#no one has unlocked the social link. i refuse
zhuhongs · 2 years
local 20 smth is going thru thry the painful ordeal of being known. point and laugh
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paperback-rascal · 1 year
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This illustration is tied to an idea I came up with @kalm5, after I binge watched videos about various vending machines.
The explanation of the premise is under the cut/read more!
What if clones have only a set amount of meals per rotation? no snacks, no nothing - just the basic, the most effective meals evenly spread out throughout the day. It’s the only food they have. The only unlimited food item available to them without restriction is water... just plain water.
However, there are vending machines scattered throughout every Kamino training facility that can be used by clones for additional snacks (or even more “luxurious” items such as salt/sugar/spices, better grade chocolate, authentic caff/tea, weak beer/alcohol, etc.). The vending machines also have limits of items a clone can get per rotation to limit potential abuse of the system.
The availability of such items is depended on the status quo and performance score each clone has and develops over the years (the score is stored at the forearm chip, so to use a vending machine clones have to swipe their wrists against it’s panel) - the bigger the score the broader assortment of items are available.
Cadets get their points based on their exam scores, battle simulation statistics, etc.
The score clones got in their youth are later transferred as a base score at the beginning of their military career.
The success rate, performance on the field, getting medals, etc. is later added to it - raising it. It also can be lowered due to misdemeanors, refusal to carry on orders, breaking rules, etc.
Despite all CT-[numbers] clones having the same baseline of items available, there are variations or perks for each occupation: medics get different additional assortment of items than sappers, who have different perks than gunners, pilots and so on.
Maintenance staff has the same limitations as cadets. So 99 has the same level-access to goods as kids/teens, thus he can get like... Star Wars equivalent of stale salted crackers, granola bars and juice.
A major points boost is a promotion to higher military rank - especially to commanding position or high preference variants like ARCs or spec-ops (it unlocks more options)
The biggest availability, however, have CC-[numbers] clones.
Some of the perks are just simply locked behind a status quo. So even an perfect behavior and 100% success rate wouldn’t give a “plain” CT-number access to for example... alcoholic beverages - it’s only for CC-[numbers]. CC-[numbers] also can be locked out of certain perks if their score gets low enough.
The best example would be captain Rex who despite being a commanding officer can’t get the same items as his college, commander Cody. Due to Rex being a CT-number. So it’s always a bit awkward when he tags along with other commanding officers but he can get an energy drink or black coffee at best.
Funnily enough, of all software at Kamino, nothing is so well guarded as vending machines - it’s unhackable while the vending machines are borderline indestructible. It’s the most frequently updated/modified equipment due to clones always finding loopholes to cheat the system.
The origin of the vending machines was that Kaminoans tried to use the idea of conditioned response to encourage clones to train harder and be more obedient in the field - they hoped it would rewire clones brains, linking high performance with luxurious goods.
However what the long necks didn’t accounted for is that clones are well... humans and turned vending machines to social interaction that has an internal structure known only to clones. one of such interaction is that many clones with high performance score would often get items to those with lowered ones - especially at 501st where thinking outside the box is preferable military tactic by their general, thus many clones from 501st would end up with low performance score at Kamino framework despite being the most decorated of soldiers.
The same goes with Clone Force 99 who have 100% success rate, but also accumulated many misdemeanors and complaints.
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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Hello! This is going to be a roleplay blog for some alternate universe Draytons. I want this to be used mostly for roleplay, but there will be random stuff here too sometimes. I might decide to have the characters talk to each other(Basically talking to myself). In those cases other people are still free to join in. Might make things more interesting tbh.
I have severe social anxiety so I won't initiate contact other than rarely(Some days I am extra brave). I beg you to be the one to start the interaction if you want interaction. I love interaction.
I think it would be fun to introduce the au Draytons to the rotumblr side of tumblr and I hope other people in the community find this fun too. (Giggling at the thought of characters seeing one of the weird-looking Draytons and assuming he's normal Drayton in a costume)
Right now, there are just 4 of them. Technically they're all still named Drayton, but since they all hang out with each other in whatever universe they happen to go to, they have nicknames for each other.They will be represented by different emojis.
🦉For the Drayton with the fluffy purple cloak. Nickname: Cloak guy. (imgur link) (imgur link of bird creature forms)
🦊For the 9-tailed fox Drayton. Nickname: Beast. (imgur link) (Even the edit is considered unfinished because the positioning of the tails is a little wonk. The tails would come out from under the skirt. I plan to actually draw him properly eventually)
🦇For the Drayton with bat wings. Nickname: Bat. (imgur link)
🐛For the wizard elf. Nickname: Wizard. (imgur link)
More about them under the keep reading ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Teehee funny whiteboard drawing.
These will have short descriptions but if you want a bunch of infodumps, whatever isn't revealed in my google doc (link) has to be slowly revealed by activity. Unlockable content in a video game from talking with the characters.
Cloak guy 🦉 Sassy and something of a jerk a lot of the time but he will help people who mean anything to him. He tries to keep any helpfulness secret if he can. He has his reputation to uphold. He has plenty of enemies he intentionally made around the multiverse and sometimes he has another scar that wasn't there before. Doesn't know how to shut up sometimes. Other nicknames include: Miasmire, Cloak(when the other Draytons feel like saying a shorter name), Bird, The mad doctor, Every disease, Big shot, Plague itself, Cloaky, Scar
Beast 🦊 Traumatized individual who seems to only have one face: Blank stare. Very chill, extremely friendly. Nearly impossible to upset him at all. Possibly numb to emotions. Maybe. Generally, he can be described as being laid back, but somehow, sometimes his behavior feels slightly different every time in some uncanny and indescribable way. Other nicknames include: Fluffy(from at least two Laceys around the multiverse)
Bat 🦇 An apocalypse almost-survivor who has died at least once yet lives on because cloak guy did something. Bat is scared of everything but you wouldn't know it because he has the courage to act even if he's afraid. Bat refuses to back down when people he cares about could get hurt. The other Draytons know that if Bat flees from something, they probably should too. Bat is basically a vampire. Anything other than blood or raw flesh are toxic to him. He feels guilty that he has to eat at the expense of others. There are folks who care about him and offer their wrist for him to get a small drink from but if he's in one of his moods, he'll even refuse that. If he gets overwhelmed enough, he loses his sapience and mentally becomes something like an animal following basic instincts and can't communicate until he finally calms down and that could take months depending on the offense. Actually the most mentally stable guy here. Other nicknames include: Sweetie (cloak guy heard Bat's Carmine call Bat this and now teases him about it) Noibatman
Wizard 🐛 Snobby rich high elf who's at the top of his class in magic school even though he's doing nothing just because he has a rare and powerful form of magic with various unique abilities. One of those abilities lets him freely shapeshift and his favorite transformation is a giant centipede. Other nicknames include: Centipede, pampered princess(from cloak guy. the wizard doesn't like this one), Chaos. Bug
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Omg thank you so much for writing my request for tom :) Can I ask for a part two where you try not to read the comments, but end up doing so, and most are good, so it's fine. Until you post a picture of you on your account, and tom's fans start calling you names, and tom's so tired of all that happening that he posts on his account a whole paragraph about how his personal life it's no one's business?
This is part two, find the first part here
Summary | previously Tom had accidentally posted a picture of the two of you, exposing your relationship. And so, you decide to purposely do the same on your Instagram, though the response is much different than what his post had received.
Warnings | hate comments, some angst, swear and demeaning words
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Tom was asleep beside you, his head tucked into the crook of your neck, you were able to feel his gentle, slumbering breathing against your skin, and it caused goose bumps to prickle upon the outer layer of your flesh.
The two of you had vastly fallen asleep upon the couch, and your phone was on the coffee table, and to say that you were itchy to reach for it was an understatement. There would be comments on the picture that Tom accidentally put online, and you were hungry to see them, whilst simultaneously nervous.
Tom was a big actor, known for his presence in the marvel cinematic universe upon many other projects, and some of his fans, whilst proven during Comic-Con panels, were borderline crazy. They’d snap if they even so much as saw something that they didn’t like, and this time, you would be on the receiving end of it.
Being motionlessly captured, with your face on show, was certain to bring much attention. You too were within the acting department, but there had been no correlation between the pair of you until now, most of the world weren’t even aware that you knew each other. And not to mention, your span of reaching an audience was smaller, although, certainly not non existent.
You had reprised fame during your appearance on Modern Family, as the friendly neighbour of Phil and Claire, and a classmate of their eldest daughter, and not to mention Luke was crushing hard on the character you played, though, with that said, your character laughed his efforts off due to the age difference, yet still found his pining weird and often uncomfortable.
Another role that you were becoming known for was your character in Netflix’s Irregulars, where you met Harrison Osterfield, Tom’s best friend. Through filming the show, you were introduced to the Spider-Man actor, and the pair of you had hit it off almost instantly, if you didn’t include Tom keeping his amorous distance, wary just in case there was something going on between you and your mutual friend. To his relief, there wasn’t.
And thus, when he received that confirmation, he was far more forward, yet respectful at the same time with his intentions. That was how you had ended up here, as he half used you as a pillow, his arms wrapped around his ribs, and his soft peaceful snores filling the void in the air.
Stretching your arm at its furthest length, your fingertips wrestled with the side of your phone, padding it closer to yourself, so that you could slide it across the small living room table, and closer to yourself. You were victorious in your efforts, and so on you unlocked your screen, going to your camera app, and leaning sideways so that you could snap a few pictures of your predicament with your loving and sweet boyfriend.
Looking at the images that you had captured, a smile arose upon your face; you truly did love this man, and you wanted the whole world to know how much you adored him. You wanted them to see that you cared about him, and that he was in good hands with you, to cool off any of his fans that were processing their hurt feelings for seeing Tom with another woman, show him that he was getting the love that he deserved.
Extreme courage coursed through your veins, focusing within your fingertips as you opened insta, gulping as you readied to post the image. There was no editing required, it was perfect just like him. And so, the caption was something to think about, you didn’t want to make it too obvious that you were dating as the online community already assumed, the priority was to show them that you cared about him.
‘He’s taking a nap, and crushing my hip a little, but I don’t mind 😌’ you typed, your finger hovering over the post button as you chewed your lip. It was easy to press your digit down, and so, taking a breath, you did just that, encouraged by the previous and kind comments on Tom’s earlier post.
Within a matter of minutes, your phone was blowing up, and you were too tempted not to glance at the growing comment section. There were various accounts, some supporting your confidence to show such a domestic version of yourself with Tom, you assumed that they were your followers, and the ones that weren’t so light hearted were those that intently watched anything on the media that involved Tom.
‘He’s too good looking for her, she should be dating someone within her league. Tom is clearly taking pity on this hoe.’
‘Aw look at him, and ew, look at the state of her. He could do sm better 😔’
‘Why doesn’t she look like his exes, they were hot af, and now he’s with some rando that is after his fame and money. Maybe she should just take better roles if she wants to get noticed so bad.’
Your eyes kept reeling through the intentionally hateful words that continued to come through beneath the image. Tears began to fall from your eyes as you tried to stifle the movements and the sound of your gentle sobbing, as to not wake Tom. Quickly, your fingers raced through the social media, and you, knowing that there would still be presence of the image somewhere online, you deleted it, muting notifications and shuffled back into Tom.
The man stirred, tugging you closer by your waist, pressing a kiss to your locks as he awoke. He noticed however the way that you refused to face him, and so he rolled you over with a gentle grip on your shoulder, frowning when he saw the recognisable redness beneath your eyes, and the sad expression floating within your eyes.
“Princess, what’s going on?” He wiped his thumb beneath your bottom lashes, collecting your tears as he worriedly looked down at you. His brown eyes searched every inch of your face for an idea, but found nothing but your broken hearted expression.
“It’s nothing Tommy.” You tried and failed to convince the man, wincing half heartedly as he sat back on his thighs, gripping your hips so that he could pull you up with him, giving him a clearer view of your face. It was clear that he did not believe you, and he hummed, trying to make you give in. Eventually, after much concerned staring, you gave in, slumping your shoulders as you tucked your arms around the back of his neck. “I posted a picture of us, the response wasn’t great.”
Instantly, Tom’s brows uplifted, surprised by your action, though he had a strong inkling of a feeling that the reaction that you had earned was not complimentary. These were not tears of joy, instead they were stricken rivers of anguish and insecurity running down the length of your face.
“Let me see.” He spoke, softly to you, but his intents towards defending you strong. You shook your head lightly, tracing circles upon his knees as you gulped, flickering your guilty gaze up to his watchful eyes.
“I deleted it. I just couldn’t deal with knowing that the longer that it was up, the more hate would be directed at me. I’m sorry.” Tom grasped your face by your tense jaw, his fingers stroking your chin as he sadly stared at you.
“Never be sorry. Now send me the picture you used so that I can give everyone a piece of my mind.” Reaching for your phone, you sent the image to him, and in a second his device pinged, revealing that it had successfully sent to him.
“Cute.” He described the picture, his hands furiously typing away on his phone, his constant unsettling of his rabidly moving fingers drawing anxiousness from you. “And some.” Tom finally breathed, closing his phone as you went to his account, checking what he had posted publicly.
‘This may concern some people, who keep sticking their noses in where it does not involve them. I appreciate you all, the support, the love, everything. But one thing that I do not stand for is people coming at my girlfriend just because they don’t approve of our relationship. If you check mate, I never asked for your opinion, I love y/n, and some online hate, that needs to stop otherwise you are not someone I want to be calling themselves a fan of me, needs to stop. It makes no one happy or feel healthy with spreading such toxicity around the internet, if you don’t like something, then keep your blood mouths shut, this has nothing to do with you, it is just me and my girlfriend. I’d think you’d want me to be happy, because I want the same for all of you, so can people please give my partner some respect, she’s done nothing wrong but bravely chose to reach out to you all, and she had that spat back in her face. It’s not on, and I want this to stop now.’
“Tom...” you were shocked by the paragraph, it came across as aggressive, and very over protective. His action, that could affect how he was cried by people that put him on a pedestal, and that made you feel guilty that he had reached out to them in such a way.
“It’s okay baby, I’d do anything for you, and you know that. No one messes with my girl.” He put his arm around your shoulders as he pulled you close placing a kiss upon your forehead. Not only was he your boyfriend, but he was your protector, your knight on a shining cell phone.
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moonlight-additions · 3 years
May 2021
The One Where Lisa Shows Up
“but since my friends are here, I just came back to kick it”
Elena’s Masterlist
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“You know, I still think that Nobu and Flash should have a play date one day.” Elena tried convincing Mia as they walked along the hallway together.
The two had originally just gone to the restroom, and ended up finding each other there. Elena saw this as a perfect moment to kill some time until recording and finally bring up something that had been on her mind for the longest, getting Nobu to meet Flash.
“Nobu is a cat! He won’t think of it as a play date, he’ll think of it as a 5 star feast.” Mia explained, refusing the idea immediately.
“Hey, Nobu is extremely friendly!” Elena argued back defending her tiny kitten. “He would never!” It was true to an extent, but the cat was extremely friendly. Something that the two cat parents took pride in really.
Mia tilted head to the side, looking at the taller girl with a raised eyebrow that just screamed disbelief.
“Okay, fine. Maybe he would take a few swings here and there, but he would never take a nibble!”
“Is that suppose to be reassuring?” Mia asked looking at the girl horrified at the idea of her tiny baby getting smacked around by a cat that was probably five times his size.
“Well you said you didn’t want him to be a meal. You never said anything about being a punching bag.” Elena joked with a teasing grin.
“Elena, give it up. Jisung said no and I’m definitely saying no.”
“Imagine it though, they could be a dynamic duo! When have you ever seen a guinea pig and a cat together?” Elena attempted swaying the girl into agreeing on the idea. “Plus you’ve met his parents before. You like us, right? How could you not trust him?”
Mia let out a loud giggle as she looked at Elena expectantly. “Thats exactly why I’m even more concerned.”
“Okay, fair point.” Elena nodded along to her statement. “He’s a sweetheart though, you’ll love him! Just meet him one day and then you can decide whether you’re comfortable with Flash meeting him.”
Mia sighed stopping in her tracks to face the other girl. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not going to drop this?”
“Because I’m not.” Elena grinned ecstatically. “How do you think Nobu met Leon, Louis and Bella?”
“You’re really making Nobu a social butterfly.” Mia added upon hearing the three new names of what she assumed to be some of her friends’ pets .
“Well he has to look after someone.” She said as she brushed her hair off her shoulder smoothly with a wink in Mia’s direction. “Plus I don’t want him to have social anxiety around other people and animals.” She elaborated as she felt her phone vibrate in her hand, signifying a new notification.
When she looked down at her screen the phone unlocked revealing a new message from Yunhyeong. She figured it had to be important if he was texting her before the shooting began, so she quickly clicked on the notification which led her to their text conversation history.
Can you come to our dressing room right now?
The girl furrowed her eyebrows at the message but nonetheless sent back a response telling him she was on her way with Mia. Locking her phone she looked up at the girl beside her. “How much time do you have left until you need to go back or they send out a search party for you?”
“Well, considering we’ve filmed here before and I can’t get lost, I would say I have a lot of time.”
“Great!” Elena grinned linking her arm with Mia’s. “We’re going to make a little pit stop before heading back to our groups.”
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Elena poked her head in with a grin on her face. “Did you call for your favorite hoobaes to give a little preview of your performance?”
“Why would I have called you then?” Yunhyeong teased as he looked at her with a devious grin on his face.
“I’m not hearing a no.”
“I’m not hearing a yes either.” Bobby joined in with a loud laugh at the girl’s persistence.
Jinhwan looked at her with a big smile as he nodded his head. “You two can come inside.”
“Oh right, thank you.” Elena smiled as she pulled Mia inside the room with her. “You all know Mia, right?”
“Yeah, from Stray Kids!” Bobby smiled looking at the short girl. “You’ve done a great job by the way.”
“Thank you.” Mía smiled bowing to him which made him quickly bow back a bit flustered.
“Ah, there’s no need to bow.” He spoke with a big smile on his face. “We can all be casual here.” He added as the rest of the guys all nodded their heads agreeing with what he said.
Yunhyeong them spoke up again from his spot. “So I heard that you’re a pretty big fan of BLACKPINK.”
Elena grinned happily looking at the older boy. “Looking up information about me oppa?”
“See this is why you lost your place as my favorite.”
“So I was your favorite at some point?” Elena quickly elaborated with a joking wink making everyone in the room burst into laughter.
“No!” Yunhyeong shouted out although he couldn’t even contain the smile from appearing on his face at the situation.
“Well if you’re not Yunhyeong oppa’s favorite you can be mine.” She heard a feminine voice speak up.
“Aw, thank you Mia!” Elena spoke as she turned to Mia with a flattered smile only to see her looking back at her with wide eyes.
“That wasn’t me.”
“It wasn’t.” Elena questioned with furrowed eyebrows looking at her friend confused. Meanwhile the boys in the room all exchanged glances, enjoying the confusion on both of the girls faces.
“It was me.” The two girls heard from behind them.
Elena and Mia exchanged looks before finally turning around to come face to face with none other than Lisa.
“Oh my god, hi!” Elena smiled bowing deeply to the girl. “I’m a huge fan of yours.”
“Hello!” Mia bowed deeply at the same time as Elena. “I’m also a big fan!”
“Really?” Lisa asked as bowed back to the girls. “Thank you! I’ve actually seen some of your performances. You guys are great dancers.”
“It’s because they’re main dancers in their groups.” Chanwoo added into the conversation.
“Wow, so you guys really are that good then.” Lisa praised the two as they thanked her.
Elena then nodded along. “We are but so are you! Your dance films are all amazing and don’t even get me started on your visuals.”
“Hey, are you flirting?” Junhoe quickly intercepted laughing at the girl’s words. “Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“That wasn’t even flirting.” Elena argued back with a small grin forming on her lips. “I’m just giving out compliments, he understands.”
“If you think my dance films are cool, why don’t you join me in one? We could make one with all of us since we are the main dancers.” Lisa asked the girls.
“That would actually be really interesting, especially if we think about how our styles differ from each others.” Mia added quickly going along with the idea.
“It would be! I would love to-” Elena began until she felt her phone vibrating with an incoming call. “Sorry, I need to take this.” Elena said as she quickly stepped away from the group and towards the door.
“Hello?” She answered when she was finally far enough from the group to get some privacy.
“Where are you?” Yunho questioned from the other side of the line. “The recording for the show is about to start.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a bit. I’m a little occupied-”
“Woah, woah, woah.” Yunho spoke and she was able to hear the other boys start joining in on making a scandalized ruckus in the background. “I just wanted to let you know so you can start making your way over here, I don’t want the details.”
“Yunho! You know-” At the sound of the door opening Elena lowered her phone away from her ear to look over.
“We’re about to start reco- Oh, there you are. You two need to go back to your respective rooms.” A staff spoke up as he opened the door wider for the two girls to exit out of the room.
“Okay.” Elena nodded to the staff before lifting her phone back to her ear only to hear a long beep. She shook her head at her member and made a mental note to smack him when she gets the chance for not only cutting her off, but hanging up too.
She waved at the group with a pout on her lips as she waited for Mia to say her goodbye and reach her. “We’ll see you guys later, I know your going to kill it!” She spoke once Mia had reached her and they made their way out of the door.
“Were your members about to send out a search party for you?” Mia questioned referring to her call, once they finally made it outside the room.
“No, they just told me the same thing the staff told us.”
Mia nodded with a smile before looking at Elena with an excited expression. “I still can’t believe that we got to meet Lisa and that she wants collaborate with us!”
“I know!” Elena exclaimed with a joyful chuckle falling from her lips. “Thats four more friends for Nobu!”
Mia let a loud laugh slip past her lips at the girls comment. She was starting to sound like an excited parent and it was adorable. “And you too?”
“Yeah, that too!” Elena nodded with her in agreement. “Speaking of which, you’re still on board about meeting Nobu, right?”
“Yeah but if Nobu smacks Flash- Elena?” Mia questioned as she noticed that Elena was no longer walking beside her.
Elena had stopped walking and stood in her spot with wide eyes. “I forgot to ask for her number!” She exclaimed as she squatted down facepalming herself.
“Can’t you ask BamBam for it?”
“I’ve tried.” She pouted standing back up. “That boy has not given me anything that easily ever since we were trainees.”
“Guess you’ll have to get ready to bargain.” Mia teased turning back around to continue walking back to their respective waiting rooms together.
“Elena?” She questioned when she noticed that the girl had neither responded to her nor was beside her. Turning around to look for her she saw the girl standing in her spot with a thoughtful expression on her face.
“Nope. I’m going back.” Elena muttered as she quickly turned around, making her way back to iKON’s waiting room. “Sorry, but I need that number! I’ll talk to you later!”
Mia was getting ready to follow after her taller friend until a thought hit her. “Wait...” She whispered in her spot tilting her head to the side. “I can just ask Chan for it.”
a/n: Mia is not my oc, she belongs to @okskz ! She runs a stray kids additional member (along with a got7 and monsta x additional member!) and you should check her out if you haven’t! (Ajsjslfk not me saying i was going to have this posted early in the week only to post it on a Thursday and yes this is unedited 🤡 ) Anyways it’s pretty late over here so once I post this I’ll finally be going to bed so goodnight or good morning, which ever suits you really! 💗Also, I greatly appreciate feedback so don’t be afraid to interact with me or my work! (or both) I love hearing from you guys and also talking to you! 💗
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jilljoycearts · 3 years
About the situation with the previously mentioned reposter, reposts in general, and the fandom. This is mostly about the russian part of the internet, the dark and fearsome place.
This post is very long, so I’m hiding it under the cut.
To sum it all up:
If you see drawings (fanarts) for the game Enderal and for the rest of the SureAI games on the russian social VK, published not by the authors of the drawings or not by their art groups, pages and communities, then they are placed against the will of these very authors.
About the rhetorics (mostly for the Russians that stumble upon this post): what people on VK call repost (share button) is an actual reblogging or retweet. In fact, a repost is re-uploading something not by its owner. Now let's start. The retelling is quite detailed. Also, a warning: although I can retell this whole thing in english from scratch, the post is translated from russian with the help of almighty google. I don't want to bother much with this and spend my energy on it. Most of the mistakes I still fix, but the sentence structure and phrasing might seem weird.
The man (hereinafter "character T"; we do not mention his name because he is only interested in your attention to his person) took under his wing a long-abandoned community (Enderal themed), asking to be a moderator. For several months he was posting stolen drawings (without permission and credits), until his vanity drove him into a trap: with a request of "reblog for reblog" (wanted to promote his own fan-creation) he messaged a small russian community of artists interested in the SureAI games. Naturally, seeing his reposting activities, everyone was utterly indignant. He was incredibly lucky that my drawing was the last one published on the dash of his community. Again, no credit. I left a comment urging him to remove the stolen things and explaining the common truths. To which no one answered, but suddenly a link to my tumblr appeared. I wrote another comment telling to delete again, and again no one answered me. When he had to start talking to me, Character T decided that it was a good idea to load a girl (who was so lucky to know both of us a bit) with the work of a negotiator. I leave it to you to judge the "honor and dignity" of this character and his decision. I scroll forward: he agrees to delete my work, while rolling out a post consisting of articles of the civil code, in which he puts the meaning “I reposted, am reposting and will continue that, because the law allows me”. At the same time, the negotiator girl gets tired of working as his secretary. I already intend to contact him personally, but I find myself in his blacklist. It would seem, "Well, calm down, hedeleted yours." But his intention to repost further stunned everyone. Naturally, the time has come to inform the foreign authors about this chronic stealing.
A new location was unlocked in our amusing adventure: a server of the game developers SureAI on Discord. There, one of the artists from whom he stole called him out, without mentioning the names (yes, the character T was active there, whilst annoying the local inhabitants). He responded after a while, again rolling out his cart of articles on the legality of reposts. He also managed to threaten me personally with something. In general, he was kicked from the server of the developers for lack of culture and propaganda of copyright infringement. Further, another foreign author tried to contact him personally, but in the same way received a cart of laws. In the meantime, the English-speaking part of the fandom artists decided to write an official letter of complaint, attaching all links to posts to be deleted, and listing the authors with whose content the character T is strictly prohibited from interacting in the future. This letter was tried to be sent by a German artist, who specially registered there, but she stumbled upon some tech difficulties. Firstly, she was blocked by the owner of the stealing community, where the character T was appointed as the moderator. Her page was empty, the name was not Russian - he thought it was a bot, I can understand that. She then dropped the complaint letter to the support of VK social itself. Even tried to message the stealing community specifically but another lag made it impossible. (and this was required according to the new "rules" of the character T, according to which it was decided to play. "So that your complaint was considered ..." and so on.)...
Sensing something is wrong, character T made an attempt to contact some Russian-speaking authors himself in the meantime. And they told him the same -- that he steals, and not “shares” for some “purpose”. And here comes an interesting thing: the phrases "well, something needs to be posted to fill the community" and "but I am not on their Facebooks, I found it on Yandex"(that's russian google). That is, our drawings turned out to be just a filler, because something needs to be posted. Searching by image is difficult, but he still has to post! Something. Anything. What for? I have an explanation and an answer to this, but since this is the purpose of the character T - to draw attention to his fan-creation, I will not mention it 👌🏻 Another of his phrases was that due to the increased attention to his community now he HAS to credit the authors 🤦🏻‍♀. In general, he banned the Russian-speaking artist, whom he contacted and received a well-scented bucket’s content on his head (and well-deserved of course).
Now let's return to the official letter of complaint from foreign artists, which never reached the stealing community, and after all it was sent by the Russian-speaking author L. This time the character T was able to read it, but as expected, he refused to remove reposts, said that the artists were arrogant, accused of gatekeeping and again expressed his intention to repost not only without permission, but also against the will of all these fandom authors (38 people). After all, he has a great goal - to popularize games and the universe in the ru-segment.
The same or the next day the owner of the stealing community contacted me (who had previously lost interest, abandoned it, and a year later gave it to the character T). The owner asked what was happening, I explained, and passed on the letter of complaint from foreign artists, which the German artist could not send because he blocked her. That I explained to him too and he unblocked her. No reaction to my explanations abot the character T followed, but we’ll come back to that later.
And now we decided it’s time for our last resort -- we contacted Nicolas (the main screenwriter, the owner of the rights to this universe and the main figure of the fandom as a whole). Here I will digress from the main line and note that interested people have dug out both the provisions of the Berne Convention and the laws of the Russian Federation, which the character T chose to ignore in his activities, hiding behind only those that are convenient for him. Now let's return to Nicolas, who had to take a break from vacation because of this circus. As it turned out, character T, sensing the smoke, came running to him first. But alas, Nicolas was on the side of the authors (who would have thought). As a result, we almost decided that hurray, it helped, because posts with pictures disappeared from the wall of the stealing community, and character T even disappeared from the list of moderators (I will return to the stage with the owner of the community: I assume it was his work). But it was clear that it was too early to celebrate the victory.
Change of location: again the server of the developers on Discord. After the kick of the character T, three days later, a brand-new account appears, which broadcasts about the character T in the third person using Google translate “ if he had not been pressed upon, he would repost peacefully in his community of a thousand subscribers. And now he will attract some audience of a dozen more groups and will repost there too”. Naturally, without direct evidence of the second coming, no one have kicked him yet.
On the same day, the VK support told me that the most effective weapon in our case is the DMCA form. This is inconvenient, but it works. Moreover, the stolen has already been removed from the stealing community.
Then people came across the news - the stealing community advertised a new community of the character T, which was shaped exclusively for reposting other people's drawings (and there were already several works, including mine). The adv post called to support the character T “and his work”. Naturally, in the comments, I and other people urged not to support this. We even managed to explain the situation to some random person. After that the post was deleted. We don't know who deleted the post (still the character T or the community owner).
At this point, I ask Nicolas to message the tharacter T again using the simplest words that reposts cannot be allowed without permission. At all. Even with links attached. Doesn't help because the main now-not-stealing community shares a new post of the new one stealing community again. That is, even the main copyright holder and owner of the entire thing is not a figure of authority for the character T. Summing up -- “I will “popularize” your fandom against your wishes. The laws allow me. "
But after a while, the reblog from the new community is removed from the main one.
And again, the change of location: to the discord of the developers, where the character T himself comes back and writes something (under the new name ofc as his old account is banned). He declares that he will now repost to some huge audience of 300k people (before that there were 200, and even before that 100, yeah), he is outraged by the complaint letter from the authors with the ban on reposting, he will deliberately not credit, and also he wants to reupload my fanfiction somewhere. After that, he was kicked again 🥾.
Naturally, the entire audience is shocked, the character T literally became famous and crowned himself with a clown wig in just a few days, and now the entire fandom and the informed ru-segment hates him. The retelling is over.
Almost. Now I thank google translate for the help above and I'm gonna retell even more without it as this information is rather new. He wrote his own “explanation post”, where he somehow found relevant addressing the sexuality of one of the authors who called him out, called Nico indifferent and passive regarding this situation, insulted literally everyone but him, the white knight, whom we all should be grateful to for his will of promoting our content. I facepalm very hard. And he reposts art to some small communities but no one gives a shit (surprisingly so, huh?). He adds the links to the authors. Now I don’t want to give him any attention anymore, I have some work to get done.
Here comes the part about the and for community itself (google translate helps me again):
For the artists:
For the people registered in VK there is a "Nemesis" algorithm (dropdown - report - copied content). It will want a link to the previously published content on the VK as a primary source. Its effectiveness is still in question, but if someone tried it, then share your experience. For the rest, there is a dmca form that wants passport data (the only one I know of that asks for it), which I personally do not want to share, but in general... It's up to you to decide. Advice: Include readable text with @ of your page, community or yourself in your watermarks. Thus, an adequate person will always see where to go for the primary source.
For the readers/viewers:
Fandom existence is based on respect for other people's work. This work is the reason fandoms exist. If you like the drawing, then praise the author, support them in accessible ways (like - comment - subscribe - send a link to a friend(reblog the thing) - give some moneyz). People will be pleased, honestly. And if you disagree with something or you go "Ew" for other reasons, then just walk by. This is, in fact, all that you can do. If you have ambitions, ideas and “I need to fill my dead community with something” (you are considering taking the author's drawing and placing it somewhere yourself), then you ask for permission and accept any answer. There is no other way. Otherwise it's a violation of the law. 
Why reposts (= re-uploads) are harmful I think there's no need to mention, but still:
First of all, it drives away traffic from the authors. It doesn't matter if fanart can be monetized or not (spoiler alert: it can). Example: If a figurative reposter hadn't taken away figurative content, then a potential viewer interested in this content would go to search for it himself. And would have found it posted by the author. And then it is already possible to take a closer look at the other work as a whole, and even give the author money so that they draw something personalized for this viewer personally. That’s an example. It seems to be clear. Artists on the Internet care about their traffic, which is responsible for audience growth and all subsequent opportunities. This is the basics.
About monetizing fan content.
It depends solely on the developers / authors of games and books (original owners of all rights). Sometimes the ban on monetization hangs for some time after the release of the game (as was the case with Hades), sometimes you can sell keychains / posters / whatever with fanarts on them right away. And sometimes you can't, everything is individual here. Again, I think it is clear that if a viewer finds the original image posted by the author themselves, then this viewer has more chances to buy merch with this image. After all, the author will definitely add that the drawing is available as a merch. Reposter -- never. He does not know that, he found it on Yandex/Google.
Specifically about me and my community:
You know that my main audience are not russians. I have already abandoned my russian community once. Would I want to disappear from there again? So far, there is no such desire. People I have there are nice and friendly, despite the small number. How much do I really care about reposts of drawings on an objectively dying or already dead fandom? I'll leave it to you to decide. I have been here since the 2016-17, with me the fan activity started, and with me it will end. Everyone who is interested in SureAI games knows me. And although I have the permission from the devs to monetize fanart and fan content in general, it is obvious that $20 from posters and magnets every few months is not my motivation. I am here because I love the game universe and its characters. I make my own thing, quietly rejoicing, and I don't look around much. Reposts are evil on a different level, and not on this one. Does T's intention of re-uploading my fanfiction or even rewriting it somehow thrills me? I don’t care at all. Let him read a well edited and thought-through text for once. But I doubt it will help a little.
In general:
My subscribers / readers / followers know where to look for my updates. A thinking person that sees a repost will go and find the author themselves. Be it pictures that they see, text or something else. Those people who don't think are obviously not interesting for me as an audience. Other authors share this position.
Finally, end of this text. It has taken me 4 hours to write this all in russian, maybe another one to edit the google output and add more things AND almost one week of my time to deal with this all (and don’t forget other authors involved, they spent a shitload of time on it too). From now on my position is “time is money” and if the character T resurfaces he’ll have to pay me for the attention he seeks, lol 
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Evocations: XV
The knowledge that Alex is still alive makes the funeral service harder to sit through rather than easier. Olivia is angry. At the outpouring of grief that would eventually be revealed a waste, at Agent Hammond for not letting them in on the DEA's plan sooner, at Alex for not saying something more the previous night.
But she knows, even as she tells herself these things, that they are a part of her mourning. It's unfair to pretend that if given the choice, that Liv would have given up her life and went with Alex. It was an impossible choice, even in the face of their three year relationship.
So, she holds Darcie's hand, and lets Alexander put his arm around her shoulders until the long, sad business of it is over. Afterward, Olivia accompanies them to the airport, where they would fly home with what they thought were their daughter's ashes. There would be no empty plot in the ground, no unnecessary headstone, as the high-profile case had pushed them to decide against it.
The city feels especially cold for October, and especially empty when Liv lets herself into the apartment one last time. The sale has already been advertised, and what she wanted from the place was already at her old apartment, which she will live in again.
Stealing inside the cool leather pocket of her jacket, Liv's fingers close over the ring box that she had dug out of her underwear drawer. She wants to believe that Alex's absence will be brief; that before she expects, the blonde will walk back into the squad room, smiling. Ready to work, she'd say.
Olivia is desperate to believe in a moment in the future when Alex is on the other side of the open ring box, offering everything they had always wanted. Her want of that runs so deep, that she refuses to open the box again, only lets herself caress it soothingly.
At her feet Sky whines softly, not understanding the emptiness of the apartment, nor why she hasn't seen Alex in so long. Liv picks her up to ruffle behind her ears, and suddenly, an idea occurs to her. The hand not holding the dog pulls out her cell phone and dials DEA Agent Hammond.
"Jack - it's Detective Benson. I need a favor."
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Wisconsin in October was a drier chill compared to Manhattan, the air sharper. Alexandra could have retired to the Balkans if she had a dollar for every tree and cow she had seen by the time the program was ready to settle her into the assigned house.
She had been linked with a program officer, a woman who would play the role of her sister, to help her adjust to life in Wittenberg. Alex's head was chock full to bursting with the information the trip to the state had entailed. New names, new social security, new job, and now, as she wearily climbed the steps to enter, a new home.
At the top of the stairs she paused, the wound in her shoulder throbbing angrily. She felt heavy, all the spaces that Olivia had filled echoed in their emptiness. Once she opened the door, Alexandra would become Emily, and Olivia would exist only inside of her. It was an unavoidable task that nonetheless seemed impossible.
Blinking back tears, the statuesque blonde squared her shoulders and slipped the key in the lock, opening the door.
She hardly had time to lock the door behind her when she heard the sound of clicking against hardwood floor. Every hair on her body raised in fear as her lungs stopped on a dime. But instead of Death rounding the corner, the familiar tiny face of her dog came racing at her.
Sky High jumped just in time to be scooped up into Alex's embrace, and she let the excited creature lick her face until there wasn't a dry spot of skin left. "Sky!" she whispered, utterly bewildered and overjoyed at the dog's presence as she kept burrowing her nose into Sky's fur.
Inhaling deeply, Alex could smell Liv, and their apartment in New York. She smiled, her muscles finally unlocking. It appeared that a part of Olivia would be inside the house, after all.
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Olivia has already discovered half a dozen things to dislike about the apartment that originally suited her just fine, before she even settles down to try and sleep. What used to be familiar and comforting about the little bachelor pad has been completely forgotten in her time away; Liv startles at every click, hum, and creak.
She tries to imagine Alex's face, seeing Sky High there to join her. It fills her heart with a sweet ache, but her eyes prick with tears all the same. Her bed - narrow, her life - lonely. How easy it had been, to forget all the years she struggled along by herself, once Alexandra had provided the family she craved so much.
Conjuring up the blonde's image once again, she turned her mind to the ring box, slipped securely back into her dresser drawer. She imagines her arms wrapped around Alex's willowy middle and eventually tricks herself into falling asleep.
Meanwhile, in Wittenberg, Alex - or, rather, Emily - was also restless. The house seems ridiculously oversized for just herself and the dog; the age of the building bringing with it the usual ticks and idiosyncrasies that adorn old houses.
Even with all the windows shut up tight, she can hear crickets chirping madly under the stars like crazed philosophers. When they had gotten into the unfamiliar bed, Sky had curled up next to Alex's head on the pillow, and Alex hadn't the heart to tell her to move. All evening, any random noise sent the Havenese scampering to the front door, looking expectantly for Olivia to join them on this new adventure.
Alex trails her fingers slowly through the sad, loyal dog's fur as she wishes for more blankets, and for the dark-eyed woman who normally eliminated any need for further warmth. The woman who is her assigned sister will be there in the morning, to show her around town and shop with her for any necessities. There will be no avoiding Wisconsin anymore in the morning, as she starts trying to remember to respond to her new name.
Suddenly, she is struck with the thought of the engagement ring, for the first time since the news that she will become the living dead. Alexandra sits up in the bed, startling the dog, as she clutches the blankets to her breasts and tries to remember the last time she had seen it.
It takes her a minute or two, to put together the memory of pocketing it the night Tim Donovan had died. When she'd awoken in the hospital, it was to a roomful of DEA agents and witness protection facilitators. They had taken all her personal effects, to be passed along as part of the death staging. Alex couldn't remember now, if the jacket had been with her things or not. Maybe an EMT had returned or scrapped it, even.
But, she thought, what if Olivia had it?
What if it had been returned to Liv, by a doctor or nurse, by Elliot . . . or her parents? Then everything struck her at once. The trip had put 960 miles between her and New York, and not once had it occured to her, the thought of Liv having to call her parents to New York, of the three of them having to plan a funeral together.
The gaping abyss of the unknown yawned open and Alex trembled on the bed as it closed over her head: her parents thinking she was dead, her career swiped from under her like so much debris, the loss of friends and of Olivia.
Olivia. The woman she had waited her entire life for; the love she had dreamed of as a little girl when she first read Rita Mae Brown's Rubyfruit Jungle:
"And for a future I didn't want a split-level home with a station wagon, pastel refrigerator, and a houseful of blonde children evenly spaced through the years. I didn't want to walk into the pages of McCall's magazine and become the model housewife. I didn't even want a husband or any man for that matter. I wanted to go my own way. That's all I think I ever wanted, to go my own way and maybe find some love here and there. Love, but not the now and forever kind with chains around your vagina and a short circuit in your brain. I'd rather be alone."
Alex wanted all of Liv at once, as tears streaked down her cheeks - the warmth of her holding her, the feel of their mouths together, the tang and sweat of Liv's desire on her tongue, her laughter, strength, anger, her forgiveness. Her body wracked with heaving, soundless sobs as the comprehension of her losses settled into her like a thief in the night.
Sky High whimpered once, then nuzzled her way into Alexandra's lap, where she curled up without a sound and let her momma grieve.
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Fic: frost on the frozen ground
Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo
Characters: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Lan Yuan | Lan Sizhui, Lan Qiren, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Wen Qing, Fourth Uncle, Jin Zixun
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern AU, Corporate Espionage, Bad Uncle Lán Qǐrén, Anxiety, Confrontations, Family, References to Depression, Bunnies, Found Family, Podfic Welcome
Summary: Wei Ying and A-Zhan are still dealing with the fallout weeks after the public arrest of Meng Yao and Jin Guangshan cleared Wei Ying's name, when an uninvited visitor shows up. Second in the moonlight falls corporate spy AU series, inspired by @angstymdzsthoughts.
Notes: See end.
AO3 link
Wei Ying was exhausted. It wasn’t even a physical sort of exhaustion, but one brought on by the absolute circus the last few weeks had been, following the very public arrest of Lan Xichen’s fiancé for the exact corporate espionage Gusu Lan Tech had accused him of and ruined his life over five years ago. 
Trust Nie Huaisang to somehow convince the FBI to arrest Meng Yao during a major family dinner for the grooms that was well-attended by the media as a sort of social gala, and to also ensure they arrested Jin Guangshan at the same time. He was only the head of Jin Enterprises, so it’s not like it didn’t send that company’s stocks tanking immediately while also humiliating Gusu Lan Tech. 
Nie Huaisang did petty well. 
Wei Ying just wished the aftermath hadn’t meant reporters hounding him and A-Zhan almost constantly, though that wasn’t Huaisang’s fault. At least, that he knew of—his old friend hadn’t reached out, and Wei Ying didn’t know whether to expect him to. 
They’d had to start screening their calls and if they did go out, it was wearing disguises and usually separately. 
It had started when Jin Guangshan’s shitty nephew had attempted to ambush interview them while they were shopping for groceries with A-Yuan. 
Everyone knew he was a hack. Jin Zixun had majored in history at a university his uncle was on the board of (the only reason he was even admitted) and barely got his degree. He’d been resoundingly rejected by every reputable employer despite his uncle’s best efforts, and could only get a job at some hack blog site pretending to be news and to have journalistic integrity. He was largely known for ludicrous conspiracy theories, vehement misogyny, and, weirdly, white nationalist talking points, but his articles and livestreams apparently got enough advertising revenue to merit his continued employment. 
He had the nerve to imply Wei Ying had somehow framed Meng Yao and Jin Guangshan. 
On the bright side, the camera had been livestreaming, and A-Zhan had verbally eviscerated him and implied that he probably had a hand in the corporate espionage, that maybe the investigation should look into him. 
“I recall your name and the insulting things you said and wrote about Wei Ying. You claimed, without evidence, there was a connection with Compu-Jiang, and then they took a financial hit. Trying to take out your uncle’s competition?”
Jin Zixun’s face had turned interesting colors and he cut the camera, but the damage was done. They learned the next day he was canned from the pseudo-journalist farce and the FBI had declared him a “person of interest” and seized his electronics. 
The interest in that led to more media coverage looking at the Weis, rekindling interest in the false accusation and Wei Ying’s blacklisting from the industry. Uncle Four had banned reporters from the premises, and since he owned the building that meant they at least weren’t buzzing the apartment from the lobby or, worse, somehow getting in and knocking on their door, for the most part at least. Now they were simply waiting across the street and accosting them if they spotted them, something that most often happened if they were together, and less if they were separate. 
Wei Ying didn’t want to revisit the year or so following the blacklisting. Even with A-Zhan beside him, it had been like a montage of humiliation and pain. He hated that these reporters wanted to put all that on display again.
The Wens had been amazing, often bringing them groceries and cooked meals, but they couldn’t stay cooped up—they had a son, and he was fond of parks and libraries. Sometimes his aunts or uncles or Granny would take him out for them if there was a congregation of reporters, and that had at least ensured the parasites hadn’t caught on to A-Yuan’s existence connected to them yet. 
As a bright spot, A-Li had contacted him. With her father-in-law in prison for the corporate espionage Wei Ying had been framed for, her husband had consented to let him meet his nephew. She was excited to meet A-Yuan. They were just waiting for some of the furor to die down. 
Even though it was Saturday, Wei Ying was finishing a coding project while A-Zhan was taking A-Yuan to the library and then a different park than usual. He wished he could go with them, but it was better not to tempt fate. 
He was nearly finished sorting out a coding error when the bell for the apartment building buzzer rang. Sighing in irritation, he stalked to the door and pressed the button to respond, careful not to press the one that unlocked the door.
“No comment. Please leave the premises.”
“I am not the press,” a gravelly male voice responded.
Wei Ying blinked. He knew that voice, but he couldn’t place it.
“You know perfectly well who I am.”
It was the haughtiness of the tone that pinged his memory. How could he forget, being lectured by Lan Qiren on his ungrateful nature and ruining of his nephew when he was being fired?
Just the memory made him nauseous. As far as he knew, Lan Qiren hadn’t reached out to A-Zhan, though Lan Xichen had, apologizing that they would be dragged into this again.
Quickly, he pulled his phone from his pocket and fired a text message off to A-Zhan. 
Your uncle is here
“You’ll need to make an appointment,” he said blithely. “Have Lan Xichen set it up with A-Zhan. He has his number.”
His phone dinged as the uninvited visitor made outraged sounds that he very carefully refused to allow to register as words. Then the buzzer started up again, and he ignored it.
Not invited. Do not let him in.
In spite of the seriousness of the situation, Wei Ying had to smile over his husband’s use of proper punctuation and capitalization, ever proper even via text.
on it, he replied. will let you know when clear
The noise from the intercom/buzzer ceased, thankfully, and Wei Ying moved back toward the office, stepping over the barrier that kept Turmeric from getting to all the cords. As he did, he texted Wen Qing to let her know what had happened.
a-zhans uncle buzzed from lobby
told him to make appt
idk what he wants
He sat down with a sigh and stretched before trying to immerse himself back in the code. He’d just found his line of coding error when a knock on the door reverberated through the apartment. Before he could even contemplate getting up, his phone chimed, a text from Wen Qing.
Auntie 6 came to me
He followed her in
Uncle 4 and I are on it
Which meant, of course, that Lan Qiren had breached the building, likely not even registering that he was trespassing, or so privileged that he felt trespassing laws didn’t apply to him.
He could feel his anxiety rising, something he didn’t need. Now was not the time for a Xanax, no matter how much his heart was fluttering at the idea of having to deal with A-Zhan’s uncle.
lmk when i can escape, he sent back.
Then he texted A-Zhan.
breached perimeter
qing-jie & unc 4 to rescue
will come to u
where r u?
Wei Ying crept to the living room, trying to stay quiet as the intruder knocked again, more forcefully. He debated for a moment, fiddling with his phone nervously before slipping it in his pocket, then grabbed Turmeric’s carrier, leash, and harness. The bunny needed some outdoors time, and Wei Ying would probably be able to meet A-Zhan and A-Yuan at the park.
The knocking continued, and he was certain before long Lan Qiren would lose all sense of decorum and start yelling through the door. 
plz hurry, he texted Wen Qing.
He donned a hat A-Yuan had gifted him for Father’s Day, an adorable white bucket hat with bunnies and carrots on it, and a pair of big sunglasses. He was wearing torn jeans and a black t-shirt with a binary code motif Wen Ning had given him for Christmas—it read “fuck off,” but wasn’t too inappropriate given that only coders could read it. He was as decent as he was going to get.
Wei Ying opened Turmeric’s hutch and scooped him gently into the carrier, hushing him even though he was completely quiet and cooperative. He felt like an intruder in his own home, and it left a sour taste in his mouth.
Finally, he could hear voices outside the door—Uncle Four’s boisterous voice asking what he could do for “the gentleman,” Wen Qing mentioning trespassing, Lan Qiren’s haughtiness slowly sputtering out, growing distant as they led him away.
His phone dinged twice, A-Zhan texting the location of the park, and Wen Qing giving the all-clear. Wei Ying grabbed his shoes, keys, and wallet, Turmeric’s crate and his sundries, and slipped out of the apartment in socked feet, easing the door shut and locking it as quietly as he could.
He practically tiptoed down the side staircase, the one that didn’t lead to the lobby but straight outside, and slipped his shoes on in the vestibule before slipping outside into the sunshine, making sure the door shut behind him without anyone getting in.
The park, thankfully, was not too far away, and he didn’t see any reporters on this side of the building. Likely they had seen Lan Qiren enter and were all crowded on the side near the lobby hoping to see something good.
Fat chance.
Wei Ying booked it the first few blocks before he felt like he’d escaped and started to calm, but he didn’t really relax until he could see A-Zhan in the distance, looking in his direction, A-Yuan beside him sipping on a boxed apple juice. His husband folded him into a hug, and he could feel the tension ease from his body with a soft sigh.
“I brought Turmeric. He could use some outside time.”
The tiny smile he got from A-Zhan finished the job of easing the worst of his anxiety, and they sat with A-Yuan on the grass to bring Turmeric out of the carrier and belt him into his little harness.
His fingers fumbled on the buckles and he sighed in frustration. 
“Sit, A-Ying,” A-Zhan said. “Relax.”
There was a bit of worry in his eyes, and that told Wei Ying he must look frazzled. A-Zhan knew his anxieties, knew what Lan Qiren had said to him, something he’d opened up about long ago, when they’d learned to communicate and work as a team, and when Wei Ying was learning not to push him away. 
And so Wei Ying settled back and let him finish with Turmeric, focused on the sunshine and the breeze and the soft grass beneath him. His fingers itched to pull out his phone, though he’d received no notifications, and he resisted it, instead rubbing his hand along the surface of the grass, letting the individual strands tickle his palms.
Before long, their absolutely adorable second son was contentedly exploring the grass, and curious children were starting to gather. A-Zhan explained bunnies didn’t like loud noises and sudden movements, and told them if they had permission from their parents, they could approach one at a time to pet him. 
A-Yuan tumbled into Wei Ying’s lap, content to watch Turmeric from there, and he had no doubt his son had picked up on his anxiety. He was a bright boy. 
Eventually, the children wandered away, a calm bunny only so interesting, and A-Yuan was half-asleep on his lap. A-Zhan’s phone dinged, and he handed the leash to Wei Ying before fishing it out. A bit of texting and a few alerts later, his mouth was downturned. 
“A-Zhan?” he asked.
“I sent Xichen to retrieve Qiren, but he insists he must speak to me.”
Wei Ying fantasized briefly about Lan Qiren being led from the premises in handcuffs, yelling, but he knew that wouldn’t solve anything. It could well make things worse, so he wasn’t even able to enjoy the fantasy. 
“The board voted to remove xiongzhang,” he added. “Likely he wishes to insist I take over the company.”
He felt his chest clench at that. Pity toward Xichen, who had done what he could to keep Wei Ying out of prison even if only for A-Zhan’s sake, and the grief he was facing as his life fell apart around him. But more, there was fear that A-Zhan would take it, would leave him behind—not a rational fear given everything they had weathered together, but anxiety was cruel. 
“You can take it if you want it, A-Zhan,” he said after a minute. 
A-Zhan made a noncommittal noise. 
“I am texting Wen Qing to prepare a conference room so we need not open our home to him,” he replied after a moment. “I should hear him out.”
Wei Ying looked away, swallowing hard at the taste of bile. His vision was blurred, but he kept a handle on it, refused to cry again over this.
“I… I’ll stay with A-Yuan while you meet him.”
He startled when A-Zhan knelt in front of him and took his hands.
“We are together in this and all things. Granny will meet us and watch A-Yuan during the meeting. I need you there, A-Ying. I will say no.”
Wei Ying glanced up at him.
“He will hound us until I meet with him, but I will not go back to Gusu Lan Tech,” A-Zhan said, his voice insistent, worried. “My place is with you, at Dafan.”
“You’re sure you don’t want it?” he couldn’t help asking.
This was, after all, a chance for A-Zhan to reconcile with his family and further his career. But his husband’s expression turned stormy at the question.
“They will never admit to having wronged you, A-Ying. I cannot abide that.”
Wei Ying manages a weak smile. 
“They’ll never admit they wronged you, either.”
A-Zhan nodded, the corners of his lips taut with stress. 
“Wen Qing will sit in with us since this is now a Dafan Applications matter. Uncle Four, too.”
Wei Ying blinked at him blankly for a moment before he understood. Technically Gusu Lan Tech was trying to poach A-Zhan from Dafan Applications, which made it company business. Lan Qiren was trespassing on Uncle Four’s property, which made it his business. And it meant they’d have witnesses. His husband was clever, and so was Wen Qing. 
“A-Die, baba, okay?”
A-Yuan looked up at them solemnly. The poor child had been with them at the grocery store when Jin Zixun had ambushed them, had seen so much these past weeks that he didn’t understand. He deserved some explanation. 
“We are, baobei,” Wei Ying said firmly. “Bad things happened a few years ago. Someone made it look like a-die did something bad, and they just got caught.”
He could see the moment their son understood. 
“That’s why the mean man said it was your fault?”
Wei Ying nodded, and A-Yuan squirmed out of his lap to give him a giant hug. 
“Thank you. Now baba’s uncle wants to talk to us, so we need to go home. You’ll visit with popo while we find out what he wants, okay?”
A-Yuan bit his lip, looking more anxious than a child his age should.
“Baba’s uncle won’t be mean to you, will he?”
His heart broke at his son’s concern. It was clear he’d picked up on undertones they thought they’d kept away. A-Zhan wrapped A-Yuan in a hug. 
“Baba won’t let shufu be mean to a-die,” A-Zhan said seriously.
“And your gugu will be with us, so she won’t let him be mean to either of us,” Wei Ying added. 
A-Yuan brightened—Wen Qing had a reputation, one even her five-year-old nephew was aware of. He trusted her to protect his dads. 
“Okay,” A-Yuan said. “If you bring Turmeric with you, he’ll comfort you if he’s mean!”
Wei Ying smiled at that.
“That’s why we’re leaving Turmeric with you, so he can comfort you. I know you’re worried, but baba and I will be okay. We’ll come right home when we’re done and snuggle with you and Turmeric.”
Their son seemed to accept that, and A-Zhan deftly removed Turmeric’s harness and placed him in the carrier. He pulled their disguises from a bag. Wei Ying was delighted when A-Yuan put on his brown bunny bucket hat, and he reached out to arrange the ears once the boy had it on. A-Zhan was wearing his own bucket hat, green with frog eyes, also a Father’s Day gift from A-Yuan. 
Honesty, he hadn’t expected that fatherhood would make A-Zhan even sexier, but he wasn’t complaining. 
The walk home was quiet. Wei Ying dreaded reaching home and hated that he felt that way. The home he had made with A-Zhan and A-Yuan was precious to him, and it felt like a sacred space had been violated. 
As they drew nearer, they planned to separate, A-Zhan taking A-Yuan to one side staircase, and Wei Ying taking Turmeric to the other, the plan to meet at the apartment. 
Wei Ying was actually surprised when it went off without a hitch, and he opened the stairwell door to see A-Zhan unlocking the door, Granny already hugging A-Yuan. Just a few years ago she’d have picked him up, but he was a bit big for that now. 
She smiled at his approach, reaching up to pat him on the cheek. 
“Aiya, you look so stressed. Popo will make dinner,” she said. “Auntie Three is making baozi for the building, too.”
Several of the aunties loved cooking different things in excess, so every few weeks they would make a huge batch of something delicious for the whole building, since everyone in the building was family. Auntie Three’s baozi were a favorite of his; she remembered his love for spicy food and always accommodated that in his. 
“Extra spicy for A-Ying,” he chirped, though popo clucked softly in a way that let him know she saw through his attempt at cheer. 
She headed straight for the kitchen, where she would likely catalogue the fridge to decide what to cook. Whatever she made, it would be delicious; his mouth was almost watering just thinking about it. 
He focused on getting Turmeric settled in his hutch, and A-Zhan got A-Yuan situated with a coloring book and crayons. 
“I should change,” Wei Ying said, remembering his torn jeans and the shirt Lan Qiren might be able to decode. 
He’d probably think Wei Ying wore the shirt on purpose to send a message. Frankly, Wei Ying wouldn’t mind that interpretation, but he didn’t want to antagonize. 
“What you are wearing is fine,” A-Zhan said, catching his wrist. “He interrupted our day, and he can get us as we are.”
A-Zhan was still wearing the frog bucket hat, with apparently no intent on removing it. His light blue shirt, Wei Ying noticed for the first time, was the one with a print of a rabbit wearing glasses and a bow tie, with ‘daddy’ in script underneath. Wei Ying snagged his hat with the bunnies and carrots motif from where he’d placed it atop the bunny hutch and put it back on. They’d match, to a certain extent, present a united front. 
“Be good for popo,” A-Zhan directed A-Yuan, as though their son would ever be anything but good. 
The boy simply nodded and discarded his crayon to run over and hug them both. 
The first two floors of the building were Dafan Applications office space. Though the first floor also held a lovely coffee shop and several other stores open to the public, the core of the building was the headquarters. An elevator and staircase serviced the offices, accessible with employee IDs. Each office was accessible only by swiping employee IDs, and record was kept of who entered and when. 
Since the apartments were held entirely by family, it might have seemed paranoid, but Wei Ying was glad for the security the building had—after all, the lack of it at Gusu Lan Tech had led to him being framed for corporate espionage. Poorly, but it ultimately hadn’t mattered. 
He hadn’t understood why he’d been framed, only that he’d had to correct Su She’s subpar coding many times when he’d worked there, so it wasn’t very surprising that he’d fuck up installing the code to the point where it would be caught before it could do damage. Since he’d never been anything but pleasant to Su She, that he’d been targeted had surprised him. 
When he had mentioned his confusion to A-Zhan, about a week after the news broke, he learned that Su She had tried to tell A-Zhan that Wei Ying was a poor choice as a romantic partner, implying he would be better. 
“I told him he was not qualified to speak with me,” A-Zhan had recollected. 
It made a sick sort of sense—if Wei Ying was out of the way, fired or imprisoned, Su She might think he had a shot. And given that Lan Qiren had hated him even before he and A-Zhan started dating, the frame up job was sufficient.
A-Zhan took his hand and led him into the elevator, and he realized he must have blanked out because he hadn’t even heard it arrive. His husband was watching him in concern, and he hated how much this invasion by Lan Qiren was messing with him, but he absolutely wasn’t going to abandon A-Zhan to face him alone. 
“I’m okay,” Wei Ying said. “I just want to get it over with.”
Uncle Four was waiting for them by the elevators. He offered a smile.
“I’ll bring by a few bottles of my newest brew later,” he said in greeting.
“That bad, huh?” Wei Ying asked ruefully. 
“I don’t wish to speak ill of A-Zhan’s family,” Uncle Four said deferentially. 
‘But that man…’ was heavily implied. 
A-Zhan inclined his head. 
“He decided Wei Ying’s guilt on flimsy evidence,” his husband said, his tone dismissive. 
Wei Ying squeezed his hand—it was as close to disparaging as A-Zhan had ever come toward his uncle. More often, they simply pretended he didn’t exist, which prior to this had been fairly easy. When they had spoken of it, when he had finally told A-Zhan in one of his darker moments what Lan Qiren had said to him when running him out of Gusu Lan Tech with security, his husband had simply folded him in his arms and told him he was wrong, over and over again, and reiterated that he had chosen Wei Ying. 
A-Zhan was angry, he realized. Perhaps over Lan Qiren returning to their life with all of his customary arrogance, or perhaps in defense of his brother, who was being excised from the company. He remembered, early in their relationship, learning that both brothers had been told what to major in, prepped for what Lan Qiren thought their careers should look like at Gusu Lan, which was why A-Zhan hadn’t been able to pursue music as he had wished. It was why he had expected him to break up with him, as ordered. 
He wondered what Lan Xichen had given up, what dreams he had let go to serve his family. 
“Tomorrow,” he told Uncle Four. “I think we’ll need tonight for us.”
The older man offered a sympathetic smile and escorted them to the conference room. 
It was the ostentatious one they used for particularly obnoxious or status-obsessed clients, with handsomely-carved panels with the Dafan Applications logo and an imposing table that looked expensive but were actually the work of a family member with a woodworking hobby. It had two doors, one on either side of the long table, which was ideal—they wouldn’t have to walk past Lan Qiren to get in or out. 
When they entered, Wei Ying’s gaze was drawn to Lan Xichen first, seated at the side of the table. He looked… defeated was the first word to come to mind. He glanced at his husband, could see he too was looking at his brother, concerned lines at the corners of his eyes betraying his emotions. 
“Finally,” Lan Qiren commented, drawing their attention. “I don’t have all day.”
His gaze was, as usual, disapproving, and he completely disregarded the fact that he had been the one to crash their day, not the other way around.
“My husband told you to schedule an appointment,” A-Zhan said in lieu of greeting.
He tugged Wei Ying to the head of the table, where someone had thoughtfully placed two chairs. Qing-jie was his guess, letting them present as the team they were. She was on one side of the table beside the seats, and Uncle Four sat on the other, probably as owner of the building. Wen Ning was too faint-hearted to handle this, he knew, even though he was technically the head of Dafan Applications.
“An appointment, to see my own nephew?” Lan Qiren grated, glaring at Wei Ying like it was his fault.
“You told me five years ago that I was no nephew of yours,” A-Zhan said, his voice dispassionate.
Wei Ying knew how much that had hurt A-Zhan. Part of him wanted to tell Lan Qiren that, rail at him over every emotional scar he had inflicted on the both of them, but he also knew there was no point in it—he wouldn’t listen, and he knew well enough that it wouldn’t be cathartic. It was better to let A-Zhan get this over with and be here to support him.
“You were making a mistake!”
His continued glaring at Wei Ying made it obvious what “mistake” he was referring to, and he barely managed not to flinch. It was clear this conversation was not going to be pleasant. A-Zhan took his hand, lacing their fingers together and squeezing gently. 
“As I recall, the evidence that he was not making a mistake has been all over the news,” Wen Qing drawled.
“What business is it of yours?” Lan Qiren demanded. “Why are you here?”
“As witnesses,” she replied. “And A-Zhan and A-Ying are family. We’re here for them.”
Warmth spread through Wei Ying’s chest at her pronouncement—he often referred to her as Qing-jie, but hadn’t known the sentiment was returned. 
“And I own the building in which you are currently trespassing,” Uncle Four added.
Where he was normally a jovial and friendly man, his expression was serious and bordering on unwelcoming. Apparently Lan Qiren had made quite the impression on him. 
Lan Qiren sniffed disdainfully, but finally focused on A-Zhan. 
“The board has decided Xichen’s… indiscretions make him unfit to head the company. You have been appointed in his place. You will, of course, be expected to take the Lan name again, as will the child you’ve adopted. I’ve taken the liberty of securing housing for you, and I suppose we can find a place in the company for your husband, on a provisionary basis, of course.”
Dead silence followed his pronouncement, and Wei Ying felt dizzy with the presumption of all of this—A-Zhan was being ordered back to Gusu Lan Tech as though this wasn’t the first they’d seen or heard from Lan Qiren in over five years, clearly expected to obey without question. 
“Provisionary?” A-Zhan murmured, his voice icy with what Wei Ying recognized as fury. 
He squeezed A-Zhan’s hand, silently asking that he not be angry on his behalf. After all, he expected nothing but this treatment from Lan Qiren, so he wasn’t surprised to receive it. 
“He’ll be expected to prove himself, of course.”
“He already has,” Wen Qing cut in. “He’s been an asset to Dafan Applications since the day we hired him, paramount to our success.”
Lan Qiren sniffed dismissively. 
“Yes, well, his previous stint of employment at Gusu Lan Tech left much to be desired.”
A-Zhan’s jaw clenched. Wei Ying’s stomach roiled, remembering the constant criticism he’d faced there, how ultimately he wondered why they’d even agreed to hire him.
“I will not subject my husband to further abuse at the hands of the company that attempted to ruin his career.”
To his surprise, Lan Qiren looked satisfied by that statement. 
“Then we’ll arrange for your move. You’ll be expected to dress more professionally in the future, as the representative of the company.”
He eyed A-Zhan’s hat and clothing with distaste.
Wei Ying stole a glance at Xichen, who looked haggard and drained and was barely listening to the conversation, and felt empathy for his situation. Xichen had always treated him kindly, until he went no-contact after A-Zhan’s resignation, something he was likely ordered to do. Even so, he also sought to warn them of what had happened, and had informed A-Zhan of Lan Qiren’s intentions. And he had stood fast against the board’s desire to have him prosecuted. 
And now the man he had been set to marry is in prison, having brought Nie Innovations to its knees and attempted the same with Gusu Lan Tech, and what happiness he’d been looking forward to was just so much smoke. 
“You misunderstand,” A-Zhan said. “I do not intend to relocate, or take on the Lan name, or chair Gusu Lan Tech. I will continue to work at Dafan and live in my apartment with my husband and our son. I will remain Wei Zhan.”
Lan Qiren looked shocked, almost as though he had been physically slapped, and then the anger returned. 
“You leave me no choice. It will be a simple matter to buy out Dafan,” he said. 
Wen Qing laughed at the threat. 
“Dafan Applications is a worker cooperative. You have no power.”
For the first time he’d known him, Lan Qiren seemed incapable of words. After all, it meant that he and A-Zhan were part owners of Dafan, as all employees were, something he would never offer at Gusu Lan. Wei Ying privately hoped he was having an internal fit over the socialism of worker cooperatives. 
A-Zhan, however, had plenty to say. 
“You disrupted our Saturday after five years of silence to demand I change my life to suit your whims,” A-Zhan said coldly. “You didn’t even have the grace to apologize to Wei Ying, whose life and career you tried to destroy.”
Lan Qiren’s expression turned stormy. 
“You chose this ill-bred miscreant over your family, and you expect me to apologize to him?”
“No,” A-Zhan said. “I chose the truth. I chose love. A-Ying is my family.”
“You,” Lan Qiren snarled, turning his attention to Wei Ying. “This rebellion is all your influence! A-Zhan was filial until you came along!”
Wei Ying stayed silent. His anxiety spiked but was soothed by A-Zhan’s hand in his, in the feeling of his fingers entwined. Lan Qiren could do nothing to them—he’d already tried, and they’d ultimately come out stronger. They’d built a life and found new family. 
There was so much he could say, but he knew better than to think Lan Qiren would listen; he was a convenient scapegoat, and nothing would convince him otherwise. 
“Have you nothing to say, you ingrate?” Lan Qiren demanded.
A-Zhan tensed, but Wei Ying squeezed his hand.
“I see no point in speaking to you,” he said honestly.
“You dare!”
Lan Qiren stood, quivering with rage.
“You broke our family as completely as you broke the Jiangs, and you have the gall to sit there smirking, enjoying the mess you’ve made!”
Mention of the Jiangs hurt—it had been weeks and only A-Li had reached out, but she had never broken contact to begin with. 
Wen Qing slapped the table and stood, startling them. 
“I’ve heard quite enough. You can’t bully your estranged nephew into uprooting the life he built after you alienated him, so you go after A-Ying again. You act the victim, but you drove A-Zhan away with your unmerited vitriol toward A-Ying.”
Uncle Four stood as well. He was a calm man, but Wei Ying could see him tremble—in anger or nervousness, he didn’t know.
“You are not welcome here, Lan Qiren. Leave or you will be removed.”
“And given that you attempted to poach two of our best employees and threatened our company, you can tell your board that Dafan Applications will never do business with Gusu Lan Tech,” Wen Qing added. 
Wei Ying knew her level of petty and wondered if their new apps would unexpectedly glitch on Gusu Lan products in the future. Probably not, since she was focused on user experience. 
Maybe he was the one feeling petty, but he doubted anyone who mattered would judge him for it. 
“Clearly attempting to reason with any of you is an exercise in futility,” Lan Qiren said.
It took far too much energy to suppress a nearly-hysterical giggle building in Wei Ying’s chest at his complete lack of self awareness. 
“Come, Xichen. We’re done here.”
A-Zhan bristled further, glancing at Wei Ying with a question in his eyes, and he nodded. Xichen deserved to know he still had family. 
“Xiongzhang may stay for dinner, if he wishes,” A-Zhan said. “Our son would love to meet his bobo.”
A tiny smile lit up Xichen’s features, and Wei Ying got the impression it was the first time he’d smiled since his fiancé’s arrest.
“I would be honored to,” he said softly. 
His voice was hoarse, as though he was no longer used to speaking, or was overcome with emotion. It could easily be both. 
“Thank you, didi.”
Lan Qiren scoffed, and Wen Qing pointed at the door, raising an eyebrow. When he stomped out, she and Uncle Four followed him to escort him from the premises, leaving the three of them alone.
“Were you offered another position in the company?” A-Zhan asked after a moment of uncomfortable silence. 
Xichen shook his head, the fleeting smile gone. 
“No. Uncle believes I need time to reflect on my mistakes.”
Wei Ying didn’t hold back a scoff, given that Lan Qiren had referred to him as A-Zhan’s mistake. 
“You didn’t make any mistakes. You had no way of knowing.”
The smile Xichen offers is wrong, bitter. 
“I should have done more. Instead of letting them scapegoat you, I should have insisted on a full investigation. Maybe we would have uncovered the truth and protected you. Maybe we could have prevented the damage to Nie Innovations and Mingjue’s health, too.”
He had forgotten that Xichen and Mingjue were friends somehow. Wei Ying wanted to tell him the guilt he carried was a burden that shouldn’t be his, but he also knew from struggling with his own that it was something Xichen would need to come to terms with himself. 
“You should reach out to him,” A-Zhan said, looking at Wei Ying like he knew what he was thinking. “I doubt he blames you, and perhaps he could use the help.”
Xichen looked torn on the idea. Wei Ying could almost see the thoughts running through his head—that he would be unwelcome, a burden on his friend, but that it was a way to do penance for the sins he believed he’d committed. 
“I’ll think about it,” he finally said.
Wei Ying walked around the table and patted his shoulder, gesturing to the other door, the one that led to the interior of the building. A-Zhan had offered an olive branch with the invitation, and this was his. 
“Come on. Popo is cooking, and Auntie Three made baozi for the whole building. And A-Yuan is waiting.”
The smile returned, a little stronger this time, and Wei Ying smiled back as Xichen levered out of his seat to follow them home. 
Jin Zixun’s background is maybe based on a very well-known “journalist” who just constantly looks confused and outraged. To narrow it down, John Oliver did a segment on him recently. Uh, and maybe slightly on two other conspiracy theorists who pretend at journalism, one of whom keeps getting sued.
Also, I am old enough to text in full sentences most of the time. I had some friends check over Wei Ying’s panic texts so hopefully they’re believable.
This was difficult to write because of the anxiety Wei Ying was feeling and the uncomfortable conversations.
Also, I forgot the Nie company name and had to check—I couldn’t remember if it was Nie Innovations or Nie Industries. Turns out I accidentally used both in the first fic in the series. Fixed it now.
I maybe spent too much time researching worker cooperatives and employee-owned companies. It’s not a major part of this fic, but I thought it was a cool detail to bring in.
The title is, again, from the Li Bai poem.
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bbnibini · 3 years
Idea Theft and Plagiarism on the Obey Me Fandom
Note: This message was originally posted in my AO3 as an announcement that follows the final update bulk of my Obey Me CYOA fic for the year 2020. As what was already mentioned in the post, I do not wish to disclose the person's identity nor cause harm for them. I only wanted to have my own closure, as did they attain upon their final message with me prior to blocking them.
Hello everyone. This is the final post of PSISLY for this year.
A lot has happened in the past few months since I wrote this fic. I had a lot more to say, but I kept on erasing them, mulling over the right words, wondering if I should raise the issue or not. But for the sake of leaving matters behind on 2020, and giving 2021 a better start, I decided to break my silence.
Perhaps some of you have read my previous announcement about the password change of the private blog, and also noticed I started adding timestamps to my written works for the sake of protecting them. I said in that post that the matter was already resolved around that time, and it was...or so I thought. Needless to say, my concern with the party involved was promised to be dealt with once they come back and have things sorted out for themselves. However, that was not what happened once they came back. Instead, I received very alarming messages. I felt unsafe. Even now, I feel fearful of sharing anything relating to writing and my personal life on social media. I had long since blocked them after their threats and toxic behaviour, but writing nor going online never felt the same. And I was rarely online in the first place. 
The concern was about the possibility of my private blog ideas being copied with little to no changes. And upon further investigation (one I discovered in the aftermath of blocking them), scenes and parts of PSISLY were possibly plagiarised with dates and evidences to back up my suspicions. 
A lot of things also happened that can only be summarised by that person going against what we have already discussed. I had expressed my discomforts with interacting with them in our exchange (tl;dr, they cannot give me reasons or explanations for the concerns I raised with them) which led them to say that we can settle things when...things get better on their end. It never did. Instead, I felt threatened, belittled and disrespected. I was guilt-tripped over being protective of my work, accused of things I never said, and many other unspeakable things I have realised were the person's possible attempts to manipulate me and my feelings. I never wished ill on them, and only wanted to clear up any possible misunderstanding we were having. Our talks were peaceful at first, until I asked about some contradictions in their statements, as well as the evidences they have given me. Now that they had made their feelings public, as well as the issues we dealt with on the sidelines, I felt like the only way for me to have my peace is to also share my side. My wish is only this. I do not wish to disclose their identity at all, but only to raise the question, 'why?' 'where did it go wrong'? And 'how can I move on from this?' And this is my answer. I do not wish to air out these matters in here so if you want a more detailed account of what happened, please go to this link.
If you noticed a dip in my writing, then perhaps this is the reason. I worked really hard on this series and researched a LOT, outlined and revised so many ideas and scenes and the thought of someone possibly stealing them and getting credit over them just makes me feel sick to my stomach. Despite that, I want to finish this work. I cannot give up on it. I refuse to give up on it because I know I only did what I think was right. I never wanted to hurt anyone.
I am not perfect. But I tried my best to be neutral and objective when listening to them. I'd like to think I asserted myself in a way that was respectful and polite. When I felt like they aren't doing the same, I blocked them and moved on...but the damage was already done. 
Again, I didn't post this to disclose their identity but to do what they did, and get closure. I wanted to be honest with all of you and give you a general idea of how stressful this situation was and how it affected my writing. Worse that it happened while I am not in the best...situation RL. Even as I'm writing this, I'm trying to make sense of everything. 
So...this is mostly the reason for the fic delays. I am still interested with finishing this work, but my situation right now along with this is making it harder to keep my focus. I'll do my best though! 
I don't really ask for anything besides your support and understanding. I'm trying my best to get over this issue. Just...thank you I guess? This series must be really confusing and convoluted to read, but thank you anyway for taking the time to read it. :) 
On a lighter note, I have some other less...depressing announcements. 
Author's identity might have already been heavily hinted, but the surprises do not stop there! The next route spans the final arc and the true ending. To anyone interested in Lucifer's ending and Barbatos' route, I highly advise reading Mammon's and Satan's route first to gain a better understanding of the story.
New features of the CYOA exclusive only to the final arc will be added. Estimated release should probably be around February or March, depending on when I finish the outline. 
Hamartia 4 and 5 will also be posted a few hours after this message is published due to the current circumstances this series is facing. I can only provide snippets of it for now, as well as unbeta'd summaries, so some parts of the story may change as I finish Hamartia 2. The tags however, won't change as much, so if you want to know how 4 and 5's story will go, you can take a look at the tags and see a general idea of the plot. You may also unlock more information about the future works in the Hamartia Series once the private blog reopens/ once PSISLY ends. 
Finally, I had been mulling over a tumblr crosspost for this series for a while now. However, the formatting for it eludes me. If any tumblr savvy people are out there and want to help, please message me on my writing sideblog which you can find on my AO3 profile.
Happy new year, everyone! May 2021 be kinder to all of us. ^^
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Just Good Business: Chapter One
Caroline Salvatore, married into one of New York's most brutal crime families.
Niklaus Mikaelson, a notorious mob boss who is hell bent on taking down the Salvatore brothers.
It's an affair for the ages.
Based on my drabble under the same name.
@itsnotacrimetoloveyou, this is for you
WARNING: There are depictions of graphic violence, sex, suicidal thoughts and domestic abuse. This is not a light and fluffy story.
Chapter One
Caroline looked around the ballroom, seeing the elegance and glamour that lingered from the chandleries to the champagne that flowed in their flutes. New York’s richest gathered in order to flaunt their wealth, make shady deals and cover up their crimes. The party was nothing more than various alibis for a series of crimes that were bound to happen in the early hours of the morning. She used to love these parties, but that was before she realized what these people were capable of. What she was capable of.
She picked up her own glass and drank the champagne but the taste seemed lacking to her; much like everything else in her life. To the world at large, she lived in a big mansion with a rich husband and connections that reached farther than the average person. What Caroline saw was a gilded cage and a pillow made of silk, suffocating the life out of her.
She was Caroline Salvatore; Upper East Side Socialite married to one of the richest men in the city. Friends from the richest of families that cared little for her. A life everyone dreamed about.
As she downed the rest of her drink, allowing the alcohol to fog up her senses, she saw a hand outstretch to her. She looked over and saw her husband, Stefan Salvatore. He was handsome, she supposed but then again, she found nothing redeemable about him. He cared little for her and she cried as she walked down the aisle to him. The moment their names were etched onto the marriage certificate, he locked her away in a glamorous hell that Caroline had no means of escaping. He would kill her first if she even dared tried.
“Dance with me.” Stefan demanded. Caroline placed her glass down on the table and linked her hand with his. He led her to the dance-floor. He took her into his arms and spun her around, pretending to be the devoted husband he promised her mother he would be. “You’re not smiling. We cannot have our friends thinking our marriage is in trouble.”
“Friends? You don’t have friends.” Caroline replied and Stefan’s grip grew tighter. She knew that if he didn’t let go of her soon, his fingers would leave bruise marks on her skin. It wouldn’t be the first time and there were times that Caroline wished he would cross that line; kill her and be done with it.
“Enemies then.” Stefan retorted and it took everything in Caroline not to roll her eyes at him. “We are surrounded by people who given the right opportunity, would love to strike us down. Now, I need my wife to be happy. If you’re not smiling, laughing and being the social butterfly, I was promised when we married last year, our enemies will know that this is nothing more than a sham.”
And it was. Their marriage was nothing more than a business transaction that neither of them wanted. However, her mother needed some of her less than savory dealings covered up in order to stay Chief of Police and the Salvatore brothers were more than willing to oblige…. for a price. They wanted an in with the police and who better than the Chief? Caroline was nothing more than a bargaining chip; a life long hostage handed over for safe keeping to ensure that Elizabeth Forbes stayed in line.
“No. We wouldn’t want that.” Caroline forced a smile on her face. Stefan laughed and she could see that twinkle in his eye that he used moments before he killed. The Ripper. Untouchable. Uncontrollable. A man who thrived on the kill; and that man spun her around as though she was nothing more than a rag doll. “Better?”
“Perfect.” His voice was harsh and cold but Caroline had grown us to that by now. It was the only tone he ever used with her. “Now. I have a business meeting tonight. I won’t be home till late. Don’t wait up.”
Stefan leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips before leaving her on the dance-floor. Seconds after his eyes were off of her, Caroline felt her mask fall. She saw a waiter walk by and she grabbed another glass of champagne. She weaved her way through the crowed. Passing ‘friends’ along the way such as Aurora de Martel or Haley Marshall; two-woman Stefan approved of because neither one asked to many questions. She saw Elena and Damon, dancing, drinking and laughing. They seemed perfect together but Caroline knew more. Damon was calculating and willing to do whatever it took to protect what was his. Elena was his; but there was something false behind Elena’s smiles. She was selfish in a way that made Caroline’s head spin. Their marriage was as much as a sham as Caroline’s. The terrifying part was that Damon did not realize it.
Not wanting to see the sight of them, she made her way through and unopened door. She wondered down the hall of the Four Season until she reached a utility door with the bright red words of exit’ hanging above the door. On a whim, Caroline pushed the door open and entered the stairway. She went up and up until she couldn’t anymore. She tried the door at the very top and to her surprise it was unlocked. It was the rooftop.
Caroline took in the view of the city. Even in darkest places of her mind, she could not help but admit that New York was beautiful. There was a life to it that was vibrant and pulsing. Especially at night when the city lights illuminated the buildings and the people. Caroline drained her glass and tossed it to the side, hearing the glass shatter on the ground. She kicked off her heels, allowing her feet to touch the concrete and walked toward the edge. She looked down the fifty-two stories.
Stefan and Damon wanted to paint a picture of the perfect life for the world to see. Both brothers happily married to beautiful women. Caroline wondered what the world would think if they found Caroline’s body on the ground after jumping those fifty-two stories. It would be instantaneous; hitting the ground. It would be better than suffering the life she had now. It would also show the world that maybe something was not right with the Salvatore brothers.
Caroline, carefully, eased her way up onto the ledge and looked down. It was high up and she could feel the wind of the cool February air. She was cold but she did not care. Her gown was a held up by thin white straps. Her bodice made of white lace while her deep navy skirt with a slit up the side. She looked beautiful and for a moment she wondered if her corpse would be gorgeous once it hit the ground. She didn’t care. If it put a notch in taking down Stefan, then her death would be worth something.
“Are you sure you want to do that Sweetheart?” A voice sounded from behind her. She turned to look over her shoulder and saw a handsome man standing behind her. He was in a tux, much like the rest of the men at the party. Stefan always spent a large amount of time on his hair but this man allowed his blonde locks loose. He was looking at her with curiosity; a look that alarmed Caroline slightly.
She knew exactly who he was.
Klaus Mikaelson. Head of the Mikaelson crime family and possibly the most dangerous man in this city. She had seen him from afar and heard Damon curse him enough times to know that he was no friend to either Stefan or Damon.
“What does it matter to you?”
“A beautiful woman like yourself contemplating taking her life?” Klaus walked up to the edge and leaned against it. “I think that matters to me greatly.”
“Why? Would you rather push me yourself?”
“I could.” Caroline tensed. He would do it to. He would push her and turn around, not thinking twice. If Caroline was going to die, she wanted it to be on her terms. She refused to be a pawn in this feud any longer. “If you really want me to. If you believe that your life has no meaning. I thought about it myself once or twice over the years, truth be told. But I’ll let you in on a little secret, there is a whole world out there waiting for you. Great cities and art and music and genuine beauty. And you can have it all. All you have to do is ask.”
“Ask what?” Caroline bit back. The life he painted was one she once craved. She wanted to have the world at her fingertips, not locked away; a doll only brought out to be paraded around before being tossed aside. The fire in her tone caused Klaus to smile, dimples appearing on his cheeks that made him look far more handsome than before. He held out his hand to her.
“Dance with me.” Caroline looked at his outstretched hand and much like she had done earlier in the evening with Stefan, she placed her hand into his; Klaus helped her off the ledge. He pulled her into his arms and despite the fact that there was no music. His touch was gentle and calming. Caroline felt more at home in his arms than she did of the man she married.
“Do you know who I am?” She whispered.
“You’re Caroline Salvatore, formally Forbes. The wife of Stefan Salvatore. Married just over a year and what a happy marriage it must be if it has you up here contemplating taking your own life.”
“Instead I’m dancing on a roof top with his biggest rival.” Caroline whispered. “Why?”
“So, you have heard of me.” His smile grew wide as though he was proud at the fact that she knew he was a killer, drug lord, king pin or some other name given to those who run and operate a crime family. She knew that he had fingers in all sorts of business; such as that his brother was high up in the FBI and that his reach stretched far beyond New York. He was everything Damon wanted to be and everything he wasn’t. “I followed you up here because I think you and I have a mutual interest.”
“Oh really? And what is that?”
“We both want the Salvatore brother’s dead.” Caroline froze in his arms and her eyes shot up to his. “Come now Sweetheart. We both know it is true. You never wanted to be married to him and are looking for a way out. I’m offering you one. It may not be as instantaneous as jumping from a ledge but the outcome will be far sweeter.” Klaus stepped away and brought her hand to his lips. “Thank on it, love and I’ll see you soon.”
With that, Klaus dropped her hand and headed toward the stairway that lead back down to the party. Caroline watched after him, feeling a slight crack in her prison walls as he went. She looked over to the ledge again, debating. She turned away, bent down and slipped on her shoes. Klaus saw Caroline rejoin the party and a look passed between them; a mutual understanding.
In the wee hours of the morning, Caroline laid in bed thinking about Klaus’s offer. She wanted out of this marriage and divorce was not an option. Her mind turned with the possibility but Caroline just did not know if it was worth the risk. If she betrayed them, she was dead; her mother would be dead and the little Caroline cared for would crumble. Then there was that part of her brain that couldn’t but start the stirrings of desire. A desire to be free.
Before she was able to ponder her fate longer, she heard the bedroom door open. She sat up in bed to see Stefan looking at her. She reached over and turned on the bedside lamp. The light shined and Caroline had to withhold her scream. From head to toe, Stefan was covered in blood. He cocked his head to the side and she could see the mania behind his eyes.
“Come.” Caroline followed his instructions and pulled herself out of the bed. She walked over to him and once she reached him, Stefan placed his hands on her hips; spinning her around. He inhaled the scent of her hair before he tailed a string of kisses down her neck; and Caroline let him. She laid willing for him, as she had always done before. This time was different.
Stefan never fucked her while wearing his victims’ blood before.
In the morning, Caroline cleaned herself the best she could. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she could still feel Stefan’s hands on her and him inside of her, reliving his blood-lust. It made her stomach turn and she needed to get out of the house. She grabbed her bag and coat but when she opened the bedroom door, Stefan stood on the other side of it.
“Where are you going?” Stefan asked in his typical bored voice. In truth, he could care less what she did as long as she stayed in line. As long as she continued to be controllable.
“I don’t know. Shopping maybe. I just need to get out of the house.” Caroline replied. Stefan looked down at her as though he was searching for something; waiting for her to do something. After a moment, he nodded his head and let her pass.
“Take Enzo with you.” With that, Stefan entered their bedroom and closed the door behind him. Enzo. Her ever present bodyguard. In truth, Caroline did not mind Enzo. He was funny and genially tried to make her smile. He let slip once that he didn’t like how Stefan treated her; having found her crying one to many times or cleaned her up when Stefan got too rough. The catch was, he was on Damon’s payroll and betraying his employer was a one-way ticket to an early grave.
Caroline searched out Enzo, telling him she needed to get out of the house and that he was to accompany her. As she climbed into the back of the car, she saw Damon and Elena’s car pull into the drive. She wondered what they were doing there so early but Caroline did not care. She needed to put some distance between herself and Stefan.
“Where to Gorgeous?”
“Anywhere. I don’t care.” Enzo nodded and pulled out of the drive and into calm street of their New York suburb. He drove into the city and Caroline was so lost in her own thoughts that she did not notice that they were in a bad part of town. Enzo pulled into a back alleyway and it wasn’t until the car stopped that Caroline paused. “Where are we?” “You’ll see.” Enzo got out of the car and opened her door, holding out his hand to help her.
“Did Stefan order you to kill me?”
“Even if he did, I wouldn’t.” Enzo smiled at her and she believed him. If anything, he would warn her and let her fake her death. She almost wished Stefan ordered a hit on her and Enzo has her hit man. Caroline looked up to the old abandoned warehouse and rolled her eyes. Enzo led her to a door and opened it. “I promise you; no harm will come to you inside. I won’t let it.”
Caroline nodded and she stepped forward. It was dark inside but there were a few florescent lights that hung from the ceiling, casting enough light to create more shadows. She walked forward, listening to her heels hit the concrete flooring. Enzo walked beside her, seemingly completely at ease. Once the reached a bit further into the warehouse, a man moved out from behind a pillar.
“Klaus.” Caroline whispered.
“Thank you, Enzo, for informing me that Caroline would have a moment alone.” Klaus spoke to other man and Caroline’s eyes traveled between the two of them. She could not fathom what was happening. Enzo worked for her husband and brother-in-law but if he was having dealings with Klaus…
“Damon and Stefan are not the only ones who pay me Gorgeous.” Enzo drawled out. He tilted his head towards Klaus. “I work for Klaus.”
“I hired Enzo specifically to infiltrate the Salvatore home. He has been my man for years and when he fed me some interesting information on the state of your marriage, it made me wonder if perhaps, you and I could come to an agreement.” Klaus replied. “I was honest with you last night Sweetheart. We want the same thing.”
“I don’t want to be a pawn in anyone’s game.” Caroline hissed out. She glared at Enzo, not believing what he was bringing into her life. He was risking his life by spying on Stefan and Damon. There was something more in it for him than money. Enzo was not foolish enough to be a double agent without leverage. She could easily turn in him and he would be dead before sunrise. She wouldn’t but the fact that she could was present in the back of her mind. “Not even yours.”
“I know.” Klaus signed. He reached inside his coat jacket and pulled out a small manila envelope. He gave her a pitying look and she could not see the reason behind it. “After the gala last night. Where did your husband go?”
“I don’t know.” Caroline replied, the memory of Stefan covered in blood focused in her mind again. Klaus gave her a sad smile and walked over to her. He handed her the envelope and with hesitant hands, she took it from him. Inside were a series of pictures; pictures of her mother. The scene was bloody and horrifying. Elizabeth Forbes’s head was completely detached from her body and blood was spattered across the room. She knew what that meant. She knew his signature. The memory of Stefan inside her mere hours earlier flashed before her. The blood he wore while he fucked her was her mother’s. “I’m going to be sick.”
She dropped the pictures and ran over to a pillar. She dry-heaved and coughed up the bile that formed in her throat. A hand came up from behind her and pulled the hair from her face. It wasn’t Enzo. The smell of the cologne was different. She turned her head slightly and saw Klaus staring at her. He wore a sympathetic look upon his feathers that Caroline wondered was genuine.
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart.”
“Why? Why did he do this?”
“From what I know, your mother went back on a deal she had with the Salvatore’s. She stepped out of the line they drew for her.” Klaus replied and Caroline closed her eyes. Her mother made her bed and now Caroline was going to face the consequences. She looked at the pictures lying on the ground, knowing that the memory of them would live with her forever. “Stefan went to her last night to…. settle things. I was not made aware of her death until after it happened.”
“And what do you want from me?”
“The same thing I said to you on that rooftop.”
“Bullshit.” Caroline hissed out and Klaus eyed her. He could see the fire behind her ice blue eyes. Enzo reported a lifeless woman who was trapped in a cage, needing to find a way out. He certainly saw her desperation when she stood on that ledge but there was more to Caroline than he realized. She had a quick mind behind that beautiful face and a fire that burned under her skin. She was far stronger than anyone gave her credit for. Klaus quickly found himself wanting to know more.
“Now, now. I’ve killed people for less than the way you just spoke to me.” Caroline’s gaze did not waiver. He could kill her right now and she honestly did not care in that moment. The one person she still cared for was dead. The fact that she did not fear death intrigued him. He had killed many people and they all begged; but it appeared that Caroline would not be one of them. That earned his respect. “My brother Kol was murdered six months ago.”
“I know.” Caroline replied. Stefan and Damon threw a party at his death; a crack in the Mikaelson family, something very hard to do. While they did not murder Kol directly, Damon hired Jeremy Gilbert to do it for them. It was a job they did not trust just anyone to carry out such an important task. No. They hired Elena’s hitman of a brother to do it instead. “The celebration they threw lasted days. I thought it was cruel.”
There was a flash in Klaus’s eyes; something fierce. She could see the monster lingering beneath his beautiful face but she could see that his rage was not directed at her. She knew what a monster looked like who hated her. She slept in his bed every night.
“I want them dead. They took my brother so I plan to take everything from them. Slowly.” Klaus gave Caroline a sinister smile. “I’ve already started. A few financial deals here. A side business there. Damon isn’t as smart as he thinks he is.”
“And where do I play into this?”
“I don’t know anything. As you know, Stefan and I are not on the best of terms.”
“You know more than you think. Much like Enzo, you would filter information to me when you learn it. Your job would be to observe in the only way a wife can and in return, I’ll help you get out of this marriage you despise.” Caroline looked at him and she knew she was contemplating it. “Not now. Think on it. Let me know when you’ve made a decision. But think on this Sweetheart. Wouldn’t you want to revenge on the man who murdered your mother?”
“We should go.” Enzo replied and Caroline nodded. She gave Klaus a look, searching him. She could see that this was far more personal than he was saying. This went far beyond Kol’s death. Klaus was going to rain blood down on this city and one way or another, Caroline was going to be caught in the middle of it.
“Think on it Sweetheart, but know this. While you husband was murdering your mother last night; I was committing a murder of my own.” Caroline shot him a confused look but allowed Enzo to usher her outside and into the car. As she sat in the back of the car, her mind raced.
Her mother was dead. Murdered. Tears fell down her cheeks as her grief took her over. She didn’t hear Enzo’s soothing words from the driver’s seat or see the scenery passing by. Before she realized it, they had pulled into the drive of the home she shared with Stefan; but Caroline could not move. She just continued to cry. When she was able to calm her self down, Enzo opened the door.
The scene Caroline walked into could only be described as chaos. Elena was wailing on the ground, Damon holding her close to his chest. Stefan was looking at the scene in completely fury. Caroline wondered what Stefan would give to be in Damon’s place. By the number of times Stefan whispered Elena’s name in her ear after sex, it did not take a genius to figure out that Stefan was in love with his brother’s wife.
Caroline spotted a series of photos scattered across the floor. She walked slowly over to one and Klaus’s voice rang loud and clear in her ear. While you husband was murdering your mother last night; I was committing a murder of my own. The pictures showed a mutilated body, hanging spread eagle on a giant plank in the shape of a ‘x’.
Jeremy Gilbert was dead. A giant ‘M’ carved into his chest.
She felt Stefan’s presence behind her. She turned to look at him. He saw her bloodshot eyes and her reddened face. He studied her and as always, Caroline wondered what he found when he seemingly peered into, he soul.
“You know. About Elizabeth?”
“Yes. I just heard.”
“It was unavoidable.” With no sympathy, Stefan turned from her and walked over to Elena. She was still screaming in agony, clutching at her brown hair. Damon was whispering to her. The look of compassion he gave Elena caused Caroline’s fury to increase. “This was all Klaus Mikaelson. I promise you we will take him down for this. I will hand you his head on a silver platter.”
Within the next several days, Caroline buried her mother. Elizabeth Forbes had been the Chief of Police and the manner of her death caused a media stir. Caroline found no peace and her funeral was very public. The wake that was held at her home with Stefan felt more like a media circus than a goodbye to her mother. Stefan stayed by her side the entire time, playing the loving husband the entire time. He told the concerned onlookers what a tragedy had befallen their family. He touched the small of her back or held her hand. Each touch made Caroline’s skin burn in anger.
She wanted to claw Stefan’s eyes out from his head. She wanted to hurt him in the worst way possible. Her grief was turning into anger and Caroline found that she was able to hang onto that. She plotted but kept her mask in place. She knew she needed to strike at Stefan and the only way possible to do that would be to do one thing that would hurt him the most; it was a plan that Caroline clung to.
The only relief she found was that Elena couldn’t publicly mourn Jeremy. Jeremy Gilbert was a known fugitive and as far as New York knew, he was still on the run and the siblings were on bad terms. Jeremy was the bad apple while Elena the saint. So, Elena was forced to pretend that her brother was alive but his whereabouts unknown while watching Caroline publicly mourn her loss.
Caroline received all the sympathy.
Caroline was the one who had ability to have a funeral.
Caroline was smiled upon as though she was the center of the universe for a short while.
It was petty but Caroline enjoyed watching Elena’s anger at the fact that she couldn’t show her grief for her brother. It also was tempting to smile when an arrangement of flowers, rubbing salt into Elena’s wound.
I’m sorry for your losses. K. M.
In that moment, Caroline made her decision. She knew what her answer was. Once the last person from the wake left her house and Stefan was able to drop the act of being the worried husband, Caroline could not stand looking at any of them for another second.
“I need to go.” She reached for her purse, not carrying that she was still in the tight black dress and stilettos. She looked the part of a wealthy woman of the Upper East Side who was in mourning. She looked the part and could care less if it was bad timing. She should change at the very least; shed the mourning clothes from her body. Instead she grabbed her thick black coat and slipped it on.
“Go where?” Stefan asked.
“I don’t know. I just need to think.”
“You’re staying.”
“Let her go Stefan.” Elena’s voice chimed in. Her tone had a dead ring to it. It wasn’t that Elena was looking at her cruelly, but just in annoyance. Elena and Caroline’s relationship had always been complicated. Neither one would call it friendship, although to the outside world Elena claimed to be Caroline’s best friend. They smiled and laughed together when the cameras were on them but pulled apart the moment they turned away. “She just lost her mom. She is grieving.”
“Take Enzo with you.” Stefan commanded, never being able to deny Elena anything. Enzo, who was standing in earshot appeared quickly and followed Caroline out of the house. She was moving like a bat out of hell and just needed to get away from that house. She slid into the back of the car, calming her breath as best as she could.
“Where to?”
“You know where.” Enzo nodded and drove. He drove for a good while, ensuring that they were not being followed. Damon and Stefan were distracted so it was unlikely they would put anyone else on their trail but Enzo was a professional. He was always precise so he pulled into a parking garage. They got out of the car and Enzo led Caroline to a second vehicle. This was a big SUV, different from the town cars Stefan and Damon preferred to use. More importantly; it wasn’t tracked.
Enzo drove her across town to a tall building. Much like before, he pulled into a parking garage but this time they did not switch cars. He led her to an elevator and pulled out his phone. He punched in a code that had been sent to him and the elevator lifted upward. Once at the top, the doors opened and Caroline realized where she was.
Klaus’s office.
Klaus was standing on the other side perched on the side of his desk. He was unsurprised to see her but then again, she saw Enzo texting on an unfamiliar phone. Klaus was expecting her and Caroline just strolled into his office; never removing her eyes from him.
The office was massive. Windows on one wall that stood from floor to ceiling, providing Klaus with an amazing view of the city. Caroline looked around and saw priceless works of art on the walls. The furniture was expensive and Caroline could not help but applaud the man’s taste. This was where Klaus played with people’s lives; who lived and who died. A shell company much like Stefan and Damon’s, only far older and far more powerful.
“Leave us Enzo.” Caroline commanded. Enzo looked between Klaus and Caroline, unsure if he should leave her alone. Klaus however, nodded to the other man and waited for Enzo to head back down the elevator. Klaus pushed away from the desk and walked over to a bar cart. He poured two tumblers of bourbon and handed her one. Caroline took a few sips before turning back to Klaus, who had been silent but watched her like a hawk. “What do you want to know?”
“You want to strike at Damon for ordering the hit on your brother.” She took another sip. “Because we both know it was Damon who ordered it, it’s why you’re keener on him than anyone else.”
“Damon flaunted that he was the one who hired the Gilbert boy to murder my brother. Yes.” His eyes lingered over her and she could see the desire pooling in his eyes. He found her fascinating. The entire city had eyes on Caroline since the news of Elizabeth’s murder rang through the streets. An investigation was formed but would go nowhere; they both knew that. The mystery of her death would remain unsolved. Along with the rest of the city, Klaus was watching her; gazing at the woman who could put on the best act of them all.
“And sending him Jeremy Gilbert’s body as a message had the desire effect. I can assure you that.” Klaus cocked his eyebrow at her. She knew that he was aware that using Jeremy would send the desired message to Damon. A message stating that Klaus was coming for him but the truth was far darker than Klaus realized and Caroline was going to spell it out for him. “But I don’t think you realize just how far you went in sending that message.”
“Then tell me.”
“After we met that morning at the warehouse, I went home. I was grieving over my dead mother and when I walked into my front door, I found Elena in my sitting room, wailing as though her heart was being ripped from her chest. Damon was playing the good husband and comforting her.” Caroline rolled her eyes and Klaus’s lips perked up at her annoyance. “Stefan saw it immediately. He knew that I was aware of my mother’s death. He told me it was ‘unavoidable’.”
“Go on.”
“He showed me no remorse or sympathy. He came home that night and fucked me while he still had my mother’s blood on his skin.” Klaus’s eyebrows shot up at that but said nothing. Caroline could not help but notice how his grey-blue eyes grew a hint darker. “He simply walked away from me and then bent down to comfort Elena. He promised to hand your head to her on a silver platter.”
“Interesting.” She could see the calculation behind Klaus’s eyes. What Klaus wanted from her was an understanding on what went on behind closed doors in the Salvatore home. There was only so much Enzo could give him from a business standpoint but Klaus wanted more. He wanted the most personal information on the brothers in order to strike where it hurt the hardest. “And why would Stefan be more concerned with Elena’s pain than his wife’s.”
“Because he is in love with her.” Caroline replied in a matter of fact tone. Klaus stood straighter at that and she could see the million possibilities running through his mind. This he had not known. “The key to destroying all that the Salvatore brother’s hold dear is Elena. You have both of them gunning for your head because you made her cry.”
“Well that is interesting. Perhaps I should just have her killed?”
“You could but that isn’t smart and you know it.”
“Do I?” Klaus asked, testing her; seeing how her beautiful mind worked.
“Kill Elena and all you will have is two very pissed off Salvatore brothers on your hand. They will band together in their grief and strike at you and hard. Nothing is as powerful as the feeling of revenge. Kill Elena and Damon and Stefan will become your worst nightmare.” Klaus was smiling widely at her, a hint of pride etched in his eyes. “But you knew that.”
“Then what is our plan?” Klaus asked. He was testing her, seeing how her mind worked. Typically, Caroline hated being toyed with; she got enough of that at home. However, she wanted to prove to someone that she was more than just a pretty face.
“Turn brother against brother. Use Elena.” Caroline paused. “I don’t know how yet but Elena is the key in doing so. Both love her and both want her. I don’t know if Stefan and Elena are sleeping together but I’ll find out.”
“Then we have a deal.” Klaus stepped towards her and peered down at her. He took the glass from her hand and drank the remanding amber liquid. He was gazing at her and Caroline would not look away. The woman who wanted to jump from that roof top still lingered but he saw the truth behind why she wanted to jump. It wasn’t just a death wish, she wanted to strike at Stefan and Damon in the only way she could. “And what is it that you want in return for this information, Sweetheart.”
Caroline reached up and placed her hands on his chest. She eased out a few crinkles in his crisp white shirt. She could feel his muscles behind his shirt tense at the feeling of her fingertips caress him. She peaked at him from behind her eyelashes.
“Stefan hates you with a passion right now. Cursing your name every time he looks at Elena’s sad eyes. There is a fire burning in him to see you dead.” Klaus seemed amused at that. “What I want is petty and selfish and wrong on so many levels.”
“Say it.”
“I want to go to sleep every night knowing that I’ve fucked the one man who my husband hates most in the world.” There was a crackle between them that fizzled and popped. Both understood what this was. Caroline wanted in his bed for the soul purpose of being able to look at Stefan, knowing that she fucked the one man he wanted dead. It was a sort of petty revenge she needed in order to strike back from her mother’s murder and at the moment, this was the best possible way to do that.
For Klaus, it was one in the same. What was the best leverage over a man than bedding his wife? Sure, Stefan could care less for Caroline but she was his. His toy and his property. He wouldn’t take kindly to knowing that Klaus had been inside his wife; touched his wife and even less if she enjoyed it. Klaus would ensure that she did…she would feel every inch of it, cry out his name. Then when Stefan bedded his wife, she would close her eyes and imagine that it was Klaus touching her.
“You’re playing with fire, love.”
“I don’t care.” Fire burned in Klaus’s eyes and the dam broke. He leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to Caroline’s lips. Caroline knew that this could end badly for her. Either Stefan could find out she betrayed him and kill her or Klaus betrayed her and she would meet the same end with different means. That didn’t faze her. It wasn’t enough for her to give up the fact that she would have this moment.
Caroline dug her nails into his chest, dragging them down his shirt. She pulled the shirt from his trousers and ripped it open; buttons scattering across the hardwood floor. Klaus tossed it aside and pulled his undershirt over his head. Caroline’s lips latched onto his bare skin, tasting him. Her teeth nipped at his nipple while his hands moved the zipper at the back of her dress. He pulled it down and Caroline felt her dress sage on her shoulders. She pushed the dress down and let it pool at her feet.
Klaus eyed her with anticipation. She was a beautiful woman and he would have wanted to fuck her either way. Her being Stefan’s wife was just the cherry on top a very delectable cake. Her bra and panties were a simple black but matched with her black pump and the sight sent blood rushing to his penis. She shot him a coy look, she knew that he was finding her desirable and having lacked that look from a man in so long, it was addicting.
Caroline reached behind her and unhooked her bra, allowing it to fall to the floor. Klaus, unable to help himself, palmed her breasts; his nails gracing over her erect nipple. Caroline hissed at the contact, causing Klaus to do it again.
“Heels stay on.” Klaus commanded and Caroline chuckled. She reached for his belt, slowly undoing it but Klaus stopped her. “Not this time love. Perhaps another time.”
“Cocky much? Who says this is not just a one-time thing?” Caroline teased him, her fingers running along the skin just underneath his trousers. Instead of answering her, Klaus lifted her up; causing Caroline to squeak in surprise. She wrapped her legs around his waist, arching her back and pressing her breasts against his naked chest. Klaus’s lips latched onto her and kissed her while he walked them towards his desk. He knocked the files and pictures onto the ground, neither caring about the sound of shattering glass.
“Because once I’m done with you Sweetheart, you’ll come back begging for more.” He sat her down on the desk and kissed his way down her neck. His teeth nipped and sucked at her chest and Caroline spread her legs, allowing him easier access to her body. She leaned back on her forearms and watched as his head dipped lower and lower. “Tell me, when was the last time you enjoyed sex?”
“It’s been awhile.” Klaus’s eyes peaked up at her, and cocked his eyebrow. “Stefan is not very kind in the bedroom…in more ways than one.” Klaus chuckled and Caroline could feel the vibrations against her skin. They both knew what she was not saying. Caroline hated Stefan and sleeping with him was torture. There was no arousal or pleasure in the act but she had no choice.
“And here he is, a bigger fool than I realized.” Klaus grabbed her leg and outstretched it. His lips kissed her ankle as he admired her long, toned legs and the stiletto attached to them. Klaus apparently was a leg man. His hands ran down the length of them until he reached the edges of her panties. He hooked his fingers into the crotch, gracing her clit as he went. Caroline whimpered at the slight brush and her reaction pleased him; making him brush against it a second time just to make her squirm. He pulled her panties down her legs and took them into his hand; bringing them to his nose. He inhaled her scent while his eyes devoured the sight of her naked and spread across his desk. He pocked her panties and knelt before her. “Let’s make up for lost time, shall we.”
His fingers traced the length of her slit, spreading her juices. Caroline cried out at the contact. He slipped one finger into her and then another. He pumped them in and out of her before bringing his lips to her clit. His tongue licked the length of her before he began circling her bundle of nerves.
“God! Klaus!” Caroline cried out his name, not caring who heard. No one saw her enter his office. For all his staff knew outside his office door was that Klaus was having sex with someone behind it but the who remained a mystery. She assumed that they were paid well enough not to care. She continued to watch him lick and suck her while she felt that tension build up inside her. It had been a long while since she felt any sort of relief and it snapped inside of her like glass breaking against a wall. It shattered her. She screamed and cried out illegible things that she couldn’t remember when she came to.
“Seeing you come undone…you’re beautiful.” Klaus whispered and stood up from in-between her legs. Caroline sat up and reached for his belt. Like she attempted to do before, she pulled the offending leather from Klaus’s pants loops; putting it out with a snap. She tossed the belt to the floor and unbuttoned his pants, shoving them down to his ankles. “Condom?”
“Birth control.” Caroline replied, gripping Klaus in her hand. He hissed at the contact. She began to stroke him, watching as his jaw clenched tightly. His hands gripped her hips roughly and there was a brief second, she wondered if his hands would leave a bruise. “Gentle now. Can’t leave marks, now can we?” Klaus’s hands loosed and she cupped his balls as a reward, massaging them lightly. “Stefan does not want kids so, can’t risk pregnancy. So, I get a shot in my arm every three months, so unless you have some disease that I need to be worried about? Because I’m clean. Trust me. I’ve checked.”
“Clean bill of health Sweetheart.”
“Then get inside me.” Caroline lined his penis up with her entrance and Klaus pushed inside. The feeling of him stretching her and filling her was incredible. He was bigger than Stefan so there were muscles that were stretched that she was not used to. Klaus wrapped his arms around her, pressing her to him. Slowly, he withdrew before pushing back in. The first few strokes where leisurely but as their rhythm began to build, his thrusts picked up. “Faster. Harder”
The desk under them creaked and groaned. The slapping of skin could be heard as Klaus pounded into her. Caroline’s nails dug down his back, leaving marks that that they both knew would take a few days to fade. She could feel herself building towards her peak again and Klaus could sense that she was the verge of another orgasm. He reached between them and rubbed her clit. Her walls clenched and Caroline was pushed off that cliff again. A few more pumps and Klaus followed suit.
Once their breathing calmed down, Klaus slipped out of her and Caroline whimpered at the loss. She sat there for a second and watched as Klaus bent down and pulled his trousers up his legs. Caroline held out her hand and Klaus just cocked an eyebrow at her in question.
“My panties.”
“Oh, no Sweetheart. I’m keeping those.”
“Seriously!” Caroline huffed in mock frustration causing him to chuckle. He looked her over, apprising her still naked body; seemingly way too proud for her liking. She rolled her eyes and stood from the desk. “Fine. Pull the alpha man act.”
Klaus all but doubled over in laughter as she picked up her bra, putting it on before stepping back into her black dress. She turned her back to him and pointed at the dress. Klaus stepped forward and zipped up the dress, his fingers gracing her back as he went. Despite what they had just done, the touch sent shivers down Caroline’s spine. Klaus leaned down and she felt his hot breath on her ear.
“There is no act, love. I am the alpha male.” Caroline turned to look at him and made a point to roll her eyes again. He was amused; his smile was wide and his eyes sparkled with mischief. He was content and there was something about him made Caroline want to please him again. She wanted to fuck him in order to get back at Stefan and now she realized she wanted to do it again for the sole purpose that he felt good.
Klaus pulled away from her and went to pick up his cell phone, stepping over glass that had shattered from a few of his picture frames that had been on his desk. Caroline spotted a mirror on the far wall near his office. Her hair was a mess. She scowled and pulled it from her bun. She ran her fingers through it and deciding to let it hang loose. She watched Klaus send a text message before walking over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close as they listened to the sound of the elevator rising again.
“Until next time, Sweetheart.” Klaus kissed the side of her neck before pulling away; just in time for the elevator to ding and Enzo to step out. Enzo halted slightly, taking in the sight of the office. He was intelligent enough not to say anything but seeing the contents of Klaus’s desk on the floor and the smell of sex hanging in the hair; not the mention the fact that Klaus was shirtless, he knew exactly what had occurred.
Caroline just tossed him a cheek grin before heading to the elevator, swaying her hips ever so slightly as she went; knowing full well that Klaus was watching her. Enzo followed her inside and the moment the door closed on them; he just turned his head to look at her with a worried expression on his face.
“You’re playing a very dangerous game Gorgeous.”
“And you’re not?” Caroline retorted. Enzo just shrugged.
“I didn’t just fuck the devil.”
“Oh, shut up.” Caroline bit out. “Why are you doing this? Playing both sides, I mean? If Damon or Stefan learned that you were feeding information to Klaus or even that you brought me to see if, twice. They’d kill you. And don’t feed me some line about the money being good. I’m too smart for that.”
“It amazes me that neither Stefan nor Damon realize how smart you actually are.” Enzo muttered but refused to say more and Caroline was not going to push him. She just wanted to make a point. They walked across the parking garage and she climbed into the SUV. It wasn’t until they were sitting in traffic and Caroline was scrolling through her phone that Enzo spoke again. “Her name is Bonnie.”
“My girl. Bonnie. She has a rare genetic disease. I couldn’t afford to get her the treatment she needs.” Caroline wilted ever so slightly. She did not know much about Enzo or the fact that he had a life apart from bloodshed and deception. “Klaus has connections. Vast connections. I provide him with whatever he needs and he ensures that Bonnie gets everything she needs to manage her condition. So yeah. It is not about the money.”
Caroline had nothing say. It made sense to her why Enzo did what he did but what amazed her was Klaus. She knew that he wasn’t providing, what Caroline assumed to be expensive medical care, out of the goodness of his heart. She could not begin to imagine what Enzo has done for Klaus to receive that kind of payment.
A second later, Caroline’s phone buzzed revealing an unknown number.
Thank you for today Sweetheart.
Caroline smiled but quickly deleted the message.
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thecassadilla · 4 years
Written in the Stars - Chapter 1
Word Count: 3,328/AO3
Pairing: Kristanna
Love During Lockdown Series: Serendipity (Prologue) 
Summary: Figuring out how to go on an in-person date during a time of social distancing would be a challenge for anyone. Luckily, it comes easy to Anna and Kristoff, who find a creative way to spend some time with each other amidst a pandemic.
Author’s Note: Well, I’m back again. If you remember, a few weeks back, I wrote a one-shot about Anna and Kristoff meeting during the pandemic because their deliveries got sent to each other’s addresses by mistake. I added that it had the possibility of being expanded, and ta-da! I’ve linked that fic above. I highly recommend reading that fic before this one, but you do you. I can’t believe I followed through, for the first time ever. This was interesting to write because, well, I had to imagine what an appropriate, in-person date would be like right now. This is going to be three or so chapters, but again, has the possibility of being expanded upon! I hope you enjoy it!
In the days immediately following their initial conversation, Anna found herself carrying her phone everywhere with her. She didn’t want to miss out on a single text from Kristoff. They hadn’t had much contact in the week since their chat - from what she had gathered about him, he definitely seemed to be on the shyer side; despite this, and the pandemic that was practically prohibiting them from meeting in person, she was hopeful that everything would work out and they would have a real opportunity to talk. There was just something about him and their interaction that was different, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. 
Suffice to say, when he called her out of the blue on Saturday afternoon, just over a week since they’d met for the first time, her heart nearly leapt out of her chest.
“Hello?” She answered, breathlessly.
“Hey,” he responded, and she could tell from the tone of his voice that he was smiling. “How are you?”
“I’m great, how are you?”
“I’m doing alright, thanks for asking. Uh, so I know this is going to sound kind of weird, but I haven’t started my car in almost a month and I’m kind of worried that the battery is going to die,” he explained. “I was wondering if you wanted to go for a car ride in a little while? I know it’s short notice and it would be bad social distancing, but -”
“Absolutely,” she cut him off, sounding a little too eager. “I can wear a mask if you’re uncomfortable.”
“No - I mean, you can bring it. I’m going to bring one, too, but you said you haven’t left your apartment in a while, right?”
“I haven’t left in almost two months,” she answered.
“Same here, so I think it would be safe? As long as we’re in the car, and you’re okay with it?”
“I’m totally fine with that,” she said, again fearing that she was going to come off as desperate.
“And...if you want, we can get take-out or stop by a drive-through or something? I know it’s kind of inappropriate, and ideally we’d be going to a sit-down restaurant, but...you know.”
“That would be wonderful,” she assured him. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was worried about not impressing her, because it sure sounded like he was asking her on a first date. The situation they were in was certainly not his fault, though, and the fact that he was still trying regardless of that made her weak in the knees. “What time were you thinking?”
“Um, an hour or so? Or we can meet up later if that’s too soon?”
“No, that’s perfect. I’m dying to get out of this apartment and see a person other than my sister,” she giggled.
“Oh!” He said, sounding a little surprised. “Me too, except with my roommate.”
“I can’t wait,” she said, smiling. “Where should we meet?”
“By the entrance to the building?”
“Okay,” she agreed. “I’ll see you in an hour!”
“See you then,” he said, before hanging up the phone.
She was so excited that she wanted to scream. She immediately jumped off the bed and began to tear her room to shreds - she wanted to wear something that was cute but appropriate. She also didn’t want to have to explain why she was wearing a fancy dress to Elsa. After way too much time deliberating, she finally settled on a light blue romper with spaghetti straps and a pair of sandals. She didn't have enough time for a full face of makeup, so she settled on mascara and lipstick, hoping that he wouldn’t notice. Her hair hung down in loose waves cascading down her back, and she mentally applauded herself for taking a shower that morning. When the hour was about to draw to a close, she placed the mask over her face, grabbed her purse and cell phone, and excitedly bounded out of her bedroom.
She paused in front of Elsa’s door, knocking a few times with no answer. She peeked inside, and was thrilled to see that her sister was taking a nap and could not protest her departure. She decided that a text message would be appropriate, and gently closed the door to her room before practically skipping out of the apartment. As soon as she opened the door, a blast of hot air hit her in the face and she was immensely grateful that they were going to be sitting in an air conditioned car instead of going on a walk. Before she walked downstairs, she sent the text message to Elsa and shoved her phone into her purse - if she could help it, she wanted to keep it there the entire time they were together.
When she finally reached the entrance to their building, she could hardly contain her excitement. So much so that when Kristoff emerged from inside, she found herself approaching him with her arms wide open before she realized what she was doing.
“Oops, sorry,” she said, lowering her arms. “I always hug people after when I haven’t seen them for a while, but I guess we don’t live in that world anymore. Hi, by the way.”
Although she couldn’t see his mouth, she could tell from his eyes that he was smiling. She couldn’t help but notice how good he looked; he was dressed casually like her, wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt, but it suited him so well that she nearly found herself drooling. 
“Hi,” he said back, his eyes still sparkling. “How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been doing as well as I can,” she answered. “I feel like I’m starting to lose my mind, though.”
“I feel the same way,” he chuckled, slowly starting to walk toward the parking lot. “I’m glad to be getting out for a little while. You look great, though; quarantine must be treating you well.”
“Thank you!” She exclaimed, walking alongside him. “You look great, too. And I feel the same way; my sister is starting to drive me up a wall.”
“It’s just you and her up there?”
“So it’s a little complicated, actually. She doesn’t actually live here,” she explained. “I had two roommates.”
“What happened with that?”
“One of them broke his lease, because his internship ended abruptly due to the pandemic, so he had to go back to live with his parents. And my other roommate has been quarantining with her boyfriend, but she took almost all of her stuff with her and she’s not answering my messages, so I actually don’t know if she’s coming back.”
“I don’t mean to cut you off, but this is me,” he said, motioning to a grey SUV. He unlocked it, and they each went to their respective sides. It was blazingly hot inside, as expected, and he put his keys in the ignition. “I’m honestly relieved that it started and I’m really sorry that it’s so hot in here, but it should cool off in a few minutes. You were saying?”
She pulled off her mask and he followed shortly after. “Yeah, so, my sister came to visit, like, a week before everything shut down and then she just refused to leave. It worked out since my other roommate moved out, but she’s driving me crazy.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, looking over at her. 
She slid the seatbelt over her shoulder and buckled it in. Cool air started seeping out of the vents, offering relief from the suffocating heat. “It’s not the worst thing in the world, but her anxiety is basically out of control. She’s a touch agoraphobic in general, and this is just making it worse.”
“That has to be really rough,” he responded, shifting the car into drive and slowly pulling out of the spot. “I mean, my roommate just sits around and plays video games all day, so I kind of lucked out in that regard.”
“I would do literally anything for her, but I definitely miss having a little freedom; she doesn’t even want me to go on walks, or anything,” she said, shaking her head. “Luckily, she hates Florida, so I think she’ll try to go home as soon as it’s safe.”
“Are you from Florida?”
She glanced out the window, admiring the clear blue sky and the palm trees. She had almost forgotten what the outside world looked like. “No, I’m actually from upstate New York.”
“Get out of here, so am I,” he said, excitedly. “What part are you from?”
Her face lit up. “Arendelle, it’s a small town near Saratoga Springs.”
“I grew up, like, half an hour from there. Near Broadalbin, in Fulton County.”
“No way! It’s such a small world,” she laughed. “What brought you here?”
“I’ve lived in Florida for a few years now,” he explained, focusing on the road. “I came down here for school. I’m becoming an architect, and I needed an internship, and that led me to this part of the state a couple of months ago. Unfortunately, it kind of got put on hold due to the pandemic.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she frowned. “I don’t know much about architecture, but it seems really cool.”
“It is,” he grinned. “But it’s a lot to talk about and I don’t want to bore you. What about you?”
“I doubt you would bore me, but to answer your question, I needed a change. I came out here for school, too, and loved it so much that I dreaded going home during breaks. So I got a job and found an apartment, and now I live here.”
“What did you major in?”
“I’m still working on my Bachelor’s, but elementary education. One semester to go.”
“You must love kids,” he assumed.
She nodded. “I do, I really do. I had a lot of amazing teachers, and I hope that one day I can leave an impact on someone in the same way my teachers left one on me.”
“Wow, that’s really thoughtful of you.”
“Thank you,” she blushed. “I’m really looking forward to having my own classroom, someday.”
He found himself smiling at the sincerity of her response, but before he could say anything, she had already moved onto the next topic.
“What do you do for work?”
“Well, the internship was my job, for the time being. I quit my job as a waiter for the internship, so I’m currently unemployed.”
She nodded fervently. “Same here - I had a part-time front desk job, and the office had to close, so I got laid off.”
“This whole situation is just awful,” he responded, shaking his head. “To get back onto a happier subject - what do you love most about living here?”
“The weather,” she cooed. “I love the warmth and the sunshine. No snow or shoveling to worry about in this state.”
“That’s the one thing that I dislike about living here,” he remarked. “I kind of miss having four seasons. Oh, and I never want to be referred to as ‘Florida Man.’”
She burst out laughing, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth. “Oh my god, stop.”
“I’m serious! There are so many negative connotations,” he laughed.
“Yeah, but you’d have to do something dumb, like, stick your foot in a gator’s mouth to earn that title.”
“I don’t know, I feel like they’re handing it out willy nilly these days; any man who lives in Florida is officially a Florida Man,” he smiled, shaking his head. “In all seriousness, though, I do hope to move back to New York, someday.”
“I think I do, too. The distance has helped my sister and I grow as individuals, but I’d like to live closer to her. Not anytime soon, though.”
“I get that,” he nodded. 
“So, what’ve you been doing to pass the time?”
He sighed. “I’ve been doing school stuff, mostly, but now that the semester is over, I’ve been watching stuff on Netflix.”
“Ooh, what have you been watching?” She asked, turning her body so she was facing him.
“Whatever gets recommended to me, honestly. I watched Tiger King -”
“Oh my god, me too! What a train wreck!” She exclaimed, before bringing both of her hands up to cover her mouth. “I’m so sorry, I totally cut you off just then.”
“It’s fine,” he said, glancing over at her. “I kept expecting it to get better, but it just kept getting worse and worse. Other than that, I’ve been watching a mixed bag of stuff. The Office, Parks and Rec, et cetera.”
“Literally, same,” she laughed. “I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube, too, because it’s interesting to see what other people are doing during quarantine.”
“Good point,” he agreed. “I haven’t even thought about how other people have been coping.”
“Almost everyone I watch has been doing the same stuff I see everyone on social media doing. Baking bread, renovating their houses, watching television. I appreciate people who are putting out unique content.”
“I’ll have to get on YouTube one of these days,” he stated. “What are you looking forward to most when all of this is over?”
“Gosh, I don’t even know,” she gushed. “Everything - I want to eat in a restaurant, again. And go back to Disney World, and to the beach.”
“You know, I’ve never been to Disney World.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Nope,” he smirked.
“No way! We’ll have to go when it opens!” She declared, and then quickly backtracked a step, worrying that she was too forward. “Only if you want to, though.”
“I’m not opposed to going,” he chuckled. “It was just never high enough on my priorities list. I was actually supposed to go back in March, but then they closed. I’d love to go with you when they reopen.”
“Stop, I’m literally so excited now,” she said, unable to control her smile. “I’m not in a crazy rush to run there as soon as they reopen, but I literally cannot wait now.”
His lips curved upwards as well. “Me too.”
“How about you? What are you looking forward to?”
“Well, aside from going to Disney World, probably just things going back to normal. I miss simple things like going to the grocery store.”
“Do you like cooking?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, I do. That’s another thing that I’ve been doing - practicing my cooking skills. You?”
“God, no. I love eating but I’m an awful cook,” she laughed. “I know how to make some really basic stuff, but I have a knack for burning everything. I’d say that I’m a better baker, but I don't think boxed mixes count.”
“At least you try. I’m pretty sure my roommate would live on microwaveable food and take-out if I didn’t live with him.”
She playfully rolled her eyes. “My sister is no better, but we get by.”
“I’ll have to send some food up to you sometime; can’t have you two starving,” he winked.
“Stop, you’re too sweet,” she gushed. “I would love that, though. My sister on the other hand…”
He glanced over at her. “I notice that you talk about her a lot. Is it just the two of you?”
She paused for a moment before answering. “Yeah, it’s just me and her. Our parents passed away a few years ago, and we don’t have any other family.”
“Oh man, I’m sorry to hear that,” he frowned. “I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“No, it’s okay; I’m actually kind of glad you asked,” she said quietly, twirling a piece of hair between her fingers. “My sister and I don’t talk about them, really.”
He raised his eyebrows. “How come? If you don’t mind me asking.”
She shook her head. “Well, my sister had a lot of anxiety issues as a kid, and she became very closed off. They were concerned, but they didn’t really do anything to address it and we both suffered as a result. They got into the accident when I was fifteen, and she was eighteen so she became my guardian, but it was like I was living with a stranger at first. We got better, eventually, but she was a little overbearing and I needed my own space and that was when I moved down here for school. We just don’t bring them up, now. They weren’t bad people or anything, it’s just hard to talk about.”
He nodded along with her as she spoke, acknowledging what she was saying. “I get that. I’m really sorry that that happened, but I have to say - you’re incredibly brave.”
“Thank you,” she looked up at him and gave him a sad smile. “What about your family?”
“I was a foster kid who got bounced around, so I don’t really have a family. I’m still in touch with the family I was with the longest, but it took two other families to get to them.”
She gasped. “I’m sorry, that must’ve been so hard.”
“Well, a lot of good came out of it. It made me want to work harder, for one, but it also made me realize what type of person I want to be and what type of life I want to live.”
“And what is that, exactly?”
“Well, I want to have a family of my own someday. I just...want to be present for the people in my life.”
“That’s really amazing. You’re also incredibly brave,” she remarked, repeating what he’d just said to her.
“I guess we have a lot in common, then.”
She nodded, suddenly feeling an overwhelming urge to reach out and touch his arm. She hesitated, though. “You can say that again. But it’s a good thing, I think. Not to wax poetic, but we wouldn’t be here right now if all of those horrible things didn’t happen to us.”
“Very true,” he agreed. He pulled into a gas station, stopping the car at one of the pumps and turning off the engine. “Sorry, I just want to fill up my tank so we don’t break down somewhere.”
“No need to apologize,” she insisted, as he climbed out of the car and started fiddling with the pump. She was completely overwhelmed, but in the best way possible. This was easily the best date she’d ever been on, and she was hopeful that he felt the same way and that there would be many more dates in the future. Though it was a bit of an annoyance at the time, she was eternally grateful for the delivery drivers who’d messed up their deliveries. 
“Alright, we’re good,” he announced, as he climbed back in and started the ignition again. 
“Do you want money for gas?”
“Nah, don’t worry about it,” he insisted. “Where to next?”
She shrugged. “You’re the driver.”
“Are you hungry? We could stop somewhere and eat,” he offered. 
“Yeah, that would be great.”
“What’re you in the mood for? I know there aren’t too many practical options for eating in a car.”
“We could stop at that McDonald’s that was just down the street.”
“Alright,” he said, pulling away from the gas station. “I have nothing against McDonald’s, but if the circumstances were different, I would’ve preferred to take you somewhere much nicer.”
“I know,” she smiled. “But I’m not, like, disappointed or anything. I’m honestly having a great time.”
“Me too,” he responded softly. “I’ve really been enjoying talking to you.”
“I’m really glad that we’re on the same page. Also, I haven’t had McDonald’s in at least a year, so I’m super excited about that.”
“Is that why you suggested it?”
“Maybe,” she smirked. “But also because it’s close by and we don’t have to get out of the car.”
“If that's what you want, then I’m happy to take you there, but don’t worry about the distance. I don’t mind going somewhere else if -”
She interjected before he could finish his thought. “Nope, McDonald’s is great.”
“Alright,” he laughed. “Then to McDonald’s we go.”
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mcatra · 5 years
Oh my god they were lab partners pt. 2/2
part one
Highschool AU fic of Hordak and Entrapta becoming lab partners. Hordak may have accidentally fallen in love with her somewhere along the way. 
Hordak's never liked anyone before in his entire life. Not even as friends. So whatever this was? Completely out of his depth. 
There was no stopping it- these feelings. It was insane how much her name plagued his thoughts in random places at all times of the day. These symptoms formed in unexpected ways, like how he had thought he was having a heart attack, when really all that happened was that Entrapta smiled at him. Or how his face would heat up and his hands would involuntarily go clammy when she would drag him by the hand to go somewhere. 
Hordak had even learnt how to braid. He had gotten pretty good at it too, if the complicated french braids and buns Entrapta was sporting before lab now was of any indication.
It didn't matter though, since she obviously didn't feel the same. She's had dozens of friends before, and he was just one of them. But Entrapta was his first friend- but he's already screwed that up. It's taken him this long to find someone that he can actually tolerate the presence of, and it seemed fate was determined to take that away as well. 
So he crushes the feelings deep inside, though they threaten to spill out every few minutes when he's with her. He's fine with being friends, really. 
The school holidays was starting, which would give him plenty of time to get over his feelings. 
This plan is immediately compromised when Entrapta insists on texting him several times a day. 
yakult is the perfect size of drink but it's not fizzy!! (〒﹏〒)
Perhaps you should try packaging your drinks in smaller sized Yakult bottles. 
:00 yea ur right!! I'll ask my butler to do that be righttt baackkk 
A butler? 
yep my parents r always busy working!! Soda pop makes the best lunches ヾ(´ ▽ ` ) 
It's a photo of what seems to be her lunch, bite sized cookies, scones, and of course pink fizzy lemonade in a tiny bottle. 
Looking at it, he thinks it's only customary to send a photo of his own lunch.  
Hordak: [image.attachment] 
Entrapta: ???????‽‽ Σ(°△°|||)︴ 
Entrapta: NOO9OOOOOO what is THAT ??!!!  
He's confused by her response. It was all that Prime stacked their food cupboards with, he didn't see anything wrong about his grey ration bars. It wasn't even the brown kind today. 
Hordak: That is my lunch. 
Entrapta: (ಥ﹏ಥ) I'm so sorry hordak… 
pleaseeee let me come over and deliver U some of my food!!! 
He wishes she would, but he can't afford letting Prime see her. There's a reason why he's dodged every request from her to come over. 
Hordak: Thank you for your consideration, but that won't be necessary. It gives me enough nutrition for the day. 
Entrapta: FINEE but when we get back I'm giving you all the food U can eat!!! I'll even make them big!! Just for you!! 
Hordak: I look forward to it. 
Entrapta: (≧▽≦) ♥️  
Did...Did she just send a heart? What did that mean?
He stares at the screen in disbelief. Every time he thinks he's doing well she sends his mind into overdrive. 
Scratch that, what was he supposed to send back? 
He falters on a response, anxiously trying to decide one before she got suspicious and asked him why he was taking so long. A solid 5 minutes later, he finally settles on one. 
Hordak:  :]
[Incoming video call from Entrapta]
He bolts upright in bed, hair in disarray. 
The clock reads 1am. What was she doing calling at this hour? He scrambles to lower the volume, unlocking it in the process, and when he does Entrapta's face fills the screen. 
She's in her pajamas, her hair tied up haphazardly into a messy bun on the top of her head. It seemed like she had attempted to recreate the neatly tucked bun that Hordak always did for her, but couldn't quite figure it out. 
'Hordak! I've just made the most fascinating discovery- oh sorry, were you sleeping?' 
'Ah, no. I wasn't.' He fibs, not wanting her to hang up. He didn't want to admit it, but he missed seeing her face. 'Do go on.' 
She digs through a stack of letters, and brings it up triumphantly to the screen. 
'I've found some scholarship offers buried in my junk mail!' She chirps through the pixelated video feed.
'Got one from California Institute of Technology, Harvard and MIT! They loved my research papers and scientific breakthroughs!' 
He blinks in shock. That was huge. 
'Congratulations!' He bursts out- those are incredible opportunities. ‘Which one will you be attending?' 
'Oh, that's why I called! I needed help deciding. So I was wondering…' She looked oddly nervous, tapping two fingers together. 'Which university would you be going to?' 
Hordak hadn't even applied to any university, let alone receiving offers from Ivy League schools. It had been decided since he was a kid that he would be working for Prime's company right after graduation. He hadn't considered any other alternative before. 
'I…have not applied to any yet.' 
'What?!’ She cries out, appalled. ‘You should definitely apply! You have more knowledge of cosmic forms than I do, Hordak. Plus your grades have improved exponentially this year- I even made a graph!' 
Before he can ask why on earth she had made a graph of his grades she brings out a spreadsheet of his progress. 
'According to the numbers you can definitely apply to any of the surrounding schools in the area! Oh but how fun would it be if we could go to the same university?!' 
'I can't possibly afford the tuition-' 
'Bank loans, and you can work part time! You could even apply for financial assistance. Please come.' 
Hordak hesitates, looking at the door behind him. Imp was stirring in the room next door. He lowers his voice. 
'I.. I...'
He starts and aborts a few sentences. He clenches his scarred arm unconsciously. Of course he wants to. But he had responsibilities that weighed heavily on his shoulders, and circumstances that a carefree sheltered girl couldn't even comprehend. No amount of optimism or daydreaming could fix his grim reality. 
 'I can't.' Is all he manages to say.
She looks slightly taken aback, and he can see her trying not to look disappointed.  
'..That's okay. I understand.'
A horrible sense of guilt spreads in his stomach. Entrapta changes the topic and they don't bring up the subject again.
Entrapta has always had trouble making friends. People usually ignored her when she talked about her interests, or were telling her what she did wrong. Usually it was a missed social cue, or she had used words that were too technical for them to understand. 
Hordak was different though. He always listened, understood her technical jargon and offered his own knowledge that sometimes even outweighed her own. She had been curious about this elusive person that everyone was afraid of since she had met him behind the bathroom block. He didn’t seem like the vicious animal that the rumours made him out to be. So on a whim, she had volunteered to be his lab partner.
At first she was just ecstatic to find someone who liked the same things she did, but soon it was more than just the shared love for science. Entrapta had thought for years that the only way she could make friends was allowing them to copy and take her work, but Hordak had showed her otherwise. A shared solidarity for two outcasts. 
Even though he showed a tough angry exterior to everyone, with her Hordak was surprisingly kind. 
He always did little things for her without prompting. Once she had forgotten to bring her jacket when it was cold and he had wordlessly handed his over for her to wear. Or how he noticed when she hadn't slept that night and bought her an iced coffee from the vending machine. He had even poured it into the lid in an effort to make it the way she liked it. 
She began to notice things about him as well, like how he got embarrassed easily, or how despite his old demeanor he could be surprisingly childish. His reactions became even more fascinating than her experiments. Entrapta catalogued them in her mind, keeping track of the emotions he would show. He was always so stoic, the primary emotion being anger or quiet indifference. A few smiles here and there, scattered in between. 
However when Hordak laughed for the first time ever, she was caught completely off guard. 
When his eyes crinkled into little slits, and his laughter exposed his canines, her brain was shaken only leaving one thought. 
Entrapta had found something more valuable than any discovery she's made in her career as a self made scientist.  She wanted to discover more about him, however he never talked about himself, which both enthralled and frustrated her to no end. But graduation was coming soon, and the last thing she wanted was for Hordak to not talk to her anymore like Adora and the others.
She had tried to put off the deadline, ignoring the growing stack of offer letters that could whisk her away to anywhere in the world.
Come with me. 
I can't. 
 Why? Had she misread them this whole time? Did he not want to be with her too? But she was wrong with Adora and her friends, and Catra. 
Someone told her once how people cannot be quantified, calculated, predicted. Feelings can be there one day and gone the next. She is no stranger to failure. But it doesn't mean she isn't afraid. 
School resumes again for their final term, and Hordak is inwardly thrilled to see his friend in person again. Entrapta waves at him from the school gate, before diving headfirst into all the things that happened over the holidays she couldn’t show over text. 
They agree to be lab partners again without hesitation, and fall back into their comfortable friendship. 
Soon it’s prom season, and the halls are decorated in banners, posters and flyers. People are pairing off left and right, chattering away about how to ask their dates out. 
Hordak never attends these sort of events, he always blatantly refuses to go. However during one of their study sessions in the library, Entrapta tries to convince him to come with her. 
‘It’s meaningless to go to such an event. Mingling or dancing is not a productive venture.' 
'But it could be fun! I’ve been wanting to conduct a social experiment and it’s the perfect place for it.' She protests. 'Also Prom is imperative to the high school experience.' 
He waves her away, unconvinced. It's not like he could afford the tickets anyway, and Prime would never let him go. 
'I refuse to squander my time on something so pointless. There will be no further discussion on this.' 
She pouts, turning back to her notebook. The sulky charade lasts for a record 10 minutes before she caves and starts running her mouth again. 
He's still adamantly against it, but that sentiment gets stopped in its tracks when he catches someone approaching Entrapta.
'Hey, Entrapta was it?' The tall blonde says languidly. ‘Can I speak to you for a moment, over there?’ 
'Oh, sure!' She says, getting up from her chair. 'Can I get you something?' 
Hordak listens to the conversation happening behind the bookshelf. He doesn't like the look of them, all greasy smiles and cocky demeanor.  
'A date to the prom, please.' They smirk, their tall stature allowing them to lean over her. 
Hordaks jaw drops, and the feeling of jealousy flares in the pit of his stomach. He fights the urge to throw that cocky bastard across the room. But the knowledge that he has no right to be angry when he had already turned down her offer kept him rooted to the spot. 
Thankfully Entrapta doesn’t seem to get it. 
'Oh I'm not organising that.’ She says, tapping her chin. ‘I think Frosta and her prom committee are. Or you could ask our school captain Adora and her prefects, they’ll know who to talk to get tickets.'  
They look dumbfounded, but hastily amend their wording. 
'No, I meant- will you be my date. To the prom.' 
At this point there are marks on the wooden bookshelf from Hordak’s nails. The other person looked almost cocky in their confidence, smirking while waiting for a response. 
Of course she’d accept, they were just friends after all, and she didn’t owe him anything. However Entrapta cuts through his spiralling thoughts.
‘Thank you. But I won’t be going.’ 
Hordak looks up in surprise, shocked at her response. So do they, as Entrapta swiftly passes them and lights up when she spots him behind the shelf. ‘Hordak, there you are!’ She chirps brightly. ‘Come on, I wanted to show you progress photos of my new upgrades with Emily.’ 
He feels awful as she leads them back to their desks, it seems like he was letting down Entrapta a lot these days. First with the university, and now this. However Hordak is determined to make it up to her, racking his brain for ideas until he remembers the bandaids she had given him years ago.
Cupcakes. Despite not having much he managed to scrounge enough coins to buy ingredients. 
Half of them end up charred to a crisp but he manages to salvage a few through enough scraping. With the help of Imp, he manages to frost and decorate them purple and blue to cover up the scorch marks. 
Hordak thrusts the cupcakes in her face before class, before realising that he hadn't prepared anything to say.
'I, uh, wanted to..here.' He stammers, dropping them into her palm. 'I made them. For you.'
She looks at the cupcakes, stunned. To his complete and utter horror, Entrapta's eyes start to water.
Oh no. Did he mess up? His mind goes into overdrive in panic, and he looks around frantically for a way to calm her down.
'Were they unsatisfactory? I will try again. Please allow me to dispose of those-' He reaches out to take them back but she pulls it away.
'I love them.’ 
She wipes her eyes with her sleeve, and she's beaming a crooked smile. 
He hesitates, unsure what to make of her reaction. 
‘E-Entrapta..I, um…’ He begins, remembering the person in the library. He fishes around in his pocket and pulls out two tickets. ‘Do you want to.. Go to the prom. With me. So you can study people, like you said.’
Entrapta gasps, a long and drawn out one that gets higher in pitch.
‘THANK YOU HORDAK!!’ She squeals, and she practically launches herself into his chest, nearly toppling them over. ‘Of COURSE I will!’ 
He smiles at this, glad that he had been the one to put that grin on her face. Anything was worth making her happy. 
It’s a bad night again. He wants nothing more than to stay in bed but he forces himself to get up, if nothing else to get away from Prime. His older brother had found out about the money he had taken to buy the prom tickets and make the cupcakes. This resulted in having the life beaten out of him while Imp watched, cowering behind the door. He gets his phone taken from him, a clear warning not to talk to Entrapta again. 
It’s summer, but Hordak opts for a black turtleneck sweater under his uniform and a baggy jacket. He however can’t disguise the bruises on his face, as usually Prime would avoid making markings that would arouse suspicion.
He can hear his classmates whisper amongst themselves, saying that he’s gotten into a fight and beat the rival gangs in the area. Hordak growls at them menacingly, and they scatter. He watches them go, and for the first time in a long time goes to skip class.
It’s nice out, a cool breeze on the rooftop soothes his skin. He gingerly takes his uniform off, wincing as he peels off the slightly blood stained sleeve.
He should be used to it by now. But it doesn’t get any better.
‘You didn’t reply to my texts.’
Hordak nearly jumped out of his skin, whipping around to see Entrapta. She has a delicate frown on her face, and looks at him up and down.
'You shouldn’t be here.’ He says, turning away. 
She doesn't look convinced, and starts to walk towards him. ‘Hordak-’ 
‘I said, GET OUT!’ He shouts, furiously wrapping his uniform back around his shoulders. ‘The prom’s off. Leave.’ 
Entrapta disregards his outburst, striding forward to confront him. 'I can’t keep ignoring this, Hordak.’ She catches his wrist easily, looking at his wounds. 
'You come to school with these new burns, these bruises, and you never TELL me anything.’ She says, pained. 'People say you got them in fights, but I know you. What really happened?’
He stares at her, but she looks determined. Ever the scientist, always looking for answers to things she didn’t understand. 
'You really want to know?’ He growls, tearing his arm from her grip. ‘I am an orphan. My brother Prime got full custody since he’s the only one old enough to earn money to support us. I can’t leave, no matter how much he beats me. My younger brother, Imp. He’s only a toddler- if I go, what happens to him? I couldn’t possibly support the both of us.’ 
She looks shocked, but doesn’t say anything. 
‘He’s ordered me not to talk to you. So that’s what I’m going to do. Don’t make it any harder for me.’ He tries to sound angry, but it comes off more like pleading. 
‘No.’ She says simply. 
He looks at her, incredulous. ‘Did you not hear what I just said-’
‘No, I heard you.’ She replies, bringing out bandages from her backpack like the first time they had met. 
‘I’ve got an idea. I’m breaking you out of there.’ 
‘You’re what?’ 
Lab Partner: Are you ready??
Hordak: This is such a bad idea.
He’s had no idea how he ended up in this situation. As per instruction via Entrapta’s burner phone, he had packed a getaway bag with their documents for him and Imp, and was waiting for several of her tiny bots surveillancing the area to give the all clear. 
Entrapta had temporarily disabled the security cams in the entire neighbourhood, and was currently waiting in the getaway car. 
Hordak:  I can’t believe I’m turning on my brother. 
Lab Partner: Its okay, we can work on that crisis later!! 
Lab Partner: I've also got your disguise in the car :))) 💃💃
Prime was still out at work, and it should be a few more hours until he came back. Hordak leads Imp by the hand down the driveway and fastens him into the booster seat of the getaway car. 
'He is so cuute!' Entrapta coos, poking his baby brother’s cheek. ‘I’m Entrapta. We’re gonna make sure you’re safe, okay?’ 
Imp nods, somewhat confused. ‘Entrapta.’ He repeats, and she grins. 
They peel out of the driveway, and although Entrapta is a terrifying driver they make it safely to her house outside the city. 
When they arrive, he is rendered speechless. Was this a castle? A mansion? The guards out front nod at Entrapta and the security gates open, letting them through. 
At least he knows Prime couldn’t possibly follow him here, thanks to Entrapta’s parents security team. 
Imp has taken to the place, admiring the many robots she had engineered. Her butler offers him some tiny beverages as he waits for Entrapta to finish whatever she was doing upstairs.  
After a while she comes down the stairs and he can practically feel himself stop breathing. She’s gorgeous, dressed in a purple velvet suit, tied together with a vest and a bow tie. Her coattails swish as she walks towards Hordak, who had been stunned into silence. 
‘I...ah..’ He stutters. ‘What is this for?’ 
Imp kicks him in the shin.
‘Uh. Y-you look... exemplary. A magnificent choice of attire.’ 
‘It’s prom today! Did you forget?’ She grins, whisking him from his seat and plonking him in front of the mirror. ‘We bought the tickets, we may as well go!’
‘But Imp-’
 ‘-Will be safe. There’s no way he’ll find him here. We’ll be in and out, and be back before he’s even left work.’ 
Entrapta takes out a makeup brush and some black lipstick, and starts applying it onto his face. For some reason he lets her work, he’s never really been able to say no to her. She styles his hair so some falls across his face. ‘Now for the good part!’ She declares, and brings out a long black dress combined with an inner red cape, with slits on the sides. They’re accompanied by tall black heels and a black clutch. 
‘I-I don’t know.’ He says. He’s never worn anything that bold or attention grabbing before, usually choosing clothes that would hide his scarring. 
‘Just try it on!’ 
They arrive at the prom arm in arm, and people audibly gasp as they walk down the stairs into the hall. The crowd clears from their path as they make their way down the venue, their stares turning into ones of admiration. 
The person from the library shoots them an affronted look, much to Hordak’s satisfaction. Perhaps this wasn’t so bad after all.  
Entrapta starts grabbing random food off the tables for Hordak to try. As he eats she starts recording Hordak’s different reactions to each new food into her little recorder. 
‘It’s absolutely fascinating how social groups function in peculiar ways! For example,’ She commentates, pointing at her old group of friends. ‘Catra asked Scorpia out to make Adora jealous.’ 
He watches the brunette antagonize her ex friend, and Adora seemed to be taking the bait. Scorpia watches on, looking disgruntled. 
‘Seems like it is working.’ 
‘No mind, Glimmer’s only Adora’s date to make Bow jealous. But according to my observations, that seems to be less successful.’ 
He nods, seemed like there was a lot going on in Etheria he had never cared to notice before. 
Soon they are interrupted by loud commanding voice on the microphone. It’s Frosta, and she’s announcing the first dance. She looks impossibly small up there behind the podium, which happens when you skip a few grades. 
‘Let’s go dance!’
‘I don’t know how to-’
Entrapta drags Hordak onto the dance floor before he can object, joining the other couples paired around them. She puts a hand around his waist, and clasps the other in his. 
'Also, Hordak! I got you something.' She says, almost shyly, handing him a box. 'Instead of a corsage...'
He peers inside and in the box is a beautiful purple crystal, embedded onto a necklace. It has some sort of foreign script engraved into it. 
‘Wait, is this…’ 
‘Yep! It’s the crystals we grew together at the lab last term!’ She beamed excitedly. ‘Didn’t they grow so beautifully?’ 
He turns the crystal in his fingers in awe. It’s been months since the incident with the beaker. ‘What does it say?’ 
‘O-oh. Um….’ 
She turns slightly red, embarrassed. Hordak is fascinated, he’s never seen her look like that before. He presses again, curious. 
Entrapta mumbles something incoherent, blushing up to her hairline. Her grip tightens on the fabric of his dress as she buries her head into his chest. 
His eyes widen in shock. She finally looks up, eyes burning with sudden conviction. The rest of the prom seems to fade away into the background. 
‘I love you, Hordak.’ 
Now it was his turn to go completely red- she also looks mortified, so now they were just two embarrassed teens in the middle of the dance floor.  
‘I-I love you too!’ He bursts out, awkward and fumbling but finally honest. 
‘Really?!’ She says, her hair floofing in excitement, like she can’t believe it. ‘You really do?’ 
‘Of course-’ and before he can explain the months of agony of being unable to fight his feelings she mashes her face against his. 
His knees almost buckle out of pure shock, but can feel himself melt into the kiss, her lips are unimaginably soft. He can feel her smile against his own, and she breaks it, giggling. She goes to say something but he's the one to interrupt her this time, kissing her over and over again as she squeals. 
He chuckles at her response, he doesn’t think he’s ever felt this happy. 
It's been a year since, and they find a cozy apartment in between their universities. Entrapta’s studying engineering at MIT while being cross registered at Harvard.
Meanwhile Hordak studies space science at Columbia University, while working part time. 
Hordak had collected all of his and Imp’s legal documents, voice recordings and picture evidence of the abuse and emailed them to Entrapta’s lawyers. Since he turned 18 he was able to win the court case against Prime and take Imp in to be under his legal guardianship. Thankfully he also managed to get a restraining order after a few incidents since Prime was outraged at losing his servants. 
‘I’m home.’ He says, opening the door to find Entrapta chasing Emily around the apartment, his younger brother perched on top. She picks up Imp from her bot holding him in her arms.
'Welcome back!' She greets him with a kiss. 'Ready to start our new project?' 
Hordak smiles, he's been doing that a lot lately. All the suffering he'd been through was all worthwhile if it brought him to this happy little family. He thumbs his little LUVD necklace which he wears every day. 
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polygamyff · 4 years
40. Part 4
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Looking down at the crib watching Reign drink her milk, she is growing quick to be honest. I did prefer feeding her myself, but she is refusing to drink, she wants to hold her bubzy and her bottle all by herself. Reign is just staring at me and I am staring at her, she is here trying to be independent and I don’t like it “daddy misses feeding you” like where did she catch this from because literally in the morning I was feeding her, not tonight. She has seen her grandparents and is now acting brand new “I will wake up for her now ok” Nalah came back into the room “mhmm, well I moved the crib here for a reason, to be honest I can’t rest now. I rather do it” pouting at Reign “just sleep Maurice, then you can be in a better mood in the morning. She may actually sleep well tonight so this is a bonus” I could just watch her all day “thank god you put a baby grow on her, you are terrible. Like this roaming around in her diaper got to stop, she needs clothes” moving back from the crib “well she is me, if I am walking around in my boxers then she is walking around in her diaper so there is that. But I do appreciate you doing this for me, I have a lot to think about. Well dad wants to murder me first of all” Nalah sniggered “he does, never thought dad would want to do that to his favourite child but he does, I think he just wanted you to settle. That is it and you found it, then you ruined it so he is annoyed. So leave her now, you go and rest up. Also, Robyn posted a picture, you might want to snoop on that but leave her ok? Just let her do her thing” nodding my head “I will” looking down in the crib “goodnight Mi Amor, daddy will see you in the morning and we can do some fun things together” reaching down and stroking the side of her face, Reign moved her bottle away from her mouth “no baby, you drink it” she is here offering it me “you are growing too quick relax for me, I love you” I better go to bed then “goodnight, and get me if you need anything” walking out of the bedroom, I need to rest actually.
Shit is weird now, rather lonely actually. Pulling my covers over my legs, let me catch up with my messages. My dad wants me to tell Robyn what to do, he wants me to tell her to move here like she would listen to me. But then I have to buy her a house, I need to discuss this with Wade. I would need to draw up real papers and discuss this, because if she switches up on me and doesn’t allow me to see Reign then I will have the paperwork to go by, I just need to arrange a meeting with him. Once Robyn has finished trying to annoy my life, I will talk to her then. Unlocking my phone and tapping on Instagram, social media is the devil, like I am only using it to stalk Robyn, I mean she called Odell a stalker, but I am doing the same. My feed loaded up and Leon has posted a selfie of himself, they are in Vegas now. I just find it funny, because I was supposed to go there and it’s like it was done on purpose, I am not sure. Tapping on his story, so Robyn got some new friends. Her and this girl are close to be honest, they are always in the background. The next story played “day two of my besties birthday, how we feeling?” Leon said and panned the camera to Robyn, she looked at the phone and then turned away “a mess, stop” I smiled, she is pretty without make up “we shall see if my friend drinks today, she had a pre-drink already so yeah, Jacob how are we feeling back there” Leon lifted his phone up, his little friend put a finger up, he is not amused “we could have taken the car!” he shouted and Leon cackled. The story ended, Robyn is drinking a lot like she is just drinking when she is not a heavy drinker, I don’t think anyways, scrolling down my feed. Ally is actually going out for once, I want to comment saying did I approve this, but I won’t ruin her mood, laughing to myself. Scrolling down, Bonita is posting selfies now, this Asian chick and Robyn are close like she is always there with her, reading the caption “a little makeup hid a lot” I read aloud, she don’t need makeup but I guess it is what it is because she will be having fun.
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“Come on!!” Asia shouted, drinking some more water before I ran towards the door “I am so not ready for this, like I feel tired. So, where we going” I asked, Leon turned around “looking like a whole meal somewhere fancy, I got some tickets for 1Oak so we can party, I am glad you are drinking water. Keep it that way” I think I am going to keep it that way for a while, unless I am feeling myself which I will soon when I get there “do I look ok? I literally didn’t have the time to get a good dress out, this was so last minute, my boobs aren’t leaking, are they?” Leon looked at my dress “you barely have any but no” he is so annoying “would you like me take care of your phone for you? Don’t want no dike app happening?” I laughed shaking my head “fuck you! Like seriously, it was a mistake. I can’t even bring myself to text him back, I left him on a read. Like what the fuck do you say to him, like oh my god. I am shameful, I was begging for dick” Jacob pressed the elevator button “and? Luckily, he wasn’t in Cali or you would have been there, I just think better the devil you know. Clearly, he would have gave it, don’t be ashamed. But from now on, you are known as dike app because that was hilarious” the elevator doors opened “like honestly get that billionaire dick, nobody is judging that, girl I would too” Asia said, I just get somewhat freaky when I drink and I want dick but I think I will keep my phone to myself.
I swear we just walked by Scott Disick, I had to double take “oh ok, we did” I said to myself, Leon is always making us travel like where the fuck did he book us in, a table or what “come, come. Here we are” we have something to sit on, thank god. I am tired, sitting down on the seats and then looked up “so Leon just sat us across the hood niggas” that is great, there are so many of them and probably sharing one bottle “Leon said, you can only have that one glass” waving Jacob off “get me something more, tell him he ain’t my dad!” I shouted, Asia laughed “you have such good legs you know” she touched my leg, sipping my whiskey “I get that a lot, one time. This guy was trying to flirt with me and he goes I should be on a commercial with these legs, I said that was boring. Like come on, I want you to actively be like I want them legs around me, some guys are so lame” shaking my head “they are, I need you to be in my life more so I can find a man, the men just attract to you” bopping my head “baby! I like your style!” I sang with my drink in hand “I will get you a man, maybe one of those niggas across us” I laughed, Asia side eyed me.
Placing the blunt between my lips watching OT Genasis do his thing, I didn’t even know he was playing here tonight “I’m in love with the coco” I sang as I blew out the smoke from my lips “hit my plug that’s my cholo, aye!!” I laughed at Leon “If you snitching I go loco” me and Leon pointing at each other singing, Asia took the blunt from me. We having to share this one, she is running low on weed. Bopping my head “I’m in love with the coco” leaning down and picking my drink up, I am only having one shot in these, no double so I should be ok “Robyn!” Asia grabbed my arm, picking my drink up and turning to her. She pointed, seeing this guy stood in our section “what?” I said to her “he wants to speak to you” she said, I laughed “me? Why?” I looked at him, he is not ugly but still I have seen better. He stepped around Asia “my homie want to say you look good, why you ain’t come here to us” looking over to his homies “which one?” I questioned, I mean I am not going there actively but I am just asking “the one in the white tee” now he is even worse, I don’t think so “tell him, when each one of his homies can buy their own drink and not share one bottle maybe then” looking over at this guy, he just stared at me like I swore at his mom “so you been looking?” he questioned “hard to miss, anyways” turning around, he can tell his friend whatever the hell he want.
Downing my drink, placing the glass down “I am going” I said turning to Asia “where!?” she spat “hotel, I am not feeling too good. Stay, I am ok, the hotel is down the road. Tell Leon I am going, he has gone, see you back there” holding Asia’ arm as I stepped down “no, I will come with you. You can’t go, you’re tipsy” Asia grabbed her bag, I didn’t want her to come, the night is still young “we can text them” nodding my head, I do need someone actually. I think I drank more then I should have, Asia and I linked arms walking around the crowd “leaving me there for? Leon and Jacob make me feel like a third wheel, girl” I chuckled, oh my god I am feeling it right now “you wanted to go alone, you’re drunk again” I just laughed “mhmmm” I did drink more than I should, again “I need to pee, you come with? Or stay here?” I pointed at the wall “stay, I rather not” unlinking our arms and I went to the wall, leaning against it. Asia went to go and pee, lifting my bag up. Trying to find the zip “you waiting on someone?” looking up from my bag “no” I said frowning “you told my homie that I was broke, I am not broke” who is this guy “ok” I shrugged, I can’t open my bag and this is annoying me “let me” moving my hand away and he unzipped the bag for me, looking up and seeing him “oh the white tee man” I laughed “you need a drive back? You don’t need to be walking” shaking my head “I am fine, thanks” all I wanted was my phone “It’s not nice to call a man broke, I was just interested in you, but you are stuck up” is this guy going to keep on harassing me “then move! Clearly I am not interested in you and your broke friends” Asia finally came out “you will regret that” he said “kiss my ass” Asia frowned at him as she gestured we walk away.
I am so hungry “shall we find food? I am glad I met you” we both near fell and laughed “no, let’s not. Robyn you are dragging me everywhere!” Asia spat, “no we are not, we are going back to the hotel room!” Asia dragged me to the opposite side “mhmm, well I want food, I will go to bar” entering our hotel, letting Asia hand go “my heels need coming off” sitting on the floor “you can’t be doing that!” Asia laughed saying “I can” I said as I fumbled with the buckle “I am getting food here” I want food “well I am going back to the room, you will be ok here then?” nodding my head “just help me with this then you go” I am fine here.
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Pulling a face now hearing my work phone ring, that is too much ringing, first my family phone and now my work phone and I can’t be bothered, I am trying to sleep here. Reaching over and grabbing my phone, squinting my eyes at the screen and it is Robyn calling me, my eyes widened at her calling me “hello” answering the phone, there was a long silence on the phone. I can hear the light chatter of people in the background, but I can hear Robyn on the other end of the phone “do you miss me?” she finally spoke, hearing Robyn’ voice in my ear, elegant but deeper than normal, if I close my eyes I can just picture her “you know I do” I replied back finally, Robyn hummed “Maurice” she said in a whisper “I..” she drifted off “I want you to come here, I want you. I want you to fly here and teach me a lesson. I have my legs out, my side boob showing, I want daddy to fuck me. I want you to wear a suit and meet me” I smirked, like I am not sure how to take this “where are you exactly?” I asked, like is she playing me “at a bar, I mean I could go back and ask the nigga that wanted me at the club but I want you” she wants me to come where “where?” I asked again “thank you for the drink, and could you tell my dick appointment where I am” Robyn said, what is she doing “you want me to tell them where you are?” some guy said, I frowned “tell Maurice Davenport where I am, tell him for me” this Robyn got me feeling a type of way “hello?” this random guy is on the phone “who are you?” I asked him “the bartender, she told me to speak to you. Are you really Maurice Davenport?” he spat, I can hear Robyn’ giggle in the background “he’s my dick appointment, tell him to hurry up” Robyn said “the lady here, she is at the bar in The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas” is she now “what is she like to you? Is she drunk?” I asked him “erm, she is intoxicated yes, she is very pretty and is smoking and staring at me” nodding my head “bye” he said, Robyn is in Vegas I am here, what she want me to do “I am waiting, every thirty minutes I will be drinking, so the longer you take, the more drunk I become, you make anything happen so make it happen” she disconnected the call, is this even real right now.
Fixing my tie as I knocked on Nalah’ bedroom door, I mean I can make anything happen like having to take another private jet because mine is not ready “Nalah” knocking on the door again “can I come in?” she needs to hurry, she is wasting my time “yeah come in!” opening the door “what are you doing?” Nalah said in annoyance “I need to go to Vegas, it’s an emergency” I can’t see Nalah’ reaction from here but I am guessing she is not happy “why? Maurice, you have Reign here?” nodding my head “that I know but I have you here, I need to see Robyn. She needs me, it’s important so please. It’s not work it is Robyn so please look after her?” Nalah scoffed “sure, whatever she wants you for. Is that dick appointment thing happening then?” I shrugged “but I will be back” closing the door, I am wearing a suit like she wanted but if she is playing me, I will be so annoyed with her. If I could just run there I would, I can’t wait to see her. I mean she wants me so of course I am going, I was so concerned about her with the texting business and if she was ok but she called me drunk again but she is my master and I am the dog, I am going there. I should be there max five hours, but I hope the jet can get me there even quicker, I can only hope because she will be drinking for every thirty minutes I take.
Looking down at my Rolex and it’s been five hours, I am wondering if she is there or not but she is not answering my calls, maybe this is her way to make me come back I am here now “thank you” grabbing my bag and getting out of the SUV, I don’t have the time to be waiting for the driver to walk me I need to go, this is a nice hotel to be honest. Walking into the hotel lobby, I can’t wait to see her, I hope she is there still. I have missed her a lot, even though I am her dick appointment I rather be her dick appointment “your bar?” I asked the receptionist “which one?” I groaned out, of course there is like six of them, I am tired, and I have rushed here. Getting my phone out from my pocket “actually, can you find out where Robyn is. Ask your bar staff, ask them in every one of them. A lady that has been there for few hours, please” the lady smiled at me “for you sir” they know who the hell I am, I would always be around here. I sighed out heavily turning around, I am very much tired but for Robyn I guess “oh shit, what are you doing here!?” looking up seeing Leon “Maurice, don’t be angry with me” I am annoyed with him “mhmm right, so you lost Robyn?” I said, “oh is he the dike app?” some guy said “wow, you really Maurice Davenport, wow. Hi. I am Jacob, we were there through the texting. So, the demon summoned you here?” he said “she called me” Jacob laughed “she took my advice, that girl. I said to her have sex with your ex, better off that way anyways. Have fun, we are going. She is safe” the guy dragged Leon away “I am sorry Maurice!” Leon shouted “sir, she is in Clique Bar” turning around “thank you! Appreciate it, I will be back to book a room” let me go and get her.
The bar is quiet, I mean people have left to go to their rooms but there she is at the bar. I sighed out, she is really here, and she wasn’t lying about the side boob thing. Her dress is very revealing, walking slowly towards Robyn. I am guessing that is the bar man that spoke to me, they will be closing soon. The bartender pointed at me and moved, Robyn looked behind her “you took your time” placing my bag on the bar stool “woah” placing my hand on her back “and you have been drinking since huh?” Robyn giggled “I guess my dick came” licking my top lip watching her get off the bar stool “listen, I came here for you. This whole dick appointment thing is not the case, I came here for you yeah. I did miss you” wrapping my arms around her “you owe me a wedding night” Robyn stumbled “I owe you a lot” the bartender came over “you want me to put the bill on your room?” he said “I will pay it’s ok” Robyn’ side of her face pressed against my chest, she lazily held me. Touching my pockets for my card “look after her, we had a lot to talk about but she won’t remember” the bartender said, getting my black card out “she is a sensitive soul” I said, he just smiled at me “I figured form her conversation, and some guys tried to take her earlier. The knew her, got rid of them” furrowing my eyebrows “what guys?” I questioned “I don’t know, they said they knew her from the club, and it seemed to have followed her here, they was adamant in taking her, she said they followed her but she is drunk talking too, I just told her to wait here, keep her safe so we spoke. Nice meeting you” he smiled at Robyn “you got yourself in trouble?” I asked her, she has her eyes closed.
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nomadmilk · 5 years
Why the God Isn’t Bored on Midgard - Loki x F!Reader Drabble – 2
Summary: With Ragnarok decimating Asgard, Thor and Loki and their people return to Earth searching for refuge. Everyone else has seemed to settle, except for Loki - the God of Mischief and Chaos - who isn’t willing to live the domesticated Midgard life, and getting utterly bored out of his mind... Until he discovered you. 
Word Count: 1.6K (Is this a drabble anymore?)
Warnings: Rated M/18+ Almost nudity, and sexually suggestive themes. uh... Uh... Swearing.
Author’s Note: I have been racking on a next chapter for this as the response to the first piece was better than I expected [And I am super grateful for all the love it got ^o^ <3]. But I ended up writing things that felt too rushed, and/or something I wasn’t happy with, and got caught in some ruts. So, I LITERALLY started and finished this in a day, and now I’m uploading it after AGES of deliberating about it. I honestly want this series to be something I can have fun with, so I’m really sorry if uploading parts take a long time. Hope you enjoy!! ^-^
Links to other parts of the series: Part 1     Part 2 Part 3     Part 4 Part 5     Part 6 Part 7     Part 8 (First Half)     Part 8.5 (Second Half) Part 9
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Since Loki’s move in, he hardly saw you in the apartment.
Whilst you had agreed to cohabitate with him, you weren’t exactly too happy with it; when he had his breakfast, you barely had anything but a hot drink before leaving. When it came to night time, Loki would find himself waking up to the sound of the door opening and you returning from an entire day of not being around. 
When he realized this was a regular occurring pattern, Loki was curious as to what you got up to. However, when he recognized that he was feeling this way towards you, he ceased it; what ever you did was your business, and if living with you was like this, he was going to just let you be. It wasn’t like he wanted your company, anyway.
But he was definitely bored.
His days had been limited to libraries and coffee, but the God of Mischief can only do so much with books and hot beverages. As he finished and picked up new books, he was starting to get almost despondent towards Midgardian Literature, and even got Thor to see if S.H.E.I.L.D hid any Asgardian novels in their vaults.
Loki was tempted to break in himself but thought it wise to not tamper with his ‘bad-guy-turned-good’ image. But it nevertheless sparked his need for trouble; he almost got an inkling of that over a latte that had a love heart drawn on top of it. All it took was a gesture of his fingers to turn that heart into something else, and maybe that would sate him a little. Or maybe he should cast an illusion that something was inside, and Loki could sit and watch this person unfold into this crazy person paranoid that Fenrir was inside his coffee cup… 
It seemed like Fury could sense his mind of chaos from where he stood and, with you out of the apartment again, visited Loki as soon as possible.“How about getting a job?”
Loki sat on the opposite side of the table, eyeing the agent. “A job?”
“You wanna’ stay on Earth, you gotta’ earn your keep.”
The chaotic god smirked. “I don’t work.”
“We can find something that could utilize your talents.”
“If that were the case, I would be at the Avengers headquarters on my first mission already.” 
“Absolutely not.”
“Then you’d know I’d be an excellent spy working for S.H.E.I.L.D.”
“Something tells me you don’t take orders well.”
The Prince smirk grew wider; he would surely be a valuable asset regardless.
Fury sifted through his jacket pockets to slide him a business card. “You have an interview tomorrow at 12 at this place.”
Loki scoffed, not touching the card and barely glancing at what it was. “And if I refuse?”
“I hear Brunnhilde needs a cleaner.”
With that, and knowing Brunnhilde’s habits, Loki took the card.
Meanwhile with you, the past few months has been shaping up to becoming the start of the worst year of your life. You had moved away from your hometown to be with your long-term boyfriend, only to be dumped a couple of weeks or so in cohabiting. You luckily had the apartment, and your ex had moved out after finding a new home. 
However, things didn’t fare any better. 
You had been bouncing from job to job until you finally found one you were able to cope in. Your colleagues were jerks, and the pay was abysmal, but you managed to do the desk work, and it gave you enough money to get by. Then you had to be let go because of company budget cuts.
And then now you had to deal with your new living situation. You avoided him as much as possible; never making eye contact, no small talk, and you usually left the premise before he took a step out of his bedroom. You admit it was a bit of a hassle, but you weren’t just going to make friends with someone that just wanted to push themselves into your life. So, you kept yourself occupied with job interviews, drinks with friends, and, eventually, dating.
It’s been a while since you’ve met new people, but it wasn’t too difficult to get into the groove of socializing and seeing new faces. The dates have been over lunch, or dinner, or coffee. Sometimes dates weren’t over a table but to a movie, bowling, and one time you were taken to a racing track. All of the people you met were luckily super fun and sweet. 
You had a good time, but there was no spark. You didn’t even know if you were looking for anyone right now; you were just happy having fun little dates here and there.
On one date, it had ended short; the guy had an emergency, and you weren’t too bothered whether the situation was genuine, or if it was a scapegoat cause the date was going stale for him. So, you headed home; you had another lined up for the evening over dinner with a hot doctor.  
You arrive at the apartment, unlock the door and push it open.
“Oh. My. God.” 
Your brown sofa was replaced with one of those angular, L-shaped couches. The photos of you, and your family were taken down. Your book shelf was replaced with a new glass shelving with books of a language you couldn’t even understand. He took out your T.V, and your kitchen, with all of its doilies and its gas stove and the patterned kitchen towel matching your oven mitts, was replaced with white and black marble counters and an electric oven.
Stunned in silence, you hear a faint sound of water running in the direction of the bathroom. He must have renovated that too… When did he have time to do all of this? Did that ass of a landlord approve all of this? If he didn’t, and the case was that your roommate went ahead with it anyway, you would have to commend him for standing his ground.
You walk over to the kitchen; the monochrome tone continuing to confuse and awe you at the same time. You weren’t sure whether you were mad or in fascination of everything. You turn around, noticing the sound of the shower coming from one door where a slight steam was emitting from the gaps. You approached the other door beside it, turning the knob to reveal a hallway with two more doors and, what looked like, a small library at the end of the hall.
There was no way he could have done any of this all in one day. And you weren’t even out that long.
The bathroom door swings open, scaring you a little towards the sight of Loki.“H-“ 
Your jaw drops and shuts.
Loki was naked, and the only thing keeping him decent was towel wrapped around his waist.
Your face reddens, and your eyes hastily evade eye contact from him. “A-are you done?”
His furrowed eyes bore into your skin. “Good afternoon.”
You tut, finally having the courage to look at him. Focusing on his eyes was proving to be challenging. “Are you done? With-“ – you were trying to find the words. – “With the shower?”
He was obviously done, but he hadn’t dried himself properly; he stands there, black hair straggled in water and in need of a brush. His forearms seemed firm and toned, his abdomen muscled and sculpt. His shoulders were broad and, although he did look lithe and lean when you last saw him, evidence proved otherwise. 
You didn’t dare to look any further down his stature.
“Yes, I’m all finished.” He coughed, sauntering slowly towards you.
“Ah!” You jolt a step backwards and wave a cautionary hand at him. You feel your face redden some more. “Uh, great. I’m gonna’- uh – where’s my room?”
“Down the hallway.” He replies, squinting at your hand in front of him. “The door on the right.”
Mumbling a word of gratitude, you follow his directions, missing the handle of the door before quickly grasping it again and pushing yourself into the room. You slam the door behind you, and your back immediately hits its cool surface. You slide down, your knees huddle to your chest in humiliation and slight panic. 
What the hell happened? It wasn’t like you hadn’t seen naked men before; you’ve had your fair share of athletic bods, slim bods, dad bods… But nothing ever made you speechless. Maybe you weren’t expecting his body to be that attractive…
You close your eyes, and see his face, then his body, then his gorgeous blue-green eyes…
“Fuck.” Your face buries into your palms as you noticed these, almost juvenile, emotions. Your heart could not stop beating so loudly, and a knot was forming from a place that ached to be touched. You desist the feeling by squeezing your thighs close together.
You rub your face, pretending your hands were wiping the embarrassment off your visage, and glance around your room. With all the changes he had done to the apartment, your room remained unchanged, completely untouched except for the positioning of the room in the apartment.
For some reason, your undisturbed room gives you a sense of ease, and you steady yourself up to your feet to grab a towel. You needed to get ready for your evening dinner and, if you were going to some urges, you were hoping that your date was going to allow you to act upon it.
Loki was left in the hallway, smiling to himself. It’s been a while since he’s seen someone feel so uneasy with his presence. It felt strangely familiar, but exciting that he couldn’t help but glance towards the direction you disappeared, hoping to see your flustered face all over again. 
If he knew it was this easy to mess with you, he wouldn’t have taken Nick Fury’s job offer. And, since the interviewers hired him on the spot, all his spare time was going to have to be dedicated towards it.
But he wasn’t too worried; he was sure he could find the time for you.
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7-wonders · 5 years
Pour One Out
Summary: After lashing out at Michael, you find yourself at the receiving end of his rage. You stand up for yourself and decide to, in the words of Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle, “treat yo’self” to a night out with friends. Alcohol and anger make for great choices, right?
Word Count: 3973
A/N & Warnings: Warnings first: Alcohol, physical violence, people being mean to each other, cussing, partying. Hi there! Once again, I’m terrible at posting this story. It’s one of my favorite long-form pieces that I’ve ever written, but I’m still incapable of sticking to a schedule. Anyways, this is part 5 of my ‘Mad Love’ series, which I’ll have linked below. Feedback is always appreciated; leave me a like, reblog, comment, or ask letting me know what you think. My inbox is always open if you want to chat :)
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Read Mad Love (part one) HERE | Read Totally F***ed (part two) HERE | Read The Isle of Flightless Birds (part three) HERE | Read A Hard Day’s Night (part four) HERE
The cursor on the screen in front of you blinks constantly, silently asking you when you’re going to start typing. This essay isn’t going to write itself, but you can’t seem to muster up enough willpower to actually start putting words onto the paper. In all honesty, it’s hard to work on homework lately. Being the Antichrist’s unwilling wife and knowing of his plans for the apocalypse really makes essays on Plato’s Allegory of the Cave seem trivial, if they weren’t already trivial before this ordeal started. So you stare at the screen, zoning out while occasionally nodding your head so that it seems like you’re invested in the conversation your friends are having.
You jump when a hand touches your shoulder, staring wide-eyed at the classmate sitting next to you. She’s nice and you’ve worked with her on a few projects for this particular class, but you don’t really talk to her when it doesn’t relate to school. She smiles comfortingly at you while the rest of the group stares at you, all with different levels of bewilderment on their faces.
“What?” You ask, trying to make it seem like you weren’t on a completely different wavelength.
“We’re all getting ready to leave and I asked if you were okay. You’ve been really off recently, no offense.” The same classmate, Kate, repeats.
“I’m fine, I’ve just had a lot on my mind recently.”
“I can tell.” She jokes, gesturing to your blank screen. “I’ll send you the notes and what I’m basing my essay off of, if you want?”
“That’d be great, thank you so much.” You reply gratefully.
You hurriedly pack all of your items in your bag, not wanting to hold the group up anymore than you already have. Luckily the parking lot of the cafe you all met up at is fairly small, which means your cars are all parked next to each other. Still, the trauma from what happened that fateful night in the library parking lot has you locking the doors, jamming your seatbelt into place and driving out of the parking lot almost before everybody else has even gotten their cars started.
It’s probably not the best idea to get Chinese takeout when you’re already on a budget and you definitely have leftovers at home, but you figure you can splurge a little bit tonight. The bag that you’re carrying has you tempted to just sit in your car outside of your apartment and eat it all, but that’d be a little difficult since you have no utensils with you. So you make the trek to your apartment, which seems ever-longer with the food basically calling your name.
Unlocking your door and turning on the lights, the first thing that you see is that your cat is once again on the table, a habit that you’ve been trying to curtail for a few days now. The second thing you see, Michael Langdon petting said cat, has all thought of complaining fleeing your head.
“Jesus Christ!” You gasp, throwing your hands up in fright at the surprise intrusion. By some miracle, your food doesn’t go flying everywhere, so you place your things on the table before you do ‘accidentally’ throw them at Michael.
“Kind of the opposite, actually.” Michael smirks, placing his hands behind his back and walking towards you in the way that you hate so much.
“Michael, what the fuck are you doing here?” You huff, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “It’s Thursday, you’re literally going to see me tomorrow.”
You had actually kind of been expecting for him to show up somewhere in your life. After eating a single bite of toast before rushing out the door after your early weekend last Saturday, you knew he had been pissed. That much had been made clear when he called you Monday, as well as yesterday. A little bit of warning would have been nice, though.
“Well, seeing as how I already used my allotted two calls for the week,” his nose scrunches in distaste at the rule you had set, “I decided that I would drop in and see how my beautiful wife is doing. You never told me you had a cat.” He mentions when the little brat starts rubbing her head against Michael’s hand, begging for attention.
“It never came up in conversation.” You mutter, pushing past him so that you can take back the control of your apartment. “You dropped in, saw I’m fine, got to pet my cat; can you go now?”
Michael pouts teasingly before shrugging.
“Are you really just going to kick me out like that? You’re not a very good hostess, (Y/N).” You squeeze your eyes shut and clench your jaw, patience wearing thin with each second that Michael remains in your home.
Maybe if you had had some forewarning, been given some time to prepare for having to be around him, you wouldn’t be getting so angry. But now, not only has he invaded your home, he refuses to leave as well. Even worse is that stupid fucking smirk that is ever-present on his face. God, if you knew there wouldn’t be any consequences, you’d love to knock that look right off of his face (and maybe a few teeth out, too, although you’re sure that his Antichrist powers would grow them back right away).
“Look. I’m tired, hungry, I have a mountain of homework to do and I still have to finish my laundry. All I want to do is eat my dinner, maybe watch some Netflix while I work on homework, and then go to bed. Please, Michael, just go home.” You plead with him.
“I can help you, you know. Or you could just quit school and mo-”
“What happened to letting me have my alone time?” You question, reminding him of the contract you just went over less than a week ago. The smile fades off of his face as his blue eyes turn to a steely color, and you watch as he clenches and unclenches his fists repeatedly.
“I don’t ask for much from you, (Y/N), just for you to cherish and obey me.” You glower at him when he comes closer, attempting to push him away, but he snatches your wrists easily in one of his large hands. “Do you know how many men-- how many women worship my father? How many of them would have thrown themselves at my feet for a chance to be my bride? But no, my father had to make you as my soulmate. You, a stubborn, whiny little bitch who can’t just shut up and be grateful for the position of power you’re currently in.”
You yank your hands out of his grasp, and before you can even process it he slaps you across the face. One of his large rings caught against your lip, and you bring a hand to your face to catch the blood that’s starting to pool on the floor. Poking your tongue out at your lip, you can feel how it’s already starting to swell from the force of Michael’s hit. The man in question holds his hands up by his head, eyes wide as he pants loudly. He repeatedly shakes his head, like he’s trying to convince both you and him that he didn’t mean to hit you.
“(Y/N)-” He’s silenced when you spit at him. It lands on his cheek, and you watch with eyes blazing as the mixture of saliva and blood trails down his face.
“Get the fuck out of my apartment.” You don’t look him in the eyes, instead choosing to focus on the blood you’re cupping in your hands. When he doesn’t move, you start to yell. “Leave! I swear to God, if you don’t leave, I’ll get my landlord up here and he’ll haul your ass out!”
The door never opens, but when you look up again he’s disappeared. You’re still beyond pissed, but the adrenaline is wearing off and the throbbing in your lip is starting to become more prominent. Stumbling off to the bathroom, you get a washcloth and hold it to your lip to stop the bleeding. Somehow the cut’s not deep, it just landed in an area that produces a lot of blood. You get cleaned up fairly quickly, and within twenty minutes you’re laying on the couch with an ice pack pressed to your lip. The cat sits on your lap, kneading your thighs with her little paws.
“Next time he shows up here, claw his eyes out, okay?” You request. She blinks her large eyes at you once before yawning and rubbing her nose. “Thanks.”
Your phone chimes with a text message that you almost ignore, thinking that it’s Michael. When the name on the text isn’t just the devil emoji that you use for him and is, instead, the name of your best friend, you unlock your phone.
“Hey girl! Thirsty Thursday tonight @ Stadium House, you in?”
Stadium House, the frat house closest to the campus’ football stadium (nobody ever said frat boys were good at naming things), offers what is arguably the best Thirsty Thursday you’ve ever experienced. Frat parties aren’t normally something you enjoy going to, choosing instead to do your social drinking at friends’ houses. Even though they’re not normally your scene, you still find yourself mulling over the idea. It’s been a while since you even drank, let alone went out with your friends and drank. Besides, after the hellish past few weeks, partying doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
“Sure, we riding together?” Within seconds, she’s responded.
“OMG YAY REALLY??? Yeah we’re getting a Lyft. Wanna come over to mine and get ready/pregame?”
“Be over in 10.” You reply.
Since you both live in the same building, all you had to do is get everything together and take the elevator to her floor. The cat, although not pleased that you’re standing, quickly settles down again in your spot as you go to put the ice pack back in the freezer. As you gather the ‘essentials’ for a night out, you realize that this is the first time you’ve been genuinely excited for something since the day you were kidnapped. Locking your door behind you, you head out with a purpose: to get fucked up. Classily fucked up, but still fucked up.
Stadium House is just like you remember it from the last party you attended, which would have been almost a year ago. It’s insanely loud, with enough bass to make your teeth shake. There’s an insane amount of people that you’re sure violates some sort of fire code, none of the furniture matches, and there’s enough booze to give the entire school alcohol poisoning.You’re already mildly buzzed, the alcohol that you pregamed making you feel a good kind of fuzzy. Making your way into the kitchen to grab a beer takes twice the time that it normally would since inebriated-you likes to hug everyone that you see.
“(Y/N)!” A voice shouts. You turn around to see Kate waving at you, beckoning you towards her. “Hey! Thought you didn’t come to these types of parties?”
“Normally I don’t, but tonight I decided to.”
“God, what happened to your lip? Did somebody punch you?” You almost forgot about the cut on your face, having covered it with enough makeup to hide the bruising and swelling.
“Oh, I tripped and busted my face against the stairs earlier today.” Kate grimaces, but obviously believes it.
“Well hopefully that means you won’t bust your face while you’re drunk. Anyways, you wanna play pong with me? I need a partner.” You shrug before nodding, letting her take your hand and lead you to the living room.
All of the couches are pushed up against the walls, allowing people to sit and catch their breaths. There’s a long table set up in the middle of the room, the classic red cups creating pyramids on each side.
“Katie, you found someone!” Kate giggles and blushes when a guy slings his arm around before kissing her cheek.
“(Y/N), this is my boyfriend, Brennan. Brennan, this is (Y/N).” You both wave at each other awkwardly. “Oh my God B, do you know who (Y/N) would be absolutely great with? Lucas!”
Brennan chuckles at the look on your face.
“Kate likes to play matchmaker when she’s drunk.” He explains. “Go play then, everyone’s waiting on you.”
Kate pouts before kissing Brennan and jogging around to the side of the table that you’ve already migrated towards. Picking up a Solo cup, you glance inside to see what the poison of choice is tonight. One sniff of the clear liquid tells you that it’s vodka, and definitely not the good kind. Kate fakes a gag when you hold the cup under her nose, making you giggle.
“Guess we’ll have to play extra good, then.”
Both teams suck, but you somehow manage to eke out the win. Even with the win, you still had to down an ungodly amount of vodka. Couple that with the two beers you’ve had since starting the game, and you’re definitely feeling the effects. Everything has you laughing, from the posters on the wall and your opponents’ jokes to the outfits of some of the women here and how they all line the walls, looking for their prey. You and Kate had almost collapsed against each other when the familiar chorus of ‘oh fuck, shit, BITCH’ coursed through the entirety of the frat house. Another side effect of being drunk is just how loud you are. You know that you’re nearly yelling whenever you open your mouth, but you’ll be damned if people don’t hear what you have to say.
After the game is over, you end up heading outside to get some fresh air. A good number of people have the same idea as you, standing together in small groups. Pushing past a couple making out, you lean against the wall and pull your phone out of your back pocket. There’s a few notifications from various social medias, mainly your friends tagging you in their stories. Unfortunately, there’s also a text from Michael that simply reads ‘I’m sorry.’ The sensible part of you that remains sober tells you to not do what you’re thinking of, but since that part of you is stupid, you click on Michael’s contact anyways. It only rings twice before he picks up the phone, which makes you roll your eyes.
“Hey, are you okay? I’m so sorry about what happened earlier, I shouldn’t have done that and I’ll never do anything like that again.” You hear the words that he’s saying, but they don’t actually register with you while you wait to finally speak.
“Y’know, you’re the--the biggest jerk I’ve ever met!” You huff, sitting down on top of the cool grass.
“I know, and I deserve th-”
“No no no, mister, you listen to ME! All my friends’ boyfriends are so fucking nice, and they care about their girlfriends, and they certainly didn’t kidnap them. One of my friends even told me there’s a guy she knows that’d be--that’d be perfect for me!” You pause to take a sip of the beer in your hand. “But I had to say no, all because I’m married to the fucking Ant-Anti-crust!”
Michael’s silent while you ramble on, waiting patiently for you to finish. You snicker at your oh-so-clever wordplay, repeating ‘Anti-crust’ quietly to yourself.
“(Y/N)...are you drunk?” You sigh, humming a tune that you’re not quite sure of while you look up at the sky.
“A little bit, yeah.”
“Stay where you are, I’m going to come and get you. And don’t hang up the phone!”
“You’re so lame, Michael.” You groan loudly.
“I know I am, so incredibly lame.” He agrees with you.
“Whatever, I gotta tell my friends I’m leaving, ‘else they’ll think I got kidnapped...again.” Stumbling to your feet, you squint your eyes to spot your friends. Sure enough, the three of them are all sitting on the couch under the large oak tree. What is it with frat guys leaving couches outside? Is that like a requirement for frats?
“Why is there a couch outside?” Michael asks incredulously, and you clap a hand over your mouth when you realize that you said that out loud.
“Oops.” Your friends all wave to you, and you fall sideways on top of their laps. “H-hey guys!”
“(Y/N), where the hell did you go?”
“Oh, I kicked ASS at pong. Did you know that I’m good at pong? ‘Cuz I didn’t know I was good at pong.” Your mumble, reaching a hand up to stroke your friend’s cheek. “Anyways, I gotta go. My husband is gonna pick me up.”
You can hear Michael gasp as your friends all laugh and giggle.
“Fuck off, you don’t have a husband!” You’re about to argue before you remember that you totally should not have said that.
“You’re right, I don’t have a husband.” You agree, sobering up long enough to panic before realizing that they’re just going to think you’re joking. “Anyways, my...friend Michael is gonna pick me up.”
“(Y/N)’s gonna get DICK tonight!” She yells, making them all cheer loudly.
Before you can argue, a sleek black sports car pulls up. Michael doesn’t even have to unroll the windows for you to know that it’s him; nobody else would be driving around in a college neighborhood with a car like that. Your friends help push you up, and you grab all of your stuff from where you threw it on the ground. Your goodbyes are all long and exaggerated, all of them hugging you and kissing your cheeks before letting you leave.
You throw open the car door dramatically, sliding not-so-gracefully inside. Michael stares at you, and if you were more sober you’d try and attempt to figure out what he’s thinking. Instead you give him a wide smile, waving excitedly while you try to buckle up.
“Here, let me help you.” He says finally, easily buckling you up.
“Thank youuuuuu!” You sing out, leaning back against the cool leather.
“I, uh, brought you a water.” He hands you a bottle of water, making you gasp excitedly.
“How did you know I was thirsty! You’re the best, Mikey!” You open the bottle easily and down half the bottle in one go.
“Don’t call me that.” He’s obviously not too impressed with having to pick you up, but whatever.
“But-but I like calling you Mikey! It’s my nickname for you! Isn’t that what married couples do? They have nicknames for each other!” You argue while Michael maneuvers through the deserted streets.
He decides that keeping silent is the best course of action, which makes you pout. There’s no music on, and the only sound you can hear is the engine purring. His eyes are focused on the road ahead, so you decide to creep your hand up to touch his hair, which is something you’ve always wanted to do. He glances at you out of the corner of his eye, and you’re pretty sure he thinks you’re going to hit him. He flinches when your hand lands in his hair, sending you into another round of giggles while you feel his golden curls.
“So soft.” You mutter to yourself, running your hand through his hair. “Mikey, I’m gonna need you to drop your haircare routine.”
“We’re at my apartment! How do you know where I live?”
“I was here four hours ago.” You hum, nodding.
“Riiiiiight.” You basically fling yourself out of the car, bouncing on your heels while you wait for Michael to catch up to you.
He politely slides his arm around yours, keeping you steady while you both make your way to your apartment. Standing still in the elevator makes you realize just how tired you are and you yawn repeatedly and rub your eyes, undoubtedly smudging your eye makeup.
“Drink the rest of your water, please.” Michael requests, gesturing to the near-empty bottle you’re still holding.
You do as he says, letting him guide you to your apartment door. He opens it without using a key, and you look at him with wide eyes.
“Oh no, did I leave the door unlocked?”
“No (Y/N), I unlocked it with my magic.”
“That’s right, I forgot about that! That’s how you left so quickly after you slapped the shit outta me.” Michael winces at your words, but you ignore him and walk into the apartment. “Hi, kitty kitty!” You greet the cat, who doesn’t even bother to wake up.
“Go get some pajamas on, I want to make sure you make it to bed alright before I leave.” You glare at him, but do as he says. When the cat hears his voice, she eagerly jumps up and hops off of the couch, padding towards him and meowing. You stop at the sight, mouth hanging open while he crouches down to pet the cat.
“What the fuck?” You whisper, and Michael has to stifle a laugh when tears start to fill your eyes. “You little traitor.”
Michael remains on the floor while you get changed, giving his attention to the small cat. When it’s been a couple of minutes with no sign of you, he begins to get a little concerned. What trouble can a drunk person get up to when they’re just getting changed. Michael stands up, cautiously making his way to your bedroom. If you are still changing he really doesn’t want to walk in on you, knowing that there will be absolute hell to pay. His concerns are instantly wiped away when he sees you laying in your bed, eyes already closed.
“(Y/N).” Michael whispers, shaking your shoulder. You groan and try to push him away. “(Y/N), you still have makeup on.”
He’s not sure you string together a full sentence, but he does make out the words ‘makeup wipes’ and ‘bathroom,’ which is all that he needs. Thankfully you left the package of makeup wipes on the counter before you left for the evening. Pulling one out of the package, he walks back into your room and crouches next to you. Your nose crinkles at the feeling of the cool cloth against your skin, and your eyes flutter open before closing so he can take your eye makeup off. When he reaches your bottom lip and chin, he frowns.
“I am so sorry.” He apologizes before he starts cleaning your lipstick off. You both know that he’s not just apologizing for the hiss of pain that escapes your mouth.
“You’re so mean, you know that?” You mumble, licking your chapped lips while Michael examines the damage.
“I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know why I did that. I’ve never hit anyone before.” He’s telling the truth; he’s murdered people and animals before, obliterated people’s souls, but he’s never slapped anyone. If there’s one useful thing his grandma taught him while growing up, it’s that you never hit a woman.
“You did it because you’re mean.”
“I promise you, (Y/N), that I’ll never lay a hand on you like that again.” You look at him from under your lashes, causing his heart to clench painfully.
“I’ll hold you to that.” Your eyes close again, and Michael gets up to throw the makeup wipe away.
When he comes back into your room, you’re already asleep. Michael smiles at the small snores that escape you and how absolutely comfy you look, slipping out to grab you some water and pain meds for the morning. Placing it on your bedside table, he spares one last glance at you before going to leave, petting the cat once more and disappearing again.
Tag List: @sammythankyou @let-me-try-mom @ultragibbycentralworld@sebastianshoe @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @lichellaw @grim-adventures58 @dandycandy75 @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @alexcornerblog@everything-is-awesomesauce @ccodyfern @jimmlangdon @dolceandchalamet @omgsuperstarg @queenie435 @dextergirl12345 @americanhorrorstudies@sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @coloursunlimited @punkysouls @kahhlo@storminmytwistedmind @1-800-bitchcraft @langdonsdemon @langdonslove @carousallie @cuddletothecake
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oldanddilis · 4 years
Expletives, suppression of passion
I am convinced expletives have been given a bad name by people who dislike passionate displays of love, truth and emotion. Whoever linked them up with sexual innuendos must have been jealous, cowardly, frustrated, narcissists. In English a bar can mean many things, a rod, a drinking area, to prohibit something, a standard of measure. Expletive comes from the word explicit, words which make things explicit, they are a natural part of any language. The word @€ing for example can mean really/exceptionally etc it has nothing to do with a sexual act, when used as an adjective or adverb it emphasises the quality. "That was a great party" becomes an exceptionally good party when one says "€&@# that was a great party" or "that was a €&@#ing great party" there is no malice or vulgarity these are terms which express a level of passion. We all sense the passion, there's no malice so why have these natural powerful words which express passion been outlawed? My reckoning is that these innocent words initially began being demonised in courtrooms, when a Judge who was maybe a paedophile or a scob was faced with someone passionately innocent using such words the Judges were so frustrated that when they could find no crime committed but wanted to persecute that person they made it a crime to display passion by using expletives. Similarly in education when socially frustrated people in power were challenged by passionate displays of excitement and wonder it is likely that in their jealousy they sought to put that person down by saying they were vulgar using language as their reasoning. In fact it can be a very intelligent use of language to use expletives it often expresses in an instant what a thousand carefully crafted words can't, raw passion. They also can be and are used to great effect by people with limited access to education. For example while there exists a certain snobbery that whoever knows the most words (or understands mathematics) must be more intelligent than the average, this usually reflects the level of access to education rather than intelligence, a highly intelligent but perhaps less educated person might express qualities better with a much more limited range of words. For example someone well educated with a high volume of words in their vocabulary bank might say that pie was exquisitely, delicious and satisfying to the appetite another person not educated might say wow that pie was €&@#ing lovely, we instantly (well I do) sense the raw passion and I for one am going to try the €&@#ing lovely pie rather than the exquisitely delicious one that is satisfying to the appetite... why? The €&@#ing lovely pie obviously has something of a bit more kick in it. Expletives can be overused like many words, for example "right" "" you know" "like" "buddy" "ya hear" these can become a slight annoyance when someone uses them in almost every sentence but they don't get demonized and we usually don't notice them until they are pointed out (perhaps by someone trying to exert social control over (bully) the said person). My guess is they were originally despised by the colonial aristocracy of all nations who were probably so bound by rules of etiquette it drove them nuts seeing people with less material power so happy and able to express themselves, historically the ruling classes controlled the education and in order to gain access to education people had to conform to the rules and show less passion. It seems that this snobbery and discrimination still persists to an extent in academia. While everyone likes to think they are "cool and hip" there still is that unstated disdain. The word b@€&@# similarly does NOT mean a child born outside an institutional marriage. It means a despicable, selfish, evil person. We all know this so why is the meaning still associated with children who it cannot truly describe (because they are still limited by their circumstance much more than most adults) when it is in fact a term describing certain adults who are old enough to know better? My guess is this was used by certain people in power in religions to intimidate and bully people who fell in love and had children but didn't attend church or pay money to their coffers. What a despicable way to bully loving families by picking on their children. These religious people were/are the real b€&@#&s. As for the word cant, it is a fantastic word and nothing to do with a beautiful part of the female anatomy. My guess is it comes from the word can't, to describe those people who will say "no" to just about everything, no you can't do that or this, no that can't be done, I reckon they became known as a can't or cants but the accent changed over time to become a c@nt. We all know this yet some people, who probably are c@nts, say it is a bad word "you can't say that word it's a bad word!" "Yes I can, it's not a bad word, you just don't like it because you are a c@nt." No it is a fantastic funny word because it is so passionate and clear with such efficiency, the offence only happens in the c@nt's mind perhaps they are just a socially conditioned person a can't, now known as a c@nt. Things have come a long way but there is still more distance to go to get rid of the snobbery and discrimination, I reckon if we got rid of this politically correct oppression of genuine emotion and stopped the snobbery it would be another step towards equality across all divisions. I find women traditionally use less expletives reflective of the greater oppression of true emotion. We all know when someone is being nasty using these words offensively but there is no need to demonise the words. The words are not offensive they can't be they are just harmless sounds. It is in the mind of the critic where there is an offence committed or in the speaker if their intent is nasty. To express honest emotion is in reality something that should be encouraged rather than suppressed. Everyone knows it is in the mind of the critic where the offense is, if someone playfully says "€&@# you!" There is a certain innate intelligence that understands it is fun, similarly when it is used in a nasty way we similarly recognise the intent. That calls for a certain level of intelligence and awareness. Expletives whatever way you look at them are intelligent linguistic tools. One thing I don't like is them being used aggressively on children because it displays a level of intimidation which children don't deserve, aren't always eauipped to deal either and can be quite debilitating subconsciously. I know myself in order to survive violent teachers, predatory bullying religious clergy, unjust courtrooms etc I had to learn to silence my voice, curb my freedom, my happiness and obey the rules, restrict my passion or get even more beatings and persecution. The restriction of these words is actually against international law. The Universal declaration of human rights states everyone has the right to use their natural languages without discrimination yet we all know the reality, they are used as an excuse to discriminate, for example law enforcers very often persecute people for using them (while using them themselves.) To end on a historical fun note while studying religions I learned that the feet are symbols used as expressions of extreme distaste or offense in the middle east. In the Christian Gospels it is written that Jesus told his disciples to shake the dust off their feet when leaving a place where they are not made welcome to show how unwelcome these people will be in the kingdom of heaven, the modern equivalent is to give the middle finger as many people do when they are left out on the street, refused entry to a party or otherwise discriminated against.
This divide and conquer tactic has also been used to divide generations and disempower/discriminate against parents who freely use expletives and raise their children to express themselves similarly. I of course had to curb my passion in this post in case some can't complained to tumblr and used it as an excuse to hold back science. If anyone does a note to tumblr folks, because I solved the double slit experiment and unlocked the Theory of Everything my account here is likely to get you more new account sign ups in a week than you have maybe had in years and there's nothing in the post that we don't see in kids comics.
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