#the way that none of his followers are Real to him in the way Mob becomes real
scribefindegil · 1 year
I have been obsessing for months over the thematic implications of the fact that in the Community Is The Only Antidote To Loneliness Show, Dimple actually had a community as a spirit, and sure they probably sucked but what matters is that they were there. And then Mogami killed all of them.
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tiny-maus-boots · 1 month
Queen of Hearts pt 18
A/N: It's been awhile for this one. I was a little bit kinda sorta life threateningly sick so I had some time to complete this. Thank you as always to @chloes-yellow-cup and @kimmania for listening to the hcs that eventually become real stories. i love you awesome nerds.
18 Aggression Factor
“Jesus, this is a fucking nightmare.”
Aubrey nodded her agreement at the thought and leaned back in her seat. The leather creaked softly, the only counterpoint to Beca's soft comment. They had gone to the docks, and on the surface in the full light of day everything appeared on the up and up. But just a little digging after business hours had uncovered a nest of nastiness that she didn't yet know what to do with.
“We have to do something Aubrey. We can't just let all those women suffer. Some of them were just girls…”
Aubrey didn't say anything for a long time. She was sickened by what she and Beca had seen. But it all made sense now. Everything that Weston had been involved in was suddenly and disgustingly clear. Weston had been using his connections with the Russian mob to traffick women as play things for the rich and elite.
“We can free them all tonight. But then Roman and his crew close down shop here and open up somewhere else.”
“They're going to do that anyway now that they've killed Grant's kid. The kid was nothing to them or his father. By morning all those girls will be shipped and held somewhere else.”
And if Beca were to go to her superiors now she would sidelined by the wheels of bureaucracy before anyone could save those women. Her thumbs tapped lightly on the steering wheel as she turned the problem over in her head. She couldn't see any way to help the innocent victims immediately that would stop the operation entirely. She had to choose. Save who she could now or let them and countless others suffer until she and Beca could maybe find a way to dismantle an entire organization and see that justice was served to the people behind it all. 
“All those rich pricks are going to get off scott free from this, aren't they?”
Detective Mitchell looked away and sighed deeply. It bothered her as much as it bothered Aubrey. When they had started this working arrangement it had been because Aubrey wanted someone on the Force that was in her pocket. In truth it could have been any cop, and quite a few that had less compunction about taking her money to look the other way. But she had needed Beca Mitchell in particular.
It had been late when Beca had pulled into the big bay doors of the abandoned warehouse. But dead of night seemed about right for whatever was about to happen. She pulled the rusted old Nova into a cleared space and got out of the car warily. 
Happy and Lilly were stood menacingly and armed to either side of a seated figure lost half in shadow. Somehow Aubrey managed to be the most terrifying of them all, calmly waiting for Beca's arrival with the patience of a large predator. Smoke curled in a lazy tendril around Aubrey’s head and she casually dropped the butt of her cigarette to the floor and ground it out with her shoe as she rose.
“Did you bring him?”
“In the trunk. It'll be a miracle if he survived carbon monoxide poisoning back there. I think the catalytic converter fell off this bucket somewhere on Imperial.”
Aubrey nodded and Happy and Lilly moved to pull their guest out of the trunk of Beca’s unmarked police car. She put a hand into her suit jacket and pulled out an envelope of cash and tossed it to the Detective. Beca caught it and counted the cash half distracted by the none too gentle way her cargo was being dragged and strapped to a dusty work table.
“So look. I know the deal here. You make moves and I follow them. In the end I make some money and really shitty people get what they deserve. I'm oddly on-board with meting out punishment in non legal ways when its due. But this guy? He's nothing. Some B&E, some minor theft. A bar fight. On paper this guy is no one.”
And she had looked. Beca might be okay with playing things a little loose with the law for Aubrey but she wasn't going to do it blindly. She had pulled Mervin Evans’ jacket and read through his past charges before she picked him up and shoved him into her trunk. He wasn't a great guy but he wasn't horrible either.
The blonde glanced away from Mervin and pinned Beca with a cold stare. She wasn't afraid of Posen exactly, but she was a fan of exercising caution around an unpredictable variable. Asking too many questions could easily land her on the table next to Mervin.
“On paper you're an officer of the law and I'm a hardworking, law abiding, businesswoman.”
Aubrey slid the suit jacket from her shoulders and hung it neatly from a hanger. There was a deliberateness about the way the other woman removed her cufflinks and watch and placed them in the pocket of her jacket. Beca swallowed hard when Aubrey rolled up the sleeves on her shirt and strode to the table with echoing steps. 
“You can leave now, Detective. The kitchen is gonna get hot.”
Beca narrowed her eyes at the subtle challenge. Okay sure watching Aubrey tug on leather gloves before picking up a thin steel bar and hefting it lightly in hand was alarming. But if she left now without questioning this was she really the person she thought she was? 
“You implying I can't hack the job?”
Aubrey chuckled softly and placed the bar on the table near Mervin's head. For the most part he had been sort of out of it, too many bumps in the road on the way over. He groaned and his head lolled to the side. He just stared at the bar for a moment in dazed confusion before recognition dawned on him and he started to struggle. Happy slapped him hard a few times to settle him and Beca shifted uncomfortably.
“I'm not implying anything. I'm out right telling you. You ain't got it, kid. Now beat it before you realize how dirty your hands really are.”
Whether she meant to or not Aubrey had issued a challenge that Beca couldn't ignore. She had to take a stand one way or the other. Even if it might get her killed.
“I need to know what he did, Posen. He's too small of a fish in our great big pond to deserve whatever it is you're planning.”
Aubrey picked up a torch striker and gave it an experimental squeeze to text the way it sparked. She nodded in approval before using it to point at a wide eyed and gagged Mervin.
“You're right. He's a little fish, but he's no Nemo. He's a remora.”
“Wait. Like those fish that eat shark leftovers or whatever? Where the fuck is this going?”
Aubrey lit the acetylene torch standing at the head of the table with the striker. Mervin jumped and tried to struggle but the straps around his body held him fast. She was methodical about the way she heated the end of the bar, leaving the fire on the tip until it glowed a white hot.
“Hm. Something like that. Remoras feed on shit. And this little shit eating fishie is feeding from a shark I don't want in my water.”
“I'm guessing we aren't talking a cute friendly reef shark.”
Aubrey inhaled deeply and closed her eyes for a moment. Beca was used to seeing the action and knew that the person she respected most was about to do something that she felt needed to be done. Aubrey was violent and practical to brutality but it was never without a reason. When she opened her eyes and looked at Beca there was a hollow void where most people had a soul. 
“Someone is taking women from MY streets. Teenagers, Mitchell. Young women are being stolen and sold and this stronzo, this oh so little fish, is the one finding them for his master. And do you know what he does to them? He brands them so they know who they belong to. And now I'm going to mark him.”
Aubrey raised the brand and moved to bring it close to Mervin's arm. Only Beca's shaking hand on her wrist stopped her. 
Whatever was going on in the Detective's head was a struggle Aubrey did not envy. Her job was simple. She did what she needed to and she didn't have to play by anyone's rules but her own. Mitchell on the other hand lived with a foot in two worlds, there were lines she couldn't cross with the same ease Aubrey did. 
Lines she shouldn't cross because she had people in her life that would never understand. Detective Mitchell had a family. Brothers and sisters and two of the most loving people as parents that chose Beca and saved her from a life in the system. Aubrey had done her research on Beca long before she ever approached her. She knew all her triggers and all her secrets. She knew them all and played on them to get what she wanted. Just like she was playing on that now. 
“Are you asking me to spare him? Do you think he spared those girls he stole and hurt? Do you think if I let him  go now he'll stop and change his ways and never touch another person's daughter…or sister?”
The look in Beca's eyes was terrible to behold. A leviathan of disgusted rage rose in the deep blue depths and if Aubrey were being honest, she was proud to see it and bothered that she had to be the one to invoke it. Hate boiled beneath the surface when Beca gripped the brand in her own hand and pressed it down with a scream on Mervin's forehead. 
Aubrey felt nothing as she watched him writhe and howl in pain behind his gag. She felt nothing when Mitchell flung the brand away and staggered drunkenly to the door outside to retch on the hard black macadam lot. She gave Mervin a disinterested look and nodded to Happy and Lilly to finish the work. They would without question or conscience and she appreciated that.
But it wasn't what she needed.
Aubrey stepped outside and knelt by Beca heaving on all fours. She reached out a tentative hand to rub the other woman's back soothingly and wasn't surprised to be shrugged off. She had pushed too far. Beca tried to scramble away, tears running down her face freely but Aubrey gathered her as easily as a child and held her while she struggled with what she had just done.
“I'm sorry Mitchell. Sorry I goaded you into it because I didn't like being questioned. Because I felt like a point needed to be made.”
“I'm gonna hork again.”
Aubrey eased away and let Beca rise on shaky feet. The way the Detective looked at her would haunt her at night when she was alone and the horrors of her life replayed themselves on repeat. Anyone else would have looked away from the accusation and revulsion. Aubrey stared back, evenly, accepting who and what she was now. She hadn’t always been this. Once it had affected her too.
“I threw up my first time too.”
“Jesus Christ, Posen. This work is fucking evil. The people that do this are fucking evil.”
You're fucking evil.
Beca didn't say it. She didn't have to. Aubrey rose and brushed the dirt off her neatly pressed slacks. Yes. She was. She nodded at the unspoken statement and smoothed her tie.
“I'm no saint, that's true.”
Something flickered in Beca’s eyes and she looked away from Aubrey. The blonde slid hands in her pockets and considered for a moment.
“I might be the devil.”
The detective turned to eye her quickly. Measuring her worth with a skill that only cops had.
“You're not the devil. You're fucking awful sometimes but you're not the devil Posen. You're trying to do a job with the only tools you have and its sick work but maybe some of it has to be done.”
“I'm a weapon, Detective. My purpose is pain and order and I am very good at it. Who I inflict pain on is how I sleep at night.”
Beca nodded and turned away to stare at the moon above. Her voice was raw and tight as she struggled to contain her emotions.
“Lesson learned. Don't question you if I don't want to become an unfeeling weapon.”
Aubrey hesitated and looked up to the moon as well. No one questioned her. Ever. Even before her father had passed and her work was new, no one had questioned the way she handled business. And perhaps that was why she was the monster she was today.
“I need you to keep questioning me, Mitchell. Even if I hate it.”
Beca glanced at her quickly again, eyes wide with surprise. Aubrey sighed deeply.
“There are lines even I shouldn't cross and I don't know if I recognize them anymore.”
“What are you asking here? You want me to be your Jiminy?”
Fatigue set in making her shoulders hunch with the weight of so many misdeeds. Seeing Detective Mitchell break down, seeing her feel something, had shown her how far removed she was from humanity. And it scared her.
“I don't flinch, Bec. Humans should flinch when they do terrible things. They should feel it in their soul. I feel nothing.”
“Jesus. You're really asking me to help you be human?”
Her lips quirked in a quick grin. If anyone could help her find her humanity again it was Beca Mitchell. Perhaps the only person alive not afraid to tell her to fuck off. 
“I just want to be a real girl.”
“Great, fantastic, maybe you can start by taking a crack at that work life balance thing. Take a night off…and don't fucking call me.”
She had taken that advice to heart and gone to a poker game hosted by a friend. Aubrey smiled softly at the memory of spending four hours letting the most gorgeous creature she had ever seen win every single dollar she had brought and her heart to boot.
Beca had been right then and she was right now. Aubrey inhaled deeply knowing she was going to end Roman and his business but Weston's friends would still be safe to continue doing what they wanted. And she wouldn't be able to do a damn about it. 
“I need to make an example of Ekzarova and make it very costly for his organization to run that line of business.”
“Too costly to be worth the effort.” Beca watched her careful nod of agreement before speaking again. “Richie Rich's friends are a lost cause aren't they?”
“For now. Yes. They have more money and resources than I do. So for now, until I can find out the right leverage on them, they skate on this.”
“We still have the proof on those drives.”
“If you thought that was enough to nail them for this you would have used it a long time ago. We both know it'll get buried and you'll find yourself out of a job.”
“And Alice?”
Alice Alice Alice. Aubrey hadn’t allowed herself to think about her ex girlfriend. She was afraid the rage would overwhelm her good sense and she would do something sloppy enough to get her caught.
“For her part in what happened to Happy? For putting her hands on Stacie…”
She gave Beca a look that didn't mask the well of darkness in her soul at the thought of ending Alice.
“She needs to be made an example of too or they'll send another just like her. But you know. Competent.”
“You asking me to cross lines Jiminy?”
“No I'm outright telling you we are going to cross lines. A lot of them.” 
“Don't Aubrey.”
“You're a cop.”
She felt it bore a mention. Beca was rapidly approaching a point where there would be no turning back. She had a life and family she could easily lose.
“For what though? Did cops stop my alcoholic father from beating my crackhead mother to death in front of my face? Did cops take me out of the foster system and put me in a safe home where I felt loved for the first time in my life? I'm sorry was it the cops that found the gang banger that murdered my older brother for trying to protect a store clerk? Are cops doing anything at all to protect any of these women? No. Man…fuck the police. They are part of a system of abuse and I'm done Aubrey. I'm fucking done. You know who was there to save me? People. Just fucking good people. And a goddamn murdering mobster might be the best one of them. So don't fucking tell me what I'm losing. The answer is nothing. I lose nothing but the shame of being part of the problem.”
What else could she say? Aubrey reached out a balled fist and held it steady. Beca looked at her and bumped their knuckles together. 
“I don't think I'll ever be a real girl if I lose myself in this, you know that right? What I'll have to do to end this whole thing…”
Beca's tone gentled and she looked at Aubrey with something the blonde had never seen in the Detective's eyes before. Pride.
“Aubrey, this only makes you that much more human and real.” 
They sat there a minute longer while she let that sink in. Somehow, somewhere, she had changed. Because of Beca.
“So you gonna be my best man or what?”
Mitchell was right. Fuck the police. If they were going scorched earth then it wouldn't matter who stood by her at her wedding. And she really couldn't think of anyone she wanted more at her shoulder.
“Do I get to bang hot bridesmaids?”
“No guarantee but there is an open bar and a hot doctor among the guests.”
Beca sighed heavily as if she were making a huge sacrifice at not being able to sleep her way through the wedding party. But Aubrey could see she didn't really mean it.
“Yeah alright. I guess I can rock a suit for a day. Maybe I can pass out and Doc Beale can give me some mouth to mouth.”
Beca winked at her and slid out of the car with a chuckle. The door slammed, leaving her to sit in the quiet car park alone. She had a lot to prepare and she needed to do it quickly. But right now the only thing she could focus on was getting back to Stacie to find a little peace before she burned the world to the ground.
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zilritsch · 2 months
Remark: Philza grew up in the End. He considers this world home, even if no one lives there anymore, except for ordinary mobs.
Phil has been walking around this universe for a long time. He has quite a few scars on his body. There are those insignificant ones: on your knees from playing in the end stone, on which you abrade your skin until it bleeds when you fall, on your hands from cooking, from careless handling of a sword, from trying to pick fresh fruits of the chorus, climbing a rough and thorny trunk, and many, many other small and large scars and burns.
And there are those who left a memory forever. Those few are the most significant.
The first scar was from a phantom, when as a child he followed adults on a hunt with only a poorly sharpened chorus stick instead of a normal sword or spear. He thought he was old enough.
But the sight of a real phantom up close made him freeze in place. He was saved only by the hunters, who at the last moment managed to slightly redirect the phantom’s movement and quickly kill it before Philza died.
His arrogance almost killed him, and the scar on his collarbone from sharp teeth became a reminder to him.
The second was from the battle with the gods, during the first skirmishes, when none of the administrators were experienced in this kind of battle, and the gods got rid of the administrators by catching them one by one.
Philza then strayed from the group in the Nether, delayed in mining gold and sorting through his own belongings. Even then he had problems with time, always following only his own pace, sometimes lagging behind, sometimes overtaking everyone.
It almost cost him his life when a group of gods, who decided that Nether's territory belonged to them, wanted to get rid of the interference by catching them one by one.
Philza's reflexes and remarkable hearing saved him from the first blow of one of the gods, but the second hit right between the ribs, miraculously not hitting the core. Trying to defend himself, he threw Ender potions at the gods in an attempt to blind and slow them down. They collapsed so quickly, gasping in agony, and Phil only had the strength to write “help” and send the coordinates before completely passing out, falling next to the gods.
He almost died. But he discovered one of the ways to fight the Nether offspring.
Now he has a scar in the form of several curved, torn lines stretching from his left shoulder blade to the core (heart). Philza was nursed for a long time after this skirmish.
The third, from an arrow with poison on the right side, when one of the defectors tried to shoot him.
The betrayal hit him in every way. And the sad smile when the traitor decided to say goodbye and apologize to him awakened something wild in him.
Phil had never ripped out someone else's core and erased someone's existence with such fury before.
Philza's body is littered with scars, and he cherishes and remembers each of them. Philza was not ashamed of them, he was taught that scars were a reminder of the lessons you learned, no matter how cruel they were. Learn from your mistakes and move on, recover as the scar heals, and then find the strength to move on.
P.S: This is essentially a headcanon for DSMP, but also a canon for the Admin AU. In general, he was supposed to be small, but I again fell into the pit of adoration for Philza and his lore. I'm too weakweak for this man.
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 year
Guarded Heart
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Y/N is the daughter of a powerful mob boss who only cares about her horses and making it to the Olympics but her father expects her to marry an equally powerful boss to help strengthen his business. Bucky is looking for a wife to help his business but already has a long term girlfriend, Natasha.
Chapter 19
Notes: I've been struggling with this chapter after having the brilliant idea of reader suggesting she could be bait with no follow up or plan in my head. So I had to come up with something. Sometimes this 'fly by the seat of my pants' writing style bites me in that same seat. *shrugs* Iyam what Iyam.
A little basic but, yeah. Hope it doesn't suck.
"You should use me as bait."
"BAIT!!? Are you insane"
"Bait? Oh Hell no!"
"What? Not a chance"
"Y/N dear, I don't think that's a good idea"
Bucky, Sam and Steve all shouted at the same time. While George tried to stay calm and not escalate the tension in the car.
Sam almost lost control of the SUV.
Bucky shook his head, fists clenched "No. Absolutely not. No fucking way. What the Hell are you thinking? We are not putting you at risk. No."
George tried to be more diplomatic "Y/N, honey I understand wanting to handle this personally but there has to be a better way."
Y/N rolled her eyes "Don't you get it Bucky, I'm always at risk and I'd rather go down fighting than hiding and hoping it doesn't come to me..
Ok, so it's more like a distraction than bait. Zemo already said that I was what he wanted. I can play along, I know his weaknesses. Keep him distracted while the rest of you-"
Steve tried to reason with her "Come on, Y/N, think logically. You might be able to distract him but if he suspects anything you are in no shape for a real fight. You're still healing and when you are ready you'll have to relearn how to fight with and without a prosthetic. Plus you've been running on minimal sleep and food for days, your balance and strength will be off."
She scoffed "I don't need permission from any of you."
Bucky tried to keep himself from losing it "Why didn't you bring this up when we were all together working on a plan? Why wait until after we left?
Maybe because you know that Loki would never go for it. You knew every person there would have fought you. If they hadn't we would have taken that 4 hours of planning on a different strategy. There's no way to change the plan now, there are men already headed into the mountains. We would have problems contacting them to change everything so would be short on men to protect you at your house"
She raised an eyebrow "You think so? Loki's not in charge of me either. Y'all can try to stop me but I've made my mind up." She tried to soften her approach
"It's an old house and I grew up there. I know all the secret passages and how to get around quietly. And where my father hid weapons and how to engage his booby traps. He was always prepared for an attack. That's why he survived as long as he did." She choked back a sob.
Bucky shook his head "Look doll, I know that you are smart and very capable but this is too dangerous. You are not at your best and there's no way I can protect you if you let him get to you."
She scowled at him "I don't need you to protect me. I told you before, I'm not some shrinking violet who depends on a man.
Bluster all you like, it's all hot air to me."
Steve tried again, pleading "Y/N, please. Be reasonable. We are just trying to keep you safe."
"Keep me safe?" She spat at him "You men keep promising to keep me safe but none of you can. I'm the one who keeps losing in this bullshit game and I'm tired of trusting anyone else with my safety." She sat back "I'm going to do what I need to do to end this."
She paused and looked Bucky in the eyes, pleadingly "Look, I go to my house, alone. Well just me and Pietro since I can't really drive but anyways we get word out that you and I split again, I caught you with Yelena or something, and I went back home alone, in a fit, tired of hiding and being surrounded by guards. Zemo won't be able to resist, he always said my penchant for drama would come back on me so he gets to gloat when he thinks he has me. Pietro and I take him down and offer terms for his men.
I'm not stupid, I know I'm not in great shape but I can seduce him into letting his guard down." She softened "And if I fail it's only my life on the line not all of you."
The men were all speechless, struggling to come up with an argument that she would listen to but still had nothing when they arrived at the Barnes townhouse.
Y/N was out her door as soon as the SUV stopped and stomped her way up to Bucky's room.
Bucky tried to follow her but she locked the door so he tried knocking "Y/N, doll, please don't shut me out. I want to help if you'll let me."
"Go. Away."
"Please doll?"
She opened the door "are you willing to let me help get Zemo?"
Bucky shook his head "If we could wait till you were healthier, sure but not now. You wouldn't have a chance against him."
She stomped on the foot he wedged in the door, slammed and locked it before he dealt with the pain in his foot.
"Ouch! Dammit Y/N! Open this door!" He limped away "Fucking willful woman" and grumbled his way down the stairs, wondering when she put boots on.
When he arrived in the living room he sat on the couch, took his shoe off and rubbed his foot. He looked up when he heard laughter.
Steve couldn't help himself and tried to stop laughing which only made it worse. He sat next to him and slapped Bucky on the shoulder "I guess it didn't go so well, huh?" When Bucky didn't respond "You alright there punk?"
Bucky shoved him off the couch "Just peachy, jerk."
Y/N paced the room, infuriated by the Barnes men refusal to involve her in the takedown of Helmut Zemo.
She raged to herself about what stupid, sexist men they were, all while pushing down the voice that told her they were right. She knew she needed to heal physically and emotionally but didn't care anymore as long as she could punish those who had wronged her.
When she caught Zemo with that girl it broke her heart, she thought they had something real. Then he had to humiliate her on top of it but she chose, at the time to walk away from him instead of looking for revenge. Obviously that was a mistake since he teamed with her families enemies to try to take them down. They failed but had cost her so much she couldn't just sit here while the men went to take care of her problems.
After a while of pacing and swearing, trying to figure out how to get away from the Barnes and get to Zemo when something clicked. She smiled to herself, it was perfect and simple.
When Winnie called everyone to dinner Y/N came down and sat to eat next to Wanda and Pietro, quietly discussing something the others couldn't hear. When Winnie asked after her she told her she was just tired and angry at everything.
Y/N stood when she finished eating "I just want to apologize for my outburst earlier. I'm sick and tired and angry with no way to express it. I'm going up to relax with some music. Wanda can you help me change please?"
Wanda nodded and followed her upstairs. Pietro went up shortly after, promising to keep an eye on her.
At the table Bucky felt a little better but was still worried about her mental and physical health and promised himself he would take care of Zemo then take her on vacation if she would let him.
Everyone found a spot to try and catch a bit of sleep before the drive to the mountains.
When Bucky woke at 1am he started some coffee and went to take a cold shower to wake himself up. Realizing he needed clean clothes he headed for his room as quietly as possible and opened the door only to do a double take when he realized the bed and the room were empty. Then his brain caught up, Pietro and Wanda were gone as well. He swore
"Fuck." Then yelled "FUCK!" and started banging on doors to wake everyone up. Steve came out of his room rubbing his eyes "Hey jerk, its only 1, we have 2 more hours and-"
"Goddammit Steve, she's gone! Y/N left with Pietro and Wanda." Then his phone dinged, a text with blueprints for her house including everything she had mentioned. Bucky showed his phone to Steve.
Steve's eyes grew wide "Fuck.
Chapter 20
@bigphattygyal @cjand10 @lokiandbuckysdoll
@kimomoraba @avery199 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @esposadomd
@sebsgirl71479 @calwitch
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One Good Day
If there's one hill I will die on in relation to hermitcraft, it's that TFC would be a Grian-Tier Gremlin if he had the energy for it. So this is really just a whole bunch of self indulgence.
False woke up, rolled out of bed, and fell.
At first, her groggy mind thought she might still be dreaming; she'd had many dreams of falling in recent months, and she was painfully aware of the symbolism, but it was when she splashed into a pool of pleasantly cool water that she realised nope. This was very much real and she was very much in a pool of water in her pajamas and spare leather armour and not on the stone floor next to her bed.
She looked around, brushing her, now sodden, tangled blonde hair out of her face as she stood up; she was in a pit, a very deep one it seemed, and her bed was far out of reach. Squinting, she noticed a single block connected to her bed which had allowed it to function as a spawn point, and the walls were lined with obsidian, so it was very obvious that this was a deliberate prank, but the only thing she couldn't figure out was why there was no calling card.
Huh, she thought, I wonder who did this.
Cleo swooped down onto her floating island to a very strange new sight: between the seahorses at the site where the gates of Atlantis would soon stand was a mound of pink wool and concrete and terracotta.
She walked around it, already mentally planning a return prank on Joe whoever was responsible, but stopped suddenly when she came to the other side, laughter bubbling out and overriding any irritation or indignation.
It was a blob fish. A giant blob fish, with the despondent face of a fish that had basically exploded when taken out of its natural atmospheric pressure.
She broke a couple of blocks on the side, sword in her other hand expecting a flood of mobs that had spawned inside, to see if the culprit had left a clue as to their identity, but all she could see was.. a torch. And an item frame with an iron pickaxe in it.
Tango had been working like crazy, he was Very Tired, so when he heard a low and eerie chuckle coming from somewhere nearby he thought he was hallucinating.
"Hello?" He called out, looking around the wireframe of Deep Frost Citadel cautiously, "anyone there?" That was a laugh he didn't recognize. The only hermit with a voice that deep was Chef, but he was all the way over in spawn, right? And he never did pranks.
He edged closer to the source of the laughter, following the occasional glimmer of the particles from the skulk sensor until there was suddenly a wave in another direction, and the ground collapsed beneath him, dropping him into a pit just barely shallow enough to not kill him, laughter all around him; loud and raucous and booming.
TFC had been having a wonderful day.
When he woke up that morning, he had felt something he hadn't felt in many years; he felt energetic, energetic in a way he hadn't felt since he was in his 30s, and none of his muscles and bones and joints hurt in the slightest.
He had pulled out his communicator and glanced at the list of who was currently online, a few of them were, and momentarily he had considered just spending the day mining, but that idea was quickly thrown aside in favour of something he'd not been able to indulge in in far too long.
So now, after laying out several small pranks, he stalked the perimeter of Doc's pit, in the caves halfway down the walls, watching like a hawk for where and when the man left the world.
The perimeter was impressive, TFC would never dream of saying it wasn't, though there was a petty little whisper in the back of his head that Doc had cheated with the world eater that he occasionally had to give a stern talking to. The world eater itself was incredibly impressive, something TFC himself could never have achieved.
Doc, all told, was someone TFC respected a lot; the man understood The Grind like few others he'd met, even when compared to the other hermits which was saying A Lot, and grind respects grind.
After a little while of waiting, TFC saw Doc log out, and that was his moment. He jumped down from the cave in the wall and threw out a pool of water to catch himself, running over to the spot Doc was last stood, pulling out one of his shulker boxes.
He had a few on hand, all filled with either deepslate or obsidian, and with no hesitation or need to catch his breath, he began building. He built a box of deepslate around the spot, only just big enough to hold a player, and he built layer after layer, more than a dozen blocks thick. Every second that passed was one second closer to when Doc would return, so he quickly brought out the obsidian and repeated the process from the deepslate.
Three layers into the obsidian, Doc's nametag suddenly reappeared, and TFC heard him shout a word in German that he didn't exactly understand, but from the tone he could easily deduce it was an epithet. He couldn't stop himself from barking in laughter, and he began building faster.
"TFC? That you man?" Doc's voice was clearly delighted, TFC could tell he was on the verge of laughter, "didn't think you had this in you!"
TFC grinned, "Oh, I've got a lot of surprises in me kiddo, honestly I didn't think I did either but I'm not about to squander it in the mines all day when this is finally an option again."
He could hear Doc mining his way out, maybe slightly faster than would be normal, but definitely not fast enough to break out before he was done.
After a short and silent battle, TFC placed the last of the obsidian, and as he stowed away the empty shulkers, he could hear another curse from the box, indicating that Doc had just reached the obsidian layer.
He pulled out an ender pearl and slotted it into the small launcher he had installed in his mechanical arm, firing it towards the closest edge, and before he zipped away he gave a last bark of laughter. "You can keep that lot by the way! You've earned it."
And then he was gone. Today had been fun, TFC thought, and hopefully the energy would last a good long time, there were far more Hermits he hadn't pranked yet after all.
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who-is-shades · 4 months
raz dnd 28
zen goes to try and calm senna and confuzes her with hot tea from the token. like wtf. "zen why do you keep making soup? none of us can cook." back to the group cause senna is just confused. SP is poking everyone with a stick lol. android yeets the stick away. SP yells fetch and goes to get it. oh no. wheatley runs over and hugs senna nice. senna is just so confused lol.
SP has the stick and is returning to android. android pretends to throw the stick and SP gets sad unable to find it. android tosses it away meanie. parsley found the stick nice. senna has to stop more fetch its time to go.
were gonna pass someplace important to robotgod i guess? under reconstruction for when zorbolt is gone. where everything started. the start of robots! way before even android. after 2 hours we encounter faint remaints of buildings, barely anything here. wheatley runs toward it and vanishes?! its a barrier its invisible in we go!
lots of robots building and fixing the ruins nice. wheatley is just saying hi to everyone but their too busy building to say anything. big old temple in the center. zen says this is where his god became god basically. senna asks why it fell into ruin. it came under attack by the noble embers, rude of them. then he came upon novis and made it his new home. "it mustve been hard to leave his home a second time." wheatley says god looks like a weird guy with a beard lol.
robotgod was a mortal man once. very specific criteria need to be in place to become a god. 'wonder if thats what zorbolt wanted to do.' 'maybe he got closer than we feared.' senna asks if god was pursuing godhood but zen says it was just something that happaned, the world chose him. some gods are concepts. like sennas goddess of hope! teya asks when it stops being a cult and turns into a religion. is it a cult of the god is real? teya says its a numbers game isnt it? if a god runs out of followers they fade away.
senna asks if he would just return to being mortal. wheatley hates that lol. zen has no idea but he knows no one can beat his god lol but he would probably fall into a coma. many many coma gods now. wheatley wants to wake them and thats what god is doing. wheatley says it seems lonely. teya asks if thats why we got those books. god wants to save as much religions as possible.
the land was once prosperous and the gods were in harmony. (then everything changed when the fire nation attacked?) teya summons nova and just sends them out to scout. senna just looks over the temple. wheatley asks what this town was called. Bastille. gods first workshop is around here probably. even android hasnt seen it so field trip! senna goes with them.
nova sees armored robots patrolling and keeping the area safe. she sees some of the bots go on alert and go in a specific direction. she follows.
ANYWAYS to the workshop. a circular mostly broken down ruins. some bot remaints on the ground. lots of decayed tools. some of the first bots. android says its underwhelming lol. wheatley wants to call god lol. gods just staring at the ruins. been a while. he tried to keep it maintained when he became a god. wheatley is so excited to see him lol. he says he mostly tinkered and made gadgets for the town then he got ambitious and eventually made a construct. very basic but got built up. wheatley became more than what he was designed to be. when he made a very advanced bot he became filled with power and he ascended.
MEANWHILE nova is still going. she has to stop and sees the bots gathering at the edge of town. parsley sees a bot with a sword running and he follows. nova sees the bots leave the barrier so its going back to teya to be normal then goes after. parsley sees the bots have formed a line at the barrier, making a wall. he sees a bot get thrown through the barrier all wrecked so he flies through to see. he avoids a crossbow bolt! theres a mob of people with a banner! a heavily armored one yells to wait for them to gather and then use a scroll.
teya sees parsley almost get shot. she messages senna and says shit is happening. senna relays and asks teya whats happening. parsley sticks his head back out to check lol. great they see hes not a robot. great their using the scroll. antimagic field?! 100 feet?! the bots just collapse. parsley feels like shit F. zen uses his token to find them but their offline. oh no. senna runs back toward the temple.
welp the mob is going toward parsley and teya. she picks up parsley and runs into town. she avoids a bolt. senna sees some bots have stopped moving. teya avoids another bolt. senna follows the trail of off bots. SP suddenly turns off oh no! android falls over! senna remembers and drags android away from the field. he wakes up thankfully. its up to her and wheatley!
its a big radias. we see teya running away! she dodges another bolt! wtf why is it the noble embers. senna is going to slow them while they get the fuck out. parsley yells at the mob to suck his nuts or something. senna nods at wheatley and they stand their ground. some still follow teya. roll initiative! teya avoids a bolt but it shoots parsley in the wing wtf.
also teya forgot she has counterspell dammit
senna and wheatley keep being stabbed lol. we kill 1 guy!
cutting back to teya. they see android and zen! android pulls out his rifle and snipes one in the head. they get out of the circle! she puts parsley on the ground and stands in front of him and begins casting! roll initiative!
they keep going back n forth in the antimagic field the cowards. androids got a gun so like hes fine. teyas dumping out skeletons. parsley is just trying to stand lol. zen is flipping people behind him. the skeletons kill one nice.
back to group 1! killed one nice but we keep being stabbed.
back to group 2! more stabbings for teya! android kills another dude nice.
group 1! wheatleys gun is our savior i swear.
group 2! teya stop getting stabbed, androids running the shooting range. the last guy runs to parsley and takes him hostage! parsley just taunts him so he slices his wing the dick! teya apologizes to parsley for what shes about to do, what? she casts firebolt on parsley?! the cultist freaks out and androids snipes him in the head. teya is trying to put the fire out and sobbing lol. used his greator potions. his wings are still fucked. zen says god is sending something to fix this and some bots teleport in with machines and it shoots a beam and reduces the antimagic field! some of the bots that got shut off get up.
group 1! wheatley stop being stabbed. we got magic back yay! senna instantly deals 42 necrotic magic by grabbing a guy lol. wheatley uh missed oh well. great senna gets charmed wtf. shes walking away. wheatley lunges at who charmed senna and shocks his head. but some asshole uses counterspell.
group 2! senna fucking walks past them. she stops, starts swearing and starts rushing back. teya and android follow. wheatley is getting his shit kicked in. and now hes frightened wtf and runs away. we see him run past us. teya yeets circle of death at the fleeing cultists. they got away tho fuckers. one tries to circle of death us in return. fuck.
time to go get wheatley. he turns around and starts blasting lol he didnt realize it was us lol. senna searches the dead guy for info and just gets the dagger. time to get back. wheatley is very serious about getting a counter charm.
we get back to parsley and senna and wheatley are fucking horrified and go to heal him. healing didnt work. also unable to heal teya. fuck. she clenches her fists and starts looting the other dead cultists for info. zen is going to try and patch parsleys wing to keep it attached. parsley says fuck off dont touch. he says they cant fix it. senna messages teya and asks if spingledorf can fix it. now theres an argument. wheatley is fretting over him.
parsley tries to stand and each movement moves the broken wings and it hurts like hell. senna goes over and suggests someone in the feywilds that might help. he refuses to make eye contact. senna keeps pressuring him. he really doesnt wanna go back there. senna asks if he would rather be a clipped bird the rest of his life?
senna turns to zen and asks if his god could find a feywild portal for us. it might take a while. senna asks if sunnie might know. there was one near their old home but she doesnt know if he will. senna kneels down and asks parsley to let her stabilize his wings. he fucking stays quiet. senna turns to zen and asks for a medical box shes gonna try and stabilize his wing. she stabilizes it good glad he let her.
yep theres a portal there. zen asks how far off the path it is and wheatley snaps that parsley cant fight like this. teya says if god wont teleport us were asking spingledorf. god suddenly levels us up wtf. god allows it and teleports us! cliffhanger!
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oh-snapperss · 1 year
Fic Masterpost-MCYT
Note: none of these fics contain shipping! If you're looking for my fics containing shipping, check out the Ship Fic Masterpost!)
Season Eightnine - Hermitcraft
Characters: Etho and Bdubs
Words: 2703
Status: Complete
Summary: Bdubs is alone on Hermitcraft again. (set after the other hermits went through the rift!
this fic has fanart by Shepscapades! (note: the fic isn't ship, but the art is, so be aware if you click!)
fWhip's Guide to Stealing a Stratosphere - Empires SMP
Characters: fWhip, Bdubs, and Joel
Words: 2703
Status: Complete!
Summary: quick crackfic I wrote as a pinch hit for an event!
the stories we tell and the truths untold - Mindcrack SMP/Minecraft
(Note: this is part of an au I share with @pebbltree! The basic idea of this revolves around the universe being sentient, and Etho being it's first player. This is the first fic for this au, but I have a lot more planned and will probably make a full masterpost for it once more is published!)
Characters: VintageBeef, Etho, PauseUnpause
Words: 5735
Status: Complete!
Summary: Truth be told, Etho hasn’t ever really gotten the… point of scary stories, really. Sure, he’d been afraid of the occasional mob or fall, but ultimately he knew he was safe. The universe was kind, kinder than most people knew, why should he fear it? For all the campfire stories Etho had heard others swap over drinks and meals, he’d never really understood the appeal of it being scary. To him, it felt like just that–a story. Something never to be feared, just enjoyed.
“C’mon, Etho, don’t you enjoy being scared out of your wits? Just for fun?” Pause grins, and there’s something in it that feels unfamiliar to Etho. Again, another phrase he can’t understand. The other players have always described fear in ways he’s not sure exist.
“I mean, sure? Why not?” He settles, taking his hands off the wood and instead leaning forward to rest his elbows against his legs. The fire crackles as if laughing in the wind, sharing his sentiment that such fear doesn’t exist. Etho snorts softly in agreement. “Tell me a scary story, Pause.”
Accompanying art by @/pebbltree:
it's just a story
the stories we tell by @/nuggets4fools
join game? - Limited Life
and it's sequel:
is this entertaining? - Secret Life
these two fics are posted to my tumblr only! they're short things i wrote, set just before the starts of limited and secret life respectively, regarding the thoughts of the players just before they join the server to play. funnily enough, I wrote the second fic just after I found out Mumbo was coming back to secret life, but I couldn't say I knew for sure then LMAO
suddenly, it's december - QSMP, some DSMP
Characters: Tommy and Tubbo, mentioned Sunny
Words: 1414
Status: Complete
Summary: Tommy and Tubbo have a conversation. They're all grown up, right? But are they really changed?
creature comfort - Secret Life
Characters: Etho and Cleo
Words: 1326
Status: Complete
Summary: “We won’t win today,” Cleo says, and Etho knows she’s right. Knows their time has been running out since the first secret was whispered to them in voices all too familiar, has known that this day was coming, has known that all this time, it’s not been a question of if–it’s been a question of when.
They’re going to die today. Distantly, Etho wonders if the domesticity they’ve worked for will die with them, or if it will follow them back home.
Home is where Cleo is.
cuteguy etho ask - hermitcraft
this fic is uhhhh. special. real special. if anyone ever saw the cuteguy etho art floating around last year, this goes right along with that! i'm not bothering with a summary yall just gotta go... find out. or something. this is NOT posted on my ao3 at the moment!
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sunflowersoldat · 2 years
All Is Fair- In Secrets and Stolen Glances
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Chapter 2: Secrets and Stolen Glances
Pervious Chapter
Main Master List
Series Master List
Series Summary: Family is important, but so is the Family business. Everyone has secrets, some are deadly. Your the best in the business, but no one knows who you are. Tensions are high, will you raise the stakes or fold under pressure?
Series Warnings: 18+! Mentions of blood and violence, bad language words, smut, manipulation, gaslighting, death, trauma, please follow the warnings for each chapter.
Chapter warnings: 18+ Only! SMUT, bad language words, angst, plans of assassination, slight power kink?, slight exhibitionism.
Pairing: Mob!Steve x Assassin!Stark!reader
Word count: 4.1K
A/N: **<- means it’s a POV change!
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Steve had taken you to different cafes and restaurants for lunch over the preceding months, but the last time you saw him he had requested that you allow him to take you to dinner. Surprisingly the two of you had behaved yourselves on the past few dates, it appeared he was trying to court you properly. 
You couldn't help the smile that split your lips at the thought of the mob boss in the driver's seat next to you being anything other than the hard-nosed brute his file made him out to be. You appreciated the effort, but the public dates were making it hard to complete your mission, not that they really mattered, they weren't real, your feelings were nothing but a show to gain his trust. A knot formed in your gut at the thought, but you shoved it away as Steve pulled the car up to the restaurant on the Upper Bay, the city lights twinkling across the water. 
‘The Lemurian Star’ you scrunch your nose at the large marquee lights above the restaurant entrance, you watched Steve’s bright smile begin to slip out of the corner of your eye, 
“You don’t like it…” the sparkle in his sapphire eyes was fading.
You gave him a hesitant smile, placing your hand on his right arm, the soft leather of his jacket felt smooth under your fingers, “Oh, no it's not that… I- it's not really my–”
His brows furrowed, “We can go somewhere else if you prefer–”
You shook your head, “No. You picked it, I trust you.”
He placed his hand over yours on his arm, his smile growing again, “It’s just dinner…” he lowered his head, lips brushing the shell of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine, “besides, I have something a little less traditional planned for dessert…” –
Dinner had gone by without much excitement, the two of you talked about anything and everything. You had learned a little about him and his family, the type of information that wasn't in his file, mostly because no one who had ever gotten this close to him would spill it and if they tried, they’d be at the bottom of the Upper Bay sleeping with the fishes. He spoke of his right hand quite often, James Barnes, or as he called him affectionately, Bucky.
He walked you down to the docks after dinner, the soft lapping of the waves against the boats had a calming effect, as the two of you strode in silence, the cool breeze coming off the water causing you to shiver. Without a word, he placed his jacket around your shoulders, you gave him a shy smile, for a ruthless mob boss, he was surprisingly gentle. And contrary to the file Yelena had given you he was honestly a perfect gentleman, he didn't even glance at another woman when you were with him. Or when you weren’t with him, as far as you had gathered when you did surveillance, he wouldn’t so much as breathe in another woman’s direction. You shoved the thoughts away, none of that mattered, you still had a mission to complete.
After a few moments Steve’s voice pulled you from your thoughts as he cleared his throat, “Why don’t you share the Stark name?”
You blinked, the question catching you off guard, frowning, the two of you came to a stop as you gazed out over the water. 
“I wanted to make my own way in the world, make a name for myself…” you sighed, “I wanted to live my life free of it all.”
You could feel him staring at you, “So, the museum, that’s all you? It’s impressive…”
“It’s stain free, no mob related money used to build it… Granted, some individuals who are associated with that… give endorsements or contributions, I keep the museum as a neutral ground. No mob business on the premises.” you met his gaze, “The dead are less complicated than the living, there is a lot you can learn from history…” you tucked your hair behind your ear. “‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’ George Santayana.”
He stepped closer, tilting his head, he didn’t know how to take you. You intrigued him, on one hand he couldn’t believe you weren’t the Stark family head, but on another he had a respect for the decision to stay away from the business. You could have easily used your name and status to gain what you had, but you didn’t, you chose to work for it, and he admired you for it, you were smart. If he could convince you, you'd make a powerful ally, with or without the ties to your Stark heritage.
“I’m sure I could learn a great deal from you, if you're willing to teach me.”
His hand came up to caress your cheek, lowering his head, his lips met yours in a soft slow kiss, his heart skipping in his chest, he couldn’t help the pull he had towards you, all he knew is he couldn’t bear to screw this up.
Your hand slipped around his neck, your fingers softly pulling at his hair, his tongue tracing your lower lip, seeking entrance, you obliged, the kiss quickly becoming more as he swiftly swept you off your feet. 
“If you’d like me to…”
A squeak left your lips as he carried you down the dock and onto a small yacht, the name, ‘Red Star’ in black detailing standing out against the white hull. 
Taking you inside, he placed you on the bed, one hand planted on either side of you, his lips met yours again, before breaking the kiss, leaving you to look out the windows at the sleeping city. You watched him walk up the ladder to the cockpit. The low rumble of the engine met your ears a few moments later. 
In his jacket pocket, his phone vibrated, you pulled it out, glancing at the screen, the Brooklyn skyline decorated his background. His phone vibrated again, a barrage of messages littered the screen-
Buck: Punk, you ditched your security again!
Buck: Punk where the hell are you?
Sam: Background check came in clear boss…(the rest of the message was hidden, unable to unlock his phone to access it.)
Buck: I swear if you are with Stark’s sister I will…
Buck: At least get some information from her…
Buck: Just be safe… please.
The sound of the engine stopped, followed by footsteps making their way back to the main deck, you quickly placed his phone back into the jacket pocket, slipping the jacket off, laying it on the chair across the room. You glanced back at the door as you heard him enter again.
Steve sighed as he entered, his muscles bulging against the material of his henley as he ran his hands through his blond hair, tousled from the salty sea air, blue eyes sparkling, as the lights dimmed until the only source of light was the moon and the glittering city lights dancing off the surface of the water.
“Do you like the view?” 
Taking a moment to gaze out the windows, you almost had a 360 degree view of the waterfront and the cityscape, it truly was beautiful when you took a moment and forgot why you were here, “It's gorgeous, I’ve never seen the city like this before. Usually too busy at the museum…” 
The lie caused bile to rise in your throat, the last time you were out here you weren't on a date, it was more or less a trip you and Jake had made to dump a body.
His arms looped around your waist, “It’s the second best view in New York.”
You quirked a brow, “Oh what’s the-” you groaned, “please don't say it…”
He chuckled deep in his chest, “It is definitely you.”
You turned in his arms, a silly smile plastered on his face, “Does that crap actually work?” your smile matching his.
He raised his eyebrows, “Honestly, that's the first time I've tried it… you tell me.”
You chewed your lip, eyes flicking from his eyes to his lips and back again, nodding slowly, your nose brushing his, before slotting your lips over his. He walked you backward, the backs of your knees hitting the bed, before your back hit the plush fabric. His lips breaking from yours, only for him to trail them down your neck, his hands busied themselves with your pants, shimmying them down your legs before discarding them along with your panties behind him in the room. 
His hands slid up your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the bed, his warm breath fanning over your core. Your stomach fluttering in anticipation, a throaty moan escaping you as he flattened his tongue against your folds, licking a stripe from your center to your clit. Your hand shot into his hair, tugging at his blond locks, pulling a low growl from his chest through you. He climbed back up, his elbows resting near your head as he crushed his lips to yours in a searing kiss. 
The next morning the sound of a vibrating phone pulled you from your stupor, eyes cracking open, as you scrambled onto the floor fumbling for your phone in your pant’s pocket, tugging Steve’s discarded henley on as you picked up your phone and walked out onto the deck. 
The sun was just barely breaking the horizon, its bright light warming your exposed legs. Looking at your phone, an unknown number flashed across the screen.
“Hello.” your voice scratchy from sleep,
“Is it done?” the familiar female voice asked.
You sighed pinching the bridge of your nose, “Not yet, but–”
“Good, circumstances have changed, you have a new mission objective. Red Room. Midnight. We need to talk.” 
Before you could reply the line went dead. Closing your eyes you swallowed hard, turning you returned to the room.
You couldn't help the grin that broke onto your face, Steve was laying face down in the bed, his arm extended over the spot you were previously laying in. A knot formed in your stomach again, as you climbed back into bed with him, your hand brushing his messy hair from his face. 
What had you gotten yourself into?
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Later that day as you walked out of the cafe, Yelena’s voice cut through your thoughts, quirking a brow at you, “You saw him again didn’t you?” 
You scowled, “What makes you say that?” you countered.
She snickered, “Oh please, you haven’t been able to stop smiling all throughout lunch. Did he sleep with you?”
You scoffed, “Yelena!”
Nat choked on her drink, “He, who?”
Shaking your head you rolled your eyes as you entered the museum.
“No and nobody.” Your brows furrowed as your eyes landed on the gigantic bouquet taking up a large portion of the front desk, a plethora of flowers rising from the vase. A gradient of red roses from a bright red hue to the deepest shade of black. You walked closer, “Steven?”
“Hello,” his head popped out from behind the bouquet, nearly jumping out of your own skin, your hand resting over your heart, “Steven!”
He stood slowly, walking around the desk, “Sorry love, couldn’t really see around the vase.”
You raised a brow, “Who are those for? And where on Earth did they come from?” you reached out, taking a rose in your hands, the soft velvet petals basically melting between your fingertips, “They are gorgeous.”
The floral scent filled the room, Steven handed you a small note card from within the bouquet, “It seems you have an admirer, these arrived after you left for lunch.”
Glancing back at Natasha and Yelena, you flipped the notecard, “From him?” Yelena’s confident voice almost mocking you as you read the note, 
‘Don’t go to work tomorrow, Angel. SR’
You bit your lip to hide the small smile pulling at your lips, you rolled your eyes as the notecard was plucked from your grasp, Natasha’s glossy red nails waving in the air as she read the note, her jaw dropping, eyes widening as they found yours, “He. Is Steve Rogers?! Babes…” she chewed her lip, eyeing you cautiously weighing her words, “Does Tony know?” 
Shaking your head as you begin walking towards your office, shrugging your shoulders, “I don’t know, who I choose to see in my spare time is none of his business anyway.” you glanced back at her, she gave Yelena a pleading look, Yelena just shrugged raising her brow.
Nat cleared her throat, “Well, you are still a Stark, who and what you do reflects on him, on the–”
You stopped in front of your door, spinning around, brow raised, your blood beginning to boil “Reflects on the family?” your voice a little louder than you intended, straightening you continued, lowering your voice, “You mean the family whose name I chose not to take. I love them Nat, I really do, but I chose not to be a part of that for a reason…” you took a deep breath, allowing the calm to flow through you, “I wanted a life free from the scrutiny of the families. To live my life the way I saw fit, mob free.”
She scoffed, shaking her head, “Getting involved with Steve Rogers isn't ‘mob free.’ he will just pull you into–”
“That’s my choice to make!!” you snapped, Natasha straightened herself, her jaw clenching and unclenching, raising her hands, 
“Right I just–” her phone rang in her pocket, she flattened her lips pulling it out, “I’ve gotta take this… Just be careful okay?” she turned as she answered it, her voice fading down the hallway.
You turned your gaze to Yelena, a cocky smirk lifted her lips, rolling your eyes. You opened your office door, “You look like the cat that swallowed the canary.”
She laughed softly behind you, “I know you too well…”
You flopped down into your chair, causing it to spin, your hand running down your face as your eyes met hers, her smile fading, “You like him.”
“Lena. Don’t. It is an assignment, nothing–”
“Except it isn't. I can see it in the way you act, the others don't understand the danger you are in seeing him, but I do…” her face grew weary with concern, “I care about you Smert’ (death), you can’t allow yourself to form–” 
You groaned, “Don't worry about me Lena, I know what I'm doing.” you gave her a cocky grin, “besides, you were the one who told me there was no harm in having fun.”
Her eyes narrowed playfully, “So you have slept with him! I knew it.”
You laughed, a smile plastered on your face, “C’mon Lena, get outta here.”
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You pulled up to The House of Cards fifteen minutes till midnight, the casino stayed open until the early hours of morning, allowing the wealth of New York and its surrounding urban cities to flush all their money into your boss’s pockets. You nodded to the security guards at the main entrance, the two of them sharing a look before touching their earpieces and mumbling something you couldn't decipher. You pulled out your phone as it chimed in your pocket. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a familiar brunette exit the elevator. 
From your past interaction, or lack thereof, and the messages you’d seen on Steve’s phone, the man didn't much care for you or trust that you were as innocent as you claimed to be. 
You needed to fix that.
Pretending to be too caught up in your phone, you continued toward the elevator, but were met with a wall of muscle, as you slammed into a broad chest clad in a black button-up and a leather jacket. Playing into the ‘accident’, you dropped your phone, stumbling backward, feigning falling, as his metal hand shot out, catching you with lightning quick reflexes.
Your head snapped up, eyes meeting his cold steel stare, you fumbled to keep your footing, stuttering out an apology, “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t see–” he bent to grab your phone as he steadied you, “Watch where you're going little Stark.” His tone was cold and unamused.
You refrained from clenching your jaw at his comment, “Oh your right, I’m sorry. I was just too caught up with work–” he made a show of looking at his watch, interrupting you, “Work? You know it's a quarter till midnight right, what could a museum curator possibly be working on so late?” he quirked a brow, towering over you. If you had been just a museum curator, he would have intimidated you, you internally flipped him off, before answering, a shy smile pulled at your lips as you tucked your hair behind your ear. 
“Well, the dead never rest you know–”
“I’m pretty sure that's all they do.”
Growling internally, you bit your tongue, extending your hand, “I’m sorry I don’t think we have been properly introduced, I’m–”
“Steve’s latest toy, I'm aware.”
It shouldn't have, but the comment felt like a punch to the gut, your shoulders sank, you blinked trying to recover from the comment, “Y-you must be Bucky.”
“James Barnes, only my friends call me Bucky. And you are in my way.” he stepped around you heading for the doors, you huffed, squaring your shoulders.
“Hey, Bonky!” you snapped. He stopped dead in his tracks, glancing back at you from the corner of his eye, “It’s Ms. Carbonell. Get it right.” without giving him the chance to retort, you entered the elevator, poking the 17th floor button, watching it light up.
“Asshole.” you muttered, as you slumped against the wall, that didn't go as planned. 
The doors opened on the high stakes floor of the casino, you exited the elevator, walking past the security office, past Wade. You stopped a moment, walking toward the office, you could hear him muttering to himself as he furiously clicked through the camera feed. “Wade? You alright?”
He turned to you, giving you an irritated look, “Peachy.” you lifted your brows, the notebook on the desk in front of him littered with little drawings of himself in his Ace uniform, the red and black suit with his white contacts, brutally killing the same man over and over in different ways, the name ‘Francis’ strewn across the page.
A devious smile split your lips, “Heyyyy Waaaaade–” He turned, speaking to someone who wasn’t there as he pointed a gun into the empty space next to you, “Don’t you fucking dare make her say his name!”
“Where’s Francis?”
He deadpanned, ignoring you, “Get out!” He slowly closed the door in your face.
Chuckling to yourself you began making your way to the Red Room, most of the dealers and other workers had gone home for the evening, the floor was basically empty save a few stragglers and drunken high rollers at the far end of the room. As you began to pass the last cashier, a tall elegant man turned, almost running smack into you, catching himself. He gave you a polite smile. Before running his hand through his shoulder length black hair,
“I'm terribly sorry I didn't… Wait, aren’t you,–” he began.
“No worries–” you sighed, not another person recognizing you as Tony’s kid sister…
“The curator at the newer museum here in town?”
You blinked, caught off guard, since Thor accidentally outed you as Tony’s sister in front of most of New York’s elite, almost everyone recognized you only as that. It was… refreshing to say the least.
“Ms…” he extended his hand.
“Carbonell, Ms. Carbonell.” you grasped his hand.
“It's a pleasure, Darling.” he raised your hand to his lips placing a soft kiss to your knuckles.
You tilted your head, there was a familiarity to the man, you couldn't quite place,
“And you are?”
“Oh my apologies, Laufeyson, Loki.”
It clicked then, you had recognized him the night your parents died, sitting with Thor in one of the booths.
“It’s a pleasure Loki. You work with your brother do you not?” something you couldn’t quite decipher flashed in his eyes.
He released your hand, “Yes, I am the family accountant…”
You giggled, “An accountant in a casino, that doesn't bode well does it?”
His smile widened, “Oh Darling I’m not a gambler, I tend not to leave anything up to chance and luck. No, I am here to collect my big brother’s winnings.”
A smirk pulled at your lips, “Older siblings huh? What would they do without us?”
A soft laugh left his lips, “Crumble I suppose.”
A heavy hand clasped your shoulder, you resisted the instinct to grab it and break it. 
“So brother, it looks like you’ve met Steve’s newest girl.”
Loki’s smile remained, but you could see the slight clench in his jaw muscles, his body language stiffening. Thor’s grasp on your shoulder remained.
Loki’s emerald eyes softened as they met yours “She is lovely. I can see the appeal.” sliding his eyes back to his brother, they seemed cold, unfeeling. 
Thor’s stance was relaxed, leisurely even, except for the damn hand on your shoulder, “Yes, well, Steve has always been a smart man.” He looked down to you, smiling, blue eyes sparkling.
Loki cleared his throat, “Well, I have gathered your winning brother.”
Thor nodded towards the exit, “I’ll meet you in the car.”
Looking between the two of you Loki nodded, “perhaps we will meet again Dear,” taking your hand and placing a kiss on it again, before leaving.
Thor turned to watch his brother leave, his watchful eyes finally turning back to you, “It is good to see you again young Stark.”
You gave him a thin-lipped smile, “Good to see you as well Odinson.”
Slowly he removed his hand from your shoulder, “I don’t mean to seem too forward, but I suggest you make any meetings with Loki rare and brief, he is not really someone you should associate with.” 
You quirked a brow, head tilting, “Oh? He seemed quite charming.”
“Yes, the younger siblings always do, but believe you me, he is dangerous. My father, god's rest his soul felt as you do, and that got him killed.”
Your brows furrowed, you had heard rumors years back after you had cut your ties to the internal workings within the families, of The Don, Odin being murdered by his own flesh and blood. But the man that had stood before you seemed no more a killer than your mother or father. You knew the rules of the families though, “He killed Odin, and yet you didn't punish him? Seems negligent.”
His jaw clenched then unclenched, “You have never killed young one, don’t for one second think it's easy to do so, especially when it comes to family.” Thor’s tone became solemn, “If I would have shown him the same kindness he had shown my father, I would be no better than he. Sometimes the right thing to do seems like the wrong thing.”
You understood where he came from, over the years, you would have thought taking a life would become an easier pill to swallow, but it hadn’t. To kill a family was a whole different beast that you wished you wouldn’t have to slay.
“But, I keep him close, that way I can keep an eye on him, keep others safe.” he cleared his throat, “If you ever need anything young Stark, please know my door is always open. Your brother may have forbidden any of us to associate with you, and I know you aren’t in the business, but you are still a Stark. And you will always have an ally here if you need  one.” he opened his arms for you, embracing you in a hug. The smell of his homebrewed mead wafting off him.
“Thank you Thor. I appreciate the offer.” you parted, giving him a small smile.
“Farewell little Stark, stay safe. Say hello to Rogers for me.” he turned and headed for the exit,  leaving you to grumble under your breath about your name being Carbonell. You turned to continue on your way to The Dealer’s office.
Again the two guards at the doors, moved apart, allowing you access, as the doors closed behind you, your gaze settled on Sharon, standing next to the desk.
“The dealer wanted to personally give you your updated assignment.” 
You furrowed your brow, “Aren’t you–”
The chair behind the desk turned, Mayor Zemo sat within it, “It’s nice to formally meet you my dear Ace of Spades.” He made a pyramid with his hands, then gestured to the seat in front of him,  “Please take a seat we have much to discuss.” —
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@dontbescaredtosingalong @texan-tazzy@tianamontag@daiseychaindisaster @silently-killing-you @buckyfan12 @leyannrae @justlovelifeblog @austynparksandpizza @captainson-of-coul@betareader7@vicmc624
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unveiledveins · 2 months
frank grillo, homosexual, cismale + he/him → isn’t that giovanni d'angelo? i’ve seen them hanging out with the vampires. i hear they're nine hundred & ninety three, but they’ve only been in alexandria for a hundred years, on and off. they seem to be charming & intelligent, but also cunning & deceitful. 
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Name: Giovanni D'Angelo
Nickname(s): Gio, Van, Boss, Master
Age: 993 (but looks early-to-mid fifties)
Date of Birth: October 31st
Zodiac: Scorpio
Place of Birth: What is now Italy
Race / Ethnicity: White (Italian)
Gender: CIS-Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual (though may or may not have fucked Eve)
Romantic Orientation: Aromantic
Species: Vampire
Progeny: Forty-Seven
Height: 5'11
Build: Athletic, Fit
Hair Color: Black with some streaks of grey
Eye Color: Brown
For as long as he can remember, Giovanni has always wanted more out of life. As an orphan on the streets of what is now Italy, the young man had watched as children fought and struggled to get even a scrap of food and that only those that were bigger and/or stronger were able to fill their stomachs and well... Giovanni knew that he didn't want to go to bed hungry, but he also knew he wasn't exactly the biggest of kids... So he had to be the smartest, the fastest, and the toughest. Working hard to ensure that the other kids wouldn't walk all over him, he wound up crafting a knife that he used to stab the biggest kid, telling him that the next time he tried to come after him that Giovanni would stab a vital organ... And from then, the kids in the orphanage knew now to mess with him.
But he got a thrill from that, a taste of darkness, and he wanted more. With his knife in hand, he began to wander the streets at night, looking for easy targets that he could easily rob - and rob he did, as he was quick enough to get out of the way of their sword swings and small enough to maneuver around them to get them right at a major artery, and they'd wind up handing him all of their gold. Of course, he didn't share with any of the other kids, and none had the balls enough to come up to him after he had threatened the biggest kid, but he soon found that, eventually, he would target the wrong person. Or the right person, depending on who you ask - and he'd say it was definitely the right person.
He was in his early fifties, still working the streets despite having made enough money to buy himself a forge, when he had targeted an aristocrat that he knew would be a very lucrative get. It turned out, though, that aristocrat was a vampire and that man wound up finding promise in the man and instead of downright killing him, he fed him some of his blood before doing so. When he awoke, Giovanni was no longer human... He was a vampire.
If you had to ask him, that's when his life truly began. Walking the road alongside his maker for the first decade, Giovanni was eager to get out and do more and be more, but his maker tried to urge caution and told him that sometimes it was better to simply live among the humans and go unnoticed. This was not something that Giovanni wanted and, eventually, he wound up killing his own maker before setting out on his own.
Throughout the nearly millennia he has been alive, Giovanni has wrecked havoc across the globe and has even sired a vast number of vampires that have gone on to follow his footsteps in making their mark on the world. While he has gone on to be the faceless leader of the Italian mob, that has even bled into the United States, and even the real king of Italy and most of Europe, he knows that some of his progeny also hold similar positions of power and he couldn't be more proud. Of course, it was part of the reason he had sired his progeny - because they all showed promise, they all seemed to share his sentiment in that the world was their oyster and they just needed to claim it.
Alexandria has been one of his homes for the past century, as the vampire always finds himself coming back to make deals with other creatures - mostly other vampires and witches, as they are the one species that he respects the most above the others - and to open up a club that not only caters to the mature taste of the people there... But to some of the darker tastes, as well, for those that are brave enough to enter the basement. Don't worry, though... everyone down there consents to being fed from... And some can even be... persuaded to be afraid if you, like him, prefer the taste of fear when you feed.
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cylisse-ae · 7 months
AQW Father's Day 2022 NPC Thread
Alright I'm going to just copy and paste everything verbatim from the twitter thread posted last year for /DreadForest, typos and all. Forgive me and the zilch amount of time I got
Omg all the time I had to censor words like kill and dead cause twitter would shadow ban you:
This isn't a Writer's Thread, just some extras for fun! 90% of the NPCs in the Father's Day release were already characters I had on hand I'll share where they came from as they may not reappear. They're DF Fan-OCs btw so info in the source material is non-canon to DF and AQW
If you've been here a while, you already know the dealio. Most of the one-shot concepts I turn into releases originated as Drakath/Hero Fanfiction. This Father's Day release is different in that the story itself is completely new and based on AQW canon, but includes DF OCs.
Lord Reignolds was originally a side character in the "Frog Fic" iykyk its available to everyone He got a downgrade from Duke to Lord but his abilities as a Necromancer got a boost in exchange to fit his purpose for the Telease. The details of that will be in the Writer's Thread
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Within DF (non-canon fanfic, remember that), was a real wuss during the Rebellion. He's too squeamish to ever raise a corpse, and preferred to live quietly and not get himself into any trouble with the new King because of how terrified he is of Alteon
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His paranoia is a constant but in the canon of AQW, Lord Reignolds' conspiracy crazy room had basis in fact while DF OC Reignolds was very much off of his rocker
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Also in contrast- AQW Reignolds was able to bounce and take Marigold with him before King Alteon could find out about his unlawful activities. DF OC Reignolds was caught by Alteon when Marigold was much younger
As Chaos has no impact or presence in DF, Lord Reignolds did not become a Court Mage so that saved his daughter a lot of heartache DF OC Mari is removed from her father's care by Alteon earlier in her life so she's more expressive whereas her AQW version is sullen
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DF OC Reignolds family has an estate where the flowers are care for more than the people who live on his land. And Mari is a curious and active child that has difficulties learning in conventional ways, which drove her Father crazy and made the servants protective of her
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Within the "Frog Fic," Alteon puts his crown on the shelf for a moment and makes a decision as a Father. He wasn't comfortable giving custody of Mari to another, potentially opportunistic, noble. Rather, he arranged for Lady Celestia to find a quieter place for her to be raised.
Maybe I'll save the details for AQW Mari for later, since it also goes with what her purpose was for the Release
Moving on to Edward Vaughn who is also a pre-existing character I had on hand who would fulfil the needs for the release. Rather than specifically Ed who was the focus, his family and siblings are the main antags of the "Frog Fic" Ed himself is a special case however.
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First though, thank you very much for your kind words! I have a lot of fun with any space I'm allowed to write in, and I find a lot of enjoyment creating scumbags like Ed! Funny you should say no face though
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Edward has made no prior appearances in works I've made public. It's his brothers Henry and Richard (who's naming theme is based off of the House of Plantagenet) that are more active than he is as DF OC characters. Rather, Edward is solely an AQW Legion OC originally
Edward's family in general are supporters and big fans of the DF Hero, but are more subtle about their scumminess and deep hatred towards Alteon and the previous King But Ed gets no mention. He was far less subtle, was eventually caught for his crimes, and lost his head to a mob
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As an AQW OC, Edward follows the conventions of his family where if they lose their heads, they'll still come back He manages to crawl out of his grave as a headless undead, and falls in with the Legion through unconventional means. None of his peers like him.
If you have something he wants, like gold or a pretty face, he'll act similarly to how he was in the release. But unmotivated, he's a lazy lout, enjoys picking on people weaker than him, and disrespecting his superiors. Idk he, wears a basketball as a fake head during meetings
Worse yet, he's a powerful fighter but will jump ship immediately if there's a paladin, warrior of good, or sweet hearted cleric that's cute around. "Bye guys, I'm a changed man, see you never." 6 months later, Ed comes back, said things didn't work out, does not elaborate.
As for Queen Eleanor and Ophelia, they are also DF OCs which we will have to go back...omg 9 years??? 9 years ago I made my first Modern AU fic that, of course, was Drakath/Hero At the time, I was making up placeholders thinking DF will eventually show Drakath's history.
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WELL! 9 years later and here we are, the placeholders are now part of AQW's canon. I did talk with Cray about this and checked in with what AQ was doing. Messaged DF devs as well but didn't get a reply, then got scared, and didn't follow up with them
I promise I'll pull myself together in the future for the sake of AQW's lore quality. Lore is not the same across the AE games but checking in with each other, I feel, would be beneficial to get a robust understanding of characters as well as learn from different perspectives
I'm getting off track lol DF OC Eleanor is the wife of Drakath's father but is not his mother. Her family is affluent, rich, and a favorable marriage candidate. Problem was that she was unable to have children, but couldn't get a divorce because of the public shame.
Eleanor is a name come back to a lot because I really like Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was imprisoned by her 2nd husband (King Henry of England) and set free by her son Richard the Lionhearted. DF OC Eleanor feels that not only is she her husband's prisoner, Dkath is too
(remember this is all fanfic area that I made a long time ago, not canon unless something is expressly stated in-game) DF OC Eleanor holds no ill will towards Dkath, actually has affection for him as a son, and adopts a shivering/angry little dog that reminds her of him.
AQW Queen Eleanor was also married for her status and wealth. When Dethrix I successfully found and made a Vessel, he had her k*lled and framed it to look like she passed during childbirth. That way, there would be less suspicion on Dkath's origins
As for DF OC Ophelia, she was a teenage runaway who was too ashamed to return to her awful family when she realized that getting by on $200 she stole from her mom wasn't possible Eventually she finds work as a maid for Eleanor, but runs away when she realizes she's with child.
DF OC Ophelia is a scared, self-loathing person that makes big lies about how amazing, smart, and pretty she is. It's a way to force herself to get to that level, and eventually make those lies true. Fake it till you make it. Unfortunately, she's very unlucky.
Anyone named Ophelia is in danger of that cause of Bill the Bard, doomed to unfortunate and lonely ends which is why I have an affection for the name. DF OC Pheli would be a tool for her parents to gain wealth, wanted love but was only given fake affection if she was useful
She believes herself to be ugly, dull witted, and clumsy. A lonely and drab wreck that you'd have to put up with instead of want to be around. Having Dkath was actually a big turning point in her life, she cared for him a lot, and her life was a lot happier for a little while.
Then Dethrix's men found and threatened Ophelia into giving Drakath up. She only complied knowing that Dethrix was going to pass the baby off as his and his real wife's son. That way, he'd get to live like a Prince instead of having a cardboard box as a cradle.
After that, she fades into obscurity, once again alone in the world. In contrast to Drakath, she's a noble person in the ways of the heart but is invisible to others because of her poverty and unfortunate situation in life No one will notice or care if something happens to her
Meanwhile, no one will care if something happens to Drakath because he's a pathetic loser (Affectionate) Anyways, me and my friends joke that Drakath is cute while his dad looks like he spent too long in an air frier so we attributed Dkath's good looks to his unknown mother
That's how DF OC Ophelia, and now AQW Ophelia, came to be as a concept. She originally was a woman with black hair and pink irises but for AQW, they're green to better show the blood link to her son.
Bill is a completely new character for AQW, and softened things for AQW Ophelia. In the original concepts, he never existed so Ophelia really was all on her own. He could have been named Laertes but that's too on the nose and noble sounding. Bill is more down to earth sounding
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That turned into a long but fun thread for me to make
This is all early concept/fanwork stuff outside of the context of AQW If you read this far,thanks for reading and I hoped you found stuff interesting! The Writer's Thread with Lore confirmations will be up on Monday
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failedintsave · 2 years
💪🏻 or 💞 for Skwistok!
[Send an emoji and I'll write a drabble]
This was angstier before I remembered I was trying NOT to always default that direction 😅
💞 Post-nightmare cuddles
A restless energy bordering on mutinous had infected the audience from almost the opening bass kicks, worsening as their set progressed. Dissatisfaction wasn't abnormal—pleasing everyone was impossible, no matter how hard you tried—but the rabidity of their die hard fans usually made up for any naysayers, and security was typically on top of removing the rowdiest instigators, be it via gurney or body bag. Tonight, in the face of faulty stage effects and missed cues, it was more difficult than normal to discern the mosh pit from a full-blown riot.
Tonight, he didn't even have to argue with Toki over rights to the guitar solo. The entire band had made themselves scarce during the break. Fine. Skwisgaar would soothe the mob as only he could.
The spotlight burned overhead, his stage makeup melting under the shimmering heat and mixing with nervous sweat dribbling down his temple. Skwisgaar inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, blanking his mind as his fingers danced on the frets.
Minor fumble. His brow creased in concentration, ignoring the flutter of nerves twisting his stomach. Easy enough to recover from so long as he kept going.
He clenched his teeth, determined to push through the sour notes. He'd blame guitar exhaustion to save face, but after this concert he'd be running drills until his fingers bled. Just keep playing, drown them out, focus on the music, there was still time to win their adoration back.
The high E string snapped and he froze, braced for taunting screams. Nothing came. No scornful insults or ghoulish howls of outrage. He opened his eyes to look down at the sea of fickle fans. They weren't booing. Worse. They weren't looking at all. The stadium was gone.
The barstool under him creaked as he shifted uncomfortably, his gaze sweeping over the stuffy coffee shop and the faces of its disinterested patrons. A couple gathered their drinks and left their table; a man seated near the raised area serving as the stage turned back to browsing his newspaper. Everywhere he looked, people blatantly ignored him, chatting over their fika or scribbling in notebooks or cleaning up their trash on their way out.
He searched the tables for anyone familiar, but despite passing out fliers, none of his classmates had come to watch the open mic night. Even the chair where his mother had been seated now stood vacant, two abandoned mugs still steaming on the tabletop. A flash of a red dress disappearing towards the restroom caught his attention, but was soon blocked by a man following through the open door.
His breath came in shallow gasps, his palm sweaty on the neck of his guitar. The cafe manager ushered him to clear out for the next performer, and he tried to blink back stinging tears as he fumbled his instrument into its case and scrambled towards the side alley, shame burning his cheeks as bile rose in his throat. Pain flashed as he bumped hard into the corner of a blocky garbage bin, stacks of used plates and dirty cups clattering in the return bucket, but even then no one looked up. He was beneath notice. The door swung open and—
Skwisgaar woke with a start as a firm grip around his middle squeezed, the cold tip of a nose poking against his shoulder.
"You okei?" Toki whispered, shifting closer so that he was pressed flush with Skwisgaar's side.
The room came into focus around him. High ceiling, faint moonlight filtering through the tall windows, soft blankets draped across his legs. A warm hand rested on his hip, thumb drawing idle circles on his skin where he was sure a bruise should be forming. Except none of it had been real. No stage. No cafe. No audience to his terror, save one. Skwisgaar swallowed around the lump in his throat, the ghost of a sick, sour taste clinging to the back of his tongue.
"Ams fine. Why?" He winced at the mortifying way his voice cracked, scrubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand and staring pointedly at the ceiling. He didn't want to talk about it, felt stupid for even fearing it. No one was indifferent towards Dethklok, their level of fame made it impossible.
Toki's thumb stopped and Skwisgaar immediately chambered an excuse to wriggle free: a dash to the bathroom or a sudden overpowering thirst, any reason at all to leave and avoid the awkward topic of tears or the undeniable trembling in his limbs.
"Oh. Well…" Toki paused thoughtfully, then resumed tracing patterns with his finger. "I'm sorries for wakings you up. See, I…hads a bad dream."
Half-formed escape plans disintegrated. Evidently tonight he was off the hook. "Ja?"
Toki's voice was low and soothing as he continued, the swirling shapes he was drawing now spiraling wider over Skwisgaar's ribs and stomach, a pleasant tingle trailing after his touch. "And whens I gets scared like dat, it usually helps if I gots somethin' to holds onto."
Skwisgaar closed his eyes, releasing the breath he'd been holding and feeling some of the agitated tension evaporate from his muscles.
"I don't gots deddy wif me for dat but…you don't minds, right?"
He shook his head and rolled to face Toki, sighing again when strong arms enveloped him completely. Skwisgaar curled into his broad chest as Toki scooted higher on the pillow, his blunt fingers threading into Skwisgaar's hair and guiding him to tuck his head under Toki's chin. Warm breath tickled the crown of his head when Toki pressed a kiss to his part.
"Dere, now nothing bad can gets me. Ams safe."
Skwisgaar slipped his arm free from where it was pinned between them, snaking his hand up and over Toki's side and splaying his fingers out just beneath the Norwegian's shoulder blade. He waited, listening as the younger man's breathing slowed again and the hand petting his head eventually came to rest at the nape of his neck.
"T'anks you." He whispered. Warmth radiated through him, smoothing the jagged edges of anxiety the dream had left behind. He was safe, and comfortable. More than that though, he was seen.
No spotlight or performance required, no stage or stadium. No audience, save one who knew him best.
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yacinthemorning · 10 months
Mother Hen
Chapter 5 of 6
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Summary: 5 times Jimmy was almost the mom friend, if not for his other quirks.
Ships: Jimmy & Grian (Siblings)
Warnings: Temporary Death
Grian landed on the completely flat world with a small gust, before being knocked over by a dust cloud kicked up by Jimmy’s wings beside him. “Hey!” He squawked.
Jimmy gave a playful shrug, Joel and Lizzie giggling behind him. “Should’ve gotten here on time!”
Oh, that was it. 
In truth, the two brothers being anywhere in the same world eventually activated Grian’s goblin mode, but this had to be a new record. Either way, Tim was going down. This world was an hour old, but it was already going to be the next site of his lifelong lesson. Don’t start a fight you can’t win.
And to be fair, it had been a bit since Grian got to mess with the other avian in person. Usually he was limited to Watching, whispering while Jimmy played on Empires and the rat house. It was fun, especially when only Jimmy could hear him and the other Watchers – not only teasing him but making him look mad in front of his other friends when he shouted back – but nothing compared to messing with Jimmy in person.
He started by messing up his hair with a wing beat of his own. It got a mild squeak of irritation out of him. All good things start slow.
“Well, this is your world, Tim, lead the way!” Grian declared. “What are we playing?”
“We’re going to defeat the dragon!” He explained, ignoring Grian entirely and following after Joel, who muttered that he knew how to do so in a flat world.
Grian quickly chased after, shouting to Joel, “Nobody help Tim, he has to figure it out on his own.”
“What- no!” Jimmy whined. “I brought you along so you could help. I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s okay, Jimmy, I also don’t know.” Lizzie tried to placate him, her voice echoing through Grian’s communicator. It got a huff in response. Joel slowed down but continued to lead them right to their first village.
The real fun began there. Poking Jimmy every time his back was turned, clearing out resources before he could find them, and only watching with a devious smirk as Jimmy forgot what tool to use to pick up a bell and instead broke the poor thing.
“Oh, Jimmy. You need a pickaxe.” Lizzie shook her head, patting his shoulder. She reached into her inventory to-
“Hey!” Grian landed in front of them, pointing accusingly. “No helping him! He has to do this on his own!”
“Why!” Jimmy pouted.
Grian shrugged. “How are you going to learn if we do everything for you?”
“Well you’ve never done anything for me, and a lot of help that’s been.” 
He just snickered before flying off the find Joel. He’s pretty sure he saw Lizzie pass Jimmy a pickaxe anyways. That wasn’t really the point.
The real fun started when night descended. Jimmy was nowhere to be seen. Actually, none of them were anywhere to be seen, only heard through their communicators.
“Time to sleep.” Jimmy announced. Two other tired agreements joined him.
So, he wanted to time jump through the night, eh?
Well, he wouldn’t learn anything doing that.
Grian put down his bed and sat down on it but did not go to sleep. Minutes passed. He heard grumbling.
“Who isn’t going to sleep?” Jimmy finally asked.
Both others replied. “I’m in bed.” Grian said as well.
Technically it was true.
It didn’t work for a second. “Grian go to bed.”
“I’m in bed!” He insisted, barely containing a snicker. In the distance he could see zombies and spiders crawling out from the earth among the many slimes.
“Well somebody isn’t sleeping!”
“I swear I am, I’ll even come sleep next to you.” Joel tried to assure. It seems he decided to be on Jimmy’s side today. Boo.
“I’m also asleep.”
He made an exaggerated sigh, even as he pulled out a book to read. He was a few blocks up, none of the mobs could get him. “I swear I’m asleep.” 
“Grian I swear-“
“I’m in bed, Tim!”
“If you’re lying…”
Grian covered his mouth to muffle his laughter. Apparently, it wasn’t enough.
“Grian, go to bed.”
“Yes, mom.” He whined, finally laying down. It was not over though. He waited, right up until he could feel the force of time begin to drag against him, and then sat back up, stopping the world condition. A screech came through the communicator.
At that he burst out laughing. He picked up his bed and reached through space, Watching where his poor baby brother was. Ah, the church. Not far at all, really. Grian jogged over, finding Joel also there, caught between tired annoyance and amusement. Jimmy’s feathers were thoroughly ruffled.
He groaned. “Grian, please just go to bed.”
“That’s why I’m here!” Grian lied through his teeth, setting his bed up strategically behind Jimmy just out of his line of sight, but Jimmy well within Grian’s. Joel eyed him, clearly aware that the shenanigans would not be ending. If Grian pushed much more then Jimmy would most certainly have the alien on his side of things.
But since when did Grian do anything half-way?
By midnight Jimmy completely gave up. He pulled out his communicator, summoned forth the admin panel, and manually inflicted a time jump on the world. “I’m not dealing with you being a misbehaving child.” He grumbled.
“That’s cheating! You’re a cheater!” Grian shouted as he ran off laughing. Oh, this world would be great fun…
Jimmy was sick and tired.
The last few days made him contemplate his life decisions. Mainly, why did he invite his brother to anything? He always showed up late, he always set to work teasing him and pranking him, he always looked for ways to break things.
“Timmy, you there?”
And, apparently, he always refused to just go to bed.
Well, overall, he found it more fun to have Grian around than not. Once it was over and they all returned home, allowing them to calm down, Grian would second guess himself. He’d message Jimmy, ask if he went too far, if he was alright.
“Tiiim… Timmy!”
Usually the answer was fine and no. Jimmy wasn’t so sure about this time. Grian was being as much of a menace as possible. Maybe it was the lack of stimulation in the flat world, maybe he just had too much coffee.
“Tim? Tim-Jim?” Grian’s voice repeated over the communicator. 
Jimmy let out a beleaguered sigh. “Grian, I know you can hear me. Get over here.”
Lizzie and Joel laughed beside him. Grian’s fluffy blond hair poked out from behind a hallway with a huge grin.
At least he was having fun. 
“Ready to fight the dragon?” Jimmy asked, waiting for everyone to nod. Grian did not. Grian leapt right through the portal, forcing everyone to follow him to the End. Specifically, onto a very precarious island. Almost immediately Jimmy is pushed off, but he manages to keep balance long enough to build a bridge. 
The dragon is already there, resting on her perch. She roars, a stinking cloud emitting from her maw, then takes to the air. With their limited resources bringing her back down would be a pain. Joel tries to shoot at her with their few arrows, but they miss by a country mile. He looks tired. Jimmy felt it in his own bones.
He isn’t sure where Grian heads off. Hopefully he was being helpful. Instead he followed Lizzie. Evidently, she was also in a silly mood, placing blocks beside his pillar for enderman to follow him.
“Lizzie.” He scolded, wings flared. She just giggled and ran off. These gremlins were something else…
He was so caught up with what the others were doing he didn’t see the dragon swooping down behind him until she had already slammed full-body into his pillar. All his strength wasn’t enough to keep in place, and he fell. The spongy yellow ground rapidly approached, and then he was in the overworld, gasping for breath as he shot up out of a bed in the sky. 
Grian’s laughter echoed across worlds from his communicator while the other two shouted questions. Jimmy’s wings slumped in embarrassment, taking a moment to simply stare at the sunset…
The sunset?
Oh god, if they win now Grian was going to come back out into an Overworld halfway through the night.
Right now, though, he was the only one here, and the only one needed to…
“One sec guys, save my stuff!” Jimmy said to his friends before pulling back the covers of the bed and curling up. He could hear the Watchers giggling in his ear but he didn’t care. When he woke up next the world was bright with the rising morning sun and his body much less stiff. He breathed out a sigh of relief. At least they slept through one night...
“Are you coming back? You’re going to miss the whole fight!” An impatient voice asked. Jimmy grumbled to his feet and hopped back through the portal.
He lasted about another minute before he died again. By the time he made it back into the End the others had already defeated the dragon. He sighed.
Later that evening, after they almost fell out of the sky for the umpteenth time, after Joel finally snuck in on the fun and killed Jimmy, and after they all said goodbye and left the temporary world behind, Jimmy decided to jump to his personal world. He needed the breather before heading back home. Just a quick rest…
Purple manifested through the space between spaces just as he sat down on his nest. At first it was eyes, but then a physical form popped through. “Tim?”
Jimmy groaned. “Yes, Grian?”
His brother invaded the world entirely, closing the void behind him. A rare occurrence, one Jimmy assumed had to do with the way he wrung his hands and held his wings low. Or maybe that last one was more to do with the circles under his eyes. Exhaustion always brought about paranoia.
Before Grian could do much more than gape like a cod Jimmy raised a placating hand. “I’m fine, G, don’t worry.”
“You didn’t even get to really fight the dragon, though.”
“It was still fun!”
“You can yell at me if you want to, you big baby…”
Jimmy couldn’t stay mad, not when Grian was swaying on his feet from his own prank. With an exasperated chirp he reached out. There wasn’t much resistance from the shorter when Jimmy guided him over to the nest, flopping down into the wool and hay like a ragdoll.  
Almost immediately Grian curled up at his side. Without Pearl there was more than enough space for both boys to stretch out their wings, worn from the fight and the slimes. Jimmy picked at a few of the more irritatingly out of place feathers.
Grian let out a soft, tired coo. “That was exhausting.”
“That’s what you get for making a game out of not sleeping.” Jimmy flicked his forehead, then scooted over to lay down as well. He began to run his fingers through his brother’s hair. “Go to sleep.”
Grian hummed, eyes already closed. “You sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, Grian, now rest.”
There was silence.
“… Hey, Tim?”
“You stink like dragon’s breath.”
Jimmy let out a dramatic sigh. “For Void’s sake, Grian, just go to sleep!”
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lilacmoon83 · 1 year
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 63: Smoke and Mirrors
Snow examined the wounds on her husband's back once they left the Bolt mansion.
"Baby…we need to get you to the hospital," she said. He sighed.
"I'm fine Snow…and I'm in no mood to deal with Whale," he replied sourly. She gave him a look and Emma chuckled, as she watched him relent.
"I'm sure Fauna can patch you up and we can bypass Whale completely," Merryweather offered. He nodded.
"Okay…just as long as I don't have to look at Whale's punchable face," he grumbled. Snow smiled and slipped her arms around his and leaned against his arm, as they walked away from the mansion.
What should have been a quick drive back to the main part of town and the hospital took a lot longer than expected. It had started. Storybrooke was already being inundated with traffic from the outside world, including civilians and a plethora of media vans. They saw Lucian talking to some of the media, probably advertising his hotel for lodging purposes. But what concerned them the most was they saw a few black SUV's that were likely government vehicles, which meant they possibly had federal law enforcement present as well.
"This is a nightmare," Emma said, as they finally got through the traffic and arrived at the hospital. Cameras started flashing, as the three of them got out of the truck. The others had followed in Gold's car and they joined them.
"Emma Swan…can you speak to the peculiar events that Aleister Bolt has claimed are real and feature you?" one reporter asked.
"Are you actors in his elaborate attempt to blur the lines between fantasy and reality?" another shouted. So not everyone was buying this after all. It made sense that some might think this whole thing was a hoax.
"Do you really expect people to believe that this couple are your long lost parents?" the same reporter continued and she stopped to look at him. The malice in his voice was evident. He clearly thought she was either looking for attention or crazy.
"I've done my homework on you, Miss Swan. You're an orphan and a convict. Your parents abandoned you on the side of the road. Are the three of you in on some con or are you delusional and this couple is just humoring you?" he asked. David wanted to throttle him right there for suggesting their daughter was crazy, but Emma held his arm.
"Dad…don't. He wants us to react," she warned. He sighed and gave the man a cold glare, as they hurried away from the mob of people and into the hospital.
"This is nuts," Neal commented.
"Yeah…they did their homework on me. Guess I should have expected that," Emma said.
"Yeah…which means me too. Probably explains the Feds," Neal replied. Her head shot up and she looked at him.
"What do you mean?" she asked. He shrugged.
"I never went to jail for all the stealing I did back in the day," he replied.
"Then you need to go into hiding," David suggested.
"He's right," Rumple agreed.
"No…" Neal refused.
"You getting arrested and taken away from our son does none of us any good," Emma said.
"I have no intention of letting them arrest me, but I'm also not running again," he said, as he took a chance and took her hand.
"I ran last time and let you take the fall. It was the biggest mistake of my life," he confessed. Snow smiled and put a hand to her heart. She remembered the day that she stopped running. It was when she realized she had found her home; her home in Charming.
"Okay…guess we have experience dodging cops," she agreed, as they made their way to the nurse's station.
"Fauna…" Merryweather called.
"Oh thank goodness…I keep hearing things and people keep saying the town is being invaded," she said.
"Unfortunately, that's a fairly accurate description," Rumple stated.
"And Aleister decided to put us through more trauma for his entertainment. Charming took the worst of it," Snow said.
"Snow…I'm fine," he said, as he grimaced slightly from the pain in his back.
"Oh honey…this is not fine, but I should be able to patch you up," Fauna said, as she led him and Snow to an exam room.
"Thanks…we really don't want to deal with Whale right now," Snow said. Fauna smiled.
"No worries…he's probably drunk somewhere anyway," the peridot fairy answered.
"That's surprising…I thought someone like him would be out in front of the cameras, trying to lap up the attention," David mentioned.
"He probably would be, except someone already let them in on the fact that he's actually Dr. Frankenstein and they're not exactly giving him the kind of attention he likes," Fauna replied. David smirked.
"I'm not going to say I feel bad about that," he said, as he shed his shirt so his wounds could be treated.
"Be nice," Snow chided. He hissed a bit, as Fauna cleaned his lacerations.
"Is it bad?" Snow asked with concern.
"He's lucky…any deeper and he would need stitches. Fortunately, I think we can just bandage and then you'll just need to clean with antiseptic twice a day to prevent infection. I'll give you some antibiotic cream too," she replied. Snow sighed in relief.
"I told you I'm okay," he promised, as he gently kissed her forehead.
Emma waited for her parents and then noticed Lily coming in with a tape recorder in hand.
"Lily…" Emma said. The dark haired girl smirked.
"Long time, no see…" Lily replied.
"I'm actually glad I ran into you…I need to talk to you about your Mom," Emma said.
"You can save all that stuff about family, Emma…it's not for me," Lily replied. Emma opened her mouth, but Lily continued.
"Remember? I had one and they sucked," she added.
"But they weren't your real family. You were stolen from your real Mom, just like I was from my parents. You by Cruella and me by the curse," Emma reasoned.
"Like I said…not interested. After you dumped me as your best friend, I found Tamara and she took me under her wing. She helped me get rid of my adopted family and showed me how lucky I was to be spared from this insanity," Lily said.
"Then why are you here?" Emma asked.
"To expose it all to the world, of course and the dangers of unchecked magic," Lily replied.
"Your boss is the only one with magic right now," Emma argued.
"You're right…but I've heard all the stories. Magic went unchecked and atrocities happened…you can't deny that," Lily replied.
"Maybe…but atrocities happen in this world too and we don't blame anyone except the person that committed it. Why don't my parents and the other innocent people get the same treatment?" Emma asked.
"I'm not here to blame them, Emma…I just want an interview with the people that threw their daughter in a wardrobe and abandoned her. You remember, don't you? You were quite the talk of this area in 1983," Lily said, as she held up an old newspaper about her.
"You're not getting anywhere near my parents," Emma growled. Lily smirked and walked away.
"We'll see," she said.
"Was that Lily?" Snow asked, as they came out of the exam room.
"Yeah…and I hate it, but she's just as brainwashed as Greg. Apparently Tamara had the same effect on her," Emma replied.
"You tried…that's all anyone can ask," David said, as they hugged her between them.
"He's right…I just feel bad for Maleficent. We got really lucky that you don't hate us and want nothing to do with us. I know it could have been very different," Snow said. Emma shook her head.
"We all got cheated. I know now that you never wanted to give me up and it doesn't change that my childhood sucked, but we're all victims in this whole thing," she said, as they walked toward the exit and saw that it was still mobbed by reporters.
"I'm not supposed to, but I can take you out the employee exit. You can bypass the mob that way," Fauna offered. They smiled.
"Thanks," Emma said, as they followed her.
Narcissa positioned her new enchanted mirror and looked at the golden trim. She had asked Aleister for one and he obliged as a reward for her part in exposing Storybrooke.
She took a deep breath and then asked her question.
"Mirror, Mirror, on the wall…who is the fairest one of all?" she asked. The new entity in her mirror appeared and looked much the same as the last one.
"Snow White is the fairest in all the lands," it answered and she clenched her fists, before letting out a yell of frustration.
"I take it you're still not getting the results you want," Regina said, as she stood in the doorway of her normal office. The wall to wall mirrors were unsettling, to say the least.
"What do you want?" Narcissa asked with a glare.
"Despite how much I despise the fact you've brought the world to Storybrooke, you and I still have a common enemy," Regina replied. Narcissa's gaze narrowed.
"And what? You want to team up with me to destroy my niece? I could never trust you," the blonde answered. Regina smirked.
"You don't need to. We've both failed to destroy Snow on our own. But maybe we can get it done if we work together," she suggested.
"I don't want to just kill her…that's not enough. She needs to suffer for all the pain she's caused," Narcissa said. Regina suppressed an eye roll and instead nodded in agreement.
"We agree on that, but in order for your mirror to give you the answer you want, she has to die," Regina said. Narcissa's eyes lit up with a devious glint.
"Or…we destroy her beauty. We scar her pretty face beyond recognition and she loses everything!" she said.
"And how do you plan on scarring her?" Regina questioned.
"I don't know…acid would do the trick and be incredibly painful. You can distract her at the ball and I can throw it in her face in front of everyone," Narcissa said.
"Sounds like a devious plan," Regina replied.
"But if I help you…then you have to do something for me," she added.
"You and your son will be off limits and outside law enforcement will deal with Neal Cassidy," Narcissa said.
"And Emma?" Regina asked.
"She'll be too busy with her mother and Aleister can buy any Judge," Narcissa answered.
"You've thought of everything. It's a deal," Regina said, as she walked out of the office and then outside the Courthouse where Henry was waiting for her.
"You were right…she's insane," Regina said.
"Then she has a plan to hurt Grams?" Henry asked.
"Yes…at the ball, which means now that we know about it, I can double-cross her and stop her," Regina replied, as Henry gave her a long gaze.
"What?" she asked.
"It's just…there was a time that you wanted to hurt Grams, but you've changed," Henry replied.
"I'm trying…you were always right. It feels much better doing something good than evil," Regina said.
"I'm proud of you, Mom," Henry replied. She gave him a genuine smile.
"Well…we have to get you ready for your first ball, though I think we'd all prefer dinner at Granny's instead," she said.
"Definitely, but if everything goes right, we can get that wand and fix everything," he replied. She nodded and they headed off to the shop that was providing evening wear for the upcoming ball.
"Here is he, boss," as two large men dragged August into the Bolt mansion.
"Ah…welcome Pinocchio," he greeted, as he stood up to observe what his hired hands had brought to him.
"Remarkable…" he said, as he marveled at what he was seeing.
"So…you turned back to wood, because you're a thief and a liar?" Walsh questioned, as he flipped through the book.
"Well…his father did dump him in this world with a baby at age seven. That's pretty messed up," Lily commented.
"What do you want with me?" August asked.
"We're going to display you for all to see at the ball. You'll be a highlight of our next video," Aleister replied.
"You can't just make people do what you want!" August cried, as he struggled against the brutes that were holding him. Aleister smirked and waved his wand. August disappeared and reappeared on a stage. He was now attached to some strings and he looked horrified.
"Can't I?" he asked, as he waved the wand and made the strings move, leaving August completely at the mercy of his every whim.
"Oh Emma…" Snow said, as she looked at her daughter in the ball gown. Snow had taken the liberty of calling the shop ahead and picking out their attire, since Emma had no idea how to do any of this.
"And you wore this kind of thing all the time back in our land?" Emma asked, as she looked at the soft baby blue material with uncertainty.
"Well…this wouldn't have been an everyday dress, but we often had to dress the part. Getting dressed in this land is definitely less hassle and more comfortable," Snow said.
"So you'll be wearing something like this too?" Emma asked.
"Yes…though my gown is white. Your father loves the color on me," she mentioned. Snow noticed that calling him that no longer made Emma uncomfortable and she reflected on how far they had come.
"Okay…well, at least it's only for a night and hopefully after that, we have that wand and everything can go back to normal," Emma said. Snow gave her a look and she rolled her eyes.
"Or as normal as Storybrooke gets anyway," she added. Snow smiled and made her way downstairs to check on David, who was trying on his attire for the ball. She felt desire curl in her, as she spotted her husband in the red leather doublet, with velvet sleeves and black leather pants. It brought back a ton of memories and she admired how good he looked, especially his posterior in those pants.
"Are you checking me out?" he asked, with a note of amusement in his voice. She smirked and raised her chin with a sly look on her face.
"I'm always checking you out, handsome. It's hard not to. I can only imagine how crazy you're driving all those women on the Internet. And probably some men too," she mentioned. He shook his head and pulled her into his arms.
"Not interested and I'm always doing plenty of admiring myself, my beautiful wife," he said in a husky tone, as their lips met. It quickly turned heated and passionate, as hands roamed and she pressed her forehead against his when their lips parted. She remembered the wounds on his back and what they were facing and her features showed it.
"I'm okay…" he reminded her.
"I know…but you keep getting hurt protecting us," she replied.
"I'll endure all the scars if it means you and Emma are safe. Good always wins, like you say," he assured her, as there was a knock at the door.
"Oh…that's probably Merryweather. She said she had something she wanted to tell us," Snow said. He smiled and pecked her on the lips.
"I'm going to change back into my regular clothes and I'll be out," he said. She nodded and answered the door.
"Hi honey…" Merryweather said, as they hugged and Snow let her in.
"Would you like some coffee or tea?" she asked.
"Thanks, but I'm fine," Merryweather replied, as they sat down, just as Emma came down and David came out from behind the curtain.
"What did you want to talk to us about?" Snow asked.
"I know that you probably haven't had a chance to talk about it with everything going on, but I know that you remember Wilby from back in our land," Merryweather replied, as she referred to their dog, who was sleeping in his dog bed nearby.
"Wait…how would you know Wilby?" David asked. Snow remembered the morning that Emma had him with her and told them she found him. It seemed like it was so long ago, since everything had been so crazy since.
"Do you remember when you helped that person locked in the prison carriage by the woodcutter?" she asked. She watched the gears turn in her husband's head for a moment and his gaze narrow.
"How…how did you know about that? It was before we met," he replied, as she watched his eyes widen then.
"It was you?" he asked. She nodded.
"I didn't know it until I saw Wilby. I recognized him from earlier when the Woodcutter captured me," she explained.
"Wait…you two met before that day in the forest when you stole Dad's ring?" Emma asked in confusion. Snow shook her head.
"No…he helped kill the Woodcutter and unlocked the carriage, but I wouldn't let him see my face. I knew anyone that helped me would have a target on their back, since I was still on the run from the Queen," she explained.
"And you rewarded him with gold to save his farm. Your hands brushed that day and it was then that your love was actually born. It would only be realized later in the shadows of the Troll bridge," Merryweather said.
"How do you know that?" David asked. She sighed.
"I was always watching you, Snow…I longed to go to you and save you myself. But getting myself banished or worse by Blue wouldn't have done you any good either," she replied.
"But there is a reason I'm telling you this. Something happened that day when your hands brushed. The spark of true love, a very remarkable thing and even more remarkable since you hadn't even truly met yet," she continued. David smiled at his wife.
"We've always known what we have is really special…but even as powerful as our love is, how does that help with our situation now?" he asked. Merryweather smiled.
"I'm glad you asked, because there is a tiny chance there is something that can, though it's a huge gamble, because it may not do anything without magic here," the fairy said.
"And what is it that we're talking about?" Emma asked.
"When your parents' hands brushed that first time they met, it created a spark, which then created a baby sapling. The sapling has the immense power of light magic, just like you," Merryweather replied.
"But I don't have magic in a place without," Emma said.
"To a point, you don't…but you still broke the curse with magic and you've always had breakthrough occasions. I'm sure you're aware of the flickering lights and exploding light bulbs around you throughout your life, specifically in emotional times," she said.
"Yeah…I guess I never thought about it, but you're right," Emma replied.
"But the sapling was created in the Enchanted Forest. Do we know if it even came over with the curse?" David asked. Merryweather nodded.
"It's possible…Longbourne was part of Misthaven and came as well. We just need to find it," she replied.
"Where do we even start though?" Snow asked.
"Well…that's the tricky part, but if I had to guess, it would be in a place that's very special to you both," Merryweather replied. Their eyes widened.
"The Toll Bridge," they said simultaneously. Emma and Merryweather smiled, appreciating the synchronicity.
"Let's go," David said, as they got their coats and hurried out.
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iammontewhite · 1 year
Breaking News: J Prince Sr Speaks On Takeoff Conspiracies
The Prince has spoken. Almost immediately after the horrific incident that took the life of migos rapper takeoff. The internet detectives quickly got to business to try and solve the murder. Due to the circumstances surrounding the murder many went to blame J prince Jr and mob ties for the death of takeoff. especially after a viral clip of him stepping over takeoffs lifeless  body hit the internet. you must admit the scene looked really bad and with it following the death of duke the jeweler in almost the same way. many including myself thought that possibly the prince family setup takeoff. The entire prince family came under fire and none other than the og J prince sr quickly went to defend his family and his children. Now for those that don’t know J Prin Sr also known as James Smith is the CEO and co-founder of the Houston based record label Rap-A-Lot. Smith and his son Jas are known for introducing Drake to Lil Wayne and helping Drake sign to Young Money Entertainment in 2009. Some might wonder why people would be so quick to blame them, but let's just say J Prince Sr is a real OG, well just say that. Now with his family coming under so much fire J prince has finally stepped forward to make a statement to defend his sons and their cousin Mike. Recently he made an appearance on the '' Given Them The Business” podcast and discussed what happened the night the Migos rapper was killed. Now he went on to state that the  clips we all saw circulating the internet are just seconds of the whole day surrounding the incident. Also that all the conspiracies are lies and that in the main clip of his son J Prince Jr stepping over Takeoffs body,  is of him actually coming from the bathroom after washing takeoffs blood from his hands because he had assisted in trying to give him aid before he passed. he also went on to give his condolences to takeoffs family and to clear his family’s name. Now when it comes to the suspect  Patrick Xavier Clark who was arrested and charged for takeoffs murder it is unclear if he is actually a mob tie’s associate or not. Patrick Xavier Clark is currently free on a 1 million dollar bail and continues to claim his innocence. Now I thought that I would point out that the Houston police don’t have any other suspects and claim they are 100 percent sure they have their guy. however remember he is still innocent until proven guilty at least he’s supposed to be. well tell me what y’all think in the comments and don’t forget to hit that like button. i’m out 
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
Best deal Ever
2. Midnight snack
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Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x pregnant!reader
Chapter summary: James Buchanan Barnes was one of the bigger mobsters in New York City,  sadly for you, you must be the only person that didn’t know that, sadly enough he didn’t just gave you an incredible moment, he gave you a positive pregnancy test 
Warnings: cursing, age gap (bucky is 39, reader mid 20's) involuntary living situation, mob related business, implied threatening and bribing, talk about alcohol, drugs and sex… pregnancy! and discussions about it… I think that’s it
Wordcount: 4.7k
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Bucky was amused when one of his maids came to find him and told him the police were at the door, wanting to speak to him… Since none of his sources had told them heat was coming his way, he might have had a clue of the reason they might be here.
Two beat cops were waiting for him at the grand foyer. both looking extremely nervous, rookies, he thought
“Yes, gentlemen?” he greeted and both jumped on their spot 
“We have a report filed by a young woman who is allegedly kidnapped in this property” explains the policeman, swallowing hard. Bucky just looked at him funny
“Really?” he asked, smiling widely
“We know who you are Mr Barnes, but I hope you understand that we have to follow each report we get
“I totally understand gentlemen,” he said softly. As he looked at you in the corner of his eyes coming down the stairs. He turned around to meet you and you just looked at the scene in terror
“He won’t let me leave” you said softly. both police man looked at each other, and then they looked at Bucky
“I’m sorry Mr Barnes for your troubles, you know we are mandated to check every report we get”
“Well gentlemen, leave now” both policemen turned around AND LEFT! you looked in terror how Bucky kept looking at you with amusement in his eyes
“I have the NYPD in my pocket love” he muttered, “Gods, you are lucky you are pregnant,” the final phrase made you flinch as goosebumps formed in your back, and you only managed to turn around and ran back to your bedroom
Perhaps you really managed to piss him off now, perhaps this was the end of the relatively nice mobster who kept you prisoner, was he going to lock you up for real now?
You waited but nothing happened, he didn’t come for you in rage, he just didn't show…. The one who did, was Cleo, the doberman showed up in your room with her wagging tail and big eyes, sniffing everything around, the things Bucky’s goons brought you from your place. Bucky had said that his dogs weren’t nice, but she came close to your sitting form in the bed and placed her big head in your lap, and you pet her until she closed her eyes enjoying the caress 
You grabbed your phone from your pocket and dialed your best friend, the one who knew about your pregnancy and who you had been texting non stop. It rang three times before she picked up
“Lizzie, he has me trapped in here” you muttered, “He won’t let me leave, and I even called the police…”
“Wait, he let you keep your phone?” she asked, confused
“Yes!” you called, “And I called them and when they came in here, they referred to him as Mr Barnes, I told them he wouldn’t let me leave and they laughed in my face, they apologized, AND THEY LEFT!”
“Holy shit!” she screeched, “Did he lock you up or something?” she asked
“No, he gave me this huge room, and brought all my things… and told me I can do whatever I wanted, and that I had to carry the pregnancy to term here”
“Well, that doesn’t sound so bad” she tried
“He won’t let me leave!” you cried
“But he isn’t being… like… violent or anything?” 
“You need to talk to him love, talk some sense into him” 
“I think I made him mad with calling the police, although he didn’t seemed angry” 
“If he has the police in his pocket this wasn’t probably going to do anything”
“Yeah you are right” you muttered
“You can call me whenever you want” the call ended shortly after that. That was it? running away on foot clearly wasn’t an option, the property had a 8 foot fence, three dobermans and paid mafia goons, and you guessed than an amazing security system, so just trying to run wasn’t going to cut it
Are you going to give up? For now
You walked towards the pile of boxes of your things and started unpacking. You weren’t going anywhere, not on your own at least, so you unfolded your clothes and started ordering them in the walk-in closet that led to your very own bathroom, a huge marble bathroom. 
“You are setting everything up?” you jumped in your spot when you noticed Bucky standing in the doorframe. 
“Yeah” you muttered, “Clint and Scott brought all my things” he raised his eyebrows when he heard you calling his “associates” by name, but it amused him. He noticed that you were accompanied by Cleo, who was curled up in the corner, watching you, and moving her tail happily. The thing is… he didn’t lie, usually his dogs weren’t very friendly, but with you? they seemed to like you
“Ok listen” you looked at him scared, but he didn’t seem angry, but you stopped your movements to sit on the edge of the bed to look at him. He sat on the bedroom bench, turning to see you. This seemed to be a serious conversation, “I’m sorry for calling you a whore, you didn’t deserve that, that was uncalled for”
“Ok…” you said softly, inviting him to continue
“I don’t really know you and if we are calling names, I’m just as guilty for participating in the bathroom activities” he said scratching his neck
“I accept your apology” you said softly, he just smiled, “But why do you want to keep me here?” you asked
“You are expecting my child” he said softly, “You don’t have any family near, you don’t have a job, this can be helpful for you, to stay here, I’m trying to protect you” 
“Ok” you sighed loudly, crossing your arms over your chest
“You are not going to fight me anymore?” he murmured
“No, but, how can I know if I can be safe here?” you said, squinting your eyes at him, trying to tell him you were serious 
“I would never hurt you” he said simply, “I just want you to be safe, ok?” you nodded, “I can’t say that if you want to you can leave, but I want us to get to know each other, after all… we will be bonded for life”
“Yes…” you said softly, “You might be right”
“So, can you join us for dinner?” 
“Us?” you asked
“My friend Steve is here, he wants to meet you” he said softly, “This is… an unusual situation, for all of us concerned” 
“Ok” you haven’t even noticed how hungry you were, and that it was 7 pm already, it’s been a busy day, “I will join you, I’m starving”
“OK sweet girl, meet us in the dining room when you are ready”
“Where is it? I’m going to get lost” you muttered, he only smiled widely
“Down stairs, you cross the grand foyer and you’ll find the living room, double doors on the left, that is the informal dining room where we normally eat. You just nodded
“Thanks” he smiled and stood up, leaving you alone, it didn’t take long for you to join him, perhaps he was waiting for you, so you followed his directions and found, easily, the informal dining room
“Aw! there she is!” a woman screamed, excited and running towards you, she was a middle age woman, but gorgeous, long auburn hair, round glasses and kind eyes
“Hello” you muttered, she seem to examined you from head to toe, finishing in your smiling face
“Isn’t she a cutie?” she asked the two men that were seated in the dining room table 
“Yeah she is” muttered Bucky
“I’m May” she introduced herself, “I’m the chef of the manor, anything you want me to make you, you just ask and I’ll cook it for you, ok darling?” you nodded eagerly, “I already have an expertise for cooking for pregnant women” she giggled, and you opened your eyes at the surprise, 
“I’m (Y/N)” you introduced in turn, “And thanks”
“You just let me know of any allergies” she said softly, “Ok?”
“Yes ma’am” you muttered, and she screeched happily again
“I wanted to meet you, it’s been a while since we had a lady inside this walls” she grabbed you by your shoulders and she trailed down your arms, caressing you in a comforting way
“It’s nice to meet you” you said softly, and she couldn’t help it and hugged you tightly, you huff because you weren’t expecting it, but reciprocated the hug nonetheless. It was nice to have a maternal figure near you in this situation 
“You let me know if that man makes you upset in any way and I’ll hit him with the rolling pin, ok?” she offer after she let you go, you nodded again enthusiastically
“Ok, May” called Bucky, “Don’t scare the girl”
“I mean it James” she warned, she winked at you and then disappeared through the door that you assumed led to the kitchen. Bucky then stood up from the table and motion you to get close to him, which you did
“I want you to meet Steve,” he presented. You had seen the dirty blond man before, but now he officially struck your hand in a strange greeting. After that you took your seat at Bucky’s right hand. 
“You are the snitch” you said bitterly, he was the one, according to Bucky who “found you”. He only grumbled, not liking his nickname
“Doll don’t be mean, he brought you to me, reunited you with your baby daddy” Bucky said
“That's one way to look at it” you grumbled, you looked around the table and you found yourself with more plates and food that you had ever seen together, different meats, pasta, salads, even a raging red lobster, food for every taste and whim
“May went overboard” he explained, “She didn’t know what you liked to eat” 
“This is a lot” you muttered
“Don’t worry, between us, the staff and pets, nothing is ever going to waste” he said calmly, you just nodded
“You are not used to things like this?” asked Steve, he seemed to be mocking you
“Na, only the occasional ramen cup, you know, and sometimes a nice steak” you muttered, not paying mind to his mockery, “And the cravings are insane!” you giggled, “right now submerging that oxtail into what i’m guessing is a mushroom soup is really calling to me” Bucky laughed, really enjoying it, Steve moved his nose like the girl from bewitched in something like disgust, but you paid it no mind
“Please doll, serve whatever you want” Bucky said encouragingly 
“Tell us about yourself doll” encourage Steve
“Well” you muttered, “I grew up on Idaho, really” you muttered, which seemed to impress the two, “I managed to come to NY to study my dream career, and then after 4 years I started working in my area” you served yourself various food groups from the huge buffet while you spoke, you always found easier to speak when you were occupied doing something else, “I have a group of 4 close friends” you told them, “Only one I speak to everyday, and I haven’t had a boyfriend since college, I don’t have time for it, and in my office we were more girls anyways” you sighed, “Both my parent passed away in an accident, so I was mainly raised by my godmother, but she is occupied now with her real grandchildren, so we don’t speak often” you murmured quickly, so I’m alone in the city with a bunch of college friend you resumed, and then you looked at both man than seemed surprise, “I would ask about you but really I want to be able to be in the space of plausible deniability”
“Well…” started Steve, “bucky and I grew up together in Brooklyn, we were both drafted by the military” he continued, “we did a couple of tours and then we came back home, our mothers were struggling and we did to.. so we were forced to initiate in deals… a little more criminal” 
“So…you've known each other since you were kids?”
“Yeah doll” muttered Bucky, “our mothers were both single moms, so they leaned on each other a lot”
“Do you have more siblings?”
“I have a sister, who lives in Texas” muttered Bucky
“Where is your mom now?” you asked
“In her villa in France, she became oenologist when I bought her that vineyard”
“Oh wow” you muttered
The rest of the night passed swiftly, you were beginning to ge to know Bucky, which you really appreciated 
And before you knew it, they were pouring themselves scotch in their glasses, and you… you wanted to go to sleep
“See you tomorrow love” Bucky muttered in your temple greeting you goodnight, and you just nodded
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You woke up startled because you felt an unidentifiable weight in the bed, you turned quickly expecting the worse, but you found Cleo, sleeping soundly on the foot of the bed. You couldn’t help but smile. She sensed you were awake and turned to see you, and accommodated more closely to you, resting her head on your thigh. You caressed her and found her adorable. It wasn’t long before you felt another set of paws and the other doberman, you guessed that was Caesar because he was bigger and bulkier, jumped into bed also with you alongside Cleo, cuddling with her. 
Now you really wanted to go to the bathroom but you didn’t want to lose the canine contact. You were feeling like some sort of dog whisperer 
“Cleo? Caesar?” you heard Bucky voice down the hall, the dog’s ear perked up but they didn’t move. Not until Bucky looked into the room, the door was open since both dogs walked in, and his eyes opened wide when he saw the scene of you in bed with his two dogs
“Morning” you said softly
“Good morning doll” he said, with a smirk, “Are they bothering you?” he asked
“No, I like them” 
“Ok good” he stared, at you, at the dogs, but he stared. He seemed to remember something… he shook his head and then looked straight at you, “The doctor is coming at 9” he said
“Is he coming here?” you asked
“He is a friend of the… family” he said, “he is bringing everything we might need to see the baby” you just nodded
“I’ll be ready”
“Ok then” he then 
You finally managed to get up from the bed, and take a shower, you dressed simply, your favorite pants and shirt, and left your bed, still half an hour to your home appointment, and you decided to find the kitchen, taking advantage of the fact your nausea had not’ come up yet and you wanted to have breakfast 
Just today you found the kitchen, it was huge, with all the gadgets and elements you could possibly desire to make anything you’d ever wanted to eat, and even, you guessed, a kitchen that could make a large quantity of dishes for the huge parties with many guests.
You found May there, and she cheered when she saw you, making you sit in the bar stool in the island kitchen, where she served you with everything you may want french toast and orange juice, benedictino eggs and muffins and bowls of fruit
After a long chat in which you detailed, (at her request) your preferences for each meal, you let out that you were craving plumps like a madwoman, and the promise she made to cook you delicious treats
Bucky came to find you, telling you the doctor was on his way here. 
He took you to a room that looked like it was taken from a doctor’s office, it even had a desk, and a table for medical procedures
“What is this?” you asked him
“I set it up once when Steve got shot in the shoulder” he explain swiftly, “When we need him, my doctor can come here and do small procedures for my men or anyone that needs it” the room also had big cabinets with glass door, behind it you could see bandages, doctor materials, medicine, anything really.  A man with dark and curly hair and glasses came into the room, presenting himself as doctor Banner
He was a close friend of Bucky and his crew, apparently, he was the one to call when you had an emergency in their… line of work 
“Ok let’s get started” the doctor said, sitting across the table that worked as a desk, Bucky and you seated beside each other “Do you consume alcohol?”
“On the occasion party” you muttered, “Not everyday, maybe, twice a month” you looked at Bucky and he was looking back at you, “What you saw was the result of an intervention of my friends calling me the most boring person they ever met” you explained quickly and whispering
“Ok ok I believe you” he smirked
“Good,” the doctor coughed to attract your attention and you only smiled apologetically, “do you smoke?”
“I did in college, you know, alongside drinking, but not anymore”
“Good good, do you do recreational or hard drugs?”
“God no, again in college I might had smoke a couple of joints, but no since then” he smiled and looked up at you from his file
“Great, any medicine you take everyday?” 
“Well, my contraceptive pills, but we know how that turned out” you muttered. He nodded while scribbling in the file
“Any sexual relationships?”
“Just the one,” you said looking at Bucky by your side, “3 months ago” 
“You are abandoning the first and most delicate trimester, but by all the tests and files, I think you might be out of the woods” 
“Good” sighed Bucky, and by the movement of his hand, you could tell he was tense
“Soon, I mean, in the next sonogram we will be ready to see the gender of the baby” he said smiling, “that’s exciting, you might want to tell me if you want to celebrate it with a gender reveal party or something like that,” you looked at Bucky and he didn’t seemed convinced, you either, I mean, who would you even invite to something like that?
“Thanks doc” Bucky said smiling softly
“But I don’t think that’s for us” you said firmly, looking at Bucky that only nodded 
“Let’s see the baby, shall we?” you nodded enthusiastically, “Let’s not get excited ok?” he warned, “We might not hear it, since we are just in the timeline to…” he helped you get into the stretcher. and you uncovered your belly while he prepared everything he needed to proceed. 
“This is going to feel cold” he said softly, while holding the gel, that then he squirted all over your belly. You couldn’t help but giggle, grabbing the edge of the medical bed. Bucky was right next to you, his hands restless by his side, so when Bruce take out the wand and placed it over your belly, without thinking you grabbed his hand on yours, which surprised him greatly, you missed the soft look he directed towards you, whie he gaed upon your face that was anchored in the black and white screen, the image very blurry while Bruce tried to find the small fetus 
“There he is” he muttered, and you saw a small bean on the screen, moving, very unclear and with no shape at all, but there it was… your baby. Bucky squeezed your hand softly, and you squeezed it back
“I’m going to take a couple of pictures for the both of you, ok?” he asked,”And now, let’s see if we can hear the heartbeat” he touched some buttons on the keypad and then… Bucky and you just tensed when you heard it….
A soft and fast beating
You had heard it in movies and series but nothing would have prepared you for the real thing… The beating of your baby’s heart was a sound you will remember forever 
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After recuperating from that emotional rollercoaster… you decided to get to know the place you’ll call home for the next 7 months at least
Bucky didn’t even say a word to you but he walked away once Doctor Banner had. He seemed shook, and you didn’t know if that was a bad or a good thing. It was quite shocking to hear your baby’s heartbeat for the first time 
The doctor has prescribed you with pills for your nausea, so now you just wanted to eat everything that was in your path
And after your adventure when you found more rooms that you could count, including a wine cellar, a gun room, a small cinema, a library and other… you ran towards the kitchen after you couldn’t find Bucky
And before you even reached the kitchen a delicious smell made your mouth water.
A bakery treat was being baked in the kitchen, and the entire house smelled of sugar, something like a pie, and something more you were craving like crazy
And you found May taking out of the even a cobbler
A plum cobbler
“You said you were craving plums darling” she greeted with a huge smile and you just wanted to submerge yourself in the treat
“May I think I love you” you giggled, she smiled and kissed your temple as you seated yourself at the kitchen island to make May company while the cobbler would cool down enough for you to eat 
May would talk to you about her life, of how her sister passed and she had to take care of his nephew, Peter, who was now studying at MIT, with the help of Bucky and his friends. He seems like a great kid and you wanted to meet him. She also told that she had been working for Bucky for almost five years, making you realize that Bucky was 39 years old, a little bit older than you expected, but you didn't really care at this point. May seemed to care for him like another nephew and that also told you a lot about him too, he had people that he cared about taken care of and protected… and now you also fell into that description. Bucky, while he made his goons take you against your will… he really seemed to care about you. He brought you here to his home and gave you -inside of it all- freedom to do whatever you wanted. 
“He might seem a little rough, but he is all gooey in the inside” she said softly
Meanwhile Bucky was shook to his core. 
He had a baby on the way… He already knew but actually being able to see his baby was making him think things… feel things he didn’t thought possible
He was going to be a father! 
He left you, his baby momma, at home and he went to see the only man who could help him through this… his only fiend he knew what it was like, that was making his own family
He came back when it was already night… late at night… he put on his pajamas and got into bed thinking about all the things that happened that day, and mostly, thinking about you. How did he feel about you? It was so soon to make assumptions, but the only thing he knew for sure is that he only wanted you to stay there by his side, he wanted you… but he knew he had to go slow, not to scare you, he already was pushing his luck by making you stay here in his house against your will. 
Bucky had enhanced instincts, he had to, in order to survive as long as he had considering how his business started… When you started living with him, in your state, his senses seemed to have tripled. It was 1 am when he heard you walking out of your room, it was ok, he was awake anyways, it amused him when his dogs raised his ears, clearly hearing you too, and Cleo jumped out of his bed, joining Brutus and Caesar out of the doors he kept a little open, (to hear you). He heard them being greeted by your soft voice, and then you walked away disappearing down the hallway.
He huffed
His faithful dogs became traitors, he slept with the door open, and he could barely sleep anyways… so many changes in his own home, and they all began after you moved in. May cooked delicious treats, even his guards seemed more happy, the maids were giggly and cheered. His house shined with this strange aura that wasn’t there before… You gave it life, or perhaps, your baby did. HIs house was turning into a home 
With a long sigh, he jumped out of the bed, willing to find you. 
And he did… his doberman wiggled their tails as you seated in the island of the kitchen, stuffing your cute face with a delicious pie, or some bakkery treat. You were moaning at the taste, enjoying every bite as you sporadically tossed his dogs their treats. You looked so beautiful, with that tank top that was getting smaller for you, leaving a strip of the skin of your growing belly. those mickey mouse shorts and that pleasure face. Bucky stood there watching you silently, until he couldn’t take it any longer
“I’m glad that you are making yourself comfortable” he said with a soft smile
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you jumped in the spot suddenly scared, “ I’ll leave you to it” you said, ashamed of him finding you eating at 1 am in the morning 
“No, forget it” he said, “Please finish you snack,” you smiled thankfully
“This cobbler is really good,” you moaned, he came closer to lean over the kitchen island and watch the sweet treat you were eating, after petting his dogs, “I get this cravings at the weirdest hours” you giggled  
“Is it a cobbler?” he asked with a raised eyebrow
“Yeah, but it is made of plums” you moaned with your mouth full. He looked at you with wide eyes
“I was craving plums so so badly” you confided in him, “And Aunt May baked this for me,” you were so thankful to her
“You are really craving plumps?” he asked again, and just when you left your dessert to look at him is that you saw that look in his eyes
“Yes” you said softly, and he only smiled
“It’s my favorite fruit,” suddenly you felt your belly fluttering, your cheeks heated
“Oh well, our little one likes it too,” you smiled, and a part of you was thinking that maybe it was too soon, you weren't even over the first trimester yet… what if…
“You there?” he asked, and you realized that you had been drifting off in your dark thoughts
“Yeah, sorry”  
“Are you feeling ok?” he asked
“Yeah, the medicine the doctor gave me for the morning sickness is really working, so now I’m just like a hungry tyrannosaurus rex.” he chuckled
“Do you like ice cream?” he asked, and you nodded enthusiastically, “You are going to love this, can I?” he asked, pointing to your plate, and you nodded, he grabbed it, and put it on the microwave, heating it for 30 seconds while he went to the gigantic refrigerator and returned with a breyers vanilla ice cream
“No you aren’t” you moaned, and he laughed when he saw your pleasure face and your pupils enlarge 
“Now that’s a face I recognize from that night” he winked at you and turned to grab the hot piece of cobbler, and then he placed a scoop of ice cream on top of it. You couldn’t help but moan, literally moaned when he gave you the plate
“Fuck” you cursed. grabing the fork and waiting no longer to take it to your mouth and savour it pornographically. He licked the tip of his fingers as he watched you, his eyes darker than normal. you then pushed the plate his way, “Do you want some?” you asked, “This should be considered a sex crime.” 
“Thank you doll,” he muttered, graving a fork and digging in. He moaned in return, “This is pretty good” he moaned
“Best midnight snack ever” 
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Taglist! took the liberty to add, let me know... @infatuatedjanes @xonickibaby @chnat0wn @lokisimps4dayz @thefallenbibliophilequote @thebuckybarnesvault @skuraaa @dopeqff @leosandbuckysgirl @connie326 @brownlee-22 @justsebstan
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goddess-evelle · 3 years
Zip Zap
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Summary: The boys have done the shock challenge, and now is your turn. Luckily for you the boys allowed you to film a video and not do a stream like sapnap. However, you reacted more strongly at how the boys reacted to the shocks. When the pained was too much; the boys just want to hug you.
Warning: None. The reader gets shocked many times. The reader cries due to the pain. Just a 2/4 fluff. A splash of angst. The Devil compelled me to write this as a fluff instead of a NSFW. :(
Dream team x Non specified reader :)
"Tell me when you guys are ready, so I can start recording" Your voice comes out softly almost scared of the upcoming challenge. You look at the collar around your wrist; your other hand fiddles with it nervous as you hear the voice saying that they are ready. You open your camera on Discord, so that they can see you. A nervous giggle leaves your lips as you look at the camera. The boys confirm that they can see you.
"Just be careful when you play, and you should be fine" Dream says taking a fatherly role. Not wanting you to be hurt after feeling the pain of electrocution himself.
"I’ll be okay". You say giving a small smile to the camera. Wanting to appease him knowing he initially didn’t want you to do the challenge. You insisted wanting to know how it felt. Slightly curious about how difficult the game would be.
"Um I’ll start the recording. Are you all in the world?" You ask wanting to get the challenge over with.
"Yeah, we are here" George says voice sounding excited to see if you would be able to endure the challenge.
"Ok I’ll run the command, and start playing". A few seconds after running the command you were ready to start playing. Moving your character towards a tree breaking three pieces of it before making a quick crafting table, sticks and pickaxe. You collected enough rock to make a rock pickaxe. Looking around you spotted a good cave making your way towards it. You found some iron and coal. Quickly letting it cook you made your way further into the cave seeing some zombies and skeletons. A loud scream left your lips at the fear of being hurt, and taking damage in real life. The boys yelled telling you to go towards the enemies and try to defeat them.
"No! They are going to kill me"
"Well, it’s part of the game, go and kill them" Sapnap said trying to encourage you to approach the zombie. You did what he said killing the zombie easily a yell of victory leaving your lips. Only to be replaced with a pained one when two skeletons appeared out of nowhere to shoot arrows at you. Both of their arrows hit you only to get hurt again by a creeper. Electricity flooded your senses making your hand twitch involuntarily. A loud yell left your lips at the pain flooding your body.
"AH Fuck! That hurts so bad." You yelled as both skeletons shot at you again both arrows coming your way. The boys stayed silent as Dream tried to tell you what to do. You were able to kill the skeleton. Your hands trembled against the keyboard. The electricity from before making your body shiver at the thought of the pain. The boys asked if you were okay noticing the shivers running along your body. You gave a shaky yes as you focused on making some armor, shield, and an axe. By the time you got out of the cave it was nighttime. You had gotten hurt around 5 more times. The fact that it was nighttime made things harder as you got shocked multiple times trying to find a lava pool. Mobs seemed to follow after you like a magnet. You made the nether portal quickly, and got in taking a deep breath as your body trembled violently. The boys took note of this seeing as your breath got faster every time you took a shock. You appeared in a place full of piglins, and with your luck there was no gold close that could help you make some quick boots. The piglins started attacking you; showering you with arrows as you tried your best to escape. Your eyes glossed over at the pain of the multiple shocks and little to no time to recover from each. The fortress was close to your spawn point, so you made your way towards it. Only to find the WORST fortress ever. There were wither skeletons everywhere, magma cubes, and blazes even on the sides of the fortress. You tried to hold back your nerves as you started to climb up the fortress, and a Blaze fired at you successfully making your character catch fire. Screams of pain filled the boy’s ears at the painful shock being distributed to your wrist. Making your way inside the fortress trying to hurry as much as possible; until three wither skeletons appeared in front of you trying to kill you. After killing two of them the third came from the back hitting you. A loud yell left your lips as your character’s hearts turned black. Your head rolled back as your hand came to cradle your face; tears running down your cheeks as the shocks continued. The boys yelled at you to log out of the game, but your mind was swimming with pain to even pay attention to their words. Seeing you clearly in pain the boys trapped your character in a box as they tried to softly talk to you. Hoping they could help you calm down.
 Sobs left your lips as Sapnap and Dream opened the door to your room going in to give you a hug, and turn off the game. They tried to calm you down as George kept saying encouraging things into your headset. The night ended with the three of you watching a movie together cuddling with Sapnap as your legs laid on top of Dream’s lap. George was facetiming you guy’s as he watched the same movie on his computer. The three of them spent the night relaxing and giving you love. They apologized over and over again feeling horrible for making you go through the pain.
"Well the only way I’m forgiving you guys is if George comes over soon". You said making the boys laugh, and a promise that George would come to the U.S. soon.
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