oraclememehacker ยท 1 hour
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"Here's a shocker to you all: I love video games."
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oraclememehacker ยท 1 day
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The Hermit - Futaba
Persona Stimboard #7 โ€“ Oracle (Persona 5)
๐Ÿ›ธ ๐Ÿ‘พ ๐Ÿ›ธ | ๐Ÿ‘พ ๐Ÿ’š ๐Ÿ‘พ | ๐Ÿ›ธ ๐Ÿ‘พ ๐Ÿ›ธ
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oraclememehacker ยท 2 days
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"Yeah, I'm doing just fine. A little tired but nothing that I can't handle. I'm sure my body will be hating me once we get out of the metaverse." Even though she was the weakest member of the team, she still had an impressive boost here. Made her feel like anything was possible and that they could do anything. Which was why she was able to do that final guard so cleanly, even if it did take a bit out of her.
"I'm just glad you weren't made into a panther sandwich." Ah Futaba with the references that would probably go over the rest of the Thieves heads. It wasn't her fault they weren't as versed into gaming culture as she was. "And that you didn't have a game over in here. Honestly I don't know what would happen if you were left in here for dead since Mementos shifts around and all that. I don't want to find out either."
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ใ…คใ…คann let out a heavy sign , whether out of frustration or exhaustion , who could say for sure ? the more time they spent in mementos , the stronger the shadows got !! which made sense , according to like every rpg ever , but still sucked to work through . it was never fun getting your ass kicked , but she thought her & oracle did just fine on their own little break - off mission ! that last move proved it !!
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โ› yeahhh i'm okay ... just a little tired ! โœจ are you sure you're good ? i have a few things handy if you need healing ! โœ
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oraclememehacker ยท 2 days
To say that Futaba was nervous was an understatement. She had passed her entrance exams with flying colors and was accepted into Shujin academy, but now her heart was a flutter with anxiety and nervousness because she was actually having to go to school. No headphones to keep herself from getting audibly overstimulated which would suck.
On top of that, the uniform she was given felt a bit too small and was snug on her. Most of the clothes that she got was usually a little bit loose just because she liked it that way. This however made it a bit hard to breathe. And she swore the thing made her itch a bit as well! But she couldn't complain. She managed to get herself to school again after being a hikikomori.
However, upon getting to school she found herself getting lost. How she got lost was unclear, but it was clear she was wandering around trying to figure out where the first year rooms were. They were on the third floor right? Or was it the first floor? Oh and was she even on the right side of the building?! So many things here. But she heard someone talk to her, and she saw who it was. Apparently they were Kotone Shiomi.
Calming herself down, she gave an anxious smile and tried to pass off her heavy anxiety as just some jitters. "S-Sakura Futaba. I-I'm new here and I'm trying to get myself acquainted with everything. S-Sorry for being a bit nervous. It's like experiencing a new location in a game and you try to find the relevant locations. I'm sure I'll find everything in no time, it's just this place is kinda c-confusing...heh..."
New day at a new school. Kotone kinda found this old hat. After all, her family situation had her changing schools all the time. So moving to a new one for her final year wasn't too big a deal. Sure, Mitsuru had to recreate her papers and history as well as pull strings to get her here, but that was a whole other thing.
Apparently her homeroom teacher was running a little late. She had to wait outside the faculty room. That was when she spotted her. A shorter red headed gal in the same uniform, looking very nervous. She looked in trouble, how could she not help. So she approached, talking gently as she came to her.
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"Hi, my name is Kotone Shiomi. Is everything okay? If something is wrong, I'd be happy to listen."
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oraclememehacker ยท 2 days
I feel so bad for being so slow with replies. I'm slowly but surely catching up.
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oraclememehacker ยท 2 days
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"It hasn't been that long since this started." She admitted, looking down at the table. Maybe that was a good thing in terms of trying to figure out what this was and stop it before it got too bad. That was certainly the hope anyways! She just wanted things to be normal, her memory being the thing that she prided herself on rather than something that she was currently fearing because of it's unreliability.
"I don't remember anything in particular happening, other than this momentary weird feeling that I had. It was like something that struck me at my core and then vanished." She didn't know how else to describe it. Almost like someone hit her in her soul, if such a thing existed anyways. With personas and all that who knew if there was a soul or not.
"And then after that, I started to have memory issues. I would suddenly blank, which isn't like me at all. Even at my worst I still remember things very well. And suddenly it just feels like I'm anxious and want to not see anybody. I used to have an extreme amount of anxiety but I got over it! Mostly anyways. It's the combination of the two things that make me worry something really bad is going on, you know?"
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"I don't blame you. I would be scared, too." And he was previously way back when so he knows this to be true, "Go ahead and talk whatever you need to and I'll listen." He spoke calmly but sincerely while placing a hand on his chest. Teddie had a certain experience in his voice that he didn't usually show when he was happy. An attempt to sound mature was rare but he hoped Futaba would feel a little better hearing it.
The duo made their way to a booth in Leblanc. Teddie sat across from her while keeping his coffee beverage nearby. Time for a sweet sip! He really couldn't pass the chance to order a sweeter beverage. Not like he was a coffee snob or anything. This bear was always here for flavor. With warm coffee in his system, Teddie was ready to listen.
"So it's probably retrograde..." He noted to himself. Past amnesia research was starting to resurface in his mind. Even if it never helped Teddie, maybe he could at least help Futaba? After taking another sip of coffee, the detective drink of choice, he took a moment to think about what else to say. It all sounded so mysterious. And mysteries deserve questions.
"How long have you been forgetting things? Did anything big happen to you?"
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oraclememehacker ยท 2 days
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She just stood there, looking at him with the usual flat, hostile look on her face. How stupid did he think she was? There was no way he wasn't lying directly in front of her and acting all confident about it in the process. That's exactly what she would do if she was trying to convince someone to do something, instead of merely forcing them. However, she did have an idea in mind.
"Ah, I see. I do have a little task for you before I decide whether to do this or not." She put in some stuff on her holographic computer and suddenly Ann would appear in front of them, looking all confused and very frightened. "Do what you are planning on doing to her first, and show me the whole process. Just so I know you aren't planning on doing anything. If you can't do it then I will forcibly push you back to your world."
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"Well, yes and no. I can separate the two of you. But the one I would be removing would be you. And I can't do it by force; the subject has to be a willing participant." And only the subject, it seemed. Since Yaldabaoth was able to force their power onto Ren without Ren agreeing to it, which lead to this whole problem in the first place...
"Allow me to explain. I'm not planning on absorbing you. The shadows I make into my personas still retain their own self. They become a part of me, but they don't become me. And, within my own palace at least, I'm able to separate those shadows from me and give them their own bodies again. Do you see where I'm going with this?"
Of course, he was lying. Bits and pieces of it were true, but the intention was completely false. Plain and simple, he did plan to consume her, but he also did in fact need her to agree to it. It didn't matter if she agreed under false pretenses, though. So he could build any fake story he liked.
"I take you into me, which separates you from your weaker self, give you your own form with your power completely intact, and then you can do whatever you like without anyone to hold you back. Sound good?"
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oraclememehacker ยท 2 days
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"So uh, you know about the stuff that we've gone through right? And how the government was trying to go after us? Well, I found some of the information inadvertently about what they were willing to go through in order to capture us. It's...quite a lot. I was locked out eventually but all the stuff I found was well...shocking to say the least."
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That immediately got his attention. Whatever Futaba uncovered, it was a big deal and Akira needed to know and make sure she wasn't in actual danger. If anything happened to her... he didn't even want to think about it.
"I'm all ears," he says. "If you're gonna be ibn trouble, so am I. We're in this together."
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oraclememehacker ยท 3 days
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"Happy birthday to our one and only Queen, Makoto Nijima."
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oraclememehacker ยท 4 days
The Aftermath
After changing the heart of the scientists and sealing the hole in the fabric of space time, it was time for everything to start healing and returning back to normal. However, with such a world ending crisis, it was not going to be easy to recover. Record flooding caused untold amounts of damage to countless businesses among other things. It was going to take years for everything to truly return back to normal, and this was only going to be the beginning.
Futaba, thanks to the mirror system was able to get everything that she took to another world back to her home, and got everything plugged back in. Thankfully there was power, which was definitely not a thing everywhere, and whilst the house and the cafe had some flood damage, it wasn't anything too bad and could be covered by insurance.
In the meantime, the Sakura family, consisting of Futaba, Sojiro, Sophia, Wakaba and Necro, were currently in the cafe watching a news report about everything. It was being called the world's worst incident in terms of overall global cost in human history. She was just happy they were able to seal the hole...or everything would have gone very poorly.
She was also thinking about the Akiren that had been turned part cybernetic. Was he gonna be able to deal with life properly with that stuff on him? What about the rest of the formerly fractured phantom thieves? Were they going to be fine? So many questions with so little answers.
Plus, she just wanted to spend some time with her girlfriend and try not to let her chronic pain affect her too much. Maybe once things settled down they could have another day. And just enjoy their time together. And was the metaverse gone for good or was it going to linger around? Again with the questions.
All Futaba could do for now was have some curry and help clean up a bit, getting industrial humidifiers to dry things out. There was also the whole thing of going back to school but that would be something that had to be worked out eventually. Plus, she was noticing that Necro was acting a little bit oddly but didn't think much of it. Probably nothing important.
Things were going to be alright...hopefully.
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oraclememehacker ยท 4 days
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"Can I just say, despite Haru's...lack of skills when it comes to computers and a lot of video games, she is very good at Stardew Valley? Like damn good at it."
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oraclememehacker ยท 4 days
[Text to: Fuuka] Futaba: I'll send you the reports here in a second! It's pretty cool the kind of stuff you can find if you're looking for it :-) Futaba: *sends a doc file with a bunch of stuff on it. It showed arcades with claw machines and the rotations that they did for them and when they restocked, along with the stuff they restocked. It was a very in depth and detailed doc that went on for several pages* Futaba: heh :-3. I'm heading to Shibuya crossing now!
[ sms ] :: Futaba :: ahhhh well, I only know of Shibuya's and I think Akihabara's? [ sms ] :: Futaba :: i haven't been out past Shibuya since i've been here and well, i thought i'd ask you, the person who knows everything fun and cool and gacha like. [ sms ] :: Futaba :: and please send the reports because you are the coolest evur~
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oraclememehacker ยท 5 days
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"Considering all the actions you've taken, you must've had someone with medical expertise. Who? And how did you treat your wounds? It'll be easy to find out who if we look into this, you know!"
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( Follows back from @mused-like-roses )
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oraclememehacker ยท 5 days
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oraclememehacker ยท 5 days
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Hang out later
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oraclememehacker ยท 5 days
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idk what came across my mind when i made this , but i think haru and futaba having a sleepover would be kinda cute ! (futaba fell asleep first of course)
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oraclememehacker ยท 6 days
Pranks her by putting one of her featherman figure's backwards to see how long she notices it.
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It doesn't take her long to notice. She knows how she has those figures put and if they're a little bit out of place she notices. She is not happy as she puts it back in place.
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