apollotarot ¡ 1 month
Welcome to Apollo Tarot 🪷, your celestial gateway to spiritual treasures...
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apollotarot ¡ 6 months
Exploring the Enigmatic World of Sigils: Unveiling Wolf of Antimony’s Mystical Creations
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigils are a fascinating aspect of magical practice. They are symbols designed to hold a specific intention, making them powerful tools for manifesting desires, intentions, and spells. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of sigils, explore their significance, and showcase examples of sigils created by the Wolf of Antimony.
Understanding Sigils
Sigils are magical symbols typically created and charged with the intent to bring about a specific outcome or desire. They are often used in various forms of magic, including chaos magic, ceremonial magic, and witchcraft. Creating a sigil typically involves the following:
Writing down a statement of intent.
Removing duplicate letters.
Reworking the remaining notes into a unique, abstract symbol.
Once the sigil is created, it is charged with energy and intent through various rituals or practices. The energy built into the sigil keeps the desire or intention alive in the subconscious mind, continuously working toward its manifestation.
Wolf of Antimony’s Sigils
The Wolf of Antimony is known for exploring sigil magic and has shared a variety of sigils designed to manifest different intentions. Let’s take a closer look at some of these sigils and the intentions they represent:
Sigil 1: Attract Money and Wealth
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 2: Receive Enough Money to Live Comfortably
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 3: Receive Money Easily and Frequently
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 4: Make the Right Choices
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 5: Sigil for Good Luck
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 6: Promote Joy and success, Attract Opportunities and Blessings
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigil 7: Bring Forth Personal Luck, Good Fortune, and Prosperity
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Harness the enduring energy of your personal sigil wherever you go. Explore our captivating collection of Sigil Necklaces and make your connection with the mystical world truly enchanting. Shop now to wear your magic close to your heart!
Sigils can be an intriguing and practical aspect of magical practice, and each of these sigils represents a unique intention and desire within the realms of finance, success, and personal well-being.
The mystical world of sigils remains a captivating and often misunderstood aspect of magical practice. With their explorations of sigil magic through the lens of Viadescioism, Wolf of Antimony provides a glimpse into the creative and highly personal realm of esoteric knowledge. These sigils serve as examples of how individuals can channel their intentions and desires into powerful symbols, inviting the universe’s energies to assist in their manifestation.
If you wish to delve deeper into this fascinating topic and explore these sigils in greater detail, take a moment to visit the Wolf of Antimony’s resources. Sigil magic is an art that blends symbolism, intention, and metaphysical knowledge, allowing individuals to tap into the cosmic forces that shape their realities.
Support Wolf of Antimony’s (@wolfofantimonyoccultism) work and explore more of their insights and sigil creations by visiting their Ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/wolfofantimony.
Source: OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com
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apollotarot ¡ 6 months
Tarot and Wishful Thinking: 5 Tips For An Accurate Reading
Tarot reading is a fascinating and often enlightening practice that offers insight into various aspects of our lives. Whether you're a seasoned reader or a curious beginner, you're likely familiar with the allure of seeking answers, guidance, or clarity through the mystical cards. However, when interpreting tarot readings, it's essential to distinguish between genuine intuitive guidance and the potential pitfall of wishful thinking. In this blog post, we'll explore the delicate balance between tarot reading and wishful thinking and how to approach your readings with clarity and authenticity.
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The Allure of Tarot Readings:
Tarot cards have a unique way of tapping into our subconscious thoughts and emotions. They provide a mirror to our inner worlds, reflecting both our fears and desires. This insight can be incredibly empowering, as it allows us to make informed decisions and understand the paths available to us. However, it's important to remember that tarot readings are not a magical solution to life's challenges. They are tools for self-reflection and guidance.
The Pitfall of Wishful Thinking:
Wishful thinking occurs when we interpret tarot readings in a way that aligns with our deepest desires and hopes, even if it contradicts the cards' actual messages. While it's entirely natural to want the best outcomes, allowing wishful thinking to cloud our interpretation can lead to inaccurate readings and unfulfilled expectations. This can be frustrating and even disheartening, especially if you've invested a lot of emotional energy in a particular outcome.
Finding Clarity in Tarot Readings:
To harness the true power of tarot readings and avoid the pitfall of wishful thinking, consider the following strategies:
Embrace Objectivity: Approach your tarot readings with an open heart and an objective mind. Release any preconceived notions and biases about the situation at hand.
Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that tarot readings provide guidance and insight, but they don't guarantee specific outcomes. Use them to gain perspective and consider your options.
Ask the Right Questions: Frame your questions in a way that promotes clarity and personal growth. Instead of asking, "Will I get this job?" inquire, "What can I do to improve my chances of success in my career?"
Seek Multiple Perspectives: Consider consulting multiple tarot readers or using different decks to gain a well-rounded view of your situation. This can reduce the influence of wishful thinking.
Reflect and Meditate: After a reading, take time to reflect on the messages and insights provided. Meditate on the cards' symbolism and how it relates to your life.
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Tarot reading can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and guidance when approached with authenticity and a clear mind. While it's natural to wish for the best outcomes, allowing wishful thinking to dominate your readings can lead to misinterpretation. By embracing objectivity, setting realistic expectations, and seeking multiple perspectives, you can find true clarity and empowerment through tarot readings. Remember, the power of tarot lies not in predicting the future but in illuminating the path you choose to follow.
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apollotarot ¡ 8 months
♓️🌝 The Most Majestic Tarot Spread For 2023's Full Moon In Pisces
Before diving into the Full Moon in Pisces Tarot Spread, explore Molly McCord's enlightening insights in her YouTube video "Pisces Full Moon - Integrating More of Your Intuition Into Your Responsibilitiesš." We've distilled key takeaways from her discourse on the upcoming August 30th, 2023, Pisces Full Moon. Discover the interplay between intuition and responsibility and the significance of this celestial event in shaping our path.
Unveiling the Mysteries: Navigating the Pisces Full Moon of August 2023 🌕🌟
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The Dance of Moon and Sun:
As the moon takes its position at seven degrees of Pisces, it directly opposes the Sun at seven degrees of Virgo. The moon reaches its peak brilliance during the full moon, illuminating aspects of our existence hidden in the shadows. Dive deep into your astrological chart, identify the presence of seven degrees in your placements, and open yourself to the cosmic messages being delivered. 🌝🌞✉️
Pisces Moon's Whispering Intuition:
The moon's placement in Pisces infuses the atmosphere with sensitivity, intuition, and a yearning for solitude. This is a time to embrace your internal world, listen closely to your soul's whispers, and trust the feelings that arise, even when they're intangible. The Pisces moon beckons you to connect with the essence of your being and honor the importance of quiet contemplation. 🌊🤫🧘‍♀️
Virgo Sun's Analytical Gaze:
In contrast, the Sun in Virgo brings forth its practical, analytical energy. Rooted in Earth, Virgo's energy urges us to adapt, analyze, and diligently attend to our responsibilities. This energy calls for a harmonious balance between intuitive Pisces and methodical Virgo, creating a synergy that guides us toward informed decisions and grounded actions. 🌍🔍💼
Saturn's Karmic Influence:
Saturn stands at the heart of this celestial ballet, stationed at three degrees of Pisces in retrograde motion. Saturn reminds us of our energetic responsibilities, unfinished tasks, and the karmic threads that need attention. The Pisces Full Moon aligns with Saturn, bringing forgotten matters back into focus. This conjunction provides an opportunity for self-awareness, growth, and releasing what no longer serves us. ⏳🪶🌱
Facing Uncertainty and Finding Guidance:
This cosmic convergence may stir feelings of uncertainty and even vulnerability. The moon's connection with Saturn might lead us to question our path, causing feelings of isolation and powerlessness. However, remember that this discomfort is a catalyst for growth. Embrace the energy as a gentle nudge from the universe, encouraging you to trust your intuition, even when you can't see the bigger picture. 🤔💫🚀
Embracing Humility and Wisdom:
Amid the uncertainty, the Pisces Full Moon encourages humility. Acknowledge that you don't have all the answers, and that's perfectly okay. The song "Both Sides Now" by Joni Mitchell resonates with the essence of this moment, reminding us to remain open to new experiences and wisdom. Trust your soul's guidance, even amidst life's uncertainties. 🎶🌄🌠
"I've looked at love from both sides now From give and take and still somehow It's love's illusions that I recall I really don't know love Really don't know love at all."
Integration of Spiritual Wisdom:
This full moon sheds light on integrating your spiritual self into your daily reality. Let your intuition and inner wisdom become guiding lights, aiding you in navigating the complex energies swirling around. Your spiritual muscles have been developing, urging you to embrace your intuitive gifts and use them as a compass through the storms of life. 🌟🧠💡
Balancing Practicality and Spirituality:
The harmonious dance between Virgo and Pisces, practicality and spirituality, invites you to be responsible with your energy and intuitive insights. This energy is a call to action, a push to address pending matters and trust your internal compass. Consider seeking physical, tangible support for your journey as the angelic essence of Pisces embraces you. 🤝👼🌄
As the Pisces Full Moon graces the cosmos, it reminds you to trust your intuition and inner wisdom, even amidst uncertainty. Embrace the dance between the practical and the mystical, and find solace in the unknown. This celestial event encourages us to release what no longer serves us, honor our responsibilities, and navigate life with humility and spiritual strength. 🌕🌌🔮
McCord, Molly. "Pisces Full Moon - Integrating More of Your Intuition Into Your Responsibilities - 2023 Astrology." YouTube, uploaded by Molly McCord, August 20th, 2023, https://youtu.be/3ucCVMPwMEo.
🌝♓️ Full Moon in Pisces 2023 Tarot Spread
Now that we know the profound energies surrounding the upcoming Pisces Full Moon, let's delve deeper into its mysteries with a specially designed tarot spread. This spread is crafted to illuminate the hidden facets of your existence, guide you through the dance between intuition and practicality, and empower you to embrace uncertainty with humility and wisdom. Each card is vital to unlocking the insights the cosmos wishes to reveal during this celestial event.
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic alignment? Shuffle your deck, lay out the cards, and let the celestial dance guide you through this transformative spread.
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Card 1: The Dance of the Moon and Sun
Question: How can I illuminate hidden aspects of my existence during this Pisces Full Moon?
Card 2: Pisces Moon's Whispering Intuition
Question: How can I best embrace my sensitivity and intuition during this moon phase?
Card 3: Virgo Sun's Analytical Gaze
Question: How can I balance practicality and intuition in my decision-making process?
Card 4: Saturn's Karmic Influence
Question: What unfinished tasks or karmic lessons should I focus on during this Pisces Full Moon?
Card 5: Facing Uncertainty and Finding Guidance
Question: How can I navigate uncertainty and vulnerability with grace and trust?
Card 6: Embracing Humility and Wisdom
Question: How can I embrace humility and trust my inner wisdom even in uncertain times?
As you lay out each card, remember that this spread is a cosmic tool guiding you through the complexities of this celestial event. Allow the tarot's wisdom to merge with your intuition, creating a bridge between the earthly and the ethereal. Your path is illuminated, and the universe's whispers are ready to be heard.
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apollotarot ¡ 9 months
New Moon in Leo 2023 Tarot Spread 🌚 🦁
As we approach the Leo New Moon on August 16th, 2023, at 5:38 a.m. Eastern Time, the cosmic energies are gearing up for powerful transformations! 🌙✨
To help you navigate these celestial energies and make the most of this opportunity, we’ve drawn inspiration from the brilliant astrological insights¹ of Molly McCord. Her wisdom and guidance, found in her enlightening video [https://youtu.be/mbCpyzdaqks], have influenced the creation of a unique Tarot spread tailor-made for this Leo New Moon.
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Embrace the Dynamic Energies of the Leo New Moon — Cosmic Transformations Await!
This Leo New Moon occurs at 23 degrees of Leo, ushering in a period of creativity and self-expression. It’s the perfect time to manifest your desires and bring your inspirations to life. 🦁🎨
The Sun and Moon are conjunct at this new moon, as always during a new moon phase. This convergence of energies signifies new beginnings and fresh starts. So, if you’ve been pondering a project or a dream, this could be the moment to take action and give it life! 🔆🌱
However, there’s a twist in the tale. Venus, also in Leo, is retrograde and behind the Sun. This positioning implies that there are aspects of our desires and intentions that we are keeping private. 🌒🤐
Venus, in this position, suggests that we may need more time to incubate and nurture our creative ideas before fully sharing them with the world.
But fear not; cosmic alignments have a way of balancing things out. Venus is trining healing Uranus in Aries, providing the support needed to strengthen and trust our inner guidance. So even though you might feel like keeping certain things under wraps, know that they are still in motion, and healing is happening behind the scenes. 🌠💖
Be prepared for some excitement and surprises as Uranus squares the Sun and Moon at 23 degrees of Taurus. This energy can be a game-changer, causing disruptions or breakthroughs. Don’t be afraid to let go of fixed ideas and stay open to new possibilities. 🌌💫
Thankfully, Mars in Virgo will be a guiding force, helping us manage the chaos and organize our thoughts and actions. With a clear plan, we can tackle the unexpected with grace and adaptability. 🌪️📝
The Leo New Moon is a cosmic invitation to embrace your inner child, allowing yourself to play, create, and explore without being too attached to outcomes. Let the universe guide you through this transformational journey, and trust that it will unfold in the perfect way and at the perfect time. 🎉🌈
This new moon will profoundly impact you if you have planets or points around 23 degrees of the fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus). Be open to receiving insights and inspirations that set the stage for transformative changes throughout the coming year. 🌟🌀
So, Apollo Tarot Tribe, let’s harness the vibrant energies of the Leo New Moon and take that leap of faith into our creative endeavors! 🔮🌟 Remember, the universe can bring in the unexpected, but we have the power to embrace it and turn it into magic! 🌌✨
Keep reading to explore a specially designed Tarot spread to help you navigate this cosmic adventure!
🃏🔮 Share your readings and experiences in the Apollo Tarot Facebook Group, and let’s support each other on this transformative journey! 🌠💖
New Moon in Leo 2023 Tarot Spread
Let’s journey together and discover the transformative power of the Leo New Moon in this specially crafted Tarot spread. 🌌🌙✨ Are you excited to delve into the realm of intuition and self-discovery? Then let’s embark on this cosmic adventure and ignite the spark of inspiration within! 🔮🌟
The Radiant Leo New Moon Tarot Spread
The Limelight of My Soul 🌟 — What area of my life is ready to enter the spotlight? This card will reveal the aspect of your life calling for creative expression and manifestation during this Leo New Moon.
Embracing Creative Fire 🔥 — How can I embrace my inner creative fire and unleash my unique gifts and talents? This card will guide you in connecting with your inner strength and tapping into your creative potential.
Hidden Desires and Intentions 🌒 — What desires and intentions am I keeping private and nurturing within? This card will provide insights into the creative ideas that need more time and incubation before sharing them with the world.
Healing and Strengthening 💖 — How can I trust my inner guidance and find healing support for my creative journey? This card will reveal the energies guiding you and strengthening your path during this transformative phase.
Embracing the Unexpected 🌌 — How can I stay open to unexpected breakthroughs and opportunities? This card will show you how to let go of fixed ideas and embrace the surprises the universe has in store.
Guidance from Mars in Virgo 🌪️ — How can I use the practical and organized energy of Mars in Virgo to manage the chaos and take inspired action? This card will guide how to stay focused and adaptable as you navigate the cosmic adventure of the Leo New Moon.
As you lay the Tarot cards, let the radiant energies of the Leo New Moon infuse each draw with its transformative magic. Trust the cards to reveal the wisdom and guidance you need to align with the potent energies of this celestial event. Embrace your inner fire, shine bright, and let the cosmos guide you during this magical phase.
🌙🃏✨ Share your readings and insights with the Apollo Tarot Tribe Facebook Group and bask in the collective wisdom as we journey together through the celestial realm of the Tarot! 🌌🌠💖
1. McCord, Molly. “Leo New Moon — Dynamic Changes & Volatility Lead To A New Plan of Action.” YouTube, uploaded by Molly McCord, August 4th, 2023, https://youtu.be/mbCpyzdaqks.
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apollotarot ¡ 9 months
Full Moon in Aquarius 2023 Tarot Spread 🌝 🏺
Unveiling the Cosmic Breakthroughs: Aquarius Full Moon Energies on August 1st, 2023
Aquarius, the sign of collective frequencies and visionary brilliance, invites you to delve into the mosaic of your identity within the bigger picture. As Leo illuminates the heart’s desires, Aquarius sets the course for the future, inspiring you to explore new dreams and opportunities.
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In this transformative chart, creativity thrives as the Moon in open Aquarius brings new dream downloads, while the square to Jupiter in Taurus urges practical grounding and expansion. The dynamic trine between Jupiter and Mars in Virgo empowers you to take efficient, forward-moving actions.
Yet, as Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces retrograde, you might pause to analyze and think through your plans. Don’t be discouraged by mental fatigue; the grounding energies from Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter in earth signs provide a stable foundation.
The cosmic breakthroughs continue with Uranus in Taurus, another earth sign, slowing down before stationing retrograde later in August. Capture these downloads, embrace newfound possibilities, and document your inspirations.
As this Aquarius Full Moon energizes your cosmic vision, remain open to the unexpected, the avant-garde, and the extraordinary. Some moments seem bonkers but trust your excitement as you pave the way toward an exhilarating future.
With many planets in earth signs affecting it, prepare for a quieter full moon. However, heads up for the upcoming retrograde season, as seven planets will be in retrograde by the end of August, prompting you to slow down and prepare for new developments.
Get ready to bask in the bright lunar illumination and embrace the transformative energies of the Aquarius Full Moon. Take the chance to ponder your cosmic visions and embark on a path of personal and collective growth.
To further understand these cosmic insights refer to @MollyMcCord’s YouTube channel: youtu.be/XV7WZMGGvBE.
Author: McCord, M. [Molly McCord] Year: 2023 Title: [Aquarius Full Moon — Timeline Split Between Earthly Focus and Future Self Inspirations] Video URL: [https://youtu.be/XV7WZMGGvBE]
August 1st, 2023 | Full Moon in Aquarius Tarot Spread
Welcome to the transformative energies of the Full Moon in Aquarius Tarot Spread!
As the celestial skies illuminate with the brilliance of the Aquarius Full Moon on August 1st, 2023, we find ourselves at a potent juncture of self-discovery and visionary potential.
We designed this 6-Card Tarot Spread to help you delve into the depths of this unique lunar phase and gain profound insights into your journey ahead.
Drawing on the intuitive wisdom of the Tarot, you’ll unravel the hidden truths, navigate the airy Aquarian frequencies, and harness the grounding earth energies of the entire chart to embrace your dreams and manifest positive changes. Let the cards be your guiding stars as you embark on this cosmic journey of expansion and illumination.
What is the key message or insight that the Full Moon in Aquarius has for me now?
How can I best tap into my creative potential and embrace the visionary energies of Aquarius during this lunar phase?
What areas of my life are being illuminated by this Full Moon, and what changes or shifts do I need to make to align with its transformative energies?
What unexpected opportunities or breakthroughs are on the horizon for me during this time?
How can I navigate mental fatigue or overwhelming feelings during the Full Moon in Aquarius?
What steps can I take to harness the grounding energy of the earth signs in this chart and manifest my dreams and visions into practical reality?
As the Aquarius Full Moon fades from the skies, you have now navigated the depths of its transformative energies with the guidance of our specially designed Tarot Spread. Embrace the visionary brilliance of Aquarius as you reflect on the key insights it has brought forth.
The cards have revealed the path to creative expression and self-discovery, helping you align with your true purpose in the collective mosaic.
As you move forward, trust in the unexpected opportunities and cosmic downloads that may lead you to groundbreaking and exciting horizons.
Remember to ground yourself in the practicality of influencing earth energies, making your dreams tangible and real. The Tarot’s wisdom has provided you with the tools to embrace the magic of this Full Moon in Aquarius and embark on a journey of growth, expansion, and personal empowerment.
May your heart be filled with excitement as you step into the future with newfound clarity and vision. Happy exploring, and may the Tarot always be your celestial guide! 🌙🃏✨
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apollotarot ¡ 10 months
♋️ July, 2023: New Moon in Cancer Tarot Spread 🦀
The New Moon in Cancer on July 17, 2023, has significant influence over the 3rd decansš of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and all others.
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This lunar phase creates a powerful Grand Cross alignment involving Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, the lunar nodes' axis in Libra/Aries, and a trine to Neptune in Pisces.
These celestial configurations put pressure on the 3rd decans, bringing forth karmic elements that require resolution and purification. It may entail confronting authoritative figures and seeking personal emancipation.
Additionally, as Venus prepares to retrograde in Leo, emotional and relational dynamics intensify, prompting us to question our relationship patterns and embrace necessary changes.
This is a time for reshuffling the cards, letting go of harmful elements, and fostering healthier connections and personal growth.
It is crucial to examine how the actions and behaviors of others impact our present experiences; as such, self-reflection empowers us to navigate relationships with greater insight and make informed decisions that lead to personal fulfillment and growth.
New Moon In Cancer 2023 Tarot Spread:
Welcome to our New Moon in Cancer 2023 Tarot Spread, specially designed to unlock the wisdom of the Tarot and guide you through the transformative energies of this lunar phase.
Get ready to explore the realm of possibilities and unveil the profound messages the Tarot has in store for you:
What karmic elements are surfacing for resolution during this lunar phase?
How can I navigate confrontations and assert my independence?
What areas of my relationships need reshuffling and transformation?
What patterns do I need to break free from to form healthier connections?
What lessons can I learn from past encounters to create positive changes?
How can I embrace personal growth and elevate myself during this transformative period?
By harnessing the intuitive power of Tarot cards, you can gain clarity, discover hidden truths, and align yourself with the transformative energies of the New Moon in Cancer.
Allow the Tarot to serve as your trusted companion, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and illumination as you navigate the shifting tides of life. Embrace the wisdom it offers, drawing upon its insights and guidance throughout this new lunar cycle.
Decan: In astrology, each zodiac sign is divided into three equal parts known as decans. The first decan represents the initial 10 degrees, the second decan covers the subsequent 10 degrees, and the third decan encompasses the final 10 degrees of the sign. Decans further refine the characteristics and qualities of each zodiac sign, offering more specific insights and influences based on the degrees they occupy. In the context of this article, when referring to the "3rd decans," it signifies individuals born in the last 10 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), as well as the last 10 degrees of other signs in general."
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apollotarot ¡ 10 months
🐐 July 2023: Full Moon In Capricorn Tarot Spread
Harnessing the Power of the Capricorn Full Moon: A Time for Reflection and Transformation
As the radiant Capricorn Full Moon graces us at 11 degrees on July 3, the celestial skies offer us a moment of profound introspection and growth. During this sacred time, we are encouraged to reevaluate our focus for the year and realign ourselves, making necessary course corrections for the path ahead.
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Realistically assessing our goals and direction takes center stage, inviting us to embrace transformation. The cosmic energies of the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Cancer bring us in touch with our innermost feelings and remind us to prioritize self-care. As we tune into the deeper energetics that 2023 has unveiled, the Full Moon, ruled by Saturn RX (retrograde) in Pisces, blesses us with intuitive clarity to illuminate our next steps.
Supported by the promising connection between Jupiter in Taurus, practicality melds seamlessly with ambition, guiding us to take bold, practical steps forward.
1a. Embracing the Full Moon Energies:
The Capricorn Full Moon arrives like a cosmic mirror, inviting us to reflect on the intentions we set for this year. It is a time of self-inquiry and a powerful opportunity to discern what truly serves us. As the Sun and Mercury converge in Cancer, our emotional landscape becomes a focal point, reminding us to nurture ourselves. This alignment calls for moments of solitude and introspection, where we can connect with our innermost thoughts and feelings.
1b. Course-Correction and Growth:
During this Full Moon, we have the chance to course-correct our paths. It’s essential to recognize what is no longer working or necessary in our lives and release them gracefully. Embrace change as a catalyst for growth, knowing that letting go can lead us to new, more fulfilling opportunities. Allow the transformative energies of this celestial event to support your journey toward positive change.
1c. Harnessing Saturn RX in Pisces:
As the ruler of this Capricorn Full Moon, Saturn RX in Pisces brings a profound depth to our insights. Its supportive trines to the Sun and Moon offer intuitive clarity, guiding us towards the next phase of our lives.
Trust your instincts and listen to the subtle whispers of your soul. Saturn RX in Pisces encourages us to embrace compassion, forgiveness, and spiritual growth.
1d. Jupiter in Taurus:
Jupiter’s presence in Taurus adds an auspicious touch to this Full Moon. It gives us the determination and practicality needed to take significant steps forward. Allow this energy to propel you toward your ambitions and dreams. Embrace your inner strength, and with a grounded approach, reach for the stars.
♑️ Full Moon in Capricorn n 2023 Tarot Spread
Welcome to the transformative energies of the Capricorn Full Moon Tarot Spread!
This 6-card Tarot spread is a gateway to unraveling the profound messages of the cosmos, helping us navigate this Full Moon with clarity and purpose. Let the cards be your celestial guides, illuminating the path to progress and fulfillment.
1) What structures and foundations must I examine during this Full Moon?
This card will reveal the aspects of your life that require a realistic assessment. Look at your goals and ambitions critically to ensure stability and strength.
2) What must I release to move forward with clarity and purpose?
This card will guide you in identifying what is no longer serving your highest good. Embrace necessary changes to progress towards your aspirations.
3) How can I best align my practical ambitions with my emotional well-being?
This card will offer insights into harmonizing your practical aspirations with your emotional needs. Find balance and nurturing in your pursuits.
4) What intuitive messages and insights are available to me now?
This card will reveal the deeper truths and intuitive clarity surrounding your path. Trust your inner guidance and the subtle whispers of your soul.
5) What resources and support are available to aid me in my journey?
This card will highlight the supportive resources and connections around you. Embrace the help available to you on your path.
6) How can I embrace ambition and practicality to achieve my dreams?
This card will guide you in harnessing your ambitious energy with a grounded approach. Embrace determination and fearlessness as you move forward.
3. Conclusion
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 is a potent time for personal growth, reflection, and transformation. Embrace the energies of the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, Saturn RX in Pisces, and Jupiter in Taurus as they offer guidance and support. Use the Tarot spread to delve into your innermost desires and intentions, making the most of these celestial energies. Allow the Full Moon’s luminous glow to illuminate your path as you navigate change and seize the opportunity to manifest your dreams with a grounded and determined spirit. Remember, within this cosmic dance lies the power to embrace positive transformation and fully express your true self.
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apollotarot ¡ 11 months
♊️ June 2023: New Moon In Gemini Tarot Spread
The cosmos prepares for a celestial spectacle as the Gemini New Moon approaches on June 18th. This enchanting alignment brings together the Sun and Moon at 26 degrees, inviting us to set new intentions in the realms of communication, thinking, daily tasks, projects, and the captivating themes governed by Gemini.
As we bid farewell to the vibrant Gemini season, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, accompanies us on this transformative journey. However, Neptune in Pisces introduces a unique twist, challenging our traditional mental strengths and urging us to embrace a broader perspective that intertwines intuition and clarity.
⛵️ Navigating the Cosmic Square
Neptune in Pisces casts a square aspect upon both the Sun and Moon during this New Moon phase, revealing a celestial dance of mystical proportions. As this aspect challenges the traditional mental frameworks we rely upon, it invites us to transcend the limitations of overthinking and mental stress. Instead, Neptune in Pisces guides us to seek a broader perspective, one that encompasses the realms of intuition and spiritual guidance. In this dance between clarity and confusion, we learn to honor our intuitive messages and integrate them into our decision-making process.
🤗 Embracing the Bigger Picture
The Gemini New Moon catalyzes embracing the bigger picture of our lives. It urges us to step beyond the boundaries of our analytical minds and dive into the depths of our intuitive wisdom. As we release the grip of excessive thinking, we open ourselves to new dimensions of understanding and insight. Through the guidance of Neptune’s square, we are encouraged to trust our inner knowing and allow our intuition to lead the way. Doing so gives us a clearer vision of our path and aligns ourselves with the cosmic flow.
🙏🏻 Welcoming Clarity and Intuition
As the Gemini New Moon graces the celestial stage, the universe invites us to embark on a journey of intention, intuition, and clarity. This powerful alignment encourages us to redefine our relationship with communication, thinking, and the Gemini-ruled aspects of our lives. With Neptune’s square challenging our mental constructs, we learn to navigate the realms of intuition and embrace a broader perspective. In this dance between clarity and confusion, we discover the wisdom of our inner voice and honor the bigger picture that awaits us. Let us embrace the transformative energies of the Gemini New Moon and embark on a path of growth and self-discovery.
🌚 Gemini New Moon Tarot Spread: Navigating Clarity and Intuition
As we immerse ourselves in the transformative energies of the Gemini New Moon, it becomes an opportune time to enhance our connection with the cosmos through the wisdom of tarot. The cards serve as insightful guides, illuminating the themes and energies surrounding us during this celestial event. In this section, we introduce you to a specially curated tarot spread designed to align your intentions with the vibrant essence of the Gemini New Moon.
🔮 June 2023: New Moon In Gemini Tarot Spread
Card 1: The Current State of Communication:
This card reflects the current state of your communication patterns and how they influence your overall well-being. Pay attention to any areas that require adjustments or improvements to enhance clarity and understanding.
Card 2: Embracing Mental Agility:
This card reveals the critical aspects of your thought process and the mental agility available now. It guides you on how to harness the cosmic energy of the Gemini New Moon to stimulate your intellect and enhance your problem-solving abilities.
Card 3: Intuitive Guidance:
Drawn from your intuition, this card represents the guidance and intuitive messages available to support you during this phase. Embrace the insights and trust the whispers of your inner wisdom as you navigate this transformative period.
Card 4: Letting Go of Mental Stress:
This card highlights the areas in your life where mental stress or overthinking may hinder your growth. It invites you to release any unnecessary mental burdens, allowing space for clarity and fresh perspectives to emerge.
Card 5: Embracing New Perspectives:
As you embark on this journey of clarity and intuition, this card signifies the new perspectives and opportunities that await you. Be open to new ideas, explore diverse viewpoints, and embrace the multidimensionality of the Gemini New Moon energy.
Card 6: Alignment with Cosmic Flow:
This card serves as a compass, guiding you toward aligning your intentions with the cosmic flow. It offers insights into how you can harmonize your desires with the universal energies to manifest your intentions gracefully and effortlessly.
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By engaging with this carefully crafted tarot spread during the Gemini New Moon, you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, clarity, and intuition. As you explore the messages revealed by the cards, remember to trust your inner voice and honor the wisdom of the cosmos. Embrace the magic of this celestial event and allow the tarot to illuminate the path ahead, guiding you towards alignment, growth, and personal transformation.
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apollotarot ¡ 11 months
Full Moon In Sagittarius 2023 Tarot Spread: Unleash Your Inner Archer 🏹
As we approach the month of June, a wave of optimism and growth washes over us, setting the stage for exciting possibilities and personal breakthroughs.
The Energies of the Full Moon in Sagittarius
The cosmos equips us with a powerful celestial event: the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4th. Under the vibrant influence of Sagittarius, ruled by expansive Jupiter, we are encouraged to step out of our comfort zones, embrace adventure, and ignite the fires of enthusiasm within.
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Let's delve into the energies surrounding this Full Moon and discover how they can propel us toward new horizons:
Expanding Horizons: Jupiter and the North Lunar Node: At the heart of this cosmic event, Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunities, aligns with the North Lunar Node. The North Node represents our destiny, karma, and the missions we are meant to fulfill in this lifetime. As these two divine forces converge, they open pathways to new possibilities, allowing us to overcome obstacles and release past limitations. This alignment empowers us to transcend old patterns, heal emotional wounds, and pave the way for personal growth and expansion.
The Optimistic Influence of Sagittarius: Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter, infuses this Full Moon with its infectious optimism and adventurous spirit. During this time, we are filled with confidence in our abilities and a burning desire to explore uncharted territories. The energy of Sagittarius awakens our sense of adventure, urging us to step outside our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. It ignites a fire within us, fueling our passion for life and our unwavering faith in ourselves.
Unleashing Passion: Venus in Leo: Coinciding with the Full Moon, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Leo, adding a passionate flair to the cosmic energies. This celestial alignment amplifies our zest for life and fuels our desire to experience its joys fully. Our powers of attraction and seduction are heightened, opening the door to passionate encounters and new relationships. This energy favors romantic connections and extends its influence on family dynamics, fostering deeper bonds and shared moments of joy with our loved ones. Additionally, Venus in Leo blesses our financial endeavors, making it an opportune time to explore innovative ways of increasing abundance and breathing new life into our projects.
Embracing Expansion and Adventure:
The Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives as a celestial invitation to expand our horizons, embrace adventure, and ignite the fires of enthusiasm within us. Under the guiding influence of Jupiter and the North Lunar Node, we are encouraged to step beyond our limitations and release the burdens of the past.
The optimistic energy of Sagittarius fuels our sense of adventure, inspiring us to pursue our dreams boldly. With Venus in Leo adding a touch of passion and creativity to the mix, we are empowered to embrace love, joy, and abundance in all areas of our lives.
As we bask in the glow of this Full Moon, let us surrender to the cosmic energies, allowing them to guide us on a transformative journey of growth and self-discovery.
Unleash Your Inner Archer: The Full Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread
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Full Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread
The Archer's Arrow: What new adventures and opportunities are coming my way during this Full Moon in Sagittarius?
Releasing Limitations: What old patterns or beliefs am I being called to release to embrace expansion and growth?
Igniting Passion: How can I tap into my inner fire and passion to fuel my journey toward new horizons?
Embracing Optimism: What steps can I take to cultivate a more optimistic and adventurous mindset during this lunar phase?
Expanding Horizons: What areas of my life are ready for expansion and exploration? How can I broaden my horizons?
Divine Guidance: What message or guidance does the universe have for me during this transformative time?
Remember, embrace the energies of this Full Moon in Sagittarius with an open heart and a spirit of adventure. Allow the cards to guide you as you navigate the path toward personal growth, abundance, and joy. May this tarot spread illuminate the way and help you make the most of the powerful cosmic influences surrounding this celestial event.
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apollotarot ¡ 1 year
New Moon in Taurus 2023 Tarot Spread: Blooming Dreams 🌸
Step into enchantment as the Taurus New Moon arrives, bringing abundant energy and a perfect chance to manifest success. Discover the transformative power of this celestial event and unlock your potential with our captivating six-question tarot spread to manifest your dreams with precision. 🌸🔮✨
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The sextile between the Sun and Neptune on May 18th and Mercury and Saturn on the 19th ignites your inspiration and discipline, empowering you to transform your visions into reality.
The New Moon is surrounded by favorable aspects, one to Neptune and another to Mars. This energy promotes visualization and nurturance of your objectives, making it the ideal time to manifest your dreams.
Use this occasion to establish intentions for financial stability, self-worth, luxury, and comfort. Have faith in the Universe and witness the enchantment of your dreams coming to fruition. Prepare to plant, nurture, and watch the magic unfold!
New Moon in Taurus 2023 Tarot Spread: Blooming Dreams 🌸
Introducing the “Blooming Dreams Tarot Spread” — a six-question journey to unlock your potential and manifest your desires during the enchanting Taurus New Moon. Get ready to dive into the depths of your aspirations and discover the guidance you need to blossom into your best self.
What seeds should I plant during this New Moon to cultivate abundance and financial security? 🌱💰
How can I enhance my self-worth and tap into the luxury and comfort I deserve? 💎✨
How can I nurture and manifest my most cherished dreams and aspirations? 🌸🌟
What obstacles or challenges may arise on my path to manifestation, and how can I overcome them? 🌪️🛡️
What hidden opportunities or unexpected blessings are present in my journey of manifestation? 🌈🎁
What is the overall message from the Universe regarding my manifestations during this potent New Moon? 🔮🌙
With the energy of the Taurus New Moon, access your inner strength and allow the tarot to lead you toward the manifestation of your greatest aspirations. Keep in mind the Universe is working in your favor.
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apollotarot ¡ 1 year
🪐 What Can We Expect from the 2026 Saturn-Neptune Conjunction?
Are you curious about the upcoming Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 2026 and what it means? Astrologers and enthusiasts are buzzing about this rare celestial event expected to bring significant changes and challenges to our personal and collective lives. This blog post will delve into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction and how you can prepare for it.
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☌ What is the Saturn-Neptune Conjunction?
The Saturn-Neptune conjunction occurs when the two planets, Saturn and Neptune, align in the sky at the same zodiac degree. This alignment happens approximately every 36-37 years; the last time was in 1989-1990. The next one will occur in 2026.
Saturn is the planet of structure, boundaries, and responsibility. It represents the father figure and authority and teaches us lessons through hard work and discipline. Neptune, on the other hand, is the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality. It represents the mystical and the creative, reminding us to connect with our higher selves.
When these two planets come together, their energies can create tension between the material and the spiritual: Saturn's need for practicality and discipline clashes with Neptune's desire for freedom and transcendence. This tension can result in confusion, disillusionment, and uncertainty, as we try to reconcile our inner and outer worlds.
👀 What Does the 2026 Saturn-Neptune Conjunction Mean for You?
The 2026 Saturn-Neptune conjunction will bring significant changes and challenges to our personal and collective lives. While the exact effects will depend on your birth chart, there are some general themes to be aware of:
Letting go of illusions: The Saturn-Neptune conjunction can bring a time of disillusionment, where we will have to face reality and let go of illusions and fantasies. This process can be challenging, but ultimately it allows us to see things clearly and move forward more authentically.
Building new structures: While the Saturn-Neptune conjunction can bring a time of dismantling old systems, it also offers the opportunity to make new ones. This moment can be excellent for setting new goals, creating new habits, and establishing new boundaries that align with your values and aspirations.
Finding your spiritual path: Neptune's influence during this conjunction can help you connect with your spiritual side and find deeper meaning in your life. This period can be ideal for exploring your spirituality through meditation, yoga, or other practices that resonate with you.
Reconnecting with nature: Neptune is also associated with the natural world, and this conjunction can be a reminder to reconnect with nature and appreciate its beauty and power. Spending time in nature can help you find peace and clarity during this tumultuous time.
🔖 How to Prepare for the Saturn-Neptune Conjunction
While the Saturn-Neptune conjunction can be challenging, it also offers growth and transformation opportunities. Here are some tips for preparing for this event:
Get to know your birth chart: Understanding your birth chart can help you understand how the Saturn-Neptune conjunction may affect you personally. You can consult an astrologer or use online resources to learn more about your chart.
Practice self-care: During this conjunction, it is essential to take care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Make time for rest, exercise, healthy eating, and activities that bring you joy.
Reflect on your values: The Saturn-Neptune conjunction can be a time to reflect on your values and what is truly important to you. Use this time to assess your priorities and make necessary adjustments to ensure your actions align with your true beliefs.
During this period, we can expect a heightened sense of spirituality and creativity and a greater emphasis on empathy and compassion towards others. People may feel drawn towards artistic and creative pursuits and spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga. There may also be a renewed interest in social justice issues and a desire to impact the world positively.
However, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction can also bring about feelings of confusion, uncertainty, and disillusionment. It may be when people struggle to find their place in the world and question their beliefs and values. It is essential to remain grounded during this period and to avoid getting lost in fantasy or escapism.
On a global scale, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction can bring about significant changes in political and economic systems. It may be a time of upheaval and transformation as old structures dismantle and new ones are replaced. There may also be increased tensions between groups and an intensified focus on environmental issues.
Overall, the 2026 Saturn-Neptune conjunction is a time of great potential and challenge. It is when we will feel prone to connect with our spiritual selves and work towards creating a more compassionate and just world. At the same time, we must remain grounded and focused on navigating the uncertainty and upheaval that may arise during this period.
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apollotarot ¡ 1 year
15 Essential Deities in Egyptian Mythology
Ancient Egyptian mythology is one of human history’s oldest and most fascinating belief systems. With a pantheon of gods and goddesses representing various aspects of life and the universe, the Egyptians created a rich and complex mythology that continues to captivate people today.
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Here are some of the most significant Egyptian deities and what they represent:
Isis: Known as the “mother goddess,” Isis was associated with motherhood, fertility, and magic. She was also revered as the goddess of nature and healing.
Ma’at: As the goddess of truth, justice, and balance, Ma’at was an important figure in Egyptian mythology. She was responsible for maintaining the universe’s balance and upholding the laws of morality and ethics.
Ptah: Ptah was the god of craftsmen and creation, responsible for creating the universe and all living beings. He was also considered a protector of artists and artisans.
Osiris: One of the most important gods in Egyptian mythology, Osiris was the god of the underworld, fertility, and resurrection. He was believed to have been the first pharaoh and was responsible for teaching humanity about agriculture and civilization.
Seth: As the god of chaos and the desert, Seth was powerful and often feared figure in Egyptian mythology. He was also associated with storms, war, and violence.
Bastet: Known as the goddess of cats, Bastet was also associated with fertility, music, and dance. She was believed to protect homes and families from evil spirits and was often depicted with the head of a cat.
Thoth: Thoth was the god of wisdom, writing, and knowledge. He was responsible for inventing hieroglyphs and was believed to have written influential religious texts, like the Emerald Tablet.
Horus: As the god of the sky and kingship, Horus was an important figure in Egyptian mythology. He was believed to be the son of Osiris and Isis and was associated with the pharaohs of Egypt.
Sekhmet: Known as the goddess of war and healing, Sekhmet was often depicted as a lioness. She was believed to have the power to create and destroy and was called upon for protection during times of war.
Amun: Amun was the gods’ king and was associated with the sun and air. He was often depicted with a ram’s head and considered one of the Egyptian pantheon’s most potent and influential gods.
Ra: As the god of the sun and creation, Ra was a central figure in Egyptian mythology. He was believed to have created the world and was associated with the pharaohs of Egypt.
Hathor: Hathor was the goddess of love, beauty, and joy. She was associated with motherhood and fertility and was often depicted as a cow.
Nut: As the goddess of the sky, Nut was often depicted as a woman arching over the earth with her hands and feet touching the ground. She held up the stars and was considered a protector of the dead.
Geb: Geb was the god of the earth and was responsible for giving life to plants and animals. He was often depicted as a man lying on his back, with his wife Nut arched over him.
Khnum: Khnum was the god of creation and was associated with the Nile River. He was often depicted as a man with the head of a ram and was responsible for shaping humans out of clay.
Ancient Egyptian mythology features numerous intriguing deities, each symbolizing different life and universe elements. Even now, their tales remain captivating to many.
Keep exploring: 15 Essential Deities in Egyptian Mythology.
As you explore the world of Egyptian mythology, you may find yourself drawn to a particular deity and feel a connection to their power and energy. If that is the case, consider wearing a symbolic necklace as a reminder of its significance in your life.
A beautifully crafted necklace featuring an Egyptian deity can be a meaningful accessory that adds a touch of mystique to any outfit.
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Wear a piece of Egyptian mythology with you wherever you go!
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apollotarot ¡ 1 year
Unlock the Power of the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio with this Transformative Tarot Spread
Discover the Potential of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio through a Life-Changing Tarot Spread.
Are you ready to witness the power of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5, 2023? Brace yourself because this astrological event will bring intense energy and transformative change you won't miss. It's time to release what no longer serves you and welcome new opportunities that will shape your destiny.
Here are some astrological aspects to keep in mind during this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio:
The Full Moon in Scorpio is not for the faint-hearted. Scorpio is a sign that represents transformation, intensity, and emotional depth. During this Full Moon, you will feel the full force of these energies, and it's up to you to embrace your emotions fully. Feeling overwhelmed and emotional is okay, so don't be afraid to trust the process and allow yourself to feel the feelings.
As the Lunar Eclipse approaches, prepare for powerful energy to help you release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. This is your chance to shed your old skin and transform yourself into a better version. Remember, this is a time for change and growth, so embrace it with open arms.
Pluto, the ruling planet of Scorpio, is currently in retrograde motion. This means that deeper issues and patterns will surface, which you must address to achieve true transformation. The good news is that this is a temporary phase, and when Pluto resumes its full motion, you will be ready for the next chapter of your life.
Embrace change! The energy of this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is all about embracing change and transformation. It might not be easy, but it's essential to trust the process and be open to new possibilities. You never know what fantastic opportunities are waiting for you just around the corner.
Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 2023 Tarot Spread:
I created a tarot spread of five cards to help you navigate the upcoming Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This spread will provide insight into what needs to be released, what you must embrace, and how to navigate the change and transformation coming your way.
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So, shuffle your favorite tarot deck and ask yourself:
What must you release during this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio?
How can you tap into the transformative energy of this astrological event? 
What deeper issues and patterns must you address for true transformation?
What new opportunities are coming your way?
How can you trust the process and navigate this transformative time with strength and resilience?
The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio might seem daunting, but with the help of this tarot spread, you can release what no longer serves you and welcome the changes coming your way. Trust the process, embrace your emotions, and know you have the strength and resilience to navigate this powerful astrological event. Get ready to transform your life for the better!
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apollotarot ¡ 1 year
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💍 My precious! cstu.io/b9fedb
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apollotarot ¡ 1 year
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Not me casually trying to show off my Phone Case of The Chariot Tarot Card 🤪.
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apollotarot ¡ 1 year
🤩 Tarot Card Pendants! All 78 tarot cards are available. 🚀 FREE Shipping. cstu.io/0aa525
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