#it could use some salt. and. a Lot of lemon
keeps-ache · 2 years
do ya ever think about how a bell pepper is like a small pumpkin ? it's like its lil sibling. small, similar, but definitely not the same at all
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fishnapple · 2 months
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CRYSTAL READING: What would bring you good luck?
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Feedback is much appreciated ❤️
Book a personal reading for you.
Reading for each group below :
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1. Trolleite group
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There is a contrast of two sides.
blue vs. red
personal vs collective
A hidden fire underneath a calm blue surface.
Wearing or using white and blue objects during travelling, especially long journey, dealing with a large crowd or going to public institutions, religious or spiritual places, the banks etc. would help you navigate the surrounding environment more smoothly.
It could be the colour of the clothes, vehicles, bottle, backpack etc.
Bringing a book and a notebook with you while travelling is also very beneficial.
Going near a large body of water, the ocean, the seashore, fish, and shells will help calm and ground you.
But for your private home, planting lots of flowers, paint the wall in warm pale tones of pink or pale orange, yellow will bring wamrth and vitality.
For harmonious communication, you could use a pink phone or a pink phone case, a pink notebook and pen, and pink accessories.
As I have said above about a hidden fire, intimate connections would stoke a creative fire within you, bring in more inspiration and life force to your projects.
Show a more vulnerable and soft side of yourself to the world and see how that would lead you on an unexpected, lucky journey.
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2. Citrine group
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There is a sense of an overall blessing draping your life. It's soft and jubilant.
You should surround yourself with soft, pastel colours and oceanic motifs.
Having a kaleidoscope and occasionally looking through it can unwind some restrictive thought patterns.
Travelling will bring lots of luck and valuable lessons. Schools and learning are also very important steps.
The more you study broadly but also deeply, the more depth and value you will find in life and in yourself. There is a calling from the depth of the ocean. To go deep, your life is not meant to be spent in a light, breezy, superficial way.
Have an exercise routine, not necessarily something vigorous, but just move your body around, writing or practising something with your hands daily will also assist you in this journey.
A teacher with masculine energy would also help you transform your fundamental way of thinking, building a more solid and vibrant inner core.
I also see that keeping yourself warm and monitoring what you eat closely would bring positive changes to you.
Bright red, orange, soft purple and blue, black would be your lucky colours.
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3. Garnet group
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Some period of wandering by yourself, away from familiar faces and environment, would do wonders to you. Especially when you feel quite lost, confused, or aimless.
Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition.When the urge strikes, just pack your things and go without too many thoughts and concerns.
It would be like a spiritual cleanse.
Things that relate to cleansing would also help you. Soap, salt, something smells of lavenders, lemon, rose, and water.
After some long walks or runs, taking a shower with soap or shampoo of these scent.
Take good care of your hair. Our hair is one of the most visible signs of life growing, of progression. I would usually imagine it as inverted roots of the tree that is our body.
A healthy root system would make a healthy tree.
I'm also see that some objects with cradle-like shapes are quite beneficial for your financial and physical growth. A bowl, a basket, a candy dish, something that can hold others.
The colours to bring you luck are jade green, sky blue, lilac, and dark red.
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4. Rose quartz
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When I saw your spread, I immediately heard the sound of wind chimes. More specifically, a brass wind chimes, the one with no frills, just simple tubes of brass swaying gently in a place with lots of dark trees. The place feels simple, quiet, serious, and solitary.
Hanging some objects like wind chimes, dream catchers, or something light, delicate by the door or windows. Or wearing earrings with that kind of shape would bring good luck to you.
Even more so if it was made by your own hands. I even saw some kind of transparent panel make of glass or acrylic with painting on it, dangling in front of the window, sunlight striking through, making rainbow dance in the room.
Light and sound would affect your energy profoundly.
When things feel unstable, difficulties arise, you could go to places that are old, with lots of history, have big, strong, square structure, or anywhere that has 4 walls surrounding you to feel more grounded.
Number 2,3,4 would show signs of blessing.
Things or beings that come in pair, in groups of three or groups of four.
Consider using things with contrast, a combination of complementary colours ,
dark and rich colours combine with light, soft colours such as green and pink, light blue and brown black, lilac with dark red, orange with cold grey.
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5. Carnelian group
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For this group, it's not really about something physical like a place, an object that could bring you good luck. It's more about words, thoughts, and emotions.
When dealing with others, sometimes not revealing yourself entirely would actually achieve more peace and honesty in that relationship.
You have an intense inner world, you see clearly the hurts, the vulnerability, and the darkness in yourself and others. Your words would have a heavy , serious trigger. It's not easy to always bring that heaviness out into the open because it would create misunderstanding and anger in others.
So, not showing yourself too much, wait and observe, until you and the other person reach a certain understanding of each other.
An outward elusiveness and detachment sometimes would help balance out the inward gravity.
Having a psyche like that would manifest as sensitivity in the physical body such as allergies, so avoid eating too much spicy and hot food or strenuous activities so as not to aggrevate the body further.
A healthy bridge between bodily nourishment and the psyche should be established. Observe how some food would affect you.
The biggest message is to take good care of your health. No amount of blessings is enough if you are not actually healthy to receive them.
For colours, dark earthy and creamy tones would make a nice comfy blanket for you.
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kitchenwitchtingss · 11 months
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Today I woke up and felt a little ill. So I decided to make myself some good old feel-better chicken soup.
Being mixed, I've always grown up with two different versions of chicken noodle soup, so eventually when I grew up I just combined the two! Hispanic chicken soup usually uses tomatoes sazón, adobo, chicken thigh, lemon, and rice, but American chicken soup usually uses noodles, chicken breast, plain broth, salt, pepper, and celery.
So here's one way to twist the two together.
This recipe is pretty easy to make when you don't have a lot of energy because there is about an hour and a half of cooking where you can just sit down and relax while doing it.
3-4 Chicken Thighs or Legs (I prefer bone-in because it has more flavor and is more tender.)
3 tbsp Garlic honey (works well if fermented, it's fun and easy to make your own!) - Healing, Protection, Purification
One Goya Sazon Packet
1 Bay Leaf - Protection, Healing, Purification
1/2 Cup Baby Carrots (You could just chop up a regular carrot too lol)
1 yellow Onion
2 tsp grated Ginger - Cleansing, Energy, Healing
Half a bag of egg noodles (You could also use rice) - Longevity
4 cups chicken broth
2 green onions
Chicken Seasoning:
4 cloves garlic  - Protection, Healing
1/8 cup chopped parsley - Protection, Strength
1/2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp adobo seasoning
1 tbsp thyme - Healing, Abundance, Health, Prosperity
2 tsp basil flakes - Abundance, Prosperity 
1 tsp red pepper flakes
Salt and pepper - Banish Negative Energy
Juice of half a lemon - For Healing
Hot Scallion Oil:
2 tbsp oil
1 tbsp green onion
Blend the chicken seasonings listed above in a blender or in a mortar and pestle. Whichever you prefer. Rub on chicken and fry in a pot with oil until each side is browned. About 4 minutes on each side.
Add in yellow onion, ginger, and garlic honey, and cook until soft. Add in carrots and chicken stock. Add in Bay leaf and goya season packet. Cook for about an hour.
Add in green onions, and taste if the soup needs more seasoning. If it does, season to taste. Simmer for another 20 minutes.
When the chicken is tender enough to where it is falling off the bone, remove the chicken from the bone and discard the bones and bay leaf.
Add in egg noodles and cook for 7-9 minutes with the lid on, until the noodles are cooked.
Heat up 2 tbsp of oil until very hot. Add in green onion and cook for a little under a minute.
Laddel soup into a bowl and top with a spoonful of scallions and scallion oil.
Editors Note: I'll never understand how people take such aesthetic photos of food loll.
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aesethewitch · 16 days
Learning to Cook Like a Witch: Using the Scraps
Cooking can create a lot of waste. From peels and rinds to bones and leaves, people throw away quite a lot of scraps in the kitchen. And witches, as you may know, are experts in the art of the cunning use of whatever we’ve got around.
As a witch who spends a lot of time in the kitchen, I’ve had ample opportunities to get creative in my cooking craft. It helps that I grew up in a household defined by scarcity: not our own, by the time I was conscious enough to remember, but my parents’ poverty. It colored the way I learned to cook, using everything I possibly could, making enough to last, preserving what I didn’t immediately use, and creatively reusing leftovers and scraps.
There are some topics I won’t necessarily cover here. Composting is an option, but there are some bits of food scrap that don’t need to be composted — they can be saved and repurposed for all sorts of things, magic and mundane. Likewise, recycling, buying sustainably, and growing your own food when you can are all great options for reducing household waste in the kitchen.
For the purposes of this post, I want to focus specifically on food scraps. This is an organized list of kitchen scraps that I’ve used in a variety of other dishes and projects. I’m focusing primarily on food waste, not so much on packaging (such as reusing egg cartons, milk containers, boxes, and so forth).
Vegetable Scraps
Freeze leftover vegetable scraps to make stock. This is a fairly common bit of advice — save bits of leftover vegetables to make a vegetable stock or another kind of stock. It’s good advice! I keep a bag in my freezer that I put vegetable scraps in to save until I’m ready to make a new batch of stock. Not all veggies should be saved like this and used for stock! Some make stock bitter or otherwise unpleasant-tasting. Personally, I tend to freeze these for stock:
- The skins, ends, and leftover cuts of onions (just be wary of the skins; too much will make your broth bitter) - The ends of celery (not the leaves — they’re bitter!) - Corn cobs - Garlic skins, ends, tiny cloves that aren’t useful otherwise, and sprouted cloves - The ends of carrots (also not the leaves) - The ends of leeks - Pepper tops/bottoms (not the seeds)
I would recommend against putting things like potatoes, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and leafy greens in there. Potatoes don’t add flavor, sprouts and cabbage make the whole thing taste like those foods, and leafy greens end up bitter. If something has a strong, distinctive flavor (beets, sprouts), I wouldn’t add it to my freezer bag. These scraps often form the veggie portion of my Sick-Be-Gone Chicken Broth spell recipe!
Regrow leeks, green onions, and celery. Pop these in a bit of water and watch them grow back! It’s a fun experiment, and you’ll never have to buy them again.
Plant sprouted garlic. Aside from the fact that you can still cook and eat garlic that’s sprouted, you can plant a sprouted clove in a pot. Care for it well enough, and you’ll end up with a full head of garlic from that one clove!
Fry potato peels. Anytime I make mashed potatoes or peel potatoes for something, I always save the peels. Give them a thorough rinse and shallow-fry them in oil, turning them over until they’re golden and crispy. Toss them in a bit of salt and pepper while they’re still hot, and you’ve got tasty chips to snack on while you cook the rest of your meal! No need to cover them in more oil or anything — the heat will cause the salt to stick right to them.
Save leaves for pesto. Yum, yum, yum. Pesto isn’t just all about basil, you know. Save the leaves from carrots, beets, radishes, and even celery to grind up alongside basil, garlic, salt, and lemon juice for a delicious pesto recipe.
Fruit Scraps
Save citrus peels. Peels from oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits have a multitude of uses. Candy them for a sweet treat, dry them to add to potpourri or incense, or save them to put into a simmer pot for bright, sunny energy.
Juice the whole fruit. Again, thinking mostly about citrus fruits, when you need the zest from something but not the rest, don’t just throw away the fruit. Squeeze out all the juice you can. Even if you don’t need it right now, you can freeze it to use later in simmer pots, fruity waters, or anything else that needs a touch of juice.
Turn extra fruit and berries into jam or syrup. If you’ve got berries and fruit that are about to go off, or maybe the ends of strawberries, don’t toss them! Look up recipes for jam of the specific fruit you’ve got or make an infused syrup. Syrups in particular can be used for cocktails, teas, and desserts for an extra magical kick.
Pickle watermelon rinds. That’s right. Pickle those suckers. They’re so tasty. I’ve seen people make kimchi with watermelon rinds, too, though I’ve never tried it myself!
Save seeds for abundance work. Seeds in general are great for spells geared toward long-term success, new beginnings, and — when there are a lot of them — wealth. Different fruit seeds have properties that tend to correspond with the fruit they come from, so consider their potential purposes before you just toss them! (Note also that some fruit seeds are toxic; these would be suitable for baneful workings.)
Keep cherry stems for love magic. Have you ever done that thing where you tie a cherry stem with your tongue? If I’m eating cherries, I like to save some of the stems for love workings. Tie them into little knots like you might with string while envisioning ensnaring the love you’re looking for. I wouldn’t do this with a particular person in mind; binding someone to you is almost never a good idea. I’ve used it to attract specific qualities in a person of romantic interest: attentiveness, humor, kindness, and so forth.
Use pits to represent blockages, barriers, and problems. I most often use them in baneful workings, typically jammed into a poppet’s mouth or throat to keep someone from talking shit. It could also represent a sense of dread in that way — a pit in the stomach, uneasy and nauseating. But you could also use them in the sense of removal, ritualistically removing the pit or problem from a given situation.
Herb Scraps
Freeze or dry extra fresh herbs. Different drying techniques are ideal for specific herbs. I’d suggest looking up recommended methods before sticking anything in the microwave. If you’d like to freeze your herbs instead, I typically will lay them on a damp paper towel, wrap them up, place them into a freezer-safe bag, and then put them in the freezer. Most herbs will keep for a couple months this way. When you want to use them, pull them out and let them defrost right on the counter.
Make pesto. Again, pesto isn’t just basil! Experiment with tossing in different scraps of herbs to find out what combination you like best.
Reuse steeped tea. Particularly when I use loose herbal tea, I like to lay out the used tea to dry out. It can be burned similarly to loose incense, though the scent may be somewhat weaker than with herbs that are fresher or unused. I find that it’s fine, since I’m sensitive to smells anyways.
Toss extra herbs into your stock freezer bag. Just like with vegetables, extra herbs make welcome additions to a scrap stock pot. I always make a point to save sage, thyme, marjoram, and ginger. You can add just about anything to a stock pot, but be aware of the flavors you’re adding. Not all herbs will match with all dishes.
Protein Scraps
Dry and crush empty egg shells. This is one most witches will know! I use crushed egg shells for protection magic most often: sprinkled at a doorstep mixed with other herbs, added to jars, and spread around spell candles.
Save shrimp, crab, and lobster shells. They’re a goldmine of flavor. Toss them into water with veggies and herbs, and you’ve got a delicious, easy shellfish stock. Use it to make fishy soups and chowders that much richer.
Don’t discard roasted chicken remains. Use them for stock, just like the shells. I like to get rotisserie chickens on occasion since they’re ready-made and very tasty. Once all the meat has been stripped off the bones, simmer the entire carcass with — you guessed it — veggies and herbs for a tasty chicken stock.
Reuse bacon grease for frying. After cooking bacon, don’t throw away the grease right away. Melt it over low heat, strain the bits of bacon out, and pour it into a jar to put in the fridge. You can use it to fry all sorts of things, but my favorite thing is brussels sprouts. They pick up the delicious, salty, bacony flavor from all that rendered bacon fat. So good.
Other Scraps
Use stale bread for croutons or bread crumbs. When I reach the stale end of a loaf of bread, as long as it isn’t moldy, I like to tear it into pieces and toss it into the oven for a little while. Let it cool and then pulse it in a food processor, and I’ve got delicious bread crumbs! Or, cut it a little more neatly, toss it in oil and seasonings, and then bake, and now I’ve got homemade croutons for salads. You can really hone your herbs for both of these, tuning them to be perfect for whatever spell needs you have.
Small amounts of leftover sugar. I don’t know why, but I always end up with a tiny amount of white and brown sugar in the containers. This can be used in teas, of course, but I like to offer it up to spirits. In particular, my ancestors tend to appreciate a spoonful of brown sugar stirred into a small, warmed cup of milk. You can also look up mug cake or single-serving cookie recipes; often, they’re cooked in the microwave, and they only need a little sugar to make!
Keep vanilla bean pods. Vanilla is fucking expensive. When I have a little extra and want to really splurge for a special occasion, I’ll get a couple pods. And because they’re so expensive, I hate wasting any part of them. They’re good for love magic, sure, but you can also toss the spent pods in a jar full of sugar to make vanilla-infused sugar. I’ll often use the pods to make infused milks, too; warm the milk over low heat, add the pods, and let it steep like tea. It goes great in teas and desserts. For a nice self-love spell, sometimes I’ll melt chocolate into the vanilla milk and make hot cocoa!
Save the rinds from Parmesan and Pecorino Romano cheese. You might not be able to just bite into these, but they’re fabulous additions to a stock pot. They add a rich, umami depth to the flavors. I also like to throw these into pots of tomato sauce to add even more flavor to the sauce.
Used coffee is still coffee. After I make a pot of coffee, I’ll sometimes save the grounds by letting them dry back out. I wouldn’t make another cup of coffee with them, since all the flavor’s gone, but they’ll still have attributes of energy generation and smell great. I like to pack used grounds into sachets to hang in places where I want to encourage more energy and focus, replaced every few days or so. Coffee grounds also have high amounts of nitrogen in them, which can help plants thrive; just be careful about pH values in the soil! You don’t want to hurt your plants with too much acidity.
Final Thoughts
I hope you found these tips helpful! There are a ton more ways to save and reuse kitchen scraps that would otherwise go to waste. Sometimes, tossing stuff into the compost or trash can’t be avoided. But I’ve found that being aware of the possibilities can help diminish the amount that gets wasted.
If you have questions or other suggestions for reusing kitchen scraps, feel free to drop them in my inbox, reblogs, or replies. And if you did enjoy this post, consider tossing a couple dollars in my tip jar! Supporters get early and sometimes exclusive access to my work, and monthly members get bonuses like commission discounts and extras. (:
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vaspider · 6 months
Spider!! Hola :)
So I know I came back way too early this time but with this whole situation we lost sight that 2 of the affected family members will be having their bdays.
So, if you don't feel comfortable with us asking so soon for a boost I do come asking for a fool proof apple pie recipe.
We're short on money so gifts are out of the question, but I could make them something tasty, and they have always wanted to try apple pie.
There are many recipes on the internet but I need one even I, who have never baked a pie, can bake.
Hope it's not a weird petition, I just remembered you have valuable experience in the recipes department.
Thanks for taking time to read our ask, please stay safe!
If you're looking for foolproof, I would actually skip over Apple pie as a starting point & I would instead go for an apple crisp.
A crisp is much easier to make - pastry can be really finicky if you aren't familiar with how to make it, whereas a crisp you just mix together all the good stuff that makes a tasty topping and you are good to go.
Easy Apple Crisp
1/2c butter, cold (do not take out to soften like you would for cookies)
6 apples (Granny Smith, Fuji, Pink Lady, or similar. NOT RED DELICIOUS.)
2T granulated sugar
2t pumpkin pie spice (or cinnamon, if that's what you've got, but I find that using pumpkin pie spice is just... better... if you can)
2t lemon juice
1c light brown sugar, lightly packed
1c old-fashioned rolled oats
1c all-purpose flour (if using gluten-free flour, that's fine - you don't need to add xanthan gum for this recipe)
1/2c chopped walnuts or pecans
1/2c craisins (technically optional, but don't skip)
Pinch kosher salt
2 medium-sized mixing bowls
Sharp knife
Cutting board
2 large spoons for mixing
1 small bowl for butter
Wash hands thoroughly before beginning. You should do this every time you cook or bake, but especially this time, bc we will be handling a lot of the ingredients directly.
Cut butter into small cubes. Put into small bowl and place back into refrigerator to keep cold until needed.
Preheat oven to 350°. Spray 8" baking dish with non-stick cooking spray or grease with butter. Set aside.
Core and chop apples into large bite-sized pieces, about as big across as a nickel. Some people peel the apples. I don't. I think that's a lot of extra work to eliminate a great source of fiber & flavor. Place apples in one of the mixing bowls. Add lemon juice, granulated sugar, 1t of the pumpkin pie spice. Stir until combined, then pour into prepared baking dish.
If you prefer smaller bits, lightly chop the craisins. I like them full-sized, personally.
Put the rest of the ingredients except the butter - craisins, chopped nuts, brown sugar, flour, oats, 1t pie spice, salt - into the 2nd bowl and stir to combine.
Get the butter out of the fridge. Work it into the dry ingredients with your fingers until you have pea-sized crumbs. You can also use a fork or two knives for this or a pastry blender if you're very posh, but I really prefer using my hands. It's easier, and you get better texture, IMO.
Spread evenly over apple mix. Even it out a bit with the back of one of your mixing spoons. Don't leave any big gaps, but also don't press down on the mix at all.
Bake for 40-50 minutes or until the topping is golden brown and the apple/sugar mix bubbles up at the corners of the dish.
This recipe is specifically written with round amounts to make it easy to size up or down! You can halve this or double it. Doubling it should make about enough to fill a 13 x 9 casserole dish.
Make sure to adjust your cooking time if you adjust the size!
If you have small oven-safe bowls or ramekins, you can divide this between those ramekins instead. If you do this, DON'T heap up the topping higher than the top of the dish. It gets very easy to spill.
Like technically you don't HAVE to use the nuts or craisins but ... why would you want to skip those? THE FLAVOR!!
If you really prefer raisins I guess you can use those. I hate raisins, and also craisins add a tart element which makes the dish really delightful and more complex IMO.
You can make a crisp like this with lots of different fruit! This recipe works pretty much exactly the same if you substitute in 4-5c of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, or pears. You may want to fiddle with the amount of white sugar or the spices, but yeah. Once you know this recipe, it's a good basic dessert recipe that you can use for a lot of fruit!
If using berries, make sure to rinse them very well with cold water and inspect for any spots of mold. Supermarket berries get moldly REALLY fast. If possible, buy berries from chain supermarkets the day you're going to use them, and check berries in the store. Open the containers, don't be shy. Nothing sucks more than wasting money from your grocery budget and realizing when you get home that you bought moldy berries.
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oharamwah · 10 months
ଓ + — soft boyfriend headcanons
boyfriend!miguel x fem!reader
contents : fluuuufff and some nsfw, super messy and all over the place. i’m telling u this is so unstructured.
no heavy nsfw but suggestive themes under the cut
posted august 1st - to be edited !
© oharamwah, please do not steal my work.
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i’m so down bad for this man and he isn’t even real but that means i get to make up whatever headcanons i like abt what it’d be like to date him 😋
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧ 。・゚゚・・。 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧ 。・゚゚・。⋆
♡ i just wanna get straight to the point — miguel’s kisses are soooo. mmph.
♡ he’s the type to keep things at a small peck when others are around or when you two are a little busy and on your feet
♡ like he’ll be at work like always and you’ll pop into his home office just to drop off a snack and he’ll pull you closer by your chin to kiss you DKSJDHSKLD
♡ and when he’s working from home and he’s in sweatpants (a rare sight for many) and he has his thin wiry dad glasses on oh my
♡ buuuut, but. this man knows how to kiss properly too
♡ also we all know miguel is bossy, and this applies both in and out of the workplace
♡ he is huuuuuge on princess treatment
♡ making sure you barely have to lift a finger to do anything when he’s around, especially during intimate hours
♡ he is big on aftercare, never wants you to feel any pain during or after sex. well, with some exceptions. all he wants is for you to feel good. so, if you ask him for a tummy massage or a back rub, he’ll do it no hesitation.
♡ like ok i’m not gonna make this an nsfw hc post but… spanking 🤗
♡ anyway.. he’s definitely the type of boyfriend to keep lots of baby wipes and deodorant and any girly things you’d need in a separate bathroom cupboard, exclusively for you and when you stay the night
♡ speaking of, refuses to let you pay for anything when you’re out shopping. say you walk by the department store and you remember that you ran out of pads or shampoo, he has it covered
♡ he’s just so… idk he loves taking care of you in every aspect.
♡ y’know when boyfriends carry their girlfriend’s bridal style when their high heels hurt their feet ?? yeah that’s miguel.
♡ again, he hates seeing you in any kind of pain. even if your shoulder bag is just a little too heavy, he’s got it
♡ always reminds you that you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.
♡ you’ll be getting ready for a fancy dinner party and you’re staring at yourself in the mirror feeling a little self conscious, poking and pinching at parts of your tummy, arms, anything you felt insecure about at the time
♡ and instead of letting you know that he saw you, he’d come up from behind you and just start showering you with compliments and butterfly kisses
♡ because the last thing he wants is for you to feel even more insecure because you got caught, he just wants you to know what he thinks about you
♡ “so pretty my angel, is that a new dress?”
♡ he’d ask, knowing he’s the one that bought it
♡ *kiss* “you do your makeup differently today?” *kiss* “i like it, honey.”
♡ AGGHH he’s just too sweet. he always knows how to make you feel comfortable.
♡ king of small kind gestures because even though he could compliment you and all that jazz, you find that he doesn’t really say “i love you” that often. instead, he shows it to you
♡ he knows exactly how you like your eggs, down to the amount of salt and pepper you use
♡ he also knows you like peeling your own oranges but you always struggle to start them, so he’d use his fangs to peel a little piece for you to peel from
♡ and he pre-slices all the lemons because he knows you like lemon water but you kinda suck at using knives
♡ if you leave your glasses/sunnies at his place, he’ll take it upon himself to clean them for you
♡ knows the kinds of snacks you like on movie nights so he stocks up on them, never leaving his pantry empty. no, he never eats snacks, but he knows you do <3
♡ he’s also the type to drive you out wherever and whenever you want. night drives, sunset viewing, anything you wanna do he’s willing to take you there. you’re his passenger princess!!
♡ also omg so random but i feel like he’s lowkey insecure of his fangs. like he knows they can be a bit intimidating and cause some worry, so whenever he smiles around you he tries to keep them inside but they just peek out his lips and it’s skfkskfj so cute
♡ and when he laughs he covers his mouth so sometimes you have to place your hand over his, and he’ll look at you all “what..?” and you’ll peel his hand back and be all cute about it
♡ “show me your smileee” and he gets all SHYYY
♡ he’s definitely the angry/grumpy shy with you, he can’t help but feel a little embarrassed about being shy or flustered but he also kinda enjoys the feeling
♡ sorry this is so unorganized but i just had another thought
♡ he’s just so familiar with being in the same bed as you by now that he can tell when somethings wrong just by the movements you’re making
♡ or if you’re shifting around a lot in your spot, he won’t say anything but he’ll grab onto your waist to let you know he’s there and he’ll pull you a bit closer so you feel more at ease
♡ AND EVEN IF YOU ARENT IN HIS BED, he’ll never go into your spot. that’s your spot. though he does take the pillow and hug it sometimes. sometimes..
♡ he even washes your pillowcase more often than he washes his sheets because he knows how particular you are about your skincare and haircare
♡ but he’s also super particular about his own hygiene, constantly freshening himself up with like spray deodorants and stuff. and a lot of mouth wash. he takes dental care very seriously.
♡ like he even reminds you to floss every night and prepares you a cup of mouth wash and seals it with a kiss hehdheh
♡ that man is so clean. deadass. he works so hard yes but he always makes sure to be clean because the last thing he wants is to be a loser that SMELLS bad (LOLLDFKMSM)
♡ you’re the only person he’ll listen to when it comes to bedtime
♡ he’s always being scolded by his colleagues to get more sleep because his under eyes are getting darker than a winter night sky
♡ but he always just brushes them off — unless it’s you
♡ he’s actually kinda nervous to make you upset. like he could never even dream of making you upset or mad at him he couldn’t handle that
♡ you two never argue, you only have very passionate debates
♡ you’re usually right in the end, and he accepts that. he just hates when you two disagree. so when apologizing for being stubborn and making you upset, he speaks in a way softer tone than he would anyone else. it’s a bit higher than his normal voice and it’s very airy, very comforting and apologetic
♡ he’s just such a softie for youuuu waoooowwww
♡ anyway i’m gonna post this and come back to it when i have new ideas instead of posting a bunch of separate ones <3 enjoy angels !
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adviceformefromme · 15 days
Hi! Thank you for the health advice! I would love to quit or significantly reduce carbs, I also feel like it's heavy on my body, but so many meals revolve around grains (sourdough bread mostly) and I guess there's a craving aspect to it too... Could you give advice on what you're eating instead?? I have lots of eggs, fish, occasional meat, plenty of fruit, just enough veg haha but i find it hard to imagine going without carbs (or grains more specifically cos I have no prob with vege carbs). Especially in winter 😋 Thank you for any help 🙏🙏
I feel like society has normalised feeling heavy and lethargic after meals, but its amazing you have noticed this and want to change!
You may want to cut carbs gradually (no starches - breads, grains, rice, pasta, potatoes).
I would recommend looking into GI index to see what foods are high glucose, following Hormone Balancing recipes, juices etc (usually very low carb and support women's health). Listening to podcasts on microbiome, or even a tiktok search.
Introducing pre/ probiotics: I make sauerkraut (which is basically cabbage / onions in water and salt left to ferment for a few days - lots of variations on this), also just made my first batch of Kefir (I stay away from store bought Kefir as its pasturised and all the good stuff has been killed off during this process). I mention these as a healthy gut is going to support you as you remove carbs and introduce more wholesome foods.
Omlette (spinach / onion / parsley )
Scrambled eggs w/ coconut oil
Buckwheat porridge w/ blueberries (buckwheat is a seed not a grain so low glucose index)
Avocado salad (seeds, olives, rocket, tomatoes, cucumber) +tahini
Nuts, olives, blueberries, blackberries, watermelon
Main meals:
Veg + Protein (Broccli, kale, butternut squash, courgette, carrots, asparagus, cabagge, peppers). I do different variations of veg to mix things up, sometimes i do Chinese style stir fry, I try to add garlic and ginger as much as possible into the veg. Protein is usually grass fed steak, whole fish - seabream, sea bass, mackerel, cod fillet, wild salmon fillet, or turkey breast fillet. I make chimichurri sauce to add some extra flavour to the fish.
Protein + lentil / chicpeas dish. I have a stew a few days a week to break up the veggies because they do get boring after a while.
Bone broth. I boil the bones, and have as a little side dish with veggies but this isn't really filling enough for a main meal.
I make beetroot juice, and also watermelon juice, tumeric + ginger shots throughout the week. I try to throw in flaxseed and chia seeds where possible.
I cut coffee/ decaf all that and now only drinking fresh mint tea, slice of lemon + hot water, fresh juices (within the hour of making), and water ensuring 2l per day.
Number one thing that had to go was oats. So if you are having a morning crash I suggest cutting the carbs first thing. I know there are suggestions (glucose goddess) that fat with carbs or when you eat them (having carbs after veg can help) but personally i think its best to cut them.
I hope this helps! Its a full lifestyle change that has honestly helped so much! It's a commitments, but investing in feeling good and your health will make you feel so good and wholesome! xoxoxo
*I used the free 1 month trial of MyFitnessPal app to track my calories/ meals to ensure I was getting enough food - for some this might be extreme but super helpful to see what’s going on.
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newvegascowboy · 1 year
Proposal based on your food post and some things in Fallout.
Homemade sodas and sweet drinks are incredibly common based on home recipes passed down through the generations.
In Fallout new Vegas, and in Fallout 4 you can make drinks such as Nuka-Cola.
Filtering water and making it drinkable will be a big priority wherever you go. But making it palatable will also be a big goal.
Local settlements will probably mix sweeteners like syrup, juices, or even honey to mix it in the water.
Tea will be very popular too with all kinds of local teas made from local plants, sweetened with local sweeteners, and traded or even sold to each other.
Tea has the advantage of being boiled, filtered, and flavored making it a popular drink with massive variants between region to region and even settlement to settlement.
Brahmin milk will have a lot of nutrients and apparently good for treating radiation so odds are its also used as a medicine and a big part of a lot of diets.
Some rare drinks may still be possible but take a lot of work such as coffee, and ice cream.
Coffee needs specific growth and a lot of space to grow. So maybe it'll grow in small quantities.
There's ways to make ice cream without machines but it takes a lot of salt, ice, and milk. So you'd have to be very wealthy or very well located to have it
Shaved ice with simple syrups and fruits may make good treats in areas where there's a lot of ice
I fully agree with all of this! Not including it was probably a bit of an oversight on my part, but this is exactly the kind of extrapolation and worldbuilding I was aiming for.
Soda was invented in the mid 1800s, so I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility for people to have reinvented soft drinks. Originally, the water was taken from springs that were naturally carbonated and today, we can do it at home with compressed CO2. Even if the drinks aren't carbonated, I totally believe and agree with the idea that they're making sweet drinks.
I was going to mention in the original post and forgot, but lemons? Those things totally still exist. Citrus is too much of a botanical freak not to have survived. It might not be lemons (or limes, or oranges) as we know them, but they are OUT THERE and that means lemonade is real.
Tea is canon within the realm of fallout because you can brew several different varieties in 76. Also, hot drinks are comforting, especially in the winter and I think it's totally reasonable to think that new brews have popped up with the addition Coffee grows in Mexico at a similar latitude to Florida and parts of the southern united states, so I think you could claim that certain strains have been cultivated and grown in those areas, though it might be rare and extremely expensive.
Ice cream's origins are known to reach back as far as the second century B.C., although no specific date of origin nor inventor has been undisputably credited with its discovery. We know that Alexander the Great enjoyed snow and ice flavored with honey and nectar. Biblical references also show that King Solomon was fond of iced drinks during harvesting. During the Roman Empire, Nero Claudius Caesar (A.D. 54-86) frequently sent runners into the mountains for snow, which was then flavored with fruits and juices.
Ice cream is one HUNDRED percent a thing in the wasteland. The milk and cream is easy to source from Brahmin milk. Cane sugar can be grown in Florida and Louisiana, so it's not unreasonable to think that that's another rare and expensive import. It would be easier and cheaper to get your sugar from tree sap or malt grain or reduced fruits, but cane sugar is out there. Making ice cream is a pretty popular thing for kids to do -- put some rock salt and ice in a bag with cream, sugar, and vanilla, and shake it until it freezes. On the coast, salt is probably pretty abundant, even if it's time consuming to harvest, but vanilla is probably one spice that nobody has access to in the wasteland.
Ice houses and cold cellars are probably pretty common in the wasteland, so ice could be available all year round. Plus, refrigeration is useful in the process of preserving foods rather than canning or bottling.
I think it's important to keep in mind that people are smart, and just because the bombs dropped, we didn't revert back to the stone age. The knowledge of canning, bottling, making jams and preserves, cold storage, curing meat, making cheese -- all that knowledge is old. Just because modern technology makes it easier doesn't mean people couldn't do it two hundred years ago. If the knowledge is lost, logic and human ingenuity will rediscover it eventually.
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mishafletcher · 7 months
i wrote a book called cooking is terrible, which you can buy on amazon, or at any of the retailers here, or pretty much anywhere you can buy books.
the main post was getting pretty long, and the faq was also pretty long, but people often ask what kinds of recipes are in it, so here are some example recipes!
butter bean salad
Rinse and drain a tin of butter beans. Add crumbled feta and capers. Dress with lemon juice, olive oil, and a little bit of mustard.
Variations: Add quartered marinated artichoke hearts. Add chopped red onion. Add fresh chopped parsley, or fresh or dried thyme. Add sumac to the dressing. (If you do all these things, you have a main course salad that is fancy enough to serve at a party, or to grudgingly take to the work potluck.)
Keeps in the fridge for three to five days.
shitty soup
This soup isn’t actually shitty—it’s actually nice, and I eat it a lot—but we started calling it shitty soup, and the name’s stuck.
Bring enough stock for one person to a boil.
Add about 2 Tbsp of pastina. When the pasta is nearly done (which is only like, two minutes), crack in an egg and turn the pot to a simmer. After about two minutes of simmering, add some sort of veggie—shredded carrots, fresh or frozen spinach, frozen peas—and let it cook for another minute or two. Tada! You’ve made soup.
You can change this up, and don’t have to include all three bits—pasta and a few veggies, or just an egg boiled in stock, is great, and totally a meal. I give all three components mainly so there’s a note about timing. There are a million variations on this—add tomato paste or sesame oil, add other veggies, cook the egg to different degrees of doneness, etc. You can add a little cheese at the end, or a handful of (rinsed) tinned beans, or shreds of previously cooked meat. But at its most basic, broth + something else = soup, which is a meal that you can totally manage to make for yourself in under ten minutes, and then you can smugly tell the internet that you’re sure that what they’re having is nice and all, but you’re having homemade soup. And let’s be honest—most nights, this soup is not good enough to justify that, but who cares. Sometimes you gotta take what you can get.
things you can put on top of cottage cheese or yogurt to make them feel more like an interesting meal
this is just a list of ideas. the things in parentheses are optional extras, though you can use—or not use—whatever you'd like.
Peach or pineapple chunks
Pumpkin or apple butter
Granola or muesli
Apples, cinnamon, and honey
Literally just honey
Cinnamon sugar
Sunflower seeds + raisins + shredded cheese
Chili powder + black beans + avocado
Chopped tomatoes + garlic (+ spinach) (+ steak seasoning)
Cut-up spinach and chopped green onions (+ tomatoes)
Sundried tomatoes and olives
Chopped cucumber and olives (+ za’atar)
Salsa or hot sauce
Chopped radish, ready cooked beets, or cucumber + dill (+ garlic)
Mix in a bunch of Milo, Nesquick, or other sweetened chocolate powder. (You might want to add a splash of milk.)
Mangos + cardamom (+ honey or other sweetener) (+ pistachios)
Balsamic vinegar (+ strawberries if you wanna get fancy)
Basically any fresh herbs you have + salt
A spoonful of nut butter (+ chocolate)
Dried meat (like pork or mushroom floss, or that weird shredded jerky) + green onion
if you think all this sounds terrible, that's cool—this is not the cookbook for you.
if you're like, 'oh shit, i could make that soup in less than fifteen minutes,' maybe pick up a copy.
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littlecuteloli · 2 years
Favorite low cal foods:
Yakult/bio salud: Mini probiotic drinks, 35 cals a bottle. Filling + helps with light headedness & gut health
Vegan hotdogs: lightlife brand ones are 50 cals per hotdog. Easy protein + pair it with a low cal bread slice and ketchup and boom entire hotdog package for 100 cals. Good for campouts and cookouts so you can trick people that you're eating enough/normally
S o u p: Literally most canned soups are low cal and you can have it hot with some crackers or low cal bread. I love butternut squash soup. 200-250 cals
Vegetable broth: 10 cals a cup. I mean come on. I warm it up and put it in one of my cute little Sanrio themed cups. If you crave lots of salt like I do, then this is perfect. You can also get low sodium options :)
Rice cakes with pizza sauce and low fat cheese: The pizza sauce is key and makes it taste just like mini pizzas. 1/4 cup pizza sauce 25 cals, rice cakes 35 cals each (2 for 70), low fat cheese or vegan cheese to preference 30-70cals
Cereal with almond milk: Most cereals are under 150 per cup. Pair it with unsweetened almond milk at 30 cals a cup + use zero cal sweetener for some extra sweetness. ~180 cals total
Tea! I know it's more of a drink but find yourself a good flavor tea, could be lemon or berries or chai vanilla. Then add 0 cal sweetener. 2-5 cals a cup. There's just so many good options. Even Arizona diet tea is soooo good.
Peas and corn: get some canned or frozen peas, and just enjoy a bowl with your favorite seasonings. 120 cals per cup.
Chocolate milk: Again another drink but idk there's something about chocolate that makes everything feel okay. And again another food to trick people into thinking you eat normally. Cocoa powder 20 cals per tbsp (I use 2 so 40 cals), almond milk 30 cals a cup, and favorite 0 cal sweetener. Total ~50 cals
Frozen grapes: tastes like candy ~62 cals a cup
Overnight oatmeal: the real trick is to get those 0-5 cals sugar free flavor syrups people use in their coffee. Want peanut butter but not the calories of peanut butter? Get Torani sugar free peanut butter syrup. There's vanilla, chocolate, peach, caramel, etc all in zero sugar zero cal options. Add zero cal sweetener like Splenda, and almond milk, and you've got a banging overnight oatmeal. 150 cals per 1/2 cup dry oats + 30 for almond milk (about 1.5 cups once cooked) total 180-185 cals
Best for last, *Walden farms*: they literally make a bunch of 0-5 calorie foods, dips, spreads, etc. Literally everything from chocolate dips to salad dressings to pancake syrups to even Alfredo sauce! I shop them either from Albertsons or online <3
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beerecordings · 22 days
I know it's been a while since you talked about it, but I found your werewolf AU and loved it! If you don't mind, could you talk more about what each of the Main Six (seven if you include Sean) wolf's scent is like?
thanks so much, I still love that AU!! although tbh it has been a while since I read it, so it's possible that the story itself will have the most detail about what they smell like. but Sean definitely smells like coffee, and he also just has a very warm smell. this is something he was born with to a degree, but it's also something that's developed as part of his personality. obviously this is C!Jack and not real Sean, but if we say he was the youngest child in a large family and a bit of a people pleaser, it makes sense how he came to develop a very welcoming, friendly smell. like a campfire and a hot cup of coffee. when he gets mad, sometimes he starts to smell like burned coffee beans.
Marvin smells like mint mostly because of irl Sean telling us that Marvin loves mint tea. he might have drank so much of it in his life that he started to develop the scent. I like to think his dad drinks it too so they both smell like mint when they're together, so it's a very homey scent for him. he also has a rose scent, and sometimes some smokiness, because he likes to use a lot of scenters and incense around his place. Jackie swears up and down he can smell when Marvin has a seizure coming, a smell like rainwater. Marvin's not convinced.
Henrik smells like lemon. when he and Marvin hug or greet each other, they come away smelling like mint lemonade, and he and Jack smell like lemon brulee. he gets an ocean scent sometimes too, like salt and sand, and it gets very intense when he's annoyed or focused on something important, washing out the lemon smell. it makes him always seem to smell clean, a nice cool smell, reassuring and straightforward.
Jackie has a scent people often describe as "summertime," and it gets buttery when he's excited and around his family. most of the time, he smells like a hot night out, like grass in the sun and fresh air. his mom used to call him Firefly. she and Graham were both very outdoorsy. Jackie liked having a large, close pack most of the time, but his favorite times were when Mom and Dad would take him camping just the three of them, and he would feel that they loved him and each other for once. if you asked Marvin, he would tell you his cousin got his scent from his need to be close to them and his need to be free of them at the same time. when Jackie's angry enough, he actually starts to smell bloody, an intense and alarming smell that makes other werewolves turn their heads.
Chase is our chocolate boy. he has a sweet cocoa smell, maybe from the need for comfort and kindness he had as soon as he was turned, because of the abduction. Anti was electricity and storms, high above him and complex: Chase's smell became grounded, familiar, and comforting in reply. as he spends more time as a werewolf his smell will become more nuanced too, with scents like red-hots and whiskey, but for now, he smells like brownies.
Anti's smell has always been wild, and it can be hard to figure out what he's feeling, because the actual mood-scent is frequently covered by the intensity of his storm/lightning scent, which spikes anytime he feels something too strongly. JJ calls him as out-of-control and unpredictable as a storm, but Anti thinks that's just overthinking it. he just loves a good lightning storm. he loves rain too and prefers to be outside in wolf form whenever a weather event is going on. sometimes his own smell is a lot for him, and he wishes he could turn it off. Iris always really liked it, though.
JJ's scent is pretty specifically "old book you just opened for the first time in a while." It's dusty but pleasant and exciting. he gets some caramel in there when he's curious or distracted. Henrik says JJ's smell makes him want a latte and a good book to read. it fits with his introspective side, but when JJ does something a little wild or angry, his smell is confusingly mismatched. it makes him a surprise at times. Anti enjoys seeing his little brother do something unpredictable while smelling like a quaint old library. their smells do not match, but it doesn't matter. he's never wanted JJ to be like him, and JJ likes to roll around in his fur so they make a very wild combo. dangerous pair there, but only one of them has the smell to show it.
the longer they're a pack, the more that their "den," Chase's house, will take on a smell too. what do you think it will smell like?
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888bambi · 1 year
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✰ a/n: alcohol might give you a headache but it also gives you the best time of your life hehe- anyways be careful when drinking. also, friendly advice, if you go clubbing, GLUE yourself to your friends.
TW for sexual assault/mentions of sexual assault!!!
!heeseung x reader; university au, mentions of hee being a basketball player, reader goes through a lot (mentions of other enha members + le sserafim's chaewon, yunjin and kazuha, aespa's giselle)
genre: fluff, angst/ it's kinda suggestive
warnings: alcohol consumption, and i mean a lot of alcohol, substance abuse, sexual assault kinda? reader gets vary of men after that one encounter, ptsd i guess? let me know if i left anything (lowercase intended) & not proofread (i'll look for any errors when i have time, i am really sorry if there are a lot)
word count: 6424
‘’c’mon chaewon, come with us!’’ four young women together was definitely a lot. when you got into college with your cousin kazuha, you somehow ended sharing an apartment with yunjin, her classmate, and later chaewon joined too, even though she went to a different college. it was like you all were sisters: gossiping again and again, sharing clothes and skin care products, helping each other with work- but the best part came every time your group would go clubbing, on friday.
‘’last time we went clubbing together, kazuha almost stole the bartender’s job, yunjin started screaming and crying, making it seem like i was trying to kidnap her or something, and you vanished. literally. i went to get kazuha and you were nowhere to be seen. worst part, i wasn't even sober myself.’’ chaewon stated, pointing at the three of you, and if eyes could kill, you, yunjin and zuha would all be dead right now.
‘’but that's what makes a night out fun.’’ kazuha said, almost begging her older friend to agree.
‘’kazuha, do i need to remind you about that time when you started talking about politics with a decorative plant?’’ she added, both you and yunjin laughing heavily as kazuha desperately tried to defend herself.
‘’don’t act like you’re the saint.’’ you quickly added, a mischievous grin spreading on your lips, ‘’you make out with everyone in sight when there's even a small drop of alcohol in your system.’’
silence fell over the room as chaewon couldn't seem to find a worthy comeback; somehow, the three of you convinced the oldest girl, and now you were all getting ready.
the dorm was a mess, clothes and makeup products everywhere, music playing from yunjin’s laptop to put you all in the right mood.
two hours and three identity crises later, your group finally left the dorm, headed to the parking lot, where you decided you'd just order a cab to get to the club, since you were all planning to drink later tonight.
as soon as you arrived, you already split up; chaewon met some ‘old friend’ and it was clear she had other plans for the rest of the night, kazuha saw her ballet girls, which was definitely an unexpected crossover, leaving you with yunjin, both you and her heading straight to the bar.
''tequila for the hot girlies.’’ the bartender said, sending you both a wink as he carefully poured you two shots, handing you salt and a slice of lemon, making it easier for you to drink.
one shot turned into two, then three, and now, somehow, you were taking your eighth shot, still going strong; yunjin was now chatting with some guy, and by the way he talked you could tell he was american as well, leaving you all alone at the bar, drinking more and more on your own.
you didn't specifically have any plans for tonight, you just wanted to get wasted. not too long ago, you broke up with your boyfriend of two years, simply because the two of you couldn't handle the distance: going to different colleges in different countries, staying together would have been ‘a waste of time’, according to him. if you had to be honest, his words cut you deep like a knife. did he see the whole thing as a waste of time? nevertheless, you decided that your liver will handle what your heart couldn't, so you were stuck in a club, on your own, taking shot after shot until you’ll eventually go numb.
it wasn't even midnight and you were desperately trying to leave this place; making your way through the dance floor, bodies were moving around you like you were stuck in a freak show; perhaps it was the alcohol that made your anxiety skyrocket, or the fact that you realized you were completely separated from your group, and every face was either blurry or unfamiliar. having this eerie feeling overcoming you, you had to get some fresh air quickly. barely walking straight, it took you all your strength to balance yourself between the dancing people, and get out of the crowd in one piece.
looking around for your friends for one last time, you decided that it was time to go back home, even if the night was still young. you weren't like this, and definitely this feeling wasn't what you wanted. for some reason, the alcohol tonight made you feel confused, stressed and anxious. normally it would make you talkative, energetic and horny. but tonight it didn't happen.
being self conscious of the fact that you’re in such a miserable state, and worse, on your own, you quickly made your way towards the empty hallway, which led to the exit of the club.
the blue lights in the hallway gave you a headache, desperately making you try to adapt your vision to the new lighting and get out of here faster. with every second spent there, your heart rate was only getting faster, making you feel nauseous.
this was a completely new feeling, and it made you wonder if the bartender slipped something in your drinks. given the deplorable state you were in, of course you would never notice if someone messed with your drink. you swear you felt your body rotting with every step you took, feeling the veins in your body, each and every single one of them, the sensation making you want to rip out all your flesh.
‘this never happened before’; you kept telling yourself to stay strong until you made it out; but no matter how many steps you took, it felt like time froze and you were walking in the same spot, again and again.
‘’and what do we have here?’’ your stomach flipped upside down when you heard a voice echoing from behind you, making you stop in your tracks as you tried your best to appear as intimidating and as sober as you could.
the person quickly walked in front of you, leaning down to take a better look at your face in the faint lightning. ‘’what a pretty doll.’’ he happily said, a wide grin spreading on his lips. the man was much older than you, and by the way he looked, he was definitely the highest in the room at the moment.
roughly pinning you to the wall, his action caught you off guard, a gasp leaving your lips as you clenched your teeth during the impact. ‘’i’ve never seen a prettier thing in my entire life.’’ leaning in closer, you felt his hot breath on your face, doing your best to contain yourself. ‘’seems like my prayers were heard. i’m having fun tonight.’’ and with no warning, his dry lips were smashed on yours, pinning you on the wall with his large hands, pushing down on your hips, his knee in between your legs, making sure you couldn't escape.
a tear rolled down your cheek, and that didn't go unnoticed, as he was quick to pull away and lick your salty tears, your body getting overfilled with disgust and fear right away.
you needed an escape, and you needed it now. or else, who knows what might happen, even worse than his disgusting touches. when he kissed you again, a dumb idea crossed your mind; without giving it a second thought, you bit down on his tongue as hard as you could, causing him to yank away suddenly, his eyes widening in shock as he looked back at you.
turning on your heels, you started heading towards the exit in a rush, only to be pulled back by the man, roughly gripping your hair; you forgot you couldn't walk that fast, huh?
‘’fucking bitch!’’ lifting his hand, you shut your eyes in fear, ready to take his hit. you were never hit in your entire life, not even by your parents. right now, you have no idea whether he’ll be satisfied with only a slap, or beat you until you're lying unconscious on the cold floor.
waiting and waiting, you realized his hit never came. no, he was actually silent as well. as you slowly opened your eyes, you saw a tall figure towering over the man, squeezing his wrist tight enough to cause him more pain than you already did. ‘’what the fuck?! who are you?!’’ he yelled, massaging his wrist as he managed to pull away from the tall figure.
‘'doesn't matter.’’ the guy nonchalantly said, putting his hands in his pockets, his back facing you. ‘’you should get lost while i’m still a chill man.’’ he spoke, his voice filled with nothing but nonchalance, speaking in a robotic kind of way.
‘’and who are you to send me away? her man?’’ he snapped back, still keeping his distance.
‘’that doesn't concern you.’’ again, another calm reply, making you wonder if he would still be this collected if he saw what happened earlier in the hallway.
‘’i see, i see.’’ the drunk man laughed, a mischievous grin spreading on his lips as he checked you out once again, ‘’does the bitch bite when she gives head too-’’ he stopped talking when the mystery man dashed towards him, grabbing him by the collar and pushing him up against the wall. oh, how the tables have turned.
‘’what didn't you understand from ‘get lost’, huh?’’ if he was calm earlier, he was definitely terrifying now, and the whole vibe he had changed in a split second. without saying anything anymore, the drunk man quickly apologized, making his way back into the crowd without looking back again.
while his back was still facing you, you quickly wiped away your tears; you didn't even realize you were crying this whole time.
your heart dropped to your knees when you saw who was the one that saved you; lee heeseung. he went to the same college and you saw him in the hallways, but you knew him because of how popular he was as the captain of the basketball team. he had a reputation for his bad temper, so his calm demeanor earlier surely shocked you. ‘’thank you.’’ you whispered, avoiding his eyes.
''don't mention it.’’ he shortly replied, leaning on the wall, hands in his pockets, ‘’was he bothering you for a long time?’’
‘’no-’’ you lied, trying to seem as convincing as you could, ‘’he just came. asked me to leave with him, said no… the typical stuff.’’ you tried to laugh it off, hoping that it was convincing enough for the doe-eyed man, but taking a second look at his face, it was clear he wasn't listening to your bullshit. ‘’anyways, thanks again, have a great night!’’
turning on your feet, this time, you were determined to get away. using all your strength, you managed to run towards the exit without stumbling; you heard heeseung calling after you, but you decided to ignore it for the moment; it was time you went home and calmed yourself down a bit.
the ride back home was silent. luckily enough, the cab driver was an old man, and he was sweet to give you water once he realized you were sick- perhaps he did that so that you won't throw up in his car. anyway, you got back to the dorm on your own, safe and sound.
yunjin, kazuha and chaewon weren't home yet; looking at the clock, it was only two in the morning, so being the party monsters they are, there’s no chance they’ll be home before the sunrise. once you found yourself in the comfort of your house, you quickly took off your clothes, and headed for the shower.
once the cold water hit you, your skin was burning in all the places where that creep touched you. the sad part, this wasn't the first time someone did this to you. no, you had it worse than this, and you were only ten when it first happened.
someone said that trauma never really goes away. that person was right. you might think it goes away, but then something triggers it and bang- memories come back again. memories? was it right to call it a ‘memory’? aren't memories supposed to be pleasant?
that cold shower made you sober real quick, but you knew you'd have a monstrous headache in the morning. hiding yourself under your cozy blankets, all you saw was that grin, every time you close your eyes.
his disgusting scent remained in your nostrils, no matter how hard you washed your face; his devilish grin was imprinted on your retina, and you wanted to wash yourself again, this time with bleach, to make sure you took off his print from your skin.
you didn't sleep that night, and you knew this was simply the beginning of something much worse.
by the time the girls got back, you were awake, watching TV in the living room. you heard them laugh and talk about their night in the club; you couldn't call them ‘bad friends’ since they tried to find you- no, they called you a few times last night. at least they tried to find you.
‘’and what do we have here?’’ yunjin jokingly said as she entered the living room, her way of wording her sentence sending a shiver down your spine.
was your mind fucking with your right now? was it simply a coincidence?
‘’are you okay sweetie?’’ yunjin asked, gently brushing your hair, ‘’you’re quite pale. do you want some water?’’ her worry was evident in her voice, the other two girls turning their attention to you as well.
‘’no, i’m fine! i just couldn't sleep really well since i didn't know where you guys were.’’ a faint smile appeared on your lips, and apparently, that was enough to ease yunjin.
‘’we tried to find you everywhere,’’ chaewon added, jumping on the couch, a loud sigh leaving her lips, ‘’it was like you fell into a rabbit hole or something. you were nowhere to be found.’’
once all four of you were gathered in the living room, they started talking about their night. chaewon hooked up with that old friend of hers, and he apparently asked her out for dinner today, which was cute. kazuha had fun with her ballerina friends, going to three different clubs before coming back home, and yunjin had some fun with jake, another guy from your college, but surprisingly, nothing too wild, which was new for her.
‘’how was your night? of course, other than that you basically vanished again.’’ chaewon asked, their attention turning to you.
you debated for a split second if telling them was worth it; sure, they were your friends, but was it okay to burden them with something so… trivial? what would they say? all he did was kiss you. was it that big of a deal or were you being dramatic.
would they think you are a whore for kissing that man?
they wouldn't, they are your friends- but wouldn't them?
‘’i drank too much and i threw up a bit. i panicked because i couldn't find you so i went home earlier to calm myself down.’’ you felt bad for lying to them, and you felt even worse when you saw how easy they believed you.
maybe it would've been easier if you simply told them.
it’s been a week after that night and you barely slept. not to mention, you barely attended your classes. everything seemed to go downhill. you were falling behind in class, missing a lot of assignments, and simply isolating yourself slowly from everyone and everything.
you told the girls that you weren't feeling that well, saying that ‘you got a cold or something’. but you can't have a cold forever, and you needed to get your life together.
putting on the first hoodie you found in your room, you dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants and left for the starbucks near the corner; you had many problems at the moment, and a vanilla latte wouldn't solve them; but you were still going to get it.
if you saw yourself in the mirror, you would probably cry; were you weak for letting something like this tear you apart? should you tell someone? was it bad that you didn't tell anyone?
pushing the door open to the starbucks, you were happy to see it wasn't as crowded as it usually was; ordering your drink, you patiently waited for it, trying to plan what to do once you get back to the dorm.
''can't believe i run into you here.’’ turning your head in the direction of the voice, your eyes widened when you saw heeseung, now beside you, figuring out that he must be waiting for his drink as well, ''haven't seen you in class all week.’’
‘’we share the same class?’’ you wanted to slap yourself for how dumb you sounded right now; this wasn't like you. for some reason, you couldn't help but wonder if he saw that man touching you before he stepped in. did he actually see? no- if he did he would've stepped in earlier. right?
looking straight into your eyes, he looked slightly amused as he answered your question, ‘’finance?’’
if you were honest, after this week, you even forgot finance was one of your classes, and also forgot he was in that class too. truth be told, you had no idea why the two of you were talking. you never talked before. was he checking up on you after what happened? was he pitying you?
‘’yeah, finance. i remember.’’ you responded, trying to sound as confident as you could.
‘’wow.’’ heeseung added, making you turn your head in his direction again, ‘’never knew you could be so fake.’’ a little smile appeared on your lips, feeling comfortable talking with him. he had quite a reputation for being the best basketball player on campus- and a player in general, although he was rarely seen with girls. actually, he was rejecting girls quite a lot, and he managed to do so even when he was extremely drunk; he was also known for that.
‘’my bad. if you think that’s fake, you should see yunjin.’’ you replied, grabbing your drink, getting ready to leave after you thanked the barista.
‘’i’d rather see you than yunjin.’’ heeseung was quick to reply, not even trying to hide what he just said.
‘’excuse me?’’ you asked visibly confused, stopping in your tracks.
‘’see you on monday, hopefully.’’
somehow, you pulled yourself to got to school on monday, even if you slept seven hours in total during the past days. you kept telling yourself you weren't going there because of heeseung, but the fact that he wanted to see you in class made you feel better after all those days.
perhaps he saw through your little facade- but was he really able to see right through you when even your friends couldn't?
it didn't matter now, you were already seated in class, laptop on the table, ready for the lecture.
you looked around a few times, hoping you would see heeseung, but he was nowhere in sight. turning your attention back on the lecture, you barely paid attention, getting sleepy all of a sudden. at least now you knew that if you wanted to sleep, coming to professor han’s lecture was the answer.
going to your last class for the day, you spotted heeseung walking on the other side of the campus, headphones on as he was wearing his basketball jersey. although he seemed to be in a rush, you really wanted to talk with him, even for a moment.
making your way towards him, you tapped him on his broad shoulders, his expression when he turned around sending a shiver down your spine. as he removed his headphones, his face softened, surprised at the fact that you approached him. ‘’i didn't see you in class.’’
‘’i had practice. finance wasn't that important to me anyways.’’ he replied, switching his backpack from arm to his shoulder, ‘’what a pleasant surprise you finally decided to show up though.’’
rolling your eyes, he laughed at your little action, ‘’putting basketball over finance when finance is mandatory and basketball isn't. not a smart move.’’
laughing at your sentence, he shifted his gaze from your face to your bag. ‘’how many books you got in there?’’ he asked, pointing towards your bag.
‘’none actually. just a notebook and my laptop.’’ you replied, quite confused by his question.
‘’how cool, me too.’’ and so, he took the bag from your hand without any warning, placing it on his other shoulder, ‘’i had to balance my shoulders somehow. now i carry equal weight on both. anyways, where were you headed?’’
‘’i have a seminary. the last one for the day actually.’’
‘’wanna go to starbucks instead? you look like you could really have some coffee right now.’’ he stated, making you self conscious of your dark circles, reminding you of your troubled sleeping schedule.
going with him to the starbucks was definitely better than going to that boring seminary. although you and heeseung barely knew each other, you learnt a lot about him today: he plays a lot of video games, and he likes toy story, as funny as it might sound. he plays basketball at home with his father and older brother, he loves ramen and sleeps a lot. actually, you found out the two of you had a lot in common, even if the two of you led two very different lifestyles: while you were focused on your grades, or at least, this is how you were until that thing shattered you apart, he was more laid back, going with the flow rather than trying to break it.
‘’i know it might be kind of sudden but there’s a party at jake’s frat,’’ heeseung said, instantly making your heart drop when you heard the word party. ‘’i was wondering if you'd like to come around? you can get your friends as well- i mean, jake definitely told yunjin about it. but it’d be nice if you came too.’’
trying to regain your composure, you forced your confidence as much as you could, ‘’why is that?’’ you asked, playing with the straw of your drink.
‘’i genuinely enjoyed your presence. it’s been quite long since i felt so nice around someone who isn't from my friend group. plus, i am not that smart but i can tell you're not feeling your best right now.’’ heeseung was nice, contrary to what others might say. he was, actually, too nice. it was a party held by a frat. you knew some members of this frat. there’s no way there would be freaks like that one in the club, right? even so, how could you deny heeseung when he was giving you those beautiful doe eyes?
‘’i don't really know…’’ you said, tilting your head to the side. if you were going you might as well make him stay with you, in order to avoid another incident like that happening, ‘’when me and my friends drink, we don't really stick together…everyone goes off on their own as if we are doing side quests or something.’’
‘’i’ll stay with you.’’ he quickly said, a chuckle escaping your lips, ‘’i’ll do side quests as well, if that’s what you want. i promise.’’
you don't understand how it was so easy for him to get you to come here; the girls were overly excited once they heard you decided to come as well, and once you told them heeseung was the one who got you to come, they went mad. while chaewon kept asking you about how the two of you started talking, kazuha and yunjin were helping you pick an outfit. were you trying too hard?
the outfit you picked was simple; a long black tube top with a low waisted pair of flare denim jeans, hugging your hips perfectly; everything else was natural, minimal makeup and neat hair. as soon as you stepped inside, you already saw drunk people making out in front of everyone, some even passed out on the floor, broken glasses and so on.
this frat was known for their wild parties, straight out of project x. but they were always fun, and for some reason, no matter how wild they got, the police never got involved.
‘’i’ll go find jake, will you be fine on your own?’’ yunjin asked you, gently brushing your arm. for some reason, which you didn't understand, kazuha and chaewon were coming later, so for the moment, it was just you and her.
‘’yeah, no worries. i’ll go find heeseung.’’ you assured her, feeling her happiness flying through the roof when she heard your response.
being left all alone in the heart of the party, you had a strong feeling of deja vu; how ironic. making your way to the kitchen, you found sunghoon, who was more than pleased to pour you a shot. sunghoon was extremely awkward when he was sober, but after he drank a little, he became friendlier. after letting you know that you can drink as much as you want, he quickly made his way towards his friends, who were playing beer pong at the moment. looking around, you couldn't spot heeseung anywhere. how foolish of you to actually think he would stay with you, someone he barely knew, at a party where he could even get laid if he wanted, considering the amount of hot girls you saw around.
at least the alcohol won't leave you alone when you need it most. drowning all your problems in alcohol was definitively a dumb idea. drinking alone in a place with so many people was even dumber, especially after what happened at the club. did you care? not really. every single problem left your system when you were drunk, and you were willing to let go of everything tonight, even if it meant throwing up everything afterwards.
this time, you didn't stick to only one alcohol, helping you get drunk faster, but also making you dizzier than ever. luckily enough, this time you weren't feeling anxious, nor confused or scared. you genuinely wanted to enjoy yourself tonight, wanting to move on from that incident completely. everything happens for a reason- at least that's what you always told yourself. you should be thankful he didn't do more. it was too much, but it could've been far worse. you’ll never fully move on from it, but you might as well lie to yourself and have a nice time.
after all, you can't go back in time and do things differently. tonight, it was all about feeling good; your heart might not be good with feelings, but your liver surely was a pro at alcohol. drinking away your pain was a hobby at this point.
taking shots with random strangers, drinking different cocktails and drinking raw vodka were the reasons you were now dancing in the middle of everyone with a girl you've never met, drunker than you were, and possibly, high as well. all eyes were on the two of you, and in all that madness you heard that her name was giselle. making friends with random strangers at parties like this one was always wholesome.
swaying your hips to the music, your leg was between hers as the two of you moved in sync, running your hands up and down her waist, spinning her around and so on. you felt the music running through your veins, and you knew there was no way you were going home tonight, not when you were feeling this good.
rolling your eyes back, both you and giselle got even closer to each other, backs touching as you felt the rhythm down to your core. it felt magical, too good to be real. everything was spinning around, and the lights weren't helping either; pitbull’s old songs were, and will always be, a vibe.
everything went smoothly until you felt someone in your close proximity; an unknown guy, with a bottle of soju in his left hand, was now dancing with the two of you, and while giselle was seemingly happy with his arrival, you quickly excused yourself and desperately tried to get away from them. pushing people out of your way, you started getting anxious again. that guy came up to you just because he wanted to do so- which made you realize that what happened at the club two weeks ago, could always happen again. especially when you are alone and vulnerable like this.
where was heeseung, really? why did he ask you to come here, and on top of that, promise you that he’ll stay with you? you were a fool for believing him, and a clown for trying to trick yourself into believing that drinking would make you forget an incident that occurred while you were drunk.
trying to stop your eyes from rolling back, you supported yourself on the wall as you slowly made your way back into the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of water. you heard a familiar laugh in the distance, not too far from you, making you snap your head in that direction. there he was: lee heeseung. he was wearing baggy jeans and a plain white t-shirt, an oversized leather jacket hanging off his broad shoulders. he looked more attractive than he usually does, his black hair neatly parted in the middle.
he was very attractive indeed. his mannerisms made him even hotter than he already was. you felt something strange in your stomach, and you knew this wasn't because of all that damn alcohol. he suddenly turned his gaze on you, catching you staring at him, making you turn your head away suddenly, feeling the heat going up to your cheeks. ‘’pass me the bottle, would you?’’ you nearly froze when you heard his milky voice behind you, mentally slapping yourself in desperate attempts to get your shit together.
‘’which one,’’ you asked without turning around to face him, ‘’there’s soju, tequila, vodka, some wine, whiskey and lots of beer. what would you like?’’
‘’the one you’re holding,’’ heeseung nonchalantly stated, taking the water bottle from your hands and pouring himself a glass, ‘’i’m driving.’’
you wanted to slap yourself when you realised you were staring at him again, quickly shifting your attention to the tequila bottle in front of you, pouring yourself a shot and taking it down without a second thought.
‘’you surely like drinking a lot, don't you?’’ heeseung asked, leaning back on the counter, scanning your facial features, your heart skipping a beat when you saw his eyes landing on your lips for a brief moment. were you actually going crazy?
‘’my liver will handle what my heart can't.’’ you suddenly confessed, catching him completely off guard, ‘’it’s the best way. no one has to suffer.’’
you could tell he was about to say something, but you weren't in the mood for talking right now. something about the way he looked made him dreamier than he normally was, doing something in your brain. ‘’wanna dance?’’ you confidently asked, taking a few steps towards him, so that your face was inches away from him.
you might as well risk everything. worst case, he rejects you. but you could feel the rising tension between the two of you, and he could surely feel it too. shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, he pushed himself up from against the counter, towering over you, ‘’lead the way.’’ not only there was a change in his whole behavior, but also in the way he spoke.
without hesitating, you grabbed his hand and dragged him behind you, on the dance floor, pressing your back against his body 'accidentally’, before turning around and putting some distance between the two of you. a smirk appeared on his lips as he looked down at you, fixating his eyes on your lips before slowly scanning you from head to toe. his hands quickly made their way to your waist, pushing you closer, literally pressing your body on his as he gently massaged your waist, dragging his hand lower, daringly putting it inside the back pocket of your jeans.
perhaps you should be ashamed since you were clearly drunk and he was sober, or he should be the one ashamed since he knew you were drunk. it seemed like he read your mind, leaving you for a moment, before returning with two fresh tequila shots, ‘’i thought you were driving?’’ you asked, raising your eyebrow.
‘’i can get a cab and take the car tomorrow, you know?’’ taking the shot together, that wasn't the last one that night.
after taking more shots together, mixing a ‘mystery’ cocktail for him, you found yourself in front of his car as he was desperately searching his pockets for his car keys. once he found them and unlocked the car, you were quick to sit in the backseat, climbing on top of his lap, cupping his face with your fragile hands. his hands were softly caressing your waist, his doe eyes nowhere in sight as he seemed way more confident than he was earlier. you could see his eyes in the dim light, and their whole vibe was changed, making him look like a completely different person.
without holding back, you leaned in and connected your lips to his, moving your lips slowly in sync, his hands squeezing your waist a little bit. breaking the kiss, you saw him pouting at the lack of closure.
this time, before you kissed his lips, you kissed his whole face, leaving lipstick stains everywhere. you couldn't understand what about him was so comfortable and calming, but at the same time mesmerizing yet intimidating. connecting your lips once again, the kiss wasn't soft anymore. biting onto your lower lip, he pushed his tongue into your mouth, a small moan leaving your lips as you slowly moved your hips against him, his hands abruptly going down from your waist to your hips, squeezing them tightly, trying to stop you from moving.
after more kissing and touching, he gently pushed you away, earning a confused look from you. ‘’did i do something?’’ you asked, tilting your head to the side, as you felt your eyelids getting heavy.
‘’i think there’s something we need to talk about first.’’ he seriously said, although his voice was sweet.
‘’hm?’’ you asked, resting your hands on his shoulders, trying to stabilize yourself.
‘’about the night we first met.’’ your eyes widened in shock as soon as his words left his lips, quickly pushing yourself off his lap, trying to open the car’s door, only to be stopped by him. ‘’don’t. calm down a little.’’ your breath was going crazy, and you felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest.
‘’you saw… that guy-’’ as much as you tried to sound coherent, it didn't work out the way you wanted, trying to read heeseung’s expression while also trying to understand your emotions.
‘’what i saw?’’ he asked, earning a small nod from you, ‘’his tongue bleeding. i didn't need anything else to realise what he did.’’ your eyes started watering at his words.
was he going to see you differently now? was he going to say it was your fault? would he tell anyone else?
heeseung wasn't this type of person.
‘’don’t cry.’’ he gently said, pulling you back on his lap, wrapping his arms around you, ‘’it’s not your fault.’’ his reassuring words were enough to make you break down, wrapping your arms around his neck as you hid your face on his left shoulder. running his hands up and down your back, the two of you stayed in silence for a while; heeseung didn't say anything anymore, letting you cry while he hummed a melody in your ear, trying to calm you down.
‘’i can't thank you enough for saving me that night.’’ you said between sobs, his gaze softening once you pushed yourself away from his shoulder and he saw your reddish eyes in the dim lights, and your mascara running down your cheeks. a faint smile appeared on his lips as he kissed your mascara stained cheeks before he wiped your tears away with his thumb.
‘’you don't have to thank me. any good person would've stepped in.’’ he said, another smile appearing in your face.
‘’still, i’m grateful it was you,’’ the sentence left your lips without you realizing it, making you slap yourself mentally at how bold you were tonight, ‘’i-i mean, we wouldn't be here if you didn't save me that night?’’
‘’actually…’’ heeseung said, shifting his gaze from you to the window, looking at the frat house in the distance, biting his lip before turning his attention back on you, ‘’i wanted to get to know you for a long time. i just didn't have the courage.’’
his confession left you speechless; you never saw yourself worthy of someone like heeseung, someone who was good at everything he did, someone who seemed perfect in all aspects. ‘’you looked kind of untouchable,’’ another shocking confession for the night, ‘’you came to college, went to class and left, no interest in cliches or frats or the typical campus drama. i saw you at a few parties and you were completely different from how you were in school. i found you quite intriguing and i might have developed a small crush on you…so i tried to find the courage to come up to you.’’
you couldn't help but smile like a dumb bimbo at his confession, pressing a soft kiss on his jawline before playing with his necklace, pulling him closer to you, ‘’what a good thing you found the courage to come up to me.’’ you chuckled, leaning in for a kiss, only to be denied by him, which got you more confused.
‘’hold up, hold up,’’ the black haired boy said, removing your hands from his body, ‘’sorry to ruin it to you, but if you keep kissing me i won't be able to hold back anymore.’’
again, he made you confused. was he rejecting you or subtly telling you you're pushing yourself onto him? upon seeing your perplexed expression, the silence was replaced by his loud laugh, squeezing his eyes shut while he laughed in your face. calming down, he barely held back his laughter when he saw the confusion written all over your face.
‘’we can have fun later, sweetheart,’’ heeseung spoke, playing with a strand of your hair, ‘’let me take you out on a date first.’’
(small note: if you ever find yourself in a similar situation and you're afraid to ask for help because you think people will blame your for it, just remember that there's always going to be someone there for you. since i went through something similar and i needed a whole year to tell anyone about it, constantly blaming myself for what happened, i felt much better when i told someone about what happened and got it off my chest. even if it's hard, don't hesitate to seek help <3)
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restorativemeal · 25 days
Menu Twenty-Five
Menu twenty-five from Rowan Bishop and Sue Carruthers' "The Vegetarian Adventure Cookbook".
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Gazpacho Soup: tinned whole tomatoes, tinned tomato juice, garlic, cucumber, capsicum, onion, olive oil, whole meal bread, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, italian herbs, tabasco sauce, worcester sauce, fresh parsley. 
Carrot Tabouleh: bulghur wheat, carrots, spring onion, parsley, walnuts, salt, pepper, lemon juice, tabasco sauce, mayonnaise, black olives. 
Farmhouse Pie: wholemeal flour, rolled oats, salt, butter, kumara, onion, pumpkin, leek, butter beans, plain flour, milk, vegetable stock, horseradish sauce, cheese. 
Crisp Green Salad: Lettuce, mustard, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, garlic.
Still the middle of March, my problems were resolved and I had started reading a book that led me to believe I may have textbook issues. A newer flame was sparking within me this week, which to a degree only highlighted the textbook issues noted in the sentence prior. It was the Twenty-Seventh week of the long journey through Bishop and Carruthers’ “The Vegetarian Adventure Cookbook”. The Autumn equinox was set to occur on Wednesday, the night of the dinner party. My tendency to look inward caused me to think of it more as just the end of Summer, a time of historical personal woes, I was grateful to have made it through relatively unscathed. The weather was getting colder, the days shorter, and I was becoming thankful despite the issues I knew myself to have. 
Menu Twenty-Five was made up of a medley of dishes across a spectrum of temperatures. A cold Gazpacho Soup and Carrot Tabouleh, with a warm Farmhouse Pie and a side of Crisp Green Salad. I needed the Farmhouse Pie, envisioning a lifestyle where I spent time on a lifestyle block further north than where I was situated, or south depending on the location of something I had seen on Instagram. At the same time, I was having compulsive thoughts about bad things that would happen if my Instagram following went down by one. I discovered a glitch in the supermarket self-checkout which meant you could get two capsicums for the price of one. 
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I was home from work by 5 PM on Wednesday and ready to begin the equinox meal, in a meditative silence in the small kitchen. The hours I spent cooking before my guests arrived was beginning to feel like the only time I knew peace, despite the elevated mood I held steady during Week Twenty-Seven. I assembled the pastry dough in a red pot early, so that it could rest in the fridge for half an hour while I prepared the Farmhouse Pie filling. I tossed the leek stems out the kitchen window because they were too big for the food scrap bin. The Carrot Tabouleh was put together no problem then shifted to the fridge. Twenty-Seven weeks into the journey but I still don’t own a rolling pin, this proved problematic when it came time to roll out my pastry dough with a glass, some of the pie would be left exposed. Still it entered the oven, covered in tinfoil, for as long as the oven would handle. With guests arriving, I blended together the Gazpacho Soup, accidentally pouring a lot of worcester sauce into the mixture but hoping for the best in my calm space.
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Autumnal changes
I sat down at the corner of the dining table with all the dishes in the middle. There were six guests around the table, they dipped spoons into the Gazpacho soup and I cut the Farmhouse Pie into equal servings and placed it on the empty plate of each guest. The dinner went down a treat, warm enough to signify the end of Summer, but cold enough to address the higher March temperatures we were facing. Conversation flowed carefully, discussing things, traveling artists, love, and I broached the subject of my textbook issues.
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A casual dinner celebrating the end of another Summer
I felt myself coming back into my own by the end of Week Twenty-Seven. At work, my colleague had signed the pair of us up to complete a “Personal Effectiveness Bundle,” an online course geared toward improving personal effectiveness. I learned about personal mission statements and considered ways I could change my morning routine to become a more productive and inspiring person. I wrote down in my diary beside every date for the next week to go for a walk each morning, knowing full well that I wouldn’t go on any of them.
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I think I sent this ask yesterday but my tumblr said it wasn't delivered so m sending this again,
For ask the pack, what are some things about each pack member that Noone other than the pack or maybe not even whole pack but one or two members know, like something that's pretty unexpected uk
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"Ohoho." Jisung rubs his hands together wickedly with a smirk. "Dark secret time."
"Hold on-" Chan holds up a hand toward the beta, expression and voice stern, and Jisung immediately deflates. "-one rule. There's no telling anything that's been asked to be kept in confidence, yeah?"
Jisung nods enthusiastically and makes a show of crossing his heart. "God's honor."
Chan seems to relax a bit and nods at the beta encouragingly now. "All right then. Go ahead."
"I'll even be a martyr." Jisung sits up straight, looking smugly proud as he glances at the pack. "I volunteer to go first. Go on."
Beside him, Hyunjin rolls his eyes, and Seungmin pokes the other beta hard in the side, making him crumple into himself and yelp, offering the younger a glare.
Changbin huffs a snort of laughter beneath his breath.
"Where to start?" The alpha chuckles, and Jisung turns his ire to the older man.
"Why'd you say it like that?"
Changbin shrugs as he bites back a smile, and cocks an eyebrow at the beta. "Because you're a complicated person, Sungie."
"He had to retake level one of primary school." Hyunjin supplies helpfully, and Jisung rolls his eyes, as the omega snickers. "Something about 'being too focused on socialization and not enough on learning,' right, Sungie?"
The luna gives Jisung a knowing smirk and a raised brow.
Jisung sniffs. "Listen. I can't help that I'm a social butterfly and people are attracted to my insanely charismatic energy."
"That's one way to put it." Seungmin mutters beneath his breath, and Hyunjin smirks even wider than before.
"Jisung always carries a can of cat food and dog food in his backpack with him, wherever he goes." You offer, giving the beta a soft, affectionate smile as you do so. "Just in case he runs into a stray."
"God, you're adorable." Changbin coos, leaning over to try to pinch the beta's cheek, even as Jisung swats his hand away.
"Save it, hyung. I know that."
"He's hella superstitious." Jeongin points out, and Jisung nods. "Like. Won't walk under a ladder, throws salt over his shoulder superstitious."
"Hey." Jisung holds up his hands in open defense. "I'm not getting cursed with seven years of bad luck. I've already got a lifetime of it sharing a pack with Hyunjin."
"Fuck you."
"Speaking of Hyunjin," You chime in, before the fight can escalate, and move your attention to the luna now. "I feel like not a lot of people know about his extensive scrunchie collection."
"Oh god yes." Changbin rolls his eyes, and Hyunjin sticks his tongue out at him. "Sharing a bathroom with him was a nightmare for awhile."
"I collect scrunchies because I have long hair and I have to pull it up to keep it out of my way, okay?" Hyunjin defends. "And they're cuter than elastics, and they don't break my ends."
"It's cute, Jinnie." Chan assures the omega, who offers him an affectionate look. "Which one is your favorite?"
"Easy." Hyunjin replies without hesitation, glancing over at Chanbin now with a fond look deep in his dark eyes. "Changbin-hyung-for all his complaining when we first got together-gifted me one for my birthday that first year we were together that had little lemons on it, said it reminded him of me, and it's been my favorite ever since."
"Gross." Jisung says boredly, scrolling through his phone.
Changbin is beet red beside the disinterested beta. "Thanks, Jinnie. I didn't think you remembered that."
"Of course I do."
"Jinnie refuses to use scented soaps of any kind." Felix adds in, giving his moonmate a soft, shy smile from across the room. "The suppressants soften his natural scent a little bit, and so he doesn't use anything that could take away from it in the slightest."
"I don't use scented detergent either." Hyunjin shrugs. "I like smelling like myself for all of you."
"We like that too." You give him a soft look, and he grins.
"Minho-hyung will never admit it, but he memorizes everyone's favorite recipes and makes them every year for their birthday." Jeongin pipes up now bravely, and Minho shoots him a murderously blank stare.
"Yang Jeongin."
"Oh!" Changbin claps his hands, as if having a realization, his eyes alight, and ignores the obvious glare in his direction from Minho. "He's also a great sounding board, regardless of the question or idea. He'll always listen attentively and then give you his honest opinion afterward. I really value his advice."
Minho rolls his eyes, but the tips of his pink ears give him away.
"He also sends his cats birthday presents ever year." You point out, giving the other alpha a wink. "It's adorable."
"Shut up. All of you."
"Felix-hyung learned how to crochet and knit!" Jeongin grins ear to ear, and Felix blushes, tugging the younger omega to him affectionately as he rubs his hair. "He makes us cute little hats and scarves and tiny mini animals."
"He also never lets a day go by without leaving each of us a note somewhere for us to find." Chan adds, with a grateful affecionate look in the omega's direction. "Sometimes it's at the studio, or in Minho's bag, or tucked in Seungmin's textbook. We all always get one, especially on days when we spend long hours apart."
"He's actually incredible at drawing cute little doodles." Hyunjin muses, looking thoughtful, and Felix is so red at the genuine praise that he looks like he's going to turn into a tomato. "He draws little animals and little designs on all our notes, sometimes even when there's no words, and they're always perfect."
"Seungmin has an eidetic memory." Jisung nods in the other beta's direction, looking slightly impressed. "Thus why he's such a nerd and remembers every single thing ever."
Seungmin flips him off halfheartedly, even as Changbin nudges his side and gives him a proud little smile.
"He's also the only person I personally know that seems to sense moonmates before they happen."
"That's just dumb luck." Seungmin" protests, but he blushes slightly under the alpha's obvious praise.
"I mean, you called it between Chan and I pretty quickly." You shrug with a smirk in Chan's direction, even as he rolls his eyes good naturedly.
"He's absolutely fantastic at reading people, I'll give him that."
"He also never takes hot showers when he's by himself." Jisung blurts out, an expression of horror on his face at the mere thought. He shudders slightly. "He insists on having the water fucking icy, unless there's another member in there with him and we complain enough, and even then, it's lukewarm at best."
Jisung levels the other beta with a glare.
"It helps my concentration! And quiets my brain!" Seungmin objects heatedly, glaring right back.
"It's fucking psychopathic, you lunatic!"
"Changbin insists on never letting omegas or females walk out of the gym alone at night." You interrupt the betas' arguement, and Changbin looks caught off guard to be the sudden center of attention. You smile at him. "He escorts each and every single one to their cars once it's dark, even if it's frigid, or storming, or it cuts into his own work out time. He never lets them leave alone."
"That's so fucking sweet, hyung." Hyunjin coos, but there's no teasing in his voice, it's all complete genuine affection.
Changbin rubs awkwardly at the back of his neck and clears his throat. "Hey, it's not a big deal. Really."
"He can also totally crush an egg with just his bicep." Jeongin intercepts the conversation, smiling smugly. "It's fucking awesome."
"And hot." You and Hyunjin add at the same time, eye fucking the alpha in question, before turning and giving each other a slight nod of appreciation at your single mindedness.
"He also never takes this off." Hyunjin leans over and lifts Changbin's wrist for everyone to see, even though the alpha protests weakly.
There's a thin, braded cord of a leather bracelet that rings his wrist, dark and worn, tiny colored gems dotting the length at equal intervals, and Hyunjin nods at it knowingly.
"Innie made it for him when he went out of town one time, it has all our birth stones, and he's never taken it off since."
Changbin takes his wrist back from the omega with a halfhearted glare.
"Noona is scared of water slides." Jeongin changes the subject, turning to you with an open grin on his wicked little features.
"Hey, it's not uncommon okay!" You protest immediately, diving for the omega, as he shrieks and hides behind a laughing Felix. "Lots of people don't like water!"
"It's not water you're afraid of though is it sweetheart?" Minho asks smugly, quirking a brow, and you turn your glare to him.
You huff and settle into the couch at his feet, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I don't like water slides okay? Fine. So sue me. Something about them is fucking terrifying. Like. I don't want to get stuck. How will I get down? What if the water shuts off? What if I fly over the edge?"
Jeongin is giggling, and you bare your teeth at him, reaching for him again. He darts away.
"Noona-" Chan emphasises, looking to Jeongin pointedly as he does, expression stern. "-is also incredibly talented when it comes to games. Physical and mental."
"Yeah, that's true." Changbin nods, giving you a fond look. "She's so good it's almost irritating."
You shrug, grinning easily now. "I play a mean game of Uno, that's for sure."
"Innie has a collection of brooches." Felix speaks up, tousling the youngest's hair even as he protests. "They're gorgeous, and he pairs them all so well with outfits."
"Oooh!" Jisung pipes up, expression excited. "The baby has a serious collection of pokemon cards that are out of this world. Like. Crazy legendary and shiny shit."
"The baby-" You repeat, and Jeongin glares at you, as you give him a wink and make a kissy face in his direction. "-also never sleeps alone. He has to be hugging someone to him at all times."
"A pillow doesn't cut it." Jeongin pouts, and Felix smooths his hair back and kisses his forehead with a hidden smile.
"Christopher can write a full song in an afternoon." Minho says, glancing to the eldest, who is already going red under the attention. "Pretty sure the department head called him a protégé at one point."
"Lots of people write music." Chan protests, but you all shake your heads, cutting him off immediately.
"Not like you."
"Shut up, hyung."
"That ring he wears." You point to the head alpha's right index finger, and he glances down at his own hand in surprise, as if he'd forgotten the small band of metal was even there." He never takes it off."
You cock your head and a slight smile pulls your lips as you stare him down, meeting his gaze as he finally looks back up at you.
"It's just a ring." Chan mumbles beneath his breath, ears going red.
"No, it's not." You say quietly, reaching for his hand, pulling his palm into your lap, carefully spinning the ring around his finger a few times as you stare at it. "Your dad gave it to you, passed it down when you graduated and left home."
"Yeah." Chan sighs and meets your gaze once more.
You give him the hint of a soft smile. "It's a protection of sorts. A reminder of who you are. Where you came from. And some day, you'll give it to your pup, just like he gave it to you."
Chan's shoulders relax and he shakes his head with a slightly rueful smile.
"Yeah." He repeats, taking his hand back and folding his fingers protectively over the ring.
"Anyway." You shrug and glance around at your pack mates, a soft smile lifting your lips. "We're a complicated, messy bunch, but we're each other's complicated messy bunch and that's all that matters."
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skinnyicedlatte555 · 1 year
Skinni minni tips!
TW, below is info that relates to an ed
I recently shared these tips with a mutual and I thought I should share them as well! In the past two weeks, I've basically dropped roughly 3kgs (sorry I'm not sure what that is in lbs) but as someone who legit could never see that number drop, it finally is — after changing my habits and taking things seriously.
1. eat lots of fruits, I love them anyways so they aren’t too difficult to eat for me personally - for example, I like to chop up a bowl of strawberries or a bowl of grapes. a tip with this is to use a smaller bowl for smaller portions (pics of mealspo always have small bowls too)
2. veggies!! cucumbers chopped up are very filling and delicious. I sprinkle some salt on top for some extra flavour. also celery, carrots, etc whatever you like. fruits and veggies are all basically low cal.
3. heapsss of water, carry a drink bottle with u. drink water between bites of food.
4. sugar-free drinks to subside hunger pangs. sometimes I get anxious or bored and I just want to sit in bed and eat something (even if I’m not hungry) having a nice drink is good to help with this. this could be sugar-free monsters, diet coke or any sugar-free soft drinks, or sugar-free iced tea. they also taste pretty spot on to regular drinks if not better.
5. chew slowly and really enjoy your food. you will start to notice that you’ll feel fuller.
6. green tea helps with hunger pangs and helps with speeding up metabolism
7. lemon water, cut up a lemon and drop it into a cup of ice cold water - also helps with hunger pangs
8. it is very hard at first, I'll admit — you'll find yourself quite hungry but if you persevere, your body becomes used to the amount of food you're eating and your appetite begins to become naturally smaller. you might even find yourself not craving food as much. take it from me who craved chocolate, sweets, fast food all the damn time. I had a small bite of a piece of chocolate yesterday and felt full! trust me on this one.
9. don’t stress too much if you accidentally eat too much or binge!! there’s always tomorrow.
10. and lastly, take care and always be safe. make sure to always listen to ur body. :))
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thewitchesfortune · 1 year
Hi how do I preform a cord cutting ritual for a toxic person in my life?
Disclaimer this may have some triggering things in it,if they do trigger you you don’t have to respond. I do apologize in advance if anything does trigger you.
to specify what I mean is that this person almost sent me to the hospital last week or could have took my being with hand sanitizer that had 75% rubbing alcohol, made jokes about it when someone confronted them about it saying “yay they can get “silly” now (I censored the word)” and thought they were the victim because they got suspended for Half a day. I have to admit I have done something to them that hurt them, and at the time I didn’t know it would we used to be friends and they said something I made a comment. It made them insecure, hours later they made an inappropriate joke so I smacked them upside the head in a way I thought was gentle. After this I got suspended for a whole week, and apologized to this person.
Alright, so first and foremost fuck the people who suspended you for that long, especially since they only suspended him for half a day for sending you to the HOSPITAL
But for real, if you have a pic of his face, make some copies. There's a LOT you can do, cause the cord cutting probably won't be enough if you are forced to occupy the same space for long periods of time
Let's start with a "shut your mouth" working. Take a lemon, a large needle, thread of your choice, black pepper, cayenne, chili powder, salt, jalapeño seeds, and any other spicy pepper you have on hand (you can also add hot sauce if you have it), and your targets photo (or a name paper if you can't get a pic)
Cut a slit into the lemon to represent his mouth, and speak as such over it. Shove is picture inside the "mouth" and add your ingredients one by one, stating what you want to happen if he speaks to OR about you in any type of way. Ask them to cause his mouth to burn, for him to start choking, for him to stutter and be unable to finish what he was saying ANY time your name is on his tongue
Use the needle and thread to sew this shut, and you can also add thorns and pins if you'd like.
You can either turn this into a jar spell by adding it to a jar and filling it with vinegar, and then praying over the whole jar and keeping it somewhere it won't be easily found by others, or you could go hang this in a tree and ask that as it rots, so too does his mouth and any words he has about you die on his lips
After this is done, you can go to a busy road and grab some dirt, bring it home with you, and add the ashes of his photo to it, black pepper (to banish), black salt (or regular if you don't have black salt)(also to banish), cayenne (to speed things up and cause discomfort), any other hot peppers (for the same reason), you can also set all of this in a cross candle set up with 5 tealights (set them in this order: top, bottom, right, left, center) and pray over the whole thing for him to leave your life and never come back to bother you. Once the candles burn out, take the mixture back to the road, and make sure upu throw it on the side that specifically leads AWAY from town, and then don't look back when you leave
I would wait to do a regular cord cutting till he's actually gone, personally, but you could take some twine and 2 candles, you can soak the twine in lemon juice, carve your name in one candle and one in his and tie the string around both candles. Light the candles, and then as you pray for the cord to be cut, literally cut the cord with some scissors, and let the candles burn
The other method is to just let the flame take the cord out, but that doesn't always work. It can show you how hard the other person is holding on though, it's a good way to divine how difficult it will be to get rid of someone
After all of this though I definitely recommend cleansing yourself, and your space, and then doing some blessing spells on yourself and space as well. You can make a blessed oil by praying psalm 23 over it, like a bottle of olive oil or something, and you can do a solid cleansing by making some instant coffee and praying over it for it to clear away any unwanted energies, anything that could still be tying you to him, and anything that may have tried to attach itself to you through this process (not likely, but better to do this asap just in case) and then take a shower normally, and after you are clean, pour the cooled coffee over your head and try to make sure it hits every part of you, or at least all of your head and shoulders
If you can, let yourself air dry after this, but if you can't just pat yourself dry instead of rubbing, and use a blow dryer. IMEDIATELY use the blessed oil to annoint yourself asking for blessings once you're dry (forehead, crown, back of head, shoulders, palms, and bottoms of feet)
Good luck! And if you'd like to tip me, it would be appreciated! 😁
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