#yes father dear do match with your new daughter
hum-suffer · 2 months
I know I'm no roop sundari and I'm not pretty like 85% of the time but the least you could do is be a decent human being and not ridicule me?
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hezikas · 1 year
You Are The Right One | Chapter 1
Dad!Aegon II Targaryen x Nanny!Reader (modern au)
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Summary: Following a devastating event involving his ex-girlfriend, Aegon is now a full-time single father to his daughter. However, with a jam-packed schedule due to his ongoing tour, he's struggling to balance his parenting duties with his high-profile career as a musician. To ease the burden, Aegon heeds his sister Helaena's advice and hires a stay-in nanny. But what he doesn't realize is that this decision will have unexpected consequences that will turn his life on its head.
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen/Reader
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of any characters from House of the Dragon, as they are the intellectual property of George R.R. Martin. Furthermore, I must acknowledge that this story is heavily influenced by the book 'The Nanny' written by Lana Ferguson.
Just a heads up I did not proofread this and english is not my first language.
Taglist: @julieeba  @delilah1990 @fan-goddess @shit-posts420​ @watercolorskyy​ 
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As you sit staring at your inbox, you hardly expect to hear back from A. Targaryen so soon after sending your email. And yet, her eagerness to meet you catches you off guard. The surprise only grows when she suggests the meeting take place at Red Keep, one of the most extravagant restaurants in all of King's Landing.
"Red Keep, huh," you murmured, a hint of disbelief creeping into your voice. "Is this how rich people hold interviews?"
You are aware that dining at Red Keep would be an extravagant expense, potentially amounting to half of your savings from your two months of hard work at the local pediatric clinic, a job that you held dear in your heart and still harbor resentment towards being fired from.
You push the thought aside and head to your small closet to pick out the most formal clothing you can find which is the black dress that you had worn to your college graduation. You hope that it will suit the occasion and not make you look out of place in such a lavish setting. Furthermore, since you are under the suspicion that the family you will be working for as a nanny is even more affluent than you initially believed. 
You recalled your experience of assisting children at the clinic, thinking that it had prepared you well for this new job. 
"This should be a piece of cake," you told yourself as you made your way to the Red Keep restaurant. 
However, deep down, you couldn't shake off the nervousness that came with starting a new job. You held on to the hope that this job would be as fulfilling as your previous one, and that the kid you would be taking care of would appreciate your efforts, just as the ones at the clinic did.
As you step inside the restaurant, you are greeted by a stunning hostess exuding an air of sophistication. She wears a perfectly tailored skirt and blouse that match the upscale decor of the place. Her sleek, polished appearance is completed by a pair of heels. The way she carries herself speaks volumes about the high standards of the establishment.
"Good evening, ma'am. Do you have a reservation?" she asked, pasting on a fake smile and emphasizing the word ‘reservation’ as if knowing you couldn't afford a single thing in the restaurant, not even their appetizers.
"Yes, under A. Targaryen," you replied confidently, determined to show her that you belonged in such a high-class establishment. The hostess's body suddenly changed after hearing the name you had mentioned. 
"Ah, right this way, Mr. Targaryen will be with you shortly" she said, leading you to a private table at the back of the restaurant. 
Mr. Targaryen? Did I hear her right? Maybe I misheard her. you thought to yourself.
As you marveled at the opulence of the restaurant's decor, a waiter approached you to inquire if you would like to begin with any appetizers. You decided to forego the appetizers and instead ordered a water, realizing that the unfriendly hostess was right about you not being able to afford the extravagant menu items. While waiting for your future boss, you occupied yourself by scrolling through your phone.
“Excuse me,” someone says.
The unexpected sound made you choke on your water, causing some to dribble down your chin. Embarrassed, you quickly wiped it away with a napkin. As you finished cleaning up, a face came into your view.
Your mind struggled to comprehend the sight before you. The man standing in front of you possessed a captivating appearance, with sharp, chiseled facial features and a prominent jawline. His eyes were a pale shade of purple, reminiscent of delicate lilacs in full bloom, and seemed to emit an otherworldly aura. His platinum blond hair was styled back, accentuating the angles of his face, and appeared to shimmer in the light, giving it an almost supernatural quality. He was a breathtakingly beautiful sight, resembling a creature from a dream.
In short, the man before you was none other than Aegon Targaryen, the world-renowned singer whose soulful voice had captivated millions.
"Excuse me, are you Y/N?" he asked, his voice like a melody that could soothe any troubled soul.
As your eyes remained transfixed on the ethereal man, his lips moved, and you suddenly snapped out of your reverie. Realizing that he had posed a question, you struggled to gather your composure before finally managing to respond, "Y-Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Mr. Targaryen."
Aegon flashed you a charming smile that could easily disarm even the most composed individuals. "Please, call me Aegon. Mr. Targaryen makes me feel old," he remarked, his tone tinged with a touch of playfulness.
As he spoke, you couldn't help but question his age. He certainly appeared older than you, though not excessively so. There was an air of maturity about him, but he retained a youthful essence. Still, you found yourself unable to tear your gaze away from him, entranced by his presence.
"Right," you stammered. 
"I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N," you introduced yourself, trying to regain your composure in the midst of his charismatic presence. As you pushed away from the table, he extended his hand at the same moment you were about to do the same. The result? A clumsy collision of palms and fingers, turning the handshake into a tangled mess reminiscent of a chaotic game of Twister.
Both of you were taken aback by the unexpected jumble of hands. Your face flushed a deep shade of crimson, and Aegon let out a nervous chuckle, attempting to diffuse the awkwardness that hung in the air.
"I apologize for asking you to meet me here. With my busy schedule leading up to my tour, I've been trying my best to fit everything in. I thought it would be convenient to have our interview while I have a meeting later at 8:45 pm, so I hope we can wrap up quickly."
"It's not a problem. I initially thought it was customary to conduct such meetings over dinner, especially at a place like this, but I figured..." The realization dawns on you, and you can't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment as you cover your eyes, trying to hide your flushed face.
"Oh my God. This wasn't a dinner interview. You wanted to talk to me before your upcoming meeting."
"I should have... been clearer in my email."
"I can't believe it. I wore this silly dress, and..."
"It's actually a very nice dress," he interjects, a touch of amusement in his voice as he finds your little outburst endearing.
"I must seem completely ridiculous..."
"Really, you don't," he assures you.
"I can be so oblivious sometimes. I apologize."
He continues to look amused, finding your moment of self-doubt and realization rather cute.
"You're welcome to order something," he suggests. "If you feel like it. I don't mind." 
"Thank you, but I think I have to excuse myself now. Perhaps it's best if I just leave, don't you think? This situation is already spiraling into a disaster." 
"Wait, no," he interjects, reaching out his hand as you try to make your escape.
"Please don't do that." You halt in your tracks, uncertain if he still intends to proceed with the interview. Perhaps he's having second thoughts as well. You speculate.
"Are you still interested in interviewing me?"
"To be frank," he sighed, his voice laced with genuine surprise, "no other applicant even comes close to your credentials. CPR training, First Aid certification, and experience working at a prestigious pediatric clinic. The references I checked couldn't stop raving about you. It seemed they were truly saddened to see you go."
"Yes, it was disheartening when circumstances forced me to leave," you admitted, a tinge of nostalgia in your voice. "Funding issues plagued the clinic. I cherished every moment there."
"Well," he chuckled softly, "it appears their loss may be my gain. Your résumé astounded me when it landed in my inbox."
"But now that you've met me, I imagine you're starting to doubt its authenticity," you remarked, a trace of self-deprecation evident in your words.
Aegon's laughter escaped, a restrained mirth accompanied by a gentle downturn of his gaze, as if he didn't want to appear disrespectful. Given the awkwardness of this initial encounter, such caution was understandable.
"No," he reassured, his voice warm. "I have no doubts about its authenticity. Although I must admit, I am curious. With your remarkable background, why seek a nanny position?"
The air held a moment of anticipation as you contemplated his question, the unspoken desires and motivations that brought you to this point.
You released a heavy sigh, leaning in closer over the table, gathering the courage to share your truth. "Can I speak honestly with you?"
Aegon leaned forward, his eyes displaying genuine interest. "I would prefer nothing less," he replied, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and anticipation.
Taking a moment to compose your thoughts, you began, "I'm currently in my final year of a graduate program. As I mentioned in my email, I lost my job due to downsizing. Rent in this city has become exorbitant, and to be completely frank, I'm in need of financial stability. Moreover, the offer of free room and board is an opportunity I can't dismiss. It would alleviate a significant burden on top of everything else."
A furrow formed on his forehead, suggesting that a concern had surfaced, and you braced yourself for the rejection you feared was imminent. "Regarding that," he began, his tone serious, "I feel compelled to inform you that it's a live-in position, but I want to be entirely transparent. It's just me and my daughter. Rest assured, you would have your own room, practically an entire floor to yourself, complete privacy. However, I understand if this arrangement might make you uncomfortable."
In all your years of existence, it seemed rather extraordinary that your first encounter of living with a strikingly attractive man would unfold within the realm of a fully immersive fictional scenario. Though a part of you longed to inquire about the other parent in this situation, if only to quell your inner turmoil, your rational mind vehemently warned against such a misstep.
With practiced precision, you adorned your face with a professional smile, masking the whirlwind of thoughts swirling within. "I don't anticipate any issues on my end. However, in the spirit of complete transparency... I'm currently enrolled in a hybrid program at KL's."
Curiosity flickered in Aegon's eyes as he sought clarification. "What does that mean?"
A faint chuckle escaped your lips as you unraveled the intricacies of your schedule. "Essentially, it means that the majority of my coursework is conducted online, affording me the flexibility to manage it during the evenings after work. However, two weekends every month, I'm required to attend on-campus classes. And most of the jobs I've applied for have struggled to accommodate my schedule, rendering it somewhat of a deal breaker." A wistful smile accompanied your admission.
Aegon pondered your words, a hint of amusement dancing in his gaze. "Well, it appears that I might be the sole individual who recognizes the true value of your impressive credentials."
Note: I apologize for the delay in releasing Chapter 1. Unfortunately, I unexpectedly fell ill with a viral infection shortly after posting the sneak peek. Despite that, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Please understand that some parts may not be as well-written as I had initially intended, as I wrote them while I was still unwell. That’s all. Thank you for reading.
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froggyfics · 9 months
The Deadliest Poisons Are The Sweetest - 1 
The prince is looking for a new bride.
(09/15/23) Note: If you have read this chapter before this date, please note that I have combined chapters 1 and 2 together. This may seem confusing, but I have decided that as a creative approach, I would like the chapters to be longer.
Okay, this is my first series and let me tell you, it will be LOOOONNNG. I really hope that you will stick around to see it to its end, but I'm expecting at least a minimum of 8 chapters.
Since this is a series, I will not write down the theme (ex: angst, fluff, smut) at the beginning of the chapters like I normally do for my one-shots, just to keep the suspense.
Feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to message me privately or comment below to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
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Word Count: 3,490
The pads of your fingers just barely graze the canvas. The quality of the painting is unlike anything you had ever seen before. You look over every pore, committing all of it to memory. The background is a swirl of blacks and greys, nothing prominent at all. You soon begin to realize that the plain background was a conscious artistic choice made by the artist. The artist could have painted the secrets of the universe, the equation for immortality, or the cure for all manner of diseases in the background of his painting, but alas, it would have all been ignored in favor of the subject of the portrait. 
You trace the outline of his plush, jet-black hair. You wonder how it would feel in your hands as you swept his hair to the side. You stare into his striking green eyes, hoping that they’ll look directly at you rather than into space. His jawline is sharper than any sword, and it seems as though his cheekbones were created by ancient Grecian sculptures. He dons a green cloak that matches his eyes, and his black and green armor far exceeds the beauty of anything you own in your humble boudoir. 
“He really is quite handsome, is he not?”
You hum in response. There is truly nothing else to say. It is factually precise to say that he is handsome, but what good will it do to admit that? 
It is not like he will ever be yours. You will never be chosen as his bride. Therefore, it is a waste of time to fantasize about the beautiful man. This meeting is simply a formality from the ruling Al Ghul family to appease the aristocrat families. The purpose is to make it seem as though any maiden in the land has a chance to marry the dashing prince. 
Nonetheless, you know better. His portrait will be delivered to other families that hold more titles and wealth than you could ever imagine. He will marry someone closer to his own royal rank.
You finally look up after what seems like hours of admiring his portrait. You can sense your mother fretting behind you, twisting her skirt in a nervous tick. 
“Thank you for delivering the portrait of His Majesty safely,” you politely remarked. 
The messenger bows his head in response. Attempting to conclude this pointless meeting, you make an effort to pass the portrait back to the messenger. You glance at your mother and nod at her to encourage the dismissal of your guest. 
“Please send our regards to the royal family,” your mother begins. “We would be honored to give our daughter in marriage to the rightful heir to the throne. Do you not agree, my dear?”
Your mother glares at your father, who has thus far spoken minimally. “Oh, erm, yes, of course! It would be the greatest compliment upon our family name to have our daughter marry our Prince.”
The messenger nods his head in response. “I will send your pleasantries and marriage acceptance to the Al Ghul family as soon as I return to 'Eth Alth'eban. You are correct, in that it would be the mightiest achievement to have your daughter marry into the royal family.”
“Yes, yes, of course,” your father mutters, exhausted with the formalities that must be extended to his guest. He stands from his seat and marches to the door. “I shall accompany you to your horse.”
The messenger bows deeply towards you and your mother before following your father out the threshold. As soon as the door shuts, the two of you sigh in relief. Your mother ceases to fret, and immediately collapses on the lounger, covering her forehead with the back of hand. 
You giggle at her exasperation. “I simply do not understand why we had to sit through that humiliation. What was the purpose? T’was simply a waste of our time.”
Your mother shakes her head in response. “That, I do not know, my dear. I do hope feel quite awful for that poor messenger. His travels must be unnecessarily extended if he must visit every single aristocrat family home.”
“That is exactly what I thought!” you cried. “In this unbearable heat, too!” 
You could not fathom the reason why the messenger was sent to your house in the first place. You were the daughter of a modest earl with no ties to vast swathes of land or people. There were plenty of eligible ladies of higher standings in society that were of marriageable age that the prince could choose from. Your family was certainly not impoverished, but were nowhere near the status of the crown prince. It certainly seemed like a cruel joke. Not that you fell for it, but you were sure at least some of your peers would despondently fall in love with those jade-colored eyes from the portrait. 
The door swings open to mark your father’s return from seeing off the messenger. You glance out the window to see his horse galloping away from your home, eastbound, in the direction of Earl Smith’s home. You smile to yourself at the thought of the earl’s daughter, who you know to be a bit of a hopeless romantic, squealing in excitement at the thought of a marriage proposal from the royal family. Little does she know just how unfathomable the idea is.
Your father collapses onto his usual seat, groaning loudly. “Poor lad. Running around for no reason it seems.” He sighs deeply before slowly meeting your gaze. It is evident that he is deep in thought. He glances at your mother with a knowing look, who lowers her eyes shyly to her feet, before returning to his attention to you. 
“Father? Mother?” you nervously question. Their silent exchange makes you prickly, and you fidget in your seat. There is something they are surely keeping secret from you. 
“The messenger’s unexpected arrival has reminded us of an…issue that we face in this household.” 
“What? What is it, father?” you anxiously question. Your hands fiddle with your skirt in an attempt to distract your racing heart.
Your father leans forward in his seat. He opens his mouth to speak, but then promptly closes it. He grimaces before speaking again. “First and foremost, your mother and I must emphasize that you are our daughter, and we want what is only best for you.”
You shift uncomfortably while your mother continues to avoid your gaze.
“You are of a certain age, my dear. It is time we must find you a righteous husband. And soon, might I add. It is certainly proper for a girl – apologies, woman, your age to wed.”
Silence becomes the loudest sound in the room. The admission is simultaneously surprising, and not so surprising to you. You were not oblivious to the hints your parents have been divulging as of late. All the dinners you have attended, all the dinners that you have hosted, all the correspondence between your father and other men that has occurred, has led you to understand that your marriage was at the forefront of your parents’ minds. As much as you wanted to remain a free person under the guardianship of your father, you knew that your time of adulthood was fast approaching. 
You play with the strings of thread on your bodice. Your garment was long overdue for repairs, which must be your top priority if you want to attract the correct suitor. 
You frown internally. Just a few moments after the topic of marriage is brought up, and you already are thinking of appeasing a man. Is this what the rest of your life will look like? Constantly thinking about your appearance for the approval of your husband?
You look up to the concerned faces of your parents. Even your mother has stopped playing her game of avoidance and is silently pleading with you to be compliant. 
Is there an alternative? You grimace as you realize that all that can be done is to agree with their plans. This is simply the way your life was destined to play out. Just like with your sisters, aunts, cousins, and grandmothers, you were born to be passed from your father’s household to your husband’s. 
“I understand,” you slowly start, the words feeling like knives in your mouth. “I trust your instincts and know it is the time for me to seek a different sort of companionship.”
Your mother jumps up and squeals suddenly in excitement. The breath your father was holding immediately is released and the color rushes back to his face. The scene brings a solemn smile to your face. As their daughter, your parents’ happiness is also your happiness. How can you deny them this favor?
A loving kiss is placed upon your forehead by your mother. You examine that joy that is evident on her face. It is chiefly her duty to find you a husband, and you wonder who she will manage to scrounge up for you. 
“Perhaps in just a few months’ time you will enter the Al Ghul household as a princess,” she lovingly teases. 
A laugh bubbles out of your mouth and dissipates into the air. “Perhaps mother. Although, it is more likely I will step foot on the moon than marry the prince.”
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The great chamber is a mess, but alas, it is a symbol of merriment. Piles of bones lay atop dirty dishes, picked apart by the ravenous guests. There was one point during dinner where various cheeses and loaves of bread were laid out to accompany the meat, but few pieces now remain. 
You pick up a half-eaten grape that was near the edge of table. It belonged to the pile of fruit that you hand-picked earlier that week. You sigh deeply, knowing that it will take much your evening and the following morning to tidy up. Your family’s estate operates on a skeleton crew, with a majority of your household staff being assigned to work the fields and kitchen, leaving a majority of the household chores to fall upon you and your mother. There was one point in time where your sisters would help divvy up the tasks, but alas, they have all married and are can only be concerned with their husbands’ estates, instead.
Your mother clasps her hands together in excitement. You look at her curiously, wondering if she has laid eyes on the same mess that you have. How can she be so excited in the presence of the utter mess that has been made?
“I think this has been nothing short of a success! The Earl would not stop stealing glances at you.” 
“Mother,” you sigh. “Earl Clinton stole glances at every woman with a heartbeat tonight. His affections were not limited to myself.”
“Oh hush, child! Do not be so sour.” Her face wrinkles at your negativity before sighing deeply. “My love,” she began. She grabs your hands softly and kisses them gently. “Earl Clinton may not be the most…moral or upstanding man.”
Her train of thought is interrupted by your scoff. Earl Clinton was a known womanizer and remained mentally the same age as an adolescent child, despite the fact that he was your mother’s age. She scowls before continuing.
“As I was saying,” she hisses, “he may not be the most virtuous husband, but he is an Earl. You would never have to do chores ever again. You would never have to worry about hardship again. Your children will have access to far better opportunities than your father and I could ever provide for you.”
You twist your hands away from her grip angrily. “There is more to life than being wealthy.”
She pinches the bridge of her nose before looking up again. “You are still a young maiden, so I will forgive you for your ignorance. While there certainly is more to life than simply wealth, you will one day understand that your status and wealth will absolutely affect your quality of life. Just look around you!” she exclaims. “Would you rather clean this filthy mess up yourself, or live a life where you can have someone else do it for you?”
Crossing your arms, you huff as you realize your mother made a logical point. She snickers at your obvious defeat. She cups your face lovingly with her hands and gazes deeply into your eyes. “You do not have to love your spouse. That is not the purpose of marriage. You just have to learn to live with one another in order to procreate the next generation. Besides, I admit your father and I have selfish reasons for entertaining the Earl’s marriage proposal.” She kisses your forehead tenderly and you close your eyes at the comfort that surrounds you. “His lands are only a few days journey away. We can visit one another often.”
You beam at the thought of being near your parents, but your smile dispels once a realization dawns upon you. 
“D – does this mean that Father is accepting the Earl’s proposal?”
Your mother nods her head slowly. “We plan on riding to the Earl’s estate within week to accept his proposal in person.”
The disappointment within you slips out of your body and makes its presence known on your face. Within a few months, your precious girlhood will end. Your life as you know it will cease to exist and never return. All that will exist is the life surrounding your future husband and children.
Sensing the solemn mood, your mother once again kisses your forehead. “Go, child,” she urges. “Think not of the mess made from tonight. Rest well.”
All you can do is nod your head and drag yourself to your room. As soon as your bedroom door closes behind you, you fling yourself onto your bed to curl into a fetal position. Your stomach coils and kinks in worry. There is something your subconscious is trying to tell you, but you do not have the wherewithal to understand exactly what. 
Closing your eyes, all you can dream about is the prison you are about to be trapped in. The prison of matrimony. 
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“My Lady! Awake!”
Alice is shaking your rigid body with such force that your head lolls uncomfortably. 
“Alice! What is wrong?” you cry. Certainly, something terrible must have occurred for Alice to wake you in such a state.
She shakes her head violently. “You must come downstairs at once!” She turns towards your bedroom door without further explanation.
Crust that has formed during your sleep irritates your eyes. You sit at the edge of your bed, taking a moment to wipe it off. 
Alice huffs when she notices that you have not followed her, and turns around to grab your arm and yank you up.
“Alice!” you shout. She has never treated you with such ignominy before, making your heart flutter in anxiety.
She does not respond as she drags you out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Her grip on your arm only loosens when you reach the great chamber. 
It had been wiped clean, leaving behind no indication that there was even a dinner hosted there just the night prior. Your anxiety blooms when you see your mother, father, and the Al Ghul’s messenger standing around.
Your head tilts in confusion. You were not expecting to see the Al Ghul’s messenger ever again after he left with the prince’s portrait nearly a season prior. What could he possibly be doing here?
“Mother, Father, what has happened to make Alice wake me in such a fright?” you ask.
They respond with silence. Your mother’s face is a pale gray and your father’s remains stoic. 
“Someone! Please answer me!”
The messenger steps forward awkwardly. “I have a message from R’as Al Ghul, long may he live.”
Alice, your parents, and you echo the messenger’s sentiment. “Long may he live.”
The messenger clears his throat and opens a scroll. Your eyebrows furrow as you notice the waxy seal of House Al Ghul on its top perimeter. “I, the Demon’s Head, R’as Al Ghul, hereby authorize the union between Prince Damian, from House Al Ghul and House Wayne, the heir to 'Eth Alth'eban, and…”
You hear the messenger correctly state your name and your father’s, but you hold your breath in disbelief. Is this a dream? It must be. It has to be. A union…between you…and the Prince? There must be some sort of error. You are the daughter of a lowly baron. You would be considered extraordinarily lucky for you to marry an earl, let alone the heir to the realm.
“I command the urgent arrival of the heir’s future bride and her family to the capital. The wedding will take place soon after.”
You were not sure what else was said, as you stand dumbfounded. The messenger continued drawling, but you could not hear his voice. Vomit threatened to rise up from your stomach. 
“My love, are you alright?” you mother gently asks. She could sense the turmoil in your head as you shakily back away from everyone.
“Wh – what? How? W – why?”
Your mother shakes her head in response. “There is no time to think of these questions. We do not know, my dear. All we can do is prepare for your departure.” She steps closer to you and attempts to grab your hands, but you swat her away.
“Mother, no! Wh – what about Earl Clinton?” you urge. “Were we not just about to accept his marriage proposal? I mean, we already have made plans to journey to his estate and –,”
“Child,” your father interrupts. “The king has already demanded for your hand...”
“But,” you try to interrupt, but your father silences you with his raised hand.
“Plans change. We must learn to adapt if we must survive in this world. Alice, inform the stable to travel to my other children at once. I request their presence immediately.”
Alice nods her head and turns to exit. 
Your father turns to the messenger, who stands upright, waiting for his dismissal. “Thank you. You may tell King R’as that we prepare for our departure immediately.”
The messenger responds, “Yes, my Lord. I will return to the capital with your message at once. In the meantime, wait for the royal carriages to arrive. They shall arrive within a fortnight to take you to the capital.”
And with that, the messenger finally leaves. You and your parents are left to confront the sudden new reality.
“But, Mother,” you begin again. “What happened to living close to each other? The capital is so far from our home. I – I – I don’t know how often we would be able to see one another after the wedding.”
Your mother’s lips quiver and her eyes fill with tears. “Oh, my daughter!” 
She reaches towards you again and this time, you accept her. You both squeeze with all your strength, as if this is the last night you will ever see each other. The two of you share an embrace for what seems like hours, afraid to let go and succumb to the uncertainty of reality. 
Your mother finally breaks the embrace, but keeps one arm around you, while the other caresses your head. You lean into her comforting hand, relishing in her warmth.
“I understand you have many questions. I do, too. Unfortunately, we know just as much as you do about this situation.”
“But, Mother!” You escape her grasp to look clearly at her. “Is this not at all suspicious? I am the daughter of a baron! He is the prince, the heir to the throne! This type of union is unheard of!” 
“You are right, child,” your father says softly. “However, we cannot question the logic of the monarchy. Such a union is generally unheard of, but not impossible.” He scratches his bread in thought. “Many years ago, before your time, King R’as had several concubines. Perhaps…Prince Damian would like to continue that tradition.”
Your face wrinkles in disgust at that word. Concubine. You would rather be Earl Clinton’s wife than a concubine to the prince. The connotations behind the word upset you, but alas, it makes logical sense. 
“Tsk, I cannot fathom sharing a man, as some people do.”
“Daughter, being the concubine of a prince is a better fate than most people have. It may not hold the same respect or title as ‘wife’, but you will forever live in luxury if you learn to please the prince.”
“Ugh -,” your father grunts uncomfortably at the thought. Despite his indifferent attitude towards the situation, it saddens him to think that your fate exists outside of the respectable confines of marriage.
Your mother sharply looks at your father, silencing him. She returns to look at you and coos at your tear-stricken eyes. “Please forgive me, my child. I wish I had all the answers. I wish I could comfort your heart.”
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multific · 1 year
Married for Love
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Aegon II Targaryen x Reader
Summary: Alicient had enough of Aegon, so she sent him to a different kingdom, she hoped he would learn there. But Aegon found more than just a new home.
When you heard that a prince will be housed by your father, you didn't know what to think of it at first.
But then, Aegon joined your home.
Many months have passed, almost a year when the news arrived, House Targaryen will visit the son they sent away.
Aegon was not thrilled, to say the least.
He knew this could mean a couple of things, either his father was dead or dying.
He let out a long sigh but you placed a kiss on his skin as you hugged him, hoping it would calm him.
"Mother, Father, Brother and Sister, I would like to welcome you all." Aegon stood in front of his family, all four of them eyeing him up and down, Aegon looked really really good. Healthy, strong, a lot more muscular than the last time any of them saw him.
Aegon went ahead to greet his family before everyone else in the palace. He wanted them to see how well he was, laugh into their faces that he was doing so much better.
His mother came over to give him a kiss and a hug. 
"I'll guide you to the King." he said as he turned to do so, but then you caught his eyes, "Actually before I do so, I would like for you all to meet my lovely wife, Y/N, daughter of King Y/L/N." he held his hand out and everyone's gaze fell on you.
You wore a beautiful gown, the colour matched your skin tone perfectly, a simple ring on your finger, matching Aegon's and you had a smile on.
"Your Grace, it is really nice to finally meet the family of my dear husband." with one last smile, you walked beside Aegon into the castle, guiding your guests to the throne room.
Everyone at the back was confused.
Aegon was married? Since when? And to a Princess? Why didn't they know about this?
But no one dared to question, the connection between the two Houses had to be strong, questioning you would definitely not sit well with your father.
All of you came to a stop before two huge doors, a knight came over to you and whispered something before returning to his position.
"Looks like my mother's taking a little while to get ready. In a couple minutes and they will let us all in." you said as you turned towards the family, again, a kind smile on your face before you turned back. 
You could feel their eyes burning holes into your back.
Aegon took a slight step, putting his hand on your waist, and pulling you close as you placed one of your arms around him. You placed your head on his shoulder.
You knew, he needed you to calm him without words, and that is what you did. Just being there for him was enough. 
His family could only watch in shock. They watched as your arm moved from his back and onto his shoulder as you stepped closer, you ran your fingers through his hair before you placed a kiss on his cheek. Leaving a slight pink tint behind before getting it with your fingers.
Everyone knew that the couple in front of them was in love. These touches were not planned or faked. 
You then turned in your husband's arm and smiled at them.
"Hope you had a great journey." Silence. Complete silence, but your smile never faded. 
"It was okay, thank you. May I ask, what kind of bugs do you have around here?" Aegon's sister spoke up.
"Oh, I don't like them too much, I do have animals, however."
"A couple." this made Aegon chuckle and you hit his arm. "A lot yes, deer, rabbits, foxes, cats, dogs, wolves, birds. We are close to the big forest, they come by all the time."
"You feed them." Aegon spoke up as he shifted from one leg to another but never turning to face his family, only looking at you or the door in front of him.
"I do, but where are animals, there are insects, you should check the forest, there are many in there."
"Wolves?" she asked, shocked. "Wouldn't they eat the bunnies?"
"They would, but I forbid them. They listen because I feed them. I'll show you later in the garden if you wish, Princess."
"We are going." said Aegon as the door started to open just when Aegon's father wanted to speak.
All of you walked in, you and Aegon joined your father on his throne, you sat down in your chair beside your mother while Aegon stood beside you.
"King Vicerys and his family! My old friend, thank you for visiting us." your father greeted them.
"Old friend, it was news for me to find out that my son married your daughter." right into the middle, Aegon's father was surely not playing around. 
"Oh, yes. Married them myself, my only daughter, I was happy she found such a boy for herself. When you sent Aegon over to my Kingdom, we never expected such happiness to grace us! Truly thrilled to have him here." then the conversation moved to more basic topics. Aegon moved to kneel next to you as he asked you about your dress or something, you couldn't quite understand.
"Sorry, what?" you asked as he came to eye level with you.
"I said, you looked breathtaking in this dress."
"Well, thank you. I doubt my dress is as breathtaking as the news of our marriage to your family."
"Like I care. I bet they expected to find me either in a ditch drunk or in a whorehouse... Not like I know where it is!" his eyes widened as he looked at you. 
"Sure..." you pouted before moving a little in your seat. You knew about his past, of course you did, you were first to know why the prince was there and your mother really had no filter.
But soon, everyone grew to love Aegon, especially you.
"Anyway, do you know for how long they are here?" he asked.
"Mother said about a week. She said they probably wanted to take you back to Red Keep."
"But this is my home, and if I go, you would have to come with me. I am not going to bring you into a life of misery because of my family."
"They can't be that bad." you said and Aegon just looked at you. "Okay, maybe, but I love you and if they want you back in King's Landing, I'll go with you." Aegon made a face before he looked at his family, noticing how his brother was staring at the two of you. He then looked back at you.
"My happiness is with you, you know that but King's Landing is very different from here, you won't like it there. No forests. No animals."
"I'd choose you over every animal or forest."
Aegon then stood up once again, this conversation might not be over but for now, it was.
Lunch went rather well, your mother was talking with the Queen all along, your mother was a very wise woman, you only wished to be half as great as she was. She knew that the moment she let's the Queen out of her sight, she might go to Aegon.
You and Aegon ate in silence, occasionally exchanging looks or smiles. 
As you promised to Helaena, you showed her the gardens, Aemond also followed as the four of you walked around. 
"So, you feed all of them yourself?"
"I try to check daily as my duties allow me."
"Or she sends me." Aegon spoke up, for the first time looking at his sister.
"Because you can lift the water bucket. We used to have traps when I was young, but when I was young I saw a deer caught, I cried so much my mother made my father take all the traps away. And so, we feed them now." you smiled at her and Aemond.
"Did you name them?" asked the Princess. 
"Some, yes." 
"She named a deer after me. When I arrived, she said the deer reminded her of me as it was just as thin." Aegon smiled at the memory. 
"Yes, but now, both of them are healthy." you said as you looked at the rose bush, noting a small red bug on it, it was one you actually liked. "Here." you let the bug crawl onto your hand before you turned to Helaena. "We call it Ladybug. It is said the dots on its back tells you how old they are." you watched her for a second before you turned your attention to Aemond. "I assume Prince Aemond is not so fond of flowers or animals, we do have training grounds, although I'm afraid I'm not the expert to show you around, it would be my husband." Aemond bowed his head a little as a small form of thank you as he did not finding any words. 
Aemond was clearly taken aback, Aegon noticed but said nothing, smiling at his brother before looking back at you.
Aemond for sure thought Aegon would be a mess, much like how he was before his entire life, but instead, they found him, married, happy and strong. 
Aemond was jealous.
So jealous.
Aegon had an amazing wife, a caring soul who was not only beautiful but smart and caring. And Aemond wanted the same.
Your tour soon came to an end as you all decided to rest up a bit before dinner.
"Your brother is jealous." you said as Aegon took his jacket off.
"I noticed. He looked at you like a lost duckling."
"But your sister's nice."
"Wait until she places a spider onto your shoulder." a shiver ran down your spine. 
"Do you really think they want to bring you back?"
He nodded. Well, you weren't blind, his father was not in the best health.
"I never really thought this was a question of IF Aegon. Rather a WHEN. You are the heir right? Not your half-sister but you, so, they would want you back, especially now that you not only survived here but thrived. I have been getting ready for it since the moment we kissed for the first time." you both smiled at the memory.
"My parents didn't like that we are married. I could tell."
"Like I care. We are married, and I'm not leaving you." Although both of you knew there would be ways for his family to try and separate you, you two also knew that no matter what, you two will find your way back to one another.
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lurafita · 16 days
Mundane AU with supportive Maryse
If talking mundane au where Maryse wasn't the worst more accepting of her son's sexuality
Maryse: "You know, my friend Ethel, you know Ethel, right? She used to come over every sunday and play a round of cards with me while your father taught you how to throw a ball." Alec: "Yes, I remember Ethel. How is she?" Maryse: "Oh, she is just splendid! Her daughter is coming to visit her soon. Cynthia. You remember Cynthia, right?" Alec: "Yes, I remember Cynthia. Look, mom, the reason I came to visit today,-" Maryse: "Ethel is so excited! And Cynthia has grown into a lovely woman. I saw some pictures. Did you know she just finished her doctorate?" Alec: "No. That's really good for her. But, uhm, you see, what I was gonna talk to you about-" Maryse: "And, according to Ethel, Cynthia had a bit of a shine on you back when you were both teens." Alec: "Well, it's a small town, not like she had a lot to choose from. But what I was trying-" Maryse: "Oh pish posh! You were such a sweet and smart and nice boy! Cynthia clearly knew a good catch when she saw one, so don't sell yourself short. Maybe you two could reconnect a bit when she comes to visit. She is single, too." Alec: "Mom, I'm gay." Maryse: "… Well, why didn't you say so sooner? Just last week I met with Janine. You remember Janine, right? She used to babysit you when you were young. She has a brother who is gay. I could have gotten his number for you" Alec: "Mom-" Maryse: "Oh, and then there is this couple who moved in the old Byers house across the street. You remember the Byers, right dear? Old man Byers would always shout about stray dogs on his lawn, even though there were never any stray dogs anywhere!" Alec: "Mom-" Maryse: "Anyway, this new couple? Lovely people. Two gay men, married for 2 years now. They surely have some friends they could introduce you to."
Alec: "Mom, I'm not looking to meet anyone right now." Maryse: "Oh, that's fine, too. But you know, it doesn't hurt to look. You aren't getting any younger. And weddings take such a long time to plan." Alec: "Mom, I'm not even in a relationship yet. There is no wedding." Maryse: "And adoption takes some time too, you know? You still want kids, right?" Alec: "Of course I do, but-" Maryse: "Oh, I know! Old Dale, you remember Dale, right? He runs the local autoshop. He just hired a few new mechanics. And they like working shirtless when it's hot. We could go have a look. Make it a Mother Son outing." Alec: "MOM!" Maryse: "What? I'm old, not dead. I appreciate the sight of some big, muscly men from time to time." Alec: "Oh my god!" Maryse: "A mechanic actually would be a nice match for you. They are bound to be handy with their… tools." Alec: "… I'm gonna forget this conversation ever happened."
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dreamofjoys · 2 years
Lilia asking Malleus and Y/N for more grandkids. They already have like two kids and he be like “Please give me more grandkids you two! I need more to spoil!🥰”
there’s two ending for this scenario
fem reader ahead!
Scenario 1
malleus is okay with the idea of having another child. he thinks that the bigger the family, the better it is! imagine a small version of malleus running around the castle, pulling on the hem or your skirt and begs you to play with him! malleus would also absolutely pamper his own daughter. and if they look like you? is a win win for him.
of course, he would only agree to lilia’s request if you are okay with it. after all, you are the one carrying the baby for 9 months. he knows that carrying a child is not easy (he has seen you crying day and night, being unable to walk after birthing the baby, having frequent muscle aches and mood swings)
lilia’s request is tempting. you and malleus knows how much he spoils your kids. occasionally giving them candies, even bringing them out of the castle to go for a walk.
all we need is your consent, y/n. just say yes and malleus happily obliged to put his seed in you. a new baby room will be set up, and the nanny shall be lilia once again.
Scenario 2
you and malleus look at each other, nervously chuckling. another baby? not that you mind, but you were getting a little tired after birthing your second child. you wish to wait for a few more years before getting yourself ready to birth another royal.
lilia could do nothing but only pout. seeing as to how desperate lilia is, you gestured malleus to come closer and whispered to his ear.
“hey, silver is still single, right? why not match him up with someone? i bet lilia would absolutely be even more happy if the child belongs to silver.”
malleus smirks. “my wife always come up with such a wonderful idea, im so bless to be married to you.”
the next day, you and malleus summoned silver to your private quarters, asking him if he is currently seeing/interested in anyone, or what’s his type.
silver was confused at his master’s question, but nonetheless answered no. “i am not seeing anyone. i am not interested in anyone either. i don’t plan to get married or fall in love. i want to dedicate the rest of my life to serve you, malleus and father. i want to make father happy and proud.”
damn. both you and malleus thought while looking at each other. it’s gonna take awhile to witness silver getting married and having a child.
now, whose gonna tell dear silver that his father will only be truly happy and proud when silver gives him a grandchild?
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farity · 1 year
Let’s Pretend, part 2
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x you
Summary:  The pretend engagement trope courtesy of Aemond and you
Warning:  Smut.
Part 1
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“Daughter, I swear I know you less and less each day.”
You were breathing hard from running back to the carriage.  And from the kiss you’d just shared with Aemond.  You sat on the long bench facing your father and slid down to place your feet next to him.
“Here,” he moved one of the trunks underneath you so you could stretch out.  “Get some sleep.  Or try.”
“Is Lord Stoughton visiting this weekend, papa?”
Your father gave you a look, but nodded.  “Yes, we shall share the news with him.”
You smiled at your dear father and closed your eyes, trying to not think about the tall prince and how you would miss his kisses.
* * * * * 
“She will have to be schooled on proper behavior,” queen Alicent said, walking back into the keep.
Aemond smiled to himself but said nothing.  
“We will also try to inform your father, if he has a few moments of awareness,” she continued.
“I am sure he will be delighted by the news,” Aemond snapped, and walked past his mother and Ser Criston Cole.  
“Brother, she is lovely,” Helaena said, walking up to him as he headed to his quarters.  “I had no idea you were in love.”
Aemond turned.  “I am as much in love as you are, Hel,” he said, and immediately regretted it, the look on his sister’s face turning into one of infinite sadness.  “I’m sorry, sweet sister.  All I mean to say-”
“You are a fool, Aemond,” Helaena whispered, “you are playing games you do not understand.”  Her eyes filled with tears and she turned away, walking down the corridor and Aemond watched her until she disappeared around a corner.
He wanted to hit something, someone.  Maybe he could find Aegon and goad him into an insult or two so he could punch him in the face.  He considered his options, then switched directions to head out the back of the keep.  
He walked and walked until he heard her rumblings, tried to calm himself so that she would fly steady and true, unburdened by his confusion and his sadness.
By the time he climbed up her side, he could feel her getting ready to soar, the anticipation in her breathing, and securing himself to her, let her fly free.
* * * * * 
“Something has arrived for you, my lady.”
Your maid stood at your doorway, holding a wide, flat box, a smile on her face.
“Thank you, Milla, let’s see what it is, shall we?”
You’d practically grown up with Milla.  Her mother had been your mother’s maid and when your mother had died from sickness, the daughter had become your companion until you were old enough to need a maid.  Your father, never a strict head of household, had allowed you two to play together, eat together, although Milla always kept to her side of the line.
“Oh, this is beautiful, my lady.”
Most of the box was taken up several lengths of fabric in various shades of blue.  The most elegant one was a shade that matched the sapphire in your pendant.  It was plain silk but there was an embroidered panel for the bodice and two smaller, similarly adorned panels for the sleeves.
You noticed that aside from those pieces, everything else was plain, but the fabric itself was clearly of the highest quality and you ran your hand over each and every one.  None of them would scratch your skin, none of them would be too rough or stiff or uncomfortable.
There was also a smaller box and when you opened it you knew who it was from.  A small piece of cloth with an embroidered bee in gold thread.  
“I can find a frame for it,” Milla said.  “There is something else.”
A much smaller box, and you knew instantly what it would be.
“Earbobs,” you said before opening it.  “He said he would get me earbobs.”
Indeed, two pretty sapphires on a gold setting, to match your pendant.  “Let me, milady.”
You let your maid put them on you, let her bring the looking glass so you could admire them.  “I should write to him,” you mused, “to thank him for all of this.”
“I will set out your paper and ink, my lady, and I will get the seamstress as well.”
“Thank you, Milla.”
“This is very thoughtful,” she said, “he wants you in his personal colors and he’s sent enough for half a dozen dresses.  The realm shall call you The Princess in Blue,” she added dreamily as she left.
You wondered wryly if after your little pretense was over, you would have to send all the dresses back to be remade for someone else.
* * * * * 
Aemond waited until the servant left before he unfolded the piece of paper.
“My dearest love,” it began, and he found himself shaking his head, picturing her writing it.  “An ocean of gratitude for the very fine fabrics you have sent, as well as the earbobs, they are all too much for the humble likes of me, but I shall do my best to wear them well.  Since you seem to have a predilection for the color of skies and seas, I have recently found a new dye called Yndigo that does not anger the skin, so I might try to match myself to one of the fabrics you sent.  When you grace us with your presence next week, do not be alarmed when you see me fully striped in various blues from head to toe as I will wish to know which shade is your favorite.  Papa has ordered the barren field to the west to be fenced in and will make it comfortable for your stay.  For the dragon, not you.  I must go now to console the maid as I am, of course, trying the skin dyes on her first.  Faithfully, adoringly, and unabashedly,”
He traced the highly decorated script of your name, contrasting with the neat and tidy handwriting of the rest of the letter.
“Brother, brother, are you well?”  Aegon rushed in and Aemond shoved the paper into his pocket.
“What do you want, Aegon?”
Aegon walked in, looking around, then pulled back a panel of curtain to look behind it.  “I heard a noise.”
Aemond stood, already on guard.  “What kind of noise?”
“I haven’t heard it in a long time,” Aegon said, looking under tables, “it sounded, almost, maybe, in a way-”
Exasperated, Aemond stopped, glaring at his brother.  “Aegon, what noise?”
Aegon looked at him with wide eyes, “it sounded like a . . . laugh?”  He put up his hands in front of him, “of course, I knew it couldn’t be you, I haven’t heard you make the sound in years, so I knew there must be an intruder,” his attempt to not smile was fading, “and I shall slay whoever it is hiding in my brother’s room!”
Aemond sighed and went up to his brother.  “Get the fuck out.”
“Why were you laughing?”
“I wasn’t.”
Aegon wrinkled his nose and nodded, “yeah, yeah, you were, little brother.  So tell me, why were you laughing?”
Aemond grabbed his brother by the arm and pushed him out of his room, closing the door behind as Aegon burst out laughing.
“I will find out!” he heard him yell.
He had much to do this day, but he smiled and touched the piece of paper in his pocket before heading to the lists.
* * * * * 
“You look very fine, daughter.”
You smiled at your father, touched the pendant to ensure it was facing the right way.  Which it had been the previous four times you had checked.  
There had been a great noise which you knew was the roar of a dragon a few minutes earlier, and a servant had been dispatched with an extra horse to the field that had been prepared for Aemond’s dragon.
“Will the guest chamber be adequate?” your father asked.
“Papa,” you said kindly, “it is our best room, I would say better than the rooms we were given during our visit.”
You could see the two horses approaching, and soon caught sight of Aemond’s silver hair, glinting in the sunlight.  
“I am glad he is visiting now, for our gardens are are their best.”
Guilt.  There was guilt worming itself around you.  How would your father feel when the betrothal was called off?  You began to consider how you would feel and immediately dismissed the thought.  It was what you wanted.  Your plan, your idea.  
“Thank you, Tommas, please take the horses,” your father said once both riders had dismounted.  He exchanged pleasantries with Aemond, who then headed toward you.
As he neared you, you curtsied, smiling, and caught him looking at you from head to toe.  He took your hand and kissed it, then offered you his arm to go back inside.  “No stripes?”
“Not today,” you said easily.
It felt right to walk next to him, to have your hand on his arm, to feel the warmth of him.  Would he kiss you again if he had the chance?  After all, the betrothal was known and there was no real reason for him to bother any more.
“Helaena received your note as well, she kept telling everyone about it all day.”
You caught something in his gaze, almost a regret.  Maybe he, too, was thinking of what his sister would think once the betrothal was over.
“I like her,” you said.  “I know I only spoke with her a little, but she seems to be very kind.”
“She is.”
Dinner was lively, as it always was in your home.  You watched your father and Aemond conversing easily and the more it went on, the worse you felt. 
This plan of yours had more consequences than you had envisioned.
“The color suits you,” Aemond said casually as you walked outside, enjoying the early evening.  There was still light and a gentle breeze and you smiled at him.  “You would be a lovely addition to our family,” he added and then caught himself.  “If this were real, of course.”
“Of course.”
You walked back to the house and then you remembered.  “I forgot, I got you something.  Not a betrothal gift exactly, but I thought you might like them.”  Once inside you went to your father’s study, one of your favorite rooms in the house.  On his desk was a stack of three books and you presented them to Aemond.  
He looked through the three tomes, and then back up at you.  “I have been searching for a copy of this for months, the original was said to be lost.”
“It is, but one of my sisters is married to a lord in Highgarden and she found an excellent copy for me.”
“This is very thoughtful of you.”
You smiled, “I do appreciate your help,” you said quietly.
He moved a step closer and took your hand.  “Who else was on your list?” he asked suddenly, his voice low.
Did you even remember?  “Does it matter?”
He closed the distance between you.  “No, it does not.”  He kissed you, gently at first, but when you parted your lips for him the kiss turned heated.  He pushed you against the desk and you felt him hard against your belly.  You wanted more, and you curled one leg around his thigh, your hands on his shoulders.
He lifted you up onto the desk.  “Yes,” you whispered in between kisses.  You wanted more, wanted everything, damn the falsehood and the pretense, you wanted him.
“I was told- oh dear.”
You pulled back, startled, and Aemond immediately turned, covering you from the sight of whoever had come in to the room.
“Prince Aemond,” a man stood at the doorway, bowing respectfully.  “I will go . . . somewhere else.”
“Lord Stoughton,” you said, having composed yourself.  You stepped around Aemond and gave the older man a hug.  “It is good to see you.  May I present my betrothed, Prince Aemond Targaryen.”
Lord Stoughton bowed again and Aemond nodded back.  
“Aemond, Lord Stoughton is a childhood friend of my father’s, he lives close by.  We consider him family.”
“You are very kind, my dear.  Congratulations on your betrothal,” he added, “we thought our little one here would keep us old men company until the Stranger took us.”
“Thank you.”  Aemond turned to you.  “I should make sure Vhagar is settled, will you go with me?”
You smiled at him, glad to be free from the awkward situation.  “I will see you later Lord Stoughton.”
You said nothing as you walked outside, the cool breeze a blessed relief on your heated face.  Aemond was equally silent, and you had no idea what was going through his head.  You knew, from your Septa’s more detailed lessons on the male anatomy, that the hard part you had felt against your stomach earlier could become so for many reasons.  Lust, of course, but also fear or anger, among other emotions.  
Somehow you did not think Aemond had been angry or afraid at that moment.  He had wanted you as you had wanted him, and it added to your confusion.  You did not in any way think yourself above other ladies of the court, there were certainly much prettier ladies, richer, more accomplished, from greater houses.
But he wasn’t interested in any of them.
You turned a corner and your heart nearly stopped. 
“By the Father, she is massive.”
Aemond stopped next to you.  “She will know you are under my protection.”
You looked at him, confused.  “How will she know, will you put a sign on my forehead?”
“Yes.  In blue ink.”  He walked toward the dragon and you rushed to catch up.  The dragon turned, and you heard rumblings deep in her chest.
“By all the hells, no,” you turned, but before you could escape, Aemond grabbed your arm.  “I see your plan.  Tragic accident, your betrothed is murdered by your dragon, you mourn forever, albeit very stylishly in all your black, and people will not question why you never marry.”
He merely looked at you, not letting go of your arm.
“I will admit, it is a much better plan than mine, except I refuse to be the one that gets murdered.”
“If she thinks you are fighting me,” he said calmly, “she might not look kindly upon you.”  He ran a hand down the side of your face.  “I would not endanger you.”
You already have, you thought to yourself.
“I will use you as a shield if I see any fire coming my way,” you said, and let him lead you closer.
The great beast’s eye focused on you and your fingers tightened on Aemond’s hand.  He began speaking to her in High Valyrian, which you had heard of but were not familiar with.  She rumbled back, as if responding to him and then the great head moved forward and around you.
“Vhagar,” he said, and wrapped an arm around your shoulders while the dragon sniffed and sniffed.  “Look at me,” Aemond said.
You looked up in time to find his lips on yours.  It was easy now, to let him kiss you, to kiss him back, to wrap your arms around him as if you would do it for the rest of your life.  
* * * * * 
Aemond heard Vhagar taking off but didn’t pay any attention.  Vhagar had accepted his betrothed easily enough, and it frightened him.  The dragon cared little for politics or games or pretenses, if there was a creature who would not conceal its impulses, it was her.  Easy acceptance was not one of the dragon’s qualities.
When he finally ended the kiss, she looked up at him, and he could see the confusion in her eyes.  He had no idea what to tell her, for confusion flooded him as well and instead he decided to kiss her again.
There was a rustling at the edge of the field and she turned.  He was still looking down at her when he heard the sound of air cutting through the wide open space, and she screamed as her body moved to the right.
She jerked in his arms and then looked up at him.  Her brows were knotted as if she was in pain and, slowly, she looked down, her breath escaping in short bursts.  
Below her right shoulder, right under her clavicle, the bloody tip of an arrow protruded out, and a dark stain began to spread.
* * * * *
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ewanmitchelll · 1 year
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• “Check yes, Y/N...” (III)
Imagine you are the youngest daughter of Lord Stark and Aemond Targaryen falls in love with you right before civil war starts. What then?
Warnings: fluff/smut/drama.
You are betrothed to Jacaerys Velaryon. The news shouldn’t surprise you, but here you are. The announcement is brought on with great delight to all parts. Your father and your brother are all the merrier because this means closer links to the House Targaryen. Your future is to become queen consort to the Seven Kingdoms by marrying the heir to the queen-to-be Rhaenyra Targaryen.
Such perspective is optimistic. It predicts a greatness too difficult to ignore. But why do such news bring such a bittersweet taste to you? You cast discreetly a gaze to Lord Aemond, not sure what to expect, but finding in your heart anxiety when he is not behaving expectedly. He is cold, distant and difficult to read.
“My dear child”, Princess Rhaenyra’s words demove you from your uneasiness as she comes to meet you with a warm smile on her lips. “We greet you well. You are a grown woman now, and soon you will carry your own children. I could have not been any more pleased with this…as is Jacaerys.”
You cast your friend a glance and feel bad for him. By how he glances back at you tells you how little choice he had on the matter. But it could always be worse, you thought. You could have been arranged to a man unkind and greedy; there were always worse matches to be found.
But you are discontented. However, aware that your sentiments are not important—were they relevant someday?—you disguise well when returning Princess Rhaenyra’s greetings.
It is only then the king, who looks very pleased with finding a proper bride for his grandson, says:
“House Stark is known for its honor and this is a quality we praise highly. My dear lady Y/N, welcome to our family.”
You curtsy and play the role you are expected to.
“Your Grace, thank you for your generosity.”
Underneath the perfect demeanor and display of your well manners, there are a thousand wishes burning inside you. The more you repress them, the more they hurt you.
You’ve never before felt alone in this world. So under the excuse you are feeling overwhelmed, you leave earlier to your private quarters. Believing to be alone, you allow some tears to raise to your eyes when out of the sudden you meet prince Aemond.
“You are in tears”, he says in a husky tone. Aemond intended to push you against the wall and ask you why on seven hells would you choose Jacaerys Velaryon over him, but seeing you broken like this sensibilizes him. “My dear Y/N…”
He tries to pull you against him, but you push him away.
“Don’t, Aemond. You didn’t come for me when you had the chance. Go after your lady Alys Rivers. She is whom your heart desires, after all.”
Aemond side smirks at you, which only infuriates you.
“Do you think this is amusing, lord? Do you underestimate my existence like everyone else in this castle does? I once judged you to be better than others, but…”
He rolls his eyes before holding your face with his firm hands as right there he shushes your protests by kissing you fervently. You are caught of guard by it, eyes going slightly wide at first before realizing his lips are against yours.
Only then you grasp his shoulders, moving your hands to his face as you kiss him back—doing so more for instinct than anything else.
To feel his tongue pursuing yours is to taste the fire that burns a dragon like him, that sets your heart alight and consumes your soul. Your mind goes blank, unable to think else that is not him.
As one hand slides to grip your neck, your body is pulled automatically at once against his. You are feverish, you forget where you are, what you should be doing. All you want is to be kissed by this dragon lord, to be under his command, to have your heavy gown removed by his hands.
And yet… reason has not left your heart unguarded. So you part the kiss breathlessly so, face painted in a deep shade of red as his right eye stares at you with a soft smirk twirling in the corner of his lips.
“You are mine”, he strokes your face. “You shall not marry that Velaryon male.”
“I…” You feel your knees go weak and for a moment dizzy, you need to find support in the wall.
Aemond chuckles lightly at how you react. He helps you stand, his hands refusing to let go of you.
“I am a man of words. Do you remember the knight who never gave up his lady? We will overcome this duty, we will promptly sacrifice it. I swear.”
“But you love her, don’t you?”, you ask, the hurt in your voice betraying your composed self.
Aemond finds how adorable you are the fact you worry primarily for his old flame rather than the destruction he’d do to take you with him. He cups your cheeks, laying his forehead against yours as he whispers:
“She doesn’t matter anymore. The past is past for a reason. You are not just my present, lady Y/N, you are my future, the very reason why we are tying our futures right as we speak.”
“You don’t know what you are saying, Aemond…”, your words sound void in your ears, deprived of significance as your body leans towards him, his touch is tempting and how he devours you with his one eye is capable to make you go down on your knees.
“My dear heart, I know what I am saying”, as if to reinforce that you now belong to him, the prince tightens the grip around your waist, burying his fingers against you as he leans to whisper in your ear. “You are mine and mine alone. If Seven Kingdoms must burn for it, so be it.”
You feel it in your core the truth in it. Your reason does not feel any encouragement in such words, but when does reason match sentiments? But his scent confuses you, your body is tense. Aemond can tell you are not being yourself mostly due to the fear of rejection, the fear he might break your heart.
The silver haired prince leads the way to your private quarters, aware that you must not be seen together. There’s something dangerous in it that makes him side smirk. It’s when you hold his wrist and forces him to look at you.
“Aemond. Please, behave”, you whisper, fearful of being caught. “We cannot risk this. Your father needs you.”
“He never needed me”, Aemond’s voice sounds ruder than he intends and he softens when seeing something in your face that makes his heart pound. “I’m sorry, love. I want to be with you, is all. You will not marry him. He’s unworthy of your affections. To think you as his wife is… well, no words can measure the desperation I feel when thinking about losing you.”
You, often a shadow and discreet being; you, who preferred not to commit yourself to any male; you, the loner she-wolf… you are smitten with this rogue prince and to realize it drives you to the edge of insanity.
Hence why you surprise you both when kissing his lips urgently. His hands are now all over you, pinning you against the wall, before lifting your skirts and caressing your thighs.
Cold does not feel like home anymore. When you have the taste of licking fire, your soul is a burning flame. When Aemond kisses your neck, giving it soft bites, leaving bruises in hidden spots, your hands work disastrously around his hair. And when his fingers find the way to your feminine core, you gasp in surprise.
“Shh”, Aemond smirks at your reaction. “Oh my love, quiet now. Hush, little wolf. Let the dragon tend your needs.”
He brushes his lips against yours as he works in marvellous ways to please you. Aemond groans in a whisper, barely perceptible to your ears, when feeling how wet you have been for him. He senses in his pants the pain of his rigidness, but the prince’s self control is enough for now.
“My darling”, you bite his bottom lip. “You brought me to heavens before time.”
He smirks at being considered an angel when he’s teaching you sinful matters. Yet, he’d do so much more. Aemond would touch himself if he could, admiring the way your mouth makes an “o”, how your eyelashes are barely open, how you give in to him, how you are under his control.
I would fuck you right now. Gods know I would. But we ought to wait.
So before you reach your climax he removes his hand. Watching the frustration in your eyes, Aemond chuckles.
“Don’t look at me like that, Lady Stark. This is the beginning. I’ll make you mine even if I have to bleed the Seven Kingdoms for it.”
By saying so, he kisses your lips hungrily one last time. Soon, he’d keep his promise and the two of you were destined to pay the price for it.
(To be continue)
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Echo x Fem! Reader FanFic
A Returning Echo ~ After the Citadel
Main Master List
Story Master List
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Seven
Warning: there is a vague birth but not descriptive. Basically just saying the reader goes into labor.
You wake up and groan as the light filters in through the windows. You had forgotten to close them last night, but instead of just using the force to close it, you merely roll over onto your side. Well, as much as you can with a baby bump as big as yours is. You sigh, pushing yourself onto your back again and letting your limbs flop out. 
“I can’t karking wait until you’re born,” you mumble, and almost immediately you feel a sharp pain. You push yourself up, heat coming to your cheeks as you realize there is a wet spot under you now. “What the-” your words are cut off by another sharp pain, and you lean forward, clutching the spot where it hurt. “AHNI!” you yell, hoping she can hear you.
More than one set of footsteps rushes to your room, and you’re waddling towards the door when it flies open. “Y/n?!” Kwol asks, rushing to your side, “what’s wrong?” Ahni is right behind him, followed by Codo. “Is it the baby?”
“I don’t know,” you reply, tears in your eyes from confusion and pain, “it hurts so much though.”
“It’s probably labor,” Ahni replies, her voice surprisingly calm. Well, she did go through this once before with the twins. And Kwol tends to not know how to handle or process things like this. “Let’s get her to the medical area and get a doctor.”
“Would you like me to come along, my dear?” Codo asks, and you immediately nod your head yes. You need your father with you, especially when going through something like this. 
Codo and Ahni race you to the medical area while Kwol runs off to find a doctor and nurse. You feel awful, completely out of breath when you finally flop down onto the medical table. Soon after, Kwol is there with the nurse and she instructs you on how to get ready while the doctor prepares a few things. Codo comes into the room to stand by your side and hold your hand while everything happens, assuring you that you are doing well and that it’s all going okay. Kwol is banished from the room after a while when he can’t get his own emotions under control. 
After a few painful hours, everyone is crowded around you as your wide eyed little girl stares up at them. Kwol is crying again and Ahni has a big grin on her face. Codo has the proudest look you’ve ever seen as he smiles down at you and Echoa. In the back of your mind, though, there is the knowledge that someone is missing, perhaps the most important person.
Echo would have melted the second he laid eyes on his daughter. Her eyes match his perfectly, and her tuft of curls bounce on her head in a way that mimicked his own curls. She’s the perfect mixture of you and him, and when you look down at her, you can’t help but cry over him again.
Fives sits eating his dinner with Hardcase, Kix, and Jesse, cracking jokes between every few bites. He doesn’t notice when Anakin spots him from across the mess hall and begins to make his way over. He only notices him when he sits down in front of him with a wide grin on his face.
“Did you hear the news, Fives?” his general asks, eagerness seeping into each word.
“News? No sir, I haven’t,” Fives responds, slightly confused at Anakin’s overly cheery attitude. Usually, that isn’t a good sign.
“Y/n had her daughter earlier!”
Fives takes a second to process the words, but when he does, he feels everything around him slow. “Wait, what?” Fives’s eyes widen and he drops his fork, completely forgetting how hungry he had been a few minutes ago.
“Yeah, she had her a few hours ago-”
“General Skywalker,” Fives says, standing up and putting his hands on the table, leaning towards him, “I need to go to Dohbar.”
Anakin looks at him blankly, blinking a few times before responding. “What? Fives, I know you want to see her, but you can’t just go to Dohbar right now-“
“You don’t understand sir,” he says, cutting him off and slapping a hand to Anakin’s mouth, “I need to go to Dohbar. That little girl is the daughter of my closest brother, and I have to meet her. I care about her more than I could ever explain. She is one of the most important people that I will ever know.”
When Fives takes his hand away, Anakin sits with his mouth open in surprise for a second before he shakes out of his daze. “Alright, well, Jawa Squad of the 17th is leaving right now to go see her, so I guess you can see if they’ll let you-“
“Thank you sir! Thank you so much!” he says, turning and running faster than Anakin has ever seen him run before. As he runs through the barracks, he pushes and dodges people that are in his way, telling himself the whole time that this was the one thing he can’t be late for. Shaak Ti might have learned to plan dates for an hour ahead because she knows Fives is always late, but a baby won’t wait for anyone. Especially if it’s Echo’s baby.
“Sans!” Fives yells as he bursts into the hanger.
Sans, Hex, Steele, Aid, and Tie all turn to look at the clone running towards them. “Fives, is everything alright?” Sans replies, “you in a rush to head somewhere?”
“Yes, everything is alright. Everything’s perfect, actually,” he bends over as he reaches them, completely out of breath. He holds a hand up, signaling them to wait a moment before he speaks again. “I’m coming with you to Dohbar.”
“You are?” Steele questions, looking at Hex.
“Don’t look at me, I didn’t know either.”
“Yes,” Fives butts in, “I need to meet my niece. Look, Echo was my best brother, and this little girl…she’s all I have left of him. I won’t forgive myself if I don’t meet her.”
“I see. Well,” Sans starts, a smile on his face, “we’ll gladly let you join us in visiting y/n and the baby. We’ll even let you see her first.”
Fives jumps forward and flings his arms around Sans briefly before stepping back and resting his hands on his shoulders. “Thank you, sir. I owe you everything.”
“No you don’t, Fives,” he says, resting his own hand on top of Fives’s shoulder, “We’re brothers. This is what you’ve earned. Echo was a good man.” 
“No, he wasn’t a good man. He was the best,” Fives replies, and there’s a hint of sadness in his voice. Sans nods and leads them all onto the ship, and for the entire flight Fives anxiously waits to land on Dohbar. He wonders what it will be like, he had only heard about it briefly from Echo, and had never visited it himself. Will it be just as amazing as he imagined, or will it be completely different. 
“Nervous?” Fives snaps out of his mind when he hears the words and looks to see Hex with a slight smirk on his face. “Don’t worry, it’ll be okay. Once you see her, you’ll know everything is going to be just fine.”
“I hope so,” Fives sighs, “I don’t know how to do this whole uncle thing, though. And I just…” His words break and he looks down at the floor, his heart aching again.
Hex leans forward and rests a hand on Fives’s shoulder. “I know you feel guilt over everything. And you don’t think you deserve to be the one here to meet her. But if not Echo, then you. You are the best option that we have. You know him better than any of us, and you can bring the side of him that she never met.”
“But that’s the thing, Echo should be here instead. If I had just-”
“Fives,” Hex says, a little more firmly this time, “look at me.” Fives clears his throat and lifts his head, meeting Hex’s eyes. “I’ve seen someone very close to me lose themself with guilt, thinking that they should have done better to save one of our own. But you both did all that you could. It’s not fair, nothing in this war is. But we wouldn’t be here without it. Echo wouldn’t have existed without it, and our niece, your niece, wouldn’t either. Echo and y/n never would have met, and their daughter would never have been born. Yes, you lost Echo, and we lost Bomber, but you have to keep staying strong for him, like we do for Bomber. You have to love Echoa the way Echo would want you to, with enough love to be from the both of you.”
Fives wipes away the tears that spill from his eyes and nods. He clears his throat and looks up again, meeting Hex’s gaze. “Thank you,” he says quietly, and Hex offers him a small smile.
“Of course. Now, take a few minutes to ready yourself. We’re going to be landing in five.”
Fives sits up straighter, looking out the viewport. He watches as the ship exits hyperspace and holds outside the atmosphere for a minute before beginning to head down. He looks at the land, and it’s indescribable. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty great, isn’t it?” Hex chuckles. “We’re lucky that we get to visit here quite often.”
“What? No fair!” Fives whines, “I’m always stuck on Coruscant, Kamino, or in battle.”
“Well, now you have an excuse to come here,” Hex comments before standing and walking out. Fives continues to watch the descent before quickly washing his face off and making sure he looks decent. Not that he needed to impress a baby, but first impressions always stick. Besides, if he can’t be the favorite uncle, then he kriff-well be the most handsome one.
When the ship lands, Fives is practically bursting through the walls. He doesn’t know where he’s going, but he runs out of the hangar and into the palace. The boys of Jawa squad just shrug and chuckle, taking their time as they let Fives meet her first. 
After running around for a minute, taking a few left turns and a couple right ones, Fives realizes he’s lost. He looks around at the hall around him, trying to remember which way he came from and which rooms he’d checked, but everything looks unfamiliar to him. 
“Excuse me,” he says to someone walking by, “could you help me find where y/n and her daughter are?” Mai-Lee nods and tells him the directions to get to the nursery. Fives nods his thanks and runs off again, this time to actually find you. 
You’re peacefully holding your daughter as she sleeps in your arms, trailing a finger down her soft cheek. Her mouth is slightly open, and she’s snoring like her father used to. Everything about her breaks your heart when it reminds you of him. You wipe a tear away before it falls on her, not wanting to disturb her peace. When Fives comes to the room, he stands in the doorway for a second, studying your figure as your back is facing him.
“Fives…” you say softly, sensing him before turning around to face him. You have the most sad but happy look on your face when you see him. But he doesn’t look at you for long. His eyes fall on the tiny little bundle in your arms. You watch as he practically crumbles where he stands, so you look down and smile at your little girl. She’s opened her eyes and is now looking at Fives, reaching out to him slightly with a little arm. You feel the absolute heartbreak and love coming from Fives and so you slowly walk over to him, as you don’t think he could move if he tried. When you’re close enough, he lifts up a shaky hand and runs a finger down her small face.
“She’s so soft…” he mumbles. “Her eyes…they’re as bright and hopeful as his were…” 
You nod your head, and hold her out slightly towards him. “Do you want to hold her?” you ask, and his head snaps up to look at you.
“C-can I? Really?” You nod again, a small giggle coming from you. Your daughter copies the sound and when Fives hears it, he lets out a small sob-like noise. 
He gently takes her into his arms and stares down at her. “She’s perfect,” he says, his eyes full of awe, “she doesn’t have one flaw…”
“Well, she snores like Echo did,” you joke.
Fives just shakes his head, the awe still in his eyes. “I bet they’re the cutest snores ever.”
“They are.” The next thing you know, you see a tear fall from his cheek. It lands on your daughter's little onesie, and then another soon follows. “Oh, Fives,” you say, placing a hand on his arm. He looks up at you with tears streaming down his face now, not even bothering to fight them back.
“I miss him so much, y/n. Everyday…I-I feel so lost without him,” he says in between sniffs.
“I know, Fives. I know. I miss him too.” 
“He would have been so happy,” Fives chokes out. Your daughter reaches up again, putting a hand gently on his chest, right above his heart. That’s the moment that truly breaks him. He holds her close to him as the sobs wrack his body. He falls to his knees as he clutches her, and all you feel coming through the force is pure grief and sorrow. You kneel down and hold him, allowing yourself to cry with him. Your silent tears don’t compare to his sobs, though. It’s as if he’s been holding back all his grief and it’s finally bursting out.
After a while of sitting like that, crying together while Fives holds your daughter, he finally quiets as he looks down at her. “What did you name her?” he asks quietly, running another finger down her soft cheek. He needs to know that you went through with it. He needs to hear her name again.
“Echoa Jinn,” you reply softly, “just like I planned.”
“Echoa…” he repeats. “Echoa Jinn. I’ve never heard a more beautiful name.” 
In the morning, you wake up to see Fives standing on your balcony with Echoa in his arms. You can hear him humming something quiet and soft, and you smile to yourself as you throw your covers to the side and leave your bed. You cover a yawn as you walk out, poking Fives lightly in the side to let him know you’re there.
“Oh, goodmorning,” he says, holding Echoa out for you to take, “I just wanted to show her the sunrise. I told her about how Echo always loved to watch them.”
“When he woke up in time to see them, that is,” you giggle. Echoa mimics the sound, and Fives visibly melts where he stands. “You really have a strong hold over your uncle. You’re gonna be so spoiled.”
“Kriff right she is,” Fives says, and you shoot him a glare. “What? I just said-”
“No karking swearing around the kriffing newborn!” you say harshly, and you stare at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.
“You’re gonna have your mother’s language for sure,” he says, poking Echoa’s nose, making her scrunch it up in reaction. “Let’s just hope she’s not like Echo and doesn’t recite every single manual she ever reads.”
“I doubt she’s going to be reading many manuals,” you reply, “textbooks, maybe, but not manuals.”
Fives looks at you in confusion, not quite understanding what you mean. “Aren’t all books technically textbooks? Because you use text to write them?”
“Well, I mean, I guess,” you shrug, “but textbooks are like…well I guess they’re like school versions of manuals. You learn things in them and you read them for class to study and stuff.”
“Eugh,” he replies, sticking his tongue out, “studying is for losers.”
“Is that why you failed almost all of your manual based tests?” you ask, a smirk on your face.
“Hey, we don’t talk about that,” he shoots back, reaching out and taking Echoa again. “Echoa, I hope I get to help raise you the right way.”
“And what exactly is the right way?” you ask, folding your arms and arching a brow in question.
“The fun way,” he replies before a beeping starts to go off. “Kriff, that’s probably Skywalker.” He holds Echoa in one arm as he reaches into his pocket for his holotransceiver. Sure enough, when he answers, Anakin is there with Rex at his side.
“Hey, Fives. How’s it going there?”
“Good, General,” he replies before holding the holotransceiver so Echoa can be seen. “She’s perfect.”
Anakin and Rex smile, Rex with more pride, but both lovingly. “I’m glad. Although, I hate to tell you, but we’ll be stopping by shortly to pick you up for a mission.”
“Oh,” he says, his face falling. “Okay, I’ll be ready.”
“Sorry, vod,” Rex says, “but you can go back and visit her after.”
“Okay,” Fives says, a bit happier now. He hands you Echoa after the holo ends, smiling sadly and kissing her nose goodbye before heading off to get ready. 
“I think it’s time you saw your other uncles,” you say cheerfully, and Echoa gives a gummy grin in response as you begin to head off and find the boys of Jawa Squad.
It doesn’t take long, and as soon as you walk into the room they’re in, Sans swoops in and takes Echoa into his arms. “Finally, I’ve been deprived for so long, and I am finally able to see my niece!” He lifts her up and spins around with her giggling above his head, grinning widely before another pair of hands snatch her away. 
“I think her favorite uncle should get to hold her first,” Steele says, holding her close to his chest. He smiles down at her, and she grins back before spitting up on him. “Eugh, gross- here, you take her,” he says, shoving her into Hex’s arms.
“I think I like you a lot more now,” Hex chuckles, grabbing a nearby towel and cleaning off her face. “There, all better. Now, just remember, if you need to spit up on anyone, always spit up on Steele.”
“Excuse me?” Steele says, yanking the towel from Hex with a glare and cleaning himself up. 
“You’re excused, and you’re takin’ up too much time,” Tie says, taking Echoa from Hex. 
“Di’kut,” Hex mumbles before he notices Aid slowly making his way over to Tie. 
“Huh?” Tie says, having felt a tap on his right shoulder. When he turns to look, Aid snatches Echoa and hurries off to the other side of the room. “Oh, you mudscuffer.”
“Out of everyone here, I feel like I’m the most qualified to be holding a baby. Besides y/n, of course,” Aid replies matter-of-factly from his perch in the corner.
“Just because you’re a medic, that doesn’t make you any more qualified than us,” Sans retorts.
“Yeah. Have you ever even held a baby before?” Steele asks, folding his arms across his chest.
“Yeah, you when you stub your toe,” Aid snarks back.
“Oh, you little-”
“Not with the baby in his arms,” Hex warns, “you can tackle him and wrestle him once Echoa is safe in y/n’s arms again.”
“Speaking of which,” you say while walking over, “can I have my daughter back?” Aid looks up at you with pleading eyes, but it just makes your own expression solidify more. He sighs then, giving her back to you, poking her nose when she’s back in your arms. “What are you boys up to today?”
“Not sure yet,” Sans replies, “but I think we might have to be heading back to Coruscant soon.”
“Lucky you. I’ll probably have to be out of battle for a while. Well, unless I can convince them to let me go back sooner.”
“I don’t think that would be terribly hard, although do you really think it’s a good idea?” Steele asks. “I mean, you just had a baby. You don’t want to miss out on anything important.”
You bite your lip as you think, knowing he has a point. But you’ve been out of battle for so long already, and you’re getting restless. Of course you want to be with Echoa, but you also want to be a Jedi again. You want to be the general of the 17th, lead your men into battle, fight for the end of the war. “I’ll…take as much time with her as I think I need,” you reply finally. “But then I’ll be back out and fighting alongside you all.”
“Unless the war is over before then,” Tie adds, “hopefully it will end soon. I’m gettin’ tired of this fightin’. I got a boyfriend that needs me more than the war does.”
“Quin is just fine without you touching him all the time,” Aid retorts, “it’s probably nice that he’s getting a break from you.”
“Hey! I’ll have ya know that Quin loves me and loves when I’m around him.”
“Yeah, but you ever think you’re around him too much?” Hex asks. “I’m purely wondering, not insinuating that you are.” 
“I don’t know, I don’t think negatively like that,” Tie counters.
“Really? Didn’t your negative thinking almost break you guys up?”
“Okay, we’re done talkin’ ‘bout my relationship. I love Quin and Quin loves me. That’s the end of it. Besides, at least I have a boyfriend.”
“We’ve been over this, Tie,” Hex sighs, “I’m not into relationships or hooking up. I don’t want to date or have sex. Aroace, remember?”
“Yes, I remember. I jus’ don’t understand you,” Tie mumbles, “but I’m not judgin’. Jus’ don’t think I could ever live without Quin, or Quin’s-”
“Enough,” you say, “that’s enough relationship talk for today. Besides, don’t you boys have somewhere to be?”
“We’ve got time to spend with you and Echoa,” Sans counters, “right, Hex?”
Hex snorts, folding his arms across his chest, “I don’t know, you’re the commander.”
“Yeah, but you’re the guy who plans everything.”
Hex just huffs and rolls his eyes. “Yes, we have time before we have to head back.”
“Good, so we can begin fightin’ for favorite uncle,” Tie says eagerly, reaching again for the baby who was now in Steele’s arms. You roll your eyes and let a small smile creep onto your face. It’s probably best to just let those boys be themselves, you figure. Besides, you know you can always trust them.
After a while, you decide to go start doing other things. Echoa has fallen asleep, so you’re not too worried about anything happening while you go about. Your room is a mess, and there’s lots of new changes that need to be made around. You also need to get a new piercing to symbolize having a child.
As much as you don’t like needles, this is the one thing, other than being raised here, that truly made you a Dohbarian. You don’t have the Dohbarian blood, something the king and queen made sure you’d known growing up. You also don’t have the typical Dohbarian features, but you have the spirit and passion. Not to mention the royal status. 
It’s almost as if your whole life you’ve been trying to prove to yourself that you do belong here, that this is your home. The relentless bullying throughout your childhood didn’t help, and being whisked away on royal and jedi training trips almost constantly didn’t do you any favors either. As much as you’re sure your people love you, you’re not quite sure you truly fit. But you’ll do everything in your power to ensure Echoa fits in, and feels as though she belongs.
The piercing doesn’t take long, and Mrs. Orno is the elder you choose to do it. She happily comes to the palace, excited to see you and the baby. She makes sure to give her condolences as well, and shares a short conversation about Echo with you. And then she assures you that no one else could be a better queen than you.
Bounty hunters are always watching. They have to be, it’s a key part of their job. That’s how they knew something was up when you hadn’t been spotted outside of Dohbar in weeks. That’s how they knew when you’d had your daughter. That’s how Bane knew that she was in danger.
One night, a couple weeks after her birth, you put Echoa to bed and receive a very unexpected transmission when you settle down in your room.
“Bane?” you say curiously, the duros showing as a holo in front of you. “What gives me the unexpected honor of talking to you tonight?”
“Little lady, when were you going to tell me about your little girl?”
You let out an amused snort, crossing your arms across your chest. “I didn’t know I was supposed to invite you to the birth.”
“Don’t be sassy with me, pretty Jedi. I’ll make this quick. Your daughter is in danger. She’s not even a standard month old and she’s already got a sizable bounty on her head.”
You almost drop your holotranceiver in shock when he tells you. Your heart sinks and your mouth goes dry. “You can’t be serious,” you say, not wanting to believe him. 
“I’m afraid not, little lady,” he sighs. “She’s the daughter of a Jedi and a clone, not to mention she’s also royalty. Add on the fact that she could be force-sensitive, and her value is higher than Coruscant’s tallest building.”
“Kark-how did this even get out?! We did so much to hide my pregnancy and-”
“Oh, it’s not out to the public, don’t worry about that,” he waves a hand dismissively, as if it made everything much better. “It’s just out to bounty hunters.”
“And that’s better?!” you nearly yell, catching yourself just as you remember Echoa is sleeping.
“I never said that. Look, I’m telling you this to warn you. Of all people, I’d hate to see you lose this most. You’ve lost enough, and the war isn’t over yet. You could very well end up losing more.”
“Thanks for the comforting words,” you reply sarcastically, rolling your eyes with a huff.
“Look, I holoed you to warn you. And I’m also going to promise you something.”
Your eyes narrow slightly when he says that. A promise from Bane could mean anything, and likely nothing good. “What could you possibly have to promise or offer me?”
“I’ll do all that I can to protect her,” he says, pulling the toothpick from his mouth and trailing his fingers along the brim of his hat. 
“And what are you asking for in return?”
“Nothing. We’re mutually beneficial friends, and you’re one of few people I might care about. If I had that ability, of course. So I’ll do what I can, I promise you that, little lady.”
You stare at him for a few seconds, processing his words. You can barely believe what he was saying, it isn’t like the Bane that you’re used to. “How do I know you’re not going to kill her yourself?”
“Y/n, how many people have we killed together?”
You huff, folding your arms and rolling your eyes. “Too many for me to care to keep count.”
“Exactly. Like I said, we’re mutually beneficial friends. We help each other out and don’t ask questions,” he explains before his tone goes softer. “I’ll do what I can to ensure knowledge of her doesn’t get out into circulation.”
“Thank you, Bane,” you sigh, finding a little relief knowing that he’s on your side. For now, at least.
“No problem, little lady. Give your daughter a kiss for me, and tell her uncle Bane will protect her.” You smile softly as the transmission ends. Bane is one of the last people you could imagine wanting to keep her safe, especially when there’s a bounty on her head. But every word he spoke had sounded sincere and you can’t help but think that maybe he does care a little about you, even if he won’t admit it.
But despite Bane being out there promising to protect your daughter from the underworld, a new reality hit you. Your daughter will be living with a constant threat over her head. If any of the wrong people figure out about her, then the threat will be increased by tenfold or more. 
She won’t be safe, not even as a baby. But she is force-sensitive, you can sense that. And one day, with enough training, she can become one of the best warriors you’ve ever seen. With the Dohbarian military training, and the Jedi training you can give her, she could become undefeatable.
If you enjoyed this, comments, reblogs, and messages are greatly appreciated!
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iprobablyshipit91 · 1 year
Words Unsaid
Part 4
Genre: romance / mutual pining / fluff / angst / royal au
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: bit of language but that’s all I think? However there will be some major triggers in later chapters. These will be tagged appropriately on the relevant chapters, but please only read if you’re of age and comfortable.
Dividers by @talesmaniac89
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New update, bit later than planned! Hope you enjoy…
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King Charles is obstinate, rude and condescending and you immediately hate him. He drones on far more than necessary, the whole of your visit filled with listening to his endless speeches on the wonderful, God-like ruler he was and the tight control he has over his realm. It’s left you feeling bored and miserable, but mostly sorry for the poor subjects he uses as pawns in his cruel and ridiculous games.
You watch your father hide a subtle eye roll across the banquet table as the King launches into another story that you’ve already heard twice this week and you can’t help the smirk that twitches at your lips. You aim a small kick at him under the table, making him jump in surprise, although he covers it well under the pretence of a cough, his eyes filled with mirth as he catches your raised eyebrows.
"Everything alright?"
Your father schools his face into a neutral expression as the King pauses his story and you do your best to do the same. You mustn’t forget that you’re here on business and there are expectations on how you should behave. Particularly in a kingdom as old-fashioned as this one.
"Just a frog in my throat." Her father smiles easily and King Charles looks appeased for the moment, continuing his story as though there had been no interruption.
You make it through the rest of the starter in peace, tuning out the conversations around you. After your dinner is served however, you feel the Kings attention shift to you, your skin crawling uncomfortably as he squints at you thoughtfully, your stomach dropping to somewhere around your toes.
"So, my dear Princess-" you mentally flinch at the title and how it sounds coming from him. "I hear your twenty first birthday is fast approaching?”
You catch your fathers eye and see he is giving you a soft smile, that familiar, almost distant look in his eye and you know a million memories of you growing up is fluttering through his head. You return his smile then turn your attention back to the King.
"Yes, two weeks from today, actually."
King Charles nods and you carefully start to cut the food on your plate, frustrated that you can’t just use your hands like a normal human being would. At home you could have got away with it easily, but instead, here you were struggling to figure out how to eat a turkey leg like a lady.
"That’s interesting. We don’t seem to have received an invitation to your ball." His tone is conversational and light but you can hear the offense there plain as day. Your eyes snap quickly back to your father and his expression is now much more wary. You can tell exactly what he is saying without words.
Tread carefully.
It was a long standing custom in most kingdoms across the land to have a ball for any royal turning of age, specifically a ball for an arranged marriage to be proposed. You were lucky, considering your parents had been a love match themselves, they had no intention of forcing their only daughter into a loveless marriage for political gain and so the idea of a ball hadn’t even been mentioned.
Until now.
"I've heard that yours and your wife’s rule is less than traditional.” King Charles turns back to your father, a sneer on his face despite the forced casualness he maintains. “I must say, I am rather hesitant to engage in business with a kingdom so-" He sighs, eyes dancing back to you. "Revolutionary."
Your heart stops beating for a second as your eyes dart between King Charles and your father. You’ve seen the way he treats his kingdom; cold and ruthless and if that’s his idea of traditional you quite frankly want nothing to do with it. The amount of homeless on the streets and starving children you saw on the journey here alone was enough to break your heart, never mind the way he’s spoken to and acted towards his servants the entire time you’ve spent in the castle. You know in your heart there’s only one thing you can do.
You sigh dramatically and put down your knife and fork.
"That’s actually my fault your Highness." From the corner of your eye you see your fathers head snap back over to you his eyes full of confusion. You give him a tight smile before putting your princess face on and turning back to King Charles.
"You see, I've had the most difficult time picking out an invitation design, I'm afraid we will now have to send out all invitations by personal courier to get there on time."
King Charles looks at you with narrowed eyes. "So you do intend to have a ball?"
"If she can ever make a decision on what she would like to wear, she will." Your father grumbles, falling into the role of playfully frustrated easily and you breathe out a sigh of relief as King Charles gives a hearty laugh and claps his hands together.
You almost gag. It is anything but.
The rest of the dinner passes without much event, and King Charles invites your father to join him in his study straight after. A few hours later and your father is loading you both quickly into the carriage, as eager to leave this dreadful place as you it would seem.
"Did you secure the trade you wanted?" You ask when you are finally on the road that will lead you home.
Your father nods with a grim smile. "Yes, all thanks to you." He sighs deeply. "You don’t have to do this you know."
"I do, I can't go back on my word now. One ball won't kill me, dad. I'll play the perfect princess, put on a pretty dress and dance with his son-"
"And every other eligible bachelor throughout the kingdoms." Your father adds with raised eyebrows, looking annoyed at the mere idea.
"And every other eligible bachelor throughout the kingdoms." You repeat with a groan.
"Your mother and I wished to spare you from this." He says quietly, tilting his head and looking at you with sad eyes.
"I know." You give him a tight smile. "This was my choice and I am okay with that. If one night of misery for me means our kingdom's people can put food on the table for their families, then so be it."
He brings his hand up to your cheek softly and looks at you with shining eyes for a long silent moment before pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"My daughter." He breathes out, before leaning back and looking you straight in the eye. "You are going to make an excellent Queen."
You feel your cheeks heat up at the pride colouring his tone. He gives you a quick wink then drops his hands, folding his arms against his chest instead. You smile softly and sigh, grateful that your carriage is moving swiftly towards home. Your father closes his eyes and leans his head back against the seat of the carriage.
"Oh, by the way. I'm going to let you explain to your mother how she has to plan an entire ball with all the kingdoms in the next week."
You wince. Your mother is going to be absolutely furious.
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You bite your lip, wringing your hands as you stand outside the kitchen doors awkwardly, debating whether to go in or not. Tired of running from your problems, you shake your head, square your shoulders and push hard on the solid oak door. You are immediately hit with a flurry of activity, the familiar commotion wrapping around you like a comforting blanket. Dinner preparations are well on the way with Jody in the centre of the kitchen conducting everyone around her with perfection and ease.
Like a moth to a flame though, your eyes are instantly drawn to him, like he's the very center of your universe and you just orbit around him.
He stands next to Sam, chopping vegetables quickly. He laughs loudly at something Sam says, his face boyish and adorable. He reaches out for another stack of vegetables, his arm flexing and sending your heart into a frenzy. You swallow hard, reminding yourself to keep yourself in check. You can do this.
"Well look who’s come back to join us!" Jody suddenly shouts and you watch as his eyes immediately find yours, the kitchen around you filled with cheers. He blinks, almost looking stunned for a second before a full, genuine grin splits his face.
Nope. No. You’re an idiot. You can't do this.
With a deep breath you give a timid wave and smile to the staff before they return back to their tasks. You weave in and out, making your way over to Jody first who envelopes you in a warm hug.
"We missed you, Princess." She whispers in your ear, giving a little squeeze before releasing you. She tilts her head toward Dean. "Some more than others." She adds with raised eyebrows and a knowing look that you determinedly ignore before making your way over to Dean and Sam.
“Ah, here she is!” Sam smiles widely at you, but you can see the mischief in his eyes shining clear as day as he turns to his brother. “Now you’re back home maybe some of us can get on with work rather than moping about the place like someone ate the last slice of pie.”
“Shove off, jerk!" Dean laughs and aims a playful smack towards Sam’s arm, but he dodges out of the way easily. He looks up at you and his own eyes dance with mischief. "I just thought the princess here had run off to have an adventure without me."
He winks at you and the relief you feel is overwhelming. There is none of the awkwardness between you that you’d been dreading, it’s like he had completely forgotten all about your emotional breakdown.
"Please, you know I can’t go anywhere without you." You reply easily but then notice his smile falter for just a second and worry you’ve put your foot in it once again. Before you have chance to dwell on it however, Jody comes over to you and is sweeping you out of the kitchen and back into the dining hall.
Your parents are already seated at the table as you walk in but your mother is quick to get up and wrap you in a hug of her own.
"I'm so glad to have you both back home." She presses a kiss to your forehead before pulling you back to the table with her. As you slide into your chair the kitchen staff start to come in and begin placing various dishes on the table.
As the dinner conversation starts you find the unease at seeing Dean slowly fade away, tuning everything out and getting lost in your own thoughts despite him sweeping in and out of the kitchens, clearing plates and bringing in new dishes.
It is as you are just revelling in the fact that you can once again eat a damn turkey leg with your hands that a loud shriek causes you to jump. The dining hall goes completely silent and you look up to see your mother looking at you with horror on her face. You immediately knows what this is about.
"Don't you dare “Mom” me." She warns and oh boy you are definitely in trouble. "You told King Charles you are having a suitor ball? And its in two weeks?"
Before you can even open your mouth to respond a clattering of pots interrupts you. You turn to see Dean standing with his back to the table at the door to the kitchen, with a pile of broken plates at his feet. The entire table watches in silence as he mutters something unintelligible before bending to pick up the shards. You quickly turn your attention back to your mother.
"Mom, I'm sorry, but I didn’t exactly have a choice." Your mother is still looking at you expectantly. "King Charles was being really persistent about it, he kept talking about us not being a traditional kingdom." You shake your head and roll your eyes. "He kept mentioning his son who’s the same age, I assume he wants us to unite our kingdoms." You waggle your eyebrows for extra effect and your father chokes on the food he’s just put in his mouth, laughing because he knows you have absolutely zero intention of uniting anything with anyone, least of all with King Charles’ kingdom.
There is another loud crash and you turn your head once again to see Dean standing at the door to the kitchen staring down at what you assume should have been your dessert, face down on the floor of the dining hall.
Jody sighs next to you as she picks up another plate.
"I apologise your highnesses, I’m sure we have another cake somewhere."
Dean looks up and you are shocked at the sadness and fury etched across his face. For a brief moment, his eyes meet yours before he turns and storms back into the kitchen.
You look back at your parents and see your father raise both of his eyebrows to your mother. She shrugs in return, a tiny smile tugging at her mouth but its gone as soon as they both realise you are looking at them.
Your mother picks up her tea, smirking at you over the rim of the cup. "I hope you know I’m making you wear the most horrible dress."
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the-baschet · 9 months
#18 - A Fish Out of Water
Golds and pearls nearly blinded Chance once the doors of a vaunted Haillenarte banquet hall opened, their new captain at the head to lead them inside. They all adorned themselves in the same uniform to match the formal occasion. Long-sleeved black-as-pitch tops decorated in golden-trimmings fitted to each soldier and ivory trousers and dress shoes to complete the appropriate look. “And we have to be here too? ...All night?” Mulled laughter, dialogue, and a heavy fragrance of flowers and expensive musk intoxicated the soldier’s senses.
“Yes,” Mattisaux muttered at a volume easily heard by his troop. “I will do my best to dismiss you all earlier, but this is not at my behest-”
“Captain Baschet!” An Elezen, one that matched the description of several other well-dressed men in the room, appeared before his wary eyes. “How terribly sorry I am for your late father though we all know he is proud and happily looking down at you and your accomplishments in Her heavenly Halls. Come. Yes, come!” The man’s bejeweled fingers snatched the young captain by the upper arm when he idled back at his initial beckoning. “I must show you to my lovely daughter, Aveline.”
A few onlookers giggled at the scene created by the patrician, though namely at Mattisaux’s reluctance. As much as he wanted to jump out the nearest window, he simply resigned himself for a night of proper courting, conversation, and forced smiles. He knew his responsibilities by now. “You ought to take care in exactly which guests you show to your precious daughter, good Ser. Some of us are not for the faint of heart.”
Chance stood behind with Severin, Nicholas, and a few others, staring as Mattisaux and a small gaggle of ladies and lords disappeared behind lavish double doors. “They took him.”
“That they did, Chance. And now we will never see him again,” Severin sighed with a bit too much extravagance. “Let us hope that our dear lord does not make a fool of himself. Not here, at least. Now follow me, we need to look busy so no one bothers us.” His idea of looking busy, however, was merely to loiter about the table of hors d’oeuvres and dangle a wine glass in hand.
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shinagawa-division · 1 year
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ARB Birthday Special: Miho Kobayashi
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~~ May 16th ~~
“Pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.”
Login Lines:
“Hm? Yes, what is it? I’m extremely busy today to you’ll have to make it quick.”
“A…present? Why would you—oh, I see, it appears that it is my birthday once again, how lovely, I had completely forgotten, well, thank you for the gift.”
Voice Lines:
“Once again, Goro starts off the day right by preparing me a delicious breakfast with all my favorites. He understands me so well, I truly could not ask for a better butler. Not that I want to.”
“As always, my employees and colleagues are adamant about throwing me a birthday party, honestly, I think it’s more for themselves than for me but I’ll be generous this once, business has been doing well these past couple of months, they deserve the celebration.”
“I will be taking the next couple of hours to prepare, both mentally and physically, for the influx of gifts and party invitations from my associates from the upper circle, no doubt news about my birthday has reached them, I bet they’re all just salivating at the chance to finally impress me and earn my good favor.”
“It is currently the afternoon and not once have I heard an explosion or sorts coming from Sumire’s lab and I am extremely on edge, it is one thing having her nearly blow up the entire estate but when she gets quiet like this, that only means that bad, bad things are happening or about to happen.”
“Speaking of bad things, hello Ritsuko, what ‘gift’ do you have for me this year? I want to hope that it’s nothing devious but knowing you that’s very unrealistic.”
“Good lord, Ritsuko! Where did you find this?! It’s…it’s absolutely beautiful! I’m actually surprised, I didn’t think you would get me and actual gift! Oh hush, you know what I meant, I’m curious to know how much this cost….wait what? Oh goddamnit Ritsuko, leave it to you to turn jewelry into a lethal weapon!”
“What. did. you. do…what do you mean ‘what do you mean’?! You have been silent all day and I haven’t even seen you since yesterday! Now we both know that can only mean that you’ve done something so nefarious that you have to go into hiding so now I will ask you one more time. What the hell have you done now?!”
“….What? Yes, yes, I know…I just…I’m…surprised? This is…actually quite nice…wait, you aren’t just distracting me, aren’t you?…I-okay, okay, I get it!…Sumire, thank you…do you perhaps—and she’s gone….”
“Goro? You have something for me? You didn’t have to, just being here is more than enough…yes, yes, I know that’s overused but it’s the truth…okay, fine, I could never turn you down, what is it that you got me?”
“This is…no, this is perfect, absolutely perfect. I…you have always been like a father to me, a father that I desperately wished I could have, you mean so dear to me and I am honored to be your daughter, thank you, Goro.”
Ritsuko Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Miho. My, how fast time flies, it just seemed like we’ve already celebrated your birthday but I digress, I wanted to give you this, I tried to match your style, I hope that you will wear it one day.”
“I’m glad you like it and I find it offensive that you think I can’t do something nice for you just for the sake of it. Hm, yes, well, it didn’t cost me anything, I had made it myself, I made it so that it will release a deadly toxin should you feel like your life is in danger, it won’t hurt you of course but I can’t say the same for people around you in a 30 mile radius.”
Sumire Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Miho….what do you mean? Well yeah, I didn’t get home until 3am and I spent the day in my lab…oh for fuck sake, you really have so little faith in me that you would accuse me of doing something evil every time I fucking go out?! For you information, no! I wasn’t doing something “nefarious”, I was making you this!”
“Yeah, I know, shocking that I would make you an actual gift, no, I’m not distracting you! How hard is it to believe that I did something nice for you?! You know what? Whatever, I’m heading out, enjoy your birthday.”
Bonus! Goro Lines:
“My lady? I hope you don’t mind the intrusion but I have something for you, it’s from me personality. Forgive me for stepping out of line, my lady but that line is horribly overused haha and I wanted to get you a gift for your birthday, I do hope you’ll accept it.”
“I am upmost pleased that you like my gift, my lady, I know it’s not as extravagant as the ones you’ve gotten but I personally think that nothing can beat a lovely card. My lady, you hold a very dear place in my heart, I never had any children but I consider you to be my daughter and I will be forever grateful for the day we met. Happy birthday, my lady.”
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renee-writer · 10 months
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Baby Girl Chapter 88
“Dinna fret. They will adore you.”
“How did you know what I was thinking?” She asks. They are on the way to Lallybroch.
“You have a glass face. All you think runs right across it.”
“Crap!” He laughs, his hand comes off the steering wheel to cover hers.
“It is an endearing characteristic.”
“You really believe they will like me?”
“Aye, I do. You are smart, sweet, strong, and beautiful. What is not to love?”
She takes it as a real question and starts to list, “Stubborn, opinionated, and apparently, my face speaks for me.”
“All the more reason.” He thinks for a second, as he prepares to make the turn that will take him into Lallybroch, “You haven’t meet stubborn yet. That is Jenny, my sister. My mam speaks her mind, a trait my da loves, as for your face, the inability to hide anything will endear you to them all.” They start down the lane, “The arches that lead into the estate are coming up. They have been here as long as the house has. My long ago relatives rode their horses through it.”
She sees them as they approach. It seems the weight of history settles over them as they cross under. Her chest gets heavy with it. “Lovely.”
“Aye, welcome to Lallybroch.” They pull up by the stone stairs that lead to the ancient wood door. It opens as he escorts her out. The lady is a beauty, obviously his mam, with her flowing red hair.
“Jamie!” She starts down the stairs and he starts up. They meet in the middle.
“Mam!” they hug tightly. Claire stands, hands twisting in front of her.
“Where are your manners, mo mhac? Introduce me to your lass.”
“Mam, meet my heart, Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp. Claire, my mam, Ellen Fraser.”
Ellen comes the rest of the way down. “Hello Claire.”
“Hello, Mrs. Fraser.” She puts out her hand only to have it be used to pull her into Ellen’s arms.
“Ellen dear and we hug.” Claire gives into it, relaxing against the woman. Jamie still stands in the middle of the stairs.
“Why, if it isn’t my braithar.” A new voice says.
“Jenny, you knew I was coming.”
“I knew you said you was. But, I never know if a case will delay you.”
He walks up to her. She, Claire thinks, must look like her father. Jamie draws the much shorter lass into his arms.
“I have missed you too, Jenny.”
“Jenny, meet Claire Beauchamp, Jamie’s  lass. Claire, Jenny Murray, my daughter and Jamie’s  sister.”
“Hello Claire. Welcome to Lallybroch.”
“Aye welcome. Come, meet the rest of the family.”
“So, he couldn’t recall your name?” Ian, Jenny ‘s husband is asking. She meet him and Jamie ‘s da, Brian. They sit around the living room, called the Great Room, and get to know each other. Claire just shared how they had come to meet.
“Yes, that is what he said.” She sits beside him with the rest of the family scattered around.
Ian laughs. Jamie’s eyes narrow. “Ian Murray, don’t !”
“How can I resist, Jamie.”
“What?” a confused Claire asks.
“Weel Claire, Jamie has never, as long as I have known him, forgotten a name. He nicknamed you, baby girl, because he wanted to.”
She turns to him. Her eyes go up. She waits. He gives his brother -in-law a dirty look. “Aye, he is right. There was something Claire, from the first second I laid eyes on you. Something that I couldn’t deny. I had to claim you, in some way. So, I called you baby girl until I could call you mine.”
She lets out a watery sigh. “Jamie, how can I be mad at that?”
“You’re welcome.” Ian raises the glass of Coke he has towards the couple. “You are so good together. A brilliant match.”
“They are.” His wife agrees, “I wasn’t sure, not until I saw you two together, but aye, she is the one, Jamie.”
“Welcome to the family Claire.” Brian says.
“So, you wish the wedding to be here?” Ellen asks
“Aye mam. Neither Claire ‘s or mine is big enough.”
“Claire’s or mine, my arse. Dinna pretend you aren’t living together.” Jenny declares.
Claire blushes as Jamie glares at her.
“Dinna fash son. It is 2023. Your da and I ken how it is. So yours isn’t big enough. Lallybroch is your home. We would love to host your wedding.”
“Thank you man.”
They start discussing wedding details. Then, both his and Claire ‘s phones buzz.
“We have a case.” Claire says. She is disappointed, enjoying her time with her future family.
“Well, we got more time with you then expected.” Jenny says.
“We will keep in touch via texts and phone calls until we can get back together again.” Ellen says, “in the meantime, Jenny and myself will get started on the details we have.”
Hugs are exchanged, see you later’s said. Then they are off to whatever new horror awaits them.
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Wip Tag Search Game
@echo-bleu tagged me-- thank you, friend! They proposed the words magic, men, marry, mince and mourn.
Since I have several WIPs, you might get to read a bit of everything; here we go:
Magic: No matches for the word magic, sorry! To make up for it, we do however have the word spell:
At last, when they broke apart, it was as if a spell had been lifted from them; they were sat in the brightness of the summer sun under the apple tree, Willem and he, and for some inexplicable reason, he had agreed to kiss him— Hans, not knowing what to do or say, broke into nervous laughter, which caused William to turn to, and address him: “What is it?”
...a shy, socially awkward young prince from the 17th century experimenting with what he likes, and his best friend. On to:
Men: 1775: Margaret and Samuel Graves in a conversation on men, women and power:
“My dear Mr. Graves”, Margaret consoled, and patted the back of his hand, “it does you credit to say so, but you have proven by your words that you suffer from the same affliction as many men do, and that is to consider themselves personally addressed even when they are not; I wager a great many duels should have been prevented were a gentleman’s perception of his own honour not such a frail, delicate thing; a true weakness.”
Marry: Mary Baddeley (a contemporary of the above two) learns about the tensions in her quasi-in-law family from her son John:
“Harry says that he thinks Gussie considers it permissible to marry for love alone because papa loves you, and you didn’t have a penny when he met you.”
(And yes, Augusta Clinton and Henry Dawkins did elope despite her father's misgivings on account of the groom's relative pennilessness. General Sir Henry Clinton came around very quickly though, and embraced his daughter and son-in-law back into the family.)
Mince: Again one from the little project on Mary Baddeley and Henry Clinton-- and again it's about family troubles (this was the only time the word occurred, by the way!)
Henry had talked with her on her formal introduction to the family, and not minced his words when he had explained that Elizabeth and Martha Carter, his sisters-in-law, had been very cold to the idea of a new lady by his side, and even more so for they were not wed, and had come to live together when Thomas had still been alive.
Mourn: A sick Admiral Graves doesn't feel like prioritising his health and is struck off by his wife:
If you must disobey my good counsel, think at least of Elizabeth, Young Graves and your nephews: Would you have them mourn your passing? Would you have them know that their dear uncle might have lived, had only he taken greater care of his health? Would you have me erect a stone for you that reads Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Graves Esq:, Vice-Admiral of the Blue, a man whose life was ended prematurely by obstinate disregard of his better judgement, and the counsel of his wife and his physician?
Thank you, it was so much fun!
In the light of everyone who was already tagged, might I ask you, @vankeppel, @benjhawkins, @pentecostwaite and @defensivelee for the words sky, sigh and fight?
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wemeetby-accident · 1 year
“My lady, your parents have requested your presence in the hall,” came from the other side of her door with a knock.
Sunshine had slipped back in from the kitchen not just a few moments prior, having been with Chef for a majority of the morning. She enjoyed their time together so much - and would consider him to be her only true friend. (Not like the ladies of the court, who whispered as she walked and swore loyalty only to her mother.)
Another knock at the door and Sunshine sighed. “Yes, I’ll be down in a moment.”
Were they having visitors? She wasn’t aware of any coming guests in the next few days, but with the nature of her family, it was never set in stone.
Ser Shepherd had shown up practically unannounced a month ago and left just as promptly, with meetings held in hushed voices in the far parts of the property. Her father had shaken his hand eagerly, grinning at the other man as she watched from the shadow of the stables. Primrose had huffed and drawn her attention back before she could try and read their lips.
She pinned her braid back up to where it was supposed to be, like a crown against her head, and set her shoulders. The door creaked open as she carried herself down the winding stairs to the main hall, where her parents waited.
Perhaps they were going to let her take the trip she’d mentioned. Visit another part of the country, maybe she’d be able to see —
“There you are,” her father started, not moving from where he was seated. “We’ve been waiting. Your mother and I have some very exciting news for you.”
Sunshine stood up even straighter, worried as she came to the table. If she didn’t respond fast enough, then…
“Very exciting news. It’s about time this has happened and it means the world to us.”
“Pardon?” Sunshine blinked as her mother, who usually looked cold and distanced, grinned.
Worry turned her stomach sour. This wasn’t about her proposed trip. Or the new work on the gardens she wanted to do or —
“We’ve finally arranged a proper match for you,” her mother grinned, clapping her hands together. “It’s a very good match.”
“I thought we discussed -“
“I thought you’d grown out of this, daughter,” her father interjects, annoyed. “You are not able to just go and find someone. Your rank, your family - us -“ he gestured between himself and his wife, “is not something to be tossed away for the poor pursuit of love.”
“Ser Graves is a wonderful man, you’ll come to love him.” Her mother offers a lame excuse of motherly affection by finally leaving her seat and putting an arm on Sunshine’s shoulder. “That’s what happened with your father and I. He’ll take care of you.”
“But —“
“You are not in any place to object. You’re too old to be playing these games!” Her father huffed, rolling his eyes. “We should have married you off long ago, but no one matched your worth.”
Her mother cupped her cheek and smiled. Another weak attempt at comfort before she stepped back to her seat.
Sunshine felt small, too small and weak to even manage a response. Married. She was going to be married off, just like that - as if she were simply a prize mare.
“We’ve been organizing the wedding for you - it just needed the right moment to be shared. You were in such a good mood earlier…” her mother sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “In time, you’ll come to appreciate our decision.”
A tear came loose and rolled down Sunshine’s cheek.
“May I be dismissed, father?” she offered weakly, bowing her head.
He waved her off with the flick of a hand.
Sunshine backed away before quickly walking out of the hall (it’s beneath a lady to run echoed in the back of her head, in her mother’s voice). Finally out of sight, she sprinted, tears running down her cheeks freely now.
Every impulse in her body told her to run, to run and never look back.
Chef would understand, right?
She barreled into the kitchen as much as her stature allowed, chest heaving. Her dear friend caught sight of her and dropped the knife he was working with, concern drawing his eyebrows in. Sunshine took his hand and pulled him towards the pantry, away from prying eyes and ears.
“Chef —“ she started, pulling the pin from her hair so she no longer had her crown. She wanted nothing more than to pull her hair out, panic rising in her chest. “Chef, my parents - they’re - they’re marrying me. Selling me off. I can’t - I cannot see myself get handed off, I need to leave, I have to leave —“ The words tumbled from her lips as she sobbed.
“Then let’s run,” Chef offered, “your runaway royalness.”
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chloeriversong · 1 year
[Star Wars Rebels] [Angst To Fluff] Fenn Rau And Teen Daughter! Reader *Father's Care*
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[Name] lays in her bed while she rests after long training with a trained commando that her father had instructed her to train with, however, the training didn’t go well for the [Hair Length] [Hair Color] girl. “[Name]? Are you in there?” Her father asked as he knocked on the door, making her set up straight as she felt pain in her shoulder. “Yes father, you can come in.” She replied to her father.
Fenn Rau came inside his daughter’s room and noticed how clean and neat it was, being reminded of her mother. “Come, dear daughter, I think you're ready to forge your armor.” He knew that she was training and pushing herself to improve herself and that she was ready to take part in being a Protector of Concord Dawn, however, he didn’t want her to be in harm’s way.
It’s been known that he’s becoming a protective father since [Name] is his only daughter, not wanting her to be in danger if her fighter has been shot down or a rival clan has threatened her to get to him. Fenn Rau had lost his wife and the mother of his daughter to a rival clan when she went on a mission and never came back, only her squad had escaped when she held the rival clan back.
[Mother’s Name] made him a happy man when they got married and had their daughter, remembering her [Mother Length Hair] [Mother’s Hair Color] and her [Mother’s Eye Color] eyes staring at him. “Dad? Are you okay?” [Name] asked her father while she stared at him with her [Eye Color] eyes, making him snap out of his thoughts. “Yes, I’m fine.” He replied while rubbing her head.
Both Daughter and Father headed to the forging area where the Protectors have their armor fixed or forge their own, sometimes the progress takes a long since Mandalorians put symbols of creatures that mean strength or a clan’s symbol on the forehead of the helmet. [Name] had some common sense to have her armor match with other clan members and the clan leader’s armor.
Some of the Protectors had greeted their leader and his daughter when the two crossed their path, making them greet back while the two headed to the forge. “We’re going have to measure you before you start forging your armor.” Fenn Rau knew his daughter was only a teenager but it would be a good measure before forging armor.
Cries had woken up Fenn Rau from his peaceful slumber and looked at the crib where his daughter was sleeping, removing himself from his bed and going to check on his daughter that may be having a teething problem or just hungry for that matter. The young father picks up his wiping daughter and holds her, smoothing while rubbing her back as he goes to get milk.
[Name] calms down when her father gives her a bottle of milk, meaning that she has been hungry after having her peaceful slumber. Her father carried her back into the room to sit down on the rocking chair, having no mother due to a certain clan having shot down her mother’s fighter when she was defending her squad London from enemy fire.
[Name] shook her head at the thought of her childhood and hearing news of her mother’s death when she gets older, going through training and learning how to fly a fighter, only doing these things to seek out revenge against the rival clan that killed her mother and other clan members of clan Rau; keeping things a secret from her father and the others.
A Yelp escaped from the young [Skin Tone] teen and looked up to her father who had to put his hand on her shoulder, sighing softly as she felt her heartbeat go back to normal. “Is everyone okay?” Fenn Rau asked his daughter with a curious look but mostly a worried one. “Yeah, just thinking about things.” She replied as her father measured her.
Forging armor had been a tradition for Mandalorians and their families that became warriors or bounty hunters, finding some armor that fitted her and her helmet as well. [Name] started to use [Favorite Color] and [Second Favorite Color] on the armor that had the symbol of clan Rau on the forehead of the helmet, some colors have meanings to them along with the sigil of each Mandalorian clan.
After putting her armor together and painting it, the young teen tried it on while holding the helmet. “You do have good taste in art.” Fenn Rau looked at his daughter that had her armor on, knowing it was time for her to be part of the Protectors of Concord Dawn, taking a deep breath before speaking to a child. “You’ll be part of the Protectors now.” He kissed her forehead to give her luck. ~ Hiya, I would like to mention this... I can't fix any more mistakes, only the grammar issues and misspellings but nothing else... Characters may be out of character! P.s I won't take any requests for Star Wars: Rebels, I need to rewatch the series. Image doesn't belong to belong to me, it belongs to it's rightful owner Star Rebels and its characters belongs to Disney
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