#phantom blood au fanfic
tempest-loupnoir · 10 months
New story is up! Part four in the “Brothers of a Different Star” series by me, Lupineleigh, and @schadenfredde!
This is a Phantom Blood alternate beginning series with Jonathan Joestar and Robert E. O. Speedwagon as kids, growing up together as brothers. In the previous stories, we’ve introduced George and Jonathan to Tattoo, Kempo Master and Hat Friend, and slowly built a relationship between Robert and George Joestar 1, as they get used to the idea of being a family, and being worthy of kindness, with Jonathan stuck with middle child syndrome. Instead of an Invader in the family driving the Joestars apart, they have a Meddler, listening to what the two Joestars are really saying and what their fears and needs are, and bringing them closer together. George is slowly learning to stop comparing the boys to each other and stop trying to adhere to societal expectations, and Jonathan is learning that…maybe he’s not as much of a screwball as he thought he was. Maybe he’s already a gentleman and he just needs help learning how to work with his neurodivergence. Thankfully Big Brother Robert knows a lot of people and knows how to teach people like him. Of course things don’t go smoothly. But they’re getting there.
In this story, every Joestar is pushed to the limit when Speedwagon’s past catches up to him and puts a target on little Jonathan’s back. Even Danny gets caught in the middle, but don’t worry! He lives!
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zylev-blog · 5 months
Instead of being the clone of Vlad Masters and Danny, Vlad accidentally mixed up the samples and pulls DNA from Bruce Wayne, instead. This is the reason why Ellie is so unstable in her powers. She’s too much human, too little ghost. That is, until Danny gives her more of his dna to stabilize her.
When she’s out traveling the world, she comes across Batman, who’s able to lure her down to talk to him with cool weapons training. But once she realizes that Batman is mega rich, she calls him a fruitloop and escapes.
Bruce had Ellie’s DNA sample. And the results confirm it: she’s his daughter.
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
my body's aching like a knock-down drag-out
and my poor heart is an open wound A Childhood Friends Au snippet that very briefly delves into Danny's life post-accident. CW: Mild Mentions of Blood, Violence, VERY mild gore ig. Danny briefly recalls getting impaled during a fight.
What they don't tell you about being dead is that it hurts. That it can hurt. That it can hurt more than when you were alive. That when you die, the emotions you die with stick with you like a leech that just won't let go. That emotions are ugly little thorns that stick their barbs into you and grow beneath your skin; or, at least, whatever’s left of it. 
Danny is familiar with anger. It kept him warm in Gotham, when his parents weren't home from work and he and Jason were crowding Crime Alley with their presence. It kept him warm in Amity, when the fresh sting of moving was still needling into his heart and he wanted nothing more than to rip and tear into the closest person next to him.
He's familiar with violence. With fights. With death. He's seen people die in Crime Alley probably every day. From overdose, from gunshots, from stab wounds; anything that can kill, rest assured he's seen it. He's familiar with getting his own knuckles rough and bloody when other kids turn and bare their teeth at him and Jason; they're all just starving dogs stuck in a fighting pit, primed and ready to rip out each other's throats. 
Black eyes, stomped hands, bloody noses. You name it; he’s had it. Gotham is paved with the blood of her children, and Danny likes to imagine that when he was born, the doctors handed his mother a file and told her; “Take it. He’s going to need it for his teeth.” 
Danny’s mom (and dad, for that matter) was too busy trying to keep him and Jazz fed, so Danny stole the file from her drawer with Jazz’s help, and did it himself.  
He’s familiar with anger, he thought he was getting better at it these days. It doesn’t come to him as easily as it did before. Of course, that was before Jason died. 
Danny is less familiar with grief. Caring kills and Gotham kills the caring, so Danny cares very little about other people. Or he tries to. But grief hurts. His grief hurts. It hurts too much. It hurts like a bug trying to crawl out of his chest; like a rat chewing a hole through his heart. Some days he wants to dig his hands into his hair and split himself down the middle. Some days he just wants to scream. 
He’s dead. He’s dead. He’s dead. 
He wants the whole city to hear him wailing, some days. It sticks itself in the back of his throat like bile, and Danny is one wrong retch away from letting it loose. It sticks in his lungs like all the tar he’s smoked in since he was nine. It pushes and aches at his temples, in his head, like his brain is trying to swell out of his skull. His thoughts becoming so loud they threaten to commandeer his tongue.  
He has no mouth, but he must scream. 
Something they don’t tell you about being dead is that it hurts. That it hurts more than when you were alive. Something they don’t tell you about being dead is that it’s violent. That it’s bloody. Or as bloody as it can be when everyone has no blood. 
Another thing they don’t tell you about being dead, is that it’s a lot like Gotham that way.
With no threat of death, Danny’s enemies forget death itself. Blood comes easy, like water, and teeth are encouraged. Bring your own fangs to the fight. Dying is something you can just walk off. 
Danny’s been dead for three months. He can’t say he’s been walking it off easy. He’s perfected the art of turning his nails into claws since his heart was still beating, but he can’t say he’s perfected fighting other ghosts. 
Scrappy is just not enough. 
He feels like he’s back in Gotham again. Back in her death-shroud alleyways, fighting someone bigger than him. But there’s no Jason to watch his back, and Danny has to get himself out of there alone. Or he might just not get up at all. 
Black eyes, busted lips. It’s familiar to him like an old scent, Danny isn’t quite sure that he’s missed it. It’s more familiar than his fights with Dash. 
But there’s no one else who can do it but him. Not Sam, not Tucker. He can’t lose them too. He can’t. He can’t. He can’t. His heart can’t take another break, he already feels like he’s going insane. 
With no threat of death, Danny’s enemies fight like death themself. He learns why when Technus puts a street sign through his stomach one day. It pins him to the asphalt like a moth pinned by its wings. 
Danny claws at the metal like how an animal caught in a trap chews off its leg, and every move is blinding pain. He thinks he was howling, but it’s hard to tell. He couldn’t recognize the sound of his voice. 
He bleeds green. It mixes in black with the pitch blackhole in his heart, which throbs and twists and cries in time with his reckless panic. The finger-choking terror of dying again strangles out the air he doesn’t need. His blood evaporates, only to reabsorb into him. It just bleeds out again, cycling like a snake eating its own tail. 
Danny breaks his nails clawing at the metal, and eventually gets it in his mind to pull it out. So he does, and the end drips ectoplasm green as he gets to his feet. In red-vision, Danny sends the sign back with snarling, vicious fervor. The pain is irrelevant in his rage.
Only after the fight does the hole the pole left start to close. Danny doesn’t shift human until it’s gone. Unlike other injuries, a scar stays behind. Ugly; mottled, it aches for a week with every twist and stretch his body makes. He hates it. 
Being dead is agony. 
Every part of him is in pain. Every step, every word he speaks, everything he does, it is prerequisite with pain. The body is temporary, but the soul is forever, and death has carved into it with its freezing green hands and left him with never-ending heartache. It has torn from him and stolen what of him it could, and in return it’s left him with sorrow. 
His pain is his grief, and he’s sobbed in the safety of his room more times than he can count. It’s still as fresh as the day he heard the news of Jason’s death. He knows, instinctively, that it will stay fresh forever. 
In his room, Danny shoves his hands over his mouth and shrieks in whatever, muffled way he can into his pillow. It’s not enough. It’s never enough. He needs to be louder. He needs to be heard. He refuses to be. 
Being dead hurts. 
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prfctparis · 10 months
I’d Give You My Lungs So You Could Breathe (I’ve Got You, Brother) [CH3]
AO3 Link / One / Prev / Next / Masterlist
Danny Fenton was adopted at age ten, with little to no memories about his former family. At age fourteen, he died yet lived and those memories began to return. He didn’t do anything about those memories – didn’t plan to, at least not yet – but then he got captured by the GIW, saved by his friends and someone who might be his sister who he only somewhat remembered, and taken to Gotham to, apparently, his biological father for safety until further notice.
Team Phantom was there, too, and they did not sign up for this family drama.
“ch3 will be up in a few days,” i said, like a lying liar who lies. i meant to!!! but then i sort of forgot and then got distracted by another fic i’m in the middle of writing mlmao oops. so i won’t promise or say when ch4 will be up, bc this was the last of my already written chapters from ao3 & my update schedule is of the 'when i can and want to' variety. hope u guys on tumblr enjoy this chapter!! :)
warnings for the entire fic:
canon-typical violence of the DC variety; angst; memory loss/repressed memories; do i need to say major character death(s) or is that just a given for this fandom; questionable parenting tho every parent is trying to do good & care for the kids; implied/referenced past child abuse bc of the child assassin backgrounds; pls tell me if i missed something
CHAPTER SPECIFIC WARNINGS: blood; stressed teenagers; athanasia has a borderline panic attack; vivisection is mentioned again but only once if i remember right; implied animal death but in the past & it’s like 1 paragraph
The secret, new headquarters of the Ghost Investigation Ward was in upstate New York. The Wayne Manor was in Gotham City, New Jersey. The travel from Point A to Point B was about three hours and forty minutes long – a much longer drive than any of them wanted. But with Manson’s magic, the van stayed invisible to the human eye and Wesley was able to speed down the roads without cops chasing after them, cutting down the travel time immensely.
Still, it was a risk.
But stopping some place before they got to Gotham was also a risk. One Athanasia refused to take.
Maybe if Ra’s al Ghul hadn’t been there, would she allow them to stop at a roadside motel or something. But he was there. He had been in the room where they were operating on Danny. Mother had one of her servants save Danny from death eight years ago to get him out of the League, allowing Grandfather to believe he was dead, but now he knew.
And Athanasia wasn’t going to let that man get anywhere near close to her twin brother again. So, they weren’t going to stop until they made it to Wayne Manor.
The others weren’t happy about it. She didn’t care.
Of course, that didn’t mean she was happy about it, either.
Believe her, she wanted to stop sooner. She wanted to get to a place where they could properly take care of Danny’s injuries, and give him what he needed to heal, and take those damn power repressing cuffs off. All they could do was make sure the bandages on his chest stayed put and kept too much blood from bleeding out, and made sure that he didn’t die on the way to the manor, which was more difficult than Athanasia would like, seeing as though, as Phantom, he didn’t have a heartbeat.
Eventually, they got the cuffs off. It took a while, and it was mostly done by Foley and Gray, because Athanasia was busy bandaging her own wounds with the limited supplies in the van, and Manson was focused on keeping the van invisible while Wesley drove. They succeeded, though. Once both cuffs were off, a ring of light appeared around him and with a flash he had black hair again, and green blood turned red.
His healing factor didn’t kick in.
“What do you mean he isn’t healing?” Wesley asked, worried, when Foley informed them. “He should be.”
“I don’t know,” Foley said, tone unsure and worried.
“But he has a heartbeat now, right?” asked Athanasia. She kept her eyes on her thigh as she bandaged a wound on there. It wasn’t the best, and she didn’t have anything to clean the wound with, but it would have to do for now.
Gray replied, “Yeah. He’s got one.”
“Okay. Good.” It was the only thing she could get herself to say. The possibility of still being too late to save him, even with him now away from the GIW and LoA, put a restrictive weight on her chest. It lessened with Gray’s affirmation, but not much.
They made it to Gotham in just under two hours and fifteen minutes.
Athanasia only got a split second glimpse of the city’s poorly lit up welcome sign with how fast Wesley continued to drive. Truly a speed demon; he didn’t even slow down when they got into the city’s limits.
As they crossed one intersection, a car with goons hanging out of the windows holding guns sped through it behind them, with what looked to be Red Robin and Spoiler on motorcycles on their tail. Three cops sped through right after. Gun shots rang out as they disappeared behind a building.
“Watch out for vigilantes,” she said. “It’s around the time most start coming out.”
Wesley shook his head. “I can’t imagine having more than one vigilante.”
Gray pointedly cleared her throat.
“I can’t imagine having more than two vigilantes.”
She hummed. “Forget about me again and see what happens.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Athanasia laughed quietly to herself. It wasn’t quiet enough, because he still heard and gave her the stink eye. It was hardly intimidating
Foley hissing made her look into the back seats. He was shaking his left hand, expression a grimace of pain, as he hurriedly passed the vial of liquid Athanasia had taken from the IV to Gray. Gray took it just as fast, twisting the lid back on.
“What’s wrong?” Athanasia asked.
“They were putting that in his system?” The grimace turned into panic when she nodded. “Oh, that’s not good. That is so not good. That has blood blossoms in it.”
“What?!” Gray exclaimed. “That can kill him!”
Athanasia shifted so she sat sideways in the front seat. “What are blood blossoms?” Her eyes flicked to Danny – his chest slowly rose up and down – and then back to Foley.
“They can kill ghosts,” Wesley said gravely.
Foley explained, “They’re a blood red flower, have purple stems – humans can eat them. But for ghosts, they cause extreme pain and make them go powerless. Exposed to enough of it, they die. To people like me and Sam, who aren’t ghosts but have been exposed to ectoplasm for years, it just burns us. Like we touched a hot stove, or something.” He motioned to the vial. “That just felt like bee sting for me, but to Danny? It probably feels like he’s being slowly burned from the inside out.”
“It sounds like they made an oil from blood blossoms and diluted it until it wasn’t so strong,” Gray said.
“Strong enough to render him powerless, but weak enough to not kill him after long exposure,” Athanasia said, and the two of them nodded.
“Sounds like it.”
“That may be why he isn’t healing fast like he should,” Wesley suggested.
Foley cursed again. “This is so not good. We need to get it out of his system, like, yesterday.”
“How do we do that?”
Silence stretched between them.
Athanasia’s brows furrowed, incredulous and frustrated. And scared. “You don’t know?” she demanded.
“It– It’s never been in his bloodstream before!” Foley defended. “He’s only been near the flowers, so we just…moved him away from them. Or them from him. This is… We’ve never dealt with this before!”
“But you should have at least had a contingency plan for this,” she bit back. “Oils from flowers and plants are common!”
“We never thought the GIW would be smart enough for that!”
“Well, you should have!”
“Hey!” Gray shouted over them, “Enough! This isn’t helping Danny. Let’s just get to your dad’s place, yeah?”
Athanasia turned back around without another word. The movement pulled at her injuries, maybe even reopened the wound on her side, but she ignored them as she got out her communicator.
No one spoke for a few seconds.
“The device you are using to block the signals…” she started.
“I already said no,” Foley muttered, tone clipped. “It’s blocking his ecto-signature, too. I’m not risking unblocking it just so you can make a call.”
“You didn’t risk stopping, Ana,” Wesley said before she could respond. “Let us not risk this.”
There was a tightness in her throat that had been building up for the last ten minutes. It kept her from speaking; if she wanted to or even had a response, she couldn’t say it. She worked her jaw, ignoring the stinging in her eyes.
One brother was behind her near death, with a large incision that needed to be stitched. Her other brother was out in the city fighting crime, who knows in what type of danger in the crime capital of America.
She just wanted to know that at least one of them was okay.
It was as they went through another intersection, barely making it through a green light, when she noticed an unmistakable large, black shadow swing from one side of the road to the next.
“Stop the van,” she choked out.
“Stop the van!”
Wesley slammed on the breaks. The ones in the back went tumbling, and she heard Manson let out a curse, concentration on the van’s invisibility broken after over two hours.
Athanasia got out of the van as fast as possible. She raced to the other side of the road and climbed skillfully up the fire escape on the side of a building. As she got to the roof, she spotted the figure speaking to another – red and black – in the shadows.
Both figures turned. She dimly registered that the person Batman had been speaking to was Red Hood.
“Yes? What is it?” Batman questioned as he stepped forward.
Red Hood followed. The way his helmet tilted a little told her he recognized her. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
Athanasia made it halfway across the roof before she faltered. Her father was…an imposing man. If she hadn’t grown up in the place she did, she would probably be fearful of him because of it. Instead it just caught her off guard. Seeing him in person, up close, was…
Well. Unexpected.
She blinked and forced herself to stay on track. To not get distracted. She stopped a few or so feet away, wary to get too close. “We need your help,” she started off with. “My…acquaintances and I – we have someone who needs medical attention that only the Batcave will be able to provide for, and I need you to take us there.”
“The Batcave,” he repeated.
“Yes. A regular hospital is out of the question.” Her eyes flickered around the roof. Something wasn’t right. “I would take him there myself but I do not know where it is.”
What wasn’t right?
“I have no idea who you are. You aren’t authorized to go to the Batcave.”
“You would make an exception for us.”
“You sound sure.”
“Because I am. Just help us help him!”
“Who is ‘him’?”
“B, I don’t think it’s time for an interrogation right now,” Red Hood said.
“My…” Athanasia stilled. She knew what wasn’t right. Her entire body tensed. “Where’s Robin?”
Her father’s posture changed. Right; Batman was protective of Robin.
But as his older sister, so was she.
“Out,” he said. “Listen, you’re injured, and I understand you need help but–”
“What do you mean ‘out’? As in patrolling? Out of town? Country? Earth itself?”
Red Hood took a step towards her. “Whoa, kid, relax. It’s okay–”
“Where Robin is isn’t your business–”
Red Hood muttered a curse.
“Not my business?” she seethed. “Knowing where he is, is most definitely my business. I am not asking for dental records – it’s a simple answer to a simple question.”
“My twin brother is dying in the backseat of a van, and my little brother is not by our father’s side like I thought he would be, so please just tell me where he is so I know at least one of them will be okay! I–”
“Hey! Hey,” Red Hood interrupted. “Robin is okay! He’s okay, alright? I promise. He twisted his ankle pretty badly the other night and the old man benched him until it’s healed. That’s all. You can breathe, kid.”
“I am.” Barely. It felt like she had been running for hours. She was out of breath; her intake of air had increased in the past few minutes. Her throat was back to being tight, but so was her chest, this time.
“Yes, you are, but your breathing is too fast,” Red Hood said. “You need to slow down–”
“There is no time to slow down!” she shouted. Her feet moved backwards when Red Hood tried to come closer to her. “I had the GPS taking us to the manor, but it’s worse off than we thought, and I would take him to the Batcave if I knew where it was–”
“How many of you are there?”
Athanasia blinked rapidly. Out of surprise, not because she was about to cry. She snapped her eyes back up to her father. “What?”
“You said you had acquaintances with you. How many?” He was doing something on his gauntlet, a hologram-like screen faintly glowing above it. She tried to make out the words backwards but gave up pretty quickly.
“Six in total,” she said. “Myself included. They do not know your identity.”
He hummed. “Are all of you injured?”
“Except for one, my– our getaway driver. Danny is the worst off.”
“Hard to believe, you’re pretty banged up yourself, kid,” Red Hood muttered, with a small motion to her entire body.
“They vivisected him.” The words hadn’t meant to come out, but they did.
Batman and Red Hood stilled.
The latter sucked in a breath of air. “Jesus.”
“The Batmobile is on its way,” her father tensely informed her. He stalked forward, and she was expecting him to walk passed her so she was thoroughly surprised when he stopped in front of her. He raised a hand and her body tensed for another time that night. She didn’t know what she was else expecting, but it wasn’t a comforting hold on her shoulder; it wasn’t a comforting tone and assurance. “Your brother is okay. Your twin is going to be okay.”
Athanasia stared at the hand on her shoulder. It took a second or two to finally tear her gaze from it, and look at her father’s cowl covered face instead.
“I promise.”
The sound of footsteps gradually becoming louder alerted him that someone was about to disrupt his peace.
“Hey, I’m going to bed.”
Peace officially disrupted.
Damian looked up from his sketchbook long enough to spot Duke Thomas poking his head into the living room, before focusing back on the drawing he was working on. “Okay.”
“And Bruce wanted me to remind you to finish your homework if you haven’t already.”
He sighed. “I have.”
“And Alf says no sweets if you have any snacks.”
“Okay,” he said, annoyance seeping through.
“And they both say not to stay up too late or walk too much on your ankle–”
“Leave me be and rest your empty skull on the warm side of your pillow before I stab this pencil through your jugular.”
Thomas snickered. It occurred to him, then, that the older teen had continued on to annoy him on purpose. It worked. That annoyed Damian even more.
“Alright, alright. I’m leaving,” Thomas said through another chuckle. “Goodnight, Damian!” he called as he walked off.
He huffed. “Goodnight.”
Duke Thomas was Father’s newest addition to his ever growing brood. The older boy wasn’t adopted (at least, not yet), only fostered. His parents were still alive – just victims of Joker Venom. They found a cure, although it wasn’t instantaneous, so Elaine and Doug Thomas were slowly healing and recovering with the help of professionals while their son stayed here.
Damian was sort of surprised he was still here. He had an uncle he could go to, and who he did visit often, but he had chose to stay. Not that Damian wanted him to go – he actually didn’t mind Thomas that much anymore. He liked to think they got along well, even if sometimes the atmosphere was awkward, or when they deliberately annoyed one another.
Recently when the two either merely existed in the same room doing nothing, or ventured into the city out of boredom, Drake tagged along. Or was the one to drive them around. It had been tense at first. It was less so, now. Damian truly didn’t know how to feel about it.
He stopped drawing and stared at the page. He erased a few lines that didn’t look right and grabbed his phone, unlocking it to study the reference picture he was using. Just as he was about to put it down, his phone vibrated with a text.
It was from Drake – in the groupchat he made that included himself, Damian, and Duke. Damian tried to leave it multiple times only for Drake to add him back every single time.
evrrhthing ok at the manor??
i’m about to go to bed, damian is sketching in the living room & alfred is in the basement
is something wrong?
idk but b is heading back
w jason
neither have have said a word they wont answer
that’s sus
you guys have only been gone for what?? 45 min at least
barbara cant even get ahold of them
hey little d
bat brat
u sure ur ok
Damian rolled his eyes. Drake was almost as bad as Father and Richard when it came to hovering if he got hurt, the buffoon simply showed it differently. He only twisted his ankle; nothing major.
And if his back had been hurting him the past week, nobody had to know.
…Except for Pennyworth and Richard. They knew of the metal in his spine and the damaged nerves, and so he told them when the sharp aches and pains kept coming back.
Alfred insisted it was just a few nerves growing back.
Damian focused back to the groupchat. Drake had resorted to spamming it because he took too long to respond. Obnoxious plebeian.
He took a picture of his legs covered by the blanket he was using. One knee was propped up to angle his sketch book right, while the other was stretched out as his injured ankle rested on a small pillow. Alfred the cat was fast asleep, curled into a circle, on the arm of the couch, while Titus made himself small enough to lay on the couch beside his outstretched leg. He sent the picture with nothing else. Drake stopped his spamming and liked it while Thomas sent another text asking what Damian was drawing.
With that, he put his phone down – only for it to start vibrating repeatedly. A phone call.
He somewhat expected it to be Drake, but still wasn’t that surprised to see it was Father, instead.
“Father?” Damian answered the call. “Drake said you were heading back. With Todd.”
“Yes.” Father’s voice was rough, but in a distinct way that Damian knew it wasn’t his Batman voice. In the background he heard the rumble of the Batmobile. “We are. And we have some company with us.”
His brows lowered. “Is everything okay?”
Damian sat up and tucked his foot under his other leg’s thigh. Titus shifted, getting off of the couch to lay on the floor instead. “Father?” Carefully, he closed his sketchbook and set it on the coffee table.
Thomas decided to walk back in, at that moment. “Hey, I…” He trailed off when he saw that Damian was on the phone. “Is that Bruce?”
“Father, is–”
“Do you have an older sister?”
Damian froze. He even stopped breathing for a second. Did he know? If he did, how? Was it Mother, was she in Gotham? Did she tell Father? Athanasia told him not to tell him or anyone else, and he hadn’t. Why was he asking this? Were they okay?
“Yes,” he said slowly. “Cassandra–”
“I’m not talking about by adoption, son,” Father interrupted. “Biologically, do you have a sister? Or even a brother?”
He involuntarily sucked in sharply. If Father heard it, he didn’t make any indication that he did.
“She would be around Tim’s age, seventeen or eighteen. Five foot eight, ten at most. She mentioned a twin brother.”
Damian kept his eyes on Titus. He ignored Thomas stepping further into the living room to stand near the couch. “I’m not supposed to tell you,” he said. “She said not to.”
“Who? Talia?”
“Your sister.” Damian stayed quiet. “Why?”
“I don’t– do not…” How was he supposed to answer that? He had no idea why Athanasia told him not to tell Father, but Damian refused to break the promise he made her. Yes, he wanted to tell Father – all the time, so badly – but it was the last thing Athanasia asked of him. Even the idea of breaking that promise felt wrong. Even now, even though he somehow knew. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, and hated how childlike he sounded.
“…It’s not your fault, chum. We will be at the Cave soon. If– when,” he corrected, “you come down, put on a mask. They have acquaintances who don’t know our secret identities.”
“Yes, sir. Are they okay?”
Father didn’t immediately respond. It sent warning bells through his mind. “We’re about to be at the cave.”
“Wait, Father–”
The call ended.
Damian let out a huff of frustration. He went to call him back, but stopped.
Athanasia was in Gotham. She went to Father for help. Did that mean she called him on the League communicator and he missed it? Did he? It sounded like she needed help, they both did, and he…
Damian vaulted off of the couch. Thomas shouted after him, but he ignored him and the pain in his ankle as ran through the halls and up the stairs to his room. He took the communicator out from its hiding spot under his mattress.
Nothing. No calls or messages. Not a single thing.
Why did she go to Father and not him?
Damian sent a message. It didn’t go through, just like the past hundreds of times. He tried a call, it did the same thing.
“Damian! Don’t run away like that, man, you’re gonna hurt your ankle more,” Thomas reprimanded as he finally caught up. “I’m sorta responsible for you right now, and I don’t feel like getting Alfred’s disappointed look because you’re running around.”
The words went through one ear and out the other.
He cursed in Arabic and tossed the device onto his bed. He snatched an emergency mask from a drawer of his bedside table, and left the room.
“Damian,” shouted Thomas. “Seriously, dude!”
“If you follow me to the Batcave, put on a mask,” Damian said. “We have guests.”
Whatever his foster brother’s response was, Damian didn’t hear it. He rushed down the stairs, simultaneously putting on his mask, and then ran to the study where the clock was. Standing on his toes, he moved the clock’s hands to the correct time and squeezed through before the secret door opened all the way.
As he got to the bottom of the stairs, he slowed. A cacophony of noise grew as he got further into the cave. He stopped on the last step and just stared.
Whatever he had been expecting, it was not a group of injured teenagers talking over each other to his father and the family’s grandfather of a butler. Todd stood a few feet away from the group, back to Damian. He seemed to be merely watching the scene unfold.
“We’ve taken care of him before, we know how to do stitches!” a girl with short black hair shouted. “This isn’t new to–”
“He’s not– you need to let us help,” a black kid argued. “We know what to do for him–”
“I have already seen it!” And there’s Athanasia. “It is not a pretty sight, I know, but I can help–”
“None of you are in shape to help Penny-One,” Batman tried to speak over them.
“I am!” Another girl. She held a red and black helmet in her arms that matched a vigilante-like suit she wore. “Please, just let us–”
“We’re his friends! Please–”
“We– Well, I don’t but they do – they know what to do,” a red headed boy said. “He’s different, you’ll need their–”
A sharp whistle cut through the air, so sudden even Damian flinched. As did Thomas, who appeared at his side the instant it happened.
Everyone quieted immediately, eyes falling to Jason Todd. The helmet was off, but a red domino still covered his eyes.
“Everyone shut up or else it will be too late for anyone to help anybody,” the young man snapped, “Let Penny-One do what he does on a regular basis. I promise, he knows what he is doing, and has seen his fair share of bad injuries between the eerily large brood he cares for. Even if he did need help, it would not be from any of you. Like Batman said, none of you are the right shape to help – either from exhaustion or injuries or both, each one of you looks like shit. So sit your asses down, let the professional do his job, and take a breather.”
No one said a word. No one moved.
“Thank you, Red Hood,” Pennyworth said. “Now, if you will excuse me, I have a patient to care for.” He ducked behind a curtain he and Father were guarding. Damian wasn’t able to get a glimpse of the person behind it.
In the back of his mind, he knew who it was. It didn’t dissuade his worry.
Father stared down the teenagers.
The girl with short black hair and gothic clothes glared harshly back at him. Angry, she spun around with a scoff and stomped over to a chair, a palm on her forehead the entire way.
“Sam,” the black boy called after her and followed. They quietly began talking to each other.
The girl in the red and black suit and the redhead boy glanced at each other. The former shrugged helplessly, and the latter frowned in response, looking away.
Damian finally looked – truly looked – at Athanasia. Todd was right: she looked like shit; they all did. But his big sister had the most blood on her, and a green substance on her hands and right side that had a too close resemblance to Lazarus Pit water. She had numerous injuries that were bandaged hastily, but not enough for all of the blood to be hers. It looked as if she tried to scratch some of it off on the few areas of exposed skin, only for it to not work. Her black hair was in a ponytail that had once been neat; now, curly strands were loose and framing her face, and the ponytail itself was unkempt.
The others didn’t look that much better. Except for the redhead. He just looked stressed and exhausted and worried.
Damian shifted a foot forward, then back to its original spot.
He didn’t know what to do. Say her name? Simply walk up? Run back upstairs? He didn’t want to make a scene, but he also wanted to go up to his sister.
He spotted Ace laying down near the bat-computer. Silently, decision abruptly made, he moved in that direction.
Thomas cleared his throat. “Um… B?”
Damian stopped, freezing behind Todd. He looked over to Thomas and glared. The older teen didn’t acknowledge him other than a split second glance.
“D– Signal? What are you doing down here?”
Todd shifted. Damian moved with him. He turned his head slowly and sent Damian a suspicious side eye.
“Oh, uh… Red Robin contacted us – said you were coming back here. I just want to make sure you don’t need any help,” said Thomas.
Todd reached behind him with the hand that wasn’t holding his helmet, and aimed for Damian. He pinched Todd’s wrist when it got close enough, making him hiss in pain.
“We might– Hood?”
Todd shook his hand. “Sorry. Bug bit me.”
Father continued speaking with Thomas, who walked further into the Cave.
“Brat,” Todd hissed under his breath.
Damian didn’t deign him a response. Once it was clear everyone else was distracted, he continued his way to the bat-computer in the shadows. When he got there, he crawled underneath the desk. Ace moved to lay his head in Damian’s lap.
His hiding spot didn’t stay hidden for long, though.
Someone silently walked over. Then, they crouched down and slotted their body next to his under the desk.
“Did Todd tell you where I am?” he asked. It came out more petulant than he intended.
“No. I saw you when you first came down.”
“Tt.” Damian muttered, “…You smell vile.”
Athanasia hummed. “And you are still short.”
There was a shakiness to her voice he didn’t like. It kept him from automatically responding with another insult.
He turned his head to look at her again.
Her eyes were staring at nothing in particular. Her breathing was a bit too fast for comfort, sort of choppy too. Tension lined her entire body.
“Stretch out your legs,” he said quietly.
She eyed him in question. He motioned for her to hurry up. Hesitant, she eventually did it. Then, he wasted no time in ordering Ace to lay on her legs.
Athanasia sucked in sharply. Her hands lifted to her chest. “Dames–”
“You won’t hurt him,” he interrupted. “He won’t hurt you.”
He was aware of why she was so hesitant – almost afraid, even. She tried to hide it from him, but League trainers had forced her to slaughter animals. Those same trainers did that to him a couple times, too, after she left. Apparently it was to make them stronger and better assassins. Less prone to weaknesses.
He wondered if Dányál had to go through that. If Mother knew.
Damian didn’t think she did, but…
Athanasia kept her hands to her chest.
“So, you found him?” Damian asked. He kept his voice low, and scooted closer to her.
She nodded. “Yes. He is… He will be okay,” she said, keeping her voice low like he did. “I apologize for taking so long.”
Damian didn’t know how to respond to that. It made a flicker of anger from in his chest. She was sorry for being gone for so long, but not for leaving?
“…He isn’t a clone?” was his next question.
“No.” Her arm lifted, and for once he let her pull him into her side in a hug. He wasn’t big on touch, and Athanasia wasn’t either, but she was definitely more tactile than he was in some ways. From what he remembered, she and Dányál had hugged a lot.
“Are you positive?” His mind flashed to Heretic. He held back a wince, twisting until his back was into her side and her arm wrapped around his chest. He had to bend his knees so he could fit all the way under the desk.
“You made sure of it?”
Athanasia stayed quiet for a moment. He felt her eyes on the top of his head. “I did,” she said. “Penny-One is aiding our brother. Not a clone, or a shapeshifter, or anyone else. Dányál.” She paused. “I intended on going to the manor instead. Then, I saw our father, and demanded he take us here.”
“Why the manor?”
“I did not know where the cave was.”
Damian stared at his knees.
There was no way.
Did he hear that right? It was jarring. He grew up thinking his big sister knew everything.
How did she not know this?
“Athanasia,” he whispered.
“The Batcave is below the manor,” he told her in Arabic.
For seven seconds (yes, he counted) Athanasia didn’t say anything. Then, “It is what?!” she hissed in a harsh whisper.
Damian felt a laugh coming up, and did his best to keep it quiet. His shoulders still shook. “You didn’t know?”
“No,” she muttered. “Thank you making me feel stupid.”
“My pleasure. I will be sure to do it again.”
She huffed a small, wet laugh. “Brat.” Her arm wrapped around the front of his chest more, and her hand gripped his shoulder. A second later, he felt her place a kiss on the crown of his head.
Damian couldn’t help but grip her arm back. One hand on her forearm, the other on her bicep. He pressed his knees closer to his body.
“I missed you,” he whispered through the lump in his throat.
She sniffled, and whispered back into his hair, “I missed you, too.”
A blanket of silence fell over them. Damian heard Father speaking to the others, his voice overlapping with Thomas’ and one of Athanasia’s acquaintances. Footsteps softly echoed as they all moved about near the medbay. They should probably go over there soon.
Damian didn’t want to. For the first time in four years it was just him and his big sister, hiding under a desk that was reminiscent of them hiding in an alcove back in the League just to spend time together. It hardly felt real. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was scared this was just some sort of dream.
“Can we stay here for a little bit longer?”
Her arm tightened around him again. “Absolutely.”
It took a good while for someone to come look for them, which surprised Damian, but he was relieved and thankful no one came sooner. He wasn’t about to complain about the silent one-on-one time squished underneath the desk, uncomfortable as it was.
It also gave them time to stop any tears they let loose.
He eventually moved out from under her arm, and sat beside her. It took a bit of time. Damian wanted to say it was because he was done with the physical touch, that he let go. The truth of the matter was that he had to force himself to, to mentally talk himself into doing it. It was irrational, but he was scared that the moment he let go she would leave him again.
That didn’t happen. She didn’t get up and leave, or disappear, or anything of the sort. She stayed right beside him.
As he scratched Ace behind the ears, Athanasia merely watched. She kept her hands away from the dog. When he moved to lay down across both of their laps, she stiffened until he stilled, arms crossed over her stomach.
That was how they were found.
The large boots and bottom of a black cape were unmistakable.
Father crouched down, the half of his face that wasn’t covered by the cowl betraying nothing. It made Damian want to squirm. Was he mad? That he kept Athanasia and Dányál a secret?
“You two weren’t easy to find,” he said. He sounded more like Bruce Wayne than Batman. It was comforting, in a way. “Your friends got worried when they didn’t see you around.”
“Acquaintances,” she corrected. “And I am fine, I have no idea why they would worry.”
Damian gave her an incredulous look. “You’re covered in blood.”
“A lot of it does not belong to me.”
“Mostly yours or not, your injuries still need to be taken care of,” Father said. “The Wes kid said you weren’t able to clean them properly.”
Athanasia’s face did something quick and complicated that Damian couldn’t decipher. Her mouth settled into an annoyed frown before he could really question it. “Of course he did,” she muttered.
“And you, chum, need to get off the ground and prop your ankle up,” Father said. The man, with gentle hands, inspected the aforementioned ankle. “With ice. The swelling is worse again. Did you run on it?”
He didn’t want to lie. He didn’t want to admit he ran, either.
“Hn.” Father stood. The joints of his knees popping and a quiet groan didn’t go unnoticed. “Come on out. Let’s get you both some medical attention. Ace, get up, boy. Up.”
The German Shepherd did as told.
“I didn’t do anything to it,” Damian grumbled as he scooted out and pulled himself to his feet with the help of Father’s hand. Putting weight on his ankle definitely hurt worse than it had before, though…
“It won’t hurt to check.”
Athanasia came out from under the desk next. As she stood, also with the help of Father, he noticed she seemed to be in more pain than when he first entered the cave. That made sense; the adrenaline had to have worn off by now, allowing the pain finally register.
Once she was steady on her feet, she stepped a little away from Father. “Thank you,” she said. “For bringing us here.”
“Of course,” Father said. “If you need to stay here, you can. I will even open up the manor to you and your fr– acquaintances. Whatever aids you the best and keeps you safe from whatever you’re running from.”
She nodded once. Her eyes, glassy with tears, blinked rapidly, and she turned to head to the empty medical cots.
Damian watched her, exhausted and hurting, then looked to the curtain hiding away Pennyworth and Dányál.
He tore his eyes away and hurried to follow.
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ggomos-maribat · 10 months
Fight for the Throne: Battle
Part 5.4 of Heirs Apparent | AO3
CW: violence, blood, childhood trauma
Danny's current fear was that his sudden absence was going to rattle the Ghost Zone and the Observants would appear out of nowhere to escort him back to work. He'd soon rather reveal his ghostly side to the three Parisians than have the eyeballs show up in the base. CW should be keeping them from doing that at least, he thought, if he knows what's going to happen.
He looks back at the group, rubbing his middle where he was previously shot. "Please don't fault Marinette for lying to you," he finally said to them. "And don't think that everything you know her as is a lie. She's a good person—just raised around the wrong people. I get that you have doubts but I'm sure she'll come clean after all of this."
He focused on the blonde boy, Adrien, in particular. If this incident is going to lead to their break-up, ancients, his sister was going to burn the League down.
The three didn't say a word, maybe still in the middle of processing everything they had heard so far. Danny stretched his arms and legs. "Okaaay, since we're all familiar with each other now, I think Adrien's due for a shovel talk."
"Seriously?" Chloe sputtered. "Aren't you like, even bothered about being trapped in here?"
Danny raised an eyebrow. As if you weren't just complaining about your hair earlier. He mustered his most innocent smile, folding his arms at the back of his head. "Well, no, 'cause it's useless to have negative vibes around here and we have nothing better to do anyway than talk."
The short girl, Alix, let out a light chuckle.
"So . . ." Danny pinned his gaze on Adrien again and saw him visibly gulp. "That shovel talk?"
"Right, uhh." Adrien smiled nervously. "I—I love Mari . . ."
"Mmm hmm."
"And I'd like to hear her side and . . . and honestly I just want to see her safe right now." The boy raked a hand through his hair. "I'd never do anything to hurt her and I've committed myself to protecting her during err, the attacks."
Danny nodded his head, humming. "I know amira wouldn't settle for anything less anyway."
"What does that mean? 'Amira'?" Alix asked. "Sounds like Arabic."
"It is Arabic. Means 'princess'," Danny answered, "She was the princess of the League."
Adrien's lips parted in recognition, forming an 'o'. Danny briefly recalled Marinette mentioning how one of his nicknames for her was 'princess'.
"I think you're pretty cool, Adrien. When it comes to the shovel talk, it's our brother you want to watch out for actually." A mischievous glint sparkled in Danny's eye. He knew just then that his eyes had momentarily turned toxic green. "He'll bring his katanas when he talks to you."
"Damian Wayne?"
"Yup, that one."
Static fizzled in the air, making Danny stiffen up. A cold gasp was threatening to escape his lips but it wasn't quite there. A portal's about to open up. He moved towards the corner of the cell where the view of any watchers would be blocked. He summoned a tiny portal to intercept the incoming one and used his other voice in a low tone.
"S̴̥̤̪̙̰̦͌̎̌̆͂̃̈́ͅẗ̸̢̫̥̒a̷̦̠̲̓̒̽̉̇̊̕͝ỳ̶̩͈̰̗͍͑͐̌̆̓͜ ̴͎͙̣͊ả̴̛͓͚͈̈́̏̽̂w̶̳̹̤̿̔̈́̔͐̏̃͘ͅǎ̴̻̪̐͊͆̓̇ȳ̸̰͔͓́͜͜ͅ ̶̢̙̊f̸̡͋̎̇͘r̸̡͔̖̱̗̤͒͆ơ̵̙͉̘̰̙̼̈́͂͛͋̌̎ͅṃ̴̧̛̻̳͉͑̈́̊͝ ̴̛̞̼͍̮͋̋͌̑m̴̛̺̫̜̲͍̦̣͐ỷ̸̢̱̻̙̯̫ ̸̬̙̬͊̈́̎̿͠l̴̘̳̭̈́̌̍͐̿̀́ơ̸̡̧̢͉̗͓̖͋̾̃̿c̷̙̻̖̣̥̄á̴̯͓̓̅͂͆ṫ̸̠͖̘̠̯̯̈í̶̡̀̂̊͌ȍ̵̻͚͆̎͛͝n̶̲̗̂̉͋̾," he threatened, "Ḏ̸̡̢̨̧̧̻̈͋͒̀̃͜͝͠ơ̴̝͚͈̩͚̤̪̍͆͑̂̕ ̷̞͙̳͙̗̤͍̔̔ͅn̶̲̥̘̻̹̒͜o̵̡̡͇̩̓̒̑͝͝t̷̯̝̜̬͙͉̍͊̃̂͋͌̚ ̷̱̪̙̣͎̈͂̍͂́͜c̵̩̍o̷̜̳͚̘̭͗̋m̴͔̓͛̐͂͊͠͝e̸͔͙̟̞̼̟̍̊̈́̀̋͌̏͘ ̵̯͍̞͎̜́͜u̸̖͖͍̳͇͛́̄͜n̴̛̙͚̺̈́́͛͆̾t̶̘̗̞̼͛ì̵̧̨̥͎̏͌́͘ḻ̴̃̍̋̅ ̷̨̢̫̓́ͅĮ̷̯̟͉͓̦̳̎ ̷̡̠͈͕̬̺̞̑̃̽͒͝ą̷̽̄̿s̷̛̰̺̭̫͈̀͆̅̔ͅk̸̨̩͓̜̯̲̬̒̿͝ ̶̧̢͇̞̖̀̏̏̇̚͜f̷͖͉͉̌͐̅͌͆̏o̴̡̞̼͓͈̳͗́̈̂͝͝r̶̞̦̲̋̿͆ ̷̻͖͗̌̈̕̚͝y̵̼͌̽̍o̴̗̒̍̏́͆̕͠ű̴̫̯͍͔͕̀͐̈̎̕͘."
He closed the portal instantly, mumbling, "Creepy fucking eyeballs."
And when he looked back, the Parisians were staring at him in different versions of horror. "Okay, come on, there's probably an akuma that's weirder than that." He crossed his arms pouting. "And . . . no, as much as I would like to, I'm not telling my whole life-death story as long as we're in here. You guys can just pretend you didn't witness that."
The sun dimmed and the sky soon faded into black as the day passed. They were brought just enough food to ration, but other than that, the League had kept them inside their cells. Soon, against her wishes, Marinette began to doze off.
"You shouldn't have done that."
That was what Damian had told her right after her first kill. Her hand shook around the knife as she walked behind her brothers.
'You shouldn't have done that'? She had worked with her blood and sweat in training and that was all he could say to her? She grit her teeth, breathing heavily.
Looking at her brothers' backs enraged her more. She was now one of them, but they didn't want her. Screaming, she lunged for Damian, tackling him to the ground and raining blows that he attempted to dodge. "What was I supposed to do?!" She yelled, hot tears at the corner of her eyes. "What was I supposed to do?!"
Damian was stunned into speechlessness as her tears dropped onto his own cheeks. Danyal only stood nearby, head held down. They probably thought they failed to save her from the worst kind of life. But their responses were hell for Marinette.
The scene melted into something that else—Marinette was Ladybug, all grown now, and was facing the ruins of Paris. Instead of burning chaos like she always pictured, the devastated city was a shell of itself, desolate like the places she'd gone to for a mission. She was the last soldier standing, and the akumas that had caused all of it . . .
A tightness erupted in her chest. Sobs wracked her whole body, followed by an unnerving numbness beneath her skin. From far away, she could hear a voice but couldn't make out what it was saying.
She curled in on herself, screaming, letting out what the city's terrorist had denied her for years. Somehow, she wasn't enough, she wasn't the heroine of Paris like she was supposed to be, she was the one who failed to save her people.
She jumped back into half-consciousness and found herself still shaking. Jason came into view, who was holding her while she fell apart. But instead of pushing him away, she clutched his shirt more tightly and let herself cry out loud and drain her tears.
She didn't care how pathetic she seemed, how pitiful it was despite putting up an act the previous day. Tim and Dick's expressions were unreadable: maybe it was grief, or guilt, or confusion, or sympathy, or panic. Marinette figured that they saw the ugly trauma crawl out of her, a kind of mirror to their own experiences.
Though their reactions told her that hers was much, much worse.
"Are you okay?" Jason asked in a hushed tone, pulling away the sweaty strands of hair from her face.
Marinette nodded mutely and pulled away. Jason returned to his brothers. No one uttered a word but they were still staring at her.
She pulled her lips into a fine line. "What, never seen a traumatized kid before?"
The boys could only radiate with concern—it seemed like they wouldn't say anything.
Marinette wrapped her arms around her knees. "Do me a favor: when you finally get around to researching about me, make sure you have the right information." She blinked and gazed emptily at the wall. "Then maybe you'll understand."
Damian noted the worry in Jazz's eyes when he pushed his portion of food towards her. "You should eat," he told her, "You don't know when the next is going to be."
"What about you?"
"I've suffered worse."
Her face twisted in a way that looked like she was imagining what that 'worse' looked like. But despite her efforts, he refused to take his food back and only opted for the cup of water. He knew she was starving as well, but didn't want to show it too much.
"So, we're here because this 'League of Assassins' wants one of you to take over, right?" Jazz pushed back her hair as she ate.
"Yes, I believe so."
She frowned. "Does it really have to be one of you? Why not choose someone else?"
Damian clicked his tongue. "I do wonder that myself. The problem is that they only consider us worthy because we've been trained by Ra's. I think they're missing something here if they didn't stop to consider that we actually don't share his ideals."
"Also . . . if you're here with me, who do you think Danny's with?"
"If the situation is a switch-around, then Danyal must be with our sister's Parisian friends, and Marinette is with my brothers." Now that he considered it, Marinette with Dick, Jason, and Tim was a recipe for disaster. Secrets were going to be exposed left and right: his brothers would be prying into Marinette's issues and it was only a matter of time before Danny's presence as a king would be needed.
The morning passed more quickly than the previous day. Assassins came to their cell for the second time, not to hand them food but to escort them out. He and Jazz were being taken to opposite directions, and he couldn't bring himself to strike just yet because they had her.
So he moved along the path, pulled along by two assassins, and plunged into the darkness.
What Damian noticed while going through the halls was how much of a maze the place was. It didn't help that he hadn't stepped foot in the base either—it would be tricky to navigate the escape.
He was led down a staircase and into another room where the escorts left him. The room was a tad bit larger than the cell, filled with weapons of every kind including his own. At the opposite side there's an opening barred by metal bars that could be unlocked by a lever. Peeking out, Damian saw that it led to the arena he spotted from the window of the cell.
He walked towards the wooden table that held his katanas. So this is it. The fight.
He picked up the twin weapons and stuffed other smaller ones in his possession: knives, a small handgun, shurikens. After packing up, he looked towards the gate.
See you soon, akhi. Amira.
The day was officially coming to be one of the worst days Jason Todd ever had. When they were finally getting out of the cell, they were taken into a series of winding passages and into what looked like a viewing deck for the arena. Other assassins had taken Marinette away—she left them with a stern warning not to do anything rash.
We have our hands tied. Great.
The other hostages were in viewing decks, too, close enough for Jason to make out their faces but too far to communicate with them. They were located higher up so it was difficult to drop down to the bottom without a grapple. In a higher viewing deck, there was a group of cloaked figures, maybe the elders who will be spectating the battle.
He stood near the ledge, looking over the dusty fighting arena. A part of him worried about Marinette especially after that breakdown she had. Something told him her triggers originated not only from her childhood.
The metal gates opened not long after. The three League heirs slipped out, each carrying different weapons. Damian had his usual katanas, and their other brother (Danyal, if he remembered the name Marinette mentioned) had a crossbow and a sword. Meanwhile Marinette . . .
"Is that a rifle?" Tim rubbed his eyes in disbelief. True enough, Marinette had a gun hoisted over her shoulder.
"Won't that, I don't know, be bad for mobility?" Added Dick.
He wasn't wrong. It was a large empty arena with no obstacles or structures to climb over. If there was a fight going on, they'd have to constantly move around often to attack and dodge. Jason only hoped Marinette knew what she was doing.
The triplets moved to the center to talk but their conversation couldn't be heard from their spot. The gates opened again, this time welcoming hordes of assassins. The three wasted no time positioning themselves back-to-back in defensive stances.
"It's a test," Jason mumbled.
"Like if their assassins skills are rusty?" Tim asked. Jason only shrugged in response.
The fight began with the sound of a horn.
Jason focused on Marinette first, curious about her next moves. She had strapped the rifle to her back and opted for a closer range combat, armed with blades. Right off the bat, he could see that her fighting style was deadly. Sharp. Jason could almost liken it to Cass' movements. But if Cass' fighting was like an art form, a dance with her opponents, Marinette's was extremely flawless—she never made a wrong move, no unnecessary actions. By League standards, she was a perfect soldier.
Next, his gaze wandered off to the other boy, Danyal, who looked like a near copy of Damian. His fighting was more fluid, as swiftly moved around their attackers to deliver his own blows. When Damian was in combat, he was more aggressive, like a blazing fire. Danyal on the other hand was a shadow, a trick of the eye.
What Jason found strange was the uncanny calmness that washed over him whenever he watched Danyal.
The battle was in the triplets' favor so far. Jason shuddered at how well the three worked together, aside from their individual prowess. Where one sibling had an opening, the other covered and when one attacked, another supported from behind. They were like clockwork turning in sync, as if they had each other's moves memorized and predicted.
No wonder they were separated, Jason thought.
Another thing he noticed was that they never seemed to have the intent to kill. Bodies were being knocked out left and right but they were only immobilized with injury or unconscious at most. Soon, all their opponents were down, leaving the three catching their breaths and wiping blood off their skin.
The horn sounded again, but this time no more assassins were released into the arena. The triplets looked towards the upper deck, where the League members were staying.
"Are they . . . supposed to fight each other now?" said Tim.
Jason inhaled sharply. The League would keep them there forever until only one heir remained. Maybe they would kill the hostages one by one as a threat. He clenched his jaw. "We have to get out of here."
Dick headed straight for the door behind them, but it was locked and bolted shut. Tim was looking around for another way to escape.
But Jason watched.
Damian, Danyal, and Marinette had faced each other, each drawing their weapons.
Then they attacked. 
Zalgo Text: "Stay away from my location." "Do not come until I ask for you."
Hey, if you like my works, you can support me on Ko-fi :3
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strawmariee · 2 years
Coffee Break
Dio x Leitora.
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☆ É a primeira vez que estou escrevendo com Dio, por isso essa fanfic é bem curtinha.
☆ Boa leitura a todos!
Uma linda manhã nublada tomava conta da cidade de Londres. Dio se sentiu presenteado ao sair para caminhar e não ter um sol ardente queimando sua pele.
Ele carregava consigo um livro de seu curso de Direito, o fazendo lembrar que faltava pouco para que ele finalmente se tornasse um advogado. Isso, por mais que ele não quisesse admitir, o fazia se pressionar ainda mais nos estudos, mesmo que ele já conhecesse os livros de trás para frente, já que seu perfeccionismo sempre o persegue e o impede de aceitar menos do que ser o melhor advogado da Inglaterra.
Talvez do mundo.
Seu irmão Jonathan, apesar de todas as suas intrigas com seu irmão adotivo, se preocupava com o estado dele, infortunado em seu quarto, fazendo sabe-se lá oque. Por isso ele deu a ideia de que ele visitasse uma nova cafeteria da cidade que havia inaugurado há algumas semanas. E claro, Dio não seguiu a sugestão de Jonathan, tanto por de fato não querer quanto por ser ele quem o sugeriu.
Mas aqui estava ele, encarando a vitrine da cafeteria, o cheiro de café o atraindo apesar dele não ser muito fã, nada batendo o seu amado vinho. O ronco de seu estômago o fez suspirar e entrar no estabelecimento, escolhendo uma mesa mais distante e próxima da janela.
Ele abriu o seu livro e começou a ler o capítulo em que estava seu marca texto, minutos depois sendo interrompido por uma funcionária.
Dio relevou daquela vez, afinal ela estava fazendo seu trabalho, mas isso não o impediu de ser seco com ela, pedindo apenas um café preto sem açúcar e torrada com ovos. A moça saiu rapidamente, sentindo o olhar gélido do loiro que voltou rapidamente a ler o seu livro, relendo todas aquelas leis que ele já sabia de cor.
Depois de alguns minutos ele fechou o seu livro e esfregou os olhos que já estavam ardendo de tantas linhas que ele já havia lido só no começo deste dia.
– Com licença.
Aquela voz suave o despertou e ele rapidamente olhou para a dona dela. Era uma linda moça que Dio começou a observar. Seus cabelos (C/c), aqueles lindos olhos (C/o) que o olhavam tão gentilmente. Aquela mulher, que não havia nada de extraordinário, havia chamado a atenção do grande Dio. Mas como?
– Aqui está o seu pedido, por favor aproveite.
Antes de receber uma resposta, a jovem já havia partido de sua mesa e caminhava até o pequeno balcão para continuar com o seu trabalho, não fazendo ideia de que continuava a ser observada por um certo loiro.
Após terminar sua refeição, ele permaneceu ali, sem mais nenhuma vontade de ler e usando o livro apenas para disfarçar seu olhar sobre a moça que de algum jeito havia domado totalmente sua atenção.
“Por que diabos não paro de olhar pra ela? Ela não tem nada de especial, é apenas uma pessoa normal.”
Ele congelou por um momento ao vê-la vindo em sua direção e ajeitou sua postura, a acompanhando com o olhar até ela ficar em frente a ele.
– Espero que tenha gostado de seu prato.
– Hum, devo dizer que sim, mas algo me pareceu mais atrativo.- Dio segurou a pequena mão e deu um pequeno beijo, achando graça das bochechas vermelhas dela.- Como se chama?
– (S/n), e você?
– Dio, Dio Brando.- Ela arregalou os olhos.- Surpresa?
– Bem, sim. Eu já tinha ouvido falar de você e sua família, mas nunca achei que um dia encontraria um de vocês no meu trabalho!
– Talvez isso se torne mais frequente.
– Isso seria excelente.
– Pode me dizer quanto devo?- (S/n) deu a conta para ele, que entregou uma nota mais alta comparada ao valor.
– Eu já volto com o seu troco!
– Não, fique com ele.- Dio aproximou seu rosto do ouvido dela.- Use para comprar um belo vestido para nosso futuro encontro.
Ele lhe deu um sorriso malicioso e pegou seu livro antes de sair da loja, dando uma pequena risada ao se lembrar de como o rosto dela poderia se comparar com um morango. Ele sorriu, decidido que este seria o apelido dela por mais clichê que fosse.
Dio olhou para o céu, se sentindo mais relaxado, e com certeza não era por causa do café.
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m00dysunflower · 1 year
Heart of a Joestar- Rated M
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Jonathan offered a smile of encouragement. “You’re a Joestar, it’s just our nature to protect the innocent.”
“I’m only one in name though,” he quietly scoffed. “Brandos are crass and conniving, weak to their vices, always ready to take something that doesn’t belong to us; you saw Diego at my wedding, he tried to steal Erina plenty of times for a dance, right in front of you and then stole seven bottles of champagne.”
“Okay, but that was kind of funny, you must admit,” Jonathan chuckled at the memory. “You’re less like Dario than you think you realize.”
Dio looked away, sighing, if there was one thing Jonathan was good at, it was always being nice to him no matter how badly he was treated in turn.
Aka, if Dio's mom had lived.
[See full tags on AO3]
I've been feeling sentimental because of Stone Ocean ending. Though I've completed many a fic since starting this one, it was still my first fic since becoming a fan of Jojo. Phantom Blood is near and so very dear to my heart. It's crazy to see how far I've come with my writing. I do plan on writing a sequel with their kids one day. For now, enjoy my first JJBA fic!
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
The Phantom Revisers (A Persona 5 AU fanfic)  (Prologue: A Fixed Storyline)
“Tell me everything Isshiki-chan. From the beginning. This is the only way that I’m going to be able to help you.” The young police officer yelled at the girl who was sitting across from her, currently being interrogated. Her name was Futaba Isshiki. This is the story of The Phantom Revisers; a group of individuals who found themselves having a common theme: feeling like they didn’t have any control over their lives, like they were stuck in a story that they didn’t want to be a part of. They were able to grasp control over their own destinies, and vowed to help others in a similar situation, by changing the narratives of corrupt individuals who wanted to control others.
Unfortunately, the situation had gotten out of control. The Phantom Revisers had gotten so popular that everyone was gunning for them, wanting to know more about this group of individuals who were changing everything. Their latest target, a corrupt police officer who was convinced that they were dispensing justice correctly. However, all they were doing was forcing people along storylines that inevitably lead to their lives being destroyed, and any of those around them. Everything was going well, like it always had.
And then, like a second act climax where the protag experienced immense failure, everything collapsed right in front of the Revisers eyes and despite their best efforts, Futaba found herself getting captured and arrested. A lot of what happened next was a blur, her mind spinning as she tried to recall the events leading up to her being stuck in this oppressive environment.
Her Seiryo academy outfit, a blue button shirt with a red skirt was all scuffed up, a few tears present because of the Featherman pins that were on her shirt were ripped off. Just a consequence of being roughed up a bit at the beginning of the interrogation. This was when she was injected with something. She didn’t know what, but her mind was definitely hazy as a result. There were bruises along her face and arm, and a dried up layer of blood going down from the corner of her lip.
There was this sense of just over her head she was in as her eyes glanced around the room. It was a drab concrete room with no windows, a camera with a blinking red light recording everything, for what little that was going to matter. There was a light humming to the room as the florescent lights above the table shined down upon them, occasionally flickering. Hearing that constant low humming noise was just adding to her wicked headache she was experiencing.
She tried to adjust her glasses slightly, feeling the bent frame struggle to stay on her face. Was there anything that she could say that would be satisfactory to this officer? Well, she wasn’t going to have a chance to contemplate much, when she was startled out of her thought process by a sudden slamming on the table. Her body jerked in a reactionary manner, and her barely held together glasses fell off her face, hitting the cold, hard ground, finally breaking fully.
From the officer’s reaction, it was clear that despite the situation, she did feel a twinge of guilt upon seeing the glasses being broken like that. “Oh…I’m sorry Isshiki-chan. We’ll get those replaced for you.” Why were they even caring about that? She was part of the reason why they were broken in the first place. And with her blurry vision one of the things that she was noticing was the Buchimaru pin.
That was bringing back some memories. However, her head continued to pound like a drum on a loop. Something about this was feeling off, but for the life of her she couldn’t remember why. At least not at the current moment anyways. “Now then, I’m going to ask you again to explain everything from the beginning. Or do I need to tell you what we have on you?”
A momentary silence filled the air. Not even that constant humming could be heard before things returned to normal. “Very well. Isshiki Futaba, you have been charged with illegally obtaining private information of citizens and private information from the government, several charges of blackmail against prominent citizens, breaking the terms set forth by your probation agreement, and murder. These charges will send you to Juvie, followed by a lengthy prison sentence, if not the death penalty once you turn old enough. Now, I can help with these but only if you cooperate with me.”
At this point, there really wasn’t much that Futaba could do. Her silence was only digging herself deeper into this hole she was finding herself in. She was surprised that she wasn’t feeling more anxious than this, but with her mind in a fog and the fact that she wasn’t given the luxury of feeling anxiety, it probably shouldn’t have been a surprise. “Alright, this is my tragic backstory. My fixed timeline as it were. By the end of it you will understand why I did what I did.”
Now the pages would start turning backwards, a story going back to its first page. This story would begin when her destiny was decided for her. February 19th, 2017. Futaba’s 16th Birthday. Normally a day of celebration, or at the very least feeling a little happiness for her age, because it meant presents and money for more stuff. However, there was a dark cloud that hovered over this day. She had been charged with hacking into the school’s servers and gathering private information for the purpose of selling.
The primary evidence used against her was the fact that she came across a large sum of money in a suspicious manner, something that she still was perplexed about how that happened; and the fact that she had a history with her school and computers. However, that was all her curiosity getting the better of her and wanting to learn more about how stuff worked. It was something that she largely stopped doing once she obtained her own computer from her mother.
Her mother being Isshiki Wakaba. An esteemed scientist and researcher who was known for cracking the code on some perplexing scientific problems, among other things. Her primary bit of research right now was involving something that seemed improbable if not impossible. Another world. A world where one could see their own narrative, their own world. The implications on free will were staggering to say the least. However, she knew that this world was dangerous, in theory, so she tried to keep it as private as possible.
Even from her own daughter. It was the sort of thing that she didn’t want her getting involved in, getting hurt and possibly killed. Not that it particularly mattered in this case, because her daughter had gotten involved in things that were going to change her life forever. This whole charge was not only causing her daughter to be constantly bullied and mocked, but her reputation as a mother and a scientist was being put into question. All because she was willing to defend her. How frustrating.
She was helping Futaba get ready for court, something that she didn’t wish on anyone. Her daughter wasn’t exactly the most social individual in the world. Always preferring to have her head in a book, reading, learning. Or more recently, being on her computer and chatting with people on there. Futaba was an incredibly intelligent young girl, but Wakaba wondered if she was going to end up being a neet or something when she grew up. It was definitely not the ideal scenario for the young girl, something that Wakaba didn’t want to happen.
They lived in Yokohama, in a small apartment near the water. The famous Cosmo clock 21, an enormous ferris wheel could be seen off in the distance. Futaba went to a private school, and while it wasn’t the worst school ever, the bullying was an extreme problem plaguing it. Especially once it was learned that she was being charged with a crime. It was to the point where Futaba didn’t go to school for a few days. Refused to go to school, and Wakaba was left with no choice but to keep her home under the guise of being sick. It was however a flimsy excuse at best.
Futaba was standing still, eyes gazing around her room. It was a tiny room, but a cozy one. Her walls were covered with posters of various types. Featherman, other anime, and Egyptian Hieroglyphics. In addition, there was two bookshelves full of books, and her computer desk where she spent a lot of time on her high-end computer and laptop working on stuff. She also loved to write. There was a bunch of fanfics and other assorted stories lying around on her computer, all neatly organized as she was taught by Wakaba to do.
For the most part, she was silent was Wakaba was using a lint roller to get any remaining hair and other assorted things off her school outfit. But it was clear that she was in deep thought about this whole ordeal. “Do you still believe that I didn’t do this mom? Cause I didn’t.  I know I didn’t.” Futaba spoke up, taking Wakaba by surprise. “Look, I know you didn’t do it. This whole thing with the sudden influx of money is something I still don’t understand. However, I know you did the right thing by reporting it to the police. Even if they still are using it as evidence in this case.”
That was the thing that was most perplexing about this all. Where did that money come from, and why were the police and prosecutor so insistent that it was the lynch pin of this whole thing; when it was clear that Futaba didn’t know where or why she got it. It was just in her locker one day. Why weren’t they seeing who put the money there and why? And why were there no defense attorneys who were wanting to even help with this?! Frustration was bubbling within Wakaba like nothing else.
“However, remember this Futaba dear. I’m going to be there for you no matter what. I’m not worried about my reputation or anything like that. You are my daughter, the most important thing in my life. And I’m going to be there for you no matter what.” There was a heart-warming moment between the two as she gave Futaba a hug, holding her daughter for a moment.  It had the same emotions come out as from when they did this when she was younger. In this situation, it was what they needed to destress.
“And, if you still want to dye your hair orange after this then I will support it. I just didn’t want you to get bullied more. You know how our society is about dying hair.” She knew that Futaba was just wanting to do it because she saw characters in anime with cool colored hair; but that was a sign of rebellion in Japan, and that often lead to more bullying. “Now, remember what I told you alright? Be respectful, just like before, and don’t speak up unless spoken to. I’ll be the one doing most of the talking.”
“Alright mom. But…what will happen if I get found guilty?” That was a good question, one that really warranted an answer. However, Wakaba didn’t have an answer. Not fully. “Well, assuming that’s what happens, and I’m going to do everything that I can to not have it happen, then it’ll depend on what the Judge and the prosecutor decide. You could end up in Juvenile detention, or just possibly deal with probation. And given the nature of the crime, you may have limited computer access. But they already searched through your computer and found nothing so I don’t think that will be the case.”
That wasn’t particularly reassuring, however that was what Wakaba did. Was give blunt honest answers, even when she didn’t fully know the answer because of the variables being dependent on unreliable humans. Not predictable like scientific experiments. “But we’ll just have to see how things go, alright? It’s going to be another long day, so prepare for that. We’ll get something to eat after we’re done. We’ll go to your favorite sushi place and everything.”
Futaba perked up upon hearing Sushi. That also made her stomach grumble a bit. Woops. She was so stressed out that she didn’t even really feel like eating. All of this was just eating at her stomach, a nauseous feeling emanating from her whenever she thought about eating. All she could do was push that aside. It was going to be a long day as her mom stated. Taking a long, deep breath, it was time to go to court. Hopefully the best-case scenario would happen.
The trip to the courtroom was uneventful, but stress and anxiety inducing. She was standing in front of a whole group of people who seemed to be convinced she had committed some heinous stuff, and she nearly puked because of it. So far, it felt like everything was pre-determined, arranged in such a manner that there was no escaping her fate. This claustrophobic feeling would heighten as she was once again back on the stand, looking forward at the Judges who were getting prepared for the trial.
On her left was her mom, a manilla envelope in front of her with everything she had prepared. She didn’t really understand this whole process. Law wasn’t something that she was particularly interested in. However, the complexities of it all were something that she found a bit fascinating, even if she didn’t want to be on this end of learning about it. On her right was the prosecutor of the trial, Keigo Izumida. He had a mostly bald head with a patch of hair along the top, and a long blue striped tie. His convictions were fierce, along with the way he handled himself.
He had been pushing all these facts about the money and her past transgressions regarding bypassing computer security in order to find out the intimate details about how computers worked. It was, at the time ultimately seen as her curiosity getting the better of her, and after agreeing to not do that again, would end up getting a computer from Wakaba. And now it was being used as evidence of her hacking into the school servers.
Any thoughts that she had disappeared with a trace as the gavel was hit and everyone stood up. “The trial for Isshiki Futaba will now continue. Please sit down.” The Judge announced to everyone, and they all sat down. Futaba, however, was still in the stand, letting off some shaky breaths. It was time to go through hell and back once again. “A reminder to the defense and prosecution that no new evidence can be brought to light at this point. You two are to present your final arguments. I will hold you in contempt of court if you attempt to do otherwise. Understood?”
Wakaba and Keigo would agree to this. “Now then, Prosecution you may begin your closing arguments.” “Thank you, your honor. I want to start off by saying one thing and making it very clear. I don’t have anything against the young woman in the stand here. I’m sure she’s a fine upstanding individual. However, she found herself taking advantage of her situation in order to make a profit. The fact is that she made a huge mistake and should have to suffer the consequences.” The Prosecutor looked at Wakaba who was clearly trying to suppress the urge to yell out at the guy.
“Let’s review what has been brought up to the court: First off, we have the sudden money that was found by her in her locker at school. She claims that she doesn’t understand where this money came from. However, it’s clear that she does know, and is trying to cover herself.” His words had a venomous bite to them, intentionally so to make her seem like some evil mastermind that wanted money, but then felt guilty and went to the police about it. She didn’t even know most of her classmates!
“Secondly, we brought up her prior history regarding bypassing school computer security measures that are designed to keep them safe. This proves that she has the skills to pull off these sorts of things. Next, there was a series of anonymous online interactions that belonged to her where she stated that she could in fact hack into stuff like the school servers if she wished. I think it’s safe to say your honor, with everything that’s been presented, that she is the only one who could’ve done this.”
The Judge nodded, eyes focused on the Prosecution for a moment before turning his attention towards Futaba, that piercing glare making her feel like she was getting stared into her soul. Then turned to the Defense, that being Wakaba. “Defense, your final argument please.” Futaba knew that her mom had a way with words. Articulating them efficiently was what she was known for. She demonstrated that during the last court session. But was she going to be convincing enough this time?
“Thank you, your honor.” Wakaba began, her poise professional, holding a piece of paper in her hand before setting it down, making sure it was just in the right spot. “To start off, I want you to consider one fundamental aspect of this case. The fact of the matter that should made you reevaluate whether or not she’s guilty is that none of what the Prosecution has shown has been in fact, conclusive evidence. Let me explain why.”
Taking a deep breath, Wakaba steadied herself and continued to speak. “This sudden influx of money was found in her locker at school. A public place where it’d be easy enough to check records of who came in and out of it. Yet there’s been no mention of who put the money in. It seems like the Prosecution is correlating that the money was because of hacking into the servers, and in no way a possible indication of her getting set up. Plus, she did go to the police about it. Because that’s what you’re supposed to do. Not out of guilt.”
“We’re taught if you find money, especially a lot of it that you take it to the police so they can help find the owner of it. She was doing just that. That’s not indicative of guilt. It should be easy enough to find out who sent the money and yet here we are. Nobody’s been found. This all feels like the making of a set up to me.” A look of determination was etched into Wakaba’s face as she kept talking. “Her previous records are not an indication of guilt either. Merely a young girl who got too curious for her own good. Which was rectified by her getting her own personal computer and laptop. Those were searched by police.”
Some murmurings could be heard from the crowd. Hopefully they were believing what was being presented here. “She has gone on record and said that the correspondence to the person online was her merely answering a question and not indicative of her planning on anything. It is weird that they would ask that however, but I believe the answer is simple. More set up for her to take the fall for reasons we don’t know of yet. My conclusion is simple: No conclusive evidence means she’s not guilty. Simple as that.”
“Now that both of your final arguments are out of the way, we will now lay down our—” The Judge was interrupted by the Prosecution speak up. “It’s really a shame you are a scientist and not a lawyer. Because you just gave us one hell of a speech there. No conclusive evidence? You have a bias because it’s your own child. Simple as that.” Keigo had a smirk to his face that just made Wakaba’s blood boil. “The reason why no defense attorney worth a salt would defend your child is because they know the truth. And all you’re doing is ruining your reputation for no reason.”
“That is not true, and you know it! I am merely defending her because nobody else will!” Wakaba retorted, hands balling up into fists, her frustration very much noted. “You have just as much of a bias here as well, and it’s obvious in your—” She was interrupted by the sound of the gavel. “Enough. Bickering between the defense and Prosecution is getting us nowhere. We are here to discuss facts, not discuss bias. Now, unless one of you wants to be held in contempt of court, we will now give our judgment.”
A silence overtook the court room, filled up with swelling anticipation of how things were going to shake out. “Our judgment is that while there is not definitive proof of her committing the crimes, the defense has not done a good enough job of disputing these either, providing no definitive proof of her innocence. Frankly, this trial has been a disgrace. But our judgment is that we determine that at this current time, she is guilty, and our recommendation is a year probation. On top of that, the school will get paid 3 million yen in damages related to the hack.”
With that, it felt like everything just shattered in front of Futaba’s eyes. Why was she being charged when the Judge admitted blatantly that there wasn’t any definitive evidence that she did it! She wanted to say something so badly, the urge was hitting her to scream out that she wasn’t guilty. This wasn’t right! Her life was getting dictated by a blatantly false charge and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. It was like one of her manga and anime where everything was going wrong for the protagonist.
“Hang on! You barely considered things!” Wakaba yelled in a fit of desperation. “You said there was no definitive evidence, shouldn’t that mean she’s not guilty! That hardly seems fitting for a Judge and—” “Isshiki-san, you are not helping your case. It’s over now anyways. We will reconvene for a later date for sentencing.” “I’m going to appeal this, there’s no way that this will be the end of this!” It was clear that Wakaba’s composure was shaking and falling apart at this point.
Unfortunately for Wakaba, any attempts at appeal were going to ultimately fail. The next few weeks were one failed attempt after another to get them to consider an appeal, to get more evidence shown but it was all denied. In the meanwhile, her reputation was getting dragged through the mud. She was being seen as the mother of a criminal, and the bullying her daughter was receiving was only rose exponentially.
Their whole world had fallen apart, and it felt like they were looking at the remnants of their past lives through the shattered pieces of a mirror on the ground. When it came time for a proper sentencing, Futaba was sentenced to 1 year of probation, having to relocate to another school of their choosing. Whoever would take her anyways. Wakaba was required to pay the school 3.5 million yen for damages due to the breech.
“Mom, what do we do now…?” Futaba asked in a defeated tone as they were eating dinner for what could possibly be the last time in their current home. The meal was curry, something that they both enjoyed. It was a recipe that she helped another person out with. Someone that she considered a good friend.
“We move out and find another place to live. That’s the only thing we can do. I’ve been asking around, and the only school anywhere nearby that will take you is Shujin Academy in Tokyo. There’s a friend of mine living in a neighborhood around there that I hope will allow us to stay with us. You remember him.” “Oh.” Futaba finally made the realization. “Amamiya-san?” “The very one.”
A mostly wordless dinner would occur, and more time would pass like the flipping of pages in a book. The bullying didn’t stop, not even on the last day where they announced that Futaba would be transferring to another school for the next year. It seemed that she was universally hated at this point. There was this continued sense that her life was being dictated to her. That she had no control or say over what was happening to her. But this was all being pushed on to her, and all she could do was accept it.
Fast forward to a little time later, Futaba sat on the bed in her room, overlooking the now bleak and empty room full of boxes. This was where she lived for most of her life, and some of her most cherished memories were. She could remember vividly mom reading to her in here, learning how to code and in the few times that she brought friends over, there were fond memories of them playing and having fun. All of that was being taken away from her.
“Are you about ready to go sweetie?” Wakaba asked, knowing that Futaba wasn’t ready. Not truly. Neither was she if she was honest. However, it was time for them to pack up their lives and start anew. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t help you more. I’m just…truly a failure as a mother, aren’t I?”  Her eyes gazed down; the usual sense of optimism replaced with a purely defeatist one. She helped Futaba grab some of the heavier boxes and was transporting them to the moving truck. Futaba, being stuck in a fixed timeline, was about to discover that she had the power to change everything. This was where the story truly began…
[Link to Chapter one]
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didherodown · 10 months
Okay so I dont think I've ever done this before, so here it goes
didherodown's Phandom fanfic recs
(if the author has a tumblr I tagged them :) )
*quick note, most of these are ao3, however some of them are ff net*
Ghosts in the Closet by @myaibou
an excellent post cannon fic, that deals with grown-up Danny and his family and everything slowly falling apart
Cold Hands by @tourettesdog
a DP x DC of Danny/Tim, reveal fic. short and sweet (with a lil trama and angst dashed in there)
Face to Face by @dp-marvel94
Danny gets separated by the ghost catcher and has to deal with the side effects of being literally split in two
Treading Water by @breynekai-tfc
a mer!danny fic, you don't understand guys this is soooooooooo amazingly done
Heroes About by @healthysharkshealthyocean
a DP x Marvel crossover that features Spiderman, Deadpool and of course, Danny, based on the comics by @the-stove-is-on-fire
Vacation Crashers by @impyssadobsessions
a DP x DC in which the Fentons are camping when Batman literally crashes onto the scene
Shift by @captain-ozone
AU where the Fentons are Chicago-based, and everything up to the Pariah Dark incident happens there, but after the battle (and an unwilling identity reveal) the "thin" spot in the ghost zone shifts to Amity Park, and the Fentons move there to deal with the ghosts, and Danny meets Sam and Tucker for the first time
Phantom of Truth by @haikujitsu
a classic Danny is captured by the GIW, and who do they get to study this high-level specimen? The leading Doctor in her field Madeline Fenton (mind the tags, it's a dark one!)
Shadow of a Doubt by Haiju
a direct sequel to Phantom of Truth
Trust Your Instincts by @peachdoxie
in which someone is placing ectoplasmic bombs around the city, and Maddie turns to an unlikely ally to figure out what exactly is happening
the all too literal ghosts of your past by @glowstick-blood
in which adult Danny gets shunted back in time to exactly one week before the portal accident (dun dun dunnnnnnn)
Maybe We'll Find Each Other by DP_Marvel94
a one-shot of full ghost Danny getting turned half-human by the portal opening
Robin's Egg by @arzuera
a DP x DC in which Damiean while on patrol finds an injured Danny about to retreat into his core, and agrees to keep his core safe
Exposed by ADraconicScribe
in which someone anonymously submits a story to the local news that the ghost boy is in fact only half ghost, and is hiding among the students at casper high
Danny Phantom and Astro Boy Crossover By: Jaylina
as the title suggests, its a DP x Astro Boy crossover. There have been odd tears appearing in the ghost zone, and Danny gets sucked into one and trapped in another dimension where the ghosts have been taking over robots and wrecking havoc (I know this one is a lil niche, but I love it so much I had to include it)
Roughing It By: Haiju
Danny and Maddie go camping, but after a ghost attack (and some Vlad shenanigans) Danny is stuck in ghost form, Maddie is injured and they find themselves in a tenuis alliance
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vladdyissues · 4 months
I like Vlad and the concept of Badger Cereal... But in canon, Skulker was probably a better frenemy to Danny...
Because 1. Skulker never flirted with Danny's Mom...
2. Danny and Skulker have some level of actual respect for each other, while Danny only hates (and kinda fears) Vlad in canon (Danny felt a bit of sympathy for Future Vlad, but that's it)...
3. Skulker teams up with and succeeds in helping Danny at least 4 times (in prison, facing Pariah Dark, facing Ghost Writer and the green asteroid), while Danny teaming up with Vlad ended with them losing to Pariah and later Vlad only helping last minute to lock Pariah away, or Vlad ditching Danny to get attacked by Vortex...
This isn't Vlad hate, I'm just saying that most people overlook Skulker's potential, as a frenemy to Danny. 🤔
I'm gonna have to politely disagree with you here, anon 😂 Skulker attempted to straight up kill Danny—repeatedly—and makes regular threats against his life. He wants Danny's dead, flayed carcass nailed to his trophy wall, in no uncertain terms.
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This is his enduring MO. Vlad had to step in and literally save Danny's neck in Bitter Reunions.
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It makes Vlad's flirtations with Danny's mom seem pretty negligible, to be honest.
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Skulker also tried to slaughter Dash along with Danny in Micro Management, and he pitted Valerie and Danny against each other in Life Lessons for the sole purpose of hunting the stronger of the two.
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Cranial tether ball is pretty damn metal gruesome. This dude is like the bloodthirstiest Klingon who ever lived. Except for the Christmas episode and his brief cameo in Phantom Planet, he's never not presented as a serious threat to Danny's life. He's out for blood and guts in the worst way. I just don't see him ever reaching "frenemy" status with Danny (in canon, at least; what happens in fanfic and AUs is a whole other ballgame, just like Badger Cereal and Cheese Melt).
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corvusspecialartist · 4 months
The Beloved Brood Mare (Demon Primarch Corax x Pregnant Reader)
A/N: This is Roboutian Hersey AU Corax. This guy in this Universe is object MENACE to society. He is essentially Bile, but as a free agent and as a primarch and Chaos aligned. In fact, in that canon they are described as one if not the MOST vile traitor legions. (If you are the AU writer... I am 50% sorry for writing this terrible fanfic for your AU) AND on top of that, this author gives A REASON on why Rushal joined the Night Lords.
Read it Here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10578370/18/The-Roboutian-Heresy
TW: implied forced pregnancy, rape
You arise. You are trapped in a gilded cage, for Warp knows how long. Getting up, you almost tripped over the golden chain around your ankle, it was a common occurrence by now. Even since the experiments... you have never truly gotten used to this body. Everything about you has been altered to aid the process of birthing.
You were essentially if the primarch body was female with none of the sterilization that would naturally occur. Like the Marines that guarded your room, you were an abomination. You could almost remember when this transformation happened. Glimpses of the Demon Primarch, an older Marine with many appendages, and a screaming captive Thousand Son...
You remember passing out and waking up in this new form... it was awkward.. but never mind... your "duties" had to continue. Corax occasionally visited, but it was very rare. Often to ask brisk questions in a white lab coat about the progression of the pregnancy, you answered honestly.. for he could tell if you were lying given the nature of his place...
Looking around your room, it was time... you could often get food as much as requested, but just enough to make it so you could survive the process... you looked down at the swollen belly. Around this time, it would be time for "breakfast". You were often fed a random assortment of ingredients... often to see the effect would have on the fetus.
You had often tried to escape from the room, often killing the Spawn Marines that stood guard outside of your room with contemptuously ease. The furthest you had gone was at least a couple of miles within the tower before you were hit with a neutralizing gas.
Every step you took, you felt the pain in your legs. you felt helpless.. you felt your two heartbeats move faster.. you had not really entered your body this much before... for Lord Corax demanded that you have minimum exercise. However, you felt a sharp pang within your belly. It was kicking again.
Maybe the pain was fake, a phantom feeling of the soul imagining how pregnancy felt like.
Maybe the room had some form of shielding to protect the fetus from what laid on the outside.
The resulted in resuscitation of you in a lab table in which your arms and legs were strapped. You could feel the eyes of many Marines all on you. Struggling you cursed and tired to escape, but the equipment held fast. Your eye adjusted to the dark quickly, until you saw him come into the room. You felt your skin upon the laboratory table, cold and unyielding. The overpowering smell of disinfectant, mixed blood and other gore made your stomach turn. You also noticed your legs were in stirrups with your privates facing the audience.
Lord Corax's face was scared from the years from captivity, You could recall memories of you being ordered to soothe him and tend to his scars. His face held a mixture of contentment and disdain. You could hear others whisper in the long dead Kivharian, and lean forward almost if they were excited what were to come next. Corvus gave close and his statue seemed to dawn over you. He approached you and stroked your hair almost as if it was kind gently. He was in front of you, and he held a syringe within his left hand and a forceps in his right hand. As if he were giving a lecture, He gave you an gentle kiss on the forehead.. before starting to explain the process. You felt something cold enter your private.. you tried to struggle and fight but nothing really changed, then a liquid flowed in. You started to scream and fight even more... but the lecture continued on. even after the process had been done.
You shook yourself out of that feeling and sat down... you knew that your tower didn't have windows. But, given the advanced the state of the pregnancy, he would visit. That was something that you dreaded the most. TO try and entertain yourself you started to sing, of course it was old Imperial tunes that you took to heart. At that moment.... the door burst open and Corax appeared.
Immediately you stopped singing...as he moved almost with a slowness, but your mind being unable to process it it he grabbed you by the arm. "Don't even sing that again." He said, his voice still maintaining that softness... he face was a warped tone of anger.. but then softed as he left go of your arm and forcefully sat you down on the bed. It was comfortable sure, but still.. you knew that in your heart of hearts he was only like this because of the forlorn hope that you could produce functioning Marines with working geneseed...
He started to coo as he stroked your belly.. "I hope that this one is a success.... this is your fifth this year. I do hope that this one lives you to expectations..."- you swallowed a bit before trying to move out of range.. but he followed you. "This one.. I tried to do it more scientifically..." He placed his head down.. "And it is growing far past expectations, I should move you... to a more safer place." He started to touch your hair which your bristled. He paused but chuckled. "Though... your womb is really only used for procreation... it does get boring tormenting them." You tried to move away, but he got up and gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead. He left almost as quickly as he came. You shuddered, why you?
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zylev-blog · 1 month
Demon twins au im thinking about writing. Just need to see if people are interested in reading it first but here’s my main ideas:
-identical twins (so Danny has green eyes not blue in this)
-dimensional travel (will explain in a sec)
-no halfa au
-loa assassin!Danny
-but also clockwork’s assistant!Danny
-vlad makes it his mission to assassinate all versions of Danny thru the multiverse (has a cool code name and everything, but not sure if I want to reveal that in case I do write it?)
-this leads to Damian’s version of Danny dying young; but the alternate dimension Danny is still alive, but his version of Damian also died young
-Danny chases vlad thru multiverse, eventually leading Danny to current damian and they have a reunion
-in the end, Danny decides to reside full time in Damian’s universe since his was mostly/completely destroyed
-damian and Danny are a bit older, roughly 15-16
Thoughts?? Outline is a mess, but I want to see what the thoughts are on this to see if it’s worth my time to write this out legit??
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ladylynse · 3 months
Secret Trio/Secret Quartet three sentence fics below the cut! For more like this, see my other three sentence fics/crossover three sentence fics, my tumblr fic masterpost, random WIP scenes and snippets, fic ideas, or find me on FFnet and the AO3! Also, take a peek at the fanart and fanfic I’ve been gifted.
If you like my work, you can consider buying me a coffee. (I write thank you snippets–which could be an expansion of a three sentence fic if you like!)
Adrien and Plagg (”watching idols”) Jake and Adrien (”painting” x2) Jake and Randy (“trapped”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (“rat”) Danny, Adrien, Randy, Jake (”Hide”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, Randy (”Jake, who is Rose?”) Jake and Danny (”TUE happened”) Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Chat Noir (”failed over and over again”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, Randy, Marinette (“redemption/corruption”, ”path of destruction”) Marinette, Jake, Danny, Randy, (Adrien) (”shoulder to cry on”) Adrien, Marinette, Danny, Randy, Jake (”Hello, Ladybug” x2) Danny, Adrien, Jake, (Randy) (”hey, guys, where’s ---?”) Adrien, Randy, Jake, Danny (”I-I can’t hear his heartbeat”) //death alt (more painful) version | follow up Marinette, Danny, (Adrien, Lila, Elliot) (”Lila and Elliot”, “liars”, ”two peas in a pod”) Lila and Elliot (”partners in crime”) Jake, Randy, Danny, Adrien (”power/mind swap”) Randy, Jake, Rose, (Danny, Adrien) (”meeting Rose post Hong Kong Longs”) | related Jake, Randy, (Danny, (Adrien)) (”80 word challenge”) Randy, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”ghost king au”, “ghosts vs magical creatures”) Danny, (Randy, First Ninja, (Adrien, Jake)) (”ghost king au”, “Danny helps Randy remain the Ninja”) Randy, (Danny, Jake) (”about being mind-wiped”) Jake, Danny (Randy, ((Adrien)) (”there’s no one left”) Jake, Randy, Adrien, (Danny) (”Danny tells them about Dani”) Randy and Marinette (”Ladybug mistakes one of the SQ for an akuma”) Marinette, Adrien, (Danny, Randy, Jake) (”SQ post ML reveal”) Adrien, Danny, (Randy, Jake, Plagg) (”temporary power swap”) Danny, Adrien, Randy, (Jake) (”identity reveal of Danny Phantom”) Susan, Jake, Jonathan, (Danny, Adrien, Randy) (”parents find out”) Adrien, Danny, (Randy, Jake) (”legacy”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, (Randy, Luka) (”snake”) Danny, (Jake, Randy, Adrien, Jack, Maddie) (”Fentons find out”, “angst with a happy ending”) Randy (”Randy remembers”) Adrien, Jake, Randy, (Danny) (”bee”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (”comic book”) Danny, Jake, (Randy, Adrien, Vlad) (”Uncle Vlad AU”) Danny, Randy, (Adrien, Jake) (”broken sky”)
Adrien, Danny, Randy, (Jake) (”siblings”) Jake and Adrien (”Rotwood”) Ladybug, Adrien, (Danny, Randy, Jake) (”reinforcements”) Randy, (Adrien, Jake, Danny) (”prophetic dream”) Randy, Danny, (Adrien, Jake, Ghostwriter) (”true friendship”) Jake, Plagg, (Adrien, Danny, Jake) (”that was you?”) Randy, Adrien, (Jake, Danny) (”frostbite”) Danny, Randy, Jake, Adrien (”first date help”) Adrien, Randy, (Danny, Jake) (”apocalypse”) Danny, Jake, (Adrien, Gramps, Haley, Fu Dog, Susan, Jonathan) (”escape from NYC) Randy, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”Stabby the roomba”) Randy, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”love square”) Jazz, (Haley, Howard) (”evil clones”) Adrien and Danny (”discovered”) Adrien, Randy, Danny, (Jake) (”war zone”) Jake, (Adrien, Randy, Danny) (”Miracle Queen”) Debbie, Theresa, (Adrien, Randy) (”cartwheel”) Heidi, Jake, (Howard, Randy, Danny, Adrien) (”busted”) now expanded  FF | AO3 Jake, Randy, (Danny, Adrien) (”nasty sauce”) Bunnyx (”Chat Blanc”) Jacques (”inspiration”) Danny, Plagg, Adrien, (Jake, Randy) (”Box Ghost”) Plagg, Danny, Randy, (Jake, Adrien) (”blood magic”) Gabriel and Desiree (”be careful what you wish for”) Adrien, Jake, Randy, Danny (”what are you?”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (”he treats us well”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (”mermaids”) Jake, (Randy, Danny, Adrien, Gregory) (”arrogance”) Ladybug/Marinette and Adrien (”confessions”) Marty, (Randy, Danny, Adrien, Jake) (”entire world”) Danny, (Randy, Adrien, Jake) (”fire”, “reveal”) Jake, Danny, (Randy, Adrien) (”grenade”) Jake, Danny, (Adrien, Randy) (”mercenary”) Randy, Debbie, (Danny, Adrien, Jake) (”Debbie/Randy”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, Randy (”new year”) Jake, Adrien, (Danny, Randy) (”fallout”) Danny, Adrien, Jake, (Randy) (”stargazing”)
Now on the AO3 Randy, Debbie, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”Kangham”, “hide”)
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hozaloza · 2 months
Jasmine and Logan angst type snip-shot
((TW!!!! Gore Ig? Violence)) (eye twins <3)
Jasmine walked the empty halls, being fueled by the pent-up anger she had been carrying since forever. Despite it being difficult to see out of her right eye, she still was able to make her way to the child's room. Who cared what her boss said? The little shit shot her eye out. This would be an annoying process she did NOT want to deal with. The raven-haired woman opened the door and walked in. The boy was still laying in his bed sound asleep. She lifted the needle up, ready to stab his eye out, when suddenly... he rolled out of bed, dodging her attack. He grabbed a book and threw it at her, causing her already aching headache to worsen. "GAH!! Ugh, you little piece of shit! Hadn't you already caused me enough pain this night??!!" "What are you talking about??!! YOU'RE the one who sent me and my friends to literal HELL!" the child yelled, throwing another book. She knew he was weak against her; he had no gun to aim, no weapon to defend. "You shot my fucking EYE OUT! Now I'll have to deal with this worthless eye forever!! It's only right you deal with it as well." She hissed, knocking him to the floor. Jasmine tried stabbing again, but he bit her arm, causing her to let go of the needle. "SHIT!! GOD, YOU ARE A FUCKING PRICK--" it was a quick flash, but her arm had shifted into the phantom, and she slashed at his left eye. "GAH!" she heard the child yell from below her. As soon as she got off of him, he held onto his eye, panting heavily. The blood and tears stained his face, leaving a puddle of red below him "Relax, you big baby. The doctors will help you out. But don't count on gaining your vision in that eye. Bye for now, loser." She muttered as she walked out, shifting her arm back before anyone who was in the lower ranks saw. No one did, at least no one she worried about. Just standing around the corridor, the guard heard the whole commotion, and watched as the centipede woman walked out with blood on her hands. He sighed, pressing a button on his controller to call for doctors in his area. 'Fucking dramatic bitch..." Ryan thought as he walked away.
woah, a fanfic that actually has one of the kids in it???????? Woahhhhhhh HELP Idk
I don't like this one bc it doesn't fit close to the canon anymore, so..... it's an au I'll never work on </3
@b3achysurfur omg a logan angst no comfort fic???
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violetlunette · 7 months
Horrortober Day 28: Mercy
Okay, this is actually going to be a sneak peek to my Diasomnia Family Fanfic called, "Phantom Slayer" (working title).
It's A Demon Slayer AU where Lilia's been turned into a Phantom (demon) and Silver becomes a Slayer with Sebek and Malleus to save him. I hope you enjoy it!
Silver awoke to his head throbbing in agony. Groaning, he slowly opened his eyes and blinked at his surroundings.
Silver instantly recognized that he was in the Zigvolt home. He had spent so much time here as a child that he knew it as well as his own. He was in Sebek’s room from the look of it as there were images of Malleus everywhere.
‘By why am I here…?’
“Silver!” Silver flinched at the familiar volume and tone that appeared at his side, accompanied by the sound of a chair falling over. He turned his head and saw Sebek staring down at him, eyes watering as his whole body shook.
“Sebek?” Sebek sniffed, wiping his face with his sleeve as he spoke.
“You idiot… idiot!” he said with a stuffy voice. “We all thought… you and your damned sleep spells!” Silver frowned slightly and opened his mouth to ask what was wrong when it all came flooding back in horrible flashes.
The first was the fire that destroyed his home, followed by finding his father severely injured, nearly cut in half. The next was Silver desperately running with the fae on his back to get help. This memory came with the image of Lilia becoming a Phantom and trying to tear his throat out and eat him. Malleus then appearing with his long blade to kill Lilia, his father--!!
Silver bolted upright and grabbed the other, ignoring the protest of his injured body, which was wrapped tightly in gauze.
“Sebek! Where’s father?!” he demanded. Sebek’s eyes filled with tears, and for the first time since Silver knew him, he was speechless. When the teen spoke, Sebek choked on the words.
“Master Lilia… He’s… He’s…” Silver’s heart filled in terror.
He shoved Sebek aside and leaped from the bed, running through the house.
“Father! Father!” he called, growing more desperate with each word as the events from last night played in his head, over and over.
‘He can’t be… He can’t… HE CAN’T!’
“Silver.” A familiar voice cut through his panic and brought him to reality. Silver turned to see Malleus, a tear escaping his eye.
Malleus was injured, as Silver could see the bandages around his chest, neck, and head. His arm had been placed in a sling and bruises covered his fair skin. The man’s eyes were downcast and filled with shame as he pressed his lips into a thin line. He didn’t do anything, but Silver still approached him.
He felt very small and very fearful. Like a lost child alone in the world. Nausea built in his stomach and he felt as if he was going to throw up.
Once he stood before Malleus, he stopped.
“...Where’s father?” he questioned, his voice very quiet as each word cracked. Malleus looked away. Silver felt as if a sinkhole appeared in his stomach. He didn’t know what he would have done next if another voice hadn’t spoken.
Silver looked past Malleus and saw Baul, who sat at a table, a large bottle of wine in his hand. He poured himself a cup.
“Sit,” the old soldier ordered. “We need to talk.” Silver didn’t move.
He stared at the adults with wide eyes. His throat was dry, and his lips shook as he opened them.
“Where’s—where’s father?” It pained Silver to ask the question as he feared what the answer would be. It seemed the answer was obvious. His father had become a Phantom, and Malleus was a Phantom Slayer. It wasn’t too much to imagine the man cutting Lilia down, spilling his blood before he had the chance to kill others. Even if the Phantom in question was his mentor and friend. That was what the job was about, after all.
Yet even so, there was a flicker of hope in Silver’s heart that maybe, just maybe, Malleus had shown mercy to the man who helped raise both of them despite everything he had been taught.
“Malleus…” he said in a tone that pleaded for an answer of reassurance yet dreading the grim answer that may come instead. Two eyes of green flame looked from beneath tasseled black locks and looked at him. His face was as still and emotionless as a porcelain doll as he met Silver’s eyes.
What happened to his father? Did Malleus show mercy and spared the fae? Or was the mercy he showed cold as the corpse that may lay somewhere in the woods?
Silver held his breath and waited for an answer.
And that's it for now! I hope you'll all read the full fic when it comes out!
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🏴‍☠️ Pinned Post! 🏴‍☠️
OC blog for @leftsidebonfire
OC and Canon Friendly! 🖤
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⚓️ Welcome to: Tales from the Rolling Mountain! The Rolling Mountain is a beautiful pirate ship, home to Captain Eleni Santiana, and is the place where all the best come together to tell stories. All of my OCs live here on this ship, and this is the hot spot for all those who are wanderers looking to share tales and create some adventures of their own. 🍻
⚓️ I finally decided it would be fun to play around with a Sideblog for all my OC shenanigans! I'm always eager to create and talk about my little OCs for different Fandoms, so I figured this would be the easiest way to consolidate information, art, and RP.
⚓️ About The Captain: You can call me Elfie, She/Her, and I am 25 and a total dork nerd <3
⚓️ Major Fandoms include:
⚓️ One Piece, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Dungeons and Dragons (as a whole)
OCs are always open for interaction!
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🏴‍☠️ One Piece OCs
👒 Strawhat Grand Fleet: Unaek Seveer, Jocasta Erotas, Captain Eleni Santiana
💛 Heart Pirates: Vidra
🎩 Revolutionary Army: Ruth, Hazel Floren, Rose Thorn, Trygve Seveer, Phaedra, Amaryllis
🎸 Rumbar Pirates: Rhapsody
💙 Buggy Pirates: Lyra
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🌟 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OCs
🍷 Phantom Blood: Amaryllis, Vassia, Caroline, Kallias
🌠 Battle Tendency: Jocasta
🏜 Stardust Crusaders: Avidia Zeppeli, BG May
💎 Diamond is Unbreakable: BG May, Joanna Jett
🐞 Golden Wind: Tagliata Scottato
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🎲 Dungeons and Dragons OCs
🧝‍♀️ Ziona (Bard), Jocasta (Rogue), Eleni (Sorcerer), Amaryllis (Monk), Phaedra (Monk), Vassia (Cleric), Juniper (Ranger), Xiamara (Fighter)
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The Fankids are fun. I have both Canon and AU Fankids I've been playing with. The AU is playing around with a "What Could Have Been" or a Partner Swap AU. I love playing around with both of these, and it's awesome to mix and match. All the AU Fankids are treated as alternate universes and are just as Canon as the real ones <3
Unaek x Sanji:
Delphinium "Delphi" Pince and Liatris Prince
Unaek x Luffy
Monkey D. Ace and Monkey D. Rosie
Jocasta x Usopp
Mary Erotas
Eleni x Zoro
Roronoa Enma
Eleni x Law
Trafalgar D. Cora
...And more to come! Including the AU children!
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⚓️ Final Thoughts:
⚓️ On this blog you can expect to find OC art, Fanfics, and RP opportunities! You can feel free to ask about any of these OCs you'd like. Feel free to jump in any time! DMs are open for RP plots or general fangirling, and I promise I'm not scary 😇 I am OC friendly, Canon Friendly, Self Ship Friendly, and always more than happy to talk about the little characters that live in my brain.
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