#they do have very similar bits tho i’ll admit
Theatre kid neurodivergency is absentmindedly singing Nobody Like U and realising halfway through you’re singing Lady Marmalade
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ryuichirou · 6 days
A bunch of shorter ones today; hopefully, I’ll post another long post this weekend 🙏
Anonymous asked:
Do not confuse this as a follow-up to a certain drama on your page ‼️
Idk tho, is it wrong to say rook being a gaslighter is kinda sexy? Like, the dark/yandere headcanons that can go with that... yummy. Like, yes please, I would like a 177cm tall guy to gaslight me into thinking I can only trust him.
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Absolutely, Anon.
Also yes, that’s the idea. We love dark themes, we love media about abusers and gaslighters, and I am pretty sure we’ve made at least a couple of posts with Rook in a similar scenario. But all of those are just headcanons. And very hot headcanons at that… He’s a hunter, and there are many ways someone can catch their prey or lure it into their trap. Wink.
Anonymous asked:
this may be a bit fluffy for your taste but i always think abt rook and epel on a date and took approaching epel with the biggest bouquet of flowers and getting on one knee to give them to epel. ofc this is in public and epel is so flustered kdnfjdsk. one day i’ll have to commission you to draw it bc i always think abt it in ur style
Anon! Even though it is fluffy, this is 100% what Rook would do… He is so extra, and for some reason whenever he and Epel are together in a story, he ends up embarrassing him one way or another by being his Rook self. I really love their dynamic. Take your flowers, Epel! Quickly, everyone is watching you >:3
If you ever decide to commission me, I would happily draw it, this is very cute! The fact that you think about it in my style is an honour <3 Hehe
Anonymous asked:
Gotta admit, there were so many ships I was unaware of before I found y'all. My mind has been opened, and that is both a blessing and a curse as now I cannot get said ships out of my head when they pop up at random times.
I'll just be eating lunch or something then BAM! Shroudcest or something pops up and I'm like "well frick gotta find art for that now."
Anyway, have a nice day/night/whatever placement of the Sun you're currently in.
Thank you so much, Anon! Super happy to hear that we were your introduction to some of the ships hehe. Especially if it’s Shroudcest; when people get interested in it, it makes me way too happy lol Good thing about these two is that there is a lot of super pretty art with them on pixiv and stuff…
I hope you are having a wonderful day too <3
Anonymous asked:
haha, now your gonna tell me idia has kinks like having a 6ft eel wee-wee inside him......
Wait a minute.
Gasp! Idia is being exposed once again…!! The collector of the best kinks!
I think the beauty of Idia is that he doesn’t necessarily think that he has these kinks, but when these situations happen to him… well, he can stay in denial for a while…
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stormyoceans · 3 months
I'm telling you, this vice versa fever is never going away, and I owe a HUGE chunk of it to you. A few thoughts I had in the past hour:
1. There isn't enough good peuntalay fics on ao3. My boys deserve so much love. I am a sucker for feelings and emotions and i think about them post vv so many times in a week it's just sad. I always welcome recs 🙌🏻
2. Jimmysea went from being almost the same height to SEA being taller than jim and this is something i stay up thinking about. There's just SOMETHING about that height difference that's so DELICIOUS, it makes my imagination run WILD (not in a sexual way, only pure thoughts here)
I will forever come to you about my random peuntalay and morkday thoughts so prepare your inbox 🤭😚
right now im just so very grateful to have you sharing this endless derangement with me tho 💜 also the fact that im even partly responsible for your vice versa fever makes me way happier than it probably should sfjksgfjsg
unfortunately i don’t have many fic recs ;;;;;; part of it is because these days i have so little free time that i usually give priority to watching shows or reading books, but i also have to admit that i am annoyingly particular when it comes to fanfiction: i need the characterization to be as similar to the one i have in my head as possible, otherwise i just can’t bring myself to fully like the story ;;;;;;;; if you checked ao3, you’ve probably already read the few recs i have, but let me share them anyway to spread some love!!!
a glitch in the universe by @morkofday
After spending almost eight months in their own universe, Puen and Talay are finally getting married. Their wedding day is supposed to be the best day of their lives, the perfect start for their forever together. But as Talay recognizes Tun in Puen's body moments before their wedding ceremony is meant to begin, it becomes obvious that the universe has very different plans for them.
home by NgumNumNom
A 3+1 fic where 3 times Puen felt lonely and didn't know what the comfort of home was vs the 1 time when his home was right beside him. Plus a bonus because we all love fluff.
husbands to be by @distant-screaming
“I just can’t wait to get married to you,” Puen's grin widens. “My husband.” (Puen and Talay plan their wedding. As usual, they don't stay on track for long.)
regretted anticipation by @distant-screaming
Puen knocks on Talay’s door. He hopes the person who opens it this time will be Talay.
they're not that many, but imho these are really good!!!!! i agree with you that we do need more tho!!!!!!
ALSO JIMMYSEA’S HEIGHT THE ULTIMATE LONG LASTING MYSTERY IN THE NOMNOM FANDOM because if we listen to them then jimmy is 180 cm while sea is 178 cm BUT I SWEAR MOST OF THE TIMES SEA DOES LOOK JUST A TINY BIT TALLER SO WHAT'S THE TRUTH!!!!!!!! either way sea really has grown a lot in the past couple of years and it makes me sooooo emotional, he was so teeny tiny back then 🥺
i actually love that they don't have such a big difference in height and build, just enough to have their characters be perfect for cheek kisses and back hugs GOD BLESS
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radiodeerr · 1 year
Having come across a text post you wrote: I challenge you to describe Renfield, Teddy, and/or Dracula without using the word silly.
truly evil. no joke if you ask my friends my most two used words to describe a character it would be silly and babygirl. i fucking love calling characters babygirl it is top tier entertainment to me
okay let’s go so renfield: he’s just a fun lil guy. if i’m being serious he’s a very complex character that i do absolutely adore and could easily talk about for hours because aaaa he’s so well written
hes an easily relatable character especially with how awkward and dorky he can be (like that’s me fr) and i seriously appreciate that <3
overall he is just my lil guy. my beloved. my lil meow meow. lil dude who likes bugs.
teddy - !!!! i love teddy a lot!!! maybe it’s because i do have a big sonic hyperfixation so finding out ben schwartz plays him along with sonic was so aaaa for me
but character wise he’s AMAZING. he’s just super adorable and soft and a bit of an idiot and that makes him absolutely perfect.
he definitely has an intense dynamic with his family which i fucking love to analyse and wish we saw more of but aaaa he’s so aaaaaa i love him guys
he’s just a lil criminal who doesn’t exactly know what he’s doing but it’s okay since he’s cute <3
alright time for dracula - i’ll be honest, i don’t have loads to say for him but he is a very very fun character
if we are specifically talking about him in renfield i fucking adore his personality (though i still love him in the 1931 version - you can tell he’s still similar but with more humour now)
like the ending scene where he goes hail satan? 10/10 comedy moment he’s so funny
he’s a very complex character too - it’s interesting to see how he is with renfield honestly, like he’s a mix of nice but can also be mean? like where he’s showing renfield his master plan you can see he does care by adding renfield onto it even just with a sticky note (but then not even letting my boy have a vacation? what a mean boss /j)
i do adore the count honestly - he’s ah interesting character!! funky lil guy
ANYWAYS there it is!! i will admit i did write silly in this a lot,,,before i reread and remembered and was like dammit :(
very confident in myself that i wouldn’t do it but well,,,i did lol!! very fun to do tho - it’s nice havinf moments of actually talking and looking a bit more into a character rather than me constantly just going ‘ha silly’
so tysm for the ask!!! very fun task anon
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kitsunefyuu · 9 months
What inspired you to write birdcage?
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Mmmm, curiosity? Desire? When I think about it I remember being super upset because there was no DFO fanfic that characterized AFO in the way I wanted him. He was either way too goofy or way too cruel to his own family. Which is fine to read but it just didn't feel... Right, so to speak?
Heck before birdcage, I wrote Isolation and Treasure Vault (And it updated edition) out of anger at reading so many AFO centric fic just being downright CRUEL and awful to Yoichi. And it not the fact he was like that, but more that was like that toward his only family member. That people write like he didn't care about his brother at all that pissed me off.
Like bruh, he could have and would have killed or tossed him aside if didn’t care. This man could not give less of a shit about people if he tried yet Yoichi is the exception. He made excuses, he conversed, he argued, and tried to convince. It clear he cares but in a twisted way and so I took the, fine I’ll do it myself approach.
That how I started writing afo centric stuff which were very much short stories. These were meant to be glimpses but I wasn’t satisfied as there was a similar issue in dad for one fanfic sometimes. Well not similar it more like it didn’t really focus on afo being his dad.
There never a source of conflict with Izuku acknowledging his dad is the worst evil. Nor an exploration of what if was aware how would they interact. What if He did care about his dad instead of just instantly hate him? What if had been spoiled and loved by his father that it causes dissonance when learns who he truly is? How do you love your dad when realize he lacks the empathy to even see things from your perspective? How do you navigate in a world that might judge you if knew who your dad is but doesn’t know you yet? How does being vaulted sheltered from the world effect someone growing up?
As well as AFO perspective on it. How does a man like him justify his own behavior? How does he see the world?
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I will admit there is some self-indulgence when comes to birdcage in that every time AFO spoils Izuku it is my way of trying to soften the poor kids situation. I don't actually want him miserable, neither does AFO tho he worst at handling it and there something comforting in knowing if anything goes wrong your parent would do anything to keep you safe. It just also scary knowing he could end up going too far.
It also a slight comfort as I had issues with an over protective parent who ended up basically crippling me a bit as a person. How they were unaware and unwilling to be flexible to help the child that they believe won't leave them anyway, it wasn't on purpose but a subtle thing they did. This led to me needing to do something a bit extreme so I could find that way to independence.
This story is also a way to explore the feeling of resentment for your insecurities that your parent pushed onto you but also love for your parent knowing they truly do care. What if the parent actually gave you the tools you needed? How do you still find that independence?
So I hope everyone who reads enjoys the story. It is in a sense a coming of age story for Izuku, thus why his connection to his friends, goals and with his own father is all important. And I'm glad I committed to this story.
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abellaheart-blog · 2 years
Ooh Abella this looks fun! Guess I'm finally giving in and trying the online dating thing 😂
1. I'd love dates with someone from Yu-Gi-Oh (Duel Monsters) and sailor moon please!
2. I like both men and women, though for full transparency in my answers, I will admit I have a preference for men 💖
3. Picrew:
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4. I'm a Virgo (though Leo is strong in my chart) ♍♌
5. Hm, for sailor moon, I'd prefer to not be paired with Usagi. And for Yu-Gi-Oh, you know me, please don't set me up on a date with Kaiba, there will be hands thrown if that happens XD
6. For Men: I typically like "soft" looks. Tall/burly men often make me feel uncomfortable, so a shorter build would be nice (weight doesn't matter, it's mostly height that gets to me). And I know it sounds weird but…I actually like it when a man has some "fem" looks to him?? Like men with long hair make me foam at the mouth lol other than that, dark (or red!) hair that’s curly/wavy is extremely attractive to me. Overall tho, I really like a cute, nerdy look.
Women: honestly with women, they're so beautiful that I don't care if they're more fem, more masc, or anything in between. Though again I find dark or red curly hair very nice. A cute smile is a bonus, and a nice voice would make me swoon hard 💕
7. I love sweet, gentle personalities in both men and women. They don't necessarily have to be bubbly, I just love gentle hearts ❤️ also intelligence is a big thing, I love having nice, long conversations with people and I might get bored with someone who doesn’t like to talk. Having a bit of an adventurous side would also be nice, that way we can go do new things together sometimes!
8. Both men and women: Loyalty, compassion, a sense of humor would be nice, and sharing similar geeky interests.
9. Oh nicknames? Uh, honey, sweetheart, my love, all those are fine. The only nicknames I hate are infantilizing ones like baby girl.
For the aesthetic board
1. Disney for the other theme (hocus pocus to keep it halloween themed)
2 . Chocolates are always a good present!
3 . Blue and purple 💙💜
4 . Lilies!
5 . Chocolate and caramel cookies, and Dr pepper.
Thanks so much Bella! I hope you're not getting too over run with these, if so make sure to take a break, and close the request if you need too! Love ya 💖
Awe I’m so happy you sent yours in! Lol guess you are trying online dating after all 🤣 I did take a break with these, definitely do thank you. Sorry about the wait. Been busy and my mom got covid 😷 she’s better now.
Halloween Café Blind Double Dates 💜🎃 Anime Online Date Matchups
I’ll be sure to get all the matchups done as soon as I can. Thanks for the patience everyone.
“Good evening I do hope you enjoyed yourself at the Hocus Pocus café. It looks as though your dates also enjoyed themselves especially the king of games.”
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“I must admit how lucky you are. Your dates are cuties. It’s up to you who you choose.”
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Matchup Applicants:
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Name: Atem
Gender: Male
Description: Noble, serious, friendly, honest, loyal, geeky, loves games, intelligent
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: Short, slightly muscular, red eyes, red hair, spiky hair, multi colored hair, sharp eyes
Occupation: Duelist, King of games, Pharaoh
Zodiac: Leo
Dating Survey Results: Compatibility 90%
Communication 💌 100%
Emotions 💗 94%
Similar Values 🏡 100%
Passion 💘 100%
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Name:  Hotaru Tomoe, Sailor Saturn
Gender: Female
Description: Shy, Introverted, kind hearted, gentle, intelligent, light hearted, loyal, loving
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance: Short, petite, bob haircut, black hair, long lashes, rosey cheeks
Occupation: Student, Sailor Scout
Zodiac: Capricorn
Dating Survey Results: Compatibility 93%
Communication 💌 100%
Emotions 💗 87%
Similar Values 🏡 100%
Passion 💘 100%
Love Meter 💗💓
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Hotaru Tomoe
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Zodiac 💫💖
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Hotaru Tomoe
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Dating Results 💖
Percentages Matches: 0-25%= Bad Match, 26-50%= Poor Match, 60-70%= Decent Match, 70-80%= Good Match, 80-90%= Excellent Match, 90-100%= Perfect Match
1. Atem:
Survey Results: Perfect Match 90%
Love Meter: True Love 92%
Zodiacs: Virgo + Leo Compatibility 53%
Over all Results: 90% Perfect Match
2. Hotaru Tomoe:
Survey Results: Perfect Match 93%
Love Meter: True Love 96%
Zodiacs: Virgo + Capricorn Compatibility 93%
Over all Results: 98% Perfect Match
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bamcosplay · 10 months
Watching the Ladybug & Cat Noir Movie
Also I know it’s supposed to be an AU right?? But I have very mixed feelings about it
Tom looks strange with smaller eyes lol
Chloe is sooo pretty!
Yeah …I’m really not feeling the musical bits 😅
At least Adrien’s singing voice sounds similar…Marinette’s is so damn different I can’t 🥲🥲🥲
The umbrella scene is UNMATCHED so the way they met in the library was just meh to me
The yo-yo has a mind of its own??
Actually enjoyed their banter when they first met as superheroes!
It annoys me that Master Fu said Ladybug and Hawkmoth before they even introduced themselves like how would he know that??
Introducing Plagg with farts 🙄
Wait Adrien didn’t even do anything to get the miraculous tho
Natalie “heading home”??? Excuse me
Honestly I like Gabriel’s appearance
But Hawkmoth looks goofy as fuck in his outfit while singing a solo
I cackled when he was in his suit calling Adrien on the phone
The mime and the magician as villains were random af
Marinette do you really have time to do another solo while shit is happening around you
Luka in the background 🥲
When they were sparring and Cat Noir pressed her against the wall 😳😳😳 that chemistry was PALPABLE
Alright I’ll admit it, their duet was beautiful
Dayum Gabriel looks like shit
Wow Adrien actually spoke up to his dad?! This early?!
they don’t give us enough room to breathe before another song comes on
The ending seemed rushed idk
There wasn’t enough Adrienette imo
But it was nice that Marinette wasn’t constantly stuttering…
I’m super happy there was a reveal…but I don’t like the way they did it lmao
It was really hard for me to not compare this to the show tbh. Overall it was decent, I enjoyed it, but I feel like anyone watching this without seeing the show would be confused 🤷🏻‍♀️ All this aside the animation style was gorgeous! HOWEVER I’m biased toward the original series 🫶
What did everyone else think??
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weirdlyfitting · 11 months
Alright we’re 3 eps in and i had my thots on secret invasion so far (spoiler alert for the new ep tho)
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I think i have to rewatch the whole stuff (from ep 1) all over again???? i feel a bit weird with nick fury in here ngl, since the first ep he looked so “out of character”. maria was right like he’d be hundreds step ahead from his enemies, he’s that guy who always knew what to do when the situation is hopeless or really tight, but he’s not that guy anymore. and i mean these are all understandable because the whole blip ptsd effect thingy.
He’s not ready but it seems that he felt like he is in which made himself lying about it, it’s the whole “action speaks louder than words”. Maria noticed this fortunately and that’s why we got the heart to heart talk between them, BUT unfortunately fury was “too late” and resulting maria being dead. ps : i hate gravik so fucking much in that scene it gave me abby from tlou vibes lmao
then came ep 2 where fury continues to lost and lost so much more, not only he lost maria but also talos and rhodey (even if rhodey would later get proven as a skrull still i feel like it’s going to be just the same as our rhodes? like that’s what he’d say too but idk), anyway yeah he lost literally 3 dear friends and the only allies he had so far, oh carol??? where the fuck is she huh?? but by looking at shang chi’s post credit scene?? and nick said it himself it’s HIS war so....yeah i don’t think she’ll be able to help him atm but hey who knows. So thing is nick is all alone, and yes it is truly heartbreaking to see this man kept on loosing trust and even getting fired like tf 😭😭😭😭😭
anyway in the end of the ep he went into his-surpriseeee-wife and yep i was shocked lmao but i must admit the dancing scene is not my favorite, i think it kinda killed the whole episode? this is similar to the farmhouse scene when it’s revealed that clint already had a wife and family tho lmao, but comparing to this it’s FELT SO DIFFERENT. The way nick was so chill and happy is.....weird....
it’s like as if the horrible stuff that happened to him just...didn’t happen at all. and it made me feel “itchy”, until in ep 3 there is a heart to heart talk on how disappointed his wife has been when nick disappeared tho. I’m glad that it doesn’t feel like it’s EVERYTHING IS FINE.
THENNN, comes talos in ep 3, when he attacked gravik with the frickin knife like right in the hand til it bleeds?? this made me genuinely disappointed with nick’s character treatment because goddamnit that scene alone made me care so much more to talos than nick himself 😭
what i meant is that this is a nick fury centered story, talos is more of a second lead but he’s the one that stole the show for me so far and this is not good arrghsgdhsgd
But because this is still a halfway through the whole series i feel like nick is already planned some things out it’s just the result isn’t happening now. This is also prob had to do with the slow burn pacing which i’m not very into for a story. In the end i’ll still watch it tho but yeah
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solis3clipse · 2 years
well now I’m super curious about your ranking!! everyone’s opinions are so different but Dylan being both of our faves is pure taste 😌🤌🏼 also i love reading your tags hehe 💖
OHHHH MY you read my tags!! 🥺 <333 ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I’m so excited to talk to you about this :D I genuinely enjoyed reading through your reviews of the characters and it was so so fun hearing about your perspective and opinions, much much love.
Let’s go :D
11. Chris Hackett
• I’ll be forever mad at the fact that all of this would be avoided if he just talked to the counselors. Which ultimately brings me to the Controversial Hill Of An Opinion that I will DIE on: The fact that all of this happened is Chris’ fault, not Jacob’s. Considering that Jacob ruined the van with a more of an innocent intention to stay just another night, while Chris refused to give them an explanation that made sense and recklessly took off, thinking bunch of teens alone in a camp would actually take his advice and stay in. LOL
10. Abigail
• I can find at least 3 vague similarities between us, but I don’t like how the creators overdid the “socially awkward quirky” personality of hers in the game. The way she struggles to choose someone to dare in the game for 3 minutes, never takes compliments, and is sliiightly a coward ticks all my instant dislike checkboxes. However, I seem to LOVE the way she’s portrayed in fics! So much sweeter, bold and fun.
9. Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn’s a badass and i still like her a lot, but i’m afraid to admit that the love i have for her stemmed from her and Dylan’s friendship sequences where she’s being genuine. I just don’t get along with people who speak and act with massive sarcastic undertones at all times, therefore i feel like she often outdoes the facade she constantly plays of “The Boss Of The Group” which makes her less authentic for me. I often can’t take her seriously even though she’s supposed to be a fan favorite. Other than that, love her bravery, courage and protectiveness.
8. Laura
Honestly I don’t have strong opinions about her other than how badly she handles situations that would undoubtedly bring her towards ultimate doom. Like how she goes to investigate a forest after potentially running into (and over) a strange scary looking blob of a body and how she insists that someone in that basement needed help without staying for a second to look further or listen closely. Plot armor, i get it, but still! She’s a sweetie otherwise tho.
7. Emma
Very iconic, very relatable (especially referring to her interpretation of “faking it”, i feel like that whole conversation gave her so much more depth.), i just do not feel comfortable at all with how ruthless she gets with people. I understand being annoyed with Jacob, but the lines she throws at him for someone who’s just a softie that’s hung up on her are worryingly mean; I also don’t think she kissed Nick in order to “help him and abi out” but, eh. Love her apart from all that.
6. Jacob
He’s a dumbass. I believe he is quite literally THAT childish and silly, also almost the one that never had vile intentions and spent the entire game trying to save his friends (Abi, Emma) before he got caught with wolfie nick. I know if only he’d known this would have happened, he’d drop the idea and think of other alternatives to bother Emma, bahaha
5. Nick
My man dies when he’s supposed to die in-game. There is no more Nick after he turns into a werewolf, which is a pity, considering that there was quite a bit to unpack. Starting from his australian accent.
haha, now we beuuuurnnnnn….
4. Ryan
Don’t like how bland and dry he gets at times. Yes, i’m talking about the man that answers back with “smOoOoOth” to Dylan’s pick-up lines TWICE. LMAO. I’m also forever bitter about the fact that he tells Laura that he doesn’t really like Kaitlyn or Dylan more while being clearly interested, what was that about??
Man, i still love this boy, but does he make me mad from time to time😭 Obviously he holds a special place in my heart, but I wish he’d been more gentle with Dylan. I suppose we’re asking for too much here
3. Travis
Poor man is just trying his best. I might be just a TINY bit biased because of Ted Raimi’s BAFFLING performance, but i think Travis is just iconic, start to finish.
2. Max
One of the funniest characters hands down. I admire how patient and respectful he is to Laura throughout the game, he’s genuinely funny and cares for her a whole lot; doesn’t give up easily and doesn’t guilt trip her once for the mess they got into. Idk i adore him.
Love love love LOVE love LOVE HIM. Funny and charismatic, easy to get along with, friendly with a bit of sass and FIERCELY protective of his friends (just observe the amount of times he puts himself in front of Kaitlyn to protect her). Doesn’t bother anyone with whatever he’s dealing with, has interesting hobbies and is absolutely wiser than he seems at first glance. Honestly i can’t find one thing wrong with him; I’ll go as far as to say that he’s one of the best written characters in Videogame history to me. Very good boy.
Thank you so much for the ask :D Hope you enjoyed this enormous analysis haha <3
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
God Im pretty sure I’m going to hell ANYWAYS ok so this is a hybrid cat shigaraki, u end up adopting shigaraki from a very abuses owner so our little kitten is traumatized and terrified of everything, it took u a bit of time until he was comfortable with u , he doesn’t trust u in the beginning and thinks ur gonna do the same as his previous owner did but ur different u were so patient, sweet and soft not to mention he LOVED getting head pets from u ( he would never admit it tho) once shigaraki found out that he was in love with u he was stuck to ur hip ( he was super clingy) shigaraki’s heat was closer then expected, shigaraki didn’t want to ruin his chances with u but he couldn’t stop himself from humping everything so he hid in his room , you absolutely loved shigaraki since the day u saw him u knew u wanted him, when u first met him he scratched and hissed at u he was terrified, it honestly made u sick knowing the person who did this to him is still alive, u both got much closer he even started cuddling with u!!!! U soon fell in love with shiggy but u didn’t want to ruin what u guys have so u kept it to ur self , u noticed shigaraki was acting weird and hid in his room for two days at first u thought u might give him some space but u started getting worried u wanted to check on him before u came in u heard some little moans and whines, it just hit u that ur little kitten has there heat, u decided to help out 👀
Kinks pet-play of course dom reader and sub shigaraki maybe some pegging that’s all I can think of so feel free to add any kinks. I was listening to hello kitty by Avril Lavigne there was part where she says “ come come kitty kitty your so pretty pretty” that was inspired me to write this lmaooo 
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If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q.
Master List
Samesies, but it's ok, we’ll go to hell together 😫
Now you might be wondering, Claire, why did this take you literal MONTHS? Well, I wanted to perfect it. I love this concept so much that I just HAD to spend so much time on it to make it perfect. And let me just say, it's pretty good 😏
Warnings: vaginal sex, overstimulation (male), anal sex with strapon, heat, pillow humping, marking mating, whatever you want to call it.
I've decided I'm obsessed with making cat shiggy meow ☺️
‘Where the fuck am I?’ Is shigaraki’s first thought of the day.
He’s never been on a bed this soft or a house this warm. Where is he? The blankets are all fuzz. The bed is littered with stuffed animals and pillows, and sweet-smelling candles, are burning somewhere. Is he being sacrificed?
“Hey, you're awake, ” a soft voice says, coming from the end of the bed.
He recoils in fear but, upon second glance, he sees that you aren't who he thinks you are. A girl replaces the scary form of his “master.” he looks you up and down. He has to admit you are quite pretty. The sight of someone other than the large man who used to own him excites him. Maybe this is a fresh start? But perhaps you're just like him...
“Get the fuck away from me, ” he snaps, scrambling into a corner.
“It's okay, sweetie, ” you say, “I'm not gonna hurt you, ”
“Everyone says that, meow ” Shigaraki retorts, “get the fuck away before I scratch your eyes out, ”
You bite your lip, “ok, Tomura, I'm gonna sit with you for a while, though. I'll be right across the room if you need anything, ”
“I don't need shit from you, ” he says, hissing making a show of his claws.
You laughed a little, more than a bit sad at his fear, “alright, but I’ll still be here, ”
He sits in silence for a moment, surveying his surroundings. He notices fresh clothes in the dresser, and there are some game consoles set up for him. How do you know he likes video games? Fucking creep. There aren't really any escape routes but escaping is complicated when he doesn't know where he is.
“Where am I meow?” he asks, sounding meeker than intended.
“I guess I kind of adopted you, ” you explain, “we’re at our house, ”
“Why did you do that?” he asks, the edge coming back to his voice.
“You just seemed so sweet, and the man who owned you was so mean. I couldn't just leave you there; he was hurting you, ” you say, frowning a little at the thought of Tomura getting hurt.
"Why do you care?" he snaps.
You sit closer to him, making him tense.
"I already told you, I think you're sweet Tomura," you repeat, "I just can't explain it. I'd really like it if we could become friends,"
'Or maybe more,' you think to yourself.
You can't deny he is very attractive.
"How do I know you're not lying meow?" He asks.
"I think you'll just have to trust me. Do you want to play some games with me?" you ask.
"Fine," he says, "only cause I'm bored,"
You grin, "awesome. What should we play?"
Shigaraki stands up and walks over to the games, tail swaying.
"This," he says, holding up animal crossing, "you probably like it cause it's dumb. What's your name anyway?" he asks.
"I'm y/n," you answer.
"I guess your names not awful, meow”, he mutters.
Truthfully, he already thinks you're beautiful, and you seem so kind. Shigaraki sits unusually close to you on the bed as the two of you play. You play late into the night; he makes a good bit of progress. Eventually, you feel his head rest on your shoulder, and he falls asleep on you.
You ease Tomura into your lap.
"There we go," you whisper, "you're safe now,"
Little did you know he's wide awake, smiling to himself and nuzzling his head closer to you. The sound of soft purring fills your ears as he drifts off into the most peaceful sleep.
He's pretty disgruntled when he wakes up alone. Where have you gone? Shigaraki doesn't have to wonder for long when you come back with a plate of food.
"Hey, are you hungry?" you ask, setting a plate of food on the table next to him.
He nods, digging in right away. You watch him eat like a man starved. Honestly, he might have been. He puts the plate down and moves closer to you. He's beginning to trust you more and more.
"Tomura, ” you say, “I have to put a collar on you now, just in case you get lost, ok?” you push some hair out of his face, “id be so sad if I lost you, ”
“fine, meow” he mumbles.
Truthfully his heart is melting at the thought. That you aren’t embarrassed by him, that you want to keep him safe and close to you. When you click the collar into place he hugs you, tugging at your shirt.
It’s shocking how fast he’s becoming comfortable with you but definitely pleasing. The next few days are calm, spent lounging around the house. He‘s getting so trusting with you. He occasionally pushes his head beneath your hand so you scratch his head. He always denies it, though; he has a tough-guy exterior to keep up.
However, something changes within him. He feels a strange warmth, not a necessarily bad feeling, around you. Tomura knows what cats were supposed to do. They are supposed to cuddle and play with their owners. Should he be doing that? Should he act like a “normal cat”? He concludes that you don’t want that at all. The lack of cat toys, a cat tree, and you allowing him to eat at the table solidify that.
However, he does want to cuddle. He tries to cuddle like all the time. But you have work, and you get tired, and you run errands, and he becomes sad. Tomura knows you have a life outside of him, but you really shouldn't. He should be your only priority. When Christmas break finally rolls around, and you start spending more time at the house, he's elated.
He has internet access, of course. He needs it to play his video games! But it was restricted. You don’t want your little kitty to see things he’s not supposed to. He starts to like watching movies too. At first, they‘re action movies with lots of blood and fighting, which you don’t necessarily agree with, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. He slowly gets bored with them and stumbles across a romance movie.
Tomura becomes engrossed in them. He loves watching the couple fall in love and be happy. One movie, in particular, weirds him out. It looks like they were taking off their clothes. They start kissing and making strange noises. He doesn't like it one bit, it makes his cheeks feel hot, and his cock gets semi-hard. He turns it off immediately.
It doesn’t take long for him to forget about it and keep watching different ones. Soon he finds some similarities between him and the main character. The way they feels around their love interest is the same way he feels around you. Is he in love with you?! It seems so and you have just recently come to the same conclusion as him.
Soon he’s all over you, following you everywhere. Tomura pushes open your door every night and snuggling up to you. He’ll purr and nuzzle into you, happy sighs escaping him. Whenever he “accidentally” wakes you up, you never get mad at him. You just cuddle him and talk all night, giggling and talking until you both fall asleep.
Oddly enough, you‘re oblivious to his feelings for you. Whenever he cuddles with you, you hold back the urge to kiss him on the lips. You don’t want him to feel awkward around you. Soon he starts acting strange without any change in behavior from you. He stops coming in your room at night and wont come out of his room.
You don't want to be overbearing, so you give him space...for a while. Meanwhile, in his room, Tomura is lying naked on the bed, panting and sweating. He feels strange, just like he did when he was watching that movie. He doesn't understand what‘s happening to his body but when he humps his pillow it feels like an itch is being scratched. The first time he cums he‘s terrified and lets out a scared “meow!”
But it feels so good. The feeling doesn't go away, so he decides the only solution is to keep humping. Soon he‘s limp but still grinding his hips on the poor pillow. He takes deep whiffs of your sweater, huffing it like a drug. His tongue is lolling out of his mouth and his eyes are rolling back in his head. He‘s starting to hurt down there but he just can't stop cumming.
Oh, why can't he reach the phone you left in his room? Why is his voice too hoarse to call out to you? Tomura is scared. He can’t eat or sleep. Sweat has soaked into the mattress and his poor little cock is starting to hurt. You‘re getting worried too so you wander up to his room and callout to him, pressing your ear to the door.
“y/n meow,” he calls out hoarsely, almost a whisper.
All you can hear are desperate whines and moans. Is Tomura...in heat? Oh, your poor kitty is probably in so much pain! You have to help him, so you open the door and see him. It is a pathetic (yet erotic) sight. He looks so desperate. He‘s crying and looks so scared. Tomura just whines and reaches out to you even though he‘s far away.
“Oh, sweetheart,” you whisper.
You walk over to him and scoop him up, sitting him on your lap. He continues to try and hump you, but you can tell how much his poor dick hurts. You hug him tightly, feeling guilty that you took so long to check on him.
Tomura tugs at your shirt, he can't figure out why he wants you to take off your clothes, but he does. You oblige, ready to do anything your sweet kitten wants. When he sees your top half naked, he feels his cock beg for you. He starts to tug aimlessly at your pants, and you take them off, once again, all too eager to please.
He doesn't have any sexual knowledge, but he has instincts, pure carnal instincts that tell him just how to breed his mate’s tight pussy. Tomura grabs your hips, his claws accidentally puncturing the skin. You yelp as he pulls you on top of him. When he slams you down onto his long fat cock he doesn't get the rush of pleasure he expected.
He's hit with an extreme amount of pain and lets out a panicked meow. You lift yourself off of him quickly, and Tomura misses the feeling of your cunt even though it caused him so much pain. He paws at you, but you keep him from shoving himself in you again.
“Tomura,” you say softly, “you need to calm down; you're hurting yourself,”
“Meow! need!” he cries.
“So needy,” you mutter, “youre just gonna hurt yourself,”
“Don’t care! Need!” he begs.
“Hold on,” you say, getting up and ignoring the insistent pawing at your shirt as he whines.
You rifle through your drawers until you find the dildo you got and the free strap-on attachment that came with it. You smile and gran some lube; this is exactly what you need for your pretty kitty. He watches with curious eyes and blown out pupils due to pure lust.
“Let's give your poor cock a break,” you say.
He nods, but where are you going to put that? You climb onto the bed with him, and he hugs you, sucking on your tit. He feels so at peace. Your boobs are so soft and pretty. He wants to stay like this forever. But when Tomura feels those nimble fingers of yours start to trail across his lower back just above his ass he shivers.
He leaves open-mouthed kisses across your chest; he lets them get sloppy and wet as you rub his back.
“Need,” he whispers again, eyes half-lidded.
You tilt Tomura’s head up and give him his first proper kiss. He's seen this in movies and knows you're supposed to say “I love you” after...right? He doesn't know the full meaning of the three little words he's about to say.
“I love you y/n,” he says when you pull away.
“I love you too,” you say, taken aback just a bit.
He gives you a love-drunk smile and tries to rut against your thigh but yelps again, remembering how sensitive he is.
“C’mere pretty kitty,” you coo, “lay on your back for me,”
He nods and lays on his back, painfully aware of how exposed he is to your careful, calculating eyes. He starts purring when you muzzle your head into his neck. Are you going to mark him?! Do you really want him to be your mate?! Oh, he hopes so! He smiles, and his breathing picks up, but his ears flatten on his head when you pull away.
“No mate meow?” Tomura asks, face falling.
For the first time all day, he feels his cock soften sadly. He doesn't understand the look of confusion on your face and tears up a bit.
“I'm not sure I understand,” you say, brushing some hair out of his face and feeling guilty when you see his teary eyes.
“I want you to mark me,” he says, bottom lip quivering, “please meow?”
Your eyes widen, “oh,” maybe you did learn something useful in school, “of course honey,”
You lean down again, unsure of how hard to bite his neck. You can tell exactly where you're supposed to bite. A strong musky smell radiates from the side of his neck and you decide to sink your teeth in until you break skin. When you do, he sighs happily at the feeling of your admittedly dull teeth (in comparison to his) in his neck.
“Mate,” he purrs.
You pull away when you can tell he's satisfied. He pulls you in for another kiss, tasting some of his blood on your tongue. He doesn't notice your fingers traveling to the bottle of lube on the bed and pumping some onto your fingers. He does notice when you start to rub around where you're not supposed to.
“Hey! What are you doing, meow?!” Tomura says, squirming at the strange new sensation.
When you find your mark and circle his asshole, any objections he just made the in the past. When he feels your finger begin to sink into his tight hole, he sighs happily. He isn't supposed to be the one getting penetrated, but he can't help how much he loves the feeling of your finger wiggling around inside of him.
When you add in another finger, he meows happily, grinding on your fingers. All this pleasure without the pain, what has he done to deserve this? To deserve you? Tomura’s back arches as he moves his hips; he can feel himself coming to a different kind of climax, but you pull away right when he's on the edge.
He looks up at you with pleading eyes and trembling thighs. He sees you putting that strange liquid on something much larger and gulps. He feels his asshole gape around nothing, waiting for something to fill it up.
“Is that going inside me, meow?” he asks nervously.
“It won't hurt,” you say, cupping his face, “i promise,”
Tomura gulps but nods. He trusts you. When the head of the dildo pushes into him he's tense and panting already.
“You have to relax,” you whisper in his ear, “be a good boy and relax,”
He tries, letting the nervous knot in his stomach untangle. His breathing slows as you push in more of the dildo. It starts to feel good, having you in some of him, and it's even better when the head of the dildo hits a spot that makes him mewl. He wraps his arms around your neck and pulls you down to him, causing you to poke his prostate again.
He moans and buries his face in your neck, purring loudly. You start to move your hips at an agonizingly slow pace. You worm your arms under him and hold him close while you help him adjust. He's planting and mewling happily.
“Love you,” he moans, “I love you so much y/n,”
“I love you too, Tomura,” you whisper, kissing the shell of his ear.
“It's so good,” he groans, “you're amazing meow. The perfect mate,”
“Yeah?” you say, too focused to respond.
He nods, “the best ever,”
You keep thrusting, speeding up just a bit. That makes Tomura yelp happily. His tongue lolls out as he smiles. There's not one thought behind those beautiful red eyes—just pure pleasure. It's taking over his entire body and he can't help but meow happily.
He likes to think of himself as more refined than most hybrids. More human, but all he can think of now is how wonderful being your little kitty is.
“I'm gonna cum,” he whimpers, “gonna cum, meow”
His dick quivers, and his asshole clenches as cum spurts out of him, but it's still not enough. To satiate his desires, he needs to be inside of you when he cums. When you pull out of him slowly and remove the strap on, he bites the bullet and plunges into you, ignoring the pain that makes him sob and absolutely hammers into you.
You're helpless underneath him as he has his way with you. You can't deny how good he feels inside of you. Tomura hates how long he's lasting. He needs to get this over with, although having you cum on his cock would be pretty nice. When he feels you worm your fingers down to your clit he starts to be thankful he hasn't lost his mind and cum yet.
That look on your face makes him so happy. He wants you to be happy. He wants you to cum, so he holds out until you milk his cock with your cunt. And when he lets go it's heavenly. The itch has been scratched, and he collapses on top of you, purring as his tail twitches. You scratch behind his ears to help him get some much-needed rest.
It works nearly immediately, and your sweet kitty is asleep in mere minutes. You love Tomura more than you can put into words, and he loves his pretty little mate. His adorable little y/n.
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uuujeewriting · 3 years
you can do it! [albedo, kaeya, childe, zhongli and diluc]
s/o has been going through a depressive episode and lacks motivation to finish their work and is getting anxiety because of it
tw: none, mentions of depression/anxiety, nothing too much. fluffy comfort <3
albedo x gn!reader, kaeya x gn!reader, childe x gn!reader, zhongli x gn!reader, diluc x gn!reader
a/n: self indulgent bc i'm way behind school and in the middle of a depressive episode so motivation's been lacking ;-; hope you guys are having a good week tho!
i would like to clarify that if any of these scenarios/hc's of mine are similar to other writers' works, it is unintentional and i apologize
oh? unmotivated you say.. self depricating thoughts? intrusive ones too?
albedo was never one to mope around when he was stuck on some problem he's yet to puzzle together, but seeing you exhausted, anxious and so... dull–he desperately wants to take all your worries away
he's a bit slow, failing to realize your depressive episode for a few days. as it prolongs, he notices how you seem to talk down to yourself and give up easily
sometimes, you don't even start work at all
this is due to your anxiety, he assumes as you think you're incapable of finishing or doing the work satisfactorily enough.
pulling you into an embrace from behind as you work on the projects you've been stuck on for the past few weeks, he gently whispers into your shoulder
"darling, have you been alright recently? are you in need of assistance?" he asks
he presses a loving kiss on your neck and you stifle a chuckle
"it's that apparent, no? i've been under the weather for quite a while now.."
as you explain your reasons and all your troubles to his end, he nods and hums ever so often
"you must be feeling drained, hm? well, frankly enough, i seem to need a break myself."
"eh? albedo where-!!”
he pulls you away from your working place and carries you to the couch, laying you down gently as he smiles at you
"aside from your unmotivated self, i reckon you need reassurance for those intrusive thoughts of yours."
and that, ladies, gentlemen and folks, is how you end up cuddling with albedo until the sun sets and you fall asleep
bask in the comfort of his words as he calls you his everything and more :')) <333
my, oh my. what's gotten into his precious little love?
he's sharp, quite easily takes notice to your frantic and dim self.
he sees you sitting outside, head in your hands and sighs leaving your lips every now and then
unbeknownst to you, he creeps behind you and presses a careful peck on the nape of your neck, causing you to flinch and look back quickly
he was about to laugh at your cuteness, but as soon as he's reminded of your troubled state, he sits beside you and takes your face into his hands
sir we're in the plaza-
"oh archons, why is my sunshine so dim these days?" he pouts
rip u probably after this
"kaeya.. well, you see-"
and as you explain your current doubts and anxieties, he strokes your cheeks softly and looks into your eyes fondly
when you're finished, he nods and presses a light kiss on your forehead, a silent promise to accompany and help you on your endeavors to face your troubles
"i'll always be here for you, my love. if there's anything i can help you with, do not hesitate to come into my arms, hm?"
"noted, mr. suave"
jkjk o r a m i
he laughs and kisses you on the edge of your mouth
"what say you we head into the tavern for a bit? you could use some relaxation, right?"
as if you had a choice other than to say yes
this man would know the second it started
having a bunch of siblings has its benefits huh
when he walks into your shared room and sees you on the edge, tears brimming your eyes he sits you down on your bed
"hey, hey.. i'm here, it's alright."
as you cry in his embrace, he rocks you gently, shushing you softly in an attempt to hinder your tears
"you can tell me if you're up for it, honey. i'm never too busy for you."
"i-it's just that-"
mhm. oh? why, how dare they treat you so harshly. really? why must you have to be burdened so heavily?
he acknowledges your struggles and worries with gentle strokes and brushing through your hair
"you have it really rough, don't you? ah well, nothing we can do but-"
he stands up and leaves the room for a second
he comes back with food, drinks, your favorite clothing of his, a scented candle you bought and some books you have yet to finish reading
the action warms your heart as you sniffle and smile at your lover
as soon as he lays down with you, prepare to never see daylight again as he won't let go for the longest, and i mean longest time ever
"i love you, y/n. you're strong and don't let anything, not even yourself, make you think otherwise."
dearest, must life be so unfair to you? why you out of all people?
zhongli is wise–he knows something is bothering you when it does. that being said, he isn't sure whether or not he should approach you so directly
especially if it seems like a sensitive topic
instead, in your depressive state and anxious fiddling, he calls you over to him
he pulls you into his lap as he takes your face into his hand and kisses you tenderly
"my dear, has anything been bothering you? might i offer my hand in dealing with them?"
you'd think kaeya's mr. suave then this man pops up with his broke ass
"as a matter of fact.."
as you go on and state your dealings and troubles, he listens with an almost solemn look
he looks at you with utmost affection and concern when you finish
"the terrains of life have been steep and intimidating, you have been very commendable for braving through these, my dearest."
he places his lips onto your own and strokes the back of your head lovingly
for a reserved man, zhongli easily expresses his affection for you in multitudes of ways
his kisses being one of them
after parting your lips, he peppers your face with his kisses and you laugh quietly at his ministrations
"might i suggest a quick stroll to take your mind off things?"
you agree, thinking that once you head home, you'll be back to work with a clearer mind
little did you know mr. no money in his pockets got a liiiittle surprise for you as you won't be returning to your work any time soon :DDDD
by 'surprise' i mean he's taking you out to dinner
yall nasties
diluc is a busy man, dealing with a winery and all
along with his night profession (which he has only admitted to you and the traveling duo)
you did your best to hide your troubled self and aid him in his work, but you can only hold the facade for so long before it eats you up inside
when you break, he is slightly taken aback but is quick to comfort you
he sees you shaking and situates you on his couch as he sits beside you, rubbing your back as you curl into his figure
he's very warm
"sweetheart, would you mind telling me the problem?" he asks
he waits for an answer as you're still trying to find the words
"diluc, i'm sorry for bothering you.. i know you have plenty on your schedule and-”
"y/n, you're my top priority, no matter what. my work is nothing compared to what you mean to me."
and it's true, you're really his top priority
woohoo !! :DD
when you explain your anxieties and doubts to diluc, he's very understanding and listens to you earnestly
"-and that's why i've been so.. down, let's put it."
he strokes your face and presses his forehead to your own, looking you in the eye softly
he pulls you in tighter and closer, pressing kisses to your jawline and below your ear
"thank you for expressing your troubles with me, my love. i'm sorry for not noticing earlier."
"no need, love, you're very busy and i can't thank you enough for taking the time to understand me."
he pulls away for a second and shakes his head
"again, my work is nothing compared to you. i am willing to put aside all my responsibilities for a week in order to ensure your happiness."
uh wh a t
"ah," you laugh concerned, "sure–"
"which is what we're going to be doing this week." he smiles
welp. no turning back now
enjoy ur week with the redhead you utter s i m p
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nari-nim · 3 years
Ateez as love languages
nari note: y’all really liked this for Treasure so even tho no one asked, here’s the Ateez version enjoy
Main love language (giving): Acts of Service
Updates you about his day, clear communication, and acknowledges effort
Invites you to accompany him in the studio. Your presence gives him so much energy, and you can passively spend time together when you are both super busy.
Gives you massages. When he receives them, he falls asleep so fast lol
Gives really sentimental gifts, like songs or special reformatted clothes he spent hours making, etc
Follows through with all of his promises. He takes this so seriously.
rest of the members under the cut
Main love language (giving): Gift giving
Good morning and goodnight texts. Always.
Might nag a little at you when you aren’t taking care of yourself, but he does it because he really cares about your wellbeing
Mindless physical touch, like fixes your hair, plays with your fingers absentmindedly etc. Likes to feel connected to you.
Likes to cook dinner with you and other activities that you can do at home together, where it’s domestic but filled with flirting
Really thoughtful gifts, and likes to go pricier or over the money limit buy accident
Whenever he travels, he brings back a little something because it’s his way of saying “I’m thinking of you” and “this reminded me of you” and “you’re always on my mind and I love you” ya feel
Adds really sincere and touching card to everything
Main love language (giving): Quality time 
He gives you the sweetest, most thoughtful compliments that always seem to make your day! It’s so easy to return the favor...there’s so much about Yunho to constantly praise.
When he is with you, you have his undivided attention. Phone away, conversation never ending.
Hand around your shoulders or holding your hands whenever possible
Likes finding quirky gifts, something he finds interesting as well so you know it’ll be an insightful gift
Such a gentleman, likes to hold doors for you and other traditionally chivalrous actions 
Likes doing small gestures for you. Like always opening water bottles for you or putting food on your plate first when you eat out together or with others.
Main love language (giving and receiving): Quality time
Prioritizes you when spending time together. It’s uninterrupted, intentional, and extremely special in his eyes. Almost like the two of you are in your own world.
Comes over whenever he has space in his schedule for it.
Likes receiving a lot of affection in any and all forms, but is more reserved when giving it, especially when there’s an audience. For example, if you’re with the whole team, he’ll let you snuggle against him and he’ll gently rest a hand on your waist, but nothing more. 
Similar to his words of affirmation. His compliments can be a bit rare, but he definitely gives them!! Makes the compliments even more special tbh
Likes being felt like a priority. Likes it when you cling a little to him although he will never admit it.
Not much of a gift giver? Can be a little clueless when it comes to material gifts, but the gestures and lengths he will go to give you what he thinks is best is touching 
Main love language (giving and receiving): words of affirmation
Oh my god, he is a slut for sincere, loving words from you, whether it’s spoken or written. Write him love letters and he will take it with him wherever he goes and read it constantly. 
Compliments for you comes so easily to him and he pays them often
Wants you to pat his head to signify a “good job” a lot. Or give his the verbal equivalent of that if that makes sense
Really likes resting his head on your shoulders or laying in your lap
He is a clingy teddy bear. 
Isn’t scared of going pricey with gifts either, but you might need to hint at things you actually want because San makes the effort but can miss the mark sometimes
Likes spending free time going on dates with you
Cancer + INFP combo makes him really like to have long, deep, and vulnerable conversations about each other 
Remembers things about you and tries to help lessen stress or tasks for you
Main love language (giving): Physical touch
Hold his hand. Hold it. 
Likes hearing compliments. Pretty smooth when giving them although he screams inside each time
This man says, “I love you” a lot. All the time. And he means every one of them. Can be shy when saying them but he powers through
Likes going on explorative dates with you or doing each other’s hobbies
But also is a sucker for nap dates, cuddle dates, and generally staying at home and ordering takeout while you both play with each other’s hair and talk about life
Honestly not a bad gift giver, likes to go pricey too
Goes out of his way to make sure you feel comfortable in many situations
He may be loud and wild at times but he’s pretty empathetic imo. When he acts on it, he’s such a sweet and caring boyfriend
Main love language (giving): Physical touch
Constantly compliments you
Playfully bites you
A lot of hugs and cuddling
A lot of PDA
Loves spontaneous kisses and hugs
Gives you classic, statement gifts like expensive jewelry or red roses
Also buys things like vitamins and snacks when he knows you’re getting busy, so you can take care of yourself more when he’s not around
Might be a little harder to land quality time with him since he’s so popular and busy, but when you do he makes it all about you
Cooks for you. Cleans your apartment a bit when he comes over. Meal preps for you. His acts of service are so domestic and we love to see it
Main love language (giving): Gift giving
If you’re sitting together, always has a knee resting against your leg. Likes the feeling of staying connected like Seonghwa
Likes to lift you around and lift things for you
Short, concise praises that hits the spot (because I think he’s really observant and knows what you need to hear the most at a given moment) and always leave you flustered 
Also likes dates that venture outside the house 
Really thoughtful gift giver, likes to be like I’ll buy them a large range of gifts and one of them will stick uwu
Sees paying for expensive dates as a version of that, so get ready to be spoiled 
He prioritizes you and always wants to make you feel special
Very much about the gesture for him so anything is fair game as a gift
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chuuya-centric · 3 years
making out hcs
characters: osamu dazai, ranpo edogawa, chuuya nakahara
genre: suggestive
warnings: gn reader, no pronouns used, uhm 🧍 yk it gets a lil steamy and has like mentions of sex ??? but theres def nothing super explicit
↬making out with dazai is always ............ interesting to say the least 🧐 it can happen anywhere, at anytime, and you'll never know until it's too late
↬sometimes it'll start out as a quick peck, and then another, and another, and— hey, is it just you or does each kiss keep getting longer 🤨 when did he slip your coat off ??-?_;?? now his arms r around your waist and .............. o look at that he's got you pressed up against the wall with u gasping for air bc he's barely giving you anytime to breathe
↬speaking of, his kisses always leave u breathless 🧎 he is such a good kisser please lord i just know it 🛐🛐
↬he usually just leaves after these types of makeout sessions (much to your annoyance) 💀💀💀 he likes getting you all worked up and then going right back to work like he didnt just have his tongue down your throat and his leg between ur thighs
↬other times his kisses r slower n more passionate from the get-go and u know exactly where this is ab to lead (these types of make out sessions will often lead to sex tbh, they're always really sensual and smooth and he has no intent of leaving u all high n dry)
↬personally he prefers kissing w (a lot of) tongue, but if ur not into it, he'll understand and "do his best" to take that into account (but dont be surprised if you end up w his tongue in your mouth either way 💀 if you like it ? fantastic 😚💖 if you dont ?? he loves seeing u squeal in disgust and try to push him away in surprise LMFAO)
↬he always somehow tastes like sake with a little bit of mint ?;?_(&?$-_??$&? dont ask me how but he does 🤨🚶 that being said he tastes better than you'd expect and kissing him is a magical experience 🤤
↬ranpo's kisses r sweet like candy
↬jk but he does taste like candy so ig that wasnt an entirely inaccurate statement 😚😚
↬he isn't usually one to initiate the kiss tbh, he prefers when you do it LMAO 💀 but whenever he does, they're most likely to be a quick peck to your lips or cheek (he isn't really a fan of any kinds of pda bc he actually gets embarrassed rlly easily)
↬behind closed doors, however, is a different story 🚶🧑‍🦯 hes a lil more likely to initiate the kiss and whenever he does ............ o lord 🧎🧎🧎 theyre fs a reflection of him
↬ranpo's kisses r very fun and airy, !! and out of these three men here, he's the most likely to laugh and smile and giggle in between kisses
↬making out with him is an experience given to you from the gods PLEASSSKEEEE and it's never awkward bc if sth happens you'll both just laugh ab it and carry on
↬usually makeout sessions start bc u gave him a kiss, but he was feeling clingy (not that he'd ever admit it 💀💀💀) so he pulled you back in for another, and another, and another, and hey look at that, you've been kissing him for the past 15 minutes and now ur both gasping for breath
↬doesn't really mind tongue, enjoys it even 🧏 and when he tastes so sweet, how could you refuse him 🧐❓
↬OH MY GOD HIS FAVOURITE THING IS WHEN let me turn off caps okay his favourite thing is when he's eating his candies or whatever (probably like hard candy tho yk so you cant just bite into that shit immiediately it has to sit and melt a lil idk) and u ask him what flavour it is and he'll pull you into a kiss and let you taste for yourself and take a guess (dont be surprised if you actually end up w the candy afterwards, he doesnt mind sharing so long as it's with you <33)
↬RANPO MAKE OUT WITH ME CHALLENGE ;!_(&!-??&!:?:!&(:!:!_!&;
↬chuuya's kisses r nothing short of rough and passionate
↬his kisses also tend to be v rushed and sloppy however that doesn't mean they're not enjoyable
↬i'd dare call him the middle ground between dazai and ranpo 🤨🧐 kisses aren't like every five minutes (dazai im lookin at you 🤨), but rather spaced out throughout the day as to keep you satisfied
↬once again ............. he is a tongue man. he tastes like a fine (slightly sweet?) red wine nine times out of ten (the other one time he just tasted like straight fuckin mint ??? 😭💀 like ur eyes started watering after and he got really concerned like "babe r u ok 😟” and you were like "yeah but y THE FUCK is your breath so minty" 💀💀)
↬i am so sorry everyone here likes tongue, i'll make more hcs like these feat. mfs who don't like it LMAOO
↬he understands if ur not a fan of tongue, so unlike SOMEONE, he'll actually take your personal preference into account and do his absolute best to keep his tongue to himself 🤒🤒
↬ok so similar to ranpo, chuuya loves sharing his wine w you — thru making out kissing ofc 🧎 never passes up an opportunity to take a (rather large) swig and let it pass between your parted lips (might get a lil carried away and slip u a lil tongue but yk it is what it is 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯)
↬he actually has a tendency to get carried away regardless tbh 😚 it starts out as jus like a short lil kiss but yk ............ u come back in for another ............... and another — is anyone else seeing a pattern here 🧐🤨❓ these three men r the best kissers in bsd and i do NOT take criticism — and oops, now ur sitting on his desk with him standing in between ur legs as he starts trailing kisses down your neck before he suddenly remembers he still has work to do and he tells you he promises he'll finish what he started later (and oh boy was it worth the wait 😩😩😫🤤🤞)
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haikyuucute · 3 years
I saw that your asks are open and I am obsessed with your omegaverse stories (especially the Ushijima Untameable series!) and HC’s ❤️ So I was wondering if you would do an alpha!Atsumu with an omega that doesn’t like him at first but they’re both so overwhelmed by each other’s scents that it is inevitable that they would become mates. I’m still new to omegaverse fics so I’m not sure if that’s even a thing? I just want alpha!Atsumu and to tell you I love your work! -B
A/N: of course that can be a thing! Thank you so much btw!!
Warning: hurt/comfort, reader gets depressed
When the words were first spoken to you, you didn’t know what to think.
You had spent so long resenting him with every fiber of your being, rejecting confession after confession, that you didn’t know how to react when Atsumu just... gave up.
You were still standing left in shock, feet glued to the pavement as you stared ahead blankly after he had already gone into the gym.
You weren’t used to fighting with him. Some arguments here and there when he got frustrated from your constant rejection but he had never raised his voice at you.
Your legs felt like lead as you forced them to move, playing his words over and over again in your head.
‘Ya know what? Fine. Ya want me to leave ya alone, ya got yer wish. I’m done.’
You’d never admit it, but you felt your heart break with those words.
You felt numb as you walked home.
You never thought much of the word until you met Atsumu.
It was rare, but it happened. Two mates that were simply made for each other, easily indicated by how intoxicating the others scent was.
You never thought you’d be one of those people to have a soulmate but here you were.
His scent was like nothing else, hints of sandalwood, deep, warm, and woody. Every time he was near, it felt as if it wrapped you in a blanket and made you feel comfortable and safe. The scent invaded your dreams at night. You even missed his scent when he wasn’t near. And you knew he had very similar feelings about you and your own scent if his yearning gaze was any indication and the fact that you’re pretty sure he stole your sweater from your seat one day.
The only thing though, was that he was just so infuriating.
He was selfish, egotistical, condescending, and a liar— how you were expected to become mates with an alpha like that was beyond you.
Not once did you waver in your decision to not be his mate, but now.... you didn’t know anymore.
You should’ve been relieved, elated even, that he had given up. It was only the one thing you asked of him since he set his eyes on you after all. But now everything was just so confusing...
You felt a migraine coming on.
”Hm, that’s weird,” your best friend, muttered curiously. Lunch had just started and instead of Atsumu coming towards your desk like usual, he instead just left, most likely to the gym. “What’s up with Atsumu?” She raised a brow, turning towards you. “He never just leaves.”
You shrugged, keeping your eyes trained on the class work in front of you, “Said he was done pursuing me.”
”W-wait, really!?” She practically shot out of her seat in surprise. “So— wait, that’s a good thing? Right...?” She asked carefully. She knew better than anyone just how much you disliked Atsumu but still— he was your soulmate.
”’Course, it’s what I’ve been asking him to do,” you mumbled quietly.
Yuki eyed you carefully, “Alright...” she hummed softly, not believing you for a second.
After the next few days you came to a conclusion.
Maybe you were just as bad as Atsumu for all the things you faulted him for.
You had been looking down on him for all this time, too proud to accept him as your mate because he wasn’t to your own standards. And just when he decides to give up on you and move on, sparing himself from the constant heart break, you finally realized you made a mistake.
You were selfish.
The next few days in school you had been moping around, barely paying any attention in class. Your gaze glued to Atsumu every moment he was near.
You noticed how different his scent was lately and you knew yours was different as well— he was upset and you were distressed. 
It took all of your self control to not go near him and cling to him until both your scents returned to normal.
You had no idea how he was managing to stay away from you too. But you had to hand it to him, he was a very stubborn alpha.
Soon it had been three weeks of complete silence on his end and finally— finally you had reached your breaking point after the day you were having.
To start it off, you hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep. The previous day you caught Atsumu flirting with a couple omegas and the thought of him actually moving on had haunted you all night. 
It had only gotten worse after realizing you forgot to make lunch and didn’t have any money.
But what would’ve been the icing on the cake was when your adviser called you in—
”(L/N)-san,” your adviser sighed, “What’s been going on, you completely flunked these last exams.”
“Sorry, I’ve been dealing... with some stuff.”
They sighed again, shaking their head, “Well, you’re going to have to take supplementary classes to make up these exams next weekend.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Next weekend? But I have a performance with the music club...”
“I don’t know what to tell you, (L/N)-san. Your studies come first, understood? Please study hard for your makeup exams.”
You bit your lip, nodding as you held back the frustrated tears pricking at your eyes, before promptly leaving.
Again though, that would’ve been the icing on the cake if it wasn’t for the fact that you had to walk home in the rain... realizing you forgot your umbrella.
You shivered in the cold rain, completely soaked. The tears that ran down your face mixed with the falling rain. The sun hidden by the dark clouds.
You didn’t know where you were going, but you knew it wasn’t your home. You were only running on instinct now.
It wasn’t until you found yourself outside a house with the name ‘Miya’ that you realized what you were doing.
You rang the bell.
You truly were a selfish person.
You waited anxiously for the door to open and when it did, it revealed the person you were looking for.
Atsumu stood frozen, shocked at the sight of you.
You sniffled, “... P-please don’t s-stop liking me, I’m sorry.”
Atsumu ran a hand through his hair, a shaky breath escaping him. “Took ya long enough. C’mere.”
He extended a hand out to you. You didn’t hesitate to place your hand in his, an instant spark and warm feeling flooding within you and despite the fact you were soaked, he pulled you into him and cradled the back of your head close to his neck.
You sobbed in relief as his warm scent wrapped around you and you clung onto him tightly.
I don’t think I’ll be doing taglists anymore, sowwy 🥺 (I will for series tho)
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wizardimagines · 4 years
jealousy, part 2, draco x reader
pairing: draco malfoy x reader word count: 1,6k summary: you and ron becomes closer as you help him study, draco doesn’t take this new relationship well. a/n: here you guys go !! part 2 of jealously,, i’m in shock as to how many of u liked part one !! i’ve gotten such amazing feedback and it makes me super happy so thank u so so much <3 i’m gonna be completely honest tho and let u guys know im really unhappy with this one , i feel like it could be a lot better and i might actually rewrite it at some point . but hopefully it’s somewhat ok, enjoy !! <3 READ PART 1 HERE
warnings: TW !!! mentions psychical abuse
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The following week was exhausting. You hadn’t seen Draco for a couple of days, doing everything you could to actively avoid him. The truth was you were scared. You were terrified, to say the very least. You had no clue what to say to him at this point, afraid that you were just going to make him even more upset than he already was. You didn’t even know if you two were a couple anymore, and the thought of it made your heart shatter into a million pieces.
You also distanced yourself from Ron. You knew the whole situation happened because of your friendship with Ron, and the only solution you could come up with was simply to stop being friends with Ron. He had approached you multiple times, asking you if you were free and wanted to go study, but you had declined each offer. You felt absolutely terrible, you truly did like Ron and you enjoyed spending time with him. But you knew your relationship with Draco was more important than any friend you had and at this point, you’d give up everything to fix your relationship.
It felt so hopeless. You skipped every class you had with the blond boy, you didn’t even dare look his way whenever you walked into the great hall to eat breakfast, petrified of your eyes meeting his icy ones. Today was no different. Everyone was in class, everyone but you. You knew you would have to face Draco sooner or later, today was just not the day. You were sitting in the library, trying your best to distract yourself by reading a book. However, it wasn’t going too well. You couldn’t focus on any of the words and your thoughts kept wandering off, thinking about other things. Suddenly, a warm hand was placed on your shoulder, making you snap out fo your thoughts. ‘’Why aren’t you in class, Y/N?’’ A similar voice said behind you, making you turn around so you could see who the person was. In front of you stood Ron. ‘’Ron,’’ You let out, feeling somewhat relieved it was only Ron. You shut the book close as the red-haired boy sat down in the chair next to you. ‘’You scared me.’’ You chuckled lightly, looking down at your lap where your hands were resting. ‘’Sorry about that,’’ Ron answered. ‘’But why aren’t you in class?’’ He repeated himself. 
You didn’t know what to tell him. You knew it wasn’t a secret that you were avoiding Draco, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to admit it. ‘’I just,’’ You started, biting your bottom lip nervously. You were still staring at your hands,  nervously playing with them. You just couldn’t bring yourself to look at the boy in front of you. ‘’I have to go.’’ You blurted out, quickly standing up. ‘’Y/N! Wait,’’ Ron let out behind you, standing up as well. ‘’What’s going on with you?’’ Worry lingered in his voice, and you couldn’t blame him.
You felt your bottom lip starting to tremble. That was when you noticed the tears that were welling up in your eyes, making you shut them close to prevent the tears from hitting your cheeks. ‘’Whatever it is that’s going on, I’m here for you, you know?’’ He said, placing his hand on your shoulder once again. You took a deep, shaky breath as you turned around and fell straight into his arms. You could tell he was surprised, but quickly wrapped his arms around you. You let the tears fall silently down your cheeks. ‘’Hey, it’s okay,’’ He mumbled as he stroke your back using one of his hands, the other one holding the back of your head. ‘’I think Draco broke up with me,’’ You quietly whispered into his shoulder, tears still falling from your eyes. ‘’Bloody hell Malfoy,’’ Ron muttered under his breath, pulling you closer to him.
At this point, you didn’t even care about the whole ignoring Ron thing you had planned to keep until you fixed things with Draco. The feeling of someone holding you and being there to comfort you finally made you feel a little bit better. Ron’s warm hands were nothing compared to Draco’s cold, lanky hands but it didn’t matter at this point. ‘’I’ll walk you to your dorm,’’ He mumbled as he pulled away from the hug, spotting your tear-filled face. He slowly wiped the tears away using his thumbs, making you nod. ‘’You can start walking, okay? I just need to go get my things and then I’ll catch up with you.’’ He said, giving you a small smile. You nodded once again, giving him half a smile.
The halls were empty. You weren’t complaining though, you didn’t want anyone to see you like this; like a crying mess. You slowly walked down the hall, taking your time as you looked out each window you passed. The weather had somewhat cleared up, dark clouds still covering the sky. ‘’Y/N?’’ A voice suddenly called out, making you turn your head to the side. And there he was. His eyes were dark, not the usual bright blue color they always used to be. As soon as your eyes met his, your heart dropped. You felt your throat tighten up as you felt completely paralyzed. You felt your eyes widen as you suddenly realized that you had to get away, quickly. You turned around, quickly making your way down the hall without saying a word to the blond boy. ‘’No, wait!’’ He shouted behind you, grabbing your wrist.
Your wrist. The same wrist he had grabbed that night. The same wrist that now had a bright red mark from his tight grip. You felt the pain shot up your arm, making your eyes well up with tears once again as you cried out in pain. You quickly snatched your wrist away, holding it with your other arm as you bit your lower lip in pain. Draco looked at you in confusion before looking down at your arm, spotting the red mark. He felt the guiltiness and pain hit him all at once. His heart dropped as he realized it was him that had left that mark. ‘’Y/N,’’ He whispered, his facial expression softening. You quickly looked up at him, tears falling from your eyes as you took a shaky breath. He slowly reached out to you, making you jump. 
He froze. ‘’I’m not going to hurt you,’’ He let out, pain and shame lingering in his voice as his eyes teared up. ‘’Please don’t be scared of me, I would never hurt you,’’ He continued, shaking his head as a tear hit his cheek. Draco had never felt such pain. He had felt pain multiple times during his lifetime, but nothing could compare to the pain he was currently feeling. You just stood there, staring at the boy in front of you. You didn’t know what to say or do, so you just let the tears fall down your cheeks. ‘’I’m so sorry, please let me hold you,’’ He mumbled as he tried his best to hold back the rest of the tears, slowly walking towards you. You watched as he got closer to you, terrified of what could happen next. But Draco slowly put his arms around your waist, burying his head between your neck and shoulder. You felt a sob escape his lips.
‘’I’m so sorry,’’ He kept repeating it over and over again between sobs. You slowly wrapped your arms around his neck, you had never seen him in this state before. ‘’I don’t know what happened. I was just so angry,’’ He sobbed. ‘’But why?’’ You whispered back. ‘’Because I really thought I was losing you,’’ Draco responded. You slowly pulled away, Draco looking at you in fear as you did so. ‘’Please don’t go,’’ He whimpered, his bottom lip trembling. You grabbed his hands as you shook your head. ‘’I’m not leaving, Draco.’’ The boy in front of you closed his eyes as he grabbed onto your hands harder, like he was scared you were going to leave anyway. ‘’I’m so sorry for saying all those things,’’ He cried, pulling you back into a tight hug.
This time he placed his head on top of yours, placing one hand behind your head and the other one on your back. ‘’And I’m so incredibly sorry for hurting you like that,’’ He whispered. You pulled yourself closer to him, placing your head on his chest. You could hear his heart racing, as well as his shaky breath. ‘’I will never lay a finger on you again, I promise,’’ He continued, making you sigh. ‘’Please just hold me Draco.’’ You whispered, causing the taller boy to pull you closer to him immediately. You closed your eyes as a tear escaped from your eye, Draco pressing multiple kisses on top of your head.
You knew it would take a while to forgive Draco, but it didn’t matter. You were willing to do anything for him, just like he was willing to do anything for you. ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
TAGLIST: @justmesadgirl @thefandomplace @kodydoescrap @slytherinsunrise @xdracosmalfoyx @imjustboredso @lexi-ravenclawdracomalfoy @retrouvailessx @night-girls-world @andressavp @inurealiyah @lilgoddesshines @iamaspicytriangle
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shotorozu · 3 years
heyy! i'd like to request headcanons of bakugo, deku, and kirishima with s/o who has a powerful quirk but its power is derived from her emotions? kinda like,, the more she suppresses her emotions, the more powerful she gets? so as a result, she's always completely calm and smiling like 😊😌😀 even when there's complete chaos going on. i'd like for the boys to encourage her to open up about her feelings tho because suppressing your emotions is unhealthy ;((
this idea has been living in my mind rent free for a very long time now,, so sorry if it's a long request (?)
i love your writing btw 🥺💓 hope you take care <3
s/o that’s emotion deprived
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, kirishima eijirou
legend : [Y/N = your name] f!reader at the request of anon, quirk description is mentioned above— but for this alone; we’re gonna call it deprivation
note(s) : i made Y/N kinda like a kuudere in here?? i know kuudere is a different thing but it sounds similar. and the calm and smiling part lowkey reminds me of shinobu from kny
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bakugou katsuki
my little heart divider thing isn’t working fsr, so please discard that for now
anyways, your quirk sounds like an honest nightmare to him— he can’t imagine not being able to show his emotions.
you could be in the loudest room that had to exist, and you’d still be like 😀 “so what’s next?”
like.. he’ll never admit this, but props to you for being able to deal with this quirk for the majority of your life.
but at first, he was really irritated. because you were just :) or :| the entire time he was there.
and before you guys were dating, he always tried to get you to react— but it never worked because your skin’s thick
little did he know, your calmness was what he needed the entire time
but even after you guys get together, he wishes you’d at least retort back to him
katsuki was still really annoyed by it, until he realizes that you’re surpressing your emotions
like yeah.. you’re powerful. he’ll give you that— but he doesn’t want you to surpress your emotions or anything.
so he’ll talk to you one day, probably when you guys are just chilling. he’s not gonna make the intervention fancy or anything
he’ll spit it out, telling you it’s fine to loosen up a little from time to time.
but you’re like.. “but i’ll become weak if i don’t hold back my feelings?”
he’ll just scoff, rolling his eyes in fake annoyance as he pinches your cheek, saying “it won’t be the end of the world if you suddenly become weak”
because he’ll be there, right?
katsuki will try to do things differently. he’ll be nicer, and he’ll try to tease you to get you laughing or at least irritated.
just anything
so when he sees you express your emotions openly, he’s just like :)) “damn right i did that”
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midoriya izuku
he was really unsure on how to approach you at first like.. are you mad? what are you thinking right now?
then he’s like “oh. that’s their quirk.”
your quirk is really interesting, so this causes him to start writing pages upon pages of your quirk in his notebook.
and despite your exterior, you’re really nice. you just don’t express your emotions
which is a real shame because.. you’re such a good person??
he’ll eventually be worried (like the sweetheart he is) because yes
deprivation is powerful as heck, as it feeds off your lack of emotion. but it’s not the healthiest mentally
so he checks up on you a lot, and he gets especially worried when your face goes neutral out of the sudden
he doesn’t know what you’re thinking!!
his constant worry of you caused him to develop feelings for you, because he’s always thinking about you
this doesn’t change when you guys get together, and he can only worry about you more.
so this causes him to go into a dilenma, actively trying to make you laugh— anything. even making the all might face
but you’re just like :) and he’s so sad whdnwns
he gets real defensive whenever someone calls you a robot like?? you’re not! you’re the sweetest person alive
unlike bakugou, his intervention is a lot more planned— izuku will take you to the park and he’ll tell you there
“Y/N, please don’t be afraid to express your feelings, suppressing your emotions isn’t healthy!”
he’s so sad sndnwndn
but luckily, the intervention goes well— because you can genuinely tell that he cares a lot
so he’s over the moon when you start laughing, or when you cried from watching a sad movie for the first time.
you don’t care that you feel weak at that moment, because izuku will hold you closer to him— almost protecting you from the world.
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kirishima eijirou
he wasn’t afraid to approach you, because you seemed very laxed and calm all the time
even when mineta is bothering you, even when denki and bakugou are being very loud— to the point even the calmest people are irritated
you’re still there like :) very calm and level headed
like woah.. that’s so manly.
your quirk seems really difficult to deal with, and sometimes he finds himself wondering if you’re okay.
he’s always nice to you, even with the lack of reactions and emotions to the things he says
the first one to always say hello, and if you wanted to train with him.
you’re such a good listener to him, allowing him to rant about whatever problems you have.
but when it comes to your problems.. crickets.
was he kinda surprised when the both of you guys confess your feelings at the same time? yes.
he didn’t think it would happen!
okay but into the relationship, he started thinking about your lack of emotions. not in a bad way like he’s reconsidering things!
like.. “is Y/N really okay? i know deprivation is really strong and all but.. i’m worried that she’s supressing her feelings all this time.”
kirishima gets it, because in middle school, he too had trouble expressing himself often— sometimes even in the present he struggles a bit
but due to your calm demeanor, you’ve listened to his problems— and you allowed him to let it all out.
so he wants to do the same to you, telling you one day when you guys are snuggled up, watching a movie.
so you hug him, promising that you’ll be more expressive from then on
it feels like the weight on his shoulders were relieved when you started expressing yourself.
and he loves seeing you be this expressive and carefree. but just so you know, he’ll never allow you to be in dangered— so being vunerable to bad situations is very unlikely.
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing.
do not plagiarize my work :))
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