#one day she will join in the bragging of what Daniel can do
yenforfairytales · 2 years
da-eun should 100% be obsessed with Daniel now and i need fics
SAME. ohhhh I'm so happy I'm not the only one. :')
it seemed like Da-Eun and The Fist believed it was impossible to defeat Silver and then here comes this ethereal woodland creature from the epic tales they've heard...
she was so ready to confront him. automatically assuming he must be Johnny. automatically assuming he was awesome and a fast healer. she's so ready to be impressed and in awe like Chozen and Johnny
and Daniel's yet to have a female rival absolutely obsessed and intensely in his face. imagine the chemistry! the smouldering!
Amanda having to bring out her inner Babe Ruthless
the possibilities are gold i tell you. it also gives Kreese another reason to lose his shit lmfao. Not again! LaRussooooo!
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klitzcore · 2 years
could you please do some hcs about what baking with klitz would be like? also i love your writing :)
Character: Klitz / Klitzy!
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prompt: baking HC'S with klitz!
A/N: I LOVED WRITING THIS SO SO MUCH. thank you so much for the request! it was so fucking cute!
He is absolutely horrible at it. His mom normally just buys the prebaked cookie dough and he sticks it in the oven, and a lot of the time he still burns that too.
Not the smartest guy when it comes to cooking nor baking.
He likes getting the ingredients though, and he quite enjoys portioning things out! But when it comes to putting the love in cooking, he's not so.. good at that.
You like having matching aprons for you two! He'll portion things up for you, and then sit on the counter as you'll mix it together.
He'll constantly talk or compliment you, it keeps you from going crazy.
It's either that or he's hovering behind you, hands wrapped around your waist and his head resting on your shoulder.
He gives you reassurance, things like "Don't worry, you're doing great."
When you do teach him how to actually put your heart into the baking, he's messy. he's constantly getting things dirty, but it's okay!
You always give him the batter covered spoon, he loves it. He doesn't care if he gets sick or not.
Klitz is like your little personal timer. He'll tell you when it's done.
He absolutely loves baking with you, he thinks it's one of the best things ever. He loves how you're passionate about it.
Klitz often takes pictures of you while you are baking, he'll print them out and keep them on a pinboard in his room.
When it's actually all done, he likes to feed you whatever it is. he'll be like "open wide". and you'll just.. stand there like "klitz, I can feed myself."
You lose anyways, he always gets to do it. it's his own thing, it makes him happy.
Klitz hates cleaning up after though, but if you're also joining, he has no complaints!
He'll also constantly ask questions about what you're doing, even though you've probably explained it over 100 times.
Klitz loves bragging to Matt and Eli about what you two did together. He'll sneak it to them the next day, he's really proud of you.
It gets to a point that you feed the three of them, they all adore your baking. Danielle also loves it, she favors the cake you make!
When the guys get together, you bake for them and hang out! it's great.
Baking double dates with Matt and Danielle happen often! Eli is also there.
At the end of the day, Klitz absolutely adores you and your talents. And he's not afraid to show it one bit.
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wosoimagines · 4 years
The Secret Is Out - Jill Roord/Reader
prompt: hi um could you maybe just maybe do a jill roord x reader where the reader plays for arsenal and the uswnt and they win the world cup and no one knows they’re dating and the r or jill accidentally like do something? idk if that makes sense but if you dont want to that’s perfectly fine! hope you are doing well! all love. Okay, look. There are some Dutch translations here. I don’t know if they’re right because I used google translate. If they are wrong and you speak Dutch, please tell me so I can fix them.
warnings: None.
words: 1919
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I cheered as soon as the final whistle blew. I had finally done it. I had finally won my first World Cup. After being one of the last players passed over during the 2015 World Cup, it felt amazing to win now in 2019 and to be such a big reason as to why we won.
Although I was happy, there was a part of me that knew that I had ruined a World Cup run for one of the most important people in my life. I immediately looked to search for the Dutch woman who had stole my heart. My smile fell a little at the heartbroken look on her face.
I caught her eye and she smiled at me. I went to move toward her, but before I could, someone had jumped on my back cheering. I wasn’t surprised that it was Sonnett. Lindsey, of course, joined where Sonnett was and Mal and Rose weren’t far behind her. 
Jill shook her head and it did hurt a little that she didn’t want me to join her. But I understood. My team wanted to celebrate and Jill probably just wanted to be with her teammates right now. I glanced to see how Danielle and Viv were as well as Sari. I wasn’t surprised when I watched Jill go join Viv. I knew that the two of them were really close.
Lindsey managed to wrangle Sonnett off my back just before Rose and Mal threw confetti on top of me. I grinned at them as I shook my head to get the few that stuck to my head off of me. I was a little surprised that it was Tierna who had dragged me back to where the team was celebrating on the pitch. I wasn’t too surprised when Christen and Tobin immediately joined me considering that they were my team moms.
We eventually were given our medals and I was a little surprised to find that I had won the bronze boot along with the bronze ball. I had taken a picture of the awards with Megan and Alex since they both won awards as well. I couldn’t help it as my attention was drawn to Jill. I was able to eventually hand my awards off so that they would make it back to the hotel.
Christen and Tobin had stopped me when I moved to go over to Jill. They both congratulated me and I had thanked them. I knew that I would never be the player I was without them taking me under their wing and helping me. I eventually was able to get past them and to the Dutch midfielder that I had been trying to get to.
“Hey,” I softly said.
Jill smiled at me even through her tears. I immediately hugged her. Jill held on tightly to me. The past two months had been hard for both of us to be so close to each other but not able to see each other.
“I’m proud of you,” Jill mumbled into my neck. I pulled back from her and smiled at her. “I’m really proud. I want your jersey.”
“You want to swap?”
The fact that Jill wanted to swap our jerseys even though they would end up at my apartment in London soon enough confused me. Everyone knew that Jill had signed with Arsenal, and while a lot of her stuff was at the apartment, we didn’t have time to unpack it before the two of us had left for the World Cup.
“No, I just want your jersey eventually,” Jill shook her head. I still wasn’t sure what she wanted it for.
“It’s probably going to smell like alcohol after tonight,” I chuckled. I knew that my jersey was probably going to get soaked in alcohol as soon as we entered the locker room.
I glanced over my shoulder to see Sonnett running toward me with a grin and a white jersey in her hand. Sonnett stopped beside Jill and I before holding the jersey out to me.
“Dude, they got us these cool jerseys,” Sonnett immediately started to say. I knew that if I didn’t get her to leave soon then I wouldn’t get to talk to Jill until after we left the arena. “There’s one for all of us.”
“Cool,” I said as I took the jersey. I glanced at Jill who looked ready to leave.
“Ik bel je later,” Jill muttered causing me to grab on her wrist. (I will call you later.)
“Nee wacht. Geef me een moment om van haar af te komen,” I said causing Sonnett to look surprised at the fact that I knew Dutch. Jill looked surprised that I was willing to get rid of my teammate. (No, wait. Give me just a moment to get rid of her.)
“Can you make sure that there’s some actual beer saved for me to drink and not to just spray around everywhere?” I asked Sonnett.
The defender immediately perked at the mention of beer. Sonnett nodded before rushing off to make sure we had beer to drink. I turned back to Jill before pulling my game jersey off.
“Here, this way I can’t lose it cause you know I lose everything,” I said. Jill chuckled a little at the before taking the jersey from me. 
I saw Jill’s eyes wander down to my waist and she smiled at the new tattoo that I had. I hadn’t shown her yet due to the fact that I had gotten it just after Jill had left to join her own national team and I wanted Jill to see it in person rather than as a picture.
“You actually got it,” Jill whispered.
“Yeah, I did,” I nodded. Jill touched the tattoo and lightly traced it. “Your handwriting and all. I figured it was appropriate since you were the one who started to call me Schatje.” (Little treasure.)
I pulled the jersey Sonnett had given me over my head. I glanced over my shoulder to see if anyone from my team was going to come to drag me away. I wasn’t too surprised that Christen and Tobin were headed my way, but I was surprised by the fact that the whole team was headed here. I looked back at Jill.
“I know we said we didn’t want to go public with our relationship until we got into a groove with both of us being at Arsenal, but my teammates got their kisses from their partners and, it’s been a while-”
I couldn’t finish what I was saying because Jill had pulled me closer to her. I immediately kissed the Dutch player back when I felt her lips crash into mine. I ignored the cheers and shouts behind me, but apparently Jill didn’t because she pulled back not long after. Jill glanced behind me before giving me a kiss by my ear.
“Go join your teammates. I have a room for us at a different hotel where we can have our own little party after you guys get done.”
My jaw slacked but I didn’t have time to say anything to Jill because she had already turned and ran to join her own teammates. I felt someone sling their arm around my shoulder.
“Way to get some, (Y/N),” Ash cheered right in my ear. I wasn’t too surprised that Ali slapped the back of Ash’s head causing the goalie to grumble and rub the back of her head. 
“Hey, Roord!” I called out. Jill turned around to look at me. “Ik hou van je, lieverd.” (I love you, sweetheart.)
“Ik hou ook van je.” (I love you too.)
“Oi, (Y/N)! What about me?”
I shook my head at Danielle. She often teased me over the past two years whenever Jill would call me since we were in different countries. But Danielle had been ready to throw hands for me many times during our matches for Arsenal. 
“Je bent zo behoeftig,” I complained. Danielle threw a glare at me and I laughed at her. “Ik hou ook van jou, kleine krijger.” (You’re so needy. I love you as well, little warrior.)
Danielle smirked at that and I saw her turn to brag about it to Jill. I only shook my head at them before turning to my teammates. I swiped the beer from Kelley’s hand before she could drink from it. Before the older defender could do anything, Christen and Tobin had already moved to my sides probably to talk to me about the relationship I had with Jill. I couldn’t help but smile as I told them about the Dutch woman who had stolen my heart.
I grinned as Jill came out of the bathroom. I was already dressed since I was having to leave today to head to the US for our celebration. Jill was going to take her time, however, since her team wouldn’t be flying out until much later. Jill was dressed in one of my oversized shirts and a pair of shorts.
“What are you smiling about?”
“How lucky I am,” I said as I stood up from the foot of the bed. “I mean, I just won the World Cup and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life is still here even though she’s the one I had to beat to win the World Cup.”
“You want to spend the rest of your life with me?”
“I mean, yeah, why wouldn’t I?” I furrowed my brow in confusion. “Jill, I’ve been dating you for 3 years now. If I didn’t seriously see us together for the rest of my life, then I wouldn’t still be with you. One day, I’m going to marry you.”
“I also can’t believe you would think that I would leave you because you beat me for the World Cup,” Jill shook her head. She pressed a kiss to my lips. “I can’t wait for you to make me yours forever.”
I grinned as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I wished we could stay like this forever. But sadly we couldn’t. I did have a plane to catch soon.
“I’ll see you in London?”
“Of course you will,” Jill nodded. Jill pulled back from me before digging through her bag. “I have something for you. I was going to wait until we got back to London, but I might as well give it to you now.”
I took the little black box from her and smiled. I opened the box and chuckled when I saw the ring. The ring was a simple silver band with a designed etched into it. I slid the ring onto my finger before pulling my own small black box from my bag.
“I kind of got you one too,” I said as Jill took the box from me. “We were shopping for a ring for Tobin to give to Christen and I wanted to do something special for you. I’m not asking you to marry me, but this is a promise that I will marry you one day.”
Jill grinned before she kissed me. I smiled when she pulled back.
“I’ll see you in London, okay?”
The Dutch woman gave me one last kiss before I grabbed my bags and headed out of the room. I gave her a small wave just before I closed the door behind me. I couldn’t wait for the celebrations to be over and to be on a plane back to London.
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old-childhood-drama · 3 years
Taylor Swift and Joe Jonas Masterpost (Toe/Jaylor)
Before dating (May 2008)
We start with the Taylor lookalike
In May 2008 the Jonas Brothers are filming their music video for Burnin’ Up [x]. Joe’s love interest in it is played by a blonde girl who looks quite a bit (and she’s also styled) like Taylor Swift, for reference, this is the music video that has Selena Gomez as Nick Jonas’ love interest.
As far as we know they hadn’t even met so we don’t know exactly what this was supposed to mean, maybe Joe had a crush on Taylor or maybe it’s a coincidence.
We do know that Nick and Selena were dating when this was filmed and that by the time the MV was released (July 4th, 2008) Joe and Taylor were officially dating.
Toe is alive! (July 2008 – September 2008)
On Tour
Fans claim to have seen Taylor around the tour in early July, which matches with Taylor’s lyrics in "Last Kiss".
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Last Kiss. Taylor Swift.
I do recall now the smell of the rain
Fresh on the pavement, I ran off the plane
That July 9th, the beat of your heart
It jumps through your shirt
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On July 14th, Taylor and The Jonas Brothers perform “Should’ve Said No”[x] from her debut album, and this performance now forever exists in their 3D movie (a classic), a cute fact is that some fans have said that Taylor tripped when she first came out, so they had to repeat it for the movie.
On July 20th Joe flies to Wyoming to watch Taylor opening up for Rascal Flatts, and they flew back and she was spotted at the Omaha show.
She’s seen in a couple shows more and she joins the stage again for their Madison Square Garden shows in August [x]. They sing “Even now just looking at you feels wrong”.
They’re together but they’re not together.
For more context, we must remember that Taylor was a very new artist from a small label and The Jonas were pretty much at their peak and Disney’s biggest act, and they were managed like crazy and could never even think about being seen with someone in a romantic way. Any rumors were denied so fast, and Disney did the absolute most to keep it secret. So according to everyone they were just good friends, at the time both Taylor and Selena were annoyed by all the secrecy.
Now back to the timeline:
Taylor is backstage of the tour A LOT for the next couple of weeks right next to the other not-girlfriends Selena and Danielle.
She films a cameo for the “Love Is on Its Way” [x] video for the concert in New York. She was said to be only interested in hanging out with Joe and they were seen hugging *gasp* I know it doesn’t seem like much now but back then this was the hottest gossip and again the Jonas were not supposed to breathe near any human of the opposite gender.
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Taylor and the Jonas were staying at the same hotel a bunch of rumors ensued, but I will not talk about the whole Olympics and Toe locking themselves in a room at midnight thing. If it’s real, we really needed to touch some grass and stop staying outside of people's rooms all night.
On August 17th Joe goes to Ryan Seacrest's show and denied that Taylor is his girlfriend in the best way a corporation like Disney can train you to deny something that’s true. Saying Taylor is “a great girl and I think anybody would be lucky to date her. I think anybody would love to go on a date with her.”
And Taylor tells People Magazine “He’s an amazing guy and anybody would be lucky to be dating him” Cinematic parallels.
Taylor is spotted in the back (in a mirror) of one of the Jonas youtube videos [x]. Basically, we all knew they were together.
The Central Park date (August 28th)
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Now if you were a fan of either the Jonas Brothers, Selena, or Taylor you know this next part and it the iconic triple date of Central Park.
Again, this is kind of famous at this point and Selena has been quoted saying how awful it was because the boys were not allowed to be seen with them so they all went to Central Park (Selena’s first time in Central Park) and Taylor and Selena walked about 20 feet of distance from the guys so nobody would think they were together but we all already knew because it wasn’t like they were that good at hiding it and there are pictures of them together that night (the clownery of it all).
These backstage tour adventures are the reason Taylor and Selena are friends today and in Selena’s own words the best thing to come out of those relationships.
VMAs (September 2008)
With how many pictures of them together that night [x] [x] [x] exist you would think they had gone together as a couple but no just two besties! The 2008 VMAs are so the show where Russell Brand mocks the Jonas Brothers and their purity rings and Taylor publicly defends them.
Toe seems happy for the rest of September but as we know now the end is near.
The Break-Up (October 2008)
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Social Media was different back then and Taylor did what every teen girl with a broken heart did in 2008 and she went to myspace with an edited post to make a statement about the Toe current situation.
The 27 seconds Joe Jonas will regret for the rest of his life.
Taylor went on Ellen and I don’t even think I need to say much this interview is THAT iconic she sat on that couch and told the world exactly how Joe had broken her heart in the following two quotes:
“There’s one that’s about that guy, but…that guy’s not in my life anymore unfortunately. That guy…that’s an ouch.”
“I’m not even gonna be able to remember the boy who broke up with me over the phone in 25 seconds when I was 18…it was like 27 seconds, that’s got to be a record.” [x]
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She also went on Ryan Seacrest’s and when asked about the perfect guy she saw an opportunity and took it, saying “I used to always say sense of humor, but I think that it’s important to have the same kind of sense of humor. I have a really dry, sarcastic sense of humor and if somebody doesn’t think that my sense of humor is funny, then that’s not something that is good. Um, so sometimes you know, that can be a wrong match. If they’re not allowed to go in public with me, that’s sort of an issue too.” [x]
Bonus the amazing youtube video Taylor posted with Joe’s Camp Rock doll and how he comes with his own phone to break up with other dolls [x]. Taylor eventually went full out and cited Camilla Belle (then girlfriend of Joe) as the reason for the breakup. And you know someone at Disney’s PR office wanted to die when this was going down.
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So finally, Joe was forced to acknowledge the whole situation with a Myspace post:
"I never cheated on a girlfriend. It might make someone feel better to assume or imply I have been unfaithful, but it is simply not true. Maybe there were reasons for a breakup. Maybe the heart moved on. Perhaps feelings changed. I am truly saddened that anything would potentially cause you to think less of me. For those who have expressed concern over the "27 second” phone call. I called to discuss feelings with the other person. Those feelings were obviously not well received. I did not end the conversation. Someone else did. Phone calls can only last as long as the person on the other end of the line is willing to talk. “
Forever & Always
Now this song is known as THE Toe song and it was born out of the end of the relationship when she felt Joe was getting distant, but she couldn’t do anything to help it, it was made really late into the production of Fearless so she had to rush to finish it in time (so no other breakup songs are about Joe in the original album).
Forever & Always Was I out of line? Did I say something way too honest, made you run and hide Like a scared little boy I looked into your eyes Thought I knew you for a minute, now I’m not so sure
In the 2009 Grammy's Taylor and Miley (insert The Ex-Girlfriends Club Theory here) performed Fifteen (obviously not about Joe) and the Jonas were in the audience. I believe this is probably around the time Taylor writes Mr. Perfectly Fine and You All Over Me, which we know get to have thanks to Fearless (Taylor’s Version) 13 years later.
You All Over Me
The best and worst day of June
Was the one that I met you
With your hands in your pockets
And your 'don't you wish you had me' grin
But I did, so I smiled, and I melted like a child
Now every breath of air I breathe reminds me of then
Mr. Perfectly Fine
'Cause I hear he's got his arm 'round a brand-new girl
I've been pickin' up my heart, he's been pickin' up her
And I never got past what you put me through
But it's wonderful to see that it never phased you
In November of 2009, she also goes to SNL and mocks Joe in her monologue. "You might think I'd bring up Joe That guy who broke up with me on the phone But I'm not gonna mention him *rolls eyes* In my monologue [Spoken:]Hey Joe, I'm doing real well, tonight I'm hosting SNL [Sings:]But I'm not gonna brag about that In my monologue [x]"
To make things even more dramatic and very awkward The Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, and Taylor Swift spent NYE together watching the ball drop on TV and this was probably not how they wanted to start their years. [x] [x] [x] and a video [x]
Now let’s discussed some of the songs that came out at the time. The Jonas response to Forever & Always was Much Better. Nick described it as a song that was very personal to Joe and Joe went on to say that it was based on his very interesting year. They also at some point wanted to pretend the song was about their love for their fans but come on. Joe also changed the lyrics from ‘superstar’ to ‘country star’ and later changed it to ‘movie stars’ when he broke up with Camilla who is the ‘Much Better’ girl from the song.
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Much Better - Jonas Brothers
I get a rep for breakin’ hearts
Now I’m done with superstars
And all the tears on her guitar
I’m not bitter
But now I see
Everything I’d ever need
Is the girl in front of me
She’s much better
Taylor’s iconic response in Better Than Revenge seems to be more of an attack on Camilla. She’s spoken about her regret for this song since then and hasn’t played it in years and Camilla seems to be ok we never forgiving her for it [x] [x]. Regardless this song remains a staple of the genre ‘Feminism OFF, Bops ON’.
“I was 18 when I wrote [“Better Than Revenge.”] That’s the age you are when you think someone can actually take your boyfriend. Then you grow up and realize no one can take someone from you if they don’t want to leave”. - Taylor 2014.
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Better Than Revenge - Taylor Swift
Let's hear the applause (Come on, come on)
Come on, show me how much better you are
(So much better, yeah?)
See you deserve some applause
'Cause you're so much better
She also released "Last Kiss" about the nicer part of their relationship, and some believe other songs such as If This Was a Movie, Haunted (Speak Now) and Jump Then Fall (Fearless) are about Joe. From the Jonas, the other song believed to be about Taylor is Paranoid (Lines, Vines and Trying Times).
Jump Then Fall
Well, I like the way your hair falls in your face
You got the keys to me
I love each freckle on your face, oh
I've never been so wrapped up, honey
Probably a song was written about and in the early days of their romance and the long hair freckles [x] thing definitely fits 2008 Joe.
If This Was a Movie
Baby, what about the ending?
Oh, I thought you'd be here by now
Thought you'd be here by now
According to some this song is a sister song to "Last Kiss" in the same album and that is confirmed to be about Joe.
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
Won't finish what you started
This song would be a sister to Forever & Always since Taylor described both to be about a relationship that was fading in the end and that she was confused as to how they got there in the first place.
"‘Haunted’ is about the moment that you realize the person you’re in love with is drifting and fading fast. And you don’t know what to do, but in that period of time, in that phase of love, where it’s fading out, time moves so slowly. Everything hinges on what that last text message said, and you’re realizing that he’s kind of falling out of love. That’s a really heartbreaking and tragic thing to go through because the whole time you’re trying to tell yourself it’s not happening. I went through this, and I ended up waking up in the middle of the night writing this song about it.” Taylor
Friendlier days are coming (2010- )
I guess time can heal a lot of wounds and Toe is seen hugging and on friendly terms at the Clive Davis party on January 31st of 2010 [x].
The world was so shocked when we realized that Joe went to see her perform in a couple of her shows in September 2011 [x] [x], and in here Holy Ground is born about her new evaluation of their former relationship rather than the bitterness of the breakup. The lyrics' secret message is “when you came to the show in SD” and the potential parallel to "Last Kiss".
Holy Ground - Taylor Swift
We blocked the noise with the sound of ‘I need you’
And for the first time I had something to lose
And I guess we fell apart in the usual way
And the story’s got dust on every page
But sometimes I wonder how you think about it now
And I see your face in every crowd…
… Tonight, I'm gonna dance
For all that we've been through
But I don't wanna dance
If I'm not dancing with you
Last Kiss - Taylor Swift
I do remember the swing of your step
The life of the party, you’re showing off again
And I roll my eyes and then
You pull me in
I’m not much for dancing
But for you I did
They're seen talking in the MTV's EMA's 2012 [x].
From here they seem to be friendly and in May of 2015 after the Billboards. They even go on a double date later that year with Gigi Hadid, Calvin Harris, and Karlie Kloss (this picture feels so cursed). Nick and Joe get invited to Taylor’s 4th of July party and they seem somewhat distant after his split from Gigi.
Present (2020- )
In 2020, we got the amazing surprise of folklore with the song ‘Invisible String’ that makes a reference to Taylor’s past songs about exes being harsh and how she sent Joe and his wife Sophie Turner a present for their baby girl’s birth. In 2021, she has now released the re-recordings of Fearless and we are all reliving the drama and enjoying the chaos of Taylor’s and Sophie’s friendship not letting Joe know peace for those 27 seconds over a decade ago.
Invisible String
Cold was the steel of my axe to grind
For the boys who broke my heart
Now I send their babies presents
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
Our Black Hearts (F!Reader x Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels)
Summary: Jack Daniels had long given up on avenging his murdered wife, instead choosing to travel west through the ruins of the United States to a small town called Deepwell. It's a fresh start, where nobody knows him. The thought of vengeance was almost out of mind until he found out about the towns book club and the gossip trade that happened there. So he joins, and figures it can't hurt to keep an ear out for news of the man who killed his wife.
Overall warnings: Death, violence, a lot of swearing, drinking, trauma, PTSD, angst
Warnings for this part: Drinking, mention of dead loved ones, smut, P in V sex, oral (F & M receiving), somewhat rough sex
Wordcount: 2.4k
Tags: Post-apocalypse AU, casual lovers, revenge
Part 2 (coming soonish)
The book club was a group of the only twelve people in the town who could read more than the few basic words that were usually taught. It wasn’t like an old-world book club, were people would gather to discuss the books they read – it was more of a book exchange, but the members preferred the word club. Of course, there were discussions, but they were seldom about books. They met once a week, usually on a Wednesday but sometimes on Fridays, and mostly talked about news they had heard from passing traders, letters given by couriers from family. This was how Jack got most of his information.
Jack Daniels was the newest member of this club. He was the newest resident of the Deepwell township, having come through one scorching hot Tuesday afternoon on the back of a trader’s caravan. He had taken one look at the dingy little town with its long-abandoned homes and decided that this was as far as he was willing to travel. Of course, he had to speak with the self-appointed Mayor, Lucy Jonas-Green, so she could assess his “suitability”. The interview had been a short one, consisting of only four questions, the grizzled old woman glaring at him through narrowed grey eyes.
“You good at shootin’?” Question one.
“Best I know.” It wasn’t a brag if it was true, Jack reasoned.
“Got any skills?” Question two.
“I’m good at buildin’ shit, I can stay awake for two days if I need to, I can read and write some stuff . . . I’m pretty good with a whip.”
“Why here?” Question three.
“Got sick of travelling.”
“What’s your name?” Question four.
Lucy Jonas-Green had deliberated for exactly one minute, during which time Jack grew increasingly uncomfortable under her gaze. He felt like she could see directly into his soul, like she was deciding exactly how shit-stained it was. The only indication of her approval was a slight nod of the head. At that, a young boy, probably no older than thirteen, rushed over to greet him. The kid was chatty, but harmless.
It was through this kid that Jack first found out about the book club. He hadn’t been interested at first – just because he could read didn’t mean he liked to read. But at the mention of it being the towns main source of news from across the Fallen States, the chance of hearing something about the group that attacked Black Ridge was too good to pass up.
So now, he sat with the book club, a yellowed, mouldy copy of 1984 in his hands, ears pricked for any mention of a merc group led by a man with one eye and eleven fingers. A few months before he had finally settled in Deepwell, he had given up on his search and his quest for revenge. There had been no mention of him anywhere along the eastern townships, so Jack had headed west, deciding to leave the cruel memories of his wife behind. Now, he figured it couldn’t hurt to just listen.
But for weeks now, nothing. Whatever hope had rekindled itself in his chest was dying away, making room for cruel acceptance. Another meeting concluded, and Jack tucked the book carefully in his jacket. As much as he didn’t enjoy reading, he had a healthy respect for the leader of the book club and the threat of slitting his throat should something happen to the books she shared with the group.
The sun was low in the sky as he stepped outside, casting long shadows on the cracked pavement. People were beginning to move as the sunset, the harshest of its rays now dulled by the horizon. Electric streetlights slowly flickered on; the entire town was powered by recommissioned solar panels that someone much smarter than Jack had rigged up a decade ago. Jack considered his options for the night: either he could go back to the house he shared with a small family and scrounge up a meal of whatever was left in his room before a trader came through town tomorrow night, or he could go to the only bar in town, order several of whatever alcohol was in stock and a bowl of the ‘stew of the day’ which was usually just a root vegetable and some unidentified meat. Jack chose the bar.
The bar was the largest building in Deepwell, three stories tall and enough beds to sleep the entire population of the town twice over. The place smelt of stale booze and dust, a smell that seemed to be common over the entirety of the Fallen States. A jukebox in the corner played old world tunes on a loop.
“Evenin’, Jack.” The owner of the bar, Marcus, nodded his head in Jack’s direction. Jack nodded back and took off his hat – an old-world style that someone had once called ‘cowboy’. “Just the usual?”
“Yep, and keep the drinks coming,” Jack sat down at a small table close to the exit, his body always slightly angled to run at a moment’s notice, an old habit that he couldn’t seem to shake. A bowl of steaming stew was set down in front of him, along with a glass of murky amber liquid.
That’s when he noticed he was being watched. A woman sat in the corner, staring at him over a half empty glass of whiskey. Jack raised a brow and realised his recognised her. She was in the book club, too, but he didn’t remember her name. Everyone seemed to call her Chase. Jack was surprised she didn’t break her gaze when his eyes met hers, and against his better judgement, he put his hat back on, picked up his bowl and glass and walked over to her.
“This seat taken?” he asked. Without waiting for an answer, he set his food down on the table and sat.
Something about Jack Daniels intrigued you. Maybe it was the hat, or the facial hair he somehow managed to keep contained to a thick, neat moustache. Or maybe it was just the most annoyingly handsome person to ever come through Deepwell. Now he sat across from you, sipping on bathtub whiskey.
“Chase isn’t it?” he said after downing his glass.
“That’s what they call me,” you said. “What do they call you?”
Jack smirked. “Depends who you ask. Some like Dirty Bastard, others Motherfucker. For a while I was known as Whiskey. But you can call me whatever you like.” He finished with a wink.
“Jack it is,” you said with a roll of your eyes, but you would be lying to yourself if you weren’t a little charmed. “So, what brings you to book club, Jack?”
“Why, my love of old-world literature, of course.”
You leant back in your seat and tilted your head. He was lying, that much was obvious. But why? What was the point of lying? You looked into his eyes, a deep brown, and wondered if he was worth the trouble. He might be worth it for the night, you thought.
“Let’s pretend for a moment that I believe that,” you said, and Jack looked mildly surprised. “What’s taken you so long to come up and introduce yourself? You’ve been in town what now? Three months?”
“Two and a half,” Jack corrected, “and what gives you the impression I don’t care for literature?”
“Answer my question and I’ll answer yours,” you countered. Was this flirting? You hadn’t done it in so long, and the most practice you had was when you were working in the town garden, daydreaming about the heroes of the romance novels you kept in a safe in the corner of your room.
“Well, well, well,” Jack leant forward on his elbows, his gaze unreadable underneath his ridiculous hat. “I don’t have a reason for you, doll, but if it makes you feel better, I haven’t introduced myself to most people here.”
You settled for this explanation, knowing that Jack had been somewhat of a recluse around town since he had arrived. You decide to answer his question. “I know you don’t give a shit about books. It’s obvious you care more about the goss. Your ears practically twitch. What are you listening for?”
Jack deliberated for a moment; you could see on his face that he really was conflicted about telling you. He finished his mystery stew and finally speaks. “I’m looking for a man, have been for a few years now. He killed my wife, and I wanna kill him.”
“A simple revenge,” you said. “What makes you think you think news will turn up in Deepwell?”
“I didn’t,” Jack said, “I’d given up when I first came here. Figured it was best for my soul to do so – but then I heard about this club, and I guess it can’t hurt to keep an ear out for rumblin’s of a man with eleven fingers and one eye.”
“Eleven fingers?” Your stomach dropped, but you kept your face neutral.
“And one eye,” Jack nodded.
“Did you find out his name?” You asked. Maker don’t let it be Elijah. Don’t let him be alive. Jack shook his head.
“Naw, but eleven fingers and one eye, how many people could be runnin’ ‘round the Fallen States like that?” Jack shrugged, something akin to grief flittered briefly across his face, and you realised he was right. Having only one eye wasn’t unusual, a lot of people were missing some body part or another, but eleven fingers . . . you couldn’t deny the coincidence.
“Anyway,” Jack smirked at you, “you haven’t asked the most important question of all.”
You raised a brow. “Oh? And what’s that?”
“Are we takin’ this back to yours or mine, doll?”
~ Jack’s body is hard against yours, a sharp contrast to the softness of his lips. His shirt is off, discarded on the floor of your small bedroom. He kisses hungrily down your neck, his tongue darting along your collarbone. A moan escapes your lips as he slides his calloused hands along the bare skin of your stomach, roughly tugging at the frayed waistband of your jeans. His fingers find your wetness, easily finding your sensitive clit with his thumb. You groaned, head lolling forward into his sweaty neck.
“You like that?” he whispered into your ear; goosebumps raced along your body. His thumb made careful, slow circles along your clit. “Tell me you like it.”
“I like it,” you whined, bucking your hips in pleasure. A low groan escaped Jack’s throat at your words, spurring him on. He forces your pants off completely and discards them in the growing pile of clothes on the floor. He drops to his knees and pulls you closer, lips trailing delicately along your inner thighs. Then without warning, his tongue is lapping up the wetness of your clit, two fingers pumping your tight hole.
“Jack,” you whimper, the need for more sending you crazy. His dark eyes met yours over the top of your stomach, his tongue still working your clit. You’re hungry for him, the look of pure lust in his eyes spurring you to places you had never thought about. You sit up and place a hand on his shoulder, shuddering as another wave of pleasure rippled through your body. The look in your eyes must’ve told him what you want to do, because he stood and stepped back, allowing you room to get on your knees in front of him.
He undid his belt buckle with fingers still slick from your pussy and pulled his pants down. His cock sprang forward, making your mouth water with how fucking big it was. The head glistened with a bead of pre-cum. You leant forward and licked it off, before taking as much of his length in your mouth as you could. He groaned, his fingers tangling through your hair.
“Fuck, deeper,” his voice was husky with desire, and you happily obliged, taking him so you could feel him almost at the back of your throat. His fingers in your hair tightened, a pleasant pain on your skull. He groaned and pulled your head back, staring into your eyes. “I need you.”
You tugged him towards the mattress, pushing him on his back. You climb atop, feeling strangely dominant. His cock slid against the wetness of your hole, head entering before you pulled your hips away, a teasing smile on your lips. You go on like this, letting him enter a little further in you each time, enjoying the tortured look on his face, enjoying it even more when his eyes snapped open as you let him in completely. He moaned loudly, holding onto your hips tightly.
“Doll,” his word was muffled by his mouth on your tit, teeth latching onto your nipple. You rocked back and forth, clenching around his cock as an orgasm threatened to rip you from your body. Jack seemed to realise this, and flipped you both so you were on your back and he was standing, still inside you. He pulled you so your ass was off the mattress, your legs wrapped around his waist.
“Maker, you’re so fucking sexy,” he fucked you hard and rough, his dark gaze never leaving yours. His thumb was on your clit again, teasing you as an orgasm ripped through you. You moaned his name, your pussy clenching tightly around him. He grinned devilishly down at you, leaning forward to kiss you as he continued to thrust. He tasted of you, driving his tongue into your mouth. You met this eagerly, whimpering against his lips as yet another orgasm moved you.
“I can’t hold on,” Jack groaned, and before you could say a thing, he pulled out of you, hot cum spurting onto your stomach. He slumped next to you, obviously spent.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, scanning the room for something to wipe the cum up with.
“Holy shit is right, doll,” Jack said. Sweat beaded along his brow and he cracked open an eye to watch you wipe up with a shirt that was so full of holes it was unwearable. Silver moonlight filtered through the dirty window, casting shadows across his beautiful face. You laid down next to him, feeling a small shiver run through you as he curved his warm naked body against yours.
You would tell him, you decided. You would tell him you knew who he was looking for, and that you might know where to find him. But in the morning, so as not to mar the beautiful just fucked haze that enveloped your mind.
Tagging @sharkbait77 because she's lovely and I'm nervous about this one.
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daisybeewrites · 3 years
Academy Blues
word count: 3.7k
warnings: nightmares
ship: dousy (daisy johnson/daniel sousa)
ahahaha dousy is becoming a spark
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Rubble falling.
Bones snapping.
Something dark on the floor.
He’s gone.
He’s gone.
He’s gone.
Daisy bolted upright, ribs expanding and contracting rapidly. The bed was shaking. A small cacti was on the floor, sand and pebbles thrown across the rug, pieces of the decorative pot shattered. She looked over at her clock.
2:14am. Great.
Daisy quickly rose, gathering her rug in one hand and a sweatshirt in the other. She walked down the hall, quiet as a mouse, still shaky.
Breathe, Daisy, She told herself.
She reached the bathroom without encountering anyone. She set the rug on the counter, gathering the tiny cactus and shaking it out of the soil.
“Ouch,” She inhaled sharply. Cacti are prickly.
The mirror rattled a bit as Daisy shook the sand and pebbles into the trash. She held back tears, the aftershocks of her nightmare hitting her.
A presence in the doorway caught her attention.
“Daisy? What’re you doin’?”
Jemma sounded like she had just woken up, her accented voice thick and scratchy with sleep.
Daisy opened her mouth to respond, but her voice cracked on the first syllable. Jemma’s eyes widened, registering the sight before her. She rushed over, enveloping Daisy in a tight hug. Jemma could feel Daisy’s chest racking with sobs. At least she could comfort her now, like she wasn’t allowed to before.
Jemma slowly pulled away as Daisy’s cries became quieter and less frequent. The small cacti was still resting on the counter, the rug discarded on the tiled floor.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Jemma asked gently.
Daisy looked up, the rattling of the mirror lessening as she exhaled.
“I broke my cactus,” She sniffled, a few tears escaping as she stared at the broken succulent. She was really looking forward to watching this one grow.
Daisy shook her head, wiping her eyes with her sweatshirt sleeve. Silently, the pair picked up the rug and walked back to Daisy’s room. Daisy saved the small cacti, not quite able to just throw it in the trash. Jemma surveyed the furniture, making sure that nothing else had fallen. Her room was in its usual messy yet organized array. It made Jemma’s skin itch, but at least Daisy knew where everything was. Daisy collapsed onto her bed, pulling a fuzzy blanket around her shoulders.
“Do you want me to stay?”
Daisy thought for a moment, watching Jemma fidget with her fingers and rub her neck, noting her under eye circles and the sluggish way she smiled.
“I’m good,” Daisy said.
Jemma raised an eyebrow, tilting her head. “Are you sure? I don’t mind, really,” She offered.
Daisy nodded. “I promise, I’m good.”
Jemma hesitantly nodded, then left, softly closing the door behind her.
Daisy flopped backwards onto her pillows. She wasn't sleeping anytime soon.
Daisy woke at 9:36 later that day, her alarm buzzing softly and her phone screen lit with several missed calls from Elena and May.
Are you otw?
daisy, you’re late
7:15–Missed call from May (2)
may is pissed
get your best sorry ready
Daisy sighed. Fuck nightmares.
She had already missed half of second period, not that it wasn’t anything she didn’t already know how to do. Might as well take advantage of the empty canteen.
After speedily brushing her teeth and getting dressed, Daisy grabbed her backpack and headed out.
True to routine, the canteen was void of people, save for a group of fifth-years chatting in the corner. Daisy grabbed her usual cinnamon raisin bagel and coffee and found a spot near the back doors. If May came in, she would run. It was too early and Daisy was too tired to deal with May’s concern.
Daisy glanced up as the doors across the large hall opened again, almost spitting out her coffee at who walked in.
Ohmygodhe’scomingoverhere, don’t be an idiot!
“Hey, Danny Boy,” Daisy greeted. Smooth, very good start.
“Hey, Dais,” He said, morning voice rough and low. Daisy ignored the rising number on her biometer watch and quickly hid her hand under the table, resting on her bouncing knee.
She cocked an eyebrow. “Just getting up, are we?”
Daniel shrugged, “My alarm clock is broken, and I’m ahead in all my classes anyway. Missing one to trade for sleep won’t hurt me.”
“Aren’t you in May’s class, though? She hates when people skip,” Daisy asked.
Daniel thought this over for a second before responding, demeanor a tad sheepish. “I might have already asked for the notes for this week, everything she’s teaching today I’ve already been studying.”
Daisy smiled. Nerd.
“Well, in that case, would you care to join me in my avoidance of classes?”
Daniel checked his analog watch, second period was almost over. “Sure. My third is calculus, and all we do in there is textbook work anyway.”
Daisy stood up, stretching a bit. Daniel followed her out of the canteen, across the grounds, and around the girls’ dorms.
“Uh, Daisy, where exactly are we going?”
Daisy grinned. “Ever been on the roof, Sousa?”
Sousa looked up at the top of the building. “Are we allowed up there?”
Daisy furrowed her brows, responding with a noncommittal hum. Did he not want to go up there?
“To master the art of avoidance, you must be unpredictable. Go where no one will find you. Dance along the edge of expectations,” Daisy exclaimed dramatically. “That’s why it’s called avoi-dance. We don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”
Daniel laughed, eyes smiling. “Ladies first,” He offered.
Daisy clambered onto the iron fire escape, waiting for Daniel on the first landing and giving him a hand. They started up the stairs together, wind blowing softly over their faces.
“So,” Daisy started when they reached the top, “This is it.”
Daniel watched as Daisy made a grand gesture, crouching down near an outlet to plug in the lights.
Putting on her best realtor voice, Daisy led Daniel around the space.
“In this corner we have a lovely, absolutely gorgeous three-hundred-sixty degree view of campus. Look! There are students in their natural habitat!
“And over here, we have a wonderful assortment of plants, both alive and barely clinging to life, just like most of the human inhabitants of the building!”
Daniel chuckled, nodding sagely. “Now, let’s talk money. What is the price per square foot, and how much are you suggesting as a down payment?”
Daisy’s grin faltered, not sure exactly what Sousa was talking about. Daniel’s smile grew wider at the slightly confused, completely adorable look on her face.
“Were you planning on getting work done?” Daniel asked.
Daisy shrugged, setting her backpack down and leaning against the low wall surrounding the edge of the roof. He joined her, sitting with one leg out and the other bent at his knee.
“It won’t take me long to finish this,” Daisy said, opening her laptop.
Daniel watched on as Daisy coded, taking mental notes of how her fingers glided over the keys, typing at a speed he could barely comprehend. She bit her bottom lip in concentration, pausing for a moment to assess her work, then continuing to circumvent the little red error messages that appeared at the top of her screen.
“How do you know what all that means?” Daniel asked. Daisy stopped typing for a moment to look over at him, tilting her head a bit.
“I guess I just picked it up pretty quick. When I was still living in my van, before Coulson found me, I had to make money somehow, so I started building codes and programs for people who needed it. They were definitely shady, and it got me into a couple tough spots, but I could always just move my van away, drive somewhere else.”
Daniel didn’t press for more information. Daisy seemed not to want to talk about it, as she turned back to her computer and let her hair fall into her face. A few minutes later, she pressed enter, and threw her hands up.
“Yes! Finally!”
Daniel peeked at her screen. Instead of a red error message, there was a small check at the top of her screen.
“So what exactly did you just do with the numbers and the symbol things?”
Daisy laughed lightly. “Sometimes SHIELD creates programs specifically for Academy students to hack into, so we can practice getting around firewalls and beating different layers of protection. At the end is usually some redacted file or just a blank document. Sometimes the Professors let the advanced students hack into companies and emails if they need help. It gives us ‘a wide range of practical experience.’”
Daniel scrunched his eyebrows, checking his watch. “So does it normally only take you fifteen minutes to complete assignments like this?”
Daisy smirked, “I don’t mean to brag, but yes. Most kids in my class can do it in forty-five, but I like to challenge myself.”
Daniel’s jaw dropped, amazed. “Wow. So in a couple years I’ll be doing that? I can keep up with CS 1, but that is…” He trailed off, not sure exactly how to describe it.
Daisy nodded, “It takes awhile to get used to, to understand. It’s like learning any other language, it helps if you start young, and I practically depended on coding for survival when I was in my teens. It gave me a huge leg up.”
Daniel let his gaze wander over Daisy’s face. She had a lot more to her than meets the eye. He looked into her eyes, finding her already staring at him, an intent look on her face. She opened her mouth to say somethi—
The bell cut her off. Daisy looked away quickly, cheeks tinted pink. Daniel made no move to get up, and neither did Daisy. They waited until it was over to speak again.
“I guess we should probably get going?”
Daisy agreed, standing up and reaching out a hand for Sousa to take. They walked back to campus together, parting ways to get to their classes.
Daisy passed by May’s room on her way to Physics, walking quickly and staring straight ahead.
Daisy stopped, walking backwards to stand in the open door of May’s classroom. No one was there but May.
Daisy slowly approached May down the rows of desks, smiling rather guiltily.
“Hey, May! How are you?” Daisy asked, voice an octave higher than normal. May had on her ‘Mom Face’, as Daisy called it, eyebrows slightly raised and lips pursed in a straight line.
“You know, leather jackets look great on you!” Daisy tried, picking at her nails, unable to maintain eye-contact without her chest constricting. May stayed silent.
Daisy dropped the cheery façade, sighing. This would get her nowhere.
“I’m sorry. I had a rough night and slept through my alarm. If it makes you feel better, I also missed my first three periods,” Daisy rushed out, exhaling sharply.
May sat back onto her desk, patting the space beside her.
“Call me next time,” May said, voice soft. “Asking for help isn’t weak, Daisy, and I don’t know how to help if you don’t tell me. I don’t have a class next period.”
Daisy nodded, a slight sting in her eyes. May continued, “You’ve had a rough year. I get it. But Daisy, running from those you love, who love you? It doesn’t work. Trust me, I’ve tried. The only thing that will work is facing your fears head-on, and keep running at them until eventually they’re powerless. You need closure.”
Daisy rested her head on May’s shoulder, unable to look her in the eye.
“I’m sorry, May,” Daisy apologized, voice small.
May wrapped an arm around her in a side hug.
“You don’t need to apologize. Let’s go work out some problems, my way.”
In the canteen, Jemma and Fitz sat in their usual spot by the back windows, both munching on spaghetti and rolls.
“Fitz! Tell me you didn’t!”
Fitz looked up from where he was tinkering with a piece of tech that looked suspiciously like an ICER with a small cloaking device attached to the side.
“I didn’t,” He replied. He kept tinkering with the small gun until it made a loud pop! and shocked him.
“Ouch!” Fitz winced, promptly dropping the modified ICER on the table, empty cartridge bouncing onto the floor. He bent to pick it up, reassembling the tech and taking another bite of pasta.
“Have you figured out the problem?” Jemma asked.
Fitz rolled his eyes. “It’s not a problem, Jemma, it’s just that I, uh, I can’t get the…” Fitz paused, waggling his hands in the air as if he was grasping for the right word.
“The concentration? Weight? Bullets?” Jemma supplied.
“The bullets work! Non-lethal, heavy stopping power, break up under the subcutaneous tissue. Same ones from when we were working on The Bus. No, it’s the, um, the safety. It keeps going off without my permission,” Fitz finished.
Jemma took a bite of her roll. “Are you using one-hundred nano-liters of dendrotoxin like I suggested?”
Fitz nodded. “That’s in the bullets. This is just the design. I can’t figure out the balance, with the addition of cloaking, it’s thrown my whole design off.”
“Maybe Daisy has an idea? She’s listened to us ramble on for years, she’s actually used them.”
Fitz and Jemma looked around for Daisy. It was 6, dinner started at 5, and they always ate together.
“Usually she’s here by now,” Jemma frowned. The three of them had fallen into a comfortable routine, meeting at lunch and dinner and making plans to study after.
“There’s that guy she’s been hanging out with, er,” Fitz paused, snapping his fingers, “Sousa! Maybe he knows something,” Fitz pointed to where Sousa was eating a plate of chicken and rice near the entrance to the canteen.
“Are you going to go talk to him?”
Fitz looked back at Daniel, considering his options. On one hand, he had never talked to the guy. What if he said something wrong and made a bad first impression? On the other hand, Fitz needed to make sure Daisy was okay. They had a routine they had agreed to stick to, and if she was off routine, it meant something was wrong.
“Let’s go together,” Fitz half-suggested, half-asked.
Jemma nodded, getting up and walking with Fitz across the cafeteria to stand in front of Daniel.
“Hello,” Jemma started, “Have you seen Daisy lately? We’ve noticed the two of you together recently.”
Fitz stood slightly behind Jemma, fingers weaving themselves together.
Daniel took in the two of them, noticing Jemma’s thumb swiping nervously across her palm.
“Would you like to sit down?” Daniel offered.
“No, thank you, we’d really just like to find Daisy,” Fitz rushed out, looking slightly above Daniel’s eyes as he talked.
Daniel nodded. “Are you guys Fitzsimmons? Daisy talks about you a lot, I’m glad to finally meet you. But to answer your question, I haven’t seen her since third period. Is something wrong?”
Jemma sighed. “She had a bad nightmare last night, but when I left she said she was fine. I went to check on her this morning but she didn’t answer, I assumed she was out for a run.”
Daniel furrowed his brows. Daisy hadn’t mentioned a nightmare. “Is that why she was missing her morning classes?”
“She’s sleep deprived and has a tendency to entirely abandon routines if she doesn’t get off on the right foot. I bet she’s with May,” Jemma said, looking to Fitz for confirmation.
Fitz just nodded, staring at Jemma.
“Great,” Jemma clapped her hands, “Should we go find her?”
It took Daniel a moment to realize the question was directed at him. “Oh, uh, yes, sure,” He stammered, getting up and jogging a bit to catch up to Fitz and Jemma.
“Oof!” Daisy exclaimed. She and May had been sparring for the past couple hours. Hours. Daisy was absolutely exhausted. May was feeling fine.
From the mat, Daisy reached a hand up so May could pull her up. Instead of getting up, though, Daisy pulled hard, flipping May over. May rolled rather chunkily, ending in a position that was half-squatting, half-sitting.
Maybe she was a little more tired than she let on.
“Good one. Next time, roll with the flip, too. If your attacker is faster than you, you could’ve just given them a free shot.”
Daisy got up slowly, dusting herself off and extending a hand out to May.
May nodded. Then Daisy’s world spun, and she was flat on her back.
“Ughh. I deserved that,” Daisy panted.
May smirked, staying on the floor with Daisy.
“Feel any better?”
Daisy shrugged. “I’ll at least sleep hard,” She said, still catching her breath.
“There you are! We’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
Daisy lifted her head off the mat to see Jemma and Fitz walking into the gym. Daniel was behind them.
Daisy sat fully up, allowing Jemma to help her to her feet.
“Sorry guys. I should have called,” Daisy grimaced.
Fitz shrugged, “It’s okay, Dais, we got Daniel to, er, tag along with us. He was a good ‘replacement you’ for a while.”
Daisy looked over to Daniel, who was trying to hide a blush by clearing his throat and looking anywhere but Daisy.
Oh, right. She was wearing nothing but a sports bra and spandex training shorts.
Daisy walked over to the edge of the mat, stretching out her arms and grabbing her SHIELD sweatshirt, tugging it on.
“Thank you, guys, I appreciate the concern,” Daisy checked her watch, “You already ate dinner?”
Jemma and Fitz nodded.
“Okay, I’ll grab something with May and see you at the dorms?”
Fitz gave her a thumbs up and left, Jemma right behind him. May grabbed her water bottle, letting Daisy know that she’d be in the canteen.
“And then there were two,” Daisy laughed nervously, threading her fingers together and shifting from side to side.
Daniel smiled, “And then there were two.”
An uncomfortable silence settled over them.
“Thanks for hanging out with me this morning. You didn’t have to,” Daisy blurted.
Daniel shrugged, frowning, “I wanted to.”
Daisy turned away from Daniel, face heating up. He wanted to hang out with her?
Daisy bent to grab her gym bag. When she turned back around, Daniel was waiting for her.
“You can tell me, you know, if you’re having a rough go of it. I won’t judge,” He stated, calm and collected.
Daisy nodded, unsure how to respond. She rose up onto her tiptoes and rocked back, once, twice, three times before letting out a slow exhale.
“Have you eaten dinner?” She asked.
“Sorta. I was about to eat before I left with Fitz and Simmons,” He said.
“Well, you’re welcome to eat with me and May,” Daisy offered.
Daniel grinned.
“I’ll take your bag.”
They arrived a number of minutes later at the canteen, Daisy offering to take her bag every couple minutes and Daniel readjusting the black duffel on his shoulder, refusing.
May thought they were exceptionally cute.
“Took you long enough,” The short woman said, amusement lacing her words.
Daisy plopped into a seat before Daniel could pull one out.
“I’m gonna go get some grub, I’ll leave you ladies to it,” Daniel announced.
May raised an eyebrow at Daisy, whose face promptly went pink.
“He’s a dork,” She said, “He was awed by my CS homework.”
“Was it the homework, or was it you?”
May shot Daisy a very pointed look, to which Daisy rolled her eyes.
“He’s very square” May observed, watching him over Daisy’s shoulder.
Daniel came up behind her, holding a plate with a cinnamon raisin bagel in one hand and a plate of chicken and rice in the other.
“I didn’t know what else you’d like, but I felt bad for not grabbing you anything.”
May hid a laugh by clearing her throat. Daisy reached out to accept the bagel, avoiding eye contact with May.
After dinner, back at the dorm, Jemma and Daisy were sprawled out on Daisy’s bed. Jemma held her flashcards in her hand, quizzing herself while Daisy talked.
“May says I need ‘closure’, whatever that means. I thought I had closure. I went to his funeral. I hugged his sister!”
Jemma set her cards down, accepting that she wasn’t going to get any more studying done.
“But you don’t know what happened. You were being controlled, you weren’t here. Daisy, you’ve always needed answers. You’ve never been able to leave a problem alone if you didn’t have the full story.”
Daisy sighed. Jemma was right.
“Well… On to happier subjects. Tell me about the new marine bio elective. How’s that going?”
Daisy smiled softly as Jemma’s face lit up and her hands came up to flap excitedly. Jemma went off on several different tangents about the professor’s experiences as a wildlife photographer and the different coral reefs they were studying in class. Daisy tried to listen, really, she did, but she found herself stuck in her head, responding with passive hums and ‘yeah’s.
Eventually, Jemma seemed to run out of steam, her smile still wide and face slightly flushed from how she had been ranting about climate change’s effects on the world’s reefs.
“It’s 10. I’m going to head up to bed.”
Daisy nodded. She had a plan.
She walked with Jemma back down the hall to her room, bidding her a good night. Daisy got back to her room, breathing in the quiet, then settled onto her rug against her bed, laptop sat in front of her. Lines of code danced on the screen, the light from the computer highlighting her face.
“You have to do this. You need closure,” Daisy murmured.
Daisy sat up, stretching. She changed positions several times, finally landing upside down on her bed. She craned her neck to read her clock, 11:23. Last chance to turn back, you know the consequences. You could get kicked out of SHIELD. They won’t trust you anymore.
Daisy pressed enter.
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starry-seongmin · 4 years
The Birthday He Didn’t Expect - Daniel Kim
a/n: i’ll be writing a second part to this which will be combined with a request i received because it fits perfectly with this little fic dedicated to out precious and multi-talented maknae Daniel - Mia
Daniel didn't show it...or at least he tried not to but it was obvious. The young boy was upset and low-key hurt that none of his friends would be able to make it for his birthday.
He understood that some had prior engagements and that some were visiting their families but the feeling of his heart plummeting couldn't be helped.
As the clock struck midnight, his phone started flooding with messages and notifications, wishing him a happy birthday and warm wishes. He was no doubt grateful, as his friends surprised him with a group call to make up for not being there in person.
After the call which extended to almost two hours, one by one his hyungs bid him one last wish and a good bye before logging off for the night.
Putting his phone to charge, he settled under his sheets, getting into a comfortable position. His eyes fell on a picture frame hanging across the room and a soft smile graced his lips.
A bunch of boys were smiling back at him, Daniel standing in between Jay and Seon, leaning on Sunoo's head. The faces and the memories hit him with a wave of nostalgia and despite the warmth that radiated off the picture, the young boy's heart felt empty.
"Happy Birthday...to me...", his hoarse voice echoed within the walls of his room.
Singing the birthday song to himself dolefully, he turned to his side, all snuggled up and gradually gave into his sleep, feeling strangely alone except for the moon peeking through his window to keep the birthday boy company.
As afternoon crept in, Daniel was woken from his deep slumber by none other than a warm smile and an affectionate kiss from his dear mother and of course, free hugs from her.
Receiving a gift and an amazing breakfast to start his day, he felt somewhat better than last night.
As a mother's instincts do, his mother was quickly able to detect something was bothering her precious son.
"What's wrong, dear?", her gentle and comforting voice broke the silence. Daniel shook his head, a sad smile on his baby features. "Nothing, just kind of sad that no one can make it today".
Her heart broke, seeing Daniel trying to keep a strong and stable front. Her hand reached across the table and ruffled his hair, dropping down to caress his cheek.
"I'm sure they wanted to spend your birthday with you, dear. There's always next year, no?", she tried to comfort him.He only nodded in return, finishing the last of his breakfast. "You're right, mom", he smiled bravely. "There's always next year".
Later in the day, Daniel found himself watching baby panda videos while feasting on the home made chocolate cake his mother surprised him with. His mother was at her job after promising to come home early to spend the rest of his birthday.
A knock on the door interrupted him from watching a baby panda rolling among the leaves. Not expecting company or anyone or that matter, the young boy went over to answer the door, mind racking to remember if his mother mentioned anyone dropping by in her absence.
crouching down to be eye-level with the people, he did a double take when he spotted an enlarged face with the widest smile and crinkled eyes. Pulling the door open, he was met by one of his friends who launched himself on the surprised boy, singing the birthday song at the top of his melodious voice.
After the initial shock of the ambush was over with and the both of them were now standing, Daniel closed the door and stared at a jittery Sunoo who was literally buzzing with excitement and energy. “I thought you were busy!! What are you doing here??”, the younger of the two expressed his shock but feeling ecstatic that he won’t be alone for his birthday.
“I did a rain check with my sister and she was very understanding. She says happy birthday to you!”, Sunoo replied, clapping his hands. “Go and get dressed!” he cried, pushing Daniel towards his room. “I have everything planned for today and it will be my gift for you so hurry!!” he ordered a perplexed Daniel who knew better than to resist.
10 minutes later, the now hyperactive teen runs downstairs, skipping three steps at a time. Not finding Sunoo where he left him, he looks in the kitchen to be greeted with a sight he was frankly not surprised to see. Sunoo was wolfing down a large slice of the chocolate cake, thoroughly enjoying it from the animated reactions and noises of satisfaction he let out.
“Hyung, where are we going?”, Daniel asked, signalling his presence as he walks over to him and joins him to finish the slice Sunoo generously cut for himself. “We’re going to the festival..you know the one at the park?”, he replied, his face stuffed. Daniel let out a soft ‘oh’ once he understood what Sunoo tried to say.
An eventful walk to the bus stop filled with laughter and a bus ride later, the two boys entered the park's premises which was bustling with families, friends and even tourists making the place seem exuberant and alive.
Upon entering, they each received a flyer from someone with today's events listed down alongside the time and the part of the park where it was taking place.
Daniel's eyes immediately landed on the dog show which was apparently currently taking place in the left corner of the park. Sunoo, it seemed, had the same idea as he let out a gasp. "Let's check it out before it's too late!", he exclaimed and grabbed Daniel's hand.
Before Daniel could react, he was jerked forward as Sunoo ran towards their destination with only one thing in mind. Doggos.
Good boys and girls of all shapes and sizes with their floppity ears and little paw paws and tails wagging nineteen to the dozen. "Eternal happiness is drawing near!! I can feel it!!", Sunoo cried in exaggeration, hyping up Daniel as they both dodged the crowd and excusing themselves if they bumped into someone.
When they finally ended up at their destination, they were met by a large podium like stage decorated with colourful banners and balloons and on stop of that stage were a dozen or so dogs and puppies of all shapes, sizes and breeds wearing costumes and accessories to stand out. 
Sunoo let out a squeal of excitement and Daniel couldn’t help but exclaim with joy, both of their eyes shining at the wonderful sight. Just then, the announcer commenced the ‘talent show’ and the owners with their little canine companions gathered there began to wow the audience and the judges with the various tricks they had prepared.
During the showcase, Sunoo’s and Daniel’s cheers were the loudest alongside the little kids who got more louder thanks to Sunoo and Daniel, and their exaggerated comments. Daniel’s heart swelled with happiness whenever his eyes fell on Sunoo. He was truly grateful and blessed to have a friend like him in his life and at that moment, he vowed to himself to be the bestest friend Sunoo will ever have.
After the show ended, the owners and their pets awarded, the two boys didn’t hesitate to ask the owners permission to play with the dogs and take pictures. A little boy was watching the dogs with a hesitant smile on his face and keeping his distant. Daniel noticed the boy’s hesitance and beckoned him over. The little boy waddled over to him, holding on to his mother’s hand and hiding behind her. 
“Are you scared?”, Daniel spoke softly and the boy only nodded in return. “He’s also very shy but adores animals”, the mother explained. “Do you want to pet him?”, Daniel asked, lifting the brown pup he was holding. At the boy’s positive response, Daniel walked over to them and got on his knees to be at eye level with the toddler.
Reassuring the kid with his gentle and calming voice apparently did wonders as the boy was encouraged and assured that nothing will happen to him whilst his mother and Daniel were there. The small hand finally reached out and hesitantly touched the head of the small dog and the cautious pats slowly turned to loving and carefree ones as the boy slowly but definitely got accustomed. 
The mother gave a grateful smile to Daniel who seemed proud and content with himself to be of help and make a kid’s day. Both boys were now playing with the small animal and having the time of their lives when Sunoo’s voice called out to Daniel, telling him that they have to check out other things at the festival.
When completely assured by the mother that she can handle from now on wards, he bid one last final good bye to the both of them and even exchanged a high five with the little boy before joining Sunoo who clapped his back. “I’m hungry...there’s this stall with live barbecue”, he exclaimed, hand rubbing his stomach.
“Is Sunoo hyung going to treat me today? It is my birthday after all”, Daniel whined and played along with his hyung’s aegyo. “Of course I am!”, Sunoo exclaimed, offended at Daniel doubting him in the first place. The birthday boy let out a giggle and clapped his hands, placing them on Sunoo’s shoulder as the both of them ran in search of the particular food stall.
Even though only one of his friends was able to make it for his birthday, Daniel felt elated and truly blessed to have someone like Sunoo in his life as the both of them laughed and the shorter one announced a surprise race to the stall which was now in view before picking up speed. Not wanting to lose and give bragging rights to Sunoo, Daniel put his long legs to use and soon ran past Sunoo, waving him along the way as he finally reached the crowded food stall, jumping in victory as Sunoo finally reached him with a playful pout.
It was surely one of his best birthdays all thanks to his favorite hyung.
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jynxes · 3 years
Leather n’ Red - Reggie Peters
Summary: Much like the deceased boys of Sunset Curve, Duchess died right before the gig that could’ve been her band’s big break. Thing is, she left the dark room a little earlier than they did, made a couple friends and learned a few tricks. What will happen when she and the boys can be seen when singing with Julie, the only alive person that can see them all? 
Paring: Reggie Peters x Duchess Himura (OC)
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: This is my first JATP fic so I’m sorry if some parts seem ooc. Also this book can be found on Wattpad if you prefer to read it there.
Prologue // The Ballerina Necklace
June 25, 2005, The Orpheum
"Come on! One, two, three!" Marisa yells, hitting her drumsticks together before we begin the soundcheck.
Danielle begins strumming her guitar and we start singing.
"Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together I need the other one to hold you Make you feel, make you feel better It's not a walk in the park to love each other But when our fingers interlock, can't deny, can't deny, you're the worth it
Some things just, some things just make sense And one of those is you and I Some things just, some things just make sense And even after all this time
I'm into you Baby not a day goes by that I'm not into you
I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you And even baby our worst nights I'm into you, I'm into you Let 'em wonder how we got this far, 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah after all this time I'm still into you I'm still into you I'm still into you."
We finish and Danielle runs over to my mic, "We're Moonrise Edge!"
"Tell your friends!" I chime in with a smile and pick up my keytar from the song before Still Into You. We're all smiling and can't wait for tonight, tonight we're the opening act in the Orpheum, I KNOW, how amazing is that?!
"We KILLED that sound check! It was amazing!" Marisa says after giving me a quick kiss.
"Yeah, too bad it was only a soundcheck. Tonight is gonna be amazing though, it's gonna be PACKED with people and we're definitely gonna get signed by a label if we perform like that," Dani brags.
"For sure! Then we're gonna sell a bunch of albums and get a tour!" I begin adding onto the fantasy we're gonna live after we perform tonight.
"Wow, you guys were great," a voice says, and we turn, who is it but rock god TREVOR WILSON.
While I'm too busy freaking out internally Marisa is completely calm, "Thanks dude, we can't wait to open for you tonight."
"It is gonna be awesome," Dani grins.
"Oh! We didn't introduce ourselves, I'm Marisa, this is Danielle, or Dani," she says pointing to the dark-skinned girl, "And finally this is Duchess or Doll," the Hispanic girl points to me.
"Well I think you're definitely gonna go far," Trevor compliments, "What got you guys into music?"
"Thanks," I finally find my voice, "We were always kinda into music but then we heard of this old band that was kinda big like, I don't know, ten years ago? It was called Sunset Curve, some of them died from like food poisoning or something. Anyway, we heard their demo and loved it so much that we wanted to become a band."
"Yeah, that's why we chose the name 'Moonrise Edge' because of 'Sunset Curve' it was supposed to be a bit like a joke but then we started getting gig so it kinda stuck," Marisa adds on.
"Oh, okay, well I gotta go do my soundcheck," Trevor says hurriedly, seeming to get really nervous.
"Okay, see you later," Dani yells after him.
"That was weird," Marisa says.
"Yeah, it was. I wonder what it was all about," I say before putting my hand in the pocket of my leather jacket, feeling around.
"He's famous, famous people are always weird and doing weird stuff," Dani rationalizes, when I feel nothing in my pockets, I begin patting down my red flannel skirt.
"Whatever, let's just get back to our dressing room," Marisa suggests, then she turns to me, "What is with you? What are you looking for?"
"I can't find my necklace," I say, fumbling in my bag, "Where is it?"
"Why do you even need your necklace?" Dani says, "I know it's your lucky charm, but we just played that soundcheck and crushed it, meaning you don't need it to play well."
"I know, I know, it's just that I've had the necklace for each of our gigs and we always crushed it. Soundchecks don't matter, the gigs do, so it's the same with the necklace," I explain, I've had the necklace with me for each milestone of the band. When we heard Sunset Curve's demo, when we formed Moonrise Edge, when we got our first gig and finally when we were asked to play the Orpheum.
"Look, it might be in the dressing room, let's check, yeah?" Marisa says helpfully.
"Okay, yeah, let's check," I say, and we enter the dressing room. We search and we search, and we search, and the necklace is nowhere to be found.
"Wait, I think I remember where it is!" Dani yells suddenly.
"Where? Where?" I ask worriedly.
"Do you remember when we were at Mari's and we were getting changed?"
"Yeah," I say, "Get to the point!"
"It fell off in Mari's room. I told you when we were leaving, and I thought you got it because you were the last to leave. You mustn't have heard me," Dani sighs.
"Oh damn!" I facepalm, "What time is it?"
"Right now it is 6:17pm," Marisa looks at the clock.
"Okay, it's a ten-minute drive each way, just drive to mine and you'll be back with plenty of time to perform," Marisa says calmly, trying to soothe my nerves.
"Okay, okay, I'll go get it, Dani do you mind if I take your car?" I ask, while grabbing my bag.
"Sure, think fast," she says, throwing me her keys.
I catch them and begin running out the door, "I'll be right back!"
"See you, I love you, Doll," Marisa shouts.
"I love you too Mari!"
I get into Dani's car and turn the key, I reverse out of the parking spot and get out onto the road. I take the right turn and stop at the red light. I go ahead when the light turns green but suddenly, I'm going sideways, I feel a pain in my side then all I can see is black.
July 15, 2020
I've been in this dark room for like forty-five minutes now. It's pretty boring. Basically what happened was that when I began driving again after the light turned green some asshole decided not to stop for HIS red light and he hit into me. The car turned sideways and smashed into a building, I was dead before the car stopped moving. Then I floated out of the car, I knew I was dead, and I was transported to this weird dark room. And here I am.
I start to hear music, then I realize it's Still Into You from the Moonrise Edge demo, then the music is distorted, and the ground of the dark room seems to dissolve.
I scream a little as I fall on my back. I then stand up and look around, I'm in someone's room. Then I hear the voice of a little boy.
"Who are you?" I turn around and see a Latino boy about ten or eleven with his jaw dropped.
"I- uh, I'm Duchess, who are you?" I stutter out.
"I'm Carlos, what are you doing in my room?"
"I actually have no idea," I tell him, "Last thing I remember is dying and then being in this dark room with nothing in it."
"You're dead?!" he exclaims.
"Yeah, wait, you're not? Where even am I?" I'm getting really confused now.
"You're in my room," he repeats from before, "In Los Feliz. How did you die?"
"I- Los Feliz? Wait, that where Mari lives," I realize, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
"Who's Mari?" Carlos asks.
"Mari's my girlfriend, the drummer in my band," I overexplain to him for some reason.
"You're in a band? Cool! What's it called?"
"Moonrise Edge, we were supposed to play the Orpheum last night," I say, running my hand through my dark hair, "Wait, I wonder what they did, since I died and everything. Do you know what they did?"
"No, but I can look it up if you want," he says.
"Sure," I say.
"I'll be right back," he says before leaving the room. I walk around the room, looking at a baseball bat in the corner and a jersey lying on the bed with the number 7 on it.
Then Carlos comes rushing back into the room with some kind of device in his hand, "Okay, I've got my iPad, now what was the band called again?"
"Uh, Moonrise Edge," I say, suspicious of this 'iPad' device.
"Wow, you were in a band, and you did die, but not last night," he says, after typing on the device.
"What do you mean not last night?" I say, super confused at this point.
"You died in 2005, right?"
"Well it's not 2005 anymore," he says carefully.
"What do you mean it's not 2005 anymore? I was only in that dark room for like forty-five minutes!"
"It's now 2020, you died fifteen years ago," he explains.
"Okay, uh, calm down, it's okay. It's okay, look, you're not alone anymore, you've got me. I'll help you with anything you need," Carlos tries to comfort me.
"But-but it wasn't that long, how has it been fifteen years?" I question.
"That, I don't know. All I know is that I'm here to keep you company, if you want. I can help you find out what happened to your bandmates, you parents or whatever and I'll get you up to speed on what you missed."
"You'd do that for me? Why?"
"Because, ghosts are pretty cool," he says simply.
"Okay aha, can we start with what happened to my bandmates?" I ask him.
"Yeah sure," he sits on his bed and ushers me to sit next to him.
"This," he points to the device in his hand, "is an iPad, it's like a computer but it's just the screen and it has a touchscreen, you use it like this," he explains, swiping his finger along the surface.
He then explains to me how to search things on it and looks up what happened to Dani and Marisa. Apparently, they went on and played the Orpheum gig without me, which I'm not mad about I mean they worked as hard as I did to get there, they deserved to play the gig. After playing they split up the band after that, believed to have done it out of respect for me, and became solo acts. Mari got signed to a label and was asked to join a band named 4 Orchids they've done a few tours and now she's living somewhere in New York. Dani went on to become a solo act and was also signed onto a label, she's done tours and collaborations and now she's living in San Francisco.
Carlos told me that if I wanted to stay in the garage behind his house. He told me that it was his mom's studio but ever since she sadly passed away last year no one's went into it. I thanked him and told him I was gonna stick around.
Then I decided to go and explore the streets of Los Angeles, see how things have changed since I died. I got to meet some cool celebrities that are dead, but I didn't make any friends today. I got to see Marilyn Monroe, gotta say, she's as hot in person as she was on film.
Before I go back to Carlos's house, I go to the house that Mari used to live in, which turns out to be next door to Carlos's. She doesn't live there anymore, but her parents do.
I walk in the hall and see the photos of Mari growing up, a couple pictures of her now and a picture of Mari, Dani and I before our first gig when we were 15. Then when I go into the living room where I see Mari's parents, Lydia and Victor, are watching something on TV. I see more picture of Mari with her parents, some with Mari and me, one of our unofficial pictures from prom, some with Mari and Dani and some with Mari and her cousins.
I go up the stairs and see Mari's bed is more or less the same as it was when I was still alive. When I go to her desk, I see my necklace lying there with a sticky note, 'Doll's necklace' is what's written. I lift my necklace and inspect the charm, the ballerina dangling from the chain. I take it and clasp it around my neck before leaving to go to Carlos's garage.
I explore Carlos's mom's studio and it's kinda cool. Up in the loft there are drums and a couple guitars, and also a bag of clothes, I don't know who owns the clothes so I'm not gonna take them. I check out the couch and it seems pretty comfortable, I lay down on it and try to go to sleep. After a few hours I realize that I don't actually need sleep, but it's an easy way to pass time.
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
i’ve seen quite a bit of meta floating around abt sam’s situation vs tory’s and how that enhances their rivalry but i’ve seen v little abt how how fighting itself means different things to them and how i personally think that rly shows itself in the school brawl so i’m going to babble on abt that for a min.
so to recap what most ppl already pinned down: tory and sam’s beef isn’t just about miguel. far from. tbvh i’d ever argue it’s mostly *not* about miguel but he factors into the situation so strongly bc miguel is the *one* thing tory had that (at the time) sam didn’t. it isn’t just abt him, it’s abt what he represents. it’s abt sam seemingly (re)staking her claim to one of the only good things in tory’s life. from tory’s perspective she has very little in contrast to sam. sam lives in wealthy encino, has her own car, a membership at a country club, and participates in karate bc she’s a legacy child and to do so is at her leisure. her dad has his own personal dojo she can practice in whenever she wants and oh yeah, her lessons are free bc her dad is her sensei. sam who could easily afford karate lessons doesn’t even have to, her dad actually jumps at the chance to give them to her.
tory has to work for everything that’s hers and then some, supporting a mother with frail health and taking care of her bby brother. tory’s life is more precarious and vulnerable than sam’s bc of her financial and living situation, and frankly, she needs self-defense skills more than sam does. remember when she’s at the store with aisha and describes to her how some perv tried to grab her, a move she then blocked? how she stabbed him in the face with her duster/bracelet??
i feel like the gravity of that is lost on most ppl bc in context, tory’s almost bragging abt it and showing off a lil bit. and why wouldn’t she?? she thinks aisha is a badass, she saw her breaking boards blindfolded!!! she thinks aisha is cool and she wants aisha to think she’s cool too, so she’s telling her smth abt herself that she correctly feels aisha would admire. but context aside, it’s v scary and sad that tory was in a situation where she had to do that.
tory had kickboxing training even before she joined cobra kai. going off some of her dialogue to miguel, abt how some ppl in this world have to fight for everything they have, i’m going to assume her safety applies here. given that her financial situation is so precarious, i don’t think tory would’ve taken kickboxing classes unless she felt like she had to. like— don’t get me wrong, tory clearly enjoys fighting. it’s prolly a good way to relieve all the stress she’s under, having head of household responsibilities at 16/17. but we see in s3 when her mom can’t rly work anymore and therefore she has to work even more herself, tory leaves the dojo specifically bc she can’t afford lessons. so that leads me to believe that even if tory enjoys fighting, she wouldn’t spend money on it unless doing so was of necessity to her.
tory does not live in a world of stability. her mother’s health is precarious and unstable. her financial situation is precarious and unstable. even working two jobs she didn’t have enough to cover rent. it was so, so heartbreaking but u could see it in her eyes that she was considering the landlord’s offer. she was considering sleeping with some gross ass adult man who berated and belittled her just to have the stability of a home. imho she would’ve done it if kreese didn’t handle the situation (and he definitely didn’t do so for selfless reasons, but that’s another matter entirely so i’m not gonna go into that).
sam, on the other hand, doesn’t just have stability, she has luxury. again, the big house, her own car, wealthy, supportive, healthy parents who have the time and the means to be there for her and provide her with whatever she wants, let alone needs. fighting is v different for sam. from sam’s perspective, karate is meditation. karate is a way to find balance, to center yourself and spiritually connect with your body. karate is recreation and sport, tournaments where rules ensure everyone’s safety at the end of the day and fighting with honor scores u points while fighting with dishonor gets u disqualified. where fighting with honor is “fair” and fighting without honor is “dirty.” 
now, i know sam *theoretically* understands karate from the self-defense perspective too. bc she’s heard daniel’s stories. bc she used it against kyler when he made her uncomfortable. bc she and robby got into it at the mall to come to demetri’s defense, thereby actively protecting another person. but sam does not have daniel’s lived experiences of struggling with poverty or being put into harm’s way as gravely as daniel was in his youth (at least not until the school brawl, i’m getting there). sam never had to stab a pervert in the face bc he predated upon her and grabbed her. sam did face bullying, yes, but as hurtful as being slut-shamed on the internet is, her safety was not threatened in that situation the way tory’s safety has been threatened, nor the way her father’s safety was threatened in his youth.
i definitely think the context of their situations influences how each thinks of fighting. tory intimately understands fighting for survival in a way sam does not, in a way sam simply cannot relate to. tory doesn’t adhere to the rules the way sam does bc rules have never done shit for her. actually, the rules themselves keep her down, her mother got fired from her job at the restaurant precisely bc she was bringing home leftovers to feed her hungry children. tory has no reason to distinguish between dishonorable fighting and honorable fighting bc at the end of the day, fighting is a necessity for tory in a way that it is not a necessity for sam. tory doesn’t fight to win points or to meditate, or to spiritually connect with her body. tory fights for self-preservation.
from sam’s perspective, tory fights “dirty.” from tory’s perspective, sam lives in a fantasy world where there’s some kind of manufactured distinction between fighting “fair” and “dirty” only for those who have the security and luxury to made that very distinction. to tory, fighting is fighting and that’s that. to sam, fighting is a discipline, an art, a tradition, and is meant to be practiced with a level of etiquette shown to your opponent. bc that’s what tory is to sam, an opponent. but sam isn’t an opponent to tory— she’s an enemy. these are not the same things.
i think the way tory and sam understand fighting really rears its head in the school brawl. tory’s had it with sam, she’s had beef with her since the moment sam accused her of stealing and it reaches its tipping point during the party bc first, sam beats her in the drinking competition, embarrassing her in front of everyone, and then she goes and kisses miguel. who isn’t just tory’s bf, but one of the only good things in her life at that moment.
on top of that, like, okay, tory is v aware miguel used to date sam. so when she’s dating miguel herself, i think she does take a kind of satisfaction in that, in knowing she’s “taken” miguel from the pretty, privileged princess who has everything else, pretty privileged princess who once accused her of stealing and would then go on to mock and ridicule her. i think it increases the sting for tory when sam follows up beating her in the contest with kissing miguel not just bc she’s hurt, but bc it’s an added slap in the face that sam “reclaimed” this one good thing tory thought she’d managed to “take” from her.
come the school brawl and sam is aware tory’s angry. tory announces on the damn loud speaker she’s coming for her, prolly to embarrass her in front of everyone the way sam embarrassed her the night before. fight ensues and they’re matching each other p well, i’d say tory mostly retains the upper hand bc she had the element of offense on her side while sam’s blows were primarily defensive…it’s slightly in tory’s favor but rly could go either way until the point where tory breaks out the spiked knuckle duster/bracelet.
if u look at sam’s face after tory puts it on, like…she’s shocked. she’s frightened. she was not anticipating that at all. tory on the other hand, has a mocking expression and from her tone, i kind of think she’s reveling in sam’s reaction. bc tory knows full well sam has never had to fight the way she has. sam’s never actually had her safety compromised so it’s like. utterly incomprehensible to her the moment it happens. 
tory is the first person who has ever actually threatened sam’s safety and tory knows that, and she relishes it. from tory’s perspective, sam is just as foolish as she is pampered, and she gets to be the one to snatch sam’s sense of security away from her the moment she introduces a weapon to the situation and shows sam; ‘no, this isn’t just a karate match. i actually want to hurt you, and i am going to use whatever i have to do that.’
and…i think she was just trying to hurt sam, personally. ik a lot of the ck fandom thinks tory wanted to kill sam. and i actually think sam herself thinks tory wanted to kill her bc of the visceral reaction she has to tory afterwards. sam has ptsd after the school brawl and it’s not just bc of tory, it’s clearly also bc of what happened to miguel. what robby did to miguel out of anger, anger not created by— but definitely inflamed by —the fact miguel and sam shared a smooch. but sam also has nightmares of tory trying to kill her and it’s tory’s voice that makes her freeze up during the fight at the laser tag place.
i think sam also inevitably associates tory with what happened to miguel, bc while robby, not tory kicked him over the railing, it was tory who started the brawl. and miguel went upstairs specifically bc he was trying to get tory off of sam. he followed them up there bc he was tryna calm tory down. so i think that’s also why sam is so shook by tory after, that inevitable association with miguel’s fall/coma. but i defo think bc tory was the first person who ever actually threatened sam’s safety for real, sam felt like tory was going to kill her. and to be fair, when tory gets sam on the floor and yanks her hair back, it appears that she’s doing so specifically to expose her face/throat area as she pulls her opposite arm back to stab.
sooo with that i 100% understand why so much of the ck fandom and sam herself would think tory was tryna kill her, but i personally don’t think that. i think she was trying to scar her face. i think tory might have specifically been aiming for the mouth bc she wanted to punish sam for the kiss. stabbing/slicing her mouth would be targeting a place on sam specifically associated with the incident that pushed tory’s anger over the edge.
i also think it’s entirely probable tory was just unleashing all of her built up stress on sam during that fight. tory was more aggressive not just bc she’s the one more pissed off but bc her nerves are fucking fried. she throws all of her negative emotions in the brawl and she has infinitely more of those than sam, created by her precarious and fraught living situation wherein she’s had to endure much more hardship than sam and she’s constantly on her guard, fully aware of how fragile any semblance of stability she manages to carve out for herself/her family is. while sam, on the other hand, gets to live in what must appear to tory as this soft, fuzzy fantasy world where mom and dad take care of all the important stuff and sam doesn’t have to worry abt a thing.
i maintain that i don’t believe tory was tryna kill sam, but i do believe she rly wanted to hurt her. and she did…sam is hospitalized after the fight. tory goes back to cobra kai to train for the next one. bc that’s what tory’s life is, one fight after the next. she doesn’t have the luxury of treating karate as a means for meditation or recreation like sam does. and i truly think that impacts that dynamic more than often given credit for.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 155
Chapter Summary - Danielle and Tom spend their two weeks by the seaside enjoying themselves and thinking over what they plan for the future.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
Copyright for the photo is the owners, not mine. All image rights belong to their owners
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @wolfsmom1 @black-ninja-blade
Danielle inhaled deeply and stuck her head under the water again, pulling herself through the waves for as long as felt comfortable before taking another deep breath of air and continuing.
Having calculated how far she needed to swim to meet her training requirements the day previous, she checked her watch and made for the shoreline. Pulling herself from the water, she smiled at seeing Tom waiting for her with Mac on the beach.
“Do you need a rest before we start?” He smiled, handing her the pair of shoes she had given to him for after her swim.
“No rest on the day, come on.” She smiled back as she put them. “And remember I have small legs.”
Laughing, Tom turned to head to the road. “And you just did a mile and a half swim.” He added.
“That too.” Danielle laughed as they jogged off, Mac in tow.
“Am I going too fast?” Tom asked as Danielle increased her speed halfway through their run.
“I need to push myself.” She declared as she continued.
Mac trotted happily beside them, elated at the early morning run as the hot days meant he and Bobby were forced to hide in the shade and cool tiled floor of the house. Bobby was still too young to go jogging so he was safely back at the house with Poppy, asleep in his bed.
For seven miles, Tom and Danielle ran a fast enough pace before coming to the carpark they had left the car in beside the beach once more. When they came to a halt, Tom inhaled deeply. “Is the route that uneven on the day?” He asked, referencing the Ironman.
“Not that they have given the maps for, no. But if you are prepared for shitty terrain, then easy terrain will be simple.” Danielle informed him. “Did you talk to your cousins, about your aunt?”
“Yes, Laura will be making more of an effort to get her to settle down with her badgering yet spend time with her, sans Rupert.”
“Good, it's not healthy to be more obsessed with your dog than your children.” She stretched her leg out. “I am going to walk the dogs tomorrow at this time, are you coming?”
“Yep.” Tom smiled loving the idea of an early morning walk. “I can't wait to see what Bobby makes of the water here.”
“He's a spaniel, chances are he'll have to be forcibly removed from it.”
Tom laughed at her words. “Most likely, yes.” He placed Mac in the car and tied his harness to the belt clip to keep him safe. “Elle?” Danielle looked at him and smiled. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Taking the time from work to come here, for getting your work and ignoring it rather than cutting into our time with my extended family.”
“I need to balance my home and work life. You matter more to me than that job. I love my job, I really do but between you and it, you win.” She leant up and kissed him.
Tom was taken back, not by the show of affection or even the declaration, though both were bold but the fact that it was outdoors, anyone could see them and she dismissed it all to reassure him that her love for him was more important than being seen by some bottom feeding photographer. “You wouldn't risk your happiness at work for us too much though, would you?”
Danielle's brow furrowed. “How do you mean?”
“Well, if it was us or being a Safety officer?”
“Depends on the circumstances. If I was being forbidden by you to work, then no, I wouldn't allow it. If it was a choice of it and you and it was dragging me from what makes me happy then I'd drop it like it's hot.” She shrugged. “Why?”
“Just asking.” He stated, going to the back seat of the car to get her a towel as she was still damp from her swim before their run.
“I worry with some of your questions sometimes. It always feels like there's more to them.” She commented before taking the towel. “Thank you.”
“I am a normal person who on occasion asks odd questions when I think of them, the same as every other person on the planet.” Tom defended before getting into the driver's seat. Danielle said nothing else before getting in the passenger side. “I am also considering upgrading my car.”
“Is there an upgraded version of free?”
Tom chuckled. “Not that I'm aware.”
“Up to yourself.” Danielle shrugged. “But don't go too mad, this thing already takes up a lot of the driveway, so no stretch Hummer or something similar.”
“Well, that's my plans ruined.” Tom laughed as they headed back to the house as Danielle laughed beside him.
Over the first week, Danielle and Tom spent the most of it in the company of his family, knowing that the following week, they would have the place to themselves.
Danielle spent time with Diana and Emma mostly, but also Sarah on occasion. She insisted that she would mind the Duchess while they went out for tea but the Hiddleston women were disgusted at the mere thought and instead told her that their fathers would mind both girls, that she was to come also.
Tom spent time being an uncle, something he did not get to do with enough regularity in his opinion. With his busy work schedule, he had not been able to invest as much time in being there for his older niece as he wanted but for the week they were on the one house, he ensured that he played with her and spent time getting his younger niece used to his face. In fact, Lucy beamed brightly at her silly faced uncle when he came over and acknowledged her. He also spent time with Jack and Yakov; as again, his busy life meaning he rarely saw them. His sisters he was more often in the company of but that did not indicate that they often met.
Come the end of the first week, the family was saddened to be going their separate ways once more, even with an argument or two, as is natural, the week was incredibly pleasant.
Saying goodbye to the family, Tom and Danielle relished in the fact they had another week to enjoy the seaside.
“Stop bragging.” Emma growled as she hugged Danielle close.
“I didn't say anything.”
“You don't need to, I can see the look on your face.”
“I will be back next week for the wedding.” Danielle promised.
“You don't…”
“I'll be there.” She reiterated. “You want to go to this. Diana and I will spoil Lucy in your absence.”
“Thank you.” Jack smiled, giving her a hug also. “We will see you then.”
“Drive safe.” Tom grinned, joining them.
“And you two better not get up to too much mischief.” Jack joked.
“Damn, they're onto us.” Danielle joked. “No parties.” She held her hand up like she was swearing an oath.
To a chorus of laughs, Danielle and Tom said goodbye to the last of the Hiddleston clan to leave, leaving them to the large home for them and their dogs.
As soon as Emma and Jack's car left the drive, went down the road and out of sight, Tom and Danielle walked back inside. By the time Tom had closed the front door and turned around, Danielle had taken off the open plaid shirt she had been wearing over a string top. “I need to find shorts to wear.” She commented, playfully grinning at Tom. “Or perhaps just my panties and bra.” Tom's eyes widened. “I think I brought those black ones, didn't….oh I'm wearing them.”
“If you are just teasing me…”
“Come upstairs and find out.” She smiled, sashaying her hips as she went up the stairs.
Tom barely locked the front door before rushing up after her, scooping her into his arms when they got to the top of the stairs before carrying her to the bedroom and placing her on the bed, kissing her as he did while leaning over her, her hands going immediately to his ass.
“No, I'm not getting up.” She groaned, curling into the pillow.
“What about walking the boys?”
Danielle sighed before forcing herself to stretch. “Fine.”
They got ready in relative quiet before grabbing the dogs and getting into the car.
Usually, Tom had no issue with driving but he requested that Danielle do so specifically. It was odd but Danielle had no issue doing so. She noticed Tom seemed somewhat distracted on their journey but said nothing. On their walk, though he spoke on occasion, it was clear Tom was thinking of other things.
They got to the place that both Tom and Danielle swore they would go on a non-training day, on top the cliffs that showed the beautiful white-rocked coastline that made the section of Southern England so iconic, both making comments of the beautiful scenery as they walked.
“These are the places that make you think about life.” Danielle smiled, sighing as she looked at the sun, though still only half way to rising in the clear sky, the water glistening below and the cliffs looking radiantly white.
“And what do you find yourself thinking of it?” Tom inquired.
“Just how happy I am. The weather is good, it's a lovely few days break, this place is so beautiful, I really enjoyed having your family around for a couple of days, work is ticking by well with the new office and we are doing really incredibly, I think anyway, and I can honestly say, overall, I am really happy.” She smiled, looking to Tom to see his reaction.
For his part, Tom felt elated at the analogy of her life and her happiness with him. “So you never regret moving in with me?”
“Well, the toilet seat thing drives me barmy at four in the morning, but no, I don't.” She professed. “What about you, are you happy?”
“More so than I thought possible. Two years ago...Jesus, when I think back…”
“Don't, don't think back, no one wants to think back to that.” Danielle laughed.
“I am so grateful for how things turned out, how we turned out.”
“Do you think if worth it? Your summer of madness?”
“I do now.” He nodded. Tom smiled at her before looking across the water. “I think back two years and also wonder what lies ahead.”
“We all do that. I think back to two years ago. I loved being a paramedic, being able to help people but I love my work more now and the more I do, the more I think of. Say a year from now and how much more I will have learnt, how much more we will have done together.” Danielle's smile was a content one as she thought of perhaps having a similar conversation with Tom in a year's time atop the cliffs again, that would be something to covet in her opinion. “What about you?”
“Something similar.” Tom confessed, startled as to how Danielle had turned the conversation to the future, something he had wanted to discuss with her. “But I hope to see other new things in it too.”
“Such as?”
Tom inhaled deeply and forced himself to say what he had been thinking over for longer than he would care to admit. “Well, given how long Irish people seem to like to have engagements, I hope that perhaps we could be discussing the final requirements for a wedding.”
Danielle frowned, having been listening to Tom's words as she looked out to the ocean as she processed them but on that statement, she turned and faced Tom again, startled to see him at her nervously before getting on one knee with a ring box open in his hand. “What?” her voice shook from what she was seeing.
“Danielle Constance Hughes, would you please consider doing me the immense honour of becoming my wife?”
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layce2015 · 4 years
Life is Strange 2 (Sean Diaz x Reader)
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Chapter 6: Rules
Episode 1 Materlist
Once upon a time...In a wild...wild world...there were two wolf brothers, living in their home lair with their papa wolf... They all lived happily together, but...one day...hunters took their Dad away...Forever. So now the brothers were alone... and they had to find a new home...They started a journey...through the great big forest.
The wolf brothers wandered for days and nights, learning how to live on their own...for the first time...there they met a friendly fox, who was also alone...just like the wolf brothers. She joined them on their journey as she, too, was looking for a new home...as her old home didn't want her around.
They slept in the backwoods among creepy creatures, and barely ate anything. They eventually found a peaceful orchard, and were able to eat in peace...But they didn't know...Hunters tried to tie them up...but the wolf brothers and the fox managed to escape, with the help of a friendly bear. He showed them how to survive, and helped them find a warm camp for the night.
That's when the fox and the big brother discovered...that the little one...was not an ordinary wolf...but a superwolf! That's how they found themselves even further, headed to the faraway land of the wolf brothers papa, where they and their new friend hope...to find peace.
"Try with this one." Sean said to Daniel as we stand in the snowy ground and starting at a couple of large rocks. "That one's too easy! Look!" Daniel said. "Don't brag! It was too heavy for you a few days ago!" I said to him. Daniel has his arm extended, and he lifts the rock in front of us. It hovers in the air for a few moments before plummeting to the ground. "Let's try to lift something else. Not too heavy though. I'm a little tired." He said and Sean and I nod then we look around for a target.
"You could...try and lift Mushroom!" I suggested to him. "Are you kidding?! I don't want to hurt her!" Daniel exclaimed and I chuckle. "Yeah, yeah, you're probably right. Let's leave the puppy out of this." I said as Sean looks across the creek and points at the rock on the other side. "How about trying out that rock over there. Just one more time." He said. "We already tried yesterday, and the day before! It's too far! I can't reach it!" Daniel whined. "Just...one more time." Sean said to him.
Daniel tries for a moment before giving up. "I'm so close! I can feel it!" He said and I walk over to the shooting range and look at the cans on top of a tree stump. "How about those cans? Can you fly them all together without dropping any?" I asked him. "Sure! Look!" Daniel said and he stares and concentrates on the cans until they started flying. "That's awesome, dude! You're getting way better at this." Sean said as I pat Daniel's shoulder.
Sean walks over to the large rock in the middle of the path the points at it. "How about that one?" Sean asked Daniel. "I can do it with the small rocks but not the big ones..." Daniel said with worry. "You can do this...Trust me...Just relax. Focus..." Sean said as he places his hands on Daniel's shoulders and stands behind him. "I'll try..." Daniel said and he focuses and successfully lifts the rock.
"Whoa..." he said in awe.
"Holy shit!" Sean and I shout.
"I did it!" Daniel said once he lands the rock safely in the snow. "Like a boss!" I said as he and I high-five each other. "You're getting good at this!" Sean said as he high-fives Daniel. Then Daniel walks over to Mushroom and bends down while she jumps up and down. "You see that, Mushroom? That was the biggest rock ever!" He said to his dog.
"Come on dude, that's just the start...Let's try something else..." Sean said then he bends down and makes a snowball. "Cool! You're like Coach Aaron! You're my power coach!" He said then he notices the snowball in Sean's hand.
"A snowball fight...?" He asked. "Not yet...This is a new exercise, young apprentice...See if you can stop this in the air...Cool?" Sean asked. "Okay, but you better not hit me...Like that time you gave me a bruise! Serious!" Daniel said. "You won't let me...Right?" Sean asked him. "Try it..." Daniel said and I look between the two brothers. "This won't end well." I muttered.
Sean throws the snowball but Daniel didn't stop it. "Aw, that sucked...How about one more?" Daniel asked and Sean throws another snowball and, this time, Daniel successfully stops it in mid-air. "Yes! Look! Look what I can do, guys!" Daniel said and I clap at this. "I knew that you could...(y/n) and I have taught you well...But you...You're a master student..." Sean said when Daniel starts coughing.
"Hey, that still sounds nasty...You're not getting better..." I said as Sean and I go over to him. "I told you guys, I'm fine...just...a little beat..." Daniel said as Sean puts his hand on Daniel's shoulder. "Well...You need to rest now. Superhero..." Sean said to him.
"Can we go back now?" Daniel asked us. "Yeah. Let's just fill up the canteens before we head back." Sean said and we began to make our way to the dock, while Daniel continues to cough. "That cough has been going on for days, Daniel...I really don't like that." Sean said. "Yeah, neither do I." I said.
"I told you guys. I'm fine. We've just...been outside for a while." Daniel said. "You did awesome today Daniel." I said to him. "She's right! I'm really proud of you. We've been practicing for just a few weeks, but...your progress is...crazy." Sean said to him. "Yeah, I'm proud of you, too." I said. "Thank you guys. I couldn't have done it without your help." Daniel said as Sean and I grab the canteens at the edge of the dock.
"Here we go..." Sean said as I grab my canteen and Daniel takes his canteen from Sean. "The helitanker is over the wildfire zone. Get ready for water extraction, Ranger Diaz!" Daniel said as he uses his power to fill his canteen, meanwhile Sean and I were filling ours by putting ours into the cold water.
"Nice work, Daniel...Glad to see our training sessions are paying off..." I said to him and he smiles. "Thanks to you two! Sooo glad I don't have to touch that water...It's too fucking cold..." he said and Sean and I look at him. "Uh...Oops? Sorry. I said fucking..." He said, embarrassed. "Yeah, dude. Watch it. Seriously." Sean tells him. "Okay..." Daniel said.
After we fill our canteens, we start make our way towards our little cabin in the woods. Suddenly, Mushroom runs over to a burrow and wags her tail, barking. "What--What did you find, Shroom?" Daniel asked as he runs over Mushroom. "Awww, come on! Not again! We've gotta leave these poor bunnies alone!" He said to the dog. "Hey! It's been a while since we last saw that rabbit who lives in there." I said as I look at the burrow. "Yeah...I hope it wasn't eaten by a bear or...worse..." said Daniel.
"What's worse than a bear, enano?" Sean asked him. "I don't know...Wolves?" Daniel said. "Don't worry. We're the only wolves around." Sean assures him and Daniel smiles. "Owoooooo!" Daniel howls and I chuckle at this.
"Guys...the family that lived here...what do you think happened to them?" Daniel asked us as we make our way to the cabin. "They...must have moved out. Maybe to another state..." Sean replied as he shrugs but I know that was a lie. Sean and I found a letter, after we found this place a little more than two weeks ago, that said the man that used to live here had cancer. So we hid the letter and decided not to tell Daniel, as it would upset him. 
"But...they left all their stuff behind?" Daniel asked. "I don't know, man." Sean said, slightly annoyed. "Maybe they live in Florida and only come here every ten years. Maybe they got tired of these woods." I said, calmly. "I kinda like it here...It's way cooler than that crappy town, where the shelter was..." Daniel said then he looks down at the snowy ground in sadness. "I just...I miss my friends...and my room...Sometimes." he said in a sad tone. "Yeah...Me too..." Sean mutters and I give them a sad smile.
"It's so silent out here...No neighbors, no roads...It's like we're on another planet!" Daniel said and I laugh. "A new planet...that's exactly what we need..." Sean said as we get up to the door of the cabin.
Are...you guys getting hungry?" Daniel asked us. "Not really..." Sean replied. "Kinda sorta." I said, shrugging. "Really? I'm getting hungry..." Daniel said. "Again? You eat like a bear but you don't gain any weight..." Sean said, shocked. "That's because I work it off!" Daniel said and I shake my head as Sean opens the door and let's Daniel, Mushroom and I inside.
As we enter, Mushroom goes and sits down on the mattress. "Brrr...Cold!" Daniel said as he rubs his hands together. "Don't worry. We'll make a fire. We're pros now." I said just as Daniel starts coughing. "Dude...That cough doesn't sound too good..." Sean said, worriedly. "Nah...I'm okay...Just cold." Daniel said as I go over to the chalkboard, which was lying against the wall and had Daniel's progress, then I start to write on it.
"You kicked ass today...Level up!" I said to Daniel. "I did! That was so cool...It's getting easier every day." Daniel said then he uses his powers to lift up a plate. "Oh no, guys...This is a haunted house..." Daniel said. "More like, uh oh, it's time to go over the rules. We told you about showing off." Sean said as Daniel sets the plate down.
"I was just..." Daniel said, defeated, as Sean motions for Daniel to sit down. "Whatever, dude. I know the rules..." he said as he sits down on the mattress. "Let's find out...What's the first one?" Sean asked him.
"Mmmm...ah..." Daniel mutters as he thinks.
"Hide your power." I said as Sean and I sit down across from Daniel. "If you spin one plate in a diner, what happens?"
"People will freak out..." Daniel grumbles to me.
"And when people freak...What do they do?" Sean asked. 
"They call the cops." Daniel replied.
"Exactly. The second rule is..." Sean said.
"Don't - uh...Never talk about it!" Daniel replied.
"Wow. Nice, Daniel. 'Cause that's usually the hardest rule for you..." Sean said. "Shut up." Daniel mutters. "And the final rule?" I asked him. "I know..." he said. "Come on...You can do it..." Sean said, encouragingly. "Okay...Hmmm...Avoid danger?" Daniel said, questionable.
"Run...from danger. This is the most important one." I corrected. "You know why?" Sean asked. "Uh...I don't know. I mean...With my power, I can help us." Daniel said. "Only as a...total last resort..." Sean said to him. "How will I know that?" Daniel asked us. "If there's any other way of helping, do that first." I replied.
"Maybe if I...Had used it before...Dad might still...be here..." Daniel said in a sad tone. "Daniel, you didn't even know. That shit...was out of your control..." Sean said to him. "But! Look what happened to the policeman! Maybe this power is a curse! Or...Something!" Daniel exclaimed, frightened.
"Hey...We have no clue what happened...And it's not your fault..." Sean assured when Daniel starts coughing again. Sean and I go and sit next to him and Mushroom puts her head on Daniel's leg. "Don't worry, Mushroom, I'm okay...Good puppy!" Daniel said as he pets her head.
"She must be hungry...What about you?" Sean asked him. "I'm always hungry..." Daniel replied and Sean and I laugh. "Then let's grub out...I'll make us some dinner." I said as we stand up. "Yeah...Before she eats us!" Daniel laughs. 
I go and prepare the wood stove while Sean goes to the bathroom. I go and reach for a lighter, but couldn't find it. "Hey, Sean! Where's your lighter?" I asked him. "Should be with my stuff in the bedroom." Sean called out from the bathroom. "Alright." I said as I go over to the room and find the lighter on the dresser, while Daniel was in his little tent, playing with these toys that we found.
"Hey! I put some clean water in the bathroom so you can wash a little, Daniel." Sean calls out while I walk over to the stove. "Mmmmm...okay!" Daniel said as he comes back into the room and sits on the mattress. "Hold on, Mushroom, we're gonna build a fire! Dang, I am starving..." Daniel said to the dog as I start a fire in the stove. "Too bad I can't make a pizza fly to us...I could start Daniel's Delivery Service..." Daniel said. "Ugh...I would kill for at least one slice of pepperoni pizza." I groaned Sean comes back into the room and goes over to Mushroom's water bowl. "Hey, Shroom! You thirsty?" Sean asked as he pours some of the water from his canteen into Mushroom's bowl, she walks over and drinks it. "Good girl..." Sean said as I go over to the cupboard.
"Mmmmm...Tough choice." I muttered as Sean walks up to me. "I know, right?" He whispers and I smirk as I pick a can of food. "Hey? What are you cooking?" Daniel asked us. "Oh, we're sorry...here's your menu choices: ravioli...or ravioli." Sean said and Daniel sighs at this. "Okay, okay...Never eating this again." He said. "You and me, both, munchkin." I said. "If I was younger, I would've killed to eat ravioli everyday. But...now I'm sick of it." I said as Sean places the pan on the counter and I pour the ravioli in it and walk over to the stove and set it on top of it, stirring it occasionally.
"It's warming up! Feels so good...I wish we had a big fireplace! Like in Seattle. Remember?" Daniel asked Sean after a few moments of silence. "Course I remember...You always got sick on S'Mores...And ruined the toilet." Sean said and I chuckle a bit. "Yeah...I miss that time..." Daniel admits. "I know..." Sean said as Daniel walks over to the chalkboard and examines his progress. "Mushroom, did you see what I did out there? I'm getting better at controlling this thing. I'll never scare you again!" Daniel said as pets and hugs Mushroom. "Okay, dinner's ready!" I called out and we gathered the clean plates we had and began to chow down.
"Getting sick of ravioli..." Daniel grumbles as he, Sean and I sit on the edge of the bed, against this little table. "That was spaghetti a la (l/n)..." I said in a phony Italian accent. "Yeah....Didn't you taste the famous truffle sauce?" Sean asked him. "Yep. Plus...I loved the garlic bread! And ice cream! Yum!" Daniel said as he rubs his stomach. Sean looks over at me and nods while I wink at him just as Mushroom whimpers. "Ooooh...You want some too? Huh, Mushroom?" Daniel said as he uses his power to move the plate over to the floor and Mushroom begins to eat.
"Bon appetit, Mushroom!" Sean said to the dog. "Yeah, enjoy, pupper." I said. "Man. She loves this stuff..." Daniel said before he starts coughing and Sean gives him some water. "Sorry...I'm cool." Daniel said, his voice cracking.
"Hold on...I need to show you something..." Sean said as he takes the candle and stands up. "Uh, okay..." Daniel said, questionable, while Sean goes to the other room and searches for the map. "Daniel! What did you do with the map?" Sean asked him. "Hmmm...What do you mean?" Daniel asked, feigning ignorance. "You know what I mean. Where is the map that was with my stuff?" Sean asked, annoyed. "Ohhhh...this map? It's in my tent! Sorry, Sean..." Daniel said just as Mushroom gets up and goes into the room with Sean.
"Hey, man! Can you call your dog? I don't exist." Sean calls out a few seconds later. "Mushroom! Come here, girl!" Daniel calls out and Mushroom trots back into the room.
Daniel then has this mischievous look on his face then he turns to me. "Watch this." He whispers to me then in front of the sliding glass door, Daniel made a blanket float in front of the door. If I wasn't warned about this, I would've thought a person was standing there. I smirked over to Daniel then both of us started to put on our terrified faces as I quickly stand up and Daniel said, in a scared voice. "Sean? There's someone at the door..."
"What the - When did he show up?" Sean asked, fearfully, as he walks back into the room. "We don't know! We just saw him now!" I said, fearfully. "Sean! I'm scared..." Daniel cries. "Don't worry, enano, it's...it's probably just someone lost." Sean tries to assure then he walks up to the door. "CAN WE HELP YOU? HELLO?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?" He calls out as walks closer to the door. But then Daniel made the blanket fall to the ground, making Sean realize it's a prank.
"Motherfu-- Daniel!" Sean exclaims, frustrated, as Daniel and I started to laugh. "Got you!" Daniel said and Sean rolls his eyes. "Yeah, okay! Good job..." Sean said. "You almost shit your pants!" I said, as Daniel and I were still laughing. "Course I did, you jerks!" Sean exclaims as he walks back over to the bed and sits down next to Daniel, while I sit on Daniel's other side.
"Anyway..." Sean said as he places the map on the table. "Okay...I think...It's time for us to hit the road. You're not getting better. We're almost out of supplies..." 
"No. I'm okay." Daniel said before he starts coughing. "It's just a cough..." he mutters. "Yeah, a bad cough that won't go away...Trust me, Daniel. You need some medicine." I told him. "She's right, Daniel. Look...Here..." Sean said and he points to a place on the map. "Beaver Creek? What's that?" Daniel asked him.
"That's where...Karen's parents...our grandparents live..." Sean replied. "Okay...So what?" Daniel asked. "So we can go there and...They'll probably help us..." Sean replied. "Do you think they'll be okay with me?" I asked him. "I think so. At least....I hope." He said to me as he gives me a small smile.
"Why do you always force us to run, Sean? What if they...don't like me...?" Daniel asked. "They're family, right? Plus they owe us for what Karen...For what Mom did..." Sean replied. "Hmmm...You sure? It would be cool to spend Christmas with our grandparents." Daniel said, with a slight worry in his voice. "Man, they're gonna love you. Grandpa is super cool and...I'm sure you guys will be best buds!" Sean said. "Well...Okay. But...Mushroom has to agree too. She's part of the team! What do you say, girl?" Daniel asked Mushroom, who barks in agreement.
"Okay, when?" Daniel asked Sean. "Tomorrow...The sooner, the better...We have a long road ahead." Sean informed him. "Mmmm...We should do something fun for our last night here...How about a game of dice? If I win...I get to draw on yours and (y/n)'s backpacks!" Daniel said. "Wait, what?" I asked as Sean said. "You know I'm gonna win and draw a dick on yours and (y/n)'s bag, right?"
"Not if I win first!" I said.
"I don't think so. Losers!" Daniel said and he pulls out the board and dice and the three of us began to play this new game that we made up.
"Look at these scores. Told you I'd win!" Sean said after we played a few rounds. "You know what it means?" Sean said as he looks over at me and Daniel with a smile. "Yeah, okay..." Daniel said in a defeated tone. "Damn it." I muttered as Daniel and I get up and bring our backpack over to Sean.
"You can draw...a dick...on my bag." Daniel said as Sean takes his bag. "Mmmmm, let me think..." Sean said then he begins to draw on the backpack. Daniel stands there, fidgeting, as he watches his brother, fearing on what he was drawing. "Hold on...It's not an easy one. Needs concentration..." Sean said after a few moments then he spins the backpack around, revealing a drawing of a Wolf. "Ta-daaaaah!" He said. "Whoaaah, it's so cool! Thanks, Sean!" Daniel said, excitedly.
"You're turn." Sean said to me and I sigh. "I'm alittle scared." I said as I hand my backpack to him. "I'm not gonna draw a dick, so don't worry." Sean assured me as he starts to draw. "Well...now my fear meter is still high cause now I don't know what you're going to draw." I said and he chuckles as he continues to draw. 
"Alright, here you go." He said, a few minutes later, and he turns the bag to me and I gasped as I see that he drew a fox and a little flower near the fox. "Awww, Sean." I said as a smile forms on my face. "It looks great! Thank you." I said as I look over at him and the two of us stare at each other, my heart beating very quickly, until Daniel asked. "So, let's do another one?"
Sean and I jump a bit at this then look over at Daniel. Sean and I share a glance before Sean looks back at his brother and said. "It's bedtime...Gotta get up early." He said. "I'm gonna finish my comic book." Daniel said as he digs in his bag and pulls out a comic book while Mushroom goes and scratches at the door.
"She has to pee!" Daniel said. "Okay, okay. I'll take her out for a walk..." Sean said. "You're going to smoke! Gross!" Daniel said and I giggle while Sean puts the game of dice on the coffee table. "You're right. Don't smoke. But...It's our last night so...We can do anything!" Sean said to Daniel as he stands up and Mushroom continues to scratch the door.
"All right, all right." Sean said and he opens the door for Mushroom and he follows her outside. Daniel lays on his stomach and reads his comic and I lay down on my back on his left side. I let out a sigh and my eye lids started to become heavy, the heat from the stove enveloped me in warmth, then I close my eyes and fall asleep.
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blackkudos · 4 years
Yolanda King
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Yolanda Denise King (November 17, 1955 – May 15, 2007) was an African American activist and first-born child of civil rights leaders Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King. She was also known for her artistic and entertainment endeavors and public speaking. Her childhood experience was greatly influenced by her father's highly public and influential activism.
She was born two weeks before Rosa Parks famously refused to give up her seat on a public transit bus in Montgomery, Alabama, she occasionally experienced threats to her life, designed to intimidate her parents, and became a secondary caregiver to her younger siblings and was bullied at school. When her father was assassinated on April 4, 1968, the 12-year-old Yolanda King was noted for her composure during the highly public funeral and mourning events. She joined her mother and siblings in marches, and she was lauded by such noted figures as Harry Belafonte, who established a trust fund for her and her siblings.
In her teenage years, she became an effective leader of her class in high school and was given attention by the magazines Jet and Ebony. Her teenage years were filled with even more tragedies, specifically the sudden death of her uncle Alfred Daniel Williams King and the murder of her grandmother, Alberta Williams King. While in high school, she gained lifelong friends. It was the first and only institution where King was not harassed or mistreated because of who her father was. However, she was still misjudged and mistrusted because of her skin color, based on perceptions founded solely upon her relationship with her father. Despite this, King managed to keep up her grades and was actively involved in high school politics, serving as class president for two years. King aroused controversy in high school for her role in a play. She was credited with having her father's sense of humor.
In the 1990s, she supported a retrial of James Earl Ray and publicly stated that she did not hate him. That decade saw King's acting career take off as she appeared in ten separate projects, including Ghosts of Mississippi (1996), Our Friend, Martin (1999) and Selma, Lord, Selma (1999). By the time she was an adult, she had grown to become an active supporter for gay rights and an ally to the LGBT community, as was her mother. She was involved in a sibling feud that pitted her and her brother Dexter against their brother Martin Luther King III and sister Bernice King for the sale of the King Center in Atlanta, Georgia. King served as a spokesperson for her mother during the illness that would eventually lead to her death. King outlived her mother by only 16 months, succumbing to complications related to a chronic heart condition on May 15, 2007.
Early life
Early childhood: 1955–1963
Born in Montgomery, Alabama to Coretta Scott King and Martin Luther King, Jr., she was only two weeks old when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus. Even in her infancy, Yolanda was faced with the threats her father was given when they extended to his family. In 1956, a number of white supremacists bombed the King household. Yolanda and her mother were not harmed. She and her mother, at the time of the bomb's detonation, were in the rear section of their home. Despite this, the front porch was damaged and glass broke in the home. She kept her father busy when walking on their home's floors. While her mother liked her name, her father had reservations about naming her "Yolanda" due to the possibility the name would be mispronounced. During the course of her lifetime, King's name was mispronounced to the point that it bothered her. King's father eventually was satisfied with the nickname "Yoki," and wished that if they had a second daughter, they would name her something simpler. The Kings would have another daughter almost eight years later named Bernice (born 1963). King recalled that her mother had been the main parent and dominant figure in their home, while her father was away often. Decision-making towards what school she would attend in first grade was done primarily by her mother, since her father expressed disinterest to her early in the decision making.
Martin Luther King III described his role as the second-born of their family as having made Yolanda jealous, and that she was always overcommitted but "still found time to get to the things that were most important to her". Her mother referred to her as being a confidant during the time following her husband's assassination. She complimented her mother on her achievements and her mother spoke of her in a positive light, as well. When asked by a young boy what she remembered most about her father, she admitted that her father was not able to spend much time with her and the rest of her family. When he did, she would play and swim with him. King cried when she found out her father had been imprisoned. Her father admitted that he had never adjusted to bringing up children under "inexplicable conditions". When she was 6 years old, she was saddened by classmates' remarks that her father was a "jailbird". An important early memory was that she wanted to go to Funtown, a local amusement park, with the rest of her class, but was barred from doing so due to her race. She did not understand, and asked her mother Coretta why she was not able to go. When she replied "Your father is going to jail so that you can go to Funtown." after numerous attempts to explain the issue to her, Yolanda finally understood. After having not seen her father for five weeks while he was in jail, she finally was able to meet with him alongside both of her brothers for less than half an hour.Her father also addressed the issue himself. He told her that there were many whites who were not racist and wanted her to go but there were many who were and did not want her to go. However, her father reassured her as she began to cry that she was "just as good" as anyone who went to Funtown and that one day in the "not too distant future" she was going to be able to go to "any town" along with "all of God's children".
Assassination of John F. Kennedy and Nobel Peace Prize: 1963–1964
On November 22, 1963, when U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, she learned of his death at school. When she returned home, she rushed to confront her mother about his death and even ignored her grandfather, Martin Luther King, Sr., to tell her mother what she had heard and that they would not get their "freedom now." Her mother tried to debunk this, insisting that they would still get it. She predicted at that time that all of the "Negro leaders" would be killed and the non-leading African-Americans would agree to segregation. Her mother started to realize that Yolanda had become more aware of the possibility that her father could be killed as well. For Christmas 1963, King and her siblings accepted a sacrificial Christmas as appealed by their parents and only received a single gift. King and her brother Martin III bragged about their selflessness at school. In 1964, upon learning her father would receive the Nobel Peace Prize, she asked her mother what her father was going to do with the money he was receiving in addition to the award. After she suggested that he would most likely give it all away, King laughed with her mother.
Enrollment at Spring Street Elementary School and last years with father: 1965–1967
King and her brother Martin Luther King III were enrolled in the fall of 1965 to Spring Street Elementary School. In 1966, she listened to a speech her father gave when he was addressing a rally. At the age of eight after writing her first play, she enrolled in the only integrated drama school of that time. The head of the school was Walt Roberts, father of the actress Julia Roberts. She began speaking at the age of ten and even filled in for her parents on occasion. Her memories of her father prompted her to state that he "believed we were all divine. I have chosen to continue to promote 'we're one, the oneness of us, and shine the spotlight,' as my father did." Coretta King wrote in her memoirs, My Life with Martin Luther King, Jr., that "Martin always said that Yoki came at a time in his life when he needed something to take his mind off the tremendous pressures that bore down upon him."
Father's death: 1968
On the evening of April 4, 1968, when she was 12, Yolanda returned with her mother from Easter-dress shopping when Jesse Jackson called the family and reported that her father had been shot. Soon after, she heard of the event when a news bulletin popped up while she was washing dishes. While her siblings were trying to find out what it meant, Yolanda already knew.She ran out of the room, screamed "I don't want to hear it," and prayed that he would not die. She asked her mother at this time, if she should hate the man who killed her father. Her mother told her not to, since her father would not want that. King complimented her mother as a "brave and strong lady," leading to a hug between them. Four days later, she and her brothers accompanied their mother to Memphis City Hall on her own terms, as she and her brothers had wanted to come. King flew to Memphis, Tennessee with her brothers and mother and participated in leading a march in Memphis with sanitation workers and civil rights leaders.
King was visited by Mrs. Kennedy before her father's funeral. After the funeral, she was visited by classmates from Spring Street Middle School with flowers and cards. At that time, she was also called by Andrea Young, whose own father had insisted that she should. The two were the same age. Bill Cosby flew to Atlanta after the funeral and entertained King and her siblings. King and her siblings were assured an education thanks to the help of Harry Belafonte, who set up a trust fund for them years prior to their father's death.
In regards to the possibility that her father could have been saved, King said she doubted that her father could have lived much longer given all the stress he had during his tenure as a leader of the Civil Rights Movement. She did admit that, had he lived or he been listened to more, "we would be in a far better place." King openly stated years later that she did not hate James Earl Ray.
Teenage years and high school: 1968–1972
At Grady High School, King was president of her sophomore and junior class, and vice president of her senior class. She ranked in the top 10 percent of her class. She was active in student government and drama. She made lifelong friends while in the institution that would collectively be called the "Grady Girls". She was also on the student council. At that time, King still did not know what she wanted to do with her life, but acknowledged that many wanted her to be a preacher. Her inclinations were driven to be artistic, which did not suit the political aspects of her father's life. Of the King children, Yolanda was the only one to attend Grady High School, as her siblings would go to different high schools following her graduation.
During the family's interview with Mike Wallace in December 1968, Yolanda was introduced by her mother and revealed her role in keeping the family together. Being the oldest, she had to watch her three younger siblings; Martin Luther King III, Dexter King and Bernice King and referred to the three as independent when she watched them whenever their mother went out of town. Sometime after Martin Luther King's assassination, King told her mother "Mom, I'm not going to cry because my dad is not dead. He may be dead physically, and one day I am going to see him again".
On July 21, 1969, King's uncle and father's brother Alfred Daniel Williams King was found dead in the swimming pool of his home. His youngest two children, Esther and Vernon, were vacationing with King and her family in Jamaica when they heard of his death. On April 4, 1970, the second anniversary of her father's death, she and her sister Bernice attended their grandfather Martin Luther King, Sr.'s silent prayer for their father at his gravesite. The practice of going to her father's grave on the anniversary of either his birth or assassination became an annual ritual for the King family to mourn his death.
In her teenage years, King preferred to go by her nickname "Yoki." As she said during an interview, "I prefer Yoki. Maybe when I'm older I won't be able to stand Yoki, but Yolanda sounds so formal!" She felt teenagers were confused and were using drugs as a method to escape their problems.
At 15 she was subject to controversy when she appeared in the play "The Owl and the Pussycat" with a white male lead. Though her mother kept her naïve to the controversies so she could "fulfill [her] objective, which was to do the play", that did not stop her from learning of the negativity implemented from her role years later. Her grandfather Martin Luther King, Sr. initially was not going to go to her performance due to opposition by locals, but changed his mind afterward. During a Sunday visit to Church, King was forced to stand before the congregation and explain her actions. In response to her role in the play and her own response to the role, a man wrote to Jet predicting that she would marry a white person before she was eighteen. Despite statements such as these, King did not become aware of the public discomfort with her role until years later, citing her mother's involvement in her knowledge of the criticism.
When King was 16 she received attention in Jet in 1972, where she talked about what her father's famous name was doing for her life. In the interview with the magazine, She related how people expected her to be "stuck up" and referred to it as one of the "handicaps" of being Martin Luther King's child. She recalled having met a friend that was scared of being acquainted with her, because of her father's identity and expressed her thoughts in the colleges she wished to attend. King would ultimately attend Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts after graduating from high school.
King called her father's name and having to live up to it a "challenge" and recalled a friend when she first met a friend of hers, who believed she could not say anything to King but after beginning to know her, realized that she was "no worse than my other friends" and she "could say anything" to her. King also voiced her dislike of the assumption that she would behave just like her mother and father, and the difficulty of being perceived as not being someone others could talk to. When asked what kind of world she would like to live in, King said she wished "people could love everybody". Despite this wish, she acknowledged that this was of no ease and expressed happiness that her father had changed many things, and even made some people gain self-esteem.Positive reception came to this interview, and Yolanda was even called the "leader of the 16-year-olds" for her "calmness, her concern," and "her vision".
Early adulthood
College: 1972–1976
After graduating from high school, she went to Smith College. She took classes taught by Manning Marable and Johnnella Butler, and became satisfied with her choice of a college. But after finishing her sophomore year and returning home so she could work over the summer, her grandmother Alberta Williams King was killed on June 30, 1974. With her death, the only remaining members of King's father's immediate family were her grandfather Martin Luther King, Sr. and aunt Christine King Ferris. She was also subject to some harassment by her classmates, describing it as the "era when students were making demands and many black students were closer to the teachings of Malcolm X, or what they thought were his teachings." The children referred to her father as an "Uncle Tom" and she was scared that he would go down in history as such. She reflected "I had never read his works. I was just someone who loved someone, and I knew he had done great things and now people didn't appreciate it." She proceeded to read his books, and started to believe that her father had been correct all along.
When asked about what pressures emerged from being a daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr., King stated that "as soon as people heard me speak, they would compare me to my father ... My siblings had the same kind of pressure. There was such a need, like they were looking for a miracle." At the time of her turmoil in college, King recalled having not known Malcolm X and "didn't understand daddy, so here I was trying to defend something I thought I knew about but really didn't." On April 4, 1975, King joined her family in placing azaleas over her father's crypt, marking the seventh anniversary of his assassination.
Immediate life after Smith College: 1976–1978
An alumna of Smith College after graduating in 1976, she was the subject of an essay among the "remarkable women" during a celebration during the college's one hundred and twenty-fifth year and she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc. (the official national memorial to her father) and was founding Director of the King Center's Cultural Affairs Program. King became a human rights activist and actress. She stated in 2000 to USA Today, that her acting "allowed me to find an expression and outlet for the pain and anger I felt about losing my father,". Her mother's support helped in starting her acting career. Despite some early opposition to acting that she received during her controversial play in high school, King still tried to get roles and actively tried performing.
She served on the Partnership Council of Habitat for Humanity, was the first national Ambassador for the American Stroke Association's "Power to End Stroke" Campaign, a member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, a sponsor of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Human Rights Campaign, and held a lifetime membership in the NAACP. King received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, a master's degree in theater from New York University, and an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Marywood University. In 1978 she starred as Rosa Parks in the TV miniseries King (based on her father's life and released on DVD in 2005).
Meeting Attallah Shabazz: 1979
In 1979, Yolanda met Attallah Shabazz, the eldest daughter of Malcolm X, after arrangements had been made by Ebony Magazine to take a photograph of the two women together. Both were worried that they would not like each other due to their fathers' legacies. Instead, the two quickly found common ground in their activism and in their positive outlook towards the future of African-Americans. The two were young adults at the time and had a mutual friend who noticed they were both studying theater in New York and arranged for them to meet. A few months after King and Shabazz met, the pair decided to collaborate on a theatrical work, resulting in Stepping into Tomorrow. The play was directed towards teens and focused on the 10th year reunion of six high school friends. Stepping into Tomorrow led to the formation of Nucleus in the 1980s, a theater company which King and Shabazz founded. The theater company was based in New York City and Los Angeles and focused on addressing the issues that their fathers, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, spoke of in their lifetimes.The pair performed in around 50 cities a year and did lectures together, typically in school settings.
Adult life
King holiday, arrests, and return to Smith College: 1980–1989
When presenting herself in 1980 to the GSA staff members, she stated: "Jim Crow [segregation] is dead, but his sophisticated cousin James Crow, Esq., is very much alive. We must cease our premature celebration [about civil rights already achieved] and get back to the struggle. We cannot be satisfied with a few black faces in high places when millions of our people have been locked out." She received a standing ovation afterwards, alongside a thunderous applause. In February 1982, King was a speaker during the centennial of Anne Spencer's birth. In 1984, she was arrested in the view of her mother for having protested in front of the South African Embassy, in support of anti-apartheid views. It was the first time she had ever been arrested. On January 7, 1986, Yolanda, her brother Martin Luther King III and her sister Bernice were arrested for "disorderly conduct" by officers responding to a call from a Winn Dixie market, of which had an ongoing protest against it since September of the previous year.
She showed dissatisfaction with her "generation" on January 20, 1985, and referred to them as being "laid-back and unconcerned", and "forgetting the sacrifices that allowed them to get away with being so laid-back". That same year, she presented the Martin Luther King, Jr. Award for Public Service to Chicago Mayor Harold Washington during the fifth annual Ebony American Black Achievement Awards.
She celebrated her father's holiday on January 16, 1986 and attended a breakfast in Chicago with Mayor Harold Washington. She stated that her father had a "magnificent dream", but admitted that "it still is only a dream." King started Black History Month of 1986 by giving a speech in Santa Ana, which called for the study of African-American history to not "relegated to the shortest and coldest month of the year."After having been a public speaker for over twenty years, Yolanda recalled her talents having "happened very naturally growing up in a house like mine". She also found "great irony" in President Ronald Reagan having signed a bill to make Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a national holiday.
She kicked off Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by starting a weeklong celebration on January 12, 1987 and talked to students about opportunities that they had at that point which their parents and grandparents did not have.On April 8, 1988, King and Shabazz were honored by Los Angeles County supervisors for their "unifying" performance and message on stage at the Los Angeles Theater Center the previous night. Their play Stepping into Tomorrow was praised by supervisors as being "entertaining and enlightening." At the time of the honor, King said that their production company had been approached by organizations seeking to arrange special staging of the play for gang members before May 1, when the show's run would end. Supervisor Kenneth Hahn said to King that he "sensed I was in the presence of a great man when I met your father."She returned to Smith College on January 26, 1989. There, she gave a speech and made references to her past difficult experiences when first coming to the college. King made it clear that while she had not been "endeared" to the institution, she was still "grateful" for her experience. She called for Americans to memorialize those who gave their lives for "the struggle for peace and justice." At this point in her life, King also served as director of cultural affairs for the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change and was tasked with raising and directing funds for all artistic events.
Arizona boycott and James Earl Ray retrial: 1990–1999
On December 9, 1990, she canceled a planned appearance in a play in Tucson, Arizona and ignored a boycott going on at the time by civil rights groups and other activists for Arizona voters rejecting the proposal of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day being celebrated there. King and Shabazz had planned the play months before the voters of the state rejecting the holiday, and King prepared a statement which solidified her reasons for supporting the boycott. Despite this, Shabazz still appeared in the state and performed in the play. On January 17, 1991, Yolanda spoke before a crowd of students at Edmonds Community College, around 200 in number. She debunked complacency in having any role in progression of her father's dream. She joined her mother in placing a wreath around her father's crypt. King stressed in 1992 that love would help people make their mark on the world. That same year, she also spoke at Indiana University. In October, King gave support for a Cabrini-Green family that wants to escape the violence, and a fundraiser for their cause.
25 years after her father's assassination, she went to his gravesite. There, she joined hands with her siblings and mother along with other civil rights activists, singing We Shall Overcome. During July 1993, she agreed to speak at the Coral Springs City Centre for airfare and a fee in January 1994. She originally wanted $8,000, but was negotiated down to $6,500. During said speech, she mentioned that the fact that the poverty line in America among children had nearly tripled and urged people to "reach out" and "do what you can". In October, she uttered her belief that her father's dream of integration was not understood fully.
On February 1, 1994 King attempted to speak before a diverse class of students at North Central College. She stated, "It is entirely appropriate that you would choose to focus on multiculturalism as the opening activity of Black History Month. The only reason why Black History Month was created and still exists is because America is still struggling and trying to come to grips, come to terms with the diversity of its people." In July 1994, after seeing some photographs of her father prior to his death, Yolanda lamented that "this [had] brought back a lot of memories. It's often hard for young people to understand the fear and terror so many people felt and how bold they were to get involved in the marches. But walking through the first part of the exhibit I felt that terror." She honored her father in 1995 by performing in the Chicago Sinfonietta in the play "A Lincoln Portrait", in which she was the narrator. The "commitment" to diverse members in the audience and the play itself, was what represented the opportunities for which King fought.
In the fall of 1995, at age 39, she joined Ilyasah Shabazz and Reena Evers in saluting their mothers as they chaired an attempt at registering one million African-American women to vote in the presidential election of 1996. King joined the rest of her family in February 1997, in supporting a retrial for James Earl Ray, the man convicted of her father's murder, having realized that "without our direct involvement, the truth will never come out." In an interview with People magazine in 1999, she recalled when she first learned of her father's death and stated that "to this day, [her] heart skips a beat every time [she] hear one of those special bulletins." King appeared in the film Selma, Lord, Selma, based on the 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches as Miss Bright. Prior to the film's release, King expressed belief in children of the time only knowing "Martin Luther King Jr. was killed, but when it is time to talk about the facts and the history, there is not a lot of knowledge. They look at me when I'm talking as if this is science fiction."
Final years: 2000–2007
King attended and spoke at the Human Rights Campaign Detroit Gala Dinner of 2000. In a twenty-four-minute-long speech, she brought up the presidential election of that year, and also quoted the words of Bobby Kennedy by recalling his line which he took from George Bernard Shaw, that of "Some men see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say why not?". During a presentation in May 2000, King was asked if the human race would ever become "color blind". In response, she pushed for "the goal" to be "color acceptance." Following the September 11 attacks, King spoke in North Chicago in 2002 and related that her father's wisdom during the crisis would have been of great aid to her. She mentioned the possibility that the event could have been a calling for Americans to put their loyalty towards "their race, tribe and nation", as her father once said. She, her brother Martin Luther King III and Al Sharpton sang We Shall Overcome in front of "The Sphere", which stood atop the World Trade Center prior to the September 11 attacks.
In honor of her father, King promoted a show in Los Angeles entitled "Achieving the Dream" in 2001. During the play, she changed costume numerous times and adjusted her voice and body language when changing roles. King and Elodia Tate co-edited the book Open My Eyes, Open My Soul: Celebrating Our Common Humanity, published by McGraw-Hill in 2003. In January 2004, King referred to her father as a king, but not as one who "sat on a throne, but one who sat in a dark Birmingham jail." While in Dallas in March 2004, King related; "It's only in the past half-dozen years or so that I have felt comfortable in my own skin. I don't have to try and prove anything to anyone anymore." "I struggled with a lot of the legacy for a long time, probably actually into my 30s before I really made peace with it," Yolanda stated in 2005 on "Western Skies", a public radio show based in Colorado. During the fall of 2004 she played Mama in "A Raisin in the Sun" at the Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts at Cornell University.
Mother's death, sibling dispute and final months: 2006–2007
Coretta Scott King began to decline in health after suffering a stroke in August 2005. She also was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The four children of the civil rights activist noticed "something was happening". King was having a conversation with her mother in her home when she stopped talking. Coretta Scott King had a blood clot move from her heart and lodge in an artery in her brain. She was hospitalized on August 16, 2005, and was set to come home as well. Alongside the physician that took care of her mother, Dr. Maggie Mermin and her sister, Yolanda told the press that her mother was making progress on a daily basis and was expected to make a full recovery. She became a spokesman for the American Heart Association after her mother's stroke, promoting a campaign to raise awareness about strokes.
That year, she and her brother Dexter came to oppose their other brother and sister, Martin Luther King III and Bernice King, on the matter of selling the King Center. King and Dexter were in favor of sale, but their other siblings were not. After Coretta Scott King died on January 30 of the next year, Yolanda, like her siblings, attended her funeral. When asked about how she was faring following the death of her mother, Yolanda responded: "I connected with her spirit so strongly. I am in direct contact with her spirit, and that has given me so much peace and so much strength." She found her mother's personal papers in her home.
She preached in January 2007 to an audience in Ebenezer Baptist Church to be an oasis for peace and love, as well as to use her father's holiday as starting ground for their own interpretations of prejudice. She spoke on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2007 to attendants at the Ebenezer Baptist Church and stated: "We must keep reaching across the table and, in the tradition of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, feed each other,". After her hour-long presentation, she joined her sister and her aunt, Christine King Farris, in signing books. On May 12, 2007, days before her death, she spoke at St. Mary Medical Center, on the part of the American Stroke Association. It would be the last time she would speak on behalf of the association.
On May 15, 2007, King stated to her brother Dexter that she was tired, though he thought nothing of it due to her "hectic" schedule. Around an hour later, King collapsed in the Santa Monica, California home of Philip Madison Jones, her brother Dexter King's best friend, and could not be revived. Her death came a year after her mother died. Her family has speculated that her death was caused by a heart condition. In the early hours of May 19, 2007, King's body was brought to Atlanta, Georgia by private plane belonging to Bishop Eddie Long. A public memorial for Yolanda King was held on May 24, 2007, at Ebenezer Baptist Church Horizon Sanctuary in Atlanta, Georgia. Many in attendance did not know her, but came out of respect for the King family's history of non-violence and social justice. King was cremated, in accordance with her wishes. She was 51. All three of her siblings lit a candle in her memory.
Bernice King said it was "very difficult standing here blessed as her one and only sister. Yolanda, from your one and only, I thank you for being a sister and for being a friend." Martin Luther King III uttered that "Yolanda is still in business. She just moved upstairs." Maya Angelou wrote a tribute to her, which was read during the memorial service. She wrote "Yolanda proved daily that it was possible to smile while wreathed in sadness. In fact, she proved that the smile was more powerful and sweeter because it had to press itself through mournfulness to be seen, force itself through cruelty to show that the light of survival shines for us all." Many former classmates of both Grady High School and Smith College attended to remember her. Raphael Warnock stated; "She dealt with the difficulty of personal pain and public responsibility and yet ... she emerged from it all victorious. Thank you for her voice."
Ideas, influence, and political stances
To the time of her death, King continued to express denial in her father's dreams and ideals being fulfilled during her lifetime. In 1993, she debunked any thought that her father's "dream" had been anything but a dream, and was quoted as saying "It's easier to build monuments than to make a better world. It seems we've stood still and in many ways gone backward since Martin Luther King Jr. was alive.", during a celebration that marked what would have been her father's sixty-fourth birthday.
Despite this, she was quoted in January 2003 of saying that she was "a 100 percent, dyed-in-the-wool, card-carrying believer in 'The Dream'. It's a dream about freedom—freedom from oppression, from exploitation, from poverty ... the dream of a nation and a world where each and every child will have the opportunity to simply be the very best that they can be." The statement was made while she was in the presence of 800 people who gathered to honor her father at the Everett Theatre. She made it clear that month that she was not trying to fill her father's footsteps, noting jokingly that "They're too big" and that she would "fall and break [her] neck". She also advocated for her father's holiday to be used as a day for helping others, and also expressed dissatisfaction on the basis of people relaxing on his day. On January 15, 1997, she spoke at Florida Memorial College and expressed what she believed her father would feel if "he knew that people were taking a day off in his memory to do nothing". She disliked cliches used to define her father and expressed this to Attallah Shabazz, and recalled having seen a play where her father was a "wimp" and carried The Bible with him everywhere.
King was an ardent activist for gay rights, as was her mother, Coretta. King protested many times over gay rights. She was among 187 people arrested during a demonstration by lesbian and gay rights activists. She stated at the Chicago's Out and Equal Workplace Summit in 2006 "If you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, you do not have the same rights as other Americans, you cannot marry, ... you still face discrimination in the workplace, and in our armed forces. For a nation that prides itself on liberty, justice and equality for all, this is totally unacceptable. Like her parents and siblings, King did not outright go and make any affiliation with a political party publicly. Despite this, she did voice opposition to President Ronald Reagan in his reluctance to sign Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, her father's national holiday.
Dexter King said of his sister, "She gave me permission. She allowed me to give myself permission to be me." Jesse Jackson stated that King "lived with a lot of the trauma of our struggle. The movement was in her DNA." Joseph Lowery stated; "She was a princess and she walked and carried herself like a princess. She was a reserved and quiet person who loved acting." January 2008's issue of Ebony, her relationship with Rev. Suzan Johnson Cook was highlighted in an article written by the minister, as she dubbed her deceased longtime friend a "queen whose name was King". On May 25, 2008, her brother Martin Luther III and his wife, Arndrea, became the parents of a baby girl and named her Yolanda Renee King, after his late sister. During a 2009 reunion at her alma mater Smith College, a walk was done in her memory by fellow alumni.
Portrayals in film
Yolanda has mostly been portrayed in films that revolve around her parents.
Felecia Hunter, in the 1978 television miniseries King.
Melina Nzeza as a child and Ronda Louis-Jeune as an adult, in the 2013 television movie Betty and Coretta.
King (1978, TV Mini-Series) as Rosa Parks
Hopscotch (1980) as Coffee Shop Manager
Death of a Prophet (1981, TV Movie) as Betty Shabazz
No Big Deal (1983, TV Movie) as Miss Karnisian's Class
Talkin' Dirty After Dark (1991) as Woman #2
America's Dream (1996, TV Series)
Fluke (1996, TV Movie) as Mrs. Crawford (segment "The Boy Who Painted Christ Black")
Ghosts of Mississippi (1996) as Reena Evers
Drive by: A Love Story (1997, Short) as Dee
Our Friend, Martin (1999, Video) as Christine King (voice)
Selma, Lord, Selma (1999, TV Series) as Miss Bright
Funny Valentines (1999) as Usher Lady #2
The Secret Path (1999, TV Movie) as Ms. Evelyn
Odessa (2000, Short) as Odessa
JAG (2000, TV Series) as Federal Judge Esther Green
Any Day Now (2001, TV Series) as Marilyn Scott
Liberty's Kids (2002, TV Series) as Elizabeth Freeman (voice)
The Still Life (2006) as Herself / Art Buyer
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
EoA ships fluff headcanons part 3
Who does the puppy dog face? Eleteo: Elena, Elenaaa of Avaalllooor! She’s a master at it and Mateo is helpless to resist. Though it works both ways. Mateo unintentionally leashes his adorable eager and/or disappointed face and Elena can’t help but fall too. Gababel: Isabel does. It’s a flores family thing. Only she doesn’t use it much because Gabe already falls over himself to serve her anyway😄 Estenaomi: I was going to say Esteban, but I can’t see young Esteban as a puppy dog face type. More like he’d try to smolder his way. It doesn’t always work but sometimes it does. Less because of the sexy but because it amuses Naomi so much. Estoma: Doña, only Esteban calls it her “wide eye doe look” that is totally a “see through ploy.” An hour later he is carrying her bags through the Mercado, wondering how the hell it worked on him.
Imitating their parents?
Eleteo: Elena always urges Mateo to join her in singing Dawn of a Brand New Day during the Sunflower Festival as she always saw that as one of *the* romantic moments between her parents. She also continues the tradition of reading bedtime stories and jumping on the bed with her kids and Mateo. Mateo repeats the story of how Rafa met his father by taking Elena on a date to that fateful spot and telling their story which touches Elena’s romantic heart and they muse on  their own love story. Gababel: Gabe takes Isabel to olaball games as that is where his parents spent most of their time with Blanca cheering Roberto on and going out to eat afterwards. So that’s what they do, Gabe tries to impress Isabel with his moves and she ends up joining him in a fun one against one and then they go out to eat. Isabel brings Gabe to all her parents’ favorite date night spots and even arranges an gigantic dinner spread of food that neither of them can finish because they’re so busy talking to one another. Just like her mom and dad’s first date.
Estenaomi: What else do the do but go sailing just as how both Captains met each other followed by several rancorous jigs at the local bar. Of course, Naomi does spin him around a few times (girl’s got muscle) to dip him for a kiss which Esteban finds endearing. And there is chocolate. Lots of chocolate because that had been what Scarlett was transporting when Daniel rescued her ship. All in all a sweet date. Esteban pulls out all the stops just like his father did when wooing his mother with fun bantering sessions and serenading her under her window. Naomi thinks it’s so over the top but at the same time, she loves it and the attention and Esteban has such a nice voice. Estoma: Same as above, Esteban does some of the wooing that Joseligio was so fond of. Like on one date where  Esteban made a rose petal trail leading to all the most romantic spots in the kingdom (you can see where Esteban inherited the flair for the dramatic from) or drawing pictures a la Jack from Titanic. Doña’s parents didn’t have much of a courtship, it was more like meet cute, write letters to each other for a few weeks, then elope and hide until the parental anger dies down. So not many romantic dates but they do write romantic letters especially when Esteban is away on his trips.
What hobby do they try for each other?
Eleteo: Mateo tries to learn how to play guitar. After all he already has a spectacular voice, now he can accompany himself. Besides Elena has such fond memories of learning from her abuelo and her mom and aunt. Admittedly, it is not that easy for him. He can wield his tamborita with amazing grace, the guitar strings not so much. But he considers it a challenge and he keeps trying. Elena has fallen in love with the traditional dances and new modernizations of it that had come up during her 41 years in the amulet and Mateo happily guides her through it, not that she needs much help.   Gababel: Gabe tries to do some inventing himself to see what Isabel gets so hyped about it, and he finds it...confusing. He tried, he really really did, but high school math did not prepare him for those kind of physics at all. Even her suggestion to see it as battle strategy didn’t work. Oh well, it was the effort that counts. Isabel tried some of that guard training Gabe had to go through and surprisingly, she got into it. It was like her inner thrill seeker got released or something because she wanted to do the course again and again. Seeing Isabel rule that course also made Gabe fall a little harder too. Estenaomi: Naomi decided to try out ballroom dancing without Esteban’s help. I mean yes, he taught her how to waltz but she was determined to learn new styles by herself so she could impress him. And impress him she did. After Naomi nearly upstaged him in ballroom dancing and he learned how much work she put into learning it, Esteban decided to try rope tricks as she does. Unfortunately, he grew frustrated the more he did and the more he entangled himself in it even after he requested her help. Estoma: Doña usually read poetry during long rides to other kingdoms and sometimes with nothing to do, she’d read it aloud to him. It began Esteban’s appreciation for it. Especially during the Shuriki era. The meter and lyricism was the closest he could get to hearing music and he would start to ask to borrow her books. Doña tried to do the exploring the jungle that adventurous!Esteban is so fond of, but couldn’t stand it for more than an hour. What do they sometimes walk into?
Eleteo: Sometimes Elena walks in on Mateo napping after reading his spell books too long, reading, or working on some new potion. She has learned not to sneak up on him because that cause explosions but if it’s the former, she is totally prepared to kiss him or play that “Guess who?” Game. Mateo usually walks in on Elena working or singing. And sometimes he just admires her sing for a moment before making his presence known, because she looks so beautiful and carefree. 
Gababel: Gabe walks in on Isabel talking to herself about her inventions, doing her inventions or sometimes rocking on her guitar-accordion and on the latter, like Mateo, Gabe waits to make his presence known because watching Isabel doing her solo is always entertaining. Isabel sometimes walks in on Gabe doing push-ups or some other workout, always a pleasant sight to see😉 Or going over battle strategies though Isabel always reminds him its time to leave work at the barracks, and their room is for them only. Estenaomi: Sometimes walks into the room where Esteban is primping his hair or deep into his moisturizing routine so she jumps at him from behind to startle him. Esteban sometimes walks into Naomi deep in thought and pacing around making plans for the next trip or whatnot and to take from your hc, he asks “Who has won the argument this time?” 😁 Estoma: Like above,  oftentimes she walks in on him in the middle of his skincare routine. Others, it’s that booby trap dance (got to keep sharp yes lol 😆). He usually walks on her primping herself or leftover work of the day.
Who brags about their wedding? Eleteo: Neither. They’re both just thrilled to be married to one another. Plus it’s hard to brag when you know NO ONE will ever have a wedding like theirs. Royalty and magic...so much magic combined. Though Elena might bring it up a bit....after Val’s bragging gets too much. Gababel: Hmm I think Isabel would. Most likely in response to Val or someone. After all the ceremony is second to getting the chance to declare her love for Gabe in front of her family and friends and being blinded together forever. If anything she doesn’t brag but just loves talking about that wonderful day. Estenaomi: Esteban totally Esteban. Even though he doesn’t remember much of it. It’s more like bragging about how great his wife is, not that Naomi minds at all. Estoma: Doña. Though it was a smaller, more refined affair she embellishes some details when recounting it to the nobles who missed the event. A la Rachel Green. “And my veil was lace, made by blind, Belgium nuns.” “Blind?”“Well, not at first, but it was very intricate work and they said even though they lost their sight, it was all worth it.”
Trait they love/hate in the other? Eleteo: Mateo has a love/hate feeling towards Elena’s impulsivity. He loves it because it is so her to get fired up and passionate about something and try to fix it. But as we have seen, her not thinking things through leads to more trouble and though Elena can handle it, he doesn’t particularly like seeing her risk her life and limb like in To Save the Sunbird. Elena likes/dislikes Mateo’s concentration in magic. Like with her impulsivity. It is so him. She wouldn’t change it in the world. But that intensity and focus often derails him from thinking of other things, so caught up is he in his books. Or that he sometimes sets other things aside for his own goals (ahem Scepter of Night) Gababel: Isabel loves/hates Gabe’s protectiveness. She loves it because it’s Gabe. He cares so much, and it does make her feel safe. But when he goes overboard, he goes overboard and is super smothering and for someone who always feels like being treated as the baby she doesn’t appreciate it coming from her husband too. Gabe loves/hates how Isabel analyzes things. He loves to hear her talk about her information and the way her eyes light up. But she too can go overboard with information he doesn’t particularly understand or need to hear at the moment and sometimes she can be a bit oblivious to other people’s disinterest in it. Estenaomi: Esteban loves/hates Naomi’s sarcastic nature. Loves it because it’s hilarious and how else can they participate in their witty banter but at times he dislikes it because sometimes it can hit too close to his insecurities when he’s down and come off as unnecessarily harsh. Naomi loves/hates Esteban’s perfectionism. She can understand at a level like when she is party planning, but when Esteban branches out and refuses to stop what he is doing and chill because this one flower is out of place in the bouquet. Yeah it can get annoying. Not to mention, with the perfectionism comes the snobbishness.  Estoma: Esteban loves/hates Doña’s honesty. Well a majority of the time it’s hate because he doesn’t *need* to hear about his flaws and her nagging at him and what she thinks of a particularly boneheaded action of his. On the other hand, when she does give compliments, he likes that honesty because he knows it genuine and real and she’s not mincing words to placate him. As if she would ever do that. Doña loves/hates how Esteban knows to push her buttons. She hates it because no matter how hard she tries to maintain a poker face or whatever, he knows just what to do or say to get under nerves. On the other hand, it’s sort of endearing that he knows her so well. Things they taught the other?
Eleteo: This is very short and pretty much canon. Magic studies all the dang time, but they always know how to make it fun with each other. Much more hc like would be Elena teaching Mateo how to play guitar and being ever so patient about it with lots of kisses as encouragement. Mateo taught Elena some small recipes that are Rafa specialities and are amazingly delicious and as we all know cooking lessons are very romantic indeed. Gababel: Just like in The Princess Knight, Gabe teaches Isabel to fence, only much more romantic with bunch of flirtations and some innuendo which surprises Gabe since he is so used to her calm that he forgets that Isabel is from the same line of indiscreet Flores. Isabel teaches Gabe how to map things based on the position of the stars which is always useful for days when he is alone on a stakeout and has to make next plans. Estenaomi: Esteban already knew how to sail but Naomi improved his knowledge tenfold with little tips on knots and parts of the ship and ship building and fixing. Even just generally woodwork like how to make those ships in bottles which is super hard and intricate but he also likes the feel of Naomi trying to fix the delicate mistakes and how concentrated she looks. Esteban teaches Naomi classic treasure hunting techniques he used to do with Victor as well as athletic activities like vine swinging. Estoma: Just like with Naomi, Esteban teaches her to dance. She grew up under Shuriki so dancing was not skill set to be encouraged. And well, *clearly* she needs more lessons. It’s better when it’s a partner dance and the other person can stop the unnecessary shimmying.  Doña showed Esteban how to stay on a wild horse. Mainly because he didn’t want to learn the “boringly simple” rope tricks and he was going to do it anyway if she didn’t stop him. So far he’s stayed on for 2 seconds on a fake one. He’s working on it.
Height difference Eleteo: From what I can tell, Eleteo is almost the same height but at times Elena appears shorter than he. So I will go with the idea that Mateo is taller but not by very much and so the two are utterly connected, eye to eye like a symmetrical heart (damn that was sappy. Do you see what Eleteo does to me!). But Mateo also has the magic advantage so when neither of them can get anything, he just levitates up. Gababel: Even as Isabel grows to her full height, Gabe is taller than her no question. Not that either of them minds, it's perfect for them. Isabel adores being able to easy sit in his lap or be picked up in his strong, muscular arms. It makes her feel safe, and admittedly, his muscles may be hard but they are also cuddly. Plus there is something so intimate about going on her tiptoes to reach his lips or being swooped up in his arms. Gabae also likes it for the same reasons. Her in his arms, and admittedly when she does the tiptoe thing he becomes a blushy mess with her small smirk and the way her arms wrap around his neck like he is the only thing in the world she can hold on to and never let go. Estenaomi: Naomi is the shorter one because even young Esteban, he is taller than others like a freaking string bean so Naomi comes up to his nose, which forces her to look up into his eyes which sometimes gets her all blushy because intense Este-smolder. He is a weapon with that smolder. Not that it is all gazing lovingly into his eyes. Esteban can get pretty cocky about it when he is offering to reach things that she can't and she only has to remind him that the taller people are, the harder they fall which usually leads to him unintentionally tripping because he doesn't look where he is going. Estoma: They are at the same height, mainly because Dona wears heels. The few times she doesn't, she comes to his forehead which gives Esteban plenty of chances for those forehead kisses. But when they fight, Esteban would sometimes bring it up (She has this belief that it is bad to fight at a lower level like having to look up to someone) and teasingly ask her if she would like to pause the fight so she can get her heels and be able to glare at his eye-level which only infuriates her more. Who is the obnoxious winner and whose the sore loser?
Eleteo: Neither. I mean I really can’t see Mateo being sore or obnoxious, but Elena... hmm I wouldn’t say obnoxious winner simply because she refuses to admit defeat like in Nothing but the Blaze. She keeps insisting on another round and another round until she wins something, Gababel: Gabe wouldn’t be either. His lesson with El Guapo taught him that much. However Isabel can get pouty and sore if she loses at something that she is genuinely great at like chess or trivia games. Estenaomi: Esteban is both the sore loser and obnoxious winner and Naomi can be an obnoxious winner mainly because of Esteban’s bragging about how we was going to win, and then she does and so she takes the opportunity to rub it in his face. Estoma: Both are both. It’s the reason they don’t have one on one game nights that often. But it’s useful if they want the loser to do a particular chore or errand or something like that.
Favorite date night activity
Eleteo: Dancing, I know it's very very cliche. But they do love to dance together. It has all the pulse and energy and rhythm that Elena thrives on, the intimacy of slow dances where they are able to talk quietly with each other and also the physical touch. Always moving as one. Estenaomi: They enjoy sailing or hiking, something fast paced to get their adrenaline pumping at first. Plus it's an excellent conversation starter. They enjoy making new memories and though it seems like the same old same old, there is always some new hi jinks they get into while they are together and can laugh about it afterwards. Gababel: They would enjoy a quiet dinner and some cuddling as a way of connecting after a long day and so they could pay attention to each other face to face without any fuss. They enough hectic was already, their dates are more to enjoy the other's company and tell about their days. Maybe an archeological dig if they're feeling restless. Estoma: The theater or theatre if we're gonna be fancy about it. They just seem like the type.
Amusement park/modern AU date
Eleteo: Favorite thing to do is the Farris wheel just sitting watching over the horizon and enjoying each other's company, of course Elena is sitting in Mateo's lap by the end. She can't help herself. They also enjoying walking hand in hand at the boardwalk while eating churros from the vendors. Mateo always enjoys watching the street magicians and telling Elena the secret behind their tricks. Elena often tries to pursuade Mateo to show off too but he declines most of the time. The end the night enjoying a nice front row seat to the fireworks and star gazing. Estenaomi: These two are roller coaster maniacs. They try every thriller ride there is too see who can one up each other. They also enjoy the spinning teacups as they used their combined strength to go as fast as they can. Once they're dizzy enough and a bit reluctant to eat they spend their time at the arcade where Esteban tries his strong man routine but Naomi beats him out in throwing balls and water gun shooting. Gababel: Isabel and Gabe spend most of their time in the arcade and street vendors where Gabe tries to use the hammer to get to the top of the bell and win her stuffed animals and food while Isabel uses her smarts to guess the most jellybeans in a jar and of course, in finding the right angle to throw things. For rides the favorite is the carousal while eating cotton candy they got half off from Gabe's mom. Estoma: They spend the whole day at the arcade competing. Honestly, competition is like their default mode with each other. That doesn't mean they also enjoy some walking and funnel cakes as they try to carry their prizes.
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Serendipity (C.B) | Chapter 8
Summary: Serendipity: (n) the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way
Popular youtuber Isabella Hart, known as Bella to her audience, bends over backwards to separate her youtube life from her private life. Known for her overall clean content and her bubbly attitude, Isabella has a wild side to her that only those inside the youtube community know about. When Bella meets Colby during one of the trap house parties she finally meets someone she can be her genuine self with. When trouble arises after their meeting, will Bella be able to hand the pressure or will she destroy her relationship with Colby as well as herself in the process. [This starts in 2018]
Written: 2019
Word Count: 3,216
Warnings: swearing, mention of sexual abuse
(I  put a **trigger warning** right before the triggering part of the chapter and **trigger warning over** at the end of that part so you can read around it)
Serendipity Masterlist
"Colby, just drop it okay." I finish chopping the potatoes for our lunch and place them in a bowl.
"But Isabella, it's—"
"I don't want to talk about it; not now, not ever. End of discussion. Now either help me cook our lunch or get out of my kitchen." Colby sighs before leaving. It's probably better for him to not be around me while I'm holding a knife.
Colby came over to my apartment so we can have a lunch date. I had Colby setting up the living room when my phone went off. He picked it up to bring to me when he saw a message from my mom asking if I would have dinner with her and my brothers. When he brought it up I immediately shot it down which sparked the current argument. In our five months of dating, I haven't talked about my family, and frankly, I don't want to. Thinking about it now, I feel bad. Colby and his family are close and he doesn't understand my family problems because I haven't told him. Whenever he asks I just give vague answers.
I sigh and dry my hands on my apron before walking into the living room where Colby is still setting up. He's busy fixing blankets around my couches, which he pushed together, to notice that I walked in.
"Look, I'm sorry for snapping. Things with my family are complicated and it's better if I don't go." Colby stops and turns around.
"Well, what if I went with you?" I stare at Colby for a second. I never wanted to Colby to meet my parents. Not because I'm ashamed of him, but because I'm ashamed of them and I don't want him to know how messed up I really am.
"I'll talk to my mom and I'll think about it. But I don't think it's a good idea."
"If it's as bad as you think it'll be then we can bail. I'll fake a medical emergency." Colby fakes a heart attack and falls backward in the couch bed he made. I roll my eyes and open my phone to the message my mom sent me.
"Calm down before you actually hurt yourself. Come help me in the kitchen when you're done in here." I respond to my mom asking for more details before walking back to finished cooking. While I work on the burgers and fries I instruct Colby to make the milkshakes. Eventually, I stopped him before he poured too much milk and made him wash the dishes and set out the special trays.
"Did you go out and buy these cups and trays to make it look like we were actually eating at a diner?" Colby asks as he puts together his burger.
"Of course, I did it because I'm extra and for the aesthetic. You should have known what you were getting into when you asked me to be your girlfriend." I put the pot and pan in the sink and go plate out food.
"Is it too late to take that back?" I fake gasp and smack Colby's arm.
"I'm kidding!" He yells as he picks up our food and takes it to the living room. I pick up our shakes and follow him.
"We're going on Friday by the way." I don't let Colby respond and press play on the movie he chose.
Maybe this was a bad idea. Right now I'm sat in the passenger seat of my own car, staring at the house I grew up in. I haven't been here since I ran away last year. I feel like I'm asleep, unable to move and the house is a sleep paralysis demon waiting to swallow me up. I talked to my mother and she told me that it was safe. That it would only be her and my brothers. That she and my father separated a few months ago and in the process of divorce. That she wanted to apologize in person and rebuild our relationship. Despite those reassurances, part of me is still terrified to go back.
I asked Colby to drive because I'm too nervous to get behind the wheel. I told him that we were using my car because I didn't want to trust his car as an escape method. With my luck, his car would break down when I needed to leave.
I eventually muster up the courage to get out of the car. My heart pounds as Colby and I stand at the front door waiting for someone to open it. The door opens to reveal one of my brothers.
"Benji, hey, it's so good to see you! Benji, this is my boyfriend, Colby Brock. Colby, this is my second oldest brother, Benjamin." Colby and Benji shake hands and introduce themselves to each other. I walk further into the house and run into my oldest brother.
"Hey Joey, meet Colby. Colbs, meet the oldest of all three Hart kids." I let Joey and Colby introduce themselves and I go to give Benji a hug. In all honesty, Benji is the only person I missed in the whole family, besides my grandmother. I look around the house and not much has changed. All the pictures that had my father are gone.
"Mom is in the kitchen cooking." He tells me. I nod and grab Colby's hand and lead him to the kitchen.
We get to the kitchen and I look at my mother as she prepares what smells like her famous spaghetti. I can't help but have a small smile. It's almost like walking into the past. She stops cooking and turns around and sees me. She smiles big and engulfs me in a hug. I awkwardly hug her back. All of this feels foreign; mom cooking happily in the kitchen and her giving me affection. The last time any of that happened was when I was 14.
"Hi mom, this is Colby. Colby, meet my mother." I managed to wiggle out of her grip. Colby goes in for a handshake but my mother traps him in a hug as well.
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Hart, you have a lovely home." She lets go of Colby and looks him up and down with a grin.
"You found yourself a good one. Nice to meet you too. Both of you should go sit in the living room. I'll be there in a second." She pushes us out of the kitchen and back into the living room where my brothers are talking. Colby and I join them on the couch.
"So Joey, where's Danielle?" I ask to make conversation.
"She at our firm working on a career-changing case that I had to miss out on because mom insisted that I was her for the prodigal daughter's return feast." He has on the same 'you ruined my life' look that he's had on his face probably since the day he found out he was going to have a little sister.
"Hey, maybe when Benji is done with medical school you can have him surgically remove the stick that is wedged so far up your ass?"
"So, Colby, what do you do?" Benji quickly changes the conversation. If I didn't know any better I would think that Benji is the oldest.
"Same as Isabella, I make youtube videos for a living. I have a duo channel with my best friend from Kansas where we do a lot of exploration videos and haunted videos. On my main channel, I post more a bunch of random things." I like seeing the twinkle in Colby's eye when he talks about his job.
The conversation keeps going on between the four of us as my mom brings out a tray with drinks and appetizers. She sets them down on the coffee table and joins us.
"Isabella, what are you doing now?" My mother asks.
"Well, like Colby said earlier, I'm still making videos. I travel quite a bit for work. But I'm mostly in school right now. I'm double majoring in English and business management and triple minoring in finance, dance, and music. I have scholarships and grants that pay for most of my tuition. I cover the rest with my youtube and art money. I have my own little side business where I sell my art as well." I kind of wanted to show my mom how well I'm doing without her. To brag that I'm fine on my own.
"She's always busy, we had to work in time for us to spend time together in our schedules," Colby adds. He intertwined his fingers in mine.
"Colby is always traveling for work and is equally as busy. Half of our dates are just us working in the same room together when we can. Perks of working in the same industry as the person you're seeing. You get it, right Joey?" Joey just nods and sips his drink.
We have a conversation for a little bit longer before my mother disappeared into the kitchen. I follow her in to help. Colby seems to be getting along just fine with my brothers.
I help my mom prepare the salad and placing the food into fancy serving dishes. We work together in silence like old times.
"Isabella, I just wanted to apologize for how I treated you all those years. I should have listened and believed you. I chose my husband over my children and I treated you poorly because of it. I was wondering if we could start over?" I stop pouring the meat sauce into the bowl and scan my mom's face. Part of me doesn't trust her. Another part of me wants to.
"We can try, but it's going to take a while for things to feel normal to me." I finish pouring the meat sauce and put the dirty dishes in the sink.
"I'm happy to hear that. Why don't you go wash up and I'll have the boys help me set the table." I nod my head and walk upstairs to the bathroom. I could use the one downstairs but I want to see my old room.
I quickly wash my hands and go to the end of the hallway where my room was. I open the door to find it almost exactly how I left it. The walls are still pink with purple butterflies. When I moved out I took all of my clothes and everything of importance. I took all my old art and pictures and put them in the box. To be honest, the only things I left were my furniture and the tv. I took off all the bedding and folded it nicely on my bed with a note explaining why I left. The bed is made with my old bedding. My dresser has little broken things that I didn't even bother consider taking. My closet is empty except for the stuffed animals that I couldn't take with me. I find my old beat up Piglet plushie. It's not even bright pink anymore. He's faded and dirty. You can see all the places where my mom had to repair him.
"You used to take that thing everywhere you went." My blood freezes at the sound of the voice. Hearing that voice, in this room especially, after so long still scares me. I don't want to turn around but I do anyway.
"D-dad? What are you..." Tears well up in my eyes when I see his face. It takes me a second to register what is going on.
"Did you miss me? I missed you, princess." He walks closer and strokes my cheek with the back of his hand. I drop Piglet and push his hand away. I run past him and head straight downstairs.
"Colby, we're leaving!" I grab my jacket and bag from the couch.
"Why, what happened?" Colby comes out of the dining room and grabs his jacket questioningly. I told him earlier that when I said we're leaving, we're leaving.
"I'll talk about it later, but I can't be in this house anymore." Colby studies my face and grabs my hand.
"What's going on?" My mom comes out of the dining room and innocently looks at Colby and I. It makes me sick.
I keep my distance and look at my mom in the eyes.
"I should be asking you that. You lied. You said that he wasn't here, but I ran into him upstairs. Why did you lie? Why have this whole charade?" My fists are balled up in anger but I keep looking back at the stairs in terror.
"I knew you wouldn't come unless I told you he was out of the house."
"So you lied? Why? Why did you want me to come over?"
She uncomfortably looks around the room. She looks at anything that isn't me. Finally, her wandering eyes land on me. They're as cold and heartless as I remember. This is the versos of my mom that I remember. The version she has been since I was 14.
"We're struggling a bit financially. Your brothers are helping out a bit but it's not enough. I was going to ask you for money." She doesn't break her eye contact with me.
"Un-fucking-believable. I would help you, but after everything, I can't. Let's go Colby." Colby and I walk back to my car and leave.
Except for the music, the ride is quiet. Colby doesn't push for details, he lets me be alone with my thoughts and I'm thankful for that. I stare out the window so Colby doesn't see me crying, but I know that he knows I am. He holds my hands as he drives, only letting go when he needs both hands but immediately puts it back when he's done. I watch as all the familiar buildings that I grew up around pass me by in a blur like they did the day I left.
Colby stops the car in a Panera Bread parking lot. I know Panera isn't Colby's favorite place in the world, it's mine. But I think he brought me here to try to cheer me up. I don't think this a problem that Panera can fix. But I sit up and clean my face before joining Colby. When we get inside Colby orders our food, I get the same thing every time we eat here so he knows my order by heart. When I was messing around on his phone a few days ago I found a little notes file that had what I get from every place we eat at. He's too good to me. Who am I kidding? He's too good for me.
Colby finds us a little table away from everyone and leaves me alone to get your drinks. I stopped crying but every inch of me wants to. Colby comes back and places a lemonade in front of me. He holds my hand but doesn't force me to talk.
"I'm sorry for pushing you to go to your mom's house. I didn't know how bad it was." Colby says.
"It's not your fault my parents are horrible people. I should have known my mom wouldn't change. I'm sorry for dragging you into the family drama."
"You know what? Forget your family. I'm your family now. And the trap house too."
"You can't date me and be my family. That's a bit like incest in a way."
"Well, I am from Kansas." I can't help but laugh at Colby's joke.
"Ah, there it is. There's the smile I know and love." Colby smiles at me and makes me blush.
"Okay you dork, I get it." I like him so much it hurts.
"Do you want to talk about it? You don't have to if you don't want to." I look down for a second. I've never told anyone this. If I tell Colby, that could change things.
"No, it's fine. I should talk about it. I just won't go too into details. For as long as I could remember, my dad would... do things to me and make me return the favor. It's got significantly worse when I hit puberty. He would always tell me that nobody would believe me and that if I told my brothers and I would get taken away and things would be worse for all three of us. I believed him so I kept quiet about it. Until I was 14, two years after things escalated. I told my mom but she didn't believe me. She got the entire family to turn against me. My mom accused me of lying to ruin our family's reputation. I was treated like a pariah at family gatherings. I would just stay in my room or go out. My grandmother, bless her heart, believed me but she was too old to take me in or do anything to stop it. So when she died she left me all of her money. Which made everyone on my mom's side of the family hate me more. Everything she had was given to me and if it could be sold she arranged for that to happen and the money given to me. The only thing was that I had to be 18. I knew that I had to get out of that house. So when I turned 16 I got as many part-time jobs as I could while getting paid a little bit from youtube. I save up to move out and on the morning of my 18th birthday, I left. I hadn't been back until today."
"I would have never guessed..."
"Yeah. That would also explain the whole party girl slut thing I have going for me. That started when I was 16 and first started getting popular on YouTube. It was a distraction and a way to numb everything. I was a real train wreck before I met you. I calmed down a bit. If you had met me a few months before then this, our relationship, would probably not even be a thing. I might have just hooked up with you and severed all ties. That's how bad I was." Our conversation pauses for a moment as the server brings our food.
"That's a lot of heavy shit that you kept bottled up. I understand why you didn't tell me before. Just so you know, none of what you just told me is going to change the way I feel about you. What happened to you doesn't make you a horrible person. You didn't deserve it and they deserve all the bad karma that they're going to get. You know what? You amaze me. Even when you were in that shitty situation you managed to spread nothing but positivity on your channel."
"Don't worry, there are a lot of depressing journal entries that disprove that statement. Anyway, now you know everything that you need to know about me." Colby places his hand on mine.
"I'm glad you're feeling comfortable enough to open up to me."
And like that, everything in our world was fine again. In fact, things were even better. Not just with Colby but every aspect of my life was improved. I wasn't carrying the unnecessary weight of my family drama on my shoulders anymore.
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dnly · 6 years
Fascinating | D.S.
Daniel knew from the every beginning that thirdwheeling is a bad decision he made, but did he really regretted it?
warning(s): swearing, fluff oml,
word count: 2003
a/n: requested by anon. send me your requests if you have and also let me know if you wanna be part of the taglist :) enjoy!
"Daniel! We don't have all day!!!" Corbyn shouted so that his best friend, Daniel, would hear him.
"I'm coming!" he throws a shout back which earned a groan from the couple.
Christina was crossing her arms already which made Corbyn worry, "Baby, we can just ditch him if you want?"
She grinned and laughed with his boyfriend, Corbyn knew her girlfriend wasn't that type of person who gets annoyed when her boyfriend's best friend tag along on their date.
"Alright! I'm all done." he announced as he arrived in the living room. Both deadpanned seeing him after another five minutes.
"Dude, what took you so long to get ready?" Corbyn asked confusingly as they walk out from the house and hopped inside the car. "It's not like you have a date."
Daniel glared at his best friend's remark, rolling his eyes as he buckled his seatbelt at the back.
"It's not like I have a choice, you know." he crosses his arms like a little kid who got scolded by his mother.
"Corbyn didn't mean it that way, Dani." Christina tried to contain herself from laughing, including Corbyn. "Let's just have fun today, okay?"
Both boys agreed as Corbyn started the engine and then driving off to the most magical and the happiest place on earth—Disneyland. The three started singing songs from the radio as well as them taking Snapchat and Instagram stories, that's just how life goes.
Christina was visiting her boyfriend in Los Angeles which made them come to a conclusion to go to Disneyland. Daniel doesn't really want to go with them in the first place, but the other boys made him to. He couldn't hang-out with Jonah, Jack and Zach. The three boys also went off to wherever those places were with their girlfriends and he doesn't want to go with any of them since he's not really close with any of those girls, except for Christina. Which he knew almost two years ago.
As they arrive in Disneyland, Corbyn and Christina were so excited to catch-up and have fun, including Daniel, well sort of. They stroll around the amusement park talking and just enjoying the sunny day in LA. The trio started doing the listed activities they wrote before they arrived in Disneyland, such as riding some rides and doing some fun activities that they would enjoy. It was honestly nice to get out and enjoy with his best buds. But it made Daniel think how lonely he can get, as he is the only one who doesn't have a girlfriend.
"Oh my goodness!!! This is just the perfect view!" Christina said excited as she takes her phone out, they reached the famous castle of Cinderella. "Daniel, can you take a photo of us?"
Daniel took the phone from her as both Corbyn and Christina poses with the castle on the background. Like their usual pose together, they did a wacky pose, they kissed and then Corbyn carried his girlfriend into a bridal style.
"Damn, I hate being single." Daniel sighed as he takes the pictures. "Just give me credits, thanks."
They went to a café to chat more about life and all good stuff—Christina with her career and school then the boys with the new music they're working on. The three enjoyed catching-up, they barely noticed it was getting dark. While they were waiting for the fireworks, there was a particular ride they wanted to try before ending their day.
"Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy," Corbyn read the sign, "This is going to be sick."
"I think, I'm gonna be sick." Christina said sarcastically.
"Piece of cake." Daniel bragged which earned some scoffs from the couple. They walked up to the line and waited.
Surprisingly, it didn't take too long for them to get accomodated to the ride itself. As they walk looking for a perfect spot in the ride, Daniel noticed how the seats are only good for two people, which means that Daniel should sit either behind or ahead from the couple.
"Daniel, take the back seat." Corbyn patted Daniel's shoulders as they walk towards the desired seats.
"For the ninth time, I hate being single. It sucks."
"Bro, it's not the end of the world!" he shaked his shoulder, "Hey, what if..." he wiggled his brows at him.
"What if?"
"What if, you'll meet her here. Right?"
"What if not?" Daniel stared at him blankly.
"I got no time to deal with your negativity," Corbyn sang while he gazes at Daniel.
"I'm losing my patience..." Daniel sang the next line.
"Why don't we forget about all of the drama, all of the odds and the problems." Corbyn changed song.
"So we could just chill?" Daniel sangs confusingly.
"That's the spirit! Now, take the seat behind ours."
"Corbyn!!!" Christina stood from the near seat calling her boyfriend and Corbyn took the seat beside hers.
"Later, bro." he said to Daniel as he sighs, taking a seat beside a girl.
Fastening his seatbelt as he took his phone out trying to make himself busy. They were still waiting for the rollercoaster to load up.
"Nice singing, by the way." the girl beside her spoke. Daniel glanced at her while furrowing his brows, "Well, you and your friend sang earlier. Right?"
Daniel payed attention to her, when he realized how beautiful this human being beside him is. She wasn't the typical or basic girl you'll see around LA—her beauty was completely different. She is beautiful, Daniel thought.
"Yes, that was us." he finally spoke.
"You got a pretty cool voice," she smiled shyly.
"You got a pretty face too," Daniel muttered as he stares at her beautiful brown eyes, Daniel got to admit. He has a thing for girls with brown eyes.
"Sorry, what?"
His eyes widen as he realized what he said, "I meant, thanks." She blushed?
Well, that was something.
While waiting for a couple of minutes, Daniel was so occupied of how beautiful his 'seatmate' in the rollercoaster was. She's sweet and seemed shy, Daniel thought.
Not long when the ride started its engine, earning some shouts. Daniel can deal this type of rides. Like the last time he rode a rollercoaster with the boys, when he was caught texting in the middle of the extreme ride while the other four guys are probably screaming behind those pictures. So, he was pretty chill with this one.
When it got faster, he tightened his grip from the handle.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." her absolutely beautiful 'seatmate' cursed.
At first, Daniel didn't mind.
But when it got faster and faster. He wasn't prepared with what he was about to hear.
"FUCKING SHIT!!!" the beautiful girl beside her shouted as loud as she could. "HOLY SHIT!!! DAMN! SHI-AAAAHHHHH!!!"
Daniel's eyes widen as he sees his seatmate couldn't contain herself from cursing, a grin creeped on Daniel's lips. I didn't see that coming, but it was fascinating. He thought.
"AAAHHHH!!!" Daniel joined her, which made her look at him. And both of them screamed and laughed together, then a flashed came out of nowhere.
After a few more rounds, the beautiful 'I still don't know your name' girl kept cussing and shouting with whatever her head is thinking. She's as opposite as Daniel thought her to be, how fascinating.
As the rollercoaster slowed down as it reaches its end, the beautiful 'I still don't know your name' girl kept talking.
She panted as she cups her face with her small hands, "Dear Lord God, please help me." she pouted as she tried to recover from the extreme ride.
"Are you okay?" Daniel asked concernly as he holds her wrist.
She looks up at him, making her brown ones looked at his blue ones. It was weird how his stares would make her calm, she thought.
"Y-yeah, this shit wants to make me piss all the butterbeer I had earlier."
He chuckled which made her grin a little, "Hey, Dan-oh... Hi!" Corbyn awknowledged as he noticed Daniel is talking to his seatmate and 'I still don't know your name' girl waved at Corbyn with a smile. "We'll meet you outside, bro." Daniel nodded while Corbyn and Christina flashed him meaningful smiles.
Thank God for a friend like Corbyn.
As the couple left, Daniel unbuckled his seatbelt then so as his seatmate. He got up from his seat as he offered her a hand, which she gladly accepted.
"Uh-hey, not trying to be a creep but why are you riding that thing alone?" Daniel asked as they walk together.
"Well, as you can see, nobody wants to ride that badass with me because they wouldn't define it as fun." she crunched her nose and making 'fun' clear as possible which made Daniel smile, "How about you?"
"What about me?"
"Why are you thirdwheeling? Aren't they bothered or something?"
Oh, shit. Nice way to impress a girl, Daniel. He thought.
"Or something?" he grinned then chuckled, "No, they didn't mind at all." he replied, "Which is a good thing."
She laughed, Daniel couldn't help but smile at her beautiful and genuine smile. How her smile shone in the night. It was magical.
It gets more magical when fireworks started to fill the dark sky with various colors, both of them look up seeing the beautiful sky filled with colors. Daniel gazed at her, seeing her stunning and contagious smile while she looks up. The fireworks reflected on her twinkly eyes which Daniel find it fascinating. He couldn't comprehend how he's feeling right now but he was happy.
Not long when she caught his gaze at her which made Daniel look up again, she smiled at herself of how beautiful her night was about to end. Meeting a boy on a rollercoaster.
When the fireworks ended everybody cheered, Daniel looked at her once more. "I didn't get your name, though. I'm Daniel, by the way."
"Hi, I'm Y/N." she smiled as she extended her hand to him which he shook with his.
"Y/N!!!" a little girl around three years old ran towards Y/N, she picked her up just to make sure she doesn't fall.
"Well, this is my cue." Y/N kissed her sister's cheek which Daniel believed, "I'll see you around, Daniel."
"See you around, Y/N." he smirked at her, she smiled in return. She waved at him and so is the little girl that she's carrying.
"Bro, what was that?!" Corbyn approached whose been watching the whole scene. They handshaked.
"I don't know, man." Daniel shook his head while smiling. "It was magical."
"By the way, we took your photo at the rollercoaster in case you forgot." Corbyn handed Daniel the developed photo.
Once he accepted it, he barely noticed he was smiling as he admired the picture of him and Y/N. Both of them were probably laughing their asses off since smiles had been plastered on their faces in the picture. It was pure joy.
"How romantic." Christina butted in as Corbyn wrapped his arm around her.
"Whatever, guys." he rolled his eyes.
"Seriously though, this is really cute and she's so pretty too." Christina commented.
"It has been a nice night." that was all Daniel said.
"Oh, just admit it has been a great night!" Corbyn chuckled. Daniel smiled as they walk on the way out from the amusement park.
Maybe tagging along wasn't such a bad idea. At the end of the day, he met a girl who is fascinating enough to not let him sleep that night.
It was true.
Daniel would admit, it was a great night. Y/N made Daniel's night.
Taglist: @alyssaah15 @beccagraceseavey @autumnseavey @ashley-youtube
114 notes · View notes
mysweetserpent · 6 years
5 years away pt 4
Tumblr media
A/N: Here is the non Christmas version. If you would like the Christmas version let me know ad I’ll post it! thank you all for being so patient! Let me know how I did and if you want more!
Taglist: @lostnliterature
Part One    Part Two    Part Three
It had now been two weeks after the night Sweet Pea claimed he had forgiven you. Your dad’s funeral had passed and so had Christmas. There had been no exchange between you and Sweet Pea since that night he claimed to have forgiven you. You had now figured out that he, in fact, hadn’t forgiven you. But you had many other things to worry about rather than to dwell on it. It had been your first Christmas without your dad.  
Your mom had not been handling it well at all. She usually had all the decorations set up the day after thanksgiving but your trailer was bare. Not once thing Christmas decoration was in sight. It saddened you even more because it was your dad’s favorite holiday. He wouldn’t have wanted your mother this way.
But pushing that all aside, you decided that you were going to join in on the one serpent thing he loved to do. Heading to the Whyte Wyrm, you stopped to pick up Toni. You decided a couple days ago that there was just too much going on to worry her lying to you. “You know he is going to be there right?”
You nodded your head. “Of course I do. But I need to stop mourning my dad and start celebrating him. And plus they always lied spending Sunday nights at the Wyrm drinking, playing pool and watching football.” Silence filled the car after you spoke. Toni was afraid to upset you more, but actually you got caught up in your memories of Sweet Pea and your dad. Y/D/N had always liked Sweet Pea, but after bonding with him in this was, he grew to love the boy like his own son.
Pulling up to the Wyrm, nerves started to fill your stomach. Taking the keys out of the ignition, you took a deep sigh and leaned your head back on the head rest on your seat. Letting out a loud groan, Toni laughed and you both got out of the car. It was getting way to cold to be riding the motorcycle. You straightened out your jacket you made your way to the doors.
Walking in, you took a look around noticing that it was more of your generation of serpents. You smiled because you actually felt like home being surrounded by familiar faces. The first person to approach you though was FP with a fake smile placed on his lips. “Y/N! Let me buy you a drink.”
As you tried to reject his offer, he threw his arm over your shoulder pulling you over to the bar anyway. FP moved behind the bar motioning for you to take a seat. Rolling your eyes, you sat down and watched him make a rum and coke. “I know you are going to be here longer now, but I don’t think hanging around the Wyrm is the best move Y/N.”
He placed the drink and a shot in front of you. Downing the shot, you looked over to him. “I’m not here for him FP. I’m over having this conversation with you and Jughead. Leave it alone and let it go.” FP shook his head and hissed out, “It aint that easy kid. You might not be here for him but that doesn’t mean you aint a distraction for him.”
His eyes moved past you to who you were assuming was Sweet Pea, but you didn’t have the courage to look back at him too. FP and Jughead had been giving you the same speech every time you stepped in to the same room as Sweet Pea and it was beginning to piss you off beyond belief. “FP, I respect you and I love you like a uncle but you and your son are really pissing me off. I just barred my dad and you are more worried about how my presence effect Sweet Pea. I am not going to tell either one of you again. I am not here for him.”
“Who are you not here for?” You tensed as you heard his voice. FP’s eyebrows raised at you which caused you to roll yours and bring your drink up to your lips, downing this one too. Before FP could answer him, you spun around in your bar stool. Looking up and down Sweet Pea, you met his eyes and spoke a simple “You” before getting up to walk past him.
Reaching Toni, Fangs and Jughead, they all turned their heads like they weren’t creeping on the interaction that just happened. “Can we just ignore what happened?” The gang all nodded before returning to their teasing of Fangs for still not being able to win a game of pool in 5 years.
“Y/N, you know you didn’t have to come out tonight right? You could’ve stayed home with your mom.” Fangs said as everyone went back to what they were doing. You shook your head, “Are you kidding? This was my dad favorite thing to do every Sunday. He’d start haunting my ass if I didn’t come to at least once in his honor.”
You felt eyes burning on the side of your face as you spoke. Knowing damn well they were Pea’s, you din’t bother looking. You defiantly weren’t in the mood for anymore fake apologies. But unfortunately he spoke up making you look at him. “Actually Y/N I’m glad your here. The serpents are from now on going to call Sundays, the Y/L/N’s sundays where all rum and cokes are half off.
Listening to Sweet Pea’s words, you couldn’t help but start to cry. This would’ve meant so much do your dad and for Sweet Pea to be the leader to place the law, it only felt right. Not wanting anyone to see you cry, you turned around and stormed out. Leaning against the wall, you brought your hands to your face trying to wipe away the tears that kept on flowing.
Hearing the door open, you started to calm yourself down. You were sick of crying in front of people and receiving the pitiful looks. Your head was still hung low as the person leaned against the wall next to you. Opening your eyes, but still keeping them on the ground, you noticed Sweet Pea’s boots. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
You shook your head as you pulled your head up. “You just caught me off guard that’s all. I guess I just wasn’t expecting something nice out of you.” Looking up at him, his face dropped a little. Probably from the harsh careless tone you had given him for the second time today. You reached over and pulled the cigarette out of his hand before taking a hit of it. It had now became a stress habit for you.
“I thought we were good now that I forgave you?” He questioned like he was confused. You scoffed. He might have fooled you and gotten you off his back that night but you weren’t stupid. “You never were a good liar Pea.”
You flicked the ash off cigarette that was still lit and brought it uno your lips again. You didn’t have to look at him to know that his hand was in his hair pulling at it. “Listen, I don’t want to keep going back and forth with you. I get that I hurt you and I’m sorry that I let you down. But maybe I just did too much damage.”
Flicking the cigarette to the ground, you stomped it out. “I did mean what I said that night Y/N. I have forgiven you, but that doesn’t mean I’m still not so pissed at you for walking away from me. And even though it’s been so long I can still feel the pain.” Closing your eyes, you leaned your head against the wall. Sweet Pea spoke up again, “What was that conversation with FP all about?”
You let out a rough sarcastic laugh. “Let’s just say they don’t like that I’m still in your presence let alone Riverdale.” Taking a look at him, his face hardened a little bit before it relaxed again. “Well when do you plan on going back to that fancy college of yours?”
“I’m actually finished college. I just have to graduate. I missed out of graduating because I had to come here. If I’m right, I got back right after the new year and there are holding a small ceremony for a handful who missed graduation.” Immediately, your mind went to how your dad wouldn’t be there. As the law degree was placed in your hand, finally, he wouldn’t be cheering you on in the stands.
“Do you plan on coming back here?” He asked curiously. But before you could answer, Fangs came outside. “The game is starting Boss.” You bursted in to laughter after hearing Fangs call him boss. Both boys rolled their eyes and you all made your way back inside.
“Hey Y/N. Want another drink and a round of wings?” Toni asked. You nodded your head yes as you grabbed the drink you had finishing it. Toni walked away and you walked over to were Fangs and Jughead and just began another game of pool. “Do you guys come here to watch football or to play pool?” You asked the two.
Jughead looked up at you with a face telling you that you already knew the answer as Fangs let out a loud sigh because he was already losing the new game. “I like football but I just wanna win one damn pool game Y/N.” You laughed at his foolishness. You took a step back in to your surroundings as you took everything in. Your dad would’ve loved this. Hell he would’ve been walking around here bragging about it. But even more, he would’ve loved seeing you in the Wyrm again.
Sweet Pea noticed you and walked over. “Are you okay?” He whispered to you. Only nodding in response because you couldn’t trust your voice, you wrapped an arm around his waist to side hug him. Surprisingly, her threw his arm around your shoulders. “He would’ve loved this.”
After Sweet Pea’s words, you pulled away from him and walked away meeting Toni at the table you were all sharing. Grabbing the new drink she had brought you, you began to chug it. “Wow slow down there Mrs. Jack Daniel’s. What’s got you all worked up?” Just having to send Toni a look in response to her question she got the hint.
“At least he isn’t still being cold with you. I mean things can only get better from here right?” You shrugged in response. Who knew with you and Pea. Apparently Fangs gave up on losing, because Jughead and him came over to were you and Toni were. “So we haven’t really gotten the chance to hear about what you’ve been up to in fancy New York Y/N.” Jughead stated.
“Not much to tell. I basically had my nose in a textbook 24/7. It was law school not a vacation.” You laughed as Jug threw his hadn’t up in defense. “You had to have some type of fun while you were there. No parties? No boys? No sightseeing?” Toni asked throwing in her questions.
“A few parties with my roommate. Only two boys but defiantly nothing to brag about.” You rolled your eyes at the thought of those two mistakes you made. “The sights were defiantly amazing though. I could see the whole city from the roof of my dorm. I use to spend most of my nights studying up there.” You smiled at the thought of being on that peaceful roof again.
“Oh and I had this nut of an English professor. I literally handed in the same essay for three things and got an A+ on all three times. She didn’t even realize that it was the same one.” All four of you laughed at the stupid professor. But when the laughter faded, things got serious. “So when are you leaving us?”
At this point, Sweet Pea had walked up to the four of you. You sighed. “I’m leaving in three days.” All of their head dropped and Pea’s face hardened. He made eye contact with you. “Are you gonna come back this time or take off for another 5 years?” He spat out.
“The plan is to come back. I’m moving back to Riverdale.”
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