#now someone get that damn movie over here already lol
animebw · 2 years
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Hiiiii!!!! So, if you wanna write something, can you do poly marauders find out reader sleeps with like an almost concerning amount of plushies??? I literally sleep on a few plushies so I think it would be cute lol
Hi sweetheart, thanks for requesting!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
You’ve been pouting all evening, ever since the boys had decided to watch a new comedy film over one of your chickflicks. You’re ganging up on me, you’d complained, and James felt a twinge of guilt but Sirius had only laughed. You’re damn right we are, sweetheart, because we watched that one just last week! You’d gone silent after that, but you’ve seemed vaguely sulky ever since, even when James brought you popcorn and tried to snuggle up with you under the blanket. 
“I’m gonna go to bed,” you say abruptly, standing and gathering your blanket about you. 
“Already?” James asks. “The movie’s only got like, twenty more minutes in it.” 
“That’s okay,” you yawn, stooping to give him a hug and kiss. “Goodnight.” 
“Goodnight, dovey,” Remus says as you kiss him too, then Sirius. “Sleep well.” 
James watches you go, unease growing like a fungus in his chest as you go into your room instead of one of theirs, the door shutting definitively behind you. 
“Prongs, hey.” He turns to find Remus looking at him, his brows scrunching just softly upwards. “Don’t worry about it, love, she’s alright.” 
“I know it’s silly,” he says, casting another glance down the hall, “but she just seemed so put out. And then she went to her own room.” 
“She doesn’t always want to sleep in ours.” Sirius shrugs. “Disappointing, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything.” 
It’s true; you only sleep in one of your boyfriends’ rooms maybe half of the time, but this has always been a point of confusion for James. He and the other boys shuffle between rooms every night, and when you join them you seem to enjoy it as much as the rest of them do. Plus, it’s no secret that you love cuddles above all else, so why deprive yourself of them on such a regular basis?
James stands. “I’m gonna go check on her.”
“Suit yourself,” Sirius says, and Remus only nods, attention going back to the film. 
James sees blue light coming from underneath your door as he approaches, confirming his suspicion that you weren’t really tired enough to sleep when you’d left. He knocks softly. “Sweetheart? Can I come in?”
You don’t reply, and he hesitates briefly before cracking the door. For a moment, he wonders if you’re in here at all. He certainly can’t find you. The entire room is awash in blue light, your laptop screen on full brightness as the intro to the movie you’d wanted to watch earlier plays silently. Where you should be on your bed is instead half a million stuffed animals. Piles of them, from your headboard to the end of the bed, with little faces lit by the screen like they’re watching the movie, too. 
James draws closer, noticing your headphones plugged into the laptop, and follows the chord until he finds you, nestled so deeply in plushies that only your face is visible. He takes a second to relish the sight before waving a hand in front of the screen to get your attention. You startle, the movement sending a plushie tumbling off the bed and onto the floor. You lunge for it, disrupting even more of the toys, and James has to dam the avalanche with both hands, passing you the fallen stuffed animal—A penguin, he thinks to himself. How cute—while you take off your headphones. 
“Fuck, you scared me,” you say breathlessly, and James guffaws, hysterical laugher bubbling out of his chest. “What?”
“Just,” he marvels, shaking his head, “it’s surprising to hear that kind of language coming from someone absolutely buried in cuteness right now.” 
You sink further into the pile, and if the lighting weren’t so blue at the moment, he suspects your face would appear redder. 
“Jamie,” you say, quietly, hurriedly. “Jamie, don’t tell. Please?”
He’s just starting to wonder whether he’s even capable of keeping a secret as good as this when two pairs of footsteps start down the hallway. 
“What’s going on?” Sirius’ voice calls, a second before Remus flicks on the light and both boys go silent. James giggles, bringing his hand to his mouth in an attempt to smother the sound. Your face is indeed as flushed as he’d imagined, and you burrow further into your squishy fortress as if you could disappear into it entirely. 
“Baby,” Sirius says, sounding positively delighted, “where have you been hiding all of this?”
“I haven’t been hiding them.” Your voice is muffled by stuffing. “They just stay in my closet during the day. So my room doesn’t look cluttered.” 
“But why?” Sirius makes his way over to you, picking up a fox by your head. “This little guy is so charming. You’d deprive us of him?”
Despite Sirius’ honey-coated tone, you know what he’s about, and your eyes narrow defensively. 
“Dove,” Remus says slowly, fighting to keep his expression under control as his eyes glitter with amusement. “This is the most adorable thing I think I’ve ever seen.” 
You don’t look inclined to make a response, so James speaks again. 
“Is this why you don’t always want to sleep with us?” he asks, doing his best to gentle the teasing in his voice. “Because these guys are welcome in my room anytime if it means I get to be with you too.” 
You make your eyes big and sad in that way James swears you have to practice in the mirror. “Really? You don’t think it’s embarrassing?” 
James is finally free to unleash the full capacity of his smile. “Of course not, angel.”
“Well, maybe, like, a dozen of them,” Sirius says. “With more than one person, I think they’d all end up falling off the bed.” 
You look horrified. “I feel so guilty when that happens.” 
Remus makes a sound that’s half laugh, half coo. “Darling, you’re going to kill me with all this.” He gives you a look so syrupy sweet James feels his heart go all soft and mushy. “Please come finish the movie with us so I can give you a proper cuddle?”
“And bring some of your friends,” Sirius adds as you start to extricate yourself from the jumble on your bed. “Fuck, I’m never gonna get over this.”
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yuquinzel · 1 year
[ 8:37 pm ] — miya atsumu.
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the clock reads 8:37 pm, exactly 14 seconds to 38 and atsumu is painfully aware of each long, dragging and excruciatingly endless second because it's been exactly 4 hours, 19 minutes and 12 seconds since you left on him read.
he's currently laid on his bed, in his dimly lit room where the only source of illumination is the faint fluorescent glow of his mobile screen.
he's frowning, brows furrowed at the dull ‘seen 4hrs ago’ in anticipation because at any second now he'll see the ‘typing...’ indication and he doesn't wanna be late to reply.
atsumu is a fast and an energetic texter. he sends you at least 14 cat videos with the “ur the third one” message immediately after each. or he sends you those ‘ask your friend which hour of the day you are’ followed by a “you. blue hour” hopefully awaiting your reply because he needs to know if you think he's the golden hour or not.
y/n 🛐: you're definitely the golden hour then lol
the better twin: damn. didn't expect that.
he actually did. hoped for it in fact. he thinks about it for the next week.
you're not the type to leave people on seen for more than 5 minutes. at least not him. you reply as quick as you can with the same energy as him and have a habit of liking his rather funny texts from time to time.
so he's more confused than upset right now, thinking of all possible reasons you could've read his messages but were unable to reply. he hasn't seen you since last friday when you told him about a week long road trip with your family. his frown only deepens when the clock hits 8:40 and there's no sign of a reply from you.
he's beginning to type a quick “are u good?” when his screen flashes with a call. your contact name. the phone rings in atsumu's hand but his fingers are frozen.
you're calling him.
you don't like phone calls.
atsumu clears his throat because he doesn't want you to hear him squeal with excitement, but he's giggling and kicking his feet, running a hand over his heart and rubbing his eyes to make sure it really is you. he lets the phone ring for a mere seconds before picking it up, “oh hey” he hopes it's as casual as he thinks.
the moment he hears you speak from the other side, atsumu knows he has lost, “ATSUMU! I'm so sorry for leaving you on read. i was in the car and battery fucking died before i could reply and i lost my charger!” you're chasing after your own words, each cut by the next one.
“oh, nah that's fine. so ya found yer charger?” he groans internally at his words, but truthfully he doesn't know what to say.
of course you didn't willingly leave him on read. of course you're calling him now because you don't want him to think otherwise. of course your words are rushed, you've always been that way.
“oh, right yeah. i got home and charged it as soon as I could” you laugh with a newfound sense of relief.
atsumu blinks, “yer home already? weren'tcha coming this sunday??” he asks.
“ohh, no, we decided to come back earlier”
and the voice call ends, leaving you confused.
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it's 9:29 pm and there's a knocking at your door, hastened and impatient, the way you know someone always knocks.
“’tsumu? wait, why are you here at this hour?” you ask, wide eyes set on the setter in front of you panting like he ran a marathon.
“ya said you were back and ya must be tired so i gotcha ice cream—” he breathes out, gesturing to the bag in his hand, “—gee, coulda told me you were comin’ back today, when'd ya get here anyway? how was the trip? did ya take pictures?—”
“atsumu” you say softly, and he pauses, “breathe ”
atsumu lives about 45 minutes away, 15 if he takes the car but as he's panting right now, you know he's ran all the way here. and if he stopped by the convenience store down the street and still get here in time, you're sure he needs at least a minute to breathe.
he smiles one of his boyish, princely smiles, “also got that movie ya wanted ta watch”
“i thought you'd have watched it already?”
“wanted ta watch it with you” he's giggling with excitement you know he's trying to hide.
“okay” you laugh, grabbing his hand to pull him inside.
“okay” he repeats.
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© yuquinzel2023 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
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starlostastronaut · 6 months
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PAIRING: bang chan x reader
GENRE: fluff
WC: 1.17k
CW: nothing i think
PROMPT: accidentally saying they think the other one is pretty
i am terribly sorry for the delay, but tuesdays are the worst in terms of free time (but its almost 10:30pm here so i didnt technically fail lol). but we should be back to your regularly scheduled program for day6 ;)
my personal hc is chris being a confident flirt until it comes to his own crush. like he's a mess. so anyway, don't think too much about the storyline here, there really isn't one lol. i just wrote what came to mind to get it out for you. i hope you enjoy haha <3
title from crushcrushcrush - paramore
general masterlist here
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Your eyes skimmed over the closet and ended up on the pile of clothes on Chan's bed. You had stayed at the dorm so often that the boys decided to keep some of your clothes there for emergencies such as this. It was your annual movie night, where you met up with the boys and their girlfriends (if they had them). The night went on as usual without a hitch, until it didn't. But to be fair, someone should have predicted Jeongin tripping over somebody's legs and spilling his drink all over you. They were apparently used to accidents like these because Chan immediately went to pick out a new shirt for you while Felix's girlfriend helped you clean yourself up. Chan came by the kitchen, telling you he left some clothes in his room so you could change in private. 
Yet there you were, completely ignoring the carefully picked-out shirt in favour of Bang Chan’s closet. Looking at the black shirts, you felt as if they were calling you. What harm would it do to wear one of Chan's shirts, right? You have worn his jacket hundreds of times when you were cold. But this was something different. Wearing his shirt unprompted indicated that you were his. You ignored the excited fluttering of your heart as you picked out a shirt you knew Chan would recognize. So maybe you had a tiny crush on the singer. Damn you for indulging a bit, right? This was harmless fun, and if you were to be completely honest, you looked forward to seeing Chan's reaction.
When you came back to the living room, a few people turned around to stare at you. Changbin and Minho shared a knowing look before they went back to organizing the snacks. You didn’t miss the smirks on both of their faces. The rest too looked away again one by one, focusing on whatever activity they were doing. Well, everyone except Bang Chan. You felt his eyes follow you as you walked across the room to sit next to Jisung, who began filling you in on what movie they picked out while you were changing.
Chan was at a loss for words. He couldn't take his eyes off of you in his shirt. Of course, he recognized it. How could he not? Firstly, it wasn't the one he laid out for you, and secondly, you yourself bought him that shirt not so long ago. There was suddenly something different about you, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He couldn't help but wonder what even caused you to wear his shirt. Did you not like what he picked out for you? Did you lose some bet and the whole accident was scripted? Or did you just decide to be a tease for no reason?
The movie night resumed in the meantime, and when Chan finally tore his gaze away from you, he noticed the film was already playing. He tried his best to catch up on the plot and characters, but his efforts were severely undermined by the fact that he kept glancing in your direction. He usually managed fairly well in your presence, having mastered the sneaky looks and “No, I definitely don't have a crush, why would you say that?" But today was different somehow. And then it hit him. He liked seeing you in his clothes, acting so casual about it. It sparked a certain sense of possessiveness in him. To an outsider, it would look like you’re his partner. 
Realizing staring was rude, Chan turned his attention back to the TV. It didn't stay that way for long, though, because every time he tried to focus on the movie, his eyes always found their way back to you. Your laugh, the way your eyes sparkled, and the slight blush that appeared on your cheeks after Jisung whispered something to you. It all captured his attention like never before.
“Chan? Are you okay?”
Your voice seemed to bring him back out of his trance, because he blinked a few times to snap out of his dazed state. “You're gorgeous,” he blurted out, catching his mouth in the following seconds. “I… I mean…” he stuttered, hiding his face in his hands, silently admitting defeat. He missed the way your cheeks went red and a smile appeared on your face. “Sorry.” Chan quickly stood up and ran out of the room, the embarrassment too high to manage.
You were left there, hopelessly looking in the direction in which Chan disappeared. “Go after him,” Felix and his girlfriend said in unison. They stood up, each taking one of your hands and pulling you up. “Go,” Felix urged you and pushed you in the direction of Chan's room.
“Alright, I'm going. I'm going.” You held your hands up in mock surrender, but you did go after Chan.
Without knocking, you entered and found Chan sitting on his bed. “What's wrong? Why did you run away?” you asked, sitting down next to him. He raised his head when he heard you.
“That was not how I wanted to say that,” he murmured.
“Say what?” you questioned, tilting your head to the side.
“That I think you're pretty? I don't know. I guess I imagined something more intimate than a room full of our nosy friends.” He chuckled at the irony. This situation was pretty close to his vision of an intimate situation. Shame it happened this way, he thought.
You stayed silent, confused by his words. This wasn't like him at all. Chan was a natural flirt; he said things like that all the time. It was just a word, so why was he making a big deal out of it? Sure, it couldn't have been because he might have felt something for you. Or could it? Now that you have thought about it, it would make sense. He seemed to always find you, even in a crowded room. He stayed by your side at every social gathering, keeping you company and then making sure you got home safe. He was always there when you needed something. You chalked it up to him being a good friend, but what if there was something else behind it? You voiced your theory.
Chan's bitter laugh rang through the room. “Was I that easy to read?" He tore his eyes away from you. “Look, can we just forget this? I don't want to ruin anything.”
You pretended to carefully weigh the option, but you decided the moment he confirmed having a crush on you. “We could do that,” you nodded. “But I have a better idea. What about we discuss it somewhere else, preferably on a date?” You winked at him, which sent Chan into another round of laughter, but this time a much happier one.
“Your flirting sucks, but you're hard to resist,” he smirked, all of his previous mood gone. He was back to the playful Chan you knew. “So when you're free?”
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taglist: @stayconnecteed @saintriots @vivioluh @ivaneedssleep @jazziwritesthings
©starlostastronaut 2023 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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nightwolf14292 · 2 months
Some of my Thoughts About Batman: The Animated Series as Someone Who Knows Very Little About Batman Lore (PART 1)
(This is just the first three episodes because it's late and I'm tired and I'd like to go to bed now lol)
•Bangin intro has me very hyped
•Police blimps
•"No one is taking a vigilante force onto my streets." Commissioner Gordon.. Wtf do you think Batman is-? Do you know who Batman is at this point in the series?
•Gotham citizens have a hard time telling the difference between an emo and an actual anthropomorphic bat despite the fact that they look nothing alike
•Batman really likes using smoke bombs
•From reading the episode descriptions, and from watching this first episode, it seems like a lot of these villains are just drug addicts- •Drug addicts who really like bats, in this case
•The anthropomorphic bat was a doctor's fursona all along •There's a ridiculous amount of furries in Gotham
•They really like breaking windows. This is only the first episode and like.. Three windows have been broken already
•Christmas tree rockets
•ROBIN SPOTTED •WHICH ROBIN IS THIS •I KNOW THERE'S A LOT OF 'EM •Whichever Robin it is has sass, but I think all of them do •"Well ba-humbug to you too 😒" - Robin •THEY'RE WATCHING MOVIES AND EATING DINNER TOGETHER ON CHRISTMAS THIS IS A CUTE FAMILY MOMENT ASJSHAHSJAK •Unfortunately the Joker is here to mess that up tho T-T
•"Looks like I'll have to teach daddy some manners.." Uhhh, Joker..? 💀
•Look at this lovely father & son Christmas bonding, saving people and getting shot at with canons 💕
•I feel like the Joker having turrets shaped like him is really on brand somehow, despite knowing little to nothing about the Joker's said brand
•Batman just has a freaking baseball bat 😭🖐 •"They don't call you Bat-man for nothing! 😀" - Robin
•According to the five minutes of research I just did, I think this Robin is Dick Grayson which is, according to the longer then five minutes of research I did last night, the OG (AKA the first) Robin.. So before Bruce's orphan addiction fully formed, I suppose?
•What did Bruce do to you, doctor guy- •This doctor is, like, really passive aggressive ;-; •Also kind of rude of him to just spout nonsense about Bruce's father and Bruce's father's death as if that wasn't an incredibly traumatizing experience for Bruce lmao •BRUCE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO BE DEPRESSED ABOUT IT BECAUSE SCARECROW IS HERE AND HE HAS A GUN- •The villains in this series are kinda obsessed with guns just as much as they're obsessed with drugs
•So Scarecrow takes the "Scare" part of his name literally and makes people hallucinate their fears? •Damn Bruce, dealing with some trauma right now?? 😭😭 I feel like a lot of characters with parent problems (whether those parents are dead or not) have visions and dreams of their parents being like "you suck lmao" to them
•Commissioner Gordon does, in fact know who Batman is right now, so wtf was he talking about earlier with the whole "no vigilantes" thing -_-
•yeah I'd probably call someone a lunatic if they kidnapped people and performed human experimentation too, scarecrow
•Guys I think Bruce needs to go to therapy (again? Has he already been before?) because he's having- like- a panic attack over this Scarecrow guy and his parents and all that.. •I mean my mans hands are SHAKING and his visions going all blurry •YEAH YOU TELL HIM ALFRED, GIVE HIM THOSE POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS AND FEED HIM SOUP ALL RIGHT
•Bruce literally can not catch a break in this episode he went from having panic attacks because of the fear toxin to just.. Getting beat up by random, also fear gassed people 😔
•They like blimps a lot
•Just broke another window
•Tiny plane that looks like it's made out of cardboard
•They also like explosions a lot
•Why's this Jonathan Crane guy so scared of bats •He also has elf ears lol
•Thomas and Martha Wayne? Bruce's parents names acquired
•(This version of)Bruce looks stupid in sunglasses
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justlemmeadoreyou · 1 month
Harry and yn celebrating 4/20 for the blurb night?
i know nothing about drugs, except the fact that they exist lol forgive me for mistakes!
words: <1k
warnings: smoking weed, being high and stuff!!
Y/N took another long hit from the joint, holding the smoke in her lungs for a few seconds before exhaling slowly. "This shit is killer," she said with a cough, her eyes already starting to redden.
"Told you I got the good stuff this year," Harry replied with a lazy grin, reaching over to pluck the joint from her fingers. They were sprawled out on the floor of their living room surrounded by a thick haze of pungent smoke. Empty food wrappers and half-eaten snacks littered the coffee table along with a couple bongs and rolling trays.
4/20 was their annual holiday for going all out with indulging in some strong herb and letting loose without any inhibitions. Harry took a couple quick puffs then held the joint out to Y/N. "Here, get another one in before it burns down."
Y/N obliged, sucking in the potent smoke and holding it until she couldn't anymore. As she exhaled, she could already feel the familiar tingly body buzz setting in. She let her head loll back with a dopey smile. "Holy shit, I'm gonna be so fucking baked."
"That's the plan, darlin'," Harry drawled, giving her a wink.
As they continued puffing away, Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon" played in the background, adding to the hazy, chilled out vibe. An array of marijuana-inspired movies, TV shows and munchies were at the ready for their day of celebrating the sacred herb.
Soon Y/N found herself in an intense staring contest with the half-eaten bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. Her mouth started watering as she imagined the artificially flavored, neon-colored chips practically melting on her tongue. Finally giving in, she lunged for the bag and shoved a handful into her mouth, huffing out a moan at the heavenly taste.
"Someone's got the munchies bad," Harry laughed, grabbing the bag of Doritos from her. He proceeded to lick the orange dust off each chip in the most obscene way possible before popping them into his mouth, all while maintaining intense eye contact with Y/N.
"You fuckin' tease," Y/N croaked out, her mouth hanging open. She made a move to grab the chips back but Harry jumped up and danced away from her with a mischievous grin.
"If you want it, come and get it baby," he challenged, holding the bag up tauntingly.
With a growl, Y/N shot up from the floor, chasing Harry around the living room as he cackled loudly. She finally managed to back him up against the wall, pressing her body flush against his as she reached up for the dangling bag of chips. Their mouths met in a heated clash of salty-sweet breath and roaming hands. Y/N could taste the Doritos as she claimed Harry's mouth hungrily.
Eventually they ended up back on the floor, the long-forgotten bag of chips crumpled and spilling out its orange contents as they lost themselves in the heated make-out session. Clothes were quickly shed, hands greedily exploring newly exposed skin until they were tangled up in a sweaty, panting mess.
Much later, after they'd thoroughly burned off the excited rush of arousal, Harry and Y/N lay on the floor in a post-coital daze. Blunt ashes and empty wrappers surrounded their thoroughly wrecked forms. Y/N let out a deep, satisfied laugh.
"Damn…now that's how you celebrate, baby."
Harry just grinned and passed her the reignited joint. "Hell yeah…here's to getting even higher."
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enhashoutout · 4 months
Things I noticed while watching High and Low the Worst X again
I was watching High and Low The Worst X while I was on lunch break and then had more realizations and wanted to write about them lol
These are probably nothing new and someone else probably already noticed these but I wanted to make a post about them sooooo
I’ve watched the movie so many times now idk why I just realized the weight of the three scenes I’m about to talk about. But also I feel like I notice something new every time I watch the movies so I'm gonna cut myself some slack.
Amagai being the only character in the movie who genuinely doesn’t have a sense of friendship/comradery with anyone else.
The first time we see the 3 schools alliance meeting is the opening of the movie, and I remember when I first watched the movie I was like "well damn this looks like a solid ass team" only to find out later that they were in fact not really a team lol 😂 but anywaysss
Watching the movie this time I just realized what Fujin says to Amagai in the first scene in the restaurant where the 3 schools are holding their meetings.
Reiji is first to jump up and say "Let's get this brawl started," and Ghandi jumps in telling Amamgai that their troupes and weapons are ready. Shoji laughs and says that weapons are typical Kamasaka behavior which prompts them to jump at him and Fujin, Raijin, and the other Ebara guys jump straight to his defense while Shoji continues sitting. Amagai tells them to "get us more" while tossing the money bundles in their direction.
Every single fuckin character in this scene's facial expressions have me dying because the disbelief on their faces😂
Shoji looking at Amagai like he's full of shit.
Fujin, Raijin, and Ghandi are looking at him like "wtf?"
The background characters are looking at him in disbelief also like I was WHEEZING when I realized this. Back to the characters who are the main focus of this specific camera frame though, Ghandi and Fujin.
Both characters turn to Amagai with the BIGGEST look of disbelief on their faces and Fujin says "You don't trust we can do it huh?"
To which Amagai says "What's the use in trusting you guys?" and goes on a spiel about how being powerful means you trust no one and not even giving them a slight chance. He also goes on to say that being powerful means bringing everyone else down to their knees and tells the other 3 schools "Just shut up and stick with me. I'll show you what it's like to be at the top." Ryo's face when he says this is a whole other conversation for another day.
I'M SORRY BUT THE LOOKS REIJI AND SHOJI GIVE HIM AFTER HIS LITTLE SPIEL HAD ME ROLLING🤣 Like both characters gave him the most judgmental expression and then you got Shoji over here looking away and rolling his eyes PUH-LEASE I AM DEAD🤣
Aside from all of this being extremely funny to me, this plays into my point from above. Yes, all these looks are super funny but it really shows how as "bad" as the other guys are they still run in the same way that Oya and the other S.W.O.R.D gangs do, through friendship and comradery.
Fujin asked "You don't trust we can do it huh?" because Ebara most likely runs on comradery as well. You don't pay someone to do shit for you, they just know to trust each other to get it done. This is a concept that Amagai does not and can not understand because he's been conditioned to believe that the people around him are not worthy of trust or friendship due to his status, they just work for him. As long as he throws money at their feet, they'll do what he wants.
That's like kind of sad actually, the fact that the other "antagonists" of the film still know friendship and he doesn't... I still hate his guts though. We love Ryoki but we don't love his character Amagai.
The way Shoji vs Tsukasa asks Suzaki why he’s working for Amagai
I think everyone can agree that within that 3 school alliance, Shoji Sameoka was the only character with working brain cells (full offense to all the other characters lol no one else in that room had critical thinking skills I swear). From the first meeting we see, the audience can already tell Shoji is the only character who has doubts about this alliance but also questions it; while everyone else has doubts but proceed to just follow Amagai's orders. This eventually leads to Shoji being the one to suggest that Ebara drop out of the alliance because he thinks it’s stupid which then leads to him agreeing to Todoroki’s terms of dropping out of the alliance if Todoroki wins against Fujin and Raijin. I feel like Shoji as a person judges the other characters based on what he knows/hears about them.
We see this when he confronts Suzaki. Shoji asks Suzaki why he would come to Senomon and work under Amagai when he was the one running Nami High. Suzaki tells him to mind his own business. Shoji is asking Suzaki from a place of strength. Based on the dialogue, it seems like Shoji knew Suzaki and Amagai’s reputations before this alliance. I deduce this down to Shoji knowing that Suzaki was the strongest at Nami High and knowing that Amagai isn’t actually physically strong compared to the other characters, he just likes to cause trouble and make others work for him. People fear Amagai not for his strength or skills as a fighter, but simply because he has the money and status to be at the “top”.
This brings me to believe that Shoji was asking why someone as strong as Suzaki would even work under Amagai who is clearly not a match for him strength wise. It seems like Shoji is asking Suzaki why he would be scared of Amagai’s money and work under him when Suzaki is clearly stronger. I think this is because the Ebara guys ranks are based on their strength/who is the strongest (I make this assumption from the fact that Fujin and Raijin are straight up gym bros lol) so Shoji can’t understand why Suzaki is working under someone clearly weaker than him.
Tsukasa’s question is the same….. but also different.
Tsukasa strikes me as someone who really gets to know someone personally to the best of his abilities before he makes his own judgment on them. We see this with Rao in the movie. Tsukasa could’ve taken everyone’s word for it and been like “oh Rao is a big mean monster” but he takes it upon himself to find out who Rao actually is through Mercy. This is how he finds out Rao isn’t actually all that bad like the stories suggests and that Rao fights for good reason (for his siblings). This trait about Tsukasa is why he asks Suzaki why he fights for Amagai but is also why he’s the only one who is able to understand why Suzaki fights for Amagai without a direct answer.
When Tsukasa asks Suzaki why he works for Amagai, he says “why do you work for a guy like him? Does he has some kind of dirt on you?” and Suzaki just keeps quiet. This brings me to believe that Suzaki probably had a reputation for being the strongest at Nani High but also fought people within reason, he didn’t flaunt his strength just because he felt like it.
Tsukasa asked him based off the kind of person he is and not his strength. I'm assuming Ryo fought people within reason and not so much for fun or to assert his dominance over others with his strength, so him working under someone who has as shitty of a personality as Amagai probably threw Tsukasa off a bit.
He is also however able to tell that there is a friendship there even if it isn't great. At the end when Yuken and Todoroki ask why Ryo would work for someone like Amagai, Tsukasa says it's because he means more to Ryo than that. Alluding to the fact that Ryo is doing stuff for Amagai because he sees him as a friend even if everyone else doesn't.
Okay, I'm done now😂 this wasn't as deep as my other analysis because it's not super deep with comparisons or anything like that it was just stuff I noticed while watching the movie again.
I have fics I'm working on for all the S.W.O.R.D leaders and more for Fujio I'm just swamped with assignments and working a little slow
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the-wayside · 5 months
Hoo, boy. I was having all the fun and stress with the fights today. I don't normally get this involved in fight commentary because TV show fighting has very little basis in reality because the aim of the game is to look cool but with The Sign, (and KP), they've made it so they have functional fight styles in amongst the cool.
Take Phaya striking out at Tharn. Do you know how I know it was an accident? First of all, man is all hot air when it comes to Tharn. Something to note I didn't mention last week, watch how Yai flinches when Phaya tries to go past him to get at Tharn. He's still that blustering bagpipe and hitting the wall reinforces that. He wants Tharn to be scared without having to hurt him. Lol, boy, don't you get that he's into that? But when he accidentally hits Tharn, 2 things: it was bound to happen (range + Tharn is little, so he was in perfect line), and we actually have a move for that. It's called a back fist. If Phaya had been intentional his hand would have been knuckle side to Tharn and preferably in a fist with his thumb (tucked but) up but even if he was intended to slap him his hand would still be flat, thumb up. It's not here. It's back side of his hand to Tharn. A small surface area, impact but minimal. All of this and his face drops like his beloved gerbil died.
Speaking of specific moves. This, I love this.
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It's known as a Superman punch. It relies on you being the faster and more assertive opponent. You generally only have one shot at this for it to be good and effective, preferably with a run in for power, so Phaya saw it and took it. We love a confident king. However, I can confirm you look like a lunatic when you're learning it, though. To drive the punch, you have to pull your knee up and drive the other leg back as you jump and punch your arm. If you have terrible hand eye coordination, this is not for you.
Ah, the case of everyone forgets they have legs. Oh my lord. This is actually why I can't watch fighting in movies because people be doing dumb stuff they shouldn't be doing and now look, you have someone beating on your face. How does that feel, Phaya? Pretty bad, I'll bet.
The one thing I can't stress enough is that fighting is about tactics. When Phaya has hold of Narong's arm and he knees him in the front and gets slammed down for it, I would have buckled him with a heel driven like a hook kick into the back of his knee and slammed my elbow into his face. When you get into a fight, unless you trained with that person you have to, within seconds, get a read on them. That's why flashy shit doesn't work. You're trying to pirouette (also don't do this, your teacher will be V. Not Happy face) and someone is gonna grab your legs and break you. You're welcome.
What I find super interesting though is the difference between Phaya before his amulet was pulled off and after. He goes in like a bull in a china shop, ignoring his guard, ignoring his range, getting slammed and choked out. His necklace, his grounding item, gets thrown away and it focuses him. He's no longer haphazard. He keeps Narong away from him with succinct kicks. He makes clear choices about each move he makes, even after the evil green light show.
I really like this fight because it shows you how good Phaya is. He goes into it, making a lot of errors, probably due to being one of the best of who he trains with. Probably in the second to highest if not highest weight class. Weight by the very nature of it gives power. Narong has got 20-25 lbs more muscle than Phaya. It means a damn lot. It's the difference between someone dazing you with a punch and knocking you over with the force of it. So he was already going uphill, and you see him get progressively more in sync into his tactics. So much so this guy invokes the sins of doctor's past. Really hats off to Billy because he's really selling it.
Honorable mention: Phaya's flying kick (to shut Wit down). Also, another thing that makes you look terrible as you learn it. Particularly if it takes you a while to get up the bag.
Dishonorable mention: Tharn, delays in shooting cost lives and I know you were taught that in bootcamp. Buck up, Buckaroo.
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axel-skz · 1 year
You’re not funny…
Part 1, Part 2
Can be read as a oneshot
A/N: ok so I’m keeping it nice and sweet rn lol ive been taking forever to write but I finally managed to push myself into doing it. Right, lets do the song roulette and see what we get… I got an ad 😭 ok wait, we got… TMT 🥳👯‍♀️🥳
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Minho came over in the morning and he sighed when you opened the door.
‘If I could freeze time and spend 50 years worth of time with you, I would.’
You laughed, ‘life got you down, huh?’
‘Understatement of the entire century,’ he said while walking in.
When he put his stuff down, he yawned dramatically then walked over and gave you a hug.
‘Damn, someone needs to sleep,’ you tried to mask your worry with humour. It really was worrying how it became a normal thing for him to come over and go straight to sleep. ‘In need of a nap?’
He nodded into your shoulder, ‘I sleep best when I’m here… I don’t get why I can’t sleep as restfully at home. I’m also sorry I spend whatever time we have sleeping so much.’
‘Min, I’m here to care for you. If you need to sleep and this is where you sleep best, I’m nothing but happy to see you rest.’
He groaned, ‘don’t sayyy thattt!!! I’ll never want to leave. I’ll retire and hide here for the rest of my life like a hobo.’
You laughed, ‘I mean, atleast then no one cuts your hair. I would have to agree with stay, it looks too good long. Oh, stay would kill me too for harbouring you.’
‘I’ll protect you. So will my stans,’ he pulled away and winked.
‘Ok, now you need to stop because I might actually end up keeping you here,’ you gave him a kiss then lead him to your room. ‘Nap time!’
He laughed as he followed behind you. You guys got into comfortable clothes and bundled up in blankets. He was laying with his face in your neck and you had one of your hands in his hair, massaging his scalp. It was the epitome of comfort.
‘Min, you feeling any better?’
He sleepily replied, ‘shh, I’ll kill you if you wake me’
You gasped dramatically as you pulled your hand away from his hair, ‘you said you loved me!’
‘I can love you and want to kill you,’ he pulled your arm back to his hair.
‘Ever the romantic, aren’t you?’
He shushed you even louder and covered your mouth. You laughed but the quietened down to let him sleep. You kept running your fingers through his hair soothingly and slowly, you drifted off to sleep too.
You laughed half asleep when you heard him snore. You really wished you could be here with him forever, it would be so nice never having to worry about him leaving.
When you woke up, it was dark now, he was still asleep so you carefully got up. You left to go get some food from a shop a few minutes from your house. While you were waiting for the food, you got some texts.
‘My crazy cat lady ♥️,’ the name made you laugh everytime you saw it.
My crazy cat lady: why have you abandoned me? I feel so cold…so alone…so isolated…and you have no chocolate anywhere…
Y/N: I’m getting food, you drama queen. I already binged all the chocolate two days ago so its on you for thinking I’d have any 😘
My crazy cat lady: I feel less abandoned now, but bring it faster. You’ve been gone for like a million years.
Y/N: how long have you been awake?
My crazy cat lady: 5 minutes.
Y/N: 💀 you get on my nerves more then anyone else
My crazy cat lady: Crying. Thank you so much.
Y/N: I’m gonna take longer on purpose now.
My crazy cat lady: why must you play with my heart?!
Y/N: because I love you so much :)
My crazy cat lady: you’re lucky I love you too.
Y/N: <33 I’m still gonna take extra time
My crazy cat lady: the question is, why do I love you?
Y/N: my irresistible charm?
My crazy cat lady: no… thats me…
Y/N: I’ll eat the food myself here… don’t test me…
My crazy cat lady: oh yeah, you’re like the most beautiful, irresistible person I’ve ever met!
Y/N: ikr ;)
My crazy cat lady: my food :’) please
Y/N: yeah yeah, I’m on my way.
You got home and you guys spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating. You were very conscious of the fact you had 24 hours till he would be leaving. It was always in the back of your mind.
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A/N: it feels rn like the universe hates me but here we are lmao. I hope this was nice, I needed the jokey fluffy moment. I’ll try to upload sooner this time. Hope you like this, remember to like, repost and leave feedback. If you have any requests, lemme know. I’m listening to chill rn so if you hate me… chill :)
DISCLAIMER: Pictures don’t belong to me, credit to the respective owners.
Part 4
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nonhumanhottie · 9 months
Rise of skywalker rewatch
I'm so excited and nervous
Dude the crawl is crazy that's too much front heavy information even for star wars
Kylo in his ratty era I miss his lucious hair
Do the movies ever have holocrons or wayfinders in them before this??
Like I think Palpatine returning could have been slay if they had built it up but nooo
Kylo why would you want another master isn't that why you killed your first?
Everything with Finn and poe is perfect and I love that they're spicer this movie
Oh Leia it's so clear you're not actually in these scenes you're talking to no one
Rey and Poe's fight is one of my favourite scenes it's so fun and fluid
Somehow baby somehow that Palpapussy is back slaying the game
This plot is out of control already and the first act isn't even over
Hux is just ready to fucking kill Kylo and I so stan him for that
Chewie needs some damn conditioner
'I'm just Rey, anywhere else I'd be a slay'
Kylo leave Rey the fuck alone challenge
Now who is this mysterious well dressed man hmmm
I hope they do a comic of Luke and Lando trying to find the wayfinder
'They fly now!' makes me so fucking angry lmao stormtroopers are based on clones who are based on Mandalorians!
'Bones. I don't like bones' is such an underrated line from Poe lmao
'Horrible things happened with this knife' Rey babes you're holdng a weapon that was used to slay younglings
Threepio is great in this so many banger lines
Chewie got got!
Letting my housemate think Chewie died lol
The way the trio hold hands is so precious
Kinda live for Zorii I love someone putting Poe in his place
Zorii and Rey being friends iconic
Casually sneaking onto a star destroyer
Rey has bad communication skills my God call her out
Rey saying 'I don't want this' while Kylo torments here is so gross
Hux just as chaotic as Poe and Finn lmao and so petty I live
How would this blade have even been made like you're telling me the debris hasn't moved in 30 years?
Do love Jannah even though it feels like her choice is taken away by making the Force tell her to do the right thing
Finn and Poe are arguing! The boys are fighting!!
I wish we saw more of evil Rey she's so slay
Love how there's no music where they fight
Dude I fucking hate when Rey heals him like you could have taken out the Supreme Leader!!
Chewie's reaction fucking kills me
Kylo's change of heart is so fast like shut up
Poe looks exhausted but him talking to Lando is so special
Luke and Leia should have told Rey about her lineage if they knew though
Oh I do love Luke and his cheeky little smile
'What our mothers and fathers faught for' yes they did Poe and your mother and father were hot and cool!
Poe is flying with Artoo I love that
I wish Rey wasn't separated from her friends in the final battle
I fucking do love Palps though he's just such a delight
Kylo how did you get here and why aren't you talking??
The knights are like bros before hoes @ Kylo
Truly Han Solo's son not a single fucking brain cell
The 'on your left' of it all
The scream I scrumpt when I heard Kanan's voice I always forget
Yes girl fucking slay Palpatine
I hate the way Kylo holds her get your hands of her fucking waist
The kiss genuinely disgusts me lmao I get such ick vibes
And then Kylo dies and escapes all consequence
Connie and Rose together... perhaps girlfriends?
Lesbian kiss!!! And older lesbians at that we love to see it
he trio hugging at the end is genuinely one of my favourite shots in all of Star Wars I hate that it's in such a bad movie lmao
This ending is sweet. Not deserved, but sweet. I like them being happy. d
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zvmz · 7 months
Writing down my thoughts while watching monster high for the first time Pt. 2
alright y’all now we’re watching why do ghouls fall in love let’s go
oh oh new and improved intro
the one long shot as the intro is so cool
ohh shoot we 3D now
actually might like it better than the 2D
wait r they saying Valentine’s Day was literally made for Draculara?
im confused 😁
can I get a sugar daddy like clawd
um this is awkward
so guys it was all in our heads apparently 😊
clawdeen is kinda slaying this new animation style
oh this song goes so hard
the bats flying out of clawds wallet is so real
come again how old is draculara
why is she still in school
was she held back a few hundred years
and I thought my grades were bad
the cat people make me uncomfortable. stranger danger
damn these cats are menaces
arent they always
not the driving lessons book
just pass it the first time fr 🙄
vampire daring charming???
“misunderstanding with the locals”?? 😭 what did girlie do??? 😭😭
is ghoulias back okay like fr
the collection of broken hearts is so extra
kinda metal idk I almost cant be mad
imagine eah characters trying to navigate the catacombs
girls would not last a minute
actually can someone make a fic I would totally read that
why am I just now realizing ghoulia can’t talk
like idk I just thought she was a bit quirky this whole time
oh my god Draculara HIT HIM
she missed her chance :( vampire Elvis lives
The shot of them running towards each in slow motion just to maintain a 3 feet distance was so unnecessary
why is dueces animation specifically so rough
he kind of reminds me of sparrow
i kinda like him
yes Draculara break it off
oh- um
wait a minute I recognize Frankie’s voice. Is that Barbie?
why does some random cow go to their school
yeah Cupid shoot her
pow pow pow 💥🔫💥🔫💥🔫
okay now what the hell
get it together cupid
why does Cupid keep accidentally getting love enchanted? First clawd then Dexter lolll
the dog whistle?? 😭
clawds like. I guess you can say I got… W rizz...
”what u want” ABBY 😭😭 BEST CHARACTER ONG
this party looks kinda fire ngl
not sure how I feel about the food being served next to the body odor pit
okayyy frankieee kinda slaying her party look
cleo barely changing after being love enchanted to herself
Could this be considered a school shooting? like legally
um anyway Kitty Cheshire supremacy
rizz lord clawd
hell yea body odor pit for the win ✊🏻
why was the kiss sound so um squishy
abby is such an icon
okay it’s over
I liked this one a lot better than the last movie. I hope we see Cupid again or else I’ll rage
the pacing was like SO much better than the last movie.
my only complaints are that toralai and vampire Elvis's motivations either weren’t really explained or made no sense to me. Also the animation still isn’t great but what do you expect lol
oh wait one more complaint. where is Frankie’s personality. I do not see it
hopefully we get a good frankie episode to get to know her a bit more
also it keeps telling us clawdeen and draculara are best friends but not really showing it??
In conclusion clawd is the rizzard and Abby solos
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le-panda-chocovore · 2 months
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For fandom : Haikyuu, BNHA, ATLA, and Jujutsu Kaisen.
Thanks 🌻
Sorry I took time but lists and ranking are difficult to me lol, and I had 4 different asks about making a TOP 5 so I kinda lost myself into it 😅
Oh my god there's so many fandoms, you're really trying to kill me damn-
Okay okay Imma try not to write to much (<- will probably fail)
Favorite Character: (I absolutely HATE that question, why do I have to choose ?!?) I'd say Bokuto Koutarou but I also have 5 others in mind lol
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The Tokyo Stage during S2 is my fave because my favorite characters get many screentime together, we see so many different people interact, and it's so fun to enjoy matches without the stress of the competition. I get to support anyone and not feel guilty about it !! Also there's Tsukki's character development, and there's my favorite scene in the anime (the Oya Oya Oya), and they all learn and work on new techniques and it's so cool !! (<- already rambling too much)
Character I Think is Underrated: Maybe Gosshiki ? He's such a baby I love him. I believe Tendou is very much loved so not underrated. Tanaka too. I know people love him but I think he deserves so much more. That man participated in EVERY MATCH, he NEVER got replaced and he doesn't have an ultra special attack and he's not the ace but he's sooooo reliable and cool. He's a caring sempai and a good player and an amazing friend and the only straight ally in a gay world lmaooo We don't appreciate him enough.
Character I Think is Overrated: When I'm not rewatching Haikyuu I think that Hinata and Atsumu are kinda overrated because yeah they're cool but they're not the bests and their characters (I know they're different) aren't the ones I love the most and also I think they're selfish. Then when I rewatches the episode for fun I4m so invested in everything and I just cannot not love them. So, no one is overrated actually.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: HAHA I won't answer that- Alright I will but keep it short. Let's say any popular ship that involves Tsukki, Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi and Kenma. Yes even the polyships. Yes. Any popular ship.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: Everything. (<- only short answer I4m able to give)
Oh it's been a while since I've been in that fandom. I lost my hyperfixation 3 years ago and I don't even read the scans anymore. Let's do it anyway, maybe it'd wake some sparkle in me and I'd be able to finish my fanfictions !
Favorite Character: I used to say Present Mic or Bakugo and I'm not sure now. I think Aizawa-sensei is someone safe to say, he'd never not be in my Top 3.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: It's been so long, I don't really know
Character I Think is Underrated: Hatsune Mei. I love her and I rarely see people talking about her (or maybe I'm not on the good side of the fandom). And Mina (I know she's loved but not enough)
Character I Think is Overrated: All Might, I don't really like him. Mineta of course, he deserves Hell.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: EraserMic. I didn't write 3 fanfics about those dumbass gay teachers to not put them here.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The theme is good : how should we build a society where almost everyone has a superpower ? How do you regulate that ? How do you classify people as heroes, vigilantes and villains ? How do childhood trauma and socioeconomic differences, and traditional cultures play on the development of the superpower and the life of a person ?
This one is easier because I've already did a fan card about it!
Favorite Character: Zuko. Also Toph.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The Boiling Rock episodes.
Character I Think is Underrated: I don't think there's one ? I just think Avatar Kyoshi is a bit misinterpreted because the fans love exaggerating, but nothing actually bad.
Character I Think is Overrated: Jet maybe. I just feel nothing about him outside the context of him
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Zukka Nation
Something I Love About the Show/Movie : It's just perfect ? Perfect representation of everything ? It shows so many delicate subjects (people -kids- involved in war, sexism, racism, denial, terrorism, propaganda, redemption, trauma) and it's just GOOD. Zuko returns to his abusive family and makes more mistakes. Sokka looks down on women despite living years of his life surrounded by them. Katara steals something because her ego is hurt. Aang hides something to his friends because he has abandonment issues. Toph is.... Toph. And it's so well written and perfect and good.
I've done this one too but it's still hard to me lmaooo
Favorite Character: Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru and Choso and Itadori Yuuji and-
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Hidden Inventory Arc. The story should have stopped here. We don't need anything more come on it's fine. Everyone's happy and it's fine (episodes 4 and 5 don't exist)
Character I Think is Underrated: Ino Takuma. Protect him.
Character I Think is Overrated: That fucking Naoya Bitch. I learned his in the TOP 20 popularity poll ??? HOW THE FUCK ??????? I literally cannot see his face, it gives me nausea. I hate him so sincerely, I don't even want to think about him.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: You know, I know, we know. The strongest. The one and only. The curse me a little at the end. They're known by many names. Satosugu, Gego, Sugusato, Goge, SaltSugar, whatever you want.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: It's literally a story about love. It is not a romance anime, but it is about love. The theme comes back so often. Suguru loved his friends and it doomed him. Satoru loved Suguru and became a teacher. Yuuta loved Rika and cursed her. Geto's family loved him. It's all about love and no one could convince me otherwise.
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lolitaa-17 · 1 year
“The other women…”
This is my first blog so please don’t make fun of me I’m begging lol. Also I’m a die hard fan for Angsty shit so here’s a Jean angst!
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You and Jean have been friends for as long as you can remember. He was always there for you and you were always there for him. It all started changing though after he met her. The distance between you and him was starting to get noticeable, so you decided to invite him over for a movie night and catch up on life.
You constantly kept checking your phone every phew 10 minutes just in case some emergency had occurred. But nothing. Soon 2 hours passed, it was now 11pm. You dial his number to make sure he’s alright.
“Hello?” You hear his soft deep voice on the other line.
“Jean are you alright?” You question.
“Um yeah why?” He blankly answered.
“Oh nothing. Where are you?”
“I just left the get together at Mikasa’s” you could hear his car door shut on the other line.
“Jean you forgot?” You started getting sensitive after you heard her name once again.
“Shit. That was today?”
You scoffed “You knew damn well it was today!” Slightly raising your voice.
“Can you stop this already?” He asked.
“Stop what?”
“Stop acting like you’re my girlfriend, as if I have to move everything aside just to go watch some fucking movies with you. I’m literally over here trying to get the girl I’m in love with and it’s like you’re cockblocking!” He confesses.
Thank god he couldn’t see you right now. You were a crying mess. You really did love him…a little too much. Yes, you managed to gain feelings and the thought of Jean giving the attention you wanted to another girl broke you.
“I’m sorry-“ before you could utter another word the call ended. He ended the call.
You accepted it. You accepted the fact that you were the other women and that he would never give you the attention you silently yearned for.
A couple months passed by.
You got over the fact that you and Jean were no longer the inseparable best friends you used to be. You knew you had to move on eventually.
You admire the beautiful nature around you as your sundress flowed with the wind.
“Here put this flower in your hair it’ll make you look ever prettier”
Reiner…he was perfect. You genuinely thought that what happened with you and Jean was for the best. It helped you open your eyes and realize there are more fish in the sea. But Reiner was a special one. He was like you, he yearned for love and affection and you both helped each other with filling that void. Although you two aren’t official yet, it pretty much felt like you guys were.
“Would it?” You ask him.
“Of course it would. Look at you” he says grabbing your hand and signaling you to do a little twirl for him.
You two continued walking around the park when suddenly you heard a familiar voice call out.
“Y/n? Is that you?”
You turn around and see him…Jean. He looked pretty shitty. His hair was unkept, his tie wasn’t even tied. He looked as if he was running late to work.
“Jean?” Reiner tensed up hearing the familiar name.
Jean looked over at Reiner and sent a small smile “Mind if I talk to her for a second?”
“Be my guest.” Reiner said.
“Jean I-“
“I’m sorry. I fucked up our friendship over some girl that never even liked me back and I was so fucking blinded I didn’t even realize you..you were the one for me. He says placing both his hands on each side of your cheeks.
“Jean please get off me.” You say softly pushing his hand away.
“Connie told me everything y/n, he told me how you really felt for me! Why didn’t you fucking tell me!” He says tearing up.
“Because nothing would’ve changed Jean.”
“Please we can start over…I’ll come over every night. We can watch our favorite movies together. Like the old times. Remember?” He was basically begging at this point.
“Jean…I don’t love you anymore” you knew it broke him by the look of his face.
“Jean I have someone who actually cares and puts his time and effort into seeing me. I’m not just gonna leave what I have with this amazing man just because you’re sad of something that you did months ago.”
“So can you stop?” You ask him the same way he did to you.
“Stop what y/n”
“Stop acting as if you ever even loved me. It was all one sided. I was just the other women.”
“So get over it already.”
Reiner noticed that you were getting pretty furious so he makes his way towards you guys.
“You okay babe?” He asked.
you smiled. He did that to show Jean you were no longer available.
“I’m fine. Let’s go”
Jean just sat there with regret and guilt flooding through his body. If only he never distanced himself from you or break up the friendship that was worth everything to you. He admired you once more. The way your dress flowed with the wind and how you were infatuated with your new lover and he thought to himself how that could’ve been him. But no, not anymore and probably not ever.
The end
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sorry if I made any mistakes again this is my first blog and shit so don’t judge. I really do hope you guys enjoyed it!
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heesulovebot · 1 year
tay i want to know all your observations and theories and thoughts and headcanons or WHATEVER about the eighth sense (i know there’s a movie version and that reaction video out there but i haven’t watched it so please humour me if you already have lololol)
crista my love!!! 🥹💕 omg i'm so glad ur also watching t8s i need everyone to watch it, it's just sO good. i'm also blushing twisting my feet twirling my hair that u want to hear me cry about this show because lmfaooo i'm the least coherent person to do this and so many wonderful things have already been said but i'll just reiterate some thoughts here since i just finished re-watching episodes 1 & 2 for the third time. this is way too long i’m so sorry bare w me pls:
i feel like the beginning sequence (before we are drawn to the present story) tells us everything and absolutely nothing at all. jaewon and jihyun sit on the beach, there’s a sound of a heart beat, their hands are touching, and then there’s a fading superimposition shot of the ocean waves. first of all, i love a good superimposition shot, not just because it’s nice to look at, but because these types of shots play with time and space. we then get that black and white shot of someone surfing, and then a cut to someone being pulled out from under the waves. another superimposition shot from the ocean to that scene back on the beach but jihyun is no longer there and we can hear the sound of sirens. i can see why there were death theories flowing around on twitter lol. from the shot of jihyun to no-jihyun it can allude to something like that but remember what i said about superimposition playing with time and space? the first shot is the future (or present, depending on where you’re looking at the story—perception is everything). the black-and-white shots were deliberate, though. those were in the past. and judging from the later conversation where jihyun trails off about a younger brother, it’s most likely jaewon pulling this younger-brother type person out of the water.
after the credits we get one of my favourite shots so far: a fish tank, taking up nearly half the screen in the foreground, and a blurry vision of the back of jaewon’s head in the background. as we get to know more about jaewon i’m really curious to know what this could be a metaphor for, but the most cliché metaphor for now is “fish out of water.” that seems to fit jihyun more, being a lil’ country kid in seoul, but i feel like for jaewon it’s more about the fact that he wears a mask of a confident person. and he’s damn good at masking. he let’s his friends carry on their double-edged conversation about how oh-so-easy his privileged life is and only gets angry when his friend crosses the line and pushes him over (because although jaewon might be easy-going, he is not a pushover).
jaewon and jihyun’s first exchange outside the pub is so good 😭 there’s banter—i love how sassy jihyun is and how it comes out in front of jaewon—but one thing is established in this scene: their interest in each other. for jihyun, it’s the fact that he was eavesdropping on jaewon and co.’s conversation and congratulated jaewon on completing his military service. jihyun also seemed a bit annoyed initially but he could’ve easily directed jaewon to the nearest convenience store to buy his own cigarettes, but jihyun brings jaewon two (which jaewon seems surprised about) and lights it for him. jaewon’s interest is solidified the moment jihyun slips him a lighter before he leaves. i went absolutely feral at the way their fingers lingered—far too long to be written off as just a small exchange. if a lingering touch isn’t the queerest thing you’ve ever seen, idk what is 😩
my favourite scene so far is their third encounter. i will never shut up about it tbh!!! pissed off by his friends crossing his boundaries and inviting his ex-gf to the pub (where he’d dragged them in because he was lowkey looking for jihyun 👀), jaewon goes outside for a smoke. jihyun follows him out and attempts to be brave: he tells him “my name is jihyun. i thought we should know each other’s names if we’re going to be friends” [cue tay screaming in the background]. the way jihyun looks at jaewon, the sincerity in those doe eyes, and jaewon’s shocked but absent expression is everything. i’ve already screamed about this in the tags but like i’ve said, jaewon is constantly putting on a mask for everyone around him—he’s nice, he’s got everything handed to him; he’s the quintessential golden boy. in all their encounters so far jaewon has been cheery and extroverted, but the fact that he doesn’t have the energy to put on a mask and doesn’t hide his expression from jihyun says a lot. jihyun will slowly become someone who jaewon can be 100% himself around and there is something so *sharp inhale* about that.
jaewon asks jihyun his name again on the bus to their surfing trip, and the little smile that is threatening to curl up on the corner of his lips absolutely killed me. sufa @heart-ming​ said it perfectly: jaewon knows his name, of course he knows his name. he’s been thinking about him (when he’s outside his family home as he smokes the second cigarette, or going into the bar to see if he’s working). jaewon’s obvious disappointment in seeing their sleeping arrangements is also funny, but that doesn’t stop jaewon. he practically begs the club president to let him teach jihyun, and the two continue whatever the hell it is they have going on on the beach; alone.
(also i could talk forever about the scene where jaewon helps jihyun into his wetsuit like—the way jihyun looks SO nervous and bare in front of jaewon, and the way jaewon puts on a soft and reassuring smile when they’re face to face, but the moment jihyun turns around, jaewon’s mask crumbles and we can see that he’s also nervous from their proximity. the intimacy of helping someone put something on is insane).
i’m fairly certain that kim jihyun is well aware of his sexuality (the boy is a girl group stan i mean c’mon). he might not be out, of course, but he’s been more straight forward about his intentions in pursuing his crush. jaewon on the other hand seems to be doing things not because he’s aware of his attraction to the same sex, but because he’s attracted to jihyun and a bit impulsive about this new-found attraction. there’s this magnetic pull the younger seems to have on the older, and for now, he’s kind of fallen into that trance. but from the synopsis we know that they will be sharing a kiss, and that jaewon will proceed to act as if nothing happened. i’m not ready for that angst next week 😭😭 but i’m actually curious if jaewon really isn’t aware, or he’s just afraid and in the closet??? is the “younger brother” he trailed off about actually his younger brother, or someone who he used to like????? i have so many questions about jaewon’s past that i need answering is it wednesday yet??????????
ok i’m talking too much about jaewon—that’s my blorbo, my baby girl, my cinnamon apple—but i also adore jihyun. he tells jaewon he’s trying to not be scared and he’s been doing some brave things the last two episodes i’m so proud of him :’) his braveness is quiet, like him. there’s something that was said to him by two different people that was pretty similar:                            
“at first, you���ll be clumsy and scared of everything, but that’s because you aren’t familiar with it.” “then are you afraid of many things? that’s just because you have many things you don’t know” 
the first quote was said by his boss when they were drinking, and the second was said by jaewon on the beach. i love these quotes and the fact that we heard them twice because besides being a romance, the eighth sense is very much a coming-of-age and about both of these young queer men coming into themselves. it's just uGH so great.  
icb i wrote so much and i didn’t even mention the surfing lesson or shower scene like........ there are just so many layers and nuance to this show and the storytelling, dialogue, and cinematography are all so good. i feel like the director captured the queer experience so well and i can’t wait to see what else is in store for us!! the korean theatrical release was heavily edited and cut down so i can’t wait to see it in it’s full form, how it was intended :’)
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asknarashikari · 5 months
and here i thought racules was going to die... also...
it turns out the senpais have the right idea to protect houtaro based on the latest episodes lol
Eh, I always knew Racles was gonna live, no matter how much I wanted the opposite to happen. I saw the pretty shitty relative redemption arc coming from a mile away... so of course he did it all for the greater good.
Honestly, I don't really know what to feel about it. I suppose it explains a lot of his actions, though not really excuse them. And he does go out of his way to admit that he isn't exactly a good person in all of this... I think it all feels very Itachi, but with Gira actually playing the part of the good guy he hoped/anticipated him to be.
(Yeah, Racles is basically just pulled an Itachi with a brother who was actually heroic and not an emo edgelord who had to have a talk-no-jutsu beaten into him)
I guess it was done better than what the Kurama parents or George or especially Buffabutt got. And they're actually putting him on trial for the shit he's done, which is already a damn sight better than most of the crappy relatives/friends have gone through.
I don't see them actually sentencing him to death, but I do hope they at least give him a bit of hell over it all. And I do hope that if he gets something coming to him the fandom isn't going to throw a fit over it, or at least admit he's crappy enough to deserve it a little.
Eh... sometimes I yearn for the days when abusive asshats got the literal axe (though I hear that guy is also being redeemed too... eww)
As for Gotchard... Yeah my parent friend instincts went up a notch after last ep... I mean it's not surprising that they'd go after Houtaro but Houtaro's protective streak can turn dangerous real quick...
Though at least Rinne's a Rider now too (this ep explicitly takes place after the movie) so at least, once she manages to get her strength back (aka when she has her formal in-show debut) he has someone to watch his back. And it looks like Spanner's due for his formal Rider debut as well... hopefully he does it by not being antagonistic to Houtaro.
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cxhleel108 · 7 months
S7 Thots for this week: Oh god…
• I will in fact not be giving “us” a chance Vicky I’m so sorry.
• “There’s a him-shaped space in my bed and there’s a him-shaped space in my heart”…GIRRRLLLLL🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I already made a post about this quote alone but omg thinking about it again has got me crying. Someone please come get this bitch.
• I know I said my MC was gon keep it classy with Willow but both her AND I have had enough of Willow flapping her gums so best believe I chose to read her ass for filth when they let us.
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• Gee I wonder what it is…
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• *Gasp* REALLY??? YOU DONT SAY🫨🫨🫨
• Fusebox…CAN BITCHES JUST BE BISEXUAL TO BE BISEXUAL LIKE WTF??? They always pull this dumb shit like either you only want the boys or you only want the girls it’s never TRULY an option to choose both. Most of the time if I’m making my MCs bi it’s just for character building purposes so when I’m being forced to hear Bonnie declare her love for me 20 times each volume when I don’t want her you’d see why I’d be irritated.
• So apparently, after gathering info from other peoples posts, we coulda been having this convo with our original love interest and we coulda snuck out to the daybeds and did the nasty with them pulling our hair and shit if we chose the “Travis/Evan/OG LI” option. The way this makes no sense my god. This goes back to the point I just made like y’all don’t know what the fuck y’all doinnnnnnn!
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• Omg she’s so embarrassing I can’t do this anymore😭😭😭
• While I’m mad I didn’t sneak down there with Bryson, seeing her lil pussy ass get absolutely nothing from him never fails to make me laugh.
• Uma getting all the girls to leave by pretending to gush about Alex…she ate that.
• I love Daphne (Sorry Raf romancers).
• Time to talk about outfits!🤩
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• Fusebox let the stars go like good lord😭
• Ignoring that aspect, this is cute.
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• Now THIS is what I want to see more of! Yes!
• Ok Willow being an embarrassing and obsessive ass bitch was funny at first but now it’s just annoying. Does she have any other hobby besides keeping MC’s nuts in her mouth?
• Now, onto this lame ass movie night.
• First of all, I guess I yet again need to clarify that I want nothing to do with Bonnie or her Ellen Degeneres haircut. Second of all, even if my character chose to give her the time of day…Vicky why the hell do you give a fuck??? You weren’t even here when these clips happened and once again I DID NOT CHOOSE YOU!
• Evan don't stick up for me like that baby I'm liable to put this thang on you😩
• In a shocking twist that nobody expected, Willow started talking shit and immediately shut up because her tea got clocked. I honestly gotta applaud her tenacity.
• Bryson’s confession over us uggghhh so cute😍
• Travis saying that Uma was hotter than Bonnie unprovoked was so rude😭😭😭 At the same time tho…did he lie?😶
• Alex is such a hypocrite. He knew damn well he was bout to fawk Estelle on that goddamn terrace before she left.
• Omg Uma said the casa girls needa make sure that they get to the villa😱😱😱 They grasping for straws tryna make up drama like obviously she’s gonna prioritize getting to the villa that’s literally the whole point.
• #Raphne lives on yesssss!
• Evan asking us on a date…WHY IS HE DOING THIS TO ME?????😫😫😫😫😫
• Outfit time again!🤩
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• Ok I love love looooove all these options. The ONLY problem I have is with the choker necklace on the green dress like that needs to go. Other than that these are sooooooo cute.
• *Sigh* Why is Evan literally perfect lol🙃
• It’s not even the fact that he’s fine as hell and his personality is chef’s kiss but the way he’s not suffocating us with the fact that he likes us (Some other people should take notes😕). Lemme not speak too soon tho cuz they still have time to ruin him💔
• I am not kidding, when I replay this season I am grafting on him so hard with NO FUCKING HESITATION.
• I was so tempted to flirt with him just to piss off Vicky and Bonnie cuz why are y’all staring??? GET OUT OF MY BUSINESS!
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• I legit thought they were going to have us go through this entire volume without getting alone time with our OG LI and I was finna be so pissed.
• Not gonna lie tho…having sex in the middle of the living room where anyone could just walk in is kinda insane😭
• Where was I at Willow? Oh, I was just giving “your man” the time of his life😁
• Calling it now we’re not actually gonna get to sleep with who we want.
• Girl where tf did they get a whole curated bouquet of flowers?
(I’m not gonna lie guys I fell asleep before finishing this post cuz I was busy yesterday so I prolly forgot some things but yeah this volume was…ok)
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