#isi's masterlist
arabellas · 4 months
Some relevant movies and tv shows that should be boycotted:
Stranger Things: Noah Schnapp claimed zionism is sexy and Hamas is ISIS and liked videos on twitter mocking Palestinian people; actor Brett Gelman and producer Shawn Levy are zionists and both support Schnapp
The Last Of Us: israeli politics in The Last Of Us Part 2; Neil Druckmann openly supports israel
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: Rick Riordan, the author of the books has made zionist comments neutral to Israel and the genocide
The Umbrella Academy: Aidan Gallagher openly supported Israel on instagram with a post "I stand with Israel", post is now deleted
Deadpool 3: Shawn Levy, the director of the movie is a zionist
Dune 2: Timothee Chalamet made a joke on SNL about the genocide in Palestine
Any Disney movies and shows including Inside Out 2, PJO, The Eras Tour movie, Moana 2, Marvel content: Disney is funding Israel, it has been announced that a new Israeli superhero will be joining the MCU
If you support Palestine, boycott zionist companies and stop funding them. Besides, there are many ways to watch the newest movies without paying a cent.
Please feel free to add more movies and shows with source links! 🍉
In addition, here are some other useful links:
Palestine Google docs masterlist
Poems for Palestine Chapbook Launch
Donation links
Click the button once a day to donate
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easy-there-leftovers · 8 months
I See You, Darling (Masterlist)
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"Bestow upon me, my dearest, the fortitude for this journey, and shield me from the shadows of malice. For in your embrace, I discover my sanctuary."
Playlists: » Please. See Me, Darling - “Now, tell me I’m beautiful and we can call it a day.” “By the gods above, you’re beautiful, you magnificent bastard.” » ISY,D; The Soundtrack - "My thoughts go out to you, my immortal beloved… I can live only wholly with you or not at all…"
The original prompt
Now on Ao3
Chapter 1 - A story in which an overworked art student longs for a fictional character that they've devoted so much of their time to. Astarion realizes there's someone else watching him. And he can't wait to get acquainted with them.
Chapter 2 - The reader believes they are in a dream. It wouldn’t be the first time their fantasies conjured up such an obscure, yet somehow realistic scene. And so they’ve elected to treat the experience with as much realism as one would observe in a dream; little to none.
Chapter 3 - As an outsider to most of everyone’s problems, you find your place by helping in whatever way you can. Even if that may be at the expense of your own comfort, but at least it’s been fun so far.
Chapter 4 - A party is being held at the camp in the heroes’ honor, which greets you with a lively crowd that you’ll hopefully meet again soon. And with a gathering this large, you’re bound to garner attention. But with a constitution as poor as yours from the night before, a round of drinks is the last thing you want. 
In abit of a rut, so do forgive me for the lack of a proper update. Instead, have this little gift!! Two playlists; taking into consideration the different appraoches to different perspectives.
Thank you to @rey26, @shyminnie07, @lynnloveshobi, @iggee-rose, @automnepoet, @tiannamortis, @aoirohi, @sarkara211, @jane-3043, @h3110-dar1in9, @h3ll0k1ttyl0ver333, @mimziethealien, @squichymochi, @sharabay, @furblrwurblr, @dork-of-the-universe, @thedevilssinner, @fuckalrighty, @queenofthespacesquids, @perseny, @goldenplutus, @h4nluv, @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer, @auszimbo, @maruichio, @iamsexytrash, @craig-mywifeisdead-boone, @grimissleepy, @fandomsfanman, @bitchyzombienacho, @r1kk, @ancuninstar, and @izuoyarmin for asking to be tagged for the series.
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bravo4iscool · 5 months
Levi Baby🖤
The way I adore you for pairing Simon with a Chubby girl. I bring a thot to you if you're interested:
Bodyguard!Simon Ghost Riley x chubby f!reader
- He's newly retired , gets asked for a favor from Price for a friend's kid
- Said kid is a mid 20's thicc woman who is all business since she's a lawyer in Human Rights and involved with the UN.
- He thinks she's going to be a snob based off looks bc girl loves to dress and she does it well, she observes Simon as he is. Brooding, Haunted and Self Assureed with a drizzle of dark humor but loyal.
- They get off on the wrong foot [Simon was being an irrational ass forgetting his manners and respect], reader isn't scared of him and doesn't take lightly to being disrespect3d for no apparent reason.
- They're holed up living together under the radar since the thr3at to reader was pretty big seeing it was world leaders
- They're going to have to learn to live with each other, where Simon barks orders - reader is anamused and calmly condescends. He can't even get annoyed bc she's antisocial and a houseplant but he's trying
- doesn't help that he's so.so attracted to her.
*make this as suggestive as you want (give ghost heart attacks with her choice of home clothes please. We know he's touch straved, emotionally constipated and needed a therap session.
Make her stress him out by confronting all of that in her short fiery demon way please.
I hope your new year is sweet Love💋
oh lord. oH LORD. how can you write this and not think about me fainting😭 THIS IS- URGH- AMAZING AHHHQGACQGQVQZQZAVQ!!!!
i hope i can do this justice😭 normally i try to imitate simon’s accent but bro… i was just too tired to do it now, so i hope you can forgive me for that🥲
not really happy but i tried my best :) also not proof-read!
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“There’s no but’s!” Simon argues while almost dragging you—his protégée—along the hallway inside the safe house. “You’re in danger and it’s my job to protect you!”
“I’ve been perfectly fine on my own before,” you argue, trying your best to wriggle away from his grip. You hated it when he manhandled like that.
He turns around, his eyes fiercely staring down at you and you feel like they’re piercing through your soul. “Have you ever had the Taliban threaten you, huh? Or fucking ISIS? I don’t think so; so stop whining and follow me!”
You want to argue with him, tell him he’s not allowed to talk to you that way but damn, you knew he was right. Ever since you started working for the UN you’ve been threatened—you were getting used to it—but only by small groups not someone like the Taliban.
“We’re gonna stay here until the threat is eliminated for not serious anymore.” His statement leaves little room to argue but you’re itching to say something anyway. It’s wasn’t your nature to just shut up. You were a lawyer, you were used to arguing.
You grimace as you force yourself to accept your fate. You didn’t want to but in the end you knew Simon was right. So, you follow him, an annoyed look on your face. You hated it when he was right.
“It’s only temporary,” he grumbles as he kicks a door open and pushes you inside. “It’s not like I want it, okay?”
You only roll your eyes, throwing a halfhearted ‘whatever’ at him and inspecting the room he hauled you into. “This is where I’m gonna stay?” you ask him, a slight hint of defeat in your voice.
“Pretty much, yes. I’ll be on the other side of the hallway,” he explains, leaning against the door frame. “In case anything happened, of course,” he immediately adds; just so you don’t get a…wrong picture of this whole thing here.
“We got wifi here?” is you next questions when you turn to look at him, your arms crossed in front of your chest.
“No wifi. No contact to the outer world,” is his answer and you feel your blood start to boil.
“You have to be kidding me! How am I supposed to work then?” You throw your hands in the air, letting out an angry huff. “You can’t just cut me off civilisation!”
He only shrugs. “I can and I will. Work can wait, alright? Your life is more important now.” Again his voice leaves no room to argue but this time you won’t take it. You put your hands on your hips, looking up at him.
“You think that’s how it works? Then, please Lieutenant Riley,” you spit out his rank “fly over to the dozens of war criminals and tell them to stop too! Oh wait-“ you act shocked. “That’s not how it fucking works! You can’t expect me to sit still and look pretty while the world drowns in injustice!”
“Would make things a lot easier tho,” he mumbles under his breath while pushing himself off the door frame. “Just…do something that doesn’t require wifi or anything like that, alright?” Before you can even think of an answer he leaves, shutting the door behind him. Why the hell was he treating like some little child?
“How old is she?” Simon wants to know as he hands his old Captain the picture of you back. He’s sat on a chair, his legs spread, one arm resting on the back rest.
“Mid 20s,” Price answers, placing his folded hands onto the table. “She needs security and her father’s not really…trusting the usual companies; and since you’re nearly retired I thought you could use the job.” Simon holds Price’s gaze and nods along. “He trusts me, therefore he trusts you. She’s a lawyer, heavily associated and involved with the UN and human rights.”
“What are the details?” Simon slightly tilts his head, curiously raising his eyebrows.”
“24/7 protection. The full package. You’ve done it before,” Price explains and Simon once again nods along. “Before you take the job tho-“ he pauses. “She’s, well… she’s a lawyer Simon. You need to know what you get into.” The Captains gaze hardens, his back straightening. “She won’t like that she’s on protection detail, therefore she’ll be treating you like that.”
Simon only smirks, flipping his well kept coin between his fingers. “There’s nothing I can’t handle John. I’ve met people like that before and I was perfectly fine.”
Now Price was the one smirking while shaking his head. “I know and I don’t question your abilities but she’s a civilian—the one you’re protecting. You can’t handle this the way you’ve handled other subjects before.”
“I know what I’m getting into,” Simon assures in a calm tone definitely not knowing what he was getting himself into.
“Fucking hell,” Simon mutters when he first sees you. You’re walking straight to you office—the one he was sitting in—involved in a heated talk with that seemed like your secretary.
He’s able to make out single words but well, his hearing wasn’t the best anymore after nearly 20 years of military service. And now he thinks he probably should’ve stayed in the field.
The way you’re waking and talking and dressing just screams ‘snob’ at him. He slightly lowers his head to gaze at you, once again playing with his coin. Maybe he should’ve declined the offer and taken on the underground wrestling instead. Would’ve been more fun for sure.
As soon as you spot your guest you send your secretary away, bracing yourself for the following conversation. You weren’t a fan of getting security and you definitely weren’t a fan of the fact that it was a friend of your father’s friend and he—apparently—was everything but easy.
“Lieutenant Riley,” you greet him, extending your hand to him. When he stands up to his full height you slightly crane your neck; the professional smile still on your face.
“Ma’am,” he greets in a gruff voice, the skin of his hand raw and calloused as he return the handshake. “Pleased to meet you.” He isn’t. He just wants to leave but he brought this on himself so he needs to finish it now. ‘One year’, he told himself. ‘Then I can quit.’
“I can only return the pleasure,” you smile, clearing your throat. “Would you mind sitting down at my desk?” You ask, pointing towards said desk. “I think it’s easier to discuss business over there.”
Simon agrees, towering over you as he makes his way over to one of the chairs in front of the desk. You take place behind it, carefully straightening your blouse. He needs to warn himself not to stare. Fuck, why were you so pretty? A pretty little snob…
“This has to be taken seriously!” Simon raises his voice at you, successfully blocking the door of your office.
“This is nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” you argue with him, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “So please, Simon, let me get out of my office and back to work.”
He huffs, “Not a change. You’ll be staying here until the threat is cleared.” He glances over his shoulder, loving and hating the fact that you had a glass office. “Are these bullet prove?” he asks, looking at you again.
You sigh, “No.”
“We’ll have that changed,” he immediately answers and you start to shake your head.
“We’ll have nothing changed! You weren’t hired to renovate my office!” You walk towards him. “Now, Mr. Riley, please step aside so I can continue working.”
“Not happening.” He straightens up to his full height, expecting you to back off but you do the exact opposite. You swat your finger at him, looking up.
“I don’t care what you think, you will stay here; if you want it or not.” His voice is stern and stoic and you need to do your best to not full on scream at him.
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that,” you hiss, your index finger jabbing his chest. “I can make my own decisions, I’m a responsible adult. So don’t you dare talk down to me that way!”
When Simon doesn’t make a move you let out an angry huff and shake your head. Then you turn away and stalk towards your desk. “Fucking military man,” you curse under your breath, ignoring the way he stared you down.
You stare at your open suitcase, debating what to wear. On the one hand, you kinda were on your own, on the other hand, Simon was with you.
You were comfortable in your body—no question—you actually kinda liked the extra cushions but sometimes you felt like Simon was staring at you. Like he wasn’t able to take his eyes off of you and that made you…feel something. Something you were afraid of.
“Ah fuck it,” you say under your breath, fishing out some shorts and a shirt. You could care less about what Simon thinks. You both are only work related. Nothing else.
You tap down the stairs, walking straight into the kitchen. “You want something to eat?” You ask Simon, glancing at him when you hear him enter.
“You willing to make some?” he jokes, expecting you to say ‘no’ but when you say ‘yes’ his eyes widen and he pauses for a second. When you notice it you let out a small chuckle, opening the fridge and multiple cabinets to see what you could make.
“Any friends that’ll miss you?” he asks once you place a plate in front of him, looking up at you with curious eyes.
You shake your head, “Nope. Not really.” You sit down opposite of him, grabbing your fork. “Too busy to have friends.”
He tilts his head, blindly picking up the food either his fork. “No boyfriend?” He knows you don’t have one. You have no dates, no flings, nothing; but he wants to hear it from you. Maybe then his fantasies wouldn’t be so forbidden…
“Please,” you laugh. “We’d be divorced before we even married.” You take a sip of water and look at him. “I don’t have time for relationships and that kind of stuff. I have a target to pursue. Ain’t no time for distraction.”
He only nods in an understanding manner, playing with his beer bottle. “And you?” you ask. “You got someone?”
He shakes his head. “Nah. I’ve got you to deal with. That’s enough.” He smirks when he sees your facial expression, letting out a low chuckle. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for,” he continues joking. “But no. I don’t have anyone. Never really had.”
“Oh…” you say in an almost pitiful tone and he hates it. It not that he couldn’t get someone. He just didn’t want to. That’s a big difference. “Well not really different for me,” you then snort, slightly grimacing. You had this one guy ask you out for prom but that turned out to be a bet rather fast and after than you decided to not to date in school or university anymore.
Yeah sure, you were more chubby than other girls but that doesn’t mean that you’re not lovable, right? By now you were comfortable in your body—you were in your mid 20’s—but sometimes you felt yourself slipping back into the insecure girl you once were. The one who thought that no man would ever lay his eyes on her in a lustful or loving manner.
Simon’s itching to say something; to ask why you don’t have anyone… You’re perfect. You’re nice—even if he hated to admit it. You’re pretty, you’re so fucking soft… Did the men around you not see that?
“Simon?” You wave your hand around in front of his face, chuckling when he slightly flinches, his pupils blow. “Are you alright?” you carefully ask, eying him as if something was wrong.
But he only clears his throat, “Yes. Everything’s fine.” Then he hastily stands up and nods at you. “Thank you for the food.”
You watch after him as he leaves, a frown on your face. Was he really okay or was he just lying to you?
Simon on the other hand was probably turning red as a tomato. How could he allow himself to slip like that? Fuck, he needed to keep himself better under control.
As soon as he reaches his room he shuts the door and leans against it while opening his pants with shaking hands.
He had a—growing—problem and he needed take care of it. Now.
Approximately one week into the lockdown Simon finds you in the living room, crouched over a bunch of files and documents.
“What’s that?” he wants to know, looking over your shoulder.
“Work,” you simply reply, taking notes and pushing the papers around. You were so close, this close to finally finish this case but something was missing and it stressed you out.
He slowly nods, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “And how did you manage to get these files?”
“I’m a lawyer Simon. I have my ways and connections,” is your plain answer and you can basically feel him tensing behind you.
“What if they give away your location,”
“They won’t.”
“How can you be sure?” He tries his best to be calm but god, you were testing his nerves. He gave you strict orders and you were supposed to follow them.
You turn around with an annoyed sigh, looking up at him. “Because my father brought me those. You think he would sell me out to the enemy? I doubt so.”
You raise your eyebrow, waiting for any other complaint by him but be only looks at the files behind you, then at you again. “Maybe check the mission reports of the special forces.” With that he leaves you alone, more than confused.
You know why Simon told you what he told you when you find what you need exactly there. The mission reports were sitting somewhere beneath everything else because you didn’t pay much attention to them; in the end they were the solution.
Now you could finally link the crimes to someone and with that to the government or the military at least.
The next time you see Simon you almost jump into his arms, thanking him over and over again. “Now the case is finally closed,” you tell him with a big grin on your face, completely forgetting that you’re usually not so happy when around him.
Simon just awkwardly pats your back, pushing you off him and ignoring the burning desire deep within him. He knew it was risky to give you a tip but you were struggling and he didn‘t like that. He just hoped that you wouldn’t ask him why he knew that you should look at the mission reports. Once you knew that he was a war criminal this job would be over. And while you certainly were a pain in the ass sometimes he felt a very present attraction towards you.
Simon realises he’s a goner when he wakes up one morning and sees you walking around in a shirt. Just a shirt, as far as he can see and it does something to you. His hands are itching to touch you and he finds himself excusing himself more and more to the bathroom.
And you? You started to notice the kind of power you have over him and it makes you boast with pride. You, a chubby little lawyer in your mid 20s, has him, an almost 40 year old retired military Lieutenant, wrapped around your little finger.
After that you decide to play a little game. Wouldn’t hurt, no? Just subtle touches. Brushing his arm when you walk past him, patting his chest when he helps you with something, your legs touching his whenever you sit beside him.
He tries to shrug it off but you can practically feel how worked up he gets and how hard it is for him to keep him shit together; and that fuels you only more. How long would it take for him to break? To crumble beneath your touch, huh? You wanted, no, you needed to find that out.
Simon knows what you were doing. He isn’t stupid but he hates it. How was he so weak that you were able to play with him like that?
After a week, maybe two of you dancing around him he has you caged in against the kitchen counter, towering over you.
“What makes you think you can just play with me like that, huh?” he asks in a low voice, his eyes scanning your face for any reaction. “You think it’s funny? Working me up like that every day?”
You try not to be intimidated—or turned on—by him but god, he’s just- you don’t have any words for it. He’s tall, broad and fucking strong. You once got a look at the muscles under all his clothes and you weren’t the same after that. Nu-uh.
“I thought you like it,” you reply with a cocky grin, trying to overshadow your uncertainty. “Do you want me to stop?” You blink at him, acting all innocent and pure. In the corner of your eye you see his grip on the counter tightening. Oh, you had him where you wanted him.
A ‘bloody hell’ is all you get before his lips crash down onto yours and he heaves you on top of the counter. His hands find their way to your hips, scarred fingers tracing them and squeezing, wanting to pull you even closer.
The moment his lips touch yours you forget everything else. This is want you wanted—needed—for weeks. And lord, that man knew what he was doing.
You weren’t a fan of him dragging and pushing you around but right now? Right now you couldn’t wish for anything else. You bury your hands in the dirty kind strands of hair on the back of his head, gently pulling at them which results in him groaning in your mouth.
“Take me to the bedroom and maybe I’ll stop teasing you,” you breathlessly tell him once he breaks the kiss only to kiss you again immediately making you all hot and tingly.
You can feel him smirk against his lips before they trail down your neck towards your collar bone. “Ain’t gonna take you anywhere love,” he whispers and you’re able to once again feel him smirk against your skin. “Gonna fuck you right here on that kitchen counter. You want that?” he looks up at you through hooded eyes, which makes you swallow.
“Words love, words.” His tone is playful even tho you can see the desperation in the way his hands move all over your body, letting you see stars already.
“Yes…please,” you almost choke out, feeling like everything you want to say is being swallowed my your throat again. You’re unable to talk.
“That’s what I wanted to hear,” Simon teases, straightening up to kiss your lips again, cupping your cheek. “Gonna take good care of you,” he promises. “I’m gonna show you how a real man treats you,” he swears and you can feel a familiar but also unfamiliar heat building in the pit of your stomach.
(i got scared to write the rest👍🏼. i’m sorry, i’m still new to writing smut😭)
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smoooothoperator · 4 months
16: You Belong With Me
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle, life as lovers
Warnings: someone you don't like at the end ;)
a/n: hello my darlings!! This is a SMAU I wanted to do becuase I think there's no other way that narrating their trip! I'll try to make a chapter before next week because I'll go to a trip.
Oh, and a big shoutout to the beautiful @racinggirl that helped me with this chapter!!
Official Playlist
previous chapter | next chapter
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
violetsinclair added to their story
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pietra.pilao what??? Where????
violetsinclair Egypt🫣🤭
pietra.pilao omggg bring me something from there!
violetsinclair of course 😗
landonorris added to their story
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carlossainz55 and Spain when??
landonorris soon! This trip was part of her Christmas gift
carlossainz55 so you finally asked her? Is it official?
landonorris a McLaren wag, yep
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liked by mclaren, maxfewtrell, egiptianmuseumcairo and 869.518 others
landonorris Day 1. History and Ancient Languages student gf= free guide on a museum🧡
tagged: egiptianmuseumcairo, violetsinclair
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egiptioanmuseumcairo can we borrow her for our tourguide?
landonorris I think you have to ask the British Museum...
user5 is he really hard launching???
f1_gossip I think he is, yep
mclaren was is good tho?
landonorris Oh yeah, 10/10, totally recommend. Violet is a good one
violetsinclair you're welcome 😌
user9 I bet she's dating him because of his money
user6 totally, it's like he is her sugar daddy lol
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liked by mclaren, landonorris and other 2.719 others
violetsinclair Day 1. The Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Needed water because I talked too much
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pietra.pilao how tall was that statue?
violetsinclair taller than Lando, for sure
maxfewtrell easy to be taller than him, did you see pictures of him as a kid?
landonorris you traitor
violetsinclair I went to his parents house, of course I know how short he was🤭
landonorris how dare you?😱
user2 finally a girlfriend that is not a model!!!
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liked by f1, violetsinclair, carlossainz55 and 917.926 others
landonorris Day 2&3. I made a friend and saw the pyramids
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oscarpiastri not that pose again...
landonorris oh yeah😎
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, maxfewtrell and 1.572 others
violetsinclair Day 2&3. I still have sand in places where it shouldn't be...
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landonorris need help to wash it off?😏
violetsinclair LANDO DUDE
maxfewtrell keep it in your pants mate...
oscarpiastri you and your obsession with OnlyFans...
user1 they act like they are a married couple already ffs😒
user2 they are in love, let them be
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liked by f1, lnfour, daniel.jpg and 745.818 others
lando.jpg if you search the definition of simp, you'll find a picture of me looking at my beautiful girlfriend 😍🤤
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daniel.jpg you are alive! Finally!
lando.jpg I just needed a muse
daniel.jpg simp
lando.jpg and proud of it!
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and 2.780 others
violetsinclair For more New Year's next to you, my love, my Osiris, my Ramsesses🧡
tagged: landonorris
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landonorris my love, my Isis, my Nefertari🧡
mclaren happy new year Violet!🧡
violetsinclair happy new year admin🫶🏻
f1 we can wait to meet you! Happy new year
f1_gossip happy new year!!!
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liked by carlossainz55, maxvertappen1, mclaren and 916.579 others
landonorris Happy New Year, for more years next to you, you queen🧡
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carlossainz55 Is it official??
landonorris we have been soft launching for some weeks already... So yeah🥰
maxvertappen1 No way! Finally!
user19 they are so cute 🥺
user12 sorry but no, she kinda screams golddigger vibes
user16 lol? Do you know her? I saw a week ago in London buying Christmas presents and even with Lando next to her she paid everything she bought?? Like, she freaking went to Dior and Gucci stores??
user13 True! I was the one that attender her in Gucci and she paid everything with her phone! She was really sweet and Lando and her were so cute together! He even took a picture with me and Violet took it
f1_gossip 👀
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It's not fair.
It's not fair.
It's not fair.
How dare she? How dare she do everything she's doing right now? How dare she be with that man he warned her about. He will use her, he will play with her like a toy and then throw her away like trash.
That smile on their faces… It makes him sick.
How dare he? How dare he take the only thing he ever wanted? How dare he touch her and kiss her and expose her that way? She will suffer again.
He has to fix it. He has to take him away from her, make sure he doesn't touch her again.
But how… HOW?!
He has been staring at the screen of his laptop for God knows how long, his eyes are dry because of the light of the screen and the darkness in the room. The pictures, the comments, her smile, his smile.
Another notification from that phone.
He grabbed it, reading the text, smiling at it.
Vivi💜: Guess where am I now? Egypt!
Vivi💜: Lando and I came here to spend the New Year! It's really amazing!
Vivi💜: please, just say something… I'm really worried
He smirked reading it, looking at the multiple texts she sent to her friend.
It was kinda easy getting rid of Eloise. There's nothing better than a broken brake in the car to make sure she can't stop it while driving through a frozen road on her way to her village, making her have a crash.
It was easy acting desperate when he received the call from her parents, going there and looking at that girl he happily got rid of laying lifeless on a coffin. It was so easy convincing her parents saying that Violet, her childhood friend, is no longer her friend, making sure they don't even talk to her.
But now he has someone else on his radar. He has to make sure Lando is away from her, forever. He tried to warn him, sending him some gifts, some friendly reminders. But he's too stupid to use his brain and think that he should get away from her.
Lando Norris needs to get away from her, or else he will put his hands on the matter.
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean @leptitlu @aphroditeisamilf @brekkers-whore @copper-boom @sideboobrry11 @alltoomaples @f1madison @elijahslover @silkenthusiasts @chonkybonky @summerslike11 @randomgirlnumber-13 @is-just-a @whentheautumnleavesfall @malynn @mycenterfold @barackosteaa @izzy-marvel @ssprayberrythings @ophcelia
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
🎶 Composition of the Century (The Collab Masterlist!) 🎶
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to the concert hall.
Take your seats and silence your phones, we have the genius Min Yoongi himself to celebrate on his thirtieth birthday!
Isi (@raplinesmoon), Ryen (@kithtaehyung) and Mars (@joheunsaram) are stoked to announce the masterlist for our second BTS 30 for 30 collab. For this collaboration, we have gathered 30 fantastic writers to showcase 30 musical pieces celebrating Yoongi's brilliant mind during his birth month.
🎼 All details/ratings of the upcoming lineup are under the cut. These fics are slated to go on tour by March 15th, so get ready to be moved (and don’t forget to come back and give them a listen!)
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by the time i've figured out what it's worth (m) by @ugh-yoongi ⤷ Guitar 🤍 Yoongi x Reader(f) 🎶 est. relationship, marriage au | angst, smut
🎼 You used to find comfort in it—listening to those old songs, an aural timeline of your and Yoongi’s relationship. The shy sounds of falling in love, the tinkling of a ring in a dish, the inevitable crash and burn. All those songs aren’t so comforting anymore, when you’d do anything to keep him and Yoongi’s got one foot out the door.
🎧 Listen Here!
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The Eternal Prince (13+) by @phenomenalgirl9 ⤷ Accordion 🤍 Yoongi x Reader(f) 🎶 fantasy, reincarnation au | action
🎼 Everyone heard of the Prince who got cursed to be a beast for being too proud of his beauty, ever heard of the Prince who got cursed to have a frozen heart because he was cold? But, only one thing can thaw the ice in his heart, love. And only one person can give it to him, Y/n, will he be able to save her this time round? This time round, will his heart thaw?
🎧 Listen Here!
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Seductress In Satin (M) by @daimyosjeon ⤷ Songwriting 🤍 Songwriter!Yoongi x Reader(f) 🎶 est. relationship au | smut
🎼 Yoongi has been ignoring you for a couple of weeks now because of his work. Finally, it's time to step up your game.
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Pull On My Heart Strings (13+) by @cutest-bunny-writings ⤷ Harp 🤍 Yoongi x Reader(f) 🎶 angst, fluff
🎼 You've been waiting for this show for so long. To see award winning harpist Min Yoongi perform live, in a front row seat! What could possibly go wrong?
🎧 Listen Here!
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Please Linger (M) by @matchy6812 ⤷ Synrix 🤍 Musician!Yoongi x Reader(f) 🎶 fantasy au | humor, smut
🎼 After terrorizing the villagers with one too many pranks, you’ve been locked away in The Tower to atone for your petty crimes. As far as you know, The Tower is impenetrable. Nobody can get in, and nobody can get out. It seems you’ll never escape—until one night, a man named Yoongi barges in…
🎧 Listen Here!
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Floating Chapels (17+) by @persephonesorchid ⤷ Chimes 🤍 Yoongi x Reader 🎶 regency au, strangers to lovers | angst, fluff
🎼 You open a music school for underprivileged youth and since the beginning, you've had an anonymous doner: they provide your students with instruments and general funding. One day, Duke Min presents himself and a grand offer for you and your students.
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The Departure (M) by @sugalaritae ⤷ Double Bass 🤍 Classical Musician!Yoongi x Classical Musician!Jungkook 🎶 rivals to lovers, exes to lovers, romance | angst, light fluff, smut
🎼 It's been 5 years since Jungkook's seen Yoongi play live. 5 years since he was in the same room as Yoongi. 5 long years and so much has changed. Now, on the evening of what looks like Yoongi's last concert, Jungkook watches from the audience. Every finger movement reminds him of what it felt like to be touched. Every bow movement pulls out an old memory tucked away reminding him how intoxicating it was to play with Yoongi and oh! how he aches for a chance once again. Except he's ruined everything, and nothing will ever be the way it was. Especially Yoongi.
🎧 Listen Here! 
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unrequited love (& other clichés) (m) by @hot-soop ⤷ Cello 🤍 Cellist!Yoongi x Violinist!Reader(f) 🎶 non idol au, friends with benefits | angst, smut
🎼 Namjoon thinks it’s almost funny how both of you were dumped a year apart to the day. (It’s not.) While you’re partial to ignoring your problems, Namjoon likes to analyse. He cries a lot. Has an existential crisis. Starts talking about how suffering breeds creativity. Quotes a bunch of arseholes like Huxley and Lennon, and apparently the validation from a few long dead greats is all he needs to get the ball rolling. So sure, you’ll go along with it - because he’s your friend and you’re feeling numb to everything anyway. Namjoon needs a way to process his pain. But when his community orchestra project takes off and becomes something bigger than either of you expected, you think maybe the distraction is something of a blessing - especially when it brings Min Yoongi, someone you knew from before, someone who’s going through a heartbreak of his own.
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all that we wouldn’t say (m) by @effortandmore ⤷ Producer 🤍 Yoongi x Namjoon 🎶 canon-divergent (post-disbandment), exes to lovers | angst, smut
🎼 If Yoongi told someone that letting go of BTS and Namjoon at the same time was hard, it would be a gross understatement. It was, in fact, the worst year or so of his life, but he’s managed to somehow move on. He’s had time, therapy, and lots of friends, family, and work to distract him. Things are good now—the best they’ve ever been, maybe. But Yoongi knows better than anyone that good things don’t always last, and that point is proven when Namjoon shows back up in his life out of nowhere with an album that needs producing and questions Yoongi doesn’t have the answers to.
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harder, better, faster, stronger (m) by @the-boy-meets-evil ⤷ Synth 🤍 Synth Player!Yoongi x Reader(f) 🎶 non-idol au | fluff, smut, probably not angst
🎼 Yoongi had it all. He was part of one of the most famous musical acts on the world. Sold out shows, endless opportunities to collaborate, everything he'd wanted. And he had a great personal life free from all that since so few people knew what he actually looked like. Enter you, the new person he's head over heels for. Only one problem - you have no idea he's part of the group and don't seem particularly fond of them. Will he tell you what he actually does for a living or chicken out after hearing another of your rants?
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moonlight sonata (m) by @sugarwithtea ⤷ Piano 🤍 Pianist!Yoongi x Reader(f) 🎶 enemies to lovers | angst, fluff, smut
🎼 Passion is a fickle thing. It is a feeling that drives you to success, but if lost -- you can turn as stagnant as a pond. Min Yoongi has always took pride in his passion, his skill, his art. But what happens when slowly the flame dies inside him? He returns back home, to the place where he had started to love music. But, you are there. The bane of his existence. You hate him like a sweltering flame, bigger than his passion for music. And you, are not so thrilled with the news of his return. What happens when you both inevitably cross paths and start a saga of hate and love?
🎧 Teaser!
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가연 (Ga-yeon) (m) by @raplinesmoon ⤷ Bassoon 🤍 Restaurant Owner!Yoongi x Nurse!Reader 🎶 fake dating au | angst, fluff, smut
🎼 Your younger sister is getting married at the end of the summer, and while everyone else in your family rejoices, you’re stuck without a date and picking up extra shifts, your previous failures coming back to haunt you. The only comfort you can find is in the tiny hole-in-the-wall Korean place that seems to stay open all night, and its handsome owner Yoongi. But what happens when your circumstances force you to rope Yoongi into a crazy plan? Will the lines between you begin to blur, or will the events of the summer bring some much needed clarity to your otherwise murky life?
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A Love Supreme (M) by @gimmethatagustd ⤷ Saxophone 🤍 Musician!Yoongi x Author!Reader 🎶 cruise ship au, strangers to lovers | light angst, fluff, humor, smut
🎼 After your most recently published novel miserably flops, shipping yourself off to sea on a three-week cruise without reliable internet or cell phone service sounds like a great way to run from your problems (and your editor). You don’t expect to find the cure for writer’s block at the cruise ship’s jazz club in the form of an uptight saxophone player.
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Dissonance (M) by @sailoryooons ⤷ Clarinet 🤍 Musician!Yoongi x Musician!Reader 🎶 enemies to lovers, idiots to lovers | a little angst, smut
🎼 You have worked endlessly for everything in your life. Your scholarship, your high standing at Juilliard, and most certainly trying to afford an apartment in New York while chasing your dreams in the legendary halls of musical geniuses. And then there’s Min Yoongi, who works hard at nothing, who doesn’t care to study, and who shows up late to everything. After three years of dealing with him, you are determined to take first chair from him during your final semester at Juilliard. Even if it kills you.
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Standing Right Here (M) by @sweetestofchaos ⤷ Keyboard 🤍 Business Management Major!Yoongi x Business Management Major!Reader 🎶 college au, friends to lovers | angst, fluff, light smut
🎼 As the youngest son of the Min family, Yoongi is forced to follow in his father's footsteps to help take care of the family business. Yoongi goes about his college life with his head down, keeping to himself but one encounter outside with a classmate changes Yoongi's view about his life. When Yoongi's father catches wind, Yoongi is giving an ultimatum that will change his life forever. Will he make the right call or be left standing alone?
🎧 Listen Here!
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Insatiable (M) by @mincursedarokster ⤷ Janggu Drum 🤍 Actor!Yoongi x Actor!Jimin 🎶 romantic comedy, rivals to lovers | fluff, some smut
🎼 When Yoongi loses his top spot in a recent poll to Jimin, the last thing he expect was to find himself on set with the younger male and having to take him under his mentorship as they work together in period piece where Jimin is the vocalist to Yoongi's Janggu playing. Whilst everyone around him see’s Jimin as the perfect little angel, a doting mentee, Yoongi knows differently. Can Yoongi keep his sanity and his composure on set dealing with the insatiable appetite of the devilish angel?
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Hexed (T) by @minisugakoobies ⤷ Oboe 🤍 Witch!Yoongi x Vampire!Seokjin 🎶 supernatural, enemies to lovers, witch au | fluff, humor
🎼 Ancient vampire Jin really has it all - fame, fortune, and undying good looks. His immortal life is perfect... or it would be, if it weren't for that annoying(ly handsome) witch Yoongi and his unearthly desire to make Jin's world an unliving hell.
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The Song of Us (PG) by @seokra 🤍 Yoongi x Reader(f) 🎶 contemporary romance | fluff
🎼 What was supposed to be a simple cafe date, turns into a night of adventure in a world of music you’ve never experienced before.
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Gold (M) by @yoongimingyu ⤷ Vocals (Singing) 🤍 Yoongi x Reader(f) 🎶 est. relationship | fluff, smut
🎼 One thing your boyfriend isn’t shy about is his musical talent. He puts words together in a way that completely convinces you that that’s how they were supposed to be all along – strung next to each other just like that. The fact that he knows it too… It's pretty hot, honestly. You know he enjoys getting to show off a little – sit you down, share what he’s been working on and watch you light up with pride. All of this only makes it especially intriguing when he gets suddenly bashful about his most recent songwriting development.
🎧 Listen Here! 
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A Change of Rhythm (PG) by @min-yumniverse ⤷ Trumbone 🤍 Yoongi x Musician!Reader 🎶 contemporary romance, hurt/comfort, comedy | slight angst, fluff
🎼 Music doesn’t feel as powerful as it once has. The notes on the keyboard feel boring, and uninteresting. The guitar and drums feel likewise. Each day feels like it’s littered with laziness and unamusement. Which means; it’s time for a change of rhythm.
🎧 Teaser! | 🎧 Listen Here!
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all about that bass (m) by @augustbutwinter ⤷ Bass 🤍 Yoongi x Reader 🎶 band au | crack, fluff, light smut
🎼 Yoongi’s band tries to get their grumpy bassist laid. Little do they know he has a secret.
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Time Out (M) by @bangtanintotheroom ⤷ Vocals (Rap) 🤍 Underground Rapper!Yoongi x Underground Rapper!Reader(f) 🎶 non-idol au, not-quite lovers | angst, fluff, smut
🎼 What you and Yoongi had going on now was a far cry from the days when the two of you would be at each other’s throats with lyrics that cut sharp as a knife. But lately, you’ve been pulling back, busy with something that you didn’t want to divulge to Yoongi just yet. And now, he can’t help but wonder if you want to go back to those old days...
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Beat of my Heart (M) by @joonminshua ⤷ Tambourine 🤍 Yoongi x Afab!Reader 🎶 college au, band au, strangers to lovers | fluff, humor, smut
🎼 'How hard can it be to play the tambourine? You just shake it around and smack it and then you have music, right?' That’s what you think until you’re holding the instrument in your hand and it sounds nothing like the way it does when Min Yoongi, your college’s musical prodigy, plays it during band practice. When he reluctantly decides to help you practice, you start to notice just how serious he is about the unassuming percussion instrument. You also start to notice just how passionate, kind, and undeniably handsome he is. Needless to say, you didn’t intend on picking up a crush alongside your new hobby.
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Counting Time (M) by @mrworldwideshoulders ⤷ Xylophone 🤍 Percussionist!Yoongi x Flutist!Reader 🎶 college au, enemies to lovers (or so she thinks) | fluff, eventual smut
🎼 Min Yoongi only cares about two things. One: keeping his parents off his back. Two: finishing college on time so he can spend one last summer playing gigs with his band before he has to start working and join the rat race. Faced with losing out on his summer plans over a missing course credit or joining concert band, a guaranteed easy A, the choice is obvious. He knows how to count the beats. He just never counted on you.
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Muffled Tones (21+) by @nabiolive ⤷ Drums 🤍 Drummer!Yoongi x Groupie!Reader(f) 🎶 glam rock au, strangers to lovers | angst, fluff, smut
🎼 To Yoongi, all that mattered was sex, drugs, and rock & roll. Then you came along, and although he couldn't stop thinking about you, his priorities remained the same.
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dearly bereft. (nc-17) by @rkivian ⤷ Flute 🤍 Flutist!Yoongi x Duchess!Reader 🎶 forbidden romance, exes au, suggestive | angst
🎼 dearly bereft, you should be aware by now, that your words are only a product of your silly little heads - that which is also stubborn... that which puts your drivenness to perilous use. alternatively, yoongi's audacious company is to blame for your failure of ending your repetitive endeavours.
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Inconvenient (M) by @v-hope-mins ⤷ French Horn 🤍 Jazz Lounge Owner!Yoongi x Heiress!Reader 🎶 marriage of convenience, friends to lovers | fluff, smut
🎼 While on a family vacation, your father delivers his ultimatum. He wishes you to be married before taking over more responsibilities in your family’s hotel chains. Either you choose someone, or he puts forward his own suitor. He admits he already has a suitor in mind - Kim Seokjin. Feeling betrayed you walk out of the lunch. Your walk leads you to an old acquaintance, Min Yoongi. The two of you get to talking, your conversation leading you to make a decision. A marriage of convenience. Yoongi obviously thinks it's a bad idea, but you convince him. However, Yoongi proves to be too good of a husband, and suddenly your growing feelings become inconvenient. How are you supposed to survive in a marriage of convenience when you're falling for your husband?
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beguiling melody (m) by @ressjeon ⤷ Gayageum  🤍 Vampire!Yoongi x Seamstress!Reader 🎶 romantic suspense, strangers to lovers, historical fantasy, 1800s au, voyage au
🎼 Secretly boarding the ship in hopes of finding a better life had not been easy. Even more so when you witness something that could have put your life in danger. but the ominous yet captivating stranger sparks your curiosity when he began targeting your greatest desires - making you question if his intentions are to solely ensure that you will keep his secret.
adagio (pg-15, nc-17) by @lveclouds ⤷ Violin 🤍 Violinist!Yoongi x Princess!Reader 🎶 forbidden love, strangers to lovers | heavy angst, fluff
🎼 In which Queen Mara’s only heir falls for a gorgeous violinist with a mysterious and shrouded past.
Lasting Melody (R) by @joheunsaram ⤷ Conductor 🤍 Conductor!Yoongi x Violinist!Reader 🎶 exes to lovers | angst, fluff, smut
🎼 The flowers blooming always reminded you of the spring you spent in the arms of your program’s recluse. The man who was too shy to even raise his hand in class but bold enough to ask for your number. With years spent apart and your fame making it harder to build any connections, you thought about him sitting at his piano composing a melody you played when life got too hard. The same melody echoing through the empty theatre you stumbled onto to hide from the rain.
to zanarkand (m) by @kithtaehyung ⤷ DJ 🤍 Yoongi x DJ!Reader(f) 🎶 marriage au, childhood friends to lovers | angst, fluff, smut
🎼 Your best friend has explicitly entrusted you to be in charge of all the music for his wedding. Which means you get a back row seat to watch the love of your life walk down the aisle. To the song that brought you together in the first place.
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Thank you to all the participants and everyone showing love! If you would like to be tagged in any of these fics, go ahead and comment on this post so the writers that do tag readers are made aware :D (Or you can definitely drop a sweet message in their inboxes and/or check if they have a taglist form!)
Lastly, let's give a huge round of applause for these wonderful artists👏 They're working hard on these pieces for Yoongi Day, and even a little bit of support goes a long way💕
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platinumrosetail · 11 months
Ennead masterlist:
Yandere!seth in love with male servant!reader who would like to travel away, Seth getting jealous, Seth male!S/O hides his love marks, Seth’s s/o has his child and is the child of ra, yandere!Seth x Osiris oldest daughter!reader, Seth with a sick!reader, Seth with a sick S/O that dies, jealous!yandere!seth x ra son!reader, Seth with ra’s favorite flirty son!reader, Seth x reincarnated!reader, Seth x Osiris oldest daughter!reader who loves human kind, Seth x going blind!reader, Seth x blind!reader pt 2, Seth babysitting immortal human child!reader, Seth x Osiris eldest daughter wife!reader, Seth x Osiris eldest daughter!reader, modern au!Seth x wife!reader horror movie date, Seth x osiris’s and Isis eldest daughter!reader, ft Anubis, Horus, Seth x reincarnated wife!reader part 2, Seth x isekai modern!reader, Seth x Osiris oldest daughter!reader who sacrificed herself to save him and her brothers part 2, Seth and Osiris oldest daughter!reader switch bodies, Seth x Osiris eldest daughter!reader who is destined to die, Seth x osiris’s daughter!reader who feels ignored pt 2, Seth x pregnant runaway Osiris daughter!reader, Seth x Osiris daughter!reader who died on their wedding day and met in next life, Seth x Osiris daughter!reader,
Horus babysitting immortal human child!reader, Horus x his elder sister!reader, ft Seth, Horus,
Anubis getting jealous, yandere Anubis x cousin!reader. version 2 part 2(3), Anubis babysitting immortal human child!reader, Anubis x nilou!reader, Anubis x Osiris and Isis eldest daughter!reader, ft Horus, Seth,
Foreign god:
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a-d-nox · 11 months
Random question. Which persona charts (or any other Astro placements) highlights a persons strengths, weaknesses, personal development, and path to self improvement?? Thank you.
how to discover your strengths, weaknesses, and how to improve using asteroid persona charts
i smiled when i read "random question" i was like oh boy... they are gonna ask me what my favorite color or type of potato is... NOPE this question is not random at all for this blog. i'm going to work off of what i already have posted (no asteroids discussed after this post will be added after the posted date).
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strengths (check the jupiter placement/aspects and sagittarius/pisces ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
abundantia (151): where you are most abundant in life and receive a bunch of gifts while also rewarding others
achaemenides (5126): he had a strong power of will and was capable of perseverance
atalanta (36): strengths/capabilities as a woman - breaking the norms of gender expectations
constantia (315): consistency often breeds success and strengths
hehe (200002): where you have a lot of harmony/positivity in life
heracles (5143): what tasks you completed / will complete because you are strong and determined
hilaritas (996): resilience despite everything around you going poorly
lysistrata (897): leadership qualities and power over a group
themis (24): power and ability to see right from wrong
weakness (check the saturn placement/aspects and capricorn/aquarius ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
achilles (588): a flaw you have that can break you down if not improved upon
cucula (2731): repetition and routine is often a person's greatest weakness (i say this as someone who studied forensic psychology with a lead investigator who works with serial killers)
icarus (1566): a mindset that could lead to your demise
lacrimosa (208): thoughts/experiences that hold you back because you are still upset over them
midas (1981): where your life is set to change from riches to rags because of greed
narcissus (37117): where your selfishness is your weakness/flaw
niobe (71): where you are too cocky and you experience a downfall because of it
tantalus (2102): where your superior mentality holds you back
how to improve (check the jupiter placement/aspects and sagittarius/pisces ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
ambrosia (193): the food of the gods - the more you eat the more immortal you become - the more you act in this area (these areas) the better life gets for you
chiron (2060): he was the wounded healer - if anyone knows about improving it is him
dante (2999): dante journeyed from hell to heaven to be good enough for beatrice - it can show you the improvement(s) you make for others / those you love
eureka (5261): a discovery that can change your life
isis (42): how you can heal
karma (3811): the balancing factor in your life
medusa (149): how you can turn your bad actions around to receive remorse from others
odin (3989) / wodan (2155): what you'd do to learn how to improve
pandora (55): the balance of positives and negatives in your life
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
click here for the masterlist
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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raplinesmoon · 11 months
Burn After Reading (KSJ x F!Reader) - VIII. Epilogue
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Female Reader
Genres: action, heavy angst, smut
AUs: exes-to-lovers, spy!AU
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: ANGST, finally some good freaking fluff, reconciliation, confessions, a proposal, open-ish ending
Ratings: 18+
Summary: The agency made the biggest mistake they ever could by trusting Kim Seokjin one more time. You weren’t going to do the same.
A/N: Hiiiii! She’s back. I guess. Idk what this is - but I was hit with a sudden burst of inspiration to see this story through. I don’t even know what this is, or if it’s even any good or if anyone even cares about them still, but here we are, and I’m happy I could give them some sort of ending. My love for Spy Seokjin remains as strong as ever. I hope you enjoy! Lots of love, Isi 💜
Taglist: @jinpanman @berryjam17 @sandrafe-universe @jiminie-08​
Previous Chapter| Series Masterlist |
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It’s been said the sun shines brighter in the Southern hemisphere. Or maybe now you just had time to notice it more. 
A funny thing, time. Before, you’d never had enough of it with Seokjin - your paths always crossing, tangled up in a frantic frenzy of never knowing what would happen to the two of you next. You’d been so sure that this time would be different. But it wasn’t, and now he was gone. And suddenly it all felt like too much.
The days dragged by like lead weights on your feet, the minutes on the clock ticking and ringing in your ears. The artificial sunlight the sealing touch in a cruel prison that left you with the biggest reminders of what you’d lost.
A whine echoes from the next room, and you seal the blinds shut.
Tip-toeing down the hallway, you’re careful not to make a sound, not knowing what you’ll find on the other end of the door to the lone bedroom in the tiny home you’d made your refuge. 
Rounding the corner, your shoulders tense, and then immediately sag in relief when you see a wide pair of brown eyes looking at you. Seokjin’s eyes.
Hana was awake.
Her eyes continue to bore into yours, surveying you with her fist smushed in her mouth, and you have to look away for a moment. Your heart throbs with guilt at the moment of weakness, knowing you needed to be stronger for her. The last piece of Seokjin you had remaining.
“Mmmmm-,” she hums, tiny hands reaching for you, and you make your way over to the crib that stands next to your mattress.
Taking your daughter in your arms, you rock her back and forth, content to hear her giggles and squeals as she wriggles with happiness in your embrace. There’s so much she doesn’t know about the world, so much you have yet to share with her. But you know the time will come eventually. For now, you hold her closer. 
That’s when you hear the knock on the front door.
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Kim Namjoon looks older than when you’d seen him last. His glasses have become a near-permanent fixture on his face, highlighting the lines that have taken up permanent residence between his brows. His hair is slick, which alerts you to the fact that the sunshine had moved aside for a storm to roll in.
There’s no look of shock on his face when he realizes you aren’t going to step aside to let him in. You remain at the threshold, shoulders squaring up against his tall figure, the last boundary separating him from the new life you’d created. From Hana.
You wonder why he’s shown up after all this time. The visits and calls from Jungkook you’d come to expect, the doe-eyed young agent turning into somewhat of a friend. At least, on your end of things anyway.
But there was no love lost for Namjoon in your heart. The man before you had once been like Yoongi, a dear friend. You wondered when that had all changed, and whether regret clouded his heart for all the years he’d spent pushing others away, chasing the greater good, destroying countless lives in the process, yours and Seokjin’s included. 
“___,” Namjoon croaks out, taking you by surprise when he doesn’t immediately address you by your code name. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
Bile rises up in your throat, hot and angry, and you close the door behind you, stepping out into the rain. You watch Namjoon stagger back, hands up in his defense before you can do anything.
“We caught them. The men who killed Yoongi. They’ve been dealt with.”
It should ease the ache within your heart, knowing that vengeance has won. The world thrives on the game of give and take you’d played for the last however many years. But it was all a lie. There was no such thing as justice, fairness. The balance that you’d sought to achieve, that Seokjin had died for - all it did was create more chaos.
And you were tired of it. Tired because you know that despite what Namjoon said, it was what remained unsaid that lingered with you more - there was no news of Seokjin. He was truly gone. 
“Leave,” you spit out at him, watching him recoil at your venomous command. 
He doesn’t apologize, and you know he never will. But you see the way his eyes flit to the living room window, taking note of the toys that litter the floor of your home, and he raises a nod of acknowledgment.
“Take care of yourself, Rumex,” he whispers into the rain. And then, he disappears. 
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The harbour is quiet, almost peaceful today - the tide is gentle, waves swishing softly against the wooden planks of the boardwalk. You pull Hana’s sun hat over her eyes, not wanting her to be irritated by the warm rays, and the two of you resume watching the many boats and sails that litter the vast expanse of sea.
You often wonder about how many people must come on and off those boats - a shudder runs through your spine when you realize how easy it could be to be found by the wrong people. But then you remind yourself that it’s safe here. It has been for months, with no sign of the past in sight. Only a clear blue sky nearly every day. 
Smiling to yourself, you strap Hana into her stroller, the two of you making your way down the boardwalk, passing by the many couples and families that have also chosen to spend the summer day outside.
Coming to a pause, you realize you’ve stopped by an ice cream stand, your tastebuds salivating at the thought of the sugary hit. Hana also seems intrigued by the swirly treat, her lips pursing in wonder at the rainbow-colored sprinkles.
“One twist soft-serve with—”
“Rainbow sprinkles.” The man’s voice speaks at the same time, and you freeze. It takes everything within you not to look to the side, not to have your heart broken again. 
But it’s Seokjin who moves first, reluctantly reaching his arm out, hand quivering as he lays it to rest on your shoulder, and you will yourself not to fall apart.
“Hey,” he whispers, noting how you’re unable to look him in the eye. “I’m here.”
The ice cream is long forgotten as he leads the two of you away to a bench on the side, his eyes trained on Hana’s stroller.
You take a seat, eyes focused on the ground, and all of a sudden it hits you - the feeling of a crushing weight in your chest. And with it, the tears fall. You don’t know how long you cry for - maybe thirty minutes, maybe an hour. But Seokjin remains by your side the entire time. 
When more tears refuse to fall, you finally look at him through bleary eyelids. The same broad shoulders, the same dark hair. Only now the perpetual smirk that once graced his face in your presence has been replaced by something new. Something infinitely more permanent and profound lurks within the depths of his eyes.
“Why’d you come back?” you interrogate him, knowing the words are crude and harsh. Knowing there are other things you should have asked first, like whether he was okay or where he’d been. But none of it seemed to matter at the moment.
“I’m tired of running,” he says wistfully, sadness flooding his eyes. “I’m tired of denying myself everything I’ve ever wanted, with the stupid excuse that the life of a spy is meant to be lonely, that everything is for a cause.”
He pauses, gauging your reaction to find that you’re still listening, that you haven’t run away yet, before continuing. 
“All it did was cause us pain, cause us to lose everybody we ever loved. Yoongi, your parents. And then I almost lost you too. I don’t want to keep playing this game, ___. I don’t want to keep losing and losing. I’m tired of it.”
You can barely stop yourself before your hand reaches out, brushing the stray tear that rolls down his cheek, and Seokjin melts into your touch with another sob.
“It’s okay, Jin, you don’t have to run anymore. You can stay here and rest with me. With us.”
At the mention of Hana, Jin turns to look at the tiny figure in the stroller, his eyes widening and lips parted, on the verge of asking the question he wants so desperately to know the answer to, but nothing comes out. You give him a nod, confirming his suspicions, and watch him let out a sigh of relief.
He reaches into his shirt, clutching the thin chain adorning his neck, and you catch a glimpse of something glinting on the end of it.
The ring gleams under the harsh sunlight, and you find yourself holding your breath at the sight of the precious diamond that had been with Seokjin this entire time - right above his heart.
His grin only grows wider when he sees you eyeing it, slipping the chain off his neck and sliding the precious piece of jewelry off, so that it can finally take its place where it truly belongs.
Seokjin can’t decide what’s more luminous - the gemstone or the sparkle in your eyes as you hand Hana over to him, and he looks into the eyes so much like his own, tiny fists reaching for the hair at the back of his neck.
As you admire the ring, you’re interrupted by a buzzing in your pocket, the old burner coming to life again - you can only imagine what the message will be this time. But you choose to ignore it, taking the phone out and setting it to the side, accepting Seokjin’s hand as he leads you and Hana away from the bench, and towards your new life together.
Burn after reading.
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A/N pt 2:  This was the second original story I started, and it feels weird to have it end - like closing the door on a chapter I was so afraid to let go of. These characters are special to me in their own way, and I’m glad to have cherished them for so long and been able to share them with you. As always, any feedback and comments are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway.
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joheunsaram · 2 years
Catch of the Century (Collab Masterlist)
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Hello everyone! Welcome to the stadium!
Take a seat and witness our very own Kim Seokjin knock it out of the park in his role as Worldwide Sporty Guy on his thirtieth birthday!
Isi (@raplinesmoon​), Ryen (@kithtaehyung​) and Mars (@joheunsaram​) are super excited to announce the masterlist for our first ever BTS 30 for 30 collab. We have gathered 30 phenomenal writers to showcase 30 sports celebrating Seokjin’s athletic prowess for his 30th birthday! 
Please see below the cut for details of the fics. All fics go live by December 15th so get ready to cheer and don’t forget to come back to read them!
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Cupid's On Holiday by @persephonesorchid Archery Seokjin x Reader angel au | smut, fluff, angst, humour You don't get it, you're a damn catch. Anyone would be lucky to have you. You're smart, you're tidy, hell you'd give up your own kidney to a homeless guy if he needed it that bad. So what the issue? Failed relationships, blind date after blind date, and now your friend's competitive archery teammate is telling you he's Cupid here to help you find your one true love. You're not that desperate. He could take those golden arrows and shove 'em.
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Subtle by @apotatomashedbybts​ Badminton Badminton Player Seokjin × Badminton Player Reader  strangers to lovers | angst, smut, fluff
Shelves full of trophies, albums full of newspaper cuttings, a loving family and a stellar reputation, yet you felt a piece of yourself missing somewhere. So after a lifelong affluent and unprecedented badminton career, at the timeless age of 65, 30 years after your retirement, you decided to write your autobiography. You gave yourself to the world and in return came accolades and controversies alike. But what came the most was questions about the most explicit chapter of your life, that you named Subtle.
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Turn Back Time by @raplinesmoon Baseball Baseball Player Seokjin x Doctor Reader time travel au | angst, smut, fluff, humour
After total humiliation at his middle school baseball try outs, Kim Seokjin wants nothing more than for his awkward years to fade away until he’s thirty. Cue a magic baseball glove, and his wish is finally granted. Seokjin suddenly wakes up seventeen years later, now the star pitcher of the team he’d always dreamed of playing for. Confused and overwhelmed at the prospect of the new life waiting for him, he turns to the only person who seems to understand him — you. Will Seokjin learn what it truly means to be thirty, flirty, and thriving? Or will he find himself wishing he could turn back time?
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Technical Fault by @bangtansmauyeondan Basketball Basketball Coach Seokjin × Teacher Reader  coworkers au | fluff, angst
When one of your best students in class failed his mid-term exams, you only had one person to blame— Coach Jin. He thinks he's the king of the world— tall, handsome, brooding, borderline arrogant and seems to be always getting things done his way, but you are adamant to give him a piece of your mind. The only problem is that you easily get tongue-tied in his presence.
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Who's the Best? by @lokidow-strange-army Boxing Private Boxing Teacher Seokjin x Rich Uni Student Reader age gap | angst, smut
Power means money and money is power. Living out of your parents seemingly endless bank account as a grown women gives you as much power and freedom as you could desire. When your parents discover you have been spending their money on university classes and private boxing lessons instead of trying to court a husband, they threaten to cut you off financially until you get your act together. You have no intention of settling down anytime soon, nor do you intend on losing access to your parents bank account, so you make a plan on how to not lose either; one big lie that relies on you and your boxing teacher Kim Seokjin... That is if he'll play along. Fortunately you know how to rile this man up better than anyone else: first with money and food, then with teasing, taunting and a good old fashion competition.
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Almost in Love by @btsstan12 Cricket Seokjin x Reader fluff, angst, humour
Do you know what the saddest English word is? Almost. They almost cracked the code, they almost passed, they almost survived, they almost fell in love. When Jin left his old life behind to pursue professional cricket he didn’t think he’d ever return. But as fate would have it, he came back, just to have his life turned upside down. He knew this wasn’t an ‘almost’, not this time.
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Into The Rush by @sunshinerainbowsbts​ Dodgeball Seokjin x Reader best friend’s brother au | smut, fluff, angst, humour
When your best friend Taehyung tells you he has the perfect thing to help you get over a broken heart, you're surprised to learn he means dodgeball, the beloved game of sociopathic gym teachers everywhere. But even more surprising is the way you find comfort in the game, and so much more, as you fall into the rush with the help of another teammate - his brother, Seokjin.
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Allez by @hamsterclaw Fencing Seokjin x Reader competitive fencing au | smut
Seokjin’s the latest fencer to join your parents’ studio. He’s talented, beautiful and challenges you in ways beyond the foil.
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On Thin Ice by @mrworldwideshoulders  Figure Skating Figure Skater Reader x Figure Skater Seokjin enemies to lovers | fluff, angst, smut
Kim Seokjin is the image of the perfect figure skater – and he knows it. He’s got the skills, the talent, the looks – the only thing he’s missing is the matching gold medal. But when singles skating turns out to be too much for him to handle after an embarrassing mistake and a knee injury at the World Championship, his coach decides that his best chance at taking gold will be skating with a partner. That's where you come in. There’s only one problem: he’s damn near impossible to work with.
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Take the Bait by @aquagustd Fishing Fisherman Seokjin x Reader vacation au | smut
When you wake up on unfamiliar shores after a wild yacht party, the last thing you expected was to land in the home of the town’s very own urban legend; although he’s not as callous as the stories paint him to be and one look at his face has one horrible idea leading to another.
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Oh My Angel by @jeonspub Golf Golf Player Seokjin x Golf Player Reader strangers to lovers | fluff, angst, smut
Between seas, galaxies and the moon I was lucky I stepped on the same land, I dreamt under the same stars as you.
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Stick It by @otsukare--sope​ Gymnastics Gymnast Kim Seokjin x Kim Taehyung friends to lovers, hurt/comfort | fluff
Seokjin always sticks the landing. Always. Until a certain someone throws him for a loop - or just makes him miss one. (Alternatively, 3 times Seokjin nails the landing and the 1 time he doesn’t.)
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Bar Down by @ressjeon​ Hockey Hockey player Seokjin x Reader college au | angst, fluff, smut
Everything was going well, meeting Seokjin when he was a senior was the highlight of your freshman year. You love the stability now that you’re still his favourite after a year until rumours started where he’s apparently dating a renowned figure skater - whom you have known him to have a history with.
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The Torn Prince by @sugakookitty​ Mixed Martial Arts Lycan Seokjin x Human Female Reader enemies to lovers, supernatural au | angst, smut
Centuries ago, he was the crowned prince next in line to take over the throne, but he lost everything when he refused to dilute his bloodline with a human bride. The punishment was severe—an eternity plagued with an unbreakable curse. He’s out-lived his entire kingdom, and his kind is nearly extinct. The beast living within him longs for the perfect mate, but it can’t be you.
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Beyond the Flag by @underthe-northernlight​ Racing Racer Seokjin x Motorcyclist Reader enemies to lovers | action, fluff, angst
Kim Seokjin, declared handsomest raced in South Korea, triple crowned World Cup winner. Now he faces a challenge unlike any other; to get back behind the wheel before the next season or quit while he has his life ahead of him. After a major crash on the course, people start talking about his retirement but deep down Jin is still not ready to quit even though he might risk his life. A call from CIA agent Park Jimin persuaded him to uncover whatever Seoul’s biggest illegal racing community hides under the hood. (Y/N), the hard-headed motorcyclist helps him on the way to take back his confidence behind the wheel but will he be back before the next season?
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Swing by @shina913​ Rowing Seokjin x Reader college au, best friends to lovers | angst, fluff, smut
You and Jin have been friends for years. You’ve been in sync in almost every aspect of your lives–even scoring full-ride scholarships to the same university! You, based on academics and him, in athletics. Although you both said that your friendship would remain the same, changes were inevitable. You grew apart and watched your friendship wither until it was all but a distant memory. When you reach your senior year, he finds out that his scholarship is on the line and you are the only person he can turn to for help. Will you come to his aid for old time's sake?
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Other Half of My Heart by @onmypillow-onmytable​ Rugby Rugby Player Seokjin x Teacher Reader strangers to idiots to lovers | fluff, humor, angst, (implied) smut
After leaving the family business on the brink of turning 30, Seokjin is still trying to figure out where he truly belongs. Much to his family’s dismay, he’d rather stay at home playing video games or joining the scrum of the local rugby club, instead of planning his next move. That’s until he sees you, an ordinary elementary school teacher, at one of his rugby matches, and begins to think more seriously about his future for the first time. Will he make a try for you, or fumble the ball?
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Come Sail Away by @the-boy-meets-evil​ Sailing Seokjin x Reader idiots to lovers | fluff, smut, angst
Seokjin is (finally) exactly where he wants to be. he's got the perfect team and they're competing in the best regattas around the world. Nothing could burst his bubble. Until Taehyung ends up breaking his arm, that is. now Seokjin has two options. On the one hand, he can withdraw his team from the regatta this year, ignoring the fact that it only takes place every two years and he's not guaranteed to qualify again. or he can call you. He hasn't talked to you since university and he's not particularly looking forward to it now but he's desperate and you're the only replacement he knows that can fill in.
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Riding Fakie by @ugh-yoongi​ Skateboarding Seokjin x Female Reader humour, fluff, angst
The rules are clear: bring a date to your brother’s wedding or kiss your trust fund goodbye, which is fine except you hate your brother, so who better to scam into accompanying you than the obnoxious, immature skateboarder that lives to torment you? He’s got tattoos and a seemingly permanent black eye, and you’ve got a bone to pick—there’s no way you’re going to face plant.
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Wipeout by @yoon2k​ Snowboarding Debate Captain Seokjin x Reader college au, enemies to lovers | fluff, smut
You always thought that you could go toe-to-toe with Seokjin on anything—be it the debate team topics, witty insults, or plain bickering back and forth. But when your friends drag you both out to a ski resort for winter break, you realize his hidden snowboarding talent shows you up in ways that make even your frozen cheeks fume in anger. Even worse, you find out another secret about the Debate Team Captain—and this one heats you up in ways you never expected.
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A Game of Two Halves by @madbutgloriouspond​ Soccer Goalie Seokjin x Physical Therapist Female Reader angst, smut 
When Jin finds himself injured right before the most important games of the season, he starts to second guess himself and whether or not he’ll be able to bounce back in time.
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All You're Giving Me Is Friction by @hot-soop​ Surfing Surfer Seokjin x Lifeguard Reader fluff, angst
You’ve graduated! congratulations - you’ve got one thing checked off your parents ten year plan! Now all that’s left to do is start your dreary office job, drag yourself up the ladder to CEO, marry your (as yet unknown) dream guy, and carve out some time to pop out a few kids before your ovaries shrivel up… except all of that sounds horrendous, and you’d much rather spend the next three months at Hoseok’s beach house with your closest friends - relaxing, partying, and sleeping late while you still can. and it would be your last perfect summer break, if it weren’t for the most irritating man on the planet (and his chickens) living next door.
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The Restitution Coefficient by @effortandmore​ Table Tennis Seokjin x Namjoon fluff, smut
Seokjin has everything going for him. He was one of the youngest people to make VP at his company, at the top of his class in college, is a bit of a racquet sport savant, an excellent cook, and good-looking. Like, really good looking. According to people other than his mother, thank you very much. So, when things around him start to crumble because of one stubborn and annoyingly attractive client, he finds himself looking for vindication in a place he's sure he can’t be beat—the annual office ping pong tournament.
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Trade My Life by @btsmosphere​ Taekwondo Bodyguard Seokjin x Royalty Reader historical au, childhood friends to lovers | angst, action
Two children giggling in the corner of the dojang, trading equally in punches and hugs, everything a game. But that was long ago, and now that man stands day after day outside the door which separates your two worlds. is the throne really worth leaving the barrier unbroken?
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Double Fault by @joonscypher​ Tennis Pro Tennis Player Seokjin x Female Reader strangers to lovers | fluff, humor, smut
Working at a fancy rich people tennis resort means you run into your fair share of oblivious, privileged pricks. This year’s tennis tournament brings even more arrogant wealthy people, which includes international tennis champion, Kim Seokjin. You’d love to ignore him and go about your life as usual, but Seokjin has other plans - doing his best to ensure you can’t ignore him and maybe even…fall for him?
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All Rumours Are True by @biteofkookie​ Track and Field Seokjin x Reader enemies to lovers | fluff, angst
Seokjin lives and breathes track. it’s his last year and as the star player he’s intent on ending with a bang, but when he’s supposed to be focusing the most you come crashing into his life. You’re rude, entitled, practically everything he hates and now he is forced to spend every moment where he could be getting better with you.
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Ultimately Yours by @joheunsaram​ Ultimate Frisbee Seokjin x Resident Advisor Reader college au, exes to lovers | fluff, humour, angst, smut
Breaking up with Kim Seokjin might have been a mistake but when his stubbornness leads to him constantly creating messes for you, the only solution you can think of is finding another man. Good thing Yoongi is very agreeable, under the right threats.
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All Or Nothing by @magicshopaholic​ Volleyball Idol Seokjin x Best Friend OC idiots/best friends to lovers | humour, part of a series
Seokjin has nothing against playing a spirited game of volleyball, especially with his best friend on his team, until he notices you're high-fiving one of your teammates a little too much.
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Black Sea by @meirkive​ Water Polo Mermaid Seokjin x Reader college au, fantasy au, enemies to lovers | fluff, angst
Mermaids are assholes and Kim Seokjin, infamous captain of the water polo team of your college, is no exception. Handsome and full of himself to the point his ego probably needs a house of its own, much like the rest of his species, he believes he's better than humans and that he doesn't really need to get mixed with them other than for having fun at parties and to crush them during games. It's just your luck, then, when you have to work on a project with him for a whole semester.
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Babyface by @nabiolive​ Wrestling Pro Wrestler Seokjin x Non-binary Pro Wrestler Reader rivals to lovers | angst, hurt/comfort
An up and coming pro wrestling company hires you to work alongside Kim Seokjin—a rising star in the industry, and everyone's favourite heel. His arrogance is dashed when he discovers you are not only talented enough to rival his skills, but that he can't stop thinking about you.
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Thank you to all the writers for their hardwork and to you for supporting us! If you would like to be tagged in any of these fics please comment on this post so the writers that do tag readers are made aware!
Please reblog if you love Seokjin hehe 💕
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kjcreed · 4 months
The Jewel of Seven Stars | Chapter 3
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Series Masterlist Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Warnings: profanity; illegal transportation (again); shotgun
Pronouns: they/them
Summary: The year is 1954. 9 years after the Second World War ended. Most people in the blooming city of New York should be living pretty peacefully by now. And most of them really are... Well, except for you... And your brother Tony for that matter. Your father was an archaeologist working to uncover the truth about the legend of Queen Nefret and the prophecy that has been engraved on the walls of her tomb which your father discovered with his team. The only problem is that he went missing and now it's your job to find him. But what if you unintentionally become a part of said prophecy? And what if you meet a persistent librarian and her extravagant brother along the way?
Disclaimer: This story is inspired by the 1999 film The Mummy, partly inspired by the book The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker and a little by the life of Queen Hatshepsut.
“So… do we know what the first thing we’re going after is?” You heard the voice of the younger twin beside you and when you looked towards her, you watched as she matched her step with yours as the four of you walked through the streets of the port city on the small island.
“Tony and I think it’s probably a talisman of some sort.” You shrugged your shoulders a little. “You do know about the legend of Queen Nefret, right?” You inquired as you glanced at the woman beside you again. She looked strangely enchanting with the colours of the sunset reflecting on her skin. For some reason, you felt like you never wanted to take your eyes off of her.
“Yes… yes, I do.” She nodded in confirmation and looked back up at you. She really wasn’t bad to look at at all. “Well, I think that the talisman could actually be a tyet amulet…” You continue explaining your theory as you look at Pietro and Tony walking in front of you, talking about god knows what.
“The knot of Isis?” Wanda asked and you smiled to yourself at the fact that she actually knew what you meant. When you tried to explain your theory to Tony, he looked at you as if you were crazy for thinking he knew what a tyet amulet was and why it was even relevant.
“Yeah… According to the legend, Nefret was a sorceress. It would make sense for her to use objects associated with Isis… or Aset, if we want to be culturally accurate…” You trail off and look at the girl again. She looked like she was thinking about what you were saying and you could notice the exact moment it clicked for her and you couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
“Because Isis is the goddess of magic, amongst other things.” Wanda said with a proud smile and you nodded in confirmation. “Exactly.” You and Wanda looked at each other for a moment and it reminded you of the first time that you met. You got lost in your own thoughts as you looked at the girl and for Wanda, it was the same.
She felt very intrigued by you. Ever since you almost knocked her over the railing of the ship you were trespassing on. For some unknown reason, she was dying to get to know you better. She knew she was looking at you for too long now, but so were you.
She didn’t want to look away. Something about the mischief in your eyes and your unpredictable behaviour pulled her in. It was only when her brother wrapped his arm around her shoulders with a hearty laugh that she snapped out of her haze.
“Are you two nerdy nerds done nerding? Because Tony and I just found us a boat.” The blonde man said with a grin on his face, motioning to the pier you suddenly appeared to be in front of.
Both you and Wanda look away from each other to look ahead towards the sea but before you do, you think you notice something resembling a blush on the girl’s cheeks.
You notice Tony talking to an older guy who had a tobacco pipe hanging from his lips loosely. You watch them for a little while and decide to walk over to them when you see the man get irritated by what your brother is saying.
“No passengers!” You hear the man exclaim when you walk up to them. You pat your brother on his back when the man makes a shooing motion at the both of you and you drag Tony back to where you were standing with Pietro and Wanda. “What happened?” You turn to your brother with an amused smile.
“He was already heading there anyway so I asked him if he could take us with him but he basically told me to fuck off.” Tony threw his arms up in frustration making you laugh a little which earned you a punch in the arm and a glare.
“Well… You know what that means…” A mischievous grin spreads across your face and Tony shoots you a warning look. “No. No way. I’m not doing that again.” He protested, shaking his head dismissively. “What are they talking about?” Wanda asked your brother with her eyebrows furrowed. “They want to sneak onto the ship.” Tony sighed and Wanda raised her eyebrows at you for confirmation and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Oh, because that worked out so well for you the last time.” Wanda commented sarcastically as she put her hands on her hips just like when you got kicked out of the inn. You couldn’t help but find her attempt at being firm rather amusing. “We made it here, did we not?” You snark back a reply with that stupid smile on your face making Wanda scoff in return.
“I dunno… It could be fun.” Pietro shrugged his shoulders and went to stand next to you, making you nudge him with your elbow as a sign of appreciation for being on your side. Wanda, however, gave him an unamused look.
“No. We’re not doing this.” Tony stood his ground and to be honest, you couldn’t really blame him. It’s not every day that you’re being shot at while swimming for your life towards an unfamiliar island.
You also knew that you didn’t have any other option. While you were walking towards Tony and the man you noticed that his ship was the only one on your side of the port and to your luck he was already headed where you needed to go.
“And what else do you want us to do, Tony?” You cross your arms over your chest and give your brother an irritated look. “I don’t know! Wait for another ship or something?”
You shook your head at your brother’s words. “We can’t waste any more time. Did you forget that our father is missing?” The determined look on your face told Tony that there was no way he would convince you otherwise so he just sighed in defeat. “Fine.” He also knew you were kind of right, but he would never admit that to your face.
“What?!” Wanda looked at the three of you bewildered that this was actually going to be your plan. “You cannot be serious-” “Sorry, Wands. Three against one.” Pietro interrupted his sister’s protests and Wanda shot you a glare in return. You gave her a playful smile before focusing your attention on her brother who leaned towards you. “So... how are we gonna do this?”
“Woah. What was that?” Wanda gripped her brother's clothes as the wooden floor under your feet shook a little. “That means we’re off.” You say with an excited smile and look around the small storage room you managed to sneak into while the owner wasn’t around.
You waited there for about an hour before the man finally set sail and now the four of you were crammed inside what you were sure to be the smallest room on the ship. If you could even call the man’s vehicle a ship. It was something between a ship and a boat really…
“Get comfortable because this is going to take a couple of hours…” You say, the smile not leaving your face and Wanda and Tony let out small groans of dissatisfaction.
Earlier when you got to the storage room, it was pitch black in there. Luckily you managed to find two small candles and Tony always carried a lighter in his pocket. It wasn’t much, but the dim light that illuminated the room just added to the atmosphere.
The four of you sat on the ground, surrounding the only source of light you had. You used the time you had to get to know each other a little bit better. You found out that Pietro and Wanda were originally from a small country in Central Europe called Sokovia but moved to America with their parents when they were little kids. You and Tony told them about your father and his research along with a few anecdotes from your childhood.
Tony and Pietro were engaged in a conversation about Tony’s projects and how he was working to be an electronic engineer and you were just pondering about the journey ahead of you when Wanda sat a little closer to you and pulled your dad’s book out of her satchel.
“I forgot to give you this back…” She handed you the book and you looked at it before looking back up at her. “So you’re not mad at me anymore?” Your teasing smile made Wanda annoyed a little bit but she still had to hold in a giggle threatening to escape her lips.
“I am…” She replied but you could see in her eyes that she didn’t really mean it. Annoyed? Yes. But mad? Very unlikely. “But I’m not a thief.” She tilted her chin upwards a little and you were amused, to say the least. You looked at the book before pushing it slightly away from you.
“You can hold onto it if you want.” You say and give her a more sincere smile this time. She was a little taken aback by your offer but accepted it nonetheless. “Thank you.” Her voice was quieter than before and she looked away from you a small smile grazing her lips.
You noticed she had a really nice smile. The girl was very pretty overall but her smile might be your favourite feature of hers yet. You got lost in the way the light from the candle reflected in her greenish eyes and it took you a moment to reply to her. “It’s no problem. I have the whole thing pretty much memorised…” You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly. “Wow… I didn’t know you were such a nerd about dad’s stuff.” You heard the teasing voice of your brother making you groan a little.
“I’m not! I was just bored in the house sometimes…” You tried to defend yourself even though you knew your brother wasn’t really buying it. “Oh dad would’ve loved to see this.” Tony nudges you and you roll your eyes. “Shut up, Tony.” Your cheeks were starting to have a faint red tint to them and you could feel it. That’s why you tried to change the subject as quickly as you could. Wanda thought it was amusing and kind of adorable.
“Can I look at the map from the book real quick?” The fond smile that was playing on Wanda’s lips fell as soon as those words left your mouth. You notice the girl exchange a worried look with her brother and it makes you furrow your eyebrows while you look between the two of them. “What?” You quirked your eyebrow at the twins.
“Well… Uh… We…” Pietro’s stammering induced an unpleasant feeling in the pit of your stomach. “We… kinda burned it.” You and Tony looked at each other with wide eyes before you turned to the twins with unbelieving looks. “You what?!” Your voice was a couple of octaves higher than normal and you stood up from your spot on the ground.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” You couldn’t believe what you just heard. The only thing that could actually lead you to your lost father was gone. Burned to a crisp. Just like that. Sure… You somewhat remembered the locations that were marked on the map… But what if you’re wrong? And this whole thing goes to shit?
“Y/N… You need to calm down…” The voice of your brother stopped you from spiralling for a moment. “Calm down?” You snap back at your brother and Wanda and Pietro exchange worried glances. “Just sit down before-” Your brother was cut off by the sound of the door opening and a shotgun being loaded. You froze in place and slowly turned around only to be faced with the owner of the boat pointing a shotgun at your stomach. “Fuck…”
“Easy there, cowboy.” You say with your hands up as the man shoves you forward with his shotgun. “You want to get shot in head?” He said with a foreign accent, probably Spanish if you had to guess, as he raised the weapon at you.
You feel someone step on your foot making you wince and when you look to your side you see Tony giving you a pointed look. “Sorry, sorry.” You tell the man quickly and look back at him.
“I say no passengers. You not speak English?” You and your companions were huddled together with your arms raised, the man holding you at gunpoint on the deck of his ship.
“We’re really sorry, but we needed to get to Isla de Los Despiertos. We’re looking for my father and we had no other choice.” You explain. Your voice is a little shaky from nervousness since you could be shot dead any second.
The man slowly lowers his weapon and tilts his head at you. “So you not tourists?” He inquires. You and your companions exchange confused glances at the question. When you don’t reply, the man raises the shotgun again, making you become alarmed once again. “No! No, no. We’re not tourists!” You respond quickly and the man squints his eyes at the four of you, scanning you from head to toe.
You breathe out a sigh of relief when the man lowers his gun with a grumble. “I hate tourists.” Wanda and Pietro look at each other in amusement as they hear him exclaim. The man puts his gun down and crosses his arms over his chest as he looks at you again.
“Why you want to go to Isla de Los Despiertos?” He quirked an eyebrow at the four of you. It was Wanda who spoke up this time. “We are searching for an amulet… it should be somewhere in the ruins of Amfazar.” She explained, remembering the name on that little piece of the burned map. You were a little surprised by how confident her tone of voice was. You liked this side of her.
The man stared at her for a long moment before he suddenly burst out laughing. And it lasted for a while. He only stopped once he noticed that the rest of you weren’t as amused as he was. He looked back at you and his eyes widened slightly.
“Oh… You serious?”
Author's Note
Heyo! Back at it again with another chapter I hope you enjoy. Thank you so much for the likes, reblogs and positive comments on this series, dear reader! Isla de Los Despiertos is supposed to translate to Isle of The Awakened from Spanish, just to clear things up... You'll hopefully find out what that means in the next chapter :)
Thank you for reading and see you again soon!
Series Masterlist Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Hi! I love your work!! I was wondering if you’d do a fic with Crosshair and a female reader with body dysmorphia issues, maybe with the reader being extra nervous to undress in front of him because of his enhanced eye sight? But if it’s not your thing that’s cool thanks for sharing your cool tbb fics! ❤️
His Perfect***
Crosshair X F!Reader
word count: 910 words
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When an intimate time calls ahead, you can’t help but feel nervous about undressing in front of your other half. Luckily, he’s rather loving to you and wants to prove it to you.
warnings: I’m gonna put it as 16+ as it’s a little suggestive if you squint but no smut involved - just talks of nudity. Mentions of body dysmorphia , reader feeling insecure and angst. Finished with comfort and fluff.
A/N remember that if you’re feeling low about your body - you’re beautiful as you are and others will think it too. Also, sorry for the wait anon 💜
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“You alright?”
Crosshair's voice had seemed to snap you out of your thoughts, thoughts of self-doubt and insecurity. Something that had been occurring more than just a little bit.
Yourself and Crosshair had been together for a while but when it came to intimacy, there was a strain and that partly came from you. For a long while, you have been suffering with body dysmorphia. Every time you look in the mirror, you would pick and poke at every little thing that you would deem as ‘flawed’. With all those flaws building up in your mind, you could only worry that Crosshair would see the same.
“Y-yeah,” you say with a shaken breath, looking down at your fingers that we’re still holding onto the bottom of your shirt that you hadn’t quite yet pulled over your head, “just a little tired is all.”
Crosshair is already shirtless on the bunk, leaning back and looking up at you with a curious scowl. “You sure, kitten?” He sits up, making sure not to knock his head on the bunk above him before he stands, towering over you.
Your breath hitches a little as he stands in front of you, a hand gently resting on your waist as a smirk toys at his lips - maybe just thinking you’re shy. “Need some help with this?”
Despite the blush on your face, there’s a sense of dread knowing he wants to see you. Really see you.
“Sure.” You rasp, putting on a smile and it seems to have blind sided the Marksman as he gently plays with the fabric of your top, being as gentle as he can with you before he starts to pull it over your head.
But then, you panic.
“Wait, no sorry I can’t.” You quickly grab your top back down and step back, wrapping your arms around yourself as he stands there a little helpless and also panicked.
“Did I do something wrong?” He didn’t sound mad, concerned is all. Crosshair had made sure not to come any closer, allowing you to calm down and collect yourself.
You run your hands over your face, agitated and ashamed that you possibly ruined a sweet and intimate moment with your other half. “No, of course not. It’s just me.”
He blinks and rubs the back of his neck before sitting back down, leaning forward with isi hands clasped together. “Care to explain?”
“Not really, no.”
Crosshair studies you for a moment, seeing how you’re wringing your hands together and pulling at your clothes. He had been noticing it for a while. Especially when you would go somewhere and if there just so happens to be a mirror, you would stare haltingly at yourself. Then, you also started to wear clothes a little bit bigger than you would usually and at first he thought it was a comfort thing but it could also be something else too.
He sighs at himself, hating that he didn’t see it sooner. “Do you not want me to see you naked, cyar’ika?” His question is blunt and straightforward but he’s Crosshair after all, he is not one to pussyfoot around.
Your eyes meet his, yours being slightly blurry due to the small glaze of tears that wanted to spill. “I do it’s just…” you trail off, trying to think of the right thing to say but nothing seems right.
“You don’t want me to see you how you see yourself?”
You’re quite shocked at his words but as you sat on them, they were 100% correct. When you nod, he tsks and orders you gently to come towards him and as you do, you’re silently pulled into his lap with his arms keeping you safely pressed to his chest.
He’s silent, internally struggling a little on what to say. “If you’re ever doubting yourself when you see your reflection, I want you to try something for me?”
You tilt your head back to look up at him but he doesn’t meet your gaze. He wouldn’t tell you, but he was upset. Upset that he knows that he can’t find your demons for you as he just wanted to protect you until the end of time.
“Touch yourself. Touch your arms, legs, breasts, stomach whatever and try to realise that what you see, is not what your mind is perceiving.” Taking his advice silently, you gently place a kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you Cross, I’ll try but I can’t promise it will work.”
“I know.” He says a bit too quickly but just knows he meant no harm, he didn’t want to sound agitated but seeing you upset made his heart ache. “But just know I think you’re perfect.” He mumbled, finally looking down at you and nuzzling his face against your hair, kissing the top of his head. “And I love you.”
Maybe you needed to step away from some mirrors because really, the only reflection you needed to see was the one in the eyes of someone who loves you and coincidentally, Crosshair had the most incredible set of eyes.
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More crosshair works
Tags: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr r @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz z @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @discofern @theroguesully @equalityforcats @mustluvecho @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 7 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory y @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf f @lucyysthings @tinyreadersmur @agenteliix x @photogirl894 @myinnerwonderlandmind @rintheemolion @kaminocasey @hotpinkplastoid @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater @swiftiexstarwarssimp @the-good-shittt @whore4rex
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
Diaspro Moodboard
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Whilst all of our royals are very dedicated to their respective kingdoms/planets, Diaspro was truly born to be a queen
Her planet Isis is a somewhat ‘small’ planet but is gaining relevance thanks mostly to Diaspro’s efforts to better the planet
She’s incredibly close with Sky, Stella and Bloom, but her closest friends are in Isis
She is not straight. Sorry, no fucking way. I headcannon her to be either a lesbian or pansexual
Midnight Rain and You’re On Your Own Kid by Taylor Swift are her songs
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spadecentral · 2 years
📱 Sibling Texts!! | Deuce Spade SMAU
>> requested: no >> a/n: This was made out of some texts that me and my sister had 💀 (all of them except for the last one, at least lolll). Also I had to rewrite this like FOUR TIMES. Tumblr fix your undo button.
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>> masterlist: here!! >> summary: stupid texts between you and your brother >> reader prns: they/them >> warning(s): none
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egg head Today @ 12:48 PM muffins
yuu Today @ 12:49 PM imma steal one
egg head Today @ 12:50 PM they were for ma but sure
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context: deuce goes to diasomnia against his better judgement to pick up yuu from a visit with [x diasomnia character]
egg head Today @ 2:32 PM omg they have a ptaradactoll
yuu Today @ 2:32 PM a what
egg head Today @ 2:33 PM teradactol
yuu Today @ 2:33 PM they don't have a pterodactyl?
egg head Today @ 2:34 PM no?
but like
pterodactyl :(
yuu Today @ 2:36 PM bro where did vou see that
they're extinct lol
don't know if you knew that
sorry to burst your bubble
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egg head Today @ 3:26 PM i got into detention
pls dont tell mom
yuu Today @ 3:27 PM pure of heart, dumb of ass
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egg head Today @ 6:59 AM ik I just ate but I'm already starving
what the heck
yuu Today @ 7:00 AM uh
eat more or somn idk
make an egg
egg head Today @ 7:01 AM a egg?
yuu Today @ 7:01 AM yeah I guess
*queue deuce crying*
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egg head Today @ 4:15 PM YUU WAHT ISI THIS!??!
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i hate you
yuu Today @ 4:19 PM love you too
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TWST Taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @ghost-hyacinth | @gh-0st-y | @ch3lun | @oseathepebble | @ventisaircurrent | @epelys | @pastelmages | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @mystaposts | @ze-maki-nin
send in an ask to be put on/taken off my taglist!
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outofconcheol · 9 months
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✮ hi, i'm isi! i'm a '96 liner, pakistani-canadian-american who loves kpop and fanfic! fun fact about me is i'm a dentist! i started out reading and writing for bts, but have recently been reintroduced to a few groups i hope to write for (and read other amazing fics)!
✮ libra | INFP-T | type 9 enneagram
✮ loves the color green, rain, flowers, the smell of old books, the smell of freshly baked bread and cookies, makeup/skincare/perfume, taking long walks, painting, listening to music, reading, pilates, singing, CATS (i really love cats)
✮ ult groups: bts, stray kids, seventeen, got7, day6 (i like listening to a lot of different boy and girl groups, soloists, other non-kpop stuff, etc.)
✮ biases: namjin but then also sope (bts), han/lee know/seungmin (skz), 2jae (got7), dk/the8/s coups/woozi/wonwoo (svt - you really thought i could pick one?), young k (day6), chankgyun/kihyun (monsta x), sehun/chanyeol/baekhyun (exo)
aesthetics: cottagecore | light academia | spacecore
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*✧・゚ masterlists
stray kids
*✧・゚ fic recs (under construction) (for a quick search, look for the tag isi recs: [members initials])
*✧・゚ ask box!
*✧・゚my bts blog and writings (I follow from raplinesmoon-main)
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Welcome to Downton, Mr Shelby 6 ~ Tommy Shelby x Crawley!OC (Series)
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[Masterlist] [Taglist] [Series Masterlist]
Summary: Back at Downton, Charlotte receives a call as Tommy puts his plan in motion.
Note: After putting this series on the backburner thanks to the celebration, we are back and I hope you enjoy
All my writing is produced by an adult and created with an adult audience in mind (18/21+). You are responsible for your own media consumption. I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Wordcount: 5249 words
Part 6
She ran her fingers through Isis’ pale fur. The dog huffed, and turned in her lap, so that she could rub her belly, just like she knew she liked it. 
“Just make sure not to get hair all over your dress, dear.”, her mother said, looking up from her needlework. 
“I’ll be careful, I promise.”, she said, knowing she probably wouldn’t be able to keep it. 
What gives?, she thought. 
It was already after tea and in less than an hour or two she’d have to begin to change for dinner either way. 
And it was an easy sacrifice to make when it made Isis so very happy. 
As if to prove her point, she wiggled around on the carpet where she had been lounging in the afternoon sun. 
Then the doors were opened and both she and her mother looked up. 
For a split second she saw Carson, but only when he closed the doors again, after her sister. 
“Mary!”, Cora greeted her eldest daughter. “You’re back already?”
She got up and quickly rubbed down her dress to get rid of the worst. 
Mary went to their mother first, kissing her cheek in greeting. 
“How was York?”, Cora asked while it was Charlotte’s turn to kiss her sister. 
“Dreadfully dull.”, Mary sighed. “Compared to London it is as if I have stepped into a time machine. All those dreary colours remind me of the war - Edith would have a blast.”
Cora tilted her head and gave her a scolding look. 
“Mary, that’s not very nice.”
“That doesn’t make it any less true.”, she hissed under her breath.
“Anyhow, I best go upstairs before Papa sees me in here in my coat and hat.”
As she turned, she offered her a soft smile and nodded to the door, and Charlotte hurried to follow. 
“I’m going to London next week.”, Mary announced once they were in the hall, Carson taking her coat. 
She offered him a smile in thanks before taking her sister’s arm.
“You ought to come. We can do some shopping, hm?”
“Weren’t you just in York for shopping?”, Charlotte asked. 
Mary scoffed.
“York was a disappointment. I need new shoes, new clothes - I barely had time to buy a thing during your season and now, in the post war world, fashion really has moved on.”
Charlotte presumed she had a point. 
“Well we are no longer in the Edwardian times.”, she said, as they entered Mary’s room.
“You needn’t ring for Anna, I can help you.”
Mary only shrugged as she sat down at her dressing table. 
“So I can count you in then?”, she asked as Charlotte began to pull out the hat pins from her sister’s hair. “For London?”
Charlotte sighed, her eyes glancing out the window at the green plains and gentle hills of their home. 
It was exciting in London, but it wasn’t home and she had never been away for as long as she had during her season.
It was good to be back and she didn’t yet feel the need to leave, at least not for shopping with Mary.
“I don’t think I’ll be of much use. You know far more of fashion and besides, I’ve only just gotten my season wardrobe.”
In fact, her sister did not only know fashion, she seemed to be fashion, tall, pale, with dark hair and dark eyes - more often than not she looked just like one of those women in the magazines or in the pictures. 
Compared to Mary, most women, including Charlotte, looked comly. 
Mary tsked in disapproval, but not without a smirk. “You still have a lot to learn, Charlotte, dear.”
“And a lot to buy.”, she added. 
Charlotte had wanted to undo Mary’s bun too to brush out the hair, but instead her eldest sister got up and sat down on her chaise longe, stretching out her long legs. 
“Will Edith come too?”, she wanted to know. 
 Mary snorted. 
“She’ll just spoil the whole thing.”
Charlotte sat down on the foot of her bed, her fingers playing with the painted wood. 
“That’s not a very nice thing to say about out sister.”
Mary rolled her eyes, lounging on the sofa like an Egyptian Queen of old.
“It has nothing to do with her being my sister and everything to do with her being Edith.”, she sneered. 
Didn't Cleopatra have her own sister killed? 
Charlotte was about to say something, when they heard a knock on the door. 
“Come in.”, Mary said. 
It was Anna, who greeted them with a small curtsy. 
“They told me you’re back, Milady!”, she said with a soft smile.
“I come empty handed, I am afraid.”, Mary sighed. 
“That’s too bad.”, Anna said, before turning to Charlotte. 
“There’s a telephone for you downstairs, Milady.”
“For me?”, she asked, looking just as surprised as Mary who leaned up at that.
“From whom?”, she asked to know.
“A Mr. Shelby, Mr. Carson said..”
Mary frowned.
“Where do I know that name from?”, she asked. 
Charlotte felt her cheeks burn.
“I think he was a friend of May Carleton’s.”, she tried, and hurried out of the room as quickly as she dared without seeming suspicious.
And yet she could feel Mary’s eyes on her all the same. 
The telephone was all the way down in the hall, and she could see Carson on the other side, guarding the door to the sitting room. 
He wasn’t listening, but she wasn’t as foolish to think he wouldn’t pick up on things.
“Hello?”, she asked, as she picked up the hearer. 
“Where did they drag you from?”, the familiar, low voice asked.
“I was with my sister. We only have one telephone, it is quite a distance from her bedroom. I do apologise for keeping you waiting.”
The other telephone was all the way in the servant’s quarters and it wasn’t like she could just go there. 
“Which one?”, he asked.
Charlotte leaned against the table and smiled. Knowing he cared somehow made her feel a little gladder than it should have. 
“Mary. You’ve met her.”
She heard a chuckle from the other line. 
“May’s Mary.”
Charlotte bit back a giggle. “If you call her that to her face, I cannot guarantee your safety.”
That made him chuckle too- that low, breathless, barely there chuckle, sounding almost like a huff. But it accompanied a slight smile and knowing that it was there, was enough. 
And yet she couldn’t say why it mattered so much to her. 
“So…”, she finally said, “Why did you call, Mr Shelby?”
“About your list.”, he said. 
Her heart skipped a beat, even if technically it was Edith’s list and not hers. But if he called, that meant he found some use in it. 
“I want to go over it with you.”
His words stunned her into silence for a moment. 
“Oh alright, ahm, I don’t have all too long, but-”
“No.”, he said, interrupting her swiftly, in that quiet yet forceful way. He didn’t need to get loud or even insistent to bring his point across. 
Charlotte had seen it with others, but felt it too. It made him a very difficult person to argue with. 
“I want to meet up in person.”
“Oh.”, she gasped, looking around the hall, realising she had said it a little too loud for Carson not to notice, trying to think of how to solve that request. 
Perhaps he could come for tea when they were in London, but then Rosamund and Mary would have a field day of picking him apart. 
“So, dinner?”, he asked after a moment. 
She nearly gasped in shock as her eyes widened. 
Well that is not possible at all. 
What was he thinking? Without a chaperone or mutual acquaintance?
No, that wouldn’t do at all, not in the slightest. 
But at the same time she didn’t want to put him off entirely.
She began to twirl the cable with nervous fingers. 
“I am in London soon.”, she began, thanking Mary’s hunger for fashionability for giving her the excuse she needed. 
“How about lunch instead, or tea? We could go back to that tea shop we went to the last.”, she suggested. It was bending the rules, but not quite breaking them.
“Lunch then.”, Mr Shelby suggested.  “Does Thursday work for you?”
“I believe so, yes.”
At least I will make it work. 
“Good. I’ll pick you up from your aunt’s at twelve thirty?"
Charlotte couldn’t help but smile, even if the suggestion was a little scandalous. 
I’ll just have to make sure they don’t see you - oh how exciting!
She’d have to tell Cousin Rose about this!
“That would be lovely!”, she insisted. 
After she hung up, Charlotte took a deep breath to calm herself. 
When she turned, she saw Mary make her descent on the stairs. 
“The Mr. Shelby we met at the Carletons?”, Mary asked. “I thought you didn’t like him.”
“I didn’t.”, Charlotte said, as they returned to the drawing room to find their mother. “But he apologised and since he has become interested in the organisation where I volunteer- the soup kitchen for impoverished veterans.”
“Interested in soup?”, Mary asked, raising her eyebrow.
 “In helping the veterans.”, she insisted sharply as she sat down next to her mother. “As a veteran himself.”
“Oh please,”, her sister said, “everyone under fifty is a veteran. It’s nothing special.”
She knew she had not meant to hurt her feelings, but it still stung. 
“Why is it so hard to believe that someone would be interested in charity?”, Charlotte asked, getting defensive on her own accord. 
 “I didn’t say that.”, she quickly defended herself, “I merely wondered if he might also be otherwise interested.”
She glanced from her mother to Mary and back as her face began to burn. 
“Well what do we know about this Mr. Shelby?”, Cora asked. 
When Charlotte didn’t answer, she turned to Mary. 
“Not much. He’s not landed nor titled, I'm afraid."
Her mother hummed.
“A self made man. I’m afraid your father won’t like that.”
Charlotte’s face burned bright red. 
“There’s nothing to like. I merely saw him at the soup kitchen!”
Instead of engaging with her intervention, Mary just continued. 
“He has a racehorse, which May Carleton trains. And May seems to be quite fond of him.”
She gave her a knowing look but Charlotte inhaled sharply.
"It would be quite amusing to see her reaction to you and Mr. Shelby. She would feel like history is repeating itself."
Charlotte glared at her. "Mary, that is cruel."
Especially since she had always made May feel that it was her that turned down Ian and not the other way around. Now at least, with him gone, she expected Mary would let it rest.
“I won’t be dragged into your feud with May Carleton!”
“Sweetling, you are my sister.”, Mary said, not without a smile, "You are already in this feud.”
As soon as Tommy had parked the car, he wondered if he should go up and ring the doorbell, although he didn’t quite fancy the idea of being confronted by her aunt’s butler.
Still, it might be the polite thing to do and he didn’t want to come across as rude for not doing it. 
She might not like that. 
But before he had time to decide, the doors were opened, and she came out rather in a hurry, wearing a powder blue dress with a matching open summer coat and a hat. 
Very sweet, like something off of a postcard from the beaches down south. 
“I thought I’d spare you the way up.”, she said once she was seated in the front of his car, just the slightest bit out of breath.
“And help you to avoid the interrogation of my aunt and sister.”
“Ah,”, Tommy said as he started the car, “I have dealt with a few interrogations in my time.”
She tilted her head.
“But they are quite formidable.”
His body ached at the memory of the interrogations he had been subjected to, the blows to his face, the kicks to his stomach, Sabini digging around in his mouth - for her to think that the worst possible kind was a few harsh questions and sharp looks was like something from another world. 
Her world. 
It was only by luck - or by poor luck -  that she had stumbled into his. 
When he started to drive, he quickly noticed how she stared at every movement his hands made, both on the steering wheel and with the gear stick. 
“What’s so interesting?”, he asked with a hint of a smile, not too much that it would appear insincere but just enough to take the edge off his words. 
“I’ve never seen someone drive up close before.”, she admitted almost coyly, “last time, when we went to the tea shop I wasn’t exactly paying attention.”
“And before that?”
“I never got to sit in the front.”, she said. “It looks very complicated.”
“It’s easy once you get the hang of it.”, he assured her. “Someone just has to teach you.”
Her cheeks flushed and she quickly looked away. 
“I don’t think I will ever be allowed."
She glanced at her lap where her hands, covered in short white day gloves, were playing with the button on her bag. 
"My father wouldn’t approve."
"Didn't you say your sister drives?”
Tommy had made sure to recall every little thing she had told him, every detail he could use to make a connection, to find common ground. 
“Edith, yes. But she learned during the war. That was different.”
Yes, Tommy thought, the war was different. 
Apparently for them as well. 
He had decided to take her to the Connaught, a recommendation of May’s, so it was only a short drive. 
He helped her out of the car and escorted her up the steps, making sure to stay close but not too close. 
These things were to be managed delicately. 
Once inside, he quickly noticed how her eyes traced the room, glancing at the waiters, and the other diners. 
They were as round as that of a child’s on their first visit to a sweets shop. 
“Are you alright?”, he asked once they were seated. 
“Yes.”, she said breathlessly but her hands trembled slightly. “It’s only…so strange that all this is possible now, don’t you think?”
Tommy felt the muscles on his back tightened. He still had a comparably small reputation, but a reputation still. It wasn’t impossible that she had found out about his past, and his rise. Still, he didn’t need reminding of the steep climb he had taken. 
Especially from a silly girl who never had to fight for a thing in her life. Why should she get to even have an opinion on his development when her family had been stagnant for centuries?
“It seems so normal now when just a few years ago it would have been unthinkable for us to eat in a public place like this.”
Tommy felt his cheek muscles twitch. 
“A restaurant, you mean?”, he asked. 
She nodded, her eyes filled with awe as she didn't look at him, but around once more. “It just wasn’t allowed before the war.”
He blinked twice, as his muscles relaxed slightly. 
She's not talking about me - but that meant…
“Are you really telling me that you’ve never eaten in a restaurant before the war?”
Tommy didn’t exactly have a picture perfect upbringing but even they had had a bite to eat in a pub or an inn from time to time, even if those instances were few and far between. 
“My mother once took us to the Ritz,”, she began, a shy smile on her lips and a glint in her eye. “My grandmother was so angry and outraged with her for doing that, she refused to speak to her for a whole month. It would have been a right scandal if we had been seen.”
“Outraged for taking you to the Ritz?”
She nodded, while Tommy bit back a huff of disbelief. 
If any one of the Small Heath boys had even come within a hundred feet of the Ritz they would have been sent off with a clout around the ear and a kick to the backside -if not worse, while for her family it was such a scandal to go.
That girl wasn’t from another world, she was from a whole other universe, it seemed. 
“And of course, during the war we haven’t been anywhere, so…”
She smiled shyly as her cheeks turned red, glancing down at her plate. 
“You must think me an awfully foolish country dumpling now. Please forgive me.”, she asked softly. 
There was nothing to forgive, even if it was difficult to get past.
“Were there many rules, many limitations for you growing up?”, he wanted to know. 
“Rules, yes, of course. But I would not consider them limitations, not before the war. But I presume everyone thinks that about their own childhood.”
Tommy took a sip of his drink. He had been all too aware of the limitations of his own childhood - how could he not when he felt it on his bare feet on the cold hard streets of Birmingham, or in the pit of his own stomach when he hadn’t eaten for days as there simply hadn’t been enough for all of them and he had let the little ones have his share. 
But she continued and so he didn’t have to. 
“In Yorkshire there is not much else to do, and you can’t exactly go anywhere without people knowing who you are. So there is no chance of getting away with anything remotely naughty."
A wave of sadness washed over her face.
“It was all we knew but then the war came and we realised that life could be quite different.”
“Quite.”, Tommy mumbled. 
“Now, at least, we know what we are missing.”, she said with a smile. “My sister writes of all the fun things she can do now that she’s away from h-”
She broke off and swallowed hard, looking down at her lap, before meeting his eyes again with an apologetic smile. 
“Your youngest sister?”, he asked diplomatically. 
Charlotte Crawley took another sip of her drink. She had turned pale again, and the glint in her eye was gone. After putting it down, her hand found her chest once more.
“I presume it is the gossip story of the season. It would have been too unlikely for you not to know.”
She put her guard back up, Tommy noticed. Just why, he couldn’t say, but he knew. It was as if he was talking to a whole different person. The Lady he had angered at May’s house, not the girl volunteering at the soup kitchen. 
“What does she write?”, he asked, trying to sound as gentle as he could, in a hope ot salvage what was left. 
She hesitated for a moment, weighing her options and he knew she was weighing up if she could trust him. He kept his silence, not wanting to try to sway or convince her. She either trusted him or she didn’t.
“Well,”, she said, glancing down at her plate as Tommy held his breath.
“She works as a nurse now, in a children’s hospital in Dublin and Bran- her husband works as a journalist.”
He made note correction. 
“They live together in an apartment, just the two. So they do everything themselves, the cooking, the cleaning.”
She swallowed hard. “It might seem benign, but Sybil had to fight hard to be allowed to learn how to cook. She is so incredibly proud of it."
“Your father didn’t approve?”, he asked. It was a safe bet, and one that paid out. 
“He was against the whole idea of her becoming a nurse, as was my mother. But they didn’t know beforehand. Carson, our butler, was very much opposed too, as he didn’t think it proper.”
Carson the butler, she said it so casually, just like he might mention his uncle Charlie. 
“Now, she does what she pleases, goes where she wants to go. To all the places, all the restaurants and even pubs, apparently.”
From her tone her sister might have gone to the moon. 
But she was so excited when she spoke of her, her eyes glittering and that smile- that gentle, loving smile of pride and adoration that never left, even as she spoke. 
All because her sister could go to a pub.
“No one cares if what she does is in accordance with the rules. She mustn’t even be careful not to be seen because no one there knows her. They just know her as Mrs. Branson so there is no fear of endangering the good name of the family. She is so free from any form of convention and can even go to rallies and discussions and protests.”
She said her sister’s name in a whisper, as if it were a secret code, but he couldn’t understand it - not yet. 
“Your sister is political?”, Tommy asked.
“Very, as is her husband.”, she said. “But she couldn’t be at Downton, of course.”
Of course. 
“Do you miss her?”
Charlotte pursed her lips and nodded.
“Every day.”, she said, still smiling, but now her voice was thick. 
“But she is happy and that is all that matters.”
Tommy watched her closely, the sad smile, just as loving, but with the pain of absence this time. That was real love, real adoration, and pride too, of what her sister had achieved.
Their courses were served and they began to eat. 
“Might I ask what you wanted to discuss about the list?”, she wanted to know, changing the subject with ease. 
“The list?”
She tilted her head and raised her eyebrow slightly. 
“You asked me here to discuss the list for the packages.”, she reminded him.
Tommy nodded. “Yes and no.”
“I…I don’t know how to respond to that.”, she confessed, dropping her hands to her lap again. 
“I wanted to talk to you because of the list but not about it."
She blinked in quick succession. 
“I’m afraid, I can’t follow, Mr Shelby.”
He knew. And he was having a lot more fun with it than maybe he should. But he decided he would put her out of her misery. He wanted her to accept after all, needed her to, if he wanted his plan to work.
Proximity was always good when one wanted to win someone over. Casual interaction, a brush here, a touch there. It would all fall into place.
“I want to offer you a job.”
Her eyes went as round as the plates in front of them, and for a moment her mouth dropped open just ever so slightly. 
“A job?”, she asked breathlessly. 
Tommy nodded. 
She leaned back in her chair and huffed softly, staring into the emptiness between his chair. 
“A real job?”, she asked slowly. 
Even though he wasn’t leading her on anymore, she moved as cautiously as if she was on a thin layer of ice above a freezing lake. 
“This isn’t some sort of prank or joke?”
Charlotte huffed again, shaking her head slightly. 
“But I can’t do anything.”, she argued. “I don’t know anything. I don’t have a certification, not even one from a school-” 
She scoffed. “I haven’t even been to school apart from handing out prizes to the children.”
Tommy chuckled, unable to hide his amusement at her blatant shock. 
“I don’t do things in the traditional way.”, he assured her. “Lots of people that worked for me haven’t gone to school.”
Although her case was a little different. 
“Indeed?”, she asked, as breathless as if she had just run a mile.
She shook her head again.
“Mr. Shelby, I don’t…I can’t think of any job I would be useful in.”
Tommy leaned forward, closing the distance between them until he could smell her perfume. He liked the scent. 
“Why don’t you listen first, and then you consider if you could be of any use, eh?”
She nodded.
“That does sound sensible, Mr. Shelby, although I..”
He waved her off quickly, and, leaning back, he began to explain.
“I looked you up.", He told her. "You, your family. They write a lot about you in the papers. You do a lot of charity work in Yorkshire. You have a charity for children, you help the poor, you are on the educational boards even if you haven’t gone to school.”
That brought an embarrassed smile to her lips.
“That is true.”, she admitted, her cheeks flushing. 
“And you run a hospital.”
Tommy remembered the name
 “The Downton Cottage Hospital.”
Pride filled her eyes and she sat up a little bit straighter. He had expected that. 
These people always thought too highly of themselves. 
“My grandfather opened it.”
“So I’ve read. Patrick Crawley, the sixth Earl of Grantham.”
She glanced down at her plate before smiling up at him.
“You really have done your research then.”, she said.
 “I like to be informed. And since you didn’t come with any qualifications prepared, I had to prepare them myself.”
“You didn’t exactly tell me this would be an interview.”, she defended herself. 
“True, but you would have shut me down before, if you had known.”
She looked like Finn when he had seen him pinching cigarettes, caught out and embarrassed, trying to save herself with a smile. 
“I want something similar. I want projects, all sorts, really, that help a community - health, education, that sort.”
She was about to say something, but he lifted his hand and she stayed silent.
“I know work like that doesn’t happen overnight, but I like what I’ve read. And I believed you when you said you wanted to do something meaningful. Now, you have an insight to already running projects and you have the connections to reach out and ask if required - all these little details and information you don’t find in books.”
He let her consider that for a moment.
“But why me? There are dozens of girls just like me, from similar families, perhaps with more experience, which might be better suited.”
Because your godmother is the Duchess of Marlborough. Because your godfather is in the foreign office. Because your mother and Churchill’s mother are thick as thieves. 
“Most posh girls like you do similar things.”, he admitted. “They go to the meetings, they are on the boards, they cut the ribbons and hand out the prizes, but I saw you help a man who was out of his mind, who could have easily hurt you or even killed you- no don’t shake your head, you know he could’ve - that situation was not pretty, that situation was not safe, but you did it anyway. That’s why I want you.”
Lady Charlotte Crawley had been watching him like a hawk, her dark eyes digging into him as if she wanted to find out the truth of his intentions behind his eyes. 
Then she glanced at her hands again before meeting his gaze once more.
Just as she had been studying him, he had been studying her. 
“What am I to do then?”, she wanted to know. 
Tommy felt relief wash over him like a crashing wave on a windy day at the beach, but he didn’t let a muscle betray him. 
“I want you as an advisor, to bring in your knowledge and connections, as we set it up. And I want you involved in the long term.”
She huffed in disbelief once more and stared into thin air.
“I am honoured, Mr. Shelby, truly.”
Tommy felt his fingers coil into a fist under the table. 
“But I wouldn’t know where to start.”
He took a deep breath and really wished he could smoke in here, but it was not permitted. 
“Why don’t you go and ask around back home, make some notes and bring them back to me, things that are necessary to build something like that up.”
It seemed like an eternity until she finally responded with an “I could do that, I suppose.”
He released a breath he had not known he was holding.
“Now about pay - ”
“Pay?”, she asked, just as startled as earlier when he had presented her with the offer. “You don’t have to pay me.”
“I can’t not pay you.”, Tommy insisted. 
“But what would I do with the money?”, she asked. 
Now it was Tommy’s turn to stare.
“Spend it, save it - whatever you do with money now.”
She blinked quickly as colour rose to her cheeks once more.
“What do you do with money now?”, he asked slowly, mentally preparing himself for anything. 
“Well, I have my cash allowance for tipping and buying little things, but mostly they just get charged to the house.”
“You don’t have a bank account?”
“I don’t think I do.”, she said.
She doesn’t even know. 
His first thought was that this was going to be a cheap venture, but he wasn’t just hiring her, he wanted to make her fall for him, make her feel important. 
“Could we set one up?”, he asked. 
Charlotte shook her head. “I doubt my father would allow that. He wouldn’t be too happy to know I’m being paid. It’s not very…”
She searched for an appropriate word, but he found it first, although it was one she would likely never use. 
A shy smile played on her lips. “He would not use that word. How about …appropriate, dignified, or proper?”
Tommy leaned back in his chair and considered the options. He could pay her in cash but what would she do with wads of cash lying around? Even if it would be a good way to wash the money clean. But she wouldn’t accept that. Then he had another idea. 
“I will set up a fund for it. You will get power of attorney, which gives you the right to do anything, including make withdrawls.”
Besides, that was yet another chance to meet up with her in person. 
“That sounds reasonable.”, she agreed. 
“Good. Then I will pick you up tomorrow and we will set it up at the bank.”
She tried and failed to bite back another smile.
“That’s another first.”, she admitted, “I’ve never been to a bank before.”
“Lots of things you haven’t done, eh?”, he asked. 
“Oh countless. It’s terribly unfair.”
I’ll keep that in mind. 
Although most people might think different things unfair, including the privilege she had been born into. He included himself among those. 
“Might I ask you something?”, she wanted to know almost shyly. 
“Anything.”, he said, not that he had even the remotest intention of answering even close to any possible questions. 
“Could you wait, with the bank and the power of an attorney and all that? At least let me work out a few ideas first. I can present them to you and then you can decide if I really might be any good. I would hate to disappoint you after the fact.”
Thomas Shelby felt something change inside him. Maybe it was the way she worded it, or how round and childlike her eyes looked. But something changed and he knew this expensive lunch had paid off. 
She’s starting to fall for me. 
“I’ll be in Downton on Saturday, so I can get started.”
“That’s fine.”, he said, his voice softer than he had anticipated.
Her smile was beaming.
“How very kind of you, Mr. Shelby!”
Part 7
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a-d-nox · 10 months
egyptian asteroid observations (part 2)
these observations are completely hypothetical. they are based on my (the those closest to me's) experiences with each aspect/ placement! please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. this is just a starting place for when examining singular objects in an entire galaxy (these are not the only asteroids in affect for you). take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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☥ taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) and libra (7°, 19°) hatshepsut (2436) feminines are usually not as androgynous as this famous lady - they often are feminine in appearance, but dress mildly as though to hide these feminine qualities (ex: billie eilish is a libra hatshepsut)
☥ hatshepsut (2436) negatively aspecting moon likely struggle with feeling feminine and/or accepting/appreciating their femininity
☥ hatshepsut (2436) negatively aspecting mercury people are often quickly forgotten after their deaths despite them doing great things in their lifetime
☥ hatshepsut (2436) positively aspecting asc people are often known for their androgyny
☥ hatshepsut (2436) retrograde people tend to struggle with breaking trends in the world around them - the glass ceiling, generational cycles/trauma, etc.
☥ aries (1°, 13°, 25°) horus (1924) people are very spiteful, quick to anger, and often seek revenge
☥ cancer (4°, 16°, 28°) horus (1924) people frequently challenge matriarchal beliefs
☥ 5h horus (1924) people often toy with people when getting revenge - they like to drag it out
☥ horus (1924) positively aspecting moon people are quick to adapt to whatever challenges get in their way
☥ horus (1924) positively aspecting mercury people often do a lot of productive shadow work in this lifetime
☥ asc-horus (1924) aspects can be bird like in appearance - usual it is their nose shape - OR it could be in their eyes that they have predatory gaze (some have heterochromia)
☥ aries (1°, 13°, 25°), scorpio (8°, 20°), and capricorn (10°, 22°) isis (42) people have a hard time forgiving those who have wronged them
☥ libra (7°, 19°) isis (42) people are the birds of prey in the waking world - they have the ability to balance the world
☥ 5h / 7h isis (42) people often get into relationships in which they want to fix or heal the person
☥ 7h kleopatra (216) people are bound to have an epic love affair - their long term romantic partners likely tend to be foreign
☥ mercury ruled and/or aspecting kleopatra (216) people are often very strategic
☥ leo (5°, 17°, 29°) nefertiti (3199) people are likely to be labeled icons
☥ 1h, 6h, and 10h nefertiti (3199) people can give off a very mysterious vibe
☥ 5h, 6h, 8h, and/or moon aspecting nefertiti (3199) people are likely to have a lot of children
☥ 8h, scorpio (8°, 20°), uranus, and/or pluto aspecting osiris (1923) people have the ability to start over at any stage of life
☥ neptune-osiris (1923) aspects tend to attract people who would do anything for them
☥ 7h ptah (5011) can indicate your lifetime partner being a CEO of some sort
☥ ptah (5011) aspecting mercury and/or neptune people can be very good fantasy writers (they are great at worldbuilding)
☥ venus-sekhmet (5381) people can be very vengeful
☥ 9h sekhmet (5381) people might struggle with the high school to college transition
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