#like yes i know we broke up but TEXTING TO ASK THAT IS SO NASTY
leafsimming · 11 months
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Year 7, Summer
baby daddy being a twat as usual but look crystal learned to blow a kiss<3
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biblio-smia · 1 year
lay close and listen [ethan landry x reader]
pre-ghostface / no ghostface alternate - spoiler free!
masterlist | requests are open!
pairing: ethan landry x gender neutral reader
warnings: brief angst, fluff
part 2 now posted!
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Ethan Landry was a loser. It was an undeniable, irrefutable fact that no one could help but admit with a shrug and a small smile. Ethan had friends, yes, but was a loser in the sense that he had no smoothness when it came to romance, unlike the Meeks Martin twins. He had no charm like Tara did and he lacked the ability to flirt that Quinn regularly equipped. He didn't have your magnetism or sweetness that drew everyone in until they were completely, hopelessly, in love with you.
The universal truth that Ethan Landry had no game was suddenly and shockingly disrupted at the news that Ethan Landry had a girlfriend.
You, as his best friend, were the first to find out.
You sat there, on Ethan's bed in the room he shared with Chad, in utter surprise. Your eyes were wide and your mouth agape as you tried to feign happiness.
"Ethan, that's- that's great! Who is she?"
"Her name's Amy and she has Calculus with me." Ethan said proudly, a blush dusting his cheeks.
"Oh, so she's smart," you teased lightly, your brain still catching up to process the information.
"No, she's totally failing. I already promised to help her, though." Ethan was clearly proud of himself, grinning from ear to ear. Your smile, however, faltered at this piece of information.
You knew that Ethan's definition of help was very different from yours. It wasn't a bad thing, but he tended to go above and beyond for people, even when they didn't deserve it.
Your heart clenched as you began to suspect the worst of this girl. It was your intuition, you'd argue, although another nasty feeling was brewing right beside it.
"So, did you guys go on a date? I mean, aren't you moving kind of... fast?"
"Do you think so? I mean, she kissed me already, so—"
"What?" That nasty feeling got bigger, moving into your throat and clouding your head.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked, the hurt you felt reflecting in your voice.
Ethan's shoulders slumped as he analyzed your reaction, anticipating a different one. All he could do was shrug, feeling the heat on his face increase and water pool in his eyes.
"That was your first kiss, Ethan." You stated as if he wasn't aware. "Those are supposed to be special."
"Is she not special? She's the first girl to like me, ever. She's the first one to actually see me as something other than—" Ethan's voice broke as the tears forced their way down his face.
"Ethan..." You tried, placing your hand on the one shielding his face from you.
Ethan pushed your hand away, getting up to turn away from you.
"I thought... I thought you'd be happy for me." He stated, voice still quivering despite his arms crossed from his spot in the corner of his room.
You had no reply, other than to get up and leave.
「 ... 」
Ethan didn't interact with you or the group much after that. You thought it was your fault until Ethan sent you a funny post — his way of letting you know you two were okay again when neither of you wanted to apologize.
Ethan's absence was starting to concern the rest of the group, however. It took Chad to say something for it to become a proper discussion.
"It's his new girlfriend," Chad grumbled, swinging his legs off the bench. "I mean, it doesn't even sound right. Ethan and girlfriend?"
You rolled your eyes at the comment.
"It's not just that — I mean, his girlfriend is truly a ... not great person."
"Chad, ever so respectful of women." Anika joked.
"I'm serious! I mean, as soon as he left the room she acted like she owned the place. It's my room too!"
"Sounds like a territorial problem, not a her problem." Mindy concluded. "Just say you're jealous Ethan got a girlfriend before you did." Mindy shrugged, entirely uninterested.
"But he's never around anymore. He barely texts in the group chat, we barely know he's alive!" Chad argued.
"You room with him. I'm sure you see him enough."
"Well," Tara interjected. "He's not wrong." Chad smiled at her gratefully. "He's always hanging with his girlfriend and never with us."
"I'm always hanging with my girlfriend." Mindy countered.
"You kill two birds with one stone." Anika smiled, placing a kiss on Mindy's cheek.
"You guys know how he is. He's probably a mess around her and doesn't want us to see that. He might just not want to introduce her to us." Mindy's eyes fell on you, who had been sitting quietly this entire time.
"Why don't we ask the Ethan Landry expert?" She stepped towards you with a smile.
"What's Ethan's middle name, birthday, and Social Security number?" Mindy moved her phone from her mouth to yours as a fake microphone.
"Very funny." You rolled your eyes playfully, moving Mindy's phone out of your face.
"No but, for real," Chad took a seat next to you, completing the Meeks Martin sandwich. "What do you think about Ethan and his girlfriend?"
Your eyes glanced nervously from Chad to Mindy, then to Tara and Anika closing in on you. You were trapped.
"Well..." You said, staring down at you lap. "I'm not... the biggest fan of her?"
"I knew it!" Chad shot up, a stubborn smile on his face.
"Ugh." Mindy rolled her eyes, head falling onto your shoulder at Chad's ego boost.
You gently pat her arm, comforting her through her loss in the argument.
"Now my friends," Chad began, clapping his hands together. "Is the first order of the Anti-Amy Association."
Collective groans left everyone's mouths as you all collected your things and headed different directions, various excuses leaving your mouths as you left Chad, a determined expression on his face despite his scattered army.
「 ... 」
The complications between Ethan and his girlfriend began small. Ethan began a routine of showing up at your dorm, unannounced and annoyed. You'd let him rant about Amy and comfort him in any way you could. Your final piece of advice was always the same: break up with her. Ethan would leave your room with determination that would disappear once he was 10 feet within Amy.
You began growing tired of the never-ending cycle. You made your annoyance clear the next time Ethan came over with steam to blow off.
"You know what I don't get? How she can be so mean to Mindy. They don't even know each other!" Ethan exclaimed, shoving another angry handful of popcorn in his mouth.
"You know what I don't get, Ethan?" The anger that'd been pent up had finally reached its limit. "Why you don't just fucking break up with her. She treats your friends and everyone around you like shit! How long are you gonna defend her just because she's your girlfriend?"
Ethan's face hardened as your words processed, already making moves to leave, only sparing you one final glance.
"Maybe because she's the only fucking person who actually loves me." Ethan shut the door behind him, but his argument sounded weak to his own ears.
「 ... 」
The next time you saw, or more accurately heard, Ethan was when he came knocking on your dorm room in the pattern he always did. It was uniquely his and it notified you of his presence immediately. You shot up from your seat at your desk, opening the door and allowing space for Ethan to walk in. He was playing with the hem of his shirt and avoiding your eyes. Something was bothering him.
His unresponsiveness made you pull him in for a hug, a tight one that you reserve for moments like these.
Ethan relaxed into your touch, letting out a heavy sigh.
After a few of his favorite snacks that you always kept a ready stock of, Ethan was ready to talk.
"I'm sorry." Ethan started, shame washing over him. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," you smiled. "We all did."
Ethan sighed, flopping down next to you in your bed.
"It's over." He mumbled. "I just... really wanted her to like me. And, I do think she does, but she doesn't like me me."
"More like the idea of you?" You suggested.
"Not even. She likes my potential." Ethan sighed in defeat and you felt your heart ache.
"She told me..." Ethan took a breath. "She told me I was hot but that was it. She said I was a 'fucking loser with no personality.' She thought I was gonna have sex with her and secretly be this, like, magic sex god, or something..." Ethan tried for a laugh but it fell short.
"And maybe she's right." Ethan went on. "I mean, I think everyone can collectively agree on that, at least."
Angry tears pooled in your eyes, but you wiped them before Ethan could see. You turned over onto your side so the two of you were face to face.
"Ethan. You're a loser who doesn't know how to talk to girls." You stated, watching the shock strike Ethan's face. "But you're more than that. You're smart and you work hard. You're funny and sweet and helpful and kind. Sometimes you're so much of a people pleaser I want to slap you—"
Ethan laughed and you noticed he had tears in his eyes.
"But you're one of my favorite people, ever."
"Even if I can't talk to girls?"
"Especially because you can't talk to girls. It makes me love you a million times more."
Ethan hugged you so hard he knocked you onto your back, his silent tears creating a wet spot on your shirt. You rubbed his back soothingly, playing with his curls in the way you knew he liked.
"So," you started once his tears were dried. "Do I have my best friend back?"
Ethan nodded, laying his head on your chest as you held him close, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head. Your hearts raced in tandem, each of you mistaking the other's pounding heart beat as your own.
"I'm not going anywhere ever again."
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starvels · 11 months
Cw: Fatphobia, body shaming, disordered eating, suicidal ideation
We talking about that “””banter””” in Marvel’s Avengers when the team bullied Tony about his weight and he talks about being on a juice cleanse?? Because I hate that so, so much. Like. Tony was depressed! and isolated for 5 years!!! And like, Not Doing Ok!
@blossomsinthemist was talking about it and like :(((((( https://www.tumblr.com/blossomsinthemist/721606463816105984/nat-may-claim-she-never-broke-cover-to-help
Plus the fact that it’s heavily implied Nat, that takes part in the bullying, KNOWS Tony was depressed and suicidal https://www.tumblr.com/blossomsinthemist/721588267817025536/i-need-more-fics-out-squareenixs-steve-coming-to
And like you said, he is still thin in the game, but like, so what if he wasn’t? Tony can be any shape and he wouldn’t deserve that! He could still be any shape and still kick ass in a literal power suit. Like. :(
(I kinda liked how I’m the game Tony seemed to have a bit of a hunch to him, man’s a workaholic that is either typing or leaned over a work table and I liked seeing that in a character design (tho it might just be a bad rig and all the characters have it, it’s just hidden under their costumes), but -11000099999 points for the ““banter””. EG Thor all over again)
yeah! that is what i was referring to in this post. as i'm watching playthroughs to make MA content for STG, i found this scene so off-putting and it reminded me of a lot of other ones i've seen in comics. & feeling just the general vibe reading a comic that i am never gonna get to see fat people be heroic. especially not at least, without emphasizing that they're a fat person sure, but they are still heroic, don't worry!
fat heroes' heroism always comes as a caveat to their body shape and weight.
but yes blossoms' point here abt tony and perception of self and internalizing a lot of judgement values about his appearance and how fun it is to explore that are so apt!
blossoms always handles tony's relationship with his own body in such compelling and intricate ways that are very tender and vulnerable. and i agree! i also like exploring these themes and playing with how tony relates to being a public figure, as well as how he relates to himself and the ways in which he feels pleasure or contentment or beauty or pride.
to blossoms+anons second point, abt nat knowing, yeah. if you read it just in-text, it can be really complicated by their own individual and combined relationships to trauma and processing and how much info they are sharing between them. that's always very interesting to eke out of interactions w the two of them -- two people who can guard their hearts and heads so intensely.
but taking a meta-textual approach to it, i flat out think when people ascribe their own -isms to characters, they are not thinking about how it fits a character's personality or interpersonal relationships.
we, as the fans, do the labor of asking how it can be internally consistent for a character that grew up without bodily autonomy, that knows intimately how loss and trauma affect your bodily functions, who knows exactly how tony fights and what it takes to do that, who knows that bodies are only one tool in a whole box -- makes fun of someone who trusts her, on her team, for potentially gaining weight. we hypothesis and convolute the relationship and infer from the absences of a canon text. the writers don't have to do any of that work. and that more than anything generally proves to me how shoehorned in all the -isms people apply to characters are.
they're not thinking three levels deep. and to be honest, i like our collective 3 level thoughts better than there, so ! phooey on them!! they don't get a seat at our table.
it literally doesn't matter what your body looks like if you're designing a metal suit to go around it that is based on non-physical input to function. and tony's found family should abso-fucking-lutely not be (even jokingly) shaming him for disordered eating and suicidal ideation, esp not during a battle lol. but yes, tony should have a hunch and neck problems and whine and use a heating pad and tiger balm too much <3 beloved greasemonkey sun.
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calypsoff3 · 2 years
Forty one. Part 4
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It does hurt to have my son on that hospital bed; I don’t like it and it’s bugging me but I can only be optimistic that it’s for the best. They wouldn’t allow this if it wasn’t necessary, to watch him just close his eyes and his hand leaving mine. It hit me, I didn’t like it but I’m trying to be there for Robyn, I need to be there for her and I know she’s hurting right now. All we can do is wait around for him, I mean it’s the most painful wait. Looking down at my watch, Robyn is having a shower well I think she’s finished but she’s having one in the hospital. She was mad I didn’t bring her shower cap but the hell do I know, she should wash her hair then. Really thinking about it, nothing matters but my kids, they are the only ones that matter, and they deserve me to be the better me, but I’m trying “the worst shower on earth” Robyn walked into the room “well you stinking of me Robyn, I’m hungry hurry up. We can go down and eat” Robyn smiled holding the towel around her body “you getting changed in front of me?” She nodded her head “where else? Can’t you handle yourself?” I sniggered “what makes you think I can’t? Ain’t nothing I ain’t seen twin” she took in a deep breath and opened the towel, my face dropped seeing her body and then she fixed the towel around her body “that is better” she smiled at me, I nodded my head “have some shame, Raihan is in surgery and you’re being nasty” Robyn gasped “you’re so nasty!” She spat, which made me laugh out “you have a shame kink; I just know it” I pointed “a shame kink, nigga shut up!” I laughed out “then why did you show me your body? You wanted me to do what? Whip my dick out” Robyn side eyed me “our son is having surgery, have some shame” she is so full of it “Nurse! Nurse! She’s escaped!” Robyn threw her brush at me, I quickly moved to the side “shut up! Annoying ass” she makes me laugh “I thought I would tell you that your dad text me about Raihan and that he’s thinking about him” I forgot about that man, I thought he died “he’s still breathing” I shrugged “Chris” Robyn said my name like I said anything bad “Robyn Rihanna Fatty” Robyn turned around “you’re so annoying” I love annoying her “get dressed then I am watching” she squinted her eyes and then closed the curtain; oh she ain’t shit.
Walking behind Robyn with my hands in my pockets, we need to eat, and she wants Starbucks, she is being so annoying because this is not going to hit the sides “what do you want?” Robyn asked, “you buying?” I asked, she shook her head laughing “erm” rubbing my stomach looking at the things “erm” stood at the side of Robyn “erm what?” Nudging her as I leaned down “I want two of the impossible breakfast sandwiches and a Croissant the chocolate one” looking up and seeing the worker just staring with the biggest smile on her face “you can literally reach over and get it for me” Robyn said complaining “mhmm well you’re offering” she’s asking me to do it “it’s ok I can do it for you both” the lady said “oh thank you” Robyn laughed shaking my head “can I have an extra breakfast sandwich please, anyways what drink you want sir?” Robyn thinks she is being funny “well I know what you will have, an iced latte because you’re boring. Erm, what the hell do I want, go down” I said, I am not even sure what to even have. I am not a big coffee drinker either “what is your favourite drink?” I asked the lady working here “mine?” she said pointing at herself, she is young, you can tell “yes, what is yours? I want to know you favourite so I can get it” she looks flabbergasted that I even asked her “mine, well I go for the white chocolate mocha but I think you will really like the white hot chocolate” I squinted my eyes “if you say it is nice then go for it” I grinned “oh yes” she looks so happy “then go for it” Robyn mimicked me “don’t be mad” nudging her to walk to the side “she is paying” I pointed “I ain’t got no money, I am broke so she is paying” looking behind me “always let the woman pay” I said to the man that is just stood here “ain’t you Chris Brown though” I shrugged “I could be but I am still going to let her pay” Robyn is so annoyed with me, and for nothing.
Sitting across from Robyn “why did you mimic me? I barely said anything” she popped her lips “you literally smiling, and she liked you, I don’t like her and whatever” oh Robyn is dramatic “she’s a young girl, please grow up hag” I yelped moving back “fatty and now hag? Keep going, honestly. You literally have grey hairs! Talking to me about hag” she is such a liar “you don’t even have real hair so I can’t tell if you have greys” Robyn doesn’t know if to be angry or laugh at me “enough!” She spat, I giggled to myself “wow, I missed you” I just blurted it out “mhmmm you do, well you have a new home now. You don’t want to know me or my bed” licking my top lip “I want you, I always want you” I defended “ok, let’s be real then. Like you tell me how does this work with us, with you being in that house and me being in our home? Do we share the kids? What happens” she asked a question I can’t answer “I don’t know, I am going to be real with you. I am enjoying the home I am in, that is me being real Robyn. I don’t want to upset you or anything but I am really enjoying the home, it’s what I am” I admitted “but I miss my husband Chris” chewing on my bottom lip “I will accept that we are working on us, I will take that but Chris. You need to think on how I need you home. I need you to think if you want me, because being with me includes you being in the home with us, I am serious. For now we will work on us so I won’t press on it but it doesn’t work. How would you feel if I lived elsewhere and came when needed and didn’t sleep in the same bed as you? Unless I wanted sex, I get you came not for that but it happened, how would you feel if I didn’t stay?” she asked me “not good” I mumbled “that is all I wanted to hear, thank you” looking at the worker, she has bought us over the sandwiches, that was nice of her.
I feel content now, I needed that. I don’t feel as moody now “Robyn” I sat forward “I get where you are coming from. I can’t answer when you say how would it work, it can’t but then I don’t know what to do. When I need to escape or have space it’s there, but I can’t be with you and be there, I don’t know” I shrugged “I am happy you recognise that Chris, that is all I need to hear. I just want us to start concentrating on us, we need too don’t we. Please” nodding my head “I really was upset about the whole birthday thing, can we talk on it?” she asked “not like you to ask” smiling at her “I am trying to approach things differently, I am trying new things to make us better Chris. That is why” letting out an oh “these issues can be pressing but if I approach it differently, then you will respond better. I have been researching you see” Robyn has been, which makes me smile “appreciate it but I am listening” clearly I know it upset her “I feel like you didn’t give me a chance to actually you know, do anything. I am going to be real with you and say that I didn’t have anything planned and that it was something I was going to do when I came back but when you came to New York it did throw me off totally. I do remember that Jah and everything was saying happy birthday and all that, it was on my mind, but I had a lot on, a lot was happening, but I feel like you didn’t give me the chance and then Raihan, him being here and how you told me and how he was. It did throw me off and I was angry with you Chris, truthfully I was because he to him, even me. Is a random man, and it’s like me leaving him with Rich for all that time. It did annoy me but then it all went off and we went through the disagreement and you said what you said, which it did upset me. I understand that I probably did hurt you that I didn’t, but I am sorry” I sat back taking in a deep breath “see the only person that mattered was you and you didn’t say anything and that for me, it did hurt me, I just wanted that but I know you had a long day and with the whole Jay thing but you could have just at least said, sorry Chris I know it’s your birthday, not even that. It hurt but I am over it and if I said anything to hurt you I am sorry too, you know when I get in that mode I just lash out” Robyn chuckled “I know” she knows me well, she knows how I am.
We are able to sit with Raihan in the recovery room while he comes around, he is being monitored but we are here with him too “he is going to be so moody when he wakes” Robyn is stroking his face “he will be, I am happy he is out but now I need to see his eyes open, that is the next thing” least the operation was successful “Chris, can I ask something of you?” looking at Robyn “I love you” I said to her, random but I do “I know you do poppa but, my family will be coming to visit Raihan, hopefully at the house, I know you not here for fake shit but really, you’re doing it for me. Can you be there for me, at the house? I am sick of looking like a single mother, or they assume we aren’t together when we are, please?” furrowing my eyebrows “what are you asking of me?” I don’t know why I asked when she just said it “be there for me, be at the house with our kids, in our home. Please, it’s not about doing it for show but more that you’re there, please for me. I know your dad will be there but you have the right to be there” I groaned out “if my mom is there then ok” Robyn stared at me and then looked away “to start drama?” I shrugged “if that makes you happy” oh I wasn’t expecting that, I did think she would make a show about it, that would be interesting “I just want you there for me Chris, that is all I care about” nodding my head understanding.
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sleepdepravity · 7 months
DISTRUTHS - case 5
Immediately, everybody swarms Akane with questions. Akane becomes a very limited infodump machine, because like, well. Guess she ought to.
In terms of why they’re here, well. Long story. As they know, they were all chosen to go to this weird prestigious school. The first year was pretty normal. The second year, though, something happened where there were suddenly riots going on outside. The public had turned against the school for reasons Akane doesn’t really know, and then things just kept Getting Bad, and so the headmaster, like a sane person, relocated every student to her huge secret base she apparently has??? (This is the base they’re in.)
They were meant to continue school here, but given all the stuff that had gone down, the students in general were just kinda losing hope and drive. So the headmaster, like a sane person, decided that the best way to resolve this was just have everybody forget all the nasty business outside. She enlisted certain students to help carry this out, which included Akane as the surgeon. Since Akane couldn’t do surgery on herself, she couldn’t undergo the operation.
The day the murder game started, she hadn’t even been aware there was something wrong until it clearly was (Shinobu shouldn’t have been here, and then it turned out everybody had lost a Lot of memories, the headmaster wasn’t around, etc.) and she felt it was safer to just say nothing for now.
Seki didn’t seem particularly bad, but Akane hadn’t hung out with her much. She did seem more dour over the course of the year though.
Yes, Mori is the headmaster’s daughter, she didn’t go to the school but she kept hanging around. Her and Yuu were an item, actually. She also hung around with Seki. Akane thinks she’s a creep.
Akane doesn’t know anything about the chips or how they work, all she knows is how to put them in people’s brains and, hypothetically, take them out.
Hypothetically, because she doesn’t know what the chips will do if she just. Takes them out. Or how it’ll affect them.
Everybody has to take some time to digest this. And then, oh shit, what about Tsubame, where did she go
They try looking around upstairs again, and in the headmaster’s office…there’s a phone and what looks like a master key that hadn’t been there before.
Matsui recognizes it as her phone. When they check it out (after a lot of back and forth about whether it’s a trap or not) they find that they can’t make outside calls or access the internet or anything. Some sort of limited network thing going on, it seems. It does have more pictures of their school life, though, which is a bit hard to go through, considering.
Weirdly enough, Matsui has new texts. Recent ones. From Tsubame.
When they start trying to see if they can text back, Monobear suddenly appears, asking what the heck they’re up to. They hide the phone and key and are like, “oh nothing, just checking this place out and seeing if we can find a way to find out where you are and/or escape, darn, looks like we can’t, oh well, let’s go guys”
Everybody crams into Matsui’s room, which is the closest, then tries to text Tsubame. The text goes through, and they’re able to have a quick convo with Tsubame that boils down to, “I’m fine for now I’m just hiding, only text me when Monobear can’t see, I found the key in the office after I broke in and the phones came from the room across from the office, you should check it out”
The room across from the office seems to be a storage where all of the student’s belongings were locked up. This includes mounds of Noboru’s notebooks, which he is immediately eager to go through. Monobear makes an appearance again, looking like he’s going to try to chase them out, but then he changes his mind, figuring that it doesn’t matter anyways at this point.
The only items that were locked in the room seems to be anything that was related to the outside world or that would have hinted at whatever was wrong outside. So this includes newspapers, magazines, and photos.
There’s also a trash chute in the wall.
The key also unlocks the remaining doors. The top right corner of the second floor is a high tech computer room. None of them are connected to the internet, but they seem to be connected to the camera feeds.
There’s another door inside the room, painted with a Monobear design, which seems to imply the mastermind is inside. When they discuss whether they should try to storm in, Monobear immediately shows up and says, if you do, I’m killing you outright. No jokes.
One of the computers also has a weird file system or program or something, that has folders with each of their names that are filled with files of an unknown type, all named with long, incomprehensible strings of text. The only people without folders are Akane and Noboru.
The implications of this are also not lost on everybody, but Akane quickly says that they really shouldn’t mess with anything here it would be extremely stupid.
The last unknown door on the first floor turns out to go to a basement. The basement is mostly a wide, open space. There’s a deep pit, with ladders carved into the walls. It connects to large, steel doors.
There’s a button that clearly opens the doors, and when they try it out, a bunch of alarms start blaring and the doors open…and a bunch of water rushes in. They close the doors immediately.
Akane says she doesn’t know what’s up with that. She’s never been in the basement before. She also doesn’t even know where this “secret base” is located, since they were transported by (as far as she knows) armored trucks, and thus she couldn’t see outside.
The basement also is connected to a large freezer. They find previous bodies in here and immediately leave again.
Another door turns out to lead to the courtroom, where they don’t linger.
Now that they’ve seen the whole place, they retreat to Matsui’s room for another private discussion.
Katashi immediately says he doesn’t trust the phone, it’s too convenient. Either the mastermind put it there during the trial or Tsubame is actually in cahoots with the mastermind.
The counter argument is that the mastermind giving them a master key is way too helpful.
Meanwhile on the phone, Tsubame asks for some medical supplies. Akane agrees because in this case it doesn’t matter if it’s the mastermind or not. If it’s the mastermind doing a trick, then there’s no harm. If it’s Tsubame and she really needs help, they need to do it.
Tsubame tells them to drop the supplies down the trash chute. She apparently has escaped down there. There are apparently lots of tunnels that she’s planning to explore and see if she can find a way out.
Next few days, there’s a lot of Monobear taunting and petty remarks and threatening stares. Also, continued texts from Tsubame. Since it’s Matsui’s phone, she’s the one who talks to her the most and relays any info. Kotone and Katashi also tries to keep involved.
Matsui in particular seems to cling to Tsubame very strongly.
Tsubame asks them to drop trash in different chutes, since that would tell her where certain places lead. Also will chat and give encouragements. If confronted with distrust, she’ll fully admit that that’s valid and doesn’t necessarily defend herself, just let’s them conclude what they will.
Monobear makes his next move by heavily implying one of them is his spy. Everybody (including Tsubame) concludes this is absolute bullshit.
Then Monobear makes remarks that when someone broke into the office, they stole some important documents, and it doesn’t seem like whoever it was has shared those important documents. Wonder why that is, hm? What’s up with that????? Hm????????
It’s pretty clear that Tsubame was the one who exploded the office open, so she’s the likely culprit for any stolen documents. She says that while she did blow up the office, she didn’t have much time for stealing documents, then implies that she did have an accomplice helping her. Then says that the accomplice shouldn’t say who they are.
Why not? Because it could be dangerous, this sort of sounds like a Monobear trap. If the accomplice did manage to steal important documents though, it would be a good idea to pass them along to her.
The idea is to leave the master key in a hiding spot everybody knows, then the accomplice can use it to get in tsubame’s room and drop the papers down the trash chute (also everybody’s room has a trash chute). The accomplice can do it whenever it feels safe.
Everybody decides to follow along with this. The next few days, tsubame reports that the papers haven’t come. Sometimes wonder if the papers don’t exist.
One day, everybody wakes up to find Tsubame’s door open, and also, Noboru’s body halfway out.
Brief freak out about whether he’s dead or not, but there’s no body announcement discovery, so thankfully he’s alive. Then someone notices someone else in Tsubame’s bathroom, and it’s tsubame. Who is definitely dead. And now they have to investigate her death.
It’s now clear that, yeah, Monobear messed with them with the whole phone thing, and he gloats about it for a bit. Rude.
Noboru wakes up, overall fine, but his notebook has pages ripped out, which he freaks out about. Because essentially, the notebooks are his memories, and having them destroyed is distressing.
Matsui is pretty despondent during the whole investigation.
Tsubame’s body had been placed in the tub, submerged in water. There’s dried blood in her mouth. One of her wrists has been slashed open. The other one has old scars.
She also has some clear bullet wounds and has been pierced through in places, and bits of her clothes are singed.
There’s also red hair found at the scene, which is strange because nobody has red hair, not even Seki.
Papers that were presumably meant to be delivered have been dropped at the door. They’re about…I don’t know because I hadn’t made it up.
That’s basically it. Not much to investigate.
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thedarkestofmysoul · 9 months
DE #3
Some people in your life are nice and kind to you while some others are mean and nasty. There are even some who ignore you or are indifferent to what you are going through. Do you allow their behavior towards you to affect how you treat yourself?
Right, so normally I do not let people affect the way I feel. My emotions are apart from theirs and their behaviour. However, I have this one flaw. When I see a potential future with people, I let my guard down. I let it down so the kindest part of my heart can shine through. For some reason, I will always be a bit more cold with my guard up to protect my soul. I am extremely resilient because I have been through so much pain already in my life, so my standard is to have this wall no one can get through unless I let them, meaning they can hurt me, otherwise they cannot. With this person, I felt like he was genuine, he was kind, he told me sweet things and I didn't feel like he was capable of hurting me so I let my guard down. Oh, how I was wrong. He did hurt me, badly. So over the past two weeks, I have been surviving instead of living because I am dealing with a constant heartache and bad intuition. I have lost 3 kg now because of it. I have been trying to find ways to build my guard up again. I have not been texting him as much, restricting myself from thinking about him, ... but it's hard. I must realize that he does not care how I feel or what I think. If he did, his actions would match up with his words. For this, I feel stupid in that I believed he would not hurt me even though my intuition told me he was no good news. I must realize I need to distance myself and let the other girl have him. I must realize that I am better. I showed him my gentle soul and he took advantage of it. He took it and broke it into pieces. I must realize and tell myself that my life must not be affected by his behaviour. I must tell myself that there are so many other people just like him because that is the truth. He is not unique. He is just another person, taking advantage of the gentle heart of women who try to be good to him. He is just one of so many. The hardest part of this is believing in myself. My head knows this is true, and knows I deserve so much better because I have so much to give. However, my heart does not want to believe it, my heart wants to give more chances to him. Furthermore, I am pushing my emotions away, I am pushing the sadness and sorrow that I feel away because I don't want that in my life. I have to let myself feel before I can heal. I am going to focus on that today and let every emotion out of my system so I can finally move on. I have to. Life has shown me that it can be abruptly stopped. In just a second everything can be over. So, I have to ask myself, if I die tomorrow, would I regret this yes or no? If I die tomorrow, would I have sorrow or would I be happy? If I die tomorrow, would I be in peace or not? Right now, my answer would be yes, sorrow and no. That is enough for me to have to make a change. A change for the better. I am above this situation, I am above his behaviour, I am above him. My goal in life is not to represent sorrow, sadness and depression. My goal in life is to represent pure love. I want to be pure love as I am a giver. I want to be love in itself because I believe that is the core of every human. Love is what we are born in. Babies do not feel sorrow, hatred, depression or sadness. Babies only feel love, they love to live, they love to breathe, and they love to explore their surroundings. So, let me be love, and love others. But to be pure love, I must be able to let go, I must be able to place myself above everything that hurts me and let it go. I have to stop thinking and tricking myself into living in an abominable reality. Imagination forms reality, so let's try and trick myself into believing I am just love, that I am strong and resilient and that for every loss, something better will come in return. Let's try until I make it.
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strwbrrysteam · 2 years
June 22, 2022
Today me and my niece went biking and sat at the fountain for a bit THATS about all I did today but yes on to the Rachel sitch
So basically me and Rachel started talking again because Hannah sent a TikTok to our group chat that we hadn’t used in a really long time and was just like it was like something stupid like it was like some people scarf from town rolls from Logans and she was like this really for real used to be us and I don’t know it just went down in history or whatever that’s just when we start talking again so boom then I will say about a month and a half to two months we’re talking we’re besties again we go everywhere together again we literally see and talk to each other every single day other time I was like obsessed with getting piercings so every Friday basically every Friday I will go and get a new piercing a.m. so they had been seven Fridays in row where I wanted to get a piercing but Rachel would always be “asleep“ or she just wouldn’t see my message “wouldn’t see my message“ and he just pissed me off so bad so in this particular day I had a doctors appointment because I had this really nasty lump under my arm on my armpit and it hurt really bad and I had to get it drained because it was like a cyst or something cyst sorry I’m using voice to text cause I don’t feel like typing all this so boom I was are you scared so ago in a text Rachel she text back and then not even like 3 to 7 minutes later I text her again and she just stops responding she stops responding until like 5 o’clock in the place usually the dude at the piercer does not take any more people past five so I was mad rightfully so all right sounds like OK whatever Aaron my day was already on terrible I was like OK I can just go and get it in my self somewhere different so I went somewhere different by myself and I sat there waiting for like two hours they completely ignored me for most of the time and when they did they asked me what I wanted they didn’t have me sign any papers and then they let somebody that was getting a tattoo go in front of me so I just left got my car and started crying so and then a few more minor inconveniences happened that was just really grinding my gears you can say and then on top of all that my car broke and the brakes fell out of my car and it was really dangerous but thankfully I was safe safe and I called Rachel she declined it and she was like what do you need them out I’m out so I was like never mind never mind M she was out with Hannah which you already know so yeah they just made me even more mad and actually I ended up having a mental breakdown about this because I was like well why was driving that night but like a different night too I was like a nobody cares about my feelings nobody cares about whether or not I’m mad so I should just get over it I should just turn off my madness turn off my feelings because obviously nobody cares about them anyways and I almost into a car accident because I was crying so hard while I was driving multiple times but yeah so I ended up being stranded for like I want to say five or six hours until mama woke up and saw my text messages where I was like please wake up I’m stranded and yeah so after that I was like whatever but before that had happened before my car broke down and forgot like this was like a week in between when Rachel called her self mad at me whatever and the or maybe it wasn’t I’m not sure but home after she had texted me like hours after the time where he gets a patient was over at this part in the same day I’m not sure I don’t really remember but yes it was the same day she text me back and she just said… Like literally spelled out dotand it was made me so mad so I just ignored her for like I want to say three for five hours because what am I supposed to say to that U already made me wait tillI can’t I can’t go to the piercer anymore the doctors appointment is over what am I supposed to say and obviously you don’t care because all you have to say is… So two days after the… Incident I was like you know what I’m over reacting I’ll send a TikTok till like clear the air like clear the smoke or whatever and she left me on open so I was just like what reason do you have to be mad
At me so a week later I didn’t even plan on going to her house but my lip piercing ball fell out so I was like I don’t care about whatever she call herself mad about I’m not letting this person close as I work so hard to keep it open so I called her and I’m just like I’m over there to get my lip drawing and I go over there so I confront her I’m over there I’m like what’s wrong with you like why are you mad at me basically but I was like doing it in like a goofy way you know what you like why are you so mad at me whatever Wawa wow I forgot you can’t hear my tone because this is just voice to text is not actually a West message but yeah I was doing it in like a funny way because I was like I don’t like serious conversations and just the whole time she was like well it’s not my fault that you were having a bad day like and she’s did admit that she probably went to sleep even though she knew that she made me late to my appointment seven times so I was like yeah OK whatever and I’m pretty sure like a week after that happened I blocked her on everything I I could not take the idea of somebody not care about my feelings and I cared so much about there’s any more like this I can’t do that not anymore so yeah that’s the tea man GTG
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avenging-fandoms · 3 years
“Do you think John B can fuck you like this?”
Where rafe gets jealous when the reader spends too much time with John B.
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rafe was a jealous boyfriend, even if he denied it every time you brought it up. he got really defensive and jealous when you hung out with the pogues- especially john b.
since middle school through freshman year of high school, you were 'in love' with john b. you had befriended him, and you two eventually 'dated.' it was middle school, so how serious was it? you two kissed twice and he broke up with you via note during study hall.
rafe thought it was like you two were married and got divorced, and he thought you were still hung up on john b. you met rafe middle of sophomore year, and suddenly you forgot who john b was. ever since then, for 4 years, it's been rafe and only rafe in your eyes.
you still hung with john b, he was a big part of your life. he was around for big changes in your life even after he broke your heart for a week in middle school.
you and john b laid out on your towels in the beach, soaking up the sun after surfing for hours. "so.. how's rafe?"
"he's rafe. but i love him. how's your love life?" you smile and roll on your stomach, cheek on your arm as you look at your best friend.
"i don't have one. haven't had interest in anyone since isabella"
"oh yeah! isn't she the one with the dad who threatened to rip your.. thing off?" you both laugh and you check your phone, sitting up and stretching. "i have dinner with rafe in 2 hours so i'm gonna head home and get ready. see you tomorrow?" you did your special handshake with john b and he nods, waving to you as you head inside. you text rafe you were all done at john b's and he texted he was on his way.
you put on your shorts and one of rafe's button ups but left it open, smiling as you saw rafe's car pull into the driveway. you shouted your goodbye to john b again before jumping into rafe's car. "hi baby" you smile and lean over, rafe holding your face and kissing you slowly. "oh.. hello" you whisper and bit your lip, rafe smiling.
rafe drove off and kept his hand on the stick shift, drumming his fingers on the leather. "so.. did you have fun with john b?" he asked, his tone cold. you smirk under your hand and shrug.
"yeah, we went surfing for a bit, had some really nasty beach sex then just sunbathed for a bit" you thought rafe broke his neck with the speed his head spun to face you. you burst out laughing and rafe shakes his head, spitting his toothpick out the window.
"you think that's funny? ah, alright" rafe adjusted his hips and slouched a bit, leaning his chin on his fingers as he drove with his right hand, never looking at you until he got to your house.
"oh rafe, come onnn i was kidding!" you touch his elbow but he just ignores you, and you bit the inside of your cheek as you stared out at the buildings until you were in your driveway. "i'm not getting out of this car until you look at me, rafe" you unbuckle your seatbelt and turn your body to him, rafe's finger rubbing over his lip and pointing to your house.
"your parents home?" he asked and you shook your head.
"no, they're on that work trip until friday" you answer and rafe smirks, getting out of the car after shutting it off. he came to your door and opens it, throwing you over his shoulder and you grab your bag. "rafe! rafe what the fuck!" you laugh and let yourself dangle, smacking his butt playfully. "okay, so you won't look at me but you'll kidnap me? makes sense"
rafe went inside and took you to your bedroom, his hand spanking you a few times and you kicked your foot up as his rings stung your skin. you drop your bag and he put you on the bed, holding your face and squishing your cheeks together as he smirked down at you. "we'll see how funny you think you are after i make you unable to sit for weeks"
you gulped and rafe sat down on the edge of your bed, pulling your shorts and bikini bottoms off. he bent you over his knee and massaged your ass in his hand, striking down and you yelp as his ring hurt. rafe purposely moved his rings onto his right hand as he spanked you so there was more when he spanked you.
you let out whimpers and moans, apologizing to rafe over and over. "rafe, please, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry" you gasp and he sits you up, smiling and placing his fingers under your chin. "i'm sorry" you whisper and close your eyes as he kisses your chest, and you went to take off his shirt but he stopped you.
"keep it on. when i take it back, i want to look at it and remember fucking you" he mumbled against your skin and pulled your bikini top string, sliding it over your head. rafe put you on the bed on your stomach, kissing each red cheek and running his finger over the welts from his rings, making you hiss. rafe smirks in victory, biting down softly.
"fuck, rafe" you whisper as it hurt, but also felt good. rafe undid his belt and pulled his pants down, and you spun around, rafe tapping his cock against your mouth. he gripped your hair and you pushed your head down, rafe moving your head for you and thrusting into your mouth slowly.
"yeah, take it.. take it all. good girl, mm" rafe smiled as you gag, pulling you away. rafe collected the spit from around your mouth and stroked his cock, pushing you back to the bed. he pulled your hips up, pushing his tip into you and you whimper as he squeezes your tender ass. rafe didn't start with slow thrusts, he fully went into rough thrusts and dirty words.
your fingers gripped the bed sheets and you moaned, rafe bunching your shirt in his fist as he continued to pound into you. "do you think john b can fuck you like this? have you moaning and screaming? come on, sweetheart, let him know who fucks you this good" rafe held your hair and you whimpered, moaning rafes name over and over again. "good girl, tell everyone who fucks this pretty pussy this good"
"yes, fuck rafe, you do. fucking hell" you push your hips back against him and spin onto your back, grabbing his face and kissing him sloppily as he thrusts into you again. "you, rafe, only you. always. i love you" he pressed his forehead against yours, eyes fixated on yours with his fists next to your body on either side.
"i love you baby" rafe mumbled against your mouth, and your fingers gripped his hair, both of your legs over his shoulder as he bites your calf, repeatedly hitting your spot. "fuck i love you, cum all over me, i can feel you close. cum all over my cock"
rafe's thrusts were rough and fast as he brought you to an orgasm, and his cum spilled on your stomach. you hum and stroke him softly, pumping him cleaning. you smile as you scooped some on your fingers, licking them clean. "you are so sexy, baby" rafe whispered and kissed your thigh. "can i send a picture of you covered in my cum to john b?"
"ew! no! you can take one just never send it to anyone" rafe's eyes lit up and he took out his phone, taking a picture and you laugh. rafe got a wet wash cloth and cleaned you off, and you headed to the bathroom.
you whimpered as you sit on the toilet, and rafe fixed himself in your mirror. you head back into your room and sit on the bed slowly, hissing as your ass softly grazed the sheets and you rolled onto your stomach. "what's up, do you need help?"
"can you just put ice on my butt or something, it really hurts" you pout and rafe smirks. "it's not funny!"
"ah, so mission accomplished, hm?" he winked and kissed you, going downstairs and grabbing ice. he grabbed some vaseline as well, heading back upstairs. rafe pressed the ice against your ass for a couple of minutes, then put on vaseline and you hum.
"you're right" you sigh and he looks at you. "it wasn't funny, i've learned my lesson" you look up at rafe and he bites his lip softly, kissing your head. "can we just stay here for dinner? i don't think i can sit down and eat anywhere. he can order pizza and hang in the pool so i don't have to sit"
"sure, can you put on bikini bottoms or will it hurt?" he asked and you looked at him with a smile.
"skinny dip?" you smirk and his eyes lit up again, making you laugh and he held your face, kissing you. "rafe" you both laid on your sides and you rubbed your thumb over his cheek. "i'll always come back to you, rafe. i love you, and only you"
you and rafe spent the rest of the night in the pool, having rounds 2 and 3 in the pool and hot tub, eating the pizza and listening to music, just enjoying one another.
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thequackcity · 3 years
Quackity and Schlatt’s Relationship - More Complicated Then You Think
(this is all /rp and about the characters from the dream smp! pls assume i have the dignity not to write analysis of youtubers)
recently there was a bit of discourse surrounding the relationship between Quackity and Schlatt floating around on tumblr. tho i never saw the original post that sparked the conversation, i did see a few posts that were inspired by it mentioning how they disliked that the original post implied that Quackity and Schlatt were mutually abusive and/or equally bad for each other 
since i never saw the original post, i can't be sure if that's what the op meant to imply. it's not really my place to speak about a post that i never got the chance to read. BUT the conversation that was caused by the post in question did get me thinking about how this fandom treats the relationship between Quackity and Schlatt and how little nuance there is in discussions about it
now before i say anything else, i want to make a few things clear:
i don't think Quackity and Schlatt’s relationship is mutually abusive. no need to worry about hearing that from this post
i don't look down on ppl who have different interpretations of their relationship
there will be potentially triggering content in this analysis. i will place a quick warning whenever i think one is needed!
their relationship is romantic in canon and therefore i’ll be treating it as romantic
alright now that we’ve gotten all of that out of the way, we can finally get on with the analysis! i apologize for how long this is gonna be
part 1: let's talk relationship!
i think we can all agree that Quackity and Schlatt’s relationship was not exactly a healthy one. tho it didn't start out that way, it certainly turned into what could be read as abusive or toxic (i personally read their relationship as being abusive in its later half due to evidence provided by the text, but i understand if others prefer to view it as just toxic instead)
but what happened that led to their partnership ending so badly? what caused all of this mess?
well, it was a lot of things. but we will get to that later. let's talk relationship first!
from the very beginning, Quackity and Schlatt’s relationship was pretty one-sided. tho they both clearly liked each other as friends/partners in crime both before and after the election (yes they did interact before the election!) Quackity was also interested in Schlatt romantically- something that Schlatt wasn't fully committed to
as we all know from the infamous date stream and from a few other moments, Quackity and Schlatt enjoyed playfully flirting with each other- tho it was pretty obvious that Quackity was more serious about it then Schlatt was even tho Schlatt considered Quackity to be very attractive
in my opinion, Quackity is someone who wants a long term relationship, while Schlatt is more interested in flings. this can be seen in Schlatt refusing to marry Quackity and rejecting most of his advances while Quackity tried his best to convince him to feel otherwise. Tommy put it best: Quackity is just one of Schlatt’s many bitches U_U
to Quackity, the romantic aspect of their relationship was very important. because Schlatt never actually shot him down or told him that he didn't feel the same way, Quackity took that to mean that they were truly in love. Schlatt on the other hand wasn't very invested in the romantic side of things but clearly valued Quackity’s looks and his support as an ally against Pogtopia so he never fully rejected Quackity’s advances
this might not seem like too big of a deal considering the other things that happened between them, but i think it shows part of the nature of their relationship. there is a lot of miscommunication and, on Schlatt’s end, manipulation of emotions. love is a strong motivator for loyalty and Schlatt is a smart guy who would know how to use that to his advantage
but that isn't to say that Schlatt didn't ever care about Quackity!
Schlatt is a complicated guy and figuring out when he's actually being genuine can be pretty difficult. but i think there are some moments that point to Schlatt genuinely caring about Quackity
when he was alive, Schlatt was pretty paranoid. not as paranoid as Wilbur, but certainly up there. but there were never any times where he truly questioned Quackity’s loyalties after his first day as president. Schlatt also seemed truly upset that Quackity betrayed him, bringing up their status as partners in crime while ranting about how much it hurt him and singling Quackity out while talking about how he had been abandoned during his time of need
Schlatt also spent a lot of time sulking after Quackity betrayed him and whining to Ponk about needing a new bitch. this is in contrast to how angry he was after Tubbo betrayed him- both during and after the execution
there is also the situation with the Big Man Gym 
after being dead for a while, Schlatt contacted Quackity despite them leaving off on bad terms and asked for him to visit him in his cave gym. when Quackity showed up, Schlatt talked about how he valued their relationship and the good times they had together. tho this can easily be seen as emotional manipulation, Schlatt’s a lot smarter than he seems and- if he doesnt have memory issues due to being a ghost- would know that Quackity’s opinion of him was in the dump at the time of his death and most likely wouldn't have improved since then. Fundy has a higher opinion of Schlatt than Quackity does and is someone who obviously craves validation. but Schlatt went to Quackity first anyway and trusted him to help revive him
i think that this is all good evidence that points towards Schlatt truly caring about Quackity as much as someone like Schlatt can care about anyone- or at least valuing him as a companion
i also think that it is pretty common knowledge that Quackity cared about Schlatt- and possibly still does- but i will go over a bit of evidence that i haven’t already mentioned before we move on to the next part
Quackity tried multiple times to impress Schlatt (like when he lied about knowing how to play chess), would attempt to help Schlatt when he was drowning in water, sadly said that they could have had something together while Schlatt was dying in the caravan, and implied that he wouldn’t have left if Schlatt hadn’t taken down the white house. Quackity also willingly went to the Big Man Gym after being summoned there by Schlatt and wanted to revive him long before the revive book became part of the story
part 2: what made it fall apart?
everything i've said so far has been pretty interesting (hopefully) but it doesn't really answer the original question: what went wrong to turn Schlatt and Quackity’s mainly positive partnership sour?
well it comes down to two things in my opinion: their incompatible desires for political power and Schlatt’s deteriorating mental state
Quackity wanted political power from the beginning and wasn't afraid to be open about his desires. he pooled his votes with Schlatt because Schlatt offered him the position of vice president, something Wilbur and Tommy weren’t willing to give to him. tho Quackity obviously cared about L’Manburg and wanted to see good things for it, he also desired power and was willing to team up with someone he didn't fully agree with to get said power
at 32:40 in this video, Quackity talks about how in politics everyone uses everyone so it's alright if Schlatt is using him. he then talks about how he doesn't want to be a man with no power and how he understands that Schlatt’s main goal is also gaining/keeping power. Quackity also shows a bit of his naughty evil side by saying if he overthrows Schlatt then the fun ends too early! 
(side note: these two are pretty evenly matched in intelligence and manipulativeness, i love it!) 
it's a bit of a fandom misconception that Quackity was a love sick yes man during the Manburg era. tho Quackity did want to please Schlatt and was in love with him, he didn't shy away from standing up to or disagreeing with Schlatt when he believed it was needed
at around 26:12 of this video, Quackity and Schlatt meet together in private and Quackity tells Schlatt off for playing down his role in the power structure of Manburg. since this was very early in Schlatt’s reign, Quackity shows no fear towards him and confidently tells him not to treat him like that
Quackity also broke Niki out of jail after regretting letting her be put there in the first place, tried to convince Schlatt to not execute Tubbo, jumped in front of Fundy when Schlatt tried to attack him, tried to stop Schlatt from tearing down buildings, and attempted to protect the white house he built from being destroyed by Schlatt. these are not behaviors of a pure yes man but of someone who, despite fear, has the confidence to speak up for himself even when disrespected by someone in authority
Quackity has always been someone who wanted power and someone who was never a yes man to authority. this contradicts with how Schlatt believed Quackity should act as vice president. in Schlatt’s opinion, Quackity’s one job is to sit around looking pretty while Schlatt does all of the important things and holds all of the power. Schlatt was a big fan of promoting people to worthless positions of authority and its pretty obvious that he considered vice president to be similar to the fake positions he gave Fundy and Tubbo 
in the end, this was a big part of what destroyed their relationship. like it or not, Quackity’s a power hungry guy and always has been. he didn't like that Schlatt constantly shoved him aside and refused to listen to him
now onto the nasty bit...Schlatt’s mental state
cw for mentions of alcoholism, mental deterioration, and abusive behavior  
before i say anything more, i just want to say that i don't think having issues with alcoholism makes someone a bad person. i personally have some issues with such things so it would be pretty stupid of me to say being an alcoholic makes you a bad person. alcoholism does negatively affect your cognitive functions tho and, combined with other health issues, can cause some of the very serious mental problems that Schlatt clearly struggles with
throughout the Manburg era, Schlatt’s mental state rapidly deteriorated. he went from a pretty normal- if eccentric- guy who had a drinking problem, to someone who was delirious most of the time. it's a sharp and noticeable decline that caused a lot of pain for Quackity due to Schlatt often taking his excess aggression out on him by yelling at him and/or belittling him. tho Schlatt often belittled Quackity before he went fully off of the deep end, it was never as aggressive as it was when he was in this delirious state of mind
it was during one of Schlatt’s most aggressive and delirious moments that he tore down the white house despite Quackity’s protests. as we all know, this caused Quackity to snap and kill Schlatt (it's more complicated than that but we will get back to that). as mentioned previously, Quackity implied that he would have stayed with Schlatt if the white house hadn’t been destroyed
in my opinion, these two things combined are the biggest reasons why Quackity and Schlatt’s relationship fell apart. their differing desires for power were not compatible and Schlatt’s awful behavior while his mental state declined caused a rift between them that couldn't be fixed
part 3: how toxic was it really?
cw for emotional and physical abuse 
as i said all the way back in part one, Quackity and Schlatt’s relationship was not healthy. i have provided many examples in the other two parts that shine a light onto why it wasn't healthy, but i didn't show the entire picture
there are many moments that show exactly how Schlatt treated Quackity when he was acting at his worst and none of them are pretty. tho Schlatt was never truly aggressive with his insults until he started to go off of the deep end, that doesn't mean that what he said wasn't negatively affecting Quackity
Schlatt would belittle, insult, and mock Quackity for his appearance not being up to his standards, for his opinions, and for being emotional in ways that Schlatt disapproved of like crying. tho Schlatt would often brush off Quackity’s reactions towards this cruel behavior, it's very clear that Schlatt’s treatment of him has stuck with Quackity in many ways
Quackity is very sensitive about his appearance and it seems to be because of how badly Schlatt hurt his self esteem during their time together. Schlatt tied Quackity’s worth to his appearance and then would claim he wasn't meeting his standards of attractiveness. we can tell that this has stuck with Quackity because of his sensitivity towards people bringing up the scar on his face (something that greatly alters his physical appearance) and he still reacts very badly when Schlatt calls him the mocking nickname flatty patty
speaking of flatty patty- that stupid insult shockingly has a lot of weight in Quackity’s relationship with Schlatt. tho its something the audience is meant to laugh at, the nickname also shows just how little Schlatt respects Quackity because he's constantly throwing it around just to make Quackity upset. Schlatt’s last words are flatty patty all because he wanted to get in one last dig at his ex and ruin Quackity’s day even further 
Schlatt tends to do a lot of things that are intended to make Quackity upset. tearing down the room Quackity made for him in the white house is the biggest example of this- especially since Schlatt mentions how it will upset Quackity while he does it. you can see this moment at around 19:10 of this video
and now let's get into the elephant in the room when it comes to these two: Quackity was scared of Schlatt. tho we never really see Schlatt hit or attack Quackity physically outside of their confrontation at the white house or their confrontation in the caravan, these clips imply that Quackity was at the very least scared of Schlatt physically harming him in some way 
as for actually physically harming him, Schlatt hits Quackity multiple times with a pickaxe and with his fists during their white house fight. Quackity hits Schlatt a couple times too, tho these are all primarily defensive blows since he is trying to protect himself and his property. he also chases after Quackity with a bow after Quackity’s plan to trick him into signing Manburg over to the Pogtopians fails and hits him multiple times during the caravan confrontation
all of this evidence shows that Schlatt was an abusive (or at least toxic) partner towards Quackity and someone who greatly affected him in many ways
tho Quackity did a few questionable things throughout his relationship with Schlatt (such as trying to get Schlatt to have sex with him despite Schlatt not being interested as shown in the later half of this video) and did some downright morally wrong things during his time as vice president of Manburg, no one deserves the pain of an abusive relationship- even a person who has done bad things
as a brief side note before we move on because i know people will bring it up if i skip over it, Quackity did- and most likely still does- want to literally possess Glatt. he brought up reviving Schlatt and using him as a political pawn after Schlatt’s funeral and during their conversation at the Big Man Gym Quackity talked about owning Glatt and having him work at Las Nevadas with no pay
this is unsettling behavior to say the least but this essay isnt about the aftermath of their relationship so much as it is about their relationship when it was actually happening. maybe i will make another post talking more about how Quackity’s relationship with Schlatt affected him even after Schlatt’s death and/or about Quackity’s relationship with Glatt
part 4: final thoughts
i’m not exactly sure why the nuances in Schlatt and Quackity’s relationship get lost when it comes to the fandom, but it’s pretty disappointing to see. hopefully this essay can help people take a closer look at canon and maybe even help them find something interesting that they’d want to explore!
tho the point of this essay is to clear up any misconceptions and hopefully add some nuance to the conversations surrounding Schlatt and Quackity’s relationship, i also wrote it in hopes of showing people how fascinating these two partners in crime were back in the Manburg days. i didn’t cover everything but i think i did a pretty good job for my first analysis post in the dsmp fandom
also since you read to the end, i must say thank you! it really does means a lot to me that you did. i hope you enjoyed and maybe even learned something. this post can be used as a resource if anyone wants to use it as such
here’s a tiny devil Quackity for your troubles <3
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cobrakaisb · 3 years
tik tok
summary: a collection of the different times that y/n referenced tik toks throughout their friendship with the characters in cobra kai. (i tried to keep this somewhat consistent with the plot of the show) 
word count: 1140 words
“you could take her to get tattoos,” hawk suggested, causing you, aisha, and miguel to look at him like he was crazy. “my boy rico hooked me up with this bad boy,” he continued. hawk proceeds to take off his gi and show the three of you his tattoo. “badass,” aisha commented, and you nodded in agreement. “fourteen hours in the chair, totally worth it though,” hawk explains, looking at himself in the mirror.  “do your parents know?” miguel asked him and he shook his head no. “they’re gonna know,” you commented. hawk just gave you a questioning look. “they’re gonna know,” you repeated. “how would they know?” he asked. “because it’s a giant fucking hawk tattoo on your back, and i’m gonna tell your mom,” you respond, smiling sweetly at him. “please don’t,” hawk begged, sitting back down to stretch.   
“so that’s why i broke up with hawk,” moon finished telling you why she broke up with hawk. “fair enough,” you said, nodding your head slightly. “that’s all you have to say?” moon asked, a hint of anger in her voice. “i’m a little lost but fair enough,” you answered her question by repeating your previous statement. “how are you a little lost? i literally just explained everything to you!” moon shouted. you rolled your eyes. “moon, you broke up with hawk for being a bully, when you used to stand by and let yasmine bully him,” you said gently. moon’s eyes widened at your statement. “besides he just got a tattoo for you. that would be enough to keep me from leaving,” you added as moon laughed at your words.    
“hey tory!” you shouted, waving to the blonde girl. “hey y/n what's up?” she asked as you jogged over to her. “who’s daisy?” you asked. tory’s eyebrows furrowed at your words. “daisy? i don’t know a daisy,” she mumbled, confusion plastered all over her face. you frowned at her words. “then who’s this girl that keeps texting me? she said that you hooked up?” you questioned tory. “what? i swear i don’t know a daisy!” tory defended. “you sure?” you asked, raising your eyebrow at her. “yes!” she shouted back. “daisy me rollin!” you replied, walking forward doing a dice roll. tory glared at you, while you just burst into a fit of laughter.  
hawk was currently beating up brucks, who had decided to join cobra kai, and make fun of his scar in the process. you were standing next to tory and doug watching the two of them fight. “you can do it! you can do it! you can do it! you can do this! you can do this! you can do this!” you cheered from your spot, looking at hawk. hawk looked over towards you rolling his eyes. “shut the fuck up!” he yelled, punching brucks in the nose. “i’m just encouraging you!” you shouted back, gesturing to the fight. “no!” he replied, continuing to beat the shit out of the boy. 
“you fuckers! you fuckers! you motherfuckers! i will rain hellfire upon you!” you shouted, walking towards sam, demetri, hawk, and miguel. the four of them just looked around, not knowing what you were talking about. you punched miguel’s shoulder. “how dare you not call me the second that fight broke out!” you shouted. “y/n-” sam started, but you pointed at hawk. “and you! why wouldn’t you tell me what tory was planning!! especially since you know how badly i’ve been dying to fight those assholes!” you continued. “y/n it’s fine. we took care of them. and you can’t fight them until the all valley next year,” demetri said calmly, walking you towards your first class of the day.  
“okay y/n name something that you might like to have two of on your bed,” demetri said, looking at the family feud card. you, demetri, hawk, sam, and miguel were all playing family feud. “karate boys demetri,” you answered confidently, and rather quickly. “what?” sam asked, a confused look on her face. “i mean look at them!” you said, pointing at miguel and hawk who were sitting on the other side of the table. “tell me you wouldn’t want to come home and find the two of them on your bed?” you continued, looking at sam. “no i would,” she whispered and you nodded, mumbling out an “exactly”. “okay well that’s not on the board. that’s also your third strike. miguel,” demetri said, continuing the game.  
“hey sam, how old is your dad?” you asked, opening the door to her bedroom, carrying a plate of food. “what?” she asked, appalled. “no, not like that! well it is, it is like that,” you explained. “how old is he?” you asked again. “why do you care?” sam asked. “because i came in the house and he was like ‘you want to eat?’ so i said, ‘eat what?’” you continued. sam scoffed. “first of all put my plate down, and stop hitting on my dad!” she yelled, grabbing the plate from your hands. “ugh fine!” you sighed, closing the door to her room behind you as you entered. “he is really hot though,” you mumbled, quickly dodging the pillow that sam threw at you.   
“i would never let a man spit in my mouth,” you said to tory. “i would,” tory answered confidently. you gagged at her words. “i don’t know why y’all keep saying, ‘oh spit in my mouth!’ that’s fucking nasty!” you shouted looking at tory. “alright y/n whatever you say,” tory replied, shrugging her shoulders. “hey guys!” robby greeted, walking up to you and tory. he was wearing a black denim jacket and his hair was looking on point. “hey robby!” tory greeted, but you were too busy standing there, looking at robby, with your mouth agape. “hey tory,” you whispered. “mhm,” she replied. “forget everything that i just said. i would totally let him spit in my mouth,” you whispered back, subtly gesturing to robby. 
you and tory pulled up to hawk’s house, and you beep your horn loudly. hawk came out of his house, and you rolled down tory’s window, shouting, “get in loser we’re going shopping!” tory laughed at your words as hawk flipped you off before climbing into the backseat. together the three of you drove to the mall where you were in fact going to do some shopping. 
“how is he so fucking hot!!” you scream, recording a video on your snapchat of you at the eagle fang karate dojo. you were holding your phone up, zooming in on bert as he kicked nathaniel, his partner, practicing the new skill you guys were learning. “and respectful!” you continued, when bert helped nathaniel get up from the ground. “you need to stop,” miguel mumbled from beside you. hawk, sam, and demetri all nodded their heads in agreement.
tags: @iwantahockeyhimbo @funprincess101 @the-anxious-youth @rottenstyx
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Fit to be Tied
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Jason Todd x reader
Warning: Christmas? And the f word.
Christmas series 2
Jason didn’t pay much attention to holidays. Nope. That was for the living. He didn’t have much of need for it. But he did know that Christmas was quiet and New Years was busy for patrol. He guessed everyone ate Christmas dinner and and then got bored of playing nice. Or maybe that just wanted to start the new year with a big ass bang. Who knows?
Even when he was a kid, he didn’t celebrate the holidays. Too poor, mom too lost in drugs, and dad? Well fuck him. He was a piece of shit when he was around.
Jason kicked a beer can out of his way into the pile of trash on the sidewalk. They didn’t get the trash again this week it looked like. Daddy Bruce could play bat but couldn’t throw his money around enough to keep trash from piling on the street.
It was fine. He had more important things to do anyways. He had to buy a Christmas present. He didn’t care for the holidays but the sweet girl he had at home was a doll and fuck, if she didn’t deserve something. So Jason went down to the local pawn shop. Usually not a problem but it was 2 AM. Not exactly prime business hours.
So yes, Red Hood was breaking into a pawn shop to get a bracelet. He was leaving cash, $20 over the cost too. It was something you had seen earlier in the week and had admired. Gems of some kind shaped to look like a butterfly. You’d taken a minute longer to stare at it.
He left as quick as he came. And it wasn’t long until he was opening the window of your apartment dressed in street clothes. You were asleep. Jason had used the excuse of patrol to get out. But in the early morning hours of Christmas, he wanted to wake you.
“Princess,” he said gently. You moved a little before opening your eyes. You smiled up at him. Fuck, he didn’t deserve the way you looked at him. Your eyes looked so innocent and sweet. You never looked at him like he scared you.
“Jaybird, what’s going on?”
“I got you something for Christmas and it’s technically Christmas..” he said pulling out the box. You sat up, curious.
“It’s Christmas Eve. You got me something? I didn’t think we were- I didn’t get anything. I couldn’t-“ you said turning red. Money was too tight to consider it. The fact that the heat was still on this late in the month was a Christmas miracle.
“No no. It’s fine. Just being here is enough for me. I’ve never really celebrated Christmas anyways,” Jason said pushing the box in your hand. You held the box before kissing him.
You opened the box to see the bracelet you had been looking at the pawn shop. You smiled and stared at the pretty little butterfly. Jason watched you carefully for a reaction. He’d never admit it but he was more nervous now than fighting on the street.
“You saw me looking at it. I didn’t think you’d notice,” you murmured softly as you picked it up. Jason took it and wrapped it around your wrist. He clasped it on and you looked at it, moving your wrist in the light.
“Thank you. It’s beautiful,” you said quietly looking at it. You had a little grin on your face. Jason smiled. That’s the look he wanted. That little bit of happiness that you showed when you were really pleased. He intertwined his fingers in yours.
“Princess, you’re so cold,” Jason said with a frown. He could feel it colder outside but now that he was getting used to the temperature, it wasn’t warm as it should be.
“The heater was acting up again so I turned it down. The blankets are plenty warm,” you said and his heart all but broke. There was no way he was going to let you be cold all winter because the landlord wouldn’t fix things. He might pay this guy a visit. You sensed his anger.
“It’s okay, Jay. Come lay with me and get warm,” you said taking his hands. He let you pull him into bed. He kicked off his pants and shoes and laid on his side. You curled into him as a little spoon. His long big frame all but engulfed you. It always felt to protective. If he was holding you, he knew you were safe. Jason ran his fingers along your bracelet soft as his rough fingers could.
“You’re so good to me,” you said softly and his heart clenched again. Fuck, if you knew all the bad he did. His messed up past. He thought you would have run away when you first learned he was Red Hood but no, you had been kind.
“Naw, Princess you deserve more then this shitty place,” he said, and for the first time, he felt a little bad about giving all of his trust fund to the soup kitchen he would visit as a kid. A little would have been nice to get a better place for you. But he had been making a ton crushing the drug trade at the time and didn’t have a girl back home when he did it. He couldn’t be as reckless now.
You turned in his arms to look in his blue eyes. He has such an intense look on his face that you frowned. “Jaybird, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he said pulling his face back to normal. “Just thinking. I wanna move you to a better place, a safer place than this,” he said running his thumb across your cheeks. You grasped his wrist and leaned into his touch. Jason would sometimes get like that. Thinking you deserved better. And you humored him even though you wouldn’t even know what to do with wealth.
“We’re moving. Soon. I’m promising now,” he said thinking about the painful conversation he was going to have with Bruce. His adoptive father he hadn’t even told you about. Bruce would do just about anything Jason asked. Probably the guilt of letting him die.
“But Jay, we’d miss the water that went from boiling to freezing at random. And I’m not sure if I can sleep without Mr and Mrs Jancowski having sex every Tuesday at 2 AM,” you said with a smile. He kissed you to shut you up. You were joking but each one felt like a little knife in his guilt. You pulled him over you and the thought of money troubles faded from your mind.
Jason woke before you and watched you sleep. You laid on his chest with your hand in his hair and your soft breath on his throat. The bracelet was still on your wrist. You looked so peaceful, trusted him while you slept. Jason carefully grabbed his phone and texted Alfred. He’d also have to tell you about his adoptive family. His very famous adoptive family.
He threaded his fingers in your hand that was flung across his waist. You began to stir. Jason moved hair from your face and you blinked to see his pale blue eyes watching you.
“Morning, Princess,” he said with a rough morning voice. You smiled.
“Morning, Jaybird.”
“I’ve got something to tell you,” he started. “I want you to meet my family tonight.”
“Tonight? Your family? I thought your parents...” you trailed off.
“I was adopted. I never told you because I don’t have the best relationship with them. But I think it’s time for you to meet them. I’ve got to tell you something else,” he said and you could hear his heart beat quicker as you laid on him.
“My adoptive father is Bruce Wayne.”
“You’re shitting me.”
“Nope. And tonight I’m taking you to meet him. And my adoptive siblings.”
“You aren’t joking,” you said sitting up. Jason sat up too.
“I’m not. I’m kinda the... black sheep of the family. He adopted me when I was 12. I was trying to boost the wheels from the b- Bentley he was driving,” Jason corrected. It was one thing to tell you he was Red Hood. He couldn’t say Bruce Wayne was Batman.
“Wow. I- wow. Okay. That’s a lot to take in. Also on brand to be honest,” you said and he smiled and shrugged.
“Wait. What the fuck do you wear to the freaking Wayne manor for Christmas Eve?” You said a little panicky.
“Whatever you want. It’s just family,” he said with a sideways smile.
“Oh no. I can’t go to freaking Wayne Manor in a Kmart sweater,” you said quickly.
���You can wear,” he said hopping out of bed. He dug way in the back of his closet for a pretty red sweater that was slightly oversized. “This. Should fit fine. Pretty expensive too.”
“Where the hell did you get that?”
“I’ve had it for year and it definitely doesn’t fit now,” Jason said with a laugh. “Try it on.”
The weather sucked. Freaking sleet that threatened everything it touched. You were grateful it wasn’t a night of Jason patrolling. This meant taking your car instead of Jason’s motorcycle. Your car was at least 15 years old and you called it Frankenstein because of all the repairs done over the years.
The radio skipped as Jason drove over a speed bump by Wayne Manor and you burst out laughing. Jason looked at you from the side.
“It’s not that funny,” he said. “What’s up?”
“My car is trash, I’m wearing your old sweater, and we’re late. If you weren’t the black sheep before, bringing me home, you will be now,” you said. He grabbed your hand and parked in front of a random house.
“I’ve been the black sheep since I was a kid and you aren’t going to change any thing for the worse. Trust me. In fact they’ll probably think you’re too good for me,” Jason said with a dry chuckle. “So don’t worry about anything. Except making room for pudding. I know it sounds weird,” he said starting to drive again. “But it’s the best part of Christmas.”
Wayne Manor was huge. You knew that. You’d even seen it on tv. But to see it in front of you was honestly terrifying, especially in the nasty weather. You almost hoped Jason was playing some weird elaborate joke and was going to drive on by but he knew the passcode to the gate. He drove in the covered drop off spot by the front door and parked. You both quickly ran in the building.
The front entry was breathtaking. A gigantic Christmas tree and a full staircase decked out in garland like a Hallmark movie. It was like a magazine. In fact, it was in the Christmas episode of Gotham Life the year before.
You gripped Jason’s hand tightly as you walked down the hall. Your shoes sounded unnaturally loud and you had the urge to quiet them like it was a library. Jason pulled you to the doorway of a dinning room full of people settling to eat. Jadon cleared his throat.
“Master Jason! You made it,” Alfred said excitedly. “I recieved your message but it’s been many years. Sit. Sit.”
“Glad you could come,” Jason’s brother Dick said with a grin. He looked at you in curious excitement. You looked down at some kind of mushroom soup placed in front of you. Everyone else was dressed so nicely and ate so perfectly. It was intimidating.
“Yeah, it’s Christmas,” Jason said shrugging. He gave Dick a look that said don’t ask. It didn’t take much for Dick to drop it because he seemed incredibly distracted. You spent most of the meal trying to keep up on conversations you clearly didn’t understand while trying food you’ve never seen before. You could barely remember everyone you were introduced to. One of Jason’s sister(s?) gave you a big hug along with everyone else when she arrived. You couldn’t tell anyone what was even said after the meal. Or so you thought.
Until right across from you, Dick proposes to his girlfriend. He stuttered around before finally asking. “Will you marry me? Oh god, I have a ring,” he said producing one. Everyone watched as she stared in the box.
“Will I marry you?” She asked faintly and you worried she’d say no. How terrible would it be??
“Please say something,” he pleaded and you could tell the man was practically in pain before she said yes. They kissed, the family applauded, and champagne was served.
Jason watched you from the corner of his eyes. How did you react to this? What did you think? You didn’t look jealous or anything. It made Jason think of marriage. He hadn’t before. He’d thought about moving into something more permanent but marriage. He’d never thought about marriage as his future, ever. Of course when you die at 16 and come back with a vengeance, love is low on the priority list.
“Jaybird, you there,” you asked slightly tapping his shoulder. He blinked and looked at you.
“Yeah, I’m here. Just in my head,” he said and you nodded. He’d do that sometimes.
“The party is moving to the parlor,” you said quietly in a proper rich Gothamite voice and Jason huffed before covering his smiling mouth with a nose rub. The rest of the group was moving ahead of you. Dick and his new fiancé were retiring for the night.
“I’m never going to hear the end of it, am I?”
“I’m so sorry, dearest. I can’t understand you with a silver spoon in your mouth,” you laughed. Jason rolled his eyes before guiding your shoulders towards the door. You heard a soft laugh behind you and you turned to see Tim’s girlfriend smiling.
“Sorry to interrupt but I’ve got to use that on Tim,” she said grabbing her coat and walking out.
After making sure you were cool with hanging with Tim’s girlfriend and their adoptive sister Cass, Jason and Tim started a very competitive game of pool. You couldn’t help but look at things that cost more than you’ve ever even seen. The chess set Damian and his girlfriend were playing with probably cost more than your car.
But it was Christmas and you tried to push your insecurities aside. It was a fun evening. A glass of wine you kept sipping on helped as well.
After a while Bruce announced that the roads were too bad and that no one was leaving. Jason clenched his jaw for a second before looking at you and relaxing. He didn’t want to stay but he wasn’t risking your health in any way. Instead he focused on the game.
“So if I win,” Jason said a full hour later. By this time, Damian’s girlfriend had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Your eyes felt a little heavy as well. “I get the penthouse.”
“Sure Jay. That’s Bruce’s. But I’m willing to gamble it,” Tim said throwing his hands up at the ridiculousness.
“I accept terms,” Bruce said. Both boys looked at him surprised. “Whoever wins gets the penthouse.”
You turned quickly to watch the game. Okay, is that a normal thing for them? To bet property. The look on everyone’s face said that no it wasn’t normal.
Jason was excellent at pool. It was a common for you both to go down to the pool hall and play some games. Jason would occasionally make some money playing and he did often as a kid. It was also a way to waste time when your mom was throwing beers back like a fish, like Jason’s mother did. Tim didn’t stand a chance. He wasn’t as good and looked almost like he was in pain occasionally. But maybe it wasn’t a real competition? Maybe Bruce was trying to give Jason something he’d always want to but didn’t know how. Jason easily won the game.
“So the penthouse is mine?” Jason asked. Bruce nodded and shrugged. Tim softly coughed in his hand. Your heart raced. They couldn’t be serious.
“If you’ll live in it,” Bruce said. Damian was carefully carrying his girlfriend upstairs.
“Deal,” Jason says quickly.
“Deal,” Bruce said looking quiet pleased. Was this his plan all along?
“I guess, deal?” Tim said confused. “Though you should owe me. You’re the one that got me shot.”
Your brain broke. He was shot? And it was Jason’s fault?
“What?! You got him shot?” Tim’s girlfriend asked loudly. Tim blanched.
“Not my fault.”
“Literally your fault,” Tim countered.
“What did you do?” You asked looking at him suspiciously. He offered you a sheepish smile.
“I might have said ‘what are you gonna do, shoot us?’ I meant me. Not Tim! He also has a bulletproof suit,” Jason said. Tim must be a vigilante too. You glared at Jason.
“That’s not in the report,” Bruce said with his eyes narrowing.
“Good night everybody. Merry Christmas,” Jason said pulling you from the room and up to his childhood room.
“You’re in so much trouble,” you said and he grinned.
“I’ll deal with it tomorrow. How do you feel about a penthouse? Better than our current place hu?” Jason said pulling you close. You felt dizzy at the idea.
“Seriously? We can’t afford it,” you said trying to stay grounded. It was too good to be true. Things like that didn’t happen to people like you.
“I think I know a guy who can keep the lights on,” he joked and you gave him a serious look. “Don’t worry about it. Just enjoy the idea of constant hot water. Lights never going off,” Jason said pushing you towards the bed. “No one can hear me make you scream.”
“Tempting. Very tempting,” you said and of fucking course it was. A safe beautiful clean penthouse over your trashy scary apartment wasn’t even a contest. Jason pushed you on the bed and hovered over you.
“What are you doing,” you asked flushed but still encouraging him. It was still his dad’s house and he was getting handsy.
“Trying to have sex with my girlfriend on my old bed like every guy ever has dreamed of,” Jason said. He nipped at your throat. You gasped.
“Got to be quiet, Princess,” he whispered and you pulled him down to kiss more.
The next morning you woke to an empty bed. You fixed your hair as best you could and threw on Jason’s sweatshirt before going downstairs. You caught a glimpse of the kitchen as Bruce slowly slid a set of keys Jason’s way before taking a long drink from his coffee. “I’m glad you made home for Christmas this year, Jason.” The penthouse.
“Morning,” Bruce said to you nodding before leaving the room. Jason was alone in the kitchen but you could hear others in the breakfast nook a door over.
“Keys,” Jason said showing you. “And no lecture.”
You gave him a hug and looked at the shiny metal keys. It would be a while before you could handle the idea of a freaking penthouse being yours. “But you should get something for Tim. You did get him shot.”
“Let him shoot me?”
“Jason, no.”
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solarwonux · 3 years
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Sangyeon x f!reader
W.C: 6.2k
Warnings: alcohol consumption, suggestive themes, arguing, mentions of cheating
For the 12 Months I Loved You Collab by: @sunlightwoo
Note: um...better late than never right?? This was supposed to go up in February but things happen. It’s one of my favorite ones that I’ve written, but I feel like I say that for every single thing I write lmao. I hope you like it plsssss let me know your thoughts. Thank you.xx
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A long exasperated sigh left your lips at the sight of Sangyeon in the corner of the reception hall, chatting up a pretty redhead. His arm draped around their waist, clutching their body close to his, their faces close enough to smell the expensive champagne lingering in their breaths. A palm was placed on his chest as he leaned down to whisper something in their ear. Earning a flirtatious giggle from them, along with a sultry nod.
Their delicate fingers wrapped around his black tie as they pulled him close to whisper something against his plump lips. It was your cue to look away, but something inside of you—maybe the five flutes of champagne you had indulged in when the night was still young, prevented you from looking away.
Gripping the body of your sixth flute you prepared for what was to come, though when he smirked and unraveled their fingers from his tie, you let out a sigh of relief. Sangyeon still hasn’t broken rule number three of your friends with benefits arrangement.
As common courtesy for the other party, under absolutely no circumstance you are to hook up with other people.
Though when he ran his fingers down the side of their arm teasingly making them shiver at the feather-like feeling. One you had relished in for many nights on end, you knew he would not only be breaking rule number three but rule number four as well.
As common courtesy for the other party, under absolutely no circumstances you are to hook up with other people, especially when the other party is in the same room.
The anger flourished inside of you like an unwelcome weed. And you knew green was definitely not your color, but you couldn’t help but feel the jealousy take over, running along your veins like bitter poison. Your grip on your champagne flute got tighter. So much so that if you were destined with superhuman strength you would’ve shattered it into pieces, especially when his knowing eyes met yours. A glint of something sinister sparking behind them while his fingers laced with those of the red head.
He turned away before giving them a shy whisper and then tugged them gently towards the door of the reception hall. Leaving you behind in the middle of his best friend’s wedding reception, on your sixth flute of champagne, while you broke rule number six.
Don’t catch feelings for the other party involved.
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To be fair when you and Sangyeon had agreed to the terms and conditions of your new no strings attached relationship. You were positive, even overly confident that you weren’t going to be the one to fall for your brother's asshole friend.
You had known him for years, grew up with him. He always made it his mission to make your life a living hell. Whether it was purple food coloring in your hair conditioner back in middle school (you had an odd mixture of purple and red that had somehow turned a nasty shade of burgundy in your hair for almost a year as you grew it out enough to cut off the damage,) or calling you ugly while simultaneously including all the the synonyms. He had made your life a living hell, he had been the reason for your tears whenever your insecurities took over. And he had been the reason for your newfound jealousy now as you sat on your couch a week after your brother's wedding still replaying the scene back in your head like a bad old timely movie.
It had started when two of you got drunk on Christmas Eve, laughing boisterously at your nonexistent love life’s.
“Who knew the reason we would be bonding is because we haven’t gotten laid in months.” He said, throwing his head back, gulping the remnants of his beer.
”For your information, I got laid last week. But I’m not bringing my one night stand to meet my family.” You rolled your eyes, bumping your shoulder against his.
He sets the beer bottle to his side, before leaning his elbows on his knees and gazing over at you. “How many people asked you where your date was tonight?”
“Too many.” You sigh, running your finger along the condensation of your own beer bottle. The memories of yours and Sangyeon’s family coming up to you asking you the million dollar question still prevalent in your mind. “You?”
“Not as many as I expected but still a lot. I just wish maybe they can back off.” He leaned back, placing his elbows behind him. He tore his eyes from your form and focused them on the night sky. “Maybe I should’ve hired a date or something.” He comments.
Your family's holiday party was still bustling behind the front door of your childhood home. Yet, the thought of ever going back in, earning judgmental looks from your single aunts was keeping you away.
He was right, maybe you should’ve hired someone as a date for the night.
Sangyeon bumped his knee against yours gently, “Want to date for the holiday’s?” The question came off as a joke, his sweet and gentle laugh following it. But as you sat there contemplating the idea, you realized that it wasn’t as bad. He was practically family. Your parents and his parents had been trying for years to set the two of you up. If you were to show up on New Year’s with your arm looped in his, no one would bat an eyelash. In fact you were willing to bet money that your mom and his would start crying pure tears of joy.
“Why not?” You shrug, “Our parents have been planning our wedding since we were kids, and as much as we don’t like each other. In some twisted sense of the word I do trust you.” Sangyeon did a double take, sitting up straighter and leaning in just enough to be in your line of sight.
“Are you sure?” Concern washed over his features. His bottom lip found its way in between his teeth as he waited for your response. “Like, you want to date me for the holiday’s?” He asked pleading for reassurance. Despite the relationship between the two of you not making sense to anyone outside your friendship circle, the level of trust and respect for each other’s boundaries was evident. You two pushed each other, got under each other’s skin, but you also knew when to stop. Which is why this plan was perfect. Foolproof.
And somehow the two of you agreed that from then until further notice you would be each other’s dates for every holiday in the near future. Yet, if you had known the outcome of it you wouldn’t have agreed, especially not when the thin threshold had been crossed on your birthday.
He had showed up with a cheap bottle of vodka, all the romantic comedies he could find at the gas station and a boyish smile. His lips were on yours after five shots of the drinking game you had invented and you were naked underneath him after seven.
“I’m just saying, adding sex into the mix wouldn’t be such a bad idea.” He proposed with a shrug during a very awkward hang over filled coffee talk at the rundown cafe the next day. “We can even add some rules so it wouldn’t be so weird.”
“Adding rules is the weird part, Sangyeon.” You rolled your eyes before taking a sip of your herbal green tea and then cringing at the taste. “But they would help...you know to keep things from getting messy.”
“Then it’s settled.” He smiled widely grabbing the kids menu you had ordered from and a red crayon, scribbling down messily in his almost indescifrable handwriting:
Holi-date No Strings Attached Rule Book
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Can I come over tonight.xx
Your eyes roll to the back of your head in annoyance, upon reading the text from Sangyeon. Of course, he hadn’t contacted you for over a week and the only time he decides to do so is when he’s in need of a good fuck. You throw your phone down on the table, resting your forehead against it. An annoyed sound falling out of your lips.
“Hello there negative nancy,” Kevin says, slipping into the seat in front of you. “I got you your favorite.” He sings, placing the iced matcha green tea latte in front of you and flicking the top of your head to get your attention.
You whine, lifting your head up a pout evident on your lips as you break the seal of the plastic lid with your paper straw. A poor attempt to reduce the consumption of plastic. Changing the straw wouldn’t do anything for the Earth when your whole cup is made out of non-biodegradable plastic. Maybe it’s the effort and the thought that counts, either way you take a sip from your drink, savoring the taste as it coats your tastebuds. Letting the false promise of a full six hour surge of energy run down your throat.
“Thank you for buying today.” You nod.
“It’s the least I can do for helping me with the web design project.” He smiles an award winning smile before bringing his hot mug of black coffee up to his lips. Hissing from the heat and cringing at the taste. Just like how he couldn't phantom how you liked the vibrant green liquid, you couldn’t understand how he drank five cups of black coffee daily. Indeed, he was not human, you concluded that a couple years ago.
You shrug, wrapping your fingers around the cup, “I had time to spare, but don’t get too comfortable with my help. It’s rare that I finish my work early.” You point an accusatory finger at him, furrowing your eyebrows before breaking into a wide smile.
“Ehh,” Kevin shrugs, “we’ll see about that when you’re begging me to buy you one of those nasty vomit colored drinks in a week.” He finishes sending you a wink that usually has all the girls and guys weak in the knees. You on the other hand have been so accustomed to his flirty ways after years of working side by side that it did nothing to you but annoy you slightly, yet in some odd way it comforted you.
Since day one everything between you and Kevin was comfortable and easy. He sat next to you in your digital marketing class Sophomore year of college and the two of you had been inseparable ever since. For a while you harbored a fat silent crush on him, his flirting being a point of confusion for you back then. It wasn’t until you experienced first hand what dating Kevin would be like that your crush dissipated into nothing but a platonic kind of love.
It was awful, the two of you had only gone on two dates. Two very disastrous and nightmare inducing dates, that sent shivers up both of your spines when just the mere thought of it entered the front lobe of your brains. It was then, while attempting to wash out a red wine stain out of your white dress in his and Jacob’s kitchen that you both agreed to just being friends. Eventually leading up to being coworkers as well.
It was a shame, you could always see yourself possibly loving Kevin and it would be easy too. And as much as you’d like to imagine it sometimes, he wouldn’t be able to give you what you wanted and vice versa.
“How’s the boyfriend, trouble in paradise yet?” He raises his eyebrow at you, hitting your calf lightly with the tip of his dress shoe.
You groan, running a hand through your hair, “Sangyeon is not my boyfriend, we just hang out sometimes.”
You quirks an eyebrow, smirking, “That’s what I said about Jacob and I, and look at us now.” He raises his left hand wiggling his ring ringer, letting the gold band catch the light of the setting sun. “Till death do us apart or something like that.” He shrugs, taking another sip from his coffee.
“Yeah but you two are perfect for each other, Sangyeon and I are like water and oil we don’t mix unless, well...you know.”
“Unless the two of you are fucking? Yes I am aware, the horror of me walking in on the two of you last month still keeps me up at night.” He shudders, pushing his half empty mug away from him. A disgusted look on his face.
“Ugh,” you put your head in your hands in utter despair, “I thought we agreed to forget about that and move on.”
“Fine I won’t bring it up again,” He rolls his eyes and sits back, crossing his arms in front of him. “But I know there’s trouble in paradise, does it have to do with what happened at the reception?”
You stare at him with wide eyes. It wasn’t just the events that took place at the reception. It was everything before the reception, during the reception and after the reception. You swore to yourself and him the morning after the two of you first accidentally slept together that you would never fall for him. But as it turns out, you had fallen for him long before that, a moment lost in time. A moment you couldn’t pinpoint but you just knew that what you felt for him was more than platonic. It sucked.
“Maybe,” you shrug, stirring the contents of your drink with your paper straw, distracting you and avoiding Kevin’s look of concern. “Honestly, I’m not sure. He’s just so frustrating. We agreed to have rules to make this whole fucked up situation less of a mess, but he broke two of those rules that night, purposely. I could tell that he was enjoying it.” You let out a defeated sigh and push your drink out of the way, bringing your arms to rest on top of the table, crossing them and hiding your face in them. You couldn’t pinpoint the exact emotion you were feeling, but you just knew it was bad from the way your throat closed up and the tears that were brimming in the corner of your eyes.
Kevin hummed and leaned forward onto the table, ruffling your hair in the process. “And what rule have you broken?” He whispers.
“The one in which I wasn’t supposed to fall for him.” You lift your head, digging your palms into your eyes forcefully. “I didn’t want to, I still don’t want to, but I can’t stop. It’s like he’s casted some kind of love spell on me. Maybe it’s part of his evil plan to destroy me once and for all.” You sigh, grabbing your phone and turning it over. The text sitting there unread, haunting you.
“Don’t answer it.” Kevin covers your screen with his hand. The sadness he held for you is evident behind his soft eyes. “I know you want to but don’t answer it. It’s only going to make you feel worse and frankly I still hate seeing you cry.”
He’s right. Answering him would only make you feel smaller than you already do. You didn’t want to see him, but you longed to have him hold you even if it meant nothing to him. You push Kevin’s hand away, swiping your thumb over the text, hitting reply. You know you should listen to your best friend, but there’s a reason why the two of you would’ve never made it far in a romantic relationship.
You were stubborn and never listened.
8pm, don’t be late. I have to wake up early tomorrow.
Kevin sighs, shaking his head in disappointment, falling back in his chair, scoffing. “Last time, tonight will be the last time and then we break it off.” You say, avoiding his eyes.
“That’s exactly what I said and I ended up having a shotgun wedding.”
Can’t wait, miss you.xx
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“My job’s having an event for Valentine’s Day.” Sangyeon broke the silence, his chest still rising rapidly, matching yours. As you came down from your highs.
The second he had walked in through your front door he was pinning you against your poor excuse of a dining room table, without a proper greeting. He barely gave you a second to think before he was peeling your clothes off in a haste and carrying you off to your room.
“And you want me to go with you?” You turn your head to face him. He was laying down on his side, his head resting on his arm, watching you cautiously.
“Mhm,” He puts his arm around your waist and pulls you close. “I need a plus one, I have this annoying coworker that doesn’t leave me alone. I figured if I brought you along they would back off.”
“So I’m not just your date, but also your cockblock?” You tilt your head to the side, raising your eyebrow. “What happens when they find out we aren’t actually dating?” You poke his chest with your index finger. It was smooth and muscular and decorated with the beautiful marks you left behind a few minutes ago.
“They won’t.” He smiled leaving a light kiss against your neck, trailing his lips up and sucking on the spot he knew would have you moaning in seconds. “What do you say?” He bites your earlobe, pulling it before sitting up again.
You sigh and bring your sheets up to your body, sitting up. “I can't, I have plans already.” You lie hugging your knees up to your chest. You wanted to go, pretend once more that you and Sangyeon were more than holiday dates and fuck buddies. But you couldn’t put yourself through that anymore. You were getting used to being by his side, living out a fantasy in your head. When all he wanted was a quick fuck and an easy pass.
“I have a date, Kevin and Jacob’s friend.” You shrug, closing your eyes, mentally apologizing to the couple for dragging them into your problem’s once again. “We’re going out to dinner.” You finish, opening your eyes and looking over at Sangyeon who laid there, messy hair decorating his pillows, stunned. You knew what he was thinking and you were just waiting for him to say it. To get it over with so he’d leave as fast he came in.
He chewed on his bottom lip and then scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. “Oh, what about rule number seven or whatever.” He quickly got up from your bed, letting the sheets covering his lower half fall down to your carpeted floor.
As common courtesy for the other party, under absolutely no circumstances you are to date other people, until officially calling the deal off.
“Well, I don’t know. I like him. We’ve been talking for a while now and he’s sweet. He likes me.” You shrug, watching as he walks around your room looking for his discarded clothes. “And I haven’t broken the rule, yet. I was hoping we could talk about it and just call this whole thing off once and for all.”
“No but you broke rule number one or something.” He puts on his boxers fast and digs through your scattered clothes on your floor for the rest of his clothes.
You sat there silently watching him, running through your memory files as you recalled the rules and what rule number one consisted of which had nothing to do with what you had done. Or lied about doing.
As common courtesy for the other party, always use protection.
“That’s not what rule number one is, it’s -”
“Whatever, you broke a rule before calling it quits, you were basically cheating on me.” He yells, leaving his white washed jeans unbuttoned as he runs a frustrated hand through his hair. You were floored, witnessing an angry Sangyeon wasn’t rare for you. In fact, growing up you had been the product of many of his angry outbursts while inducing your revenge, but it was never serious. This was different. This felt different. This was serious, he was accusing you of something you didn’t do. He was accusing you of doing the one thing you saw him do at your brother’s wedding reception. It made your blood boil.
“That’s fucking rich coming from you, when you cheated on me first, but I never brought it up because although you fucking did break a rule. We are not together so who am I to get angry at you?” You threw your hands up in the hair, before pointing an accusatory finger at him. “Who are you to get angry with me?”
“And they were a good fucking lay, much better than you in every single aspect.” He spits out, angrily putting on his shirt. His words hurt. He was hitting you where it hurts the most and he wasn’t even aware of it. You held his gaze, refusing to break down in front of him.
“Why not ask them instead, why didn’t you go to them tonight instead of coming here?”
He shrugs, looking around your room, focusing on the polaroid pictures you kept on your mirror. Anything was better than looking at you, and the tears pooling in yours in which he undoubtedly was the cause of. But he was hurt too, you let him come over, you let him in and he had given you everything. Poured out his unwarranted feelings into every kiss he left on your body and every pattern he painted onto your skin with his delicate fingertips, just like he always did whenever the two of you got together. He knew he had broken rule number six a long time ago. Back when the two of you were still in high school, when the rules didn’t exist and his crush on you was nothing compared to what he felt for you now. But he was scared of telling you, and it had gotten him nowhere.
His heart still broke just like he feared, and even worse he had broken yours too.
“Maybe I should, this was a mistake. Being with you in the first place was a mistake and I knew it was going to bite me in the ass one day.”
“Get out, I never want to see you again.”
“With pleasure.” Sangyeon turns around and walks out the door. It wasn’t until you heard your front door slam shut that you finally let yourself cry.
You should’ve listened to Kevin.
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“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Jacob pulls his scarf around his neck. Though, it was February it had snowed last night. The winter clothes that you had slowly started putting away, swiftly made their comeback when you woke up shivering that morning.
You shake your head, stuffing the heart shaped cake you had made for both him and Kevin the day before. Be mine inscribed in sparkly purple store bought icing as per request from Jacob, “It’s Valentine’s Day, you should spend it alone together.” You raise your eyebrows suggestively at the two men in front of you.
Kevin leans forward, one hand on his waist while the other one moves up and flicks your forehead, “get that pretty head of yours out of the gutter, Jacob and I are gonna romantically eat our weight in this beautiful cake you’ve made us, while watching the Bring it On series.”
“I’m trying to get him to realize why the third one is the best.” Jacob says pointedly, bumping his shoulder against his husbands. “Solange Knowles steals the show, but he doesn’t want to admit it.”
Kevin scoffs and turns to face him, “I love you and I love your love for the Knowles family but face it babe the best Bring it On movie is the first one, it sets the precedent for all the other movies.” He finishes painting the picture out with his hands in the air before kissing the others cheek.
You shake your head, silently giving Jacob a knowing look. Of course the third Bring it On was the best one, but you won’t ever say that out loud. At least not with Kevin present, he won’t ever let you live it down. Will go on and on about how both you and Jacob were wrong until he was repeating himself.
“It sounds tempting but I’m going to pass, I have my own date with my couch and heart shaped pizza and -”
“Your vibrator.” Kevin interrupts, raising his eyebrows, smiling smugly at you. The embarrassment taking over your body and rising out of your ears. Jacob rolled his eyes, hitting his husband’s upside the head, and a warning look. Kevin pouted, “What? I’m not wrong, that's what she does every Valentine’s day, I’m just stating the truth.” He complains rubbing the back of his head.
“We’re going to go now.” Jacob places both of his arms on top of Kevin’s shoulders, mouthing a sorry in the process. You brush him off, “the offer still stands, if you get bored you can join us.” He opens the door and pushes his husband through the door frame.
“I’m good, have fun and no Kevin you can’t sleep on my couch after Jacob’s kicked you out again.”
“Wasn’t planning on it, last time, I walked in on you and San -”
Jacob covers his mouth with wide eyes as he continues to push him out of your front door, Kevin shrinks at the realization that he almost slipped. It had been three weeks since you last met him, since he last reached out to you. The only thing you knew of him was that your mom had called you to tell you that he had finally gotten the promotion he had been desiring for almost a year. Doting over him like she always did. It had gotten worse when the two of you showed up hand in hand at New Year’s last year. You were proud of him. You wanted to hug him and celebrate his achievement in every which way you could. But you meant it when you told him that you didn’t want to see him again. You couldn’t trust yourself or your heart when it came to him.
“We love you, call us if you need anything.” Jacob said, sending you a kiss and shutting your front door. You smiled, listening to their bickering out in the hallway, standing there until they were far away and you couldn’t hear them anymore. They were characters, the two of them and even worse when they were together. It was why they were so perfect for one another, they completed one another in every sense of the word and it made you insanely happy, but also sad.
Sometimes you wished, whenever you were alone at night and staring up at your popcorn ceiling that you could have what they had with someone that loved you to the point in which they couldn’t live without you.
It will come, at least that what you told yourself whenever the tears stopped. You just had to be patient.
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You were halfway through an episode of the Vampire Diaries, and your fourth slice of pizza when the knocking on your front door sounded. You rolled your eyes, quickly pausing your show and setting down your half eaten pizza slice in the box, before standing up. You obviously weren’t expecting anyone but you figured it was Kevin after getting kicked out again. It was never serious, this game both he and Jacob played. It was some form of twisted foreplay thing they did to keep things interesting. They had explained it to you once when you shared your concern for their relationship. Sometimes you wished you hadn’t asked. You could’ve gone living your life peacefully without knowing the details of their sex life.
“I’m going!” The knocking became more desperate the closer you got to the door, and it confused you. Maybe this wasn’t part of their roleplay fantasies and something had actually happened. It worried you. You could feel it all over your body as you grabbed hold of your doorknob. “Kevin is something wro-” You stopped mid sentence when you swung your door wide open revealing a very drunk and disheveled Sangyeon.
You brought your hand up to your chest, holding onto the necklace his family had given you back in highschool as a graduation present. You never took it off, it brought a sense of comfort whenever you were caught in situations that had your anxiety spiraling out of control. Situations similar to this one.
“What are you doing here?” You step aside to give him room to enter, inviting him in without a shadow of a doubt. You shouldn’t have done that, but the part of you that will always care for him was stronger than the part of you that wanted nothing to do with him.
“We agreed to be together every single holiday season and it’s Valentine’s Day.” He say, his voice slurring slightly at the end, evident that he had consumed more alcohol than what he could handle. “I can’t leave you alone on Valentine’s Day.” He finishes, his voice turning small at the end. He ran a shaking hand through his hair causing it to stand up in different directions as he paced through your living room.
You pressed your hands up to your cheeks, letting the coldness of your palms relieve the heat that had suddenly overtaken your body. “B-But we broke things off, we don’t have to do this anymore.” You drop your hands down and point at him and then at yourself, swallowing the lump that was forming in the back of your throat. “Don’t you have an event at work? What are you doing here?”
Sangyeon looks down, taking his lips in between his teeth, “I didn’t go.” He whispers before raising his head, his eyes welling up with tears as he stuffed his trembling hands into the pocket of his white washed jeans. You swore he didn’t own another pair. “I couldn’t go without you. I-I want to spend Valentine’s Day with you and the rest of upcoming holidays...But I also want to take you out on dates and binge watch shows with you and make love to you and hold you while you sleep. I want to wake up with you in my arms, and kiss you while you’re complaining about morning breath and make you breakfast.” He takes a shuddering deep breath before sitting down on the armrest of your couch, digging his thumb into the palm of his hands. “I just want to be with you forever.” He says, clearing his throat before letting the few tears he had been keeping fall.
“Sangyeon I-” You looked around your living room frantically. Your heart was beating out of your chest. The words that had fallen out of Sanyeon’s lips with ease were the last thing you had expected to ever hear him say. It was everything you had longed to hear him say for almost a year now and you didn’t know how to react. Should you tell him to leave to give you some space to take everything in? Or should you run up to him and kiss with all the love and passion you harbored for him? You were caught at the crossroads. was overwhelming.
Sangyeon scoffed, shaking his head before raising it again, turning his head to focus on your tv, avoiding your eyes. “You don’t have to say anything. I know you don’t feel the same way, I just couldn’t keep it in anymore. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids and I don’t know when you told me that you were seeing someone. I was so angry at myself for never being able to just confess and hurt that I had been too late.”
The air in your lungs caught itself in the back of your throat. You walked towards him quickly crouching down in front of him, taking his hands in yours. “Sangyeon look at me.” You swallowed, placing two of your fingers underneath his chin and guiding his head to face you, finally locking eyes with you. You felt so weak and full of energy, ready to kiss him until the two of you died from lack of air and you wanted to laugh. “We’re so stupid Sangyeon. This entire time I thought you only wanted me for sex while I slowly fell for you and now you’re telling me that you had the hots for me since we were kids...wow.” You smile, swiping your thumb underneath his eyelids wiping away his falling tears. “I’ve loved for a long time. I don’t know when I started to love you. Just that when I realized it I couldn’t stop.”
“‘I’m sorry.” He hiccups, his fingers wrapping around your wrist. “I’m sorry for what I did at your brother’s reception, but I swear on my grave that nothing happened between us. They were drunk so I called them an uber and walked them to their ride when it arrived.” He confesses, leaning down and circling his arms around your waist, guiding you to stand up.
He rests his forehead against your stomach sighing. “There’s never been anyone else for me other than you. You make me feel so stupid and frustrated sometimes. I know I shouldn’t have said the things I did that night, like you said I had no right to bud into your love life and being angry is no excuse but I was scared of losing you.” He looks up, his bright eyes pleading. “I’m still scared of losing you.”
You sniffle, bringing your hand up to his head, letting your fingers thread through his already messy hair, “I’m sorry too for lying. Clearly I had no plans.” You laugh lightly, pointing around your living room. “I had somehow convinced myself that lying about seeing someone else would be an easier way to end things, but it hurt so much seeing you leave knowing that there was a possibility I would never see you again.”
Sangyeon laughs, his shoulders shaking gently before he leaves a chaste kiss against your clothed stomach. “Honestly, that would be impossible, we’ve been practically married since the minute we entered this world.” He stands up, towering a couple inches over you, “If I hadn’t come tonight our moms would have forced us to talk sooner or later, I just got a little too drunk and beat them to it.” He presses a kiss against your head before pulling you into a tight hug, sighing happily. “I never want to be without you.”
You nod against his chest, “Will you remember this tomorrow?” It was a thought that had been running through your mind since his confession hit you full force knocking the wind out of your body. Though the few times you had a drunk Sangyeon in your presence he remembered every single tiny detail the next day. This was just your fear taking full charge at the thought of him waking up next to you confused, and walking out again.
He hummed, smoothing his hands down your back. “I’ll write everything that happened down and in detail. I’ll even describe the look on your face when I told you that I loved you. Which by the way have I told you that I love you...a lot.” He teased, leaning back and wiggling his brows.
You leave a light kiss on his chin before pulling away, unraveling his arms from your body. “I love you too.” You walked around him and sat on the couch picking up the remote. “Want to join me?” You tilt your head, your thumb hovering over the play button.
Sangyeon pouts slightly, copying your movements and sitting down next to you. “I haven’t asked you to be my official girlfriend yet.”
“Ask me in the morning, I want you to ask me when you’re sober.” You smile, kissing his lips lightly and wrapping your arm around his waist, leaning your head against his chest.
He makes a sound of approval, placing his arm around your shoulder, “Okay but I have another confession before you press play.”
“What is it?” You press your cheek against his chest before looking up at him confused.
“I already watched this episode, Elena and Damon get into a fight.”
“Don’t they always.”
“Yeah but I don’t want to watch it again.”
You shrug and press play, “Unfortunately, you have infiltrated my Valentine’s Day plans so you’re stuck watching.”
“I did it in the name of love.” He groans, shifting and pulling one of your legs over his lap, holding you closer, as the snarky remarks between the two characters start, sounding loudly through the speakers he had helped install when you first moved into your place three years ago. He almost told you he loved you that day, but then you had put an ice cube down his back and his mind instantly started thinking of ways to get his revenge. His confession hiding away again.
But now it was out in the open and finally he could love you the way he knew he could. The way you deserved.
“And I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”
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writer-panda · 3 years
Hit on the groom and what became of it - chapter 1/I will keep missing you (if you don’t stop running)
Disclaimer: I don’t own DC or Miraculous. I’m just playing with some crazy concept. 
Chapter 1 (here)  -|-  Next
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Ladybug landed on top of the Eiffel tower with practiced grace. An agitated worry roiling in her chest about the message Chat Noir left her. The urgency was one thing, but he sounded… pained. Like the weight of the world dragged him down type pain. 
Marinette knew Chat’s home life wasn’t perfect. Skilled at hiding it, maybe, but details leaked through the cracks. An offhand comment here, a muttered accusation there, a sour face yet again here. He lived in pain and tried so hard to work through it. 
She tried to help him whenever she could, both as Ladybug and Marinette. She may not return his feelings, but she always listened. For months during their third year as heroes, she left food on the rooftop when Chat’s suit revealed too many ribs. She wasn’t sure the reason and didn’t dare to ask, lest she learned too much, but she did try to help. There were times she thought she imagined the pained looks, and thin frame, and thinly veiled comments; maybe overexaggerating the situation in her mind, as she often did. After all, he always acted so cheerfully.
Then, Lila happened. 
The first strike landed swift, almost deadly, but she survived. It was what followed that made her reconsider. A prolonged fight, where Marinette chose to retain a cheerful mask to hide the pain. Along the line, she considered confiding in her parents. But what could they do?  Maybe take her from school, but that would mean Lila already won; the Liar would rule unopposed.
Which left Adrien, her last bastion of friendship. 
She still harbored a bit of a crush on him, but it was justified! Like a knight in shining armor, he stood, always ready to defend her. He always ensured her inclusion in class activities and saved her from several catastrophes. 
She still stumbled over her words with him, but when it’s minor stuttering or not talking to anyone, she forced herself to adapt. It was nowhere near as bad as it used to be. 
With the ability to spend more time with Adrien without acting like a spaz, Kagami also appeared more often, and proved to be a good friend. Marinette found a home with the two awkward rich kids ridiculously clueless and unaware of how the real world functioned. In the end, she even grew to accept Adrien might not be destined to be hers but chose to support him nonetheless. 
“My lady?” She was broken out of her musing by a familiar voice.
“Hello, Kitty-cat. I got your message… what’s wrong?” She turned to see Cat Noir slumped over the railing, with his ears tweaking nervously. She didn’t even know he could do it. 
“I… I’m sorry my Lady, but I can’t… I can’t continue to be your partner,” he declared.
“What?!” she squeaked. “What happened? What’s the matter?” 
“I’m… I’m getting married,” he announced, his ears drooping and tail tucked between his legs.  
Oh, that’s… not what she expected to hear. “Married? Congrat…” she drifted off, noticing his sour face. “Chat? What are you not telling me?”
“It’s… I… My…” He struggled to figure out how to say it, but ultimately remained silent for a moment. “There is nothing to be happy about. It’s a… business marriage,” he spat, his eyes narrowing.  
“But… those are illegal!” Ladybug protested.
“Not when you make it look like a love match. Especially if you insinuate at a scandal.” He sneered, jumping off the railing and pacing along the empty rooftop. “My father holds all the cards and I… I’m in no position to oppose him.”
“I’m sure we can…”
He sighed, walking over to her. “Please… M’lady. Don’t try to give me hope. I accepted what I must do.” With that, he reached for the ring, but she stopped him.
“Chat. We can try… You’re my friend. You can’t… We will figure it out. Together.” In all they’d endured, suffered, and triumphed - Marinette had never seen him this despondent… this broken. 
He sighed, his eyes flat and dull. “There is nothing to figure out,” he said, forcing the ring off his finger. 
The transformation fell, leaving Adrien Agreste materialized in place of her long-time partner. Plagg’s sharp cry cut off, as he’s sucked into the ring the second he popped out of it. She stood there, too stunned to notice the blond boy pushed the ring into her palm and closed it. 
Marinette wasn’t sure what thoughts decided to rampantly rage through her head, but the train of thoughts probably broke the collective speed limit everywhere in the world at the same time. 
“M’lady?” Adrien’s soft voice brought her to earth when she was one step from panic.
“A-Adrien?” She choked on the word.
“You heard about me?” He looked dumbfounded. Ladybug, too shocked to say a word, gestured over to the building line. Even from so high and far away, his most recent billboard advertisement stood visible. “Ah… right.”
“Who… who’s the lucky girl?” Inside her mind, she wondered if Kagami right now faced a  similar problem. It was the most logical…
“Lila Rossi,” Adrien admitted, his shoulders hunching. 
Marinette.exe stopped working. 
A moment passed.
“Um… M’Lady?” The boy tried to prod his ex-partner to respond by waving his hand in front of her face.
“That… that lying…” Ladybug saw red. This could not be happening.
Adrien nodded, the despondent look on his face growing worse every second.“My father deemed her a suitable heiress to the Gabriel brand… I tried to warn him she was a liar, but he… I think he actually admires her skill…” Tears built in his eyes, and Adrien covertly tried to wipe them away. 
“Maybe… maybe you could… I don’t know!” she screamed in frustration. Marinette had several ideas about what Adrien could do, but none of them would help. 
Running away would be a problem. Leaking the story to the press would lead to his home life growing even worse. After dealing with Gabriel Agreste’s parenting, she held no illusion Adrien could win a court battle. The rich too often got away with whatever they desired. She could try to sicc Uncle Jagged on the case… or maybe Clara Nightingale… Nadia Chamack would probably love the news-breaking story, but it would all put Adrien in danger. Who knows what would happen before they could obtain results or protection against Gabriel’s extensive reach. 
Adrien sighed as if knowing exactly where her thoughts took her. Chat was no dummy, he probably scoured over his options more times than he could count. His resignation, the last resort in a long line of failed plans.  “I appreciate you trying, but I already told you I accepted it. Just… take me down, please. I… I didn’t really plan the location well…” He let out a weak chuckle. 
“Fine… I’m sorry kitty...” She grabbed hold of him and swung to the ground. Despondently she watched her best friend, her partner, walk away into the night; resigned to a life of suffering and isolation. 
There must be something she could do, she thought. She closed a gloved fist around the ring. She was Ladybug, and if she put her mind to it, there was nothing she couldn't do.  
A week later the press learned about the upcoming wedding. Adrien and Lila both left school for home-school. The press and the general public ate up the news story about star-crossed lovers that met in school and became inseparable. It didn’t help that the class kept commenting about how good they were for each other. 
Marinette resisted an urge to gag whenever she caught the sound of the vicious lies and propaganda.  She was asked for comment only once but chose to refuse. It didn’t earn her any popularity in class. Luckily, she convinced Nadia to stop a nasty side-story about her jealousy from being published. 
No closer to a plan, she despondently continued to push through her life without her friend. She, unsurprisingly, hadn’t received a single text or call. Marinette didn’t blame Adrien; his position couldn’t be easy. A month after Adrien departed from her class, Marinette convinced her parents to also home-school her. Without a single friend, the school became a burden. Of course, her reasoning to her parents leaned into her focus on her fashion business. Which wasn’t untrue. It was starting to pick up. 
The only upside to this whole debacle was near-lack of akuma attacks. It seemed Hawkmoth found a hobby. Maybe he wrote poems? 
Nah. Not his style...
Two months after the announcement  Marinette woke to surprise guests: Adrien, his father, and Lila knocked on the bakery’s doors. The bride-to-be in an especially sour mood, as much as she tried to hide it. Gabriel appeared to be devoid of any emotions, as usual.
She seated them on the couch and asked if they would like a drink. She didn’t bother to offer food, not wanting to waste good cake on the likes of Lila and Gabriel. Although, Adrien’s thin cheeks and haunted eyes made her regret the decision. 
All of them declined the drink.
“Madame Marinette, I assume you have heard of the Wedding?” The capitalization clearly discernible in his voice. 
“Yes… Yes sir!” she corrected herself. Trying desperately to mask her disgust behind a layer of nervousness. She couldn’t risk a glance at Adrien, even if this was the first time she’d seen him since that night on the roof. Making it through the meeting would be hard enough without watching him suffer.  
“While initially, I planned to prepare the dress and suit myself, my son convinced me to give a chance to someone else to shine.” Clearly, whatever it was Adrien said, it didn’t include a polite request. “I have seen the dress you made for Rock Star Jagged Stone’s wedding, as well as the suit worn by Nadia Chamack.”
“They are designs I’m particularly proud of, sir.” 
Play the part. Play the part. Don’t send him to the hospital. Papa and Maman would be disappointed. Well, Maman would probably join me… 
Her homicidal train of thought ended as she forced a smile to appear on her face. Contrary to Lila’s stretched thin lips;  Marinette’s smile shines bright and could’ve been mistaken for genuine.
“Indeed… I’ve come to commission you to design and make the gown and the suit for the sweet couple.” He announced like it was the highest honor, but there was an amount of bile in his words Marinette used to think was reserved only for Nino.
“I… I’m… I’m honored, sir!” She beamed. The excitement only half-forced. Her moral compass told her even entertaining the proposal was wrong, but at the same time, her brain furiously flitted crafting possibilities. 
Gabriel nodded imperiously as if her acceptance merely added to a foregone conclusion. “Good. My assistant, Nathalie, will sort out the details. Lex Luthor agreed to pay for the pieces as his wedding gift, so do not be afraid to ask for full price.” He informed her t as if he believed she would give him a discount. 
For a moment, a singular reckless moment, Marinette entertained the temptation to voice her thoughts about Gabriel being cheap. 
She sighed, no, there would be another day for career suicide. The group rose to leave, and Marinette finally glanced at Adrien; his model-trained smile paper-thin. He caught her eyes, and if he radiated sadness two months ago, it didn’t hold a candle to the devastation swimming in his eyes. The exchange broke when Lila gripped a hand tight around his arm and dragged him to the door. 
Gabriel handed her a card, and the group departed. Marinette collapsed onto the couch, the makings of a headache building in her skull. 
This would be awful.  
A week later Marinette held a separate meeting, consisting of Nathalie, Lila, Lila’s mother, and Adrien’s aunt. And her, obviously. 
She first asked what kind of dress Lila wanted.
Lila’s eyes lit up in an unholy glee; and she started talking. 
And talking. 
And talking. 
And talking. 
After the long and painstakingly thorough description, Marinette felt faint. Several reasons contributed to that, although the most prominent were the materials, the design, and the way she spoke. Obviously Lila had feelings, the kind likely to trigger an oncoming Auma attack if Hawkmoth hadn’t pranced off to who knows where, about Marinette designing her dress. 
Marinette was happy Adrien’s aunt pointed out the request’s complete madness, but Lila’s mother waved it off, quick to declare only minor adjustments to the request would be needed. 
In the end, Marinette presented several dozen designs, both hers and foreign to have a basis on which she could work. Lila, of course, chose the one that would be hardest to make.
“I’m sorry none of your designs were good, Marinette…” The liar cooed with faked sorrow. She hid a smirk the designer could clearly see. 
The notion was born because it was a picture and not a sketch. 
Marinette smirked, and rose from the couch, ignoring Lila’s irritated scowl at her non-reaction.  
She liked it even less when the girl brought in the ready-made dress. 
“I made it as the first design for Penny Rolling’s wedding, based on Uncle Jagged’s suggestions. I should’ve known Penny didn’t approve of his idea, but…” she waved it off.
Lila, now actively glaring at her, sat back on the couch. All of which was mistaken for amazement by the adults.
Marinette ignored the girl’s dramatics, it was the only way she’d survive this meeting intact. “Of course, there still needs to be several adjustments and personalizations. I will also need to order the amber you requested. And the platinum thread. And the white gold. And probably an industrial-grade 3-D printer… Is that covered by the expenses?” She looked at Nathalie, who nodded. “Great! I will need just a moment.” 
The women watched as Marinette practically leaped at her notebook and added in adjustments to the sketch. Fifteen minutes later, when she presented a new design, impressing them all (sans Lila, obviously) with the flowing lines and intricate details. They praised her talent (even Natalie), and Marinette played the bashful young designer role to a tee. The liar kept glaring though. She couldn’t back away easily, since she already made a scene about wanting that specific dress. Marinette informed them beforehand she would need to know about her specific wishes before she made any adjustments. 
The final design looked pretty much exactly what Lila wanted though, but she didn’t want to give her nemesis the satisfaction. Her entourage did enough of this. 
Under the cover of being too emotional, they ended the meeting. Nathalie remained to finish the deal and sign the contract. 
After all of them left, Marinette collapsed onto her chair. An hour later a notification from her bank came. She received the first half of the payment. When finished, the dress would officially be the most expensive wedding dress to date. Blessed be Lex Luthor and his deep pocket. She chuckled, remembering how much the billionaire got kidnapped because of his money.
Then, an idea shined in her head.
She took off her earrings and dismissed Tikki, promising she needed a quick chat with Plagg about a new potential holder. When Marinette put on the ring, the Kwami of destruction popped back into existence. 
“So… figured out how to help my chosen?” he asked. 
What Tikki didn’t know was when Marinette said she intended to discuss potential holders for Plagg, they really worked on a way to save Adrien. It was their secret since Tikki would most likely disapprove. They didn’t want to risk her disappointment in them. Not until they crafted a fleshed out full-proof plan. 
She nodded. “I have an idea. Let’s hire someone to kidnap him!” 
Plagg rolled his eyes. “Did they hit you on the head, pigtails?”
“No. But look, the problem is whatever we come up with, Adrien ends up blamed or we land ourselves in jail, right?” The Kwami nodded. “So… if we make sure it’s a very public kidnapping and he disappears, we can stash him away until the heat dies down. After we dye his hair and apply fast-tan, he will look different enough no one will connect the two. I’m pretty sure I could get my hands on fake documents if I tried hard enough…” she trailed off thinking of all the minutiae to coordinate to pull this off. 
It would be hard. 
But it would be worth it. 
Plagg slowly nods. “Okay… Somehow, that both makes no sense and seems perfectly legitimate. It’s also your most chaotic plan to date, Pigtails. Let’s do it!” The Kwami cheered, happy to be soon reunited with his chosen kitten. “But what about the costs!”
Marinette already had an answer in mind for that question. “Even after I subtract the costs of materials and other supplies, the payment for the dress, together with my savings, will be more than enough. Now… let’s go wake Tikki up.”
That… ended with the Kwami of Creation vomiting a pile of handcuffs and other police gear at Marinette. 
“Um… Why?”
The little red Kwammi placed her paws on her hips. “Because you should familiarize yourself with those if you plan on going to prison for that plan. It’s no longer just a phone theft, Marinette! You’re talking about breaking more laws than I can count!” She dropped to the pillow below, bemoaning about where she went wrong. 
Marinette scooped up her wayward friend and tried to reassure her. “I just need to be careful. I’m pretty sure I can do it without detection. Maman taught me how to not be seen on the internet. Or in general. Come on. I need to order a secure laptop.”
“I will help!” Plagg offered. “I can cataclysm the internet after you do your thing.”
“What?! No! Think of the cute cat pictures!” Marinette protested. “And video games.” 
“Relax! It’ll just remove any trace of you doing anything online in the several hours or so…” He calmed her.
Tikki trailed after them, a bundle of nerves and worry. “Plagg! It’s irresponsible! You can’t possibly…”
“Pigtails and I have it all under control. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Turns out, a lot. 
Before Marinette put out the hit (kidnapping, she made sure that it was plain as day), she needed to set a price. That one was harder. It wasn’t like you could Google how much you needed to charge to kidnap a celebrity. At least, not without attracting a lot of unwanted attention. 
She asked her mother, under the guise of pure curiosity. It was a normal question any teenage girl asked her mother. How much does it cost to have someone killed, how much cheaper/more expensive a kidnapping is, how to acquire fake documents, that kind of stuff. Not suspicious at all. 
So absorbed in her rant, she missed a merry glint in Sabine’s eyes. She also didn’t question how her Maman knew those prices. 
Finally, she needed to fill the form. 
Assignment: Acquisition and Delivery
Asset(s): Adrien Athanase Agreste
Here, Marinette paused. 
Her mom gave her a lengthy lecture about pricing and all. According to her, a professional would take up to fifty thousand dollars for kidnapping and bringing the target to her. Marinette decided, since Adrien was a celebrity, she should double the price. More risks involved, more reward, right? 
But, she also wanted to ensure she hired the best of the best. Compare her work to Gabriel Agreste’s, she came to the conclusion ten times the price was reasonable to ensure only the best in the field would take the job. 
Then, there was the matter of safety and so on and so on. By the end, she settled on two million dollars, as her asking price for one Adrien Agreste. Plagg sagely nodded, agreeing with her assessment. Tikki didn’t comment, as she wasn’t speaking to the two, but also seemed more accepting after spying on Adrien and Lila’s home life. Not that she revealed that tidbit to either of them, lest they drop the plan and directly go at Gabe and the Liar. 
After a few more details and boxes in the form Marinette filled until she came to the end. Only one more detail remained: 
Marinette stared at the word for a moment. After a quick race of thoughts, she typed slowly. 
Sponsor: The Seamstress
Perfect. Nothing about this could go wrong.
Of course, how could she predict just how big of a mess she would make? 
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lilousmustaches · 4 years
Work this out
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Jake Peralta x Reader
Warnings: Ladies stuff, i won't say anything else to avoid spoilers. 
Notes: Here i am writing again after 3 years.... a total new fandom. I am watching b99 and i'm so addicted, Jake is the only thing in my mind right now and i had to do this. It didn't go as i planned, but i hope it's ok. It's small and english is not my first language. Expect more of Jake x Reader here, it's my first try and voilá. 
Summary: Jake and the reader have a friends with benefits relationship and suddenly she starts to act strange. 
Another work day in NYPD's 99 precinct. It had everything to be another normal day. Well... normal as it can get down there. But it wasn't.
 Immediately when you entered the precinct, Jake turned his head up from his computer to give you a smile and probably a silly joke provoking you. But his smile vanished as soon as he saw you pass everyone with your head down, no good mornings and going somewhere down the hall.
 "Hey" Rosa called looking between Jake and the hall you just disappeared. "What's up with (Y/N)?" 
 "I don't know." Jake responded confused as everybody else in the room. You were a joyful person, always smiling and greeting every single person that worked there. 
 "What have you done Jake?" Amy asked angry assuming it was his fault since everyone knew about yours friends with benefits relationship that has been going on for a while now. 
 "What? Nothing" Jake answered quickly indignant with the assumption. 
 "No, Amy is right Jake." Boyle said getting up of his desk and coming closer. "(Y/N) is acting weird this days, yesterday she didn't even wanted to eat some of my salmon cookies. She loves that. And coming here and not giving my good morning hug? Definitely something's strange." 
 "Boyle is right on that one." Rosa agreed with her arms crossed. 
 "I don't know ok?" Jake answered frustrated with your strange behavior rising his hands in surrender. "(Y/N) didn't went to my place this last weekend, in fact I had barely seen her for the past days. I really have no idea... maybe she's just trying to dump me and trying to make it easier." 
 "Or maybe she's tired of waiting for you to ask her out on a real date and assume her as your girlfriend!" Boyle pointed raising an eyebrow to his friend. "You should tell her how you really feel." 
 "Yeah, haven't you kept her waiting long enough?" Amy agreed. Everybody that met you and Jake knew eventually you were going to stay together. You had the same kind of humor and the same sassy tone. So it wasn't exactly a surprise when in one of the squad's reunions at the bar, you and Jake got hammered and started to talk and laugh closer to each other. Not a long time after that, you both disappeared going straight to his house. "It's has been months since this 'friends with benefits' thing started." 
 "Look guys." Jake said with a frustrated sigh rolling his eyes. "(Y/N) and I have talked about this. She's not ready yet for a relationship, she passed a hard time with that son of a bitch ex of hers. She needs time and I respect that."
 "Oh here she comes." Rosa alerted and quickly everybody went back to their places and pretended to be working. You came out of the files room discussing something with Terry. 
 "Okay (Y/N), we can work on that. Good job." Terry said with a sweet smile going back to his desk, and you to yours. You sat down in silence still not looking around organizing your paperwork, but notice everyone quiet and you could literally feel their stares burning on your skin. 
 "What?" You finally said looking around to your colleagues and everybody tried to disguise murmuring a lot of 'nothing' 'just working'. Everybody unless Jake. He was watching you intensely trying to figure out what was wrong. 
 Your eyes locked for a second and you could see that he was worried, and that broke your heart even more. This wasn't supposed to happen right now. Your heart was beating fast and nervousness took over your body. You quickly turned your attention to your desk again and took your purse pretending to organize something there. 
 "Good morning squad, today..." Captain Holt started to say walking out of his office but stopped in his tracks when looked over your desk and catch the sight of something inside your purse. He looked back and forth you and Jake. "Oh..." 
 "Oh what? What oh?" Jake asked fast doing his classic bite lip when he was anxious, trying to figure out what Holt saw that he didn't. 
 "Hmm" Holt said looking at Jake like he didn't know what to do now. "(Y/N) please come to my office." 
 Jake watched you get up and follow Holt into his office, closing the door behind you and closing the shutters. He strained his eyes shaking his head in denial. Ok, this was how things was going to go? Fine! He was a detective and he was so on for this investigation.
 Jake wanted to stay and see your expression when you got out of Holt's office, but duty called and he had to be on the streets all day. He put everyone on the precinct working on the case '(Y/N)'s secret 0.1', and every minimum suspicious movement, they were oriented to send him a message.
 Charles really took it seriously. 
 Nothing useful thought. Man he was frustrated, he solves all type of cases everyday but he couldn't figure out what was wrong with the women he liked? It was driving him crazy! 
 It has just grown dark when Jake entered back the 99, some people from the night shift was already there and he could only spot Boyle from his friends.
 "Hey Jake! Did you read my messages? Did you find them useful?" 
 "Hmmm... Yeah Charles, of course, thank you." Jake said after pondering the answer in his head although It was no useful at all. Charles told him every single one of your steps through the day, Jake wanted to know if you did something strange not your constant need to pee on that day. "(Y/N) already went home?"
 "Actually no, I just send you a text, didn't you read it?" He asked feeling insulted but continued when saw Jake's face. "Ok, she and Terry are still working on that case but (Y/N) got hot, she said she needed some air. She's on the roof." 
 "Hot? (Y/N) is always cold." He said confused but suddenly something clicked and everything started to fall into place inside his head. "I got go."
 His steps were fast to open the door for the roof and he immediately spotted you looking at the city view. You didn't turn but he knew that you knew it was him. 
 "Hey you." He said softly slowly approaching you until he was by your side. "I was worried today, you know?" 
 "I kind of got that.... Charles followed me into the ladies bathroom three times." You said making you both laugh. "So what it was? Like a secret case that everybody worked? How was it called? '(Y/N)'s secret 0.1?'"
 "What? No. I wouldn't go that obvious." Jake answered laughing nervously. Oh man, you knew him too damn well. "But yeah, was definitely working on that case. I worry about (Y/N). You were pushing me away, you didn't even answered my calls this last weekend. Sure, you could be done with our casual thing or whatever, but I know you. I knew it was not it." 
 "Jake, look..." You said with a sigh but he interrupted you. 
 "I was confused as hell this morning, but suddenly everything clicked. Yesterday you didn't want that weird salmon cookies Charles brings. I adore you but those are nasty as fuck, by the way. You didn't drink coffee when you got here today, you always do that. And not greeting anyone? That means something happened yesterday night that got you worried." Jake said and paused waiting for a reaction, but he took your silence a sign to continue his deduction. "Of course you could be suspecting for a while now, and that's why you have been avoiding me. Captain saw your purse when he got out of his office. He saw your tampons, am I right? Untouched. Your usual period date has already passed, and everybody knows when it is because of how much pain you feel. Usually stays only in paper work those days. Constantly needing to pee. But none of it hit me until Charles said you were feeling hot. You're always cold and asks for my jackets. Those are all symptoms of...." 
 "Hit me Sherlock." You said and waited for his right answer.
 "You're pregnant." Jake said finally, his face softening. "It is mine?" He asks feeling insecure but he changed his mind when saw your face. "Dumb question. Shouldn't say that. Of course it's mine."
 "I'm so sorry Jake, I just didn't know how to say it. You're right in everything, I started suspecting since last Friday but only took the test yesterday." You said starting to feel tears in your eyes. "And yes, Captain Holt found out in seconds. I just begged him not to tell you."
 "Traitor" Jake said furrowing his eyebrows. "I'm just confused on how that happened? We always use condoms." 
 "I was thinking that too, until I remembered that night on Gina's birthday that we got really drunk and had sex on the bar's bathroom." You said and he agreed, both smiling at the memory quickly coming back to the moment. "I am so scared. We're not even together and I..." 
 "Wait, that's what is troubling you?" Jake said feeling his hands shaking and his heart beating incredibly fast. "(Y/N) I like you ok? For a long time now. I just didn't think you were ready yet for a relationship, I was respecting your time. But oh god, I'm so in love with you it hurts. Of course it's not the perfect scenario, but we gonna make this work, I won't leave you to take care of this baby alone."
 He said sincerely looking in your eyes and you nodded feeling some tears starting to fall down, you hugged him tight feeling his strong grip on you. Jake kissed your forehead, rubbing your back to calm you down. 
 "I'm in love with you too Jake, so much, I want this to work out." You said softly into his neck. 
 "It will." He said giving a slow chaste kiss. You stayed hugged for a few minutes but suddenly he gasped and started to hyperventilate. "Holy shit! I'm going to be a dad. What if i can not be a good dad because mine abandoned me when I was little? I'm going to be a dad." 
 "Hey" You said to drag his attention back to you, watching his wide eyes staring at the horizon. You knew it was your time to calm him down. "You're going to be a great dad. You are already proving this to me by not letting me be alone. We will work this out remember?" 
 "Yeah..." He sighed feeling calmer looking into your eyes. "We will work this out."
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shinsorokiri · 3 years
S/o Loses Memory and Quirk
Kaminari Denki HCs
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions broken bones, a panic attack, panic attack symptoms, sad Denki
A/N: Ngl writing angst for Denki did something to my little heart. He only deserves happiness and I’m mad at myself for giving him sadness lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! I’ll be writing one like this for All Might next so keep your eyes peeled for that one!
Shinsou, Aizawa, Hawks, and Dabi
Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima
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Kaminari Denki | Chargebolt
You are his partner in crime
You’re the one who is always there to take care of him when he goes dumb
You’re the one who is always there to comfort him when he feels like an idiot
You’re always the one who is there for him
And he’s always the one who is there for you
It’s been that way for years
Ever since you transferred to UA your second year of high school
The two of you became fast friends
Best friends even
And his flirty nature made it so it wasn’t too long before the two of you entered a real relationship
The two of you EXUDE the most chaotic good energy that even Bakugou finds it kind of endearing
But unbeknownst to his friends
Denki can get really fucking serious when it comes to you
It lowkey shocked you the first time you saw him act like that
And it was all because you were sparring with him and you tripped over your own damn foot and face planted 
You figured he’d just point and laugh at you but he ran over and checked you EVERYWHERE to make sure you weren’t hurt
mans even SCOLDED you
But you lowkey LOVED it because like
He does like me !!!
Of course that was in your final year at UA
The two of you are now pro-heroes at separate agencies
And boy oh boy does Denki worry about you
He can’t help it
He has seen you run into a wall because you were trying to rely on scent instead of sight “in case you get stuck in a dark room with a villain”
He worries
But he also knows you are strong
And also a hot badass who can take on anyone
Almost anyone
Midoriya could probably kick your ass but that’s just because it’s Midoriya
But in all seriousness
He isn’t even patrolling today
He has the day off actually
And Denki has never baked anything before in his life
He knows that there’s been this mysterious villain giving your agency some trouble recently
So he wants to make you some of your favorite cookies
Or at least try to
And then have a lil movie night
He’s a clingy little shit
And he wants to destress you so
He will refuse to let go of you for the rest of the night goddamnit!
So there he is
Taking the semi-burnt but still edible cookies out of the oven
His favorite program on in the background
When suddenly
His show gets interrupted
And the hero scanner the two of you have goes off in your living room
He immediately turns his attention to the television
Stopping in the middle of the kitchen 
Still holding the cookies
When he sees live footage of you falling from a 3 story building
Onto concrete
He drops the pan
And literally sprints out of the door
He doesn’t even have shoes on
But he doesn’t give a single Fuck™
He rushes down the stairs of the apartment building the two of you live in
And gets to his car in record time
Mans be speeding to the hospital he knows you’re gonna be at
You two had a plan in place with each other and your agencies that if anything would happen to either of you
You would both go to this specific hospital so you two could know where the other was at all times
Of course he was crying while speeding
And his heart rate was way too fast for him to be functioning
But he had to get to you
He had to
And he did
He pulled into a parking spot reserved for pro-heroes and ran inside the emergency room
When he asked about you the nurse told him you were currently in surgery for some severe bone breaks
He got a nasty taste in his mouth
But he just nodded
She told him he could wait in the waiting room
And he did
He sat down in a chair
And he was trying so hard to keep it together
But eventually Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and even Bakugou showed up
To be fair
Mina and you did work at the same agency
So she saw everything that happened
They immediately went over to him
And he looked up at Mina
And deadass this is the first time any of them see how genuinely serious Denki can get
He asks Mina what happened
And she hesitates
But his face is dead serious
There are obviously tears leaking out of his eyes
But his stare is wildly intense
And Mina knows that if she says no he’ll just keep asking or ask someone else at the agency
So she tells him
“Well… we were patrolling, like usual, when that villain that’s been keeping us on our toes showed up. They’ve never… done anything other than rob people and knock them out so we thought hey this should be easy. Especially since (Y/n) was there. When they saw us they ran into a building and we chased after them and when we had them cornered on the roof they did this weird… sneak attack? But not really? I don’t know it was… odd, they had this like patterned fight technique and they hit (Y/n) in a few different places, and she went to use her quirk to fight back but… nothing happened… and then they hit her like at the bottom of her skull and she just… fell down unconscious. And then they… threw her… off…”
She started trailing off at the end because a sob tore through Denki’s throat
And then he started hyperventilating
Luckily Bakugou and Kirishima were there to help him out
They get panic attacks frequently, so they managed to calm him down and get him to breathe again
And they stayed with him for as long as they had to
Eventually after hours 
A doctor came out and approached Denki
“Pro Hero Chargebolt?”
He stands up very fast
He’s informed that you are out of surgery
And that the surgery went well
However they noticed something odd in your MRI results
It seemed that a portion of your brain was damaged?
But not quite 
It was still functioning
But something about it was off
And they had never seen anything like it before
It was like certain parts of your brain were blocked but everything else was fine
Upon hearing this Denki’s heart broke
And then after hearing the part of your brain that was impacted was the part that contained long term memories
His heart shattered
“We’re afraid she may have severe amnesia. We’re going to keep running tests to see just what is going on, we think it’s the quirk of that villain. A lot of the victims of their crimes have blockages in their muscle groups, but we’ve never seen a blockage in the brain from them.”
Denki is quiet
He literally doesn’t say anything
Until he whispers
“Can i see her?”
The doctor nods
And he leads him to your room
You’re still asleep 
And you’re covered in bandages and casts
It breaks his heart
His friends texted him to tell him they went home but if he needs them at any minute that they will be on their way to the hospital in ten seconds flat
He appreciates it
But right now he really just wanted to be alone with you
He just sat next to you
Holding your hand
He was even moving your pointer finger to trace the Lichtenberg Figures trailing up and down his arms
You always do it when the two of you are cuddling at night 
It helps him sleep
And reminds him that you love him regardless of his faults
And right now he just
He really needs you
This goes on for an hour before he feels you start to move
And he freezes
You open your eyes
And squint at him
“Uh… h-hi… aren’t you that guy in my new class…?”
He stares at you
Completely deadpan
Before laughing a bit
But it isn’t a happy laugh
It’s very much a sad laugh
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
“Cool, but um… how did you know my name already?… Are you crying?”
He was
He was laughing and crying at the same time
He probably looked like he was losing his mind
But he really did just lose his whole world so
It’s a prompted reaction
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
His voice was more strained this time
“Are you… are you okay?”
“Yeah, but you’re not. And I didn’t save you, and now you don’t know who I am, and I’m just… I’m so sorry, babe. I’m so sorry.”
The laughing stopped
Now he’s just sobbing
In your mind
You’d seen him a few times while touring the school
And he was always laughing and smiling
So this was shocking
And you’d be lying if you said it didn’t tug on your heart strings
You instinctively reach out to grab his hand
And he grips onto it so tight
Almost like he’s afraid of letting go
“…You called me babe?”
He tries to even his breathing
But he nods
“I don’t… I don’t even know you, I-”
“You do. You do, but… you don’t. It’s… it’s complicated and I’m a literal dumbass so… I’ll call a doctor. They’ll explain.”
And that he does
And the doctor does in fact explain
And after the doctor leaves
You ask him to tell you about your relationship
And he does
He tells you even the smallest details
From the time that you painted the nail on his right hand middle finger pink because he lost a bet and he ended up liking it and buying nail polish for himself
To the time that you two told everyone you break danced all night to break in your new apartment when in reality he turned on Lover by Taylor Swift and the two of you slow danced in your living room
All of it
And he even managed to slip in the fact that you’d remember all of this after he caught the villain who did this to you
And he will catch them.
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cuddlemen0w · 3 years
daily dose of failure | peter parker x reader
(+ the group aka mj, ned and harry)
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a/n: heyaaa here’s part 2 and it’s longer than the first part so i hope it’s ok! ;) i’m still going with mostly peter’s pov cuz that’s what i wanna do duh.. also mj is gay now. deal with it. and i fancasted harrison as harry osborn :)
warnings: language, anxiety. are those warnings?
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gif is from pinterest
“For the record, I did not ghost you,” Peter said as he walked through the crowded hallway, Ned and Harry on each side of him.
“Yeah, yeah,” Harry huffs and rolls his eyes. “What were you doing then?” He shoots him an accusing eye.
“Self loathing?” Peter avoided eye contact, instead he played with the strap on his backpack. His two friends stare at him more intensely. “Fine! I ghosted you.”
“What are you taking about?” y/n’s cheery voice made them jump.
“You,” Ned immediately says, receiving a slap to the back of his head from Harry. “Did you not learn from yesterday?”
But y/n nor Peter heard Ned’s or Harry’s comments. And if one of them did, they ignored it.
“So, I saw you enjoyed yesterday?”
“Oh yes! But it’d be way better if you were there,” y/n’s voice softens then. “But at least I could have cheese nachos,” she joked.
“Ew,” Peter made a face as he shivered all over. “But whatever makes you happy.” His face was still crunched from the thought of the ‘nasty looking garbage food’ as he called it. The girl before him only laughed.
“It’s good, you’d know it if you’d actually try it.”
“Hell no, I’m not touching that.”
“Fine,” she says, her back already turning to go to her first class.
“No! I didn’t mean it! I swear!” he smiles finally. “I never mean it.”
y/n stops in her tracks, her beamy grin back on her face. “Sure thing, Petey.”
Peter’s cheeks warm up at the nickname, still not used to it even after all the years. He’s loved her for all of them.
He remembers the first time she called him that. They had one of their movie nights, this time at his place. With May gone to work, he had permission to let his friends stay the night. MJ was in the kitchen making popcorn along with Harry who was grabbing some soda. Ned was on a ‘pee break’. y/n cuddled up to him, her head on his shoulder, her breath brushing his neck. “Thank you, Petey.” What for? he asked that night. “This, all of this.” She broke up with a boy that night. He felt bad for being happy about it.
“Peter?” she broke him out of his thoughts. “You have math now right?”
He made a noise in response. If it was an agreement or confusion, she didn’t know. He stared at her for a moment longer. “Oh! Math!” he realised, he grabbed his books from the locker and sprinted away.
“Weirdo,” MJ appeared out of nowhere, startling the girl. Her hand shot up to her chest.
“I told you not to do that!”
“Well, you should know I never listen. Anyway, are you going to tell him or what?” MJ asks, swinging her arm around her friend’s shoulders.
“Tell him what?” y/n tried to play innocent. Her act faltering at the sight of MJ. Her brow raised and a knowing look on her face.
She groaned, “I’m still waiting for a sign if he even likes me like that.”
“You’re so oblivious.” MJ said quietly, shaking her head.
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Peter locked his screen just as he saw Ned, y/n and MJ entering the lunch hall and heading for his table. His food splayed all over it along with a few of his textbooks, serving as a clear sign of holding someone’s place. He started cleaning his mess up when they neared him.
“If it’s another party I swear I’m ending our friendship,” MJ said as she bit into her sandwich.
“I’m with you on that,” y/n nudged her friend. “But if there’s any cute girls,” she wiggled her brows at MJ. Giggling slightly.
“Oh shut up!”
“What— What do you mean?” Peter panicks. All the colour from his face is out. What if she isn’t into boys at all? HOW COULD I NOT NOTICE? he freaks out internally.
MJ joined y/n in her laughter. She laughed so hard a few tears escaped her eyes. “Oh my!”
The latter is the one to break out of it first. Coughing slightly from laughing in between bites. “Cute girls, as in, for MJ.”
Peter’s eyes narrow. “What?” he said, his mouth open in confusion. All around the table, they could almost see the gears turning in his head. “Oh!”
“Yes, oh!” MJ’s laughter died down a bit. Only a tiny bit.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t—”
“It’s ok Peter, although I recon I told all of you,” MJ narrows her eyes now.
“Yes, but Peter wasn’t there,” Ned is the one to speak out. “He was doing— eh.”
Peter panicks again. Think of a quick lie! “Laundry!”
“Riiight,” MJ slowly nodded. “Because you totally know how to do that.”
y/n saved Peter from the intense stare of their friend, “C’mon MJ, let him breathe.”
“I just want to know what he’s doing all these times he ghosts us.” Well that’s a good point.
“As I said laundry.” Stick with one thing, he thinks to himself. “May wants me to learn, so I’ll know in college.” Damn, I’m good at this.
MJ glared one last time, “Sure.” She bit into the last piece of her lunch and left him only with Ned and y/n.
His palms sweat from being almost caught. He looked to his left, exchanging weird looks with Ned, then he turned to the girl opposite him. Her skin looked so beautiful in the midday, spring sun. Her hair looked soft for touch and her eyes coincidentally matched her shirt. “I— uh.. I gotta do laundry now actually, before we go to Harry’s. Okay, bye!” he excused himself quickly and almost ran out of the lunch hall.
“Weird huh?” Ned awkwardly said when only him and y/n remained.
“Yeah, weird.”
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Peter was doing ‘laundry’.
He swung along the many buildings in Queens, checking if the neighbourhood was friendly and safe. His mask clad face scanned the many little alleys. It was a moment of peace for him, he felt free flying above the streets.
But it faltered when his phone dinged in his suit. He jumped to one of the roofs and fished it from the pocked that Tony installed into his new suit.
He opened the phone to find out Harry’s text.
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“Yeah,” Peter said out loud. “This better be good.”
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Everyone showed up at Harry’s. His football friends, few cheerleaders, the squat — all except Peter.
“Of course,” MJ muttered as soon as she got there and the brown haired boy wasn’t present. “Dude’s gonna miss his own funeral at this point.”
“Yeah,” Ned laughed nervously. His fingers fidgeted and teeth bit his lower lip. MJ took notice of that after his laughter lasted suspiciously long. But she choose not to say anything, yet.
Harry was the one to ease the bit of tension in his house. “Don’t worry, he’s gonna show up.” He paused to grab a drink. “Told me himself. And he’s got a surprise.”
“Surprise would be him showings up.”
“Well, who am I to tell what it is?”
MJ looked between her two male friends. Her eyes almost boring into their soul. “You two know something,” she stated. “And I’m gonna find out what.”
y/n entered the room right after Ned almost choked on his drink from fright. “Something wrong Neddy?”
“No, no. Not at all,” he smiled, like a kid caught doing something they shouldn’t. “We’re just talking about Peter.”
“What about him? Have you seen him? Is he going to show up?” she could go on but Harry saved them all.
“Yup, he’ll be here any moment now.”
The girl let out a relieved sighn, her shoulders relaxing and the fake half smile dropping from her lips. “Thank god, the more time I spent with your damn friends the more I wish I was ghosting you too.” She points to Harry.
“Peter is not ghosting us, remember? He’s doing laundry,” he points out. Making y/n laugh, Ned chuckle nervously and MJ to huff. “Don’t worry, he’ll show up. I threatened him.”
All of sudden, the door bell rang though the big Osborn house. Everyone around the living room fell silent, only the music played from the speakers. A blonde boy, that was closest to the hall went to open the door.
After a very awkward two minutes of silence, the guy returned with a stunned expression. His eyes wide and mouth hanging open.
“Who was it?” one of the other boys asked, but he didn’t need an answer. Right after the blonde, a red clad man walked in. Spider-man. In Harry Osborn’s house. The murmurs started to float around the room.
“Hi!” Peter said from his spot. He remembered himself. “Hello,” he said more deeply. There’s too many people, he thought. And all of them are looking at me. He had a sudden urge to mess his hair, something he did when he was nervous or stressed. Right now, he was both. But the superhero mask was in the way.
“I uh,” he paused to look at all the faces. Most had hanging mouths out of shock, some had eyes full of awe. His vision quickly found the one he was here for. y/n was standing between MJ and Ned. She was one of those in shock, but her mouth wasn’t hanging, nor were her eyes wide. She was one of those pinned to their place, unmoving, utterly shocked to do anything.
“I’m here to say something.” Peter’s voice trembled. All the confidence he told himself he has in the suit was gone. He was just a boy, standing before a girl in a room full of people. “My friend,” he nodded to assure, more himself than others. “He uh,” his breathing picked up. “He’s in,” his eyes glossed inside the red suit. “He’s in danger!” he let out.
“Peter?” y/n almost yelled out.
Peter freaked out. He was sure he fucked up now.
To his relief, she worriedly continued, “Peter is in danger?”
“Yes!” Play it cool Parker, play it cool. “I— Peter needs Ned, Ned Leeds.”
Ned pointed at himself, unsure what his best friend meant. “Yes, you! Now hurry, or he’ll be in much bigger trouble!” He then grabbed Ned’s arm. “Come on,” he whispered furiously.
They only stopped once they were far enough, that no one could eavesdrop or see them from a window. Ned panted from the quick pace Peter set. “What— what is— what’s going on?”
“I can’t do it!” Peter whisper-yelled. His mask in his hand now. “I thought, maybe if it wasn’t entirely me, I’d say it. But I can’t!” the vision of the mask in his hand blurred behind the tears. “I’m a coward! As always I am!”
Ned neared his best friend. “It’s okay, Pete.”
“It’s not!” he burst out, throwing his hands into the air, his face red. “I’m the biggest fucking loser in the goddamn universe!”
“It’s really not that bad.”
“How can you say that?”
“Because she likes you too.” It was a familiar voice. Behind them, MJ stood with her hands crossed. Both boy’s breaths hitched. “Yeah I know, Peter is Spider-man. What a surprise!” she mocked. “You really thought you were slick huh?”
“How?” Peter motioned between himself, the mask and her. His tears long forgotten, replaced by disbelief.
“Well, I started to notice your weird disappearances, and that,” she pointed far to the house behind her. “Was very obvious.”
“Does anyone else—”
“Know? If Harry doesn’t, then I don’t think so.”
Peter shook his head. “Good,” he breathed out.
MJ cocked her head, “Don’t mind me asking. But what the hell was that?” Again, she pointed to the big house.
“I tried to tell y/n my feelings,” he said, as a matter of fact. “Didn’t go very well.” He shook his head and chuckled. “Didn’t expect anything more from myself.”
Ned and MJ shared a look. Both stepped closer to the now kneeling Peter. Their hands soothed his back as they too sat down on the lawn under the night sky. “You should’ve told us that you wanted to tell her. We could’ve helped,” MJ said into the dark night. “She would’ve told you the same, you know.”
“What?” He looked up from the green grass. His head turning from MJ to Ned for reassurance, only to receive a nod from his best friend.
“She likes you a lot.”
“Like a lot lot,” Ned added in and nudged his friend.
Peter breathed in the night’s air. His heart beating a bit faster, not from anxiety anymore, but from joy. His tears dried out completely now, he only sniffled here and there.
“Okay then, what’s the plan?”
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