#ok so how do I tag this monstrosity??
sapphire-drawings · 7 months
Hey Sapphire! In your adult Webber/ Wendy au, could you please describe and talk about Wendy’s statues. Because, not all the survivors know her, and that is like the way they see her beyond the radio’s voice. And, I imagine, she portrays herself different from how Maxwell portrays herself, because she isn’t seeking fame and its greatness. Also, your Au is great, and I pretend to write about it, so, do you have any problems if I post it?
Quick-ish reply cuz you got me thinking and the truth is... I've no idea what's Wendy's role in the Au
But first
Anyone's free to write, to draw or whatever they please with this Au. I'm not the owner of the originals, this is just something I came up with for funsies and obsession
Just don't put things in my mouth for "what's canon and what's not" and tag me so I can see it!! ^^
Although if I like someone's idea I'll ask to make it canon lmao
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Now get ready for some random nonsense.
Or don't read it and just enjoy the drawing, whatever please your eyes
The original idea was for her to be a magician just like canon Maxwell and Abigail would be her assistant. Carter Sisters' magic show or something
But my Au is weird and not planned at all
Abby is also Jack and Will's mother (weird, I'm aware) so, How is she the assistant/Next-Constant-Queen and mother mourning her "dead" sister and children?? (well, Jack is the only one dead for real)
...I'll be rambling from this point forward, sorry but not really
Abby HAS to die thanks to something Wendy did
What if... Wendy's show is the medium type? She "contacts" spirits and fortune telling stuff. She's a failure until the codex appears. By this point she lost contact with the family, (hence why William and Jack don't recognize her at first glance (A simple "she looks like mom but not quite")) focusing in what the canon says, fortune and glory seeking evolving into greed.
Then Abby goes after her??? For some reason???
They reunite and Wendy is too stubborn to go back and then They cause an accident that takes Abby's life but as far as she knows it was Wendy's fault??
And her last act before everything goes down to hell is an attempt to bring her back through the codex?????
Or something different I can't think of??????????
...Few on the only things I know is that I want Wendy to still be involved in spiritualism to decipher the Codex while baby William got into dark arts as an attempt to bring Jack back. "Why would you? that doesn't makes sense" you may think
1.- None of this makes sense so shut up. I can't think that far
2.- I want William to still being able to create shadow puppets cuz I have a comic idea where he spawns one by accident and Jack haunts it and "gains a body". Mr. Webber puts a painful stop to it to prevent any possible danger or corruption and blah blah blah-
Ssssoooooooooo yeah
Everything's a mess but I'm glad you guys are enjoying the ride
I'll update you if I ever come up with a "canon" timeline)? and what not (I won't get mad if you come up with ideas to help either.....)
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arandompubliclobby · 3 months
[Pinned post, subject to change]
Hello all! We are The Lobby, a collection of egostates who all happen to be among us characters of some sort.
In a nutshell, egostates are a half-way point between a singular person and a system. (I do not have a proper explanation as of yet)
He and they can be used as catch-all pronouns if you/we do not know who is fronting.
We are currently questioning our egostate/system status, so this page is bound to update
We use the tag "blurred" when we are blurry and aren't absolutely sure of who is fronting.
Headmates/members under the cut:
Purple (non-canon MIRA scientist from Rodamrix)
Species: Impostor
Posts they made/helped make are tagged "☔The Living"
"Peace on earth for everyone except Dr White, the lying bastard"
Pink (Rodamrix)
Species: Impostor
Posts xe made/helped make are tagged "🍄 Foodie bar"
Shifter (Safe space au of Rodamrix made by @amonggtheestarss)
Species: Shapeshifter
Posts he made or helped make are tagged "🌌 The silly"
"I want to go home"
Green (Vs Impostor v4)
Species: Impostor
Posts he made or helped make are tagged "☢️ Mira Mania"
"Haha, losers"
Maroon (Vs Impostor v4)
Species: Impostor
Posts he made or helped make are tagged with "📛 Magmatic Monstrosity"
"No I could not be bothered to be creative, sue me"
Brown (Lyin' 2 me)
Species: Crewmate
Posts he made or helped make are tagged with "📝 Detective work"
"How interesting..."
Gray (Vs Impostor v4)
Species: Crewmate
Posts they made or helped make are tagged with "🔗Deadly Delusion"
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
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i was tagged by the lovely @honeysofte to make some blorbos in this picrew! so here they are!
evadne amell - kalyani tabris faris mahariel - aedan cousland damon hawke - amalia hawke isra trevelyan - marya lavellan
i'm tagging, with no pressure: @justcallmecappy , @ziskandra , @zevsurana , @crossdressingdeath , @dreadfutures , @flashhwing & anyone else who wants to make some ocs in a picrew!
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bluishfrog · 1 month
(Warning: slightly longer post incoming cause sometimes I gotta be a sentimental bitch ok? So let's go on a little trip down memory lane.)
This day, a year ago, I made my very first fanart. It was dnf (if that surprises you, then welcome to being on my blog for the very first time). I drew a little frog face too so I could use it as a watermark (fun fact: I still use that very same first one).
I immediately put my drawing up on twt because I told myself that I wasn't gonna be afraid of having people see that I was at the very beginning of this journey and had no clue what I was doing. That instead of being bad at art, I was gonna be awesome at being a beginner who doesn't know shit.
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I started with little doodles and silly comics and then I laughed way too long when the first drawing of mine that gained some attention was a dnf butt joke. At the time I was trying to balance shipping and non-shipping art so I didn't even draw dnf that much but in hindsight it's probably the only possible way this could have gone.
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At the very end of August I woke up to @honelle56 caps-locking at me in my messages - I was very confused and tired (I am no morning person and I will never be, fuck off with your mornings) because Dranart liked my drawing of singing Dream. Dranart was my 17th follower on twt which is a useless yet extremely funny fact about my time on that hellsite.
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I also drew human!patches because a) patches was and will always be my favorite dteam member and b) it was a really cute trend and while I do love drawing dream, george and sapnap, I was also quite happy to try drawing anything but a white man for once. And I really liked how the drawing turned out.
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Much, much later, I tried to draw my first slightly more realistic looking drawing. I was extremely confused on how to draw anything like this. Especially their hair gave me tons of trouble but given my experience, I think it's not a bad attempt.
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When hijacked smp started I obviously wanted to participate, and I drew c!blu who doesn't associate with any side in particular but instead serves soup to everyone who visits her tavern 'The Soup House'. She also wants to be paid in stories from all around the map.
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One of the events I was most excited about was dnf week. I even collaborated with two talented writers and I drew the corresponding art for two fics.
(Fun or not so fun fact: when twt had like three hundred collaborative aneurysms about the situation at that moment, that was when I created this tumblr account. I didn't use it super actively (I guess I needed another situation to fully make the switch) but I at least started the account that now developed quite a bit since then.)
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I didn't really draw at all through January and February and I actually kinda thought I would move on from that hobby and fandom (not because of negative feelings, just because I didn't really have the urge to create anything within this fandom) and then situations happened and now I am here; and for some reason that is beyond any logic and my understanding I am now even more insane about dteam.
Wild to me but we are rolling with it now, I guess.
Since I got here, I drew more than ever (I actually think I might have made more drawings in the month since I got here than I made the whole rest of the year). There's just such an active and funny community here that cares about fan works for the sake of creating and not just because a CC might see it.
Unfortunately, Tumblr won't let me add more than 10 images in one post (maybe fortunately for everyone who has this monstrosity of a post on their dash). So if you want to see all the progress I made since I got here, you can look at everything in my art tag. For now, I will close this post with one of the art works from the past month that I like the most:
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Can't wait to see what the next year might bring :)
Love, blu
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Danny's Evil Jaunt Pt. 3
(this is the chapter but I have work soon so I will tag everyone later a swell as links) @little-pondhead @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 (you two get tagged because your the big inspirations :D
warnings: swearing
Word count: 1.3k
Let it be known that Fright Knight loves his job. It's literally why he still exists. He exists to serve the King of the Infinite Realms and stand as the embodiment of Halloween and similar celebrations. That said, he feels conflicted as he gazes at the mechanical husk his future king shows off. 
Compared to a normal mortal, its stature was massive. Though for Fright Knight it was about equal height, possibly a little smaller. The inspiration was clear and a little flattering. The metal was shaped into a stylized Fright Knight, complete with a (mundane) sword.
He eyes his king as the Halfa clings to its arm. He rambled about how he was planning on taking the husk to a pocket that was populated with heroes with him to guard him, and how he wanted Fright Knight to help with ‘teaching it how to do those cool sword moves you do Frighty!’.
Has his king replaced him?!?! No, surely not! There's no way this heap of scrap could ever compare! He had been around for CENTURIES while this thing hadn't even existed an hour ago! The king still had his hands inside it making adjustments yet!
“My Liege! Please forgive any misgivings about this… thing, but may I know the purpose of such a creation? You said that it was for protection yet I am here.”
His king turned his head towards him, arms still hidden within the side of the imposter. “His name is Fright-bot, and he's gonna keep the heroes off me while I work! They get annoying when you're trying to do some welding and all of a sudden you have like three arrows comin’ at ya real fast.” the young Halfa finally pulled his glove clad hands out of the monstrosity.
“He's also for keeping my other works safe, that's why I need him first. I’m thinkin’ of keeping most of my bots in my ‘therapy’ dimension that Clocky showed me for convenience, and they need a guard! But I can't just have you away to protect them! You need to do head guard stuff! I know you want to protect me and stuff but I can’t just let you just out in the living world with me all the time!” the king continued as he slid the siding back onto the almost finished robot. “Besides! It's kinda like you're protecting me from afar! Since it’ll be your techniques and stuff. I just gave it a body and Tuck helped me with the learning algorithm stuff so you can teach it.” his legs finally released his hold on the beings arm, dropping into a handstand and falling back onto his feet upright.
The flaming kight considered this. While it’s true that he can’t always accompany his king (as much as he would like to) it would be nice to have some assurance that the King would be safe. Perhaps he could convince the King into some sort of deal…?
Well Danny could say that he’s extremely happy with the events that happened at the castle! He and Frighty came to a deal finally! Frighty would teach Fright-bot how to fight and stuff but Danny would have to put in a built-in alarm system that notified Frighty that something bad was happening, so he could come in and save Danny’s day. Overall pretty good! Now to start working on those blueprints, he was so excited!
‘Ok, who gave the kid permission to build huge robots?’ Oliver thought as he saw the Fenton kid perched on top of the mecha-knight looking thing, and pulled back on his bow. Just as he released the arrow the thing’s head swiveled around like an owl and caught the damn thing! The kid looked up at Ollie and smiled.
“HI MISTER ARROW!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?” the kid shouted at him and jumped off the robot. Oliver sighed and readied another shot but was forced off his rooftop position by the purple knight.
“Who's your friend there, kid? He looks like the wrong kinda crowd,” the kid’s grin grew wider as he unfolded that damn cannon and attached it to a slightly glowing tank on his thigh.
“Do Ya like ‘im?! I built him myself, his name is Fright-Bot!” The fanged grin of the kid did not get any less unsettling as the newly dubbed ‘Fright-bot’ landed next to Fenton again.
“Uh uh, real nice kid. Why don’t you calm down and give up for today, yeah?” Oliver made sure to keep the knight within his sight. It honestly looked like it could snap someone in half.
“Hmm? Ahh.. I don't think so Mr.Arrow, I worked really hard on Fright-bot and I wanna see how I can make him better y’know! I promise I’ll keep the damage to a minimum!”
“You have your fingers crossed behind your back, don’t you.”
“What nooo… I would never lie Mr. Arrow, it's very hurtful that you would even CONSIDER that I would do such a thing. I believe you owe me an Ice cream now!”
“Kid, there was a snowstorm yesterday. And I don’t think you need any sugar.” The bow pulled back and the Knight rushed.
It wasn’t a fair fight in the slightest, Ollie was out numbered and the goo that was glowing a slight blue-green did not help. Especially with the still slick roads, so it was only a matter of time before his legs were stuck to the concrete. Frozen actually, the goo turned into weird ice. Fenton had the big guy grab his arms while the kid himself searched his body, eventually finding his wallet. The one he brought on patrol in case he got a bit hungry. Guess he was really buying the kid ice cream after all.
“14..15..16..21. Nice! You think it’ll cover it Fright-bot? I don’t know the prices but I think it’ll be enough. You watch Mr. Arrow for me! I’ll be back soon I promise!” and like that the kid expertly glided over the iced roads and into the Ice cream parlor. To be fair to the kid, the Ice cream here was kinda expensive.
While the kid was gone Oliver tried to escape from the Ice and the robot, but neither were budging. Well until Roy came up and stabbed the focused robot in the back, somehow causing it to malfunction and release Ollie’s arms. It fell to the ground with a heavy thud as Fenton came out of the parlor. 
“Oh no! HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!” Fenton screeched. Then released a guttural groan and whine. “Come onnnn…. I still had an hour left! And now I have to leave EARLY!” he honest to god pouted at the two vigilanties. 
Then a lazarus green swirling mass opened in between the opposing parties and out stepped another Fright-bot, this time with a much more intimidating demeanor. This one was bathed in purple fire and held a sword covered in green flames that gave off the feeling of nightmares. 
“MY KING! I RECEIVED THE ALERT AND CAME AS SOON AS I COULD'' it bellowed. Shaking the ground around them.
King? What, did Fenton make them refer to him as King? That felt weirdly out of character for what they had seen so far. 
“Frighty! You were just WAITING outside weren’t you!” Fenton yelled at the knight. The knight didn’t take his eyes off the two perceived threats. And picked up Fenton by the scruff of his coat.
“My King! I knew we couldn’t trust your safety with that pile of metal! Only I- FRIGHT KNIGHT, is worthy of protecting you! NOW YOU TWO. YOU ARE HEREBY GUIL--” the knight spoke and was cut off by Fenton. 
“We get it Frigty! Just.. Can you grab the Fright-bot and just take us home please… I told you this was a trial run to see how to improve him!” the child pleaded. The knight stared forward for a few moments before sighing and coming forward, yanking Oliver out of the Ice and flinging Roy and him out of the way. Then picking up the lifeless metal and carrying Fenton away through another swirling portal where it closed behind them seconds after they were out of sight. 
“Hey Arrow, what the FUCK was that?”
“A massive pain in the ass that keeps getting bigger”
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tricoufamily · 10 months
🔪rogues gallery legacy challenge 🔪
i'm misleading you most of them aren't even criminals
ok!!! so i made this challenge for myself because i can't commit to any save, but i'll definitely want to play with these sims it's got autism sprinkled all over it. some of you might also like it as well so i'll share it!
this is a ten generation legacy challenge, with every generation loosely based on a different batman villain, but you don't have to be a batman fan to do it.
general rules
start with the default amount of money you get straight out of cas. no money cheats!
heirs can be any gender with any appearance. i think it'd be fun to dress them inspired by the character, but you don't have to. you probably don't want to make the actual character, honestly (what, ivy marries harley, then a few generations later there's just another harley? no)
choose your own succession laws
if you don’t have the pack for the requirement, replace it with whatever is a logical replacement. or just do something else instead, i’m not gonna come through your computer
i have provided alternate requirements when necessary for people who don’t want to play with occult sims
when stated that the sim goes to university, i recommend turning off aging until they graduate. sims without a university requirement can still attend!
if you end up doing this, please tag me in your posts 💜 or at least tell me how it's going in an ask lol
1: poison ivy 🌱
people say you’re a bit intense about the environment, but you say people are too stupid to see what’s right in front of them. the world clearly needs your help, but no one understands you. people quickly disappoint you when you get close to them. they voted against the clean energy production n.a.p.—why shouldn’t their spouse find out about that secret date you had?
traits: green fiend, hot-headed, loves outdoors aspiration: villainous valentine career: gardener (botanist branch) max skills: gardening, herbalism, flower arranging
live in any world but strangerville (it doesn’t have an eco footprint!). make every neighborhood in the world have a green eco footprint—this means you’ll have to live in all of them at some point. big worlds recommended.
get the super green thumb bonus trait from the aspiration rewards store.
leave someone at the altar.
eventually end up with your best friend who’s already in a relationship.
have 3 cowplants. if one of them dies, remove 1000 simoleons as punishment and replace it. what you do with them is your business.
2: scarecrow 👻
between moving constantly, being terrified of the man-eating plants outside your window, and your parent's reputation preceding them, you fantasize about the control you’ve lacked your whole life. you loved creating monstrosities with your chemistry set as a child, and when you finally escape your town for college, your mind leads you to dark places. you evade consequences until your scheming backfires, and you’re haunted for the rest of your life by a terrifying specter your family can’t see.
traits: paranoid, genius, ambitious aspiration: purveyor of potions (non-occult alternative: academic) career: education (professor branch)/scientist (for non-occult route) max skills: mental skill, mixology skill, cooking skill
gain and conquer every adult fear.
go to the university of britechester and major in psychology. join a secret society.
become a spellcaster. feed hexed potions to 5 sims and use negative spells on 10 sims. non-occult alternative: instead of becoming a professor, join the scientist career, and with the sim ray, use the mind control: panic upgrade on all coworkers.
after college, move to another world than where your parent lives.
become cursed with the curse of the night wraith (you may cheat for it if you can’t get it). live 3 days with it then you can de-curse yourself, but not before adding the night wraith to your household (requires cheats). obviously you can’t stop your family from interacting with it autonomously, but never initiate an interaction yourself while playing as another family member. non-occult alternative: use a ghost instead and you can pretend it’s just a figment of your sim’s imagination.
3: riddler 🧩
with your parent who hasn’t slept in days claiming your house is cursed, you drown it out with the internet and video games. your social skills might not be up to par because of it, but you’re a genius the likes of which has never been seen before. according to you, at least. you aren’t easy to get along with, but neither is one of your exes, whose path you just can’t stop crossing. try as you might, you can’t stay away from each other for very long.
traits: geek, socially awkward, self-absorbed aspiration: chief of mischief career: tech guru (start-up entrepreneur branch) max skills: mischief, robotics, logic
as a teen, be in the streamer part-time career. have at least 500 followers on social media.
have a sim you’re dating die.
your “forever partner” has the hot-headed and mean trait. break up and get back together with them 4 times.
successfully hack supercomputer 3 times.
woohoo a servo. at least once
4: harley quinn ♦
you might never be a fully mature person, but that’s okay! you’re a free spirit—a bit unpredictable and fickle, but you’re fun! your parent’s dream is for you to go to foxbury, but one night out drinking with your roommates, you fall head over heels for a mysterious, charismatic stranger at the bar. you very quickly decide to follow them to the city, only to realize that they aren’t who you thought they were, and maybe you’re not who you thought you were, either. you end the relationship and truly find yourself.
traits: goofball, childish, romantic aspiration: leader of the pack career: doctor max skills: mischief, comedy
start a club with your two best friends.
have an equal number of friends and enemies
briefly live on the foxbury campus, majoring in biology. fall in love with a criminal sim with all negative traits, drop out of college, and move in with them in a needs tlc apartment.
work a number of odd jobs and part-time careers while your relationship deteriorates.
break up with your partner, move out on your own, and go back to college. do not live on campus this time—continue working a part-time job while living at home. become a doctor.
5: clayface 🎭
your parent never took life very seriously, but you couldn’t be more different. not only are you fiercely competitive, you have to be liked by everyone. you’re a social chameleon who dreams of the stage. you’re only a high-maintenance, jealous, hothead—fame certainly won’t go to your head…
traits: high-maintenance, hot-headed, jealous aspiration: master actor career: actor max skills: acting, charisma
live in del sol valley.
have a good reputation until becoming a proper celebrity, then earn a bad reputation.
marry and divorce (at least) 2 actors.
fist-fight 5 costars.
after completing the master actor aspiration, gradually lose all fame.
6: penguin ☂
there’s a lot you can say about your childhood, but you can’t say it wasn’t comfortable. with all the trust fund and nepotism you could ask for, what’s there to lose? oh. oh, wait, this trust fund isn’t bottomless, actually. uh oh. better pick up a couple side hustles to keep the lights on.
traits: snob, mean, materialistic aspiration: mansion baron career: business career (investor branch) max skills: nectar making, fishing
never work a job until young adulthood.
spend all or almost all of your inheritance immediately after moving out (have <1500 simoleons).
start selling nectar and fish on the side.
adopt or have 1 solo science baby. be enemies with all of your neighbors but have a max relationship with your child.
have 5 on-and-off woohoo partners but never a real relationship. once you reach mid-adulthood (not young adulthood), you may marry one of your woohoo partners who’s always secretly been in love with you.
7: mr. freeze 🧊
your eccentric parent doted on you, but school was miserable. at least you had one friend, your best friend. as you got older, you got shy about your developing feelings for them—little did you know, they in love with you too. you got married and everything was perfect. and then they died. you’ll dedicate your entire life to bringing them back, no matter the cost.
traits: gloomy, perfectionist, family-oriented aspiration: soulmate career: scientist max skills: all skills associated with making ambrosia
be disliked by at least 3 classmates as a child/teen and have only 1 friend.
become soulmates with the friend, get married, and move to mt. komorebi. when at least 1 of your children ages up into a child, your spouse dies.
you quit your job to focus solely on making ambrosia to bring your spouse back. you can rejoin the scientist career when this is complete. if you need money, start selling household items.
you become increasingly distant with your child(ren), too focused on your goal. your relationship with them suffers greatly.
you cannot have any romantic relationship with another sim ever. even if your revived spouse can’t forgive you…
8: joker 🤡
when you watch your parent sob while baking ten cakes in a row, saying it’ll bring your other parent back from the dead, the best way to cope is turning it into a stand-up routine, right? you’ve used comedy to mask the darkness in you your whole life. might as well try to profit off it. also, your vampire obsession is kind of off-putting.
traits: goofball, evil, hates children aspiration: joke star career: entertainer (comedian branch) max skills: comedy, mischief, vampire lore
as a child, get a’s in school and be in the drama club. have a forgotten birthday when becoming a teen, the final straw. quit the drama club, become disliked/enemies with all of your friends, and become a d student.
move to san myshuno.
reach a two-star celebrity level from comedy.
never marry and have an accidental child with a fan. all children you have must be accidental. like your parent before you, you cannot connect with your children and have a difficult dynamic with all of them.
have a -100 relationship with a vampire. have a negative interaction at least once a week. non-occult alternative: make it a human goth sim. lmao.
9: two-face 🌗
despite absent parenting, you were voted most likely to succeed in high school and graduated at the top of your class. your goals are simple and attainable: become leader of the free world. but your promising political career is nipped in the bud when your entire life is ruined. disgraced, secluded, and battling two sides of yourself, you turn to other career options.
traits: self-assured, erratic, overachiever aspiration: goal oriented, public enemy career: politics (politician branch), criminal career (boss branch) max skills: charisma, research & debate
as a child, receive a future cube as a gift from a parent. every major decision you make besides the requirements have to be made with the future cube. no takesies backsies.
make all a’s in elementary and high school and win prom royalty.
marry your teenage sweetheart straight out of high school. have only 1 child.
reach level 5 of the politics career, then your sim is turned into either a werewolf or vampire (player’s choice—or flip a coin!) against their will (you’ll have to pretend). non-occult alternative: you’re caught in a cheating scandal that ruins your career.
you’re forced to quit your job, get divorced, move to a non-city world with your child, and join the criminal career.
10: catwoman 🐈
your parent was not an easy person to live with. they may have not minded your habit of stealing from school, but you couldn’t take it anymore. you return to the city with a plan to get rich quick, but you’re no crime boss. you’re doing this on your own terms, playing for nobody’s team but your own. even if someone keeps trying to poke their nose in your family’s business.
traits: kleptomaniac, cat lover, adventurous aspiration: fabulously wealthy career: retail employee, thief max skills: rock climbing, knitting
your non-criminal parent dies before you reach teenhood.
have a gloomy childhood friend you lose touch with in your teen years. as young adults, the friend has become a secret agent investigating your family. they are enemies with your criminal parent. you and the friend also become enemies.
you’re working as a retail employee, but where you’re really getting your money is robbery. initiate 2 romantic relationships with rich sims to rob their house.
eventually become lovers with your friend-turned-enemy.
adopt 3 stray cats.
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ramblingoak · 6 months
caramel macchiato mustache 👀
You've chosen...wisely...because this is sexy professor Copia! Who maybe doesn't realize how sexy he is! He just likes this new visiting professor thing he's doing at the local college teaching about the seven sins.
Unfortunately you're stuck sharing your office with him :( So every day you have to see him in his stupid tight suits carrying his stupid not sexy leather messenger bag while clutching a caramel macchiato and a sticky bun from the student run café. Does he get foam and frosting in his mustache? YES, EVERY DAY. Do you eventually want to lick it off? YES, OF COURSE YOU DO.
Anyway...a lil taste (I literally just wrote this so sorry if it's messy):
"Good morning Professor! What'll it be today?"
"Just a black coffee please." You shoved your hand around your bag while you tried to find your debit card. "Oh and a sticky bun."
"Sorry Professor, we just sold the last one." Son of a dick, of course they did. "Would you like something else?"
"No, just the coffee then. Thank you."
You watched as the student got your coffee ready but your eyes were quickly drawn to two young women that were whispering fiercely to each other and glancing at you. Right when your coffee was handed over one of them finally approached the counter.
"Hey Professor, is Cardinal Copia ok?"
"Uh, yes?" You couldn't help but make a face at her. It was too early in the day to deal with all the Copia worship going around. "Why wouldn't he be?"
"We were just a little worried, he always come by the same time every morning. Him and a few of his uh, assistants?"
"He's probably just running late. I'm sure he's fine."
"Oh that makes sense! He's so dedicated I'm sure he didn't want to stop here and be late to class." You had choked on your coffee a bit at the word 'dedicated' but otherwise just gave her a weak smile and turned to go. "Wait! He's probably desperate for his usual order, hang on!"
You groaned as you watched her and another student rush around to make the stupid foamy monstrosity he showed up with every day. Another day watching him lick caramel foam out of his mustache.
Not that you watched him do it. Ever.
"Here you go!" You managed a weak smile as you picked up Copia's drink but your eyes narrowed when you saw her set down a small paper bag. "And here, this is his favorite."
The smell of the treat in the bag hit your nose and you had to bite your lip to keep from growling. When you were far enough away from the counter you set the coffees down and took a peek inside the bag to see a perfectly baked sticky bun.
WIP Tag Game
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pancake-breakfast · 9 months
I've lost track of what migraine day I'm on, but Trigun Book Club persists and so shall I.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 13, Chapters 4-6 below.
Chapter 4: Black
Voiceover Narration: Little did Livio know, but both the hat and the cape provided him with a +10 bonus to strength in addition to the moral boost. Someday, he would open up the stat screen for both and discover this, and then he would weep grateful tears that those who had so little gave him so much.
Oh, Elendira's got her own stat boost outfit, I guess.
I love how much tone she has in her voice. Between her body language and the translation, she's just a very easy character to hear in your head.
Ok, this panel is badass.
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Ooh, she actually landed a hit on him. Hasn't done that in a bit.
Why's she sizzling? Is it because she's on fire right now?
(Also, she might be in full badass mode, but goshdarnit, she better not seriously injure my Livio. He's important to me and needs to live!)
Aaaand we're back to Legato's monstrosity.
Dude. He has to save some for fighting Knives, dummy. He's not Gojo utilizing Limitless and being able to just go forever. He's going through his Last Run. There's a hard stop to his power and it's coming up quick.
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Hahahahaha, these poor guards. Space ships are, like, history bordering on mythology nowadays. They'd be more mythological if their bones weren't scattered across the planet. Seeing an actual functioning one that came from actual space would be quite something.
That's RIGHT, Luida's the one in charge!
Vance? As in advance? I mean, I know it's an actual name, but it's not a very common one and Nightow really seems to like just making names up, anyway....
Ok, so... Knives has always been a bit OP, but what I'm gathering from the Earth Fleet presentation is that this is a bit ridiculous even by the standards of a culture used to Plants.
Ok, I already have questions about how they know about any particular individual. I'm guessing they gleaned a lot of relevant information out of the remnants of Domina, but yeah.
Goshdarn, of course they were hoping to find Vash....
Dramatic Legato pose!
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Man, why'd he get so sweaty all of a sudden? That can't be comfortable.
Awww, Legato's little toy got wrecked. TBH, that looks more like Knives' work than Vash's... but that's only because it's hard to tell the curvature of the cut. Knives tends to do straight cuts while Vash destroys things in orbs.
Ugh, Vash might look badass, but he does not look good. Someone get him a sports drink or something to perk him up. Do Plants love electrolytes in this world?
I wonder who the other two were. Knives and pre-bagworm Legato?
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Uh, oh. Guess who's back. You done threatened Livio too much, Elendira.
Chapter 5: Battle of the Mystics
Yeah, Raz doesn't fuck around....
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It's weird seeing Raz with short hair. Like, Livio with short hair? Not as cool as if he'd cleaned it up but kept it long, but it was so uneven I get it. Raz with long hair and that undercut? Good for his level of chaos. Short-haired Raz? Just feels too restrained for him.
"Some dumbasses," huh? That's a rude (but perhaps not inaccurate) way to refer to Wolfwood and Vash.
I do appreciate how much more intense and unhinged Raz is compared to Livio. Even Elendira seems a bit taken aback by the mood switch in her opponent.
Oh, that's right. He's used to wielding full-out punishers rather than the double-fangs.
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He's gonna burn through ammo so fast using them like that. It's a good thing the guns in this series have ammo in plot amounts.
LOL, Elendira is already sick of Razlo's shit.
Uh. That's a lot of nails. I don't like this. She's being mean to my boy.
Oh, gods. I'm not sure even he can survive this.
OH GOOD IT WASN'T REAL. Dammit, Nightow. Don't scare me like that.
Oof, he's still not in good shape. :/
Chapter 6: Tag-In A Person
I feel like... Livo and Razlo are gonna tag-team this fight somehow....
Mmm, seems like Raz can't deal with Elendira's bloodlust.
Elendira! He needed that leg!
Oof, tiny Wolfwood memory....
The way Elendira says this makes me think she has some experience being on the receiving end of this herself.
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Look at him. Pumped full of nails again, but still going. He's a freaking machine.
Ok, I love how Nightow has used the dialog bubble to let us know that Livio is back in control here. It's a small thing, but excellent use of the medium.
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I love this conversation between Livio and Razlo. It's Livio making peace with himself, with him recognizing his alter and... sort of validating Razlo's existence, I guess? That Razlo is him and isn't him, and that's ok, and they are part of a tandem structure?
Oooh, are they both fronting? Or... like... Livio's fronting, but Razlo's kinda there, too. I'm not sure how much that works with DID, but it's interesting from a narrative perspective.
Again, wonderful bit of paneling here.
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Hahahaha, he didn't even bother to remove the nails. I realize this is a way of telling us that someone is a badass, but... like... having holes in your muscles and/or tendons seriously mucks with your range of motion. If you have a healing factor, get that shit out of the way so it can kick in. Otherwise, you're limiting yourself pretty severely. Like, he shouldn't be able to stretch out to his full wingspan with stuff popping through his back like that. Ok, I'll stop. I know I shouldn't expect realistic anatomical consequences in this series.
Wait, where's Vash? I'm worried about babygirl....
Heheheheh, backwards-firing gun trick shot. Again.
Oh, this is lovely. He's fighting right now with a balance neither side of him generally displays.
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Ooh, he got a solid hit on her.
Heheheheheh, mind Razlo still has the mohawk. As he should.
Elendira's got her priorities straight. Kill first, ask questions later.
There's something very satisfying (and maybe very important) about Livio praising Razlo. Not just leaning on him when he's afraid, but honoring Razlo's skill and technique and complimenting him on it. Raz wanted so bad to be needed and to be praised, and now he's getting the praise from probably the person he needed it from the most.
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Wait. Wait, is Razlo going somewhere??
What's coming next that's so bad that Raz isn't sure he can keep up with it??
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 12: Covers + 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 || Vol. 13: Covers + 1-3
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel) || Vol. 11: New Hair, New Outlook
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prettyiwa · 1 year
WOW ok this WIP tag game is SPOILING us. I mean, do I pick something that you've already given us taste of, or do I pick something new? THE CHOICES! I guess I will have to follow my heart, and pick my best boys, and you can choose which ones/how many of them you'd like to respond to:
kuroo (vamp) - anxious wide awake kazuya - bittersweet lotus leaf tetsu - don't make me wait
ahahahaha I have an annoyingly long list of WIPs and the real task is wrangling them all and making sure I don't feed too many others when they crop up.
I can do a bit of each, though BLL will receive more attention because, well. You'll see. I changed my mind because there's so much to talk about that I'll never shut up.
Anxious, Wide Awake was something I wanted to do for a 2021 Halloween thing featuring creepier and darker stories, so more of a vampire in the horror and monstrous sense than necessarily pop culturally speaking? I wanted it to feature a sorceress!reader saving Kuroo from falling too deep into monstrosity and passing the point of no return.
Don't Make Me Wait is an idea that I've been playing with (and still am uncertain about continuing) wherein Tetsu and reader are friends and he develops feelings. Tetsu, being Tetsu, confesses to her, but does so without necessarily expecting anything—he tells her how he feels okay with whatever answer she gives. The answer she gives is "Give me time," and he waits, satisfied with being by her side. It's a bit too close in plot to Cross This Boundary and Wanna Run With You, so I set it down for now.
Bittersweet Lotus Leaf, however, is an epic. I'm approaching this almost with the intent of making this my magnum opus. It's a three act fantasy story (the one featuring my reluctant fave, prince!Mei), complete with world building, religion building, political systems, etc. etc. It's massive and it was a tiny little "Ha Ha" idea that my brain came up with while going to sleep.
Here's a single portion of my many, many notes:
Prince!Kazuya who can’t stop thinking about his first kiss with knight!reader but he doesn’t know how to talk to her about it (or how to express that he wants more) so one day she’s talking to him as they set up camp and as Mei goes to hunt (he kept complaining that the rabbits Kazuya were catching were too small but that’s just the rabbits in the area) and he can’t stop staring at her lips as she talks. By the time she notices, he’s stopped working altogether and he’s leaning in just a bit and the last thing she hears is what she had told him: “forgive me.” And he kisses her very softly and very experimentally and he’s so pleased when she starts kissing him back until they hear a thump of rabbits falling and a fake gag from Mei.
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eighthdoctor · 6 months
"#...enter jaina monsterfucker extraordinaire--" Ok, based on this tag, do you have any headcannons about how cross-racial relationships are viewed in Azeroth? I also don't play the game and only read fanfic, so I'm curious if you have particular headcanons that are/n't what might actually be in the source material. Though Sylvanas might be considered actually "monstrous" by some in a way other races aren't to each other, the question still stands. Jaina/Thrall is also a popular headcanon aswell
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(from a comment on @mylordshesacactus's Reunification)
The fundamental problem here is that Azeroth is phenomenally racist, and Warcraft itself is also phenomenally racist. The racism is coming from inside the house. It's baked in. The underlying idea is that race war is a real and inevitable thing and of course these groups will hate each other because they look different, and also the Evil and Uncivilized groups are expressly based on non-European real world people.
Like, in the lore, there's a handful, maybe a dozen, of known mixed-race characters. There's scads and scads of roleplayers who have PCs of every mixing imaginable, but in canon? Like, the ones off the top of my head are (a) Vereesa's children and (b) the result of rape. That's it.
So, Watsonian, we have peoples who are so rabidly hateful that there are extraordinarily few cross-racial relationships, even fewer that are consensual, even though all evidence is that everyone could interbreed (...even if they are, in fact, from space). And the Doylist explanation is that character morphs are hard and the devs are lazy and they would rather write a worldstate where no human has ever fucked a troll than put some effort into it.
The upshot of all of this is that, despite living in a world where there are, commonplace, a dozen humanoid races of varying levels of 'monstrosity', all available evidence is that Azeroth standards of 'monsterfucker" exactly map to American standards, aka, Jaina is a monsterfucker by [checks notes] having sex with Kalec in human form.
Humans don’t have relationships with quel’dorei. They don’t have relationships with dwarves, or with gnomes, or any non-human race. It’s not just human exceptionalism, for once, because there’s also no evidence of any relationships between, say, Darkspear trolls and orcs either.
Meanwhile, Jaina’s canonical relationships are with Mr Compulsory Heterosexuality, and also a dragon. Her primary fanon ships are with an orc (as you mention), a kaldorei, and…Sylvanas. Arthas aside, Jaina…doesn’t express interest in any humans. Simple explanation is that Jaina isn’t really into humans. Humans are boring, humans are easily spooked.
As I write her, Jaina’s got a million kinks, and one of them is she wants a little danger. A little spice. Something more than vanilla in missionary, something with an edge. Something interesting, something novel, Thrall has this in spades—this isn’t necessarily about playing into the violent savage thing but y’all, that size. Holy shit. Pained? Nothing but edges.
So Jaina’s not necessarily, say, into something that’s properly an eldritch abomination or completely non-humanoid—although I’m open to arguments on that front—but I’m very confident she’s after something non-human that would absolutely be called ‘monsterfucking’ by your average human on Azeroth.
(Related: It’s soooooo fucking obvious that not only do the Windrunner sisters have a human fetish, but that it’s not at all common or acceptable in Quel’thalas—even aside from the ‘walked through a portal’ bit, Alleria’s hardly in Quel'thalas after marrying Turalyon, Vereesa lives in Dalaran. There’s extenuating circumstances in both cases—Turaylon’s a dick, Rhonin has tenure in Dalaran—but it sure is interesting that our two human-elf relationships both live(d) with humans and Vereesa doesn’t return to primarily socializing with other quel’dorei until after Rhonin’s death. Then there’s Sylvanas and Nathanos, and I am absolutely not writing that as a ship but it is popularly rumored and it is something on Sylvanas’s end, that Sylvanas is into humans and can’t shake that rumor.)
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theoutlawfaleena · 2 years
i’d like to announce that i ended up finding fluff after whatever monstrosity i found before and i am fully recovered- and you know we always ask hows the könig fic doing??? but we never ask the könig fic writers how they’re doing so leader faleena, how are you doing on this lovely morning/evening/afternoon/night :) - 🎄 anon
i actually passed that fic the other day 😭 U GOTTA BE WARY OF THE TAGS 🎄ANON
also thank u for asking 😭 i am very good 🎄anon, we're doing some more thanksgiving stuff today so i'm just replying to asks in the breaks in between <33 how are u 🥺
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daisywords · 2 years
5 things you never get tired of writing
rules - list five things you never get tired of writing. It can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. then tag five people!
Thanks @cactusmotif for tagging me in this!
gonna try to call myself out here so time to get specific ig:
1. Brother/sister duos
for example, the arguable four main characters of starlight-verse are 2 brother/sister duos: Alya & Eli + Kirsta & Kor. DaDBaB doesn't have any notable brother/sister duos, but that's an outlier among my wips. Other notable ones are Craisl & Isl, Asa & Hope, and Elinaya & Milo from wips that I like never talk about on here.
Why do I do this? idk exactly but it's probably something to do with having pretty even gender balance on most of my wips but not a huge amount of romance? Also I have 4 siblings myself so that's naturally something I write about, I guess. (I also have a couple important sister duos now that I think about it.)
also maybe leftover Fablehaven brainrot from my childhood?
2. Short protagonists
Alya from Starlight and Trip from DaDBaB are both short. I think it's bc I'm tall? idk
3. Memory loss trope
a central premise of DaDBaB and also my wip Memoratorium, albeit approached quite differently. Also another wip which I've basically scrapped bc the premise is pretty close to DaDBaB
I will say this though: I hate hate hate when characters lose memories after the story like ok I guess it didn't matter then? All that growth for nothing? But I like when the characters don't remember the past at the beginning of the story and have to discover it and confront it. yes good
4. Ridiculously large buildings
I just think they're neat! also full of narrative potential. *slaps architectural impossibility* you can fit so many characters in this bad boy
As an example of how far I take this, the entire country of Ciar from Starlight (granted, it's a fairly small island) is technically one interconnected building. (listen. it makes more sense than you think. It's dug down into the ground for the most part rather than built up, and also the island is made of a mineral(?) that they can control with their mind powers. And also there's twice a year there's "bad stormy season" and they don't want to go outside.)
But! Other noteable larger-than-life buildings are the Highking's seat/palace/capital building/monstrosity from DaDBaB and uhhh the Corporation HQ from Memoratorium.
5. Friends to lovers
So like I said I don't write a Ton of romance but I do enjoy it when it fits. DaDBaB is very friends-to-lovers, although there's a lot of...other complicated dynamics in there. The main romance in Starlight-verse is pretty much straight friends to lovers (we don't even get romantic until book 2 bc they're too busy being friends). The romance storyline in Glory (which is not so much a wip as a universe of possibilities that lives in the background of my brain and pays zero rent [read: word count]) is more of what the kids these days call "enemies to lovers" except that they...become friends first, so...
idk actually I think the only other romance storyline I even have is in The Good King, which you could argue also has friends-to-lovers elements, so I guess I'm just predictable like that.
I think it's something about falling in love with someone you already know well? It's just more compelling to me than the more whirlwind-style stuff. Also I've never actually been in love with anyone but I do, you know, have friends, so I think it's just easier for me to imagine? idk I'll stop psychoanalyzing myself now
anyway! tagging @muddshadow @baroquesse @pinespittinink @wri-tten and @hyba to play if you want!
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daringdoombringer · 11 months
ok it’s about time I showed tumblr this monstrosity I found at target.
So about a day ago me, my dad, and his friend were looking for a birthday present for my little cousin who is turning twelve. We ended up getting him a Mario action figure from the new movie, and he loved it.
But that’s not what we’re talking about today. Because when I went to the video game section to see if there was anything he would like, I found THIS.
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It’s supposed to be a Sonic the Hedgehog plushie. At least that’s what it’s trying to be. Why the plastic face, feet, and hands? Why is it like one of those acursed half-plastic/half-plush baby dolls I had when I was a toddler? Those things looked weird already, why do this with a beloved fictional hedgehog? It looks like a baby shoved into a Sonic costume for phuq’s sake, the hands and feet are so abnormally tiny compared to how Sonic is usually depicted. And his quills are just flat felt, the entire thing looks absurdly atrocious. I checked the tag to see if it was part of a new line or gimmick or something, but nothing. It was like any other plushie tag. Why??? WHAT IN THE SPRAWLING GREEN HILLS IS THIS THING?
It’s so ugly, it’s so weird, yet it’s stupid face hasn’t left the recesses of my neurons ever since I laid eyes upon it.
KidRobot decided to bring this horror into being, I had to see it, and now so do you.
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tungle-squentacles · 2 years
squentacles has some things to say about jurassic world: dominion
ok yeah i KNOW that i'm over 4 months late but i also didn't get a chance (didn't want to) watch it until yesterday. i'm tagging this a movie review for the sake of convenience, but it's closer to a rant. i guess.
anyways my opinions on the movie is mainly that it's massively disappointing. spoilers for jurassic park 5 and beyond etc etc. discussion is fine and welcomed as long as you don't be mean about it
first and biggest concern: IT WASN'T EVEN FOCUSED ON THE DINOSAURS :(((( the main thing was that this weird new world had to navigate the existence of Actual Fucking Dinosaurs, with maybe some ✨spicy ethical quandaries✨ thrown in for flavor. from the amount of times the dinosaurs showed up in the trailer and also the history of the Entire Franchise you'd rightfully think so, but instead of being the central conflict, they get one scene at the beginning, and then they're just setpieces. i am crying
the cowboy scene was definitely just wish fulfillment. i'm not even mad about that. good for whichever writer got that in the movie, i just though that was pretty goofy
the Giant Locust swarms were terrifying, and from the massive scale of the impacts you'd think it was going to be the main focus, but the corporation kidnapped the "clone" girl now! that's right this is a break in movie folks
just a disclaimer for people who were fucking terrified of the locusts (like yours truly :) ): insects can't actually get that big! most insects have external circulatory systems with spiracles to take oxygen in from directly outside. this is fine when they're small because the surface area/volume ratio of normal locusts is much higher than that of those fucking monstrosities (square cube law etc etc). this may be common knowledge to people. i will still put this disclaimer here for my own benefit.
sattler is so fucking cool. while grant was brooding about the dying funds of paleontology and malcolm was giving ted talks about humanty's inevitable downfall, she changed career paths and wrote several papers about soil and algae as an energy source. she actually managed to be productive. love that for her
but beyond that, i didn;t really get invested in many of the characters (other than kayla because she was cool). it wasn't as plot-focused as many other Big movies i've seen, but it still wasn;t really character-focused either.
i'm taking this quote from i thiiiink the infinity war pitch meeting, because it applies to so many movies: "so much happens in this movie that the characters don't have time to yknow. be characters"
can't forget the Vaguely Easter European/Middle Eastern/Just Generally Foreign Illegal Dinosaur Corrupt Fighting Trade Breeding Black Market! an extremely normal and not harmful trope
i pity the cgi folks who probably worked their eyes off for this movie, but also i think the cgi was bad. they should have used puppets dude
it's been nearly a year since i last saw jurassic park 5, so i don't remember the full details of the movie, including maisie's mediocre-ish arc, but it also would have been interesting knowing her decision over releasing the dinosaurs would have been different if she knew she wasn't a clone
also it was kind of weird for the writers to backtrack on the clone thing. that's all i have to say. it was strange
the scene where everyone had to split up into groups to do stuff (i forgot what said stuff was) was nice actually! it should have been longer. i love to see characters interact and bond in weird situations
(at this point there are 20 minutes left into the movie, i thought. how's the movie going to resolve the locusts and dinosaurs now? HAHAHAHA,)
of course, there was the obligatory dino fight!!!! but i think it was less than 3 minutes long. it even failed to give tension for the helicopter scene, which was the only other reason why it was there. there were no stakes in that fight
admittedly the locusts made a decent b-plot but by the end of the movie they were just gone. girl
in face, the ending felt like the movie gave itself too many plot threads for itself to handle, so it just tied them up as quickly and conveniently as possible. that cowboy rival dinosaur killer died in the black market. the billionaire got killed off in the tunnel several minutes before the finale, which was admittedly ironic and deserved, but then the locusts were completely eradicated within an ambiguous span of time. and then people just decided to be fine with the dinosaurs (which was also accompanied by a voiceover from charlotte lockwood, which made it fine i guess).
like. you had the dinosaur problem at the beginning of the movie, and then the locusts happened, and then that got resolved. x + 1 - 1 = x. you're right back where you started buddy.
as did the second two sequels of the original jurassic park movie, it also completely missed the Point of the original movie. where's the consquences for playing god? ian malcolm is rotating on the floor rn
seriously a mosasaurus(?) ate a fucking boat. are we not gonna address that
main takeaway(s): more dinosaurs, more character moments, more moral quandaries, and also at least one puppet. i think that would be swell
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kuroSHITsuji ii electric boobaloo
help i’m watching black butler for the first time in 2016 and i couldn’t handle season 2! what happens next will shock you
you may NOTICE, that some of this makes no sense. if i had an explanation, it’d go here. what these are is just weird little drabbles (is that the word? help) & stale memes i wrote up while watching (and reflecting on) kuroshitsuji ii and trying not to go insane because of how horrible a time i was having i’m sorry to anyone who liked it no offense i just did not like it didn’t think it was a good substitute for what the manga has to offer and while it has its moments, i’m generally just glad it isn’t canon. right? it’s not canon right? ? anyways thanks for reading um yeah! buckle up or.. something :) please don’t read this mom
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1: ciel needs help
Chapter Text
“the fuck kinda shabby piece of shit lets a fuckin spider LIVE”
claude gasps, offended. “earl phantomhive, such an opinion is not welcome in this household!!”
ciel doesn’t notice. “sebastian let’s leave you know i hate spiders more than i hate myself even”
sebastian’s mouth quirks up in one of his creepy ass smiles. “yes, my lord”
ciel turns on his heel and marches out of the threshold, butler dutifully at his heels. sebastian turns around and gives claude a two-eyed wink.
did you just … are you trying to… wink at me? claude thinks as his left eyebrow raises slightly.
sebastian flicks some spider shit off his shoulder, glancing once more at the strange bespectacled man, thinking: yes, i did. i wink with both my eyes.
that’s just blinking
NO, it’s
“o—oh god… what the hell is happening to me this is the third time today” ciel looks around the lavishly furnished entrance hall, vision swimming and stomach churning violently. his ears are full of a loud, piercing ringing and he scarcely notices when he tilts backwards into sebastian and clutches at him like a lifeline.
he scarcely notices, but indeed he does notice after a critical moment in which he has displayed weakness in front of the demon. he extracts himself from sebastian’s protective embrace and regains his balance more than a little unsteadily.
Chapter 2: alois is a pic e of basura
this chapter has some rapey shit in it. like, not explicit. you could argue that they are doing nothing of the sort. tihs is wehre that one tag up there comes in. i dont condone this stuff. in any case - be warned! skip this if it makes you uncomfortable! thank u! this thing isn't like coherent and doesn't have a coherent plot so there's no harm in skipping it :) thank u for reading this awful monstrosity
ciel’s beginning to maybe enjoy himself a little. yeah he feels uncomfortable, but when has that ever stopped him before! it’s with this thought that he crashes into a blue-clad figure holding a tray of wine. the wine is red, he notices now. it is hard to not notice it when it is in fact now covering the entire right side of his costume’s front, and dripping.
“oh! i am so terribly sorry, sir, i didn’t see you there!” the tray-carrier exclaims.
“it’s nothing, don’t worry about it” ciel says politely.
"i must get you a new jacket. please, follow me.” implores the blond in the apron.
ciel ponders this. he doesn’t have parents to tell him not to talk to strangers, so he sees nothing wrong with this situation. “ok, thank you very much, lead the way miss”
they take a few hallways and staircases and soon ciel is completely turned around. he’s even more disoriented by the fact that his vision continues to swim every so often as if he was having some kind of breakdown or something. what’s up with that
lost alone in a mansion with a person he doesn’t know, ciel continues to see nothing wrong with this situation. “so where did you say we were going again?”
the blond finally turns around to face him, this time with a disturbing smile and an equally disturbing tongue waggle. “i didn’t!!” at this the maid dress comes flying off, revealing a completely naked alois tracy. the boy then tears off ciel’s pants and—
the eyepatch practically whizzes off ciel's face. “SEBASTIAN, COME!!!”
in the painstaking twelve seconds it takes sebastian to locate him, ciel will not admit that he shed a tear or two. never in his life.
“what the hell is going on here you motherfuckers!!!”
“sebastian, stop him!” ciel is definitely crying now, fuck.
“at once.” after a brief (very brief) struggle, the blond is torn from his unsuspecting victim more violently than strictly necessary; and as if he’d been following sebastian this whole time, the other butler™ skids down the hall and grabs a hold of his young master.
“claude!” said young master exclaims.
“aloi—i mean!! your majesty, what is happening here? why are you in your birthday suit?!”
“i was just giving ciel phantomhive a warm welcome is all” the boy exclaims cheerfully, happening to glance over at—no one!
“where is ciel?!?!!?!” he roars, red-faced and ready to throw down.
ciel is already the fuck out of there at that point, pants on and also equally ready to throw down, though decidedly more scarred for life than the other party.
“sebastian, i think that might not have been a maid!”
“oh?” sebastian says, mouth quirking. “then who, pray tell, may it have been?”
ciel looks a little dead inside. “the master of this house, alois tracy. of course. he even had his name tattooed on his chest. what do you take me for”
sebastian is saved having to answer that dangerous question by the sudden appearance of alois riding on claude’s back, both of them moving at a terrifying speed towards the fleeing duo.
“you won’t escape me, ciel! i’ve waited a long time to meet you! i mean it! it’s been like two weeks, god dammit!”
ciel groans. “sebastian, you think you can get rid of them?”
“i’m afraid this may be a little out of my depth at the moment. though i do understand the sentiment.”
“hmm…” ciel quickly formulates a plan. “this is what’s going to happen, and it is an order: …"
“—and i said, ‘girl, i trusted you! i trusted you and you spat in my mouth!’ and she was having none of that, i say, she says to me , she says ‘and i’ll spit in it a thousand more times if that’s what it takes!’ … true story, by the way, this actually happened—”
ciel knows this is the smartest thing he could be doing in this situation, he really does. he hates being smart sometimes. at the current moment, it is because his calculations have led to no better solution than to be accompanied by the strange indian prince and his butler. he isn't trying to have another incident, and without sebastian ciel doesn’t quite feel … safe in this place. it's weird. but hanging out with the prince, he almost feels like he's among .. friends...
Fortunately, by the time Alois rips the wig off and puts his tongue up the side of Ciel’s ear, Sebastian is already lying in wait for the order to make this madness stop. Ciel can feel Alois lapping up his earwax and it seriously skeeves him out. Just what does this fucker want from me anyway? A whisper of some dark emo bullshit from the taller boy is the last goddamn straw.
“Sebastian!” Ciel whisper-shouts hoarsely, strategically ignoring the fact that his voice is several octaves higher than normal.
“Who are you talking to, little boy? I’m the only one here…” Alois mutters into Ciel’s ear. “I want to have you… possess you… tonight will you let me in…?"
Said little boy cringes. At the same time, his demon butler shoots past like an arrow and grapples onto him like a bird of prey. Ciel has never been gladder to see him in his entire young life.
“Get me out of here!” Ciel demands, both eyes bare and wide in terror. He feels sick. Sweat sticks hair to forehead and shirt to back.
“At once, young master.” Sebastian replies, intense disdain evident in his voice and facial expression.
In the copse behind them, Alois seethes. “Claude! Go after them! Get me Ciel Phantomhive, or there will be consequences!”
Claude is crouching in a nearby tree. He sets off immediately, not because he fears his master’s threats, but because he fears reneging on their contract. His hand itches where the pentagram sits on his skin like a reminder that this was his life now.
Ciel swallows heavily. He tastes bile in his mouth from when he spilled his guts earlier in the cellar. Powering through the pervading sick feeling that clings to him like a spiderweb, he addresses Sebastian once more.
“I want Alois Tracy dead, and I want him dead tonight. Is that clear?”
Sebastian’s mouth twists into a mock-sweet smile. “Of course, my lord."
[From “Forunately,” to “normal.” aka the ear thing, (#puke) — ]
“Who’s Sebastian?” Alois says with a frown. “I’m the only one for you now, Phantomhive. I’m gonna have you no matter wh—“
“Excuse me.”
Ciel is ripped from Alois in an instant and put behind the barrier of a familiar broad back.
“Excuse you!” Alois peers around Sebastian to leer at Ciel. “He’s mine, I tell you! CLAUDE!”
“You rang” Claude is there.
“Get me that boy!”
“Yes your majesty.” Claude says.
“Sebastian, kill Alois Trancy.” Ciel whispers.
Sebastian nods. “Yes my lord."
there is a battle between the two. who wins? who’s next? you decide! [a/n: I’m wiped the fuck out lol fangs 4 redding!!!11]
Chapter 3: ciel has amnesia
also stabby stab blood. that happens too
Chapter Text
as soon as he gets back to his manor, ciel notices something is definitely wrong.
“okay either i had a crazy growth spurt in the past week or? i don’t even know what” his legs don't hang nearly as childlike off the edge of his bed as he remembers. ciel looks around the room. “sebastian?”
sebastian appears. thank god he was right in the corner watching paint dry or whatever the hell “yes my lord?”
“how tall am i?”
a flash of something, then, materializes on sebastian’s face. it is gone behind the pokerface in an instant, too quickly to judge its nature, but ciel is certain he saw it. “pardon?”
“how tall am i?” did i fucking stutter?
“well, let’s see…” sebastian zooms off for a moment and appears with a tape measure in his hand.
“look” ciel looks. he’s 150 cm tall. “ha ha you’re a baby”
“shut your fucking trap sebastian this is serious.” sebastian is still laughing but is trying valiantly to hide it. ciel chooses to ignore this in favor of addressing the problem at hand.
“since when am i that tall? last time i remember i was at least like 5 cm shorter!”
“you ARE a growing boy, young master”
“oh my god sebastian stop for a minute.. this is weird!! why wou—“ ciel wavers, clapping a hand over his mouth. his vision blurs like it had in the tracy manor. he’s on the floor by the time it begins to subside. the first thing he sees is sebastian’s face. ciel groans internally. ugh why as if i need the extreme closeup honestly
there’s something in the twist of his eyebrows, though, that ciel cannot ignore. he’s only kinda conscious, so maybe he’s imagining it, but sebastian looks really actually worried? what the hell??
it’s a minute before ciel realizes sebastian is saying something to him. the same something, in fact, repeatedly.
“young master!”
"young master!!”
"young master!!!”
“…uughh…” ciel tries to get up, lolling his head around embarrassingly in the process. “stop it with the exclamation points…sebastian”
that look hasn’t quite escaped the butler though, and it has ciel worried. just what the hell is sebastian hiding from him??
“Just give up already, fool! You know you can’t beat me!” Ciel spits.
Alois remains firm in his conviction. “Over my dead body!"
Lightning courses through Ciel's veins. Blood pounds out of the wound on his palm. He turns his eye towards the pitiful wreck clinging to his clothes and pants:
“So be it."
Adrenaline gives Ciel the strength he needs to plunge his sword up the other boy's soft palette, killing him instantly. He has won. The earl lets his defeated opponent drop unceremoniously to the floor in a slap of blood. He straightens up and paces out of the hall in search of his butler.
Somehow, it doesn’t feel like winning at all.
Chapter 4: its over.. isn't it
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Hana emerges from the lake like something out of a horror movie, sopping wet hair covering her face and hunched back. Under her arm is the limp figure of Ciel. Sebastian can only stare as she floats in eerie silence to the boat in which he is waiting.
“What have you done…” he murmurs quietly. She deposits the drowned boy onto one of the rowboat’s seats. The demon trio row them to shore in what could have been an eternity for how long it feels. The boy isn’t dead, but it almost seems like…
“OH MY GOD WHAHTH TFUCK IS—“ Ciel sits up in a panic, unaware of his surroundings. He sucks in air and is confused. “I’m not… drowning.”
“Young master.”
Ciel sees Sebastian. “Sebastian! Wh…” he looks around some more.
“What the hell am I doing on this boat again, I thought we already— wait a minute.”
He sees Hana and the three amigos.
“Oh no. Oh no no no no. Oh god. I thought that was a dream. That was real? That shit really happened?” His eyes are wide. He clutches Sebastian’s shoulders and shakes them, looking up at him in distress.
“Is the seal still there, Sebastian? Is the contract still there?”
Sebastian sees the purple ring and pentagram still inscribed on Ciel’s eyeball. “Yes, my lord.” But…
“You’re a demon now Ciel” Hana says. She’s running her hand through the water. This shit makes no sense. How could it end like thi
“Umm…” Ciel looks from Hana to Sebastian, and back. “Excuse me? Did some shady deal go on behind my back or something?” Man I really need to stop passing out for these things...
“I did not go behind your back this time, sir.” Sebastian responds politely. “Hana here and her… contractee… have requested the transformation."
Ciel chokes a little. “UM, but that means LAST TIME, you— "
“You might be wondering how this is possible?” Hana interrupts. She looks bored out of her mind.
“Well, I suppose so, among other things…”
“The process is actually simple!” Sebastian points out cheerfully. He loves explaining. “First, the—“
“Will you shut up!” Hana now looks more ired than tired. “God! Now, what I was going to say was—“
“—probably too inflammatory for the young master’s ears. I cannot in good conscience allow him to be subjected to such language! As his butler, I am responsible for—“
“—nothing!! Absolutely nothing! I don’t know how that godforsaken contract is still in place, given how blasé both of you fuckers have been about the terms you set down, but I’M the one who—“
“—needs to stop it with this gag!” Ciel interjects, shaking his head furiously. “I don’t even care anymore! I’m a demon now, so what? Not like anything else in my life makes any bleeding sense!”
With that, the boy rises to his feet and dives off the side of the boat. Sebastian catches him around the middle before he goes sleeping with the fishes and hauls him back on board.
Hana’s glowing eyes fix Ciel in place. She speaks. “You’re a demon, Ciel.”
After a few stunned seconds, he responds. “I’m a what?”
“A demon, Ciel.”
“A demon?”
“Yes, Ciel.” She sighs. “You’re a demon."
“No, I’m not. I’m… just Ciel.”
“Well,‘Just Ciel’ . You’re a demon!”
“But I’m just Ciel!”
“No!!, 'Just Ciel,’ you ARE a Demon!”
“Listen here Hana! I’m just Ciel!”
“NO! Ciel, you are a DEMON.”
“Ciel, this music…” Lizzy is grimacing. “It’s creepy…”
Ciel sweats. “Uhh!! -hH!” He makes a slicing motion across his throat. Across the room, Sebastian kills the record player. "Well, you know what’s always good and not creepy?!? ..Cake!!”
“Hmm? WhAt is it Lizzy?” his voice definitely doesn’t crack.
“You’re acting really weird…”
“What are you talking about I always act this way there is absolutely no reason for alarm, and DEFINItely no reason to THINK that I, CIEL, PHANTOMHIVE, have been Magically Transformed,,, into,… a DEMON????!!! I ALWAYS ACT THIS WA??Y?”
Lizzy raises an eyebrow. “Like I said. Weird.”
Ciel is really sweaty now. “S-Sebastian!! Help!!” he whisper-shouts.
“Ah.” Sebastian glides across the room with the utmost grace. “I must apologize on the behalf of the young master. You see, when a boy reaches a certain age, strange things begin to happen to his—“
“OH!” Lizzy interjects. "I get it now.” She smiles knowingly at Ciel, who looks about 10x as sweaty as he did before he called his butler over. “Puberty can be nasty, I know. I’m sorry I judged you. We can go do something else if you don’t want to dance.”
Ciel’s violent perspiration is replaced by a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Lizzy.” Whew.
“Do you think she bought it?” Ciel whispers to Sebastian as they exit the room.
“Honestly? Probably not.” Sebastian never lies. “But I lampshaded it with all that puberty talk, so it should be fine.”
“See, the thing about that is…” Ciel looks shifty. “What exactly IS puberty?"
“So,” Ciel smirks, “how’s it feel to be my eternal servant?"
“You’re not the worst person to play butler to. Plus, I can do THIS:”
Sebastian picks Ciel up from the carriage doorstep and spins him around.
“AAAAGH! What the FUCK! You think I missed that shit the first time you did it, asshole??!” Ciel rages while being set down, face steaming in embarrassment. There are people around! People on the street! Staring! Laughing! Sebastian is laughing!
“No, no,” his butler says, “it’s just too good to not do it multiple times. Forgive me.”
The small earl turns around grumbling. He stomps away, cane in hand. Sebastian follows.
that's all i have lol
i mean maybe i;;ll writ emore garbage in the future. dont bank on it though
thank you so much for reading!!! have a nice day. hopefully this steaming pile didn't ruin it. ...have a good one!!! :D
i feel like i should've written more soma and agni, beacuse, i love them,, but i didn't want to make them doodlebobs of themselves,, and also kuroshitsuji ii didn't feature them too much,, which made me dissappointed. im so so happy they keep coming back in the manga soma is probably like.. atl east my 2nd fave. i love him
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aalbedo · 3 years
tartaglia x injured!reader
request: Hello! How about scenario where character offers help to injured!gn!reader, who is very mistrustful of and reluctant to accept it? I smh love the dynamic "no I don't want your help or anything to do with you but I don't really have a choice". And yeah, I feel like Tartaglia fits it well though you may choose whoever you feel like T v T
format: two-parter (part two here)
ship: tartaglia x reader
tags: reader is the traveler-ish (a completely separate character from aether and lumine, but still the traveler, does that make sense?)
warnings: blood, mildly graphic depiction of injury, stitches and needles
words: 1951
notes: this request awoke something in me, i feel like i could’ve written an entire 70k words fic on this if i had the energy. im sorry anon but i kinda went off the rails with this one hfjdkhfd i hope you still enjoy it. also yeah the header is mildly fucked up because i don’t have the energy to find a better png ok.
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You fell to the ground, placing your hands right in a small puddle of your own blood, while a ruin hunter laid on the ground, defeated. Your legs had given in, as a sharp pain hit you through your entire left thigh. There was a large cut on your pants, through which you could see a long, bloody, wound on your skin left by the mechanical monstrosity. It wasn’t too deep, but damn if it hurt.
You squeezed your eyes closed, and let out a loud groan. Reaching a hand into your bag, you pulled out the antiseptic solution you always brought with you, and found out that the bottle was empty. You rummaged more through the bag, looking for a numbing cream, an analgesic potion, even just a remnant of a bandage, anything that could help. Nothing.
Panic started settling in your chest, you were completely alone, in the middle of Lisha, where Hilichurls could attack you at any moment, and you were injured just enough that you wouldn’t be able to walk, let alone run away or even fight. You laid down with your back to the ground and covered your face with your hands, as your palms suffocated another loud groan.
You would have to crawl all the way back to the city, or until you found someone willing to help you before fainting from the slow, but consistent, loss of blood. Or worse, dying from shock.
Suddenly, you heard a voice in the distance yell “hey!” Then a second time, with a clearly worried tone in their voice. The pain in your leg made it almost impossible for you to focus on recognizing who that voice belonged to, but it didn’t matter - you were about to finally get some help. You kept your eyes closed as you raised a hand and waved it, showing whoever your savior was where you were.
As you didn’t move from the ground, you heard steps, quickly getting closer to you, until you could feel the presence of someone right above you.
“Oh thank the Archons, I’m completely out of-” you opened your eyes and were met with two bright blue irises staring into yours, and all of the sudden you recognized the voice from before.
“Did that ruin hunter hit you?” Tartaglia was perched right next to your injured leg, already starting to open a backpack that you didn’t recognize as his. He moved his eyes to your thigh and reached out a hand towards it. You swiftly moved the leg away from him, forgetting that it would make it hurt even more, and whimpered when the pain grew.
“I don’t want help from a Harbinger, least of all you” you spat out as you slowly sat up and used your hands to back away from him.
“Stop moving, or you’ll make it worse,” he said plainly as he stood up and followed you, while you kept backing away ignoring the pain through your leg.
“I’ll lose a leg before I let the fatui help me.”
“Alright then, I guess I’ll just watch you crawl all the way back to the Harbor.” He crossed his arms. Oh, he thought he was being funny?
You kept backing away with your arms, until you felt something hard hit your back. A rather large rock was blocking your way, and you would have to crawl around it, and the young man laughed, slowly walking towards you as he took his gloves off and put them in a pocket. You tried moving sideways, but he was quick to crouch down and grab you by the ankle, the one on the injured side, right when you moved.
You inhaled and closed your eyes as a sharp pain shot through your leg. “Are you out of your mind? That hurt!”
He kept your ankle pinned to the ground. “Don’t move,” he ordered. He used his free hand to carefully move the ripped fabric of your clothes out of the way, and get a better look of your wound. You started to feel lightheaded as you saw him tear the fabric further.
You felt some sort of damp cloth on your skin,figuring it was being used to clean the blood off your injury. Tartaglia was being so careful that you could barely feel it, it seemed like he had done this a million times before. You closed your eyes, placing a hand over them, and tilted your head forward, suddenly feeling overcome with dizziness.
“You’re losing a lot of blood. If you hadn’t moved, it would not be this bad right n-” he interrupted himself and he called your name. “You still with me?”
“Mh- huh-uh” you started feeling uneasy. You opened your eyes slightly and caught a glimpse of the wound and immediately looked away. So much blood.
“Stay awake, don’t close your eyes again.” You heard a ruffling of fabric, the damp cloth wasn’t on your skin anymore. “Tell me about the Archons.”
“Tell me all of the Archons’ names and their elements,” he repeated. You couldn’t figure out why he wanted you to tell him, but you followed his order, keeping your eyes away from your wound, and instead fixating on the grass beneath you. You were feeling too dizzy to protest, your only choice was to trust him, despite all of your instincts yelling at you to get away from him.
“Okay, there’s... Barbatos, god of Anemo.” You heard more fabric rustling coming from him, but you refused to look at what he was doing.
“Yes, then?”
The dizziness was still overwhelming, but you managed to keep talking, “Morax, god of Geo.” Clinking of glass, probably bottles. “Tsaritsa, goddess of Cryo.”
“Mh-mh.” He sounded… focused. What was he doing?
“Baal, goddess of- Fuck!” The skin around the wound started burning, and so did the wound itself. You bit your lip hard and groaned as the burning kept going on and on, your skin was itching and for a split second it was almost unbearable. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Antiseptic potion,” he replied plainly. “I had to find a way to distract you or you wouldn’t have let me use it.”
“Bastard.” Your skin kept burning, but you slowly got used to the pain as you watched the clear potion sizzling over your still open wound.
He barked a laugh, “I’m trying to help you over here, you’re very welcome.”
You looked at his hands as he skillfully kept cleaning your wound, now there was way less blood coming out and you were starting to feel slightly more at easy. He lifted his head and looked right into your eyes.
“It’s not too deep, but it would probably be better if I stitched it.”
“You sound like you’ve done this before.”
“Of course I have, you think these healed themselves?” he asked, pointing at the seemingly long scar that started from the base of his neck and went down under his shirt. “At some point you have to learn how to stitch them up yourself.”
You exhaled deeply, still keeping your eyes on his. You realized that his irises resembled the starconches you had seen laid in the sand of Yaoguang Shoal’s beaches.
“Do you have an anaesthetic something to make the stitching hurt less, at least?”
He looked into the bag, moving things around, as if he had no idea what was actually inside the backpack. So it definitely wasn’t his.
He shook his head, pursing his lips slightly. “No, sorry.”
“It’s…” you pondered over it. You would probably have to go all the way to Bubu pharmacy to get an anaesthetic, and on the way there you might lose even more blood. “It’s okay.”
From his backpack, that you hadn’t realized was laid on the ground by your feet, he pulled out a small tin box, and from the box he took out an interestingly shaped needle, recurved like a crescent moon, then a pair of tweezers and a thread so thin you could barely see it.
Just by looking at the needle, you felt uneasy again. “Are you sure we can’t go to the Harbour and get help there?”
“We can do that, if that’s what you prefer, but I would have to carry you - I doubt you could walk at all right now.”
Somehow, the embarrassment of other people seeing you being carried, bridal style, by Tartaglia was stronger than any pain you might have to go through to get these stitches done.
“Fuck it, do it. But be quick.”
“I will try my best,” he said, and his tone sounded genuine to you. You still couldn’t believe you were trusting him like this, after everything he had done to you. “Try to think about something else, focus on anything but the stitches, it’ll hurt less.” He passed the thread through the needle’s hole with surprising skill.
“Okay, uh-” you watched him hover the needle over your skin, probably thinking about the fastest and least painful way to do the job. You moved your gaze from the open would to look at his face, and his expression seemed calm enough to put you somewhat at ease.
His lips were slightly parted and you noticed that he was biting his own tongue, the amount of focus he was putting into helping you was so intriguing to you, you could have never had imagined that he would be so… caring. At least not to you.
You suddenly felt the needle prick through your skin and you whimpered slightly. “Sorry,” he quickly said, before using the tweezers to make the needle pass through your skin and grab it again on the other end.
He repeated the process a few times, slowly pulling the thread every now and then to make the stitch tighter. You observed him the entire time, his eyes quickly darting from one spot to the other, his nose and mouth breathing at a steady pace. You saw him scrunch up his nose a few times, probably to release tension.
Each stitch hurt, you could feel the entire needle pass through your skin and come out again every single time, but you didn’t protest at all, and instead focused on counting the freckles on Tartaglia’s nose bridge, watching the muscles under his skin move every time he swallowed, and carding your fingers through the grass, accidentally ripping some every now and then.
“Done,” you heard him say in an unexpectedly cheerful tone. “I have some bandages, but I don’t think they’re enough for this large of a cut. Though, now that it’s stitched up, it’s probably safe for you to move, and I can help you get to the Harbor where you can buy some numbing potion and bandages.”
You looked down at the wound, and to your relief the stitches looked like they would hold together pretty well. “Sure, I think I can hop for a while, if you hold me.”
He picked up both his and your bag, putting them over his shoulder, then reached out a hand towards you and you realized just how bloody his hands were, as well as his clothes. You grabbed it with your own bloody hand and slowly stood up, placing your weight on the healthy leg. He placed your arm around his shoulders and put his own behind your back, holding you up.
“Ready to go?”
“Mh-mh.” You started walking in the direction of the Harbor, hopping on one leg while Tartaglia held you up.
“Whose backpack is that?” you tried asking.
“Honestly? No idea.”
“What were you doing here in Lisha, anyway?”
“Just some Fatui business, don’t worry about it,” he quickly dismissed your question.
“Always so secretive.”
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