#no beta we die like Hero
cryptid-kratt-kid · 1 year
Quick Bluepin drabble!
"Chris! Chris, please stop hiding!"
Martin scoured his dark museum for his frightened brother, amnestic syringe in hand. He'd gotten careless and accidentally lead Chris right to it!
He was wracked with guilt. This was far from the first time this had happened, but that didn't make it any easier. Not that he ever truly had trouble finding Chris, there were only so many hiding places in the old, decrepit warehouse. No, it was hard because Martin was a big brother.
Every time this happened Martin told him that it was only an amnestic, that he wouldn't dream of pinning up his own brother, but Chris would never believe him. He'd always run, he'd always hide, and Martin would always have to drag his limp body back to the tortuga.
He didn't like hearing Chris scream of genuine fear, he didn't like having to hunt after him like a horror movie monster, and he hated having to stare Chris in his terrified eyes and amnestisize his shaking body.
Martin was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of rustling behind some crates. He froze, and listened for a few moments, that was undeniably breathing. He'd found Chris.
He slowly crept closer, before moveing the largest crate and revealing his little brother. Chris simply stared up at him with the same look of terror that Martin had seen time and time again. There he was, on the ground, backed against a wall. He was on the verge of tears, his body was shaking, and he was breathing heavily.
"P-please... Don't kill me..."
Martin's heart just about shattered.
He didn't know what to say. He knew Chris wouldn't believe anything he said like this... But he couldn't just let Chris think that his big bro wanted him dead.
He crouched down so he was face to face with his little brother, then lunged forward and hugged him.
Chris yelped at the sudden movement and defensively shut his eyes and raised his hands. But, as he realized that he was being embraced, he seemed shocked that he was still alive.
"I know you'll never understand what I do, and I know you probably hate me right now, but please know that I would never kill you.
Martin went ahead and jabbed Chris with the syringe while he was still stunned. Chris cried out in pain and his tears began to flow. The amnestic worked quick, and whithin seconds Chris was struggling to keep his eyes open.
"You're my little brother, and I love you so much Chris. Please... Never forget that."
With those final words, Chris passed out. Despite his triumph, Martin felt nothing like a winner. He continued to hold his brother. He'd made up his mind.
"I'll make sure you never find this place ever again. You'll never understand this form of art, and my heart can't handle your tears. I'll relocate if I have to. I'm sorry I put you through this, little bro."
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flamingpudding · 17 days
Triple Identity Crisis
Danny had a problem. If it was a big one, he couldn't tell yet but he was partially sure Clockwork was at fault for this. Or at least he wanted to blame his ghostly godparent who most likely just wanted to cause some chaos for entertainment with the pretext of helping Danny. Which was a very likely reason for why Danny had a problem right now.
As it was the former Fenton now Fenton-Wayne boy was pacing his room in the Manor trying to think what is next step should be, because as it was his 'new' family –Did new still apply if he was living with them for a little more than a year now? – knew him under three different Identities now. And to top it all off they were not aware that the three identities were all pretty much connected as one.
For one. His family, knew him as Danny, the space obsessed kid, who became a meta because of his ectobiology science obsessed parents and his teenager recklessness. A kid that was actually a genius if you gave him enough time for school and could make you anything out of a ancients be damed toaster. That was the Danny they mainly knew. The Kid they took in, let in on the family business and then chose, to the happiness of Alfred and dismay of some of his 'new' siblings, normal life over vigilante life.
Then they knew Phantom. A dead ghost hero that was helping the Justice League and Young Justice to help them deal with the aftermath of the huge fallout caused by the GIW, Guys in White or rather Ghost Investigation Ward. And while Danny didn't know he had apparently worked with nearly his entire family and that time he knew it now. Which was awkward because he had pretty much pestered one of his elder brothers about his condition until Red Hood, aka Jason, let Phantom help him. Ancient, things might get awkward if that secret is lifted. He had done a lot of things Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Orphan and Robin had scowled him for. Thankfully they only thought of him as a dead teen hero and didn't know what a Halfa was. So they didn't make the connection, and he had yet to meet Signal, aka Duke as Phantom.
Now came the third identity, which totally did not happen by his choice. After all officially he hadn't accepted the throne yet and would only get it once he was dead dead not half dead. To bad ancient texts don't care about formalities. So when trouble hit the fan really hard the Justice League Dark had the bright Idea of getting some other worldly help. Which in other words was summoning the Ghost King. Oh boy, was it fun to learn that way that Danny could get summoned against his will. Clockwork did not give him that warning when he told him about the future of his afterlife. But best of all? Oh he doesn't get summoned as Phantom which would have made things maybe a bit easier, oh no. Life wasn't easy. He got someone's in some as a super weird black-green mass of a formless eltrich body with sharp teeth, claws and glowing green eyes with no pupils or irises. Hell Danny even scared himself when he saw his own reflection in a window and he didn't have a single idea how to change his form.
Let it be known that Danny acted then on purpose like he didn't know a single person in that room he had been summoned in right out of his bed and that he wasn't staring at his adoptive father like he needed help who interpreted his stare as the ghost king sizing him up. And Danny knows this because Dick had a good laugh about that at the dinner table with the rest of his siblings.
Now a smart person would probably come clean to his family and explain to them the three identities they knew him under and how they are connected.
To bad Danny wasn't 'smart' when it came to things like that. No in his panic and newfound awkwardness of the situation of what he had done on separate occasions with his identity as Phantom AND Ghost King, he decided to keep acting like he didn't knew them personally like the truely does. Really how hard could that be? Besides he liked the way his family treated him now. He didn't want to get treated differently because he was half dead, or a Ghost King. He liked that his family was treating him as plain old Danny who had an obsession with space and was their quirkily little brother with powers.
So that gave him even more incentive to keep the act up. Even if it was hard at times, especially if he got summoned out of nowhere. It would be easier if he could get a hang of the duplication power. He even had played with the thought of getting one of his ghost rogues to help but his family was perceptive. Maybe not perceptive enough to realise that all three identities were one and the same person but they would notice if Danny acted just slightly different or if Phantom was more of then usually. But somehow he still managed to keep it up.
But it was the hard way that he learned, Danny was bad at doing the 'talking' and realized that maybe Jazz was right and he was going to slip up one day causing huge misunderstandings like right now.
He stared down at Batman and Nightwing in his Ghost King form. Red Hood had his guns pulled on him, Wonder Woman and Superman looked like they where going to try to pull back Batman any second now while Nightwing, maybe at first was going to try to calm down the bat but Danny was pretty sure the eldest bat kid was now fiercely glaring at him too. He was also pretty sure the only reason he didn't see Red Robin or Robin threaten him too was because their super friends were somehow holding them back. For their own or his safety he doesn't know at the moment.
Because apparently the Bats did not fear fighting otherworldly beings to protect one of their own.
"What did you just say about Danny Fentons death?!" Batman grunted out and Danny just knew his adoptive father was glaring at him. Ancients Danny cursed his brain to mouth filter right now. As he had the collective hero scene before him staring at his Ghost King form. Would this be a good or bad moment to come completely clean or maybe he should find some kind of philosophical bullshit of 'All things death belong to him'....
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moominsuki · 2 months
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✎ᝰ BAKUGOU KATSUKI ; — 11:36 AM OR when you’re needy and he’s ready to help you. doesn’t mean he won’t have some of his own fun while doing it. (birthday special)
࿄ ! warnings - major nsfw. squirting. f!reader. kind of dubcon but not really. / note. hey… how y’all doing! i have no excuses this time lol. i also can’t promise i will be back! i couldn’t let this brew in my drafts forever, esp. on his birthday. but enjoy :} minors& blank blogs dni.
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you: hey kats i miss you :(
you: katsuki? i need you
you sent those texts at around 11:36 am and it’s now almost an hour later, with katsuki being in a very important heroes’ meeting of some sort. now, katsuki never takes time or leave off of work only on the condition he’s practically spilling his guts onto the floor - and even so, he’d come in with his hands wrapped round his lower abdomen if he wasn’t chastised for showing up half dead.
this wasn’t out of the ordinary for you - you know, to text him all needy and sad. don’t get it all wrong, it makes katsuki’s heart clench to have to leave you to your lonesome when he’s busy and you’re not. he knows how you get when you get off your period and mixed when you’re also feeling poorly comes a combination of you feeling melancholic, sweet and also very needy. by the way, did he mention needy yet?
katsuki: what’s up with you? you ok?
his phone vibrates almost as fast as he tried to stuff it in his pocket and he inconspicuously looks down.
you: no… i need you :((
katsuki sighs looking at your texts, excusing himself from the meeting and giving what he’d consider sympathetic eyes to his friends before dialling up your number.
“you okay, princess?” katsuki frowns, “i know you ‘aven’t been feeling well these past few days but ‘m busy-”
“katsukiii,” you all but whine into the phone, mewling and he straightens up immediately at your voice, ears turning a cute shade of pink. oh. he knows this tone. he knows it all too well amongst the linen sheets of his bed.
“i know i shouldn’t be calling while you’re busy but, fuck, i need you, need you so much,” you gasp on the other side of the line, practically swimming in his bed, wearing only your cotton panties and a barely there tank top.
katsuki bites his fist, standing behind the conference room door, groaning quietly. “yeah?”
“mhmmm, i really do,” you simper, “you looked really good this morning an-and you smelt so good and… ‘m just really, really needy right now.”
katsuki should tell you to get a grip, dash some cold water on your face and put your fingers to good use but the way you’re moaning and whining across the phone is making all his blood cells rush from the rational parts of his body down to the irrational parts of his body.
“where r’you right now?”
“in your bed… just like how you left me,” you sigh, a pathetic and wanton lilt to your words. “all alone in this big and cold bed wishing my big, strong man would come home and give me what i deserve.”
your flushed face boyfriend all but snarls, teeth bared over the phone. “yeah? what d’you deserve, then, for interrupting me at work and and then begging me to come home and fuck you? cos that’s what you want, right? for me t’drop everythin’ and come running to you?”
“yup,” you hum, popping the ‘p’ and some rustling can be heard in the background. “well, ‘s your choice, really. i just… really need you, baby.”
you can hear katsuki’s deep breathing over the phone and you’re so certain you can hear the cogs in his skull turning, clicking as he mulls over this decision. he clears his throat, lamenting with a big sigh as if this is all one big inconvenience for him.
just at that moment, deku comes through the door.
“everything okay, kacch- dynamight? if you’re busy we can discuss this with you another time.”
“…‘m gonna have to head home for a little while… something’s come up. don’ wait up. i’ll be back as quick as i can.”
katsuki wants to bite you when he can make out the smile over your exhale through the receiver but you’re quick to hang up as deku reassures his friend in his naïveté, unknowing to the true purpose of his mid day return home.
when katsuki returns within 10 minutes since your call (usually it’s a 16 minute drive from the agency to home - pedal to the metal), you’re already on the couch, and your tank top does nothing to hide the hardness of your nipples and katsuki can see the shape of your cunt lips through your barely there panties.
no words are passed as you smile sweetly at your boyfriend, who kicks off his shoes and whose hands already at his belt as he stalks over to your seated body.
“how d’ya want it, huh?” you’re already moving back across the couch, legs spread.
“just fuck me please,” you whimper, “wan’ you to stretch me out with your cock.” you paw at his hips, at the waistline of his trousers that situate themselves in front of your face.
“you don’ want me to stretch you out first?” he muses, dropping down to his knees in front of your scantily clad pussy, thick fingers pressing on your covered clit and you hum, shaking your head.
“i can take it right now,” you gasp, and two fingers slip into your pants despite your protests at how you “don’t need to be prepped,” and that you “can take him right now.” alas, you shut up effective immediately when his fingers skim through your panties and straight to rubbing your hardened nub and you can’t find it in yourself to get annoyed when two digits slip inside you, curling up only for a mere second and jolting your body along with it.
katsuki pulls his dampened fingers out, effectively taking off your panties with him. “your decision. don’t get pissy with me later when it’s sore, because ‘m not gonna have it.”
you shake your head defiantly, utterances of “i won’t” and “just please fuck me,” meshing into a slurry of words.
he grabs your face to look at you. “you promise?”
you nod and he frowns, smushing your cheeks slightly. “you better speak up and fast, because i ain’t got all day, princess.”
“i promish! i promishh.” the words come out muffled against the grip of his hand. your boyfriend takes the answer anyhow, because he gets up from off his knees to impatiently throw off his blazer, then down his trousers and pants in one swoop.
there’s a smug look on your face and katsuki can tell you’re trying to hide a triumphant smile. he wants to wipe it off your face so badly.
“face down, ass up, pretty lady.”
you throw yourself around without a second to spare and katsuki stuffs a pillow under your hips, slapping your ass in the process. at any other time, you would’ve scolded him for leaving a print. instead you moan and arch your back, clenching cunt on display for his hungry eyes.
“fucking minx,” katsuki grumbles, settling behind you and letting the weight of his mostly hard cock tap against your pussy, delving between your puffy lips and rubbing against your hardened clit.
you try to be good, try not to say anything that might make him want to punish you but you’re growing restless at what feels like hours of torture (hours being mere seconds that is) and you sniffle out a weak “katsuki, please…”
his heart clenches at your tone and even when he’s trying to tease you, he can’t help but feed out the palm of your hand. he also can’t help that his dick pulsates in his grip at the pathetic tone of your voice.
“don’t rush me or i’ll leave you like this,” he grumbles, and you both know he wouldn’t dare, and you’re about to protest, turn your head to spit defiantly at him but it’s much too late for that. he sinks in, weighty and thick and it knocks the breath out of you. you practically face plant into the armrest of the couch and your teeth bites into the cashmere fabric.
there’s something about not being prepped before that makes this so much more intimate and sexy for the both of you, but the impending realisation that you will be sore tomorrow dawns on you as you feel the heft of his balls press on you. he’s right to the hilt and you’re full to the brim, gasping.
neither of you can get a word out edgeways or sideways - katsuki leans down to wrap a thick arm around your neck and though he can barely see your face, he can feel the salty tears dribbling down his forearm and he can most definitely hear the wordless cries coming from out your agape mouth.
“this is what you wanted,” he hisses, nose in your hair, his wide body trapping you to the couch, “don’t you fuckin’ complain later- fuckin’, shittt,” he groans, pulling back out slightly and getting sucked in by your silken walls. the living room has gotten 100 degrees hotter and he wants to blame you so badly, but you moan out his name wantonly, one hand around his own that’s slightly bruising against your neck and he’s putty.
“hurts so good,” you finally get out, toes curling when the tip of his cock hits against that honeyed spot. “jus’- jus’ like that,” you slur, legs shaking and thrashing when you feel katsuki’s hand slip between your bodies.
all he can focus on is how fast you got sloppy for him, the conjoining of your bodies, if only fleeting, is getting to him, if the clench of his balls has anything to say about it. his hand finds your throbbing pearl and a straying pointer fingers rubs on it firmly in broad, confident circles, and you choke, eyes crossing.
your body stiffens and you’re not even sure you’re speaking a coherent language at this point, but you garble out something along the lines of “i love you,” and “i can’t take it,” and a contradicting “like that, katsuki.”
behind you, he’s thrusting even harder and rubbing faster at your clit, pressing down with ferocity and you’re not even sure what you’re begging for anymore, the tension in your bladder rising. even in the midst of a second, impending orgasm do you turn and try to kiss him, which he gladly accepts, tongue delving into your mouth and he inevitably hunches, grunting and huffing, red faced and shooting ropes of thick cum inside of you.
that’s when your second one hits, and it’s even heavier than the last, sprays of liquid hitting your boyfriend’s lower abdomen and you squeal, hips gyrating and katsuki doesn’t slow until you’re basically limp, collapsed against the softness of his sofa.
he kisses your head, pulling out and you gasp at the exit. no words are shared as he brandishes a damp cloth from somewhere - he must’ve gotten up in your daze, you didn’t even know he had left from behind you at all, and it makes you sigh, cheeks resting against the armrest.
katsuki cleans you up in typical, sweetheart fashion, passing you a blanket and your clothes like he always does after a romp, and it’s only when he makes you sit up so you can eat a banana and drink a glass of cold, fresh water do you say something.
“so i take that you’re not going back into work?”
katsuki’s eyebrows shoot up into his hairline, and he looks away from you, pouting. you think he’s not going to say anything till he scoffs a short moment later, “…’s not like i had much to do today anyway… i’ll catch up with those idiots later.”
you don’t bite back your smile this time and he pulls you into his chest. “you better wipe that shit eating grin off ya face.”
“or what? you threatening me with a good time?” you giggle, wiggling your brows and he opens his mouth to bark back until you move your hips slightly and hiss.
“what was that?” he questions and you ignore him. he groans, swiping a hand across his face,“…y/n, i-”
“‘m not complaining!… but i would be lying if i said it’s not a little sore- hey!”
katsuki wraps you up in his arms, blanket strewn.
“what are you-”
“since ‘m taking the rest of the day off, might as well go clean up and have a bath… remind me to never listen to you again.”
“hey! it’s not my fault you’re such a brute,” you laugh as he kisses your face, walking up the stairs.
“not so hard!” you hiss in pain, “‘m sore!”
yeah. remind katsuki to never listen to you when you’re horny.
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © MOOMINSUKI 2024. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited
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irishskeptic · 7 months
Michael Yew is one of my favourite minor characters in pjo because the Apollo cabin is portrayed as all smiles and easygoing campers, and then you have this ratty faced, scrappy little 4’6 guy, with a temper to rival Clarisse La Rue, a devil may care attitude towards the titan war, he laughs in the face of death, and he just got put in charge as head councillor of cabin 7
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meetinginsamarra · 9 days
mayprompts2024, #29 hero
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Chapters 1 to 5 here on AO3
If you like the tattoo AU give it some love on my AO3, please. It would mean a lot to me. TYSM!
White Pony Tattoo - Part Nine (hero)
John turned around to head for the next bus stop, not knowing if he would even be able to get there. Taking a step and moving away from the tattoo shop seemed impossible. The weight of the world was crushing down on his shoulders and the outlook of not seeing Sherlock for at least a week cut deep into his chest and right into his heart.
The connection I’ve felt, being with Sherlock. Now that it’s gone, I almost feel sick.
John rubbed his eyes and sighed heavily.
Dear God, I think I’ve fallen for him. Fuck. Not just his looks, which are top notch of course, no, it’s the whole package of his personality. Even if he is a real dick at times. I can’t help it.
And yet, I’m wondering.
Did he feel it, too? He practically glowed down there in the lab, speaking to me, showing off his equipment. My appreciation of what he has achieved made him incandescent.
But does he like me back? As a person, as John Watson, the whole package I come with? Or was he just happy to have an audience that applauded his every move? To be forgotten as soon as I’m gone and out of his sight?
The gloomy thoughts clogged John’s brain and rendered him unable to walk away, condemning him to oscillate on the pavement in front of the shop.
“Oh, hello dear. You must be John?”
John was so preoccupied by his musings that he jumped badly when a woman’s voice suddenly adressed him.
“Erm, yes?”
Looking into the direction the voice had come from, John registered a frail but distinguished looking old lady. She had just sat down two heavy looking bags with groceries and held a bunch of keys in her hand. A large golden number dangled from the main key ring.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. But you looked so forlorn and sad. Sherlock has not rejected you again, or has he?”
“Ah, no, he’ll tattoo me,” John quickly connected the puzzle pieces, “and you must be Sherlock’s landlady.”
“Tch, I forgot to introduce myself properly.” She chuckled and offered her hand. “I’m Martha Hudson. Most of the time I’m more like Sherlock’s housekeeper since he cannot be arsed to do the simplest household chores himself.”
Shaking her hand firmly, John laughed. “That sounds very much like him. Always thinking about ink, is he?”
“Yes, yes. He calls it the INK, written all in capital letters. It’s his greatest passion, he cares for little else.” She unlocked the front door.
This offhand comment struck a chord in John, one whose sound he did not really want to hear again. Doubt. Doubt if Sherlock really cared about him apart from putting INK on his skin. He shook himself mentally, trying to get rid of the anxiety that crept upon him like a feral beast.
“Pleased to meet you. Let me just praise the scones you’ve made. They’ve been the best I ever had.”
Mrs Hudson made a delighted sound. “What a charmer you are!”
“Just telling the truth.” John pointed to the grocery bags. “Can I help you with these?”
“Oh, please, if you don’t mind, dear. When the weather is like this, my bad hip is always acting up.”
John carried the bags into 221A, Mrs Hudson’s flat on the ground floor. He put them onto her kitchen table and was about to leave when she invited him on a cup of tea as a thank you for his help. Like every proper Englishman, John could not refuse.
“Did you know that Sherlock explicitly requested tea and scones for you today?” Mrs Hudson said when she handed John the cup with steaming hot tea, watching his face quizzically.
“No?” The undeniable sly look on her otherwise so friendly and open face caught John a bit on the wrong foot. “I thought it was the usual hospitality he shows to his clients.”
Mrs Hudson outright laughed.
“My dear, he never cares about hospitality. The clients come to him anyway, no matter how rude he behaves. Can you imagine my surprise when he asked me to provide tea and scones for your appointment today?”
She refilled John’s tea cup. “He said I need tea and the best scones you can bake when John comes back. Sherlock even added a please in an afterthought.”
“He was sure I’d come back and acept his offer. He just knew.” John shrugged. “He knew me better than I know myself.”
“Not the point, dear. Sherlock wanted to have tea and scones for you. He wanted to impress you and be nice. You must mean something to him if he goes to such lenghts, don’t you think?” Mrs Hudson winked and grinned.
John wondered if she had adopted this mannerism from Sherlock or if it had been the other way around.
“I don’t know. I’d like to think so.” John decided to be honest with Mrs Hudson. Somehow, he was convinced he could trust her. He added wistfully. “I really wish I would be more to him than just the next canvas to put his INK onto.”
“He’s had a hard time in the past,” Mrs Hudson said, “he doesn’t let people get close to him easily or quickly lowers the protective shield he’s put around his heart.”
“Really?” John wondered. “He seemed pretty open and relaxed when he showed me all the stuff in his ink laboratory in the basement.”
“He what?” Mrs Hudson cried out and jumped up. The hip was not bothering her now, apparently.
“John! He never lets people in there. It’s his sanctum sanctorum. It took four months and constant nagging on my behalf until he let me take a look and I own this house. If he shows it to you just like this, you have to be very special to him already!”
Blissful warmth spread through John’s body. His nerves tingled and his blood sang a dulcet melody full of hope. Could it be that…
John beamed. “Thank you so much for telling me, Mrs Hudson. That he cares about me.”
Suddenly, Mrs Hudson’s posture changed.
She fixated John with ice cold eyes, pinning him on the chair. Steel had replaced every trace of her earlier softness and age-related frailty. She stepped up to John.
“Just to give a you heads-up, you’re not the only person who cares about Sherlock.” Her voice was sharp, quiet and deadly serious. “Or protects him.”
It sent chills running down John’s spine.
Mrs Hudson briefly squeezed John’s shoulder. “If you hurt him, I’ll lace your tea with rat poison. I know a nice lad who is a building contractor and he’ll bury your body somewhere in a concrete slab.”
Theatrical as it might appear, John believed her every word.
And just like this, the fearsome avenging angel that had occupied Mrs Hudson’s body disappeared, leaving the nice old landlady behind.
“Do you want another cup of tea, my dear?” She asked sweetly.
In this moment John decided that Martha Hudson was a true heroine.
tagging some people @totallysilvergirl @peageetibbs  @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @calaisreno
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univvrse · 9 months
the coven (chapter 15)
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minors dni
reader x bakugou x shinsou x kaminari x kirishima
cw: sub reader, smut, penetrative sex, threesome, blowjobs, spit roasting, biting, voyeurism kinda i think
Coven- a formation of at least three or more vampires
He told you they were dangerous- why didn't you believe him?
previous parts can be found on my masterlist
on my ao3 if you'd prefer
1.6k words
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Their shower was insanely nice- you didn’t know why but you weren’t expecting vampire’s houses to have running water considering the ice-cold temperature of both them and their house.
When you went back into his room, dressed back in Hitoshi’s shirt that you were wearing before, Eijiro was exactly where you left him; you could tell he literally hadn’t moved a muscle.
He looked up at you- a wide smile plastered on his face like he had something to tell you. You smiled back at him- slightly confused and curious for what he was about to tell you.
“The others are all having sex in Katsuki’s bedroom, if you wanted to go and join them?” He asked, he sounded keen to be with them but not like he was forcing you to go.
You didn’t feel too sore from the night before- “yeah- that’d be fun,” your tone sounded sort of sheepish, as if you were scared of something. To be fair, you were slightly- for god’s sake you were about to have sex with 3 vampires at a time.
“You sure sweetheart, we don’t have to, I’ve had 100 years’ worth of sex with them I don’t care about missing one time.”
“No- I’d really love to.” You nodded your head profusely- to be honest even the suggestion of it aroused you. You felt your face flush red- God you sounded like such a slut.
He quickly stood up- seeming pleased by your answer. He grabbed you by the hand- intertwining your fingers with his and lead you across the hall.
The walk to Katsuki’s room felt like a haze- like the world had ended and you and Eijiro were the last thing in the universe, you could barely feel your feet as you walked- just the pounding of your heart.
His room was barely a few steps from Eijiro’s and yet it felt like a lifetime of anticipation.
The door was already slightly ajar- Katsuki’s room was gorgeous- you could tell that he bought the house. His room was almost pitch black but at this point you had gotten used to the low light. The room was probably the size of your apartment yet most of it was taken up by a four-poster bed in the centre- it was obviously huge and probably the biggest bed you had ever and would ever see, his sheets were silk and a dark shade of red. His walls were black although you could barely see them as his walls were taken up by huge posters- most of them were of incredibly old black and white movies- they looked like he had taken them of the walls of the cinema itself- the others were of old bands you didn’t recognise. Other than the bed there was only one other piece of furniture in the room- a bookcase taking up a whole wall, it was full of records- you knew how expensive they were, you hadn’t really considered how rich they were until you saw his room.
Despite all of this- the most noticeable thing in the room was the three men in the centre of the bed making out with each other- they were all clothed apart from Katsuki who was shirtless and Jesus fuck was he jacked. Anyway, Hitoshi was on top of Denki- rubbing his knee against his groin, the two of them hardly noticed when you and Kirishima came into the room.
Katsuki looked up from kissing Denki’s neck to smirk at you- a silent invitation for the two of you to join them on the bed.
As soon as you were on the bed, Katsuki was upon you- wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close- he stopped himself for a moment to ask,
“It’s okay if I kiss you right?” You nodded quickly and in an instant his lips were slamming against yours. Wow- he was certainly out of his shell now.
Katsuki left your lips for a moment; “Before we start- just to let you know- I’m not going to go easy on you just cause you’re a goddamn human or whatever.”
You smirked at that- not a single part of you wanted him to go easy on you. You wanted him in every way both humanly and inhumanly possible.
With that thought- you fell back against the pillows, your teeth lips clashing against Katsuki’s as he clambered on top of you fervently. You gasped into the kiss, parting your lips enough for Katsuki to dart his tongue through the gap and lick into your mouth. You welcomed the intrusion with a contented hum, sending your vocal chord’s vibrations directly into Katsuki’s throat. He begins roughly grinding himself against you, his erection growing with every thrust of his hips. You clawed desperately at his back- almost immediately his hands were in your hair tugging it away from your face and pulling it harshly from the ends- making you arch your back.
“God, do you have to be such a desperate slut?” You could tell it was a question where he didn’t expect an answer.
His hands grasped at your shirt- pulling it over your head- you weren’t wearing a bra; you were completely naked under his gaze. A strangled moan from across the bed broke you out of your trance. Holy shit, you’d totally forgot that literally a few inches from you, there were three more vampires making out eagerly with each other. Your stomach churned at the realisation. This was probably the norm for these boys, they wouldn’t give it a second thought, but you were still freshly no longer a virgin. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t insanely aroused by the situation; still though, a wave of nerves coursed through you. Almost all the boys had warned you about Katsuki’s lack of tenderness when it came to sex, including the man himself.
You almost breathed a sigh of relief when you heard Eijiro leave the other two and crawl towards where you lay beneath Katsuki. At least you knew Eijiro would be gentle. A mere week ago, if you had been told you’d be more relieved at the idea of a threesome than regular sex, you would’ve laughed hysterically. You really hoped this didn’t mean you were a total whore. It probably did.
Katsuki’s weight lifted off you and you opened your eyes. He was staring at Eijiro intensely, his permanent scowl deepening every few seconds- obviously reading his mind.
He turned to you. “Ei wants you to suck him of,” Katsuki said- it wasn’t so much a question as it was a demand. And you were more than happy to oblige.
“I can speak for myself” Eijiro interrupted with faux exasperation, “Would that be okay though baby?” He asked quickly- you could tell how much he wanted this- wanted you. You quickly nodded yes, and he closed in on you, pulling down his shorts- freeing his erection. He wasn’t wearing underwear, as if he were waiting for you; waiting for this moment.
Eijiro was already semi-hard.
“Can you stroke my dick for me baby?” he asked eagerly, you paused for a minute before sitting up on your knees and beginning to work at his half-hard cock. Even though you were inexperienced, his face showed nothing but pure pleasure.
You decided to start sucking him off- getting on your hands and knees- using one hand to grip his dick gently between your fingers, tilting it towards your salivating mouth- licking his tip. You were truly hungry for his dick. The more you sex you had the more enticing it was to you- the more you yearned for it. It was the one and only thing on your mind.
You allowed his cock to enter your mouth- gagging slightly at the feeling of his tip prod at the back of your throat. You truly hadn’t realised how well-endowed he was until this moment- you couldn’t take his whole dick at once- choosing to pump the rest of his cock with your hand while slipping his penis through your lips over and over again. You looked up at his face- his eyes were rolled into the back of his throat and moan after moan slipped from his throat.
“Shit- sweetheart- slow down a bit f’ me please?” You followed his advice- slowing down only slightly.
You felt Katsuki pulling your underwear to the side- his fingers gently prodding at your cunt- you gasped at the feeling of his thumb on your clit. The vibrations from your mouth did nothing but spur Kirishima on, one of his gentle hands resting on the back of your head.
You leaned into the blonde’s touch- desperately craving more of it. Eijiro’s eyes were completely in the back of his head as moans spilled from your throat- Katsuki pressed a finger inside you, quickly finding a spot inside of you that you didn’t know existed before you had met the vampires; he stuffed more fingers into you, living up to his word about not being gentle. He curled his fingers- pumping them in and out of your pussy.
His fingers were gone from you almost far too quickly; you felt empty for a moment before you felt Katsuki’s cock pressing against you. Weird- you hadn’t even heard the noise of his trousers unbuckling. All thoughts were instantly zapped from your head as you felt his cock begin to enter you. You hadn’t even seen his dick, but you could tell it was thicker than any of the other vampires and by the way he was entering you, you could tell it was probably longer too. The stretch burned slightly yet you had begun to crave the feeling of it- the feeling of his cock inside you sent you into a trance and, for just a moment you forgot Eijiro’s dick was in your mouth- pushing it further down your throat until you were practically choking on it. Your eyes began to leak with tears, but you simply couldn’t bring yourself to care, you only wanted more- you desperately wanted more. More of both of them.
Finally, the blonde was fully inside of you- wasting no time on letting you adjust. He thrusted in and out of you at a breakneck pace. Katsuki grabbed your hair harshly- forcing even more of Eijiro’s cock down your throat- all the air in your lungs was knocked out of your lungs in a single second but yet you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You would be almost glad to never breathe again if you could feel this good for a moment. Katsuki’s thumb was unrelenting on your clit- making you pulse around him- feeling your high creeping up on you.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Denki getting practically pounded into the bed by Hitoshi- the fact they could see you only excited you even more. You clenched around Katsuki one last time before the knot inside you snapped. You were practically forced into your orgasm- the world went black for a moment as pleasure overwhelmed your entire being. You drooled around Eijiro’s cock- feeling his dick twitch in your mouth, you could tell he was going to cum soon too. You glanced up at him- his hand was thrown over his face and his head was thrown back.
“Fuck- baby- I’m gonna cum,” Eijiro gasped, almost sounding out of breathe, “I can cum in your mouth yeah?” He asked, you nodded yes as best you could.
It wasn’t long before his cum was spilling into your mouth, there was so fucking much of it- it seeped out of your mouth, not that you cared. You slipped his now flaccid cock out of your mouth.
Katsuki practically burst out laughing behind you, “Didn’t take you too long at all to cum, Ei?” He joked rhetorically.
Your senses were quickly overwhelmed as Katsuki increased his pace, nearly knocking you off your hands and knees.
“Fuck- cum f’ me again.” Katsuki practically demanded.
“Please- Katsuki- I can’t.”
“No such thing as can’t baby.”
His thumb sped up on your nub- practically forcing you towards your end. He leaned over you- leaving small bites on your neck. Or at least he tried to, you clenched around him, and he practically fell. Sinking his fangs completely into your neck- biting fully into you. For some reason that’s what did it for you, the damn inside you broke. You practically saw stars, clenching around him. Your orgasm seemed to force him into his- his cum spilling inside your gummy walls.
He pulled out of you almost immediately, grabbing you a bit too harshly by the neck- inspecting the bites he had left around your neck. “Shit- fuck, Y/N I’m sorry.”
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headveryfull · 1 year
Sleepless Nights
Warnings: unedited, Shouta has night terrors, Fluffy with only a hint of angst, this is me trying to get past art block
It didn’t start like this. At first he wasn’t willing to ever relax around you. He never stayed the night, always saying that you’ll sleep better if he’s not around.
Until one day he comes over a little later than usual. Decided to swing by after a stressful patrol. You settle in on the couch with a mug of tea and something mindless playing on the tv. And he dozes off with his arms clutching you tightly to his chest.
That’s when you find out what he meant. As he drifts further into dreams, he almost throws you off of him. Eyes racing behind his eyelids and his heartbeat is so wild it rattles thru your body.
Shouta is not a peaceful sleeper. His job has taken not only his waking hours but also the precious few moments of rest. So you try to be there for him. Wiggling to lay squished between him and the back of the couch and wrapping yourself around him. And at first he tenses and you think to let him go. But he lets out a long breath and the tension goes out of his body.
You both spend the rest of the night asleep in that barely comfortable position. Shouta wakes up first. Bleary eyed and confused, until he remembers dragging himself to your front door and practically collapsing on your couch.
The first thing you register is Shouta laying facing you as the sunlight streams into the living room.
“Everything okay? I hope I didn’t overstep, it’s just that you were having a nightmare and I didn’t know what else to do...”
He places his hand on your cheek as you trail off.
“Everything’s fine darling. I honestly got the best sleep I’ve had in a while.”
Your heart is almost out of your chest with the tender smile he gifts you.
“If your old offer still stands, I’d like to stay the night more often.”
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onesmolbean49 · 3 months
Finally posted a fanfic after 4 years of not posting! This will be the longest one I’ve ever written with multiple chapters. For now, I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Compassion Among the Turmoils!
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tak1e · 1 year
thinking abt prohero!dynamight who is in the process of being nagged at by his fucking PR (again) about how to improve his public image (re:again). he honestly couldn’t give less of a shit, he was here to save people. to fight the bad guys. when he decided his life’s goal was to be a hero, be number 1, he didn’t take this into account. he was still as determined as ever to reach the top and stay there, but there were so many extra steps he wasn’t aware of. didn’t care for.
“god, he’s not even listening” someone groaned, dragging a hand down their face. another snapped their fingers at him. lead of the PR team. he thinks.
“Dynamight. focus up, please. I’m not going to repeat this.” his eyes narrowed but his ears were alert. he would listen. “you have one week to find someone to date you publicly.”
the look on his face must’ve said everything because after a beat the person spoke again. “all of us here agree that finding a romantic partner - whether just for public eye or not, we don’t care - would do you well in your ranking. showing another softer side would make fans sympathize with you more and assist with the more … negative views of your heroism.”
Katsuki scowled. he didn’t do soft. he was katsuki fucking bakugou, soon to be number one hero in japan - in the world. but he also knew when his PR team spoke up and gave him a deadline he had to comply. wasn’t allowed to disagree. he’d tried before.
a few more minutes went by with mindless agreement of his arrangement. he would have to find someone to pretend to court him or whatever. because like hell was he going to force himself on blind dates until he fell in love in under a week. he would fall in love right. slowly. and under his own terms.
katsuki pushed open the door to the meeting room silently, ready to go back to his desk and finish his stupid ass paperwork so he could get back out there.
there seemed to be a commotion though in the office space. and when red eyes fell on big, wide, green ones, he was almost sure his heart had plummeted past his stomach and out his ass.
how else was katsuki supposed to react seeing izuku midoriya, his childhood friend turned enemy turned rival turned what are we? turned agency assigned partner turned fuck you im leaving for america for five years and not telling you shit and hey by the way i’m back now??
what the fuck.
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just-barrow · 9 months
come back to me Pairing: David Stirling/Doctor Gamal Rating: T Words: 711 The first time it happened, he blamed it on the laughing gas.
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amive2567 · 2 years
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Grand Masterlist
Izuku Midoriya x Gn!Reader (if I missed to corect the femalecoded things, please yell at me)
Contains: death, violence, blood and gore, swearing, fighting scene, Izuku gets a bit agressive, implied cheating (no one is actually cheating), Type of order: small hot chocolate (Fluff), Coffee (Angst), Cupcakes (Oneshot),
Rated: 15+
Word count: 7.120
A/N: This took ages, but it's finally finished. I am really proud with this one. Please enjoy :)
Song: Underground by Cody Fry
Tag: @quietlegends
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“I am so sorry. I wish I had more time for us.” He lowered his head and observed his shoes. “You know what? I am going to take you out on a date this evening,” Izuku admitted. A smile spread across your face. It's been months since you've spent time together away from work. “Oh, I like that. Where are we going, mister dating pro?” you mussed with a sly smirk on your face. “Mhm, I thought about the little restaurant down the street.” Your eyes began to sparkle and your mouth began to build up saliva. Just the thought of the most amazing restaurant in the whole of Musutafu made you hungry. They serve the most delicious Gyoza and Curry Katsu in the whole world. “Yeah, that’s great. Even the thought of their delicious Gyoza makes my mouth water.” you gushed. Izuku chuckled. He loved your passion for this place and its food. But he had to agree, the Katsudon they are serving is better than his mother's, and that has to say something.  
To be honest, it was quite funny how you found the small cozy restaurant. It was pouring heavily, and you were both looking for a comfortable location to sit until the rain stopped. Your laugh still rang in his ears, as he thought back. You teased him because he felt cold. “That’s what you get for getting an undercut and cutting your fluffy hair.” you laughed, but you still handed him your scarf. "But now you could get a cold." He admitted worryingly. You waved it off and smiled at him. "I don't care, and besides, you could nurse me back to health. With love and kisses."
You finally found shelter under the awning of a bistro. The lights were off, and it seemed to be closed. "Oh, come on, why does it have to be closed?" You were drenched by now, and besides that, you would kill for a portion of Ramen now. The cold crept up your bones, and you both began to shiver. "Maybe we should call Todoroki, so he can pick us up?" Suggested Izuku, but you shook your head. "We forgot our phones, silly. Besides that, he and Sero are on their honeymoon. I don't think both of them are going to be happy when we call them and disturb their time." You reminded him. "Maybe we should just wait until it clears up," he suggested. "Yeah, that's an idea." And so you waited, enjoying the company of each other in silence. It was peaceful until the sound of the door opening disturbed it.
"Oh no, you can't stay here outside in the cold. Come in, sweethearts. I am going to make you my special Gyoza and a comforting portion of Ramen." An old lady stepped out of the restaurant. She had tied her gray hair in a bun, and a blue apron decorated her small body. You couldn't even complain as she shoved you into her cozy restaurant.
The loud ringing of the alarm system forced Midoriya to snap out of his memories. "To all heroes at the mighty tower, we need to stop a villain at Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall. An a-level villain tries to attack the mall, but he's not alone. A lot of people are in danger, give it your best. Plus ultra." During the announcement, you and Izuku dressed in your hero costume and stormed to the mall. Izuku carried you piggyback style and jumped around the city with one for all. In a matter of a few minutes, you reached your destination. Screams greeted you, and the smell of blood and debris lay heavily in the air. "Time to kick some ass." You said and smiled at your husband. He agreed with a nod and you started searching for the villain. 
People were running around, and other heroes tried to bring them to safety. A lady was crying and searching for her son. "My son is missing, please. I need to find him." She pleads. "We will try to find him, but now you have to save yourself. We will do everything we can to save your son." You handed her over to another hero. "Deku, the villain, is near the Deku merchandise shop. Cloudwood and Sprinkle are trying to get a hold of him." Said Glade. His quirk was lightning, which could blind villains. Unfortunately, it was not a suitable quirk for solo fights. "Thanks, Glade." Shouted Izuku. 
The further you went into the mall, the fewer people were to be seen. Rubble lay across the hallway, and dust swirled in the afternoon sun. It was quiet, way too quiet. You wanted to say something, but Deku stopped you with a hand sign. He shook his head, and after a while, you got why he did so. An invisible woman appeared in front of you. "Aww, you are no fun. I wanted to kill you slowly and unnoticed, but I guess you wanted to be a party popper." She whined, but a grin appeared across her bloody face. "Now I have to fight you, agh, so exhausting." She shook her head and threw the first punch. You transformed your hand into a bunch of snakes. They hissed and let themselves loose to attack the villain. "Haha, your little snakes aren't going to harm me in any way." She laughed, but you knew that your snakes were more capable than being just snakes. You controlled them and let them grow. The villain flinched, but she didn't let it show that she was scared. She probably had Ophidiophobia, which was good. It would be easier when she feared them. Your snakes could feel her fear and grow even bigger. She flinched and went invisible, but you snakes sensed her movement. She is probably a new villain, an easy target. You let your snakes snap, and they could land a hit on the Geko lady by her leg. She started screaming, and you knew the poison of your snakes started paralyzing her. "Nice job, honey." Cheered Izuku. "It wasn't that hard. She's a newbie." You argued humbly. He chuckles while admiring your humble personality at the same time. You never thought you were better than everyone just because you slayed a goddamn cruel villain. Although you really should appreciate yourself more often, he thought. “ We should move on,” you announced and rushed to the source of destruction. 
Even though you were a hero for a long time, and you even defeated AFO, you weren’t ready for this fight. 
More corpses and debris came your way as you moved deeper inside the building. Police personnel, citizens, or even heroes, like Cloudwood and Sprinkle, stared at you with their dead eyes. You suppressed the feeling of crying and vomiting, the mission has to be successful. After that, you could hide inside your bed for days. Izuku must have had the same thought as you because he moved faster, away from these horrible sights. Walking without difficulties got harder as the debris began to stack. “We’re getting closer,” you whispered. The both of you carefully stepped onward. On a mountain of loose bricks, you came to a hold. 
A look down revealed the true horror of this mission. There's blood everywhere, bodies everywhere, and heroes battling for their lives. In the middle of this whole chaos stood Mimic. The source of all evil. You were searching for him all over Musutafu, but now you had the chance to fight him. He floated in the middle of the area, surrounded by a violet mist. Doubles emerged out of it and landed on the floor. “Shit more of these assholes.” yelled one of the supporting heroes. Without thinking both of you, run down the hill of debris. You summoned your snakes and sent them off to fight the first clone of Mimic, but you knew that wouldn't be so easy. Your first encounter left more scars than every villain ever did. He ran once All Might entered his vision, but after All Might perished, he reappeared from the ground.
The dust was swirling around and you needed to cover your eyes, to see properly. More clones emerged from Mimic and you began to lose Izuku in the dusty and crowded area. Even though everyone fought it was oddly quiet. The area was just too small for this amount of people. You found yourself stumbling across the maze of corpses, debris, and dust. A scream, so loud your bones shook, got your attention. Without thinking you sprinted to the source of it. The dusty air filled your lungs and you coughed, but you never thought about staying still. Your heart pounded and you heard the blood rushing in your ears, stumbling across the area until you reached the source of the scream. Izuku lay in a puddle of his blood, writhing in pain. Above him towered your snakes, their red eyes gleaming in the evening sun. “You are such a monster. I can’t believe I fell in love with someone so crucial,” he whispered. “No, that can't be,” you screamed and ran to him. Not even being scared of your own snakes. If Izuku were to die they could gladly kill you too. “Don’t die, not now. I can fix this.” you were crying by now. “I will fix this…Us…I will fix us.” you tried to tend his wounds but to no avail. More blood poured out of his abdomen. “No, no. This. no” Ugly sobs shook your body and you hugged him tied. “Get off of me, you traitor. How could you be a villain.” “Izu, honey what?” You were confused, but you paid no mind to it. Your snakes could be poisonous if you want them to be. “I won’t leave you.” “I would be happier dying alone than with you by my side.” More tears swelled in your eyes. “Don’t say something like this.” He shrugged and with a short labored breath his eyes went blank. “Izu, no no god please no. Don’t leave me here.” You couldn’t stop the tears. They clouded your view and you screamed. So painful you bet Mimic would be crying. 
Your crying came to hold as someone smacked you across the face. The dusty view disappeared and you were more irritated than before. The tears still ran down your cheeks. “H/N, it was only a vision. Deku is still alive. He is fighting with Infra on the other side. One of the Clones has a Quirk that can control your vision, makes you imagine things and stuff.” explained Iron to you. A kind and well-mannered hero. His quirk can kick ass. “We need to catch him.” you sniffed. “We can't, he is invisible, only to be seen in the poisonous cloud of another clone's quirk. They are all connected, we can only take down MImic if we destroy them,” explained Iron. You wiped away your tears. “Alright, do you know more?” you heaved, as you avoided a boulder, which flew at you. Iron constructs a wall to protect you from the boulder. “Shit they are already attacking,” he swore. “Iron, how do you know so much about this dude?” “As we fought him last time with people from my agency, they all died. I did research and I want him dead. I am the one who’s going to kill him.” You were too stunned to say something. “I know this must be hard for you, but killing him won’t be able to heal your deep wounds. Besides, that death would be too kind, he should rot in Tartarus. You can turn him in after we beat him up.” you tried to comfort him, even though you were terrible at it. “Yeah, you're right, thanks.” 
The both of you moved forward to search for the poison guy. “He must be around somewhere. Here is where I got that vision and then I ran off.” Iron nodded and looked around. “The poison is in the same violet as the cloud around Mimic. Maybe they’re connected. He probably hides somewhere in the smoke.” Explained Iron. “Then we need to get in there.” you proposed and made your way to the violet cloud. “Wait, it's highly poisonous, you can’t go in there.” He yelled after you as you were about to enter the thick smoke. “Not a problem. My quirk lets me be immune to poison,” you answered, over your shoulder, leaving Iron behind as you finally stepped into the smoke.
You could barely see in this thick and hot smoke. It was so muggy you could barely breathe. While summoning a snake you checked your vicinity, but nothing special was recognizable in your sight. In addition, it was eerily quiet and only a kind of wafting and muffled fighting noises could be heard. The adrenaline was rushing through your body. This feeling was new and uncanny, which disturbed you. “Get your shit together, Y/N” You shook your head to get a clear sight again. The scales of your hero costume got hotter with every second you spent searching for this stupid dream clone.   
A creepy laugh caught your attention. Even though you looked around, you couldn't see anyone. "Poor naive hero. You walked right into your misery." Mocked the voice. "Where are you, villain?" The voice seemed to come from everywhere. "If I tell you, it would be boring, wouldn't it." It laughed. "Fuck off, we will get Mimic to stop, even if we let you off the hook." "Did I mention that you are naive? Because, Jesus, you are so naive. Poor little hero." The voice still laughed. Cold and heartless. “Show yourself, you, coward.” You began to shout. “I am not a mean guy so I will. Wait and see what powers I can hold.” 
“Who is this guy, we haven’t dealt any damage yet,” shouted Denki. Sweat was running over their temples. Deku and his team were fighting for almost half an hour now and nothing major had happened. The werewolf in front of them had gleaming red eyes, salvia was running down his hairy chin and he attacked constantly. He has a ton of energy, although the heroes did not. They dodged the attacks of the wild animal and tried to fight back, but to no avail. “Wait guys.” shouted a voice from far away. Everyone turned around and spotted Iron. He waved with his arms, so he would get noticed. To be honest, he looked like a crazy human bird. “We can’t wait for him, we need to attack,” shouted Infra, who was occupied with watching out for more clones. “Yes, baby girl. I am on it.” flirted Denki. “Don’t call me that you incompetent twat. Get to work,” she argued with red tainted cheeks. 
“There is still no sight of a new clone,” informed Infra. “Well, that’s great because electrifying this werewolf is harder than you think it is.” While some of them tried to get the wolf unconscious, the others decided to join Iron on his way. “Iron, what are you doing here? We thought you were fighting at the other front,” asked Sparks, the starlight heroine. “They have been blinded by this dream clone. Y/N also got blinded…” He couldn't continue speaking because Deku cut him off. “What’s with her now? Is she alright?” “She is currently trying to fight the poison clone. Before fighting this dream guy,” explained Iron. With his statements, he just confused his fellow heroes even more. “What happened exactly? I don’t get it?” asked Sparks. Iron took a deep breath and tried to explain everything as short as possible.
“Alright, we need to help her. She can’t just fight these horrible guys alone.” Sparks got worried and she already wanted to step into the violet mist, but Deku grabbed her arm and stopped her. “The mist is poisonous, besides Y/n is very capable, they can get those guys. We need to clear the outside parts and save the last few civilians. We can’t risk ourselves when we know one of us is capable of stopping all this. Y/n is selfless, they could never forgive themself if something happened to one of us because of them.” Even though his words seemed to be selfish, his eyes were overflowing with worry and fear for his love. Sparks didn’t agree with his point of view, but she still obeyed his orders. He was the number one hero so he should know what he's talking about.
A horrible-looking creature stepped out of the mist into your field of view. His face was deformed, bloody horns were sticking out of his skull and his bones were sticking out of his body. His appearance was so disturbing you wanted to vomit. You swallowed your puke and tried to put on a poker face. This villain has to be captured or else your team, the civilians, and your husband will die. “Now that I showed myself we should end this quickly.” The clone spoke and his voice sounded like nails running down a chalkboard. It wasn’t deep and distorted like before. You summoned your snakes without saying anything. Meanwhile, poison summoned a fresh cloud of venom. This time it’s as green as your husband's hair. The color always calmed you down, but now you were a bit scared. Even though you can endure an immense amount of poison you don’t know how much concentration he put into it. With the help of the green cloud, you tried to attack him from the back. To your misfortune he was pretty agile, a perk of his frail-looking form, so he dodged your attack. “Don’t underestimate me, little piece of trash.” he laughed as he tried to shoot another ray of poison in your face. Even though you felt you could withstand his onslaught, you avoided it. 
After some minutes of fighting him, you noticed his weaknesses. While he is summoning a cloud of poison he is stunned. That’s a short gap to attack him with your full force. Once you can get him down it will be an easy game. You had to hide your victorious smile. While you were preparing your snakes and yourself to attack, you avoided all his forays. “What’s up with you, low life, can’t even shoot a big wide poison cloud. Weakling,” you shouted at his face. His deformed face formed an ambitious grin. What a dumb villain. He closed his eyes and cast the poison. With one fast step, you and your snakes attacked him. The sharp teeth of your snakes pierced his thighs, while you were trying to hit him unconsciously. With your right fist, you landed a hit on his nose and with your left, you hit him in his stomach. He was fighting to get you off but the surprise attack did its best and he couldn't get rid of you. “Well, who is now the little piece of trash now?” Were your last words before your opponent drifted into unconsciousness. 
You took a deep sigh of relief and let go of him. The violet mist vanished and finally, the whole disaster was revealed. Rubble, shattered glass, body parts, and bodies were strewn everywhere. It was a view you would like to forget, but now you have to focus on the mission. Finding the dream guy had to be easy now that the poison guy was gone. You let your snakes vanish to conserve your power, otherwise, you'd be as comatose as the person you just battled. 
“I wonder where Iron went?” you wondered out loud and went on searching for Dream. You tried not to slip and fall as you walked across rubble and shattered glass. Your body was exhausted but you still kept going, for the sake of the mission and people's lives. Save to win and win to save, or whatever Izuku mumbled when he was fighting a villain. Quiet laughter was detected by your ears. “Who is here?” you shouted into the silence. Of course, there was no answer. “Damn you. I am aware of your ability now, dream. Come out now.” “Or what? Are you going to kill me, little saint.” spat a sarcastic voice behind a pile of stones. There he was the villain you were searching for. An evil smile spread across your face. Now it’s time to shine. “Maybe, but you need to come out little pussy.” you shouted. “Well then prepare to die.” He jumped out of his hiding and threw a knife at you. Well, his quirk was not suited for combat and it showed in his abilities. 
“That’s all you got.” you teased him while summoning your snakes. “Oh just wait.” A wide horrifying grin spread across his dirty face. Grime and blood decorated his face and his long white hair. You walked closer to him and tried to attack him with one of your snakes. It wasn’t as easy as you thought, because he dodged. In the next second, he vanished. Surprised you locked around. 
“What?” you locked around, you were standing in the hallway of Izukus and your holiday home. A moan could be heard from upstairs. Your stomach turned as if you knew what was going on. “Izuku, are you there?” you shouted through your flat. The moaning stopped and the shuffling of people could be heard. You slowly walked towards the master bedroom. The fear inside of you was intensifying with each step. With a fast move you opened the door, and there he was, naked. The love of your life nacked with another woman in your bed. “How could you? I thought you loved me. Izuku Midoriya, how could you do this ?” With each word, your voice grew louder. He looked at you with a smug grin. “You deserved it. You were a useless girlfriend. Not even good at one thing, so shagging another lad was good. We are over.” He said almost sounding bored. Tears were streaming across your cheeks. “I hate you.” you whimpered and broke down. Until the world started spinning and you sank to the floor.
You opened your eyes again and noticed the rubble under your knees. In front of you laid the unconscious Dream. The tears on your cheeks still kept running. “Hey, Y/n. He is gone, everything is alright now.” said a voice you knew too well, but now it felt unreal. His voice was so reassuring and kind not like seconds before. It was only a vision caused by this villain. “How did you find me?” you whispered, still shaken up. So he wasn’t cheating on you, what a relief. You wanted to take a deep breath but you were still in shock. He wrapped his muscular arms around you. “You can breathe it’s over. After the big poison mist vanished Iron told me the direction and I came looking for you. This guy was just in my way.” He explained calmingly. “I didn’t cheat on you, my dear, I never would. It’s alright. How could I ever betray someone as loving as you?” His hands were running up and down on your back. “Are you alright?” “Now I am, thank you Izu.” You took a deep shaky breath and stood up. “Let's help the others,” you said and both of you started to find your team. 
Izuku started to carry you on his back. He activated OFA and sprinted toward the place he came from. Denkis Elektro rays could already be seen in the distance. He intensified the speed in his legs. “We should hope that they captured the werewolf already,” shouted Izuku over his shoulder. You nodded, but the answer couldn’t leave your mouth because you gritted your teeth. This was way too fast. It felt like you could vomit at any time. As you reached the point of your destination, your team was still fighting against this huge hairy monster. Izuku came to a halt and you jumped off his back. “Dream is unconscious, so it should be easy to finish this guy,” reported Izuku. “Sets gret. He He.” babbled Denki, who was nearly at his limit. The beast was still stunned by Denkis's force.
The werewolf was now a mere puppy. He just whined and tried to escape the electric force of his opponent. “Please, let me go.” His voice was a mere whisper. “Maybe it’s too much, we should help him.” You said worriedly as you were about to summon your snakes. “No, his electric has reached a limit of 2000 Volt, you would be toast if you tried to save the villain.” reminded you Infra. She watched Denkis doing with crossed arms and a worried frown. Wasn’t she the girl Denki took as his date to the hero gala last week? You asked yourself but shook your head. That’s something to ponder about later. It merely took another few minutes until Dennis took his Volt power to its maximum of 2500 Volt. Your thoughts stopped abruptly when a new villain tried to attack you from behind. 
“Delaware Smash,” shouted Izuku as he protected you. The huge boulders exploded into a million little pieces. Your heart raced inside your chest. “Thank you.” you stammered. Izuku turned around, concern lingered in his eyes. “Did a pebble hurt you? Are you shocked? Are you alright?” He started rambling as he took your chin in his rough hand. He observed your face and wiped the blood from a small wound on your cheek. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to let the stone hurt you,” he mumbled. “It’s alright. It’s not your fault, the villain did it.” You comforted him by holding him. “We need to stop him.” The shock wore off and you were ready to fight. Izuku and you released your hug and started sprinting toward the source of the boulders. Iron and Nifty Angel followed you. 
“Who even is this ?” Angel asked and Iron grumbled. “She is called Micro. With the help of the werewolf’s pheromones, she can produce Microparticles that can be transformed into bigger objects. She is an agile opponent and can produce her weapons fast, so please be careful.” Iron produced a shield for Nifty and himself, while Deku protected you with Air Force. 
An ear-piercing laugh echoed through the stony field. “You believe you can avoid my quirk? As if.�� She laughed and shot another wave of stones in your direction. A small rock flew past you and scratched you. Warm blood was now running down your dirty cheek. Your body was filled with adrenaline, so you didn’t even notice, but Izuku did.
His eyes were filled with worry as he saw the blood. “I’m fine,” you muttered. He walked on, still concerned. His energy radiated with anger as he attacked Micro again. Her radiant laugh vibrated through your whole body. “Such a lovely couple. I guess we should pull an end to this disgusting romance.” With a wicked smile, she collected a bunch of rocks and let them transform into a huge hammer. She swung it around like a madman and tried to squash you all to pulk. Her giggles were accompanied by your shouting. You rolled over your shoulder to avoid her onslaught. Izuku was furious by now, his eyes grew darker and he pulled for a counterattack. “Distract her,” he whispered to you, as he moved on to get closer to his enemy. 
Micro went on with her maniacal giggle and went on with controlling her stony hammer. She locked around the small area, suspicion built up in her stomach as she wasn’t able to see the green-haired pro hero. “Where is…” Her muttering was interrupted by an angry growl. “St. Louis smash.” With a swift kick, Izuku kicked her from her stone pile. Micro screamed with agony as she landed on the hard ground. The stones ripped her costume apart and blood pooled from her legs. The bone of her thigh saw the light of day. It was a disgusting scene, to be honest. A shiver went down your spine. “Never target my partner again.” Izuku hissed. “Well too late. She is already down. Such a pity.” breathed the villainess in front of him. With a scary impression the hero turned around, but you were safe and sound. As he wanted to turn around he got hit with a stone against his head. The world started spinning and black dots were shimmering before his inner eye. Blood was dripping down his scalp. A growl escaped his lips as the stone hit him in his stomach. He stumbled back and tried to clear his sight, even though he failed miserably.
At the same time tried Chargebolt to get the furry unconscious. It didn’t take long until the werewolf lost his ability to move and Chargeally short-circuited. The yellow lightning vanished as both of the fighters fell unconscious on the dusty ground. “Finally.” exhaled Sparks as she captured the villain with her lariat. “Sparks go and help the others. I will get Chargebolt to safety,” yelled Infra as she carried the blond hero on her back.
Sparks was now running to her four colleagues to help them out. The dirty air rushed into her lungs. She just hoped that her asthma wasn’t acting up now. She thought through the shortness of breath. She was aware that her asthma may affect her as she approached the field of calamity. With a fast handle, she got her asthma inhaler. She pressed the button and her lungs immediately felt free. “Such shitty timing,” she mumbled and asked Angel for a management report. 
As Izuku tried to fight back. The stones around Micro disheveled into little fragments and her eyes widened with fear, now she was unable to protect herself. Izuku got the quirk-repelling cuffs out of his pockets and captured her. She would be able to move anyways. “Got her,” he shouted over the quiet field. “Finally. I thought I was gonna be crushed by this huge hammer.” Iron let out a relieved breath. “Where is Y/N?” Deku asked immediately. “She is helping Angel with her laceration. No need to worry, loverboy.” Iron winked. Both of the heroes joined their teammates. “Well we should move on to Mimic and finally take him down.” you mused. “Where are Chargebolt and Infra?” Iron asked. “Chargebolt short-circuited and Infra is bringing him to safety.” “Ah, yes, seems plausible.”   
Your team started running towards Mimic, still on the alert for possible enemies. “We need to be careful, there could be other clones.” pondered Iron. “Your right, we need to be on guard.” you agreed. With that knowledge, you walked slower, always watching out for new enemies. The air was quiet with screams of injured civilians, no fighting sounds, and no quirk-caused noises. It sends shivers down your spine. What a creepy atmosphere. Your heart was pounding and no one dared to utter a word. The quiet was immediately disturbed by a piercing scream. Your scream. The abrupt penetration of a knife through your shoulder blade drove you to face first to the earth. “Find this asshole.” Deku and the others had divided up to look for the knife thrower. 
“It hurts.” you cried, as Izuku pulled out the knife. He pulled out a bandage and tended your wound. “Are you alright? Should I get you to the ambulance?” he rambled and you smiled a bit. “No, I can still fight. We should move on.” Izuku landed you a hand and you both stood up. “Thank you.” you pecked his cheek. “Now we should find the others.” You took his hand and moved on as if nothing happened. Even though your right arm hurt like hell. 
In the meantime Iron, Angel and Spark fought against this villain who was covered in knives. Angel was still on guard, she believed that somehow there could be another clone in reach. The other two had the upper hand on this knife guy. So she left to look out for other clones or civilians who needed help. To her luck, her gut feeling didn’t betray her. There stood this guy with a bow and arrow. He was distracted by his target and Angel took the change and aimed her sword at him and threw it like a spear at him The sharp blade drew through both of his arms and with a loud growl her target fell to the ground. “There, there. Shooting on already traumatized civilians. Such a pity you missed.” snared Angel as she put the quirk-reducing handcuffs around his hands. She pulled the sword out of the arms of the sniper. “Well, then have a nice stay, the police will escort you to your zero-star hotel.” With that, she turned around and left the poor villain alone. “Easy, pff.” 
When she came back, Iron and Sparks had already captured the knife guy. “Good job guys.” she honored them. “Where were you?” snapped Iron. “I captured another clone, I guess we got all of them down now.” Irons's angry expression vanished and he just nodded. “Well done,” Sparks said, virtually impressed. The three of them fell into awkward silence. Which shortly got interrupted by Deku and you. 
“Is everything alright?” you asked, trying to hide the fact that you just got impaled by a knife. “You shouldn't be fighting. Your shoulder got hurt pretty bad.” Sparks eyes observed your shoulder. “It will be fine,” you reassured her. “If you say so,” muttered Sparks. “Alright, we need to keep going, if we want to stop this monster till tomorrow.” Iron said as he walked toward the middle of the stone field. The crew followed him, mentally preparing for the last battle.
Shortly you've reached the middle of the mall. Now there was no violet smoke and no clones. It was your way to get to this villain. But before you could reach him, Izuku held you back. "Please be careful, dear. If your shoulder is still hurt, don't exaggerate yourself, and always stay with someone. We will win this and then we will go on a date." His eyes couldn't hide the worry that simmered in him. "I will be careful, Izu. You don't need to worry, I am still capable of fighting. We will end him." Your hand wandered to caress his cheek. He leaned shortly against your touch. Izuku took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles. "It will be alright, you will see," you whisper. "I know. I am just…" he got interrupted by Iron. "Lovebirds, we don't have all day. Now get going." You chuckled lightly. "I love you, we will talk later." You ended your conversation and got going. "I love you too." He shouted after you, unsatisfied with the interruption. He took a deep breath and followed you into misery. 
Angel, Sparks, Iron, and also Infra started to fight against Mimic. He avoided their attacks swiftly and laughed about their failing attempts to kill him. "And you say you are heroes?" Without another thought, you summon a bunch of snakes to help your group. “You think silly snakes would keep me from erasing all of you? What a naive little girl you are.” snorted Mimic overbearing. You didn’t answer. Why should you? He isn't worth any of your words. You send your snakes in intense speed toward him to land the first attack and to gain the upper hand. The snakes attacked his leg, and with their sharp teeth, they bit into it. A painful scream escaped his lips as he kicked them away. “You stupid heroes. You really believe you are saving the world with your stupid work. You are ruining my plan of eternal world peace. Maybe if you’d all die it would be better for all of us. So now perish under my power.” He stretched his arms to the side and screamed like he had been summoned by a demon. “See and die. Heroes.” he laughed as a huge wave of clones entered your way. “Shit.” You gritted your teeth as one of them hit you right on the ground. This time they didn't use any of their quirks. Iron and sparks tried to fight against two of them, but with each second passing by it felt like your team was too weak. But you were a hero you couldn’t be weak. Your hands balled into a fist and landed in the faceless Clone's stomach. It stumbled backward and hissed. The gray clone locked you dead in the eyes and lunged forward to grab you now by your throat. Your feet were now above ground, and you struggled to get out of its grip. By now you could already see the black dots getting more and more. The world started to spin around you. “Yn, can you hear me? Honey?" Someone screamed and shook your body, but you couldn't respond, the world was still a blur. It took a while until you finally snapped out of it, the battlefield, the blood, and the heavy smell of sweat and debris lay in the air. Izukus' green eyes laid worryingly on you. “It's alright. I can fight again,” you reassured him. “Alright, be careful dear. I don't want you to be hurt.” he almost pleaded. “I won't. I promise. Now go and help the others.” A smile forms on your face as he vanishes through the thick dust cloud. 
You tried to get back on your feet and tried to move forward, but no one was near you, and neither did you hear any sound of fighting. “Oooohhh, darling, have you lost your friends ?” the raspy voice of Mimic snorted. “They don't need you, you are just another worthless hero. Another piece of shit. Do you really believe your greeny pansy really loves you? Maybe he just acts like it to be more liked by the society of your so-called fans, that only live in a world full of imagination.” A sigh escaped your mouth. “Maybe your right. Maybe this whole hero thing is just a lie I told myself to become famous. I never knew who I wanted to be, but now I see you standing there in this radiant light of the afternoon sun. I think I know now, it was always my destiny to be the one who kills the heroes, to clear the world of its filthiness of it. I want to work by your side.” You walked closer to him, now smiling like a mad person. Mimics' stoic expression changed to a kind of loving one, he spread out his arms as you walked closer to him. “Now child, I am glad you finally found what you've been searching for. Together, my dear, we can change the world.” He embraced you in a tight hug. “ Yes my lord. I will always be yours.” 
The world he created around you slowly vanished. You were now back on the field and a devilish smile spread across your face. “Ready to cure the world from its poison.” “Of course.” And with that said your snakes bit into the kneck of him. Blood splattered from it and he began to choke on his own blood. “You are the poison of this world, and I am going to erase you. You had no right to kill the innocent or the heroes. You're just an average psychopath. I hope you land in hell. And for the record Izuku is the most loving husband, he would never do something like that for fame.” His legs gave out and he landed on the dirty ground, surrounded by his own blood pool. 
You turned around but no one was there. The fighting noises haven't stopped. You killed him, so why were they still fighting? You ran across the field trying to find your teammates. “Where are you guys?” you screamed at the top of your lung, but nobody answered. The fighting sounds grew louder with each step you took, and now you were running. You saw Iron in the distance. “Guys I killed him.” You screamed happily, but that happiness immediately vanished as you saw the blood bath in front of you. Infra and Sparks lay right in front of you with emotionless eyes, both drenched in their own blood. “Well he isn't dead dumbass, now fight,” shouted Iron hastily. He shot another iron bar at the huge creature in front of him. “What in the actual fuck?” You whispered as you ran into the fight. You let your snakes appear and tried to help fight Mimic. “Why did you think he was dead?” asked Iron while he was producing more weapons for himself. “Well I kinda tricked him earlier and killed him, but I guess that was just a clone of himself. If I hadn't fallen for his trick maybe Infra and Sparks would still fight with us.” The realization hit you harder than you thought. “You can't change the past, what's important now is that you found us and fight with us at this moment. It's not your fault they died, even if you were here you couldn't have helped them. They were dead before Deku and I arrived.” The guilty feeling didn't vanish but you could put on a brave face. “Where is Deku?” “He is fighting him in the air we support him from the ground. Now give me one of your snakes and we will send MImic a message.” With that, he pulled out a metal spear and you put one of your snakes on it. “Now let the magic happen.” With a loud surring, the spear flew through the air. With a loud bang, it hit. And Mimic fell down on the ground. The cracking of his bones filled the now quiet air. You were surprised it was easier than you thought. “Did we do it?” You asked in disbelief. “Yes, we did it” cheered Iron and hugged you tightly.
Izuku landed now on the ground and you nearly tackled him over. “Slow down my dear.” he coughed. “We did it Izu. We did it!” You kissed him deeply not caring about the blood on his lips, coming from a scratch. “Now we need to clean up and then we can finally go home or somewhere else. I just want to forget this horrible day.” You sighed as tears of sadness and relief rolled down your cheeks. With his ripped gloves, Izuku caused your cheeks and got rid of your tears. “You didn't hurt yourself?” “No I am totally fine.” you smiled. 
And even though you lost your friend, colleagues, and a lot of citizens you were relieved that this maniac could finally be stopped and Musutafu could be a little bit safer.  
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson, Jason Grace & Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan & Nico di Angelo, Luke Castellan & Percy Jackson Characters: Nico di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace Additional Tags: Dark Nico di Angelo, he's def dark. trust me., Percy is drifting to the dark side, Dead Jason Grace, Dead Luke Castellan, But Nico can still talk to him, he didn't receive rebirth. why? because I SAID SO., actually no it's just my AU lolol, Luke Castellan was Imprisoned, Nico talks to Luke, Percy's POV, POV Third Person, in short: jason is dead percy is enraged nico is barely sane and luke is just mentioned, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Corruption, No Smut, i'll be damned if i write smut Series: Part 1 of If Luke stayed in the deepest of Underworld Summary:
In the back of his mind, Percy vaguely heard a ringing thought calling out to him, telling him how it would be history repeating itself all over again. A part of Percy was screaming at him that it would be no different from that time Percy himself had had to raise his sword against his first and only instructor, his hero whom he'd admired so much, the first friend he'd made in the middle of a peculiar camp for those like them. That part was loud, so loud and bitterly true that Percy was terrified but it was Nico's voice that silenced it.
"He was just lost."
"It wasn't wrong to want happiness and not die."
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iguessigotta · 1 year
'nother desmon drabble. this was gonna be one part but i think i'm gonna make it at least a two-parter no warnings, aside from desmond's foul mouth
“How much longer are they gonna have me under surveillance?” Desmond said, stopping in the doorway to lean against the frame.
“What- w- ow-” a screwdriver and a few smaller pieces fell to the floor as Tony smacked the back of his head off the edge of his work table. He cursed quietly before standing, hand rubbing circles into the back of his head, “Who’s got who under surveillance?”
Desmond rolled his eyes, “You know what I’m talking about, jesus christ-”
“No taking the lord’s name in vain,” Tony interrupted with a barely-contained snicker.
The dramatic, frustrated sigh Desmond let out could have earned him awards, had there been awards for “acting like a teenager in your late 20’s”.
“Shield, dad,” he said, closing his eyes and taking intentional, slow breaths, “The absolutely fuckin massive military intelligence….branch…..thing.”
He deflated when he finally opened his eyes to see Tony stifling laughter, hand clamped over his mouth. He could tell Tony wanted to keep poking at him, and when the man in front of him tried speaking, moving his hand from his mouth,he had to clamp it back down as a fresh wave of laughter bubbled up. Desmond grimaced.
“W-wai- I’m sor-” Tony cut himself off but failed to stop a bark of laughter. He cleared his throat and tried again, “You were right, Des. That’s what they are - ‘the absolutely fuckin’ massive military intelligence branch thing’”
“You know what I mean,” Des grumbled with a roll of his eyes, “How much longer are they going to be stalking me?”
Turning to grab some things from his work table, Tony let out a long breath, beginning to idly clean something with a rag, “Few more months I think.”
“Months?!” Desmond near-shouted, “Why?”
“Why?” Tony paused cleaning whatever he was holding, “Desmond, you were brainwashed. By the scepter.”
Desmond, frustrated, refused to respond. That made Tony nervous, “You….do remember being  brainwashed by the scept-”
“Yes I remember being brainwashed by the scepter,” he said with a slight whine, dragging a hand through freshly-dyed hair. Before he could speak again, Tony cut him off.
“Well. That’s why you’re still under surveillance,” he looked at Des while gesturing to his own head, “You’ve got scrambled eggs for brains now or something. I don’t know, they never tell me anything - and why do you care so much? You never leave the compound so nothing should really have changed for you.”
“Thanks for confirming I’m being stalked.”
“Whatever, oh my god.” 
Tony paused a moment, simply watching Desmond, before taking a breath, “All right, spit it out, kid. Who’s got you so antsy for freedom?”
“W-” Desmond sputtered, face screwing up in confusion, “The fuck makes you say who?”
“That!” Tony gestured towards Desmond with a wrench, continuing through laughter, “That look on your face! You’re so mad!”
“Gee, I wonder why,” Desmond rolled his eyes, turning to leave. If Tony was going to just sit here and make fun of him, then he’d go find help somewhere else, “Whatever, nevermind, I’ll go ask Buzz…”
There wasn’t a doubt in Tony’s mind that no matter what the request was, Buzz would be able to find a way to complete it. The last time Desmond asked Buzz for help tracking down a copy of a rare video game, Buzz had found and somehow gotten his hands on it within a week and a half. Which would have been all well and good if they hadn’t also created, sold, and then ran away with the money from some absurd crypto currency in order to pay for it. Ok, it was pretty funny. Buzz put so little effort into the currency, it was honestly kind of their fault for falling for it. Unfortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. caught wind of it and saddled Tony with a mountain of paperwork. ‘Still better than the time he had them find Wade. Yeah, let’s not do that again…’
“Wait no - Des!” he shouted, a bit louder than intended, making Desmond jump slightly. Tony ran his hand down his face before continuing, “I’ll do it - what did you need?
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univvrse · 9 months
the coven (chapter 12)
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minors dni
reader x bakugou x shinsou x kaminari x kirishima
cw: sub reader, smut, penetrative sex, threesome kinda idk
Coven- a formation of at least three or more vampires
He told you they were dangerous- why didn't you believe him?
previous parts can be found on my masterlist
on my ao3 if you'd prefer
1.3k words
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Back in Hitoshi's room, Eijiro had been back for a while- you were sandwiched between him and Hitoshi on the purple haired man’s black sheets. Thanks to the two of theirs’ incredibly low body heat you were a perfect cool temperature. You were wearing only an oversized t-shirt that Hitoshi had procured for you from his floor. Hitoshi was wearing some gym shorts that- you guessed it- he had also found somewhere on his floor. Eijiro had come back from Denki’s room with no shirt- presumably having taken it off during whatever they had been doing over there- and now he was only in the jeans he had been wearing earlier. Hitoshi spoke up, “so are you going to tell her or should I.” “Dude don’t it literally doesn’t matter,” he replied- giving Hitoshi a warning glance. “Wait, tell me what?” “Eijiro is so fucking hard right now,” Hitoshi spoke up before Eijiro could stop him. “Oh my god, it literally doesn’t matter.” “It clearly does if you keep thinking about it Eijiro.” “Y/N don’t worry about it- it’ll go away.”
Your eyes narrowed- “do you want me to- um- help you out with that Eijiro,” you asked- you sat up. “I mean- yeah I do- but I don’t want to push you too far today.” “You’re not pushing me too far at all- I’d love to help you out actually,” you looked into his eyes- pouting slightly and silently begging for him to fuck you again. He didn’t say anything for a moment and the room was perfectly silent other than your breathing. “So, are you going to let her or what?” Hitoshi asked. “Fuck- yeah, who am I kidding? Of course, I am.”
You smiled about that- you took a short breath in to speak but his arms almost instantly wrapped around you. Pulling you into his lap. You straddled him- almost immediately pressing kisses onto his lips. He had completely winded you in a single moment and you felt as if there was no more oxygen in the entire world. He wasted no time in pulling his jeans down. He lifted his hips for a moment to help him take them off. You squeaked slightly at the sudden movement- before you could complain he had already kicked them off his feet and left them somewhere around the footboard of Hitoshi’s bed. This action left him in just his boxers, his erection pressing upwards against your bare cunt.
Before your eyes could comprehend what was happening Hitoshi was behind you, his chest pressing against your back- kissing your neck softly. His cold presence behind you pushed you into Eijiro, almost forcing you to grind your hips against him. The red-head groaned at the action his hands quickly finding purchase at your hips- digging his nails into them sharply. With a soft hand, you reached downwards- finding the waistband of his boxers- pulling them down just low enough to reveal his cock. It was impressively hard, probably harder than you had seen it prior.
A sigh left your throat- quickly turning to a gasp as you felt Hitoshi reach between your legs; he frisked around there for a split second until he found what he was looking for- your clit. He immediately started abusing the nub- you begin to fold in on yourself, having just had an orgasm like, 30 minutes prior. Another set of hands were quickly on your cunt as Eijiro began to line up his cock with your twitching pussy. The feeling of being wanted so intensely by these two men was intoxicating- addicting almost.
It was like the most excruciatingly brilliant mix of heaven and hell. You felt dirty- about to have sex with two men at once. Scratch that- two fucking vampires at once. You let your soul be damned as you felt Eijiro began to slip his dick into you with ease- your hole still wet with Hitoshi’s cum. You let out small moans and whimpers at the feeling- Hitoshi continued to play with your clit as Eijiro finally eased you down so you were fully seated on him, and he was fully inside you. Eijiro allowed you a moment to get used to the feeling, grabbing you by the back off your neck- pulling you away from Hitoshi’s advances and kissing you fully and passionately on the lips.
It became a sort of game for them for a few minutes- Eijiro pulling you somehow closer and Hitoshi would have to chase after you- they exchanged warning glances at each other, each wanting to keep you for themselves. This continued until you had Eijiro completely pinned up against the headboard, there wasn’t a millimetre of space between the two of you.
Just as you began to get used to the feeling of one of them on either side of you- Eijiro began to finally move inside of you. He was much faster this time than he was previously- he had clearly been desperate for release for a long time, you tried to grind your hips down against him, trying yet failing miserably. The man was clearly desperate for you, whimpers and moans fell from his lips. You threw your head back, resting it on Hitoshi’s shoulder, granting him full access to your neck. He sucked and bit at your neck like a man starved. You arched your back- practically pushing your tits into Eijiro’s face. Eijiro took advantage of the position- quickly releasing his lips from yours and wrapping them around one of your nipples- sucking salaciously on the nub. The two men drew ungodly sounds from your lips, sounds you didn’t know it was possible for people to make. They were going to be the death of you.
The red-head’s pace never faltered- making incredible use of his inhuman gifts to bounce you on his lap. Hitoshi was just as unrelenting, and you were almost certain that you would have no skin left on your neck in the morning with the way he was sucking and nipping at it. Hitoshi’s fingers that had been pressed against your clit had only sped up. The two of theirs’s stamina was insane. They were both absolutely ravenous for the sounds that spilled from your throat- they were both hungry as wolves. Sandwiched between them like this you felt like their prey.
You felt as if they had hunted far and wide for you- just to have the opportunity to have you like this- perfectly at their will. The room was deafeningly loud, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing clearly against the four walls of Hitoshi’s bedroom. You weren’t even touching Hitoshi at all and yet he was still louder than you had ever thought anyone would be during sex before you had it. Almost inexplicably, Eijiro’s pace hastened even more, his mouth leaving your tit and instead leaning behind you, brazenly pulling Hitoshi’s lips away from you for a moment to press fierce, passionate kisses against the purple haired man’s lips.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum, need you to cum first- can you do that for me?” he asked you. You nodded quickly; your eyes squeezed shut from the practically blinding pleasure. The feeling of your orgasm built quickly. An intense pleasure that you initially defended yourself from for a few minutes. Both of the vampires quickened their pace, the white-hot pleasure forced you to surrender, and you felt heaven break over you. You convulsed in their grasp, your legs tensing around Eijiro- holding him inside of you. It was so intense you slipped into some sort of haze; the feeling of Eijiro’s cum spilling inside of you, stuffing you full, was mostly lost to you.
You didn’t register fully what was happening until you were pulled away from the two of them and under Hitoshi’s blankets. One of them peppered light kisses against your cheeks. You hadn’t realised one of them had left until you felt a slightly damp towel slip between your legs. The feeling of sleep had mostly overtaken you- the last thing you felt before falling into the world of sleep was the two of theirs’s cold hands wrapping around you. There, you felt safe.
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hopelessbluekiss · 1 year
Me testing out a new Fandom as a writer like:
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orionthecreator08 · 11 months
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Visual for the 12th Chapter of "Is It Possible (To Finally Feel Like You Belong)?" by OriontheWriter8 on AO3.
Man, writing Okami go feral over Izuku was wicked honestly, any plan that this brunette has made when fighting is all me. No beta reader to help me cuz I don't have one.
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