#this was meant to be 1000 words only help
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Welcome To The Table - Ben Brainard (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: New Jersey/New York (Welcome To The Table) Characters: New Jersey (Welcome To The Table), New York (Welcome To The Table), Albany (Welcome To The Table), Atlantic City (Welcome To The Table), Buffalo (Welcome to the Table), Cape May (Welcome To The Table), Jersey City (Welcome To The Table), Newark (Welcome To The Table), Princeton (Welcome To The Table), Staten Island (Welcome To The Table), Trenton (Welcome To The Table) Additional Tags: Penn Philadelphia Maine and Mass are mentioned, New Jersey is head over heels for New York, New Jersey is a dad, New York is a dad, NJ is more mom but whatever, Descriptions of a certain person being absolutely in love with someone's voice, It's the Northeast they will swear, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Family Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Fluff without Plot, All the good fluffs get tagged, Everyone is happy in this yay, Winter Summary:
The cold of the outside world means little when there is nothing but warmth surrounding you and diving into your heart. For all the blizzards there rage, a snowflake gently lands on someone's hand; whispering vows of comfort and peace. And sitting there by the fire, along with New York and all their children, New Jersey felt the promises of paradise were fulfilled.
New Jersey, New York, and their kids hang out together in a bundle of warmth shortly before falling asleep on a cold winter night.
Sooo...I wrote something....
@crazedstoryteller this is for you <3
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utterlyotterlyx · 2 months
18 with Azriel because mans is taaaaall
Little Thing
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Summary - Azriel loves finding any reason to hold you, his height restricted mate, in his arms, and isn't ashamed to admit it.
Warnings - absolutely none really, slight swearing, just Az fluff x 1000
"I've been breaking my back to kiss you."
"I'm not that fucking short."
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The weight that occasionally pressed against the tips of his toes had become something he found endearing, because it meant that you were trying with all of your might to kiss him by using his feet as leverage to boost your own height.
Azriel was abnormally tall, his six foot seven to your five foot three was the source of copious amounts of teasing from your shared family, mostly from Cassian who always questioned aloud how Azriel fit inside of you, like it was all he thought about whenever he looked at the two of you.
"Would you like to watch since you're so intrigued about our sex life, Cass?"
"I, uh-," Cassian had stuttered that chill afternoon, the stars had blanketed across the sky, and you were stood in the centre of the lounge in your floor length skirt which only reached Azriel's knees, (he'd tried it on one day much to your delight); you were tapping your foot against the wooden floor, eyebrow arched and waiting for a real answer, "No."
Azriel had to give it to Cassian, and Rhys, and well anyone who questioned how Azriel, the brother with the largest wingspan, managed to fit inside of you. Cassian said often that his cock must rearrange your insides and he was surprised how you could walk around after your nights, mornings, and afternoons together, let alone go to work and live a normal life.
"Thought not. Shame, you could have learnt a thing or two for Nesta," Azriel chortled at your words and sent a wave of pride and adoration down the bond, a shower of affection that you lapped up.
"Ouch, y/n. That stung," Cassian fluttered his fingers over his heart and winced dramatically.
"Bite me," you flipped him off and headed back into the kitchen where the most incredible aromas floated from.
Once a month, you promised to cook a family dinner for them all, having negotiated your family away from the once a week they had begged for. It was as though they believed that you didn't have a life. The most decadent bakery in Velaris had your name plastered on the front of it in pale blue swirls, that was how you had met Azriel, after Feyre had dragged him into the store owned by the tiny fae female who made the best pastries she had ever tasted in her life.
The bond had snapped immediately for him when he saw you in your black apron dusted with flour, pink icing and white buttercream on your cheeks, hair strewn up but spilling over your forehead, boxing up a larger than you three tier cake without breaking a sweat.
The pastries you had made for him once you had decided to accept the bond, and the life that came with it, were almost as good as the passionate love he gave you that night.
Azriel loved everything about you, from the larger than life ferocity and sass you carried in your tiny body, to your equally ferocious loving heart; you were independent, talented, sweet, and kind, a ray of sunshine in his otherwise shadowed reality.
Though, there were two things that Azriel loved more than anything. The first was being able to find any excuse to lift you up in his hands, whether that be to help you reach the top shelf or fuck you against a wall; he wouldn't admit it easily, but he did purposefully hide things out of reach from you so that he had a reason to hold you in his large hands. The second thing he adored was how you would stand on his feet, on your tiptoes, to capture his lips on yours. It was such a sickly sweet part of you, but one that he wouldn't change for anything.
Hearing you strain, Azriel furrowed his brow, imagining you struggling to reach the second shelf of the cupboard in a home where furniture had been made for three huge Illyrians, not a tiny fae baker. Rounding the corner, he smirked at your form, he smirked at the way your skirt was hitched around your thighs as you clambered onto a nearby chair to hop onto the countertop.
Azriel sauntered over to you, laying his large hands on your hips and pressing his lips to the small of your back, grinning against your skin when you shuddered at the contact, "Need any help?" Azriel had moved the stool away from the edge of the counter, placing himself where it used to be.
Turning in his hands, you looked down on him with a wide smile, "No, I got it," you presented the bag of sugar to him and he took it from your fingers, placing it down for you, "Is this what it's like to be you? I can see so much up here."
Azriel chuckled, resting his chin on your stomach and peering up at you through his long lashes that always made you curse his Illyrian genes, "I guess so," he shrugged, locking his arms around your hips, enjoying the moment you had taken to run your fingernails over his scalp which drew a whine from his lips.
Taking his face in your hands, you leaned down and placed your lips to his, a tender embrace, one full of love and the faint taste of your vanilla lip balm that gave your lips the most incredible glossy finish, "How does it feel to kiss someone taller than you?"
Grinning, Azriel prodded, "Amazing actually. I've been breaking my back to kiss you."
You gasped, swatting his shoulder with the towel you had tucked into the back of your skirt, "I'm not that fucking short!"
His laugh boomed throughout the kitchen as you fiddled with the ends of your hair, "Okay, maybe I am just a little bit. Cassian's right, how do we have sex?" Azriel continued to laugh at your mumbling as he lifted you from the counter, placing you back on to the ground which felt so far away from where you were stood moments before.
Your mate bent down to peck your pouting bottom lip, pulling you into his body and stroking his fingers through your hair, "Who are we to question science? It works, that's good enough for me."
"It's definitely good enough for me."
"Oh I know. You told me as much last night - ow!" Azriel hissed as you dug your heel into his foot, frowning, he asked, "What was that for?"
Your cheeks flushed pink and you bashfully whispered, "I don't need Cassian to know what I tell you when we're doing that."
"You said it first."
"And?" There it was, the sass, the popped hip and arched brow, "Now move, I need to finish cooking and you're blocking my view."
Azriel smirked, "Oh my beautiful little thing, but I am the view."
A giggle floated through your lips, his favourite sound apart from when you were moaning his name beneath him, "You're lucky I love you," you fell into his open arms and pressed your lips to his clothed chest, to the exact place where your lips always met when you stood before him.
"I wouldn't change anything about you, you know that right?"
Humming in agreement, your hands wrapped around his back, "I know, Az," you pulled away, craning your neck toward the ceiling to look at him, "I'd change one thing about you though," his face dropped, "That you'd stop purposefully hiding things on the top shelf."
Azriel took a step back, "You know?!"
Scoffing, you turned, focusing back to the slowly simmering melting chocolate on the stove top, "Of course I know. I'm small, not dumb."
Azriel's warmth swarmed you, his huge arms nestled over your chest, and he rested his head atop your own, "All I can do is do it a little less. You know I like man-handling you. It makes me feel strong."
"Big Illyrian baby."
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Authors Note
Just a little drabble on a Wednesday evening x
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livinginshambles · 11 months
I've got plans, sorry | James potter
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Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: James is whipped. He adores his girlfriend so much, to the point that it starts to bother his friends. His reaction to a confrontation about it with his friends is to completely pull away from you, always finding new excuses to avoid you, leaving you to try and approach him. When you overhear him trying to be cool under peer pressure and say that you're too clingy, you also start pulling away, using the same excuses.
Notes: Angst with a happy ending probably, I love happy endings. Established relationship, For plot purposes, Sirius will start off as an arse
Part two Masterlist
James Potter found himself a girlfriend, and it wasn't Lily Evans.
The news spread around faster than the Nimbus 1000 could fly and had everyone do a double take when they saw James strutting around, your books in one arm, held to his broad chest. His other arm holding you close.
"Everyone's staring," you whispered to James. His only reaction seemed to be walking even straighter than before, chest puffed out in pride, ready to show you off. "It's because you're breathtakingly gorgeous of course," he winked at you and you stiffled a laugh, shaking your arm and flipping a uno reverse up at him. He grinned and accepted the card, stuffing it up his own sleeve.
He had put in so much effort to get you to notice him, he almost couldn't believe it when you had eventually admitted that you fancied him back.
"Not sure why they all seem so surprised though." If you didn't know better, you would say that he sounded offended. "I mean, I've been fighting for your affection for quite a while now, right, Darling?"
He looked down to you for affirmation. "Well," you began. "You still flirted a lot with Lily, so I do get their confusion." You shrugged.
James pulled you to a stop, spun you around and pressed his lips to yours in an overly dramatic way. It had you giggling in the kiss. When you pulled away, he pulled you back to his chest, bringing you in for a hug.
You grunted at the sudden impact from your own chest at the pile of books he still held in front of him and laughed. "Hey!" You exclaimed and pressed your arm to your sore chest. "Let me help you with that, darling," he quickly offered with a wide grin. You playfully rolled your eyes at his excitement and grabby hands and swatted them away in amusement. You let him press you closer to his side, and he turned his head to kiss the top of yours.
"I'll show them how in love I am with you," he sighed happily in your hair.
You came to a stop where you two had to part ways, having picked different courses. James returned your books to you, and you left a sweet peck on his cheek.
You both walked to your classes, but not before looking back, meeting each other's eyes, a smile and a wink thrown in each other's direction.
James was always around you and vice versa, spending a great deal of your time with the marauders. You'd already been on good terms with Sirius, by which you meant that he knew your name, your own parents on his parents' payroll. You knew Peter who was your partner for your muggle studies class, and you had been friends with Remus ever since he had been kind enough to share his ink, paper and extra quill for taking notes during your first class of transfiguration. You had severely underestimated how much writing you would have to do in class instead of, you know, transfiguring. So you had sort of just joined the marauders, not that they seemed to mind. Or so you thought.
You were in the library as usual like every Thursday evening and were currently waiting for James, who hadn't shown up yet. In the past two hours and 20 minutes that you'd been waiting for him, you had already finished tomorrow's homework, as well as next week's. You looked at the gigantic clock, displaying the time. 20 minutes past eight.
'A little longer,' you told yourself. "Give him another 40 minutes."
But James wasn't going to be showing up for you anytime soon. Instead, he was in the boys' dormitory with the rest of the marauders, downing alcohol, cheered on by Sirius, trying to prove that he still valued their friendship.
Because when Sirius had complained to him about being a simp and never hanging out with just the guys anymore, he hadn't paid it any mind. He figured that he and Sirius simply had a different mindset now he had a girlfriend while Sirius was still ever the player that he was known for being.
When Remus told him that they seemed to have lost their friend, his attention had finally been caught. And when even Peter told him that he agreed with Sirius and Remus that he was too whipped and acting embarrassingly clingy, he had been all ears.
He had to admit after all, that they were right. There was almost never a moment when James wasn't holding on to you. He basically hovered around you and called out on it, he felt incredibly embarrassed. So there he was, drinking and completely forgetting about his study date with you.
When you figured he wasn't going to be showing up, you made your way to your dorm as well. Hey, at least you were productive. "Where's you bodyguard, L/N," Someone called after you and you shrugged it off.
You enjoyed spending time with James and his friends. Not really having many friends of your own due to the fact that you were taking classes of a year above you with James.
Your birthday was in November, you see. That meant that despite being born in the same year as James, you had waited another year before receiving your owl, not having been 11 yet the year before.
You had bought your books anyway and studied by yourself every evening after muggle school, your father teaching you during the weekends, all out of pure spite at the clearly flawed system.
After proving to be rather proficient during the first semester, you had been given the opportunity to get extra classes on the matter of the second years and moved to take classes with the second years during your second semester.
The cons of that, however, meant not really having any friends. You didn't share classes with your fellow dorm mates. You didn't share a dormitory with your fellow classmates.
So you enjoyed being with James, even if some people told you that you must surely find him too overbearing. This is why the fact that James was suddenly going out of his way to avoid you, hurt, simply put. Your eyes flashed with confusion, and a frown settled upon your face. You wondered if you'd upset him somehow.
"James!" You called out, making your way up to him. You tried not to sigh out loud at the relief that he had actually stopped and turned around to face you. "Hey stranger," you awkwardly laughed with a mini wave. James shifted uncomfortably. He wanted to come in for a kiss, really. But he also knew that Sirius and Remus were waiting for him. He looked back and saw them wave him over.
"Uh, it's Thursday." You managed to say, noticeably quieter than before. You had seen him look around and you wondered. 'Was he embarrassed by you?'
James definitely knew what you were implying but chose to play dumb anyway.
"Oh, uh, are you- do you want to join me in the library tonight?" Because you didn't show up last week and haven't mentioned it at all. You didn't say that last part, but James knew what you meant.
"I've got plans, sorry," he breathed out, instantly wanting to bash his head against a wall. 'Coward,' he thought. Though his friends, and mainly Sirius had made fun of him when he was with you, he didn't have to outright lie to you.
He reached his hand out to you, ready to take it back when you had already smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah, sure." You gave him a toothy grin, turned on your heels, and walked away, letting your face fall in disappointment when your back was turned towards James.
James' stretched out arm fell limp to his side and he walked over to his friends, but not before looking back at you as usual. His step faltered when you didn't look back and hastily disappeared behind the corner.
Sirius slapped an arm around James' shoulder. "Let's go Prongs, I've got the best idea for a prank." Remus sighed. That's not what he had meant for to happen.
The following two weeks were spent with you, trying to spend time with your boyfriend and said boyfriend giving out all types of excuses as to why he was really really busy and absolutely had no time for you. Quidditch practice, detention, planned pranks that he definitely couldn't miss out on, the new emergence of "boy's night", other plans, helping Sirius with something, Remus isn't feeling well, you name it.
(Though you did have the slightest feeling that he had been truthful about the last one. It had been the beginning of the full moon after all, and you weren't stupid.)
"Sorry Darling, I've got-"
"-plans, yes, I know." You smiled tightly at him.
"-sorry. I know that too." And with that, you walked off, shaking your head. 'You love him,' you reminded yourself with a sigh as you walked towards the library. Almost reaching it, you changed your mind and retreated to your room instead. You weren't feeling like studying today.
"Should've gone to the library instead," you murmured to yourself through gritted teeth as you were woken up by the slamming of the door of the common room. You groaned, summoned all your courage and rolled yourself over, falling of the bed and sitting up dazed. Always effective, that method.
You walked down the stairs when you froze at your name.
"Y/N just doesn't know how to leave you alone, right Prongs?" You knew the voice belonged to Sirius.
"Yeah well, I haven't been spending a lot of time with her, lately," James admitted and the corners of your lips lifted in a soft smile.
"Well, it's still weird. Why doesn't she find her own friends to hang out with anyway?"
"She doesn't have that many," James answered, trying to defend you without directly calling you a loner, but Sirius picked up on it.
"Just because she doesn't have any friends of her own, doesn't mean she needs to interrupt you from spending time with your own, right?"
Remus had been listening and finally looked up from his book. He let his eyes flicker between his two friends. "I'm her friend," he spoke up. Bless him.
Sirius huffed. "You don't count. That's charity work."
"Hey, that's mean, Pads." Remus defended you.
You felt slapped in the face. Though thankful that Remus denied it, your eyes started watering at the fact that James didn't and you sat down on the stairs. A deep frown settled between your eyebrows and a hurt expression in your eyes. You should've turned around, but couldn't help but continue to listen in on their conversation.
"Alright, fine, I was just joking, Moony." Sirius held up his hands in surrender. "But you guys have to admit that she's super clingy," he added.
Even Remus couldn't deny that. You had been clinging to James, or trying to at least, ever since he abruptly started avoiding you for whatever reason you didn't know.
James hummed a little in agreement, choosing his words carefully. "Yeah, she's kind of high maintenance. Like, she needs a lot of attention, I guess. I mean, I've tried to subtly let her know that she's clingy, but she's not really getting the hint." Maybe not that carefully after all.
Your mouth was agape.
"Still my girlfriend though Padfoot, and I'm in love with her, so shut it," he gave Sirius a pointed look and with that, the matter was done for them. For you, very much not the case.
You swallowed, not comforted by his last words at all. Your throat felt dry and you hurried back to your room.
At first James was relieved by your lack of approaching him. It meant he didn't have to feel like crap every time he excused himself. But then time passed and James was missing you. 'How do you even miss your girlfriend, who you spend 24/7 with by being in the same boarding school?' He incredulously thought to himself.
But somehow you had managed to escape his sight. Aside from during class, in which you were partnered up with a scrawny Ravenclaw boy who excelled in potions class, called Wylan, as he had heard from Peter, he never saw you anywhere else. Not in the corridors, not in the Great Hall, not in the courtyard, not even in the library at your usual spot.
"Y/N!" He called out to you when he finally did spot you. You didn't seem to hear him and he moved faster. He slipped past a group of slow paced students who were taking up the entire corridor by walking next to each other- 'bloody hell' -and stopped in front of you, blocking your path.
You looked up at him in surprise. A weird feeling in your stomach. Maybe a mixture of adoration and discomfort at the same time. You hadn't decided what you wanted to do with the information from James' conversation because you didn't want to lose James, but also felt hurt. So you decided to just... postpone a confrontation.
"It's uh, it's been a while," he weakly smiled at you. You hummed in agreement.
"Yeah, I've been really busy." You mustered up a smile.
James nodded. 'Everything was fine. You were busy. That's all.' He tried to tell himself. But your eyes didn't crinkle like they did when you actually smiled. Your smile not wide enough to get you to wince at the pulling feeling of the small crust on your lower lip where you always bit your lip.
He cleared his throat. "I thought we could maybe go to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" He offered you a lopsided grin and watched your expression turn apologetic.
"I- I've got plans, sorry," you whispered.
"Oh, right." James had a funny feeling in his stomach. What plans? With who? You didn't have other friends right? Or maybe you made some because he'd been ignoring you? His mind was racing.
"Monday?" He tried again.
He watched, a pit in his stomach forming when you shook your head hesitantly. "Tutoring third years," you said, avoiding his piercing gaze.
"O- Okay, you let me know when you have time alright?" He finally settled on.
"Yeah, sure." The lack of enthusiasm in your answer didn't go unnoticed by James.
It was quiet for a long moment. "So I should just-" you pointed with your thumb behind you, signaling that you were going to go.
"Yeah, of course, places to be," he awkwardly put his thumb up and internally screamed at himself. 'Thumbs up? Really?'
He watched you leave, shoulders slumped.
Preview if interested
Here is part two
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scarafvcker · 9 months
synopsis: scaramouche couldn’t help being distracted during a harbinger meeting (i.e. he has a detachable cock and you found it)
cws: masturbation, creampie, afab!reader uses scara’s detachable puppet cock as a dildo LMFAO
word count: 1000+
carved from the wood of a white tree, scaramouche was made to serve a single purpose only to be cast away by his own creator. during his creation, ei didn’t think about giving him genitals—what use would a puppet have some something like that anyway? for centuries, scaramouche walked teyvat without a care for his lack of genitalia up until he met you. you had managed to worm your way past the tall walls he had built around his nonexistent heart, managed to secure your place in his immortal life, managed to make him feel things he’d never felt before. he loves you and trusts you more than anything, more than himself and for a while he was ashamed of his lack of genitals. after he had reluctantly brought it up with dottore, the fellow harbinger had created a detachable penis for him. although, dottore was not amused in the slightest.
being in a relationship with a fatui harbinger meant your boyfriend would often be out and about completing tasks for the tsaritsa herself, leaving you alone for as long as a month on end. he had just gotten back from liyue before he was immediately pulled into another meeting, planning on being stationed in inazuma for the electro gnosis. laying alone in your shared bed, you stared up at the plain ceiling and let out a long sigh before flipping onto your side and rustling through the bedside table. you were bored and lonely, deciding to pull out a familiar object.
scaramouche jolted in his seat, clearing his throat and forcing his usual unbothered expression onto his face. he had to look down at his lap to make sure he wasn’t going crazy—he could feel what you were doing, he could feel your fingers wrapped around his cock and god, he’s missed it so much. his mind slowly drifts away from the meeting, his unblinking eyes focused onto the table in front of him as he tries to imagine every little moment he can feel. your warm hand wraps around his cock, thumb swirling his pre around his tip as you continue to pump your hand up and down. he wishes he were with you instead so he could see the way his cock fits perfectly into your hand as you pump and stroke it while looking up at him with those pretty little eyes of yours.
his eyes flutter shut and his nails dig into the armrests as he feels a familiar warmth on the base of his cock—he could feel himself sliding between two puffy folds, his tip running over a hardened bud a few times. he wishes he could see the way his cock slides through your fat pussy lips, smearing your slick around himself as he prepares to enter you.
he can feel you poking his tip into your cunt ever so slightly only to pull away and rub it on your clit once again. he’s not sure if you know that he can feel everything you’re doing but the thought of you being clueless turns him on even more. he opens his eyes and looks around the room, making sure that nobody is looking at him suspiciously only to let out a soft groan when he feels the ridged walls of your pussy wrapped around his cock. the sound he lets out draws the attention of his fellow harbingers and he clears his throat, glaring at them and huffing, “what? why are you all looking at me? hurry up and finish the meeting—i’ve got my own things to take care of.”
as pierro nods and continues the meeting, scaramouche digs his nails further into his chair, his mind filled with images of what his cock looks like right now. he needs to see his cock sitting deep inside your pretty pussy, the tip resting right against your sweetspot as you twitch around him, cumming from the insertion alone. he could feel your tight cunt fluttering around him, he could feel the way your slick coated him as you shoved him deeper in, he could feel the way your ridged walls rubbed along him as you slowly pulled him out only to slam him back inside.
he had to act as if everything was fine, as if he wasn’t balls deep inside your warm cunt, as if he wasn’t feeling every quiver of your hole as it sucked him in and pushed him out simultaneously. he felt the tip of his cock kissing your cervix, poking into your womb as his balls throbbed with the need to cum inside and fill up your pussy as much as he can. with each thrust of his cock into you, his nails dug impossibly deeper into the armrest as he bit back moan after moan. he kept trying to come up with ways to punish you after the meeting but his mind kept getting clouded with images of how his cock might look—creamy ring around the base, balls slapping against the wet curve of your ass, and the pretty pink tip peeking out ever so slightly before being urged back deep inside you as you fuck him into you.
he feels the white hot pleasure of his orgasm creeping up on him, the familiar knot tightening in his gut as you use his cock to rearrange your own. his eyes shut tight, jaw clenching, toes curling, and fingernails poking holes into the leather covering on the armrests as he tries to be as quiet as possible—not letting out so much as a jagged breath as the knot finally comes lose. he could feel the way your cunt spasms around him as he spills his cum deep into your womb, cock twitching deliciously as you continue to piston him in and out at a slow pace.
he doesn’t even have to see you to know you’ve already fallen asleep, the way your cunt slowly relaxes while keeping his cock in you tells him everything he needs to know—it’s another familiar feeling, your cunt still wrapped around him as you doze off yet this time his cock remains perfectly hard as he finally thinks of your punishment.
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luciathcv · 5 months
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football game - nmr
summary: football player!riki x reader - going to your boyfriend's football game || warnings: none || genre: fluff, established relationship || word count: approximately 1000 (this was just meant to be a small thing but I really got into it lol)
I sat in the bleachers at my school's football field. I honestly wasn't a big football fan or even just a sports fan in general but I always made sure to come to my boyfriend's game if I could to support him.
So, as I said, here I was sat in the crowded bleachers outside of my school. Usually, my best friend would come with me to Riki's games but she had to watch her younger sibling today so here I was all alone.
I genuinely didn't mind though. Although I didn't really have any type of clue on what exactly was going out there on the field, I enjoyed being here for Riki. This is what love is, I guess. Doing these for your significant other because it makes them happy. And, I mean, I was happy to see him.. even if I was completely lost this whole time.
I sat in the bleachers as I kept my eyes glued on Riki. The only way I knew it was him was his jersey number if I was being completely honest due to his helmet. I followed after him, always looking for the number ten whenever I lost sight of him.
Eventually, the game came to an end and our school ended up winning the game. I got up and cheered for the team by mostly for my boyfriend, of course. I saw him take off his helmet and watched as he combed his somewhat messy hair back out of his face, smoothing it down a bit with his fingers. He then looked up at me and gave me a somewhat cocky smile, proud of himself for helping his team win the game.
I smiled back and waved at him, he waved back. He then motioned over to our usual spot that we'd meet up after his games. I nodded in response, signaling to him that I understand and he nodded back before looking over at his teammates and going over to them, happily talking to them assumingly about their win.
People started getting up from their seats and piling out of the bleachers. I slowly made my way out, not in much of a rush since I knew that Riki would wait for me and besides, I wasn't about to get injured just because I decided to try and rush.
At last, I made my way out of the bleachers. I scrolled through my phone, skimming through the notifications and I headed to Riki and I's meet-up spot. I got there and went on my phone as I waited for my boyfriend.
I was interrupted by the sound of someone calling my voice. I looked up, knowing that it definitely wasn't Riki since this voice was more feminine and was met with a girl that I was friendly with in my History class.
"Y/n, hi! I didn't know you were coming to the game today!" She says.
"Hey, Riley! Yeah, I always come to the games." I tell her with a smile as she walks over to me.
"Oh, that's right. You're dating someone on the team, right?" Riley asks and I nod. "Riki, right?" She then asks.
"Yeah, Riki." I confirm with a nod and a smile.
"He did good today, girl." She smiled, playfully slapping my arm, making me giggle.
"I know." I agree with a smile.
"Anyways, I gotta go but I'll see you Monday. Have fun with Riki." Riley tells me.
"Thank you. See you Monday, Riley." I say and we both say a quick 'goodbye' before she walks away.
Suddenly, two arms wrap around me from behind. I tense a little but loosen up when I hear a familiar voice, "Hey, baby." I hear my boyfriend say. He rests his head on my shoulder, leaning down a bit as he pecks my cheek.
I pull away from Riki with a wide smile that I couldn't seem to control as I turn to face him. "Riki, you can't just come up behind me like that!" I whine but we both knew that I wasn't actually upset.
"Oh, come on. I'm sorry, Y/n." Riki says, giving me a small smile, well, more of a smirk, actually.
"You did good today." I tell my boyfriend, changing the subject as I gently take his hands in mine.
Riki squeezes my hands as he looks down at me with the same smile, "Really?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say, stepping a little bit closer to him.
He leans down and gives me a soft kiss. I kiss him back before I pull away, "Okay, you're sweaty." I say.
"Oh my gosh." He laughs as he puts his arm around me, the both of us heading to his car.
He opens the passenger door for me and I get inside his car. He shuts the door for me and I buckle my seatbelt. He then gets in the drivers seat and starts the car up.
Riki takes the aux cord and holds it out for me to take, "Go ahead, play your music." He says. He always let me play my music in the car. I always thought he did that for everyone until his friend, Sunghoon, was in the car with us and got really offended that Riki just handed me the aux willingly since apparently he never let anyone else play music in his car but him when I wasn't there.
I connected my phone and put on one of my playlists as Riki pulled out of the parking spot. He put his arm on the center console and put his hand in my lap, his fingers interlocking with mine as he drives with his other hand.
We drive in silence, well except for the music, but what I mean is that we drive without speaking for a little bit. Suddenly, Riki lowers the music a little bit for a moment. I glance over to him and looks over at me, "How about you come to my place, I shower, and then we go out for a little late night walk?" Riki suggests.
"Sounds good." I say with a smile.
"Good." Riki reflects my smile as he looks ahead, putting the volume up again.
-- link to my masterlist
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flokali · 6 days
𓂆 | Write for Gaza
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𓄷 Note: As a member of the Palestinian diaspora, I feel like this is the least I could do to help my people back in our beloved homeland. After 76 years of silence from the world, please do not look away and do not keep quiet – you can make a difference, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Due to the nature of the blog, I ask that you be at least 18 years old before requesting or interacting.
You can use the following links to pick a fundraiser of your choice to donate to: palestinescharitycomissionassoc, palestinian-fundraising, Hussein’s Masterpost and GazaFunds.
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𓄷 Rules:
i. Take the time to read the post carefully and decide if you wish to participate. Pick a fundraiser from the list and make a donation considering the prices mentioned below, you are tasked with calculating the donation cost and what it translates to. For requests, make sure to check if there are slots available as I will only be able to take a small number at a time.
ii. Once you have made a donation to a vetted fundraiser, take a screenshot and blur out any identifiable/private information. The screenshot will be necessary for verification.
iii. Reach out to me via ask or DM with the screenshot of your donation, you can specify what it is you want to either [Sponsor a WIP] or [Make a Request] – slots can be reserved for MaR for up to five business days, please tell me if you wish to remain anonymous or not.
iv. I am not making any money from this, the money is to be donated to a vetted fundraiser directly. I am not an intermediary but serve as an added bonus to donating.
v. Donations made to “Khaled and His Family” will be prioritised.
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𓄷 Sponsor a WIP:
𓂃 $1 USD equals to 100-150 words; therefore, 500 words is $5 USD and so on.
𓂃 If you want to ask for smut to be added to a fic (all the included WIP have space for smut) , that’s an additional $10 USD and will be asked for only once; if the “Smut Fee” is paid, the word count will increase by default of 500-1000 words, additional words by the original donator will be added to the $10. If the SF has been paid, it will be noted in the post and won’t be required to be paid for the same WIP again.
[If the SF is paid and the donor wants 1.5k words added, they’ll have to add $5, making the total $15].
𓂃 All WIPs have a goal of a minimum of 3k words, the word count will be updated as well as an estimate for the final count – however, it may increase if necessary.
. . .
𓄷 Make a request:
𓂃 $1 USD equals to 100-150 words; therefore, 500 words is $5 USD and so on.
𓂃 For reactions: each additional character is $0.25 USD (¢25) maximum amount of characters is 6 ($1.25 USD). The first character is not charged.
[A request for three characters and 1k words would total $11 USD ; Example: “How would Kaeya, Diluc and Albedo react to a Reader who is cold?” + “1k words” *A request for a one shot does not have the “Additional Character Fee”]
— Available slots for requests: 4*
More information down below;
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—#๋࣭. I love you, I Own you ; Part 3
Final part to the “ILYIOY” series, meant to tie up the story and finish telling what happens to Reader’s family, Reader herself, and Childe’s feelings about what he’s done.
Current word count: 600~ words • Estimated word count: 9k words
—#๋࣭. Deus Vult ; Reworked (Part 1)
A complete rewriting and restructuring of my first fic on the blog, it’ll be longer and more thorough; after almost 2 years on the blog, if not more, I have mulled over the concept many times and wished to redo it and give it a proper setting.
Current word count: 500~ words • Estimated word count: 6-9k words
—#๋࣭. Love Virus
Boothill fic where a pesky USB with a “love code” gets mistakenly used on him, as the doctor/programmer in charge with overseeing this mess – you find yourself the target of his newfound affection.
Current word count: 1,700~ words • Estimated word count: 6k words
—#๋࣭. 777
You’re one of the last remaining people of your species, now seen as a luxury to be passed around to the highest bidder. In a twist of fate, Aventurine finds himself with the key – or price – to your freedom, although he never fancied himself a hero he doesn’t mind the way you look at him as your saviour.
Current word count: 1200~ words • Estimated word count: 6k word.
Sponsored: NSFW paid + 1k (700 left) words — Remaining 4k~ words ; estimated.
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𓄷 Make a Requests :
—#๋࣭. I will write: yandere, non/dub con, most kinks, death, cnc, gore, cheating, peggings, dom/sub, etc. We can discuss more through message but I’m not open to debating on anything that is specified below;
—#๋࣭. I won’t write: Underage characters, bodily fluids (mainly piss nd scat), cxc, necrophilia, beastiality, unhygienic, vore, ddlg, etc.
. . .
—#๋࣭. Fandoms: Genshin Impact, Star Rail, DoL, Spy x Family, Tears of Themis, Enstars, Love and Deepspace, Wuthering Heights, Twisted Wonderland, Persona 5, Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Ikemen Villains, Identity V, A Date with Death, Chainsaw Man, Haikyuu!!, and What in Hell is bad?
* I’ll also accept unique OC’s made just for the request that you will be able to request for again in the future.
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malfoyswand · 1 year
𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬
pairing: draco malfoy x reader
summary: your best friend, draco malfoy, plans a surprise to ask you to the yule ball.
word count: 1.8k
genre: fluff
warnings: none, just soft draco :)
author's note: thank you to the lovely reader who requested this, it's my first request so i really hope i did this justice! also yes, i got a little inspired by that one gilmore girls episode with the 1000 flowers for the proposal lol
➪ masterlist | requests
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"Mate, I think you're overthinking this."
Blaise Zabini reported his opinion of the matter, but Draco Malfoy barely comprehended a word he had spoken. The only things on his mind were (Y/N) and of course, the bloody Yule Ball.
If he was honest with himself, Draco was at least partially excited for the dance. He knew it was meant to be one of the greatest nights he may ever experience while at Hogwarts, but he wasn't sure if he would. The dance was only a week away and somehow, Draco found himself without a date.
If anything, the Yule Ball was making him nervous.
"I'm not, Zabini!" He spoke quite loudly, then softened his voice as he realized students had looked their way. "This needs to be perfect, alright? This is (Y/N) we're talking about, you know how I feel about her."
Blaise couldn't help but sigh, with a smile on his lips as the two of them walked to their Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It was quite a feat for Malfoy to tell Blaise that he had romantic feelings for his best friend, (Y/N). Blaise knew that Draco dreaded being seen as anything but tough to the world, the fact that a girl had this much control over his emotions spoke volumes. 
"Exactly my point, Malfoy. She's been your best friend since first year, I doubt she would ever be disappointed or angry with whatever you come up with. Besides, she's just a girl. Just ask her to the ball like how you would ask a girl out on a date."
"Er.. well.." Draco began to speak, the hand that wasn't holding his books scratching the back of his neck. The two of them finally stopped walking besides the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Blaise's eyes widening as he tried to hide his laughter.
"You're telling me that Draco Malfoy has never been on a date before? Merlin!" His laughter echoed down the chamber, earning him a scoff and a playful shove inside the classroom by Draco. "Sorry, sorry. I just thought that with every other girl in this school begging to be your date to the dance, you would've taken at least one of them on a date." His voice was spoken quietly, careful that the other students wouldn't hear their conversation.
Draco shook his head as the two of them sat down in their seats, pulling out their books and parchment. "No. I've turned them all down. They're just not her, know what I mean?"
"You're down bad, mate." Blaise smirked slightly to himself, whispering the only advice he could really offer his friend. "Listen, girls like being asked out in a personal way. You know the kind of things (Y/N) likes, all you have to do is make it special and she'll be swooning."
"Right." Draco mumbled to himself as Professor Moody began to teach his lesson. However, he certainly wasn't thinking about Defense Against the Dark Arts. Instead, Draco glanced over to where you sat across the room. He knew you better than anyone, yet he had no idea how to ask you to the Yule Ball.
That was when the idea struck him. The new bag you bought last week caught his eyes, he noticed the way the bag had intricate floral designs sewn into it. A memory replayed in Draco's mind. He couldn't help but smile to himself as he wrote on a spare piece of parchment, folding it into a paper crane before sending it your way.
Your hands caught the paper crane, grinning as you knew exactly who it was from. You tried to ignore the way your heart seemed to skip a beat each time you saw one fly towards you. On the piece of parchment, it read:
Meet me at the Astronomy Tower tomorrow morning before breakfast? - D.M.
You lifted his gaze to meet his awaiting gray eyes, your head nodding before turning back to the professor's lesson. Draco did the same, but his mind was already running through a mental checklist on all the supplies he had to get to make his idea come to life.
The next morning, you woke up wondering why in Godric's name you decided to meet up with Draco this early in the morning. The sun was just starting to rise outside the window, and none of your other roommates were even awake. You groaned as quietly as you could, practically tiptoeing around the dorm bedroom to avoid waking everyone else.
As you brushed your hair in the girls' lavatory, you felt the butterflies in your stomach begin to flutter around again. You cursed yourself under your breath as you tried your best to focus on your breathing.
Lately, being near Draco Malfoy has always made you more excited than you really ought to be. Of course, he was your best friend so you had always been excited. But now, even one glance at him caused a warmth to glow within your chest. The feeling was a foreign one.
As you walked through the castle towards the Astronomy Tower, that warm feeling in your chest arose again as you caught sight of him. He was pacing near the entrance door, mumbling as if he was rehearsing something. You cleared your throat as you walked towards him, Draco stopping in his tracks.
"(Y/N)." He spoke your name, his lips forming into a soft smile. "Thanks for meeting up with me, I know it's a bit early for you." His tone was playful, he knew you were not much of a morning person. 
"About that, why so early in the morning, Malfoy?" You gently shoved his shoulder, he only laughed in response. He opened the Astronomy Tower door entrance, his hand indicating for you to step inside first. 
"You will see."
You walked up the long set of stairs up the tower. You couldn't see the fact that Draco was a nervous wreck behind you, his hands having to wipe themselves on his slacks to remove the sweat from his palms. As much as you hated to wake up this early in the morning, you knew the views up from the tower would be gorgeous. Draco knew that the Astronomy Tower was, quite honestly, your favorite place to admire the landscape.
“Oh my..” Your body stopped in its tracks once the two of you reached the highest level of the tower. Your eyes couldn’t take in your surroundings fast enough it seemed.
It was as if every surface of the tower was covered in red roses. Somehow, someone must have placed hundreds of roses in vases, scattering them around almost every corner of the room. The light shining into the tower only amplified their beauty, it was as if each petal seemed to come alive as the sun continued to rise.
“D-Did you know these flowers were here?” You stuttered as you started to pace around the room slowly, your fingertips grazing upon almost every petal there was. Their beauty took your breath away.
“I did.” Draco bit his bottom slightly as he watched you, desperate to know your reaction. He couldn’t tell if you liked or hated them. “They’re for you, actually.”
Your eyes darted from the roses you were admiring to Draco, your body facing his. Although you were truly flattered, the idea of him doing all of this for you made your head spin with so many questions. You knew Draco Malfoy better than he may ever know himself, you had never seen him do anything this nice or extravagant for anyone before. 
“You said a couple of weeks ago that you wish spring would come along so you can watch the flowers bloom again. Of course, it’s only December, as we can all see.” Draco answered your question, a slight chuckle falling from his lips as he pointed outside of the tower. More snowflakes began to fall, covering the castle with even more snow.
“So, I thought to bring the flowers to you. And I only assumed you liked roses, from your bag.” His eyes went from watching the snowflakes outside to your bag that was decorated with tiny red roses around it. Since when did Draco notice something so mundane, like a new tote bag?
“I just.. don’t know what to say.” Your voice came out as a whisper. Him decorating the entire Astronomy Tower with roses, just because you said you missed the spring and summer flowers, was entirely insane. You couldn’t come up with the words, so all you could do was step forward to hug him tightly.
Within an instant, you felt Draco’s arms wrap around your waist, his head resting in the crook of your neck. He closed his eyes, smiling softly to himself out of relief and joy. He was relieved and happy that you had liked the surprise, but he knew what he must do, even though it terrified him.
“That’s not the end of the surprise.” He said as he slowly pulled away from the hug. All of a sudden, it was as the boy became aware of every heightened emotion he was feeling. “But I must do this properly..”
Your eyebrows raised as you watched him turn around, picking up one of the red roses from their vases. If you weren’t convinced you were dreaming at the moment, you would have sworn you saw a small bit of sweat on Draco’s forehead as he looked towards you.
“I-er..” He took a step forward towards you, any closer and your bodies would have made contact. With a deep breath to calm himself, he handed the rose to you. “Would you want to go to the Yule Ball with me, as more than just a friend?”
Your lips slightly parted as you took the rose from him. You had slowly been falling for your best friend for the past four years, but you had convinced yourself that the Slytherin Prince would never fall for you. For four years, you had thought that he would never settle for you, when every other girl in this school begged for him just to look their way.
Once you realized you had failed to give an answer, you closed your mouth and smiled in his direction. “I would love to, Draco.” You responded, stepping forward once more to close the gap between you two. You pressed your lips softly to his cheek.
When you pulled away, you realized that Draco’s cheeks were slightly pink as his eyes widened. You couldn’t help but laugh slightly at the sight. Draco Malfoy was notorious for being the calm, collected one of the two of you. Seeing him as, essentially, a nervous wreck over you caused that warmth to be felt in your chest again.
“Who would have thought I could make Draco Malfoy this nervous?” You joked, attempting to calm his apparent nerves.
“Who said I was nervous?” He scoffed just as playfully, grabbing a few more roses to hand to you. You took them in your hands, smelling their pleasant aroma as you followed him back down the staircase.
“Malfoy, you were just as red as these roses.”
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everyonewooeverywhere · 3 months
I need to get this out of my head cause it's been plaguing the shit out of me but
I think woozi calls his partner "lover"
that being said, what do you think the other members call their s/o?
ok wait i kinda love this question...
so i know for a FACT that seungcheol calls his s/o baby. it's always, "can i help you with this, baby?" "baby, did you eat today?" "hey, baby did you see the flowers i sent you?" he's so doting. he lives to take care of you. physically, mentally, (monetarily 👀) .
i feel like it's only fitting that jeonghan calls his s/o angel. it was first a nickname meant to tease you. to poke fun at your gentle nature, but it quickly turned into a term of endearment. he certainly treats you like an angel too, don't worry.
jisoo would 1000% call his s/o sweetheart. it's a classic, but, hey, he's a pretty classic guy. i can just imagine walking hand in hand in a park with him on a sunny day and you come across a ice cream stand. he pulls you toward it, "come on sweetheart, i'll buy us a cone to share."
sweetheart also fits junhui, too. but in a slightly different way than jisoo. it's less of a classic approach and more of him just genuinely thinking his s/o is so sweet. it's also a reflection of his attitude towards you. "hey, sweetheart how was your day?" "sweetheart i bought you this new jacket to keep you warm since it's gotten colder" etc.
soonyoung tells it like it is. he calls you pretty because you are. in fact, he doesn't think he's ever met anyone as pretty as you. he uses it to help raise your spirits, too, on days that he notices that maybe you're not feeling pretty. he uses it extra on those days. peppering your face with kisses at every opportunity.
he's a classic guy. for wonwoo, babe is perfect. he uses your name more often than not, but in moments he's feeling more affectionate. he'll kiss the top of your head and call you babe squeezing you into his chest. every night before you fall asleep he kisses you "goodnight babe, i love you." rahhhh.
anon, i fully agree that jihoon would call his s/o love or lover. like he'd refer to them as his lover and he'd call them love, if that makes sense. he may not be the most physically affectionate person, but, when it comes to his words, he's the most affectionate person you've ever met. you are his love. the only one (other than his job ofc).
lee seokmin has used every pet name under the sun. sweetheart, love, babe etc. but nothing has ever felt as right as angel. because that’s what you are to him. his angel. nothing will ever compare to the halo he imagines over your head every morning when you wake up beside him. it’s a match made in heaven, a ray of sunshine and his angel.
mingyu would definitely call his s/o, baby. he'd be super clingy about it too (in the most endearing way possible). like "babyyy, can you come here real quick?" he always needs your attention. like constantly, and that's how he gonna get it from you.
no doubt, minghao would call his s/o beautiful. all the time. at every waking hour. he's just so endeared by your beauty that he can help but call you that. his favorite moments are when you wake up next to him. he's already awake and carefully watching you. "good morning, beautiful."
similar to jihoon, seungkwan also calls his s/o love, but on most occasions, it's my love. it's not about him being possessive. it's like a constant reminder to himself that you chose him. you are his love. he hopes he can call you my love until the end of time because it feels like a privilege he has yet to earn.
i honestly feel like hansol doesn’t use any pet names for his s/o. just your name is enough for him. it feels more personal than anything he could come up with himself. maybe a shortened version of your name for efficiency, but he perfers to call you by the name he’s used since the moment he heard it first leave your mouth when you introduced yourself to him.
you're channie's princess. growing up with twelve doting/nightmarish older brothers, chan is well-versed in what it means to take care of someone. you're his passenger princess, too. in every way, he will take care of you and treat you like royalty. especially in bed.
this has been in my inbox for a minute 😅 sorry anon, thank you for your patience 💗
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slaybestieslay946 · 4 months
Hi, could you one where Percy and reader take Annabeth and Luke to the cinema for the 1st time please?
Sorry it took so long to get to you, I just got back from holiday!! hope you enjoy, requests are always open!
Cinema Trip
pairing: luke castellan x posiedon!reader
word count: 1000
warnings: gushing about inception because its my fav movie
(also this is part of my future au! for luke, and its pre- him and reader gettjng together)
“You’re joking?!” You stared at Luke, entirely disbelieving.
He cocked his head at you, a confused expression on his face, “Uh, no? What’s wrong with that?” 
“But, Luke, you love movies? What do you mean you’ve never been to the cinema?” 
“I dunno? Just never thought about it I guess.” He pondered. Truthfully, he’d never really had the time, especially not as a kid. And now that he was stuck at camp year round, he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. 
“Well, we’ve gotta fix this.” You said, rubbing your chin, a serious expression crossing your face, “C’mon, we’re going on a break out.” 
You grabbed him by the wrist and hauled him off the bed, dragging him to the door of the (surprisingly) empty Hermes cabin. He wasn’t surprised this was your solution. You two had an annual tradition to break out of camp, usually to try some new restaurant that had opened up, or go and visit somewhere.
“Woah, woah, woah. Wait a minute. You wanna waste your break out on me?” He asked, the thought suddenly occurring to him as he pulled you back.
“Waste?! Waste?! This is not a waste, Castellan, this is a matter of culture, and as your best friend, I won’t allow you to reach the age of 20 without visiting the cinema.” You declared, firmly placing your hands on your hips in that way that meant there was no arguing with you. 
He sighed fondly, but accepted, slinging an arm around your shoulder and joining you in your departure of the Hermes cabin. 
But as you stepped outside, you realised that a younger pair of campers had been eavesdropping on your conversation. 
“And where are you two going?” Annabeth asked, adopting much the same stance that you had only moments earlier. 
“Uh, nowhere?” You lied feebly, trying to avoid the harsh glare of your younger brother. 
“You two are sneaking out again!” She exclaimed. 
“No we’re not.” Luke insisted, shaking his head firmly, with you following suit. 
“Fine. Then you won’t mind us two tagging along on your journey to nowhere?” Percy piped up, clapping a hand on Annabeth’s shoulder. 
You and Luke shared a glance. Somehow, you had managed to be backed into a corner by two twelve year olds. 
“If you leave us here, we’ll tell Chiron.” Percy continued, and that seemed to seal the deal. You and Luke nodded wearily, and the two kids cheered in joy, following you both to the outskirts of Camp half blood, and jumping into one of the cars Argus would use.
At first, Luke could tell you felt slightly guilty about taking them along with you both, worried that you may put them in danger. That was of course, until you found out Annabeth had also never visited a cinema, and you clearly decided it was worth the risk because of ‘culture’.
Luke wasn’t too worried. He knew you could handle yourself, you were a child of the big three, and he was the strongest swordsman at camp, between the pair of you, you could deal with any monsters that came your way. 
He couldn’t help but watch you as you drove, the way you would laugh heartily at your brother's sassy comments and Annabeth’s light teasing. The way you tapped your fingers on the steering wheel in time to whatever song was on the radio. You were so… perfect. 
Of course he thought that. His (enormous) crush on you only seemed to be growing larger by the day. If that was even possible. Every now and then Annabeth would catch him staring at you, giving Luke a sly smirk and wriggle of her eyebrows before returning to tormenting Percy. 
Eventually, you reached the movie theatre, a slightly old and run down place, but definitely still functioning. At least Luke knew it was definitely real and not some illusion from a monster, since he remembered passing it at least ten times on his way to and from camp. 
“Ok, seeing as this is Luke and Annabeth’s trip, we’ll let those two pick the movie, eh?” Luke watched you whisper to Percy, and he seemed to have made a joke that had the pair of you laughing conspiratorially. Sometimes he forgot that you weren’t totally biological siblings with the way you telepathically connected. 
Luke chose to follow Annabeth as she ran up to the boards with all the movies currently showing, scanning the few posters that were there, and diligently reading the descriptions. 
“What are you thinking Luke? This one looks cool.” She pointed at a poster with a twisting maze, advertising a film called ‘Inception’. He’d heard a bit about it and it sounded like something Annabeth would like. 
“Yeah, really cool. I’m down for that one.” He shrugged. 
Annabeth then waved you and Percy over, pointing up at the film poster and saying that’s the one she wanted to see. 
Luke watched as your face lit up, trying to stop the sappy quickening of his heart at the sight. 
“Nice choice, Annie. You’ll love Nolan.” You grinned, leading the group over to the till to purchase tickets, as well as an obscene amount of snacks. 
And, of course, you were right. As soon as the group left the movie theatre, Annabeth was gushing about the directorial style, and the plot line, the genius twists and foreshadowing. You eagerly chatted with her in return, discussing the questions the film left you with and how much you wanted to rewatch it just to dissect all the tiny parts. 
Luke also couldn’t help but notice Percy’s muddled expression as he walked out the theatre and back to the car. 
“You understand any of that?” He asked Luke, furrowing his eyebrows as if deep in thought. 
The older boy laughed, “Nope. Not a single bit of it.” 
Percy sighed in relief, “Oh thank god. I thought I was so stupid, but now I see Y/N and Annabeth are just really smart.” 
“It’s surprising she’s not in Athena.” Luke was unable to stop himself from staring as you talked animatedly to his little sister. 
Percy looked at the older boy, smirking slightly before saying, “Yeah. You're lucky she’s not in Athena though, or she probably would’ve worked out that you’re obsessed with her by now.” 
“Shut up.”
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wovenintosilk · 1 year
Hii! Could I request a hobie x reader with a girlfriend who’s in the spider society with him? Possibly during the events of the movie
Hey! Thank you for requesting, this really helped get my inspiration flowing. It's not too long but I hope you enjoy it!
No Content Warnings
Word Count: 1000
Clattering of a metal can kicked down the street broke through the silence of an otherwise quiet night. You watched it roll along before it disappeared into the frigid shadows. Unfortunate. It’d made for some entertainment as you strolled along the dark streets.
Only smog joined you and Hobie on your walk, somehow present even if everything else had long been deserted.
“All I’m saying is I don’t like how things are playing out,” he said. He shoved his hands in his pockets.
A frozen brush of wind managed to sneak under your jacket and you shuddered. “But that’s nothing new,” you said, teasing him. “The whole organised society never suited you much.”
The corner of his mouth twitched into a smile. “You’re not wrong doll. If this gig didn’t come with you included, I’d be long gone.”
“Don’t make me your reason for sticking around,” you joked. “I couldn’t handle it.”
He kicked a fallen piece of debris as you passed. It rolled beneath a flickering streetlight, briefly shining in a pale orange buzz.
“Nah,” he said. “You’re worth it.”
Even with such an admission, his words twisted in your head. Though you didn’t believe that you alone could tie Hobie to a world he didn’t like, you still felt guilty about it from time to time.
“It’s been getting worse,” Hobie said when the silence dragged on. “He always wants to know every detail from every dimension. Does he really think anybody’s going to bother with nonsense like that?”
You twisted your mouth, unsure how to defend against the truth. “Miguel’s just worried. He’ll calm down when we know where this anomaly is.”
Hobie scoffed. “Don’t even know why we care so much about anomalies. Nothing’s meant to be the same.”
“They’re dangerous.”
“So are you.”
You offered a confused expression; turned only to find your boyfriend suddenly far closer. The warmth he radiated made you want to move entirely into his space.
Your heart picked up its pace and a delicious feeling spread through your body at the promise in his stance.
“Dangerous for who?” you asked.
A soft beeping interrupted whatever may have continued. Two watches blinked in the dreary night, their glow a harsh yellow in an otherwise grungy area. The flicker of irritation made itself obvious in your expression as Hobie stepped away.
“Looks like they need some help.”
“They always do,” you sighed.
He shrugged apologetically and pulled his mask from his pocket though his grin appeared proud as ever. “’s not my fault they’re bad at their jobs. Will I see you at the complex?”
You glanced at your own watch. “Of course. Be safe.”
“You know I don’t follow orders.”
“It’s not an order, it’s a bribe,” you hummed and moved back into his space, palm pressed against his chest and lips close to his own. “Stay safe for me?”
“A bribe? What do I get if I agree?”
You smiled and pushed him toward the portal opening behind him. “We’ll see.”
He left with a laugh and you made your way toward completing your own work. Lyla wasted no time in providing a list of your tasks and you got on with it swiftly. The complex felt busier than ever as you dodged between hundreds of Spidermen.
You worked hard whenever he ran off, determined to distract yourself from worrying. Every time he donned the mask, you had to force yourself to not think about the stunts he’d need to perform – the danger he’d put himself in front of without a second thought to the consequences.
But it didn’t help anybody to worry so you tried not to until he returned.
He was in a great mood when you spotted him arriving back, his walk full of swagger and confidence as he caught your eye. He shot a wink in your direction that sent you blushing and laughing.
The others with him offered awkward waves and you relaxed in the knowledge everything went as well as it could.
Until later when you received a notice ordering every person in the complex to stop Spiderman from escaping.
Alone in your office, you couldn’t be more confused as you turned your chair around. This was something you’d never seen before. Everybody in the complex had a strange truce – no matter what happened.
The door slid open before you could think too much about it and Hobie strolled in.
“I was thinking about what you said,” he remarked before you could ask. “And you’ve got a point. This place doesn’t suit me much.”
You stood up. The alarm continued to blare behind you. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t like being told what to do,” he mused, a small smile on his face. “Neither do you.”
You glanced at your computer screen. Turned off the alarm with the press of a button and allowed silence to reappear. What had happened? Hobie didn’t quit things without reason.
Quit? Just like that, he wanted you to leave the society you’d been invited into. He wanted you to abandon your work without even knowing what exactly caused it.
He moved closer, brushed his fingers against the underside of your jaw and smiled when he saw something in your expression.
“You’re a horrible influence,” you told him.
“I think I’m a brilliant one.”
You leaned into his touch and smiled. “This isn’t over when we walk away.”
He gave a small, breathy chuckle. “Oh, there ain’t a chance. We even have a pit stop to make before we head home.”
Your watch fell heavily onto the table as you dropped it. “You’ve never led me into anything but trouble.”
“That’s one of the reasons you love me.”
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Stay Away from the Altar - Hangman
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin / Wife!Reader; Seresin Daughter!OC (Rose) / Bradshaw Son!OC (Nick)
Word Count: 4.4k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Warnings: (Over)protective Dad!Hangman; Angst; Fighting; Rebellious Teenagers; Tense Father-Daughter Relationship; Teenagers Dating; Crying; References to Threats; References to Previous or Hypothetical Pregnancy Scares
Summary: Jake isn't ready to accept that his daughter is growing up. And he's definitely not ready to accept that his daughter seems to have fallen for Rooster's spawn.
A.N. You could read this as a sequel to my Left at the Altar series, since I used the name that I gave Hangman and Reader's daughter in that fic for this fic. But it's not 1000% necessary to read the series to understand this story.
And I meant to post this as part of Father’s Day, but let’s just ignore the fact that it’s a day late.
Master List
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Admiral Jake “Hangman” Seresin was a very accomplished man. He was the youngest man to reach the admiralty since Tom “Iceman” Kazansky and was currently the Air Boss of NAS Miramar. He had his beautiful wife and absolute love of his life still by his side with their twenty-year marriage anniversary just around the corner. And three beautiful children to brag about to the world.
Everything was going near perfectly in Jake Seresin’s life. And then his eldest daughter Rose suddenly snapped from his little princess and into a defiant teenager about to flee to a college on the other side of the country. And sure, Rose had mentioned going across the country for college before, but Jake was more than a little suspicious.
Why, you may ask? Because Washington DC was awfully close to Annapolis, Maryland. The Naval Academy. The Naval Academy that one little fucker was attending next year.
Nicholas Peter Bradshaw.
Rooster’s spawn was messing with Rose’s head and Jake was not going to stand for it.
Jake didn’t always have suspicions about Nick. He was a decently good kid. For Rooster’s kid, anyways. He was somewhat smart—not as smart as Rose, but he wasn’t dumb as rocks—and he didn’t cause too much trouble. And because of the handful of months between Nick and Rose, they were practically raised side-by-side, which was great until they hit their teenage years.
Because then Nick started to linger.
Spending so much time around Rose. Going to all of her games and all of her events, even if he had his own to worry about. Coming over to ‘study’ and to do ‘homework’ together frequently. Offering to give Rose and her siblings rides to school events or the beach. Always offering to help her and Jake’s wife too with anything to try and impress them.
Yeah, Jake had seen that game played before. He had played it himself back in the day. Successfully. Very successfully. He had the wedding ring, three full wedding albums, three kids, and nineteen and a half years of marriage to prove it. He knew all of the steps and all of the tricks to successfully convince a woman outside of his league to fall in love with him.
And, so, when Nick offered to take Rose for a ‘scenic’ drive in the Bronco, Jake put his foot down.
“What do you mean I can’t go?” Rose complained, glaring up at her dad. “It’s summer!”
“Exactly, so why don’t you go spend some time with your siblings? Or your other friends? Before you go all the way to the East Coast!”
“My other friends that just happen to be girls?” Rose emphasized, a scowl twinging at her lips.
“Yes,” Jake replied, causing Rose’s scowl to deepen.
“Why are you being so weird? Nick has driven me around all over the place!”
“You’re not going for a ride in that stupid bucket of bolts with him, Rose. And that’s final.”
“What is going on now?” Jake’s wife called tiredly, walking into the room.
“Dad won’t let me go for a drive with Nick,” Rose quickly explained, walking over to her mom.
“In the Bronco,” Jake emphasized, causing his wife to sigh.
Rubbing her face tiredly, Jake’s wife picked her head up and glanced between her eldest daughter and her husband. She knew exactly what Jake was concerned about, particularly with his emphasis on the Bronco. Taking a moment to come to a decision, Jake’s wife turned to Rose.
“You can go out with Nick in the Bronco, but be back by dark, okay?”
“But—” Jake started to protest.
“—Thanks, Mom!”
Rose hurried up to her room to change and to probably text Nick to come and pick her up while Jake stared at his wife with clear betrayal. In response, his wife shot him a knowing look and folded her arms over her chest.
“Jake, you’re overreacting,” his wife stated, causing Jake to gape at her.
“Do you want our daughter running around in the Bronco?” Jake hissed quietly, walking over to his wife. “Do you know what could happen to her there?”
“I’m sure that they’ll wear their seatbelts, Jake.”
“Babe, do you remember what we did when I took you for a ride in my truck? A nice slow ride on a summer night?” Jake asked, causing his wife to sigh again.
“Jake, they’re just friends.”
“That’s what we told your parents. Six months later, we were going at it like rabbits naked as the days we were born in the back of my pickup truck!”
“Jacob! For the love of—”
“—Why can’t you see that we’re losing her?” Jake interjected, causing his wife to pause for a moment.
The annoyed expression on her face dropped and she instead simply stared at her husband with a softer expression. Taking a step towards her husband. Rubbing his arm supportively, Jake’s wife reached out and grabbed his hand to give it a squeeze.
“We’re not losing her, Jake.”
“We are losing her,” Jake insisted, his voice coming out small. “She’s moving so far away in only a couple of months and she’ll barely have time to come home. She’s spent most of the last two years barely home between all of her activities and her friends. And I’m so proud of her, but she’s . . .”
“Growing up?” Jake’s wife suggested with a small smile. “Jake, she’s eighteen now. She’s not a little baby anymore.” Cupping Jake’s cheek with her hand, Jake’s wife offered him a small supportive smile. "She’s growing into her own person. And she’s your daughter so she’s stubborn as hell and won’t listen to anyone else while she does it. Least of all us.”
“But she’s going so far.”
“You’re in DC every other month,” Jake’s wife pointed out, rubbing his back. “And she has a phone. She’ll call us. She’s not leaving and never comin back, Jake.”
“She might if he gets involved,” Jake muttered under his breath, causing Jake’s wife to shoot him a look.
“Jake, they’re just friends. And even if they’re not, he’s a perfectly nice boy.”
“But, a Bradshaw? Really? She can do better than that.”
“I’m sure that Rooster would say the same if the situation was reversed,” Jake’s wife replied, shaking her head lightly. “But do not push Rose away by trying to come between her and Nick. The more that you make it seem like she’s rebelling, the more that she’s going to want to do it.”
“But I know exactly what the little twerp has planned!” Jake insisted, causing his wife to sigh.
“First of all, that little twerp is now taller than you. Second of all, Rose is a smart girl with a good head on her shoulders. She can take care of herself. Especially after all of those years of self-defense classes that you put her in.”
“She could kick his ass in three seconds,” Jake agreed, causing his wife to laugh.
“So, stop worrying about him. Just focus on spending time with your daughter, Jake. Okay?”
Pressing a soft kiss to Jake’s lips, she gave his hand a squeeze before walking off to continue on with her day. Jake stood there for a moment, thinking over his wife’s words, before the doorbell rang. Hearing Rose upstairs start to hurry, Jake quickly made his way to the door.
Nicholas Peter Bradshaw seemed a little surprised to see Jake standing at the door and subconsciously straightened up a bit more. Jake’s wife wasn’t lying—Nick was taller than Jake by a few inches, but he was like a little puppy in Jake’s eyes. And not just because Nick always wore a stupid lovesick smile on his face whenever Rose was around.  
“Hey, Uncle Hangman,” Nick greeted him politely, nodding to him.
“You should get in the habit of calling me Admiral Seresin, Cadet,” Jake replied calmly, causing Nick to subtly wince a bit.
“Yes, sir.”
Jake nodded curtly as Rose hurried down the stairs, dressed for the San Diego heat. Letting out a light growl, Rose darted around her dad, grabbed Nick by the arm, and started pulling him towards the Bronco that was parked in the driveway.
“Goodbye!” Rose called over her shoulder.
“Be careful!” Jake called after them. “And think before you do anything!”
“Goodbye!” Rose emphasized back at her dad.
After the Bronco ride, Jake was still on alert when it came to Nick Bradshaw. His wife told him to calm down each and every time, warning him that he was going to give Rose a ‘complex’ if he kept trying to police her life like that, but Jake could just feel it in his bones that he should not trust Nick Bradshaw around his eldest daughter.
And because his instincts were second to none, he was proven right.
Jake was just starting to drift off to sleep with his wife happily tucked into his side. It was a warm night in Miramar and the air conditioner was running full blast. The white noise helped to lull his wife to sleep but Jake had always been a light sleeper, so it took more for him to fall asleep. Jake rested his head on top of his wife’s when he swore that he heard a noise from outside.
Jake picked his head up with his eyes cracked open, suspicious. He was always on alert. His wife often told him that he took the role of protecter a bit too seriously, but Jake couldn’t give in even a little bit with that. For his own conscience.
Getting up from bed, careful to not wake his wife, Jake padded down the hall. Passing by his younger children’s rooms, Jake kept his ear tuned to try and hear the sound. He peeked out the window, trying to spot any sort of indication about what could have made the noise. Like the neighbor’s stupid dog. And when he heard the subtle squeak again, Jake’s eyes narrowed.
Rose Seresin, meanwhile, was trying to open her window. She tried greasing the sides of it during the day, but it still made that stupid squeak occasionally. Holding her breath and hoping that her dad, who she knew was a light sleeper, didn’t hear her, Rose opened the window and looked down to see Nick waiting for her below.
He smiled up at her and waved, causing Rose’s heart to flutter in her chest. It wasn’t exactly planned for her to fall in love with her childhood best friend. But, as her mom told her, sometimes the heart just wants what it wants. And hers wanted Nick Peter Bradshaw.
Blowing him a quick kiss, Rose grinned and slid one leg out of her window. Planting her sneaker clad foot on the roof, Rose carefully slipped out of her window and lowered it a bit more, just in case her parents check in on her during the next few hours. Climbing down the side, Rose prepared to kick off and drop onto the soft mulch below when a chill went down her spine.
“Rose Leslie Seresin, what do you think you’re doing?”
Startled, Rose’s grip on the ledge slipped and she fell a bit. And Nick, also startled and close to shitting his pants, tried to catch her, but he ended up just acting as padding for Rose’s fall. Jake, still dressed in his pajamas, hurried over to help his daughter.
“Are you alright?” Jake called, pulling Rose to her feet and leaving Nick on the ground. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” Rose sighed, brushing dirt off of her.
“Then why were you jumping out of your window?” Jake hissed, pointing up at the window to her bedroom. “In the middle of the night?”
Rose, who, all thing’s considered, was a bit of a golden child, froze in place, not really sure what to say. The evidence was right there, after all. And nothing that she could come up with would somehow make all of that go away.
“That’s what I thought,” Jake practically growled, before turning to look down at Nick. “What are you doing here, Cadet?”
“His name is Nick,” Rose stated, coming to Nick’s defense.
“And your ass is grounded,” Jake snapped back, causing Rose to shrink into herself. “I cannot believe that you would be so irresponsible, Rose! Running around with him in the middle of the night! Climbing out of your window! What the hell do you think that you were doing!?”
“Why the hell are you . . .” Jake’s wife called, stepping outside, before she spotted the situation at hand. Sighing, she took a deep breath before walking down to the scene. “Come inside. You’re going to wake up the neighbors.”
Once they were all inside, Jake’s wife told him to take a breath and to go and call Rooster to pick his son up. Rose sat on the couch, curled up on herself, looking like she wanted to burst into tears. Nick sat on the opposite side of the room, staring over at Rose, but unable to reach out to comfort her because then Jake might really bite his head off.
“Your parents will be here in ten minutes,” Jake grunted to Nick, who winced, before turning to Rose. “Do you have any explanation for this, young lady?”
“Jake,” Jake’s wife called to him softly, not wanting to see her daughter burst out into tears. “Give her a second to collect herself.”
Though he already had about a two-hour scold on the tip of his tongue, Jake bit it back. Mostly because he didn’t want to see his daughter burst out into tears either, even if he was livid about what he just saw outside.
He knew that he shouldn’t have trusted Nick Bradshaw.
Rooster and his wife showed up promptly, looking a bit concerned and harried. Rooster’s wife was completely embarrassed and practically grabbed Nick by the ear to drag him out of the Seresin household. With a quick apology to Jake and his wife, Rooster’s wife pulled her son outside and to the family car, leaving Rooster to drive the Bronco home.
But Rooster just had a few words to share with Hangman before he took his own leave.
“Go easy on her,” Rooster stated, causing Jake to scowl at him.
“As if I’ll take any sort of parenting advice from you, Rooster, after what your son just did.”
“Right, because you were a saint when you were a teenager. Never sneaking out or sneaking your now wife out in the middle of the night, right?” Rooster asked dryly, causing Hangman to narrow his eyes. “They’re eighteen, but they’re still kids. They make mistakes and they deserve a chance to learn from them. Don’t let your own fears fuck with her head. Cause it’ll take decades to undo that.”
Jake simply clenched his jaw in response, so Rooster saw himself out. Glaring down at the floor for a moment, Jake turned to see Rose burst off the couch and run upstairs to her room again. Jake’s wife walked behind her, trying to calm her down, but Rose kept going until she reached her room. Jake’s wife shot him a concerned look before hurrying up the stairs after her.
Jake stood where he was, hearing his wife lightly knock on the door and walk into Rose’s bedroom. Jake walked upstairs slowly after a few moments and quietly padded down the hall to Rose’s room. But he could hear his daughter crying before he even reached her door.
“Honey, it’s going to be alright,” Jake’s wife told her daughter, trying to comfort Rose.
“No, it’s not! Nick’s never going to want to see me again after this!”
“Rose, he probably wants to see your right now,” Jake’s wife assured Rose, probably squeezing her into her side.
“And Dad probably hates me!” Rose cried, causing Jake’s heart to shatter in his chest.
“Your father will never hate you, Rose,” Jake’s wife stated firmly, not giving her daughter a moment to doubt herself. “He’s just upset.”
“You didn’t see him, Mom. He hates me! And Nick’s probably going to break up with me now and . . .” Rose trailed off with just a couple of cries and gasps for air.
Lowering his head, Jake walked away from the door and back to his own bedroom.
A week had passed and Rose was completely avoiding Jake. If he walked into the room, she quickly left it or didn’t make eye contact. She spent most of the day up in her room, serving out the grounding that Jake and his wife agreed upon for sneaking out through her window. He wasn’t sure if she was in contact with Nick at all, but either way, he felt like he couldn’t ask.
And with only two weeks left until Rose headed out to the East Coast for college, Jake knew that he had to try make sure that his relationship with his daughter was salvaged before she left and probably never looked or came back.
Walking upstairs, Jake headed down the hall and knocked on the door to Rose’s room. She opened it a few moments later and her features instantly sunk a bit when she noticed it was him standing there. Lowering her head, Rose hid a bit more behind the door.
“What is it?”
“Let’s go for a drive.”
“Dad, I just—”
“—Please?” Jake interjected, causing Rose to glance up at him.
Ten minutes later, they were driving down the road, just the two of them, in Jake’s truck that they used for their beach days and family road trips. Rose was silent in the passenger seat, her gaze focused out the window and her entire body curled away from him. But Jake remained patient and focused on the road in front of him.
Pulling into the old diner that he used to take all of his kids to when they were small and his wife was either working or taking some ‘me’ time, Jake glanced over to catch Rose’s reaction. She frowned a bit and turned to look at him for the first time during their drive.
“Why are we here?”
“Well, it’s lunch time, isn’t it?”
They got out of the truck, with Rose being a bit reluctant, and headed inside the diner. They were quickly seated in a booth and Rose used the menu to put a barrier between her and her dad. Jake remained patient and smiled at the older waitress as she walked over to take their orders. Jake and Rose gave their orders before being left on their own.
“Did you get everything that you need before you go?” Jake asked Rose softly, who shrugged her shoulders in response.
“Most of it. We’ll just pick it up when we get there. That’s what Mom said to do.”
“Are you packed then?”
“Somewhat,” Rose replied, keeping her voice quiet.
“Are you excited?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Jake folded his arms underneath him and let out a sigh when Rose kept her responses short and her gaze lowered and away from his own. She fiddled with the paper wrap holding the utensils together, doing anything to fill the time and avoid having to talk to him.
“Rosie? Can you look at me?”
Rose glanced up at her dad, sinking a bit in her seat. Jake straightened up a bit, his expression serious and concerned, but his voice remained low and calm.
“I don’t hate you, Rosie. I could never hate you. You’re my daughter. My baby girl. And no matter what you do, I’ll never hate you, okay?”
“I know,” she replied quietly.
“Why didn’t you tell me and your mom about Nick?” Jake asked softly and not accusatorily.
“Because I knew that you would freak out,” Rose explained quietly. “And I really like him, so I didn’t want to scare him away or mess anything up between our families.”
“And he treats you well? Makes you happy?”
“Yeah,” Rose stated, nodding confidently. “He does.”
“Did he ever make you feel uncomfortable? Or pressure you into doing something that you didn’t want to do but he did?”
“No. The whole window situation was my idea,” Rose replied, causing Jake to sigh.
“About that—”
“—Dad, I don’t want to talk about it,” Rose interjected, lowering her head again.
“Rosie,” Jake began, though she kept her gaze away from him, “I know that you really like Nick. But I don’t want you to . . . build your life around him. You’re only eighteen. You have your whole life in front of you. Both of you do.”
“I know. I’m not saying that we’re getting married,” Rose insisted, picking her head up a bit defensively.
“And that makes me very happy to hear,” Jake replied, causing Rose to sigh. “But I just don’t want you to get into a situation that you’ll regret down the line. I did a lot of stupid stuff when I was your age and I was lucky that in the end everything worked its way out.”
“I know. Grandma told me,” Rose stated, causing Jake to wince.
“All of it?”
“Just the bit about Grandpa threatening to shoot you when they thought you knocked up Mom,” Rose explained, reaching for her drink.
“Yeah, I remember that conversation,” Jake sighed, rubbing his face. “And I don’t want you to ever be put in that position, Rosie.”
“Dad, I’m not stupid.”
“Are you calling your mom and I stupid then?” Jake countered, causing Rose to press her lips together.
“I’m not going to answer because I don’t want to be grounded again.”
“Good choice,” Jake stated, sitting up a bit straighter. “The point is, I remember what it was like to be a teenager and everything that goes along with it. And I made a lot of mistakes with your mom back then and even later and I wanted to protect you from all of that. But,” Jake emphasized, causing Rose to raise an eyebrow, “you’re going off to college soon and I need to accept that you’re growing up.”
“I’ve been growing up for a while, Dad,” Rose replied softly, shifting in her seat.
“I know, but I was in denial because it’s scary how fast you grew up. And you’ve accomplished more than I ever thought possible,” Jake continued, causing Rose to nod slowly. “Hell, you’re ten times better off than I was at your age and you get most of it from your mom, that’s for sure, and I’m so proud of you and I know that you’ll do even better at college and . . .”
Jake trailed off for a moment, taken back to a different day, about fourteen years ago, when Rose sat across from him at a booth in this dinner. She was missing about three teeth in her smile and her hair was pulled back away from her face. And she had a ketchup stain in her dress afterwards that his wife was not happy about, but made Rose giggle when he was getting scolded about it.
“Dad?” Rose called, bringing Jake back to the present.
Blinking a bit rapidly, Jake stared over at his daughter, who seemingly grew into a young woman overnight. She wasn’t a baby anymore. She didn’t need him or her mom like she needed them before. And she was ready to spread her wings and fly high, like they always knew she could.
“I don’t love the idea of you dating . . . but if Nick treats you right . . .”
“He does.”
“And he makes you happy . . .” Jake continued.
“He does,” Rose repeated, nodding curtly.
“Then you don’t have to hide your relationship from us anymore.” Rose noticeably perked up, but Jake was quick to add his paternal disclaimer. “But that doesn’t mean you two get to just do whatever you want. No excessive PDA and don’t ever think about climbing out of your window like that again. You’ll break your neck and then I’ll break him for not catching you.”
“And if he gets you into any of the situations that your grandmother described to you about me and your mom back in the day—”
“—We won’t!”
“But if you do, I’m still an admiral. And if Nick wants to stay in the Navy, he better understand that I’m not afraid to call in some favors to serve him the consequences of his actions.”
“You mean Uncle Coyote?”
“I’ll call in a lot of favors,” Jake vowed, tapping his finger on the table threateningly, though Rose cracked a small smile in return.
The old Dagger Squad members who lived out and around southern California gathered during the last few days of summer to wish Nick and Rose good luck before they both headed out to the East Coast to start the next chapters of their young lives. Separate chapters or at the very least adjacent chapters in Jake’s mind.
Jake glanced over at where Rose and Nick were playing cornhole with a couple of the other Dagger kids when he felt arms wrap around his waist. His wife pressed a kiss to his back, between his shoulder blades, and rested her head against him.
“You made it right?”
“Mostly,” Jake replied, causing his wife to smile.
“I knew that you could,” Jake’s wife returned, walking around to his front.
“I still don’t like it. Or him,” Jake insisted as his wife cupped his cheek.
“But?” Jake’s wife suggested, rubbing his cheek with her thumb.
Jake sighed, turning away from his wife for a moment, before reluctantly turning back to face her. She arched her brow, like she knew exactly what he was going to say in response.
“But he makes her . . . somewhat happy.”
“I’m surprised that you survived that sentence,” Jake’s wife replied, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips that Jake returned happily.
Wrapping an arm around his wife, like they were the teenagers, Jake glanced over at cornhole to see Nick with his arm wrapped around Rose’s waist.
“Don’t get too comfortable over there, Cadet!”
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sanjisprincesswifey · 6 months
hi! may i please request Law, Robin or Zoro with a female reader for secret santa? please and thank you
hi there! hope you enjoy this long and slightly angsty zoro piece :)
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you’ve received zoro + kissing under the mistletoe
❆: angsty, longing zoro, reader also kisses luffy, no implied gender, 1000+ words!
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zoro thought he was past your relationship. you two didn’t work out, not everyone does, and that was okay with him.
totally and completely okay…
replaying the moment from dinner, he swore he saw red. which wouldn’t have happened if he was over you, right?
some of the strawhats had joined sanji in the kitchen before dinner, maybe because of the savory scent that was hard to resist. and of course, luffy was one of those individuals.
zoro doesn’t recall paying much attention to the conversation at the table. he never really does if he’s being honest.
“guys,” you call, bursting in through the galley door.
the sound of your voice is what drew him in, his good eye flicking open to where you were standing in the entry way.
“i think its going to start to snow soon!” you beam, earning enthusiastic uproar from those in the room. zoro can’t hold back a smile when your ardor is for something so ridiculous as snow.
as usual, luffy springs from his seat, eager to see the weather change when nami interrupts him, gaining everyone’s attention.
“hey, luffy! look what’s above you two!”
as you and your captain stand in the doorway, everyone’s eyes travel to reveal the bright green mistletoe hanging above you.
zoro can now hear his thrumming heartbeat, immediately recognizing the symbolic meaning behind the plant.
“that’s mistletoe,” you inform luffy, who seemed just as confused despite the explanation. the captain proceeds to ask a bunch of questions including who did it get there and could he eat it, the standard luffy inquiry.
never had zoro been so aggravated with luffy’s clueless nature.
“that means you two have to kiss. that’s tradition anyway,” nami teases, wiggling her eyebrows at you. playful laughter fills the air while you watch luffy’s face attempt to comprehend the situation.
“well if that’s what that means,” he shrugs, turning to you with a big grin.
of course, he’s not taking this seriously.
the veins in zoro’s forehead feel like they’re about to pop, luffy gets to kiss you and he’s making a joke of it?
time feels like it’s starting to slow down as luffy leans in, going in to place a peck on your cheek. but you’re too busy laughing with nami to realize this and as soon as your head turns, your lips meet his.
your lips only brush for a couple seconds before the two of you realize what had happened, but it feels like an eternity before either of you pull away.
everyone starts to laugh, taunt and teasing the two of you like a middle school couple, but to zoro it’s like the personified version of his worst nightmare.
luffy wraps an arm around you, dragging you with him to return to his original goal of watching the fresh snow fall.
conversation continues as normal, meanwhile zoro sits at the end of the table pretending that his heart wasn’t just ripped out of his chest.
so now that he’s in the crow’s nest, supposedly watching over the ship, all he can think about is you.
did luffy notice your sweet scent as he leaned in? were your lips supple and soft as always or had you changed your chapstick? more importantly, did either of you enjoy it?
what would you have done if it was zoro who was standing there? would you have kissed him? laughed it off like it meant nothing to you?
he didn’t know, but he couldn’t help but desperately want to.
movement out of the corner of his eye snaps his attention away. the light from the galley shines through the slim crack underneath and it’s enough for him to huff and head in that direction.
“alright luffy—“
you jump at the sudden noise, but it seems the swordsman is much more surprised to see you here.
“sorry zoro, just getting some water. i’m leaving right now,” you softly smile, wiggling your glass as proof.
his throat runs dry now that you were standing in front of him. but your movements are agile, too quick for him to strategically access his next move before you’re almost out the door.
zoro reaches out for your hand, taking a tight hold on you and preventing you from leaving.
you pause, letting out a gentle sigh before turning around to face him. “need something?” you ask, staring at your connected hands rather than his face.
there was nothing running through his head as you finally glanced up at him. the light in your eyes had been replaced by foreboding sadness. and he knew why, as he was the one who caused the two of you to break up.
“you didn’t have to kiss him earlier, you know,” he says in a low, gruff tone.
you pull your hand from his, eyes slowly squinting towards him. “i know…” you wearily respond, face twisting into a frown. “…i can make my own decisions, thank you.”
zoro nods. “but you didn’t have to,” he reiterates focusing on the point that is was your decision.
“why does it matter to you? you’re the one who broke us up.” you nearly yell, almost forgetting that the rest of your crewmates were asleep.
“i shouldn’t have done that, i know that now,” he admits, reaching out to you.
your poise changes as zoro is unusually delicate when he holds your hand. “please,” he begs, thumb smoothing over your skin, “just one more chance.”
the sigh that erupts from your body is one full of pain, a heavy burn throbbing through your lungs.
that was the thing about zoro, you could read him so easily. the way his brows lift in their inner corners, how his usually tensed muscles loosened the second he touched you, he was being sincere.
you glance up to the decoration you found yourself under earlier in the day. this little plant was really what tipped him over, it’s almost funny.
“we can discuss this in the morning,” you comply, leaning up to place a light kiss on his cheek, lips hovering against the skin, “that okay with you?”
he can’t help but smile as he agrees, “yeah, that’s good.”
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likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! (✿◠‿◠)
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mintspider · 8 months
Reiko pregnancy HC's
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As always, my writing is by an adult and 1000% meant for the enjoyment of other adults. Minors dni.
Very slight nsfw (if you squint) mostly just fuzzy feel good fictional mush and most likely ooc.
Congratulations! You're the lucky person to be knocked up with Reikos baby.  Let's explore what my (baby fever addled) mind stirred up for this topic, shall we?
The day you spilled the beans about your pregnancy is the most important day of his life. He avenged his family. He's won wars. He's tamed a dragon, hell, even being with you ranks up pretty high up there on the list but a baby? His baby! you've successfully given this man the only thing he's ever wanted since he was orphaned and that is biological family.
He might appear deadpaned but as he brings his hands to your face ever so gently, he gazed profoundly into your eye's with diamond ores, you know deep in your heart he's the happiest man alive. Proven when he lifts you in his big strong arms, spins you around and then crushes you into to his chest and kisses you breathless.
FYI. It's WAY too early but he built a crib the same week you made your announcement. In fact, Reiko will make most of the baby's furniture.
If you thought this man was handsy before be prepared for it to be ramped up to 1000%. You aren't even showing yet but he's finding every excuse to press his palm to your belly (and everywhere, for that matter)
He's going to try an fuck you as often as possible as your growing.
His hand pressed against your lower back when you both are out and about is now, you guessed it! Holding your belly. His need to protect (and show off) his person and child being his number one priority.
Got morning sickness? Reiko is right there with you holding your hair away from your face and rubbing your back and giving you soothing affirmations.
If he sees you struggling in any way, he's right there to help you. 
Back aching? Massage. Feet swollen? Massage.
You're rubbing your lower back and trying to stretch? Here's Reiko, pressed behind you with his calloused hands gently holding your baby bump up for support and ease the strain on your body.
Got cravings in the middle of the night for something that isn't in your shared home? Sit back and relax! Whether near or far, Papa Bear is dressed and on the mission to bring you back whatever his baby wants!
Because Reiko is high ranking you have access to the best healers in Outworld to oversee your birthing journey and He'll be at every single appointment. Asking questions, gaining knowledge and losing his mind with excitement as everything progresses along.
He does not care what you have. To him. You and the baby's health are all that matters.
He's going to try the breast milk. (I will not elaborate)
You've gone into labor! But no worries, Reiko, the ever disciplined soldier has everything under control! Everything you'll need is together (packed months ago tbh) and ready to go! He'll carry everything, even you.
Good luck keeping him out of the delivery room. There's no way you're going through that without him at your side! Offering words of encouragement, getting you what ever you need, even a hand to break if need be but he's with you to the end. And by the gods, was it worth it to see you become the fiercest warrior he's ever laid eyes on in your efforts to bring your infant into the world. He's SO. FUCKING. PROUD of you.
He's definitely going to let you sleep off your exhaustion. You slowly open your eyes in the softly lit room and the first thing you see is your love, Reiko, eyes closed and shirtless holding the tiny baby to his big chest as if it were made of glass, his fingers soothing soft circles against the infants back (they told him skin to skin contact from the father is just as important as the mother) the peace on his face makes your heart swell with pride as you gently place your hand on his thigh, stiring his eyes open to look at you, an honest smile forming on his mouth.
He heard the baby "hungry" fussing in the bassinet beside your shared bed that woke him but not you? He'll gently wake you,  letting you know the baby has to eat while easing you up enough for him to slide behind you to keep you propped up, then lean over, easily lifting the baby up to help you situate it against your breast, keeping it aloft and allowing you to doze against him while nourishing his pride and joy.
He is 1000% the type of dad to transport his baby on his chest/back in one of those infant wrap carriers. He doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about it either. Proud equal parenting in this house. 👏👏👏
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nogenderbee · 6 months
Could I request the seven brothers being called a blessing in their s/o's eyes?
Yes, of course! I swear it was such a long time since I did Obey Me, I literally missed it sm!! Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it despite this being so short hah
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔹𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 7 brothers being called a blessing in their lover's eyes
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @vodka-glrl @miya-akane @indi-has-fallen
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✧ Lucifer literally cannot say if you're trying to compliment or insult him now
✧ he's aware that you may've been just trying to be nice and maybe only simply forgot about him being a literal demon
✧ doesn't get mad or anything like that, instead will try digging deeper into it
"I'm sorry, would you like to elaborate?"
✧ now if you actually explain what you meant... he won't get angry and accept the weird compliment but will definitely give you a small talk about how you shouldn't say it again, to any demon at least...
✧ if you won't explain meaning behind these words tho, he might think you said it on purpose, just to make fun of him
✧ either way, be prepared for smaller or longer tall about your... unique way of complimenting demons
✧ just to make sure, he's not mad at you or anything, he's just worried you'll say something similar to wrong demon and will get yourself into troubles
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✧ Mammon was literally about to thank you for the compliment when it hit him... he's a demon... are you trying to insult him now!?
✧ somehow his expression went from high and mighty to one of annoyence
"Whatcha mean, human!?"
✧ literally thinks you're just being mean to him so you better explain to this boy that it's not what you meant by that and maybe you won't have one of a hella grumpy demon on you account
✧ after you explain it was just a misunderstanding he just sighs and forgives you
✧ give him a bit of kisses or affection in general and he'll come back to his usual self
✧ but there's also something... why he's so grumpy about that compliment? Yes, it's partially because he's a demon but also because somehow he likes the compliment!
✧ he knows it's not the compliment demon would want to hear but he sees the meaning behind it!
✧ but the truth is he would rather take a bath in holy water than admit he somehow liked your compliment
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✧ now Levi doesn't even consider the fact you might've said that by mistake, he's immidietly sure you just wanted to insult him
✧ let's be honest, he has pretty low self esteem, he won't believe it was a misunderstanding even if you tell him so, not at first at very least...
✧ it's literally all he says, you can see you just said something he found insulting by his glassy eyes
✧ 1000 tonight just went though his mind in that second and now he's analyzing each of them so please, comfort him before it gets worse
✧ it's definitely not easy but with time, he'll finally understand that you just wanted to express how important he is in your eyes
✧ when the full realization hits him, he literally melts on spot... he's really THIS important to you!?
✧ congratulations, you have clingy demon on your side who will never admit what's the cause of it!
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✧ Satan immidietly understands you just made a small mistake and your intentions weren't as bad as some may think
✧ literally doesn't even correct you or anything, he just accepts it like normal compliment
"Thank you, dear. You're just as important to me."
✧ you'd have to figure it out by yourself or with help of someone because he won't care enough to explain
✧ when you come apologize to him about your previous compliment, he immidietly tells you he understood from beginning
✧ a little amused by your small mistake and may even smirk the whole time you're worried he's mad at you for that
✧ but if the realization won't hit you and you even continue to give him more compliments like this, don't be surprised if he suddenly chuckles at one of the compliments
✧ he'd never explain where his amusement comes from tho, instead brushing it off as simple good mood
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✧ Asmo immidietly got what you were trying the say and he appreciate you trying to be a bit romantic! He really does! He'd just feel bad if he didn't explain it to you...
"Darling, I appreciate your sweetness but you realize I'm a demon, right?"
✧ when the realization hits you, he can't help but chuckle at how stressed you are suddenly
✧ of course he calms you down and assures you he doesn't mind and in fact even got it from very beginning
✧ honestly he found your sudden nervousness somehow adorable
✧ definitely spoils your face with little kisses afterwarda
✧ he doesn't care how many compliments he got from other or how adorable they were, yours was the one he'll cherish forever, along with your face for sudden realization
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✧ Beel didn't fully understood the compliment at first, instead he was a bit confused...
✧ or was an insult? Did he do something to upset you? He's so confused that he just decides to ask you
"Y/N... you know I'm a demon now, right?"
✧ as soon as you explain what you really meant, he sighs with relief as he hears you didn't wanted to be mean in the first place
✧ he ignores that small mistake and actually thanks you for the compliment, and even tells you small compliment of his own!
✧ literally doesn't hold it against you and instead acts like he forgot about this whole situation
✧ the truth is, he still remembers that and even finds it a bit cute yet amusing but decides not to mention it since it was one time situation
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✧ you probably caught Blephie during his sleep with it
✧ when you said it he just shook his head and mumbles small "thanks" unaware
✧ he realized what you said only after some time because of him being half-asleep and he had confused look on his face when he finally opened his eyes
"Mhm, thanks.... Wait what-?"
✧ calmly explains to you that it's actually an insult for him and asks if you're aware of it
✧ when you say it was a mistake, of course he forgives you tho, he just teases the heck out of you by making himself a victim
✧ all of him making a scene was just to make you cuddle with him for the whole day and anytime you tried pulling away, he'd mention that situation to make you feel guilty
✧ his behavior may be seen as manipulative but he really means no bad with it and you know it all
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smokersbaby · 7 months
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Kink of the day: threesome Character: Zoro & Sanji Reader: female reader Tw: threesome, penetrative sex, blowjob, degrading and praising Author notes: this is the last fanfiction from the "Kinktober Event 2023"! I really enjoyed hosting this event and I hope you liked it too! In about a week from now, I'm going to make a poll with the most 10 popular fanfiction from this event and I'm going to make you vote your favourite so that I'll write a longer version of it (1000-1500 words), so stay tuned!
You can find the "Kinktober Masterlist 2023" here!
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"I knew a little slut like you could handle us both" Zoro's voice sounded meaner than usual, as his hands were on your head to help you take his thick cock deeper in your mouth. Tears were forming in your eyes because of the way he was bullying your throat, but you didn't dare interrupt eye contact with him, as if it was a personal challenge.
"You're doing so good, babe" on the other side, Sanji was praising you, complimenting the way you were behaving with them, as his cock rammed against your cervix with each deep thrust.  Sanji's warm hands were gripping you by the waist as his hips buckled against your ass, sluggish movements in total contrast to Zoro's ones.
It felt like a dream.
You didn't expect that night to end like that, with the man you loved taking care of you in the bedroom, their hands roaming all over your body and you being eager to give them pleasure to both at the same time. And none of you touched a single drop of alcohol that night to end in such a situation, it happened all so naturally as if it was just meant to be.
Sanji was so caring towards you, making sure to not push you over your limits, his cock sliding deliciously into your soaked pussy, as if his only purpose was to find that perfect angle to make you cum all over his cock.
Since you were bent over the bed on all fours, Zoro couldn't help but position himself in front of you, his thick cock already hard as he helped you taking him in your mouth with subtle movements of his hips. 
Even if Zoro's words were degrading (mostly because he couldn't help himself when he had you kneel in front of him and suck his cock), his actions weren't as rough as before: Zoro's hands were on your head, making sure you weren't pushing yourself too much and choke on his large cock only to please him since he saw how tears were prickling your eyes in an attempt to take him whole.
"Don't strain yourself, a little slut like you must enjoy sucking my cock, not gag on it" he smirked, noticing that you weren't giving up. "Don't go hard on her, marimo" Sanji glanced at Zoro, noticing how he was taking advantage of his position while you were on your knees.
Sanji pushed your hips back and you instinctively moaned on Zoro's length because of how deep Sanji's cock was inside your pussy, you felt his balls slamming against your core as he increased pace and depth, making you see stars.
"Let me take care of you, love, I'm going to fill you up tonight". "Don't listen to him. After he's done, I'll take his place and make you cum twice like the little slut you are".
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heartfullofleeches · 6 months
Ranking my non-human darling's by how much they like to take baths and how willing they are to let their yan(s) bathe them:
Puppy Streamer/Mall Security Darling: 1000/10. Loves a hot bath after a day at the gym or at work. Washing all that fur themself is a bit of a pain so some assistance is much appreciated
Cat Streamer Darling: -10/10 As a grown ass person they can wash themselves just fine. Only takes a bath if they haven't showered in a couple days. Hates every second of it
Bunny Streamer Darling: 5/10. Also prefers to wash themselves, but so long as their yan has a gentle hand they'll eventually warm up to the idea
Alien Streamer Darling: 9/10. Confused by these human bonding rituals, but never doubts the words of their dear friends. Probably enjoys eating bath soap.
Incubus Darling: 10/10. Sees past their yan's little tricks, but would never say no to free pampering. Be sure to polish their horns well, love
Angel/Cupid Darling: 9/10. Not sure to a mortal form and loves some assistance. Lil hesitant about letting people touch their wings due to how sensitive they are, but warms up to it with a bit of love and patience
Werewolf Bodyguard Darlingx: 4/10. Only allows others to bathe them if their fur is covered in too much filth to get out on their own like mud/blood
Werewolf Sheriff Darling: 0/10. Just give them a bucket and fuck off.
Ghoul Darling: 3/10. Scary.... Their Yan has to be extremely cautious or risk scrubbing off bits of their flesh. Easy to persuade with treats for good behavior
Evan's Spouse Darling: 0/10 when they first met. 11/10 currently. Stinky fleshy eater was initially frightened by bathing because it got rid of their natural scent and Evan used nasty 5 in 1 body soap. Now that he switched over to soaps with a more fruity and they moved into a place with a tub they both could get in, they look forward to every bath.
Cult Monster Darling: 2/10 at first. 100/10. Monster Darling was cautious of humans and nearly ran away when they mentioned bathtime as to their previous cartakers it meant chaining them down and spraying them with a hose. The cultists nor darling's mate would ever subject them to such torture and bathe them with the utmost care which they grow to love.
Sea Creature Darling: -1000/10. Fuck you. They live in water- there's no need to give them a bath. Thinks their caretaker's just want any excuse to touch them. Nearly took someone's eye out just for having a sponge near them.
Clown Fish Darling: 1000/10. Fun! Sees bath time as play time which can be a hassle for their yan if they're washing them in doors. It's best if their yan bathes with them as this darling will mote often than not try to pull them in anyway
Thembo Shark Darling: 7/10. ??? - but, they're in water all the time.... it is nice to have some help picking fish bones out of their teeth and they'd hardly refuse anything if food is involved
Slime Darling: 0/10. Do not need to be bathed and runs risk of losing parts of themselves in the water/down the drain. Likes watching others bathe instead.
Nightlight Darling: 0/10 as an android they do not need baths, but as a caregiver they like to help give them. Acts like one of those floating bathtub lights and can dispense bubbles from their mouth.
Doll Darling: 9/10. Also also doesn't need baths, but it's fun to pretend and if it makes Yan happy they'll gladly do it
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