#traume recovery
catgirl-kaiju · 1 year
me: hmh getting hungry
adhd: u can't eat rn you're already doing something
autism: there is nothing in the house that u like
anorexia: like u even need any calories
trauma: u've barely done anything today. you don't deserve to eat
little anime girl: burg her
me: burg her...
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little anime girl:
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
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angelbvn · 2 years
it was not your fault.
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venniekocsis · 1 year
Writing Helps Cult Survivors Reclaim Their Voice and Identity. Here's How.
Cults are often defined as groups or communities that use manipulative tactics to control their members’ beliefs, behaviors, and identities. Surviving a cult or cultic community can be an incredibly traumatic experience leaving survivors struggling with a range of emotional and psychological issues, including feelings of helplessness, confusion, and a loss of identity. One powerful way that cult…
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4spooniesupport · 8 months
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aimeecabo · 1 month
Utilizing the Power of Love to Overcome Trauma and Addiction with Aimee Cabo
In the journey of overcoming trauma and addiction, creating a healing environment is paramount. It's not just about physical surroundings but also about fostering emotional support and connection. Love, in its various forms, can be a powerful force in this healing process. In this blog, we'll explore how harnessing the power of love can facilitate healing, providing individuals with the support and encouragement they need to navigate the challenges of trauma and addiction recovery.
Cultivating Self-Love and Acceptance
At the core of creating a healing environment is the cultivation of self-love and acceptance. Often, individuals grappling with trauma and addiction carry deep-seated feelings of shame, guilt, and self-condemnation. Learning to embrace oneself with compassion and understanding is the first step towards healing. This involves acknowledging past mistakes and vulnerabilities without judgment, recognizing one's inherent worthiness of love and care.
Practicing self-care rituals, such as mindfulness meditation, journaling, or engaging in activities that nurture the soul, reinforces a sense of self-love and acceptance. By prioritizing their well-being and treating themselves with kindness along with inputs from professionals such as Aimee Cabo, individuals lay the groundwork for healing from within, fostering resilience in the face of adversity.
Nurturing Supportive Relationships
Love thrives in the context of supportive relationships, and nurturing such connections is vital for creating a healing environment. Surrounding oneself with individuals who offer unconditional love, empathy, and encouragement can provide a sense of safety and belonging crucial for recovery. Whether it's family, friends, or support groups, having a network of people who genuinely care can alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Effective communication within relationships fosters understanding and strengthens emotional bonds, creating a space where individuals feel heard and valued. Additionally, setting boundaries with toxic relationships that may hinder growth and perpetuate negative patterns is essential for maintaining a supportive environment conducive to healing.
Practicing Compassion Towards Others
Love extends beyond oneself to encompass compassion towards others, which plays a significant role in creating a healing environment. Engaging in acts of kindness, volunteering, or simply offering a listening ear to those in need fosters a sense of connection and empathy. By practicing compassion towards others along with inputs from experts like Aimee Cabo, individuals not only contribute to the well-being of their community but also experience a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose.
Furthermore, recognizing the humanity in others, including those who may have caused harm, allows for forgiveness and reconciliation, essential components of the healing process. Cultivating a mindset of empathy and understanding promotes healing not only for oneself but also for the broader community, fostering a culture of love and acceptance.
Fostering Emotional Safety
In a healing environment, emotional safety is paramount. Individuals recovering from trauma and addiction need to feel safe to express their emotions authentically without fear of judgment or rejection. Creating a space with the help of a professional like Aimee Cabo where vulnerability is welcomed and validated allows for the processing of painful emotions and the exploration of underlying trauma.
Practicing active listening and validation in interpersonal interactions communicates respect and empathy, fostering trust and emotional safety. Additionally, establishing predictable routines and boundaries provides a sense of stability and security, reducing anxiety and promoting emotional regulation.
Engaging in Therapeutic Modalities
Love manifests in various therapeutic modalities that promote healing from trauma and addiction. From trauma-informed therapy to art therapy, these approaches offer individuals a safe and nurturing space to explore their experiences and emotions. Therapists trained in trauma-focused interventions provide guidance and support as individuals work through their past traumas and learn healthy coping mechanisms.
Group therapy and support groups offer the opportunity for individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and solidarity. Additionally, alternative modalities such as equine therapy or wilderness therapy provide unique avenues for healing, tapping into the healing power of nature and animal-assisted interventions.
Embracing Spirituality and Mindfulness
Love transcends the material realm and finds expression in spirituality and mindfulness practices. Engaging in spiritual practices that resonate with one's beliefs, whether it's meditation, prayer, or rituals, fosters a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. This connection provides solace and comfort, offering a source of strength and guidance in times of adversity.   
Mindfulness practices cultivate present-moment awareness, allowing individuals to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment. By embracing mindfulness along with inputs from professionals like Aimee Cabo, individuals can develop greater resilience in coping with triggers and cravings associated with trauma and addiction, fostering a deeper sense of inner peace and contentment.
Creating a healing environment rooted in love is essential for individuals seeking to overcome trauma and addiction. By cultivating self-love and acceptance, nurturing supportive relationships, practicing compassion towards others, fostering emotional safety, engaging in therapeutic modalities, and embracing spirituality and mindfulness with the help of experts such as Aimee Cabo, individuals can harness the transformative power of love in their healing journey. Remember, love is not just a feeling but an action—an intentional choice to prioritize empathy, connection, and growth. In the embrace of love, healing becomes not just a possibility but a profound and transformative reality.
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psykologlyngby · 4 months
Traumer Og PTSD Psykolog Nordsjælland
Det er ikke nogen hemmelighed, at traumer og PTSD kan være ødelæggende for enhver persons liv. De kan påvirke en persons evne til at fungere i deres daglige liv, og det kan være svært for dem at finde den hjælp, de har brug for. Heldigvis er der professionelle psykologer i Nordsjælland, der specialiserer sig i behandlingen af disse problemer. Denne artikel vil udforske nøgleaspekter ved Traumer Og PTSD Psykolog Nordsjælland.
At leve med traumer eller posttraumatisk stresssyndrom (PTSD) er ingen nem opgave. Det kræver ofte år med terapi og medicinsk behandling bare at begynde at føle sig normal igen. Men takket være psykologer i Nordsjælland, som specialiserer sig i traume og PTSD-behandling, er recovery ikke længere bare en drøm; det kan blive en realitet for mange mennesker som lider under PTSD's tunge byrde. Med fokus på holistiske helbredelsesmetoder og individuelle behandlingsplaner arbejder disse psykologer utrætteligt mod målet om fuld bedring.
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zetreview-com · 1 year
[:en] Relaton is a hearing aid. It is used for oral administration and directly affecting the "mechanisms" of the body responsible for the hearing aid. This drug is marketed as a dietary supplement and can be used for both prevention and treatment. Hearing is impaired due to many factors, including noise of production, present and past illness, trauma, congenital abnormalities. But if you stimulate the cells that make up the organs of hearing, then you can significantly improve the percentage of hearing perception. Recovery happens very quickly after almost a couple of days of use, you will feel an improvement in perception. Due to the fact that the drug consists of natural products, there are no side effects.[:de] Relaton ist ein Hörgerät. Es wird zur oralen Verabreichung verwendet und beeinflusst direkt die "Mechanismen" des Körpers, der für das Hörgerät verantwortlich ist. Dieses Medikament wird als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel vermarktet und kann sowohl zur Vorbeugung als auch zur Behandlung eingesetzt werden. Das Gehör verschlechtert sich aufgrund vieler Faktoren, einschließlich Produktionslärm, gegenwärtiger und früherer Krankheit, Trauma, angeborener Anomalien. Wenn Sie jedoch die Zellen stimulieren, aus denen die Hörorgane bestehen, können Sie den Prozentsatz der Hörwahrnehmung erheblich verbessern. Die Wiederherstellung erfolgt sehr schnell nach fast ein paar Tagen Gebrauch. Sie werden eine Verbesserung der Wahrnehmung spüren. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass das Medikament aus natürlichen Produkten besteht, gibt es keine Nebenwirkungen.[:fr] Relaton est une aide auditive. Il est utilisé pour l'administration orale et affecte directement les «mécanismes» de l'organisme responsable de l'aide auditive. Ce médicament est commercialisé comme complément alimentaire et peut être utilisé à la fois pour la prévention et le traitement. L'audition est altérée en raison de nombreux facteurs, notamment le bruit de la production, les maladies présentes et passées, les traumatismes, les anomalies congénitales. Mais si vous stimulez les cellules qui composent les organes de l'audition, vous pouvez améliorer considérablement le pourcentage de perception auditive. La récupération se fait très rapidement après presque quelques jours d'utilisation, vous ressentirez une amélioration de la perception. En raison du fait que le médicament se compose de produits naturels, il n'y a pas d'effets secondaires.[:it] Relaton è un apparecchio acustico. Viene utilizzato per la somministrazione orale e agisce direttamente sui "meccanismi" del corpo responsabile dell'apparecchio acustico. Questo farmaco è commercializzato come integratore alimentare e può essere utilizzato sia per la prevenzione che per il trattamento. L'udito è compromesso a causa di molti fattori, tra cui rumore di produzione, malattie presenti e passate, traumi, anomalie congenite. Ma se stimoli le cellule che compongono gli organi dell'udito, puoi migliorare significativamente la percentuale di percezione dell'udito. Il recupero avviene molto rapidamente dopo quasi un paio di giorni di utilizzo, sentirai un miglioramento della percezione. A causa del fatto che il farmaco è costituito da prodotti naturali, non ci sono effetti collaterali.[:ro] Relaton este un aparat auditiv. Este utilizat intern și afectează direct „mecanismele” organismului responsabil cu aparatul auditiv. Acest medicament este comercializat ca supliment alimentar și poate fi utilizat atât pentru prevenire, cât și pentru tratament. Auzul se deteriorează din cauza multor factori, inclusiv zgomotul de producție, boli prezente și trecute, traume, anomalii congenitale. Dar dacă stimulezi celulele care alcătuiesc organele auzului, atunci poți îmbunătăți semnificativ procentul percepției auzului. Recuperarea se întâmplă foarte repede după aproape câteva zile de utilizare, veți simți o îmbunătățire a percepției. Datorită faptului că medicamentul constă din produse naturale, nu există efecte secundare.[:hu]A Relaton hallókészülék.
Szájon át történő alkalmazásra használják, és közvetlenül befolyásolja a hallókészülékért felelős test "mechanizmusait". Ezt a gyógyszert étrend-kiegészítőként forgalmazzák, megelőzésre és kezelésre egyaránt használható. A hallás sok tényező miatt romlik, beleértve a termelési zajt, a jelenlegi és a korábbi betegségeket, traumákat, veleszületett rendellenességeket. De ha stimulálja a hallás szerveit alkotó sejteket, akkor jelentősen javíthatja a hallás észlelésének százalékos arányát. A gyógyulás csaknem néhány napos használat után nagyon gyorsan megtörténik, érezni fogja, hogy javul a felfogás. Annak a ténynek köszönhetően, hogy a gyógyszer természetes termékekből áll, nincsenek mellékhatások.[:es] Relaton es un audífono. Se utiliza de forma interna y afecta directamente a los "mecanismos" del organismo responsable del audífono. Este medicamento se comercializa como un suplemento dietético y se puede utilizar tanto para la prevención como para el tratamiento. La audición se deteriora debido a muchos factores, incluido el ruido de la producción, enfermedades presentes y pasadas, traumas y anomalías congénitas. Pero si estimula las células que forman los órganos de la audición, puede mejorar significativamente el porcentaje de percepción auditiva. La recuperación ocurre muy rápidamente después de casi un par de días de uso, sentirá una mejora en la percepción. Debido al hecho de que el medicamento consta de productos naturales, no hay efectos secundarios.[:pt] Relaton é um aparelho auditivo. É utilizado para administração oral e afetando diretamente os "mecanismos" do órgão responsável pelo aparelho auditivo. Este medicamento é comercializado como suplemento dietético e pode ser usado tanto para prevenção quanto para tratamento. A audição se deteriora devido a muitos fatores, incluindo ruído de produção, doenças presentes e passadas, trauma, anormalidades congênitas. Mas se você estimular as células que constituem os órgãos da audição, poderá melhorar significativamente a porcentagem de percepção auditiva. A recuperação acontece muito rapidamente depois de quase alguns dias de uso, você sentirá uma melhora na percepção. Devido ao fato de a droga ser composta por produtos naturais, não há efeitos colaterais.[:pl] Relaton to aparat słuchowy. Służy do podawania doustnego i wpływa bezpośrednio na „mechanizmy” organizmu odpowiedzialnego za aparat słuchowy. Lek ten jest sprzedawany jako suplement diety i może być stosowany zarówno w profilaktyce, jak i leczeniu. Słuch pogarsza się z powodu wielu czynników, w tym hałasu związanego z produkcją, obecnych i przeszłych chorób, urazów, wad wrodzonych. Ale jeśli stymulujesz komórki tworzące narządy słuchu, możesz znacznie poprawić procent percepcji słuchu. Powrót do zdrowia następuje bardzo szybko po prawie kilku dniach stosowania, poczujesz poprawę percepcji. Ze względu na to, że lek składa się z produktów naturalnych, nie ma skutków ubocznych.[:et] Relaton on kuuldeaparaat. Seda kasutatakse sisemiselt ja see mõjutab otseselt kuuldeaparaadi eest vastutava organi "mehhanisme". Seda ravimit turustatakse toidulisandina ja seda saab kasutada nii ennetamiseks kui ka raviks. Kuulmine halveneb paljude tegurite tõttu, sealhulgas tootmismüra, praegused ja varasemad haigused, traumad, kaasasündinud kõrvalekalded. Kuid kui stimuleerite rakke, mis moodustavad kuulmisorganid, saate märkimisväärselt parandada kuulmise taju protsenti. Taastumine toimub pärast pea paaripäevast kasutamist väga kiiresti, tunnete taju paranemist. Tulenevalt asjaolust, et ravim koosneb looduslikest toodetest, puuduvad kõrvaltoimed.[:el]Το Relaton είναι ένα ακουστικό βαρηκοΐας. Χρησιμοποιείται για από του στόματος χορήγηση και επηρεάζει άμεσα τους «μηχανισμούς» του οργανισμού που είναι υπεύθυνος για το ακουστικό βαρηκοΐας. Αυτό το φάρμακο διατίθεται στο εμπόριο ως συμπλήρωμα διατροφής και μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί τόσο για την πρόληψη όσο και για τη θεραπεία. Η ακοή είναι μειωμένη λόγω πολλών παραγόντων, όπως ο θόρυβος της παραγωγής, η παρούσα και η προηγούμενη ασθένεια, το τραύμα, οι συγγενείς ανωμαλίες.
Αλλά εάν διεγείρετε τα κύτταρα που απαρτίζουν τα όργανα της ακοής, τότε μπορείτε να βελτιώσετε σημαντικά το ποσοστό της αντίληψης της ακοής. Η αποκατάσταση συμβαίνει πολύ γρήγορα μετά από σχεδόν δύο ημέρες χρήσης, θα αισθανθείτε βελτίωση στην αντίληψη. Λόγω του γεγονότος ότι το φάρμακο αποτελείται από φυσικά προϊόντα, δεν υπάρχουν παρενέργειες.[:hr] Relaton je slušni aparat. Koristi se za oralnu primjenu i izravno utječe na "mehanizme" tijela odgovornog za slušni aparat. Ovaj se lijek prodaje na tržištu kao dodatak prehrani i može se koristiti i za prevenciju i za liječenje. Sluh je oštećen zbog mnogih čimbenika, uključujući proizvodnu buku, sadašnju i prošlu bolest, traumu, urođene abnormalnosti. Ali ako stimulirate stanice koje čine organe sluha, tada možete značajno poboljšati postotak percepcije sluha. Oporavak se događa vrlo brzo nakon gotovo nekoliko dana korištenja, osjetit ćete poboljšanje percepcije. S obzirom na činjenicu da se lijek sastoji od prirodnih proizvoda, nema nuspojava.[:lt] Relaton yra klausos aparatas. Jis vartojamas per burną ir tiesiogiai veikia už klausos aparatą atsakingos įstaigos „mechanizmus“. Šis vaistas parduodamas kaip maisto papildas ir gali būti naudojamas tiek profilaktikai, tiek gydymui. Klausa sutrinka dėl daugelio veiksnių, įskaitant gamybos triukšmą, esamas ir buvusias ligas, traumas, įgimtas anomalijas. Bet jei jūs stimuliuojate ląsteles, kurios sudaro klausos organus, galite žymiai pagerinti klausos suvokimo procentą. Po beveik poros dienų naudojimo sveikimas vyksta labai greitai, pajusite suvokimo pagerėjimą. Dėl to, kad vaistas susideda iš natūralių produktų, šalutinio poveikio nėra.[:sk] Relaton je načúvací prístroj. Používa sa na orálne podanie a má priamy vplyv na „mechanizmy“ tela zodpovedného za načúvací prístroj. Tento liek sa predáva ako doplnok výživy a môže sa používať na prevenciu aj liečbu. Sluch sa zhoršuje v dôsledku mnohých faktorov, medzi ktoré patrí produkčný hluk, súčasné a minulé choroby, úrazy, vrodené abnormality. Ale ak stimulujete bunky, ktoré tvoria orgány sluchu, môžete výrazne zlepšiť percento vnímania sluchu. K zotaveniu dochádza veľmi rýchlo po takmer niekoľkých dňoch používania, pocítite zlepšenie vnímania. Vzhľadom na to, že sa liek skladá z prírodných produktov, nie sú žiadne vedľajšie účinky.[:nl] Relaton is een gehoorapparaat. Het wordt intern gebruikt en heeft rechtstreeks invloed op de "mechanismen" van het lichaam dat verantwoordelijk is voor het hoortoestel. Dit medicijn wordt op de markt gebracht als voedingssupplement en kan zowel voor preventie als behandeling worden gebruikt. Het gehoor is verstoord door vele factoren, waaronder productiegeluid, huidige en vroegere ziekte, trauma, aangeboren afwijkingen. Maar als u de cellen van de gehoororganen stimuleert, kunt u het percentage gehoorperceptie aanzienlijk verbeteren. Herstel vindt zeer snel plaats na bijna een paar dagen gebruik, u zult een verbetering van uw waarneming voelen. Vanwege het feit dat het medicijn uit natuurlijke producten bestaat, zijn er geen bijwerkingen.[:vi] Relaton là một thiết bị trợ thính. Nó được sử dụng để uống và ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến "cơ chế" của cơ quan chịu trách nhiệm về máy trợ thính. Thuốc này được bán trên thị trường dưới dạng thực phẩm chức năng và có thể được sử dụng để phòng ngừa và điều trị. Thính lực kém đi do nhiều yếu tố, bao gồm tiếng ồn của sản xuất, bệnh tật hiện tại và quá khứ, chấn thương, bất thường bẩm sinh. Nhưng nếu bạn kích thích các tế bào tạo nên các cơ quan thính giác, thì bạn có thể cải thiện đáng kể tỷ lệ phần trăm nhận thức thính giác. Quá trình phục hồi diễn ra rất nhanh sau gần một vài ngày sử dụng, bạn sẽ cảm thấy sự cải thiện trong nhận thức. Do thực tế là thuốc bao gồm các sản phẩm tự nhiên, không có tác dụng phụ.[:bg] Relaton е слухов апарат. Използва се за перорално приложение и пряко засяга "механизмите" на тялото, отговорно за слуховия апарат. Това лекарство се предлага на пазара като хранителна добавка и може да се използва както за профилактика, така и за лечение.
Слухът се влошава поради много фактори, включително производствения шум, настоящи и минали заболявания, травми, вродени аномалии. Но ако стимулирате клетките, които изграждат органите на слуха, тогава можете значително да подобрите процента на възприятие на слуха. Възстановяването настъпва много бързо след почти няколко дни употреба, ще почувствате подобрение във възприятието. Поради факта, че лекарството се състои от естествени продукти, няма странични ефекти.[:sl] Relaton je slušni aparat. Uporablja se interno in neposredno vpliva na "mehanizme" telesa, odgovornega za slušni aparat. To zdravilo se trži kot prehransko dopolnilo in se lahko uporablja za preprečevanje in zdravljenje. Sluh je oslabljen zaradi številnih dejavnikov, vključno s proizvodnim hrupom, sedanjostjo in preteklostjo bolezni, travmami, prirojenimi nepravilnostmi. Če pa stimulirate celice, ki tvorijo organe sluha, potem lahko bistveno izboljšate odstotek zaznavanja sluha. Okrevanje se zgodi zelo hitro po skoraj nekaj dneh uporabe, začutili boste izboljšanje zaznavanja. Ker je zdravilo sestavljeno iz naravnih izdelkov, ni stranskih učinkov.[:lv] Relaton ir dzirdes aparāts. To lieto iekšēji un tieši ietekmē par dzirdes aparātu atbildīgās iestādes "mehānismus". Šīs zāles tiek pārdotas kā uztura bagātinātāji, un tās var izmantot gan profilaksei, gan ārstēšanai. Dzirde pasliktinās daudzu faktoru dēļ, ieskaitot ražošanas troksni, esošās un iepriekšējās slimības, traumas, iedzimtas patoloģijas. Bet, ja jūs stimulējat šūnas, kas veido dzirdes orgānus, tad jūs varat ievērojami uzlabot dzirdes uztveres procentuālo daudzumu. Atveseļošanās notiek ļoti ātri pēc gandrīz pāris dienu lietošanas, jūs sajutīsit uztveres uzlabošanos. Sakarā ar to, ka zāles sastāv no dabīgiem produktiem, nav blakusparādību.[:th] รีเลตัน เป็นเครื่องช่วยฟัง มีการใช้ภายในและส่งผลโดยตรงต่อ "กลไก" ของร่างกายที่รับผิดชอบเครื่องช่วยฟัง ยานี้วางตลาดเป็นผลิตภัณฑ์เสริมอาหารและสามารถใช้ได้ทั้งในการป้องกันและการรักษา การได้ยินแย่ลงเนื่องจากหลายปัจจัย ได้แก่ เสียงของการผลิตความเจ็บป่วยในปัจจุบันและในอดีตการบาดเจ็บความผิดปกติ แต่กำเนิด แต่ถ้าคุณกระตุ้นเซลล์ที่ประกอบเป็นอวัยวะของการได้ยินคุณจะสามารถปรับปรุงเปอร์เซ็นต์การรับรู้การได้ยินได้อย่างมาก การฟื้นตัวจะเกิดขึ้นอย่างรวดเร็วหลังจากใช้ไปเกือบสองสามวันคุณจะรู้สึกได้ถึงการรับรู้ที่ดีขึ้น เนื่องจากยาประกอบด้วยผลิตภัณฑ์จากธรรมชาติจึงไม่มีผลข้างเคียง[:cs] Relaton je sluchadlo. Používá se k perorálnímu podání a má přímý vliv na „mechanismy“ těla odpovědného za naslouchátko. Tento lék je prodáván jako doplněk stravy a lze jej použít jak k prevenci, tak k léčbě. Sluch je narušen mnoha faktory, včetně hluku produkce, současných a minulých nemocí, traumat, vrozených abnormalit. Pokud ale stimulujete buňky, které tvoří orgány sluchu, můžete výrazně zlepšit procento sluchového vnímání. K zotavení dochází velmi rychle po téměř několika dnech používání, pocítíte zlepšení vnímání. Vzhledem k tomu, že se droga skládá z přírodních produktů, neexistují žádné vedlejší účinky.[:]
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Resident Evil project Aibert .
private project permission granted backed up in projects personal for me only .
Year's at failed attempts of recreating Alice our mental conscious shift as much more interesting but agreed to side continue operation all are deemed usefully Necessary at Umbrella ☔ Corporation our conscious shift has lead us to A great deal. Project Aibert
Umbrella Corporate Presentation Room.
A all white room as gentle males sit collectively .
A voice. The break of planetary life salvation of humanity.
A responding voice , well we cannot reserve the process .
In those surely those who are fresh an antibiotic enzyme counter agents .
But look at them ...
Yes to far past flesh rejuvenation.
Mission eliminate hostile and recovery fleshy we have days or hours to fight the mutation infection .
Team A tactical response . Sending you in .
Team A zero count . Yes sir debrief via electronic mail.
Team Zero.. responding back .
Your Team Alfa . Yes Team Alfa fox trot what's the debriefing .
Traums Ben
Okay Ben .
Your name ___________ fill in
Orders retrieving and transportation only .
So I have to be close to one of these things .
Yes fairly so restraint and far before harmful.
So there's still time .
Yes more or less !
A Dark scene so dark and horrific
Hercell Macie: it's people here ?
Team Alfa radio in Raccoon city .
Hercell Macie . What's the Actual name of this town any way .
It's just A Flashy Umbrella BMW Helicopter we just rodein in on .
laughter males ...
Hercell Macie Just did you notice . ?
Hnnnh , a male
Hercell Macie Dude Even the Helicopter looks like a raccoon , how much do you know Umbrella Corporate ?
A feminine motion .
Frameseu Hercell Macie I like you !
So tell ourselves something about yourself .
Hercell Macie . Well I was born in a umbrella corporate cities , it was rather great we had little contact with a outside world I am different there are or are not others like me .
My parents rather important umbrella corporation assets rather important executives for umbrella corporation we did rather well there .
Yes My parents involvement in some project Alice operation and A T virus 🦠 the experiment was continuously consider if a male and female successfully bonded .
My father first a successful male bonding
My mother second a female successfully bonded
Priority motive was to mate and marriage corporate security , the great life , you know!
So your basically super hero as sh*t
Glad you're on our side .
Primary function link up Alfa team
Beta team secondary primary objective
Ben : Macie ..
Mace: yes come in .
What exactly are we looking for ?
Macie: Alfa Bravo , your evacuation team our primary goal is to purge and restore Raccoon city and secure operations set up fortified defense.
Macie: Ben ... Secured communication end
The Dark horrifying raccoon city first thing make it to day light .
Located fortified under labs ..
All mechanical and motor works operational equipment online
PythagoreanQueen Umbrella..,.. program active
...Body ...
Labs online, restore the power.
A voice power restored .
Okay i see what we came for ..
Computer up .. command code promp authorization.
Hellcell .. hellcell accepted Hello Hellcell
Hellcell Hercell Macie credentials enhanced Secured . Lab secure.
Humanoidbiped map scale up ..
Scan secured .
Three D scan completed, three d construction print assured.
Pulse engine schematics resemblance bloodaeus pumparaeous .
Aibert status report!
Incoming call.,
Incoming call.
Call accepted
A giant screen A face appears. Hercell a voice as the screen become a bit more clear .
Yes Sir ?
Are you secured.
Yes , operation for project Aibert are in motion .
Adalummantium yes .
Yes sir robotic skeleton and inside components of a Humanoidbiped the pulse engine stable metal skin is fortified synthetic skin coating and cerebral cortex and pulse electronic signals joint locking oils production and proper human anatomy no gender organs .
End comm out , yes sir
Oh field test Aibert . Configuration.
Okay .
Online a vision cloud coming clear.
A face
Registry Hercell Walker Macie
Aibert . How are you ?
Quite well . Macie
A Robot after my charm
I am self aware of what I am
Well Aibert your gear standard weapon side primary weapon long range tactical weapon .
Suit up . Your going to work
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boermedicals · 2 years
Thoracoscopic Trocar
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Boer thoracoscopic trocar is designed with a blunt tip for small incisions, fewer surgical traum and quick recovery.
 The material is medical grade ABS. The outer cannel is tooth pattern desinged to prevent displacement during surgery. The transparent cannula also provides visualization during the procedure.
Features of Thoracoscopic Trocar
Thoracoscopic Trocar Features
 Boer disposable thoracoscoic trocar has two diameters, φ6.5mm andφ8.5mm. Different sizes for various demands.
 Features & Benefits
 blunt tip to avoid additional harm
 tooth pattern design for stability
 single pack and steriled, ready to use
0 notes
auszeitstille · 3 years
Es ist tagein, tagaus das selbe
Heimliche Ritual
Ihre Hülle ist das Schlachtfeld
Jeder Feind ist eine Zahl
So sieht sie die Ziffern fallen
Weil sie immer mehr entbehrt
Ihre Flucht verlangt nach Opfern
Sie hat sich den Krieg erklärt
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wearejustkids · 3 years
Erzähl mir wovon, träumst du nachts, wenn du so tief in deinen Schlaf verfallen bist das du schon am Abgrund deiner Seele weilst
Träumst du von Kometen, die zur Erde fallen die zerspringen und Blumen die kein Mensch je sehen konnte, ersprießen auf dem kalten Boden.
Träumst du von Fischen die in silbernen Kugeln höher fliegen das selbst die Vögel vor Neid erblassen.
Und sag mir, fühlst du dich frei und welchen Geschmack spürst du auf deinen Knospen. So süß wie die Wolken, gefärbt von den Farben der Aufgehenden Sonne oder so bitter wie die Nacht zur tiefsten Stunde.
Erzähl mir, wovon träumst du nachts?
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psydeszczowe · 3 years
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my summer is going absolutely fine thank for asking
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myburdenalone · 4 years
Me: I don’t want to work ever again
My therapist: I’m hearing you say you want to live under a rock so you won’t get hurt in relationships anymore
Me: exactly
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deqdyke · 4 years
Loving and being loved when you both are grappling with and healing from trauma is hard. It's hard and painful but I want every traumatized person to know that it is possible. You can learn to love and be loved, and nothing you've been through makes you unworthy of love. You WILL need to work on it, and you will need to change, and slip-ups will happen. But you are worthy of love, and you can have it.
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notsofine · 3 years
E will only sleep on me 😭
I should use this time to think about what T wants me to let the hospital know when I go for my appointments tomorrow. Maybe make a list so I don’t freak out and say nothing
But I also don’t want to think about things so this makes it a little hard
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