#the workers have to break their bodies lifting and carrying and cleaning day after day so that the leaders can get paid a bit more
Maybe if I tear myself to pieces doing the work over and over, then you'll say I did a good job. Maybe if I sweat and starve and bleed and break my bones, then you'll look at me and nod your head in approval. Maybe if I destroy myself in the process, then you'll be satisfied with the work that I have done. Maybe if I skip my break and work tirelessly, then I'll be done on time. Maybe if I work forty hours a week and maybe if I have an open availability and maybe if I answer your every call to pick up extra shifts, then I'll deserve the pay that I get. Maybe if I destroy myself and my life and everything about me and become nothing but a vessel for the physical labor ingrained in my muscle memory, then I'll be a good worker.
but I doubt it'll ever happen. And I doubt you'll ever be able to look through the place I've just cleaned every inch of and be able to say "it's clean."
#Rant#Vent#Feel free to reblog and interact#Guys I know that I need the character development from working in customer service and fast food but I think I've had enough#And I know that I am being dramatic. That is the point of this post#to let it all out#But like I do sweat and I do strave and I do hit my head and I do bleed#Like#don't pretend like that isn't how this life is#I don't want these leaders to pretend like we don't tear ourselves apart working for their stupid company#and then they just get to waltz in and put their hands all over everything we tried so hard to clean and tell us “it's a little sticky”#And it's not even the leaders' fault. Like I love and appreciate all those people and they are good people.#But they can't pretend that it isn't unfair that they get to work in luxury using their minds to solve problems while#the workers have to break their bodies lifting and carrying and cleaning day after day so that the leaders can get paid a bit more#It's all so overwhelming and it often makes me sad#Why don't we pay the physical laborers more? Idk. I wish I had an answer#For now I'll just continue to be stupid and whine about my stupid little job at a stupid little starbucks#and I'll pretend like my life isn't falling apart. For the sake of their reputation#I'll pretend like I'm not dying every day#Negative#very negative#It's so funny because I'm still not done#Maybe if I work out every day to make myself strong enough to lift a cow then I'll be able to make it through these eight hour work days#Maybe if I change my lifestyle completely to benefit a stupid company then I'll be happy with my life#fuuuccckkkk#Okay I am making this public now. Um. :)#Personal
0 notes
Accidental confessions
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summary: what would the characters do if they accidentally confessed to you?
pairings: zhongli x gn!reader; diluc x gn!reader; albedo x gn!reader; kazuha x gn!reader
warnings: none that i´m aware of, just fluff (please let me know if i forgot sth)
a/n: writing genshin to manifest raiden coming home next week does this count as copium?
find part 2 here!
genshin impact masterlist
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Okay, let´s get one thing straight: everyone on this list falls into the “calm and collected” category in their own way, so probably none of them would slip up while talking to you
But Zhongli is literally a couple thousand years old, bold of you to assume something like this would throw him off
Even if it catches him off guard, he´ll regain his composure and go with the flow
The ex-archon learned over time there´s no point in keeping secrets, it might actually make the situation worse
Besides, why would he be ashamed of something as pure as his adoration for you?
Stretching your arms over your head, you feel the satisfaction of cracking your joints after a long day of work. Cleaning up the rest of your stuff, you got up and said goodbye to your co-workers before leaving for the day.
The evening breeze felt nice against your skin, carrying the gentle scent of the sea mixed with those wavering over from the bustling streets of Liyue Harbor. So, to savour the beauty of dusk settling over the city, you decided to take a little stroll along the stalls lining the pavement.
Growing up in Liyue Harbor, you´d never really appreciated just how beautiful it actually was. To you, it was just normal. Sure, whenever festivals like the lantern rite were held, you marvelled at the pretty craftmanship of the decorations as long as they lasted. And then everything was the same as usual again. One fateful day, however, a chance encounter should change the way you saw Liyue and its history forever.
You´d been sitting in your favourite tea shop, trying to wind down from a less than ideal business deal. The guy you were trading with blatantly ignored every regulation set in your contract and was pulling all the stops in an attempt to scam you of your money. Luckily, you had some good connections to Yanfei, who managed to sort the whole mess out in your favour.
Still, the interaction had strained even the last nerve in your body and you still had to fight the urge to go back and sucker-punch the guy for the sheer audacity. Instead, you were clenching your teacup just as hard as your jaw and the fact that the shop was overrun with customers this day wasn´t helping. You had had trouble finding a table at all but once you were settled, you felt as if at least a small weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
“Excuse me, I do not mean to bother you, yet I must ask whether there is an open spot left at your table?”
You looked up to see two intense amber eyes inquisitively peering down at you. Mumbling a quick affirmation and shuffling around to make room for the tall stranger, you took in his appearance more. He was elegantly dressed, a traditional style you didn´t see often anymore and he moved with great elegance and poise. The smooth voice and even tone with which he spoke made it sound as if he was reciting poetry, not ordering Osmanthus tea.
“As you have so kindly offered me a spot at your table, I do not wish to offend you by asking this, still I cannot help but notice that you seem rather irked; I wholeheartedly hope it has nothing to do with my presence?” It was hard to remain calm and not flush cherry red at the way he directed his complete attention towards you, his eyes seemed to give off a subtle glow, like molten gold shining in the sun. You reassured him that you did not mind the company and filled him in on the situation with your business partner.
“Dishonoured a contract, you say? A bold move in the land of contracts, if I dare say so myself. After all, Rex Lapis once said: `Ones who break their contracts shall suffer the Wrath of the Rock´. I would like to believe that this principle still holds true to this day, even if the Liyue of today is a vastly different Liyue than back in those days.”
Through your conversation, you learned that his name was Zhongli and that he was the consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour. It certainly seemed like the right occupation for someone with such extensive knowledge, yet, as someone who´s known Hu Tao for quite some time now, you couldn´t help but feel a little concerned for his sanity.
As the hours passed, you found yourself more and more drawn to the stories Zhongli told you. Many of them were about Liyue´s culture, history and traditions and although you never really cared for any of that more than basic surface-level, the way he presented them to you as if he had experienced all of those past events himself, had you under some kind of spell.
Meeting Zhongli was a memory you looked back on most fondly, as it was the start to an unlikely but just as delightful friendship. Through him, you learned to appreciate Liyue Harbor´s day-to-day beauty. The scenic glow of the lanterns reflecting in the water or the setting sun painting the cuihua trees a magnificent crimson. Now that you had noticed it for the first time, you simply couldn´t tear your eyes away ever again.
Being in awe at the scenery was as inevitable as taking a breath or thinking of your newfound friend. You couldn´t look anywhere without recalling a story he had told you about the place and it made you feel somewhat guilty.
Begrudgingly, you had acknowledged the tells of your growing affection for the consultant and deep-down you had seen it coming from the start. There was no denying that Zhongli was easily one of the most handsome people you had ever come across and his eloquent way of speaking paired with his gentlemanly mannerisms, certainly didn´t hinder his case.
But he had never made any advances towards you or dropped any hints the attraction was mutual, so you didn´t want to assume anything. Also, the way he seemed genuinely happy to share his knowledge with someone who was willing to listen was so pure and heart-warming, you didn´t want to risk dampening his enthusiasm.
Pulling yourself out of your thoughts with a deep sigh, you noticed how late it had gotten and decided it was best to head home. Passing by the Adventurer´s guild and Chef Mao´s restaurant, you were about to cross the sort of main square of the Harbor as you heard two familiar voices that made you stop in your tracks.
“…yeah, yeah, I get it. But to change topics, how is it going with that friend of yours?” You could practically see the grin on the Harbinger´s face, his tone of voice one that made you want to wipe it off on numerous occasions. You never understood why someone as reputable as Zhongli spent so much time with someone like him but it also wasn´t your place to intervene.
“Our relationship stands as it did last time we spoke, Childe.”
“Awww, consultant, really? I thought we went over this already. You need to ask them out, if you want anything to happen. They don´t seem to be the type to do it themselves.” Was your heart supposed to clench this tightly at the ginger´s words? At least you knew now that you could drown your feelings without regret.
“And I thought we already went over how I´d like to take this at my own pace. An occasion such as this should not be rushed if one wants to reap fruitful results. Yet, I can also understand your excitement over a more direct approach. There were great a many times, I wished for nothing more than to tell them how I feel.”
Praying to Rex Lapis you would blend into the sparse crowd (or for the ground to swallow you whole), you tried to sneak past the terrace of `Third-Round Knockout´ but it seemed to you were out of luck.
“Well, fortunately for you, Mister Zhongli, you might not have to wait long for another opportunity to arise.” Raising his voice and waving his hand in a greeting, you should´ve known better than to try and elude Childe´s keen eyes. “(y/n), come and join us, will you?”
You were too busy mentally scolding yourself for his words to register in your brain. Once you were seated, you looked everywhere but their eyes. Though the flush of your ears apparently gave away that you overheard part of their conversation as the Harbinger gave you a sly grin that couldn´t possibly mean anything good.
“So, Mister Zhongli, where were we? Oh yes, you were telling me about how best to confess your feelings for (y/n) here and as much as I´d like to hear all about it, it seems that I still have some pressing business to attend to. So, as much as it pains me, I will have to bid you both goodbye for now.” He gave you a last gleeful wink as he placed a heavy pouch of Mora on the table and had disappeared not a moment later. The flush on your ears had in return effectively spread to your cheeks and crept all the way down your neck.
From across you, there was a defeated sort of sigh heard. You lifted your gaze just to find Zhongli already looking at you. The way he was studying you just as intensely as ever made it hard to form coherent thoughts, yet, slowly but surely information trickled into your brain. When Childe´s words clicked with you, your eyes went wide as saucers.
“I must admit, I planned to go about this very differently, as you can probably assume. Still, I cannot let a chance like this slip through my grasp. Although coming from someone whose place it was not to disclose such sensitive information, Childe speaks true.” It was a rare sight but Zhongli graced you with a small smile, his gaze softened to something more akin to a sweet toffee rather than cold metal.
“In my life, I have met countless people and I shall meet countless more still. Yet few have intrigued me nearly as much as you have, (y/n). At first, I falsely presumed I merely enjoyed your company as a welcome tranquillity compared to those who encompass me in daily business. I was proven wrong, however, when I could not admire a single glaze lily or an intricately crafted piece of jewellery without wondering which delightful reaction you would offer if they were shown to you. Rather shockingly, I had to realise the city´s glow had dulled significantly, when you weren´t right next to me, your fascinated eyes sparkling brighter than a thousand stars ever could. It is exactly because nothing appears as striking as you that I faced myself, for the first time in a long while, with uncertainty about how to proceed. But with you in front of me tonight, I do not think I could hold myself back any longer, even if I desired to do so. If you´d so please, enlighten me as to whether this feeling is mutual or whether I am overstepping my boundaries.”
Releasing the breath you were holding, you took another deep one to collect your thoughts and to try calm your racing heart. Since there had been no hints for his feelings as far as you were concerned, his confession packed as much of a punch as Xiangling´s last jueyun chilli and pyro slime concoction, although it was much more pleasant and much less stomach ache inducing.
“I´m afraid I can´t express myself just as eloquently as you did, Zhongli, so I´ll keep it simple. I like you, too. I was just too afraid I would make you uncomfortable if I said anything about it. And as much as I´m sorry you were thrown into the cold like this, I´m also very relieved.”
Offering an even gentler smile to you, Zhongli extended his hand with his palm facing upwards. Gingerly fitting your own on top of his, you watch as he placed a tender kiss on your knuckles, much like royalty would. Looking up through his lashes, you thought your heart might have stopped shortly before going into cardiac arrest.
“You could never make me uncomfortable, dearest (y/n). On the contrary, I rarely find myself as at ease as when I am in your company. If you´d indulge me, I´d still very much like to treat you to an outing more befitting of a moment such as this. Much like our first meeting in an unassuming tea shop, this moment too shall shine like gold in my memory forevermore.”
Mondstadt´s wine tycoon is known for his stoic and deadpan expression, so it´s poker face all the way
Low-key (high-key) panics on the inside though
Will show a second´s worth of a shocked face, eyes wide and brows raised, but blink and you´ll miss it
After gauging your reaction, Diluc will continue accordingly to how he thinks you´d take the truth about his feelings
“That would be the last one. Thank you both.”
“Don´t mention it, Diluc. I don´t mind helping out, you know that, and I think Venti owes you a helping hand anyway, considering how much of this stuff he drinks.” You shot the bard who already sat perched on some crates nearby a playful glare.
“Ehe, you might be right. Besides the Windblume Festival is coming up and you´re supposed to support your friends and loved ones, isn´t that right? Speaking of which, say (y/n), is there someone you´d like to receive a windblume from?” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“Someone sure is nosy. But it doesn´t matter anyway, I normally just get them from my family, so nothing exciting here,” you sighed. You weren´t ungrateful for your relatives and friends to give you a windblume, you actually thought it was rather cute. Yet your heart did clench unpleasantly as you listened to your friends´ stories about lovers or secret admirers sending them flowers.
“Aww, come on, don´t look so glum. The festival isn´t the only way to show your affection, right? Maybe they´re all too shy to give you a flower” He slung an arm around your shoulder and lowered his voice, face all smug “Also, I don´t think Barbatos would mind being the only one receiving a windblume from you, ehe.”
“If Barbara heard you, she would strangle you with your lyre.”
“But I´m not lying, you –“
“Stop bothering, (y/n), bard.” Diluc had come up behind you two, picking Venti up by the scruff of his neck like misbehaving kitten and effectively pulling him off you. Then he turned to you, serious expression seemingly set in stone. “You need to tell him off when he´s being a nuisance, (y/n).”
“It´s okay, Diluc, he was just joking.” The bard raised his hand as if to contradict your statement but was silenced with one intense glare from the red-haired man next to you.
“You´re too nice for your own good, you know that.” He pinched the bridge of his nose while you only sheepishly shrugged your shoulders.
Now that your work here was done, you said goodbye to your friends to return home. Although, as you went to leave, you remembered Venti´s question and without meaning to, your eyes flitted over to Diluc before you caught yourself and immediately went to stare at the ground.
Recently, you had spent more time with Mondstadt´s wine tycoon, often stopping by Angel´s Share when you were done with work, hoping to catch Diluc before most customers started to file in. In return, Diluc would often make time in his busy schedule to invite you for tea at Dawn Winery or to take you out for dinner. So, it was safe to say people saw him out with you quite a lot, especially considering his rather reclusive behaviour most of the time.
After preparations were finished, the time of the actual Windblume Festival arrived. Mondstadt´s streets were decorated with all types of flowers native to the nation; even Wolfhooks were present, courtesy of Bennett and Razor of course. Over the course of the festivities, you received various flowers from your friends and family, spending most of your time weaving flower crowns and binding bouquets for them as well.
Yet, with the sweet also came the bitter and it took your all to keep the green-eyed beast in your chest at bay and be genuinely happy for the people chatting about their romantic experiences. And it made you feel rather guilty. Rationally, you knew you shouldn´t be mad at them, their luck had nothing to do with your disappointment but you couldn´t push down this envy completely.
So, as the festival drew to a close, you were somewhat torn on how to feel about the last day starting. You were sad to see all the beautiful decorations go but a small part of you let out a relieved sigh at not having to deal with the disappointment of your own expectations.
As you opened your front door, however, you almost tripped over a lavish bouquet of dandelions, accented by crimson windwheel asters and pristine cecilias. The tag attached to the flowers only read For (y/n) but nothing to identify who they came from. Your cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as you examined the dandelions, a flower meant to be given to a lover during the Windblume festival.
After placing the flowers in a vase on your dining table, you pondered who could´ve sent them to you. Your thoughts kept drifting towards a certain red-head but you pushed them away as quickly as they came, not wanting to unnecessarily get your hopes up. As expected, when you met your friends that day, the bouquet you found on your doorstep was all the rage.
And it didn´t stop there. Throughout the day, you kept hearing people whisper and you guessed one of your friends snitched because some acquaintances you barely knew would come up and ask whether you already knew the identity of your secret admirer. You passed by the main plaza and saw Donna looking more expectant than she usually did. But, like most, you didn´t think much of it.
You decided to stop by Angel´s Share, thinking Diluc might have time for a quick chat. When you walked by Flora´s shop on your way there, you overheard the girl talking to a woman you didn´t recognise.
“You don´t say? Has that ever happened before? You know, by this point I thought the boy had no romantic bone in his body,” the woman giggled. “But now that you mention it, I did see him around with someone more often, like just out and about, going to restaurants and stuff.”
Knowing you probably shouldn’t pry but also being nosy as hell, you approached the two, greeting Flora. As sneakily as possible, you inquired what they were talking about.
“Oh, honey, listen to this: You know the owner of Dawn Winery, Diluc Ragnvindr, yes? Get this, Flora just told me that he stopped by this morning and bought a bouquet. But that´s not even the best part,” she leaned closer to you and held up her hand to shield her mouth, “it was a dandelion bouquet! Who do you think the lucky girl is? Or do you think it could be a boy?”
“Dandelions, you say? Were there any other flowers in it? Maybe it wasn´t meant for a romantic occasion.”
“No, it definitely was,” Flora piped up, “Sure, there were some asters and cecilias but it was 100% for a lover. Trust me, I´d know.”
At this piece of information, you perked up. It was exactly the type of bouquet you found this morning and judging by the size and quality it definitely must have cost quite a lot. In your circle of possible candidates, there were not many who had the money to spend it on fancy flowers, especially given that, due to the high demand, they sold for a lot more at the end of the festival. Excusing yourself, you headed straight for the tavern but didn´t come far, literally running into the man of the hour.
“(y/n), you should really watch where you´re going.” Diluc steadied you by your shoulders before you could go tumbling to the ground, “But, I have to admit, your timing is impeccable. I was just on my way to see you.”
“What a coincidence, I came to see you too.” You studied his expression, trying to gauge if there was something out of the ordinary maybe, “So, what was it you needed me for?”
“I merely wanted to ask if you´d join me for dinner tonight. I know it´s a rather late request but I thought you might want to see the festivities off with some company.”
“I´d love to, Diluc.” As you started walking next to each other, you contemplated for a bit before deciding to take a leap of faith. “Today is just full of surprises, isn´t it?”
“What brings about this conclusion?” If he knew where you were going with this, then he did an incredible job at hiding it.
“This morning, someone left a dandelion bouquet on my doorstep but no indication who it´s from. It´s a real shame though, the flowers are lovely and I wish I could extend my thanks to whoever gave them to me. It´s been plaguing my mind since I stepped outside.”
He was quiet for a moment before he asked if you had any suspicions on who it could be. At this point, you were starting to lose faith in it actually being Diluc who sent them. His tone was as collected as ever, his expression neutral and mannerisms as poised as they´d always been.
“There was someone but as I thought about it more, I realised it was probably more wishful thinking.” You let out a forced laugh, trying to mask your defeated tone. “Enough about me, what about you? I know you always receive a lot of windblumes, how many did Donna send this year? Did you send one back perhaps? No, wait, can´t be. I saw her still breathing earlier.”
“Very funny, (y/n). And yes, for reasons beyond me, I have received a couple of flowers. Although at this point, that drunk bard is rivalling Donna with the number of cecilias he´s given to me. I think he´s trying to lower his tab. Yet, I have to share your sentiment of a surprise this day brings.” He paused for a second and you urged him to continue. “I found myself doing something I never could´ve imagined doing just a year ago.”
The two of you had stopped in a secluded area, just a couple of streets away from the restaurant you frequented. Diluc turned to you, his crimson eyes fixed on you.
“(y/n), I think we´re both dancing around the edge of the same thought. From what I gathered, you didn´t despise having someone gift you dandelions. Perhaps I am the one engaging in wishful thinking now, but could your reluctance to share your suspicions on who sent them come from you thinking it was me?” The damning shock you just went through must have been visible on your face and you watched as his lips lifted ever so slightly at the corner. “If that is the case, I must congratulate you on coming to the right conclusion. You have to forgive me for not giving them to you in person. Frankly speaking, I did not know how you´d react. I must also apologise for overhearing your conversation with Venti the other day. I hope I did not cross any lines in either instance.”
“Diluc, did you mean it? I mean, the dandelions…I don´t want to jump to any conclusions, you know?”
“The dandelions were no accident if that´s what you´re wondering. I´m not very used to stating my feelings but for you, I can make an exception. It took me some time to acknowledge why I felt so elated whenever you´d come to see me or why I was more annoyed when Kaeya flirted with you of all people. And the answer is as plain as it is simple. I have fallen for you, (y/n).”
“My answer should be plain and simple then as well, right? I´ve fallen for you too, Diluc.” You reached over to intertwine your hands and he let you, slipping his fingers between your own. “What do you say we make this our first date then?”
“That sounds lovely.”
Somehow, you had the inkling there´d be no reason to feel disappointed by the Windblume Festival from now on.
The head scientist of the Knights of Favonius is usually all logical and rational
However, sometimes he still struggles with his human side and, therefore, his feelings
Subconsciously retreats to his lab on Dragonspine and buries himself in work, contemplating the strange sensation he experiences whenever he sees you
And while he takes a slow and careful approach, there´s someone close to him who doesn´t
After making your way up the seemingly endless flight of stairs, you finally reached the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, hoping to find their blond head scientist. On your way inside, you ran into Kaeya and decide to ask the cavalry captain if he had seen him.
“Albedo? No, I haven´t seen him around at all lately, so he´s probably on Dragonspine. But if you don´t feel like searching for him any longer, why don´t you just spend your time with me?” he said, lips parting in a cheeky grin. You´ve known Kaeya long enough though for his flirty demeanour to not have any effect on you.
You thank him and leave, unable to keep in a dejected sigh. It had been a week since you last saw Albedo and even then, he only mumbled a quick greeting before rushing past you, head buried in his notes and not sparing you so much as a glance.
Normally, you´d understand. The blond often got lost in his own alchemical world, far beyond where anyone else could follow. But when that happened, he wouldn´t acknowledge anyone or anything. This time, however, he talked to everybody else like he usually would, even answered Timaeus´ questions, just you seemed to be air to him. You tried striking up a conversation once or twice only to receive court responses and a half-hearted excuse to leave.
Leaving the bustling city, you passed the alchemy workstation and saw Timaeus experimenting with whatever Albedo helped him with and it did nothing but sour your mood even further. As expected, your friend was nowhere to be found. That meant he most likely went up the mountains and didn´t tell you. So, that was where you were standing now, huh?
In an effort to calm your mind and move past the acidic thoughts clouding your brain, you settled in the grass near Cider Lake, letting the breeze flow through your clothes and watching dandelion seeds gracefully floating along.
The reasonable part of you knew there shouldn´t be anything to plant such feelings within you. Albedo didn´t have to tell you he´d leave for Dragonspine, you were both adults, after all, it was just that he always did. And frankly, your heart cracked at the memory of him not even acknowledging your presence. You had become close over time and you enjoyed spending time with him, lately even wondering if there might be something mo-
Almost jumping out of your skin, you sympathised with the swarm of pigeons taking flight at the loud noise. It was quite faint where you sat but through sheer force of habit, you could even make out the remnants of a blast wave. Yeah, you knew that sound by heart and you also knew what- or rather who- caused it. Rounding the city walls, you found the red-clad culprit laughing merrily at the waves her bomb produced.
“Klee! What are you doing?”
“Oh, (y/n), it´s you! I thought you were Jean.” Turning to you with a bright smile on her face, she made it really difficult to be mad at her. “I´m fish blasting with the new bombs Albedo made with me, do you want to try it too?”
“Uhh, no, I´m good, thank you.” You sat down and were immediately joined by the blonde girl. “Say, Klee, when did you make the new bombs?”
“Hmm, a couple of days ago, before Albedo went up the scary mountain. But he didn´t allow me to come with him.” Feeling just as disheartened as her, though probably for a different reason, you put an arm around her as she clung to your side. Since you spent so much time with Albedo, naturally you and Klee had bonded as well, mostly because you never told on her to the Acting Grandmaster.
“Did he tell you when he would be back?”
“No, he was being a big meanie and said that he had important research to do and that he didn´t know how long it would take. And that nobody should come bother him!” Klee leant in and continued in a conspiratorial voice. “Do you know what I think he´s actually doing?”
You shook your head and urged her to continue.
“I think he´s making a surprise for you!” When you flinched and asked her why she´d think that, her tone shifted to something that made it seem as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Well, he likes you! He´s always talking about you and he always smiles when he does it too! Oh, I saw his sketchbook once and there was a lot of drawings of you in it.”
Klee looked mighty proud with herself, meanwhile, you were still trying to process what she had just sprung on you. So, was it true? Did Albedo actually not hate you? But why then would he be so cold towards you? When you opened your mouth to ask if she was sure, you heard footsteps approaching behind the both of you.
“Klee? Is that y- Oh, (y/n). I didn´t think I´d run into you here.”
You rose to your feet the moment you recognised the person speaking. “Albedo? I thought you were on Dragonspine?”
If he was surprised to see you just a second ago, his voice had already regained its usual calmness. “I just returned, actually. Then I heard the explosion, so I thought I should come and check on Klee.”
You nodded your head and remained silent, not knowing what to say. The moment in which neither of you said anything seemed to stretch on forever and draped itself over you like a suffocating blanket. But before the ground could open to swallow you whole, Klee proved to be your Spark Knight in crimson armour yet again.
“So, big brother, what did you make for (y/n)? Is it a bomb?” When her sparkling eyes were only met with confusion, she bounced up to him. “I told (y/n) that you like them and that you went to make a surprise for them. But it´s okay if you don´t want to give it to them with me around. I´ll go ask Lisa if we can make more gunpowder together!”
Giving you two thumbs up while beaming, the girl made a quick exit and fled the scene. That left only Albedo and you, which prompted you to be fascinated by everything that wasn´t him.
“Well, I guess, I have to come clean now, do I? First of all, I´d like to apologise. I was so busy trying to figure out my feelings that I completely disregarded yours.” He stepped closer and you let him. “I´m sorry, (y/n), please believe me when I say I never meant to neglect you. It was just easier to run than to confront this new sensation I´ve been experiencing. But just because it´s easier doesn´t mean it´s right. Or fair to you. Can you forgive me?”
“I guess, I could do that,” you sighed, “under one condition, though. Next time, just come talk to me. I really thought I did something to anger you.”
“You could never get me to be mad at you.” He gingerly took hold of your hand, waiting for some sort of rejection from you. When there was none, he took the liberty of running his thumb across your knuckles. “I never really understood when people said love felt like butterflies in their stomach. I used to think they were just spouting nonsense. But after I spent more time with you and developed that particular sensation, I thought I had fallen ill at first, until I remembered what people told me about attraction before.”
“Klee might not have been right about why I went to Dragonspine, yet, she was indeed correct about my affection for you, (y/n).” He turned your hand so your palm was facing upwards and gently curled his own around yours. When you opened your fist again, you held a delicate flower that gleamed as if it was an actual gem. “It´s not much of a surprise but I hope you´ll accept it nonetheless.”
Whether he was talking about the flower or his confession, you weren´t sure, yet, it didn´t really matter much, as you didn´t have any intention of rejecting either one. Giving his hand a reassuring squeeze, the smile you showed him rivalled the brightness and warmth of the sun.
“Only if you can accept that I´ll come to bother you during your experiments much more often from now on.”
“I´m looking forward to it, love.”
Kazuha probably had a plan for a confession
We know he´s good with words and flowery language, so you can bet he thought of a really romantic way to show his affection for you
But life rarely goes as we want it to and while his heart sank at first, this samurai is well aware that there´s no use in sticking your head in the sand
So, he´d most likely follow his heart and speak truthfully, you deserve his honesty after all
You´d been looking forward to the Crux Fleet returning to Liyue Harbor because it meant you´d get to see Beidou, the crew and, most important of all, Kazuha again. Every time the ship left the harbour, you were the last person waving them goodbye and every time their sails came into view, you were the first person welcoming them back.
As a kid, you´d often play around on the docks where you met Beidou. Even back then, the later Captain was the coolest kid around and you weren´t the only one to think that way. Her enthusiasm and leadership qualities were already shining through. Although she was a couple of years older than you, she accepted you in her little crew and had been a loyal friend ever since. This connection didn´t break even as Beidou took to the sea more often and you pursued your dreams with solid ground underneath your feet.
It was after one of her voyages to Inazuma that Beidou´s crew had come back to Liyue Harbor stronger in numbers than when they set out. The Crux had rescued a travelling samurai from the Land of Eternity and offered him a place among their ranks.
This was how you were introduced to Kadehara Kazuha. Considering that you were nearly the same age, Beidou was quick to search you out among the crowd. The two of you probably would have been off to a rockier start if it hadn´t been for the captain leading the conversation.
At first, it was hard for you to gauge what topics were okay and which ones were best avoided. Your friend had filled you in on the situation in Inazuma and the circumstances of how they found Kazuha but she believed it best for him to tell his own story and you agreed with her. Although you didn´t know what happened exactly, you could guess it was rather traumatic and not something to be lightly thrown around.
Over time though, Kazuha and you grew closer and conversations flowed more easily. Often enough you´d come aboard the ship to listen to his newest poem or to show him something you thought he might find interesting. The abrupt change between Inazuma and Liyue was quite the culture shock, especially considering how closed off the former was from the rest of Teyvat. So, you´d made it your unofficial mission to help him grow accustomed to his new lifestyle here.
One of the most important steps in your friendship was the night Kazuha told you how he ended up on Beidou´s ship. It was after you had shown him around a Liyue Harbor festival, making him try all sorts of seasonal delicacies and pointing out traditions that inspired the particular stalls.
It was as you went back to the ship that Kazuha had shown you a melancholic expression as he shared his memories of the festivals back in his home country. He´d asked you then if you´d indulge him for a while longer and when you had found a more private spot, he opened up about his past. You didn´t know whether it was the whole story but it didn´t matter to you. You treasured the fact that he trusted you enough to confide in you his most personal and most vulnerable side more dearly than anything else you could possibly possess.
And before you knew it, Beidou wasn´t the only person you´d miss whenever the Crux fleet set sail. People would often say that absence made the heart grow fonder but your heart had never soared so high as in the moment where the ship´s mast broke through the line at the horizon. The only thing growing in Kazuha´s absence was the feeling of loneliness and the longing to see him again.
On this particular day, however, you were just as nervous as you were excited. You realised during your time spent apart from Kazuha that your feelings weren´t strictly platonic anymore and luckily you had had enough time to contemplate what you wanted to do about it. After thorough consideration, you came to the conclusion to confess your feelings for the samurai.
So now, you were rocking on your feet, going over your plan again. You hadn´t really thought about what you were going to say, thinking it was best to do it in the heat of the moment but you thought about roughly 142 excuses to talk to Kazuha more privately. Number 64 was a personal favourite though.
By the time you could make out the faces of the people on the ship, your heart was beating wildly out of your chest as the crowd around you cheered for their friends and family returning home and you were feeling like doing cartwheels when you saw Beidou´ s purple attire next to Kazuha´s white and red hair. Beidou and you were grinning from ear to ear while Kazuha was giving you his trademark genuine smile.
After most of the crew had disembarked to greet their loved ones, you used the chance to slip up the gangplank and tackle-hug your friends. Once you had separated from each other again and had caught up on the most important things that happened, Beidou excused herself to go and meet the other people on the pier waiting to welcome her back.
“So, how have you been? Anything new you found?” you asked, ready to hear about whatever strange situations they certainly came across this time.
“So, we did. What say you join me for a chat? There´s a lot I´d like to share with you and I am just as keen on listening to how you spent your days.”
On your way to his cabin though, he excused himself, saying he had to fetch something quickly and told you to go on ahead without him. Having visited the Crux often enough, you had no trouble finding your way and made yourself comfortable on his bed, thinking about how best to bring up your feelings.
As you stared out the window, something caught your eye. Kazuha´s normally pristine room was littered in crumbled paper balls, the wastebasket next to his desk overflowing. Normally not one to pry, your attention was hooked when a familiar name crossed your vision. Yours to be exact.
You hesitated for a second before picking up the paper and smoothing it out on the bed. On it you found a myriad of started poems with most of them crossed out and left unfinished. The more papers you unfolded, the more poetry you found. They weren´t all the same type, some were haikus, others were sonnets, again others were free verses but what they all had in common was that they described someone very similar to you or straight-up mentioned your name. However, you did not have much time to dwell on it, shoving the papers off the bed as the door slid open.
“(y/n)? What happened-“ It seemed as Kazuha had forgotten these works existed too, his usually calm expression morphing into one of shock. “I´m so sorry. I wasn´t planning on showing you those…”
“No, no, no! It was my fault! I should be the one apologising, Kazuha. I shouldn´t have looked at them, I´m sorry.” Bashfully meeting his eyes, you brought your hand up to soothe your glowing neck and added in a quieter voice “For what it´s worth, I thought they were all very beautiful even if they´re still unfinished.”
For a moment, he only stared back at you before collecting his composure.
“So, you´re not upset about it?”
“No, why would I be?” You patted the spot next to you for him to join you. “Actually, there´s something I´ve been meaning to tell you and I didn´t know how you´d feel about it, so I was really nervous to bring it up. But now, I don´t feel so scared anymore.”
Seeing you fiddle with your fingers, Kazuha took your hands between his own and rubbed soothing circles onto their backs. As he caught your eyes with his own curious ones, a small but gentle smile appeared on his face.
“There´s no need for you to be nervous, you know your thoughts are safe with me. Besides, I do believe we are thinking very much alike in this current situation and have come to similar conclusions.”
“I sure hope so or this is going to be really embarrassing for me,” you chuckle, “Well, here goes nothing. Kazuha, I like you more than just a friend. I´ve realised that while you were away and uhm… wow, I really should´ve planned this out more.”
Your friend´s earnest laugh was bouncing around the cabin but instead of being upset at him laughing at your confession, you couldn´t stop yourself from joining in. When you had both calmed down again, his maple eyes focused back on you.
“It is as we assumed, both of us share the same sentiment. And please, do not feel bad about any imperfections of your statement. In my eyes, coming from you, there is no such thing as a flawed confession. As a matter of fact, you have witnessed that I myself have struggled with finding the right words to express my feelings for you. But now I have learned there is no right or wrong for sharing this affection I feel.”
“You say that you have trouble finding the right words and yet you still manage to be way smoother than me, how is that fair,” you say, nudging his shoulder playfully. “But if you´re still hung up about the poems, I wouldn´t mind hearing some in the future, you know.”
Kazuha mirrored your smile, placing a strand of your hair behind your ear before cradling your cheek with his palm.
“That is relieving to hear because my inspiration seems to have found back to me now that I have found the most enchanting of muses.”
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cloudy-minded-idiot · 3 years
closing time
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x female reader (kinda?)
warning: mentions of blood, a probably very inaccurate description of a wound being treated (lemme know if I should add anything else)
word count: around 3,000
a/n: wrote this before bed last night and edited it this morning. feedback would be appreciated, just pls don’t be too hard on me, since it’s the first fic i’m posting on here. i have a vague idea for a second part if anyone’s interested.
summary: a wounded stranger stumbles into your life one night, and you find yourself helping her out despite your better instincts.
next part
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It was a slow night for a change. The last customer had left half an hour ago. An elderly man who had only bought two packs of cigarettes and some strawberry mint gum to go along with it. He was a regular, came in at least once a week, always bought the same thing. The kind of customer you enjoyed after a long day: quiet and quick to leave.  
You were all set to lock up for the day. All you could do now was wait for your shift to actually be over. A difficult thing for someone who was inherently impatient and had nothing to distract herself with. Your phone had died halfway through the day, and you had finished your book sometime around lunch. Any other night, you would at least have your co-worker or your boss to chat with, but Mr. Douglas had left early today. Something about his in-laws coming to visit. You hadn't question it.
A glance at the clock. Ten more minutes. With a sigh, you closed your eyes, just listening to the ticking sound. For a while, you counted along. It was calming. Almost enough to lull you to sleep. Not that that took a lot, you were pretty tired after all. You had long lost track of the seconds gone by when, in between the rhythmical tik-tok, a  shrill bell chimed. The one above the entrance you knew all too well.  
You had to suppress an annoyed sigh. Last-minute customers.
Whatever complaint you had on your mind was quickly replaced by utter shock when you opened your eyes. In, through the drugstore-door, staggered a woman with fiery red hair, covered head to toe in dirt. Bruises lined her face, and she kept one hand pressed to her abdomen in a futile attempt to stop blood from seeping out of a wound. Little droplets fell to the floor despite her efforts, marking her path to the counter.  
"Holy shit!" you breathed out, eyes probably wide as saucers. You continued dumbly, "I think you need to see a doctor."
An understatement, to be sure. If her sickly pale complexion was anything to go by, she was sure to keel over sooner rather than later.
The redhead shook her head determinedly, a pain-stricken look on her face.  
"No doctor. No hospital. Just need some medical supplies," her remark was accompanied by her slamming crumpled dollar bills on the counter.
"O-kay," you said slowly, leaving the counter and taking her by the elbow, "I'll get you your supplies, but you seriously need to sit down."  
You opened the door to the break room, guiding her to a chair that she more or less collapsed onto. She winced in pain, and you stayed a moment to make sure she was all set before hurrying back out. In a frenzy, you jogged along the shelves, mentally trying to create a list of supplies she could need. Rubbing alcohol, a first aid kit, scissors, tweezers. You also grabbed some painkillers and a bottle of water on your way back.  
Dumping all the supplies on the round wooden lunch table, you watched her nervously as she started to cut off parts of her shirt to get better access to the wound. Almost instinctively, you grabbed the trash can holding it out for her to dump the blood-soaked fabric into.  
"Water," she croaked out in between painful gasps, "Need to…rinse the wound." 
Mutely, you nodded. Rummaging through the cabinet of the small old-fashioned kitchen counter until you found a big bowl and filled it up. Dipping a towel into the lukewarm water, you knelt in front of the woman.  
"Let me do it. You need to save your strength."
She looked like she wanted to object, but, in the end, she gave you a curt nod. There was a lot of blood. You did your best not to irritate the wound too much. By the time you were finished, the water itself was a deep crimson. She had closed her eyes, sweat covering her brow. She grabbed you by the sleeve of your shirt when you tried to stand up, holding you in place.  
"Now with alcohol," she told you. Your eyes flickered to the bottle on the table.
You hesitate. Swallowing the lump in your throat.
"Are you sure?"
"Do it," the redhead commanded, eyes still closed. She let go of your arm then, returning hers to the armrest of the chair. Her fingers left behind bloody prints.  
You obeyed her order, wincing along with her in sympathy as you pressed the alcohol-drenched cloth to her wound. You could only imagine how much it must sting. Her grip on the armrests tightened until her knuckles turned white. When you were done, she inspected the wound, eyes narrowed to see in the dim light of the fluorescent lamps. A long silence stretched between you two. She looked up, meeting your gaze for the first time. Her eyes were a mix of greens with little specks of grey thrown in. Under different circumstances, you might have admired them a little longer. They were quite beautiful.
"Can you sew?"  
You nod slowly, sensing where she was going with this and not liking it one bit.  
It took a while to find sewing supplies. Taking deep breaths, you willed your hands to stop shaking and followed her murmured instructions. Put on latex gloves, sterilize the needle and thread. She sounded very calm as she explained how to make the first stitch, didn't even flinch when the needle pricked her skin. It helped calm you down a little.  
By the time you cut off the excess thread, you found yourself unable to recall doing any of the other stitches. The rush of the moment made the procedure seem to pass faster than it probably did in reality. She eyed your handiwork for a moment before giving a small nod of approval, a faint, exhausted smile tugging at her lips.  
“Not bad for a rookie.”  
“Thanks,” you breathed out, already preoccupied with sifting through the first aid kit.
Wrapping the wound was much more your forte. The redhead leaned back in the chair once you finished, washing some painkillers down with a big gulp from the water bottle. With the adrenaline wearing down, you felt as exhausted as she looked. Leaning back against the table leg, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, your body relaxing as your apprehension lessened little by little.
You took a couple of moments to mentally catch up to what just happened, processing the sheer craziness of it all. Your brain was brimming with questions. Who was she?  Who hurt her? Why didn’t she get professional help? They were on the tip of your tongue. But the woman passed out before you had the chance to ask her anything.  
With tremulous hands, you cleaned the store for the second time that evening, wiping up blood from the floor, the chair, and the table. You discarded the rags with the rest of the used supplies. All the while, you checked on her multiple times, unable to shake the fear she might die right then and there. She looked unnaturally pale, but her pulse continued to drum rhythmically, her chest kept rising and falling with every breath she took.  
What now? Should you call the cops? The hospital? She seemed pretty set on not getting any authorities involved. Perhaps with good reason?  
You resolved to find out tomorrow, hoping you would not grow to regret it. Slinging one of her arms over your shoulder, you lifted her up and carried her bridal style, mindful of her injury. She wasn't too heavy, but you still were glad you had had the foresight to park your car nearby. After making sure she was safely strapped into the passenger seat, you went back and finally closed up the shop.
The next morning, you were woken up by some clattering sounds coming from your living room. With a groan, you forced yourself out of your bed and stumbled through the door into the next room. The redhead was walking around in the dim light, rummaging through your drawers and dropping things left and right. You watched, for a moment, too perplexed to say anything as you rubbed your eyes tiredly.
“Shouldn’t you be resting or something?” you ask, voice rough from sleep. It was still way too early to be awake. You had thought the pain killers would help her sleep for a couple of hours more. Looks like you were wrong.
“Later,” she muttered just loud enough for you to hear. Crouching down, she opened the bottom drawer of the tv cabinet and pulled out some DVDs you had stored there, only pausing to look at the title of one of them with a smirk.
“Is this not a kids' movie?”
You had no idea what she was looking at, but you crossed your arms, feeling a bit offended anyway. Blame your lack of sleep for making you a little sensitive.
“Do you make it a habit to judge the movie taste of people who were gracious enough to let you stay in their home overnight?”
The woman didn’t answer verbally, just put the movie back and closed the drawer again. She turned to face you, her expression turning serious all of a sudden as if only now remembering where she was and how she got here in the first place. She looked apprehensive, taking a couple of steps in your direction.
“Does anyone else know I’m here?” her voice conveyed a sense of urgency, eyes staring into yours imploringly. Confused, you just shook your head. 
Her shoulders relaxed a little.
“Good,” she nodded, her attention already returning to her little scavenger hunt.
The redhead walked across the room, sifting through your kitchen cabinet next.
You sighed, picking up a couple of things she had knocked over in the living room and putting them back in their proper place. Every few seconds, you would glance at her from afar. She was still wearing the outfit she had on when she came into the drugstore. With her unconscious, you hadn’t seen any way of getting her into some new clothes, at least not without possibly irritating her wound or waking her up. She could surely use something clean to wear. Her current attire was dirtied and bloody, not to mention that her shirt now looked like a makeshift crop top since she had cut off parts of it last night.
“You know, if you just told me what you’re looking for you wouldn’t have to make such a mess of my apartment,” you winced as one of your spice shakers fell out of the cupboard and landed on the stove just as you finished speaking. Luckily, nothing broke.
The woman paused mid-motion, still on her tiptoes, body halfway turned towards you.  
“A radio. An old one preferably.”
Frowning, you picked up and folded the blanket she had discarded on the floor in front of your couch.  
“What for?”
The redhead eyed you for a moment, hesitant and unsure whether you could be trusted. In the end, she kept quiet, ruling against explaining herself. You reluctantly accepted her decision, tossing the folded blanket back on the couch cushion in resignation.
“I should have an old radio alarm clock somewhere in my wardrobe. Will that do?”  
It took you a couple of minutes to find the old thing, hidden away in the very back of your closet, underneath some clothes you hadn’t worn in forever. When you returned to the living room, your visitor was leaning against the kitchen isle, nibbling on one of your pop tarts which she abandoned as soon as she saw you. Eagerly she took the alarm clock off your hands, acknowledging you with a grateful nod. The redhead sat down on the couch, plugging the device into the closest outlet. 
You more or less kept an eye on her while you made yourself some coffee, but you had no idea what she was doing. To you, it looked like she was just fiddling with the controls, only static and a couple of high-pitched sounds filling the living room. It was grating on your nerves, but you made no comment. By the time she finished and turned the radio off again, you were already on your second cup.  
“Are you expecting any visitors in the next couple of days?” she asked casually, sidling up next to you in the kitchen.
 You raised an eyebrow, placing your empty cup in the sink.
“No. Why?”
“I need a place to lay low until Tuesday.”  
“Lay low?” you parroted, “What for? Who are you hiding from?”
Subconsciously, she glanced down at her bandaged wound, and you followed her gaze, slow realization coming over you.  
“Did they do that to you? Did they hurt you?” you asked more softly. She only shook her head in confirmation, “Then why not just go to the police? I’m sure they can help you better than I c-"  
“No,” she cut you off immediately, gripping your wrists tightly in both her hands as if to physically keep you from taking your phone and calling the cops. This only made you grow more concerned.
“No. We can’t go to the police. It’s not safe,” she loosened her grip on you a little.
 Your eyebrows were drawn together as you thought about what she said.
“Why would it not be safe? Unless...,” you swallowed as a possibility crossed your mind, “Are you in trouble? Did you do something illegal?”  
When she didn’t immediatley deny your statement, you started to jump to conclusions, your voice rising with panic.
“Oh, shit! You did. What was it? Were you in a fight? Did you kill someone? Holy shi- Does helping you make me an accomplice? Am I harboring a criminal in my ho-”
She cut off your rant by slapping a hand over your mouth, thus muffling your words.
“Be quiet, your neighbors might hear,” she hissed, gaze darting to the door, almost like she expected someone to burst through it. 
Your eyes were wide in fear, but you listened to her, your heart racing. She slowly removed her hand, giving you a warning look as though she feared you would start talking again. You didn’t.
“I’m not a criminal,” she told you earnestly, “I am, however, on the run, so I would appreciate your discretion.”
“On the run from whom?”
The question was no more than a whisper, too scared to raise the volume of your voice. She held your gaze for a moment before shaking her head.
“I’m afraid that’s classified.”
“Classified,” you repeated, incredulous, “So let me get this straight. You show up at my job, bleeding all over the place and telling me not to call the authorities. I help you out, let you crash at my place and you, in return, wake me up at an ungodly hour, make a big mess of my living room, imply that you might have done something illegal, and expect me to let you stay here until Tuesday without getting any information whatsoever?”  
“I know this isn’t fair...,” she admitted, and you laugh humorlessly.
“Not fair? I would be crazy to agree without at least having an idea what I’m getting myself into.”
The redhead nodded in agreement, looking away guiltily, teeth biting down on her lips. She seemed genuinely beat down, something even you, as a stranger, could tell was foreign to her. Oddly enough, you felt bad, although you knew, realistically, that you had done nothing wrong.
You let out a weary sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. Curse your empathetic heart.
“Three conditions,” you conceded, making her look at you in surprise. Holding up a finger, you started your list.  
“One. No more throwing my stuff around. If you need something, ask. I don’t want to have to clean up after you.”  
She nods, having the decency to actually look sorry this time. You put up a second finger.
“Two. You tell me your name. Doesn’t have to be your full name or even your real name if that’s a secret or whatever," you added with an indifferent shrug, "I just want something other to call you than ‘hey you’.”
“What’s the third condition?” she prompted, not commenting on the second one.
“You promise me that you’re not the bad guy in this situation and that helping you won’t land me in trouble somehow.”  
The redhead cocked her head to the side, an almost fascinated expression on her face.
“How would you know I’m telling the truth?”
“I don’t,” you countered without hesitation, “I’m just gonna have to trust your word here. Just as you will have to trust mine that I’ll keep your presence here a secret.”  
For a moment, she regarded you with some indescribable emotion on her face before nodding in concession. Letting go of the one wrist she was still holding, she took a step back. Caught up in the moment, you hadn’t even realized how close you were standing. Thinking about it now made your face heat up for some reason. The redhead raised one hand as though she was about to take an official oath. She held your gaze unwaveringly as she spoke.
“I promise you, that I will not make a mess in your home anymore. And I solemnly swear that you won’t get in trouble for helping me in any way whatsoever.”
Something about her demeanor told you she wasn’t lying. You shake your head satisfied, a small but relieved smile taking over, some of the tension and apprehension leaving your body. She smiled tentatively in return, extending her hand to you in greeting.
“The name’s Natasha.”
Glancing at her proffered hand, you took it and gave it a small shake.
“Nice to officially meet you, Natasha.”
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deanstead · 3 years
That’s What We’re Here For (Part 2)
Read Part 1 >  here
Pairing: Will Halstead x HalsteadSister!Reader x Jay Halstead
Warnings: reference to non-con touching, harassment, angst
A/N: I got several requests for a part 2, so here it is! I’m usually quite reluctant to write a part 2 because I’m not that good at writing series/ multi-parts, but I hope this turned out well and that you all like it! 
Am starting taglists so please let me know if you would like to be added to a Halstead!Sister taglist! ^^
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It had been two weeks since you had come clean to Will and Jay. Jay had slept on your couch that night and walked you to your desk the next morning, growling slightly when your team leader’s eyes lingered on you.
You hadn’t missed the way Jay had casually flashed his badge either.
And indeed, your team leader hadn’t been as brazen as before, at least for the past two weeks. It was now all over the office that you had a brother who was part of CPD. Part of Intelligence.
But you felt this was too good to last – and you were right.
You looked around the empty office, which meant it was time for you to go as well. You stood and grabbed your bag as you saw the lights in his office go off as well. You felt the dread spread in your chest but turned away, hurrying out of the office and towards the lift lobby.
As luck would have it, both lifts were nowhere near your floor, the nearest one coming up to you from the ground floor – that was another twenty odd floors.
“Y/N, on your way out?” His voice sent shivers down your spine.
You nodded politely without saying anything, taking another step away from him.
“Let me walk you out.” He said, stepping closer to you again.
You swallowed, glancing back up at the numbers on the lift. “No thanks.”
Now you really weren’t sure about getting into the same lift as him. Not when there was no one else around.
“I said, I’ll walk you out.” He said, grabbing onto your wrist. Your breath caught in your throat just as the lift pinged and you felt your hand being yanked away before you could react.
The redhead standing in front of you could only be one person.
“Will.” You breathed, a sigh of relief escaping your lips.
Will didn’t move, his stature more than making up for anything. “Come on.” You urged, pulling him towards the lift.
Will pulled an arm around you. “You can take the next one.” He snarled, guiding you into the lift before closing the elevator door.
“You okay?” Will asked. You turned to look at your brother and you could see his clenched jaw.
You nodded, “Yeah, you were right on time. What are you doing here?”
Will smiled. “Jay’s downstairs.”
“You didn’t answer the question.” You retorted but Will just smiled, nudging you out of the lift.
You rolled your eyes. “Now, the lift is fast.”
Will just chuckled, his hand still protectively on your back as the both of you left the building.
Parked right out front was Jay’s truck, Jay leaning casually against it, smiling when he saw you. “Heya.”
You shook your head but couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across your face. “What is this?”
“What? We can’t even take our little sister out now?” Jay asked with mock innocence as you walked towards him.
You turned back to Will to say something but froze as you saw your team leader exit the building behind your brother, stopping momentarily, his gaze lingering on you.
“Keep walking, buddy.” Jay snapped, opening the door and motioning for you to climb in.
“So, here’s the thing.” Jay said, as he slid into the seat facing Will.
Will nodded, pushing the beer towards Jay. Jay took a swig before pushing the file towards Will. “It isn’t an active investigation so I couldn’t get everything. But it’s definitely a pattern.”
Will glanced sideways at you, where you were sitting at the bar with Stella and Sylvie, before turning back to the file that Jay had handed him.
“Son of a bitch.” Will muttered before he looked up at Jay.
Jay glanced briefly at you. “We gotta get her to report this. The chances that these girls experienced the same thing is…”
Will nodded. “Damn high.”
“I’ll see if I can convince someone to step forward. Even just one. And I’ll ask around to see if Voight or Trudy know anyone that can help. Just in case.” Jay paused. “If I could, I’d break this guy’s damn face.”
“Divide and conquer.” Will said, agreeing with Jay as they clinked their glasses together.
You sighed as you left the office. That had gone better than you had expected.
It had taken a little over three days of Will’s constant shadowing and badgering, before you had finally agreed to report it. Although, if you were totally honest, that defining moment had been when both Will and Jay had asked you, “Where’s my brave and feisty sister gone?” that had really changed your mind about the whole thing. You hated this version of yourself.
Even then, Will wouldn’t leave you alone.
You smiled as you spotted your oldest brother sitting outside the HR office you had just exited from. Will looked up when he heard your footsteps and smiled.
“You didn’t need to wait.” You told him but Will gave you a pointed look.
“Told you I wasn’t going anywhere.” He said, putting a hand gently on the top of your head affectionately. “How did it go?”
You shrugged. “Better than I expected? But I don’t really know.”
“Let’s just wait and see.” Will reassured you as the door swung open.
You looked up, frowning in confusion as Jay walked in, Hailey following close behind with a woman you had never seen before.
“Jay? What are you doing here?”
Jay nodded at Hailey who smiled at you. “Hey Hailey.” You greeted, as she walked past you, squeezing your shoulder and guiding the woman to the reception.
“Everything went okay?” Jay asked, looking from you to Will.
You shrugged again. “We’ll see.”
Jay patted your back gently. “Whatever it is, we got you.”
You looked from Jay to Will, a wave of warmth washing over you. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.” Will said.
Jay nodded, “I’ll see you guys later.”
Jay was a miracle worker.
Since you were young, he’d always been your hero. Well, both your brothers were, in different ways, and even now when all three of you were adults, somehow your brothers had managed to do the impossible. They had found others – other women who he had done the exact same thing to, some worse than others, and they had managed to convince them to come forward.
And that had been enough grounds for immediate termination.
By the time you had heard the news, his office had been emptied out and most of your team were in shock – disgusted but surprised. Except you, of course. But it was an immense load off your shoulders, it was the most comfortable you had been in the office. Ever.
You didn’t give anyone a straight answer despite the many “it’s crazy, isn’t it” or “can you believe this” questions, just shrugging and changing the topic. You didn’t need everyone to know you were that girl.
The sound of the lift reaching the ground floor broke you out of your thoughts.
You left the building, glancing at your watch, freezing when you saw a familiar figure hurtling towards you.
“It was you, wasn’t it!” He screamed.
You felt your body freeze up. A part of you wanted to scream back at him, but after so many months of swallowing down the injustice and bearing with all the humiliation, your voice stuck in your throat and your body froze.
He marched towards you. “What right do you have to ruin my career?”
You stepped backwards instinctively just as someone stepped in front of you.
“Step the hell back.” Jay snarled, enunciating each word.
He put both his hands up, taking a few steps backwards, putting more distance in between him and Jay. “Come on, she enjoyed it and now she blames me for everything and gets me fired?”
You heard Jay growl and you reacted instinctively as well, grabbing his arm. “Jay, don’t.”
Jay glanced back at you and you could see him grinding his teeth, like he did when he was seriously pissed. “He’s not worth it.” You whispered.
He chuckled darkly. “This is a public street, Officer. If you so much as touch me, I’ll bring this up with your superior officer and have your badge. Plus, if word gets out, it’ll be worse on her. I can guarantee that.” He growled threateningly.
You felt a wave of anger spread through your gut. You might have been able to hold everything back when it came to yourself but you weren’t going to let anyone talk down to any of your brothers. No way in hell.
The threat only seemed to make Jay angrier. Jay marched towards him, grabbing his collar with one hand. “You stay the hell away from her. If you so much as look in her direction ever again, I will personally make sure you’re charged for all the misdemeanors you have ever had – from parking tickets to harassment, and lock your sorry ass up.”
Jay let go of his collar with a jerk.
“By the way, it’s Detective. And my Sergeant is Hank Voight, 21st District.” Jay growled before turning away from him. “Do your worst.”
“Wait.” You spoke up, finally. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you but you didn’t care.
You walked forward, stopping right next to Jay.
“If word does get out…” You paused as you saw him smirk.
“Scratch that. If I find you trying anything and I mean anything with my brothers, I promise you that I will personally make sure everyone knows what you have done, how you abused your authority to harass women who are weaker than you. I will make sure you will never get another job in America, not to mention Chicago.”
You were panting, but the words tumbled out of your mouth, the result of months of holding back. “I’d like to see you try to take my brother’s badge, you asshole.”
Jay turned to smile at you, a look only a proud older brother could have had. “There she is.”
You smiled as you watched both Will and Jay carry the food and drinks out from your kitchen.
“Thanks.” You said as Will handed you a beer.
Jay rolled his eyes. “There she goes.”
You smiled but continued, “No, seriously. If I didn’t have the both of you, I don’t know if I could ever… what would have…” You felt the sting of tears again. “I’ve never felt this powerless in my life.” You whispered.
Jay sighed, coming around to your other side. Both he and Will didn’t say anything, instead crushing you into a warm hug, between the both of them.
You laughed. “What would I do without the both of you?”
Jay smiled. “I told you. We’re your brothers.”
“That’s what we’re here for.” Will finished.
Send me an ask if you would like to be added to a Halstead!Sister taglist!
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i-need-air · 3 years
I just read your nsfw Hybrid with Bakugou and it's SOOO PERFECT. So, I was thinking, imagine this: Relationships between hybrids and humans are still frowned upon and one of your co-workers begins to disturb you about dating Katsuki. You are annoyed, but you don't tell Bakugou until one day your co-worker tries to harass you (kiss you, pull your clothes off) saying "you shouldn't be with that damn DOG". You run away and come home crying and sobbing over and over. Giiirl, Bakugou will go FERAL. ❤
I'm so glad you liked it 💗💗💗💗💗 Yes, god, Bakugou would indeed be F E R A L indeed; ok, i started writing it and I somehow progressed this story further. MORE LORE TO HYBRID!BAKU. I also went with the flow, got very carried away and gave it a different ending to what you suggested, so I really hope you don't mind. 😅 It just happened, maybe made it darker than it should've been, oop—, BUT everything works out.
Warnings: mentions of attempted sexual assault;
Word count: 1.8k or so, I just keep adding stuff 💀;
[ Masterlist ] [ Part 1 and Part 2 of General Hybrid!Bakugou HCs. ]
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× you weren't really hiding it because it was legal, yet some [ many ] were judgemental about it
× you also weren't publicly proclaiming it but whatever, that didn't stop you from putting a picture of Katsuki playfully biting your cheek as wallpaper on your phone
× one of your co-workers, Albert, was somewhat pushy
× while you got along with everyone and had an okay relationship with them, he wasn't part of your friends group
× yet you always found him near you everywhere, to which you paid no mind
× it was once he looked over your shoulder when you unlocked your phone to see that picture, and Katsuki's sandy ears could be seen
× again, you didn't hide it so when he asked who was that you just said your boyfriend
× "Uhm, your boyfriend is a... hybrid?" he asked making a face; that's when you knew Albert had to stay away for real
× you just smiled and minded your own business
× but throughout the days he kept dropping comments about, his attitude even pushier than before and you realized talking to him about it wouldn't help
× "is he any better than a normal man?"
× "like... I don't get it, [Y/N], he's a dog..." he'd whisper at you while on lunch break, baffled expression on his face
× you gave him a look of disgust, getting up from the table and going somewhere else; why the hell was he following you around?
× "seriously, tell me, is it the sex?" Albert asked hours later, following you to the exit, unaware of your absolutely uncomfortable responses as you quickened your steps, but he grabbed you by the arm, surprising you with his strength
× "if it's just the sex you better know there are some men, real men out there that can take good care of you, [Y/N]."
× you had to raise your voice for him to let go of you since heads started to turn towards both of you
× "Just drop it, Albert, it's none of your business!" you said before turning to leave
× when you walked through your apartment door you were rattled
× Katsuki walked through the door just as you prepared yourself a tea, shaking slightly, frown on your face
× "Hey, what's up?" he eyed you and sniffed the air, feeling you nervous, cup of tea almost spilling everywhere; "Hey, hey, hey, give me that. [Y/N], seriously, are you ok?"
× "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." you lied and he knew, it was obvious even if you pretended everything was dandy
× on the other side you didn't want to make him worry or anything, Albert was just annoying and hopefully he now understood where he was standing
× but Bakugou Katsuki ain't having it, babe, nuh-huh
× he didn't say anything else about it that day though, just acted as normal but prepared your favorite dinner and a warm bath for you
× the next day he decided to pick you up from work by just arriving there half an hour earlier and see if something is really up, to make sure you're fine and the issue is from there
× he'd have to walk there from his job and then you'd both drive home and it wasn't a problem as he'd do overtime some other day;;
× what he did not expect was to hear your scream of help from the wooden area behind the parking lot in your office building
× let's go back in time for context;
× you walked out of work in a rush, finishing earlier than anyone else, car as your destination just ready to bolt home; Albert was eyeing you funny the whole day but stayed behind, so you didn't know if to feel worried or relieved
× as you walked to your car and pulled your keys, someone smashed you against the door
× "ungrateful bitch" you recognized the voice instantly and froze
× before you could open your mouth he put his palm on it and dragged you somewhere
× you dropped everything on the cement, bag, keys, phone...
× of course you were putting a fight but he was strong
× "I tried to be nice, sweeheart—" he mumbled while struggling to drag you into the wooden area
× "I told you, yeah? You shouldn't be with that damned mutt!" he pushed you unto a tree, making his first and last mistake, because he freed your mouth
× "HELP!" you screamed while he started grabbing your clothes, ripping sounds could be heard
× "I'm gonna have to show you what a real man can give you—"
× and as if planets aligned, in a blurr, Bakugou Katsuki appeared, jumping straight on him and knocking him out instantly, a loud crack deafening your ears
× Katsuki was shaking in anger
× he barely could control his body, his eyes were bloodshot and he had the most feral scowl you'd ever seen on him
× you just trembled in place, grabbing your clothes to cover yourself as you could
× Albert groaned on the floor, twisting his body to turn around and see what attacked him and in a broken speech, blood coming out of his mouth, he attempted to swear, but Bakugou's growl made him freeze in realization
× he was about to pounce again, any self-control leaving his mind when you hugged him tight
× in your arms you could feel his ragged breath, a deep continuous growl still coming from within his chest
× at this point some other people heard your cries too and called the police
× meanwhile you tried to calm him down because you felt he wanted to murder that son of a bitch
× intention was clear in his eyes, even Albert stood there terrified, broken jaw forgotten as he tattered on the floor like a weak animal
× "If you ever fucking dare to look in [Y/N]'s direction again I will find you—" he said and you shivered, holding him even more tightly "—I will kill you." he tried to take a step further but you wouldn't let him "And I'll make sure your body is never found."
× sirens could be heard in the distance and after that everything passed fastly
× they took Albert away, who was muttering scrawled stuff, and took both of your statements
× much to everyone's surprise they didn't cuff Bakugou [ 💖because we live in a society💖 ] so that was a good thing;
× although you did have to go to the station; they found security camera footage of the attempted assault, which Katsuki had to watch and almost erupted in rage yet again
× but it all came to an end when you got home, both absolutely silent
× he was huffing and walking around the place, shoulders tense and hands fisted into balls
× just to distract himself he started cleaning around the house and not looking at you, while you still stood there with his jacket on staring at him
× it wasn't until he finally looked at you when he really took in your state
× until now you behaved exemplary, calming him down, giving a statement, just acting strong
× yet once you reached the comfort of your own home you just couldn't take it any longer
× tears were falling on your face, you were shaking in place at the entrance, hugging his jacket close to your body as if it were your salvation and you just watched him
× it dawned on him how his rage took over him so hard that he couldn't focus on anything else, not even your heartbeat, your scent, your breath
× in an instant he was all over you, hugging you tight and lifting you up
× "I got you, baby, you're safe now." He'd whisper in your ear as you'd pull him closer
× he'd prepare you a warm bath and never leave your side while whispering sweet nothings to you
× "I'm never leaving out of my sight again, do you understand?"
× "I'll kill him if he ever comes close to you."
× "You're safe." he'd say as pulled you into him
× you spent the following days at home as you were granted emergency leave from work and found out the bastard was, of course, fired and prosecuted
× it would've been a lengthy process but from there on some things changed between you
× he'd walk to your job from his, even changed his work hours to fit yours, and you'd go home together, for starters
× his behaviour changed and even if he still gave you the Special Bakugou Attitude, he was gentler and sometimes you'd catch him looking at you like you're the most precious thing ever
× he wouldn't really word it at first but seeing you like that and finding out it was basically because of him really fucked him up
× it would take you to remind him that it's not his fault he's a hybrid, you always want to be with him, you don't care what he is really and the only one to blame was Albert
× [ he'd growl whenever his name would be mentioned ]
× anyway, remember, he needs to be held just as much as you do and that guilt will take some time to wash away; you got each other's back and that's what mattered at the end of the day
× but the weirdest thing was, as you went to the police station some more times, Bakugou somehow impressed the Captain, Tsunadu Hakamada:
× "That dude reeks of cocaine." he'd scowl and point with a sharp glare at this cuffed man sitting in a corner, making you look at him in wonder
× "How do you—"
× "Excuse me, did I hear that correctly?" someone said behind you, making you turn towards a tall blond man in uniform watching your boyfriend curiously
× "Hah?"
× low and behold, he's the captain of the precinct and asked Bakugou to come by any other day noting it would be a pretty great opportunity that would benefit both
× [ and after some attitude and snide comments from Katsuki, he agreed ]
× you went through a lot in a few weeks, like the trauma you'd both have to work through together but one good thing that came out of this situation apart from putting a piece of shit in jail was that Bakugou was offered a position as a special officer in the precinct as long as he went through the academy as anyone else would
× people were starting to see the value of hybrids and the Captain wasn't one to let go of such an opportunity
× things were progressing little by little and it gave you hope for a better tomorrow with Katsuki by your side.
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Notes: For those that don't know, Tsunadu Hakamada is Best Jeanist.
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iwaisuke · 3 years
confessions; but not remembering it
ft. kita shinsuke, sakusa kiyoomi x sick fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and then i rushed bc i was getting tired 🙃 also. sakusa's is a little ooc. sorry ab that
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» the clean yet musty smell of rain filled the gym as the boys practiced. it was a surprisingly humid and rainy spring day today here in the country side of hyogo
» "achoo" you had been sneezing and coughing all day. you also had a terrible headache but took some medicine to see if it would help. the spring allergies really getting to you
» you didnt reay have the time to be worrying about yourself. As a 2nd year manager of the inarizaki team, (recommend by suna) and the boys working so hard practicing for nationals there was no way you'd let this little cold get in the way. you had to work just as hard as everyone else!
» "hold on, im about to hang up your jerseys to dry"
» "i got you guys some fresh towels!"
» "i can run and grab that coach. im headed that way anyways"
» the coach called for a short break to rest up for a bit. everyone was sore and exhausted from practicing every day. "here. i filled your water bottles up!" handing them to all the boys. "y/n you're all wet" akagi sounded concerned.
» "hm? oh its alright. I'll dry off in a minute. i took the shortcut to the drinking fountain to refill your waterbottles instead of taking the long way" you nonchalantly said. "so you ran through the rain like an idiot?" suna threw a clean towel over your damp hair and ruffled it. "suna!! stop!! you're gonna ruin my hair"
» "like i said. its alright" you reassured the boys.
» kita, on the other hand had noticed your fatigue. although he wasnt as perceptive on peoples feeling and thoughts as well as others, he could easily pick up signs like yours. he admired you dearly for how hard you always work for the team. how you willingly did anything to make them smile. how you always put others first before yours. needless to say, he had a bit of a crush on you.
» "l/n san. i think you should take a break too. there's no need for you to be running around for us while we're resting" kita assured you. "i still have a few things left on my list to do.. but afterwards I'll take a break!" kita let out a sigh. you were stubborn sometimes and kita knew you were the kind of person to not stop until you're finished.
» "I'll be right back. i gotta grab the laundry"
» making an excuse to leave, your heart was beating fast. you knew kita's words were the kind he'd say to anyone, but it made your heart feel fuzzy when he'd look out for you.
» the stone cold captain who you thought he was, actually was so kind. he was just a little awkward like you, and a little blunt with what he said sometimes. but you learned the great qualities he carries and how much he actually cares about others well being. he was a hard worker and you couldnt help but absentmindedly fall for the captain.
» running up the stairs to the second floor of the gym, you felt a shift in your step. head becoming dizzier than it was just 5 minutes ago. legs trembling, you started falling before feeling a presence behind.
» kita's arm wrapped around your waist, supporting you in efforts to not letting you fall over. "i told you to rest l/n san" kita said sternly. "you wont benefit anyone if you keep overworking like this."
» you knew kita was right, but you really didnt want to rest knowing you'll be letting the team down by not working hard.
» "i promise I'll rest as soon as im done with this one thing" pleading with kita. he let out a sigh, knowing you really wouldnt until you did finish so he allowed you to do so.
» finishing grabbing all of the dry jerseys and bringing them downstairs to pass out to everyone, you didnt really notice atsumu and osamu spiking volleyballs at each other until aran yelled
» "y/n! watch out!" honestly, you were too tired to move out of the way so you figured, it do be like that sometimes, and allowed the ball to hit you.
» or... so you had planned the ball to hit you.
» kita stood in front, blocking the impact of the spike that you had prepared yourself for. there was agitation in kita's eyes. more than you usually noticed when then twins were miss behaving. concern washing over, he looked you straight in the eyes
» "... is there something wrong kita san?" lifting up his hand to your forehead, he let out a sigh. "why didnt you tell me earlier you had a fever", then walking over to the coach meanwhile atsumu and osamu come over to apologise for being reckless.
» "get your stuff. we're going home" kita said bluntly.
» "huh? but practice is-"
» "please l/n san. for me"
» kita would only take yes for an answer this time. no if's ands or buts. so here you were, walking home with kita. only the sound of raindrops hitting your shared umbrella being heard.
» muscles starting to ache a little more and your legs becoming more tired than they were when you left the gym, you began to walk a little slower every step
» "get on my back l/n" "its ok kita san, i can walk. its already enough that you're walking me home" "i didnt ask if you wanted to. im telling you to"
» you couldnt tell if it was the fever that made your face warmer or if it was kita's words. nonetheless, you got on kita's back. he was a lot stronger than he looked and you couldnt help but stifen at being so close to your own crush like this.
» "relax. I'll make sure you get home." he reassured. you leaned into his back, warmth seeping in, your eyes began to feel heavy.
» "kita san" "yes?" "thank you for always watching out for me"
» a comfortable silence was met as the sound of rain filled your ears.
» "kita san" "hm?" "did you know..." your voice softened "i like you a lot kita san"
» did he hear you correctly? if he wasnt paying attention he wouldve missed what you had said, being drowed out through the pitter patter of water. now his heart thumping louder than ever before.
» "l/n san-" he was about to go on but was met with the gentle rise and fall of your chest and the soft snores of you on his back, knocked out from exertion. kita let out a light chuckle, finally relieved you were resting.
» you had missed the next day of school, but when you came back the whole volleyball team bombarded you with love.
» "WE'RE A FAILURE TO NOT NOTICE YOU FEELING SICK" atsumu cried. "how could we let our one and only precious manager get ill for taking care of us" akagi, clearly dissapointed in himself. "please let us know when we can take care of you too y/n" aran said.
» "its no big deal. really!" waving your hands in defense. "it was just a small cold. but i do have a question though"
» all the boys gathered around to hear what you had to say
» "how did i get home?? i really dont remember what happened after i almost got hit by atsumu"
» it shocked the guys honestly. you genuinely didnt remember a single thing due to your fever. "wait? you don't remember kita taking you home?" suna replied, your face becoming red. "k-kita san took me home-?" "yah. he left in the middle of practice to do so" osamu added.
» immediately, you got up to find the captain that apparently took you home the other day. he was in the storage closet cleaning and grabbing the equipment for todays practice.
» "kita san" "oh. l/n. glad you're feeling better" his smile brightened the musty closet. "about that, im sorry for troubling you and having you take me home the other day. i honestly dont remember what happened after i almost got hit by atsumu. my mind was really fuzzy that day, but im truly thankful for you going out of your way for me. it really means a lot"
» kita was dumbfounded. you really dont remember? "no need to apologize l/n. it was my responsibility as a captain. and afterall, what good would i be if i couldnt even take care of the person who means the most to me"
» your heart raced. 'person who means the most to me' ? cheeks blushing a rosy pink, you were internally thanking the musty store room from being dim.
» with arms full of equipment, kita walked by you and stopped.
» "by the way l/n san. did you know?"
» ears perking up at the vague yet familiar line
» "i like you a lot too l/n san"
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» now we all know sakusa HATES germs and for the past week and a half, he's been telling you to keep up with washing your hands, wearing a mask at all times even when you eat omi it doesnt work like that. pls especially since you are prone to getting sick easily no matter how hygenic you are. your immune system just hated you. PERIODT
» you remembered sakusa scolding you for running out of hand sanitizer and then the next day you were out of commission. bed ridden with laryngitis, cough, slight fever, the whole works. it was like your body was making fun of you or something
» you texted komori, asking him to take notes in class for you and relay homework information while you were at home resting up. but there was one request you had and made komori PROMISE.
» "he's probably gonna notice your absence y/n. he'll find out about it either way"
» "well if you dont tell him then he wont know. its not like he even cares about where i am like that"
» "thats what you might think. but i know he's gonna say something i can garuntee it"
» the next day at school, sakusa did notice your presence missing. it was quieter not having a 3rd person in the group of friends. not having you around to talk to him when komori was gone.
» pulling out his phone to text you, he asked where you were that day.
» "on a family trip :D !!! forgot to tell you, but I'll tell you all about it when i come back!" you wrote, attaching an old selfie of a different trip you went on to make it more believable.
» you had hoped this silly cold would get better in a day, but soon that day turned into 2 and then 3 and then 4... you pretty much missed the whole week of school at that point
» Friday rolled around and komori was on his phone all day. sakusa noticed his cousin fidget in his chair more than usual and it irked him to see him like that
» "what's with you today?" one eye raised, sakusa finally asked. "uhhh nothing really" komori wasnt very good at keeping secrets lets just start off with that, but he was trying his best.
» "well clearly somethings wrong. you're fidgeting." "well haven't you noticed somethings been different all week?" komori hinted
» sakusa sat there in thought. nothing's been different? he ate the same breakfast he usually does every morning. all his studies have been well. there were no tests this week so there was no reason to be anxious like komori was and even if there was, he would've done well anyways.
» "just tell me what it is." sakusa was starting to get annoyed. "y/n..." komori started. "y/n?" "do you know where she's been this week?"
» did you not tell komori about your family trip? you usually told komori everything, but then again you didn't tell him either until he asked you about it.
» "she said shes on a trip?" he nonchalantly said. komori's eyes started watering. "A TRIP TO THE HOSPITAL THATS WHAT IT IS" he blurted out. komori didnt mean to let it slip , he was just so worried about your well being.
» "hospital?? what are you talking about. did she get injured on her trip?" "no omi. shes been sick all week and her mom just texted me saying she went to the hospital today because shes had a fever for 3 days straight. there is no family trip"
» sakusa's heart shattered. you were sick and didnt even tell him?
» before both he and komori knew it, his legs were running faster to get to the hospital than he had ever imagined he could ever run.
» and there you were. fast asleep in a bed with an IV drip. your face flushed, forehead sweaty and shallow breaths escaping your chapped lips. you were a hot mess but sakusa didnt care. stepping to your bedside to greet your mother she explained to him that she had to go to work and asked if he could watch over you until she gets back.
» sakusa said yes without even hearing the whole thing. his heart and mind saying yes to whatever it took to get you to feel better.
» gosh how he hated hospitals, but what he hated even more was the fact that you were in the hospital and he didnt even know.
» the doctor came in for their evening round and ensured sakusa that you were indeed getting better! your fever had broken not too long ago and your body was working extra hard to heal itself up!
» "is there anything i can do to help?" sakusa asked. he felt helpless in this situation just watching your face distort in uncomfort every now and then, and coughing your lungs out.
» patting sakusa's shoulder, the doctor told him that just being here for you is enough. "you gotta be a strong boyfriend for her alright son? she'll be able to go home tomorrow first thing in the morning if her fever doesnt come back"
» sakusa slumped in his chair at your bedside, the doctors words ringing through his head. 'boyfriend huh?' he thought to himself. "if i was her boyfriend..." he whispered to himself, "i would be a failure for not even knowing my girl was sick..."
» to kiyoomi, you were beautiful. even now in this sad state you were in. deep down he locked these growing feelings he had for you inside of him because he always felt like you were a better match with someone else and after this stunt you pulled of lying to him about going on a family trip, it only made him feel worse.
» it was now night time and you finally began to stir in your sleep, the fever finally gone. sakusa reached out to move some hair that was stuck to your face, fingers tracing the outline of your jaw. your eyes slowly opened and met with his dark orbs.
» "y/n?" "saku- wait this is just a dream. omi wouldn't be here. he hates hospitals" you let out a forced laugh and then a sigh through your sore throat.
» you reached out to sakusa's hands that were resting on the side of your bed. "omi would never let me hold his hand because he'd say im passing germs to him so hopefully dream omi wont be the same" you were aimlessly talking to yourself, not even realizing that this really wasnt a dream.
» he squeezed your hand in return. hoping that you wouldnt let go any time soon. a funny smile appeared on your face just at the thought of him. "even if you're stupid for not realizing how much i like you... i cant wait to see you again omi" you whispered before falling asleep again.
» sakusa didnt know what to do. he sat there frozen in his chair. it was his first time hearing you call him omi. heck. you literally just confessed to the boy. his brain was running wild. groaning in distress he let go of your hand to step out for a breath of fresh air now that you were back asleep.
» it was 5am and your mother came back to the hospital and thanked sakusa for staying by your side. He left in a hurry to make sure you didnt see him there.
» Monday rolled around and sakusa was waiting outside of the school gates for you. he had planned on asking you about your "trip"
» "good morning sakusa!!" your bright and cheery voice rang through his ears. honestly he was trembling inside. the memory of you confessing to him still fresh in his mind.
» "how was your trip?" you stopped dead in your tracks. "haha... it was good !! sorry i forgot to get you a souvenir" you were trying to play it cool but sakusa could tell you were forcing yourself. "i wouldnt want a souvenir from where you came from so its fine" sakusa's words threw you off. "i - im not sure im understanding what you're saying sakusa?"
» you felt a tug on your hand. "dont you mean omi?" his voice husky as he whispered into your ear. cheeks flushed, your brain felt like it short circuted. you've always tried your hardest to not let it slip that you want to call him omi since he hated when people called him that.
» sakusa smirked at your cute reaction he got out of you. letting go of your hand he began to walk into the school leaving you at the gate dumbfounded. "and by the way. you're just as stupid for not realizing how long ive liked you too"
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
thank you for your order! enjoy~!
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mintymiknow · 3 years
Trust Fall - ch. 2 | Lee Minho
summary | character profiles | masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Reader
Summary: Now that you’ve been brought back to help SKZ, a new (and maybe dislikeable) chapter in your life begins. With new faces and new tasks, you have yet to let your guard down, especially when a certain someone gets on your nerves for reasons you can’t seem to understand.
Genre: Secret agent/spy au, romance, angst, action
Word count: Approx. 5.5k
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Warnings for this chapter: Drugs (but not that kind of drugs; more on medical or scientific drugs like in chemistry labs)
A/N: The plot isn’t the best out there, but I’m enjoying how everything is going so far. I understand the way I wrote this chapter might be confusing or weird, so send an ask if you need any clarifications or have questions! (Or just have thoughts to share hehe). Enjoy!
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By the time Minho parks the car in a familiar looking compound, you realize that the sun’s about to rise, not quite bright yet, but cracks of light have started to pierce the sky. You can hear Minho opening the door on his side and getting out of the car, and you honestly have half the mind to just stay inside. That is...until you realize that the agent is probably going to drag you out and carry you over his shoulder or something of that sort.
With a heavy sigh, you open the door and step out of the car, Minho already standing in front of you with a bored expression yet again. A chilly gust of wind breezes past, ruffling his dark hair across his forehead. You look at him with an equal amount of boredom before grumbling, “Lead the way, agent.”
Minho raises an eyebrow to retort, but as soon as his mouth opens, another voice is heard; brighter and much warmer than Minho’s, that was for sure. “Agent Lee, Dr. Song.” the voice calls out.
Minho says a little “oh” in acknowledgement, while you nod your head without saying a word. The male has dimples, smiling for a second before his expression turns serious, “Glad you could make it, Dr. Song. Shall we go inside?”
You shrug, offering a forced smile, “I don’t have a choice, do I?”
The other agent chuckles, shaking his head, “I’m sorry, Dr. Song. Let’s go?”
You shoot Minho a glare, who only raises an eyebrow unbothered, before following the other agent to who knows where. Probably the meeting room, you muse, if everything is still the same as when you were still working in SKZ’s HQ.
In fact, some things haven’t changed; agents here and there, bustling on their tasks and missions while others are relaxing or are on their break, mingling with their friends. You see the main building office, and somewhere along the compound is the more secluded lab building. Behind it is the living quarters, but you personally never stayed there as you went home everyday.
The inside of the main building still looks the same, polished and pristine just like the squeaky clean image SKZ has - white walls and glass that looks like crystal, cleanly dressed agents and workers, the perfect temperature to match whatever weather it was outside.
How you wish everything was perfect like that.
After a little more steps and an elevator ride to a few floors up, the agent accompanying you stops in front of a large black door; you’ve never been inside the meeting rooms of HQ, so this was going to be slightly new. The agent smiles, hand on the door knob, “They’re ready for you, Dr. Song.”
Who was the “they”? Why wouldn’t they consider that perhaps you weren’t ready?
You nod once more, prompting the agent to open the door. Inside the room was Jung Hyunseo himself, SKZ’s head authority. There were probably two more authorities or heads in the room. You’re able to make out the three agents who came to you a few days ago; the three of them just nod their heads in greeting, which you return. Behind you, Minho brushes past to take a seat next to the agent with long hair; the two immediately whisper amongst themselves, the sharp-eyed agent next to them giggling.
The dimpled agent pulls a chair out for you, offering for you to take a seat. You nod and whisper a very small and quiet “thank you” before sitting; he then moves to take a seat next to you, leaning over to ask the buff agent what he ate for breakfast. A rather casual question considering the atmosphere, you thought to yourself.
Hyunseo leans forward with his elbows on the table, hands clasped together. With a commanding yet warm voice, he speaks, “Alright, now that we’re all here, I’ll begin.”
The other agents fall quiet, all eyes on Hyunseo. The head clears his throat, intense eyes now on you. “Dr. Song,” he starts, “it’s been quite a while, hasn’t it?”
“Yes, but with all due respect, Mr. Jung,” you choose your words wisely, especially with all eyes on you, “I’m not sure why you’ve brought me back when we were quite clear with our agreement two years ago.”
“We need your help...or assistance, if you would.” he explains calmly.
You shake your head, “Or so I was told. But you promised, Mr. Jung, to never let me get involved again. We agreed that I’d have nothing to do with SKZ anymore.”
No one notices, but Minho and the dimpled agent look at each other for a fleeting moment; they then return their gazes to Hyunseo, expressions unreadable. Hyunseo sighs as if just as upset as you are, lowering his head in the slightest, “I know, y/n. And trust me, I would want nothing but for you to live your life outside and unrelated to SKZ...especially after, you know, all that.”
“Yes.” you say curtly, ripping your eyes away from him to look at the table’s surface instead.
Hyunseo straightens his posture, voice more firm now. “Unfortunately, certain circumstances have forced me to seek your participation.”
“Are your scientists and doctors doing things behind your back again?” you say without much thought, raising a judging eyebrow, “Taking advantage of the trust you have in them?”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see the sharp-eyed agent make a small “o” with his mouth while the long-haired one nods as if he understood everything. You can only scoff. Hyunseo isn’t fazed, a sad and almost bitter smile playing on his lips. “Not quite.” he answers, rubbing his temples, “But close. Recently, various agents have gathered intel - and even witnessed - the emergence of a new drug that poses harmful threats to humans.”
“Surely, SKZ is enough to deal with this.” you cross your arms, “If it’s just some drug, you don’t need me.”
“But this drug, y/n, is nothing our medical or scientific team has seen before. Surely, you would know how dangerous undiscovered formulas are.”
At that, your eyes lift from the table, glaring at Hyunseo. You clench your fists, nails digging into your palms, “I told you I didn’t want anything to do with that incident, Hyunseo, so don’t remind me. It’s not my problem anymore.”
“I know, y/n. But this is about saving lives.” Hyunseo explains calmly, “From the intel we’ve gathered, an unknown group or organization - whose other members are former SKZ scientists - is making use of that new formula to mass produce a serum for who knows what. Weapons, chemical or biological warfare, experimentation, torture - anything and everything hellish, y/n.”
“I’m a doctor.” you hiss, on the verge of groaning from irritation, “Not a field agent or any sort of agent as a matter of fact.”
“But you are also a scientist.” Hyunseo’s eyes turn dark and sharp like an eagle's, “And a very skilled one at that. We could use someone like you on this.”
Your entire body tenses, jaw clenched so tight you feel like you’d never be able to speak again. You can sense the uneasy tension filling the meeting room, whispers and murmurs here and there. “Why me?” you manage to say, hoping your voice doesn’t sound too shaky or cracked.
Hyunseo nods at one of the agents, “Agent Bang, if you will.”
The dimpled male beside you nods and gets up, going to the front of the room. He taps the screen board in front before facing the entire group. “Latest intel tells us that the serum or formula that they are using isn’t super...effective, as per the lab department. It kills, but it’s far from being a superweapon kind of thing. According to their sample analysis and tests, the group hasn’t ‘perfected’ the serum’s formula. Once they’ve perfected it, however, we’ve been told that they have several trades and sales in line for these serums in the black market.”
Chan’s words sink in, and you know that if they haven’t perfected it, that would entail more experimentations - on humans. You feel sick, head spinning and eyes shaking as you look away from the screen. You don’t notice how Minho leans back on his chair, clenching his jaw and chewing on the inside of his cheek.
Chan swipes the screen to show another display on information and continues to speak, “From what we are assessing and assuming, they are looking to seize you, Dr. Song.”
“They should know better than anyone that I can’t help them either way.” you shrug in dismissal, “I wasn’t of any help back then, I won’t be now.”
“We aren’t sure why, but we’re deducing it’s because you are very knowledgeable and are an expert in this field. They think a doctor-slash-scientist of your level would still be useful. We’d be hitting two birds with one stone with you helping us, y/n.” Hyunseo states, “One, you’d be safer with us here. What if they do find and take you? Second, you can help us find a way to counter the serum.”
“Why can’t you just order your agents to find them and destroy all the serums? Doesn’t matter if it’s perfected or not. It’s dangerous, so get rid of it.” you snap, patience wearing thin.
“We must tread carefully as our attempts on them can prompt even more damage like hostage situations or simply releasing the serums for the sake of it. And we can’t simply destroy the serums.” Hyunseo says flatly, gesturing at another agent, “Agent Seo.”
The buff agent nods, clearing his throat, “One agent was able to retrieve a serum once, and we tried to dispose small amounts of it in various ways. Throw it away in a remote area, burn or wash it away, use other chemicals to counter and dilute it, but nothing worked.”
“Nothing worked?” you inquire with a tilt of your head.
“All the methods I mentioned would still leave residue or gases behind.” Changbin explains, “And well...that residue is just as potent and dangerous as the serum itself. So if we throw it away somewhere far and remote, wind could carry the gases and will somehow make its way to populated areas. Dumping it in the sea will contaminate water and marine life. Straight-up making the enemy’s hideouts blow up will just spread the fumes contaminated with serum gases. Pretty messy. It’s like an indestructible formula.”
Hyunseo nods firmly, turning his attention back to you. “Which is why we brought you here, y/n. I personally know how skilled and capable you are, and I believe you’d be instrumental in helping our Medical and Science Department in looking for a way to get rid of the serum and prevent heavy damage to the nation...or even other nations, if this gets into the hands of the military.” Hyunseo says with a sense of urgency in his voice.
Chan also adds, “A few of our scientists think that there is a way to counter its initial effects via another formula. Consequently, that would enable us to properly dispose of it. They just...haven’t discovered what exactly. So the plan is to have you study the formula and whatever properties it has. Once you’re successful with identifying a way to concoct a counter-serum to negate its effects, the second step can happen.”
Changbin continues, “We either infiltrate their bases or interfere with their transactions. Whatever happens, we’re going to retrieve as much serums as possible so that we can mix in the counter-formula, rendering it useless. Now, it can be disposed of.”
You open your mouth to ask a question, but Chan answers with a smile, “And yes, even if we pull the whole ‘switch the serums with other formulas’ or steal them now for disposal later, we’d still be stuck with serums you can’t dispose of. In the end, you’d still need to work with us to find a way to negate its residual effects.”
“You know I can’t, Hyunseo. Not anymore.” you close your eyes, cradling your head in your hands, “I’m not going back to working on things like these.”
The room falls silent, the screeching of one chair dragging across the floor the only sound heard. Everything is at a stand-still, breaths held until you feel large hands enveloping your own. You look up to see Hyunseo offering you an assuring smile, fatherly and gentle. He pats your hands, speaking with a hushed voice, “I know it’s difficult for you, y/n, but we could really use your help. You’re the only one we can trust on this.”
“You know I don’t trust SKZ anymore, right?” you croak out.
Hyunseo smiles despite this, nodding his head, “I know, but I need you to take a leap of faith on this, y/n. We can’t prevent or dispose of it without figuring out a way to negate its effects or counter the residues as soon as possible. Only you can help with that.”
You chew on your lip, taking note of how the agents have their expectant eyes on you. Hyunseo continues to look at you with encouraging eyes as he speaks, “Back then, whatever happened in the labs took lives. Now? We - you - have a chance to help save lives. Imagine if you develop a formula to counter the serum. We could retrieve all the serums and get rid of it without any of its residual effects. You’d be preventing death and damage as the serum is rendered useless - just like a glass of water.”
You can only sigh, nodding your head without a single word coming out of your lips. Your eyes are glassy, but Hyunseo can see a faint fire in them. With an assuring smile, he says, “Thank you, y/n. I promise, after this is solved, you can walk away forever. And this time, I promise, you’ll never have to get involved again.”
You heard that before, and if you were in a better mood, you would have scoffed, laughed or rolled your eyes. But right now, you could only nod. Again. “You can trust us.” Hyunseo whispers, “You’ll be ok.”
Lies, the voices in your head hissed and whispered, but technically, everything was a lie to you in the first place. What could you do?
“Now, just to give you some sense of familiarity since you’ve never encountered the agents before.” Hyunseo clasps his hands together, “You’ve met Agent Lee, the one who brought you in.”
Minho nods, expression blank but you can make out a faint smile on his lips.
“Agent Bang who briefed you.”
Chan - the one with dimples - politely bows. He was the warm and friendly one.
“Agent Seo, Agent Hwang, and Agent Yang who came to you the first time.”
Changbin, Hyunjin and Jeongin all waved their hands once before giving a curt nod of their heads.
“Some of them might not mind being called by their first names, so you can just discuss that amongst yourselves. You’ll probably meet the other agents related to this case later on, but for now, Agent Lee is responsible for your needs.”
You internally groan; of all people, it was this stone-faced, borderline arrogant and cold agent. Minho seems to have no qualms, nodding his head in agreement with Hyunseo. SKZ’s head also adds in, “Agent Lee is like your ‘partner’ for this entire mission case. If you have questions or need anything, you go to him. If a mission requires you to come along, you stick with him. He’s also going to keep you safe, so don’t worry. He’s very good.”
You can see Chan nodding in agreement, smiling a little as Minho playfully slaps his arm. How ever were you going to survive this whole thing? Not only have you been brought back to this forsaken place to help solve something that you aren’t fond of...but you’re also “stuck” with the male who seems to just not care. The agent that seems to piss you off just by staring at his face.
Well, to be fair, you didn’t like anyone - not a single person - in this room.
SKZ is SKZ, and nothing would change how you saw the organization.
You don’t hear Hyunseo dismissing the meeting, the other agents in the room scrambling to their feet and bowing as they make their exit. Minho and Hyunseo leave as well, leaving you seemingly alone in the pristine meeting room, silence falling upon you. You’re just about to break down in stressful tears when you feel someone tap your shoulder. You look up to see the sharp-eyed agent smiling gently. “I’ve been ordered to take you to your room in the living quarters, Dr. Song.” he says.
You sigh, standing up without much strength, “Right...what about my stuff? It’s not like you readily have things available here.”
Jeongin chuckles, “I think Mr. Jung has arranged with our female agents to gather things for you. Besides, Minho will accompany you back to your house later or tomorrow if you need to get more personal things or such.”
“I see.” you nod, “If he’s Minho...you are?”
“Oh, Agent Yang Jeongin.” he smiles, “Calling me Jeongin is ok as long as it’s not during mission or work hours.”
“Now, living quarters. Follow me please, Dr. Song.”
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Jeongin is constantly waving and smiling at other agents as he walks through the compound, eventually leading you to a tall building somewhere in the more “hidden” part of HQ. He stops at the dark brown double doors, scanning his hand on a glass screen. With a faint beep, the young agent pushes the doors open and ushers you inside a hotel-looking lobby, the floors shinier than even the hospital’s own floors. A fancy-looking chandelier swings above, illuminating the lobby brightly. Unlike a hotel, however, there is no receptionist, and the lobby splits into three separate wings.
Jeongin smiles at you as he makes a few gestures, “So...I’m not sure if you stayed in the living quarters when you worked in SKZ, but assuming you didn’t, let me give you a run down. The left and right wings are where all the agents are staying. The middle wing is where the dining area is. There’s a gym, lounges, and snack bars in various floors which you can access with the elevators. Am I making sense?”
“Oh, yes. I got it.” you nod your head once.
“Cool.” Jeongin grins wider, nodding his head to the right, “I’ll show you your room now.”
You follow the smiley agent in silence, not really saying anything; it was fine though, since Jeongin just kept talking about “how relaxing the lounge rooms were” or “how delicious the food actually is”. He spoke as if he was the happiest person to be here, proud and overjoyed to work in SKZ. The complete opposite of you, honestly. You just wanted everything to be over and done with.
In the elevator, it’s just the two of you, a tense and awkward silence filling in. Jeongin turns his head to glance at you, tilting his head, “Do you know any of the agents? I mean, have you met anyone before?”
You shake your head, not really trying to remember anyone. Not that you’d remember, since you barely spoke to people outside the labs back then. “I never interacted with the field agents. I kept to those in the labs only.” you explain plainly.
How high was this elevator going?
“I see.” Jeongin hums, “Well, I don’t know if it’s any consolation, but you’re in good hands since Minho is the one looking out for you.”
“In all honesty, Jeongin,” you start, “I highly doubt that.”
The elevator dings open, and Jeongin holds the button open for you. Once you’ve both stepped outside, he gestures for you to follow him down the hall. He continues the conversation, “Is it the personality? His seemingly perpetual scowl?”
“I don’t…” you trail off, not sure of what to say.
Jeongin chuckles, eyes crinkling as he smiles down at you, “Don’t let it get to you though, Dr. Song. Minho looks intimidating ‘cause he takes his job seriously, but deep down, he’s a really fun and warm person.”
“Well, maybe Minho’s just an ass to people outside SKZ.” you hum, staring at the black door in front of you.
Jeongin scans his thumb on the small glass screen next to the doorknob, twisting it open as soon as he hears another beep. “I mean, Minho can be a bit...much, but he’s got his reasons.” Jeongin smiles softer this time, a hint of sorrow in his eyes, “We all have reasons, right? He just takes his to heart harder.”
You look at Jeongin quizzically, but the agent only chuckles, the shimmer in his eyes returning. He gently ushers you inside the room before saying, “Anyway, Minho’s a great friend! You’ll be fine, and you can trust him!”
You decide to just nod despite not exactly agreeing with the male’s statement; you’re not in the mood or don’t have the energy to really continue talking. Jeongin explains a few “house rules” before walking over to the door.
“I don’t know when Minho will bring you back home so you can get more of your personal belongings, but you should know that your door currently unlocks only with biometric scans! Since you don’t have any info with us yet, you’ll be brought to the labs for that today. Rest well, Dr. Song. Feel free to sleep first since Minho did pick you up at an ungodly hour.”
With that, Jeongin gently shuts the door, and you hear his footsteps walking away. You now have every opportunity to groan, flopping down on the bed. Though the bead is heavenly soft and soothing, you still feel miserable, internally screaming and pleading for everything to just be over.
You’ve made it your number one goal to find a solution to this serum as soon as possible.
The sooner you do, the sooner you get to walk away again.
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You don’t realize how many hours have passed, but you’ve eventually fallen asleep on the bed without removing your shoes. You’re more than content remaining in this state, letting sleep take over your bones. Unfortunately, a certain agent has other plans as he leans against the wall of your room, arms crossed as he looks at your sleeping form.
The look on Minho’s face is slightly annoyed, eyebrows knit together with a visible scowl. But when he sees the way you’re clutching one of the pillows tightly, hugging it like a safety blanket and your usual glare of displeasure replaced with a more relaxed expression, his face softens in the slightest.
At least...until he clears his throat and returns to a more stoic look.
“Dr. Song.”
You remain still, sleep clearly haven taken over your entire body. Minho sighs in exasperation, unfolding his arms as he gently walks over to you. You don’t even feel the bed dip as he sits next to your sleeping form, much too lost in dreamland. The male lifts a hand to your shoulder, gently shaking you awake. “Dr. Song.” he repeats.
You mumble something incoherent, slowly peeling your eyes open. As soon as your gaze lands on the male agent, your heart leaps out of place and you abruptly make a move to slap the figure. Minho easily catches your wrist, his grip gentle despite the hard expression on his face. He gently brings your hand down, looking at you with a piercing gaze.
You narrow your eyes upon registering that it was Minho. “I forgot I was still here…” you mumble.
“Dr. Song,” Minho starts with a levelled voice, “I’m going to take you to the labs.”
You slowly sit up, fixing your unruly bed hair; you’re much too annoyed to notice the subtle smirk on Minho’s face. “I honestly find it unsettling that you or any agent can just enter my room on a whim...without my permission or knowledge.” you say once you’ve fixed your messy hair, tone accusatory.
Minho raises an eyebrow in protest, “I’m not going to do anything, Dr. Song.”
“You can never be too sure.” you say defensively, crossing your arms, “I’m on the losing end here. Am I the only one who thinks it’s...creepy?”
“If I were going to do anything to you, I would have done it when I came to your house.” Minho smirks boldly, “Besides, I’m not that kind of person. I have no interest in you, trust me. I’m just doing my job.”
You look at him with a mysterious look in your eyes. Minho can’t quite decipher what you were intending to convey, but he only tilts his head in response. For a moment, the two of you are just staring at each other, eyes connected like magnets that refuse to be pulled apart. It’s like he’s trying to get his words across through his gaze, but your own gaze is adamant in blocking him out.
When the male sees your eyes waver at last, pupils shaking in the slightest before breaking eye contact, he sighs. His facial features are still dull, but there’s a softer light to his eyes as he speaks up, “Your biometrics haven’t been registered. That’s why I’m taking you to the lab. Once your data has been registered, only you will have the ‘key’ or access to your room.”
You hum gloomily, shrugging your shoulders, “Alright.”
Minho stands up from your bed, gesturing for you to hurry up. You stand up as well, straightening your pants and shirt. “Let’s go.” you tell Minho, about to take a step past him.
The male gently takes hold of your upper arm, pulling you back. You protest with a quick “hey” before you ultimately keep your lips in a tight line, eyes wide and shutting up especially when you realize that Minho’s reaching up to flatten some of the unruly hair you haven’t gotten to fix.
Just as quick as he does it, he is also quick to retract his hand and raise an eyebrow at you, “You can’t march into the labs looking like a lab rat yourself.” he says nonchalantly.
You glare, huffing a deep breath as you point a finger at the male, “I’ll turn you into a lab rat, Agent Lee.”
“How fun.” he muses, turning on his heel to walk towards the door, “Come along, Dr. Song.”
You groan to yourself, rolling your eyes as you move to follow him. Minho lets you go out the door ahead before following behind, closing the door gently.
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The walk to the lab department is quiet and more awkward than it had been when you were with Jeongin, but perhaps you felt that it was better that way. Minho was on the phone with Chan most of the time, talking about how he “had to deal with Dr. Song then we can have a late lunch with Changbin later” - it seemed like he was closer to Chan and Changbin anyway.
When you both arrive at the lab department, you notice how it still looks the same as before. Same walls, same floors, same rooms, same everything. Maybe not the same people, but the place itself was just the same. You feel a chill run down your spine like a ghost caressed you, and you involuntarily take a deep breath as you shiver from head to toe.
After going down a few floors to what you remember is the HQ’s medical wing - or the “clinic” of sorts, Minho pushes a glass door open where a freckled male is seated by a table, a dark-haired male seated across him. They both look up when you both enter the room, the dark-haired male lifting his hand in some sort of wave, “Oh...hey y/n.”
“Seungmin?” you look at Minho and then back to Seungmin, “Hi.”
The freckled male makes an “o” with his mouth before beaming, “You already met?”
“Y/n and I were...acquaintances before she left SKZ. We worked together on a lot of stuff until - ”
Seungmin looks at you sadly, and when you shake your head, he drops the subject and sighs, “We just saw each other frequently in the labs; me, her and Jisung.”
“Well, now that we’ve established that, let’s carry on.” Minho starts with disinterest, gesturing towards the freckled male, “Dr. Song, this is Felix. He’s in charge of tech and surveillance, so he and Seungmin will handle gathering and recording your biometric data.”
Felix smiles very much brightly, gesturing for you to sit down as he pulls out his laptop, “This shouldn’t take too long, Dr. Song! Just give us a few minutes then you’re good to go.”
You nod, taking a seat in front of Felix. As soon as you’re seated, the door bursts open with another newcomer. “Y/n! Long time no see!” the person laughs.
You offer a small smile, suddenly feeling embarrassed, “Hi Jisung.”
“And how come you and Seungmin didn’t tell us that you knew each other?” Felix says while looking back and forth between Seungmin and Jisung.
Seungmin shrugs with a smile, “Um...didn’t think it would really matter. We aren’t the field agents, Minho and the rest are.”
“I don’t think I would have gone with you or Jisung either way.” you point out, sighing, “Agent Lee here is just a bit...much.”
You hear Minho scoff as Jisung stifles a laugh. The latter sits down beside you, offering another bright grin, “Anyway, Minho aside, let’s get started with this. I haven’t had lunch.”
Felix glances towards Minho, offering for the older male to take a seat as well, “Minho, you can sit too.”
Minho smiles gently, waving his hand in dismissal, “I have plans with Chan and Changbin, but thanks, Lix.”
Felix says a happy little “ok” before turning his attention back to his laptop. Minho’s voice then turns from warm back to cold as he addresses you, “You stay in the lab for the time being. Familiarize yourself if you need to, spend time with Jisung and Seungmin, whatever. I’ll come back to check on you later before dinner.”
With that, he exits the room, leaving you no time to respond at all. You gape at the door that was now shut, scoffing in disbelief. Jisung has the heart to whistle and playfully pipe in, “Wow, it’s like you have a boyfriend, y/n. ‘I’ll pick you up after blah blah’, right? Funny. Minho looks like a boyfriend now.”
“Please don’t.” you groan with your head in your hands.
Felix decides to join in on the fun, laughing, “Come to think of it, Minho is very boyfriend material under all that toughness.”
“I don’t need to hear this.” Seungmin pretends to gag, turning his attention to you.
Within the next few minutes, Seungmin explains the procedure and what you have to do. It’s all the basics - scanning things like your fingerprints, eye scanning, whatever bio data they needed. All those agent-like stuff. By the time the group is finished with their tasks, Felix packs his things and waves warmly, “I’ll just get this data up to main so Dr. Song can have her room access to herself by tonight. See you guys!”
He waves to the two males and to you before making his way out the room. Seungmin then turns to you, tilting his head, “How’ve you been, y/n?”
“I feel like shit.” you admit, sighing as you slump on the chair, “I don’t...want to be here in all honesty.”
“Yeah, Changbin did mention that.” Jisung says apologetically, “We still don’t know why.”
“I only know that you left, but you never gave an explanation.” Seungmin adds.
You shrug, expression almost lifeless, “I don’t like talking about it. I’m just here to get things over and done with then I’m out.”
You don’t miss the disappointment that flashes across their faces, but you choose not to pay much heed to it. Instead, you chew on your lip and release another sigh, “I’m just here to work on what I need to.”
“I see.” Seungmin speaks up first, and there’s an understanding yet warm tone to his voice.
Jisung replaces his frown with a smile as he gently stands up, gesturing towards the door, “Seungmin and I haven’t had lunch, and I’m sure Minho didn’t really...give you enough time to eat. Wanna grab something with us?”
You only stare at the two, juggling your thoughts and options in your head. As if Seungmin can read your mind, he laughs, “You can’t work on an empty stomach, y/n.”
“Alright!” Jisung claps once, “I’ve got some epic recommendations for you!”
Seungmin looks disturbed, “Jisung, I don’t think an extra-spicy wasabi chicken sandwich with cheese is ‘epic’ but you do you.”
“Let y/n be the judge of that.”
“Oh no.”
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svtshine · 3 years
can you please do a fluffy 17 + 19 with mingyu 🥺 ik it’s kinda weird so it’s totally fine if you don’t do it but tyty in advance
Hi anon! it’s not that weird but it was kinda tricky to write because i couldn’t find a plot at first :’) so it might not be what you wanted but hope you like it
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3am nuggets
17: “Will you marry me?”
19: “I know it’s 3 am but could you get me some Mcdonald nuggets”
Pairing: Mingyu x reader
genre: fluff
type: imagine
extras: You can still request! Link can be found in my description or down below.
The story is written in Mingyu’s POV (sorta)
Mingyu has been wanting to do it since the start of the year. He has everything planned, we’ll sort of.
He just didn’t know when was the right time. At a restaurant? But if it’s too noisy? At the park? What if you didn’t like all the attention? All the troubling thoughts has been making him anxious and stressed at the same time.
Of course, he never acted differently around you. He would still return home and greet you with a kiss as usual, cuddle with you, buy you gifts to make you smile, bring you on dates. But every night, after you’ve fallen asleep, he would pull out the ring box from the night stand beside him and stare at it before turning to look at you.
You were worth the wait, even when you were snoring with your mouth slightly open and drool dripping down your chin. Mingyu loved you to the moon and back, and he just wanted this to be perfect. Because you deserved that.
Mingyu would turn around after setting the ring box in the same place and stare at you. He would smile to himself at your adorable self, wiping away your drool and bringing you closer to him. Mingyu would kiss your forehead before whispering.
“Just wait a while longer babygirl, i love you”
Mingyu has been confiding about his conflicts with the rest of the members and hyungs. The different suggestions and countless of ideas has made him stuck.
“Hyung, just wait till you feel the moment” Dino suggested.
“Yeah Mingyu, we’ve already gave you so many suggestions i don’t know if we can suggest more ideas.” Jeonghan slapped Mingyu’s back.
Mingyu nodded, it didn’t seem like a very bad idea overall and there wasn’t any other ideas he could think of.
The members patted his back and resumed practice.
A week later, Seventeen had gotten a three day break after a heavy performance. Mingyu was estatic that he was going to be able to spend more time with you.
“Honey, i’m back home” He called out to you when he reached home after the performance. It was around 7, the performance recording had ended early since they were doing it for the whole day.
“Sweetie?” You left the kitchen and greeted him with a hug and a kiss. “You’re back so early today, i’m still making dinner” Mingyu smiled at you, happy that he was able to surprise you. He brought out the flowers he hid behind his back and presented them to you.
Your eyes widened and you took it gently from him. You were so happy that your boyfriend was able to get off work early and even brought you flowers.
“Thank you gyu” You said softly.
“Now” Mingyu rolled up his sleeves and put down his bag. “let me help you with dinner” taking your hand and bringing you to the kitchen.
Mingyu accidentally threw flour on you and a food fight began between the two of you. You poured the beaten eggs on him and ran away but he grabbed you from behind and tickling you. Mingyu carried you by your things and lifted you onto his hips, he kissed you fully on the lips. He placed you on the kitchen counter and the two of you made out.
Mingyu gently held your cheek and looked into your eyes, “I love you”
You kissed him again and said “I love you too Kim Mingyu”
The two of you finally noticed the mess you guys made, looked at each other and burst out laughing. The both of you cleaned up and ordered take out before going to take a quick bath.
Mingyu helped to wash your hair and body. He also helped to blow dry your hair and comb it thoroughly. That was when the doorbell rang signalling that the takeout was here. Mingyu was still drying his hair but went to collect the takeout.
Afterwards the both of you had your takeout with wine and binge watched your current favourite series. After clearing the trash, Mingyu suggested building a pillow fort.
“It’ll be fun babe, we’ll prepare snacks, movies and some fairy lights” He convinced you.
After about three movies, it was nearly 5 mins past 3 am. You were feeling hungry since the snacks were gone pretty quickly.
“Mingyu ah, i know it’s 3 am but could we get some Mcdonald nuggets” you said, climbing onto his lap. Mingyu watched you plead, wearing nothing but his hoodie that was large on you. He wrapped his arms tightly around you. “Anything for you sweetheart” Your smile couldn’t be more bright
That was when Mingyu felt it. He knew more than anything, that he would be the happiest only when he had you with him, by his side. For you, he would do anything and that was because he loved you. Mingyu was scared of growing old, but if he could get Mcdonald nuggets with you 30 years down the road at 3 am in the morning with you, the thought of growing old didn’t scare him at all.
As long as he had you, he would be able to do anything, conquer anything and love with his whole heart. Mingyu doesn’t want to get mcdonald nuggets at 3 am in the morning with anyone else except you.
He would follow you to the ends of the world anytime.
Wasn’t that what marriage was about? A holy ceremony to bound two people who love each other, till death do them part.
Mingyu’s heart was racing as he asked you to go get some sweatpants and he stuffed the ring box quickly into his hoodie pocket, hoping you wouldn’t notice.
He was wearing his shoes when you came out, sure you just worn your grey sweatpants and your hair was in a messy bun. You still looked like the most beautiful person he has ever met.
You took his breath away.
He drove you to the nearest Mcdonalds and ordered while you waited for him in the car.
Mingyu went up to the counter, “hello, i’d like to order a set meal with extra nuggets. And do you guys happen to have extra balloons i could use, i’m going to propose just outside” he pointed to the car.
The worker clapped excitedly and the remaining staff searched for decorations he could use.
Mingyu realised you were using your phone so he quickly decorated the back of his trunk.
“Gyu what are you doing?” Mingyu was rushing and putting everything in place. The fairy lights, the nuggets and the Mcdonald balloons.
“er er” Mingyu said as he checked everything. “Come out baby”
You were curious but as you got around the car, you immediately covered your mouth. Mingyu was on one knee and the nuggets were aligned to spell out, ‘Will you marry me?’
Your eyes glistened with tears. Mingyu opened the ring box and it sparkled under the moonlight. It was a classy yet beautiful. You couldn’t believe your eyes as you walked closer to him.
“Y/n L/n. We met two years ago, and i have never felt more complete than i do right now. With you, i feel that anything is possible, with you i never feel alone. I feel like i found my missing half” Mingyu said softly his eyes watered.
“I want to grow old with you, spend everyday of my life with you. Have our own children, spoil them. Buy more nuggets at 3 am” The tears ran down your face. “i want to do everything with you by my side. I promise i would always stay by you, take care of you and love you. Y/n, Will you marry me?” Mingyu finally said.
You shook your head immediately and rushed to him.
“I do, i do, i do, i do, i love you so much Kim Mingyu” Mingyu hugged and twirled you around before setting you down and kissing you.
“I’m sorry it wasn’t the best proposal, i’ve been thinking of the best proposal for months and i just couldn’t choose. Dino told me to wait for the perfect moment. And this was” he smiled cutely at you holding your hands closely to his chest, stared into your eyes.
“I don’t care as long as you’re with me Gyu” You giggled and told him.
Mingyu winked at you
“What do you say we go home and eat the nuggets my fiance?”
Prompt request link
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chibsytelford · 4 years
EZ Reyes Affection HC
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Anon requested //  And can I please have another Ez x Reader request with "I'm your husband, its my job". Perhaps there is some intimacy/physical touch (ie: placing their hand on s/o forehead to check if they have a fever,wiping away their tears, rubbing their stomach when they have a stomachache, giving foot/hand/neck/back massage,drying them off after they've had a shower or come in from the rain,lightly brushing hair out of their eyes, holding hands, hugging, kissing, cuddling, carrying, caressing, link pinkies (all of them)
Authors note - I LOVED WRITING THIS. Also, I didn’t include the “I’m your husband it’s my job under each heading because I felt like it was getting too repetitive, so sorry about that. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. I also mashed holding hands, hugging, kissing and caressing together otherwise it was gonna be hella long.
Taglist - @everyhowlmarksthedead @rebel-without-cause-x @blessedboo @starrynite7114 @sheeshgivemeabreak @angelxshiba @angelreyesgirl @scuzmunkie @thisishowdynastiesareborn @thewarriorprincessxo @minnicelli @talicat713 @jadesamhart @elcococruz @sadeyesgf @gemini0410 @trulysuccubus @lady-pswrld @fangirlingaesthetics​ 
Placing a hand on S/O forehead to check if they have a fever
·         You had been feeling ill for the last few days
·         Runny nose, sore throat, headache
·         You kept going to work and pushing through it because you hated               being off sick
·         But your boss sent you home early to go straight to bed
·         Which you didn’t
·         You decided to clean the house
·         And do laundry
·         EZ got home not long after you
·         He said he phoned your work to check on you
·         But your boss told him they sent you home to rest
·         He saw you cleaning and immediately picked you up and carried                 you straight to bed
·         But not before scolding you that you need to look after yourself
·         He threatened that he will stay home with you to ensure you stay in             bed
·         EZ made you some chicken soup and brought it up to you
·         After you finished he took your bowl away and climbed into bed                   with you
·         He sat up against the headboard and then placed you between his             legs
·         He gently pulled your head down to rest on his chest
·         EZ lifted his hand and placed it on your forehead
·         Checking if you had a fever
·         He got you a cloth and put cold water on it
·         Placing it against your head to cool you down a bit
·         “you don’t have to look after me” you told him
·         “I’m your husband princesa, it’s my job”
 Wiping away their S/O tears
·         You had another hard day at work
·         Your favourite patient died
·         And you knew you shouldn’t get attached to them
·         But this particular patient had been yours for a year now
·         And you talked to them about everything
·         You didn’t want to cry at work
·         So after your shift you drove home
·         And collapsed into bed and finally let the tears out
·         You didn’t hear your husband come home because your sobs were             so loud
·         He immediately ran upstairs taking them 2 at a time
·         He entered the bedroom and his heart broke seeing you crying like              that
·         He immediately lay down beside you and pulled you into his side
·         Cuddling you
·         He asked you what was wrong
·         And you told him about your patient
·         “Shhh querida, I got you” he said
·         He used his finger to wipe away your tears before placing a                         delicate kiss on your forehead
·         He held you until you had calmed down a bit
·         And offered to get you takeout to take your mind off work for a while
·         “Thanks EZ for always being there” you said
·         “I’m your husband, it’s my job” he replied as he wiped away the                    rest of your tears and hugged you closer to him
Rubbing their S/O stomach when they have belly ache
·         You were due your period and the tummy ache was unbearable
·         The only thing that helped you was your hot water bottle and                       tummy rubs from EZ
·         Unfortunately you lost your hot water bottle and EZ was working
·         But he always told you if you needed him you were to just call
·         And that’s what you did
·         You phoned him and asked him to come home
·         He didn’t hesitate before telling you he’d be right there
·         “you’re an Angel babe” you told him as he came home
·         “I’m your husband, it’s my job” he smirked at you until he noticed                  you scrunch your face up in pain
·         He asked what was wrong and you told him you were due your                   period and you had a sore belly
·         You didn’t have to say anything else
·         EZ left the room and magically came back with the hot water bottle             you couldn’t find
·         He gave you it and climbed into bed beside you
·         He placed the hot water bottle at the bottom of your belly
·         And started rubbing your stomach above the hot water bottle in a                 rhythm that soon had you falling asleep
Giving foot/hand/neck/back massage to S/O
·         You were 8 months pregnant and struggling
·         You worked as a hairdresser so you were on your feet most of the               day
·         You were self-employed so you chose to work up until the week                    before your due date
·         But your feet constantly ached and swelled up
·         You never complained about it to your husband EZ
·         You didn’t want him worrying about your sore feet
·         He already worried about you working as much as you did
·         You ran yourself a nice hot bath one night
·         And put some bubbles into it
·         You hadn’t managed to sit down all day and your feet were the                   worst they have ever been
·         You could barely walk
·         Just as you got in the bath EZ came home and decided to join you
·         He lifted your feet up so he could fit in
·         And he noticed they were bruised and blistered
·         He kissed the soles of them and then went to work massaging                     them one at a time
·         His rough hands working their magic on your sore feet was a                       feeling you would cherish forever
Drying their S/O off after coming in from the rain
·         Trust you to decide to go a run when the rain starts
·         You had promised yourself you would go all week so a bit of a rain            wasn’t about to stop you
·         When you left it was just a bit of rain
·         But by the time you got back from your run you were soaked                       through
·         Bra and pants included
·         You ran in the door and started taking your wet clothes off
·         EZ was waiting with a towel to dry you off
·         You asked him how he knew you were out a run as he wasn’t                      home when you left
·         “I’m your husband, it’s my job to know things” he told you with a                   smile
·         EZ did know you very well so you weren’t surprised that he knew                 you’d be out jogging
·         Once you had stripped completely EZ held out the towel and you                 walked into it
·         He gently dried you from your toes all the way up to your hair
·         Making sure your body was completely dry before he helped you                get into your pyjamas and start a fire for you  to warm you up
Lightly brushing hair out of their S/O eyes
·         Working from home was a nightmare
·         You preferred to be in the office mingling with co-workers and just                having other humans around
·         You hated being in the house alone as there was nobody to talk to               and you were easily bored and distracted
·         You decided to close your eyes for 5 minutes after you had finished            all your work
·         Because staring at a computer for so long gave you a sore head                 and sore eyes
·         You didn’t hear the roar of your husband’s bike
·         And you didn’t hear the door close behind him
·         But you felt the light familiar touch of your husband’s hand moving               a piece of stray hair out of your eyes
·         You felt his soft lips leave a kiss on your cheek
·         You let your eyes flutter open and you looked at your husband who             was kneeling beside your computer desk smiling at you
·         “Long day?” he asked you
·         “Very, can we go and get some fresh air?”
·         “Of course we can mi amor”
·         EZ closed your computer down for you and literally carried you to               the car
·         He drove you both to the beach and you had a nice slow walk                     across the sand
Holding hands, hugging, kissing, caressing
·         EZ was a very affectionate husband
·         Every chance he got he was always touching you, hugging you,                 kissing you, holding your hand
·         Every car journey no matter how long it was he would always lace              his fingers with yours
·         You loved the way his hand felt in yours
·         They were much bigger than yours and you always instantly felt                 safe each time he grabbed your hand
·         EZ was also a big hugger
·         He would always hug you when you least expected it
·         Brushing your teeth, getting dressed, reading a book, EZ was                     always coming over and just pulling you into his chest, gently                      squeezing you
·         He also loved kissing you
·         He made sure to always kiss you goodnight
·         And good morning
·         And then again before he left for work
·         And again when he got home from work
·         If you took him lunch EZ would ensure he didn’t let you leave                       without a kiss
·         The rest of the guys gave him stick for it
·         But he just shrugged and told them he loved you
·         EZ would sometimes come to your work on your lunch break
·         Just so he could kiss you
Linking Pinkies
·         You hated it when EZ went on runs
·         Especially the ones that lasted weeks
·         You were always worried that something might happen to him
·         You had a ritual
·         Every time before he left for a run
·         He would promise to keep in touch
·         And promise to come back safe
·         He would lift his pinkie up between you both
·         And you would then wrap your pinkie around his
·         “Pinkie Promise” he would say as he kissed you lovingly
·         And he always kept his promise
·         It was one of your favourite traditions
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Naked Challenge on the Turtles
Female walking out in the middle of the lair front of BF turtle naked to get his reaction
@bloody-weapons-soft-soul13​ @fyreball66​ @lonelyheart-clubband​ @blossom-skies​ @narwals14​ @betelgeusessonajblog​ @missbeautyandherbeast​ @midnightrebel669​ @midnight-chocolate-turtle​ @myheyheyheystuff​ @nikitaboeve​ @mistyroselove​ @waterstar2016​ @bluesakurablossom​ @bayverse-turtle-power​ @nights-legacy​ @janna-the-breaker​ @missmagellanic​ @darksaphire2002​ @aurora-the-kunoichi​ @moonlightflower21​ @queendice98​ @infintyfandoms @ravn-87​ @bmntgirl​ @vixie-chan233 
Also @ the sweet anon who gave me feedback on the kissing challenge fanfiction I really do hope this one was so much better please let me know I aim to impress and I tried so hard this time *Blows kisses* Hope you guys enjoy as much as I did making it
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She had waited until she was sure it was just the two of them before she hopped in the tub to rinse away her bad day at work
After walking through the lair to be greeted by her loving Turtle who understandingly hugged her up knowing she needed to de-stress offered for her to go take a relaxing bath that he so sweetly drew up for her
Once she had everything she needed he went to go back to what he was doing wanting her to take a load off her shoulders with the promise of couples time afterwards be it cuddles in the quiet of his room or on the couch watching her favorite movie
But as she got out the idea to tease him was just too hard to pass up
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Leonardo had seen how tired she was after her long shift she looked ready to drop right there but still had sweetly came to see him making his heart flutter for his loving mate to think of him when she should be home resting
After kissing her head telling her she needed to relax he sent her to the bath where all her stuff was one her special shelf he had made for when she needed anything or spent the night
While waiting for his beloved the leader had started his training working through the new kata his father had taught him both blades cutting through the air honed well in his skilled hands and his focus was purely on his lesson 
For once the woman walking into the room didn’t register to him
At first!
“Leonardo~” her sweet voice calling out to him had him turning as a towel fell over his head lifting it to see his girl standing there completely bare and in every ounce of her glory – in the middle of the dojo
His face flushed to a darker green looking her up and down unable to speak as both swords dropping from his grasp to the ground as he took her in struggling to speak before his eyes darkened as he bit his lower lip smirking “Oh - it is so on love”
His approach was slow appreciating the beauty before him his hands already  unstrapping his belts and untying his pants letting his Geisha know her Sensei was coming into play once his hand rested against her neck lovingly and their bodies were pressed so sensually together as he closed the door with no hesitation
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Raphael chuckled once she was in the bathroom knowing she needed some time to just let it all melt off her shoulders wanting to be sweet to improve her day had went into the kitchen making her a snack, he placed it on the table with a note so when she was done it was right there for her
Still hearing nobody was home he had stepped off into his weight room to clean up from that morning after working out with his brother’s
All of them agreed to doing some weight training to make up for cutting practice short the day before and as much as he enjoyed his alone time he did find having his brothers to outdo always was fun
Just after wiping down the last bench and picking up all of Mikey’s candy wrappers the youngest had to of hid while taking his breaks so Leo wouldn’t see left the turtle grumbling over his knuckleheaded younger brother as his phone rang seeing it was Casey
The man was supposed to be meeting him tonight for patrols and he hoped he wasn’t calling to cancel again
Talking to his friend while he finished up made him unaware of the soft footsteps coming up behind him or the sweet voice that had called him twice before a wet towel landed over his head
A deep growl rumbled from him thinking Mikey was playing a prank on him again ready to cuss him out but when he turned around there stood his girl completely nude leaning against the frame water still dripping down her voluptuous curves as she dried her hair “What’s wrong big guy~? Am I interrupting?”
He was left completely speechless as she pushed off moving towards him slowly her small hips sashaying with every step as water dripped down her curves
“Holy f- Case… Yo  Jones I gotta go man”
He barely heard the man ask why he was letting him go so fast as Raph churred eyeing her hungrily when both small hands were grabbing his belt pulling him forward growling under his breath as that small pink tongue drifted over her bottom lip eyeing him with those come get me shimmering orbs
He was seconds from just jumping her there before hearing his friend again ask what the hell was going on “Yeah yeah call ya later imma bout ta lay some pipe”
The turtle lifted her into his arms getting an excited giggle as he carried he to his room mumbling as the phone dropped onto the bench
Part of him was hoping he figured out what was up and hung up soon otherwise he was going to hear some shit “Fuck yer so in for it baby!”
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He had gone down and actually made sure the was drawn for her getting everything she needed just wanting his queen to soak and relax before Donatello would be pampering her the rest of the night kissing her softly they leaving her to enjoy some music
He hadn’t meant to walk into the lab but his work phone going off made him step in
It was supposed to be his off day but the main operator requested his help given it was a difficult problem that had locked the other service workers out
The job was aimed towards his specialty in hacking computers and he couldn’t just say no; he took over the call after logging in to be sure he was getting paid for accepting the call going through all the normal introduction while trying to get in finding the woman on the phone had no clue what she was doing
It was a bit frustrating because every time he told her to do something she backed out and he had to restart from the beginning all over again and in his semi-calm droned out ‘bitch don’t push another button’ voice he was glad his family wasn’t home
He was wishing at that moment this had just been another female accidently mistaking the tech support for a sex operator hotline
In that time he also hadn’t heard the small footsteps coming towards him actually screaming as a wet cloth dropped over his head apologizing profusely to the woman as he turned then stopped letting the towel drop from his hand as his jaw almost ended up in his lap
There standing only feet away was his beautiful love in all her glory skin flushed from the long shower and steam rolling off her in the cool room as she grinned climbing into his lap as his breathing picked up hearing her whispering soft enough the person on the other line wouldn’t hear “Put it on mute or she’s going to get an earful genius”
He had to swallow a churr before snapping to attention when the female on his headset asked him if this would take much longer getting inpatient watching as his girl grinded their hips together
“M-My apologies ma’am just fixing a few things if you will there’s a box popping up on your screen please push accept as soon as it does”
He couldn’t think when she started undoing his pants already kissing and nipping at his neck whispering dirty needy things just to him as he started typing in several codes having to clear his throat as one hand shoved several things aside on his desk as the screen flashed up showing she had accepted
“And now I’m going to send you a waver – this will just allow me to have full access to your drive meaning I can take care for it without you having to do a single thing miss – yes ma’am that probably would have saved you time I do apologize for the inconvenience”
He almost swallowed his tongue as her hands wrapped around his already hard shaft stroking over him while nibbling at his weak spot slapping a hand over his mouth as she bit his neck hard making him throb pushing her back mouthing he was so going to get her before the woman asked if there was anything else
“Yes ma’am - please read it fully so you understand that this only give me the ability to go where the problems are and once you agree my computer will be linked to yours and I will fix the problem immediately – I will be putting you on hold while I fill out the correct paperwork and I’ll have this fixed in a jiff”
He barely heard her sigh and agree before the call was muted and he was out of his chair placing her on the desk fast “Wow maybe I should have just started riding my genius’s cock and seen how long you could last with her still on the call”
Shaking his head he chuckled already worshipping his queen unable to believe she had given him such a delicious surprise ready to take her there but needed to get her back for the teasing his fingers playing with the heated core yet never giving enough to make her cum getting her so needy she was begging for him to take her
With a feral growl he thrusted into her going so slow but burying every inch nice and deep inside her a shit eating grin lighting up his face “And waste getting to fuck around on the clock while being paid – no way”
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Figuring she was going to be a little bit Michelangelo had jumped back on his game with the boys wanting to play his COD game before he was totally focused on his girl’s needs knowing with enough begging he might be able to convince her to stay the night
An hour later he was trashing some guy with a major anger problem that sounded like he was punching walls, listening to some kid who wouldn’t stop screaming at an unbearable high pitch that kept claiming he had ‘slept with his entire squads mommas’ even though he didn’t sound old enough to be playing the game, and smack talking the other team through his mic as he racked up the kills having his fun sniping guys as they respawned
She had snuck into the living area hearing his evil laugh as somebody called him a dick after he shot them again
“Hey Mikey…” he waved her off at first shouting right back making her giggle at how serious he took his games before pulling her towel off tossing it over his head hearing him grumbling tossing the soaked cloth on the couch grabbing up his drink whimpering for her to give him ten more minutes “Mikey~ look baby I think you’ll like this~”
She let her hair down ruffling it knowing how weak it made him when it was down
“Baby I’m destroying this whiney little b-” with a bit of trouble he looked back for just a second before spitting out the mouthful of soda as the can caved in within his grasp sending his drink all over the floor his eyes going wide as she stepped between him and the screen playing innocent
The youngest turtle looked her up and down several times grinning widely as she fluffed her hair swaying her body sensually as her fingers teased him by touching her breast “If you are still too busy… I’ll just go play by myself in your room”
Shaking his head fast he started up out of his beanbag trying to grab her but actually fell down calling into his speaker a bit huskily “Bros I gotta go! I’m out! I’m out!”
She could hear his friends complaining over his speaker since they were winning the mission asking what was going on but his headphones got tossed as he gave her the grabby hands trying to get her to come to him which she did finally with an impish smile
“Oh no dudes my baby girl is looking so damn fine” he dropped his controller pulling her into his lap already pushing his shorts down going to take her right there not caring he had forgotten to turn off his mic “It is baby making time!”
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whumperooni · 4 years
Scumbag Factory Supervisor Hawks
aka Rooni’s self-indulgent pigeonholing Hawks into a super specific flavor of asshole :)
/cracks knuckles
Let’s get into it, shall we?
Keigo Takami as a factory supervisor is a nightmare.
Is he mean and strict? Not quite. But he is not a good supervisor.
Keigo is the type of supervisor that doesn’t do shit. He used to be an okay worker, but ever since he got that shirt? Whew boy.
He won’t lift a finger to help you no matter how far behind you are on your numbers. He barely does his paperwork and gets annoyed when you come up to tell him that you need parts and there aren’t any in storage and can he please ask the stocker to fetch some because they’re not listening to you and you really need them. Just having him call the stocker over is too much for him- he’s a supervisor. He shouldn’t have to do such things.
Even if, you know, it’s his job to make sure everyone else does their job.
He’s the type of supervisor that gets pissed about having to work overtime- no matter if it’s expected. He expects you to get your numbers through the week even if he won’t get off his ass to help and won’t call maintenance even when you’re begging him to please call someone to fix your machine because it keeps throwing parts and you’re getting red lights and you can’t keep up production because you have to stop and fuck with it every five seconds to get it going.
Whenever you inevitably have to come in for overtime, he is an asshole.
He’ll snap at you over PPE and he’ll write you up for even the slightest hint of backtalk. If you get behind, he’ll talk to you like you’re a goddamn dog right in front of everyone even if it’s not your fault and it’s the machine fucking up again because he won’t call maintenance.
You’ll hear him bitching to the team lead about how he’s tired and how he’s sick of having to come in because “those slackers refuse to hit their numbers.”
Meanwhile you’re standing by with tears in your eyes because your machine is still fucking up and your hands are cut up from tiny little parts and your feet hurt from working your tenth twelve hour shift in a row and your back hurts from lifting and carrying parts around.
But, you know, he’s tired from sitting on his ass all day and lazily scrolling tindr and sending dick pics and bragging about his nice new truck and boat to anyone and everyone.
He’s always got the newest model truck. He’s got a nice boat as well- a beautiful Harley Davidson, a big house.
He’s in debt, too, but that’s not stopping him from showing off his toys to his fellow supervisors and team leads. He would show you but, you know, you’re just a machine operator.
Yeah, he’s that type of supervisor as well- the kind who sees his workers as busy bodies and won’t give them the time of day outside anything work related. (He barely gives you the time of day when it’s work related.)
If you’re a temp it’s even worse- you’re nothing but a useless meat sack until you go full time. And then you’re just a functioning idiot.
Of course, though, you’re lucky if he just sees you as a worker and nothing else. The only people who get his attention are the cute, young, inexperienced new hires- poor fools that have no idea what they’re in for.
If you’re young and cute, he’s going to lay down the charm and schmooze you like that’s his job. Warnings from seasoned workers will fall on deaf ears- as much as a douchebag Keigo is, he’s still hot and he knows how to play the nice sweet talker when there’s fresh meat to be taken advantage of.
His hands will fall on your shoulders as he stands behind you and explains the finer points of your job- little things you’ll pick up as you go along and don’t really need to be explained. He’ll smile at you and let you go home early without a fuss, will be sympathetic when you wince over sore feet. Back from break five minutes late? Aw, that’s okay hun. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.
Cue everyone nearby rolling their eyes.
He’s hard to resist when he’s in his Nice Guy mode. He’s charming and smooth, helpful and understanding. And he’s handsome and smells so nice- like expensive cologne rather than the oil and grease and sweat clinging to everyone else. (Because he’s SITTING AT HIS DESK ALL DAY)
He’ll give you his phone number “just in case you ever have to call in” and you know you should only message him for work purposes, but when he starts sending cute little good morning texts your heart just starts melting.
And so does every other girls’ who he’s texted.
Yeah, those dreams you have of becoming his girlfriend and going out on his fancy boat on your days off? That’s not happening, sweetheart.
Keigo will reel you in enough to get a blowjob, a fuck or two.
And then you’re dumped for someone newer and better- given a cold shoulder at work and a simpering “it’s irresponsible for me to be with an employee” that you want to believe because he was so sweet and you really thought he liked you and you like him and-
If you’re stupid enough to have told any of your coworkers, then you’ll get a mixed bag of we told you and sympathetic pats on the back. If you’re stupid enough to believe he meant it, you’ll be in tears when in just a week or two the new girl on the line is getting the charmed laid on her- Keigo’s newest victim to be hooked by an expensive truck, false charm, a handsome face, and the daydream of a good fuck and a loving relationship.
At least the sex with him is good- even if his cum tastes foul from his diet of takeout food, energy drinks, and beer.
You might get lucky and get another round with him in a few months time if he’s bored and doesn’t have anyone else around- either a blowjob in his truck in the work parking lot or a quickie in the bathroom if he can be fucked enough to sneak around inside the plant.
It’s hot, but he’ll treat you worse after- comments becoming scathing when it comes to your work effort and a lot of “jokes” at your expense. It’s not the continuation you had been secretly hoping for and, really, it gets horrible when he starts berating you in front of the line for something as simple as stopping to get a drink of water.
The Supreme Asshole Act is because, well, he’s an asshole. And he knows you’re stupid enough to keep coming back to his dick. All he has to do is furrow that handsome brow and give you a puppy dog pout, apologize in a drawl and say that he’s just been so stressed, that being a supervisor is so hard, that he only lashes out because he knows you know that he likes you and doesn’t really mean it.
(He totally means it)
It’ll be a rinse and repeat cycle until the whiplash either makes you quit or go to HR.
And, honestly, good fuckin’ luck with HR.
Keigo’s got the factory record for complaints- even tough ass plant manager Enji hasn’t been complained about as much.
Sexual harassment, verbal abuse, favoritism- he’s got allllllll the complaints filed on him. But nothing ever comes from it- he’s got the HR department wrapped around his little finger. They all think he’s such a good worker and a nice boy- really, it must be the employee that’s in the wrong and, well, are you sure he meant it that way? You had to have misinterpreted. Keigo is a great supervisor and, really, you’re just a temp- should you be complaining when they haven’t even decided if they want to hire you on? :)
Yeah, going to HR will get you nowhere.
About the only person you can go to is Enji Todoroki- but the plant manager is much too intimidating for an upset temp to go to all because you were stupid and didn’t listen to the many, many warnings everyone gave you.
If you don’t quit, you’ll get to see him pull the same shit with other new hires. You’ll become tired and bitter and grow to hate your pretty boy supervisor with his new iphone and clean nails, the way he only comes around to make you feel stupid for not running parts fast enough. You’ll hate the way he flaunts his supervisor shirt and you’ll hate when he ignores your requests for maintenance. You’ll hate how he sucks up to Enji and how he’ll only get off his ass whenever guests and higher ups come around. You’ll hate how he’ll get onto you for forgetting to put your safety glasses on after break whenever he only wears his maybe once a week. You’ll hate how he casually degrades the women in your area and you’ll hate how you’re always made to clean up the line whenever there’s a spill and how he’ll let the boys go out for a smoke break.
You’ll hate, too, the quiet pang of jealousy you get whenever you see him leading on some other poor, unsuspecting sap.
Keigo is the type of supervisor that will make you drink when you get home from work. Keigo is the type of supervisor that will have jealous boyfriends calling the plant and threatening to come up there and beat his ass. Keigo is the type of supervisor to have a girlfriend and a “work wife.” Keigo is the type of supervisor to make your life hell if he has to come in for overtime and miss his precious basketball game. Keigo is the type of supervisor who will watch you work and throw snide comments your way while maintenance laughs along with him. Keigo is the type of supervisor that will stress you to the point of tears and have the audacity to roll his eyes from where he’s sitting in his stupid rolling chair whenever you mention being tired. Keigo is the type of supervisor that will be on tindr all shift and lock himself in the office to jack off. Keigo is the type of supervisor to mandate you for overtime in another line if he hears that you have a date lined up on your day off- even if he’s spent the last week ignoring your texts and your attempts at conversation.
Keigo is the type of supervisor that will make you hate yourself and your life.
He deserves a punch in the face and a kick to the balls.
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ivyuns · 4 years
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hwang hyunjin
genre: angst | bit of fluff
word count: 1.7k
warnings: swearing, mentions of guns, blood, death, pregnancy + not proof read oops lol
A/N: lol hyunjin kinda psycho in this
this was drowning in my drafts since may omg
mafia!hyunjin x fembarista!reader
y/f/n = ur fiance’s name
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you owned your own cafe in downtown seoul. your customers and employees were always great people and bought positivity around you. it was currently a busy day and everyone was in and out of the main entrance. the employees were trying their best to stay calm and keep a positivity mindset. you however, were distracted by the co-owner, hwang hyunjin.
hyunjin always seemed like that flirty but a suspicious type. everyone told you to stay away from him since you were little but how could you when you two were inseparable. it all started in kindergarten.
you were running around the classroom til your teacher yelled out “stop” and everyone looked at her. you saw a little boy. next to the teacher, waiting to be introduced. “hello kids, we have a new student! please introduce youself.” the teacher says.
“hi im sam hwang from korea. please take care of me” he says softly and hides. the teacher tells him theres nothing to be scared of and let him wonder around the classroom. you went up to him and introduced yourself. “hi sam! my name is y/n kwon. i’m also from korea!”. hyunjins head went up and eyes went big. “y-you’re from korea?!” he stuttered since he was lowkey excited that someone in his class was korean, just like him. you smiled and nodded your head. you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the playground to continue recess.
2 years later in summer, your best friend came over with his parents to tell these news. hyunjin came in your room with a sad smile as you were playing with your stuffed animals. you looked up and smiled at him, “hi hyunjin!” you said cheerfully, obviously in a better mood than him. “y/n, i need to tell you something” he said sadly. he went to go sit across of you and picked up some of the toys around your room.
“i’m moving back to korea.” you stopped your actions after hearing what he said. “moving? why?” you looked up at him. “m-my parents said it’s best for us to go back to korea because we only came here for my dad’s work, but he ended up leaving the job and now we’re going to go back” hyunjin looks up to see tears falling out of your eyes. he went to your side and hugged you, telling you that you’ll be spending quality time before he leaves.
after moving back to korea after years hyunjin left you, you opened your own cafe. as your shop was almost completed for the grand opening, hyunjin happened to pass by your shop. he looked through the window and saw a girl that looked so familiar to him.
knocking on the window to get your attention, you go the the door to unlock it and stick your head out of the window. “hyunjin?!” he looks at you with his eyes big. “y/n? what are you doing here?” hyunjin asks. “i recently moved here and now im starting a business” hyunjin nods his head.
“are you looking for any employees?” nodding your head. “yeah but i guess around this area, nobody wants to work at a cafe” you joked. “maybe i can help? i-i mean if you want to” hyunjin laughs. nodding your head, you lead him inside the cafe. hyunjin looks at your artwork and the nicely decorated shop, amazed.
handing a paper that has all the requirements and terms in order to start working here. after hyunjin was done signing it, you looked at the paper and gave him a thumbs up. “looks good! ill give you a call whenever we start” hyunjin nods his head and waves a goodbye to you.as hyunjin exits, he now knows where his target is.
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2 hours earlier:
“hwang” chan calls out.
hyunjin looks up from his phone and sees chan carrying files. “remember that girl youd always talk about? kwon y/n? your childhood best friend back in america?” he nods. “apparently her dad is in a gang too and stole our money for whatever reason. so now your mission is to find her, bring her here, and kill her”
hyunjin gulps.‘why? did you do something wrong? what do you have to deal with this? does she know about this?’ all of hyunjins thoughts were about you. “ill do it”he knows he cant do it. but he has to or else he’ll be kicked out of stray kids. after moving back to korea and his parents suddenly passing, he was lonely. until stray kids saved him from being in the dark and invited him to their family. he gladly accepted.
hyunjin goes to his room and does research about you. he finds your instagram and sees that youre opening a cafe around the little area of downtown seoul which was a few hours away from his place. after enough of his little research, he grabs his jacket and heads out to find you.
present time:
the first week of the grand opening was a hassle. the cafe was always packed and made the employees feel stressed. as the cafe was almost settled, you told the workers to take a break as you and hyunjin will do everything else.
finishing an iced americano, you could see from the corner of your eyes and sees hyunjins strange actions. ignoring it, you gave the drink to the correct customer and continued making drinks.
closing time finally happened and everyone left out a huge sigh. having a group meeting, you gave everyone their weekly paycheck. “thank you everyone for working hard. i will see you tomorrow morning!” you waved goodbye and smiled. as soon as you saw almost everyone leave, you turned around and started cleaning.
hyunjin goes next to you and helps you clean the counters and machines. “jin, you know you can leave you know?” you told him as hyunjin lets out a chuckle. “nah its alright. plus as the second ceo, i shall help you” hyunjin winks. stopping your actions, you playfully smack hyunjin across his chest. “hey hey, im just joking. but still, after we finish cleaning, ill take you home” “but you said you have an exam tomorrow? shouldnt you be going home and start studying?” you asked. hyunjin nods his head, defeated. “alright you got me. i promise ill take you home another time” nodding your head, he goes and gets his belongings and leaves.
quickly cleaning the shop, you turn off all the lights and lock all of the doors. turning around to see the whole cafe in one point of view, a smile grew on your face. plugging your earphones in to walk home with your music blasting and texting your family group chat.
y/n: on my way home. the cafe was a success this week :)
mum <3: cheers to a successful opening
dad: come home safely, my son in law is waiting for you
smiling from the excitement, you started walking down the street to get to your house. as you entered this street, it was dark with the moonlight shining. feeling someone following you, you turned around and saw nobody. pulling up hyunjins contact on your phone just in case something happened, you continued walking in a fast pace, turning the volume down.
feeling the same aura from before, you quickly pressed the call button but you heard the familiar ringtone.
“sleep tight princess”
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you wake up feeling sore and lost of warmth. opening your eyes, youre in a room thats filled with drywalls and a hwang hyunjin to your left, sitting on a chair. “h-hyunjin?” you called out his name. he looks up from your phone after reading every conversation you had that was about him. “the princess has finally awoken from her slumber” hyunjin smirks.
hyunjin gets off of the chair and goes by your side, lifting your chin up. trying to protest only to be stopped as you felt your limbs tied up. “now now princess, no need to get feisty” hyunjin laughs. “what the fuck do you want hyunjin” “hmm? you really dont know?” shaking your head, hyunjin gets up and walks around the room.
“so, youre saying you dont know what your dad has been doing? the fact that he stole money from me just to help you other with the small disgusting shop of yours?” it hurt. both you and hyunjin. hyunjin wanted to give his mission up and hug you, wipe your tears away and apologize. you were more than hurt. more like angry. hyunjin knew you wanted a cafe when you grew up and he supported you more than anything.
“the fuck are you talking about? youre assuming that my dad stole money from you? from what information is getting in that head of yours?” you shouted out. hyunjin grabs his gun and clicks it. you hear the click and your attention is immediately on hyunjin. “h-hyunjin whatever youre wanting to do, put the gun down first” hyunjin closes his eyes as he feels fresh tears escaping and shakes his head.
“hwang hyunjin! do you not know what youre about to do? tell me what you want from us. we’ll give you your money back- anything just dont pull it-” you stopped talking as soon as you see him point the gun at you. “please hyunjin dont. im pregnant-”
he pulled the trigger.
everyone in the house heard the gun go off and goes to the basement. stopping as they heard hyunjins sobs, they see him on his knees, holding your bloody body and cries into your hair.
chan goes to hyunjin and pats him on the back. “you finally did it hwang”
as hyunjin takes his seat during your funeral, he sees your family and y/f/n go up the stage. after each family member said what they had to say about you and your death, as well as your unborn baby, everybody was now crying their eyes out. “my sunshine. thank you for everyone you love feel happy and we are deeply happy that you were able to start your own business. with the past events, i shouldve came by and picked you up from work before i lost both you and our child. without your presence, nothing will bring a smile onto my face. i love you so much kwon y/n, and i hope you fly high with our baby girl”
lowering your casket down, everyone leaned on each other, crying after they realized the kwon y/n has suddenly passed for an unknown reason at a young age. hyunjin just leaned on a pole and cried. looking up in the sky, he see something that had a little smile form on his face.
‘you’ll be next, hwang’
hyunjin gets into reality and turns around to see who whispered to him. seeing nobody, hyunjins future is now crumbling.
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END <3
tf is the end 🥴
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 2 - Student Council President Sakura
Sasuke skipped out during the cultural festival just like he did back in the last year of his middle school, content in hearing nothing but his own breath, the bustle outside his window, the sporadic chirping of the birds in early mornings and late afternoons, the shuffle of feet from his neighbors and the occasional clanking of dishes. When hours extended late into the evening, the activities would be replaced by the muffled night life that seemed like eons away but was actually just five blocks far and so he would pick out the drums, the bass drops, and the rave chaos and fall asleep when the crowds pack up, but not all days were like these. He would stay awake well past the closing time with silence confronting his consciousness, and his only friend would be the CD collection of a Japanese artist called The Charm Park from a previous tenant who left it behind. He spent his winter break like this.
When spring term came around, Sasuke noticed a shift around Naruto. The tiptoeing was still there, but it lessened to an extent where his classmates would greet him ‘hello’ and ‘good morning’ while they walked to their hideout. He was right in not asking because the blonde eventually overshared everything.
The second years held an impromptu race before the culmination. Naruto, eager to get the front seat view, pushed against the crowds, incidentally landed on the track, became the representative of the first years, and won the race. Ultimately, it ended on a good note despite the rookie athletes being overshadowed, and Naruto’s bully magnet has transformed into some sort of people magnet. His classmates have asked him for lunch several times in the presence of Sasuke, but Naruto turned them down.
“You can ask for shares in their bento boxes or struck gold and have them make you one,” Sasuke said. “You don’t need to litter around here.”
“I feel sorry for you,” Naruto replied, grinning while handing him a juice carton.
It was cherry tomato flavored – an unusual choice for the simple-minded Naruto who would easily settle on an orange or grapefruit juice. Sasuke understood this was the blonde’s kind of pull on people, and he heard what he tried to say between the lines. “It’s the stares.”
“And the request for the background story no one really wants to hear.”
Sasuke sipped the last of the juice from the carton. “Just think of it as your villain origin story.”
“But I want to be a hero and do main character things!”
He crumpled the juice carton in his hands and playfully threw it towards Naruto, perfectly landing in the middle of the styled spikes. “You simpleton.” The blonde gave him an intense glare and threw the carton back to Sasuke, missing the small smile that formed on the latter’s lips.
When the last term wrapped up, student rankings were finally pinned in the major hallway entrance. Sasuke was itching to go home and eat a pack of instant ramen, but Naruto picked him up from his classroom and dragged him to the hallway. As usual, there were the awed and open-eyed stares, basically confirming that he placed first, but there was also clear contempt towards his nonchalance.
“You are really a genius, Sasuke.” Naruto patted him on the back – soft, gentle pats, reassuring, and proud. It was like the ones given to him by his parents when he placed first or won a contest. All of a sudden, the place was too stifling, and his hand unconsciously went to his throat to massage it, hoping he could get rid of the thing that was blocking his airway.
A hand with a bluish fingernail shot out from his dimming sight and brought him back to reality. It was Sakura holding out her hand for a handshake. “I guess you beat me…by 0.5 point.”
“You had a bet with Sasuke, Sakura?” Naruto asked. In between the cultural festival and the spring term, the two had become familiar with each other, occasionally greeting each other in the hallways between classes, but Sakura never had a direct interaction with Sasuke.
“Yes, during the cultural festival,” the walking cherry blossoms happily replied. Her hand was still struck out, earning questioning glances from the surrounding student body because who would dare ignore the unofficial darling of the school?
“It wasn’t a bet.” Sasuke tugged on Naruto’s collar. “Let’s go, Naruto.” He turned with the blonde in tow, but Hatake Kakashi blocked his way. He had on a protective stance with crossed arms and slight brow raise. The book he was always carrying was peeking out from his pants’ pocket.
“Don’t leave a girl waiting for a handshake, Mr. Uchiha. That’s disrespectful in a competition.” His lips were curved in that consistent ambiguous smile that highlighted the beauty mark on his chin. Kakashi firmly grabbed Sasuke’s hand in the next seconds and placed it on Sakura’s still open palm.
Contrary to his assumption, her palm was rugged with rough contours and with evident history of calluses – the hands of a hard worker. Sasuke wanted to blame his stored prejudices on her cherry pink hair. He looked up, annoyed and wanting to get his hand off from her hold but was frozen in place by the visible flush on her face. Oblivious of his effect, Kakashi’s grip remained on Sasuke’s hand in an attempt of a handshake. “That seals the deal this term. Looking forward to your competition next term.” The spectators rode on the teacher’s easy-going energy and shrugged off this weird encounter.
Naruto was the one who tugged on Sasuke’s collar and pulled him away from the crowd. The latter immediately shoved his hands inside his pockets and walked away briskly. Ever so briefly, Sasuke glanced back and saw Kakashi patting Sakura’s shoulder, probably offering congratulations, and validating her. He wondered whether the teacher noticed the subtle hair tuck or the redness of her ears and nape. Naruto’s arm blocked his view as the blonde placed it around his shoulders, snickering and praising his ‘friend’s genius skills’ all the way to the school gates where they eventually separated and welcomed the summer break.
Not a week into summer Naruto hunted Sasuke down and knocked incessantly on his door. “Grumpy! Save me!”
“If you’re on the verge of dying, call 119.” Sasuke increased the volume of the cd player to drown out the noise. The knocks stopped after a few seconds which gave Sasuke temporary relief.
Nope, he wasn’t gone. “What do you want?”
“Math remedial classes. In exchange, I have ramen.”
No one really visited him and so if he would open the door, Naruto would be his first ever visitor. Sasuke tried to ascertain his feelings – whether he was angry that someone intruded in his personal space or relieved he didn’t need to be alone with his thoughts.
“You better brought a lot,” Sasuke said as he opened the door. Naruto held up an eco-bag full of ramen, chips, and soda. On his other arm were their school books and Math notebook.
“You’re hopeless.” Naruto’s scores were averaging between 40s and 50s. “I thought you were on scholarship?”
“There’s no academic crap so I’m good.” Naruto kept on glancing around Sasuke’s apartment, noting the neat line-up of books, the opened cases of CDs, the lack of television, and the closed curtains over the wide full-length windows. “How come your apartment is cleaner and bigger? I could never keep my space clean. It takes so much energy!”
“I have the better side of the coin, remember?”
“Eh but your fridge is empty,” Naruto noted as he started to cook ramen.
“As if yours isn’t. Besides, don’t you need to study first?”
“No, no, no. Haven’t you heard of positive reinforcement? Incentive first before the hard work!”
For the next two weeks, Naruto came over with ramen packs and Sasuke would help him with Math classes. On the last day, he accompanied Naruto to school as the blonde submitted his requirements.
“Thank you, personal tutor. Because of you, I have passed my make-up classes and can now enjoy the remaining days of summer!” Naruto punched his fists in the air, invigorated by his academic freedom. “So what are your plans?”
“Leave me alone. That’s your payment.” Sasuke quickly said, followed with a sigh. His social battery was down, and he believed it was already swimming in negatives.
Naruto yelled a greeting to someone and damned if Sasuke knew who it was, but he was suddenly being dragged into a baseball field. Naruto had quite the strength, and Sasuke just knew he was lifting weights in his free time.
“Mind filling in? We’re just short for two in a practice game.”
“Yes, I mind,” Sasuke said without missing a beat. “Naruto, I hate you.”
Naruto gave him a very worn-out mitt while he swung the batt over his shoulder. “Just one game. I’ll have ramen delivered to your apartment.”
Sasuke released a sigh again. What a drag.
The players settled in their respective places, Sasuke stayed on the pitcher’s mound, and Naruto was the batter. The catcher signaled him to release the ball. Relying on his muscle memory, Sasuke pitched a curve ball towards Naruto, and the blonde easily hit it towards homerun.
“Sasuke! Great pitch!” Naruto ran towards him with his arms ready for a hug but Sasuke dodged the attempt.
“What a monster pitch. Are you sure you don’t want to try out?” the second years asked. Naruto was obviously very taken with the sport and didn’t miss the chance to start talking with the members. When the question was asked, he turned to Sasuke with a silent plea in his eyes, but Sasuke knew it wasn’t the place he can belong in.
“You have Naruto. He seems to be a great batter, don’t you think so?” Sasuke said.
“Well, if it came from the genius Uchiha Sasuke, then we gotta take Naruto in.”
Sasuke waved goodbye to Naruto who decided to stay for the remaining of the practice game. He didn’t have the energy to feel sorry for himself, having been left alone again by someone who found a better place. And it wasn’t as if he didn’t like baseball. It was his brother’s favorite game.
“When is Itachi coming back?” He kept on rolling the car windows up and down on his side, sick of the sights of the endless sea and the cliffs. “Why does he need to go to England when there are good schools here?”
“That’s where the best medical program is, Sasuke. Your brother is just chasing his dreams.” His mother turned to him from the passenger side. “When he graduates, let’s all go visit him in Oxford.”
“Let’s have him pay for our Euro trip,” his father jokingly added.
His father was a careful driver – his eyes never left the road, he rode with a constant speed that was neither fast nor slow, he was careful with blind curves. In his lifetime, he got a parking ticket once when his wife’s water broke in the office, and he haphazardly parked across the lane to quickly get to her and ensure the safe delivery of their youngest.
His father was a careful driver, but others were not. A motorcycle shot out of nowhere while they were turning on a blind curve. The car veered to the other side facing the sea and the cliffs, the tires sliding forward and then downward, loud thumps as if repeatedly beaten by waves on rocky shores, and finally a loud crash.
Sasuke was disoriented. The sun was setting on the ocean, but he smelled gasoline instead of the salty air. He had an inkling his forehead was cut because the blood was hindering his sight. He heard grunting noises and pained screams from his parents, but he didn’t know if they were still in front of him or under him, but he felt someone pull him out of the car.
Thank goodness all three of them were still alive.
“You’re bleeding. Sasuke, Sasuke, here a handkerchief.” His mother’s face was cut across, and her one eye was gouged out. She firmly put the bloody handkerchief in his trembling hands. “Go, put it on your forehead.”
His father. Where was his father? He was already lying down on the sand. That was weird. Weren’t sand supposed to be gray? Why was it red? Why was it bloody red? His father’s one hand was on his side, the red water flowing through his fingers’ tight clasp. He reached out his other arm to Sasuke’s leg, patting it reassuringly. “Are you okay, son?”
His mother was coughing now. And then there was a loud explosion. It was deafening and roaring and then Sasuke heard nothing.
He heard nothing but waves for the next twelve hours. Maybe he was just asleep, and this was just a long nightmare. Then the sirens came.
Sasuke woke up drenched in a cold sweat, his mouth dry, and his heartbeat convulsing in its own chamber. He probably screamed again. He checked the digital clock on his bedside table, and it blinked back eights at him. “What a useless thing.”
Regardless of the time, he slipped into his sweatpants and hoodie and made his way downtown. He saw a café with cream puffs on display and decided to order one as his dinner. Just tonight.
“Hello, good evening. What are you buying?” A cheery voice greeted him on the counter.
He quietly pointed at one plate of cream puffs. “And one iced latte for dine-in.” There was a flash of recognition when his eyes met those of the girl on the counter.
She was dressed in the usual neutral black and white get-up of café employees, her hair was black and cropped short below her neck, she had light make-up on – it was a good disguise to throw off her scent, but her emerald eyes were a giveaway.
“Got that.” She brushed this off so easily that he thought he imagined the previous scene. Never mind, he didn’t even want to ask. His demons were enough to occupy his headspace. He stood silent, looking aimlessly at the handwritten menus while she prepared his coffee. “Here’s your order. Thank you.”
He took the tray containing his cream puffs and latte from her hand. When he grazed her palm, he basically got the confirmation he needed. She was a hard worker. He quietly slid on the loveseat at the end of the café with the clear view of the passing crowd and streets and consumed the sweets he ordered from time to time. His stomach was grumbling; he might have missed dinner and he still didn’t know what time it was.
Yes, noise is good, crowds are good. In them, I can be no one. He didn’t know how long he was staring outside. When his hands strayed to the plate, his cream puffs were already gone and his latte almost halfway there. She was also sitting in front of him, out of her work clothes but still in disguise. They just sat there in silence as the café started taking final orders and closing some sections of the place.
“Tough day?” Sakura was looking outside the window when she asked this. He initially thought she was avoiding him, but it was apparently for his own sake. With her looking away, he was allowed to be vulnerable.
“Bad dream,” Sasuke replied, taking up her invisible offer. He swirled the latte and regretted not getting a pure espresso to keep himself awake for the rest of the night.
“Hmm, that explains the sweets and caffeine, but that’s no good.”
He didn’t want to go back yet to his apartment. He wanted to lose himself in the crowd. “I’ll also walk myself to exhaustion.”
“Just aimless walking with no particular destination in mind, huh? Did that too one time and arrived home with an intense stomachache.” She took something from her bag and pushed it across the table with her eyes cast downward. “Something to fuel you on your journey tonight.”
“That’s no good – skipping meals.” Sasuke pushed the untouched bento box back to her side.
Sakura pushed it all the way to his hands, her eyes still never meeting his. “Too late for that now. It’s twelve midnight, and I’ll go home to rest while you’ll still be walking for God knows how many miles until sunrise. E-A-T.”
“Don’t you charge for outside food?”
“Silly, you have me. Now finish that so I can go home.”
Sasuke opened the bento box, holding no expectations to the contents because any proper meal was sumptuous to the appetite of a hungry person, and as he ate, she watched the passing crowds and a few minutes later, the burst of fireworks in the night sky. It was the culmination of the town’s summer festival.
She accompanied him in easy silence until he finished eating and pushed the now empty bento box to her side. She didn’t move from her place, her eyes still glued on the sights outside, so he took that as his cue to leave.
He made the mistake of looking at the window and saw her reflection looking at him leaving. He held her gaze through that and sincerely conveyed his feelings. “Thank you.”
She smiled at him and waved him goodbye.
The lights went out in the café when he stepped outside, and while he started to walk aimlessly, her eyes followed his back, a stranger in disguise wishing him comfort from the dark.
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Obispo “Bishop” Losa x Reader
Anon asked: heello, i would like to request an imagine with bishop losa in which he comforts you after having a nightmare of losing him (you two aren’t dating yet).
Word Count: 1.6k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. The gif isn’t mine.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou @sammskellington @arved 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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The vibrant sound of two shoots wakes you up in tears. You feel like you're drowning with no air in your lungs, while the anxiety is making your body a prey. Everything happens so fast that you can't react, placing your knees against your chest and surrounding them with your arms.
“Hey, hey! What's up, querida?” Bishop asks desperate and sleepy, holding you into him, leaving some kisses on your head. But your vocal chords don't work.
He hugs you warm and tightly, in silence, listening to your cries knowing that you had a nightmare. You're trembling under his arms, with your tears wetting your shirt. You can't remember when was the last time you had a bad dream, but this has been the worst by far.
The mexican forces you to lie in bed, resting your head on his chest, while he leaves some caresses on your hair. You don't fall asleep again, trying to calm yourself with his peaceful breath and making sure his heart continue beating.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
His hand placing on top of your makes you raise your eyes to his. Bishop is worried, holding your fingers with his own, to make you drop the spoon inside the mug. He knows you're not gonna tell him what happened last night, and that you're not gonna accept a day off of the Romero Bros. You need to go out of your house and keep busy your mind. But he's worried and you can see it on his face. He leans on the table to give you a soft kiss, taking his time with his lips on yours. You're containing a tear, so as not to make him feel guilty.
“I'll see you at the club, ok?” He says getting up before leaving a last caress on your chin. You nod in silence having a drink of your coffee.
You see him wearing the vest, taking his helmet and the motorbike' keys, to leave your house. Waiting till he sounds far enough, your crying appears again lying against the chair. Dreaming about Bishop being shot it's not something you can handle well, and it's more painful 'cause you know that this really could happen. You feel your heart being oppressed again, with your chest going up and down so fast that you're short of breath.
Sometimes you wish you didn't feel anything for him, because he's more into your bed than into your life. And yes, maybe he's your friend but what you want it's no something that it's gonna happen. So you're taking a decision, even if it's selfish. But you need it.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
Parking your car at the entrance, you walk towards the yard, crossing the opened door of the clubhouse. Creeper goes out of the bar, intercepting you between his strong arms with a soft smile. Because of that, you know that Bishop talked to him. Whenever you have a problem, Neron hears you and advises you. But not this time. Pulling him away, you continue your way to the Templo. The president and the vice are there. They look at you confused, while you close the door in silence.
You place your hands on the headrest of the first chair in front of them, lying your head down for some seconds, till you find the strength to talk.
“I'm gonna leave Santo Padre”.
The men leaning on the table, with their arms against the edge of it, stare at you with a raised eyebrow waiting for an explanation.
“I'm gonna wait till you find someone to do my job, then I'll leave”.
“Why?” Taza asks, knowing that Bishop can't talk right now without destroying everything in his path.
“I need it”.
“Someone has bothered you?”
“I need it”. You reply without more words than those one.
“Fine”. Bishop talks hiding his fury under a calm facade. “You can leave now, Letti can help Chuckie”.
“I can st...”
“You need it”. He had a smoke of his cigar looking away.
Nodding in silence with pursed lips, you take out of your bag the green shirt, leaving it on the table before going out of the Templo. The guys have listened, and you know it by the upset gesture on their faces. But nobody says anything 'cause you made your choice and you're not gonna change your mind. They hug you, and kiss you, and ask you to call and text every day. Yes, you're gonna do it. And probably you will come back to visit them, even if you don't know what you are going to do, or where are you going to live.
Creeper tries to stop you, grabbing your hand with reddened eyes, shaking his head and refusing to let you go. Your trembling lips leaves a dearly kiss on his cheek, swallowing hard before releasing you from his grasp. Then, you walk to your car containing the tears, driving to your house.
There are a lot of open wounds inside you, bleeding and making you cry, while you're stuff is being packed on cardboard boxes. But, how can you keep ten years of your life in the trunk of a car, in less than two hours? Leaving a heavy sigh floods the main room, you pack some Bishop's things in a bag, having a last breath of his smell on a black shirt. You're being selfish, and you can't help but think in the first time he came to your house, after a long ride from Tacoma. He took off his clothes and slept with you for more than twelve hours, with him surrounding your body tightly.
Some angry knocks on the front door push you out to reality, shaking your head for a moment. Then, stop. But some seconds after, it happens again. You don't know how the fuck you're gonna explain to Creeper why are you leaving, but when you open the door and find Bishop there, you feel that your world starts to fall down again.
“'You fucking serious?” He demands walking inside without asking.
Closing the door, you rest your forehead against it.
“It's 'cause what happened last night, ah?”
“I'm busy”. You say turning at him.
“No, you're not!” He kicks the small table, breaking one of the legs with all the anger he has inside him. You jump slightly for a second. “'The fuck you think you're goin'? 'You really think that you can simply leave me?”
You've never seen him so furious and desperate. But his words confuse you, making you laugh bitterly.
“I'm leaving Santo Padre, not you. 'Cause we don't have anything. You just... come here to fuck me. And with some luck, you stay to sleep”.
“That's what you think? That you're like... one of Vicki's bitches?”
“I didn't say that, don' misrepresent my words”.
“You're not gonna leave me”. Bishop points at you with his forefinger, taking some steps closer to you, the same as you back off.
“Who the fuck do you think I am? One of your men? I'm not a fuckin' Mayan, Obispo. You don' decide on...”
“You're mine!” He yells at you furious opening his arms highlighting his words.
Even if you don't want, you shake your head starting to cry. He sighs walking towards you to wrap your body, lifting up his chin to resting it on your head. You let go everything you were carrying inside your chest, unable to move a single inch till you feel needy of having him closer.
“Tel'me what happened, please. Tel'me what 'am doin' wrong”. He begs you.
“I can't lose you”.
Bishop snort pulling you away looking for your eyes. He seems confused, but it takes him some seconds to know what's happening. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he crosses his arms.
“You're not goin' anywhere, you're stayin' in Santo Padre, 'cause you promised me. And I swear I'll be safe, and I'll call you when I'm out”.
It sounds like you don't have any choice, hearing how he clicks his tongue.
“You're not a hot pussy where I put my cock in, when I need it. You're not one of my men. You're not one of my workers. You're that... shit the crew call ‘Old Lady’, as if I were the fucking president of the United States”. He says then, holding your hands with his. “And, fuck! I need you, querida”.
Yes, you know about Bishop' past. And you told him you were gonna stay by his side, when he came in the middle of the night, two years ago, after lost one of his best friends.
“Please, don' go, (Y/N)”.
You nod, cleaning the trail that your tears left with the back of your hands, with him leaving a kiss on your forehead, and a hand on your nape.
“What if you rest a little? I'll help you this evening to unpack your stuff”. Bishop asks with caressing your left cheek. “I'll take your keys, so I can make a copy. And when I come back, I wanna find you wearing one of my shirts, okay?”
You nod again, before he presses his lips on yours in a dearly kiss having some seconds to enjoy it.
“I gotta' go, but I'll be back in a couple hours, mi amor. Go to sleep”.
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secretpeachtea · 4 years
Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 2
Title: the duplicate
Genre: gen fic, reader insert
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.
disclaimer: manga spoilers
A/N: I know the twins (or anyone from Hyogo for that matter) have a very specific accent, but I have a bit of trouble translating that into my writing, so I hope you guys can still use and hear that accent when you read their dialogue!
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It’s been a little over a week since you’ve started working at Onigiri Miya, and thankfully, things have been going well. There have only been a handful of problematic customers, but you were able to handle them quite efficiently, much to Osamu’s satisfaction. You’ve even been able to get acquainted with your boss much more since it’s only the two of you working long shifts together. You can definitely say that things have been working out really well at your job.
Today is another typical day for you as you walk towards the entrance of the shop, ready to start another day of work. You had actually left your apartment a lot earlier than usual, so you were a bit surprised to see that the door was already unlocked since Osamu usually arrives on the dot. You’re a little concerned that you might’ve jumbled up your alarm this morning and was actually late, but your phone displayed the right time. Not wanting to prolong your anxiety, you slide open the door and meet an unexpected sight. 
Sitting at the counter is a man who looks like a carbon copy of your boss but with blonde hair. He’s sporting a mustard-colored tracksuit and is carrying a confident aura.
The stranger looks up and makes eye contact with you. There’s a brief air of silence before he breaks out into a wide grin. “Oh! Hey, new girl!” 
Not knowing how to respond, you just lift your hand awkwardly. “Um...hi?”
“I heard from a friend of mine that ‘Samu hired a new worker.” The blonde runs a hand through his hair. “Didn’t think you’d be such a cutie though.”
Before you even had time to react, your boss walked out of the storage room with a bag of rice on top of his shoulder. “‘Sumu, you got rice all over your chin.”
Miya Atsumu flushes red from embarrassment and proceeds to grab a napkin to clean his face. Now that you’re paying more attention to your surroundings, you notice that there’s an empty plate on top of the counter and you can assume that Osamu gave him food prior to your arrival.
“I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that this is your brother.” You shrug off your jacket as you walk further into the building and address Osamu casually.
“What gave it away? The nose or the ears?” Osamu jokingly teases as he shoves the bag of rice off his shoulders to one of the lower shelves. 
“You never told me you had a twin,” you respond with an equally playful tone.
“Never asked.”
You briefly glance to check the clock on the wall. “You’re here pretty early. Did I miss something?”
Your boss shook his head as he straightened up. He then pointed towards his brother who was just watching you two converse with intrigued eyes. “Nah. He’s here to eat something before practice and wouldn’t stop nagging me to make him something, which is why I’m here earlier than I should be, sleep deprived and all.”
“Sounds like you had a rough morning,” you laughed.
“Um, hello? I’m still here,” Atsumu interjected with a slightly sassy tone. “By the way, I didn’t catch your name, and your boss kept telling me to figure it out myself.”
You take a mental note at how petty your boss could be with his brother and stifle a laugh. “It’s (Surname) (Name).”
The corners of Atsumu’s mouth lifted upward. “Glad I could finally put a name to your face, (Name)-chan.”
Okay, you were definitely not used to someone calling you by your first name in such a casual manner, so you couldn’t stop yourself from getting a bit flustered. This did not go unnoticed by both twins, their eyes taking in the pink tint on your cheeks.
Not wanting to expose yourself any more than you already have, you look away and head towards the back room. “I’m just gonna go get ready really quick!”
Once you’ve put your things down and secured the apron around your waist, you walked back to the main room. The brothers have occupied themselves with other things in the meantime. Atsumu is scrolling through his phone with a bored expression, while Osamu is prepping the display case to get ready to open soon. You figured you should stay productive too and make your way to the fridge. You peek inside through the glass door and notice that there’s a shortage in beverages. 
You’re at a loss of words when both brothers set their gazes on you once again.
“Atsumu’s fine by me, sweetheart.” The blonde man smirks at your conflicted expression.
“Stop flirting with my employee. And, she wasn’t talking to you, you scrub.” Osamu sighed and brushed his hands on his thighs before turning his body to face you. “What’s up?”
“I think we forgot to pick up some drinks yesterday.” You pointed towards the bare shelves in the fridge. There were a couple green teas and carbonated drinks, but it definitely wasn’t enough to last the rest of the day. The last thing you’d want to do is disappoint any of the customers.
“Ah, shoot. You’re right. I was supposed to take care of that last night.” Your boss looks up at the clock and sees that there’s still some time before you have to open. “I’ll head out and bring those in really quick. You think you can babysit this guy for a bit?”
“Hey! I’m not a little kid!”
“Yup! Leave it to me!”
“Woah, woah! Hold up now!”
Completely ignoring his brother’s protests, Osamu leaves the shop in your hands to bring in the drinks from a convenience store a couple blocks down. This left you and Atsumu in each other’s company for the time being. Not really having much to do until the drinks come in, you just position yourself in front of the register as usual, checking to see if everything is set up correctly. Atsumu seems to take this as his cue to have a one-on-one chat with you. 
“So, what’d you do to get the job? Bribe? Save a life? Cast a spell?”
You tilt your head in confusion and blink once. “Huh? What do you mean?”
Atsumu raises his arms in emphasis. “‘Samu doesn’t just let anyone work here. This place is practically his child. Protects it at all costs. It’s the reason why it’s just been him for so long even though it can get pretty busy around here”
“Oh, uh, I just applied and he accepted me.” You would be lying if you said that you weren’t surprised when you found out that he was the only other worker when you got the job.
Feeling a bit uncomfortable over how Atsumu was practically trying to analyze you and borderline interrogate you, you try to switch topics. “Seems like you know your brother pretty well.”
“Yeah, it’s kind of inevitable when we share the same face. Although, I personally think I am the more good-looking twin.”
You sweatdropped. “Well, despite the way you look, you guys are definitely different in a lot of ways.”
“For sure! Sometimes we can be complete opposites!” Atsumu nods his head in agreement.
“Does that mean you’re a bad cook?” You take this opportunity to tease the blonde, but start to regret it after you see a competitive glint in his eyes.
“No way! I’m a great man in the kitchen! Just watch! I’m gonna whip up an onigiri that’s on par with that fool!” Atsumu stands up from his stool and marches over to the other side of the counter.
“That’s probably not a good ide-”
“Relax! I got this!” Famous last words.
As soon as Atsumu was in reach of anything on the work space, all hell broke loose. As he placed some sticky rice into his hands, his elbow knocked over an entire container of sesame seeds, while his other arm ripped a couple sheets of nori* during his attempt to catch the tumbling seeds. A couple eggs fell out of a carton that Osamu had left aside due to the ruckus, painting the floors with yolk, and somehow the rice on Atsumu’s palm had ended up splattering onto his chin. 
You watched everything unfold with distressed shock. “What are you doing?! Are you trying to get me fired?!”
“I didn’t mean to do that, I swear!” The clumsy man just furrowed his brows as he frantically tried to stop anything else from going wrong. Trying your best to calm him down and avoid making more of a mess, you closed the distance between you and held onto his forearms.
“Hey, calm down, or you might trigger something else. Let’s just clean this quickly before your brother comes back or we’re both good as dead.”
That surely got Atsumu’s attention and the two of you quickly began to clean up the mess. You grabbed the nearest cleaning cloth, while he took a hold of the trash can. In just a matter of minutes, the workstation was already starting to look as neat as it was before. If it wasn’t such a ridiculous situation, you could honestly say that you and him were a pretty good team when faced with Osamu’s potential wrath. 
It wasn’t until you were finished sanitizing the counter space did you notice the pieces of rice that were stuck on Atsumu’s face. “Hey, you still have some rice on your face.”
“Again?” He tries to wipe off his face with a napkin like he did before, while he occasionally asks you if he got everything. You point out the ones he misses, but he keeps missing one rice grain on the corner of his mouth. 
Feeling a bit impatient, you lean towards Atsumu and he stiffens his movements. “Here, let me help. Hold still.”
You cup his cheek with your fingers to make sure he doesn’t move. Using your other hand, you gently remove the last rice piece, your fingers lightly brushing over his bottom lip unintentionally. Atsumu just stays completely quiet as you do wonders to his poor heart. He even unconsciously leans into your touch, but you’re too focused on the task at hand to notice.
“Got it.” You give him a triumphant smile, but falter as you notice Atsumu’s expression which held a certain softness to it with something else you can’t quite pinpoint.
Atsumu snaps out of his trance when you let go of his cheek and his entire face heats up, red crawling up to the tips of his ears. You pull away and discard the rice into the trash.
Atsumu quickly turns his back towards you and wipes a small smudge on one of the containers, willing his heart to calm down from its fast beating. You think he’s acting a bit strange, but brush it off for now.
The only thing left to clean was the sticky floor. You’re about to mop up the egg remnants when you hear a voice call for your name at the front of the restaurant. “Hey, (Surname)-san! Can you open the door? My hands are kind of full.”
You and Atsumu look at each other with wide eyes, both realizing that you haven’t finished cleaning and Osamu was right outside the door. You hunch over and Atsumu mirrors you. Cue the furious whispering.
“What do we do?!”
“What do you mean, what do we do?! We gotta scrub the floor clean until he sees it!”
“But, he’s right outside!”
“Well you better figure something out, ‘cause if I don’t open that door right now, he’s gonna get suspicious!”
With that, you straightened up and made your way to the entrance, making sure to take your time with each step. You hear quite a bit of shuffling behind you but choose to pray that everything will work out. Once you reach the door, you slide it open for Osamu to enter. He was holding three boxes of drinks, the bulging veins in his arms indicated how heavy they were. 
“You sure took your sweet time.”
You laughed nervously. “Sorry about that. I was in the back room.”
When the two of you walk back to the counter, the blonde is nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, it seems like he was able to get everything done. The floor was spotless, maybe even a little too clean.
Suddenly you hear the bathroom door slam shut and turn your head towards the sound. Atsumu is walking out with slightly wet sleeves, so you assume that he just washed his hands. 
“You’re still here?” Osamu just gives his brother a blank look as he places the drinks down next to the fridge. “Don’t you have to go to practice soon?”
The other twin just shrugs his shoulders. “Eh. Not for like another hour.”
“Then, why the hell did you make me wake up so early to make you food?” One of Osamu’s eyes started twitching.
“I was hungry.”
Ignoring his brother’s bitterness, Atsumu sat at one of the stools near you and leaned his head against his arm. “(Name)-chan, you should try my favorite onigiri flavor!”
Your eyes light up at the mention of the first onigiri your boss made you. “Oh! The Minced Tuna and Spring Onion one right?”
Atsumu looked a bit surprised. “Yeah...how’d you know?”
“Your brother let me try it about a week ago after my shift.”
“Wait,” the man in front of you paused for a moment before a realization hit him. “You’re the reason why I had to eat cereal for dinner that one time?!”
You’re a bit stunned for a moment and direct your next question to Osamu who’s not even trying to hide his smirk. “I thought you said he’d get takeout?”
“Not my fault. This idiot dropped his wallet in the toilet and couldn’t remember where he kept his credit card.” Your boss just casually crosses his arms. “Turns out I conveniently forgot my wallet at the shop that day too.”
“Yeah, you made up for that today, you scrub,” Atsumu scoffs. You just watch the petty banter between the twins, discreetly enjoying their strange way of communicating.
Their conversation was interrupted when Atsumu’s phone vibrated indicating an incoming message. He checks his phone and quietly reads its contents before abruptly standing from his position and stretching. “Well, this was nice and all, but Bo-kun is asking for some extra spiking practice, so I’m gonna head out. I’ll be back soon, (Name)-chan, so don’t miss me too much!”
As Atsumu pocketed his phone, he leaned against the counter where you stood and held out a fist. “I had fun today.”
You laughed softly with a small smile on your face and reciprocated the fist bump. “See you around, Atsumu-san.”
The blonde just waved an arm at his brother, who couldn’t care less, and left without another word. Although, Osamu did nod his head in acknowledgement.
You didn’t think you’d have to deal with so much drama before the shop even opened, but at least you got to meet the brother with good taste.
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Today had been another successful day at work. There were quite a few customers and all of the onigiri sold out by closing time. You stretched your arms to relieve some of the tension from standing in the same position all day. Osamu seemed to be doing the same as he rolled his shoulders back and forth.
There was a lingering question that you’ve wanted to ask him since this morning. “Just out of curiosity, is your brother a volleyball player too?”
“Yeah. Do you remember that owl-looking guy from last week? They’re on the same team.”
“Oh, so that’s why you were pretty familiar with him.”
Osamu nodded his head. “I’m surprised the whole team hasn’t come in yet. They frequent this place since it’s convenient and has decent prices. You’ll probably meet all of them pretty soon.”
You just hummed at his words.You were ready to start sweeping and moved your arm in the direction of the broom. 
“My turn to ask, then.” Osamu stated. “What’d you guys talk about while I was gone this morning?”
You hand froze in the air. “With Atsumu-san?”
“The one and only.”
“Oh...um…” You tried to think of something to cover up any suspicions Osamu may have, but he was already on to you.
“He did something stupid.”
You looked at your boss in the eye and sheepishly laughed. Might as well just tell him the truth. “Maybe crack some eggs and ruin some rice?”
Osamu sighed. “I figured. I did think it was a little weird when I saw the trash half full when we hadn’t even opened yet. There was also a very conveniently placed newspaper at the very top covered in yolk. Not to mention the eggs shells tangled in the mop.”
You silently cursed at Atsumu’s carelessness, but didn’t hold it against him since you both were in a rush to get everything clean. Before you had the chance to defend yourself, Osamu spoke up once again.
“Glad you told me the truth though, or I might’ve fired you.”
Panic. You are struck with panic at the mention of possibly getting fired. Your mind reels with everything that could possibly go wrong in your life if you were to lose this job, but Osamu’s amused laugh cuts off your thoughts.
“I’m just messing with you. I know how insufferable ‘Tsumu can be when he sets his mind to something.” He pats your head lightly. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on letting you go so easily.”
“Thanks, Miya-san.” You silently let out a small sigh of relief. There’s a short pause as the two of you just stand in place facing each other. Osamu looks a bit tense and turns his head away to look at the fake plant on the counter to his right.
You pause with bewilderment and look up to catch his eyes. “...what?”
He moves his arm to rub his neck and avoids your gaze. “You can call me Osamu.”
You hesitate a bit and take in Osamu’s shy attitude. “But, you’re my boss…?”
“I wouldn’t mind if you called me by my first name. P-plus my brother shows up way more than he should, so it’ll probably get confusing,” He quickly rationalized, but his red cheeks said otherwise.
At this point, you’re both a bit flustered. In any other situation, something like this probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but this conversation seems oddly intimate.
“O-okay. Then, you can call me by my first name too, O-Osamu...san”
“Sound good, (Name)-san.”
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Nori = the seaweed stuff
A/N: I know this is supposed to be a gen fic, but I couldn’t help but add in a bit of fluff when it involves the twins
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niqhtlord01 · 4 years
Humans are weird: Food fight
Deep in the bowels cargo hauler “Mimi” klaxons began wailing.   Hilbrea didn’t hear them at first, the roar of his arch welder drowning out all nearby sounds as he finished the final seam. It was only after the finishing touches had been added that he doused the welder and removed his safety helmet did he hear the klaxons. When he had first heard them all those months ago he had not understood their meaning, but now having experienced human culture he too looked forward to them each day.  With his tentacle limbs and fluid like body, Hilbrea gracefully glided and slithered through the mass of interwoven piping and fell down to the walkway below him. Some of the passing workers were startled by his sudden appearance but quickly recovered with a few human “swears” and shakes of their clenched finger graspers.  Hilbrea’s people had no official name; a rather odd oddity for a galaxy teaming with various life forms, many of which considered themselves sentient. Hilbrea’s people had found no need to name themselves, or anything else for that matter, and were merely content with existing. Some of the other species had given them various names but none ever truly appealed to him. His people would best be described as a living clump of pink/purplish goo mass that could grow tentacles in any direction by altering its own body mass. His human crew members had often told him he looked like a “Jellyfish” but he had no idea what that creature was and had just nodded at the time.  Hilbrea strode out of the engine room and entered the hallway leading to the upper decks of the ship, his legs extending out and then retracting into his body as he moved giving him the near appearance that he was gliding through the air. He made turned into the nearby elevator just as it was closing and was barely able to slip inside before the doors shut. 
The elevator was packed with other crew members leaving little to no room for him to stand so he instead clung to the ceiling. Most of the crew appeared to look anywhere else other than at Hilbrea but one noticed him and waved.  “Thought you would miss lunch break again Hilbrea.”  the human spoke as it raised a clenched finger grasper towards him. Hilbrea extended a tentacle and tapped it, a human custom he had picked up on since making his friend. The mass of Hilbrea seemed to contort rapidly and vibrate as it sucked in air and began moving it within it’s body in such a manner to generate sound.   “Work went faster than expected when one has no bones.” His friend Marvin scoffed playfully as the doors opened and the crew shuffled out on to the cafeteria deck. Each one grabbed a tray and began moving in line scoping up various portions of different foods before selecting a table to commence eating of such foods. Hilbrea could digest the food instantly once it entered him but he had found some of the crew found it disturbing when he did so, some even calling him “The blob”, which hilbrea has yet to fully understand the meaning of. Now he took a tray like anyone else and sat with the other crew and digested his food in smaller portions. At first he had found to entire process monotonous but had improved slightly when he had become friends with the human Marvin.   Today had been no different until something odd happened. Hilbrea was listening to Marvin when a small green spec flew over and hit him in the face. They both turned to see a snickering group of crewmen on the table opposite them. Marvin appeared frustrated but ignored them and continued speaking when a second green spec flew just past the bridge of his nose and once again landed on the table.  Hilbrea extended a tentacle and picked up the spec to see it was in fact a “green pea”, as the humans called it. Marvin once again turned around and glared at the table of giggling crewmen but unlike before he grabbed his spoon and scooped a rather large portion of “mashed potatoes”.  “Hey Jenson.” Marvin called out to one of the giggling crew. As Jenson turned around his face was hit dead on by a flung clump of mashed potatoes. It was Marvin’s turn to laugh as Jenson slowly wiped off the potatoes from her face.  Hilbrea noticed a change in mood.”Marvin,” Hilbrea began as he saw all three of them filling their spoons with potatoes in the same fashion as Marvin had.  In a single motion Marvin dove under the table just as they flung all three spoonfuls, the mashed contents flying past where Marvin had once been and rocketing through the air into other nearby crewmen sitting opposite them all.  The new comers let out several swears and curses before glaring at their attackers now somewhat embarrassed when from under the table Marvin shouted “FOOD FIGHT!”  Hilbrea watched in astonishment as the other human crew members acted like a switch had just been flung. Several groups of humans from around the cafeteria kicked over tables and benches and made impromptu fortifications and began hurling food in every direction.   Several projectiles hit his goo body and became floating chunks inside of him while Hilbrea observed the surrounding chaos. “Hilbrea, get down!” Marvin shouted as he flipped over the table he was previously under and began lobbing fist fulls of mashed potatoes in every direction. Hilbrea plopped down next to Marvin just as a chunk of apple went soaring by. Hilbrea peaked his blob like body over the lip of the table and watched the spontaneous battle. Several other non-human crew were transfixed by the conflict playing out while others seemed to thrive in it. Hilbrea saw a Draxic lift a table by themselves and use it as a shield while those behind followed and continued throwing food while a Hive drone worker scurried across the floor feasting on the wasted food.  “Don’t just gawk there!” Marvin called as he handed him several food trays, “Cover me!”  Hilbrea grew several more tentacles each one holding a tray and moved with Marvin as they moved table to table, constantly adjusting trays to block incoming food morsels. Twice Marvin had nearly tripped as Hive drones skittered by beneath his feet before regaining his feet and pressing forward to the other side of the cafeteria.  Hilbrea was about to ask where they were going when he saw Marvin grab hold of a tube that dispensed beverages and pulled on it hard. A thick stream poured out as Marvin laughed wildly and hosed down the entire room left to right.  The Draxic lost his footing and slipped in a pool of beverage and landed flat on his back before being trapped under the table he had been carrying with those behind him now fully exposed and doused in liquids.  Sensing that Marvin was now the greatest threat in the room all other combatants turned their attention to him and Hilbrea and concentrated their food firepower. Hilbrea was barely able to hold off the constant stream of projectiles until the captain walked in and took a full soak of liquid to the face.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Some time after the food fight had broken up Marvin and Hilbrea now stood cleaning in the cafeteria. Marvin mopping the floor while Hilbrea went around flipping tables back over.  “Was it worth it?”  Marvin looked up and smiled. “It always is.” he said before flicking a green pea at Hilbrea.  
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