#jotun!loki x ofc
november-rayne · 2 years
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On AO3 and Wattpad
The Unthinkable Offering
Summary: Imprisoned and isolated. Seidr suppressed. All but forgotten.
Loki has been sentenced to life in prison after the attack on New York. Circumstances lead Odin to reverse his decision, but Loki's freedom comes with a heavy price.
Genre: Angst/Smut/Fluff, Slow Burn
Pairing: Loki x Original Female Character
Chapters: 32/34
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chantsdemarins · 2 years
❄️Frost Secrets from the Other Son Chapter 12 My One True King
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Okay, it's the last chapter.
This story saved me from a massive depression. I hope it brought you joy too! Thank you for every comment, every reblog and for your time reading. You read my story! I still can't believe it. More Loki stories to come. I hope you stick with me. 💚
Tags: (thank you if you are still around) 💚
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Kasse Finnegan Lokison was born howling at the snowy moon just as it was leaving the cool indigo sky.
A beautiful shape-shifting 10 pounds 3 oz.
He amazed his parents from the moment he joined their world. He was human-looking for the briefest of moments until he shifted into a luminous blue newborn and then back again into a human form, complete with interesting lines on his plump and already restless and adorable body.
Lillian couldn't imagine how she did it, how she and Loki created this perfect being.
She held him to her, memorizing every detail of his being, engraving his soul into her mind and heart. She looked up at Loki in awe. In his human form, Kasse looked just like his father, with jet hair and what might become sky blue eyes. In his Jötunn form, he looked like his mother.
Immediately after being handed over into Loki's trembling hands, tears faster than any river fell on Loki's pale face. His breathless sobs filled the quiet of the room, ricocheting off the raw silence of the snow outside. He said many things to Kasse in the first moments of his life, some in Asgardian or old Norse and some in his emerging babble language that included quiet little sounds. He blessed him and blessed Lillian for coming into his life almost a year ago. He told Kasse that he had fallen in love with his mother immediately. Indeed, that is how he felt now after enduring such an experience with her.
What felt like so much effort and ambiguity all began to align into an unfamiliar yet beguiling concept for Loki, commitment. He was committed. He committed to Kasse, to Lillian, to working the problems out with his family so his son would someday inherit the throne that he would never sit upon.
Lillian would never forget Loki holding Kasse close to his chest, looking out the window while snowflakes fell in delicate patterns blown loose by the wind, finally slowing after such a storm.
Her beautiful vision of her lover and son landed in her heart forever.
"Loki, I could look at you forever like this," she said with sleep consuming her.
He looked at her, vividly handsome in just his pants and nothing else.
He came and laid down next to her, placing their baby between them. Kasse's little legs kicked gently as he slept.
It seemed like she only closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again, Loki was in his Aesir form, sleeping with Kasse on his chest. When she looked down at her body, she was still in her Jötunn form. She had not changed back.
Loki had.
As she stirred more, Loki woke up, kissing the baby in his half-sleeping body, a look of sadness threaded through his happiness.
"I'm so sorry, my love, I think I might not have much control over when I shift back and forth, and we don't know how and when you will come back into your human form. I'm sure it's soon," he whispered as the morning light cast its golden hues over the Midgardian furniture in the bedroom.
"We will figure it out," he assured Lillian, running his long fingers over her shoulder. She turned her head, facing him, lacing the fingers of her free hand through his.
With faint hopefulness, she said, "I hope so because I can't stay here and I can't go back to Asgard like this."
In their strange forms, they stayed like this for almost three months, a human-looking Aesir Jötunn man and a Jötunn-looking human woman, caring for an adorable baby somewhere in the middle.
As Kasse grew older, his behavior became more like his father's. He seemed to be mastering the art of being charming with little effort.
As they tended to Kasse and began to know their son, the winter snow continued to fall in storms, creating challenges for Loki to leave and go to town to get supplies. He often went out of the woods just far enough for his magic to return and conjure up everyday essentials like diapers. It was a strange use of his siður, but it delighted him.
One day he spent a few hours in the clearing outside the forest making baby clothes for Kasse. He used his imagination to create baby versions of his Asgardian finery, complete with infant-size cloaks. When he returned to Lillian with the pile of clothes in his knapsack, he pulled out each outfit and proudly showed her his creations.
She was caught in-between laughter and tears. This man was ridiculous, and she wondered how she could ever live without him now that Kasse was here. They were putting off what to do next.
Loki hadn't told Lillian that both Thor and his mother had been communicating with him, begging for them to return to Asgard.
Loki's statements that they weren't ready to return were falling flat on Frigga. She knew something was wrong.
In the stolen moments of silence when Kasse was sleeping, Lillian let her anger for Odin and Frigga return to her mind. She wondered if Jane had ever received her story of Loki's life and the truth about his family. Her book and obligations would compete for her attention, but she could not consider it beyond the time limits of Kasse's naps. Once her miracle woke up, all her thoughts concentrated on protecting this rare and beautiful child of hers. Time was slowing yet still moving through Lillian's and Loki's grasp.
Before winter melted into spring, a knock on the door in the middle of the night jarred Loki awake from somewhere in the nine realms where his soul dreamed. Kasse had been recently sleeping through the night, so the evening hours found all three asleep soundly.
Loki woke quickly when he heard the knock. He wrapped his green robe around his pale lithe body, feeling his heartbeat through his chest.
Who could be knocking on the door so late at night?
Vulnerability pulsed through his veins; every day he spent on Midgard, he was becoming more and more like a human. He could not protect his family with anything but the strength muscled to his bones and his still clever mind.
The knock came again. This time Lillian stirred.
She called out to Loki and with her hands found him missing from the bed. He turned around, and she saw him in the shadows putting a long finger to his lips.
She immediately got up and silently checked on Kasse, who was still peacefully asleep in his bassinet beside the bed. Standing next to Loki, Lillian was much bolder in her Jötunn form. Loki saw she was holding the ivory-colored blade he made her from the lost white metal found deep within the Earth that she kept under her pillow. Only a few in the nine realms knew of the metal it was made of. It could pierce the heart of a dragon, even if those creatures had long left Midgard.
He knew that she needed it.
Especially since he might need to leave her again.
The lovers glanced at one another in silence. Their combined fear and fearlessness met the still air, punctuating it with their bravery.
Before either of them could think further about what to do, the heavy door opened on its own, regardless of being thoroughly locked. The dark moonless early spring night cast no light on the darkness. All Loki saw was the size of the form, much larger than him or his currently Jötunn lover.
The voice crackled through the room, creating static lightning bolts temporarily illuminating it. The light created a small outline around the form's undeniably blue body.
"I am here to bring my wife home to Jötunnheim," he spoke directly, with no fanfare.
The simplicity of his words were as cold as his realm. Loki was thoroughly stunned. With his true parentage revealed, he had barely confronted Odin his adopted father let alone his birth father. His new fatherhood also coursed through him, and his eyes narrowed in protection.
"Lillian IS NOT your wife," Loki shouted, unfortunately waking up the slumbering baby. Kasse's cries now created a new level of crisis.
Laufey stepped through the doorway and stood staring at Lillian unwavering. She had picked up Kasse with her free hand, still yielding the ivory blade in the other. Loki stood in front of them, arms outstretched.
"You will leave now, Laufey; whatever insanity has brought you here can bring you right back to Jötunnheim," Loki continued his threats toward his father.
Laufey's icy stare met at all three figures before him. Lillian swore she saw icicles forming around his words.
He stepped closer to Loki, who was visibly shaking and said, "I fell in love with her when you could not. Your love is not unwavering."
He glanced at Lillian and continued.
"Have you told her of your conversations with Frigga and Odin and your plan to bring your son, my grandchild, back to Asgard without her?"
Lillian panicked and looked at Laufey and Loki, eyes darting back and forth.
"Is this true, LOKI," she screamed. "Why would you take the baby without me? How would Laufey know about this?" Before Loki could respond, Laufey interjected, "I know because I've been watching him as he goes outside the woods to magic items for you both. He is also communicating with his Asgardian family."
"MY FAMILY," Loki corrected him.
Laufey stepped closer, his frozen breath haunting the curves of Loki's face.
"That is where you are wrong. You are my son. I don't know how you ended up with Odin, nor do I have the time or interest in knowing why. I know now that you have a Jötunn wife you do not truly love. She belongs with me. As does my grandson."
It was unbelievable. How was this happening? How could this ever have happened? He had only thought of taking Kasse to see Frigga temporarily. It was a fleeting idea. How Laufey knew this was inconceivable. A dark nightmare was unfolding, even though they were awake.
Boldly Loki found his strength as he spoke again, "I love Lillian and my son, Laufey. You will have to kill me to get to them."
Laufey scoffed. He had no intention of killing his son, but he also had no use for him, especially because he was in his Aesir form.
Noses almost touching, he whispered, "I have no use for an Aesir."
The disdain and rejection pierced Loki's heart. A sharp barb wove into the chambers interfering with his blood flow. He felt cold, stunned, and wounded. He loved Lillian. Laufey had misunderstood and reinterpreted his actions. In his shock, Loki had lost sight of Lillian, who was staring straight at Laufey.
A thousand thoughts flew through the atmosphere of her mind. She had contemplated what their future might be if she never turned back. It was bleak. It suddenly occurred to her, Laufey had been the one to give her the specific birthing instructions. It must have been him. He had been watching them for months, ever since they were on Jötunnheim.
Reading Lillian's thoughts, Laufey spoke only to her.
"Lillian, you know what I suggest is the correct path. You might never turn back into a human. Sadly, you and your son will be safer with me, much safer than he would ever be with his father. His father harbors doubt that Aesir has put into his head. My intentions are pure," Laufey said as he held his hand.
"Come with me."
Without another thought and all his strength, he knocked Laufey's hand away from Lillian.
Laufey redoubled his effort quickly. Lunging forward, he held Loki by his neck against the cabin walls loosening the weak Midgardian architecture from its rafters.
Kasse was now wailing with an intensity that seemed to move the confrontation to a conclusion.
Laufey's brute strength overpowered whatever power Loki could muster.
Father and son, eye to eye. Whatever feelings Laufey had about his son were now only focused on Lillian. Somewhere in his head, his son was untrustworthy and a liability to his crown.
In a strange mix of aggression and pleading, Lillian leaped towards Laufey with her blade, he could see it coming towards his middle, and his quick dodging caused her blade to hit the floor. Had she made contact Laufey would have met his end.
"Don't hurt him, please, please," Lillian cried as she still tried to step between them, now just using her own strength. Loki's body was growing limp under his father's grip. There was no more time.
Lillian continued yelling over Kasse's cries, "Laufey. Loki is my husband and the father of my son, I don't know how he ended up with Odin, who is a much viler man than you could ever dream of being, but he did. Had he not, I would not have met him, your son transformed my life."
"Your son Laufey. He is your son Laufey"
The desperate words Lillian spoke seemed to cull him from his state of fury. Kasse's face was turning a brighter shade of human red, not blue. He was very Midgardian in his distinct vulnerability of the moment. Loki's body slid down the wall as he tried to recover consciousness, never taking his eyes off his son or Lillian, even in his weakened state.
Lillian spoke again.
"Look at your grandson Laufey. He's part human. Do you want a human on Jötunnheim? I know this seems impossible, but what if Kasse is the bridge between these worlds? A bridge between Midgard, Asgard and Jötunnheim? What if we can change the future? It doesn't have to be like this!"
Lillian's tears of anguish suddenly reminded Laufey of Azira, Loki's mother, and the pain they both felt when Loki disappeared so long ago.
His knees weakened.
He was not on Jötunnheim, not protected from his memories. They could now come to him unfettered. Not held in the ether, the trees, the water.
They now entirely inhabited his heart and mind once again. He hadn't noticed in his rage until this moment. The Ironwood Forest prevented any enchantments he might have done from taking hold. He was utterly at the mercy of his past.
The night Loki disappeared came back to him.
Azira leaving came back.
All his other wives came back.
All his disappointments.
His defense of Jötunnheim from Odin...
Laufey suddenly knew Odin had waged war against him to protect the child he stole. Loki was a bargaining chip, and now Lillian similarly spoke of Kasse. His heirs, foils in mad domination of the nine realms.
Lillian was not Azira
Once Loki could walk, he approached Lillian and placed his arms around her and Kasse. Bewildered but cogent, he could see his father's mind was full of memories, and he had been weakened.
Having spent so much time as a frost giant, Lillian also knew Laufey was becoming immobilized by his memories. He suddenly looked like any broken older man she knew from Earth. His grandeur faded. His plans changed. The memories his people avoided suddenly led him on a different course.
He finally spoke.
"Loki, what if she never turns back into a human?"
It was not what he expected to hear from Laufey.
Loki was unsure he needed to answer his father, especially after he almost killed him, but he did.
"Then I ask we all go to Jötunnheim as a family, under your protection."
Laufey was now equally shocked by his lost son. So was Lillian. She gently spoke, "Loki, you don't know if you can fully shift into a frost giant form, and why would you become something you hate?" Lillian said, rocking Kasse, his hot little face finally calming.
"Because I love you more than I hate myself."
Tears were streaming down Loki's face, glistening in his blue eyes.
Both Lillian and Laufey were quiet.
"Very well, I see I have misjudged my son and his wife. You have more courage than all the realms combined, certainly more than Odin or me. There is a future for you together, after all."
Lillian was in a new disbelief. Did it take Loki's big blue estranged father to come down and hit on her to force Loki to claim her and Kasse, to name their love finally honestly in front of the gods?
"I will take my leave of you," Laufey said, leaving a trail of sadness in his wake as he left their cabin, walking towards the dawn. He did not give them a chance to speak more. Ask questions. Nothing. He was gone.
Still, in disbelief, Loki picked up Kasse in his arms and gently kissed his forehead and sleep-filled eyes.
He looked at Lillian, as she walked closer to face him.
“Loki, you are my one true king,” Lillian softly whispered into his hair.
Loki laughed self-consciously. He knew he would never be king. His son's future was held in the balance of the two realms, fate unknown.
"I meant everything I said, even if I thought I was going to have to go to Jötunnheim and kill my father to get the loves of my life back."
Lillian laughed, surprising herself.
"Not this time at least."
"Not this time at least," he repeated with his trademark smirk etched across his strained but still incredibly handsome face.
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
Gravity Of You, Chapter 13 (Final Chapter)
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Loki looked over at Lyra. She was just staring at him, utterly stunned.
‘Well… This is who I am. The real me, hopefully you can accept me like this too.’ Loki put his arms out to the side and smiled at her.
Lyra walked towards him slowly, her cheeks were red as she took him in completely, she wasn’t sure why she felt so shy all of a sudden.
‘I’ve known the real you for a while now, Loki. I love you in whatever form you want to be in.’ She smiled up at him as she walked into his arms. ‘But why are you still so tall? It’s not fair!’ She whined and buried her face into his chest.
Loki chuckled and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. ‘At least I don’t tower over you in quite the same way now.’ He then cupped her chin and tilted her head up, ducking down further to capture her lips softly, making her heart flutter.
‘Aw, so cute. I’ll leave you lovebirds. Thank you for the deal, Prince Loki.’ Agatha said mockingly and bowed at him, then with a rather wicked laugh she headed inside her cottage, the door slammed shut behind her itself.
‘Come on, lets get away from here.’ Loki said as he took Lyra’s hand and they went to see the guy for some supplies.
‘What did you end up giving her in return?’ Lyra asked curiously. She couldn’t take her eyes off Loki.
‘Some knowledge that I thought she would like. She’s not as powerful as she makes out to be.’ Loki lied, but he didn’t want Lyra to worry. All he wanted now, was to take her to see the Universe, the stars.
After getting supplies, they went back to the skiff and loaded up.
‘At least being in this form again we can actually fit plenty of supplies on this ship.’ Loki laughed.
‘True… Though I did quite like how… uhm… how much skin you had on show.’ She coughed a little. ‘As your Jotun form.’ She blushed hard.
Loki smirked and stalked over to her, slipping his arms around her he nuzzled her nose with his own.
‘This armour can easily be removed, love. At the click of my fingers, in-fact.’ He winked at her.
‘Well, that’s good to hear.’ She giggled. ‘Though I will miss my big giant, and being picked up easily.’ She admitted.
‘You think I’m not still as strong, hmm?’ Loki growled and then lifted her up with ease, making her squeal.
‘Ohhhh… I, uhm… didn’t think.’ She giggled again.
Loki slid his hands under her top and began tickling up her back, making her laugh even more.
‘Perhaps I will allow the beast within me to make an appearance on occasion. Just for you.’ He grinned as he placed her down to her feet carefully.
‘I love you, Loki. No matter what form you choose.’ She said honestly, smiling up at him. And Loki could finally tell that she was being truthful, there wasn’t even a tiny bit of a lie.
‘I love you too. My Starlight girl… always.’
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viscountmelbourne · 2 years
Chapter 3 now up!
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (TV 2021), What If...? (TV 2021) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Original Female Character(s), Mobius M. Mobius, Kid Loki (Loki TV), President Loki (Loki TV), Boastful Loki (Loki TV), Classic Loki (Loki TV), Pokey Loki (Loki TV), redhead loki - Character, bicycle helmet loki, glamshades loki, Jotun Loki - Character, frost giant loki - Character, Jane Foster (Marvel) Additional Tags: Soulmates, Episode: s01e07 What If... Thor Were an Only Child?, What If? (Marvel Comics), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Eventual Romance, Eventual Sex, Friendship, Romantic Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Good Loki (Marvel), Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s) Summary:
Julianna Redbridge is fascinated by the Loki variants who live nearby. But it's her own world's Loki who mystifies her.
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siggytumbles · 4 months
!! ISO Loki-fic suggestions !!
Hello friends! I'm desperately craving some Loki x Princess fics (can be Sigyn/OFC/Reader/idc) and struggling to narrow down my Ao3 searches. If anyone has any suggestions, please share!
Some Themes/Tropes I like but aren't required: Arranged marriage, Jotun Loki, childhood friends to lovers, Stangers to friends to lovers, Idiots in love, pinning, slow burn, sexual tension, dirty talk, bonding over magic, equally mischievous MFC, embracing the others culture, world building, warrior-princess vibes, myth loki vibes.
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ao3feed-janefoster · 2 years
Yggdrasill Stories - 1: The Fall of Loki.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/aG3DZy1
by ChitoseBW
After attempting to conquer Miðgarðr and destroy Jǫtunheimr, Loki is punished by Óðinn for following in Þórr's footsteps into the human realm. However, the nornir drop him near Jórunn, a young woman with the unsteady ability to see the future. Returning to Ásgarðr becomes an urgency when his jǫtunn nature emanates from him uncontrollably. Still, Loki can see an easy way out by meeting a man he believed to be extinct; a half áss-vanr who, unfortunately, knows him all too well.
Warnings: - Mythological variant of Loki, Loki Laufeyjarson. - 80% Norse mythology and 20% Marvel. - Mythological Yggdrasill. - Mild Loki x OC and Loki x Sigyn not reciprocated. - It takes place between The Avengers and Thor: the Dark World.
This fanfic is also written in Spanish under the name "Historias de Yggdrasill - 1: La caída de Loki.".
Words: 10967, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Yggdrasill Stories
Fandoms: Norse Religion & Lore, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Loki (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki (Marvel), Jórunn (OC), Jórunn Lýtirdóttir, Lýtir (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki Laufeyjarson (Norse Religion & Lore), Óðinn | Odin (Norse Religion & Lore), Frigg | Frigga (Norse Religion & Lore), Sif (Norse Religion & Lore), Þórr | Thor (Norse Religion & Lore), Heimdallr | Heimdall (Norse Religion & Lore), Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Sól | Sunna (Norse Religion & Lore), Máni (Norse Religion & Lore), Urðr | Urd (Norse Religion & Lore), Skuld (Norse Religion & Lore), Verðandi | Verdandi (Norse Religion & Lore), Mímir | Mim (Norse Religion & Lore), Fárbauti (Norse Religion & Lore), Laufey (Norse Religion & Lore), Sigyn (Norse Religion & Lore), Peter Parker, Peter Benjamin Parker, Mary Jane Watson, May Parker (Spider-Man), Gwen Stacy, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis
Relationships: Loki/Sigyn (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki/OC, Loki/OFC, Loki/Original Character, Loki/Original Female Character, Loki Laufeyjarson/OC, Loki/Jórunn, Loki Laufyjarson/Jórunn Lýtirdóttir, Sigyn/Loki/OC
Additional Tags: References to Norse Religion & Lore, Marvel Norse Lore, Alternate Universe - Norse Religion & Lore, alternative universe, Original Character(s), Ásgarðr, Miðgarðr | Midgard, Nornir - Freeform, Æsir, vanir, ásynjur, Valkyrjur, Mímisbrunnr, Urðarbrunnr, Jötnar, Jötnar | Jotuns | Frost Giants (Norse Religion & Lore), Old Norse, Loki always does evil, Loki manifests as Jǫtunn, Jötunn Loki, Loki tries to be understood, Loki and Thor drink together, parental abandonment, Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Psychological Trauma, Thor is redheaded, Scandinavian countries want the æsir and vanir back, What do the Norse gods do in the US?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/aG3DZy1
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hurricanerin · 4 years
I’ll Never Tell - Masterlist
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Summary: Ruthlessly cast out of Svartalfheim for her decency, Petra finds herself at the mercy of a group of barbarians on Jötunheim.  She argues with their king, desperate for an opportunity to live with them for a chance at survival.  His reasons for refusing her are sound, and just as it seems he’s about to sentence her to certain death, an idea strikes him. The Jötnar population is hearty, but with few children.  It’s been ages since the birth of a healthy baby, without which their species will perish.  Petra unknowingly presents him with a reason to let her stay and a solution to save his race.  If she allows him to breed her, she can live with his people.
Pairing: Loki/OFC
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Smut, non-con, power imbalance, violence, breeding, forced orgasms.
(1. Paranoid) (2. Hate Myself) (3. Fill the Room) (4. Imagine It) (5. Insecure)
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anonymousfiction211 · 2 years
hi! i love your writing and i finally have the courage to send a request-
loki in his jotun form is 10x more sensitive to heat, and the first few times, comes before his partner because it's so warm and good to him. so he makes it a personal goal to make them come first in his jotun form. dom!jotun loki x sub!reader :p
not the whatif!jotunloki but mcu!jotunloki. preferably in second perspective, aaand if your comfortable with it gender neutral pet names for the reader :,)) i’m nonbinary (afab) so terms like “good girl” kinda throws me off sometimes, but if you’re not comfortable with it that’s ok and you can write with fem!reader!
A/N: Thank you so much for your request. This was a really fun one the write. I tried to make it as gender neutral as possible, hopefully I succeeded in it. I hope you like it :) (Besides, I did love whatif!jotunloki in the series, but mcu!jotunloki is the one I alway prefer)
Word count: 1.682 words Warnings: Sex (18+) MDNI, dom/sub, edging.
Personal Mission It didn’t happen often, but sometimes Loki would indulge you and fuck you in his Jotün-form. Not that he wasn’t good in his Asgardian-form. Your sex-life could be described as anything, except boring. But in his Jotün-form it was different. Maybe it was because it was his ‘true’-form. Or maybe it was because the biology of Jotüns were a little different than humans. But in that form, he was more in charge, more dominant, more primal. And you didn’t mind that one bit.
There was something else, though. Something Loki was very ashamed of the first time it happened. As a Frost Giant, he preferred the cold. His whole body was more sensitive to heat. The first time he had entered you in his Jotün-form, it only took him a few pumps, before he couldn’t hold back anymore and came inside of you. Normally, he would let you come first, at least once but often multiple times, before he began to chase his own high. But the heat of your walls that surrounded his cock felt too good for him to hold back.
Now, it was the standard that Loki would come first when he was in his Jotün-form. And that definitely didn’t mean that the sex was any less good. He always made sure that you had achieved your high after his. And you were fine with this. Little did you know that Loki was on his own personal mission tonight.
The moment you stepped through the door he pushed you against the wall. He slammed the door shut and trapped you between his body and the wall. He started to kiss your neck and dragged his teeth across your skin. He kissed your lips passionately and you closed your eyes. You felt his hands at your hips, keeping you pinned against the wall. Suddenly, his lips started to feel cold against your skin. After a few seconds you felt his getting cold as well. He stopped kissing you and when you opened your eyes, you were staring in his red eyes. By the way he looked and you, you knew you were in trouble.
Before you could react, he grabbed your hair and pulled it. You hissed from the slight pain and were unable to move your head at the moment. His lips were on your ear, before he said anything you felt him inhale your scent.
‘How dare you come to the restaurant, dressed like that’ he growled in your ear. ‘I have been wanting to bend you over that table for the last two hour’
His deep raspy voice went straight to your core. You clenched your thighs together in the hope to find some relief. But it didn’t work.
‘Maybe you should have’ you boldly replied.
‘Oh, pet’ he sinisterly laughed in your ear. ‘You have no idea what I have in store for you’
Before you could answer he let go of your hair and grabbed your hips. In one motion ducked down and threw you over his shoulder. You yelped in surprise. He slapped your ass harder than you would have expected him to do.
‘Save that pretty voice over yours. You are going to need it’ he told you.
He threw you on the bed. You playfully attempted to scramble away from him, but he grabbed your ankle and pulled you towards him. He clawed at your clothes and ripped them to shreds. In a few minutes time you laid naked underneath him, with him still fully clothed in his suit. He hooked his arms underneath your legs and grabbed your hips. He pressed his tongue against your clit and started to eat you out methodically. The only thing you were able to do was lay there and take it. In mere minutes you were a moaning mess underneath him. You tried to squirm in his grasp, moving away from the intense pleasure his tongue was giving you. But he kept you pinned down on the bed.
You felt the pleasurable feeling build inside of you. It was getting higher and higher. You arched your back and clenched the sheets together in your hands. But right before the moment of your peak, he stopped. You angled your head, so you were able to see him.
‘What?’ was the only word that you said. Your mind was still trying to come to terms with the lack of stimulation, you so desperately wanted.
Loki just smirked at you ‘What?’ he answered.
After a few deep breaths you felt the feeling eb away. It was the most frustrating thing in the world. Loki got on two knees and removed his jacket. He pushed your thighs back down on the bed and slowly started to stroke your clit. The touch was very light, nearly not enough pressure for your liking. But you knew better right now than to try to do something about it. Especially when he was in this form. Besides, there was something thrilling about Loki taking complete control over you. And you were curious what he was up to, because he was definitely up to something.
He slightly increased the pressure on your clit. Over time you felt your orgasm approaching. You closed your eyes and relaxed, waiting for the feeling to overtake you. But right before you could feel it, he stopped again. You instinctively moved your hand to your clit to finish the job. But Loki grabbed your wrist, before you could reach it. When the feeling of your missed orgasm ebbed away, it was harder to focus on what was happening around you. Loki removed his tie and grabbed both your wrists. He tied them together above your head, with his tie.
And that’s when you knew what he was up to.
He started to kiss you, until the feeling of your orgasm was completely gone. He didn’t stop kissing you, but you felt his fingers slowly making their way back to your clit. You tried to move away, but the weight of his body forced you to stay. You whined a little when you felt his fingers again. Not, because it didn’t feel good. But you knew he wouldn’t let you finish this time either. And you were right.
Loki took his time to almost bring you to your high, only to let you fall. Again, and again. After every missed orgasm he removed one item of his own clothing. And Loki being Loki, things like the shoes and socks were counted separately. You lost all track of time. You were moaning so hard, your whole voice sounded horse. In between your failed orgasms he would offer you some resting time and some water. But his fingers or tongue always returned to your clit, to quickly for your liking.
When he was completely naked, he hovered above you. Memorising the way, you looked ruined underneath him. You were panting and sweating, while he looked unaffected by all this. The only thing that gave him away, was the fully erect cock between his legs that started to leak precum.
‘You look absolutely beautifully when you are ruined by my touch’ he whispered in your ear.
‘Loki, I can’t anymore’ you panted back. Tears were starting to form in your eyes due to the frustration. Even tough his touch kept you cool, you felt like your whole body was on fire. You were sensitive and every little touch set you off.
‘This time I’ll let you finish’ he said in all seriousness. And you knew he wasn’t lying.
He grabbed your hips and aligned your entrance with his cock. He slowly entered you, and you shivered a bit from the cold feeling inside of you. He started to pump, and you arched your back, because your orgasm wasn’t that far away. When he started to flick your clit in the rhythm he was moving, you finally reached your high. You screamed his name so loudly, you were sure the neighbours could hear it. You walls clenched down and gripped his cock. A few more pumps and you felt his seed spill inside of you. He groaned loudly and collapsed half on top of you. The weight felt comfortable and both of you laid there, gathering your breath.
Loki finally pulled out and moved to your side. You snuggled against him, and he immediately wrapped his arms around you.
‘How are you feeling, love?’ he asked.
‘I don’t know if I should wear this outfit less or more often’ you chuckled.
Loki laughed with you. ‘I can say this night has been amazing’
The two of you laid there, enjoying the way one and another felt. But after a while, you couldn’t ignore the mess between your legs anymore. ‘Loki’ you whispered.
‘Hmm’ he hummed.
‘I want to clean myself up’ you said.
He grumbled a little, but reluctantly let go of you. ‘Go take a shower, if you want. Put on some fluffy clothes and we can see a movie’ he said.
You did as he proposed. The two of you ended up watching a movie on the couch. Both in comfortable clothing, cuddling against each other. Loki had made popcorn, which you ate most of. It wasn’t until you opened your eyes that you realised you had fallen asleep, and Loki had put you to bed. The smell of eggs and greeted you, and you heard Loki stumbling around in the kitchen. You left the bed to join him in the kitchen. To your surprise he was still in his Jotün-form. Normally, he would change back the next day. When you entered the kitchen, he looked a little nervous. You just stepped towards him, gave him a big kiss on his lips and sat down at the table. The nervous look was replaced with relief.
You made coffee and poured him a cup as well. When breakfast was served, you grabbed the paper to read it, while Loki had his nose buried in a book. There was a comfortable silence, nothing needed to be said. Because at this moment, everything was perfect.
Taglist: @delightfulheartdream @theaudacitytowrite @pescadoavocado @theestorm @justacripple @taurusbeing @callistoneith @mavelfan2335 @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @vbecker10 @prettylittlepluviophile @stjarnaloki @dayzmae @lokislittlemoon @ilovefanfictions @lokis-pet-mcu
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geminigirl0298 · 2 years
The Course Of True Love
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Relationship: Loki Odinson x Original Female Character
Summary: Loki Odinson never expected to see his mother hurrying down a hall with a smart-mouthed, soot-covered figure who was supposedly the princess of Vanaheim. He never expected her to stay more than a week, much less an entire century, and he surely did not expect their initial animosity to morph into the fluttering, tickling feeling he got in his stomach every time she was near.
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N: So, this is the penultimate chapter! I'll save the tears for my last A/N. I'm halfway done the last chapter and it will be out ASAP.
Warnings: Smut, 18+, loss of virginity, fingering (female receiving), oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, cursing, inappropriate language, blood.
Previous Chapter Masterlist
The chair broke with a loud, splintering noise. Gri let out a sharp gasp. Taking advantage of her surprise, Sigrid scrambled out of her binds and grabbed a leg of the chair. She braced a foot on the seat and pulled until the wood came apart in her hands. The leg was round, sharp at one end. Now she had a weapon.
“Back up!” She wielded the leg at her. “Back up!”
Gri held up her hands in surrender. “I—”
“Tell me where Leif is! Now!”
“He’s in the stables,” Gri answered with a sick smile. “I made Bjorn take him to the stables.”
Sigrid looked around. She spotted the rope on the ground and pointed to it. “Pick that up.” Wide eyed, Gri did as she was told. “Tie your hands together.”
Gri bent down to retrieve the rope. She began winding the frayed ends around her wrists while Sigrid watched her. Over and under, she looped the rope around her wrists until a knot was formed. She presented them to Sigrid with a glare. “Here.”
“Tug on them. Try to pull your wrists apart.” Sigrid leveled the weapon at Gri’s chest. “I don’t trust you, you murderous bitch. You could have tied them loosely. Now tug.” Gri did as she was told, pulling and tugging her wrists in opposite directions until Sigrid was satisfied they would hold.
“Happy?” Gri taunted.
“Not in the slightest. Now walk.” She pushed the woman’s shoulder with the tip of the leg until she turned around. “You’re going to take me to the stables and you’re going to get Bjorn to let Leif go.”
“This is a bit of an overreaction,” Gri said, once they had been walking for a while. “We can talk this out. I—” Another jab of the wood had her falling silent.
“Shut up,” Sigrid hissed. “Shut your mouth!”
“Your mother would not have wanted this.”
Sigrid halted in her tracks. Her hand shot out to grab a fistful of Gri’s hair, twisting the woman’s head so she could meet her spring green eyes. “My mother,” she began, trembling with the effort to not bite her ear off, “would have wanted to live. She would have wanted to be around and see me grow up. She deserved to be here today, to guide me, raise me, help me navigate life. Because of you, that’s gone. Because of you, I do not have a mother.”
Sigrid wrung the blonde hair tighter. “I won’t let you get away with this. Once I find Leif, and my father returns, he will hear of your treachery. I will tell him what you have done and—”
“And what?” There was challenge in Gri’s tone. “You’ll send me to the dungeons for the rest of my life?”
“I will have your head.” Finality dripped off of her every word. “If it were up to me, I would have you drawn and quartered in the square. You are lucky Eva and I have turned a new leaf. I am not so cruel to make her mother meet such a gruesome end, but you are not above the laws of Vanaheim. Regicide calls for your head, and your head I shall have.” She released her grip with a clench of her teeth, fingers aching from the strength of the hold.
Gri met her unwavering stare with a shaky breath. For the first time, Sigrid saw real fear in the woman’s eyes. “You never would have met Loki had your mother been alive.” Sigrid gaped.
“What did you say?”
“I said you never would have met Loki had your mother still been alive. You would have married Leif instead, and probably been on your third child by now. Loki would not be betrothed, obviously, because no one else can tame him but you. He—Uh!”
The smack that filled the air when her hand connected with Gri’s cheek was satisfying, as was the way her head whipped to the side. A red mark in the shape of Sigrid’s hand appeared on the white cheek, and she smirked. “Speak again and the next one will be with the wood. Walk.”
The rest of the walk was quiet. Gri stumbled along with a hand held to her cheek, sniffling intermittently. Sigrid must have hit her harder than she thought. She kept the sharp point of the chair leg pressed between Gri’s shoulder blades. It kept the woman on edge, which was not necessary but helped to curb her need for vengeance at the moment. If it weren’t for that, she would be beating Gri’s head into the side of the wall.
“Where is Eva?” Sigrid asked suddenly. “What did you do with her?”
“My daughter is in the throne room. I’ve given her something to help her sleep.” Gri’s lip curled. “She awoke before I expected and was in hysterics when she saw Leif’s bleeding body. The rest will do her good, and I will explain everything to her later.”
“Later?” Sigrid let out a sharp, short laugh. “Gri, you’re never getting to see Eva again. You’re dangerous. You let someone knock her out and now you’ve what? Sedated her against her will?” Sigrid shook her head. “I won’t let you near my sister.”
Gri spun around. “Sister?” Sigrid tapped the wood against her chest. Still, Gri surged forward. “Now she’s your sister? Just a week or so ago you were admonishing her in front of everyone at the dinner table. You would have me believe you are friends now?”
“We have an understanding, no thanks to you,” Sigrid spat. “Eva and I have both been wronged, lied to and used by the figures that were supposed to protect us. That will happen no longer.”
“Who’s going to make sure of that? You.” Gri’s lips curled away from her teeth. “You couldn’t even keep your man! How do you expect to maintain such a weak relationship?”
Sigrid pushed the tip deep into Gri’s chest. The woman gasped as blood bloomed along the white material of her bodice. “Silence,” she commanded. “I grow weary of your tongue. Walk, before I cut it out.” It was then that she saw it; adart of Gri’s eyes to the side— quick, barely noticeable— but Sigrid caught it. “Do not—” Gri took off running.
There was a hush over the palace when the Asgardian party showed up. The light and noise from the Bifrost faded into the still night, leaving Loki to peer out into the quiet. His eye twitched. Baby hairs on the back of his neck rose. “This is not right. It is too silent.”
“I agree,” whispered Fandral. He had his sword out, free hand twirling his blond mustache.
“Where are the guards?” Sif’s voice was hushed.
“I do not know.” A hand found his shoulder—Thor— and Loki turned his eyes to him. “The king’s carriage is not here. Thor, I fear something has happened.”
“We will find her.” He turned to the crew before him. “Spread out. There is much ground to cover. Yell if anything happens and we shall converge.”
“Be on the lookout for Ingrid, Eva and Leif,” Loki added. “There is also a young guard from back home here. His name is Magne.”
Loki started in the direction of Sigrid’s room. He did not wait for any of them to respond. Fjor went with him, sword drawn and low, and he felt comfort in the familiar setting. Though once lovers, Fjor and Loki had no issue going into together battle if need be. It was understood that battle was dangerous and people died, and both of them knew the risks. Still, they chose to fight side by side.
On the contrary, Loki could never let Sigrid do the same. The issue was not her. He was confident in her abilities to look after herself. The issue was him. His nerves would never settle knowing she was in harm’s way. He would be too worried about her, and that would get him hurt. Even now as he made the walk to her room, every hair on his body was at attention. His mind was moving a mile a minute and he could not—would not— relax until he found her.
“Here.” The door to Sigrid’s room was already open. Loki’s heart rate quickened as he entered. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Her bed looked rumpled, like it had just been slept in, and there was a bottle of an amber liquid on the floor. There were no signs of a struggle— nothing knocked over, no blood or broken items. It looked as though she had left in a hurry and forgotten to close the door.
Except for the necklace on the floor.
Loki knelt to pick it up. There was a sticky substance on it that attached itself to his palm. He sniffed it and got the scent of something strong.
He turned to Fjor, showing him the piece of jewelry. “The necklace I gave her for her birthday. She never takes it off. It must have fallen out of her grasp when she ran or—”. His mouth shut with an audible snap of his teeth. Or when she was taken.
“Where to next?” Fjor wanted to know. “Would you like to search the other rooms?” Loki shook his head.
“Yes. Specifically Eva’s and the king’s.”
“What about Ingrid? Where does she sleep?”
Loki frowned. “She might still be in the infirmary.” He rose to his feet. “If not, she’s in her chambers closer to the maid quarters. We should…Fjor?” Loki made a face when he noticed he was alone in the room. Fjor must have left while he was speaking. Rolling his eyes, he exited the room in search of the man. He found him a short distance down the hall, sword pointed at a closet door set in the wall.
“I heard a noise,” he whispered to Loki.
“It’s a broom closet, Fjor. Maybe a mop fell.” No sooner had he said that did a noise erupt from the closet. Fjor shot him a triumphant look.
“I don’t know about you,” said Fjor, reaching for the handle, “but I’ve never come across a mop that moaned.” He opened the door and both he and Loki peered inside. Loki nearly dropped his dagger. It was not a mop that had made the noise, but a very hot and heavy pair of younglings he knew well.
“What is this?” He reached out and grabbed the back of Magne’s collar, lifting him up and off his companion. Loki spied the two undone buttons with a sneer.
“M-my prince,” Magne stuttered out. “I-I was just—”
“Attempting to compromise the virtue of young Lady Ingrid? Yes, I can see that.” His eyes went to Ingrid next, who was hurriedly tying up the back of her dress. “A broom closet? Really?”
Ingrid narrowed her almond eyes at the prince. “We cannot always choose where the need overtakes us, my prince. And would you put him down?” She batted at Loki’s hands until he dropped the young guard. “What are you doing here? I thought the princess sent you away? She was just telling me—”
“Just?” Loki repeated. “When was this? Recently? When last did you see her, Ingrid?”
The red head frowned. “A few hours ago, maybe. I left when Leif came to pay a call.”
“Left where?”
“Her room.” Loki deflated. “What’s the matter? Why are you making that face?” She looked at his dagger, then at Fjor, whose sword was still drawn. “Something isthe matter. What’s going on?”
“Relax,” he told her, though his own panic was at its limits as well. “Sigrid called out to me through her necklace for help a while ago. The entire palace is empty and I cannot find her.”
“What do you mean you can’t find her? Where is she?” Ingrid’s already soprano voice rose to a screechy tone that had Loki wincing in pain.
“I don’t know.” Loki tugged on his earlobe. “I’m trying to find her, so if you would please—”
“Oh Norns! She’s dead, isn’t she?” Loki felt his heart drop. “That’s why we can’t find her! I never should have left her!”
“I’m sure she’s alive,” Fjor interjected, noting the prince’s stricken face. “There is an entire palace and its grounds left to search. We will find her, same as we found you.”
“Brother!” Thor came rushing around the corner. He drew up near Loki without so much as a glance at his entourage. “I heard screaming. Is someone hurt?”
“That was Ingrid.” He handed her off to Thor. “Take her and Magne to the meeting point, please. Where are the others?”
“Volstagg and Hogun went to search the stables, and Sif and Fandral are in the kitchen. They’re securing the staff as we speak.”
“Well, Sigrid isn’t in her room. I found the necklace,” he held it up, “but nothing looked out of the ordinary.”
Thor made a face. “And the others. Leif? Eva?”
“Nowhere to be seen,” Fjor answered. “We were going to check the rest of the rooms and head to the throne room.”
“Let me check the rooms,” Thor suggested. “You and Fjor can go ahead to the throne room. It will be faster that way. Just let me get Lady Ingrid to safety—”
“I’m staying.” Ingrid set her chin, daring anyone to challenge her. “I’m staying to help find the princess and none of you can make me go.”
Loki shared a look with his brother, then Fjor. Even Magne seemed at a loss. “Child—”
Ingrid stomped her foot. “I’m not a child, stop calling me that!”
“Ingrid,” he amended, “you must go with Thor. Sigrid is not here which means you are now solely my responsibility. I cannot have you in harm’s way.”
“Ingrid, go,” Loki urged. “I must find Sigrid and I must keep you safe. I will see you after. Now go.”
Ingrid folded her arms, lower lip trembling dangerously. For a terrible moment, Loki assumed she was going to cry. He was a little relieved when she flung herself at him. “Come back,” she whispered, arms tight around his waist. “Find the princess and come back. You both have been through too much for it to end like this.”
“I will.” Loki patted her head. He ignored the well of emotion in his chest and removed her arms, leading her into Thor’s careful hold. “Go,” he motioned to Magne, “both of you, now. It isn’t safe here.”
He watched Thor lead the young couple down the hall.
“Loki.” Fjor placed a hand on his shoulder. “We don’t have all day. Where is the throne room?”
“Up ahead.” He began a steady walk up the hall, Fjor at his heels. Loki hoped with all his might that Sigrid would be in the throne room. He would search every nook and cranny of the nine realms to find her if he had too. “Do you think—”
“Stop!” The men halted in their tracks. “I said stop, you vile bitch!”
“Sigrid?” Loki spun around. “Sigrid!”
Sigrid was indeed coming down the hall, chasing behind a rather frantic looking Gri. She wore a murderous expression and held what looked like a wooden chair leg in her hand. Loki thought she was the most ethereal thing he had ever seen— like a Valkyrie charging into battle.
“Stop her!” She yelled at the men. “One of you, quickly!”
Loki’s brain seemed to have been too muddled by Sigrid’s sudden appearance to compute her command. Instead of stopping Gri, he let the woman pass him by and shot his hands out to grab Sigrid. The speed at which she collided with him sent them both tumbling to the floor.
“Sigrid.” He reached up to cup her face, curling away the lock of hair falling forward. “My darling—”
Sigrid let out a growl. “You let her get away! Why did you do that?” Her brown eyes were blown wide with exasperation.
“Sigrid, I love you!” All parties paused. Loki heard a smack in the background—presumably Fjor’s hand hitting his forehead—and Sigrid gaped above him. She seemed to be at a loss for words. “Sigrid, I love you. I am in love with you.”
“You’re telling me this now?” she screeched. “Loki, I—” She got to her feet, tugging on his green cloak. “Loki, it was her! Gri killed my mother.”
That snapped him out of his stupor. He rolled to his feet. “What? Why?”
“It’s a long story, but she has Eva and Lord Bjorn is in on it. Leif is gravely injured. I fear he might not make it.” She gripped his arm with a surprising force. “Gri said she took him to the stables. Loki—”
“Darling, it’s alright. Volstagg and Hogun went to the stables. Sif and Fandral are here, too. Thor just took our young lovers to the meeting point.” Sigrid’s entire face sagged in relief.
“Oh. Okay. That’s good.” She stumbled a bit, causing Loki to right her with a firm grip. It was then he noticed the cut on her forehead.
“Did someone hit you?” His eyes roamed over her for other signs injury, noting the bruise on her cheek and the marks on her wrists. “Who the fuck hit you? What happened to your cheek?”
“Gri tied me up and hit me.” She pointed to her head. “That was Bjorn. Slammed my head into the wall.”
“The wall?” Fjor echoed. Loki gave no verbal response. He had already let go of Sigrid and was stalking towards the throne room. Gri hit her? Bjorn slammed her head into a wall? He was going to kill them. Bjorn would not be missed, but Gri might be. The king would have to find a new bride. How unfortunate.
“Loki, wait for us!” Fjor yelled. “Wait!” Loki did not wait. He heard two pairs of footsteps struggling to catch up to his long strides and walked even faster. Nothing would get in his way now.
He reached the silver doors of the throne room in record time. His hands found the handles, slamming them open with the force of his anger. Bjorn was the first person to meet him.
“Prince Loki,” he greeted. “I suppose you’ve come for your bastard whore?”
Loki’s hand shot out faster than lightning, seizing the man’s neck and giving a squeeze. “I heard you put your hands on my Sigrid,” he growled. “Remember what I told you would happen if you did that again?”
Real fear entered the rotund man’s eyes. He struggled in Loki’s grasp, hands clawing at his fist in an attempt to escape. Behind him, Loki spied a familiar figure crumpled at the foot of the throne. She stirred suddenly, lifting her blonde head. Her foggy eyes moved around the room before settling on a something just above his left shoulder.
“Mother…?” Her eyes widened. “Loki, look out!”
Loki barely had time to turn around before the sword pierced his back.
Sigrid was tired of running. Running from Bjorn, running to catch Gri, running behind Loki. It was too much. If she survived this day, she swore to never run anywhere ever again. She could not believe some people did this for leisure. The activity was daunting, zapping every last bit of her energy until she swore she would fall over.
That was until she reached the throne room and saw Gri plunge a sword into Loki’s back.
“No!” she cried out. “Loki!”
Gri removed the sword, smiling evilly at the blood coating the blade. Loki fell to his knees with a grunt. His hands covered the pouring hold in his abdomen as though that could staunch the bleeding
“Loki!” Sigrid slid on her knees to catch his body as it fell. She caught his head just before it hit the floor. “Loki? Lokes?” His blood spilled from the wound, drenching her skirts in the fluid. She pressed her hands against his abdomen to help stop the flow. “Loki, can you hear me?”
“Sig—”. He winced, showing a row of white teeth. “She stabbed me.” His eyes were wild and unfocused, darting to and fro. She wished to take his face in her hands but was too afraid to remove the pressure from the wound. “I’m bleeding.”
“You’re fine, Lokes,” she assured him through teary eyes. “You’re going to be fine.”
“I wouldn’t lie to him if I were you.” Your head snapped up to meet Gri’s sickening grin. She took a step toward you, causing Fjor to thrust his sword out in warning.
“Do not take a step closer.” His voice was thick with emotion. “You have attacked a prince of Asgard, which makes you an enemy of the state. The king will have your head.”
“And a funeral. That sword was coated with poison,” Gri stated. “I intended it for Sigrid but Loki is just always in the way, isn’t he?”
Sigrid lifted her hands off of Loki’s wound. His flesh was visible through the torn fabric and blood, injury ringed with a black substance that gave off a putrid odour. “What is it?” Sigrid demanded. “Tell me what you poisoned him with right now!”
“It’s stronger than the one I used on you for sure.” Her lip curled. “I suppose I should be thankful that little serving girl got in the way. If she survived, you might have as well.”
“Mother!” It was Eva, now recovered from the sedative. Her eyes were fresh with tears. “How could you do this? How could you try to poison Sigrid?” Bjorn held her fast before she could rise from the floor.
“For you, stupid girl,” her mother hissed. “I’ve watched you frolic with that broad-shouldered girl for years and said not a thing! You, who should be the queen. You are just as legitimate an heir as Sigrid, except without the taint. You should be queen.”
A wave of fury rippled over Eva’s face. She thrashed against her captor as she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Do not blame this on me! I have never wanted to be queen and you know that! You know it, papa knows it and I know it! All I ever wanted was to not be hidden away. You…”
Something tugged on a loose strand of Sigrid’s hair. Glancing down, she saw Loki was struggling to speak. “M-my love—”
“Shh, it’s okay. Help will be here soon.” She did not believe the words as she said it. There was no way to know if Thor would be back soon, or at all. Even Volstagg and Hogun would have their hands full with Leif in the stables.
“I must say this,” Loki insisted. “I’m sorry I took so long to tell you I loved you. It was cowardly of me to do so.”
“It’s not your fault,” Sigrid sniffled. “I could have said it too, because I do. I love you. I love you so much.”
Loki broke out into a smile. “I’m sorry I lied to you,” he whispered. “I—”. A fit of coughing interrupted his sentence. Blood from his mouth sprayed against his clothes and dribbled down his chin.
“It’s okay,” Sigrid placed her forehead against his. “It’s okay. I forgive you. I’m sorry I sent you away.” Images of him begging on his knees flashed in her mind. “The one thing I promised not to do, and I did it anyway.”
“It’s alright, my love.”
Sigrid shook her head. A tear from her eye fell onto his face, mixing with one of her own. They slid down his cheek together. “No, it’s not alright. I hurt you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” Her eyes closed. “Please.” Loki gave no answer.
“Lokes?” She opened her eyes to find him lying still, eyes closed and chest unmoving. If not for the pallor of his skin and the alarming loss of blood, she would have thought he was sleeping. “Loki?” She shook him, jostling his wound in hopes that the pain would bring him too. Still, he stayed silent. “Loki, please.” Her hands grabbed his face, leaving it printed with blood. “Loki, please open your eyes. Look at me! Loki!”
“Oh dear,” said Gri. “Is he dead?”
Sigrid lunged at her. Even Fjor could not stop her as she tackled the woman and ground her face into the rough tile.
“Bjorn, help!”
The man rushed forward, and was promptly stopped by a red-eyed Fjor. “Not so fast.” He disarmed the older man with a simple swish of his blade. Bjorn raised his hands in surrender, squinty eyes narrowed in on Fjor’s glinting sword. “On your knees,” he told the man. “Quickly, lest my patience runs out and I make a home for my sword in your throat.”
Bjorn got to his knees. Sigrid ripped her eyes away from the scene in disgust. “Right,” she wrung a fistful of Gri’s hair, grazing her face even more against the tile. The gasp of pain she let out was like music to her ears. “I’m going to kill you,” she hissed in her ear. “For Loki, for my mother.” She looked around for a weapon. The sword that had pierced Loki’s back lay a few feet away from her. “Fjor!”
He turned to her and caught her gaze, kicking the sword to her in one smooth motion. Sigrid grabbed the hilt. Loki’s blood was now drying on it, darkening to a rust colour.
“You won’t kill me,” Gri taunted, though there was a tremble in her voice. “You won’t.”
Sigrid yanked her head back by the hair to expose her throat. She rested the blade right at the pulsing carotid, watching as Loki’s blood stained the white skin. “And why is that?”
“Because I know you.” Gri sneered. “Loki might slit my throat, but not you. You are not cruel or unjust, nor do you have the bloodlust of men. I’m afraid you simply do not have it in you, Sigrid, as you are your mother’s daughter through and through.”
Sigird’s hand tightened on the hilt. “You’re correct,” she replied, “but you’ve forgotten one thing.” Gri lifted a brow. “I am also my father’s.”
“SIGRID, WAIT!” It was Eva, grabbing her hand with both of hers to stop her. She seemed to have overcome the shock of her mother being a murderer. “Sigrid, please. You cannot kill her!”
“Why not?” Sigrid spat. “She killed my mother,” Eva flinched, “and she hurt Loki. Eva she hurt you, too! She almost let you go down for trying to poison me and she had Bjorn tie you up. It’s enough!” Sigrid emphasised her point with a shake of Gri’s head. “It’s all enough!”
“I understand that,” Eva whispered. “Sigrid, I understand. I’m sorry she killed your mother and I’m sorry she hurt Loki. Please, please, do not kill her. You are better than this. You cannot kill her.”
Sigrid’s grip on the sword faltered. “I—”
“Please.” Eva’s fingernails dug into the skin of her arm. Tears fell from her blue eyes. “Sister, please. You will have your retribution but please do not kill my mother.”
Sigrid dropped the sword. Gri tried to say something, but Sigrid slammed her head against the floor before she could annoy her further. Her body went limp on the tiles below.
“Thank you,” Eva breathed. Her head dropped into Sigrid’s shoulder, body shaking with sobs. “Thank you, sister. Thank you for sparing her life.”
“Sigrid.” Fjor’s voice drew her attention. He was handcuffing an irate Lord Bjorn to the foot of the throne. “Sigrid, is Loki alive?”
Loki! Sigrid scrambled over to his body. His lips had gone white now, and all the colour was drained from his face. She stroked his unruly hair, all the while holding back a river of panic. “I don’t know.” Eva knelt beside her. “Fjor, I don’t know!”
“Let me.” Eva moved her hand over Loki’s neck. Sigrid caught it with a vice grip. “Sigrid, I’m just going to check his pulse.” She released her hand, taking Loki’s in both of hers and bringing it to her lips for a kiss.
“You have to live,” she murmured against his hand. “You must live. For me, if not for yourself. There are so many things we never got to do— things we have to do together. Loki, you must live. If you go, I go. I cannot survive without you.”
“Oh!” Eva exclaimed. “Sigrid, give me your hand!” Eva did not wait for her response before grabbing it and sticking two of her fingers in a dip in Loki’s neck. Sigrid gasped when she felt it.
Thready and faint, but there, was Loki’s pulse beating against the pads of her fingers.
Chapter 26
Taglist: @howdidurhammergrowchris @delightfulheartdream @queen-of-mischief @thelittlepoetprincess @cosplayingwitch @itsmeempar @theiamischief @huntress-artemiss @janetsnakehole02 @mischief2sarawr @speedy-object-dream @thedistractedagglomeration @trickster-maiden @immersed-in-mischief @marygoddessofmischief @insanitybyanothername @alexakeyloveloki @sharris8 @sallymagnoliaposts
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fanfictrashdump · 2 years
The things we hate | Loki Blurb
For some reason, I was thinking a little too hard about Loki's self-hatred and this happened.
SUMMARY: Loki is not feeling his best self and he fears being stuck in this form forever. He is reminded that sometimes people can love the parts you hate about yourself.
Previous Loki & Lily story
The problem with being adopted and not knowing about it–other than the lifelong trauma and mental breakdowns that accompanied it–was that there wasn't anything he actually knew about his physiology. Where he would usually consult books and encyclopedias about the physiology of the Frost Giants, Loki found that much of the prejudice against his species extended to science.
Every text was filled with apocryphal and downright ridiculous facts about how the Jotuns went feral at the scent of blood, blueberries, and bath salts. How their teeth grew in rows like that of a shark, where one would fall and be replaced with a stronger tooth in its stead. In short, there was a lot of misinformation concerning the Frost Giants and nowhere to actually clarify the real facts. So, when Loki started feeling ill, his Asgardian glamour began to flicker and his Jotun form stuck around stubbornly while he felt faint, he had nowhere to turn as to why this would happen. Or how long it would last.
His only saving grace was that no one noticed him enough to come looking for–
…what a way to remember that he had a girlfriend…
The familiar scent of ozone permeated the air, heralding the arrival of the vines that promptly brought him to his knees. Several deep breaths were required before he managed a retort.
"Lily," he seethed, eyes like nightmares staring daggers into her dappled green form. "Stop screaming and let me go!"
The plant mutant hesitated, head tilting adorably to the side as she took her time observing her hostage. "Lo?"
"Yes." He dragged the s with his irritation.
"Oh. I thought there was an intruder." She shrugged, releasing him as simply as she had caught him, before shuffling over and sitting on her heels beside him. "Awkward question, but have you always been blue and I hadn't noticed?"
"I think you would have noticed if I were blue, Flower."
Another shrug left her. "My eyesight isn't what it used to be, buddy."
"Oh, right. You're a decrepit pensioner."
"You are nine hundred years older than me, so settle down." She frowned, chucking his chin and turning his face this way and that. "Seriously, what's going on?"
"It's nothing. Taking a breather, is all. Glamours are all well and good but everyone needs a break."
Though the lie flowed easily, there was something in Lily's expression that belied the fact that she did not buy a single part of it. However, she had no way to justify her feelings, so she nodded and smiled.
"Well, you look very cute but don't try to scare people with your evil smurf impression."
"Har har."
"Anyway, breakfast is ready, but I'll just send yours up, I'm guessing."
"Yes, thank you, love."
"No problem." She reached over to peck his lips, giggling at the puff of frozen breath that left her immediately after. Loki, for the life of him, could not figure out why the action amused him so or why she wasn't deathly afraid of the monster taking residence in his room but he supposed nothing was ever normal with Lily, was it?
"I'll see you in a bit."
He waited far less time than he had expected. Lily had returned laden with plates, somewhat clumsily splashing coffee and orange juice as she balanced plates and cups aided by conjured vines. Without a single word, she unraveled a picnic blanket and settled the food down. She flashed a smile at Loki when she was done, gesturing him to sit with a nudge of her head.
With a little more prompting, Loki sank his form down beside her. He smirked, noting the stark contrast of her skin and his–the color, the temperature, the smoothness. He reached out a digit and stroked it up her arm, watching the trail of goosebumps and the unavoidable shiver follow closely behind. It was a warning, wasn’t it? Of fear or impending danger? Negative feelings that would flood her brain and tell her this monster–
“Hey, why aren’t you eating, cutie?”Or that.
The smile on Lily’s face melted, replaced with sadness and concern. “Lo, I think you’re burning up.”
He scoffed. “How can you tell? How do you know the monster is ill?”
Her own hand reached up to him, brushing back the dark hair to reveal the lightly plum cheeks, drawing gentle shapes over his cheekbones while he tried in vain not to press his whole face into her touch.
“You’re flushed.”
Without warning, she craned her neck to press her lips to his forehead, frowning as she pulled away. “You’re definitely feverish. Well, feverish for you. You’re almost normal temp. How do you feel?”
“What does it matter?”
“Are you going to be moody or are you going to let me help you?” She snapped, blue eyes boring into crimson. “Punishing this side of you doesn’t erase it, it just makes you more miserable. What are your symptoms?”
Loki swallowed hard. Usually Lily treated him like he was made of cotton wool–gently, with understanding. She had a dark side, as well. He had seen it, brought her back from the brink. She knew better than anyone about hating parts of yourself you hope no one would ever see. And he loved it. Loved her. Even the darkness. Could it be that she loved it as well?“
Of course, I love it, you idiot.” She laughed, despite herself and shook her head. “Your inner monologue is escaping, so clearly you’re sick. Do you know what you might have?”
“I–I tried to look. In books, but…”
Instead of answering, he reached for the book he had set in his pocket of reality. A quick bit of magic had it translated and he turned the book in her direction. Lily was a quick reader, he knew. Her eyes scanned the lines with practiced dexterity until she had to tear herself away.
“And here I thought racism was a fun little human quirk. You should see some of the “Anatomy” books from the early days. They read just like this.”
His eyes widened fractionally, despite doing his best to maintain a neutral expression. “So, you don’t believe it?”
“Of course not. I know you, Loki. Why would you think that?” With a gentle smile, she pecked both of his cheeks and his forehead. “Come on. You should get some rest. Let’s see if those horns fit in bed.”
Loki nodded, letting himself be led deeper into his chambers by his lover’s hands. Maybe, just maybe there was space for him in this world. Regardless of what he was. All he knew was that he was too tired to think about it, just yet.
Then he sneezed.
And the Tower was blanketed with a thick layer of snow in the middle of June.
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Loki - Masterlist 🐍
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Welcome to my Loki masterlist 🐍
Below you will find all my Loki works. Individual warnings are added to every story. Please be sure to read them.
Your media consumption is your responsibility.
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The Detective's Daughter
Pairing: Mob Boss!Loki x Original female character
Lost In The Sea
Pairing: Merman!Loki x Original female character
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The Chase
Pairing: Jotun Loki x Original female character
The Glass Prison
Pairing: Loki x Original female character
Mischief and Teaching
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Ferris Wheel
Pairing: Loki x Reader
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loveisnotadagger · 3 years
Love Is Healing - Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 14/?
Rating: T
Author’s Note: There is a very brief mention of Arianna's past trauma in the form of a nightmare. It's very vague and not graphic at all.
"I don't know what I'm going to do now that I've become this creature."
Arianna was still in Loki's room, now seated on the bed with him beside her. They were no longer holding hands, but Loki had relaxed once he'd realized he could touch her without harming her. Her hand had become cold, but not so cold that it would damage her.
"I don't think it would change anything if the others found out. I mean . . . we all get along with Bruce, and he can turn into the Hulk. Bruce thinks he's a monster too, but we don't. The others don't."
"I don't think it's the same thing."
"Okay, let me run through what will happen if you don't let them know. Tony will want to know why you hid this – and he will find out. He'll use Jarvis to check in on you if you don't come out in a few days. You could say that you're sick, but he'll still check on you. You're one of us now, and . . . you care about me, so he'll check."
"And my appearance?"
"Tony will be curious because he's Tony Stark, genius, scientist, engineer person. Bruce will be curious too, but more reserved about it. Tash won't care, not after she knows it doesn't change anything else about you. Steve won't attack as long as you don't pose a threat, which you don't. Now . . . Clint might try to shoot you. I might have to warn him about the change before he sees you."
"What of Fury?"
"I technically no longer work for SHIELD. I don't answer to him. But Fury can't know that you're no longer completely mortal. It probably wouldn't end well."
A small grin briefly took over Loki's mouth.
"You may have to learn to lie, then, Miss Grace."
"I can lie very well, actually. I just choose not to unless it's completely necessary." She shrugged. "As an agent, I was trained in the art of lying. I still prefer the truth."
"Of course you do."
"And so you know I speak the truth when I say . . . If you don't want me to tell anyone, I won't. I'm behind you one-hundred percent."
She knew what it was like having a secret she didn't want anyone knowing for fear of them looking at her differently, so she wouldn't try to make him tell the others. She did know, though, that she'd been wrong.
Tony knew about her past and didn't treat her any differently. He was more protective and slightly less sarcastic with her, but she was fine with that. She supposed that Clint knew, but she had never told him. She had, however, worked with him and Natasha for the better part of a decade and she was sure there had been situations where he would have figured it out. Steve knew and, though he never mentioned it, he was supportive in every way he could be. Bruce didn't know her past, but she knew that he wouldn't see her as weak because of it.
The point was that this part of Loki would take some getting used to, but she was sure everyone would if he gave them a chance. ----------
Loki kept to himself for the next few days and Arianna brought him food three times a day, much like she had when he'd first arrived. She told the others he wasn't feeling well.
She'd even gone so far as to say he hadn't come out of his room because he was 'feeling a little blue.'
As Arianna had predicted, Tony wanted him checked over after the third day of Loki not coming out of his room. He was seriously considering sending Bruce in if Loki didn't get better, so Loki was considering letting the others know out of necessity.
"Maybe you could tell them one at a time," Arianna suggested. "Remember, they probably don't know what a Frost Giant is either, so they won't have any preconceived notions about what they are."
That would definitely work in his favor.
"I think I will tell Captain Rogers first, Agents Barton and Romanoff together, and then Stark and Banner."
"Why Steve alone?"
Loki shrugged and smirked. "Rogers is level-headed, and I think I can bring him over to my side. Three is better than two. Rogers, then Romanoff. She will bring in Barton – Agent Romanoff is key there."
Arianna smiled, almost laughed. "There's the mastermind coming out." ---------- Arianna found Steve in the gym – of course that was where he was. That was his go-to place when he was alone. Steve got about as much sleep as Tony did.
She stepped in the room to see Steve killing a punching bag. He stopped when he noticed her, and caught the bag to make it go still.
"Something you need?" he asked.
The fact that she hadn't moved to find a workout station herself must've clued him in on her wanting something from him.
"There's something you need to see."
She gestured for him to follow her, which he did. He seemed confused as to why she wasn't speaking as they were walking.
"Is everything okay?"
"Um . . . depends on how you take this."
"That kind of has me worrying, Aries."
They reached Loki's room and she knocked so Loki would know they were there in case he'd changed his mind.
"I need your word that you won't say anything to anyone, okay?"
"Will this hurt someone if I don't?"
"No. This won't go against any moral code you may have, but what you're going to see is something the others don't know about yet."
Steve grabbed her arm and looked in her eyes. "How bad is it? He's been sick."
"Well . . . he's not himself, but he's still Loki. Okay?" Then, "Loki, can we come in?"
"Yes. Come in." ---------- Steve hadn't known what to expect when he walked into Loki's room, but seeing Loki with blue skin definitely wasn't it. Even if he hadn't been warned, he would have known the man was Loki. He had the same black hair, the same lean build to his body, and the man was wearing Loki's clothes.
He still stood there in a defensive stance, ready for a fight if one were to start.
"I am obviously missing something," Steve said. "When did this happen? How?"
Loki briefly summarized what Arianna knew and Steve especially paid attention to the race war bit. He'd had enough of that just living with the Nazis thinking the Jews weren't the perfect humans and so deserved to be eliminated. Steve knew there had been experiments done in the war camps, and the Nazis wanted to create the perfect race. He didn't know all the details because science wasn't his thing, but he knew enough to know it had been horrible.
He also knew that America had been less than kind to the Asians living in the country once Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor. People usually blamed a whole race for the acts of a few individuals. It wasn't fair, but that was usually how it worked.
He still didn't understand the whole of what Loki explained. He wasn't into mythology or any religion that wasn't Christianity, but he understood enough to understand that Loki had been treated unfairly. It didn't excuse anything Loki had done, but it did help Steve get into his mind a little. It didn't change how Steve felt about him.
"Blue or not, I don't particularly like you. I don't trust you, and I probably never will. You wanted to take over my world. That being said, that has nothing to do with where you come from. It's about what you did."
Loki seemed to accept that. He probably would've been the same way had someone come in and destroyed part of his world and tried to take over.
"Arianna knows how I feel about you two. She came to me before you went on your date. I'll tell you what I told her."
Loki tensed. Steve could tell he was waiting for something negative to be said. It was what he was used to. He hoped what he said next helped Loki get over that at least a little.
"I don't know how you feel about the rest of us, but I know you care about her. You've risked your life for her, fought to protect her – killed to protect her. I don't believe you would ever harm her on purpose, and would never willingly let harm come to her."
He looked at Arianna then. She had a small smile on her face even though there were tears in her eyes.
"I know you weren't asking for it, but that's my blessing. Or as close to it as you're going to get from me."
"You're right. I wasn't asking for it. But it's nice to have it anyway."
To Loki Steve said, "If you do hurt her . . ." Steve shrugged. "Let's just say I've survived being frozen before. I can probably do it again."
Ironically, that was what made Loki relax.
Go figure. ---------- Natasha was surprisingly accepting of Loki's backstory. All she did was give a nonchalant, almost uninterested shrug. Clint was almost as uninterested. He really didn't care about Loki; he tolerated him for Arianna's sake and that was it.
Letting three people know in one day was enough for Loki. He would let Bruce and Tony know later. As for that moment? He just wanted to rest, and he knew Arianna needed rest. He was emotionally drained from all the worry he'd had about how she and the others would take his change, but Arianna was physically exhausted.
Loki had been selfish, not that that was an unusual trait for him, but he usually didn't care about selfishness, much less who it was directed at. This time he did, because it was Arianna.
She hadn't complained once about having to bring him meals or spend time only in his room because he didn't want to leave it. She was better, healthier now than when she'd come with food the first time. She had her color back and she hadn't had a fever since taking the antibiotics, so the medicine had obviously worked.
Still, she was recovering and taking care of him at the same time. He wondered what he'd done to deserve her loyalty because he couldn't think of a thing. He was almost one hundred percent certain that it would not have turned out as well had anyone else been tasked with being his keeper.
His mother had done the right thing by leaving him there with Arianna. His mother had known how kind she would be and how much Loki needed that kindness. She'd also known that had he had his magic as a defense mechanism he never would've let Arianna get as close as he had.
Well played, Mother, he thought.
"You're grinning," Arianna said. "What's funny?"
"Nothing. Passing thoughts."
"You," he admitted freely. "And my mother. About how she knew what she was doing when she left me in your care."
"Well, she couldn't have left you completely defenseless."
They were both seated on his bed, side by side. She turned to bring her hand to his cheek, where she caressed him despite his skin color and despite the cold.
"For what it's worth, I'm glad she made you stay. I'm glad you're here with me."
Since no one was around to see or hear him he admitted he was glad too. ---------- That night Arianna left Loki to his own devices. Speaking of, she needed to talk to Tony about upgrading Loki's room. The only form of entertainment he had was books. He didn't even have a phone. Until recently he hadn't needed one because he hadn't even wanted to leave the tower.
He would need one, however, because they couldn't not go places. They couldn't not live their lives. Plus, they would take care of the people tailing her and they'd be free to go wherever they wanted.
The point she'd been thinking of, though, about upgrading Loki's room was . . . he at least needed a TV or a laptop. Especially if he was planning on staying in his room for the foreseeable future.
She'd get with Tony about it. She'd even buy the stuff herself if Tony had a problem spending money on an ex-villain. He'd never had a problem doing it before.
Loki was on her side, at least, and that meant he was on their side. This whole getting kidnapped thing had brought them all closer together and Loki had slowly let them all see his softer side. The side that allowed him to care about her.
She could worry about talking to Tony later though. Right then she just wanted to sleep. She felt better than she had just days before, but taking care of Loki's insecurity issues was emotionally draining on top of everything she'd been through.
Once in bed she pulled up a book on her phone. A murder mystery series with a leading woman who reminded her of Natasha and a leading man who reminded her of tony, sarcasm and all.
Given the recent circumstances of her life, she probably should have chosen something else to read before sleeping. She didn't need another reason to have a nightmare, not like the ones she'd been having since being kidnapped and tortured.
And that was where she was when she dreamed – back in that warehouse with Blondie and Brown Eyes. She was bound to the chair like she had been in real life. As usual when she was going through something traumatic, she flashed back to her original trauma.
As she normally did when she relived the violation, she jerked awake with a scream dying on her lips. What was not like usual was that when she woke up Loki was at her bedside. Thankfully he had thought to have Jarvis turn the lights on or else she may have gone on the defensive. His hands were on her shoulders, chilly but not ice cold. He hadn't shaken her awake but had grabbed her when she'd jerked into a sitting position upon waking.
"Loki? What're you doing in here?"
"You were screaming. Again."
He stood up straight then, pulling away from her now that she was awake.
"Is this because of your recent capture? You didn't have these nightmares before then. Or if you did, it never led to you screaming or crying."
She wiped her tears away quickly, having noticed them only after Loki mentioned them.
"Perhaps it is something else," he said. "Something from your past."
Her body tensed and he sat back down beside her.
"I have a feeling I know what happened to you, and I'm not asking you to talk about it. That's not something you have to do. Just know that you can."
Her heart was racing and her eyes were stinging now. He knew. He definitely knew at least some of it and he was still there, not looking at her or treating her any differently.
"It happened a long time ago. Years," she said. "It's hitting me again because of what happened when I was taken. And that's all I have to say."
"Okay. Do you wish to be alone?"
"No. Thanks for checking up on me."
"Well, you know." He shrugged. "Damsel in distress and all."
She shoved him playfully, still slightly shocked by the coolness of his skin, and something loosened in her chest and stomach. For years she'd woken up alone and she was mostly okay with that. It was lonely, though, when she woke up from a nightmare and there was no one there to comfort her.
Before she could stop herself, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his cheek. She felt the marks on his skin but didn't let it bother her because she knew who was underneath the marks.
It didn't last long, the kiss being more a thank you than anything else, and once she pulled away she let herself fall back against the mattress.
"You don't have to stay all night, but can you stay until I fall asleep?"
"Of course." He sighed. "You know, if I had my magic, I could give you good dreams."
"I could stop you from having nightmares. Build a whole dream world for you every night."
"Oh. I didn't know that."
"Illusion, but very much like the mind-walking you do."
"Well, that sounds nice, but you were here when I woke up and that's just as good." ---------- Loki stayed with Arianna for about an hour, which was how long it took her to go back to sleep and for Loki to know she was at peace. Loki slept too, but he had to wake up earlier than he really wanted.
In Asgard, he'd been used to getting up almost as soon as the sun came up. Asgardians didn't have clocks, didn't tell times as Midgardians did. Since becoming mortal, however, Loki had taken to sleeping until at least ten. He seemed to need more sleep now that he was human – or whatever he was considered now, what with his new skin color and body temperature.
That was why he was awake. He was going to see Tony and Bruce in the lab. Maybe they could help him go back to how he normally was. It was what he wanted most at the moment.
He got up, got dressed, and walked out of his room only to see that Arianna was leaning against the wall across from him. She was not dressed for the day, he noticed. She was still in her sleep wear.
"I asked Jarvis to let me know when you woke up. I didn't know if you wanted me to go with you or . . ."
Loki had learned to be a solitary person. Even in his youth he preferred to surround himself intimately with only a few people, and even then, he craved his alone time away from them. With Arianna there was none of that. He'd be with her always if she allowed him to.
"Of course."
He held his hand out to her and she grabbed it. They began walking hand-in-hand. It hit Loki then, while her hair was a mess, her cheeks still a little pink from sleep, and her clothes wrinkled from lying in them all night that he more than fancied this girl. He believed he loved this girl.
That revelation almost had him stopping mid-step. He probably would have had she not been there with him. As it was, there she was helping to keep him steady without even knowing it.
He didn't know what to do with that information, but he shouldn't have been surprised by it. He wasn't ready for her to know, not from his own lips, that he loved her. Besides, she hadn't admitted it, either, not in that way.
He couldn't be blamed for hesitating. ---------- Tony stood in his workshop with Bruce, both unmoving and looking at the blue man in front of them. Arianna was beside the guy and Tony's system read that it was Loki, but . . .
"Why are you blue?" Tony asked after the shock wore off. "Decide to fall into a vat of paint dye?"
"That's obviously what happened," Loki answered, sounding mostly unoffended and a little amused.
"The short answer, Tony, is that he isn't biologically an Asgardian," Arianna said.
Tony shrugged. "Thor did say he was adopted. Still doesn't answer why he's blue."
Loki briefly explained why he was blue and after he was done seemed confused.
"Why is everyone so calm about this? I explain that I am a monster and you don't even bat an eyelash."
"It's not like you're being particularly frightening right now. Besides, people change, and you are not defined by your race or what it's known for."
If Tony had let something like that stop him, he'd probably still be making weapons and selling them, no matter how unwittingly, to other countries to use against his own. People could change once they had their eyes open to something they'd been blinded to.
"And I happen to be able to change color too," Bruce said. "And at least you're not smashing things."
Tony liked that Bruce was lightening up about the whole Hulk thing. He was learning that people accepted him too, green beast and all.
More than that, they weren't afraid of him.
Aware of what the green guy could do, yes, but also aware that the Hulk and Bruce were two different individuals. Sometimes Bruce wasn't even aware of what the Hulk was doing until he became Bruce Banner again.
"We're all assuming Fury doesn't know about this, and we should definitely keep it that way," Arianna said. "I don't want SHIELD to find out."
"Agreed," Tony said. A moment later he continued with a different subject. "We found out those darts are manufactured by SHIELD."
"Let me show you."
Tony pulled up the file he'd accessed and downloaded when he'd hacked SHIELD's database.
"It's from the science and weapons department. We, uh – we did some research while you were recovering."
He explained that the weapon had originally been manufactured in case Steve Rogers went rogue after becoming a super soldier. He went through the brief history of the weapon, even brought up the fact that there were other humans like her, humans with powers, and this weapon was basically a reassurance that SHIELD could incapacitate them if need be.
"Or control them if they don't do what SHIELD wants," Loki said.
"They'd never admit that, but yes."
Tony noticed the room's temperature dropping quickly – he almost thought he had to be imagining it.
"Yes, sir?"
"What's going on with the temperature down here?"
"I believe it's Loki, sir."
Tony looked at Loki, as did Arianna and Bruce, and saw him standing there stiff, hands fisted at his sides.
"Loki?" Arianna spoke softly.
"Yes, I'm changing the temperature. It can fluctuate with my mood. It will settle in a moment."
"I didn't know you could control the temperature," Arianna said. "I just thought it made you cold."
"I'm not used to having such an emotional response."
The temperature did in fact settle within a minute or two, and they continued talking about SHIELD and what they could possibly want with Arianna. The fact that she no longer worked for SHIELD was probably a contributing factor as to why they seemed to be picking up the pace on the experimental serum and seeing what it would do to her when used.
They probably thought she would now be more of a threat since she no longer worked for them, but they also probably wanted to use her if they could get their hands on her. ---------- As Loki and Arianna walked to their rooms, Arianna couldn't help but notice that Loki was oddly quiet, not that he was particularly super talkative to begin with.
"I told you they wouldn't care," she said gently, more reassuring than triumphant.
"So you did."
She grabbed his hand when they reached his room only to pull him towards her room.
"We can watch TV or something."
Once inside the room, Arianna basically plopped onto the bed. She felt better than she had in days despite the new information she'd received. Maybe it was because she'd been proven right in her theory that Loki didn't have to hide who he was. Or maybe it was something else, but she didn't want to question it.
Loki continued standing there beside the bed, as if he didn't know if it was okay to sit down.
"You can sit. I brought you in here. You don't need an invitation to get in my bed."
Loki's eyebrows quirked up and he pursed his lips to hide a grin. When Arianna realized what she'd said and how it could've been taken she face-palmed and felt her cheeks heat up.
"You know what I meant. I should've stopped at you can sit."
"Oh, but then your face wouldn't have taken on that very appealing shade of pink," he teased as he sat down. "Oh, look, now you're turning red."
He was quiet as he gave her time to settle down, but he eventually said, "Should we talk about what we learned just now?"
"What's there to talk about? There isn't anything we can really do about it."
"Not right now, that's true enough. But we could start planning ways to keep you safe."
She sighed, her mood coming down just a bit.
"I – I know we need to do that. But can we do it later? Right now I just . . . I don't wanna think about it."
"All right, but you can't avoid it forever."
@voteforevilthoughts, @purplekitten30
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
Gravity Of You, Chapter 12
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Lyra closed her eyes as the frost giant approached, she waited for the end. Terrified.
But she heard roaring and as she opened her eyes, there was a flurry of blue that pounced on top of the approaching giant, knocking him down.
It was Loki!
Lyra had never been so relieved before, and she was so happy to see him. While she was shaking from the cold, she watched as the two frost giants fought one another, snarling and growling.
She was worried for him getting hurt, but was starting to struggle to concentrate. She was SO cold it was becoming unbearable.
Loki could tell that Lyra was in distress, but he needed to sort out the frost giant first. He managed to knock him down with his helmed horns long enough to get an arm wrapped tightly around his neck, choking him till he passed out.
‘Lyra, my love.’ Loki rushed over to her, he scooped her up into his arms in an instant and wrapped his cape around her shivering form.
‘L… Loki.’ She leaned into his chest, trying to clutch at him.
‘Let’s get you warmed up.’ He cradled her against him with one hand, then used his free hand to climb back up the mountain and took her back through the doorway to Vanaheim.
The skiff was still there, Loki got her into it carefully and he kept her wrapped in his cape to get her warmed up. It wasn’t the best idea, but he quickly got a small fire going on it. Then he sat down and had Lyra in against his side, as near to the fire as possible to heat her up.
‘Loki…’ She whispered, when her violent shivering subsided.
‘Yes, my love. I’m here.’ Loki said softly, rubbing her upper arm.
‘You found me.’ She smiled.
‘And you found me.’ He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, making her heart soar.
‘But how? I thought you would be trapped… what happened?’ Lyra asked.
‘Odin ended up giving me an option, to stay in Asgard under constant supervision with my powers back, or to leave to find you and remain like this forever.’
‘You… You chose to remain like this for me?’ She gasped, eyes widening.
‘Of course I did. Because I love you. And I don’t care what others think, if you can love me like this, that’s all that matters to me.’ Loki said softly.
Lyra’s eyes watered. ‘I love you so much, Loki.’
‘I love you so much too, my Starlight girl. I promise, I will never let you go. I will protect you always… And I will show you the world. Now we are both free.’
Lyra, still with his cape around her, scrambled onto his lap and hugged him tightly. He embraced her back, his heart exploding in happiness.
‘I’m just so glad you’re safe.’ Loki sighed as he pressed his nose into her hair, breathing in her scent deeply.
‘Me too.’ She whispered.
After some silence, just the two of them cuddling. Lyra suddenly remembered. ‘Oh, Loki… when I was in the village here… Not that I want you to change, but if you want it, there was a witch who I met. Maybe she could help you? If you did want your powers back.’ Lyra suggested.
‘A witch?’ Loki raised an eyebrow.
‘Yeah. She seemed really nice, rather powerful from what I’d heard from a few others. But they made a deal with her, she protects the village in return for food and somewhere to live without judgement, in peace. She gave me some supplies of food to keep me going.’
‘Hmm. She would want something in return, I suspect.’ Loki trailed his fingers up and down her arm.
‘Might be worth speaking to her.’ Lyra shrugged. ‘But I love you as you are, but I will support whatever you want to do.’
‘Thank you, my love.’ He squeezed her gently.
After letting Lyra rest and get nice and warmed up, Loki made sure she had something to eat too, they then headed back for the village.
Lyra pointed out where she had met the witch.
‘Did you get a name from her?’ Loki asked as they walked over to her cottage that was on the outskirts of the village.
‘I think she said her name was Agatha.’
When they reached the end of the path, said witch came out of her house. She smiled widely at Lyra, then cautiously looked at Loki.
‘Ah, so is this the lover you were trying to find?’ Agatha chuckled.
Lyra nodded. ‘I wanted to thank you again, for helping me out.’
‘You’re very welcome, dear. I get the feeling you are in need of something else, that’s why you’re here?’ She asked knowingly.
Loki and Lyra looked at one another, then back to Agatha.
‘Is there any chance you’d be able to break the curse put upon me? It’s blocking my ability to not only change my form, but stopping me from using my own magic.’ Loki asked, still not completely sure on the witch yet.
Agatha walked down the path towards them, eyeing Loki up carefully. She paused and tapped her lip. ‘Hmm. It’s strong magic, I can sense it… Asgardian royalty?’
‘It’s Odin’s handy work.’ Loki grumbled.
Agatha’s eyes widened slightly. ‘Ah, King of Asgard. That could be a tricky one, but not impossible… Of course, I would need something in return. How powerful are you, since you speak of magic?’
‘I am very powerful.’ Loki growled low. ‘I’m Loki, Prince of Jotunheim. Was Prince of Asgard.’
‘Ohh, it’s you! Now then, that helps me make my mind up.’ Agatha then began circling Loki. ‘As I said, I will need something in return… How about protection, when I need you, I will call?’
Loki shook his head and looked at Lyra, reaching out he took her hand and gave her a gentle squeeze. ‘No. I want to be able to go and live in peace with Lyra. I don’t want anything to do with fighting or schemes again… Maybe there’s something else we can arrange though.’ He paused and looked to the side.
‘Ah, Lyra… See that man over there?’ Loki pointed not too far in the distance.
Lyra nodded.
‘He’s an old friend of Thor’s. Would you mind going and asking him if we can get some supplies for a long journey from him? Tell him I will come speak to him soon.’
‘Sure.’ Lyra nodded, then headed off, leaving Loki and Agatha alone.
Agatha looked at Loki expectantly.
‘I can give you all the information you need to take down Asgard… I get the feeling that’s something that may be of interest to you? I can sense your power, you’re no ordinary witch. I don’t want to know, and don’t care what you’ve done or want to do. But I desperately want a quiet life with my girl, I don’t care about anything else… Though I do request that you don’t harm Frigga.’
Agatha’s eyes lit up completely, she felt like all her birthdays had come at once.
‘Tell me everything.’ She grinned wickedly.
Loki told her of the doorways to other realms, especially the one to Asgard. He explained about when Odin went on hunting trips, taking Thor and the warriors three too. Then how was best to get into the house of Odin and how to take it down from the inside.
Agatha was pleased with all the information. So she kept her side of the bargain.
Lyra had just returned as Agatha was casting a spell, mumbling things that she didn’t understand as dark clouds rolled in over them with thunder booming. There was a purple glow that surrounded Loki, Lyra got worried for a moment when Agatha started hovering up above the ground, and so did Loki.
The glow around Loki slowly began to turn green, then he shrank in size and turned from his Jotun form into his Asgardian form.
Lyra was wide eyed when Agatha’s spell finished, and Loki landed on his feet again. In his royal Asgardian armour. He gasped as he looked down at himself, then he laughed with a big grin, unable to believe that he was finally back in this form again.
And he could feel his power surging through his veins again. Finally.
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thehagoftheironwood · 3 years
Check out my AO3. It’s mostly Loki, a lot of it is explicit so please heed the tags and ratings to avoid triggers, upsetting stuff, or things that are inappropriate for you for any reason. Otherwise enjoy.
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cottoncandyloki · 5 years
You, texting Loki: I'm sad
*door bell rings one second later*
You: *opens the door and sees Loki*
You: What the-
Loki, arms overburdened with roses: I came as soon as I can. I would’ve been here faster but these things have so many THORNS.
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devilish--doll · 5 years
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She’s rapidly typing away, trying to finish Chapter 4 of The Celestial Virgin for you guys!!
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So far she has succeeded in: 
1. Putting my laptop to sleep twice.
2. Turning perfectly formed sentences into kitten gibberish.
3. Being unreasonably cute.
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“Im Innocent, mummy!”
@wrathkitty​ @nildespirandum​ @dangertoozmanykids101​ @saiansha​ @caffiend-queen​ @cursedcursingviking​ @villainousshakespeare​ @doeeyeddarlingxo​ @mareebird​ @emeraldrosequartz​ @moltengalaxies​ @lokis-library​  @alexakeyloveloki​ @jessiejunebug​ @wegingerangelica​ 
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