#mirko x child reader
fatkish · 28 days
Hey!!!! Could i please an thank you req headcanons for pro heroes and their kid telling them they like another hero over them??? i just think itd be rlly cute haha
Pro Heroes x Child Reader: Asking Their kid who Their Favorite Hero is
When she asked you who your favorite hero was you happily shouted Present Mic. Although she kinda sweatdropped at the thought of Hizashi, she smiled and still agreed that he’s a good hero.
All Might:
When reporters asked you who your favorite hero was, since All Might is your dad, you happily replied with Endeavor. When asked why, you replied with fire is super cool and he make bad guys pee their pants cause he’s scary. All Might had to hide his frown and cried later that night. Endeavor who has caught the tail end of the interview, laughed at it
Sir Nighteye:
When he asked who your favorite hero was you replied with Gang Orca. This started a long Argument between the both of you on who’s better, All Might or Gang Orca.
He isn’t really the type to care about this kind of thing but when you replied with Fatgum, he wasn’t expecting that. You told him that he’s your favorite because Fatgum is cute and squishy looking.
When he asked you who your favorite hero was, expecting you to say daddy, he was shocked when you said Edgeshot. He regrets asking since you started to argue with him on why Edgeshot is cooler than him.
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him it was Mirko since she kicks butt. He laughed and happily agreed seeing you excitedly reenact her fights
Present Mic:
When he had you on his radio show he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him it was Nighteye since he’s smart. If he wasn’t on air at the time he would’ve been crying and explaining to you that your dad’s smart too
When you told Aizawa that your favorite hero was Present Mic, the only reaction you could see was a slight eye twitch, but you giggled and then told him it was a joke and that he’s your favorite since he doesn’t need his quirk to beat a villain. Plus he’s your dad so that automatically makes him the best. He just smiled and gave you a hug and kissed your forehead
Best Jeanist:
When he asked you who you’re favorite hero was you told him you don’t really have a favorite since you think heroes are kinda lame. You told him you liked Nedzu since he could probably bring humanity to their knees. He became kinda worried about you after that answer.
When you told her your favorite hero was Ryukyu because dragons are cool. She smirked and said that she thinks Ryukyu is cool too and asked if you wanted her to arrange a meeting so you could meet your Idol. You screamed in delight and hugged your mom’s leg begging her to do it.
Gang Orca:
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you replied with Black Manta. He sweat dropped and told you that 1.) he’s not real and 2.) he’s a villain. You looked at him with a straight face and said he’s cool like your dad. He’s now a little worried about you
When Edgeshot asked you who your favorite Hero was you replied with Itachi Uchiha. He looked you dead in the eye and said that Itachi isn’t real. You then began to explain how Itachi is a better ninja than your dad. Edgeshot listened and was happy that you admired a good person and at least you didn’t favor villains
Kamui Woods:
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him Deadpool and Spider-Man. When he told you they aren’t real you told him he didn’t ask for whether they were real or not. You told him you like how they’re funny and that you want to be like Spider-Man.
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fluff-n-cookies · 10 months
I kinda want to see the you do your full mom miriko headcannon yandere or not
any way
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Miruko is the type of person to give you everything and put you through pure torture at the same time
like she will give 120$ A WEEK but you have to let her take you to a hero gala to show you off.
she will let you hang out with your friends but you have to wear this limited edition Miruko hoodie and beanie.
one of my favorite Miruko quotes is "I live everyday like I'm going to die." from the episode where they raid the paranormal liberation front hospital and villa.
no, she's not.
if anything she'll probably encourage you to take up the support hero course.
Miruko wants one thing, and that's to protect you.
and if you are in an agency building constructing your products, HER agency none the less, she can ensure you are safe, AND be around you 24/7 without raising suspicion
and the fact that whenever anyone talks about her hero suit she can brag about her amazing daughter is just a fun bonus.
she also seems like the type of person to point at Hawks and go "you see that? that is what happens when you're an annoying bitch" and then proceed to kick him in the balls.
oh! and she constantly calls you Hunnybun, baby bunny, cutie, honey, cottontail, anything REMOTELY related to Rabbits.
and SHE HAS TO bring you back a souvenir every time she goes out!
sometimes it's a rock, other times it's a little shard of fine china.
once she brought you back this tiny little toy sheep with an oval-ish head.
that day was a fun day.
she will sometimes just pull you into her lap (When you're a child calm down) and brush and braid your hair.
as I'm writing this there is a good chance that some of her family is hindu. of course i could be completely wrong but...
Mirko applying ointments to your bruised skin and bandaging them up. before reaching for the oil and gently massaging it into your hair as you rant about how stupid the most hated character in your favorite fandom is.
I hope this is the fluff you wanted, maybe i'll write more for Mirko some other time, all you have to do is ask.
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snowflakeanimelover · 2 years
Here For You
Relationship: Hawks/Keigo Takami x Female Reader, Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Female Reader
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Warnings: Reader is pregnant, reader and hawks are married, major fluff, reader being sneaky, cute, friendship
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— — — —
“Morning, Little Bird.” Keigo’s voice was bright. Too bright for my groggy morning. One hand rubs my eye while the other gently rubs my bulging stomach. I let out a low growl in annoyance with not having much sleep that night. The hero gave me a slight pout in worry. “You okay?”
He knows my answer. And I would never yell at him for my terrible night. He also had a not-so-good night, even though he had to work all day. He tried his best to help me sleep better all night. With each kick the baby threw at me, I was groaning and wriggling in bed from the pain. The baby wouldn’t sleep along with me.
I smiled up at him the best I could through my tired state. A quick peck on his lips made his pout go away. “I’m okay. I’ll live.” 
“Try to get some sleep today. Oh, and who would you want to stay with today?” Keigo was ready to get his phone out, about to call a hero for help. Being pregnant with a pro hero has its perks. Keigo doesn’t allow me to be alone unless I use the restroom. Some days are with Endeavor, who is incredibly cute when he’s so awkward to talk to me. Some days are with Best Jeanist, a very kind gentleman. 
I shake my head. “Don’t worry, I set up the day with Mirko.” 
“Mirko? Are you sure?” he asks, his eyebrows raising in another bout of worry this morning.
My small hands hold onto my stomach instinctively. “Of course! What's wrong with her?”
His golden brown eyes avoid mine. “Well…she’s a great friend, but she can be a little too….”
“Excited, I know.” I giggle. “But she’s good at protecting me. She also makes sure I eat well.”
His shoulders slump, his arms wrapping around me tightly for a warm hug. “If you say so. Be careful, alright?” He then kisses the base of my stomach, his big gloved hands holding it. “And you, baby bird, be nice to mom.”
I smile at the kind soon-to-be father in front of me. Keigo has been excited for a child of his own to appear in the world. And with the known fact that it’s a girl, our minds were screaming with questions. What kind of quirk is she going to get? Hawks quirk? My quirk? Or both? What hair color or style will she have? What eye color will she have? 
It’s been around seven months since I first got pregnant. It was a surprise, given that we discussed having a baby together during that time. We didn’t actually plan it right on the spot. Nonetheless, we were excited. 
I wave my husband goodbye as he flies high in the sky. Now, it was time for me to go see Mirko. After getting ready for the day and grabbing my purse, I head out to the car Mirko sent me. Mirko was actually working today. She said she’d have one of her trusted sidekicks drive me to her. When in reality, that wasn’t where I was going.
“So, did he suspect it?” Mirko’s cheery and excited voice echoed through the phone. 
I laugh lightly at her question. “No. And from the looks of it, he just flew off to do his job.” I glanced back through the car window as much as I could. Keigo’s red wings disappeared at a fast pace farther away from me. He was trying to be sneaky, watching me make sure I got into the car safely and I was watched over. It makes me laugh, knowing he wasn’t aware of me finding out about his tactics.
With a click of her tongue, Mirko chuckles. “That damn bird. He’s so dense sometimes. You’d think he’d do a better job at protecting you and your baby.”
I cooed at her. “Awe, don’t be so mean to my husband. He’s trying his best.”
“Anyways, if you’re not back to my agency in two hours, I’m gonna go and find you.” She half threatens.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be okay, I promise.” I end the call after saying goodbye. Once my phone is back in its rightful place in my purse, I rest my hands over my stomach. I rub circles here and there to let the baby know I’m here for her.
— — — —
The wind wrestled my hair when I stepped out of the car. The sounds of the harsh waves against the dark rocks of the island were so loud I could barely hear my driver's words. At some point, he understood my words, letting me enter the prison.
“Mrs. Takami.” A tall man approaches me. “How have you been?” 
I smiled kindly at the man, surrounded by multiple police officers. “I’m doing alright, Best Jeanist. Thank you for taking time out of your day to come. I really appreciate it.” I then smile at the men around him. They all blushed and nodded to my acknowledgment.
“It’s not a problem. Are you sure you’ll be alright doing this?” He asks quietly.
“I do have you here with me. I trust you.” My hand rests on his extended arm, his body too tall for me to reach for his shoulder. Best Jeanist has been a good friend of mine, along with Keigo. After everything that has happened, the war with the League of Villains and their army, I have often seen the jean hero. He’s very willing to help watch over me and protect me. But once, he promised he wouldn’t tell Keigo about my secret plan for the day. “I mean, you are going to be the godfather of our child.” I rested my hand on my stomach for the tenth time that day. A habit for a pregnant woman.
The man blushed lightly under his long jean collar. “It’s ready for you this way.” He encourages me to follow him.
Standing by his side, syncing our steps, I decided to bring up some topics to push the silence away. “How has your successor been doing?” 
Best Jeanist chuckles at my words. “He’s not really my successor.” I giggle, knowing he really wasn’t. But with how attached the boy is to the hero, it’s hard to believe that he isn’t his successor. “But he is…growing.” 
I hum. “Has he picked a hero name yet?”
“He’s still having trouble with that factor.”
“So, Lord Explosion Murder – or whatever – doesn’t work? Too bad.” The boy, Katsuki Bakugo from U.A., was a delight to meet. His unnecessarily loud voice and bad manners were indeed a surprise, but he was still kind to me in the best way he could make it.
“I’ll protect you when I’m around, got it?!” He once angrily blurted out after seeing him for the first time for only an hour or so. Keigo cringed at the words and nervously whispered to me how much he didn’t like the idea of me being around him. I didn’t care what my husband said. Bakugo was a fun boy to be around.
My thoughts are soon interrupted when Best Jeanist stops in front of a door. A giant window and a view of the jail cell were by the door. The window allows the guards to keep an eye on the prisoner. Looking through the window broke my heart. All but a big white room caging the prisoner was there. No windows for the outside to peak in. No sunlight to keep the prisoners sane. 
It was traumatizing to see such a thing for a friend. 
“Here it is. Would you like me to be there with you?” The hero asks.
I shook my head silently. “It’s okay. He’s a good friend. I know he wouldn’t hurt me.” His eyes lingered on me a bit longer, as if he was debating whether to let me in by myself or not. Bless his heart for being such a good friend and trying to protect me. But I came here for a reason. And that reason is essential.
The door opens slowly, letting the bright white light from the room shine into the dark hallway. I held my stomach tightly in nervousness, silently telling my child everything would be alright. I then take a few steps into the room, listening for the door to shut loudly behind me. 
A man, with a collar trapped around his throat and his wrists tightly cuffed, was in the room; his body frozen from my appearance. The collar is a new invention to keep people from using their quirks while it’s on.
The man had white hair, just like the walls, and his skin still looked the same. Burnt skin mixed with the fresh, only holding on by the staples. His piercing blue eyes look up at my own. His eyes widened slightly at my appearance. 
His silence was devastating. Was he happy, scared, or angry to see me? With a deep inhale through my nose, I prepare to say my first words to the man in a year. 
“Hey, Touya. It’s good to see you.” My smile was gentle, telling him that I wanted to see him. That I’m here for him. 
“Why…are you here?” He asks, still frozen in his spot on his white-covered bed. Everything in the room was white, besides the flesh on the man himself. White prison clothes, that actually looked pretty comfy, covered his scarred body. 
I decided to risk it, taking a few steps forward. I was now only one step away from him. “It’s been a long time. And…well, I wanted to bring you news.” 
He followed my hand, resting on my stomach, noticing the news. Before he knew it, I was sitting beside him on the bed. He flinched at the contact of my arm brushing against his, and he scooted a little away from me. 
I quickly grab hold of his arm, his eyes staring at the contact. “It’s okay, Touya. I trust you.”
“Why? I’m a villain. You know what I did to people.” He scowls.
“Like any other villain.” I giggle, softly letting go of his arm to give him space. “We were friends as kids, you know. Practically siblings, with how much I spent at your house. Don’t you remember?”
He avoided looking at me entirely. “Touya is dead.” He says without hesitation. “I’m Dabi. A villain with no feelings and no care in the world.” The way he turned to look at me with those cold, dead eyes sent a shiver down my spine.
But I wouldn’t give up. 
My eyebrows screwed together out of frustration at his lack of participation. This was certainly not how I thought it would go. “Give me your hands,” I demand, reaching out for them. He didn’t try to pull away
when I grabbed his cold, calloused hands, watching what I would do. Although his wrists were closely stuck together, I managed to put one of his hands flat against my stomach. 
The way life was brought back to his eyes in a quick moment made me want to tear up. “What the–” He protested, trying to pull his hands away. I used what little bit of quirk I had to keep him there. My quirk had weakened with the baby almost on the way, but my strength was still there. He couldn’t get away with my quirk, my strength overpowering his. 
“Don’t you get it?” He growls. “You shouldn’t be here! You shouldn’t be close to me–” His words were stopped when a sudden dull pain was felt in my stomach. A kick from my baby girl. He looked at his hand with widened eyes, too shocked to process what he had just felt.
“I think she likes you.” I smile at him. 
His posture was immediately relaxed as he scooted himself an inch closer to me. He was now intrigued by the baby in my stomach. “...She…?” He finally spoke.
“Yeah. It’s a girl.” My eyes started to tear up. It was a miracle watching the villain in front of me grow as a person. The way he relaxed his hand as he gently moved his hand just a bit to feel my stomach. Like he was searching for another kick. “She’ll be your niece.” Why wouldn’t she be? This man was my best friend, like an older brother, when we were kids. Not a day without seeing him smile and laugh with me back then. 
“This isn’t okay.” He says, still refusing to take his hand away from the baby bump. 
“Touya, what isn’t okay is to not be in my child's life,” I argue, determined to show him how much he is loved. 
“But why? Why do you care so much? After everything I’ve done….” He whispers.
“Because…I know it is still good for you. You can be helped and cured in a way where you can go back to your old life. Where you can go find someone to love and maybe even have a family.” I hold his hand gently. “Because this life right here and now…it isn’t you. I mean, look at you! You’re practically connecting with my baby right now!”
He stayed quiet. His eyes squinted as he thought about my words. “I want you to be the uncle my daughter has never had. Someone she can look up to. Someone you can protect.”
I hugged him tightly after those words, letting my tears freely fall. Silence took over as I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder. He was embracing my warmth.
“...Is it Keigo’s…?” He asks, his voice half muffled from behind me. 
I nod, letting him go and wiping away the stray tears. “Yeah. we got married.” I lift my hand to show him the ring.
“How far along are you?” 
“Seven months. Coming into eight.”
“Damn. And you're still strong as hell.” He comments.
I giggle loudly. “Oh, stop! I’ve definitely gotten weaker because of this child.”
A genuine smile spread on his face as he softly observed me. “Does he know you're here?” He glances at the two-way mirror next to the door. We were unable to look at the people on the other side. 
I glance at the window as well. “No. He doesn’t know I’m here. He would never allow me to see you, especially while pregnant.”
He chuckles. “Overprotective much?” He sarcastically says. “That’s good. You're someone worth protecting. Especially that child.” He nods to my stomach.
“And I’ll be sure to visit you with her. She’ll be delighted to see you.” I smile once more.
He went quiet after I said that. His thoughts went wild as he stared at my stomach. “No… I’ll visit you as soon as I have spent my time here.”
My heart beats faster at the excitement building up in my system. “P-promise?” I ask.
He smiles again, my heart almost exploding at the beautiful sight. “Promise.”
— — — —
“I’m home!” Keigo yells out when he walks through the front door. A rare sight to see as he usually goes through the window or balcony door. 
I walk out of our room, my comfy clothes hugging my body. “Welcome home, Hun! How was work?”
“Same as usual.” He sighs. “How was Mirko? Did she protect you?”
I giggle. “Of course! It was a blast with her. Oh, let me run a warm shower for you.” I turn to go down the hallway, a smirk playing on my lips. He has no idea…
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hi there! hope youre doing well, if u dont mind (and if u even do these types of things) can u do some hcs w dad! aizawa, mom! mirko and dad! hawks with a child reader whos obsessed w watching things burn, and just fire in general?
Child who loves fire and burning!
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with Eraserhead, Mirko and Hawks
Note: I hope these are okay, I tried to make it as in character as possible but didn’t have many ideas
Eraserhead (Shota Aizawa)
• Give this man a break
• Their entire childhood is him putting out fires
• Kid can’t be left alone with present mic because he probably lets the child light things
• Every time anyone’s birthday comes around, Shota lets his child light the candles
• Makes the mistake of bringing his kid to work one day, the kid finds out about todoroki’s quirk and stays by his side all day
• Honestly as annoying as the habits might be, Aizawa loves watching his little one get super sleepy and point in the general direction of a fire mumbling how pretty it is as he picks them up
Hawks (Keigo Takami)
• Highkey encourages his lil arsonist
• Endeavour’s biggest fan 2.0
• Has definitely accidentally set some of their own feathers alight before
• Honestly, he would probably light the fire with his child so there’s multiple fires
• Has to call into work because there was a fire incident and they BOTH need to grow back their feathers
• This child has the biggest candle collection ever
Mirko (Rumi Usagiyama)
• You can’t tell me that Mirko’s child wouldn’t want to burn the world
• I mean their mum is a badass are we surprised?
• Mirko actually found the little fires funny at first
• Until there was a massive blaze and the fire was hot enough to be blue
• That triggered something in mama and she’s putting it out immediately and holding her baby tight
• Rabbits and Fire don’t mix even without that trauma
• An electric fireplace has been bought so you can watch the flames without triggering anything bad
© property of nightmareupondaydream; all written content is mine and no one else's unless stated otherwise; do not steal, plagiarise, modify or translate to any other platform.
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ask-court-genshin · 8 months
Being created by the hands of the outlander, the eidolon was struggling to comprehend what was happening at first. It took a while till he can regain his senses to sit up and move, as his limbs still felt like it was lead.
Facing the blonde, the man stayed quiet before examining her appearance. Something about her felt... Odd. Unnatural, even.
"... Before I go, I must ask you something, madame."
Mirko stood up when he got his bearings, facing her when he's able to.
"Do I need to look for anyone that can prove troublesome to my search for your sibling?"
His voice sounded monotone, but... He was taking it seriously. Perhaps too seriously.
"If there are any, please inform me," he said, placing his hand on his chest with a bow. "I will do my very best to search for him, wherever he may be."
After all, I cannot fail the one who created me.
He is not named Mirko for nothing, after all.
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«Lumine: +23 Points»
She seemed impressed and amused.
Lumine: Hah. To think I nearly forgot that he exists....
Lumine: Hmm... Come to think of it, should I...
The traveler pondered for a moment.
Lumine: Yes... I should tell you. It's up to you, Mirko, if you want Sy to inform eidolons from other universes as well.
Lumine: To start: there are various alternate universes. This is but a branch– or as the moderator likes to call it: "a playthrough".
Lumine: For now, Sy has contact with four other eidolons– none of us can directly meet them, but it's possible for you to pass information from one another. Simply order Sy to do so in your next [ACTION] as a side note, but don't forget to focus on your main goal as well.
You asked if there are other eidolons turned human like yourself in this universe.
Lumine: Tsk. That's where I'm leading to– yes, there are. If you're observant enough, you can tell them apart from "normal" people.
Lumine: You'd be a fool to assume you're the only one. "Childe" was your predecessor, but we don't talk about him.
Even if you were curious as to why, Lumine had a look that said she'll never answer that question.
Lumine: And he's not the only eidolon turned human.
Lumine: But it's up to you to figure that out yourself. I'm not going to hold your hand while you travel.
With that, she's back to her usual demeanor.
Lumine: That's enough questions for now. I like your curiosity– but keep it tamed.
She subconsciously placed a hand on her neck.
Lumine: Asking the wrong things might get you killed. This world operates on fairytale logic. And fairytales are never forgiving.
Lumine: Now then, where do you wish to depart?
She conjures up a portal.
Lumine: I can easily open up a portal somewhere in the United Kingdom of Fontaine– do you want to head to the Murmure Court, Mount Sumeru, or the Freedom City?
Lumine: Or perhaps you wish to go to the Heavenly Moon? Decide quick. Unless you want to return back to your original form.
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Current Route: Common Route
Lumine Status: 23/100
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serxinns · 5 months
Yandere mha x scarket witch reader: baby Reader headcanons
This is a alternate route to big sis eri but if aizawa and class 1a takes care of baby reader
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•In the middle of the battle you were fighting a time villain you and a few of your classmates were chasing the vision You caught up to the villain and dropkicked him and pinned him down but he used his quirk on you and you felt dizzy and all you heard was footstep fainting of the villain running off
•shoji was trying to look for you when he saw your hero costume on the alleyway ground he panicked when he saw the clothes started moving but to his surprise, it was a naked toddler under the clothes starting at him *Y/n..?" Shoji said slowly going closer to you and picking you up in his arms when he saw the familiar hawks keychain he instantly knew it was you so he wrapped you in arms and tentacles and took you to where the rest of the class is
•The class surrounded Shoji, emotions was in a mix of shock, awe, and adoration at the cute baby toddler that is their darling "Kyaaa!!! Y/n Chan is so cute!!!" Mina squealed while the rest of the girls started cooing and pitching your little cheeks while the boys glared jealously "Hey let us have a turn!" Kirishima said trying to go towards but you but jirou stopped him "what makes you think you get to hold them I know them better" "Lies! they know me more" Sero glared back at jirou "YOU DUMBASSES ARE ALL WRONG I KNOW THEM BETTER" Bakugo snarled at your classmates which makes them have a war of who gets to hold you it all stopped when you were wrapped around in tape and was pulled to your teacher mister aizawa
•"If nobody can agree then I might as well will take care of them" the class uproared in anger saying how it wasn't fair and shouting at him but was quickly quieted down when Aizawa threatened to give them all detection they all grumbled and scowled and went back into their seats defeated
•At training, you were playing with his scarf giggling and laughing a lot while Aizawa had a small smirk on his face unaware that a red-winged hero was watching them He swooped down and grabbed the toddler off with a "Yoink" out of Aizawa's hands and flew cradling the child while letting them play with their feather "Sorry cranky but ill be taking them for a while~" Hawks said with a playful smirk hearing the rest of the class panic and shocked Trying to tell him to put you down but it was too late the hr Flew off out of their sights and into the clouds Aizawa was furious how DARE he steal his child away from him But he realized an idea he saw his classmates panicking find a way to get you but in a lone eerie tone he said
"Whoever recruits y/n and gives them to me gets to spend time with them and gets extra credit"
•While Your Crazy dad and 20 of his classmates hunting after you, hawks took you to his agency where Mirko and Fatgun were there and standing like "Wtf?! 💀" he explained how you were hit with a time rewind quirk while mirko was pinching your cheeks and fatgum was making funny faces
•After a little argument about who gets to take care of you they decided to share and team up they took you to get some food and toys they spoiled TF out of you Mount lady Wanted to dress you in many matching outfits and take lots of pictures like those mommy and child family photos fatgum brought you a McDonald's kids meal and was entertaining you by making silly faces which made you giggle a lot they bless their poor little hearts
•It was all dandy until hawks heard his name being called in fury and surprise surprise! it was Aizawa along with mic, midnight and all might and your classmates also decided to work together and they were all PISSED and now it's Pros vs teachers vs students
•Cue the epic fight scene
•While the fight between Pros and the students increased nezu thought it was the perfect time to sneak you away and lock himself in his own office to spend time with you long story short he announced how everyone including the Pros was punished the students had to get detection, the Teachers get no breaks and the pros the pros a suspension while nezu happy that gets to spend time with you until the quirk wears off safe to say that Nezu won
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imagineanime2022 · 6 months
Heroes W/ An S/O W/ A Talking Cat
Keigo Takami (Hawks) X Reader, Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) X Reader, Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead) X Reader, Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic) X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hi 👋, I read your story about the Lov with s/o who has a talking cat while I was reading it. I was thinking how funny it would be if it was the pro heroes instead of the villain like Mr. Aizawa, or hawks, or any other pro hero with S/O’s talking cat I think that would be hilarious?😂 AND Hello I really love your work it’s amazing😁 I love your post about the LOV with a witch S/O who has a pet talking cat I wanted to ask if there was one for the pro heroes like Aizawa, Mirko, Fat gum or even Hawks I think that would’ve been hilarious to know what their reactions would be like to S/O’s talking cat?😂
Keigo Takami/ Hawks
🪶 Keigo found out because he was teasing him, you had warned him not to but he didn’t listen, lucky for you instead of lashing out. Your cat decided to tell him off themselves. 🪶 It only took a little while before they both started to tease each other, Keigo scaring your cat half to death and your cat taking every opportunity to jump on Keigo or swipe at his feet. 🪶 You could come home to a disaster zone if Keigo got home before you, which was not often but when it did happen you honestly dreaded it. 🪶 You literally could not trust them to do anything, they were proud creatures and often tried to show you how much better they were then the other and that lead to even more problems.
You had been in the shower, you had only left them for 15 minutes and as you walked out of the bathroom when you heard a crash, you ran into the living room with nothing but a towel wrapped around your body “woah hello there beautiful.” Keigo smirked as he looked away from (Y/C/N) across the room. “Gross, that is my parent.!” (Y/C/N) continued. “Well they’re my partner so cover your ears if you don’t wanna hear it!” Keigo ordered. “What the hell is going on?” You asked, arms crossed as you looked between the two of you. “Nothing that you need to worry your pretty little head about, I’m just proving that he couldn’t catch me if he tried.” Keigo smirked as he looked back at the cat. “He has caught you before… Many times.” You reminded him. “Told you!” (Y/C/N) cheered. “Ah yes but that is swiftly followed by my own attack.” Keigo said. “Almost as if I were expecting it.” “Can you both just behave yourself for 10 minutes while I get changed?” You asked. “Ask him, he’s the one that starts it.” (Y/C/N) turned his back to Keigo and you narrowed your eyes as you saw the feathers moving towards the unknowing feline. “Stop.” “Fine fine, I’ll just come with you.” He wriggled his eyebrows as you rolled your eyes, turning away from him. “You're gross.” (Y/C/N) muttered as he disappeared into the kitchen. You turned away to walk back into the bedroom and get changed as Keigo followed. “You can’t expect me to behave myself without a reward.” Keigo followed you into the room catching you before you would walk towards the draws that housed all of you pajamas. “Will you ever learn to behave yourself?” You asked. “You don’t want that.” He teased, pressing a kiss to your jaw slowly coaxing you into something other than getting dressed.
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Taishiro Toyomitsu/ Fatgum
🍡 Fatgum didn’t realise that there was anything different about your cat in fact it probably could have stayed that way for a very long time. 🍡 They got along well whenever he was eating something he shared with you little companion and scolded you when you told the little one that they had enough. You at one point were sure that the little guy was putting on weight. 🍡 They loved cuddling up together and you would often find them in bed or on the sofa, he found out about him talking when he walked in on the two of you arguing about stealing your boyfriend. 🍡 From there he treated him more like a child then a pet, scolding him and playing with him and still feeding him more than he needed.
You sighed as you walked into the house, smiling as you heard Taishiro talking in the other room, you knew that he was talking to (Y/C/N), you walked into the room raising an eyebrow as you watched the two “if I give you an extra dinner you can’t tell mum, she’s going to kill me!” Taishiro muttered, hunched over the cat that was looking at him with pleading eyes. “I never tell her.” (Y/C/N) answered and you narrowed your eyes, they both got up, it took longer for your cat to notice you than your boyfriend (who stopped dead in his tracks) because of the sofa obscuring the little one’s vision. “Extra dinners?” You asked. “Really?” “He said he was starving.” Taishiro said. “He always says that he’s starving, I took him for a check up, he’s almost overweight!” You complained. “Alright… I’ll stop.” Taishiro said. “You promised me that before and look what happened…” You crossed your arms over your chest and turned away from them. (Y/C/N) was the first to come over rubbing against your ankle, you glanced down at him and he looked up at you. “I know that this diet is hard but once we get you back to a healthy weight, you can have your treats back as a reward.” You reached down, tickling his chin. “This is stupid.” (Y/C/N) grumbled and you nodded. “Uh huh, so no extra dinner for you and you.” You pointed at Taishiro across the room who was looking as guilty as ever. “No sweets for the rest of the night.” “Yes ma’am.” He nodded as he walked over, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “I’m leaving you alone for 20 minutes while I shower and get changed but if you do anything I’ll be able to smell the guilt on you.” You warned them. “Humans can’t smell guilt.” (Y/C/N) said. “Test me.” You goaded him before disappearing into the bedroom and further into the bathroom.
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Shota Aizawa/ Eraserhead
🐛 You didn’t even tell this man that your cat could talk, he just started talking to them one day and of course your feline friend spoke back, he literally did not bat an eyelid. 🐛 Laziest creatures in your life, they will collectively convince you to do nothing… Unless it’s food time, if it’s food time then the cat is no ally to anyone. 🐛 Most would think that Aizawa was the one who owned the cat because it was constantly trailing after him and complimenting him on everything that he did with the odd sassy comment when they didn’t agree on something, honestly some would say that he stole your cat. 🐛 You're sure that they miss each other more than they ever miss you and sometimes you're dramatic about it but rest assured you are the most important person in either one of their lives.
You walked through the front door kicking off your shoes, you dropped your bag to the floor before walking into the living room “you took your time.” Aizawa said as he looked up at you from his reclined position on the sofa. “Hello to you too.” You smiled as you leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek, he smiled quickly catching your lips in a soft kiss. “Hey hey! What about me!?” You giggled at the voice before turning to the black cat it belonged to curled up on Aizawa’s chest cradling his face in your hands as you pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Have you both been here the whole day?” You asked. “No.” Aizawa answered. “I had classes to teach today.” “So you’ve been like this since 3pm?” You asked. “I guess.” Aizawa answered. “Did you at least feed him?” You asked. “You know those biscuits are a complete diet right, there are some cats that would settle for just them.” Aizawa mumbled. “Yeah well I’m not one of them.” (Y/C/N) said as he stood his front legs stretched out in front of him as he stretched and you rolled your eyes walking into the kitchen and putting the meat down for him before walking back into the living room, Aizawa reached out a hand pulling you to lay with him when you were close enough. “Are you sure this is a good idea Shota?” You asked as you glance towards the entrance the loud feline would appear in when he was finished. “Mmm it’s fine.” He answered half heartedly as he continued to wrap you tighter in his arms, not 5 minutes later did you hear what you expected. “You two just cast me out after 5 minutes, you know I was coming back right?” He asked as hopped up on the sofa walking over your intertwined legs before finally settling on your back, you hummed as you shifted slightly to get more comfortable, you knew that you should all move, the bed was definitely more comfortable but staying here with the two most important beings in your life for some reason was more appealing so you didn’t move for now this would be fine.
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Yamada Hizashi/ Present Mic
🎤 Again another who wasn’t affected by your cat talking, he however is not as happy about it as others. They literally argue all the time because let’s be honest Hizashi is like a big cat himself. 🎤 You were constantly breaking them up, they never tried to hurt each other but they would always complain about something that the other was doing. 🎤 You tried to split your time between them equally but they always had something to say about that too. 🎤 As they lived together more they learned to deal with each other better, they learned what set the other off and tried to avoid it when you were around.
Hizashi had been at work all day, you were in the kitchen cutting up meat, you put a small pile aside for (Y/C/N) as you started cooking up the meat for dinner, once it was all cooked you put his portion aside and continued cooking for you and Hizashi. “Smells good.” Hizashi said, his voice softer than most people get to hear it. “Thank you.” You smiled leaning back into him as he rested his forehead on your shoulder. “Long day? How are the kids?” “Fine, they’re fine.” He answered. “But…” You prompted him to continue as he lifted his head. “They didn’t come to UA to do english lessons, they get bored so easily, stop paying attention.” He explained and you chuckled. “You know, even for people who aren’t looking to become heroes, English lessons were boring, it’s just about making it interesting.” You said. “Don’t give him ideas he’s interesting enough.” Your bubble was shattered as the black cat jumped up on the counter top. “Do you mind? We are having a private conversation.” Hizashi scolded him. “Well then don’t have it in the middle of the kitchen.” (Y/C/N) muttered. “Would it have mattered if we were in the bedroom?” Hizashi asked. “I guess not.” He turned away and walked over to the plate where you had left the meat that you saved for him. “This for me?” “Yeah.” You answered, lifting the plate away from him “If I give you this will you leave us alone for a little while, you know it’s not your turn so don’t be a bother.” “Fine, fine.” He lifted his paw as if to pull your hand down to him. “Good.” You nodded, you put the plate back down before going back to your own dinner and finishing up what you needed to. “I’ve decided what movie to watch tonight.” He mumbled and you smiled. “Good, then let’s finish this food so we can watch a movie and you can relax yeah?” You suggested and you felt him nod rather then heard him but you both made small noises as (Y/C/N) made a noise of disgust in the back of his throat.
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Request Here!!
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butterfly-writer · 5 months
Keigo Takami's Special Day
Hawks x GN!Reader
Summary: Happy Birthday Hawks!
★☽A/N: It’s Hawks’s birthday!! Happy Birthday, Keigo! <33
Contents: FLUFF
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28 December. It might be an unimportant day for some people but it was a special day for those who were born on it. One of those people was Hawks. Though it isn’t actually his name. It was Keigo Takami’s birthday, the day where he turns a year older. Birthdays are usually spent with family or friends, right? Despite the fact that Keigo was a popular young hero, getting gifts on his special day from friends and fans, he couldn’t spend his special day that was only once a year with his family or anyone.
Being a hero has its perks but it does have some disadvantages where he couldn’t spend his birthdays with anyone. He couldn’t spend it with his family, considering the fact that one was in prison before getting executed and one he didn’t spend any time with because of his job. The commission had him on a very tight leash, he couldn’t spend it with just anyone.
Thankfully, now he gets to spend the morning of his birthdays with Miruko, a hero who he recently befriended thanks to the Hero Billboard event. But after that breakfast with her, it was all hero work now. It was boring for him, especially on his birthdays, but he didn’t have any plans on his birthday except opening gifts from his fans once he came home. (His fans would drop them off at his agency, there’s a whole room for them because of how popular he was.)
But after meeting you, an underground hero, he finally had someone to spend his birthdays with.
It was always simple every year you’ve been together. After his breakfasts with Mirko, he would have his morning shift for a while before coming home to get ready for your date. The place where you would spend his birthdays was always the same place, a small business of a restaurant with delicious food. You were good friends with the family who runs the restaurant and would always offer to give free food to the both of you but you would always decline and always pay in full.
The family is grateful for that and in return, on Keigo’s birthday, they would sing happy birthday to him. It was so cute to see Keigo always lighting up whenever they saw singing. He didn’t have a good childhood, his parents weren’t the best parental figures and the commission didn’t really do much on his birthday except lessen his training sessions on his birthdays. Because of this, he was like a child whenever they start singing the song and after, he gets to blow out the candles of his favorite cake after making a wish.
Then after that, some time later, he would start his night shift. Again, it was boring for him, especially on his birthdays, but at least he had someone to come home to and to cuddle with after.
He felt like his birthdays became more special when you walked into his life. Even though you both don’t spend a lot of time because of the amount of time your jobs require, he would always try his best to make time for you. Most of the time, he would come home late to you already sleeping but it was alright for him because getting home to you was more important to him than anything.
Because you came into his life, his birthdays became more exciting, something to look forward to.
It didn’t feel like a normal day anymore, no. It felt like a special day where he gets to spend time with his loving dove.
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kookie-doughs · 1 year
Happy Meal
Hawks / Keigo Takami X Reader
-As a young mother YN didn't know what to do when the number 2 hero had taken the last happy meal that her son so desperately want.
Chapter 21: Fighting Back
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Hawks dragged you away from the fight. It wasn't easy with how your trying to get away from him and back to where the fight was. But he had you get you to safety.
"Hawks please!" You begged. "Tenko, I can't leave him!"
"Y/N, you need to get to safety. Both you and Sato. Shigaraki didn't risk to do that just for you to be killed! Listen to me and stop fighting!"
"No! I can not leave Tenko with him not again! I need to go back!"
"Mama... papa..." Sato cooed for you upon opening his eyes.
You calm down but still isn't willing to go.
"All Might and the kid is with them."
"You don't know AFO like I do. He probably beat him to death's bed..."
"Y/N!" To your side you see a familiar hero.
"Rumi!" Hawks stops flying and turns to the hero.
"Mirko, take Sato back to safety."
Mirko's eyes widened seeing the child.
"What?! Why is here here???!"
"AFO, its a long story. We have to get back to the fight. Shigaraki is in danger."
"Aren't we fighting Shigaraki???????"
"Another long story. Just take him to safety okay?"
You smile at the hero who held you. You turn to Sato on Rumi's arms and gave him a kiss.
"You dumbass, you just got back to us and you want to leave again. You better not die."
"Thank you Rumi. I won't die don't worry."
Hawks was flapping his wings trying to get back in a hurry. Suddenly an explosion of blue fire erupted beside him burning tips of his feathers, causing him to fall.
"Hawks, are you okay?"
"Pretty girl, why are you here? Tomura was supposed have you wasn't he?" You turned to look up and see the patched up staple villain.
"Dabi, Tenko is in danger. You have to help him!" You cried to him trying to check on Hawks.
"I have no obligation to him you know that right? I don't care if he dies or not." He laughed.
You looked at him half scared, you've faced worse, why are you intimated by this guy?
"Y/N I'm okay, it just stings a little." Hawks smiled at you and gets up.
"Should I burn it so it doesn't sting?" The villain smirked.
"Dabi, we have to get to Tenko. Get out of the way please."
Dabi stared behind you with an unreadable expression.
"I'm not stopping you." He hissed. "Only one man will die by my hand tonight, so don't worry about that."
You and Hawks turns and it was Endevour clearing his path to get to you two.
"Try not to kill him okay?" You told the villain.
"I literally just said I'm going to kill him."
"Yeah, but try not to... like how you tried to kill Hawks but didn't kill him or something..."
"What does Tomura see with your dumbass?"
Hawks was done trying to ease his wings back, he grabbed you again and you nodded.
"What were you saying to Dabi?"
"Dabi isn't evil. He's just angry." You look behind you and you see a clash between the two fire quirks of different color. "He just needs answers, he needs to understand."
"You think he's gonna kill Endevour?"
"If Enji doesn't say the right things yeah he will."
Another explosion occurs in front of you, this time a kid flies past you. Hawks immediately catches the kid realising it was the kid All Might brought with him.
"You came back? Tomura do you see this? Y/N came back for you." AFO laughed stepping on thehe called for.
You choked back a sob seeing the state of Tomura. He was lying in a pool of what you assume is his blood, covered in cuts and pierces.
The blue haired villain slowly raised his head to see you. He smiled.
Toshinori blows up his muscles again and launches himself to AFO.
"All Might you can't handle that!" The kid choked out.
All Might doesn't bother and continues to rain barrage of punches on his enemy.
You took a deep breath trying to muster a power, you needed any power to help and turn the tide.
You needed to help Tomura.
"SATOOO WHAT IS HAPPENINGGG?!!!?!?" You hear a scream behind you.
You see Mirko hopping towards you while Sato was in her arms.
"Sato come here!" You called.
You had an idea. An incredibly bad one.
Sato jumps from the hero's grasp. The gap was huge Hawks worried for his fall jumped to catch him... but Sato doesn't fall.
He looks up and see Sato floating towards you and descending in your arms.
"Hey kid, what's your name?" You ask the kid beside you.
"So how do you activate One for All?"
AFO laughs. "You can't use it."
"If Sato has it, I can have it too. What if its dormant too?"
"Y-You can't have OFA like that- You need..."
"You're that Y/N...?" All Might gasped. "You were master's foster kid...?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah and she's mine now. I took her back when I realised Nana was reckless."
"You have master's blood in your veins..?"
"I got in an accident, she gave me her blood..."
"But you don't have OFA." He hissed. "I took you for that reason alone but you were useless. I don't detect OFA not even a slight power from you."
"Y/N I have Tomura!" All of you confused turned to Hawks who called for you.
You saw him flying to you holding the bloodied man.
AFO hissed and launched towards them.
"STOP!!!" You screamed as loud as you can. It send him back but not far enough.
Sato turns to his father and closed his eyes tight. After a bit a surge of power came from Tomura. Despite the man being half passed out. His quirk activated and the ground beneath AFO crumbled.
Sato's nose dripped blood not long after.
"Hawks, Mirko take Sato and Tenko to safety." You hand over Sato to Mirko who was beside you.
"What about you?! Im not leaving you here."
"I can fight... trust me."
He looks at Sato and Tomura and clicked his tongue. "I'm coming back to get you!"
After the four got away, AFO came back.
"Your brat really takes after his parents. He's annoying."
In the midst of the climactic battle against All For One, you stood behind Izuku and All Might, with unwavering courage, Izuku charged forward, his fists crackling with the immense power of One For All. His movements were swift and precise, delivering devastating blows that shook the battlefield.
You were praying that you indeed have the dormant power of One For All. You knew, or at least hoped, that the legendary quirk resided within you, waiting to be awakened.
As the battle raged on, Your determination soared. You wanted to help.
All Might stood tall, his presence commanding and his muscles bulging with incredible strength. He fought with the skill and experience of a seasoned warrior, his punches echoing with the legacy of One For All. The symbol of peace radiated from him, inspiring hope in the hearts of those around him. With every punch and kick, they heroes poured their heart and soul into each strike, willing the power of One For All to manifest.
In your mind, you pleaded with Nana, hoping that your plea would reach the spirit of the hero.
"Please, Nana," you whispered under your breath, voice filled with desperation. "I really want to help. I don't even need it permanently. I just need to help... Please let me help Tenko."
In that moment of vulnerability, Emi felt a surge of energy coursing through her body. It was as if her plea had been answered, and the dormant power of One For All responded to her call.
The three turned towards you in shock. AFO angered by this charged towards you. But you weren't weak. Not anymore.
You strike him, infused with an otherworldly strength that surpassed her previous capabilities.
Your heart swelled with a mix of relief, awe, and gratitude. You fought alongside Deku and All Might, your belief in her newfound quirk giving her the courage to face All For One head-on.
With your hands glowing with the radiant energy of One For All, you charged with All Might and Izuku with a smile. Each step sent shockwaves through the ground, an embodiment of their combined strength.
Every attack launched carried the weight of her power.
As you clashed with All For One, a glimmer of hope ignited within you, bolstered by the thought that you finally get to be the hero and finally freeing yourself from this villain... freeing Tomura from this villain.
The battle raged on, the clash of power reverberating through the air. You, All Might, and Izuku pushed yourselves to the limits, drawing upon the wellspring of strength that One For All offered. Your combined strength became an unstoppable force, as you pressed on with unwavering determination, fueled by the desire to protect and bring justice to the world.
In the aftermath of the battle, You stood triumphant, your breaths ragged and your bodies aching from the exertion. You looked to Izuku and All Might, gratitude and awe filling your eyes. Whether your belief had truly awakened One For All or if it was simply her own determination taking form.
But as the dust settled and the battle subsided, you felt a sudden and unexpected change. The once-potent power of One For All that had surged through you began to dwindle, fading away like a waning flame. You looked down at your trembling hands, no longer imbued with the extraordinary abilities you had relied upon moments before.
Confusion and a hint of sorrow washed over you. The power you had borrowed, even for a brief moment, had left, leaving you feeling vulnerable and uncertain. Though you had known that the power was never truly yours, the sudden absence left a void within you.
With a deep breath, You accepted what had happened, "Thank you for letting me protect them." You whispered to yourself.
"Y/N!!" You turned to the hero flying towards you.
"Hawks..." You smiled, and not long later passed out from exhaustion.
The winged hero caught you before you fell. He turned to the other two exhausted figures who fought along your side.
"She's fine, she lost the power, but she's fine. We have to finish this war. Take her to safety and get back to the fight. We'll stay with AFO." All Might says.
Upon waking up, you see you were in a bright room. You sit up to see where you are. Obviously it was the hospital.
On a bed beside you was Tomura. Sitting on his side was Dabi.
"Well good morning pretty girl." Dabi smiles seeing you up.
"He's fine."
"What about you?"
He raises his hands to show you his cuffs, "Didn't get to kill the old man. Our group is gone, Hawks and my old man is trying to process a pardon for us two."
"Why are you here...?"
"I don't know." He looks at Tomura. "Its either this, jail or the court."
"Dabi I'm glad you gave him a chance."
He shrugged, "Name's Touya..."
"That's a stupid name." You both looked at the man on the bed.
"Shut up nobody asked your opinion." The flame quirked former villain hissed.
"Tenko, are you okay?"
"Don't worry about him, he woke up before you. He was just asleep when you woke up."
Tomura smiles, "Id love to see you right now but I can't turn or open my eyes."
"Ew," Dabi cringes. "Find someone who isn't basically married."
"I don't like you. You left me to die back there don't talk to me."
You laughed. The scene in front of you was confusing, but you were glad. 'Tenko has a friend.'
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @faithneko @officiallykuute @pinksilk @applepie-macaroon @lolawassad @grinnwolph
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ladysirenity23 · 2 years
Before I start the Liyue arc in the Sagau Headcanons ..
Here are some stories I want to post in wattpad soo choose for me what to post first with these introductions :]] will do a poll after
"𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘺 𝘐𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘦𝘴"
You sought to kill your mother's former protégé as he returns as a teacher in your old high-school while being ignorant to the people who'll be affected by your petty revenge
X fem reader
intense mentions of gore;
sadistic mannerisms;
toxic parent reader;
Very slow redemption ;
Love interests;
All Might
Fat Gum
Present Mic
Vlad king
"voleuse de coeurs"
Settling down in your homeland was never the life you'd wish to spend in, so you go to a trip all over Teyvat!Learning about the mysteries of each nations,Escaping each and every crime you have committed, And on the plus side!You may have stole a couple of hearts on the way, and an archon's gnoses while your at it!wait-
X fem reader
Love interests;
"Ang 𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖎ñ𝖔𝖘𝖆"
In which a once sealed goddess now roams the world of Teyvat with two companions who'm she tried to kill upon meeting them.
Love interests ;
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fatkish · 1 month
Hiii Could you do a fluff head cannon with all the mha pro heroes (aizawa,present mic,all might,mirko, And midnight) like little moments with child reader
Pro Heroes x Child Reader:
Fluff Headcannons
Snuggles with the reader all the time
Probably bought a matching sleeping bag for the reader
Has secretly put up their drawings in his office at school
Lets the reader sleep with him when they can’t sleep or have a nightmare
Will go through the house and make sure no villains or monsters are hiding before bedtime
Reads story books at bedtime or tells the reader stories about uncle Mic or his students
Would definitely have pajama parties
Would help the reader build blanket and pillow forts in the living room and sleeps in them
Helps the reader as best he can with their homework
Most definitely has dance parties or plays music videos games
Bought the reader one of the children’s karaoke machines and cheers the reader on now matter how bad their singing is
Loves playing hide and seek with the reader
If the kid likes to dress up whenever they play then he’ll definitely help and tries to make the reader look like a mini him
Definitely bought the reader instruments like a toy keyboard or drums to let them explore music and see if they like it
Makes up the weirdest and silly stories for the reader’s bedtime
Helps the reader with their homework by making a game of it or making it entertaining
Has pictures and drawings from the reader all over his desk and office
All might:
Dad jokes 100%. Will tell all kinds of them no matter how lame or stupid they are
Plays pretend and has the reader be the hero who defeats the evil tickle monster
Tries to cook food with the reader like baking cookies or making their own homemade pizza. Has had to try to keep the reader from eating all the ingredients when they were younger
Carries the reader on his shoulders and will toss them in the air
Definitely tries to introduce foreign foods to the reader such as classic American dishes like an American hotdog or apple pie
Tells the reader stories of his hero days when he was younger or his experiences overseas as bedtime stories
Helps the reader understand their homework and shows them how to do it before letting them try if they’re struggling
Let’s the reader wear his shirts since they’re so big on reader and he thinks it’s cute
Proudly shows pictures and the reader’s drawings to his coworkers
Definitely cheers on the reader whenever they play Heroes and villains
Will definitely give actual advice on how to fight a villain
Has morning yoga sessions with the reader to help them increase their flexibility
Would most likely play wrestle with the child
Reader has a bunch or Mirko merch and has all the limited edition items thanks to Mirko
Recounts stories of the villains she fought that day as bedtime stories or makes some up
Tries to help the reader with their homework and will hire a tutor or ask another pro to help them if possible
Definitely has the reader’s drawings in her office and proudly displays them for all to see
Probably has a trampoline and teaches the reader how to do cool jumps
Loves going shopping for clothes with reader
Will definitely play heroes and villains with the child and be the villain
Would also pretend to be a civilian in need of saving
Helps reader design their ‘hero’ costume
If the child can’t sleep then she’ll use her quirk to help them sleep
Will read story books to the reader and tuck them in at bedtime
Helps the reader with their homework by referencing the problems to things they already know or that they like, for example: with math, Midnight will use visual references like pieces of candy to help the reader understand addition and subtraction
Has bought so many stuffed animals for the reader, their room is basically filled with them
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fluff-n-cookies · 10 months
baby bunny
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My girl Rumi is the one to teach you to take shit from NOBODY.
if she is a mom she is THE MOM.
I can see it so clearly.
it's 6 AM, the morning mist clings to your already sweat-drenched skin. your soft T-shirt and shorts now cling to your skin. and the light breeze isn't helping either, wafting cold air makes your hands and feet colder and more painful than they already are. your vision is blurry, your ears are ringing, the smell of sweat and wet concrete cloud your senses.it's a miracle you're still standing after that blow. the training robot before you boots up again, preping for round #2, mechanic whirling can be heard as it regain it's composure "COME ON HUNNYBUN YOU CAN DO IT" Mirko yells from the fold up chair, sipping on some orange juice, a hint of mercy in her tone.
a hint of.
it's 6 AM on a school day and Mirko is having you practice self dense and kick ass on the roof.
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ryoskuna · 1 year
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i’m leia, although some people also call me nani. honestly, you can call me whatever you’d like as long as it’s respectful. I’m twenty-two years old and a full-time contributor to capitalism because I have bills to pay, although i will be taking grad school courses in the summer of 2023. my pronouns are she/her/hers (they is also acceptable).
content i make: sfw, fluff, angst, nsfw (minors do not interact), tons of aus, oc x canon character content, content specifically for readers and/or original characters of color (will be specified), whatever SELF-indulgent content I desire. 
this is my blog, i will put the content I wish to see on there, and write for content that I want to write for. I have the right to deny a request, and while out the kindness of my heart I may tell why, but you’re not entitled to a justification for why I do or don’t want to write a request - it is case-by-case, but should you insist I write the same request you sent in or I specified I would not do that content will get you an immediate block.
you also don’t have to be in my inbox solely for requests, feel free just to stop by and talk and chat or for concepts. 
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fandoms i write for: bleach, naruto (though i will NOT touch boruto with a 10ft stick), jujutsu kaisen, fire force, my hero academia, haikyuu, burn the witch, demon slayer, monster prom, genshin impact, blue lock. fandoms i’m considering writing for: sk8 the infinity, chainsaw man. this list is subject to change.
masterlist (needs updating) | rules | tags (wip)
miscellaneous: ko-fi (if you want to leave me something/or help with my medical bills) | ao3 | spotify
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created oc x canon ships 
you may, on occasion, see content for them and you’re welcome to request or give ideas for drabbles or ficlets you’d like to see, or questions that allow me to fully flesh either their relationship or my ocs. more than likely, a lot of these come from wips I have drafted for actual multi-chapter fanfictions. or you just may see clips from me playing them in the sims 4. again, this is my blog and if you don’t like the content I write involving them, don’t interact.
angelkitty - grimmjow x cassandra beckett (bleach), saint grafitti - bruno bangnyfe x genevieve “viv” astaseul-riley (info - warning, sudden audio playing if on a computer) (burn the witch), kitsuki - kakashi hatake x mitsuki hanabusa (naruto), storm motion - natsuo todoroki x andie paris (mha), hellbunny - mirko x harlow aelius (mha), keiki - hawks x suki fujimura-hansley. there’s also some ships involving bokuto, daichi, and keishin ukai from haikyuu, akitaru obi from fire force, damien from monster prom, some ships from jjk, and childe and arataki itto from genshin impact.
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popular works:
shaken, not stirred universe, ft. bartender!sukuna and co.
promised eternity, hades!sukuna x persephone!reader.
union, satoru gojo x original character (only on ao3 as of now).
favor fire, joker (fire force) x reader [NSFW]
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do not reblog.
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lonely-layla · 2 years
✩ 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕖 / 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 ✩
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Read this before requesting to prevent confusion if I deny
Name: Layla any pronouns(genderfluid)
✩Content under cut ✩
Hello there! I’m Layla! This is an information post about requests and what you are able to do. Let’s get to it<3
『 𝕋𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥: 』
LGBTQ! characters/readers(being part of the community myself I have no problem with it<3)
POC! reader(I am a person of color myself <3)
Chubby/plus sized!reader(also me <3)
Female/male/gender neutral!reader
NSFW(my forte)
Fluff(I love comfort posts)
Angst(I’m not good at it but I’ll try)
『 𝕥𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕤 𝕚𝕗 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥: 』
Pedophilia/child porn(if the character is aged up then it’s okay)
Incest / Stepcest / Pseudo-cest
Trans Male/ Trans Female (I am not trans and I don’t know how it feels. I don’t want to offend anyone by spreading misinformation about how it works)
Vomit/ Piss/ Scat (wtf-weirdos…)
Characters x OCs
Reader with disabilities(I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable or spread misinformation about it.)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
✩ 『 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤 𝕀’𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 』 ✩
My hero acedemia
Demon slayer
Danganronpa (all except ultra despair girls)
Haikyuu! (I’m just starting it so I might not know some characters)
Genshin Impact(only some characters lol)
Yandere Simulator
✩ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 absolutely 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 ✩
Any characters that are not on the lists I will write about unless stated otherwise
Class 1 A: izuku midorya, Katsuki Bakgou, Shoto todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Momo yaoyorozu, Mina Ashido, Kyoka jirou, Hanta Sero, Tenya Iida, ocho uraraka,eijiro kirishima
Class 1B: Neito Monoma, Hitoshi Shinsou
Pro hero’s: Shouta aizawa, Keigo takami(hawks) mirko, ms joke, midnight, mt lady
Villains: Touya todoroki(dabi)
Extra characters: Mirio togata, tamaki amajiki
Kamaboko squad: tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira
Hashira: rengoku, giyu tomioka, gyomei himejima, Sanemi shinazugawa,mitsuri kanroji, Tengen Uzui (and his wives ofc)
Trigger happy havoc: mondo Owada, Leon kuwata, aoi asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenburg, yasuhiro hagkure, sayoko maizono
Goodbye despair: nagito komaeda, Hajime hinata,ibuki mioda, Gundham Tanaka, Akane owari, Milan tsmiki, Sonia nevermind
Killing harmony: Rantaro Amami, shuichi saihara, Miu iruma,Kiibo, Tenko chabashira, maki harukawa, Gonta gakuhara
(I’m just started watching this anime so sorry if there aren’t a lot of characters to chose from)
Karasuno: Shoyo hinata, Tobio kageyama, kei tsukishima, yuu nishinoya,ryunosuke tanaka
Nekoma: kuroo tetsuro, Kenna kozume
Genshin Impact: Keaya Alberich, Childe Tartaglia, shikanoin heizou, Aether, Zhongli, Dilluc
Yandere Simulator: Budo Masuta, Umeji kizuguchi, Shoku Tsuburaya, Osaka Najimi, most 1980’s characters
✩ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 ℕ𝕆𝕋 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 ✩
Class 1 A: Rikado Sato, koji koda, Fumikage tokoyami,Mashirao ojiro, Mezou shoji, Tooru hagakure, minoru mineta, Tsuyu asui, yuga aoyama
Pro heroes: all might, present mic, endeavor, Mickey Mouse lookin ahh principal
Villains: kurogiri, Himiko toga, twice, tomura shigaraki, all for one, the ficking lizard dude
Kamaboko squad: nezuko(sorry my soul just can’t)
Hashira: iguro obonai, shinobu kocho
Trigger happy havoc:NO MONOKUMA,toko fukawa(or genocide syo),Sakura ogami, kyoko kirigiri, makoto naegi, Hifumi yamada, chihiro fujisaki, Sayaka Maizono, kyotaka ishimaru,
Goodbye despair: NO MONOMI, teruteru hanamura, l nekomaru nidai, Peko pekoyama, Byakuya Twogami, kazuichi soda, mahiru koizumi
Killing harmony: NO MONOKUBS, kokichi oma, Himiko yumeno, Angie yonaga,Korekiyo shinguji
Yandere simulator: Gema taku, ayano aishi
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
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honeyspiders10 · 2 years
Welcome back, to my tavern!
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My name is Charlie! And this is my tavern!
Requests are open!!
Go check out my girl! @nerdysleepybunny <3
Things I will write for:
Anything Pride/LGBTQIA+! (you are valid! <3)
Gender neutral reader!
Male reader!
Non binary reader!
And male aligned readers!
(I will write female readers for my friends and friends only. Sorry for the inconvenience)
Poly relationships! Between reader and characters.
Platonic relationships!
And Child!reader and Parent!character!
I will also write for my age regression community!
Ships are welcome as well!
Things I will not write for:
NSFW! I'm a minor! I have a lot of age regression moots, and most of them are not comfortable with NSFW. So, you will not find smut on my blog at all.
Anxiety, depression, etc. These can be triggering topics to some people, and I want this to be a safe spot.
Fandoms: TV shows and Movies
Hasbin Hotel:
Angel Dust
Husker x Angel Dust
Alastor x Lucifer
Vaggie x Charlie
Okay with x reader:
Husker x Angel Dust x Reader
Alastor x Lucifer x reader
Vaggie x Charlie x reader
The Lord of the Rings:
Gandalf (platonic only!)
The Walking Dead:
Dale (platonic only!)
Groot (platonic only!)
Rocket (platonic only!)
Mantix (platonic only!)
(If there are any more, let me know! I'll write for just about anyone from the MCU!)
Kids shows:
Inkling (platonic only!)
Vegimals (platonic only!)
Wu (platonic only!)
Sing 1-2:
Rosita (platonic only!)
Mrs. Crawley (platonic only!)
All tengens wifes
My Hero Academia:
All of class 1-A
The big three
Wild, wild pussycats
Lady Nagant
Gentle criminal (platonic only!)
Mr. Compress
Nezu (platonic only!)
Present Mike
All Might
Recovery girl (platonic only!)
Mt. Lady
Vlad King
Best jeanist
Ms. Joke
Kamui Woods
Gang orca
Heartstopper: platonic only!
Thank you for reading! Safe journeys, travelers!
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serxinns · 2 months
Sweat treats~ Chap 2
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Tw: Blood and death!
Yandere Bnha ships x undercover hero reader
Once you reach your house close and lock the door, you quickly put on your undercover Hero suit with most importantly your hero mask "Xin I'll be back sweetie!" Xin mewed and went back to sleep you grabbed your suitcase and went out of the house you pressed a button and a few seconds later it became a motorcycle you hopped on it and drove to your boss agency
"Ah there you are birdie~," Keigo said as he smirked keigo was your agent partner and boss he was in charge of striking down and killing villains and you were either the backup up or his getaway driver they walked you in the meeting room where ziki kicker and, Maharu was in "alright since everyone is here.." he drops the documents papers for everyone in the room "There's a villain planning to steal a valuable and powerful jewelry kept safe in the safe kitkari, you, and maharu find the bombs and remove them carefully while me birdie and buns (aka Mirko) will take care of her ourselves which means y/n and maharu will pretend that they're partners" you all agreed with his plan and head out with your spy car "Oh and make sure you dress up nicely and use your fake identit s and disguise make sure theyre not real " Mirko stated "hm I wonder why do we?
Time skip cause I'm lazy
Once they made it to the ball 2 large men were guarding the door "Name and partner name?" The men said pulling out their hands for any type of ID "I'm Marshall Rover this is my lovely wife Sasha Willwood " "ok get in next " "Zachary west and my lovely wife Mary~" Ziki tried fake flirting with Kitkari (aka mary) wich Mary pretended to be flustered "ok get in" you and Mahara looked at each other and nodded "State your name?" "Um I'm f/n (fake name) and this is my husband uh..moose?" Marharu and the others stared at you Keigo and Kitari tried not to laugh while Ziki and Miriko rolled their eyes the guard eyed at the both of you while you smiled at them trying to keep their cool "yea your on the list get in" you sighed in relief and walked pass the large fancy doors
and you were amazed when you saw how well done it was it felt like you were a background character in Cinderella "Well damn no wonder, why ms Miriko told me to dress nice this place is beautiful" You stared in wonder head turning at each angel to feast upon the view like a child 1st discovering candy stores unaware that hawks were chuckling at your reaction "gotta pay attention birdie don't wanna miss our target~" you snapped out your daze "Oh! Im so sorry I'll do better next time my mistake mr hawks" you made a small bow to him while Ziki snickered at you and he chuckled "That's all right now let's focus"
"Good luck!" Kitkari winked at you while she and Ziki ran off with their gear they sped away the 4 of you spread out by slow dancing to spot the red-haired woman, "look!" Marharu whispered pointing at the small crown near the food table you see the red-haired woman, the woman's name was Diana famous for stealing valuable things and has been on the run for 4 years now nobody ever caught her because of her quirk camouflage and another quirk called lava, "Mr ha- I mean Keigo I see her.." you whispered making sure nobody heard you "let ziki and kari know and I'll grab the attention of everyone in the party for a while you finished the job" suddenly Keigo went on stage and choose some music while miriko played piano with him
Your eyes sparkled at how smooth your boss's voice was and how Mirko was amazing at playing the piano and also singing with him heck you were almost distracted keigo spotted you and gave you a wink and a charming smile which made you blush while Mirko gave you a seductive wink and blow a kiss you blushed and looked away in embarrassment, Maharu changed his finger to the tip of a sniper while you had a gun in your pocket (his quirk is a firearm which allows him to form limbs as any gun his drawback is running out of bullets and losing energy) "ziki when I tell you now you turn off the lights" "on it"
Maharu got his aim and shot ready
Keigo and miriko was getting ready to fight in case they missed
"NOW!" You turned off the lights and heard bullets flying and people screaming and running away "Did...you get it?" You turned on the light and saw people screaming seeing the redhead on the floor blood streaming down her head everyone was running in different directions "IT THEM!!" The 2 men said pointing at the 4 of you joining them were like 100 guards guns locked and loaded "...RUN!" The 4 of you dashed off going up the stairs and down the hall "KARI ZIKI GET THE CAR READY're going TO JUMP OFF THE ROOF "
Miriko was jumping back and forth throwing punches and kicks h at the guards but there were too many and had pretty strong quirks the 4 of you made it to the roof Mirko used her leg to knock off a piece of a metal pipe and tied it around the door to block it off while you used for your quirk to try and block off the exit making them harder to get to you, "cmon cmon cmon!"m
Your mind was running wild screaming even though the doors were about to open at any minute nails and bolts falling apart while the door kept staying strong shaking back and forth "We have no choice just jump!!" The 4 of you jumped as far as you could just when the guards finally busted down the door a red sports car drove underneath the 4 of you crashing you and their fall and quickly driving away quickly.
After everyone got dropped off at their designed area with a bunch of goodbyes and teasing you were the last to drop off "Good job on today's mission Birdy did amazing today~" "yea honey bun you did amazing today!" You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly "Eh it wasn't that good the two of you were amazing, especially your singing and piano playing!" They both chuckled at your praise "well have a goodnight!" The two of them watched as You rushed off into your "house "you know baby our little employee there is kinda cute i wonder are they single?" "Patience love Patience let's get to know them 1st before we ravaged them" he playfully glared at her whole they sped off into the night
Time skip to the next day
You arrived at the lovely day at the cafe maharu was a bit cranky while ziki was being a little shit as usually "Hey y/n ready to start the day?!" "Yes and you better not steal any of the expired treats KARI" she giggled while you playfully put of the middle finger at her you heard the bell behind you and immediately turned around giving them your biggest smile "hello my name is y/n and welcome to the cafe!"
Y/n!! Y/n!!
You looked up to see a familiar green hero suit freckled and green messy hair, brown eyes and pink cheeks with slightly longer hair
"Iuzku!? Ochaco!?"
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