#yet another photo study bc!! he looks so good
majablanque · 10 months
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superstar 🐯✨
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geekygumiho · 1 year
hi! saw you wanted requests! if you don't mind i'd like a daniel jackson/reader inspired by good old fashioned lover boy by queen. thanks!
Hey! Thank you so much for your request! ☺️ I’m so sorry it took so long, it’s been a lil’ busy around here haha :') I took some story elements from the song for the plot, also a little name drop at the end hehe. I hope you like it! :)
Lover Boy
Pairing: Daniel Jackson x gn!Reader (established relationship), brief platonic!Sam Carter x gn!Reader
Word count: 2267 💀😭😭 I got carried away LOL
Notes/Warnings: Veeeery fluffy and lovey dovey lmaoo. Alas, Daniel is but a simp for the person he loves! There is a use of the word "beautiful" bc I personally feel that it's a gender neutral term, so pls be warned if that makes u uncomfy! The jazz club also is described as smelling like smoke and whisky so pls don't read this if that makes u uncomfy too!! Also the general time period this takes place in is a little ambiguous yet again lmaoo (Daniel has a smartphone so *shrugs* idrk m8 lmao)
Taglist: @danieljacksonpinchinghisnose (Please let me know if you want to be tagged in future Daniel Jackson x Reader fics I write and I will add you to the list! 😊)
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Daniel’s day starts off like monotonous clockwork; he gets up, gets ready for his day, has something quick to eat, then leaves his apartment and heads to Stargate Command for another long, onerous day. He starts off by studying the Goa’uld language a bit to warm up his brain, then gets to work on the translation he had stopped working on from the previous day because his need for sleep got the best of him. Frankly, he had only one thing consistently on his mind the day before as well as today, and that thought was you. It vexes him to no end every time he has to get up for work and leave your serene, sleeping form behind in the soft, cozy blankets warmed by your bodies overnight. Over time, he found that he had to give himself a couple extra minutes to get ready for his day just so he can watch you at your most peaceful state for a moment longer before parting with a feather-light kiss to your forehead and starting off his day. As he goes about his duties on the base, his mind seems to wander to you every other thought, which brings him comfort and motivates him to work harder just so he can see you even sooner.
During lunch in the mess hall, he sits and talks with Sam, who he missed earlier that day because she stayed on the base rather than going home and woke up early for her first meal of the day. On days when SG-1 are working on non-off world projects, Daniel tends to go home at night just so he can spend a sliver of his day with you. Sam naturally asks about you, as the two of you are close friends but rarely ever see each other because of your conflicting work schedules as you aren’t a part of Stargate Command. Daniel tells her all about how you’re moving up in your company and that he’s so proud of you, then he tells Sam about the plans the two of you have to go out for dinner later that evening after both of you clock out of work and head home. Sam smiles as he tells her this, her heart warmed by the obvious affection you both have for each other. Sam and Daniel continue talking until they're finished eating then head to their respective labs and continue working on their projects.
Daniel is nose deep in his notes as he works on his translation when he feels his cell phone vibrate in his blue BDU pocket. Not looking up from what he’s doing, he reaches into his pocket and brings his phone into his field of vision. His eyes meet the glowing screen and he sees your name on the screen overlaying the photo of you he set as his lockscreen. A smile immediately spreads across his face and he opens your text without a second thought. You had sent him a photo of a bundle of blue dahlias from outside of a flower shop with the words, “Saw this on my way back from lunch and it reminded me of you :)” written below, and he can’t help the grin bursting through his previously furrowed and focused visage. He types a quick response, indubitably concluding the text with the words “I love you” before locking his phone and sliding it back into his pocket. A new burst of energy runs through his veins as he gets more and more excited about seeing you again this evening, even if the two of you share an apartment and do see each other within that space. (It’s just not enough for him!) The rest of the day goes by in a blur and he all but runs out the door to go home and get ready for your dinner date before you get home from work.
Daniel has changed into a slightly dressy but comfortable outfit: a pale blue button up underneath a navy blue sweater, espresso brown slacks held up by a belt, and black shoes. He’s sitting on the arm of one of the chairs in the living room, reading one of the many books from the shelf to pass the time as he waits for you to get home. A couple of minutes pass before he hears the door open and his downward gaze immediately rises and finds you, closing the book and setting it on the coffee table. A small smile graces his face as you step into the apartment, your work bag in one hand and your keys in the other. You look a little bit tired but you smile when you see him, dropping your keys in the dish on the entryway console and closing the door as he stands up.
“Hi,” he says, his excitement and affection audible in his tone.
“Hi,” you say back, smiling as you step closer to him and wrap your arms around him. He immediately returns the gesture and lets out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding back, breathing in your familiar scent. The two of you stay in that position for a moment before you pull back.
“I just need a second to get changed, then we can go,” you smile softly, your arms still wrapped around him.
“Take your time,” he says with a nod, releasing you to let you go get changed out of your work clothes. Once you disappear behind the bedroom door, he sits back on the arm of the chair, feeling refreshed and warmed by your presence. After a few moments, you emerge from your shared bedroom wearing one of your favorite outfits, and he grins at the sight.
“You look beautiful,” he says as he stands, making you smile.
“So do you,” you say to him as you approach him. He leans in and gives you a quick peck on the cheek before the two of you head out of the apartment for your date.
The two of you are walking back from the restaurant you had your dinner at, laughing about something that happened to you at work that day when you pass a dark café lit up by blue neon lights, accompanied with a smoky, sultry scent.
“I’ve never noticed this place before,” you wonder out loud, slowing your pace as you take in the enchanting place before you. Daniel also slows his pace, coming to a stop as his eyes scan for signs indicating what the place is. You can hear jazz music coming from inside, a muffled cover of Ella Fitzgerald buzzing through the walls.
“Should we go in?” you say to Daniel, a slightly impish grin spreading across your lips. He looks at you for a moment and quickly finds himself grinning as well.
“Sure,” he says, unable to hold back his smile. He steps forward and holds the door open for you and you thank him as you enter the dimly lit club. The scent of the jazz club is even stronger from inside, smelling of smoke, whisky, and rose petals. There are a few groups or pairings of patrons sitting at the tables and a few couples dancing together in front of the small and slightly raised stage, the band now playing the song “It don’t mean a thing.” You look around in awe, amazed that you never noticed this place before. Daniel looks around as well, but he doesn’t miss the mischievous glint in your eyes when you turn to him and part your lips to speak.
“Dr. Jackson, may I have this dance?” you ask, holding your hand out to him with a mischievous grin on your face.
“Oh, I don’t know, I’m not really a dancer,” he says, partially honest and partially playing along with his tone of voice. You give him a teasing but encouraging look, and he sighs as he takes your hand and lets you lead him to the dance floor. The two of you find a spot between the two elderly couples dancing together and Daniel can’t help but laugh, covering his eyes as reality sets in for him. As if the Gods felt his embarrassment, the fast-paced Ella Fitzgerald song comes to a stop and a slower song begins. “Time After Time” slowly begins to fill the room as you and Daniel instinctively gravitate towards each other. Your hands find a home on each other’s bodies and before Daniel can remember his initial reservations, both of you are gently swaying to the music in each other’s arms.
In that moment, everything seems to fall away; all of the people in the jazz club seem to fall into the darkness as the metaphorical spotlight shines solely on you and Daniel. Your enamored feelings for each other are visible in every aspect of your physical selves; the way your bodies are close and warm, how your fingers so naturally intertwine as if your hands were made solely to mold into the palm and gaps of the other, the familiar feeling of warmth radiating from your chests despite the unfamiliar environment.
Daniel’s gaze is soft as he looks into your eyes, his eyes a color somewhere between azure and beryl blue, looking somewhat glassy with a reflection of the warm yellow light bulb from the metal lamp behind you. The blue neon sign lights up his features, highlighting the peaks and depths of his face with shadows and dark glows. His eyes scan your face as if he is taking in every detail of your features the same way you do to him, like he’s gently, meticulously carving your beauty into his brain to reference when he is without you. There are so many emotions visible on both of your faces; anyone could see how deep and intertwined your two souls have become.
Wordlessly, he brings his face closer to yours and you meet his lips without a second thought. His soft lips press a long, tender kiss to yours, his long eyelashes brushing against your cheekbone. You return the kiss with a soft warmth in your heart, the feeling so familiar and so natural yet one you never get bored of. Your lips stay pressed together for a moment longer before you simultaneously pull away, keeping your eyes closed as you press your forehead to his. His soft breath tickles your face as you slowly open your eyes, seeing his eyes bat open at the same time. Only when the song comes to an end do you realize a couple of minutes have passed, blinking as you come out of your daze.
Daniel looks around as he shakes himself back to reality, but it doesn’t take long for his eyes to land on you once more.
“Do you want to head home?” you ask him, your voice barely above a whisper. He looks at you for a moment, continuing to study your features, before replying.
The two of you head out of the club, smiling at and saying goodbye to the people working on your way out. Daniel holds the door open for you once more and you thank him, setting your hand on his arm as he follows you out.
“Wow, look at the moon,” you gasp, looking up at the dark sky above you. Daniel immediately follows your gaze and he sees the moon is extremely bright despite the stars being practically invisible due to the light pollution nearby.
“She’s always watching, isn’t she?” he says with a small smile as he looks at you. His smile widens when you grin at him then take his hand in yours.
“I love the moon, she’s so beautiful,” you say with a sigh, staring up at the bright celestial body. You get so caught up in the glow of the moon for a moment before you realize Daniel is staring at you with a mischievous grin on his face. You quickly realize what he is about to say and you try to prevent him from saying it.
“No, don’t you dare- Daniel, don’t-” you warn him, trying to push at him but he catches your hands every time.
“What? Can’t I just admire your beauty since you’re admiring the moon?” he teases you, not letting go of your hands. You let out a loud groan and he laughs, his body slowly gravitating towards yours.
“You’re such a dork,” you grumble, trying but failing to look annoyed.
“I’m your dork,” he teases you once more, wrapping his arms tightly around your resisting form. “Hey.” You roll your eyes until he squeezes you tighter and you protest even more. He holds you still until you finally look at him and without a shadow of a doubt in his voice, his eyes shining like you just plucked every star from the sky solely for him, he says, “I love you.” You playfully glare at him before you say it back.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you,” he says, turning his ear towards you slightly. You groan once more and he grins.
“I love you, too,” you concede, poking his arm with your index finger. A satisfied smile on his face, he releases you and you step away. He watches you for a moment and his heart skips a beat when you turn and look back at him.
“Lover boy,” you tease him, sticking your tongue out at him. His jaw drops and it’s not long before he’s chasing after you, your laughter echoing through the nighttime streets as the moon looks down at the two of you with an everlasting, ethereal beam.
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princessofxianle · 5 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
well THANK YOU for asking, you are the first to!
tbh ive been meaning to do this on my main blog bc I take these wayyy too seriously lol but ANYWAY heres my top 10 faves (in no particular order) that I can think of (tbh theres prob more i forgot about, or i wanted to keep only 1 per fandom... except tgcf)
Huge Spoiler Warning: for ALL of tgcf, 2ha, aot, AND JJK MANGA!!!
1. Feng Xin (tgcf)
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do i even need to explain this one? loyal to a fault, just a cute lil puppy, one hell of a sculpted archers back, and he's head over heels in love with Xie Lian (but tbh same) i have a lot of thoughts about him on a daily basis on this blog (and also theres the #fx backstory au tag)
2. Noé Archiviste (the Case Study of Vanitas)
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the absolute bestest boy of EVER... with a LOAD of unprocessed trauma (yknow the typical stuff like seeing your childhood bff get decapitated in front of you) and a lot more to come once we find out how he kills his boyfriend best friend, Vanitas...
i ALSO think about him a lot but over on @noes-pillow
3. Sejanus Plinth (The Hunger Games: tbosas)
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hated reading as a child... HATED it... picked up the og trilogy when i was 12 and i was a goner. The funny thing is i still hated reading for YEARS up until i picked up the prequel novel then in 2020, and now ive read all of tgcf, 2ha, and more fanfic than i could ever imagine... all because this stupid boy (i love him) chose to trust the WORST person as his friend, rip sejanus my baby
the movie is v good btw, if you havent seen it you should
4. Xie Lian (tgcf)
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*Taizi Dianxia Fang Xin Guoshi General Hua Xie Lian*
how this man survived 800 years of being physically unable to die and never went insane is a mystery i will never be able to fully comprehend (aaand im in love with him... hmm i wonder why...)
5. Mihael "Mello" Keehl (Death Note)
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the chocolate-addicted blonde boi that was my first anime crush... by proxy I must also add Mail "Matt" Jeevas because they are a package deal
these two are also the reason i started writing fanfic so they will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart
6. Xue Meng - (2ha)
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*sigh* he's just everyone's fav peacock (yes technically the image is XM 0.5 but he had a cool ass bird so im using this photo bc its COOL anyway...) mengmeng is another one of my trauma bois who has lost next to everything and yet is STILL kicking ass and taking names #thatsmyfuckingsectleader so proud of you my son
also this might get me into hot water here but imma go ahead and say it...
this is what i wanted Jiang Cheng to be... (i LOVE my angy grape but...) through thick and thin, despite EVERYTHING, and even mo ran fucking abandoning him he will still call mo ran his "ge"...
7. Howl Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle)
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ok this one i just simply do not need to explain... if you think i do, go watch this whole movie and then there ya go thats your answer...
8. River Song (Doctor Who)
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aside from being the character that unlocked my unhealthy obsession with :) Main Character Death :) at the ripe ol' age of 8 YEARS (although Will Turner from POTC also helped on that front... Orlando Bloom my beloved) River's story was a stroke of absolute GENIUS from start to finish and i simply love how Alex Kingston played her...
"You don't expect a sunset to admire you back."
I just love the doomed ones, okay...
9. Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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look... theres *gojo girlies* uwu and then theres GOJO GIRLIES... i couldn't give 2 shits about how he's fan-serviced (tho im not complaining) but have you SEEN the amount of grief pumped into that man? he could explode in a fit of fucking insanity at literally any moment and take the whole goddamn world down with him bc what happened with suguru WASNT FAIR to him and satoru has more than enough power to go apeshit... but he DOESN'T... even after losing so many of his co-sorcerers... he still puts on a brave face to the end in order to protect the childhood of his students even tho his own youth was stolen from him during hidden inventory...
SEE? The DOOMED ones!
10. Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
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i read the manga during my last year of uni and when i tell you i SOBBED at the end... yes ofc for obvious reasons, but mostly bc my little Levi loses EVERYTHING. He is the SOLE survivor of the veteran scouts. He's missing multiple fingers, an eye, and the ability to walk. He was the strongest (yowaimo) but wasn't even granted the mercy to die at the end of his narrative! Broke my fucking heart.
BONUS: Morph (Treasure Planet)
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he's a morph!!! nuff said <3
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dearserenesoul · 2 months
Everyone had first love. So did i. His name is Syazwan. A high school senior. I was his first love too. But it started after he finished highschool & i was still battling SPM.
He was the first love i shed my tears for. I remember thinking, "Gosh, did i just cried because i'm worried of him? This must be true love!" Poor girl. Too dreamy.
I made du'a for him everyday, for years. I cried a lot bcs of him. I was so sure i'm gonna marry him hahahahahahhahahaha. But he kononnya nak focus study first although he liked me. Trying to hold back my laughter here.
It was the first love that i waited for years. Around three, i guess? Since then, although i remained a lover girl, (yet slowly losing her from the series of continuous heartbreak after that), he remained the first wound i've ever been afflicted with. And even until now, i would still remember our tragic lah sangat story as my first love, and his archetype is the default rule for everyone afterwards.
We're still in each other's following, anyway. Oh, he's married with two kids. He's still orbiting, and i ermm... cam malas nak scroll. Kalau tetiba terfikir baru gi tengok jap apa jadi dengan life dia so far.
Around three years after he went silent on me sebab kononnya student medic busy kan, he came back. Eh, tengah fourth year bukan makin busy kat spital ke? Anyway.
But i was slightly a different person so the second chance only lasted for a few months of veryyyyyy little interactions and efforts from his side. Sungguh tidak menghargai second chance beliau ya. Lalu beliau yang terpaling patah hati.
Then i met bestie, my Hajar. Before i met my Hajar, i was a typical introverted quiet girl at the corner. Oh, i was not prior to that. I was a social butterfly until i entered religious boarding school. Since then, i have been a quiet girl. I can say, i didn't really make friends & none from the school is still properly in touch with me. And i maintained that persona for years until i met my Hajar.
My Hajar brought out back the child in me. Although i can say, 20% less from the initial default. But my early adulthood was very much shaped by our companionship. No matter how many guys that come & go, she remained by my side through every heartbreak.
Dengan my Hajar takde moment tak gelak, kecuali masa gaduh. Sometimes it's very easy to forget that she had coloured my early adulthood so brightly. The most precious age to develop my jati diri. Without her, oofff i can only imagine the worst.
I remember stalking Syazwan some time later. I was at my happiest chillest era with my Hajar although with never-ending series of heartbreak. Since i knew him from the religious boarding school, dia ni cam hardcore ustad! And I'm not ustazah. Dia dengar In-team, i dengar Greenday. I remember saying to myself, "Memang kita tak go, Syazwan." But just a few days ago, when I saw his photo with his wife and two smol kids, looking at him being a good father, I wonder what would it look like if i stayed. Just a mere thought, tho. Of course the wife is ustazah and perfecto for him. Allah susun cantik dah untuk masing-masing.
My Hajar once wondered, "Kenapa your jodoh tak notice you lagi eh? Penatlah tengok you asyik heart broken. I wish you let people know you the way i know you."
She was careless of the fact that i was who i was with her because i was with her. Dia penat pun, but she kept picking me up everytime i touched the ground. Until she also no longer can. I penat. She oso penat.
She's still adapting with marriage & i'm at my breaking point of receiving another heartbreak. She struggles. I oso struggles.
I don't know why I wrote this. Just to write about what's going on lately, i guess.
My companionship. My romantic history. My grief.
I hope once I meet my true love, my Hajar would be happy too, that she no longer needs to worry too much anymore, no need to penat oso with me. Unless i struggle with adapting too lah. I hope she's doing well there.
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boba-beom · 6 months
may u two have a wonderful time catching up smiles <3 and pls send outfit photos for when u do go out 🤲🏻
eeeee lots has happened since the whole tumblr fiasco of uploading and reuploading solo queue i ultimately gave up feeling overwhelmed bc of real life events going on at the same time /SO. MANY. THINGS. HAPPENED.
good things follow with being back in school again which now makes me a struggling uni student but im absolutely loving it soooo much since im studying a profession i love 🥹
as of rn i have finals (quite literally wrote my first of five, so four more to go weee)
now that lifes somewhat calmed down i’ve decided to pick up tumblr once again, i truly missed you and everyone here ahh
lowkey kinda embarrassed to confess but solo queue was meant to be a 22nd birthday gift for you but alas its december and im rewriting so much of it after giving it another read
DAISYY OMFG it went really well :') he asked to meet again over drinks and ofc I said yes, we're still yet to decide when, but he said he'll be busy the next couple of weeks and said he'll give me a shout at some point I love communication I folded I forgot to take a picture of my outfit omfg, we didn't even have our phones out when we were talking either, literally could sit there for ours omfg
MY LOVE I'm about to jump in your dms, tell. me. EVERYTHING. ANDD good luck with finals!! you can do it<3
but literally, I feel you, and stop it rn :'> I had solo queue in the back of my head but take your time!! as long as I'm tagged hehe then I will look forward to reading it when it comes out ♥
I'm happy to see you back here though, I came back just at the right time hehe
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hiii, could i have a request for how the gang members would react to meeting a historian or explorer in the wild?? thank you! I love your blogs sm!!
anon ily <3333 i went wayy overboard with these but i regret nothing bc this was soo cute and fun to write. I hope u enjoy and i made it gn for everyone. I only did the VDL boys for this but if enough ppl like it i might do the girls with something similar idk yet?
Dutch Van Der Linde
Dutch first laid eyes on you when you were hanging off the edge of a cliff after slipping when you got too close to the edge. He immediately ran over to you, helping you off the cliff and getting you settled back on your feet.
He seemed genuinely concerned and agreed to help you safely record the rock carving that was on the side of the cliff face, keeping you from falling.
You were a historian and had been studying these mysterious rock carvings after meeting an equally mysterious man, Francis Sinclair.
You didn’t see much of Dutch Van Der Linde after that until you ran into him again in Saint Denis in the saloon. He remembered who you were instantly and started up a conversation about your work where you chatted away for hours.
You became very close after that and he often accompanied you to Museums and fancy fundraisers that you were invited to.
He’d always get dressed up and complimented your finer outfits which was such a difference to the field gear you’d have on. You’d spend all night chatting away over nice champagne and dancing together before actually engaging with other guests but you didn’t have a care in the world with Dutch in your life.
Arthur Morgan
Arthur finds you standing in the middle of a field, flipping over rocks and staring numbly at what appeared to be a map in your hands.
When he approached you he soon learnt you were a young amateur explorer about to get your big break with a treasure hunt but you couldn’t find the gold bars for the life of you.
Arthur gave you a heart warming smile and held up a gold bar after retrieving it from his satchel having felt a little bad that he’d discovered it not a week before you.
The two of you laughed about it, calling yourself a fool for trying to find it for so long when it was clearly missing— the thought that someone took it clearly never crossed your mind.
Arthur was always a gentleman however and promised to make it up to you. After taking you to dinner and getting to know him better, you spent the next few days camping out and finding a new treasure together.
You travelled through caves and through valleys of flowers to find this treasure. Sometimes it was so beautiful that the two of you just stopped by a stream to let your horses rest and enjoy the scenery.
When you finally found the treasure you gave Arthur a big hug in excitement which caught him by surprised but he happily returned. He let you keep the treasure and wished you luck with more exploring but of course that wasn’t the last time you saw Arthur again.
Charles Smith
Charles meets you one day while you’re out surveying wildlife. You specialised in conservation, wanting to study and protect animal species.
Fresh out of the university from Saint Denis you’d been dying to get out of the confining city and explore the heartlands. That’s where a kind gentleman named Charles Smith had offered to protect you and show you around the herds of bison you’d taken to studying.
You spent days together riding the over the hills and following the herd as they travelled. While you were Charles told you all about his family and the respect and love they have for the beautiful creatures.
It was amazing the array of knowledge Charles knew about bison and you couldn’t stop the smile on your face as he told you about the characteristics of the bison. You rushed to take notes in your journal, knowing that all that he told you would help you study and protect these animals.
“Do you think it’ll actually do any good? The work you’re doing?”
“One can only hope Mr.Smith but I will do everything in my ability to protect such beautiful creatures.”
Even when you had to return to the city for study you constantly wrote to Charles, staying in touch and keeping him updated with all your work. It was hard to say goodbye to someone you’d grown close to but you made regular visits to each other long after that.
John Marston
You first found John in the saloon after a long day at work, in desperate need of a drink. Being a zoologist you instantly noticed the scars on his face and would’ve guessed a wolf was the animal that caused the damage.
The two of you instantly started up a conversation and shared all kinds of stories. He told you about being up on the mountain while you showed him the scar on your arm from your run in with a cougar.
You were collecting a compendium of all the animals across the heartlands and during the months you worked on it, you ran into John more than once.
He was always curious about your work and you often spent time together in the afternoon sun, showing him the animals you’d found so far.
“What about the stray dogs in town or do you only deal with cougars and wolves?”
“Well they’re animals too aren’t they not?”
Even though you couldn’t see John all the time, he often came along with you to see the wildlife and covered you when you were around particularly dangerous animals and you enjoyed every second you had with him.
Micah Bell
When Micah met you he had absolutely no idea what you were on about. In his mind the whole idea of a palaeontologist is ridiculous and made up, much less the fact that you chose to read books and study in your spare time.
At first he doesn’t do anything but mock your work but after running into you time and time again he finally started to come around.
He grew more and more curious when he saw the drawings in your sketch books of dinosaurs and even more so when he laid eyes on the fossils. But knowing Micah, he’s still incredibly stubborn.
“Ain’t no way that thing is real.”
“One needs an open mind to comprehend what’s prehistoric Mr.Bell. It requires a certain practice.”
Every so often on your work you’d run into Micah who’d be riding around on his horse, just passing by. By now you’d consider him a friend and your face lit up as he pulled a small ammonite fossil from his bag.
It wasn’t really your area of expertise but you could tell he wanted to impress you and seemed almost nervous as you examined the fossil. Nonetheless you could tell it was real and you let him keep the small fossil as a reminder of you until the next time you saw him.
Javier Escuella
Javier meets you when you’re down my the docks, trying to capture the sunlight and noticed him fishing.
Not wanting to disturb him you kept out of his hair until you heard him cheer loudly at a catch he managed to pull in. In your particular interest in animals, you couldn’t help but ask if you could take a photo of the fish he’d caught.
From then on the two of you became friends, often running into each other as you tried to capture landscapes and wildlife.
You’d always spend the day together and you’d show him how to use a camera while he showed you how to fish and play the guitar.
When you spent time apart you’d often write to each other to fill the gap. You’d always send pictures with little writing on the back of them while he sent you poems and songs that he wrote for you, promising to play them for you next time you’d meet.
In your personal journal you have the first picture you ever took of Javier, kept safe between the pages. He’s standing along the docks, facing the away from the water as he holds up a large sturgeon and a large smile.
You and Javier always stay in touch and after he told you of his chaotic and dangerous time in guarma he made light of it by telling you about all the different wildlife he saw while he was there.
Bill Williamson
Bill stumbles upon you in the wild by accident. He’s out scouting a lead when he ended up getting lost through the shrubbery and found you examining flowers closely.
When you told him you were a botanist he looked as if you’d just spoken a different language to him because he didn’t have a clue as to what that meant. Bill always made you laugh fondly at the confused look when you told him all the scientific names of flowers.
In Bill’s mind, a flower was a flower. There was purple flowers and blue flowers and even red ones but they didn’t have their own names.
The next time Bill ran into you he brought you what he thought was a bouquet of white flowers. Instead they were actually a species of weed that was poisonous when eaten but it didn’t stop you from smiling and hugging him which was the intended purpose.
In light of that incident Bill was actually curious about some plants, trying to learn about them more. When Bill went exploring with you he pointed out some of his favourites and you picked a few to put them in the brim of his hat for him to take him back to camp.
When you run into him again Bill tries to give you another flower, this time actually understanding the plant he’d picked was a Vanilla Flower Orchid or the Vanilla planifolia but he never learnt how to pronounce it unlike you.
With a high blush Bill placed the flower behind your ear and you pulled him into a hug, being careful not to crush the beautiful flower.
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
Each other’s replacements
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▸ Na Jaemin x female!reader ▸ Inspired by the anime Scum’s Wish ▸ High school au, SMUUUUT, fluff and angst
Summary: Two broken hearts met unexpectedly and agreed to use each other so you can both move on from your exes. Your hearts belong to each other already, you’re just waiting for love to take place and make everything right. But will you both still choose each other in the future? Word count: 6,988k
Warnings: Using each other to forget your exes, ex Lee Jeno, kind of fuck buddies but no? Fingering, mentions of fingering, handjob, blowjob, and watching each other masturbate, mentions of taking nude photos after sex, Jaemin taking a picture of your naked body after sex (with consent ofc), uproctected sex, mentions of rough sex, making out, swearing, mentions of breakup, actual breakup
A/N: I hope you enjoy this Jaemin fic. I tried writing it as realistic as possible because I think Scum’s Wish is a very mature and realistic anime, I mean shit like that happens in real life. And I think Mugi is so fucking handsome. The ending of the series sux btw HAHAA bc I wanted them to end up together so heres my version of it. 
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It all happened so fast but the heartbreak stayed and the process of healing is very slow.
Three months have passed already when your ex-boyfriend Jeno broke up with you on a nice afternoon after school. The reason? Well, let’s just say he fell out of love. And that’s what made it worst because you remember that all you ever did was love him and please him.
Every day, you go to school, attend class, study hard but you always looked so gloomy. And whenever Jeno cross paths with you in the hallways, he knew he hurt you badly and that you’re not your normal self anymore. The cheerful and excited girl he fell in love with was gone and it’s all because of him. He can only wish that someone will bring you back and make you happy again.
“I’ll help you with that,” a cold manly voice interrupted you and your thoughts while you were having a hard time throwing the trash. He’s not part of your class, he’s one of Jeno’s classmates but you two were never introduced to each other.
You watch him throw the heavy trash for you and hoping that he will hand the bin afterward but he didn’t. “Lead the way, it’s dirty I’ll hold it for you” he insists, so you do as you’re told, showed him the way so you can finish this day as soon as possible.
Jaemin knew everything. It’s a small school and students usually gossip too much whenever a couple breaks up, especially after being together for so long. He knew who broke your heart, he also knew that you used to smile and be cheerful all the time because he has seen you in places and he knew you're capable of automatically lighting up the place whenever you’re around. But now… all he can see is a broken-hearted girl.
“Here,” you hand him a tissue and your hand sanitizer as a thank you for not letting your hands get dirty. He accepted it and gave you a small smile, obviously, he’s not shy and he was looking directly at you while his hands move. To be honest, you have no reason to be shy with each other, and honestly, you just don’t care anymore you just want to end this day. But Jaemin being the bold man that he is, bravely loosen up the ribbon of your school uniform and undid a few buttons from your school blouse. It was a common thing for students to do that after school as a sign that they're ready to head home and end their day. Jeno used to do it for you, and you didn’t expect Jaemin would do it. Despite the fact that you only met properly today.
You don’t know what happened but your heart was racing the moment he’s done adjust it and you just stare at his crooked tie and figured you may as well loosen it up for him too and return the favor. A bold move that Jaemin did not expect from a girl because he’s used to being with girls who become shy and all flustered after he makes a move.
But you, you’re different.
And that’s when Jaemin realized that you are a perfect match for him.
Word is Na Jaemin is pretty popular with girls. Besides Lee Jeno your ex, Na Jaemin is the second most handsome guy in school. Not only that he’s handsome, but you also know that he is passionate when it comes to photography, he’s naturally smart, not that nice, quiet but cocky, cold but can give anyone the right amount of attention if he wants to. But in your case, you have his full attention.
That afternoon, for the first time in three months, you did not go home alone, someone walked with you and watched you go inside your house.
The same cold but needed interaction with Jaemin happened over and over again until people started to gossip and think that you’re together. But it was nothing like that and you stopped caring about rumors a long time ago. Jaemin is nothing like Jeno, but he’s a gentleman, he’s straightforward but most of the time quiet. And most of the time you share silence not stories and you both love it that way.
You were different people but before you knew it, you were spending more time with each other.
On Valentine's day, you don’t know what came to his mind and brought you a bouquet of roses and gave it to you secretly. You were genuinely happy of course, but you just couldn’t smile that big and show him more. Seeing him from afar with a dozen roses and a smirk, with his black sling bag he uses for school that makes him so attractive… is enough to call your Valentine's day a memorable day.
“You’re special too,” he said and hands you the bouquet. “Ready to go home? Sorry I couldn’t help you with trash today, I picked these up right after school and rushed back-“
“Thank you” you cut him off with a friendly kiss on the cheek that made him blush and shy for the first time.
With a bouquet of roses on your left arm and the trash bin on your right hand, you came back to your classroom to get your stuff and put the bin back. You cleaned your hands and admire the roses as the afternoon sunlight hits them perfectly and finally come out again to meet Jaemin. Only to find him eavesdropping on the classroom near yours.
“Shh” he cut you off with a ‘shh’ gesture and made you look at the half-closed door and made you listen to their conversation as well.
Jeno I like you too.
Were words that immediately ruined your day that Jaemin perfected. But this is not about you. Because when you turned your back and looked at the man beside you, you saw yourself. The pain that you’ve been feeling for months now, you saw it in Jaemin’s eyes too. Now you understand that you’re just two broken people who are still in pain. And you have no idea that he has been hurting too.
Of course, seeing Jeno with another girl hurt you badly, but seeing Jaemin get teary-eyed bothered you more. So you reached for his hand and whispered, ‘it’s okay’ even though it’s not, and walked away silently with him to continue your day together.
“Do you think they’re just doing this because people are gossiping about us?” you asked while you watch him stare at his coffee blankly. You’ve never seen him like this even though he’s always quiet and cold.
“N-no. I know my ex, uhm… she wouldn’t use anyone. Is Jeno-“
“No. I know him too. And I know that he’s happy when he found out about us,”
“So it’s true then. Their feelings for each other” he said and went back to staring at his coffee blankly.
You pursed your lips and let out a deep sigh. Allowing yourself to be hurt again by hearing the truth that you have been completely replaced in Jeno’s heart. There was silence. Then you decided to admire the flowers that Jaemin gave to you and feel the soft petals on your fingertips. This day could have been a turning page for the both of you, but now you’re both very sure that you’re not yet ready to open your hearts for somebody else.
“Red roses mean love and romance,” you said as you continue to admire the roses that he gave which made him smile a little. “Do you like me?” and just like that, you gave him the question that you’ve been meaning to ask for the past few months.
“I do” he answered without hesitating, which gave you a shock actually. “Do you?” he returned the question.
“I don’t,” you said the truth because you can’t repay him with lies. No. You can’t do that to Jaemin, “but you’ve become special to me. And I don’t want to lose you too,” Honestly you thought being honest to him will make him feel even more horrible but it didn’t. In fact, it brought the unique handsome smile you love seeing on his face.  
“Though, it’s not right that we are using each other to forget our exes-“ you added but he cut you off immediately.
“But I need you, and honestly I’ve been very happy these past few weeks because of you” he confessed. And you wish that you could tell him the same thing but you can’t because it’s still Jeno. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not begging you to stay. You’re an adult and I have nothing against your decisions. But I really hope we could go back to normal and be closer now that we know what each other really feels. I will date you properly when the right time comes… Just not now that we're both still confused and not sure”  
Everything did not make sense of course, and the right thing to do is refuse. But the past few weeks were actually good. Not great but still Jaemin was a huge change. So you nod your head and agreed that you should continue what you’re doing but promised each other that if either one of you feels pressured already, then you should stop.
As you continue seeing Jaemin and trying to move on from Jeno, you became comfortable with each other as days go by to the point that neither one of you cares if someone mentions that you look great together even though your relationship is not true.
It was a never-ending try to give each other the chance and love that you deserve. But at the same time, it was a never-ending process of healing from your exes, a never-ending heartbreak whenever you two hear something good about their relationship. And to be honest you’re both happy that you’re not facing this heartbreak alone.
You’re thankful for each other because you have each other’s backs. But in a different way.
Jaemin is thankful for you because he can hold your hand, hug you tightly from behind then whisper sweet words, and kiss your neck, whenever he wants to, and whenever he misses skinship with his ex.
You on the other hand, is thankful too because he does these various things to you and you can just close your eyes and he lets you imagine that he’s Jeno. Like now. You were just cuddling and watching the rain from his window when suddenly his hand roamed under your skirt while he was listening to you talk, and his cold fingers played on the hem of your panties. Teasing your pussy and moving his fingers up and down your wet cover slit.
“How does Jeno touch you? Is gentle? Rough?” He asks in the sexiest tone he ever used and started kissing your neck. You had a hard time answering his question because of what he’s doing, but your mind lurks on the memories you had with Jeno in his room.
You remember how Jeno fingered you in his bed, how two fingers always feel good and that’s how you like it, you remember that while his fingers are deep inside you, he is busy kissing your body. Planting soft kisses on your chest and on your boobs, kissing your nipples and making them sensitive and he puts them in his mouth and sucks it good until it's both swollen.
This is the first time Jaemin had touched you down there. And you swear, you don’t want him to stop and you just want to remove your panties and spread your legs for him.
“Jaem-“ you moaned out an airy tone. Calling his name with your eyes closed and parted lips. Feeling his fingers go up and down your wet slit still.
“Do you mean Jeno?” Jaemin asks. But truth be told he doesn’t mind you moaning his name instead on your first time going too far. And finally, he removed your panties and made you spread your legs for him which you gladly did. Putting two fingers slowly while he’s watching you make the sexiest faces that just simply makes him hard.
Jaemin never rushed, he took his sweet time with your body. Pushing you on the edge over and over again but you don’t know why you haven’t cum yet. His tongue and fingers together were somewhat calming and just made you breathe in and out deeply, which is relaxing while you spread your legs even more.
And when you finally came, it was a nice warm feeling all over your body. Like you just got out of the shower, wet and relaxed. Though you feel so tired, weak and sleepy... Jeno was never like this but your imagination was a big help that you moaned Jeno’s name a couple of times and that made Jaemin felt so accomplished.
“How about you? Don’t you want to cum?” you asked Jaemin while you watch him help you wear your panties again, kissing your thighs after.
“Maybe later,” he said, not admitting that he came earlier too, ruining his boxers briefs.
That day you did more than touching each other’s private parts but actually giving each other oral sex for the first time. His sheets were so ruined because he came so hard when you gave him a blowjob, a handjob and when he jerked himself in front of you while he watches you finger yourself. In return, he made you cum more than three times using his fingers and tongue. And you came home with a weak body and weak legs that you flopped straight in your bed and slept with a smile.
But there are times that it’s just the two of you. Just Jaemin and Y/n, no exes involved. Where you can be free being yourselves whenever you’re alone together. Like him snapping pictures of you out of nowhere while you’re busy kissing him, or whenever you just finished having sex and you’re both too lazy to get dressed again and he will suddenly capture amazing photos of you while you’re still naked in his bed, wearing nothing but the smile he gave you because of the sex.
“Hmm. Jaemin, these are beautiful. Can I have this one? I love seeing your works, it’s like I’m seeing myself through your eyes”
Little did you know that that simple compliment from you made him blush hard and his heart jump. It’s not every day he gets to be himself, but lately, he has been feeling so inspired with his craft and he had a good guess it’s because of you.
“You can keep this too, it’s one of my favorites,” he said and handed you a picture of you kissing him while he smiles so big and so handsome with both of your eyes closed. It’s a perfect moment, a moment that Jaemin captured in the middle of him being so happy that you’re showering him with kisses.
Jaemin is sweet and quiet as usual and he showers you with love and affection every day in his own way. He’s not the normal guy who will praise you and tell you that you’re beautiful, he will just simply look at you like you’re his favorite person in the world. Which you are now. He doesn’t talk too much because one, that’s his personality already and two, he simply loves listening to you even though you don’t talk too much yourself.
He is the complete opposite of Jeno, and that’s why he became special to you.
“Yesterday, me and my mom were at the mall and I saw them. Just from afar and they were about to enter the movies and… you know, seeing them together hurt” he says while kicking stones on your way to your house.
You can only imagine the pain he felt when he saw them spending time together, and now it’s your time to get hurt because Jeno used to bring you to the movies. Then it gave you an idea.
“Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow? My treat,” you said. Nervous and shy you slowly met eyes and stopped walking when you finally arrived in front of your house.
“Did you just realized that I haven’t taken you out on a date? Because I feel bad, I just realized it now” he rambles.
“No no,” you chuckled, “I simply wanted to go to the movies with you. So tomorrow?” you were slowly walking away from him with a small smile on your face. If Jaemin was being honest, he wanted to be with you just a little bit longer. But parting will make your meeting even sweeter the next day.
On the next day, you remember clearly that you said ‘my treat’ yesterday. But the whole day that you’re together he never let you pay for anything, not even a bottle of water. You feel at ease even though it’s your first date and it’s your first time seeing each other in casual clothes and not in your uniforms, or wearing nothing at all. He looked handsome in his get up, he knows how to dress and he sure does look like the warm person you know.
“Do you like anything else?” he whispered beside you while you two wait for the movie to start and watch people enter.
“No I’m just a little chilly. But I’m fine, keep your jacket,” you stopped him before he removes his jacket, you know he will. So instead of lending you his jacket, he kept you close and wrapped an arm around you.
“This is nice, right?” he whispered back and rested his head on yours.
During the movie, Jaemin did not try any funny business. Though you were waiting for it and of course you will give him your consent. If this was Jeno, by this time you’re whimpering and cumming on his fingers by now. But you’re with Jaemin right now, and Jaemin did nothing but hold your hand, keep you close and keep you warm. And the thing that he did that made your heart race the most, was when he tightens his embrace when the couple kissed in the movie, exchanged ‘i love yous’ and he pulled you closer to him. “We’ll get there,” he whispered, “Just remember that I’m the one here and not Jeno” and you nod because you agree to him.  
Not long after your first date, you and Jaemin shared a kiss under a lamppost just before you enter your house. It was not your first kiss of course. But it was the first time that you two felt that there we're no lust involved. It was a genuine kiss. A kiss that told you ‘I’m glad you chose to stay in this stupid relationship we have’ not to mention his soft lips were addicting and he was gentle the whole time. He wasn’t rushing you, he wasn’t hungry for you. But you can feel his long to finally move on and give his love wholly to you.
“Is it okay if I kiss you like that every day from now on?” he asked softly, forehead to forehead and just enjoying the cold breeze of the evening and the quietness of the street.
It’s Jaemin, not Jeno. You remind yourself over and over again.
“Yes” you nod and wrapped your arms around his neck, “Kiss me again” you requested. And so Jaemin did, even deeper but this time he took your breath away during the kiss.
The moment you closed the door and Jaemin watched you go inside your house safely, you burst into tears because you can’t help but see Jeno in your head and imagine that it’s Jeno kissing you not Jaemin. Even though it felt nothing like Jeno’s kisses, even though you smell Jaemin’s unique cologne, still it’s Jeno whom you see in your head and it’s Jeno whom you really wanted to kiss.
Days passed by and you try a little harder to show him affection, you try a little harder to be with Jaemin and not think about your ex, you try saying Jaemin’s name more often. Calling him with a smile, surprising him with back hugs, smiling with him more. Honestly, you just want to help yourself with forgetting Jeno completely because it’s exhausting already.
Today is the school’s fair and you’ve been with your friends the whole day laughing and discussing boys over snacks, sex and other stuff. And while you and your friends have been participating in a lot of games today, Jaemin can’t stop taking pictures of you from afar and watch your pretty smile. The smile he’s been seeing a lot lately and he hopes that it’s because of him.
‘Hey beautiful, I like your smile’
You received a text from him, you look around where he is and you found him behind you. Smiling so handsomely with his camera slung on his shoulder. Your friends teased you and Jaemin for being all flirty with your glances, you have never been shy around him but now there are butterflies in your stomach. Jaemin then shamelessly showed your friends how he treats you nicely, he can’t kiss you inside the school grounds so he winked at you instead and smiled.
It definitely made everyone around you jealous. Especially when Jaemin started taking your pictures, something no one was ever seen Jaemin do.
At the end of the day, you and Jaemin walk hand in hand and went to his house to cuddle and flirt more in his bed. Hands intertwined, legs tangled, bodies closer and just listening to each other talk about the most random things.
That’s right, you and Jaemin now talk. No more comfortable silence, no more quiet walks, you’ve come so far to reach this level of comfort. And when you’re both comfortable in each other’s arms like this, you both never shut up about the things you want to share with each other. Like the comfortable silence was gone with your awkward and shy phase too.
You asked him how he used to love his ex and he never shuts up about it, and it is as if he was describing how he’s treating you but when it comes to you everything was better. Like how he used to not care about Valentines for his ex but for you he went to different kinds of flower shop just so he can find the best quality of red roses. He used to hate walking with his ex because it’s making him sweat like crazy, but when it comes to you, seeing and watching you go inside your home safely was satisfying.
“Jaemin what are we? Are we friends with benefits now? Or just friends?” you dropped the question out of nowhere while you two lie in your bed, and you play with his long and perfect eyelashes.
“Hmm. No, fuck buddies avoid feelings while we... well, we try to develop our feelings. Let’s say we're two waiting hearts, were not yet in love with each other but… we belong to each other already. How’s that sound?”
“Waiting hearts. Hmm. I like it. Did you made that up?” you giggle and ran your fingertips on his very soft lips, which made him catch your hand and kiss it before he opens his beautiful eyes again.
“Yeah” he says, “But everything I said was true. Moving on is a bitch and I just can’t wait to love you right,”
And those words were just right. Perfect actually, that it made you kiss him sweetly and sincerely. And with your lips and the way you kiss, Jaemin felt that you made a promise to him. Like you’re not going to make him wait for nothing. And because of that he deepens the kiss and went on top of you, placing his body in between your legs, kissing your body nonstop and whispering sweet things to you.
“When we're finally and officially together, I won’t hurt you as Jeno did,” and you believe him because even though that you’re a wreck now, Jaemin stayed and put up with you.
He suddenly stopped kissing you, letting you breathe and bask at this moment, then he swallowed the lump in his throat and told you the truth. “I’m finally getting there…by the way, I mean, all I think about is us-you,” he was talking about his progress of moving on. “You don’t have to be pressured or anything at this point just, focus on yourself. Okay?” he said and kissed you again.
As your days with Jaemin continues, you don’t see Jeno anymore whenever you’re with Jaemin. No more imagining, it’s just you, the moment, and Jaemin. Though you’re not sure if you’ve already moved on this time or you’re just too overwhelmed because of Jaemin. Still, you know to yourself that you’re getting there and Jaemin is the reason why you’re even more closer to peace now. But you haven’t told him yet because you’re not ready. For you, you know that he will not leave and so it’s okay to take your time.
It started when you realized everything that he has done for you and the things that he’s ready to do for you. Loving again, or being given the opportunity to love someone again so deep is something so special and exciting especially when the man who holds your heart and the one waiting for you right now is Jaemin. The life you’re taking before Jaemin was like a black tunnel that you’ve been walking around in circles for some time now. And you sure as hell don’t want to take that path again.  
And just thinking about experiencing the things that Jaemin has to offer, you can only do that if you give up on Jeno. So with great effort, you slowly focus your mind only on Jaemin and replace every bit of Jeno in your life with Jaemin, and from now on you make sure that you have something in return for him.
“Jaemin-“ you moan his name. Something so new and so satisfying for Jaemin to hear it's his name you moan now, not Jeno’s.
“You know, you make me shy whenever you say my name” he catches his breath and came closer to you to plant kisses on your back and knead your boobs from behind, nipples hard and swollen because you’ve been in bed with him for almost two hours now. “What do you need?” he asks while making you feel good with his lips and hands.
“Maybe slow down? I’m not going anywhere,” you hear him giggle from behind because of your request, slapping your but playfully and squeezing it good. Then suddenly, out of nowhere he rolled his hips, and let out a sexy grunt. “Fuck Jaemin, I wasn’t ready-“ you croak and landed on the mattress, face first as you grip the sheets and take Jaemin’s cock followed by a wave of hard and fast thrusts.
He kept a firm grip on your waist as he gives you hard thrusts and he kept you down on the mattress, a hand on your waist and a hand on your nape. It kept your movements minimal that’s why you can’t do anything now that you’re on the edge and he’s torturing you using his dick. But the best part of Jaemin fucking you from behind is the way he fucks you rough... so rough sometimes that you get red marks after a good round. This only happens whenever he catches his breath, but sometimes his thrusts become slow and deeper and honestly you feel like he’s rearranging your insides. And of course you love it whenever he’s just so fast and the sound of skin slapping surrounds his room and the impact of his thrust just drags you on the mattress, almost at the edge of the bed and he would have to drag your body towards him and fuck you faster and harder.
But this time, your pussy is so sensitive and your body is giving up and shivering already that you try and push him away, moan his name for mercy, grip his sheets while you arch your back so beautifully to ease your sensitivity.
“You said you’re not going anywhere? Why are you running away from me? Huh?” it was a sexy tone and his thrusts started to go slow but deeper than before and he had spread your legs again from behind. His arm is around your neck and ends at your shoulder, bodies closer than ever as he puts his whole weight on you and you feel his hard rock abs hits your back. Then he started thrusting hard again but now you can’t move your body because he got you locked in his arms, and instead of gripping the sheets, you now grip Jaemin’s arm and hands as you don’t have a choice but to accept his hard thrust.
Thrust after thrust, you breathe heavily and let out groans and call out his name. Until your body can’t take it anymore and you’re shaking uncontrollably and you did everything you can to push him away and try curling yourself into a ball but Jaemin was quick to flip you on your back and reach in for a deep kiss.
Kissing you while you cum and enjoy your orgasm. Feeling his tongue swirl around your as your body shakes and his hands caress your thighs so you could calm down and melt on his kiss.
After you cum, you and Jaemin did not stop kissing. He stayed above you, in between your legs and proceed to make out. Slowly and passionately, hands roaming to appreciate each other’s body, hands together and your lips locks and you look at each other with deep admiration.
“I want to date for real now. I’m so afraid to lose you Y/n,” he said directly into your eyes and rested his forehead on yours. “I promise I can do more for you, just be mine completely” he reached for your hands and kissed your knuckles.
Finally, you thought. And to be honest you have so much to say but none came out from your mouth. You looked at his tired sex face, his hair is all over his face, sweaty and his lips are swollen because of your intense kisses. And because your heart is full of happiness right now, you just nod so fast and cup his face and attacked him with kisses.
A love for love.
The first few days with Jaemin were beautiful. You both have your hearts full of love admiration towards one another and you shower each other with love every day without having second thoughts. You have never been loved like this and you didn’t know that you can love someone as deeply.
In just a few days, lust and love were perfectly balanced in your relationship. Now that you’re officially together, you and Jaemin would rather talk non-stop while holding hands, laugh and laugh until you’re both in tears, rather than have sex and exhaust each other out. But of course, now that you’re together, you can finally have the right to stay the night at their house, meet his family, have quiet sex at night where Jaemin’s lips are on your lips, catching every sound and moan you make so his parents won’t suspect.
“I love you,” you said and kissed him before you close your eyes and drift away. In return, he tightens his embrace and kissed you one too many times.
“I love you too,”
Now that you and Jaemin are official, he wanted to do everything again with you. Meaning, he wanted to give you flowers again as your boyfriend this time and not just as someone who’s waiting for you. He wanted to take you out on a proper date as your boyfriend, on your favorite fast food and spend all night long being happy with you.
At first, you didn’t want to agree with his plan because him giving you all his love every day was enough. But he insists, and that’s why you’re waiting for your handsome boyfriend at your favorite fast food with a glass of water in front of you. He’s 30 minutes late already and you wonder why.
“I’ll get the red ones please, my girlfriend loved those last Valentine's day,” Jaemin’s smile was so big as he watches the florist wrap the red roses he got for you. He’s late because he went to the same shop where he bought you the flowers that you loved last Valentine's day.
And just as Jaemin walks out of the flower shop with a bouquet of red roses in his arm and a smile on his face, he thought about how this night will definitely be a great night for the two of you. And most importantly, no exes to ruin your first date as a couple.
While you were waiting for Jaemin inside, you didn’t know that he’s outside with a dozen roses in his arm and just smiling because he is now looking at the girl whom he loves the most.
Then suddenly, his phone rang and accepted an unexpected phone call. The voice of the girl on the other line was familiar. Very familiar. And his fist balled up immediately when he heard her crying through the phone. Turns out, he still can’t say no to the girl he used to love so much and his excitement on seeing you was immediately replaced with anger.
“Who made you cry? Where are you?” Jaemin asked sternly to his ex.
“He left me Jaems- I’m sorry I don’t know who else to call, I’m at home can you please go here? I really need someone right now, I’ll lose my mind,”
And just like that, he chose his ex over you. He told himself, he will be quick and still meet you afterward. But you waited for an hour… until closing time. Leaving tons and tons of messages to Jaemin but he didn’t return any of them. Maybe something important came up? A family matter? You tried and tried to forgive him even though you’re pissed that he didn’t show up. You even reminded yourself that you didn’t want this date in the first place so why be upset? So it’s okay.  
When you’re finally near your house after a very disappointing date that could have been a beautiful one for you and Jaemin, a very familiar figure was waiting for you outside your house.
One glance at that perfect face, small crescent eyes, and beautiful smile, gave your mind an instant flashback. The guy who loved you first way before Jaemin came into your life, the man who loved you in your highs and lowest moment, the man you’ve been waiting to come back…. is finally back.
“How are you?” he started.
“Better. Jeno, what are you doing here?” you asked, straight to the point.
“I just came by to see you. I’m the one who ruined us but I still miss you from time to time you know? And now I know why,”
“And that is?”
“Regrets. Now that I’m single again, for sure my regrets will even weigh more,” he let out a heavy sigh and looked at his shoes before he gave you a question. A question that he already knows the answer. “If I ask you to come back, will you accept it?” he didn’t look you in the eye. He just stared at the sky and waited for your answer.
“No,” you said honestly and without regrets. “I waited for you to come back long enough. And I worked so hard to be healed again,”
“Then I should’ve asked you earlier then. I should’ve left her earlier,”
What he said sounded wrong for you. Because you know if he did those earlier you will end up hurting Jaemin instead. At least now, it’s clear like the sky above that you no longer love Jeno.
The night ended with a friendly hug. It’s the only comfort you can offer to him because you respect your boyfriend. And you well know that staying longer with Jeno tonight can spark your first fight with Jaemin.
But as you lie in your bed and think about everything that happened tonight, your mind takes you to unwanted scenarios where Jaemin chose to comfort his ex rather than meeting up with you. It’s not right to doubt Jaemin, so you close your eyes and looked forward to the next day.
And just as you thought, you’re going to wake up with a bunch of missed calls or texts from Jaemin, you have none. So there is something wrong.
Jaemin on the other hand is staring at a white ceiling and thinking about the things that he can’t take back right now. It’s too early for regrets but he doesn’t have a choice but to rethink his wrong decisions, over and over again. Starting when he answered the phone call from the naked girl beside him right now. The wrong decisions he made last night was the epitome of the phrase, ‘one thing led to another’
He answered the call and stood you up.
He went to his ex’s house.
He returned the kiss.
He agreed to fuck.
It was all his choice. Wrong choices that made him lose and lost you way before your relationship could have bloomed beautifully. And he can’t take that back because he can't show his face to you anymore for the sexual activity that happened last night between him and his ex, somehow brought them back together.
It all happened so fast but the heartbreak stayed and the process of healing is very slow.
Seven days have passed already when Jaemin stood you up on a date to choose his ex over you. The reason? Well, you don’t know because you and Jaemin did not talk it out… the breakup sort of happened automatically when you saw him and his now girlfriend again, holding hands while entering the school grounds on a cold Monday morning. And that’s what made it worst because you remember that all you ever did was love him and be better to make way for the love you thought you both want.
Every day, you go to school, attend class, study hard but you always looked so gloomy. Again. And whenever Jaemin crosses paths with you in the hallways, he knew he hurt you badly and that he broke every promise he told you. He can only wish that he could turn back time and choose to not answer that fucking call.
Just like that, you’re back in that black tunnel and you didn’t expect that Jaemin will be the reason why you’re back on this dark path again. And this time, the heartbreak was ten times even worst than what you felt during your breakup with Jeno.  
A few more weeks after the breakup, you started being alone with yourself again and try to give your heart a break from all the drama.
But one fateful afternoon, when everyone had gone home already and you’re on trash duty again, as usual, Jaemin finally decided to swallow his pride and say the apology you deserve.
“I’m sorry, Y/n,” Jaemin said out of nowhere. He was looking straight into your eyes when he said it, and you can see that he’s sincere through his eyes.
“I hope you’re happy” and that's all you can say and try to walk away.
“I’m not- do you still love me?”
It was a question that broke both of your hearts because you both know that even though love is involved, it’s still not enough to keep you together.
But still, you answered him with all honesty. “Yes” short and simple.
“Then let's be together-“ he proposed with hopeful eyes.
“And what? Cheat?” you ask sternly, he nodded. “One of the reasons why I liked you back then is because you’re not complicated. You’re a simple ‘yes’ and ‘no’, but now you’re the one who complicates things. I’m sorry. It’s a no,” and that is an answer Jaemin did not expect from you because he thought you loved him that much that you’re still going to accept him. But maybe, the pain that he’s feeling right now, is the same pain that you felt when he chose his ex over you that night.
As days, months, and seasons change but of course the heartbreak never left, you focus more on being with yourself until finally you survived this school year and today is your last day in school. But before everything ended, a lot has happened before it finally ended, like Jeno suddenly transferring schools, Jaemin is single again, and you were awarded for ranking #3 out of hundreds of other students studying their asses off.
That same afternoon, while you’re fixing your stuff and ready yourself to go home under the pouring rain, Jaemin found you alone in your classroom again. And it felt like you’re meeting again for the first time. You don’t know why you accepted his help, you don’t know why you let him walk you home under his small umbrella that made you walk closely together.
He was quiet. You were quiet. But it was not the comfortable silence you used to have, it was very awkward. But you both endured it because if you’re both going to be honest with your feelings, you both wanted this.
“Are we going to do this again?” you ask before you enter your house.  
“Yes. The right way,”
And you know you both found your way back to each other because it’s the right thing to do.
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potter-imagines · 3 years
Being Thor and Loki's Little Sister and Dating Peter Parker Would Include...
Notes: wow I haven't written a marvel one in a long time pls don't read too much into the timeline lol I know things overlap but just go with it (:
Warnings: none... I think ??
Word Count: 3.6k (sorry its a bit long for a write like this but I couldn't help myself)
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You managed to do a decent job at keeping your relationship under wraps from your brothers for quite some time
Of course every other member on the team knew before the two of you even begun officially dating
Peter had spent three months ranting and raving to Tony Stark about how cute he thought you were and how much he liked you
Tony insisted time and time again he should tell you but Peter’s fear of rejection was much too large for him to find the courage for that
Unbeknownst to him,
You had spilled about your crush on Peter to Wanda and Nat almost a week after living in the compound
Being the only other girls there besides Pepper, it was easy to confide in them
Day after day you would wander to Wanda’s room and lay on her bed and gush about how handsome Peter was and how kind of a heart he had
Wanda found it adorable
And Bucky, Steve and Sam had placed the pieces together after days on end of watching Peter and yourself flirt like school kids in the gym during training
Even after being frozen for years, Steve recognized the look of smitten on Peter’s face when he talked to you
Bruce on the other hand had to sit through most of the kids talks with Tony in the lab so he figured it out fast
So when the two of you finally confessed your feelings for one another and Peter asked you out, there was only one road block holding the moment back from perfection
Your brothers
You and Peter shared the news with all the other team members expect the two, possibly most important in your case, members
You’ve been close to your brothers since you were brought into this world so it wasn’t like you didn’t want to tell them
It was more or less how overprotective they could be that made you bite your tongue
And as nervous as you are, Peter is 1,000% more worried about your brother’s finding out
Like honestly can you imagine how petrified Peter would be to tell Thor and Loki you two were dating
He’d purposely walk in the opposite direction every time he saw either of the two for the first week
Couldn’t stop fumbling with his words when he spoke to either of them
Like he was terrified
It’s sort of a cliché to have protective older brothers but older brothers who were also both Gods ????
Peter felt like a deadman walking
When the day finally came that you did tell your brothers about your relationship with Peter, it was absolutely cringe worthy
Peter had been coming home to the tower after a long day at Midtown High School when he spotted you the second he stepped foot out of the elevator
His excitement had clouded his judgement as he failed to check and see if the coast was clear
“Y/n! Hey!”
He nearly tumbled over his own feet as he rushed over to you
His face was gleaming with happiness and for a brief moment you felt a smile creep to your face until you were pulled back to reality by his hand reaching out to grasp yours
Your eyes widened in shock as you stared at Peter and before you could warn him to stop, he had planted a soft kiss on your cheek
That adorable smile was glowing from his face as he reached down for your hand only to fall once you pulled your hand away
He gave you a look of confusion, clearly surprised by your lack of response
But when an awkward cough sounded from behind him, he suddenly knew why
Peter didn’t have enough time to make any sort of a move when a husky, all too familiar voice spoke up,
“Hello, man of spiders. May I ask why you just kissed our little sister?” “Oh shit- I uh, well you see I…um...she had something on her face so I uh…”
Loki would snicker in amusement at seeing the boy squirm and prolong his torture “So you kissed her?” “Yeah…” “Hm, there something you’d like to share, little one?”
It wasn’t exactly the way you were hoping to break the news to your brothers
But it was certainly one way of doing it
The rest of the night was filled with awkward tension as you and Peter had to confess the truth to your brothers, who then made you share the news with the rest of the team
Thankfully, the rest of the team pretended they were just hearing about your new relationship for the first time, seeing as no one wanted to deal with an angry Thor
Now let’s get into your relationship with Peter
Peter Parker is the most caring person in the universe
And dating him certainly came with it’s perks
You can expect to wake up every morning with a fresh coffee and a pastry on your nightstand, courtesy of Peter
He’ll also write you a sweet little ‘good morning’ note with a sketch of spider-man hanging from a web
(( he’s actually pretty talented in the doodling department ))
Makes cute sketches of him as spiderman and you as a princess ( vv fitting)
But also draws you as a total badass saving the galaxy bc… well you are
Count on him to be the first person to greet you when the sunrises and the last person to wish you a goodnight when it falls
Gets Mr. Stark to buy you an iphone so he can teach you how to use it
Has your name as “goddess” in his phone
The first thing he does is teach you about texting so he can pay you in imessage games
Refuses to play you in battleship since you somehow have crushed him every single time
Gets slightly annoyed with the overwhelming amount of random photos you snap of him
But he knows its all new to you and finds it irritatingly adorable
Loves it when you walk home with him from school
Will also keep reminding you that you shouldn’t have walked alone all the way to Midtown High School alone
Peter often forgets that you’re Asgardian and can protect yourself just fine
But it’s so cute how protective he is
He’s very observant and notices nearly everything
Like when you’re feeling a bit homesick
He picks up on it right away and will ask Thor and/or Loki for advice
Or when you start to become bored and tired at one of Star’s parties
Peter made his way over you before you even had the chance to turn and search for him
He’d escort you back to your room and lay with you until he was positive you had fallen asleep
Kisses to the top of your head
Is the boyfriend that will take your makeup off for you if you wear any
(( and sets yours lashes on the nightstand so neatly and labels which eye they were on cause the poor boy doesn’t understand ))
Spends weeks learning how to master the intricate braids that adorn your head
It’s so cute cause he’ll sit and look up Youtube videos and try to learn how to make the different braids and is just so confused but so determined
Taking Peter to visit Asgard
“Woah- this place looks like something from Lord of the Rings! It’s awesome!” “Lord of the Rings? I’ve never met that God.” “Uh, no, it’s a movie from Earth. We can watch it when we go back.” “To Midgard?” “Midgard? No, to New York.”
Loves it when your people refer to you as “Princess Y/n”
For some reason it makes him blush
Will tell everyone back on Earth that he’s dating a princess
I could def see Peter getting annoyed and frustrated with the Asgardian men trying to flirt and win your heart
Although that’s something that already belong to Peter
And even though Peter trusts you entirely
He’s still insecure from time to time
Especially when he sees how much taller and stronger Asgardian men look in comparison to him
But he finds reassurance in the feeling of your hand in his and the gleeful smile adorning your face as you show him around your homeland
Attempting to help Peter study
Although you’re not much help to Midgardian school work “Peter, darling, I don’t have a clue what a watergate is and I haven’t an idea how that could be scandalous.”
Maths however you excelled in
And Peter was thoroughly surprised to find you had the sequence of PI memorized to the one hundredth number- and in song form
Holding your hand 24/7
Endless cuddles on the couch
And when you’re walking around together, he does that thing where he swings your hands and back forth
Movie theater dates… at the tower b/c your brothers feel the need to be in close proximity the you guys at all times
Trying ice cream for the first time with Peter at two in the morning
One of Peter’s favorite things to do with you is take you through a walk in his world
At least three times a week Peter and you will walk around the city and find new things your Asgardian self has yet to experience
Like pizza
New York pizza to be exact
And hot chocolate
Ice skating at Rockefeller Center once the weather got cold
Loves to take you for drives in the more woodsy land of New York once fall set in and the leaves began to change
But by far his favorite thing is showing you Midgardian films and movies of all sorts
He loves that you don’t judge him for nerding out over his love for films
Not to mention you actually sit and watch Star Wars with him
(( maybe it was the whole space element but Peter was just thrilled you liked it ))
But then he shows you ‘Alien’
And it was an instant regret
It took him the rest of the night to convince you that the movie was fake
You made him sleep in your room just for reassurance
Your favorite out of the films Peter played was called ‘Toy Story’
Buzz Lightyear reminded you of Thor
In terms of TV shows
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. which quickly became your guys comfort show
Parks & Rec too “That Andy fellow looks an awful lot like Starlord, don’t you think?”
Peter refuses to let you watch Black Mirror
After the whole incident with Alien
Black Mirror didn’t seem like a good idea
Constantly teasing from the rest of the Avengers
Tony just can’t help it
He loves tormenting the two of you
Especially when Thor and/or Loki are around
“Hey Peter, I thought I saw you go into Y/n’s room last night but I didn’t see you leave until the morning. Heard a lot of noise too- thought Y/n was getting attacked. What was that about?”
“Kid, I got you those condoms you asked for. How’d you manage to run out of that last box so quick? I just bought it for you a week ago!” “Messing with you, they’re just sugar packets- Thor put Peter down right now!”
Aunt May absolutely adores you
Always tells Peter how sweet you are and is constantly inviting you over for dinner
Lets you two have sleepovers in his room at her place
As long as the door stays open
Peter can’t stop laughing when you compliment May on her ability to make an amazing bowl of cereal
She thought it was a joke seeing as she burned dinner the night before to a crisp and laughs until she’s in tears
And you’re literally sitting there so confused, clearly not understanding the joke
Peter then takes you on a trip to a grocery store for the first time to show you a whole aisle full of cereal
It is then that you realize Aunt May didn’t hand make the fruity pebbles
She still laughs about it to this day
Befriending Ned and listening enthusiastically while he gives you a full speech on the franchise Star Wars
And his rant on how terrible Star Trek is in comparison
Is shocked when you ask questions out of genuine interest
Ned immediately takes a liking to you after that and asks Peter daily to invite you to hangout
Whenever Stark adds an upgrade to his suit, you’re the first person Peter shows it to
He shares quite literally everything with you
As do you to him
The rest of the Avengers love gossiping about you guys
Nat and Wanda have already started planning the wedding and Pepper has the perfect venue in mind, much to your brothers dismay
For some reason
Thor and Loki are always within reasonable distance, enough so they can keep an eye on you but also give some sense of privancy
Thor is def always the first one to step in
“Peter, please remove your hand from my sister’s behind.” “Oh uh, ye-yeah… sorry, Mr.Thor.”
Loki would find Peter amusing
He loves to mess with him whenever given the chance
“Ah, Peter. Good to see you. I’m sure Y/n informed you of our task today. Very impressed that you offered yourself as the sacrifice to the aliens-” “Wait, what? Y/n?!” “He’s kidding, Peter.”
Everyone in the Avenger’s tower knew Peter was lactose intolerant and knew the repercussions of the boy consuming any sort of dairy
(( he physically cannot leave the bathroom for a full day ))
Yet Loki regularly will swap Peter’s specially labeled almond milk with a jug of skim milk just for the hell of it
There’s something so hilarious to him about the look of panic and alarm that smacks abruptly across Peter’s face as he quickly stumbles out of the kitchen to his room
It keeps him laughing for days
You’ll just shoot your brother a look of disapproval, clearly certain it was his doing
“Loki, why did Peter run off?” “Not sure, darling sister, maybe he’s got one of those stomach bugs. I’ve heard Midgardians are prone to them…weak bodies and such.” "You switched out his milk again didn’t you.” “I haven’t the slightest clue what you’re accusing me of, little one.”
Thor is a bit more hesitant on accepting your relationship with his fellow Avenger
He trusts that Peter would never harm you
Although he did not trust that you would never be harmed because of Peter
It was risky enough that both your brothers were big names in space, as well on Earth, however
Thor knew Loki and himself were capable of protecting you but Peter?
He was just a kid, in Thor’s eyes
However the one thing that kept him from telling you this was seeing how happy Peter made you
As your older brother, Thor trusted your judgement and tried his best to be accepting of his little sister dating
And as much as he wanted to deny it, he saw crystal clear the care and love Peter gave to you and he wasn’t willing to break that for you
Thor is the type of brother to barge into a room and shove himself between Peter and yourself without warning
This man does not care at all
At least Loki has the decency to give you two space as a couple
Thor does not
He is constantly third wheeling on your dates and will ‘accidentally’ walk into rooms he knows you two are in claiming he forgot something
Not that he ever grabs anything,
He’ll usually just stand and stare at the two of you until you either leave the room or ask him to leave
To which he always answers,
But with a smile
A smug smile
PDA is something he will never be okay with
Thor will yank Peter back by the collar every time he sees his lips on yours and glare at him, “Man of spiders, I know you’re in love with my little sister but kissing her infront of me is too far.”
And Loki will physically gag just to piss you off
For the most part, your relationship with Peter is nearly perfect
It would be entirely perfect if you weren’t constantly worrying about him dying on a mission or getting hurt
But still, just like any couple, you had your moments
And when you did fight, it was typically over Peter’s safety or him not wanting you to tag along for a mission
Your common way of dealing with conflict was the silent treatment
Which is pure torture for Peter
Not only does he miss the sound of your voice
He misses having you around
Seeing your smile
Hearing you laugh from something he said
He felt terrible everytime
He’d go to Tony for advice and spend hours rambling on to him about how sorry he was for yelling at you and for adding to the fight
Tony would half listen while he worked away on a new system and suit, offering a ‘yeah’ and ‘hmm’ every few seconds which pleased Peter who thought his mentor was fully listening
And after almost two hours of his non-stop talking, Tony Stark had reached his limit
Setting his wrench down on the metal table with a thud he turned around to face the young boy
“Kid, why’re you saying all this to me and not her? I mean, I’m all ears but I’m also not Y/n. I know we’re both good looking so I can see why you mixed us up, but you should be talking to her right now.”
Similar to Peter you also had someone to confide in when the road got rocky
Loki had always been the one you shared all your secrets with
As children you were attached at the hip to both your brothers but Loki a smidgen more than Thor
Your father, Odin, had Thor at his side 24/7 growing up
While he was busy learning the ropes to ruling Asgard, Loki and yourself run amuck causing trouble left and right through the royal palace
Through the years of bonding Loki become your best friend, and you his
So when trouble struck in paradise, your older brother was the one you ran to
He’d welcome you with open arms and a questioning gaze
Loki is by far the best listener in your family
Instead of telling you what to do, he asks what you want, which is a refreshing change
After a long talk with Loki you’d search the tower high and low for Peter while ironically Peter was doing the same thing
When you did finally make-up, it felt like coming home
The apologies were so sincere and genuine
You’d end up having a sleepover in your room watching 80’s films that Peter claimed were ‘iconic’ and laying in his arms
And that’s where you felt complete
Fights never occurred often but bickering ???
You two bickered playfully over everything under the sun
Like who’s the better superhero; Ironman or Captain American
Debates between living in New York and living in Asgard
Loves to pull up Midgardian inventions and ask you to guess what it is “Princess, what do you think this is?” “Oh! Oh! I’ve seen this one! Tony has one in his kitchen!” “Okay, so what is it?” “Yes, it’s a chicken nugget maker!” “It’s actually an air fryer but we only ever make chicken nuggets in them so I’ll give you a half point.”
Peter sneaking out of your room at the crack of dawn and sprinting to his
As much as Thor and Loki liked him and supported the relationship
He was sure they’d both team up to murder him if they caught him sleeping in your bed
Steve and Tony, who seem to be incapable of sleep, have watched him tiptoe out of your room numerous times but they only share a look of amusement then go back to their previous discussion
Playing hide-n-go-seek and tag on rainy days at the tower
Cuddling in Peter’s bed while he asks you to tell him stories about Asgard
Loves hearing about your childhood and what it’s like to grow up with siblings
Is fascinated when you tell him about Heimdall
Stealing Peter’s hoodies
Especially his Midtown High School ones
They’re insanely soft
Sweet little kisses throughout the day
He's just so sweet and gentle
Loves getting to hold you and snuggle in his bed
Most weekends you spend lounging on the couch with Peter’s head in your lap while you play with his hair
Other times you’re sitting next to Peter on his bed watching him play some video game and asking a million questions “Who is that man, Peter?” “That’s me, he’s the main character of the game. That’s Mario, babe.” “You’re not Mario- you’re Peter.” “No, the main character of this game is Mario, I’m just playing him.” “Oh… and what is that green dinosaur creature?” “That’s Yoshi!” “Adorable.”
Making out between games
In terms of... y'know... sex
Neither of you were keen on rushing the process
You had tip toed on the line multiple times yet never fully crossed it
Until you had decided to make the first real move after being together for about five months
You trusted him with all your heart so it wasn't exactly scary, but rather exciting
He had a way of making you feel safe, comfortable, and loved all at once
Lets be honest, Peter nearly fainted the first time he saw you naked
And still, no matter how many times the two of you have sex,
He worships every inch of you like it was your first time all over again
You couldn't have asked for a better lover
Dating Peter means a new adventure everyday
You’re constantly learning new things about each other and from each other
Despite coming from two very different worlds
You’ve never felt more connected to a soul until Peter came along
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push and pulls | ot7
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader ↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff | requested | headcannon (paragraph form) ↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ: anon ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴀs: “cat and dog relationship with classmate!enhypen ? hehe headcannon or any format that you're comfy with :3  they could be highschool sweethearts in the end too 😭” ↬ ᴀ/ɴ:
i tried i'm sorry if this sucks 🤧
jake and jay’s are are like semi-suggestive (i think?) imma just say that they are semi-suggestive to be safe
i aint gonna lie i’m a sucker for Jay cooking 😪
jake & hoon’s are kinda short bc it’s like 1 am rn 
Heeseung has always been good at everything no matter what it is. It isn’t to discredit any of his effort whatsoever, but as the school year continues everyone knows that things are just natural for Heeseung. Ever since your freshman year of high school, you’ve seen him as your main competition for 1st place in school. The problem? This man isn’t even aware of it. To you, he just breathes and wins the competitions, gets all the attention, and is at the top of everything. To him, it’s the only way you’ll even notice him. The competitions? It gives him a chance to stay after school to be with you. The attention? He’s only focused on yours. Him at the top of everything? Well, that one’s just because he’s Lee Heeseung. It’s after school one day and the both of you have stayed to help clean up the classes for extra credit. Like a thief with a bagful of stolen glances, his eyes drift to you whenever you don’t notice. Except for this one time.
“Stop looking at me!” you say, your eyes glaring at him. He’s taken aback as he never meant to offend you.
“Sorry,” he said, thinking that you’d just leave it at that. But instead,
“I know you’re fricking judging me Lee Heeseung.”
“I can feel it in your eyes. I’ll always be second to you and I get it, you don’t need to rub it in, so just stop!” You throw the rag at the window, walking out of the classroom and he’s left alone wondering what the hell just happened. And suddenly the gap between first place and second begins to grow. To him, staying after school to study for competitions are no longer fun when you won’t even tell him to be quiet when he starts to sing. Your attention is gone just like his sanity. Being at the top never felt so lonely when you weren’t next to him. To you, staying after school becomes something you dread because of the silence in the room that you caused. Your attention seems as if it’s on everything but him but every day you have a hundred thoughts and all of them are infected with him. The two of you enter yet another school competition, making it to the top 3. Yet, unlike previous times, neither of you is in first place.
“In first place, we have Sim Jaeyun!” the announcer says. You and Heeseung look at each other in shock that the other wasn’t on the podium. Yet, you couldn’t care less. Because not getting first place causes you to go off on a rant that Heeseung joins in on. Staying after school turns into study partners at the nearby cafe which becomes study dates. Both of your attention is openly on the other. And while you’re both at the top academically, you become the couple goals everyone wishes they could achieve.
“ace of my heart 💞” you caption an Instagram post of a picture of Heeseung.
rest of the boys under the cut!
Culinary class is peaceful for Jay. He has control of everything, knows where the ingredients and cooking tools are, can do something he loves, and did we mention control of everything? As a chef, he learned what you were like the first few weeks of class. You were messy with apple peels next to the lime squeezer, engaging in a way of cooking that you defined as “organized chaos.” You didn’t use measurements, cooked things by eye, and used whatever seasonings felt right. It wasn’t that you were bad at cooking, he actually enjoyed your dishes. But your process was just something he couldn’t stand. And maybe he doesn’t really like you since you accidentally used the last of his honey when making cupcakes but that’s a story for another day. The culinary teacher decided to try something new to promote teamwork and for a week, the class would be in partners and cooking a dish new to both people. And who did Jay just have to end up with? You. As the two of you read the recipe for your first dish which was a dessert of sorts,
“What do you wanna use first, jackfruit or durian?” he asked. You looked up at him, a teasing smile on your lips,
“Durian, because it looks like you,” you said before making your way to the table where all the ingredients were.
“Inner peace,” he muttered to himself as he watched you walk off. The next day, you were making peach tarts.
“Yah, Jay, look here,” you said as you held up your phone and the peach. In the photo you took, the peach was next to Jay’s face, sort of comparing the two.
“Why’d you take a picture of me?” he asked. He didn’t really mind photos, knowing full well how good he looked but you taking one of him came completely out of the blue. As you glanced up from your phone after hitting post, you were unable to stop your laugh,
“Your hair looks like a peach,” you said with a wink as you went back to cutting the ingredients.
“Do I just, do I just look like food now?” he muttered to himself with a huff.
“I mean… I wouldn’t mind eating you,” you teased. You were smooth, he’d give you that. But, damn, he wanted to make you feel the way you were making him feel right now.
It didn’t take long for you to learn that Jay’s way of teasing made you flustered as hell. If you’d ask him to hand you something, he’d hold it above your head forcing you to have to jump up. It just so happened that he did this once right in front of someone else’s station and as you jumped, you almost knocked into them which led to his arm around you,
“Watch where you’re going,” he warned with a teasing edge as he handed you the carrots.
When you handed him something, he’d take it in a way that his hand held yours for a second but that second was enough. As the two of you cooked together, you entered your own world with no one else but the other in it. He was patient with your organized chaos, his own habits finding a place alongside your cooking routine. For the last day of working as partners, you two were to bake cookies. You put in a pinch of salt then some sugar when suddenly,
“YAH!” you hear from next to you. Met with Jay’s wide eyes as he looked in the bowl where you put the salt and sugar,
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“I told you to taste the salt and sugar before you used it.”
“The first one tasted like salt so I put more of the second one.” He took a pinch of the sugar already in the mixing bowl then tasted it, a disgusted look appearing on his face”
“You put salt then more salt, good job y/n.”
“Huh?” He took another pinch then brought it up to your lips and as you tasted it,
“Why the hell is there two kinds of salt here!”
“One’s fine, the other’s coarse. I wanted to eat these y’know.”
“Fine, head over to my place after school and we can make cookies together.”
“That’s not funny. You can’t mess with cookies,” he muttered.
“Who said I was joking? We can even drizzle honey over it.”
Perfection doesn’t even begin to describe Sim Jaeyun. A gentleman, kind, smart, has an accent that you can’t help but sometimes tease him about, and obsessed with Layla were all things you couldn’t fault him for. But sometimes, just sometimes, he could be a little too nice. You couldn’t help but feel jealous at the sight of the girl chatting with Jake by the benches and her feeling his arm up.
“Geez, tell her to go away!” you wanted to say to him as you started walking towards them.
“Hey,” Jake said with a smile as his eyes landed on you. The same smile he smiled at her with.
“Are you ready to go?” you asked, trying not to sound pissed but couldn’t help yourself.
“Yeah hold up.” Jake looked at the girl, “Just text if you need help with anything else on the homework,” he said before walking off with you.
“Who was that?” you asked as the two of you made your way to the cafeteria.
“New girl, needs help with physics so she asked me for help.” Jake was supposed to help you with physics.
“You gonna help her on Tuesdays?” you asked, referring to the day Jake always helped you. If he did notice your jealousy, he didn’t say anything about it. Oh, but he did notice. And he kind of wanted to edge it on to see how far things would go.
“Should I? She can hangout with me and Layla.”
“See if she likes me better than Layla.”
“Might take you up on the offer, watch your words, y/n,” he said with a chuckle.
“Yeah? You introduce her to Layla and I’ll divorce you then take full custody.”
“I didn’t know we were married, don’t we gotta go out on a date first?”
“I don’t know, do we?”
“Let’s do it right now then.”
“Fine! Wait what-?”
On the ice, you and Sunghoon went together like sugar and tea. Off the ice, you two were like the coarse salt that ruined the cookies in Jay’s fic. You and Sunghoon skated well together, putting on a performance that typically got you first place, but that’s exactly what it was. A performance. An act. Nothing more, nothing less. Neither of you talked when you saw each other after practice the next day at school. Neither of you actively told anyone that you knew each other more than most couples did. But there was just something about talking to Sunghoon outside of ice skating, acknowledging that there you had an ice skating persona as well as the persona you showed to everyone else, that frightened you. So both of you made an unspoken agreement that you’d keep your ice skater lives in the rink and outside of it. Except for right now where the transfer student who coincidentally just so happened to be an ice skater and was wondering if you’d be his partner for the upcoming showcase.
“Y/n already has a partner,” Sunghoon said, cutting in as he stood next to you. The transfer student’s eyes settled on Sunghoon,
“You’re Park Sunghoon, the guy who-”
“Almost made it into the Olympics? Yeah. And y/n and I are gonna do it together this year.” You weren’t quite sure how to feel about Sunghoon suddenly “claiming” you (not in a toxic way whatsoever, we don’t condone that here). But you did know that this meant Sunghoon knew of your existence outside of the rink.
“Says who?” you said, trying to see how this would go. He looked at you, fear flashing in his eyes at the thought of the two of you not doing this together.
“I thought, I thought we were? Are we not? We have our outfits planned and everything.”
“I mean… plans change, Hoon.” That nickname, the one only you were allowed to use for him.
“Do you not wanna do it together?”
“I’m just gonna… go,” the transfer student said.
“I do wanna do it together.”
“So then what’s the problem?”
“We kinda don’t have a relationship outside of the rink, Hoon.”
“We can make one, then. Right now.”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
You’ve always held a level of jealousy towards Sunoo. Sunoo has always been the guy who’s everyone’s friend even if he’s popular, the type of guy who waves at everyone, greets them with a smile on their face, and gets people to attend class/school events. Whereas you’re more on the introverted side, not really liking people. When it’s lunchtime, you tend to eat alone not really giving a damn about everyone else. You’re not exactly an outcast, just more comfortable  by yourself. You’ve always been jealous of how Sunoo’s open to people, talkative, and just overall likable. Because unlike him, people think you’re being mean when you’re quiet and it looks like you’re not listening to whatever it is they’re saying. Around school, Sunoo has earned the nickname Sunny while you’ve been given the nickname Winter. Everyone sees how you walk away whenever Sunoo waves at you in the halls. Everyone is aware of how you scoff whenever Sunoo does aegyo in front of you. Everyone notices how you get mad whenever he links his arm with yours. But it’s Sunoo who sees the glint in your eyes the second they meet his by your locker. It’s Sunoo who notices the slight smile that plays at the corner of your lips whenever he calls himself “ddeonu.” And it’s Sunoo who’s aware that no matter how much you protest when your arms link, you’re never the one to let go first. So he sits at the desk in front of yours during lunch, chatting his butt off about his day while stealing bites of your lunch. He gives you face masks with the excuse of “it was a buy one get one free deal and I don’t know who else to give it to.” He asks if he can style your hair playing it off as “practice.” Little by little, you begin to open up. When you see him in the halls, you start to give him a smile reserved only for him. When he does aegyo you tease him by saying that Jake does it better. And when he links his arms with yours, your pinkies intertwine. You bring an extra bag of chips for lunch and start making your portions larger to share with him. You invite him to the mall since you saw an online promo while walking by. You start to enjoy the way he plays with your hair, sometimes even craving his touch. Because we all know, the sun has its way of melting ice. 
Yang Jungwon, the class president, has a 100% success rate in getting field trip forms submitted on time. Well, it would be 100% if it weren’t for you. It seems as if you’ve made it your life’s mission to do everything and anything that’ll piss off Jungwon. Every time there’s a permission slip that needs to get signed, he constantly finds himself having to remind you of it so that it’d get turned in on time. Yet despite this, you always turn it in a day later. When things are kind of slow in class, you’re always talking to someone and have earned the title of the chatty kid no matter where the teacher makes you sit. Jungwon has no clue how someone as big of a procrastinator as you, always chatting with people when you don’t need to, and has your music playing so loud that everyone else hears, gets the good grades that you do. But regardless of what you do, you don’t bring down the class average so he’ll give you that. It’s time for a new seating arrangement and where does the teacher have you sit? Right next to him. So he’s dreading it, knowing that for the next 2 weeks he won’t get any work done, have to deal with you chatting to everyone, and has to be the one to catch you up when you enter class late.
“Hey,” you say with a smile as you settle in the seat next to his. He likes your smile, he won’t lie. But you’re annoying as hell. One week goes by as a back and forth of you constantly making efforts to get on Jungwon’s nerves but he returns the favor while teasing you back. With the two of you as partners, he starts to notice some things about you. Things like how you play with your thumb before raising your hand to answer the question. He sees that your notes are full of rushed scribbles and you dot your i’s close to the center but not just there. Your binder is covered with artwork of things you like and photos of you and your friends. Amidst your chattiness and tardiness, he finds himself looking forwards to certain things. He looks forward to your messy hair as you rush in 15 minutes late and start scribbling your notes in an effort to catch up. He looks forwards to how your conversations become a distraction from lectures. And he wonders to himself, what it’d be like if he were a photo in your binder.
As the second week continues, you start to see things differently with Jungwon. His reminders become less annoying and more useful as you take it in mind. When you’re late, he already has a second copy of the notes waiting for you on your desk. He buys you stickers for your binder using the excuse of “I stole it from my sister.” Before either of you realize it, it’s time for a new seating chart.
“Guess you’re happy to get rid of me, Wonie,” you joke as the two of you stood up to head to your new seats.
“I want you to sit across from me,” you hear him say.
“At the Eggy Cafe on our first date,” he says before heading to his new seat.
Dance class, it’s exhausting. Countless hours spent practicing a choreography that only lasts for a few minutes. Constantly getting yelled at by your teacher when you take a wrong step. Continuously in an unspoken competition with the best dancer of the school, Nishimura Riki. Ni-ki fools around during practices, usually to get on your nerves. Whenever you buy bungeoppang at the stall in front of the school, half of it instantly belongs to Ni-ki as he takes a bite when you’re not looking. Whenever the two of you are the only ones who’ve got the choreography down, sometimes you’ll slow things down to piss him off. There’s a flow to Ni-kis dances that no one else can replicate, a flow he was born with and can never be taught. Everyone, including him, is aware of this. But you’ve always been different from everyone else. All his life, he’s been told how good at dancing he is but you criticize him. While the others applaud his performance, your eyes are watching his every move. He almost hates how well you can spot the mistakes he can’t even see on himself. But as time goes on, these little competitions start to develop between you two, even outside of dance. When dance class ends, the two of you race to see who’ll get to the bungeoppang stall first. Last one there pays for bungeoppang. This is the competition you let Ni-ki win, using “I’m already tired from dancing” as an excuse. In the mornings, you compete to get to first period. Loser pays for lunch. This is the competition where there’s a middle ground between you two. Sometimes you win, sometimes he wins, other times you enter class together. When walking home, you compete to get to the bottom of the stairs at the subway station first. Whoever loses has to carry the other’s bag until you get home. Ni-ki lets you win this one, using “If I ran any faster I’d trip,” as an excuse. These small competitions become the things you look forward to throughout the week, enjoying the thrill of small moments with Ni-ki. At one point, the two of you (on separate occasions) talked to Jungwon about the competitions, telling your side. To the both of you, he says the same thing. “Why don’t you see who asks the other out first and plans the better date?”
❦ written by riri (@enhykkul)  | blog masterlist
requests are currently open! rules can be found here | anon emojis
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moonflms · 3 years
➷。˚wishes —nct/superm mark lee
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requested by anon! note, use of media (twice only dw)
next request: jaehyun
PROLOGUE ༄ — mark takes you out on a friendly date to watch the total lunar eclipse by the park! but oh how we wished the date was real.
PAIRING ༄ - non-idol! mark x fem! reader
GENREs ༄ - fluff, semi-onesided love, stars, eclipse, moongazing, under the night sky, semi-socmed, ed sheeran
W. COUNT ༄ - around 1.5k+
NETWORKS༄ - @multifandomnet
TAGS ༄ - @cupfullofjeno (maddie imy :( ) @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3 (if you wanna be tagged in my stories then feel free to reach out to me ! <3)
➷。min's letter ༄ - i honestly feel like this one sucked bc i honestly didn't know how to write a cute prompt anon sent kdfhjkdf
do not repost. copyright belongs to @moonflms 2021. reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated! originally posted on my wattpad (@johnsparrot) . enjoy reading!
"i get it that you're into astronomy and the likes but mark, it's past six." you reasoned out from the front seat as you talk to your best friend who was by the trunk arranging whatever he packed. "first, i'm not that deep into the study unlike professionals and astrophiles but you already agreed so shut up!" mark looks at you from the back as he smiles at you who was slightly annoyed.
"a pillow or moomin?" mark walked to your side, barricading you to your seat as he slightly leans towards you, a hand on the door keeping the car wide open as the other rested near the headrest. "moomin please" you pushed mark slightly away as you watched him dash into the house for the soft plushie. you chuckled at how he treats you like a kid— what he always does when you're having those rough weeks. you watched him lock the house and come back with the white plush in hand.
he gets settled in the driver's seat as he starts buckles up, royally handing the toy over to you "one moomin m'lady" he slightly bows down while handing it over, another episode of him being goofy. you played along and smiled before mark fully started the drive towards the park.
the drive was not silent as mark kept the atmosphere busy with a few of ed sheeran's songs playing through his stereo. with the songs playing mark felt vague; he felt butterflies yet he felt his chest gradually getting heavier. photograph, thinking out loud and eventually to happier. playing those songs he realized, no, he knew very well that they had something in common.
that they all reminded him of you.
his gallery and even actual photographs always had you beside him, complete attendance from his adorable childhood to his questionable high school era. thinking out loud because he sees you much more as his confidant, his best friend. all the 'i love you's he showered you with from time to time meant much more than how you saught it as. he feels at peace by seeing you smile and his heart never fails to flutter when he feels your head cozied up by his chest.
and to happier as he knows that you were least likely to become his. he hesitated to confess despite all his others friends convinced you felt the same way. he wouldn't want to go through the pain of rejection and turn the years of friendship all awkward of a sudden.
it has been going on for a great while and the only thing mark could do was to show signs without making it obvious, like how he queued the songs in that order.
you had a rough week and it only seems to get rougher. what hurt you hurt mark as well, so he always goes berserk just to make you lighten up from your burdening feelings.
you and mark always had a bucket list of stuff you both wanted to do. and mark felt it was a perfect time to cross one out; a date under the night sky.
a friendly date despite how mark wanted it to be an actual one.
mark felt lucky knowing that same night had a lunar eclipse (and surprisingly a super moon) was supposed to show and he just had to seize the opportunity. he made sure to bring binoculars, comfy blankets to rest on and of course, the requested moomin plush renjun gifted him for christmas.
the park was nearby and mark felt giddy. focused on humming and driving mark overheard a few shutters and felt the gut feeling of a camera pointing at him. "i better look hot in those" he joked as he glanced at you through the mirror. "i was taking pictures of the cherry blossom, dumbass" you chuckled as you proceeded to snap a few pictures of mark. you then moved over to your instagram to spam about the sudden trip. "one last, look" you scooted closer to mark's side to take a pic with him, just before the traffic light switched to green. both of you looking sweet, you smiled to yourself.
you were finally settling down on the blanket sprawled over the grass, the view of the waters from the distance and the moon above continuing its eclipse. mark who was sitting up, set aside the binoculars, and laid beside you. he turned to his side as he watched you. "so, a check on the bucket list?" mark smiled hoping you'd say yes.
"well, my best friend is much better than other than an invisible boyfriend." mark smiled through the stinging pain. 'yeah, best friend'  he thought to himself.
"don't you get tired of being by my side?" you looked up to the sky, feeling a bit doubtful.
"and why would you think so?"
"it's more or less two decades of us constantly by each other's side. and the things you'd do just to get me out of my—"
"y/n, if you're hurt, i get hurt too. i'm always here for you, no matter how stupid and annoying you could be at times. if i went through my whole life with you by my side, why would i suddenly stray away?" mark softly patted your cheek, drying off the few tears that rolled down. you came closer to mark and hugged him, nuzzling by his chest and scent. "and you know how much i love you right?" you nodded as you continued to nest under him.
mark would've been jumping in joy. but tracing back a few words, there he reminded himself of the word 'best friend'.
mark hugged you back as he secretly logged into his instagram as well, he distracted himself by viewing a few of the stories. your story came in after a few taps and there showed a picture of him driving, captioned with a black heart. "sure, keep on hoping minhyung."  he thought to himself once again.
he finally decided to create his own with the picture he secretly took of you earlier. he thought of the caption for a while until he ended up with "wished you we're mine." he posts storied like these on the daily, he just made sure to set it into the close friends setting to avoid you from seeing it. he quickly tapped the post option as he felt you move and sat up.
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"look! it's red!" you pointed at the moon, smiling as you were amazed by the phenomenon. you pulled mark up from his position and continued to look at the dark sky. it indeed was beautiful. mark inserted his phone back into his pocket as he cupped your shoulder, watching you admire the heavenly bodies above.
feeling done, you glanced at mark who was still looking up. you watched your best friend enjoy his own time as you felt a small vibrate off your phone. you quickly checked the notification as it came from... mark?
" [y/nmais_vu] : @onyourm__mark posted a new story ! "
checking it, you wondered when mark was able to snap a quick photo of you, but you wondered more about the caption. you felt your heartbeats go rapid and your stomach starts to churn. "y/n?" mark called as you quickly locked your phone. "you alright?"
"yeah... nothing much, just story notifs." you smiled and sat closer to mark. he hums as he proceeds to wrap his free arm around your shoulders, continuing to watch over the distance. "did you make a wish?" you asked mark who was finally looking back at you with an unsure expression. "we're supposed to wish! go on, "  you nudged mark as he spaced out for a moment, staring at a star. "starlight, star bright, the first star i see tonight!" you both burst into laughs "what are we? pre-school?" mark smiled as he continued to stay silent.
"you made me wish on a star now tell me what you asked for," mark turns facing you. you stayed silent for a while as you looked up to the ending eclipse above. "i actually had two wishes" you pulled out a few blades of grass, avoiding his eyes. "first, was for your wish to come true," you fully faced mark as you took the plush into your hands, fiddling with it.
"second, ... i also wished for you to be mine" you smiled at mark whose face was indecipherable. "wait, what?" you noticed how his cheeks were lightly brushed with blush. "it was your notif, mark."
right there, mark realized that he failed to upload the story to the selected option. "i... well, you did suddenly moved and made me panic." mark chuckled as he continues to study your eyes that were glistening under the soft lights of the surroundings. "your turn. what did you wish for?"
mark came closer to you as he tucks some hair behind your ear, "it just came true." he whispered as he quickly diverted his vision towards the tree nearby. you softly held mark's chin as you got him to face you, your body suddenly heating up inside the white crewneck sweatshirt you were wearing. you both felt euphoric as the sudden confession still felt unreal. you both felt rewarded after keeping in the hopes and feelings for one another.
unconsciously, you both started to close in while the background started to seem blurry, and the only things that were clear to your visions were each other. "can i?" granting him permission mark closed the gap in between both of you, feeling his own soft set above yours. you returned the favor as you cautiously mimicked what mark did, creating a slow rhythm for the both of you.
lasting a good few seconds, you both broke away with heated cheeks and pleased hearts. mark pulled you closer as he now has you in between in him, hugging you from behind. he laid you back into his chest and placed one more kiss, smiling afterward. you locked your phone once again after posting another story. (check below) you both were glad that the wishes of becoming each other's pair were finally granted. mark continued to sway you in his arm, looking up at the succeeding eclipse. "hey y/n,"
"the moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
(for those who doesn't know it actually means 'i love you' !)
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wndrcarol · 3 years
daddy’s favorite | ceo!c.d. | part 3
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part one | part two
summary: working for your fathers company has its perks. But one of those perks is being able to gain connections.
a/n: okay this time I made sure to put the ‘keep reading’ tab bc it completely flew over my head adding it to pt.2 whoopsie. Alrighty, so this chapter we really start uh ,, getting into it 👀 some teasing bc why tf not
also! again, if you’d like to be added to the taglist for ‘daddy’s favorite’ then just let me know and I’ll be more than glad to add you!
au: CEO
pairings: Carol Danvers x F!Reader
other characters in chap.: Tony Stark (father)
warnings: nothing serious but some closeness ahem lmaO
Carol kept trying. Almost everyday it felt like. She would call your office, asking for info on the company to add to her records for the new deal and then would proceed to ask you out. Everytime you declined, even though you wanted to accept badly.
You thought if you kept her on edge about her asking you out, it would be a bit fun to just keep the confident blonde on her toes for a while. But, each time you fought with yourself to keep cool and not accept. But today was different.
Once again, Carol called asking for a certain file information to which you complied in giving to her. Then came her daily question.
“Still deciding on that date?” She asked through the phone as you smiled lightly, closing the paper folder infront of you. You could here her pen tapping on the table over the phone, anxiously waiting for your response, hoping today would be the day you’d say yes.
“I’ll go” you said, making Carol freeze. She didn’t know what to say next. She thought you’d give your answer of “I don’t know yet” or “things are so busy, I need more time” but she was stunned at your two words.
“You-“ she started, clearing her throat and composing herself before continuing, “you will?” She asked, feeling a bit giddy knowing you said yes.
“Yes, unless you don’t want me to anymore then-“ you said, smirking into the phone, playing along a bit more.
“No, no! Of course I do” she said, cutting you off as she felt a smile grow on her face. “Only took you a bit of time to say yes” she chuckled, smiling into the phone and playing with the phone cord. There she was, the smug Carol you partially began to adore.
“Doesn’t hurt to keep you on your toes” you smiled into your phone, unknowing to what Carol looked like.
“Well then, how about tomorrow night? I’ll pick you up from work” she said as you nodded your head before realizing she couldn’t see you.
“Sounds like a date” you chuckled, feeling the sensation of butterflies in your stomach slightly which caught you a bit off guard but enjoying the feeling at the same time.
“Alright, I’ll see you then” Carol said, smiling before placing the phone down and letting out a sigh of relief. Who knew a phone call could make a girl so happy?
The next day, Carol had called saying she’d be picking you up right from work which you didn’t mind but would have liked time to change into something better to go out in instead of your work clothes.
You decided against telling your father that you were going on a date with Carol. You knew what his reaction would be to hearing his daughter go out with his new business partner and it wouldn’t be pretty. Plus, he didn’t need to know everything that happened in your private life so there was no harm in keeping it under wraps.
Packing up your things and placing them into your bag, you began to put on your jacket when you heard a knock at your door.
Looking up, you saw your dad as he smiled at you before leaning against the doorway. He gave you an apologetic look and you groaned, stopping your actions, knowing what that look meant.
“I really hate to do this to you” he said, pulling out a stack of paper from behind his back and stretching it out towards you.
“Can’t I do it tomorrow?” You asked, walking slowly towards him, hesitant to take the pile of papers.
“These have to be finalized and in the system by tonight. I’m sorry, I should’ve told you earlier” he said as you sighed, grabbing the stack and turning around, placing them onto your desk.
“That would’ve been nice” you groaned out, beginning to take your jacket off.
“Did you have plans tonight?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you as you walked around your desk, shaking your head and looking up at him.
“No, just was going to go home and watch movies” you said, lying through your teeth, praying he’d buy it. You were a pretty bad liar at times so this was one time you hoped you seemed convincing at least.
Your father looked you up and down before shrugging and giving you an apologetic look. “Well, this would be more eventful then binging a show in one night, right?” He said before getting interrupted by his phone ringing.
Picking it up and stepping out the room quickly, you sat down with a sigh. Now you had to call Carol and change the plans which you really didn’t want to do. You were excited for tonight, hopefully to get to know her better but the universe had other plans in store.
Your father stepped back in, putting his phone away and buttoning his jacket up. “I have to go. I’m meeting with someone over dinner for another deal” he said, looking at you apologetically once more. He walked over to you and pressed a small kiss on your head before walking back over to the door.
“I’m sorry again. Call me if you need anything, okay?” He said as you nodded, waving at him to leave. Letting out a sigh once you were alone, you picked up your phone and dialed Carol’s number, feeling bad to even tell her the change of plans.
“A little eager aren’t we” Carol picked up, a small smirk on her face as you chuckled lightly into the phone and she immediately knew your tone was off.
“Um, I don’t think I can make it. I have to finish up these reports by tonight and I know it’s going to take forever. I’m sorry” you said quickly, wanting to get over with telling her when you were met with silence through the phone.
“Hello?” You asked after a couple seconds, checking to see if you had been disconnected before you heard Carol speak.
“I’ll just come to you” she said, managing a small smile while feeling a bit sad that she couldn’t take you out.
“Are you sure?” You asked, feeling a bit hopeful knowing she suggested coming to your work but not fully feeling excited as you don’t want to jinx it.
“Of course! I’m going to let you reschedule when you just said yes to me” she chuckled which made you let out a small giggle over the phone as you began playing with the phone cord.
“Alright, sounds good then” you said as she nodded, smiling into the phone, feeling that giddy feeling again.
“Is pizza okay? I’ll pick some up on the way there” she asked, beginning to put things away on her desk with her free hand.
“Pizza is perfect” you said as she nodded, closing her drawer before standing up and grabbing her bag, holding the phone with the support of her shoulder.
“Alright, I’ll see you soon” she continued to smile before grabbing the phone with her hand and placing it down onto the receiver.
Placing your phone down, your smile still was on your face and you knew it wouldn’t be wiped off. Getting right into work, you made it your goal to get as much done as you could before Carol came.
Rubbing your hands over your face, you let out a sigh as you finally were able to relax a bit after inputting each page into the system online. Moving your hands away, you looked at your watch which read 5:45p. You had been at this for at least two hours and it also meant it’s been two hours since you had called Carol.
Hearing a knock at your door startled you as you turned to see Carol there with a small take out pizza box and a small smile on her face. “Sorry for the wait, the line at the place was long” she said, coming close and placing the box on the desk before standing up and shaking your head at her lightly. 
“Plus, I wanted to give you some time to work since it sounded it was going to be stressful” she said, looking around your desk and seeing all these pages around your desk. “Which I guessed right” she chuckled as you laughed along, gathering the papers and stacking them up nicely.
“Don’t worry about it. I got a pretty good dent in” you smiled at her before looking down, realizing you both needed plates. Excusing yourself, you made your way to the break room, looking in the cabinets for plates and two water bottles for you both before taking them back to your office. 
“Here you go” you said, handing Carol a plate and water bottle to which she said a small “thank you” as you sat down, taking a piece of pizza.
Taking a bite, you looked up at Carol who already had her eyes on you. Raising an eyebrow at her, you swallowed your food before shrugging at her.
“What?” you asked as she chuckled, picking up her napkin and wiping a bit of grease that had dripped onto your chin. 
Her movements were soft on your face and it made your heart feel as though it fluttered in your chest as you watched her hand. Pulling her hand back she smiled at you.
“Just had something on your face” she said before taking a bite of her slice. You sat there a bit dumbfounded before composing yourself and taking a drink from your water bottle as she began to look around your office a bit, getting a sense as to who you were before looking back at you.
“Thanks” you said, as she nodded, taking another bite of her pizza while continuing to look a you. You both sat in silence but it was nice. You’d say a couple words here and there, mainly about your day but it was comforting to have her there with you.
While finishing up her slice, she continued to look around your room, studying it. Studying and looking at every photo on the wall, things on shelves. Carol couldn’t help but smile when she saw photos of you being silly or smiling wide in some. She couldn’t help but think of how cute you looked in them.
Her eyes landed on one of your shelves and she couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. Placing her plate down, she got up and picked up the Magic 8 Ball that sat on your shelf before turning to you, holding it in her hands. She raised an eyebrow at you as you chuckled. Carol used to have one and would always use it so seeing it in your office just brought back memories.
“That’s my luck charm, I’ve had it since...forever” you said, watching her as she shook it, turning it over to read the answer before frowning. Wonder what she asked it.
“Helps me make big decisions. You should invest in one” you joked, smiling at her before getting up and walking over to her.
“Did you ask it about this date?” she quirked, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You chuckled, taking the ball from her and shaking it, turning it over to see the triangle showing ‘yes’. 
Turning it to Carol, you smiled at her and nodded your head. “But of course, doesn’t hurt to go against the oracle at times” you said, placing it back into her hand. Your fingers brushed hers lightly which made Carol shiver lightly as she looked up at you.
“Is that so?” she looked up at you before turning to place it back on the shelf in its rightful place.
“Didn’t hurt to keep you on your toes for while. I think you’d understand that” you said as she turned back to look at you, a small smirk evident on both your faces but hers read out a different meaning making yours to wipe off your face quickly.
Your confidence quickly went away as you watched her movements. She moved her hand from the magic 8 ball on your shelf before walking over close to you. You moved back until you felt the desk behind you, making you stop.
“You know it’s not nice to lead people on” she said, leaning you against your desk as her body moved closer to yours. You felt your breath hitch in your throat as you looked at her. All of a sudden, you felt hot. Like you were burning up from the inside. 
Her hand made its way to your lower back, supporting you while her other hand moved up to push away a piece of stray hair. Your mind was trying to register all the different sensations you were feeling. From her soft touch on your face to the hand on your back, your head felt fuzzy from it running a mile a minute
Leaning close to your ear, you could feel her breath against your skin and you closed your eyes, feeling soothed and aroused at the same time by the sensation.
“Especially people who really want a chance” she said, placing a small kiss below your ear lobe, making you sigh lightly as she pulled back, looking at you and smirking.
“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” She said, moving her hand to caress your cheek before completely pulling away from you and began getting ready to leave like nothing happened.
You stayed in the same position, stunned as she put her jacket on and grabbed her bag before turning to you, her smirk still on her face.
“I’ll call you tomorrow” she winked before walking out your office and down the hall. You looked around, still stunned as you sat down on your desk. What the fuck just happened?
taglist: @marvelbbyx @mynameispurple @sat-yrr
feedback is appreciated!
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Thanks, Brucie-Bruce Wayne x Reader
Word Count: 1840
Summary: You reminisce on your childhood with your best friend
Warnings: some violence, none really described in detail except reader getting punched in the face (as an alternative to getting teeth pulled), do teeth need their own warning bc they might, probably swearing but idk, kinda sad but don’t worry it’s fluffy, Bruce is a lil bitch but isn’t that kinda par for the course?
A/N: Once again this is just an old oneshot I have that I like a weird amount for no reason. You can read it as platonic or romantic it’s up to you idk but I’m lowkey thinking of making it into a series as platonic best friends so idk. I mean you’re reading it if you want it to be romantic that’s fine lmao I don’t care
Growing up one of Gotham’s elite may be a charmed life, but that didn’t mean that it was without its faults. You had spent your time being ignored by your parents, and your best friend, Bruce Wayne, became an orphan during a back alley robbery when the two of you were kids.
Or at least, former best friend.
In truth, you hadn’t seen Bruce in a while.
Well, you saw him constantly on the news and in the papers and just existing in Gotham in general, but you never got to see him face to face anymore.
Not for lack of trying, either. You sat down one night, the fifth time that Bruce had blown you off to meet for dinner in the past month, and pulled out your old photo album.
There was your fifth birthday party, a year or two after you had met Bruce in mega rich kid preschool, and there the two of you were, sharing a chair and staring at your huge birthday cake.
And the next picture, your favorite, the two of you covered in said birthday cake.
“Brucie,” You had cried,  whispering to him frantically, “Brucie, I got frosting on my dress!”
You were wearing a frilly pink dress that your mother had forced upon you, and in a moment of excitement you had leaned forward a little too far, and now the pale buttercream frosting covered your bodice.
“Uh oh,” Bruce breathed out slowly, adjusting his tie, pink to match your dress, and looking down at his own tiny three piece suit.
You were panicking, breathing heavily, “My mom is gonna be so mad!”
With a quick tug to your pigtails, Bruce shook his head, “I got this, Y/N.”
He reached forward and scooped a large chunk of the cake out, turning to you and smashing it against your chest quickly.
“Ah!” You jumped backwards, “Bruce!”
“Come on, hit me back,” Bruce hissed, grabbing another handful of cake and smushing it into your face.
As his plan dawned on you, you nodded, getting your own chunk of cake and throwing it at him, laughing delightedly as it landed in his hair.
“Bruce!” Mrs. Wayne scolded, running forward and crouching next to her son, who was currently trying to wrestle you, “You’re such a mess. Ms. Y/L/N, I’m so sorry for my son’s behavior!”
Your mother merely shook her head, smiling pleasantly, “Oh please, don’t worry about it, Martha. Those two are always getting into trouble.”
You leaned over to your best friend with a wide grin, wrapping him in a tight hug, “Thanks, Brucie!”
Flipping a few pages, you chuckled at what you saw.
Your face and Bruce’s fist matching in bloodiness, and a huge gap where your teeth were missing.
You were twelve years old, and you had five loose teeth. Your last five baby teeth. All in a row next to each other.
And, like most twelve year olds, you had a healthy fear of the dentist.
“They want me to go to the dentist tomorrow to get the teeth pulled!” You complained to Bruce, the two of you laying in his living room under the guise of studying.
He shrugged, “You just have to get them out before the dentist, right? Just keep wiggling.”
“I’ve been wiggling!” You sat up, shaking your head, “It’s not working. I need a new approach.  Maybe Alfred can make something sticky for me to eat and the teeth will get stuck in it. Like that toffee your-”
You froze, not looking at Bruce anymore.
His hand touched yours gently, and you turned to see a small, sad smile on his face, “Like the toffee my father used to make at Christmas? That would be good. But Alfred’s working on something, I think.”
Nodding, you hmm’d quietly to yourself for a moment, “I just don’t know what to do. I can’t let the dentist pull my teeth. I just can’t do it, Brucie.”
“Don’t call me Brucie,” He scowled, but you knew he didn’t really care.
You sat in comfortable silence for a while, pushing your teeth back and forth with your tongue as the two of you thought.
“I have an idea,” Bruce stood, extending his hand out to you, “But it’s a little unorthodox.”
If he hadn’t been offering to help you, you would’ve rolled your eyes at the way he spoke.
You rose next to him, nodding, “Anything! Anything that keeps me out of the dentist’s chair.”
He took a breath, deep, slow, thoughtful. His hand reached out towards your face, thumb stroking your lips, palm cupping your jaw and cheek.
What was he doing?
And then he reared his fist back, and punched you in the face.
It hurt, that was for certain, but it was well concentrated in one place, and you coughed as you choked on the teeth, spitting them into your hand.
“There’s only four,” You frowned, counting them quickly.
“Sorry about that, Y/N,” He held his fist back out, and you saw the fifth tooth embedded in his knuckle, “You can have it back.”
With a chuckle you plucked the tooth out and pulled him into a hug, “Thanks, Brucie!”
Alfred had a field day with that one, you remembered, but it was still better than going to the dentist.
With a few more flicks of pages, you felt your heart catch in your throat.
Prom night.
Your date was supposed to come meet you at Wayne Manor at 5:30 so that you could go out with Bruce and his pretty blonde arm candy.
And now it was 6:45, and he still wasn’t there.
You’d been pacing the parlor of the Manor for two hours. Bruce and his date kept disappearing to make out in various rooms, and Alfred had stopped standing at the front door and had instead begun to busy himself in the kitchen.
And you were crying.
“Shit,” You hissed, wiping a tiny smear of eyeliner out from under your eye.
You weren’t going to cry over him. Especially not after you’d spent three hours on your makeup. You couldn’t do it.
“I don’t understand why we can’t just leave her,” You heard The Blonde complain to Bruce in the next room over, “She’s totally bringing down the mood.”
“Hey, back off,” Bruce sighed, “She’s my best friend. I’m not leaving her all alone on prom night. Maybe she can just come out with us.“
“I’m not spending my prom night with some loser who got stood up by her own date.”
You bit your lip, swallowing back a sob and then speaking loudly enough for them to know they were meant to hear you, “Hey, Bruce? I think I’m just gonna go, okay? Sorry for holding you guys up.”
“Wait,” Bruce opened the door to the closet he and his date were in, running a hand through his hair, “Y/N, don’t go.”
The Blonde gasped indignantly, and you shook your head, “No, seriously Bruce, don’t worry about it. I’m just-”
“Don’t leave, Y/N,” He said again, and the solidness of his words, the complete authority in how he said it, was enough to freeze you, “I’m taking you to prom. You can’t leave me.”
“What?” The Blonde shrieked, stomping her heel on the ground, “You’re not taking her, you’re taking me!”
Bruce gave her a rather pleasant smile, “Actually, I’m not. I think you’re a stone cold bitch and if I look at you for any longer than fifteen more seconds, I think I’ll vomit. Now get out of my house,” And with that, waving a dismissive hand at her, he turned to you and grinned, “Now, Miss Y/N Y/L/N, would you do me the honor of being my date to prom?”
A burst of energy running through you, you sprang forward and wrapped him up in a hug, “Absolutely. Thanks, Brucie.”
Closing your photo album, you sighed.
It felt like just yesterday in so many ways, and yet a million years ago.
What had happened between you two? What had you done to drive him away? Maybe a walk would clear your head.
You grabbed your keys and left, walking the streets of Gotham and thinking of your younger days.
There was a playground where you and Bruce would sometimes sneak off to play, halfway between both of your houses. It was where you had taught him how to throw a punch when you were six, where he had taught you how to cartwheel when you were eight, and where you two had shared your first kiss when you were ten.
You laughed at that memory too, wishing you had a picture in your album of that day, when the two of you had decided to be each other’s first kiss just so you’d know what you were getting yourselves into.
You’d sat on top of the monkey bars, staring into each other’s eyes as you came to your solemn decision, and leaned forward to give each other the briefest of pecks on the lips. And then you’d both fallen off the monkey bars, wiping your mouths and gagging dramatically.
Standing by those monkey bars, you ran your hands down the side with a smile.
And then you felt the cold barrel of a gun press into the back of your neck.
“Give me all your money, and get on your knees,” A dark voice growled.
How could you let yourself be taken completely by surprise, in Gotham of all places?
Shaking, you tried to speak, your voice catching in your throat, “I… I don’t…”
“Hey!” A familiar voice sounded through the air, cutting you off, “Back off!”
You felt the  rounded metal leave your skin and let out a sigh of relief.
Spinning on your heel, you watched as your attacker, a large man with a ski mask pulled over his face, so cliche, got the crap beaten out of him by…
“Batman?” You gasped.
Of course!
Batman wrapped an arm around you, scoffing at the thug on the ground, and shot a grappling hook into the air.
As you felt yourself fly your head spun, trying to wrap your mind around everything.
So this was why he kept standing you up. Why he always came up with some flimsy excuse. He couldn’t just tell you he was the Batman, and besides, the mystery of it all was surely an ego thing for him.
You landed outside your house a moment later, the dark suit encompassing Batman just intimidating enough for you to almost take a step back as he rumbled, “You should be more careful. Especially at night.”
But you couldn’t take his warning seriously.
Your best friend wasn’t avoiding you, he didn’t hate you, he just had a secret!
You were too ecstatic to pay his advice any mind.
And so you simply wrapped him in a hug, your arms erupting into goosebumps against the cold armor that he wore, “Thanks, Brucie.”
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bookishofalder · 3 years
hi! i just recently found ur account and love it💞💞 can i request adam driver x reader and they are dating. reader is a bit younger and he gets jealous over one of her guy friends bc he thinks she deserves someone younger than him. & it ends super fluffy :)
Yay, my first request! Thank you so much for the kind words. This was fun to write, I hope you enjoy!
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Pairing- Adam Driver X FemReader
Summary: Adam has always been aware of the age gap he has with his fiance. He tries to move past it, but a chance meeting with your famous old friend brings the worry crashing back.
Warnings: Language, insecurity, mild smut, paparazzi. WC-2,700
“Mr. Driver, over here! Miss (Y/L/N), this way!” Adam followed you out of the car, thanking the driver, his eyes on you as the crowd of reporters and paparazzi lined either side of the walkway into the restaurant. It was always these sorts of outings, where the press knew he’d be in attendance to a new hot spot, that made him nervous. Wary of how easily you could be accosted, even injured. He was nothing if not protective of you.
Standing closely next to you, Adam places his hand on your lower back, joining you in smiling around for the cameras as you slowly moved forward. His security team had the doors open ahead of you, mere steps away.
“Have you set a date for the wedding yet?”
“Let’s see the ring again, Miss. (Y/L/N)!”
“Mr. Driver, what do you have to say to fans who find the age gap between you to be too much?”
Adam worked actively not to react to the last question, his body tensing. When he looked down at you, he found you were already watching him, the glamorous smile still dazzling everyone, but he read the caution in your eyes. When you were both through the doors and they shut behind you, he began to breathe a little more freely, casting the reporter's rude question out of his mind.
He was taking you on a date and wanted to make sure the evening was special. His publicist had set it up, as this new restaurant was the current ‘place to be and be seen’ in New York City. While Adam could care less, he knew fans everywhere were chomping at the bit to see more of him and you together, in New York especially.
The makeup artist who won the movie star’s heart. It was a major headline when you first started dating publicly, which made you both laugh as Adam had to work to convince you he was interested, in the beginning. Newly engaged now, Adam could see the romance of it, could understand why fans enjoyed the story. But he hated, absolutely despised, how every damn article made sure to mention, directly or not, the age gap between the two of you.
He had had no intention of falling in love with anyone he worked with, he hadn’t been actively seeking-but you had shown up one day one and after one brief conversation, he was smitten. His feelings only grew over the two years you worked together, but he had hesitated greatly in acting on them, solely because you were 10 years younger than him.
When you finally got together, he felt like the luckiest man, that you would love him back, age be damned. You were cautious at first, eventually believing he genuinely wanted to be with you, not just have a fling. He had waited four months into the relationship to make it public (which was no easy feat, but you were supportive through all of it), and of course, the articles started on pointing it out straight away, some going as far as to point out where you were when he was enlisted in the Marines, or graduating Juilliard.
You told him it didn’t matter, repeatedly. And never got mad at him for fixating when a particularly brutal article was released. He had felt guilty many times that you had to comfort and reassure him so consistently, yet it made him love you even harder. And life went on, happily, your relationship solid.
When news broke that he had proposed, the articles started up with renewed fervour. He had been trying to hide from you just how much this upset him, how the doubt was creeping back into his mind...
Tonight was meant to be a sophisticated, romantic evening that served the double purpose of getting Adam press coverage before heading back to L.A. As you were shown to your table by the excited owner, Adam watched you chatting away with her, complimenting their design and success. You wore a beautiful hunter green dress made of satin, it fell to just above your knees and complimented your glowing skin perfectly. He was enraptured by you, whether your wore sweatpants, a dress-and especially when you wore nothing. Green was his favourite colour on you.
At the table reserved for the two of you, Adam helped you take your seat, his hand brushing gently against your hair, before taking his own. Annie and the waiter who had appeared handed you the course descriptions, before asking if you had any dietary needs. “Thank you so much, Annie-honestly just tell the chef we’re game for anything!” You said, grinning. Annie winked before setting off to the kitchen.
Adam nodded politely at the waiter, who took their drink orders, before sweeping away, finally giving him time to study you. “How do you like it?” He gestured around them, at the dark lit, moody and stylish venue. It was busy, filled mainly with notable celebrities, though he hadn’t seen anyone he’d met before. He hoped you liked it, not being one for going out to fancy dinners-you were a homebody, preferring to curl up with a good book.
“Adam, this is great! We haven’t been to a dinner like this in forever, and did you hear what Annie said?” You gushed, beaming, and Adam felt his worries washing away, “13 courses! 13! You’re going to have to carry me out of here, babe.”
“I’m fine with that,” He replied, enjoying the flush that spread across your cheeks. “But let’s be honest, you’re going to end up giving me half your food, pretty girl, you always do.”
You pouted, “I’m making a renewed effort tonight, just wait.”
Adam laughed, and the two of you settled in, the conversation flowing as you discussed the upcoming film Adam was starring in, of which you were working as his artist. The food was, as expected, incredible. Adam loved how you took a photo of each plate, even though neither of you had social media accounts. You still took photos of all the food you ate, just for the fun of it, or as you told him ‘simply to document our adventures!’.
It was around the ninth course that the evening took a turn.
A commotion at the doors captured the attention of some of the patrons. Adam glanced up, but from where your table was, he couldn’t see much. The paparazzi outside were shouting too loudly to decipher what they were saying, so it wasn’t until Adam saw your friend walk in, his brother and friend in tow, that he knew his mood was about to shift.
Tom Holland was one of the first celebrities you had worked with when you started working in L.A. And he’d always kept in touch, even when his own fame skyrocketed and before you were public with Adam. And actually, Adam did like the kid-he was beyond well mannered and genuine, and from the stories you had told, a very considerate friend. Tom’s glowing recommendation of your work was part of the reason Disney had hired you on for the Star Wars films, which was how Adam had met you.
Really, Adam had no reason not to love Tom Holland and be happy to see him arrive with his brother Harry and friend Harrison. It was just the minor, ridiculous concern Adam had that, being close in age, you and Tom were more much suited for one another. A concern that had poisoned his mind for your entire relationship.
Seeing his eyes over your shoulder, you turned to look where Adam had been and exclaimed in delight when you saw your friend. Adam quickly arranged his features to match yours, nerves shooting through him. Tom spotted you when you stood, in all your dazzling beauty, and grinned before making a beeline towards your table. The owner, Annie, had been leading the men to a nearby table and stood back politely while you all greeted one another.
“(Y/N), love! How are you?” Tom gave you a hug, “And Adam, good to see you mate!” Adam took his offered hand, giving a quick handshake. (Y/N) hugged the other two, chatting amicably.
“Good to see you, Tom-hi Harry, Harrison,” Adam greeted the other two before placing his hand on your lower back. Inwardly, he felt more stable in doing this, but he worried it would look possessive. If you thought so, you made no objection, stepping a little closer to his side while you beamed at your friends.
“I didn’t realize you’d be in New York this week, Tom!” You said, smacking his arm playfully.
Tom held his hands up as if in surrender, “It was completely last minute, just stopping off for two days before we head to L.A.” He glanced between the two of you, “I nearly forgot-congratulations again on the engagement! This is the first time I’ve seen you both in person since!”
Adam smiled, “We really appreciated the gift you sent, Tom-that was too kind.” And it had been quite the gift, in addition to a beautiful and extravagant flower arrangement, Tom had made a personal donation to Adam’s charity, Arts in the Armed Forces, and shared the charity on his social media. They’d had an influx of new donations from his fans and followers.
“Arts in the Armed Forces is incredibly important to Adam and me, Tom-you really knocked that gift out of the park.” (Y/N) agreed, her arm snaking around Adam’s waist with affection.
Tom waved off their thanks good-naturedly, “Well, we’re going to leave you to what looks very delicious-Annie, I’ll have what Adam and (Y/N) are having!” Tom grinned briefly at the owner, “And we’re still on for lunch when you both come to L.A. Next week, yeah?”
After assuring Tom they’d see him soon and bidding their farewells, Adam and you sat back down, diving back into your food. You chatted happily about bumping into Tom, which quickly transitioned into excitement for returning to L.A., as the cold of January in New York City was getting a little old for you both. You loved it here, were all too happy to call it home when your relationship escalated and Adam asked you to live with him. And though you both spent a lot of time away from your New York brownstone, it was always going to be home.
Adam worked to enjoy the rest of the evening, but he’d rather lost his appetite, the food tasteless on his tongue. Because seeing Tom had brought the wave of insecurity crashing back down on Adam, that you were too good for him, too young, that you deserved someone better, to be with someone who smiled more easily and with whom you shared more in common with. He knew you loved him, but his brain kept asking-did you realize what you could have if you broke up?
When you climbed into the car after dinner, having said warm goodbyes to Tom and his party and touring the kitchen with Annie to thank the chef and his team, Adam’s smile dropped. He sat back in his seat, confirming with the driver that he could take them home, before dropping his head against the headrest and closing the divider between the front and back seats.
“Adam?” Your voice cut through the silence after only a few moments, concern evident in your tone.
Adam glanced down at you next to him, softening when he looked into your wide eyes, “Sorry, sweetheart, what’s up?”
You frowned, turning in your seat to face him more directly, “I want you to tell me what’s up, you’ve been in a funny mood half the night-you okay?”
“I’m alright, just tired-that was a lot of food over a long time.” He shrugged, looking away. For a moment, he thought you were going to leave it at that, but he should have known better; one of the reasons he adored you was your commitment to being the most stubborn person in the room. In an instant, you undid your seatbelt and slid from your seat, carefully climbing over him so that you could straddle his lap, all of his attention now on you.
Adam’s hands went to your hips instinctively to hold you steady, as you glared at him, “Babe, I know you’re not saying it, and I don’t want you to feel forced here, but I thought we’d talked about this.” The car hit a minor bump and you sank into his lap, nearly bumping heads, from the force.
He gripped your hips tighter, “We did, I just...I can’t help it, I feel like-like I’m holding you back.” He murmured with his eyes on your stomach, shame flooding through him.
You sighed, not without affection, “Holding me back from what, exactly? You are my everything, Adam, and without you...I can’t even begin to imagine my life without you.”
You slid your hands from his chest to his neck, where they rested gently, thumbs brushing across the lower half of his jaw. Adam closed his eyes briefly, “But if you did imagine it, properly, you might see that someone like Tom-I mean, he’s your age, goes to more parties and events, you’d have more fun-“
Your mouth was on his, cutting off Adam’s words, his mind going blank. The feel of you against him, your lips on his, was more than enough to render him speechless. After a moment, you pulled back, your cheeks flushed and expression serious, “I understand that sometimes, we notice the age gap a little more because the press thinks it’s interesting, but Adam, I need you to understand. I need you to see just how much I do not care about any of that, what they say or think or even about the actual difference in our ages! I never think about it, because it has no effect whatsoever on how fucking madly in love with you I am.” (Y/N) cupped his face in her hands, holding his gaze.
“I-I love you too, so much, pretty girl,” He sighed, his emotions raw, “I just want the best for you, always.”
“You are the best for me, which is why I said yes to marrying you when you got down on one knee, in our apartment, wearing nothing but those ridiculous shorts. It’s why I’d say yes, again and again, Adam. Do you think I like going to parties? That I don’t have fun with you?” Your voice raised slightly in exasperation, while Adam stared at you in wonder; you’d never been so passionate about this before-despite having had the conversation many times, “I have an adventure every single day with you, I love everything about our lives together, and honestly, babe...” Your voice lowered considerably, a soft breathy croon now, “I can’t picture a guy like Tom treating me how you do, knowing exactly what I need from a man, always taking such good care of me.”
She punctuated these words by grinding against him, her eyes darkening in arousal. Adam groaned at the sensation, “Pretty girl, you’re too good for me.”
(Y/N) smiled at Adam, “No, I’m just right for you and you’re just right for me.”
“Damn it, I love you!” He gasped, before sliding one hand from your hip to the back of your neck and pulling you close, his lips on yours before you could reply. You let out a small whimper, melting into him. Your arms circled around his neck, and Adam could feel the intent in your body, the overwhelming need to send him the message that he was yours, and you-you were his.
“I love you, Adam, forever.” You sighed against his lips, deepening the kiss further.
All thoughts that weren’t of (Y/N) kissing him in the back of their town car, soared from Adam’s mind. His new focus on getting you home, so that he could show you just how much he appreciated your patience and understanding. And as you shivered from his touch, his name on your lips, you successfully and unknowingly convinced Adam his doubts were unwarranted, that you loved him endlessly, as he loved you.
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mxvladdy · 4 years
Self Indulgent B-Day HCs
It’s my birthday and Obey Me has watered by crops with 5 UR cards in a row and phone calls so have some fluff with NSFWish stuff at the end 
Presents the boys get you. (NSFWish)
A custom leather tote bag
Made with the softest leather and embroidered with your favorite pattern (And his pact mark on the inside cover so he can keep you safe)
It’s large enough for school and fashionable enough to be used for social outings
A private dinner at a restaurant of your choice
An evening alone at a high-end establishment
You pick a human realm restaurant you’d always dreamed of going to from all those travel shows you watch
He’s never been there either so it's a treat for both of you, sampling the regional and chief’s specialties before being whisked off to wherever else you wanted to go for dessert
Day ends in his bed- If you want it
He’s spent the day pampering you so why not the evening too
For once he lets you take the lead. Whatever you desire you get.
Ultimate service top for this occasion
If you say no that’s fine too. At least let him indulge in your company a bit more with some drinks and conversation. But it’s up to you.
It’s your special day after all
Personalized necklace
Don’t say the Great Mammon never got ya nothin’!
It’s a beautiful and simple piece. A slim gold chain with your birthstone embedded in the beak of a small crow. Gotta remind the other demons who is looking out for ya
What makes it doubly special is that you know he saved up to get you this. No witches, schemes or older brother’s involved in this
Private photoshoot
He’s got some connections and a few favors way past due
Let him treat ya.
You pick the theme, the dress, and the makeup. He’s got his whole crew there to make this perfect.
Has a blast posing next to you knowing that no one else in the realms will get to see these photos.
Just you and him. Like it should be.
Has his favorite framed and tucked away in his room so none of the other brothers can find it
Day ends in his bed- If you want it
A blushing bravado fueled mess when he asks. Palm sweaty in yours.
It’s how he would want his birthday to end so like obviously you’d want the same too, right?
If not, that cool. Can he at least cuddle with ya on his couch with a movie? He doesn’t want this day to end yet.
If you say yes well be ready for a ride! You ain’t lifting a finger. He reads your body like a book and makes sure you're happy and satisfied before turning to his own needs.
A video game
Not just any game of course! What do you take him for some kinda normie?
This game is a two-player with a twist. It’s only made for two players, the first two to ever log in are bound to it.No one else can play this with you but him.
Bonus! You can play it with him even after you have to return to the human realm. It’ll be like you never left.
He’ll spend hours showing you the ropes then another couple just enjoying a game with you and unlocking all the achievements.
Day at the beach
You're lucky he likes you. Leaving his room is an ordeal for him
But you’ve been begging for a while to go swimming with him in his demon form. You had heard he’s a great swimmer.
He can’t really say no to that now can he?
Takes you to collect seashells and deep diving for treasure (he knows a few spells so you could breathe underwater like him)
Day ends in his tub bed- If you want to
Like Mammon is an absolute mess at the idea
But is sweet about it if you say no. Well instead ask to just chill and cuddle. Probably drift off watching the sea creatures in his tank swim by in lazy circles.
If you say yes he is an enthusiastic demon and will treat you like the protagonist in all his favorite animes
A person book of poetry
He’s been around a while and has studied enough books that he is good with just about every form of literature
It’s a sweet gift. A slim leather-bound book, the pages embossed with gold and tiny runes that make the little cat doodles he’s drawn about the pages move on their own.
The book is filled with little poems or short letters that he has written over a year of getting to know you. Just little things like evenings out together or group misadventure.  
Trip to the human realm to visit any museum of your choosing
Taking him to a museum is the best idea. He knows all the little details that have been lost to time or that humans just couldn’t understand.
Takes special pride in talking about events he had witnessed first hand or caused.
Buys you a souvenir from all the places you visit and will drag you into a photo booth. Say hello to his new favorite bookmark
Day ends in his bed- If you want to
Won’t push the subject obviously. But his little kisses and touches are a clear giveaway to his intentions of the night.
If you decide otherwise then allow him to escort you to your room, or perhaps sit with him in the music room for a bit longer? High key just stole a good bottle of whiskey from Lucifer and he still has so many stories he wants to share.
If you say yes. You’re in for a helluva night. He could let you take the lead. But he’s not and you’ll thank him for it
Resort trip
He had this one booked in advance. Devildom hot springs and spas are a no-go for humans so he found the absolute perfect one in the human realm.
Got the honeymoon package bc he’s extra and wants to go all out. Plus this package has simply the cutest gourmet tea cakes and complimentary champagne.
Makes you spend the whole day relaxing with him. You’re always too tense in his eyes. Made for the skin. Come soak a bit with him!
Shopping spree
Whatever you want you got today! Within reason. He can’t let you buy anything ugly!
Helps pick out a few new outfits and highly recommended skincare products.
If you let him will buy you some tasteful lingerie. Trust him, whether it's for him or devil forbid one of his brothers he wants you looking fabulous.
Regales you with stories of his younger years and the different eras of fashion. Honestly, the corset wasn’t that bad! It made his waistline look so good! Lead makeup was a no- ugh could you image? Not on your pretty face!  
Day ends in bed- if you want to
If you want to give him a private showing of all the outfits you bought he won’t say no. If you want to show him the undergarments he will definitely be enthusiastic.
If not oh well! He has a strict sleep schedule so he’ll wind down for the night. You are welcome to join him in his bedroom if you want. He just changed his sheets for the season and they are as close to heaven as he’ll ever get again.
If you do how exciting. He has so many tips and tricks he knows you’ll appreciate. The pampering doesn’t stop until you can’t handle it anymore.
Breakfast in bed
This was a herculean effort for him. The first two meals got eaten on the way to your room :(
But when he gets it to you it’s the best! There is plenty to share too. He has a real talent for breakfast foods
Spends the time while you eat asking what you want to fo for your birthday if anything at all.
He has plans to take you cafe hopping and then a walk up the forest path
Cafe Hopping and a walk
He treats you to any fancy treat you like and walks you around the Devildom proper pointing at all the interesting historic monuments and places
He helps take lots of pics of all the fancy foods and cute presentations before digging in
If you need a break no worries from walking or just full from too much good food no problem. You want to sit or maybe a piggyback ride back to the house
A very low key birthday present but that the best kind sometimes
Day ends in bed- if you want to
Doesn’t really think about it until you hint at it. He’s dtf if you are. He is still kinda hungry ;)
Always sweet on you in and out of the bedroom and today is no different. He doesn’t want you to get hurt.
If you don’t bring it up he won’t bring it up. Would much rather just hang out and talk till you fall asleep then make you uncomfortable
Botanical Garden tour
Loves the Devildom one so maybe he will like the human realm ones too
The most energetic you’ve ever seen him. Sure he walks slow and sits down at every opportunity
Stops at the butterfly habitat it’s a mutual favorite.
Buys you a super soft plushie from the gift shop. Can’t have a birthday without a physical present
Movie night
No one else is invited. Not even Beel. He remembers you talking about your favorite movie once and bought the directors cut to watch with you.
Love or hate the film he tries his best to stay up for the whole thing
Only dozes off once
Day ends in bed- if you want to
He could sleep or spend the night with you whatevs.
If you want to watch another movie and sleep sweet
If you want to do more well-say no more
He’s got enough energy for some fun  
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koreanmadeingreece · 3 years
Why, why, why (7,8)
University student!Yuta x reader
Genre: slight enemies to lovers au, a bit of angst, a lot of fluff, and several mixups
Summary: You just got into uni and decided to move in with your childhood friend!Taeyong at the city where you are going to study. As you’re about to start your new, adult life, you meet his friends, and you realize that not everyone likes you. Nakamoto Yuta in particular almost seems like he hates you.
A/N: In this fic, Jonghyun from NU’EST appears for a while (just to avoid confusion). ALSO I’M AN IDIOT AND I DIDN’T POST AGAIN SOOOO HERE ARE TWO CHAPTERS AHAHAHH HELP.
Warnings: n/a (just a liiiittle bit of making out but seriously nothing, also several fu and shi words hahah)
Word count: 2.6K
Parts 7 and 8/11 (I think) First / Previous / Next
Taglist: @melitadala @chxotickpoptrash @aiforyuu @fineapplehoe (let me know if you’d like to be tagged!)
You had classes, and you also had work to do. You had to spend the next week or two studying for a bit, sometimes stealing some time to see Jonghyun, but other than that, you had developed the habit of going to your local coffee shop with Chan, BamBam, and Yugyeom to study. You spent most of your afternoons like that, as the professors had already started giving you more homework than you could handle. Sometimes you’d stop by Jonghyun’s work and he’d give you your favorite coffee, which you gladly accepted.
You still hadn’t seen Yuta after that night. Maybe you’d run across him at uni or you’d see him leaving your house at night when you came back, but nothing solid. Every time you’d see him, he’d wave at you, which was still progress, but you had to see him. You wanted to talk to him, and you had to make it happen. So, one day, you met him at the entrance of your apartment building.
“Oh, hey, you were with Taeyong?”
“Yeah, he wanted me to help him with some choreos he had to practice.” He answered.
“Oh god, poor neighbors!” you said with a dramatic voice and he laughed. “Good, you’re warming up to me!” you couldn’t help but say.
“Yeah, you can say that.” He said, but you could see he still felt kind of awkward.
“So, do you want to go out with me tomorrow?” you asked.
“Yeah, what time do you get off class?”
“Uh, around 6. Does that work for you?”
“Yeah, maybe I can come pick you up?” he asked. During the entire conversation, you couldn’t help but think how awkward he seemed. He wasn’t stiff or moody like when you’d first met him. He had warmed up to you, and you were happy to enjoy the progress you’d made. You couldn’t wait to tell Taeyong all about this.
“Yeah, that would be nice,” you said, and went for a bold move. Yes, you usually were a hugger, but with this one you could never know. So, you just went for it. He didn’t see it coming of course, and his entire body stiffened for a few seconds, until he finally let loose and hugged you back. It was only for a moment, but you felt close to him in a way. “Goodnight, Yuta.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
~ ☼ ~
As you went inside your apartment, you immediately started yelling to Taeyong. “Hey, you’re not going to believe what just happened. Where are you, I need to tell you what Yuta and I just said,” you shouted, when you saw the balcony door open, and someone enter. You saw Taeyong, but also that he wasn’t alone. He clearly gave you the shut-up look, which you didn’t understand at first, but soon realized it was necessary, as a second figure entered the apartment.
“Jonghyun, hi!” fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. “When did you get here?”
“Hi, Y/N. I got here a few minutes ago. You usually come back around this hour, so I thought I’d surprise you. If you’re too tired, I can always leave, but I knew you had a lot of work to do these days and I just wanted to cheer you up,” he said.
You paused, not knowing what to do. Had he seen everything that just went down between Yuta and you? “Oh my god, you’re so sweet! Yes, I’d love it if you stayed, if Taeyong doesn’t mind of course.”
“Don’t mind me, I was just going to stay and dance for a while anyway,” Taeyong reassured you, still giving you that intense look.
“Then, that’s great! Oh, and I saw Yuta too. He was here a few minutes ago. You barely missed him.”
“Oh, well, it’s alright. He’s usually with Taeyong so I can greet him another day,” you replied. “Why don’t you go to my room for a second and I’ll be right there.” He nodded and left the living room.
“Ok, what’s going on?” Taeyong asked you.
“That’s what I was coming to tell you!” you whispered. “I’ll go out with Yuta tomorrow to reconcile and I really don’t know how you guys didn’t see everything from the balcony. I lost my shit when I saw you there!”
“That’s why I’ve been looking at you like that! I saw everything! But he didn’t. He was sitting on the opposite side of the table, don’t worry. I kept talking to him so that he couldn’t hear anything either, but that means I had no clue what you said. I just saw him like that and then you hugged him and what in the absolute fuck is going on, Y/N?” you knew Taeyong was infuriated but also extremely confused, but you didn’t know what to tell him either.
“I don’t know, he was just so nice and accepting today. He even offered to pick me up tomorrow from uni! So, I just…hugged him? Does that make any sense?” you wondered.
“No, but we won’t talk about this right now. You have a man inside your room!”
Fuck. He was right. You left your stuff in the living room and went inside, only to find Jonghyun looking through stuff on your desk.
“I promise I wasn’t snooping,” he laughed.
“I know. There’s nothing to find anyway, really. I mean, besides some embarrassing photos of school parties I guess.” You joked around, not knowing what to do in a situation like this.
“Well, you’ll show me those one day.” He smirked. “Should we put some music on?”
“Yeah, feel free to put whatever you want.” He took out his phone and found a chill playlist. “You like Dean, I see.”
“You know him? Ah, none of my friends listen to him.” He exclaimed.
“Yeah, he’s one of my favorite singers.” You smiled. You couldn’t help but think how good he looked, awkwardly looking at the stuff in your room. This was your space, and he was fully aware of it. Sometimes you admired how much of a gentleman he was, but that night, you had to blow off some steam. Especially with the way he was dressed that night, you couldn’t resist. He was wearing a grey shirt with a black t-shirt underneath, and tight black pants. This classic but stunning look drove you crazy, and your desire to kiss him grew stronger. In the end, you approached him, pressing your lips against his, driving him closer to the bed.
“Agressive, aren’t we today?” he broke the kiss only for a second, then dove right back.
“Only for the right reasons,” you said, and gently pushed him onto the bed. You climbed on top of him, kissing him all over his neck. You didn’t know what had gotten into you that night, but he was more than eager to follow. He gently slided his hands below the hem of your shirt, slowly lifting it over your hands, revealing your bra. You knew where this was going, and with your emotional state at that moment you had no clue if it was the best time for it. You pushed away those thoughts and started unbuttoning his shirt, then took off his t-shirt as well, leaving him shirtless in your room. The sight of him was angelic, the way his body was pressed so close to you was euphoric, yet all you could think about was the demon inside your head – Yuta.  
You mentally slapped yourself and brought your mind back to the moment you were currently living, which was a shirtless Jonghyun right underneath you.
“Wait, Y/N, as much as I love seeing you shirtless, we have to stop,” he said. “We’ve known each other for a few weeks, and also, Taeyong is in the next room!” he laughed.
“You’re right,” you chuckled. You didn’t know if you wanted to ignore his comment and continue what you were doing or take this as an excuse to not do anything that night. You were confused as hell. You laid down next to him and wrapped your hand around his stomach, taking the time to relax and cuddle for a while until he had to go. He had class the next day, and so did you.
Well, for you it was more than just class. You had to mentally prepare yourself to spend the afternoon with Yuta.
When Jonghyun left, you were one hundred percent ready to text everything to Chan. You immediately took your phone and sat on the couch. It was already past 10:30, and Taeyong was feeling a bit tired, so he headed to bed.
You: HELP. I’m going out with Yuta tomorrow. Also I found Jonghyun here when I came back and right after I hugged Yuta at the entrance. He didn’t see it bc he was with Taeyong but after that we made out and all I could think about is tomorrow.
Chan: Wait.
Chan: Hold on.
Chan: I’ll just ignore the very sweet fact that Jonghyun came to surprise you and focus on the fact that you were making out with him and thinking about Yuta.
Chan: Y/N, what the fuck.
You: I have no clue.
You: I don’t know what’s going on. I think that in my effort to reconcile with him things got a bit…messy? Idk. Now I’m more interested in being in good terms with him rather than my own boyfriend? That doesn’t even make any sense.
Chan: You do realize this is seriously messed up, right?
You: Yeah, I mean
You: Wait, doorbell
Chan: Wait
Chan: No
Chan: Y/N you’d better come straight back and fill me in!
You looked through the peephole and saw Yuta again. What was he doing there that late? You opened the door and saw the flustered look on his face when he saw it was you.
“Hi. What’s going on?”
“Uh, I forgot my charger and I don’t have a second one and I’d be without a phone if I didn’t come get it. Sorry about that.”
“Oh, come in. Where did you leave it? I hope it’s not in Taeyong’s room because he’s already asleep,” you joked.
“No, it’s right here on the coffee table. Thanks.” He grabbed it and turned around to leave, but you had a different idea in mind. Not even knowing what had gotten into you, you immediately stopped him.
“Hey, um, if you don’t have an early class tomorrow morning, you can stay for a while. Taeyong’s asleep but we can hang out if you’re up for it,” you suggested.
Shocked at your suggestion, Yuta stood close to the door for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. “Are you sure?”
“I mean, I don’t have an early class tomorrow and I can’t sleep yet anyway. Only if you’re ok with it of course.” You were calmer than ever. You knew this could end up being very wrong, with either one of you getting brutally stabbed after a huge fight, but you were willing to take the risk. “But we should go outside if we don’t want to wake Taeyong up.”
You grabbed your phone and sent Chan a quick text.
You: Yuta’s here. We’re going to hang out. Crap. I’ll tell you later.
Chan: Wtf Y/N come back
Chan: No don’t leave me like this!
Chan: Fuck I need the details and you’re giving them to me tomorrow in class
You followed him outside and sat next to him, facing the road. You had to admit that Taeyong had found you a house with a great balcony view. You grabbed your jacket and brought him one of Taeyong’s, as it was late, and it had started getting cold.
“Thanks,” he said and put it on. It fit surprisingly well with his other clothes, a black tank top and grey sweatpants. He seemed oddly attractive even in this simple clothing that he probably didn’t even realize anyone would see when he left his house to come back to yours.
“It looks good on you. You should steal it from Taeyong. He’ll probably let you have it anyway.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, the man’s ready to do whatever you say. He really loves you, you know.” You reassured him.
“No, do you think I’m attractive?” he asked, and you honestly didn’t know what to say. He was attractive as hell, but it wasn’t really the best way to phrase it.
“Yeah, I do.” You paused and saw a smirk form on his lips, even though he tried to hide it. You liked the feeling of making him smile, so you decided to keep it up. “I think I’d have hit on you if we hadn’t been fighting when we first met.” It was kind of a bold move, and you knew it. But there wasn’t anything stopping you, since he knew you had a boyfriend, and you had already told him that you found him attractive.
“Wait, really?” He turned to you wide-eyed.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“And you’re saying this so casually?”  
“I guess so. I’m usually not that bold, but you were the one who asked.” You paused. “I could lie to you next time, maybe tell you that you’re barely noticeable. And you know it’s not true.”
“Well, if you put it that way,” he chuckled.
“And the jacket definitely helps. You should steal it. You put up with Taeyong’s craziness, so you deserve it.”
“That’s true. You can’t believe how nuts he was the first two years. Now he has more homework and more difficult practice sessions, so it’s not like he has the energy to be like he was when he first got here. Sometimes I thought he’d explode,” he said.
“I know exactly what you mean. You should’ve seen him in his last year of high school. He was barely manageable. His mom was going crazy, and my mom practically put everything away when he stayed over.”
“It sounds like you had a lot of fun though.”
“Yeah, those were quite memorable times. We were both very young though.” You smiled, as you had gotten nostalgic after bringing back all those memories.
“You’re still young. It’s your first year of uni, Y/N.” He laughed.
“True, but you’re only two years older than me. You’re not that much older.”
He was about to second guess you and get all defensive towards you, but at the last minute he just agreed. “You’re right.”
At about that point, both of you had stopped staring at the road and had started looking at each other. The conversation had dragged you both into a light-headed state that you couldn’t exactly describe, but it was a pleasant feeling that you didn’t want to let go.
After a few seconds of silence, you heard him say the words that would change everything. “Everyone deserves to be young and foolish every once in a while.”
With those words, you started leaning closer and closer to each other, unable to pull away. Your lips were merely a few centimeters apart from each other when the balcony door opened.
“What are you guys doing up so late?” Taeyong was barely awake, wrapped up in a blanket, but he was staring at you.
“Oh hi, Taeyong, I thought you had gone to bed!” you exclaimed.
“Yeah, I just wanted some water. I’ll go right back to sleep. You should sleep too, guys. It’s almost 12,” he said, and went right back in. You realized he hadn’t seen or heard whatever was going on between Yuta and you, which was definitely a relief, but now you had to face Yuta.
“Uh, he’s right. I have to go.” He immediately got up and grabbed his stuff, leaving you speechless on the balcony. After staying like that for a few minutes, you realized he had forgotten his charger again, and this time he was definitely not coming back to get it.
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celiaxan · 3 years
Looks of Love (Saiouma Fic)
He wondered why no one else could see it.
See the way their gazes follow each other sometimes subconsciously. See one's glance linger far too long to be considered platonic. See how one of them looked when the other laughed. See the soft looks they would give each other when the other wasn’t looking.
Or: a really self-indulgent fic based on my obsession of how lovers look at each other bc it's so soft istg
(whole fic under read-more and ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30140310)
A/N: listen to reflections by the neighborhood for mood music!
Kokichi Ouma loved the way two people looked at each other when they were in love.
(Not that he would admit that to anyone, but still…)
No one else seemed to get it.
But the small lingerings of stares after the other has already looked away. The faintest traces of red still on their face, quickly fading to pink. The mouth formed the smallest of smiles, because how could you frown while around them?
It was sickening at first.
Then it became addicting.
No one (from his group of Rantaro, Miu, and Tsumugi) believed him when he called out Kaede and Maki.
He wondered why no one else could see it.
See the way their gazes follow each other sometimes subconsciously. See one's glance linger far too long to be considered platonic. See how one of them looked when the other laughed. See the soft looks they would give each other when the other wasn’t looking.  
Plus, the way Maki glared at him when he talked to Kaede said a lot.
He wasn’t even surprised when they announced their relationship to the class.
(And he won’t deny collecting some pocket cash from the group in the process, but it’s their fault for not believing him and betting in the first place!)
Kokichi doesn’t know when it started.
If he had to guess, he’d say it happened in two parts.
The first being his first real crush. He had just turned 13, not yet even knowing the urge of strong feelings, hormones controlling his every action.
Still being young, unknowing, and everything, he got over his other ‘crushes’ and ‘relationships’ as quickly as he got into them. He still hadn’t known what was wrong with scanning classmates in the room, picking the girl he thought was prettiest, or the girl that had helped him pick up his pencil, or the girl that he had thought reminded him of himself, a sort of kinship, and told his other friends that he liked them.
Oh, how he regretted leading on whatever poor girl he ‘liked’, just to run away from any sort of sign of confession. It was a cycle of sorts. Pick a girl, say that he liked her, run away or watch her confess to another guy, pick another girl.
Tiring. It was tiring.
He didn’t even remember half of their names.
He did remember someone though.
A boy in the corner that read books during recess.
Kokichi didn’t know his name.
All he knew was that the boy was interesting in his own little way.
It was the first time Kokichi actually looked forward to speaking to someone. It was the first time Kokichi had wanted to know more about the boy. It was the first time Kokichi actually waved someone down in the hallways when their paths met just to say hello. It was the first time Kokichi cared about another person’s opinion.
It was… the first time he felt his face heat up to something as weird as the boy finally saying Kokichi’s name instead of calling him ‘You’.
He still didn’t know his name.
Only the gleam in his eyes when he looked up at Kokichi.
But that only made him more interesting.
They talked quite a bit.
When Kokichi was kicked out from playing soccer with the other boys for cheating and bribing other players. When Kokichi purposely faked an injured knee to talk to him. When Kokichi brought him to his house to study (and oh, the little brat told his step-brother, Rantaro, his name, but not Kokichi).
He loved it.
The boy brought a puzzle one time for Kokichi, who mentioned that he liked them. He started bringing two grape juice boxes instead of one. They would read together. They would bring out harder puzzles. The boy somehow understood Kokichi, knew which part of the homework he would struggle with, even if he lied and said he knew it all.
The boy moved away.
Kokichi didn’t cry.
He wasn’t even sad.
But even he knew that was a lie.
Glancing at him, the boy told Kokichi he was moving. Kokichi had been so used to tossing away random friends, random girls, he thought that’d be the same, he was okay with it.
He wasn’t.
A year later, after a big realization (and six ‘Am I Gay’ quizzes), he told Rantaro.
Rantaro choked on his tea. “Oh, cool. That means I’m not the only gay in the family. But uh...”
“What, spit it out, dear sibling. I have to rob a bank in Russia later!”
“I already knew,” Rantaro continued, ignoring Kokichi’s arson plans. “It was kind of obvious after I met your little friend,” Rantaro suddenly raised an eyebrow, smiling into his tea. “Or boyfriend?”
Kokichi’s world shattered with another revelation. “He wasn’t my boyfriend! Also, I didn’t like him.”
Or did I?
“No, you totally did.”
“Did not.”
“Whatever,” Rantaro muttered as an end to that conversation.
Kokichi sat there in silence, contemplating. Finally, he started again. “How did you know?”
Rantaro hummed for a bit before deciding on an answer. “If I had to pick a deciding factor, it’d have to be the way you looked at him. Especially when you thought no one was looking.”
“Really?” Kokichi asked, suddenly interested. “What did I look like?”
Rantaro smiled one of his ‘I Know More Than You’ smiles. “Figure it out yourself.”
That was the first part.
Kokichi had forgotten about it for a bit after screaming curses of ‘ fucking asshole! ’ and ‘ your days are numbered, dusty bitch ’. He had never truly forgotten, of course, but instead, it was just pushed to the back of his mind.
But like most things, his problems were solved due to social media.
And TikTok.
Scrolling through gay TikTok, he saw a ‘gay couples through history’ one. Suddenly gaining his interest, he actually tried to watch this one.
Pictures of gay and lesbian couples flashing through the screen, both of the people looking extremely intimate.
But- their looks- the way they looked at each other. It was mesmerizing. Kokichi couldn’t get more of it.
It was a look of fondness, so soft, that he could feel the attraction through the screen. The photos themself were black and white, but their impact was still strong.
Kokichi looked at them and knew - swore on his life- that he wanted something like that. Small glances full of affection. It held so little but meant so much.
He had always thought that people looked the brightest when they looked at the one they love.
And the eyes.
The eyes were soft, dreamy looking, dare he even say- beautiful.
He wanted that.
He already gave that.
That was the second part.
“So, get it, Shumai? That’s how I called all the class couples before they got together! It’s because I’m super observational and very good at connecting these pieces.”
“...It actually sounds like you’re a sap.”
“What?! Shuichi, you’re so mean to me!”
Now, Kokichi was sitting in a classroom with his current crush, Shuichi Saihara, on the roof. Their hands almost connected on a desk.
And as Kokichi looked closer, Shuichi began looking increasingly nervous, like he was going to break something if he wasn’t careful enough.
“So, do you know where your friend, uh- ‘Boy’, you called him, do you know where he is now?” Shuichi asked suddenly.
“Huh? Nope, I don’t!” Kokichi responded. They were both drinking grape juice boxes. “Why, jealous? Have you finally fallen for me after all?”
Shuichi stiffened, moving the topic along more. “Then...what would you say to him if he was here right now?”
Sighing, Kokichi sank down in his seat, thinking intensely. “I don’t know. I would tell him I want to be friends again. Maybe if I was bold enough, I would tell him that he was my first gay crush.”
A small chuckle before Kokichi continued. “That’s got to be an honor! First crush from Kokichi Ouma himself!”
Shuichi laughed awkwardly. “Who knows. Maybe they’re closer than you think.”
“What’s got you so optimistic?”
At that, Shuichi stood up, and picked up some of his books with one hand, turning around to reach out a hand for Kokichi. “Take a guess?”
Kokichi only looked Shuichi in the eye as the sun shined behind him. A familiar pair of amber eyes with some sort of gleam shined down on him.
And wow. How stupid was he to fall for the same person twice?
Not grabbing Shuichi’s hand, Kokichi stood up on his own on an impulse. “You-!”
The boy- Shuichi’s eyes sparkled with a familiar look. It was the look that Kokichi had seen variations of over and over again. It was a face Shuichi looked at him with the most. He felt foolish for not recognizing it earlier.
Shuichi interrupted him- because he’s the only one that can without being told off by Kokichi- with a soft smile and everything. “I also loved the way you looked at me, because... I looked at you like that too.”
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