#the fight in the vip lounge with the mirrors
hydrosspyross · 1 month
Monkey Man said ACAB
Monkey Man said there is no fighting without solidarity
Monkey Man said he is all of us, we are all him
Monkey Man said there is no tool of power or symbol of power on our side, even the tools of the past were no better
But also Monkey Man said if you're stuck, have you tried biting?
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Yuu is Loopy and Doesn't Recognize Them
Based of this meme I saw and I couldn't get it out of my head
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GN. Yuu isn’t drunk but is loopy on potions/meds. A bit Suggestive??? Leona calls you Scavenger/Pillow Enjoy
Riddle swore that when he sees Ace again, it will be off with his head. The brain dead idiot is responsible for landing you in the nurse's office. Thankfully, according to Professor Crewel, you will be okay and were ready to go back to Ramshackle. 
Being the responsible boyfriend he is, he made sure to take your arm and guide you through the mirror to Ramshackle and into the creaky dorm. You were obviously still a bit out of it as you stumbled through the hall and didn’t appear to hear anything he said. As he approached the stairs, wondering how he would get you into your room did you speak.
“Where are we going?” You slurred rubbing your temples with your fingers. “To your room,” Riddle answered. “Rose, can you hear me now?” Riddle asked, voice tinged with worry. “Why are we going…” you paused trying to formulate words, “…to some room?” Riddle raised a brow and spoke slowly, relaxing his grip on your arm as he did so. “You need to get some rest, don’t worry I’ll make sure you sleep well, okay?"
To his confusion, you suddenly pulled away from him and stumbled back a little. “Ah, Rose what are you—“ “Sorry you seem really nice and all but I have a boyfriend.” “Huh?!” Stumbling backward away from Riddle you practically fell onto the couch behind you. “Sorry I’m not gonna sleep with anyone, I have a boyfriend…” You slurred again, making Riddle stiffen before going pink and letting out a chuckle. 
“Rose, I am your—“ “Goodnight” You whispered before promptly passing out on the couch. Riddle just stood there for a moment stupified, before softly chuckling to himself. You really did love him, huh?
“What's wrong with you?” Leona asked upon seeing Ruggie drag his seemingly blitzed-out partner behind them into his room. “I dunno what happened but Professor Crewel said to let them rest,” Ruggie responded. “So you brought them to me?” Ruggie’s face fell, he knew damn well if he were the one to take you home that Leona would have complained. “Well, they’re your problem now shishishi! Good luck”
Letting out a yawn, Leona looked over to where you stood wobbling. “Come here, Pillow.” The lion leaned up and pulled you toward the bed. You weakly tried to pull your hand away. “Eh? What gives?” Leona’s ears twitch as you stumble back. “My boyfriend will get upset if he sees you holding my hand. “Oh yeah?” The lion smirked.
“Yeah, and I’m not a cheater either so leave me alone.” You mutter, eyes fluttering as you fight off sleep. Leona pulls you closer to him easily. “I am your boyfriend.” The shocked expression that arises on your face is one he will never forget. “No way that's awesome!”
“Yeah yeah, get to bed, scavenger.” He smirks, pulling you into his arms. As you fade into unconsciousness, he watches over you. Just how did he get so lucky?
Azul didn’t know who he should be mad at: Jade for feeding you some mysterious mushroom concoction that he sure would have no side effects or you for actually agreeing to test out Jade’s new drink. Regardless you are now in the VIP room of Mostro Lounge as Azul goes through some of the potions he has on hand. 
Sitting on the VIP couch you watched as Azul kneeled beside you. The mer fussed over you as you seemingly stared through him. Despite his lips moving you couldn’t hear anything he said. “Um, Angelfish are you alright?” Azul asks nervously as your eyes bore a hole through him.
“You kinda look like… my boyfriend…” you slur. If he wasn’t worried sick, he would have actually found the situation humorous, dumbfounded he responded. “Well, what does he look like?” “He’s so beautiful, man.” You sigh.
Azul feels his cheeks heat up as he uncorks a curing potion, wondering how he’s going to get you to drink it. “Like… I love him so much… He’s so pretty and soft and I wanna hold him…” “… Come now love, try and drink this and then rest…” The mer stutters and holds the bottle to your lips. Thankfully, you downed it pretty easily and promptly fell asleep muttering about how much you loved your boyfriend the whole time. Azul’s face was several shades of blue.
Vil ended up poisoning you pretty badly during his overblot, and Jamil has been worried sick, to say the least as he sits beside your bed in the nurse's office, impatiently waiting for you to wake up. As you begin to stir, all of Jamil’s attention snaps to you.
“Yuu?” He calls out, giving you a few moments to stir and wake up. You blink tiredly at him before sitting up and looking around. Jamil wanted to crush you into a hug and ask if you were alright but knew that it may overwhelm you.
“Are you alright?” He asks, taking your hands into his as the heart monitor continues to beep. You blink owlishly and look at your hands. “I have a boyfriend.” You say after a while. Jamil didn’t know if he should be annoyed or amused, but it did flatter him to know how loyal you are to him.
A mischievous glint appears in his eye. “I am your boyfriend.” Your eyes widen as the heart monitor picks up, beeping loudly as you smile. “I love you…” You slur, trying to lean into your lover's touch.
After a certain Shroud’s overblot, you were left hospitalized in a coma for a week. Vil was worried sick and visited you as much as he could, if he couldn't be there, Rook would watch over you for him. When he saw a text notification for Rook saying you were awake, he went to visit you immediately.
Rook didn’t have time to warn Vil about your condition as he walked in and immediately held your face, looking deep into your eyes before hugging you, body shaking as he held onto you. “You’re awake…” He says after a long pause.
You pull away from Vil, and the blond gets ready to scold you for your reckless behavior until he notices your expression. "I have… a boyfriend named Vil… sorry…" you babble before passing out again. Vil would make sure to scold you later
He was confused when he saw Ortho holding your hand and guiding you to his room. He didn't know how to explain it, but as he watched you through the camera feed something about your movements felt… off
Once Ortho dragged you into his room did he figure out what was wrong? "It's the side effect of their medication," Ortho said after explaining how you ended up in the nurse's room— why did they even discharge you in this state??
Idia groaned and started to clean off his bed to make room for you, before getting up and helping Ortho to guide you over to his bed. "Come on Yuu-shi the sooner you sleep the better." You didn't budge. Instead, you stared through him. Idia stared back awkwardly.
"You seem nice but I already have a boyfriend and I love him." Idia's hair flushed pink. "Eh? What did you say?" "I love my boyfriend and only him so I can't sleep with you…" 
You instead sit down slowly and lay on the floor, immediately falling asleep much to Ortho's confusion and Idia's embarrassment.
"Oh dear, what happened to you?" Malleus asked as you stumbled up the path to Ramshackle. It was supposed to be your nightly walk together but you didn't look so good.
You didn't respond as you allowed Malleus to help guide you into Ramshackle and onto the couch. After a moment Malleus asks again, "Mind telling me what happened to you?"
"No worries, I happen to have a recovery spell I can use…" Malleus hums, preparing a spell. "You sound like my boyfriend…" Malleus chuckles. "Is that so Child of Man?" You lazily nod. "He's my most favorite person in the entire world…" you yawn, and Malleus can only admire you, lovestruck. 
"I don't think Jade made me the right tea…" you mutter as you lay down. Malleus makes sure to note that he would have to pay a visit to Jade later as he frets over you.
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ohnococo · 5 months
Fight Night | CHAPTER 2 | MMA Fighter!Sukuna x Reader
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Sukuna leans down, lips close to your ear so you can hear his voice clearly over the music. Even when he’s speaking loud enough to be heard it somehow doesn’t feel like shouting, it feels like his voice is in your head, then your stomach, then right down where it settles between your legs.
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The end of your first encounter bleeds into your second.
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Warnings: partying, drinking, drug use, grinding, fem bodied reader, a fuck buddy type situation, reader cums in the middle of a crowd, reader is messy sloppy drunk/high
Notes: This chapter is a little lighter, a breather before a much juicier chapter coming up.
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You don’t know how many bathroom break hype-ups you have left in you, but here you are again, staring at yourself in the mirror while others around you wait for their turns in the stalls behind you. You’re a fucking mess, you’ve been a fucking mess, and you can’t really remember when exactly you’d lost your panties but they certainly weren’t on you anymore.
You shut your eyes, then snap them back open when you realise it was a big fucking mistake as the room starts spinning. You cup your hand and run it under the faucet, gathering enough cool water to sip at before running your wet hand under your eyes. Your foundation was fucked hours ago, but at least you could fix some of the mascara that had migrated beneath your eyes. A final splash of cool water on your cheeks is your last attempt to get some feeling back in your face, to no avail. You take a deep breath, try to relax your aching jaw, and will your legs to take you back to where you’d come from.
As you exit the bathroom, pushing past others in a similar state, nodding to one of the entourage members you’d overshared with in one of the moments between getting fucked sloppy in another dark room by Sukuna, and start looking for the man himself. You’d moved on from that VIP lounge you’d first met him in hours ago, then moved on from that club entirely not long after that. You’d lost a few members of the group along the way, some having found someone to take home, others unable to keep up with the rest.
Hell, you could barely keep up, even with the drugs picking you back up and carrying you through and over any potential crash and onto a second, third, and even fourth wind. Sukuna is unphased though, acting as the benchmark for everyone else to reach as you go and go and go.
When you make your way to this club’s “private” room you don’t see Sukuna there. Having not seen his tall form within the dancing crowd either, you start to push towards the door, wondering if maybe even Ryomen Sukuna had needed to step outside for some fresh air for the first time tonight. He hadn’t, of course, something you find out as large hands grab at your hips and pull you back to press your ass into a hardness you’d become incredibly familiar with over the course of the evening.
Sukuna leans down, lips close to your ear so you can hear his voice clearly over the music. Even when he’s speaking loud enough to be heard it somehow doesn’t feel like shouting, it feels like his voice is in your head, then your stomach, then right down where it settles between your legs.
“Running away?”
You have to laugh at that, you’d long ago decided you were all in for the night. “No, I thought you were the one who ran off.”
You feel his lips curling into a smile against your skin as he starts kissing at your neck, grinding his cock against you. You reach up and back, running your hand over his undercut and he begins palming at your breast roughly.
“Back to VIP?” This one wasn’t as secluded as some of the others had been, a little reserved corner just off the dance floor, rope barrier acting as the only thing to keep other patrons from rounding the half wall blocking out the crowd and seeing whatever it was Sukuna had decided you two would be doing next.
“No.” He takes a few steps back deeper into the writhing mass of people nearly as sweaty and sticky and fucked up as you. If he bumps into people as he pulls you along, he’s steady enough in his movements that you can’t tell. “Let’s dance.”
He wants to dance, so you dance. And it really is you dancing. Sure, he matches the rhythm set by the bass droning in your ears, but really he’s just grinding his hardness against your ass as you dance on him. His fingers dig into your hips, adding to the bruises you’d already have from being manhandled tonight, and you bend forward as much as you can in the tight squeeze of the crowd to really press yourself against him. He releases one hip to rub a hand up your back, ending its path at the back of your neck where he grips tightly, then pulls you until you’re forced to arch backward so he can speak to you.
“I think I’ll fuck you like this next.” His hips snap against yours just once, with enough force that you might have been thrown off-balance if it weren’t for his grip on you.
“I thought we were dancing.”
“For now.”
You stay like this for the rest of the song until the tempo changes and Sukuna turns you to face him, slotting his leg between your thighs. He presses it up and into your wetness, sliding you up and down just enough to have your pussy aching for more of what you’d been having all night. Though if anyone around you could be bothered to look they’d just see two people still technically dancing.
“Consider this a chance to catch your breath.”
It didn’t feel like it, with the next song pounding out a beat much faster than the previous one and your movements ramping up to match, but you know you can only take a cock like Sukuna’s so many times in one night, despite the drugs leaving your every nerve on fire as his hands touch your body and get you close.
The hand on your hip guides you to the music, the other hand still squeezing at the back of your neck, getting you close and keeping you in place with no choice but to chase your fast approaching orgasm on his thigh. His lips are on yours, forceful and hungry, tongue stirring you up before he drinks in your moans as you cum on his leg, long past caring about all the stains you’d left on his pants tonight.
Your head is spinning again with the wind knocked out of your sails and you let yourself relax into him, held up only by his thigh and his strong arms. He chuckles, smug as ever, grabbing you by your ass hard enough to snap out of your post-orgasm stupor as he lifts you a few inches off the ground. He kisses you roughly, hard cock pressed against you in a reminder that you weren’t finished just yet.
“Let’s get you back on your toes,” he sets you down, turning you around and facing you in the direction of the VIP area, “then I’ll fuck you like this, just like I promised.”
He hadn’t promised, he’d mused aloud, but you were learning that was as good as a guarantee with Sukuna.
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The car hits a bump, hard enough to bounce your head against Sukuna’s lap, and you become vaguely aware that you’re drooling, then that the sun is up. It had been dark when you finally nodded off in the back seat, but Sukuna did add some time to the journey by having his driver pull over and wait outside while he bounced you on his cock yet again. The detour must have been longer than you’d realised. But then again you weren’t totally sure just what part of town you’d wound up at by the end of the night nor how far you had to go when you’d given the driver your address.
That orgasm was very much your last hurrah, taking the last of your energy with it. You’d let yourself start dozing, feeling sick once your eyes were closed, feeling like sleep was the only way to stop it. Just as you feel yourself drifting back off again you feel the bottom of your dress being roughly pulled back down before you’re pulled out of your stupor by Sukuna’s large hand patting your cheeks.
“This is your place, right?”
You sit up, slowly and with a grunt of effort, and glance out the window. Out of the wrong window, but you still recognize your road and nod, sitting forward with difficulty as the heaviness of a big comedown seeps into your limbs.
Sukuna clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, hand back on your cheeks to turn your face in the direction of the other window, towards the front of your place. “You sure?”
“I know where I live.”
He laughs, amused that you still have your bite even moments from fully entering the worst hangover in a while, and the car door opens from outside. “He’s going to help you in.”
You look up at the driver, then at Sukuna, and roll your eyes - or you intend to, though you’re sure it’s more of a broken doll-eyed uncoordinated blink. “I don’t need help.”
You absolutely do, but you still pretend to be inconvenienced as you let the driver lift you out of the car by the forearms and carefully guide you to your door. He waits there as you fish out your keys. Once you’ve got your door open you give a curt thanks to the driver, and turn to where Sukuna was still watching you from the car.
“Bye… I guess.” You mutter the last part, too far gone to even consider whether or not you’ll see that face again outside of fights that you might just consider watching on TV. Just to brag to your friends that you partied with him once, of course. That’s all.
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Somewhere toward the end of that night, you’d been surprised when Sukuna had told you to put your number in his phone. You hadn’t expected to actually hear back from him though, to the point that you’d forgotten that small exchange had even happened by the end of the night. You’re honestly confused when you get a text from an unknown number.
got plans for tonight?
A friend with a new number? A wrong number? 
who’s asking?
Oh… it had only been 4 days, and you’d only just recovered from the last night out. That much alcohol, that much cocaine, and that much fucking wasn’t really a regular occurrence for you, but a man like that had a sort of gravity about him. When you woke up the next morning you kind of understood why that Uraume seemed to be happy to be so far up his ass the whole night. Well, that and that you were sure they were getting paid well. He was just the kind of person who was able to make you feel like if he was making moves, you absolutely needed to make them with him. Doing it all over again on a fucking Tuesday felt a little crazy though.
Still, all logic aside you’re filled with the same feeling you’d had the other night, that you might regret saying no. So you respond.
what do you have planned?
You stare at the phone longer than you’d like, waiting for a response. Eventually, your screen dims, and you sigh, locking it and setting it on your nightstand. You shouldn’t be acting like he’d fucked enough self respect out of you to have you waiting with bated breath over a text back, so you decide to go do something else in the meantime.
By the time you hear your phone buzz again, loud against the wood of your bedside table, you’re quick to check it. It had been 2 hours and you were getting annoyed because exactly how late did he think ‘tonight’ would be. You weren’t going to get ready for nothing and it was already 9 pm at this point.
As you lift your screen an excitement builds in your stomach at seeing the notification was indeed from the number that you now knew belonged to Sukuna. Opening the message you see a time and the name of a club, a nice club, and smile.
I assume you’re paying?
You know the answer will be yes, obviously. So you add the number into your contact list under the name “👹👑” set your phone back down and start getting ready, knowing now you’ll likely be waiting for a reply.
You were correct in that assumption, his response not arriving until you’re nearly finished with your makeup.
I assume you’re fucking
A picture follows the message, and your heart skips a beat when it pops up. Sukuna’s cock, with his hand draped casually at the base, held across his hip. It’s not even fully hard but it’s still immediately recognizable as the monster you’d encountered the previous weekend, pierced and heavy and thick as all hell. Then, another message.
Hope youre less scared of it this time around
You roll your eyes, if you could have gotten away with not letting on to the size of it you would have. His ego didn’t need any boosting… but you couldn’t exactly pretend otherwise. You choose not to respond at all, putting your phone back down to finish getting ready, even if you knew it’d be wrecked at the end of the night. Sweated off makeup, sweated out hair, clothes stretched out of shape. You knew what to expect and you knew it would be worth it though.
By the time you’re yet again stumbling back through your front door at dawn with the help of his driver, you’re more than sure that it was worth it. That it would be worth it every single time.
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studio621-nielsen · 2 years
Ideation Workshop
While I was absent on the day of the actual workshop, my partner, Linjia, ran our ideation exercises as we discussed. The participants generated a list of broad topics relevant to the entering experience (items, technology, space, etc.) and were then given a fixed amount of time to brainstorm as many ideas related to those topics as possible.
I was then able to meet with Linjia and flesh out the ideas generated by our volunteers to meet a full list of 100, which I have also included below.
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1. Different font for “Club” —-> “Escape”
2. Lenticular advertising
3. Code word for access into club
4. Thematic employee uniforms in lobby and games
5. Object in bottom of milkshake that fits shelf items
6. Key when finished (bottom)
7. QR code/marketing message to encourage people into the club
8. Color-changing glass
9. Sliding compartment on door to accept new customers
10. Fake retinal scanner
11. Voice detection
12. Palm scanner
13. Confirmation induction voicemail
14. Identification reader
15. Fake Facetime calling with the character sign when finished
16.App that introduces the backstory
17. Bar code (QR code) hint
18. AR hint
19. Glowing items
20. Rotate light to open hidden compartment
21. Blacklight reveal
22. Light-up floor pathway
23. Hollowed-out objects
24. Objects on shelf trigger door to open
25. Secret book order
26. Typo cypher
27. Nemesis Club paraphernalia
28. Research about room scenarios
29. Founder suitcase
30. Manipulate conditions within the escape rooms from outside
31. Secret lever
32. Hook for hanging up capes
33. Weapons storage
34. Spectral spotlight at Soda Jerk (outdoors)
35. Decor that can open the secret door
36. Keys inside the book that can solve the puzzle
37. Necklace to pick (hero/villain)
38. Sculpture (interactive pre-puzzle)
39. Hero/villain objective check-in
40. Secret abilities/goals for heroes/villains
41. Buttons for random character selection
42. Power to fail a game
43. Fake club news/events
44. Fake advertisement with phone number leading to message from founder
45. Missing sidekick poster puzzle
46. Days since X sign
47. Hidden compartment in floor/wall
48. Moving eye portraits
49. Things hidden behind picture frames
50. Fake advisory signs
51. Button- press in case of a fight
52. Triggering founders statues
53. Sneak clues/messages into music
54. Hints on the ceiling
55. Superhero/villain vending machine near bathroom
56. Caution wet floor sign themed after supers
57. Celebrity photos in SJ w/ founders
58. Secret identity portraits in SJ w/ milkshakes
59. Themed toilet paper/hand towels
60. Phonebooth
61. Separate menu for people who finish early
62. Commemorative milkshake glasses
63. Roleplay (player can choose)
64. Chairs that give hints
65. Different challenges for repeat players (VIP members)
66. Object to choose difficulty
67. Membership card
68. Make people more immersed into game
69. Superhero/villain in lounge
70. Roleplay admittance into club
71. Fake announcements
72. Tasks that take you outside, henchman interactivity
73. Fake charter/rules
74. Robot sidekick
75. People movers
76. Themed photo op
77. Costumes- heroes vs. villains
78. Artifacts/clues in pockets
79.Hologram message
80. Themed computer program
81. Fingerprint reader
82. Sofa that brings vibration to fit the theme
83. Transparent touch display to open doors
84. Portrait reveal
85. Walkie talkies
86. Invisible ink
87. Frame TV     
88. Live 2D technology for characters
89. Customer gets instant ID card that prints when they order online
90. Fake wanted posters for villains at parking lot
91. Press-button exhibit space leading to bathroom
92. Tiny robot merchandise
93. Retro Nemesis Club merchandise
94. Camp themed shirts
95. Secret message shirt- SJ to Nemesis Club
96. Stickers and pins for Nemesis Club, rooms
97. Merch with QR codes for club/character backstory
98. Costume mirror filter
99. Hourglass timed event
100. Secret drawer merch
0 notes
venushasvixens · 3 years
October 20th - Gun Play (Spike Spiegel x Reader) / Kinktober 2021
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[A/N] this one was a little risky, just saying
WARNING: 18+, contains adult content, including the use of a gun in a dangerous fashion
“Games up, (y/n).”
Lounging on the chaste chair in the VIP section of the club, you hazily glanced up at the tall, slender in the doorway. The idiot who had been on your trail finally caught up with you. Your reign of terror was not going to come to an end because of one lousy bounty hunter, you still had some work to do. Taking a sip from your martini glass, you got up lazily.
“I really don’t think so, Spiegel, but it is for you.” You muttered, giving a good stretch.
The figure huffed. “Can you tell me why?”
He circled the weird placement of couches and cocktail tables, trying to find the right time to strike. You weren’t too scared though, your weapon was in reach. It worked every time.
“I’m just too cute.” You smiled, grinning ear to ear. “I've seen the way you look at me. Can’t even look me in the eye because they’re always somewhere else.”
Spike scoffed, his gun down. “Go ahead, think that. I’m really looking for that million woolong you stole.”
Catching a glimpse of yourself in the silver lined mirrors that surrounded the room, you adored your blood red lipstick and scantily clad dress. This was your weapon.
“A million woolong isn’t much for a full hunt around the solar system. Planet to planet, asteroid to asteroid. All the way to the ends of the universe for me.” You smirked, plopping down onto your chair. “Only a man could be so desperate.”
It was evident on Spike’s face that you were onto his scheme. “Ask my partner in crime back on the ship, he’d tell you about all the lengths we went through for this single bounty. I’m only in it for the money.”
“Sure.” You laughed. “Spiegel, I think you want to fuck me.”
He stood still. His lips a thin line, with absolutely no expression whatsoever. “No.”
“No?” You got up, hands on your hips. “I bet you get so hard from the sheer thought of me, you love the chase if I’m the prey. How you want to eat me up.”
“Shut it.” He muttered, voice low and scary.
“Yes, yes thats it. You can’t wait to lock me on your big, scary ship just to fuck my brains out. My tits bouncing, spanking my ass until its too sore-“
“Enough!” Spike shouted, his gun taking aim at your forehead.
Holding out your hands in defeat, you inched closer to him. “I have nothing on me, so this wouldn’t really be a fair fight. How pathetic.”
By now, you are a step or two away from him. His eyes roam over your body, landing firmly on your cleavage. He really was trying to undress you with his eyes. Fear and adrenaline ran through your hand as you gently grabbed the barrel of the gun, bringing it down closer to you. It was still warm from the last shots fired from earlier, when Spike had lost you in your successful escape attempt.
Bringing your lips to the barrel, you wrapped your mouth around it, nodding your head up and down. Spike’s face turned from bewilderment to lustful. It was surely messed up that someone was getting too excited from giving head to a high powered weapon. You made sure to give a few long licks to the exit hole, a metallic taste spreading on your tongue.
“See?” You leered, backing away. “You get so hot for me.”
Without warning, Spike grabs the back of your neck, his lips immediately on yours. He slipped his tongue in, tangling it with your own. It was with such force, you felt your lips tingling from the impact. Small sounds emitted from Spike as he kissed you. You felt like melting in his arms, ready to give into him, until you felt the hard metal of the gun pressed underneath your jaw.
Terrifying shivers ran down your back, but the aching heat in between your legs piped that fear down. Pulling back, you admired the smear of lipstick on Spike while trying not to show your panic at a fully loaded gun, splotching his mouth and chin. Damn, he was beautiful.
“I gotta have you now.” He grunted, flipping you around and pushing you onto one of the velvet couches. You bunches your mini skirt up around your waist, showing off your bare ass and pussy. You heard a small hiss as Spike took notice, his fingers softly trailing on your ass cheeks to in between your wet folds. You let out a soft moan as he did, your breath hitching as he slid a finger inside of you before leaving you empty.
You yelped as he gave both sides of your ass a good, hard slap, warming you up nicely. “Let me see your hands.”
Surprised and excited at his kinkiness, you happily obliged. You could hear the belt buckle cankling as he took it off, bounding both of your hands together. It felt too tight, but that’s how you liked it. Face planted on the seat of the couch, you waited in anticipation of his yearning.
“I-I need to eat you out, please?” He begged as you spread your legs apart best you could. Spike moved your cheeks apart, stroking the entrance throbbing pussy. Using just the tip of his tongue, it gave the right amount of pleasure in the spot you needed it the most. Time was limited, but you wouldn’t mind if this could last forever. You had Spike Spiegel under your whim, and by the end of this, the chance of freedom was right in your corner.
“F-fuck me, Spike,” you moaned, arching your back.
That’s all you had to say before being split in half with Spike’s thick, hard cock. The rough and fast slapping of skins showed his need, his want for you. He grunted and snarled as his slid in and out of you, his hips thrusting wildly. You tried to moan, instead being caught in the back of your throat. Suddenly, he stopped.
Whining as he did, you tried to turn around. The click of his gun stopped you, pushed against the base of your skull. You breathed deeply as Spike yanked your head back.
“Ah!” You yelped as Spike whispered into your ear.
“If this is a trap, it’s not a very good one.” He muttered, giving a harsh reminder that this still was a strange arrangement between a bounty head and hunter. “One move, and it’s over. I don’t want to hear one fucking sound out of you, understand?”
You nodded frivolously, cold sweat covering the back of your neck and hair. You were terrified, but that mix of danger and ecstasy is what you lived for. It made to be a perfect combination, wanting more but with deadly consequences. You will do as he said, as any good fuck toy would.
Gripping on hand on your hip, Spike’s hips began to thrust once more. His pace picked up once again, seemingly not giving a fuck that your life was right on the line. You bit down on your bottom lip as your pleasure was building up, your pussy clenching in response. You wanted so badly to moan and cry, to let go of yourself. Holding yourself together, you pushed down your bodily demand.
It was a full pounding, tearing you apart. He filled you up entirely, pumping himself in and out tortuously. Each push into you was full of anger and relief, his search finally coming to a peak. The thrusts grew sloppy, but still at high speed. He wasn’t going to let down now, it was too soon.
A deep drawled out moan from Spike let you know that he was inching closer to cumming, his speed picking up. You didn’t want this to end, you wanted him to keep fucking you until every last drop was shot inside you.
One, two, three rough thrusts was all that you could handle before having that ball of fire explode, cumming on Spike’s cock. You knew you couldn’t do much, your control slipping away as you let out a pained moan.
Spike let out one last powerful thrust inside you, a deep guttural snarl filling your ears. Feeling the hot gush of cum threatening to spill as he pulled out of your wrecked hole. You felt yourself gaping, used just as you desired.
As both of your highs died down, you attempted to get up, but to no avail.
“Alright, you naughty boy, you could untie me now.”
“You can untie me now.”
You seemed to forget that there was still a gun to your head, now realizing that there was a sense of capture. Spike had not moved, instead clicking in on his ear piece.
“Jet, it’s Spike. I got her.”
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lalainajanes · 3 years
This completes column #2 on my bingo card, the square was “Eager Backstage Groupie”
Another Shot of Courage
 Saturday, May 1st, 8:16 AM
Caroline wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, in the little black dress she'd worn to Kat's birthday party, with a headache and a foul-tasting mouth. She's sprawled in the middle of a very large mattress, so the first thing Caroline does is explore. She stretches her arms out tentatively, expecting to poke someone (hopefully an unobjectionable someone) awake.
She appears to be alone, and Caroline relaxes into the fluffy pillows. She wiggles experimentally, satisfied when her bra and underwear dig into uncomfortable areas and gives in to the temptation to burrow under the duvet.
She just needs a minute to regret her life choices before she confronts them. Caroline sighs, stretches, and her fuzzy head begins to clear, memories sharpening.
And yikes.
Can she stay in her self-made blanket fort forever? A lot of her conduct last night had been highly irrational, some of it downright hypocritical. She is a public relations professional, highly sought after. Her clients pay many pretty pennies for her services.
Had she seriously mauled Klaus Mikaelson in one of the trendiest clubs in LA?
Caroline tugs down the blanket, intent on confirming her suspicions, allowing her to look around and study the room with new eyes.
There's a brick fireplace at the end of the bed, a wide armchair in front of it – not particularly revealing. Her eyes flick to the left. There's nothing, but dark curtains pulled tight over a wall of windows.
When she looks to the right, there's a smoking gun. Well, kind of. It's a drafting table, an easel, and shelves featuring paintbrushes, haphazardly stacked sketchbooks, and a bunch of other things that Caroline doesn't currently have the brainpower to identify.
She considers slipping out of bed and checking to see if those curtains cover any kind of door. She thinks it's logical to assume so. She's only been to Klaus' home a few times, tries to insist they meet at her office. She's never ventured far beyond the kitchen and living rooms, but it's a Spanish-style bungalow on a sprawling lot. Why wouldn't he have a walk out into the yard from his bedroom?
She discards the idea with some regret. Running away without a word is a coward's move and would probably backfire. Klaus is still her client, whatever psychosis had gripped Caroline last night, and it's not like she could dump him via email at this point. He's got a huge movie coming in three weeks, and they're flying to London tomorrow to begin the premiere tour. She could probably pass it on to another publicist, but she'd still be on the hook, would have to coordinate her plans long-distance.
Selfishly, Caroline hopes that's not necessary. She'd hate for someone else to reap the benefits of her hard work.
She heaves herself into a sitting position, wincing when her head throbs. Her stomach seems solid, with no hint of queasiness, so that's a plus. Caroline tosses the covers aside, shifts until her legs slide over the side of the bed. She catches a glimpse of herself in a mirror through the open closet door and cringes.
She'd done an excellent smoky eye last night, and it's migrated all over her face. She doesn't even want to consider how long it's going to take to detangle her hair. She decides she can wait a bit to hunt down Klaus, stepping forward and twisting the knob on the closed door. "Jackpot," Caroline mutters, walking into Klaus' bathroom. There's a stack of towels on the counter, and she figures it won't hurt to take a shower.
She'd had her tongue in his mouth and had apparently kicked him out of his bed, so what's one more presumption?
Friday, April 30th, 10:47 PM
In the VIP lounge Kat had rented, elevated above the main dance floor, Caroline waves away a shot of tequila. She'd had one during the birthday toast, wine at dinner. Had just ordered an overpriced cocktail. She's pleasantly tipsy but needs to pace herself because she can't get too drunk tonight.
Besides, Caroline and tequila have a complicated relationship.
Kat boos her, a few of the other girls joining in. Caroline laughs, "I know, I'm boring. I have a million things to do tomorrow to make sure I'm ready to live out of a suitcase for weeks."
Katherine scoffs, "Just make Klaus buy you anything you forget. What good is a guy who's hot for you and makes big fat superhero movie paychecks if he won't buy you pretty things?"
They've discussed this a bajillion times. Caroline has actually run away from this exact conversation, shouting nonsense syllables, with her fingers jammed in her ear, as if she and Katherine still fight over Barbies and who gets to wear dress-up trunk's best princess dress.
Caroline still can't resist arguing – it's a character flaw. "He's my client. That's it."
"Oh, please. Men in this town bone their clients all the time."
"That doesn't make it okay!"
Usually, this is the part where Katherine tries to convince her that Klaus is dying to be boned – her words, not Caroline's – but she gets distracted, squinting across the bar. Kat's lips curl, expression growing sly, "It appears my argument is moot."
Um, what? Katherine's literally never backed down from an argument in the twenty-plus years they've been friends. Puzzled, Caroline turns, trying to see what caught Kat's attention.
The club features several VIP lounges, each located at the top of a short staircase and decorated with wide velvet sofas and crystal chandeliers. There's an attendant who keeps booze and food flowing. It's clever – the sofas are inviting and squishy, tend to force people close together. The chandeliers ensure that anyone who happens to take a picture can get a decent shot, and the free flow of liquor has lowered the inhibitions of at least half a dozen celebrities, resulting in photos that send the gossip blogs into a tizzy as soon as they hit the internet.
When Caroline spots Klaus across the way, a redheaded model sprawled in his lap, she's immediately fuming.
"Looks like he got tired of waiting," Kat drawls. "Wanna reconsider the tequila?"
"Katherine. I love you. But zip it."
Katherine makes a face but leaves Caroline alone, turning to another one of their friends and asking a question. Caroline takes a deep breath, counts to ten.
She'd busted her ass to make him appear family-friendly enough to land the movie with the very PR-conscious studio that had netted him the big fat checks Katherine had just been crowing over. He's jeopardizing that on the eve of the most significant press tour of his career.
She looks over again, leaning forward. The redhead's moved away, she's sitting at Klaus' side, and they now appear to be merely engaged in conversation. Caroline does her best to think like a photographer – is there an angle that could make the scene look tawdry?
Probably not. So really, Klaus isn't jeopardizing anything.
Caroline's anger doesn't cool at the revelation.
She's so screwed.
She's on her feet before she decides to be, stalking down the stairs. She hears Katherine yelling borderline lewd encouragement at her back, but Caroline knows better than to take her advice.
She's marching over to diffuse, not inflame.
Saturday, May 1st, 9:01 AM
She finds Klaus in his living room, asleep, his legs hanging awkwardly over the arm of a too-short couch, his torso twisted so awkwardly that Caroline's back twinges sympathetically. With the confirmation that she had stolen his bed, more of Caroline's irritation fades. The shower had helped, as had the bottle of water she'd guzzled and the three Tylenol she'd popped.
She takes a seat on his coffee table, setting down her second bottle of water. Caroline reaches out, shaking his shoulder gently. "Klaus," she murmurs when he begins to stir. "Wake up."
She could probably leave him to sleep. Klaus' stylist will handle most of his packing; he's borrowed a dizzying volume of outfits and accessories for Klaus to wear on this trip. The announcement won't come for another two weeks, but Klaus is shooting a Dior cologne ad once his press obligations wrap. The brand had requested he start wearing the newest line. Caroline had attended the last fitting, and she'd had a hard time keeping her blatant ogling under wraps.
Klaus looks good in ratty jeans, in a suit tailored to his measurements? Just about anyone attracted to men would have struggled not to appreciate the sight.
That's how Caroline had justified letting her emails pile up that afternoon.
She'd been a little worried about her control slipping on this trip, once they were alone in the hotel, and Klaus dropped the shiny, press-perfect façade he's learned to maintain. Caroline had designed that mask to appeal to the broadest possible audience. Doing interview prep has unfortunately only emphasized how much more she likes Klaus without it.
Klaus stretches, eyes fluttering open. "Good morning," he murmurs, voice husky with sleep. "I hope you slept better than I did."
Caroline winces, "Don’t you have a guest room or two you could have shoved me in?”
He smiles lazily, “You were quite insistent on touring my bedroom.”
Her eyes slam shut, face heating, “And that is why I don’t drink tequila unsupervised,” she grumbles.
He laughs, sitting up, his legs bracketing hers. He reaches for her water bottle and helps himself to a sip. Caroline leans back, fishing the Tylenol out of the pocket of the hoodie she’d stolen from his closet. She’d needed something bulkier to hide the fact she hadn’t been able to convince herself to strap her bra back on. “Do you want these?” she asks, rattling the bottle.
Klaus shakes his head, “I’m not hungover. I didn’t drink at all, and you stole that shot of tequila that was meant for me, remember?”
Ohhh no. She’d forgotten about that. She’d stolen his and the model’s.
Which, in hindsight, goes a long way to explaining what had happened after. Caroline’s problem with tequila is that once she starts, she has a hard time stopping. It heightens her usually non-existent impulsive streak, leads to sub-par decisions.
Occasionally, tequila does make her clothes fall off.
Caroline buries her hands in her face, wishing she hadn’t tied her hair back. She’s mortified, probably growing splotchy. “I am so sorry,” she mutters.
Klaus sighs, tries to tug her hands away. Caroline resists, tensing her muscles, wishes she’d gone with her first instinct and fled out the backdoor. He rests his hands on her knees, squeezing, voice dipping into coaxing tones. “No apology necessary. I’m not the least bit upset.”
Unfortunately, Caroline’s totally up to the task of being upset enough for the both of them.
Friday, April 30th, 10:53 PM
Once the attendant in Klaus VIP area confirms that he does know Caroline and lets her up the stairs, Klaus has managed to increase the distance between his body and the model’s. He seems pleased to see her, grabbing her hand and tugging her to sit next to him on the couch.
Close enough that they’re connected thigh to shoulder.
The model, whose name Caroline doesn’t particularly care about, is less welcoming. She glares daggers at Caroline’s hand, still enclosed in Klaus’. He makes polite introductions. “Genevieve, this is my publicist and very good friend, Caroline Forbes. Caroline, Genevieve. She’s a friend of Kol’s.”
Klaus’ younger brother is also an actor, still firmly in the throes of his wild child phase. Caroline finds him entertaining, despite her best intentions, but he’s known to delight in making her job more complicated. She glances around suspiciously, “Is Kol here?”
Klaus gestures vaguely to the dance floor. “Somewhere. He dragged me out to celebrate a pilot he booked, then disappeared.”
Hmm, that could lead to disaster. Caroline wonders if she should shoot his publicist a text as a professional courtesy.
Caroline smiles at Genevieve sharply, “So sweet of you to keep Klaus company.” It’s mean, but Caroline wonders if Genevieve has somehow heard about Klaus’ Dior deal through the grapevine. Maybe she’s aiming for a co-starring role – Caroline’s read the treatment for the commercial; it’s supposed to be streamy.
Oh, good lord, High School Caroline has somehow time traveled and taken over her body.
Genevieve pastes on an equally fake smile (at least Caroline’s not the only one regressing). Before she can snipe back, a silver tray is set in front of them, two shots resting on it. The attendant catches Caroline’s eye, “Can I get you anything, Miss?”
Klaus interrupts, squeezes her hand in an absent apology, “Sorry, there must be some mistake. I ordered a water.”
He’s contractually obligated to maintain a ridiculously chiseled body. Caroline’s got a reminder in her phone to order him a pile of celebratory spaghetti after his press obligations are officially over and he can relax for a few months.
The attendant’s eyes flit to Genevieve in confusion, “I…”
“I cancelled that,” she chirps, sliding her hand up Klaus’ arm. Genevieve leans in, tone lowering to what Caroline thinks is supposed to be a seductive level. “Figured we would toast.”
Caroline catches it because she’s practically plastered to Klaus’ other side. “Who toasts with tequila?” she asks. “Other than creeps at bars, I mean.”
Had Caroline not been well acquainted with Katherine Pierce, she might have been intimidated by Genevieve's attempt at a lethal glare.
Caroline stares back, reaching blindly for the first shot. She tosses it back, then the second, fighting the shudder that wants to wrack her frame through sheer willpower alone.
“Bitch,” Genevieve mutters, standing and flouncing away.
It’s petty, but Caroline savors her win.
Klaus is staring at her oddly, a touch concerned. “Maybe we should get you some water, love.”
Saturday, May 1st, 9:04 AM
“There were more shots when I got back to Kat’s party,” Caroline moans. “I’m going to kill her. She knows my weaknesses.”
“While I am reluctant to defend your irritating friend, she did seem rather intent on her fun. It was her birthday, wasn’t it?”
Caroline nods, “Yeah. And Kat’s always been firmly convinced that she should get to do whatever her little black heart desires on her birthday.”
“She did insist I ensure you get home safely. I’m afraid you were rather reluctant to supply your address.”
She sighs, finally dropping her hands. “Honestly, I just moved into a condo. I might not have remembered it.” That’s the less embarrassing option. It’s probably more likely that tequila drunk Caroline had crafted a plan to seduce Klaus, and step one entailed getting invited to his house. “I know you said not to apologize, but I obviously put you out. I’m supposed to babysit you, not the other way around.”
Klaus laughs, his knee nudging hers. “I haven’t needed that for ages, as you well know.”
He has a point – Caroline likely wouldn’t have agreed to take him on if he was still indulging in public drunkenness and paparazzi punching. When she’d first met with Klaus, it had been out of curiosity. She’d made a comfortable living from her client roster, did not need to take on the project of a difficult actor.
Klaus’ bad behavior had been a few years in the past, and he’d just come off a run of festival darlings and had produced a surprise hit sci-fi drama. He’d been frustrated by the doors that remained firmly shut to him, had laid his ambitions on the table.
Caroline had been intrigued. While she’s excellent at her job, but it’s always easier to work her magic with clients who are willing to dive into the work. Klaus’ talent was undeniable; she’d thought he could be a household name with the right opportunity. She’d agreed to take him on, and three years later, it’s paid off.
Caroline tugs the sleeves of his sweatshirt down over her hands, eyes on the frayed trim. “I was mad when I saw you last night, and that wasn’t fair. You’d set you were resting up for the press tour, but it’s not my business if you changed your mind.”
“Did you think I was resuming some bad habits?” Klaus asks. “I know that particular venue has a… reputation. Probably why Kol picked it.”
Caroline sneaks a glance at him, trying to gauge how he feels, but he’s not giving much away. “No, not really. I trust you. I wasn’t thinking super logically.”
She has to admit, at least to herself, that she’d been jealous. Caroline’s going to have to think about how deep that goes, if the feelings that had slapped her in the face last night will prevent their working relationship from being effective. What if Klaus meets someone? Will she be able to plant sneaky tidbits about how happy they are, scour the gossip blogs for rumors that could become issues?
“You? Not thinking logically? However could that be?”
She glares at him, though she knows his teasing is good-natured. “Some of it was the booze. I totally wouldn’t have hauled you onto the dance floor without it. And I wouldn’t have… well, you were there.”
She��s not up to list her transgressions. If Klaus hadn’t been drinking, then his memory of her wandering hands, her flirtatious comments, and heated invitations should be crystal clear. Caroline had been drunk, and she’s having a hard time not dwelling on the kiss – which, to be fair, Klaus had enthusiastically participated in – that she’d initiated.
“I was there. I have no objections to anything that occurred last night, save perhaps wishing you’d been sober.” Her head snaps up, eyes widening in shock, and Klaus laughs incredulously. “Surely you must know of my interest in you, Caroline.”
She’s suspected, but she’s also well aware that Klaus has no shortage of offers. Last night is proof of that. Caroline has always assumed that take one of them, at some point, and his flirtatiousness with her would fade away. She’d dated an actor or two when she’d moved to LA after wrapping up college. Caroline had been working insane hours then, trying to claw her way past the other assistants at the agency where she’d worked. Her exes from that time period had been quick to move on once they realized she wasn’t willing to center her universe around them.
“Interest can be fleeting.”
“It’s been three years.”
“You never made a real move.”
Again, Klaus counters quickly. “You’d not have accepted, and then you’d likely have pawned me off on someone else.”
Yeah, he’s got a point there. “I’m your publicist.”
“I have no objection to mixing business with pleasure. If you do, I suppose I’m willing to suffer a less competent publicist.”
“I’m beginning to suspect you’ve been plotting.”
Klaus shrugs, entirely unrepentant. “Perhaps a bit. I’ve always been entirely honest with you, I merely prevented a situation that would lessen the time we spent together until such a time as you were ready to consider me in a romantic light.”
“That’s a lot of words to confess you’ve been trying to flirt me into submission while flashing your hot body at every opportunity,” Caroline grumbles.
Klaus’ smile widens, dimples now visible. “It seems to have worked. Assuming that you meant the things you said to me last night?”
“I…” she hadn’t been expecting him to ask her that directly. She should have been – Klaus is skilled at choosing the best way to catch someone off guard. Caroline glances away from him, eyes catching on the clock across the room. Crap. She has so much to do. “I have to go,” Caroline tells him, standing up.
His eyes narrow,  and his head tips to the side, like he’s searching for a sign of weakness. Both telltale indicators that Klaus is gearing up to argue. Caroline holds up a hand, “I know, okay? This looks like I’m running away, and technically I am, but this is not the time to begin that mixing you mentioned. We’ve both worked too hard to risk screwing up the next few weeks. Did you read your contract? The fines for non-compliance are no joke.”
“Now is not the time,” Klaus says slowly. “Meaning?”
“We table it now. I’m open to a discussion later.” Three weeks is plenty of time for her to sort out where she stands, right? Caroline never sleeps on flights anyway.
He runs a hand through his hair. “I want a timeline. I understand that you feel obligated to ensure this press tour goes smoothly, but you can only use it as an excuse until it’s over, love. I’m prepared to be persuasive.”
“What, do you want me to schedule something on your calendar? Maybe set an agenda?”
“No need to be so formal. Just agree to have dinner with me once we return. Here, if you’d like, so we don’t risk inflaming the tabloids before you’re ready.”
“You seem awfully sure that this is going to go a certain way. So eager to fire me?”
Klaus gets to his feet, and Caroline sucks in a nervous breath. Sitting across from each other, he’d been a reasonable distance away. Now, with both of them standing in the narrow gap between his couch and coffee table, if one of them breathes too deeply or shifts deliberately, they’ll be plastered together.
She’s tempted despite knowing she’s right about the timing.
Klaus rests his hand on her waist and turns them so Caroline could step back if she wanted to.
She stays where she is.
A tiny smile curls Klaus’ lips and his hand moves, pressing her closer. “As much as I enjoyed your more… explicit ramblings last night, I must confess my favorite revelation was when you confessed to just how long you’ve had them.”
Caroline, not for the first time, curses tequila’s wretched existence.
Wednesday, May 5th 2:20 PM
The meet and greets are going to kill her.
Caroline had thought they were a good idea when she’d poured through the itinerary the studio had sent over. Inviting popular bloggers, auctioning off tickets for charity, allowing fans to enter random draws – it’s great PR and provides the opportunity for viral moments, while also controlling the environment.
Caroline’s leaning against one of the walls, unnoticed, eyes on her client.
A lot of eyes are on her client, some of which irritate Caroline more than others. The two teenage girls, trailed by an exasperated dad, who’d both burst into tears when Klaus had smiled at them? Totally adorable. The nerdy college student who’d grilled Klaus about his character’s comic backstory? Kind of a pain, but Klaus had done his homework, and Caroline had been impressed.
And annoyed. Excessive preparation is very attractive and unhelpful at this juncture of the press tour. Caroline’s already begun to reconsider what they’d agreed to, wonders if knocking on his hotel room door on the last night would be such a bad thing.
That line of thinking might be overly influenced by the scene in front of her.
Klaus is speaking with a woman in an afternoon inappropriate silver dress. Caroline’s sorely tempted to have her escorted out by security. She’d slipped a key card into the back pocket of Klaus’ jeans within 90 seconds of meeting him.
He’s handed it back, said something that made her laugh. They’re still talking.
Klaus glances up, eyes landing on her immediately. Caroline hastily tries to soften her irritated expression lest he guesses its reason. Klaus smiles, subtly tips his water bottle in her direction. Silver Dress invades his personal space a little more.
Ugh. It’s gonna be a long three weeks.
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thatringboy · 4 years
Sea of Thieves - TWST AU
Based off of @ihavebecomeapenguin‘s Role Swap AU where the First year gang and their respective dorm heads all swap years! This is my second attempt at writing this fic, so I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2,130 (another record???)
Warnings: Cursing, fight scenes, Azul Angst because this is chapter three
Getting the leader of Savanaclaw to agree with their plan was easy enough for Yuu Prefect. Jack seemed to have the idea in his head that he was obligated to help the Ramshackle student because of how the recent overblot incident went down. Yuu didn’t dislike the help they were receiving, but Jack’s insistence that they slept in his dorm while Yuu fought to get Ramshackle back from the Octavinelle leaders was a little much.
However, convincing their new friend Leona would be a much more difficult ordeal.
“That has got to be the stupidest plan I’ve ever heard.”
“Well I don’t see you coming up with any ideas! I’ve only got a few hours left!” Yuu leaned against the door as Leona flipped the page on his magazine.
“It’s not really my problem, Herbivore.” He sighed and adjusted how he laid on his bed. “What could I do?”
Yuu stood up straight. “What’s wrong with you? You were all up for raiding the vault before, what’s changed now?”
Leona shut the magazine and tossed it aside, crossing his arms and sitting deeper into his pillows. “I don’t know, maybe I’m just tired of getting my ass handed to me by walking sushi!”
Grim snorted on Yuu’s shoulder, but the Prefect was not amused. “It’s a shame, really,” they began, “Think about how people will react when they hear that the second prince of the Afterglow Savanna turned his back on his friend. What would your nephew think of that?”
Yuu knew they struck a chord deep within Leona. He was on his feet in an instant and if looks could kill, Yuu would be dead where they stood. The beastman scowled at the human before him. “Fine, but we do this my way. Your plans suck.”
Yuu’s face formed a mischievous smile. Azul Ashengrotto had crossed a line and by the Seven there would be hell to pay. Oh yes, everything was coming together nicely.
Riddle paced back and forth and twiddled his thumbs while Trey cleaned his glasses again.
“I have a bad feeling about this--”
“You always have a bad feeling.” Trey put his glasses back on.
“No, seriously! What if Trappola-Senpai finds out that we’re gone? What if we’re too late? What if Leona doesn’t agree to help the Prefect? What if we’re caught out of bed? What if--”
Trey held up a hand. “Riddle, please. Everything is gonna be ok. Just breathe and let the chips fall where they may. Speaking of which...”
The mirror to Savanaclaw lit up and four people stepped out. Leona and Yuu approached the Heartslabyul first years while Ruggie and Jack hung back, already filled in.
As Yuu explained the plan, Riddle’s nervousness slipped away. That is, until his part in the operation was explained.
“You want us to do what?” Riddle’s eyebrows shot up.
Leona smirked. “What, you scared or something?”
“N-No!” He turned bright red. “I just don’t know if I have the skills to pull this off.”
Trey put a hand on his shoulder. “You’ll do fine.”
“Thank you, Trey.”
Grim gagged, the anemone on his head wobbling. “Ew! Get a room, you two!”
Leona reached over and flicked the blue appendage. “Shut up, be glad they’re here.”
Yuu rolled their eyes. “So, then everyone knows their parts? Good, then we can get going. The sooner we finish this, the better.”
The first years nodded and passed around the potion that would allow them to breathe underwater. Jack and Ruggie disappeared back into their dorm’s mirror while Yuu and company approached the dark mirror.
In a second, they found themselves in the Coral Sea near the Alantica Memorial Museum. As per usual, a merman guard was posted outside the door. The group looked around for the infamous Leech twins and swam towards the building when they saw that the coast was clear.
Yuu might have had their iconic resting bitch face plastered for their friends to see, but the fact that no one had tried to stop them yet worried the Prefect. Trey swam ahead of the group and approached the guard while the others took cover behind a rock. Yuu could hear Trey spit out a convincing lie about wanting to explore the Museum, only to be denied by the guard. Of course, this was expected and Trey struck up a conversation between the guard, giving a small signal that it was okay for his friends to make a break for the door.
They swam behind the guard while he was distracted and pulled at the entrance, only to discover that it was locked. Leona rolled his eyes and pushed up his sleeve, activating his Unique Magic.
“I am hunger, I am thirst, I am that which steals your tomorrow. Now kneel before me, Kings Roar.”
The door handle turned to sand and he pulled the door open, earning a glare from Riddle. They swam inside the door while Trey continued to keep the attention of the guard. Yuu had to admit Trey’s ability to lie on cue was unsettling, but not unwelcomed.
Finding the picture Yuu risked their dorm for wasn’t a hard task. However, they’d forgotten that the only other reasonable person was still outside sweet talking the guard, so you can imagine how Yuu felt when Riddle took his magic pen and smashed the glass casing around the photo without a second thought.
An alarm went off somewhere in the building and it occurred to Yuu that the last time they were here, there were two guards. A Merman in armor swam around the corner and almost called for backup, but Leona gave him a swift kick to the head and knocked him out.
Maybe hanging around with himbos isn’t such a bad thing. Yuu thought to themself. They almost laughed at the mental image of calling Leona a himbo, but remained focused on the situation at hand. The four swam back out of the Museum and signaled for Trey to wrap up the conversation that he was way too invested in.
They made their escape and began to swim back to the mirror spot, but two dark shadows in the water blocked their path. The Leech brothers eyed the photo in Riddle’s hand with amusement and smiled, calculated toothy grins. Floyd’s voice ripped through the cold water and sent chills down the spines of the first years.
“That doesn’t belong to you, Shrimpy-Chan~”
Azul watched the first years sneak through the mirror and instructed the twins to give them an hour to retrieve the photo. What he hadn’t seen was the Savanaclaw leadership watching him from their respective mirror.
The Octomer returned to the Mostro Lounge and felt that the establishment lack a certain atmosphere, but then remembered that the Leech twins were off preparing to collect on his most recent contract. He kept himself busy and waved the twins off when they departed, but found his tasks boring when they left.
The Lounge didn’t open for a few minutes, but Azul could see a line forming outside. He grabbed a first year from Scarabia that he had enslaved was helping out that day and positioned him to be the host. The doors opened and Azul noticed that a large amount of customers were from Savanaclaw, but thought nothing of it.
He returned to the VIP room and checked his phone for messages before sitting down behind his large desk. Azul looked over the papers on his desk and noticed that jade had dropped off collateral on a recent contract. Azul spun around in his chair like a supervillain - which he privately enjoyed doing - and stood to open his vault. He had barley cracked the door open when a first year from his own dorm stepped into the VIP room looking distressed.
“What could possibly be so important that you come in here unannounced?”
“It’s a mad house out there, Senpai!” The first year was out of breath,
“Excuse m--”
“There’s too many of them, we can’t keep serving them!”
“Show me.”
Azul followed the first year out to the Lounge’s restaurant area and stopped. Those students from Savanaclaw who were crowding the door? They had taken up every seat! They were yelling and cursing out his waiters and throwing glasses and sending back food they deemed inedible! And of course, the smug faces of Ruggie Bucchi and Jack Howl leaned against the door frame without a care in the world.
“Mister Howl, what is the meaning of this?” Azul tried his hardest not to scream in frustration.
“That’s Howl-Senpai to you, tentacles!” Ruggie snickered.
“I haven’t the slightest idea what you mean.” Jack had a smug expression.
Someone called Azul’s name from the kitchen and yelled that they needed assistance. Jack’s smile turned sinister. “That sounds urgent, you wouldn’t want to upset your customers, would you?”
Azul’s face burned red as he struggled not to explode on them. After all, he had a reputation; one bad day couldn’t ruin that. But he did find it suspicious that this happened as soon as the twins had left. Azul returned to the kitchen and kept his eye on the Savanaclaw leaders until he stepped behind the swinging door, narrowly running into a Heartslabyul student carrying a tray of tea.
Once he was gone, Jack nodded to Ruggie and the second year made a break for the VIP room. Phase one was complete.
If this was any other circumstance, Yuu would say that the eels swimming around them was majestic. However, in this moment, Yuu struggled not to show fear.
“What should we do with the little Shrimpy and Koebe-Chan and Lionfish and their little friends, Jade?” Floyd’s nicknames for them made Riddle flush.
“I don’t know, what if you gave them a squeeze?” Jade swam a little too close to Leona and almost got slashed across the face by long nails. Yuu looked to the Heartslabyul duo and nodded. The two had their pens out in a flash and went back to back. This part of the plan required concentration and almost perfect timing. If one of them messed up, they may just become fish food.
Floyd caught on to what they were doing. “Hah! What, is little Koebe-Chan going hit me with his little necklaces?”
Riddle turned even more red, but surprisingly didn’t lash out. Yuu looked over for a second and noticed that Trey was holding his hand to keep him calm. Yuu turned their attention back to Jade as Leona swiped at him again. Leona attempted to fire a bolt of magic at him, but Jade was too quick, easily avoiding and laughing at the attempt.
Yuu grabbed Leona’s sleeve. “Floyd’s magic! We can’t touch them!”
Leona swung his head around, smacking Grim in the face with his ponytail, and snarled at Trey and Riddle. “Hurry up, goddamnit!”
Riddle broke his concentration and glared at Leona. “I’m doing my best you useless pussy!”
Trey and Yuu made eye contact and knew that the plan was falling apart. Trey rolled his eyes and pointed his wand at Floyd. “Oh for the Seven!”
He activated his Unique Magic and suddenly Floyd’s smile fell. His multi colored eyes widened with rage and Trey gulped. “Riddle, now!”
Riddle spun around and pointed his pen at Floyd as well. “Don’t tell me what to do! Off with your head!”
The all too familiar clicking sound could be heard and Floyd grabbed at his neck. Riddle’s iconic neck lock was holding onto the merman and based on the violent thrashing from Floyd, it wasn’t budging. Floyd glared daggers into Riddle and lunged at him with a loud shriek, but Leona had crossed the distance between them and booted him in the side of the head.
“Floyd!” Jade rushed to his brother’s side and was relieved that Floyd was only knocked unconscious. He looked at the first years and down at the neck brace on his twin. “Just... go.”
They didn’t hesitate to swim back to the mirror spot and teleport back to Night Raven College. When they had finally caught their breath from swimming so fast, Riddle look down at his hands.
“I.... I just used my magic to harm an upperclassman. Leona, you kicked an upperclassman in the head!”
“Yeah and I’ll do it again.” Leona picked between his teeth with his pinky finger. Yuu looked at Trey. “So, how did you do that? The plan was for you two to cast that combo spell that Crowley showed you.”
Trey rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I panicked and realized that my Doodle Suite might have been able to make Floyd-Senpai’s shield just not work.”
“Genius, even for a human like you!” Grim jumped onto the green haired boy’s shoulder with a smile.
“Thank you?”
“Don’t take that as a compliment!” Riddle squinted his eyes at Grim. Leona pulled out his phone and was amazed that it wasn’t dead. “So, Jack and Ruggie-Senpai should be done by now, should we head over to the Lounge?”
Yuu sighed and realized how tired they were. “Let’s.”
When he managed to get the last beastman out of his restaurant, Azul almost collapsed against the door. He got to his feet and almost stumbled back to the VIP room, but stopped dead in his tracks. His blood turned to ice and his glasses fell off his face. Azul made an undignified sound and spun around, discarding his glasses in his haste. He tore down the hall back to the Lounge, leaving the VIP room and the open, empty vault within.
Azul threw open the doors to the Lounge and saw Ruggie leaning against a wall, cleaning out his teeth with a toothpick.
“What have you done?!” Azul’s voice was nothing more than a hushed whisper.
Ruggie ignored him. “You know, I tried takoyaki for the first time today, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”
Azul turned a furious red. “You mangy beast! Where are they?!”
“Is that any way to talk to a classmate, Azul-kun?” Jack stepped out from behind a corner, a large stack of yellow papers in his hands. “I thought that you would have more tact.”
The Octavinelle student glared daggers into Jack’s soul. It was a little unsettling. The beastmen could just feel the anger seething out of him. Footsteps could be heard approaching the three.
“I can’t wait to see the look on that Octo-punk’s face when we give him the stupid photo!”
“I’ve never said anything bad against an upperclassman before, but I hope he looses it!”
“Like how you lost it with Floyd?”
“Shut up, or I’ll forcefully remove that anemone myself, you little beast!”
The first years turned the corner Jack was standing behind and stopped. Yuu held up a preemptive hand to stop any wise comments about Azul’s clearly enraged behaviour. With their other hand, they held out the photograph. “Here, so you can’t say we didn’t pull through our end of the deal.”
Azul just stared at the photo and began to laugh softly. “You... You think you’ve won? You steal my contracts, you destroy my Lounge and you bring me my photo to rub it in, huh? I see the twins have failed yet again.”
“Yet again?” Called a voice from down the hall. The students present turned their heads to see the human forms of the Leech brothers coming their way. Floyd still had Riddle’s neck lock on and held an ice pack to his temple.
Jade’s eyes looked Azul up and down. “It seems you’re the one who failed here.”
Azul scoffed. “Oh please, I gave you one task: keep them from returning the photo to me! You couldn’t even do that!”
Floyd stood up taller and took the ice pack away from his head. “You know, I don’t like that tone you’ve got. Makes me want to squeeze it out of you.”
Azul seemed to mentally backpedal. “Well, what I meant to say was--”
Jack waved the contracts in the air to get the mermen’s attention. “Do you want these or not?”
Azul’s anger turned to desperation. “Yes! Hand them over this instant!”
“No I don’t think I will.” Jack sneered. Yuu realized that he was just toying with Azul. They almost felt bad for the second year dorm head, but at the same time, he had enslaved over two hundred students simply because they wanted a cheat sheet for finals. Jack looked over the documents in his hand and passed them to Leona. “Do what you want, I just wanted to see him squirm.”
Leona gladly took the contracts and Yuu realized what he was about to do. They made no move to stop him, but Jade’s eyes opened uncharacteristically large.
“I am hunger, I am thirst, I am that which steals your tomorrow. Now kneel before me, Kings Roar!” 
The golden contracts crumbled into sand between his fingers. Azul shrieked again and fell to his knees, watching as Leona kicked the pile of sand at his feet to solidify that the papers were gone. Yuu looked to Grim and saw that the anemone on his head was gone, however the next sound Azul made got them to return their focus on the situation.
“You... you monsters!” Azul slowly got to his feet.
“Yeah what?” Grim grinned. “You gotta be a bit more specific.”
Leona rolled his eyes and turned to go. “C’mon, I’ve got practice to get to. I don’t wanna throw a pity party for that mess.”
Riddle raised his pen and the neck brace around Floyd vanished. He rubbed his neck and smiled at Riddle. “Thank you, Koebe-chan! No hard feelings for trying to eat you?”
Riddle made a disgusted face that Trey snorted at. Azul watched them start to leave with horror in his eyes. “No, wait! Fix this mess! Grim, I helped you pass your exam!”
“You also used me as a sponge!”
Floyd pursed his lips and crossed his arms. “You’re acting pretty lame right now, you know that right?”
Jade nodded and shrugged his shoulders. “Desperation isn’t a good look for you.”
Azul looked around for something, anything to make the situation better. Yuu sighed. “Azul, you did this to yourself. Now, if you excuse us--”
Azul got to his feet with a strange expression on his face. “Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait! I can turn this around! Just watch, I’m not boring at all!”
The door to the Mostro Lounge creaked open and a timid looking Scarabia student stepped out, patting his head where Yuu assumed an anemone had been resting. Azul reached out his hand and a small ball of light flew out of the chest of the poor student and into Azul’s. He stood up with a crazed smile and looked around the group as the Scarabia boy collapsed.
“See?! I may not be what I once was, but I am still leagues above you all!”
Leona groaned and spun around on his heels. “Okay, now you’re taking this too far--”
He was interrupted by Azul’s laugh and a snap of the second year’s fingers. Ruggie pushed Leona down and the ball of light Yuu assumed was Ruggie’s magic flew to Azul. Jack pulled out his staff and growled as he watched Ruggie faint.
“You’ll pay for that, Ashengrotto.” He snarled.
Azul’s laugh grew dark and menacing. “Oh really, Jack-Senpai?”  the title oozing off of his tongue like poison. “Why don’t you just lighten up and Dance with me!”
Jack dropped the staff and became rigid, but soon regained control of his body. Azul turned to Floyd, who’s eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. All of the commotion had drawn the attention of the other Octavinelle dorm residents, all of which fell prey to Azul’s greedy glare.
Yuu watched in horror as Azul absorbed the magic of every student who had unknowingly stepped into their worst nightmare, but it wasn’t over. Yuu looked Azul up and down and saw his purple gem becoming more clouded by the second.
Riddle noticed this too and raised his pen to stop the nonsense, but Trey tackled him out of Azul’s line of sight. It occurred to Yuu that if Azul got is hands on the magic of their friends, the fight would turn from bad to ugly.
Of course, as per usual, the coming tide was already among them. Jade dashed to put himself between the first years and the crazed Azul, but got smacked to the side by a large black tentacle that had formed from Azul’s cane.
The overblotting version of Azul stood over the first years, but while their friends saw the anger in those cold blue eyes, Yuu recognized loneliness and fear. This was by far the worst case of overblotting Yuu had seen when comparing the Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw incident together, and they had no idea what to do now.
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bobowhooo · 5 years
Potent Savages
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Genre : Drama/ Angst/ Smut/ Trigger Warningsss/ Exo, oc, and blackpink au
Summary ; Not everyone is cut out for this kind of fast-paced lifestyle, but for these young, rich savages, it’s second nature.
Chapter 15 : Fire to the rain.
     Baby, can you see through the tears?
“Baekhyun, come on, let’s go home, baby.” I said while letting tears stroll down my cheeks. I tugged on his arm desperately as I yelled over the noise. The music in the club continued to play loudly as people danced around with no knowledge of the two hearts that have been shattered just now behind this DJ booth. Baekhyun continued to stand there in complete shock after getting that phone call. I heard everything, everything, and I can’t hold back the tears overwhelming me. But baekhyun, he’s just...frozen.
“Baekhyun, please.” I pleaded with him more.
Chanyeol came out of nowhere rushing to the DJ booth. I looked at him in despair hoping for him to save me, and help me save baekhyun. He must have been watching us from afar since the moment we left from the dance floor to where we are now. He probably anticipated that phone call as much as baekhyun did. I’m sure everyone was. Chanyeol picked baekhyun up and threw one of his arms over his shoulders. “I’ll take him home. Just...just tell everyone else what’s going on.” My grip on baekhyun was still strong as I stopped him from being jerked away from my hand. “B-but, you-”
“I don’t need to know exactly what it is. Just let me take baekhyun home. That’s what I want to focus on right now.” Chanyeol looked at me with shaky eyes. I know exactly what’s going on in his head right now. He’s thinking about that phone call. He’s thinking about suho. I just know his heart is racing as fast mine. I nodded and let go completely, not wanting to hold him back anymore. When the boys left me there everything seemed to go in slow motion. My head spun and I got worried about my own life. If suho can die, what’s stopping death from catching up with me? I was breathing harder and harder as my feet led me to the others. 
No, I have to calm down. There’s still hope. I have to stay strong. Besides, I'm sure everyone thought I was dead at one point. W-we don’t even know the whole story yet. Maybe he just got kidnapped, or maybe he’s at the hospital getting taken care of right now. Yeah, there’s still hope. I shouldn’t think bad things, it’ll only make everything much worse. I wiped my tears after slowing down my thoughts and my racing heart. I slid into the VIP room that everyone was lounging in and I grabbed a drink out jisoo’s hand. Everyone whipped their heads my way and watched at the frantic way I drunk down the poison without any words. I sat the glass back into the hand of the girl and sighed, my eyes traveled from one person to another as my bottom lip locked in between my teeth. 
“What’s wrong? Where’s baekhyun?” Sehun asked.
“And chanyeol?” Jennie added quickly.
I cleared my throat and grabbed the whole bottle of the alcohol they had chosen to sip on tonight. 
No one ever said being the bearer of bad news was easy. 
About an hour after explaining exactly what I heard from the phone call and where chanyeol had taken baekhyun we all decided to shut down party time and went straight for the exo mansion with distressing and distraught feelings. I drove my customized range rover with a focused mind. My girls stayed quiet since we left the club and I couldn’t help but feel like it was my fault. It may be stupid to think that way though. “H-hey, I'm sure he’s okay. It’s suho we’re talking about after all.” I said in hopes of bringing up their moods. Lisa looked in the rearview mirror from the backseat at me with sad eyes. “That’s what I used to say about you. But while I was saying that you were being dressed up, drugged, and raped.” She spoke with a scared tone in her voice that made my heart clench. 
“That won’t happen to suho, he’s better than me, he wouldn’t even let himself be captured.” I said with a small smile remembering how he was always one step ahead of everyone else. Not even that, more like three steps ahead. “Stop trying to console us already. You think minseok, being the way he is, wouldn’t make absolutely sure his best friend is dead before telling everyone? He’s not the type to do that.” Rose said with little to no emotion, her feet pressing into the passenger seat with her hands cradling her knees. I grunted a small “fuck” under my breath while I gripped harder on the steering wheel. I hadn’t thought of that, I But to be honest I wasn’t thinking realistically in the first place. I didn’t want to. I still don’t. I looked over to jisoo as she sat in the backseat shaking with wide teary eyes while jennie held her tightly, her eyes being the opposite of jisoo’s. Of course, she’s probably taking this worse than anyone in this car. For the first time, jisoo was falling in love, it was something so rare, something I thought I would never see. For that to be taken away from her like this makes me fill up with rage towards that fucking bitch. She’s such a pussy. I swear to god I’ll make her regret the day she ever decided to fuck with us. 
We got closer to the mansion and I squinted my eyes to get a better look at what’s ahead of me. A little bit ahead of us I could see the limo the boys rode here in, wasn’t parked properly. All the doors were open and I saw Kai standing next to one of them with an anxious look on his face. I sped up and pulled fully into the driveway. My heart started to beat rapidly like before as I caught a glimpse of baekhyun on his knees in front of the limo and behind the Bugatti, chanyeol was driving. I parked the car in a rush and tried to get out before my seat belt pulled me back into my seat. Rose reached over to unbuckle me with a shaky hand and I pushed my door opened in a rough manner. I ran over to baekhyun pushing the boys standing around him out of my way, My hands grabbed onto him before he smacked them away and looked into my eyes with teary red ones. 
“Don’t touch me!” Baekhyun yelled at me, the car lights making him look beautifully sad.
“Baekhyun-” I uttered before being cut off.
“Why are you even here!? Just leave! Go!” He yelled in my face making me feel small. As if I meant nothing to him in his moment of need. A fire sparked in my stomach as I stared at his crazed eyes. I bit my lip in anger and swung my hand towards his face. He flinched before I stopped my hand from doing something stupid and pulled his head towards me. His forehead pushed up against mine and his eyes closed. 
“Listen to me, you little shit, I love you with everything in me, and unless you kill me dead, I'm not going anywhere.”
More tears streamed down his closed eyes before his mouth opened slightly to let out small sounds. Before I knew it the rest of his body crashed into me, putting all of himself in my arms. My neck became wet after he dug his face in it and I wrapped my arms tightly around his torso. I didn’t realize how cold this night was until baekhyun’s warmth surrounded me. 
“Why did he have to go. Why did he leave us.” He said while sobbing into me. I felt him losing strength to stand up as he slid lower. I went down with him, our knees kissing the ground at the same time. 
I’ll stay here, in this exact position, all night if I have to, because there's nowhere I would rather be. Not even a little bit. 
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I groaned myself awake and curled up in the covers more. My hand reached up out of the comforter to rub my sleepy eyes and I cracked one open while rubbing the other. The room was but dark but lit up by moonlight that shined unapologetically throughout the room. I wonder where baekhyun went. my body twisted in the empty bed as I thought about the way baekhyun cried himself to sleep in my tight embrace when we finally got off the ground and into our bed. I turned around to look at the bathroom hoping to see the light. Maybe baekhyun is in there. I found nothing though, which made me even more curious until I caught a glimpse of our big walk-in closet light shining. I sighed and forced myself out of the cozy bed and made my way towards the closet with a tinge of worry.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell Chris to get the jet ready right after we get off the phone.” I heard baekhyun’s voice whisper as my hand froze over the handle of the door. “Yes, I know, I’ll bring help. I won’t come alone.”
I bit my lip fighting back the urge to barge in. I know he’ll end the call if I do. And I would rather him finish up first. ”No, hell no. There’s no way I'm bringing aya with me, hyung. I’ll bring some rookies and maybe Chen. Chanyeol stays because I need him to look after aya.” I sucked in breath after hearing him say those words. What is he an idiot? Why would he make the same mistake as suho?
“Hyung, calm down, I'm not making the same mistake as suho. I'm only acting on what I think is right. Bringing more people into this will only make things worse.” I exhaled in anger. There’s no way I'm letting him do this. I won’t let him put his life on the line like this. Not like this. He’s not leaving without me. 
“I know si yeon like the back of my hand. I can get the job done better than anyone can. This isn’t something I'm worried about. I know that’s what suho said but it’s not the same. It just isn’t. I don’t care what it takes, I’ll go there and tell her I love her, I’ll even fuck her if I have to, all I know is she will die a painful death for what she did and I'm going to be the one to make sure of that.” I pushed open the door and stared at him with anger in my eyes. He turned around to stare back, his eyes filled with the same emotion, only it was not towards me. “Hyung, let me call you back when I'm on the jet.” My eyes traveled to a suitcase he had laid out in front of him filled with guns and ammo and only one pair of underwear.
We stared at each other before I folded my arms and looked towards his suitcase again. “You’re leaving?” I asked in a calm manner.
“How much of that did you hear?” He spoke with a low raspy voice. He sounds sleepy. his body turning more towards me as he spoke those words.
“Are you leaving or what.”
“I’m leaving.” He said now breaking our eye contact.
I bit my lip and looked away too. I'm trying my best not to blow up at him for what I just heard a minute ago. My eyes flew to his face with no resistance. “Without me?” The question came out before I could stop it. He looked into my eyes his body facing me and he opened his mouth before closing it again.
“Yes.” He said, his voice going softer than it was before.
My eyes burned as I heard him say the things I didn’t want to hear out loud. I took a few steps forward slowly as I tried to fight back any kind of tears. Without a second thought my hand swung on its own, but this time I didn’t stop it. The loud sound of my hand making contact with his left cheek filled the closet before he placed his hand over it. “I won’t let you.” I said with my hand stinging. He got up abruptly and looked at me with a cold, hard, expression. His eyes telling me to just leave. But there was no way I was going to. My heart felt heavy as fighting the tears became harder to do. I’m just so scared of losing him. I can’t let this happen.
“This is not up for discussion!” He yelled at me.
“No, baekhyun, I won’t let you leave without me.” He turned his back, ignoring me and looking through his clothes with no emotion. “Baekhyun, look at me!” I said pulling his arm. “Please don’t go!”
“I don’t want to! Do you think I'm going to have fun going to avenge suho, who was like a father figure to me!? Do you think I want to go find a distressed minseok alone in some random hotel room!? I don't! But I have to, it’s my responsibility. I won’t put your life at risk for this. You staying here is the only way I can guarantee your safety. I can’t afford to lose you again! now that suho is....” 
“Don’t you get it!? I can’t afford to lose you either! If you die and I know I didn’t do anything to stop it I will never forgive myself. At least let’s do this together. If we die, we die together. If we survive, we live on together. Baekhyun, let me be there for you.” I placed my hands on his cheeks, one feeling hotter than the other.
His eyes glistened with tears but they refuse to fall, unlike the ones relentlessly streaming down my face. He slowly moved my hands away from his face and walked forwards making me take steps back. My foot landed outside of the closet and he sniffled. “Go back to bed. Go back to sleep.” The man closed the door in my face before I could say anything back, making me want to scream at him, instead, I placed my forehead on the door and my hands did the same. I closed my eyes as more tears came down my cheeks. Thoughts of baekhyun not coming back ran through my head, driving me mad.
After what I think was an hour of sitting with my knees to my chest at the closet door, the sky started to wake up and I became calmer than I was before. I could hear baekhyun make the call for his jet and some backup. Not long after my back felt the door open and I moved to stand up. Baekhyun’s eyes didn’t make contact with mines when he walked out with his suitcase fully packed and a determined look. His shirt was now covered by a hoodie he pulled over it and he wore a tired look with messy hair, and that made me worry more. “B-baekhyun-” I called out before getting cut off like before. “Listen, I'm sorry for how I reacted, I'm not in the right mind space. But I need you to understand why you have to stay, it would make everything so much  easier.” Baekhyun said with an almost pleading tone. I closed my eyes and sighed before reaching out my hand, hoping baekhyun takes it. He gave me a quick look of desperation and then grabbed my hand roughly, pulling me into him. His arms wrapped around me and I did the same to him. My face dug deeper into his chest as his hands caressed the top of my head and my back. I slowly pulled away to look at him with a sad smile. All the things in my head were screaming at me as I looked into his eyes. His beautiful brown teary eyes. 
What if he doesn't come back? 
I tilted my head upwards to initiate the kiss I need so badly. 
What will you do without him in your life?
He caught my lips without a second thought and pulled me into him more by my waist. 
You could go if you wanted. Just sneak onto the jet. Who cares if he hates you afterward, at least you know you tried your best.
I tugged on his hair and slid my tongue into his mouth as his hands slid under my shirt and kneaded my waist. 
You won’t do it. You’re too scared. You’re such a little pussy. You think you won't come back alive.
I grabbed his shirt and pulled him with me while I walked backwards into the bed. Together we fell into the soft mattress and never once broke our locked lips.
You deserve to die if you can’t protect the one you love. You’re worthless.
I stopped in the middle of taking baekhyun’s shirt off and stared blankly at the ceiling, letting my thoughts cut deeply like a stab. “Aya?” Baekhyun called out to me in worry. My hands fell from their place, drifting away from him and to my face. I covered my teary eyes while baekhyun continued to call for me. A fire like heat started in my stomach before it began to spread out around the rest of my body. A feeling of being trapped made me lose breathe and I pushed baekhyun off of me to run to the other side of the room. I held my chest and took deep breaths while sliding down the wall I pushed myself against. Baekhyun ran over to me, grabbing my shoulders in concern 
“Aya, talk to me. What’s going on?”
I looked up, my heart and eyes overwhelmed with emotions. I bit my lip to hold back the tears as we made eye contact. “I can’t just agree with what you’re doing. I can't just be okay with it. It’s tearing me apart already and you haven’t even left. Please, don’t go. Let’s stop her some other way. I refuse to lose you.”
He stared at me with his mouth slightly open before licking his lips and running his left hand through his messy hair. He looked completely stressed out by my words and actions, I would be too if I were him. The way I'm acting right now isn't me, but I can’t help it. I wish I could. “I-” Baekhyun got cut off by a knock on the door making the both of us whip our heads to it. “Come in!” Baekhyun yelled after turning his attention back to me. His eyes roamed my face in search of something unknown while the person came in. 
“The jet is ready. Everything is looking good,” The random guy spoke in a professional voice. This guy probably works here and I have never seen him once. How big is this mansion? “Alright. I’ll be down in a few.” Baekhyun said to the man while still looking at me. He left the room after a respectful bow, shutting the door softly. Baekhyun put his arm next to my head while I looked at him in desperation. He leaned into me to gently place his forehead over mine, I basked in this moment, closing my eyes and holding onto his arm that’s placed on the wall next to me.
“I love you so much. Please stay safe, my love.” Baekhyun whispered sweetly to me. 
My heart raced when he pulled away from me and cracked a little when he turned his back. My eyes pierced his suitcase and i got up quickly. “Baekhyun! No, please!” I yelled, pleading for him to just stop. Just stay here. He ignored me and picked up his suitcase, walking away as if I wasn’t just yelling at him. “Baekhyun, please think this through more! Even if it’s just one more night! Stay with me!” I yelled more as I followed him out of our room and to the stairs. When we reached the bottom of the stairs I grabbed him roughly. I can’t have him walk out of my life like this. “Baekhyun, don’t, please.” I whispered when my hand started to shake. “If you go, I don’t know what I'm going to do with myself.” 
“Aya, if you love me like you say you do, please, please let me go.”  Baekhyun spoke with his back still facing me. 
I could feel everyone else’s eyes on us after coming out of their rooms to see what was going on. It’s my fault since I'm the one making a scene. But I don’t care about that right now. “Baekhyun, listen to me, what if you never come back? Do you really want this to be the last time we see each other?” I spoke with a pleading tone as I tugged on him. His eyes closed as he scrunched his face up, trying to fight the way I'm shooting him right in the heart with my words. “What we have is more special than any revenge. If you leave, you're leaving that here. Why can’t you see that!? Only you can make me beg like this! Stop making me swallow my pride and just come back into my arms. Let’s talk about this. Let’s think on it. Together.”
He finally opened his eyes and for split second he looked like my words made him change his stubborn mind. I saw his eyes fly passed me at something else and before I could look behind me the boy grabbed my face and kissed me roughly. I was taken by surprise before giving into the feeling and kissing him back. My hands went to wrap around baekhyun’s neck but he caught them, holding my wrists in his hands. He pulled away slowly, looking at me sweetly. “Chanyeol.” Baekhyun whispered when my waist was grabbed suddenly by big hands. 
“Hey! Let me go!” I yelled at chanyeol as he wrapped his arms around me to keep me restrained. I struggled as I watched baekhyun give a signal to his pilot that he's ready to go.  “Baekhyun. Don’t you dare walk out of this mansion.” I warned.
“I love you, aya. I’ll miss you. I promise you, I can do this, and I will come back to you. Just believe in me. Bye, guys.” Baekhyun spoke with a small smile. I struggled more with tears forming in my eyes. Why is he doing this? And why can’t understand his actions? Why can’t he understand mine? Would things still be the same if he did? Maybe he does. “Baekhyun, don’t! This is the last time I'm going to say. Don’t fucking leave me.” I said. Chanyeol’s hold on me felt almost good at this moment. It feels like it’s keeping from exploding. “Please.” I said as my last shot. After this im out of bullets. 
Baekhyun smiled sadly before grabbing his suitcase and turning his back on me again. How could he ignore me when I am pleading like this. I just don’t understand him. At this moment I feel like he shut me out of his mind. Or did I shut myself out? My head is too clouded to think clearly. So, I won’t think. “Fine! Leave! Ignore me! I don’t care! I was fine on my own before I met you! Fuck you, byun baekhyun!” I screamed at him while he walked further away from me. “I hate you.” I whispered to myself, letting all the tears stream down my face. Why am I like this? I'm too scared to go and I'm scared to stay. I'm scared of baekhyun leaving me forever. I'm scared of not being able to do anything to help him. I'm scared of going and dying. I'm scared to die. Since when did this happen? What happened to me? What did I do to myself?  
Chanyeol wrapped his arms around me in a more comfortable way than before. Maybe he sensed the things I was thinking. I jumped in his embrace before relaxing. “He loves you too.” He whispered into my ear. I Shut my eyes tightly and bit my lip. He’s trying to comfort me. I grabbed his arms and nodded.
“I know.”
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My head is spinning as I stared at the ceiling of my room. Suho is gone. Baekhyun left. He took Chen instead of me. And now he told me to watch over aya carefully. As much as I love aya, to be honest, I would rather be there with him. I think all of us would have gone with him instead of staying actually, but he was being selfish. He thought it was all his fault so only he could handle it. But that’s probably some of the stupidest thought he’s ever had. He’s really an idiot. An idiot that better come back safely. 
It’s been a good four hours since he left. Aya went to her room and so did everyone else. I think we’re all just really emotionally drained right now. But who wouldn't be. That aside, I should probably go check on her soon. I want to give her space, but leaving her alone for too long seems like a bad idea. My eyebrows moved upwards while my mouth did the opposite. Seeing aya act like that almost broke me, seeing her tears and pleading face was too much for me to handle. I know baekhyun felt the same way. I could tell by his face his heart was breaking. That stubborn bastard. 
I got up from laying on my back and walked over to the door in my room that leads to the balcony. Not all of the rooms have one but I had to make sure mine did. It overlooks our backyard and makes a great entrance for the times I throw pool parties. Plus I get to watch the girls swim sometimes. Only sometimes, you know, when they don’t yell at me to stop being a perv.  Which is not my intentions, it’s just nice to see people enjoy the pool every once in a while. Speaking of that, my eyes caught a glimpse of someone laying poolside in a white bikini, making me lose all my thoughts. I squinted my eyes to see who it was better and smiled at what I found. “Aya.” I said under my breath. I watched her lift her soft chin upwards to let more of the morning sun hit her face. She looks so beautiful. As always. I ran a hand through my hair with slight frustration. The feeling of holding her is haunting me. She was just so soft. How can I not think about it?
How long have I been going on like this? Probably ever since I met her. I can’t even remember anymore. With that being said, it doesn’t drive me as crazy as it used to. Knowing i can’t have her. Knowing she doesn’t want me to have her. I remember how easy it was to tell her my feelings that night at the dinner party because I got over the fact that it was always going to be one-sided. Besides, moments later I watched her get fingered by baekhyun under the table so she probably wasn’t thinking about what I said to her after that. I sighed. What a night that was. I’ve been trying to move on for a while, but I love to love her too much. Other girls don’t even come close. How to get over someone as mind-blowing as you, aya? Please tell me. 
Aya moved forwards to sit up and tie her hair into a bun. I watched her every movement, my eyes sliding down her arms and to her chest, making their way to her waist and thighs before she got up. Her feet tapped closer to the edge of the pool stairs and she stepped down while holding onto the railing. The water slowly swallowed her breathtaking body while I shamelessly enjoyed every second of it. I smiled in satisfaction before getting startled by her pretty eyes piercing into me. Shit. I looked away quickly and put my hands on my hips, hoping to throw her off of thinking I was staring at her. I bit my lip when I still felt her eyes on me. The temptation to look at her as she looked at me won and I took a peek at her face. She looked kind of confused but then she put on a small smile and my heart did a tiny happy dance. I smiled back at her as she lifted a hand up to wave at me. I waved back with small motions, staring at her sweetly.
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My eyes opened when I heard the door for the backyard close. “Chanyeol.” I called for him with a smile. “Hey!” He called back, matching my smile. He came up the edge of the pool and sat down, sliding his feet and calves into the water. “Can I ask how you're doing?” Chanyeol spoke with concern. I began to swim over to where he was while I answered him. “I'm feeling fine. I'm sorry for freaking out like that.”
“It’s okay, We all felt the same way, I'm sure. Plus you had the right, he is your boyfriend after all. Don’t apologize for loving him, or for wanting to protect him.”
“You’re right, I'm still sorry though.” I chuckled. I never intended to go that crazy, but the mix of having suho gone and baekhyun leaving made my heart tremble in fear for some reason. I just couldn’t handle it. “Then again, all of it made me realize something.”  I said.
“And what’s that?” Chanyeol asked when he tilted his head towards the sun and squinted his eyes.
“Love made me soft.”
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AUTHORS NOTE : im backkkk!!! and i cannot wait to make the next chapter! i hope you enjoyed this and thank you for readinggg im sorry if it was a bit trashy its hella late and i was so ready to finish and start start the next one. SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! ive been gone too long so im going to try and push out some good chapters for you guys! thank you for your patience!
Kisses? <3333 lailaaa ~~~
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sserpente · 6 years
In a heartbeat (Chapter 12)
A/N: Heyho there my lovelies! Here’s the next chapter! Enjoy reading! ♥
Find all chapters on my masterlist!
The prospect of a hot shower was numbing the pain in your limbs as you eagerly followed Loki back to his apartment.
“You know… you didn’t have to hit me so hard.” You started to break the peaceful silence between you—never an uncomfortable one. Knowing this filled you with pride, the butterflies in your stomach swallowing imaginary LSD.
Loki laughed quietly, instantly sending a shiver down your spine as he opened the door to his apartment and moved to let you step inside first. At this time of the day, the hallways were nearly empty. The few guards you had come across, so you figured, would never harm you as long as he was right next to you—you were his property, after all.
“Pain is a good teacher, little minx. Tomorrow, you won’t be making the same mistakes.”
“Sure. Laugh at me. The day will come where I will pin you to the ground.” You teased him in response, grinning wildly as you headed for the bathroom and got rid of your mangled jacket.
Loki smirked. “Is that so? Well, in this case, with me as your teacher, you might manage in a couple of centuries.”
“Great. Motivating… just you wait, you’ll see.” You replied playfully, winking as you did before disappearing into the bathroom and closing the door behind you to remove the rest of your clothes, throwing them to the floor in an untidy pile.
They were ruined already. There was no need to treat them with care, besides, what instead kept your mind busy when you stepped under the shower and enjoyed how instantly, warm water tickled your naked skin, was the fact you realised with a start what you’d just done. You had been flirting with him. You had been flirting with Loki! If the God of Mischief noticed, he did not tell but quite certainly, you had to be more careful, for if you continued like this, he would notice your excessive liking into him faster than you could say mischief.
After what felt like an hour of washing yourself with the scented foam and soaps, you were finally ready to leave the now steaming shower again, your naked and still moist form wrapped in a turquoise towel. You wanted to enjoy the feeling of being clean for a while longer before putting your dirty clothes back on. You almost gagged at the thought of it.
“Do you think they have washing machines on this planet?” You called, hoping Loki would hear you.
He smirked when he appeared in the threshold, his blue gaze boldly roaming over your half naked form. It made you flush so furiously you resembled a mellow tomato.
“I doubt that,” he replied amused, then briefly looked to the dirty pile of fabric on the tiles to your feet. “You won’t be needing them. Now you stay here and get ready. I will… take care of my brother’s… task.”
Get ready? Ready for what? Oh.
“Wait… I’ll be joining you?” The contest of champions. Loki would be one of the Grandmaster’s cherished VIP guests. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”
“It certainly is an idea. You know he is very fond of you.” It was then you actually did gag. Loki chuckled. “Now get ready.” And with that, he vanished.
You were just about to open your mouth once more and ask him how you were supposed to get ready without any clothes when you suddenly spotted an emerald green dress made of the softest fabric you had ever seen right on the bed sheets.
Your lips parted when you reached for it to properly examine it. It was beyond beautiful, revealing just enough to be sexy but still appear modest. Had he asked the Grandmaster’s lackeys to bring it for you… or had he created it himself? Pouting in awe, you made a mental note to ask him later and dropped your towel to put it on. It fit like a glove. Yes, you thought. Definitely magic.
It took you a while until you riddled out what to do with your hair until you decided to simply let them fall over your shoulders. In one of the bathroom drawers, you even found some utensils resembling make-up among a few bottles of nail polish, remembering that the Grandmaster himself had… blue nails.
You shook your head and instead settled for framing your eyes with the dark coal. You didn’t recognise yourself once your eyes met your reflexion in the mirror. This woman didn’t look like Loki’s beloved pleasure slave wearing his colours. This woman… looked like his queen.
Taking a deep breath, you suppressed what the delicious thought did to your mind and body and then flinched, alarmed, when Loki appeared right behind you. Perhaps you were unconsciously summoning him whenever you daydreamed about him.
The corners of his thin mouth twitched as he eyed you down from head to toe, approving of your appearance with a court nod. You didn’t know what you had expected. A compliment, maybe, an impressed gasp at the very least but of course, you were hardly as ravishing as Valkyrie.
“Your shoes will not do. Put on these.” He said, handing you pair of golden sandals. You simply nodded, grateful for not having to leave barefoot.
It left you wondering if he still thought about her naked body under his. You knew Loki was hurting, his trust issues putting stokes in his wheels. You could barely imagine he would sleep with someone simply for the fun of it… the way his blue eyes had sparkled that day they had returned from Helheim… Valkyrie calling him a monster had hurt him. Perhaps he was not in love with her—hell, you sincerely hoped so—but he certainly didn’t hate her either. Not like you did.
“Did you… did you get the access codes?” You asked him when he led you outside, shortly before one of the Grandmaster’s servants picked you up to escort you to the arena.
Loki winked at you in response. So he did. A shy smile spread on your lips. You did love his playfulness, after all.
“Loki! Come here, come here, sit with me on the couch, are you excited? I am, I am, oh and you brought your pet! Hello there, little pet. Come on, let’s sit now.” The Grandmaster was fuming with enthusiasm when you entered a large VIP lounge. Loki was handed a glass of expensive wine upon your arrival and, much to your surprise, he offered it to you before taking the first sip.
No. Alcohol would make your brain even fuzzier than it already was. Your wit had to be crystal clear if you wanted to survive this evening.
Soon, the Grandmaster grabbed the God of Mischief and seated him on a long and white leather couch. The VIP lounge was located dozens of feet high up in the air, the large window protected by a transparent glass pane bragging with a marvellous view over the entire arena.
You were just about to kneel down on the floor and swallow your pride to not get him in trouble, when suddenly, Loki firmly wrapped his hand around your wrist and yanked you close until you came to sit on his lap. Your heart skipped several beats at once.
“What are you doing?” You hissed quietly—not that you were complaining. The sensation of his strong thigh on your backside and his arm around your hips felt like Valhalla.
“Keep up the act, little minx.”
His smooth voice instantly sent pleasant shivers up and down your spine.
“You will love this. Have you made your bet yet? Between the two of us, my champion is invincible. You can make a lot of money if you trust my judgement.”
Loki laughed, yet you could tell it was fake and so unlike you had laughed together back in his apartment.
“I cannot wait to see him fight.” He responded politely, shifting nervously on his seat. He was struggling. Struggling with… what? Frowning, you opened your mouth to ask if he was okay when you were precipitously interrupted by a cheering crowd.
A broad man made of… stone? Yes. A stone man entered the arena. The fights were about to begin, leaving you no time to pry into Loki’s bets with the Grandmaster.
“This is barbaric,” you murmured quietly. Three battles in, you watched a couple of scrappers dragging a bloody and half-dead body away from the arena, a red trail following after them. “Why would anyone enjoy this?”
Loki sighed. “He is a lunatic, I know. Just… pretend you are fascinated.”
Nodding, you bit your lower lip. The Grandmaster turned his head, his greedy eyes widening with curiosity. “What are you whispering about?”
The God of Mischief faked another content laugh. “Forgive me, she is… not used to spectacles like these, it flusters her being allowed to watch.” He explained rapidly, making you dig your nails into his left knee. His hand covered yours in an instant, stopping your attempted payback and making you suck in the cool air as his warm skin touched yours. His palm was soft, his long fingers intertwining with yours to remove your nails from his knee.
“Ah, yeah, I can imagine that!” The Grandmaster mused with a smug grin on his face. His blue make-up looked even more ridiculous today and you were beyond grateful Loki only settled for yellow accents on his clothing instead of painting his face with body paint as well.
“Well, I will be right back. We always take a short break before the final fight.”
Relieved, you watched the crazy old man getting up and leaving the VIP lounge, his yellow cloak flattering behind him. All of his guests made space for him to pass, making you shake your head in disbelief. Finally, you allowed yourself to slide off of Loki’s lap, still, however, kept so close to him your legs were touching.
“You think they have a bathroom here somewhere?”
The God of Mischief rolled his eyes. “Really, now? Can’t that wait?”
“Not exactly. I don’t have the bladder of a god, unfortunately.” You spared him from threatening you would actually piss on him if you didn’t find a toilet.
“Fine,” he spat. He wasn’t angry with you—that you would have known. Much more did you feel like a motherless little girl he had to babysit.
He never let go of your arm when you stepped into the hallway full of oddly dressed people. Scrappers were rushing through, accompanied by the gladiators who had been spared of tonight’s contest and, much to your dismay, new contenders they had snatched for a handful of coins.
Another lost soul caught and sold as a doll, his short hair wild and stubby. He moaned in pain when one of the scrappers buried his shoe in his stomach, the blue obedience disk, which you had learned were attached to all of the Grandmaster’s slaves, ready to stun him. Turning his head, his blue eyes roamed around defencelessly in the hopes of support, help or a way out.
The Grandmaster, appearing beside you both enthusiastically, clapped his hands. “Ah, Loki, look, there he is! If he proves to be as skilled as you promised, you will be greatly rewarded.”
Your hand flew up to cover your mouth when you recognised his face. It was Thor.
A/N: 3:)
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drunkoffbucky · 6 years
In my blood - Bucky Barnes
In my blood - Bucky Barnes
Warning: fighting, cursing, angst
Requested by: @lokiikii
Summary: You and the Avengers go to a bar to celebrate your successful Mission. Bucky distances himself from you, but a night at the bar makes him regret everything.
“Nat, i can’t wear this.”
The team decided to go out and celebrate since the dangerous mission involving hydra agents went successfully, which left you looking at yourself in the mirror, wearing one of Nat’s dresses. Don’t get me wrong, the dress is stunning. It’s just not something I could go out in. The low cut, black mini dress was definitely something you would not feel comfortable in.
“You look great, Y/N!” She insisted, but after seeing the look on your face she knew this was going nowhere. “Fine.” She mumbled and went to look for a different dress back in the closet.
Minutes passed, before you found the right outfit. But once you tried on the tight highwaist black skirt and a close-fitting white top you knew it was the right one. To finish off the look you did some loose waves and some Make-up and both of you made your way to the living room, to wait for the other guys.
“They always complain that we’re the last ones to get ready, yet here we are. 15 minutes later and they’re still not here.” Nat laughed, making her way back to kitchen, leaving you alone for a bit.
You were actually nervous to see Bucky’s reaction. You two weren’t official yet, but you definitely had an unspoken thing. Earlier in the mission, while you were getting ganged up on by the bad guys, Bucky rushed to your side to help you. You didn’t actually need help, since you were trained in combat but the gesture was quite genuine and left you thinking about him the whole afternoon. Before the mission, Bucky had made a huge mess about how ‘it’s too dangerous and blablabla’. And now, there was just painful awkward silence. Nevertheless, Steve came out with Bucky right on his heels. You could say they were surprised when they saw me, seeing as their mouths opened up slightly and they both fell silent.
“Wow, Y/N. You look stunning!” Steve was the first one to break the silence.
“Oh, stop it, you!” You dramatically flipped your hair and gave them a little spin.
You and Steve got a very well and always shared a laugh, him being like the brother you’ve never had, actually. You’ve talked with him about Bucky before, as you were certain that Bucky’s done that too.
Looking back to Bucky you wondered why he still hasn’t said anything. You did look good and you guys were friends, so you didn’t understand the reason for his silence. Not even a “You clean up nice.” or anything came from him. Just silence. Eventually he looked away and you knew that the subject was changed.
It bothered you. Not because he didn’t compliment you. But because he didn’t say a word. Not even a “Hello”, “Hi”, or “Sup”. Something was off with him.
Nat made her way back into the room, with Thor and Tony by her side. Wanda and the rest were soon to join and we made our way to the next bar. Not long after, you all arrived at the bar where you always go to celebrate. It was dark inside, the music was blasting from the speakers, everyone was dancing and grinding on each other and the bar was full, as always.
“Damn, it’s packed tonight,” you mumbled. You were walking beside Steve, engaging in small talk and also dropping puns, here and there. It was enjoyable and fun, but the only thing on your mind was Bucky. “Hey Steve,” you turned to face him, grabbing him by his arm to get him further away from the group. “What’s wrong with Bucky?”
“You noticed, too? Huh,” he sighed. “Ever since we stepped foot into the living room, he’s been acting strange. I haven’t had the chance to speak to him yet, though.”
“Could you, though? I feel like he’s ignoring me, for whatever reason. I mean, did he mention something about me back home?” You looked pleasingly in Steve’s eyes.
“Ye- No, ehm, no he didn’t.” Steve hoped you didn’t see through his lie. Bucky and Steve had in fact talked about Y/N before the party. It wasn’t anything bad, just your typical “Bucky fangirling moments”.
“And the way she kicked that guys gun out his hand and jumped on him, man. The guy had no chance left with Y/N busting out her badass-angel moves.”
Thankfully for Steve, though, the music was starting to get louder, which made hearing him very difficult. All you could notice was the shuttle of his head and how he had mouthed ‘No.’
Y/N smiled sadly, shaking her head and gestures for them to join back the team, at the VIP lounge. You made a mental note to talk to Bucky later.
The VIP lounge was very beautiful, like the rest of the bar/club. It had a bar with a rather handsome bartender, a dance floor and a smoker balcony.
We all started to discuss the mission and were making fun of the guys who started crying at the end. It was a nice atmosphere, thanks to the drinks and the jokes. Every once in a while, you caught Buck’s eye, but he would just look away, without a smile.
Sam stood up, walking over to the smoker balcony with Thor. Both of them didn’t smoke, but there was a mutual friend over there. Tony and Nat decided on going to the dance floor and letting loose for a while. Your eyes followed them with a small smile, until they got lost in the crowd. Turning your head back to the others, you were just about to speak to Bucky, when you saw that he had changed places. He now sat beside Wanda, with his arm around her shoulders whilst they both shared a laugh. Wanda definitely enjoyed the moment, leaning back into his chest whilst laughing.
As much as you love Wanda, this was too much.
This hurt, too much.
Without a second thought, you stood up quickly letting your glass door to the floor and made your way to the bar. You could hear a faint “Y/N!” from Steve, which you ignored. Knowing him, he propably cleaned up your glass after you, losing you in the crowd afterwards.
You had sat down at one of the stools of the bar.
“Rough Night?” The bartnender smiled.
“You could say that,” you chuckled bitterly. “I’d like a Martini, please.”
“Make that two.” An unknown voice commanded behind you. The man had made his way beside you, leaning on arm in the counter top, trying to look smooth. You took in his appearance, which wasn’t too shabby. Stubble, broad shoulders and a nice smile.
The mystery guy did make you feel kind of uncomfortable, being very close to you and basically breathing down your neck.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here? All alone..” His smirk was quite sinister as he started to rub my back with his huge palm.
You felt very small and helpless beside him, at the moment. Luckily, you knew that you have what it takes to take him down. (If it ever came to that)
You didn’t answer the man, just looking away, clenching your fists and hoping that the bartnender would come back with your drink so that you could leave.
“Did you not hear me?” His voice got rougher and forced you to look him the eyes, by grabbing your chin. You didn’t hesitate to grab his arm and twist it around, so that he ended up with his back against you. You pushed d him down, to make sure he’d stay put.
“Sorry, I’m saving myself for Ryan Gosling.” You answered smugly, making your way away from that man and back to your friends. Straightening out your skirt and running a hand through your hair, you made your way back. You had only gotten a couple of feet away from him, when he grabbed you by you arm and dragged you off to the opposite direction. You struggled getting out of his grasp, since he was starting to get freakishly strong for a perverted 35-year old.
“Let go or you’ll regret it.” You threatened him, meaning it 100%. You were just about to flip your shit, if he wouldn’t let you free. He pushed me through a door, which led outside, to the back of the bar. It was pretty dark outside, with just a street lamp on the opposite side of the road. As soon as his grip loosened on your hand, you twisted his hand around once more. This time, kicking him down strongly. The man was up on his feet in no time. You were starting to wonder if he had powers of his own, seeing as he was not backing down and seemed just as strong as you.
“Heil Hydra.” He whispered loud enough for you to hear, before charging at you full-speed.
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summerrrluvvv · 4 years
Chapter 10:
3 days later: Day 12 in Miami
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 It had been 3 days since I talked to Samar. He had been texting me, asking to see me and then cussing me out. I did need to go by his place today to get my tickets for us to get in VIP for The City Girls foam party, Santana, Saweetie, Mulatto, Trina and Flo Milli and like some other people were all going to be there. We only had 4 days left in Miami before we had to go back to our regular lives in Atlanta, and 3 days before Lit and Wild. I was trying to go big. “What do we wear to a foam party?” Ariana asked. I sighed annoyed cause regardless of what we told her to wear she was going to wear whatever the fuck she wanted anyways. “Ari, you wear a swimsuit” I said to her. She nodded and ran back to her room. I was flat ironing my hair dancing to Brent Faiyaz “Trust” playing through the house speakers. I had an aqua blue one-piece swimsuit, and some purple and aqua blue, and pink platform sandals. Melody came into my room and laid on my bed. “I’m almost finish, I just got to put on my lip gloss and then we out, is Zion and Ari ready?” I asked knowing they take the longest to get ready. She shrugged “I didn’t check I just came in here because I was ready”. Zion then came in my room heading over to the mirror wear I was at to look at herself. “Damn bitch you ain’t check before you left your room?” I said. She playfully pushed me. “I did but I wanted to look at myself again” She said. Ariana then came in the room. I turned off my flat iron. “Alright yall we got to go before parking get crazy” I said to them. 
We got in the car and I headed over to get the VIP bands for us at Samar’s house. Mel, Zion and Ari waited in the car while I went to go knock on his door. I knew he was here because his Lambo he rented was in the driveway. The door flung open, and he looked me up down slowly and smirked at me, I rolled my eyes try to pretend like he was looking good, I knew he would be at the foam party too cause he was the DJ for the intercessions. “What?” I snapped, he laughed a little, “I ain’t seen you in 3 days and you come to my door with this little attitude, like you don’t miss me” He said. I was pressed for time and he was making me mad, I mean he was not making me mad, but I wanted him to think that I was mad. “Samar you going to give me the VIP bands or not?” I asked. He nodded “Come on in” He said. I came and closed the door. He went upstairs, I then seen this bitch Diamond transcend downstairs. “Tye, Tye” She sang annoying me cause only close friends and family call me that. I forced a smile. “Hey girl” I said. She had a black 2-piece swimsuit set with some Square black heels. “Ooh Tye I love your fit; you always be dressing girl” She smiled excitedly. It is hard to hate a bitch that’s stans you, so much. “I like your swimsuit” I said. She smiled so fucking brightly. “Well I had to look good, I was going to get red because you know Sami loves red” She said, I rolled my eyes when she was not looking. “Sami! Baby come on” She said. Samar came downstairs counting the wrist bands. He looked up between Diamond and me. “Here you go” He said handing the bands to me. I put them into my mini backpack and zipped my bag. “Sami tell you the good news yet?” Diamond said before I started heading out. I nervously shook my head. “Samar and I are back together; he’s going to move with me to L.A. after Lit and Wild” She said. I forced a smile, “Wow really? I’m so glad to know that after you cheated with Brent and the abortion that yall managed to work everything out, see Samar and you thought you wouldn’t be ever to what did you tell me, oh yeah forgive this hoe ass bitch, but look at you. I love to see that your happy bud, finally he’s been really missing you” I said smiling big as hell. Diamond face had dropped, and she looked at Samar who was mugging the fuck out me. “Really Tye?” He said angry. I shrugged “Did I say something wrong?” I asked before I turned away to leave. “Yo Tye” Samar called out at me. I just closed his door and went to my car. He came running out and got in my face “Tye, the fuck is wrong with you kid? You really had to say that? You cannot be happy for me. I got yo ass the VIP bands and shit and you come to my spot tripping” He snapped. I smushed him out my face. “Boy, get the fuck out my face. No, I’m not happy for you and yo bitch fuck you and her”. I said to him. “Remember after everything we supposed to be best friends no matter what Tye” He said looking at me, then looking at the girls who was just watching everything. I shrugged my shoulders “I will never support you hurting me to be with that bitch, you didn’t think about our friendship when you went and got back with Diamond after I told you I was in love with you, so as of now fuck you Samar” I started the car and he backed up out of his drive way and then drove off. “You good?” Mel asked. I had to remember my makeup was beat before I started bawling. “Let me drive” Mel told me. I pulled over into a shopping plaza, she got out as I climbed into the passenger seat. “If you want to cry Tye just do it” She said waiting to pull off. “I’m good Mel” I snapped. She put her hands up. “Sorry just checking” I rolled my eyes. I went in my purse to light my blunt, I had pre- rolled. I was going to get fucked up at this party fasho. Melody started driving and I was just looking out the window, irritated because Samar really expected me to be happy for him? Hell, the fuck no. I felt like he chose her over me, and that fucked me up. We pulled into the party that was at a huge ass Arena. “Passes?” Security asked, as we got to the VIP parking. We had to show our wrist bands to get free parking.”Yall clear” Security said. We pulled in and parked. Ariana grabbed the Tequila out the back and we started pouring up.  “Ayyye it’s about to be Lit!” Zion sang as she twerked in her bikini. “Aight ladies here yall go! This band gets us backstage free drinks and food and we get our own room, it’s like a section with our own foam machine” I said to them repeating what Samar had told me. “Oooh classy” Ari said. Mel and I got out the car, I reached in the back to give everybody shot cups so we can be semi lit when we get in there. I lit up my blunt again after I took my shot and passed the blunt to Ariana. “Ooh shit none of us ate like that today” Ari said nervous. “I want to be able to enjoy myself and not be fucked up fucked up” Zion said. I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s a City Girl party, we need to be lit as hell” We took at least four shots. “Shit nasty as fuck” Melody said downing her water. “Aight lets bounce” Zion said.  Melody locked the car door and we headed to the VIP line. The VIP line was super-fast, they had guide show us to our section. We got on the elevator and went to the third floor. Samar got us Diamond Elite VIP. We got off the elevator and the guide brought us to our own Sky Box. It was all glass and you needed to scan your band to get in. She put in a code and foam started coming out of these machines. We had our own bar, and a refrigerator, and our room was glow in the dark. We had an open balcony so we can see the stage like right there. “Okay ladies so your bands can also get you backstage and chill with the celebs and all access to liquor and free food. “Wrist on glitter, waist on thinner. Ima show you how to bag a eight figure nigga” Saweetie was on stage performing “Tap In”. Even though I was mad at him he really did hook us the fuck up. “If you ladies need anything, my name is Dawn, just press number 9 and I will be able to serve you” Dawn said before leaving. “Ayye Tap Tap Tap in” Ariana rapped. “I don’t know about yall but I’m heading down to that bar to get unlimited drinks” I told them. “Girl me too the fuck” Mel said. We all left our room to head to the bar downstairs to get drinks and bring them back up, I grabbed the tray they left in the room so I can bring back more than one. It was packed downstairs, and the regular bars were long as fuck. 
The VIP section bars were in a lounge like area, it was different food places and everything you could see all the VIP sections from where we were, it was foam pouring out everywhere. It was like a big ass fucking bubble bath, the whole arena was similar to a Hotel and a club with a big stage being in the lobby,  and everyone around the stage and then the surrounding areas at the top and bottom were different levels of VIP. The bars already had shots prepared and bottle with room numbers on them. “Can't stop won't stop get guap, Ten white toes in them Tory flip flops. Manicures and pedicures I'm always tip top. When they say I'm not hot all these lies need to stop, 'Cause I'm icy, wifey haters wanna fight me, Never been the one get RIP up on a white tee, Keep my hands clean got some hitta's moving shiesty” Saweetie was performing “ICY” now on stage. We were dancing in line waiting to get our drinks and food. “Hey Tye, can we talk?” I heard from the side of me. I rolled my eyes when I seen it was Diamond. What the fuck did the hoe want? “I’m in line right now” I told her. She nodded, “Well can I come up to your section and we maybe chat, I just want to make sure we are cool” She said loudly over the music. “Girl we are at a party we can do that later” I told her. She nodded still just standing there. “Can I come up and get lit with yall” She said smiling at me. What the hell was wrong with this girl? “Um, if you want” I said. She nodded and just stood there. “Hey yall probably don’t remember me. I seen yall before. I am also the DJ for Mulatto” Diamond said. Melody smiled awkwardly. “No, I don’t and that’s nice” She said still dancing. “Yeah I think maybe at a Christmas party but still not familiar” Ariana said. Zion nodded in agreement. Diamond just awkwardly stood there “Well Samar wanted to see you in his booth” She said. I nodded. “Aight, can yall get me some Henny and get a bottle too. I’ll be back” I told the girls. I followed Diamond through the VIP lounge then through the crowd near the stage and then backstage. I showed security my band. Samar was chilling with London on the track, DJ Peanut, and some other niggas. London on the track looked at us as Samar was talking and smiled at Diamond. “Aye what up Di, you are performing tonight?” He asked hugging her. She smiled and nodded. “Yeah I’m Mullato’s new DJ” She said. He nodded smiling. 
He smiled at me, Samar turned and seen me. “Oh, yall this my best friend Tye” He said. “Hey what’s up” They said. “Hey” I said. Samar got up and come over to me. “Don’t trip but follow me” He said. I sighed. “What Samar?” I asked. He smiled and just looked at me. He grabbed my hand and led me over to JT from the City Girls. “Hey” Samar said to her. She looked at him and smiled. “You got me the stylist you were telling me about?” She asked. He nodded. “JT this is Tye, Tye this is JT” I tried my hardest not to cheese but I stanned this bitch. “Heyy” I said. “So this nigga says you can style your ass off, we haven’t really got like a consistent one yet, but we have a shoot coming up soon, so let me see what you can do” She said. I pulled out my phone and nervously showed her some styles I had sewed together and some shoots I had did my self with my friends and other people. “Damn that fit right there something tough, I like that. Can you recreate that?” She asked. I nodded and smiled. “I sure the fuck can” I said. She smiled at me, “Okay girl, what’s your IG? “She asked. We exchanged information and she brought me over to Caresha. She was getting her hair done. “Hoe were the fuck was you at?” She said to JT. JT rolled her eyes. “I was busy Resh, This is Tye she going to do our shoot, she got some bomb ass looks” She told her. Caresha held out her hand. I handed her my phone. “Oooh bitch this shit cute as fuck, I want this” She said sliding through my phone. I was nervous cause I had some nudes in there and Caresha from City Girls was going through my phone. “You got nudes in here?” She asked smirking. I started laughing. “I knew it cause you looking nervous in the mirror, I’m bout to see” She said laughing. JT started laughing. “I’m sorry she aggy as fuck” She said. “I like nudes bitch, I’m nosey” Caresha said. She got to my nude and I almost died. “Okay nipples! Pussy popping” She said popping her tongue. “Okay bitch you bad” JT said looking. Caresha handed me phone back. “I like you; I can’t trust a hoe with no nudes” She said. These bitches were my type of bitches. We talked for a minute and then I headed back to my girls. As I am walking through the crowd somebody grabbed my hand. I turned around to see who it was, and it was Julian. I had not seen him since I went to his place and he just ate me out. I smiled at his fine ass. “Long time no see Mami, how you been?” He asked over the loud music. He had on swim trunks, a durag with some jays on. I see Samar peeking from backstage, “I know, I been good come with me to my section” I yelled to him. He grabbed my hand and I led him up to my section. I knew he was going to be mad but oh well eventhough he got me gig of a lifetime we was still beefin. “Yall remember Julian?” I said to them when I got in the room. They all smirked. “Hey Julian” Zion sang giggling. Saweetie was done performing and Samar was now DJing during the intermission. “Can you roll with me? All over me, can you take control of me? I just want to love you baby. Always thinking of you baby” Samar was playing “Rock Wit U” by Ashanti. I was by the balcony overlooking the stage grinding on Julian. “Umm all right now” Ariana said. This nigga was dry fucking me, hands tight as hell on my hips and I was giving into him because he was grinding his ass of to the beat.  Yeah, I was going home with this man tonight.  
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 I was setting up my equipment for the next intermission. I just hooked up Tye up with JT and she still went off with another nigga. I mean I aint expect her to not too move on but not so damn fast, plus I wasn’t honestly sure about Diamond and I but she got connections and Im used to Us. “Hey Samar” I turned to see Saucy Santana. I sighed this nigga here. “What’s up?” I said. “You looking really daddish” He said. I slowly nodded. “You up next?” I asked. He came up mear my booth. “Mmhm, well it was nice as always as usual to see your fine ass” He said before strutting off and giggling. Diamond was laughing at the encounter. “Yo that’s not funny, he be trying me” She laughed hard. “I know, its so funny” She said. I sucked my teeth. She calm down laughing and went to sit on the chair. “What’s up with you and Tye” She asked. I didn’t budge I just kept setting up. “Nothing she just feel some type of way cause you hurt me you know we like fam” I said. She nodded. “Well Ima try to talk to her to see if she will like me again” She told me. I slightly laughed. Tye would beat her ass before she ever be cool with her. “Yeah cool” I said. She rolled her eyes and went to go back stage. After I set up, I made it mu mission to go see Tye. Tye always knew how to get back at me, especially now. I went back stage and saw Diamond all in the nigga DJ Rolla face just laughing and flirting.He was rubbing her thigh. She always flirting. “What’s up?” I said. He smied at me. “Just chilling with D fine ass” He said. Diamond got up quickly, “I got to go check on my set” She said. Dj Rolla just kept looking at me. I shook my head and walked off. Santana was on stage performing. “Walk em like a dog sis walk em like a dog”. I decided to go up and talk to Tye. I got my wrist band and went through the crowd and then into the lobby scanning my band. I got on the elevator and head up. I got to the room and scanned myself in. Tye was sitting in this nigga lap. “Yo what the fuck?” I asked Tye. “Aye this yo gay homie?” The nigga said. “Gay?!” I said about to fight this nigga. Tye pushed me back. “Outside” She said. I scannes my band and swung open the door. “Why this nigga say I was gay Tye?” I asked her. She shrugged. “Maybe you look like it, I don’t know” She started laughing. I pushed her. She then pushed the fuck out of me. “Nigga what the fuck?” She said. “Why you with him?” I asked. She rolled her eyes. “Why you with her? Going to L.A. and shit?” She asked crossing her arms. I sighed I had no right to be mad to ba honest. “I’m sorry about Diamond but it is what is” I said. She nodded. “It is, you do what you want and so do I. We still best friends remember” She then scanned her band and went back into the room.
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We was living it up in VIP, I was drunk not to drunk but I definitely was feeling my liquor. I was twerking on the counter in our room and on the balcony over the stage, everywhere. “What’s up Miami!!!!” I heard. “Bitch its Meg!” Tye yelled. Tye had been making out and chilling with Julian. “Where my bitches with the WAP at?�� She yelled over the mic. We started screaming. All the girls were screaming. “I need me some Wet Ass Pussy Bitches up here right now” I started screaming. “Meeeee!” I yelled. The spotlight panned over to our section and I was going crazy. “Come on up here sis!” Meg said. I got so excited. “Damn calm down Z” Mel said laughing. “Bitch, I’ so excited!” I hurried out of the room and went into the elevator, and I almost bust my as from the foam. I felt like I was there in at least 5 minutes. Security helped me and like 3 other girls on stage and Cardi B. came out. “I need all my wet ass pussy bitches on this stage to show us what the fuck yall working with!”  She yelled. “WAP” started playing. “Certified freak seven days a week wet ass pussy make that pull out game weak! Yeah yeah yeah you fucking with some wet ass pussy!” Cardi rapped. I was twerking like I was getting paid for it.  Meg came over to me and started rapping her part when it came up. “Gobble me swallow me drip down the side of me quick jump out before you let it get inside of me, I tell em where to put it never where its about to be” Meg rapped. I started getting so hyped cause she was smacking my ass. I was breathing hard as hell. I started doing the routine with the dancers. “Aye she is fucking it up” Cardi yelled. After the song was over, they hugged me and Meg started rapping her song “B.I.T.C.H”.
As I was going towards the elevator in the VIP lounge this nigga and his friend came up to me. “I see you doing yo dance little mama, you fine as fuck what’s your name?” He asked. I smiled at him. He was sexy I felt like I seen him before. “Zion and do I know you?” I asked. He nodded. “Probably, I’m a rapper. I got that song with Lil Baby. My name is B Hunnid” He said. I nodded. “Oh yeah that song “Freak Nice” yeah that shit is hard” I told him. He smiled. “So, you want to come up to my section?” He asked. I nodded. I texted the girls in our group chat to let them know which room I was headed to and who with. When I get into his section, it was hell of niggas in there and maybe 2 females just twerking and one of them sitting in their lap. “Here” He handed me some Dusse’. I chugged some of it. He led me over to the couch and had me sit in his lap. “You live here little mama?” He asked me. I shook my head slowly grinding to Meg performing “Big Ole Freak”. “Aye Doogie make my little mama here something nice you know the one all the girls love” He told him. I started to feel slightly uncomfortable, but I was too drunk to question if anything seemed off. “Here you go little lady” His friend Doogie handed me some drink. “It’s red bull and Hennessey” He told me. I started sipping on the drink, while he was whispering in my ear telling me all the shit, he wanted to do to me. I was drunk as fuck and I started to feel kind of crazy. We started making out on the couch, and I was straddling his lap. We were wet and stuff from all the foam that was in the party, and he had a lot of foam in his VIP room. He was gripping my ass. I felt like I was on Xanax or something. I could not feel my body, but I was horny. “You want to come with me back to my hotel?” He asked. I shook my head. I wanted to go lay down. It was a knock at the door, and I seen Tye. “Hey, I’m Zion’s friend Tye” She said. “Tyyyyyeeee”I said sluggishly. “You good?” She asked. I felt like I was saying yes but my body was saying no. “Yeah she just chilling with me, I’m going to take her home” He said to her. Tye looked at me, and I smiled. “Yeah I’m I’m okkkkk” I said. She nodded “I’m drunk too, and Julian taking me home” She said. I nodded and she left out. I felt B Hunnid going in my pants playing with my clit. I was in and out. I could not think properly.
“Yall we about to head out” I heard. “Can she get up?” I heard somebody say. “Little mama?” He said to me. “Hmm?” I said. He pulled me up and my feet were moving slow as hell. I knew at this moment I was not drunk and maybe he had given me something, but I couldn’t even do much. I tried to move out of his grasp, but he kept bringing me closer. “We about to have fun tonight?” I heard. I looked around the dark room my vision blurry as hell. “Tye” I said lowly. I had seen us leave the room and then go to the elevator. I started to feel like I could not walk, or talk. I was so sleepy. I heard the music from the stage, then I seen darkness. I felt my eyes open again but it was hard too. I felt somebody pick me up and then a door close and I was out again. Then I felt somebody shake me “Aye little mama?” I heard. My eyes slightly opened I could see I was on like a bus. I was fighting to stay awake, maybe 15 minutes had gone by I was out. 
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I was tired as fuck, but I knew I was about to get $1500 for the night. I got hired on by this catering company to bartend The City Girls foam party. I was in the VIP section Bartending for VIP. “Yo Ky look at that fine ass girl on stage twerking with Meg thee stallion?” My homie Juan said. I looked on the screen that was showing the stage. I kept looking cause she started to look familiar, that is when I realized it was Zion. “Yeah I know her” I said to him. He looked at me smiling. “Hook me up?” He asked. I mugged the hell out of him. “Nah man that’s the girl I was telling you about” I told him. “Ohhh shit, that’s the girl you believed fucked Maurice, boy you are tripping” He said to me. I looked at him irritated. “Sorry” He went over to help another VIP member. I kept looking at her, “Hey can I have just a water?” A lady said. I nodded and turned to get a water out the fridge. I turned back to scan her band. “Ok you good to go” I told her. She nodded. “Thank you”. I nodded and smiled. I then seen Zion walking back near the elevator when a nigga with chains approached her. I can see she was blushing, I tried my best not to look at what was going on. “Hey” A pretty girl said to me. She had on one piece with her hair in a bun, I smiled at her.“I hope I don’t seem thirsty, but I been noticing you since I got here, and I just wanted to say you are fine as fuck” She said to me. I smiled at her compliment. “Thanks baby” I said to her she started blushing wide as hell. “How can I help you?” I asked. I looked to see Zion get on the elevator. She turned to see me looking. “Oh that’s B. Hunnid” She said. “You know the nigga that got that song with lil baby?” She asked. I nodded in realization. “Yeah, got to stay away from that nigga I heard he be drugging and raping females” She said to me. I started to get worried, but I hope Zion was not going to fall for that shit, but why does it matter to me anyways. “So, can I get your number?” I asked her to change the subject obviously that is what she wanted, and the line was getting long as hell again. She nodded quickly and pulled out her phone.
 We exchanged numbers and she went to the side to talk to me. I didn’t mind cause she was pretty plus I was bored and tired it was almost 9 pm and I was going to be here till 2 am. Juan and my crew had got the line down for now, Flo Milli was performing so the crowd was occupied until intermission. “So how cold does it get in Michigan?” I asked her. Her name was Briella, and she was here on vacation with her sisters, she was 21 and from Michigan, she seemed okay. “Really cold, like everybody talk about wanting it to snow where they live but no the fuck you don’t” She said. We talked for like 20 more minutes before her sisters came to get her. I was about to take my break when I see the rapper B. Hunnid his whole entourage, some girls and Zion who looked completely out of it coming out of the elevator. They were looking suspicious as fuck. “Aye Juan, I’m going to be right back” I said to him. I quickly left the bar and followed them niggas out. I ran out to the parking lot and seen them getting into a party bus. I checked my pocket for my keys and hurried to my car which was behind the building. “Shit” I said to myself trying to hurry up. I pulled off, speeding through the parking lot. For a minute I had lost them, but I see them hit the corner. I sped up until I got behind them. “Please God” I prayed. I sighed in relief when the pull over at a 7/11 gas station. I pulled up to the side and opened my glove compartment, I grabbed my gun and put in my pocket. I got out the car and walked over to they bus. “Oh, what’s up, you a fan nigga?” One of his entourage said pumping gas. I shook my head. “Nah but you got my girl on your bus and I want her off now” I said. The nigga tapped the window. “Nigga I think you got the wrong guys” He said. I shook my head and pulled up my shirt showing him my gun. “Nah I got the right guys; I want her off that bus now!” I yelled. A couple of other niggas got off the bus. “What’s good?” B. Hunnid asked. “You got my girl. I know what yall about get her off that bus now” I snapped. B. Hunnid smirked at me. “She does have some wet ass pussy” He said looking his lips smiling. I pulled out my gun out. They all backed up. “Shit” His homie said. “Now I’m not going to say it again, I want my girl off that bus!” I said pissed. “Man back the fuck up” I said going towards the door. They moved out the way and let me go in. The girls started screaming. I see Zion laid out breast out, sleep. I put my gun away and pulled her bathing suit top up and gently picked her up.  “You lucky we left our shit in the trunk because you should have pulled that trigger home boy, pulling a gun on me” He said. I brought Zion over to my car and put her in the back seat. I see them going to into the trunk to grab they strap when a police officer pulled up beside them and turned on their sirens. I quickly but calmly got in my car and pulled off.
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“Aye Aye Aye Aye” We yelled in excitement as Tye and Ari was twerking “Say little bitch you can’t fuck with me if you wanted to these expensive, these is red bottoms these is bloody shoes” Samar was DJing playing Cardi B. “Bodak Yellow”. Ariana was drinking straight out the bottle doing what we normally do getting lit. “Now she said she gone what to who? Let’s find out and see Cardi B, you know where I’m at you know where I be? You in the club just to party, I’m in the three I get paid fee” I yelled at the top of my lungs holding up the bottle of Don Julio. My phone buzzed and it was Malachi.
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I had not had a chance to tell what was up. I needed to tonight because he keeps sending me flowers and little gifts that I saved in a box to give back to him. Isaac told me I needed to handle this shit. Maybe it was not a good idea, I was drunk but oh well. “Anybody check on Z?” Ariana asked. I shook my head. “Tye said she was fine” I said. Ari nodded. “Where you are going?” I rolled my eyes. “Malachi wants to meet up, apparently he got us this section, he is doing too much” I said. “Where you are going?” Tye then asked. “Malachi’s section to tell him to leave me the fuck alone” I said. She nodded. “I’m going downstairs with Juilian and his friends” She said. I nodded. I grabbed me a water bottle. I walked down reading the room numbers, he was on the same floor but the floor we were on went all the way around. “301, 302, 303, 304 305!” I said as I was coming up on the section. I knocked on the door. The door opened revealing Malachi. It was alot noise in his room. I looked at him, he looked like he was geeked and he was sweaty. “Mel, whats good?” He said hugging me. He was wet and sticky, I was disgusted. I walked and seen Saweetie, some girl another girl, and some guys and Quavo from Migos. I was embarrassed cause I was drunk, and I started cheesing. “Hey yall this Mel, my boo” He said.
 He said. The wheels in my head hit the brakes hard cause his what? I thought. “Hey girl” Saweetie said she was eating some wings sitting in Quavos lap. “What’s up?” He said. “Hi” The girl next to her said. “This my aunt Whitney” Saweetie said. I waived. “Hey everybody” My drunk ass said. I turned to Malachi. “Can we talk now?” I asked. I was then taking out of my thoughts when I heard them announce Flo Milli to the stage and she started performing “Weak”. “Flo Milli shit bitch” Whitney said. I started dancing obviously forgetting my surroundings. I was twerking and rapping along with her “So don’t be calling after 3, I do what these bitches want that’s why they running back to me, run that cash up, run the cash up!” All us of women yelled. Saweetie was twerking with her chicken wing drunk just like my ass. She had trash music, but she seemed to be fun. She turned to me and started talking “So I’m doing a music video for my song Back to The Streets, you think you can come to L.A next week and be in it.
 I need some fine ass video girls” She said. My drunk ass was nodding happy as hell. “Hell yess” I said. She smiled at me and laughed “Okay cool, what’s your email. I’m have my team send over all the information for you”. She pulled out her phone. “[email protected]” I told her. “Girl! I like your email” She said. I smiled shaking my head “Me too sis”. Malachi came back in and I took the opportunity to tell him what was up since I had all this liquor courage and soon Isaac would be here, and I did not want no problems tonight. “Hey can we talk?” I asked him. He nodded smirking. “It was nice meeting you Beautiful” Saweetie said. “You funny as hell” Her aunt said. “Yall too” I said waiving bye. Malachi was touching all over me when we walked out of, they room. I can tell he had drunk some more or was on something else. “What’s up, but first I got you this bracelet” He said pulling out this pandora box out his shorts. I sighed as we started walking back to my VIP room. “Malachi, You got to stop all of this, Thank you for the section and the gifts but I have to send everything back or you can come get them” I told him trying to be nice.
 He was fine as hell, but I wasn’t into him like that anymore, and I wanted to be with Isaac. “Listen, Melody baby. One thing about me is I always get what I want, and I want you and I’m going to get you” He said backing me into a wall. He was making me nervous and uncomfortable. “Malachi can you please back up” I said. “Why?” He leaned in trying to kiss me. I pushed him back and started walking off. “Boy you are tripping!” I yelled to him. I heard him run towards me, he snatched my arm back hard. “I told you what it was Melody, you gone go out with me and grind on me, not fuck me and accept all my gifts and then turn me down? Nah baby I aint going out like that” He yanked me towards him and pushed me into the wall and cornered me near the door to my section. He had me pinned up. “Why you are playing games with me Mel?”. I was trying to move him out the way. “Get the fuck off of me” I said trying to get this nigga away from me. He had lost his damn mind. “Malachi, I’m not going to say it again, get off of me”. I tried to push him and smack him. He grabbed my face hard as fuck and tried to kiss me
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“I keeps it real nothing like you actors do, joints I flick, bomb raps I kick” I rapped along to Wiz Khalifa “Good Dank”. Trey and Freddie and I were waiting for the plug to show up. I was geeked off a perc and some Apple Crown Royal. We were on our way to that City Girl party to meet up with Mel and them. Tye best friend Samar who I was cool with hooked us up with some VIP. We were like 2 hours late waiting on this man Hakeem. “This nigga tweaking, I’m ready to see my girl she got the as out for me, not you but for meeeee” I sang doing a little dance in the back seat. A car pulled up, and it was Hakeem. “Motherfucker yo ass took an hour what the fuck was you doing, I might not want this shit no more” Trey said. Hakeem sucked his teeth “Trey man come on; my baby mama was tripping on me. Here bro” He said. Trey shook his head. “I need 30% off” Hakeem got annoyed. “Man fine” They did the exchange and we headed out. Freddie turned on Wiz Khalifa “Slim Skit”. “Yooo Ariana gone be there her fine ass” Trey said getting excited. “Nah how about Tye, broooooo I need some of that, I been trying to get at her she said I couldn’t handle her psssh baby please. I can now” Freddie said rolling the weed. “Mel say she got a thing for Samar. “I told them”.
 Freddie made a face. “I’m going to change her mindddd” He sang. He then turned back around “Nah if I can’t get Tye Im def. trying for Zion. See what she is hitting on”. He lit the blunt and started smoking. He then passed to me, and it took a hit then passed to Trey. “Roll one up, Babeee roll one for meeee” I sang, I grabbed the bottle and took a shot. I then passed to Freddie. After 15 minutes we finally got to the place. Samar met us outside and security let us park in VIP. “What’s up Samar” I said. He did a head nod. “What’s good kid”. He gave us our bands. “I got to hurry up and do my thing, yall enjoy” He said. We showed our bands and were told the room number the girls were in. We stopped to get something to drink in VIP lounge, it was foam all on the floor shit was like a big ass bubble bath. “What the fuck! This lit as hell, this shit for like rich motherfuckers for real. I feel classy then a mug” Trey said. I texted Mel to let her know I was here.
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But she was not texting me back. “They got some drank up there?” Freddie asked. I shrugged my shoulders “She aint answering my text, I’m head up there really quick and I will let yall know while yall in line” I said. I got on the elevator and headed up to level 3. I was feeling good as fuck, from the liquor, the weed and the perc. I was going to tear her ass up tonight “Yesssssirski” I said out loud. The elevator opened and I see F300, and I was looking for F333. “Knock if you buck” By Crime Mob was playing. Damn this was going to be a long walk, but I walk fast. I looked and seen I had 10 more to go. I heard what sounded like Melody yelling. “Get the fuck off of me”. I sped up and seen this nigga in my girl face “Malachi, I’m not going to say it again, get off of me”. She said. He had her pinned to wall cupping the fuck out of her face. “Bruh what the fuck, get the fuck off my girl nigga” I hit the fuck out this nigga head. He turned around and I noticed it was ole dude. “Motherfucker” He said charging at me. “Isaac!” Mel yelled. I knew any minute she jumps in to help me, but I was too focused to worry about her. This nigga and I were punching heavy hits at each other.
 I wanted to kill this nigga I was so mad. I had him at first, but he started hitting me in the face, “Get the fuck off him!” I heard. Melody crazy ass had jumped in and started hitting him, He then pushed her hard as fuck, pissing me off e even more. When he turned around from about to charge at her, he turned back to me and My first connected with his face twice, he started stumbling and I got the advantage. I got on top of him and was going ham. I felt some arms picking me up and people yelling and saying, “World Star”. I was getting dragged into the elevator by security. “Man get the fuck off me!” I snapped. They then brought me outside. “You are banned from the premises sir; we don’t condone fighting” They said. I looked at my wrist and I had blood on it. “Isaac!” Melody ran out with Freddie, Trey and Ariana. “Bro what the fuck happened?” Trey asked. “This nigga was all in Melody face, had her pinned up on some real crazy shit!” I yelled. Then I turned to her “Man why you weren’t answering your phone! What the fuck was you doing with that nigga Melody!” I kept yelling at her. “Okay see you not about to get in her face” Ariana snapped getting between us. I moved her arm out my way. “Nigga who the fuck!” She snapped getting crazy with me.
 “You all in my fucking face bruh back the fuck up!” I yelled at her. Trey held Ariana back as she was about to hit me. “I’ll beat your ass nigga, the fuck! Let me go Trey!” She yelled. ��It wasn’t even like thag Isaac, I was telling him to leave me alone he keeps trying to pursue me” Melody said crying. “I don’t give a fuck about you crying bruh, i told you to stop seeing that nigga!” I said yelling. “Nigga she was trying to tell him to leave her alone! She not lying!” Ariana yelled. “Dumb ass” She said. “Bruh what?” I said pissed. Melody tried to come towards me, and I shoved her ass back. “Yo Izzy! Don’t put yout hands on her like that” Freddie snapped pushing me back. I got in his face and then backed up. I was heated. “Man fuck all this, fuck all yall” I said walking off. “Yeah nigga go calm the fuck down” Freddie said. I grabbed the blunt from my pocket and started playing some gospel off my phone and started praying and smoking to calm down. I started feeling bad for pushing and yelling at Mel and wanting to fight Ariana and Freddie. I started walking back. Melody was sitting the curb by herself crying. I sighed and came towards her and pulled her up. “Come here” I said. I hugged her. “I’m sorry for pushing you and shit. I love you man” I told her. I kissed her. “Um what the fuck happened? the police apparently are on the way” Tye said coming over to us. “Man, I don’t want to talk about, you drove here?” I asked. She nodded. “You got a way back?” I asked. She nodded. “Keys?” I asked. She went in her little book bag and tossed me the keys. “Mel come on” I said grabbing her hand to leave. “Yall be safe” Tye yelled. I nodded. I wanted away from this shit before the police came.
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So far, the night was going well, until Isaac got into that fight, but I mean we still was having a good time. Anthony still was blowing up my phone, calling me. I unblocked him. “Hey ladies yall want an edible?” Julian asked us. He was up in our section with his friends and some girls. The girls were playing with foam, having a foam fight. One girl kept staring at me crazy. She looked familiar but I do not where I knew this little girl plus it was dark in our section. I grabbed two of the brownies and started eating them. I was starving we barely ate. “Damn you gone be fucked up Ri” Tye said. I started drinking again with Trey and Freddie. Freddie was flirting with the girl who was eyeing me, and Trey was all up in my face, which was fine because I was drunk again. “You know I been wanting you?” Trey said. I was sitting in his lap just cooling it. “Niggga since when?” I said. He started laughing. “Since I don’t know stop blowing my game girl” I sucked my teeth at him. “Boy”. “Yall give it up for JT and Yung Miami, The City Girls” The Dj yelled. Tye and I got up along with the other girls. “What that pussy talk ladies!?” JT yelled. All of us screamed. The song pussy talk started, and everybody started screaming the lyrics. We was twerking again, and falling over cause we had been drinking since 8pm, and it was now 11pm. 
“Boy, this pussy talk English, Spanish and French, Boy, this pussy talk Euros, dollars and yens, Boy, this pussy talk Bentleys, Rovers and Benz, Boy, this pussy fly private to islands, to M's, Boy, this pussy talk Birkin, Gucci, Chanel ,Boy, this pussy talk Louis, Pucci, YSL Boy, this pussy makes movies, wetter than a whale, Boy, this pussy be choosing, draft, NFL”. The foam had us slipping and sliding trying to dance around, “Damn this alot of foam now” Tye said stressed. “I’m starting to get sticky as hell”. I went to go grab me a water because I was about to be on my ass. “Hey are you Ariana?” The girl who kepy staring. “I’m Nina, Anthony ex” She said. I started to get mad all over again. “Okay and? You can have him” I snapped. She shook her head and grabbed my hand. I snatched my hand from her. “Look, Anthony wanted me to talk to you, Anthony really cares for you me and him are beyond done! I do not want him; He do not want me. He wants you. You think you can give him another chance?” She asked. I sighed; I was feeling the edibles. I nodded. “Yeah” I said trying to sit down. She smiled softly “Okay cool so now you can cut things off with home boy” She said. I rolled my eyes “Aint nothing going on” I told her. “So, you think I can talk to him?” She asked. I shrugged my shoulders “I don’t care”. “Tye” I said. She was all over Julian. “I’m about to head out after this performance, you need me to drop you off?” Tye asked. I shook my head staring off at the lights moving to the beat. “Nah, Trey and them going to take me home” I said. She nodded and went back over with Julian. “If you fuck with me, I’ll take your man, you know I will hoe” City Girls performed “I’ll take yo man” as I stood stuck over thinking about Trey and Freddie maybe trying to gang rape me, or if this was a set up, but I still stood there.The Nina bitch came back over to me. “You good mamita?” She asked. I slowly nodded “No” I said. She then pulled out her phone and started calling somebody I laid down on the couch in our section and closed my eyes. I could hear the City Girls and smell the bubbles strongly from the foam. I felt nauseous as fuck, and I was hungry. I just laid there until I fell asleep.
Supporting Characters:
Diamond: (Mary Steph)
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Julian: (Malik Bomaniallah)
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Trey: (Odell Beckham Jr)
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Freddie: (Malachaie)
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 Nina: (Taina)
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moonbeambucky · 7 years
Stripped (Part 3)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 3603
Warnings: descriptions of lap dances, stripping and pole dancing, some language maybe?, the beginnings of angst
Summary: You are a SHIELD agent working undercover in a strip club whose owner is involved with organized crime. When you find out he might be in talks with HYDRA Bucky is brought in to help.
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The club was not far from the apartment. You liked to walk there. Some days you took your time, casually studying the minute details of the familiar streets. It was times like that when the weight of this assignment felt too much. Sometimes your head was not in the right place to be undercover and so you used these long walks to mentally prepare yourself.
Tonight you walked with a little zest in your step. You thought about Bucky, your kiss and spending more time with him. You felt as light as air and before you knew it you had floated to the club in record time.
Coming off of your cloud you stood in the alleyway of the Blush Lounge. Here you were, again. You were feeling worn out by this assignment. Every night you were physically drained and mentally exhausted. Adding the extra stress of being undercover didn’t help. Behind your pretense you cataloged everything; memorizing names, faces and information you learned each night.
Working here and blending in for so long sometimes made you forget that stripping wasn’t your real job. You have nothing against people in this profession, in fact you have a new sense of respect for them, but you are more than looking forward to going back to sitting at a desk for a while.
You knock on the side door for entrance. Joseph, a broad man with dark hair and eyes, greets you warmly. He is one of Anthony’s most trusted security guards. You head to the back passing Adam the bartender as he is grabbing clean glasses.
You enter the dressing room, a large room with lockers against one wall and a long table against a wall of mirrors and vanity lighting on the opposite side. Beyond the lockers is entrance to the bathroom, equipped with 2 shower stalls.
There are a handful of girls working tonight. You greeted your makeshift family. Mostly everyone got along or at least they knew enough not to start anything at work. Everyone knew the Martucci’s reputation and so the girls didn’t bring their trouble to the club. Except for one who was fired during your first week there. She was a party girl who was focusing too much on her own fun. She got into a fight with a customer in a private room, accused him of stealing her coke. Anthony was not happy. He told everyone he has no problem with girls having fun as long as they had it under control.
You open your locker and hang up your bag. You start to undress as you’re greeted by one of your closest friends.
“Hey Val.” Close friends, yeah right. They don’t even know my real name.
You said your name was Valerie, but on stage you were Valentina. This was the character you needed to be to help your mind focus on the task at hand and not your anxieties about stripping. You indulged in buying sexy outfits and lingerie, mostly reds and pinks.
“Hi Charlene,” you respond, taking out the glue for your signature glitter heart pasties. “Tell me what you think,” she asks, as she shows off a fuchsia bikini which looks amazing against the backdrop of her dark skin. “I love the way it crosses around your neck in front. So cute. Makes your tits look great too!”
Charlene was the first girl that was really friendly with you. On stage she goes by Jasmyn. You learned she’s been working here for almost 3 years mainly to help pay for school. She is currently waiting for the results of her MCATs. She had you quiz her a few times and you wonder if you’ll still be on this assignment when she learns that she passed (because you know she will!)
You changed into red sequined ruffled bra with halter straps and matching red booty shorts. Underneath you had your trusted red pasties and a small red g-string. You slip into clear 6” heels before moving to the mirror to finish your makeup and fix your hair.
You sat down beside your other friend Mikiko. She went by Kiki. She was a tall and lean and had small breast implants. She helped you learn some tricks on the pole when you were first hired.
Amanda sat on your other side. She was a sweet girl, but not well liked by everyone. She was a bleached blonde with a tan just bordering on orange. Her implants seemed too large for her small frame but she was happy with them. She is a part time dental assistant and she usually only works on weekends while her 3 year old son Dylan is with his father.
“Mike took him to Disney,” she whines. “I was gonna do that. I’m so mad!” “Mandy, I’m sure Dylan will be just as excited when you take him!” you reply.
You finish getting ready and enter the club which is dimly covered in shades of dark blue. Santiago the DJ is blasting music as Gabriela, better known as Lexus, is dancing on the main stage. It’s the largest of the three stages, with an LED floor that is currently emitting a hot pink hue. The other stages were much smaller by comparison. Five chairs flanked a small staircase in the center. A pole stood in the center of the floor which sparkled like an iridescent rainbow when the spotlights were on.
You make your rounds saying hello to the patrons. There is a group of older bikers sitting at the bar with a beer in hand. They nod as you sway past them. You see a shy wave come from Drew, one of your regulars. He turns as red as your outfit after you smile back and blow him a kiss. You flirt with Eduardo, a 30-something businessman who typically books an hour with you in the VIP room. He likes to take his time watching the other girls first but you’re sure you’ll be seeing him later.
A young man approaches you. He flashes a bright white smile and despite the dim light you see his pale green eyes sparkling. He introduces himself as Derrick and asks for a private dance. Although he is very confident you can tell by the way he is looking around the club that this is his first time here. You invite him to the bar first and he orders a rum and coke. Adam pours you a drink as well, minus the alcohol. Some girls don’t mind drinking while they work but you knew you couldn’t.
You grab Derrick’s hand as you bring him to a hallway blocked by a black curtain and Danny the large security guard, who makes sure that the dances are paid for in advance.
Behind the curtain is a row of doors to the left which are the small rooms and 2 doors on the right for the larger ones.
You bring Derrick into the room. The walls were a rose pink, bathed in hints of gold coming from the warm table lamps beside a small white leather love seat. There are speakers hanging from the ceiling, pumping in the music from the club and a small knob near the door to control the sound.
You sat Derrick down, taking his hands in yours as you explained your rules. You place his palms on your sides, just under your bra. You slide his hands down your body down to your thighs explaining that is where he can touch you.
In front the club had to abide by the law. On stage you can strip down to pasties and g-strings and no one can touch the girls apart from placing money in their clothes. In the back it was a different story. The rules of the private rooms were at the discretion of each girl, though Anthony encouraged everyone to partake in all activities. As long as he got his cut of the money he didn’t care. He had the cops paid off, sometimes via a few of the girls.
When you first started working you were very shy. Not confident in your pole skills and even more nervous about undressing to practically nothing. Emotionally you felt just as naked. You were wearing your insecurities like a tightly wrapped blanket and it showed. But you knew in order to truly blend in here you had to shed those feelings.
You did so quickly and built a following of regulars booking you in the VIP room. Your limits varied for different customers, but in general you never got naked, they couldn’t touch you where you didn’t want them to and you did not have sex of any kind.
You start dancing for Derrick, moving to the music. You rub your hands down your body as you start to move seductively. You playfully drop the straps to your bra. You tease unhooking it a few times before you toss it to the floor. You hold your breasts in your hand as you turn around to tease Derrick some more. You let your breasts release revealing your sparkly hearts. You caress your body up and down. You turn your back to Derrick, slowly pressing your ass into his lap, moving it in circles to the beat. You turn around to straddle him. Derrick palms your thighs and you bring your arms up to his neck, maintaining sultry eye contact. He licks his lips in response. You grind on his lap again and then the song is over. Derrick thanks you for the dance and by the way he was smiling and wiping his forehead you know he’ll be back.
That was part of your appeal or at least in your justification to Anthony when he would pursue you to engage in more during the private rooms. You said you were playing hard to get and that you were building up it to it with your regulars. He would always give a disapproving look. You tried to explain that they will pay much higher for something they’ve been craving for so long. He disagreed, saying he likes money now and not the idea of it in the future, but he didn’t push the issue any further.
You have a few more lap dances. One older guy was very nice but smelled awful. You thought about menial things during that dance… when does the milk expire? Do you need to buy more chicken? What gift did your cousin want for their birthday?
Eduardo booked his hour with you. You dance for a little bit in the beginning but you ended up talking with him for a good portion of the time which is usually what happens. After getting to know him over the last few months you allowed him more flexibility with your boundaries. Sometimes he wanted you to sit in his lap while he rubs your shoulders. One time he wanted to strip down to his boxers and hold you. He enjoyed feeling the warmth of your soft body on his. Tonight he was giving you a pretty amazing foot massage while he was discussing his fears about getting married. He was in love with his fiancée Laura, but his parents divorced when he was young and he worries his relationship might end the same way. You give the best advice you can to him and wonder if SHIELD should have given you therapy training before sending you here. You were really surprised by how many people open up to a mostly naked stranger.
You leave the VIP area and scan the club, wondering if Bucky was there yet. You head backstage to freshen up before being called on to the main stage. You change your shoes into similar ones with ankle straps and slip a red garter up your right thigh. When you’re done you head up front giving a signal to Santiago that you are ready to go on after Kiki finishes.
“Ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the main stage, Valentina” Santiago announced to the club.
You slowly walk on to the stage, grabbing the pole and leaning against it, arching your back and flaunting your ass towards the crowd. You hold the pole as you lean back, slowly lowering yourself to the floor; the LED lights bathing you in a complementary blue-green. Rolling onto your knees you slide your arms in front of you and slink forward, popping your ass up.
You move back sitting on your heels, rolling your head as your hair whips around. You lift your hips and roll them a few times, bringing your hands up to caress your breasts. In a quick fluid movement you slide your legs in front of you, leaning back on your elbows you bring you legs up straight up before splitting them apart. Bringing them together again you bend them and sit on your side before getting back on your knees again. Facing away this time, you slide forward giving the audience a better view of your toned behind.
You stand up after grabbing the pole, swinging your legs around it until you face the crowd again. Leaning against the pole you lift your arms above your head and roll your hips a few times. You look out into the sea of faces; Drew is anxiously holding money in his hand. You can tell he is debating when he should go up and give it to you. Eduardo stares at you with a huge grin, you see him reach in his jacket for his wallet. Random faces are staring at you lustfully but one face stands out.
Sitting at the bar you see Bucky wearing the face of a stranger. His now dark eyes appear to be astonished by the sight of you. You continue your striptease as if Bucky is the only person watching. You do a few body rolls before you grab the pole tighter, jumping slightly into a twirl as you gracefully glide around the pole. You unclasp your bra hearing the sound of cheers over the dance music. Hooking your leg around the pole you twirl a few more times before grinding on the floor again. You stand up and bend over hooking your thumbs in the waistband of your shorts, teasing the crowd as you slowly pull them down to reveal a small piece of red material that barely passes as a g-string.
You continue your floor work, routinely stopping to accept money being tucked into your garter or g-string. Drew has finally gotten up and he delicately places the money on the back of your thigh. You twirl around the pole a few more times, sliding down again to the floor, ending your routine in a pseudo split. Your eyes catch Bucky’s again as you collect the rest of the money that’s been carelessly thrown on the stage.
You head to the dressing room, grateful to be out of your heels. You pat the sweat of your glistening body away and use baby wipes to clean up a bit. “Big Vito”, Anthony’s right hand man, enters the locker room, passing by a few girls in the middle of changing though no one is alarmed by his presence. He asks you to change and come upstairs. Anthony must have guests. That’s usually when he had you personally tend the bar for him.
You change into a pale pink bra and matching sheer skirt and thong set, adorned with pink bows. You swapped your red heart pasties for pink ones. The skirt had garter straps which held up your matching lace top thigh high stockings. You slip on your heels again and Vito escorts you up to Anthony’s office.
You greet Anthony with a kiss on the cheek. He twirls you around, making sure he and his guests, Bobby his regular associate and a man you haven’t seen before, can get a good look at you.
Anthony and Bobby demand their usual drinks. “And for you, Mister…” you say, as you place your hand on his knee. He looks up at you with a sly smile.
“You can call me Nicholai,” he says with an accent you’re trying to place. Definitely Slavic. “And I’ll have you screaming it all night,” he boasts.
As if you haven’t heard that one before. You mentally roll your eyes as you flirt back with him, asking again what he wants.
You listen closely as you stand behind the bar mixing drinks. Nicholai, whose last name you’ve learned is Zinovac, is definitely here to represent HYDRA. Their conversation becomes inaudible at times so you do your best to listen out for keywords or names.
You bring the men their drinks. Nicholai smacks his hand against your ass and roughly grabs it. Your smile is insincere in return.
Anthony has Vito escort you downstairs. That was the shortest time you’ve ever been in Anthony’s office. You rush back down to find Bucky. He has not moved from his seat at the bar. You quickly smooth down your hair and take a deep breath before you approach him.
“Hey there,” you say in an alluring voice.
Bucky starts speaking before he fully turns around, “No thank you. I’m not…” he sees that it’s you. “Oh, it’s you.” “Yeah it’s me fella. Care for a dance?” Bucky takes a swig of his beer. “Uh, I guess,” he says.
You take Bucky’s hand and walk up to Danny. You can’t help but notice that he seemed uneasy. You chalk it up to his discomfort in wearing the veil and being undercover.
You enter the small room, motioning Bucky to sit on the leather couch. You made him buy 3 songs so you would have some time to talk. You turn up the volume louder than usual to help mask the sound of your voice.
You sit next to him and he shifts adding a few more inches to the space between you. You tell him about going upstairs and meeting Nicholai Zinovac. He doesn’t recognize the name. You told him that it was hard to hear but they definitely mentioned a shipment coming in.
“When?” he hastily asked. “I don’t know.”
Bucky huffs in frustration. You mention another name you overheard. Krasnov. Bucky says the name sounds familiar.
“That it?” he curtly questioned.
You nod yes. Bucky remains silent as the sound of the music floods the room. You wish you had more to tell him. You believe the lack of information is making him anxious. It would be a lot more satisfying to actually take down HYDRA than talk about fragments of a plan.
You reach your hand out towards his knee and he flinches. Wow he really is on edge. You know of one way to help take his mind off things.
“Remember how earlier I said I couldn’t be distracted from work?” He looks at you plainly. “Well, technically I’m working and you paid for a dance so…”
You stand up and start circling your hips. You pull out all of your familiar moves but perform them with more passion than you ever have before. You chose not to grind on Bucky. You may be in character now but you definitely don’t want to rush anything between you. It’s already awkward enough that he’s practically seen you naked. You would like some semblance of normalcy in your potential relationship after this.
You turn your back to Bucky as you crouch down. Your thighs are feeling the burn of being overworked. You stand up and bend forward. Bucky has a full view of your barely covered bottom, and unbeknownst to you the giant red imprint of a hand on your cheek.
He bites his tongue, fuming at the sight but does not say anything. The moment the music stops he jumps up. He rushes out of the room, forgetting to hold the door for you.
You pass through the main curtain. “Until next time,” you say. Bucky turns to look back at you straight-faced. He says nothing in response and you see him head towards the exit.
“They usually look happier when they leave. What’d ya do?” Danny asks. You assure him that this guy would be back like the rest of them. Yeah, he’ll be back alright. As soon as I find out when this deal is happening.
You continue working for a few more hours, a mix of more stage work and private dances. When you’re finished for the night you take a quick shower, just washing your body and the stench of the club and men off of you. You can’t wait to change back into regular clothes and your comfortable sneakers. You pay out your earnings for the night, with some going to Santiago and Adam and a lot more to Anthony. You say goodnight to Charlene, Mikiko and Amanda and head out.
Your feet hurt too much to walk back home so you grab a cab. You’re excited to get back to the apartment. You’re looking forward to star gazing in Bucky’s warm arms.
You quietly open the door to the apartment. You want to burst through but you’re considerate of your neighbors since it’s very late (or is it considered very early now?)
The apartment is dark except for a small table lamp. You walk past the couch to find Bucky sleeping on his side. You watch him for a few moments, timing your own breaths to the rise and fall of his chest. You faintly whisper goodnight before going to your bedroom.
The moment your door closes Bucky opens his eyes which are seething with rage.
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purkinje-effect · 7 years
The Purkinje Effect, 23
Table of Contents
“Name y’poison.” Geek slurred and poked at one of the Neighborhood Watch ghouls. “S, ss’on me.”
“I think you should go sit yourself down,” the cockney-programmed Mr. Handy interrupted, nonchalantly cleaning out a glass with a dish rag and its pincers as it balanced a bowler on its domed top. “…After buyin’ this fine gentle-ghoul a beah.”
“Ssh, sure thing, Charlie. Anything for you, you sh– shiny bastard.” The pink ghoul slapped fifteen dollars on the counter in front of the guardsman in a three-piece suit. “Y’want a Gwinnett? He’s got all the Gwinnett you can chug.”
The ghoul thanked him, unsure as to the correct response.
The Third Rail wasn’t especially large, having once been the loading platform to the Blue Line. Down the stairs and to the left, one found the stage act, and to the right, the VIP lounge which had once been the station general store. The bar itself was straight ahead through a smattering of mismatched kitchen tables with a variety of chairs. A thick arch of smoke, from tobacco and Jet alike, veiled the ceiling, and lent a unique vaporous aroma to the thriving hub.
Geek sat himself on a pool chair in the corner with a bottle of whiskey, next to Hancock. Hancock had resumed the mayoral frock and tricorn Geek had come to know him for. The two melted into the furniture and soaked up the jazz noir the Rail’s own red flower, the sequin-gowned Magnolia, filled the place with.
“You do know this is my bar, right,” Hancock murmured into Geek’s shoulder. “You just dumped all your hard earned cash into Goodneighbor’s coffers. Keeping this place running funds upkeep on the city. Such generosity, such beneficence. Today, you’re the Patron Saint of Goodneighbor.”
“Are you tryin’ t’tell me gettin’ drunk here has a purpose?”
“Hey now.” Hancock shoved him playfully. “Don’t it always?” He took a swig off his bourbon. “You… you holding up all right? Breakfast of champions, am I right?”
“My only complaint is that I find myself even harder t’get drunk. Guessin’ it has somethin’ t’do with scar tissue and all that ss, stuff.”
“If this is a ghoul thing, it’s only partly that. Heh. Why do you think I do everything to excess? Every ghoul I’ve ever met has had something about em’s louder than any human. Demeanor, interest, appetite. Aspirations. Even good ol’ Kent over at the Memory Den, my man’s thing is potent and grandiose memories. The nerve just don’t work the same after the radiation damage. It takes a lot to… properly stimulate a ghoul.”
“Are you proposin’ the kinda experimentation I think you are?”
“I wouldn’t be against it, whenever you felt up to it, that’s for damn sure.”
“I’ll drink t’that.” He did.
“I’ll drink to you drinkin’ to that.” He did.
“And I’ll drink t’you drinkin’ t’my drink.” He did. “Keep this up an’ I just might actually get drunk tonight.”
“…All jokes aside, I’ve been meanin’ t’ask ya. Been eatin’ at me since we headed back this way.” Geek looked to Hancock expectantly. “Did you… know that shot would do this to ya?”
“–Fuck no. This is probably just about the last thing I could’a expected. But I figure anything could’a been better’n how I was goin’. …Ss, sorry if that sounds ss, ssh, selfish.”
“I’m sure you woke up to the lot of us yelling at each other. We thought you were dead. I… I was struggling with the idea you’d died so quick after meeting you. To be perfectly honest, traveling with you has been one of the smartest decisions I think I’ve ever made. I haven’t always been the smartest, or the bravest. I’ve made mistakes. Heck, I continue makin’ ‘em.”
“Hey now. I don’t fault ya f’what happened cause of the sS Psycho. You mean it, though? You actually like bein’ around me?”
“I continue to see myself in you more and more with every passing day, and to see you thrive with things I feel we have in common brightens and warms me as much as a good glass of bourbon. You’re like sunshine.” Hancock smiled privately after another sip. “What kept me together in the fuss was hoping, ah. This ain’t an easy thing to admit, even with the liquor. Even going into it, it sounds selfish. Since the night at the gravel pit, I couldn’t stop thinking about you turning ghoul somehow, so we could do this long-term. I can’t help but feel like I willed this on ya.”
“There’s a lotta power to a man’s dreams.” And nightmares. Further comment was drowned out by more whiskey.
“…I told you about my run-in with Vic, but I never really explained me going out into the ruins on my personal Renaissance. You know I’m not stranger to the chem life. I came across a hit of an experimental radioactive drug, last hit of its kind. I knew what it’d do to me. I did it anyway. I figure if I couldn’t see the bastard in the mirror anymore that I was before the drug… All the terrible things I let happen that I felt I had no agency to intervene in… Maybe it’d end it for me. Best hit of my life, I gotta tell you. But… every ending is a new beginning. If anything, you of all things have proven that to me. Reflecting back on my life, I’m ready to stop running from myself, thanks to you bein’ in it.”
Geek stared into the mouth of his now-empty whiskey.
“Guessin’ this might a made me more attractive to ya. …Heh…” The pink ghoul looked up at the beautiful singer at the mic on stage across the room. “Could’a ended up with any girl in the Commonwealth, an’ ya got stuck with me.”
“I could say the same to you.” Hancock reached over like he was trying to grab the whiskey bottle, but grabbed something else instead, eliciting a wheeze. “I don’t think the injection did all too much to that.”
“That’s… some Halloween costume, Blue.”
Geek and Hancock straightened up to find a familiar dark-haired woman in a newboy cap and red coat standing before them, her face not quite visibly frozen in alarm. Geek glanced dismissively to his Pipboy to check the date. He regained eye contact while he picked at his empty socket not unlike one might pick his nose, detachedly fishing a finger around in it.
“It’s not too real, is it?” He rubbed the oil he’d found, around between his fingers, eye shut in thought. “…Tch, funny. Hadn’t heard anybody mention Halloween in ages.”
“Eugh. I just… I had to find you again. I had to know if you were okay. And when I heard a rumor a pink wastelander had taken up in Goodneighbor, I had to investigate. Turned out to be true.”
“More like y’had t’know if I’d figured out more of the bullshit going on in my vault. Like how the paste turned out t’be just plastic? That’s a real hilarious one. A dogged reporter told me that one. Y’might a heard about that, though.” He lit a cigarette and let out the first breath through his gashed nostrils. “Y’lied t’me ‘bout that doctor bein’ a bad lead.”
“If you don’t mind, Miss Wright, we were in the middle of a private conversation.”
“Pardon me, Mayor. Unlike you helping him drown himself into alcoholic oblivion, I want to figure out what’s wrong with his vault, so I can help him fix it and get his folks better!”
Hancock straightened forward, intensity in his rigid features.
“You don’t know a goddamn thing about what’s going on between him n’ me.”
Incredulous, she gesticulated aggressively with her hands a moment, then pointed accusingly at the mayor with a sharpened brow and a snarl.
“I know he probably wouldn’t be your pink lookalike if it wasn’t for you!”
Glass erupted with a bang. Geek had thrown down the whiskey bottle between his feet.
“Are y’tryin’ t’start a bar fight? Because it sounds like y’steerin’ for a bar fight.”
Piper softened, nearly sorrowful at being shut down like this.
“Have you completely given up on saving your people, Blue? Just feel like detaching from reality instead of addressing the real life threatening issues you’ve got going there? I traveled all the way up here, on a hunch, just to check in on you, and I find you a wad of pink ghoul jerky chewed up by my SECOND least favorite mayor in the Commonwealth.” Her tone spluttered into bitterness. “When’s your flavor gonna run out, Blue? When’s he gonna spit you out… or swallow you?”
Geek just stared at her a good bit. Needing another hit off his cigarette was the only thing that unstuck him. He looked down at his glass mess and nudged it with his feet.
“What do you really want.”
“I want answers. And I thought you did, too.” She shook her head slowly at him.
“I found my answers. You should find the door. This is a celebration, not a pity party. Do I look miserable t’you?”
She slapped her legs and threw her hands up.
“Fine. If you’re going to just… give up. I’ll go. I’ll go myself.”
If Hancock hadn’t formed a reflexive iron grip on Geek’s thigh, the pink dreg would have shot right up into her face. The mayor nonchalantly finished off his bourbon, and calmly set down the bottle on the coffee table in front of them.
“YOU CAN’T GO THERE!” Geek slouched back into the couch, withdrawing into his own ferocity. “You can’t. Y’won’t find answers in 82. Just more problems.”
“You’re a mess. Coming here was the worst thing you could have done. All I can hope is that it helped, me telling ya where the Vault-Tec building was. If you even got that far…” The reporter helped herself to a Nuka Cola off the coffee table, and tipped her hat brim at the two ghouls. “Forget you.”
Once Piper had ascended the subway stairs and exited, Hancock let go.
“The fuck was that?” he asked Geek.
“She… We met in Diamond City. She wanted an interview. Fascinated by me. After, she was convinced she had t’take me to the HQ building herself, personally. Things didn’t get that far, clearly. My compulsions, and security, got to me first.” Geek pulled the cork off a bottle of vodka with his teeth and swallowed it, and started in on the liquor. “More I see of that girl, more I’m convinced she’s just a morbid-curious driver slowing past a seven-car pile-up on the interchange. Keeps takin’ the exit just t’loop back around for a second look, too.”
“She means well. She’s just too pointed when her heart’s in it. She’s been like that since she was a kid.”
“You know her? Like, actually know her?”
“I’m from Diamond City. Course I know her.” He leaned into Geek, and draped an arm across his shoulder. “She’s gotta point, y’know. A real misguided one without all the details, but. You think you can safely say that serum evened you out and you feel healthy again? I know you well enough by know to suspect you’ve been trying to fabricate a plan to take Tinker Tom out to the Deep South of the Commonwealth.”
“They’re probably better off dead.” He let it linger too long without elaboration. “Poisoning an’ starvation are a hell of a way to go, but being alive two hundred years, when you’re too scared to come up top so you just lock yourself in y’bedroom unless it’s mess hall hour? With the same twenty-three books to read over and over. The gym equipment is worn to annihilation. Y’try t’create t’pass the time… but then when you’re done with your grand opus two years later, whadda y'do with the next ten? And now… now I’m sure this serum made me a ghoul? Am I gonna live another two hundred years? What do I do with that?”
“You’re up top now, for one thing. And… and you’re with me, long as you want me to be. There’s a whole wide wasteland to sightsee. And a whole lotta wickedness that needs its head bashed in. If they don’t know they’ve got this choice, they don’t know they have a choice. You felt trapped there. Went crazy inside your head a bit, ‘cause you’re intelligent. But you came all the way out here to Scollay Square to find answers, and I feel like you’re onto finding a solution, too. We really should figure out a way to at least pitch Tom’s serum to them, and make it your folks’ choice.”
Geek chugged the rest of the vodka in one go, set the bottle down, and stood.
“I’m not the only one who went crazy inside his head in Vault 82.”
Then he walked off to clear his head.
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xofanfics · 7 years
Choices - Part 2
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Genre: angst, fluff
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing: Mark x Reader, Johnny x Reader
*REQUESTED* Can you do a scenario where you are Mark’s classmate in college and he likes you, whilst Johnny who happens to be an upperclassman but was your tutor back in high school likes you too? And you are kinda torn between them and don’t know who to choose. You can put her up with anyone toward the end, your wish. I just want romance with both of them being into her and confusion on her part. TIA ❤
The line was long, something you should've expected on a Friday night. After Mark came over, the three of you took your time getting to the club. It was past eleven, which meant that college students were no longer able to get in free. But that was okay because you were tipsy and you just wanted to have a good time.
So you and your friends paid the eight dollars, allowing you entry into the club, and got the typical black X on the backs of your hands. The club was filled with people. Some faces you recognized from around campus and from your dorm. A lot of freshmen were here. It was the first weekend out so you imagined that everyone was here.
You wondered where Johnny was. Was he even here yet? You didn't want to text him to ask. You didn't want to be the annoying freshman girl blowing up his phone while he was trying to enjoy the party. So you put your phone back in your wristlet.
The club music filled your ears. They were playing a hip hop song that you were just starting to enjoy before the DJ started playing some remixed edm version of it.
At the sudden change, Mark rolled his eyes. “Kill the DJ!”
You and Melissa laughed. Melissa said, “Let's see the rooftop. It's kinda stuffy down here.”
You nodded and followed your friend. She was the more confident one out of the three so she agreed to lead the way. You weaved your way in and out of sweaty young adults, someone stepping on your toe as you did. By the time you turned around to glare at the person, there was no guilty person in sight.
From behind you, Mark said, “It wasn't me.”
You made it to the stairs and started going up. The roof was beginning to get crowded. Before you could get any further, Melissa decided that it was time for a bathroom trip. There were two bathrooms on the side of the roof that you were on.
Melissa banged on the door impatiently. “Is someone in there?”
A few seconds later, a girl stumbled out with her friend who appeared to be too drunk to party. “Seriously?” you said. “The night just started.”
“Come with me,” said Melissa. “I have to pee.” You nodded, following her into the single occupancy bathroom.
Mark said, “I’ll wait here.”
Melissa said, “Just come in.”
Mark shook his head nervously. “No, no. It’s fine. I’ll be fine here.”
Melissa insisted, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him into the bathroom despite his protests. You laughed, shutting the door. As Melissa pulled her shorts down, Mark’s eyes widened.
“Shit.” He quickly turned around, covering his eyes with his hands. “I didn’t see anything, I swear!”
“Gosh, Mel. Don’t scar Mark for life,” you said, giggling.
“Well he’ll see lady parts if he gets a girlfriend, right? What’s the big deal?” Mark said nothing, still facing the wall with his hands over his eyes. “You can open your eyes now. I’m done.” Melissa flushed the toilet and Mark turned around, taking his hands off his face. But his cheeks were still slightly pink from embarrassment. Melissa noticed his flushed cheeks through the mirror as she washed her hands. “Didn’t mean to scare you, Mark. I guess I’m just more open than what you’re used to.”
You said, “Yeah. I don’t think I was prepared for a roommate that sleeps topless…”
Melissa said, “Let’s just get back to the party and dance.” She paused before heading toward the door. “Actually, let’s wash the marker off our hands first. Maybe we’ll can buy a drink.”
Mark hovered over the sink watching as Melissa began washing her X’s off with soap. Surprisingly it was working more easily than you thought it would. “What if we can’t buy a drink?”
“Then I guess we’re out of luck,” you said.
“It’s worth a shot, right?”
A moment later and you and your friends were able to pass for over twenty-one without the X’s on the backs of your hands. Appearance wise, maybe not.
Mark opened the door first, then you and Melissa followed. As you were walking out, Johnny and his friends were walking by. Noticing the door being opened, Johnny looked over to see who was coming out. His eyes landed on Mark first, then you, and then your roommate. He gave the three of you a curious look before saying, “The three of you in one bathroom? Interesting…”
“Hey!” you said. “It’s not like that, you pervert.”
Johnny laughed. “Hey. I didn’t say anything. I just said it was interesting. You seem to be the one with the dirty thoughts, Y/N.”
You nudged his arm playfully. “We just went to the bathroom. That’s all.”
Johnny sighed. “Well, I’m glad you guys could make it. Hope you have fun.” Then he went off into the crowd.
That’s it? You thought. You should’ve known that he wouldn’t want to hang out during the party. You should’ve known that he wouldn’t be interested and that, to him, you were probably just some freshman girl who he just so happened to have gone to high school with. You weren’t special. He probably only invited you to promote the party. Was he a party promoter or something? Probably.
You sighed, deciding to lead your friends onto the dance floor. There, you danced. You were still tipsy. You felt the alcohol in your body. It made you feel a little bit numb, your responses slightly delayed. The music was loud. You were having a good time.
At some point during the night, Melissa went off to flirt with some guy in the VIP section. Then she came back with a drink some time later. She said, “That guy was okay. He bought me a shot and this drink here. It’s a Long Island Iced Tea.”
You took a sip first. “It’s just like juice.”
Mark took a sip, too. “You’re right. It’s like there’s no alcohol.”
Melissa left the drink with you and Mark, saying that she had enough. You saw Johnny a few minutes ago, standing in a circle with his friends. He was talking, laughing, and didn’t even notice you looking over there. You were having fun but it was still disappointing that Johnny didn’t even try to come talk to you.
Mark noticed that, as you were dancing, you kept looking around. It was normal but it seemed like you were looking for a specific someone. He saw who your eyes landed on. It was Johnny, the guy that you seemed to have a history with. Mark never asked for details but he wondered if there was more to the story than you told him.
He assumed that you liked Johnny. And that sucked because he was starting to like you. Yeah, he just met you but that didn’t change the fact that he was starting to develop feelings for you. Did you even look at him that way? Had you ever thought about it? Or were you too concerned about Johnny to even think of him?
Mark wouldn’t know. He couldn’t.
The walk back to campus was harder than you thought it would be. Your feet hurt from the flats you’d worn. Melissa told you not to wear new shoes to the club but, of course, you didn’t listen to her. You insisted that it would be fine.
“Just get on my back,” Mark said. “I’ll carry you.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted.
He looked down at your feet. “You’re walking on your heels. You’re not fine…” Mark wouldn’t take no for an answer, so he crouched down in front of you. “Come on, don’t fight me on this.”
“Whatever,” you said, jumping onto his back.
There were a bunch of people walking back from the party. The club was only about a twenty minute walk and you probably could’ve gotten a cab but, like everyone else, you and your friends didn’t want to spend the money. You and your friends ended up in a group of people that was walking back to campus. You recognized one of the people from your dorm.
Coming from another direction, you saw Johnny and his friends. Part of you wanted to talk to him, to ask him how the party was, just so you could say something to him. But since he hardly spoke to you all night, you felt like you shouldn’t. He was just having fun, as he should. He was a junior, unconcerned about someone like you.
This was ridiculous. It was like you were in high school again, with your hopeless crush on him. You never said anything to him because you assumed that he was out of your league. Perhaps it was still true.
He looked back at your group, smiling when he saw you. “Hey, Y/N!” Your group quickly caught up with Johnny’s friends. “Are you heading back?”
You nodded. “Yeah. Are you?”
“We want to find something to do.”
“Me too,” said your roommate with a sigh. “It’s only after two.”
Mark yawned. “I’m sleepy.”
From on his back, you said, “Hey, don’t be a party pooper.”
A boy from toward the front of the group said, “We’re gonna play truth or dare at our dorm in the lounge. Who’s down to play?”
Apparently, everyone was down to play. And by everyone, Johnny was included.
You were in the boy’s dorm. By now, you learned that his name was Kevin and that his dorm was the one directly across from yours. There were thirteen of you in the lounge, sitting in a circle on the floor. You helped push the tables and chairs out of the way and someone had brought their bluetooth speaker. Someone also brought down more alcohol, disguising it in an old bottle of apple juice. From what Kevin said, the RA wasn’t here and you could be loud if you wanted to. The lounge was in the basement, far away from the rooms.
You sat down between Melissa and Mark initially. But then Johnny came back from the bathroom and Melissa was so kind enough to scoot over for him so that he’d be sitting directly next to you. Your heart was racing at a million miles per hour and hopefully it didn’t show.
Kevin started first, introducing himself and encouraging the others to do the same. He said, “We’ll probably forget but whatever.” When everyone was finished, he clapped his hands together. “Everyone take a shot first.”
He held up the bottle over everyone’s mouths, pouring alcohol in. You opened your mouth and felt the liquid fire on your tongue. You were pretty sure what he poured in your mouth wasn’t a shot but you accepted it, swallowing the vodka. Everyone did the same.
Kevin said, “Okay, Mark. You first. Truth or dare?”
Mark shrugged. “Dare.”
“I dare you to bang on everyone’s door on the first floor.”
He pointed at himself. “By myself?”
“You can bring a friend with you if that makes it easier.”
At that, Mark turned to you with a smile. “Will you help me?”
You giggled. “I guess so.”
“Great,” said Kevin. “Let’s go watch.”
With that, everyone stood up and followed you and Mark upstairs. On the way up, you agreed to take the doors on the right side while Mark took the doors on the left. You went to the other end of the hallway so that you could make the perfect getaway to the staircase after pissing a bunch of people off.
You looked at Mark and Mark looked at you. He held up three fingers and started counting down. “One...two...three!”
And you took off, banging on the first door. Your adrenaline started pumping and you laughed at how hilarious this was and how tipsy you were. Your new friends were waiting at the end of the hall, giggling as you banged on each door hard. You could hear Mark laughing on the other side of the hallway. You looked over at him and your eyes met. His eyes sparkled with a youthful glimmer as he looked at you. You smiled and banged on the last door.
“Hey! What the fuck?” shouted someone from the end of the hall.
Mark looked at you with wild eyes and you grabbed his hand. You did what anyone else would. You ran as fast as you could. No one dared go back to the basement and your friends split up in multiple different directions. You could hear the girl shouting and you even heard a few other angry voices in the distance.
“Shit,” you said. You pointed at a closet. “Over here. Maybe it’s open.”
You and rushed over with Mark, who tried the door. Thankfully, it opened and Mark pulled you in before shutting it closed and locking it. He held onto you tightly as you heard hushed voices walking by. You could see their shadows through the openings at the bottom of the door.
“Where the hell did they go?”
“I’m pissed.”
“I have to be up early for work and these stupid assholes woke me up.”
“Do those people even live here?”
You held in your laughter as you heard them walk away.
You didn’t know it but Mark wanted to hold you like this for as long as he could. This moment right here definitely confirmed the feelings that he had for you. He wanted to hold you like this and, honestly, he wanted to kiss you. This was the perfect opportunity to do it. If you ended up rejecting him, he could always use the excuse that he was drunk. But, then again, it would still hurt even if he used an excuse like that.
“Are you going to let me go now?” you said, raising your eyebrows. He realized that he’d been holding onto you for longer than necessary.
“Oh,” he said, “sorry.”
You unlocked the door and peered out of the doorway to see if anyone remained. “Come on. Let’s go back to the basement and finish playing.”
Mark followed you, just happy that you held his hand when you were running. You held it like you were having the time of your life, like only he mattered. Maybe he was thinking too deeply into it but he didn’t really care.
As you walked to the basement, you let out the laughs you’d been holding in. You couldn’t believe you’d done something like that. When you got back to the basement, everyone’s eyes were glued on you and Mark suspiciously.
“It’s about time you came back,” said Kevin. Your eyes met Johnny’s. He raised his eyebrows at you but said nothing. You sat back down, between him and Mark. “You’re up, Y/N. What’s it gonna be?”
“I dare you...to kiss the oldest person in the room.” You looked around the room. Johnny’s two friends were in the room. Odds are, they were juniors or maybe even seniors. “So who’s the oldest?”
Johnny said, “I think I might be.”
One of the guys said, “When’s your birthday?”
“February 9th.”
The guy nodded. “Yup. He’s older.”
Kevin smirked and said, “Better get to kissing.”
And someone added, “French kiss.”
Your heart felt like it might jump out of your chest. You couldn’t believe this. You were going to kiss Johnny but in a dare! All of your hopes and dreams were about to come true.
You turned to face Johnny. He looked into your eyes, studying you for a few seconds before leaning in. He sealed the space between you with a kiss, gently cupping your chin. You closed your eyes as everyone in the background hooted and cooed over the kiss.
Someone shouted, “Tongue!”
And, on cue, Johnny’s tongue made its way into your mouth. It slid smoothly across yours. His lips were soft, like a feather and you melted into the kiss. You wanted this moment to last forever. It was everything you would’ve hoped for in a kiss. You’d had your first kiss in high school, with someone that wasn’t Johnny. And now, here you were with his lips on yours.
You pulled away first. Everyone clapped as you returned to your former position.
Johnny turned to you, smiling. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
117 notes · View notes
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DS9’s just bursting at the seams with memorable characters—the family, friends, and enemies that populate the corridors and make the station feel like a live, busy place. Not all of them spend enough time on board to provide material for a full profile, and most of them leave us just as they get interesting. So here’s a quick round up of some of the VIPs who have visited DS9, with my best guess as to their types.
(Note: I realized just I finished this post that all but two of these characters are dead by the end of the series. Well, two-and-a-half, depending on your perception of Opaka’s situation. DS9’s a nice place to live, but a dangerous place to visit.)
Tora Ziyal
It’s my theory that Ziyal actually changes type, because she was recast twice and reinvented just before her final arc.
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Ziyal-A (Cyia Batten) is a young but tough girl who’s survived growing up in a prisoner-of-war camp, and finds herself in a weird limbo even after being rescued, thanks to her mixed heritage and the fact that her father is a monster. She’s guarded and naïve in equal measure, ready to fight but not quite steady on her feet. Kira sort of adopts her like a little sister, and I very much think she sees her younger self in Ziyal.
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Ziyal-B (Tracy Middendorf) is roughly the same, observing Garak quietly from a distance before making the first move. She tells him she grew up alone and doesn’t need the company of another Cardassian, but he’s welcome to join her nonetheless.
Best guess for original Ziyal: ISFP
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Ziyal-C is played by an older actress (Melanie Smith) to make her relationship with Garak less creepy (no dice), and she’s outgoing, chipper, and over-trusting. She’s a bit deluded about her father’s true nature, whereas original Ziyal understood but stuck by him because he was her only family bond. She shows great artistic talent (I really like Ziyal’s artwork, actually), but she leaves the art school on Bajor because she can sense that no one likes or accepts her. She really just wants her father and Kira to stop fighting and get along.
She is, by the writers’ own admission, an innocent puppy crafted specifically to gain the audience’s sympathy before they killed her off. A daughter-in-the-fridge, if you will.
Best guess for final Ziyal: Fe-dom, probably ENFJ
(I love original Ziyal to pieces. The actress was quiet yet intense. The next actress was okay, but was doing a weird accent. The third actress referred to her character in interviews as “Tora,” which sounds like no one explained how her character’s Bajoran name worked. She would have been fine in any other role, but lacked the interesting edge of Ziyal-A.)
Damar - ESTJ
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Damar spends a lot of time in the background before rising to the occasion at the end of the saga. It’s one of DS9’s great magic tricks that he was cast early on with barely a line of dialogue in anticipation of a greater storyline down the road. Damar hangs back from the major action at first, acting moody and reserved because he’s drinking his conscience away—so I see inferior-Fi at work there.
Damar is otherwise a traditional family man and a loyal Cardassian, and once his family and his world are betrayed by their supposed allies, he puts down the bottle and leads a revolution. His leadership turns him into a legend almost overnight, but he does have a lot to learn from Kira about the new way they have to fight—rebel-style, not regular military. He eventually drives the Dominion off his planet, at the cost of his own life.Dominion off his planet, at the cost of his own life.
Bill Ross - ISTJ
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Admiral Ross is a low-key, trusty old officer, one of the few higher-ups to break the “Every Admiral in Starfleet is a Crazy Person” trend. He does make a couple of dicey calls—helping a Section 31 operation and supporting the Romulans’ base near Bajor—but they’re all in service to his duty to the Federation.
Opaka - INFJ
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I hate to go with the stereotype here, but Bajor’s great religious leader is a very obvious Ni-dom. The Kai sees everything though a spiritual lens, and bases her decisions on what she believes is her destiny—or Sisko’s. She makes a tough call for the greater good of the Bajoran people, sacrificing the life of her son in order to save many more, and she gives up her life on Bajor to help a planet of people she’s just met find peace.
(And I promise I’ll stop geeking out about the technically-non-canon post-TV novels, but her given name in them is Sulan, which I think is perfect and lovely.)
Bareil Antos - INFJ
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Another spiritual stereotype, but it fits. Bareil takes a calm, spiritually-minded approach to life, and tries to help the anxious ISFP Kira calm down and see the bigger picture of her existence. Of course, he happily indulges in the sensual side of their relationship, too. He’s willing to take the fall for Opaka’s sacrifice of her son to avoid tarnishing her legendary reputation, and then he ends up sacrificing his own life by working himself to death helping Winn complete peace negotiations with the Cardassians.
Gowron - ESTP
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The Chancellor of the Klingon Empire lives with a very damaged version of Se-dom. He’s more reactive than pro-active, constantly striking out at those that insult and threaten him (tertiary-Fe). He plunges his people into war based on a vaguely defined paranoia about Changelings (inferior-Ni), and seems to forget that Picard helped him gain his throne as soon as he has power, making up a whole new mythology about his ascent to leadership.
When Martok’s popularity starts to overshadow his own, Gowron takes over the fleet in the middle of the Dominion War and assigns Martok to dangerous missions in an effort to get him killed (tertiary-Fe again). He’s nowhere near the strategist or commander that Martok is (disorganized, damaged Ti-aux, probably not even in use since he’s most likely looping through his Extraverted functions), and the Klingons start losing badly.
Any parallels to real-life leadership are purely coincidental, but uncanny.
Gowron won’t acknowledge the reality of the situation, so Worf—who basically handed Gowron the throne many years ago by taking out his rival—takes Gowron down and hands the mantle to Martok.
Kurn – ESTP
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Kurn is action-driven and wily, a hot-headed younger brother to the stoic Worf who’s nonetheless a strong commander in his own right. He boards the Enterprise under a pretense, provoking Worf until he’s sure he can reveal their family connection. The two brothers fight for their family’s honor, and Kurn reluctantly obeys Worf’s wishes to turn his back on him and pretend they’re not related in order to protect himself. Once they clear their father’s name and get to fight together, Kurn’s overjoyed and wishes they had been able to be brothers from the start.
He’s farsighted enough to see the dangers Gowron poses to the Empire, impetuous enough to want to kill him right away, but cautious enough to follow his older brother’s guidance and wait the situation out. Unfortunately, once Gowron dissolves their house, Kurn loses all hope for the future and tries to kill himself. Trying to start a new life under Starfleet/Bajoran military discipline does not suit him at all.
So (*ugh*) Worf wipes his memory and sends him off with a new family. Shortly before their house’s honor is restored again.
Sorry, Kurn. You put up a good fight.
Luther Sloane – INTJ
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It’s hard to tell if the Sloane we meet in the Section 31 episodes is the real Luther Sloane, or some sort of crazy person who managed to put up an organized façade to carry out his nefarious schemes. Despite an arresting performance by William Sadler, he’s pretty much a standard INTJ villain, with plans worked out hundreds of steps in advance, with far-reaching objectives only he comprehends. His morality extends only to keeping the Federation safe and secure, by any means necessary.
Enabran Tain – INTJ
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As the leader of the Obsidian Order, Tain’s another INTJ supervillain, but with mastermind chops that would have put Sloane to shame if they ever met. He sees the impending threat of the Dominion and comes out of retirement to put together a combined Cardassian-Romulan task force to pre-emptively strike at the Founders. He has a handful of old colleagues assassinated so that they won’t interfere, and is willing to kill Garak, too. He’ll never admit that Garak was his son, because a man like him can’t have that kind of emotional liability. When his secret task force is ambushed by an overwhelming Jem’Hadar fleet, Tain has a meltdown over his failure to foresee this outcome.
Vic Fontaine – ESFJ
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He’s just an old-fashioned lounge singer, baby, with a hundred stories to tell about the glory days of Vegas. He’s always there with a listening ear and simple advice when someone walks in with a broken heart. Vic somehow understands that he’s a hologram, and transcends his programming to hop holosuites and manipulate Kira and Odo together in spite of themselves. He’s excited by the new, round-the-clock life Nog offers him, though it tires him out quite a bit. Raise a glass, and try to figure out how he exists as an actual human in the Mirror Universe.
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He’s an Extravert, don’t you know? You can’t shut this guy up.
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night-speak-blog · 7 years
Suzanne Tamaki (Tuhoe, Te Arawa, Maniapoto) is a costume designer and the Events and Festivals Coordinator for Wellington City Council. She has a long personal and professional involvement in Wellington nightlife.
lightreading (lr): How would you describe your involvement with Wellington’s nightlife?
Suzanne Tamaki (ST): At the moment I work in the City Arts and Events Team, I mainly do events and festivals. But I’m also a designer so I do a lot of fashion/costume stuff. So I spend a lot of time either in clubs, watching, dancing, inhabiting...Or I spend a lot of time in there working...So I’ll be backstage or I’ll have a show on, and it’s either work-related [for the Council] or fashion-related... Which is when I’ll be back stage dressing models, either in my own garments or I do a lot of work to promote Māori designers. My main emphasis is Māori fashion. So it could be a bunch of different designers’ work as well, not just mine. Which is really, really, exciting! The only thing I hate about it is that I’m so busy working I never get to see the shows! That’s why it’s so good these days that everyone carries cameras...The way I get to experience the show is when they tag me in social media.
lr: Where would you put one of these events on?
ST: Most of the time it comes down to facilities that are available in the clubs...You need to have decent back space area...Especially for the number of models we tend to work with. Although, in saying that, we’ve also done shows in places where all we’ve had is a toilet to get changed in which can be really trying and sort of hilarious. The main thing we look for is a really nice green room space that has mirrors, water, power for hairdryers etc., good lighting. I’ve been in places where we’ve had one light bulb swinging on a rope...You don’t want that. We don’t work under those conditions anymore—ha! Those were the old days. A really good stage, good lighting, good sound is a must. One of the best shows I remember doing was—I called it Anti-fashion. I did a residency at Unitech and put on a show in a club that coincided with Auckland Fashion Week. The whole back wall was covered in monitors. I had a video artist come in and he worked with my images and put together this big multimedia thing on the monitors behind the live show. It looked really spectacular. A double hit of art.
lr: How long have you lived in Wellington?
ST: I was born here and brought up here. Then I moved to Auckland in the eighties for about 10 years and then I came back.
lr: Over the time you’ve been involved in the Wellington scene in this professional capacity or just partying do you think that there’s a distinctive way to characterise the nightlife down here?
ST: Wellington’s always had a grungy feel about it. It’s always quite gritty. The Southern Cross had a public bar where all the gangs used to drink—you don’t have that any more, you don’t really have public bars and lounge bars. You could wear patches and jandals and bare feet in the public bar and that was acceptable, but you couldn’t get away with that in the lounge bar. Now it’s just blended into this one big room. It was great, bars would have a really rough room and a posh room, and I’d always end up in the rough room because that’s where all the fun was. It was loud and partying. There were always loads of Māoris in there. And good music and really cheap drinks. And there’d always be a fight, but you’d just stay out of the way. And I guess that grungy, gritty thing has permeated into lounge culture, like if you look again at Southern Cross, it’s kind of hippy, almost…Still earthy, grounded…We don’t get too elitist, I guess. Even the Matterhorn is still a little bit real. It’s like glamping…You might have a fancy caravan but you’re still in the motor camp
lr: What’s been the most memorable thing for you about Wellington’s nightlife?
ST: One of the most memorable things for me was Chips, a nightclub back in the eighties. You used to get issued chips and that’s what you’d use to exchange for drinks. And that was Frankie Stevens who managed that place. It was up the top of Plimmer Steps, I think. You’d get your chips and he was such a smooth guy. It was like walking onto a cruise ship…He was like the guy who meets you at the door. He was always in a suit and very suave. And in his deep voice he’d say something like, “hello Suzanne, good to see you tonight”. You'd get this personal welcome from the owner of the bar and you’d feel like a VIP. And he’d give you your handful of chips.
lr: So you would pay for the chips? Did he do it for the novelty?
ST: You’d pay for the chips. Yeah, partly for the novelty but hey, probably also to get around liquor licensing rules too. You’d buy chips so you didn’t put any money across the bar. I didn’t care, I just liked that I got my chips and I liked the personal approach. And always really good music and people dancing—I miss that. People don’t dance any more. A few do at Laundry but all the other clubs will be playing really great music but people won’t dance until they’re really drunk. So I find myself dancing alone a lot.
lr: What’s your favourite music to dance to?
ST: Still disco. It’ll always be disco.
lr: You mentioned Frankie Stevens, who were the other big names in the scene (from any time you remember)?
ST: In Auckland I loved bars like The Staircase that had loads of drag queens there. And I loved the glamour. They always dressed up, always made an effort, and looked absolutely stunning and spectacular, above and beyond…The clubs would play a lot of disco and they had a disco ball. When disco is playing people seem happier, it’s quite uplifting. Maybe it’s because the songs have words, and everyone knows the words. I just remember the glamour and the glitz. It was like magic, especially when the mirror balls were going and the light was bouncing off the drag queens’ sequins. They became big mirror balls. Two other personalities in Wellington are Scotty and Mel from S&M’s. They remind me of Frankie Stevens in the way they always welcome people in, they enjoy their job, they will join in. It makes such a big difference. And I love their bar. Red velvet ropes and curtains, chandeliers...But it’s like an alley. It’s just a tiny alley that gets absolutely packed.
lr: Is this how you became interested in fashion?
ST: I was already in fashion. I used to dress a lot of the drag performers. I got into fashion because my mum was a seamstress and used to make all my clothes as a girl. But then I got away from the mainstream, and started making my own stuff, which is more militant and political, talking about the landscape here in New Zealand. But I still love glamour, so I do a lot of styling too. I do a lot of theatre, I dress a lot of bands. I loved the drag queens because they’re so fantastic, surreal. It’s almost like you could be anything you wanted to be. Nothing was forbidden, it’s like Alice In Wonderland, but if you go down into the rabbit hole and underneath it’s all sequins, glitter, make up and big hair. Surreal. So in terms of personalities it was Bertha and Buckwheat who used to host at Staircase. Bust'Op, she used to do a little bit of hostessing. Another one of the standout drag queens in Auckland was Pussy Galore. Those are really Auckland memories. Wellington-wise I don’t really remember many of the personalities. I remember we used to go clubbing at Claire’s nightclub and I used to go with my hairdresser. I always remember we’d spend hours and hours getting ready. So once again it comes back to glamour and fashion. We all lived in Upper Hutt and it was such a hole, and we’d go into Wellington—the big city! As soon as you came along the harbour toward Wellington and you’d see the lights…We’d squeal when we saw the lights because we knew we’d made it. It always looked like magic, like Christmas. The city lights bounced off the water and you’re transported into this other world. And we weren’t in Upper Hutt any more, we were these glamorous creatures coming to Wellington to ponce around in a club and pretend we were somebody for— two hours—then back to reality.
lr: Was there any specific night that sticks in your mind as a time when you might have met someone who was particularly influential or interesting, or had a conversation that has shifted your thinking somehow?
ST: In truth nearly every time I go out it’s like that. You get into a club and there’ll be someone I’m looking for or some idea that I’m trying to get and you always meet someone interesting, who’s doing something that aligns with what you’re doing or is just doing something really exciting. I don’t know if that’s just the alcohol. I carry around a notebook and so the next day I’ll look at my notebook to see what I wrote but half the time I can’t read my writing. But I know at the time I had this fantastic idea, a brilliant light bulb moment and the next day it’s terrible because I can’t read my writing. I think that people are relaxed in clubs and they don’t have their guard up, and because they’ve had a few drinks the ideas flow and they’re less cautious about sharing information. I can’t think of any particular moment but almost every week I have an ‘a-ha’ moment with somebody in a club.
lr: So you’re still out every week?
ST: It’s my job and I’m always looking for what’s going on—who’s the band, what’s the show, who’s around. So you need to get out and about. You can follow it on Facebook or read about it but it’s not the same as experiencing it.
lr: How do you think the scene here has come about, how did it form? Maybe the grittiness you mentioned?
ST: I reckon it was that ‘number eight wire’ mentality; they wanted to make it happen so they just had to do it. And it wasn’t that they were breaking rules but they were making them up as they went along. Wellingtonians were so keen to get out and do something that it didn’t matter about the weather. If there was a band playing they went out to see them. I was listening to the news this morning and there’s going to be 100km winds today…And I was like, “Oh, it’s just another Monday. Maybe I’ll wear my gloves. I’m ready, bring it Wellington!”. We’re hardy, so the elements don’t put us off at all. We just wrap up and under all those layers of hats and scarves there’ll be a glamorous outfit waiting to emerge. We just want to party.
lr: The project we are working on addresses the way architecture helps or hinders the atmosphere in social situations, so I was wondering if you have any thoughts about how the built environment can impact on social dynamics?
ST: I think that on lots of levels we like to watch. We like watching people. Say for example at The Staircase there was a mezzanine floor where you could have your drink and lean on the rail and watch everybody below and you could see people coming and going. I always liked the clubs that had chairs and tables upstairs too. So you could be removed from it. You’re not in the middle of the tank but you could see what the social interactions were…Who had come into the room, what everyone was wearing, who was dancing with who...St John’s bar here, on the waterfront, used to have one too, and there’s also that sleazy thing where the people upstairs were also the ones maybe doing drugs or having a sneaky joint. But you were still above the maddening crowd. So I like the ideas of stairs, and even the queues of people up the stairs made it seem like a fashion thing, where everyone was lined up and was looking.
lr: I’m interested in the idea of the queue—it doesn’t seem simply that the club is too full…
ST: They do it for the people driving past so they think they need to get into that club. It’s all about the hype.
lr: Do you think it builds a sense of anticipation for the people who are in the queue as well—or just frustration?
ST: It’s a social thing, because I can remember when we had to queue, and it’d just be like, oh well we had to queue, so we’d just enjoy it and talk to each other and wait until we got in. Maybe things have changed now…We’re not as socially kind anymore, it’s just ‘I want it now’. Maybe I was obnoxious too when I was young, I don’t remember. I think I just had interesting friends around me so we’d still have a good time being in the queue. Maybe [in your nightclub design] you could have people in queues but the queues are like a series of cubicles, so it’s also like a window display.
lr: I was talking to some others yesterday about Ivy and the car park/smoking cage. We were thinking about the politics of having a smoking area tucked out of sight like that…And we were speculating that it might be because it’s still not entirely safe to be dressed in drag out on the street. Maybe it’s kinder to provide people a way to have a cigarette—
ST:—while still being sheltered. I really like it that they do that. I don’t smoke but it annoys me that the smokers have to brave the elements. I think it’s unfair. I think the same owners had the Garden Bar on Courtenay Place and there was a balcony and there was one bar upstairs and you could still smoke in it even after the legislation changed. I like that renegade thing.
lr: A couple of bars down that area have been in legal trouble over the past two years over letting people smoke in covered areas...
ST: Yeah, and it’s still in an outside area but covered on too many sides…I think it’s just going to get worse. It’s going to wreck the clubs.
lr: Is there any other way the architecture or built environment might reflect what’s happening politically or socially?
ST: You might think about socio-economic groups, like people who, for example, vote National, aren’t likely to be going to an underground warehouse party.
lr: So would you say that having an underground warehouse party is implicitly excluding certain groups of people?
ST: Definitely. Like over the weekend there was a punk gig at the Newtown Bowling Club. One, who’s going to go to a punk gig. But two, who even knows where Newtown Bowling Club is! I loved the idea that these guys would do it in a bowling club. I’m actually a member of the Newtown Bowling Club and I laughed because I went along to the gig and there were all the old Koro who were all members, and they’re there because it’s where they always go, and it’s cheap beer and what else would they do? And all of a sudden they’ve got this wall of noise with these punks playing. And they’re not going to leave, they’ve got nowhere else to go. And their faces were absolutely stunned, listening to this wall of sound but they still stayed there. I don’t know, maybe if you force people into those positions where they have to listen to music or interact with a whole other crowd what could happen? Probably nothing.
lr: Are there any other memorable interiors that you haven’t already mentioned?
ST: The other thing I pay attention to is the toilets. I’ve been into some toilets and they are plush. Bangalore Polo Club has good toilets. The other thing that Bangalore has that I adore is a red carpet that runs from the front door right through to the back, up some stairs. And I love the idea of having a show in there and lining people up on the side of the carpet, with a band at the top, and having the models parade in and back out onto Courtenay Place. So the street turns into part of the catwalk. That’d be a dream come true to do that. You might have picked it up that I like the idea of glamour, fashion and performance... Surrealism. Taking people on a journey.
lr: Other than Courtenay place, are there any other areas where there was a lot of nightlife activity?
ST: I really loved Eddie's. It was down an alleyway and up some stairs. The alley and the stairs always smelled like piss, but Eddie’s was just a big pool hall. The interior was all graffiti, tags, whatever, it didn’t matter. It looked really underground even though it was upstairs. And you could smoke in there. I like the idea of that, it’s like you’re breaking the rules, it’s like a garage party but you’re in a bar. All the people who would go there were edgy and arty. I think he closed last year, it was a shame. He’d be open until really late and you’d get locked in. I like the idea of a lock-in. That was a great space. And S&M’s again…the lounge, boudoir feel. Ivy’s Garden Bar, I think it was where Calendar Girls is now. There were four different bars so you could go to different levels—I love the idea of that, that you could be downstairs in the dance room, go upstairs to the smoking area, out the back to the gay room. I didn’t go there, it’s just another closet. I loved Electric Avenue with the cheesy eighties music and they played music videos from my youth that I’d never had the chance to see and we had really limited access to them. And upstairs was just a private room, a mezzanine floor.
lr: I was looking at a documentary about the punk scene on the terrace in the eighties, which revolved around two flats...Was that before your time?
ST: I’d left Wellington and moved to Auckland by then so I missed a lot of that scene. But I remember coming down and going to a party there and also on Cuba Street on Tonks Avenue. Up on Tonks there used to be a lot of musos and artists. They used to have a lot of parties down there—live jams. The houses weren’t condemned but no one was supposed to be living in them, people were squatting, but they were all really good artists. Lots of drugs actually. You asked what Wellington was built on, I think Cuba street was built on those Tonk Street tenants. A lot of them had shops down Cuba Street or they were supporting the shops, it was a really supportive community, they all looked after each other and they all knew each other. A lot of the artists who lived on Tonks were supplying the shops with their clothes...They were selling things through Misdemeanor [a shop] etc. It was edgy and quirky but very uniquely Wellington. As soon as they pulled down all of those buildings Cuba lost its artiness and became mainstream. And now the punk scene has moved to Valhalla and the Newtown Bowling Club. Maybe that’s because they needed to find an affordable venue.
lr: Nightclubs are said to have the ability to contribute to counter-cultural movements. Do you think this could be said of Wellington’s nightlife?
ST: Not as much now as it used to be. We’ve turned into a real nanny-state. You can’t even smoke cigarettes, never mind anything else. But I do remember some of the clubs used to have rooms that the managers would take you to do coke or speed or smoke pot. And I’m sure that those rooms still exist. But I like the idea that there are these areas hidden away. Nearly every club that I go there is another room to be honest…And they’ll take you there if you want to go or they know you well enough, or if you’re into it. But I don’t know if it contributes to counter-culture behavior because it is so secretive, you wouldn’t want everyone knowing that’s what you were getting up to…A lot of the people who can afford to do drugs have good jobs as well. So it’s not the same grungy “let's go into the backroom and do needles” anymore. It’s “let's go into the backroom and do coke”. Stuff that will cost you lots of money. So I don’t know it is about counter-culture. It’s maybe more elitist. It doesn’t contribute to a scene because it’s so secretive…You’d have to be careful who sees the activity. But the other thing I think has come about, since people have to go outside to smoke cigarettes…In the old days your whole table would leave to go have a joint…Now everyone just thinks you’re going out to smoke a cigarette…So, thanks! At least they’ve made that easier. And it’s so expensive to drink, and that’s why they talk about ‘pre-loading’. But that’s driven people like the punks to Newtown. Arlo Edwards was living in a warehouse in Newtown with a bunch of other guys and they used to organise bands to come down from Auckland. It was $5 on the door, BYO alcohol and there was a bar. I’m sure they didn’t have a licence. But it was such a great crowd, really young and the bands were really good but it was just someone’s grungy old warehouse. So much more life and excitement than the clubs who’d spent millions of dollars doing them up…People would go to them and be bored. They’d sit there and wait for something to happen but no one would want to make it happen.
lr: Do you think these clubs and venues are/were safe for you? Did you ever feel unsafe?
ST: I think that a lot of those public bars that I went to were really unsafe. But I guess that was part of the appeal, the risk was part of the excitement. You know like, “oooh I’m hanging out with the rough crowd”. Nobody liked me doing it, they’d all ask me “Suzanne, what are you doing hanging out with that lot?”. But it was interesting! Different and exciting. It’s not the same as everything else. But generally you’re pretty safe in the clubs now. They have good security, the bar staff are really mindful. But then I read recently that someone’s been going around spiking drinks again, so that’s not a good thing for people, especially females who go out alone, which I do a lot but I have never had my drink spiked. I’ve saved a few girls who have had their drinks spiked. One time I found a girl who was passed out in a car park in the pouring rain, lying in the gutter. I managed to get out of her where she lived, and took her home, poor thing. It’s quite commonplace. I see girls passed out all the time. We’re talking about safety, maybe I’m safe because I’m really mindful, maybe I’ve been around so long I know how to take care of myself. But I see girls half-dressed and vomiting or passed out. Maybe it’s not safe. Maybe they’re not well looked after…They get themselves into a state and then the bars will kick them out and leave them. Just desert them, and maybe they’ve become separated from their friends somehow.
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