#random scribbles of my hyperfixation
depomera · 2 months
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Colonel Grievous, beholden to the Intergalactic Banking Clan by the debt of his planet Kalee, serves as their enforcer. Renowned as both a feared warlord and a revered figure, his cybernetic enhancements and artificial limbs render him an indomitable and relentless mercenary.
Whenever I do AUs, I try to incorporate both Legends and canon as much as possible. In Legends, Grievous became a cyborg after his ship was rigged. However Disney canon had him consent to becoming a cyborg. I would like to think prior the Clone War, he was still in debt to the IBC and then changed his name to Grievous after losing Ronderu. While working and doing “black market” deeds paying off his planet’s debt to the IBC, any major or severe injuries would be replaced by cybernetics via the Techno Union. As the Clone War approaches, Dooku has assailants rig his ship and is then finally turned into the classic cyborg Grievous that we know of.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Fellow adhd writer, how do I stick with a single topic and finish it? I could always manage my academic papers well enough but I’ve been trying to write fic for the last few years and can’t ever seem to finish one before another idea grabs me and I keep following one idea after the other
So, the way I manage that, is I often have more than one project going on at once. Being able to alternate between them provides my shiny crow brain with enough stimulation and variety to prevent me from getting bored.
I also keep a word document of "random thoughts that won't leave me tf alone," where I scribble things down to get the idea and impulse to follow it out of my head.
If I still can't stop thinking about it, I'll start planning it out. Devoting that level of attention to something will do one of two things for me. One, I'll have the outline for my next WIP done, or two, my brain will go, "aw, you want to make this into work?" and drop it like a hot potato.
To make progress on current projects, I set small daily goals. On average days, my minimum creative word count is 500.
Which, by the way, is often on par with the goal professional, award-winning writers set for themselves. Being able to write tens of thousands of words in a day sure is a thing some people are capable of (I am when I'm hyperfixating), but it's not sustainable, and you may be setting yourself up for burnout--especially if you try to maintain it longterm.
On bad days, I will reduce it to "okay, let's do a half hour and see how far I get." If I'm able to trap my attention, great. I'll keep going until I meet my goal.
If I can't, I accept that today is a low-attention day and acknowledge that I likely need more sleep, food, or stimulating recreation to give my brain both a rest and a boost. I do not consider these lost or failed days. They are all part of the productive, creative cycle and necessary. This is true whether you are NT or ND.
Body doubling can also be very helpful for those of us who work better with others present. I do body doubling with friends or people in my Discord sometimes. (Starting that up again soon, folks, just as soon as I get the okay to start working more from the eye doctor!) So if that sounds like something you'd enjoy, try asking friends if they'd like to set time aside to write together. Shared productivity can be beneficial for keeping ADHD and other flavors of ND on track.
If you lose all interest in a project. Shelve it and follow one of the other WIPS. Sometimes you need to be in a better place to work on certain things, and that's okay.
Some people thrive with a stricter structure than that, but this is what works for me. Small goals, allowing myself the time to follow diversions (while also trying to meet daily goals), and taking the time out to ensure I'm getting enough good stimulation in other ways. Took me a while in therapy to figure out a healthy work-life balance, but that's mine.
I hope that helps or provides a greater sense of solidarity.
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69ottersinatrenchcoat · 4 months
Let's talk SH
Content Warning. Major Discussions of S*lf H*rm mostly the context of alternatives (descriptions kept to a minimum). Please be mindful of your own triggers, and read at your own pace, look after yourselves, that kind of thing. Please. 💜
Many of my councillors, therapists, and psychologists have told me to 'just do it in red pen' instead of doing it with a blade, this is a great idea. If and only if, you have broken the original desire for pain. We really want to be finding options that distract our brains rather than giving them time to ruminate.
So let's jump right into some of our most effective alternative options.
(Please be aware, we do not condone starting to SH if you can avoid it, there are better options. This list is intended for those of us who already have issues with SH)
If you're struggling, please reach out.
Global Suicide Hotlines: https://faq.whatsapp.com/1417269125743673
distraction based solutions
Make a playlist. Jump into Spotify, Apple Music, YT music, burn a CD, just Collect Music That Fits Your Feelings in the moment.
Crack open that recorder you haven't touched since your first year of school, bang on the pots and pans... make a racket, scream to the heavens.
I mean in this in 100% seriousness: if you have a video game that you like, play it. No ones care if you're playing Roblox, blowing up TNT in Minecraft (extremely satisfying), stealing cars in GTA, whacking up a storm in Wii Sports Resort Swordfighting, playing Fireboy & Watergirl on CoolMathGames, solving puzzles in the Legend of Zelda, do the wordle, code something on Scratch, or playing some random game you installed yesterday; get your brain busy and get it occupied. Especially if you can beat up on something (mass murdering bokoblins in LoZ AoC, anyone?)
Play with the ✨bored button✨ https://www.boredbutton.com/
Video games not your thing? How about Sodoku? Solitaire? Word find?
Read a book
Call or text a friend. Easier said than done, especially if you feel like you're burdening them, but this can really help. You don't even have to talk to them about what you're going through. Ring up your local autistic or ADHD friend; ask them about their current hyperfixation, by the time they're done, there's a good chance you'll have forgotten everything.
Find a new research topic. Open Wikipedia to a random page (just type "Special:Random" in the general search box or click that link), spend the next several hours learning about it and following all the hyperlinks.
Get your body moving, YouTube workouts can be great for this if you're confined.
some kind of pain w/o pain
Make a character. Write about them. Hurt them. Put them through hell and back again. Write someone else's pain. Even if your character is hurting themselves, it's better than hurting you. Even if it's absolutely terrible writing. We're not looking for the next best-selling novel here (most likely no one else will even see it), we're only looking for someway for you to externalise your hurt.
Find a book or fan fiction. There are plenty of books out there with scenes where someone's in pain. Alternatively, jump onto A03, find a fandom you like, pop 's*lf h*rm' into the tags, most fandoms there's at least one. (Please be mindful of trigger warnings here and whether seeing characters in pain makes it worse).
Write out every single reason you want to hurt yourself on your skin. Leave it until the urge dies down. Wash it off.
Run a blunt object over your hands. I find thumb stones super helpful. Fidget with a fidget toy, keep your hands busy.
If you can sing, sing. Scream in the shower.
Paint, draw, colour. Scribble everywhere. D r a w. Draw an arm, and draw yourself bleeding if it helps.
Write terrible poetry. This is the main thing that's helped me.
pain without injury (not ideal)
rubber band around your wrist, snap it a lot.
suck on an ice cube
eat something super sour (or super spicy!)
run something pointed (not sharp) against your skin
draw on yourself with henna, or make up
speaking of, SFX wounds made of makeup? amazing.
have a very hot, or absolutely freezing shower
If you're up to figuring out why you want to hurt, sometimes this can help too. And ofc, I always suggest journalling out your thoughts.
And here's a website with some more
Please add your own suggestions in the comments! I'd love to hear what helps
Genuinely, the main goal here is to keep your body unhurt in someway. Stay safe out there <3
We needed somewhere to collect viable self harm alternatives because yk, mental illness is as mental illness does.
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novelcain · 1 year
I have a small head cannon now with my version of reader that I wanted to share with you:
She has a lotus pin in her hair due to her association with Quanyin and it has the added bonus of extra protection (like a protection seal)
Just wanted to share, now I’m going back into my hole to finally finish a fic that’s been giving me writers block for two months now.
*gets slapped with writers block in the face*
Gosh darn it….
(By the way any tips on how to overcome writers block?)
That's a pretty interesting idea. Like a lil fashionable talisman~
And good luck with your writing hope you can get through the writers block
As far as tips go, I unfortunately can't help much in the writer's/artist's block since I don't really get it.😬 If anything I just get bursts of laziness where I don't wanna pick up my laptop cause that's too much effort and so end up curled up in my nest scrolling through tiktok all day. But to remedy that, I just force myself to pick up my laptop or @lovesick-ritz will kindly hand it to me so I can get things done.
So here's the tips that I could think of:
Set a designated area or method for writing (ex. I only write on my laptop bc I've assigned it mentally as my preferred place to write)
Make it as easy as possible for you to write (ie. leave the writing tabs open. I personally never have word closed there's always at least my notes tab open but I usually have at least 3 word tabs don't ask me why I'm addicted to keeping tabs open)
Try to get rid of as many distractions as you can like unneeded social media (having a tumblr tab open is always my down fall cause I get distracted by asks)
Since I have adhd and autism complete silence honestly distracts me more than anything so I like to play this 10 hour thunder storm video on YouTube (this also helps with my tinnitus in case anyone else got that)
Another thing I've been told that help is just start writing little notes or just anything at all and maybe that'll spur you into what you want to be writing
Also some random tips if found useful when it comes to writing/drawing:
If you hyperfixate on writing and drawing for long periods of time like I do (like I'm talking about 8 hour sit down don't move sessions) get water and a couple snacks before you start and be sure to stretch at least once an hour
Remember to specifically do full hand stretches to avoid carpal tunnel and writer's/artist's arthritis
Try to get up and walk around as much as possible (if you can as someone with walking issues I know that isn't always easy or even possible)
One thing I like to do to rest my eyes and brain is after a few hours I'll go to Spotify and play a few songs (or in my case one song on repeat I've been particularly obsessed with the Epic sagas since they've come out and have been constant listening to Survive in the Cyclops saga) with your eyes closed. Staring at a screen all day can be harmful to your eyes and brain.
And for drawing with adhd, if you're working on a long piece it can get frustrating to work on one part for long periods of time so keep in mind that if you're start to feel bored or tired with the part that you're working on it's ok to move to a different part. (ie. you've been working on the hair for a while and start to feel understimulated to move to the face or even a completely different area so get that stimulation) It's not like a story where you gotta remember plot points and continuity the whole thing is right there so just work on whatever part catches your fancy. Or hell if you get bored just draw lil scribbles for a second in a corner somewhere until you feel up to going back to the piece.
Please keep in mind while reading these that I by no means have healthy habits. As I stated I hyperfixate on projects and will often neglect my human needs for extremely long periods on accident; however, I am lucky enough to have a very attentive partner that reminds me and encourages me to take care of myself and helps me when I can't. (Love you Ritz. Literally couldn't live without you~ mwah💜)
HOWEVER! Because of this I am extremely used to living with unhealthy habits and have an OBSENE amount of tips for dealing/living with them so if anyone wants some autism/adhd/depression/anxiety (all of which I have kinda extreme forms of) life tips lemme know and I'll write a whole essay for you. Tho again I will say these tips are not cures. These conditions are permanent so these tips would just be ways to make living with them a little easier. (Honestly I might just make that post even if no one asks for it on the off chance that helps even one person)
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anatomical-puppet · 7 months
got bored of just having my meet the artist as my pinned, so. here’s a bigger pinned post teehee
-call me max or raz, whichever suits your fancy
-he/they/it, nonbinary transmasc fagboy. little freak. i love men and also their tits
-audhd; right now, my main special interest is horror and my main hyperfixes are the locked tomb and ace attorney
-askbox is always open! i love getting random questions and messages, never hesitate to send me stuff i love stuff
-i do my best to tag trigger/content warnings, but i get a little lazy with tagging blood since i rb so much horror content. if you need anything in particular tagged, just send me an ask and usually i will be 100% down to tag that for you :)
-i’m too tired for a lengthy dni. proshitters and exclusionists fuck off. other than that, i block liberally, so if the vibes are off your ass is gone simple as that
-you can find my links and more about me and my interests in the carrd linked in my bio !!
i've been implementing an extremely barebones tagging system, it's pretty straightforward but here's a rundown anyway
#puppet scribbles - art tag
#puppet rambles - text post tag
#puppet answers - ask tag
#puppet ocs - oc tag
i also have tags for my main special interests; #horror, #medical, and #muppets :)
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 5 months
ok random out of left field ramble bc omori drags me back into hyperfixation kicking and screaming every few months hgrhrhr
after the neutral end i can never stop thinking about what aubrey's reaction would be. hear me out:
basil = your childhood best friend
someone you bullied for years over scribbled photos that meant a lot to you
(important note: THE SCRIBBLES CAME OFF)
(also important note: aubrey doesnt know this but sunny scratchted the photos and bagel took the blame for it)
you steal from him, beat him up, and have new friends
you knew from the beginning he was kinda fucked up
(because he was very reluctant to talk to you on the walk back home a few days after mari died)
you say "thats just grief!" just- just listen hear me out
suddenly, this guy you knew, and hurt tremendously, FOR YEARS, after being best friends with him.. FOR YEARS...
kills himself.
you walk in on him in his bedroom, after it finally all seems to be going well,
with gardening shears shoved into his chest.
let that sink in for a moment.
OKAY. now that you have... all of that in your head...
aubrey would not be doing okay.
and lets not forget that SUNNY DID THE SAME LITERALLY MINUTES AFTER <3333
your two childhood best friends who you bullied are dead now! on the same day! when you started becoming friends with them again!
ohh she would never recover from the guilt. never ever
(someone has probably said this exact thing before but... people just dont understand why basil and aubrey are my favorites in the entire series.)
("they're manipulative!" "they're bullies!" "they're murderers!" THEY'RE TRAUMATIZED KIDS who already had HORRIBLE lives from the beginning. I dont think yall would be all perfect if your parents are nowhere to be seen, or your mom is an abusive BITCH and you have an absent father)
ok sorey for rant i luv yall ok fades into distance again
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spiltsoup · 1 year
I was hyping up my first post for absolutely no reason at all and it was making me anxious so. Well. Here it is.
I guess I’ll tag some of the fandom stuff that one should expect to see on this blog. Currently I am hyperfixating on Ally McBeal, and my obsession has become so potent that I have now moved most discussion about that show onto my sideblog, @gay-homophobic-lawyer-show. Please follow me there, I talk about women a lot!
Speaking of which, I also cannot physically shut up about actresses. Like I am the blueprint lesbian who sees a pretty woman in a movie/TV show, goes onto IMDB, and watches everything they’re in.
I write, make silly stupid edits, and rant about things I like. I also do digital art, but I’m still figuring that stuff out so bear with me.
Don’t really have any active socials other than this and AO3. I’m still SpiltSoup on there! BE WARNED: I WRITE SPICY SMUT NOW.
My tags:
soup.txt- Random bits of my insane thoughts and ramblings. Could be about things I like, could just be about whatever. Spin thee wheel.
socribbles - My drawings, doodles and art (soup + scribbles). I’ll also probably tag it with “my art” for simplicity, but I wanted to be a bit wacky. Nothing in it yet but that will soon change!
alphabet soup - Original creative writing. Fanfiction mostly. Probably. It will be gay.
spilts edits - Video edits/fancams I make. 50/50 chance they will be incredibly stupid or “serious” and “cool”
soup spills - Answered asks!! I’m excited to see what y’all send me. Please send me asks. I like answering them please pls pls pls 😳
More personalized tags to come! This post is constantly being updated lol.
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jazz-bazz · 4 months
Hello there, Dewdes! 😆
You can call me Bex (or jazz? Some people call me jazz too?), I’m 21 (this is also an 18+ blog bcs I reblog NSFW stuff so minors DNI please) and I use they/she pronouns. Get to know me some more under #bex lore if you want, fair warning it’s just random things.
Currently my hyperfixations are Ghost, Sleep Token, MCR, and other bands, and music. I play bass and piano and also a bit of flute, sometimes I post covers under #jazz playing bazz (there’s also a couple of tabs too 😆) and #bex pressing keys 😊 I also post the covers on instagram
Also I play bass for Setan, a ghost tribute with currently just 2 people 😂 Check us out on youtube!
I post random ghost ghoul thoughts under #my hcs or when I have spoons to write them out then #bex keysmash and then there’s also #bex scribbles for when I post handwritten things.
Hope you enjoy the unhinged randomness here!
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pastelprince18 · 1 year
Really sorry I'm once again harping on some random hyperfixation I'm obsessing over qwq
I'm just glad I'm not the only one who's at least has had the THOUGHT of Midnite being able to possess her fellow Rabbids. I've been able to come up with a lot of headcanons for how it works because brainrot does that to my attention span. So it made me happy to see you bring up a similar idea qwq /gen. I'm tired rn so I'll be back after I sleep for the night lol
ITS OKAY !! :]
It’s like the smallest ideas come out nowhere and I have to write it here bc i don’t wanna forget it plus share ideas with y’all!
Just image midnite doing it to anyway really! Scribble was just her perfect victim since he didn’t seem to still not believe all this stuff im Mario’s world
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hydrogenperson · 1 year
Welcome to my page ^^
• My name is Arin, you can also call me Witold (Wi or Told, whatever) but some people just call me a strange void creature from the abyss and I absolutely don't mind this one
• My pronounces are they/them, xe/xem or ae/aer on English. If it's not English — any pronounces with gender-neutral meaning will do nicely
• I'm an angled aroace demiplatonic and also a genderfluid mess. So no queerphobes are allowed there, I don't like you.
— amatonormativity sucks btw
— also voidpunk rules 'cause "Why do you need to be human?"
• In QRP with two amazing people — @adventurous-phoenix (he's also an author of a banner) and @strangecoffeefreak
• I'm a full-time ADHD gremlin and really committed to it. Bear with it. I also have mental health problems, so no ableism here, I'm too tired to deal with your shit.
• Multifandom, but generally jump from hyperfixation to hyperfixation. I also write fanfiction, but it's more like "Burst scribbling", than writing
— right now my hyperfixations are a crazy combo of TF2 and Mo Dao Zu Shi
— BTW, I'm a science party enjoyer. Also, I'm a 3zun enjoyer. If it's not your cup of tea, you better move out
• Besides TF2, I also play Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact. So if you want to scream about another sexualised woman character with me — you're welcome.
• BTW, don't hesitate to interact in any way! You can also ask absolutely random questions, I just like to talk and share my opinion on things.
• I may use a lot of passive aggression, sarcasm and sometimes dark humour. I usually mark them, so no one would get confused, but all in all, it's the way I'm used to communicate with world and I mostly use it as a coping mechanism.
• The only real TW I have is transphobia and dogs. I have a really bad case of cynophobia here and even if I don't get terrified of photos of dogs, it's still uncomfortable
My DNI criterias are basic, besides aforementioned ones, I also will not stand any racism, imperialism, misogyny and other hate views here. If you're a such person, well, sucks to be you.
Btw, even though I don't usually block people, I still have a right to do it without explanation. And you either move on from it, or... Do anything else, I don't care
— TERFs and right wingers are getting a special invitation to go fuck themselves
That's probably all, but I'll definitely add some things in a future
See ya
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
Hi! Can I have an demon slayer matchup? My pronouns are she/her and I’m fine with male or female preference. I am also 19 so I’d like characters 18 and up.
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬: I’m an INTP, choleric temperament, type 5 enneagram, and sun sign leo. My moral alignment is true neutral. I have massive introverted tendencies and am awkward in nature with new people. As a result I can come across as aloof and indifferent at first. I absolutely despise small talk. However with my friends I’m quite friendly, outgoing, and confident. Whenever I’m with my friends I can get really giggly and dorky when talking abt my recent hyperfixations. I open up to people very easily if we have similar interests. That’s when the chaotic theories and wacky ideas spout out. I tend to either overthink everything or not think at all. I’m a bit of a control freak and want to do the things the way I do them but I won’t enforce this on anyone else unless the result directly affects me. Just let me do things the way I do them. I'm also quite dedicated and ambitious on what I want in my life and will stand by those decisions.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦: Art. Any art honestly. Though I mostly work with digital mediums. That is, I love to creative code. I’m currently studying digital media arts with the hopes to be a video game designer. My wip is trying to spice up arcade games from the 80’s. Apart from this, I love other mediums of art too especially drawing, digital illustrating, and printmaking.
𝗛𝗢𝗕𝗕𝗜𝗘𝗦: let’s just say I spend way too much time daydreaming. Fan fiction, video games, movies, books, tv shows. Anything that lets me daydream and disappear from reality for a while is a hobby of mine. I also love working out and weight lifting.
STYLE: tank tops, graphic tees, tights, plaid skirts, combat boots, converse, chokers, layered necklaces, jean jackets, leather jackets, army jackets, bandanna headbands, claw clips.
MUSIC TASTE: 70s/80s rock music, 2010s tumblr indie pop, bubblegum pop, french and italian romance songs (i can speak French and trying to learn Italian), epic soundtrack pieces.
Thank you and ofc congrats!
I’m in near tears finally I can do something that isn’t twst related-
Now I’m not far into demon slayer as you know, but even with my limited knowledge I think I have a good match for you.
Tengen Uzui!
•Now let me explain. Tengen is quite the character. That’s all I can say about him make me say any more and this will turn into a roasting session real fast-
•*AhEm* Uhh, anyways, he’s flashy and with his three wives they’re quite the dynamic. Quite honestly, your personality wouldn’t matter because as long as you aren’t toxic you’ll fit in just fine.
•But if you’re shy at first and get excited when with people close to you, Tengen will find that adorable! I mean, his wives will too but idk if you want to hear about them
•Actually, screw it. Polyamory doesn’t revolve around two people with the rest being accessories, we’re gonna talk about the wives too.
•When Tengen is away on missions, his wives will make sure you’re never lonely! Helping with household chores, cooking together, training in almost life threatening manners, the such.
•It’s a ball whenever Tengen isn’t around, and when he is around. You and his wives will all be huddled together in bed, talking and giggling amongst yourselves over random topics like you’re teenagers again.
•You can bet your shiny boots Tengen will frame your artwork.
•Literally you could do a bunch of scribbles and suddenly you’re at a museum showing off your work with Tengen and the girls around you standing as guards while you’re like “????”
•Work out dates are a daily thing! Not as fun or cute as it may seem in my opinion, but that’s coming from someone who can barely lift the milk jug so don’t take it from me.
•Picnic dates are common too! Of course it’s in a public park so you don’t risk meeting any demons. They can be tricky even in the sunlight.
•Keep your fan fiction well hidden because they WILL read it like it’s classic literature
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neerasrealm · 2 years
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Sorry followers i am Not immune to my old pokemon hyperfixation coming back nor am i immune to the funny blorbo trio :/ (alt version under the cut with some random hcs scribbled under there for funsies)
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ughihategmail · 3 years
adhd academia
my experience with adhd and academia - also it has come to my attention (aka my therapist told me) that adderall or ritalin would probably be very helpful for me
forgetting to eat because what you’re working (hyperfixating) on is so much more interesting and taking up all the space in your brain
only being interested in studying and investing your energy into things that directly capture your interest
rereading your old/all-time favorite books more than you read new ones because a) they can be easier to focus on, b) hyperfixations come out of nowhere, and sometimes they hit you like a truck, and c) it’s fun to discover new details
lighting candles and cleaning your desk to create a calming, peaceful vibe while the rest of your room is a disaster space
either doing all your homework and studying at once in a burst of energy or dragging it out for as long as possible
simultaneously having a huge vocabulary to fall back on and swearing like a sailor
not really trusting your teachers because when you were younger they didn’t understand how your brain worked and you were either ignored or criticized 
dramatically reading and reenacting texts
“bold of you to assume my intellect extends to common sense”
projecting onto fictional characters
studying and messing around at the same time
excuse me, my good sir, my papers are an organized mess
listening to classical music, not for the aesthetic but because you need it to tune out the background noises and unnecessary external stimulation
caring soooooooo much more about the latest book you’re reading, documentary series you're watching, or writing or art piece you’re working on, etc than your schoolwork
trying (and failing) to keep an organized planner
knitting during classes to keep your hands focused
fidgeting, so much fucking fidgeting
what are cornell notes? you only know scribbles and random notes
sometimes you have to fall back on ao3 for a bit because you need to read about characters, settings, and plotlines you’re already familiar with
test taking is so hard (thank G-d for the quiet rooms)
crying from relief when you finally get the 504/IEP/any other accomodotions you need
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doctorfluxofficial · 2 years
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sometimes a family is a bird man with brittle bones, a man with adult braces, a man who scribbles on a fake moustache every morning, a man who is catboy adjacent, an ACTUAL catboy, two princes, and two random teenagers that met over the internet. anyways yall this is just some random art i felt compelled to make of the bats featuring some of the amazing OG bats and also my bestie @sharkd8te!! (go check out her art) so yeah, Aquabats hyperfixation is here and strong so get used to it!!
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perfectcourts · 4 years
here’s a self-indulgent thing i wrote abt kevin + a random boy in his history class bc i think he deserves someone with zero ties to the ravens and little to no knowledge of exy:
fall semester of his junior year, kevin fills his schedule with as many credits as he can to distract himself from the whole riko situation
he enrolls in several history courses purely for his own enjoyment
ten minutes into his european history lecture, some kid comes in late and takes the empty seat beside kevin in the front row
it’s this super cute boy with tossled brown curls and hazel eyes
the poor thing is out of breath bc he just sprinted from the other side of campus after sleeping in 
he’s cute enough to turn heads as soon as he walks in
kevin doesn’t even see him bc he’s so focused on scribbling down everything the professor is saying even though it’s the first day
the boy is digging through his backpack desperately looking for a pen  
he gives up and decides to reach over and tap kevin’s arm bc this dark-haired boy with an honest-to-god face tattoo seems approachable enough
kevin barely manages to stop himself from flinching as he turns his head ready to snap at whoever had the Audacity to touch him
but he bites his tongue when he sees the regret in the guy’s eyes 
hazel-eyed boy mumbles a quiet “sorry” before he remembers what he wanted to ask
kevin glances up at the professor to make sure he’s not missing anything
he turns back to this guy who takes a second to snap out of whatever daze he’s in
“right, um... do you have a pen i could borrow? i forgot my-”
“yeah sure” 
kevin reaches into his bag and pulls out a pen and holds it out to him, already getting back into intense note-taking mode
the guy smiles politely and grabs the pen with an honest “thanks”
kevin just nods and picks his own pen up, ready to move on with his life until he hears
“by the way, i’m eli. what’s your name?”
he nearly drops his pen on the floor
this guy has no idea who he is
the idea is enough to short-circuit his brain
he can’t remember the last time he met somebody who didn’t already know his name, his jersey number, his entire life story
so he just sits there for a few seconds while this guy, eli, waits with the slightest hint of curiosity on his face
he bites the inside of his cheek before coming back to the present
“oh, uh- i’m kevin. kevin day.”
eli smiles at him, softer than before, and says, “it’s nice to meet you kevin day” before clicking the pen to life and jotting the date at the top of his paper
kevin doesn’t end up paying much attention after that
might go crazy and write a little something on ao3 if i keep hyperfixating on them at the rate i’m at currently | part two
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raevenswritingdesk · 3 years
Hello there..
General Keno-
Welcome to this shit show of a blog!
I’m Rae, pronouns she/they or whatever really. On here I post memes, art, writing, rants, you name it really lol
I’m very multi-fandom and have ADHD so expect a variety of pretttttyyy much everything when it comes to content I post as I spin the wheel-of-hyperfixation daily ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(It’s kind of mess but hey, it adds ✨character✨)
If you’re here for my art check it out under the my art or the raes scribbles tags down below, if you’re here for the random personal goofy shit check out personal or raes rambles (it’s tagged under both) if you’re looking for theories it’s raes theories, for rants and more vent based stuff it’s raes rants, and for my writing make sure to check under rae writes. I have other tags too for other sub category stuff but I’m sure you’ll find them easy enough :)
Hope you enjoy your stay, however long it may be, and make sure to stay tuned for gay shit and memey stuff whenever I remember to post lol.
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