#the ghost batfam demands
blacksea21090 · 2 years
👻🦇The third part of the Batman gets Banned from patrol By his beloved husband the Ghost king Danny👻🦇
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First part Here click this link !!👻🦇
Second part Here click this link!!👻🦇
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kaidatheghostdragon · 5 months
Deaged Danny escapes the GIW and goes to Gotham. He has some sort of connection to the Waynes, but it doesn't really matter the exact details. Possible options:
Demon twins (Danny is deaged to whatever age Damian thought he died as)
Lost child/sibling (Danny was adopted, Tucker tracked down living bio-relatives to one of the Waynes. Dealer's choice on which Wayne and how they're related, and how they react to Danny being the wrong age.)
Danny is a clone (in which the Fentons are crazy and cloned one of the Waynes, OR Danny was born in a lab for an unrelated plot and one of the scientists grew a conscience and put the baby in the system for adoption. Again, Tuck is the real mvp here.)
Danny gets settled into the Wayne family, who immediately start researching and tearing down the GIW on behalf of their newest member.
Suddenly, the boomerang appears out of nowhere and launches at Danny. He's terrified the Fentons (either a bad reveal or at least the ASSUMPTION of a bad reveal) or the GIW sent it, but hopeful that it might be his friends looking for him.
Instead, it's an age-correct version of Danny, who is absolutely losing his shit because he finally found the baby clone, thank the ancients he's safe, are you injured, how long have you been with the Waynes, how much do they know?
In other words, Danny was cloned by the GIW but didn't know, when his friends (and parents if the bad reveal turned out to be false) came to rescue him and destroy the facility, the clone with all of his memories also escaped (believing themselves to be the original), none of them the wiser. The clone sought out their connection to the Waynes, believing that returning home wouldn't be safe. Team Phantom (and/or Fentons) only discovered the clone's existence a few days later while combing through the data they stole from the GIW facility and then immediately set out to find the lost clone.
Tucker (and/or Fenton parents) created a bracelet to mask Danny's ecto-signature to prevent the GIW from finding him again, and had the brilliant idea to use the boomerang to find the clone since it couldn't track Danny now. (Or they tested the effectiveness of the bracelet with the boomerang, which took a hard left and disappeared off to the east. After discovering the existence of the clone, they had a collective ‘oh shit’ moment and quickly accessed the boomerang’s gps data to track it down.)
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yizukikhons · 4 months
DPxDC prompt: Spectra in Arkham
A lot of people have Danny end up in Gotham. Usually because of Bad Parent!Fentons, the GIW, or Danny just being old enough for College, but you know what I've never seen anyone do? Have Danny come to Gotham because of one of his Rogues.
I think the best one would be Spectra. She's CLEVER. The first time we see her, she tricks Danny by having the room as cold as possible to throw his ghost sense off. The only reason she's caught is because she couldn't resist following Danny on his humiliation parade. The second time we run into her, her plan hinges on keeping Danny away, as he knows her and will stop her as soon as he realizes what's going on. So Spectra, not wanting to have her plans ruined for the third time, waits for an opportunity. Plenty of ghosts make their way into the human realm to feed their obsessions, she just waits for Danny to be fully engaged with fighting one of them, and then books it out of town as fast as she can. She doesn't stop flying until she's several states over, and then starts looking for somewhere to set up shop. Gotham is the perfect place. Arkham was made for her with all it's pain and misery, and she quickly establishes herself as a psychologist and starts treating the low level thugs that get brought in. Because all of her patients are to depressed after seeing her to do much of anything, the crime rate starts going down, and she gets promoted to work with the higher level patients. I.E: Batman's Rogues. Bruce, curious about why all the petty criminals are not doing anything, goes to investigate. He clocks Spectra as having something to do with the sudden depression the city is falling under, but with no proof he can't confront her. And when he tries to investigate her as Batman, her records are oddly blank. According to Oracle and Red Robin's research, the only place Spectra worked at prior to this was as a High School Councilor at a small town in Illinois. They can't pull any more data than that, something about the servers causes the Batcomputer to freak out, and any attempts on other devices has similar results. There's only one way to get the info they want to.
They're going to have to go to Amity Park.
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bluerosefox · 6 months
Summoning the Summoner
Another summoning/long lost family au but with twist!
So Damian and his class are at Gotham museum for a small field trip for a school project. Thing is none of them knew until it was too late that the new museum curator was part of a cult that had plans to kidnap and sacrifice this class of kids for some ancient god/deity/spirit.
Damian barely manages to send a message to one of his brothers and to the cave before being knocked out when he sees his classmates dropping from knocknout gas.
When he wakes up the preparations for the sacrifice are almost ready. Damian being the most prominent person in the class is going to be the one chosen first. He is then taken to the alter and it begins after the whole villain speech. Damian does manage to get out of his bindings and tries to fight back, does lead them on a merry little chase to get more time for his family to come, nothing to Robiny though, but is forcibly restrained again.
Just as they bring Damian back to the alter none of them notice, or rather, care that Damian was bleeding from getting hit when they recaptured him. None of them notice when the blood dropped from his chin onto the summoning circle because the Batclan (any) just dropped into the room.
They did notice however when the summoning circle started glowing beneath them however.
And none of the cultists had time to finish the summoning chant.
Meaning the summoning circle was not under their control.
And before any of them could do anything, they are all ripped away from the Mortal Realm and everyone, Damian, his class, the cultists, and the Batfam in the room are pulled into the Infinite Realms.
They are no longer in the warehouse they were about to be sacrificed in but in a throne room. Surrounded by glowing floating people and some don't even look human.
And sitting on the throne was a teenager with a shoulder wrapped cape made of stars and galaxies, a crown of ice, stars, and aurora borealis lights shifting in between them, about Damian's age, with white hair and glowing green eyes who looked rather shocked.
The reason? Both him and Damian shared the same face.
Danny was annoyed as heck.
Ever since his crowning it was like every magic user from legendary to mediocre got a notice that a new Infinite Realms King had been crowned and that gave them the go ahead and try to freaking Summon him!
Luckily refusing a summons was well within Danny's Ghost King rights, he's King now he does what he wants (Sam's wise words), and the only summonings Danny answered were his friends and family (Dani is such a troll with it though, butttttt it does get him out of those annoying meetings sometimes and they get to hang out wherever she decided to stop at), sometimes he'd answer the odd teenage morons just to scare them (it's always fun)
Although there were a few summonings outside of that, that he had answered. Thankfully he could sense what kind of summoner was summoning him and intent was always a huge thing. And those that didn't feel like insane fruitloops well... Danny's curiosity often took over.
So imagine his annoyance when he felt another summon happening in the middle of a meeting with his council. But also imagine his surprise when the normally tight demands on the summoning wasn't there...
That meant...
Oh Danny was going to have a lot of fun with this.
This meant they summoning but don't have control on which way the summoning was going to go. Meaning, Danny could reverse summon them to him instead.
With a wide grin he instantly waved his hand and the meeting room shifted to his throne room, might as well pull out all the stops and play the "Big Bag Ghost King"
He could see his council (and good friends and allies) raise their eyebrows at him or tilt their heads but could also sense the attempted summonings power of him and knew he had something planned.
With a short laugh, Danny raised his hand, grasped on the invisible summoning line, and pulled.
Now he was expecting a good amount of people, the summoning felt large so that normally meant cultists but he was expecting so many! Heck some looked to be teenagers his age, and a few oddly dressed people besides the cultists! Oh boy did that mean sacrifices?! Well he'll be happy to put those cultists in their place if that was the case.
But first, find the summoner. Separate them from the group and -
Oh... why... why does he have Danny's face?!
Danny took a quick look at the normally invisible to everyone but him Summoning line and almost choked when he saw it was a sibling line, a blood sibling line.
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bonchobrick · 1 year
Dead on Main au where Jason is of course Danny’s Fright Knight and like all knights do he has a weapon—except it’s his gun.
The batfam + justice league + everyone (except ghosts duh) don’t know that his normal average everyday gun is actually like a super powerful spiritual soul shooter that is, yaknow, capable of blasting someone into an alternate dimension where their greatest fears become real.
So imagine there’s like a big battle where a ghastly ghoul reigns terror on Gotham. The world sends their best hero’s—wizards and occultists are notably high highest in demand—to stop the ghost but, nothing works. All of the weapons and spells and chants fail.
As the fights worsens and the heros scream for people to flee suddenly--
Loud squeaking footsteps echo across the ground. Jason yawns strolling into the battle zone in a ghostbusters t-shirt plaid pants bunny slippers--he strolls up in pajamas--as if annoyed at being woken up and cocks his fucking normal 'i could buy you at walmart' gun at the ghost.
His brothers screech at him yelling ”Are you insane” and to "get the hell out of here" in fear and panic because their idiot brother is trying to kill a real life ghost with a damn gun.
But then Jason shoots the ghost and it works.
The ghost fizzles down with a cry into just a little blob.
The young man then spends 30 minutes lecturing the spirit saying things like “you’re glad I’m not calling the big guy” and “you know our highness would not be happy learning what you’ve been doing” before taking out a thermos of all things and sucking the ghost into it.
Jason then sighs and walks away as if he hadn’t just defeated a hell raising ghost with a gun people can buy off a corner pawn store and a soup container.
Immediately the bat family swarms him with questions
Dick grabs him by his shoulders tense with worry, “Are you okay?”
“Um yeah—“ Jason tries to reply squirming in his hold
Damian cuts him off, “How the hell did your gun a physical weapon hurt that ghastly demonic spirit!”
“Uh that ghost is actually pretty chill you guys just pissed him off." Jason replies plain
They stare at him with a look saying 'you did not call a ghost that has been decimating gotham chill' probably because he did just that.
Tim is the first to break out of the disbelief stupor as he very inteligently says, "What?"
Jason responds easily with a confused quirk in his brow, "Second, my gun affects entities of all sorts, perks to my job and all that."
"How did being a vigilante and also probably crime boss give you a gun that could do that?" Dick asks
Jason sends him a look saying "are you an idiot" as he replies, "Yea, sure, kicking petty thieves and druggies got me my all powerful spirit weapon--No you dumbass, it's from being the bodyguard of the King of the Infinite Realms! How the hell did you guys not think of that!”
Tim breathes in, then breathes out, then breathes in again and screams, "Why the HELL WOULD WE THINK OF THAT JAY?!"
"The--" Batman, suddenly beside them, chokes, "Bodyguard of T-the what."
Jason blinks at his family then his eyes widen, "Oh shit."
"What?!" His family screech in panic
"Oh fuck," Jason says with a growing hysteric smile, "Danny's gonna have a big ol' fucking laugh with this."
"Brother who is Danny!" Damian demands for an answer
Jason coughs into his palm, "Oh yeah you guys really dont dont know. So I may have forgotten to explain some... things."
Bruce levels him with a stare that says "you think?"
Jason chuckles nervously, "So y'know how I'm half dead?"
Damian very eloquently responds for the suddenly dying screaming combusting members of his family, "...sure."
"Well I met the King of the afterlife which is like the Ruler of Everything and he was really cute--" Jason says distant in his own world
"Theres a afterlife?" Superman asks casually appearing beside the emotionally wrecked family
"Yea its pretty cool. So I start flirting a bit with the guy and we hit it off, I now im his zombie ghost knight boyfriend lover for all time. Oh and i got this sickass gun." Jason says with a happy grin
"That is a pretty sick gun." John Constantine nods
"I know right?" Jason chirps
"You wouldn't mind if I inspected--" John reaches his hand
Jason slaps it away, "Not a chance you soul whore. Y'know your basically the tax evasionist of the Ghost Zone right?"
John only sighs and leaves
"But yea so I'm like the ghost world equivalent to married with the king and became his knight and thats how I was able to stop that ghost guy." Jason reiterates as if explaining a simple question, "Y'guys get that?"
Tim is on the ground trying to decide whether; sobbing hysterically, interogating jason to find out all the things he doesn't want to know or sleeping would be a better use of his time.
Dick has decided to blame himself and has started to draft a reddit post in the middle of the street starting with "I (23 m) have a younger brother (19 m), who I used to resent but really regret now, he died and came back and doesn't even tell me about what goes on in his life anymore. How do I fix our--"
Damian is just staring at the gun and... Jason pushes it deeper in his holster and shifts to the side, better to be safe than sorry with this thieving shit.
As Jason adjusts his weaponry he hears Bruce sob in the background, "He didn't even invite me to the wedding! Am I that horrible of a father!"
Wonder Woman pats his shoulder reasuringly whilst the rest of the League seem to be trying to calm him down
Jason looks around tiredly at the mess he had created and decides fuck it
"Alright I'm heading out for the night, you guys get home safe!" He yells and without caring to listen to anyone and everyone voicing their confusion he zips open a green portal and stumbles in
He crashes down on an unbelievably comfortable bed
Danny blinks blearily before sending the young man a sleepy smile, "Hey Jay, what kept you up so long?"
Jason slipping under the blankets with a yawn says, "You would not believe the night I just had."
Edit: UMM HII The fic is out now here!! you guys are awesome I'll post the new chapter 2 in a hot sec after editting ^^
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sleepydeprived · 4 months
A Chance for Redemption
—A mysterious high school student appears out of the blue, bearing the face of the late Martha Wayne and puzzling even Gotham’s greatest detectives.
[chapter 1]
| Platonic!Yandere!Batfam x Reader
| Inspired by the work of @e-nonsense “GHOST OF A LONG GONE WOMAN”
The Gotham City skyline stretched across the horizon, its towering structures standing as silent guardians in the night. Inside the dimly lit study of Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne sat alone amidst shadows that mirrored the complexities of his own mind.
A sudden beep from the Batcomputer broke the stillness. Bruce glanced at the screen, and his piercing gaze narrowed at the news report flashing across the monitor. The headline sent a ripple through him.
"Wayne Heiress Emerges: Striking Resemblance to Late Martha Wayne. Who is she?"
His heartbeat quickened as images of the young girl filled the screen. The uncanny resemblance to his late mother, Martha, struck him like a blow. The gentle curve of her smile, the warmth in her eyes — it was as if a much younger version of Martha had been reborn in a face he had never known.
For a moment, the air in the study thickened with silence. Bruce's jaw tightened, and a flood of memories surged, carrying him back to the night of his parents' tragedy. He saw Martha's face, radiant and full of life, before the darkness took her away. Now, that same face stared back at him from the screen.
"What is this?" Bruce muttered to himself, his fingers tapping impatiently on the polished surface of the mahogany desk.
With a decisive gesture, he rose from his seat and moved toward the Batcave. Alfred, his ever-watchful confidant, observed the turmoil in Bruce's eyes.
"Master Wayne, might I inquire about the cause of your distress?" Alfred's calm voice cut through the tension.
Bruce handed Alfred a tablet displaying the news report. As Alfred scanned the images, the lines on his forehead deepened in concern.
"An unexpected development, sir. Shall I investigate further?" Alfred offered, his loyalty unwavering.
"No, Alfred. I'll handle this myself,"
In the heart of the Batcave, surrounded by the symbols of his dual life, Bruce Wayne accessed the Batcomputer with purpose, initiating a search that would unravel the truth behind the possible Wayne heiress.
As information unfolded on the screen, Bruce's stoic demeanor flickered with a kaleidoscope of emotions. The mystery of his potential blood-related daughter, bearing the face of his beloved mother, demanded answers that eluded even the World's Greatest Detective.
In the shadows of Wayne Manor, a silent storm brewed. All veiled behind the haunting gaze of a daughter who bore the visage of a long-lost woman.
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batsyheere · 1 year
I keep imagining this one scene- usually its Jason or Tim or Damian, or all the Batboys or the Batfam sitting there with cultists or the league trying to summon the ghost king- but put it as just Dick who is a little surprised that he passed the requirement of having died so he can be used to summon this eldritch being that rules the dead.
And when he's bound, placed in front of a Lazarus pit and everyone is still trying to reach him, the being is summoned- and Danny just lurches through the pit hacking and spitting and cursing because this ectoplasm is nasty, what have you people been doing to it?
And the cultists are expecting Pariah Dark. They demand he takes them to the real ghost king. And Dick just has to watch this being with snow white hair and glowing green eyes start to float up and take this sheen of other to him as he goes "yeah no".
And Dick is maybe a little drugged, and has a concussion, but he feels he has an excuse for what comes out of his mouth.
"Nightwing, come in. What's going on?"
"B, I think I found your next kid. I'm gonna marry him. Even if he climbed out of a Lazarus pit and looks a little spooky."
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
You know what would be funny? (If you’re still taking requests) the batfam meeting caveboy Danny’a family and friends
I can just imagine them being confused but at the same time going “this explains so much”
Unfortunately, I don't plan for the Bats to meet anyone from Danny's dimension. It falls out of what I planned to have happened but if they did then they would be shock that Thomas and Martha Wayne wouldn't be the medical doctors they though but instead Meta researchers (they think ghost means meta) and highly intelligent but accident prone.
They act like Bruace fake public personality (Brucie Wayne, playboy himbo) but actually make insanely cool gadgets.
"So this is what the bloodline would become if we were poor" Damian would say
"Is it weird how much I love their guns are made from house hold items" Says Jason
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Au where the infinite realms is about to go to war with Earth because of the GIW’s continued hunt for and assaults on ecto-citizens.
Danny, of course, tries to stop the war from being waged on the ghost side with everything he has. He’s begged, pleaded, and tried to strike deals with his rogues. But nothing they do, nothing he does, is enough to stop it.
Turns out that the observants are free to interfere with the living worlds however they see fit so long as there is no ruler on the throne. The throne that Danny removed pariah from and will gain the right to the moment he dies.
It’s a question of his (half) life or the lives of every person on earth. In the end it’s barely a question at all for Danny and the infinite realms has a new King by sunrise.
Only the declaration was already received by the Justice League who fixate on the conditions portion that includes various impossible demands from the ghost zone that need to be met to avoid war…that is if one of those “impossible demands” wasn’t a marriage contract with a suddenly real king.
Enter batfam, who as some of the few non-metas/aliens/gods are the most reasonable option considering ghosts can possess people and no one wants a mind controlled super man on the loose.
Enter dick grayson who decides that his siblings are completely off limits and Bruce is too important to their family to sacrifice so obviously he needs to do it.
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ryoalouette · 1 year
Brain demands a dp x dc prompt.
So I shall answer.
Just recently there has been an urban legend. Every single night, without fail, in the same time down to the dot- there will be a specific radio channel that will transmit a bone-chilling message.
Help. SOS. Help. S C R E A M- NO N O- (And then a series of numbers, shakily said) (a sob)
This has started since about one month or two ago.
Tim has been notified by one Bernard, and searching through the Batcomputer yielded little results. Jason happened to be behind him when Tim was researching, and between them, there were several things to be noted. Speaker sounded young, like in the middle of puberty. 13 years old is probably the youngest estimation, 19 being the oldest. Male. Doesn’t seem like acting, the message sounds too real. Amongst other things, prolly, since. Detectives.
Time passes, and they got a pinpoint of location that was oddly blacked out by the government itself. Hm. Suspicious.
So Jason, the one who’s still legally dead, no one would look for him (aside from Batfam and some), no one has expectation on his image considering he’s legally dead, took off, maybe with his team of Outlaws or nah, to get to the location.
What they found was a ghost town with many scars in Midwest, and a shade (ghost??) of a young man wearing glasses and beret who would appear in the radio station of this small town to air his (town’s) plight.
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wandixx · 3 months
Ghost of fries and hero of cookies final part
All work words count: 14 643 Words in this part: 244 Summary of whole work: Duke wasn't expecting to wake up from his quick rooftop nap to some meta kid with fries. He also wasn't expecting kid to stay Or Danny asked Dani to stay safe while she was in Gotham. Where would she be safer than under the wing of local hero? And he looked like he needed bad day combo anyway This part summary: What happened to Dani (author needs a certificate for being little shit) Beta read by @audhumla-sailor though English is second language for both of us, so proceed with this in mind. I also know all of the charaters through fics alone, so probably ooc. Stay catious if it's something you don't like
First part, Previous part
Dani packed her stuff as soon as she got back from patrol. While doing it, she called Tuck and Sam to coordinate travel plan with them and to make sure she heard where and when correctly. Danny’s birthday were coming, an alien’s autograph would be a good present. Unfortunately she wouldn’t have time to get any of his merch on her way so the sky map she printed in Gotham’s Public Library would have to make it. Because of Sam’s demand she stocked herself in protein bars, other high calorie snacks and tons of drinks. Guy at the register looked disturbed but correctly guessed it wasn’t his business. Thanks for physics meets magic mess that made her backpack lighter. It worked like thermos in a way, though she didn’t even try to understand it.
This flight was going to be challenge not only to her speed but also, mostly, her stamina.
Ancients let her survive.
Turns out, phones couldn’t survive falling from over a hundred feet at around 60 miles per hour. Well she had all important numbers (Jazz, Val, Tuck, Sam non- and yes-emergency Danny) on paper phased inside her hip. From Sam’s money she could buy one in Los Angeles and explain the change of number then. She would have to come up with an excuse though.
She wasn’t going to admit she got distracted and bumped into a bunch of pigeons, got startled and dropped her phone like a silly child.
I know I could and should post it with previous part but I wanted to build the tension.
Batfam: We will finally meet our almost niece! Dani: Oh, look, plot convienient reason to leave city fast! Dani was setting up most intense and insane work-out playlist known to mankind to get her through her journey when she bumped with these pigeons face first
Starting notes are longer than this part.
Shit, I really should put it with previous part but the tension and potential for drama aaaa I couldn't resist
and @audhumla-sailor is an enabler
Tag list: @pickleking8 @mynameisnotlaura
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ailithnight · 1 month
DPxDC thought
So, this thought lies at the intersection of several common fandom tropes.
Liminal Batfam
City Spirit of Gotham is a Realms Being
Lady Gotham "claims" her Knights as her children
Ghosts brawl socially for fun and bonding
Gotham is weakened by her curses and can't manifest properly to interact with the world
Thought is, Lady Gotham can't manifest to brawl with her Knights personally as her ghost and their liminal instincts demand. So she does the next best thing. She influences a handful of people to brawl on her behalf. These are the "D-tier" Rogues.
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kaidatheghostdragon · 4 months
Has anyone put Ida Manson and Alfred together? Do they even have a ship name?
I just want a fic where Ida affectionately blackmails the Waynes to help Team Phantom.
She and Alfred have been in a long-term and long-distance relationship
Ida definitely knows the Waynes are the Bats but has maintained plausible deniability up to this point
I think it would be out of character if Alfred didn't know that she knows, therefore he does
The Bats don't know that Ida knows and might not even know she's anything more than a distant friend of Alfred's
I'm torn on whether Sam's parents know that Ida has a relationship with Alfred
Ot1h, it would be hilarious that she kept it hidden from them. Maybe Sam knows and relishes in the rebellious nature of her grandma
Otoh, there is potential for Alfred being Sam's bio grandpa, either legitimate or scandalous, as well as potential family drama of hiding an affair with a butler
It could also color the Mansons' perception of the Waynes, too. Instead of the cliche of constantly throwing Sam at one of the Wayne kids to "marry up," they despise the Waynes because their butler defiled poor innocent Ida, or potentially dont want media attention digging into family history and finding that one of Sam's parents is the child of a butler, an affair, or a butler-affair.
If the Martha/Yhomas/Alfred threesome is invoked, things could get messy if Ida was actually part of a foursome, and one of the Manson parents is potentially an illigitimate wayne. Bruce's kids would potentially be Sam's cousins.
The cliche that Sam hates the wWaynes because her parents keep throwing her at them? Hilariously reversed. They're constantly telling Sam not to associate with the Waynes but never explain why. Rebellious Sam is gonna do the opposite, do her research, and demand to know why her parents hate the Waynes who run a meticulously clean company and dozens of legitimate charities that do some actual real good. Why can't you be more like Bruce?!
Enter Danny's accident and the sudden influx of ghosts. Ida sees the signs and requests that Alfred sends the Waynes over to appraise the situation. Could be extremely early on, or the team has had several months to establish themselves.
Suddenly, Sam is informed that Uncle (literal, socially adopted, or affectionate, use of the title is still up to interpretation at this point, but Ida is the only one that gives him that title to Sam) Bruce and his family will be visiting. She's delighted to meet *the* Bruce Wayne, may or may not be confused about him having a familial title. ("What do you mean we're possibly related? I've had a crush on Jason Todd since before he faked his death!" "You confessed your undying love for him when you were nine, Sammykins. We figured it was a phase." "I almost ran away to attend his funeral!" "You WHAT?")
Anyways, canonically, Sam is the one most interested in Danny becoming a hero, so she's going to be ecstatic to learn that her uncle/"uncle" is Batman and he's offering to personally train her. It'll be another massive point against her parents for not liking Bruce, regardless of the fact that they don't actually know that he's secretly a superhero.
I got a ton more points to add about how introducing the batfam like this, and so early in the timeline, could deviate the story, but this was initially about Ida and Alfred. So I'll just finish off by mentioning that any such fic is contractually required to have both the Waynes and Team Phantom utterly grossed out by the "old people romance" going on between Ida and Alfred.
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Submitted Prompts #82
So I found out that besides beating the absolute tar out of Jason, Bruce also dragged him back to Ethiopia to relive his traumatic death/revival in hopes of finding a way to bring back a recently dead Damian[???]
Mind you, I absolutely hate thinking about how abusive Bruce is towards his kids and would rather pretend he’s a parent who tries, you know? But fuck if that cursed kernel of knowledge spark an idea:
There’s been a couple of fics that play with the idea that forcing a ghost to relive their death is a major taboo in the Ghost Zone, severely punishable and all that jazz.
Now it’s the aftermath [however that was, Idk], peeps are probably rejoicing over Damian’s revival [right?] and Jason’s most likely somewhere, you know, coping I assume. 
Until Walker is knocking on their door and demanding their presence to the Court of the Dead [Don’t remember if it had a name, this sounded pretty cool lol] stating that Batman’s presence is required to receive his sentence.
As all things are when it comes to Walker, he doesn’t give them a choice.
Jason’s call comes a bit more peacefully, mind you, but given it’s an eyeball, it probably wasn’t much better.
Cue Jason poofing onto some chair in some courtroom, thinking he’s the one in trouble, cue Batman poofing in that giant glass cage [You know, the one Vortex was stuck in upon his intro]
Everyone, predictably, are unarmed.
Jason is unsure what to feel at the sight of them.
Walker in all his weird size shifting glory, steps forward to loom over Bruce, large book in hand and sneering down at the human trapped before him, “Bruce Thomas Wayne, alias Batman, founding member of the Justice League, you’ve been summoned to the Court of the Dead to receive your sentence.”
“On what charges?”
Walker’s sneer deepened, “On what charges?, he says.”
The book in his hands quickly sift through pages, one after the other until it comes to a stop, popping up in a screen for all to see its contents, Death’s Echo, the chapter title says.
“Why, you’ve committed the ultimate taboo, human. Victim of the Echo: Jason Peter Todd, alias Red Hood alias Robin II, date of birth August 16th, 1993, date of death April 11th, 2008, date of awakening October 27th, 2008. Date of the crime d/m/y.
You’ve forced a ghost to relive their death, violated the peace of their core, potentially destabilizing a ghost’s existence. Upon Death’s Sermon, or for the betterment of your puny human understanding: You broke a law, a law punishable by termination.”
“He’s not dead.” Despite what become of their relationship, all the bloody conflicts that have followed, Bruce can’t stand the idea of Jason dying. 
One of the many eyeballs that seem to take up the majority of the court, steps - ahem! floats - forward, and despite lacking any other facial features, gives him what is noticeably a look Alfred would give him when he’s being particularly bull-headed, “That is irrelevant. The boy still carries the mark of death with him, therefor is still a denizen of the Infinite Realms, therefor still falls under our jurisdiction.”
“And all rights to the Court’s defense.” Walker adds, closing the book in his hand with a pointed snap, “You’ve been out ruled, punk.”
The batfam are looking around them as the entire room full of ghost clamor for Bruce’s termination, angry and indignant alike.
Tim - despite all his years of training - panics and doesn’t think twice before standing from his seat and calling the large ghost’s attention, ignoring Dick’s frets, “And where’s your evidence? Where are your witnesses to back up these claims, do you even have any?" 
The sudden silence is almost smothering, and Jason can’t help but watch as all eyes turn to the boy in question.
In all honesty, he doesn’t know how to feel about all this, about Bruce being charged for what basically amounts to torture in these creatures’ eyes, not even over the fact that he still seems to be considered dead. 
"For a genius, for a detective, you don’t seem to know much about death, do you?”
The ghost all seem to straighten at the sound of the voice, almost like they’re a classroom being called to attention. Despite its calm volume, it carries throughout the whole room, demanding everyone’s attention, their respect.
The bats immediately zero in on the source, a large chair big enough to be considered a throne sits in the first floor, enshrouded by shadows, the lighting of the room doesn’t seem to touch it at all, only lit by the green flame of a crown. Showing them measly impressions of a man’s face. 
The man stands, steadily walking forward till he’s standing in the light. He’s tall, broad, looks about Bruce’s age, and is donning black armor. His presence fills the whole room.
He bothers Bruce only a glance as he passes him before he fixes his attention back on the boy. 
“Now I know you’re not naive, Tim Drake. Death is everywhere, no matter how seemingly clean, no matter how peaceful, there’s no place on this planet death hasn’t touched; death is my domain, I see and I hear the voices of those who have passed - do you know what that means?”
“You have eyes everywhere.” Tim concluded, uneasy in what this might mean.
“I do. Now I can show you and your siblings the whole event, but for the sake of Jason’s continued peace of mind, I will not. Point stands: This is not a trial, Timothy, this is a sentence - your father does not get defendants or supposed witnesses to offer evidence of his supposed innocence, there isn’t any.”
Tim doesn’t know what to feel when the man turns his attention towards Jason, who despite the harrowing experience, has remained utterly silent throughout the whole endeavor. Jason despite his mass and his known capabilities, looks meek under the ghost’s attention, bracing for whatever he might say.
It’s off-putting.
“I have eyes and ears everywhere, detectives, that very much includes the victim in question. Now Jason, I want you to answer me honestly, and I promise you that you’re safe here, can you do that?”  
Jason’s eyes swept over the whole room, glancing at his siblings before stopping on Bruce, still silent, still ever brooding and angry, before offering a small shrug in response, “I guess.”
“Did he force you to relive your death and subsequent revival?”
“………He did.”
Jason thought it was a chance to join in on a collaborative mission, all hands on deck and all that jazz, hoping for reconciliation, to mend things.
“Did you give your consent on the matter?”
He just wanted to move on, to leave all that anger and resentment, all that pain, behind him. He thought Bruce wanted the same, but apparently not, Bruce didn’t seem to care about what he was asking of him, he just wanted some chance to get his son back.
Like Jason never mattered.
Jason offers a small shake of head in response, trying to ignore the way everyone stared at him, “No.”
The man gives him a reassuring smile, bowing his head in gratitude and Jason only feels relieved to be rid of the attention as the king looks towards the rest of the family
“Lucky for you, however, Bruce is still very much human. So he won’t be facing termination,”
“Your highness -” A swift hand silence the skull faced ghost
They don’t relax, they can tell there’s more to the offered appeasing.
The family sits in silence as this kings dishes out Bruce’s punishment. 
Any further interaction Batman has will be on Jason’s terms, he will not seek Jason out, he will not make demands, he will certainly not impose his will on him.
Along that, he is no longer permitted to step foot in Crime Alley and anywhere else that might be considered Jason’s territory [haunt, they called it haunt, it felt daunting being showed the ghostly significance in it.] without expressed permission. If there’s a moment in time where Batman’s presence suddenly becomes unwanted, Jason apparently possesses the power to evict him.
Bruce is stripped of any sort of control he might’ve had over his wayward son. The court is in Jason’s favor for once, it seems.
Batman is not allowed to use anyone else in his favor. 
Bruce Wayne certainly isn’t exempt from these demands. The Ghost King seems to know them very well [Eyes. Everywhere] and seemed to be prepared for them to seek out any loopholes.
Any attempts to disregard these demands and he will be guarded. Heavily. By shadows, and by his very own ghosts.
The ghost king derives a lot of pleasure in informing Bruce that his parents never left his side, watched his struggles, watched his successes, his relationships with partners and children alike. 
Jason almost wants to say it seems cruel to throw in Bruce’s face the disappointment his parents feel in Bruce’s…..less stellar parenting methods.
He’s still trying not to think about the fact everyone is apparently being haunted by the souls of the people most important to them.
Bruce remains utterly silent, looking for all the world like the weight on his shoulders has double, troubled as the time pressed on, until he utters.
“And how long will this sentence be?”
“Until you both can completely trust - no wait, scratch that, Jason already trusted you, had faith in you, something of which you had no remorse in taking advantage of. No, until you learn how to trust him.”
The bats try not to wince at that.
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ma-du · 1 year
God, why would you drag me back to the Phantom.... Oh yeah. It's Little Baby Man's fault Lmao
DP x DC Au, where Batman somehow dies and – to the delight and horror of the Joker and other villains and the Batfam – returns as the Guardian Ghost of Gotham, practically the Gothamite version – and adult and reasonably scarier, not least because he looks a lot like the Batman Who Laughs – of Danny Phantom. Which, come to think of it, isn't much different than when he was alive lmao
His main obsession is protecting Gotham, of course, and it's obvious that he haunts both the batcave and that poor long-suffering gargoyle where he used to perch to watch over the city and brooding.
He's kind of a spirit of justice and vengeance? Like, sort of like Ghost Rider, but without the whole devil and fallen angel and fire-destroying sinners and chains thing? He scares villains to the point where a good number of them shit themselves once or ten times, and duh, he may be dead after all, but he's still fucking Batman. And he will protect his fucking city, not even if he has to drag himself back from the afterlife to do so.
And of COURSE the city was going to be in chaos after his death, how the hell wouldn't it be? Batman died in front of everyone, there's a video or a billion of them, of what's left of his body being taken to the Justice Tower morgue by Superman on the internet, and apparently Bruce Wayne had a sudden stroke and ended up dying in the Wayne Mansion – not that those things are related, mind you. It turns out that, with the departure of Batman, villains like Joker, Two-Face, Penguin, Riddler, Bane, Scarecrow and etc etc etc take this as permission to start a war for absolute domination over the city. The Robins and Red Hood and Nightwing and Black Bat and Spoiler – even Agent A –and Signal and Oracle and the GPD and Commissioner Gordon can't keep up with demand, and even with the help of the League it's difficult because they can lock one of them back in Arkham, but soon another bad guy takes the place. They are desperate. They need Batman.
So they talk to Constantine and Zathana and every other member of the League and beyond, research until they scrape the bottom of the deep web with everything they don't have. Then they make the summoning circuit, place their sacrifices, perform the the chant and BAM! Batman.
Not entirely Batman, not entirely Bruce.
He comes back Other.
And he comes. By all the Ancients, he comes.
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Batfam gets deaged au
The entire batfam just kinda blink from there they're standing in an obvious battlefield. The city around them is damaged by the bad guy they must have been fighting before they...what happened exactly?
A sudden shout from a child cleared a few things up, "Look! Mommy! Robin is a child again!" Damian made a disapproving sound just as Tim said, "I'm not that young."
It was then that they started fighting about who was Robin as they couldn't both be. Damain demanded to know if Red Robin had hit his head because he stopped being Robin a few months ago.
Red Robin argued that he didn't remember anything and this had to be a trick of some sort.
Jason had run off with his guns out, Barbara was playing with the upgraded to her wheelchair in the tower, Cass was watching these strange people from where she had fled into the shadows, Signal was freaking out and wondering when he became a vigilante in the first place, but he had to admit that yellow looked good on him, Spoiler was enjoying the chaos, and Nightwing was looking at the younger vigilantes and muttering to himself, "There's more of them. Why is there more of them-"
As it turns out, they were all de aged to different times in thier lives and were not at all synced up. They only started talking it out when Tim's phone rang and someone named "Jazz" was on the other end asking if they were okay and if he and Phantom were still going to visit his parents this afternoon.
Finding a lead about what was happening, they all started bombarding her with questions and she told them to meet her at a specific safehouse that apparently belonged to Tim.
Meeting her was a treat and she fretted over them and made sure they were okay before answering all the questions she could.
She then asked about her brother, who was apparently with them when the de aging event went down, but none of them noticed an extra person, especially one that went missing.
Finding Danny via his tracking devices the bats (mainly tim) had placed on him in the past and thanks to Jazz they discovered he was heading back to Amity Park, thier hometown, for whatever reason.
Jazz explained that he was likely de aged as well and thinks the city of Amity Park is still under attack from the beings coming out of the hell portal thier parents created and maintained. When they were shocked by this she just shrugged and told them this is part of why thier parents were locked up in Arkham. The real problem was that Amity doesn't exist anymore and its ruins were largely taken over by rogue GIW agents that prowled around looking for any ghosts to catch even if one hadnt shown up there in years. And Phantom was running straight towards the danger without realizing it.
After batman and Nightwing left to go rescue this ghost guy, Tim and Barbara do some investigating and discovered that Tim was married to Jazzs brother Daniel and that his inlaws are in Arkham. He had Arkham In-Laws. Wtf.
Tim realized Jazz referred to Phantom as her brother a few times so since Daniel was the only brother on record then they must be the same person. Neat.
"At least your husband is hot." Spoiler commented unhelpfully, "You did good."
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