#let the black brothers have their own friends and let them coexist
wildrosesayshigh3 · 5 months
Lily/Sirius/James forever
I get the lily/regulus/james hype I do but I’ve always thought of the potter-evan’s with another black brother. Long before I knew wolfstar existed.
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valenteal · 5 months
So I said I’m never gonna write the bsd x kotlc fic idea I came up with but I’m wavering. This AU idea has grabbed me by the throat and it won’t let me work on school. Bu t I have no idea what the plot would even be! So I’m going to brainstorm on here and post it and if anyone is interested I might get the motivation to write it, or maybe someone else will do me the favor of writing it instead.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke and Tam Song are the same person, and by extension Gin and Linh are as well, but that’s not the point.
Akutagawa and Tam have the same key personality traits already: over protective brother, surly dramatic emo, authority issues, and silver bangs!
All you have to do is take Tam out of the elven world, drop him in Yokohama and BAM! Akutagawa!
Tam and Linh were banished and sent to Exillium when they were 11. Dazai found them living on the street when they were 14. That gives them 3 years to acclimate to the forbidden cities. And for Tam to get lung disease. I would say that he didn’t just get it from the polluted air. But that he actually breathed in like super deadly toxins after ending up somewhere really dangerous and the only reason he didn’t die is because he’s an elf, but because he didn’t get any treatment it left him with permanent damage. This is why Gin wears a mask, Ryu gets super worried and makes her wear it most of the time because overprotective.
But imagine the shock of Tam and Linh learning that humans have abilities to 😂! They would be so shocked! And then they’d realize human Abilities are better and more diverse than Elven Abilities and just be like… bro elves dumb af. Just the idea of these two universes coexisting— i cant even.
Anyway. Tam figures out how to use his shade powers in a way that seems a little more human and is less recognizable to any elves who might stumble upon them. Linh actually uses her ability as a hydro-kinetic, going out to the ocean to practice and to satisfy the part of her that needs to become one with the water sometimes. However, as Gin she pretends not to have an ability so that no one will use her for it, and so that she doesn’t loose control in a populated area.
So Tam and Linh become Ryuunosuke and Gin and live as “orphans” on the streets of Yokohama. Then every thing follows BSD canon. They find friends on the streets, grow close, those friends become a sort of found family. Then they over hear classified mafia intelligence by accident and only the Akutagawas escape with their lives. Ryuu decides to use the information to get revenge for their friends but when he arrives the people responsible are dead at Dazai’s hand. Dazai offers either enough money for them to get off the streets or for Ryuu to come work for him. And, well, he’d walked away from a life of comfort and plenty before, and he’d grown to despise normal society for how it treated people who were different, who were more powerful. He knew that the mafia offered a more honest lifestyle in which he and his sister could be respected and know exactly where they stood. Instead of the social and political world of regular society, which is full of lies and judgment and unearned authority he chose the mafia. A place of darkness and brutal honesty, where no one get power or respect without earning it.
So Ryuu and Gin both join the mafia, Gin quickly rises through the ranks, becoming an assassin commander of her own black lizard battalion. Ryuu on the other had faces unexpected struggles. He had committed to the bit, his ability was “Rashoumon” not shadow manipulation. It took him a good amount of time to perfect using his ability in ways that looked like he was controlling his coat. He ended up using shadow-flux (without any training or knowledge of what he was actually doing because he’s just that awesome!) to make his coat a powerful weapon. By seeping the shadow flux into the coat he was able to create Rashoumon for real. But Dazai doesn’t know that he’s holding back and figuring out exactly how much power he can use, instead expecting something from Akutagawa that is entirely different from what he can actually do. Dazai thinks he’s being a slow learner, that the things he’s trying to teach should come naturally to him.
That’s all I’ve got for now. My head hurts owwwwwwwwwww
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shortkingshapeshiftr · 11 months
Finishing the Second Book! - The Seekers Book Discussion #3
SPOILERS: Entirety of the 2nd Seekers book (Great Bear Lake)
The 34th chapter of Seekers: Great Bear Lake ends with quite the bang! Our team of characters, at least on the book cover, have finally been gathered together. Lusa, Ujurak, Kallik, Toklo and Taqqiq are united, and are now on their journey to the ice that never melts. While most came separately, they all managed to get to Bear Lake and learn more about what goes on there. Kallik, the polar bear, even finds her long lost brother Taqqiq!
We definitely get a bigger dose of prejudice that the three bear species of North America experience and inflict upon one another. It's already been referenced before, but I feel like book two ups it by a noticeable degree. At Great Bear Lake, grizzlies, polar bears and American black bears are all separated from each other. The audience and characters are constantly told that the species should not mix, hell even our own main characters start or still believe that should be the case. I'm just hoping that by the end of the book they challenge this as the characters reach their final ark. The group being together in the first place IS a sign that different bears can coexist and be friends, I'm just hoping they recognize that. Otherwise I feel like what we may interpret from these books may be far from pleasing and frankly suspicious.
I do find that Lusa's character is somewhat disappointing in book two. Lusa is constantly defended by both Ujurak and especially Toklo who tends to infantilize her, specifically when they get into physical altercations. Don't get me wrong, grizzlies tend to be stronger and more aggressive than American black bears. I also understand that Lusa has never genuinely fought before, but I feel like this is just a cop out. Black bears absolutely have the capacity to get mean and do some serious damage. The same thing kind of applies to Kallik as well, a polar bear I might add, she too rarely gets into physical fights and serves to only calm down the angry male bears. I'd like to note that polar bears are generally more powerful and vicious than both black bears and grizzlies. It just kinda comes off as unintentionally misogynistic to me, constantly downplaying or demonizing the physical power of the female bears and depicting most of them, especially the main characters, as weak. The only strong and aggressive female bear I can think of was Toklo's mom, who is often seen as crazy and unmotherly. She's the outlier. Kallik's mom may also fit the bill slightly, but she too rarely fights and both moms end up dying so we don't get much of them. I feel like most of the female bears are limited to three character categories: Mothers, children or helpers to male bears. I'm obviously not saying they CAN'T fit into these groups, I just find it odd that most if not all of them fit that mold. Please expand upon this further and let either Kallik, Lusa or both kick the shit out of someone. I need some major bear girlboss action.
As for Ujurak's transness and how Toklo views him, I feel like they didn't really talk about that as much in this book. It was mostly towards the beginning, I believe. Ujurak just kinda wants to blend in with other brown bears, especially due to Toklo's pressure. He assimilates unless it's to the benefit of the other bears. Maybe they'll bring this up further, and hopefully they'll, and by "they'll" I mean Toklo, learn to accept Ujurak for who he is.
Taqqiq is kind of a dick and would wear polo shirts and khakis if he could. I will not clarify further.
Onto the third book now! The next issue is Seekers: Smoke Mountain. 🐻
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simplyotometrash · 3 years
Some Obey Me Headcanons!
Part One!!
Lucifer has always been the dad sibling. After each of his brothers were “born” while they were angels, he was the one to raise and teach them everything.
It’s common knowledge that Mammon is his favorite. Even if he hates to admit it. He’s hardest on Mammon because it’s the only thing he knows how to do anymore.
Despite the fact that they don’t seem to get along because of Mammon’s antics, Lucifer only ever confides some of his most pent up feelings to the second born. 
The only other person he confides in this deeply is MC.
Before the fall, Belphie was his second favorite brother. Even after things have settled after Belphie was free again, he can never look at the youngest the same.
All he wants is for his brothers to be happy and live on. Even if it means working himself into the ground for their sakes.
He doesn’t ask for help. Help has to be forced upon him.
With how much he works, even at home, it’s not uncommon to find him napping with a pen in hand at his desk and his head on his paperwork.
He wishes he had done better raising Satan. He blames himself for their strained relationship, but he feels as if it is too late to truly fix it.
Sometimes he also wishes he had raised Satan as his son and not his brother, considering Satan was born from his wrath.
Children, for some reason or another, flock to him.
His control issues and needing to know everything that happens under his roof stems from the trauma of the war, the fall, and what happened with Lilith. 
It’s his deepest fear that he will lose his brothers and be completely and utterly alone.
A bisexual mess of a demon. No one can convince me he doesn’t have at least a small crush on Diavolo. 
Oh the second born brother. He just wants to see everybody happy. But he always messes up and ends up making people angry instead.
He has severe impulse control issues, hence why he’s broke all the time. It isn’t that he doesn’t want to save his Grimm, I headcanon that his sin of Greed compels him to spend. It controls him and so he struggles to keep money. 
But by gods does he have great luck with gambling. Get him going and he will win big every single time.
But keep that money where he can’t just grab it or else he will be compelled by his sin to buy things.
He doesn’t even want most of the things he buys. His sin took root in that empty space left from the fall and being cast out by the one he called his father. 
His sin pushes him to try and fill that void with objects and money when really he just wants someone’s love.
After centuries of being called scum and a degenerate because of something he has little control over, he gave up trying and gave into just being his sin.
He cries easy but only to MC or Lucifer. He won’t show his tears to any of his other brothers. Maybe Beel sometimes. But only sometimes.
He knows Lucifer’s most precious and deepest secrets. He’s his brother’s confidant. But he doesn’t even breathe a word of these secrets to anyone else.
He tries so hard to get attention, so he does stupid shit. After falling to Devildom, his family was changed forever. So any attention is good attention even when it’s him being punished. 
MC is the one who showed him positive love and attention again. It is one of many reasons he sticks to their side like fucking super glue to skin.
He’s actually a total mom-friend, though you wouldn’t guess it. You’d think he is the type to get drunk and pass out at a party? His alcohol tolerance is actually much higher than he lets on. He cleans up and takes care of people after they’ve all passed out.
He wasn’t nearly as anxious and against socializing before falling to Devildom. He retreated into himself out of fear of the unknown world they had all fallen into after the war.
He has an anxious attachment style. He knows it isn’t healthy. It’s rooted in the trauma that losing Lilith created.
The longer he stayed closed in on himself, the worse his anxiety got. To the point he became a recluse. 
He fears getting close to someone. He feels insecure in relationships, not just in himself. He doesn’t feel like he’s good enough.
He’s had relationships in Devildom before, but the first one ended poorly and it only made things worse for how he saw himself. The demon only dated him because of who he was, and preferred his status as the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy. Not as who he really is. 
The few relationships that came after all ended before they really could begin because his anxiety monster was screaming that he wasn’t really good enough. That they only ever pursued him for who he was in status and power.
MC’s persistence to become his friend is what made him begin to do some self-reflection.
They tried so hard to become friends with him, they put so much effort into him, and they encourage him to just be himself. If they do all of that, maybe he really is enough as he is.
He does try to step outside of his comfort zone more because MC opened his eyes to the truth of himself. 
But baby steps are needed.
He taught himself how to code just so he could make games. He got bored after making one and preferred playing to creating.
He doesn’t actually hate Mammon. Their little rivalry traces back to when they were angels and still growing up, competing for Lucifer’s attention. He actually loves his brother very much, despite how irritate he gets.
His envy is its own thing. It took root within his insecurities and has a voice all its own. It used to be so loud that he couldn’t think. But the growth he’s had since MC came into his life helped quiet that voice down a lot.
He’s closest with Satan and Asmo, feeling like he doesn’t fit with his older two or youngest two brothers anymore. 
He knew from day one that he wasn’t like the rest of his brothers. He was always different. Born a demon, never once an angel. He knew that they weren’t truly his brothers.
All he ever wanted was for Lucifer to be his father. Not his brother. 
Lucifer once was his hero, the person he admired and respected with all his might.
As he got older, his wrath only grew with him. And his anger at Lucifer grew as well.
He wanted to find himself as separate from Lucifer. He knew where he’d come from. But everyone treated him as if he were just some offshoot of Lucifer. He wanted to be his own person. For everyone to see that. It fueled his anger and built the wall that came between them.
He’s an excellent shoulder for comfort. He often comforts Levi when he breaks down or provides reassurance to Asmo.
These three are the middle children, they stick together.
He was alive when the Library of Alexandria was burned. Even though he wasn’t supposed to go to the human realm, he saved some texts from the library and keeps them safe.
The real reason he wears his jackets the way he does is just like when you’re in bed. If it’s full on with both sleeves, he’s too hot. If he doesn’t have it on at all he’s too cold. So one arm in a sleeve and one arm not in a sleeve.
Asmo has tried and failed to give this boy fashion help. He refuses to take it. He thinks he looked like an intellectual (for the love of god please lose the black undershirt at least, Satan).
He carries cat treats and cat food in his bag at all times in case he comes across a kitty in need.
He has sneaked many cats into the House of Lamentation. Lucifer knew the entire time but let Satan have a few days before he “found out” about the cats.
His wrath has burned strong for so long, even when he was passive, that he didn’t know what it was like to feel calm. But MC’s very presence sends a wave of peace right to his very core. 
If you’re insecure and you know it clap your hands. 
Levi might seem like the king of insecurity, but Asmo takes the cake.
He masks his insecurities with what people think is narcissism and over confidence. He puts on a show so nobody knows how he really sees himself.
Lust was always shoved down his throat as sexual only. So he went with it. He was supposed to be the Avatar of Lust. To be what was expected of him and to make sure he was liked, he did what he thought everyone wanted.
And it turned him into someone he never wanted to be. He didn’t know how to find himself again.
He isn’t nearly as sexual and lewd as everyone thinks. He’s touchy and clingy, yes, but touch is his love language.
When he’s hurt or doesn’t feel well, if he’s had a bad day, if he’s sad- all he wants is to be held by the person he loves and who loves him. He wants to hold hands or link arms. He wants to wrap his arms around them all the time. 
But because everyone in Devildom only saw him as a sex symbol, he had to bury his truest desires. He had a persona to keep up. 
While he does love to take care of himself, he used to break mirrors because he was so sick of who he had become. It took a lot of time for him to get through it. 
His MC is the only one who wasn’t tainted by his power. A power that seemed to just be active all the time whether he wanted it or not.
Everyone was all over him but it wasn’t as if he could control it. His sin was always active, it attracted people.
But MC wasn’t interested or affected. 
And that was what was most attractive to him. 
They saw him for who he was and encouraged him to just be the true Asmo. Not the Asmo everyone wanted to see.
He is excellent at sewing. He loves making his own accessories and clothing from his own designs. 
He’s ambidextrous. You think that the king of fashion only uses one hand? Darling, if he only used one hand then his homework would never get done. He write with one hands and be painting his toes with the other. 
One of the few people that can get Levi out of his room to hang out. They’ve always been close. Sometimes he does that just so the others can get Levi’s laundry and dirty dishes.
He’s the most emotionally open and stable of the brothers. He’s made peace with his inner monsters and can coexist with them. He’s also surprisingly good at advice. 
Can and will break into Lucifer’s study to make the eldest relax because he’s working too har.
He has bobby pins on him at all times. Not just for fashion but for lockpicking! He can be clever and beautiful!
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im-like-if-a-girl · 3 years
*THE* mean-girl-dean-girl's Supernatural reboot MEGAPOST!
I'm gonna stick a little "keeping reading" here because hoooooo boy, this is a very long post.
Let's start with
Season 1
Dean kills John while they are out on a hunt in a crime of passion, but Dean doesn't remember because he blacked out. Cue Dean going to Stanford to get Sam and tell him "Dad's on a hunting trip... and he hasn't been home in a couple days."
The audience doesn't know what happened to John, but slowly figures it out with Dean and Sam as Dean slowly remembers what happened that night.
The entire first season, the boys are following the trail John left and fighting monsters as well. They find out Dean was with John, Sam realizes Dean has an unreliable memory, they have heart to hearts about their childhood and the fire, they find John's body, "how could you kill Dad?" but maybe Dean didn't kill dad, whooaaaaaa, misdirection.
It was actually good ole yeller eyes (Azazel) and he made it look like Dean killed John.
Okay, now let's move on to the first episode
Not sure how the opening would work, I would like the story of the fire to be revealed over the course of the first season, but maybe the opening scene could be a little bit of an establishing character relationships and backstory, idk, I haven't thought that far yet.
I'm thinking maybe it's like, Dean gets back to a motel room covered in blood and he listens to a voicemail on his phone from John saying he was on a hunt or something, I don't really know lol.
I do know that after the intro rolls, we get a scene of Sam waking up to his alarm and "Nine to Five" by Dolly Parton starts playing.
Y'all know where this is going.
Cue a montage of Sam's normal Stanford college life (him sitting through lectures, walking through the campus with friends) spliced with scenes of Dean absolutely slaughtering a nest of vampires (or some other monsters, whatever works best.)
Now onto
Characters!!! (And descriptions)
Dean Winchester
Some lovely person on this site made edits of Dean with platinum blond hair and it made me feel some kind of way so we're doing that, homie's gonna have platinum blond hair
Side note about the hair, later when the brothers are running from the FBI he dyes it a dirty blond/light brown (insert jackles hair color controversy here) as a disguise.
He also gets tattoos because we were robbed.
Speaking of tattoos, concept: when Dean comes back from Hell, all of his tattoos are gone. His body is a clean slate, devoid of tattoos, scars, etc. So he gets his tattoos done all over again, which he doesn't mind because he made some bad, drunk tattoo decisions in his youth.
(And before you ask, yes, he does get one for Cas, either a bee or Cas's name in enochian, something cute.)
Dean goes to therapy after Sam gets sent to the Cage.
It's actually court mandated because he got in trouble, lol, he would never go to therapy on his own.
Along with the hair, Dean gets to be the grade A twunk we all know he is.
Sam Winchester
His hair gets longer in every scene he's in
No jk, but imagine
King of Microaggressions
Sam starts off like the sweetheart he is in season 1 but in later seasons he starts enjoying killing a little too much...
It's that demon blood, ba-by!!!
He brings up issues of morality to Dean, i.e. killing monsters who aren't hurting anyone. (Yes I know this is contradictory to my previous statement, but these two facets of Sam can and will coexist.)
Sam and Jess's relationship is explored further, meaning we'll need to start with a different inciting incident, but that's fine, I think everyone can agree fridgings are *(thumbs down)*
Sam doesn't truly know what happened the night of the fire until later, and then he understands why Dean is so protective of him.
She gets to live beyond the first episode
She is also trans
No, I don't feel like I have to explain myself and I won't 💜
She urges Sam to join Dean in a search for their brother, kind of gets pulled into the hunter lifestyle by association lol.
She dies on a rusty nail after fighting vampires on a routine hunt with Sam
No jk!!!
But imagine....
She's amazing and I love her and Lucifer also uses her as leverage against Sam and possesses her because I think that'd be cool.
She supports Sam 100% and also she and Dean are buddies, pals if you will.
She meets Cas Thee El and immediately she Knows, that is a homosexual.
She dies still so that we can have a Saileen Endgame but she's not dying the first episode or in a fridging. Not on my watch.
He gets to keep his raw, light-fixture-exploding power.
I want more of that "I pulled you out of hell, I can throw you back in" energy except over dumb shit like Dean not cleaning up after himself.
He looks like a Dilf in every scene he's in, yeah, that's right, dilf with a capital D for *(GUNSHOTS)* *(gets sent to horny jail)*
She gets pink hair
And more time with Cas
And maybe a nose piercing
Feel like she should be able to kill a couple angels onscreen, punch a couple homophobes
She gets to meet Jack and teaches him swears and fun slang words.
She deserves it.
I says "that's my baby and I'm proud."
Jack starts off as a baby, but like Amara he grows up super quickly.
Like, baby to 11 year old in a couple days or less.
This is because Jack's emotional age on the show is on par with that of a 5th grader.
It's at this point when he's a young kid that he runs away from the Bunker and shenanigans ensue.
It's also at this point that Dean threatens to k*ll him.
(Still not sure if I want that in my Supernatural (threatened infanticide? In my Supernatural? It's more likely than you think) but we'll see. We'll see.)
Throughout a majority of season 13, Jack is like an 11 y.o. kid
Season 14 he's like a 16 y.o. teenager
Season 15 he's 21, you get the picture.
Listen, I love Alex Calvert a lot. He's great.
But Jack is a child and should be a child.
Kelly Kline
Kelly, baby, stay right where you are, you're perfect.
She teaches Claire and Jack swears in sign-language. Castiel is not impressed.
J*hn W*nchester stans, DNI.
He's dead.
We only see him in flashbacks and only sometimes hear his voice in voice overs.
He's not "down the road" from Dean in Heaven, in fact he instead gets to wander around in some Purgatory like Hell for the rest of his time :)
People who get to say "fuck" on the show:
Cas (but only Once)
Now onto other things
I want more of
(they need more screentime because I love them)
We know they had a thing.
They definitely had a thing.
Demon Dean
Again, I feel like more should've been done with this. All that build up for what, 2 episodes? was not utilized well at all.
Dean's Bisexuality
Straight Dean truthers DNI, my Supernatural is a show about love and being true to yourself
You think Supernatural is a show about 2 straight brothers fighting monsters?
Naw bitch, this is a show about the Gay Experience
He will get to have relations with men on this show.
Of course, only after John dies does he, y'know, display it. Maybe he kisses Cas on his dad's grave just to fuck John over, make him roll in grave.
We all agree John would be/is a homophobe piece of shit, right?
Okay, glad we're on the same page.
3 men and a baby with Jack is what I'm saying.
I love it when the Trio are father-figures to younger troubled characters they see themselves in, even better if it's like reluctant-but-loving father figure, oh, that trope gets me every time :'^)
Dadstiel and DadDean are my favorites, but I like it when Sam plays "Uncle Sam" to kids too lol.
"Fellas, is it gay to want a tight knit family with your husband, his son, his vessel's daughter, your brother, his wife, your cop mother figure and her wife and their adopted daughters? Asking for a friend."
Biggest flaw of Supernatural was underutilizing Garth.
I will never not be bitter that Garth was only in like, 7 episodes out of the whole 15 season series.
Every episode with Garth gets immediately 5 times better.
I love Garth.
Follow ups on characters who had entire episodes featured around them and then just... vanished???
This is mostly about Jesse, the magic kid whose imagination ruled an entire town like, his daddy was a demon and nothing came of that kid??? Only one episode about him?? No follow up???
Uh, there was that one episode with Ennis the guy whose girlfriend was killed by a monster? I think?? Who we never see again, that was weird.
Tamara from season 3, episode 1.
And of course-
She was so cool, and then we never saw her again :////
She gets to be a badass.
Religious imagery
As a former Catholic school student who has become for the most part, disillusioned with religion, religious imagery in TV shows like Supernatural make my brain go "brrrrrr."
Fun episodes!!!
Like, after season 6 or so, there's a drop in funny episodes
I'm talking Changing Channels, The French Mistake type stuff. (Scoobynatural is an outlier and should not be counted.)
So anyway
In my version we would have more fun episodes
I'm thinking
(why they didn't do that in the original, we'll never know.)
An episode where Dean gets to wear eyeliner
That's it, end of post.
I want less
Yeah I feel like this is self explanatory, nearly every reoccurring character in SPN is white, and black side characters normally die in the episode they first appear in, or they'll be featured as a villain (Uriel, Raphael, Billie, etc)
Also there's a lot of... uh... asian fetishism featured in the show (what with "Busty Asian Beauties) that's really gross, also Kevin was a bit of a stereotype...
Also also it's super yucky how they kill the gods from other religions like???? Uh??? That's super disrespectful, let's not do that????
I know Supernatural is like, inherently racist because monsters are a separate race that are seen as some dangerous "other" that must be eradicated by hunters in a form of genocide-
Okay we won't get into that but
Stop killing all your POC
Fridgings/Unecessary murders of female characters
I know Supernatural starts with a fridging, so this will be a hard thing to remedy, but
One death that really pissed me off was the death of Charlie
Yeah, that was pointless and we're not doing that. Charlie gets to live and be an awesome aunt to Jack.
And also Claire
Charlie Bradbury Superiority
Charlie and Garth get to meet because they're nerd/geek solidarity.
British Men of Letters
I fucking hate these guys
They're "litcherally" the worst.
The worst part is that the actors they have playing the British AREN'T. EVEN. BRITISH.
And you can tell
Uh, and that's all for now, I'll add more later.
tag list for people who liked my "if this post gets one like I'll post my SPN reboot masterpost" post.
@darianyunidi @sarasidlesaid @crazybananaalpaca @playfulpanthress @ultfreakme @fififeelsmellow @heller-char @luna8eaton @princessmeganfire @insanebot109 @queenofnightsnow @mongoose-underthehouse
Thank you for the support, hope the wait was worth it.
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maevemarethyu · 3 years
Unexpected (5/?)
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(Not my GIF)
(This is my shitty border though. First try and all.)
You weren’t expecting it. Neither of you were.
That didn’t mean you weren’t happy with how it ended.
Bucky Barnes x Reader Fic.
Warnings: I don’t think there are any in this one? Sad Boi Hours, Firearms?
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“That went well.”
Before the last word can leave your mouth, the newly familiar feeling of being wrapped in Bucky envelopes your senses. Your arms wind themselves around his large torso and relief seeps into your veins as you hold each other. It was really over. You and Patrick, he and Claire. It was done and you should be relived.
You weren’t. You felt sick and in pain. It hurts. Its terrifying. And James…
He was shaking in your grip. Or was that you?
Claire’s vicious words rise in your mind and you instinctively grip Bucky’s shirt tightly.
“It’s not true.” His voice reverberates in your ear and you pull your head away from his chest to look into his ice-blue eyes. “What he said. I don’t believe a word of it.”
Instead of trying to find words, you barrel back into his chest, nearly knocking the both of you onto the floor. After silently standing there for a few moments, your mouth opens on its own accord.
“They’re wrong about the both of us. They’re bitter and scared.” As they should be. There was no mercy for them in New York.
A chuckle rumbles around you and you finally peel yourself away from the giant of a man. “Frank.” He says after a moment. “Frank Castle. So you’re?”
“Y/N Castle. I’m sorry for not telling you before. Frankie made me promise to not make it known for my own safety. Started going by Patrick’s last name when Frank was drafted into special ops and, after the trial, we kept it even more on the down low.”
You had to assume the Avengers were briefed on your brother. It didn’t seem apparent that a mass murdering anti-hero wouldn’t be on their radar.
“Nat’s gonna lose it. she used to have an interest in your brother if you know what I mean.”
You do. You do know what he means and the mental image of your brother and the Black Widow together sent a shiver down your spine. The world would never be ready for that.
The words please god no are cut off by the sound of your phone ringing followed closely by Bucky’s and, with a simultaneous sigh, you both pull out your respectful devices.
“Dr. Castle.”
Matt mumbles something incoherently from his end of the line before the familiar voice of Karen tells him to shut up. “Hey Y/N. Not to worry you or anything but, Frank just called and he’s fully intent of going to prison so if you could-“
“How’d it go?!” Foggy yells, drowning out Karen’s plea and you rub your forehead with your free hand. They know how much you hate when they talk over each other. It always resulted in an instant headache.
A gentle hand on your shoulder draws your eyes back to Bucky who appears to be getting his own array of questions. He keeps his voice low to prevent any eavesdropping.
“You okay?” The warmth in his eyes offset their icy color and you feel the tension slip from your body before nodding.
“Don’t like to me Doll.” With a grumble, he takes the phone from your hand and turns on the speaker, then doing the same with his phone. A cacophony of your friend’s voices echo through your home and overwhelm you. You loved them, really, but right now all you want to do is curl up on the couch with Laysa (who somehow managed to sleep through the entire ordeal) and maybe drink yourself into a stupor.
As if reading your mind Bucky clears his throat loudly and the voices fall silent.
“We appreciate you all but, I think Y/N and I agree when we say we need some time to-“
“Unwind.” You supply when he falters and he gives you a bright smile. “Things got a bit heated and we want the time to process everything before we tell you guys what happened.”
“And maybe get you some ice for your hand.” James adds under his breath and you nearly snort from trying to hold back a laugh.
“We get it. Just call us when you’re ready.” A man says from Bucky’s phone and you let out a breath.
“Thanks Stevie. We’ll talk to you soon.”
“Let’s just hope its before your brother goes on another spree. I won’t be able to keep him out of prison this time.” Matt mumbles before ending the call.
James doesn’t give the Avengers time to question, quickly hitting the end button and turning off his phone.
You both let out a collective sigh of relief at the sweet silence.
“I’m glad Matt didn’t dial in Fr-“
A loud bang on your door causes a shriek to erupt from your throat and, before you can fully process what’s going on, a metal arm grips your arm gently and moves you away from the noise. Bucky tucks you behind him and draws a pistol from the waistband of his jeans. His movements are so fluid that you’re almost at a loss for words.
“James Buchannan Barnes you brought a gun into my home?!” You keep your voice low despite your anger and he throws an apologetic look over his shoulder. You open your mouth to berate him some more when the door is thrown open, the lock doing nothing to prevent the force behind it.
A rain of dust from the sheetrock causes you to cough uncontrollably and cover your eyes but, the sound of an angry growl forces them open again. You knew that noise.
“Frankie?!” You sputter, walking out from behind the wall that was Bucky Barnes.
Lo and behold, there he was, your brother in all of his furious glory. You’d only seen it yourself maybe once or twice and, for some twisted reason, you found it comforting.
To your relief, James drops his weapon instantly and moves out of the way as Frank storms into your home. You had to admire your brother’s one-track mind as he completely ignores the other man and focuses on you.
“Where is he?” He was seething, red in the face, and breathing heavily.
“You broke my door.” You deadpan, crossing your arms across your chest. Sure, he was set on murdering your now ex-husband but, that didn’t excuse property damage. “You have a fucking key.”
You know he means business when he uses your full name instead of the various nicknames he had given you throughout your childhood.
“Long gone. Took his shit and ran when I called yoU!” Before you can finish your sentence, he pulls you into a tight hug and fresh tears spring to your eyes at the familiarity of it. It hadn’t been long since the last time he held you like this, barely a week, but the circumstances couldn’t be more different. You couldn’t be more different.
Last week you had been happily married and wanting to start a real family. Now you were divorced and seriously needing your brother to come cheer you up.
A tiny squeak breaks you from your thoughts causing your eyes to fly open and lock on Bucky’s ocean blue orbs as he bends down to pick up a whining Laysa. He nods towards the hall with the nursery and coddles her into his chest before leaving the living room quietly. The way it became second nature for James to care for the little cub leaves you with a fuzzy feeling in your chest.
Frank placing a kiss on your temple brings your focus back to him and he eyes you curiously.
“Is there a reason the Winter Soldier is in my baby sister’s house minutes after I get a call about her scumbag husband?” He questions lightly.
You scoff at the thought. You know your brother and you know his question is anything but innocent as his eyes watch the hallway like a hawk.
“The woman Pat was…” You can’t finish the sentence, not in front of him. “James’ wife. He caught them on camera. Ran all the way here when he found out Patrick was married. We wanted to confront them together.”
You can’t be sure but, an almost appreciative look enters your brother’s dark eyes and a warm feeling floods your body. For some reason the idea of Frank and Bucky not hating each other hadn’t crossed your mind. You assumed that they would instantly butt heads as most Alpha males did when in the same room.
Your thought may sound primitive to others but, reducing people down to their most basic forms came with the territory when you spent all your time studying the animal kingdom.
What you had in front of you was incredibly rare and you watch with wide eyes when Bucky emerges from the nursery and Frank releases his hold on you to properly greet him with a firm shake that probably would have broken Patrick’s hand.
Two Alpha males who’re not related coexisting peacefully. Your coworker Whitney wouldn’t believe you.
“Your sister has a mean right hook.” Bucky’s soft as velvet voice forces an embarrassed snort from you despite your brother’s proud look and when Frank looks between you and Bucky with a single raised brow, you cave.
“Okay! I may have hit her but, she deserved it.” You defend and, for the first time since he entered your home, Frank cracks a smirk. “And Bucky threw Patrick!”
“It was more of a toss really.” The world renowned and feared Winter Soldier shuffles his feet shyly, refusing to meet your eyes and Frank’s smirk widens into a full blow grin.
You shake your head with a laugh before your mind wanders to the little cub in the nursery. “How is she?”
James perks up instantly. “She’s good, fell asleep as soon as I put her in the crib.”
You can feel your brother’s eyes on you but, you ignore it in favor of wiping the residual tears from your eyes. “That’s good. It’s a wonder she can fall back asleep after being so rudely awoken.”
Frank has the decency to look properly admonished and you have to mentally take a step back. You currently had two of the most dangerous people in New York in your house and yet you had both of them shuffling their feet. You were definitely telling Sam about this.
“Sorry sis. I’ll fix it later.” Frank mutters, shaking the dust off of his jacket before turning towards the door. “Right now. I’m going to go hunt down your piece of shit ex and do much more than toss him around.”
With a fearsome grin, he flashes the two firearms on his belt and you huff in exasperation. “I told you I don’t want any guns in my house! Now, there’s four.”
Both men stare at you in confusion and you roll your eyes. “Buck you have another strapped to your right ankle. You’ve been favoring that foot since you walked in. I’m not dumb.”
The blue-eyed man’s face reddens when he realizes he’s been caught and Frank barks out a harsh laugh.
“There she is.” He smiles proudly. “I’m serious about the door though. I’ll fix it later. I’ve been waiting too long to put Patrick in his place.”
“No! You’ll fix it no-“
He’s out the broken door before you can finish your sentence and a frustrated growl erupts from your throat. Once again, your brother’s one-track mind ceases to amaze you and Bucky barely manages to catch the heavy oak door before it completely falls off of its hinges.
“I’m going to beat some sense into him next time I see him.” You vow, causing Bucky to grin sheepishly as he sets the door against the wall.
“So that was Frank Castle?” James laughs lightly.
“Yeah.” You hum. “That was Frank Castle.”
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Chapter shorter than I hoped but, It was necessary for the story to flow better
Tags: @luthien-t​ @vicmc624
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redrobinhoods · 4 years
Age of Heroes | Chapter 1, Together
AO3 Link | 2100 words (approx) | Prologue, Chapter 2
Chapter summary: Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka are approached by a familiar face with a request for vengeance.
“We’ll be fine as long as we stay together.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi
The clones moved through the fallen ranks of droids, occasionally stopping to blast or otherwise incapacitate still functioning droid units. In the midst of them stood two stationary clones, one adorned in blue, the other in gold. Despite the smoke in the air and the smell of burnt flesh and circuits it was as close to peace as the officers had had in weeks.
“Thanks for the assist, Rex. It’s always a pleasure to fight with the 501st.”
“The pleasure is ours, Cody. Whatever it takes.” The unspoken words hung in the air. Whatever it takes to win, to save clone lives, to protect the Republic. But those three couldn’t coexist. Sometimes they would be lucky, and their victories were won with minimal casualties. More often, duty and the Republic came first. The clones were disposable. If even the Jedi could be discarded for the Republic, the clones were just ornaments to be marveled at and thrown away when the novelty has worn off.
Cody nodded. “Whatever it takes.”
Nearby, three Jedi stood looking towards Yerbana City. Two human males dressed in robes, one in black and one in white, and one togruta female, also dressed in black, wearing a loose tunic over a bodysuit not unlike that of the clones.
“What do you think is next?” Ahsoka Tano looked away from the city to Anakin Skywalker.
“I don’t know, Snips.” Anakin turned from the city, back towards the battleground on the bridge. In the smoke he could just make out the shapes of two men standing side-by-side in the carnage. “The men need to rest. We never anticipated the Outer Rim Sieges would last this long.”
“It is a siege, Anakin.” Obi-Wan Kenobi turned to follow his former padawan’s gaze. “Though I wouldn’t pass up a drink at Dex’s Diner right now.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but neither would I.” Anakin scoffed. He bent over slightly to elbow Ahsoka’s arm. “Might even slip you something under the table.”
“Anakin-.” Obi-Wan was cut off by the beep from Anakin’s comm. Anakin answered with triumphant glee.
“Skywalker here. What is it, Admiral?”
“Sir, we’ve just received a transmission from,” the Admiral Yularen paused to find the right words, “a person of interest. You had best take this transmission here in person.”
“We’ll be there shortly, Admiral.” Anakin turned to Ahsoka as Obi-Wan walked away to hail a gunship. “Guess that drink will have to wait.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Master.”
Captain Rex watched the LAAT/i take off, its door sealing around three unmistakable beings.
“Don’t get comfy, Codes. I think we just got our next assignment.”
Cody turned to follow Rex’s gaze. “I think you may be right, old boy. I have a feeling we’re not going to see each other for a while.”
The three Jedi moved quickly from the hanger to the briefing room, the padawan trailing slightly behind the two knights to accommodate the clones and officers rushing around the Venator.
The briefing room doors hadn’t fully opened when Anakin spoke. “All right, Admiral. What’s so important you brought us all the way back here?”  
Yularen gestured to the holotable, where three Mandalorians were displayed, each in the distinct armor of Death Watch.
“You-.“ Ahsoka started, interrupted by Obi-Wan, who lay a hand on her shoulder.
“Lady Bo-Katan.” Obi-Wan stepped forward graciously. “To what do we owe this pleasure?”
“I have urgent information for you.” Bo-Katan removed her helmet and turned towards the Jedi. “The Nite Owls and I have located the renegade Sith Lord, Maul. If we move swiftly, I believe we can capture him.”
“How did you come by this information?” Obi-Wan’s calm voice betrayed none of his racing thoughts.
“We have been tracking Maul’s movement for several months. One of my people was able to obtain some transmission codes from the Pykes on Oba Diah, which helped us pinpoint some of his previous locations. And now, we know that Maul is on Mandalore in the city of Sundari.”
Anakin and Obi-Wan exchanged a look. Obi-Wan turned back first. “You’re certain of this?”
“He arrived two days ago.”
“So why not take him yourself?” Ahsoka cut in from behind her masters. “You know where he is.”
Bo-Katan’s scowl morphed into a look of shame. “I don’t have the numbers needed for a siege.” The Jedi generals had expected as such, and Obi-Wan gave a small nod for her to continue. “Without a complete lockdown of the city, Maul will escape again. That’s why I’m proposing a joint operation. If we are successful, you’ll have Maul and I’ll have Mandalore.”
Obi-Wan raised his hand to stroke his beard “If Republic forces aid you in your assault it will break treaties that are 100 years old. We will effectively be drawn into yet another war.”
Bo-Katan shrugged. “What’s one more?”
“Well,” Anakin cut in this time, “we’re not finished with our first one yet.”
“I will advise the Jedi Council of this development.” Obi-Wan took a step back from the hologram. “We need to be sure of our decision on this matter.”
“There’s no time!”  Bo-Katan slammed a fist down into the palm of her other hand. “Maul’s influence on Mandalore is destroying my people. He murdered my sister! I thought she meant something to you.”
“She did,” Obi-Wan’s expression fell for a moment before he regained his composure, “and still does. But I cannot allow my feelings to cloud my judgment. The Council will decide what our course of action will be. I will inform you of our decision in due time.”
“Maul will have escaped long before your council reaches a decision! Mandalore needs action, now!” The hologram faded and the room was left in silence.
“Master Kenobi, with all due respect, shouldn’t finding Maul be a priority right now?” Ahsoka stepped out of the shadows of the room to join her superior officers at the holotable. “We believe that there is a Sith Lord in the Senate. Wouldn’t Maul know who this Sith is and his goal? This is an opportunity that we can’t afford to miss.”
Obi-Wan sighed and smiled ruefully at Ahsoka. “I agree with you, Ahsoka. But this matter is clouded by the dark side of the force. We need to be certain that this invasion will be worth the risk. The Council must consider the matter before we take any action.”
“Of course, Master Kenobi.” Ahsoka sighed after the Jedi master left the room. She had no faith in the supposed wisdom of the Jedi Council. Not anymore.
Ahsoka was still unsure if rejoining the Order had been the right choice. Perhaps it had been one made out of fear, fear of the unknown world outside of the Order and the war. She would’ve lost everything. Not just her lightsaber and her rank, but her friends; Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rex, hell- the entire 501st. She would have never found the courage to look Rex in the eye and tell him that she was walking away. Not when she would see his face every day in the clones around the galaxy. Not after all they’d been through.
Anakin lay his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it softly. “I hope this isn’t about that drink.”
Ahsoka forced a small smile. “It’s not, Master. I’m just,” she stopped to find the right words, “concerned about the ability of the Council to make the right decision.”
“Obi-Wan will convince them.” He said it so confidently that Ahsoka believed him. He had never lied to her or hidden his thoughts. After her return to the Order, he had strived with her to find the peace that she needed to feel at home again. He had been the one to suggest her new robes. Still unconventional, some Jedi found black to be a troublesome color for a Jedi, but they reminded her of Anakin and the clones. The bodysuit had been specifically modified for her from one that the 501st had donated when the subject came up in their presence. Maybe the Council had betrayed her, but Anakin and the clones had always stood up for her. Even outside of the 501st. She had received apologies from Fox and Wolffe, though while she was sure that Wolffe’s was genuine, her own apology to him certainly was, she had a feeling that Rex had contributed to Fox’s. Or perhaps Cody, who was the man’s batchmate and the only clone officer in her immediate circle that had acted like nothing had changed between them. Maybe it hadn’t. He’d never hunted her down like the others. Though she had seen him try to deck Fox once at a military dinner after she had been restored as a padawan. That had also been the only time she’d seen Rex drink, and she wondered if the events were related.
“Of course, Master.” She followed Anakin and Admiral Yularen out of the briefing room and onto the bridge of the Venator. While the men discussed the battle and what lay in store for them, she walked over to the windows and watched the parade of gunships returning to the cruisers. One stream returning to her cruiser carrying the 501st, the other stream returning to the cruiser beside them carrying the 212th. She stayed at the window even after the lines of ships had ended, turning her gaze down to the planet below and letting her mind wander.
“How are you feeling, Commander?” Rex. She hadn’t noticed his arrival on the bridge, but she was certain he’d been there long enough to know what was being discussed. She could tell him that she was doing fine, even well, but he would’ve known that it was a lie. He’d told her once that the tips of her lekku twitched when she was lying. She didn’t believe him anymore. When she was younger, she’d try to hide her lekku when she was about to lie to him. She’d been awed at how Rex always seemed to know anyways, and a little ashamed when she realized why later. She’d move on from that now to believe that he just always knew. Maybe Jango Fett had been a mind-reader, more likely it was the Force. While the clones were not Force users, there had been many times where Ahsoka was sure that they were at least sensitive to it; knowing a brother had been hurt or died, beginning to execute orders before the command was given, the way Rex always knew when she was hurting.
“I feel uncertain, Rex. Why would Maul emerge from hiding now? And if the Jedi Council doesn’t approve an attack against him, what will he do? He must have a plan.”
Rex sighed. “I don’t have the answers, sir. But I believe that we will find out soon.”
“What do you mean?” Rex turned towards the back of the bridge and Ahsoka looked just in time to see the closed doors open to reveal a satisfied Obi-Wan.
“The attack on Mandalore has been approved.” Obi-Wan had just paused for a breath when a clone shot up from the command console.
“Sir! Grievous is attacking the capitol, he’s attacking Coruscant. General Shaak Ti is being dispatched to protect the Chancellor, but they need reinforcements!”
“How long until we can be there?” Anakin moved onto the command walkway to look down into the pits of the bridge.
“Within the hour, sir.” Another clone.
Anakin turned back to Obi-Wan. “You go to Mandalore, we’ll take care of Grievous. With any luck, this will all be over soon, and we can join you.”
Obi-Wan shook his head almost imperceptibly. “There’s no such thing as luck.”
“Good thing I taught Ahsoka better.” 
Obi-Wan smiled and turned to depart. 
“Obi-Wan.” Anakin called after him. Obi-Wan stopped and looked back. “May the Force be with you.”
“Goodbye, old friend. May the Force be with you.” And with that, Obi-Wan departed the bridge.
“Admiral Yularen, set a course for Coruscant. We leave as soon as Obi-Wan’s shuttle is clear.” Anakin walked to the end of the walkway to stand beside Ahsoka and Rex. All too soon, the stars outside the transparisteel began to blur as they entered hyperspace.
An hour later, two starfighters streaked over Coruscant. One yellow-grey, the other maroon-white. Only two, but two was enough. They dodged in and out of the debris, taking out a number of Buzz droids and Vulture droids, before coming to a stop in the hanger bay of the Invisible Hand.
In Coruscant’s atmosphere, gunships would bring the jetpack troopers of the 501st to the aid of citizens floundering in the aftermath of the attack and the weakened Coruscant Guard. Captain Rex would lead the effort to destroy all remaining droids as Commander Fox dealt with the civilian casualties.
Far away from Coruscant, a Venator pulled out of hyperspace over Mandalore. The hanger bay doors slide open, and gunships carrying the 212th Attack Battalion swarmed out of the ship towards the planet.
The end of the Clone Wars had begun.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.37
Shiro arrived mid-afternoon, as Keith drank his forth cup of coffee to settle his nerves. His brother wasn’t great at keeping time, yet Keith wished he could have managed it for a nice change. Lance had been nervy all morning. He’d cleaned through the house, Keith still in bed when Lance came to attack the spare bedroom. His boyfriend casually lifting the bed, balancing it on his shoulder, vacuuming under it and placing the bed down again in a manner of minutes like it was perfectly normally, and he hadn’t been in the bed trying to sleep after tossing and turning all damn night as he wished he had the courage to go crawl into bed with Lance.
Matt and Lance were off to a rough start. Both males had looked each other up and down. Lance calling Matt a “mutt” and Matt calling Lance a “corpse”. Vampires and werewolves occasionally coexisted, but these two seemed natural born enemies. Lance had explained the house rules, Matt had looked bored, even scoffing when Lance asked that he and his girlfriend not have sex all over his house, and if they could wait until everyone was asleep before they did. Keith wasn’t sure this work. He could tell Lance was seething, the wine glass in his hand barely holding together in his kind of boyfriend’s tight grip. Sitting around the kitchen table, Shiro was trying his hardest to defuse the situation before it became one.
Smiling tightly, Shiro hand his hands wrapped around his coffee cup. His brother looked exhausted, as if he hadn’t slept the whole time he was away. It’d been months since Shiro had looked this bad. Keith wanted to send him to bed, but Shiro was kind of the lynchpin that brought everyone in the group together. If Shiro spoke, then both Lance and Matt would listen. Under the table Keith’s leg was against Lance’s trying to offer silent support as they couldn’t hold hands. Lance would freak if Keith even thought of trying
“Now. I know this is hard for all of us, but I think we should try by reintroducing ourselves. Lance?”
Keith felt it unfair Lance had to go first. Shiro hadn’t even talked to him alone about what had happened while he’d been away. Keith didn’t have anything he could use to make Lance feel better about the current situation. Whatever Shiro said, they’d be finding out together.
“I’m Lance. This is my house. I’ve been dead for the last 36 years. I have a cat called Blue. Pidge and Hunk are my two best human friends”
Lance sounded as if he was standing in front of some anonymous meeting. Detached and nervous. More nervous than detached
“Thanks for that, Lance. Keith?”
Shiro really was insistent they go through the whole charade
“Keith. Shiro’s brother. Apparently recently transferred to Platt. I like coffee”
Shiro raised an eyebrow at him. His brother was lucky to get that much from him as it was. Yeah. He hasn’t forgotten being transferred with no say. Curtis didn’t need prompting as he explained
“Curtis. I’ve been cursed for about 4 months now. Ex-hunter who now works for VOLTRON out of Platt. Lance’s personal assistant, and medical advisor”
Again, Shiro raised his eyebrow in silent judgment. If his brother liked to be too busy, he was going to miss everything happening
“We’ll talk about that later. Matt?”
Matt sighed, his expressions were so much like Pidge’s that it was easy to tell the two of them were siblings. Other than the height difference and the long scar on Matt’s cheek, Pidge could have easily passed as him
“Matt. Werewolf”
Shiro closed his eyes, Keith nearly able to hear his brother counting to ten before he opened his eyes again
“Look. Neither of you might be happy initially, but we all need to be on the same team here”
Matt huffed, even his attitude was like Pidge’s
“Fine. Matt. Werewolf. I was accidentally by my girlfriend Rieva. Pidge’s older brother. I’ve got all the attributes including the sense of smell. Lance smells like a virgin in heat”
“It’s better than stinking off wet dog that rolled in something dead”
Shiro pushed his seat back, rising to his feet as he slammed his hands on the table. Whelp. They’d gone and done it now
“Enough. You’re acting like children. This is Lance’s house, so as long as you’re living here, you’ll show him some respect. Lance, Matt and Rieva are you’re guests. I know you’ve been ill, but you need to keep your ego in check. You both need to keep your egos under control. Keith and I will be moving back to Platt Monday week. The both of your are under our care until you’re proven to be a direct threat to human lives. Especially you, Matt. Lance has a long track record of not harming humans. You, on the other hand, injured two of the Blade’s werewolves. I can’t keep you safe if you slip again”
Matt sighed again. Keith wanted to punch him in the face. Sure, there were a huge array of sounds that the word “sigh” covered, but Matt kept using the same one
“I’m sorry. You’re right. We’re both having issues with our egos”
Keith looked to Lance who gave a tiny nod, Lance didn’t want to be standoffish, especially not to the brother of his best friend
“I’m sorry to. My senses have been pretty whack lately. That’s why Curtis is here, he was sent by Coran to make sure I don’t up and die... again”
“Alright. Good. Now, I was thinking maybe we’d all get along better if we all knew how each other turned”
Lance immediately paled, Keith had seen how hard it was for the vampire to explain the incident
“Lance got attacked by two vampires when he was 8”
Matt let out a whistle
“Damn, man. They got you young. Rieva tried to hide she was a werewolf. We met on the same tour in Greece, then again a few days later in Paris. I took it as a sign, she kept trying to push me away, that was 10 months ago. She accidentally bit me 9 months ago... got this scar at the same time”
Rieva nodded. The woman was pretty in her own way. Tanned enough to for her skin to be a deeper shade of brown than Lance’s with long black hair and green eyes
“I never meant to hurt him. I turned at the full moon and escaped for the night. Matt came after me...”
“And I’m glad I did”
Ugh. So they were one of those disgustingly loved up couples.
Across the table Curtis cleared his throat
“I was cursed. I’ve got half a horn, and half a tail. I was supposed to infiltrate a werewolf pack in Prague, but they seemed to already know I was hunter. They were trying to summon the spirit of a berserker using magic, only I’m not a werewolf and the spell went wrong. I wasn’t permitted to stay in Rome, they didn’t take too kindly to me being cursed. Coran offered to take me, so I’ve been working in Platt looking into the curses effects in his laboratory. So far it seems to affect the things I say. Coran feels they summoned part of a lesser demon instead of a beast spirit, and part of its soul has bonded with my quintessence. Lance has been through a lot, and Coran thought we may be able to help each other. His fae magic had no effect on the curse. Of course, without the original spell working backwards has been hard. And it hasn’t been that great, but I’m happy to be alive. Especially now Shiro’s returned”
It was Keith’s turn to raise an eyebrow at his brother. Curtis had no filter and that sounded suspiciously like his brother had been keeping secrets about his love life. Either that, or Curtis simply meant he was happy to see his friend and hadn’t meant it the way he sounded. Just because he’d snagged himself a boyfriend, didn’t mean everyone was suddenly in love and dating. Shiro was still mourning Adam. They’d intended to marry and everything that came with it. It wasn’t fair... what had happened. Since meeting Lance, Keith had kind of felt like maybe he was better place himself, forced to work through feelings because there wasn’t a whole lot things to do in Garrison. Not that he was going to tell Shiro this. His brother had abandoned him and he figured he could milk that for a little longer.
“That’s rough. Most werewolves I’ve met have been all about the muscles and not the sharpest tools in the shed. They really shouldn’t be messing with that stuff. Not that vampires are any better. Who the fuck takes a human as a pet?”
Curtis nodded at Lance’s words, Matt didn’t look terribly pleased but by now he’d probably had his fair of share of scrapes with werewolves. Shiro simply smiled like he’d solved everything with one conversation. He definitely hadn’t.
“How’s Pidge doing?”
The glass in Lance’s hand finally broke. Lance shoving Keith when Keith automatically went to start picking up the pieces
“Idiot. You can’t touch the blood. I am not having you think I’ve turned you again”
Reprimanded by his boyfriend, Keith crossed his arms. Lance was super protective of Pidge, he’d have had months of Pidge upset because Matt wasn’t messaging her back
“I wasn’t thinking”
“That’s obvious. Don’t touch it while I get a cloth”
Matt watched as Lance cleaned up the mess, placing the glass in the sink to rinse the blood off of it
“I asked you how my sister is”
Keith almost felt sorry for Matt. A cranky Lance was a scary thing
“How do you think she is? I know you were staying away to do the right thing by your family, but you really fucking hurt her by not replying. She pretty much worships you, and you weren’t replying. She’s fine physically. Still hunting ghosts and making videos. Still wanting to do dumb things like she’s isn’t a human. Her and Hunk are still as tight as always. Hunk’s got a girlfriend now, Shay. She’s just like him, they’re so sweet together. They’ve got no idea about this world. I’ve never told her and I’ve done my best to make sure she never finds out”
Matt looked upset, hopefully with his actions
“You wouldn’t understand... I wasn’t going to come back...”
Keith groaned mentally, why would Matt go there? Lance understood too well what a bite did to a family
“I wouldn’t understand? Please tell me how I don’t know how being turned can ruin your family? How you’re scared of what you are and you don’t understand? I have no idea at all. We both know if Pidge knew, she’d want the bite. She’d want to be part of this world. Heck, I think she’s so interested in the paranormal because she wants to feel close to you again. Rieva, please don’t think I’m having a go at you. I know accidental turns happen, and how scared you must have been to turn Matt. I’ve put you and Matt in the room Keith and Shiro were using, the guest bathroom is near your room. It’s the downstairs spare room. Shiro, I’ll bunk you Curtis and Keith. I’ll have to find a spare bed, or one of you can sleep in the living room. Normally I don’t have a full house to worry about. My office is off limits. I work as a lawyer so I’d rather keep my clients information confidential. If I have to talk to a client, I’ll try warn you ahead of time. If you want to train, do it out on the back lawn, and don’t kill my garden. Also, Curtis and Keith aren’t allowed near the toaster without supervision... And maybe don’t touch Keith’s coffee, he’d likely to stab you for trying. He revivals Pidge with his need for caffeine. I’m going to double check the bedroom upstairs”
Lance had barely left the kitchen before Keith was pushing his chair back. Shiro cocking his head as he watched
“Where are you going?”
“To check on Lance. He’s obviously upset”
“When did become so perceptive?”
“When you went disappeared for weeks. Pidge is like a sister to Lance. Everything dangerous she wants to do he always checks it out first to make sure doesn’t get hurt. He’s been looking out for her, even when it puts him in danger. He collapsed a mine shaft so Pidge wouldn’t be hurt... Don’t listen to our conversation”
Yeah, Keith wasn’t be fair. He’d basically tattooed “I’m not okay with this situation across his forehead”. Shiro would make him apologise later, but for now he wanted to check on Lance. He’d gone from having Hunk and Pidge staying over to 6 people kind of living with him. Keith was already at his people limit before everyone came back. He’d missed Shiro, but he wasn’t sure he was keen on Matt. He wasn’t about to shoot him, but family was a complicated thing that Lance had had such a hard time with. Heading upstairs he headed straight for Lance’s bedroom, knowing he’d find him there.
Knocking gently on Lance’s door, he found Lance sitting on the side of his bed like he liked to do when he was thinking
“I didn’t handle that very well”
Keith sighed as he walked over to the bed, before sitting down next to Lance and taking his hand
“I think I handled that even worse”
“I heard. It’s just... my body is being weird again. I’m not used to the scent of werewolves and it’s making everything all yuck. I’ll get over it, but I shouldn’t have been so short with Matt”
“You were worried about Pidge. You’re allowed to worry about your friends”
Lance dropped his head to rest of Keith’s shoulder
“Still. I made a horrible first impression”
“If Matt is anything like Pidge, you’ll be fine once it settles down a bit”
“I feel like I’m lying to her by not letting her know he’s here and that he’s okay”
“Nah. Think of it like a surprise. Besides, you’re not intentionally hurting her by not telling her right away”
“Still feels like I am. How are you? You must be happy Shiro’s back”
“I’m relieved. I’m still mad at him though. I get why he had to keep quiet until things were organised”
“You two will work things out. You should be downstairs with everyone else...”
“I’m fine here. I wanted to make sure you’re okay. How’s the hand?”
“Healed up. I must have looked so lame breaking the glass”
“You didn’t meant to”
“It still happened. I know Pidge is human and close ties are dangerous but I don’t want to see her hurt”
“I know you don’t. It’s one of the things I like about you”
“It’s not my great arse and award winning personality?”
Lance tried to joke but it sounded flat. Keith didn’t like it. Lance was being too hard on himself for caring
“Those too. So, what are we going to do about bedding? I don’t mind sleeping on the couch”
“If anyone should be sleeping on the couch, it should be me. I knew I didn’t have enough beds, but I don’t know what to do about that”
“I can sleep on the couch. I’ve slept on way worse”
“Mami would have a fit if I made a guest sleep on the couch”
“Then how about we share a bed?”
Keith didn’t mean it to sound as forward as it did. But Lance’s bed would easily fit both of them, and there was only one bed left. Not that he actually minded the couch. There would be plenty of space for him
“I don’t know... wouldn’t that make things awkward with Shiro?”
“Like you said, I need to talk to him anyway”
“I get nightmares...”
“So do I”
“But you’re not a vampire. I could seriously hurt you”
“Or, it could be fine. Why don’t we just try it for the night and think about things tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Maybe. I turned the forth room into my office... maybe I could sleep there?”
“Lance, it’s your house. You shouldn’t be kicked out your own bed for doing a nice thing and giving Rieva and Matt a place to call home”
“I can’t imagine what the two of them went through. I really hope they don’t hate me”
“Like you said, it’s an ego thing. You can’t control that, but if anyone can bring their ego under control, it’s you”
Lance let out a small snort. Keith taking the win
“See, you know I’m right. You’re overthinking things”
“Only because I’m rubbish at hosting people”
“Nah, I’m still here, aren’t I?
“Only because you’re stubborn”
“I’m as stubborn as you are. Seriously though, you’re fine. Things’ll settle down”
“I’m worried about going into heat. I have I idea how to explain that”
“You don’t have to, unless you want to”
“I’m not going to have much choice if I turn into a bat”
“We can talk to Shiro together. Or I can tell him. I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable”
“You’re the one I’m worried about. I don’t want you and Shiro to end up fighting because of me”
That was so Lance
“Even if we fight, we’re brothers at the end of the day”
“That must be nice. Mami is the glue that keeps my family together. I miss her”
For someone older than him, Lance was sweet for still caring for his mum the way he did. If it wasn’t for the fact they had three new arrivals, Keith would suggest a trip up to Platt
“Why don’t you call her?”
“She’d known something’s up. She’s got enough to worry about”
“She loves you. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. But I get if you don’t want to call her. Can I do anything?”
“You already are. You should go talk to Shiro. I might take a nap and calm down”
Lance took too much on his shoulders. Keith didn’t want to leave him alone when he was feeling down
“I can stay...”
“Nah. I’ll Be okay. You go make up with Shiro. It’ll make me feel better”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Thanks for coming to check on me”
“I’ve got your back”
“I know... if I’m not away in hour or so, come poke me with a stick”
Keith found himself kissing the top of Lance’s head, before replying
“Will do. I’ll find the biggest stick I can”
“Why do I feel like you’re actually going to find a stick now?”
“Because I am. Now let’s get you tucked in. Can’t have you sleeping on top of the covers”
“I’m not a little kid”
“You could be”
“Fight me”
Keith laughed. He deserved that one
“After the old man gets his sleep. I’ll sort things out with Shiro, so stop worrying about it so much”
“I can’t help it. I care about you”
Keith kissed the top of Lance’s head again. Shiro was going to be confused as fuck when he finally explained what was going on between him and Lance. Hopefully his brother would be more distracted by what was happening with his heart that his newly discovered love life
“I care about you too. It’s going to be okay”
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
January 2021 Reading Roundup
quarantine (2020) reads here
River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey: novella 2 of the River of Teeth duology in which in an alternate USA, hippos were introduced as an alternative to cows and then went feral along the mississippi river and also there was a queer heist gang that formed. anyway its great and everyone should read this series
Judge Dee and the Limits of the Law by Lavie Tidhar: tor.com short story featuring vampire politics and a loyal henchman
Black Powder War by Naomi Novik: book 3 in the temeraire series. talking dragons bond with their humans in this alternate history around the napoleonic wars. absolutely need to read these in order
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2019: what it says on the tin. short story collection
From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death by Caitlin Doughty: snapshots of death/funeral customs around the world as told by a US based mortician. she has a couple other books as well. non-fiction.
The Duke and I by Julia Quinn: book 1 in the bridgerton series. romance, sex on the page. YES there is a problematic scene involving consent. YES this book is good anyway. also re: consent issues, they use their words to talk about it and forgive each other. don’t @ me. focuses on the oldest sister, Daphne.
The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn: book 2 in the bridgerton series. romance, sex on the page. sort of a riff on pride and prejudice/taming of the shrew. focuses on the oldest brother, Andrew.
An Offer From a Gentleman by Julia Quinn: book 2 in the bridgerton series. romance, sex on the page. cinderella as a reference point but diverges wildly after the “lost slipper” scene (its a glove in this case). focuses on the second oldest brother, Benedict.
#Selfcare by Annalee Newitz: tor.com short story, fantasy/faerie elements
Kindred by Octavia Butler: trigger/content warning for slavery, violence of all kinds, harm to children, murder, etc; a black woman time travels to multiple points in her own family’s history to save her white great great great? slave owner grandfather from dying. she flashes back and forth from the plantation to her own life, but 3 months on the plantation could be as little as 2 hours in her own life.
Anxious People by Fredrik Backman: a (failed) bank robber holds an open house’s worth of people in an apartment hostage, a father and son cop duo try to talk the hostage taker into letting them go and coming peacefully. changing POV. everyone’s preconceived notions get turned on their heads. content warning for suicide, anxiety. translated from swedish.
The High King’s Tomb by Kristen Britain: book 3 in the Green Rider series. high fantasy series that you absolutely have to read in order.
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson: in kentucky, there were a group of people known as Blue People due to a birth defect making their skin take on a blueish tint. during the New Deal “Book Women” would take books/magazines/etc to extremely rural houses/schools and serve as libraries on mules/horseback. the book woman of troublesome creek belongs to both groups. warnings for forced experimentation/medication, racism, violence against women, suicide, murder, assault, stalking
Thick as Thieves by Megan Whalen Turner: book 5 in the queen’s thief series, definitely need to read these in order. based LOOSELY on greek gods being present in the world, lots of political machinations
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker: graphic novel, fantasy coexisting with the mundane world, an old shapeshifter friend shows back up in the town where the witch narrator lives with her witch moms (maybe aunts), the two reconnect and fall in love while trying to figure out who could be trying to attack the shapeshifter (look it was a while ago now and i was too lazy to look up their names), art is really cute and the story is wonderful. nonbinary/female relationship at the center. ~magic lesbians~ warning for kidnapping and harm to teenagers, magical violence/coersion
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takadasaiko · 4 years
Growth and Comfort Do Not Coexist (a Veronica Mars oneshot)
Summary: When Logan and his Navy buddy get volunteered for the Career Day fair at Neptune High on the same day that Veronica is hired by Principal Clemmons for a case,  Logan's two worlds cross with some soul-searching results.
Notes: When I started this series the plan was to keep it as a pretty strict extension of canon, but after going through S4 again I feel like it's more accurate to say that it's a very subtle AU with most of canon intact. Most of the time, you may not even be able to tell, while others I'm going to splinter off a bit more. This is one of those times. I haven't finished the novels yet, but I understand that Logan provides a bit of backstory on how he joined the Navy in the second one. At least in spirit it lined up pretty closely with the head canon I was already getting attached to, so I decided to keep the head canon for this series. I'll try to let you know in any future fics as well if it splits for information I know was provided.
Growth and Comfort Do Not Coexist
One of the countless ironies in his life was that it had been his father that had started him on his love of quoting others to find his own way. It made sense, even if he hated it. An actor regurgitating others' words in his own voice and making a mint of people for doing so, but Logan hadn't stopped with movies. He watched everything, read more than admitted to in his younger years, and stored every word, every syllable that he could away in the library of his mind to work into his own vocabulary. He'd honed a quick wit and sharpened his tongue to a razor's edge of protection over the years. It hadn't defended him at home, but it left him ready to take on anyone outside of those walls willing to come at him. Anger had fueled him and made him deadly to the point that he'd driven off nearly everyone that was willing to challenge him for whatever reason.
Almost everyone, and those rare few that had remained had been his saving grace. All these years later he could acknowledge that. Duncan Kane who had been willing to walk off when he'd crossed that line into total jackassery, Dick Casablancas who had done what he could - if he even knew he was doing it or not - by harassing him out of the deep funks he fell in, and that shining beacon of light named Veronica Mars that had reminded him of his own mortality while simultaneously easing the sting of the wounds inflicted by his life. It hadn't always been easy, especially with Veronica. Aaron may have led him to a love of words, but as Logan closed the door to his convertible - tucked in a line of clunkers and high-end cars that made up the Neptune High parking lot - he knew that he never would have made it this far on words alone. He had always craved support. Needed it. And even after Veronica had left, fleeing the black hole that Neptune felt like at times, he'd found it.
He just wondered what kind of quote he could rattle off that could somehow find peace between his then and his now as he stood looking onto the high school that he'd graduated from, the life that he'd left so far behind in so many ways, but he was drawing a blank. No, this was what it was, and really he couldn't even trace it back to a place where he could remember agreeing to this potential powder keg of a day. The order had come down and he'd said yes sir like a good soldier.
"The rest of the squad and I have a bet going on just how much trouble you got into back in the day."
Logan turned to look at Dave Riley, one of the very few people on the planet that he would be willing to die for. He straightened, showing himself to be a good three or four inches shorter than Logan and skinny as hell. His strawberry-blond hair and green eyes that were too big for his freckled face gave him an air of innocence that Logan knew he used to his advantage. That Midwest drawl did it too. People always underestimate him, but Riley had scored even higher than Logan had on the ASTB-E - Aviation Standard Test Battery - which was saying something. He wouldn't have had anyone else watch his back in the air. Thankfully the Navy had agreed when they assigned Riley as his Weapons System Officer.
"Yeah? You really think it's a fair bet for you to weigh in on?"
Riley shrugged and flashed a wide grin that would have put anyone else at ease. Logan knew better. The more innocent he looked, the more shit Riley was likely to pull. "I'm just here to be the honest voice to deliver back anything I learn."
Logan snorted. "Uh-huh."
"Trust issues. You've got them, my friend."
"I've just known you too long."
"Maybe, but you do trust me."
"Doesn't mean anybody else should."
"Maybe I just want to see pre-bottom-of-the-barrel Echolls. They all saw you after you enlisted, but me? I saw you before and it was not a pretty picture."
Logan snorted, the corners of his lips quirking up as he caught Riley out of the corner of his eye. "Weird. See, I thought you were into me, because I kept telling you to fuck off and you kept coming back."
"You wish," Riley chuckled and shrugged. "Seriously though, what was I supposed to do? No telling what you would have done if I'd just left you there by yourself."
"Flunk out and drink myself to death?"
"Yeah, probably."
Logan finally turned to meet those amused, green eyes and his smirk eased out a little. "Rather have you at my back than anyone else."
"Better believe it, brother," Riley answered and reached up, ready for Logan to tap the back of his hand off of his in an old ritual. "You ready to go talk up the Navy to a bunch of teenagers that remind you of yourself?"
"'Originals cost more than imitations.' Suzy Kassem.'"
Riley snorted. "Yeah, yeah, I know. You're one of a kind," he chuckled as they started towards the building.
Logan flashed him a broad grin as his gaze swept the parking lot that they were walking through, finally falling on a familiar blue Hyundai that didn't belong there. Or maybe it did. Maybe a student there just had the exact same make and model of car that his girlfriend had. Coincidences happened. Sometimes. In theory, at least.
"Remind me again how we got roped into this?" Riley asked, drawing his attention back around.
"Pretty sure Wallace - Veronica's friend - put in the specific request. He's a teacher here."
"And here I am. Dragged in because of you," Riley sighed dramatically and Logan popped his fist against his shoulder, receiving a shit-eating grin and response dripping with false cheer in return. "And I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!"
"Speak of the Physics teacher and he appears. Like magic," the man in question muttered, receiving a muffled laugh from his cohort as Wallace Fennel broke into a light jog towards them. "I hear we have you to thank for this," Logan directed at Wallace.
"I just put your name into a hat. No clue what had to happen to get a couple of aviators in."
Logan opened his mouth to take advantage of the oh-too-easy joke that Wallace had left open for him when Riley cut him off. "Technically, he's the aviator. I'm the Wizzo." Okay. So maybe he brought some of his Midwest propriety with him. There was a first time for everything.
"The what?" Wallace asked, tilting his head a little to the side in question.
"Weapons System Officer," Riley clarified. "WSO. Wizzo."
"Because we're in the Navy and we nickname everything," Logan popped off and tilted his head towards the man standing on his right. "Lt. Dave Riley. He literally watches my back."
"I shoot the assholes, Echolls makes sure we don't get shot by out-flying them," Riley added.
"So you're Goose?" Wallace asked.
"Yeah… just with less death."
"What do you need us to do, Wallace?" Logan asked, watching students filing in towards their first classes of the day.
"Are you going to hate me if I tell you that I didn't warn Clemmons it was you?"
"Pretty sure if you had he would have shut it down."
Riley straightened, interest piqued again. "And exactly why would this Clemmons fellow hate you?" It took less that two seconds for Riley to turn that inquisitive look on Wallace and, while Logan knew the man had to be able to keep up with Veronica in order to stay in her life as long as he had, it would have been nice to think that he didn't have to worry about fielding questions all day. There was a reason he didn't intentionally connection his life with the Navy to his life in Neptune with the exception of Veronica. Ah well. No turning back now. Good thing he was well versed in pretending things didn't phase him.
"I got some dirt," Wallace offered.
"And here I thought you came along to have my back," Logan grumbled, his glare sliding towards Riley.
"Always, man, but the rest of the squad is relying on me."
"Yeah, when'd you get promoted?"
"Even the squad leader has to own up," Riley teased, nudging Logan's shoulder as he strode forward. "Whatcha got for me. Wallace, was it?"
Logan did not like the look Wallace wore as he said, "How 'bout a trade? I'll tell you about the time Logan and one of the other guys from our class put the lit teacher's car on the flag pole -"
Riley's grin only broadened. "On?"
"On," Wallace confirmed, "if you tell us his call sign. Man will notshare. Can't be that bad, right?"
Logan snorted and started back towards the buildings, hearing a far-too-amused Riley agree to the terms and Wallace's story began. This was going to be a trip.
Some days being a PI was exciting. An unexpected client dropped into the office with an interesting story, lots of holes in it that they didn't think you could possibly discover, and a whole puzzle to solve. And then other days it was your old high school principal who showed up with the Case of the Missing Lockbox. What was in the lockbox, she had no idea, just that it was connected to Career Day - she had zero recollection of having a career day at Neptune High. Wow. - and that it mustbe found.
And it was. Almost before Clemmons had finished rattling off his explanation of just how important it was. There was something in that someone needed and he needed…. Really, she'd lost track. Whatever the reason he wanted it, she found it hidden under a loose floorboard in the gym. The rest was history as soon as he'd signed and handed her the check. As soon as she found where Mac had gotten off to, she had no interest in sticking around.
At least until she spotted a very familiar figure standing at the Navy booth talking to an excitable teen about the F/A-18 Hornets that he flew.
Veronica felt her lips turn up at the corners without permission as she inched forward, waiting behind him until the kid was gone. "Take me to bed or risk losing me forever," she whispered just loud enough for him to hear.
Logan turned, cringing as he did. "I swear, if I never hear another Top Gun reference today…."
"You can live a long and happy life?" she offered.
"Exactly. What are you doing here? I thought I spotted your car."
Veronica leaned against the booth, never breaking eye contact. "Oh, you know, solving cases. Stopping crime. Paying the rent." She waved the check in her hand in front of him.
"One of the kids steal something from Clemmons?"
"You know they did, but I fixed it." He snorted a laugh and Veronica cracked a full grin. "Wallace rope you into this?"
"He did. I'm a good friend. Please feel free to remind him of that at any and every possible moment."
She felt her playful smile soften a little, but a voice broke in from the other end of the booth. "Hey, V!" Riley called, offering a wave when she looked over.
"Look at you standing on two legs," Veronica returned and motioned at the potential recruits. "Ask him how he broke his leg a few months ago. Go ahead. Ask him."
"You're not helping," her boyfriend grumbled with feigned irritation.
Veronica turned back to look at him. "So you and Wallace are friends now?" she asked, circling back around to their conversation. "I like the sound of that."
"I like Wallace. I may have even won him over with this one. It's Mac I'm hesitant about. What'd I do to her?"
Veronica cringed a little. "I think it was Parker."
"Seriously? She knows Parker broke up with me, right?"
"There was something about me involved, I don't know. She's around here somewhere bolstering the campus security. You'd have to ask her."
"I think I'll leave it as one of life's many mysteries."
She laughed, inching in. Hell, she did love him in those Navy whites. Her hand reached forward of its own accord, fingers touching the fabric there and ready to curl into it to pull him closer to her, but he caught it before she could. "I'm technically on duty."
"You're technically on duty when you get home from deployment and haul me off the deck to kiss me," she reminded him, her voice low and he'd have to be an idiot to miss her meaning. Logan Echolls was a lot of things, but an idiot wasn't one of them.
"They give me some leeway there. Not so much when I'm telling kids why they should enlist."
"You telling them to get shot at for a living?"
"Hey, now. Technically I have never gotten shot."
"And you've jinxed yourself."
"It's really not as likely if they're on the ship," he answered, his smirk more cocky than she would have liked. She knew all too well that they had come under fire.
"You're not funny."
"Seriously? I hear you find me hilarious."
Veronica held his gaze, those perfectly thin lips of his stretched out into a smile that made her want to drag him back to some secluded corner right then and there, but she knew she couldn't. He couldn't. Or wouldn't. For all of Logan's flippancy towards authority in their youth, he'd found something sacred in the Navy. She wasn't sure if it was the authority, per se, or something deeper that was just reflected there. He'd grown up alone in many ways, even before his parents had died, and certainly without the usual limitations that most children received. He had never told her the full story of how he'd tumbled into the Navy of all things, but her working theory was that it had something to do with the structure and direction that it provided.
Whatever the case, he loved it. His job, his squad, every inch of it. He didn't just love it, he respected it, and for that reason he would respect the fact that he was there to represent it. Oh, if only sixteen-year-old Logan could see himself now. What would he say?
"Get your mind out of the gutter, Mars," he teased, drawing her attention around.
"There was nothing to say that it was inthe gutter, Echolls," she countered, grinning up at him.
"You need a mirror? All the evidence you'll need for - what do you call it? - a money shot."
Her grin grew as her voice dipped. "Usually fewer clothes for that."
"Give me a couple hours," he promised.
Veronica loosed a laugh out on a breath and leaned against the booth, her gaze drifting out to the crowd of kids. They looked like them years before in so many ways. In others, nothing at all. For the first time in a long time she found herself desperate to see the ghost of Lilly Kane dancing through the throngs of students, laughing and teasing and alive. She'd missed so much.
"So, your buddy Wallace told me about the car on the flagpole incident," Riley's chipper voice pulled her out of her thoughts, "but even as spectacular as that is, it couldn't possibly warrant that look."
Veronica followed where he was pointing to see a very nervous looking Van Clemmons standing with Wallace, the principal's gaze fixed on Logan who was chatting with a student.
"Oh, you know, started a few fights, kept getting charged with murders he didn't commit."
"There was more than one?"
"Well, only one in high school," she answered with a shrug. "Looks like you boys may get let go early. Hiya, Mr C."
The principal looked over on his way to the booth, startled and he mumbled something about a dangerous pair. Veronica snorted a laugh and looked back at Riley. "So how do you like the old stomping grounds?"
"It's an experience. Never thought I'd see kids driving Teslas and Beamers nicer than Logan's to class."
She liked Riley, but she didn't often get time alone with him. She wasn't sure if Logan intentionally kept his Navy and his Neptune life a little bit separate, but she did know that as soon as Clemmons could pry his students away long enough from the Navy table he would politely thank the guys for their time and send them on their way. If she wanted to pick Riley's brain at all, now was a chance she hadn't expected. "You guys met sophomore year, right?"
"Yeah. After you left." His gaze slid over to her. "You fishing for intel, Veronica?"
"Just curious. Tell me you didn't sign on to get a few new stories on him."
"Where Echolls goes, I go," Riley answered with a shrug, but as Veronica waited a little of the mirth washed off. He turned to meet her gaze fully. "A few fun anecdotes are one thing, but this? It changed his life. That's his story to tell, V."
She nodded slowly, turning back to find a missing Logan and Mac having appeared at some point, now patiently waiting with Wallace. Wallace started forward. "Hey, Veronica. Didn't know you were going to be here today."
"Missing something or the other," she answered offhandedly. "Where'd Logan go?"
"Not sure. Fair's wrapping up so the kids can get back to class. Clemmons let you guys go early." Wallace extended a hand. "Lt Riley—"
"Just Riley's good, after the stories I got from you." He happily shook the offered hand, his grin returning. "So if Echolls wandered off, who's the lucky volunteer to drive me back to my car at his place? Unless you have extra keys to the Beamer, V. I'd be willing to slum it."
"But would you be willing to stake your life on it if you wrecked Logan's car?"
"We can take you," Mac offered. "If you're parked at their place it's not too far out of the way."
Veronica shot her a questioning look before filing she dug in her purse for her keys and tossed them at Mac. "You two kids be good. I'll grab a ride home with Logan."
She watched Riley turn a funny sort of smile on Mac who fell into step with him towards the parking lot. She would have to file that away in things to figure out later. For now, she had a Logan to track down.
Veronica had been busy chatting with Riley when Clemmons gave them the all clear to head out - not a huge surprise and probably the reason Wallace had tried to keep quiet who he'd managed to snag out of the aviation department to come in - and he just needed a couple of minutes to work through the thoughts that he'd shoved down below the surface since arriving on the campus. The students had been called back into their classes and had left the halls deserted, Logan standing alone on the school crest with one hand stuffed deeply into his trouser pockets, the other holding onto his uniform cap.
He hadn't been here since graduation, not that many people made an effort at returning to their high schools, but Logan had made even less so. Hell, he wouldn't have bothered with his ten year reunion if Sean Freidrich hadn't released those videos of Carrie to his instagram account. He didn't have a lot of positive memories associated with it. Sure, early on he'd been popular enough. Money tended to do that in Neptune, as did prestigious parents. Logan had had both. Funny, he'd still had to face most of the battles that had rolled in alone. Especially the ones that counted for anything.
"Hey handsome," a familiar voice chimed behind him and he felt Veronica's hands touch the small of his back lightly as she circled around, her smile flirty and light. "Deep in thought about all the scandalous things that happened here?"
"Yep. I'm pretty sure we made out in that corner. That one too. Oh, and there's the infamous women's bathroom that you kept dragging me into."
"You liked it."
"I did."
Veronica circled around him and he couldn't help but feel his smile turned a little more real. Well, one good thing had come out of it all. Her.
"What are you really thinking about?" she asked, her tone a little less teasing now and damn her. She did see right through him, didn't she?
Logan felt his smile even out, the weight of his thoughts settling back into place from their momentary relief. He let the feelings roll around in his mind for a long moment until they got enough traction to form something like words. Another moment or two and they even started to make at least a fraction of sense. "I've been trying to reconcile who I was with who I am," he said slowly, tasting each word as it left his tongue to make sure it was the right one that best coincided with the emotions that had bubbled up like a geisser ready to shoot towards the sky.
Veronica was uncharacteristically silent as she settled in next to him, both standing on the emblem in the middle of the hall and looking down the long stretch.
"I did a lot of things I'm not proud of. It's easy to say I was young and stupid, but I think…. It used to be easier to keep it all separated. Even living here, when I dated Carrie…. It was different. She had no interest in the Navy. The two worlds were completely separate. Riles only met her maybe… two or three times."
"Yeah. It was awkward and forced. In the end it was just easier to live two lives, but since you came back it's been… complicated."
He could feel her tense at his side and he risked a look. Well that wasn't a happy look. More of a hurt-desperately-shoved-under-irritation look. "Sorry I complicated things," she groused and Logan scrambled.
"That's not what I mean. I mean, it is, but not like that." He pulled in a breath, trying to find a way to express it in a way that she might be able to understand. "I mean I want Riles to know you. I want you to know him. I want to be friends with your friends and vice versa until they're ours. I just… don't know how to do that without opening myself up for a hell of a lot of shit toted out for everyone to see."
There was another moment of silence from her and Logan shifted from one foot to another, feeling exposed. Finally, he heard her draw in a breath. "'Growth and comfort do not coexist.'"
Logan blinked hard. "Ginny Rometty," he cited, surprise lacing the name.
"I guess? You had it as your voicemail one time. One of your inspirational quotes." Her careful smile flooded him with a sense of warmth. "Seemed to fit."
"Yeah," he breathed.
"I get it," Veronica murmured, looking back down the hall. "When I went to Stanford, I cut ties with everything. I didn't want the two worlds colliding. I never dated anyone for long enough for him to feel like he should meet my dad or anything. To come home. Even with Piz who knew so much of it. I just… kept it separate."
"Because I didn't think I wanted to be that person."
"I love that person."
A small smile tugged her lips out and she reached for the hand still stuffed in his pocket. "Can I ask you something?"
Funny, that question would have terrified him a decade ago, but he heard his response roll off his own tongue without reservation. "Anything."
"Why'd you choose the Navy? I'm glad you did. I've seen…. What it gave you. What it did for you. I just wanna know how you got there."
Logan pursed his lips and considered the question for a long moment. It wasn't the first time she'd asked and she wasn't the only one curious. Just earlier that day Wallace had tried to press Riley for it. Good man Riley. He'd run his mouth about a lot, but not when it counted, and this did.
And because it counted, he knew Veronica deserved to hear it from him.
"I was okay all summer," he started, feeling a little numb as he spoke. "I thought you'd come back. I thought we'd...do what we did back then. Fall apart, come back, try again."
"I transferred."
"Without telling you."
"I got the hint," he murmured, trying not to sound too bitter. He tightened his hold on her hand in his. "I never really… learned how to process things, I don't think. Not things that mattered. Hell, my go-to when my mom threw herself off a bridge was to hire my best friend's ex girlfriend to prove she wasn't really dead." A mirthless chuckle left him and he felt her tighten her hold on his hand. "I fell apart. Hit bottom. I was on the edge of flunking out, drinking waytoo much, and then this asshole sat down at my table in the cafeteria and just started babbling on about the design of a jet. Honestly, I was so hungover I couldn't tell you what jet he was talking about. All I remember is telling him to fuck off and he thought it was hilarious."
"Riley," Veronica said softly and Logan nodded.
"Riley. He's a stubborn bastard. He kept on me until somehow we became… friends, I guess? Something close to it. Found out later we'd had a class freshman year. The one Wallace and I had where I lost the bet and went streaking through it?" Veronica snorted a laugh at that. She had rolled her eyes pretty hard at the time. "He saw something, through all the bullshit. I don't know why or how, but he had… faith. Ended up convincing me to join ROTC and it was the first time I think I really found structure in my life. I always thought it'd be exhausting but it was… nice, somehow. Not just some assholes that had no business telling me what to do getting off on it, but these people had my back. I eased off the drinking, got my grades up, and did what I had to to get my wings."
"That's… amazing."
"You hear me say Riley saved my life and sure. In the air, definitely, but before that. He got me in the air."
The bell rang. "I'm glad he did," Veronica said earnestly as the doors started opening all around them and she tipped up on her toes to press the briefest of kisses to his lips before the students started to flood out. "Let's go home."
He nodded, words escaping him in that moment as she took him by the hand and led him towards Neptune High's exit, the chatter following them out.
It felt like a weight had been lifted off that Logan hadn't even known was there. He had always known what had drawn her into the life she lived, what had driven her to find an outlet for the questions that raged after Lilly's death, but that small, lying voice in his mind had told him that she'd be upset if he explained how he had gotten to where he was. She'd be hurt, thinking that he blamed her for finally scraping rock bottom. Or angry that he had. Whatever the case, it would be his fault and clearly it would drive a wedge between them.
But it didn't. Instead she'd taken it in stride, seeming to be more grateful that Riley had been stubborn enough to help him through it than upset that he'd crashed and burned after she had left. They had both done what they had needed, and they had needed it. As much as they'd loved each other they had been so young and so angry and hurt by the world around them. Jaded and pained in ways they couldn't work through together, not at that point. No, they had had to work on themselves, to find themselves, before they could come back together. And they had. Of course they had. Their story was epic.
Logan pulled the BMW around to park it on the street, brows drawing together at the sight of both Veronica's blue Hyundai and Riley's Mustang. "I thought he'd be halfway back to San Diego."
"Yeah, and I thought my car would be at the office…."
They slipped out of the convertible, finding the steps leading to the apartment empty of waiting guests. Logan heard Veronica's voice and glanced over to see her phone pressed to her ear. "Uh huh. Suuure," she answered with a wide grin. "See you in a sec." She ended the call and motioned towards the beach. "Riley forgot his keys in the apartment and Mac decided to wait with him."
Logan tilted his head and they started the short trek to find his Wizzo and one of Veronica's best friends sitting on a beach towel that must have been in her trunk, deep in conversation. Mac was the first to turn at their approach. "Hi there, Hollywood!" she greeted, her grin quick and mischievous.
And suddenly he knew what the conversation had been about. He locked eyes with Riley whose grin was a bit more sheepish. "Traitor," Logan muttered even as Veronica barked a laugh.
"You finally got it out of him. 'Bout damn time." She turned a clearly fake apologetic look at him. "It's not so bad. You've told me some of the other guys' call signs and they're a lot worse."
"It wouldn't have stuck if he hadn't been such a baby about it early on," Riley chuckled.
"Asshole," Logan huffed without any real spite in his voice.
"Yeah, you love me." Riley stood, brushing off his uniform. "I should head back. Good meeting you, Mac. Loved the story about the scavenger hunt. We should do it again sometime." He glanced back pointedly at Logan. "Cross the streams a little, huh?"
Logan rolled his eyes a little, but he knew the smile inching into place was going to give him away. It was nice to find some weird equilibrium between two pieces of his life. "C'mon. Let's grab your keys."
"Oh, wouldn't you know it?" Riley stuffed his hand deeply into his pocket and returned with his keys. "Oops. There the whole time. See ya next time."
Veronica snorted a laugh as Riley sauntered his way up the beach towards the road. "He's a sneaky little bastard."
"I warned you, " Logan chuckled. "He's been looking for high school stories all day."
"And freshman year of college," Mac offered as she stood, stooping back down to grab the oversized beach towel. "But he does pay well with stories from after you ghosted everyone. How did you stay in ROTC with some of the stuff you pulled?"
Logan flashed her a smug grin and Mac laughed, shaking her head.
"You wanna stay for dinner? We can order Thai," Veronica offered.
"I think we have chicken. I can cook," Logan countered.
"You cook?" Mac asked, the amusement still strong in her eyes. "This I have to see."
"I even know how to wash dishes," Logan countered.
Veronica nodded at the distant figure just reaching the street. "Bet we can grab Riley before he leaves. Swap a few more stories?"
"There's no stopping you now, is there?"
"Flood gates aren't open," she agreed.
"I'll go catch Dave," Mac offered and she was gone before either of them could get a word in.
Logan looked to Veronica, finding those clear and curious blue eyes on him too. "Did she just call him Dave?"
"Pretty sure she did."
They started up the beach towards their friends, Logan risking a glance at the woman he loved out of the corner of his eye and feeling a strange sense of peace washing over him despite what would likely turn into a one-up-manship of stories that evening. Growth and comfort didn't coexist, it was true. It had nearly killed him to find a way to survive everything life has dealt him, He couldn't go back and change the past, and he didn't think he wanted to. Without the struggles he faced, he never would have grown like he had, and that growth had brought him here. It had brought him back to her, and for that he would endure any pain.
Hat tip to @his-beautiful-girl_Beautiful_Girl for the Suzy Kassem quote and all of the fantastic folks in the VM Fic Club that were willing to help me find the best quote to use there 3
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zuzuslastbraincell · 4 years
why I like them
oh god where do i even start. katara just contains so many multitudes - she's sweet and feminine and caring and attentive but she's never reduced to just that, she's never just 'the girl', she's also allowed to get mad, to be petty, to laugh at her brother, to be headstrong and stubborn, to express vulnerability, to cry and to laugh, to make ridiculous facial expressions and *be* very expressive. she's dealing with a lot of trauma not simply from the loss of her mother but that loss represents also how her tribe have been decimated by the fire nation, how she's the last waterbender, how all this pressure exists on her shoulders (but also pride, but also determination, to bring it back) and that is expressed subtly throughout the series with the same depth and love that male characters are afforded with regard to their respective traumatic experiences. and despite all this she never tries to stop making the world good? She's always pushing for change, she's always wanting to make things better, she's relentless and doesn't give up when it comes to her vision for a better world... she has such a big heart. and that coexists with a deep anger in her, and deep hurt. Not to make an ocean metaphor so early on but she's as deadly and deep as the ocean but she chooses to be kind and warm and that's so powerful.
why i don't
honnestly while katara's instincts to mother people are a sad symptom of how she was forced to grow up to soon and automaically asigns herself a role of emotional responsibility she has mixed feelings about, i know that if katara tried to mother me, i would be annoyed. but that sounds more like a me problem.
favourite episode
oh it's either the episode where she beats the fucking shit out of pakku or it's the southern raiders. the first one because it's so gratifying to see how she's grown and developed as a bender and really come into her own. the second because... god i love how *messy* the southern raiders is, and it really taps into what i love about katara - she's flawed, she runs off on an ill-thought out revenge mission with zuko, she's got a great capability for darkness as she quite seriously considers murdering a man she has every right to loathe and to kill - but she chooses against it, in the end. it would not be right for her, if not him. she chooses what's right for her in the end.
favourite season
I'm gonna be a wee bit controversial and say book 1 had the best conception of katara's arc from student to master and really saw her grow and flourish, from someone yelling at her brother' oafish prejudice to a real master, that really solidified her as an idealist and presented that as the strength that is, that showed her struggling with petty jealousy of aang's progress and had her stumble in ways that made her character comeplling and interesting - like what an introduction to her character! book 2 had some fantastic moments but i can't think of anything particularly remarkable about hee character arc - largely because it tied into aang's romantic arc i think at this point. book 3 had some absolutely fantastic moments (scam queens katara and toph!! painted lady!! southern raiders!! the final agni kai) that really shone but also book 3 lays a lot of groundwork for fanon i hate (e.g. katara as the mom friend - wish that headcanon would die tbh)
favourite line
fuck there's a lot of good ones but my underrated fave is when sokka says he's kissed a girl before but she's never met her and katara says 'Who? Gran-gran? I've met gran-gran' and it's bruuutaaall
but my favourite serious line is 'I will never ever give up on people who need me'. powerful.
favourite outfit
water tribe anything!! and i actually think her book one/book two braids are her best hair. underrated katara hair. personally she looks just adorable in her parka in the flashback to when she was like. eight.
katara/personal fulfilment
katara/fulfilling her goals and dreams
katara/loving minor background character who is never named
there's some ships i like in AU situations - yuetara is actually one i lov, especially with waterbender yue, i just love the whole sea/moon thing as well as katara and yue rebelling in loud/quiet ways, being girlfriends who refuse to have their lives defined by the expectations of older men, who have a great sense of duty towards their nations and won’t let gendered expectations stop them.
and most of you know i like the messy drama of katara/azula in a lighter AU situation where they're like, school or academic rivals, and the legacy of imperialism isn’t quite so personal (and azula makes better choices, obviously), but it’s not as much as i “ship” them as i just find the potential dynamic interesting, they’re both driven by a sense of duty for their home, it’s just that means *very* different things depending if you’re SWT or FN.
none of them are OTPs though - they’re more just fun thought experiments
katara & sokka - absolutely love their sibling dynamic its amazing. both have been impacted negatively by the shit in their lives and are not always dealing with it in functional ways but theyre there for each other, through thick and thin, always have each other's backs, they roast each other and bicker and sometimes make stupid decisions and sometimes lash out but at the end of the day their love pulls through, they’re able to work past those conflicts.
katara & aang - honestly while i feel kataang was just so poorly executed in the show (listen guys I just can’t after ember island players, i know that was a bad episode, but i can’t) & i cant imagine katara wanting to leave the south pole after the war for long spells (it would have to be long distance love, lots of profound and heartfelt letters and occasional visits, if anything, but i dont know if that’s what katara wants or needs? so maybe it wouldn’t pan out?), but regardless, i really do think these two had a life-changing friendship where each really represented hope for each other, that's at the core of it, they both truly believe in each other, and inspired each other. katara & aang good.
a headcanon
chief katara anyone?? chief katara?!?! 
oh oh OH i also think that katara, while primarily a combat bender during the war, actually takes to healing a lot more after the show and gets proper healing training at some point with the help of a trained medical expert and maybe yugoda. tbh i feel like the show was a bit dismissive of healing as an ability - i feel like having that is *extremely* useful in any combat situation, you always have a medic on hand - but i understand why katara, who wanted to be recognised as powerful regardless of her gender, and wanted to hold herself in a fight alongside sokka & aang, pushed for combat waterbending training because that is what 'powerful' looks like to her in the moment. obviously katara is capable of incredible healing feats (see: saving aang) but i think given we see her as a healer in lok (not a decision i necessarily disagree with) would mean a shift in focus. i think katara actually comes to realise she likes healing a great deal, but really she excels in all aspects of waterbending and is the south’s most respected master who helped rejuvenate southern style waterbending  
unpopular opinion
the main reason people think katara is straight is because we see her have very few meaningful interactions with other girls outside of toph. ATLA as a show is a bit romance obsessed, and very heteronormative in that regard, and so interactions with minor characters almost always line up with a potential crush for sokka or katara, and later, zuko (suki, haru, jet, yue, song, jin....). we rarely see katara build friendships with other girls and it’s such a damn shame.
(anyway bi katara for life)
a wish
the version of the puppetmaster we saw was actually fire nation propaganda, i feel like katara would have felt deep compassion for a prisoner of war and after maybe some clashes, would have agreed to help smuggle her out of the fire nation and secure passage home for hama, and tried to assure her that she still has a place there. the treatment of hama in that episode was awful (but also hama was written to be almost cartoonishly evil, very much an evil witch in her cottage in the spooky woods? like the whole horror movie / spooky story opening was such a big tell) and tbh i reject the thesis that we saw ‘katara’s dark potential’ in that episode completely, or that bloodbending as a power is inherently dark, or katara’s use of it to stop hama ‘corrupted’ her. I feel like katara might feel this way as a teenager perhaps but with time (she can be a little black and white at times), and especially with more training as a healer, i think she might realise that’s not the case, she’ll realise that she was right to try and oppose hama, her elder (she was lashing out rather than really trying to oppose the fire nation), and it wasn’t a betrayal of her or her beliefs, but also her use of bloodbending wasn’t wrong or evil inherently at all? and maybe she’d find ways to use it for healing purposes? anyway my wish is that, i like the idea that they meet again, speak about their differences, reconcile a little / come to an understanding, and katara learns more from hama again
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen
anything where katara’s character is reduced to a comforter or a healing device for a man and his trauma. particularly zuko. (they don’t have that dynamic in canon thankfully, zuko would never, zuko respects her too much)
5 words to describe them:
idealistic, hard-working, powerful, headstrong, kind
my nickname for them:
chief. or comrade. :^)
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Twin Code
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Pairing: Young!Remus Lupin/Potter!Reader
Word Count: 2,522
Warnings: none
Summary: James accidentally lets it slip that you’re in love with Remus.
Notes: I had no idea what to name this, but it was a cute little idea that I wanted to get out of my head. Enjoy! :)
“Come on, Y/N/N, I said I was sorry! What do you want from me? D’you want me to beg? Get down on my knees and grovel, that it?” James pressed insistently, the slimeball, whining childishlyㅡ in the dramatic manner always did when he didn’t get his way ㅡfrom across the large wooden table; just as he had for the past fifteen minutes, and the past four days. The stoic expression taking residence on your features never wavered, narrowed eyes focused viciously on your twin brother.
You couldn’t believe him, that slimy little snake! 
You’d sooner give him a swift kick in the ass than forgiveness, not after what he did, and he knew it.
"Sirius, would you be a dear and tell my idiot brother that he knows exactly what I want from him, because he knows exactly what he did?" your voice was calm despite the daggers shooting from your irises and into your brother, earning a heavy sigh from the raven haired boy. 
James Fleamont Potter had broken your code, the moronic berk! 
From the beginning of time, you and your brother were inseparable. Your mother used to say that you were joined at the hip, like you were two halves of one soul. There couldn’t be one without the other because you each kept the other’s feet on the ground, prevented your minds from floating off into the clouds. You told each other everything, no matter what, and every secret was to be taken to the grave; those were the rules. Well, one of the rules. When you were younger, the both of you had formed a list of rulesㅡ the twin code ㅡthat became the guidelines of your relationship. Not once in your sixteen years of coexistence had they had never failed you, and James knew thatㅡ but he just couldn’t keep his big mouth shut!  
You watched as James' features contorted into a deflated grimace, his hazel eyes leisurely wandering over your shoulder before his expression softened, and the signature twinkle of mischief returned. 
Coming through the large threshold of the Great Hall was Remus, lopsided grin and all, and your heart leapt into your mouth. A thousand thoughts flooded to the forefront of your consciousness as if your bodily chemistry had sent out a blanket invitation, clouding your ability to think properly. 
You were suddenly aware of that familiar rise of panic that could thrive or diminish depending on what your next move was. It would only grow if you allowed the storm of thought to overwhelm you, swirling into a vortex of stupidity, eating its own tail. You knew it would vanish the moment you weren’t in his presence, and that the momentary relief would only be until you saw him again, but the urge was too great. 
So you shoved yourself from the table with a half-assed story about having coursework for Slughorn, and made a quick getaway. 
Remus gave the boys a slight smile as he sat down in your place, glancing at your retreating figure just as you disappeared into the crowd. 
"It's been four days, Prongs. When are the two of you going to make up so we can all get on with our lives?" he sassed inquisitively as he looked back to his friends, earning a snort from James as he ran his fingers through his unruly curls. “What have you done to make her so cross with you anyhow?”
Though it was no secret among them that Remus was smitten, he still wasn’t willing to admit how irritating it was to be avoided by the very focus of his affection; one of his best friends. 
None of the boys spoke for a moment, only met with the chatter of the Hall, and Peter’s smacking as he shoved generous amounts of pastry into his mouth; until, as if completely oblivious to James’ silent reluctance, Peter piped up. 
“Tell the whole quidditch team she’s in love with you.”
Remus choked on his drink, breaking out into a vicious bout of coughing as Sirius slapped Peter on the back of the head, grumbling about his inability to understand discretion. "Sorry, what?"
Four days earlier. 
You’d been gazing dreamily at Remus studying in his usual spot among the Reference Section through the dusty shelves of the library for longer than you’d like to admit. Admiring the way that the mousy tendrils of hair rested restlessly against his forehead, and the way his lips moved along with the words he read so faintly that you’d hardly notice unless you were looking for it. 
Remus really was the only boy you’d ever allowed yourself to really admire. Not simply because of your feelings for him, but because he deserves every ounce of it. 
No matter how tough things got, he always knew the difference between essential virtues to be upheld, no matter what was and wasn’t negotiable. There were men that talked a better game, that spoke with angelic charisma, but he walked his talk and in that there was more honor than in all of the vain popularity in the world. He underplayed his own pains and needs in order to provide for those he loved. Whatever he said he believed in, whatever virtues he professed, you could take it to the bank. 
That was him, black and white, cut and dried. Being with him was like being anchored to a rock, never again feeling lost in the storms of life.
You found that you had fallen for his soul rather than relying strictly on his appearance, though it was a benefit you often appreciated; his temperament was what lured you in, so different from the other Marauders. You craved his soothing voice of reason, and coveted his warmth. When he smiled, it was as if the whole world was in your hands, yours for the taking. When you exchanged looks, and laughed with one another, it seemed as if everything paused in its proper place; like you were exactly where you were supposed to be, and the universe was at peace. The feelings that you had for him had been developing for nearly two years, and they far surpassed admiration. You were falling hard, spiraling headfirst into the foreign lands of romance within yourself, and hitting your head on every love nest on the way there. 
“Does Lupin know you’re so taken with ‘im, Y/N?” the inquiring voice of Caleb Buckhornㅡ one of the three Chasers on Gryffindor’s quidditch team ㅡpulled you from your daydreaming, and snapped you back into reality. 
Frankly, you were scared to even ask, but turned to give him the most aloof expression you could manage. 
“What are you on about?” 
He shrugged, withdrawing his enthusiasm as your cheeks dusted a rosy shade of pink. "James told us you fancied Remus.” Caleb turned his green irises to the table briefly before returning to you. “I only asked if he knew."
Your blood ran cold. “Us?”
“The team.”
As James finished his explanation, Remus rested his elbows on the table, rubbing his hands over his face in exasperated realization. 
"She nearly killed him when she got hold of ‘im!" Peter snorted, snickering at the annoyance on James’ face. 
"It was hot." Sirius grinned wolfishly, before yelping as James elbowed him in the side, complaining about the comment being gross. 
"So she's avoiding me because she thinks I know."
He couldn’t believe that you were in love with him. You, the one who had helped him through more restless nights than he could recount, making the seeming impossible seem tolerable with your kind eyes and kindred spirit. You were the sweetest melody he had ever heard, intoxicating him as your words wrapped around him and lulled him into a vulnerable peace. 
That was supposed attraction, but his feelings were so deep, as if they were the beginning of a song that would play on and on, something that soothed his tortured soul. You, quite simply, were the kindest and most reliable person Remus had ever met; and he didn’t want you to think that reliable meant that he didn't love you with a fiery passion, because he did; for someone like him, reliable was everything. 
As if he had heard Remus’ every racing thought, a devious grin painted over James’ lips, and he sat up straight. 
"Think it's prime time you told her how you feel, Moons? Maybe you can convince her to forgive my gift of gab."
You sat at a table in the corner of the Three Broomsticks, leisurely sipping on a steaming mug of butterbeer as you read over the passage in your textbook that covered the Pepperup Potion, only acutely aware of the Marauders taking residence at the table distantly diagonal to your own. 
The Pepperup Potion is an elixirㅡ composed of bicorn horn, mandrake root, english thyme, salamander blood, and fire seeds ㅡthat warms the body, and cures the common cold. If composed properly, it will turn a vibrant shade of orange, and steam will spout from the consumer's ears for several hours after it is imbibed. Linfred of Stinchcombe developed the rudimentary treatment for the common cold that would later serve as the basis for the Pepperup Potion. Centuries later, roughly between the mid-eighteenth and nineteenth century, Glover Hipworth built on Linfred’s work, consequently perfecting the-  
“Can I join you?” Remus interrupted your studying with a nervous smile, which you desperately tried to ignore as you grew tense in your seat. You didn’t even have to look up to know who it was. 
“Suppose so.”
He settled into the seat across from you as you pretended to immerse yourself in your book, all too aware of his thieving eyes cautiously studying you, trying to read you as he ran his clammy palms on his trousers. For a moment there was silence between the two of you, yet the room around you was alive with jovial chatter and movement. Waitstaff bustled absentmindedly from table to table, taking orders and carrying trays of the drinks that Rosmerta aptly crafted behind the bar. Students dressed in their house robes filled the tables, some groups more diverse than others, but all aglow with cacophonous laughter and conversation. 
Unable to focus under Remus’ lingering gaze, you read the same line of text five times before you began to grow a bit uneasy. Your nerves were quickly beginning to fray after these past few days of worrying, and isolating yourself from your blabbering brother. Within your building anxiety you’d encouraged the construction of elaborate rationalizations of why everything would be alright, but there was still that nasty little voice at the back of your consciousness that spoke of nothing but the inevitable doom ahead of you.  
“Can we talk, Y/N?” 
You closed your book swiftly, a single finger preventing the weight of the ample pages from slamming together and making an unnecessarily abrupt noise. “Full of questions today, aren’t you, Moony?” you inquired in mild agitation, crossing your arms over your chest. 
In response, Remus gave you a lopsided grin that made your stomach flip, letting out a short, nervous little chuckle as he dropped his gaze to the table. “Go on then.” you insisted with a nod, regaining his anxious gaze. “You’ve got my attention.”
“Well, James saidㅡ”
You let out an indignant scoff, irises set ablaze as you snatched your Potions book off of the table, standing from your seat purposefully. "If that cockroach sent you over here to persuade me, you tell him to go boil his head! I'm not playing his littleㅡ" you were cut short as Remus huffed impatiently, slapping his hands down on the table with a rancorous expression as he rose to his feet. 
"I'm in love with you, and if you would stop being so insufferably stubborn and listen I could properly tell you!" he insisted, ceasing all possibility of thinking clearly as your blood ran cold, staring at each other with mirroring expressions of shock. 
Remus had never been good at talking like James or Sirius, who always seemed to have the unnecessary amounts of confidence. Whenever he tried to express the emotions whirling within his soul, his throat would tighten and block him from saying anything. Tongue tied and hopelessly alone with his thoughts, even among the little family his friends had become; but this feeling, it was so overwhelming, so foreign that he couldn’t help but speak. 
You had always been there for him, through every challenge and complication he’d presented and faced. You stood by his side unconditionally, and supported him, stood up for him, believed in him. He had been lost within himself for years, and he’d never realized the blossoming emotions he felt towards you, he never wanted to confront it. He could tell you anything, without any trouble or hesitation, because he knew you would always understand; even when you couldn’t possibly understand. But most importantly you made him laugh. You made him forget his reality, while keeping him warmth and grounded within it. Remus loved you more than the best friend that you had been to him, and now he had the hope that you felt the same. 
“That’s not funny, Remus.” you breathed, frozen in your spot as he took a tentative step towards you, giving you that sweet, puppy dog smile that melted you into a puddle every time.
 "I wasn't trying to be funny."
His playful tone made soothed every nerve that had previously nauseated you, calmed the storm of thoughts that had haunted you for days, and warmed the ice in your veins. 
Your smile was like a breath of fresh air, an action of blossoming happiness, much like spring flowers, that he couldn’t recall ever seeing before. He could see how it came from deep within, lighting your eyes and spreading into every inch of his body. It had always proved that one smiles with more than their mouth, but their soul. 
"So, if I were to kiss you right now?" you took a step towards him, bringing the both of you close enough that your noses brushed, earning a shaky sigh from Remus as his shoulders sagged slightly. 
"Please do."
You could hear it in his voice, that pleasant calm that your confirmation had brought him, you could practically see it in his cavity inducing gaze. 
It was beautiful. He was beautiful. This moment was… perfect.  
The world around you was forgotten as he pressed his lips to yours, nearly knocking the wind from your lungs in the process. You hardly allowed him a moment to react before you pulled him closer, deepening the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck, having to stand on the tips of your toes to even attempt to match his lanky figure. It was a long time coming, mingled with the fleeting taste of butterbeer in the intermingling of your billowing breaths. 
And as abruptly as it started, it was brought to an end as Sirius whistled obnoxiously, a wolfish grin smearing across his face. 
"Does this mean our dear Prongs is forgiven, darling Y/N/N?"
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ask-hws-germanys · 4 years
Notes: Best when paired with this song, you’ll know where  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blwzw8YK2oI
I wrote this ages ago so I hope you don’t mind the length. I know writing isn’t what get’s the clicks when it comes to ask blog things but I hope you might relax and read along to this piece. 
Theobold was the first one to pick up on Ludwig's new and strange behavior. It was nothing others would sneeze at really, it only really standing out to him so much because of his time possessing the German's body and the many corrections he had to learn himself in order to act as him and fill in for him when Ludwig would drop out and he would have to take over. 
He was rising later, checking out of conversation more, and he could often hear music coming from his room. He knew Ludwig had played both the violin and flute in the past but to his knowledge he had been very out of practice and had no spare time to pick them up again. So.. where was the music coming from? After a few days of this consistent odd behavior, now adding muttering to himself to the list and straight up ignoring his schedule that particular day, not to mention flirting with Lutz, Theo was sure somehow Ludwig was possessed in some way with something he couldn't sense. And he was going to confront whatever it was and ask it to leave or else he'd use force. 
The albino knocked softly on the door, his foot tapping as impatient as ever on the faded wooden floor. The door opened slowly, revealing Ludwig, or who was supposedly Ludwig. He was wearing a black and white striped shirt with a loose light blue button-up rolled to his elbows over top, quite casual and free flowing Theo thought to himself. 
"Ah Theobold," Ludwig remarked. "Did you need something from me?"
Theobold gave the man a nod, crossing his arms. "Ja, I want to discuss something with you. Alone."
He didn't want the man to suspect something, so he kept his expression neutral, scanning for any sign that this perpetrator might try to bolt or attack him. But… nothing happened. Ludwig nodded and allowed the man inside, Theo rejecting his offer to sit as Ludwig moved to his wardrobe, moving some clothes around. 
"What did you want to discuss, Theo?" Ludwig asked, taking one of his newly pressed shirts and slipping it onto its hanger and then in the wardrobe. Theo lightly glared, preparing himself for the worst. He never had much of a filter anyway. 
"Who are you?"
Ludwig seemed to pause in confusion before turning to him. "..What?"
"Don't make me ask you again." Theo vaguely threatened. "You heard me, I know you're not Ludwig. I can sense it, something just off right below the surface. Not wrath… but something else. Tell me what you're doing here and get out of him this instant."
Ludwig and Theo were staring, locked in a gaze for longer than Theo liked. As if Ludwig was seeing which would cave first, who would back down. He sighed, shaking his head as he moved to continue his task. 
"I'm afraid I couldn't 'get out of him' even if I tried. We're one in the same, you see." He remarked. "Two halves of the same faced coin. I’m not like you."
Theo gave him a confused look, and the man quickly elaborated on his analogy. 
"It's impossible to have one side without the other." 
"So you admit you're an imposter!" Theo accused, the man simply chuckled under his breath, covering his slight smile with his hand. 
"I'm afraid I admitted to nothing of that." He pulled a case from the wardrobe before moving to close it, Theo keeping his eye on the case, jumpy at any sudden movement. Ludwig seemed to notice his paranoid nature, smiling in an almost eerie way. He stood a bit closer to Theo. 
"However… you look quite exhausted my friend, are you feeling alright?"
Theo squinted, as if asking him why he was changing the subject. The man's smile grew, and he brought his case from his side to over his chest, holding it as one would hold something precious. 
"I ask because, perhaps we can make a deal? I can sense the exhaustion within you, and I can assist you with it.. in exchange for your silence of my presence." he held out his hand. "I can show you I mean no harm to you, or anyone else here, and in exchange allow me to coexist here as everyone else has." 
Theo frowned slightly, though vaguely intrigued, he was cautious. What did he mean by "assist him with it?" he was honestly confused. And why point out his exhaustion. If he had been around here long enough he knew how Theo was when it came to rest and his inability to do it. 
The man moved to set his case on the bed, his moves slow but fluid, allowing Theo to see every move he made and process what he was doing so he wouldn't jump to conclusions. Within the thin case was Ludwig’s flute, a gift from his brother from many years ago. He watched as Ludwig had put the flute together quietly without fuss, as if he had been diligently playing every day. But he knew Ludwig hadn’t touched it in years. He didn’t have the time anymore.. 
The demon watched with caution as the man tested each button and tuned softly to himself, as if he was in his own little world with the instrument, and Theo was outside looking in. 
"What are you planning on doing with that?" Theo asked. Ludwig continued, his smile unwavering. 
"Have you ever been able to sit in a field of flowers at midnight, Theobold?"
Theo was confused, his head tilting to the side slightly as the man seemed to change the subject again. "No.. I haven't."
"Hmm.." he twittled one of the buttons on his flute mindlessly. "I could take you to one... if you’d like." At the mention of leaving Theo quickly objected, his shoulders tensing as he shook his head. 
"I'm not escorting you out of this room until you tell me who you--" Theo began, but Ludwig quickly held up a hand to stop him. 
"Oh, there would be no need. Just allow me to play for you." he remarked. "My playing can be quite immersive. I promise, I mean no harm. I simply want to help you relax." 
Theo let out a slow exhale through his nose, weighing his options. He could tell that the man was not going to give him a straight answer. He was dancing around the subject harder the Lichtblau had been dancing about Aster when they finally seemed to come to an accord. He hadn’t acted malicious, or tried to jump him. So it wasn’t anyone he knew… This strange deal might be the only chance for him to get a hint on who this was, perhaps he could win their favor and then use that position to figure out how to get Ludwig back, and what he meant by the two of them being inseparable. 
“Hm..” Theo sighed. “If I accept your offer, do you swear on your life that you will not harm a single person here, and that this is not trickery?”
The man smiled, raising one hand to swear. "I swear on my life I mean no one harm, especially not anyone here. And I am not trying to trick you, I merely wish to help you.”
Theo paused, hardening his resolve before nodding in approval. The blonde nodded to him in return, and moved to sit, crossing his legs in his lap. 
"Please, sit."
Theo paused, taking one more moment to think about his options before slowly lowering himself to the floor, sitting with his legs crossed and his hands resting palm side down on his knees. Ludwig smiled at him in approval, happy to see him letting his guard down the slightest bit. 
"Now… close your eyes, and listen." 
Theo frowned, his eyes staying open and trained on the blonde, but the man began to play anyway. 
The melody was slow and tranquil, Theo thinking he must only be warming up the instrument. But after about a minute of watching and listening, his eyelids began to feel heavier, like they were being weighed down with sandbags. He was an amazing flutist he had to remark but why did he feel so at ease…? It felt like the sound was wrapping around the two of them, and Theo found it harder to focus on keeping his eyes open. His eyes continued to flutter, struggling to stay open as the man continued his tranquil solo. Theo couldn't recall when he shut his eyes but when he opened them again he was startled as the scenery had changed around them. 
The two were both sitting in a field of strange blue flowers, some sort of flower he had never seen before. Petals were floating through the air as a gentle breeze moved them in almost hypnotic patterns. On the horizon around them there were tall, sturdy trees littered with lights. The air was abuzz with butterflies and fireflies, some coming to rest upon his arms and shoulders without a moment's hesitation. He tried to sit as still as possible as to not disturb them, turning his head up from the flowers to see the sky speckled with stars as the soft melodies of the flute began to blend with the chirps of crickets, the sweet songs of bird calls and the soft flaps and clicks of insect wings.
 It all felt so real.. what kind of witchcraft was this..? They hadn't left the room, he knew that... and yet as he ran a hand through the flowers beneath him he could feel every petal, every stem as they brushed against his gloves. They were there but they couldn't be..!
Theo was hardly registering the soft melody that continued to ring and echo through the cool night air. It was becoming harder and harder to keep up his guard when there were so many distractions around him. So many soothing sounds, the scent of the flowers in the air…
He found his eyes wandering to the flowers beneath him. Curling his finger around the stem of one he found it wrapped its grip around him without much of a fight, opening itself more as Theo ran his fingers down the soft petals. In any other situation he might have found that alarming, but right now… he wasn’t. He brought the little bud to his face and the aroma of the nectar hit him full force. It was sweet, a subtle but powerful smell. His eyes felt even heavier than before, an ache in his bones he was used to ignoring got louder and louder. 
Slowly lowering his hand back to his lap, he finally caught a strange color out of the corner of his vision. He looked up, Ludwig was still there! How… had he not noticed that? He seemed… different. His appearance had changed, he was draped in a black and blue cloak and his head was adorned with a garland of the same flowers as the field they were sitting in. Had he made that garland while he wasn’t looking…? He couldn’t have… he surely would have noticed that much movement, right? Had he stopped playing? 
The German’s slight smile was showing through, still unwavering despite his focus. His eyes were closed, but as if he had sensed Theo's staring, one opened ever so slightly, looking at him with something Theo couldn't quite put into words. It was strange, he had never seen Ludwig’s eyes so bright before… so emotional… They were swirling with so many things he could hardly decipher one before it was gone and replaced with another. 
The ache in Theo’s bones was becoming deafening. He tried to stay sitting up, moving to lean back on his hands as the music of the flute continued to envelop him like someone would curl into a woolen blanket on a cold winter’s eve. He fought to keep his eyes open, but his exhaustion and this strange relaxation that had settled in his chest were beating out his willpower. He was only able to keep them open the slightest crack.
 He was waiting for something… he didn't know what for but he was waiting.. he was so tired… it was getting so hard to think, all the sounds around him were starting to melt together, his senses felt overwhelmed but in the most pleasant way possible. Theo had been so absorbed and keeping himself vague conscious... he hadn't even noticed that the man in front of him had stopped playing.
He could hear shuffling in the grass, the air changing. Someone was moving closer, but unlike normal Theo was unresponsive. He didn’t even flinch or move to stop the hand that slowly moved a stray hair on his face back into place. A movement that very very few people could get away with in any other circumstance. The demon’s face was relaxed, his eyes lidded and gaze caught in some distant space as he watched the flowers bend and sway in the wind, rippling like waves. It was captivating… he could watch this for hours....
"Are you still awake, my friend?"
Theo nodded softly. 
"That's good.. I'm glad." the blonde’s smile had reached something eerie as he gently held Theo's face in his hand. "Are you tired?"
"Yes…” the demon groaned, finding himself leaning into the hand on his face, trusting the touch. If he had the energy he would have reached out to him, but the thought of moving at all was so unappealing. “I’m so tired… never get enough.. sleep." 
"..And you like this little field of mine, don't you?"
Theo nodded again. "...Relaxing..."
"That it is…" He smiled, looking around the field before back down to the dozing albino. "How about this… If you want, I'll bring you back here from time to time." He suggested, letting out a small chuckled as Theo’s head lolled to the side in his grip, clearly trying and failing to stay awake.
"That is… Of course… if I may stay around?"
"I would… like that…" Theo nodded again. "...stay…"
“...But of course.”
The blonde smiled, letting one hand slowly rustle Theo’s hair in an affectionate manner as the other hand, still holding onto the body of the flute, grazed through the flowers in a circular motion. As it went around again and again, a soft blue light was glowing, the flowers bending and twisting into one another until a garland of them was what remained. With utmost care he gently sat his flute onto the ground, and bent down to pick up the garland of flowers. He gently placed it over the demon’s head, minding his horn as it came to rest over his shoulders.  
Theo’s eyes had lulled shut again, opening ever so slightly but he couldn’t hardly see straight. Everything was blurring and spinning into itself… How many Germanys were in front of him again…? Where… was he? What was he doing…? He wasn’t sure. All he knew is that he was tired… so very tired. 
"Enjoy your rest, my friend. We'll keep this little secret to ourselves, yes?"
Theo nodded wordlessly, his arms were shaking behind him. He was barely able to hold himself up.
"......jaaa..." he tried to say more, but he was so tired, and it was so hard to think the words were blurring together. The noise he made was soft and completely intelligible, and the man gently shushed him. 
"That's gut.. I think I will quite like having you as an ally."
The man moved away from him, though Theo hardly registered it at all. The world around him felt like unintelligible white noise, his mind teetering on the edge of the abyss and more than willing and ready to plummet at the slightest push.The blonde let out a small sigh through his nose. 
"Please... rest now, no need to hang onto my words. Rest, all of this will feel like a distant dream when you awaken. I will call for you if I ever need you, my friend." 
At that remark, Theo felt something snap, and he collapsed. His mind no longer felt like it was waiting, he had no more a need to keep himself conscious. He finally succumbed to that oh so tempting sleep he desired. It was as if he had only kept himself awake to speak to the blonde and now that he was free of that burden he had been completely swallowed whole by this warm feeling of sleep. He felt like he was sinking into a warm hug or he had been encased in ice by War. It was beyond relaxing… 
Theo could still faintly hear the sound of chirping birds and could smell the sweet aroma of the flowers from the field that adorned his neck... Everything felt so calm... the thought of waking up from this was enough to make him feel the fire of Wrath well up in him. He didn’t want to wake up… not yet. He wanted to stay like this… just for a while longer.
Theo's body hit the wood floor with a soft thud, his head lulling to the side on the wooden panels as the room back to the way it was before as if nothing had happened at all. Ludwig moved to place his instrument on the crisp bed sheets, moving down to lift Theo and carry him to his room. Luckily for him the hallways were empty, it seems they were still either at lunch or cleaning up. That was for the best, he didn’t want to explain this. Having to dodge around Theobold was enough for one day he thought.
He had honestly been surprised the man had caught on so fast, as he was sure that he had kept him from the light for a good while, but the man was better at reading people than he thought. He opened Theo’s heavy wooden door, pushing it open with his side and moving quickly to bump it closed again. Sliding him under the covers was tricky but he was able to pull it off eventually, making sure to sit his boots by his bedside and rest his beret on the post of his bed. 
Theo looked more relaxed than he had ever seen him, the music had worked like a charm, and he was happy Theo seemed to enjoy it. Not a single fleck of fear was on his face, and he was even smiling in his sleep. He wondered what the man might be dreaming about… maybe he would be content with no dreams at all? After hearing about the man’s nightmares, I’m sure just a calm quiet place would be more than welcome to him. 
He wasn’t sure if Theo would remember this exchange or would be blissfully ignorant of the situation and go to approach him again the moment he noticed the changes again. But.. he wouldn't mind a session like this from time to time either way. The man deserved a rest, he had long earned it. And he was more than happy to assist with it if he asked for it. 
If there was any worry for him… it would probably fall upon some of the others. Surely not all of them would be accepting as Theo had been…
He sighed, moving to stand from the bed’s edge and toward the door. There was not much else he could do but wait and see… If situations occurred he’d have to react quickly and resourcefully. He moved to leave, shutting off the light behind him as he slipped out the door. For a moment, his eyes showed a blue, luminescent glow before the door closed behind him and he was back in the brightly lit halls of the house, the strange light fading as he stepped into the light.
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bitchfitch · 4 years
angsty dnd npc character study
The Winter King wore the face of the man that The Boar King loved. The Boar focused on those familiar features, on the night sky black skin and the ivory fangs in his smile. The way his horns curled and his pointed ears twitched every now and then under the weight of his many piercings. If he focused on all the little familiarities this ordeal would be significantly less painful.
"You summoned?" Winter smirked, the playful light in his eyes and tone was something a lot crueler than it was warm. Nothing was warm about him. Nothing had been for a very long time.
"I just wanted to speak to you," The Boar knew this was an awful idea, one that would bring him nothing but pain, but he missed his husband so much that he was willing to put up with the entity that stole him away.
"Oh," the smug look that crossed his face was almost enough to call this off, it was to glaringly not right. A throne of ice rose from the ground to catch Winter as he sat. Boar focused on how he sat. His movements were always performative, he would cross his long legs and twist just right to look as alluring as he could.
Boar couldn't help but focus in on where Winter's ribs showed, all the sharp lines that were covered by soft fat when he was still the Boar's.
"Now, what would you like to speak about? You know I'm all ears for a voice as nice as yours," Winter cocked his head, his soft silver white hair always seemed to cascade in just the right way.
"How are you doing?" It was a simple question.
"Hm? That's all you have to ask?" the disappointed pout was almost enough to make the boar cave, it was the same one his husband used anytime he wanted something. The pout disappeared only to be replaced with a frown, "This is about Him isnt it?"
"Maybe, Just answer the question,"
"I'm fine, he's dead."
"Winter King-"
"You know there are kinder ways to turn someone down? You don't need to rub in the fact that you dont return a smidgen of the affection I hold for you. It's not even my fault I have the awful feelings for you, they're holdovers from that weak and hot blooded Thing that came before me."
"He wasnt weak, he fought you off for decades."
"He didn't Need to. He and I could have coexisted, but No, he wanted to burn me up, so I froze him."
"Does that imply he's still in there somewhere?"
"He may as well not be, Do you have anything of worth to ask of me? or may I return to my duties? I have better things to do than to cater to you,"
"I do have one other thing to ask,"
"Ask it."
"Won't you let me hold my husband? Just for a few minutes, even if it's just pretend,"
"Boar, you are pushing your luck something awful. Why should I let you touch me? Because that is what you are asking. Your husband is gone, hes not here, I'm Not Him."
"I know," the boar said quietly, "I know, and it hurts me to no end… But I still hear him in your laugh, and I see him in the tricks you play, and your temper is firmly his too, but he always knew how to control it. You hold yourself like he did when he was scarred to be open. You both lay on the charm and the appeal when you want to hide in plain sight, to be looked at but not seen. I refuse to believe you two are separate, or at least as distant from each other as you say you are."
"You're wrong," his voice was low and full of hurt, the crystalline tears that formed in the corners of his gold and black eyes was all the boar needed for proof. Even if it did hurt to see his love cry.
"You said it yourself, Winter, that the feelings you hold for me are not yours. If you still have his affections and his taste in clothing and music and his sense of humor… How can you two be separate? I believe you are merely an evolution of him, just the next step,"
"Shut up," he wiped away the tears freezing on his cheeks, "You're Wrong. I'm not him. He was weak and he ignored his fate and fought it so hard that we became This."
"He wasn't weak, he was scared,"
"It was his fault she died, it was his fault we had to manifest so quickly. If he'd accepted his crown, his place in the court, we would have been one. Not this awful double personality garbage."
"Maybe you two could work together now? Winter King, if you are him, all my affection is for you. You want that right? To come home and sleep in our bed again? To stay in your tower-"
"And watch the sunset. To visit Mama and see my sisters and my brother, and our friends, and-" he cut off as he sobbed, the boar went to him in an instant, his husband always wanted to be held when he was vulnerable like this, to feel safe. Winter seemed no different.
The frost of his touch bit through the Boars clothes, but that didn't matter, not right now anyways. He held the fey king as the smaller creature cried, his long fingers fisted in the fabric of the Boar's tunic,
"And our kids?" The boar finished the thought for Winter.
"Yeah, dammit, I want to hold them again. Fuck they're all grown up now arnt they?" he curled closer as the boar took his weight and sat them both down on the forest floor infront of the rapidly melting throne, "I didn't get to see my own babies grow up,"
"They are, you would be so proud of them if…"
"If I wasn't a danger to them?"
they sat there quietly, the Boar ran his hand through Winter's hair as Winter's sobs calmed into shakey breaths.
"Take me home?" he hid his face in the Boar's shirt, those quiet words more a begging plea than a true question, "Please? Just for tonight, Please?"
"Of course," The Boar stood and he hated how light Winter felt in his arms.
The Boar's castle hadn't stood above ground in centuries, instead he preserved its rooms deep within the soil of his forest. The entrance opened for them as the Boar carried Winter through.
The Boar rarely stayed here anymore. he couldn't stand the way his mind filled the silent halls with laughter and music, how at every turn he always expected to see his darling disappearing around a corner and giggling as he tried to start a game.
Their room was untouched, and had been for many many years, the bed felt like a grave anytime he drew near.
It didn't feel as awful as he set Winter down on it, the sight of him there being enough to soothe over long fraught nerves. This was where he belonged, where the Boar could keep him safe from everything outside of the canopy of the bed.
Winter sat up and curled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them as his tail flicked, "I used to love this room," he mused,
"You did, you liked how warm it was, and the fact that there arnt any windows made you feel safe," He sat on the opposite edge of the bed, and even that had felt like he was pushing his luck,
"I can't sleep outside of my domain," Winter grimaced, "I wish I could wake up here in the morning, do you think that would fix me?"
"I don't exactly follow,"
"Do you think being home and away from the court would fix me? Would it make him come back?" his tone was solemn and pained.
"Winter, I do not know,"
"Would you ever miss me?"
"When you get him back, and I'm gone, would you miss me? or mourn me for even a second?"
"Winter, you are him, I won't miss you because you wouldn't have gone anywhere,"
"That's bullshit."
"No, it's not,"
"It is, because he and I cant exist together, but you want him. Not me, and-" he had to wipe away his tears again, "And I love you, but you cant love me. Because you don't even See me, you only see him. You won't mourn me when I'm gone, nobody will. My death will be celebrated and then I will be forgotten,"
The Boar didn't know what to say,
"Just, give me tonight. Let me pretend for tonight,"
"Of course,"
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revol-lover · 4 years
i know i have become a shit post queen but this site is a good place to just dump thoughts when i’m too lazy to actually write them down so don’t mind me. also i’m “ok enough”. like i’m not ok-ok but i’m not like badly not ok. 
ok? anyway.
so idk what it is. being raised by emotionally distant parents esp my mom or the depression thats probably also related to that but man i just feel so empty for such long periods of time. empty, or maybe detached is a better word. and just really really restless. and also that when i have good emotions, i dont feel them all that much. idk. sometimes i feel like i’m on the outside looking in on my life. i have a lot of feelings but then at the same time i dont. maybe because i repress a lot then it all builds up and explodes. idk. its awful though. 
i also feel like i have two very distinct sides to me. half of me is like fuck this shit i just want to self destruct but i wont because i’m too responsible to do that and the other half is like wow life is so interesting i am a spirit not a body and i want to be an enlightened being. neither of those sides of me is less me than the other. neither is a farce or anything but its fucking hard for those two sides of me to coexist. the only middle ground, which is probably like 1/3 of the time how i feel, is blah. neutral to absolutely everything.
and i think ive talked about this before but before the whole corona/quarantine thing i was at this extreme level of DONE with feeling isolated in my life, esp as a sahm. done with falling into the trap of believing being a mom was my whole identity (and its definitely a part of it, of course. but i think its unhealthy for moms to think its all we are) like i totally lost myself for a while. my daughters birth being traumatic and her having potential life long complications (and ‘potential’ meaning, her diagnosis is so complicated. theres never going to be a time where we get a real “all clear”. some kids have developed seizures again way down the road, especially at certain ages where kids go through a lot of development.) and then ofc just raising a child with all of that going on, plus normal toddler craziness, plus having a kid who is super hyper and smart and amazing but parenting after having a difficult relationship with your own mother is one of those things that is really hard and not talked about enough. i never feel like im doing enough. i never feel like she likes me.i know thats so stupid but i really am that insecure about my parenting, no matter how hard i try. i just want my child to love me and sometimes toddlers do things that make you feel like crap (ex ‘i dont want u mom i want daddy!’ and i can rationalize it, dad’s the exclusive parent. i’m just here all the time like the furniture. i get it.) and its just a big complicated thing with my emotions. not what i was trying to say tho i got off track.
anyway the isolation thing. so i had a plan. a plan!!! i have this one awesome long time friend, honestly my only friend outside of my husband who knows me like the good bad and ugly, has known me for a very long time, and has been there for me through some really tough shit. he’s like the brother i never had, truly. (i have a biological brother but we dont really talk.) so i talked to him about things i was going through and he’s also been going through a challenging time in his life and he told me he’d help me get out there. we were going to force me to learn to socialize and make friends in “real life” by putting me in those situations. we were going to go to some poetry club. a show downtown. like i was ready. then corona happened. and my already crawling out of my skin isolation got worse because hey we cant do anything now, not even see my one friend. 
so yeah. i was fine in the beginning of all this because i figured, hey by may itll be over! then hey by june! then maybe 4th of july. which has become, my daughter is so excited about her birthday party in august and i dont even know if i can throw her one and i dont know how to deal with this or explain it to her.
i know this is major first world problems and im all over the place and i document this dumb shit because i hope one day i’ll be so far past it and be able to look back and think well wow i made it through 2020  but yeah idk
i think part of it is i’m turning 27 in two weeks and my saturn return thing is just getting so close and i’m starting to see the beginning of shit in my life crumbling underneath me. like i know what i gotta do. i  have to put myself out there. i have to get out of my safety zone. and i have to use my gifts to help others not just sit here drowning in my self pity but obviously its hard to challenge yourself and put yourself out there, literally, during a pandemic. 
and the last point which is just something that boggles my mind about myself that i dont understand. like i’m definitely depressed. i have very bad anxiety too. and even though i can be extremely self pitying and go into like a black hole of sadness, i still dont let myself do bad things. which is good, obviously. but its iike i’ve been recovered from self injury for probably about ten years but some days i am so deep in my shitty feelings or empty feelings that i just want to do it again but i cant. theres something in me that wont let me. and i guess im glad for that, obviously. i guess my life/universe/guardian angel is trying to force me to face shit for real and not just have shitty coping mechanisms but idk. like it was a bad outlet but idk. sometimes, just sometimes, i feel like it did more for me than just writing things out. which is bullshit because it did nothing for me except give me a bunch little permanent reminders of shitty times. but idk. that’s my brain for you. sometimes i want to just let it all go and be a mess in my feelings and not care if i’m ok but then my brain is like nope bitch you cant do that. youre not 17 anymore, get up.
and i know some people would read this (well no - no one would read all this lmao but in a theoretical sense) and think like, oh did you try therapy or oh maybe try meds and the thing is 
therapy - i tried it. i liked the idea of it. bad fit with the therapist tho. didnt like being kicked out after 45 min (which i understand but bitch i need more than that to explain one problem) and it felt weird to be told by her, that she felt like i had a good handle on things. cause i dont really feel that way and i feel like she didnt have much to tell me  in terms of how to idk fix myself besides journaling, which i’ll give her. it helps
meds: i i dont really want to go that route yet because my body is really sensitive to medication. like i dont even take bc or anything like that. however i think ive decided that since its super legal and obtainable i might try pot once we are able to move into our own place. so if anyone did actually read this far and have experience with that (esp w anxiety) please enlighten me. i had some samples of some cbd stuff and it was amazing for my anxiety but it’s way too expensive for me to use consistently.
this has been a very long shit post but i feel better so theres that.
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curewhimsy · 4 years
I’m gonna start writing my fanfic about my Animal Crossing island 🤔
Here’s the summary I have
Moondrop Island is a tiny uncharted island somewhere in the northern Caribbean Sea, originally inhabited by only furries—two-legged talking animal creatures! Furries are not found anywhere else on Earth, aside from tiny uncharted islands. A long time ago, furries and humans coexisted. But furries eventually were mistreated. An elder furry with magical powers erased all humans’ memory of them, and they all fled to small uncharted islands, hidden by mystic forces. There were no humans who knew of the existence of these furries, or of these seemingly mystical islands, until a small boat sailing from an island in the Bahamas in got into a shipwreck during what was supposed to be a three-hour whale-watching tour. Everyone on the boat survived, and miraculously washed up on the gently moonlit shores of Moondrop Island 2:00 that morning. Tom Nook takes in the castaways, gives them homes on the island, and lets them pay with a spontaneous form of currency he comes up with—Nook Miles. He offers the Nook Miles as a reward for improving the island. In the meantime, he and everyone else are putting together all their knowledge and trying to build a GPS that can track the island’s location in the world to lead the castaways back home. However, since the furries cannot go back to the human world and show themselves to people, that would mean... they’d have to say goodbye forever...
Pastell Sugar (Original character (self-insert) Age- 22 Birthday- February 4 Favorite song- My Place Very naive and expressive, animated, eccentric. Can be quite moody. Some may say Pastell is annoying. Pastell’s moods can come in as many “colors” as the rainbow. Pastell is creative and likes to make the mundane things exciting. She also likes to exaggerate things. Pastell likes to create things such as art or decorations, and pretend she’s doing magic in the process. Pastell gets along well with Haku, and Pekoe. Rodeo is her snack buddy. Haku Yowane (Vocaloid) Age- 24 Birthday- November 21 Favorite song- Stale Cupcakes Haku is wistful and emotional, and at times dreary. A bit of a crybaby. Likes music, but is too shy to perform in front of others. She has a plush cat named Snowbell that she carries around everywhere. She gets along quite well with Pastell and Goldie. Haku is a very caring person who likes to help with her friends’ problems. However, she can be hard on herself a lot. She also likes writing stories and poems. Before ending up on Moondrop, Haku’s friends back at home were Miku, Neru, Luka, Kaito, Akaito, and her older brother Dell. Rhona Aequor (Original character) Age- 24 Birthday- March 10 Favorite song- K.K. Bossa Stoic and mysterious. Appears strict, but is misunderstood. Actually a very kind person. A lover of all things related to water and the ocean. A marine biologist. Loves fish and marine creatures. She is very fascinated with Flo and Sly, who are both marine creatures... but as furries. Rhona loves to swim, and is a free-diver. Rhona is calm and collected... usually. She can go nuts about fish and can spend hours at the museum, either looking at fish exhibits, or chattering with Blathers. Back at home, she has a girlfriend, Nagisa. Rhona often thinks and worries about Nagisa, longing to see her again and to let her know she’s safe. Nico Yazawa (Love Live!) Age- 22 Birthday- July 22 Favorite song- K.K. Bubblegum Nico is a dweeb. But she still thinks she’s better than you. Nico is quite self-centered and troublesome. She’s usually the one causing the most drama out of the group. She especially doesn’t get along with Luana... at first, anyway. Nico wants to be the biggest pop-star on the island! (Sorry, Audie.) And soon, the world! But Nico has very bad luck and things keep on getting in her way! Such as tarantulas! Nico actually gets along well with Vladimir, because they’re both too short to be taken seriously. She ends up keeping a talking pet tarantula in her house named Terry. Back at home, Nico’s friends are Maki, Eli, and Nozomi. Rin Hoshizora (Love Live!) Age- 20 Birthday- November 1 Favorite song- Rockin’ K.K. Rin is cheerful, energetic, and the life of the party. She is spontaneous and likes animals a lot. She even has her own catchphrase, much like a furry... it’s “nya!” When Rin discovers furries, and the fact humans mistreated them, she feels angry at humanity. Rin gets along great with Audie. Rin is usually the one throwing all the parties on the island, and organizing the fun sport and game events. She is usually filled with energy. But deep inside, she can be quite emotional. Back at home, Rin’s best friend is Hanayo. Her other friends are Kotori, Umi, and Honoka. Luana Kai (Original character) Age- 23 Birthday- July 7 Favorite song- K.K. Adventure Luana is a fearless, impulsive daredevil. She leaps before she looks, and she’s brave to a fault. She can be obnoxiously brash. She’s also the one who got everyone into this mess... Luana was the captain of the small boat, When the storm came, she refused to turn the boat back. Luana is a huge tomboy and has always dreamed of being a pirate. She likes the ocean as well, and has a intriguing fascination with geography and geology. She doesn’t know a thing about technology, but her knowledge goes to good use with making the GPS. Nico and Luana are rivals. Back at home, her friends she left behind are Umiko, and her older sister Oliana. Teto Kasane (Vocaloid) Age- 21 Birthday- April 1 Favorite song- K.K. Stroll Teto comes off as weird and hyperactive. She likes memes and uses them a lot in conversation. She is often called annoying. However, Teto is an awkward and modest girl who just isn’t that good at making friends. She is often cheerful and likes to help people. She can be clumsy and sometimes doesn’t know what to say and is awkward. Teto has a big appetite and likes to bake and cook, especially sweets. Teto gets along well with Bettina, who understands her well. Back at home, her friends were Gumi, Gakupo, Meiko, Rin, and Len. Octavia Scherzando (Original character) Age- 25 Birthday- October 30 Favorite song- K.K. Fusion Outgoing and charismatic, yet sentimental. The most mature one of the human group. Also the responsible one. The fun “mom friend.” Her hobby is music. She plays the electric bass and piano. She also dances. Rumor has it that she once was a school idol back in high school, but she won’t talk about it. Apparently she also used to sing. But something must have happened, because nobody has really heard her sing either. Can her mysterious past ever be revealed? Octavia gets along well with Shep. She keeps a talking black bass in her house. The fish, not the instrument. Back at home, she leaves behind her close friend Aria, and friends from high school, Hibiki, Ursula, Santana, and Ruya. Animal Residents Furries have the same lifespans as humans, meaning they age the same in years. 18 in human years is 18 in furry years, regardless of the species of the furry. Flo the penguin Age- 23 Birthday- September 2 Flo is a mostly laid-back penguin, though she can have quite a temper when it comes to people being unfair. Her hobby is music, and her style is mostly punk. Pekoe the cub Age- 19 Birthday- May 18 Pekoe is a very kind and sweet bear. She can be a bit timid, and sometimes worries she isn’t that interesting. She is a great listener and sometimes can be quirky. Audie the wolf Age- 26 Birthday- August 31 Audie is a very outgoing and expressive wolf. She can be excitable, and uses a lot of language like “fabulous.” She is unexpectedly very tough and can be a “mama bear,” fiercely protecting her friends in need. Shep the sheepdog Age- 24 Birthday- November 24 Shep is a fashionista, and a bit of a hipster. He’s always on top of what’s cool and unique. He talks in a way that’s almost hard to decipher for people who are unfamiliar to his “brand” of “lingo.” Portia the dalmatian Age- 25 Birthday- October 25 Portia is a glamorous and stylish young lady who loves fashion, and may seem a little self-absorbed at times. She doesn’t judge other people based on looks, however, Sly the alligator Age- 20 Birthday- November 15 Sly is an alligator who loves to play and work out. His favorite sport is football (the kind where you throw the ball and tackle.) He also likes to swim. He is always enthusiastic and raring to go, but is very patient and understanding towards those who can’t keep up with him. Vladimir the cub Age- 28 Birthday- August 2 Vladimir is a grumpy little bubblegum pink bear who is never taken seriously because he is small and cute. He is therefore always angry and annoyed with people. He gets along with Nico because of similar problems. He can be kind when not angered... just don’t call him adorable. Goldie the golden retriever Age- 21 Birthday- December 27 Goldie loves flowers and nature, and loves to be outdoors. She is calm, humble, and polite, but can be angered easily by people who think they’re better than others. She doesn’t really get along well with Shep... Rodeo the bull Age- 22 Birthday- October 29 Rodeo is a laid-back, gentle bull who loves things like flowers, snacks, watching the clouds drift by, and taking naps. He gets along well with Pastell for these reasons. He is very relaxed, but sometimes he likes to work out, at the prompt of Audie. Bettina the mouse Age- 20 Birthday- June 12 Bettina is a chipper, kind mouse who likes cooking. Her favorite foods are pasta dishes with cheese in them. She likes to read books, and her favorites are usually mystery novels or classic children’s literature.
Pilot Episode- Luana, working part time as a resort in the Bahamas, was the captain of a small tour boat. Rhona was the assistant captain and tour guide for what was supposed to only be a three-hour whale-watching tour... When they headed for a storm out in the open sea, Luana was reckless and refused to turn back, even though Rhona warily advised her to retreat. All the passengers had a bad feeling about it. Pastell was sitting next to Haku, whom she had just met, and had been having a conversation with her. Nico and Rin had just met, and were sitting next to each other as well. Teto was meanwhile trying to make friends with Octavia, the “mysterious pretty lady” sitting in the shade. Her bouncy and hyper personality repelled most people, but Octavia found it endearing... Now everyone was panicking. The intense storm grew stronger, and eventually flipped over and wrecked the boat once it was out in the open sea. The strong current swept away the parts and passengers to a nearby mysterious island… Looking for Snowbell Shortly after everyone is conscious and brought to safety, there is relief that everyone on the boat had survived. However, thoughts in Haku’s mind are racing, and she’s too ashamed to tell the others why. Haku’s plush cat, Snowbell, which she took everywhere, is missing. When Haku came to, Snowbell was nowhere to be found. Snowbell is extremely precious to Haku, and she cannot be without her. Haku breaks down and tells everyone that she is missing her plush cat, and surprisingly, the she is responded to nicely and is offered help. However, Luana thinks Haku is being a crybaby. At one point Haku is about to give up, crying as she imagines Snowbell floating all alone in the ocean, lost forever. But Luana, who initially said Haku was overreacting, spots Snowbell behind some rocks on the beach. Just then, the tide begins to carry Snowbell away. Luana jumps straight into the rough tide and retrieves Snowbell for Haku, even getting scraped knees in the process. Haku concludes that Luana isn’t so harsh after all. Island Improvement and Nook Miles Tom Nook feels there is a predicament, there are 8 new members of the island ad they have nowhere to go, and they need housing, at least temporarily. They have no money to offer, so as leader of the island, he decides to make up a brand-new system of currency on the spot—Nook Miles. They will be rewarded for decorating and improving the island. In the meanwhile, Nook and everyone have to work hard building houses for the castaways. Meeting Everyone An episode where everyone interacts with each other, and everyone gets to know each other. The story of Furries An episode that tells the backstory of the furries, and lore of the furries. Pastell and Haku’s Mystery Island Tour Pastell and Haku win a Tour on a Mystery Island, and meet Audie, a stray wolf furry alone on an island. Pastell and Haku decide to invite Audie to Moondrop Island. Blathers and the Museum Blathers opens up his museum. Rhona’s marine life account of the island The chapter is told by Rhona’s point of view, as she converses with Blathers, dives in the ocean, fishes, is curious about Sly and Flo (an alligator and penguin furry respectively), and observes the rest of the characters going about their day. Luana’s chaotic account of the island Luana and Rhona decide to hang out. Rhona is down-to-earth and calm and collected. Luana is chaotic, wild, and a loose cannon. Luana always runs and scares the fish when Rhona is trying to catch it. Every. Single. Time. The Mysterious Mia Okuda Nico is a fan of Mia Okuda, the mysterious retired school idol with a frilly-gothic image, long black hair, and a deep, velvety voice. When Octavia first comes into Nico’s room, she sees a poster of Mia Okuda hanging on the wall. (Don’t ask why that was being sold in Nook’s Cranny. I know it makes no sense.) “This is one of my favorite idols.” Nico says. “She’s pretty obscure. You probably don’t know of her.” But what Nico doesn’t know that Mia Okuda is actually Octavia back in high school! Nico and drama Nico causes some drama. Teto thinks Octavia is a vampire Self-explanatory title. Bettina and Rodeo’s cooking show Bettina tries to put on a cooking show. Rodeo eats the ingredients. Shooting Stars There is a meteor shower one night. Everyone meets Celeste and watches shooting stars with her. The next morning, mysterious star fragments wash up on the beach. One fragment starts glowing and goes inside of Snowbell, Haku’s plush cat. Snowbell then comes to life, as a real cat. This is because Haku had wished that Snowbell could come alive. From then on, Snowbell is Haku’s pet. Teto’s birthday Teto celebrates her birthday on the island. The Tarantula Incident Nico is terrified of tarantulas. However, tarantulas unfortunately love her. Nico Yazawa has a huge cult following of tarantulas, as she is the most popular school idol in tarantula society... Nico and Luana also don’t get along at all at first. Nico is a total diva, and Luana is a total slob. Nico uses her Nook Mikes ticket at the same time as Luana, and they have to go to the same island. The island is infested with tarantulas everywhere. (Also, please don’t ask how they can do mystery island tours without a GPS, lol) Nico is terrified. The tarantulas however, adore Nico and want to get her autograph, so they climb on her. Nico screams for Luana to help her. Luana fearlessly pulls out her net and attempts to rescue Nico from the tarantulas by just catching all of them. However, the tarantulas see Luana as a threat and run up to her, biting her simultaneously and knocking her out with their poison. Nico faints from the shock (again), leaving her terrrifying tarantula fans to climb over her and steal her belongings as souvenirs. Nico and Luana are rescued and they go back home. Nico apologizes to Luana and thanks her for trying to save her, and they form a friendship from them on. However, Nico accidentally takes one tarantula back with her. She eventually ends up keeping him as a pet. His name is Terry and he can talk. He becomes like Nico’s sidekick and partner in crime. Nico looks to Terry for advice. Bunny Day Madness Zipper T. Bunny comes to the island and hides eggs everywhere. Madness ensues. Grumpy Vladimir Vladimir is grumpy because he’s small, cute, and pink, and nobody takes him seriously. Dreams of home Everyone becomes wistful and starts dreaming and reminiscing of home during a slow, rainy day. A somber, psychological episode to break the pace. Also we get to see Rhona cry. But not Luana, because she (allegedly) never cries. Octavia goes fishing Octavia is taken fishing by Rhona. Octavia only catches bass. (Gee, wonder why.) Wisp the ghost Everyone is doing a test of courage, when they stumble across a real ghost! However, the ghost is much more afraid of them than they are of it... The town tune panic Everyone fights over what the town tune should be. To compromise, everyone puts two notes of their favorite song and make a brand new song out of all their songs altogether. The end result song ends up sounding like a disaster. It gets stuck in the heads of everyone on the island and drives the population crazy. Bonus: Octavia’s backstory The first of the Bonus backstory chapters. We get to see Octavia in high school as Mia Okuda, and finally find out what event made her stop singing... (SPOILERS: It was because she was publically criticized and humiliated because “her voice was too deep for a teen idol’s.” Then she saw all the memes people made about her voice and became too ashamed to sing, or even listen to herself again for a long time.) Finding my voice again The black bass Octavia keeps in her house begins to talk one morning. It tells Octavia that it’s time. With a little help and guidance, the fish is determined to help Octavia find her voice and start singing again. Octavia is a mess at first, and at one point she becomes even more discouraged than before she started, convinced she lost the ability to sing forever, and now there’s even proof. She runs out of her house and sits on a bench, distraught. Flo comes up to her, in a good mood, offering half of her corn dog. Octavia can no longer hide her emotions and starts sobbing. When Flo asks what’s wrong, Octavia tells her everything. Flo ends up giving Octavia sage advice. “Each song is kinda like a journey. When you sing, just pretend you’re the heroine.” Octavia returns to her house, with a new determination inside her. She starts singing again, for the first time in eight years. Nico is walking outside. She’s feeling glum because her ice cream dropped in the pond, when she hears a powerful singing voice that’s undeniably the voice of one of her favorite idols... She runs straight into Octavia’s nearby house to tell her, “Oh my gosh! Mia Okuda is on the island! I hear her singing!” When Nico realizes Octavia was singing, the pieces finally click... Octavia was Mia Okuda all along! Nico faints dramatically and theatrically. Idol Madness With Nico realizing one of her favorite idols was on the island, she feels so tingly, but also overshadowed. Audie also wants to be an idol, so Nico already has competition. Not only that, but Haku is aiming to be some sort of musician of some kind. But she’s so shy that she doesn’t show her face much anyway. But with all the talent on the island, Tom Nook suggests everyone should share their talents in an upcoming talent show and dance party night! The Island’s Talent Show Dance Party Night! All day, everyone is getting ready and looking forward to the island’s big shiny event. Haku’s stage fright Haku has stage fright about performing her music. What is Pastell’s talent? Everyone on the island has such talent. Everyone has their music, Bettina can cook, and Sly can lift weights. Even Rodeo can eat five ice cream cones in under a minute... without getting brain freeze! It seems everyone on the island has some sort of talent... except for Pastell. Just what is Pastell’s hidden talent? Moondrop Fame With all the talent and recent development on Moondrop, word got out to K.K. Slider that the island was one to look out for... to the point where he called, scheduling an appearance! K.K. Slider’s Grand Appearance! K.K. Slider finally appears and gives a performance. Goodbye, Pekoe? Pekoe plans to move away from the island, back to her home with her old family...
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