#they're so mismatched and i LOVE their dynamic!!!!!!
muzzleroars · 2 years
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[2001 aso x ihnmaims]
i would say choose your fighter BUT. they’re on a team.
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jackietaylorsversion · 9 months
I was in a discord server earlier, and we got to talking about the Yellowjackets as soulmates, and I thought I'd share those thoughts here, just a nice little put together catalogue of all those thoughts put together. I might add to this, too, as more pairings and relationships come to me.
For the record, I want to point out that I think that all of these characters are soulmates, far beyond ship dynamics, far beyond romance. What makes up the insides of one makes up the insides of the others because they are all the same: teenage girls trapped in either growing or decaying bodies. Their souls are all mated to the others in some way or another.
Tai and Van are a pair. Two separate souls that are a part of a matched set, like socks. They can be worn mismatched, certainly, but they really are at their best together. Tai gives Van a purpose. Van calms Tai's "demons." They can exist without each other, live without each other, love without each other, but they just are at their best together.
Lottie and Nat are that sort of star-crossed soulmates, doomed soulmates. There's a red string of fate but its severed somewhere in the middle. They can be good for each other, laugh and smile and hold each other close. They can be the worst of each other, holding knives to each other's throats, laughing in the face of it. They're the epitome of a missed chance. What kind of missed chance? That's up for you to decide.
Misty and Nat are the kind of soulmates that don't seem like they'd match, but they work so good together. The believer and the skeptic (though who is who changes with the circumstance, the belief, the skepticism). Orange and blue. Salt and sweet. Chaotic good and lawful evil. They're diametrically opposed but in a way that makes sense, in a way that works together. They each feed off of what makes the other their opposite. One is running, the other is chasing. Of course one would die at the hand of the other.
Lottie and Laura Lee are the kind of soulmates where each thinks they are the worshipper while the other is the god. A prophet, a believer, a worship under the sun. Souls that just burn brighter around each other (and that pun was unintentional the first time but very intentional with the emphasis). Both want to help the other. Both want to hold the other. They are belief without boundaries personified. Each is Icarus. Each is the sun.
Tai and Shauna are soulmates in a way that recognizes "That is my person." Two people that have so much in common, who understand each other, who both recognize the want in the other. They have an understanding and a care for each other that's fierce. I see you, you see me, ad it might not be pretty, but we will be honest with each other. Especially as the two of them have aged; time has not erased their understanding of one another.
Jackie and Nat are soulmates in a way that isn't explored a lot in the show but has been discussed, from what I've seen, really well. Foils. Two sides of the same coin. Opposites. Rich girl, poor girl. Prude, slut. There are certain stereotypes around both of them that, from a glance, seem to play out. One only needs to look deeper to really see it. Unfortunately, from the show, we never really see the two of them see past their expectations of each other.
Jackie and Shauna. Two heads, one heart. I don't know where you end and I begin and all that. We've been there, we've done that. We know it by heart. They're not a pair because a pair implies separation, and there is none. You can cut out your heart, and you can even replace it, but it's never the same. They're two shattered halves of the same fucked up whole. When one piece is gone, the hole cannot be filled properly ever again. There are some species of worms that, when worm cut in half, can keep living as two separate entities. That does not negate the fact that it was once one whole creature. They're unhealthy together. They're unnatural apart. One did not live long enough to remedy either of these facts.
(If Jackie's heart was still beating, I know it would beat in time with Shauna's. I hope Shauna ate it to feel it beat with hers one last time.)
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O dear Oracle, tell me, what of my fate with Azul? If our tale were like that of Cupid and Psyche, would love really withstand all trials? Would the love still be there through hardships and misunderstandings...? Or will we be destined to end in a tragedy?
Side note: HI HI HI!! SUPER HYPE EVENT IT'S SOOOOO COOL!!!!! Why is your brain always so huge omg
"A child of mortals, she who was blessed by the gods
Shall overcome her challenges against all odds
The son of beauty, misunderstood and wary
Shall go his way to regain her trust
Alas, the things humans would do for love."
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pairing: azul ashengrotto x fem!reader
content: hurt/comfort-ish, miscommunication, a dash of angst bc we have a dramatic couple, greek mythology
the oracle speaks — cupid x psyche dynamics is my second favourite omg, they're so in love your honor (edit: IT'S BEEN SO LONG LMAO IDK WHAT I'M DOING *dies*)
May the Fates be kind to this soul.
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— the faint rustling sound of a pen scribbling on papers.
the library after school was quiet as always, besides the faraway murmurs of lingering students and the rustling sound of books being flipped through. you let out a tired sigh, having been working on your essays for quite a while now. you deserved some rest, as you were almost finish.
but your mind had other plans. your eyes moved towards the man sitting by your side. azul ashengrotto, the one who had been plaguing your every thought.
it was without a doubt you adore him with your entire heart and soul. you can spend lifetimes admiring his every details, his vulnerable yet brightly burning soul, his flaws and insecurities, everything. you are willing to give your life if it means he can stay happy.
"my pearl..."
but not right now, not when he committed such a horrible deed.
"my pearl, please, i'm sorry..." you turned away from him, arms folded as you spoke not a single word. as much as you wanted to hold him in your arms and comfort him, your resolve would not break.
"i'll do anything, just- please, look at me..."
he all but begged. his voice wavered, as if he was on the verge of crying when you finally relented. you turned around with a hard stare.
"what you did was unforgivable."
"it wasn't entirely my fault..."
you sighed. only then you pulled out two items, two silver bracelets adorned with sea glass of mismatched, constrasting colours, and pouted.
"they don't match at all."
... and that was the problem leading to your argument.
🏷️ @thehollowwriter @krenenbaker @identity-theft-101 @siren-serenity @xen-blank @dove-da-birb @ferris-the-wheel @mermaidfanficlibrary @cookiesandbiscuits @vioisgoinginsane @escha-evenstar + azul kissers
"how was i supposed to know they don't match!?"
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rachi-roo · 9 months
i have loved reading all of your fics! could you do one that is lee!bakugo and ler!todoroki? hope you are doing well!!
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My Hero Academia: Cooking up trouble!
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Weeeee! Finally, another fic is out! I really appreciate all the support you've given me recently, and thank you, anon, for this request! These two are such a mismatched pair. Their dynamic is so fun! XD
Summary: After Shotos' attempt at potato chopping goes wrong, he's forced to deal with an angry Chef Bakugo his own special way.
Characters: Ler!Shoto, Lee!Bakugo, mentions of other 1A students.
Tw: Swearing
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"Damn it, Icey-Hot! How are you so bad at this!?" A certain explosive blonde snarled as he looked at the miss-shapen potatoes that Todoroki had been peeling for the classes dinner.
The bowl of oddly cut spuds made Bakugo want to cry or hurt someone. Or both. They were supposed to be sliced into thin circles to make chips. Instead, they were odd bolder shapes. He angrily moved Todoroki away from the counter, taking the knife from his hand.
"What's wrong with them?" The raspberry ripple hero asked, tilting his head as he was placed by the door.
"What's wrong with you!? These potatoes are less straight than Deku!"
"Heeeey!" Dekus little voice grumbled from the lounge.
"SHUT IT! Anyway, they won't cook properly if they aren't thin enough. And they're cook unevenly too. Uuugh... Now I gotta get a new bag of them and do it myself and-" Bakugo grumbled on, swearing and fussing under his breath as he stomped around the kitchen, finding an unopened pack of fresh potatoes.
Shoto blinked as he watched Bakugo angrily start cutting up their dinner with his back to him. His flighty little mind thinking over the situation. Angry Bakugo is never nice to deal with. Maybe there's a way he could cheer him up?
Maybe that would work? It always helped brighten Dekus mood.
He smiled, approaching Bakugo quietly as he continued to grumble.
"I'm stuffing you in a box and shipping you all the way to the UK so Ramsey can train you u-HUP!" Bakugo jolted, arching his back away from a sudden tickly sensation. He turned quickly, glaring at Shoto, who stood with two, pokey index fingers, poised and ready.
"What are you doing?" Bakugo asked, setting the knife on the counter. Maybe the airhead just wanted some attention?
"I'm making you happy again. Or the food will taste bad." Shoto said plainly, his expression soft. Still pretty vacant as usual, but with a hint of a smile.
"The food will taste bad if I'm not happy?"
"First of all, my food always tastes awesome. And second of all, I don'tneed to be made happy. I'm fine."
".... You're lying."
"I am not! You just- hey, HEY! Back off!" Bakugo stammered as Todoroki casually reached for Bakugos sides, squeezing ever so lightly.
The light touch already had Bakugo biting back a smile as he tried to lean away from Shotos teasing fingers. His back met the counter, unable to shimmy any further. Shoto used that opportunity to attack!
"Got you." He smiled, suddenly shifting his hands up to Bakugos' worst spot. Below the underarms above the ribs. When it comes to Bakugo, you have to strike hard and fast, or face the consequences!
"GYAHA! N-No! I-Icehey-hyAHAAAA!" The blonde crumbled, his arms immediately clamping to his sides as he leaned against the counter, sliding down the surface and plopping onto the kitchen tiles with Shotos tickling fingers following.
"GEHEet offa meeeEHEHE! AHA! SHIHIT!"
"I do this to Midoria when he's sad too. It seems to have the same effect on you. I'm glad."
Shoto hummed, using very little effort to make Bakugo squirm under his touch. It was just so easy!
He drummed his fingers up and down Bakugos sides, causing the boy to curl in on himself, trapped between Shoto and the kitchen counter.
"Damn ihit! StAAHA! I-I'm n-nAHA! NOT SAD!" Bakugo howled as he made helpless attempts at grabbing Shotos hands. Nothing worked! Every time he thought he had a wrist gripped, Shoto managed to just slip out and tickle him again
"StahaAHAHAP! Y-You- I-IhIHI'M not making you DINNER!"
Shotos hands stilled. What? No dinner? But, Bakugo always helps with dinner! This won't do. No. Not at all!
"No dinner?... Well. What if I keep tickling you until you agree to cook?" Bakugo shot him a glare. How dare he threaten him like that!
"You wouldn't..." A silence fell between the two, staring at each other, a smirk growing on Shotos face.
"Hey... Icey-hot... OI! Don't just stare like that! I'll kiHIHIII! AHAHA! STAHAHAP! Fuhuck!"
"You know very well the rest of us can't cook. You're our only hope." Todoroki deadpanned as he spidered over Bakugos tummy, switching between different tickle spots to keep him overwhelmed and unable to escape.
The fact that Shoto was so calm and expressionless made the situation ten times worse for Bakugo. He couldn't read the situation properly. It was awful! Not that Bakugo could really see much with his eyes scrunched shut, forcing tears of mirth down his cheeks.
He wasn't giving up though!
Shoto smirked briefly, deciding to take things up a notch. He stuffed his hands up Bakugos shirt, using his Quirk to make one set of fingers warm, and the others awfully cold. A cruel and conflicting method.
A shriek left Bakugos' mouth as he felt the icey cold didgets pressed against his bare ribs, sending a shock wave up his spine.
"FFFAHAHACK! Noho! NahahaAHAAA!" He flailed, arching his back as he twisted and turned this way and that to try avoid the relentless, freezing, fingers!
Every time he leaned from the icey coldness, he was reminded that the warm hand was still there, attacking his worst spot whilst the cold fingers switched to another when he was distracted. There was no escape. Maybe he'd have to surrender?
"SHIHIT! N-NooOOHO! Ah! HAHA! IHICEY- SHIII-!" The blonde's laughter fell silent as Shoto latched onto his worst spot again, upper ribs, below armpits. He was going to make sure Bakugo never threatened to leave them hungry again!
"Hmm, Midoria also reacts when I say tickle. Does it affect you, too? Tickle, tickle." Shoto smiled, repeating the word in his near monotone voice, making poor Bakugis face light up like a Christmas tree! A pretty crimson red.
"S-ShuHUT- AAAAHHHH-!.... UWAH! F-FuhuHAHAK!" Again, his laughter went quiet before he gasped for air. His head threw back, mouth agape as the endless stream of laughter flooded forth.
"Is someone dying in here?"
All the commotion had gained the attention of the rest of class 1-A. A curious Sero peered around the island counter, spotting Bakugos flailing legs sticking out from behind. One of his slippers had been thrown as he kicked and squirmed.
The rest of the class stood in the doorway, grinning from ear to ear at the sight.
"I think he's had enough, Roki." Sero continued, chuckling as he watched Bakugo make another desperate attempt at grabbing his attackers hands.
Shoto stilled his hands, giving Bakugo the chance to finally catch his breath, as he looked up at Sero innocently.
"Bakugo said he wouldn't make us dinner." He explained. Missing out the part where it was partly his own fault.
"Ooooh..." Sero nodded in understanding. He looked at the dishevelled Bakugo on the floor tiles, smirking as he made an attempt at glaring. It wasn't very convincing through that veil of happy tears and rosy cheeks.
"Well," the tape weirder shrugged. "We can't have that now, can we?" He shot Bakugo a cheeky smirk. "As you were, Roki. Call if you need any assistance." He chuckled.
"W-Wait! Hey! Soy sauce face! That's not your decision to mAHAHAKE! NAAAHAHAAA-!"
"Let us know when dinners ready, kay?" Sero called back with a wave as he left with the rest of the class. Condemning Bakugo to his tickly doom!
Shoto looked at Bakugo, casually continuing to tickle him all over.
"I want Soba."
"S-Stuff your damn SOHOBA! DAHAHAHMN IT!"
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Thank you for reading~ ✨️
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iam93percentstardust · 5 months
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Welp it's been almost an entire year since the last hate comment in my inbox, so I figured I was due for another one (and trust me, dear nonnie, you have nothing on the three months of targeted bullying and hate I went through at the end of 2022/beginning of 2023). But I think this is a good time to spend some time talking about authorial intent. Now, don't get me wrong, I think there are many, many things wrong with this comment, but their complete misunderstanding of what I wanted to accomplish with this fic is indicative of a wider problem that I'm seeing in fandom at the moment, so we're gonna talk a bit about critical thinking and authorial intent.
So I could point out that this comment sucks because the fic they're complaining about is a gift fic and the giftee loved the fic so anyone else's opinion doesn't matter, and thinking that your opinion matters more than the giftee's is the height of entitlement (but let's face it, being called entitled doesn't matter to this person).
Or I could point out that this fic was tagged with "Infidelity" so they had to have known what they were getting into when they first opened the fic and shouldn't be so horrified that the cheating fic contained cheating (but let's face it, we all know that they didn't read the tags, and I'm not even sure they read the fic since both characters were cheating, not just Tony).
But what I really want to focus on is how badly this person misunderstood what I was writing. This is a smut fic masquerading as a breaking up & making up fic. I wrote this fic specifically so I could write 6 sex scenes (which was the original prompt anyway). I didn't really want to focus on the feelings. They're there, they're present, they get mentioned to set the stage for the sex, but I don't spend thousands and thousands of words talking about the feelings and mental states of Steve and Tony.
Which means that for the parts where Steve and Tony are being "toxic" and "shitty," I don't go into a whole lot of detail as to why they're being toxic and shitty. I have a personal headcanon as to why they're acting like this, but it doesn't actually matter. What matters is that I made a deliberate choice not to include the justification for their actions so I could write the smut instead. I knew that I was writing Steve and Tony as toxic and shitty because that was the entire point.
Now, let's be honest here, this commenter doesn't care about any of this. "Disgusting" and "grossness" are a deliberately inflammatory word choice, and as my friend pointed out, they're being puritanical and moralistic. In other words, they're like any other of the growing number of pearl-clutching members of fandom I see these days.
But this post isn't really for them. This post is for everyone who's only reading fic through their own lens and forgetting that the author also had a purpose when they wrote the fic in the first place.
This isn't the first time someone has completely misunderstood what I was trying to do with a fic. It's one of the meanest, but it's not the first time. It happened with the professor/student fic I wrote in 2022 where I argued that just because two people were wrong for each other when they were younger that doesn't mean they're still a mismatch when they're older. The pining Tony/serial one-night stand Steve where almost all of the early comments were about how it should be switched and missed that that was the entire point (that Steve is the obvious choice for pining, and I wanted to explore what would switch that dynamic). The Christmas fic in 2021 where someone straight up told me I tagged it wrong just based on the summary.
So here's the thing: death of the author is only one interpretation of literary criticism, but it's by no means the only. Authorial intent is a perfectly valid way to interpret a fic, and in this case, it's arguably more valid than looking at it through the lens of death of the author because if the reader isn't considering my reasoning behind why I wrote the fic the way I did, then the point of it will go right over their head. Getting so hung up on my intentions, my background, my style of writing not mattering, on only their interpretation mattering, means that they only read the surface level of this fic. And that works just fine in other fics, but it doesn't work here. At all. Because the entire point of this fic is my intentions. I intended to write a smut fic that glossed over the feelings of the two characters involved. I intended for it to look like a toxic relationship from an outsider's perspective. I intended to write the prompt I saw for the person who prompted it.
And if you're not looking at it through what I intended, then all you're going to end up with is dissatisfaction and the belief that I made a mistake somewhere instead of realizing that I achieved exactly what I set out to do.
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nobody-nexus · 6 months
Y'all I got a TADC oc named Clef
(Hands you him)
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If one word could describe Clef, it would be: Theater. He's extremely loud, boisterous, cartoonishly flamboyant, and will make constant Broadway and musical theater references. They love to put on a show and even sometimes up show others just to show them that he's the best of the best in terms of playing a role in the digital circus. Of course, this personality is most likely from their time before, however the constant references seem to be the only way to comfort them with the fact that they only VAGUELY know where the mentions even come from. He's a very empathetic person as well, able to read people's emotions well and relate to them in a sense
In his non-digital life, they were once a Broadway star. He adored the stage, making musical after musical from side character to the main character. Have you heard of it? They’ve played in it. He was also incredibly open to being themselves, and hoping others would do the same. But in all actuality, he was merely someone who their mother was projecting over. Their mother relished in the fame that her child gave her, but once that was the case and everyone found out, that stardom dropped like a brick. He was quickly forgotten due to more prominent and “relevant” stars, no one willing to give their mother fame- and as a result HE was left in the dust, giving them a bit of an imposter syndrome. Now only doing occasional side gigs, he ended up finding this link on an old hard drive. They wished for ANYTHING to make himself feel better, so with a borrowed VR headset- they went into the world…. A world they’d never awake from
Clef in terms of design was based off of a Dragon City dragon called the Wonderland Dragon
In terms of age, Clef is 34 years old (I do not ship them with anyone in the TADC cast) and he is 5'11''
He's a very expressive character as well! The yellow around their eyes changing color and his eyes changing shape to further express how they feel Examples:
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Although I don't have art for it, his main ability is being able to pull a horn out of their stomach mouth and play it with ease- the horn itself being able to sound like just about anything
And of course what's a TADC OC post without ONE OF THESE CHARTS
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More detailed relationships are as follows:
Pomni: Although sometimes doesn't enjoy how bombastic he is, at the same time they're one of the more 'I guess you're okay' people, but I promise they bond with one another eventually
Caine: Doesn't like having the attention on someone else when it comes to performances, so sometimes Caine does get on their nerves, however overall he's FINE around the ringmaster
Gangle: Father daughter dynamic. Almost instantly Clef practically adopted Gangle due to her love for the arts as well. Although he can't save her from Jax's bullshit, he tries to protect her nonetheless
Jax: Absolute hatred. Not even because of his dynamic with Gangle either, they just HATE "hecklers" and considers Jax as one. Jax's nickname for him is 'maestro' and they really don't like it
Kinger: Literally no thoughts on him. Clef's hardly interacted with the chess piece due to how uncomfortable they find themselves around him. Nothing AGAINST Kinger, Clef just... really doesn't like his eyes
Ragatha: If him and Gangle for the father and daughter dynamic, them and Ragatha are team mom and team dad. They probably get along due to how close in age they are, as well as their people pleaser attitudes
Zooble: He finds them very nice, but Zooble is REALLY annoyed with how Clef speaks and therefore having to deal with them a lot is a bit of a pain in the eyes of the mismatched individual
Also made some concepts of what Clef would be like in some of my favorite AUs! (Carnival AU by @sm-baby and Corrupted AU by @rabid-mercenary15)
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If you wanna see more with them, I'll be happy to share more stuff ^^
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lumine-no-hikari · 23 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #141
I think today, I might have created one of my best tea concoctions yet!!
Okay, so I started with these ones; I put one bag of each of these into my mug, and brewed it:
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(Yes, once again, I do have weird mismatching socks on. I wonder if your socks are colorful like mine under your boots; maybe you can give it a try and see how it feels!)
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Please say hello to Momma, our resident lady-in-a-tuxedo; she's VERY cute!
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From there, I added sugar instead of honey this time, and a bit of heavy cream. The swirls today were absolutely mesmerizing:
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And, once the swirls were all settled down, the physics involved with density and fluid dynamics caused my tea to settle itself into 5 layers - the undissolved sugar on the bottom, a layer of tea that is very saturated with dissolved sugar, followed by cold layer of tea mixed with cream, a warmer layer of tea mixed with cream, and finally just a thin layer of pure cream:
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Isn't it marvelous!!! And when I mixed it all up, the result tasted EXACTLY like a kind of Girl Scout cookie called Samoas! I know you don't know what those are, because there aren't any Girl Scouts on your planet, but trust me, they're REALLY GOOD, oh my goodness!!
…Samoas were my mother's favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie, last I knew. I wish I could share this tea with her, too.
In any case, I went to physical therapy with M, because afterwards, we had made plans to get lunch! We finally went back to the place with those fried green tomatoes that I didn't take a picture of because I ate them too quickly (sorry about that!). This time, I remembered to take a picture for you BEFORE my appetite got the better of me:
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Today, I got the seafood pasta. I know that you like pasta pescatore, and this isn't exactly the same, but… it's got shrimp and clams and linguine and pesto sauce and parmesan cheese on it, and… I think maybe you would love it, so I took a picture because I can't… I can't share it with you…
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I also got their crème brûlée; their flavor changes every week. Last time, it was berries, remember? Well, this time, it was dark chocolate and coconut - just like my tea this morning!! And this, too, tasted just like a one of those Samoas!! It was SO GOOD!!
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…I wish you were here…
On our way home, I managed to snap some really nice photos of the trees and the sky; I hope you'll like these:
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After we got inside, I went ahead and put the rods in the kites that arrived yesterday. I'm hoping for a windy day tomorrow so I can test them out!! But I'm not going to take pictures of them just yet; like I said, I have PLANS for that eagle kite, and I don't want to show it to you until those plans come to fruition. I know what I have to do, and I found the perfect image for it; it's just a matter of getting it done. I think you're gonna love it when you see it. Or at least, I hope you will…
Today, J and I tried to go to Eggcellent with the lovely leader of the place we like to go to once a week! Unfortunately, Eggcellent was closed due to plumbing issues, I guess. So we went to a different place! And!! Oh!! Sephiroth!!! They had MACARONS!!!
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Look at them all!!! 🤩🤤 But in particular, these three caught my eye:
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...I know you like vanilla and roses, and I thought these might have a similar flavor profile, so I got them!! And I also got a cherry blossom matcha tea! More than anything, I wished I could share these with you, because I think you would have loved them:
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...Alas, this picture is the best I can do.
...Given everything you've gone through, everything you are still going through, and everything that you likely will go through in the future... I'm sorry that this little bit is the best that I can do...
Well anyway, J and the leader from the place and I sat and talked for a couple of hours, and it was wonderful!! The best part was when the leader showed us the beautiful pictures from his sister's recent wedding; she and her friends and her husband looked so vibrant and happy and beautiful!! He's going to go through all of the pictures and select the ones he likes best so he can show them to us later! I can't wait!!
I also snagged some pictures of the evening sky in the outdoor spot where we enjoyed our tea and macarons; maybe you'll like these...
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...I wish that I could give just a little bit of joy to you. I hope that anything I show you and tell you about can give you even a small reason to smile, or cause you to feel just a little warm inside your mind. Not even you, with your incredible power and all the amazing things you've seen up until this point, can imagine what I'd be willing to give if it meant I could have the power to gift these things to you. If I had the chance to trade your life for mine, so that you could be here, enjoying all these things in my place... I'd be happy and proud to take that chance without even a moment's hesitation. Even if I disappeared as a result... I wouldn't mind - not even a little. Not if it meant you could be happy and safe.
...In the meantime, I'll keep writing to you, sharing pictures with you, singing little songs to you, and gently calling out your name until you return to us. I have faith in who you are and in what you can do; I'll be waiting to see you shine in all the ways that only you know how to do.
...I guess that wraps it up for today. Tomorrow, I'll keep trying to capture the prismatic bits of delight that exist within all of the simple things so that I can show them to you and maybe help you to remember what beauty and love are like. I know you're capable of seeing it; I saw who you were before your fall, and I know you can rise up into becoming someone who believes he deserves to retrieve the parts of himself that others tried to steal away. I know you can do it because I am doing it, and I'm not better than you.
I love you. Don't ever think you're alone. I'll write again soon, so please stay safe and treat yourself nice, okay?
Your friend, Lumine
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002yb · 1 year
Current thoughts: Dick and Jay just having a casual intimacy because they have virtually no boundaries with each other. It's nothing dirty but it so close and open that it feels private (a soft brush of lips to eyelids and forehead, hands anchored to waist or arms to pull each other closer when they talk, skin to skin - sharing warmth and smiles - eye contact and reverent lovelorn expressions as the other presses callused fingertips to their face)
And nobody really thinks twice because for them its like breathing - inhale and they see each other across the room, exhale and their in each other's orbit. Until one day someone not used to their dynamic points out “hey their awfully comfortable huh” and suddenly its everywhere. 
Idk just, them and indulgent trusting intimacy, because its you reverent looks- because I love you touches.
(人´∀`)+゚:。゚+ s o s o f t +゚:。゚+(´ ⌣ ` ʃƪ )
Anon's current thoughts are a gift to my ask omgggggg my heart wasn't prepared for such warm and gentle feelings!! Ahhhhhh thank you for sharing; this is so evocative I can't stop rereading hahaha.
Nothing needs to be added on to this masterpiece, but I'm such a sucker for casual intimacies (and more indulgent intimacies lol). It's just. Their relationship isn't something easily defined - it just is what it is. ;U; So sometimes they're ornery with each other, purposefully pushing and taunting and tormenting just to get a rise from each other (roughhousing and playfighting, games of chase as they snicker and cackle as they triumph or are met with a playful comeuppance).
Sometimes they're soft together, easy comforts and easier affections. Thoughtless touches, fleeting and lingering. Fixing each others' clothes (Dick evening out the drawstring of Jason's hoodie, Jason rolling up Dick's sleeves and getting flustered by Dick's forearm and wrist and pulling down the sleeves again because omg meanwhile Dick is ?? then lol i'm sorry i couldn't help myself; tucking in tags, laughing over mismatched socks) and hair (fringe checks, fluffing up flat spots from impromptu naps; musing hair only to restyle it into some semblance of put-together). Saddling up next to each other, shoulder to shoulder or maybe the entire line of their bodies. Resting their heads on each other's shoulders; resting themselves bodily in the cradle of each other's chests.
Backing up to feet because LOL okay because games of footsies, or simply just bumping the sides of their feet together because any thing more would be too much. ///A//// But also, shoving each other with sock-clad feet. Dick playfully kicking Jason's butt as he walks by (and Jason grabbing Dick by the ankle and making Dick hop around in retaliation hahaha). But most importantly!! Toe curls. Specifically Jason toe curls where he gets shy and just curls his bitty toes. ;U; Another most importantly, but for real this time!! Dick casually squeezing Jason's foot. Thoughtless foot rubs and the endearment that follows when Jason proves to be ticklish.
Sometimes they're just dumb. Young and wild and wanting. Crowding one another's space, nearly close enough to give each other butterfly kisses, to feel the vibrations of each others' laughter. Softer - at a distance, looking for each other in a crowd. Finding each other through an endless stream of strangers and being helpless but to smile.
Oh no, help. I've forgotten what I was writing it just became dickjay thoughts with no actual rhyme or reason. This was seriously lovely though, thank you so much, anon!! Please feel free to share your thoughts again ahhhhhhh they're the s o f t e s t and I adored every moment of reading them. ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡
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eldritch-spouse · 8 months
Thank you for answering my ask about lust monsters so detailed! I hope it didn't come off as judgemental to others who enjoy lust monsters (I just wanted to say how I enjoyed your work which is new for me).
I really like monster-loving for exploring "forbidden" topics. People who are interested in things outside what is considered "acceptable" are often mobster-ised so it makes sense that we enjoy monster loving. (Especially since monster loving has often historically been about autonomy and/or the ostracised loving and being loved)
I find your universe really interesting, especially the idea that certain more powerful monsters (I forgot what you called them, I think it started with V?) Like Krulu and Hummuna Mama exist.
It's an interesting take on our pursuit for an "all powerful" boss at the top of the proverbial pyramid. Th fact that there are those considered gods that are of the same species but not necessarily the same "pantheon". They all have different interests and goals but it isn't portrayed as a "war of evil vs good" - it's less black and white in a way that humanists them while being consistent to the fact that they're disturbingly inhuman. It creates an interesting dynamic.
There being different types of powerful monsters & monster power structures as well (the icons of the rings of hell > demons of the rings > imps, the scientifically created monsters, the clergy structure) makes a mismatch of cultures in a way that makes the world more bustling and rich. It's kind of a paganistic/pan approach that I really love!!
Real life doesn't follow a simple a > b > c pipeline and is more messy so the wonder/wildness in your stories that allow escapism and exploration of weird ideas/topics isn't overshadowed by a sense of being lost in the senseless madness that's trying too hard to be mad. (Idk if that makes sense)
Stories often use "rules" and "laws" within the world (sort of a "okay, this ridiculous thing can happen because of this explanation behind it, but because of that this other can never happen because that would be ridiculous"). And I love how different writers approach it but sometimes it can be restricting and easy to forget there are always exceptions to the rules. It can be daunting.
Are there any aspects of your world that you feel exceptionally proud of? Or any that you put a different line of thought behind? I always like hearing about the thought process of authors who write monsters & fantasy
[Once more, most of it under the read more.]
I don't really dwell on the "why"s of monsterfucking. There's always some level of psychology behind it -And I know this sounds ridiculous, but you could make a pretty interesting sociological study about certain aspects of this philia- Everyone has their own reasons as to why they developed this, and I don't really take "pride" in it in the sense that I feel special for being a monsterfucker or that I revel in my own perceived "otherness".
This kink is for those who fit in and those who do not, which makes it a little weird when I see one or two rare instances of people making a weird sort of gaslight gatekeep girlboss situation out of it. Again, it's not too often I find this.
The monster species you're talking about are "siadar" (the longer designation being "astsar siadar"). It's hard for me to create all-powerful figures. For an all powerful character to succeed, they need to be used very carefully and scarcely, because the more of them you expose, the more you risk showing flaws in their design and supposed omnipotence. That's why I made it a point to not do that. Siadar are considered gods, but in reality they're just another species, with their own defined natures.
I leave a lot of loose and undefined ends in this narrative on purpose, and this is so that I can always pick and pluck at new sides and aspects of what I've already built, effectively never running out of potential content to explore. I can one day start chipping at siadar culture harder. I can go into the period of time where Hell was governed by the betrayer (which I intend to do something with, something that is already beginning but you can't tell yet). I can poke at all kinds of things.
I don't think the rules I've made thus far are restricting, but let's be honest, I'm leaving a lot of things vague on purpose specifically to allow myself a looser leash when creating pieces.
I wouldn't really say there's something I'm particularly proud of, so to say?
I liked incorporating the idea of Heaven and Hell not as "black and white" systems of "good and evil". Heaven is not a place where you go to when you die and have been good, nor is Hell a place you get dragged into post-death because you were a piece of shit in life. They're their own areas with a lot of history behind them, the general perception of which having been distorted somewhat with time, both by outsiders and insiders.
I like the way I've built religions in this universe, even if it would take me a long while to explain how each annex to "the surface" is perceived and why that's the case.
In fact, I like the origin behind monsters I concocted too, even if it's not exactly the most original.
Dorem's relationship with undead is also something I enjoyed thinking out, because most people assume a figure like him would revel in the chaos undead entities make, when Dorem is only a soulkeeper being constantly worn down by the shackles of his own work, constantly faced with what he perceives as his mistakes- Who, as the final nail in the coffin of his dignity, worship him as if he intentionally created them.
I like a lot of things about my narrative, but I'm not going to sit here and write paragraphs of what essentially amounts to petting my own ass.
The input was nice though! :v
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steveharrington · 1 year
What is your secret good stranger things that lives in your head? I love the show but even I feel like they have struggled the last few seasons with what to do with some of the characters
honestly the secret good version is just....the characters caring about each other consistently. i think the reason i was so disappointed with s4 is because when i initially saw the groupings of characters, esp the hawkins group, i was like oh my god we are gonna get SUCH good interactions! like the potential was THERE!! notoriously protective older brother jonathan with his brand new sibling el......robin and max, two girls who most definitely write on their shoes in sharpie and roll their eyes at steve.......max post-billy's death with steve who always acted more like a brother to her.....nancy with dustin and lucas who she used to play DND with when they were younger and who she views as extensions of her family......and while yes there were brief moments between all of these duos/trios, most of them were so insanely bare bones that i feel like no matter which characters you like, you were probably left disappointed. i just want ST to acknowledge that this group of people is bound together forever now, all of them, and the way they act when they're in a group should reflect that. they did a great job with the graveyard/running up that hill scene because lucas (max's boyfriend) dustin (max's friend) and steve (max's kinda sorta older brother figure when shit starts to go downhill) were all equally distressed and worried about her. we need that energy throughout the show!!!
steve and dustin's dynamic was such a resounding success because it's very sweet at its core and it makes sense. s2 steve previously helped out in battling the demogorgon, showed up at the hospital and presumably received an explanation about the UD and its various creatures, and saw dustin henderson there. so when he's accosted by this kid and called upon to contribute his strength and weaponry once again, it makes total sense that steve goes along with it because he's like oh shit this kid was involved in the same mess that i was, we are 2 of only like 10 people who know about the creatures, i gotta help him and make sure he's safe. it's like a brilliant way to show that the older characters are forever going to feel responsible for the younger ones, and that the younger ones are forever going to feel safe around the older ones. THATS WHAT THE SHOW SHOULD ALL BE ABOUT BABY!!! MISMATCHED GROUP OF ADULTS TEENS AND KIDS BOUND FOREVER BY THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THEIR FIRST UNFORTUNATE MEETING WHO WILL NOW PROTECT AND CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER UNTIL DEATH!!!!
but the duffers think the most important relationships are romantic so. we're doomed.
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veraynes-blog · 11 months
Missy/Twelve for the ask meme? 👀
Ooh okay. Haven't done much content for Twelve/Missy but I really like them as a pairing.
Who’s the cuddler?
They're both really awful at it, honestly. 😬 Twelve ultimately doesn't like to be touched, though I think he makes occasional exceptions when emotional needs can be met through touch. Missy doesn't have the same reservations, but she does have her pride, and he's rejected her often enough that lowering her guard would be difficult.
Who makes the bed?
Missy, when she can be bothered, and when she's decided she's performing femininity today. Sometimes she likes everything to look just so, and that means an elaborate overhaul of their living space.
Who wakes up first?
Missy. I imagine she has a slightly better sleep schedule than Simm, but would still get bored and restless lying down for very long.
Who has the weird taste in music?
I actually think they have pretty similar tastes. We know they both like classical, although Missy seems to lean towards piano music whereas Twelve likes the more powerful stuff. And they both have a weakness for catchy pop still, whether that's Hey Missy or Pretty Woman. Mostly the only disagreements are on whether Twelve's electric guitar cover of Beethoven's 5th constitutes 'music'.
Who is more protective?
Twelve, but in a weird way. He's not Ten, he's not lying to himself. He knows full well the Master is a terrible person, that they've committed atrocities, that they're dangerous to anyone around them. But also he's selfish, and he loves her, and he wouldn't let anyone (beyond himself) truly punish her for those crimes. We literally see it play out in canon, that he'd rather put her in a box to keep her safe and with him, as well as keep her isolated from everyone else.
Who sings in the shower?
Missy, again for the Master's love of music and self-expression.
Who cries during movies?
Missy does the whole performative dabbing of eyes where she thinks normal people would cry. Usually followed by some terribly inappropriate or cutting commentary on why that tragedy was pretty funny, actually.
Who spends the most while out shopping?
Missy. Just because someone decided they were only going to dress in secondhand hoodies and mismatched pants doesn't mean she gave up her standards, thank you very much.
Who kisses more roughly?
Again, I'm conscious of Twelve's aversion, or particular preferences, around touch. Don't get me wrong, I think they have a sexual relationship, but that there's some different physical boundaries in place. I don't think they kiss very much as part of that relationship, or if they do it's the more delicate, careful type of kissing we saw him share with her.
(That said, Missy took her opportunity when they first met, so I guess Missy!)
Who is more dominant?
Okay, in a purely sexual dynamic, of course Missy. Like, give her half an opportunity and she's got a crop in one hand, restraints in the other, and a head full of ideas on how exactly she's going to break his composure.
In their relationship? Twelve. I actually think Missy makes a very purposeful choice to present herself as more submissive in this regeneration, because for whatever reason she believes that will gain the Doctor's approval enough to repair their friendship. (Side note: by 'submissive' I definitely don't mean nice or calm or even non-threatening, just that she's willing to bend to his will.) Twelve, meanwhile, rises to the challenge and fully controls the narrative of their relationship. I don't know if he fully realises how much of that power she handed him, but he's not above using it.
My rating of the ship from 1-10.
"She was my mancrush" out of 10. 💕
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neonlazycat · 2 months
I think about your Solar design a lot 🥺 Him being blue looks so nice and makes so much sense augh, it's so good
And all your designs look so snazzy!! They've got the coolest clothes and shit even when it's patched together or mismatched like Jack's XD
What do you use to colour your art actually? It looks like alcohol markers but idk if there's a specific brand you use. But it looks really nice, makes me wanna use my copics more
First of all thank you so much for the compliment 💙⭐️💙⭐️💙 I'm glad you enjoy my art
I love fashion and just putting characters in funky clothes is very fun to me ✨️ I try to aim for dynamic shapes and distinctive features or patterns that fit the character (like solar I fill him with stars and his main aesthetic in my mind is star y2k and streetwear+racing jackets)
As for markers they're alcohol markers yes but they're some type of off brand copics or sumn they're not ohuhu either . I just go around in stores and buy a mix of brands but they're fine to me .
And I use a lot of white /gold / silver /pink gel pens (Sakura) to touch up stuff and make some details . The gel pens are a saviour ✨️I highly recommend .
And yes you should absolutely start drawing on paper it's very refreshing, since I've had a hard time picking up my drawing tablet and working digitally so I've switched to traditional for now. to get back into the stream of stuff 🌙 it really really helps 🩷🎀
Hope this was useful ✨️⭐️have fun
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
How do we weed out clowns on hinge who are “figuring out their dating goals”, ask women out on dates and then expect them to split the check. They don’t even offer to cover. Like why do they think this is acceptable when they asked the woman out on a date. It’s pissing me off so badly. I think these men are just lonely and want someone to eat with, like a FRIEND. But they ask under the guise of dating. Which is just dishonest. Add to this the whole “I don’t need a man to pay for my meals” / “I’m independent” narrative and that’s why they feel they need to put the least amount of effort. I really wish I had your advice / insight on this because I’m not here to be a substitute for a male friend.
Hi love! Honestly, if someone has "figuring out their dating goals" on their profile, they're being honest with they're asking you to walk into an uncertain situation from the get-go. While I do think this is immature and MOST DEFINITELY a problem of them substituting "dates" with women for friendships (I really recommend reading Melanie Hamlett's article on this topic), from your side of the situation, it is an issue of incompatibility rather than shifting societal expectations.
If you're exclusively seeking out a man who wants a committed relationship and many of the traditional aspects of that courting process, you should only be going out on dates with men who feel the same way. Otherwise, regardless of who ends up paying (because I'm a silently raging feminist living under the patriarchy, I still think with the inequities between the genders, in a heterosexual dynamic, men should still pay on the first date to acknowledge that we quite literally risk our safety to meet them), you're setting yourself up for a situation where you're meeting someone with mismatched intentions. Enough men play women without our prior knowledge (or even consent if we're being honest), so let's not also play ourselves by idealizing a fantasy man or even the notion that active dating is a virtue (it's morally neutral) under any circumstances.
As a disclaimer: I'm not a relationship-oriented kind of woman, but I do think if that's what you want, you absolutely should go for it and not settle for any reason.
Hope this helps xx
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Do you plan on ever writing something for Alwill? :)
I don't necessarily plan to, but I'm open to the idea if inspiration strikes. I can almost guarantee it would be painfully angsty if I did though. They're so tempting to torture. 😅 Even setting aside the incest-y elements (I'm on team "yes they are brothers in canon but they also met late enough in life that if you tweak their dynamic juuuuust slightly they could be more childhood friends to lovers who happened to live in the same house") they're just so ripe for pain. Albert worships William, and would eagerly follow him to death with a kind of religious fervor. William is secretly starving to be seen and acknowledged as human, and only wants those he loves to live. There's always this inherent mismatch to their desires and emotions and goals that just begs to be made into very painful fic.
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
So objectively in fnf, that ship would Silco be happier in? Melco or Sevilco?
Lmao, tbh, I find objectivity rarely works in ships (or real relationships). People gonna like who they like. I also personally think a character like Silco has left happiness in the romantic sense far behind - the closest he comes to joy is through Zaun's evolution, and greater still, through Jinx, who teaches him the meaning of selfless love and self-sacrifice<3
Re: the ships, however...
tw: unhealthy dynamics and conflict
Mel and Silco come from two diametrically opposite worlds. A lot of their inbuilt traumas will also trigger the other (Silco reminding Mel of her mother at his worst; Mel reminding Silco of Piltover's hubris at her haughtiest). They could either inspire each other to be wiser and more merciful people - or they could absolutely tear each other down. In a relationship, they'd likely have clashes of opinion. Often.
At their pettiest, they'd play mindgames, paired with cold war tactics. Worst case? He'd reduce her poise to tears. She'd mutate his control into ragefrothing.
More positively, in softer moments, she'd be a stable guiding light and good source of counsel, since she understands the burdens of leadership. In turn, he'd demonstrate how ruthlessness means protecting those closest to you by keeping them at your side, not banishing them because they 'weaken' you. She'd value the devotion, and they'd be a force to reckon with in a political arena.
As per my own headcanon, they'd be compatible but a little mismatched in the bedroom. Mel is more into the delicacy and artistry of lovemaking. Silco is more about control games and unraveling his paramours. His drive is also higher than hers, which would make her feel a little off-balance from time to time. Plus side: they'd, er, bone up each other's techniques and expand their repertoires to please one another :)
Sevika and Silco have a completely different dynamic. For one, they're from the same background and share a history. She also has more context for certain behaviors of his, and vice versa, since she's either witnessed or experienced them herself. Then there's the shared goal of Zaun, which is why they're even working side-by-side. To achieve it, they'd grit their teeth and put up with alot.
It's about the end, not the means.
Unlike Melco, there'd be plenty of day-to-day bickering. But a full knock-down drag-out fight would be a rarity. They also don stone-cold professional personas in public, and are good at compartmentalizing, which makes them less prone to overstep boundaries. Sentiment is kept in check, unless it's an emergency.
Bedroom-wise, Sevika can take and dish out his brand of violence with equal relish. He may find her a bit too rough around the edges and downright uncouth sometimes. But since they share a socioeconomic background, he'll shrug it off, and she'll occasionally mock him for being hoity-toity. They also share an enjoyment for unmitigated nastiness in all its forms. Their kinks are well-aligned.
tl;dr re: Melco vs Sevilco - happiness is in the eye of the shipper.
Or Jinx - who would detest both women for different reasons, if they were ever in a relationship with her Papa XD
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lookingfts · 12 days
hello!!! do you already watch the bridgerton 4 episodes??? what are your thoughts on polin??? did you like it or not??? only if you want to answer of course, i will totally understand if you prefer not to
I have! I watched all four episodes on the day they aired. I did a short version of my thoughts on the season, but I'll do a bit of a deeper dive here. (Some spoilers below)
To set the stage: I had no real expectations for Polin. I've never read any of the books, and I didn't find myself particularly drawn to them in S1 and S2. So I figured I would watch the season, and if I didn't fall in love with them, that's fine - there are eight love stories, and people will feel different levels of investment in all of them. And if I did enjoy it, then I would be happy with that too! I try to go into everything with a mindset of hoping to enjoy it - otherwise, I wouldn't watch it. I simply don't hate watch things, I don't have time.
I'll probably need a rewatch to catch more moments that I've missed, but my initial thoughts are: I'm rooting for Polin! One of my issues throughout the last two seasons was that the show didn't give us enough of their friendship dynamic. It told us that they were friends, but we didn't see them spend much time together. I felt more like they had been friends growing up, and she was clinging to that while he had started to move on to a new phase of his life. I never got the feeling that they were friends in the present, or understood what particularly they were drawn to about each other.
In this season, I finally saw their chemistry as friends, rather than just Pen pining after Colin and him being oblivious. As Pen's confidence grew and she focused less on Colin, their relationship felt more equal and I enjoyed watching that. I also think that some of the qualities that bothered me about Penelope in previous seasons were smoothed out in S3. She was able to stand up for herself more in her real life, and thus wasn't "hiding" behind Lady Whistledown as much. She used LW to lift up the debutantes, and in general it felt like she had taken her fight with Eloise to heart and was attempting to fix things.
(I do also love Pen and Eloise's arc this season - it feels so genuine. They both truly care about each other, but they need time to work through all the hurt.)
Colin is fun this season. I've always liked him, in previous seasons, when he was interacting with his siblings. He does show real interest in them and they can confide in him. Unfortunately, he doesn't have as fleshed out of a personality as Anthony or Benedict, and I truly don't think that Luke Newton has the same acting range as Nicola, so they're a bit mismatched in that way. Nicola is obviously very talented and she looks insanely gorgeous this season.
But for the most part, I was having fun watching their story, and I wanted them to work it out. I don't think they needed to make Colin a rake; him being less experienced would have made a nice contrast to Anthony's story, I think. I also think the pacing was off; they haven't spent much time together so far, so the ending feels fast. I think they wasted a lot of opportunities to better build up their story in previous seasons so they could have hit the ground running this season.
(Ngl I really loved Lord Debling and would have been okay with Penelope ending up with him, but I know that wasn't really the marriage she wanted, so that's fine.)
So long story short: I've warmed up to Penelope, I think Colin is still a bit generic to really get invested in him, the season as a whole has been fun, and I want them to work things out. I am looking forward to the LW drama in part 2 and seeing how they get out of that mess.
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