#megamind quotes are so good
sweetiebriar · 2 years
Sorry you got overwhelmed by the response to your "good character going evil" post. This was a really interesting weekend to have that particular discussion. I hope my Michelle Gomez quote (originally applied to her own character, Missy) didn't make things too much worse. Again, sorry you've had trouble.
(Post related to the ask)
Oh, this is actually so sweet! I never thought I'd receive any sort of apology, so thank you for that. You're adorable (if you allow me the compliment)!
Anyway, we're at about 14-15K notes now, so as for being overwhelmed by this post, I think I passed the mark a long time ago 🤣 (luckily I had already muted the notifications at the 100th note).
If anything, you really shouldn't worry. Your comment was one of those that made me smile (because yes, I read them all). As I said in my own reblog, way, WAY TOO many people get their references wrong because they confuse certain terms or mistakenly think a character is a hero when they aren't. Being the protagonist of a story does not mean being its hero too (if indeed there is any hero in said story)…
In short, all that to say that I absolutely do not blame you for commenting, in fact, I don't blame anyone. All this makes me laugh more than anything else and I'm happy to trigger so much enthusiasm. That's also the very principle of Tumblr, so I would be wrong to complain about it. Besides, if it starts to become too much, I can always turn off reblogs after all. 😉
Thank you again for your message, it touched me a lot. Have a nice day/evening wherever you are and maybe see you soon one of these days!
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minijenn · 6 months
So anyway, speaking of Dreamlight Valley, last night i had a dream about it except it was Dreamworks instead of Disney and here's what I remember about that fucking monstrosity:
Shrek is the first villager you unlock naturally, and every time you hang out with him, that shitty midi version of All Star plays in the background
Donkey is there too and he offers to make you waffles (he never does)
Fiona was also there. That is all I remember about Fiona
Puss in Boots and Kitty Softpaws were villagers but their house was almost always inaccessible, mostly because i presume there were in there having crazy cat sex at all times
Will Smith Fish from Shark Tale moved in but immediately died because he just appeared in the plaza and had no water so he flopped around until he died thank god
The two dudes from El Dorado were there and were roommates and I thought that was pretty gay but where the fuck was Chel
Every Hour on the Hour King Julian from Madagascar showed up in the plaza and hosted a Mandatory Dance Party
Barry B Benson from Bee Movie was there but every time you spoke to him he would quote the Bee Movie Script in its entirety before getting to any actual quest dialogue
Instead of Remy's restaurant, Po from Kung Fu Panda hosted a dojo where he teaches you to beat the fuck out of any villagers you don't like
Hiccup and Astrid were there and were roommates (Good for them, they're canonically married after all) and so was Toothless but he was Concerningly Off Model I was scared
Megamind was there. That is all I remember about Megamind.
The Penguins of Madagascar weren't technically villagers but they kept showing up all over the valley to spy on me
Boss Baby showed up at one point and I kicked his ass thanks to the kung fu Po taught me
The game ended when Moses from Prince of Egypt showed up and called upon God to smite the village and my game cartrige caught fire irl
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deeneedsaname · 2 months
Megamind Sequel, animation, and the apparently-forgotten era of CGI shows
Alright guys, buckle up, it’s time to talk about Megamind and the sequel/show!
Let’s start with the basics: two new additions to the Megamind world are coming out: a tv show called “Megamind Rules!”, and a sequel movie, Megamind Vs the Doom Syndicate. Obviously, the first thing everyone noticed was the animation quality lacking in comparison to the first movie. Then, people quickly reacted either agreeing or complaining that people were complaining, etc.
Yes. The animation is not as good as the movie, or as good as what people have come to expect from CGI nowadays. This is NOT the fault of the animators, obviously!
But I think we can all temper our reactions by remembering a few key points!
This sequel is not the grand ‘Megamind 2’ people have been dreaming of. Will Ferrell is not voicing Megamind and the animation looks funky, I know. Therefore, we can’t think of this as a movie going to theaters, but a sort of direct-to-tv/direct-to-dvd sequel. Think Cinderella 2, Ice Age Buck Wild, Aladdin 2: The Return of Jafar, etc!
To put the expectations of the Megamind 2 of our dreams on this movie and series is unfair to it. This is the equivalent of a direct-to-DVD disney sequel that you didn’t hear about until I years later and were like ‘wait, there’s a Tarzan 2???’ in the middle of a drug store (that was a shocking day.) Enjoy it for what it is!!
2. The modern CGI animation consumer has been spoiled rotten. Yes, that includes lots of animation enthusiasts! Back in the day, particularly in the 2010s, ‘poorly’ animated TV shows based on a popular movie were pretty common, ESPECIALLY for dreamworks! Meet some of the examples:
Kung-Fu Panda, Legends of Awesomeness
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Aliens Versus Monsters
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Penguins of Madagascar
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This is NOT a knock on those shows, especially on their quality. Personally, I think Penguins of Madagascar had great animation quality, especially in the later seasons. CGI animation for television is a different beast and doesn’t have the same budget as a movie. (Also, Penguins Of Madagascar show was fantastic, 10/10, no notes, INCREDIBLE music changed lives etc etc.)
Nowadays, CGI animated shows have animation quality comparable to movies, including some Dreamworks ones, such as Kung Fu Panda show Paws of Destiny, or Cars on the Road, the really fun cars short series!
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3. The good points!! There is a lot to like about this! The Doom Syndicate is actually pretty cool, as they were first mentioned in I believe the art book, a video game, and an original draft of a sequel film (don’t quote me on that)
Not only that, but ROXANNE IS STILL THERE!! This may seem small, but it’s been common in the past for female love interests to be thrown away and replaced, often because a voice actress couldn’t come back (that’s part of why I loved Puss in Boots 2 so much: Kitty Softpaws had her same voice actress and was still an integral part of the plot just like the first movie) Roxanne still being part of the cast and still being with Megamind is not something to take for granted.
4. Is it disappointing that the long-awaited sequel isn’t a full-blown theatrical release? Yes. Is it disappointing that the voices aren’t returning? Also yes. However…
TL;DR - Megamind 2 and the show should be taken for what they are: a 2010s style tv series and a direct to dvd sequel respectively, this is NOT the fault of any animator, and is not necessarily indicative of quality of writing. Enjoy it for what it is!
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literaryavenger · 7 months
Y/N: even fate picks it's favorites. Steve, impressed: that's very deep- Sam: did you just fucking quote Megamind? Y/N: IT'S SO GOOD
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thanatos1dahilias · 11 months
Spiderband incorrect quotes except all of them are actual conversations I have with my friends. Miles: This chat is kinda Miles: Dead Gwen: Like your humor Miles: Like your love life Pavitr: Exactly Pavitr: wtaffflomg Hobie: what Pavitr: what the actually fuckity fucking fuck like oh my god Hobie: No one uses that Pavitr: But I do <3 Hobie: kindly stfu Pavitr: kindly stuff the fucking umbrella? Why would we need that Hobie: die Miles: Guys look at this art I made earlier *sends picture* Hobie: It looks so good!! Gwen: Is it... weird? Miles: What Miles: Its not weird istfg Hobie: Don't swear on that guy's name, its something the government is tricking you to believe in Miles: stfu Hobie: Give me suggestions cause i'm bored Miles: I literally don't know Hobie Hobie: *Sends 100+ attachments of megamind photos* Miles: WTF Miles: HOBIE
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sonarsunbeam · 2 months
Irving… for the ask game… 🫶
Sexuality headcanon: gay man but super suuper in the closet about it. to a frightening degree
Gender headcanon: 100% cis guy. transmasc irving is funny though esp tied with my sexuality headcanon for him because hes accepted being trans but refuses to acknowledge being gay because, and i quote, he cant be "double gay"
A ship I have with said character: im not a super active shipper of them but him and vallamir are funny both as exes and as a weird situationship. "say hi to vallamir for me" why Raised Eyebrow Emoji
A BROTP I have with said character: they aren't exactly good buddies so to speak but i like the idea of him and rebecha talking shit together on their breaks
A NOTP I have with said character: bryce and irving. i feel like it'd be way too unhealthy im sorry. however i like the idea of irving thinking bryce is hot in a fully onesided manner and being SO mad about that
A random headcanon: i dont know if this would even work but i like the idea that irving was originally in a fighting game hence his design and ability to do the narration voice, but he was reassigned to be a gameworks employee and eventually worked his way up the ladder. makes his role ironic
General Opinion over said character: he sucks i need him to explode (affectionately but also not affectionately). hes such a cool character but he DESERVED getting shot. megamind's distant cousin
ask meme
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artzychic27 · 11 months
Megamind's one of my favorite movies, so I'd like to see Megamind quotes with Monarch as Megamind, Marc as Roxie, Duusu as Minion, Kim as Metroman, Lucien as Hal, and Louis as Bernard
Monarch: *to Marc, exasperated* Let's stop wasting time and call your boyfriend in leggings, shall we?!
Monarch: Oh, you've gotta be KIDDING me! Nooroo, if I live, I will feed you sour stuff.
Monarch: Nooroo, I'm a villain without a hero. A yin with no yang! A bullfighter with no bull to fight! In other words, I have no purpose!
Monarch: *after waiting hours for Lucien to show up* This is EMBARASSING! Wholly inconsiderate, boneheaded, irresponsible, rude, unprofessional... That's what this is! Would Scarlet Beetle have kept me waiting?! Of course not, he was a pro!
Scarlet Beetle: I started to realise, despite all our powers, each and every citizen of Paris had something se didn't: a choice. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always had to be what this city wanted me to be. What about what I wanted to do? Then it suddenly hit me - I do have a choice! I can be whatever I want to be! No one said that this hero thing had to be a lifetime gig. But you can't just quit either. That's when I got the brilliant idea... to fake my death!
Marc: *To Nathaniel, who is disguised as Louis and starts to cry* Louis... I-I didn't know you... had... feelings. Are you okay?
Marc: *looking around, while being held captive in Monarch’s lair* Is there some kind of nerdy super-villain website where you get Tesla coils and blinky dials?
Lucien: *after Monarch breaks into his apartment room* Is this a robbery? Because the lady across the hall has way better stuff than me!
Lucien: Hey, losers. This is Scarlet Tower. They say it's supposed to be a symbol of our city's strength, but for me, it's a reminder of the day this guy ferociously ripped out my heart! And I hate reminders!
Marc: Lucien, please don't do this. I know there's still good in you!
Lucien: You're so naive, Emerald. You see the good in everyone, even when it's not there. You're living a fantasy. There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy, and there is no Queen of England!
Felix: Blaspehmy!
Lucien: Shut up! This is the real world, and you need to wake up.
*Suddebny, a swarm of Akumas arrive and form Monarch’s head*
Monarch’s head made of Akumas: You dare to challenge ME?!
Lucien: This city isn't big enough for two supervillains!
Monarch’s head made of Akumas: Oh, you're a villain, alright! Just not a SUPER one!
Lucien: Yeah? What's the difference?
*Many of the Akumas disperse and create sort of this curtain, that, when drawn to the side, reveal Monarch in all his glory standing on a platform of Akumas*
*Cue fantastic over-the-top lightshow*
Monarch: *on a video screen; threatening Scarlet Beetle* This is a day you and Gay Paris shall not soon forget!
Scarlet Beetle: Why do you keep calling it that?!
Monarch: Ah, potato, tomato, potato, tomato...
Scarlet Beetle: We all know how these ends up- With YOU behind bars!
Monarch: *sarcastically* Oh, I'm shaking in my custom, baby seal leather boots! *serious again* YOU will leave Paris! Or this will be the last you ever hear of... Marc Anciel! *presses a button to show a captive Roxanne on a seperate screen*
Scarlet Beetle: Don't panic, Marc... I'm on my way!
Marc: Yeah, I'm not panicking.
Monarch: *smirking* In order to stop me, you need to find me first, Scarlet Beetle!
Monarch: We're at the abandoned observatory!
Scarlet Beetle: Ah-ha!
Monarch: No, we're not! Don't listen to him! He's crazy!
Marc: You're SOOO predictable!
Monarch: Predictable? Predictable? Oh, you call THIS predictable?! *pulls a lever that opens up an alligator pool beneath Marc*
Marc: Alligators, yes. Mm-hmm. I was thinking about it on the way over...
Monarch: *pulls another lever that reveals a hidden gun* What's this? Boom! In your face!
Marc: Cliché!
Monarch: No! Look! Watch! *brings down a gauntlet of blades*
Marc: Juvenile!
Monarch: Shock and awe! *brings up a chainsaw*
Marc: Tacky!
Monarch: OH, IT'S SO SCARY!! *unleashes a cycle of spiked boots*
Marc: Seen it!
Monarch: *frantic* What's this one do?! *unleashes a flamethrower*
Marc: Garish! *Monarch breaks down crying* Okay, the spider's new.
Monarch: Spider? *He sees a spider hanging in front of Marc. Nooroo just shrugs* Uh... Yes! The... the spider. Even the smallest bite from... "arachnus deathicus"... will instantly paralyze... *Marc blows the spider into Monarch’s eye* AAH! GET IT OFF! IT BIT ME!
Marc: Give it up, Monarch. Your plans never work!
Lucien: This is the last time you make a fool out of me!
Monarch: I made you a hero! You did the "fool" thing all by yourself!
Monarch: Over here, old friend. In case you haven't noticed, you've fallen right into my trap.
Scarlet Beetle: You can't trap justice. It's an idea! A belief!
Monarch: Well, even the most heartfelt belief can be corroded over time!
Scarlet Beetle: Justice is a noncorrosive metal!
Monarch: But metals can be melted by the heat of revahnge!
Scarlet Beetle: It's "revenge", and it's best served cold!
Monarch: But it could be easily reheated, in the microwave of evil!
Scarlet Beetle: Well, I think your warranty is about to expire!
Monarch: Maybe I've got an extended warranty!
Scarlet Beetle: Warranties are invalid if you don't use the product for its intended purpose!
Marc: *groans* Girls, girls! You're both pretty! Can I go home now?
Max: I love you, Scarlet Beetle!
Scarlet Beetle: And I love you, random citizen!
Marc: Well, let's take a look at the contents then, shall we? You destroyed Scarlet Beetle, you took over the city, and then, you actually got me to care about you! Why are you so evil? Tricking me? What could you possibly hope to gain? *Monarch looks up at him sadly* Wait a minute. I don't believe this. Do you really think that I would ever be with you?
Monarch: … No...
Marc: *On the phone with Monatch whose pretending to be Louis* I just want to thank you for inspiring me the other day.
Monarch: Oh! You inspired me too.
Marc: Great. It's time we stood up to Monarch and show him he can't push us around.
Monarch: Oh! Oh, really? *whispers to Nooroo* He's so cute!
Marc: I'm already hot on his trail.
Marc: Uh-huh, and what gives you that idea?
Nooroo: Uh, sir...?
Marc: I just found his secret hideout!
Monarch: *shouting* How did he find my hideout?! *back onto the cell phone* Uh… how did you find his hideout?
Marc: This is the only building in Metro City with a fake observatory on the roof.
Monarch: Okay. *To Nooroo* There’s no way he'll find the secret entrance.
Marc: There's a doormat here that says "Secret Entrance"!
Monarch: *turns around angrily* Nooroo!
Nooroo: *nervous* I kept forgetting where it was…
Monarch: Oh, don't like that, huh? Well there's more! *Akumatizes himself to look like into Louis as he slowly backs onto his platform of Akumas* I'm also the "intellectual dweeb" dating Monarch.
Lucien: No.
Monarch: ...And we were smooching up a storm! *makes kissing noises as the Akumas carry him off*
Lucien: *enraged* When I get my hands on you, I'm gonna–
Monarch: Yes, yes. I know. "...Bring me to justice." Oh, God. How'd I miss this? *Lucien attacks him* And the hero strikes the first blow, but evil returns with a backhand!
*after a big ball of copper has been dropped on Lucien*
Monarch: Guess what, Blood Beetle! It's made from copper. You're powerless against it. It's the very same metal used to defeat– *Lucien’s fist punches out through the copper metal* … Scarlet Beetle?
Lucien: You... should stop comparing me to Scarlet Beetle!
Marc: Hey, who needs him? We can beat Blood Beetle ourselves. I say we go back to the evil lair, grab some ray guns, hold 'em sideways and just go all gangsta on him!
Monarch: We can't.
Marc: So that's it, you're just giving up?!
Monarch: I'm the bad guy. I don't save the day, I don't fly off into the sunset, and I don't get the boy. I'm going home.
*Monarch flips TV channels in prison*
Lucien: *on TV* Monarch. *Monarch continues channel surfing until he changes back to Lucien on TV* You and I have unfinished business. I’ll be waiting at Scarlet Tower. Oh, and just so you don’t get cold feet… *reveals Marc captured*
Monarch: Marc...
Lucien: Come on, Emerald. Call for your "hero" to come rescue you.
Marc: Monarch… I don't even know if you're listening, but if you are… you can't give up! The Monarch I know would never run from a fight, even if he knew he had no chance of winning! It was your best quality. You need to be that guy right now! The city needs you… I need you…
Monarch: …
Lucien: You have 1 hour. Don't keep me waiting.
Monarch: You want me to say it? I'll say it! Here it is, from the blackest part of my heart: I AM SORRY!
Roger: Not buying it.
Monarch: *sighs* I don't blame you. I've terrorized the city countless times. Created a hero who's turned out to be a villain. I lied to Marc, and...my best friend Nooroo, I treated Iike dirt. Please don't make this city... don't make Marc pay for my wrongdoings.
Nooroo: *removing the Roger disguise* Apology accepted.
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truths33k3r4 · 13 days
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your followers, mutuals, and all the wonderful people on here! :D
(PS: Have a good day!!!)
Uh ok.. * searches brain files frantically *
Me and my family randomly quoting through a whole movie in the middle of a drive or task~ ( Seriously, this happens ALL the time- And I LOVE IT. Even during filming, if one of the crew says a line like " I found a speeider!!" then me and my sisters and cousins will go " .. Even the smallest bite from Arachnus Deathicus will instantly paralyze- OW- GET IT OFF!! OW IT BIT ME!!" And continue from there XD ( The scene I'm quoting here is from Megamind! )
Watching movies and tv shows with my family~ ( We all enjoy many ranges of films and series together, (including, but not limited to), Scorpion, Psych, the Wingfeather Saga, Avatar the Last Airbender, Gilmore Girls, How to Train Your Dragon, Home Alone 3, and many many more. :)
Having the experience of a stray cat having kittens in my home~ Seriously, I would recommend this to anyone who has kids. You learn so much on what to do during the birth, as well as you learn the weight of responsibility. Plus- ADORABLE LITTLE KITTENS RUNNING AROUND FOR MONTHS!! 10/10 stars.
Having my Mum read to me and my sisters. :) ~ Since I was homeschooled my whole life, this was a normal occurrence every day. However, once me and my sisters graduated, we all began to truly miss it, so whenever my Mum is reading something we all like, ( like the Chronicles of Narnia ), we'll all pile into the room and listen like we're kids again. <3
Writing!~ I never imagined I would write a whole fanfic of TMNT. Heck- I never imagined I would finish the whole first BOOK on said fanfic. But here I am now, currently working on Chapter One of Book Two of " the Strength in Weakness." And it just blows my mind that so many people have enjoyed reading it <3
Thanks for the ask, @burritello3000!! :)
~ Melissa
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internal-bleating · 1 year
Monsters Vs Aliens isn't that bad and people should give it more of a chance and Susan Murphy is one of the best female protagonists ever actually
!!Long Post Warning!!
People seem to collectively hate Monsters Vs Aliens and idk why. My fam and I have always loved it and me and my dad used to always quote it all the time.
Now, is it better than Megamind? No way. Megamind is a masterpeice of cinema and is very much obviously the superior movie. But is Monsters Vs Aliens THAT horrible? I really don't think so.
I watched it again recently for old times sake and sentimental nostalgia and I really do think it's kind of underated. Is the animation style kind of ugly? First off, ugly and pretty are very subjective, second, yeah I can see why some might find the character design kinda ugly with their weird porportions and Susan's huge fucking eyes. But I really don't think it's THAT bad.
Also people seem to rag on the plot a fair amount as well but the plot and message are both actually pretty awesome if you ask me.
Susan is SUCH a good protagonist ok???
Gonna share my appreciation with ya'll for her.
I know there's probably people out there that view her as annoying and whinny but like??? Give her a fucking break! The girl literally starts off as the most basic average young adult white girl you've ever seen. Like fr she was probably on the more populer side at school, was definitly on the richer side when it comes to the middle class, seemed to live in a very cookie cut suburd neighborhood, and was going to marry one of the most painfully boring and typical white dudes ever. Like this girl was DEFINITELY one of those white girls you always see youtubers do impressions of n shit.
And by PURE CHANCE and coincidence, she gets hit by a meteor on her wedding day (Also can we talk about that hysterically anticlimactic "Oof!" she lets out when she got hit and her mom just brushing off her words when she says she got hit my a meteorite like "yep, everyone feels like that" as if her daughter wasn't fucking COVERED in dirt and ash) and it completely derails her very normal life.
Can we talk about Derek for a sec tho? Like what a fucking selfish jackass! The guy KNEW how excited Susan was about Paris and yet he only cares about himself and continuesly proves he doesn't give a shit about her enough to inconveiniance himself for her AT ALLLLL. Unlike Susan who was completely ready to forget about her Paris honeymoon for him. Like I bet you if Susan hadn't had this whole thing happen to her she'd have the most miserable loveless mariage with this dude and would be in denial of it for YEARS and keep trying to tell herself he cares but probably won't realize he doesn't until way way later. This guy was going to definitly waste a good chunk of her life and leave her feeling so so incredibly lost...
She's confused and scared(seriously her hair turned white in miliseconds becuase of how distressed she was) as everyone runs away screaming and she tries in vain to calm everyone down and things only get more disorienting as helicopters and fucking military men start attacking her and she doesn't understand what she's done wrong. And we also get some foreshadowing of how strong and how much potential she has with her newfound strength yet she doesn't know that yet. A few soldiers attempt to pull her down with ropes around her arm and at first she struggles against it but as SOON as she sees Derek is in danger she's like "Hey leave him alone! Don't hurt him!" and pulls herself free with incredible ease!
So then, Susan is very understandably freaking out and panicking when she wakes up in Area 51, yelling and screaming that she doesn't belong here as she's up until now most likely never experienced such and confusing and stressful situation. And honestly I feel SO SORRY for her that whole thing must've been so overwhelming and scary. We kind of get a timeskip after she sits in the corner of her cell but I bet you she was having a breakdown for the whole first week.
Small note, the government changed her name to Ginormica. Like bruh...
Then villain introduction yada yada skipping ahead a little bit.
Quick mention of the BANGER scene where the President plays Axel F for an alien robot. One of my fave scenes in the whole movie fr.
Also mentioning how Susan is SO SO determined to get out of monster prison.
So Susan and the other monsters are tasked with fighting an alien robot in exchange for their freedom. Susan is like "Oh yes! I'm gonna see my family again!" and I don't think the thought of fighting a robot has fully sunk in yet becuase she's way more focused on the prospect of seeing her lover again.
And THEN she sees this MOUNTAIN of a fucking robot that actually kind of scared me as a kid, and it finally sinks in. They want her to fight THAT. She was not expecting it to be so fucking big. Do these people actually expect her to fight this thing?? She starts freaking out again because like?? HOW??? How is she supposed to fight that thing?? She's never fought before!
Then big action scene, comedic moments with the trio, Susan runs away from the robot scared out of her fucking mind as this huge hulking metal monster aggressively persues her. And we get an actually really funny joke where she's clinging onto the edge of a roof, scared she's gonna fall only to fall like, two inches onto her feet when her grip slips and she's like "Oh. Right. Haha.".
Monster shenanigans again, She's on the bridge and continuing to get as far away from the robot as she can when she sees a car crash happen and reflexively stops in her tracks. She can clearly see the robot just a short distance away, but instead of continuing to run, she risks closing the gap of distance she's created for herself from the robot and chooses to instead help the people who might possibly be hurt and injured. She tries to warn them even as they run away becuase they are scared of her to get off the bridge before the robot gets to all of them.
Yeah, ok, maybe it's kinda ridiculous how fast the robot closes that distance between it and her but movie logic™ ok???
The robot has her cornered, it opens up a panel with a bunch of rotating teeth, intending to GRIND HER INTO A BLOODY PASTE like can we talk about how horrifying of a situation that is?? You're literal inches from a killer meatgrinder that's angling the bridge you're on so that you slide right into a waiting painful hole of death!
Insectisaurous, another big monster she was at first terrified of, shows up just in time. You see that look of incredible relief on Susan's face as he comes to her rescue, incopasitating the robot and pulling the bridge back to it's correct angle in order to help her get away.
Susan starts frantically asking why this robot is so hellbent on killing her specifically. It's not like she's been trying to attack it this whole time! Like why??? Robot seemingly crushes her in its robot hand but then, she pries its hand back open, the gang watching in awe.
In the struggle, the robot creates a huge hole in the bridge and a couple's car starts to fall into it but Susan stop it! "You're doing great!" "I'm doing EVERYTHING!!!" - ASFDJKLHFSDLAJKHSFDJKFASD
Susan, still thinking about the wellbeing of others, prioritizes getting all these people off the bridge and away from danger. When Bob clears the way somewhat, she yells at the people in their cars to go while still wresting with the robot hand to prevent it from harming any of them.
She's obviously tiring from holding his hand at bay for so so long and knows she can't keep it up forever and that's a scary thought to have cuz she's unsure how she's going to get away from this thing. But then she takes in her suroundings and a plan forms in her head.
Once again, Susan has never had to do this before. She's just winging this and is fighting for her god damn life! She speaks to herself to hype herself up for what she's about to attempt, hoping it will work.
Then BAM! With a determined burst of strength she jumps into action, pushing the robot hand wide open before grabbing the other and pulling the robot towards her, using its weight and topheaviness to make it lose balance and fall forwards. She grabs Link whose out cold btw rn, and carries him to safety, jumping out of the way JUST in time before the robot completely destroyes the bridge where she just was as it falls over.
A peice of the bridge comes down with it and severes its head from the rest of its body, effectively damaging it enough to power it off, permanently. Susan peers over the edge of the collapsed bridge, a smile of relief that the danger has passed and she's still alive spreading across her face. She actually did it!
Villain scene and monolouge, impending doom approaching, time skip,
Susan is excitedly talking to the others as they ride in the plane's cargohold about how "Wow! I can't believe I actually did that!" and she's so so proud of herself and you see Dr. Cockroach and Bob smiling back at her becuase from their POV she's probably glowing so so brightly and looks the happiest they've seen her ever. Her confidence is at skyrocket height right now! And yet, she can't help but long for her old life. She tells them how she's going to find a way to become normal again and that Derek will help her because he loves and cares about her and won't rest until they've fixed this(poor thing doesn't realize how much of a shitstain Derek is yet).
Bob (yeah he's the comic relief but i feel like people greatly underate how honest and genuine he can be like come onnnnnn(also yes I added him to my kinlist idgaf)) is like "Wait but you were just talking about how you're so strong now and how there's not a jar in this world you can't open" and yeah the whole line is played in a comedic light cuz Bob seems to only care about whatever food is in the jar she can't open but I feel like it's a little deeper than that.
After hearing about how great Derek seemingly is, the gang wants to meet him and Susan is like "Yeah sure I'll gladly introduce you guys!" and they all arrive at her home and she looks so happy to be back!!
Her family is kinda wary of the gang but she reassures them they're all chill and introduces them as her new friends, showcasing how far she's come relationshipwise with the three of them(since she was scared of them and found both Bob and Dr. Cockroach gross when they all first met. She legit tried to kill Dr. Cockroach when they first met like wow.)
Another example of Derek not caring, he doesn't show up to welcome her home from prison. Susan runs off to go get him so they can all celebrate together.
The monster gang tries to adjust to society and does their best to be friendly and nice but everyone is still super scared of them and it doesn't go very well...
Susan is SO SO HAPPY to see Derek again! She forgets how big she is and how strong she is in her excitement and Derek is kinda... understandably distressed when she picks him up, swings him around, almost suffocates him and almost crushes him. When Susan realizes this she immediatly apoligizes to him and puts him down.
Derek proceeds to show just how much of a fucking dickwad he is. When he asks her if he expects him to put his whole career on hold to help her, she's like "YES???" like bro this girl was ready to make the sacrifice of her PARIS HONEYMOON that she was VERY VISIBELY LOOKING FORWARD TO for your benifit!! Derek breaks Susan's heart and she's completely at a loss now. Everything feels like a lie. She leaves her home to go off to where she does not know.
Once again, yes, I KNOW it's kind of an impossible reach for the monster trio to show up right then. And ONCE AGAIN, I'm claiming movie logic™.
Bob once again being incredibly blunt and honest. Makes the whole gang face the fact that everyone hates them and doesn't want to be around them.
Heard somone bring up and praise the "We could save every city on the planet and they'd still treat us the way they've always treated us. Like monsters..." and honestly, fucking correct and valid.
They all have that quiet sad moment together.
Link tries to lighten the mood by asking how things went with Derek, the seemingly perfect and accepting loving guy Susan has sung the praises of for her entirety of her time with them in prison(seriously Link's whole response to her talking about him in that one scene way earlier implies she talked about Derek NONSTOP). He and the others do not yet know he's a prick as Susan had just discovered.
Susan finally accepts the fact that he's a selfish jerk as she tells the gang so.
"There was never and us! There was only Derek! Why did I have to get hit by a meteorite do realize that??" - Girl go OFF!!!!
She gets a good old rant out and in the process realizes that she doesn't have to feel lost. She's gonna be just fine without him because she's fucking amazing and has four new awesome friends now. She tells them just how awesome they all are and that none of them have to be accepted by society. They all have a character turning moment where Susan has learned she loves this new her and things are looking real up for the five of them! But then, of course, something has to go wrong.
Galaxar's ship shows up and abducts Susan. Insectosaurus tries to help her again but is hit by a ball of energy from the spaceship's cannon. He lets out the most heartwrenching shriek and we get an actually really sad scene as Susan is pulled into the ship and Link, knowing there's really nothing they can do for her in that moment, rushes over to his friend.
"Don't close those eyes. Don't you DARE close those eyes!" *Insectosaurus's eyes slide shut* "You can't..." - LIKE COME ON THAT WAS FUCKING SADDDDD AAAAAAAAAA
Susan has a confrontation with Galaxar, the villain of this movie. They have a very "You have gotten in my way for the last time" "I don't know who tf you are!" moment.
Susan has a moment of clarity where she's like "Wait, all of this is YOUR fault??" and she realizes that he's the reason her whole life was derailed and why she suffered all this trauma of her wedding day, being taken away from everything she's ever known with no hope of ever seeing her family again, and almost dying in a fight with a robot. He's why her fiance wants nothing to do with her(not defending Galaxar or anything for this cuz he did a lot of horrible shit but he really did her a solid by derailing her life cuz as i've stated before, Derek would have ruined her life in the long term if all this never happened to her).
Galaxar is all smug during this.
"You destroyed San Fransisco, you terrified millions of people, you killed my friend, just to get to me??" - My poor girl really out here still putting other people before her and caring more about them than herself...
Galaxar is so sure he's got the upperhand, so sure he's safe from her becuase of that forcefeild. But nah, Susan is fucking LIVID now and breaks through that forcefeild.
She proceeds to break through every barrier Galaxar puts between himself and her becuase she's learned just how imposing her power is now. She's chases after him through the ship like "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KICK YOUR ASS!!!" and Galaxar is actually genuinly scared of her as he's fleeing.
And because we still got a fair amount of run time to go, and because we still need our protagonist to struggle a bit, Galaxar manages to trap Susan in the extraction chamber just as she's about to get him. She's still glaring absolute daggers at him through the glass though. He looks back at her, smug expression returning. She then slams her hands into the glass and it STARTS TO CRACK!!! Galaxar is getting scared again and jumps back but he also commands the computer to begin the extraction process.
Susan is determined to break out and get to the person responsible for everything that has happened to her in the past month, but as the Quantonium is removed from her body, her pounds on the glass get weaker and weaker and soon she's no longer cracking the glass. Her now much smaller hand weakly presses against the glass one last time before the chamber retracts and she's left lying there back at her original size.
And even after all that, and even though Galaxar now towers over in instead of the other way around, she still meets his gaze with her own determined glare.
Side note, I know it's supposed to be a joke and all but im really curious about why exactly Galaxar came to the conclusion of destorying his whole fucking planet.
"There were innocent people on my home planet before it was destroyed!"
"Well I'm sorry your planet was destroyed..." "Oh don't be. I was the one who destoryed it" - Idk this whole exchange is just really clever to me. Like talk about speedrunning the whole trying to sympathsize with the villain and then discovering they really are just a bad person trope LMAO.
Another big skip,
Link is still mourning Insectosaurus, and both Bob and Dr. Cockroach are unsure what to do. Link takes the intiative right then and there.
"We're not gonna let Insecto die in vain. We're gonna get up there, find Susan, and we're gonna take that alien down!" - HELL YEAH BRO!!!
Skip skip, they get onto the ship, they find Susan(Galaxar was going to throw her into the incenerator. As a pyrophobe, WHAT a horrible way to go out wow), Bob fucking murders somone,
"I can't believe you guys actually came for me ;-;" "Us monsters gotta stick together" - Like holy shit that's so adorable.
Poor Susan isn't sure if she can even call herself one of them anymore becuase she's small again :( (Only thing different is that her hair is still white)
Dr. Cockroach assures her she's still awesome.
Skip again,
Big epic fight scene. Link actually gets to do shit this time and isn't unconscious.
They set the ship to self destruct and the doors to the chamber begin to shut. The gang rushes to reach the doors before they close all the way. They manage to get Susan through the doors right before they shut but the trio isn't so lucky.
The trio urges Susan to leave without them but she doesn't want to.
"You can finally get your old life back..."
"But I don't want me old life back!" - SHE DOESN'T WANNA ABANDON HER FOUND FAM FR!!! She finds a way up to the control chamber where Galaxar is priming the escape pod and intending to leave with the Quantonium.
"Are you crazy?? You could've killed me!" "Then we understand eachother." - fuckin baller line.
Susan demands for him to open up the doors and release her friends but he's like "lmao make me" and then when he goes to climb into the escape pod, she stops him and they have a scuffle that ends with her holding him at gun point like "You better fuckin do it right fucking now buddy!"
"Even if I wanted to I couldn't! That's what happens when you set the ship to selfdestruct!! Now we're all going to die! And there's nothing you can do about it! Sooooooooosan." <- says her name in a very mocking tone.
And Susan is like "Actually I can do something about it" "And the name is Ginormica" *points the gun up and shoots it at the thing holding the Quantonium so it falls on her* - FUCKING BAD ASS!!!!
So Susan is big again, she saves her friends just in time, She jumps off the small platform they were huddled on just as a peice of the ship comes down on top of it, smashing through the floor of the ship. The four of them grab onto eachother and dangle thousands of feet above the ground, Susan clinging on for dear life to the bottom of the ship.
She loses her grip and they all start to fall but they're caught by somone.
Turns out Insectosaurus isn't dead!! He's a butterfly now!!!!!
They all fly away to safety just as the ship's automated computer voice counts down.
Galaxar is frantically pushing buttons on the control panel since the escape pod doesn't work without the Quantonium. He covers his ears and squeezes his eyes shut as the countdown ends.
"Three, two, one."
*distant bird call*
"Hmm, nothing happened, maybe my count wa-" *ship explodes* - This part had me DYINGGGG the first time I saw this movie.
Butterflyosaurus lands before a crowd of cheering people.
Susan's parents are all proud of her.
"Oh Susan, ever since you were a maybe, your dad and I knew that you'd... you know, save the planet from an invasion from outterspace" - Can we talk about how fucking weird this must've been for them??? Like yeah it was scary for Susan, but imagine how her parents must be feeling; like their only child started growing into a giant at her wedding and then she was taken away from them to some place unknown and they didn't hear anything from her after that(bet you the government deleted her birth info and denied she ever existed and was straight up gaslighting them into believing they never had a daughter.) until suddenly their duaghter is on the news becuase she fought a giant alien robot and I wonder if they knew she almost DIED doing it.
Derek shows up then, makes a shitty attempt at apologizing to her- no wait he DOESN'T say he's sorry, nah he doesn't hold himself in the wrong. This fucker.
"Baby I thought long and hard about what I said, and I wanted you to know, I forgive you." "... You forgive... me?" Susan is visibily perplexed at this.
"Yes it's not your fault you got hit by a meteor and ruined everything. In fact you didn't ruin everything. I just got a call from New York. They offered me network! All I gotta do is get an exclusive interview from you!" - Yes, he's only "forgiving her" cuz it benifits him. I cannot believe I saw people in the comments of a video about MvA saying she should've forgave him like ya'll are fucking stupid.
So Susan is like "Oh wow reallY?!?!?! Cool! Hey is the camera still rolling?" And Derek, unaware he's fucked up, says "Of course lol!" So Susan proceeds to break up with him on live television and then flick him up into the air. She also tells Bob to catch him so he doesn't splat onto the pavement.
Bob then tells him off for being a selfish asshole and Derek, now humiliated, tells them to shut the camera off.
and honestly??? FUCKING DESERVED!!! Hope that clip becomes immortalized as a meme and you are forever branded as the idiot who icon monster celebrity Susan Murphy broke up with on live television. also 100% convinced that the group of people on the internet who have a huge thing for giant women hate Derek for turning down having a supersized wife like all of them would KILL for that COME ON BRO!!!!
A slug apparently got turned into a Kaiju in Paris so the gang all fly off into the sunset to go deal with that and the movie ends~ LIKE HELL YEAH SUSAN YOU FINALLY GET TO GO TO PARIS YEAH!!! After all the shit she's been through she deserves at least that.
There's a fair amount of things I didn't mention but I think that if anyone reading this hasn't seen Monsters vs Aliens before, or hasn't seen it in a while, you should give it a watch again/for the first time. You don't HAVE to, but I recommend.
Maybe some of the jokes aged poorly, maybe some of the humor is kind of childish and unfunny, maybe its full of outdated "HEY LOOK THIS MOVIE WAS IN 3D!!!" bits, but I fucking love this movie ok???!?!?!?!?!
It's in no way perfect and in no way one of Dreamworks best films ever but I feel like it isn't necessarily one of their worst ones either.
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icyfox17 · 11 days
8. favourite movie (from this ask game)
stardust is one of the movies that i just? adore ? idk its so special and unique and fantasy and ARGHGHHGH i love it
kung fu panda 2 is a comfort movie of mine def one of my favs
infinity war i was OBSESSED WITH like i rewatched it 7 times in the span of 2 weeks kjfjskd its def one of my fav mcu movies but since im not assss into the mcu anymore its not AS much of my fav movie
winter soldier i probs actually consistently rewatch more than iw i love winter soldier so much holyshit
ive seen megamind so many times i can quote that movie backwards istg (exaggeration but like. still)
home alone's my fav christmas movie hands down. it's so iconic
oh spiderverse is just incredible
tmnt mutant mayhem is one of my newer favs its SOOO AWIOFEJAWEF explodes
spirit stallion of the cimarron is my childhood fav movie. i rewatched that so many times i broke the dvd lmaoooo
star trek is REALLLY GOOD the one with chris pine... oh also transformers another childhood fav its sooo <3
i really like dreamworks movies lmfao
okay those r all from the top of my head but there are a lot more
OH ONE LAST ONE middle school worst years of my life changed me. its such a goofy movie but like. bro. it emotionally ruined me. i love it so much I CRY EVERYTIME AND IT INTRODUCED ME TO THE STRUMBELLAS WHICH WAS THE START OF MY MUSIC TASTE FORMINGGG
oh speaking of slice of life indie movieeeessssss perks of being a wallflower!!! okay i think thats all now LMAO
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threebooksoneplot · 6 months
Episode 31 - "Ism Bingo" (Show Notes)
listen along here
General New Moon content warning for ongoing discussions of suicide! Also discussed in this episode: various instances of anti-native racism, plus
Self-harm: 01:25:29 — 01:29:36
Ableism (including ableist slurs): 01:38:04 — 01:40:20 and 01:54:08—01:55:32 (G’s second Euphoria & Agony excerpt)
[00:01:11] Kacie right now
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[00:06:06] The results of the Euphoria & Something title poll and epigraph poll
[00:06:25] Once again, Byron’s Manfred
[00:07:43] "Agony" from the Into the Woods movie adaptation
[00:09:33] The Megamind pronunciation of “melancholy”
[00:11:27] More from the Dark Noon and Euphoria & Agony cover contest, plus the winners!
[00:12:49] Catch James in Episode 30
[00:19:32] Bella and especially Beau for 6 miles in their new hiking boots
[00:24:33] The funny ask we got about how edbella would consider minor things cheating
[00:27:00] “Olivia Rodrigo style” + 3B1P’s official still-in-progress New Moon/Season 2 playlist
(and the completed 3B1P official Season 1 playlist)
[00:35:50] Stephenie Meyer discussing the writing of Midnight Sun plus a screenshot from this similar InStyle article G refuses to link because they can't even get Stephenie Meyer's name right
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Smeyer's blog Q&A on the writing of New Moon plus the BYU symposium recap where she talks about imagining child loss
[00:42:12] We quote it twice per episode so if you haven’t seen this clip yet then where the hell have you been loca, but: the origin of My Hungry Guys
[00:47:46] Monster Garage and Pimp My Ride
[00:49:10] G’s list of other Discovery Channel shows Beau and Julie could watch: Ace of Cakes, Planet Earth, Man vs Wild, Guy’s Big Bite
[00:58:18] Olivia Rodrigo's good 4 u
[01:01:35] "Black people CAN sell drugs"
[01:01:56] Laurie, the scary drug dealer lady from Euphoria
[01:19:25] A Tumblr meta about one possible explanation for Bella's "adrenaline junkie" behavior
[01:22:44] What do you think—how does Hallucination Edward compare to the hallucination scene in Jane Eyre?
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[01:25:36] G’s "loose bear in the neighborhood" chronicles, in case you missed them last episode
[01:38:44] Some dictionary definitions of "gimp:" (cw ableism)
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[01:40:01] (Profound, world-weary sigh) and "gimp suits"
[01:50:25] Beau's Riverdale reference
[01:51:13] The mines of Moria
[01:49:07] Euphoria & Agony chapter 7 - "Repetition" and chapter 8 - "Epinephrine"
[01:57:11] Dark Noon chapter 7 - "Isaac Randall"
[01:59:58] The original "Coke Zero brown eyes" post
[02:00:13] AO3-Exclusive BONUS Dark Noon chapter 8 - "Guilt"
[02:02:20] “That Death Cab song on the album” ("Meet Me on the Equinox")
[02:03:01] Bella's Book Club November info
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buginateacup · 1 year
I was tagged by the ever lovely @alabaster-moon who I am sure will suck me into that Sherlock Holmes anime one of these days just from sheer osmosis
3 Ships: Has to be Megamind and Roxanne, even though they're on thin ice with this whole writers block they've trapped me in right now. Leslie/Julie Higgins from Ted Lasso because you know what we deserve some joy in our lives and I have no idea who/how/when any other relationship might resolve itself in that show. And Don John/Hero from everything perennial has written in Much ado about Nothing even though I always picture the cast from the Tennant/Tate adaptation.
First Ship: Margaret and Hawkeye from M*A*S*H* which in hindsight absolutely does not work but probably says a lot about my urge towards enemies to lovers.
Last song: symmetry by SYML which is one of those soft accoustic songs that builds to a crescendo like jumping off a cliff
Last Movie: The D&D movie. I had a great time and we're still quoting it weeks later
Currently Reading: The Iron Giant, a Ted Lasso fanfic that will drag you backwards over broken plot glass and break your heart but it's so long and SO GOOD!
Currently Watching: It's Ted Lasso all the way baybeeee. Don't ask me how many times I've watched Amsterdam or The Strings that bind us now because I've lost track. Also thinking it's time for another Hoozuki no Reitsu rewatch soon.
Currently consuming: A plum oat bar from the market and a cuppa.
Currently craving: An escape from this writers block that has me by the throat and not in a fun way.
Tag list: @teal-individual @cornistasiathecoblinking @thatfilthyanimal @displacerghost @bleakmonday @trent-crimm @owlinabasket @jicklet plus anyone else who wants in
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mottlemoth · 2 years
I'm having surgery soon and will be down for the count for 3 weeks minimum. What shows and/or movies would you recommend I binge watch while laid up?
I hope all goes well for you, friend ❤️ These are all just personal favourites, but the characters are easy to like and I find them very rewatchable/relistenable:
Cabin Pressure - actually a radio drama, but I feel like I've "seen" it a million times now (and will see it a million more). Very very funny, with lots of heart as well and fantastic characters. So easy to binge. If you like Good Omens, the writer of Cabin Pressure is now involved with season two and I'm so excited about that.
Black Sails - the first season is... very different to the rest. They were finding their feet, trying to be Pirate Game of Thrones. Then season two takes off and it's amazing. Flint 💔 My sad grumpy son. It's angsty and queer as hell and glorious.
Lewis - if you like British murder mysteries, I love Lewis. James Hathaway (the detective sergeant) is also a sad grumpy son I shall keep forever. Mydwynter has written amazing fics where he gets a lovely boyfriend to sort him out. (Also, because it's a British murder mystery, you can play Where Have I Seen That Actor Before.)
Galaxy Quest - awesome movie, all about fandom. Just the best movie. The best plot, the best ending. Alan Rickman's absolute peak.
Megamind - I feel so bad for Megamind, it kinda got buried under Despicable Me when it came out, and I think it's amazing. Really funny and warming and clever. (If you're like me and love queer-coded villains, this is the film for you.)
God's Own Country - intense and deep and healing, especially if you're gay. Superb acting and directing. I wept for days. I love that it's so emotionally complex and still has a happy ending. Gheorghe ❤️
Rings of Power - my wife and I just finished watching series one, it was good! I'm obsessed with the dwarves. Elrond is also now in my collection of adopted sons.
Ocean's 8 - I'm so mad that hysterical men got this written off as a bad film, it just isn't. It's funny and clever and cool.
Jumanji - the new one, with the Rock in it. I feel bad for assuming that this would be a bad film. I don't even know why I thought it would be. It's fantastic. (I like things that are funny and have some heart to them, and this does.)
Ghosts - I haven't caught up with the new series yet, but I love these guys. I've loved them since Horrible Histories and I will love them in everything else they ever do. (I first watched Horrible Histories in my mid-twenties - it's hilarious for adults as well as kids, I can quote maybe 55%-60% of it and sing all the songs. I should have put this higher up the list. It's fantastic easy viewing and always makes me feel better.)
Taskmaster - it's not fiction, but it's British comedy at its best, easy to watch and so very very bingeworthy. Season 4, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are my favourites so far. Comedians do stupid tasks; it's as simple and beautiful as that.
That's... probably enough for now, I think? I hope you find something to amuse you ❤️ If anyone else has any recommendations for good shows and movies, please add in the replies.
(Or if you are a fan of any of these things and want to yell at me about them, DM me pleeease.)
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gohoubi · 1 year
Please help me assign some of my favorite movie quotes to a Snowpiercer character!
Quote: "Here's my day so far, I went to jail, lost the girl of my dreams, and got my butt kicked pretty good. Still, things could be a lot worse. Oh, that's right. I'm falling to my death."
a) Which Snowpiercer character says this?
b) What is the context?
& secret c) If you can name the movie this quote comes from you can have a gold star! :)
AJSKKS I CHEATED I SEARCHED UP THE QUOTE I have never seen Megamind tho. I remember it being everywhere when I was a kid.
a) Wilford, because all that stuff happened! He went to jail (the library) lost the girl of his dreams (Audrey or Melanie depending on who you ask) and got his butt kicked pretty good (suspension drug to the heart). And he could say 'I'm falling driving to my death' cuz he's in the track scaler!
b) He's trying to make a fourth-wall-break documentary in the library so that people can remember it. Ya know, cuz he's dying.
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pandemonium-puppy · 1 year
Fun fact: the only way Megamind could have purchased “custom baby seal leather boots” would have been through Inuit craftsmen (or, more commonly, craftswomen). They are the only people allowed to hunt seals in Canada, and continue to sell their skins *to this very day* as sustainable seal hunting is a MAJOR part of Inuit culture. It’s basically their main food source, as imported processed food tends to have absolutely outrageous prices due to the difficulty of supplying it and the seals are like. Right there. And they’ve been eating them for thousands of years. Seal hunting has actually been regularly acknowledged as “easy marketing” for environmental organizations like Greenpeace despite the potential harm to native populations, as seals are pretty much universally recognized as cute, making it extremely easy to vilify the hunting of them. The baby harp seals (those little white angels you see in all the marketing) aren’t the ones being hunted either, only older harp seals, bearded seals and ringed seals. You might say “oh but he probably paid a poacher or something” but we have direct evidence that he will go to the ends of the earth to find proper sources for his evil supplies, getting most of his his retro techy stuff from an “outlet store in Romania” (quote; Minion). So really, in attempting to act as evil as possible by simply hearing what popular culture says is good and doing the opposite, he is unintentionally actively supporting a marginalized group of native artisans, and accidentally being a better person than anyone in the Canadian government (big words coming from an American I know but they way they treat First Nations folks up there is just as bad as we treat the poor bastards here).
TL;DR: by wearing custom baby seal leather boots, Megamind, incredibly handsome criminal genius and master of all villainy, is actually doing a Very Good Thing!
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So I stayed over with my friend last night after a Halloween party. The other people there and the two who stayed the night with us were all people I've never met before since they all went to my friends school. I expected to be left out of the loop. I've had a very bad week and I've had thoughts about suicide often this week. I was the first there and when everyone else showed up I felt very included. We all played cards against humanity, my first time playing, out in the duck lodge my friend's dad had. I did good and laughed the hardest I had in a long time. We ate tacos together and talked about the clubs we were all in and about school. We painted pumpkins while we watched Megamind and quoted it in unison. Everyone complimented my pumpkin which was painted like a Frankenstein. We made s'mores together in the microwave. When everyone left but the four of us who were staying the night we did the blind, mute, and deaf baking challenge. Even though I let them do the challenge they made me feel included while I watched. Then we rented Twilight and hilariously reanacted the scenes. We could barely take a breath before we busted out in laughter again. This morning me and one of them got up before the other two. We made coffee and ate cake for breakfast while we talked on as if we had known each other for years. We ate leftover tacos again and then cheese dip as we played another game of cards against humanity again before I had to leave.
All of that to say this. Go out. Have fun. Meet people. It might be just what you needed. I went into this party expecting to be left out and hoping it was over. Instead I made four new friends, laughed so hard that I could barely breathe, and upon coming home realized that life is still worth living because you don't wanna miss out on times like that.
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