#my sister and cousin going to breakfast together but my cousin didn't want to take a weekend trip to see our other cousin ???
hauntedwoman · 9 months
hm i am. irritated
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mayajadewrites · 3 months
I Wish I Hated You (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
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summary: You don't do second chances. Especially after you gave your heart to Levi Ackerman, and he decided to throw it away so the next person has to repair the damage. Will Levi put his ego aside and finally admit his feelings for you are far deeper than you imagined? Or is a second chance out of the question?
warnings: eventual smut, this is a slow burn
C H A P T E R T H R E E: K E Y
You look around your entire apartment to see if Levi left the spare key you gave him. 
You sigh and admit defeat as you sip on your coffee which was made perfectly made. 
The bagel is warm so it couldn't have been long since Levi stopped by. Reluctantly, you take a bite of the bagel your ex boyfriend brought you. This too is perfectly made.
"He must've gotten these from the shop by his house." You say to yourself as you scroll through your phone, trying to kill time. You find Hange's name and text her to pick you up to bring you to your car.
Hange: Don't you have your car back already?
You: Um no... I woke up 15 minutes ago.
Hange: I helped Levi bring it to your house like 45 minutes ago. I thought you knew.
You move your curtain out of the way and see your car perfectly parked in your assigned spot. It looks like he got it washed, too. 
You're fuming. Who does this man think he is? 
You: I need you to give me my key back.
Levi: Why don't you start the conversation off with 'Thank you Levi for getting my car for me, getting it washed, and grabbing me breakfast'. 
You: I don't need to be nice to you. Give me my key back.
Levi: Ok but I made copies.
Of fucking course he did.
You: What is your deal? We're not together anymore so why do you need a key to my house? I gave you back your key.
Levi: You can get another key if you want.
You: That is not the point. The point is we broke up. So we don't need to be in each others lives at all anymore.
Levi: I never said I didn't want you in my life.
Tsk. The nerve of this man. 
You: You made it clear that you didn't want something long term with me. So what was the point of wasting both of our times?
Levi didn't respond. Ghosted. Typical for him. 
The next day you have the opening shift - 6am to 2 pm. You prefer the morning shifts but the wake ups never get easier. 
You help serve the customers and make coffee - thankfully your shop is locally owned and doesn't get terribly busy. You also get to see the same faces every day which is comforting. 
When you look up after making a matcha latte, you see Mikasa Ackerman. Levi's cousin who you took on as your little sister. After the break up, you swore you would stay in her life. Your face lights up when her eyes meet yours and you run around the counter to give her a hug.
"Mikasa! God I missed you!" You cup her face with your hands. "You look good. How's life? How's Eren?" 
"I missed you too." Mikasa smiled. "I'm good and Eren is good. We would love to go to dinner with you soon!" 
"Okay, but your cousin is not invited." You half laugh, mostly because he might actually show up.
"Absolutely not." She grabbed her latte. "I've gotta run to work, it was nice seeing you! I'll text you!" 
The rest of your workday went as normal. No Levi interruptions. 
"Have a good day!" You wave goodbye to your boss and open the door to leave.
There he is, leaning against your car. 
You swat at him to get off your car. "Don't you have a job?" 
"I do. I'm on my lunch." Levi moved to the left of where he just was. 
"Okay... so go get something for lunch. I'm leaving." 
"I wanted to get lunch with you. We should talk." 
"Oh now we should talk." You raise your arms. "Now Levi Ackerman is ready to talk. That's great, talk to a therapist." You slam your car door and start the engine.
"If I talk to a therapist can I take you to lunch?"
"I want us to be friends." Levi leaned into your car. You can't help but stare at his sculpted jawline and his jet black locks that cover one of his eyebrows. He definitely just got his undercut done. 
"We can't be friends." You snap yourself out of whatever trance you were in. "I don't need any more friends."
"You have 1 friend and that's Hange."
"And that's enough for me. Anything else?"
"We're gonna be friends." Levi tapped the car window. "You don't really have a choice."
"You're like a roach." You press the button for your window to close. Levi's still staring at you intently. He never answered your text but felt so compelled to show up to your job and beg you to be friends? 
As days go by, you feel the hole in your heart that Levi left start to close ever so slightly. You're nowhere near rebuilt, but you're healing. You spend your time working, writing, reading, and trying your best to avoid seeing Levi. He's stopped his random visits and hasn't text you, which feels... right. You're not supposed to talk to your ex boyfriend after you break up. Especially when you didn't want to break up but HE didn't want to commit long term.
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daegall · 2 years
Tell me everything.
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↳ Best friends are supposed to tell each other everything, but Donghyuck isn't all that sure if he can tell you about his feelings. (He obviously also doesn't know that you have a big fat crush on him too)
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pairing: best friend!hyuck x reader
genre: fluff, crack, slight angst, best friends to lovers!AU
warnings: um parties, mentions of alcohol, reader and hyuck are so fucking oblivious, bro idk i dont rmember writing this fic im so sorry
word count: 8.8k words
a/n: oh my fucking god the rollercoaster this fic has been to me. i swear to god i have never ever been so blocked EVER im sos ososososoooo sorry this is SO overdue man i feel so guilty and at the same time i feel so disappointed in this fic but its ok ^^ i'll just grow out of it in the future and look back and laugh (with tears </3)
anw BIG HUGE thank you to the godess of editing herself, @jenotapes ! thank you so so sooo much aisha for the beautiful header, i cannot express how much i love it and how thankful i am, it's so gorgeous it's liek theonly good thing about this whole thing HAHA
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The first real friend you've ever had, you have to say, is your mother, but really that's another situation.
Other than her, you'd have to say it would be Hung Renjun, someone you've known since middle school. You were inseparable during middle school, and sure you had a few crushes on him, but it's a lot different now.
You grew apart, but it doesn't seem like any of you minded it that much. 
Your best friend after that, would be Lee Donghyuck. Someone you met through Renjun. 
It was during Renjun's cousin's wedding where you met him. (You were only invited because this certain cousin used to be like a sister to you when you were younger. You like to remember all the tea parties you had together.)
But man, would you like to thank, and scold, both Renjun and his cousin for inviting you. Because of them, you found Donghyuck.
It was quite a unique way to find your best friend.
"You've got some moves!" 
You turn around at the unexpected, and unfamiliar voice, alarmed at a (very cute) stranger with a light smile on his lips. Your lips go from a gape of surprise, to a bright smile that slips a laugh, "Thank you!"
"Do you have a phone number too?"
Yes, he had tried asking you out. Not only did you end up giving up your number, but you did go hang out a while after that. 
You most certainly did (and still do) have the biggest crush on him, finding him so very charming and cute and, well, your type.
But for some apparent reason, he never asked if you wanted to actually date. You're not sure if he forgot, or he thinks you weren't interested or something, but he just didn't. You suspect he didn't have any more interest anymore. Not that you minded, (now. You minded a lot back then.) but it's getting a lot harder to keep in with every day that you get closer to Donghyuck.
It's gotten to the point where you don't even want to think of him, fearing that it would show and your whole friendship would be ruined.
Instead, you bake, as you always did when you had something particular on your mind.
Chocolate chip cookies, you had decided about 20 minutes ago, the soft and chewy ones that Donghyuck like—
"Holy shit," you whisper to yourself, voice hushed with realization. "did I just make Lee Donghyuck's favorite fucking snack without realizing?!" 
Yeah, your crush on him has gotten a lot worse. You suspect this happened when he took you out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner when he noticed your dull state last week. He even paid for all the food! 
You decide to let all your thoughts go as you close the oven with your fist batch of cookies, the rustiness of the screws more than enough to distract you. Gosh, nobody in your dorm building takes care of the poor thing. You remember when Yoo Jimin and Kim Minjeong attempted to roast a whole turkey but it came out way undercooked because the oven broke down within 30 minutes.
Just as you thought your mind was Lee Donghyuck-free, the door to the kitchen opens, and in comes all your thoughts once again, as your best friend enters.
"Hey there," he greets.
"What are you doing?"
You shrug, turning around as you continue mixing the cookie dough. "I don't know, what does it seem like I'm doing?"
A chuckle slips from Donghyuck's lips as he approaches you, choosing to take a seat on the counter, next to the cooling rack. "Cookies?"
You only him in approval, placing the bowl back down on the counter.
To Donghyuck, your baking is one of the best he knows. First, would be his mother, of course, but you’re close to beating her, especially with the cake you baked for Renjun’s birthday a few months ago. He particularly likes your baking when you two are awake at midnight, and instead of using the oven, you choose to use the microwave, to make simple 2 minute microwave cookies or brownies. They’re the best for midnight snacks to have while writing an essay, or having an existential crisis together.
A moment later, Donghyuck finds you rummaging through the many drawers to find something. Once you finally find it, you go straight back to the dough, before you stick the object in, and scoop it back out.
In front of Donghyuck, is a teaspoon, scooped with your cookie dough. He mumbles a few words of gratitude, before taking the spoon from you and shoving it in his mouth. 
While Jaemin and Jeno are your favorite taste testers, (due to their immaculate opinions of how much salt and/or sugar you put into your recipes) Donghyuck always somehow finds his way to become number one. Maybe it’s because you like to hear the compliments from him. (or your big fat crush on him. Both, most likely.)
"Oh, yum! This is really good," Donghyuck smacks his lips, savouring each second of the taste melting on his tongue, and gets a small sense of... nostalgia.
"Hey, did you put some—"
"—cinnamon? Yes I did, I remember you telling me how your mom would do it, so I decided to try it myself too. Good to know you like it,"
It was a simple mention during a debate of if cupcakes or cookies were better, but the very random fact stuck to the back of your mind whenever you thought of baking. You’ve been meaning to make some, but never had the time to until now. (Though, you do have a few assignments begging to be finished as you bake.)
While Donghyuck is so very thankful, and delighted, he's a tiny bit worried. He knows you only bake when you have a mind full of things you don't want it to be filled with. This happened when you flunked that one assignment and you baked a whole birthday cake to get your mind off it.
"Are you okay?"
You're surprised at Donghyuck's words, instantly halting your actions to turn to him with shock written in every part of your face. "Huh?"
"I mean," Donghyuck passes you the spoon back, wiping your hand when he sees its got some flour stuck to it, "you're baking. Cookies. A lot of them. You only bake when you're thinking a lot, what's up? I'm your best friend, tell me everything!"
And that is exactly what you've been thinking about. How attentive he is, how caring and kind he is. Gosh he almost makes you go crazy just by doing things like this to you, you might just tell him what's wrong to have him stop completely.
"Nothing," you breathe out, going back to check on the cookies in the oven, "just bored, I guess."
Donghyuck doesn't buy a single bit of it, and you know he doesn't. So instead, you decide to lie a little, hoping he wouldn't catch it.
"I was so busy yesterday, I guess I just wanted to relax. Decided to make some cookies for you."
At this, Donghyuck can't help but chuckle. Cookies? For him? "Just for me?" 
Oh shit, did you say that? Silently, you panic, unconsciously shifting away from Donghyuck to hide your growing nose scrunch of embarrassment. "Uhh, f-for us...?" You hope he lets it go, you hope with your entire soul that he lets it go and accepts your stupid and poorly made excused for once. 
Alas, he is Lee Donghyuck, your best friend who will never let you live down a single thing if you make a mistake. (You always question why you even like him.) There was a time you accidentally switched the names of two of your upperclassmen. The most embarrassing 2 weeks of your life when he would remind you every other day.
Donghyuck's head throws back with laughter, gripping the edge of the counter for balance. He's always looked so cute while laughing, and you don't miss the way your heart stutters. And neither does Donghyuck. His own heart feels like it's soaring, jumping all around his body, swirling and spinning all because of you. "Oh my god, you're so cute!"
Oh my god, he's driving you crazy.
To shut him up, you grab a cookie from the cooling rack, before shoving it in his mouth, flicking at his forehead. "Shut up or these cookies are going to Chenle." 
Donghyuck nods, though laughing and chewing, winking and blowing a kiss at you. Once again, he feels his heart somersault when you reach over to wipe the few crumbs at the corner of his lips.
Lee Donghyuck never liked business management. Sure, it’s where he realized that the person he hit on at Renjun’s cousin’s party sat 2 rows in front of him, and yeah, Professor Lee is his favorite teacher, and sure, he sometimes likes the lessons–okay, maybe he just hates it today. 
Or maybe today is complete shit to him. Yes, he hates today. None of your nagging during breakfast, or even lunch, due to your sudden cold you got overnight. He’s had to go through classes without you, only get one cup of coffee, and he didn’t even get one text from you. What’s up with that?
He feels completely relieved to be going back to his beloved room, expecting to do nothing but sleep for the rest of the day, and maybe watch some of his favorite reality shows. He just… he really needs to rest. 
You know what he would kill for right now? Your cookies. The ones you made the other day for him, the ones you added cinnamon to and made him feel all warm inside. In his opinion, those are the best cookies he’s ever eaten. But he won’t tell his mom. 
Yeah, one of those would not be bad for this shitty, shitty day. Or maybe you yourself, there to accompany him and cheer him up, but you’ve got a sickness, and need to rest. Him feeling down in the dumps is a lot less important than your health. 
But apparently, that’s not exactly your own priorities. 
Donghyuck doesn’t expect to see you here, when he swings open his dorm door, but there you are, with a mask on and a duster in hand. You seem to be cleaning out the bookshelf by the window, the one Donghyuck installed with you just for the aesthetics. 
Why are you dusting it? Heck, why are you even here?!
“Y/n? What the fuck are you doing here? You need to rest right this second!”
You were just about to say something, to explain why you’re in his room in the first place, but your best friend beats you to it, rushing up to you, before he grabs gently at your arms. You drop the duster in your hand at this, gaping at the way Donghyuck tugs you to his bed.
It’s like every time you’re about to say something, anything, Donghyuck interrupts you with an action, pressing his hand to your forehead. “God, you’re still burning up. Have you taken your meds yet?”
FInally, you’re able to speak, as Donghyuck shuts up to hear you. Instead of words, a light laugh slips through your lips, as you shake your head in disbelief. “No, yeah, I took them right before coming here.” Donghyuck doesn’t say anything, but you can already practically feel the curiosity radiating off him, the frustration he’s about to spew out into words. 
“I came here to clean your room,” You say, brushing Donghyuck’s hands off your arms, only to take them in yours softly. Instantly, his thumbs run over your knuckles carefully. You can’t deny the way your heart swirls with love. “since my dusty ass room is what gave me my morning cold.” Suddenly, you grow a bit conscious of how ridiculous you might seem to him, getting up to clean up your best friend’s room. 
“Didn’t want you to get one, or something.” You can’t look Donghyuck in the eye, afraid that it would be the last thing to set you off into a hot, shy mess. 
But unbeknownst to you, Donghyuck looks at you so gently, so lovingly and softly. He’s so very thankful for you, in so many ways. Just being in your presence has him instantly calming down, and forgetting about every single bad thing he’s had come across him today. Just the thought of you caring so much for him has him forgiving every single thing that’s ever hurt him in his life. 
As if looking Donghyuck in the eye wasn’t enough to make you go crazy, Donghyuck’s hands suddenly slide up your arms, his fingertips brushing against your skin, before he wraps his arms around your shoulders, securing you tightly to him. 
You feel, and practically memorize every time Donghyuck’s skin comes in contact with yours, touching, brushing, leaving trails of goosebumps. The best kind. 
You feel so many things when Donghyuck hugs you. You feel shocked, and surprised, and at the same time so flustered. But those aren’t the strangers feelings in you. Others being worry, and dread. 
This hug isn’t the typical ones that Donghyuck usually gives you. It’s tighter, tenser, he’s not giggling, and neither are you. Another thing that makes you feel awfully concerned about this hug, is the fact that Donghyuck has stuffed his head in your neck, and is breathing awfully heavily. It takes you one moment, then two, before you feel the tears and hear the sobs. 
Instantly, your arms wrap around him instantly, tucking him closer to you, before you feel tears spring to your eyes as well. You don’t say anything, despite having so many questions, and Donghyuck is so very thankful for that. Sometimes asking for a reason and wanting to understand someone fully isn’t the best, in his opinion, but you don’t even have to ask to understand him. You’ve never had to. Just with an expression on his face, you can tell instantly what he’s feeling. 
“One day without me and you’re already struggling, what would you do without me?”
Oh, how Donghyuck feels so safe around you. He pulls away from your shoulder, slightly grimacing at the sight of a damp spt, before a laugh chokes through his sniffling. “Nothing, so you better stick to me for the rest of our lives, alright?”
You do nothing but nod, and chuckle, before you start to wipe away Donghyuck’s tears with the sleeves of your sweater. Not the best choice for wiping someone’s eyes, but that doesn’t really matter right now. Donghyuck needs you, and you’ll be there for him.
“You wanna talk about it?” You mumble softly, brushing his hair from his face. Your best friend finds his heart swelling and thumping erratically with so much love at the look on your face. He’s always liked it when you take care of him. You don’t judge him, not at all. His needs are what you focus on, and it feels good to finally be loved for once. 
“Can I?” He whispers in reply, falling into the warmth of your hands. His own grip at your wrists, holding them up to his face.
You smile, and it tells him everything. You’re not going anywhere until he feels better, no matter how long, or how hard the task will be. “Tell me everything.”
And that’s exactly what Donghyuck does. He tells you of how his morning was thoroughly mundane and how he seemed to have struggled to stay awake during class, and how Professor  Lee even told him off for dozing off. He tells you each detail, every word and action, and you practically feel like you’re in the scene with how he describes it. 
One thing he leaves out, however, is every feeling he’s felt. How could he? He’s sure to blurt out how incredibly safe he feels with you, how worried he was because of your cold, how all he could think about today was just you. Not to mention, how he really believes he cares for you, way more than a best friend should. 
Just your presence, the sight of you, it makes him feel somehow inside. Like having a warm picnic late in the afternoon, the warm rays of the sunshine feeling oh so relaxing. 
Like watching one of your favorite chick flicks or romantic movies with you after his breakdown, but not even paying attention to the movie because of the way you look so immersed and mesmerized with it has him himself in a daze. That one spark in your eye you always have when you’re so interested, the smile on your lips when you sigh with delight, the way your hands curl around Donghyuck’s wrist to bring you closer. 
Donghyuck loves these moments. Donghyuck loves you. 
Alright, Donghyuck does not love you. At least, he doesn’t think he does.
Not in these moments, when you bug him constantly when you very much know he needs to be focusing and finishing his essay. 
But hey, in your defence, he’s got 2 weeks to finish it, and it’s not like he doesn’t have everything planned out for it. He’s been ready, much to your surprise. And as much as you are proud of him, you’re not so proud when he’s chosen to use the time where you two usually go to the grocery store near campus to do some assignment. 
And it’s not like he doesn’t bug you every time you’re doing literally anything other than hanging out with him. There was a time you had to tutor Jung Sungchan (who will always remain your favorite student) but Donghyuck was around the corner, whispering (not so) quietly at you about how you should totally ditch math and accompany him wherever.
“Please, Y/n,” Donghyuck finally says after attempting to ignore you for 20 straight minutes. His hands are holding at yours, shaking them with the most desperate expression you’ve ever seen on Lee Donghyuck. “I’m begging you to just let me work. 30 minutes. Then we can go get frozen yoghurt from the dining hall, how’s that?”
You really can’t help but snort, and he can’t help but feel all his frustration flutter away just at the sight of your smile. Strange, he’s been feeling things. “What happened to the Donghyuck I knew last week? When I was sick? That made me swear not to leave each other because you couldn’t even last a day without me?”
“My god, Y/n!” Donghyuck exclaims, and at that moment, his fingers intertwine with yours. Great, let’s play a round of ‘how many times can your best friend make you feel things a best friend shouldn’t’ shall we?
“Yes, my love,” There goes one. God do you hate (read: love) when Donghyuck calls you that.
Donghyuck breathes out, trying to suppress a laugh. (it fails.) “I know I said that, and I still don’t take it back! I really mean it, I really do,” That’s two!
“But please, just let me finish this, and then we can go grab a snack, yeah?” Okay, that wasn’t that bad.
“My treat.” And that’s three.
This comment has you shutting up with a small smile, a swirling sensation of excitement stirring in you. This is the only indication your best friend needs to know you’ve agreed to his terms.
And finally, some peace and quiet. At least, that’s what Donghyuck thought.
“What’s your favorite color?” Donghyuck sighs when you start up after promising him you wouldn’t. He glances at you only momentarily, across from him with your arms tightly wrapped around the pillow Jeong Jaehyun left accidentally when he moved out. You have a small, almost mischievous smirk on your lips, as you lightly nudge at your best friend’s knee with your foot. 
“I dunno,” he mumbles out, going back to his work, “never thought of it.”
And then he’s back to typing and ignoring you. Oh, how boring this was. It’s not all that fair, in your opinion, how Donghyuck is ignoring you when every time you’ve wanted to work he’s coming over with Chenle’s dog and a bunch of your favorite movies. 
“Okay then, what’s your favorite thing to do?” 
“Right now?” Donghyuck murmurs, and can’t help the jumping of his heart or curl at his lips when you crawl closer to him to bump your head against his side. “It would be working on this essay.” 
“You’re so boring!” 
Donghyuck simply dismisses your words, though you can see the slight smirk at the corner of his lips. He’s amused, and though he claims he wants to finish his essay, you know he very much does not mind your presence with him. 
“Fine,” You huff out, “I guess I’ll just go and bother Jaemin or something.”
At this, Donghyuck perks up, eyes wide as he watches you roll off the couch next to him. His hand instinctively reaches out to grab at your wrist before you could leave, tugging you back to stumble back next to him on the couch. 
Just as you expected.
“Oh? What’s this? The person who has been completely ignoring me is suddenly giving me so much attention?”
“Uh–” Donghyuck stumbles over his words, racking his brain to find a witty enough response to keep you here with him. Alas, as much as he tries, as hard as he searches, his mind becomes completely blank. It’s been happening lately, actually. Whenever he stares into your eyes, he’s struggling to find all the stupid witty comments, his heart feels like it’s being tugged at, it’s so strange. 
“God, okay fine! Yeah, I want you here, but please, just don’t ask me stupid shit, okay?” Donghyuck proceeds to pat the space next to him, his gaze turning shy as he looks away bashfully. “Just–just accompany me, please.”
And surprisingly, you comply, for here you are, next to him, staring at his screen. Your head rests on his shoulder, hands playing with the pillows in your arms. You’re bored, but you can suck it up, just for Donghyuck, you suppose.
A sudden thought pops up in your mind, amd before you can stop yourself, you’re blurting it out.
“What do you want for your birthday?”
You notice how Donghyuck’s fingers completely stop typing, his work put on hold. “What?”
“I mean,” You start, your voice growing quieter, “your birthday’s coming up soon, right?”
All the other years you’ve celebrated it, it was always you throwing a big surprise party for him. It was always your gift for him. But since this year Jeno and Jaemin promised they would do it for him this year, it would mean you’re gonna have to get him a present too. 
Donghyuck’s never heard this question, and strangely, he doesn’t really like it coming from you. He doesn’t want to demand things like he does with his other friends (read: Rich kid Chenle). He knows that whatever it is, he’s gonna love it. 
“Your love?” 
Your breath hitches in your throat at the response you receive, before you fly away from his shoulder to throw him a confused look. 
Donghyuck’s face is… incredibly cute. He has a teasing smile, cheeks pulled up with his eyes bright. His chuckles are soft, though they resonate repetitively in your ears, and you can’t help but start chuckling as well. 
“Oh really?” 
When Donghyuck shrugs with a nod, you can finally come up with an equally witty response. “You better not complain if my gift is a kiss.”
To be honest, Donghyuck doesn’t mind. In fact, he kind of–holy shit Lee Donghyuck wants to kiss you!
Hyuck 🐻: Hey [22:10] Hey [22:10] Hey [22:11]
You: What [22:11]
Hyuck 🐻: Can we call [22:12]
You: Why [22:12]
Hyuck 🐻:  Need help with an assignment [22:12]
You: Okay fine yeah sure [22:13]
Only you did anything but an assignment Donghyuck was struggling on. You went on a video call, he showed you a bit of the equations, and then you don't remember anything about any assignment after that.
The only thing you can recall talking about is literally anything other than it. Like Donghyuck's story of how his pinkie apparently stopped growing. (He's told you about 6 times already, but it's got to be your favorite story to hear.) 
Nonetheless, you can't say you mind it. Donghyuck has been a bit distant lately, you're not sure why, but it's great to hear from him again.
Unbeknownst to you, Donghyuck is avoiding you just a little bit. Ever since the time on the couch where he quite wanted you to kiss him, he's not sure where his heart lies. In your palms, probably.
And he definitely feels like it is, especially when you start laughing at one of his stupid jokes through the screen. It's a tiny bit lagged, with your smile coming only a few seconds after your laughs, but it still shakes Donghyuck's heart. He can't even remember the joke. 
He can't remember anything when he's with you, all he wants to remember is the curl of your lips, the sound of your laughter, the warmth you emit. Well, the warmth his laptop emits. 
"Hey," Donghyuck starts. He picks on the bracelet you gave him last year, after you got it from some kiosk you found when you went on vacation with your family. It was the first real gift from you, and he cherishes it with all his heart.
"Didn't get to ask how your week was, how was it?"
Right, because he's been quite clearly ignoring you all week.
You visibly shift in Donghyuck's screen, going unseen for a moment, before you adjust your laptop on your lap. "It's been okay, got extra free time since Sungchan couldn't come to this week's meeting. Been sleeping a lot more."
"That's good," Donghyuck replies to your summary. It really is, because God knows how little sleep you get. Sometimes it's because of studying, or watching some movie just because you felt like it, or someone (read: Donghyuck) is occupying your time. 
Your smile flashes on the screen, and it causes Donghyuck to smile himself, tugging his blankets closer to him.
"How about your week? What have you been doing to not call me every other hour?"
Let's see, thinking of you, staring at your contact photo for some reason, contemplating whether to call you or not, and, well, sleeping. And babbling about you to Lee Jeno. 
"Not much, really."
His answer is definitely not what you expected, nor was it really what you wanted. You expected a whole rant, story time until the most ungodly hour of the morning, heck, even a witty little comment like how he's been thinking of you would be okay. (He would totally, but just scared if he would sound too serious because it's literally what he's been doing.)
And this clearly shows through your facial expressions, as your nose scrunches in dissatisfaction. "Really? Why didn't you call me then?"
Your words set a zoo that even Donghyuck has no idea of running around his body, sensations of happiness and giddiness ripple through his whole soul, and he has to physically hold back a grin. 
"Why didn't you call me? Why does it always have to be me calling you?"
Donghyuck is lucky enough to come up with a natural and witty comment, a pout playing at his lips. They dangerously threaten to curl when you click your tongue, leaning in closer to your camera. "Fine," you mumble, "I'll call you next time."
Geez, and Donghyuck thought the zoo was enough for him. Now he has his heart shaking, bearing and clenching and buzzing with adoration for you. Holy shit... what was this feeling?
"Oh, by the way," these words once again capture all of your best friend's attention, it has him humming intently, unconsciously bringing his laptop closer to him. 
"had this conversation with Chenle the other day," you explain the context, though you clearly know this was a lie. There was no conversation with Zhong Chenle, it was just a scheme. 
"What's a random thing you have never had?" 
Yes, a scheme to find him a birthday present.
"For example, I never had a gemstone before. Pebbles, rocks, sure. But like rubies and all that jazz? Never."
At first, Donghyuck was a little bit suspicious of your actions and words, but the moment you mention the gemstone and have you've never had it, his mind drifts off from the suspiciousness, instead racking his brain to find a thing.
It takes him a solid minute, one minute of a cute little thoughtful pout, one moment of his low focused humming, one minute of staring at his cute habits. God, perhaps you have it bad for Lee Donghyuck. 
As you stare at him, you can't help but wonder what this certain object might be. Donghyuck's been gifted very random things by lots of people. There was a time he got a whole pack of chopsticks for Christmas. It was the craziest shit ever.
You barely get to process his words, before you burst out laughing, very amused by his words. Though Donghyuck is confused, and shocked, he can't help but laugh along with you. He always found your laughter very contagious and enlightening. 
"What?" He asks softly between chuckles, eyes glued to the screen, where you attempt to stop your laughter, but fail miserably.
"N-nothing," you snort, "that was just the last thing I expected."
And honestly, Donghyuck gets it. He gets it completely. Snowglobe, of all things, but it’s the truth, it really is. 
Donghyuck leans in closer to his screen, if that is even possible, smiling fondly as you quiet down from your laughing fit. You have your face stuffed into a pillow, eyes shut as you try to regain and steady your breath. “It is pretty random, isn’t it?” 
Your best friend can’t help but think you look… so precious. How many people in the world get to make you smile this much, how many people can get you to laugh as hard? For some reason, he can’t help but feel almost so special to get to have you in his life. To have you listen to his god awful jokes and to have you accompany him in a call. God, how did he even manage to get you to bake his favorite cookies?
And suddenly, when he glances at you, closing the window to his (finished and submitted) essay, you look way too good for a best friend. Grinning down at your laptop as your favorite part of your comfort movie plays, when have you ever looked so good before?
Considering the fact that Donghyuck was okay with you kissing you just a few days ago, and how you seem absolutely ethereal to him, he’s pretty concerned. What is going on? Why is he feeling this way towards you, after months of being so close, why has he only noticed now?
When Donghyuck softly smiles at the sight of you already mouthing along to your favorite dialogue of the whole movie, he realized that not only is he okay with you kissing him, he wants you to kiss him.
It’s been weeks since you’ve actually hung out properly with Lee Donghyuck, and after all this time spent without him, you realize how painfully boring life could be without him and how incredibly boring Lee Jeno is. 
You spent a couple of days with him, and you agree with everyone when they say Na Jaemin truly might be his soulmate, because you don’t know how he can deal with such boringness. (Oh my god has Lee Donghyuck been influencing you too much?!)
Strangely, Jeno and Jaemin have been avoiding you too, but you know why. Even if they didn’t tell you, you know it’s because they would accidentally slip up and tell you their plans for Donghyuck’s birthday party and you would go scurrying off and telling him.
False, they are, because Donghyuck doesn’t…. want to talk to you. At least, that’s what you think, and that’s what you fear. What have you done wrong? What went wrong? The last time you spoke was… about 2 and a half weeks ago, when you had gone over to drop off one of his sweaters he left in your dorm.
He was quite awkward, to say the least. Fidgeting, nervous mumbling, he didn’t even hug you once, he was surely fishy. Ever since then, it’s only been texts, no meet ups or calls. Just texts. And you were initiating and continuing them all by yourself.
A pit of fear lies within you at the thought of you doing something to have Donghyuck stray away from you. Anxiety courses through your veins at the thought of him telling you that you should stop talking or something.
Nobody knows how you feel about him. Fear and love, or whatever you feel for him, nobody knows. 
Nobody but Mark Lee. That guy’s great at getting you to spill your beans. Just an ‘Are you sure?’ and you’re going on and on about how confused you feel, how scared and how much you adore Donghyuck. 
Thankfully, unlike Jisung or Chenle (or both together), he doesn’t have certain days where he’s making fun or not, he’s always 100% considerate. You’re surprised he doesn’t have a significant other yet, he really deserves one. 
And here you are, once again, in front of him, but instead of the library, or his dormitory lounge room, you find yourselves in front of a lake Mark had found recently. You might bring Donghyuck here someday.
“Damn, really? I thought this was gonna be our spot, but I guess you always have to show Donghyuck everything.”
“Well sorry, Mark,” You murmur, as you attempt to skip a rock. It bounces 4 times. “I’m sorry I have a big fat huge crush on my own best friend.”
Mark whistles at your 4 skips, nudging your arm with an impressed smirk. “You say he’s ignoring you?”
“Yeah.” You don’t want to be reminded of the fact. Mark can tell, but you do have to face it either way.
“I know these words might be said like, a thousand times to a thousand people, but it’s really what you should do. Give him some time, maybe he’s going through something–”
“–Mark if he’s going through something he would tell me, he always does! He calls me, usually right before he’s going to sleep, and when I hear his sigh I know. I would know instantly. And I’d be over at his in less than 6 minutes, and he would scold me for wasting my breath for him, and I would always counter how he would do the same thing, because he would!”
Mark isn’t exactly surprised to see you’ve finally cracked. Neither did he expect it, but he knew it would be possible. He lets you rant, he wants you to rant. Get all of it out, until it’s all gone.
“And the thing is, I don’t even fucking know if he would at this point.” You groan and grimace at the tears starting to bead at the corner of your eyes, throwing another rock at the lake. “Did I do something?”
“Y/n,” Mark calls out softly. You almost forget you have company, but with Mark’s hand on your shoulder, moving you in front of him, you know you can trust this company. “even if Hyuck did feel that way, he wouldn’t lead you on, you know he wouldn’t.”
He was right, Donghyuck always called out the bad people in his life and didn’t even hesitate to turn them away. It’s a trait you love about him, he warned you about one of your exes, and instead of scolding you, like he usually does, he went to have a full on conversation with him and full on punched him. 
“But if he was leading you on, you’d be okay. He might mean a lot to you now, and in the near future, but there will be people there for you.” Mark has now wrapped you in his arms, patting comfortingly. He mumbles softly, as if he knew the perfect tone to make someone calm down. He does have the perfect tone to calm someone down.
“That’s not gonna happen, though. He loves you way too much to do that.”
Mark Lee is crazy good at comforting, he should probably do it as a job, or something. 
“Yeah,” You laugh (with a quiet sniffle that follows), burying yourself in his embrace. You wipe at the small tears on your cheeks, laughing embarrassingly, but Mark assures there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. “God, you’re a really good listener,”
“I know.”
“And advice giver.”
“I know that too,”
You pick up one more rock, turn to the lake, before you toss it. “I think I’m gonna confess. I don’t want this to fester into something really bad.”
Mark nods, joining you in rock skipping. His rock bounces 5 times. “Alright, but if he says anything bad I’m beating the shit out of him.”
You laugh at his comment. Mark Lee is like the brother you always wanted. 
It’s June sixth, Donghyuck’s birthday. 
You had texted him a quick birthday text this morning, strike at midnight, like you promised. You haven’t texted him since then, only staring at the ‘thanks y/n <3’ he had sent you about 20 minutes after you sent the text. 
At first, you were pretty surprised to see that he was up that late, and then the worry came and started getting you just a little anxious, before you brushed it off, concluding that he was only just playing some more video games with Lee Jeno on his birthday. 
And then after that, nothing. No texts, no calls, no nothing. It makes you a little sad, but you’re way too scared to do anything about it. You plan to confess to Donghyuck. Today, at his birthday party Jaemin and Jeno are hosting.
It’s only about an hour and a half away, but you have no plans on getting ready for it. Not at all. For now, you have his wrapped gift in your hands as you stare at your ceiling and practice your confession in your head. 
You were always good at memorizing things, speeches, formulas, anything. It was a little thing you enjoyed. 
But now, trying to clear your head and recite the confession you plan to tell him, you can’t recall a single word. Just the thought of it going to your best friend, who has been ignoring you for god knows how long, it’s got your heart hammering in your chest and your hands shaking, your nervousness spiking. 
You check the clock. 40 minutes until the party.
You’ve got to get your shit together. 
Before you know it, you’ve found yourself at the party, Jeno and Jaemin both embracing you at the same time. 
“A little late, but nothing too bad! Good to see you again, Y/n!” Jaemin mumbles, before planting a playful kiss on your cheek. You fake a grimace, wiping it off your skin. Jeno only giggles at the situation, before ruffling your hair and nudging his head inside. “You’ll be able to find Hyuck somewhere in there. Can’t be that hard, he’s the birthday boy!”
His words are meant to mean well, nothing with generous intent, but it makes you nervous. Just in a matter of time, you’re about to spill all the beans about all your feelings towards your best friend who probably doesn’t even want to be your best friend anymore. (He wants to be so much more, but you don’t know that.)
The party is busy, busier than you thought, with many people from your classes and some other people they brought, probably for free food and a chance of finding love. Or maybe Jaemin and Jeno are just immensely popular. 
All these people, and yet no sign of Donghyuck yet. 
His gift is tight in your grip, your fingers bouncing and tapping against it quickly. 
The first few people you bump into are your close friends, Huang Renjun and Mark Lee, and you don’t miss the hopeful glint in Mark’s eyes. You shake your head quickly with a slight frown, which tells him everything he needs to know. 
Next, are Chene and Jisung, who seem… strange. They’re giggling, which is normal, but they keep nudging at each other and they had started… poking and screeching at you when you asked where Donghyuck was. You had no choice but to check if they were tipsy, or something, only to find their drinks were just mixtures of a bunch of sodas. Gross.
About 25 minutes have passed, no sign of Donghyuck. How are you supposed to give him your gift? (read: how are you supposed to tell him you’re head over heels in love with him?) Is he seriously ignoring you in his own birthday party too?
You’re getting agitated, almost anxious as the time passes. 
You run up to Jeno, when you spot him near you. “Hey, have you seen Hyuck around?” You yell over the loud music. 
His face twists, and the smile on his face is wiped off and replaced with a slight frown. “You haven’t seen him at all tonight?”
You shake your head. 
“That’s weird, he would have been the most excited to see you,”
You excuse yourself, the moment you feel a stir in your stomach. You had a slice of cake, and some apple juice, and you don’t think your stomach is agreeing to the combination. Or the thought of Donghyuck completely ignoring you. 
It’s not too long of a walk to the bathroom, after all you could make your way through Donghyuck’s place with your eyes closed. Not a good idea right now, you could bump into that guy with 5 plates of birthday cake. 
You finally make your way into the bathroom, quickly shutting the door behind you. Instantly, the music is blurred out, and you close your eyes with a sigh when you feel your nerves calm down just a little bit.
Just a little bit. 
They double in amount, however, when you realize that none other than Donghyuck is in the bathroom himself, sitting at the corner by the corner.
You both stare at each other, wide eyes of surprise, clearly unsuspecting of finding one another in the bathroom. 
“Hyuck? What the fuck are you doing in the bathroom?” 
“Uhhh,” Donghyuck desperately racks his head back and forth for a reason, any kind of reason. “Taking a shit?”
No, he was not taking a shit. Obviously.
You feel a whole whirlwind of emotions hit you suddenly, it strikes at your chest, your heart, before it tingles and moves to your fingers, where you squeeze Donghyucl's birthday present, before it moves onto your feet, as you take one step. 
That's as far as it goes, however, and you stop very awkwardly in the middle of the bathroom. There's no point in stopping now, he's right here, you both have nowhere to go, and really it's now or never. 
You take another step, and another, and before you know it, you're kneeling and plopping down next to Donghyuck. 
It's awkward, at least you think it is. You don't dare look at your best friend, afraid that the moment you do, you'djust blurt out how much you love him. 
Donghyuck, however, feels nothing but longing towards you. He longs for you, after weeks of ignoring you. But he doesn't let himself, it's his fault, he should deal with the consequences himself. 
"Um—happy birthday!" You blurt out, and stick out your hand with the birthday present in it. It alarms Donghyuck, only for a moment, before he reaches out to it with a grin. You missed his smile. 
Instantly, Donghyuck has an urge to unwrap it, to see what it is and treasure it with his whole being, to thank you and hug you and finally just be normal with you once again. 
And so he rips open the wrapping paper, finding a snow globe sitting in his palm now. Donghyuck's heart follows each and every artificial snowflake floating about in the glass, swelling and swirling at the gift. 
You're nervous for Donghyuck's reaction, seeing him gape at the globe with such wide eyes. Did he not like it? Was it too much? Maybe he wanted to get a snow globe himself. 
But, it's nothing short of perfect to him. It's got a polar bear in it, with a santa hat and a christmas tree only half its size, there's nothing in it he could ever point out as a flaw. 
"Thank you," Donghyuck finallu breathes out, "fuck, this is perfect—thank you so much, Y/n, really." 
"I, uh, wanted to put a picture of us, but I didn't know how to do it so I bought a normal one instead" For the second time that night, Donghyuck's heart goes into a frenzy, just at the sight of your smile of pure happiness and eyes of relief. It pains him to think you could doubt yourself over something as silly as a present. You shouldn't ever worry about what you do to him, he's going to love you no matter what. 
The atmosphere lifts a little but after that, as you both shyly smile at the situation. 
However, it's not a clear sky just yet. There are grey clouds in the way, grey clouds you can't simply ignore. 
And at those clouds, you ought to curse at. You haven't brought an umbrella, or a raincoat, even if you knew it was gonna rain. Here you are, sitting in the shade, knowing that if you step out, it'll start pouring. 
But at that, you say fuck it! May it be a drizzle worth of rain, a hailstorm, heck a blizzard couldn't stop you. 
"Hey, Hyuck?" You take a step out of the shade. 
He simply hums back, gaze never leaving the snow globe. 
You take a deep breathe, feeling the first droplet of rain on your skin. "Did… did I do anything?"
And when Donghyuck whips around at you with a shocked expression, you feel the winds of confusion kicking in, growing stronger as he rapidly shakes his head and denies it quickly. "What? No, it's just a snow globe,"
"No, no," You can't help but chuckle at his panicked tone, leaning your hand on your palm. "Not that. Just in general, you know?"
In comes heavier rain, feeling so weighted against your skin. It's cold, harsh, and wet, but you know it's going to be worse. 
"If I'm doi g anything wrong, please don't keep it in, please tell me," Your words do more than just surprise Donghyuck, a stinging guilt pains him. Is this what you've been thinking about the whole time he's been gone? 
"If I'm making you uncomfortable in any way, tell me. If I did something, tell me my mistake." Your voice is laced with more than hurt, or guilt, it has fear, desperation, and Donghyuck wants to punch himself because of all this.
You can't bring yourself to look at Donghyuck, just merely talking to  him about the things you've been worried about is already a whole hurricane for you ti deal with, to fight. "If I'm lacking in any way, tell me what I'm lacking. Just please, tell me, Hyuck. You're one of the most important people in my life and I don't want to hurt you or make you feel bad in any way—" 
“—Shut up and look at me!"
You hadn't even noticed Donghyuck calling out to you, not until he's grasped your hands in his, inteetwinign your fingers together. 
"God, Y/n, I'm sorry. I made you think the exact opposite. I…" Donghyuck's sentence trails off, and before he knows it, he feels himself choking up once again. Just at the sight of you, so desperate, sorry for nothing, feeling bad, he can't get himself to say anything.
Despite that, he tries, shifting on the floor to face you, "Remember when we met? Two years ago, at Renjun's birthday party? Remember what I first said to you?"
It takes you a moment, but you do remember, how could you ever forget?
'You got some moves! Do you have a phone number too?'
Just by the look on your face, Donghyuck knows you remember. "I still stand by my words."
"...I got good dance moves?"
"Wha—No! After that,"
"...I have a phone number?"
"Oh my fucking god, no. I mean what I meant in general. Like—I was hitting on you," Realization rushed in you, and it hits you like a truck once the words roll off Donghyuck's tongue and register in your brain. Lee Donghyuck was hitting on you. 
Donghyuck's heartbeat beats in his ears, terrifyingly loud, and his insides twist in fear and anticipation as he mumbles, "I... I fucking love you, Y/n. I love you so much it hurts, and it terrifies me."
"At first, I just thought friends would be enough. But then we became best friends, which I thought would be better, but god was I wrong. Realizing your feelings for your best friend is crazy, because you're scared of every little thing they do! When you asked me what I wanted for my birthday, you... I just really wanted to kiss you right then and there. When you gave me a hug when I had a bad day, I was so afraid that I would accidentally blurt out the words 'I love you', and when you started looking at me differently, longingly, I realized that I had been ignoring you without realizing. And I feel like an absolute bitch about it. I'm so sorry, for everything. For making you feel terrible just because I was being a fool, for neglecting you, and being an asshole and... and for my feelings. I understand if you feel weirded out, or disgusted, or anything, really. I'm just sorry." 
The storm you once thought you'd try fighting away is now drying away, replaced by nothing but the sun after the storm, absolute gid and relief waving over you at his words. 
Donghyuck looks so fucking ethereal right now, blushing shyly as he stares at the snow globe you gifted him, and as much as he feels embarassed, there's nothing in him telling him to stop holding your hands. He's holding them so dearly, running the pads of his thumb over your skin, his touch warm and comforting. 
"Hyuck," You mumble softly. He doesn't look up. "I think I love you too, Hyuck." 
In an instant, Donghyuck's head whips up to stare at you, blinking repeatedly and mouth gaping continuously at you. 
"Wait—fuck, wait really?!"
You laugh at Donghyuck's shocked expression, leaning forward to bump your forehead against his shoulder. 
"Wait—no—Y/n don't play with me. You love me?!"
"Yes, Donghyuck!"
"Fuck, wait, you said you think you love me. Do you love me or not?"
"Oh my god, I love you! I love you, okay? I don't think your feelings are weird, I think it's dope,"
Donghyuck still continues to gape at you, with what seems like the whole galaxy in his eyes, staring at you as if you were his sun and moon and stars and every beautiful thing out there.  
Donghyuck gently shurgs you off his shoulder, before he automatically finds his hands on your skin, caressing your face ever so dearly. The look in his eyes do not change, nor do they falter, desperately staring into yours. 
"Are you sure you love me?" 
You lean forward to bump your forehead against his, "One hundred percent. You sure you love me?"
Donghyuck shifts to brush your noses together, and you can practically feel his grin against yours. "One hundred percent,"
With that, Donghyuck's lips lock with yours, so softly you feel almost lightheaded. His hands on your face still trace their ways through each inch to your jaw and neck, memorizing each part of you. Donghyuck's lips feel soft, taste of birthday cake you can only assume is from when he blew the candle earlier. 
Each peck, each push and pull of your lips feel almost like a dream, but the small smiles and occasional laughs bring you back to reality. 
When you pull away, Donghyuck instantly brings you into his arms, planting kisses on every free spot he can find on your cheeks 
"When did you realize you love me?"
You hum at the question, "Few months ago."
"All those weeks I've wasted… pining over something I already had?!"
"I quite like it, it adds to the yearning, don't you think?"
Donghyuck only huffs, bringing you closer to him. 
"Oh right, speaking of all those weeks we've wasted, care to fill me in on those weeks?"
"What should I tell you?" Donghyuck mumbles, pulling your fingers between his. He reaches down to press a kiss to each of your knuckles. 
"Tell me everything?"
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inmymagnetoera · 6 months
Hello! I have a prompt for you! My prompt is that Erik Lehnsherr finds out that he has extended family who managed to survive the Shoah/Holocaust and they celebrate Hanukkah together!
here it is for you! :D♡
The extended family
Erik had been sitting for an unknown period of time on one of his old kitchen chairs in his small suburban apartment. How long had he been standing motionless staring into nothing? He didn't know and couldn't even give a time range. That same morning he received a call that turned everything he had always believed upside down.
When he got up that same morning, after convincing Charles to let him go to prepare breakfast, receiving a groan in return, he didn't expect to find three missed calls from an unknown number. Who could it be? It wasn't a call center number because well, Erik was almost convinced he had blocked them all and the few contacts he had on his smartphone were all saved with name and surname, so it was rare for an unknown number to call him. He didn't want to call back initially but when the phone rang again, he found himself forced to answer.
"Yes? Who's talking?" He asked in an irritated voice to let the person on the other end know that he didn't feel like having a conversation.
"Is this Erik Lehnsherr?" A female voice asked.
"Who's talking?" Erik asked again.
"I'm Sarah Eisenhardt and I believe you are my cousin." The voice said with a slight tone of amusement on the other end.
Erik froze. Eisenhardt? Like, his mother's maiden name? Cousin? Did Erik have any other family besides Charles?
"What do you mean?" He asked, feeling his heart beat faster.
"It took me a while to find you, actually. You're very difficult to contact. My father is Rolf Eisenhardt and he's your mother's brother." Erik gripped the phone as tight as he could.
"My mother never told me about a brother."
"Yeah, I didn't know I had an aunt either until a few months ago. My father and your mother argued even before the war started. My father wanted to go to the States and take your mother with him, but your mother had just married and didn't want to leave. My father left and never saw her again." Erik was…angry. Why had this Rolf never looked for his mother or tried to contact him?
"I know this is most likely a shock for you but I can assure you that my father had tried to find his sister but after many years he lost hope. When he told me about it, I tried to investigate to find out if she had had children and I was able to trace it back to you. You don't have to be in our lives if you don't want to, but you know, Hannukah is coming up soon and my dad would be very happy to find out he has another nephew." Erik thought for a moment and made his decision.
"Okay. Yes, I would like to but I haven't celebrated Hannukah in a long time."
"Don't worry! We'll teach you everything in case."
"Ok then... if you give me the address I'll stop by." After ending the call with some awkward goodbyes, Erik sat back and thought.
"Erik? What are you doing?" Charles asked sleepily coming towards him and sitting on his lap.
"I have a family." He said in a small voice, holding the other close to him.
"What?" Charles asked now fully awake.
“A woman named Sarah who, apparently, is the daughter of my mother's brother, called me this morning.”
"Your mother had a brother?!"
“I had pretty much the same reaction.”
"Oh Erik, that's great! We should go see them." He said with a smile.
"They invited me to celebrate Hannukah with them. Will you come with me?" He asked hopefully, resting his chin on his lover's shoulder.
"Of course I'll come with you." He said kissing him.
A few days later, at the door of a large red house, Erik didn't know if he had ever been so agitated in his life. He gripped the neck of the bottle of wine brought as a gift tighter and, at the sight, Charles squeezed his hand.
"It'll be fine. They'll love you." He reassured him by ringing the doorbell. The door was opened by a woman who must have been a little older than Erik with thick, curly black hair, skin the same shade as Erik and eyes a shade darker.
"Are you Erik? It's so nice to meet you!" She said throwing herself forward and hugging him. Erik stiffened and placed a hand on her upper back.
"Oh I'm sorry, it's just so nice to have a new member in the family. And you are?" She asked looking at Charles.
"Erik's boyfriend. It's a real pleasure." He said holding out his hand only to be hugged back.
"There's no need for formalities. You're family too!" She said looking at him with eyes full of joy.
“Oh come, you must meet everyone.” He let them in and took them to the large dining room where about twenty people were talking, eating, drinking and having fun.
"Attention please, I have someone to introduce you to." Sarah said getting everyone's attention.
“Who is this guy, Sarah?” An elderly man sitting at the head of the table asked.
"Dad, this is Erik Lehnsherr. He's Edie's son." Everyone went quiet and the world was spinning in Erik's eyes. He felt his insides tremble. The older man looked at him with bulging eyes and stood up, walking slowly towards him. She looked at him intensely and, without anyone expecting it, burst into tears.
"My God, you're just like your mother. Let me look at you. Oh, my little sister had a son and I had no idea. Look at how big you are." He hugged him and Erik burst into tears.
"I didn't know anyone was still alive." He said as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"If only I had known what was going to happen, I would have taken my sister and taken her with me here to America. But I was young and angry and I didn't think twice about leaving her behind after she told me no. When everyone found out what the Nazis had done I couldn't live with myself and I looked for her, I swear I did but I never managed to find anything." He pulled away from the hug and wiped his eyes.
"Stop crying. These are days of celebration for us. Come and sit down, we have a lot of things to talk about." And so, Erik spent the holidays sitting at a large table, surrounded by people who until a few days before he had been convinced did not exist, listening to the stories his uncle told about his mother and the Eisenhardt family.
Charles squezzed his hand and Erik did the same and, for the first time in too long, he thought that life could be a little more beautiful than he thought.
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bengiyo · 11 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke who has been a delight for years.
Credit also: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Thai BL only adds some interesting wrinkles for me.
Favorite Thai QL: I think it is and always will be I Told Sunset About You. I've been in queer cinema for a long time, and I really appreciate how ITSAY reaches beyond the confines of BL itself and becomes a huge marker for queer cinema. Also, this show healed the hole that Love of Siam (2007) left behind. I spent over ten years holding in that angst, assuring myself and others that our pain would be worth it. Even after six years of BL, starting with Love Sick the series, I didn't feel like I could put that down until the final moments of ITSAY.
Favorite Pairing: In Thailand? I think it's Khaotung and First because of how special their friendship feels and the work that they've done recently together. Long-term, it's probably OffGun because of how stable they are. They established a blueprint for how to be a professional pair and keep the fans at an effective distance.
Most underrated actor: Honestly? It's Boy Nattapon. We give all the GMMTV boys their due, and obviously Billkin and PP get their flowers. Still, Boy holds the entirety of Ghost Host, Ghost House together. I don't think Todd Techit could have done that without Boy's presence.
Favorite Character: How dare you narrow this down to one character? For now I'm going with Uncle Man in 21 Days Theory. He is visibly queer man who spends the show trying to support his nephew, and reads that boy for filth when he comes at him sideways. He also helps his sister take care of her son, and then focuses on his own relationship with their dad. It's hard to be a gay uncle sometimes, and I think he captures that perfectly in an incredibly sweet show.
Favorite Side Character: It's Saleng from Moonlight Chicken. Mark is always doing incredible work in supporting roles at GMMTV, and the loyalty and care he inspires in Jim and Li Ming really holds that show together. Saleng is that cousin who is kind of a fuck up that you're just so relieved finally gets it together. I am always captivated by the way Saleng moves and how many folks rely on him as a way to say when they need to say. Since people sometimes say MLC isn't QL, I'll also say... Cheep and Dej from My Ride. It's always gay uncles fo rme.
Favorite scene in a QL: The opening scene in Moonlight Chicken is really good. However, I think it is the breakfast scene with the uncles in episode 8 of My Ride. Focusing on the way long-term love requires a relationship to shift and that it requires maintenance was really special for me at the time and I regularly think about that scene.
Favorite line in a QL: "You never understand me. I'm hurt." -Oh-aew, I Told Sunset About You
Most Anticipated QL (& why): Only Friends. I just think Jojo deserves it, and I think it'll be fun for all of us.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: I think it's still Dean and Pharm from Until We Meet Again. They're very good at each other, and all of their drama was external.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: VegasPete is the obvious answer, but I think I want to highlight Farm and Bright from Together With Me.
Guilty pleasure series: Love in the Air. Not a fan of MAME, but this one snuck past and got me.
Most underrated series: You're My Sky. I feel like the kind of muted response this show got signaled something about the way tastes for prestige BL wasn't a thing, and maybe contributed to the death of Nadao Bangkok. I think this show is really excellent, and it bugs me that it has such a low rating from so many of us.
I think most folks have done this, so I won't tag. However, feel free to tag back if you want to do it!
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tvstarkuma · 3 hours
" well, i figure if you're gonna work at junes, y'need your own name tag, right? but y'know, a name tag has a last name, too. " he's presenting the little object in hand, reaching to pin it onto teddie's junes apron, smiling to himself as he pulls back, name all in capital letters. " so, you're a hanamura. welcome to the family, bear. "
A name wasn't anything important to him back then. At the start, there was a bear alone in a world created by humanity's deepest desires. Neither had a name and he was fine that way. He barely counted as a person. A being parading an empty smile for an audience that would never come.
Until, one day, the people he was born to please finally came. And the bear was given something he never had on his own: a name and an identity. To this day he held those things in great pride. He embraced them and made them fully his own. From that day forward he finally began to enjoy being himself.
Teddie never paid any mind to Junes' nametag rule. To be fair, there were many rules he ignored so the rose he had in place of a nametag was very low on the other staff's priority list. Even now he looked down at the nametag curiously as Yosuke began to pin it on Teddie's apron. The weight of the situation didn't begin to fall on the blonde's shoulders until he read the name on the tag. "Teddie" alone wasn't written there. As Yosuke stated, he needed a last name, something he never had since the dawn of his existence. He was born from nothing, among no one, with no name or title. Now, here, he at last had a full name.
On the nametag his new full name was written: "TEDDIE HANAMURA".
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Teddie's hand grabbed the nametag. He held on to that entire area on his apron with a tight grip that could not be ripped apart by anything as if his entire life depended on it. Tears filled his big, blue eyes faster than he could blink. Already he began to sniffle.
"R...Really...? You mean it?!" He stammered as his throat tightened and his tears began to drip down his face.
Yosuke didn't just write down his last name, he also invited the bear to this family. Teddie's never had a family before. There wasn't anyone in his world besides himself and the shadows. He has his friends now but never a family like they all did. A family was a mom, dad, brother, and sister, right? Then uncles and cousins, too. He heard about those two from his Sensei. If he was a Hanamura then that made Yosuke and him family. He wanted Teddie to stay with him not just as a friend but as an official member of his family. Family lived together, loved each other, and were always at each other's side no matter what. Teddie would love that!
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"YOSUKEE!" Teddie couldn't hold his tears any longer and began to sob as he at last let go of his apron to pull the brunette into a tight hug "I'm keeping this nametag forever! No matter what! I'll tell everyone my name is Teddie Hanamura! I want to be your family, and go on trips, and take photos, and have breakfast, and live together because I love you!" Yosuke's apron and shirt were officially wet from all of Teddie's tears and snot bubbles. And Teddie didn't show any signs of wanting to let go.
"Years and years from now, I'll always be Teddie Hanamura!"
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nadinebrooks · 2 years
Here is the link to my masterlist.
George Weasley x Reader: Do You Really Want This?
Warnings: None
We were The Slytherin Queens. I absolutely adored the nickname a couple of 7th years gave my cousin and I. We hadn't even been at Hogwarts for a week before that nickname started floating around.
For the past 5 years, the name has stuck around. It wasn't going anywhere. I had even overheard that a couple of the Professors called us that behind our backs.
Whenever we walked around, I could tell that people were intimidated by us. I wasn't sure how I felt about people being afraid of us. I knew that my cousin, Victoria, thrived off the feeling. She loved the feeling of being superior to other people.
Even though Victoria and I were just cousins, we looked very much alike. We had the same (hair type), (hair color), (eye color), and were pretty much the same height.
We were both in the same year at Hogwarts which caused people to often think that we were twins. I always thought it was a compliment so I would never correct anyone whenever they mentioned us being sisters.
"I haven't gotten a chance to see Blaise since yesterday morning." Victoria pouted while munching on a couple pieces of bacon. Blaise and Victoria had been dating since our second year and they radiated power. I knew I would be terrified of them as a couple if I wasn't Victoria's cousin and one of Blaise's closest friends.
"If I had to guess, he's somewhere with Draco." I shrugged while glancing down the table at Pansy. She had this look on her face that could only be described as jealously. All I could do was smirk and give her a little wave which caused her to be even angrier. Victoria giggled and went back to eating her breakfast.
"Speaking of Draco, why don't you date him?" She cocked her head to the side studying me while twirling a strand of hair around her finger. That very look could get get her absolutely anything from her peers, to teachers, and even the elves. "I mean, he's hot and super sweet. Plus I know he fancies you. Think about all the double dates you could go on with Blaise and I. Draco just won't say anything because he thinks that you don't have the same feeling as him. But that's not true, right?"
"And how do you know all that?" I raised an eyebrow taking a couple sips of warm tea.
"Just know that dating Blaise comes with its perks (y/n)." She giggled and my eyes were trained on the entrance of the Great Hall when I noticed the Weasley twins walking in and laughing together.
It was weird but I could instantly tell them apart. George was slightly taller than his twin brother, but just by a little. When he noticed that I was looking at him, he ever so slightly gave me a wink.
It would have been very hard to notice if you hadn't been watching his every move. I felt the heat rise up into my cheeks and I wanted to run over to him and kiss him, but of course I could not do that.
"Aww look, you're blushing." Victoria snickered and pinched my cheeks.
"What are you talking about Vicky?" I giggled and jokingly shoved her hand away from my face.
"I saw you watching the entrance and as soon as Draco walked in you started blushing." She said before pulling out her Potions book to study a little bit.
I saw Draco's blonde hair and assumed he must've walked into the Hall right after George did. I didn't even notice him at all. The whole time my eyes were trained on George.
After I finished eating, it was finally time to head to our first class of the morning. We had Potions with Professor Snape.
"Hey (y/n)," I turned to see George making his way towards me. I told Victoria that I would meet her in the classroom because I needed to swing by the bathroom. She nodded and caught up with Blaise and Draco.
"Hey George." I gave him a hug around his middle then stood on my tippy toes to give him a light kiss.
"I just wanted to tell you that you look really pretty today." He looked down at his feet his face getting redder by the second. It was strange seeing him like this since he was usually so cocky about things like this. We had been seeing each other for a couple of months and the act of telling me that I'm pretty still made him nervous. I thought it was cute.
"And you are so sweet." I grinned, stood on my tippy toes, and placed a kiss on his nose.
"When can we go public with our relationship (y/n)?" He whined. "It's hard enough keeping this from Fred. I just don't think I can do it anymore. He knows something is off about me and he is going to find out sooner or later. So is your cousin Victoria. We can't hide this from them forever."
"Just give me some more time George." I took his larger hands in mine. "Just until I can make sure that my family and friends are going to be okay with this. You know how they are."
"I know how they are. I don't think they're going to be okay with this (y/n). If what they think means more than us being together please tell me right now. There's no point in dragging out a relationship that isn't going to go anywhere."
"Please just give me few more days George. I promise that's it." Was the only response I could give him. Honestly, I didn't know if the people closest to me mattered more than George. I'm sure at some point he would matter a lot more than them, but we had only be "dating" for a couple of months. I wasn't even sure if you could call what we were doing dating. He deserved better.
I also had to consider that I was only in my 5th year while George was in his 7th. I wouldn't be able see him everyday and who knows what he would be doing when he was off all alone without me for those two years. I just didn't know if our relationship was strong enough for that right now.
Then I turned on my heel and tried to get to the Potions room as quickly as I could. Even though I was a Slytherin, Snape couldn't show how much he preferred his own house. I knew that I was at least ten minutes late.
I took a quick breath, pushed open the door, and walked inside. My seat beside Draco was all the way on the other side of the room. There was no way that I would be able to sneak over there.
"(l/n)," Snape's cold voice drawled stopping me in my tracks. "How nice of you to join us."
"Sorry Professor, I was just-uhhhh," I trailed off and tried to make my way to my seat while trying to come up with an excuse. "I was just celebrating the fact mother nature decided to do her thing and let me know that I am not pregnant."
I tried to hide my smile as there was a collective laugh throughout the room.
"Congratulations (y/n)." I heard someone yell from on the other side of the room. I turned to see a couple of the Gryffindors clapping very loudly. It was Dean Thomas who had yelled across the room.
"Thank you Thomas." I called back and sat down. I wasn't sure what Snape would think about anything that just happened. He just let out an exhausted sigh and headed over to the board so he could write down the potion that we would be making today.
"You are something else." Draco chuckled while cutting a couple of rat tails into very small slivers.
"I am very well of that Draco Malfoy." I giggled and began placing Hippogriff feathers into the Potion. It began turning a dull blue color while Snape was walking around to check how everyone's potions was doing. I already knew ours was perfect. I loved Potions class more than Victoria loved spreading fear throughout the school.
"Can I ask you something?" He whispered. I glanced at him out the corner of my eye to see that there was a faint blush across his pale cheeks. His hands were trembling slightly so I took the sharp knife away from him before he could hurt himself.
"Of course Draco." I turned towards him and sat the knife down on the table.
"Good job you two" Snape was standing over our potion looking very hard at it. He was holding a large leaf in his hand, and when he dropped it into the potion it made a faint popping sound and the leaf vanished. "It's almost perfect. That'll be 50 points to Slytherin." He looked between Draco and I in awe. Then he went off to go torment Neville about his potion that was spewing all over the sizes.
"And what did you need to ask me Draco?" I turned towards him and crossed my arms over my chest. I watched him as his eyes glanced down at my chest, then back to my eyes, down again, and then anywhere but me.
"Would you like to go to Hogsmead with me this weekend? I know that you don't like me the same way that I like you, but maybe we could go as friends. And work from there? Maybe we could move on to being something more. If that's what you would like. But if you don't want to, it's tota-"
"I would love to Draco." I grinned. I could never say no to a weekend at Hogsmead with one of my best friends. It would be nice to get out of the castle for a little while.
"So you're going to Hogsmead with Malfoy?" George blankly stared at me.
"Yes. It's just as friends though, so don't worry about anything. It's going to be fine." Every single night George and I would come up to one of the highest towers in the school and just talk about everything. He would bring hot chocolate and I would bring blueberry waffles. I'm not sure how it even started, but it's been going on ever since we met.
"No (y/n), it's not just a "friend thing" and you know it. You and I both know just about everyone important in your life wants you to be with Draco. Not only that, but you're two years younger than me. I'm leaving this year (y/n) and I know that the thought of that bothers you. You don't know what it's going to be like when I leave and neither do I. You could be doing who knows with Malfoy when I'm not here. You could be doing who knows what with him in the common room."
"So you don't trust me?" I raised an eyebrow at him. This wasn't the George that I knew. Something was off and I didn't know what. He wasn't talking to me about anything anymore. "If you don't want to do this anymore George then tell me."
There were tears streaming down my cheeks and I just couldn't stop this because I knew exactly how this was going to play out.
"I don't know anymore (y/n). I really don't know."
"(y/n)." We both turned to see Draco coming around the corner. Neither of us had any idea that he had been standing there. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. I'm fine Draco." I snapped harsher than I meant. It caused him to take a step back. I never acted like this towards him. I started to feel guilty because here he was trying to make sure I was okay and I was upset with him for doing that.
"I don't want anything (y/n). I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I saw you come up here and you haven't been back down in a while."
"I'm fine Draco. Thank you for checking on him." I smiled at him and I could see George clench his fist in anger out of the corner of my eye.
"So this is it (y/n)?" George glared at the both of us. "You're giving up months and months of constantly sneaking around to be with someone that you could've easily been with in the beginning? You could've been with him whenever you wanted without ever caring what your friends or family had to think."
I didn't say anything. He needed to vent and I was going to let him get his thoughts out. I just stared at him not really sure what to say about anything. I didn't know what I wanted anymore. Did I want George because I really loved him or did I want something that was easy?
"Okay." He nodded. "I guess that's my answer then." He stood up and started walking away but not before I could grab his hand.
"Please don't go George. I love you." It was the first time I had ever said anything like that to him. His eyes widened and I saw the George that I knew six months ago. But all it took was one look at Draco to bring the anger back out.
He pulled his hand out of mine and looked at me with those watery brown eyes.
"It's a little too late for that."
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shingansoul · 1 year
For the Little Sisters and Crybaby Boys (Trigun fic)
Vashwood week day 7: Free day
So I have wanted to start trying to write more about my thoughts on Vash's relationship with the other plants for awhile and so I thought the perfect way to ease into it would be for the concept of "Family", something that has such specific connotations for sides of Vashwood. I hope you enjoy!
To read on AO3, follow the link below. To read here, continue past the read more!
“So, ‘little sister’ eh?”
Vash startled hard, stopping dead from their walk through town as his metal capped boots dug into sand and almost pitched himself forward to fall. Wolfwood stopped a couple steps ahead, grinning cheekily back at his companion’s over dramatic reaction. While the blonde was still windmilling his arms to keep his balance Wolfwood lit a cigarette and brought it to his lips. He got a good long drag out of it before Vash finally caught himself and trotted up to him to close the distance once more. When He stood next to the priest again, wolfwood playfully blew the smoke in front of his face in lazily floating “O” ‘s instead of a steady stream. Vash blinked and with a pout he swatted them away with a gloved hand before walking onwards to continue their casual stroll.
“That’s a hell of a question to ask a guy on the way to breakfast, dont’cha think?” 
His voice trilled a bit with a bit of a forced chuckle for lack of knowing how to respond. Wolfwood canted his head in Vash’s direction, humming thoughtfully.
“Well, there’s not exactly a scheduled time and place to ask someone about talking to plants the way you’d talk to your sibling, not that i’ve ever heard at least.”
Vash made a sour ‘you got me there’ expression and sighed, crossing his arms for lack of idea of what to do with them. 
“Well… they are my siblings, sort of…not like Knives is, but..” He nervously glanced at Wolfwood, gauging his reaction before trying to move onwards. To Wolfwood’s credit, he didn't stop nor did he say anything in return. He did however let his eyebrows shoot up into his bangs and his eyes look over his sunglasses to meet Vash’s own greenish blue ones with a look of surprise. After a few moments he let his features relax but his attention was just as intent on the other to continue. Vash sighed, a mix of releasing nerves he still had and letting himself relax from the bracing he had done for any possible less favorable reaction the priest might have had.
“We were born much later than the others, the plants I mean. They were all…,” He paused, unsure what word was best before he settled on, “ made back on earth, before they sent out the people that would be the first one’s here on this planet. Not that they were supposed to come here specifically but…” He laughed awkwardly, unwilling to meet the others' eyes.
Wolfwood took the moment to let himself slide the step of distance between them over as they walked, pressing their shoulders together and occasionally their legs would gently glide against the other’s as they walked. Vash let his lips quirk a little at the action, glancing up at Wolfwood in silent appreciation. 
“Some were made specifically for that trip, while others had been around for many hundreds of years before I was ever born. So technically they’re closer to like…my aunts and cousins or even my grandma by a good few greats? But they can’t really take care of themselves like I can, they’re working so hard for everyone else here. So..since they always need cared for, I like to think of them as my little sisters who I can sometimes give relief or even guidance to. Th-that’s probably a bit unfair to say about them, and maybe it’s selfish to say they can’t-...well.” He stopped himself, shaking his head as if to physically shake off whatever thought line he had caught himself going down without realizing it.
“I can feel them, their pain, their emotions and desires, and I can share my own with them as much as I can take on theirs. And they’re the only ones like me and Knives, so… they’re family to me, even if the concept isn't really for things like us i suppose. If we can give to the humans, I think maybe it’d be okay to take on things from them too. Having a family has always felt nice to me.” 
He offered a smile to the man at his side, a bit small but it felt genuine so Wolfwood offered one of his own briefly. He let his gaze fall to flit about the town around them, a few scattered stores and stalls wafting scents of anything from soap and leather to metal and various foods both tempting and appalling alike. The blend was a bit overwhelming admittedly, but aside the scrunch of his nose in reflex he didn't mention it. It wasn't much longer until they arrived at where Vash had first excitedly been pulling him early that morning, a small stall smooshed into the space between two strips of buildings with various shops and the occasional home attached. The smell from it wasn’t as strong compared to the mix in the air around them, but noting the various treats and breads on display in the glass box atop the counter made him shoot Vash a fond look of faux exasperation.
‘Donuts, of course.’
The man in question was excitedly bouncing on his heels as they reached the end of the decently short line for the stall, impatience and enthusiasm radiating off him in waves. Wolfwood let his mind wander a bit as they waited, Vash’s mindless prattle about potential various options not lost on him but nothing new to need his focus or response. 
“Having a family has always felt nice to me.” 
Wolfwood certainly understood and shared the sentiment, his very mission being based around that very bond. Family, what was it but those you cared for and those who cared for you in return? Did it need to be anything more than that? Wolfwood couldn't guess at what exactly the plants in their bulbs could possibly do for Vash specifically, but they did give life to the numerous towns that Vash drifted between across their planet so maybe that was how they showed whatever love something like them could. Wolfwood had known since before meeting Vash that he was as inhuman as the thing full of hate and violence that the Eye of Micheal worshiped and killed for. However, over the years together Wolfwood had decided that Vash’s inhuman nature took on the form of benevolence no selfish human could ever match to oppose the unforgiving cruelty of his match. And it was in that compassion and love for the unloveable Wolfwood had nestled himself quite firmly, so he of all people could tell you that Vash loved his “sisters” and most if not all living things alongside them. So yeah, he could certainly see how they were just as much family as his own.
“Nicholas, you just have to try one of these!” 
Wolfwood snapped back to attention, the use of his first name usually reserved for important or emotional moments between them so he was worried at first. However, before he could even say anything, the blonde now in front of him (when did he side step him?) quick as a snake shot forward and shoved something into his mouth. He squawked a bit indignantly, taken off guard but after a moment he took in the flavor; it was warm though not piping hot and the dough seemed to almost melt in his mouth. It was coated in a light sweet icing and what seemed to be some kind of cinnamon flavored syrup. It might have been the most extravagant tasting thing he had ever eaten, and he reached up to greedily shove the rest of it in his mouth, not allowing Vash the chance to possibly snag the rest of it back. Vash laughed happily, turning back to the stall owner and ordered another couple of the gourmet(price and advertising be damned, he knew good quality shit when he tasted it) donuts. 
Without thinking, he licked his finger tips one at a time trying to make sure he didn't waste any of the syrup or glaze. He caught Vash’s owlish blink and head tilt in this action, neck growing hot out of mild embarrassment but the wide smile and warm laugh that Vash gave in return made it more than worth it. To get a look like that just for him, he’d do much more without regret than a little childish desert eating. Having by now finished paying and receiving the rest of their haul, Wolfwood let himself be led by the crook of his elbow across the street towards the main plaza where there were a few unoccupied benches. Vash all but dead dropped onto the first one they got close enough to, dragging Wolfwood down beside him earning him a light flick to the head as punishment but they were both grinning despite themselves. Once settled, Vash almost desperately rooted through the bag, grabbing another donut and passing it to Wolfwood’s waiting hands. He only then fished one out for himself and bit into it with an exaggerated moan that bordered tears of joy.
Wolfwood slung an arm over the back of the bench behind Vash, nibbling at his own treat much more slowly than the first one had been killed off. Vash was mostly distracted with his treat, but he leaned back so that his shoulder blades were against the priest’s arm to offer some kind of casual contact. Wolfwood waited until Vash had calmed down most of the theatrics and was simply eating before he decided to offer almost too-casually a bit of himself forward. After all, it was only fair.
“I guess mine are like little brothers and sisters too, by that logic.” He said it without looking at Vash, so he heard rather than saw the cocking of his head in interest as he hummed in interest while chewing on the current bite of pastry in his mouth.
“Nobody at the orphanage is actually related to anyone else, we usually got kids left on their own without a chance anywhere else, not whole broods or anything like that. And twins aren’t the most common, unlike with you, needle-noggin. But everyone is like a big family there, Miss Melanie always taking care of everyone and the older kids chipping in with the younger ones to lighten the load. It was hard work living there, but it was…it was really nice honestly. I don’t know if anyone that was there last I visited is still there, but the little ones would always look up at me with runny noses and wet eyes and I always ended up caving. They’d always…they’d always call me…” 
He had to pause, realizing that as he went on, he felt his throat burn a bit and there was a certain pressure light but certainly there in his nose. Had he really almost-? He felt a hand rest on his thigh, squeezing it gently and he looked over to see Vash offer him a small smile and understanding eyes and he leaned into his space a bit more.
“What did they call you, Nicholas?”
This time, it felt right hearing his first name spoken so gently and coaxingly from the blonde’s lips. He inched his foot outwards until his knee pressed up against the smooth metal of Vash’s kneepad. It was cool against his skin through his pants, grounding him a little as he swallowed back down the lump in his throat from earlier. Regaining his composure, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back to rest against the back of the bench they sat on.
“Would you…like to tell me more? About the kids at the orphanage all the way in December? About the time you were their Nico-nii? You don’t have to of course but…”
With the taste of sugar on his lips and the warmth of his only friend against him, he nodded slowly and began to recall. And he hoped on this bench in a nameless town to the south, he could instead think of December and the crowded but humble streets of its market district. Of kids playing games outside while he fed their thomas’ and helped Miss Melanie hang the laundry. Of him watching and carrying around babies and coaxing little crybaby boy’s that the orphanage was a nice place to live in a world like this. And he hoped that Vash could see it with him some day.
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enderpearlgirl1005 · 1 year
Phoenix Blood
Chapter 1 Accident
A girl woke up to her alarm going off loudly, she groaned and rolled over to turn it off. She then laid back down and tried to go back to sleep, till she heard her mom calling her.
"Hey Payla, hurry up and get ready your breakfast is getting cold!" Her mom called out.
"Ugh, coming mom." Payla called out and begrudgingly got out of bed.
She sat up and rubbed her eye's before getting out of bed and going up to her wardrobe. She opened it up and got out her school uniform, which was a blue knee high skirt, a short sleeve shirt with a red bow on it. She didn't really like to wear uniforms and preferred to have her own wardrobe, but her school had a strict school dress code and students had to wear the clothes that the school provided them. So she just sucked it up and dealt with it as her parents worked hard to allow her and her siblings to go to the school as it was a private school and wasn't cheap.
"Ugh mom dad why can't me and my siblings just go to a normal school with no dump dress code. I can still have great opportunities with a normal highschool degree as long as my grades are good." Payla said to herself as she slipped out of her Pajamas and into her school uniform.
She then went down stairs and sat in the kitchen with her family. Her family consisted of her parents, siblings, grandparents, aunt's, uncles, and cousins. They were a multi generation family and all lived together, however she had a problem with one of her male cousins named Kile as he was a problem child.
He'd act all kind and sweet around his parents, but when they weren't around he'd be a complete menace to society, as he hung around with a group of troublemakers. Not only that but he'd trick people into giving him money, by pretending he was homeless or had cancer. She always hated that about him, but she mostly avoided him and let it slide as she knew one day he would be caught and punished.
"Aw great another one." Payla's father groaned.
"What is it honey was there another murrder?" Payla's mother asked.
"Yes and this poor guy was killed by another Phoenix Blood." Payla's father explained.
"Huh? Phoenix blood? What's that?" Payla's younger sister Clementine asked.
"Um, I'll tell you another time kiddo I gotta get to work now, but when I get back tonight I'll tell you what Phoenix blood's are." Payla's father said before finishing his breakfast and heading out to work.
"Oh and Payla, your teacher called and told me that you were valedictorian in all your classes!" Playa's mother exclaimed.
"Really? I am?" Payla asked.
"Yeah I'm so proud of you sweet heart! We should celebrate! Who wants to go out to a steak house tonight after school?" Payla's mother asked.
Everyone got excited and raised their hands with joy in their eyes.
"Great! I'll make reservations for a good place today!" Payla's mom said.
"Awesome! I can't wait to eat some good steak!" Playa's older brother Thomas exclaimed.
"Yeah I like steak, it's really good!" Playa exclaimed.
Everyone else agreed and finished up their breakfast, they all then got their school stuff and set off to the train station to go to school. On their way there Payla got out her flash cards and started going through them as they had a test that day.
"Hph why are you always getting praised by Aunt Mary and Uncle Mark?" Kile asked angrily.
"Because I take the time to study and work hard while all you do is make excuses on why you didn't do well on a test and hang around those troublemakers." Playa explained.
"Hph well one day you won't be their little girl anymore and I'll be the king of the house when that happens. Now if you all will excuse me my friends are expecting me so I'll see you all later." Kile said then left.
"Ugh what's his problem he's such a nightmare! While I'm working my ass off to become a doctor, he lazy's around and hangs around those idiots and takes advantage of the other smart girls in our school to get good grades!" Playa exclaimed angrily.
"Just let it go because The Karma police will catch up with him and he'll pay for all the bad things he's doing." Playa's cousin Mechell explained.
"*Sigh* You're right, thanks Mechell you're much better than that ass hole." Playa said.
The siblings and remaining cousins then reached the train station and stood there waiting for it.
"Okay red blood cells carry nutrients, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. White blood cells are a part of the nutrafill division and destroy bacteria, germs, and viruses. Platelets are also a part of the healing process and stop the bleeding." Playa said as she went over all her notes for their test.
"Damn how you study this much gives me a headache." Playa's cousin Fred groaned.
"It's just easy for me to study, that's all." Playa explained.
"Well I had some help with this test, that cool anime cells at work helped out a lot as it made what goes on inside our body look awesome!" Playa's older brother Sebastian explained.
"I saw that it was very helpful when it came to studying for this test in science." Playa's older sister Scarlet said.
After some more small talk and Playa going over her flashcards the train arrived and they all got on.
Playa, her brother, and sister were in their history class waiting for their teacher to show up.
"Man, that science test was really hard!" Thomas complained.
"Yeah but hey we all studied hard and did our best... well except for Kile." Scarlet stated.
"Yeah and knowing him he'd possibly used a smart girl in our class to help him pass the test." Playa said while rolling her eye's.
Just then their history teacher came in and he got his stuff together before starting roll call. Once he was done with that he said "Great no one's absent today great job to all of you! Now today we'll be learning the history of a rare race of Phoenix bloods."
"Ohh I've been hoping we'd learn about this!" Thomas whispered to his sisters.
The two giggled and went back to focusing on what the teacher was saying.
"Alright So a few years ago during the Vietnam war. There were these two soldiers who no matter how fatally wounded they were would never die. After the war was over the government interviewed the two and asked them a variety of questions.
The two explained that they had no clue on how they were unable to die, along with that they had more powers aside from what witnesses had seen. The two could also control different types of fire, summon different types of weapons with their flames, and could summon holy creatures of fire.
Their abilities were like that of phoenix's so they were given the name phoenix blood.
However the more Phoenix bloods were found the more concerned the government became about them. This is because a large portion of the population would use their powers for entirely selfish and criminal purposes and they would often hurt or kill people with their powers.
Because of this the government stated that if anyone was discovered to be Phoenix Blood then they would immediately be put into custody till they are proven to not be a threat to humanity. Once this happens they are allowed to reenter society as a normal citizen under the condition they use their powers to help others. Until the day they break this moral code they will not be bothered by the government.
Unfortunately this has not stopped a certain number of scientists from performing cruel and harsh experiments on Phoenix Bloods, they do this by constantly killing them to quote "see what they can and can't die from." This is incredibly illegal and ones who are found doing this kind of thing will face the full extent of the law." The teacher explained.
Just then a student raised their hand indicating they wanted to ask a question.
"AH James what would you like to ask?" The teacher asked.
"Well Mr. Marco, how can we tell the difference between a normal person and a Phoenix Blood?" James asked.
"Well there's no actual way to tell as anyone could be Phoenix Blood, there could even be one sitting in this room right now. The only way to tell if someone is a Phoenix Blood is when they die, then their body burns up into ashes, and they are reborn from the ashes just like how they were before." Mr. Marco explained.
When he was done explaining that everyone felt chills run up their spines as that sounded pretty dark. Playa was also disturbed by this, but she relaxed as she knew the likelihood of her being Phoenix blood wasn't very high as they were pretty rare.
'Besides I've got plans for my future and all I want is to live a normal life like every other girl my age. If I was a Phoenix Blood then that would make things in my life harder and imagine dying then reviving with memories of your death and the pain you felt. Ugh no way hozay for me I don't want to live with the trauma of dying for the rest of my life." Playa thought to herself as she focussed on the class.
(Later that day)
Playa, her siblings, and cousins were all heading home and they were talking about what they went over in school today.
"Agh! I got a C on the test!" Fred groaned.
"Well it's better than what you got last time." Mechell reassured her brother.
"Yeah by the way did you guys learn about Phoenix Blood's in class today?" Thomas asked.
"Yeah, and wow their history is pretty dark. Same goes on how someone can find out how they're a part of this race." Mechell said.
"Yeah but it would be cool to have those powers!" Sebastian said.
"Too bad that the government views them as dangerous as a bunch of lunk heads who are a part of the race use their powers for selfish reasons and hurt people." Scarlet explained.
"Yeah... wait where did Playa go!?" Fred asked, noticing that she was gone.
"Oh no! LOOK!" Mechell screamed then pointed to the road.
The family looked and saw that Playa wasn't paying attention to where she was going as she was lost in the flash cards she made.
When the other siblings saw this they all ran to their family member in an attempt to save her. When the driver of the truck saw Playa he panicked and desperately tried to stop the truck before he made the biggest mistake of his life. When Playa heard the engine she looked and froze as she saw it coming right at her... then her world went dark.
The siblings and cousins froze by what they saw, Clementine buried her head in her older brother's pants so as to not see what happened to her little sister. The truck driver jumped out of the car and went up to Playa's body and was horrified to see the state she was in.
"Hey what happened- wow!" Kile walked up and asked before he saw what happened to his cousin.
Thinking fast Mechell got out her phone and called 911 hoping that they could still save her. However anyone who saw Playa in her state knew one thing, it was too late and she was dead.
"*Sniff, Sniff* Why do I smell smoke?!" Fred asked.
Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, however Scarlet started smelling the air as well and she too could smell smoke in the air.
"AHH!" The truck driver screamed in pain.
Everyone looked over at him and they saw that he was holding his hand, which strangely looked burned. They then looked at Playa's body and were shocked to see flames started coming off her body. The flames soon got bigger and bigger till they finally covered her whole body.
Everyone backed up as the flames consumed Playa's entire body and soon burned it to nothing but ashes. They all stood there in shock for a moment unsure what to do or say about it.
That is until the ash pile started to move and soon Playa emerged from it in shock and panic. She was good as new aside from her clothes being ripped up and blood stained she was fine. She then got up on her feet and looked at herself, when she remembered what happened she freaked out as she was dead and had come back to life.
Everyone around knew that meant one thing, she was a Phoenix Blood and now the government was most likely after her. Not only that but some twisted and corrupted scientist would most likely capture her and perform horrific experiments on her. She would die over and over again from those experiments and be in tremendous amounts of pain from it all.
"Playa! Listen to me, just take a deep breath and calm down okay." Thomas tried to reassure his sister.
However Playa backed away in fear before she started running away from the area in fear for her and her family's safety.
"PLAYA WAIT! UGH GOD DAMMIT!" Scarlet screamed.
"Okay why is she running away we're not going to hurt her!" Fred asked, confused.
"She's scared and she most likely thinks she's going to be arrested as stated in history class Phoenix Bloods are locked up till they are proven to not be dangerous to society!" Michelle explained.
"Oh right... well what the hell do we do now?!" Fred asked.
"Thomas Is the government going to take Playa away because she's a Phoenix blood?" Clementine asked.
Thomas looked down to his little sister, he then knelt down to her and said "No mom, dad and the rest of the family wont let that happen. Playa won't use her powers to hurt others, that's what the government is mostly worried about, the safety of others. Right now we need to get Playa to calm down and not do anything stupid, Fred your the fastest on the track team right?" Thomas asked.
"Yes I am. I won first place in all the track races we had in school." Fred explained.
"Good so put that to good use and chase down Playa and help her calm down enough. Once you do that, bring her home and the rest of the family will help her out in this. As for the rest of us, we'll tell everyone else at home about what happened and try to help them process this." Thomas explained to everyone.
They all nodded their heads in agreement knowing that it was all they could do right now in this situation. So Fred took off running after Playa to try and get her to calm down. While the other ran home to tell the adults about what happened and the newest discovery.
Meanwhile Kile had snuck away from his cousins and siblings to find his trouble making friends. He looked around the area for a bit till he found them smoking in a nearby alley way. One of them, Denis, looked up and saw him standing at the entrance.
"Yo Kile what's up I thought you had to go home to keep on your "good Boy" appearance to your parents." Denis said.
"Yeah man what's the big deal?" another one of them named Addie asked.
"Hehe well you guys I've got something very interesting to tell you all." Kile explained.
"And what's that?" Another boy named Carl asked.
"Well apparently my cousin who's the golden child of the house and family is a Phoenix blood." Kile said.
"Oh really she is? But wait, how does that have anything to do with us?" Addie asked.
"Hehe well I just so happen to know about a scientist who will pay 80 million dollars if someone turned in a Phoenix blood for their experiments." Kile explained.
When his friend heard that their eye's flickered with greed and their pupils turned into money signs (not literally just that thing you see on cartoons).
"HAHA well what are we waiting for! Let's get rich!" Denis exclaimed.
"Yes lets But we need to be smart about this. If my family finds out about what I did I'll surely be disowned and kicked out of the house." Kile explained.
"We know and don't worry bro we'll make sure that no one finds out about any of this. After all, living in a big house like the one your family owns is awesome! Who'd ever give up a life like that?" Carl explained.
"Yeah you're right, now let's get down to business." Kile said.
Him and his friends then left to go tell the scientist and get their money with nothing but greed filling their hearts.
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sillysnack · 2 years
carlos madrigal u r sooo...so. Sooooo
& (platonic) , / (romantic)
pairing: carlos madrigal / reader
prns used: they/them (told in 2nd person. slight.)
word count: Idk i'll do this later.
— — — — —
notes: modern au !!! also this is u having carlos madrigal as ur online bf LOLZ (headcanons + little drabbles) posting something today bcs i wont be posting tmr (i think. hopefully i wld post a fic or two!)
bringing this post of mine to life
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carlos madrigal as ur online boyfriend #woo
i think he's very sweet actually! wld message u every morning and asks if u ate breakfast already <3
updates you a lot lol! hes like "Just fucking pranked my brother" and sends a photo of camilo going 🙁🖕
is on call with you everynight ! you two fall asleep together kekekeke
pepa caught him on a call with you once and introduced you as a friend LMAOOO but she knows u two r more than that
you two planned on meeting up someday :) and carlos made sure that that would happen bcs it'd be the day you'll let him be your boyfriend
^^ félix is the first to know about this. he is ecstatic
félix dropped off carlos when u two met up and talked to you for a while :) safe to say he approves of u all the way until marriage
marriage is a long way but HEY you two do talk about it from time to time :) making silly little moodboards for how it'll look and shit
owhhhh camilo wants to meet you so badddd so he cld make fun of his brother
"Let me meet them, please?" Camilo has begged his brother countless times to meet this person he's been on calls with many nights. Carlos rolled his eyes, why does he want to meet you anyways? He wasn't a big fan of online relationships.
"Give me a good reason."
Camilo smiled. "Because I'm your brother and I want you to be happy?"
Carlos scoffed. "Gross."
"I'm being caring?"
"Don't do it again. Now, go away." Carlos put his earphones on. "I'm going to call them while they're studying."
"That doesn't sound like good boyfriend behavior."
Carlos sighed. Like Camilo knew about dating. "I'm supporting them."
"Okay. I want to give my support too, and details about how you act around them. For research."
"Fuck you, what research?"
yeah. u two go on little dates in call <3
the fucker spoils u actually. when you talk to him abt your problems, he has food delivered to your place (starts sobbing)
^^ the food has little messages too. CRIES
oh he was very much happy for you to meet his primas & hermana.
"Make sure Camilo doesn't get in."
"On it!" Mirabel pushes Camilo out of his shared room with Carlos.
"What the fu–! Hola, mami!"
"Finish that sentence."
Carlos, along with his cousins and sister didn't mind Camilo's shriek when his ear got twisted by Pepa.
"They're very nice, okay? Don't bombard them with any questions. Me gustan mucho. (I like them a lot)."
Isabela sighs, "Was never a fan of online relationships. They were too messy for me. But I'm glad yours seems pleasant. Open the call!"
Carlos takes a deep breath. Now or never. His family was going to know you at some point.
"Hola, Y/N." Carlos smiles at you, your camera still isn't open. "Hola! Let me open my video real quick. Hello to your sister and cousins, too!"
Your video is open and a bright smile is on your face. I can hear the angels singing, actually. Carlos thinks.
"Carlos told me all about you guys!" You laugh. "Dolores is the sister, right?" Dolores nods. "I caught him asking my boyfriend for help with a poem he wrote for you."
You raise your eyebrow at Carlos. "A poem? Didn't know you were quite the poet, amor."
"Ooh, they called you 'amor'." Mirabel teases Carlos in a sing-song manner. "So, Y/N, tell me. Is Carlos... sweet?"
"Very much! He's always there for me, and I'm so grateful for that."
Carlos starts blushing. I am never hearing the end of this.
"You're Mirabel, the one who knows how to make clothes! Oh, Carlos showed me that sweater you knitted for him during Christmas... so cute!"
You pull up a photo of Carlos wearing the sweater. "Maybe I should make one for you! You two could match!" You put your thumb up.
"Are you sure you're dating Carlos? This doesn't sound a lot like him." Luisa laughs. Even Luisa? I am not eating with the family later.
You laugh along with her. "Right? He was really silent during our first few calls. Apparently it's because Camilo's nosy."
"I can hear you!" Mirabel hits the door. "Stop eavesdropping!"
im too lazy to write the rest of that basta his whole family likes you!!!!
GAHHhhhh hes so protective of u Im crying
he met your family as well and theyre like "..U two r 15. r u sure of this?" and he has this whole speech (camilo helped prepare it)
ur parents are okay with it :) just stay safe or smth since its online lol
part two
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canirove · 2 years
The Lord in Blue | Chapter 1
Summary: "You are getting old, you are unmarried, you are a disgrace to the family and to the crown." That's what my mother always told me. But then I met him, Lord Mason Mount, the most wanted man at court, the one all the mothers wanted their daughters to marry, and the one who would change my life.
Author's note: This is based on a dream I had with Mason months ago, probably thanks to me watching too many episodes of The Great in one go 😅 It’s a period drama, but it isn’t set on an specific moment in time. There are little mentions of the Tudors, so imagine it somewhere between Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria reigns. It also is the first thing I write, so bear with me 😁 And happy Valentine’s day! 💜
Next chapter
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I wake up to the sound of someone giggling. My niece. I can hear her getting closer to my bed, trying not to make any noise despite the creaky old floor giving away that she is coming. Once she is close enough, I hear her take a big breath before she screams "happy birthday, auntie!"
Downstairs my family has made a special breakfast. My two younger sisters hug me, while my brother-in-law just smiles at me. My mother, on the other hand, is already giving me her judgy look that always says the same: you are getting old, you are unmarried, you are a disgrace to the family and to the crown.
Because we are royals. My father was the late King's brother, and the current Queen is my cousin, almost like an older sister. We grew up together at court, and even though she was the heir to the throne, we did everything together. From taking the same lessons, to spending the day reading on the woods or sneaking out to see the cute boys swimming on the lake. But everything changed when my father got sick and we had to move to the countryside.
Everything that was happening in the country, my mother not wanting me to marry someone who wasn't a Lord, and me not wanting to marry someone who could be my father or joining a nunnery, lead us here. To my birthday. To accepting that I'm going to be the unmarried rich aunt who spoils her nieces and nephews with everything they want.
I was 16, about to be properly introduced in society. But that never happened. The doctor had said that the country air would benefit my father's health, but that didn't happen either. After he died, my mother decided to stay there, she didn't want the pitiful looks from the other ladies.
A couple of years later, the King died, which started a civil war. Some lords didn't want a woman on the throne, and bastard sons appeared out of nowhere. But in the end, my cousin showed them all that she was meant to be queen, and time has proven it.
I open the little package first. Inside it there is a pearl necklace with our family's initial in gold hanging from it, just like the one the Lady from my favorite painting at court wears. I just hope I have better luck than her and can keep my head on my shoulders.
We were almost done with our breakfast when someone knocked on the front door. A messenger. And not any messenger, a royal one.
"This is for the birthday lady" he says. "The Queen has order me to wait until you ñgive an answer to her letter".
As I take the package and the letter from him, my mother shows him the way to the kitchens, where he can wait.
While my sisters and my niece marvel at it, I read the letter.
Dear cousin,
It's your birthday! I know you don't like celebrating them, but this is a special one! And not because of what your annoying mother says (don't  tell her I called her that). Your life isn't over, you aren't a disgrace. In fact, those two things are about to change. I need you back  at court with me. As my Lady, as my right hand. Big things are happening by winter, and I need people I can trust next to me. And there also is a certain someone I want you to meet, someone that both you and your mother will like. Yes, he exists. Please tell me you'll come back.
Kind regards, the Queen.
The next few days pass in a blur. It's all about getting ready, packing my things, getting new dresses, new shoes, new everything. I don't have time to think about what is about to happen, though there was not much to think about, to be honest. I love living in the countryside, but I miss the court and my cousin.
When it's time to leave, everyone is crying, telling me how much they'll miss me, how happy they are for me. Everyone but my mother, of course. When she comes to say goodbye, she only says one thing. "This is your second chance. Don't ruin it".
I don't share a single tear. It isn't until I'm more than half way through my trip that it finally hits me, and I can't stop crying. I'm   leaving that little bubble that has been my home since what it feels like forever, I'm not going to see my family in a long time. I'm going back to court, to a new one full of strangers except for my cousin. I have no idea about how it works. And I'm not a kid anymore, I'm an adult, and at court people play very dangerous games. Just ask the Lady from the painting.
"What are we going to do now?" I ask.
While I'm thinking about her and her life, my carriage suddenly stops, and I can hear the horses complaining. Before I can get out, the driver comes to me.
"There is a tree on the road, my lady. It probably fell last night during the storm."
Moving the tree takes longer than I expected, but mainly because the horses aren't in the mood to cooperate. Seeing that this is going to take some time, I pick one of my books and sit under one of the trees to read. I've not finished the first page, when I hear that someone is coming. Two riders. They stop when they see the carriage.
"We can try and move it using one of the horses, but it'll  take some time."
I just nod at his suggestion, leaving the carriage in case I can be useful somehow.
"What has happened here?" one of them asks. He has dark hair and quite a big nose. Big, but interesting. Suddenly, he turns to look at me, brown eyes scanning my face. I know I was staring at him, and I instantly feel the heat coming to my face. Thankfully, my driver stars telling him what has happened, making him look the other way. I try to focus on my book, let the men discuss what to do with the tree and the horses. But I can't help it and I look at him from time to time. He's wearing very fancy clothes, all of them a dark shade of blue. So is his companion. They probably are some lords who live in the area and who went for a ride.
With the help of their horses, who were more willing to cooperate than ours, they all move the tree to one side. When they've finished, I see him smile. He has a beautiful smile, but just as big as his nose. Is everything on him big, I wonder? Wait, what am I think about? Woman, focus! I can feel the heat coming back to my face again when I notice him walking towards me.
"We've moved the tree, my lady. You can continue with your journey."
"Thank you very much, Lord..."
"Lord Mount" he says. "Count Mount to be more precise".
"It's fine", he says. "I'm used to people laughing when they first hear it, I've been teased about it since I can remember."
The most horrible laugh ever leaves my mouth when he says it.
"I'm so sorry, my lord. I didn't mean to be rude." I can feel my face burning again and I want to hide, but I don't know where.
"I'm sorry you've had to endure that, my lord" I reply.
"Don't be, my lady. I've got my revenge on most of them." When I look at him, he's smirking, a dimple showing on his left cheek. "Hope we'll see each other again, my lady" he says while bowing.
"My lord" I bow back.
He and his companion are gone and I'm back on my carriage, already on the move. But there is only one thing I can think about. That smirk and that damned dimple on his left cheek.
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howlingday · 2 years
tragic backstory (tm) au) jaune goes out to town for a dinner, this somehow is part of a grand conspiracy that has to do with his tragic past (tm) AND NORA CAN PROVE IT!
Diner For Two?
Nora had never felt so alive. The thrill of the chase. The tingle in her spine as she hacked, stalked, and watched. She felt powerful, like a predator hunting it's prey.
After hacking into Jaune's scroll, which was easy, because he didn't lock-screen it, she learned he was meeting a woman today. Someone familiar with him, calling him "Baby". He said he was going into town for a little while, and that little while turned into a full hour, all of which she followed undetected.
They were now in a diner, him eating a donut with coffee, and her, a six-stack of flapjacks and apple juice. A classy woman's breakfast, watching a king's meal. And he had no idea she was there.
Jaune: Hey, Nora!
Nora: (Thinking) Crap! Abort! Abort! There's apples in cyanide, right?!
Jaune: What are you doing here?
Nora: Uh, not following you?
Jaune: Well, obviously. But since you're here, can you hang out with me? I'm a little nervous.
Nora: What could have you so nervous? You, Jaune Arc, the man who killed the SDC?
Jaune: I-I didn't kill anyone! I'm just nervous because-
???: Yoo-hoo! Jaune!
Jaune: Because of her.
Nora: (Turns around, Sees blonde woman with a dark-haired woman) Who are they?
Jaune: Hi, Saph! Terra! (Hugs them both)
Terra: Easy!
Jaune: (Immediately backs away) Right, sorry! I forgot!
Saphron: Jeez, you'd think I didn't warn you before.
Jaune: Right, it's just... I'm still not used to this.
Nora: Used to what?
Jaune: Nora, meet my sister, Saphron, and her wife, Terra.
Terra: Hello.
Saphron: And who is this, Jaune? Your girlfriend?
Jaune: (Eye-twitch) Ha ha, no. This is Nora, she's my teammate on Team JNPR.
Nora: Hi! I'm super excited to meet you!
Saphron: You are?
Jaune: You are are?!
Nora: I am! My fearless leader is so mysterious! We hardly know anything about him!
Saphron: Well, if he pays for lunch, we'll tell you!
Terra: Saph...
Nora: Do it, Jauney!
Jaune: Of course. What is family for?
???: Finally here. Now, where to stay?
Marshal: Pardon me, Miss, but I have orders to take you in for questioning.
???: Oh, have I done something wrong?
Marshal: Please, come with me, ma'am.
???: Oh, of course. But I can assure you, I've done nothing wrong. I'm just here to see my husband. You've heard of him, haven't you?
Marshal: Ma'am, please refrain from speaking until the questioning begins.
???: Of course. Let me just freshen up while we walk.
Jaune: You're pregnant?!
Terra: Mhm! And I have you to thank for it!
Jaune: Me? What did I do?
Saphron: We never would have thought of a donor of you hadn't come around. But you did, and ever since, we've been expecting for a few weeks now.
Jaune: (Chuckles) I had no idea. And you're still making me pay for lunch.
Saphron: Hey, now, I'm an expecting mother! You can't just force me to pay for everything.
Terra: Saph...
Jaune: You're not even the one pregnant!
Nora: (Messaging) Guys! Jaune's a daddy!
Weiss: Excuse me?
Blake: Are you sure?
Ruby: Congrats to him!
Ren: Where are you?
Pyrrha: WAT?!
Yang: Before we start making congratulations calls, tell us what happened.
Nora: Sure, hang on.
Nora: Can I get a picture of you guys together?
Jaune: Okay, Nora. Just send it to my scroll.
Nora: Will do! (Takes picture, Sends to Jaune and everyone else) Thank you!
Nora: (Messaging) This is Jaune with his cousin and her wife. Jaune knocked her up and they just told him about it.
Weiss: Wait, his cousin or her wife?
Nora: Wife.
Weiss: Phew...
Pyrrha: So, how did it happen?
Nora: Apparently, his cousin and her wife wanted a kid, so he offered to donate.
Pyrrha: Oh, is that all? You had me think he actually had sex with her.
Terra: (Blushing) Oh, Jaune, stop it!
Jaune: I mean it, though! You're still beautiful!
Saphron: (Giggles) Easy, baby bro, she's still my wife.
Nora: He might have, with how they're flirting.
Pyrrha: WTF?!
Ren: Pyrrha! Please! Stop punching the wall!
Yang: I can feel the salt from here.
Weiss: Not now, Xiao Long.
Ruby: Aw, and just when you finally got that dance with him.
Ren: Please. STOP!
Jaune: It was great catching up with you. Are you staying for the festival?
Terra: I wish we could, but I have to be back at work. The Vytal Festival is going to be hosted all over Remnant, and they'll need me to patch up any bugs so nothing gets glitched.
Jaune: Wow... Sounds like a lot.
Terra: It is, but I can take a lot.
Saphron: Yeah, you can.
Jaune: Please, no.
Saphron: I'm kidding! Bye, Jaune. Don't forget to call home.
Jaune: I haven't. I'll talk to you guys after the festival. (They leave, Sighs) You can pick your friends, right, Nora? Nora?
Manager: She left. She said you were paying the bill.
Jaune: (Sighs) Of course she did.
Cardin: This is the easiest extra credit ever. I just make stuff up and Jauney-boy, people eat it up, and I get to sit back and watch the fireworks.
Russel: Yeah, but it's not all fake, right?
Cardin: Huh? What now?
Dove: Like, was he actually a bandit slave?
Cardin: Tch, of course not! I just made that up so Pinkie would go nuts over it.
Sky: What about him being the heir to the throne of Vale; did you make that up?
Cardin: Well, no, I didn't, but-
Sky: And what about the story of him being half-Grimm?
Cardin: What?! That's the most ridiculous one yet!
Sky: Well, think about it. He's always managed to hold his own against the Grimm. Maybe they're going easy on him?
Cardin: The Grimm going easy on Arc? Get real!
Russel: Think about it, though! When you hot attacked by that Ursa, you almost died!
Cardin: Yeah, so?
Russel: So? Who saved you, you, Cardin Winchester, from a Grimm twice your size?!
Sky: Because he ordered the Ursa to stop, and then killed him when he didn't obey!
Cardin: I... (Steps out) I need some air. I can't take this craziness.
Qrow: So, you ready to meet the in-law?
Roman: Hardly. Knowing my luck, something will probably go wrong.
Qrow: If it makes you feel any better, knowing mine, something will go wrong.
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marvel-m-lee · 2 years
i’ve never done this before so i apologize if i did the wrong thing but for an Encanto prompt, you can do Luisa x Reader where the reader tries to get Luisa to relax, and while they are showing her relaxation techniques we discover that she is ticklish.
Fandom: encanto x reader
Warnings: stress mention, tickles, ALL PLATONIC
Summary: *prompt* Y/n is bored and wants to spend time with their prima luisa, the two learn some relaxation techniques where y/n finds a terrific discovery!?
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"LUISAAAAAAA" You called out into the casita. You were incredibly bored and had just woken up from a nice nap, now feeling like you wanted to go find your strongest cousin: Luisa.
You decided to look around the Casita first, knocking on her door and just barging in to find her, then looking in almost every room in the house, even checking your cousin's and siblings' rooms.
You went to bang on your elder sister's door, deciding to barge in instead so you wouldn't make as much noise.
"Hola Dolores, have you heard Luisa around?" You looked around the room as your eyes landed on Dolores's bed, where she sat up, gently reading a book by herself in her soundproof room.
She gently looked up at you and shook her head, but tilted it sideways and listen out even so.
"She's just coming back from rounding up the donkey's" Your elder sister smiled at you and continued reading her book, you smiled and waved her off, gently shutting the door as you left.
You then skipped down the halls and the casita made a staircase for you, or well, opened up a piece of the balcony and you jumped off, creating an ice slide for your way down and stopping right in front of Luisa, making the poor girl yell out in surprise as she caught you in her arms.
"Hey, Luisa!" You waved up, smiling happily at your older cousin as if you hadn't just recklessly thrown yourself into her arms.
The strong woman let out a sigh of relief as she put you down, smiling when she realized you were okay.
"Hey y/n, what's up?"
"Not much, I was bored and Dolores said you could do with some relaxation" you shrugged, quickly getting to the point.
Luisa looked at you in confusion and anxiety- you looked sideways and rolled your eyes, sighing.
"Okay maybe that was a little fib, but Dolores did say you were doing chores! And I'm bored! So equally, I feel like we should relax together" you put your hands on your hips, a wide smile on your face, trying to look like a superhero.
Luisa rolled her eyes with a smirk, it wasn't unlike you to try and get out of things, or joke around. You were like a mix of Mirabel and Camilo and Luisa adored you, especially how you would try and help her relax and let her take a breath, even before the Encanto's shatter.
Luisa began to walk off with a smirk on her face, you quickly noticed this and ran after her. "Wait!-"
"Y/n, I appreciate it but I'm okay, honestly, I'm just doing a couple of chores"
You walked beside Luisa as she made her way through the house. "Really? You're okay? Luisa, it's 3 pm and I haven't seen you since breakfast! Come on, you've done enough today" You teased, throwing your arms in the air as if showing her how much help she was. (A MASSIVE HELP)
Luisa didn't say anything but she did stop to think, this was your chance to convince her, "come on Lui! I can teach you some more relaxation techniques" you nudged her gently, though it did nothing as she was a lot stronger and taller than you.
Luisa sighed with a smile, it had been a while since the two of you hung out and she always loved learning the new techniques you would teach her, they would help a lot too, especially as she learned to open up more and give herself a break.
"Alright- fine but-"
You threw your arms in the air and jumped onto your cousin, giving her a big hug, "YES!!!! LUISA AND Y/N!" Luisa burst out laughing at you and hugged you back, picking you up and almost crushing your bones- not that you really minded, you were used to her strong Luisa hugs, but you did stop by the kitchen to steal a quick snack tia Julieta had made and popped it in your mouth.
You grabbed a couple of blankets and pillows and the two of you went out to the hills not too far from the house. Luisa helped you set out the blankets on the floor and put down pillows and rocks to keep them there- just in case the weather changed. Though right now it was a beautiful sunny day outside and there were few clouds in the sky.
Luisa sat down and watched as you jumped onto the carpet and put your arms over your head, sighing as you looked up at the clouds. You turned your head to look at her and insisted she lay back too. Luisa leaned backwards and looked up at the sky with you, smiling as she already felt happy just hanging out with her cousin.
You smirked at her and pointed a hand into the sky, pointing out different-shaped clouds. "Look Lui, that cloud looks a bit like the donkey's!" Luisa laughed as she saw the cloud you were talking about, she too pointing out one that looked a bit like a bookshelf.
The two of you sat back and pointed out cloud shapes to one another for a while, but soon you sat up and got right into showing her some techniques.
"Okay! so I found out this technique, it's just a normal massage but you have to focus n your breathing too" You explained, standing up and walking around to Luisa's back as the elder sat cross-legged with her hands in her lap.
Luisa looked around at you anxiously as you asked permission to touch her, she nervously said of course and you explained she had to sit up straight and try to concentrate on her breathing. Luisa did as you said, sitting up straight and beginning to breathe carefully. She let you lead her through yet some more breathing techniques until you began to massage her back.
Somehow though, you weren't the world's best massager. You had almost no clue as to what was going on and rotated your hands gently around her shoulders, doing what one of the village people had shown you.
Surprisingly, you were actually doing pretty well for a while. Luisa seemed to be relaxing deeply as all the two of you could hear was the wind and careful breathing. Then, suddenly there was a jump from the strongest madrigal, her breathing hitched up a little as you could tell she tried to hold back laughter yet lean away from your touch.
You stopped, frightened you'd hurt her in some way, though deep down you knew you couldn't have. The strongest madrigal tried to hold back her giggles and cover her tracks with a cough, leaning back to her place and apologizing for moving. Though you knew something was up, you continued again, though this time you moved down her back slightly and accidentally used your wigging fingers to attack the girl's ribs, this made her jump once again and almost topple over as she burst out laughing.
For a very split second, fear overcame you, fear that you'd hurt her or made her uncomfortable in some way, but this all quickly faded as you heard her adorable giggles and laughter. It was nice hearing Luisa's laughter, especially her giggles, it reminded everyone of her age and how kind and gentle she could be.
You glanced from your hand to Luisa, trying to place where it had been and figure out what had happened. It didn't take long though. Your eyes widened as a grin grew on your face, you began to question how you'd never realized or thought about it before? Luisa being ticklish? Now that was gold.
"Luisa? Is everything okay?" You asked, finally figuring it out and trying to hide the smugness in your voice. 
Luisa could feel her face blush as she sat back up again, trying to shrug off the embarrassment with a kind smile. "Ihi- Uh- Yeah! Yeah, everything fine-"
"Are you sure?..." You tried to look at her face but could only see the blush for a split second before she turned away again, trying to avoid you.
"Yep! Yep!"
You sighed and decided to lean your head on Luisa's shoulders, she honestly was almost your height just sitting down- you were also on a hill slightly.
"You know Lui..." Luisa could now hear the teasing in your voice. Your whole life you'd taken after your older brother and you definitely teased like he would- though you could never hide the mischief in your voice, whether you wanted to or not.
"If this technique isn't working... I have another one we could try?" You leaned against her head slightly, your hair tickling around her neck making her shift a little. Luisa couldn't help the nervous giggle that slipped her throat as she looked back at you.
"Ihi mean- sure-"
"Awesome!" You jumped up, the grin on your face clear as the sky. Luisa jumped at your energy as you jumped up in front of her and sat on your knees.
"Okay, you're gonna need to put your hands above your head-" Luisa's face merged into sudden fear and confusion, mumbling and stuttering over her words.
You giggled, "Its to help with blood flow and breathing" You weren't sure how true that was- you knew that you should put your arms over your head if you needed help with breathing to open up the lungs slightly.
Luisa gave you an embarrassed look and you gave her a nod, pushing her to do as you asked and put her arms above her head. She looked down at you, waiting for what you would do next. That's when everything went pretty quickly. In a sudden flash, there was ice around her wrists, not too much but enough that she would be stuck for a moment before breaking free.
"Y/nhn-" Luisa wasn't too sure why, but she couldn't help the nervous giggles that slipped through as she looked at you with happy fear in her eyes. 
You glared back, a smirk wide on your face as you leaned forward and pretended to giggle your fingers at the girl's sides, "Hey Luisa? Are you ticklish?" Suddenly Luisa seemed to be overwhelmed with giggles as if feeling your fingers on her skin already. You were shocked at the results.
"Wow- Lui I'm not even tickling you yet!" You gasped as she tried to hold back her giggles and look away, pretending you weren't teasing jer into next week.
"Shsuhuhut uhuuhup y/n!" Luisa giggled freely, a light blush dusting over her face. You were loving this, you looked up and saw how she hadn't even tried to break free yet, maybe she was weakened by her own laughter? Or maybe... just maybe... she was enjoying this.
"Aw but Luisaaaa! You're giggles are adorable! Tickle tickle~" you teased, gently setting your fingers on her sides as she was suddenly thrown into yet another fit of giggles. She still hadn't broken the ice yet, so you knew a part of her was enjoying this.
"Hohohow is this ihihis helping!?" Luisa giggled and avoided your gaze, knowing you has a smug grin on your face.
"Well my dear prima, I'm glad you asked" you then moved to tickling her hips, making her eyes go wide and jump, laughter turning up a notch. "Tickling is actually a very good technique and actually can make us happier as it sends happy's to our brain!" You then poked her head gently and tickled her neck, teasing her.
You then moved to Luisa's ribs where you continued that attack, laughter still spilling out of her lips.
"Is it working?" Luisa didn't answer as your skilled finger tips continued their attack, but you could see her face going brighter.
You then moved to her thighs and began squeezing, this made the elder jump and almost break free of the ice- which she easily could have, but decided against it.
Her thighs seemed to be a good spot- the more you attacked, the more she seemed to react, her laughter turning bubbly and slowly getting faster and faster.
You knew this wasn't the spot to wreck her though, and for some reason a part of you had made it your new found duty to do so. To destroy her.
You then decided to move to her underarms, and she quickly exploded. Unknowing to what you'd found, you send quite a few tickles to her and she shattered the ice when you'd barely even grazed her, she threw her arms down and her face blushed a deep red, she couldn't help as giggles and laughter spluttered and she squealed for mercy.
You couldn't help as your laughter followed along with your older cousin. Her face was split with a wide smile as a hand continued it's assault from where she'd trapped you, but she quickly broke down, like wet sand.
Luisa began to roll back with laughter, pulling you with her and letting you lay on top. You thought it was adorable how she was trying so very hard to not go crazy but was failing horribly.
"Awww, Lui, did I hit a bad spot?"
"Y/N- HDJDJHSHHSHSH STOHOHOP STOPHOHOHOPP! PLEASE!" Luisa began to roll side to side, trying to shake you off. You laughed along with her until she rolled a little too harshly and you went flying to her side, forcing your attack to a stop.
Luisa was still laughing even after you'd stopped and was curled in on herself, trying to calm herself down.
You stared at the sky for a moment in horror, surprised at the sudden change as you'd been flung beside her, but you quickly burst out into laughter, kicking your legs in the air as you sat up again to look over your prima.
Luisa called down- well... You looked over to her and saw her blushing face as she tried to hide and couldn't conseal your giggles at her adorable embarrassment.
"Luisa! I never knew you were so ticklish? You're adorable!" You teased, wiggling a finger right under her rib that had been exposed.
Luisa quickly jumped up and blushed harder, now looking at you as you yourself burst out into laugher yourself.
"Are you okay?" You asked, smiling at her. Luisa couldn't make eye contact but laughter nervously in return.
"Thahat was... it wasn't terrible-"
You threw yourself back with your arms above your head, a smug smirk on your face as you interrupted jer, "knew you enjoyed it"
"I- what?!" Luisa pretended to sound offended but you only continued to tease her.
"Please! Please y/n stop! I'm too ticklish!~" you mimicked,bursting out into laughter as you saw the bright red look on her face. You jumped up and gave her a hug.
"Amazing? Yes yes, I know" you teased, flicking your hair.
Luisa sighed with a blushing face and rolled her eyes.
"You feeling better now though Lui?" You asked, patting her shoulder even though she was practically your height even if she was sitting down.
Luisa smiled at you, still slightly embarrassed "yeah- I'm okay... and tha was- uh- a good relaxation technique" you smirked at her all the same, knowing just as well as she did it worked.
"No problem Prima, I know my stuff" you joked, hands on your hips once more, acting as a hero. Luisa only rolled her eyes, grinning at you.
You and Luisa hung out foe a little longer, she ended up getting her revenge but it wasnf nearly as sweet as the look on her face when you poked her stomach at dinner, reminding everyone that she was still a nineteen year old.
Let's just say Luisa had to hide later on because your older brother was just as chaotic as you were when you found out this valued information...
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Folklore [song series]
this is me trying
Modern Day AU! Steve Rogers x OC!Reader; Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff
Plot: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s new album folklore. The story follows the timeline of Bucky and Elizabeth’s life throughout the years.
word count: 3592
[a/n: I’m so sorry that it’s taken me so long to update this and my other story. i’ve been busy with school and work. thank you for your continued patience and support]
previous part
Series Masterlist
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Age: 20 Year: Dec. 2014 Location: Brooklyn, NY
"How have you been James?”
Bucky looks out the window to his right. Hands grasped together in his lap as he sits on the dark green sofa across from the woman he's been seeing for the last 5 months.
He ponders the question, making sure to answer it honestly. He looks back at her giving her his full attention again.
"Good," he answers truthfully, a small smile planted on his face. Life has been good. School is going incredibly well. My job is going better than I could've imagined. Really learning a lot."
"How are things going with Natasha?" The older lady asks.
“Great. Really great," Bucky says with a slightly bigger smile.
"Good. I'm glad to hear that," she smiles back, proud to the see progress James has made since his first visit moths ago.
After the blow up he and Steve had, Bucky fell into a depressive state. He refused to talk to anyone about what had happened. It wasn't until his younger sister Rebecca came to talk to him:
"I get you don't want to talk to any of us about what happened last week," she said as Bucky laid in bed looking out the window, his back facing her, "But you can't just stay in bed, hiding for the world. Starving yourself isn't going to solve anything.
"Sulking is only going to make you worse. It's not healthy, Buck. We're all worried. Ma is incredibly worried. She's barely been eating. I hear her wandering the house at all hours, because she can't sleep."
"You don't want to talk to us, fine. But you need to talk to someone. If not for yourself, but for Ma. Please," she begs, before leaving Bucky alone to ponder what she said.
He knew he wasn't coping the healthy way. He hadn't realized how much he was affecting his family by shutting down. The last thing he wanted to do was worry his mother. So he got himself up, took a shower, ate breakfast with his family. They were surprised to see him come down, but tried not to draw any extra attention to it. Rebecca gave him an understanding nod, which he reciprocated. After breakfast, he began his research. He decided to listen to Rebecca's advice and find someone to talk to someone to help him make sense of what is going on in his mind.
And that's how he ended up in Dr. Abraham's office.
"Have you contacted Steve yet?" She asks.
"No," he answered fiddling with his fingers, "I feel embarrassed about the way I reacted."
"That's normal, James," she assured him, "But in order to repair any damage that's been cost, you need to talk to Steve. To move forward. From what you've told me he's a very understanding person. I'm sure once you've apologized and explain to him the steps you've taken to help your mental health, I'm sure he'd be willing to accept you back into his life."
"I'm not so sure," he looked down at his hands.
"You won't know until you've tried. Listen, I'm not here to tell you what to do or what not to do. I'm just here to help you navigate your thoughts a little better. In a more healthy way. If you're really serious about living a more healthier mental life, I think you should talk to him. You don't want to really throw this lifelong friendship away, do you?"
"No, I don't," he shakes his head.
"Good. Remember to be honest," she tells him, "Vulnerability isn't a bad thing. Your feelings aren't a nuisance. it's how you handle them is what matters. I'm not saying you have to talk to him as soon as you walkout of here. I just want you to start making the notion of doing so. Our time is just about up, how about we do this. Some homework for the week.
"I want you to write a letter to Steve. Bring it in next week, you don't have to read it. But I would like to discuss it. What do you say?"
"Okay, I could do that," he agreed.
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Christmas week
Steve and Elizabeth flew back home a few days before Christmas. They put their bags in the trunk of their rental car.
The car ride was silent for awhile, both tired after a long flight, now sitting in traffic on their way back to their parents' place. This would be their first time back to Brooklyn since the whole Bucky situation. The road trip back to California was fun, but there was a looming sadness over Steve. It's not like he regrets standing up to Bucky he doesn't. He just wishes thing would've played out differently. He really wished Bucky would've talked to him before he left back to California.
"How are you feeling about being back?" Elizabeth asks, while they sat in traffic.
"I don't know," Steve sighs, "Feels weird going back home and not talking to Bucky."
"Maybe you should try calling him. It's been a few months. I'm sure he'd be willing to hear you out," she said, rubbing his right arm.
"I don't want to push him," Steve said through gritted teeth, his grip on the steering wheel getting tighter.
Bucky had been a touchy subject the last few months. During the first month Elizabeth would ask Steve if he'd heard from him, the answer always being no, followed by Steve shutting down. After that Elizabeth stopped asking, noticing how much it was affecting Steve, but the constant reminder of it wasn't helping. She knew that if Bucky ever did call, Steve would tell her. The only thing she could do was be patient and be there for Steve whenever he needed her.
The holidays kept everyone busy. On Christmas Eve. Steve spent it with Elizabeth's family at her grandma's house. Elizabeth found herself watching Steve play with her younger cousins, she couldn't help but giggle when they roped him into a tea party. She found herself imagining a future where Steve would do the same with their own children. She quickly shook the daydream away. Reprimanding herself a little for even thinking about kids at their young age.
On Christmas morning Elizabeth and Steve spent it with his parents. It was a nice peaceful day just lounging around in their pajamas. For dinner, Elizabeth's parents went over to have dinner at the Rogers' house. It was a nice little send off dinner for their parents who were leaving for Mexico to spend the New Years for a couples' getaway.
Elizabeth and Steve were heading to the Hamptons to spent NYE with Wanda, Thor, Loki, and Scott. They had planned to have a nice, peaceful trip.
While Steve and Elizabeth were at the Hamptons, Bucky and Natasha were spending their NYE at his family's beach cottage in Port Washington.
They were cuddled on the couch surrounded by take out containers, watching the New Years Eve special waiting for midnight to happen.
Bucky got up about 15 minutes to midnight to grab something from the kitchen. He walked back into the room with a new bottle of champagne and two champagne flutes.
"Got some champagne," he said holding it up for Natasha to see.
"Um," Natasha awkwardly shifted in her seat, "Actually about that."
Bucky looked at Nat confused, putting the bottle and flutes down on the coffee table before sitting back down next to her.
"What's wrong" he asked, grabbing the tv remote to mute the tv, and give Natasha his full undivided attention.
"So there's something I haven't told you," she says looking down at her fidgeting fingers.
"You're worrying me Nat," Bucky said, grabbing her hands to help ease her nerves
She looked up to meet his worry filled eyes.
"I'm pregnant," she announced.
Bucky eyes widen at her announcement, instantly dropping her hands. The look on her face showing she was telling the truth.
"How is that possible?" He asks in disbelief, "We've been so careful. We use double the protection. Condoms and you're on the pill."
"Actually about that," she nervously shifted under his intense gaze, "I haven't been on birth control in a little over two months."
"What?" Bucky yelled, quickly rising from his seat, "What do you mean you haven't been on birth control in a little over two months?"
"I got off of it," she shrugged trying to play it off, "It's my body and I can do what I want with it. And I just wanted to give my body a break, I've been on the pill since I was 15."
"I get it's your body, Natasha, I'm all for you doing whatever you want," he stresses, "but you should've told me. I'm your boyfriend, we have sex frequently. You should've at least had the respect of your sexual partner, letting him know that you were no longer on birth control. So in that case I could've been a tad more careful."
"We were using condoms," she half heartedly defended herself.
"They aren't 100% effective Natasha," he gripped his hair, in complete disbelief over this entire conversation, "You even know that. That also doesn't defend yourself for not telling me. You should've told me."
"I'm sorry. It's not like I was planning for this to happen," she yelled.
Bucky just stared at her like she just grew two heads. How is she not freaking out, he thought. They were clearly way too young for this. Which is why they took precautionary measures.
After a few moments of silence Natasha spoke up, "I'm keeping the baby."
Bucky didn't know what to say. He felt the room closing in on him. He started having a hard time catching his breath.
"James," Natasha quietly said, getting up to check on him. He raised his hand, silently telling her to stay where she's at.
He headed for the back door, the house felt too suffocating for him. He walked through the the small yard to the gate that led to the beach. Stumbling around.
To a stranger they would just think he's drunk. In reality he was just having a panic attack.
It was all too much. His mind was racing.
She's pregnant. With a baby. My baby. I'm going to have a kid. I'm going to be a dad. I'm not ready to be a dad. My dad was shit. God I can't be like my dad. I'm not ready for all of this.
He put his hands on his knees, hunched over trying to catch his breath. But he just couldn't. He did the only thing he could think of. He pulled out his phone and dialed the only person he knew would help.
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Steve and Elizabeth were laughing with their friends, waiting for the countdown to begin. Steve felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He moved his shoulder off of the back of the couch, where Elizabeth was cuddled up against.
He pulled his phone out and his heart dropped at the name that appeared. He quickly got up and walked out of the living room and upstairs to the room where he was staying in for the week.
Wanda raised her eyebrow at Elizabeth, who just shrugged her shoulders, equally as confused.
"Bucky?" Steve answered the phone, closing the door behind him. He could hear Bucky hyperventilating on the other side.
"Steve," he tried to get out.
"Buck, what's wrong?" Steve asked, pressing the phone even closer to his ear the sound of everyone downstairs counting down to midnight.
"Steve, I-," Bucky was struggling to get out.
"Buck, please try to calm down," Steve stressed, "Inhale, hold it for a few seconds and then exhale. You need to calm down. I can't help you, if I can't understand you."
Bucky tried his best to calm himself down, with Steve talking him through it.
"Now, can you explain to me what's wrong?" Steve asked, hearing Bucky's breathing leveling out more.
"I-I'm not re-ready Steve," Bucky stutters, sniffling his nose.
"It's okay take your time, I'm here whenever you're ready."
"No, it's Natasha.”
"What's Natasha? Is she okay?" Steve questioned, getting more concerned.
"Yes, she's fi-ine," he stuttered again, trying to say the words.
"Where are you Buck?" Steve asked, looking around for his shoes and keys.
"I'm at the beach cottage."
"I'm in the Hamptons. Is there any way you can meet me back at my place?"
"Yeah, I think I can," Bucky said a bit more calmer now.
"Okay, I'll see you soon."
When midnight struck Elizabeth went upstairs to check on Steve, making sure everything was okay. She could hear him on the phone talking to Bucky, trying to calm him down. She waited outside of the door to give them some privacy.
Twenty minutes later Wanda went to go check on them, to find Elizabeth sitting on the floor.
"Is everything okay?" She whispered.
"I don't know," she answered, "I'm waiting for Steve. You can head back down, I'll be down shortly."
"Okay. We're here if you guys need anything," Wanda said before walking back down.
After another 25 minutes Elizabeth heard Steve hang up the phone. She softly knocked on the door, and let herself in. She walked in to see Steve frantically going around the room collecting his things.
"Steve is everything okay?"
"It's Buck. He called me while he was having a panic attack. Something about Natasha," he tells her.
"Is she okay?"
"I think so. I was able to calm him down. I need to get back home," he said putting his things in his suitcase.
"Okay. I completely understand. Do you want me to go with you for the drive?" She asked.
"I don't want you to have to cut your time here short," he says, feeling guilty for bringing this on her.
"Steve, something is clearly going on with Bucky. I want you to go to him, but maybe it's best if I drove. I haven't had a drink in hours, and you seem too frantic. Please let me help," she pleaded, placing her hand on his stopping him.
Steve looked up and noticed the worry on Elizabeth's face.
"Okay," he gave in, "We'll need to leave as soon as we can."
Elizabeth nodded, quickly grabbing her weekender bag and start shoving things in. If they forgot anything's he knew Wanda would bring it back.
They said their quick goodbyes and were on the road within 5 minutes, with Elizabeth behind the wheel and Steve fidgeting in the passenger seat.
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Bucky took a few minutes to himself on the beach, trying to make sure his anxiety was at rest before he headed back inside. When he entered the house, Natasha shot up from her seat.
"Happy New Years," she awkwardly said, trying to cut the obvious tension.
"Umm," Bucky scratched his head looking everywhere but at Natasha, "We need to leave."
"I mean, you can stay if you want and I'll pick you up tomorrow," he rephrased, "But I can't stay here. I need to go. Steve is meeting me at his house."
"Steve?" She was taken back by that mention, not expecting to hear Bucky say his name. He hasn't mentioned Steve in months.
"Yeah, I called him," Bucky says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well that's good right?"
"Yeah, listen. I really need to go, so are you going to stay or come with me?"
"To see Steve?"
"No. I would drop you off at your place," he tells her, "I'm seeing Steve alone."
"Will she be there?"
Natasha didn't really know exactly why Steve and Bucky weren't talking, at first. Then she heard that Steve and Elizabeth were dating, and it all made sense. The only person that could tear Bucky and Steve apart. She never told Bucky that she knew. Figured it wasn't worth the fight. Especially not now when she was carrying his child.
To an outsider it might seem like she got pregnant on purpose, but that wasn't the case. She knew they were too young for this, at least that's what she thought when she first found out about the pregnancy a week ago. But now that she's sat with it she's taking it as a sign that this is meant to happen. She's just really hoping that Bucky would see it, if not now but eventually.
"Listen, Natasha, I don't have time for this," he looks her in the eyes, "Are you coming or not?"
"I'll get my bag," she remarked with a snark tone, walking passed him to their shared room.
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A couple of hours later Bucky was pulling up in front of the Rogers' house. 2:15 am read the clock in his car. He looked to his right, out the passenger side window to see a dark figure sat on the front steps of the house.
Bucky took one last breath before exiting the vehicle.
As soon as he opened the front gate Steve stood up from where he was sat on the stairs.
Once Bucky approached him both young men threw their arms around each other. Gripping each other tightly, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. They stayed like that for awhile. Relishing in the comfort of being back in each other's arms. Their silent fight no longer important. All they knew in that moment was everything was going to be okay, because no matter what they'll always have each other.
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Steve walked into his parents' living room holding two mugs of coffee. As he rounded the couch, he handed one to Bucky.
"Sorry, if I ruined any of your plans," Bucky apologized, "Tell Elizabeth I'm sorry for taking you away."
'Buck, don't worry about it," Steve waved him off, "She completely understands. And truth be told, I wasn't necessarily feeling in the New Year's mood."
"Yeah," Bucky sighs.
"Do you want to talk about what happened tonight?" Bucky nods his head, placing the coffee mug on the coffee table in front of him. He shifted his body to the left to face Steve.
"She's pregnant," he announces.
"What?" Steve asked, not expecting that to be the reason, he quickly placed his mug next to Bucky's.
"Yeah, my reaction exactly," Bucky said.
"What? How?"
"Apparently Natasha hasn't been on the pill in a couple of months," Bucky explains, "And even though we always used condoms, they aren't exactly 100% effective."
"Did you know she wasn't on the pill?"
"Nope," Bucky tells him, "If I knew I wouldn't been a bit more cautious."
"So she told you she was pregnant?" Steve said getting back to it.
"Yeah. She was so nonchalant about it. Like it was no big deal," Bucky stressed,
"How is she just so calm. We're not prepared for this. I'm not ready for this Steve. I can't be a dad. I don't even know how to be a decent human being."
"That's not true Buck," Steve disagreed.
"Come on Steve, we haven't talked in months, and we both know it's not because you didn't try," Bucky says, "I was so caught up in my own jealousy. And selfishness, that I never even considered your feelings or Elizabeth's. And I don't think I can ever make it up to you for treating you like you're nothing to me."
"You were hurt," Steve tried to excuse.
"Doesn't excuse the way I behaved," Bucky says, "I know that now."
"I've been seeing a therapist," Bucky informs him, "I never realized how much my mental health was taking a toll on those around me. So after our fight, I found someone to talk to. To work through the shit that's going on in my mind."
"How's that been going?" Steve asked.
"Good," Bucky gives a half smile, "Really good. She's good. I've realized a lot about myself that I didn't know. Working through all the issues I've had with my father leaving."
"That's good Buck. I'm proud of you, truly," Steve beamed, patting Bucky on the shoulder.
"I really am sorry for the way I behaved," Bucky repeated again.
"Buck, you really don't have to apologize again," Steve told him.
"I need to Steve," he said, "I can't believe I acted that way. I should've been happy for you and Elizabeth. I'm glad you two have each other. Seriously. I couldn't imagine her with anyone better, same goes for you. I won't cause any more issues for you two. It's not worth not having you in my life. You're my brother Steve, and I don't want to miss anything."
"Thanks, Buck. It really means a lot to me to hear that," Steve smiles, "Because I don't want to miss anything in your life also."
"Yeah, especially now," he says, the reality of why they're there dawning back.
"How are you feeling now about the baby?"
"I don't know, man," Bucky shakes his head, "I'm afraid I'm going to screw this up, like everything else."
"But now you're working on that," Steve reminds him, "And you're not going to be doing this alone. You have people who are always going to be there. I may be in California now, but I'm just a phone call away. You're not alone. But you do have to try Buck. That's all that you can ever do. Try your best, no one's asking you to be perfect, but as long as you're trying your best, that's what's important."
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Age: 21 Year: 2015
The sounds of a baby crying woke Bucky up from his sleep in the early depths of the morning. He quietly and quickly got out of bed, making his way to the small New York kitchen to make a bottle.
He walked into the small nursery where the two-month-old baby wailed from hunger.
"It's okay," Bucky shushed gently, picking up the small baby, "Daddy's here."
He adjusted the small baby in his arms before placing the bottle in the baby's mouth.
"There you go," he encouraged the small one, as soon as he heard the sounds of the baby drinking.
Bucky sat down on the chair in the corner of the room, opposite of the crib. He just stared as the newborn drank their bottle, while simultaneously falling asleep. Even though he was completely exhausted, he had never felt more happier. More at peace with where his life was at.
As long as he kept trying his best, he knows he can do this for the rest of his life.
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ariddletobesolved · 4 years
Days We Spend Under the Sun (Chapter One)
Written for @helsa-summer-event 💛
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Romance, Family, Fluff, Whump
Rating: T
Summary: Summer is not her favourite season, but a certain Admiral from the neighbouring kingdom is going to change that.
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I was rushing with the edit, so forgive me if it's not decent. Also, external links are in the notes. I hope this one is not cheesy, though. Enjoy!
Prompt 1: "Don't you dare!"
Chapter One
"Are you sure you don't want me to arrange a carriage for you two?"
After breakfast, Elsa found herself in her sister's embrace, as they stood at the front door. Dressed in her blue travel outfit, the blonde looked regal as ever, and a certain Admiral standing nearby couldn't take his eyes off her.
"It is alright, Anna." Elsa pulled away from the embrace and flashed her sister a smile. "Besides, we will make a stop by the fjord so I can summon the Nokk."
Anna nodded, "okay." She let out a sigh.
Having to say goodbye to her sister had always been one of the hardest things to do. After thirteen years of separation, then three years of reunion, before being separated from each other again, Anna felt like it wasn't fair. Sure, they had duties to fulfill, but sometimes Anna reminisced about all those good times they had spent together, and couldn't help but miss Elsa's laughter that used to echo in the castle halls. And little did she know that Elsa, too, was feeling the same way.
When the queen took a step back, it was a cue for Hans to approach the sisters. Nodding at a stable boy, who was holding his stallion, Sitron's reins, he signalled him to come closer. The horse was ready, with two small bags attached on each side. But before he helped Elsa climb up, Hans turned to Anna.
He bowed politely. "Queen Anna."
"Take care of my sister, will you, Hans?" She said. Her tone was stern with a hint of friendliness.
"Always." He smiled. Bowing one last time, Hans then helped Elsa, before mounting on Sitron's back after her.
"I'll see you in a week or so, Anna." Elsa smiled, resting her hand on an arm that wrapped around her waist, while the other was clutching the rein tight.
Anna smiled, "See you, Elsa."
Just when Elsa was about to move her lower legs as a signal for Sitron to walk, she heard a familiar voice calling her name.
"Elsa, wait!"
The blonde turned to the direction where the voice came and saw Olaf running—or attempting to run, followed by Sven and Kristoff. She smiled, finding the sight rather chaotic yet amusing.
The snowman stumbled and stopped before the stallion. He tried to catch his breath with one twig hand rested on Sven's side.
"What is it?" Hans gently asked.
Kristoff, who was now standing beside his wife, sheepishly replied, "Sorry, but Olaf has something to say."
"I thought I should say goodbye once more before you go." Olaf murmured, looking up to the smiling couple with puppy eyes. "When will you be back?"
Elsa reached a hand towards the snowman. "Come here, Olaf." Taking his hand in hers, she gave it a little squeeze. "I will only be gone for a week. It's not that long, is it? We've talked about this before."
The past few months, with the war going on, Olaf had grown a closer attachment to Elsa, especially after she was badly injured during one of the battles. He became so mature and caring, protective even, and he surely didn't like the idea of being apart with her now that everything was going back to normal. One time he asked Elsa and Anna why the sisters would go back to living miles apart after the war, and even though he found it reasonable that the sister had their own duties, he still wasn't down with the idea.
"I know." Olaf sighed, before nodding. "Alright then, I'll see you soon, Elsa." He let go of her hand.
"Bye, Olaf! Take care of Anna, Kristoff, and Jensen for us, will you?" Elsa beamed.
At the mention of the little prince, Olaf, too, was beaming. Elsa knew what would keep the snowman interested: her nephew. Ever since Prince Jensen Bjorgman of Arendelle was born, the snowman loved to entertain him with interest. Often Hans said things like perhaps Olaf just happens to like the idea of having a cousin, and Elsa would smack him playfully.
"Take care, Olaf." Hans added.
Olaf nodded, once again. Things might be a little tense between the two, mostly because of what happened in the past, but eventually the snowman had grown to be more accepting, and it got better.
"You too, Hans."
After sending a last glance at the queen and her consort, the couple began to trot away. They were heading out, past the front gates and the bridge. They would need to get through Arendelle Plaza and the harbour to get to the less crowded area in the fjord, their next stop.
"Olaf is something." Hans murmured to her ear. He held her close from behind with one hand while his other hand was holding the rein with her. "You know, last night he went to my room."
Elsa raised a brow. "Really?" She fought the urge to lean back as she found comfort in his presence, but it would make her lose her balance. "What did he do? Did he bother you?"
"He didn't. He waited for me, actually." He chuckled, sending shivers down Elsa's spine. "Olaf told me to look out for you, as I quote, because Elsa tends to be reckless."
The blonde chuckled. "He is just being sweet."
"Hmm, he is probably right." Hans hummed, as if he was thinking of something. "Also, he is probably still not over what happened last autumn."
Her hand unconsciously flew to her right side. There, underneath the light clothing, was a long scar from when she was stabbed during a naval battle. Elsa was too busy controlling the wind; she didn't hear an enemy approaching her. Perhaps that, and the fact that she froze to death in the depth of Ahtohallan once that would count as her recklessness. She shook the image from her head for it was too gruesome to think about, even though those were also counted as an act of sacrifice.
"Probably." She sighed. "But let's not think about it."
A few moments later, they finally left the capital and began to enter the forest. Elsa took a hold of the rein, but when she was about to pull to make the horse turn, Hans quickly took over.
"We can stop over there, Hans." She pointed at a lower ground which directly led them to an open sea. "And then I can summon the Nokk."
Sitron began to slow down at his master's tug, but instead of turning towards the open sea, he turned towards the opposite direction. Elsa's eyes widened, as they rode away from the sea.
"Where are we going?"
Hans gave her a reassuring squeeze. "There's a change of plan, but don't worry, Kaere." He pecked her cheek softy. "I promised Anna and Olaf that I'm going to look after you."
"What is that supposed to mean?" She murmured. Turning to steal a glance at him, she caught a hint of mischief in his emerald eyes. Oh no. "Oh, don't you dare!"
Instead of replying, Hans chuckled, as they broke into a full gallop. She tightened her grip, not wanting to fall over. So much for trying to look after her. By the look of it, he was putting the both of them in danger. What makes him think that not letting her ride the Nokk is a good idea?
"Relax, Elsa. Your water horse needs a rest too." He said. "Besides, Sitron is strong enough to carry the both of us. We will be fine. Trust me."
A wild idea of trying to escape from his hold and conjured a pile of snow for her to land flashed on her mind. But where would that take you, Elsa? Her conscience asked her. Right, the ground, and gods know if she would land safely. Knowing that she couldn't really do anything that wasn't risky or more dangerous and reckless, she decided to let it slide. Besides, she knew that Hans would keep her safe.
It was strange, when she thought about it. She trusted her own safety in the hand of a man who once tried to kill her. But this man is a changed man, and he has proven that he is capable of character growth more than once. Elsa smiled. They had been through a lot to get there, and she wouldn't change a thing. Giving him a second chance was one of the best decisions she had ever made.
"Fine, I trust you." She let out. "And for the love of God, stop calling the Nokk 'water horse'! We don't want that to happen again, do we?"
For a while, Hans grimaced. A certain memory involving salt water flashed on his mind. Gulping slightly, he let out, "Right."
Smiling to herself, Elsa sighed in contentment. Something told her it would be a memorable trip. Perhaps, in the end, she would end up liking summer more than she wanted to admit, and all thanks to the Admiral currently holding her close.
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xhannahbananax03 · 4 years
Meeting Him
Summary: Dean Winchester arrives in a small town to accompany his best friend, Jake to a high school graduation. He meets Jake’s cousin and instantly takes a liking to her. But when the girls ex boyfriend shows up, things take a turn.
Words: 2.2k
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, slight angst, jealousy, mentions of sexual acts
A/N: This was my first fic ever, so be gentle.
It was like any other day.  Get up, get ready for school,  eat breakfast,  and get on the bus.  The only difference of today,  was this was the day your cousin, Jake,  was coming home. 
You and Jake have always been best friends,  you grew up together.  He was 2 years older than you,  but that didn't matter.  You two were always together.  You'd wake up every morning and go straight over to his house,  which wasn't hard because he lived right next door to you.  You both shared so many adventures,  and special moments together.  Like the day his little sister was born.  After Kayla was born you and Jake would always play with her,  whether it be dress up,  or playing in the sandbox.  You couldn't do to much with her though,  considering she was 4 years younger than you,  and 6 years younger than Jake.
  Everything was perfect,  that was until Jake went to high school and you stayed in the junior high.  It wasn't so bad though,  right?  You and Jake still lived so close,  you could still hang out whenever,  right?  Wrong.  Jake started making new friends,  and girlfriends...  It shouldn't have bothered you as much as it had,  but you still got jealous,  when he would say you couldn't come over because Madison,  his girlfriend,  was over,  or because his other friends were over.  It upset you,  and hurt you.  So instead of being in pain,  you decided to distance yourself from Jake. Not asking to come over so much,  going to other people's houses.  It was getting easy to not think about Jake so much.  You made a lot of new friends,  and grew to love them over the two years of junior high. Jake was still pretty happy,  though he missed you too,  but both of you were branching out from each other,  that is until your first year of high school,  he was starting his third year,  him and Madison had already broken up, but he was moving.   Him and his family were moving to Kansas.  Jakes dad got a special,  one time,  job offer that he couldn't turn down.  And you couldn't blame him.  Jake told you that once he gets out of high school he's going to start working with his dad. But he would call and text you whenever he could,  and he would visit as soon as possible. 
So here you were,  getting ready for school.  You only had a couple days left,  and Jake had already graduated,  so he was coming home for the first month of summer.  What you didn't know was he was bringing his best friend. "(y/n),  sweetheart,  breakfast is ready! " Your mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs.  "Ok mom,  give me 5! " You shouted back.   You were standing in front of your closet looking at two outfits you had prepared,  it wasn't to terribly hot,  but it wasn't cold either.  So you decided to go with,
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     You did a simple natural make up look,  and lightly curled your (h/l),  (h/c)  hair to give it a beach wave effect. As you came downstairs you got a text, from Jake.
Jake:  Hey (y/nn),  so I know you hate surprises,  but I'm bringing one home with me.  So try not to look like a piece of trash!
You:  Geez,  thanks Jake.  I will try my best not to look like garbage!
Jake:  Thank you,  Madame.
You:  lol,  ❤ you Jake!  Can't wait to see you.  I have some fun stuff planned!
Jake:  ❤ you too, and so do I!  😈
After texting you noticed the time,  "Crap! " You booked it down the stairs,  grabbed your bag,  and a piece of toast.  After shoveling the toast into your mouth you ran outside only to see the bus drive past your house.  "Fuck... " Man you wished you had a car right about now.
~Time Skip to Last Period of the Day~
School went OK today,  you went through all your classes without,  trouble,  hung out with your friends,  which was difficult,  because the kept looking out for this guy in a, "shiny black car ". So they didn't pay much attention to you,  but you were entertained hearing them gawk over this,  " Beautiful mystery man". At one point your best friend,  started talking about what her first date with him would be like,  which had you doubling over in laughter.  
The end of the last period came,  and you couldn't wait to be out of there,  Jake texted you during lunch saying he was picking you up after school and taking you out to eat at the diner,  that was basically your second home.  You were so excited that you were focusing on the clock and only the clock, bouncing you knee up and down.  It got to a point where your friend reached over and placed her hand on your knee. 
"(y/n),  are you alright? " Your friend Sarah asked you,  you just nodded while keeping your eyes on the clock,  "what has you so anxious today? " She asked you trying to look you in the eyes.
. "Jake is coming home today. " You said completely ignoring her face,  but you were able to see a slight blush creep up her face. She had always had a thing for Jake,  but was too scared to tell him.  Right then the bell rung,  and you were up out of your seat before anyone else. 
Grabbing your things you made your way to your locker,  Jake new what your locker number was so when you didn't see him standing there,  you were slightly disappointed.  "Maybe he's just running late"  You thought to yourself.  As you were putting your stuff in your locker,  you grabbed your bag,  and when you closed your locker door,  he was standing right there.  You were so happy you could barely contain it,  you squealed and dropped your bag,  before literally jumping into his arms,  it wasn't an easy task considering he was considerably taller then you,  but you managed.  He held onto you tight and spun you around making you giggle,  once he sat you down, you both smiled at each other,  before he had to go and ruin the moment,  "I got to hand it to you,  (y/n),  you've gotten a lot prettier,  and you don't look like trash! " This made you widen your eyes in mock hurt,  before slugging him in his arm.  Before he had time to grab you,  you were running out of the door,  the one downside,  was you didn't know what car was his,  so you had no where to go.  Before you had time to even turn around he was there and punched you,  actually pretty hard,  well hard enough to knock you on your butt. 
He felt a little bad so he helped you up,  mumbling something about how much that hurt,  you took his hand and stood up.  "Thanks Jake,  now my pants are all dirty. " You said following him to a car.
  "Aww your welcome! " He said enthusiastically. 
Out in the parking lot you could see this beautiful Chevy Impala. "Jake is that your car? " You asked pointing towards your dream car.  "Hmm?  Oh,  that's actually part of the surprise. " You could see a tall man standing at the drivers side door,  talking to the most popular girl in school,  Megan. 
  Megan was a perky blonde.  She was curvy,  but still really skinny, she was so bubbly but still such a bully,  to anyone who she didn't like,  including you.  And she didn't like you because when you came to the high school,  you became one of the most liked girls there,  and not just by guys but by everyone,  because you were sweet,  and caring,  and everyone felt like they could trust you.  Megan was one year ahead of you,  because she skipped a grade.  But you firmly believe that's because she took some,  "extra credit ". And it wasn't just you who thought that,  but that's the kind of girl she is.
  Jake stopped you from walking because he could tell something was wrong,  " Hey you ok? " He asked stepping in front of you,  looking down at you,  you look up and smiled slightly,  "yeah,  but anyways,  who's that guy? " You asked pointing to the guy who was now being pinned to his car by Megan,  it was such a sight to see,  it made you shutter,  Jake saw this and looked over to him,  chuckling a bit,  "always a ladies man, " He chuckled,  "That's dean,  my best friend,  the one i'm always talking about. "
"Oh." Was all you could say, Dean was way more attractive than you thought he'd be, he was probably the one all the girls were talking about,  "Yeah,  he was a hit with the ladies today. " You said starting to walk towards the car again. "Was he a hit with you? " Jake asked surprising you a bit,  "Not particularly. No" You said still walking now a little ahead Jake. 
Finally you reached the car.  And when Megan saw you she gave you a look of pure disgust,  before moving her eyes onto Jake,  she always did have a thing for older guys,  "Hi Jake... " She said biting her lip,  trying to act sexy.   "Hey Megan,  how are you? " Jake never really liked Megan either,  I mean he thought she was hot,  who didn't.  But he just hated her personality,  and the way she treated you.  
"I'm fine,  but would be a lot better if I was in the back of his car tight now. " She giggled,  looking at Dean with predatory eyes,  which for some reason made you jealous,  maybe it was just the fact that she always got what she wanted,  and you did not want have to walk to the diner right now.  Dean looked at Jake with a bit of shock,  but you weren't shocked at all. 
"So,  (y/n),  what are you doing here? " She asked moving her eyes to you,  she was taller than you,  and it wasn't because she was tall,  it was because you were short,  you were probably the shortest girl in the school,  and Megan always wore these high heels. 
"Did you forget that Jakes my cousin? " You asked raising an eyebrow at her.  She just scoffed while rolling her eyes,  "No,  I didn't forget,  I mean what are you doing here,  " She said while pointing to the ground,  "by this car? " "Well if I'm not mistaken,  this is my ride,  right Jake? " You looked to Jake, and so did everyone else,  waiting for an answer,  once he nodded.  You looked back to Megan. She just scoffed before whispering something to Dean before walking off smirking.  He looked a little dazed,  and a bit shocked.  Jake finally cleared his throat also clearing the silence,  that's when Dean really noticed you were there,  which made you a little upset, but whatever.  Reaching out his hand,  he finally spoke,  "oh,  you must be (y/n).  Hi I'm Dean. " You reached for his hand,  and shook it.  Once he realised that he had been holding you hand for a bit too long,  and staring at you,  he retracted before opening the back door for you to get in,  noticing a slight blush on his neck you giggled a little before getting into the beautiful car,  noticing the wonderful leather interior,  running you hands across the seat,  you smiled.  Once you looked up,  you saw Dean was staring at you though the rear view mirror,  you looked down from his intense gaze, blushing.  
"Do you like her?  She's beautiful isn't she? "He asked starting up the car,  which cause a low rumbling feeling through the your whole body.  " Like her?  It's my dream car,  this exact model and everything! " You said a bit excited which made him chuckle a bit.  Jake was just enjoying that fact that he two best friends were getting along.  Once Dean started driving you saw how well he handled the car,  before he left,  you'd definitely have to see if you could drive this car.   "Do you mind if I turn on some music? " He asked looking at you while reaching for a box full of cassettes.  "Not at all, go for it. " You told him smiling hoping he had a somewhat similar music taste to yours.  He then handed you the box full of tapes before saying,  "choose one. " Which for some reason surprised Jake,  but you just shrugged it off.  
Once you saw the tapes you become even more happy,  if that's possible.  He had the same music taste as you!  You were really starting to like this Dean guy. Grabbing an AC DC tape and handing it to him,  you saw his smile grow wider,  "You've got good taste." He said,  which made you smile even more. He popped the tape in before turning up up the volume,  and blasting AC DC through the speakers.  This was going to be fun!
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