#journaling ideas
eggbunni · 6 months
Sailor Moon themed journaling spread in my Hobonichi A6 Techo! 💖✒️🌙🌈✨
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koffeinvergiftung · 1 month
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100 Days of Productivity (2/100)
Short revision before a shopping trip 🪴 My partner was on Discord with me, helping me with pronunciation.
I finally found a dotted journal in a hobby shop; since we're already in the middle of March, I decided to start the bullet journal with April (it's also a perfect start, as the 1st falls on Monday). 📖
🌱 Forest App - 3h 39m 🎧 Idea 10 - Gibran Alcocer
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beatriz-studies · 10 months
shadow work journaling prompt of the day 📖🧿
What are you most afraid of people finding out about you ?
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apollotarot · 9 months
♋️ July, 2023: New Moon in Cancer Tarot Spread 🦀
The New Moon in Cancer on July 17, 2023, has significant influence over the 3rd decans¹ of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and all others.
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This lunar phase creates a powerful Grand Cross alignment involving Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, the lunar nodes' axis in Libra/Aries, and a trine to Neptune in Pisces.
These celestial configurations put pressure on the 3rd decans, bringing forth karmic elements that require resolution and purification. It may entail confronting authoritative figures and seeking personal emancipation.
Additionally, as Venus prepares to retrograde in Leo, emotional and relational dynamics intensify, prompting us to question our relationship patterns and embrace necessary changes.
This is a time for reshuffling the cards, letting go of harmful elements, and fostering healthier connections and personal growth.
It is crucial to examine how the actions and behaviors of others impact our present experiences; as such, self-reflection empowers us to navigate relationships with greater insight and make informed decisions that lead to personal fulfillment and growth.
New Moon In Cancer 2023 Tarot Spread:
Welcome to our New Moon in Cancer 2023 Tarot Spread, specially designed to unlock the wisdom of the Tarot and guide you through the transformative energies of this lunar phase.
Get ready to explore the realm of possibilities and unveil the profound messages the Tarot has in store for you:
What karmic elements are surfacing for resolution during this lunar phase?
How can I navigate confrontations and assert my independence?
What areas of my relationships need reshuffling and transformation?
What patterns do I need to break free from to form healthier connections?
What lessons can I learn from past encounters to create positive changes?
How can I embrace personal growth and elevate myself during this transformative period?
By harnessing the intuitive power of Tarot cards, you can gain clarity, discover hidden truths, and align yourself with the transformative energies of the New Moon in Cancer.
Allow the Tarot to serve as your trusted companion, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and illumination as you navigate the shifting tides of life. Embrace the wisdom it offers, drawing upon its insights and guidance throughout this new lunar cycle.
Decan: In astrology, each zodiac sign is divided into three equal parts known as decans. The first decan represents the initial 10 degrees, the second decan covers the subsequent 10 degrees, and the third decan encompasses the final 10 degrees of the sign. Decans further refine the characteristics and qualities of each zodiac sign, offering more specific insights and influences based on the degrees they occupy. In the context of this article, when referring to the "3rd decans," it signifies individuals born in the last 10 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), as well as the last 10 degrees of other signs in general."
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ameliarosecaine · 8 months
-beach party
-adventure trails
-road trips
-horror/zombie/haunted house experience
-fun fair
-art day
-sports days
-painting ceramics
-game nights
-themed parties
-board game cafe
-water sports
-botanical gardens
-forests/wilderness walks/exploration
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jouen · 1 year
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momentsatmydesk · 1 year
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~ I will take it slow today and reset my heart and mind. On the days when time feels too hard to catch hold off, a mindful breath, a few hours at my desk, writing my thoughts, making things with paper, all of these are like little gifts to myself 🌸 ~
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kentnaturaltribrid · 3 months
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“I knew you were killers. That you wouldn’t change.”
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kaizen128 · 8 months
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kallobunga · 9 months
I wanna start journaling but I’m sorta lost atm
Do you guys have any suggestions <3?
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eggbunni · 6 months
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My desk. 📖✒️
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alicia-nazwa · 11 months
dessert quotes
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Hi... How about your day? I hope you all doing well
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beatriz-studies · 1 year
journaling ideas I want to try 📖☁️
Subjects / things to study about
Favorite films
Favorite songs
Favorite foods
Restaurants I want to go to
Countries I want to visit
Things I never thought I could do
Lyrics I love
Things that make me happy
Things that make me worried
Flavors I like
Scents I like
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Apollo Tarot has excelled in this new tarot spread. So comprehensive!
🔮 Ok, so let's try it:
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I - Transformation:
1a - What areas of my life can I transform and let go of during this powerful cosmic event?
Ten of Cups: On the surface, I have what many would consider a good love life. A husband that loves me, and the presence of my family around me. However, I'm not happy. I see my husband more like a friend and not like a spouse.
I'm not physically attracted to him, and for complex reasons, my entire life depended on him for a long time, and now I feel I don't have a life of my own. I live his life as a coadjuvant.
So, I need to let go of the comfort of having a supportive husband taking care of me to transform my life and live it.
1b- What limiting beliefs or fears will I release to reach my highest potential?
Seven of Wands Reversed: Deep in my mind, I'm constantly alert and ready to defend myself from mean others. I developed this trait long ago when I was a bullied pre-teen, scared continuously of homophobes.
This fear of socializing, because I'm gay has no reason to be anymore. I'm comfortable expressing my feminity as a cis man, and I shouldn't care about whoever has a problem with that.
Still, since that is a deep wound within my soul, it takes time to heal it. And I've recently started therapy. So, I hope that helps.
II - Courage and assertiveness:
2a - What steps can I take to confidently assert myself in pursuing my goals and desires?
Five of Wands Reversed: This card, when reversed, could be speaking about my conflict-avoiding personality. Even though I'm pretty assertive on the internet, defending my political views on Twitter, I tend to "people please" and let others have their way when I'm face-to-face.
And that is true also when I have to express my personal decisions, like living my life more independently from my husband because I'm too afraid to disappoint him.
So, when it comes to steps I need to take to improve on that, being aware of this trait I have is an important one.
2b - How can I use the energy of this eclipse to overcome any fears or doubts that may be holding me back?
Eight of Cups: I'm long invested in my self-defensive mechanical reactions when I'm in conflict or need to impose my will on others to exert my independence. In a way, I have an emotional attachment to these self-defense mechanisms I created.
This card says this eclipse is an excellent opportunity to overcome my fears and doubts.
III - Self-discovery:
3a - What new aspects of myself can I explore and express during this transformative time?
The Star Reversed: This card comes after the Tower when everything has changed in your life. But you follow your star and are in a new place full of hope for what's to come. Even though you feel naked and vulnerable, you are at peace because you know the universe supports you.
But why is this card reversed? I need to reinforce this silent knowingness within myself.
3b - How can I tap into my creativity and passions to live a more fulfilling and authentic life?
Page of Cups: Just as the page in the card is playfully offering his feelings on a cup, I need to playfully express myself to tap into my creativity and passions. As a Pisces rising, I'm very imaginative and intuitive.
Even though I managed to combine my creativity with my work, I need to bring back my inner child to keep seeing everything with new eyes and a sense of wonder.
IV - Passion and enthusiasm:
4a - What brings me the most joy and excitement, and how can I pursue those things with more vigor and enthusiasm?
Nine of Wands: You've been hurt and tired before. Still, you found a way to reinvent yourself and regain confidence in your path.
That's because you learned how to tap into your intuition and separate the desires that come from your ego from the ones that come from your soul.
This knowledge is precious, and you should use it to pursue your true path vigorously and enthusiastically.
4b - What steps can I take to infuse my life with more passion and purpose?
Five of Cups: You must look at the positive side of things whenever you feel unmotivated. The man is mourning the spilled cups but still has other cups standing up. So raise your chin whenever things don't go your way, and keep walking, Johnny Walker.
V - Independence and self-reliance:
5a - How can I cultivate greater independence and self-reliance while remaining open to collaboration and support from others?
The Fool: Just do it (man, these brand slogans are catchy)! You know what you'll need to do. You're more connected to your intuition. You don't know exactly how things will turn out to be.
But just go. It's time. You'll get your independence from your husband while learning how to be more self-reliant.
That doesn't mean you must deny his support and collaboration, though. You realized that on the previous Full Moon in Libra. But you need to fly parallel to his aid, so one day, you learn how to fly alone, in case you need it.
5b - What steps can I take to trust my instincts and beliefs, even when they may be at odds with those around me?
Death: I must let go of my old self and let the new me be born. This is a complex process that will strengthen my intuition because that's the only guide I have.
Therefore coming out of this process will be a determinant step to trusting my instincts and beliefs. I'll develop a more assertive personality and more confidence, so I'll release my self-doubt and "people-pleasing" aspects.
So, I'll be more secure when at odds with those around me. It's all an interconnected process of evolution.
🌚 Solar Eclipse in Aries, I'm ready!
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arijensineink · 1 year
It actually almost killed me getting this up tonight, I would so appreciate a few clicks...
Sometimes posting on your blog is literally living the dream, and other days.............. IT'S LIKE TONIGHT. AN UPHILL BATTLE!
That said, I'm really excited about this post.
This is one of my first real actionable/high value blog posts and I have high hopes for it. Lemme know what you think. Since I'm still new to all this, I really appreciate feedback!
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jouen · 2 years
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