#why did you tell mason i wanted to kill him
nbc hannibal really makes me giggle. there is no other show like this out there.
tome-wan: hannibal says close your eyes and imagine what you'd like to happen. and will pictures cutting hannibal's throat and watching him get lowered into mason's pigpen to be viciously devoured. it's all very dramatic. then will opens his eyes and hannibal's like what did you see? :3 then...
THE MUSICAL CUE!!!!!! it's like the happiest little piano and will smiles oh-so slowly at hannibal and he doesn't say a freakin word!!!! :) i laugh every time! that's comedy folks!!!!!
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yanderecxre · 2 months
Yandere!Cult Leader/Priest × gn!reader
Summary: Mason Blackwair always knew you'd be his. His sweet little dove, kept peacefully by his side, it's such a shame you've gotten so disillusioned with the teachings, but that's fine. It just gives him the opportunity to keep you with him forever now, willing or not.
CW: gaslighting, stabbing, cults, abuse of power, pet names, religious themes/wording, breeding, disassociating (reader), non-con, dycraphilia, dubious consent, loss of virginity, threats & as always if you think I missed anything just pm or say anything!
Note: peeks in and waves hi! Hope you guys like this one if you want a part 2 let me know!! ~ bunny
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You are a member of your family's cult. Recently, you've begun to doubt your faith and the cult members found you guilty; as punishment, you were chosen to sacrifice yourself in the name of God.
At night you came to your priest, Mason Blackwair cell to ask him to mitigate your punishment. Mason sits quietly and calmly, his face illuminated by the light of a candle, his thin long fingers running over the pages of the Bible. Finally, Mason notices you standing in the aisle and smiles brightly. Despite the certain joy in his face, it is obvious that his smile is fake and here just for the sake of politeness.
“Hello, my dear dove. What brings you here?”
Mason doesn't let you answer and interrupts you with a little laugh.
“Ah, wait! I think I got it, little dove. Did you come here to talk about your punishment? I am sorry to tell you this, but I cannot influence the sacrifice in any way. Soon I will become the leader of our beautiful commune and that is why I need to maintain the reputation of a strict and fair manager…”
For a second, something like annoyance and sadness flashes in Mason's eyes and he quickly turns away.
“My advice is… To open your heart for salvation, little dove. Perhaps our Lord will hear your request.”
"The same Lord who wants them to tie me to the altar and cut me until I'm cleansed?”
You demanded softly, teary eyed as you looked into his eyes, the eyes that once belonged to your childhood friend. The sweet boy who used to pick flowers with you and run around the commune, now turned into nothing but a stranger.
Mason pauses for a moment, his eyes scanning your face as if he is trying to find something in your expression. Finally, he stands up from his seat and walks towards you, stopping just inches away from you.
"My dear dove… Do you know what this sacrifice means? It doesn't mean that they want to kill you. They want God to purify your soul by shedding your blood.”
Mason puts a hand on your shoulder, smiling gently at you.
"Look at me, little dove. You know how much I care about you and the commune's faith. But it doesn't mean that I am blind to the human side of things. I will talk with your father and see what we can do for you."
At this point, there is a sincere and caring note in Mason's voice.
"But remember, our Lord has a plan for all of us, even when it seems like He is leading us through dark paths."
You just shook, rage and fear in your veins. You quickly turned away and left him behind, crying now. It broke his heart to see you so upset, he reached out for you but only touched empty air as you exited with the final parting words.
"I'm retiring to my prison.”
Mason watches you retreat silently, his expression unreadable. Once you are out of sight, he sighs deeply and picks up the Bible again. He flips through its pages, frowning at whatever it is that he sees.
After a few minutes of brooding in silence, Mason closes the book and walks towards the door of his cell. Before leaving, he turns back to look at the empty room with a sad smile on his lips.
"I hope you'll forgive me someday for what I'm about to do."
He murmurs softly before blowing out the candles and leaving it behind, retiring to his bedroom.
You spent the entire night crying your eyes out, lamenting that all you'd see tomorrow was the crazed looks of the people you once thought of as family, your weak pathetic cries echoing around your cell.
You stood still as your parents led you to the altar, your father offering soft whispers of apologies as he and your mother tied you down, a knife lay beside the altar. You looked up at the ceiling, teary-eyed.
As you lay tied to the altar, your family gathers around with solemn expressions. The room is dimly lit and there's a faint smell of incense in the air.
Mason steps forward, his robes rustling as he walks towards the altar. He stops at the edge, looking down at his dove with an unreadable expression.
"Dear little dove…" Mason says softly, reaching for one of your hands. "You are about to become a vessel for our Lord's power. Do not be afraid.”
Mason picks up the knife from beside the altar and holds it gently in his hand.
"I will be performing this sacrifice myself," he adds. "May God have mercy on your soul."
With that said, Mason places a gentle kiss on your forehead before raising the knife above his head with both hands.
"Do not resist," he whispers to your ear. "Receive His love."
You closed your eyes and sobbed, refusing to let that sick yet soft look in his eyes be the last thing you saw.
Mason hesitates for a brief moment, his grip on the knife faltering slightly as he hears you crying. A flicker of emotions crosses his face before he quickly regains his composure.
"Dear dove," Mason says softly, almost pleadingly. "Do not be afraid. The pain is temporary but the glory you will experience afterward is eternal."
With that said, Mason slowly lowers the knife towards your chest.
"May our Lord have mercy on your soul," he whispers as he plunges the blade into your flesh.
The sacrifice lasts only a few seconds - it's short, but terrifying- and everything becomes blurry to you, as if you'd been transported out of your body and that someone else was experiencing this torment instead of you.
When it's over you feel weak and faint.
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When you awoke, you were back in your bedroom, your mother sitting on a chair beside you. She reached out to touch you and you flinched terrified, letting out a loud sob.
As you awaken in your bedroom, you see your mother sitting beside your bed on a chair. She reaches out to touch you, but flinches when she sees that you are terrified of her and immediately backs away.
"Shh… it's alright," Your mother says softly, trying to comfort you. "You're safe now, my dear.” you want to scream ‘LIAR’ at her as she speaks, saying you were safe. You felt horrible and terror filled your body.
Mason enters the room and stands at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed over his chest, watching silently as your mother tries to calm you down.
"You did well today," he says coolly. "Thanks for receiving His love."
Although his words are praised-like, they do nothing to produce any emotion or feeling from him. He watches you, shaking and looking like a terrified animal, like a lamb who barely escaped the slaughter. He wants to say more but knows nothing he says will help you.
It was like seeing a ghost, his little dove no longer did as they usually did. There were no more sweet smiles or hymns sung as chores were completed, no more treats baked with trays especially reserved for Mason. Instead his dove was shut away, in their room, only going out for meals and sermons or whenever their parents coaxed them out.
Mason notices the change in your behavior and it bothers him deeply. He cannot help but wonder if he's partly responsible for what happened to you.
One day, he decides to visit you in your room. When he enters, you are sitting alone by the window staring out at the sky. You look up when you hear him come in.
"Little dove," Mason says softly as he approaches you. "I'm here to talk with you.”
There's a slight tremble in his voice - an unusual vulnerability that shows that even someone like him has feelings.
"I know that things have been difficult for you lately," he continues, taking a seat beside you on the bed. "But I want you to understand that everything we do is for the greater good of our commune and our faith."
He places a hand on yours and looks into your eyes with deep concern.
"You can always talk with me if there's something troubling you."
You stared blankly back. "I am fine. I've been cleansed by the knife.” You whispered softly and finally looked at him with vacant and distant eyes.
Mason nods slowly, sensing that there's something you're not telling him.
"I see," he says quietly. "But I can see that you're still hurting inside. And I want to help you."
He takes a deep breath and continues, "Little dove, I know that the sacrifice was traumatic for you. But it was necessary for our faith. You were chosen because we believe that your spirit is strong enough to endure it."
He pauses for a moment, his eyes searching her face.
"But if you're still feeling lost or confused… You can talk to me about it. Remember: Our faith is in everything."
"I used to play the piano. Right? Or did I sing? My memory is confusing.” You looked up at him, sadly. Shaking slightly as you stared at nothing. “I don't know who I am anymore, Mason. I'm scared.”
Mason furrows his brow slightly, unsure of what you are trying to say. He doesn't remember you ever playing any instrument.
"I'm not sure what you mean, little dove," he says with a frown. "What are you talking about?”
"I don't remember who I was before the sacrifice. Who was i? Who am I now? I'm scared Mason, so scared. Who was I before you drove the knife into me?”
Mason freezes at your words, his mind processing what you just said. He stands up from the bed and takes a few steps away from you, his face contorted with shock. He thought you'd forgotten he'd been the one to do it.
"What are you talking about?" he asks harshly. "I never drove the knife into you, little dove."
His voice is cold and hard, and there's a hint of anger in it.
"Who told you such lies? You are mistaken. Your mind is playing tricks on you dove." Mason mutters as he knelt between your thighs, grasping your hands in his and squeezing them. “Fret not little dove, your mind will get better.”
"May our Lord have mercy on your soul." It's spoken in a mockery of Mason's voice. You looked at him slightly confused, "That's what you spoke, right? Unless um, I misheard… but it sounded like you-”
Mason's eyes widen in realization as you speak. He takes a step closer to you, his expression softening.
"Oh, little dove…" he says softly, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to go through this."
He pauses for a moment before continuing.
"You are right… It was me who drove the knife into your heart. I did it because our Lord told me so in a vision - it was His will that you be sacrificed.”
Mason cups your face gently and looks into your eyes with compassion.
"But please believe me when I say that everything we do is for the greater good of our faith. Your family has devoted their lives to serving Him."
“Y-you did? But- w-why? It hurt- a lot-” You were working yourself up into a panic before he gently pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Hush, little dove, you're recovering, do not strain yourself, you know why. In order to cleanse you, now enough of this. Rest and cease thinking about such things further.”
Mason looks away from you for a moment, his eyes full of sadness.
"I know you're not thinking clearly right now," he says quietly. "But I still feel responsible for what happened to you. I know that you must hate me now… But please understand that it was never my intention to hurt you."
He takes a deep breath and continues, "All I wanted is to protect our faith and people from the evil in this world. Sacrifices are painful, but they purify our souls and make us stronger - so we can better serve Him.” Mason murmured and hugged you tightly to his chest.
"I f-feel upset. You're supposed to protect me, yet you drove a knife into me and now that- that everyone in the commune saw it- i- I'll be alone forever and my parents won't find me a spouse.” Your lip wobbled and you sniffled slightly, clinging to him. You were unable to see his cruel and satisfied smile as he held you, petting your hair softly.
Mason listens to your words with a sinking heart. He knows that it is true - he did drive the knife into you, and that decision has caused you so much pain.
"I… I had no choice," he says quietly, almost to himself. "It was His will."
Fake tears glisten in his eyes as Mason looks at you, finally realizing the weight of his actions.
"You're right," he says softly. "I should have protected you, not hurt you. I cannot change what happened now… But I promise you this: I will do everything in my power to help you recover from this. Starting right now.”
Mason gently kisses you, his lips pressing against yours as he speaks. “I'll remedy this immediately, you and I shall marry. That way you won't be alone.” He doesn't give you a moment to speak, already pressing you against the bed, kissing you deeply now.
You let out a muffled noise of confusion and panic, squirming underneath him and pushing at his chest. His lips finally move away only to seek your neck and leave bites and bruises upon it as you gasped and whimpered. “A-ah! M-mason- wait- p-please hold on- i-”
His head lifts up, looking at you with his eyes blown wide as he grunts an acknowledgement to your words, “Yes my dove? Sh, it's alright, who better to take responsibility than the one responsible for your misfortunes? Relax, or would you rather this happen at the altar later? Where everyone, will see and hear you?”
You trembled slightly the idea of that happening terrifying you to your core yet feeling slightly exhilarating. Mason grinned, feeling you relax and continued making his way to your waist.
Mason kissed down until he reached your entrance, humming softly as he placed his hands firmly on your squirming thighs, grunting loudly as he forced them open. “Enough of that, do not do that again or I will have to tie you down. Understood little dove?”
You nodded, or tried to as you gasped softly and whimpered out a moan at the feeling of his tongue licking and sucking at your entrance, no one had ever touched you there. “Mhmph! M-mason! Hng- t-too much!”
Mason puts a comforting hand on your thighs. He pulls away from between your thighs, face covered in his own saliva and your fluids that ran down your inner thighs.
"I understand that it can be scary, little dove. But I promise you, nothing will harm you here with me."
He gives you a reassuring smile. Breathing heavily as he speaks, his fingers finding their way to your still quivering entrance which he circled a finger around.
"Besides, my love for you is as pure as the intentions of our God. All we have to do is make love and everything will be alright.”
Mason's finger breached your entrance, slick with something that made it easier to handle, slowly thrusting his finger in and out. He gave you plenty of reassurance and pressed kisses to your thighs and stomach.
“Dove, you must relax, you're still clenching up and tensing up. You'll hurt yourself more than me if you don't relax.” With those words he sunk another finger inside, his free hand pinning your hips down to the bed when he felt you buck upwards.
Mason grunted as he felt your tight heat around his fingers, if you were this tight around his fingers you'd never be able to fully take all of his cock. He didn't want to hurt you more than necessary, not yet at least.
“Sh, sh dove, easy there we go, good little pet.” He murmured as you whimpered and moaned, feeling his fingers hit something inside of you that had you unable to breath. You heaved slightly and looked down at him through tearful eyes.
“M-mason- please- ngh! That feels….. mhm! Good-” You moaned out and let your head drop against the pillows, falling into a dream-like state as you allowed him to continue. “M-more…. Please give me more-”
Mason grinned at your words, a sinister gleam in his eyes before he cooed and slid his fingers out, shushing your confused whines with a simple kiss before he undressed himself and tore your remaining clothes off.
"As our Lord wishes," he whispers between kisses, his voice reverent yet filled with desire.
Mason aligned his cock with your entrance, sliding it through your messy thighs first to coat it before he spread your legs and slowly sunk in.
“P-please, please be mhmph! Gentle, please Mason?” You whimpered softly, eyes locked on him as he looked down at you, mouth drying when he saw your flushed and tear stained cheeks.
Mason looks down at you with tender eyes, his hand running up and down your side soothingly.
"I will take care of you, little dove," he says softly. "I promise."
With a gentle but firm motion, Mason fully enters you, slowly thrusting in and out of your body. His movements are gentle at first, but soon become more passionate as the intensity increases.
As he fucks you, Mason whispers religious phrases to you: "pray to me", "I am your God", "repent for your sins". He continues kissing and caressing every inch of your body, making sure that you are comfortable throughout the entire ordeal. Even as he feels you twitching around his cock, your own fluids covering both his cock and your thighs and stomach. How many orgasms had he wrung from your body? Five? Ten? You lost count.
He's filled you up more times than you can count, you thought he was trying to breed you and knock you up the way he came and came. You couldn't move as you moaned and whimpered, unable to speak much less move and do something about him fucking your sensitive body.
When he's finished, Mason pulls himself out and lays down beside you, holding you close to him. The room is silent except for the sound of breathing as you both catch your breath after Mason seemed to fill you up so much a slight bulge could be seen, you shifted trying to get comfortable yet only felt his cum leaking out your spent hole.
"Sleep now, little dove," he whispers softly into your ear. "We have obeyed our Lord's wishes. Soon enough tomorrow, we will marry and you'll live with me, my perfect little dove who won't have to do anything but obey and listen.”
You fell asleep, cuddled into his side as he looked down at you, a possessive look in his eyes. He'd deal with the consequences of your parents finding you two together in the morning for now, he'd happily hold his little dove and admire the marks he gifted them.
Mason stays awake, holding you close to him throughout the night. As the sun begins to rise and light filters through the window of your private quarters, he kisses your forehead again before getting up.
"I must leave now, little dove," he says quietly. "But know that I am always here for you."
As he dresses in his priestly vestments, Mason turns back to look at you, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"Now go back to sleep and rest as much as possible. And remember what we did was pure love. Our wedding will be soon.”
He leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips before making his way out of your room and back into the world outside.
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miniwheat77 · 3 months
Blood. (141 x Reader.)
!sexual assault, groping, violence, blood, THIS IS SENSITIVE MATERIAL YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!
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The first time it happened, you brushed it off like it was an accident.
He’d finished talking to you, sent you on your way and where he was standing. His hand brushing over your backside.
In your gut it felt wrong, but you brushed it off.
The second time. It was much different.
He was scolding you for something stupid, a new recruit had messed something up under your watch and he’d reached out, groping you through your shirt. You shoved his hand away, mortified. But he only moved closer. “It’s okay. You’ll learn to be good.”
Just as you were getting ready to bolt away, he gripped your wrist and forced you closer. His lips right near your ear. “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll have your job. And you don’t want that right? Be a good girl.” He breathes. Breathing in the scent of your hair. You trembled as you left his office that day.
The commander was hungry to be higher than everyone else, and why it was you he chose to harass you’d never understand.
You were making your way out of his office. Trembling. Tears pooling at your waterline. You made your way to your friends car. She told you she’d take you off base for the day. When you asked for the day off, you payed the price. Just as you reached her car, your phone rang. You lifted it up, seeing his name flash across the screen. You took a deep breath, answering it. “I’ve got a gift for you when you come back tonight darling. Don’t be afraid when you come into your room.”
You hang up the phone. Resting your arm on the top of the car. Burying your face into your elbow and letting out a sob. Your friend looks at you sympathetically. “Y/N..” she breathes. She’s the only other person who knows. She’s tried to convince you to tell others plenty of times, but you won’t budge. Scared of what he could do. Knowing what he’s capable of. “Hey, everything alright?” You hear Gaz’s voice. But keep your face buried in your arm. You hear her sigh. “No. No nothing is alright.” She answers for you. “What’s going on?”
Gaz and Soap had just gotten off of watch. “It’s the commander.” She crosses her arms. You wipe your eyes, looking up at her. “Just.. don’t. It doesn’t matter.”
Soap moves closer. Seeing just how distraught you are. “He.. he’s been…” she freezes.
Gaz looks up. “Is he touching you?” He looks at you.
You drop your head again. Gaz and Soap exchange glances. Soaps jawline hardens as he grits his teeth. “For a couple months now.” She answers for you. “Take her off base. We’ve got it.” Soap pats the top of the car. “Wait- what are you going to do?” She asks. “Don’t worry, he won’t do anything anymore.” He’s answers. “Just.. take her out.” He nods.
The both of you get into the car.
“What do you think they’re going to do?” She looks at you. You turn your head to the window.
“Don’t know. Hopefully kill him.”
“What are we going to do?” Gaz asks Soap. “We’re going to get Ghost and Price first.” He opens up the door to Captain Price’s office, thankful when Ghost is sitting there. “Boys?” Captain Price raises an eyebrow. “Commander Mason has been assaulting Y/N.”
Soap crosses his arms. Price’s face hardens immediately. “What?”
“We seen her out in the parking lot. Fucking distraught.” Gaz answers. “Are you sure?”
“About positive sir. Said it’s been going on a couple months now. Assuming he’s been threatening her rank.” Price nods his head. “Alright. Come on.” He stands up from his chair, and the four of them walk down the hallway together. Price goes in first and the others wait outside.
He knocks at the door. “Come in!” He calls. Price steps inside, being sure to leave the door open. “Ah, Captain. What brings you in here?”
“I’ve just been informed that you’ve been inappropriately touching people on my base.”
Price can see him stiffen up immediately. “What?”
“Y/N is lying.” The words leave his lips before John can answer. “Weird… I didn’t say who told me, did I?”
His eyes are wide. He’s just sold himself out and he knows it. “This has nothing to do with you, Price. I suggest you stay out of this. This discussion is over.” He goes to walk out the door, but Soap steps into the doorway, leaning up against the frame.
He’s got a knife in his hand and he’s moving it back and fourth. “Don’t think you’re going anywhere, buddy.” Soap smiles. “Tell the truth.” John crosses his arms, leaning up against the desk. “I.. I don’t know what she told you but it’s not true.” He backs up into the wall behind him. “See… that’s where you’ve got it wrong. Because she didn’t tell us anything. Someone else did. But since you jumped to conclusions, you’ve just incriminated yourself so much more.” Gaz shakes his head. “You’re supposed to be someone girls can trust. How many women have you done this to hm?” Soap has moved and the other two men have walked in, Ghost still blocking the door. “You’ve got it all wrong. Look.. we can call Y/N in and she’ll clear this whole thing up.”
John shakes his head. “No. She’s… out. And.. you’re never gonna see her again. Not ever.”
“Yes I will.”
“No. You won’t.” John draws his gun. Seeing the panic flare in his eyes. “Let’s take a walk.”
When you got back to base, you got out of her car and made your way back inside, dread in your chest. He probably talked them down. Probably told them you were lying and they believed him. So he’ll be waiting for you in your room, like usual. He’s probably going to hurt you this time.
You open up your door, but it’s quiet. You take a deep breath.
You spin around, seeing Captain Price standing there. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. Come with me?” He asks. You nod your head. Following him. You follow right along side him. “Why didn’t you come to me sooner, darling?”
You look at your feet as you walk. “I was scared.”
He nods his head. “I’ll always believe you, you know that?” He sighs. “I want you to know that I’ve got your back and I’d NEVER let anyone do that to you. None of us would.” You follow him outside, it’s starting to get dark. The sun has disappeared behind the mountains around you. He leads you out to the garage, where he opens the door of the Humvee for you.
“Where are we going?”
“I’m going to show you something.”
He reaches across the center of the Humvee, slowly resting his hand on your thigh. He’s trying to soothe you. “I’m sorry about what he’s done to you. And I want you to know it’s not going to happen anymore.” You rest your hand on top of his. Squeezing it slightly. You’re not scared of him. He never scared you. He’d never do anything to hurt you. Nobody in this task force would.
He pulls up to pretty much the middle of nowhere. Getting out and moving around the other side to open your door for you. You follow him up to what looks like disturbed ground.
“What is this?”
“It’s a promise I’m making you.” He turns to look at you. “What?”
“Nobody is going to hurt you ever again, not as long I’m around. No matter what they say to you, they can’t hurt you. They can’t fire you. Can’t get you into trouble, if something happens, you come straight to me.” He looks at you. You nod your head. “Do you understand me?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good. Because if they do.” He turns to look at the ground.
“They’ll end up here.”
Your eyes widen when you realize what he means.
“Thank you Captain Price.” You breathe. “I’m just.. so glad that it’s over.” You sigh.
“Us too. Now let’s get back. I’m going to help you move your room. I know you’ve got some bad memories in the last.”
“How do you know that?”
“He told us everything.” He turns away from you. Bile growing at the back of his throat.
“You’re safe now, and that’s what matters.”
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Jealousy looks hot on you (Hannibal)
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Description: Hannibal gets jealous after Mason flirts with Y/N.
Warning: Smut
Word Count:939
I absolutely love your one shots/writing style! ❤️
Could you please write a fanfic where the reader is Hannibal‘s secretary and he get‘s jealous after seeing a patient ( bonus point if it‘s mason or franklyn) flirting with her. He has a talk with her ( with smut in the end if possible) and starts confessing. Thank you for considering
could you write a jealous Hannibal with a secretary reader? Mason or Franklyn started flirting with the reader and she seemed flattered (to Hannibal), which is why he get‘s jealous (they are not in a realtionship yet). He at first just wants to talk about it, but then snaps (smut in the end?).
Author’s note: I combined two requests for this one. Also thank you so much anon!!! I’m working on a Patrick Zweig request for tomorrow. Send in requests!
Being Hannibal’s Secretary was a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because Hannibal was a great lover. Oh and the man cooks! The curse was the unprofessional work relationships and the jealousy. Hannibal would need to get work done and instead by fucking Y/N on the desk minutes before a patient of his was suppose to be there.
His jealousy was unhealthy, they weren’t even together and yet he acts like they are. Y/N thinks that it’s just sex but Hannibal was in love with her. How could he not be? Y/N has been there for him through everything and even in the situation right now with Mason, she was here. Mason was odd to say the least. He definitely wasn’t okay in the head and he was about to be more fucked after Hannibal got him alone. Hannibal glared as he talked with Y/N. Well to Hannibal it was flirting and oh did Y/N look into it.
Mason was a rat and even looked like one too. How the fuck was Y/N okay with this? He watched as Y/N laughed at whatever Mason said. He wasn’t a funny guy, he was a creep. Hannibal bit his lip as he thought of a hundred different ways to kill the man. The smile Y/N had didn’t reach her all the way but reached enough to make Hannibal mad. What pushed him over the edge was when Mason reached out to touch her. Within seconds Mason was pinned to the wall. Hannibal was breathing heavy and his grip on Mason was tight. Mason didn’t look freaked out and had a smirk. “Hannibal, what the fuck?” Y/N asked.
He looked back at her and saw her scared expression. He let go of Mason and turned to her. “I need to talk to you.” He tells her. She looked at Mason and back at him. “Apologize to him first.” She said softly. He wanted to roll his eyes but fought against it. She really had no idea what kind of monster he was. “I’m sorry Mason.” He said but his voice gave no emotion. “I’m thinking that could have sounded more sincere.” Mason says but Hannibal pulls Y/N away. 
“You can’t be with him Y/N.” Was the first words that left his mouth once they were outside Mason’s house. She looked at him confused. “What?” She asked. “He’s not a good guy. You deserve better. He’s crazy and I-“ “Jeez Hannibal I’m not into Mason.” She exclaimed. He nodded and gave her a smile. “Very well then. We should get back to my office.” He said and she nodded and walked to the car. 
After a few drinks in his office the two were stripped off their clothes with Y/N in Hannibal’s lap as they made out in his chair. His hands moved up and down her back as her hands were placed on his shoulders so she could deepen the kiss. They barely pulled away to breathe. His hands went down to her ass and squeezed causing her to moan in his mouth.
He slipped his tongue in her mouth as they sloppily kissed. “Hannibal.” She pulled away from the kiss. “What?” He asked huskily as he ran a hand through her hair. “Why did you care that Mason was flirting with me?” “He’s a bad man Y/N.” “No Hannibal there’s more that you aren’t saying.” He looks down, his hand dropping. “I uh-“ she kisses him softly. “Tell me.” “I’m in love with you Y/N.” He tells her and cups her face. She looks at him and kisses him hard. “Take me to your bed Hannibal.” She said against his lips. 
She looks down at him as she slowly slides down on his dick. It wasn’t the first time but it was the first time that it was out of love. He looked back up at her and his brows furrowed a little as she took him in. She let out a shutter breath as she took him in fully. “You’re so beautiful.” He tells her as he places his hands on her hips. She sighs in pleasure as she starts moving her hips.
This time it feels different for them. The feeling was better and more intense. She shuts her eyes as she feels the pleasure coursing through her. Her hips moved deep and slow. Hannibal closed his eyes as well. As her hips moved his hands tightened their grip on her hips. She moans at the feeling causing him to open his eyes. Her head was back and her mouth was open.
Her hips were now picking up speed no long slow and deep. “Fuck.” He groaned as he felt her clenching around him. His bed was squeaking with each of her thrusts. “Hanni.” She moaned and looked down at him. She grabbed one of his hands and moved it to her boob. He squeezed it causing her to gasp.
His other hand moved to her clit and rubbed. She whined his name as she felt her high near. He groaned as he felt himself twitch inside of her. She grabbed the hand that was placed on her boob. Her hand squeezed his as she came with a scream of his name.
He grunted as he came right after her. Both of them moaning as she rode out their highs. She smiled as she collapsed next to him. Both of them were breathing hard and all sweaty. “Hannibal?” “Mhm.” “I love you too.” She said and turned towards him. “Oh and jealousy looks good on you.” She said and he gave her a side eye but smiled.
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mountttmase · 1 year
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Am I Doing It Right?
Note - I hope you all enjoy this one 🙊 it a bit different to anything else I’ve done. There are big chucks of flashbacks and those will be in italics so it hope it’s not too annoying to read 😂 but please let me know what you think 🩷🩷🩷
Also a massive thank you to @carlottawllms who helped me so much with how to structure this and with some of the plot. I know she’s excited for this one so I hope it lives up to your expectations 😂🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 6.2k
Warnings - smut, fluff and angst
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‘I’m sorry, how is it 3am? I swear it was only 11 like twenty minutes ago’ your best friend Mia giggled as you and a few of your friends stumbled out of the club and into a waiting taxi.
‘My legs are killing me’ you moaned as you all squished in together but thankfully it wasn’t a long trip back to to the hotel.
You were currently in Edinburgh for one of your girlfriends birthdays and as you watched the unfamiliar city roll passed the window in the back of the taxi, your mind wondered to Mason being tucked up in bed at home. Your heart thudding at the thought of his pouty lips as he breathed softly in his sleep.
You were sharing a room with Mia and as soon as you got inside, you plugged your phone into charge as it had died about an hour and a half ago. You sat waiting for it to turn on as Mia was messing about in the bathroom and as soon as the screen lit up you were straight in your messages.
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Your heart lept at how thoughtful he was and you quickly text him back in your half drunken state.
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‘What the hell are you smiling at?’ Mia slurred and she came out of the bathroom, flopping down on the bed next to yours as you put your phone down.
‘Nothing, was just saying night to Mason’ you shrugged and she rolled her eyes with a smile.
‘What? He’s still awake?’
‘Yeah he said he wanted check I got back alright’ you told her and she started laughing loudly.
‘What on earth did you do to that poor boy? After all these years and he’s still completely wrapped around your finger’
‘Well I did take his virginity, maybe it’s that’ you said without thinking, laughing lightly as you looked at her but her face was a picture as you settled on it. Mouth agape and eyes wide and a look of shock on her face as she sat up to stare down at you.
‘You what? You took his- what?!’
‘Shhh’ you giggled, pulling here back down to try and get her to be quiet as you both erupted into laughter.
‘I need details, now. Why have you never told me this?’
‘Cause it’s private. You’ve never told me when you lost yours’
‘Yeah but we’re not talking about us here. We’re talking about Mason and I need you to tell me now’
You rolled you eyes, laying back and thinking back to all those years ago when you and Mason had first started dating.
You’d just started a new job in a local cafe whilst you were studying and you were on the way home from a shift when you found a wallet on the floor.
Thankfully his ID was inside and you smiled at the cute picture before your eyes landed on his date of birth. You weren’t that far apart in age and you quickly googled the address listed on it to find he lived about a 15 minute walk away. Fortunately for you it was a nice sunny day and you didn’t have anywhere else to be so you thought you’d do your good deed for the day and return it to them.
You had no idea where you were going, not knowing this particular area of town that well and the houses seemed to get bigger and bigger the further you went until you were on what seemed to be a private road. You were unsure of what to do as it was gated and you had no idea how to get to the other side as no one was around but thankfully a car pulled up just at the right time and after a mini pep talk, you ushered yourself in just before the gate closed.
The house was beautiful from what you could see but you were met with another gate, however this time there was a buzzer and you nervously pressed it in hopes someone would answer. It didn’t take long and after the third ring you heard a confused hello blast from the speaker.
‘Oh h-hi. My names y/n, um I was just on the way home from work when I found your wallet on the floor. Well I think it’s yours anyway the address is for here’ you rambled and you mentally slapped yourself for how stupid you must of sounded. ‘Sorry, I’m just returning it’ you gulped and without another word the gate began to open slowly. You took this as your cue to enter and you nervously made your way up the path to his front door.
You were about halfway when the door swung open and you felt yourself blush immediately. He was gorgeous but it was his smile that caught your attention immediately. His wide toothy grin making your tummy flutter from the first second you saw it as he made his way over to meet you and all you could think of was how his picture didn’t do him any justice.
‘Hey, Mason right?’ You questioned and he nodded before you handed his wallet over to him.
‘Thank you so much, I had no idea I’d even lost it’ he laughed as he quickly flipped it open. ‘Where was it?’
‘Just in town, by the roundabout?’
‘It must of fallen out when I came out the shop’ he laughed, tucking it back into his pockets. ‘Thank you so much for bringing it here’
‘That’s alright, it’s a nice day so it was a nice walk’ you smiled and he looked at you with a shocked expression.
‘Wait, you walked here?’ He exclaimed and you nodded at him shyly. ‘Do you um, do you wanna come in for a minute? I feel like I owe you a drink or something’
‘No you’re fine honestly’
‘Please? It will make me feel a bit better about myself’
‘Won’t your parents mind’ you asked and you watched his face flush slightly.
‘Oh uh, this is my house. They don’t live with me so I think they’ll be fine with it’
‘Oh’ you breathed, swallowing hard before nodding. If anything you we’re more curious to see the inside and work out who he was.
As predicted, the house was just as immaculate on the inside as the out and after a quick coffee and a chat he offered to drop you home as another thank you. His car was sparkling and expensive and you assumed he must of come from money so you were a little embarrassed to have him drop you outside your building but he didn’t bat an eyelid.
Two days later you came home to a beautiful bunch of pink roses and you were unsure as to who they had come from until you read the note from Mason letting you know how thankful he was and wondering if he could take you to dinner sometime with his number at the bottom. You only deliberated for a few hours before texting him back and in a few days time you were sat opposite him in some swanky restaurant you’d never heard of. You couldn’t hold it in anymore and asked him what he did and when he replied a footballer suddenly it all clicked into place.
He was unbelievably charming and made the worst dad jokes but you couldn’t help but laugh at them and it didn’t help that was was easy on the eye to the point you couldn’t look at him for more than 5 second intervals. By the end of the night you were fully under his spell so when he asked to see you again you agreed.
He seemed so different from anyone you knew, wanting to get to know you before anything else to the point you thought he might not even fancy you at all since he kept everything so platonic but on your fourth date he’d kissed you on your doorstep and you finally felt all those feeling you were told about in books and films.
‘Yeah yeah I know all this’ Mia laughed as the pair of you got comfy in bed after getting changed. ‘I want the juicy stuff’
‘I’m getting to it, it was years ago I can’t remember everything’
‘We’ll try harder. You must remember when he first told you he’d never done it?’
She was right, you did.
You’d been dating for around three months and even though he was an absolute dream, things hadn’t progressed passed a steamy make out session on his sofa and you were beginning to doubt yourself again. You’d tried making subtle advances but he seemed to be none the wiser and you thought maybe he was being respectful so you’d had a word with yourself and when you were next alone with him at his house you were going to put the moves on him.
It was his day off and you had gone to his house after work for dinner. You were currently cuddled up to him on the sofa as you watched tv, halfway through some weird film he’d found and you were waiting for the moment he looked down at you to kiss you so you could take it a bit further.
It didn’t take long and when he looked at you with a shy smile, you connected your lips in a deep kiss. You could feel him holding back a little bit like usual but you pushed through it, kissing him even deeper and sitting yourself in his lap so you could hopefully make him see what you wanted.
Your hands were all over his neck and chest whilst he kept his on your waist but that’s not what you wanted. In the end you grabbed hold of his wrists and pushed them down so he would hopefully touch you somewhere else but he resisted, pulling away from you entirely and resting his forehead on your shoulder. You were both out of breath and when he eventually looked back up at you your tummy dropped.
He didn’t want you like that, you could tell from a mile off and you quickly scrambled off of him as not to embarrass yourself any further.
‘Y/n, wait please’ he panicked, running after you but you couldn’t look at him, struggling to put your shoes on as he tried to stop you. ‘Y/n’
‘What?’ you snapped and his hands fell to his sides instantly. ‘What, Mason? I get it alright. If you don’t wanna have sex with me then you can just tell me. I’m a big girl, I can take it’ you shouted and you watched him wince at your words.
‘It’s not that at all’ he told you quietly but you didn’t believe him and you’d given up trying to talk to him. ‘Just stop, please’ he told you, holding you by your forearms as you looked up at him with a teary expression. ‘It’s not you-‘
‘Oh piss off Mason. Don’t even insult me with that it’s not you it’s me crap.
‘But it’s true’
‘Unless you give me a good enough reason then I’m off’ you told him and if you hadn’t of been so caught up in yourself you might if seen how vulnerable he looked but his silence told you everything so you pulled yourself out of his grasp and went to grab your things. ‘Bye Mase’
‘I’m a virgin’ he said quietly but it was loud enough for you to hear. Your head spinning round to face him as his eyes dropped to the floor, a wave of guilt washing over you as his words sunk into your skin. You didn’t know what to say as he stood there scratching his chin awkwardly but he beat you to it this time. ‘If you still wanna go I get it’
‘No no, Mase I’m so sorry’ you told him, rushing over to him and cupping his jaw so he would look at you but his eyes stayed glued to the floor even when you stroked your thumbs across his cheeks and you were now panicking that you’d pushed everything too far. ‘God I’m such a bitch I shouldn’t of said all that, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it’
‘You’re not a bitch’ he huffed lightly, finally placing his hands on your waist which made your heart settle a little bit. ‘I just… it’s not easy to talk about you know?’ He told you and you could see how nervous and unsure of himself he was. ‘I know we need to though so please stay. I promise I’ll explain everything’
‘Go sit I’ll be in soon’ you told him and with a kiss on his nose he shuffled off back to the living room. You couldn’t help but feel awful as you took your shoes off again and gave yourself a talking to in the mirror. You knew how much it would of taken for him to tell you what he just had and you needed to be there for him so you gave him a reassuring smile as you walked back in. He looked petrified but when you held your arms open for him he melted into your neck as you held him to your chest. ‘I’m sorry for blowing up at you and not speaking to you properly. I should never of forced you to tell me that if you weren’t comfortable. You don’t need to explain anything to me, not if you don’t want to’
‘I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while, I’m just a bit embarrassed’ he told you, voice slightly muffled by your neck
‘You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about’
‘I’m nearly 19 and I’ve never had sex, y/n’
‘So? I know people older than you who haven’t had sex yet’ you told him and you felt him sigh into your neck ‘can I ask why you haven’t?’
‘Too focused on football I guess, never had time for girls or a proper relationship. It’s not like I haven’t wanted to but I think the longer it’s gone on the more I’ve built it up in my head and I’ve freaked myself out’
‘What’s the furthest you’ve gone with someone?’ You asked and you saw his face flush a deep red shade. ‘You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to like feel free to tell me to mind my own business’
‘No I want to’ he breathed, nodding his head before taking your hands in his so he could play with your fingers as he spoke. ‘About six or seven months ago I started speaking to this girl and we had a little thing. I thought maybe I could just got for it and get it over with but it didn’t work out that way’
‘What happened?’ You asked gently and you smiled as he cringed a little bit.
‘We made out a few times, she um… she gave me head’ he laughed, hiding his face in his hands and you rubbed up and down his thigh gently to let him know he was fine and he eventually showed his face again. ‘I couldn’t cum though, and then she expected me to return the favour so I panicked and told her the truth and that I didn’t know what to do. She basically told me I was pathetic and left’
‘Oh Mase’ you whispered, linking your fingers through his as his eyes stayed in his lap.
‘I didn’t wanna mess up what we have so I didn’t say anything and I know you’ve wanted to do… stuff for a while but I was scared to loose you’
‘Come here’ you whispered, holding your arms out and he lent into you gently. ‘You’re not gonna loose me Mase. I get why you didn’t wanna say anything and I’m sorry for being so bratty earlier but I’m not going anywhere’
‘Are you sure?’ He murmured, holding you tighter as you nodded and stroked the back of his head.
‘Positive. Look I’m not exactly a master between the sheets myself. I only did it a handful of times with my ex so there’s still loads of stuff I don’t know and haven’t tried. If you want to do stuff we can but only when you’re ready. I don’t want to force you or anything’
‘You’re not forcing me’ he laughed against your chest and you held him even tighter. ‘It’s pretty much all I’ve thought about but I don’t want to disappoint you. I don’t wanna be shit at it you know? I wanna make you feel good’
‘Hey’ you huffed, pulling back so you could look at each other. ‘You could never disappoint me. It’s all a learning curve and we can work out what the other likes from the start. I know it seems scary but it’s fun when you know how’ you laughed and he finally smiled a real smile.
‘I wanna do thing’s properly with you, I think that’s why I held off saying anything cause you’re the first girl I’ve not wanted to just get it over with and be done. I want it to mean something’ he told you honestly and you lent in to give him a heavy kiss.
‘I really am sorry, I feel like a right cow. Having a big strop just because you won’t give me any’ you joked rolling your eyes. ‘I just thought maybe you didn’t like me in that way or something’
‘I like you in every way’ he told you sincerely and your heart fluttered as he brushed some hair behind your ear. ‘And this isn’t just about being physical, I like you for who you are and I want to spend time with you for as long as I can’
‘I want that too. I’d hate for you to think this is just sex for me’
‘I don’t think that’
‘Of course. I love being with you and if we can take that next step then great but it might just take me a little bit of time to get there fully’
‘God you really are a cow’ she laughed and you hid your face out of embarrassment. ‘You practically outed the poor boy’
‘I didn’t mean to. I felt awful but can you blame me? Every time I look at him I wanna rip his clothes off and the fact it felt like he didn’t feel the same was making me feel like shit’ you laughed as she nodded in agreement. ‘I just presumed he’d done it already’
‘So how long did it take until you did it?’
‘A little while. I mean we did other stuff first’ you shrugged and you heard her let out an excited little squeal.
‘Spill. Now’
‘Mia, I’m not giving you a run down to the start of our sex life’
‘Yes you are. Now come on I haven’t got all night’
‘Fine’ you huffed with a laugh, actually enjoying thinking back to all those years ago.
You knew he was nervous about it all and wanted to let him know you were ready whenever he was, trying to reassure him over anything else but he seemed to want you just as much even if he was scared.
‘Well whenever you wanna start we can’ you winked and you watched him get all nervous again.
‘We could um- we could start now? If you wanted?’
‘If that what you want?’ You asked him quietly and he gave you a gentle nod. ‘Well, how about I look after you a little, make up for blowing up at you earlier’ you teased, running your hand up and down his thigh as he looked at you with blown out pupils. ‘We can start slow, like just kiss for a bit. Whatever you’re comfortable with and then if you want to try anything else we can. Does that sound okay?’
‘Yeah’ he told you quietly but you could tell he was on edge about the whole thing.
‘Just relax yeah? We can go as slow as you like and you can just tell me what feels good. And if it doesn’t then we can stop or try something else. Do you trust me?’
‘Yes’ he smiled, his shoulders finally relaxing as he repositioned the pair of you so you were slightly laid back. Your legs over his thighs as his arms circled your waist and you cupped his jaw to bring his lips to yours.
It all felt so different to before, he was finally relaxing into you properly and you hummed contently into his mouth as he slipped his tongue in after a while. You stayed like that for a bit until you were truly happy that he was relaxed before you started to move, sitting up so you could straddle him whilst not disconnecting your lips from his once. Moving your hands to his shoulders and across his chest where you could feel his heart beating just as rapidly as yours.
You could feel him underneath you and from the way his hands were now stroking lightly over the backs of your thighs you knew he was getting into things so you began to ever so gently rock your hips over him causing him to quietly moan into your mouth.
‘How’s that, Mase?’ You whispered against his lips but the way he was now gripping your hips told you everything you needed.
‘G-good. So fucking good’ he told you and you smiled, kissing his again and grinding down a little harder before you slid off his lap and sat next to him, lips still attached as you palmed him over his joggers and you moaned along with him at the feel of him in your hand.
‘Mase? Can I?’ You asked, your fingers dancing over his waist band and you felt him let out a shaky breath against you lips before he shimmied them down his hips along with his boxers until he had freed himself but you paid no attention to it at first pulling him back in for a kiss so he could relax again before you attempted to do anything. You couldn’t help but let your fingers wonder down to his length, griping him lightly before his head rolled back on the sofa.
You took the opportunity to see what you were working with and you felt your mouth water at the sight of him. You pumped him a few times before his lips were back on yours, hungrily kissing you as you worked on him until he was biting your bottom lip.
You moved down off the sofa to you could pop yourself in between his legs and pull his boxers down all the way but you didn’t want him feeling self conscious so you stripped yourself of your top to leave you in just your bra and the small growl he let out made you clench your thighs together.
You took him in your mouth gently, looking up at him through your lashes as he balled his fists as the side of him. You reached out to take his hands, threading his fingers through your hair so he could keep your hair out of your face while you made him feel as good as you could. And by the moans and whimpers coming from him you thought you were doing a pretty good job.
He was tense though, you could tell that much so you came of off him with a pop, taking him in your hand so you could pump him whilst looking back at him.
‘Relax, Mase’
‘I-I’m gonna cum’ he told you and you smiled up at him cheekily.
‘Good’ you breathed before taking him back in your mouth again, making sure you got him over the line and when he started bucking his hips up into you you knew he was close. ‘Don’t think about it yeah?’ You breathed ‘Just cum for me Mase’ you told him again and your words seem to hit this time as your name fell from his lips. You swallowed him down, pulling off of him and making sure you didn’t spill a drop as he looked down at you with wide and curious eyes.
‘Jesus Christ’ he laughed, his face flushed from embarrassment and you crawled back up into his lap so you could kiss his cheek.
‘How was it?’
‘You’re amazing’ he smiled, kissing you quickly before he cupped your jaw. ‘I can’t believe we just did that’ he giggled and you could tell he was feeling a little bit shy. ‘I promise I’ll pay you back when I’m ready’
‘Mase, it’s not about payback’ you laughed but he silenced you with a kiss.
‘I know but I want to’ he smiled before wrapping himself around you.
A week later you were back at Masons and after you’d cleared up from dinner he took you up to his room where he told you he wanted to be shown how to please you.
You stripped down to nothing with a little help from Mason who was eyeing you up like he never had before, confessing you were the first girl he’d ever seen fully naked and you felt yourself blush as he lead you over to his bed. Mason kept his boxers on for now and you laid next to him, guiding his hand and showing him where on your body you liked to be touched and kissed and even though he was technically learning, every touch of his fingers and lips made you shiver so when he took your nipple into his mouth unprompted you nearly lost your mind.
‘What you did to me, I wanna do that to you’ he told you quietly, looking up at you through his lashes as he moved to position himself in between your legs and you felt yourself melt at how vulnerable he was. ‘Tell me what to do’
You gave him a quick explanation, blushing and stuttering through it as he smiled up at you before dipping his head down suddenly. You could tell he was unsure but he was also listening to how you reacted to what he did and when you let out a loud moan he looked up at you with a small smile.
‘Am I doing it right?’ He asked and you nodded your head with a laugh before he was diving back in. You gave him a few more pointers but he surprised you again by dipping a finger inside you slowly, making you arch your back at the new sensation.
‘Mase, keep doing that’ you told him breathlessly and he did just that, find a rhythm the pair of you enjoyed and you sunk into the sheets, threading your fingers into his hair as you began to rock your hips against him. ‘Fucking hell, Mason. That’s so good’ you breathed and you felt him moan into your core, clearly loving hearing how good he was doing so you made a mental note to praise him when you could. You’d been waiting for this for a while so it didn’t take long until he was eventually riding you through it, feeling him move back to beside you with a cheeky grin. ‘What the fuck, Mase?’ You laughed, pulling him in for a kiss and you hummed as you tasted yourself. ‘You’re a natural’
‘I can’t take all the credit. After last week I did a bit of research’ he winked and you giggled as you pulled him closer.
‘So you watched porn?’
‘A shit tone, yes’ he confessed, kissing your forehead gently. ‘But don’t worry, I know most of it’s just for show I just needed a few pointers. Did I do good?’
‘Better than good’ you winked as your stroked his face, noticing the slight flush of his cheeks at your words. ‘What about you? did you enjoy it?’
‘Yeah, more than I thought I would. I like the idea of making you feel good and putting your pleasure above mine. Like knowing I can do that to you and make you feel that way’
‘And that’s the answer I was looking for’ you giggled as you pulled him in for a long kiss.
The pair of you had been experimenting for a few more weeks until he had a week off and once you’d taken a few days off yourself, he invited you over to stay for a few nights so you could spend some proper time together. You were in the bathroom taking your makeup up off when you felt him come up behind you, kissing your neck gently as he slowly stroked over your arms meaning you were covered in goosebumps.
‘Come with me?’ He asked softly as soon as you were done, and you took his hand and followed him back into his room.
He’d dimmed the lights and there was gentle music playing in the background but your eyes were focused on the bed where he’d sprinkled rose petals over the sheets and you felt your face flush as you took it all in.
‘What’s all this’ you laughed, turning to look at him but his shy smile told you everything.
‘I’ve been thinking about it and wondering what it feels like for days. If you talk me through it, I wanna try’
‘Yeah?’ You laughed, cupping his jaw so you could kiss him gently and you felt him smile onto your lips
‘Yeah. I’m not gonna lie I’m bricking it but I wanna do this’
‘It’s not that scary Mase, I promise. We can just do what we’ve been doing before so you can relax a bit and when you’re ready we can do whatever you want. But if you wanna stop just tell me yeah?’
‘I love you’ he breathed, looking right into your eyes in the most adoring way and you almost lost your breath. ‘I do, and I’m not just saying that cause we’re about to have sex and I feel like I should. You’ve been the best thing to happen to me in the longest time, like all this stuff you’ve been so calm and patient with me and there’s no one else I’d rather be doing this with’
‘I love you, too’ you giggled, pulling him into a kiss but the pair of you couldn’t stop smiling so you pulled away, playing with the hem of his top so you could subtly let him know you wanted it off and he didn’t stop you when you started tugging it up his body.
When the pair of you were undressed, he laid you down so he could kiss you again you you let your hands wonder all over him. Just as you told him, you fooled around a little first just to get each other going but it didn’t take long for him to look up at you with curious eyes.
‘What do I do? Where do I-‘
‘Shhh’ you cut him off when you could see he was panicking, kissing him again to relax him before speaking. ‘What way do you wanna do this? I can ride you, or I can lay down? Whatever you want’ you told him gently but you could tell he was overwhelmed so you stroked his cheek gently to soothe him. ‘Mase, we don’t have to rush this’
‘I’m just being stupid, I’m sorry’ he laughed
‘You’re not being stupid at all’ you reassured him before kissing him gently. ‘Why don’t you let me take control yeah? Just sit back there against the headboard and if you wanna try a different position after a while we can’
‘Okay’ he blushed, but did as you asked and sat himself back the headboard whilst you sat over him, rocking yourself along his length as you kissed him until he lifted you by your hips and you knew he was ready. You reached down to line him up with you as you held his eye contact as you sunk down onto him, his breath stuttering as you fully took him in. ‘Oh my god’
‘That feel good?’
‘Yes’ he whimpered as he gripped your thighs and you kissed his forehead to try and relax him.
‘I’m gonna start moving, yeah?’ You told him and with a gentle nod from Mason you began rocking your hips, keeping yourself steady with your hands on his shoulders. His eyes were wild, staring into your soul before he couldn’t take it anymore and shut them as his moans grew even louder.
‘You feel so fucking good. Why haven’t we don’t this before’ he gulped, starting to guide your hips and buck up into you slightly.
‘You’re so big Mase’ you moaned, getting lost in the feel of him and it wasn’t too long before he stilled your hips and you looked at him in confusion.
‘Can we try the other way?’ He asked shyly and you nodded with a smile before climbing off of him and swapping places so you were laying where he’d just sat. You could see he was a bit nervous still but you let him take his time and slowly push himself into you, moaning along with him as you watched his eyes roll back in his head.
‘That’s it, Mase’ you told him as he began to thrust into you ‘Don’t hold back, yeah? Don’t think about it just do what feels good. I want all of you, give me all you’ve got’ you told him quietly as your stared into his soul, watched his eyes roll to the back of his head again as he got into it before grabbing the backs of your thighs until you were even more spread out for him. You went hot all over at the way he was looking at your body before his eyes would flick down to where you connected, watching himself go in and out of you as his mouth hung open in a quiet disbelief. His thrusts became deeper as he pounded into you, his forehead coming to rest on yours as he held your eye contact and you knew he was close.
‘If need need to cum then you can’ you breathed but he shook in head in a mini protest.
‘I wanna make you cum’ he huffed, halting his hips and you thought his little scrunched up face was adorable.
‘We’ve got all night’ you told him, reaching up to cup his jaw and bring him down to kiss you. He started moving his hips soon after, breathing into each others mouths until you felt him shoot up and pull himself out of you, stroking over himself before releasing all over your chest and tummy.
You smiled at him as he blushed, dipping one of his fingers in and popping it into your mouth so you could taste him and the sight must of sent him feral as he was quick to lay down and start licking away at you. Making sure to make you cum as quickly as he could and after all the practice he’d had lately it didn’t take long.
He laid down next to you, linking your pinkies together as you you both got your breath back, eventually looking at each other shyly before erupting into giggles.
‘Congrats Mase, how was it?’ You chuckled and he looked down at you adoringly.
‘Well, all I can think about is cleaning you up and going again so I’d say pretty good’ he laughed. ‘I can’t believe I built it up for so long’
‘It’s okay, these things can be scary but we’ve crossed that line now. No going back’ you joked and he just smiled and shook his head it you in agreement.
‘Thank you. I really mean it. You could of walked away when I told you and I wouldn’t of blamed you’
‘Mase, I’m not going anywhere and I’m really glad we’ve got to do this together’
‘Me too, I feel way closer to you now. I still can’t believe you’re mine, I’m so lucky’ he told you, kissing you lovingly and you felt your chest fill with warmth as his fingers traced your skin. ‘I love you’ he breathed kissing your forehead as you felt yourself blush.
‘I love you too’
‘The pair of you make me sick I swear, of course it was perfect’ Mia laughed, rolling her eyes as you’d finished off your story.
‘Well in my mind it was perfect anyway’ you told her as you both let out a yawn.
‘So what you mean is you’ve trained him to do exactly what you like and basically ruined him for every other girl?’
‘Pretty much’ you winked
‘Wow, you really do have it all’ she laughed. ‘I still can’t believe it’
‘Just keep it to yourself. Mason would kill me if he found out you knew’
‘Set me up with one of his teammates and I’ll think about it’ she winked before shutting her eyes. You knew your secret was safe with her and with one final glance at your Lock Screen, a cute mirror selfie of you and Mason, you drifted off yourself.
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lvrhughes · 7 months
Mason's Sister | J. Drysdale
pairing: Jamies Drysdale x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
summary: Mason told Jamie that his sister was off limits, until she isn't
warnings: none? this is trash though be warned
not my gif!
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“Mason!” You yelled, running down the stairs to jump at your brother, his arms opening to catch you. 
“Goose!” He grinned, holding you in a tight hug. 
“Told you not to call me that!” You groaned, letting go of your brother. 
“And I told you no.” The smile never left either of your faces. 
Until you saw his guest. Jamie Drysdale. He hated you for no reason, always ignoring you and when he did acknowledge you it was purely to annoy you. 
“You brought him!” You whispered to Mason, making sure he didn’t hear. 
“He’s my best friend, you’ll be fine for a week.” He shrugged, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder after. 
“Mase!” You laughed, your world upside down as he carried you outside. Setting you down in the grass after, sitting beside you while Jamie followed behind. 
“Why’d you bring me out here?” It seemed like a fair question, looking away from the blossoming sunset to look at your brother.
“Wanted to watch the sunset with my sister who I’ve missed so dearly.” He grinned, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and dragging you down. 
A mumbled comment falling from Jamie’s lips, earning a hard smack from Mason. You didn’t hear what he said but seeing how hard Mason hit him, you’d assume it wasn’t anything nice. When you heard your name slip past your brother's lips as he was whispering to Jamie, you took it as your cue to leave. 
“I’m going to go in.” You gave a false salute to your brother before getting up to walk inside, remembering to leave the door unlocked for them. 
“I can’t believe you!” Mason groaned, running his hands through his hair. 
“What? Said I was sorry!” Jamie claimed, calling his mumbled sorry an apology. 
“What did she do to you? You’re never like this to anyone else, you’re my best friend. I can't have you hate my sister.” 
“I don’t hate her!” 
“Then why do you do this shit?” Mason groaned, gripping at his hair now. 
“I don’t know! It just started and it worked because if she hated me then I could tell myself I have no chance of being with her and especially because she’s your sister!” Jamie’s words mumbling out, ending barely audible. Mason’s head lifting at the confession.
“You started acting like this when I told you that you couldn’t date my sister,” The correlations connecting in Mason’s mind. “You like her! And you chose to be a dick to her so she won’t like you? What fucking logic is that?” Mason exclaimed, watching blush cover his best friend's cheeks. 
“The logic that you told me she was off limits.” He urged back, pushing a hand through his hair to calm himself. 
“You should’ve talked to me! Not been a fucking dick to my sister! If there was one person I’d let have a chance with her it was you!” Mason argued back, earning a blank stare from Jamie. 
“You would’ve let me ask her out?” Jamie’s voice was quiet, staring at his best friend in awe. 
“Had you not been an absolute dick and lost any chance with her, yes. Now you have no chance but if you ever get another chance with her, you better not fuck it up.” Mason warned, keeping his eyes on Jamie’s slightly scared expression. 
Jamie nodded, standing up to run inside, trying his best to get away from his best friend who looked ready to kill him. Quickly darting inside while Mason stood up, running into the nearest door in the house when he entered. Yet unluckily, it had been your room. 
“What the fuck?” You were sitting in your bed, laptop on your lap watching a movie. Jamie was stunned, his eyes trailing your body quickly before spitting out an answer. 
“‘M sorry, your brother just looks like he’s going to kill me right now.” 
“And so you run into my room?” You questioned, pausing the movie to talk to the Canadian.
“I didn’t know it was your room, it was just the first door I saw!” 
“Okay, differently, why is Mase out to kill you?” 
The question seemed to freeze Jamie, his mouth got dry at the question simply not having an answer available or the time to make up a lie. 
“Jamie?” The call of his name sounded miles away as his head spun, he knew it had no logical answer for you right now. 
“I- Um” Mumbled of started but never finished words slipped past his lips, standing in the middle of your room just staring at you. 
“I get you hate me but like tell me or leave please?” It was like his brain short circuited when he heard you say that you thought he hates you. 
“I don’t hate you, I love you.” The minute the words slipped past his lips his hand was covering his mouth, his eyes widening in shock. A quiet ‘oh no’ mumbled under his breath as he tried to gauge your reaction. 
“What?” Was all you could seem to say, staring at him in awe. 
“Nevermind, it was an accident. I didn't mean to say anything.” He quickly got out, turning towards your door again. 
“No Jamie, come back.” You groaned, moving off your bed when he didn’t stop moving towards the door. 
Your hand on his shoulder stopping him just before the door, making him turn to look at him. His eyes held a panic that you couldn’t help but hate. 
“Why do you act like you hate me?” Jamie shook his head at the question, focusing on how soft your voice sounded as you spoke to him.
“I do hate you.” He tried, his voice giving away the clear lie. 
“No you don’t, you just told me you loved me.” You pushed back, watching panic cover his features again. “Stop panicking.” You mumbled at the fear covering his face. 
“I just told you I love you. I think that’s a good reason to panic!” He answered in return, making you laugh.
The panic on his face lessened at the sound, smiling at the way you tried to stop yet couldn’t, a smile prominent on your face. Once you had composed yourself you leaned up, pressing a chaste kiss to Jamie’s cheek. 
“I love you too idiot.” A wave of confusion covered Jamie’s face at your words, letting the emotion cover his face. 
“But I was so bad to you?” 
“You were so good at first, just because you randomly became an asshole didn’t mean I could get rid of how I felt for you before.” 
“Fuck I’m so sorry, I should’ve just talked to him, please baby, tell you’ll be mine?” Jamie’s words came out fast, like a breath of relief. Letting you nod before he kissed you, his arms wrapping around your waist while yours tangled through his hair. 
“What did you mean talk to him?” You asked Jamie when he moved away, pecking your lips once more before completely pulling away.
“Oh, Mason. He told me you were off limits and then told me that I was the one person he’d let date you.” Jamie admitted, luring you back towards your bed, moving your laptop before getting you to lay with him. Keeping his arms around your body, making sure you were pressed against him as he laid in your bed.
“I’m going to kill him, he doesn’t get to decide who I date!” You protested, shifting in Jamie’s arms as if to get up. 
Jamie’s grip tightened, not wanting you to leave yet. His hands rubbing circles on your back as if to lure you to stay, and it worked. Letting the calm overcome you of Jamie’s hand running along your skin you sunk back into the bed, curling in Jamie’s arms before letting sleep overcome you. 
“What the fuck?” Mason’s voice interrupted the quiet that fell over the room not even ten minutes later.
“Shh, you’ll wake her!” Jamie whispered, his hand moving to cover your ears. 
“Why are you in bed with my sister?” Mason’s tone still loud but his voice a whisper now. 
“Because I ran in here when you looked like you were ready to kill me.” 
“That doesn’t explain anything!” 
“I uh- may have accidentally confessed I love her?” 
Mason shook his head, mumbling something about talking about this later before closing the door, a small smile on his face.
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hischierswhore · 1 year
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pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
TW: cursing // jealous!mason
A/N: this gif🤭🤭
"It's nearly midnight, Y/n! Where were you?" Mason asked the second you walked through the door of your shared apartment. You & Mason were lifelong bestfriends and now roommates. He'd been pacing for about an hour now and was starting to worry that something had happened.
"Don't worry I was with Chilly" You assured him as you made your way through the living room and to the kitchen. Mason followed closely behind you, as he wasn't done talking to you.
"Chilly? Why were you with Ben?" Mason questioned as he watched you grab yourself a glass of water before heading back towards the couch.
"He invited me out, and I accepted his offer" You lied as you took a long sip from your glass before settling down on the couch. Mason's whole demeanor changed after hearing your answer.
Truth is you and Ben were out together because he was helping you come up with a plan to tell Mason how you felt. Neither you nor Ben had feelings for each other; your relationship was strictly platonic. You couldn't tell Mason the actual reason, so you told him a half-truth.
"Oh. Are you guys together or something?" Mason looked at the floor, afraid to hear your answer.
"Mase, I really don't want to talk about this right now. It's late and I just want to go to sleep. Why should you even care that I was out with Ben anyways?" You asked as you placed your glass on the coffee table before looking at him.
You didn't understand how badly he wanted to tell you the truth. He wanted to tell you that he was madly in love with you and has been from the day you both met. But in his mind, it was obvious that you were in love with his mate, and that absolutely broke his heart.
Mason paused for a moment before responding.
"You know what, forget I even asked. Forget I showed even the slightest bit of worry because you, my best friend and roommate, weren't here when I arrived and you didn't think to let me know that you were out because you were doing god knows what with one of my best mates" Mason snapped before storming down the hall to his bedroom. You jumped at the sound of his door being slammed shut.
The quietness in the room started to make you feel uneasy. After several minutes had passed without Mason returning, you got up and made your way to his room to check on him and talk.
You quietly knocked on the door before entering and all you received was a simple "go away" from your roommate. You sighed before choosing to leave him alone for the rest of the night, deciding you would talk to him tomorrow.
You woke up the next morning to a text from Ben.
Ben: What on earth did you do to Mason? He's been pissy all throughout training, specifically with me.
Y/n: We got into a little argument last night after I came back home. Told him I was out with you and then things went to shit
Ben: You realize that was probably the dumbest thing you could've done, right?
Y/n: ???
Ben: I swore to him I'd never tell you this, but he's in love with you, Y/n. Saying you were out with me probably made him jealous, and now he's pissed with me because he thinks I'm trying to steal you.
Y/n: Please tell me you're lying...
Ben: I'm not. He would kill me if he knew I told you this. Just please come fix him. I'd like to go back home in one piece.
After getting dressed and quickly making yourself a breakfast sandwich, you drove to the Training Centre. The staff knew you already, so they let you in with no issue. As you made your way to the training field, Ben came running up to you.
"Thank god you're here. Head to the changing room and I'll get him in there so you can talk it out" Ben gave you a quick hug before assuring you that you could do this.
Within 5 minutes, you heard the changing room door open and shut. You looked up from your phone to see Mason standing there, staring at you in disbelief.
"Can we talk?" You asked, not knowing what else to say. Mason didn't say anything as he stood there and looked at you.
Your eyes wandered over his body before you caught sight of his red, puffy eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept. All you wanted to do right now was hold him in your arms, but right now he was upset with you.
You gestured for him to take a seat next to you so you discuss everything, to which he slowly made his way over to where you sat. You took a deep breath before speaking.
"First and foremost, I want to apologize for last night. Yes, I should have told you I was out with Ben, instead of letting you worry & panic" You explained.
"I hope you know I'm not seeing Ben, nor am I interested in him" Mason's gaze lifted to meet yours. You continued to explain how you two were friends and nothing more. Mason listened intently as you spoke, nodding occasionally while looking back down at the ground.
"I was only with him last night because he was helping me figure out how to tell you that I'm in love with you" Your words surprised Mason, and he quickly raised his head to look at you. His face grew redder by the minute as you said those words.
"This has got to be some sick joke, Y/n" He shook his head in disbelief.
"I wouldn't joke about that, Mase" Mason wrapped his arms around your figure and pulled you tightly against his chest. You copied his movement, holding onto him like there was no tomorrow. You both stayed like this for a few seconds until Mason quickly pulled away and looked down at your lips, as of he were asking to kiss you.
The second you nodded your head, he pulled you back into him and your lips touched his for the first time. It was awkward for a couple of seconds before you kissed him passionately. They remained locked together for another minute or so before you both backed away.
You looked into his eyes and saw him watching you. There was a question in his gaze as he studied you. He reached up and cupped your cheek in his hand as he stared lovingly into your eyes.
"If only you knew how long I've waited to do that" A smile appeared on Mason's face as he spoke, the first one you've seen from him in a few days.
His smile grew wider as he kept his hand on your cheek. He brought you into his arms once more, just holding you as close as he possibly could while resting his head on top of yours.
"So, does this mean you forgive me for not telling you sooner? Because I'd like to make up for lost time" You gave him a cute smile.
"Mmm... Yeah, I suppose I do" Mason gave a chuckle before pressing kisses to your entire face. When he finally pulled away, you once again rested your forehead against his, gazing into his dark eyes.
"I love you" He said it so simply yet profoundly. It was a simple statement, spoken from his heart, and it made your heart flutter.
"I love you too, Mase" You replied, wiping a tear from his eye. You didn't think it was possible, but you could feel your own tears cascading down your cheeks.
"I wanna be yours, Y/n. Officially" Mason grabbed your waist and stood up, pulling you along beside him.
"I'd like that very much" He pressed a kiss to your lips once more before wrapping his arm around your shoulders. A loud knock and the sound of the changing room door opening interrupted them.
"Glad to see you lovebirds made up, but we need you back at training" Ben spoke, interrupting your moment.
You smiled as you looked at Mason, who responded by giving you a big grin. After one final kiss, you said goodbye to both players.
The entire car ride home was just you squealing like you were 14 years old again, internally screaming at the fact that you'd finally gotten your Prince Charming.
@ithinkimokeei @myheartgoesvroom @mounthings @tall-tanned-tattoo @itsnotgray @alwaysclassyeagle @charlewiss @pianoisland @fallingin20 @chelseagirl98
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lovergiirlsblog · 1 year
Deep end
Summary: Y/N who’s struggling with infertility started to distance herself from Mason. How will the Chelsea boy react ? Will they work It out in the end, or have they already fallen into the deep end ?
Warnings: Mention of infertility, a lot of angst
Note: This made feel so emotional. Hope you like it. Also I might make a part 2 of it.
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Please listen to this song while reading
Once again, negative.
I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror: red rims around my puffy,bloodshot eyes , rosy nose and cheeks. I’ve been crying for an hour now. I sighed and unlocked the bathroom door after throwing the pregnancy test in the bin. Mason and I have been trying to have a baby for a year now but every single test we did turned negative. And I’d be lying if I say that this whole situation hasn’t affected our relationship . We’re not who we used to be, and I don’t know if we can ever go back to the couple that we used to be.
I grabbed my phone to find a text from Mason.
From Mason:
Stacey is home. I invited her and the whole family :)
To Mason:
Of course. I’ll prepare dinner.
I no longer tell him about the test results. It’s something that I’ve decided because what’s the point of telling someone over and over again that he won’t be a father?That he won’t have a kid to teach how to play football. He always plays tough when he’s around me but I know it’s killing him too. I,once,heard him gasp from crying when he thought he was alone at home. And honestly,I don’t want him to be torn every time. I kept the grief to myself.
When Mason is around I always try to act occupied with work or sleep early just to avoid him. I don’t know why but I often find myself refusing his sex offers,thankfully he was understanding and never forced me to do something that I don’t want to.To me making love isn’t about having fun with the man you love anymore, it’s just a procedure to get pregnant… but will always end with disappointment.
Sometimes I look at him and think: Won’t he be happier with someone else ? Won’t someone else give him what he needs whenever he wants to ?
“Hi” he whispered when he walked in the kitchen.Hi, good morning, good night is all that we say to each other lately. “Hi” i greeted him without making eye contact. I can’t look at him. His eyes remind me of my failure. Uncomfortable silence filled the room. How the hell did we turn into strangers that live together? “ I, um, I’ll be upstairs. They should be here in an hour” he mumbled awkwardly,scratching the back of his head. I nodded and watched him disappear upstairs. I finished dinner and changed minutes before the doorbell rang. When I went back downstairs I found Mason opening the door. Summer,Poppy and Harley jogged towards him and wrapped their tiny arms around his legs. He lifted them one by one to plant a kiss on their cheeks.
“Aren’t you going to greet us Y/N” I didn’t realise that I was staring at Mason and the kids when Lewis joked. I hugged him tightly and explained” I’m sorry. I blacked out. Hello everyone please come in” I squeezed all of them and we all went to the living room. I grabbed some drinks and snacks and sat next to Mason who had Summer on his lap. They were both laughing. Every laugh breaks my heart a little bit more.
“ Since you’re home now,will you come to Stamford bridge and watch me play ?” He addressed to Stacy who was wiping Poppy’a mouth with a napkin. His arm wrapped around my shoulder-just like the old days- and it’s the first physical touch we had in a while. I didn’t push his arm away actually, it was the first time that I feel comfortable with him touching me. Maybe because we weren’t alone?
“Of course I’ll come to watch my baby brother”
An hour later,I,with the help of Lewis and Stacey,set up the dinner table. And we started eating.
“So how are you two,love birds?” Mine and Mason’s gaze landed on Stacey and we both faked a smile “We’re okay” we said at the same time.
“Are you staying in England for a long time ?” I tried to have a conversation with her to break the awkward silence and be a good host.
“I’ll leave right after New Year’s Eve. By the way the food is so delicious.”
“I know right. She makes the best food. Mason is a lucky bastard.” Lewis quipped.
“I know I am“ I glanced at him and frowned my eyebrows.
“Thank you guys.I’m glad you liked it”
The kids finished first and wanted to play with Mason while Debbie insisted that she will clean the table. We watched as Summer covered Mason’s eyes from behind and innocently asked him to guess who’s behind him. “Um.. I’m not sure.Is it Lewis?” He played along making them giggle so hard “ No.Uncle Mase it’s me Summer”.
I found myself smiling so big, but I looked away when my eyes met his.
“He’s so good with kids. I’m sure he’ll make a great father one day.” Stacey rested her head on my shoulder”Are you considering having kids ?” I looked down at her,her gaze was still on Mason and the kids.
“I-I can’t-“ I didn’t know what to say but thankfully Jasmine unintentionally saved me “ Can we go home ? I’m so tired and sleepy”. We said our goodbyes and they immediately went home leaving us alone,again. After closing the door,Mason approached me ,wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close without any warning. “Mason-“ I tried to gently push him away “Mason please”. He stopped and looked in my eyes. His eyes were full of hurt and devastation. “I can’t even hug you now ? Great. That’s great!” He laughed in disbelief.
“Why didn’t you tell your family ?” I ignored his sentence.
“ tell them what ?” He frowned.
“ That I can’t conceive.. that I can’t give them what they want. That I can’t give YOU what you want” my voice cracked.
“ Why do they need to know ? » he sighed « We’re young Y/N and we can always try again if that’s what you really want.I still have hope.”
“Hope?” I laughed “Hope is the most devastating thing. Hope is cruel.”
Would I be this shattered if I didn’t have hope ?
“ Kids aren’t what I want anymore. You know what I badly want ? I want my wife back. Yes I would be happy if we had a child but I would be happier if i still had the old Y/N.Whoever is standing in front of me right now isn’t the girl that I loved. I feel like I don’t know you anymore Y/N. Are we together just to have kids ? What about love ? What about you and I Y/N ?” He ran a hand through is hair” how did we end up like this ?” His voice was full of hurt. I looked down at my feet and mumbled”The girl that you loved won’t come back. I’m sorry.” I stared off into the distance,trying so hard to hold back my tears.
“That’s all you got huh ? I want to help you Y/N, but you keep pushing me away. Do you think I didn’t notice you crying in the bathroom whenever you think I’m asleep ? I didn’t want to force you into talking about it I wanted you to willingly open up to me so we can work it out together but you never did. And I can’t take this anymore. I’m so sick of you treating me like a stranger.”
He shouted,fist pushing the wall and walked out of the house leaving me sobbing with my head in my hands. Of course he’ll get sick of this. But he’ll never understand how worthless I feel when he slightly touches me. I don’t know why he has never lost hope or why he has never given up on me.
Four hours passed since he left and I was starting to worry. Has something bad happened to him ?
To Declan:
Hi sorry for bothering you but I wonder is Mason at yours ?
From Declan:
No he’s not here. Is everything alright ?
To Declan:
Yes. Don’t worry. Good night Dec !
I put my phone on the sofa when I heard the sound of keys in front of the door and rushed to open it and reveal a very drunk Mason leaning on Ben. His eyes were so tipsy, I’ve never seen him this drunk before. After putting him on the bed and going back downstairs Ben stated” Look Y/N, I don’t know what’s going on between you both but Mason isn’t okay at all. He has been playing like shit lately if you haven’t realised it yet. Also he usually never drinks when we have training the next day but look at him now.. Potter is going to scold him so bad tomorrow” I bit my nails titling my head down and nodding “I’ll take care of him. Don’t worry Ben. Thanks for telling me”
I grabbed a glass of water,and walked to the bedroom where he was laying on his back and staring at the ceiling “Here drink this it might help” I handed him the cup.”Y/N?” He called”Why don’t you love me anymore ?” His words hit me like knives,straight in the heart.Did I really cause all this damage? He doesn’t deserve to be treated that way. He deserves so much better. So much better“ I still love you”
He chuckled taking a sip from the cup of water “weird way of showing it” I helped him take off his shoes and change into something more comfortable. “You need to rest Mason. We’ll have this conversation tomorrow when you’re sober enough”
“You don’t even look into my eyes when I’m sober enough” he wiped his eyes” I’m trying to help you heal Y/N. I can’t lose you. If you need space I’ll give it to you, just please don’t leave me” his voice became weaker and weaker as he shut his eyes. His soft snores were heard minutes later. I pulled the blanket to his chest and pushed the hair that fell on his sweaty forehead. “I’m so sorry for burning us down” a tear fell from my eyes and landed on his cheek.
I put my luggage in my car as soon as the sun rose and left a letter on the nightstand next to Mason.
Dear Mason,
I’m sorry I left without telling you. But it’s honesty what I needed. I wanted space so I can figure out our future together. Unfortunately, I couldn’t accept the fact that I am infertile, and it makes me feel less of a woman and I’m deeply sorry for treating you that way, I let my selfishness take the best of me. Every time that you try to get closer, I get flashbacks of how I felt the last time that we tried and had a negative result. You, my dear Mason, are the most important person in my life and I can’t thank you enough for trying to help me but no one can help me except myself in this situation. I promise I’ll be back weather as the old Y/N that you knew or with divorce papers. You don’t deserve to go through this Mason,so if I will still feel the same, I’m afraid I’ll let you go. You can be happy with someone else and start a family. Until then, I love you more than life. Please try to understand and don’t be mad.
PS: I left some painkillers on the nightstand x
Yours sincerely,Y/N.
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websterss · 2 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Here’s a little werewolf au I conjured up. The supermoon overpowers Stiles control resulting in a casualty.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): ANGST, mentions of dying
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Werewolf!Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you guys enjoy it! ♡ I tried with the eyes lol, I don’t how to use after effects yet, had to turn to photoshop. :/
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You didn’t expect to become the only human in the pack. You see there were two humans in the pack, You and Stiles, but after what happened to Stiles, he didn’t have much of a choice. Stile’s life was at stake. He was practically on his deathbed. So, you had to turn to your only option left, Scott. Scott bit Stiles to save his life. It was hard enough as it was, but Stiles becoming a werewolf, now that was even harder. He had a hard time trying to control his shifting. But he had his friends to help him along the way.
“Tell me again why we’re here?” Malia asked. She clearly wasn’t in the mood to attend another pack meeting.
“Because there’s a supermoon tonight, and we need to make sure nobody does anything stupid.” All eyes turn to face Liam.
“Oh, come on, it was one time.” He whined.
“Yeah, and it’s forever engraved in our heads,” Stiles told him. 
“It was really hot out that night.” He shrugged.
“Beacon Hills usually is during the summer.” Stiles quipped.
“Okay we get it guys, knock it off you two.” You gave a playful stern look to them. Whether those two believed it or not they were the best of pals. Liam looked up to Stiles and Scott, but he would appreciate it more if the guidance didn’t consist of the constant sarcasm and teasing. 
“Y/n’s right, we have a serious matter, this isn’t like any other moon we’ve been through, the supermoon will make us more aggressive, stronger, even violent, and we have to stay alert at all times, we can’t risk anyone getting hurt,” Scott informed his pack.
“Or killed,” Malia said. 
“Exactly.” Scott nodded.
“So how will we be able to control it?” Hayden questioned.
“We have chains, shouldn’t that at least help get you all through the night?” Lydia said.
“It’s not enough, everyone would break free instantly.” Scott shook his head. 
“What about mountain ash, would that hold you guys back?” Mason suggested. 
“That’s not a bad idea.” Stiles nodded.
“Great problem solved! Um, but what are we going to do about the human in the room?” You pointed at yourself.
“The human…will stay as far away from any of us.” Stiles flailed his arms around gesturing to the supernatural beings in the room.
“I want to help.” You pleaded.
“No, I’m not risking putting you in danger.”
“I am perfectly capable of staying away from danger.” Stiles stood silent. His shoulders slumped. You were gonna give him a migraine. He looked away shaking his head.
“What, I can!” You raised an eyebrow.
“Just stay home tonight Y/n, please, just go home.” He pointed to the door. Every one of them avoids your gaze. 
“Scott.” You looked at the alpha. 
He sheepishly looked up at you, then at Stiles, who shook his head no. 
“Stiles is right. You could get hurt, Y/n. So stay home okay.”
“Fine.” You muttered. Little did he know you weren’t going to listen to him. 
“Okay, I think that’s enough mountain ash to keep you guys’ in.” Mason got up and dusted his palms on his jeans.
“Good job Mason.” Lydia stood beside him behind the line of mountain ash. They decided to keep them all in the library for the night. Scott, Hayden, Liam, Malia, and Stiles were all chained up to poles, the mountain ash was for just in case. All of them could feel how the super moon was affecting them. They let out grunts and growls. Fur growing on their face, claws coming out of their fingernails. It was a recipe for a disaster.
“I think that’s our cue to leave!” Mason started tugging on Lydia’s upper arm.
“Good idea.” She nodded her head in agreement. They ran out into the hall hoping that the mountain ash was enough to keep them from running wild into the night. When they thought they were good, it just got worse. They saw you walking past them. Lydia immediately calls after you to retreat.
You walked towards another set of doors pushing it forwards, the door creaking in response. You stood in the hallway. Staring down the dark eery hallways. There wasn’t anyone around. You never liked school at night. That gut feeling in your chest was telling you to turn back, and you almost did, except the low growl behind you caused a chill down your spine. You spun around slowly, your breathing labored as you now face what you were scared of encountering tonight. Your boyfriend was in full rage. You keep still in your tracks as two glowing eyes stare right back at you.
“Stiles.” You slowly stood. The only response was a grunt and heavy breathing. That further told your flight or fight response to take a step away from him.
“This isn’t you okay, it’s the moon taking control of you.” 
“This is me!” He roared, making you flinch.
“No, it’s not!” You cried out. You took each step back with caution.
“Baby, just, just find an anchor, okay? Yeah, an anchor, okay. Think of me.” You nodded.
“The only thing I’m thinking is wanting to sink my teeth in that pretty neck of yours!” 
Oh you were in total shit.
“Stiles please, okay. You have to fight this!” You pleaded. You couldn’t stop crying.
“Y/N!” You whipped your head to see Lydia and Mason approaching you. Stiles took your distraction as an advantage, rushing forward, full charge, the collision of your bodies was enough to knock you off balance. You slipped on your feet falling on your back.
“Stiles...” You whispered out in pain. You watched him slowly hover over you looking at you as if you were prey. Your eyes widened fearing the worst to come.
“No!” Lydia screamed, she was running to you as fast as she could in her heeled boots. Mason watched in terror as you screamed out in agony. 
You didn’t know what was happening. It felt like a blur. You felt a tremendous amount of pain in your chest, your senses were going numb. You were going in and out of an unconscious state of mind. Then everything seemed to go dark. Stiles had finally stopped, his brain slowly starting to process what he just did. His claws were dripping with blood. Your blood. His eyes went back to their original chocolate brown. He hesitantly brought a hand to your face caressing it softly. His eyes trailed down to the gory sight of your chest and stomach covered in claw marks. His doing. He let out a shaky breath as his eyes found your face again. His hand hovering over you, not wanting to further touch you, but his heart was trying to reach out for you
“Y/n? Y/n, hey, please wake up.” He whispered. “Y/n, please!”
“Stiles!” Scott’s voice rang out like an echo. Footsteps could be heard beating down the hall, growing closer to the messy sight of you laying still in Stiles’ arms.
“No, no, no! Y/n!” Stiles yelled out. He brought you into his chest, rocking you back and forth and kissing your temple. Your head pulled back. Eyes closed. Your whole body was limp. You were practically weightless. He could no longer hear your heart beating.
“No, baby, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He choked up. “Open your eyes, let me see them again, please...” He weeped.
Scott, Malia, Liam, and Hayden didn’t hear the rhythmic beating in your chest no more. You were gone. Lydia was on the floor weeping for you.
Stiles had a feeling that someone was going to end up hurt, he knew the risks of the supermoon, but he didn’t think you were going to be the casualty of tonight, nor did he think that he would be the one to take away your life. Sirens could be heard from a distance. It wasn’t the ambulance though, it was Stiles’ father and Deputy Parrish.
“Stiles...” Sheriff Stilinski ran up to his son, his gaze stopped on you. “Oh god...Is she?”
“Yeah,” Lydia responded.
“Oh god…” Sheriff Stilinski ran a hand down his face. It was bad enough he was dealing with all the supernatural stuff, but to see you, his son’s girlfriend lying dead in his arms was worse. He saw you like his own daughter and wanted to keep you safe, but then again no one was ever safe in Beacon Hills.
“I killed her dad,” Stiles muttered. 
“Stiles-” His dad started.
“No! She’s dead because of me. She’s dead!” He shouted out. All gazes suddenly fell on him.
Everyone knew what would happen if they ever took an innocent’s life. They’ve heard the stories. They knew the outcome. They knew how Derek ended up.
“What?” He cried out. 
“Stiles…your eyes, they’re blue.”
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“What do you want?” Scott asks as he stares at the lawn just in front of the porch where he and Theo are sat.
Here we go again. “For the last time because you idiots keep bringing it up,” Theo starts saying while rolling his eyes. “I’m not planing on backstabbing you or killing you, and quite frankly I don’t want to part of this pathetic attempt of a pack.” Look, Theo gets the worry and concern, but at this point it’s beyond frustrating trying to repeat over and over again that he is in fact not up to anything.
It’s quite shocking even to himself, that he’d somehow became a normal— as close to normal as he can get anyways— person in the last few months. A rehabilitated murderer, Liam likes to call him. Domesticated was used more than once by Mason.
“That’s not what I asked” Scott responds with a softer tone, his eyes crinkling slightly; an effect of the gentle smile he offers. “What do you want?” He asks one more time.
The question continues to ring in Theo’s mind on loop, because truth be told he isn’t really sure anymore. He knows what he wanted before. What the past him who was fuelled by anger and passion, and an insatiable need to be something—to be someone— outside of the dread doctors puppet wanted. He knows he wanted the power that came from pack, but somewhere in the deep scars of his heart, he wanted to belong. That had always been the goal, even if he’ll never admit it to himself.
The whole alpha thing wouldn’t hurt either, and from his life experiences, he didn’t know any other way to get what he wanted. Between being a failed science experiment, or a make believe version of a boy, Theo never really had the time to make friends or even learn how to do so anyway, so it’s no surprise that his perception of companionship was to be viewed through the lense of hierarchy and control, rather than loyalty and trust.
But that’s all irrelevant,because from the moment Kira’s sword struck the ground and Theo rose from the dust of his personal nightmare, his entire life would never be the same.
Now though? What does he want? He’s never genuinely been asked that before. Scott asks him like it’s a simple question but here Theo is, having a midlife crisis over it regardless.
Theo doesn’t believe he has the right to want; not after his past actions since he’d met the dread doctors. And more importantly, what he wants isn’t something he can have. Someone he can have. No matter how many sleepless nights he spend staring at the roof of his truck, thinking of ocean blue eyes and soft strands of hair he wishes to run his fingers through, he knows he’ll never have that. But oh does it comfort the hallow feeling in his chest.
An angry beta who he always finds himself being around, intentionally or not, like he’s some compass and Liam is always north that he points to. Theo finds him like a moth finds a flame. Like it’s natural, almost. He’ll always find Liam just like he did in the elevators or during the wild hunt, and Liam will always find him. But still, Theo will never get to have him.
Maybe he doesn’t get to have Liam—not in all the ways he wants him—but that will never deter from taking whatever Liam gives him, no matter how small. He’ll have to make do with what he gets; just like he always has done.
After what has definitely been the longest moment of awkward silence he can remember, Theo finally responds. “It doesn’t matter.”
Scott shakes his head, mostly to himself rather than at the dissatisfaction with Theo’s answer. “You and I both know that’s not true.” Neither of them says anything after that for a moment, and instead let Scott’s words linger in the delicate vacuum that had formed around them since they started talking.
Eventually though, Scott stands from where he sat next to Theo on his front porch and starts to make his way back into the house. Though just before he steps forward to shut the door, he turns around one last time to Theo. “You really should tell him. He deserves to know”.
(I don’t know why I wrote this tbh and Idek if it makes sense. Either way I thought I’d just post it instead of leaving it in the drafts lol. I know no one’s gonna see this, but I just had to. If I made typo, no didn’t)
*also this is the first fic snippet I’ve ever written so be nice pls 🤠
UPDATE= I finally got around to writing the rest of this on ao3 (the things we won’t let ourselves say)
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bennett-mikealson · 6 months
Tyler vs Klaus
It's Been a Hot minute since I've been on tumblr so imma choose violence with this post bc the hypocrisy will always be crazy to me.
So it's OK for Klaus to harm Caroline knowing his hybrid bite would kill a vampire but when Tyler simply shows his werewolf face he's worse than Klaus. I really wanna break down the comparison of them both regarding their situations with Caroline bc from Tyler's pov Caroline as betrayed him on multiple occasions while Klaus has harmed Caroline unprovoked.
1st Tyler situation: Masons Death
Caroline spent a good chunk of season 2 building a new bond with Tyler; gaining his trust when he became a Werewolf. So much so that she even tells Tyler that a Werewolf bite could kill a vampire after she finds that out from Damon. Tyler then finds out from Jules that Caroline was lying to him about knowing who killed Mason (HIS UNCLE) and when confronting Caroline about how she's broken his trust he pushes her against a car and you can see his werewolf side start to takeover but it doesn't. Why? Bc he knows that biting her would kill her. Tyler was able to control himself while being a new werewolf so that he didn't kill Caroilne after she betrayed him but Tyler's the bad guy bc he pushed her against a car. REALLY???? And even after Jules and her friend had Caroline in that cage even if he did hesitate for a second he still took her out and even left Mystic Falls with jules bc he didn't want to harm anyone. He only Came back bc he found out his mother was in the hospital; Why? bc of Klaus.
2nd Tyler situation: Caroline sleeping with Klaus
Once again a betrayal on Caroline's part to Tyler. Tyler spent most of their relationship in competition with Klaus bc of Klaus. Klaus used Tyler's sirebond against him so Tyler left Mystic Falls turning over 100 times and almost dying so he can be free and enjoy his relationship with Caroline. Klaus Killed Tyler's mother and Caroline knew how much pain that put Tyler in bc she was there comforting him at his mother's memorial while he cried in her arms. Then after they broke up Caroline had sex with Klaus and Caroline's once again in conflict with Tyler. Tyler finds out She slept with Klaus and instead of respecting Tyler's wishes to leave him alone Caroline continued to push him to his point of rage showing werewolf side once again. Not attacking her tho. Some would say it was bc Stefan stopped him but I don't believe Tyler would of harmed her to begin with bc if he was able to control his werewolf side when he just started his journey after Caroline betrayed him before why wouldn't he be able to again. But most stans don't see that and instead resort to saying that Tyler's abusive and he had no reason to he mad when they know that if the roles were reversed and Tyler did something like that to Caroline they would freak in rage. What's even worse is that after some time died down and Tyler was still in his feelings Caroline tells him to get over her sleeping with Klaus and Said that she wasn't going to continue to feel bad for what she did.
That was so girl boss you are Caroline. 😐
Now let's get to Klaus,
1st Kluas situation: Bite number 1
Klaus used Tyler's sirebond against him and forced him to bite Caroline on her birthday so he could then save Caroline to seem like some hero. Mind you Caroline has done nothing to Klaus to deserve being put through that pain.
2nd Klaus situation: bite number 2
After Kol is killed and Klaus is locked in the Gilbert house he bites Caroline and stabs her with a lamp after she told him she didn't want to be with him (something he already knew bc she's told him on multiple occasions she didn't want him).
These are 2 situations of Caroline doing little to nothing to Klaus but Klaus harms Caroline knowing he would kill her but he's not held to the same standard as Tyler. He not abusive but Tyler is?
Make it make sense
Tyler has never bitten Caroline. In fact in situations of rage stemming from Caroline betrayals to Tyler he has managed to control himself both times bc he knows that he could kill Caroilne; But he's the bad guy for showing even an ounce of deserved rage to Caroline after she backstabs him. How is Tyler showing Caroline his werewolf face after she does him dirt worse than Klaus purposely biting Caroline while knowing he could kill her?
Either we not watching the same show or Stan's are just letting their biased views cloud their judgment.
And I thinks it's the 2nd option 👀
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catwrites9 · 1 year
Valentine’s Day Santa
(Jack champion x reader) can be read as fem or gn. Use of they once to refer as reader.
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A/n This is a random idea I thought of and also because I headcanon Jack to like flowers so yeah also I thought of this during Valentines day so yeah it’s been that long. I am kinda in writer's block but I’m gonna the requests I’m doing soon. Also this is my way of announcing that I’m now accepting requests for Jack Champion and Ethan Landry.
Warnings cussing, kissing?, possible bad grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Also should I start using the use of y/n in my stories you can kinda tell I hid the name in this one.
You and Jack both love to give each other random things like with him gifting you a funny hat most recently. But the only problem was your growing crush on him, you both met each other during the filming of Scream 6 having played his semi love interest that has to kill him which was fun for both of you when you had to film it. You wanted Jack to be your valentine but the whole problem is 1 you don’t even think he likes you 2 you don’t want to ruin your friendship for this if you can’t make it seem platonic and lastly 3 you don’t know if he has a valentine because you both haven’t had any scenes together because you’ve been doing the apartment scene over and over again because of difficulties.
It took a lot of courage and encouragement from both Mason and Jasmin because they were the ones who could just tell you had a crush on Jack and you could not even deny it because of all the proof they had. So you devised your plan with getting his favorite flowers and getting him a new skateboard because you remembered that he was trying to learn a trick and landed in the middle cracking the board in half. Then you grabbed his favorite candy and brought it all back to the trailers. You remember him telling you that he had filming till 2 pm today and that he was just going to be at his trailer all day. It was currently 2:15 pm so you decided to head over to his trailer giving him enough time to get to his trailer and that it takes about 5-10 minutes to get to his trailer. When you get to his trailer you stand in front of the door talking to yourself working the courage to knock on it. But of course the door opens revealing Jack in his Ethan clothing.
“Why are you talking to yourself outside my trailer and why do you have your hands behind your back?” Jack questioned pointing his finger behind you.
“Oh uh no reason” You said, straightening your posture.
He squinted his eyes then also straightened his posture. You both just stared at each other before he broke out of trance. He goes back to pointing at your back.
“Sooooooo are you going to show me what’s behind your back?” He asked, raising his right eyebrow.
“Well I uh wanted to as- give you something” that was a nice save by you.
“Well what is it”
I pull the skateboard out first, handing it to him. His eyes lighting up immediately, him jumping up and down.
“You rembered about my skateboard?” he said questioning but still jumping a little.
“Yes of course I did but that’s not all”
He widened his eyes as you pulled out his favorite candy. He takes it just staring at it with his mouth open.
“Ok this is the last thing” you said as he placed the stuff down to the left.
You pulled the flowers and card from behind you scared when he for when he reads the card.
He takes it and hugs you “Thank You so much I didn’t realize that you remembered this stuff.”
He pulled back, noticing the card, tilting his head a little pulling it from the flowers.
“From the Valintines day Santa,” he paused “Who the fuck is the Valitines day Santa” he said chucking.
“ Well I thought because Santa gives people gifts why not I be the Valentine's Day Santa because I’m giving you gifts?” The last part sounds more like a question than a statement.
He pulled out the card reading it, his eyes widened at a part. You're scared but you notice something on the back of the card, it says love the Valentine's day Santa like you put on it but then you see small lettering saying love Mason and Jasmin. Yep it’s just time to pack it all up and never talk to Jack because you sure as hell know what they said in that letter.
He knits his brows then looks at you “ You have a crush on me?” he asked, waiting for a response. But instead you just stutter.
“OH MY GOD JUST KISS ALREADY” you both hear yelling behind you pulling you out of stuttering to reveal Jasmin yelling it.
You both blush as you look back at each other “I guess the cats out the bag” he said in a Disney channel voice shrugging his arms. You scrunch your face in cringe “That wasn’t a good joke?” He said blushing even more. You just simply shook your head no.
“Well I guess we both now know” you said looking down not able to keep eye contact with him.
He smiled and made you have eye contact.
“I guess we do both now know we crushes on eachother Valentines day Santa” you pull away from his hand cringing at the whole name you gave yourself.
“JUST KISS ALREADY MY POPCORN IS GETTING COLD” you look back seeing Devyn now next to them.
“When did you get there?” Jack said scratching the back of his head.
“Idk I just heard them yelling about kissing and I decided to watch” Devyn said going back to eating popcorn.
“Was the popcorn necessary?” you said, grabbing the bridge of your nose. All they did was nod.
“Why are y-“ you were cut off by Jack kissing you. It was short but passionate. He pulled back smiling then looking back at the three behind you making a ruckus. Devon was happy but handed Jasmin $20 because she bet that you would kiss first.
“WHY ARE YOU GUYS yelling?” Turning to the left seeing Jenna with a confused expression.
“THEY BOTH FINALLY KISSED” Mason yelled raising his two fists up and down.
“THEY BOTH FINNALY FUCKING KISSED AFTER SO-“ Jenna was cut off by another door opening revealing Melissa “Wait who’s kissing?” She questioned while leaning more to see who it was.“jack and-“ Jasmin started before mellisa saw you two “THEY FINALLY CAN STOP BEING PAINFULLY OBVIOUS ABOUT THEIR CRUSH NOW”
“ We were obvious,” Jack said, raising his arms, “and no one told us” you said right after him.
Josh came running over “Bro did they finally confess” Mason nodded his head “ thank god I could not take one more day of their painfully bad flirting on set.”
“Ouch” Jack said “ I thought my flirting was good”
“It wasn’t” you said as he looked at you with a fake hurt look and his hands on his heart.
“Anyways after we were RUDELY INTERRUPTED, yes Valentines day Santa I will be your valentine.”
And that’s how it started now two years later you both are as happy as ever living together with butters.
W/n 1 I feel like the beginning I don’t like but I love then ending but now I’m in a slight Jack era of writing so yeah.👍
W/n 2 if you like my writing I would appreciate it if people request because it takes me so long to think of prompts.
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nicolesainz · 1 year
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Lavender Haze (MM19)
Mason Mount x reader
In honour of mother taylor FINALLY releasing the Lavender Haze MV, I decided to write this one shot. Hope you enjoy loves <3
Warnings: fluff, major fluff and jealous Mason
“Who would have thought you’d be smitten with my baby sis?” Declan whispered in Mason’s ear, waking him up from the dream he was having by looking at you.
Mason flicked and let out a soft yelp, as he got scared by his best friend’s presence.
“Wha-what? What do you mean? I don’t like your sister!” he kept on denying but clearly failing
“I’m neither dumb nor blind, Mase. I’ve seen the way you look at my sister” Declan put his arm around Mason’s shoulder, who was still looking at you talking with Kai and Sophia.
“And I’m telling you. I don’t have a thing for Y/N. Knock it off” denying his feelings about you, was worse than being scared of being hit by Declan.
“So that means I can give Ben the green light?” Declan says, hitting Mason’s back before his attention was grabbed by his words.
“What? What green light? What about Ben?” The footballer was at a boiling point, waiting to explode.
“Ben has shown interest in my sister and they’ve been hanging out a lot while we were at the World Cup” those words were Mason’s breaking point
“They’ve been dating? What do you mean by hanging out?” He was bombarding Declan with questions.
“Not yet. He’s kinda holding back, but I guess that since you’re not in love with my sister, I can tell Chilly to make a move” Dec whistles to Ben to come around
Mason’s knuckles had turned white. Of course he wouldn’t hurt neither of his friends. It was jealousy taking over him.
“Oi lads. Hey, Mase, why’s your face red? Are you alright mate?” Ben said to the two men standing in front of him.
“It’s just really hot in here. That’s all mate” Mason took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down.
“Chilwell, my sister’s there alone. Go and have some fun” Mason was shocked by what his best friend had said. Was he fucking serious?
“You sure Dec? Does she want me to-?”
“Yes! Now go. I’ll be here with Mount” he shoved Ben away and they were once again alone with Mason.
Your POV
“I’m probably a dead man now” A worried Ben Chilwell made his way towards me.
“What’s wrong Ben? Did something bad happen?” I look up at him with a stressed look in my eyes
“In, maybe 10-15 minutes, my body will be snapped in half by loverboy Mount. Unless I manage to run really fast, which now, is a bit difficult”
“What happened with Mason? Why will he kill you? What did you do to him?”
“Not me. You’re the one who’s done something to him”
“What? Me? Why? What did I do? Why am I to blame?”
“Mason’s in love with you. And he thinks I’m here to ask you out. It was your brother’s idea, but we thought it was a good one, since the feelings between you two are mutual even though you deny it”
My jaw dropped to the floor. Mason was in love with me? How? I thought he just saw me as a little sister too, given he’s ride or die with Declan. It feels surreal.
“Are you messing with me? He doesn’t!” I grab Ben by the hem of the shirt, which will probably infuriate Mason and turn this into something that clearly isn’t.
“Very gently, let go of my shirt and no. We aren’t. Why do you think he’s staring at us while squeezing his cup full of red wine and it dripping on your brother’s carpet?”
“DUDE! This was new!” Declan shouted at Mason and he’s clearly not influenced by his words. Mason’s and my eyes lock and I can see his mouth stiffening a bit. I still hadn’t let go of his friend.
I’ve never seen Mason with that look in his eyes. I can tell he’s not happy with what he’s seeing.
“You’re actually starting to choke me so please let me go” the footballer says and I remove my hand from his shirt.
“Sorry. Got a bit lost. Does he actually like me? This is not a prank, is it?”
“If he wasn’t too much of a coward, he’d confess his feelings, but apparently can’t.”
A sudden bump from a more tipsy Kai to Ben, brings up closer, causing Mason’s eyes to blow up.
He can’t stand being around this scenery any more so he leaves the room and excuses himself. Kai starts apologizing about hitting Ben, to which he says that it was the perfect timing. All three told me to follow Mason and try to comfort him. That’s how Kai also made a move on Sophia too. Well, almost. At least he had the guts to tell her straightforward.
I make my way towards the door and open it, trying to move past some of Declan’s WestHam teammates. I try to spot the Chelsea player, until I see him sitting alone, right next to the football net Declan had bought for his house.
Mason’s POV
I can hear footsteps coming towards my path. I look up only to be met with a sweet expression drawn on Y/N’s face. She flashes me a soft smile, while I just nod my head and keep looking on the ground.
I’m hoping she doesn’t notice the redness in my eyes. I had a sudden outburst once I was outside and all alone. This was an indication of how in love I am with Y/N. In the 24 I’ve been on this planet I’ve cried only 4 times in my life. When my sister’s got married, when my nieces and nephew were born, when Chelsea won the Champions League and now this.
“Mind if I sit?” She asked me quietly, as if she felt scared to even be near me.
“Be my guest” I replied and made her some way to sit down next to me
I could hear her fast breathing and heart pounding almost coming out of her chest. Why was she nervous? Uh oh!
“I love you”
“Do you love me?”
We both say in sync, being shocked by the others statement. Wow. This came out very wrong. My hands are getting all sweaty and my throat is drying up.
“Yes, I do love you. I have been in love with you since probably forever. I know, I know, that sounds cheesy and weird, but it’s the truth. I’ve never felt about a woman the same way I have for you. You’re just so special!” I don’t even know how those words managed to come out of my mouth. But I’m glad they did.
“Mason Tony Mount, you are the most cheesy, humble, sweet and kind man I’ve known. And just to let you know on something, I love you too. And even if you don’t wanna get together, you’ll still be the only man I’ll ever love” she replies and making me the happiest version of myself
I lean forward and smash our lips together, bringing her body on top of my lap. The kiss is full of love, passion and years of agony. Something we both wanted to experience with one another.
“This may answer your question, as to whether I want to be with you or not” I caress her maroon shaded cheeks softly.
“Then, I’d be more than thankful to be with you. For as long as fate allows us. Hoping this is forever”
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mountttmase · 1 year
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A Mountain To Climb - Part Four
Note - Happy Wednesday, thank you all for your kind comments on the last chapter I hope you all like this one too 💙 and as always feedback is appreciated 😉
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 4k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
Master List
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Mason sent through the address within the hour and you had a quick nosey at where it was. The house was huge, on a private road surrounded by other huge houses, and it was a far cry from you little one bed flat.
You’d told yourself you weren’t going, but it didn’t stop you from thinking about what you might have to wear if you did go, remembering you’d bought a cute lacey corset top to wear when you went to Leeds but you’d ended up taking something else.
You carried on with life, not hearing from Mason again until Friday lunchtime when you felt your phone buzz as a text came through.
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You read the text over a few times, guilt washing over you at the fact he wanted to see you and you weren’t planning on being there. Every interaction with this boy seemed to chip away at you and you were soon texting your best friend Freya to help you.
No more than three minutes later and your phone was ringing, a cute picture of the pair of you filling your screen and you smiled as you picked up.
‘Hey frey’
‘Who have I got to kill?’ She said sternly and you burst out laughing at her protectiveness.
‘No one yet, I just need to rant at you about something and no matter what you feel, I need you to tell me I’m right okay? cause that’s what friends do’
‘Hit me with it’ she quipped and you started on your long rant about how you’d ended up here. You hadn’t mentioned to her when you’d made it back to her flat about getting stuck in a lift with Mason so she was shocked when you gave her the low down of what happened that night but she let you rant how you hadn’t managed to shake him off and now you were contemplating seeing him again that night.
Freya knew you like the back of her hand. You’d been best friends since you were five and she knew what you were thinking before you’d even thought it, so to hear you now taking like this about a boy shocked her. But she was secretly happy for you, not having heard you speak this way in a long time.
‘Well, I’m gonna have to go against girl code here, babe’ she told you and you huffed in annoyance.
‘No no no, you promised to tell me I was right’
‘And any other time I would, but come on, y/n. When was the last time you took a bit of a risk and let someone in?’
‘That’s the point, I don’t. But he’s getting under my skin and I barely know him’
‘When was the last time you saw him?’
‘At the weekend. I don’t know Frey I just feel safer texting him cause then I can convince myself he’s not real’
‘So you don’t want to see him again?’ She asked and you took a second before you answered even though you knew the answer straight away.
‘No, I do’ you breathed and you could hear her chuckle down the line.
‘So do it. Doll yourself up and go see your man’
‘He’s not my man’ you groaned before you both burst into a fit of giggles.
The rest of the day was spent finishing up work before ordering yourself some food. You were in two minds about tonight and Masons message still sat unanswered in you phone but there was no way you were responding now. You’d just hopped out of the shower when something inside you snapped, then and there deciding you were going to go. It’s not everyday you get invited to a fancy house party with gorgeous footballers, so why not make the most of it.
You quickly got dressed in a pair of baggy jeans before throwing on some heels and the corset top to show off your figure. You didn’t spend too long on your hair and make up but by the time you’d made it to Masons friends house it was around 10:45pm.
As soon as you got out of the Uber you wanted to crawl back inside and go home but he drove off pretty quickly, leaving you on your own to walk up the drive to the door. No one was outside but you could tell there was something going on from where you were and you hoped the doorbell was loud enough for someone to hear.
In the end it didn’t matter though, the front door opening and a guy around your age walking out looking down at his phone, doing a double take as he heard your shoes on the gravel path. You gave him a friendly smile and you noticed him give you a once over before smiling back.
‘You okay?’ He questioned and you nodded shyly at him. ‘Do I know you?’
‘Uh no, my names y/n. Mason invited me’ you told him and his face instantly changed to a knowing look as he smiled wider at you.
‘Ah, I was beginning to think he’d made you up’ the man laughed as you hugged your arms around yourself. ‘I’m Kai, by the way. Come on let’s get you inside, I can take you to him’ he offered and you smiled before following him in.
He guided you through the impressive house with his hands on your shoulders, weaving you in between a sea of gorgeous looking people until you got to the kitchen where Mason stood with his back to you, slightly off to the side of a group of guys who all looked at you as you walked in but Mason was too focused on filling his cup up to notice you come in.
‘Hey Mount, I’ve got a delivery for you’ Kai shouted over to him and he turned his head slowly before he realised it was you, a look of relief washing over his features as he smiled over at you. His drink was quickly forgotten about as he made his way over almost instantly, ignoring the giggles and jibes from the boys behind him as he came closer.
‘Y/n? I didn’t think you were coming’ he told you as he approached, Kai now having moved from behind you to stand with the other boys and you gulped down a nervous lump as you looked up at Mason.
You hated the fact he looked so handsome, even dressed in a simple plain black T-shirt and jeans but you’d noticed he’d had his hair cut since the last time you’d seen him last week and you willed your cheeks not to flush. His dimples were on full show as his eyes creased at the sides of his face, letting you know he was giving you a real smile with his eyes rather than one just out of politeness.
‘I wasn’t planning on it but, here I am I guess’ you smiled and he laughed lightly at you.
‘Well I’m glad you’re here’ he beamed before a chorus of oooing and ahhing came from the boys, teasing Mason but he was quick to give them the finger. ‘Shut up dickheads, come on let’s get you a drink’ he told you before leading you out into the utility room. ‘What can I get you?’
‘Surprise me’ you told him and he laughed before turning away from you to grab a cup and a bottle. ‘So is this Kai’s house?’
‘No, Ben’s. I’ll introduce you later’ he murmured whilst passing you a red cup. You gave him a small thank you before taking a sip, unsure of what it was he gave you but it was sweet and alcoholic so you didn’t care. ‘I mean it though, I’m really glad you’re here’
‘Definitely’ he confirmed as he walked closer, stopping just in front of you with your chests almost touching. You noticed what looked like to be a spec of fluff on his top by his neck and you reached out to remove it causing him to hold his breath and even though he was quiet, you were so close that you heard him. Your eyes wondered up to meet his and you noticed how close the pair of you were, lips only a few inches apart as his breath fanned your face.
You broke eye contact with him before taking a nervous sip, not feeling like your usual confident self around him once again as you took a step away from him.
‘So where are these cute boys you promised me’ you asked with a smile as you turned and made your way out, laughing to yourself as you heard him scoff behind you.
‘I never promised you that. Plus there’s only one and he’s right here’
‘Oh yeah? Can you point him out to me? I can’t quite see him’ You teased, turning to glance at him and you could tell he was getting a bit flustered.
‘Ah there you are’ you heard suddenly from a familiar voice and you turned to see Kai was now standing in-front of you with a pretty brunette on his arm. You felt Mason stop right behind you, his body heat almost making you shiver and you were wondering if he was going to reach out and hold you in some way but he seemed to be keeping his hands to himself. ‘Y/n, this is my girlfriend, Sophia’ he told you and she smiled warmly at you. ‘I thought it might be nice for you to hang out with another girl rather than be stuck with him all night’ he joked and you laughed as you felt Mason shake his head behind you.
The usual uneasy feeling you got around other girls at parties didn’t seem to be present as she smiled at you and held her hand out which you took almost instantly, thankful you could get away from Mason for a bit and focus again but you knew he’d be lurking so you couldn’t miss him too much.
‘Come on, let’s leave the boys. I need you to tell me where you got this outfit from’ she asked you as she pulled you away. You chanced a look back at Mason who was pouting a little bit as Kai dragged him back into the kitchen so you sent him a wink before disappearing.
Sophia was a lot of fun, so fun in fact you seemed to be forgetting your rule of not having anymore friends than you already have. You both seemed to be bad influences on each other, encouraging the other to drink more than they could handle until you were dancing on Bens coffee table with a couple of the other girls.
Mason managed to keep an eye on you at all times, whenever you looked in his direction he was already looking at you and at first he seemed embarrassed but as the night wore on the shyness left him and he held your eye contact a bit longer. Sending you a cheeky smile or a wink.
Seeing him around all these people he knew made you notice was how touchy he seemed to be with everyone. No matter who he was with he would put his hands on their shoulders or lean into them as he laughed and you were brought back to the thoughts you had the other day where you wondered why he kept his hands to himself around you when he seemed comfortable enough to lounge over everyone else. You weren’t sure why it was bothering you so much but when he eventually came over to join your group you noticed it even more.
He sat next to you, his arm around the back of the sofa behind you but his skin never touched yours. You subconsciously leaned back into him after a while and he took this to mean he could put his arm around you properly. You only realised when he lent his cheek on the top of you head as he was laughing at someone’s joke what position you were in and you felt yourself tense up. He must of felt something too, slowly rubbing his thumb over your skin and you were surprised about how much it relaxed you. The pair of you sat and laughed at Kai and Sophia bickering but still no words were shared between you. You were racking your brain to think of something when he placed his lips to you ear.
‘Are you okay? Can I get you anything?’ He whispered so only you could hear and you turned to face him, again surprised about how close your faces were. You gulped as you averted your eyes down and shook your head, nervous again and you shut your eyes to make it go away. He avoided your eyes for the next half an hour and when everyone dispersed, he gently slid out from behind you and made a beeline for the stairs.
Kai and Sophia left soon after, and once you’d said your goodbyes you wondered around trying to find Mason again but he’d seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth. You wondered if he’d seen you tonight realised he didn’t want you around anymore after your constantly changing attitude but you willed yourself not to think about it as you wondered around upstairs looking for a bathroom.
When you left, you almost immediately ran into someone, apologising as they held you steady and you looked up into a pair of bright blue eyes.
‘I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going’ you explained but he just shook his head as he laughed.
‘It’s fine, honestly’ he told you as he straightened himself up. ‘You’re y/n right?’
‘Depends on who’s asking’
‘I’m Ben’ he laughed and your eyes went wide as you realised this was his house.
‘Oh right, sorry about standing on your coffee table’ you joked and he just shrugged.
‘Don’t worry about it. Are you alright? You feel a bit cold’
‘I’m fine, don’t worry I should of dressed a bit more appropriately’ you laughed and he quickly disappeared behind a door before coming back with a black hoodie and offering it to you. ‘Oh no, I’ll be fine honestly’
‘Please, I insist. Can’t have my guests being cold’ he told you and you eventually took it from him. ‘If you’re looking for Mason, he’s just in there’ he winked, nodding to a door just up the hall before he made his way back downstairs. You quickly pulled the hoodie over your head before adjusting your hair and making your way over to the door Ben said Mason was behind. You gave it light knock and you heard him softly tell you to come in so you opened the door and popped your head round the side.
The bedroom he was in was dimly lit, and he was sat on the edge of the bed, phone in hand as it was plugged in to charge. A small smile spread across his lips as he realised it was you and he nodded for you to come in. You stepped inside but lent your back up against the door and he gave you a funny look at your sudden change of clothing.
‘What are you wearing?’
‘Oh this?’ You questioned, pulling at the strings. ‘Ben gave it to me. Said I felt cold’
‘Why was he feeling you?’ He probed, his eyebrow’s drawing together in what you assumed was jealousy and you let out a breath before stumbling over to sit next to him on the bed.
‘I bumped into him when I came out the loo. What are you doing in here?’ You inquired and his face relaxed slightly as he put his phone down.
‘I’m staying here tonight, was just putting my phone on charge and having a break for a few minutes’ he told you and you nodded as you looked around the room. ‘Are you having a good night?’
‘Yeah, Sophia seems nice. Are you?’
‘Yeah, but I was hoping to speak to you more than I have’ he told you, bumping his shoulder with yours lightly and you let out a little giggle.
‘The nights still young’ you told him, checking the time on your phone to see it was nearing 2am and you grimaced slightly. ‘Or not. I didn’t realise it was that late. I’ll have to head off soon’
‘Wait, don’t go’ he pleaded ‘I’ve barely seen you’
‘It’s late, Mason. Plus we sat together downstairs for over an hour and you didn’t hardly say a word to me’ you pouted and he gulped as he’d realised you’d noticed. ‘Why haven’t you? Have I done something wrong? I know I can be difficult but I’m trying’ You told him softly, the alcohol seeming to make you a bit vulnerable and honest and you watched his face drop as he realised you were a bit upset about it.
‘No of course not, I’m so sorry. I don’t know I guess I was just a bit nervous’ he confessed and your eyes dropped to your lap. ‘Why don’t you stay here? With me? Ben won’t care. I’ll sleep on the floor or something just please don’t go’ he pleaded and you were stunned at how quickly he was able to wear you down. ‘I promise I’ll get you home tomorrow early-‘
‘Please, I’m not letting you go home alone this time of night. I’ll even go bunk with Ben if I have to or sleep on the sofa but I’m not letting you leave’
‘Fine I’ll stay’ you cut him off with a quiet laugh and he relaxed instantly, half wanting to keep him happy and the other half wanting to get your head down as the alcohol was wearing off and you were tired.
‘Thank you’ he smiled and you were about to reply when a white paper bag with your name on it on-top of the chest of drawers caught your attention.
‘What’s that?’ You asked he he followed your line of sight, blushing and stuttering as he caught onto what you were looking at. ‘Is that for me?’
‘Well it’s got your name on it’ he laughed as he nodded over to it. ‘Open it’
You walked over to find a long pink box inside and once it was out of the bag you opened it to find the poshest looking chocolate chip cookies you’d ever seen. You turned to face him with a confused expression and he was blushing furiously now.
‘You said the other week when I got you the brownie you would of preferred a cookie’ he explained, walking up to you, and your breath got caught int your throat.
Without thinking about it, you threw your arms around his shoulders and buried your face into his neck. He seemed shocked at first, but after a second he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his body even further.
‘That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me’ you whispered and you felt his body shake as he let out a little chuckle at your words.
‘It’s just some cookies, Y/n’
‘I know’ you uttered and Mason squeezed you a tiny bit harder. ‘Thank you. Why did you bring them here though? I wasn’t even sure I was coming’
‘I know, I just hoped you would I guess’ he spoke into your shoulder and you felt yourself melt before you slowly pulled away from each other. He kept his hands planted on your hips as he tried to catch your eyes but you keep them down, not wanting him to see how vulnerable you felt right now. ‘I think most people are gone, we can get ready for bed if you want’ he told you and you nodded shyly. ‘Just wait here, I’ll go grab you some bits’
He was soon back with his arms full of supplies. Bottles of water and painkillers plus some wipes and a toothbrush from Bens box of spares that apparently he kept at his house in case of emergencies and you we’re pretty sure you knew what that meant.
‘You can borrow something of mine to sleep in’ Mason told you and he was quick you take his shirt off and hand it over once you’d agreed. You tried as hard as possible not to look at his naked torso but you were only human, however Mason seemed to be sculpted by gods. Your eyes automatically landed on the little mole on his tummy and you got the overwhelming urge to kiss it.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts, not wanting him to catch you looking so you took yourself off to the bathroom to get changed. Mason shirt was longer on you than you thought, coming down to about mid thigh and you felt yourself come over all warm as his smell consumed you.
You quickly wiped your makeup off before stealing some toothpaste from the wash bag on the side that you presumed was Masons before joining him back in the room.
He was now changed, dressed in a white T-shirt and a pair of joggers and your heart sunk as you watched him make himself a bed up on the floor.
‘Mason?’ You called quietly and he whipped his head round to look at you. You watched the way his eyes widened as he gave you a once over, slyly licking his lips before his eyes met yours. ‘You don’t have to sleep on the floor, I’d feel awful if you hurt your back or something. There’s enough room for the both of us’ you told him, nodding to the bed but he shook his head almost instantly.
‘I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable’ he started but you shook your head straight away.
‘Please? It’s honestly fine I’ll feel more uncomfortable with you on the floor’ you argued and he huffed before nodding.
‘I’ll be back in a sec’ he told you, disappearing into the bathroom and you placed your stuff on a chair in the corner before sliding under the covers. True to his word, he wasn’t that long and soon enough he was gently climbing in besides you.
‘Are you not gonna get hot in all that?’ You asked, noticing he was fully dressed but he just shrugged and he settled down, making sure you keep his distance from you. ‘We’ll don’t overheat on my account’ You whispered, turning to face him. You shuffled a little closer to him, never crossing the imaginary middle line, but he smiled and moved himself a little closer to you.
‘Sorry if I made you feel like you’d done something wrong. You haven’t at all I just… Come on, let’s get some sleep, you’ll feel better in the morning’
‘I know I’m confusing’ you whispered and you felt him reach over to give your hand a squeeze. ‘I know I blow cold a lot but I’ve just got some stuff going on’
‘It’s okay, you don’t have to explain’ he whispered and even though you wanted to argue with him you thought now wasn’t the best time. ‘Y/n?’
‘You looked beautiful tonight’ he whispered and you felt your whole body prickle with goosebumps, opening your eyes to try and find his in the dark but it was pitch black and no use. ‘I mean you always do but… yeah I’ll stop now’ he laughed
‘Have a good sleep, Mason’ you whispered, hoping your voice didn’t sound a shaky as you felt.
‘Night, Y/n’
Tagged: @alwaysclassyeagle @ricsaigaslec @cinderellawithashoe @vip-access @majx00
353 notes · View notes
Do you think he was ever in love with Bedelia like he was in love with Will? I ask this because Bedelia says they were both the "brides of Hannibal". But Hannibal never courted her like he did with Will, Bedelia came into Hannibal's life much before Will but he never pursued her like he did with Will.  Mads said he wanted a future with Will unlike with other people he hooked up with Alana, Bedelia or Anthony. He took her to Italy as a consolation prize when Will betrayed him. Even in Italy H was pining about Will all the time and telling Bedelia how much he loves Will.  I know he slept with Bedelia but he probably slept with Anthony too and he slept with Alana, Hannibal is a hedonistic guy who sleeps around. For him  sleeping with someone doesn't mean he is in love with them.  On the other hand he took a bullet for Will, went to prison for years for Will, made a human heart for Will, jumped off a cliff for Will, committed a whole massacre for Will. But when Will confronts Bedelia, she pretends as if Hannibal held them in the same regard which is obviously not true. Hannibal would choose Will over her in a heart beat and even she knows it  but yet she acts as if Hannibal sees them both equally. I don't understand why? 😭 Why do you think?why make herself seem like a competition when she is not?
Hmm, this is a very tricky question! Anon, you might have sent me the same ask twice, since I received two that are worded exactly the same, so if I will be answering both here. Answer is under the cut, because it is LONG.
Though Hannibal wore his 'person suit' around Bedelia, I believe there is a connection between them. Even with the suit on, he allowed her to see many different parts of him, parts no one else got to see. He was gushing about Will to her, before he realized he loved Will. He allowed himself to be vulnerable in ways in front of her, and when he fled after Mizumono, he went to her house. He might have assumed she wasn't coming back, but it wouldn't be a stretch to say he smelled her on Jack or Alana at some point, so he knew she was back. He knew she would return home. I think he took her to Italy so he wouldn't be alone, so there would be someone knew him and had seen behind the veil still with him.
For Hannibal, I think sex is not a 'sacred' thing. In ways, it could be seen as another way of taking part of someone, and I think he views it very casually. Everyone has basic needs, and there's nothing wrong with satisfying those needs. Looking at it that way, while I think he was jealous that Margot got to share that with Will and conceived a child with him, which he could never do with Will, I don't think it totally mattered to him in the end (I believe he never intended for the baby to die, that he told Mason in an attempt to protect Margot, not because he was jealous). After all, he was sleeping with Alana, and I don't think it was to make Will jealous, it was because he had a need and Alana was the best person to satisfy it.
Bedelia is much the same. Unlike the others, he let her see him and she accepted it right away. She didn't need any time to process it and while she ran, she never rejected him. She was his cure for a broken heart. I don't think he actually slept with Anthony (the time shown indicated there might not have been any space for that), I think he might have made out with him, and that was one reason he had to die. Because while he was a Will substitute, in the end he wasn't Will, so Hannibal killed him.
From Bedelia's view point, matters are different. I actually wrote a fic exploring these emotions. I think she believed she could tame Hannibal in some ways. Because she saw him and didn't turn away from what he was, because he let her see him. She could have shot him at any point while he was in her house and been justified in it, but she didn't. She said she was curious, and I think she was, about Hannibal and about herself. When he set Neal Frank on her, she got in touch with the side of herself that wanted to crush the wounded bird. Being with Hannibal allowed her to explore that and, in letting him live and seeing what he would do, live through the darkness in him rather than facing her own. And she taunted him that he wouldn't get to eat her when they parted. She viewed herself as in control, the one that got away. She could have left any point, could have turned him over the authorities any time she pleased, but she didn't. I would say there is no 'love' between them, not in the common definition of the word. There is a connection, but not love in the way the English language can describe.
Will, forever and always, will be Hannibal's great love. He would never take the bullet, go to jail, cause a massacre, or allow himself to be pulled off a cliff by and for anyone else. But Bedelia was the first person to see him and accept him for what he was, so there will always be that connection between them. Bedelia was the first person to be seduced by Hannibal and his darkness. Will was the last. I think Bedelia might have been attracted to Hannibal, might have even thought herself in love with him during their med school days (I think they met then, don't remember, if not, head canon) or at some other point. I think she loves the idea of him, and the darkness he allowed her to touch.
And when Will, the person who would be the one thing she could never be, came up to her and confronted her, she touched that darkness in herself again. She knew he was as dangerous as Hannibal, and she wanted to taunt him. Like I said before, she was the first to be seduced by Hannibal, the first to accept the darkness in him, and that is the one thing Will would never have. It is no small stretch to say that she has a side of Hannibal Will will never, ever have.
I think Bedelia might have wanted someone to love her as Hannibal does Will, maybe wanted Hannibal to love her that way, but he never could, so that could explain the baiting.
They CAN both be viewed as Hannibal's brides. They both got separate sides of him. In the end, Will gets every part of Hannibal, but they both held separate sides of him, and he gave them different sides of themselves. It's not a stretch to say that Bedelia wanted Il Mostro for herself, because he was the only person who allowed her the darkness in herself, whose own darkness was worse. I think she loved the darkness and the danger.
So, in conclusion, I think there is a type of love between Hannibal and Bedelia, but it is far different from what Hannibal has with Will. There will always be that connection between them, and Bedelia will always hang onto it.
Both she and Will are his brides. She was his first, and Will was his last.
I hope this answered your question! This was very hard to answer, and I hope I was able to explain myself well enough.
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So a few weeks ago, I got a certain anon ask that had been going around the fandom. I was fairly amused, since the anon had to have either scrolled back a couple years in the Bedannibal tag or had to have dug through the notes of certain mutuals' posts to have found me.
My policy usually is "don't feed the trolls", but the ask arrived when I had been awake for far too long and I had to stay awake for another six hours for real life reasons, so I took that time to word-vomit a rebuttal into a Google doc. Now that I've caught up on sleep a bit and have had a chance to read it back I decided it was, in fact, worth posting.
Anon: Hello!! Do you think he was ever in love with Bedelia like he was in love with Will? I ask this because Bedelia says they were both the "brides of Hannibal". But Hannibal never courted her like he did with Will in s2b despite knowing her longer, Bedelia came into Hannibal's life much before Will but he never pursued her like he did with Will.  Mads said he wanted a future with Will unlike with other people he hooked up with Alana, Bedelia or Anthony. He took her to Italy as a consolation prize when Will betrayed him. Even in Italy H was pining about Will all the time and telling Bedelia how much he loves Will.  I know he slept with Bedelia but he probably slept with Anthony too and he slept with Alana, Hannibal is a hedonistic guy who sleeps around. For him  sleeping with someone doesn't mean he is in love with them. But when Will confronts Bedelia, she pretends as if Hannibal held them in the same regard which is obviously not true. Hannibal would choose Will over her in a heart beat and even she knows it (she even says my relationship with Hannibal is not as passionate as yours)  but yet she acts as if Hannibal sees them both equally. I don't understand why? 😭 Why do you think?why make herself seem like a competition when she is clearly not? And then get scared shitless when Will actually took her as a competition and released Hannibal which led to the leg eating scene?
You’re asking me to address a billion different things, but the short answer is: yes, I think Hannibal was in love with Bedelia.
For the long answer, I’m going to address your points one by one:
But Hannibal never courted her like he did with Will in s2b despite knowing her longer
Really? I think there’s a pretty strong parallel between Hannibal’s actions towards Bedelia and his actions towards Will.  The initial connection is professional, Hannibal arranges a situation for each of them where they kill someone and continually pushes at their “professional” boundaries.  After Hannibal betrays Margot to Mason leading to her forcible sterilization and the termination of the pregnancy, Will says to Hannibal “You don’t want me to have anything in my life that isn’t you” (Tome-Wan script, page 16). This parallels to Bedelia’s situation with Hannibal: Hannibal’s actions lead to her retirement, but his refusal to accept her retirement leaves him as her sole patient (which has some interesting implications that what Will always wanted was a family and what Bedelia always wanted was her career, but I digress).
He offers them both the same thing: the chance to know him, just in different ways.  Bedelia is much stricter about boundaries and professionalism, and so Hannibal gets close to her through his professional connection to her and offers her glimpses through their therapy sessions.  Will has more issues with maintaining such boundaries (from telling Hannibal that they shouldn’t get too friendly to more or less adopting a child together over the span of a couple episodes), and so Hannibal is able to woo him in what could be regarded as a more ‘traditional’ fashion (their dinners, conversations, professing to care about him, their…ahem…shared hobbies in season 2B).  
Overall, to me that suggests less that he wasn’t trying to court Bedelia in any way and more that he had different approaches because they’re two different people with different relationships to him.  And even though Bedelia is stated to have refused invitations to dine with Hannibal, he still finds a workaround by bringing her dinner in Savoureux.
Mads said he wanted a future with Will unlike with other people he hooked up with
I admit I don’t remember the precise quote from Mads Mikkelsen, but did he say he *wanted* a future with Will unlike the others or that he *saw* a future with Will unlike the others? Because if it’s the second then it’s very possible to interpret it that he wanted a future with any/all of them but that Will is the only one he thought would accept the future he offered them.
Even in Italy H was pining about Will all the time and telling Bedelia how much he loves Will.
I’d say this is not entirely true. Will is not a topic of conversation in all of Antipasto, and in later episodes it’s Bedelia who tends to turn the conversation back to Will. She’s the one who draws the comparison between Hannibal’s feelings for Will and Mischa, and in Contorno Hannibal is talking about snails and fireflies and Bedelia is the one who mentions Will (page 4).
I know he slept with Bedelia but he probably slept with Anthony too and he slept with Alana, Hannibal is a hedonistic guy who sleeps around. For him  sleeping with someone doesn't mean he is in love with them.
I’m inclined to agree that Hannibal isn’t necessarily in love with everyone he sleeps with and has probably slept around a reasonable amount. But beyond just hedonism, I don’t think Hannibal regards sex as the ultimate intimacy. The ultimate intimacy, the intimacy that he is continually seeking, is being known and understood completely, and here we get into where his relationships with all these different people diverge.  
Anthony was never particularly meant to understand him. In fact, he could be seen as presumptuous in assuming he understands Hannibal and his situation better than he actually does.
With Alana, it’s stated explicitly in Digestivo (script page 23): “Could I have ever understood you?” “No.” You can quibble over whether Hannibal was being honest, but I think Hannibal overall is actually quite honest unless he has a reason not to be. In that moment, she knew what he was and she also needed him to save Will and help deal with Mason, so I don’t think he had a reason to lie in that situation. If anything, it could be read as him being kind and giving her closure by telling her she never stood a chance. There’s a sense of finality to it.
With Bedelia, I think it’s important to go back to their very first scene together in Sorbet (page 18).  By the time the show starts, she has an awareness that he is not entirely as he presents himself, that he wears a human veil.  Even though she says that they are not friends, she also says “I see enough of you to see the truth of you. And I like you.” And, most significantly, in the script it is followed by the direction “Hannibal smiles, liking her, too.” That is, in fact, the only direction given in the script in that entire exchange. It was important enough to note in both the dialogue and the direction that these two people like each other.
When she tells him she is no longer his therapist in Sakizuke, he is hurt by this (the exact directions in the script read “Hannibal pauses, an imperceptible wound”, page 6). He is hurt by her rejection, just as he is hurt by Will’s rejection later in the season. When they reunite post-Mizumono bloodbath, he is still clearly hurt (“You’re not in a position to ask, Dr. Du Maurier. You ended our patient-psychiatrist relationship.” It’s downright petulant). But he does say something else very significant: “I never found you to be lacking” (Antipasto script, page 17). He fully believes that she has the ability to understand him and engage with him in the way he wants her to.  
she pretends as if Hannibal held them in the same regard which is obviously not true
Will is the one who dubs her “Bride of Frankenstein”, and she replies “we’ve both been his bride”.  This isn’t her elevating herself, she’s calling Will out on his hypocrisy.  I’d also like to point out that “not the same” does not inherently mean “less than”.  
she even says my relationship with Hannibal is not as passionate as yours
That is in response to Will asking her if she ever considered killing Hannibal. She’s pointing out to him that the way he and Hannibal express their passion for each other is attempted murder and is telling him that is not how her relationship with Hannibal works.  
why make herself seem like a competition when she is clearly not?
Again, I don’t think she does? She repeatedly turns their conversations back to Will’s relationship with Hannibal and how he feels about him and whether his experiences with Hannibal and his feelings for him are informing his current actions.  Directly from their conversation in “And the Woman Clothed in Sun” (page 23):
WILL GRAHAM How is one patient worthy of compassion and not another? BEDELIA DU MAURIER I'm under no illusions how morally consistent my compassion has been. (then) How is one murderer worthy of compassion and not another?
And then get scared shitless when Will actually took her as a competition and released Hannibal
Once again, I’d like to refer to the directions in the script (The Wrath of the Lamb, page 14-15).  “She sits motionless, staring into the middle distance, absorbing what she’s just been told.” After he tells her he doesn’t intend Hannibal to be caught a second time, it describes “a flicker of alarm”.  And finally after he outright threatens her, “Bedelia is enraged in a way we’ve never seen.” Shock, a flicker of alarm, and then rage. “Scared shitless” is your interpretation, there are other interpretations of what is actually shown and written.  
which led to the leg eating scene?
Even though Bryan Fuller stated that his intention with the stinger was that Hannibal and Will had gone after Bedelia, he also mentioned a couple other interpretations of that scene (that Bedelia did it to herself, or that it was someone else, potentially Hannibal’s uncle Robert). When commenting on scenarios he’d imagined for a season 4 he also mentioned a scene of Bedelia walking down the street and then arriving home and removing her prosthetic leg, indicating that he intended for her to not only survive but remain at large, which has some interesting implications. But aside from that, I don’t think loving someone and eating them are mutually exclusive actions to Hannibal. After all, he did take a bone saw to Will’s head with the intention of eating his brain. 
So to get back to your first question: Do you think he was ever in love with Bedelia like he was in love with Will?
I realize that this is a slightly unpopular opinion, but yes. Furthermore I believe that Hannibal was capable of loving Alana.  The sticking point with all of these relationships is whether they were capable of loving him for what he is.  
I believe Mads Mikkelsen made a comment that when Hannibal seems to like people - Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Bella Crawford, etc. - he is not simply pretending to manipulate them, he does genuinely like them. To me, there is a real simplicity about Hannibal as a character, in that he does what he wants. “I was curious what would happen” is a major motivating factor for him - he wants to see what will happen if he does something, so he does it.  In that way he’s very honest. Furthermore, I’d say that he is, at heart, a romantic. He romanticizes everything, including things that most of us don’t (pain, death, cannibalism). It isn’t a stretch to think that he is romantic enough to love anyone he considers worthy of his time and attention.
Of the three we see involved with him through the show (Alana, Bedelia, and Will), there are a lot of similarities.  All three of them are intelligent, attractive, and all three of them have the potential capacity to seek to understand him in the way he wants most.  
In spite of what I wrote about his relationship with Alana above, I think there was some real potential.  They have a decent amount of history together. Alana is a psychiatrist, and she has a real curiosity, enough that she has to resist the urge to be too near Will Graham because she would not be able to separate professional and personal interest.  That sort of curiosity could potentially lead someone to want to understand Hannibal, but in the end that curiosity doesn’t extend to actually being able to truly understand or (more importantly) accept him (see above).  
Will’s empathy means that understanding isn’t the issue, which is what first appeals to Hannibal and what he talks about with Bedelia in Fromage (page 33):
HANNIBAL He’s nothing like me. We see the world in different ways, yet he can assume my point of view. BEDELIA How has he demonstrated that? HANNIBAL He’s demonstrated the capacity. BEDELIA By profiling the criminally insane? HANNIBAL As good a demonstration as any. I find it reassuring. BEDELIA It’s nice to have someone see us, Hannibal. Or have the ability to see us. It requires trust. Trust isn’t easy for you.
He sees the understanding that Will is capable of and it’s something he’s always wanted, but even though Will comes to see Hannibal by the end of the first season, he does not accept Hannibal or his own ability to be like Hannibal. That’s the central conflict for Will for the remainder of the series.  Even though he admits that them killing Dolarhyde together is “beautiful”, he still pulls both of them off the cliff, and the intention behind that is debatable.  Is he rejecting his Becoming by trying to destroy himself and Hannibal? Is he trying to fake their deaths so they can escape together? Was it something he planned all along? Was it impulsive when he realized how far gone he was?  Since the show doesn’t continue there are multiple ways to read it.  That’s where fanfictions and headcanons come in.  I’m not dealing with that scene in my fics so I’m not required to have strong feelings in any particular direction at this time. 
When it comes to Bedelia, it’s obvious from the first scene that she and Hannibal have known each other for a long time.  As pointed out above, their first scene is very clear about the relationship they have: Bedelia may hold to certain professional boundaries (and those are a little fuzzy what with the after session glass of wine and all) but ultimately they are two people who like each other. 
Her first scene also establishes that she is, at that point, far more aware of Hannibal than anyone else is (her comments about a “human veil”). She knows enough to know he is not being honest, and yet she still continues to be his psychiatrist. 
There’s also a significant scene in Fromage (page 32). Most of the scene remained in the finished episode, but some lines that are in the script didn’t make the cut: 
HANNIBAL For the first time in a long while I see a possibility of friendship. We are -- 25 INT. BEDELIA’S HOME OFFICE - DAY 4 25 Hannibal sits opposite Bedelia. BEDELIA Is there someone new in your life? HANNIBAL I met a man much like myself, same hobbies, same world views. But I’m not interested in being his friend. I’m curious about him and that got me curious about friendship. BEDELIA That’s progress. I always considered you an individualist. The social anti-social. HANNIBAL A polite way of saying sociopath? BEDELIA I’m not sure how to categorize you in those terms. And I think you prefer it that way. HANNIBAL I’m afraid once you figure me out, you’ll lose interest. BEDELIA Whose friendship are you considering? HANNIBAL Oddly enough, a colleague and a patient. Not unlike how I am a colleague and patient of yours. We’ve discussed him before. BEDELIA Will Graham.
Now, the cut lines are extremely interesting (“I’m afraid once you figure me out, you’ll lose interest” pretty clearly indicates that he wants Bedelia’s attention and interest), but even with those lines cut, it’s an interesting scene. Hannibal draws a comparison between his relationship with Will and his relationship with Bedelia. That could be interpreted as pushing at her previously stated boundary of “you are my patient and my colleague, not my friend”, maybe saying “see it’s totally possible to be friends as well as having a therapist/patient relationship. Or it could be interpreted as him taunting her slightly (“since you insist that you aren’t my friend I’m looking elsewhere”). 
A little later in the conversation, this exchange is in the script (page 33):
HANNIBAL (CONT’D) You’ve helped me to better understand what I want in a friendship. And what I don’t. BEDELIA Someone worthy of your friendship. The word “worthy” rings true for Hannibal. She can see it.
Hannibal is seeking someone worthy of his friendship, and since he has extended overtures to Bedelia and continues to extend them (the dinner in Savoureux) we can extrapolate that he has deemed her worthy and continues to consider her worthy (“I never found you to be lacking”). 
Furthermore, there are a few choice quotes on love from Hannibal in season 2. First is from Naka-choko (page 13): “You failed to murder your brother because you still love him.” There are a select number of people that Hannibal fails to murder throughout the series: Will, Jack, Alana (although that can be put down equally to Abigail) and Bedelia.  What’s more, he could be considered to have failed to kill Bedelia twice: in Sakizuke when he shows up at her house in his murder suit and again in Dolce when she says goodbye to him in a way he hadn’t planned.  
This second quote is technically less firm since it occurs during a dream/vision sort of sequence, but the writers still saw fit to put it in Hannibal’s mouth, so I think it counts: In the opening of Shiizakana (page 2), he says: “No one can be fully aware of another human being unless we love them. By that love we see potential in our beloved. Through that love we allow our beloved to see their potential. Expressing that love, our beloved's potential comes true.”
Everything that is said there applies to Bedelia as much as to Will.  Hannibal saw her potential for violence and placed Neal Frank in her path as a conduit to realizing that potential. He continues to push at her in that regard in Italy (“technically, you killed him”). 
Furthermore, in Mizumono, during his “breakup” with Will (page 33), this is what he has to say: “I let you in. I let you know me. I let you see me.” Who else does he let in? Who else does he let know him and see him? Bedelia.
So yeah, I think it’s totally reasonable to assume that Hannibal loved Bedelia.  
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