chapter 1
They really love their full stops huh, its slightly jarring, as someone who writes with so many commas
I still love their descriptions of the enviroment
I like how they show Rusty's ignorance towards the necesscity of prey by having his first scene be him toying a live mouse, and that being why he lost it
Rusty, collars are not supposed to pinch, your being mistreated
I dont think ive ever seen anyone remember to add the 'lightly raining' part into an animatic or comic or anything
I like to think he spotted Bluestar in the trees when he says it feels like something's in the woods
I like that rusty's sorta mean, real tween energy
They better bring this fox back
This is painfully lore-dumpy but i love greypaw's total disregard for rusty's anger. And for his disregard for clan code, talking to a kittypet when he shouldn't be. Sets up his later code breaking.
I'm always really concerned about rusty's "just sit there and look hungry" comment, like buddy why do you know that??
Lionheart is canonically handsome
I really like how majestic and respectable bluestar is shown to be in this scene, i can feel her power
Bluestar has been keeping an eye on rusty for a while, spurred by the prophecy, i'd imagine
Chapter 2
I cant tell if bluestar snapping at him so fast is because of how despserate thunderclan is in that moment, or if its a hint to how fast she can turn against people.
Rusty's willignness to look a wildcat in the eye and argue is very interesting, i see where squilf gets it from
'Young kit' i love lionheart
Chapter 3
I like to think the yellow eyes in his dream are yellowfang's
Kittypets know what hours are, i wonder if the clans do
I love smudge, poor guy
They have pine trees on thunderclan territory
I kinda like asshole longtail, hes fun
Great job longtail, you got your ass kicked by a fresh apprentice
Only finished his training two moons ago means longtail is 14 moons, and was probably a solo apprentice. I can see why Bluestar is afraid of not having enough, if the last batch of apprentices only had one.
Interesting that they were so quick to accept Firepaw, but only after he proved himself in a battle. Very telling of their culture.
Graypaw never describe Spottedleaf ever again, its very uncomfortable, "not bad looking either" you are a child
"Neither young nor pretty" this line is especially funny now that grey and dark are brothers, like yeah, thats peak little brother energy
Chapter 4
Ok whos this ginger queen, shes been mentioned twice now
Firepaw stop asking for lore a cat just died
Now i wanna see a redstar au
I like how sassy spottedleaf is with tigerclaw
Tigerclaw in this scene feels so much like Scar, i wish they kept this
I like the lore of the leader's den being carved from a river, wonder if DOTC is consistent with that
Love the sharing tongues and eating lore, the idea of older warriors inviting younger ones to eat with them being an honor
I like that the elders are perfectly fine with firepaw
Interesting that sandpaw isn't actually described as cream or sand colored, but 'pale ginger'
Again, loving the eat rituals with the apprentices eating by the stump
Sandpaw's such a bitch i love her, such a tween mean girl, i can only imagine her with a high, bratty voice
Chapter 5
Two toms sitting in a hollow a few tail lengths away cuz their not gay
Birch, ash, and oak trees are added to the 'trees thunderclan has' list
"Thats treachous talk, kittypet" says the guy who tried to take over all the clans, thus sharing a territory
I like that lionheart supports firepaw's thinking
Thunderclan smells warm, Shadowclan smells sour, Riverclan is...pungent, i guess?
Dust and Sand are such brat siblings
Love the implication that windclan and thunderclan have different stalking types due to their difference in prey, light footed for thunderclan, and maybe heavy on the back legs to make a better kick-off for a run for windclan?
Ravenpaw has been an apprentice for 2 moons, meaning hes 8 moons old, and he probably became an apprentice on the tail-end of longtail's apprenticeship, or just after his warrior ceremony
Chapter 6
Two moons passed, 8 moons old, Raven should be 10 moons
Firepaw can scale ash trees with ease
One of lionheart's favourite phrases is "surprise is the warrior's greatest weapon"
Ok good, the fox was relevant
Thunderclan cats apparently climb trees often, given that halftail apparently used to
Chapter 7
"Easy prey for yellowfang" girl why are you in third person
2 moons in and he already doesnt want to feel pity towards a clearly unwell cat, i can totally see an au where he becomes one of tigerclaw's followers
"You seem in an awful hurry to die" is one of my favourite lines
Arch-cat of stench
Chapter 8
Patrol of tigerclaw, willowpelt, darkstripe, lionheart, and bluestar. One hell of a combo
Yellowfang was spoken of for her bravery and wisdom as a medicine cat, interesting
I like the respect Spottedleaf gives Yellowfang, aware that shes another medicine cat. They've no doubt met before this.
Sympathetic eye narrowing
"We found no bodies from either clan" i call bullshit
"Usually she only trains the kits of her deputies" again, bullshit, but interesting concept
Leaders talking with all their senior warriors and not just their deputy for advice
Cultural respect for healers and elders
Chapter 9
They know the word breakfast
Little grey-and-white kit and a tabby kit, probably swift and one of the frost brothers
"Certainly no hardship being around spottedleaf again" you've exchanged about 3 sentences with her
Willowpelt in patrol with her son again
The double mouse eating scene is always so funny to me
Chapter 10
Queens line their nests with balls of down, which are apparently duck underfeathers
Wow, two-ish moons and firepaw doesnt remember smudge at all
I like the parallel between rusty & greypaw and smudge & firepaw
Its actually kind of unsettling how fast he's forgotten his old life, like wow the cult indoctronation really worked huh
Chapter 11
Ravenpaw tripping over his snake, baby boy
Fluffy gray kit, likely cinderkit, no more than 2 moons, meaning they were newborn when rusty joined
Also a tiny black kit and a tortieshell, mystery kits
Rusty's been there for almost 3 moons
Bluestar has serious trust issues huh
"I think i could grow fond of her" ok yeah i see why bluestar x yellowfang exists
Clawface and Stonefur are considered great warriors, at least to Greystripe
Chapter 12
I forget at this point in the book tigerclaw isn't actually known as a bad guy, hes just grumpy and mildly suspicious
Crookedstar is bigger than Lionheart, which means hes fuckin massive
Brokenstar has been leader for 4 moons as of this chapter, meaning he probably became leader around the time spottedleaf got her prophecy. Causation, perhaps?
Eugh can we stop describing spottedleaf as sweet scented
Ough, littlepaw was definitely lying about his age there
Lionheart banter!
Ravenpaw being a good storyteller is my favourite thing
Ah, brokenstar, you mangy bastard
I like that he paused for dramatic effect though, drama queen
I cant tell if Smallear really is deaf or if hes playing it up so he gets left alone
Chapter 13
"But even he will obey bluestar" only for 3 more books
I like that travelling to the moonstone is one of the apprentice milestones
Spottedleaf get your nose off that apprentice
Chapter 14
Leaders cannot eat before the moonstone journey, interesting
Wow, what a dickhead twoleg, also possibly drunk driving
Chapter 15
Love the idea that tigerclaw is just fucking terrified of the moonstone
So bluestar just implied tigerclaw is spiritually weak, interesting
I love the description of the moonstone, it makes it sound so ethereal
Chapter 16
Barley is short and knows Bluestar
"You are tied to your clan like a queen to her kits" oh you have no idea barley
Barley i love you and your inexplicable rat fighting skills
Firepaw knows how to put cobwebs on
This chapter implies coming back from losing a life can take hours
Chapter 17
Blackfoot you asshole put those kits down!!
Yellowfang i adore you
R.I.P rosetail, we didnt know you existed until this chapter
Nooo grandpa lionheart, poor guy
I think its this point that starts the beginning of bluestar's fall, honestly
Chapter 18
Ah, here's tigerclaw's beginning of evil, starting with appointing his cronies as bluestar's bodyguards
Ooo yellowfang still has pain from that leg injury
Wow Yellowfang just called Blackfoot a stupid tank
Darkstripe really just got call shitstripe, huh?
Oh shit, i always thought darkstripe and longtail were aware of tigerclaw's actions from the start, but hes playing them too
Chapter 19
Spottedleaf you cant just tell apprentices about prophies and not give any context
The authors really dont know how to do a scene change, huh?
Firepaw fights light-pawed
Chapter 20
I cant tell if its clunky writing or intentional but the way ravenpaw describes redtail's death is very storyteller-y
Never use the word suppleness again
Brindle really just had her kits silently huh
Elders wash their ears when their expecting rain, more lore thats never mentioned again
Really cute that whitestorm is sitting guard for his mate and kits
Its been like 4 minutes since firepaw stepped out of the nursery, brindle's in there, how the fuck did the kits get stolen
Firepaw you shared 7 sentences with her, why are you so furious
Chapter 21
Can these grown adults stop sending minors on dangerous missions
"Goodbye, my sweet spottedleaf" EW. EUGH. AUGH.
"One of brindleface's kits has a cough" considering tulipkit dies, yeah, she wasnt lying
Something something clawface being a warrior greypaw respected only for him to kill the med cat and kidnap kits
Frostfur's kits are three moons old
Chapter 22
Brokenstar makes them apprentices at three moons and warriors at five
Marigold and Mint were four moons old
Chapter 23
Third time Willowpelt and Darkstripe are in a patrol together
Oh Whitestorm, your not the smartest tom in the clan, are you
Chapter 24
Brokenstar nearly got scar-at-the-end-of-lion-kinged there
It'd be cool if mr lil tabby kit kept the ear scar, i know he doesnt tho
Chapter 25
Tigerclaw really putting on the sad dramatics there
Fireheart and Greystripe, iconic and fitting names!
My thoughts
Solid 9/10, not perfect, bit clunky, but iconic and nostalgic. Im shocked i remembered basically all of it, even tho last time i read the whole thing was about 6 years ago
I think the chapters are too short in places and cut in weird parts, and the authors cant do a scene change for the life of them, but this was 2009, so its fair. Lets just hope they improve (said the fool, foolishly)
Oh, and the spottedleaf thing was terrible and uncomfortable.
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havendance · 9 months
Scattered Batman: War Games thoughts
It honestly wasn't as bad as I was afraid it was going to be. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of parts that were bad, but it also moved at a quick pace and I have definitely read comics that were way more of a chore to get through
Still way too much torture though. I purposefully skipped all the scenes where Steph got tortured but other people also got tortured in this and why is there just so much?
I do like that Bruce actually asked for help/called in the cavalry at the begining of the event rather than running around making things worse a bunch of times. Of course the only help he called in was Batgirl and Nightwing, but baby steps!
I actually enjoyed most of the entire first act of war games. It was focused mainly on chaos exploding on everyone being on the ropes and doing damage control. It was quick moving and I like seeing the bats on the ropes. Plus, there was the
I did like both Cass and Tim's storylines throughout.
And then of course, act II onwards just went downhill. Look, I wish Zeis had succeeded in killing Black Mask when he was disguised as Oprheus because he just sucks.
Anyway, I already talked about the torture stuff :/
The thing is, I think because I skipped the bad parts and I knew both that Steph was going to die and that she would eventually come back going into this arc, her death actually made me less made than say, Sarah Essen's death in No Man's Land which is in some ways much less egregious (I'm still annoyed about that). If I HAD been a comics reader in 2004 and not a possibly-illiterate child whose mom wouldn't let them read comics at that age anyway, I probably would've been pissed! But context is everything.
But to backtrack a little, Bruce was like "I was never going to implement the war games plan" but he also had Orpheus going undercover to get control of the hill? It certainly looks like you're laying the groundwork my dude. I mean, he still could have been planning to not go all the way and made the contingency plan in question recently, but still. Out of universe, it's clearly laying groundwork for the War Games event.
Hmm, what else did I want to bring up. Oh yeah. Bruce, trying to take control over the entire GCPD is definetly a major overstep. You deserve to be wanted by them after that. Seriously dude, you didn't even have control over the GCPD during No Man's Land where there was no goverment. Your whole stchick involves acting outside of the law. You can't just do that dude.
Also, him hijacking Oracle's systems was also an asshole move. I think it is interesting the way that they had the interection of the urban legend batman mythos with the event. He's out during the day, being captured on camera for the first time in ages and it's in the middle of a major disaster. Terrible PR all around. The batman is real and this is his fault. I do think that's a fun move.
I am here for Barbara beefing with Batman, he was a dick to you during the event! But also the whole tower blowing up thing at the end was clearly because it was required by editorial. You're telling me you don't have knockout gas or batgrade tasers in there? Your only option was to blow up your home base?
Like, he also was a major presence during No Man's Land, but that was No Man's Land.
Anyway, this was clearly an event that was designed to make some major changes to the status quo. I will probably have more opinions on these changes as I read more comics, but for some initial thoughts:
Batman & co wanted by the GCPD. I'm a big fan of this one. Make him have to face greater odds with fewer resources than he's used to!
Stephanie dead. Lame :/
The Birds of Prey no longer based in Gotham. I am tentatively optimistic about this. I did like the era of Oracle being a key player in Gotham, but her being an idependent force not tied to them is defintely something she deserves! Of course, if this just results in her being exiled to Birds of Prey rather than playing a major role in the rest of the universe that'd be disappointing.
(Of course I also primarily only read Bat books, so uh, I don't think I'd see this either way.)
Tim and Cass in their Blüdhaven era: why not? I've heard good things about this.
Black Mask being a key play: grump grump grump I don't like him.
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squaregoals · 9 months
Catching My Breath
Platonic Leo (rottmnt) & Reader drabble 🩵🐢
(or romantic, I guess, either would work)
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It was a peaceful afternoon. 
You were off school for the summer before your senior year, and you were out generally enjoying the day. There was a cold front that had swept through the upper states, which made the usually sweltering temperatures perfect for walking around your main haunts.
You had exited from enjoyed your favourite coffee shop, indulging in some people watching, when passing by an alleyway you heard a voice whisper-shout at you.
"Hey! ___! Over here!" the voice was familiar.
You turned, and saw Leo waving.
Not expecting to see him in the slightest at this time of day, you tilted your head in confusion. Stopping and taking a quick glance around to make sure you weren't seen, you slipped into the alley.
As you got close to him, you raised an eyebrow. "Leo? What's up?"
Despite the random nature of the encounter, he looked absolutely thrilled and made a motion for you to hold out your hands. He looked like he wouldn't budge otherwise so you acquiesced while rolling your eyes.
He immediately whipped out a small stack of comics onto your open hands.
Eyes widening, you immediately took note of what it was. There in your hands were the latest few issues of the comic he, you, and Mikey had become obsessed with in recent months. 
Your mouth gaped, and your eyes flicked up to his in amazement. "How, wait, what?" you stumbled over your words as you blinked a few times.
Leo just laughed, taking a step back and resting his hands in his pockets with a wide grin, "How? I'm awesome. Wait? Never. And what? Just me being the coolest, most best turtle around." he said, settling with a smirk, "Also Mikey and I already read them. You can keep them until you're done. I was actually coming to look for you, so glad I caught you when I did."
You just kept staring, eyes darting between him and the comics you gingerly held. Then, you relaxed a little and nodded. "Thanks, Leo. Although you could've just texted me to come over, you realize this right?"
He shifted his weight to leaning on one leg, and his smug expression that you knew and tolerated took over. "Yeah, but then I wouldn't get to see you react as strongly. It's more entertaining to me this way." 
The way he says this had you rolling your eyes yet again, but your lips quirked up despite it.
"Okay, okay. It was a cool surprise," you admit begrudgingly, but end up huffing out a breath of a laugh. He didn't need the ego stroke, but it was genuinely thoughtful. Not a rarity of his, but he tended to hide it when he was being thoughtful... so this was a nice deviation from the norm.
"Well, mention it to everyone. I'm the best, I know." Leo says, before turning in his heel and started to walk off with a lazy wave. "Enjoy your day, enjoy the comics, enjoy the weather. I'm off to bother Hueso, he said he had something for me."
You wave back even though he couldn't see, and just stood and watched him before he disappeared in a swirl of blue light. 
Once the light faded you looked down at the comics clutched in your hand. You can't help but shake your head in amusement, as after the random encounter it was looking to be an even better day now. You make a mental note to text him and Mikey once you're done.
You head back to the coffee shop, wanting a snack now and a comfortable environment to read.
A/N: I just really wanted to write a random slice of life scene, no real other motivation lol
Short and sweet
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dballzposting · 1 year
dragon ball super heroes manga vol. 1 review
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(gif from @piccoku​ ‘s header. I used to go to their blog so that I could sit and stare at this gif. I didnt know what it was from (they told me but I didnt understand emotionally). I didnt know why Trunks had on such a snazzy coat. I didnt know who that little birch was in the background. I didnt know that this was future trunks (or maybe I did. I dont remember. He has a sword). But now I know. Now I know everything)
Disclaimer: I did not really read it. MY SUBSTANTIVE THOUGHTS (and screenshots) ARE UNDER THE CUT.
this is the link i used to read it: https://chapmanganato.com/manga-gb983458/chapter-1
I went through chapters 1-11 looking for Goten becasue I was told that Goten and Future Trunks fuse into Gotenks AND THEY REALLY DO!! For this reason I am rating the piece a solid 5/5 stars. Continue reading for my in-depth analysis.
The kaioshin of time character
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She is so funny. She’s a silly little sonofabitch. She wears heels (not pictured here) and I like the rest of her outfit as well.
In the first chapter she kept restating who she was, seen here when she uses that interjection as a predicate noun phrase. Or something like that. Who’s going to fucking correct me. 
EVERY TIME SHE SUMMONED SOMEONE she GAVE THEM A COAT WITHOUT ASKING !!!!!!!!!!! She was like Oh I am just going to have to class up the place !
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^ Everyone’s coats. I think that Goku and Vegeta didnt get one initially bc theyre Goku and Vegeta, you cant just change their outfits like that! But by the end of it they’re wearing coats (seen here). 
The KoT (kaioshin of time) wants things a certain way. That is her prerogative as the current kaioshin of time. She’s earned this job through her autistic swag and skill.
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I was not paying attention but I thought that maybe that this is Future Gohan (from the bad timeline). I AM NOT SURE. But I think it might be. Again I was not paying much attention.
If he is then that’s really cool I think. He’s pretty funny in the comic. He admires all the other cool characters (seen above). And he looks really good in that coat. 
When Goten joined their team, he adapted to having a baby brother like no prablem. I guess he had a Trunks so it’s kind of the same thing. But wait right there. It’s totally different. Trunks is a polite young man while Goten is a wild young man. 
btw Gohan and Future Trunks did a metamoran fusion so that was cool.
Gohna is totally cool
Gotenks Moments
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^ That YAAY! written out behind Gotenks; that’s what I did when I saw him. BTW as you can see in that little bubble right yonder, Future Trunks’s hair had grown out. This is becasue early on in the volume, he and Goku did some training in some room that the Kaioshin of Time modified so that time moved super slowly inside it. On the outside, only three days had passed, and the kaioshin had spent it pouring through thousands of scrolls, using her coveted Hyperfocus Swag ability. So now Trunks’s hair is long. Gotenks’s hair is not long however. Don’t know why.
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He’s still just as coooooooooool omg omg he hasnt lost any of his magic and zest. It’s not even the right Trunks in there but he’s thriving. 
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Also he has a cool sword now.
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LOL. So we didn’t actually see Goten’s arrival NOR Gotenks’s fusion, he just SHOWED UP and we all went AAAAAAAAAAAAA and we get context retroactively through character thoughts/words like this. MS KAIOSHIN OF TIME THINKS THAT GOTEN IS “A FLIRT” NJDKSHBFJKS this is due to his energetic and friendly nature. He has transparency and doesnt modify his playful and forward behavior even when in front of an esteemed lady, and she thinks that that forwardness is flirtiness. He is such a sweet boy. She didnt know what she was getting into, enlisting him like that... She was like “Oh let’s nab Goku’s second son real quick” and now shes stuck with him. Gorgeous stuff.
Anyway. I’ve seen it said that DBZ Gotenks is more Trunks than Goten due to the arrogance and rudeness and cockiness and cocksureness and ETC ETC ETC. This is due to young Goten coming off as a very kind kid so the contrast between he and Gotenks is strong.
BUT I KNEW BETTER...! I knew that the wildness and playfulness of Goten was in there. 
Now this Gotenks is the wild and playful Goten and FUTURE Trunks. Here is a list of adjectives that describe future Trunks:
Polite, kind, cool, considerate, calm, careful, bashful, utilitarian, courteous, respectful, mild-mannered, thoughtful.
So you’re probably wondering: IS THIS GOTENKS ANY DIFFERENT FROM DBZ GOTENKS ? Other than the age gap I mean. And new outfit. 
Verdict: I THINK SO!!!
This Gotenks, in his short appearance, came across to me as more FRIENDLY than ARROGANT. He’s CONFIDENT, and a bit COCKY, but it comes from a place of self-love. He’s full of love. He’s playful. He’s transparent. He has integrity. He’s still autistic. And he’s having a lot of fun tearing up the court out there.
DBZ Gotenks would not listen to anyone about anything. This Gotenks definitely heeds the words of others, in the very least by dignifying them with a response explicating his thought process (seen above). He’s not an asshole. All in all, he is a team player, which is so NOT dbz Gotenks.
And we see Goten’s rowdy and fun influences really shine..!
Goten and Goten + Future Trunks interactions
This is the first time we see Goten (cover art)
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I love him I know that that’s him and I love that I know him when I see him I think that that’s phenomenal. I unwittingly projected onto him a lot with the whole “he bites people he spits on people licking is his love language he wants to drool on you like a dog while he watches you sleep. He wants to lick your teeth”  stuff and thats okay. 
This is the second time we see him :)
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LOL he’s so cute and squeezable in that coat. 
I really like this reply by @loreofthefritz​ on a post about this existence of a Future Trunks Gotenks:
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After I read it I was putzing around my house getting dressed eating etc and i kept saying it over and over to myself .. “yeah ok sure i mean we need to.” yeah ok sure i mean we need to. yeah ok sure i mean we need to. Truer shit has never been said.
Look Trunks says his name lol
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He knows his name :). Goten mustve been all like “Howdy my name is Goten how the fuck are you? :)” and Future Trunks was like “owo ... GOKU HAD A SECOND SON.. ? O.o Jeepers!”
I like this part becasue we all know that Goten aint shit. At the EOZ he lost to Pan in that tournament. In GT he’s sloppy and comparatively senseless in battle. He’s just 21st century arm candy at this point and THAT’S OKAY!!!
I like that he says this becasue it’s spoken like a true senior fratty .. He’s looking out for the younger ones. 
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WINK. He’s so playful. I know he’s about to get his teeth kicked in. He must know it too. But he’s gotta look cool for the kids.
But it’s more than that. WHAT, IS HE SUPPOSED TO RUN ? That’s not an option. Mercy and self-sacrifice is in his blood. It’s his culture. Of course he says this. 
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BTW he doesnt actually get his shit kicked in. Here is an epic moment by him ^ (pictured above).
I want to talk for a moment about the dynamic here between Goten and Future Trunks. 
I think that, going into it, Trunks would feel like: Oh, this is Gohan’s younger brother! He’s like family! :D
This is easy enough. And if Goten were simple or polite or medium-energy or equally respectful, it would probably feel this way. No problem. But, those just aren’t the vibes that Goten gives out. It feels much less like you’re meeting a long-lost family member and much more like you’re meeting a neighbor in your college dorm who knows all of the local secrets and tips and tricks and who speaks to you like you’re best buds.
And from Goten’s POV, he goes into it knowing that this is Trunks but five years younger than him. What’s more, he’s had an entirely different life experience from his present Trunks. Essentially, Goten goes into it feeling like “Ok, I gotta be the wise and dependable guy on the block. I gotta be a supportive and guiding factor. Like those senior fratties that I looked up to when I was 17 myself. Finally, my time to shine!”
But the thing is, Goten is very transparent. He doesnt have many different registers. He has more than Goku becasue Chichi beat them into him but he still doesnt have many. What you see is what you get. And he’s used to being the youngest. He’s specifically used to being younger than Trunks. The way this manifests is that I don’t even think that Trunks realizes he’s fully 22 until a while in. Goten acts like they’re equals. he thinks he’s being old and cool but he’s literally talking with his mouth full and cracking open pistachios and rambling about gossip and then wrapping his arm around Trunks’s shoulder and saying shit like “Hey, I know these guys. They can be kind of intimidating. Your dad? Yeah, he’s scary. My dad? He’s scary STRONG. Gohan’s not intimidating. You know him. This kaioshin lady? Like, what’s her deal, right? But don’t worry, I know kaioshins. It can be scary and weird at first, but I’m used to this shit, yeah? So I’m here to protect you if you feel intimidated. If you fart in front of everyone I will totally take the heat for you. Really, I’m good for it! Honest! I will do that for you. I’m not scared of these schmucks. Or this demon realm mumbo jumbo. Man, I fought Majin Buu when I was 7, and he was totes scary! Take it from me, man, there’s a point where the world stops being scary and starts being just plain fucked up. And that’s fine. I WILL TAKE THE HEAT FOR YOU. I got your back. As far as I’m concerned, as long as we’re in this shit together, you and I are best bros. Brothers from different mothers from different timelines, ya dig? You can totally let one rip in front of your dad and I will say it was me. He’ll believe me too because I’ve done it before.”
I mean maybe over time the college-roommate-trying-to-be-your-protective-guide schtick starts to become clear, but I mean he’s literally pulling up a seat next to Trunks at the dinner table (the chair screeches against the floor HORRIFICALLY LOUDLY) and slamming his ass down and reaching over Trunks and everyone to get to everything on the table and saying loudly “Hey BTW if you’re wondering who clogged the kaioshin’s shitter it was NOT ME it was like that when I got there I just added to it” and then after a while of talking with his mouth full Gohan actually gets up and walks around the table and puts his hand on Goten’s shoulder and tells him delicately that he is being very impolite right now. And when he leaves Goten watches him leave and then he leans over to Trunks (who was looking forward to a nice dinner with Vegeta and Gohan) and whispers “yeah. He’s kind of a nerd in my time too.” 
And like, yknow, Future Trunks likes him fine. Trunks is pretty evenly-tempered so he doesn’t emote or opine much, and maybe he has a moment where an anime droplet appears on his head and he cant believe the behavior he’s witnessing, but for the most part he’s chill. He’s cool and considerate, remember?
Future Trunks has never had a BFF before and Goten isnt trying to be his BFF but that’s just how he acts. The BFFness is implied in his directness and honesty and casual physical proximity. Trunks really doesnt have a BFF Mode so he just acts himself, which is to say he appears surprised or unprepared for Goten’s nature (which maybe sometimes he really is) but like I said he’s cool with it. He’s quick with it. He doesnt return it but he’s there for it. He’s never had a BFF before. He’s never had anyone talk to him like that before. He’s never witnessed such behavior and jests. I think he has fun. 
Additional pics:
Everyone’s cool coat again
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Gohan and Goten moment
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Goten having a Mung Daal moment
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Okay that’s about it :) Thanks for reading my lovely post.
PS: There is a lot of senseless fusion in this comic. In just what I skimmed, we saw: Trunks and Vegeta potara fusion (Vegeks), Trunks and Gohan metamoran fusion, Trunks and Goten metamoran fusion, Vegeta and Goku metamoran fusion, Vegeta and Goku potara fusion.
It really got me thinking. You know, we all know that “In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins is a Vegeta song. And we all know that Goten listens to rock and metal. Well there’s this rock band called In This Moment who did a cover of that song. Thus turning that Vegeta song into a Goten song. 
And every time I hear it I think about, how bad would shit have to be to result in a Vegeta and Goten fusion ?! Shit must have to REALLY hit the shitter. VEGETEN. Truly a LAST CASE SCENARIO for a WORST CASE SCENARIO. 
I think that being fused with Goten is just, like, a shot of sunshine up your spine. We see it in Gotenks’s exuberance, which is present no matter which Trunks is involved. I think that Vegeten would have a bounce in his step and a wild, free look in his eye. But he is 100% locked to the ground and COMMITTED to this battle and opponent. 
I think that he would be careful and contemplative and decisive, but, like, in a stupid way. He studies the enemy through two glass cups like they’re binoculars.  
I think that he would use THE MOST SARCASTIC kamehame-ha.
This is a guy who would call Bulma “Ma’am.”
Trunks wouldnt fucking know how to deal with him becasue the way he interacts with Goten and the way he interacts with his father are literally the most opposite that two interactions can be. But it’s of no concern to Vegeten. If Trunks says something even slightly casual or disrespectful, Vegeten lowers his glass-binoculars and goes “Is that any way to speak to me, kid?” Truly a fun guy. I’ve tried to draw him before but there’s not much to get across. All them fusions kind of look alike yknow what I’m saying. End post
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steveisagay · 11 months
How to fix the damage
Disabled munver
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
No warnings, just fluff for once (and a few little nods to Autistic Jason) Also one thing I noticed writing this is that along part three and part four you can see Eddie starting to fall for Jason, BUT so far nothing from Jason..... Oh yeah and big thanks to @shieldofiron for helping out and letting me get some general ideas out
Eddie learned several things about Carver in the few weeks since he found him sobbing on his back. Sometimes he was surprised and other times it made sense. The first thing was thing was that he hated being seen as weak. Ever since he found out that he was paralyzed from the waist down he got louder, he yelled when he felt he was getting pitied or being babied in some way. He also swore more than he ever did in high school. Eddie took the time to figure out that it wasn't because he swore outside of school before, but that it was because nobody listened to him.
Another thing that he noticed was that Jason was a big reader. Whenever Eddie saw the jocks all crowding around each other or goofing in class he always thought he was so much smarter than them. Most of the time that was true, well, he did fail math the first time, but the second was because he was too high to leave his van to get to class. Sure he knew that Carver paid attention in his classes and took notes and all of that but he thought it all came naturally, he was already naturally hot in Eddie's opinion. But one day he came back from his therapy to find Carver reading a comic by himself.
"Lucas dropped by to return this, said that he was reading it to Max but you weren't here so I said that I'd get it to you..." He was quick to explain, was he scared that he couldn't read Eddie's shit for some reason? Eddie would've guessed that he was practically clawing for some sort of entertainment. "Sorry, I just needed something to read."
"No problem, if you ever need to borrow a book just let me know." Eddie sat on his bed and took back his comic, "So, do you read comics often?"
"Huh? Oh no no, I normally stick to fantasy kinda and books on sharks and other marine life," A slight blush crept up his cheeks as he realized just how much of a dork he probably seemed.
"Well what's your favorite book then?" Eddie asked, excited to have another person to talk to about books.
Jason moved pulled himself up so he was sitting more. "I really don't have just one favorite book but my favorite series is The Chronicles Of Narnia,"
Right then, right there, Eddie knew that Cupid really was real and he had to be nearby because right then he could feel the arrow go through his heart.
Then after that the third thing that Eddie noticed about Jason was that he did listen to good music. Or... at least sometimes. Max, who was surprisingly out of her coma by now, let Eddie borrow her new walkman that she got as an apology so he could listen to a few of his tapes while he worked on DnD shit. He had it up all the way and the headphones around his neck as he scribbled words into his notebook. Jason had been focusing on god knows what when the song switched. After a few seconds Jason perked up, "Is that Bon Jovi?"
That confused Eddie, how would Carver know Bon Jovi? "Um, yeah, why? Do you... Listen to Bon Jovi at all?"
"Yeah actually I do." There was a defensive tone in his voice, "Well, sometimes, I don't really get the chance to often,"
"I don't really listen to Bon Jovi a lot either, but they're not one of my favorite bands at all." He paused when the opportunity crossed his mind, "If you want you could have this cassette, then I could have one of the kids stop by the new house Uncle Wayne got from the government and grab my walkman. Then you'd actually be able to listen to it."
Carver seemed almost shocked that he was even offering to let him listen to his music, "No, I can't let you just give me your stuff, it's yours."
"It's just one Cassette, Carver."
Maybe he wasn't a complete dick. Eddie was maybe wrong all of these years, maybe Jason Carver wasn't as much of a dick or as popular as he seemed.
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kidfoundonstreets · 1 year
i'm glad to hear you enjoyed the coffin of andy and leyley, as well as no-good noelle! sorry for only just getting back to you on this—it completely slipped my mind until now
i agree that it was definitely a delight to see the improvements in tcoaal compared to earlier games, and yes! it was very much made in rpgmaker. i'm ALWAYS a massive sucker for comic panel-styled cgs
and i think what andrew meant by discarding andy and leyley to die in the coffin was him essentially. swearing to drop the power imbalance he and ashley once had as children and instead have the both of them stand on equal footing? i'm not sure, but that's what it read to me.
as for the parasite thing—who knows? nemlei apparently did go through with making a continuation to this game, so maybe we'll learn more about it there. the fact they're siblings roughly around the same age is also so tastefully fucked up by the way because like… how do i explain it. siblings usually live together ever since childhood so they have more time to affect each other growing up, and there's ALSO this general """agreement""" that family should always be your no. 1 priority when it comes to the people you choose to keep in your life or whatever, so it's like. yeah
(this is NOT meant in a weird way btw i'm a youngest sibling with two older sisters myself)
anyways yule nogoodnoelle is built different and i would drench him in milk until he's sopping wet before slamming him against the wall. real. 💯
DONT WORTRY ABOUT IT!! i apologize for the laytre response as well :3
discussing this with you is v fun i love hearing your thoughts on it,,
the equal footing makes a lot more sense! it literally says in the description of the game "co-dependency" and discarding how it's been for years is just so. well took a couple murders to get to that moment but yk (it was also mentioned i think they've had these types of arguments before and i find that interesting though im sure its never gone this far) anyway it also reminds me of a song called Evelyn Evelyn. don't know how well that works though. i need to stop getting off track
stuck with eachother and moving towards something that doesn't have the other as a doormat or the other as the boss . i don't know how possible that is for them but if there is a continuation id love to see it <3
heyy youngest kids gang. the "agreement" of family being no.1 priority and the same ages.. i didnt even think of thst but aaa. "your priority should be me!" as the rules say aswell its also like andy since the start his personality wasnt stronger than leyleys anyway he ended up as the quick go to (you live with him, it feels like obligation, he's as bendable as a rubber band) and i guess there's a line of friendship and family that is hard to clear unless you get rid of all the formalities and morals- which is also like. not only are your lives centered around your family now it also could be centered around a stranger,, but once that person is gone it'll forever have a gaping hole you can't get rid of unless theyre back. because youve known them so long. adapting to everything especially the tough situations that argumens and misunderstandings make your bond stronger
i dont know what im saying or what that means but i will eat your ideas ok
that's one of the most perfect descriptions of yule you get it you literally do. playing ivys route made me feel dirty after goig throigh all of yules bullshit (i would willingly click play on him again while insulting him)
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