#im gonna try to finalize everything tonight and share it then!
cakesdown · 1 year
I just wanna say that this cover project I'm almost done with feels like the first massive passion project I've done of any kind in a very very long time, and I'm incredibly excited to share it with everyone
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im-sleepdeprived · 14 days
do u think u can do a Peter Parker x reader where reader is gone for a while and has her phone off, and Peter gets super scared only to find out she’s alright?? I love ur work u’re the best xx
'No location found'
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pairing: peter parker x reader
a/n: thank you for the request !!!! i had this written, then I decided to rewrite it lmao. I pictured college pete but Im not sure if I specified, also not sure if anyone saw my post abt writing a fic inspired by ‘peter’ by taylor swift but i think im going to start working on that and that its gonna be a mini series👀.... so stay tuned and request something in the meantime !!
warnings: none
masterlist, requests are open !!
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“That’s not what I said!”
“Oh? Well, that’s what I heard.”
You two had been going at it for a while now. Peter had missed yet another date you’d both planned. It’d been a while since you both spent time together, and you thought he was finally going to change that. Until he just stood you up again. 
You’d thought after moving in together, you’d see him all the time. The opposite was true. He was always out, either on patrol, at Stark Tower, or wherever else his Superhero duties took him.  The problem was, that place never seemed to be with you.
“Y/N please-”
“No, Peter! I’m sick of it! I try to be understanding, I really do, I try to give you grace, but every time I do it’s like you just make it worse.” You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, “Honestly at this point, it feels like you don’t even care anymore.”
His face fell. “Come on baby. You can't seriously think that! It was just a mistake, I won't do it again.”
You nodded, “Right. Think I’ve heard that one before.” You turned around and walked towards your shared bedroom.
“Woah, hey. Wait a minute, where’re you going?” His voice was hurt, and you almost felt bad for turning your back.
Shaking your head and looked down at your dress. You’d gotten all dressed up, expecting a nice dinner followed by a walk in the park. You said, “I’m tired, I’m gonna change and get ready for bed. Sorry, but hey, at least now your schedule is freed up,” you gave him a weak smile, “You don’t have to worry about me.”
“Y/N you know it’s not like that. Look you’re all dressed up,” he reached for your arm, “we can still go out. Please, let me make it up to you”
Looking into his eyes, it took everything in you to pull away. 
“Peter,” you whispered, voice so quiet, yet so full of emotion. 
“I don’t want us to fight,” he begged. 
'We’re not fighting, not anymore. I just want to be alone.”
“Okay.” He nodded, but still kept his hand on you, reluctant to let go. “I’ll sleep on the couch?”
You nodded, not trusting your voice right now.
He deflated. He wasn’t exactly expecting you to object, but still. It hurt that you wanted to be away from him so bad. 
“Good night,” he muttered, watching you walk towards the door with sullen eyes. “I’m right here if you need anything.”
You gave him the tiniest tip of your head, not even bothering to turn around, “Night.”
There was no way he was getting any sleep tonight.
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You slept in that day. It was Saturday and you didn’t feel like doing anything. Even after you woke up, you stayed in bed scrolling on your phone, heart pounding a little harder when you saw messages from Peter pop up, before effectively sliding them away.
After a few hours of doomscrolling, you stepped out of the room. You could see a throw blanket neatly folded on the couch, you have no idea if he’d even used a pillow. Your heart thrummed with guilt and you decided that tonight he was definitely sleeping on the bed. Or at the very least, you’d sleep on the couch. 
Walking into the kitchen, you noticed a tray with a note sitting atop a covered plate. When you got closer, you saw that the note held a cheesy breakfast pun. So Peter.
I love you a waffle lot! With a bunch of hearts around it. You couldn’t help it, you cracked a smile. He was such a dork. And you loved it. 
You heated up your breakfast and had gotten well into eating when your phone started ringing. Was it Peter? You didn’t really want to speak to him, not yet at least. You’d kind of hoped you wouldn’t have to until tonight-
You picked up your phone and almost let out a sigh of relief when you realized it was just one of your friends, Maddie. Then you felt bad for feeling relieved. 
You answered the phone. “Hey Mads, how's it going.” 
“Hi Y/N! Good! I was just calling to see if you wanted to go out tonight? Listen, before you say no-”
“No that sounds great actually,” you cut her off quickly, eager for an excuse to get out of the house. You’d been canceling plans for way too long in hopes of spending even a moment with Peter, and it seemed as if even your friends had noticed. But no more.
“Really? Great! So there's this raging new club,” she went on, giving you all the details of who was going and who might be there and you listened but barely felt a hint of excitement. You weren’t sure if it was because it was a frat party, and those things rarely appealed to you, or if it was lingering feelings from your argument with Peter. Which reminded you why you’d wanted to go out in the first place. 
“We’re gonna pregame at my place though, so stop by here and I’ll take you!” She finished, making you smile. Maddie was always sweet, a little more wild than you, but that’s what made you like her. 
“Sure Maddie, thanks for the invite.”
“Of course, can’t wait to see you, I feel like it's been forever since we went out together.”
You let out a small laugh, “I know what you mean. But we’re gonna change that tonight. 
You said your goodbyes and hung up. You needed to start getting ready soon, despite you just eating breakfast, you’d stayed in all morning and it was pretty late already. 
You got ready quietly, only a playlist you’d turned on droning in the background as you did your hair and makeup. You walked over to the closet to pick out an outfit and felt a little sad. Usually, Peter was here during this part, helping you pick out something, annoying you when he said you looked beautiful in everything. 
“Peter! I need real criticism!”
“Well, I can’t help it if my girl looks stunning in everything!”
You picked out a nice outfit you deemed fit for clubbing before grabbing a pair of heels and stepping out of your room. Looking around at the empty apartment you realized you should probably let Peter know you weren’t going to be home tonight. You didn’t feel like calling him though, and if you didn’t want to open his messages from earlier either so you decided to take a page out of his book. 
Grabbing a sticky note, you wrote down the briefest of explanations, before sticking it on your fridge and leaving. 
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He had sent texts saying Good morning!, Do you need anything?, and another explaining he’d be out for a while but he’d made you breakfast, all in hopes of you responding to him. You didn’t, but that wasn’t too shocking to him. It didn’t make it hurt any less though. 
He knew he fucked up. He knew he’d disappointed you again, let you down again. He knew he deserved this and more. He should be grateful you weren’t giving him the more. And he was! But he couldn’t help the small selfish part of him that just wished you would let him take you out tonight, or give him something else he could do to make up for it because there was nothing he hated more in the world than when you were mad at him. And he did not want to sleep on the couch again. Sure it was uncomfortable but that was the least of his worries. He hated not sleeping next to you.
That had been his favorite part about the two of you moving into your own place, that he got to hold you every night. After a rough night of patrolling, or working too long on his studies, or a new gadget, he got to go home and hold you, get lost in your touch, and that always made everything better. And it killed him to know you were just down the hall, and he wasn’t with you. 
He tried his best to rush everything, trying to get all his work done for the day so he could spend the whole night with you. He was planning a movie night, bingeing all your favorites. He was gonna give you a proper date, soon, but right now, all that mattered was you two spending time together. 
On his way home, he stopped at a corner store to grab snacks for the two of you, making sure to get all your favorite ones. He even stopped at a flower shop not far from your apartment to grab you a bouquet and his heart fell when he realized how long it’d been since he’d done this. He definitely deserved the more. 
He knocked on the door of your apartment a few times and his heart fell as he realized you were either dead set on ignoring him, or you weren’t home. When he pulled out his keys and let himself in, he realized it was the latter. 
Sighing, he set down the bags of snacks and placed the bouquet down as he ran a hand through his hair as he walked around. He entered the kitchen and felt a little better when he saw the dishes he’d used to plate your breakfast were washed and on the drying rack, meaning you’d eaten. 
He was about to pull out his phone to see if he’d missed a text from you when he saw something on the fridge. 
“Went out. Be home late.”
His brows furrowed as he read. He didn’t know you had plans. Hell, he didn’t even know if you had plans now, your note barely explained anything.
All he could do was wait until you came home to sort everything out.
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Peter could handle the silent treatment (barely), but what he couldn't handle, was not knowing if you were safe or not. No. That wouldn’t fly. 
He’d sent you a text when he got home, letting you know he got your note and to have fun and be safe. 
An hour later, he sent another text. Just as a little check-in. Still no response. 
It had been about three hours since he’d gotten back when he noticed that his messages had lost the little mark that indicated they were delivered. Weird. 
He tried to call you, he’d refrained from doing so before because he thought he should let you have your space (which was why, he assumed, you’d left in the first place) but it didn’t even ring, he just got sent straight to voicemail. 
What made him really start to panic, however, was when he went to check your location, which he felt so stupid for not doing before, and it wouldn’t load. It kept saying ‘no location found’ making his heart beat harder.
This was worse. You were ignoring him, his messages and calls weren’t going through. Something was wrong, was your phone off? Were you mugged? Or even worse-
He stopped himself before he could spiral too hard. That wouldn’t help, right now, he needed to figure out where you were and if you were okay.  He knew you weren’t the kind of person who would go out to bars or parties alone. Maybe you went out with a friend? Or maybe you were at a friend's? It was a place to start. 
He started calling your friends, people he knew you might go out with, and on the fifth call he finally got answers. Or…something like that. 
“Hello?” Maddie yelled into the phone, making Peter pull his phone away. 
“Hey Maddie, it’s Peter.”
“Oh yeah, Y/N’s dude,” she slurred. 
“Yeah, yeah, Y/N’s dude. Hey listen, is she with you? She went out tonight but she forgot to tell me where, and now my messages aren’t sending.” His pulse was racing. It sounded like Maddie was out, if the blaring music in the background was anything to go off of, and he was desperate to know you were okay. 
“Sorry Patrick, what’d you say,” she asked making Peter’s brows furrow. They weren’t exactly friends, but he’d met Maddie a few times. Enough times for her to know his name was not Patrick.
He shook his head, that didn’t matter right now. “Y/N. Is she with you, do you go out together?”
“Oh!” She exclaimed as if she’d just remembered something. “Yeah, she is!”
Peter let out a sigh of relief. 
“Or, she was.” He held his breath again. 
“What do you mean ‘she was’? Where is she?”
“I dunno, she left I think.” Maddie let out a little hum as if to say ‘too bad!’ and Peter was sure she must be extremely intoxicated, otherwise there was no way she could be so casual about something like this. He could barely keep himself together.
He ran a hand over his face as he tried not to raise his voice. This was getting frustrating. “She left? Where’d she go? Where are you right now?”
“I don’t know…she was bored I think. She was off today. S’shame, she looked so hot.”
His heart clenched when he realized the reason you were off, was because of him. You didn’t have fun, so you left, now he had no idea where you were and it was all his fault. 
“Where are you, Maddie?” He repeated. 
“That new club on 27th! Get down here Paul, it's so much fun!” She gushed and Peter rolled his eyes. He didn’t have time for this. 
He hung up quickly, not bothering to say goodbye before he got up to put his suit on. He couldn't stand the thought of something happening to you because you were upset and distracted because of him. That you weren't even speaking to him.
There was no way he was going to let anything happen to you. 
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You were walking outside, up and down the sidewalk. You knew it wasn’t the safest decision but you didn’t really care. The club was stuffy, humid, and way too loud. You just needed to breathe, and then you’d go back. Maybe. 
You considered hailing a cab and going back home right now. You’d send Maddie a text, but she probably hadn’t noticed you’d left in the first. She’d been having a blast, unlike you, drinking shots and dancing with every guy she felt like. You weren’t sure she remembered you stopping her to tell her you’d be gone for a bit. 
On second thought, you were kind of hungry. You hadn’t eaten anything other than Peter’s waffles for you that morning and there was an amazing smell floating from a food cart at the end of the block. You could help yourself to something before going home. 
Before you could reach the food cart, you were flying. Or rather, swinging. You knew who it was right away. 
Just as fast as he’d snatched you up, Peter put you down on an isolated rooftop, leaving just you and him high above everyone else.
You were about to reprimand him, about to demand an answer as to why he’d just done that, but there wasn’t a chance before he was pulling you into a bone-crushing hug.
“Pete?” Your voice was soft, you sensed there was something wrong and suddenly any anger or annoyance you held, from now or the night before, disappeared.
“You’re okay,” he mumbled as if that was his way of an answer. 
Your brows furrowed. “Well…yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
He pulled away then, taking off his mask, and you saw just how terrified he looked, scaring you as well. There might’ve even been a little red rimming his eyes, making you wonder if he was holding back tears. “I came home and I brought snacks and flowers and I thought we could spend the rest of the night together but saw your note. So I texted you and I get that you’re mad at me-”
“I’m not,” you said, and you meant it. You weren’t mad at him, especially right now, seeing him all shaken up like this. “But what's wrong?”
“My texts weren’t delivering, my calls went straight to voicemail, and I couldn’t track your location. Y/N, I got so scared something happened and you weren’t talking to me.” He sniffled and your heart broke a little. 
You reached into your bag and pulled out your phone, but when you tried to turn it on—dead. 
“God sweetheart, never do that to me again. Please.” He looked at you desperately, “Yell at me. Fight with me. But please never ignore me anymore, I can’t stand it.”
“I’m so sorry Petey, I had no idea my phone died. I would’ve said something I swear. I never want you to worry like that.” Your hands went up to hold his face. 
He brought a hand to hold your wrist. Gently running his thumb up and down your hand he said, “I always worry about you sweetheart, it’s my job.”
You shook your head, “You worry about all of New York, I don’t need to add on to that.”
“No,” he said quickly, looking offended you’d even say that, “No. Never think like that. You are the most important thing in my life, okay? You’re my first priority and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, that I don’t show that or say it enough.
“But I’m going to do better, I promise. I’m going to make it up to you because I can’t lose you, I need you Y/N.”
You didn’t reply, instead just smashed your lips onto his. His hands slid down to your waist, holding you tight. It was a kiss of forgiveness, of second chances, and new beginnings.
He pulled away first, but not before pressing multiple kisses all around your face. “Heels off baby,” he said as he knelt down and started working on your heel straps, lifting each foot onto his thigh before undoing each one. You didn’t even realize how much they’d been hurting until they were off. “I’m swinging you.” He picked you up swiftly, one arm wrapping itself around your ribs.
You groaned, wrapping your arms around his neck, “Peteyyyy. You know the wind tangles my hair too much.”
“Don’t worry,” he said, leaning over to kiss you on the top of your head, “I’ll be careful, c’mon.”
You move your head to peck his cheek and then hug him tight, “I love you.”
He grinned, pulling you in closer. “I love you more sweetheart.” He leaned back and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “Hold on tight, Spider Monkey.”
You burst into laughter, “You did not just say that!” 
“Oh I totally did,” he gave you the goofiest smile, making you laugh again. 
“Ok, just…don’t let me go,” you said as you wrapped your arms tighter around him. 
“Never,” he replied, and something in his voice told you he wasn’t just talking about swinging. 
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thot4ellie · 3 months
oh sweetheart pt 3
pairing: boxer!ellie x f! jesses sister!reader
word count: 5.4k!!! longest part yet yay
rating: 18+ (smut will be coming in later parts)
warnings: dealer! boxer!ellie, weed, alcohol, boxing, kissing, joel is dead in this, talk of abusive relationship, smoking, they’re drunk but eveything is consensual ofc! lmk if im missing anything
summary: you and ellie share a moment and both of you admit it :)
author notes: hi everyone thank you for all the love on this series <<<333 this is a good one! not all the way edited yet but i wanted to post cause i finished it 20 minutes ago! sorry for the wait but i think maybe some smut in the near future ;) requests are open and id love any feedback. thank you for 200 followers and over almost 2000 likes!! this is unbelievable and im so grateful! pls let me know if u want to be added to the taglist!!!
part 3 | part 4
series masterlist | main masterlist
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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finally friday is here, it feels like you’ve been counting the minutes until you see her again. you woke up around eleven am and put water in the kettle to make yourself some tea as you went to the bathroom to get your morning routine done, paramore playing over your speaker in the bathroom. your routine is something you’ve started to build since you moved to try and keep your anxiety at bay, not all the time it works but its a good way to get your day started. you started with washing your face, brushing your teeth, then brushing the bedhead out of the mess you call hair.
a couple minutes later, you hear the kettle hiss and you make your way back to the kitchen and turn off the stove. you picked your favorite mug out of your cabinet and make your tea. leaving the kitchen, you went back to sit on the couch and think about a million different outcomes that would possibly happen tonight when you see her. you wonder if you’re reading too much into the way she talked to you, was she even flirting with you at all? or just being nice? did she just feel bad about seeing what happened outside her gym?
your phone buzzed in the mist of your thoughts on your and you read a text from dina telling you they’re leaving for the gym around 7 and if you wanted a ride. before responding you pulled up the weather app on your phone and decided you could walk there, its a warm summer day out again and by the time the sun fell, it would be cool enough to walk and it was only about 15 minutes from your house, that and leaving open the possibility that she would want to drive you home again.
you texted her back saying that you would just meet them there. you looked at the time seeing its about eleven thirty so you still have a while until you have to leave. you decided you were gonna be productive today. you did laundry and washed your sheets, did the dishes, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom and made a sandwich for lunch even thought by now it was 4 o clock. as you were walking around your apartment, you made a mental note to try and find some nice thrift stores around to help you decorate your place. you made your way to your bathroom to shower for tonight.
you love taking long showers, its your guilty pleasure. thanking god that your landlord pays your water bill as you dried off from the shower, put on your strawberry lotion, a big black t-shirt and fuzzy socks to hang around in while you did your hair and minimal makeup. you couldn’t stop thinking about seeing her tonight. new girl was playing on the tv in your room as you finished the final touches on your face. doing light everything since its hot but still wanting to look nice for the occasion: finally seeing her again.
four episodes later and its 6 o clock so you change into a pair of black levi shorts and a green top. your hair and makeup still looked good from earlier so nothing to touch up but you still triple checked yourself. you wish you could have smoked today to help beat the nerves but you wouldn’t have anything until tonight, smiling to yourself thinking of you and her on the phone both laughing when you asked if she was bribing you. you slipped on your converse, grabbed your bag, and locked the front door behind you and started making your way to ellie’s gym.
you got there around seven and you didn’t see jesses car yet but you did see hers. ellie’s beat up 2000 green honda cry sat in a spot towards the back of the parking lot. memories of you leaning on her window practically admitting you liked when she called you sweetheart and the peaceful feeling of comfortable silence you both held.
you heard someone call your name in the distance to turn and see dina getting out of the car, you were so concentrated on ellies car you didn’t even see them pull in. you made your way over and greeted them with a hug as dina wrapped your arm in hers and dragged you in with her, jesse following behind. you tried to calm your nerves but it just wasn’t working. not nervous about being here, even after what happened outside with the man last time, but of seeing her again. you’ve only spoken to her a handful of times but you thought of her more times than you can count.
as soon as you made it closer towards the front door, it was loud, like the first time you were here. loud people, loud lights, loud everything but now knowing it was ellie’s changed it. jesse held the door as dina went in first and you both followed. florescent lights beamed from above you, shining on the sweaty bodies in the gym. it was just like it was the first time you came. your nerves followed you everywhere, but it was worth seeing her again.
you went in and dina guided you guys to the same table you had last time. you wonder if they sit here every time. you looked around for ellie but you didn’t see her anywhere. you saw her car so she has to be here.
dina and jesse got up to go get drinks from the makeshift bar while you sat and waited for them to bring back your drink. you looked over to them waiting their turn when you heard something behind you.
“hey sweetheart,” she whispered close to your ear, and before you could respond she pulled out the the seat next to you and sat down.
“hey ellie,” you said almost startled. she was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a black t shirt and all her tattoos were showing this time. it was almost mind blowing seeing her and you couldn’t even explain what it did to you. you don’t understand why a girl you barely know has this effect on you.
“i told you to call me el,” she said and laughed kindly towards you, “i have the stuff for you” she finished.
“oh thank you, i’d hope so considering that’s the reason i came,” you joked.
“wait you mean you didn’t come to see me?” she said sounding fake hurt.
“that was just a plus,” you flirted. dina and jesse came back to the table with the drinks before she responded to you and they both greeted ellie as they sat.
“hey els we didn’t see you before we ordered the drinks, i can go get one for ya?” jesse asked her.
“nah i’ll wait til the next round, thanks though” she told him. she smiled at you and the conversation started between all four of you, before you knew it an hour and a half passed, you had more three more rounds and just enjoyed your friday night. the match started and you find it so convenient that you can still see the ring from where the table is so theres no need to get up and watch considering its not ellie up there.
you watched for a bit until it was coming to the end, cheering erupted and ellie told dina and jesse that she was going out for a smoke, before she got up, she leaned over to you and whispered “you coming sweetheart?” softly in your ear, her face inches away from yours, then she moved back and smiled. she held out her hand and you held it as she pulled you up with her as you blushed so hard, you swear you turned into a tomato.
your eyes stayed on her hand holding yours and the beautiful moth tattoo covering her arm, not believing that she’s actually touching you again. you followed behind her as she moved with you through the gym towards the door, as you walked out still hand in hand you saw the side of the building, it was the same place she defended you the first time you met her.
she lead you over to a bench that you never even realized was there. your hands broke as you both sat, she went pull out her cigarette pack and the lighter from her back pocket when she noticed you were staring at her still. she smirked as she opened the pack, and surprisingly pulled out a joint. she put it in her mouth and brought the lighter up to it before telling you “its not polite to stare sweetheart.”
you blushed and looked away as soon as she said it. she laughed and she passed the joint to you, you told her you just couldn’t help it. and you really couldn’t, she’s breathtaking. the way her freckles danced across her whole face, her eyes had a small tint of brown circling her iris, the scar on her right eyebrow, the way her lips just sat perfectly on her face. you so badly want to reach out and touch them again.
you hit it a couple times, you are sure your cheeks haven’t been back to normal since you saw her and you wonder if she’s noticed. you passed her back the joint and she staring at you taking in every detail of you too as she brought it to her mouth and took a hit. blowing out the smoke she smirked, and said “i can’t either sweetheart.”
she leaned back against the bench, legs spread a little as she handed you the joint and asked, “so what brought you here besides jesse?” she acquired. you told her about living in brooklyn, above the cafe you worked and how your time spent there wasn’t totally great but the real reason was running from a shitty past, you weren’t ready to tell her specifics but you told her that’s why you left, you had to get away from what happened there but it was more like who. she told you she understood and then she told you “well i’m glad you’ve made your way here sweetheart.”
you don’t know if it was the alcohol or weed but you sat outside on the bench for another 20 minutes, smoking and laughing as you talked about so much: you talked about the tv shows you’re both watching, the albums you had on repeat, the guilty pleasures you both had and what you both did in your free time. you spoke to one another like you’ve known each other for years. it just feels so good to talk to someone like this again.
she learned that your parents live in portland, so moving coasts was a big deal but you felt like you were on auto-pilot growing up and you knew you had to get out when you could, she learned that you dropped out of college two years and haven’t made any plans to go back but you would like to. you told her a couple funny stories about you and jesse growing up and she laughed at them all.
you found out that she plays guitar and that she spends time drawing and journaling. you learn that ellie was adopted when she was 14, she grew up in boston, and she has an older sister named sarah but that she doesn’t come around much anymore since she gotten married. she told you that her dad passed away from a heart attack about a year ago and since then, her and her uncle tommy.
“im sorry to hear about your dad els” you sympathized.
“its okay sweetheart, just fucking sucks sometimes.” she responded softly as she put the joint out next to her and slipped it back in her cigarette pack. instead this time she pulled out a cigarette and lit that this time. she slid it in her pocket before she stood up off the bench, offering you her hand again and said you should probably head back inside.
you grabbed her warm hand and stood up to follow her, you started the walk towards the side door but before she opened it, she turned around to you and faced you.
“hey sweetheart?” she asked.
“yes els?” you waited for her to continue, her hand still covering yours.
“im glad you came sweetheart, this was nice, i mean as nice as it gets sitting on the side of this place,” she laughed softly, you felt like she was closer than ever but maybe because you just wanted her to be, “you know, id love to do this again.. and maybe play you something on my guitar.. if you want.” she said almost nervously, feeling the urge to look away from you.
“i would love that els.” you said, looking up from staring at your hands together to smiling in her face. you cant believe she asked you, part of you prayed she would, you knew there was a connection here. she realized it too. your eye contact never faded as you stood here.
“great, im looking forward to it more than you know,” she told you sweetly. she let go out hand and you felt slight disappoint in your heart as you assumed she was going to turn around and open the door and this moment would be over. instead, she brought her hand up to your face and let it rest on your cheek as she brushed her thumb over it. the touch of her warm hand sent sparks through your body this time and you couldn’t be bothered moving as she grew closer to you.
“you have no idea how much i wanna kiss you right now.” she whispered, from only what felt like two inches away from your lips. fuck, you thought silently. she was so close to you, you could feel her breathe as she spoke.
“please do it.” you practically whined, you couldn’t take this anymore. all you wanted to do was feel her lips on yours. after you spoke, you felt her thumb move from your cheek to brushing your lips softly. the drinks you had definitely brought out your confident and the want you had for her.
“oh sweetheart,” she purred towards you, “how badly i want to but it has to be more special than this.” she said moving her thumb back to your red cheek.
“just as long as it happens el,” you responded, breathing heavier as your nerves grew in anticipation.
she nodded as she slowly moved her hand off your face and brought it down to your hip and gave it a squeeze, still smiling at you as she reached to open the door and let you through in front of her.
you walk back into the gym and went to find jesse and dina. you saw jesse at the bar and ellie went over to him, telling you she was getting more drinks. you went over to dina at the table and took a seat next to her. you asked her how the match went and she told you same as always and nothing crazy this time.
“you guys were out there for a while, whats up with that?” dina asked while smirking and wiggling her eyebrows at you.
“dina…” you laughed, “we just smoked and talked for a bit.” you replied to her.
“sureeee that’s all, we see the way you look at her!”, she squealed, “and the way she looks at you, it just seems pretty obvious.”
you laughed and told her that nothing happened yet but you did admit to her that you wanted it to.
“stop we knew it!” she laughed loudly and hit the table in excitement. you pulled your hands to your face that was full of embarrassment.
“what do you mean you knew it, was it obvious?” you gasped. your eyes darting towards ellie at the makeshift bar.
“to me and jesse yes.” she told you still smiling over the fact that her two friends maybe starting something new soon.
as you went to reply, the drinks were on the table, jesse and ellie were back already at the table pulling their chairs. the conversation between you and dina came to a halt as you all started talking. you all sat, conversing and finished your last round by the time it hit around 11 pm. you were getting tired and you were definitely drunk after all the rounds of drinks everyone bought. the matches ended an hour ago and you guys were the last few people left besides the lady behind the bar and a couple stragglers paying their tab and chatting.
“hey i think me and d are gonna head out,” he said looking over to dina, who was definitely feeling all the drinks she had, he laughed and said, “this one needs to make it home into bed. can you make it home okay? i can take you now if you need” he asked talking to you.
“no i’m gonna take her home.” ellie cut in before you could respond. you looked at her and smiled as jesse told you to text when you both got home safe. he helped dina up and they made their way to the door. your eyes followed til they left and then you turned to ellie, who was already staring at you.
“that okay sweetheart? that i take you home again?” she asked smirking towards you.
“yeah els, that’s okay.” you blushed as she stood up and put her hand out for the third time tonight. you connected your hands again. touching her had your skin was burning up. you followed her into a back office. paperwork, receipts, and random things littered the room. as you looked around and saw a decent couch, a safe in the corner and a coffee area on a little table and a large desk with folders and boxes of things you didn’t know.
you watched as ellie disconnected your hands to go over to pick up her backpack from the side of the couch and then she grabbed a jacket she had hanging over the deck of the chair to the desk, she slid it over her shoulders then grabbed a piece of paper, writing something non legible from where you were standing. she smiled when she turned towards you and held her arm out motioning to the door for you guys to exit.
the stragglers were gone and the bartender bid ellie goodnight as she walked out the front door. you walked the distance of the gym and made it to the door with ellie, she leaned over and turned the lights off and then held the door opened for you.
you told her thank you and she nodded towards you, “i think we should walk, it’s not far from your apartment.” she spoke looking towards you for confirmation as she turned and locked up the gym for the night.
“that’s okay but how are you going to get home without your car?” you asked. you didn’t want her walking home alone either, you knew she could handle herself but still, the thought made you worry.
“i’m only 5 minutes away from you actually so its not far, ill be back for my car tomorrow.” she told you. you nodded and both of you continued to walk the sidewalk in a comfortable silence next to each other. you glanced up at the sky, noticing the stars and the way the moon beamed over the city. it was so much cooler now than it was earlier and you moved to brush over the goosebumps that covered your arms. ellie noticed your movement and took off her jacket. you turned when you noticed what she was going and told her, “no its okay we’ll be there soon i don’t need it.”
“sorry sweetheart, got to make sure you stay warm.” she smirked as she put it over your shoulders and watched as you put your arms in. you smiled to her as you readjusted it and continued the walk to your place. the smell of her engulfed you and you’ve never felt so comfortable.
“its so beautiful.” you whispered, “and quiet, new york was never like this. they don’t lie when they say the city never sleeps ya know?” you finished.
the city you moved to that you wish you could escape from. the shitty and abusive relationship you wish you could leave behind. the things you tried the most to forget. you never spoke about it, you just ran. the city you wished had better memories connected with it. but now all you want is to create new memories.
when you moved across the country, you told yourself that you’re not getting into anything here because you know you need to heal from the those years of abuse and insecurity so the last thing you expected was to meet ellie and end up feeling this way about her. you don’t want this to happen and you ruin it because you aren’t okay but with her, you feel like you could be okay one day.
“i could only imagine, boston was a busy place too but not the same, it always is quiet here.” she chuckled softly.
“i love it, things finally seem calm now.” you smiled as you looked her. she took in the sight of you in her jacket and she loved it. she can only imagine seeing you wear her t shirts… or nothing at all. she shook the thoughts from her head but she just couldn’t help it. you were the most beautiful girl she’d ever seen. you were breathtaking. she couldn’t believe she’d met someone like you in this shitty small town.
the town where her dad and her moved, and the memories of them together haunted her. now that he was gone, she knew a piece of her was missing. things were incomplete without him. he was all she thought about, the guilt of what happened and how she couldn’t do anything to stop it.
the only time ellie wasn’t thinking about joel was when she was thinking about you, she was grateful that she met you. she didn’t know what this was going to turn into but she hoped it would be something. she sees the effects she has on you and she wishes she really knew how to communicate with you that she feels the same way about you.
you continued the walk in a comfortable silence, both of you wrapped in your thoughts of each another and eventually made it to the front of your building. you turned to face her with a smile,“here i am,” you spoke softly to her, not wanting the night to come to an end.
“here you are, thank you for letting me take you home sweetheart, call it peace of mind,” she admitted.
“thank you for walking me els… do you want to come up?” you said without a thought. you didn’t know if this is was the alcohol talking but you know you didn’t regret it when you said it and you wish that’s what you could blame it on but you knew you wanted this even sober.
“if you want me to sweetheart” she smirked as she responded.
you stepped closer to her as you looked at her, only a couple inches away from her face, watching her eyes move from your eyes to your lips. you knew you both could feel the tension.
“please just say yes.” you sighed wishing you could feel her lips on yours already.
“okay sweetheart, lets go.” she pulled away but connected your hands and it took you a second to recognize that she agreed. you turned around, suddenly nervous about the fact that she’s going to see where you spend your days. you opened the door to the lobby, and ellie held the door as you both walked in. she followed you up the stairs by the front, and you made your way to the front door as you held ellie’s hand in one and used the other to pull your keys from your bag.
you unlocked the door and you brought ellie in with you before the door was shut and you were locking it. you took off her jacket and put it on your coat rack and turned to look at her.
“okay it’s kind of a mess so i’m sorry but-“ you started before she cut you off.
“sweetheart, your place is practically spotless, you should see mine.” ellie laughed.
you laughed as you pulled ellie over to the green couch that took up a lot of your living room but it was a dream purchase and you loved it. you told ellie to take a seat as you walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some water for you both. as you were walking back towards her, she was digging around in her backpack. as you placed the waters down and took a seat, she pulled out weed in a jar and handed it to you.
“here this is yours.” she said.
“oh thank you! i totally forgot, do you want to smoke now- fuck i don’t think i have anything to roll with.” you told her as you went to open the windows in your living room.
instead of saying anything, she reached back into her backpack and pulled out a jar of already rolled joints.
“i came prepared.” she laughed, “and you won’t owe me anything for that.” she said, motioning to the stuff she gave you as her hands were cracking open the jar of pre-rolls.
“ellie- no i’ll give you the cash,” but she shook her head no and brought the lighter to the joint between her lips.
“no, it’s on me, don’t worry about it.” she responded as she took a hit.
“do you give other people weed for free?” you asked, looking at her as she was smoking while sitting next to you on the couch. you wish you could stay like this forever.
“only pretty girls that i like…” she said sweetly as you held eye contact as she handed you the joint.
“oh so you think i’m pretty?” you teased her as you took a hit.
“sweetheart, i think you’re the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen.” she told you. you instantly blush and look away from her, trying not to choke on the smoke you held in your lungs.
“thank you els, i think you’re beautiful.” you said to her. when you looked up, you saw her cheeks tint lightly as she grabbed the joint you held out to her.
“thanks sweetheart.” she said as she put the joint down on a cup at the table you’d been using as an ashtray and she brought her hand up and held your cheek like she did earlier. you couldn’t help yourself as you nuzzled your face into her warm hand. your eye contact only made the tension in the room worse.
“you really are beautiful… sweetheart, can i?” she asked as she looked down at your lips. you nodded and as she came closer, your lips just barely brushing, as she asked, “i need to hear you pretty girl.”
“yes please els- please just kiss me already.” you begged.
her lips were on yours before you could even realized this was actually happening. your lips moved slow together at first but you couldn’t help yourself from deepening the kiss as ellie brought her other hand up and tangled it in your hair as you moaned, her tongue slipped into your mouth, both of you tasting the weed and alcohol you consumed.
one of your hand rested against her chest and the other gripping her arm as you melted into the kiss. both ellie’s hands were in your hair now as your tongues continued to fight for dominance but you let her win and moaned again and she swallowed it as she kissed you.
ellie pulled your leg over her lap so you straddled her, never breaking your lips apart. your lips continued to move in sync as you grinded against her. her hands on your hips moving with you. your lips stay connected until you broke the kiss to come up for air and rested your forehead on hers.
“you okay sweetheart?” ellie panted as she caught her breath too.
“yes els just need a second.” you said as your eyes stayed shut while you tried to control your breathing. you couldn’t believe that you guys finally kissed. the tension was killing you both and now it’s finally happened.
“hey it’s okay, take your time sweetheart.” ellie said as she rubbed a hand along your thigh at a comfortable pace, brushing the cloth from your shorts as she moved it. she brought the other one up to your cheek and lifted your head to look at you. you looked tired and ellie didn’t want to take full advantage of you after you guys had been drinking and smoking all night.
“hey sweetheart, lets get you to bed, we’ll finish this another time i promise.” she said sweetly as you mumbled an “okay els thank you,” and moved off her lap to sit back on the couch. ellie stood up and offered her hand. you stood up and walked both of you to your bedroom.
you moved to sit on the edge of your king sized bed and ellie stood in front of you still holding your hand as you asked her if she wanted to stay the night because it was late and you didn’t want her walking home.
“sure sweetheart i’ll sleep on the couch, and only for your peace of mind.” she chuckled, thinking back to the conversation earlier.
“els we can share the bed, it’s okay, i’ll keep my hands to myself.” you joked and she laughed.
“i don’t think i’d be complaining if you couldn’t but i’m okay on the couch.” ellie insisted.
“els please just lay with me.” you said looking up at her as she moved her hand to rest on your cheek again.
“okay sweetheart.” she finally agreed.
you smiled up at her and you took ellie’s hand from your face and guided her into the bathroom connected to your room. she watched as you bent down and opened the sink cabinet and grabbed a toothbrush. you turned around and handed it to her with a smile. you guys brushed your teeth and then went back into your bedroom.
ellie stood here as you moved across the room to your dresser, and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts from your drawer and handed them over to ellie. she told you thank you and you smiled at her. ellie walked into the bathroom to change and you walked back to the dresser. you stripped yourself of your shirt and bra before throwing on a different oversized tee and changing your underwear. you didn’t even realize you were soaked after what happened on the couch.
ellie watched you as she leaned against the bathroom door frame as you untangled the sides of your underwear after you pulled them up.
“you’re perfect”, she thought in head before speaking out loud. “thanks sweetheart.” you turned around when ellie spoke, sending her a smile before you moved to your side of the bed, you grabbed the duvet and moved it so you both were able to get in your bed.
you and ellie laid facing each other in a comfortable silence as you were both growing incredibly tired. you felt your eyes starting to get heavy and felt ellie’s hand brush your hair back from your face so you kept your eyes open to look at her.
“el?” you whispered.
“yes sweetheart?” she spoke quietly back to you.
“i really like you… i don’t know if this is too early but it just feels right.”
“i feel it too sweetheart, i like you too so don’t worry,” ellie said softly, hand still holding your face, “now get some sleep, we’ll talk more in the morning pretty girl.”
“goodnight els.” you whispered.
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vcikera · 5 months
megumi fushiguro x black f!reader
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(i was actually the bed in the second pic btw! 😊)
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contains: smut (so expect anything) and if you see any grammar errors you didn’t.
being rivals with megumi is like a rock in your shoe that you can’t get out. it’s like hes everywhere no matter how hard you try to get rid of him, he just seems to come back every time, again and again.
you’ve been rivals and hated each other for so long now you can’t even remember how it started but you just hate his guts and he hates yours too. his stupid hair and stupid face and those stupid eyes of his you definitely don’t lost in from time to time.
no. you hate him
today the universe just seems to love messing with you and making your day worse. you had been assigned to get rid of this curse at a local hotel and it’s been scaring the residents away so the business has been losing customers. gojo and nanami said they partnered you up with someone so you both could work together and get rid of the curse but they won’t tell you who.
“quit bothering me y/n”, gojo said annoyed as you asked him who you were partnered with for the thousandth time today. “no, just tell me who and i’ll leave you alone”, you said to him, trying to get information outta him.
“i said no already, if you don’t leave me alone i’ll leave you on the side of the road”, gojo annoyingly said to you, getting frustrated with you.
you groan as you sat back in your seat. gojo was driving you to the hotel and you had to stay there for a week so you can be able to learn more about the curse and how to defeat it without getting hurt or causing any damage to the hotel or anyone else that’s left in that haunted place.
“we’re almost there”, you heard gojo say but you side eyed him in the rear view mirror and looked out the window. “y/n you must wanna sleep on the streets with the hobos tonight”
“you already look like a hobo with that lil dumbass blindfold, looking like you stared in birdbox”, you mumbled under your breath. “you wanna say that louder again for the people up front?”, gojo said as the car came to a stop, finally stopping at the hotel.
“both of you need to shut the hell up”, nanami said from the passenger seat. you screamed because he jumped scared you, you honestly forgot he was also in the car. “nanami please don’t do that again, almost scared the black off me”, you put your fingers to your neck to check your pulse to see if you’re still alive.
“i’ve been here the whole time how did you not know”, nanami sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “i didn’t know okay, just forget that just happened”, you looked away.
gojo and nanami both stepped out the car so you did too, grabbing your bag that you brought with you that includes everything you’ll need for the next few days. “i swear if i get killed im hunting both yall asses”, you said to nanami and gojo as closed the car door. “even as a ghost imma still beat your ass”, gojo replied back to you. you scoff and side eyed him.
jack frost looking ass
you were unpacking your things a few minutes later after gojo and nanami checked you into the hotel and gave your room keys. of course you were thinking about who your roommate would be, hoping it was either nobara or itadori but mostly nobara cause you didn’t wanna have to share a bed with itadori since gojo decided to be dick and only get one room and one bed for you and your partner.
after unpacking your things you were standing there staring at the bed thinking about how you were gonna share it with your partner when you heard a voice behind you groan, “you gotta be fucking kidding”. turning around to see megumi.
“oh hell no, no no no no”, you said to him as you gave him a stank look. you were gonna kill gojo.
“gojo must wanna die”, megumi said as he mumbled under his breath. something you both finally agree on for once, what a surprise. “why out of all people does it have to be you”, megumi groaned as he dropped his bag on little couch in the corner of the room.
“nigga don’t act like i want this too”, you replied back to him, already ready to kill this curse and leave. “i would prefer anyone with you”, he said again. “yeah i think i get your point”, you side eyed him.
he sighs as he plops on the bed, man spreading as he laid down all spread out. you stood there with your arms crossed looking down at him.
not gonna lie right now he kinda- no
“you realize there’s only one bed right and not even a couch big enough for someone else to sleep on?”, you asked him but was it even a question if it was obvious. “yeah i know, you’re gonna sleep on the floor right?”, he faked smiled at you as he opened his eyes to look at you. the way he looked at you just now gave you a weird feeling in your stomach you’ve never felt around him before. you must be hungry fr.
“you’re funny, that’s real hilarious, look at my laughing face”, you said as you pointed to your face, giving him a straight face. he got up and stood in front of you as he sized you up. he looks down at you, “relax y/l/n, i might not like you but i’m a gentleman enough to not let you sleep on the floor”
why was that kinda-
“so you gonna let me sleep on the bed?”, you asked almost not believing because what if you wake up the next morning on the floor. still looking up at him, he answered back, “yes, we can just a pillow between us or whatever”.
hmm, so megumi actually wants to be within 6 feet near you, how weird even for you. it was odd but you weren’t complaining, you weren’t gonna sleep on no hotel floor. “suspicious but i’ll trust you it for now”, you walked away as you went into the bathroom to change into something that was considered pjs right now.
after changing into your pjs, you walk out the bathroom to finally go sleep now since it was almost midnight, megumi was on his side of the bed with a pillow in the middle and he was shirtless and in nothing but some grey sweatpants. you’re not gonna lie, he was definitely looking like a 12 pound seafood boil, spicy.
“are you not cold?”, you asked him as you laid down on your side of the bed and put the covers over you. “nah i’m kinda hot rn”
you definitely are hot
“suit yourself i guess”, you said as you took out your phone and went on it. “i will y/l/n”, megumi said. you rolled your eyes, why does he always feel the need to be cocky. “yo y/n”, megumi called out your name. “what”, you responded to him and looked up from your phone to see what he had to say now.
“make sure not to cuddle up to me when i’m sleeping cause i know you got a little crush on me or whatever”, he smirked at you teasingly as he had his back against the bed frame while crossing his arms with one leg up.
you scoff at his comment. “why’re you so full of yourself, if it’s anyone that has a crush it’s you cause i mean who wouldn’t like me”, you shrugged and looked at him. “that’s actually kinda funny that you think that i would like you”, he said. “i’m just saying”, you shrugged again.
“wanna bet then?”, megumi said. “bet on what”, you turned your phone off and put it on the nightstand, getting intrigued in what megumi was getting at. “who ever touches the other person first likes that person”, he said as i smiled at you. “is that just some lame bet so you can touch me?”, you laughed at him slightly.
“please, if i wanted to touch you i would’ve ever since”, megumi said truthfully. “save your love confession for another time fushiguro”, you laughed at him again. “but i’m in”
“how about a staring contest to make it ‘harder’, megumi said. you nodded as you removed the pillow from in the middle and sat next to him but not too close. “alright, 3 2 1, go”, he counted down as you both began staring at each other. both of you looking into each other’s eyes and being so close, what could possibly happen
both of you have been looking into each others eyes for about a minute now, it’s like every second you get closer and closer to each other, at this point you can feel his breath on your face and even your lips.
you got an idea to distract him so you’ll win so you began to move your hand closer to his leg, your fingers moving slowly up his thighs. “what’re trying to do y/l/n”, megumi said lowly as he looked at your lips and back up to your eyes quickly. “what do you mean?”, you said, acting clueless to him.
as your fingers move higher and higher up you can feel his muscles in his thighs tense up, you notice his adam’s apple move up and down as he swallows. you feel his hand on your other hand as he squeezes it gently. finally reaching up, you slowly trace your fingers up to his crotch as you as you feel something hard. that’s when he squeezes your hand tighter.
that’s it you’ve found his weakness, you’re definitely gonna win now. you move your hand up and down as you rub his dick through this sweats, his hand still squeezing yours tightly. you can notice him struggling as you hear him breathe out. you move your hand up to the waistband of his sweatpants. you knew you were playing with fire but you didn’t care, this was bond to happen some day.
you got the courage to reach into his pants but that was it, megumi blinked and looked away as he puts his head down and sighed. the room had been quiet the whole time, while you were teasing him and the two of you staring at each other.
since you won, normally you would rub it in his face and laugh at him but tonight for some reason you felt confident so you took your hand out his sweatpants and straddled him. megumi knew exactly what you were thinking as he began to kiss your cheek and then your other cheek as he kisses his way down your face. from your jaw to your neck as he attacked your neck with kisses and left hickeys and marks all over.
you moan a little as you feel his hands began to roam all over your body as he put his hands under your shirt and grabbed your waist. moving your waist aso you can grind on his clothed dick as he continued to kiss all over you as you had your hands in his hair, gripping it. he took your shirt off as he reached behind to unclasp your bra.
he instantly began sucking on your titties as his fingers played and pinched the other one, then he switched, giving both your breast the same amount of attention. after he was finished leaving hickeys and marks all over your breast too he looked up at you, “can i kiss you?” you didn’t have to answer as you kissed him instead.
you moan into the kiss as his hands find your waist again, using you and moving you to grind against him again as he kissed you hungrily. you slip your tongue into his mouth and he deepens the kiss as he explores your mouth as tiny fireworks go off in your stomach right.
you were becoming wet more and more, you needed him. “i need you megumi”, you said through the kisses. “i know y/n, i know” he replied back. he turned you over so you’re laying on your back on the bed as he’s on top of you. he kisses your forehead then both your cheeks and then your lips as he kisses his way down your body until he reaches between your legs.
he looks up at you as he takes your shorts off a long with your panties but you look away, not wanting him to see your face. “look at me, just keep your eyes on me”, he said after taking your shorts and panties off. he slowly kisses your thighs and also leaves marks on them too. when you gets to your pussy he waste no time.
he licks a long strip up your heat and blows on it after. you moan because that blow caught you off guard, he begins sucking on your clit as you sat up and grab his hair as you balanced yourself on your other arm. you moan again but a little louder this time as you feel megumi insert a finger inside you and then a second one as moves them in and out of you slowly.
“f-fuck megumi”, you moan his name as that gives him more motivation to speed up his pace. his fingers moving in and out of you fast as he sucks in your clit. he hums to himself, your pussy being the best thing he’s tasted in a long time.
you feel yourself reaching your climax as you began to moan more and grip his hair tighter. megumi knowing you’re about to come take his fingers out of your cunt and replaces it with his tongue as he tongue fucks you. few seconds later you cum all over his tongue as you moan his name and he groans as your thighs tighten around his head and squeezes.
he licks up all your juices while looking at you as he grins. “sorry for almost smothering you with my thighs”, you said guilty to him. “i’m not complaining, i love my thick thigh girl”
did he just his ‘his girl’
“lay down on your stomach for me and put your ass up”
you do as he says as you hear him take his sweatpants and boxers off. a few seconds later you feel the tip of megumi’s dicks near your entrance. “tell me you want this y/n”, megumi said. “i want it”
“say it again”
“i want it-“, your sentence was cut short as you feel megumi ram into you, his dick hitting your g-spot immediately. you and megumi both moaned at the same time but you cover your mouth with your hands as you put your face into the pillows. megumi grabs from the front of your neck and brings you up, “let them hear you, i don’t care how loud you are, let them hear how good i’m making you feel y/n”, he says into your ear as he kisses lips.
something about the way he says your name while he’s inside you, struggling not to whimper or come instantly. he puts back down on the bed as he grabs your ass to reposition you again.
he starts to move in and out of you slowly as his grip on your ass tightens with each slow stroke he’s giving you, preparing you and making sure you can take it when he starts going faster and harder. “m-megumi?”, you whimper his name out. “yes y/n?”
“can you go f-faster?”
“you’re gonna have to speak up louder than that”, he said. he totally knows what you said, he’s just trying to see you suffer to speak while his thick and long ass dick is inside you. “go faster please”, you said a little louder this time. “since you said please, i will”
he begins to start going fast and with each stroke he goes faster and faster and deeper. at this point your moans and whimpers mixed with his groans and the clapping noises are bouncing off the walls as he’s giving you backshots.
“fuck y/n, who knew you could take me so well”, he said as he grips your hips tighter, not stopping once to let you rest. you moan at his words, your thighs getting a little sore.
“gonna come”, you moan. “good, i want you to come on my pretty dick for me alright?”. you nodded and hummed a mhm. “i said use your words y/n”
“y-yes megumi, i wanna come on your dick~”, you said as he hits your g-spot over and over. he’s trying to put you in a wheelchair.
“i’m close too”, megumi said. a few minutes later his strokes starts to become sloppier, you came on his dick as you whimper his name and a few seconds later he comes inside you as he whimpers under his breath. still moving in and out of you slowly to let you ride out your high as he slows down after a few seconds.
he pulls out and you feel his tongue inside you as he licks up all your juices mixed with his, not caring. after cleaning you up he turns your around and kisses you deeply as you taste both your juices on his lips.
he falls on top of you as you wrap your legs around him and play with his hair as he lays his head on your chest while playfully fondling with your breasts.
“i won by the way, you touched me first so you like me”, he said into your chest. you laugh as you bring his head up to look at you, “i still won the staring contest tho”.
“at what cost tho”, he replied back. “shut up”, you rolled your eyes as he says “make me”. you kissed him and he kisses you back as the kiss begins to turn into a make out session.
“round two?”, megumi says as you laugh at him
on the 3rd day you and megumi defeated the curse so you were both able to go home. gojo and nanami came to pick you both up and gojo saw you limping slightly as you walked over to the car. “what got you limping like that?” he asked. “the curse”, you lied as you got into the car but he saw the faint marks and hickeys on your neck as him and megumi both grinned at each other and dabbed each other up.
thank you guys for reading! it was my first story on here so i hope you liked it and hope it wasn’t too long 😭
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jackmanbj · 8 months
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summary: jack always takes you to your appointments but someone try’s to get your number and jack comes in and things get a little violent.
you and jack were on your way back from the grocery store, you needed to restock on meat, fruit, vegetables, snacks.
“jack my appointment is for 4:30 can you bring me?” “yea baby, hair or nail?” “nail first” “alright.”
jack brought all the groceries in while you went to go get ready for your appointment.
“jackman come here!” “coming!” jack was confused you never called him by his first name unless he did something bad or during bed.
jack walked into the room with a juice in his hand “jack wheres my blush? and didn’t i tell you not to open the juice? it was for the party” “sorry baby! here the blush is right here though.”
jack went over to your dresser and grabbed the blush handing it to you.
you quickly gave him a kiss then continued with your makeup. “are we going yo dinner tonight babe?” “do you want to?” “yes!” “ok ma, what time? and where?” “uhmm lets go to outback at 8:30?” “ok mamas.”
jack went to the kitchen to finish putting up the groceries.
after about 30 minutes you were done with your makeup and ready to go get dresses and ready for your appointments.
“jack where are we going halloween shoppingg?” “not anytime soon” “what do you mean?! everything’s gonna sell out!” “mamas i have to go places and your not getting my card while your in the store alone” “fine, take me to my damn appointment!” “alright damn.”
once you and jack got to the appointment you ran in to hug your nail tech and jack drove off.
after 2 hours you were finally done with your nails and jack pulled up to come pay before ya’ll left.
“my hair appointment j!” “oh where is it?” “70053 grenta” “alright lets go.”
once you and jack got to the appointment jack paid ahead of time and you went in to go get your hair in a barbie ponytail.
after a hour you were done with your hair and started going back to the car before somebody came stop you.
“hey ma, you look good can i get your number” “im married” “now why you lying? you to young to be married” you flashed your ring in his face “aww to bad” “come on mamas.. it could be between us.”
you stared walking off until the man grabbed you pulling you back “listen here, your giving me your number bitch.”
some of the girls in the shop realized what was happening and quickly went over to help you.
they quickly pulled the guy off of you while you ran to the back of the store to call jack and let him know he needed to come in.
once you called jack and told him what was going on he quickly seen about 12 girls arguing with one man, jack asked you if this was the dude who was harassing you and you nodded. without a second thought jack punched the man and they got into a bad fight.
jack was on top of him hitting him as hard as possible while the other dude was on the floor trying to hit jack in his face.
“oh my god! jack please stop” you started pulling jack up by his arm and jack eventually got up but not before spitting on the man.
“baby! you didn’t have to do all that!” i don’t care” “come on, lets go home. you already paid right?” “yes lets go” “ok baby”
when you got home you dictated to cancel dinner so you and jack could just relax. you and jack got in the shower, you got out before him while to get all the stuff ready to take care of his wounds.
jack came out in some boxers and sat down while you put some bandages on his hand and one on his neck where he had gotten scratched at.
you kissed jack then patted him letting him know he could get up.
you put all your medical stuff away and put the trash in the trash can before heading into your shared bedroom with jack.
jack was strolling on his phone before you took it out of his hand holding it up “don’t do that anymore jack, i just needed you to come out the store with me so he wouldn’t follow me!” “i don’t care, he should’ve never been touching my girl” jack reached up and took his phone out your hand. “jack please you could’ve gotten arrested” “if its for my girl i don’t care” “stop saying you don’t care, even if you don’t start acting like you do” “ok ma i care so much, i love you, i love you, i love youuu! now come lay down” “fine, i guess i like you to” “girl” “im kidding! i love you baby boy!”
jack pulled you in for a kiss and he got on top of you laying on your chest listening to your slow heartbeat helping him fall asleep.
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hannahlovesluca · 6 months
i was wondering if request were open if it is i would like to request for luxiem angst to fluff (separately) where the reader overworks themselves to the point where their mental & physical health r really bad then like luxiem steps in and like try to like stop u which leads to an argument then uh fluff u can add plot twists if u like !! ( im sorry if u dont understand 😭)
Only if ur request r open!! If not feel free to ignore!! - 🍡
hi 🍡!! nice to see you back here!!
| warnings: shu’s is a bit suggestive
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As soon as Vox had come home, he saw you still working on that goddamn outfit.
See, you were Luca’s mama. You designed all his outfits, his hair, everything.
Right now, you were working on making him the scariest mafia boss this godforsaken world has seen.
But if you spend even a second longer working on that stupid outfit, he was going to rip you to pieces.
You deserve more than just sitting at your desk, sketching, sewing, and even knitting now and then.
And he was going to see it through that you did get more than that!
“Y/N, hey, lets go to bed, yeah? It’s midnight already, love,” he smiles at you with that charm, the one you can’t say no to.
However, tonight was different.
Tonight was dedicated to work.
“Love, come on… please?” Milord was practically begging by now.
And who were you to say no to this handsome devil?
When you (reluctantly) agreed, he scooped you up in his arms and practically threw you on the bed before laying his head on top of your stomach, finally basking in the peace surrounding you two.
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Mysta frowned.
You’d been streaming over half of the day…
What has it been now..?
He checks the time on his phone.
Eleven hours.
Eleven hours you have spent staring into a screen and simply daring to dream.
Eleven hours you have spent narrating god knows what and making stupid commentary.
Well Mysta wasn’t having it!
Not only was it bad for you, it was bad for him to go this long without kisses.
Mysta texts you to come to the living room, saying he had something important to say and it couldn’t wait until after stream.
After a few minutes explaining to chat that ‘your food had arrived’ you made your way out into the living room.
“Yes, Mysta?”
“End stream.”
“Huh- what? Mysta, no. I have to keep going, they’re expecting me to.” You deject with a small smile, insisting that you had to keep going.
“Y/N, they don’t expect anything from you. You’re their entertainment, not their friend. And frankly, you’re my ____friend and I think I rank higher, hm?”
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Ike couldn’t say much.
He was just as bad as you when it comes to this, but his own tendencies be damned.
He was going to make you take better care of yourself.
It wasn’t to be taken lightly.
He slowly opens your office door, looking at you hunched over your desk and taking notes about god knows what, your hands shaking and your mechanical pencil almost out of lead after having using it for over five hours straight.
As soon as he had caught your attention, without sharing any words, he swept you up into his arms and held you for what felt like forever, but in reality had only been a few minutes.
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(oh god im running out of ideas)
Luca hated every second of this; he hated seeing you so overworked, hated seeing you stressed… he just hated it all.
He did the only thing that made sense.
He offered his hand to you and gave you a charming grin.
"Wanna dance?"
You look at him, horrified.
“We are not dancing, Luca.”
The golden retriever-like man pouts, crossing his arms.
“Why not, baby?” He asks with a pout.
You look up from your computer and look at him with a small smile.
You were so tired and you were sure you looked awful but his sweet smile and puppy dog eyes got to you.
You take his hand.
"Well, you got me, now. I can't say no to you. But we're gonna get some food and I'm not changing into a dress."
The man beams, happy that he'd gotten his way.
And with that, Luca takes your hand and immediately brings you in for your first dance of the night.
It's slow, soft and romantic, and honestly, the two of you can't take your eyes off each other.
"I missed this, baby," he whispers.
Luca pulls you close to him as the two of you sway in place.
"Me too,” you whisper back.
You lay your head against his chest and feel your stress and exhaustion melt away.
This moment was worth everything.
"You're beautiful." He says softly, kissing the top of your head.
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(i genuinely dont know what to put..😭)
Shu loves that you love work, but by God if you spend another minute at that desk he was going to go insane.
"You know I'm a simple man," he says. "all I need is a little food and a little sun, and the rest of my needs are met."
He's laying out the blanket for the afternoon.
"And if you keep this up, my food and sun time is going to be at night."
You sigh, stretching out your back. You'd been at your desk all day, trying to figure out the final parts of the puzzle to the latest quest you've been given.
The strong mafia boss himself had come to you, begging you to complete this mission and find his missing son, and the people were starting to get nervous as he had been missing for a few days.
"I'm sorry," you sigh. "I know I've been at this forever."
"It's been nearly two hours," Shu snarls.
"Sorry, sorry," you sigh. "I can tell it's getting on your nerves." You stand up and stretch out, then smile at him. "What should we do this afternoon?"
Shu's lips twitch and curl. "It's too late to go to the beach now," he says. "And honestly, the weather looks pretty bad. I was thinking, though," he smirks at you. "Since it's our first anniversary, and I was thinking, well," he motions to the blanket.
You immediately go red, lightly smacking his arm.
He chuckles.
“Kidding, kidding.” He wraps his arms around you and holds you fast. "Seriously though," he murmurs. "Happy anniversary, babe."
You melt and smile, holding onto his face. "I love you."
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pisspope · 1 year
been writing this off and on for about a month and now im finally... finally finished
Waffle House Hashbrowns (Smothered & Covered)
reiner x reader
cw: afab reader, fem reader (wears skirt, gets called a good girl) softdom reiner, spit kink, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, mdni
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"You want me to what?"
"You heard me. I want you to spit on me next time we have sex."
Reiner is bamboozled, flabbergasted, stupefied. Him? Spit on you? The person he loves most on this earth? Why would he do that?
"You must be joking."
"No, I'm not. I think it'd be really hot."
Reiner blinks twice, slowly. This makes no sense. "But why would I do that?"
You sigh, sit up on your shared bed. "Because I want you to and it's sexy? If it makes you uncomfortable we don't have to."
Reiner swallows hard, feeling backed into a corner of his own creation. He wants to please you in every way possible, and that means never degrading or disrespecting you. But if the only way to please you is to degrade you, well, he can't exactly say no. He touches your arm, gently keeping you in place. "No, I'll do it. I'll do it for you."
You laugh lightly, move your other hand to lay on top of his. "You don't need to be so serious about this, Rei. It's supposed to be fun!"
"Sorry," he says, hanging his head. "Just have trouble. You know I never want to make you feel lesser. You... you mean everything to me."
You pout a little without thinking. He's so sweet sometimes it borders on saccharine. You turn to him, bring all of him that will fit into your smaller frame into a tight hug. "I know how you feel, baby. That's... kind of why I want to try this with you. Because I trust you. I know you won't do anything I don't feel comfortable with."
He digs his chin into the crook of your neck, and you can feel his cheeks burning. He can give you all the flowery words in the world, let you know without a doubt that he's wrapped around your finger, but the second you reciprocate he's a mess. "I said I'll do it. No need to make me cry about it."
You chuckle, knowing that's not just an empty threat. Ever since he confessed his feelings, he's let everything show right on his sleeve, letting you into his inner world without a second thought. "All right, start getting hydrated." You pull away, run a hand through his hair. "I just know your spit is salty from all those peanuts."
He looks shocked, face in a comical 'o'. "What do you mean? I've barely touched the container in the pantry."
"Yeah? And what about the empty one in the trashcan?"
You watch the blush rush up from the line of his t-shirt to his cheeks. Busted. He looks away, defeated. "I'll go fill up my water bottle."
It was your normal weekend routine: wake up, run errands that couldn't be done during the work week, come home and get ready for your date night, have a great time with your man, profit. Only your profit margins tonight? Exponential, unprecedented gains.
Reiner's hands are exploring every inch of you the second the front door is closed, keys flung to the floor, leftovers all but forgotten on a side table.
"Can't wait to get you in bed," he murmurs, breath hot on the bare skin of your shoulder. "Gonna make you feel so good, promise."
You almost want to giggle, because this is so unlike him, to be so domineering and borderline possessive, but you're too into it to break the tension. He's trying something new for you, and you're as grateful as you are turned on. Before you can encourage him to keep going, he's swung you back into his arms fully, head close enough to his chest that you can feel the erratic beating of his heart.
And Reiner's nothing if not a man of his word. He picks you up bridal style, one arm doing most of the heavy lifting around your shoulders, while the other grips firmly into the meat of your ass. He ascends the stairs to your shared bedroom on muscle memory, his eyes too busy drinking you in to give mind to much else.
"So beautiful," he whispers, like he can't help himself. He hesitates on the top step, bringing you down to rest your bottom on the bend of his knee. He uses the added support to lean his head down, catching your lips in a deep kiss. "And all mine."
It only takes a few more steps before you're at the foot of your bed, and Reiner hesitates. He chuckles nervously, dances from one foot to the other. "I, uh, forgot to take my shoes off," he breathes, and you realize you're in the same predicament. "Just got too caught up in it."
Before you can assure him that it's fine, it's okay, his mouth is on yours. He's kissing you like he's starved for it, hands dancing excitedly at your waist, your shoulders, your breasts, anywhere he can touch. A well-timed squeeze of your inner thigh forces a small moan from your throat, and he takes that opportunity to plunge his tongue into you, tasting and exploring further. His knee pushes your legs open while he attacks your mouth, grinding lightly against you, just enough to tease.
You look up at him and laugh lightly, adjusting in his arms to kick off your shoes. The two of you had gone to a local restaurant in nicer outfits, but it certainly wasn't a black tie affair. Blouse and skirt for you, button-up and jeans for him. He lays you down gently, toes off his loafers and pushes them under the bed, always the gentleman.
"Sorry," he mutters, wasting no time in clambering on top of you. "Don't want to track mud in the house."
He breaks the kiss to come up for air, a trail of spit connecting your mouths. He glances at it, then smiles at you, eyes hooded. "This what you were talking about?"
You nod up at him, too love drunk to speak. "More," you manage to breathe out, hands snaking up his arms to rest on his shoulderblades, familiar and comfortable.
His smile morphs into a smirk, and those deep golden eyes go dark. "Greedy," he whispers, face impossibly close. He brings a hand to your cheek, caresses it with a feather light touch, before bringing his thumb to your lower lip and pulling your mouth open. "You'll take what I give you."
He leans down like he's going to kiss your open mouth, but instead he sucks in his cheeks, puckers his lips, and slowly lets the spit that coats his mouth drool into your own. With his lips in your mouth and his thumb holding you open, you have no choice but to take it, its warmth pooling and spreading into every corner of you. It's not spitting on you per se, but it is unbearably intimate. Exactly what you'd expect from a man like Reiner.
He breaks away again, taking that same thumb and hand to force your mouth closed. "Swallow," he orders. You comply without a second thought, throat bobbing as you take it all into you. Reiner can't help the little moan that leaves him, seeing you so obedient and hazy-eyed from just the taste of him. He's gonna lose his mind. He can barely huff out a "good girl" as he's unbuttoning your blouse.
And for someone who usually relinquishes all control to you in the bedroom, Reiner is remarkably good at this. Blouse removed, he pulls up your bra and dives for your breasts, licking and sucking and making lewd noises you seldom hear from him. His hands circle around your back, unhooking your bra with the dexterity of a professional. Which, with how much he lavishes over your boobs, may as well be the truth.
Without thinking you respond in kind, bringing your hands up to his collar and working your way down. His blond chest hair peeks out around button four, and you have to resist the urge to grab him by it and pull him close, to devour him in even more open mouthed kisses.
Not tonight. You remind yourself. He's in control.
Breasts now fully freed, he takes one in his mouth and brings his hand to play with the other. He's always been good at this, knows when to pinch and suck and fondle and which spots hit just right, but tonight is different. He's using his tongue more, applying pressure to your nipples and taking as much of you in his mouth as he can. Leaving large open mouthed kisses up and down your chest, pulling away and leaving circles of spit in his wake. He's not just giving your breasts some extra attention; he's smothering them in his saliva, marking them as his own.
And apparently this is something he intends to rectify immediately. With one hand still massaging your breast, the other lifts up the hem of your skirt, revealing your lacy underwear that you had worn just for the occasion. "Oh, baby," he coos at the sight. "Did you get all dolled up just for me?"
The realization alone is enough to send a shiver down your spine, but when he works his way back up to plant a kiss on the shell of your ear and call you his pretty girl, well. You can't help the desperate whine that escapes you. He pulls back to look down at you, lips red and puffy from overuse.
"That good, huh?" He says, voice cocky but expression still so gentle, still so him. "I haven't even touched you yet. I mean really touched you."
You nod, trying not to blush at his honeyed words. He's always loved to praise you in bed, to call you pretty and sweet and all manner of compliments, but the tone tonight is so different. It's not the kind affirmations of an attentive lover, it's the reading of your rights, the growl of a predator circling its prey. And maybe if it were someone else it would scare you, but with Reiner all it does is send a fierce heat straight to your core.
Gently, delicately, he hooks two fingers around the middle of your panties and brings them down, and he can't suppress his groan when he feels the slick that coats the inside. "You're so wet for me. How long have you been like this?"
You look away, embarrassed. "Since we left for our date. I've kind of been looking forward to this."
He chuckles at your confession as he slides your underwear the rest of the way down. "Well," he starts, stowing your panties away in the back pocket of his jeans. "I hope I can live up to your expectations."
You swallow hard, meeting his gaze. "You have so far."
"Good," he says firmly, pulling your legs apart farther with both hands. "Let's try to keep up that momentum."
Without another word, Reiner ducks down to the heat of your cunt, flattening his tongue and licking a thick stripe from your hole to your clit. You moan at the sensation, bring your hand to his head on instinct. But he isn't having that, and swats your hand away with a growl, the low rumble vibrating in all the right ways. He brings his head up, eyes dark and serious, the stain of your precum already wetting his beard.
"No, princess," he says it with stern authority, but makes it a point to bring his right hand to intertwine with yours. "I'm in charge."
He returns to eating you out with an animalistic hunger, working his tongue in between your folds while the sharp bridge of his nose keeps a constant pressure on your aching clit. One hand is still laced in yours while the other rubs small circles around your labia, running up your inner thigh and back down. Reiner is pleasuring you, make no mistake, but the moans that leave his body as he ravishes your insides with his wet muscle assure you that the feeling is mutual.
"Taste so good," you both hear and feel him say, the prickle of his facial hair equally ticklish and arousing. "Want you to cum on my face."
He brings his fingers out of his mouth slowly, with a wet pop, looking annoyed. "I'm sorry," he says sarcastically, leaning down so his head hovers above you. "I thought you wanted my spit, sweetheart. Are you sure yours will do?"
He pulls away after that, causing you to whine at the lost contact. How were you supposed to do what he asked under these conditions? But then you see him take three of his own fingers in his mouth, licking and sucking on them like they're heavensent.
"Reiiii," you whine out, missing his touch. "I can do that for you, c'mon. Lemme taste you, pleaseeeee."
You nod quickly, just wanting his familiar heat back, his taste, his touch, anything. And maybe Reiner's too soft on you, but he relents, sliding those same fingers in your mouth and letting you have your way with them. You take them in greedily, the taste of his skin and spit melding in your mouth deliciously. He should probably do something now, praise you for how good you take him or rub small circles on your clit, but all he can do is stare. At you, so blissed out on just the taste of him, eyes closed and enjoying every sensation. This must be love, he thinks.
Satisfied, you release his fingers from your mouth, pretend you don't notice his eyes boring into you. "Thank you," you breathe, moving his sopping fingers to the bud of your clit. "Please."
Since you asked so nicely, and also because he wants to, needs to touch you, he does as you ask, massaging that bundle of nerves in a way that makes you writhe. A wanton moan leaves your lips, a sound that he can't wait to snatch with his own mouth, kissing you deeply as his fingers dance in perfect rhythm. You can taste yourself in him, can feel the moistness of your own pre on the itch of his stubble. It's intoxicating. He's intoxicating.
Soon, you feel that same hand start to drift lower down, two fingers circling around your hole teasingly. You squirm under his delicate touch, a motion that causes him to break away from the haven of your mouth. He looks down at you, eyes dark and analytical, thinking. Maybe this is where he's supposed to punish you for being so bad, supposed to degrade and deride you for your naughty behavior, but he just can't bring himself to do it. Instead, he furrows his brows and ducks back down to your heat, licking around your entrance and peppering your thighs in tiny kisses. And just when you're about to beg for more, for him to just give you what you need please, he plunges two fingers and his tongue deep into you, working everything he has in tandem to bring you to an insurmountable high.
"Reiner," you breathe, a whispered plea to the man below you who is making you come undone with every thrust of his thick fingers, every pulse of his tongue. He's just so fucking good at this. "Reiner, I, fuck, so good."
He hums in approval, stares you down over the slope of your mound, looking hungry and desperate. "C'mon, pretty girl," he growls into you, the pace of his fingers increasing rapidly. "Cum for me baby."
You nod, squeezing your eyes shut as his tongue returns to your core, fingers curling and hitting the spot that makes you scream every time. He's finger fucking you at a breakneck pace, the wet schlick, schlick, schlick sound of his thrusts accompanied by the sloppy licks and sucks of his lips and tongue. The lewd noises are all you can hear, all you can focus on, and it sends you careening towards your release. You cry out, feeling yourself clench around his thick fingers, vision going white. He keeps fucking you through your orgasm, mouth glued to the lips of your heat, slurping and moaning as he swallows every last drop of your cum. Your head lolls back as you work through every sensation, lost in the depths of unadulterated pleasure.
When you finally get back down to earth, you're almost sent back into the stratosphere by the sight in front of you. Reiner, with his lips pursed, eyes wide and dark, chest heaving, gripping onto your knee with one hand as he undoes his belt with the other. His skin is beaded with sweat, his golden chest hair clumping and curling up in places where your cum has dried, his beard hair glinting with more of the same. He looks like a Greek god, honey eyes raking over you like you're his concubine, his sacrifice.
You sigh, taking him all in as he unbuttons his jeans and shrugs them off along with his boxers. His cock springs out like it's fucking hydraulic, slapping against the bare skin of his stomach and leaking precum onto his navel. It looks so damn needy, the tip so red its verging on purple, and you have to cover your mouth to stifle a moan just at thought of it being in you.
He looks down at you, mouth still closed, and it leaves you a little confused. Shouldn't he say something right about now, about how he can't wait to fuck you stupid, can't wait to feel you cumming around him? It's only when he leans over you, lining up at your entrance, and spits your own slick onto your stomach that you realize why. "Oh, fuck, Reiner," you groan out, completely involuntarily. He smirks at the exclamation, rubs a hand over the wet spot, covering you further in his spit and your cum.
"You like this?" he asks, already knowing the answer. "You like being smothered in my spit? Like being marked? Like, ugh, knowing who you belong to?" He slides into you slow as he speaks, still gripping one of your knees to keep himself from falling apart, from just letting himself go and pistoning into you with reckless abandon.
"Yes, fuck, God, yes, I do," you reply, hoping it'll motivate him to keep this going. It's so rare for him to talk to you like this, so possessive and so filthy, it never fails to drive you wild. You claw your hands into the sheets as you take every thick inch of his shaft, ecstatic at the feeling of him bottoming out, tip already brushing against your cervix. "Feels s' good Rei."
"Good, good," he drawls, trying to respond but overcome by the waves of pleasure starting to thrum around him. He leans down, rests his head into the crook of your neck and starts rocking into you slow and steady, suckling at your neck gently. "You feel good too baby. Can't believe this pussy is, mm, all mine. Can't believe you're all mine."
His eyes go wide and he smiles, pure and genuine. "Oh, thank God," he sighs, sitting up and immediately pulling your legs up to his ears for better access. "I figured I should wait for you to beg but I need you so bad honey you have no idea."
He keeps this pace for a while, gives you space to breathe between every determined thrust, holding your head in his hand while he gives you a hickey that will be impossible to cover up. His stomach slides against yours as he pushes into you, causing the spit and slick to crust and dry, a reminder with each movement of the way he's marked you. And it's unbearably hot, practically a fantasy come true, but you need more.
"Reiner," you murmur, waiting for him to retreat from the comfort of your neck to look you in the eye. "Fuck me? Please?"
He absolutely fucks into you after that, setting a punishing pace that has you seeing stars. He uses one hand to hold up one of your legs, the other pushed into the mattress beside your head, taking every bit of leverage he can to fuck you as hard and as deep as possible. The whole bed groans and creaks under the pressure of his thrusts, and you sympathize with moans and cries of your own. You reach a hand out to Reiner, hoping to ground yourself with his touch, but he shakes his head, opting instead to push your knees up and thrust into you even deeper than before.
"Look at you," he huffs out, every word punctuated by another jab of his cock. "All fucked out for me. You really are all mine, aren't you?"
Finally grabbing onto his arm, you whine and bob your head, already knowing what he's going to ask. "Go ahead," you rasp out, trying to keep it together. "Cum in me, Reiner."
You nod, tears prickling at your eyes from the rampant pleasure washing over you. You don't trust yourself to speak right now, you know all that will come out are broken cries and pleas for him to keep going. Instead you watch him with hungry eyes, rapt attention all on him as his thrusts become sloppy and messy, his own golden eyes struggling to stay focused.
"I-" he swallows, trying to keep composed through it all. "I've made you mine, marked you every way I can. Except one."
He doesn't need to be told twice. He presses into you hard and fast, chasing his high with cries of your name, a sound so filled with need it sends you tumbling towards your own release. You feel his white hot seed shoot into you in spurts, every rope of his cum a sign of his possession of you, inside and out. It's ecstasy.
Eventually, his hips still, and he looks to you, mouth open and eyes wide. "Was, uh," he breathes out, trying to collect himself. "Was that what you were thinking of? Did I do okay?"
He smiles, brings your other hands to his lips and catches your knuckles in a chaste kiss. "I think," he pauses, trying to find the right words. "I liked it too."
You laugh despite yourself, because of course it was okay, it was way better than okay. You bring him close to you, both of you soft and pliable after the workout, and he quickly gets comfortable with his head on your chest.
"That was amazing, sweetheart." you say, kissing the top of his head, fingers playing in the loose strands stuck to his forehead. "Thank you so much."
You snort, a little derisive. "You came a lot for someone who only 'thinks' they liked it."
Reiner blushes, buries his face in-between your breasts. "Okay," he says, muffled. "I liked it a lot."
He beams at you, absolutely fucking radiant, like you hung the moon and the stars, then scoots up to kiss you once on the lips, deeply. "I love you, Y/N."
You smile wide, feel it stretching the corners of your cheeks. How dare he cum in you like a dog in heat and then immediately act like the cutest dopiest baby in the world.
"Hey," you mutter, blushing at the way he looks up at you. "I bought you more peanuts."
"I love you too, Reiner."
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lab1rynth · 1 year
Hey Pb, I’ve got a request for you. What were to happen if reader was able to escape from Yan! Mortician? How would he react and how soon would he find them if they had help? You can keep reader gn if you like.
Miss 🍯
YAN!MORTICIAN when you escape
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It was late at night, you're beloved Mortician had been long asleep by that time. He had been so kind to you recently, moving you guys to a comfy and quaint house, where he let you roam freely and do as you pleased (with a few exceptions).
Though you had one thing in mind, even with all of the niceties, you still couldn't bring it in you to love him, so you decided tonight was the time to leave. You gently climbed out of bed, praying that your movements dont wake him as your feet finally hit the cold hard-wood floor, slightly flinching at the creaks as you set your weight down.
You hadn't planned on taking anything with you, there was nothing here you needed, your Mortician didn't even have any phones, at least not ones you know of. The clothes on your body was all you were going to take as you quietly snuck out of the room, then out of the house all together.
Once you felt the cold chill of the midnight air, you suddenly started sprinting into the deep woods that surrounded the house. You had no clue where you were going, you just sprinted until you couldn't anymore. You were not able to find your way out of the woods, sadly, it seemed as if your Mortician planned on you running away.
You sat yourself down against a tree, huffing as you tried to catch your breath. Leaning your head back against the tree behind you as you eventually felt tears wet your eyes. You were never going to get out of this, were you?
Thats all you could remember until everything went black.
You woke up once again to the sounds of shoes crunching against the earths floor, you frantically got up and started making a run for it but was quickly stopped by an arm tightly wrapped around your waist and another covering your mouth. You struggled against the arms, causing them to grow tighter, "Hush now, Pumpkin," your Mortician spoke, "If you keep struggling Im going to have to hurt you, and I dont think either of us want that."
The threat made you stop, and let out a small sob into his hand, going limp as he then picked you up over his shoulder. At this point you didn't want to fight, you knew it'd all be useless and you'd end up back and that house again. You were wasting your energy trying to run away and he had tried to remind you of that again and again. You finally decided to listen.
The walk wasn't as long as you thought it would be, only around 10 minutes. You thought you ran farther than that but apparently time slows down when you're in fear. The Mortician pushed open the door with his boot, kicking the boots off as he walked inside. He sat you down on a couch and looked you over, checking your body for any bruises or cuts before he sighed.
"Im very cross with you, Pumpkin. Not only did you try to run away from the life we've built but you could of been seriously hurt," He mumbled, before picking you up once again and bringing you to you shared room, locking the bedroom door behind him. He slipped you off of his shoulder into a small cushioned chair as you continued to just sob and go limp. He grabbed a rope from a box below the bed, trying it around your limbs to the chair, "Honey, you're gonna have to stay here until you regain my trust, alright? Im not angry, but you really hurt me with your actions and you need to think about what you've done," He spoke, his fingers holding your chin forcing you to look up at him.
"I love you, and I know deep down you love me. You're just scared, darling, and I can understand that," The Mortician kissed your forehead, moving one of his hands up to wipe away your tears, "I'll make you some of your happy food, alright? You sit here and calm down and I'll be back."
You knew he normally laced the food with anti-depressants, depending on how you've been, he'd lace the food with other medications but you caught him once with the anti-depressants so that you know for sure. There was nothing you could do about it at this point though, nothing but cry.
You were horrified, fuck, you were never gonna get out of here.
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kingkennny10 · 10 months
Pink Picasso
Craig Tucker x gn!Reader
fluff/hurt/comfort cause im a sucker for his stoic ass, basically despite everything bad happening around yall you can depend on eachother and have eachother through everything, everything is pretty gn, i did put the prefix ‘mx’ in there once, feel free to read it with which ever prefix you prefer!!
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Today was a particularly draining day for you, stress from work and just overall just feeling upset. After work you came home and flopped into bed with a groan ready to sleep the day away. You drifted off for a couple hours until your phone ringing woke you up. It was your boyfriend Craig, you were shocked and began to panic. You had a date night planned tonight and you forgot all about it. You picked up the facetime call with a frown.
“Baby, I’m sorry, I fell asleep after work.” You said sadly into the phone. He had a little smile on his face as he heard your voice.
“That’s alright honey, I figured when you didnt text after an hour. Come let me in.” He said as he got out his car. You heard his door shut from out your window and smiled dragging yourself out of bed to your front door. He hung up the phone and knocked on the door. When you opened it he held out a bouquet of lavender for you to take. “Some relaxing flowers to start off out night of relaxation. How you feeling honey?” He asked as you let him walk in taking the flowers. You knew he could tell how tired you looked, you couldn’t do anything about it now.
“Tired and stressed, works been a lot lately.” You said with a sigh, he grabbed the flowers from you and placed them on a nearby counter and wrapped you up in a big hug. You finally let it all out as you wrapped your arms around him, you let your tears flow. “I’m sick of dealing with all these sucky people all the time. It sucks, it sucks real bad.” You sobbed muffled into his chest. He pet your head gently and rocked you side to side. Even though he wasn’t doing the most, it helped you so much knowing he was here for you.
“I know baby, I know.” He said quietly. You held onto him tightly, not wanting to let him go. Is this really all you needed to help your stress? Your body didn’t seem to ache as much as it did when you got into bed.
“Why do people think its okay to treat others like shit? Just because they don’t know me they think its alright, that it’s not gonna effect me! It’s bullshit, it’s all bullshit.” Craig placed a kiss on the top of your head and rested his chin there now rubbing soothing circles on your back. Despite his lack of response he’s helping you so much by just being there for you. His touch seemed to heal all your stress and anxiety. The tears slowly stopped as you began to let yourself be in this moment with him.
“Cmon, lets get you in the bath and I’ll order us some food.” He said after a couple minutes like this. You nodded pulling away from his chest. He grabbed your hand leading you to your room. “Grab some comfy clothes, I’m gonna start the water.” He said now making his way to the bathroom. You brought your clothes and towels with you to the bathroom and watched quietly and he glided his hand through the bubbly water.
“Thank you baby.” You said quietly making him jump. He turned and smiled at you holding his other hand out for you to come closer. You obliged standing next to him resting your head atop his. He was sat on the edge of the tub, one arm around you an the other in the bath water.
“What do you think about steak n shake?” He asked looking up at you as he stopped the water. You smiled and nodded.
“Do I get a milkshake?” You asked setting your clothes and towel down. He laughed at your question.
“Yea you’re gettin your own, cause I’m not sharing mine.” He said getting up and out of your way. You frowned at him for knowing you’d drink his.
“Can I at least try yours?” You asked with puppy eyes. He rolled his eyes with a laugh.
“Yea I guess, but you can’t have it if you end up liking it.” Craig said leading you to sigh. “Im gonna go put the flowers up and order the food. Shout if you need me.” He placed a kiss on your nose before he left the bathroom leaving the door cracked. You smiled to yourself as you undressed and got in the hot water. The whatever tension was left in your body left quickly as you sunk into the bubbly water. After about 15 minutes there was a knock at the bathroom door before Craig walked in.
“There you are, I was worried you got lost.” You teased and he rolled his eyes with a fake laugh. He had his keys in hand as he knelt down beside the tub.
“Im gonna go pick up the food, when you get out you wanna set up the room for a movie? Im thinking rom coms.” He said running a hand through your damp hair. He knew what he was doing suggesting rom coms.
“Ooo feeling cheesy today huh?” You teased making him laugh.
“Yeah yeah, it’s cause I love you and know Adam Sandler will make you feel better.” He said and poked your forehead. Now its your turn to laugh.
“You know me too well Mister Tucker. And yes I would love to set up movie night!” You said with a bright smile. Everything Craig has done for you today has made all the weight you felt earlier disappear, you have no worries with him around and he knows it.
“Alright Mx. Tucker, the next time you see me I’ll have a bunch of food and milkshakes. Don’t drown while I’m gone please!” He placed a kiss on your lips and left you red faced in your bath. You spent 5 more minutes in the warm water before getting out to dry off and get dressed. You cut on the fairy lights in your room as to keep it dim and set up the tv. You walked over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and noticed the lavender in a vase on the counter there.
“Not one for placement is he.” You said to yourself. You breathed in the fresh scent from the flowers before moving it to the coffee table in the living room. You went to go lay back down in the bed and wait for Craig who showed up 5 minutes later. “Welcome home honey!” You said happily from your spot on the bed. He placed 2 bags of food down on the bed and the shakes on the bedside table before he climbed in the bed and squished you into a hug.
“Thats something I’m gonna need to hear more often.” He said and peppered your face in kisses. “Let’s eat!” He said and brought the bags of food to your laps.
“Thank you for this Craig. I really needed it.” You said opening up your food. He leaned over placing a kiss at your temple and then nudged you with his shoulder before he spoke.
“If you’re not happy I’m not happy. You mean the everything to me and I don’t want you being so stressed out over work. No matter how everyone else treats you, I’m always gonna be here to wash it away. I need you to remember that whenever you’re upset.” He said and you rested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around you. “I wanna marry you one day, and if I can’t keep you happy, how am I gonna make that happen?” He asked rhetorically, you laughed at how cheesy he was being.
“You’re such a loser Craig.” You laughed and he could only scoff. “I love you.” You said and kissed his cheek.
“I love you too honey.” He replied and gave you a kiss on the lips.
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Yea yea, craig might be out of character, what about it!?!?!!! I just need sappy ol craig an milkshakes, thank you!! i had to fight every urge in my body to make him say sugar, i just really like sugar as a pet name i guess, but i kept it “canonical” by having him say honey, 😞
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abouttofillhisshoes · 24 days
Hiii Lenaaa 💗💗 5 6 & 17 if you don't mind me asking
5. what made you start your blog?
im really passionate about things i like and i just wanted to share that with the world!! Sounds so corny but the 75 fandom on tumblr is so wonderful and i've made some amazing friends on here that i wouldn't trade for anything❤️❤️
6. what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
The best part is definitely interacting with other people and hearing their opinions on your work. I have a little folder in my phone with screenshots of everything nice anyone's ever said to me which might seem a little pathetic but i'd rather be real xx
The worst part has to be the anons that send really unmotivating asks telling me to post more or that they need more content which i'm sure they don't mean anything bad with!! it's just writing is trying enough, and i'm already a full time student with a social life so I can't really put out 8k word oneshots on the daily 🙏🏻
17. Name 3 things that make you happy
number one is my loving and supporting girlfriend Lola, who ive gushed about so much on this app it might be bordering on weird
no. two are my genuinely amazing mates on this app i'm just gonna count a few because i'm feeling mushy tonight.
@beforeyougo-turnthebiglightoff you legend. Not much more needs to be said thanks for putting up with me xx
@awellposhmagazine genuinely such sweet person even if you are australian, your support for MPIND makes my heart shrivel up but in a good way
@man-im-so-high also german!! we need to share a spliff one day irl you're great xx
@sugar-coat-it belle honestly you're one of my biggest inspirations ever i hope you never ever die
@haveyouseenherlately you've been so kind to me it's actually insane, the way you write and your Post!Matty AU is so creative and tickles this itch in my brain mwahh ❤️
and finally three is a bit boring but just the guys in general. Seeing them be so successful in a world that wants them to fail is so amazing and makes me tear up bc i'm a bit pathetic like that.
this ask is so long because i can't be normal about anything ever soz guys xx
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lxmiko · 18 days
hellooo i saw suggestions open and that you were listening to ideas for hex but def feel feel ignore if you like!
currently in fluff brainrot and was wondering if you had any thoughts on getting spoiled by hex after a long day at work ? 👀✨
after a long day with hex haywire . . .
an: who DOESN’T write at four in the morning before a final :) my brain’s a lil muddled and this might be ooc but we ball >:)
warnings: none
character(s): hex haywire
he is so so soft with you. he gets it, the soreness you feel from working hard with sometimes little payoff, and then forcing yourself to try and work even harder
the moment you stepped into your shared appartment, he could tell. the exhaustion dripped from you even if you tried to hide it
he was probably cooking something small for dinner as he waited for you to come home, but he drops his utensils and tosses his apron onto the counter the second you drop your bags by the door and flop onto the couch face first
he sits just by your hip, the cushin sinking with his weight. his eyes grow soft and he aches at the tense lines of your body from stress and pain
“long day?” he murmurs, running a hand along the slope of your neck and down your shoulders as you melt into the leather. “poor baby, i’ll make you feel better.”
he’s so patient, ready and at your beck and call no matter what you need
he’ll listen to anything and everything you vent to him about (he’s too good of a listener), a thumb rubbing slow circles on your arm after he sat you up to lean your head on his shoulder
strong arms carry you to your shared bedroom and sit you down on your bed before he goes to run a bath for you
“i’m gonna finish up dinner, and then we can watch a movie while we eat, yeah?” when he finishes up in the bathroom, he stops just before you at the edge of the bed to cup your cheek, frowning at your drooping expression
he watches whatever you want, and chooses something you’d both like if you’re too tired to decide
breakfast dinner in bed has never been any better than with hex. he makes sure you’re feeling okay every so often and keeps your hand in his at all times
even when you try to get up to help clean, he sits you right back down with a stern expression. “you need rest, darling,” he says and puts everything away
when you two do your nightly rountine, he offers to do your skincare rountine for you with gentle but callused hands. every one of his ministrations make you drowsier and drowsier
eventually, he takes you back to bed, tucks you in with him, and pulls you close to his chest. an arm settles around your middle as he lulls you to sleep
(he’ll make sure to talk to you tomorrow about overworking yourself, but tonight is one for you to rest)
IM SO SLEEPY. goodnight
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helloo I'm back!!!!!! im so sorry I've been gone, it's ramadan right now and i can't be reading smut or anything like that, plus my exams are coming up and it's my final year in school so i can't mess this up. I've had ALOT of thoughts lately that no sane person in my circle can handle but i know you will. what do you think about a mamma mia typa situation in Greece with bucky (my feelings for him have resurfaced recently), tangerine and pietro? three very different people and one of them is the father (and one of them is gay bahahahaha). like reader meets pietro, then tangerine, then bucky (i know you'd be rooting for tangerine) then she has a kid and they all left her so she doesn't know who's the dad but then years later they all come back into her life and BAM her daughter should know and everything is all over the place. bonus points if reader sings at least 5 abba songs. obv you don't take requests and this isn't one but share your thoughts with me on this since im a bit of a scatter head and my new personality is donna sheridan so... yeah. love you and hope you're much better now 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
- 🦢
angelface!! omg hii hi!! firstly, ramadan mubarak to you, hope you’re doing good!! good luck for all your exams too, I believe in you!! be sure to take care of yourself😽
so…!! I read this as soon as I received it but couldn’t reply straight away and this has been ruminating on my mind!! IDEAS HAVE BEEN MARINATING BC I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!! and you calling me insane?? 😧😧 (kidding, but exactly that, same with me. no one would understand my brain rot except you guys. so we all in the same boat my pal)
I go through my bucky phases very often, and rn im in a deep one😭😭😭 usually I would go with tan no question, but now im not so sure (reckon tan would be the gay one???😭 but for the sake of this gonna say he’s not)
pietro: maybe you meet him when you’re travelling, maybe backpacking through europe with a group of strangers (guess who is in your group…😏) perhaps get close with pietro and have a summer fling. maybe exchange info towards the end of the trip, but both know it’s not going to work or go any further than a fling. might lose contact—but a message here and there
tangerine: next stop on your travels is england. not backpacking anymore, so it’s a standard holiday/ vacation (idk the logistics, so you have your stuff mailed over?? or go home for a few days and continue your travels??) but you decide to go sightseeing and find yourself in a pub. maybe it’s really busy so the table you had to yourself becomes one you share with 2 guys (can you guess who?) one of them goes off to play pool so the other gets left behind with you (can you guess who? see where this is going?) you two talk casually for a bit, you mention where you’re staying and what you’re doing in town (DO NOT DO THAT IRL !!) maybe you go back to your hotel room and he leaves early the next morning. would leave his name and his number on a piece of paper?? but you never see it bc it gets knocked off and falls under the bed and cleaned up by housekeeping the next day
bucky: would be several days after meeting tan and you’d be in the hotel lobby trying to work over some issues with card payments?? maybe there’s been an issue in their system so you’ve been hanging around the lobby/ reception a lot while they try to sort it. someone would come up beside you (have a guess who) and he’d ask you if everything was okay bc he’s seen you down here constantly for last couple days. he’d ask if there was anything he could do, then segues into asking you out tonight for dinner. he’s here for work so his schedule isn’t flexible and tonight is the only time available. you agree and would have a really lovely date, seal the deal later that night. and when you go up to his hotel room the next day, he won’t be in there. he didn’t know your room number, so he left his contact info at reception for them to give to you, but they never give it/ staff changes over so
kinda broke my heart with the tan and bucky one 😭😭😭
no idea if these make any sense. I write these as I think of the words, so essentially im just rambling in my brain and I type it out simultaneously. talking shit in other words😭 omg why does this make me want to do a 3 part series of their individual stories!!? (I know I won’t be able to do that, but man I wish I could)
love you and I am doing better now, thank you bby. sending love 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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marksbear · 2 years
Thank you so much for the amazing jack Russell fic. If you dont mind it's kinda the same idea but it's Dom reader putting jack on his lap and spanking him for a punishment while also has a vibrator in jack. Reader tells jack to not cum and edges him and calls him bad boy and words alike. From previous anon now going as 🐻‍❄️ cuz it's similar to your blog if you dont mind.
You're welcome! 🐻‍❄ I don't mind doing this at all. So enjoy the fic. AND that the reader/ you can deiced what Jack had done
Warnings- Orgasm denial, walking like a dog, Dom and sub relationship, spanking, hand cuffs, Vibrators.
Jack had pissed Y/n the fuck off. Y/n was so angry like he had never been before. Jack tried hundreds of times apologizing and practically sobbing in fear at the thought about the punishment he was about to get. He tried everything dressing up for his husband, cooking for him, and buying him things. HE was so desperate not to get punished but he knew what he did was terrible and now he has to face the consequences.
It was night and Y/n called Jack to come here. Jack was scared shitless shaking the whole time walking towards the shared bedroom. He pokes his head in and says a shaky "Y-yes sir"
"Take your clothes off doggy. And come here on your fours. Like the poor bad dog you are. Jack whimpers and strips out of his clothes and crawls towards Y/n and once he reaches him he looks at him waiting for his next command. "Up up" Y/n taps his thighs. Jack climbs onto them waiting for Y/n. "Ass in the air and count to thirty. Starting now." Y/n spanks Jack's ass with all of his strength. "Fuck! o-one" y/n slaps it again "t-two" y/n does it again "Three"-----------. "Last one puppy!" Y/n says looking at Jacks bruised up and red ass. "P-please sir no more I-I-I can't please im be-begging!!" Jack whines out face all red from crying and his cock fully erect precum already oozing out and getting on Y/n pants. "No dog. You have been a bad dog now this is your punishment." Y/n takes off his belt and says "The belt is gonna be your last one okay puppy." Jack cries out a yes sir taking a deep breathe ready for impact. Y/n raises it up and slaps it down with all force. Jack chokes on a cry covering his face with his hands.
Y/n sits up Jack so his back is on his chest kissing the back of his neck trying to help calm down Jack. Once Jack finally calms down he sneaks a vibrator in Jack's hole. Turning Jack's head so he can't see what's inside of him and kissing him. Once it is all away he uses the remote on the highest setting. Jack lets out a howlish moan from all of the sudden pleasure down there. One of Y/n hands plays with Jack's sensitive nipples while the other jerks off jack at a fast brutal pace. Y/n bounces his leg so Jack is riding his thigh. All of the pleasure from different angles makes Jack forget this is a punishment and hes focused on his pleasure. Not noticing Y/n handcuffing his hands behind his back. He comes back to reality after Y/n stops the vibrator and stops touching him. "Wha-" Did you forget dog? This is a punishment not an award." Y/n sets jack on the bed and uses a different pair of handcuffs on his legs. Y/n gets up and gets a cock-ring off of his desk and walks back to jack shaking his head in shame. "Bad boys don't get cum." "Or touch their master." Y/n slides the cock ring on Jack. Y/n gets another vibrator and puts it on Jack's cock. And turns both vibrators on the highest settings
"Now bad boys have to wait and watch their master enjoy themselves." Jack watches Y/n like a Hawk while he slowly palms himself through his pants moaning. "Now you will sit there and think about what you did doggy. And watch me."
THATS ALL BEARS! Another upload tonight. Hope you enjoyed it and don't be afraid to ask me something. Sorry its a bit short I may come back and add more.
-Love Mark
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kenzie30david · 2 years
Little Loza
Pairing: Hank Loza x Reader
I dont think that Hank gets the love that he deserves 
Summary: A special treat for halloween
It was Halloween and you were getting ready to go to the Club for a little get together. Little did they know, you had one hell of a surprise in store for them. You and Hank had been trying for a baby for a while now, and last week you took a test and were met with those two pink lines. Since halloween was coming up you were looking for the perfect way to tell him. You went online and found a shirt with a little skeleton baby on the stomach. You thought that was perfect and lucky for you the shirt would be here the week before halloween. Every time Hank would ask you what you were dressing up as you told him that it was a surprise. You were even going to try to match because you knew that he was gonna wear his kutte and usual attire; which you didnt mind because you thought he looked hot. The night finally arrives and you tell Hank youll meet him at the club. You look yourself over making sure everything matches and that you have the two tests with you. Proud with how everything turned out and nervous to tell him you get your things and head to the scrap yard. When you arrive you dont see Hank so you head in figuring he’d be with Bishop or Taza. When you enter you look around catching the eye of EZ and Angel. They walk over to you smiling before they notice your shirt. EZ gets it right away but Angel doesnt. “Holy shit Y/N really?’’ You feel the hint of pink on your cheeks. “Shh” you plead with EZ as the grin on his face gets wider. “Whats up ‘mano?” All you see is EZ lean into Angels ear and whisper something before Angels clapping really loud and the two of them hug you tightly. The commotion has a pair of familiar arms wrapping around you. “Everything okay over here?” Angel and EZ wink at you as you mouth a dont. You all nod your head as you turn around smiling at Hank “Oh course, Im just standing with the biggest children in the entire place.” You and Hank laugh as Angel and EZ both groan. Linking your fingers you lead Hank over to the couches with Bishop, Riz, and Coco. “Hola chica.” You smile at all the men as you stand behind Hank giving them a chance to see your shirt. Everyones eyes went wide as you nodded your head yes bringing a finger to your lips not wanting them to tell.  
Hank notices the mens looks and tilts his head to the side. "Yall good?" Without wanting to give it away theu just nod their head. After a while of chilling and talking with the boys you stand having Hank do the same. "Whats going on querida?" You smile at him before getting everyones attention. "Hey guys. So I have an announcement to make. As some of you know Hank has been in my life for a while and I love him with my whole heart, as I know you all do. And tonight I have some news to share with you all" You smile as you turn to Hank and thats when he sees your shirt. You see tears come to his eyes "Really?" he says almost low enough that only you can hear. Nodding your head he picks you up spinning you around. "Um, hello fill us in 'mano" He sets you down before turning to face his brothers "WE ARE HAVING A BABY" He screams and you've never heard such loud applause in your live. After everyone says their congrats you pull Hank to the side "Te amo mi amor." You smile at him "Te amo con todo mi corazón. tú y este bebé son mi mundo" he responds kissing you softly.
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sojrner-fishsticcc · 1 year
new hyperfixation girls!!!
okokok this is a lil weird but its like midight rn and i am HYPED AS FUCK!!!!! a while back i got really into fursuit stuff, like i was absolutely obsessed with it n i really wanted to make one. i finally went and bought a few of the materials - a big roll of foam, hot glue, sewing stuff, n then i like totally stressed myself out about it and dropped it entirely :\ that sucked, and it made me pretty sad for a while, but a few months have passed and its back! so im back at it, but this time im trying to be smarter abt it. i went into fursuit stuff with absolutely NO experience with sewing, modeling stuff irl, basically anything that would be important, and id be messing with expensive materials so uh. it was a bad idea. and i tried to do everything at once which fucked with me cos it was just too much work.
but this time i think i have a better idea! i really want to start simple, i plan on eventually making a mini partial, so head paws n maybe a tail. and im starting out as small as i can with just making a cardboard box head. like what cuptoast made to cover their face irl! just a box, stuff added onto it, im going specifically for just cardboard with sharpie and beige masking tape accents (going for both style AND funcionality!) so its going to be a lot simpler. its going to be a fun little experience to just practice making... things, in real life. what i plan on doing is kinda using this as a testbed. i love this project, its cool n i love it, but i want it to still be simple so if i fuck something up i can make it again and replace the parts. and slowly i want to ship-of-theseus her into a full head! im starting with just flat cardboard bits, so a box with flat ears and some floof n stuff, but i slowly want to modify her and swap out parts as individual projects. like at some point, i want to swap the basic drawn-on eyes for full on fursuit follow-mes, and add some foam padding to bits to slowly shape her out. its gonna be fun to build on her over the course of weeks or months, i even made a lil project name and badge for this! because of course i did :3. im calling it project rock salt because its gonna be of my oc salt, but i made a tweaked version of her design im calling "rock salt" because its more adapted to fursuit stuff. so floofier, no clothing items, not as complicated. and i thought of a really cute lil slogan of "foam, fur and faith" for it because i rlly like it. its nice, its going to be fun to learn all these craft skills.
ill try to update this (just kinda for myself, i really like just documenting this) as i add parts and upgrade her. hopefully the base box will be done this weekend! whichll just be the base parts, markers and tape. not doing eyeholes for seeing or padding for making her fit my head, just going to go as simple as i can, those bits can come later. also most of the money from my comms and models will go to her for buying materials for upgrades! because. i have a decent source of income from those now. so i can do stuff like this. so uh. thank you strange internet people :3 i promise ill pick back up on comms soon but i have finals next week so stuff is a lil hectic irl, and i dont want to commit to any stuff dealing with real money cos im anxious abt that. ill probably work on the box for the next while because its a super cool little project im happy to have picked up.
so ya! thats it for tonight! gonna post boxhead progress as i make stuff, but rn its just some basic sketching on cardboard, so there isnt much to show. ill share my scratchy stuff as it comes out but for now goodnight weird internet people! love you all!
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thesunandmoons-blog · 2 years
oo okay i absolutely love your writing you’re very talented! no pressure at all but can i request from that angst prompt list maybe ‘why won’t you let me in’ with davey n angel? or honestly anything with them :) sending lots of love <3
omg omg omg tysm!!! i'm rlly glad that you like my writing ;-;
i will absolutely write you some angst!!! >:)
ik this sucks im sorry i tried  :( ily ty for the req
cw/tw : implied hurt/comfort, lil bit of fluff n angst n stuff, work problems
Word count : 1,168
Fandom : redacted asmr
Pair : Davey/Angel
if u wanna read on ao3!! 
Angel was definitely the kind of person who would crack a joke to cover something up. Whether that something was an issue they were dealing with, or it was a little oopsie-daisy that they wanted to hide.
But, David “Davey” Shaw, Mr.Big Man Alpha of the pack, could see through all of their bs. Did he call it out all of the time? No, but he definitely noticed. Maybe some of the other friends Angel had made through the big guy weren’t as perceptive as David, but it wasn’t hard for him to pick up on jokes being made for the sake of faking a smile, or making sure only good attention was on them. 
Angel wasn’t a huge fan of having negative attention on themself. If it was a joke, or something stupid they and Asher pulled, then sure! By all means, they wanted to laugh it up. However, somebody asking if they were okay, whether that was physically, mentally, or emotionally? That made them feel... icky. They didn’t want that kind of attention on themself, so jokes would have to do.
David Shaw is more perceptive than most.
David knew it was going to be a long day for Angel at work. He knew they had been working on some big project for the company they were working for, but he couldn’t be too sure of any details regarding it. All he knew was there wasn’t really anything he could do but make sure Angel took care of themself when they had the time. 
He had tried sending them text reminders throughout their long work day, trying to remind them to make time to eat the lunch he packed for them, drink some water, and take a break when possible. All messages went read, but without response. 
It had already been almost 7pm by the time Angel walked through the door of their shared home. They were under the impression that David would be out on a quick job that night, so they promptly shut the door and groaned loudly while kicking off their shoes. Much to their surprise, David’s head peeked around the corner from the kitchen, eyebrow raised.  “Welcome home, Angel. Is everything alright?”  They stopped for a moment, looking to David as they dropped their work bag to the floor. A large grin overtook their face now, nodding their head rapidly. “Yep!” The ‘p’ was popped, the toothy grin quickly reappearing. “It smells good, Davey! Whatcha makin’ tonight?” Their bottom lip was now hooked between their teeth, and David could practically see the drool pooling at the floor beneath them. 
His eyes rolled, one hand now propped on his hip. “Tonight’s dinner is a surprise, Angel. I know you had your big presentation today. How did that go?” 
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know, big man?” They chuckled nervously, swallowing the small lump that had formed in their throat. “I’m gonna go change into something comfy!” Angel was quick to turn their heel to lead them down the hallway, shoulders dropping as they could finally relax into the shared bedroom to change.
It didn’t take much for David to know that their presentation probably didn’t go well, but he wasn’t going to make too many assumptions. Maybe it went well, but there were a few hiccups? Who could know? He didn’t have a damn clue what it was about in the first place.
It was only a few minutes later that Angel sauntered back down the hallway wearing some very cozy pj pants and a loose t-shirt, work clothes having been discarded in the laundry hamper. They practically threw themself down onto the couch, stretched out as a lazy hand reached out to grab their phone that was on the coffee table.
“Angel, you never really answered my question. How did that presentation go today? You’ve been working yourself half to death, so I can only imagine it went well.”
Yeah, uh, it didn’t go so well.
“Yeah, Davey! It-uh, it went fine. Don’t worry about it!” 
Diversion is all they knew. They didn’t know how to focus on the topic, or how to tell David that their presentation was awful. Well, not that it was awful itself, but everything they had worked towards with it was completely shut down. 
Again, David rolled his eyes, placing whatever amazing smelling dish he’d been working on in the oven to finish. He walked into the living room, seeing Angel distracting themself on their phone. “Angel, what happened? Did something go wrong? Did you get nervous? You know you can just imagine everyone in their underwear. That’s what my dad always said, when it came to speaking in the pack meetings. ” They looked over at him, letting their phone plop screen down onto their chest.
“Well, technically everything went great! I gave my presentation, and that was it!” That really was it. I mean, the reaction and praise to their thorough project was incredibly limited, so they really weren’t lying. “Y’know, it would have gone waaay better if I could see you in nothing but your underwea-”
He was onto them. They knew it too, which only made them more nervous. 
Jokes? Try more jokes. 
“Whaaaat? I’m just sayin’! I mean,” They took to their feet, sauntering over to David, their fingers now walking up his broad shoulders to rest beside his neck, “I would do anything to see you in just your underwear. Or less than that.” They could only laugh at the low growl that left David’s lips. Not some sexy growl, but more of a warning. 
With a huff, David placed his hands on Angel’s waist, gently rubbing up and down their clothed sides. “Angel, can I ask you something?” 
“You just did.” 
David blinked, like, hard. It was a slow, hard blink because his patience was starting to run slightly thin. 
“Sorry, sorry! What’s up, Davey?” 
He sighed now, voice much gentler than before. 
“Why won’t you let me in? I mean, you haven’t done the most spectacular job trying to hide the fact that you’re pretty upset over something today. You got home, half slammed the door and groaned. You keep avoiding my questions about your project and making up shit answers, which half of, by the way, are filled with comments about me in my damn underwear.” 
David leaned forward, his head teetering to rest on Angel’s shoulder. “Listen, you don’t have to tell me what happened if you don’t want to, but you need to know that I’m here for you. If today was a bad day, then that’s fine. Just let me in. You don’t have to try and cover up your problems with jokes, especially not around me. Just let me help, Angel.”
His words were dripping with sincerity, and it almost made Angel tear up.
“Okay, Davey, I’m sorry. I... Let’s eat first and maybe we can talk about it later. For now, I just want to be home with you.” 
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