#octavia scherzando
curewhimsy · 4 years
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mahoanchedeidifetti · 4 years
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« Ti è schiattato il gatto? » 
« E a te, ancora, non hanno detto di farti i cazzi tuoi? »  « Devi disturbarmi ancora, o possiamo ritornare a prima? Tipo a quando tu continuavi a fare quello che stavi facendo, e io pure? »   
 « Sei antipatica, a tratti insopportabile e hai anche una bella faccia tosta »  « tutte cose che normalmente apprezzo, se non fosse che devi sempre rovinare tutto facendo la bulletta, è un po` da sfigati no? » 
« Più lontano stai da me, meglio è, Sinclair. » 
 « Ma guarda, che ca**o... sono tutti bagnato, ringrazia che sei una femmina » 
 « Perché altrimenti che fai? Mi prendi a suon di Impulsus? »
Furibondo, stringe il morso che si riusce quasi a sentire lo stridore degli incisivi per un secondo « Octavia » mostra il palmo della mano destra verso di lei, a mezza altezza, spingendolo verso il basso, un gesto che può solo voler dire di abbassare i toni e di darsi una regolata, piantando il marrone ruggine dei suoi occhi nello sguardo della Serpeverde. « Stai scherzando col fuoco » letteralmente « attenta a quello che dici » stringe il pugno e annieta il nodo alla gola ingoiando a vuoto, dando la sensazione di essere appena trattenuto dal colpirla, trattendo la mani ferma e il braccio braccio basso.  « Siamo in due allora » ridicoli « davvero un gran bell`affare. »
 « Non mi va. » Di provare a pensare. « E non mi interessa. » 
« Lasciatelo dire da uno che di tempo sprecato ne sa qualcosa, ti ho capito sai? Hai tutto il potenziale per arrivare in alto, ma il più delle volte preferisci far credere il contrario perché... non riuscire rischia di deludere troppo le tue aspettative. »
 « Ma se neanche lo conosci. » Non ad alta voce. Conosci Xavier? « E non conosci neanche me.  Forse sono esattamente quella, e mi va bene così. » Una risatina però esce spontanea. « Tu non hai capito proprio niente. » Fastidio trasuda dal tono della voce. « Gran bel pensiero, sì. Peccato che ora io me ne vada. » Perché qualcosa l`ha colpita, e infastidita.  « E non puoi continuare più con queste frasi ad effetto. » Se non fermata, ovviamente. « Se non vuoi sprecare più tempo, smettila con queste bolidate. » Ed è già pronta per allontanarsi. Per davvero. Se ne va lei, Daemon, no problem, l`hai fatta scappare.
« Nel tuo caso sprecare tempo significa continuare a comportarsi in questo modo, senza assumersi nessuna responsabilità verso niente e verso nessuno » appunto, non le piacerà. Resta comunque a fissarle e, con il rischio di apparire monotematico, è di nuovo « ok » ... « Se cambi idea, la Torre di Grifondoro è facile da trovare » è così alta, e quanto gli piace vantarsene? Un pochino sì. « E per dimostrarmi che ho torto, ti stai dando. Gran bella mossa » com`era quella storia del vincere?
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curewhimsy · 4 years
I’m making a sitcom based on my Animal Crossing island here’s some ideas
I have 8 human player characters on Moondrop island
Moondrop residents (human)-
Pastell- Birthday February 4. The naive and expressive ball of rainbows. Age 22. Blood type A+.
Haku- Birthday November 21. The emotional and dramatic lover of music. Age 24. Blood type O-.
Rhona- Birthday March 10. The stoic and mysterious ocean lover. Age 24. Blood type B-.
Nico- Birthday July 22. The self-centered and troublesome bratty child. Age 22. Blood type A-.
Rin H- Birthday November 1. The cheerful and energetic party animal. Age 20. Blood type A+.
Luana- Birthday July 7. The fearless and spontaneous daredevil. Age 23. Blood type B+.
Teto- Birthday April 1. The eccentric and hyperactive oddball. Age 21. Blood type O+.
Octavia- Birthday October 30. The outgoing and charismatic responsible one. Age 25. Blood type AB+.
Moondrop residents who are animals (so far)
Flo the penguin
Buck the horse
Audie the wolf
Pekoe the bear cub
Rex the lion
Wart Jr. the frog
Other characters
Tom Nook
Wisp the Ghost
The Dodos
Random shenanigans-
Octavia’s alter ego back in high school was Mia Okuda, due to being able to be written in the same pronounceable kanji. (奥田美亜)
Octavia used to be a school idol back in high school. When she was 18, something humiliating happened, and she never sang again. However, she picked up learning to play the electric bass, cut her long hair, and began to craft a new image for herself.
It turns out that Nico is a fan of a mysterious retired school idol named “Mia Okuda” who had a frilly-gothic image, long black hair, and a deep, velvety voice. She was active when she was 15-17 years old.
Nico doesn’t know that Mia Okuda is actually Octavia back in high school! Octavia wants to keep it a secret because it’s embarrassing to her. 
“This is one of my favorite idols. She's pretty obscure. You probably don't know of her.”
Nico is terrified of tarantulas. However, tarantulas love her. Nico Yazawa has a huge cult following of tarantulas, as she is the most popular school idol in tarantula society.
Nico and Luana don’t get along at all at first. Nico uses her Nook Mikes ticket at the same time as Luana and they have to go to the same island. The island is infested with tarantulas everywhere.
Nico is terrified. The tarantulas however, adore her and want to get her autograph and climb on her. Nico screams for Luana to help her. Luana pulls out her net and attempts to rescue Nico from the tarantulas by catching them. However, the tarantulas see Luana as a threat and bite her simultaneously, knocking her out with their poison. Nico faints from the shock, leaving her terrrifying tarantula fans to climb over her and steal her belongings as souvenirs.
Nico and Luana are rescued and they go back home. Nico apologizes to Luana and thanks her for trying to save her, and they form a friendship from them on.
However, Nico accidentally takes one tarantula back with her. She eventually ends up keeping him as a pet. His name is Terry and he can talk. He becomes like Nico’s sidekick and idol manager.
Everyone fights over what the town tune should be. To compromise, everyone puts two notes of their favorite song and make a brand new song out of all their songs altogether.
The end result song ends up sounding like a disaster. It gets stuck in the heads of everyone on the island and drives the population crazy.
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curewhimsy · 5 years
How come whenever I start to get invested in an OC they just become more and more like ME.
Rhona at first was a calculated analytical cool collected powerhouse intellectual and fierce warrior woman who had overwhelming bravery and confidence in herself and almost this sassiness to her.
Now Rhona is a brooding tired dying delicate mess who deep down is extremely insecure and feels hurt by people’s words but can’t express her emotions because she hides it behind this layer of stoic composure.
Octavia at first was an outgoing sassy superstar who was extremely self-assured to the point of being overbearing and was a natural born entertainer who lit up the room like a firework and was strong and mature and incredibly capable.
Now Octavia is a sentimental sap who can’t stand up for herself well and is extremely soft, I’m talking to the point of crying in front of her class when things go wrong and when her feelings get hurt which happens to be quite often actually.
All my characters are turning into softies!
What if this eventually happens to Luana?? It would be unthinkable! She’s rough and tough and aggressive! She’s a gremlin who’s brash and even crude sometimes. But she’s NICE. She’s chaotic good. She gets into brutal fights with other pirates, steals their money and treasure, and uses it to help the needy. I think she’s already gaining a soft side... I don’t want her to be a tsundere though. I kind of want her to be cool and confident even about her soft side. I think that would be cool.
But... But perhaps these insecure or soft sides of characters also conveys that not everyone is th textbook perception of “strong” all the time. In fact, nobody is really. And even though Rhona is also insecure, it doesn’t stop her from being the “brave warrior woman” side of Rhona either. And Octavia’s emotional tendencies may get her down at times, but they also make her even more compassionate and brave to deal with such emotions...!
So yeah! Rhona is still a powerhouse and fighter! Octavia is stil a strong symbol of bravery! Maybe I should take my own advice!
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curewhimsy · 5 years
Octavia’s Low Range Test lyrics
Based on this lol
Hello, I'm Octavia Let's start the low OCTAVE test If you're low ranged You'll be able to hit the notes. LowD lowC lowB lowA lowB This is still high for you right? I'll give you some more notes If you're just an average person you won't be able to hit them though but If you're all about that bass You wouldn’t even have to strain LowG LowF LowE LowD LowE That's still your midrange right? I'll give you another set of notes Are you ready to drop the bass? LOL If you're low range'd This'll be a piece of cake right? LowC lowlowD lowlowA# lowlowA lowlowG You can give up if you want.
Now I'll give you the last set of notes This is the frequency of which whales sing Now what are you waiting for UNLEASH YOUR TRUE BASS RANGE POWER
LowlowG lowlowF hihiD# lowlowD lowlowC The end! Nope I lied~ LowlowlowE lowlowlowD lowlowlowC lowlowlowB lowlowlowA If you were able to make it this far You pass!
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curewhimsy · 6 years
The Lesbians are hungry!
Vocals- Alvarina
Guitar- Rhona, Aria
Bass Guitar- Octavia
Drums- Luana
Backup Dancers- Nagisa, Celestine
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curewhimsy · 5 years
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Haku stop kidding yourself...
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curewhimsy · 6 years
Tomodachi Life x Whimsica
I’m Gay, Starring Octavia
She’s the lesbian icon we all need.
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curewhimsy · 6 years
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Scientists have discovered Octavia’s voice box in space, more news at 11
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curewhimsy · 5 years
But then somehow my rational mind kicked in and said “That can’t be the real Octavia, as they’re just a figment of your imagination. This is just a person who looks like them.”
Also I forgot what happened in the dream I just remembered we were on a “field trip” to the mall (which is funny because Octavia would totally do that)
And for some reason the mall had a swimming pool
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curewhimsy · 5 years
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I think Nico would’ve preferred a statute of herself, Octavia
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curewhimsy · 6 years
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I drew Octavia!
The clothes were inspired by this post.
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curewhimsy · 5 years
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curewhimsy · 5 years
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curewhimsy · 6 years
So I wrote some sort of essay all about Octavia. It gets weird at the end. At the end, it becomes less about her and more about the Whimsica series itself? But it’s also about how she pertains to it.
Stuff about Octavia
Octavia Scherzando is a middle school teacher who teaches 6th grade with a supporting yet important role in the Whimsica series. Due to her long last name, she is called Ms. S by her students. During the start of the story she is 27 years old. Octavia‘s ethnicity is half Indian and half Korean, but she had been adopted by a white Italian family. She is quite tall at five feet and ten inches.
She teaches the subjects of math, music, social studies, geography, and PE.
At first, the students in her class think she might be a vampire because she likes bats and black cats, wears all black (usually trench coats), loves gloomy weather, and is a bit eccentric. Eventually they find out this isn’t true and she’s just a very nice teacher. They grow to trust her immensely.
Octavia is non-binary demigirl, usually presents as feminine and goes by she/her pronouns. She doesn’t mind being called “they/them” however, and sometimes even “he/him”. She enjoys dressing masculine sometimes. As a drag king, she has another persona named Octavian, who is a male. Octavian can be described as a stylish and dapper man who loves the ladies, and is suave and outgoing.
Octavia is a lesbian. At one point, she is prejudiced against due to her sexuality and is told she is not suitable to be teaching young students. However, she is a well loved teacher due to her kindness and her entire class stands up to her in that moment. One student who looks up to her a lot is Joy Smiley, a shy girl with confidence issues. She helps her students with many situations, including personal and emotional problems along with academic ones.
Octavia is very protective over her students and anyone in need. As a teacher, she however isn’t afraid to put her foot down when needed. She wants more than anything for all her students to succeed and be treated fairly.
Octavia likes music and likes to perform. She is able to play cello, bass guitar, and piano. She is also a contralto vocalist whose trademark is her “booming bass voice”. Octavia previously had a complex about her voice, which she thought was too deep. Before, she tried to fake a higher tone when singing and resulted in damaging her voice. Eventually however, she began to embrace her uniqueness. She can also make her voice even deeper when performing as Octavian, her masculine persona.
When Octavia was in high school, she struggled with severe depression and confidence issues. At the time, she was a quiet girl with long hair. She hadn’t found her true personal style yet.
In her final year of high school at the age of 17, Octavia met a friend named Hibiki who helped her with a lot of her problems. Hibiki was a wild child. Her approach to life was to live it to its fullest and not care what others think. She was a masculine goth girl, who ended up influencing Octavia’s style a lot. Hibiki was also in a band called Crescendo who happened to have needed one more member. Octavia had taken singing lessons for 3 years. She also always wanted to learn to play bass guitar, and wanted to start now so she could join Hibiki’s band.
Octavia eventually discovered that her lower voice range was much more powerful and began to sing in a way that made her seem very confident during her performances. Eventually, her confidence did build up. She hacked off her long hair, began dressing in dapper, all-black men’s wear, and became a new Octavia. It just made her feel alive.
In a short time, Octavia’s demeanor went from a that of a meek little lamb to a loud, wild cougar.
She calmed down a bit after high school and college in order to become a teacher, but still retains her wild passion within.
Octavia was in love with Hibiki and they dated for three years after high school. However, they broke up, still remaining close friends. Hibiki, along with the other members of the band Crescendo, Ursula, Santana, and Ruya, remain as Octavia’s group of friends into adulthood.
Octavia eventually does find romance again when she meets Aria. At the time, Octavia is 26 and Aria is 27. Aria had already been a middle school teacher for a year. Octavia was new teacher looking to follow in her footsteps. She cares for the younger generation and wants to work with students.
Octavia then realized Aria was somewhat cold and strict. However, Octavia reckoned that Aria must have a soft spot because she chose to work with students. Octavia was then determined to figure out Aria and get her to smile more and be happier. She one day found out Aria had been abused by an ex-boyfriend, which is why she acts like she can’t let anyone in her heart. Octavia confronts Aria about this who keeps running away. Eventually she breaks down and tells Octavia that she wants to be someone more like her, who doesn’t seem to let anything get in her way.
Octavia then says “Actually, I’m a lot like you...” and tells Aria about her own insecurities from her past, and how she still struggles every now and then, but learned to be optimistic. The two then become close friends, and eventually start dating and overcoming obstacles together. They keep their love a secret at first.
A year later, starting in September, the story of Whimsy Quartet begins to take place. Octavia and Aria are about to have their first experiences in their entire life with the magical world of Whimsica.
Whimsy Quartet is about Joy, Vivi, Maia, and Bonnie, all students of the school, becoming magical girls who are able to freely warp to and from Whimsica. Usually, only Whimsica’s High Royals would be able to do this, but it turns out that the middle school is blessed with a certain power that allows the people who go there to be able to warp back and forth freely from Whimsica.
(By the way, Bianca and Camille (of the other story, Whimsica Saga), go to the high school across the road, which is why they are unable to go back home once their in Whimsica, and why it’s such a big plot point.)
It turns out villains and enemies are escaping from Whimsica into Earth and brainwashing and attacking the people in Joy’s class. It’s the Quartet’s job to stop the enemies. It also results in a lot of their classmates finding about the magical world. Octavia and Aria eventually find out about the girls’ magic and what is happening. They then are allowed to enter Whimsica as long as they try to keep it as secret as possible.
Octavia and Aria then find out they have connections with the land of Whimsica. Octavia’s original parents actually were Whimsicans, but they decided to put her in an Earth orphanage because the Whimsica-Monochrome war was getting bad at the time and didn’t want a child who would get caught up in the calamity.
Aria, who was adopted as well, also had Whimsican parents.
Therefore, Aria and Octavia have powers. Actually, everyone does have powers, only visiting Whimsica is how to unlock them. But Aria and Octavia might have inherited their powers from their birth parents. At times, they actually begin to follow the Whimsy Quartet as their support, and to make sure they’re okay.
To make it even more like they’re companions, Octavia gains the power to turn into a bat. Aria gains the power to turn into a mink.
In December of the same year, Whimsica Saga begins to take place. This story is about Bianca Luna, a 9th grader in high school, who ends up in Whimsica and cannot get home. Throughout the story she has a long adventure where she meets a lot of friends.
Around January, Bianca and the others end up meeting Octavia in Whimsica. Octavia therefore makes her debut in her second chronological story, Whimsica Saga.
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curewhimsy · 5 years
contralto battle
“Any note you can sing, I can sing lower.” Rhona sang. “i can sing any note lower than you.”
“I’m just gonna tell you, I think you challenged the wrong person to that.” Octavia said.
“I am one of the few humans able to imitate the call of a humpback whale.” Rhona said. “They sing at a frequency of around 20 hertz.”
“I can go there, and even deeper.” Octavia said. “My voice is naturally bass boosted.”
“My octave range is the Marianas Trench.” Rhona said. “Yours is a shallow pool meant for children.”
“But which one of us has OCTAVE in our name?” Octavia said.
“It’s time for me to drop the bass.” Rhona said. “And I don’t mean bass as in the fish.”
Rhona then growled so deep, that is caused an earthquake. A tsunami raised itself out of the ocean and began to surround Octavia, who then sang so low that it caused Krakatoa to erupt again with a sound that reverberated around the Earth a million times over. A massive wave of molten lava crashed into Rhona’s tsunami and caused a sound so deep that it created a black hole. Things began to explode.  The very fabric of the universe began to unravel at the seams. And there was no seamstress to sew it back up.
As so, the legend goes...
And that is why popcorn pops when it gets hot. The end.
Not like I knew how to end this or anything.
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