#just some thoughts before i head out to bed
lemonlover1110 · 3 days
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Pairing: Trueform!Sukuna x f!Reader
Summary: You want to catch your husband in the act.
Warnings: Pure Fluff
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You always wake up to a fresh bouquet of flowers by your side, no matter the day. It’s a sweet gesture that always starts your day off on the right note. It’s been happening since you got married, though Sukuna claims he’s not doing it.
But who else would give you flowers if not Sukuna? He’d kill anyone just for looking at you, anyone leaving flowers next to you each morning is asking for a death sentence. What truly makes you curious is if Sukuna handpicks the flowers himself or if he orders someone to do it. You giggle at the mere thought of your giant husband hand picking flowers for you. 
You have the perfect plan, and you execute it. You wake up just as Sukuna does, sneakily following behind him as he starts off his day. 
He wakes up just as the sun rises, and immediately goes to eat the breakfast that’s hot and fresh for him. Sukuna loves to eat his meals with you so much so that in the beginning of your relationship he’d force you to wake up to eat with him. Now, he gives you the grace to wake up at whatever time you want.
After a long fulfilling breakfast, he stands up and heads outside which makes your excitement grow. You try to be like his shadow, and even though you make some noise it appears to be working. He hasn’t noticed you yet at least, and Sukuna seems to notice everything. 
He’s walking to the garden, and you’re grinning. He really does pick the flowers for you, a sweet gesture that he wouldn’t do for anybody else. You want to watch him pick them, decide which flowers are the most suitable for his wife but you know you have to go back before he catches you. You think you’re safe– Until he stops in his tracks, and glares at you. 
“I heard an annoying bug flying around.” He comments, and you purse your lips together. He has such a way with words, it’s definitely why you got married. He steps toward you, looking down at you in disappointment, “I told you I don’t pick the damn flowers.”
“Because you certainly would allow someone else to give flowers to your wife.” You point out, and he sighs. He can’t argue with that… Well he can, he’ll decide not to. “Guess I’ll go back to bed and wait for my secret admirer to show up then. I’ll wait for him, then ask him to marry me because he loves me so–”
“I’ll kill him.” He can’t even listen to the end of the sentence. “Fine, it’s me. I wake you up with flowers, happy?”
“Very.” You smile at him, wrapping your arms around him. He hugs you back, kissing the top of your head.
“You better not brag about this. Can’t have anyone think less of me.” He tells you, picking you up and bringing you with him so you can pick your own bouquet this time around. 
You have to admit, it’s hilarious to watch him pick something so small with his giant hands, but your heart mostly flutters. Sukuna loves you enough to personally pick up flowers for you each and every morning.
“Stop staring at me.” He orders, but that goes one ear in, out the other.
“You’re so cute.” He hates that word, especially when it’s referring to him, but he can’t really argue with you.
“Call me cute one more time, and I’ll stop.” He warns you, and you chuckle. He rolls his eyes hearing your laugh, since it isn’t a joke to him. He knows it isn’t true, and you know too which is why you don’t protest at his warning.
No matter what you do, he won’t change his morning routine.
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jesuistrestriste · 3 days
Tying subby Art down to the bed with ribbons, edging him over and over because he was being a fuckin brat. He'd look so damn pretty with tears staining his cheeks, just begging, "Please, mommy, please! I promise ill be good!" Crying harder when you slap him, telling him to shut the fuck up and stop whining (i KNOW this man whimpers)
Art Donaldson had known this was coming. Or, he really should have. He’d gotten mouthy with you. If he had corrected his behavior, he wouldn't currently have his arms tied up to the bed while you straddled his thighs and made his life a living hell. Sigh, if only he had just thought ahead.
His little quips of mumbled attitude throughout the day had made you grow increasingly frustrated. And they were so incessant that you had started to wonder if he was doing it on purpose. The last straw came when he had said something along the lines of "can you please just fucking touch me? you're being so rigid right now.."
Oh? He wanted to be 'fucking touched'?
He thought you were being 'rigid'?
Fine. You'd give him something to really whine about.
And that you did.
Art's body is shaking furiously under your seat over his legs, his hips jolting and squirming over the bed as his head tips back and he sobs. Big, fat, heavy tears pour down the sides of his face, but they did nothing to convince you to relent.
Your hand had been furiously stroking his aching cock for the past hour and a half. It was brutal. The stiffened, throbbing flesh had gushed more spurts of precome than you could ever count or keep track of, and it was now coated in a slimy film of his own filth mixed with the water-based lube you poured over him every fifteen minutes to keep him slick.
You had denied him ten times so far. The tears had come after the fourth denial. It was all downhill from there.
He's now crying so hard that his chest is heaving, but you opt to rub your free hand over his contracting abdomen as you touch his erection instead of letting him come. Because, after all, he'd been a brat all day. He deserves this. Deep down, under the layers of faint resentment, desperation, anguish, and hopelessness, even he knows he deserves this.
His blonde curls are a mess against the pillow, and his wrists are starting to feel raw from the constant tugging on the thick, satin ribbons holding his hands in place and away from his body (and yours). All that truly keeps him from bucking up into your hand the way he so desperately wants to is your firm seat over his trembling legs. You keep him in place. You keep him grounded. Physically, if not mentally and emotionally.
As your hand moves up to quickly fist his sensitive tip in your grasp, a slurry of precome comes dribbling out and Art's body all but snaps in half as his back arches up from the mattress and he lets out a wail of a moan.
"Please!" he cries, his head thrashing against the plush cushion underneath, his hands once again involuntarily yanking at the bondage, "Ugh—! I can't do any more! No more! N-No more!"
You smile.
He hiccups and tries to swallow down another sob before he chokes on it and it comes tumbling out from his lips anyway.
If he really wanted to stop, he'd say the safeword. Even in the most intense depths of his submissive mindscape, he could say the word to you. Through tears, through thrusts, through anything. So you didn't stop. He could take some more.
You shake your head, your hand on his abdomen rubbing in slow, comforting circles as you look over his flushed body. Your hand on his pulsing length twists around his cockhead as your wrist rolls, and your palm glides over his leaking slit in one long, languid stroke. He immediately keens and his eyes roll back as he tugs at the ties again.
"Be quiet, Art," you say, your hand circling his tip before it goes back to stroking him fully up and down, "you're fine. You were a bad boy today, so do you really think I'm gonna let you off so easy? Be still."
He starts to shake his head as he whimpers, his eyes squeezed shut, before he nods reluctantly and tries to steady his twitching and shuddering.
He wants to grab your thighs, your forearms, or, hell, even the sheets. He'd grab whatever was available at this point if he could, but he can't. So he settles for wrapping his hands around the length of ribbon that connects each knot around his wrist to the appropriate spot near the headboard.
He'd torn his hands up on multiple occasions from playing tennis. The stinging callouses that bled when he carried on without bandaging were more tolerable than this. By far. He'd take a handful of those over any more of this agonizing torture. And he'd say this to you if he could speak instead of bawl. Maybe then you'd believe how badly he needs to finish.
He manages to pull himself together just enough to lift his head up and look to you as he miraculously slurs out some words through his tears. Two fresh ones drip down his pink cheeks as he attempts to barter with you.
"Please— Oh, please—!" he whined, his eyes meeting yours with an intensity that made you feel hot all over, "I promise I'll be good now! I swear-!"
You frown and stroke him faster, before your hand over his stomach lifts up and you lean in to swiftly slap him across the the face. It was hard enough to make a sound, but certainly not hard enough to do any actual damage to his pretty cheek.
Just hard enough to hurt and make a point.
His head snaps to the side with the force of the hit, a red tint beginning to creep over his delicate skin, and he lets his head fall back onto the pillow again. A loud, painful whimper erupts from his chest as new waves of tears fall.
Impact-play is something he enjoys, especially during times like this, but he makes that hard to believe when he only goes and cries harder in response.
"You seriously need to learn when to shut your mouth," you snap, "no more whining or I'll just leave you here like this for the rest of the night."
"Nooo," he sobs in defeat. Your words burn him, but they burn so good. His orgasm is creeping in quickly again, but he knows you'll stop it before he gets there.
If you pay attention, it's easy to observe that Art has tells for when he's about to release. He goes from loud moans to stifled, shaky gasps that increase in pace and frequency. He goes from harsh jolts and convulsions to being stiff as a board. His body's sensitivity lets him be an open book. He's an easy read, that's all. And oh boy, can you read him well.
His bodily reactions and habits—at the very least—make your job easier. If he was less sensitive and less reactive, you would have a much harder time edging him properly. That's for sure.
Eventually, after two more denials, you decide to let him finally finish. He almost doesn't believe it when you keep stroking him after he's already stiffened up and gone quiet. His brows are all pinched up and his eyes are squeezed shut as the ribbon digs into his flesh. His hips can't really buck into your touch with you still sitting over him, but he tries anyway while he tenses up all over. His lips part in a silent, anticipatory moan.
Your hand gives him four solid pumps after his body warns you of the rapidly building pleasure, and then Art is cumming with a sharp cry.
His entire form shudders as his heels dig into the bed, and he nearly bucks you off of him like a startled horse from the force and intensity of his orgasm. Your eyes stay fixed to his sensitive parts in your grasp as his balls empty completely over your hand and his lower abdomen in thick, sticky ropes.
It's a heavy load. It's so much that it almost looks like someone spilled a bunch of translucent, sugary icing all over his body and between your fingers. it's so much that it almost seems inhuman. It just goes on and on and on. And he just moans and moans and moans.
"Yess-ss—! Ohh—! yesyesyesyes—!"
"Ahh! AH! Mmngh—!"
He makes the prettiest sounds.
You pump him faster.
You milk him until he gets oversensitive and starts to whine, squirming and panting and gasping for air, and then you finally (finally) let him go.
He collapses down instantly, twitching with the aftershocks, but laying completely spent like a puppet with cut strings. He's beautiful.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou," is all he can slur out as his eyes remain unfocused and lidded.
"You're welcome," you say.
your voice is tender and helps to bring him down. In a moment or two, you'll untie his wrists and press a kiss to each. You'll bring him a glass of water and grab a towel to clean him up after you wash your hands. You'll hold him and cuddle him and stroke his sore muscles as he buries his face in your neck. You'll tell him you love him, and how good he did until he can fall asleep.
You wear him out like a dog sometimes, but if you asked him to bark.. who's to say he wouldn't?
All that Art knows as he drifts off is one truth:
He's never going to be bratty ever again.
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lvnleah · 2 days
Endo Struggles | AWFC x teen!reader
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Based on this request :)
Summary: After struggling with your periods for a while, your teammates Leah helps you fight for a diagnosis. Eventually, you have surgery and your teammates Leah, Beth and Viv support you.
Warnings: mentions of hospitals, sick, surgery and pain.
Notes: I’ve started my own tag which can be found the end of the fic, make sure to follow it so you can see everything I post and my anon asks! :)
Word count is 3k, this is turning into a mini series :)
You woke up feeling off, a dull ache rested in your lower abdomen. Last night you’d gotten your period, it was the first in a few months, and because you had no cramps leading up to it you thought you’d gotten off.
Your period was always something you’d struggled from ever since you’d gotten your first when you were eleven. They’d always been painful and irregular but your parents had always blown you off as dramatic and that it was a part of womanhood.
So far it hasn't affected your career at Arsenal due to them being irregular. You’d just turned eighteen when Arsenal offered you your first professional contract. Now, six months later, you were living with Beth and Viv.
The pair had taken you in and made their spare room your own. Your parents lived two hours away from the training ground and with you not driving and them working, you had no way of getting to training.
Despite not knowing you long, Beth and Viv offered for you to move in with them into their flat which you gladly took up. Since then the couple had basically become your parents, most of the time they were more caring and loving than your own.
You laid in bed for a moment, clutching your stomach, before slowly climbing out of bed. Beth and Viv were already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast like usual before you headed to training.
“You okay, Y/N?” Beth asked, raising her eyebrows curiously. “You look in pain…”
Beth and Viv exchanged a concerned glance as you sat down at the kitchen island, still clutching your stomach in pain.
You nodded, your lips closed tight, “Mhm…just super bad period cramp.”
“Are you alright to go to training?” Viv questioned her concern just as bad as Beth’s “it’s okay to have a day off you know.”
“I’ll be okay,” you nodded your head once again as Beth passed you a bowl of cereal, “I just need to take some pain relief and then I’ll be okay.”
The painkillers kicked in, dulling the ache in your abdomen for a while. After breakfast, you travelled to training with Beth and Viv. You had a quick team meeting before heading out to the pitch.
While the team went out to the pitch, you stayed behind to tie your boot laces up. Suddenly, a pain shot through your body, and you collapsed. Cramps twisted your insides, you fell to the ground and curled up into a ball. With your knees to your chest, the pain subsided a tiny bit, and tears started to blur your vision.
Minutes later, Kim and Leah came back into the changing room to grab something but concern etched their faces as they knelt beside you.
“What's wrong?" Kim asked, her voice urgent. “What’s happened, Y/N?”
"Just...period pains," You gasped, trying to downplay it. “I’ll be okay in…a bit.”
The changing room floor was cold against your cheek, and you clung to your knees like a lifeline. Kim and Leah hovered over you, their expressions a mix of worry and confusion.
“Y/N,” Leah said softly, brushing a strand of hair from your forehead. “This isn’t normal. You shouldn’t be in this much pain.”
You tried to sit up, but the cramps tightened their grip. “It’s…it’s just my period. It happens.”
Kim exchanged a glance with Leah, her eyebrows furrowed. “Y/N how long have your periods been like this?”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “Since I was eleven. My parents always said it was part of being a woman.”
Leah rolled her eyes. “Your parents were wrong. This level of pain isn’t normal. You need to see a doctor.”
“But training—” you protested weakly.
Beth and Viv appeared in the doorway, concerned just as much as Leah and Kim. “What’s going on?” Beth asked, kneeling beside you.
“It’s Y/N’s period,” Kim explained. “She’s in agony and her parents have never taken her to the doctors over it.”
Viv’s expression softened. “You don’t have to suffer like this. We’ll take you to the doctor.”
You wanted to protest, to insist that you could tough it out. But the pain was relentless, and you were tired of pretending it was okay. Maybe it was time to seek help.
"These aren't normal," Leah said firmly. "We need a medic."
You groaned in pain, “I’ll be fine…it’ll end soon.”
The team medic arrived, assessing your pain and sending you home. Beth and Viv helped you hobble to their car. The journey was a blur of agony, and you collapsed into bed, grateful for the strong pain relief they'd given you. Sleep claimed you, but it didn't last long.
Before you knew it, your sleep was interrupted and the sharp pain was overtaking your body again. Your room was dimly lit, just a small bit of light peaked through the curtains.
A knock sounded at your door before it pushed open, a tiny bit of light peeked in and Leah stepped through the door.
“Hey kid,” she whispered, sitting on the edge of your bed, “how are you feeling?”
“So..so much pain,” you scrunched your face up, tears threatening to spill once again.
“Y/N have you ever looked into these period pains?” Leah asked. You shook your head, all of your concerns had always been ignored, “Do you think it could be endometriosis?”
You knew Leah had struggled with endometriosis, she’d always been open about it, but being eighteen years old you had no clue what it truly was.
You shrugged, “I don’t really know what endometriosis is, Le.”
Leah sighed, “Well I have stage two, there’s four different stages, so mine is bad but not bad bad. My symptoms started at thirteen, the pain used to be my enemy.” Leah joked.
“I used to roll around in pain, kid,” She said, brushing fallen hair away from your face, “I ended up in A&E so many times, for ages it was just blown off as stress and me being dramatic but after a while endo was brought up. A few years later, and my mum arguing with many different doctors, I was finally diagnosed.”
“Do you think I have it?” you asked, “The pain is so bad.”
“I’m not saying you do,” Leah shrugged, “but it’s worth looking into.”
You nodded your head, still clutching your stomach in pain before nausea overtook you, “I’m going to be sick.”
“Okay okay,” Leah said, gently helping you up, “It’s okay, c’mon let’s get you to the bathroom.”
The room spun, and you barely made it to the bathroom before your stomach rebelled. The pain had escalated from a dull ache to a full-blown assault on your insides. You clung to the toilet bowl, heaving, tears streaming down your face.
Leah was there, her hand on your back, soothing circles. “Easy,” she murmured. “Let it out. I’m here.”
You couldn’t respond, couldn’t even form thoughts. The nausea subsided, leaving you weak and trembling. Leah helped you rinse your mouth, then guided you back to your bed. She tucked the blankets around you, her touch gentle.
“You’re going to be okay,” she whispered. “We’ll figure this out, Y/N.”
You nodded, grateful for her presence. The room felt less lonely with Leah sitting beside you. She didn’t shy away from the messiness, the vomit, the pain. Instead, she held your hand, her eyes filled with empathy.
“Leah,” you croaked, “thank you.”
She smiled, brushing hair from your forehead. “No need to thank me, kid. You’re going to be okay.”
You closed your eyes, exhaustion pulling you under as sleep claimed you once more. The next day, Leah took you to the doctors. At first they were dismissive, putting it down to being stressed and just a teenager.
Leah fought hard, she argued with the doctor and demanded they do a laparoscopy to see if you had any endometriosis growing around your womb, ovaries and pelvis.
They tried you with different medications and birth controls but none of them did anything. Your periods and pain remained the same. The doctors did multiple ultrasounds and none of them showed any signs of endometriosis.
Finally, after some back and forth trips to the doctor, she finally gave in and added you to the long waiting list of other women who were waiting for surgery as well.
Days blurred into weeks and weeks blurred into months as you waited for surgery. You continued to be in pain with your periods, even when you were ovulating you were in excruciating pain. Your pain had been affecting your football career and it was ruling your life.
Finally, your surgery date rolled around after four months of waiting. Beth and Viv were taking you, Leah had promised to be there once you woke up. As for your parents, they told you you'd be fine and didn’t need them there.
“You ready, kid?” Beth asked, as you pulled up outside the hospital.
You nodded, swallowing a lump in your throat, “I guess,” you shrugged, “I’m just nervous.”
Viv turned around in the driver's seat so she could face you as you were sat in the back, “There’s nothing to worry about, you’re going to be just fine.”
“We’re right beside you,” Beth reassured you, “and Leah will be there when you wake up, she’s promised that she will be.”
You nodded and before you knew it, you were in your own private room, waiting to be called in as you sat in the bed with Beth and Viv beside you. You’d been nil by mouth since last night, you couldn’t eat or drink meaning that you were absolutely starving.
“I’m so hungry!” You whined, tilting your head back, “this is so cruel, they’re starving me!”
Beth and Viv both chuckled at your whining, “you can’t eat before surgery, kid.” Viv said, “remember me and Beth were the same before our acl surgeries?”
“Don’t worry,” Beth smiled, “the food after when you wake up will be amazing. We’ll get you whatever you like.
You waited around for at least an hour and during that hour you saw different people. It started off with the anaesthetist coming in to see you. She was a nice lady, she explained the whole process to you and how they’d put you to sleep but it was far too much to take in all at once.
They gave you the option of either anaesthetic through the cannula or through the mask. You opted for the mask, hoping it’d make you less anxious.
Then, your surgeon came in. She ran through the procedure and told you what would happen. She explained that they’d look for endometriosis and if any was found then they’d remove it there and then.
Finally, they did your final basic checks. They weighed you, took your height and blood pressure as well as asking you a range of different questions. After all of that, you had to wait around for another hour and then it was finally time to go down.
“Don’t be scared,” Beth whispered to you as she pulled you into a hug, “you’re going to be fine, I promise. We’ll be here when you wake up with Leah.”
You nodded, letting go of Beth before Viv pulled you into a hug, “I’m so proud of you, kid. We’re going to be right here waiting.”
“I love you both,” you whispered, “thank you for being here.”
“Love you too,” Beth smiled before they rolled you away on the bed.
You entered the operating theatre and there were many people around. There were multiple nurses as well as the surgeon and doctor you’d met earlier on. The nurses helped transfer your onto the operating table before the anaesthetist quickly went over things again.
“Okay Y/N, just count down from ten for me,” she said, placing the mask on your face. You began to count down, your eyelids became heavy and you soon drifted off into what felt like a sleep.
Two hours into your surgery, Leah arrived at the hospital. She made her way upstairs to the room where Beth and Viv were waiting for you.
“Still no Y/N?” Leah asked as she entered the room, a little gift bag in her head.
Beth shook her head in response, “Nope, they said surgery could be anywhere from an hour to six hours.”
“Yeah, mine was two hours long,” Leah nodded, “Hopefully she’s out soon, how was she when she went down?”
“Anxious and scared,” Viv explained, “what’s in the bag?”
“Just some of Y/N’s favourite things,” Leah said, “My mum put one together for me when I had my first endo surgery so I thought it’d be nice for her to have one.”
Eventually, you were rolled back into the room. You were still fast asleep, your braids that Beth had done now slightly falling out.
“How was the surgery?” Leah was the first to ask, concern written all over her face.
“It went well,” the nurse nodded, “she has four incisions but the doctor will be round to give the rundown and results when Y/N is awake.”
Thirty minutes later, you finally woke up. Your eyelids fluttered open, and for a moment, you weren’t sure where you were. The harsh white hospital lights hurt your eyes as you peeled them open, you covered your eyes with the palm of your hand as you let out a groan.
The pain came next. A dull ache that radiated from your abdomen. It was a familiar pain, one you’d felt before during endometriosis flares. But this time, it was post-surgery pain, and it carried with it a sense of relief.
You tried to move, but your body protested. Wires connected you to machines, monitoring your vital signs. The room seemed to tilt, and you closed your eyes, willing the dizziness away.
You tilted your head and Beth and Viv’s faces appeared, Leah soon walked round and joined them.
“Hey kid,” Beth smiled, her voice gentle. “You’re awake.”
Viv squeezed your hand. “How are you feeling?”
You tried to speak, but your throat was dry. Leah grabbed the cup of water that the nurse had left and lifted the straw to your mouth. You took gentle sips of water, washing away the metallic taste and dryness.
“I feel amazinggg,” you sang happily, still a little high from the anaesthesia. “Where am I?”
Beth, Viv and Leah bursted out into laughter, “That good, kid.” Viv nodded. “You’re in the hospital, remember?”
“Oh yeahh! Leahhhh,” you whined, sticking out your tongue. “My tongue hurts, Is it still there?”
Leah nodded. “Your tongue is intact, kid. They didn’t go anywhere near it.”
“Phew,” you sighed dramatically. “Good to know. Now, where’s Myle?”
Beth chuckled. “She’s at home, darling. You’ll see her later.”
Your lower lip jutted out in a pout. “I miss Myle so much! That surgeon better not have taken her.”
Viv squeezed your hand again. “Hey, hey, it’s okay! Myle is safe at home. You’ll be reunited soon.”
“Okay,” you mumbled, closing your eyes. “I love Myle. She’s cute.”
As the anaesthetic wore off, you drifted in and out of sleep. The pain in your abdomen dulled, thanks to the nurses’ timely administration of pain relief. You felt a little more like yourself when the doctor finally entered the room.
“Hey, Y/N,” she greeted, her smile warm. “Is it okay if I discuss your results? Are your friends comfortable staying?”
You nodded, grateful for their presence. “Yes, please. They’re staying.”
The doctor pulled up a chair. “Your surgery was quite extensive,” she began. “We delved deep and found stage three endometriosis. It was growing around your ovaries and pelvis. The pelvic endometriosis explains your back pain, and the ovarian involvement is likely why ovulation has been excruciating for you.”
“But you removed most of it?” you asked, your voice shaky.
“Yes,” she reassured you. “We removed as much as we could. There’s a tiny bit left, but it shouldn’t cause as much pain.”
The room blurred over as tears welled in your eyes, “Will this affect my future?”
The doctor sighed, “I can’t say anything for sure but when the time comes and if you want to have kids you may have some issues conceiving naturally. I’ll leave you to rest up, you should be home before the evening is out.”
You nodded your head and tears began to slip down your cheeks. Leah climbed onto the bed and sat next to you, she pulled you into a tight hug. Leah’s hug was warm, comforting. She knew how to be there for you without saying a word.
“You’re going to be fine, kid.” Beth tried her best to reassure you.
Viv nodded, “Yeah, you’ve got everyone supporting you. At least you can start on getting the pain sorted now.”
“Do you want a goody bag?” Leah asked, “I put you one together!”
You laughed through your tears and nodded your head. Leah handed you a small bag and you opened it up. Inside was a range of different things that you loved. There was your favourite chocolate, some hair ties, fluffy socks, soft pyjamas, chocolate cookies, lip balm and a little stuffed highland cow teddy.
“You guys are amazing.” You smiled, brushing the fluffy highland cow with your hand, “Thank you for today, I’d have been alone without you.”
“You’ll always have us, kid,” Viv smiled, “We’re not going anywhere.”
The days that followed blurred together, a mix of pain medication and soft blankets. You laid in your bed at Viv and Beth’s house, movies played on your telly as Viv, Beth and Leah took it in turns to sit with you.
You had one brief phone call with your parents, one that hurt a lot. You explained what the surgery had resulted in on the phone, you expected at least a tiny bit of sympathy but your parents had none to give. You cried over it, a lot, but as promised Viv, Beth and Leah were right beside you. The three of them made you feel more loved than your parents had ever made you feel.
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 day
Seeing as you sending me Jenson was "payback",
Mark coming home from covering a race for Channel4 to find both her and Jenson fast asleep after having found a way to entertain themselves (iykyk 😏) and Mark cuddling up right behind her, taking stock of the marks Jenson left on her and just needing to be closer to her still maybe?
A/N: Jenson and Mark, I'm being spoiled and I love it
You whine, as Jenson places soft kisses over the bruises littering your body. "Mark will be home soon, sweets," You sigh at those words, having missed him so much as it was his turn to be a commentator for the race and Jenson with an off weekend, taking full advantage of the fact he'd be left here with you for 4 days.
4 days that he's taken advantage of pulling you apart, inside and out in bed, and have barely left, maybe to get water and food but other than that, no clothes, or leaving the bed was an option for either of you. Jenson chuckles at that, knowing you two have been teasing and sending things to Mark even being cheeky and sending him a picture of you full with Jenson while he was live on air.
Jenson always has fun teasing Mark, it was easy to get the Aussie riled up, especially when it came to you, and sometimes Jenson. "Jense, stop, I'm tired and want to sleep," You whimper, Jenson stops, immediately looking concerned, but you wave him off. "Just want cuddles and sleep," You beg, jutting out your bottom lip which has him chuckling as moving up to pull you close. "Okay, sweets, let's get some sleep,"
He was bent up and exhausted all at the same time and Mark wanted nothing more than to fuck you but also hold you and sleep, his tired brain was a mess of thoughts and he felt like he was horny formula 1 driver again, not the grown ass old man he is now. Trudging into the house, the dogs all come wagging up, Bentley sniffing slightly before realizing it was his 3rd human and not some stranger.
Chuckling, Mark gladly lets the dogs love on him as he each gives them pets, and kisses not leaving a single one out. Sighing, he hears his knees crack as he stands and heads to the bedroom, expecting to hear you and Jenson's giggles, but pushing the door open, the soft glow of the bathroom light shows the peaceful faces of his loves.
Smiling, he gently places his bags down and heads into the bathroom to clean himself up, walking out in his sleep pants and no shirt. Moving carefully, Mark lifts up the blanket and stops, looking at all the marks, bruises, and love bites left by Jenson.
He doesn't know how to feel, Jenson is the one to leave marks, of course with permission but Mark was always the softest lover, having only fucked you hard a number of times, but right now he feels his heart squeeze, hating that he wasn't here to give you aftercare as well.
Covering you both up, he places soft kisses on your cheeks, and rubbing over the bruises he knows will hurt the most. He trusts Jenson with you, knowing Jenson would take care of you, but still he hated when he wasn't here to take care of you. He sighs and pulls you into his arms, feeling you tense, but then relax into his arms. Turning around you whine and bury yourself into his hold sighing in content, your little breaths tickling his chest.
He chuckles, kissing the top of your head and jumps seeing Jenson wide awake and staring at him. "Welcome home," He whispers, voice laced with sleep. Mark doesn't say anything, other than reaching his arm out and pulling Jenson in too, knocking heads gently.
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httpknjoon · 1 day
catching morning ghosts | jjk
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plot | Before leaving the beach house, one of yours and Jungkook's friends caught something unbelievable.
words | 1.8k+
genres | fluff, crack,  secret relationship au, established relationship au, friends to lovers au
pairing | jungkook x reader
note | finished writing this while watching bangbangcon earlier. oh, I miss my ot7 so much! anyway enjoy reading! finale is coming!
main masterlist  |  drabble series masterlist
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It was an early morning on the beach.
The distant sound of ocean waves plays as background music while Blaire and Jenny both clean up around the bonfire you guys set up last night. They were the earliest to wake up so they decided to do the cleaning while waiting for the others. It was agreed that you guys would go home on Sunday morning to rest at your own homes before going busy again. 
“Oh, god. I think I drank too much last night.” Jenny groaned as she picked up an empty can of beer. “I don’t remember how I even got into my room.”
Blaire laughed, “Jen, you didn’t. You somehow ended up sleeping on the kitchen floor, you scared the hell out of Dara! Wooshik had to carry you up to your room.”
Jenny scratched the back of her head. She definitely doesn’t remember any of that. The last thing she did that she can recall clearly is handing you your third can of beer while singing along to some song Jungkook plays on Wooshik’s guitar. She can also recall Dara casually leaning on Wooshik while chatting with Blaire.
“What time is it?” Jenny turned to Blaire after they finished cleaning within a few minutes.
Blaire checks her phone, “It’s almost 7:30. They still have like half an hour.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll just go get my bags and maybe check on the others too.”
Blaire nods and Jenny goes back inside the house. Before going straight to her room, Jenny began knocking on everyone’s door. For her first victim, she knocked on Wooshik’s door. It took exactly four knocks before Jenny heard, “I’m already awake!”. With that, she moved to Dara’s, who quickly opened the door.
“Oh, good morning.” Dara greeted her. The youngest in your group was already prepared to leave and all freshened up. She was just putting on her favorite earrings when Jenny knocked. “Is everyone ready?”
Jenny chuckled, “Actually, you’re the first one to open the door.”
“I thought Wooshik’s up already?” Dara asked. “He messaged me like minutes ago.”
“Yeah, he is. But he didn’t open the door. I still haven’t checked on YN and JK.” she explained. 
“Oh, okay… Anyway, you go check on them. I’ll make us coffee after I’m done with my bags.” Dara offers, earning a nod from Jenny.
As Dara closed her door, Jenny moved on to Jungkook’s door. And it seems like one, two, three couple of knocks are not enough as she hasn’t got any response from him. So, Jenny called his name while continuously knocking.
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You groaned as you shifted in your sleep. Eyes still closed, you snuggled closer to the familiar warmth you can feel next to you. Inhaling his scent, your head lays on his chest comfortably while he holds your back. 
After another call of his name, you tapped softly on Jungkook’s chest, whispering, “Babe.”
“Hmm?” Jungkook simply hummed in response.
“Jenny. Door.”
With how cozy and half-asleep you two are, you were too lazy to get up and have proper sentences in your conversation. You kept your eyes closed, comfortable on his skin, even though you wanted him to answer the door. Jungkook didn’t get up immediately either. As soon as he opens his eyes, he plants a kiss on the top of your head. You slowly moved your head and looked up at him, already with a smile on your lips.
“Whatever, I’m checking on YN then.”
Your eyes widened. Jungkook panicked and fell on the wooden floor since he was lying on the edge of the bed. His fall resulted in a thud noise.  Shocked, you covered your mouth while your boyfriend rushed to go get to the door. With his butt still feeling a little numb, Jungkook opened the door, covering any chance that Jenny might see who is the other person inside. He had to cross his arms over his chest as he didn’t get the chance to put his shirt he left on the floor.
“Oh, hey, Jen.” Jungkook greeted her, trying to be as casual as he could.
Your best friend’s brows furrowed. She can feel something strange with this messy-haired guy in front of her, but she cannot just point it out. Plus, she heard that thud.
Nonetheless, she tried to shake it off, clearing her throat, “Uh, we’re leaving at 8.”
“Oh, yeah. Of course– I’ll go prepare. And my stuff too. That too.” 
Jungkook’s tongue was rambling with words and all you can do is listen on his bed while you watch his back conversing with your lovely best friend, who you wish is not suspicious of any of this. 
“Okay, you go do that. I’ll wake up YN–”
Jenny was ready to knock on your door next to Jungkook’s but your boyfriend stopped her. Knowing that no one would answer those knocks since you are obviously nowhere there, Jungkook cuts her off.
“I’ll do that.”
“Why?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh… uh… you know… since we’re leaving in the same car, I can help her with her bags.” Jungkook tries to reason out.
“I know that, Jungkook. I’m just gonna wake her up,” she replied, still finding Jungkook’s actions a little strange.
“But she–”
Ping! A notification sound interrupted their weird conversation. Jenny checked her phone in her hand and immediately saw a text message from you.
From YN
i’m up! no need to check on me. i can literally hear u and jk outside. lemme just take a quick shower.
After reading that, Jenny looked at Jungkook and showed him your text message. It was like someone lifted the weights on Jungkook’s chest as he can breathe better now with your solution.
“I’ll go get my bags then. Don’t go back to bed, okay?” Jenny told him before leaving for her room.
You watched as your boyfriend sighed while closing the door behind him. He picked up his shirt and put it on before sitting on the bed. You scooched closer to him and hugged him.
“That was painful to watch.” you giggled.
His shoulders fell, “We should really tell them about us soon.”
“Yeah, maybe when we get back to the city? I think Wooshik knows already,” you said
“Huh? Why?” he asked, turning his head to you.
“He literally called me Princess last night when I was taking photos of Bam.” 
“He did?” he asked and you nodded. Unexpectedly, he wrapped you in an embrace, making you two fall back on the soft mattress of the bed, “No one gets to call you that except me!”
You simply laughed at that. You two ended up cuddling on the bed for no more than five minutes before you tapped him again to let you go so you could finally go back to your room.
“I should go change before we go,” you whispered.
Jungkook agreed, lifting his arm on your waist. He would usually request for five more minutes but he knew that your friends were already up. He followed behind you as you walked to the door. Just when you opened the door, Jungkook pulled you into him, immediately leaning down to peck your lips. He sees your lips form into a smile as he pulls away.
“Can’t let you start your day without a morning kiss,” he mumbled.
“Of course–”
Two hearts dropped on the floor. You and Jungkook snapped your heads to the side where you heard someone say something. You instantly meet eyes with Dara, who’s currently frozen in place. Her bags fell from her hands when she witnessed you and Jungkook kissing. You two let go of each other, taking a few steps away for more space in between.
“Oh, hey, Dara?” you chuckled awkwardly. “Good morning?”
“Yeah, good morning, Dara.” Jungkook greeted her two, scratching his hair.
It took your innocent friend a few more seconds before processing everything. Her index finger points to you two as if asking if you and Jungkook are together. She was speechless, to say the least. Both of you nodded slowly. You raised your index finger in front of your lips before saying,
As soon as she understood it, Dara nodded, “O-Okay. I’ll go make coffee.”
Even though she was still confused and surprised about everything, Dara walked down the stairs with her things to remove herself from this awkward situation. Left alone, you and Jungkook looked at each other before you walked back to your room.
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“Hi, Bam… What are you doing outside, buddy?”
Jenny was putting her bag in the trunk of Blaire’s car when she spotted Bam walking towards her, bringing something in his mouth. She was petting his head when she noticed it.
“What’s that?”
She leaned down and reached for that something in between Bam’s teeth. It did not take long for her to identify what it was. Her eyes widened as she held the plain green string bikini top in front of her face.
“Jen, what’s that?” Blaire, who just walked out of the beach house with a cup of coffee in her hand, asked. “Whose bikini is that?”
“I… don’t know. It’s like something Bam saw in the sand there.” Jenny replied, dumbfounded.
“Hmm. No one really stayed here except us.” Blaire said.
As if on cue, you and Jungkook walk out of the house with your bags to put them in his Jeep. Even though you were the one who let Bam out of the house earlier, you are unaware he brought a gift for everyone. You greeted Bam as he followed behind you to Jungkook’s car. That’s when you felt Jenny looking at you.
“What’s going on?”
“Bam brought this.” Jenny showed the green bikini, slinging in her finger.
Your eyes widened, immediately recognized what it was. It was yours. But you lost it last night after going to a quick night swimming with your boyfriend. Since it was already dark, you two had a hard time looking for your top after you got off the water. Jungkook let you wear his shirt instead before you sneaked back to the beach house.
“Oh, it’s YN’s,” Jungkook replied casually while organizing the bags. You almost shut him off.
“How… did you know?” your best friend asked. Her suspicions about Jungkook from earlier are just growing.
You watched as Jungkook stopped what he was doing and thought for a second. “Uh, I heard her complaining about losing something.”
Jenny looks at you for confirmation. You nodded and took the said piece of clothing from her.
“That’s right. Thank you, Jen. I probably left it on my room’s floor or somewhere.” you reasoned out nervously.
Although she squinted her eyes for a quick second, Jenny didn’t say anything and left you and Jungkook alone. Instantly after that, Jungkook chuckled. You glared at him in exchange.
‘I swear I’ll never go skinny dipping with you again.”
He lowered his sunglasses, “I doubt that, Princess.”
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@hobiuwusunshine @alinerl @daydreamiies @craftymoonchaos @awseokjin @yoonabeo @luvrsofbts @bloopkook @chvngbiin @takochelle @wildarmy @cuddlysoftbear @luv-minhyun-world @shydestinyyouth @bbtsficrecs @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @jkbabiey @hopeworldjimin @chieftoadturkeynickel @ppeachyttae @tannies-luv @loomipee @sanctify-mp3 @stuffy1985 @di0rgguk @tswisal1 @amara-mars @jksgirlhere @callmejimmeo @rapmonie2047 @daemontargaryenwhore @juju-227592
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caxde · 3 days
disposible heroes | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary Eddie is assumed to be dead, you belived it, until music found his way into your live again, and a promise he's still alive is evident (7.2k)
warnings fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, mutual pining, yearning etc, slowburn, idiots in love!!!, english is not my first language so I apologise if there’s some mistakes, not proof read!, canon-ish complaiant?
a/n: thank you to @sage-glowstick for all your help as I was writing this <33
“You know I’m here if you need me, right?” Robin’s voice felt as if it were coming from a thousand miles away, even if she was beside you, her fingers running through your hair, petting you softly. 
“I know” Your voice came out croaky, heavy, raspy. Tears were still falling from your eyes, you felt them, the coldness of the salty water running down your reddened and hot cheek. 
“Anything you need.” She repeated, wiping it away, her finger on the apple of your cheek a bit longer, trying to make you feel seen. 
“It just doesn't feel real.” You whispered, not being able to actually say it fully out loud. 
“I know.” She imitated your low tone, standing up from the bed as she looked out the window. “It’s a lovely day out, we could go for a walk.”
“In a bit, maybe.” You gave her a forced, half smile to her. She imitated it before nodding, standing up to finally leave the room, leaving the door ajar. 
It was a good day out, sunny and without a cloud, the leaves on the tree outside your window moving slowly. 
But he wasn’t there. 
As far as you knew, his body still laid lifeless on the fractured darkened ground of the upside down. 
And you hadn’t saved him. 
Guilt consumed you. 
It was worse, you had to lie to Wayne, you had to lie to the only person that knew him as much as you did, that cared for him as much as you did. 
You buried an empty coffin a couple of weeks ago. 
And all you had was an old shirt of his, and his guitar pick necklace you had once gifted him. 
Your hands closed around it, one last tear falling down as you did so. I miss you, i’m sorry were the only thoughts running through your mind. 
After a long time of just thinking, your eyes vacant and your thoughts going a bit too fast. As soon as Robin came to check on you once again, she knew where you were headed off to. 
The mix he had made you was still in your car, playing his music as if he was next to you. If you concentrated enough, you could still hear him sing them, in his usual chaotic goofy voice and tone he always used to get you to laugh, though if he was being sirius or was in his own little world he actually had a beautiful voice, an angelical one if you were the one listening. 
A weird combination of crying and laughter was now consuming you, as you finally parked your car in the same spot you had for the last few weeks. 
It was a weird feeling, you became more yourself the closer you walked to his grave, the closer you came to seeing his name carved in stone, the fuller you felt, as if he was walking beside you. 
The wind rustled in the leaves, as birds stopped singing, the sun still shining, your skin soaking it in, your puffy eyes squinting harder because of it. 
It was a very scenic moment, you thought as you sat down in front of the carved stone. 
“Hey Moon.” You whispered with a heavy heart. The stinging coming back to the back of your head as you looked at the faded graffiti you had cleaned yesterday. “I brought you a bit of music, I thought you might like it.” You fumbled through your bag, trying to find the little portable cassette player you had saved up for, that he had drawn in the back of with one of his markers. EM was here could still be seen in a faint white ink. “I finally got you the Metallica cassette you wanted.” You half smiled, trying not to break down again. 
The first guitar notes from the song battery filled the air, you let your body hit the ground right as the bass started, your feet stomping at the melody. 
“You’d love to play the guitar solo of this one.” You teased him, mumbling to the sky, your eyes closed, your body relaxing a bit more. 
The little portable player was starting to make that funny noise it had been making for the last couple of days, that dirty interference that made you angry every time, interrupting your time, it only infuriated you more now that you were here, trying to be close to him once more. Your arm reached to it, your eyes yet unopened, spanking it a bit, hopeful that it would go away. 
It didn’t. 
It started going in and out of focus, as if something was tampering with it, or water had crawled in, making the switch to the next song sound as if it was coming from deep underwater, as if a wave had just engulfed the speaker. 
“Fuck’s sake.” You complained through gritted teeth, grabbing it and holding it up, wiggling it a bit. As you did, the muffled sound went away, and the thing that should not be started playing. 
You lowered the volume, and let the speaker sit next to your ear, letting it sing only for you. 
It didn’t give you any trouble for a while, until it started acting up again. This time, the volume went up and down. At first you thought it was random, until you started paying attention. It seemed like a message, and grief invaded you enough to make you believe impossible things. 
Your shaking hands grabbed it, pulling it a top of your lap, looking back at where his name was carved before whispering “Don’t fuck with me” as you played the backwards button. Letting the song start from the beginning once again. “I swear to god Eddie if you’re fucking with me I’ll kill you again.” You spat as you mumbled angrily at the air, hoping to be right. 
To your astonished surprise, it seemed to work. 
The volume went up, as if it was a code, as if he was screaming. If you were honest, you could feel him screaming and yelling the lyrics in that chaotic voice you learned to love and miss. 
The very first word of the song spiked up messenger, it felt obvious enough, though it could just be a dumb coincidence. lurking beneath the sea made the volume go up, lowering immediately after it. You kept listening, writing it on the sketch pad you always carried in your bag. 
Once the song ended, the previous blank paper had sparesed lyrics over it. 
It read a confusing mess that you had to bring to Dustin as soon as possible. You recited it over and over again while you were speeding on the car. 
The motor of your car was louder with every gear shift you made, the little orange arrow in your speedometer kept rising, but you payed it no mind. In a similar manner, you didn’t care if your car skidded anytime you made a left turn, the only thing in your mind where the little words you had heard louder than the others. 
You didn’t care if your car blocked his driveway, or if the keys were still in the ignition. The bag on your left shoulder felt havier now that it was guarding the little instrument that felt magic. You hands where still shaking and you could stop fidgeting with his necklace, moving it one swipe left and two right as you made your way to Dustin’s front door, not sure what to say, not sure what to do. You were now anxiously looking down at your feet, and the way they moved through the cobblestone, the bumps that they left on your feet. 
You gathered enough courage to bang on his door. 
But he was taking a bit too long. 
He still hadn���t come down stairs. 
Bang Bang Bang Bang
“Jesus what?” He finally opened the door, the usual annoyed look on his face disappearing once he the way your lips were pressed together. 
“Upstairs, now. Code red.”
“Can you read it again?” Dustin asked, a pen in his own hand. 
“Messenger. Lurking beneath the sea. Forbidden site. Shadows. Underground. Fallen city, living death.” You looked at him, sharing a deep breath. “Then it repeats, Lurking beneath the sea, and ends with not dead”
Dustin stood up, pacing around his room while his hands fidgeted with the pen he had. 
“And you’re sure it worked normally before you arrived at the grave?” He inquired, his words pausing between them as he usually did when he was trying to figure out something. 
“Look I know it sounds stupid, but… I… It can’t be a coincidence.” He acknowledged just how hopeful and defeated you were, and he gifted you a smile. 
“I wanna believe it too, I just, can I hear it now?” You nodded, while you took the little player out of the bag and played the song again. It sounded crystal clear, no interference, no change in volume. “And it changed volume once you were…” 
“Yeah, I told you.” 
“We should go there, I’ll ask the others to join us there.” He grabbed the talkie while he handed you the phone, letting you call into family video, the number already dialed up. 
“Family Video this is Steve how may I help you today?” He sounded as bored as he always was, you could tell he was playing with the telephone chord. 
“Steve, can you take your break now?” Your voice was quieter than usual, and that pulled him in, you heard how his elbows hit the table, and the receiver was caught between his cheek and his shoulder. 
“Hey honey, everything okay?” His tone was sharper now, you felt the way he was measuring his words, he had become rather used to spreading kindness and handling you with care ever since you had come back, you had no time for that kind of nonsense right now. 
“Yeah, that’s why I’m asking you to skip work in the middle of the day.” Your words were coming out sharper and colder than you intended for them to. Irony stinging like a dagger. 
“A simple no would also work, y’know.” He answered, a bit hurt, but mostly worried. He knew the number was coming from Dustin’s house, and the only reason you had to go over his house was for one he didn’t dare to think about. 
Mostly because the last time you had barged in with Dustin into Family Video he ended diving into cold water, and with a few scars to remember those days by. 
“Can you take your break or not? We kinnda need both of you.” You were impatient now, you were speaking faster, snappier, quicker. 
“What the hell is going on?” You could physically see him holding the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed while he loudly breathed out into the receiver. 
“Steve! Please?” You were begging now, the frustration of wanting to let him know everything all at once, while trying to be careful to not say too much, the fear that someone might listen to you, the impotence of not being able to do enough, it was all enough to create tears that wouldn’t fall. 
“Breathe out.” He reminded you. He didn’t know what was going on, or why you seemed to be so aggravated, but he could tell that it was important enough, a sense of urgency clear in your voice. He took a second, looking at Robin while his eyebrows raised she called the ‘the decision look’ and she knew better than to oppose it. “Is this a code red?” He finally asked, wanting and needing you to say no, his head falling deeper once he heard your muffled yes. “Where are we meeting?” 
“Graveyard.” You answer quickly, the iron taste in the inside of your mouth becomes more prominent now that you are speaking again. “Pick Nance up.” You told him before hanging up. 
You gave a quick glance over your shoulder to check on Dustin. His words were fast paced, he started the second one while the first was still finishing in his mouth, he had no time to lose, which in a weird way, was reassuring for you. Someone cared as deeply as you did, it made you feel not that alone, seen in a way. 
You found your way downstairs, your feet feeling heavier and your chest tightening, a fast thought entered your mind, as it grew bigger so did the worry that accompanied it. What do we do if he is alive?
If Eddie really is alive, and he has been there, all by himself for the last weeks he must be pissed off. Not only that, as far as you remembered he was incredibly injured, so he could be right at death's door, a slip away from being actually gone. And if that was really the case, and he was bloodied, starving and a whisper away from death, you’d never forgive yourself if you didn’t at least just try, you had to try. 
But then again, that panic was shared. 
Dustin did not talk while you drove. He didn’t complain while you smoked one of his cigarettes that he had left on your glove compartment, he limited himself to stay still, biting his thumb as a response to the nervousness that was now deep inside his body. 
You parked where you had a mere hour ago, and the birds sang until you found your way next to his gravestone. You looked at Dustin, needing reassurance, he just nodded. Weirdly enough, you were both in a lost for words. 
You sat in silence, looking at his name with clear sandness in both of your faces, you hid a whimper, culpability making its way into your body. 
“I feel insane.” You confessed as you buried your face into the palm of your hands. Needing just a second to process it all. 
“You’re not the only one.” Dustin added, looking back as soon as he heard a familiar car pull into the secluded place you both were, he gave you a soft pad on your shoulder, his head nodding to it so you’d look. 
Steve emerged from the burgundy car, closely followed by Robin, Nancy and Jonathan.
Robin’s eyebrows were raised in concern as she ran to where you were, she wasn’t a fiscal touch person, but lately she had been giving you hugs every chance she had, and this time it was no different. It felt familiar, a sense of reassurance you desperately needed. 
“What’s going on?” She whispered into your ear, pulling away slowly, looking deep into your eyes. You waited for the other three to make their way up hill, Nancy’s knuckles were white with how much strength she was holding Jonathan’s hand. 
“He’s alive.” Is all you could bring yourself to say, before breaking down. 
You weren’t even sure why you were crying this time, maybe it just felt good to say it outloud, maybe it was just too much to manage, or maybe you just needed to relise your bottled up emotions. It didn’t matter. 
Nancy’s eyes widened, as Jonathan looked at her, not really understanding why you’d say that. Meanwhile, Steve’s arms crossed in front of his chest, he was having a hard time following you. 
“What are you talking about?” Steve’s voice was not only lower, his tone had never been as serious, not a trace or irony or sarcasm in them. 
“Dustin?” You plead for help, you didn’t think you could manage to explain it all again. Your hands were busy fidgeting with the cassette player, tracing over the speaker, wishing that it would happen again. 
“She uh… Well…” Dustin was having a hard time, the possibility that you might be right was a bit overpowering for him. 
“I came over, and played him the new record.” You gestured to the empty cassette case with the white crosses on it, Robin picked it up and looked at it closely, smiling in that that’s sweet way that she does when she finds something charming. “And uh…” 
“She says that the cassette player started going wild, the volume going up and down by itself, interference, water sound in it. But we played it again at my house and it sounds perfectly clear. And well… The words that were actually louder were like a call for help and if we look at this logically-” Steve cut the explanation that Dustin had started, a crease in the middle of his forehead. 
“That’s insane. You’re seeing things where there are none.” He exclaimed, gesturing wildly with his hands. 
“Steve…” Robin pleaded calmly, her eyes asking for him to consider the situation. 
“It’s not!” You screamed. You needed them to understand, weirder things had happened to all of you in the last couple of years, this was nothing new. “Will was able to communicate with you!” You looked at Jonathan now, trying to make him understand, trying to win him to your side of the argument. 
“Yeah but… He actually… It was his voice.” Jonathan mumbled, trying really hard to believe what you were saying, trying to see your side of the story, but the look of desperation on your face was too close to Joyce’s, and that gave him a bad feeling in his stomach. 
“He’s alive.” You repeated, looking back at the way his name was carved into the gray stone, how long it took you to be able to accept it, and how it hopefully would be destroyed, as if it never had happened. “And he’s down there, alone, injured and with no strength, do you really think he’s going to start chatting?” With every word you said your tone became higher and higher. 
“Look, there is no way he’s alive…” Steve’s voice sounded defeated as he crouched down, closer to your eye level as you were still sitting down at the floor. “We all saw him down there, bloodied and… I get that you want him back, but you shouldn’t make it our problem.” his cheeks were red, as the vein in his left temple became bigger with every breath he took. 
“Your problem?” That made you lose it, it was one thing to not believe you, it was an entirely different thing to call you crazy and accuse you of being delusional. “You were the last one out, if he is alive, it’s your fault.” It had been like poison, hearing you say such things. You knew far too well that you were hurting him, his lips were pressed against each other, his left hand holding on thigh to his arm. 
“Guys…” Robin tried to calm you both down, exchanging looks between the both of you, knowing full well this could blow everything up. Knowing that pain can be spread around faster than any disease. 
But before she could say anything else, her ears perked up, as she heard the way the wind was rustling through the trees, she was a bit too sensitive to these kinds of things, over vigilant after everything she had seen. 
“That’s way out of line…” Steve whispered, with clear guilt creeping in through his voice. “You know that if I could trade it… You know I don’t…” He was truly at a loss for words, not being sure what he could say, an extremely defeated expression rested on his face, his eyes avoiding eye contact with yours, looking at the ground, and the way the grass moved thanks to the wind. 
“Guys!” Robin screamed at all of you now, as she picked out a rusting coming deep and low from the little player you were still holding. 
Silence broke through all of you, as you looked down and started hearing the beginning of a song you hadn’t hit play for, the red light that usually shined bright when it was on was absent from it. 
“Did you–?” Dustin started to ask, you shook your head, as a hopeful smile invaded your lips. 
You went quiet, looking down at it, a guitar solo started, before you heard the tape playing backwards until the last phrase of the song was found, volume creeping louder and louder reaching out again could be heard from it, you let out a chuckle, a nervous giggle that went around the group as everyone had now experienced what had happened to you. 
“What song is that?” Nancy asked directly at you, her face still in clear shock, mouthing the first words since she got here. 
“Welcome home” You mutter, with glee in your eyes. “He is here.” You tell her, knowing that she fully believes you, by the way fear was creeping into her body. 
“That could just be a coincidence…” Steve was still cautious, not wanting to fully give in. If he did, that meant that you were right, and that he left him for dead, and he couldn’t handle the guilt that came with it. 
“Eddie!” Dustin started screaming, directly into the little player that you would not let go of, repeating his name with urgency. “Buddy, are you really there?” 
“It’s changing again.” Robin pointed out, as her fingers traced a pattern on your leg, reassuring you that this was actually happening. 
It was exactly as it had happened a few moments ago, when you were by yourself, as if water had creeped inside, mumbled and far away it sounded as the song changed to another one, before becoming crystal clear to your ears. The heavy thumping of the guitars starting again, quieting down before abruptly going up once the lyrics Twenty-one, only son, but he served us well could be heard. 
You were tearing up now, and you weren’t even capable of hiding it any longer. 
But panic came quick once you heard the next highlighted set of words. 
Finished here, greeting death, he’s yours to take away
“What’s this one called?” Jonathan asked this time, his head whipping fastly from Nancy to you. 
“Disposable Heroes.” 
You wasted no time. 
Dustin held on tight to his car seat every time your foot pressed the accelerator, everytime you swerved the car you could feel him holding his breath just for him to release it in a nervous manner. 
They were all gathered around Steve's kitchen table, arguing over themselves. 
You weren’t all there, the only thing going over your head was him, and the promise of actually being able to hear his voice once again. 
Your foot kept on tapping the ground, a repetitive pattern that you weren’t able to stop, your hand still playing with his necklace. The chatter of them talking was overwhelming you, they were wasting time and that was infuriating. They were arguing, and you were frozen in the spot. They kept talking and you remained quiet. 
Nancy sat down next to you, she still hadn’t said anything either. 
Her hand traveled to yours, a top of your thigh. She squeezes your hand, you knew it was her way of telling you i’m here, i’m sorry. 
“They’re wasting time.” You finally whispered, your voice hoarse, a trace of sadness in it. 
“I don’t think I can go back.” She said at the same time, a trace of guilt in hers. 
“You shouldn’t.” You reassured her, not only with your calm voice, but with the same squeeze she gave to your hand, now on her’s. You didn’t have to tell her that you planned on going alone, she had already noticed. 
“You can’t.” She finally looked at you, deep into your eyes. You noticed the way her eye twitched before shaking his head. “We barely made it out of there, there’s no way you’ll make it by yourself, and having to carry Eddie or…” 
“His body?” She snorted a laugh, trying hard not to giggle, thought the nervous laughter got you too. “This has to be one of the most insane days…” She nodded while you both laughed, catching your breath before she talked. 
“I’m watching over you, I’ll stand at the gate. That I can do.” she stood there for a second longer, her lips pursed in that shy smile she usually gave people, the ones she actually cares about. 
“Thanks Nance…” You let go of her hand, to give her a playful bump on her shoulder. She nodded as she saw you finally stand up. 
Robin looked at you with curious eyes, as she saw you finally leaving the couch. She watched in a quiet manner as she saw you grab the car keys and put them in your pocket, and how you looked around as you put your hair up in a messy ponytail, bumps caused by shaky fingers. She only put her hand around Steve’s arm, her eyes still trained on you, once she saw you pocketing the vodka bottle and the old rag to light it up. 
Steve looked at Robin first, following her eyesight until she saw you, trying to not look suspicious as the rag poked out of the pocket of your brown leather jacket. 
You knew you were being caught as soon as you heard the sudden silence. 
“Woah, woah, hey…Where do you think you’re going?” Steve pointed out, one hand on his waist as the other one gesticulated widely. Confusion and worry evident in the way he spoke, his voice coming up and down like a rollercoaster. 
“What do you think?” The frustration was clear in the way you not only looked back at him, but in the way your words sting. “You’re wasting time…” You were now defeated, your hands now buried deep into your jacket pockets, fingers playing around with what you had in them, a way of distracting yourself. 
“We’re not.” Dustin tried to make a point, though his furrowed brows read as sadness. “We need a plan, so we’re just trying to come up with one…”
“What plan? We go in, Nancy guards the door, we get him, we come back.” Your shoulders scrunch up as you simplified it all, their eyes switched from you to Nancy, who was still sat down at the sofa, a bit tenser than when you were beside her. 
“Nance, you’re not coming?” Steve inquired, his whole body turning to face her from a distance. 
“I… I can’t…” Her eyes crystalised as shock emanated from her body. 
“She doesn’t have to, I’ll be with her, we’ll keep watch. Right?” Jonathan jumped in, reassuring Nancy, as Steve took a step back. “You’re not leaving my sight.” He whispered in her ear once he got by her side, their foreheads touching. 
You smiled to yourself, a sweet moment between them. The world stopped for them, you could tell, and that’s exactly what you were craving right now, and worrying you might never get back. 
“Fine, but we still don’t know how to get in.” Steve added, his arms flexing in front of his chest as he shook his head in defeat. 
“Watergate.” You mutter. 
“You’re insane.” Robin snapped as soon as she heard you, pausing in between words. “Even if we did manage to get down there and it was still open, how do you plan on coming back with him? What if there’s more rabies infected bats around? What if you get stuck there this time? We need to find another gate!” She was now talking in full speed, cascading words as her thoughts entered her mind. 
“So we go to the woods!” You whine, frustration and impatience invade you once more. 
“The woods?” Steve asked. 
“She’s right.” Dustin added, his eyes finally leaving the ground shining as they did so. “Vecna killed Patrick and that created Watergate, so maybe there’s a gate near Fred’s death, like the one in the trailer…”
“What?” You questioned him as you saw him losing the train of thought. “We go to the woods and we get in and out, what’s wrong?” 
“We killed Vecna, so the upside down should be collapsing since he isn’t alive and isn’t there to power it so…” He continued as he thought out loud. 
“So what?” Steve asked as his voice went higher in tone. 
“So it’s crumbling down.” Dustin pointed out as if it was overly obvious. 
“So we have to go, now.” You said at the same time, heading to the door, no time to waste. 
You heard their footsteps following you as you found your way to your car, you were finally getting somewhere.
You thought you would feel relieved once you saw you were right, what you weren’t expecting was your jaw to clench at the sight of the hidden gate. 
It wasn’t big, it was small and weak. 
The same thing that happened back in the graveyard started again. The wind picked up, hollowing through the trees replacing the chirping of the birds. 
“Take care.” Nancy said with a trembling voice, while her hand was holding tightly with Jonathan’s. 
Steve’s grip on his bat changed, firm and steady now, before twisting it a bit, readjusting it so he’d be more comfortable. Dustin’s hands fidgeted with the end of his jacket, patting his pockets checking once again that he wasn’t missing anything. 
“If we’re not here in an hour, check in with El, she’s with the others guarding Max, but she should be able to…” Dustin recalled for the hundredth time, going over the plan he had been yelling about in the car drive over here. 
“Yeah, one hour. Got it.” Jonathan nodded as he spoke, waving bye as you stepped in. 
You just pressed your lips as you heard him. 
If you only had an hour, you had to make it count. And it had to start now. 
You had never just walked into the upside down. You had always fallen into it, so you didn’t have time to actually feel the veil breaking as your skin found its way in, the viscosity of the red hue, and the dryness that could be felt immediately after that. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the lack of colour and light, as you became hypervigilant, looking up at the sky before the others found their way. 
There was absolutely nothing there. 
A cloudless sunless grey sky welcomed you, with no thunder or lightning. 
If anything, that nothingness was just more unnerving. 
Every step they made echoed through, and made you look around, hoping to find something that would make you keep your hopes up. 
You agreed on walking to the graveyard, if there was nothing there, you’d find your way to the trailer park and go back. 
“Something’s weird.” Steve pointed out, as he looked around. 
“Not weird, decaying.” You added, nodding to a grey crumbled up vine. The hole in it seemed to get deeper and bigger by the second. 
“Quiet.” Robin said, as she looked up. “There’s no bats, no thunder either.” 
“You can still trip though.” You told her as you held her from stepping into a fallen tree branch. 
You walked, you weren’t really sure for how long, yet she was right, it was oddly beautiful now. A stuck in time version of Hawkins where nothing seemed to change, where everything looked as if it was straight out of an antique photograph you had found hidden in a cupboard. 
You could see the iron gate from the cemetery, the bars on it starting to fold down, as if they were wilting flowers of an old bouquet. You felt as you collectively held in your breath. 
It wasn’t long after that that you started hearing someone yelling unintelligible things. 
While you were slowly making your way in, Eddie lied there. 
He was right where you thought he’d be -unaware that you were near him- an empty space between gravestones, his body falling into the floor, exhausted from getting there, starving and malnourished. He had been talking nonsense for a while, he started whispering it into the heavens, until now, his voice was loud, and even if he didn’t intend to, panic found its way in it. 
“Just one more song? Please? I need to know you’re there. I’ll sing along again if you want!” He had been looking at the void in the sky for a long time, he wasn’t sure if it had been an hour or two, to be honest, it felt like he had been there for days. “C’mon baby, please? Just a bit more, a guitar solo, or just… your voice would be nice…” He started begging now, pleading with some force he didn’t quite believe in for something that would indicate you’re there, near. “For fuck sake! I know I’ll die here, at least you could play some music while I do so!” Themix of desperation and tiredness was now getting into him, he looked at his hands and realised how his rings looked bigger, then now danced and moved with more ease. “Or just… Maybe if you light one up?” 
At the same time, you started hearing his screams, and you started picking up the pace, running through the maze of granite carved stones, with different names and dates. 
Dustin was the first to start screaming his name, while you just focused on running near where the voice came from. 
You’d know it was him even if you hadn’t heard him in thirty years. 
Adrenaline came over your body, so you rushed until your legs stopped, all of a sudden once you saw him. 
He was there, his hand on his stomach, where blackened stains in his shirt layed wrinkled. 
He was there, his hair laid perfectly still in a careful knotted mess. 
He was there, his chest raised up and down as he breathed. 
He was there, and he was alive. 
“Moon…?” The nickname you had for him fell from your lips, your tone shaking as you still couldn’t believe it. 
He slowly stood up, a grin of discomfort from pain evident in his face. He looked at you, his eyes barely opening up. He was still sitting on the ground, you felt your lips curving upwards as relief invaded you, seeing him smiling at you in recognition. 
“Eddie?!” Dustin screamed as he ran up to him, falling to his knees as he hugged him, his head hitting his chest, Eddie’s arms slowly wrapped around his body. “I thought I… We lost you…”  His voice was muffled, still you could tell he had started crying. 
“I thought I lost you too.” Eddie’s voice trembled as he looked directly at you. His eyes crystalised once he saw the first tear jump from your eyes. 
You felt Robin’s hand on your shoulder, a thigh squeeze letting you know it was real. He was okay, and you were getting him back. 
She nodded, letting you know it was okay if you wanted to interrupt.
You walked slowly to him, the back of your hand wiping away your tears. You let your body hit the floor, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. 
“Hi” You whispered as soon as you were a breath away from him. 
“Hi” He gleamed back as soon as he got you close. 
“You’re okay?” You asked, as your voice quivered, desperate to hear him again, talking directly to you. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He nodded as a trembling hand found the back of your neck. 
Dustin smiled before stepping back, leaving you both alone for a moment, a much needed moment. 
You gave in, melting into his arms. You were both crying quietly now, his hands stroking your hair politely, afraid that you were nothing but a mirage, while yours held on thigh to him, scared that you would cause him pain from needing that close. 
“You scared me to death.” You half joked as you chuckled through the crying. 
“I’m the one dying.” He added on to the joke, his lips finally kissing your temple, drinking your perfume in as he did so. 
“Shut it.” You shake your head as you slowly pull back, your hand now cupping his cheek, as your thumb slowly graces the high points of his cheekbone. “I’m getting you home.” 
You thought about kissing him, your lips touching his, melting completely under his touch. But once he leaned in to do so you saw how blood stained his shirt again, your eyes darted from his as you looked down, the red growing wider by the second. 
Fear invaded your body again, a sense of urgency creeping over both of you. 
“Yeah, we should really go” He grunted through gritted teeth. 
It had been a blur. 
Nancy grabbed your car keys from your hand, as you helped Eddie inside the car, sitting on the back with him. Cradling him as you talked to him, trying to keep him calm even if you were panicking deep inside. 
Steve arrived at his house before you, opening the door wide open, Robin helping you bring Eddie in. 
They were downstairs now, phoning Hopper, and El and finally Wayne. 
Steve’s bedroom guest had a big window where sun creeped in, a soft breeze helping him cool off as cold sweat dripped from his forehead. You helped him lay on the soft mattress sitting next to him carefully. 
You had enough supplies hidden under the bed, you knew you could stitch him up enough so he would stop hurting, you had enough experience patching people up. 
“Can you take your shirt off?” You asked him with a slight raise of your eyebrows. 
“You already want me naked?” He joked. He tended to do that when he got nervous. You tilted your head as you bent over so you could take the little box full of supplies out of underneath the bed. He chuckled once he saw the box in your hands. He started trying to take his jacket off, with a grunt in his face he shook his head. “I might need help.” He admitted, a grunt on the back of his throat. 
“Thought so.” You muttered under your breath. 
You scootched over to him, your trembling hands becoming steadier as they found the neck of his jacket, pulling it down slowly. At first, Eddie moved, tried to help. Once he felt your hands against his arms however, he stood still, his eyes not letting go of you, and the way your hands moved with such carefulness and tenderness. 
The tips of your fingers were now in between his skin and his shirt, soaked in dirt and blood. 
You looked at him before pulling it up, he nodded, his eyelids halved opened, a cautious smile in his lips. He sucked to his teeth as his skin separated from the stiff cloth, your fingers brushed his abdomen with care, avoiding to trace his skin as soon as you saw the grin of discomfort he had on his lips. His arms ached once they were up in the air, the shirt falling off of them slowly. 
“It looks worse than I thought.” Eddie grunted as he finally looked down. You guided his torso against the cushions that were prepped up, his hand lingered to your arms, the tip of his fingers burrowing into your skin. 
“I’ll clean it up, I’m sure it’s not that bad.” You tried to play it off, a kind smile curved your lips upwards, a little gesture he imitated. 
“You must really like me” He started in a soft whisper. “You keep lying trying to make it all better.” 
You laughed it off, a short chuckle coming out of him. You started soaking the cotton swab with alcohol, the odor of it filling the small gap between the both of you. 
“You know I do.” He smiled in a soft manner, his teeth showing as he tilted his head. “Ready?” 
You smiled kindly before starting to clean his wounds. They were as if someone ripped and crumpled a paper sheet. They weren’t deep, just repetitive bite and claw marks over the same spot. The big one was on his lower abdomen, another one near his collarbone, a gash on his neck. His arms were full of scratches and deep cuts you had to keep clean. 
He didn’t complain. He just let you do whatever you thought you had to, deep down he knew that if he let you take care of him, you’d feel better. And if he was being honest with himself, he enjoyed you dotting and caring for him, you knew it was because he won’t trust anyone else but you. 
“You know you could just wait for Hopper to come right? He’ll probably make me go to a hospital or something.” He whispered in an attempt to get you to look back at him, his eyes not leaving yours. 
“I know, I just…” 
“I’m okay.” He started, reassuring you, trying to get you to stop overcleaning the same spot on his chest. “Hey.” You kept overdoing it, a blank look on your face. “Darling, please…” He begged now, the way his lips said the nickname snapping you out of it. 
“I thought you were dead.” You crumbled down, nervous tears threatening to jump out, your lips quivering as you started to talk. “I thought you were gone, Moon…” 
“I’m not.” He reached out, his hand finally holding yours. “You really think it’s going to be that easy? You’re not getting rid of me.” 
“I buried you… Well there was nothing in there but… I just.”
“I know, I heard you and Wayne talking.” He confessed, his eyes changing, now they were full of melancholy, and a hint of guilt. “I’m sorry by the way…” 
“What the fuck are you on?” The words fell right out of your lips, tilting your head as your tone went higher. 
“I just… I heard you crying. Begging and all that. I’m sorry I almost died and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everything I wanted to, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I loved you before, I’m sorry I left I-” You interrupted him, as soon as you heard the big word. Your hand tightening around his. 
“You do?” 
“I do what?” He tried to brush it off, the confession had fallen out of his mouth without him thinking too much about it. 
“Love me?” You were embarrassed by how hopeful you sound. His free hand travelled to your cheek, slowly stroking it as he looked deeply into your eyes, falling deeply into them. 
You gave in, your head now resting in the palm of his hand, he slowly pulled you closer to him. Finally closing the distance between the both of you, slowly, then all at once. His lips met yours, a smile appearing on both of them. It was a careful kiss, a needy and soft kiss. It said more things than you both could ever tell eachother. His lips begged for yours to never leave him again, to let him stay by your side. Yours were yelling for him to be patient, and let you love him in a quiet and slow manner. 
You pulled away slowly, your forehead touching his. 
You both knew each other understood. Still, he whispered low enough for you to barely hear him, right before you were interrupted by the door opening. “Of course I do.” 
“Happy you’re back kid.” Hopper’s voice interrupted the both of you, moving your heads so you could look at him. “I’m sorry but you’ll have to answer a couple of questions, then go to the hospital”
“Stay?” Eddie asked, a promise in his voice. 
“Yes. For as long as you let me.” 
He kissed the tip of your nose, before talking again. 
“Forever then.”
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niabang · 3 days
Nights Like This
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Pairings: Chan × fem reader
Summary: Your boyfriend says he's stressed from work, so you help him relieve it.
Warnings: Smut included MINORS DNI. Fluff, aftercare, established relationship, sub chan?, dom reader?, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), use of pet names like "honey," "baby," etc. Creampie, reader is a bit mean and Chan is a big man baby.
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You were waiting for your boyfriend to get back home from work and counting down the hours till he did because you were worried about him.
You were worried because you texted him earlier in the day to ask how work was going and what he wanted to eat when he got back home.
He replied to you, saying he was stressed, couldn't wait to come back home, and that he didn't know what he wanted to eat just yet.
You told him to give you a call when he figured it out and wished him luck with work.
He called you a few hours later to tell you not to worry about him because he ended up getting dinner with the boys and was already on his way home.
You had dinner on your own and went upstairs to take a shower. Just as you were coming back down to do the dishes, you heard a key turn in the lock. Your baby was back.
"Hi honey." You said to him as he came in.
"Hi baby." He said and gave you a long tight hug plus a peck on your forehead.
You would never get tired of the way he smelt. That musky scent of his sweat mixed with perfume was so intoxicating that it clouded your brain in the best way possible.
"You good?" You asked him as he took off his hands from your waist.
"Yeah, I am, just a little tired, that's all." He said and started making his way upstairs.
"I'm gonna go take a shower then go to bed wanna join me?" He asked from the top of the stairs.
"I thought you said you were tired? And no, I just took one."
"Boo, you're so boring." He replied.
"Stop being a child Chan, go take your your shower." You said.
"Okay, mom." He scoffed.
You weren't looking at him, but you just knew he rolled his eyes before going into your shared bedroom to take his shower. He was such a child sometimes.
You made some hot chocolate for both of you and took it upstairs to your room.
On getting there, you met him putting on a black tank top, and he threw his black chrome hearts hoodie over it. The weather was pretty cold.
"Here you go." You said, handing him a mug, and the two of you retired to the bed.
"What made you so stressed at work today anyway?" You asked.
"I don't know how, but I lost a track, and it happened to be one I didn't backup, so we have to start recording all over again." You don't know why, but you laughed a bit after he said that.
"Are you laughing? What's so funny y/n?" He asked cocking an eyebrow.
"I don't know bro why didn't you back the file up?" You asked, still laughing.
"It's not funny, y/n." He said, looking angry.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." You said and got on him, so you were straddling him.
"Aww, you look so tired, my baby. You need to sleep." You said while pushing his hair away from his forehead so you could leave a peck on it.
Just as you were about to get off your boyfriend so he could get some rest, he used his hands to hold your hips in place.
"Y/n, don't go." He said when you turned to look at him.
"Don't tell me you want another forehead kiss, Chris." You said trying to act cool like a volcano didn't erupt in your stomach, and your kit kat wasn't dripping.
"I like it when you get mad and call me Chris." He said with that cheeky smile you fell for every single time. You just couldn't help it.
"You're so annoying, just go to be -" You couldn't even finish your sentence before he cut you off with a kiss.
"Mhm." You couldn't help but moan. His lips were so soft and warm, and his tongue moved against yours so perfectly every thought in your head vanished.
He started moving your hips back and forth on his crotch and you almost reached the road of no return, but you came back to your senses.
"Wait, chan, we can't be doing this. You're stressed, and you need to rest before you go back to work tomorrow." You said.
"Help me relieve my stress y/n you're the one who can." He said, maintaining eye contact with his beady eyes that you hated so much. Fuck him he knew how to get you and he used his tricks every single time he had the chance to.
"Okay, you got me, but I'll do all the work. Don't move a muscle, okay?" He nodded his head in agreement and you went back to kissing him.
When you felt he was hard enough, and you were wet enough you got off him to take your shorts off, and he took his pants off to reveal his cock and his tip was already glistening with precum.
You were so tempted to take him in your mouth, but you wanted this to be as fast as possible, so you scratched that thought.
You climbed back on top of him and then used your hand to position his cock at your entrance.
"Ah fuck y/n." Chan moaned as he slipped inside you and you gasped as you felt him fill you up.
You held on to the headboard of your bed for more support and started moving up and down slowly to gain a set rhythm.
Once you set the pace for your self you started going faster. You were cock drunk with the way he was stretching you out and hitting your sweet spot every time you came down. You were seeing stars.
"Fuck y/n I'm not going to last if you keep on doing this." Chan said and held your hips to slow you down.
"Good because the idea isn't for you to last." You said and took his hands off you.
You bent down to give him a kiss while rotating your hips and grinding on his cock.
"It feels so good chan. Oh my God." Your legs almost gave up on you right there and then, but you remembered that if you couldn't go on chan would take control and that would defeat the whole point of you doing this so you held on to the headboard for support and went back to the previous pace you set for yourself.
After a while Chan's groans started getting louder, and he started bucking up in to you so you knew he was about to cum.
"Fuck y/n." He groaned as he held your hips down and coated your walls white."
"Mhmm." You moaned as you rode him off his high, and went back down to kiss him before you got off to lie on the bed.
You both let out a sigh once your back hit the bed and chan pulled you in to plant a kiss on your lips.
He had that cheeky smile that you hated on his face again because he knew he won. You wished you could slap it off him.
"You love me so much." He said, teasing you.
"No, I don't, go to bed." You said and turned away from him.
"Come here." He said while laughing and pulled you close to him.
"What?" You asked after turning back to face him.
"I love you." He said while placing his head on your chest and wrapping an arm around your waist.
"I know." You replied, not wanting to give into him a second time.
"Say it back." He said.
"No." You shot back at him.
Your boyfriend just loved being a little shit and annoying the fuck out of you, so he did the best thing he could think of which was tickling you because he knew you hated it.
"Okay, okay, chan, stop, I love you too." You said through tears from laughing too much.
"Goodnight, y/n." He said.
"Goodnight, Chan." You replied and ran your hands through his hair till you both fell asleep.
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enhaheeseung · 12 hours
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Pairing: heeseung X fem reader
Warnings: crying, break up, angst, cursing, heartbreak, arguments.
Word count: 2,072k
Note: I'm just writing a few drabbles for now, hoping to get my engagement up a bit. This is really rushed, so it’s not good, but oh well.
“Babe, when are you coming to bed?”
It’s twelve am, and you have been waiting hours past your bedtime so you can finally go to sleep with your boyfriend for the first time in literal months.
It’s been a while since he started working from home, and you thought that would free up some space for you both to spend time together.
You thought you guys could go back to normal like how you used to be but now it seemed like he worked even more after being able to work from home on top of his promotion.
You received no answer, and you sighed. This had been going on for months, him ignoring you and solely focusing on work. You disappointedly slipped under the covers so you could patiently wait for him to be finished.
Staring at the clock, you counted down every minute until a full thirty minutes passed.
You decided to give it another go thinking half hour may have been enough time for him to conclude his work. “Honey, it’s so late,” your voice is groggy, eyes half opened, and you’re still worried about your boyfriend’s well-being. How could you not be when he barely ate and barely slept anymore? The last time you two spent quality time together was so long ago you couldn’t even remember. “Please come to bed. I know you’re tired.”
He snaps at your words, only increasing the annoyance that he currently feels. “Can you just stop talking, damn?!” He agitatedly shouts out of nowhere, turning his head in your direction with an angry expression plastered on his tired features.
Startled by the sudden loudness of his tone you jumped a little bit not used to him speaking to you that way. “S-sorry I was just worried” you tucked back under the covers your heart aching in your chest cause of what he said to you.
He was always on edge lately, but you never received that type of treatment from him. Ever even in your five years of dating, he has always been respectful to you.
“You’re sorry?” he scoffs. “You should be sorry I’m the one working hard every day to provide for you and all the frivolous bullshit you buy, and this is the thanks I get. Do me a favor and stop fucking bothering me while I’m working,” he rubs his temples, turning his attention back to his computer.
It most certainly wasn’t the first time he’d said such harsh words to you after your constant nagging for him to eat and sleep more, but this was the first time you felt pure anger from him, and it worried you cause he was never this bad before and you feared that as time went on like this it would just get worse.
“O-okay.” You looked at his stressed back, noticing how tense his shoulders were, and you felt bad knowing he was taking on all of the work to provide for you both. Apparently, all you were doing was bothering him, but you weren’t doing it intentionally. “I guess it’s a crime to care about my boyfriend.” Your voice broke a little, and you turned your back to him, calling it quits for the night. He could come to bed whenever he wanted.
“You know what?” He shuts the computer and sighs. “I think.” he pauses for a moment, the silence getting the best of your nerves cause you were scared about what he was going to say. “We should just break up.”
His words dangle in the air for minutes, and within those minutes, you feel tears pricking your eyes and your heart breaking into little tiny bits. “Hee-“ you sat up now, looking at him with your bloodshot eyes.
“I know you’re going to run down every reason why we shouldn’t, but I’m done. I’m tired of this, and I’m tired of talking. I can’t do it anymore, and nothing you say can ever change my mind.”
You’re left absolutely speechless too stunned to even say anything not to say he would want to hear it or listen now anyway.
You’ve spent so many long years of your life with him that you couldn’t see yourself being with anyone else besides him you thought that he was your happy ever after and to hear him say he wants to break up felt like a dream a very bad dream never in your life did you ever think he’d say the words but he did and it came out so easily like he’s been wanting to say it but only now decided to.
And the thought made you upset because if he’s been feeling this way for this long why did he even bother to string you along knowing he didn’t see a future with you anymore after your guys relationship went downhill?
In the midst of your thoughts his voice brings you back to the present. “I’ll call your mom in the morning so you can get all your stuff and be out by tomorrow.” You don’t respond, and the only thing you hear for the next few hours is typing on a keyboard.
You would go to the sofa, but you’re literally glued to the bed, paralyzed by grief.
The tears wouldn’t stop flowing, and they definitely didn’t stop once he came to bed. If anything, they got worse when you felt his warmth so close to you but yet so far away.
He tried slipping his hand around your waist, but you slapped it away. “Don’t touch me,” you say through your heartbroken cries.
He immediately retracted his hand, a little surprised at first by how quickly you rejected his touch.
He didn’t care really he just thought it might comfort you a little so you could sleep since you’ve been up crying for literally hours but it didn’t matter one way or the other to him as he turned on his side and shut his lamp off.
Heeseung slept soundly while you lay awake, crying every last tear you had left in you.
When morning struck, heeseungs alarm woke him up. His eyes shot open, and he quickly grabbed his phone, turning the awful sound off.
He turned towards your side of the bed and patted the soft material in search of your warmth, but he found none.
His eyes opened, and he was met with a few luggage bags that looked to be packed already. He sat up confused for a moment until memories of last night flooded his mind.
He heard a rustle coming from the closet, and you appeared a second later, already fully dressed this early in the morning. Usually, you would still be asleep when he started work.
But obviously, today was different.
His eyes shifted throughout the room. Most of your stuff was already gone.
As you walked to each end of the room collecting your stuff, his eyes followed you, watching your every movement.
The moment he saw you grabbing all your ornaments, he felt an ache in his chest.
You didn’t have much in the bedroom, but those little ornaments had you written all over them, and it was one of the few things that made it obvious to him that he wasn’t living alone, and seeing them all getting wiped out made him feel sick to his stomach. “Y/n?” He mumbled out while nervously picking at his nails.
You didn’t answer. Of course, you didn’t. He said he was done talking, and so were you. Last night, you came to terms with this. It took hours, but you just accepted it.
You had to.
Were you going to miss him?
Was it going to hurt?
But you didn’t want to be in his life if he didn’t want you to be in his.
You continued to pick up the little porcelain cat decorations, and that’s when he decided to slip out from under the covers and walk over to you, standing behind you and taking the figurine from your hand, setting it back down where it had been sitting for the last couple of years. “I’m sorry,” he whispered in your ear while back hugging you, the warmth of his bare chest sending electricity throughout your body. “About last night, sweetheart, I was just tired and said a lot of things I didn’t mean, and I know that it sounds like a shitty excuse, but I really didn’t mean it, baby. I’ve just been so stressed lately, and I hate myself for taking it out on you. I’m so sorry I made you cry.” he closed his eyes, inhaling your scent, the one he’d been missing for months.
You hated yourself for the way you melted into his arms after all the things he said to you last night, but it’s just been so long since you felt his touch on you that you couldn’t help it.
You leaned into him, his body pressing flush against yours. It felt so good being in his strong arms again.
But as fast as you melted, you hardened up even quicker, slipping out of his grasp.
You started packing up your things again, keeping a good distance from him because right now you know you could easily forgive him, but you didn’t want to because there’s no way he could say what he said to you last night and change up so quickly in the morning you weren’t falling for it.
When you walked by him, he quickly extended his hand, grabbing you by your elbow, pulling you into his chest, and hugging you closely. “Little one, please forgive me.” he rested his chin atop your head, stroking your back softly. “I need you. Love, without you, I don’t have anything, you know that. Remember, I’ve told you so many times everything I do is all for you. I know I made a mistake, but I’m sorry. Please forgive me, please?” His voice shook slightly, and you could feel just how fast his heart was beating against your chest and the words were on the tip of your tongue, but for the way you feel right now, you think breaking up would just be for the best.
You two were living different lives, and the compatibility wasn’t aligned anymore. As much as you hated living a life without him, the thought of living a life where he was working and you were being neglected was something you hated even more.
Your breath got caught in your throat the moment his lips pressed against your neck. “Please,” he begged in between each soft kiss he left on your neck. “Say something, please,” he sniffles softly and rests his palms over your stomach.
You peeled his hand off your body, turning around to tell him that you were done straight to his face, but it was so hard cause he looked absolutely distraught. “Heeseung, I’m leaving, and that’s final.”
The sob he let out almost made you break down in tears yourself. He tried to cover it by cupping his mouth, but it was too late. It was one of the most heartbreaking things you’ve ever heard from him, and you had to leave now before you ended up forgiving him.
You quickly grabbed your things, wheeling them to the front door with him close behind you. “I can’t let you go, y/n. I-I love you.” his arms were secured around you again, and you stood there, trying to remain as emotionless as possible until he finally let go of you. “So that’s just it? What am I supposed to do without you, baby?” He asked warm tears running down his cheeks he looked so sad and vulnerable.
“You said you were tired of talking, and at this point, so am I. Goodbye, heeseung. I hope work treats you better than I ever could.” You unlocked the front door and opened it.
“Enough!” You shouted at him, losing your patience finally and letting all your months of pent-up anger get the best of you.
He stood there completely stunned by you raising your voice at him, and it left him speechless.
Even though his mouth was parted like he wanted to say something, the words just never made their way out.
The last thing you saw before slamming the door was his sad, tearful expression, but this was what he asked for, and he got it.
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
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valkyriexo · 2 days
Not sure if this is a hurt/comfort request but, I worked out too hard despite my body telling me to stop and ended up throwing up....if y/n did that, bff/bf SKZ would be so upset but probably comfort her right? That's what I'd like to think 🩶
They comfort you when you overwork yourself | OT8
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ᑉ³pairing; Boyfriend!OT8 x Reader
ᑉ³genre;comfort, Headcannon
ᑉ³warnings; Implied female reader, nausea (not described just mentioned in Bin's and Seungmin's), fainting, mentions of food, mentions of pregnacy, mentions of anxiety, use of petnames.
ᑉ³authors note; I didnt know if you wanted this to be texts or a drabble so i did them as small drabbles/headcannons. i tried to make it short and sweet! Hope you enjoy :)
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╰┈➤ Chan
BF!Chan comes home exhausted after a long day of endless schedules and responsibilities. All he wants now is to be home, to find comfort and peace in your arms. As he unlocked the door to your apartment, he expected to be greeted by your familiar sounds of your laughter or the soft hum of music playing in the background. He knows your always home at this time.
But instead, there was silence.
Frowning, Chan steps inside, immediately noticing the unusual quiet. "Y/N?" he calls out, his voice echoing in the stillness. He puts his stuff down, waiting for a response.
When he hears nothing, worry starts to eat at him. Concern grows as he searches the apartment, his heart pounding faster with each empty room. He checks the living room, the kitchen, and finally heads down the hallway. Then he finds you, huddled on the bathroom floor, your body curled in on itself as tears streamed down your cheeks.
"Y/N?" Chan's voice is full of concern as he knelt beside you, his hands trembling as he reached out to gently touch your shoulder. "What happened baby? Are you hurt?"
You looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, your face contorted in pain. "Chan," you choked out, your voice thick with tears.
Chan's heart races as he cups your face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. "Hey, hey, it's okay baby. It's okay..." he coos. "Tell me what's wrong. Are you in pain?"
You shake your head weakly, trying to find the words. "I'm just... so tired. I pushed myself too hard, I think….."
His worry turns into a mix of panic and frustration. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well? I could have helped you," he says.
"You should have taken it easy." He scolds gently, his love for you clear in his eyes. "Why do you always try to handle everything alone? Ask me to help you. You don't have to do anything by yourself."
You flinch slightly at his words, and he immediately softens, guilt hitting him. "I'm sorry, love. I just... I can't stand seeing you like this."
Chan quickly helps you up, supporting your weight as he guides you to the bedroom. He lays you down gently, covering you with a blanket before sitting beside you, still holding your hand.
You look up at him, tears still in your eyes. "I didn't want to worry you. I thought... I thought I could handle it."
He sighs deeply, brushing your hair back from your face. "Your health is more important than anything baby. Please, promise me you'll take better care of yourself." As he speaks, he intertwines his fingers with yours, gently caressing your hand with his thumb.
You nod weakly, and he leans down to kiss your forehead. "I'm going to get you some water and medicine, yeah? Just rest, baby"
He returns with a tray delicately balanced in his hands, bearing not just water and medicine, but also crackers and a bowl of sliced fruits. Setting it down beside you, he arranges everything with care, making sure it's within your reach.
"Here, my love," he says softly, offering you the water and medicine first. "Take these, they'll help you feel better."
As you take them, he sets aside the tray and pulls off his shirt, revealing the warmth of his skin as he climbs into bed beside you. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close, ready to snuggle and provide you with the comfort and warmth you deserve.
"I love you more than anything, Y/N," he murmurs, his voice filled with genuine tenderness. "Seeing you like this breaks my heart. All I want is for you to be happy and healthy. Please, let me take care of you. I'll do anything to make you feel better."
╰┈➤ Minho
BF!Minho whose heart raced as he practically ran to your apartment, his footsteps echoing down the hallway as he approached your door. Without hesitation, he knocked urgently, the sound repeating through the quiet corridor.
You're taken aback by the forcefulness of the knocking, and hurried to open the door. Your eyes widened in surprise as they see Minho standing there, a mixture of relief and concern evident on his face.
"So, it is true. You went home early," he says, his voice filled with worry as he takes in your tired appearance. He steps closer, his hand gently lifting your chin so he can look into your eyes. His touch is gentle yet firm, as if trying to read your emotions and assess your well-being in that moment.
"Are you okay? What happened?" he asks softly.
You hesitate for a moment, but the concern in Minho's eyes prompts you to open up.
"I... I pushed myself too hard," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "I got really dizzy during practice, and they sent me home."
Without a word, he steps into your house, causing you to stumble back a little. He turns to face you, his gaze gentle but firm. 
"Y/N," he begins, his voice stern, "I know you're passionate about what you do, but pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion isn't healthy. You need to take better care of yourself."
You lower your gaze, feeling guilty at Minho's gentle scolding.
"But I just wanted to be as good of a dancer as you," you admit softly, your voice filled with sincerity. "I see you always working so hard, and it's like I have to work twice as hard just to be as good as your mark."
Minho's expression softens at your words, his heart sinking lower and lower.
"Oh.. baby.." he says softly. "I never wanted you to feel like you have to measure up to anyone, especially not me. " He pulls you into a comforting embrace, holding you close as if to shield you from any further self-doubt or guilt.
"You know," he continues "I work so hard because I want to impress you, to be someone worthy of your love and admiration. But you, my love, you don't have to do anything. You just breathe, and I'm in awe."
As he holds you close, he brushes his lips against your forehead. "Besides… you're my favorite dancer, and nothing can change that," he murmurs softly.
"I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel like you're not enough," he adds. "Please don't ever feel like you have to prove yourself to anyone, especially not me. You're enough, more than enough, just as you are."
With a gentle smile, he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Let me take care of you," he says softly, his voice warm and reassuring. "Why don't you rest while I cook something delicious for you? You deserve to be pampered, my love."
╰┈➤ Changbin
BF!Binnie whose eyes would light up with excitement whenever you mentioned joining him at the gym. He'd practically beam with joy as he eagerly planned out the workout session in his mind.
Eager to impress, you dive headfirst into each exercise, pushing your limits with fervor. Each movement was deliberate, fueled by the desire to match Binnie's pace. With every set, you pushed yourself further, determined to keep up with him. But as the intensity mounted, so did your breathlessness. Your heart raced, and a dizzying sensation began to cloud your focus.
Finally, as you finished another grueling round, he couldn't stay silent any longer.
"Hey, slow down," he said. "You're pushing yourself too hard." With a gentle touch, he placed a hand on your shoulder, his touch both comforting and grounding.
Despite his gentle urging, you stubbornly waved off his concern, convinced that you could handle the intensity of the workout. Ignoring the protests of your body, you pushed through each exercise, wanted to impress him and prove him wrong.
But as the minutes stretched into hours, the strain began to take its toll. Your muscles burned with exhaustion, and a dull ache settled in your joints.
Then, without warning, a wave of nausea hit you, causing your stomach to churn uncomfortably. With a sudden urgency, you broke away from the workout, stumbling towards the nearest bathroom.
Afterwards, You barely had a moment to collect yourself before you heard Bin's voice outside. "Y/N, are you okay?" he called out anxiously.
Your breaths came in ragged gasps as you leaned heavily against the bathroom sink, the cool porcelain providing a small measure of relief against the relentless churning in your stomach.
Summoning every ounce of strength, you managed to call out in a strained voice, "I'm... I'm okay, just... just need a minute." Each word felt like a struggle as you fought to maintain composure in the face of overwhelming nausea.
As the feeling began to subside, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the inevitable conversation awaiting you outside the bathroom. With shaky legs, you straightened up, using the sink for support as you prepared to face him.
As you opened the door, you were met with his concerned gaze, his brows furrowed with worry.
"I told you to slow down," he scolded. "Why didn't you listen?"
Your throat tightened with a surge of remorse as you struggled to find the right words. "I... I wanted to keep up with you," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I thought I could do it."
Bin's concern deepened at your admission, his eyes searching yours. But as you faltered under his gaze, his scolding took on a more urgent tone.
"What if you got hurt, Y/N?" he pressed, "You can't do that. You can't put yourself at risk like that."
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the distant hum of the gym. "I really didn't mean to..."
His expression softened at your apology, his features relaxing as he wrapped his arms gently around you, pulling you close against his chest. He pressed soft kisses to your forehead, your temples, and your shoulders.
"I know you didn't," he murmured, his voice softening as time went on. "But please, don't ever do that again. I'm your boyfriend, Y/N. I'm supposed to protect you, but I can't do that if you don't listen."
Yet, beneath the worry, there was an unmistakable depth of love. His touch was gentle, his presence comforting as he held you close
"I just want to make sure you're safe and happy and okay," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "I love you so much, Y/N."
╰┈➤ Hyunjin
BF!Hyunjin who sat inside the dimly lit restaurant, the soft glow of the lights casting shadows across his tense features. He checked his phone for what felt like the hundredth time, his fingers tapping anxiously against the screen as he scrolled through his messages.
"Where are you?" he texted again, his words tinged with worry. "Are you on your way?"
After what felt like hours he sighed. With a heavy heart, he abandoned his seat at the restaurant and hailed a cab, his mind racing with a million questions and worst-case scenarios.
When he arrived at your doorstep, the knot of worry in his chest tightened. With trembling hands, he knocked on the door, his heart pounding in his ears as he waited for a response.
"Y/N? Are you here?" His voice echoed in the quiet stillness of the night. He knocked again, the sound repeating through the empty hallway. "We were supposed to meet for our date. Did you forget?" he said, his voice full of frustration. "You never forget..."
But there was no answer, only silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Hyunjin pushed open the door, his voice trembling as he called out to you.
"Y/N? Where are you?" Panic began to bubble up inside him as he stepped into the interior of your home. 
And then he saw you, lying on the couch, your face pale and drawn, your body shivering. Relief flooded through him at the sight of you, but it was quickly overshadowed by a surge of concern.
Hyunjin's heart leaped into his throat as he rushed to your side, his hands trembling. "Baby, what's wrong?" he exclaimed. "Are you okay? Are you not feeling well?"
His eyes scanned your pale face, taking in every detail with a frantic intensity. The sight of you lying there, vulnerable and unwell, sent a surge of worry coursing through him, drowning out any other thoughts or concerns.
"I'm sorry about our date," you whispered, your voice filled with remorse. "I didn't mean to ruin it..."
But Hyunjin shook his head, his expression softening with understanding. "Forget about the date," he insisted, his voice gentle yet firm. "What matters is if you're okay."
Hyunjin's hand gently cupped your cheek, his touch warm and reassuring as he looked into your eyes. With a shaky breath, you met his gaze, a silent plea for forgiveness shining in your eyes.
"I was working out and overdid it," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't listen to my body telling me to stop."
A crease formed between Hyunjin's brows as he absorbed your words, his concern deepening. "You should have known better than to overdo it like this." His tone softened slightly as he continued, "I care about you, Y/N, and seeing you like this worries me."
"Promise me you'll listen to your body next time," he implored. "I can't bear to see you hurting like this again."
"I promise," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity. 
With a tender expression, Hyunjin reached out and gently pulled you into his arms. "Come here, my pretty girl," he murmured softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
He gently wrapped a cozy blanket around the both of you, ensuring that you were snug and warm against the chill of the night. "There, that's better," he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
As you nestled closer to him, the warmth of his embrace enveloping you, you couldn't help but shiver involuntarily, the cold of the night still seeping through despite the blanket.
Feeling you tremble, he tightened his hold around you, his arms a comforting barrier against the chill. "I've got you, baby," he murmured softly, "It's okay, I've got you."
╰┈➤ Han
BF!Han who watched with growing concern as you attempted to eat the food he had brought over, only to see you struggle to keep it down. The worry lines deepened on his forehead as he observed your distress. 
"Y/N, what's happening?" he asked gently, his voice tinged with concern. "You can't keep anything down. Are you feeling sick?"
You shook your head, a frustrated sigh escaping your lips. "I don't know, Han," you admitted, feeling defeated. "I've been feeling off lately, but I thought some food might help..... I guess I was wrong."
His brows furrowed with anxiety as he took in your pale complexion and the way you wilted before him, your body clearly unable to keep down even a bite of food. "Are you in pain?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly with worry. "Do you need to see a doctor?"
When you didn't reply, he was even more concerned, his mind racing with worry for your well-being.
After a few moments of tense silence, his concern reached a breaking point, and without thinking, the words spilled out of him in a rush of worry.
"Are you pregnant?" he blurted out, regretting it seconds later.
The shock of his question reverberated through the room, your eyes widening in surprise at his unexpected question. For a moment, neither of you spoke, the weight of his words sinking in.
"I... no, Han," you stammered, shaking your head in disbelief. "I'm not pregnant. I just... I've been overworking myself, that's all."
A mixture of relief and embarrassment washed over Han as he realized the gravity of his assumption. "I'm sorry," he murmured, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I didn't mean to jump to conclusions. I just... I'm worried about you, Y/N."
Your heart softened at his genuine concern, and you reached out to gently place a hand on his arm. "It's okay, Hannie," you reassured him, offering a small smile. "Thank you for caring. But I promise, I'm okay. I'll take better care of myself from now on."
As you spoke, Han's concern only deepened, feeling a bit guilty for not being able to ease your discomfort or offer a solution to your distress.
"How can i help you baby?," he asked softly. "Seeing you like this... it hurts, Y/N. I hate feeling so powerless."You could hear the anguish in his voice, and your heart squeezed with empathy.
"Han," you said gently, "you being here for me means more than you know. Sometimes, just knowing that you care is enough."
His eyes met yours. "I do care, Y/N," he whispered, his voice laced with sincerity. "More than anything. I just want you to be okay."
Seeing the exhaustion in your eyes, he gently brushed a strand of hair from your face. "Maybe you should rest," he suggested softly. "I'll make you some tea."
He stood up and tucked the blanket more snugly around you, ensuring you were warm and comfortable. As he moved toward the kitchen, you could hear the quiet clinking of the kettle and the rustle of tea bags, his actions filled with tender care
╰┈➤ Felix
BF!Felix whos heart drops when he receives a text from you saying you wouldn't be able to make it tonight. Felix stared at his phone screen, reading and rereading your message, trying to make sense of it. His mind raced with confusion. He knew how much you had been looking forward to the evening. You had been expressing it to him all week, and now there was a sudden change of plans.
You had been the one eagerly counting down the days until tonight, talking animatedly about the plans and the fun you would have. Felix couldn't understand why you wouldn't want to go now, especially after all the anticipation.
After a moment of hesitation, he decided to give you a call, hoping to get some clarity on the situation.
With trembling fingers, he dialed your number, each ring feeling like an eternity as he waited for you to pick up. Finally, on the third ring, he heard your voice on the other end, though it sounded weary and subdued.
"Hey, it's me," Felix said softly, his concern evident in his voice. "I got your message… Is everything okay? I thought you were excited about tonight."
"Yeah, I'm just not feeling well," you explained.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Felix asked gently. There was a hesitant pause on the other end of the line before you responded, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I appreciate it, Felix," you replied softly, your words heavy. "I just... I don't want to ruin everyone's night"
Felix's heart ached at your words, realizing that you were trying to protect him and his friends from whatever was troubling you. He wished he could take away whatever was weighing on your mind and make everything better.
"You could never ruin anything," He reassured you. There was a long pause before you responded, and Felix held his breath, waiting anxiously. "Do you need me to bring you some soup, or maybe some medicine? Is it your head, or...?"
He was desperate to understand, his mind racing through all the possibilities. He couldn't stand the thought of you suffering alone.
Before he could finish his sentence, you interrupted him, your voice barely above a whisper as you finally let your guard down. "I just... I overdid it today," you admitted, the words heavy with exhaustion and regret. "I'm sorry, Felix. I pushed myself too hard, and now I feel terrible."
Felix's heart ached at your confession, and he could hear the strain in your voice. "Oh, Y/N," he murmured softly, his concern deepening. "You should have told me sooner. I would've come to help you. Don't apologize, okay? Just focus on resting. I'll take care of everything."
He paused, then added with a gentle firmness, "I'm coming over with some soup and medicine. And I'm staying to make sure you get some rest. "
There was a hint of surprise in your voice as you responded, "You don't have to do that, Felix. Don’t cancel your plans. I know you were also excited to go."
But Felix wouldn't hear any of it. "I want to be there for you, my love," he insisted. "Nothing is more important to me than you. I'll be there soon."
Before you could protest further, Felix was already making arrangements, his mind set on ensuring you were taken care of. The thought of spending the evening out with friends paled in comparison to the need to be by your side.
╰┈➤ Seungmin
Bf!Seungmin who had been looking forward to his lunch break all morning, eager to spend some time with you and enjoy a meal together. But as he made his way to your workplace with lunch in hand, he was surprised to find your desk empty, your coworkers looking equally puzzled by your absence. Concern gnawed at Seungmin's mind as he approached your manager, hoping to find some answers.
"Excuse me," Seungmin began. "Do you happen to know where Y/N is? I brought her lunch, but she's not at her desk."
The manager's expression shifted as they replied, "I'm sorry, she called in sick today."
Seungmin's heart dropped at the news, his concern for you growing stronger by the second. Without another word, he hastily left the office, determined to find out what was going on.
His footsteps quickened as he rushed to your apartment. With each passing moment, his concern for you only grew stronger, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in his chest.
When he arrived at your apartment, he was met with an empty space, devoid of any signs of your presence. Panic began to set in as Seungmin frantically searched every room, calling out your name in desperation.
But his efforts were in vain, and there was no trace of you to be found.
Pulling out his phone, he dialed your number repeatedly, each call going unanswered. He then decided to reach out to your friends, hoping that someone would have some answers.
One by one, he called each of your closest friends, his voice trembling as he asked if they had seen or heard from you. But each call yielded the same result;
No one knew where you were.
Just as he was starting to lose hope, a familiar voice answered the phone."Seungmin? Is everything okay?" the voice asked, " You dont usually call me."
Seungmin wasted no time in explaining the situation, his words tumbling out in a rush as he desperately sought answers.
"I... I don't know where Y/N is," he admitted. "I went to her work and her apartment, but she's not there. Do you know where she might be?"
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before your friend spoke up.
"I'm so sorry, Seungmin," they said softly. "Y/N was admitted into the hospital last night. She's was really sick."
Seungmin's heart stopped at the news. Without another word, he hung up the phone and rushed to the hospital,
He burst through the hospital doors, his eyes scanning the crowded lobby until they landed on the reception desk. He approached the receptionist, his voice urgent as he demanded to know where you were. The receptionist's expression softened at Seungmin's distress, and they quickly pulled up your information on their computer. With a sympathetic smile, they directed him to the room where you were being treated.
He wasted no time, his heart pounding in his ears as he made his way through the maze of corridors until he finally reached your room. With a deep breath, he pushed open the door, his eyes widening in shock at the sight before him.
There you were, lying in the hospital bed, pale and weak, but still undeniably beautiful. Seungmin's heart clenched at the sight, anger and concern hitting him as he took in your fragile state.
"Y/N, what the hell happened?" Seungmin demanded, his voice full of frustration and fear. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Why did you let me worry like this?" He's fighting the tears from falling form his eyes as he rushed to your side.
"I was so worried," Seungmin confessed, his voice breaking. "I thought... I thought I had lost you. No one knew where you were and i..i-i," he stuttered.
Your heart ached at the pain in his voice, and you reached out to him, pulling him into a gentle embrace. "I'm so sorry, Min," you whispered weakly, your own tears mingling with his.
He held you close, his arms wrapped protectively around you as he buried his face in your hair, breathing in your familiar scent. In that moment, all the anger and fear melted away, leaving only the overwhelming relief of having you safe and sound in his arms.
"I... I overworked myself," you began, your voice barely above a whisper, "I pushed myself too hard, and I didn't take care of myself like I should have."
Seungmin listened attentively, his grip on you tightening as he absorbed your words.
"I was so stressed and exhausted," you continued, your voice trembling with emotion. "I ended up throwing up so much that I fainted, and... I woke up here."
He held you tighter, wanting to protect you from any more pain.
"They're giving me IV fluids and medication, and I already feel much better," you confessed, trying to ease how bad the situation w as. "But I'm so sorry for not telling you. I didn't realize it would worry you this much."
Seungmin's eyes softened as he pulled back to look at you. "Y/N, you never have to apologize for needing help or for being honest with me," he said gently. "I would rather know what you're going through, even if it's difficult, so that I can be there for you."
"I'm just glad you're okay," he continued "I don't ever want to go through something like this again. Please, promise me you'll always tell me when something's wrong."
You nodded against his chest, feeling the weight of his words settle in your heart. "I promise, baby. I'll never keep anything from you again."
╰┈➤ Jeongin
BF!Jeongin who's eyes widen when you text him a list of medications you need while hes out at the store. He immedicantly texts you back, concerned.
"Hey, Y/N," he said, tapping away at his phone, "why do you need all of this stuff? Are you feeling okay?"
Your response was slow to come, and when it did, it was vague and evasive. "I'm just not feeling great. Please, can you just grab everything on the list?"
Jeongin frowned, his worry growing with each passing moment. He knew you well enough to sense when something was off, and he wasn't about to let you brush off your health concerns so easily.
"I'm on my way," Jeongin replied firmly, determined to find out what was wrong.
But not before picking up what you need, of course.
When he arrived at your place, his arms were laden with bags filled with every type of medicine imaginable. He barged through the door, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on you sitting on the couch, looking pale and tired.
"Y/N, what's going on?" Jeongin demanded. "Why do you need all of this stuff? Are you okay?"
You tried to brush off his questions with a weak smile, but Jeongin wasn't having any of it. He knelt down in front of you, his eyes searching yours for answers.
"I just feel... nauseous," you finally admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I feel sick."
Jeongin's brows furrowed deeper, his concern intensifying as he listened to your vague explanation. "But why, Y/N? What happened? Was it something you ate? Or do you think it's a stomach bug?"
Your evasion only seemed to frustrate Jeongin further. He had come prepared to help you, but your reluctance to share the full extent of your troubles was testing his patience.
"Y/N, please," Jeongin urged, getting more frustrated by the second. "I need to know what's going on so I can help you. You can't just brush this off like it's nothing."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you felt the weight of Jeongin's worry. You knew he only wanted what was best for you, but the thought of burdening him with your troubles felt overwhelming.
"I... I pushed myself too hard," you finally confessed, your voice barely audible, "and got sick."
"Y/N," he said gently, after a few minutes. "why did you push yourself so hard? You know you don't have to do everything alone, right?"
Tears fell from your eyes as you nodded. You knew he was right, but the pressure to succeed and meet expectations had driven you to ignore your own limits.
Jeongin reached out to gently wipe away your tears. "You don't have to be perfect, Y/N," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity. "and it's okay to ask for help when you need it. That's what I'm here for baby. "
His arms enveloped you with a tenderness that was almost palpable. His touch was gentle, as if he feared even the slightest pressure might cause you discomfort. With infinite care, he cradled you against his chest. Feeling his lips against your skin, you couldn't help but close your eyes, savoring the moment of intimacy shared between you. 
With a soft sigh, Jeongin finally broke away, though his touch remained gentle and reassuring. He reached beside him, grabbing hold of a multitude of bags and packages, their contents carefully chosen with you in mind.
"I brought you this," he said softly, as he began to unpack the items he had brought. "And this... and this... and... well, a lot of things, really."
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of the array of items spread out before you. There were medications and remedies for your illness, carefully chosen to help ease your discomfort. But amidst the practical items, there were also thoughtful additions—a plush teddy bear, your favorite snacks, and a variety of drinks to keep you hydrated.
"Jeongin, you really didn't have to do all this," you murmured.
But Jeongin simply shook his head, his eyes filled with sincerity as he met your gaze. "I did it because I love you, Y/N," he said softly, his voice unwavering. "And I always want to make sure you're okay."
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There's No Hope In Endless Winter
Natasha has been gone on a long mission, so when she comes home, she just wants to spend time with you. But, you have news for her.
A/N: Yeahhhh, sorry bout this one- I also couldn't seem to come up with a decent summary sooooo...yeah. It's angsty and not really happy at all. Just kinda sad, all the way around.
TW: Panic/Anxiety, Depression, Reader has a medical emergency
Word Count: 4.5k
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With a ghost-like silence, Natasha Romanoff floated into the bedroom of her shared New York apartment. It had been three long months since she had been on her no-contact S.H.I.E.L.D. mission, jetting her across the world to track and assassinate a major drug kingpin after infiltrating his cartel for vital information. She could hardly contain her excitement to see your face again, to feel the warmth of your body in her arms. The room was pitch-black, but even in the darkness, she could make out the familiar outline of their bed. You must have fallen asleep hours ago, presumably exhausted from your work as a personal trainer.
Natasha's muscles ached from the long flight and the countless hours of physical exertion during her mission. She stripped off her clothes, revealing her toned, scarred body, and crawled under the sheets. The bed's softness and the sheets' coolness felt like heaven after so many nights spent on hard mattresses, back seats, and cold floors. She snuggled in close to you, breathing in your familiar scent, and let out a contented sigh. Nat buried her face into the crook of your neck, causing you to sigh. Even though she knew that you were fast asleep, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging in your shared space. 
Natasha being gone always sent your emotions in a spiral. The anxiety and panic that she felt on any given day only worsened as time went on. Your constant worry for your wife would typically result in you holed up in Natasha's room at the compound, drowning yourself in Natasha's clothes, burrowed into her bed until she returned. It was actions like this that had Wanda and Clint checking in with you regularly when they weren't on their missions.
It was one of these check-ins that finally forced a hand for you. Wanda had stopped by, worried because you, her best friend hadn't been responding to her messages or calls. When Wanda went to your gym, the manager said you had been canceling all your appointments. This was highly unlike you, as you had been known as a reliable, punctual trainer. Wanda's attention was piqued. 
"What do you mean, she's been canceling?" an incredulous tone came from the brunette.
"She hasn't shown up for any of her clients for the last week and a half," the manager said, shrugging helplessly. "I've tried calling her, but she never picks up. She left a note on her desk, and has called all her clients herself, telling them they can schedule with someone else."
"When was her last session?" Wanda probed further. 
"Monday," he stated flatly, as he was walking around wiping down some of the equipment. "She was training with one of her regulars and passed out. We sent her home after she refused to take an ambulance. We asked her to stay home for a couple of days, rest, and relax. Apparently, she needed more than that."
This concerned Wanda, so she decided to check on you. She thought you had been doing better in Natasha's absences. As she approached your room, she could hear the soft snores coming from within. Taking a deep breath, she carefully opened the door, revealing you curled up in a ball on the bed. Your usually neat hair was a messy tangle around your head, and you were wearing one of Natasha's oversized shirts. Seeing her friend like this tugged at Wanda's heartstrings.
"Hey Y/N," she whispered, stepping into the room. "You okay?"
You let out a soft groan but didn't stir. Wanda walked over to the bed and gently nudged you awake. "Hey, wakey, wakey. It's me, Wanda. Honey, what's wrong?"
You mumbled something incoherent before burying your face into the pillow, trying to block out the world. "I can't do this anymore," you finally manage to get out. "I miss her so much." 
Wanda sighed, rubbing your back in a comforting manner.
"I know you miss her, Y/N. We all do. But you can't let it consume you like this. You're not being fair to yourself. Natasha would want you to take care of yourself and be strong." Her voice was soft and gentle. "Look at you. You're not eating right, you're not sleeping, and you're not working out. You're not the Y/N I know."
You sighed, looking out the window to avoid the green orbs that were looking straight back at you. "I know," you curl into yourself further. "But, I need her here Wands. I'm scared and alone."
Wanda frowns, sitting down on the bed next to you. "You're not alone, Y/N. You've got all of us. We're your family. We're here for you." She reaches over and takes your hand, squeezing it. "You know that, right?"
You look over at her, your expression softening slightly. "Yeah, I know." You take a deep breath and wipe your eyes. 
"Now, Y/N. When was the last time you ate more than a protein bar or a banana?" Wanda asked, looking at the fruit peels in the trash and the wrappers on your nightstand. "Your boss told me you fainted at work."
You shrugged, "I'm not sure. A few days ago?"
Wanda rolled her eyes. "Okay, that's it. You're coming with me. We're going out to eat. You can't keep living off of protein bars and bananas. You need real food." She helped you up off the bed and led you to the bathroom to wash your face. 
"I don't feel right."
"You're not feeling right because you're not eating right," Wanda replied, giving you a reassuring pat on the back. "Come on, let's get some food and then we can talk about how you're going to get back on track with your training. You're better than this, Y/N." She stops when she realizes that you're standing firm in the middle of your room. You look pale, eyes sunken in, and like you haven't been sleeping. 
"That's not what I mean, Wanda."
You took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts. "I feel...off. Not just because I'm not eating right. Something...else. It's like..." You trailed off, struggling to find the words.
Wanda placed a hand on your shoulder, her expression concerned. "Y/N, do you think you might be coming down with something? You seem to be feeling under the weather lately."
"Maybe," you mumble, rubbing your arm. "I don't know. It's just...weird."
"Tell me what your symptoms are, Y/N."
You sigh, trying to wrap your head around how you've been feeling of late. "It started when I was in the middle of a training session..." you started.
Wanda's eyes widened, "What? You kept going even when you didn't feel right?" You nodded, and her frown deepened. She led you back to the bed, so you could sit down.
"Do you have a fever?" she asked, feeling your forehead. You shook your head. "What about chills?" She glanced at the air conditioner, which was blowing cool air. "No, I guess not."
"Not a fever, but I've been getting terrible night sweats."
Wanda raised an eyebrow, "Night sweats? That's not good."
You shrugged, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze. "I'm just not myself, Wanda. I don't know what's wrong with me."
"What else have you been feeling?" she asked further, rubbing your knee comfortingly.
"My muscles ache all the time. And I'm just...tired." You yawned, rubbing your eyes. "Even when I sleep, I don't feel rested."
Wanda frowned. "This doesn't sound good. You should probably go see a doctor." She paused, looking at you with concern. 
"I'm scared, Wanda."
Wanda took your hand and squeezed it. "Hun, it's just a doctor's visit. It'll be ok." You shook your head, just wanting this conversation to be over. "You probably just caught a bug or something."
The next day, the two of you made your way to the doctor's office, where Wanda sat with you through the entire vitals process. The nurse turned to you after gathering some information and asked you if you wanted Wanda there during the following line of questioning.
"No, that's fine," you mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed. 
"So, what brings you in today? Your notes on the check-in sheet are pretty vague."
You took a deep breath, not sure where to begin. "Well, I've been feeling really tired lately. Like I can't sleep, even when I want to. And my muscles ache all the time. It's been going on for a few weeks now, and it's starting to get to me." the nurse jotted some things down, before allowing you to continue. 
"I have been feeling sluggish and sore for 2-3 weeks, I just thought it was me pushing my workouts too far at first."
The nurse nodded sympathetically and continued her questions. "Have you noticed any changes in your appetite or weight?" You hesitated for a moment, not wanting to admit to Wanda that you hadn't been eating right. "Well, I haven't been eating as much as I should have, but I don't think I've lost or gained any weight." The nurse made some more notes. "Well, Y/N, it does look like you have lost some weight since your last visit 4 months ago. Have you been experiencing any night sweats or fevers?"
You shook your head. "Just the sweats, but not as bad as they used to be." You glanced over at Wanda, who was looking at you with concern. "I've been feeling...off, you know? Just not myself."
"Is there anything else?"
"Yes," you stutter. Wanda's eyes shot up at this admission. "I was helping one of my clients use the pulldown machine, demonstrating what I wanted them to do." the nurse continued to take notes, indicating for you to go on. Wanda shifted in her seat as you continued. "I felt a grab in my underarm like I was using the machine wrong," you sighed. "The pain continued throughout the day, and wouldn't go away. I didn't think anything of it till I got home."
"And when you got home, what happened?" the nurse prompted.
"Well, I felt sore all over, but especially my chest, for some reason," you started, Wanda covering her mouth as you recounted what happened. "So, while I took a bath to try and loosen up, I checked both armpits to see if there was something I was missing. I kinda probed and kneaded at my underarms, and felt a large bump, here." you lifted your arm, indicating where you felt the lump.
"And what did the lump feel like?" the nurse asked, scribbling more notes.
"It wasn't hard or anything, but it was...different," you said, struggling to find the words. "It just didn't feel like the rest of my skin." You glanced at Wanda, who was looking at you with a mixture of shock and concern. "At first, I thought it was just a knot or something, but it's been there for days now, and it's not going away."
The nurse nodded, making some more notes. "I see. Well, I'm going to have the doctor look at this when we're done with your vitals. Just give me a call if there's anything else you think might be important."
As the nurse left the room, Wanda grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly. "Oh, hun, I'm so sorry. I had no idea this was going on. Why didn't you call me?"
"I didn't want to worry you," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. "I thought it was just a knot or something. I didn't realize..." Your voice trailed off as you fought back tears.
The examination room door opened, and the doctor came in. "Y/N, hello," he said, offering his hand. "I understand you've been experiencing some discomfort. Why don't you tell me about it, and we'll see what we can do."
You related the story again, feeling embarrassed but relieved to have someone who seemed to take you seriously. The doctor listened carefully, nodding along, and then asked to feel the lump in your armpit. "Hmm...I'm going to need to get some tests done to determine what's going on here. In the meantime, I want you to rest as much as possible, and avoid any strenuous activity until we know more. Okay?"
"Okay," you replied, feeling a mix of relief and fear. 
The doctor gave you a reassuring smile. "We'll get to the bottom of this, don't worry. We're running your blood and plasma panels, and took a sample from the lump in your underarm." He stood, reaching out his cold hand for you to shake. "We'll run these preliminary tests, and call you with the results."
You nodded, still feeling a little uneasy. As you stood, the weight of the situation began to settle heavily in your chest. You glanced over at Wanda, who was rubbing her eyes with the heels of her palms, clearly upset. "Are you okay?" you asked her.
"Honey, I should be asking you that," she offered you a weak smile, helping you out of the doctor's chair.
As you made your way out of the clinic, Wanda wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close. "I'm going to be right here with you, okay? No matter what it is." You nodded, grateful for her support. 
"Yeah, sweetie?"
"Is there really no way we can get a hold of Natasha?"
Wanda sighed, resting her head against yours. "I've been calling her all morning, but she hasn't answered. I even sent her a few texts, but when she goes no contact, that means no contact."
You nodded, understanding the unspoken rule. Even though you knew it was for her safety, it still hurt that you couldn't talk to her. You felt so alone like you were the only one going through this.
"I'm terrified, Wanda. I've never felt like this before."
Wanda hugged you tighter, her warmth offering some comfort. "I know, hon. I'm scared too. But we're going to get you through this. We'll find out what's wrong, and we'll fix it. You hear me?"
You nodded, forcing a small smile. "Yeah, I hear you. Thanks, Wanda."
The sun was starting to peek through the blinds when Natasha finally stirred. She pulled you in tighter, realizing you felt considerably thinner than she remembered. You were seemingly dead to the world, breathy snores coming from you as you tossed and turned. Natasha decided she would surprise you, so she quickly rose, kissing your forehead before running to the shower to clean up.
She knew she'd have to tread carefully when she emerged, but the anticipation of seeing your face light up was too much. As she dried her hair, she slipped on her tank top and shorts before padding over to the bed. You were still fast asleep, so she decided to head down to the kitchen, starting breakfast so you both could enjoy each other's company over a warm meal.
Coffee brewed, she laid out a spread of fruit, toast, and eggs. The scent of food wafting up the stairs drew you out of your slumber, unfortunately making your stomach churn. You wondered why Wanda was making you some food so early in the morning.
You padded into the kitchen, still half-asleep, and were greeted by the sight of Natasha, your Natasha, wearing nothing but a tank top and shorts, her hair still slightly damp from her shower. She smiled at you, a warmth spreading through your chest. "Good morning," she purred, leaning over to kiss your cheek. "I missed you, babe."
You returned her smile, albeit with an empty one. "Missed you too," you mumbled, reaching for the coffee pot. "Smells great." Natasha frowned at the lack of emotion from you, immediately becoming concerned.
She poured you a cup of coffee and set it in front of you, then sat down at the breakfast bar, watching you carefully. "Are you feeling okay, sweetheart? You don't look so well." You shrugged, not wanting to talk about it. "I'm just a little tired, that's all."
Natasha frowned, not quite convinced. "You're sure you don't want to tell me what's wrong? Maybe I can help." You looked up at her, feeling instantly guilty once you saw her expression.
"I'm sure it's nothing, really," You started. "I just...I had some tests done while you were gone."Her face softened as she reached across the counter to take your hand.
"What kind of tests, sweetheart?"
"I don't want to spring this on you right now, Nat. You just got home."
Natasha squeezed your hand gently. "You know you can tell me anything, babe. I'm here for you, through thick and thin." Her eyes pleaded with you to confide in her, and despite your best efforts to keep her out of the loop, you found yourself wanting to tell her everything.
"Okay," you finally said, taking a deep breath. "It's not something I want to talk about right now, but I will. Just...not today, okay?"
Natasha nodded, understanding that you needed time. "Okay, hun. Take your time. We can talk about it whenever you're ready. In the meantime, why don't we enjoy breakfast together? It's the least I can do while you're going through this."
"That's okay, Nat. I'm not very hungry. But you can have whatever."
She smiled, giving your hand a squeeze. "Are you sure? I made plenty."
You nodded, forcing a smile. "It looks great, though. Thanks, Nat." You worked your way slowly to the confines of your bedroom, stopping to look at your washed-out appearance. You were pale, your cheeks somewhat hallowed. The dark rings and bags under your eyes made you look like a member of the Addams family.
Natasha followed behind you, still in her tank top and shorts, concern etched into her features. "Do you want me to help you get ready for bed? Maybe take a nap with you?" she offered, her voice soft and gentle. You shook your head. "No, I just want to be alone for a bit. I'll be okay." She frowned, but nodded, knowing that these long missions were always rough for the both of you, and you often needed your own space. As you lay in bed, awaiting the call from your doctor, Natasha called Wanda.
"Hey Wands, it's me."
“Nat! Oh, my goodness it’s good to hear your voice, darling!” she started. “I bet Y/N is so glad to have you home.”
“Actually, Wanda, that’s why I’m calling.”
There was a slight pause on the other end of the line before Wanda replied, "Oh? Is everything alright?"
"Well, I wanted to check with you," Natasha began, taking a deep breath. "Y/N and I have been together for a long time, you know that. And we've been through our share of ups and downs. But something is going on right now that I feel she's not telling me, and I'm really worried about her."
There was a moment of silence on the line before Wanda spoke. "What makes you think that?" she asked, her voice gentle.
"I just know her," Natasha replied, her voice tight with worry. "She's not herself. She's distant, and I can tell she's not eating. It's like she's carrying a weight on her shoulders that I can't even begin to understand. I just want to help her, you know?"
Wanda was quiet for a moment, considering her words. "I understand where you're coming from, Natasha."
"I feel like there's a 'but' coming, Max."
"Because there is, Romanoff."
Natasha winced at the use of her last name. She knew Wanda could be annoying that way, but it still hurt sometimes. "I know Y/N doesn't want me to know or worry right now, but I need to help her. I'm her partner, her support. I can't just stand by and watch her suffer in silence."
There was a long pause on the line before Wanda finally spoke. "I understand that, Natasha. You're a good friend and a good wife. And I know you'll do whatever you can to help her through this." Her voice softened. "But I also want you to understand that this might not be the best time to push her. She's been through a lot, and she needs some time to process everything on her terms."
Natasha sighed, a deep pit forming in her stomach at the thought of what could be going on. "Wanda?" A silence followed before a hum indicated Natasha to continue. "What happened while I was gone?"
"Oh, you know," Wanda replied lightly, her tone belied by the worry in her voice. "The usual. Just the constant threat of nuclear war, a power-hungry megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur, and a team of highly skilled operatives trying to keep the world safe while balancing their personal lives."
"Wanda, that's not what I meant."
"I know, Nat. I'm just trying to make light of a very serious situation. Y/N's been keeping a lot of things bottled up. She needs time to process everything, and I think she's afraid that talking to you will make it all real. She needs you to be supportive, but she also needs her space."
There was another silence on the line before Natasha spoke. "I understand. I'll give her time, but I'm here for her whenever she's ready."
"That's all you can do, Natasha. That means a lot to her, I know it. And if there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask."
"Thanks, Max."
Wanda's voice was soft, bidding Nher a good day. Natasha could hear the genuine concern behind it. She knew that Wanda would be there for her and Y/N, even if she wasn't always the most subtle about it. They were both so different, but they had been through so much together. They had become a family of sorts, even though they were all from different worlds.
Natasha took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness, like she was floating in the dark, searching for a lifeline. But she knew that she had to be strong for Y/N, even when she felt like she was about to crumble herself. Setting her phone on the counter, she put away all the food before heading towards the living room, sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee, contemplating what you could possibly need to tell her. After what felt like hours, she went to the bedroom, gently knocking on the door.
"Hun, do you mind if I come in?" Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. There was a pause, and then she heard the click of the door opening. Natasha stood in the doorway, taking in your eyes red and puffy from crying.
"I, uh... I was just about to take a nap. Do you want to join me?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. She walked over to the bed and sat down gently beside you.
"I would love to, sweetheart," she breathed deeply, reaching her arm around your shoulders. "But first, I need to know that you're okay." The statement makes your heart clench, knowing that you are worrying Natasha after such a long and strenuous mission when she should be relaxing and enjoying her time with you.
"I'm... I'm as okay as I can be, I guess," you mumble, your voice still hoarse from earlier sobs. "It's just... a lot, you know? A lot to process." Natasha nods, pulling you closer as she wraps both arms around you.
"Darling, what is a lot to process?" Natasha's voice was soft, almost tentative, and you could feel her heart beating against your back as she held you close. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves before speaking. You were spinning your cell phone in your hands, nervous to tell your wife what happened while she was gone. 
"Let me start at the beginning, Nat." you lay your head on Natasha's shoulder, ready to detail all that led up to your phone call this morning.
As you speak, Natasha holds you close, occasionally kissing the top of your head or running her fingers through your hair to offer comfort. She listens intently, her expression shifting between surprise, confusion, concern, and anger as you recount the events that unfolded while she was gone.
When you finish, there's a long silence as Natasha processes the information. You can feel her heart racing in her chest, and she seems to be struggling to find the right words. Finally, she takes a deep breath and says, "Oh, sweetheart." Her voice is full of empathy and understanding, but there's also a note of worry. "What did the doctors say was the result of your tests?"
Your eyes tear up, as your lip quivers. You get up and go to stand across the room from your wife, afraid to let her see you so vulnerable, so weak. "I have breast cancer, Nat."
Natasha's face falls, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Oh, Y/N," she whispers, taking a step toward you. "My baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you." Tears begin to stream down her face, and she reaches out to hold you, but you flinch, taking another step back. "I'm here for you. No matter what. I love you, and I'm here to help you through this. In sickness and in health, remember?"
You shake your head, feeling overwhelmed. "I just... I don't know how to do this. How am I supposed to fight this? And what about us? What about our future?" Your voice breaks on the last word, and you sink down to the floor, buried in a ball, unable to hold back the sobs that have been building inside you since you first heard the news.
Natasha rushed to your side, quickly scooping up your body and holding you impossibly close. "Honey, our future isn't in question. I'm not going to let anything happen to you," she whispered into your hairline, kissing it.
"But, what happens if you get sent out on a mission again? What happens if you don't come back to me, Natasha? I can't do this without you."
Natasha's arms tightened around you, holding you as close as she possibly could. "Y/N, you are my whole world. I would never abandon you. You are my priority, now more than ever. We will get through this together. No matter what. I promise." She paused, taking a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. "I know it's scary right now, but we'll find the best doctors, we'll get the best treatment. And we'll fight this together. You're stronger than you know, and I'm right here by your side, supporting you every step of the way."
You sniffled, wiping your nose on your sleeve, and leaned into her embrace. "I'm scared, Natasha. I don't want to leave you. I don't want to leave us."
Natasha pressed her lips to your forehead, her breath warm against your skin. "I know it's hard, baby. But you're not going to leave me. You're going to fight this, and we're going to fight it together. We're going to beat it, okay? She held you there for what felt like an eternity, rocking you gently back and forth. "We're going to fight this together, you and me. We're going to be strong, and we're going to get through this. I promise you, Y/N.“
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cyber333angel · 1 day
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you and rafe had been arguing for about three days now, huffing and puffing whenever you saw each other and slamming doors around the house. however today, you really wanted to piss him off and get back at him. it was around 8 pm where you were putting the finishing touches to your pretty little outfit, layering your jewelry and picking out what delicious scent you would smell like tonight.
you grabbed your purse and started to head down the stairs where rafe sat on the couch occupying himself with his phone. as he heard the click clacks of your heals he looked up from the screen, observing the way your tits bounced with every step and how the volume of your hair sprung up and down, overall how absolutely gorgeous you looked. a loud voice interrupts you as you reach the last step, “where the fuck are you going dressed like that?” unfazed by the hostility, you answer. “a party.” you give him a short response, purposely to tick him off and you see rafe spring up from his seat, walking towards you. “a party with who?” he says while nodding his head and biting his thumb. you look up at him annoyed. “with sarah and kie, why do you care anyway?” you break eye contact with him and you start walking to the entryway, almost at the door handle. mumbling under your breath quietly, “so annoying like..get out of the fucking way.“
you knew better than to talk to your boyfriend like that, realizing it when suddenly your throat and hand that was reaching for the door, are held in a tight grip from rafe. “don’t ever fix your mouth to say some shit like that to me again, you hear me?” startled by his sternness you decide to push him more, just to see how far he would go. “fuck you rafe, your not the boss of me.” rafe twists his head at you, since it seems like your not knowing who your talking to. “yeah, im not the boss of you?”
..your now on the bed, your coily hair held in rafes hand in a tight grip as he abuses your cunt. he bunched up the dress halfway up your spine, panties lost at the end of your ankle as your knees pressed into the bed. your ass ricocheted off his pelvis from the brutal pace, and your eyes went half lidded from the pain and pleasure. “got some fuckin nerve thinking you could talk to me like that.” he had been fucking you for what seemed like hours at this point, his cock buried in your pussy leaking out white liquid. “mmm daddy m’so-sorryy! won’t do it again i swear!” you beg, your soaked hole becoming sensitive at every harsh thrust he makes you take.
rafe ignores your pleads, letting it really sink in and make you think of the way you acted earlier. “nah but you weren’t sorry before when you wanted to go act like a slut at some fucking party.” he bends down close to your ear, pulling your hair to level your face with his. “huh sweetheart? what happened to all that fuckin talk? i thought i wasn’t the boss of you?” you could only answer with sobs and cry’s from how rough he was being. your wet skin smacking together, sweaty from how good he was making you feel. his cock dragging in and out of your cunt making your head spin, “hngh..slo-slow down rafey!” he grips the fat of your ass and relaxes his pace, fucking you slowly as he runs his hands through his hair straightening his back. he ponders, opening his mouth to ask you a question. “where’d you learn to speak to me like that hm? never spoke t’me like that before so what happened, you needed some dick?” he waits for your response, still rocking his hips back and forth slowly.
you shake your head, “d-didn’t want to argue with you anymore daddy.. im sorry nd ill be good now promise!” whining at him, rafe coos at you, knowing you only did this to end the useless bickering between the two of you. “t’aw s’okay baby i know your sorry, i know your a good girl. daddy doesn’t like to argue with you either alright?” you nod frantically, happy that your little squabble with your boyfriend was over. “go on and cum on this dick sweetheart, just like that..” he admires you from above, watching the way you squirm as you cream on his cock. rafe put in a last few thrusts and pulls out, cumming on your back where your dress was bunched up at the top. it was a shame though, you really did look good in that dress.
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drudyslut · 2 days
Helloooo, I really love your work.
Can you do reader first time saw rafes pierce in his yk
THE THOUGHT OF RAFE HAVING A FUCKING COCK PIERCING HAS ME IN SHAMBLES. @drewstarkeyslut YOU KNOW WHAT I’M THINKING…?🤭😣😏 tbh i strayed a bit and added some more spice to this, hope that’s okay!
CW: dick piercing, oral (m receiving), praise, use of slut and whore, strong language, hair pulling, rafe records reader sucking him off.
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you hadn’t expected him to have… that. so when you saw it, your eyes nearly bugged out of your skull, and you swear you visibly drooled.
“rafe… holy shit, that’s fucking hot.” you praise, your wide eyes never leaving his hard, thick cock and the glint of the metal piercing on the head.
he smirked, one of his hands reaching down and gripping his thick shaft, giving it slow, soft strokes as he looks into your eyes.
“yeah? you like that? why don’t you get on your knees and show me just how much you like it?”
you didn’t hesitate for a second, you dropped to your knees, placing your palms on his muscular thighs. you give the tip a soft kiss, your tongue darting out and licking at the pierced slit that was already dripping precum.
“fuck. you care if i record this, doll?” rafe asks, his eyes never leaving yours.
he drops his hands, letting you grip his shaft in your own. you give him soft, languid strokes as you shake your head. “not at all. wanna let my man have somethin’ to watch while he’s away on business.”
rafe grins, reaching behind him and grabs his phone, opening his camera app and switching it to video mode.
you continue your slow strokes, your tongue licking at the shaft and head sporadically before you push his pierced tip into your mouth. you suck on it softly, pulling low groans of appreciation from rafe.
“shit baby, just like that.” he praises, his free hand coming to lay on the back of your head, fingers digging into your hair.
you push more of him into your mouth, letting the tip kiss the back of your throat before you slowly pull yourself back. you inhale deeply, pushing him back into your mouth and bobbing your head up and down his long, thick shaft.
the room is filled with your gargles and rafe’s groans, his hand in your hair tightening as he helps guide you up and down his length.
“you suck my cock so well baby, never had anyone like you before. my perfect fucking slut.”
you push him all the way down your throat, gagging around him slightly as you let your eyes trail up and find his. the look of pleasure and adoration etched in his beautiful face had your pussy throbbing.
you continue licking and sucking him, his hips bucking every so often as he helped you push him toward his release.
“fuck, keep doin’ that. ‘m gonna.. sssshit..”
rafe groaned, his hold on your hair bruising as he pushed himself down your throat, hips stilling as he spilled his load down your throat.
he slowly releases your hair, his hand falling limply at his side as his hand holding the phone comes closer to your face, “show me your tongue, baby. show me that my good whore swallowed all my cum.”
you look up into the camera, letting your tongue fall out of your mouth, proudly showing that you’d swallowed every drop.
“good girl.”
rafe cuts the video off, tossing his phone back onto the nightstand before lifting you off your knees and tossing you onto his bed. “time for you to see what this piercing feels like in that sweet cunt, yeah?”
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RAFE TAGLIST: @drewstarkeyslut @princessslutt @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @rafesthroatbaby @sturnioloshacker @starkeysprincess @rafescurtainbangz @atorturedpoetx @redhead1180 @jjsmarijuana @romaescapes @kisses4angel @lovelysturnioloos @maybankslover @bellbottombaby @simars3 @rafesgiirl @urbimom @heartsforrafecam @antagonize-me-motherfucker @araminsstuff075 @chaneydoll @bi-zowee @uraesthete @princesssuki21
rafe cameron masterlist | completed requests | taglist form
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mantou-rin · 2 days
Midnights With You
Prompt: You can't sleep and your boyfriend's lap looks too comfortable
Characters: Kozume Kenma, Reader
Genre: Fluff, comfort?
Word count: 551
A/N: I wrote this at work so please do not expect much, I'm just here to fuel your delusions. Also I didn't proofread this so I'm sorry if there are any errors
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Aside from the clicking sounds of a keyboard, the room was otherwise silent. You lay aimlessly on the bed as you scrolled through your phone, your eyes taking in the various contents social media had to offer. 
It was pushing 2am, and you knew very well that you should be going to bed soon, but you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep for some reason. 
Looking up from your phone, you took in the sight of your boyfriend focused on the computer screen, his fingers moving expertly across the keyboard as he played his game. 
Right. He did tell you there was a new update today so that was probably why he was so set on playing it tonight. 
The lights at his table had been dimmed to a comfortable setting, one which he knew you had no problem falling asleep to. He was also a quiet gamer for the most part, so why was it you couldn’t fall asleep? 
Perhaps there was a lingering feeling of you wanting to spend more time with him, but the two of you had already been out the whole day - both of you visited a cat cafe this morning and proceeded to go to a gaming pop-up exhibition that he had been looking forward to for weeks. You acknowledged that he had spent a good chunk of his time with you, and you also understood that he needed his alone time to wind down, which is why you didn't object when he told you he wanted to spend the night gaming. 
So why were you being so needy right now? 
You found your body moving unconsciously, and before you knew it, you were standing by your boyfriend’s side. He sensed your presence and immediately looked up from his game, his eyes meeting yours. Just a quick glance and he could tell you were exhausted, your shoulders were slumped and your eyes were about to close. Given he was smart, so he also concluded that somehow you had problems falling asleep despite the optimal environment he set for you. 
Naturally he removed his headphones and adjusted his position in a way that you had easy access to his lap. He gestured for you to come take a seat and you felt your body falling into his, your head finding a comfortable position on his chest as you wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“Kenma…” you mumbled. 
You felt one of his hands rubbing circles on your back, while the other held your head close to him. You felt so comfortable it was almost therapeutic. 
Kenma went back to his game shortly after, and you could vaguely feel his arms moving, but his body was relaxed. 
“He must be winning right now” you thought to yourself. 
You weren't sure how long more you stayed awake, but you remembered falling asleep soon after - which was unfortunate because Kenma wore the faintest smile on his face and his cheeks were tinted a soft pink, a rare sight which you were not able to witness. 
“I guess the gaming can wait” Kenma softly mumbled to himself before turning off the computer. Gently his hands found themselves in the same position as before - one hugging you tight and the other holding your head close to him.
Very soon he too, fell asleep. 
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fuckingstrange · 3 days
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Gorgeous Boy
WARNINGS: Masturbation (m), Caught in the act, FOR MY CM KINK BINGO CARD, Dirty thoughts, pretty vanilla actually?, unless watching your boyfriend masturbate is some kink, Glasses Reid, Non-Beta read
WORDS: 436
PAIRING: Spencer Reid x gn!reader
a/n:: sorry if this sucks ass💀
Spencer's glasses fog up from how hard he's breathing, having been so close to the edge for ten minutes by now, but he finds it hard to really tip over. His thoughts have been blank, just thinking about how good it feels, until you suddenly pop into his head. His eyes are screwed shut, making it easy for him to imagine that his own hand is actually yours.
A moan slips past his lips, his thumb swiping over his tip in the same way you have, rubbing the built up precum around in the same way you do. His hand slows to the pace you usually keep, and suddenly he can feel himself starting to tip over the edge.
Without a warning, he comes with a whine of your name, just as you walk into your shared bedroom. You stop at the door frame at the sight, Spencer lying on his back with his hand pumping himself through an orgasm. God, does he look gorgeous. You decide to stay quiet, not wanting to pull him from his blissful state.
He lies there for two minutes, slowly pumping himself through the high, letting out the softest whines as thoughts of you fill his head. He stops once his length goes soft, eyes still shut as he grabs a tissue before opening them to clean himself up. He lifts his head when he sees you in his blurry peripheral, even through foggy glasses, he knows it's you.
You can practically see Spencer's heart fall out of his ass at the sight of you standing there, leaning against the doorframe and gazing at him with lustful eyes. He tucks himself back in his shorts, standing up on shaking legs while stuttering out “I-I'm so sorry”, as if what he did was wrong.
You shake your head, walking up to him and lightly kissing his cheek, reassuring him by saying “It's okay. Felt good, hm?”
Spencer has to take a second to register the fact that you're not mad before he responds with a slow nod, unsure if your question is rhetorical or not. You hum at his nonverbal answer, indicating it was okay. His shoulders slump a bit and he sighs in relief, leaning forward to rest a head on your shoulders while whispering “I missed you.”
You simply smile and respond with a teasing “I could tell” while wrapping your arms around his waist. You kiss the top of his head before peppering his cheek with them, making him smile and lightly smack your chest, mocking your tone while saying “I missed you too, Spencer.” since you hadn't.
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Bingo Card Contents: Praise Kink, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Pool/Bath/Jacuzzi, Mirrors, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Deepthroating, Body Worship, Topping from the Bottom, Aftercare, Caught in the act, Dry humping, Crying, Mutual Masturbation, Dirty Talk, Bed Sharing, Semi-Public sex, Partially Clothed, Premature Ejaculation, Hair Pulling, Begging, Phone Sex, Oral Fixation
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wifeyoozi · 1 day
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House husband! Kim mingyu x reader drabble (comf + fluff + smut)
Imagine coming home after a long day at work. You had worked an extra shift after your boss has embarrassingly and sexistly reprimanded you in front of your important clients during your meeting. You are tired as hell, your eyes are aching from sitting on your laptop for hours, your feet hurt from wearing your business heels and youre just frustrated.
When you open the door, you are instantly greeted by mingyu who peeks at you from the kitchen, puts away whatever he was cooking and runs to you like a little kid, the sweetest and brightest smile on his face as he greets you and takes your laptop bag from you.
"hey, beautiful," he says, pecking your lips sweetly, "I saw your location near home so I just drew you a warm bath. Go and get fresh and I'll set the table by then." You smile sappily, feeling all your tension lift off your shoulders by the thought of a nice warm bath.
You strip out of your clothes once you reach bathroom and sink into the warm water in the bath tub, sighing in relief. The water helps the soreness in your muscles and you feel like you could sleep then and there if not for your stomach making protest noises from hunger. You lazily lather up some soap on your hands and legs and wash up before getting out of the tub and drying yourself up with the warm towel which you could bet was freshly out of the drier. You sigh dreamily, whatever good deeds did you commit to get a perfect husband like mingyu.
You pull over one of Mingyu's oversized tee's and slip on a pair of pajama shorts, heading towards the dining when the aroma of the food mingyu prepared. You settled on the dining table where mingyu was just serving you a plate of something new he made. He'd been trying to learn to make new cuisines from recipes he'd see online and have you taste them and they are always amazing.
"it's something greek! I saw a recipe and i know you like eggplants so i wanted to make it for you!" He told you and you chuckled. You took a bite of the creamy casserole-like dish, a satisfied moan immediately leaving your lips when the rich flavours reached your tastebuds. "Do you like it? Do you like it?"
You giggled at your man's excitement, "oh, I love it! So good, it feels like home!" Mingyu giggled and pecked your forehead before sitting beside you with his own plate. You two engage in mundane talks about your day and you tell mingyu about the horrible day you had at work and how he's already made you feel so much better about it.
"I never liked James anyways, your previous boss was better. Sad that she had to retire," mingyu comments. He then grins naughtily, nudgi g your feet with his own, "also, in case you are not too tired, I can make you happier~."
"really? I'd love me some fun dessert," you say winking.
Once you two were done eating and cleaning the table and loading the dishwasher, he picked you up in his arms, bridal style, and took you to your bed, throwing you on the soft sheets before kissing you like no tomorrow. You laugh into the kiss out of pure joy of how excited your husband gets when you are like this.
He pulls over his tshirt, revealing his hot abs and gorgeous body and pulls down his sweatpants, leaving him in his black CK boxers which did nothing to hide the big size of his hardened cock. You reached out to grab it, but mingyu held your wrist. "Uh-uh, beautiful, tonight is 'bout you."
He pushed your shoulders till you are laying flat against the bed and push your tshirt up to reveal your boobs. He kisses down the sensitive soft skin of your chest, nibbling and marking the flesh near your areolas and sucking on your nipples when you tangled your fingers in his shirt black hair. He moved south, kissing your bloated tummy (thanks to the amazing food your husband makes for you) and down your navel.
He takes the waist band of your shorts in his teeth and effortlessly pulls them off your legs, not having to deal with your underwear since you didn't wear any after your shower. Mingyu would tease you about it any other day but right now he's just too hungry to tast you to care about it.
He kissed down your thighs, bruising the delicate skin with his teeth. As desperate he was for your pussy, he never compromises on foreplay. When he was satisfied with his artwork on your thighs, he finally moved his mouth to your cunt, licking a stripe, his tongue dipping under your outer labia, moaning at the taste. Nothing he would ever cook could compare to the heaven that hid between your legs.
He used his hands to spread your legs wider and hooking then over his shoulders for support. He lapped at your juices like a starved dog, continuously praising you for getting so wet and how great you tasted. He entered his middle and ring finger, palm up in your cunt, thrusting in and out and curling them at the spongy part which made your thighs shakez while he got down on sucking on your clitoris, determined to make you cum before he could fuck you.
You cum surprisingly cum quicker than usual, your thighs shaking and hips stuttering over mingyu's face. You whined when mingyu put his tongue over your sensitive clit again. "Baby, p-please, fuck me already. I need you dick."
"I'll give you what you need baby, but I want to make you cum once more before that."
"ah! I'd love that, but I'll actually fall asleep after another orgasm, and I need that one to be from your dick." You whine. As much as you enjoy letting mingyu pull orgasm after orgasm from you before he even got his cock in you, you were too tired today. And as much mingyu loves seeing you cum over and over on his tongue and fingers, he doesn't want to tire you out too much. It's still Wednesday, and you need to go to work tomorrow, and he'd hate to have you get insufficient rest.
So he reluctantly pulls away from your beautiful pussy and takes off his boxers, his dick springing up against his hard abs. As often as you have seen your husband's penis, it never gets tiring to such over that beautiful length and thick girth. You reach your hand to stroke him a little, spreading his already leaking precum throughout the length.
He grabs your hips, slotting his cock head against your entrance and slowly thrusting in. You moan as the pleasurable sting of the stretch from his dick clouds up your mind. Mingyu stays inside for a second, leaning down over your body to kiss you. He starts fucking you, a little slow at first till you catch up with him, before putting into your hips like an animal in heat.
His loud groans matches your moans, your manicured nails sure to leave back scratches all over your back as you grip him tightly for support. Mingyu's hands venture back to grab your ass because he just can't help it and grips it tightly enough to bruise them with his finger prints.
You both reach your orgasm almost simultaneously, him helping you by rubbing your little clit. You cum first, breathing heavily as the dopamine release feel fluid in your veins. Mingyu cums soon after, your walls spasming around him post-orgasm stimulating him just the right amount to paint your insides white. The creamy seme leaks as he exits you gently.
He kisses your face gently, leaving to get a wash cloth. He cleans between your legs up with the warm and wet towel before getting another softer towel to dry it. You are already asleep by the time he comes back. He pulls down your tshirt to cover a decent amount of you and slides into the bed beside you, pulling the covers over you as he pulls you close for cuddles. You wake up momentarily to adjust yourself closer to him, wishing him a good night before you both fall asleep, happy and comfortable in each other's arms.
Now stop imagining cuz ain't no mingyu becoming our cute little house-husband
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headkiss · 3 days
Hi! Id love if you could write anything about peter parker? Maybe fluff or comfort 🤞
hiii thank u so much for your req!! i went with some roommate!peter fluff for this one, hope you enjoy <3 | 0.7k words
You’re no stranger to tossing and turning at night, to shutting your eyes and keeping them shut hoping for sleep to drag you under, and huffing each time that wouldn’t work.
It’s where there’s a bottle of melatonin gummies in the cabinet behind your mirror in the bathroom, only that bottle had been empty tonight, which has led to your being awake even later than usual.
On a normal night, you only toss and turn until you hear Peter come home, his window sliding open, him stumbling inside and cursing at himself as he goes, and the window clicking shut behind him. That way, you know he’s safe, that being Spider-man didn’t get him hurt this time around.
Only tonight, he’s been home and in his room for a couple of hours now, and you’ve yet to manage to go to sleep.
Frustrated, you toss your blankets off of you and pad into the kitchen, the lights from the city outside your windows guiding you over. You try to be quiet as you grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it with water, as if it’ll do anything to help.
No matter how quiet you are, though, Peter knows something’s going on.
His senses have always seemed to pick up on you more so than others, and though he tries to convince himself it’s just because you’re his roommate, he knows deep down that it’s because he likes you far more than on a roommate level.
The Spider-man side of him knows that too, which is why his eyes blink open in his bed as soon as you’re out of your own. Even in his sleep, there’s a part of Peter that keeps track of you, alerting him if the slightest thing is off. This time, it’s that you’re in the kitchen at 3 in the morning rather than in bed.
He rubs his eyes before tossing his blankets away from his body the same way you had only a minute ago, and heading out into the kitchen to find you.
You’re perched on the counter when he walks in, your feet kicking lightly beneath you. You’re staring down at your knees until you hear Peter’s sleepy voice gently calling your name, and your head picks up to look at him.
He’s got nothing but a pair of plaid pajama pants on, and your eyes trail down his bare chest for a moment before you catch yourself. You always seem to forget how fit he is under his clothes, how the lines of his abs cut through his stomach in a way that somehow still makes him look soft, but never ever weak.
You flick your eyes back up to his face and hope the dark had kept your ogling hidden. “Shit, Peter. Did I wake you? Sorry-”
“No, you didn’t,” he says, walking over to lean back on the island in front of you. “My, uh, senses did. Wanted to see if something was wrong.”
Peter’s arm flexes as he scratches the back of his neck—a nervous habit of his you’ve picked up on—and your heart squeezes a bit at the thought of him caring enough to be nervous around you.
Your feet have stopped their kicking now, your hands squeezing the edge of the countertop instead, “oh. I’m okay. Just couldn’t sleep.”
Peter knows about your trouble sleeping (you share a bathroom, after all, and he’s seen your meds in there), and all he wants to do is help you in any way he can. It’s all he ever wants to do, really.
“Wanna watch a movie?” he asks, fingers drumming on the countertop behind him. “Help you take your mind off things, maybe.”
“I don’t want to keep you up, too, Pete.”
“What if I want to stay up with you, honey?”
He’s called you ‘honey’ before, but something about the way it comes out now, all sweet and deeper with sleep, has your stomach rolling. How could you say no after that?
Peter let you lead him into your room, waiting for you to get in bed first to be sure not to take your preferred side. He slides in next to you as you reach for your laptop and pick a movie. He’s grateful you’re not the one with the superhuman hearing, because if you were, you’d be able to pick up on the way his heart’s racing right now.
Sure, you’ve cuddled on your couch before, even taken naps together there, but being in bed with you feels different. More intimate. Peter likes it a little too much.
And when a couple minutes into the movie, you shift closer and rest your head on his shoulder, he thinks that nothing’s ever felt so good.
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