bi-ologistofthehills · 3 months
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frodo-cinnamonroll · 1 year
Staying Close
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GIF from @Heather Kouri on Pinterest
Plot/prompt: Prompt 1-3: Y/N is a member of the Fellowship of the Ring. During the journey up Caradhras (one of the Mountains of Moria), one of the hobbits (your choice) is really struggling with the cold. He starts showing signs of hypothermia and Y/N has to help him (possibly with snuggles?) Requested by @almost-gabrielle with Frodo as the main hobbit.
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: quite fluffy, hypothermia and its symptoms
It looked bad. Very bad. It looked like the impersonation of wrath, not as fire, but as ice. The stinging flakes of snow swirled and writhed madly in the merciless wind whose piercing shrieks filled my ears. It seemed that was all I could hear. Nearly every part of me felt numb and the icy talons of the storm clawed at me furiously. I was shivering uncontrollably but I kept on.
Not far away in front of me was a bluish shape of Aragorn’s figure and two hobbits. He was carrying—or attempting to carry—them above the chest-high snow that was only growing taller. I felt like I was going nowhere and quickly losing energy.
How much farther? My mind kept saying. How much farther?
My heart ached for warmth, even a small fire or a single dry blanket. But I had none of those things, so I kept going along. Aragorn and Boromir were shouting at Gandalf over the wind, but I could only hear snippets of what they were saying.
Out of nowhere, there was a sudden crack! of lightning and a bunch of large rocks came hurtling down the mountain right at us. We all leaned up against the mountain and were barely missed by the tumult. 
I felt a hopelessness rising in me of fear that we would never make it out alive. Tears froze on my face as I looked to the front of our line.
"There's a fell voice in the air," Legolas said, peering into the blizzard.
Gandalf shouted, “It's Sauraman!”
I looked up and saw a mountain of snow falling directly towards us. In an instant, what felt like miles of snow landed on top of me and I was surrounded by white. The air around me had vanished and I felt I couldn’t move. I felt helpless. I was trapped.
“No,” I cried. “No. Help! Help me!” But my calls were muffled and my lungs burned.
Then my thoughts turned from me and to Frodo and the other hobbits. How would they survive? A sudden flame was lit within me and I pushed with all my might, struggling to breathe. And there it was! I felt the whipping wind lashing against my hand. It took me a moment to get my grip, but when I did I finally heaved myself out, and, to my relief, saw that the others had done the same. My breaths were gasps and I was even colder, but I was alive.
I looked at Frodo. He seemed even colder than I felt.
“We must get off the mountain!” Boromir shouted. “Make for the Gap of Rohan and make our way down the West Road to my city.”
“The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!” Aragorn said.
“If we cannot go over the mountain,” Gimli said now, “then let us go under it! Let us go through the Mines of Moria.”
“Let the Ring-bearer decide,” Gandalf said so quietly I could barely hear it over the storm.
Frodo looked up and glanced at me, then Sam.
“We cannot stay here!” Boromir shouted. “This will be the death of the hobbits!”
“Frodo,” Gandalf said.
Frodo looked worried and said, “We will go through the Mines.”
“So be it,” Gandalf said.
Everyone turned around with some difficulty and we began our trek back down Caradhras. The snow was quite deep, and I was hardly able to move through it. Legolas led the way and Boromir managed to push his way past and dug through the snow with Merry and Pippin. Aragorn followed, carrying Sam and Frodo. I followed next and Gimli and Gandalf behind me with Bill the Pony in tow. 
After what seemed like hours with the snow hardly letting up, the wind began to die down more and the snow became less deep. Finally, we reached a rocky spot where the snow was quite shallow. There was a shallow cave in the mountain not far ahead to our right. Aragorn and Boromir set the hobbits down and we all paused. I peeked over the edge of the mountain then stepped back quickly, regretting it. The hobbits said nothing and they seemed very tired.
“I think it would be best if we took a rest,” Aragorn said. “Night is falling upon us fast and we won’t be able to see much longer.”
Gandalf nodded and without a word we all made for the cave, our feet dragging. Frodo was in front of me and he was shivering hard. I put a hand on his back and he smiled up at me to the best of his ability. He seemed exhausted and all of the sudden he slipped, landing in the snow. I quickly was at his side and helped him up. He struggled to stand, his eyes heavy. His skin was about as cold as the snow itself.
“You’re freezing,” I said, kneeling and looking in his eyes.
“I . . . I,” Frodo started. “I can’t f-feel . . . I can’t . . . I’m so cold . . .”
I felt a panic rise within me as Frodo swayed where he stood. I didn’t wait and picked him up, carrying him the rest of the short distance. I felt hardly any warmth from Frodo. Gimli started a small fire with the little wood we had packed on Bill. Everyone gathered around and I set Frodo as near to it as I dared. Aragorn looked concerned as he watched. He knelt and placed a hand on Frodo’s forehead.
“He’s cold,” he said, his voice reflecting the worry I felt. “Too cold.”
“He’s freezing,” I said, my voice wavering. I began to unfasten the cloak I wore but Aragorn stopped me.
“You need warmth as well,” he unfastened his cloak instead and wrapped Frodo in it. He then went and grabbed some food where Sam was unpacking it.
“I’m alright . . . I can . . . can,” Frodo said.
“No you are not,” I said. “Listen, I need you to stay as warm as possible. Let me help you.”
Frodo looked at me and nodded. “Thank you,” he managed to say. 
His eyes were heavy and they were slowly closing. I could feel a slight warmth now. I sat back against the stony wall, holding Frodo close. It wasn’t long before Frodo’s head drooped on my shoulder and he relaxed, but was still shivering a little. I looked down at him, a small smile on my face. Very very gently I laid my hand on his head and ran my fingers through his damp hair. Ever so slowly he was growing warmer. Relief swept over me as I watched his sleeping form bundled up in the cloak.
Night fell quickly and I could see nothing beyond what the fire illuminated. Everyone was keeping near the fire. Gimli began to tell stories of Moria and its glory in the days long past. Boromir would interject every now and then and tell tales of Gondor. Sam came over and sat down next to me, looking at Frodo.
“How is he, Y/N?” he whispered.
“Alright,” I said. “He’s warmer now.”
Sam nodded. “Thank you for taking care of him.”
“I don’t know what I would do otherwise.”
Time passed, and I could see the foggy light of the moon weakly shining through the snow clouds, but only barely. Merry and Pippin were both asleep now and Gimli was starting to nod off.
Frodo shifted in my arms and his eyes opened. He rubbed them and stretched groggily.
“What is the time?” he whispered as Sam got up to get him some food.
“I cannot say,” I said, brushing the hair from his eyes. “How do you feel?”
Frodo yawned and sat up, still sitting close. “Better, much better.” He looked up at me with those precious eyes of his and my heart skipped a beat. “Thank you,” he said. “For everything.”
I smiled. “I’m glad I could help.”
“You didn’t have to,” Frodo said, a slight tone of guilt in his voice.
“I wanted to. I want to.”
Frodo was about to say something but to his surprise and my own I leaned forward and placed a kiss on his soft lips. Frodo blinked multiple times, staring blankly as his face turned red. He looked down.
“I—I’m so sorry!” I whispered, feeling terrible. “I don’t know what happened. I just—”
All of the sudden a warmth filled me as Frodo now kissed me back. Then we both sat back blushing furiously but smiling at each other.
“Thank you,” Frodo said. And he smiled broader.
“I . . . Thank you. I now see that trudging through the snow on the side of a perilous mountain was worth it,” I said. “Either way it would have been.”
“I second.”
“Your dinner, Mr. Frodo,” Sam said, a grin on his face. Frodo blushed again and took the food. “I’m going to bed . . . lovebirds.”
Frodo opened his mouth and closed it. He looked at me and I giggled. Frodo wrapped us in the cloak and we held each other. We were quite cozy and despite the weather and danger of the journey, I felt happier than I had ever been.
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six-of-snakes · 1 year
Legolas always knew, somewhere in the depths of his mind, that one day, Aragorn would be gone. He'd just always thought that that fateful moment would come in a battle, Aragorn on his feet, sword in hand, Legolas fighting beside him.
Or it would come after many long years of a peaceful reign over Gondor, when Aragorn had finally reached the end of his elfblood lengthened lifetime. He'd never, not in his wildest nightmares, thought it would come like this- Aragorn taken by a band of Uruk-hai, Legolas leading the shattered remains of the Fellowship after him, desperately trying to reach him before Sauron or Sauraman could.
He never thought he'd be tracking the band of Uruk-hai down a rocky riverbank, following the trail of shockingly bright and frighteningly large blood spatters that stood out against the charcoal gray of the stones.
Never like this, he thought as he poked through the remains of a campfire, Gimli peering nervously over his shoulder. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir of Isildur, did not deserve to die like this.
And if he did, Legolas would destroy the Uruk-hai in his name.
"They've been gone less than a day," he said to Gimli, "We're catching up."
"Can ye see them, with yer elf eyes?" Gimli asked.
Legolas looked. Trees, forest, hills. No sign of Aragorn. No sign of the Uruk-hai. But - there. Movement. A flicker of shadow among the darkness of the woods. He pointed, and Gimli's gaze followed his finger despite the dwarf's knowing that he couldn't see what Legolas did. The two exchanged a look, and then took off running.
Finally, finally, Aragorn was close.
They chased the shadow until dusk, when even Legolas' elf-sight couldn't pick out the shadow among the trees.
They lit a fire. Legolas knew that doing so was probably a bad idea, but he and Gimli were so tired, and they were so damn close and yet so far, and honestly, if the fire attracted the Uruk-hai, well, that was who they were searching for.
But nothing came.
The night was silent, and cold, and dark, and though Legolas hadn't slept with Aragorn's warmth beside him for a long time, the ache in his chest was as fresh as it'd been that first night; a dagger twisting in his gut. It was the same feeling that had struck him the first time his father saw him as Legolas, not the Prince of Mirkwood. It was the same feeling that had clawed its way into his heart the first time he'd been interrupted kissing Aragorn by a man who screamed curses.
Legolas didn't care anymore, who saw. If he got Aragorn back, safely, now, after all this nonsense, he would never let him go again.
With this thought echoing in his mind, he cried himself to sleep.
Gimli pretended not to notice.
Legolas woke as the sun's rays broke through the thick canopy of branches, and, instinctually, he glanced at the banked embers of the previous night's fire.
They weren't banked embers any more, but crackling flames. A pot was set on a rusty tripod, steam leaking from beneath the lid.
Legolas looked for Gimli. Perhaps he had done this, although it wasn't his style. But the dwarf was still sleeping, rolled in his bedroll.
That meant that someone else was here.
He swept another glance around the clearing.
Footprints led off into the woods. Extracting himself from his blankets, he padded across the clearing to examine the footprints.
He knelt in the dirt and traced the shape of the prints with his fingers, and then he traced them against because it couldn't be right. It couldn't.
He stared at the footprints, numbly, until a hand landed on his shoulder.
"The water'll boil over," Aragorn said, the rough notes of his Sindarin music to Legolas' ears.
Legolas scrambled to his feet, the world spinning around him. It wasn't possible. Aragorn couldn't be here. He was dreaming.
Aragorn's calloused fingers slid over his shoulders, cupping his face, tracing over his cheekbones, tangling in his hair. Legolas returned the favor, skimming his hands over Aragorn's chest before sliding them to his waist and pulling the Ranger into a kiss.
Aragon's lips were chapped and dry, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that he was here. Blessedly, completely here.
Legolas pulled away enough to whisper, "I'm never leaving you again" against Aragorn's lips, letting the words wash over them, a barrier against the cold light of dawn and the shattering of this moment that was sure to come.
Aragorn's hands tightened in his hair.
Legolas kissed him again, more fiercely, hotter, deeper, savoring his taste.
He knew it was stupid, to kiss Aragorn here, in the weak daylight, to kiss him like he'd never kissed anyone else. To kiss him like this meant so much more to him than it should.
But it did, and Legolas was done with hiding.
He pulled back far enough to meet Aragorn's eyes.
"I love you," he said, "I don't care who knows."
"I'm going to assume yer speaking whatever nonsense that is because you'd rather I didn't know what yer saying," Gimli said from behind him.
Legolas turned, leaving one of his hands on the small of Aragorn's back. He refused to make his promise empty so soon after they'd been spoken.
"Probably for the better," Gimli continued, shaking his head. "When were you planning on telling me you'd found Aragorn?"
Aragorn smirked.
"We wanted a few minutes first. Hope you don't mind."
Legolas grinned.
"Did we wake you?" he asked innocently.
Gimli rolled his eyes.
"Idiots," he grumbled, "Now explain how you got free of those damned Uruk-hai. We've been tracking you for days!"
Aragorn acquiesced, filling them in on his adventure with the Uruk-hai while they say around the fire, his fingers intertwined with Legolas'.
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the other fun lil tidbit from the appendices about Denethor is that Aragorn, assuming the name of Thronogil, just shows up and is a beloved captain and Denethor’s father loves him, then he leaves and tells everyone to trust Gandalf over Sauraman and Denethor always believed Gandalf plotted to overthrow him with Thoronogil 
like can you see that there might be some personal resentment  from Denethor towards Gandalf
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mf-downer · 2 years
Tolkiens orcs arent even ever depicted properly either. Maybe the 1st age stuff is closer to the movies but by Tolkien's descriptions they are basically shorter men with slant eyes and fucked up faces and messed up tinted skin. Not 10 foot savages with tusks and horns. Probably closer to compare them to an asiatic race if anything but yeah. By his own words, "...squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes: in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types."
Theyre much less primitive than the movies and again, much closer to a fucked up homeless dude vs some bestial brute given intelligence. The movies make them out to be like animals that sauron and sauraman make more human like with training and weapons but it feels almost like the got it backwards in many ways
I know he was pretty iffy on what exactly orcs were supposed to be and there’s not even like a strong distinction between orcs and goblins
But I think even saying they’re supposed to be mongols would still be a stretch especially when factions on Khand exist
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puppidy · 5 months
Cirdan must have felt so vindicated when Sauraman turned out to be evil
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jimmythedonut · 6 years
But for real, how did Wormtongue not see or hear 10,000 Uruk-Hai in full plate armor assembling outside of Isengard? Was he taking a nap and Sauraman wanted to surprise him so he had them do it really quietly or something?
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whythisfilm · 4 years
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🎉HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎊 Christopher Lee (R. I. P) would have been 98 today. °°° This man was insane. Spy, singer, actor, author. °°° The only man on set of LOTR to have actually MET Tolkein. °°° When Peter Jackson tried to direct him being stabbed in the back, he responded "Have you any idea what kind of noise happens when somebody’s stabbed in the back? Because I do.” °°° What's your favourite role of his? . . . . . . #christopherlee #botd #badass #dracula #starwars #countdooku #sauraman #lordoftherings #timburton ##happybirthday #podernfamily #podcastfamily #whythisfilmpodcast #whythisfilm #podcasting https://www.instagram.com/p/CAsAxMgnbb9/?igshid=11jnqz4uq3wsg
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Ma'am I'm gonna need you to drop the wizard, please
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erosofthepen · 3 years
10 Writing Snippits
These are all from my OC fic, “A Story of Half-Breeds, Dwarrow, Orcs, and Elves”. No, i have not published any of it yet. Consider this a teaser, a compilation of scenes from my incredibly long google doc.
This story revolves around Clara, because she’s my self-insert, but what i have written is actually really good. 
Hope you enjoy this, might post the first chapter soon.
My Ocs:
-Rantin of Fornost
-Clara Mirabelle Took
-Athenir of Rhûn
-Brenior of Fornost
-Adana, Daughter of Gerirun
-Nika, of Ered Luin
Characters: Clara and Dwalin
“Uncle Balin?” She called. No answer. He was probably at the market stall, which reminded Clara where she was supposed to be. She looked at the mantle clock and cursed. 5:13 pm. She wasn’t terribly late, but she should have been there at five. In a rush, she ran up to her room, grabbed her tool kit and her working apron, and not two minutes later, she was running out the door.
“Sorry Adad, time passed faster than I could.” She said, wheezy and red-faced as she started to get to work.
“Yeh should’ve been paying better attention, lass.” Dwalin replied, twisting a piece of silver between his pliers.
Characters: Rantin, Athenir, and Clara
“Athenir, you need your sword pointed at Clara’s neck,” Rantin commented.
“She’s too short!”
“If you say so. Clara, attack him.”
Clara quickly came at Athenir with a cut downwards, which he blocked. He tried in vain to roll his sword over her blade, but alas, Clara countered the move and stepped forward, guiding her sword to his chest.
“Do you see why you need to keep your sword tip low?” Rantin asked. Athenir grumbled and nodded. “I know it’s uncomfortable,” the Ranger continued, “but you must learn to adjust to any sized opponent. Clara is lucky, since every foe she’ll face is bound to be taller than her, but you are not. While your height is good for reach, Clara is very skilled at taking on larger opponents, and you’ll end up dead if you don’t learn to defeat smaller ones.” Rantin paused for a moment, looking Athenir up and down. “Clara, attack him again. Athenir, bring your sword down lower, and adjust your stance.”
Characters: Clara, Fili, and Kili
He was not expecting the wounded animal to curse at the top of their lungs. Realizing their mistake, he and Fili ran towards the poor being they shot.
It was a lass. A short lass that they would’ve called a hobbit if not for the boots she wore. And she wasn’t a dwarrow either, she had no beard to speak of. Kili’s arrow was sticking out of her left shoulder and she rose as they got closer, and drew a short broadsword out from a scabbard at her side.
“I’m so sorry Miss, I truly thought you were a rabbit!” Kili said, holding his hands up to show he wasn’t a threat. Fili did the same.
Characters: Legolas, Clara
Prince Legolas looked around as if afraid of getting caught. Then he bent down and began to speak in the strange elvish accent.
“You speak elvish, no?”
“Yes. Why is this a question? I’ve already spoken it to you.”
“What else do you know? When your things were searched, there were languages and items we had never seen the like of!”
“Ah, I travel far. From the Gray Havens to the eastern lands of Rhûn. I learn much.”
The Prince tilted his head as a cat might do.
“What are those lands like?”
Characters: Nika, Clara
Nika moved sideways, slipping past Clara’s guard and angling her sword at the half-breeds throat. They were both breathing heavily, and Clara’s face was bright red with the effort of the match. A few strands of Nika’s hair had come undone from her hasty bun, and Clara’s baby hairs were messy and curly.  Even though the fight was won, they didn’t part.
Characters: Tauriel, Clara, Athenir
Tauriel pursed her lips and nodded. They both turned at the sound of footsteps coming their way.
“Hail Clara of Erebor, It has been long since we met.”
Standing under the arch was a Ranger of forty years, give or take. Athenir of Fornost. Clara ran to hug him and he squatted down to make it easier.
“It’s been far too long since we met!” She cried.
“Indeed it has been,” He replied, squeezing her tight before drawing away. “But Clara, I come with no good news. Fell times draw near, and I am here to request your return to the Rangers.”
Characters: Athenir, Brenior, Adana, and Clara
Her eyes grew wide. 
Athenir glared at her. “Get in the sack.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Clara, please, if you value our lives, get in the sack” Brenior said, glancing behind his shoulder.
“I can keep up!”
“Clara, you’re legs are much too short to keep up with us, and we are in dangerous territory. Get in the sack.”
Clara’s protest was cut short as Adana grabbed her from behind and shoved her in the bag. Her muffled shouts were soon quieted as Brenior kicked the bag lightly. Athenir slung bag-Clara over his shoulder and the trio took off.
Characters: Fili, Athenir
Fili furrowed his brows and racked his brain.
“The elves?”
“Elrond said it could not be helped.”
“A wizard.”
At this, Athenir laughed. A shallow, depressed laugh.
“What wizard could help? Gandalf has not been heard from in years, Radagast doesn’t understand a thing about any being that is not an animal, Sauraman has closed himself off in Isengard, and the blue wizards live a world away, and focus their magic on spells and not healing. No, seeking a wizards help would be folly. There is nothing to be done.” Athenir said simply.
Characters: Clara, Kili
“What can I say, I just am irresistible.”
“Irresponsible, more like.”
Kili just smiled broader and held her tighter, resting his forehead against hers. As they stood there, slightly swaying, Clara felt something stir in her chest that confused her. It started something like a small bud, and then it began to open and blossom into the most boastful rose, spreading and filling inside her, the leaves and stem tickling her stomach and stirring up hidden butterflies that had been long asleep. It felt warm too, practically radiating, and filling her insides with a glowy pink light, creeping up her bosom and neck until it showed through her cheeks.
Characters: Clara, Kili
“Tell me a story?” She asked.
“About what?”
“Whatever you want to tell.”
“How about the story of the incredibly handsome dwarf prince who single-handedly reclaimed Erebor and defeated a dragon?”
That earned a laugh from Clara.
“Why not, it would be amusing to see how many exaggerations are made.”
“My Lady, everything in this tale is true as the sky is blue!”
“Well, the sky is pink right now, so I suppose everything in it must be a lie. But go on, start the story,”
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spacehorrors · 3 years
do you guys ever think about how count dooku is sauraman
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aw-bean-s · 3 years
Ooo sauraman got his nails DONE he got himself a mani-pedi bishhh
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What characters do you know off top of your head? Tolkien's world
Prepare yourself:
Sam, Merry, Frodo, Pippin, Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir Legolas, Gimli, Legolas, Gandalf, Thranduil, Thorin, The company of dwarves, Bilbo, Elrond, Arwen, Elrond’s twin sons, Gil-Galid, Glorfindel, Ciardan, Galadriel, Sauran, Morgoth, Sauraman, Treebeard, Ecthelion, Eowyn, Witch King, Isuldir, Elros (Elrond’s brother), Elwing, Earendil, Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor, Feanor, Fingofin, Rosie Gamgee and that's only of the top of my head 😊😊
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teacupsandcyanide · 4 years
Just FYI, my response to Tolkien & tobacco with 50% sincere 50% chaotic neutral. I don’t mean it as an attack or a negative, I loved your response and wanted to add more Tumblr-ness to it:
All good! I didn’t take it as an attack, don’t worry, but it’s kind of you to message me to clarify for sure, thank you.
I have to confess it’s not a theory I think holds much weight, considering everything stated in Concerning Pipeweed about the propagation of pipeweed, and Sauraman sourcing his pipeweed from the Shire - I think if there were a secret slave plantation then surely the wizard who was all about enslavery and industrialisation would be the one to get his pipeweed from there. Just sounds a bit bungus. But please understand I do say that with the same sort of genial “agree to disagree” of Shane Madej amiably poo-pooing the existence of lighthouse ghosts on Buzzfeed Unsolved like you do you
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rosa-berberifolia · 4 years
The Long Haul|LOTR x Reader|Eomer x Reader - Part 2
A/N: Part 2 of maybe...4? 5? 4? 5? Not sure. Again, the last time I reader the books was like a decade ago, so please dont be upset with me when things arent canon.
Warnings: blackish magicy type stuff kinda, violence, and everything that entails, mentions of death.
Word count: 2200 +\- 100
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You met with Lord Elrond and other members of his council, and a Hobbit named Frodo presented the one ring. Among the group of people at the meeting there were two people that you knew and trusted. Aragorn, and Gandalf the Grey. When they volunteered to be a part of the group to help destroy the ring, you immediately jumped to join as well, wanting to protect your friends.
You became rather close with all members of the group. Especially Legolas and Gimli. They, along with Aragorn and yourself had become separated from the rest of the group after the deaths of Gandalf and Boromir. You mourned for your friends, but knew that Merry and Pippin needed saving. So you let Frodo and Sam go while you four went after the Urukhai that captured the other two hobbits. 
The next time you saw Eomer, you didn’t realize it was him until it was too late. You were too far off to get to him before he left. A group of men on horses traveled passed your group. Aragorn signaled for you to stay back and attack from afar should the situation call for it.
You were so far away, perched on a rock that when Eomer took off his helmet you didn’t have a good view of his face, and only recognized him by his voice towards the end of the conversation between him and Aragorn. You only recognized him went he went to get back on his horse and he and his men rode north.
The disappointment that flooded you was insurmountable. You secretly dreamed of seeing him again. Of feeling his lips on yours again. Even though you knew he was a lord and had no business being with someone like you. You still dreamed of such things.
Aragorn had returned from battle, bloodied and bruised, but also, with news of impending doom. You followed Gandalf to the stables. You knew he planned to ride north to try to find Eomer and his men. But even though he was a wizard, the chances of him finding Eomer and convincing him to come were small, given how Eomer had described a white wizard - no doubt Sauraman - Eomer probably wouldn’t believe a word out of Gandalf’s mouth. But perhaps if he saw you there, and you vouched for Gandalf? Maybe then Eomer would believe and they would reach Helm’s Deep in time. Gandalf agreed and in a moment you were behind him on Shadowfax.
“Eomer, we must ride south to Helm’s Deep to aid your Uncle.” Gandalf said.
“And why would I believe the cunning white wizard who sends men to attack the lands of Rohan?” Eomer asked aggressively. 
Then you leaped from the back of Gandalf’s horse. You immediately saw Eomer’s face change from defensive to surprised and then to hurt. The look confused you. What had you done...or not done since your last meeting.
“If you don’t believe him then believe me, Eomer.” You declared as you started closer to him. Eomer dismounted from his horse and took off his helmet. He started walking towards you with a foul glare in his eye. It stabbed you in the heart to see him look at you this way. Though perhaps it was better that he come to dislike you and leave you be than for the two of you to catch feelings for one another. You tried to push these thoughts aside. It was better in the long run and there were more pressing matters to attend to.
“Your Uncle is well again, Eomer. Grima has been expelled from Rohan. And ten thousand orcs march towards Helm’s Deep and your defenseless people. Don’t tell me you would leave them to this horrible fate?” Your voice grew quieter as you became closer to Eomer, so that only he could hear.
“I tried to find you.” Eomer said coldly as he reached you. Is that why he was so cruelly looking at you? 
“I-I’ve been away.” You said as if it wasn’t obvious.”I’ve been on an important mission.” You gazed apologetically at Eomer and he tried to judge whether or not you actually meant it. You weren’t sure what he had chosen. After a moment he turned around and started walking back towards his horse. Then he stopped and looked back at you and motioned for you to join him.
“Rohirrim!” He started to address his men. “We ride for Helm’s Deep, and to battle!” He said, putting on his helmet. You came to where he was and he got on his horse and held out his hand for you. You took it and he pulled you up to sit behind him.
“Why were you trying to find me?” You asked quietly during a break for the horses.
“Theodred. My cousin.” Eomer looked sadly at the ground. “He was wounded in a battle with orcs. I tried to find you so you might be able to heal him.” Then he looked up at you. His eyes were full of hurt and anger. “I could not find you.”
You sighed and gathered your thoughts before you replied. “I was called upon by Lord Elrond. The One Ring has been found.” 
Eomer’s face shot up in surprise. A look of almost hope dawned his features. “Where is it?” he asked.
“It is being taken to Mordor to be destroyed.”
“By who?”
You had to pause to laugh a little. The whole thing being explained to someone else sounded ridiculous. Two hobbits against the world? Yikes. “Their names are Frodo and Sam.” You said deciding to save the whole hobbits bit for a later time. Then you were interrupted by one of Eomer’s men.
“My Lord. We should continue.” The man said. Eomer turned his head and nodded to the man before turning back to you.
“And you were accompanying them?”  He asked getting up. You followed.
“Yes, but we were separated. I am with the three you found the other day. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli.”
“Why did I not see you there?”
“I was farther back on perch in case something went wrong.”
Before you got onto the horse again Eomer stopped you, turning towards you. He sighed and looked down at you. He sweetly ran the back of his hand against your hair. “I had missed you.” He said quietly under his breathe. The smile that erupted onto your face was embarrassingly large. You looked down to try to conceal the blush that crept onto your cheeks. Biting your lip you look back at him.
“I have missed you too.” You confessed. It was Eomer’s turn to smile and blush. The two of you grew closer and closer together until your lips were mere centimeters apart.
“Eomer! Y/n!” Gandalf got your attention from the other side of your horse. “We must leave at once if we are to make it!”
You and Eomer giggled at Gandalf’s timing. You pulled away and got on the horse and rode towards Helm’s Deep.
You were just on the other side of Helm’s Deep. You could hear the clattering and clanking of swords and the grunting of men, elf, and orc who fought. You grew nervous.
“Y/n,” Eomer started to say to you as Gandalf gave a rousing speech to the men. “You should stay behind. Its not safe for a lady.”
“Then I guess its a good thing I’m not a lady.” You said with a hint of amusement in your tone. Then Gandalf came towards you. 
“Get ready Y/n. We will need your help if we are to win this.” He stated. You jumped off of the horse and walk a way in front of the men.
You knew exactly what you could do to help them. But it would mean using your black magic. And if you were to use that, it would much easier for your father to sense where you were. But you supposed you would have to use it sooner or later. And sooner or later your father was going to figure out where you are. It would be worth it if you could do anything to help stop Sauran and Sauraman.
“Funnel the horses through my sigil.” You said before turning to look at Eomer again. He did not know of your lineage, but he was sure to learn in a moment. You were certain that once he saw how dark you actually were he would no longer want you. And while it hurt thinking that you would never feel his touch again, you knew that you would have to sacrifice some of the things you wanted if we were to win this war. And in your head you knew that it could never be between you two either because he was a Lord and you were from scum. You put all of this behind you and you focused on casting the dark spells you needed to.
“Avo alnej, startok.”[1] You said as you held your arm up to the sky. In a tiny flash of lightning and a boom of thunder, a crow appeared and landed on your arm. Then you quickly grabbed it by the neck. In your other hand you unsheathed your dagger.
“May latob kibum maprog ulub.”[2] Another spell left your lips, and you drove your knife into the crow’s belly and you drug it down. You put the knife away and then used the crow’s blood to draw a sigil on the ground. You made it large so that a few horses could go through at a time. When you were finished you stood just outside of the sigil and held crow up to the sky and the sigil you had drawn started to glow.
“Baj it zahal.”[3] You declared with the crow held high. With your arms still in the air you looked at Eomer. He had a look of horror on his face. He watched you with offensive concern. It nearly killed you. At least you could do this for him. You looked to Gandalf and nodded.
“Everyone must go through this sigil. Both man and beast. Do it now!” He demanded and looked at Eomer. Eomer looked to his men and nodded, signaling that they should do as the wizard said. And so they did.
The battle had ended and not a Rohirrim was lost. Unfortunately the other people of Rohan had been massacred. At the end you immediately went to help the healers. After you were able to find all of the things you needed for a dark healing spell, and Gandalf and the King talked the people there into letting you cast a dark spell, you got to work readying a space for it.
“Would you ever have told me that you were a fell beast, or were you going to keep me under your spell?” Eomer’s angry voice resonated in the room you were preparing. You thought that something like this might happen. You were kind of hoping that maybe he would just shun you and not come yelling at you. No such luck. It took a second for you to process what had just happened.
“You never asked me what I am.” You replied bluntly. Why should he get to be made at you? It’s not like you lied to him. He never asked. “And I never put you under a spell.” You clarified with hostility.
He looked bewildered for a moment at your stony attitude before he set a glare at you, then shaking his head and leaving. Eomer closed the door loudly behind himself.
“It was all she ever knew. And she has been making up for her mistakes. Don’t be too hard on her.” Aragorn stated to Eomer as he made to go down the hallway. Eomer cocked his head in question. “She’s saved my life more times than I’d care to admit.” Aragorn added and then walked down the opposite direction from where Eomer was going.
Days later and the people of Rohan were leaving Helm’s Deep and making their way back to Edoras. You were walking beside a cart pulling people’s things. Eomer was walking as well having given his horse to help the elderly and sick. He caught your attention when he came up behind you.
“I owe you an apology.” His deep voice carried in the wind making you look back. You stopped and furrowed your eyebrows at him. “And I suppose if I had such a secret, I wouldn’t have shared it either.” You started walking again when he was beside you.
“I’m trying to be better.” You said smally. “I’m trying to make up for the things that I’ve done.”
“There is no need to explain.” Eomer said with an almost guilty face and his gaze glanced over to where Aragorn and Eowyn walked together. You sighed in a defeated manner and shook your head. Of course it was Aragorn who gave him details about you.
Shyly you looked back up to him, judging his sincerity.
“I am sorry for yelling at you.” He stated calmly. It made you smile a little. And then he smiled back at you, a small, sheepish smile. You were so enthralled with him that you hand’t notice him move his hand. So when you felt his skin on yours, and then the gentle squeeze of his fingers entwined with yours, it made you jump. And your jump made him chuckle. 
When you didn’t pull away his smile grew. He said nothing. He raised your hand in his to his lips and he placed a soft kiss on your knuckles. You blushed while he put your hands back down. Just because you could never end up with him doesn’t mean that for now you can’t hold his hand for a little bit, right?
[1] To me, crow
[2] May your life protect theirs
[3] Make it so
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bigaldevlin · 4 years
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URUK HAI!!!! lifting for the white hand of sauraman hahaha love getting my chalk everywhere -im like a child but it helps me psyche up https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfmg8XnzWn/?igshid=bph1wd6fr1gh
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