#the dwarves
Sometimes I wonder where Bullroarer Took’s club ended up. Did it get thrown away after the hobbit's death? Is it hanging up somewhere?
I like to imagine that Bilbo has it somewhere in his Smial, and if he’d been more angry than confused by Thorin’s grocer comment, he might have gone to get it. The dwarves would have been sitting down at the table when Bilbo walked in carrying this massive club over his shoulder that was almost as tall as he was. That Bilbo slams it down on the table rather proudly and declares that ‘this is my weapon of choice’.
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ally-holmes · 8 months
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I'm quite happy with this. Happy enough to share it with you guys. Hope you like it.
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lichanicksstuff · 2 months
What books would characters from The Hobbit read?
This idea came up to me a while ago, but now I have to share it, so here me out ig:
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I think Bilbo would read everything he can get his hands on. But mostly fantasy novels, history books, basically anything that would include a piece of unknown world. I just know that he would love Edgar Allan Poe, Jules Verne and I think he would enjoy Brandon Sanderson's books.
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Here's a controversial one, but I think Thorin would mostly read poetry. Especially the Lake Poets. He would read poems about home, love, a warm place where people can feel safe. That's what he wanted, that's why he wanted to regain Erebor. (He would also read romance novels in his free time, but nobody knows about it. Fili and Kili would die twice if they found out. Of laughing and because Thorin would chase them with a knife).
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Kili wouldn't read much. He would mostly watch films, but if he once in a while picks up a book it's usually a romance-comedy, or the worst and the most traumatising horror book, a person could ever read. He would recommend them to people by saying "It's a really good book! You will enjoy it!" and then laugh when they come back traumatised. He would like "Ring", "Haunting Adeline" and literally anything by Jane Austen.
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Fili would read mostly criminal books or just contemporary fiction. He wouldn't have high expectations for books, but he would complain about every detail if he didn't like one. He would be the type of guy that says "the book was better" after he watched a movie based of a book. Even if he didn't read this particular book, he would say that, just to piss people off.
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Ori would read contemporary fiction, like Fili, and he would be the victim of Bofur's and Kili's recommendations. Poor guy. He would also read classic romance novels. I have a feeling that he would love Jane Austen's and Bronte sisters' works. I don't know why but it fits. Look at him.
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History books and war literature. Do I have to explain myself? This guy would give you an hour long monologue about the emergence of the Balkan countries and you would listen to every word he says. After that he would make you a cup of tea and then asked what books you like to read. And somehow, even if you read a completely different genre, he would recommend you something that you would really enjoy.
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Nori's the type of guy who says that he reads everything, even if that's a complete bullshit. He would only read criminal novels (he would have read all of Agatha Christie and killed you if you would say you don't like her work) and sometimes japanese classic literature. And by that I mean Edogawa Ranpo and his "The Human Chair" or "The Hornworm".
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I just know that Dwalin would have read "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" like twenty times as a kid. When he was a little older, he tried classic literature, poetry, adventure, sience fiction, war literature, a few romance novels, horror books... He's the true "I read everything" guy. His favourite authors would be Dostoevsky, Karl Adolph Gjellerup (but he wouldn't be a fan of the femme fatale thing) and John Milton.
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Cook books.
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ragrfisk · 5 months
Dwarfcember day 4
Glóin my love 💕✨
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I may hate thranduils guts but god is he hot like yall look at this mf
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defectivegembrain · 11 months
"The incident was over too quickly for anyone to notice the long crimson streak on the floor. The magus was leaking blood."
Ohh I guess he's opening a children's hospital!
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kukvy · 4 months
Headcanons tercermundista (Panameños) de Neige y los enanitos (Y algunos tristes)
-Neige puede que sea el hermano menor de ellos, pero toma el papel de padre luchon💪
-Suelen bailar cumbias rebajadas
-Antes Neige para sacar más plata, trabajaba como cajero en un chinito de la esquina
-Los enanitos solían vender chetos por la calle cuando era necesario
-Para ahorrar el shampoo, Dominic le ponía agua a los shampoos
-Una vez, los enanitos se perdieron en la central por tomar el bus equivocado (culpa de Toby)
-Neige fan de Mitski
-De todos, Neige era el que más chambeaba
-Resumen de la infancia de Neige y los enanitos: Trabajo infantil
-Aunque Neige tenga casi el papel de padre, los enanitos se preocupan mucho por el e intentan cuidarlo
-Para los cumpleaños de los enanitos, Neige solía hacer horas extras para comprar los materiales necesarios para realizar un pastel(siempre lo realizaba con ayuda de los enanos)
-Los enanitos fueron abandonados por sus padres en el bosque
-Neige se siente culpable de la muerte de su madre, debido a que el cree que el la mato porque ella murio meses después de dar a luz a Neige. Posteriormente, su papá se enfermo y murió.
-Neige suele pedirle la comida a Timmy debido a su timidez.
-Aunque siempre haya faltado un adulto en la casa el cuál pudiera cuidarlos, ellos formaron una familia en dónde se cuidan entre ellos
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missartist4fun · 1 year
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It’s my wee lads!!
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gotankgo · 9 days
The Dwarves “Is Anybody Out There?”
• A Fistful of Rock & Roll - Volume 5
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I know I probably don't have too many fantasy fans following me but I just want to plug this book series (there's more than one series that ties in but let's stick to the core series for now). Originally published in German, the English translations are amazing and this is one of the few fantasy authors I've found that knows what he's doing when it comes to writing a (brutal as fuck) battle scene without it getting boring and technical. I have nearly reread my copies into oblivion, I love these books so much, and if you're looking for a new fantasy series to sink your teeth into, please do yourself a favor and try the Dwarves by Markus Heitz.
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ragrfisk · 7 months
I remain on the goof-course
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cimmerian-war-shrine · 11 months
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iamdangerace · 2 months
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defectivegembrain · 9 months
Two dwarves flirting by talking about their mutual love of blacksmithing and showing each other their forge scars adjsfklr that's so weirdly cute
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kukvy · 3 months
Dónde está el titán spikerman?
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