#so sorry it took so long to answer i just forgot asks existed
i-eat-mold · 1 month
you eat mold and I eat lemon
we should be besties now (you have no choice)
Dude we should have a ship name called moldy lemon or smth
im so in
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gglitch1dd · 1 month
Hi lovey, Can we get more of reader and Bakugou and eijiros kid?? I forgot the names, so im calling them that for now🤡. I kinda wanna know if Katsuki feels some typa stuff like "Lord, she's hugging my kid. Wish it was me who impregnated her🙄"😭😭😭And hunny, eijirous child is so adorable???? I feel like u wrote smth about her being a little plump, and i just KNOW it's from readers cooking and Eijirous genes😛
And btw what do I call u? Just glitch???
(Sorry for answering so late Anon, FORGIVE ME)
Katsuki's kid is Kane, Eijiro's kid is Satomi.
Katsuki definitely feels that way everytime he sees Reader hold Kane.
Fun fact, reader took a lot of care of Kane and Satomi, especially when they were younger and Katsuki, Eijiro and Izuku were busy with hero work, maybe on a long mission or for a few hours, so Kane and Satomi pretty much see reader as their mom but they aren't allowed to call her that (according to Katsuki).
Kane is such a sweetie. He's best friends with Toshinori so he's pretty comfortable around Y/N especially since its a known fact that reader produced a lot of breast milk for when Toshinori was a baby (that brocolli gremlin was a hungry sucker), and considering Kane and Satomi never had a mother in their lives, they got some milk from Y/N (Not directly and she made sure everything was tested and it would be safe for them- be safe with other people's children<3).
So Katsuki would come, Eijiro took a lot more paternity leave than Katsuki, and he would see Y/N trying to teach Eijiro how to take care of newborns and he would see her just holding a little baby Kane who would look all sleepy and drinking from a bottle and holding her finger with his little hand when he was a newborn.
Poor Katsuki sees a glimpse of the future he could have had IF HE HADN'T CHEATED ON READER WITH EIJIRO.
And this man is fighting for his life everytime he sees you. When your hugging little Kane or helping him clean up his face when he eats all messy or kissing him on his cheek happy birthday.
Katsuki can't fight the thoughts in his head.
ESPECIALLY when he sees you all round and pregnant AGAIN, and AGAIN with Izuku's children.
He can't help but think would you glow just as much if it was his baby inside of you and not Izuku's? Would you smile that widely whenever you held your bump like the most precious thing in existence? Would you have that look on your face, that he had engrained into his mind, whenever you came on his cock? That look of pure euphoria with a half lidded gaze and pleasure filled giggles out of your lips.
If he was still at your side, with a diamond ring that he would make sure put Izuku to shame, with his brats inside of you, and his brats calling you mommy, and his brats running to you, and loving you, and feeding from you and hugging you...
would you still look that happy?
Katsuki delusions say you would be even more so.
You love Kane and Satomi just like they were your own, but mostly because they don't have a mom to turn to.
Eijiro is so ever grateful for all of your help. he feels terrible everytime he sees you and he asks for it. He knows that he ruined your relationship with Katsuki, and despite the both of you having talked about it and you having outright stated "No Eijiro, it's okay. I'm happy now! Why would I be mad?"
Eijiro still feels bad.
He tries everything to take care of Kane and Satomi, especially with Katsuki so damn focused on work and trying to surpass Izuku. It was sickening often than not, but Eijiro never got the time to be upset because he was too busy trying to take care of two babies, both five months apart from one another.
Eijiro loved his daughter from the moment he heard her little heartbeat when she was still inside the surrogate's womb. He loved her and prayed for her everyday. And the moment she was born, Eijiro thought his life was full. He had his wonderful Kane, and now his darling daughter Satomi.
Being on breastmilk and her being a Kirishima, Satomi instantly turned into the cutest chubby baby ever. With round cheeks and a giggle laugh that made Eijiro smile. She was a daddy's girl true and true.
She never really does lose the weight even as she grows older, but Eijiro always thinks it suits her because she's so beautiful.
Especially since from a young age, all Satomi wanted to do was follow you around. She would follow you like a little shadow, her ruby eyes, wide and big just like her father's, would watch and try to learn everything that you did. She loved her father but she looked to you as a role model.
She would come home everyday, telling her father of what you had taught her, what new recipe or treat or hack that you had given her today. She would come to you for homework and advice and you even encouraged her extra more with her dreams in singing.
Even though she was a very sensitive thing and often got sad because Katsuki would want her to be a hero just like her fathers, Eijiro never really minded and you were always there to give her that motherly hug that she so craved.
Eijiro knew that his daughter would never have a mother, not in the way that she needed, but he was glad that she had you. He was glad that her and Kane had you. It put his heart to ease everytime his kids would beam up at you with childlike innocence in their eyes.
He wished Katsuki could put the same effort he put into his work as he did with their kids.
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 months
New Year
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Pairing: Yandere Mahito x GN!Reader
Notes: i wrote this while high and didn't edit it so sorry if it's funky
WC: 792
Notes: Yandere, implied kidnapping, implied death (not of reader), nonconsensual kissing, Mahito being a menace.
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“Look what I got you!”
The words that left Mahito’s mouth instantly have you on guard. You warily turn towards your captor, narrowing your eyes at the generic bag that he excitedly shakes in your direction. Anything Mahito gave you was never what it seemed - there were no gifts without strings, nor was anything given to you without purpose. Whether it was to terrify or to sicken or to make you beg for him to stop, there was always a reason.
Mahito ignores your expressions and bounds over to you, dumping the bag out all over the couch cushion next to you. It takes you a moment to register what you’re seeing, your eyes darting between Mahito and the pile on the couch.
Next to you sits a pile of various items, the one thing they had in common being their reason for existence: the celebration of 2024. The new year…? It couldn’t be. It’d… there was no way it had been that long. Mahito kept the time and date from you, but you swore you’d been somewhat accurate in counting the days that had passed. You want to ask him if this is some kind of joke, but no words make it past your scratchy throat.
You look up at him, mouth parted - and the unnaturally large smile that seems to span his entire face answers the words that refuse to pass your lips. Mahito’s hand comes to your face and for one millisecond you think it’s all over before he simply squishes your cheeks together with his fingers.
“Are you so happy you can’t speak?” Mahito presses his fingers into your cheeks upward to push your lips into a crude smile, only stopping when he presses so hard that you whimper. “There you go. If you can’t speak, you can at least give me a smile after I went to the trouble of getting you this stuff.”
Mahito grabs one of the accessories from the pile - a party hat with a generic New Year quote - and places it on your head, adjusting it so that the band under your chin is just so. He grabs a noise maker for himself and startles you by leaning forward to blow it in your face, leaning back to cackle when you jolt away.
“You know, this is one of those human holidays I don’t really get.” Mahito waves the noise maker as he speaks, specks of glitter falling to the floor. “All the humans I took this stuff from seemed to be having fun. Especially the couples.” 
The humans…? Your blood turns ice-cold in an instant. While Mahito rambles, you force yourself to look back at the pile. You hadn’t noticed it before, but there was a faint, metallic smell in the air. It was different than the sickeningly sweet stink of rot that clung to Mahito.
It smelled fresh.
If you looked hard enough in the pile, there’s no doubt that you’d find several things spattered with blood.
Mahito startles you out of your shock when his hands are suddenly on your shoulder, the icy cold chill of his skin biting even through your clothing. “Hey. Are you listening?”
You nod, still unable to speak, but Mahito doesn’t retreat from your space. He presses in forward until his lips nearly rest against yours, and you struggle not to recoil at the scent of iron that clings to his mouth.
“We were supposed to kiss at midnight, but since you don’t know what time it is, now is as good as ever.”
Mahito places his lips against yours, surprisingly chaste, and pulls away. “I forgot to tell you. You’re the only person I’ve kept long enough to see a new year go by with.” He gives you no time to react before he leans in again to capture your lips in a domineering kiss, ignoring your groan of discomfort when he wrenches your mouth open with his inhuman tongue and licks the inside of it. He stops again, pulling back in full this time.
Mahito places his hand on your shoulder like you’d seen him do before to the many humans he’d mutilated and forced you to watch. Paralyzed by fear, feeling ridiculous with the hat on your head that had most definitely belonged to a now-dead person, you finally manage to squeak out a plea for mercy. “Mahito, please don’t hurt me!”
“Calm down, cutie. I just wanted to wish you a proper new year for our first time together.” 
Mahito lifts the noise maker he’d shoved in his pocket to his lips and blows it hard, giggling like a child when he pulls it away from his mouth.
“Happy New Year! And if you’re lucky, you’ll be here next year too~”
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Hawks X Reader - Learning to love: Everything falls apart
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: Hawks x Reader
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: Your anniversary with your boyfriend comes, and your life turns upside down. You lost your job and got stood up on your date... when all seems lost, a certain winged hero seems to step in.
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: Angst with comfort
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝:  2061 
𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙾𝚗𝚎 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚠𝚘 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚒𝚡
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A chilly January evening in the middle of Mustafu, and your third year anniversary with your boyfriend. Junichiro- a guy you met in a stupid office Christmas party. One of the few people that actually talked to you- then asked you out a few weeks later. He begged you to move in, and… you did. 
You were early to the restaurant, smoothing out your dress in your seat as you sip on a glass of wine. You had to look perfect for him- after all, you didn’t want to embarrass him. You glance around, and the time drags on. It starts at 5 minutes, then ten- then it’s 20 minutes past when he should’ve been there. The waitress had asked several times if you were ready to order, in which you always asked for more time. Was he even coming? You blink, taking out your phone. 
[Name] - Hey, you on your way? :) 
Unsurprisingly… there’s no response. Your heart sinks. This was the second- or was it the third?- time he’d done this. You get a call from your boss, in which you immediately answer it. “Is this [Name]?”
“Yes Ma’am. What can I-” She cuts you off. 
“I’m calling to inform you of your termination at my establishment, effective immediately.” You freeze. And… she just hangs up. Most people would probably leave and start to cry- or maybe shed a tear right there and then. Yet, nothing came from you. Nothing but a blank stare.
You had never cried- and you rarely smiled. Your mother was convinced something was wrong with you, and had you tested over and over- but there was nothing wrong. You were a healthy child. Once your sister, Megumi, was born- she paid more attention to her. And when your brother, Atuski, was born… she forgot you even existed. 
Much like your ex seemed to do your last two anniversaries. 
You sigh, looking around the restaurant blankly. As you begin to debate leaving- you hear movement behind you and a hand gently rests on your shoulder, and you tense. A familiar man comes into view, and you relax when his hand moves. He slips into the seat across from you, sliding off his hero jacket that’s lightly dusted in melting snow.
“Hey! So sorry I’m late, babe- traffic and reports today took way too long.” When you cock your head to the side, he leans in. “Name’s Keigo- just go with it, yeah? Whoever stood you up is a prick.” His golden eyes show a sense of honesty you aren’t accustomed to. You nod a bit. “[Name], it’s nice to meet you- and thank you.” You return his greeting, before pausing. 
“You.. look familiar. Not just from the hero stuff, but- I feel like I know you from something.” You hum, taking another sip of wine. He chuckles, sweeping his somewhat messy blonde hair back. 
“Yeah- I can say the same. Can’t place it, but I’d never forget a face as pretty as yours,” His words make your face flush- you’re certain he’s weirded out by the fact you don’t smile- yet, his expression doesn’t shift. 
“Really though- whoever stood you up made a mistake. And, if you’d be so kind as to allow me to join you… I’d be willing to show you what a good date looks like.” Oh yeah- he’s definitely flirting. Though, you take note of the fact he doesn’t say he’d ‘show you a good time’. 
“Sure, why not?” you shrug lightly. “Maybe it’ll spark a memory of where I know you from- and the night can really only go up from here.” His smile widens and his wings flutter slightly behind him. You could see why they called him the heartthrob of Japan. 
“Only go up?” It’s his turn to tilt his head in confusion. There’s a soft noise in the back of his throat- something you can’t quite place. 
You shrug. “I mean- being stood up definitely sucks. It’s not my first time, but- it still sucks.” You hum softly. “I also apparently no longer have a job- so… the company is appreciated.” 
He frowns. “I’m sorry, that’s… a lot for one night. But, if I can make it even a little better, I’m happy to.” He nudges your arm. The waitress approaches your table- visibly surprised to actually see someone else there this time. Let alone a top 3 hero. 
“H-hello, Mr. Hawks, sir- um- Can I take your orders..?” Her face is flushed- definitely a fangirl. Yet- Keigo didn’t seem embarrassed to be seen with you. Was that really the case? You blinks, returning to the present. 
You give her your order after Keigo orders something with chicken. A brow quirks in surprise. “Isn’t that technically cannibalism?” He looks at you for a moment, before a genuine laugh takes you off guard. His head thrown back, how the light hits him just right- and his laugh itself is a pleasant sound. 
A smile tugs at your lips for a moment- it’s an odd sensation, but a welcome one. You didn’t smile much, but your dad always told you it was the prettiest smile he’d ever seen. 
“Jesus Christ, kid- you’ve got one hell of a sense of humor. I like it.” He takes in a breath, still chuckling. “I ain’t no chicken- those are way too weak. I’m more like a Cardinal-” 
“.. or a hawk?” You tease, and he covers his mouth as he snorts. 
Conversation flows naturally between the two of you. He never said a word about how you didn’t smile more than once or twice, or laugh at his jokes. He didn’t seem phased by it at all. He didn’t try to touch you either- maybe he picked up on how tense you’d gotten, or maybe he was weirded out after all. 
Either way, your night definitely ended on a much better note than it started. Three glasses of wine, some italian food and dessert later- and he’s walking you out, careful not to touch you. Yet, you can sense his wing behind you, in care you were to fall. Snow covers the concrete, still gently falling around you. 
You turn to face him after making it to your car. He quirks a brow. It wasn’t anything fancy- just an old sedan that gets you where you need to go. You’re pretty sure it’s an older Ford model- it was American, that’s all you knew. 
“I had fun tonight. Thank you for everything, Keigo,” You turn to face him- and he takes you in for a moment. He clears his throat, opening your car door for you. 
“Thank you for letting me join you. If you’re wanting to do something like this again… I could always give you my number,” He grins, a gentle pink dusting his cheeks. You hand him your phone- you had to give it to him, he was pretty damn slick. At least- sometimes. 
“There- and I even sent a text to myself to make sure it’s right.” He chuckles, pausing. “.. since it’s snowing, the roads may be a little slick. Be careful, yeah?” There’s a sense of genuine worry in his tone. It’s.. touching. Though, you didn’t understand. Sure, you both seemed to recognize one another, but… this was new. 
“Y-yeah.. You too. Text when you’re home?” You start your car, hoping that the heat would come on quickly so you don’t freeze your ass off. 
“Of course, kid. Drive safe. Goodnight~” He gives you a grin, ensuring you’re completely in your car before shutting the door. He waves lightly, before heading to a nice red sports car. 
Your phone connects to your speakers, and music softly starts to play through them as you pull out of the parking lot. 
… that was the first date you genuinely enjoyed in a long time. There were no expectations, no forceful innuendos, just… great food, conversation, and company. You sigh, pulling onto your street. 
Your car has been shuddering throughout the entire drive, and… your stuff is on the curb. Your heart stops as you pull up, leaving the car on as you head up to the front door. It’s locked- and… your key doesn’t fit. At a loss, you go to return to your car- to find it’s died. 
Your lips part, and you bite the inside of your cheek. Of course- of fucking course. You can’t have something good happen without 15 disasters following. Your phone buzzes, and you jump, glancing at it. 
It’s… your boyfriend. 
“Hello?” your teeth are chattering as you speak, and he just sighs. 
“[Name], I’m breaking up with you. I found someone a lot better, smarter, and prettier than you. Your shit is on the curb.” And… he hangs up. That familiar sense of numbness starts to creep in.
You stand there at a loss. Effectively… you were homeless. Jobless. You call up your brother, Atuski. After a few rings, he picks up. 
“[Name]..? What’s going on?” He sounds groggy, and guilt settles in your stomach. It’s a little past midnight, and he had work tomorrow. 
“Hey, uh… I kinda got dumped and kicked out of my house.” You can hear just how flat your voice is. You can hear sheets shifting and him cursing under his breath. 
“That fucker- hold on, I’ll be there in 10.” He grunts, and there’s shuffling in the background as he hangs up. 
Sure enough, 10 minutes later, he pulls up in his truck. You stand, your bones aching from the cold. He gives you a small, sad smile as you climb in. “Thanks,” You give him a small nod, before glancing back at your things. They were soaked from the snow- you’re fairly certain your now ex threw them out shortly after you left for work. “All of that’s a lost cause,” You hum. 
He lets out a frustrated sigh- and that guilt twists your stomach again. “Ok, uh… fuck..” He mutters. “... I hate to do this to you, but.. You can’t stay with me.” 
“What?!” You practically shout, anxiety quickly joining the dread. Shit- were you really homeless? Where would you go? 
“Hey, hey- before you kill me, I got something set up. A buddy of mine works with a guy who works with several heroes. One of them agreed to take you in until you could get yourself sorted out.” 
You sit there, mouth agape as you shiver. Your dress is completely soaked, and your hair clings to your face. Teeth chattering, you sigh. “That’s… better than nothing- I’m… sorry for all of this. Thank you for picking me up so late.” 
He gives you another small smile. “It’s the least I could do.” 
The rest of the ride is silent. You aren’t sure which hero you’ll end up essentially rooming with- but hopefully it’s someone you know. Either way, you trust Atsuki enough to know he wouldn’t leave you to the wolves. Sure, he’s your annoying younger brother- but he cared a lot more than your mother. You’ll take what you can get. 
“Here we are- again, I’m sorry you can’t stay with me. I don’t have the room, and… my girlfriend is really needy. He’s on the top floor- penthouse suite. Let me know if you need anything, ok?” He ruffles your hair, and you nod a little. 
The truck had helped you warm up somewhat, but you seriously didn’t want to get sick. Climbing out of the truck, you trudge through the snow into the apartment lobby. You take it in, eyes widening. This room alone looked 3x more expensive than your entire house… 
Swallowing hard, it’s hard not to feel the eyes of the other people in the lobby boring into you. Making your way into the elevator, you hit the key for the top floor- 17. A shaky breath makes it’s way past your lips, teeth continuing to chatter. 
You would find a job, save up enough money to pay rent, thank whoever is letting a stranger stay with them profusely, then get out of their hair. In the meantime- you wouldn’t ask for a thing. You nod to yourself, plan in place- until the doors open. 
That fucker…
“Well, I was hoping to meet again in a different way, but this works too.” Crimson wings, golden eyes, and a stupidly handsome face. Of course…
You’re rooming with Keigo fucking Takami.
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paleprincessturtle · 10 months
Hi, peeps! Please excuse any inaccuracies in my writing. Enjoy!
Summary: Harvey closed yet another deal. So, what's new?
Warnings: Nothing
"Where the hell were you?" Harvey barges into your office, unannounced, and with such force. You slide the pamphlet you’re reading underneath a pile of documents in front of you and hope to God that Harvey didn’t realize your abrupt movement. "Where the hell were you, and what are you hiding? Answer the questions consecutively," Harvey says sternly while looking you dead in the eyes. “Okay, so umm." You paused and realized how Harvey was looking at you skeptically. You have to pull yourself together. You can speak in the middle of a courtroom with such elegance, determination, and confidence. But Harvey Goddamn Specter strips it out of you.
" The answers to questions one and two were correlated. " Harvey sighs, "then starts answering. Smith was my old client, and I know how long it takes to get from his house back to the office. You took almost 3 hours and blew me over in our meeting.” Shit. You forgot completely about the meeting. You were supposed to be in this meeting with Harvey hours ago. “So, pray tell, where were you and what happened?” Harvey sits himself down on a chair across from yours. "Like the initial plan, I went to Smith’s place to drop the final contract. I was about to go straight back here until I saw something just on his doorstep." You bite your lips, contemplating how you should proceed with this story. Harvey nods his head, encouraging you to continue. "I saw a black kitten, alone.” You see Harvey’s eyebrows draw closer together. "So I took him to the vet to make sure if he’s okay and all.” Harvey’s lips turn into a straight line. "You bailed from our meeting for a cat?” You flinch at his tone. When you choose to work for Pearson Specter in the middle of dating Harvey, you know that he won’t always be your boyfriend. You know there will come days like this when he is nothing but your boss. And you know you are in the wrong for this. "I’m sorry, Harvey. It won’t happen again. My emotions got the best of me, and I didn’t think it through. I’m sorry." Harvey sighs and leans back on the chair. "Where’s the cat?” Harvey asks. Again, you bite your lips and point at the corner of your office. Harvey follows where your finger points, takes a solid 5 seconds to look at the crate with a sleeping black kitten inside it, and looks back at you. You start before he says anything: "I won’t have any meetings with anyone in my office today. And you didn’t even realize he'd been there since you got into my office, right?” Harvey just stares at you. "Don’t let something like this happen again. I wasn’t only pissed because you hung me dry in our meeting; I was worried about you too. I’ve insisted you should take Ray.” Harvey stands up, and you find yourself following his movement as if he were your client. You get more nervous under the scrutiny of your own boyfriend than all your clients. He can be intimidating when he needs to be. He starts to walk for the door before you say, "What about the kitty?” Not only do you ask for his existence here, but you also subtly ask if you can bring it home. Harvey stops and looks like he’s contemplating his choices before he looks back at you. "Bring the cat home until you find the cat an adopter. Talk to Louis; he likes cats.” Harvey leaves you alone, sad about his answer.
It’s 7 p.m. when you turn off your laptop and decide to finally go home. Timmy, the black kitten you found earlier today, is still sleeping soundly in his little bed. You grin, looking at him. You have to admit that you already love this cat. You replay what Harvey said to you, and your heart heaves at the option you have. No, you think to yourself. You’ll fight Harvey, so he’ll let the cat stay. You’re also a lawyer yourself anyway. You sure can wiggle around to get something you want. You call Ray to help you bring down the crate while you walk down the hallway to go fetch Harvey. The room is dark, but you see Donna still at her desk. You lean on her desk, and she smiles. "Where’s Harvey?" you ask as you peek inside, trying to find any sign of him in case your eyes deceive you. "He didn’t tell you? He went to Atlantic City to close a deal after lunch," Donna says as she studies you. Harvey always tells you everything. "The Blanchard case?" you ask, and Donna nods. "Why didn’t he tell you?” Donna asks; all are curious. "I ditched the meeting we had. I was supposed to go back to the office after I dropped a document, but I saw a kitten," you pause as you shuffle around to grab your phone. "This is Timmy, the kitten in question.” You show your phone to Donna, and she smiles. "He was all alone?" and you nod. "I took him to the vet and forgot I was supposed to be Harvey’s number two at that meeting." You put your phone back inside your handbag. "He went all Boss Harvey on me, not that I blame him. But he told me we couldn’t keep the cat." Donna looks at you and smiles again. "We all know how he deals with emotions. He was more worried about you than you missed the meeting. You huff and nod, "Yeah, we all know he’s trying," and you smile weakly. "Just go home after you’re done, Donna. I gotta go home and get Timmy situated in the house." You wave her goodbye as you walk to the elevator.
Once you get home with Ray bringing the crate inside and all, you sit by the kitchen and try to listen for any sign of Harvey’s arrival. He won’t stay out for the night; he was mad, but he’ll get home. You know that. After jolting out notes on your current case, you hear a ding outside from the elevator. You close the file and run to the door, ready to welcome him home. He opens the door to you, smiling. He looks tired but smiles once he sees you grinning. "Welcome home," you say as you cup his cheeks with your hands and give him a kiss. "What an excellent service," Harvey whispers, his lips touching yours. "I’m sorry about today," Harvey says as you lead him inside. "If anything, I’m the one who is sorry. About the meeting, about making you worry. He stops both of you in the middle of the hallway and kisses you. You smile against his lips, take his coat off, and walk further inside. “Harvey, look," you say as you point near the couch. "You’ve found an adopter?" Harvey asks as he takes the mug of warm tea you offer him. "I’m thinking of keeping him here.” You say it carefully. Harvey sighs, as he takes your hand and leads you to sit with him on the couch. He sits you down as he faces you. "We can’t keep him, baby.” You instantly pouted at his words. "Because you know both of us are busy. A pet is a big responsibility.” Harvey explains with a stern voice, trying to make you see reason. "But Louis had Bruno,” you said defensively. "Bruno died because Louis was too busy to realize he was sick. And why do you think he hasn’t got another cat yet?" You see where this is going. "I want you to be happy, and you know that. But a cat with our work schedule right now will be quite hard, don’t you think?” As you look down at your intertwined hands, tears threaten to escape. You really do love Timmy. “Remember, we made a promise; once we marry and decide to start a family, we’ll lessen our workload and move to a bigger place. We’ll have more time then. And we can have 10 dogs and 20 cats.” He cups your cheek for you to look up at him and smiles as he wipes the tears from your cheek. You see his reason and just nod. Harvey kisses your forehead before saying something about a bath and bed.
Harvey sighs as he looks at the time on his phone. 2.30 am. He looks down at you, sleeping soundly. He carefully untangles you from him. He walks to the kitchen and retrieves a bottle of cold water from the fridge. He chooses to work for a bit as he opens the door to his home office. He’s deep in some files when he sees a movement just at the door, and he snaps his head up. He cocks his head at the sight of the cat walking inside his office. The cat uses the chair across from him to climb up to his desk. The cat sits down, looking at Harvey. Harvey has no choice but to look back at the cat. And so the staring contest begins. Harvey looks at the little creature and contemplates how much this cat can make his girl happy. He believes a cat won’t require as much care as a dog. He remembers the tears and the pout on his girl’s face when he said they couldn’t keep the cat. He remembers how she was an only child and never really had a friend growing up. He petted the cat in the head. The cat looked cautious at first, but then he closed his eyes and purred. "Okay, bud. Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’ll make our girl happy, you and I. And in return, you’ll get the best care this world has to offer, deal?"
Note: Feel free to send me a request! Thanks!
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lost-walmartbag · 5 months
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Warning: Swearing
Background: You finally talk
Status: Ongoing
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Peace by your side: Chapter three
"We have to talk," Kyle said as he took long strides to catch up to me as I walked toward the front gates of the school. It didn't take him long to catch up. Curse those stupid long legs.
"I don't have the English homework," I mutter keeping my eyes ahead of me. Come on Kyle, I know you're smart take the hint!
"You know that's not what this is about." He said, clearly not taking said hint.
Maybe I can start running? No, he'd catch up. What if I trip him? No that's mean. Well.....so is ignoring him but this is necessary.
I try walking faster but five long fingers wrap around my upper arm to stop me. I shut my eyes tightly hoping to disappear into thin air. I think my heart is pounding but all I can feel is fire where he's touching me right now.
Big, long, skinny fingers that I can feel even through the fabric of my sleeves. It's so hot, too hot, but that doesn't stop a shiver from going up my spine. He shouldn't be making me feel like this. But I can't tell him to let go. My brain was screaming for me to tell him that this was way too much but I couldn't.
I never thought I would feel this again. Feel his touch; I almost forgot what it felt like and now I'm terrified to go back to not feeling it. I let out a shaky breath trying my best to compose myself before I could speak but he beat me to it.
"Y/N. I want to talk. I know it's been forever and I'm sorry." He said, almost pleading with me.
"K-kyle..." I said, my voice doing that weird crack it did when I would speak in front of the class.
"Just hear me out ok? Can we...go to the park? Right now? Get some privacy?" He asked softly. His voice made him sound so small, he was fragile. I made him that way.
I open my eyes and look up at him. His curls were falling around his face, shining like honey in the sun. He was biting his lip nervously like he did when we were kids and his eyes...God, his eyes. They were this deep shade of green that I didn't even know existed. But it was the look in them that sucked all the air out of my lungs.
He looked tired. Exhausted really. Like he hadn't slept in days. Not there were bags under his eyes or anything else on his face that would lead one to that conclusion. It was all in whatever was hidden in that deep green and I was the only person on Earth close enough to see it now.
I felt myself nod before I knew my brain even told it to. I heard him let out a shaky breath he must have been holding in while waiting for my answer. HIs eyes softened and he finally pulled his hand back. I felt myself shiver again because I've never felt more cold without his touch.
We stared at each other for a long minute almost begging the other one to break the eye contact. Finally, I did. I lowered my head and began walking towards the park. He heard him mutter something under his breath but I couldn't make it out.
We walked in silence as we made our way to the park. The sound of our footsteps crunching against the leaves on the sidewalk made it more bearable. I used to love that sound as a kid.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
It's like he was doing it on purpose. I was definitely stepping on way fewer leaves than he was. I looked down at his feet and sure enough, it was like he was trying to step on as many as he could.
"You like the sound right? You did when we were kids." He said softly. "Sorry... I'll stop."
He remembered all that? I felt a smile spread across my face, far bigger than the sentence deserved. I looked up to meet his eyes and he spotted my smile immediately. A smile of his own spread across his lips.
"You remember that?" I whispered.
"Of course." He said a snort. "You used to have this toy leaf that would sound like crunching leaves when you would squeeze it."
"You used to hate it," I said with a chuckle.
"No. I used to hate when we would fall asleep and you would roll over it every five seconds." He was right. When we would have our sleepovers we slept in the same bed, but I couldn't sleep without that stupid leaf.
"Our sleepovers would have been better without it."
"It wasn't horrible, and you wouldn't have been able to sleep without it." He said with a smile. "I liked knowing you felt safe or whatever.."
I always felt safe being with Kyle. It wasn't the leaf that did it.
"Yeah I guess.." I mutter, looking down at my feet as we walked.
Kyle let out a sigh and I heard him run a hand through his hair. "What are we doing Y/N?"
My body tensed up and I looked for anything for anything to change the topic. "The ducks are back," I said with a shaky voice.
"Y/N, come on." He said softly, putting his hand on my arm. "What are we doing? You've been basically ignoring me for years. We were best friends I can't just act like you don't exist."
"We've. We've been ignoring each other. Don't put this only on me." My voice cracked as I held back as many stupid emotions as I could.
"I've never ignored you." He said softly.
I snap my head up and look at him. His eyes were already on me and I feel like he was looking into my very being. Never ignored me? Are you kidding me? It can't be my fault this happened.
"You never ignored me? We haven't spoken in years! Are you saying it's all my fault?" I'm yelling. I know he hates that but why would he say that? How could he blame me?
"Y/N I'm not blaming you but I just-"
"No. I tried. I would have been fine talking to you after everything happened but you didn't want to!"
I could tell he was frustrated but I didn't care. My fault my fault my fault. That's what he's telling me that's what he thinks of me. He thinks I'm th-
He released a frustrated groan and I felt his hand under my chin and his body so close to mine I was burning up. I looked up at him and his lips were pressed into a line as he studied my face.
Too close. So close
"I may have fucked up letting you act like this for as long as you have but I have never once ignored you." He said, his lips turning downward and his thumb brushing against my bottom lip. "I could never do that. Not to you."
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A/N: I know. I know. I disappeared. I'm sorry. Seasonal depression is no joke. But I'm kinda back. I wanna keep writing and you guys have been sending in some amazing requests that really make me want to write more than ever. I really hope you guys had a great holiday and a great new year. Wishing you all the love of 2024 and hope my stories are a part of it. Love you all and thank you for reading my stories from 2023 to now 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Taglist: @southparkynnn @stephs-inluv @weird0o0 @jessiegerl @ringa-starr @bakusquadobsessed
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sakurapika · 5 months
What are your all-time favorite outfits from Twisted Wonderland?
Hello @letterstoear, thank you for ask! I've had a lot of fun making this post, and I'm so sorry that it took forever to answer!
Every time I was certain I had my list narrowed down, I remembered another outfit I really liked. (Also, I'm a little bit biased, as you will see...haha). This time, I focused on event outfits to make it easier for myself. Maybe in the future I'll post my "reviews" on dorm uniforms or Halloween costumes.
I am always blown away by the the little details that Yana Toboso and the rest of the design team have added to each of characters' outfits, because they give some interesting insight to their personalities and backgrounds.
Without further ado, let's discuss some outfits! (Please note that there are spoilers for upcoming events from the JP server, as well as some groovy arts!)
My Favorite Twisted Wonderland Outfits
10. Floyd's Outdoor Wear (Vargas Camp)
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Most of the outfits on my list are on the extravagant side. I recently bought a volume of Black Butler, where there was a note about how Yana Toboso loves to draw clothing, and it truly shows.
But in contrast to seeing our beloved characters in over-the-top costumes, it's refreshing to see them wearing casual outfits once in a while as well and see their individual, everyday styles.
I'll admit that I haven't played any of the Vargas Camp events, and have a grand total of zero (0) cards from this series. I'm not sure why; I always miss the event's runtime for some reason.
Still, I've always loved Floyd's little sling bag with the eel keychain, as well as the teal visor. The bright colors stand out and are appealing.
The whole outfit looks like something you could get from a store like Uniqlo, and sometimes it is nice to have that sort of realism in a magical game. He looks like an ordinary teenager I could find on the street. Except...if I did find Floyd on the street, I'd be running in the other direction. But that's not the main idea here.
9. Azul's Glorious Masquerade Outfit
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At first, I sort of forgot that this SSR existed. When the PV for Glorious Masquerade came out, I was more focused on Malleus.
However, eventually, many people began to cosplay as GloMas Azul, and they all looked so amazing. I began to appreciate the outfit more after seeing people pose and dance in it. Azul also tends to have some of the best fanart, and fans have spared no expense when drawing him wearing this.
My favorite part of the outfit is his coat. I like the silhouette it creates with a high-waist belt, and the long coattails that resemble tentacles. The ruffles on his trousers are cute, too. I would buy a pair if I could. Unfortunately, it's hard to see these details on his in-game sprite.
As for his accessories, the pearls are so dramatic (and so very Azul). His round glasses are also cute, I hope he wears them again!
8. Idia's Suitor Suit
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One look at Idia's Ghost Marriage outfit, and you can really tell that it was designed by Yana Toboso. His gloves, coat, and cravat make him look like he's in the Victorian Era. Also, doesn't he look sort of like Grelle from Black Butler?
Speaking of Grelle, Idia's outfit is meant to look more like funeral attire, between the long, black coat and the lilies pinned to his shoulder. There are also skulls hidden throughout his outfit, such as on his jacket chain and cufflinks. I was still new to TWST at the time, so I just thought that Idia liked gothic clothing. I didn't realize he was (at least in his mind) attending his own funeral!
Let's not forget his new hairstyle! This is one of Idia's first SSRs if I remember correctly, so it was exciting to see him with a ponytail.
My love for this outfit also comes from my love for the story associated with it. Fans have pointed out that Idia's "arranged marriage" with Eliza parallels the myth of Hades and Persephone. The design team and Yana were so clever for this.
I don't have this card, either, but I hope to pick him up one day!
7. Ortho's Fairy Gear
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The Shroud brothers are luckyーthey are probably two of the characters with the most SSRs in the game.
That being said, we all have to agree that Ortho's fairy gear is one of the most unique and avant-garde cards in the game.
I really enjoy the white and gold color scheme in this event. His color-changing wings are stunning, and the piece covering his eyes makes him look very mysterious.
I thought this card was cool when I first saw it, but then I learned that Ortho's outfit and hair can turn pink, which is even better.
Every time I see his "pointe shoes," it makes me imagine Ortho and Idia trying to learn how to dance together in Idia's room, and Idia obsessively studying ballet costumes for his younger brother.
Yet again, I don't have this card, but my best friend does! At least I can admire him from her phone...
6. Silver's Rabbit Wear
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There is no way that this outfit is just an R card! When this card was first advertised in one of the JR rail train stations, the pictures showed this card with Deuce's hometown in the background instead of the standard Diasomnia R background, so I thought that this card would at least be an SR. (Although I can't complain so much, because that means it's free!)
Silver is so princely. I am convinced that he can look good in anything. I am fond of pastel colors, and the pink/blue color scheme suits him, as the TWST version of Aurora. The bows may be silly, but I find them adorable.
Compared to the other boys in this event, Silver's outfit looks a little more like a soldier's (albeit a toy soldier's or a nutcracker's), which is a cool touch.
5. Deuce's Rabbit Wear
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Deuce's hometown event was truly one of my favorite events that came out in the JP sever last year. Not only were some of my most favorite characters there, but they were dressed up in the most whimsical outfits possible. (And we got to meet Deuce's motherーshe's the coolest!)
Since Deuce is the main character of this event, his outfit bears the most resemblance to the white rabbit's in most classic illustrations, complete with a bow tie, top hat, and, of course, his pocket watch. His outfit has a blue color scheme. Like Azul in GloMas, Deuce also wears round glasses in his groovy art. Overall, it looks like the sweet ouji style, although I'm not very familiar with this sub-fashion. If anyone who is reading this has studied/worn this style of fashion, please let me know!
I used to play Love Nikki and Shining Nikki (two fashion-themed gacha games), which also featured lolita dresses inspired by Alice in Wonderland characters. For this reason, Deuce's outfit in particular feels very nostalgic to me.
4. Lilia's Right General Armor
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Here's another departure from the cute pastel outfits...
Sleeping Beauty was one of my favorite Disney movies as a child. I always remembered Maleficent's "goons" as short, silly little creatures wearing simple green tunics.
So how on earth did we get to Right General Lilia Vanrouge?!
Seriously, I'm just stunned by how the artists looked at the source material and created something so radically, yet wonderfully, different.
I'm curious about the green stones (jades?) on his outfit--around his waist, there are several pieces attached to tassels, and he has two strapped to his right leg. The material matches the stone used for his weapon. Maybe it represents his status in Briar Valley. If you check his (unposed) sprite, you can also see that he is wearing something around his waist that looks like folded bat wings.
Like everyone else, I'm obsessed with his long hairーit makes him look so formidable, especially with that hood. My friends and I like to joke that his ponytail makes him look like a character in a Chinese martial arts drama.
Again, the story associated with this card made me love it even more. Few books have made me cry as much as Book 7 of TWST.
3. Malleus' Glorious Masquerade Outfit
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While Sleeping Beauty was my favorite movie as a young child, when I got older, I began to love The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It was only natural for this outfit to be among my favorites for this reason.
There are so many details here. The feathered hat. The sheer sleeves. The golden embroidery. The split cape. It's honestly overwhelming to take in at once.
I can say that my favorite detail is his green earrings. They really bring out his eye color, and the PV made them so sparkly.
In addition, everyone I've ever seen who has cosplayed as GloMas Malleus or has drawn fanart of him has increased my appreciation of this outfit.
[Now for some very spoiler-y stuff] The fact that this event came just before the release of Chapter 7 is worth noting. Doesn't it feel a bit tragic that just before Malleus' overblot, we have a chance to see him wearing an outfit that makes him look especially like his mother, having fun and being the star at the masquerade? And what about the feathers on his shouldersーdo they hint at another side of his family? There's so much foreshadowing and mystery going on, and nothing is more suitable for the occasion than masquerade attire.
2. Kalim's New Year Attire
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I've already rambled about how sentimental this outfit is to me in a previous post, but in summary: New Year is my favorite holiday, and the New Year's Sale event was the first event I "seriously" participated in. Kalim looks excessively cute and festive in his kimono, and every time I see this card, I feel nostalgic and in the holiday mood.
1. (Tied) Epel's Applepom Outfit and Riddle's Beach Outfit
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I'm really sorry, Epel and Riddle are my favorite characters, and in the end, I refuse to chose between them. They're like my younger brothers! I try to collect all of their cards, so I pay attention to their outfits the most, and picking only one outfit for each character was a challenge in itself.
My favorite part of Epel's Applepom outfit is his cloak. It looks so fluffy and warm. When you set him as your home screen character, you also have the option to "swap looks" and see his outfit without the cloak--the apple embroidery on the rest of his outfit is very detailed. Many fans have mentioned that the outfits people wear in Harveston resemble traditional Scandinavian clothing, which is really cool!
The little apple slices on his cap are everything.
And I'm always happy to see characters in different hairstyles, such as Epel's little ponytail.
One of my headcanons is that you're allowed to call Epel cute, but only when he wears this specific outfit, because he takes it as a complement to his culture.
As for Riddle, we're all so used to seeing him wearing formal suits. It's so nice to see him loosening up for once. He looks so happy, now that he has the chance to see the ocean for the first time!
I also happened to be on vacation at the beach around the time this event came out, so it felt like a gift.
I have to laugh a little, because there are so many flowers on his outfit. Even Jack pointed it out in the story. But he looks so cute!
I suppose we have to discuss the elephant in the room. My friend saw it before me, so she spammed me with messages along the lines of "RIDDLE IS WEARING A CROP TOP!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!" and I naturally thought she was pranking me. But lo and behold, it's the truth. I like to headcanon that among the rest of the cast in this event, everyone has made an unspoken mutual agreement not to mention it. This Victorian child has already been through enough, and not a word must reach Mrs. Rosehearts.
Thank you once again for the ask! For anyone who read all of this, what do you think about these outfits, and which ones in the game are your favorite?
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
Heyy i hope you're having a nice day and I was wondering if you could do a Miles morales x black reader . When the reader has problems with relationships like they always fall in love with someone and it just gose wrong but miles is always there for them. but one day something happens then the reader gose to miles talking about how they think their never gonna have someone to love them but Miles is like that's Wrong because I love you and they kiss or whatever. Sorry it's so long I hope you have a good day and thx u sm!!<3
I kinda took some liberties with this one, hope you still enjoy it 🫡 (reader does have some set implied features if that's okay)
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You lean back on the side of Miles' bed mid-conversation, and stare up at the ceiling.
"You ever had a crush, Miles? I'm always tellin' you about mine."
Miles pauses for a beat, eyes suddenly darting across the room before landing on your side profile.
Nervously tasting his own chapstick, he answers, "...One. I have one."
You turn to him and your eyes light up. "Oh my gosh, who? And why you ain't tell me?"
"Hey, I thought we were talking about your crush," he says skeptically, narrowing his eyes at you with a grin.
"Alright," you raised your hands in the air, "touchy subject."
"What's his name? This dude you won't shut up about."
Miles' eyes go wide. "Hol' on, Nadja's boyfriend?"
You froze. Nadja was in the homeroom next door, easily recognizable by the neat braids that swung just above her knees. She never forgot her lip gloss at home, her face as smooth and shiny as her legs.
"That...makes sense," you say, shoulders slumped.
Miles quirked an eyebrow. "What does that mean?"
You shook your head, "Nothing."
"Look, it's plenty fish in the sea," your friend nudges you with his elbow, "and between you and me, I saw that nigga picking his nose in class the other day. I personally think you dodged a bullet."
The two of you burst into hearty laughter. When you caught your breath and it subsided, you sighed.
"You think any of them fish in the sea are ever gonna figure out I exist and ask me out?"
"Didn't Tyler do that last month?" Miles asked, with a curl in his lips like he'd just smelled rotting garbage. You fixed your eyes on the ground.
"Stood me up."
"Oh," Miles says quietly. "What about Michael-"
"He was joking." Your voice sounded tight, like a rubber band stretched too far.
Miles said nothing. All he could do was trace the slope of your nose with his gaze and wish he could make the pout on your purple-toned lips go away.
You brought your knees up under your chin. "I don't think I'mma have anybody to go to prom with."
"I could go with you."
"Miles, you don't count," you said with a sad smile. The boy felt a pang in his chest, but still said nothing and let you continue.
"I mean like...someone who's gonna pick me up at my house with flowers and shit, take me to the after-party, too."
"So you're saying I can't do that."
You look up, and a frown has settled on Miles' features.
"No, I mean like...cuz he wants to."
"I want to," Miles said under his breath. You blinked.
"One more time?"
He gave you a hard, determined look, taking a deep breath.
"I want to. All of it, I want to." His brows were furrowed like he was serious, but you didn't want to take your chances.
It's your turn to frown now. "Miles, don't do that. You just said you already had a crush-"
"Oh my God, Y/N, it's you."
Glassy, brown eyes were fixed on you as his words hung in the air.
Your heart rate picks up until it's in your throat when the boy's expression doesn't change.
"For-for how long?'
Miles shrugs, gaze directed in front of him. "Ion know, got too used to the feeling to remember,"
He gave you a guilty sidelong glance.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that."
A warmth blooms in your chest and before you can have second thoughts, you lean in. Your lips make impact on the side of his mouth.
Miles jumps, head snapping towards you when you quickly pull away.
"Don't be sorry."
The boy bit his bottom lip to hold back a wide smile before it settles into a smirk. He cocked his head to the side.
"I thought you were still hung up on Jayden."
You cringe at the reminder and playfully smack Miles on the arm. "Shut up, I just kissed you."
Miles leaned in again, facing you this time. "Make me."
A/N: Okay that was longer than I anticipated 😭 as usual leave any thoughts or reactions in the comments/tags! Mwah 🫶🏾
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rowretro · 5 months
𝕾𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗
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✧taglist✧: @nxzz-skz   @nshmrarki @wntersm
Babe walked out of school silently. With the boys having to stay behind for basket ball practice, she had plenty of time to make it home before they ever catch sight of her. 
The one place she can finally find peace. Now she's moved out of the toxic household of her family, without the need to visit those judgemental relatives that don't even know her, she finally found herself at somewhat peace.
Once she arrived home, she made sure to lock her garage and lock the doors of her home, sighing in relief. However, she knew there's no way she'll be at peace even in the four safe walls of her own home... the paranoia was eating her insides.
Not even a nice cold shower or warm bath with a side of red or white wine could calm her nerves, though she was still feeling icky as she had just gone to school.
After weighing the odds of one of the boys appearing in the shower with a knife in hand to stab her, she finally decided it was safe to take a shower, with some loud music playing in the background. 
7 songs had passed as she finally stepped out of the long shower, drying herself as she wore some comfortable attire. She rushed downstairs, feeling that she's be more at peace there.
With her Spotify playlist blasting in the back, and a pencil at hand, she sat at a rather messy desk, dried acrylic paint strides decorating the surface as many other art pieces surrounded the room. 
Only that corner of  the room was such a mess, and she wouldn't even try to clean it up as it will be worthless if she starts painting again. For a second, she forgot those boys even existed. 
For a second.  
She received a text from an unknown number, as she clicked on it her blood ran cold...
Unknown number: 
Aw you didn't wait for us?
Babe answer me right now.
For every minute I have to wait on your text, will be the amount of time you will experience hell...
Babe read the texts, wondering what to text, but it's not like she had all the time in the world to come up with a response... She had totally forgotten that she had given Sunghoon her number.
Sorry I kinda forgot
Uhm this is Sunghoon right?
Sunghoon??? you gave Sunghoon your number? 
Well yeah he did ask for it
if this isn't Sunghoon than who is this?
Riki. I copied your number
Your pin number is so basic babygirl
Anyways. you took 17 minutes to respond... but you can make it up to us if you get to our home on time. 
Riki sent her the address as Babe hastily slipped on her high heels, running over to the building, not wanting the boys to take note of any of her vehicles.
Taking a deep breath, she rang the doorbell. As if he was waiting there for her, Riki answered the door almost immediately.
His bare face handsome as ever, those pretty chocolate moles now visible, his dark eyes, held a spine-chilling psychotic look, while looking rather alluring, and those perfect plush lips. So perfect... so kissable...
He was so handsome, his hair wet, the white shirt fit him perfectly, and the way he towered over her...
But that was all overlooked... that psychotic look in his eyes, that deadly smirk plastered on his lips, the way he snaked his around her waist... one'd think he was a loving boyfriend up to some mischief.
"You're early... I was kinda hoping you'd arrive a little late.... you see im feeling bored darling" Riki added pulling her inside as he shut the door.
Babe sat on the couch, silently as she observed her surroundings. So elegant... the place looked rather classy. "It's just you and me tonight... the boys are busy working" Riki randomly said as he noticed how the girl nervously picked at the hem of her skirt.
"You're lucky I don't feel like cleaning up blood today... you're off the hook." Riki said as the girl looked up at him in shock. Only then did she notice how he was seemingly hot, the sound of his sniffles and coughs were heard as he gulped a spoonful of medicine, the disgust evident on his face.
The male simply dragged her up the stairs to his room, and pushed onto his bed, triggering her instantly, but she froze when he simply rested his head upon her belly, snuggling her as his arms wrapped around her figure.
His eyes were already closed as he babbled nonsense. Confused, Babe got up a little, balancing the weight of her upper body on her elbows. The psycho looked so peaceful, his body was really warm. Hesitant, she lied back down, running a hand through his slightly wet hair.
She reached for a towel, softly trying to dry his hair, trying not to wake him up. A few minutes passed as she heard the familiar voices  of the other boys, filling the building.
Sunoo froze by the doorway as he noticed Babe trapped in Riki's embrace "Jungwon Riki caught us a deer." Sunoo called out to Won as Heeseung frowned "But I'm right here-" Hee said as he walked over to Sunoo.
"Not you idiot- her-" Jungwon pointed at Babe who blinked. "Leave her for now... Riki's sick if you yank her away from him he might just leave another scar on your back." Jungwon as Sunoo rolled his eyes 
And the deer fell right into the deadly trap, now stuck underneath the demon himself...
✧𝕾𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗✧
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steviewashere · 12 days
This may be a bit out there request (also feel free to ignore) for a small oneshot, but can I request some pure steve angst? him and hop sharing a drink, no ships, just two dudes talking about shitty things that have happened to them over the past few years. My boy desperately needs a father figure.
Okay, I'm so sorry this took so long to answer. I literally started writing it, forgot about it, and then came back and couldn't think of anything. And I also didn't have Hopper share too much, but I hope this suffices some. This was a fun challenge. <3
Pairing: Steve Harrington & Jim "Chief" Hopper CW: Discussion of Canon Traumatic Events, Brief Mention of Canon Violence Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Season 4, Angst and Hurt/Comfort
🫂—————🫂 He’d been sitting outside with his head between his knees for the better part of half an hour when the door creaked open behind him. Even as the footfalls, heavy and slow, made their way towards him, Steve didn’t dare drag his eyes up. Kept them securely at his feet. To the wooden step underneath him. On the off chance that whatever world existed around him was a mirage.
The person sits down next to him with an unceremonious grunt. Their breaths are as heavy as their steps. A swallow clicking in their throat, probably dry and overused. Something chilled is pressed against his denim clad thigh. And that’s when Steve finally draws enough effort to look up.
Hopper sits hunched, head pointed at the trees beyond his cabin, eyes darting between them. In his right hand is an offered, cold bottle of beer. A firm outstretched bridge. And Steve tentatively takes it. He’s not quite old enough to be partaking in this, Hopper should know that, but also—he’s not the chief anymore, is he? So, why should he care?
His beer is already uncapped when he raises it to his face. Knocking it back and taking it in with a deep swallow. The foam churning on his tongue, sugary between his teeth, and moist on his lips. He heaves a sigh. Mutters, “Thanks.”
Another bottle is drank from. The slosh against the sides of the glass an easy sound. Hopper smacks his lips together. “Looked like you needed one,” he states gruffly. A swig. “God knows I did with all that damn commotion in there.”
“Yeah,” Steve murmurs back, “it’s too loud for me.” He takes a small sip at his drink. Shifts the bottle back and forth between his palms, relishing in the crisp condensation on his skin. Begins to pick at the label where it looks like it’ll peel away easily, if he just gave it his full effort. “I don’t even know why I came over. I can’t stand noisy shit.”
“Feel like the old Steve Harrington that I’ve met would say otherwise,” Hopper muses. Instead of dignifying it with a response, Steve just nods his head in silent agreement. Because yeah, pre-November, 1983 Steve would be doing keg stands and chanting at the top of his lungs. Not moping around on the front porch of the ex-chief of police. Sharing beer of all things.
The noise inside the house floats out from under the crooked front door. A mixture of birdsong and laughter. The subtle soft chirps of crickets beginning to wake up. It’s good outside, the air cold on Steve’s face and the sun nearly set. He takes a deep breath and just absorbs.
“Sometimes,” Hop starts softly when their shared silence stretches too long, “sometimes I look at you and see myself.”
Steve swallows around nothing. “That a good thing?” He asks just as quiet.
“No,” Hopper answers honestly. “You look like you’d rather be under the dirt than be anywhere. There’s…you’re a lonely lookin’ nineteen year old.”
He shrugs. “Yeah, well—“ Steve sighs. “—maybe I’d rather that. All things considered, Hopper.” There are eyes on him, he can sense them through the aching joint of his left shoulder. They burn him. It hurts to have attention like this on him, after so much time alone. And he knows that he’s got Robin and the party members—he’ll maybe have Eddie if he pulls through in the hospital. But that doesn’t make his house any less silent, or his parents’ room any less dusty, or his bed any less cold.
“You got anybody you can talk to, kid? Outside of Robin?”
Steve sniffs. Picks at the label on his beer bottle. Tries not to notice his shaking hands. “Who ‘m I gonna talk to?” He asks lowly. “A shrink is gonna think I’m crazy, put me away. And y’know how my parents are. They aren’t going to believe me, let alone listen.”
Hopper’s leg bumps his. Beer bottle clinking against the porch as he sets it down. He ducks down, enough to make direct eye contact with Steve. His eyes are fierce, yet inviting and soft. Steve’s stomach churns. “Talk to me, then. You need an adult who will understand you? I’m right here.”
He scoffs. “What do you want me to talk about?”
“Anything. Everything. Something, Steve.” A hand lands gently on his shoulder. The warmth a lull, a sweet thing. And something inside of him begins to melt. But he doesn’t say anything, still. Hopper sighs long and winded. And the touch dissipates, leaving Steve drifted and yearning.
Behind them, Hopper’s cabin swells with noise. That raspy laugh of Robin’s. And Mike’s honk snorting. Even Jonathan is adding something, a few loud comments here and there. “I can’t believe we won!” Dustin crows and the others join in intense agreement. And Steve wonders why he can’t celebrate like they can. What happened to him. Where his joy lays in all this.
Hopper sips his beer again, looking out at the trees once more. Smacks his lips together. “I don’t know how to celebrate this shit,” he admits quietly. “I’m…Part of me is excited to not see my girl use those powers of hers again. To hopefully see her hair grow out. But another part of me is—I just remember all the bad shit that happened before we got to this point.”
“Yeah,” Steve croaks. He gulps a good third of his beer in one go. The sour bitterness of the drink burning his throat alive. When he pulls the bottle away, he absentmindedly rubs at the dark red demobat scar on his neck. “Especially when my body remembers and is covered in my failures,” he mutters.
Beside him, Hopper makes a noise of agreement. A hum. A grunt sort of thing. “I used to be a fat guy.” He half-heartedly chuckles. “Now I’m just this skinny dude with real short hair and the eyes of a World War Two soldier.”
Steve snorts. “And I used to have plain, blemish free skin. Now look at me, Hop.” He gestures loosely at his own face and neck when Hopper does turn and look over. “No amount of coconut oil—or whatever—is going to get rid of this shit. Like my mom keeps insisting on. I mean…She doesn’t know all the shit I’ve been through. The—The plate I took to the crown of my head or the needle to my neck or those Russian shitheads that knocked me senseless.”
Hopper’s breath hitches. Steve curses at himself internally. Remembers the haunted body that pulled him in close when they reconvened. Remembers the frantic calls from Jonathan, of all people, asking what to do when it comes to nightmares—“Not mine,” Jonathan had said, “Hop’s. He just…He just yells.” And even remembers the faint hints Hop gave: the relief in finding a jar of peanut butter, the biting cold, the labor, and the cells. The separation from who he used to be. The loneliness within what he’d gone through, which Steve knows all too well. “Russians?” Hopper softly implores anyway.
And part of Steve knows what he’s doing. The crack to his shell deepening, stretching. But he answers despite it all. Keeps his voice leveled, careful as to not be heard from inside the cabin. “Yeah,” he whispers, the syllables cracking. “Robs and Dustin and I, we all decoded this tape, right? There was Russian speech on it or whatever and I ended up finding the source of the intermission. It was coming from underneath Starcourt. So, y’know how stupid we all are, we went ahead and found these assholes and…Well I—“ He rubs the lip of his beer bottle to his own bottom lip. Eyes glossing over, remembering. “They were going to hurt Robin,” he states, his own voice like gravel, “and Dustin. And little Erica. So I did the stupid thing. Answered their interrogation. They didn’t like the answers; I earned a few punches. Went unconscious. Got hit with some truth serum drug bullshit. Threw up my guts, ended up with a concussion, saw a guy die in front of me, went home and threw up again in the shower, and then I went to bed.”
All at once, the world narrows to just them. Hopper’s completely silent though and Steve doesn’t want to glance over. See the pity written on his sullen, aged face. So he shrugs, takes another swig of his beer, and burps lightly when the carbonation comes up. Nonchalance. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Right, Hop?” Steve pokes quietly. “Throw myself in danger for the people around me. Try to keep them on my good side. Show them I’m worth giving a shit about. Save ‘em. Love ‘em for a bit. Wait until they turn on me or whatever.
“I know you do it, too. So don’t try to lecture me,” Steve mutters, “At least we don’t have to do it again.”
He’s not sure what to really expect to any of that. But he doesn’t think he’d ever expect a firm, heavy arm to wrap around his shoulders. To tug him in close and warm. To hold him gently.
“I’m sorry, kid,” Hopper murmurs.
Steve tries to pull away, but the hand on his opposite bicep squeezes him back. “It’s not your fault, Hop. It’s—“
“You’re a kid, Steve,” he emphasizes. “A kid with a long fucking life ahead of you. And you’ve already seen enough for, well, for lifetimes. You should’a never been in any of this shit, none of you teens should’a. Not just those Russians, Steve. But for everything.”
He doesn’t feel like a kid. Doesn’t really feel like anything, but Hopper doesn’t need to know that right now. Sure, he’d understand. That liminal space after losing his daughter, right after war, before his world quite literally turned upside down—Hopper lived that nothingness for a long while. Maybe he lives it again, Steve isn’t sure.
But he just sighs. “You shouldn’t have been there, either,” Steve murmurs. His face is warm and his eyes sting. And before he really knows what’s happening, he’s crying. Hot tears that sear all the way down to the underside of his jaw. That don’t really produce much noise from him, but he supposes the terrible stuttering in and out is something.
“C’mere, kid,” Hopper mutters.
His beer gets set aside somewhere. Pulled even further in. Head nestled on Hopper’s shoulder, the fresh shave of his beard burning on Steve’s forehead. A hand between his shoulder blades and the other on the back of his head. Steve’s arms sit limp at his sides. But within Hop’s warmth, the musk of aftershave and Irish Spring soap, and his firm and careful hold—Steve finally breaks.
It’s not a catastrophic thing, like he had expected. It’s not all that quiet either.
Shoulders shaking, eyes heavy, and nose burning—Steve cries. Cries with the force of a sudden summer downpour. Heaves giant breaths as if he’s just come up from drowning. And he sobs against the bare skin of Hopper’s neck. Open mouthed. Wet exhales. Big globs of spit sticky between his lips.
When he can finally catch his breath, feel the exhaustion into his bones, he pulls back.
Hopper lays his hands on either side of Steve’s face. His own cheeks wet with tears. Sniffling. “I know, okay? I know, kid,” he says quietly. “You need a home to run to? A shoulder to cry on? You just need a good dad hug? Come over, okay? Steve, you just gotta come over.”
And with that, all Steve can do, is give in.
He cries again into Hopper’s shoulder.
Later, he’ll listen to Hopper in turn. Hug him just as fiercely. Laugh at the absurdity of it all. But this is nice. Just this for a little while longer.
For the first time in his life, though, he feels like he’s got a home to return to. An ear to hear him. And a heart to care about him.
🫂—————🫂 Thank you for the ask, this was an interesting one!
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oh-saints · 1 year
sweetest devotion (p.3)
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serena thought she was doing her husband a favour but mason had never felt so frustrated and angry towards his wife than right now.
playboy!mason mount x princess!OC
tw: as mentioned in the masterlist only, but extramarital affair to a marriage of convenience for this particular chapter
wc: 1.9k
note: sorry i fell asleep last night bcs jetlag truly sucks! i'm sorry i can't give you guys (yes you guys that left some notes on my asks 👀) a happy chapter now but i swear it'll get better next one! but as usual, i happen to write at dawn so this is not beta-read yet.
tags: @pingyu-in-wonderland @ironmaiden1313 <3 (lmk if you wanna be added!)
<<part 2 - part 4>> sweetest devotion masterlist here
“turn it off, mase.”
elena had been holding back since before both mason and her walked out of her flat but she couldn’t take it anymore. mason’s phone had been vibrating every 30 minutes since then, and it was supposed to be their date night. out of all their weekly quality time, she looked especially forward to tonight because mason had pulled out a reservation at the most sought-after place in london, despite their usual full-booked slot.
but mason’s distracted state-of-mind wasn’t what she had the problem the most. it was the fact that he couldn’t seem to shake off the what-ifs he’d probably be having—what if he just took the call—whenever he peered over the screen of his phone and found the other woman’s name.
good god, had she never despised a name. one sentence, and it reminded her of everything she could’ve had with mason. yes, she admitted she should take some blame for being the reason why mason and serena happened in the first place—had she not broken up with mason the night he sought refuge in alcohol and night life, her boyfriend now wouldn’t have trapped himself in a loveless marriage with the princess.
fucking hell, elena hated her more because of what she was. a royal princess, no less. elana had never dreamt the day she had to compete with a princess for a man.
mason looked up from his phone this time, done from replying to stacy because it was rare for his eldest sister to continuously ping him. but he so wished he’d kept replying to stacy because he’d never seen his girlfriend seething with anger when his attention was diverted back to the alluring lady in red.
“i was replying—”
“serena, i know,” elena folded her arms against her chest, and mason knew better than to debate an angry woman with the correct answer. “now turn it off.”
so he did, with the mind of turning it on shortly after they’d reached back to her flat.
but he never remembered.
now he had to face the reality of waking up to hundreds of texts and missed-calls from his family, mostly asking where he was. others were divided between angry texts for not picking up calls, disappointed ones too for neglecting them. but none was as striking as the last text from serena.
please pick up my call. your mother’s in critical condition.
mason didn’t even think twice as he jolted out from the bed, deserting elena behind in her drowsiness. her usual come back here, baby didn’t work much wonder this time around, his mind was too busy searching for his phone and car keys.
he was far too blinded by the worst possible scenario that could’ve happened to his beloved mother, that he didn’t even think about anything else. not even the countless violations to the traffic laws he committed just to get to the hospital—just as long as he got to his mother’s side in time, just as long as he got to see his mother doing okay.
but that also meant that he forgot about fetching serena from the house. he forgot about the existence of his wife, at least to the rest of the world, and his own marriage. he forgot about the mask he had to put on in public.
he would’ve gone straight to apologising for not getting to the hospital earlier but the sight of serena sitting amongst his sisters, even to the extent of having her arms around a sobbing stacy, clamped his mouth shut. moreover, lewis stood up, arms already folded in front of his chest, and mason had never seen lewis this angry during his short span of life so far.
lowkey, mason could feel his insides cowering because he knew he fucked up so bad—like seven shades of Sunday level of fucked up—for not picking up any calls from his family members but before he could admit his guilt and mistakes, lewis mustered his lowest baritone.
“where have you been?”
his unwavering tone basically confirmed mason’s ultimate sin. “I’m sorry I was—”
“that busy that you let your wife, a foreigner in this country, to take a midnight train to Portsmouth, a city she’s never visited?”
to say mason was surprised, was an understatement. the footballer thought his oldest brother would reprimand him about not picking up his calls when there was a dire emergency at hand.
“what were you thinking, mason mount?”
uh oh, full name was reinstated. mason badly wanted to defend himself but he couldn’t find the ground because in all honesty; what the fuck? the mounts had a worse reality to talk about—the matron of this household was still fighting for her life, for god’s sake!—and lewis wanted to cover other bases instead of the most important thing right now? instead of filling him in about the conditions of their mother?
mason badly, very badly wanted to disclose that he wasn’t responsible for serena’s well-being. like, if she wanted to come it was because she can. not because he asked her, and he would never ask her because he’d very much keep his family away from the impending doom that’d befallen them as soon as the contract expired.
but he kept his mouth shut. partially because he didn’t want to dishonour the agreement between serena and him—because mason would very much prefer to find faults in serena’s stance to this agreement, instead of his own fault—but mostly because he was so mad. how could lewis defend someone he barely knew and accuse mason of something that was out of his control?
“lewis,” serena spoke up gently, as usual. if mason wasn’t blinded with rage towards the said princess, he would’ve admired how regal she was behaving, despite the unspoken chaos blanketing the waiting room. “I think beranting Mason is not necessary,”
the older brother turned his head towards her, asking confirmation if he was hearing her right.
“he must’ve fallen asleep at the coach’s house,” serena continued, giving lewis some sort of reassurance probably that mason wasn’t deserting her behind and that she wasn’t lying about his alibi. “mason overtrains himself lately with both physical and visual training.”
mason would’ve expressed his gratitude behind the scene—why she lied for him, he’d never known—if the woman wasn’t enticing more anger inside of him. always trying to save a fucking face, mason groaned inwardly.
the midfielder stayed put in the long hallway of the pristine white hospital, deciding not to join the rest of the family on his mother’s side. the wife to his dad for decades had been rolled to her room since hours ago but mason didn’t think he had the capacity not to snap in front of everyone.
especially when serena was the midst of his family, acting as if she belonged there when mason kept the information himself. that she was only doing that to save her face, like she’d been doing since the beginning. since the first time she trapped mason into her loveless marriage arrangement.
mason was only too blind to recognise it.
but now that he noticed all the red flags, mason didn’t want his family to fall into the same blackhole.
“you should break up with her.”
mason’s body jumped slightly at jasmine’s voice, certainly shocked his older sister joining him to oversee the boring central garden of the hospital. “but I’m married to serena.”
“you’re smarter than to miss my point, mase,” jasmine chortled sarcastically. “break up with your mistress.”
jasmine’s gaze might be staring the distance, as if the night scenery was fun and pretty, but her words succeeded pouring mason ice cold water over his head. “what do you mean, jaz?”
“don’t play dumb with me,” the ice was now stabbing mason’s heart because jasmine was always the warmer one between them. she was being ruthlessly cold and distant and her tone was so level it scared him. “dad raised you better than to keep a mistress. it never ends well and we all know she’s always up to no good.”
how could jaz be the judge of one’s personality, when she’d never met elena before? what did she know about elena?
mason gritted his teeth out of annoyance. “I can’t do that.”
“you can’t do that to serena, either. it’s not fair.”
serena again? did the princess pull off some black magic over his family or something? why did everybody suddenly care for her instead of him, their flesh and blood? how come no one in his side went to care for him now?
fucking hell, mason had never desired to scream out loud. at anyone, but preferably at his own kin. “lately, I think life’s never fair to me, too.”
“life’s never fair to anyone, mason mount,” mason had never been called by full name twice in a night from different older siblings of his. if stacy decided to do the same in the next hour, mother nature should give mason a prize or something for hitting a homerun. “when are you going to learn that?”
“why are you siding with serena?”
“I am not,” jasmine’s eyebrows distorted in disbelief. “I swear I’m not siding with anyone here, but you really should start thinking like a father. your baby’s coming in less than 6 months, do you think what you’re doing right now is fair to your baby?”
the older took the following silence as a sign she’d nailed the coffin. which could only mean her job here was done and over with.
“jaz,” but mason’s call halted her straying steps from him. “how do you know?”
“you reek of cheap perfume, mase.”
while jasmine’s words rang true in his ears, it still didn’t soothe his anger and annoyance towards the woman sitting shotgun beside him, as he cruised his Lamborghini in the direction back to London.
“why did you come here?”
serena immediately decided she’d choose a cocky mason over this version of him. “I thought—”
“see, that’s your problem. you think,” mason raise a decibel to his voice and serena flinched visibly because she wasn’t used to anyone raising their voice at her. it was rather off-limit to the royal’s etiquette. “but every time you think, you only think for your own good. you never think about what I think or what’s best for us.”
serena was rather taken aback at mason’s outburst that she couldn’t produce any response to him.
“have you ever thought you can jeopardise our false pretence by coming here alone?”
“no, I—”
“exactly!” serena flinched away from mason as the footballer hit the steering wheel out of frustration and anger. “so don’t ever fucking think again, you got me?”
suddenly her fingers looked so much interesting than ever before. “I’m sorry, mason.”
“you better fucking be,” mason sighed deeply. “if you still want to live.”
how could serena possibly have a decent reply when he reminded her that she was on the losing end?
next chapter contains:
“mason…” his lover whimpered, trying to reach for mason but the man only shook her hands away and stood up, towering her over. “surely you’re mistaken, we can talk about this–” “leave.”
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 2 years
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[3:56 pm]
(cw: food, Jisung mentions dying but he’s being dramatic)
BestFriend!Jisung had a bad habit of inviting himself over to your home whenever he felt like it. When he was hungry he would waltz right in and go straight to the fridge. He would come over, completely exhausted, and fall asleep on the couch without you even knowing he was there! It had become totally normal to come open the door after hearing the doorbell only for Jisung to rush right past you to the bathroom. He heard “please make yourself at home” one time and took that literally, he treated your home as if it was his.
Today was no different. He rang the doorbell, he came in and greeted you without even looking up from his phone, and settled onto the couch. He flicked through the channels, took your food, took up a whole couch, and got too comfy. Jisung had even gone as far as taking up your very comfortable couch, taking the blanket off your bed, and taking off some articles of clothes as he got more and more comfortable.
So comfy in fact that he had forgotten the outside world existed in the small world within the walls of your home. An outside world where he had other responsibilities beyond being your best friend who bothered you to your wit’s end. 
“Well, why would you come over if you had a busy schedule today?” You asked picking up the trash Jisung left on the table. Jisung’s phone had just blown up out of nowhere with messages from his group chat. Every message asked him where he was and if he knew he was late. 
“Because I forgot- I’m missing my sock!”
You moved the pillows on the couch and shook out the blankets until you found the sock. “Here,” You tossed it at his hunched over form. 
“I can’t get punished again, last time I was late I had to wash the dishes for two weeks. Oh my god...” he paused in the middle of the room, “they might make me do the laundry. Do you even know how smelly young adult males get after sweating for two hours at soccer practice? I might die.”
“How is standing in the middle of my living room helping you get to practice any faster Park Jisung?”
“This is the 4th time this month and we’re 10 days in! I’m so screwed, this is your fault!” Jisung practically wailed.
“Get out of here already! You don’t have time to stand around crying and pointing fingers. Don’t you have to go back to your place and get your equipment?” You questioned.
His eyes shot wide open, as he scrambled around even more quickly to pull on his sweater and unplug his phone from your charger. You made your way to the door and held it open as he made his way over. “I gotta go now, text you later,” Jisung rushed out. 
He leaned in for what you thought would be your usual goodbye hug, but as he pulled away you were met with something unusual. Your eyes were wide with shock as you felt your best friend’s lips on your own in a kiss that was too long to be a peck. Though you and Jisung had been friends for many years this was not something either of you had ever done with each other before. 
“Text you after practice!” He yelled out as he ran down the hallway. What was going on? Maybe he had wanted to kiss you for a while or had been planning this. He had kissed you and acted so casually afterwards that you started to overthink the friendship.
Did Jisung have feelings for you? Maybe he didn’t even realize he had done it, but that then brought up the question of why it had seemed so normal for him. Maybe he had been doing that with someone else and he got confused and kissed you instead. Your mind was running too fast for you to process every thought and reason that came up. 
On habit, you got up to answer the door when a knock rang out, eyes blankly meeting the ones of your best friend in front of you who was red in the face and out of breath.
“I don’t know why I did that and I’m sorry that I didn’t ask you first and I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable. I never wanted our first kiss to go this way and I want to ask you to please not let my stupid action ruin our friendship. You mean the world to me and I totally understand if you don-”
You leaned up, cupping his cheeks before you placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Immediately you saw his ears turn red as he processed what had just happened. 
“Let’s talk after your practice. That is if you don’t get stuck doing the laundry,” You told him, hands still cupping his cheeks.
“After practice yeah,” he nodded along, slowly backing away from you as if his mind and heart were at battle over where he was going.
“Bye Jisung, we’ll talk later.”
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Lost Boys
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam
Summary: After Jonathan Lane Kent wipes himself from existence by canceling his own timeline, he finds himself stuck in the afterlife where he meets Jason Todd. He still wonders about the life un-lived on Earth, and how his parents would've felt about him.
Jason Todd, who is making the most of being dead, struggles with the reality of what he's left behind. He has one wish and one wish only: to send his family one final message.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jonathan Lane Kent (Laney), Jason Todd, Catherine Todd, Boston Brand, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, John Constantine, Raven, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake
Relationships: Platonic JayLaney
Additional Tags: Angst, Platonic Relationships, Magical Jason Todd, Resurrected Jason Todd, Queerplatonic Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, POV Multiple
Chapter One: I'm Just A Kid (Laney's POV)
He belonged in heaven. I don't mean that in a he-was-too-soft-for-this-world way or a he-was-the-most-beautiful-thing-I'd-ever-seen way. Jason never looked more at home than when he was in heaven being my best friend... Hell, he was my only friend.
I remember when I met him. I'd just come out of the fog of wiping myself from existence, and I was all alone. I spent who knows how long by myself before the day at the lake changed everything. I dipped my feet in the water and watched as the fish swam past. Freshwater fish had such engaging colors. I often spent my days there watching them swim around. It was always the same group of fish.
That day, in particular, I was overcome by loneliness, and I found myself crying. I just wanted it to end. I wanted to end the loneliness, and I thought if I could die somehow for good that the pain would be over.
I wanted to throw myself into the lake and sink to the bottom, and just before I could muster up the courage to do anything, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Mind if I join you?" the voice asked. I turned to face the source with tears in my eyes, and when I saw how Jason was dressed, I laughed.
"Hey! It's not that funny," he replied, "I'm Jason... Can I join you?"
"I was gonna drown myself, and it'd be awkward if—."
"I was around to watch?" Jason interrupted. "I don't think it works like that up here." He took off his pixie boots and dipped his foot in the water. "I don't suppose you took it into consideration that we're already dead."
"I don't know," I mumbled, "I was just thinking maybe I could—. Wait, how have I been alone so long, and why'd you just show up today?"
"I've never wandered out this way. If that's why you're doing this, I'm here now, I know where all the other people are," Jason whispered, "You still haven't told me your name."
"I don't exist anymore," I replied.
He walked around on his hands and plopped down right next to me. "Doesn't matter if you exist anymore or not. I'm sure you had a name before. What was your name when you existed?" Jason asked. He didn't look directly at me. Instead, he stared at the horizon.
"Jonathan Lane Kent," I answered.
"Laney?" he suggested.
"Sure... I guess," I replied. I hated it, but I didn't really feel like being Jonathan anymore.
"What's wrong?" Jason asked.
After sitting with him for what felt like hours, he got up to leave, and I grabbed his hand. "Please," I begged. I couldn't bear to be alone again. He squeezed my hand, and he took me to a cottage.
Jason stopped at the door. "This is my favorite part of being here," Jason whispered with a big smile on his face. "Ma! I'm home!"
She opened the door and embraced him, and he introduced me to her. "This is my Ma, Catherine," Jason replied as he went into the kitchen and set the table.
Something in me felt sorry for him. I almost forgot how badly I felt before I met him. He made my plate, and I stood there wondering why he felt the need to make dinner for dead people. I stood in the doorway and watched as he worked, and I pushed a hand through my hair. "Laney, you eat beef?" Jason asked. I nodded.
We all sat at the table and started to eat. Catherine doted on him and fixed his collar, and they talked about the food and their life. I was too busy stuffing my face to include myself in the conversation. The food was good. I hadn't tasted anything in so long. Their cottage was so warm and inviting that I almost forgot I wasn't alive. "Have any family you might want to see here?" Catherine asked. I shook my head. "Well, you can stay with us."
I smiled at her. I could see where Jason got his warmth. He poured me a glass of juice, and something in his eyes seemed sad. "So, who are you?" Jason asked. "Who are your parents?"
"My parents?" I asked. Jason nodded. "Clark and Lois Kent... Superman and Lois Lane? I dunno if they're even—."
"I figured, I just wanted to make sure," Jason whispered, "But you don't seem like—."
"I wasn't raised by them. It's a long story," I interrupted. Jason nodded. "But I don't exist anymore, so I don't really belong to anyone."
"Belong to?" Jason and Catherine questioned me at the same time, and I went back to eating. I didn't know what to say. I just didn't want to speak anymore.
The dinner seemed neverending. Part of me didn't want it to end. When the day as we knew it was over, we lay out among the stars, and I stared up at the sky. I wanted the night to stretch on forever. I thought that if the night ended that everything would be over. I thought I'd be alone again. "I was sad at first, but I think it's okay that I'm dead," Jason stated. I turned to look at him as tears streamed down the side of his face. "I um—. I miss him, though." He sniffed, and I turned on my side and reached for his shoulder before stopping myself.
"Who?" I asked. He turned his head away from me.
"Bruce... I mean, I know I'm better off here, but I—. No. I know... I just want to say it... I never said it when I was alive," Jason cried. "He was more of a dad to me than my own—. He was my dad. I just want to talk to him one more time."
I brushed his hand with my pinkie and looked back up at the sky. "I killed a lot of people, Jason... I don't know. I um—. I had to erase myself from existence to keep from messing up the entire—. I don't think my dad would want to talk to me even if I—."
He took a sharp inhale of air, and I sat up. Before I could try to say anything else, Jason wrapped his arms around me, and he held me. "We're never gonna grow up, Laney," he mumbled into my shoulder, and I burst into tears. It was the first time in my life that anyone ever just held me, and the first time I realized that I was just a kid too. We stayed there underneath the stars until the sun came out.
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Taylor Swift (Jamie Tartt x Reader)
Warnings: Have not been writing for long and this is super self-indulgent.
Summary: Jamie takes interest in something (more like someone) that you enjoy. Reader’s gender is not specified.
You might have accidentally made Jamie Tartt into a Swiftie. It started when you were simply listening to Bad Blood (feat. Kendrick Lamar). A song that he didn’t even know existed. So, when he walked into your shared bedroom during Kendrick’s part, he was excited. You were listening to an artist that he really liked. He was then shocked to hear Taylor’s voice.
“Love?” He asks you as you’re bobbing your head while folding laundry.
“What’s up?” You respond.
“Is this a Taylor Swift song with Kendrick Lamar?” You just look at him and nod very slowly. He follows up with:
“What other songs by her do you think I’d like?” And that was that. You started him off with Reputation. He liked End Game, I Did Something Bad, Gorgeous, and Dress. In the back of your mind knowing that he would be an Evermore fan. Besides listening to Reputation, you introduced him to the rest of them in the order that they came out. Debut isn’t exactly his favorite but he liked Picture to Burn… kinda. When you got to Fearless (Taylor’s Version), he won’t ever admit that he cried to You’re Not Sorry. He does jam to Tell Me Why. On Speak Now, his favorites were Better Than Revenge and Long Live. With Speak Now also came you explaining what John Mayer did and how Taylor Lautner will go down as one of Swift’s best exes. Red (Taylor’s Version) came and suddenly the hate for Jake Gyllenhaal made sense and he became very scared for John Mayer and said something along the lines of,
“Sorrows, sorrows, prayers.” Ultimately his favorites on the album became The Lucky One and I Bet You Think About Me. When you finally listened to 1989 he was excited to be out of the woods country music wise-he will never admit that he kind of likes it. He immediately loves Clean, Wonderland, and New Romantics. You were surprised Bad Blood wasn’t on his list and he told you,
“It’s good but it’s not better than the others, babe.” After that you asked,
“Do you want to listen to Reputation again, for the sake of listening in order?”
“Nah,” he answered, “No time, we need to listen to all of the albums before repeating.” Then came Lover. You explained to him that this was the first album that she owned and everything about all of the things that happened and went down. Once you finally go to listen, he broke down listening to The Archer.
“It’s like she wrote the song just for me,” he explained to you. It was at that moment you knew he was going to break even more at Folklore and Evermore. In the meantime he also really enjoyed I Forgot That You Existed. Before you start with Folklore and Evermore you explain how she wrote them during quarantine and that they are more storytelling albums and not very poppy.
“Folklore tells the story of James, August, and Betty.” You told him. He nodded and it was off to the races. By the end of it, his love for Taylor Swift grew even more. When listening to Peace he has to look away from you but you grab his face,
“You give me peace.” You had been worried about this song. The public had many opinions on your relationship with him being famous and you having seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He was always worried that you would leave him to be rid of the limelight that you didn’t want. What he didn’t seem to comprehend was that he was your peace, and you didn’t need anything else when he was with you. He just looks at you while the rest of the song plays. You finish the last two songs on the album and leave it at that. You don’t bring up listening to Evermore the next night like he thought you would. He figured you were tired and let it slide, but once a week had passed he took matters into his own hands and listened on his own. When you finally asked,
“Ready to listen to Evermore?” He responded with,
“Already did, I now understand your love for Cowboy Like Me.” This sends you into shock, once you collect yourself, you are angry and proud of him at the same time.
“You listened without me?! I wanted to be here for every album!” And a few seconds later you add, “I’m really happy that you like her music.”
“I’m happy you’re not that mad because I also went ahead and listened to Midnights without ya.” He boasts.
“Jamie Tartt, I can not believe you listened to the last two albums without me!” You laugh.
“What can I say? You put me on.”
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miki-kaname · 2 months
So since people have been asking your opinions on characters, I’m curious. What’s your opinion on Homura? I’d ask Mami too but uhh…maybe that’s too much…
(Sorry if this is annoying too…you can ignore this if you want)
No that's alright. Just for you, I'll answer both.
Homura never bothered me the first time, even though her actions were put into question. And when I mean that, I meant that she refuses to let Madoka to become a magical girl, even talking down on her. She even let Sayaka to become a witch, painting her as the villain. And yet, for some reason, I don't have anything against her. When we finally got her backstory, it all started connecting. She's been through this for so long that she's given up on everyone except for Madoka. She has never given up hope, and you know what? I appreciate that.
Her roll in Rebellion? Well I gotten some flag when I addressed her actions there. All I said was I'm indifferent about that, I knew she would do something like this.
She's very complex and possibly one of the best written characters I've seen in years.
I give her a 9/10.
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Now for Mami. The first time? Believe it or not, I completely forgot she existed.
Because of her small role there, I completely blocked her out of my memory. It took me months for me to try to learn more about her. I forgot why she became a magical girl, and I didn't remember her backstory.
The only thing I did remember is her death scene became a meme and she's suicidal (that last part shocked).
Overtime, I begin to analyze more about her and... she was more unique. After my rewatch, I have a full understanding of her character (it took me a year to do that). It does upset me that I completely ignore her the first time. I didn't hate her nor I find her forgettable, her screen time was minimal. Thankfully, she lived in the end and had a big role in Rebellion.
Overall, I give her a 8.5/10.
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cartoon-angerr · 8 months
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Loodvigg’s Day at Disneyland: prologue
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The Starhenge rose up in the sky, mechanical island built by the Colossals, gigantic creatures as old as the Monster World. On this very island, monsters lived, older than the Monster World and the Colossals. And probably time itself, too… who knows? They were called Celestials, the first beings to ever exist, and considered Gods by every monster living on the islands below.  Hence their name, the Celestials came from the sky… or more exactly, space. The Primordial Cosmic Hush was a time where absolutely nothing existed - just silence. A cosmic void. Then there was the Big Bang, sending sounds into the void, creating elements and twelve beings afterwards. The monster gods came to life, each having a constellation and an element assigned to them. But this was a long time ago, decades now separating the creation of the Celestials from the present.
One of them approached the circle that the monsters had formed and sat down with them. Her name was Galvana, she represented the element of Electricity. She turned her head to her right, where a metallic organ was resting. Her name was Vhamp, she represented the Mech element. Next to Vhamp sat a blue creature named Plixie, the Plasma elementalist.  "Hey Scaratar!" he beckoned a brown bug-looking monster, the Poison element.  "How is your hair shining like that? It’s lovely!" "Thank you! I put some hair shine spray over it," she responded. The Plant elementalist Blasoom, a green bird-shaped monster, approached Scaratar to take a closer look at her hair. "Alright," Galvana started. "As you know, we all gather here every first day of a new month. We are in February, which means Furnoss’ constellation is now shining above us!"  Galvana turned to what seemed to be an oven with a dragon-like head and limbs. He looked at her, nodding. Up in the sky, Furnoss’ constellation was shining brightly, replacing the constellation of Hornacle, the Water element. This one playfully gave a nudge to the Fire elementalist, who returned it back. "Before we start, is everyone here?" Galvana asked.  She looked at her friends, counting them mentally. Furnoss, Hornacle, Scaratar, Blasoom, Plixie and Vhamp were here, followed by Torrt, Glaishur, Attmoz and Syncopite, the Earth, Cold, Air and Crystal elementalists, respectively. And… "WHO THE FUCK TOOK MY HAIR SHINE SPRAY?!" a voice shouted from afar. …Loodvigg.
The Shadow elementalist, an elegant spidery monster with a bold hairstyle, approached the circle formed by the eleven Celestials reunited. An angry expression distorted their skull-like face. "Oopsies." Scaratar whispered. Attmoz sighed and rolled his eye. "Here we go again", he mumbled. "So?!" Loodvigg asked again, their eyes jumping from monster to monster. "Yeah… About that." Scaratar answered - Loodvigg’s angered look went straight to her. "It was me. I’m sorry, I probably should’ve asked you first."  "UGH!" Loodvigg elegantly pushed their hair back with an offended rictus, then bended over Scaratar.  "Damn right you should have. I’m turning your hair into my new personal bathroom carpet next time." Scaratar, surprised by the aggressiveness in Loodvigg’s tone, stepped back, seemingly upset and a little flabbergasted. Galvana quickly intervened, noticing the green bug monster’s discomfort. "Loodvigg, that’s enough. No need to overreact." "But I ain’t! This insect knows I’m not letting ANYONE borrowing MY stuff-"  "ENOUGH!" Loodvigg sighed with annoyance. "Also, you’re late for our monthly meeting again. For the third time in a row. Why didn’t you come sooner?!" Galvana continued. "I forgot!" "We’ve been doing the new month and constellation celebration for decades! Literally! How in all the stars did you forget?!!" Loodvigg skittered from the electric monster to sit on the other side of the circle, between Furnoss and Hornacle. "Listen, I was busy doing much more entertaining activities than something we’ve been doing repeatedly for all these years. Can we start now? I want to get this stupid celebration over as soon as possible."
Although irritated, Galvana kept her thoughts for herself and continued speaking, almost as if nothing happened.
Even if the atmosphere remained tense between the monsters, the ending of the celebration went rather well, Loodvigg's presence not being as terrible as in the beginning. The Celestials all stared at the sky, Furnoss’ constellation still shining brightly. It was only after the meeting that Attmoz spoke to his cousin, Scaratar. Loodvigg was back to the old Observatory, a tall stone construction housing a gigantic telescope, and each Celestial’s designated room. "Hey. You alright?" Attmoz said, visible concern painted on the cyclop’s face. "Yeah! Yeah, I am," she responded. "They just scared me for a second," Scaratar whispered, motioning her head to the Observatory. "Sometimes I even wonder if any thought of basic kindness and empathy still circulate through that brain of theirs", Attmoz chuckled a bit. "I wonder what kept Loodvigg so "busy" to be that late to the monthly celebration… Bet they were trying a new haircut again." "That still doesn’t give them the right to change my hair into a bathroom carpet…" she pointed out, grumpy. "Nope, definitely not!" "They probably wouldn't have done that anyway, but I'm keeping an eye on them," Galvana said, now approaching the two monsters. "We never know with Loodvigg... their behavior is getting stranger with the passing days-" "And meaner," Scaratar added. "Like, way meaner. And for no reason at all, either." "I remember how kind they used to be," Attmoz said, yawning. "But that was such a long time ago... Still wondering what made them the way they are now. Not like we aren't used to their catastrophic behavior anyway... but it's still very annoying," the pink cyclop sighed. "And even worse when unjustitied... Which is... well! Most of the time." "Mmmhm." Galvana nodded, lost in thought. Attmoz yawned again, briefly swinging his head. "Ugh. Sleepy…" "Already?!" surprisingly asked the electric elementalist. "Is it that late?" "Oh, no, no," Scaratar reassured her. "That's just what Mozmoz gets when he stays awake late at night trying to find out if putting paint in water could make his clouds turn purple." "Shut up..." Attmoz grumbled, nudging at his cousin. "At least it worked."
The three said their goodnights, Galvana promising once again to keep an eye on Loodvigg. But for now, a good night rest was welcome for everyone.
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A Theme For A Molting Russian Gentleman
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