#one should always try to eat the rude :3
nbc hannibal really makes me giggle. there is no other show like this out there.
tome-wan: hannibal says close your eyes and imagine what you'd like to happen. and will pictures cutting hannibal's throat and watching him get lowered into mason's pigpen to be viciously devoured. it's all very dramatic. then will opens his eyes and hannibal's like what did you see? :3 then...
THE MUSICAL CUE!!!!!! it's like the happiest little piano and will smiles oh-so slowly at hannibal and he doesn't say a freakin word!!!! :) i laugh every time! that's comedy folks!!!!!
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antiwhores · 2 months
My king ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
King!Bakugou x servant!reader
I’m on break rn but its Bakugou’s birthday so heres this for you guys. I haven’t wrote anything this long in a HOT minute. only ogs remember when I used to write more than just drabbles
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Learning not to feel self conscious about every move you made around King Katsuki was like learning to walk again.
You had to be perfect, everyone had to be perfect with the King’s temper. If a plate broke, you’d be shamed and degraded until you were holding back improper tears to avoid more degration, then you’d be fired and kicked to the curb. If you messed up an order, say goodbye to the kingdom cause you’re banished. And if you even showed the slightest disrespect then plan your funeral in the next 20 seconds because you’re dead.
Atleast, that’s what everyone told you when you first started your job as King Katsuki’s personal servant.
So far, you have not been degraded to salty tears when dropping a plate. You get a simple, “Tch, stupid woman.” As you apologize profusely and bow down to the man.
You had not been banished for messing up an order. During a quiet afternoon one week, you were flustered. You had bills to pay, a close friend just died, you needed to restock grocery, and you had gotten 3 hours of sleep from all the crying over your friend. He noticed your puffy eyes and unusually sluggish frame. He spoke nothing about it. But when you gave him peach tea instead of chai he didn’t make too much of a scene. He mearly asked, rudely of course, what was wrong with you; he scoffed at your excuse.
And he definitely didn’t have you hanged when a groan threw itself out of your mouth when he bitched about you being absent yesterday. He only made you get on your knees as he grabbed your face and made you apologize and beg for forgiveness. It sounds harsh but considering his reputation, you were called extremely lucky.
The other staff said that he’d taken a liking to you. They always sent you out to take care of his needs when he was in a pissy mood cause you had a better chance at living than the average servant.
You didn’t speak much unless directly told to. Its how you were trained. He didnt talk much either but he would ask you casual questions sometimes, like you’re anything but an ant in this heirchy.
You gracefully turned around to face him and bowed down. “Yes, your grace?”
He clicks his tongue at your formality. “Stop it with the your grace and shit. Are you beheld yet?”
You softly shake your head, trying not to show your surprise at the intimate question. “No, your majesty.”
You feel embarrassed telling him your status. Usually girls around here would be married at 17 but here you are still single.
He seems pleased at that, “Why?”
You shrug as if the answer is simple. “I haven’t found someone who I can holeheartedly call my beloved.”
He starts to get nicer to you after that. He makes sure you eat and orders you to tell him (in detail) about your day.
No one is allowed in the King’s room. He says if he wants to clean it, he’ll do so himself. And no one dares to step foot into his den and you are not an exception.
You are still scared when he tells you to run him a bath in his room. You had to conform with him so many times that you invoked him to snapping on you.
His room reked of him. It was intoxicating.
You forced yourself to disregard everything around you in fear that if you looked up from your shoes you wouldn’t be able to control yourself from snooping.
You allowed yourself to look up when you reached his enormous bathroom. Did one person really need a bathroom the size of your house? It wasn’t your place to say so you began to prepare a bath.
Just as you were done you went to head out only to be stopped by the King himself.
“Where ya headed?”
You almost screamed from being startled so badly.
“I’ve prepared your bath, my king. I figured I should head out now.”
You wait for his word to leave but it never comes.
“Stay.” He commands.
“Are you arguing with me?”
You definitely were not. You just thought that he didn’t understand that you were done and he didn’t need you anymore. But as he began to strip down in your silence, you realized he understood fully.
You turned a full 180 degrees around to avoid disrespecting him. A lowly servant like you shouldn’t have the privilege of seeing a king indecent. Even if you have grown found of him, you need to respect your place.
You hear the water splash as he gets in.
“Get in with me.”
“But sir-“
“Do we need to correct that attitude? Arguing with the King isn’t smart.”
He doesn’t know what he’s asking, you thought as your cheeks grew red. Your body moved on its own as you began to strip down. You couldn’t disobey the king, not that you wanted to. You’ve always had a thing for him. From his biceps to his booming personality.
You suddenly feel subconscious with his eyes on you. He licks his lips, or did he? You have to be dreaming right now.
But you’re not dreaming, his hand dragging you on top of him in the bath isn’t a dream. And its definitely not a dream when your hand try to find something to stable itself and end up on his shoulders.
“You know, I’m quite fond of you.”
He strokes up and down your sides before moving onto your arms. The waters warm but it feels like its boiling against your skin. He smells so good and he feels so… hard?
Hard, against your thigh. You blush a deep red. He looks down with you.
“Like what you see, yeah?”
Fuck, it was big. You expected him to be big, but you hadn’t comprehended how that would feel inside someone.
“Wanna sit on it?”
You didn’t even realize you were now straddling him. You didn’t know if you moved of if he had moved you. All you know is that your here now and its taking everything in you to not grind against him without permission.
Lustful eyes meet lustful eyes. He gives you silent permission with a nod of his head so you began to grind your pussy against his cock in a desperate attempt to get rid of the heat in your belly.
His head is thrown back, “Just like that…”
You grinded until you could find the angle to catch your clit against him. The water was splashing back and forth against the tub. Your pussy clenched against nothing and it drove you crazy.
Just as you were about to cum, he stilled your hips with both hands.
You whined, “My king-“
“It’s Katsuki.”
“I couldn’t possibly call the king by his first name as a commoner.”
“Then it’s a good thing you’re not a commoner anymore, my queen.”
Before you could even begin to comprehend what he was alluding to, he slammed his cock inside you and thrusted into you at a wild pace.
You gripped his shoulders to study yourself, the stretch being painful but quickly residing into pleasure.
“Fuck!” He hissed through his teeth. He just got in and he’s already ready to cum. You felt so good, nothing like anything he’s had before. He was ready to make you queen before hand but now he’s ready to make a heir to the throne.
Your head dove into his shoulders, it was too much and it felt too good. You felt the knot in your stomach tighten. He grabbed you by your hair and shoved you against his lips.
“Wanna cum inside, that okay?”
He was gonna do it even if you said it wasn’t so you didn’t bother responding. You were too focused on meeting his thrusts anyway.
His cock pulsed inside of you, his hands marking your back up with scratched and vice versa.
The coil inside you snapped and you came on his cock with a scream. He followed shortly after you with an uncharacteristic moan.
His ropes of cum filled you up until his body relaxed against you.
Water was everywhere, on the walls and the floor. It would take a lot to clean up but you couldn’t focus on that right now.
“Does this mean you like me?”
“I just said I was making you queen, fuckin’ dumbass.”
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noosayog · 9 months
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[... and yet, it's you] - ft. oikawa toru
summary: there's a chinese song with the lyrics 【咸魚白菜也好好味】 which translates to "eating even dried salted fish and bok choi is good." with the meaning that i'm happy with anything as long as it's with you.
wc: 1.3k
for @shibaraki's komorebi collab! thank you for letting me participate, Monty!
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1. Sharing a bathroom
The shower is already running when you finally drag yourself out of bed. Your vision is still bleary as you methodically brush your teeth, content to let your mind slowly clear out its sleepy fog to the sound of Oikawa humming in the shower.
You're at the toilet when Oikawa says, "why do you always do that?"
"Do what," you respond.
"Like… let out a little bit of pee before you pee the rest of it out."
You laugh a bit. "You're gonna think it's stupid."
"Just tell me," he says, seriously curious now.
"Once when I was really little, I dreamt that I was peeing in the bathroom but then realized I was still in bed when I woke up to myself wetting the bed."
The shower stops so you can hear Oikawa chuckling. "That wasn't what I was expecting."
"Well, I don't know what you expected but I'm not risking anything. I was traumatized."
"As someone who shares a bed with you, I'm grateful for that."
2. Movie Dates
When you pick up Oikawa's facetime call, you immediately greet him with a "I'm watching a movie and I'm getting to the good part. What do you want?"
He scrunches his nose at you, whining. "Rude!"
"Well?" you prompt. "What do you want?"
"Is it so bad that I missed you and wanted to talk to you?"
You roll your eyes, but affectionately. "I'm putting you on mute."
Oikawa throws out a half-hearted protest but he'll count it as a win that you didn't hang up completely. You mute your side of the line and prop your phone on the tea table facing you, continuing to watch your movie. Oikawa's perfectly content just watching your facial expressions through the small screen and obediently stays quiet.
He mutes his line. too, putting on reruns of an older match but periodically looks over to check in on you. And every time he does, he can't help the grin that stretches on his face as he watches your expressions change scene to scene. Eventually, he keeps his attention glued on your face through the screen, watching your light chuckles and your mouth moving when you exclaim in disbelief over something stupid a character did. By the end of the movie, you’re swiping tears from your eyes and you finally notice that your boyfriend has been watching you.
"Oh my god, Toru," you unmute to say. "That was such a good movie. We have to watch it together next time."
Oikawa's smile widens, eyes crinkling affectionately. "Anything you want, babe."
3. Out Shopping 
On a rare Sunday that Oikawa actually takes off, the two of you head to the nearest major shopping mall to pick up some kitchen items. Oikawa keeps a tight grip around your hands as you ooh and ahh at all the colorful things in the mall; one distracted moment and he would lose you in the sea of people.
As you wander to aisles, you pass by the televisions where a rerun of an Olympic volleyball match is playing. Oikawa instinctively slows down to pay attention, taking mental notes of things he should try at tomorrow's practice.
His attention is pulled away when he feels you trying to pry your fingers out of his fists, only able to pull at his hand when his grip tightens.
"Toru," you say, "let go. I want to go see the bowls over there."
"Okay, let's go then," he agrees, tearing his attention away from the screens.
"No," you say, continuing to tug at your joined hands. "You can keep watching. I'll go look myself."
"What? Why? Let's just go together," he offers, but you tug your hand free.
"It's fine," you say, already walking towards the display that has your attention.
"Hey!" he protests, trying to follow your figure that has already blended into the crowds. Even with his towering height, he does his best to follow after you, locking in on the colorful sweater you decided to wear today.
Despite Oikawa having a significant edge over you in the height department, your little legs carry you surprisingly fast as you weave through people moving in every direction. The distance between the two of you grows larger until you finally stop to admire the collection of pottery on the shelves. He hastily closes the distance before you take off again. 
"Geez, for someone so short," he punctuates this statement with a heavy hand on your head, leaning heavily on it to dramatically catch his breath, "you sure walk fast."
You swat his hands away and reach up to the top shelf for the set of bowls you like.
He easily grabs them for you and puts them into the basket that he was sure wasn't in your hands when you were still by the TVs. He plucks the basket out of your grip and continues to tease you.
"It's always the short ones that walk like today's the last day of their lives," he laughs.
"Shut up, Toru," you fix him with a scathing glare and he holds his hands up in surrender.
You scoff, but take hold of his hand again, leading him to the next display you want to take a look at. He smiles contentedly now that your hands are joined again. And that's all he really wanted. 
4. Bedtime Routine 
You’re in bed, all tucked in when Oikawa finally joins you. He quietly prepares for bed and gently gets under the covers so as not to wake you. His arms reach over, ready to pull you in for a good night kiss but he doesn’t get the chance because one of your hands pops out from under the duvet to smack him in the forehead. 
“Ow! Why?!” he sputters. 
You scowl at him. “How many times do I have to tell you to shut the door when you come in!” 
“Okay, okay,” he rubs his forehead but obeys. The door shuts. “Happy?” 
You grunt. 
He chuckles a bit, charmed at your grumpiness. 
He tries again to pull you in, but this time, your hand reaches out to pinch the nearest part of his body. That happens to be his left pec. 
“Ouch! What now?” 
“Did you open the windows?” 
Without complaint, he climbs out of bed again to open the window, allowing a gust of cold night air to swallow the room. He sees your legs wiggle a bit from under the duvet and smiles inwardly. 
For the third time, he climbs in bed but stays a good distance away in case he forgot any other part of your night ritual. 
You turn around to face him, duvet pulled above your nose so he can only see your eyes. 
“Why are you so far?” 
“Are you done hurting me?” 
You scoff. “As if you even felt any of it.” 
“My forehead is red!” he exclaims. 
“Fine, stay on that side then.” 
Oikawa can’t help but laugh, shifting over to you and wrapping you up in a hug so tight, you let out a squeal when he squeezes. He doesn’t want to let go, so he keeps his arms tight around your torso and turns to lay on his back, pulling you so that your entire body is splayed over his. 
“Toru, I’ll squash you!” 
He ignores you and just nuzzles gently into neck. You sigh and shift so that you’re chest to chest with him, your head falling to the side so that your noses don’t collide. You’ll never tell him that you like the windows open every night so that the room is cool enough for you to bask in his warmth without overheating. 
Oikawa sighs, smoothing his palm over your back. “Good night, baby.” 
You murmur it back. 
Oikawa thinks this is it. This is the life - just being able to do your silly nighttime routine with you. Your warmth lulls him to sleep and he’s almost there when he feels you prop up, palms pushing hard enough on his chest that it forces an exhale out of his lungs. 
“Did you get me a glass of water? You know I get thirsty in the middle of the night.” 
He sighs, but obliges all the same.
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animeomegas · 3 months
Ideal Valentines Day - Omega! Aizawa, Mic, Toshinori, Dabi
A/N: For the anon who asked <3 I wasn't vibing with Shiggy today, so I left him off. I feel like these all ended up being home dates, but I think being a hero or villain makes those easier lol. There are hints of n-sfw, but it's non-descriptive and very tame.
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Actions speak louder than words for Aizawa, and I think his preferred love language for receiving affection is Acts of Service.
He has no need for material items, and that goes doubly for anything covered in hearts. I don't think he's a massive fan of chocolate. And flowers are just another thing that he has to sort out and try to keep alive as long as he can. No, he much prefers practical care on Valentine's day.
He wants you to pick him up from UA after work so he doesn't have to drive, a warm cup of his favourite coffee, far sweeter than his image would suggest, ready for him.
He wants to go straight home of course. When he walks through the door, he would love to see the house sparkling clean and tidy. It lifts a burden off him that he didn't even know was there.
There's no fancy outfits with him. He wants to immediately get changed into the comfiest clothes he has, and he would love if you did the same.
Dinner should 100% be his favourite takeaway, eaten on the couch, of course.
I don't know why, but I don't get the vibe that Aizawa is that interested in sex on Valentines Day. I think he'd prefer the intimacy to come from a shared bath or a massage.
And ideally the night ends early, so he can face tomorrow well rested, for once in his life.
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Hizashi loves cheesy romance, he lives for cheesy romance! He eats, sleeps, and breathes it!
I think receiving gifts is something he loves, so get him a pink teddy bear, get him a comically oversized chocolate bar, get him a sappy card filled with cheesy love poems (bonus if you write them yourself.) He loves it all.
He also wants to be at home, because he's worried about people recognising him and interrupting the date.
He would love, love, love if he came home to a trail of rose petals to follow, he's always wanted to do that!
I think he'd enjoy cooking dinner together, just making a mess, playing around, listening to music.
Please pull him to dance with you, he will melt.
Once the food is eaten and the mess left for tomorrow, I think he'd want to do some sort of activity. A board game, a video game, painting together, anything! He's having fun as long as he's with you.
And then... well he's certainly not going to complain if one of your gifts to him was lingerie or a new 'toy'. And it would be rude to not try them out 😏
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His idea of romance is old school. He developed his taste mostly from films, rather than experience, after all.
He wants roses so badly. He can't decide if it's more romantic to get a dozen roses, or just one, so he'll let you decide.
I think something private would be more meaningful to him because he's spent his life in the spotlight.
He wants you to meet him at the door with a rose/bouquet of roses, and then lead him into the living room of your home, where you've laid out a fancy dinner.
He wants the fancy dinner table to be set to the nines, he wants candles, champagne, and some food that he can eat. He wants classical music playing in the background.
And then he wants you to pull out his chair for him and wine and dine him until he's completely smitten, not that that's hard.
He doesn't mind if you order the food, but he'd prefer if you either made it by hand, or had it ordered from a special place as opposed to just off a food delivery app. He wants everything to feel special.
The best way to finish the night after dinner is with a movie. One of his favourite films, probably a ridiculous American action film or terrible romcom.
He needs some good old fashioned cuddling at the same time of course.
And because he's getting old, he wants to spend the final moments of the day tucked up in bed, talking about feelings and the future, and all the fuzzy things you're both looking forward to in your relationship.
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Dabi is softer than he will admit, which means Valentines Day with him involved tricking him into feeling loved.
You can't do things that are too typical, because he'll get spooked. If he comes home and sees heart shaped balloons or dozens of roses, he will flee the scene.
Luckily, he is utterly weak for pizza, so if he comes home and you've ordered his favourite pizza and got a video game/film set up, he can't resist.
"This isn't some weird Valentine's shit, is it?"
"It's just pizza, Dabi, but if you don't want any, I'll eat it all."
"What? In your dreams, knothead."
Once you've lulled him in with pizza and games, you can start putting the moves on him.
He's almost always down for sex, so that part is easy. The hard part is stopping him from escalating it into something rougher, and keeping it gentle.
He gets frustrated at first that you're being too soft on him, and it's at this point that you start lavishing him in praise and body worship. His frustration turns into bashfulness and Dabi gets kind of shy.
Let him know how much you love him.
And then, right when you're both about to drift off, wish him a Happy Valentine's Day.
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garfunklefield · 4 months
Red Wine and Macarons
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Fem!reader/Kento Nanami Warnings: drinking, fluff, humor, Nanami is angy, Kento Nanami also wears glasses in this :P, kissing in the moonlight Word count: 1870 words DESC: You have the nerve to ask Nanami to split the bill at a fancy restaurant
This is completely inspired by Trintheweirdo's TikTok video!! I'm just taking this now it's mine :3 Check my pinned masterlist for more!
“Please, help yourself to whatever you’d like from the menu. It’s on me,” a voice you had grown familiar with rang in your ear, as the blonde man motioned to the fancy menu before you. 
Kento was dressed practically like a god, with his golden hair slicked back with some gel, and his suit perfectly pressed. It was different than the tan and blue one he always opted to wear. Instead, it was all black, no tie, and the undershirt was slightly unbuttoned down to reveal some of his neck. 
You weren’t anything to sneeze at either. He had insisted on you wearing a dress he had bought you a week earlier, a teal color with a lower neckline. The style was something you always enjoyed and he knew that, probably the reason for buying it. 
And while you loved all of it, the fancy restaurants and the expensive clothing… you felt bad. I mean, Kento, an amazing guy, spending a lot of money every time you spend time together? You felt like you should uphold your end and pay for something. But every time you tried, the taller man would swoop in and pay for it himself.
Did he feel bad? Did he feel like you could not pay for anything yourself? You two met at a publishing convention for either of your companies before they merged. If Kento asked you would tell him exactly what your position was, but he never did and he never revealed his position. However, doing some digging on your own, you found he was lower down in the company than you. You!! The one he was willing to pay for every single date made more than him!
That made you feel bad. So as you got dressed and did your hair in the mirror you told yourself you were going to split the bill this time, then when he wasn’t looking you’d fully pay for it and surprise him! From all the shock his head would be swimming and it would be the perfect romantic moment! Then maybe… you’d lean in and kiss him. 
This would mark your sixth date and you haven’t even held hands! So you were jumping the gun a bit and going in to kiss. But you had it all planned out! Nothing could go wrong! Nothing!!
You smiled at Kento’s words and picked up your menu, “Kento, I was thinking…” You trailed off, eyeing the menu. God those sweets looked delectable… oh but you had to eat real food first. 
“Hm?” He looked up, pushing his aviators forward on the bridge of his nose. When Kento was interested in what you had to say his brows would furrow together and his lips drew into a line. He wanted to be completely present for you and it made your stomach spin.
“Why don’t we split the bill?” Then when he wasn’t looking you’d pay for the whole thing and surprise him! You couldn’t wait to see him nod and… and…
Then Kento’s face hardened. It was the exact opposite of what you expected. His eyes narrowed and he looked away for a moment, seething with … rage? Whu-oh. Your expression fell a little bit as you tried to figure out exactly what he was thinking. Was he offended? Was he upset because you insinuated you could pay for yourself and you didn’t need him?
You weren’t trying to be rude! Well, you hoped you weren’t being rude at least. 
“Do you think that low of me that I wouldn’t want to spoil a woman such as yourself?” Kento finally spoke, taking off his glasses by gripping the part in the middle. Then he folded them neatly and set them on the white tablecloth.
“I… just thought it would make it a little easier on you. You know, always paying for the both of us,” you attempted to plead your case, but, god, you sort of wished you never opened your mouth to begin with. 
He blinked a few times, “If I want to date a pretty girl, I am going to pay for her to have a luxurious experience.” he paused and reached for his glass filled with red wine and took a long sip- all the while maintaining eye contact, “I would never make someone like you lift a finger if it were up to me. In a perfect world, I would keep you in a high tower to ensure you’d never get hurt. I would…” And my god did he keep going. 
You had no idea Kento had any … real … feelings at all. Sure he held the door open for you and complimented your hair that one time, but he was never very affectionate. Only going on six dates you thought maybe you would get some romance organically, definitely not in a rage-induced love rant. 
You had never seen him this mad before, even going as far as to motion his hands in the air to visualize his frustration at the fact that he could not pay for you. He never expressed himself explicitly. Was… was that his way of showing how he cared? Was that Kento’s way of showing he did like you? Every time he insisted on paying, picking you up, or buying you a dress, was that how he said … I like you?
Without saying anything, you found yourself getting up and grabbing your jacket. The blonde hadn’t seemed to notice, still in his rant about how if life was different he would have servants catering to your every whim. Which, cute, but not what you needed to focus on at the moment. 
“Kento,” you walked around the side of the table and put a hand over the top of his own, causing him to blink a few times. He looked up at you, with anger dissipating, “C’mon.”
You tugged at his hand a few times and he narrowed his eyes, “But my reservation…” He trailed off, looking down at his empty plate then back to you, “Fine,” with that he stood up and grabbed his glasses, placing them back on his head. 
This was the first time you two had interlocked hands. At first, it was to get his attention, but Kento realized you weren’t letting go. He switched his hand to grasp your fingers with his own, interlocking them and such. A warm feeling spread in your chest and made your heart thump even more than it was. Then he let you lead him outside of the restaurant. It was a miracle he was even obliged to leave and cancel this reservation at the last minute. 
He must’ve realized that you had something in mind. Maybe he saw that his rant touched your heart and you wanted to talk to him privately about it. Well, that was half true. You wanted to talk but you had something else in mind. 
“Where exactly are we going?” He asked after a moment of walking in silence on the sidewalk, past a busy road. The time of night was perfect for a walk, with the way the wind blew past the two of you and how the stars illuminated the walkway. It was … romantic. 
“I really like that you want to buy things for me,” you gave him a cheeky glance, “but I want to buy things for you. If there was a perfect world, I’d want to hide you up in a tower and make sure servants waited on you hand and foot too, silly,” you explained, giving his hand a bit of a squeeze. 
You did hope that Kento didn’t think you liked him because of the fancy stuff. If you two just went to sit and get coffee, you wouldn’t mind. You’d love it. Just the chance to see him in a casual environment would be nice, but realistically seeing him anytime was great. You wanted to show Kento you wanted to give him the same treatment he gave you, as a surprise or even just… plainly. You wanted him to feel as appreciated as you did, because now you knew just how much he appreciated you.
The blonde man slowed his walking pace down until he was completely stopped, staring at you with an unwavering expression. It was hard to tell if he was overjoyed or getting ready to break up with you. It was strange how he looked at you. Was it full of passion? Or was it full of… something else?
“Kento…?” You began with an unsure tone, returning his eye contact warily. 
He didn’t speak but he did break the distance between you two, pulling you into … a tight embrace. It wasn’t exactly what you expected but you couldn’t complain. His warmth and his scent drove you in and made you melt into his arms. You didn’t even know he had it in him to be this intimate, especially in public. 
“You… can buy me a macaron and we’ll be even,” he murmured into your ear. 
With that, you pulled back and frowned, “Just a macaron? Why can’t I buy you a suit? Or-or like a fancy meal?” You raised a curious eyebrow. 
Kento looked down at your face, placing one hand on your left cheek to brush away some hair with his finger, “What if I want you to buy me a macaron? I don’t need things from you to know you enjoy my company, but I want to spoil you so you have undeniable proof I … like you.”
You were going to speak, to pour your heart out, but something else overtook you. You didn’t know if this would be the last time you’d be this close to him, or under the stars like this. So without any more hesitation, you leaned in and pressed your lips delicately onto his. Kento made a faint and startled noise before quickly reciprocating, pulling you closer to his body. His arms wrapped firmly and tightly around your frame until you were sure you’d burst. 
The kiss was G-rated, nothing crazy, but god was it amazing. It felt as if your mouths were made for each other. With each crevice and gap molding together to form one person. 
His logic was a bit flawed and you both knew it. But you didn’t care. If all he needed to be even with you was a French pastry then you would go out and find all the French pastries you could. Just to show you cared about him as much as he did for you, even though you came to find out he already knew that. And you knew now that he didn’t feel pressured to buy you things or spend his money on you. He wanted to. 
Kento Nanami wanted to spend every dime he had on you, and of course, you wouldn’t let him, but you were flattered nonetheless. 
After a few moments of passionate kissing and embracing, you pulled back again to stare up at him, “I can get you that… um…” Your cheeks reddened as you looked him in the eyes, with his own stare being unwavering and intense.
“Macaron?” He tilted his head to the side. 
“Yeah. And we’ll be even.”
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heartsforscara · 3 months
“call me back?”
in the wanderer’s eyes, you are amicable, beautiful, and soft with a backbone. he loves you with his whole heart, albeit not the kind of love people fantasize about. love is not fluffy and all giddy emotions or warm hearts to him. love is painful. love is eating him alive.
in his opinion, he is none of those. he is rotten at heart, his is ugly, with scratches on his porcelain like skin spiraling upwards on his limbs, and he is so rude that his words pierce. he fears he will sully you, terrified he is but an impurity in your life who will taint you.
he refuses to let that happen. so no, he cannot give in, cannot admit to you that his pining over you has been brutally murdering him, your soft words skewering him again and again, annoyingly creating a hole in his heart only a certain someone can fill. he will swallow the words he wishes to say every single time, the three words he had practised in the mirror countless times compressed into nothing but ashes to rise from the dust the text time.
and the excruciating process has repeated once twice, three times. a science experiment should be repeated 3 times to ensure reliability, they say. is he so incompetent that he still cannot arrive at a conclusion even after the 3 repetitions?
he cannot fathom why he can’t let go of you. he knows fully well why he likes you— your perfects make up a whole list. but he is the villain. he is trying to change. he should at least not be so ridiculously selfish as to try to keep you all for himself. he breathes.
to him, you remain sui generis even in a crowd. their voices form a cacophony of ignorant fools babbling their incompetent minds away. your voice is what he describes as “grating” or “downright suffocating”, but the opposite is true, and he plays your voice on repeat in your head.
his reticent nature is one you know all too well, and yet you can tell how he truly feels. you notice his fleeting glances at you from across the room, his longing gaze not escaping you. you had wanted to express your feelings countless times, but you remind yourself; he is healing. you will wait.
but alas, a little push never hurt anyone. he is wont to your teasing nature, so when you call him, he does not think too much of it.
“kiyoshi! hi!”
Kiyoshi. the name you had bestowed upon him. it had brought him unbridled joy and confusion when he had first heard it, and to this day it still does. kiyoshi, ironically, means pure and soundless.
why would someone ever think he was pure? after all the things he’s done, all the lying, the killings, the crimes-
he breaks his train of thought.
“… [name]. hey. what’s going on?” his voice had an underlying tone of worry— he was always far too cautious for his own good.
“nothing. just wanted to ask you something.”
a pause, and none of you spoke, leaving an awkward silence.
“hello? are you… not going to ask the question?”
“ah. well, I need to hang up now. sorry. I texted you the question. and im not accepting a text response!”
he stares at your text, incredulous. “Will you call me back tomorrow?”
shit. he’s falling far too deep into this rabbit hole, isn’t he?
the next day, he calls you. “hello?”
“oh! hey! I assume your answer is a yes?”
“No. my answer is no.” his voice has an edge to it, as if expressing his defiance.
he can hear chortles of laughter from your side. “kiyoshi, you’re so funny!”
he dismisses the comment, ignoring how his cheeks burn at the comment. not the good kind of burn- the kind of burn that leaves him gasping, needing more.
“shut up. anyways. why go through this wild goose chase? you called me just to ask me to call you? that’s stupid. get to the point, [name].”
you stifle a giggle. “I just wanted to hear your voice, kiyoshi. I can’t see you everyday, so I just wanted to let you know that your voice is really pretty. I’ll ask you another question on text today. remember to reply, only through calls!”
you hang up on him leaving him aching. if he had a heart, it would have squeezed itself so tight it would be left with nothingness. what gives you the right to make his chest clench, to make his knees buckle, to give him hopes of a rose-tinted future?
grumbling, he opens the text.
“will you call me back?”
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brighter-by-the-daly · 2 months
Millie Bright x Reader
Triggered (Rewrite)
AN: I’ve wanted to rewrite this for sometime since reading it back and it felt so cringey. As it’s about a neurodivergent reader I felt like it could and should be better. It’s mostly Part 1 that’s changed the most but I felt like it should have it’s own post rather than editing the old 3 parter, so I hope you enjoy. It’s been a nice way to ease myself back into writing too.
A ping rang from your pocket up to your ears letting you know you had a new message, hearing the sound your heart started beating faster. You had desperately been waiting for updates from your friend who had won the chance to be at Chelsea women’s open training session and was hoping he’d get something signed from Millie Bright for you. Millie is your favourite footballer but she has been out with a knee injury for months - hardly spotted at games or training as if she’s gone into hiding, but opening the photo from your friend filled your heart with joy seeing the blonde huddled with her friends. She wasn’t in her training kit but seeing her there kept your hopes alive that you’d have something signed in your hands by tomorrow. Your friend had asked you to come with him but you already had tickets for the England game tonight that was at the other side on London which made it impossible to be at both. You had hoped that if she wasn’t at Kingsmeadow she may had turned up to support her England teammates but the photo on the 6 inch screen proved she wasn’t coming. “She seems really rude (y/n/n), why do you like her? She’s not talking to anyone!” the next text came through, shattering your daydreams of finally having her autograph. “I don’t care, I love her! Pleeeease try!” you begged with lots of prayer emojis, keeping your fingers and toes crossed that he’d come up trumps.
“Here, it’s the last one” your best friend Mack broke your concentration from the text exchange as he sat down next to you, placing a hotdog on your plate. His mum was cooking a BBQ for your friend group before you left to go to the stadium which was conveniently around the corner from their house. Perching on the doorstep with him and watching the fans trickle towards the stadium you munched happily on the mounds of food piled up on your plate. Mack’s mum always goes above and beyond when it comes to gatherings, you had been eating BBQ food for hours yet your plate never seemed to be empty. She was the type of person who always left her front door open, her house was always filled to the brim with school friends, then uni friends and work friends. New Years Eve parties every year, Miss Gloria really knew how to throw a banging party! You and Mack threw some memories around while watching his mum pile more sausages onto your other friend’s plates, chuckling as you remembered her flinging you across the lounge to dance with her after she saw you sitting alone when you were younger.
The click of the front gate in the near distance drew your attention to the garden path where a very familiar blonde was approaching the house. Watching in awe as she approached Mack’s mum over the BBQ you rubbed your eyes to see if you were hallucinating. “Millie!” she loudly exclaimed, “I thought you weren’t coming anymore!”, looking to Mack beside you for reassurance that you weren’t going mad who had already upped and left, running over to see her. ‘What, the..?’ muttering to yourself in disbelief you heard them all chattering in the distance but didn’t notice her approaching you a little while later. You were spaced out staring into the distance trying to muster up the courage to talk to her when suddenly she was in front of you. “I’m assuming you’re (y/n)?” she snapped, breaking you out of your spiralled thinking. “Uhh.. yeah?” you replied, not knowing what to think of her standoffish behaviour, she always seemed so upbeat and happy that you just didn’t imagine her being as rude as your friend said earlier. Mack came running over saying his mum was out of food, glancing at the mound on your plate you offered it over. “I-I’m definitely not going t-to eat all of this” you stammered, still in awe that your idol was in front of you but confused with the interaction as you passed your plate over. She took it with not even a thanks and sat down beside you on the door step, beginning to eat like she hadn’t had food for months. “Ketchup?” offering the bottle that was next to you to try break the awkward silence that only amplified her chomping sounds. You felt the mood lift a little when she squeezed the bottle too hard it splashed over her plate in a massive gloop, waiting for her to chuckle at herself so you felt able to too. Squirming in her seat trying not to get it on her clothes, her knee grazed yours, “hey, hows the injury?” you asked trying your hardest to make small talk, “I’m not allowed to say” she responded bluntly, plunging the interaction into dead silence again. Rolling your eyes you let out a desperate sigh, disappointed with how the day went from hopefully getting her autograph to being totally disappointed with actually meeting her.
Glancing at your watch you called out to your friends that you should probably be leaving for the stadium soon, you were met with agreement from all of them as you gathered up the plates to wash up. When you collected Millie’s she asked why you had to leave so soon because kick off wasn’t for another hour. “I just like to know I’m on time” you replied, taking her plate to the kitchen as she followed asking more questions. “The stadium is only around the corner, you don’t need to leave that early” her statement sharp and slightly condescending. Your friends knew your autistic and adhd traits came out the most when you had a timed thing to do – like football. You liked to be there early so you could find your seats without the overwhelming amount of people staring at you arriving. You found comfort knowing you wouldn’t have to tell people they were in your seats and that you could relax knowing you were in the right place. You’d never been to this stadium before and new places trigger your anxiety. You couldn’t tell Millie that though, with the mood she’s in she probably wouldn’t listen anyway. “I just get anxious” you told her honestly, “well don’t worry about it, it’s just football” her tone now throughroughly irritating you. “Wow thanks, I’m cured” rolling your eyes at her ignorance you washed the last plate, expecting her to pick up a tea towel but she didn’t; truly cementing your feelings about the woman – rude and obnoxious! Maybe your friend was right!
45 minutes passed before you actually left leaving 15 minutes to get in and find your seats, you were now an anxious mess and on the brink of a meltdown. Millie lead your friends down an ally to a gate you hadn’t seen when you studied the stadium map online yesterday, falling behind as you rushed to find the tickets on your phone and missing the email containing them. “I can’t find the tickets” you said in quiet panic but realising no-one heard you made you become even more flustered, “guys, slow down! I can’t find the tickets!” you pleaded with everyone to help. Millie turned around and looked at you in a way that you could tell she was annoyed, “you’re with me you don’t need tickets, put your phone away!” she shouted but didn’t stop walking. Looking at Mack in desperation he shrugged but didn’t say anything. You’d never felt more like an outcast to your friends, they all knew your triggers and signs you were getting overwhelmed but it seems Millie’s presence made everyone forget them. You were so looking forward to this game but now you just wanted to leave and go home, everything was going wrong and it was nothing like you had planned for weeks. Millie handed over her pass to the steward as Mack watched you still frantically trying to find the tickets you bought a month earlier, clicking the lock button he gestured for you to put your phone away with no explanation. “5 yeah? All good” the steward said in a bored and tired tone. You didn’t have a clue what was happening but Mack linked his arm in yours and shuffled you inside to seats that weren’t the ones you had carefully chosen when booking them. To be fair, they were really good seats just above the dugouts but you couldn’t help feeling on edge knowing these weren’t your booked ones and panicked someone was going to tell you to move at any moment. Millie sat down next to you with her huge England puffer jacket encroaching on your personal space, hearing every squeak of the fabric against the chair and rustling against your body, you had never felt more uncomfortable.
Noticing you were stimming – tapping your foot making your leg shake and fiddling with your thumb ring, Millie placed a hand heavily onto your thigh making your leg stop shaking instantly. This meant that your anxious energy couldn’t be released and was getting blocked up inside you. “What’s wrong?” she asked sounding genuinely concerned, moving her hood so you could see her face. “Nothing” shaking your head violently trying to stop her from asking anymore questions. You were trying so hard not to have a meltdown and anymore questions might push the tears you were trying desperately to hide out of your eyes, you really didn’t want her to witness this. You’d looked up to the defender since you were younger and you thought meeting her would be a dream but today has been nothing short of a nightmare. She’d hit all your triggers without even realising you had any and you were really struggling to hide your contempt. “Just tell me” she said forcefully. Staring out at the pitch you thought deeply about what you wanted to say but it all came blurting out like a car crash of words leaving your mouth. “I’m autistic and have ADHD, I’ve never been to this stadium before so looked up all the maps of how to get here and where our seats were, I like to be early so I know I’m in the right place, you took us a different way and sat me in a different seat, I always sit on the aisle so I don’t feel trapped, the Lionesses are my special interest, I didn’t get to watch the warm ups or feel the atmosphere before the game, I hate being late and your jacket is so noisy it’s making me want to throw something at you!” Your words left your mouth in one extremely long sentence barely making time to breath, your monotone voice wasn’t raised just sad nothing had turned out like you’d planned. You took a breath and let out a long sigh, feeling a slight release of letting it all out and finally able to look at her. “I’ve been looking forward to this day for ages then you turned up and changed everything, it’s been a lot to deal with” you finished calmly and honestly. Millie stared at you blankly like everything you had just said flew straight over her head. You couldn’t help that you felt uncomfortable, your friends knew what triggers you and could have been more understanding to all the plans changing – one change you could have dealt with but this.. this was a lot.
“Do you drink tea?” Millie asked you after a long awkward silence, nodding gently she asked how you have it then rose from her seat, re-emerging moments later with a cup in her hand. “Sit in this one” she gestured to the seat she was in before which was on an aisle then passed the cup to you; instantly feeling a little relief as the warmth spread through your fingertips to your palms. Hearing the loud zipper of her coat she took it off without any hesitation and started to put it around your shoulders. “What are you doing?” trying to shrug it off, wondering about her intentions, “trust me, it’s a like a big safety bubble, put it on” she nodded smiling for the first time today as encouragement. Feeling the warmth around your body and the weight of the coat acting like your heavy blanket at home you sunk into your new seat, your heart rate slowly returned to normal and your eyes were no longer acting like dams for your tears. “I’m really sorry (y/n), I didn’t realise” her words sounded sincere. “Why would you? I have to work very hard to appear like everyone else, to seem normal. Nobody would know unless I told them or I suddenly snapped. They’d just see me flip out over one tiny thing without recognising all of the other things that had lead me to have a meltdown” you said looking down at your cup, embarrassed with how honest and open you were being. “I get it, I really do” she smiled, taking hold of one of your hands and holding it between hers on her lap as the teams walked out onto the pitch immediately making you happy again. It’s like she had heard you, listened and understood exactly what you needed - to feel safe.
Millie held your hand throughout the entire game, stroking her thumb along yours intimitently to keep you grounded and only stopping when England scored or to top up your tea. You’re unsure how she went from standoffish and rude to caring and kind so quickly but you wish more people you told about your neurodivergence acted this way when they find out instead of looking at you weird and ignoring everything you’ve just said - despite the beginning of the day, you had a good night.
Standing up and unzipping the coat to return it to her she abruptly stopped you, pulling it back onto your shoulders. “It’s okay wear it home, it’s gotten cold now” her voice a lot softer than a few hours ago and certainly more bubbly than earlier in the evening. “I can’t do that this is part of your kit” you giggled nervously, still trying to take it off. “Well I can’t let you walk home cold can I” she shrugged joking like her hands were tied. You argued back and forth at who would take the coat until you finally accepted the kind gesture, “I’m a hot bod anyway” was her winning statement which made you smirk, ‘in more ways than one’ you thought to yourself. Millie asked to walk you out but you didn’t need babysitting and suggested she go congratulate her teammates instead. “I wasn’t implying that you need babysitting, I just wanted to make sure you’d get home okay” trying to justify her intentions. “Well I won’t be home for at least two hours so you’d be waiting a long time” you laughed, shuffling past her to try and make your exit. Millie was shocked with how long a journey you had and had assumed you lived near the stadium as you were at Mack’s earlier in the evening. You chatted until your friends were ready to leave and finally asked how she knows your friends, questioning why he has never mentioned knowing the defender before now. Turns out her mum knows his mum from grassroots and she very rarely pops by, the game just happened to have been played near their house and Mack hadn’t seen her since he was a child. “I’m sorry I made tonight tough for you” she said, touching your back for reassurance which you barely felt through the puffiness of the coat. “It’s okay, nothing a tea can’t fix” you’d had a good night in the end, knew why you were triggered and was able to get over it quickly with her help. “No it’s not okay, I should be more aware of how my words and actions affect people” she looked down at the ground with embarrassment. “It’s not your job to accommodate me” you said bluntly still feeling like she was babying you. Before she could reply Mack called out that they were ready to leave and interrupted your conversation. You thanked Millie again for the coat but insisted you wouldn’t need it as you’ll be sat on a train, trying for the last time to return the offering but once again she stopped you. “Can I drive you home?” This girl just doesn’t give up! You had to put your foot down and raised your eyebrow in a ‘I’m so done with you’ way, “okay! You don’t need babysitting, I get it! Keep the coat though please” she smiled sweetly and batted her eyelashes over exaggeratedly, your eyes rolled and reluctantly agreed to keep her from continuing to fuss. Holding her arms out to initiate a hug, you hesitated but hugged goodbye quickly when she called you out for leaving her hanging then made your way to the station.
On your second train of the night you were now half way home with an hour to go when your phone pinged.
“Did you get home safe?”
“It’s Millie by the way”
“I asked Mack’s mum to send me your number 🙊”
3 messages came through immediately one after the other.
“Good job you’re a footballer cause you can’t count!” you replied sarcastically “two hour journey I said, not one!” Sending a selfie of yourself, hood up earphones in and very obviously still on a train.
M - “Wish you had just let me take you home, you’d have been in bed by now”
Y - “Still babysitting are we?”
M - “No just checking this cute girl I met tonight is safe, that’s all 🙂”
Struggling not to spit out your drink as you read the last message you stumbled over how to reply. Was she seriously flirting with you right now? Settling for a funny but ugly faced selfie with “cute you say? 😂” to gauge if she really was flirting or just being kind.
M - “Don’t ruin your pretty lil face please”
M - “Although if any creep comes and sits near you that face will make them run a mile 🤣”
Y - “Didn’t work on you though did it 😉”
M - “Cheeky! 😳”
M - “Sorry again about tonight”
Y - “You’re gonna have something to actually be sorry about soon if you don’t stop!”
Y - “Honestly it’s okay, your actions after I told you speak louder than your ones before”
M - “That’s a nice thing to say”
Y - “Yeah you’re not used to saying nice things are you!”
M - “Shut ittt! What ya listening to?”
Y - “Nothing, I just put them in so no one talks to me, I need to hear the station announcements otherwise I get distracted and miss my stop 🙃”
With that she tried to FaceTime you but assuming it was a mistake, you didn’t answer.
M - “You ignoring me now?”
Y - “Assumed it was a butt dial 🤷🏻‍♀️”
M - “No I wanna see your face”
Y - “I’ve already sent you a photo!”
Your message had barely delivered when she tried to call you again, staring at your phone for a while before reluctantly answering; you wanted to be left alone to process the day and unwind from the overstimulation you had endured for hours but here you were FaceTiming with Millie Bright. What a mad day! “You don’t give up easily do you?“ was your opening line, “not when I want something, no” she smiled from the other side of the phone. Giving her a stern look with a raised brow you really didn’t know how to take her, what you did know is that her cheeky smile made you feel warm inside... It was either that or her massive coat still wrapped around you! She asked how long until your station and set a timer so you didn’t miss it which you secretly thought was adorable and incredible thoughtful. “For someone who didn’t want my coat, you’re still wearing it” she teased, rolling your eyes again as you leant your head on the window. She asked you where home was and said again that she would have driven you as she lives near by, you replied cheekily that your mum told you not to get into a car with a stranger. “Strangers are we?” her voice turned high pitch and excitable, “we’re hardly anything other!” you hit back. Millie wanted to change that and asked you to tell her about yourself, explaining that you’re exhausted you suggested she go first as your blinking slowed, you barely had the energy to stay awake let alone make small talk.
“Okayyy... I’m Millie, 29 years old” you were surprised at her age as she seemed older which she jokingly took offence to. You exchanged birthdays, star signs and talked about family - something that means a lot to the both of you. “I’m a footballer, as you know” pulling a 💁🏼‍♀️ face, “oh are you? I didn’t know that! I did wonder how you got this coat” you said popping the hood sarcastically. “Can certainly tell you live up to your star sign, your sarc is off the charts!” seemingly impressed that someone can keep up with her banter. “Your simp is off the charts!” you snapped back quickly. “Shit, is it that obvious?” her eyes widened in shock as you nodded in a ‘well duh’ sort of way. “So you’ve known I’ve had the hots for you all this time and you’ve just been knocking me back?” she asked as she laid down on her bed holding the phone above her head looking sleepy and adorable. Telling her you couldn’t let her have it easy, plus you didn’t know if she was flirting or just being friendly because she fucked up earlier, Millie assured you she wouldn’t do that but you reminded her that you didn’t actually know her and it pays to be cautious. “You were a right bellend and then went all soft” you said kicking your feet up on the chair in front of you, “I was just having a bad day” she muttered glancing away from the camera, “wanna talk about it?”. She spoke about her day at Chelsea, they sent her away as she’s still not fit to play, she can’t talk about her injury as it’s in her contract not to, she just wanted to be playing with the girls and is sad she’s missing out on the last England camp before the World Cup. Camp is her fave place to be and was extra sad because she’s missing out on seeing her best friend.
The alarm went off on Millie’s phone so you knew the next stop was yours, you thanked her for keeping you company but she wouldn’t let you say goodbye until you were safe in your car. Nobody had cared this much about your safety before accept your mum but you were still sceptical whether it was because she felt guilty for causing you to have a meltdown earlier.
“Are you home?” pinged up on your phone as you pulled up on your driveway. You couldn’t help the corners of your mouth turn up as you saw her name flash but decided to keep her waiting while you made your way inside your home, turning on the lights and pulling on your bed clothes before falling into bed. Sending her a photo of your bedroom TV showing Friends and telling her to let you know an address to send her coat back to.
M - “The coat was a reason to see you again”
Y - “Oh and there was me thinking you were doing it out of the kindness of your own heart”
Your phone vibrated next to you as she tried to FaceTime you again, this girl just does not quit! “Are you single?” she immediately opened with as soon as you answered phone and plotted to play with her a little. “Who’s asking?” you teased, “me, obviously!” she giggled, anxiously waiting for an answer. “Oh no sorry, I’m taken” you paused before laughing. “Yes I’m single, haven’t found someone who can handle all this yet. I’m not into girls though soz” struggling to keep a straight face with the lie you told. “I don’t believe that, I’m not the only one who’s been flirting all night!” her voice once again high pitched as she sat up in bed appearing more alert with the conversation. “How dare you insinuate such a thing!” your tone turning dramatic, playing with her. You chatted for a little while until your eyes couldn’t stay open much longer and started to drift off. Millie watched you drop to sleep before hanging up, for some reason she wanted you and she wasn’t gonna stop until she got you.
“Good morning beautiful 😘” was the first notification you saw when you picked your phone for the first time of the day to look at the time.
Y - “It’s been a long time since I woke up to one of those texts 🤭”
M - “I’m surprised about that”
Y - “get to know me better and maybe you won’t be lol”
M - “I’d like to, are you going to the game tonight?”
The text exchange had been non-stop since your train ride home a few days ago. You hadn’t gotten tickets for the England v Australia game tonight as the stadium looked tricky to get to and two unknown stadiums in one week was just a bit too much overstimulation for you. Millie wasn’t taking no for an answer though as she asked you to go with her and to meet at her house, she’ll drive so there’ll be no public transport involved. You said you’ll think about it but in typical Millie fashion she replied “it’s a date, be here at 7 😉” sending you a pin of her address. You didn’t reply after that, still trying to keep her guessing. Of course you’d go if it meant seeing Millie again, your head had been filled with thoughts of her since the day you met!
Pulling up on Millie’s drive and climbing out of your car, she must have been watching and patiently awaiting your arrival as her front door flew open the moment she heard the hum of an engine. “Nice coat!” she shouted from the doorway, “I’ve got my own in here” you called out to her when opening the boot of your car to look for it. “Keep it, it looks good on you” she winked, holding her arms out for a hug, kissing you on the forehead as she squeezed you tightly then held her passenger door open for you to slip in. “So..” she started after turning the radio down “I’m gonna park in the player’s car park and we’re gonna go in through the back door, they don’t show that on the map” - informing you of what’s going to happen tonight. It was admirable that she’d taken on board what you’d said last time and was trying to ensure that you would be comfortable. “I haven’t looked at the map for tonight, I trust you” turning to smile at her after clicking your seatbelt in place. For the first time in ages you’d agreed to a spontaneous plan and hadn’t researched it to an inch of it’s life. The conversations you’d had with her for hours on end made you feel safe, like you could rely on her to make sure you have a stress-free evening. “That’s probably the best compliment I’ve ever had” turning to look at you and squeezing your thigh. “Okayyy, what I’m hearing is that not a lot of people trust you so I shouldn’t?” jokingly opening the maps app on your phone. “No, stop. Obviously normal compliments are fine but being trusted feels better than say.. being called pretty or something” she shrugged. “Well you’re that too, I’ll see if I still trust ya at the end of the night” chuckling softly at the playful interaction. Both of you knew that the feelings between you were mutual and the days of pretending you didn’t were long gone.
Pulling into a space close to the England bus, Millie guided you across the car park towards the stadium, away from the hustle and bustle of thousands of fans making their way inside. As you neared closer her hand grazed against yours before locking your fingers together making your tummy do cartwheels. She flashed her lanyard and got waved inside, she lead you up the stairs and into a box, grabbing you both a tea and settling into your seats where she made sure you were on the aisle again. Eyeing up the line up together her head was almost on your shoulder as she leant over to look at your phone. The game was bleak, Millie watched you stand up and sit down every two minutes shouting support at the team, at a moment where you were sitting her hand found its way onto your thigh again “I love how into this you’re getting” she chuckled as softly as her eyes looked into yours. “I’m comfortable, I’m not like this if I’m not” shrugging at her comment. “Like the first game?” she asked, you nodded and explained how being yourself is harder when you’re uncomfortable then asked if she’s frustrated watching her team losing. “No, you watch the game but I’m studying it. Where we’re going wrong, what could have been done differently. It’s all learning. Yeah, it’s gutting but it helps us prepare for the World Cup… you carry on though, it’s cute” nudging her shoulder into yours. “My friends think I’m embarrassing” standing up again to watch a corner be taken, “I’d prefer you to be yourself” the defender’s hand grazed your back as she stood up next to you.
The evening was filled with smiley flirty glances towards each other and at half time she made her move, lifting her arm up and around your shoulders allowing you to snuggle into her. You reminded your date that the cameras would probably show her at some point but she didn’t care. This made you blush a little as you sunk further into her; with your feet up on the seats in front of you, it felt super cosy. The Lionesses came away with a loss, the first L under Sarina’s management. It was a tough pill to swallow as fan and player but you couldn’t have been prouder of the team. Losing made you appreciate women’s football, the crowd just accepted it and moved on. No arguments or swearing or violence - proud of the players regardless. Allowing the fans to trickle out of the stadium before making your exit, Millie held your hand every step of the way and once in the car park wrapped her arm around your shoulders again until you got to the car.
Her hand never left your thigh during the entire drive home and pulling up outside the house you were quick to climb out the car and wave goodbye, you desperately wanted to stay but suddenly felt awkward, what if she didn’t want to kiss you? You could never live with yourself if you were rejected. Heading towards your own car a hand clasped around your wrist, Millie was pulling you back towards her. “Can’t wait to get away from me aih?” she asked with a smirk as her forefinger stroked the hair out of your face. “No.. it’s not that..” looking down at your feet as your reply was muttered, “what is it then?” using the same finger to lift your chin so you were looking up at her. Her bright blue eyes and floppy blonde bun made you subconsciously moisten your lips as your eyes flickered between her facial features. This told Millie everything she needed to know as she moved her hand to the side of your neck and leant down to place a kiss softly upon your lips. Tiptoeing to meet her half way, her other hand held the small of your back pulling you closer into her, yours balanced on her hips as your lips entwined further. “Stay with me” escaped her mouth between kisses, your lips smiling against hers as small nods moved your head in agreement, faces still joined together until she pulled away to guide you towards the house. You’d had such a good night that you didn’t want it to end! Watching her close the door behind her you were quickly pulled back into her arms “I’ll have my coat back now” she smirked, pushing it over your shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. Kicking your shoes off she wrapped her arms around your waist and you draped yours around her neck, tiptoeing to reach her as your lips found their way together again. As she started to lift you up off the floor you broke away, “you shouldn’t be doing that!” concerned about her knee, “don’t worry about it” her voice had turned husky between kisses as you connected your legs around waist. She walked you over to the sofa, sitting down with you on top of her, hands on each others face. Pulling her bunchie out to release her wavy blonde hair made you smile more as it dropped past her shoulders. “You have a beautiful smile” she said tucking your hair behind your ears before kissing you again “I’ve been dying to do this since I met you” she whispered. You questioned her statement as she seemed so grumpy, she insisted that she was smitten the moment you shared your food with her. “That’s why I sat down next to you, I couldn’t have gone inside” she reassured you that she didn’t realise how blunt she came across, especially if you don’t know her very well. All that was blown away now as you felt her hands pull your head towards hers again, you spent the night getting to know each other’s mouths until you fell asleep on her chest. As she stroked your hair your mind filled with happy little flutters, you felt like you’d finally found your person, someone that took the time to truly understand you.
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meafortuna · 1 year
Three for luck! 🍀 Take what resonates and enjoy it! 🫶
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• Mars in Cancer and that theory about how passive-aggressive are they… I don’t want to be rude, but these guys are just aggressive. Really quick temper. Passive-aggressive is more prone when the native have Moon-Mars square, they are more indecisive when it comes to actions, that’s why their anger is not so explosive. Also i have noticed that Mars in Cancer many times have some strong Aries placement in their chart, like Sun. I will be glad if someone share their opinion on this one. ♋️☄️
• Venus ruled by Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius) are late bloomers in love <at least that’s what people says>, but let me tell you something that i have observed. A big part of this Venusians fall for love real hard in their young ages, then get their heart broken and that can hurt them real bad, to the point they don’t even want to try again for a really long time. But days go by (sometimes years) and they start to think that relationships are not about love, but more about respect, friendship, compromises and etc. Which it’s absolutely true, one relationship wouldn’t be successful without this things, but it’s also sad, because this natives just don’t believe in the magic of love, that’s why people often times says “ugh, Capricorns are so cold hearted”. Well, they are not, they just don’t believe in fairytales anymore. So no, they are no late bloomers, they just start to want relationship with someone after a long time of not wanting it. ♑️♒️💙
• Uranus in the forth house it’s one of the bigest indicator for changing home more often than the others, or home life was unstable in some kind of way. 🌪️🏠
• Pluto asc or Pluto conjunct asc have always something dark when it comes to their appearance, most of times they have pigment shadows under their eyes or dark eyes. 👁️
• Moon in sixth house can be more prone to have insomnia or sleeping problems, also for them it is hard to follow some kind of schedule, a little bit lazy. 💤
• Why people keep trying to hide something from Scorpio Moon/Mercury?! I mean they just know when someone lies to them. Scorpio Moon have that strong gut feeling when there is something wrong, with Mercury all comes from their thoughts, their investigative mind works 10/10 times. 🕵🏻 Don’t lie to them, just don’t.
• If you want someone to love u unconditionally, you should look for a partner with fixed Moon and Venus sign, doesn’t matter if is fire or air sign. When they love someone, but only if they truly love them, there is nothing that can change their mind about the way how they feel for that person, really ride or die experience. Sometimes things can get a little toxic if you don’t give them the same amount of attention and time as the beginning. ♉️♌️♏️♒️
• I have never ever seen a Taurus Moon that doesn’t love and want luxury things in their life. Their sense of secure strongly depends of what is it in their bank account. 🤑For me this is the most goal oriented Moon sign, although they are such a sweet hearts and love to make biig presents for their loved ones, that’s their love language. 🫶 Imagine if the Moon is in 2nd house “double trouble” in a good way. 😁 But don’t let them fool you, sometimes buying expensive clothes, eating in nice restaurants or drinking the best wine in the list it’s just coping mechanism for something going on in their emotional life. So give them your support more often. ♉️🌖
~meafortuna 💙
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mamayan · 7 months
Dear Yanny,
I am desperately humbly requesting a yandere Giyuu being yandere, very very yandere, with a relatively willing darling AFAB/fem reader and a side dish of bedroom spice.
I am in tears.
Sincerely, Desi <3
Let’s do a yandere profile then for Giyuu! I’ve been wanting to try out this format for a minute now.
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☆Giyuu Tomioka★
cw: NSFW • Obsessive/Possessive Themes • Implied kidnapping/imprisonment • Yandere • AFAB! Darling
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This yandere type is obsessive and possessive of their darling, but they believe that their actions are justified in the name of protecting their darling. This yandere type may infantilize or cross boundaries their darling lays down. They intentionally or unintentionally take away their darling’s independence.
Giyuu is constantly in a state of worry for you, he’s thinking of you at nearly every second of the day and when you don’t consume his every waking moment, you appear in his dreams. Did you sleep well? Have you eaten? Did you eat enough? Have you gotten sick? Was someone rude to you? What if you’re hurt?
This type of obsession leads to tailing/stalking/monitoring. He watches you at any and every moment he can, and when he can’t then someone he trusts is. Giyuu learns all your habits, likes and dislikes, fears and dreams, and will insert himself into your life. He doesn’t need to be loud or boisterous, in fact his calm demeanor and presence allow him to seamlessly blend into your world without raising any alarms.
This leads to possessiveness forming. His attachment deepens over time and a sort of ownership forms. It stems from his detailed knowledge of you and even your private life which you’ve never shared with him personally. He sees himself as someone who knows you completely, thus making him the most important character in your life.
He doesn’t understand why you’d spend time with anyone else but him. Those “friends” don’t know you hate that food, but they ignore your indirect ways of steering away from eating it. He knows you dislike it, and he’s happy to eat your favorite food with you, even if he doesn’t love it personally. He’s unafraid of stealing you away too, pretending nonchalantly to have been just passing through with a bag full of your most adored goodies, inviting you away from whatever situation you find yourself uncomfortable in.
Giyuu is a gentleman, even in his most unhinged state of watching you sleep at night in your home you were sure you locked up tightly before bed. He’s not going to be mean or hurtful, his yandere tendencies stem from lack of control in life and deep loss.
Breaking Point
Once “danger” threatens their darling.
Giyuu’s instability would worsen over time, not immediately. It would coincide with his feelings for you. The more he falls in love, the more he begins to stress about that love being taken away in some tragic accident. He’s lost his best friend and sister, how can he lose you too? He’s always being protected by those he cared about, shouldn’t he be the one to protect you then?
Giyuu would ponder and even be consumed by guilt once he realized how powerless he truly is to keep you completely safe. You had a life to live, how could he be so selfish as to tie you to him by a short chain and never let you go?
He won’t take action until a threat is posed… even if that threat is only within his own mind.
It could be a demon nearly harming you, a person that is mean towards you, or even you being clumsy and hurting yourself which could set this trigger off. The longer he waits, the more the line of danger becomes skewed. In the end, he’s giving in to his own paranoia. There’s no way to truly escape this break.
Giyuu is actually fairly aware of how wrong his feelings for you have become. What was once innocent and pure has become warped and twisted into something entirely off. He shouldn’t think of you 24/7 nor should he be keeping such a detailed account of your life. It’s completely wrong of him, illegal, invasive towards you, and he feels immense guilt for it.
At first.
At first, he’s consumed with anger and disgust towards himself. He’s one hundred percent lucid at this point and fighting back against his urges and desires. He loves you, how can he be thinking and doing these things?
As time goes on however, his fight with himself becomes a losing battle. He wants you, needs you, has to keep you close. It’s more than he can take really, and in the end, isn’t he pitiful? Won’t you stop struggling? He adores you, he truly only desires your happiness and safety…
In his arms, of course.
Perception of Darling
Complete adoration!
Giyuu is not the sort of man to worship his darling in a religious sense, because humans are flawed and he wouldn’t truly love you if he ignored your flaws right? He loves those too, so Giyuu falls under the category of adoration.
With complete adoration is how Giyuu views you, his beloved darling.
He struggles not to constantly pamper and even mildly infantilize you, though he doesn’t view you as incapable. It’s the opposite in fact, shouldn’t someone as capable and smart as you be spoiled more? He thinks so at least. He wants to take away all your worries and struggles, all of them, because he wants to keep you safe from more than just outside threats.
He wants to protect you from the ones inside too. He knows what depression and anxiety feel like, how they can destroy you from the inside out, and he doesn’t want you suffering from the same thing.
These feelings are pure but his actions can reflect something different.
In his quest to rid you of all troubles, he can unintentionally make himself a trouble, one which he can sadly not rid you of. His simple solutions may even complicate things, like telling you to quit your job and rely on him financially when you complain of a co-worker. He struggles to listen at times, in his desperation to keep you happy at all points in time, and this can be frustrating.
Whether you are screaming at him in rage, crying in fear, or trembling with anxiety… he still thinks there’s no one more adorable and lovely than you. It’s difficult for him to feel anything but love and patience for you, even if he’s the cause of your outbursts.
It’s not that he believes you can do no wrong, it’s just that he could simply care less. As long as you don’t harm yourself, or try harming him (though he understands that much more), then there’s really not much that would cause his perception to waver.
Love Language
Words of affirmation
Giyuu enjoys words of affirmation the most from you. He enjoys all other love languages too, but in a way he somewhat forces quality time (stalking or kidnapping), acts of service (you breathing), receiving gifts (your presence). Physical touch would be a close second, but Giyuu can actually go without it should you not like it.
It’s your words though he cannot receive without you willingly giving it to him.
What he wouldn’t pay or do to hear you tell him “I love you” or “I forgive you” because he does feel guilty taking you. The guilt just doesn’t outweigh his overprotective instincts which drove him to take you in the first place.
Tell him he’s wonderful, compliment his hair or eyes, or tell him you’re grateful for his presence in your life. All will make him melt, his heart softening into silken tofu by your sweet words.
He also loves your voice, so you speaking at all makes his heart flutter. When you decide to utter kind words with that voice?
He’s gone.
Ability/Danger Level
Giyuu is as dangerous as he is pretty. Not to you of course, but to any and all who may or may not pose a threat to you. This includes family and friends too. He’s not above harming or even killing for the sake of protecting you, though he’d never reveal his actions out of his own volition.
He likely will get blood on his hands, especially since it becomes easier to take people out without you noticing once he’s kidnapped you. How can he allow someone who has harmed you to continue living and breathing? Even if the damage was only psychological, he views it as a trespass against his own and it will be met with violence or some similar horror.
He really doesn’t feel any guilt either, though he does have a strong moral code, especially for children. But that weird man who tried sexually harassing you?
The world can go without that sort of scum.
Giyuu is likely one of the most patient yanderes out there, but he’s not without some temper. The quickest way to find yourself over his lap with your ass in the air is to try escaping or harming yourself.
His punishments, even when he’s in the worst of moods, will never be anything terrible. The worst you can expect is isolation.
This will seem fine at first, even enjoyable if you truly wish to get away from him, but over time it will wear you down to a sort of fragility you wouldn’t expect. It’s horrible being alone, maddening to a point you may break down and beg. He’s not able to bear hearing it, so he’d either lift the punishment as you having learnt your lesson or hide away.
A lesser punishment he might use is spanking or privilege revoking. He might ban you from the garden or walks you enjoy or put you over his knee and make your poor bum burn for a little. He’d never hit you anywhere else though, and of course, never use anywhere near his full strength in spanking you. It’s honestly little taps to him, but you might disagree when it hurts to sit later.
Giyuu may even be inclined to deny you sexually/or an orgasm if you are sexually intimate.
How can he not? He wants to spoil you rotten, so much you can’t even fathom living without him and all he provides.
Giyuu absolutely rewards you with freedoms as his darling too, and you’ll learn to truly appreciate them as time goes on in captivity. The more accepting and loving you are towards him, the more freely he takes you out and allows you to do things. He doesn’t think you incapable as a human, which means he doesn’t mind TV, books, or entertainment as long as you aren’t using them to escape.
He’s not stupid and proves rather difficult to manipulate. He may let you play your game to let his guard down, but know once you make a move he’s showing you how futile the act is.
He’s happy to spend money on you though, whatever you like too. He’s a simple man and doesn’t really spend much on himself besides the basics and necessity, so he’s actually happy he gets to use his money for something besides collecting interest. Let him decorate you, or get all the fancy tools for your hobby you’ve always wanted. It’s not hard to get him to “reward” you. In fact, it’s harder to make him stop.
Try as he might to resist it, he wants nothing more to chain you to his side. That’s not possible though, he’s got obligations to attend to, but he can lock you in a gilded cage.
A delicate flower~♡
He’s actually a bit hard to read when you first meet him, but he melts like ice on a hot summer day in your presence. Others may complain about his personality, or lack thereof, but you wonder if they’re talking about the same Giyuu that you know.
He never shuts up? He’s always bringing you fresh bouquets, sweets and snacks, any and all items that catch his eye which he thinks you’ll like. He’s detailed and incredibly considerate, and this doesn’t change when you’re taken captive either.
Though he won’t allow you to leave him, he can still give you… space. Your own room if you request it, a little garden, your space, as long as it doesn’t involve straying too far from him.
He’s not controlling in a sense of depriving you of basic human abilities, like cooking or using tools. He knows you are capable of taking care of yourself, and he’s careful not to make you feel otherwise.
He really tries. It’s not always perfect though. When you’re cooperative and willing, he has an easier time letting go of the reigns, but when you aren’t? He’ll lock doors and drawers like one might with a small toddler, his mistrust will show through his actions.
Sexually attracted~
Giyuu’s feelings for you are pure in a sense, but he’s a man with wants and desires…that just happen to all be directed at you.
He craves to hold and caress you, and he’s a bit embarrassed to admit he’s done so while you’ve slept. Your defenseless sleeping expression invokes both envy and adoration. He wishes he slept like that and also wishes you’d never sleep any other way. It’s intimate to him, cradling your slumbering form in his arms, pliant and sweet for him to gaze at until the sun rises. His anxiety for you is quenched when he holds you like so, and he enjoys the peace it brings him emotionally.
If you reject his physical affection, Giyuu is surprisingly one of the few yandere types to respect that boundary.
Don’t be mistaken though, he’s not above manipulating your feelings if there is a chance you’re only rejecting him due to the circumstances you’re in. It’s understandable to be frightened in the beginning, he’s not pushy in asking for anything from you that you aren’t willing to give to him.
But he knows he’s an attractive man, and feels nothing walking shirtless before you, or training while you can see. He’s seductive in how he’ll speak to you, lowering his tone and softening it, making you lean in closer to hear him. That’s when you’ll smell him, a clean and masculine scent that will confuse your mind and body because how can someone evil smell so good?
It won’t be hard to succumb to his advances if you’ve been intimate before you’d been taken. He’s detailed, remember? Confident he knows you inside and out, and that includes your weak points. Where to whisper or breathe to make you melt, where to touch to have you gasping, and how to deep he needs to thrust to make you scream. He’s well aware of how much pressure and time he needs to spend between your legs, how to lick your drooling cunt to have you shake and spasm, where to curl his fingers to make you tear at his locks.
No, Giyuu would never force any sort of intimacy on you. He makes it terribly difficult not crave it in fact.
Minimal to none—
While in his presence, feel free to ask for walks, dates, or shopping sprees. He’s fine with taking you out so long as you act normally too.
Otherwise expect nothing. No freedom. Your cage may be luxurious and beautiful but you will never leave it, not without his supervision. He won’t budge either, there’s no convincing him something is safe or acceptable. It’s one of the few times you will see him stern and unbending with you, nothing you do will make him cave.
Begging and pleading may even irritate him enough to punish you as well. Why do you want to leave so badly? Is he so terrible to you?
Sleep watching
Giyuu spends an abnormal amount of time watching you sleep, even at the expense of his own rest. This won’t ever actually affect you, as he never outright tells you he does this, but if you figure it out or wake up unexpectedly to catch him… it may make you nervous to fall asleep.
Sexual Kinks (for non-platonic yandere)
Giyuu felt these urges mildly before he met you. He’s aware he likes being told how well he’s performing, holding off an orgasm for him or his partner, or making both himself and his partner a mess with overstimulation.
It’s so much worse now though. He can’t help how desperate he becomes with you, how needy and near feral it makes him to just think of filling your pretty pussy up with his cum. It’s sad almost how you turn him into such a pathetic man. He wants to brand himself on you, it wars with his need to never hurt you too, so he settles by sucking bruises into your skin and occasionally biting you. He’s vocal when you’re both intimate, he tells you how much he adores you, what he adores about you (everything), and how good you are for him. His precious pearl, his ocean and entire heart, he’s not the least bit ashamed as he grits his teeth and cries your name as he comes apart. Giyuu loves teasing you and himself too, working you both so close to the edge before stopping, leaving you both whiny and desperate for one another. He needs you to cling to him, to beg for more, to take it too.
His kinks aren’t one sided. He wants you to mark him up, in the way he wishes he could bring himself to do to you. So drag your nails across his skin, make him wear a collar of your bites and kisses around his neck, pull his hair and bruise him. Anyway you show ownership of him is welcomed, though the amount of dominance he’ll accept from you is dependent on your acceptance of your new life with him. He’s less inclined to release the reigns of control when you’re still adapting, cautious and fearful it may be a ruse to trick him and escape. He’ll relax eventually, and even begin to crave the times you tie him up and torment him like he does to you. Deny his poor aching cock again and again, make him beg for you and worship your sweet cunt as you ride his face, and then deny him again just because. He’d even accept if you just stopped there, leaving him painted red and panting, exhausted but not finished. He’d be entirely grateful if you took mercy too, rode his pretty thick cock until he became delirious and keep going even after he’s cum, moving your hips like a goddess on his lap while he pleads for rest and mercy. He can cum multiple times, but it borders on painful after the third, he won’t complain much though if you test his limits.
He’s happy to return the favor, but Giyuu’s favorite way to overstimulate you both is deep hard sex, holding your gaze as he fills you over and over, your pussy oozing his white hot load each time he pulls out to put you in a new position, before he plugs you right back up. Giyuu likes to cum pressed as firmly against your womb as he can, and he likes when you cum around his cock. It feels to most complete to him, and he cherishes the pleasured look on your face.
If it ever becomes too much, a quick way to make him finish is to praise him too. Tell him how good he makes you feel, how beautiful he is, how you like what he’s doing. His hips will always stutter in surprise, blue eyes widening as he gasps and tenses, cock twitching and threatening to spill just from your lovely voice complimenting him.
The front door—
How can he protect you if you run away? He draws a solid line at the doorway. You will not be crossing it without him or else.
Unsurprisingly for an overprotective yandere, Giyuu is incredibly strict.
You’re health and safety are top priority for him, so from when you wake up to when you fall asleep, he’s got all of it tracked.
Your daily needs are monitored like your exact location in his home. He likes having eyes on you at all times. He won’t enforce specific meal plans, but he makes sure you are eating enough, you’re getting enough vitamins and nutrients, and doctor visits are regular. He even knows your menstrual cycle.
You will be asking him for any and all things, he keeps that under tight control. If you want to bake bread or grow a garden, it will all be done through his means.
Overall Rating
Giyuu Tomioka is an incredibly dangerous yandere!
While he poses minimal threat to you as his darling, he’s a risk to the outside world and your surroundings. He’s sure in his carnage in the name of protecting you, and he’s lucid about it too, which makes him quite threatening.
You’re chance of escape is little to none, and the punishment following it will surely make your teeth ache.
“You’re trying to leave?” His tone is soft, no true indication of his mood to those unfamiliar with him.
You were familiar with him though, and his words made your blood run cold. You weren’t trying to leave, you had only wanted fresh air in fact, but the position you were in now made that difficult to believe even to your own eyes. Balanced on the flat surface of the kitchen counter, you were struggling to open the window due to the cold having frozen it outside. Once you had gotten it open, like an animal you’d stuck your head out immediately. It was an instinctive reaction in all honestly, you just wanted the cool air on your skin.
You should’ve gotten him to do it though, he would’ve, you knew, but you’d wanted to do it yourself. To have the little moment all to your own. A foolish goal in the end, as this was where it took you now. He’s not looking at you, just leaned against the entryway with his arms crossed and a cool expression painting his features, head tilted slightly down.
“I’m not!” It’s too quick a denial to absolve you of suspicion, especially as you scramble down with a face appearing impossibly guilty. “I just wanted to open the window,” you explain, but the nervous rise of your voice and the way you look frightened only make his eyes narrow a fraction. He doesn’t believe you. You need him to believe you, because your punishment for escape is always his silence. It’s damning to your senses that crave company and interaction, his patience greater than your own.
“My love, I swear, I really, truly wasn’t,” you stepped closer, heart rate picking up as anxiety tickled your senses. “I would never leave you,” you whisper, coming up to him even as he gazes down at you with eyes pooling with disbelief and suspicion.
He’s unable to resist pulling you into his arms though, wrapping you up close to him and appreciating your softness in his grasp. It helps as you wrap your arms around his neck, press yourself impossibly closer, and whimper in his ear. His grip increases a fraction, a shiver going down his spine while one hand slips further down to cup your ass and lift you.
His strength amazed you at times, and terrified you at others.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, whispering promises of never leaving his side and loving him forever against his lips before he silences you with a kiss. His soft lips warm and coaxing as he takes you out of the kitchen and towards your shared room in the house. His hold becomes a bit too harsh as you’re laid on the bed, his weight blanketing you. His eyes are darker than usual, deeper pools of blue you worry might drown you as he slips his hands beneath your skirt, calloused fingers running along the soft flesh of your thigh as he spreads them. A burning need deep in his gut to remind you where you belong.
“Who do you belong to?” It’s so light against your lips you nearly miss it.
Until he tears your underwear off, a yelp elicited from you at the sting on your flesh from where he tugged and tore them.
He easily slips between your legs, fingers sliding through your folds, finding your puffy nub and applying pressure until you’re moaning.
“That’s right. You belong to me, don’t you pearl? All mine,” he’s pressing into you, two fingers opening you up despite your entrance weeping for all of him. Still mostly clothed you grip his sleeves, whining because it’s not enough, his lips hushing you again. He swallows all the little noises you make, tongue invading and stealing your ability to think as he fucks you with his fingers. Each shlick of your pussy has you heating further, the lewd wet noises he elicits making your legs tremble around his waist.
He breaks the kiss, rubbing and stretching your gummy walls before curling his fingers and vigorously attacking your poor g-spot, his lips tugging into a smile as you shatter for him.
You’re left limp beneath him, the orgasm he tore from you too quickly made you dizzy as you pant and gather your mind again. Giyuu is already sliding the tip of his cock through your slick before you can recover, pressing forward once he’s lubricated enough to slip past the tight first ring of muscle into your warmth. His cock spreads you perfectly, opening you up and leaving you gasping for air due to the sensitive inner walls being stimulated further.
It’s desperate and messy how he fucks you, intertwining your fingers and pressing them beside your head, kissing and marking your neck up while repeating under his breath how you’re his.
“Mine too—!” Your airy cry has him sinking even deeper, a groan coming out at your own claiming of him.
“Giyuu—,” he wants nothing more than to brand your soul with himself.
“Yours,” he nods, looking into your eyes as he bullies his cock against your poor cervix, using his thighs to press you up further, almost in half while he fucks you.
“All yours,” he moans, burying his face in your neck while he stuffs you full, the room heating as you did, your core tightening around him while your body edges on the beginning of another orgasm.
He stops just before you can cum. His weight and warmth immediately leaving you as you cry out in denial. Your wide gaze on his cooling expression, his jaw taunt with tension.
“Not till you learn.” Your confusion must show on your face.
“That you’ll never be safe unless you’re by side.”
He didn’t believe you.
“But I—,”
“Shh… I know, my sweet pearl.” He’s blanketing you again, warmth returning to your body but his eyes remain cool.
“You’ll learn eventually.”
Something dark swirls in those depths, your gut telling you to run but…
There’s no where to go.
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Dividers hand drawn by @benkeibear !
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crushedsweets · 9 months
i am so so sorry for the sheer amount of headcanons i'm making you crank out, HOWEVER... i am so curious as to if you have any headcanons for nina and natalie as a duo. i love the way you perceive them and write them it genuinely makes me so happy
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i had to doodle them . ok. lets go..
nat was one of the first people nina met from jeff, since she and jeff lived in the barn together.
nina thought nat was a lesbian when they first met . that is literally the only reason why she wasnt mad jeff was living with a woman.
although nina was like, one of the ONLY people to notice toby/nat tension and was sooo heartbroken when she realized they were never getting together..... but then was relieved they didnt get together when she got over jeff because 'well i can't be the only single one!'
again, natalie grew up with 0 girl friends, only hung out with her brother and boys. even after meeting the creeps, theyre still mostly guys. so she's just kinda really awkward and weird around girls. not in a like, 'oh girls r so annoying' way but like... she just doesnt know how to fit in. she just feels so different in the worst possible way and always has.
and nina is very girly, outgoing, touchy, friendly, cute, etc. so it was very like UMMM?!? idk. natalie kept snapping at her, assuming she was fake and weird and just trying to get something from nat, but nina was so persistent and just. friendly. it started making natalie feel warm.
nina's presence started to heal natalies inner little girl. she had it stolen from her time and time again, from her dad, her brother, her peers - the operator, too.
so the two are eventually actual friends. they'll text and play mobile phone games together. sometimes they'll just sit on call and nina will be talking her head off while nat does her own thing at home. one time nat was at tobys cabin and nina was talking about toby on speaker and toby walked in and was like 'hey nina' .... nina almost threw up she was so embarrassed.
nina loves visiting nats bar because everyone is always talking to nina and giving her attention and buying her drinks, and at first nat was irritated but it kinda got nat some better tips since the customers started realizing ninas her friend. so nat was pleased. LOL
nat was never the type to go shopping, but she'll follow nina around and sit while nina tries on clothes and carry around all her bags that she buys LOL... ninas made jokes about nat being boyfriend material and nat just flatout says smth about how nina should get over jeff cuz he would never.
nat is friends with jeff but she's oddly comfortable just telling nina that he's a piece of shit. and ninas always like NOOO U DONT GET IT U DONT SEE WHAT I DO and nats always just .. not... impressed..
nina's always inviting nat out to try new foods. nat grew up just eating bread and noodles with butter half the time so it's fun. nina always tries to pay bc 'well i invited you!!!'. sometimes toby tags along but he feels a way abt going in public places..
nina rarely visits jack cuz she has no reason to, but nat is friends with him so sometimes nina pops in and she's always like ^_^ HELLO TALL MYSTERIOUS SLIGHTLY MONSTEROUS MAN... <3... nat smacks the back of her head cuz she's being dumb and drooling over a bunch of rando freaks. ... . ok i love nina and she owes jeff nothing but she is def not loyal LOLLLL AND SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FAWN OVER EVERYONE she's a fangirl at heart.
they watch a ton of shows together. nina got nat into horror kdrama stuff, but they have to watch in dub cuz nat cant read the subtitles fast enough . . . at first nina cringed but now she doesnt care.
nat's painted/drawn nina several times, and nina almost cries everytime. she's put the drawings up on her wall before but anytime nat's at her apartment, she takes it down bc 'i dont want my art on ur wall stop it' LOL... kinda rude but whatevs.
ugh theyre just so fucking cute guys im sorry i love them . holds them. brushes their hair.
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alex51324 · 7 months
OK, so it is actually thematically relevant, but not necessarily in a good way
I've mentioned before that a lot of the flaws in OFMD S2 seem to stem from DJenks and the team trying to eat their cake and have it too: when they have two things they want to do, but can't--or don't have time, budget, whatever--to make them actually work together, they just jam them both in anyway.
The biggest of these is, of course, having Izzy die at the end, and a "kind ending," where Stede and Ed launch a non-piracy-based life, while the ship and remaining crew set off under the leadership of the younger generation.
As I've also mentioned before, Izzy's death makes narrative sense as a setup for a revenge arc in the as-of-yet-hypothetical Season 3. The finale gestures toward that with Zheng suggesting they team up, she to avenge her fleet, Ed to avenge his lifelong right-hand man--and the rest of the crew, presumably, to avenge their unicorn.
Ed shrugs his shoulders and fucks off to start an inn, and the rest of the crew sail off for new adventures. That ending would make sense as a series finale: Ed and Stede, having accomplished what they wanted to do in the field of piracy, launch a new, land-based life, while the other sail off to new adventures under the leadership of the next generation. It hasn't quite been earned yet, at this point--for one thing, Stede and Ed have some relationship issues to work through--but given another season, it could work really well.
The trouble is, that you can't cram a happy ending and a sequel hook into the same five minutes. Neither one actually works. You can kind of make out the general idea of both elements, but what actually comes across is the two captains flitting off into a doomed, whim-based venture while giving, a most, maybe half a fuck about Izzy's death.
And the reason that's thematically relevant, is that wanting two contradictory things and once, and refusing to choose between them, is the core of Ed's internal conflict.
He's bored of being Blackbeard, and he's tired of doing violence, and he wants to be soft and open and have genuine relationships with people--but he also wants the respect and deference that come with the Blackbeard brand.
He wants, as we see in the Gravy Basket, to be a simple innkeeper--but for the guests to never be rude or demanding (because they secretly know he could kill them).
He wants to be able to offer a half-assed apology and be embraced without criticism (because he's Blackbeard and they don't actually have a choice).
He wants to be a fisherman who does not actually have to catch any fucking fish (because the other fishermen should be impressed and grateful that Blackbeard is slumming it with them).
Most of all, he wants emotional intimacy with Stede, without vulnerability and the potential of getting hurt. (Because the main thing the Blackbeard persona always was, was a way not to get hurt.)
Ed's entire arc is painting a picture of a man who doesn't know how to make hard choices between two things he really wants.
And season 2, especially combined with the scattershot, contradictory postseason interviews, paints a vivid picture of a showrunner with the exact same problem, artistically speaking.
That may be part of the reason why that aspect of Ed's character is so convincingly and compellingly depicted, but it doesn't bode well for the show actually resolving the conflict.
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heartsfourdazai · 7 months
Hello, may I please request scenarios of Ranpo, Chuuya and Dazai caring for a fem!reader who constantly has headaches?
taking care of a female s/o who has headaches
ranpo, chuuya, and dazai<3
warnings: lowrcase writing
a/n: tried a new style!! idk if i'll keep, or change this one!! thank you for the request anon<3
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"do you have a fever?"
"are you sure?"
you grumbled, piling up all your finished paperwork handed down to you. ranpo cocked his head to the side upon hearing your grumbles.
"i'm just...stressed..."
oh, he already knew.
the moment you walked through the doors of the agency. the bright lights of the building caused you to sink into your jacket, however the moment you took it off, you had tp cover your eyes with the sleeve of your dress shirt.
ranpo watched you pull the chair from your desk and sit, your head resting against your arms.
it was quiet until he spoke, "pretty sure kunikida has some advil somewhere around his desk, you know him. always perpaired for anything."
your boyfriend started to rumage through kunikida's desk. luckily the perfeconist wasn't here to scold him, however he will 100% notice someone has looked through his belongings.
eh, he'll just go off on dazai.
"ranpo- no- don't take kunikida's stuff- that's rude. especially if he doesn't-" "found it!"
you frowned, giving up with trying to reason with your childish boyfriend.
with a hop, and a skip he stood in front of you, digging out a pill and held it in the palm of his hand in front of you.
"take it!"
you stared at the pill,
"with what water?"
ranpo's eyebrow furrowed, looking around your desk then by your purse at your feet. he dug through it, much to your liking, and whipped out a bottle of water and placed it and the pill in front of you.
you take the pill, rubbing your head after you did. ranpo pats your head, "rest. no one should be coming into this room, unless they need papers or folders, it should be pretty quiet."
"what about you?"
he shrugged, "i'll stay here. i go nothing better to do anyway, i'm bored. hand me your phone."
you too tired to defend, so you handed your phone to your boyfriend laid your head on your arms.
ranpo just chilled at the desk beside your own, and just played minecraft on your phone waiting for you to wake up.
he'll take proper care of you when you both get home<3
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"babe, take the advil.." he wasn't done with you, however he as growing quite tired of your childsish behavoir. you've had a fever for three days now, and you have not been getting any better then you told him you'd be.
he would be at work whilst your home sick in bed, lying to him you've been getting better the more you sleep. "it hurts to swallow!" you complained, gently slapping his hand away.
"it will help you!" he reasoned, however you were still stubborn. hiding under the covers of your shared bed and heard chuuya sigh. the wight in the bed changed from heavy to light as you felt him step off.
"where are you-"
"you obviously don't want my help. so i'm going to go out and get dinner. you still need to eat something, or else you'll never get better. feel free to take whatever medience you want, just don't overdose too many.." he whispered the last part, grabbing his coat and left the bedroom.
you were still facing the window of your room. it suddenly got so quiet, the only sound you could hear was the ceiling fan and your short breathing.
your headaches haven't gone away in the past hour your boyfriend has left to get dinner. must've been a busy night wherever he was going.
you've fallen asleep a couple of times, squriming in your bed because of your aching head. finally, you sat up from the covers and stepped gently out of bed and toward the bathroom.
in there, you took out a bottle of advil and poured one pill out and into the palm of your hand. with the cup of already clean water in it, thanks chuuya, and swallowed it.
your face cringed as you swallowed the pill and wiped your mouth with your sleeve PJ top. you slipped back into bed walking out of the bathroom and into your bedroom and once your head laid on the pillow, you fell alseep.
an hour later, the door to your bedrioom opened. "babe, i'm home. sorry i'm-" the ginger immdeiatly stopped on his words seeing your sleeping figure on the bed. the covers were around you and you looked like a cacoon.
he sighed happily, walking into the bathroom and noticed the advil bottle opened.
walking out, he kissed your temple gently and left the room, leaving you to your peaceful slumber.
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"daaazai..." you whined out, leaning on the mountain of pillows that had surrounded you on the couch of your shared apartment with dazai. your boyfriend for 1 year.
"yes, my sweet belladonna?~"
his voice. god it made you melt. was heard through the bathroom you two also shared in your small, but cozy, apartment.
"another!" you coughed, rubbing your temples as you turned down the volume on the television.
dazai walked out if the bathroom with a hot wet towel in his hands.
"already? this is the forth time you asked me this hour!" he exclaimed playfully, sitting down with you and motioned you to lean your head on his lap.
with no question you laid your head on his thighs and whined. "i know, but it feels good when you do it..." he whispered, closing your eyes.
with a hum, he started t gently comb his fingers gently through your hair after moving your bangs to place the wet towel on your forehead.
"are you feeling any better?"
dazai asked in a hushed voice after a couple of minutes of just silently stroking your hair.
you hummed in response, curling deeper into yourself and attempted to over the fuzzy blanket over you. you smiled warmly feeling dazai aid you and flop the blanket over you like a child.
he leaned down as kissed your temple, taking out his book and started to read before stating, "get well soon, bella~ i'll be here with you until you do."
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rubendiasthoughts · 10 months
Hi!! So after I posted part two of Ruben as a boyfriend I kept having more ideas and I ended up with this thing in my notes so I guess this is part three. I figured I would share it with you! I hope I am not boring you with this and not taking it too far lol 😂
Ruben Dias as a boyfriend- headcanon part 3:
- Okay we talked about him praising you. But I want to elaborate. I think he would totally be the type to give you praise even for the little stuff. Like let's say maybe you have a headache so the good boyfriend he is he brings you painkillers and a glass of water. And he watches you take the pill and then drink the water. And after you are done with it, he gives you a little "good girl" and takes the empty glass from you. Or maybe he is teaching you to play some sort of a game? So you are both sat on the couch, you are seated in between his legs, gamepads in your hands, him giving you instructions and "you are doing such a good job" from time to time.
-I saw this video on tiktok of a couple eating dinner with their friends. And the boyfriend is chatting with the friends while the girlfriend bends over because her fork fell on the ground. And the boyfriend puts his hand on the corner of the table to make sure she won't hurt herself, while still talking to the people they're with. And I think Ruben would totally be that kind of a boyfriend.
-Also I think being in a relationship with Ruben means you instantly become a passenger princess. When you two are going somewhere together he is the one driving, he opens the car door for you, he would totally be the type to grab your hand and give it a little kiss while driving or to put his hand on your thigh. If you guys are going on a longer road trip he would absolutely have snacks for you in the car, and maybe even a blanket if you wanted to take a little nap. (Maybe I just want to believe in this one because I hate driving lol, but also what is hotter than a hot man driving a car?)
- Yup but princess treatment is a must for him. When he's with you he's opening doors for you, always lets you go in front of him, pulls out your chair for you, takes you out on datesdates - all the cute stuff that give you butterflies.
- If you are a little bit shy or maybe have social anxiety (like me lol) then I am convinced everytime you guys are going out to eat he would be the type to order your food for you. Like the waitress comes up to you and asks you what she can get for you but you don't even get to open your mouth because Ruben is like "She will have... ". And I feel like you wouldn't even have to ask him to do it. I just think you two would be looking through the menu and he would be like " What do you want sweet girl?" and would get it for you and would never ever make you feel bad about not wanting to speak up yourself. He would just be so casual about it. And if you are allergic to something he would ask the waitress "there is no [whatever you are allergic to] in it, right? ".
- Imagine if you were going to his match and before you go, while you two are still at home you ask him if you get to keep his shirt after the game. He would be like "anything you want baby". And you know how they often trade their shirts with the players from the opposite team? When someone asks him to trade he would be like " Sorry mate, already promised it to my girl". And then maybe he meets you in the tunnel and pulls his shirt off while walking up to you and hands it to you saying something like "for the pretty lady".
- I am convinced that if anyone was ever being rude or disrespectful towards you he is ready to fight. Or if some guy is hitting on you and making you uncomfortable he would be like " Don't you see she already has someone to take care of her?" With an arm draped around your shoulder. Don't get me started about how angry he would get if that guy would try to put his hands on you. He would definitely teach that guy that he should never touch a woman like that without her permission.
-He would love to be the one to take the lead and be in charge but not in a bad way. I feel like he would have so much respect for you and would think you are perfectly capable and all of that. He just truly enjoys taking care of you and making you feel like you don't need to worry about anything with him because he will always be there for you, whatever you may need or want.
- If you two are travelling, going on a vacation or something he is taking care of everything. The only thing you have to do is literally show up and just be there. He knows the best places to eat at, all the sights you guys should go to and so on. And of course if there is something you would want to see he is taking you there, he is making sure to get the tickets if they are needed and stuff like that.
-When the two of you come home after going out somewhere he is getting on one knee, putting your leg up on his knee and taking your heels off for you (especially if you are wearing those strappy ones). And he would also unzip your dress for you. But the thing is - you don't have to ask him to do that, he just knows. Or if you are out somewhere and your shoelace unties he'll just tie it for you without a word.
-I am pretty sure he said in some interview that he doesn't really drink coffee but I am convinced that if you were going somewhere in the morning he is pulling up to starbies and getting you your favorite coffee. And he knows your order too.
-And he would be sooo good with your family. The first time he meets your mom he is definitely getting her flowers. He would be just so perfectly nice around them. And he would be so generous too, maybe he would get them to come to one of his matches with you. He wants them to feel included in your life.
- I feel like he would love to push you to your limits when you are having sex. Like maybe you are so overwhelmed because he is fucking you so hard and overstimulating you, so you tell him that it's too much for you. But he acts as if he hasn't even heard you. So you put your hands on his abs, trying to push him away a little bit and he just harshly pushes your hands off. And then he's telling you that he knows how much you can take and he is not stopping until he cums deep inside you. But I feel like that would be so true - he would never do that before getting to know you and your body well enough to know your limits. And he would for sure want you to have a safe word, because he never wants to actually hurt you.
- He would also be into edging you. He would bring you to the point of tears, make you so desprate you would be begging him to let you cum and at the end he always would, because he just wants to make his girl feel good.
- He would make you tell him how he is the best you have ever had and how no one has ever fucked you this good. And he would be telling you how now you have got a real man taking care of you and all those little boys you have had before couldn't even compare.
Hope you liked it! ❤
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idlerin · 1 year
guitarist!suna rintarou x assistant!f!reader
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | extra
the ikarus incident (band au)
+ word count: 3.5k
note: enjoy the tooth rotting fluff babes
he was your boss, but sometimes, he was more than that.
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SUNA RINTAROU is your boss, but some days he feels more like a friend. Like now, with the both of you sprawled on his couch, a beer in hand as the two of you unwind in the form of lounging lazily after a hectic day while complaining about your workmates.
“He was so rude, was all like ‘how would you know?’ with that look— you know his look? That I’m-better-than-you-you-trash as if he was actually doing something worthwhile!” you munch on the chips you were eating angrily. This was also one of the times where you lose your composure around him. “I resisted the urge to snap back at him,” you frown, “I shouldn’t have. Who cares if I’ll suffer through his death glares in the next shooting?”
“Next time you should put him in his place,” Suna says tipping his beer towards you, “I’ll help you, I still hate the way he dressed us up in fucking neon that one time on live television,” he shakes his head and takes a sip of his drink, your eyes briefly glanced at the way his adam’s apple bobbed and promptly turned away.
“The one from 3 years ago? When Atsumu went viral for twerking in his hot pink tutu?” you ask, brows furrowed, suna groans at the memory. “I remember that! My friends were talking about IKARUS— well they were always talking about your band— but more specifically ‘tsumu and his pink tutu! That’s why the nickname tsu-tsu became famous in your fandom right? You were stuck with that zebra print cowboy hat and neon green sunglasses,” you laugh.
Suna throws a pillow at your face and you laugh even more. “I think it can still be found on the internet right?” you smile cheekily at him and put down your chips and beer to reach for your phone.
“Don’t even—” suna tackles you to take your phone away, you let out a squeal because you didn’t expect him to freaking jump you. Now the both of you were on the floor with him hovering above you, your phone raised over your face, him gloating that he got it while you groaned because he was purposefully putting most of his weight on you.
“Get off,” you grumble, you watch as he throws your phone on the couch without making any move to get off of you, so you try and push him away on your own but he’s like an ironclad wall, a muscle-y ironclad wall. You know he works out, of course you do, he slaves you around in the gym with him! But you didn’t know he was this strong.
“Are you enjoying putting your hands on me, sweetheart?” Suna teases and you immediately put your hands away.
You made the mistake of looking into his eyes. It was full of mirth with a hint of something else you can’t pinpoint while he was staring at you. Maybe it was the beer— yeah you were going to blame it on the beer— that made you think ‘he’s really pretty when he’s like this’ although nothing compares to when he’s on stage, you think he’s really hot especially when he— stop.
“Are you so mesmerized by my looks, [name], that you can’t say a thing?” he taps your nose, “You’re so cute.”
Heat spread on your cheeks and you hope that it’s darkly lit enough here for him to notice, “That’s not what I was doing,” you glare, reaching out to the side and getting ahold of the pillow he threw at your face just a moment ago and shoving it on his face this time, catching him off guard and making him ironclad-no-more as you roll away. Once you get out, you look down at his laughing figure clutching the said pillow as you glower, “And I’m not cute.”
He tilts his head to the side, “You are. Also, you said your friends always talked about my band. Does that mean you did too?”
You made your way back to the couch and laid on it, stretching your legs and making yourself comfortable, opting to act as if you didn’t hear him.
“So you did? Aw, were you a fan too?” He sounds far too happy about it.
“I partook in some of the conversations,” you admit in defeat, “I liked some of your songs,” now that one was a lie, you liked their music so much you have all their albums, but you were never the type of fan that was immersed in the members themselves, and you’ve never been to any of their concerts too, well, before you started working for him.
“So..” he goes and lays his head on the edge of the couch, beside your stomach, “Do you want an autograph?” he jokes, you ignore him again as one of his hands reach for yours and he starts playing with it, you let him, even though you know you guys were beginning to have one of those moments again, you’ll blame this on the beer too.
“And to think I thought you didn’t even know I made music when you showed up in my studio for the job, you had this really strict deadpan face on, but you were secretly a super fan,” he continues, drawing circles on your palm.
“I was not a super fan,” you refute but he ignores you, this bastard, you picked up the ignoring thing from him.
“I’m surprised you’re letting me hold your hand,” changing the conversation and tugging on your hand to make a point. You sigh, you’re not sure why you’re letting him hold it too.
“Shut up.”
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“Get up," you order your boss. It was 7 in the morning on a sunday and you were not happy about being woken up from a series of calls from the other side of the door. The guest room was nearer to the entrance so your rest was disrupted, and you knew you had to get the door, because Suna was a deep sleeper after a tiring day, which is almost every day. And you were too awake to go back to sleep and ignore it, so you begrudgingly got up in your pajamas still, as you were greeted by the sight of an angry relative of suna’s.
She asked to be let in but you said you can’t because it was Suna’s place and you didn’t have the right so you slammed the door on her face.
"Do I have to?" Suna laid on his bed shirtless while you loomed over him with your death note planner. You were bringing it to appear to look professional, despite the duck pattern on your pants. “We don’t have any appointments this morning, do we?”
"it's err.. your aunt, Suna-san, she’s outside,” translation: go send her away. You want her to leave quickly, you’ve always gotten weird vibes from her and it wasn’t just because she shamelessly asks Suna for money every time she tries to contact him.
"Suna-san? What happened to Rin?"
"That’s what you pick up from what I’ve said? Your aunt is just outside and it's already awkward as it is because I'm the first one she sees in your penthouse. She might get weird ideas."
Suna groans as he sits up, he stays like that for a few seconds before he reaches a hand out to grab you— making you drop your notebook— then he pulls you back down with him. Caging you in his arms, your notebook on the floor, as he starts to close his eyes, planning to fall asleep again.
"This is highly inappropriate and not the time," you try to reason while making no attempts to break out of his hold.
"Not a first time for us. Hm."
"I despise you." lies.
"Get up and go," you say, hitting him on the chest, well, at least attempting to.
"You’re so mean to me [name], I just want to hold you,” he says with that raspy voice of his.
"You are so..." you feel that he can sense that you were upset because he loosens his hold on you, letting you go. You pick up your notebook and make your way into his closet. Suna sits up and frowns, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. You come back out and toss him a shirt.
"Now, go face your aunt," you walk out of his room, going to the kitchen and deciding to make yourself a cup of coffee to calm yourself.
“[name] are you mad?” you hear Suna call from his room.
Are you mad? Honestly? You weren’t really, and that’s what’s bothering you. And then the incessant knocking from the front door starts again, this time, Suna rushed down in sync with the knocks because he hastily put on his shirt and was following after you. You gave him a look and signaled for him to open the door, instead, he walks to your side and tugs on the sleeve of your shirt as you stir your coffee.
You stayed silent, shoulders stiff, and he made no move to leave.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles, tugging on your sleeve again.
You sigh, and nod, you can’t really stay mad at him when he’s acting all soft and stuff, how infuriating.
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You spread your picnic blanket on the sand and made sure your umbrella was placed sturdily. Today you were at a private beach resort the company rented out for the band’s music video. You’ve had some extra time and carefully planned out your escape before anyone could ask you to do anything else. You could just not do it since it’s not like the company’s the one who’s paying your salary, but you find it difficult to say no, afraid of them thinking you were rude. Plus, lately you’ve been putting yourself out there and saying you’re free to help but now there’s too many people in need of help and only one of you.
You smile contentedly at the little space you’ve made for yourself, the ocean just the right distance away, not too far, not so close you’d get swept away by the water. You slump on the ground and pick up your book.
Finally, some peace, quiet, and relaxation.
“You were here.”
You glared at Suna who was looming over you, blocking the sun and shattering your peaceful escape. How did he even find you?! You didn’t even tell him where you were going, you just said you were going somewhere, this wasn’t an easy place to find either.. Can he not live without you for five minutes?
“Is there anything you need from me?” you ask, giving up the image you had of having total relaxation in your head. You really don’t want to see him right now, not that you’re mad at him, or that he’s done anything wrong— actually that one can be contemplated— but it’s you and your feelings that’s mostly the problem. After that evening you’ve been putting a little distance between the two of you, just a little, you were still doing your job well, but when it comes to outside a boss-employee relationship, you’ve been avoiding him like he was the embodiment of plague. And you know that he knows you’ve been distancing yourself.
Suna crouches, leveling so he could be with you face to face, “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“What? Don’t be ridiculous, if I was avoiding you, I wouldn’t have shown up to work today?” you said with a ‘duh’ tone.
“You know what I meant, playing dumb doesn’t suit you, sweetheart,” there he goes with that endearment yet again— “Do you think I haven’t noticed how unusual you’ve been for the past few days? Leaving earlier than you usually do? Making excuses as to why my personal assistant just has to help out the crew?”
“I’ve done my job properly—”
“You have. But if you have a problem with me, then tell me so I don’t have to guess what’s suddenly making you walk on eggshells around me for days.” Suna’s forehead was scrunched up and he was sitting on the blanket now, clearly upset.
And that’s how your supposed to be peaceful, quiet, and relaxing afternoon reading at the beach turned into Suna’s head resting on your lap, your hand in his hair and him holding onto your hand as he verbally lists things you’ve done that upset him (“unsettled him” is his words but you know that’s just him downplaying that he was upset).
“[name],” the way he mentioned your name was a whisper, something only for you to hear, and your heart starts beating abnormally fast again.. this is why you were ignoring him. “Why can’t we?” he mumbles, he raises the hand he was holding to his face and pressed a light kiss on it, it tingles.
You gulp, “You know why,” you say quietly, choosing to stare out into the vast ocean.
Suna reaches a hand out to cup your face, making you look down at him. He stares at your eyes then drops to your lips, his thumb tracing your bottom lip.
Your breath hitches and in your panic, you stand up suddenly, making his head fall from your lap. Without thinking, you start running towards the waters. You can hear Suna’s laughs distantly, you raise your middle finger at him, still in the middle of running away.
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You fumble with the stupid banner as you try to hold it properly, your sunglasses start falling off of your face and you try to catch it while at the same time still trying to hold up your sign properly. The concert was about to start soon and there you were in the pit, your beanie and sunglasses on, the sign you stayed up making held in front of your chest, it was just a simple ‘You’re amazing Suna Rintarou!’ but you were still red faced and was trying to hide yourself as much as possible.
This was stupid. You could’ve just gotten free tickets from Suna himself but you had to buy a ticket with your own money. You wanted to support him by showing that you willingly wanted to do this, which is again, idiotic, cause you were hoping he wouldn’t spot you in the first place.
The concert was the opening one IKARUS will be having for their world tour, and Suna told you about how he was a little nervous about touring after two years, of course, he said it after a little pushing from your end, and he was also grumpy after admitting it. But you were too preoccupied with thinking of a way to show him support for the other stuff to matter. Merely an hour ago you were with him backstage and watching him prepare, giving him your last thumbs up of good luck before running to get your disguise and banner and making your way to the front of the pit. You spent a crazy amount of money on this, but you can’t help but feel that it’s worth it.
Soon you hear the deafening roar of the crowd as the beginning of a fan favorite song plays, a song you’re familiar with as you stayed up with Suna listening and watching him create it.
Akaashi’s voice is the one you hear first, greeting the crowd and making them go feral. It was a good thing you had ear plugs. Concerts really weren’t your thing in general, but then Suna’s voice rang through the stadium as he sang the opening line. You felt the goosebumps on your skin as his voice has always had an effect on you, you find yourself screaming along with the crowd, you really hope he doesn’t notice you.
It was Sakusa who spotted you first, you saw him raise a brow at you. It was in the middle of one of the times where they’re talking to fans and reading signs. You removed your sunglasses because you were starting to feel silly, but then immediately after that you locked eyes with Sakusa, you had a silent conversation with your eyes wide with threat and him glancing from Suna who was doing fan service and reading some of the signs to you who was holding a sign with suna’s name.
You can tell he wants to laugh but refrains from doing so.
“Suna Rintarou, marry me please?” Suna reads aloud, he chuckles, “If you give me a ring then maybe I’ll think about it,” the fans scream and it makes Suna laugh again. He looks like he was born to be on a stage like this, in front of millions of people, he has that kind of presence.
“I want you to be my baby daddy,” Atsumu squinted and pointed at the sign from a fan from a seat a little far away, “Which one of us?” he asks, the fan shouts distantly, ‘all of you!’
The next one you lock eyes with is Atsumu, he was going around the stage singing an awful song while fist bumping fans and when he got to you he was like ‘uhm [name]?’ Of course he didn't say it out loud but you could see it in his eyes so you hastily bump his fist as he moved to the other fans. Then it was Akaashi taking over the crowd and saying how much their fans mean to them. Meanwhile, you were trying your best not to respond to the burning gaze on the side of your head Atsumu was making.
The next song was starting and this one had a guitar solo from Suna. You can’t help but think that the way he works his guitar looks really.. It's really hot. The fans think so too since they won’t stop screaming.
It was at the final act where you see Atsumu talking to Suna and subtly pointing in your direction. You were going to kill him! You try to hide yourself behind your sign but you know it’s too late because you feel Suna’s familiar gaze on you already. Defeated, you lower your sign and let yourself lock eyes with him. He had a small smile on his face the whole time they played the last song.
As the concert reached its end, you were in the private parking lot because that was where your car was parked along with the band’s and the other staff's vehicles. You were rushing to put the sign in your car when someone called your phone.
You saw that it was Suna who was calling you so you promptly ignored it and fixed your bag. You jump when someone’s arms wrap around your waist and pull you into their chest, “Why aren’t you answering my calls, hm?”
“I- uhm- eh?” you were malfunctioning.
He turns you around to face him, arms still wrapped around your waist as he pushes you to lean on the car. One of his hands leaves your waist and trails his touch to the side of your face, “You watched me?” he hums and cups your cheek. His simple touch was making your knees weak. “Did you enjoy the concert?”
You nod, still not having the right words.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to watch?” Suna asks, leaning down to rest his forehead on yours.
“It was supposed to be a secret,” you mumble, avoiding looking into his eyes, managing to form a response despite the way he was so close to your face makes you so flustered.
“You could just tell me I’m amazing anytime you want to,” he teases, and your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” playing dumb is your go-to reaction.
You were met with silence, you could feel Suna’s gaze stuck on you, but right now you were worried that people were going to be here soon to get their cars—
“I want to kiss you,” Suna says, those words made you look up at him, your mind going blank. “I know what you’re going to say; that we can’t do it again, I know, but, I really want to kiss you right now,” he says. Your face was heating up, he was so unfair.
But.. but maybe you can let him off this time, only once, just once, this would be the last, just a peck, you convince yourself. You stand on your tip toes and reach for his lips, barely brushing against it before pulling away. Suna takes his time processing what just happened.
“T-There–” you don’t even get to start a sentence before he captures your lips into his once again. This time with his hand on your nape and him deepening the kiss.
“Rin,” you say in a gasp, “People will be here soon and your manager would be looking for you, what if they see us like this,” you manage to get those words out before he leans in to chase your lips again but you put a hand over your face to block him.
“Let them watch,” Suna says, placing a kiss on the base of your throat, trailing it up your neck, he then gently removes the hand on your face, kissing your palm before giving you a light kiss on the tip of your nose then he takes his time kissing you on your lips. A relief you've dreaded to have washed over you, but right now, you were too lost in him to care.
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note: im back!! and ready to write lmao ive been so busy
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lovingonryles · 6 months
winter wonderland
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wanted to pump out a little gift for y'all before christmas 🫡 also i DESPERATELY needed to write for my girl gwen ugh love her 🫶🏻 (i’m legally married to her in case you’re wondering)
pairing: gwen stacy x fem!reader
summary: headcanons for being gwen's girlfriend during winter <3
warnings: established relationship, cursing, implied girly/femme reader, reader is shorter than gwen, tooth-rotting fluff
word count: 687, should take about five and a half minutes to read
listen to: winter wonderland by beabadoobe
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i don’t imagine gwen being a cold weather girl
she would much rather prefer walking in the park with you over trudging through piles upon piles of snow
she definitely has soft hands (calloused from her drumsticks, but soft), so she hates winter because her hands get all dry and cracked
her cuticles also get really bad, girl’s hands look like this:
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but no need to worry, because her pretty girlfriend’s to the rescue!!
every day you SLATHER this girl’s hands in lotion and pluck her cuticles
you also paint her nails in her current favorite color and she does yours <3
even with hating winter, she has so many poofy jackets
they surprisingly look so good on her
whenever you see her in one, you always HAVE to go and give her a big bear hug because what else are you supposed to do?? she looks like a fucking marshmallow!!
when you say you’re cold, she always insists on giving you her jacket. of course you protest every time, but it never works
she of course wants her girl to be warm, but she always wants to see how dumb you look in the jacket (girl’s 5’8 and has muscles [you can’t convince me otherwise], of course you’re gonna look like an idiot in it)
she’ll take a picture and post it on her story and you’ll be like “ gwen noooo :((” and she’s all “oh, I’m sorry. can’t help that you’re smaller than me” 😭🫶🏻
sometimes you convince her to go out in the snow with you
it takes a while, but once she’s out there, she won’t go back inside
she is absolutely a BEAST at snowball fights
you’ll be hiding behind a tree holding your snowball, and she’ll come out of nowhere and hit you right in the face
you have to yell at her to stop at some point because it’s just snowball after snowball and you’re starting to get cold
you guys also make snowmen, i don’t make the rules
hers always look kind of demented tho
shit’s looking like this:
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“gwen, what the fuck is that 😭”
“that’s harold. what do you have against him?”
“he looks like he got thrown in a blender…”
“your face looks like it got thrown in a blender.”
“you’re so rude!! ☹️ you know what, at least mine looks better.”
christmas is the absolute best with her
you guys would have a tradition of giving each other the most ass gifts ever, like cat socks or shrek earrings
one year she legit gives you coal
the next you get her an empty pringles can, you get the process
sometimes she actually turns up and gets you something good that reminded her of you
one year she literally gave you this amazing dress
satin in your favorite color that came down to your knees with lace on the edges
“where’d you get the money for this?!”
“i have my ways.”
“i swear to god, if you spent all your money on this…” (she did)
needless to say, it’s your new favorite dress
she also loves baking with you, even though she‘s ass at it
you’re trying to make snowflake cookies and they end up looking like a fucking whale
also the dough’s super inconsistent because she poured almost the whole bag of flour in 😭
poor girl cannot follow instructions for the life of her (I don’t believe in consistency LMAOLMAO)
the cookies are so bad you almost gag trying to eat them but at least you spent quality time with your girlfriend!!
if there’s one thing she does know how to make tho, it’s hot chocolate
she has a killer recipe, but she refuses to give it to you
says it’s a family recipe that can absolutely NOT be shared
after a day of her kicking your ass with the snowballs, her hot chocolate’s the best thing to perk you up
your cold hands will graze each other’s as she hands you your mug <3
you’ll cuddle while the snow falls outside, her arm gently around your waist, tons of blankets over you two
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aku-babe · 2 years
“the agency’s new assistant”
ranpo x fem!reader smut , -16 dni !
this was actually my first post here but i felt too shy so i kept it in my drafts 🧍‍♀️ but it's actually my favourite one so far!! ranpo is just so,,, 😩🤌 hope u enjoy <3
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you had been working at the agency as an assistant for a while now, which meant you should be pretty close to everyone there, right?
well, you were close to almost everyone, just not him. you had been avoiding him ever since you first set eyes on his ridiculously hot figure.
the detective who could read your thoughts from just two seconds of a glance; you had heard all about him and it terrified you, because absolutely none of the thoughts you had about him were appropriate.
he was unlike anyone you had ever seen before, and if you're being honest, he made you soaking wet from just his voice. he was the hottest man you'd ever laid your eyes on and you were quite embarrassed to admit you had formed a crush on him. with blushed cheeks and weak knees, you knew talking to him in this state would be the same as throwing yourself all over him.
so for both his and your own sake, you avoided him as much as possible. but of course, this didn't go unnoticed by him.
he tried many chances to get you near him, but it always ended in you finding excuses and running away with a red face.
but not today. he was determined on having you today, all for himself.
as you walked in for work, you immediately noticed how silent it was. glancing around the empty office, you nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a voice behind you.
"they're all gone for an emergency mission," ranpo said as he lightly grabbed your waist to move you from the doorway.
"oh, i see.." you internally squealed as his arm stayed on your hip for far longer than necessary.
"looks like you're all mine for today then," ranpo flashes you a grin.
shit, this was exactly what you dreaded. but looks like there's no escaping it now, so you straightened your back and tried to act professional instead. "yes sir, what would you like me to assist with?
"sir?" ranpo stopped eating his sweets to glance at you. "while that does sound quite nice, you can just call me ranpo."
"o-of course, uhm, ranpo," you fiddled with your skirt nervously which immediately caught his eye.
"no need to be so nervous. i've been watching you for some time now."
"you have?"
"of course, who wouldnt be interested in a cute little thing like you?"
your cheeks were painted crimson by now and you quickly turned away from him. "i'm not sure what you mean"
you yelped as he grabbed your wrist to turn you back around and made you look at him. "don't look away from me, that's rude don't you think? his hand slipped down to rest at your hips once more, pulling you closer.
"this is extremely unprofessional, sir-" you gasped while trying not to blush.
"is it? he furrowed his eyebrows. "what i think is unprofessional is how you keep avoiding me. you're meant to assist everyone in the agency, how unprofessional of you to not uphold your job. do you dislike me?"
"no, of course not!"
"then tell me why you refuse to even talk to me hmm?" he laughed softly as you opened and closed your mouth again, unsure of how to reply.
"you're so cute, you know that?" his hands traveled down to your skirt, slipping under it. "of course i already know why you avoid me. can't hide anything from the world's best detective now, can we?"
you hid your flushed face in his chest out of embarrassment. of course he knew. all this time, he knew, and now he was teasing you for it.
"looks like i was right once again," you jump as he suddenly presses a finger against your underwear. "you're wet. is it because of me?"
you mumbled incoherently against him, making him click his tongue. he quickly pushes you up from his chest, cupping your face to make you look in his twinkling eyes.
"cmon now, don't let me do all the detective work. lets get a confession, yeah?"
you looked away from him in shame, ears turning pink.
"there's no need to be shy," ranpo tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "i'll let you in on a secret."
leaning down in your ear, he whispered, "i always think of you too. whenever i see you walk past in that cute little skirt of yours, i can barely resist myself from grabbing you and bending you over my desk right then and there."
your heart felt like it was gonna explode. this was too much, too fast-
but he was just getting started. leaning further down, he pressed his lips against your neck, softly sucking on your skin. you let out a whimper as he dragged his teeth across, before gently biting.
"don't keep me waiting," he pulled away after creating a hickey.
accepting defeat and pushing away your embarassment, you gave in. "i didn't avoid you because i dislike you... i avoided you because each time i talk to you, um, my heart gets all warm and tingly.."
"oh yeah?" he smirked and prodded a finger down there again. "and here?"
"uh, i get wet.."
"evident," he runs his fingers across you to prove his point.
"wh-what now?" you look at him shyly.
he smiles. "i finally have you to myself. only a fool would waste that opportunity."
grabbing you suddenly, he turned you around and pushed you over his desk. he stood behind you, eyeing your ass that was barely covered by the short skirt you wore.
"i like skirts," he commented. "wear them more often."
"okay.." was all you could mumble while you hid your face in your hands, anticipating his next move.
you felt his large hands rest on your skirt, pushing the fabric up and bunching it up around your waist. you flinched suddenly when he landed a sharp slap on your ass. you couldn't hold in your moan when he did it once more, and you could practically hear him smirking as he landed his hand down again and again.
finally satisfied with how red your skin was, he pushed your underwear to the side and bent you more, putting your wetness on full display for his sharp green eyes.
"you have no idea how long i've been waiting for this," he breathed out as he traced your slit and played around with the slickness.
"me too."
all shyness was thrown out the window once he slipped a finger in, and you were immediately begging for more. he moved his finger in and out at a steady pace, while rubbing circles using his thumb. you cried out when you felt him lean in and press his tongue against you, while pushing a second finger in and increasing his pace.
he sloppily sucked and licked at you, while pushing his fingers deeper each thrust.
"i'm close, ranpo-"
"don't," he muttered, pulling away.
"what?' you cried out in disbelief.
"ah im sorry love, but we don't have time for this. the others will be back soon, and i need you to come when i'm inside you."
"what do you- ahh, oh my-"
he had pushed himself inside you before you could even realise, and no words could describe how good it felt.
"are you okay? do you need me to stop?" he gently rubbed your back.
"i'm okay, it feels fucking amazing," you reassured him to move.
grinning, he started out slowly fucking you against the desk. soon enough it changed into him pounding into you at a brutal pace, sounds of skin clapping and desk creaking filling the room.
"you feel so fucking good, ah fuck," he groaned as he threw his head back, before raising one hand to slap your ass.
you moaned loudly as he railed you harder, his grip on your hips getting tighter and would definitely leave bruises. a few more thrusts and you felt his dick twitch inside you, and then he was leaning over to suck your neck desperately as he became sloppier. his hand slipped down to rub you, and you couldn't take it anymore. your legs were shaking as you came down from your high, and you would've fallen over if not for his arms supporting you.
ranpo groaned loudly as he pushed into you one last time, cumming inside and filling you completely with his warmth. he did a few more thrusts to fuck his cum back into you, making sure none of it got out. you cried out from the overstimulation, but he just shushed you and continued licking over the hickeys on your neck.
you heard the ding of the agency front door, and immediately came back to your senses. ranpo also sighed in frustration, and pulled out. he carefully placed your underwear back in place, and pulled your skirt down. offering you his hand to stand, you stumbled to stand straight as your legs were weak and sore. he smiled at you as he quickly fixed your hair and clothes, smoothing them down.
just before the door opened, he quickly pecked you on the lips, surprising you and making you blush. that was your first kiss..
"y/n! there you are!" dazai walked into the room followed by the others. "wait, why are you red?"
"oh um its just hot in here," you mumbled, rubbing your neck.
"it sure is," ranpo cheekily muttered from his desk, sending a subtle wink.
you turned away from both ranpo's smug self and dazai's confused and but seemingly knowing look, and got back to work.
it was a bit hard to focus though, not when your underwear was all sticky and you were throbbing because of a certain someone.
sitting at your desk, you glanced at your skirt which was now a bit crumpled. smiling, you decided to wear skirts more often. and maybe you should talk to ranpo more.
after all, the feeling was mutual..
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