#if you’re 13 don’t be offended. ok maybe a little
lady-loquacious · 9 months
I just started teaching and I love all my kids, but most especially the middle school girl I met at lunch today who, upon noticing me standing nearby, took the mxtx book she had sitting on the table (mdzs 1, if you were curious) and flipped it over as nonchalantly as she could. I didn’t say anything but in my head I was like “miss ma’am I know that’s not an appropriate series for a 13 year old”
I almost said something about how I’d read it just because I knew it would horrify the kiddos to realize that I too am a person who reads books and that would be hilarious to watch. but alas I did not. maybe next time
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 4 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 12 🕺🏼
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
I’m gonna sound insane but I do want kids but I don’t want a partner.
Like… sure, someone to get steamy with occasionally would be nice, but when I picture myself as a mom I want no one else involved (except for friends and family helping out ofc). I wanna raise my child my way. I’m too bossy to have someone co-parent.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
You sound like my adoptive mother but in a good way.
When I think about it you don’t really sound like my adoptive mother because she’s just repulsed by other people’s existence, and I think that’s why she raised me alone. No family or friends helping out. She also refused to let me close to anyone else as she wanted to have full control over me. But she also shut me off and didn’t want me to know stuff in her life, and then demanded to be involved in mine??
Sorry this turned into a rant. Didn’t mean to. Anyway you are NOTHING like her and I am sure you’re gonna be a great single mother one day.
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🎨 biamakesart Follow
I’ve gotten asks if I’ve ever thought about putting my art up in an exhibition ☺️ Yes! That would be a lot of fun! My art style is often more cartoony, but I have been thinking of doing more paintings on canvases. Maybe one day I’ll become a professional artist, maybe they’ll put up my paintings in a museum! 🤭
Ok, I’m dreaming big 😉 I’m just happy if one person likes my sketches I make in my notebook 🩷
I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Remember to be yourself! 🌈
🧢 everythingscominguponmaxi Follow
I just wanna say that I see so much unhinged and crazy stuff scrolling through my dashboard, and then comes you with your sweet posts. Filled with calmness and love.
I hope you become a big artist one day and I’ll brag to everyone that I knew you when you were just a little blog on Tumblr
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💍 queenoftherink Follow
People are discussing if Regina George is a lesbian or not.
I think she is just high. She cares about no one because she is very high. Kissing people doesn’t feel like much because in her mind they’re probably dancing fruits.
Haha. Maybe Regina has a weird worldview like Cady had. But instead of everyone like animals it’s everyone as fruits or maybe ants. Or furniture. Talking furniture…
💄 not-homophobic-goth-girl Follow
Were you high when you wrote this
💍 queenoftherink Follow
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👨‍🍳 kunsts-best-chef Follow
It is so funny to randomly mention to people that I’m a lawyer student.
Anyway, today we’re making carbonara on my youtube channel! Uploading in 2 hours!
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🧢 everythingscominguponmaxi Follow
Sometimes I think about my childhood and realize… there were some CLEAR signs.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
I’m so confused, what is this about?
#Are you three even talking about the same thing??
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💅🏼 ja-jazmin Follow
Do you guys think I would be a good mom? 😘
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Yes!! Omg
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Yes but you would probably be one of those moms who start a family youtube channel and record everything your kids do, until one day it gets out of hand you get cancelled and your children sue you.
But that is only if you start a family youtube channel😁 Otherwise I’d think you do a splendid job
🐬 fab-and-chic-delfi Follow
Yam’s brutal honesty scares me.
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🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Is she high or just like this? A new song I wrote the other day and thinking of performing later. It’s based on real events.
😎 rapmiro Follow
Idk man Luna can be a little quirky but I don’t like to think she is ever high on anything
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Who says this song is about Luna?
😎 rapmiro Follow
I thought every song you wrote is about Luna?? I thought that was your thing or whatever
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
😎 rapmiro Follow
Why are you reblogging with laughter emojis? Aren’t you offended this song is not about you?
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
😎 rapmiro Follow
Maybe you are high.
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✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
I went to that site where you can listen to music around the world from different decides and anyway, NO ONE put in A rodar mi vida for Argentina in the 90s smh
I could add it there myself but apparently you need to PAY to get an account there…
#i guess the rest of the world will never know the argentinean bangers of the 90s #also I listened to other countries #why does Iceland in the 70s have such bangers #Finland in the 70s too
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😎 rapmiro Follow
People who think I’m nothing… just you wait… one day the whole world will know the name of Ramiro Balsano
💄 not-homophobic-goth-girl Follow
😎 rapmiro Follow
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
My dude how do you forget your own surname and write someone else we know’s surname
😎 rapmiro Follow
It was a typo
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Are you trying to take my identity, rapper boy? 😉
😎 rapmiro Follow
No it was a typo
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
You’d think I would be more cultured due to living in so many different countries growing up, but all it got me was like. Kids shows that maybe were good but were dubbed in languages I did not speak and if they aired in other countries they might not have the same names, so no one knows what I am talking about.
Anyway the trouble with this is that I sometimes don't know if anything aired globally or if it was a show exclusively shown in that very country and it's so annoying. I’m going around with vague memories of some french dubbed anime except I don’t even know if it was an anime or if I just saw Totally Spies in french, or if it was none of that at all. Maybe it was not even animated in the first place and I’m just gaslighting myself that it was. Maybe it wasn’t even french but actually german.
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
When I was small I saw a show where a girl got poured water over her by two mean kids, and her immediate response was to bring out her lasso she carried with her, capture one of the kid’s hands and attempt to drag him down from the balcony.
I remember I became so inspired by this I tried to do it myself by asking my childhood rival to stand on the balcony while I tried to catch her hand with a rope.
We had to stop abruptly because her mother thought I was trying to hit her with it like a whip and forced me to go home.
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
I don’t even remember this, but it makes sense. My mom banned Pippi Longstocking in our house because she thought I was gonna learn to ??? throw kids up in trees with super strenght I guess ??
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
That is something I also wanted to do and I used to throw my sisters up in trees.
But the lasso girl was another girl, she was blonde and had a pet racoon.
… I guess there’s been a theme with unhinged little girls who perform great revenges on their bullies and question authority and always get in trouble that I’ve always loved and wanted to aspire to.
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
Only Camila will say stuff like ”I used to throw my sisters up in trees” and then not elaborate.
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🎧 pixiemix Follow
💃🏼 daisydances Follow
I encourage you letting out your feelings, but I also saw you throwing your nintendo switch across the room almost making a hole in the wall. Please be careful.
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Ted Lasso 2x10 thoughts
“No Weddings and a Funeral” is like being hungover but also coming out of a hangover. Having a terrible cold but also feeling better and appreciating every breath that comes through your nose. Embarking on an organizational project and accidentally falling into a photo album and crying about the pictures and organizing almost nothing tangible but making a few things more clear in your brain.
So much of this episode is about the AWFUL POINTLESSNESS OF DECORUM. How loud is too loud when you’re drinking stolen wine and shrieking about sex in a church right before your father’s funeral? How should you feel--thirty years later, as an accommodating, anger-averse person--about having been too angry to attend the funeral for your father who killed himself? What expression should you make when you show up really late to a different funeral? Why must you wear uncomfortable shoes just because someone died? What happens in your mind between standing up to give a eulogy for a man you’re still angry with and choosing to Rick Roll your mom and everyone else as an act of complicated love, humiliatingly incomplete until someone else starts to sing? Should you worry about your therapist seeing your normally tidy flat in a full-on state of depression mess? Is it okay to be offended that your boyfriend is so uncomfortable about death that he can’t stop making morbid jokes? Should you care about other people caring that you’re crunching an apple in church or squealing with joy to be reunited with a friend you’ve not seen in awhile? Are you obligated to explain your behavior if your kid doesn’t understand how you could stay with someone unfaithful? How far behind the counter should you sink when your [undefined relationship person]’s mother has just let you know she can see your dick through your underwear? Is a funeral reception an okay place to find a hookup? Is a funeral reception a decent spot for a break-up? Is a funeral reception a good time for a love confession when you know the person you’re confessing to is happy with someone else? And who do you make eye contact with when you can’t look directly at the person asking you if you’re okay when there’s so, so much about you she doesn’t know yet? Even if--for this tiny little moment within a vast swath of many okay and not-okay moments--you’re honest when you tell her that you are?
I fucking adored this episode because it answers all these questions very simply: Show up. Show up for yourself. Show up for your friends. Try not to harm yourself. Try not to harm your friends.
I love that this episode is about the messiness of adulthood and the things we bring with us from childhood and that it takes place partially in Rebecca’s childhood bedroom, and in Ted’s childhood memories. Dwelling in those places (whether physically or mentally) isn’t an automatic recipe for regression, but it does get everyone closer to the things that made them who they are, to the unresolved and half-buried parts of them that still make them tick today.
Forever obsessed with every single detail about Rebecca’s childhood bedroom.
Forever obsessed with Deborah’s decision to Rick Roll herself every single morning of her life.
Forever obsessed with Rebecca’s decision to Rick Roll her father’s funeral as a way to not have to make up a single word about her father and to do something very vulnerable and kind for herself and her mother and everyone.
Forever obsessed with Ted’s decision to Rick Roll Rebecca Rick Rolling her father’s funeral.
Forever obsessed with an entire found family backing it up.
I love that it is Isaac’s leadership that ensures every single member of the team attends the service for Paul.
I am very, very interested in Jamie’s love confession to Keeley because I do think it will spark some reflection in Keeley but I do not think it’ll go the cliched love triangle route.
Each scene with Rebecca and Sam struck (for me, a human being sharing a subjective perspective on the internet) the tender-awkward-beautiful-stressful chord I was hoping it would. I think it’s wonderful that Sam is honest with Rebecca about how difficult it is to keep their relationship a secret, and I love that Rebecca has a million mostly-unarticulated reasons for why she’d much prefer the secret to continue. I like that Sassy, Keeley, and Nora respond to the revelation as friends; they might be tempering their judgments in part because they’ve all gathered to bury Rebecca’s dad, but I don’t think their reactions would’ve been that different even on a happier occasion.
While there are a million and one different reasons why a continued relationship between Rebecca and Sam could cause serious ethical problems, I really love that when people share big news on this show, the people who care about them generally react by trying to see why the person is doing what they’re doing. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t also hold each other accountable, but in my book it’s OK that Keeley’s first reaction was to feel happy that her friend is having some fun.
Also everyone has been making weird judgment calls this season, and this episode felt like a moment of real breakthroughs in terms of people telling the truth about things that happened to them and leaving themselves open to honest responses from others.
September 13, 1991. It’s so tenderly, beautifully, overwhelmingly meaningful that there’s still so much Ted and Rebecca don’t know about the things they have in common in these parallel lives they’re leading. The scene between Sarah Niles and Jason Sudeikis is so beautifully acted, and so is the scene between Hannah Waddingham and Harriet Walter. The way they intertwine to communicate that Ted and Rebecca basically lost the ability to trust their fathers simultaneously, from an ocean away? In the hands of lesser storytellers, it would feel too perfect a mirroring, but here it feels heartbreakingly imperfect. All the things they still don’t know. All the questions they try to ask each other. All the things they don’t dare ask yet. And then the storytellers are holding a candle up to all of it and letting the audience bask in the glow of this connection even if Ted and Rebecca can’t fully understand it yet.
I am so proud that Rebecca and Deborah were able to embark on the beginnings of a conversation about the ways Deborah and Paul’s relationship might have resembled or not resembled Rebecca and Rupert’s. It feels possible that they could get to a point where Rebecca truly internalizes her mother’s pride that she broke a cycle by leaving Rupert, and could maybe even understand why her mother made the choices she made. I love that in the final scene, they’re still relying on their old mother-daughter conversational patterns—the frustrations, the snippy shorthand, the passive-aggression. Mothers and daughters!
I am also proud that Ted—albeit via a joke about Sharon charging him for the house call—indicates that he understands the value of Sharon’s work. He’s changed a lot, all in realistic ways for someone who loves learning and really does want to meet people where they are and appreciate them. I’m very moved that instead of putting himself in a real harmful situation by showing up to the funeral on time at any cost, he did what he needed to do to take care of himself and accept care from someone else. And then Sharon’s suggestion that he think about things he loved about his father? And the way he’s able to share a positive memory of Rebecca’s own father at a time when she really needed it? Gosh.
Awkward, undecorous transition from 1991 to present-day incoming...but SASSY! She’s just, like, a whirling dervish of loyal friendship and not giving a fuck and penis size discussions and being casually, delightfully cruel to Rupert, who so deserves it. Rebecca was going on a real face journey when Sassy goes off with Ted at the end, and I’m sort of *eyes emoji* about all of that, but I continue to feel like Sassy is the most imperfectly wonderful friend-from-the-past kind of person and I love everything she and Nora get to do in this episode.
Keeley saying “That baby is whack” might be my favorite line in the episode? Maybe the whole show? Not really but really.
FUCK YOU, RUPERT. Bex and Diane, y’all are fine. And I truly feel for Nate...whatever scheme he’s getting suckered into. Whatever insecurity Rupert is preying on. I want Nate to go to therapy, too.
I feel like it was an unpopular opinion at the time, but I loved Rebecca’s 2x1 revelation about vulnerability and fear of getting hurt and needing to let someone love her. Sassy doesn’t always word things in the most nuanced way, but I think there’s a real possibility that she did ask Rebecca to really consider what it means to feel either safe or unsafe with a person but to know that in either circumstance, that person could end up causing her pain. Standing in that closet with Sam, managing to make it clear that she’s not asking for a break because she knows he will hurt her but because she has to figure out how to be with a wonderful person who could cause her pain...the growth, man. Makes me emotional.
I emerged from this episode feeling, of course, stunned by all the amazing parallels and revelations and beautiful acting and Rick Rolls and just, everything. I also emerged feeling sad/raw/tender because messiness and decorum and growth and coping mechanisms and death and dramatic irony and not knowing things about people and not knowing what you don’t know...it’s a sad, raw, tender place to be.
To quote a guy who got a whole sitcom (lol) named after him, life is real hard.
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maulusque · 4 years
Top 20 Funniest Things about Star Wars, in No Particular Order
1. Darth Maul repeatedly dying and then randomly turning up for absolutely no narrative reason, exclusively to ruin Obi-Wan’s day
2. Hondo Ohnaka in general
        2.a. Bonus: Hondo and Maul competing to be Ezra’s Weird Crime Uncle
3. Dave Filoni being forced to spend 6 7 seasons doing narrative backflips to keep Anakin and Grievous from meeting, because of one throwaway line in ROTS about Grievous being short
4. The B1 Battle Droids in any given moment of the Clone Wars, but especially during the movie
       e.g. those two droids on top of the cliff at Teth, arguing about seeing the approaching clone army and fighting over the binoculars, and one of them just fuckin FALLS of the cliff and the other one goes “get BACK HERE          sergeant”
       also e.g. Rex and like, one other guy, completely surrounded by droids and Rex is like “surrender! we have you outnumbered!” and one of the droids is like “hang on” and actually stARTS COUNTING
5. Grievous bailing hard the moment anything goes remotely wrong 
6. Anakin stabbing a guy in cold blood as the Imperial March plays in the background and then looking all offended at Obi-Wan and going “WHAT? he was gonna blow up the ship!”     
7. Dave Filoni’s incessant need to put wolves in Star Wars
8. the fact that the Mandalorian almost died and earned his clan signet on an errand to fetch brunch for a bunch of jawas
9. Rex’s plan on the Rishi Moon base: “ok so to get into the base currently occupied by droids, i’m going to hold a droid head up to the camera and do my best droid impression and ask them nicely to open the door” and it WORKED
        bonus 9.a: that same episode, Cody’s reaction to Rex shooting one of their brothers (as far as he knew) right in the face was “HECK”
10. Kallus, to Ezra and Kanan: ok you have to knock me out so i don’t get caught as a spy. it has to be convincing.
Ezra: ok *uses the force to fucking YEET kallus through like three panes of glass*
Kanan: EZRA
Ezra: WHAT? that is convincing
Kanan: yeah, but i was gonna do it
11. Kylo Ren stalking into the war room and going “i sense... unease... about my appearance.” and all the generals rushing to compliment his new mask
12. those two stormtroopers in TFA walking around the corner, seeing Kylo Ren having a tantrum and beating up a console with his lightsaber, and just quietly backing away
13. Stormtrooper bonking his head in A New Hope
14. Rex bonking his head on a pipe
15. “It’s ok that we’re here.” “It’s ok that you’re here.” “It’s GREAT that you’re here.” “You’re relieved that we’re here.” “THANK GOODNESS you’re here” “Welcome, guys.”
16. the fact that Palpatine was is still so pissed off about Anakin slam-dunking him down the garbage chute at the end of Return of the Jedi that he had a giant pit built in his Secret Backup Fortress specifically so that he could throw Anakin’s grandson down it thirty years later like that level of PETTINESS
17. Darth Bane was voiced by MARK FUCKING HAMIL
18. Boba Fett dies by blind, confused Han Solo going “BOBA FETT?? WHERE????” and spinning around and accidentally backhanding him into the Sarlacc Pit (of course he’s not really dead shhhhhh fuck you disney)
19. those two scout troopers in episode 8 of the Mandalorian, having captured Baby Yoda and radioing in to try to tell Moff Gideon that they captured the asset like “is he available yet” “yeah, he just killed an officer for interrupting him, so it could be a while.” “ugh ok whatever. Standing by. Still.”
20. the fact that, from Obi-Wan’s point of view, ROTS is just fucking bonkers. Like, he and Anakin rescue the chancellor, everything’s going well, he tells Anakin he’s proud of him, and then he leaves to kill Grievous and just when he succeeds and the war is just about over, Cody tries to shoot him off a cliff and when he makes it back to Coruscant, Anakin is slaughtering a bunch of children and swearing allegiance to a Sith Lord and Obi-Wan has NO IDEA what the FUCK happened there
21. Twilight of the Apprentice from Darth Vader’s point of view: you chase down a bunch of Rebels to a secret Sith Planet. You go to the Temple. Surprise! Your old apprentice is there, along with some random jedi kid. She forces the kid to flee the collapsing temple, and then you proceed to have a big ol’ lightsaber fight but like THIRTY SECONDS LATER, a portal opens up in mid-air, the SAME KID but with a different haircut pops out, grabs your apprentice, and just fuckin vanishes. Poof. Gone. Like, that is just something that happened to Darth Vader one day and it’s just something he had to deal with.
22. JJ Abrams dedicating an entire scene in Rise of Skywalker to calling out Rian Johnson’s shitty Luke-related decisions from TLJ. Rey throwing away the lightsaber and ForceGhost!Luke catching it and going “wow hey maybe treat a Jedi’s weapon with a little more respect RIAN” and “hey Rey don’t do what I did and fuck off to the ass-end of nowhere for twenty years and refuse to do anything useful because that was really stupid and pointless and out of character of me, wasn’t it RIAN”
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Insecure Thicc!Reader
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Pairings: BNHA Boys x reader
Warnings: Some spicy bits, but not too crazy, a little crude, kinda implied fem! in some bits, but you can just skip over those points if ya want
Characters: Bakugou, Kirishima, Dabi
Author’s Note:
Hello! This is the first time I’ve written for Dabi so I hope his turned out ok! As a thicc girl myself, I kinda poured my heart out a bit for this request. I hope you enjoy these little headcanons (I kinda went crazy oop—)!
If you’re feeling insecure, remember that you’re beautiful, no matter what other people say! I’m still on my own journey of self-love, but I hope that this can bring a bit of comfort to anyone who is anywhere on that road.
I know that it says Mirio, but I don't write for him so I contacted the requester and they swapped him out for Dabi.
I love you guys! Hope you like it!
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My mans Bakugou
He can appreciate some nice booty
I'm just going to jump straight to cuddling here because that's what I feel like doing
In public, Bakugou isn't all that affectionate
I am by no means saying he wouldn't gladly flaunt your relationship and yell about how wonderful and attractive his s/o is, but for the most part he likes to keep it between you two
But during down time, when there's nothing to do and all evening to do it, he wants you in his lap
He a stronk boi, you're sitting on his lap whether you like it or not
You are his human teddy bear, and you're going to have a hard time getting him to let you go
He wants to touch you all over and let his hands sink into your soft, plush body
Cheeks? Perfect for kissing and squeezing between his fingers
Your chest? He likes to hold you in his hands and test the weight of your boobs. They're so nice and soft and squeezable
Tummy? Bakugou's all over giving you soft, slow kisses over your skin, sucking a little into his mouth and between his teeth to nibble on
Thighs? He's touching on them constantly. If ever he's feeling possessive over you, his hands are going to fly to your legs and give them a solid squeeze to remind you you're his
Butt? Like I said, he loves it. He likes smacking it at every opportunity. Watching the resulting jiggle is the most satisfying and enticing thing to him
He likes to hold you at night, either his hands firmly clasping those lower cheeks or simply having it pressed into him. As much as he can get, he'll take
Now, if he ever catches you saying something bad about yourself, you're done for
You say it when you're home alone together? He's going to prove to you how beautiful and valuable you are through any methods he can think of
Lecture consisting mostly of him yelling about how much he loves you? Check
Tackling you in an aggressive hug and pinning you to the bed only to point out and gently kiss everything you dislike about yourself, telling you how much he loves it? Check
There's another thing I could mention he'd do, but my mom might read this, so I don't want to get into it, buuutt you can fill it in yourself 👀—
Say something bad out in public? He's going to give you a death glare and pull you aside as soon as he can to tell you to stop
If someone makes a nasty comment about you, they got a big storm comin
Let's just say that, after an extensive apology from the person, you probably won't see them again for weeks
Bakugou knows how to get to people
Katsuki doesn't care about what you look like, as long as you're happy and healthy
He values how you carry yourself and how you treat him. Something as superfluous as appearance isn’t on his mind when choosing and loving a partner
He's a good person to vent to as well. It may not seem like he’s listening sometimes, but he his. His insight is truly outstanding. There's something about him where, when he wants to, he always knows the right thing to say
13/10 loves you just the way you are and knows you're beautiful. Would not hesitate bitch to throw hands to anyone who says otherwise
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Idk if this is me just self projecting onto him or whatever, but high key I think Kirishima could have a thing for thicc people
Nothing against our skinny queens and kings! He'd love you either way
But like, I can 100% see it
So he honestly gets kinda offended when he realizes you're insecure about your body
He understands why you feel this way—he's not blind to the fact that you're a little bigger than some other people
What really gets him is why you put so much pressure on yourself to look a certain way. To him, you're the most beautiful wonderful person in his world. Why would you be so negative towards yourself?
He knows how it feels to be insecure, especially with appearance
If you want to change yourself, he's 100% supportive. Mans is literally the most perfect gym buddy and would love to be by your side on your journey of self improvement
If you're not interested in changing your appearance, whether it be simply just for now or even never, guess what? He's 100% supportive!
I've seen this everywhere, and if you're also a regular in this niche of fanfic, I'm sure you have too, but Kiri is the biggest hype man
New outfit? He's all over telling you how good you look. Flaunt it, babes!
New makeup look? Amazing! Beautiful!
Did something different with your hair? Yesyesyesyesyes
And he's completely genuine in his praise as well. It's not manly to be fake about your thoughts and beliefs, and he knows for a fact that you're beautiful, just the way you are. Confidence goes perfectly with any look!
When it comes to cuddling, he's all over you
He'll respect it if you're uncomfortable being touched in some places, but what he wants most is to be as handsy with you as possible
He just wants to run his hands over every surface of your body. Nothing suggestive about it (unless you're in the mood! 😉), he just wants to feel you
Boob pillow? That's all his. It's like there's one magnet in your chest and another in the side of his head. They're just so soft and plush and squishy?? To die for! Even if your chest is comparatively small, he's still on you. You can't stop him
When his head isn't planted on your chest, it's settled on your belly. He likes the warmth against his cheek and finds every aspect of it cute
Rolls? Adorable! Stretch marks? Beautiful! Hair? Pretty!
11/10 you're getting tummy kithes and little teasing tickles every night you spend together
He loves your thighs. Being a little grabby with them is totally his thing
Yet another place to leave kisses. Maybe even love bites too `O.O`
Great place for him to take little naps. Literally I cannot stress enough how comfortable he finds you, immersed in your scent, cheek comfortably resting on the tops of your legs, your fingers carding through his soft red hair. You are literally Heaven on Earth to him
Insecure about your arms? He loves them. They lead to you, and give him the best cuddles and hugs ever in the whole wide world. He'll kiss them all the way up and down until you admit they're not so bad
That goes for everything though. If he catches you talking bad about yourself or your body, he will tackle you and start kissing you all over until you admit how beautiful you are
He won't hesitate to carry you around or let you sit on his lap. He's a hero (or even just training to be a hero). He's super strong and manly, and besides, what else are those muscles for? Punching bad guys? Nah, he's more interested in holding his favorite person in the world (oop, that's you!)
Doesn't matter how heavy you are (I'm also talking to all yee who are 200lbs+. I see you. He's got you), he can pick you up. Carrying around his s/o is 100% mandatory and you can't say no (well, I mean, you can but like, only if you truly mean it)
Any days you feel down on yourself, he can be a little more serious
He's a great listener and will hear every word you have to say without interrupting, even though a part of him wants to interject any time you may try to call yourself ugly or unattractive
Once you've vented everything out, he'll pull you into his arms and let you settle on his lap. Then he'll give you the hype/pep talk you need
Anything you don't like about yourself, he'll go on a whole rant about how much he loves it. It's not a flaw, it's just a part of who you are. And because it's a part of you, Kirishima is going to love it, no matter how much resentment you may feel towards it
He's a big hugger, so he wants to have you as close to him as he can. It helps him feel like he's making you feel better
Heaven forbid someone tries to give you trouble for how you look
He won't react as explosively as Bakugou, but they still better be praying
Kirishima's going to give them a good long talk about treating others with respect and being manly. He's not leaving until they apologize
All in all, Kirishima will forever love you for who you are. He doesn't care about your body shape or size. As long as you're healthy and happy and being your best self, he's going to be all for you
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So this guy is not having ya insecure BS
He doesn't see any problem with the way you look
He really grows to like your body even more than he expected over the course of the relationship
He likes how much more of you he has to grab and kiss and smack (affectionately)
He's pretty open with PDA
He likes grabbing your ass where everyone can see and giving you a nice squeeze just to let you and everyone else know you're his
He's into making out with you behind the bar, just waiting for someone to walk in on you
Dabi isn't big on being soft in public, but behind closed doors, you'd find him giving softer kisses and lighter touches
Initially isn't big on cuddling but opens up to it more as he finds how soft and huggable you are
You can bet you're sitting on his lap whenever you can, whether it's alone together in your room or even during a meeting; this man has no shame (not that he should be)
When you open up to him about your insecurities, he'll be a little upset
He sees nothing wrong with you at all, so why is your body something to be upset over? If anything, he's more attracted to you like this
He has a bit of a hard time finding himself attractive due to his burns (he's so wrong tho), so in that sense, he can somewhat understand
Decides to make a bit of a pact with you to stop being so insecure about yourselves and making a big deal out of appearances
You both love each other for who you are, and that's what's important
Taglist: @a-happy-otter @basicaegyo @iiminibattlehero @katsugay @nabo39 @pyrofanatic @sendhelpimstupid @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
hey!! i love your writing sm💕 idk if you’re still taking requests or if you’re comfortable w a like platonic or father figure yandere. But how about yan! Steve Rogers where he kidnaps a teenage girl to be his daughter then shields her from the world to “protect” her kinda like rapunzel. if you don’t want to that’s no problem at all tho💕
Hi, sweetie! This is a very peculiar request, and I really, really like it! I guess I’ve made Steve a little softer than I expected, but here he is. Hope you’re going to enjoy this!
The one he cares about
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Pairing: adoptive dad!Steve & Reader, Peter Parker x Reader (if you squint)
Warnings: yandere, obsession (non-romantic!), stalking, kidnapping, death of minor characters (but nothing too scary).
Words: 1870.
P.S. Just to clarify this is NOT an incest story, Steve does not harbor any romantic feelings for the reader, he loves her like a parent does.
Pacing up and down nervously like a caged tiger, Steve threw a glance at the clock on the kitchen wall, ready to take out his cellphone and give you a call. It was just 10 pm, but he felt something wasn't going quite right. Was everything ok at that party? Were you enjoying yourself? Did you finally confess to that silly guy Steve didn't like at all? What if he had already got you, Steve's precious little daughter, into bed?
Breathing in deeply, the man tried calming himself down. You were an adult. At one point you would start dating people, and it was perfectly alright, Sam reminded him the other day. You weren't some princess locked in a tower with Steve guarding you like an angry dragon. You had the right to love and be loved, create your own family, for God's sake. When he thought of you leaving him Steve was ready to break that kitchen wall.
No, no, no, it was alright. You loved him with all your heart, and no stupid guy could take it away from Steve. He was your father. Adoptive father, of course, but he did everything he could to make you trust and love him as much as you true family. You were calling him dad, after all. And even if you eventually married someone, Steve would always stay close to help and support you - and your kids, if you ever decide to have any. At the thought of him kissing the cheeks of his cute little grandchildren Steve had finally relaxed.
Oh, was it the sound of the front door opening? As much as he wanted to rush to meet you, the man quickly put on his apron he ironed this morning and turned to the heated stove to put a meat pie in it. Alright, alright, you were already home, it was perfect.
But why so early? Steve was really generous this time and gave you till 1 am - of course, if you took a taxi, not go walking the streets in the night. Did something go wrong? Did the guy reject you? Did he take advantage of you? Did he... do something he shouldn't have?
Steve felt his blood boiling. In a second he was ready to storm out of the kitchen to beat the shit out of that bastard who was stupid enough to hurt his child.
"Hi dad! I'm home!"
As you walked in, carrying your beaded clutch in your arms and yawning tiredly, Steve put a smile on his face momentarily, assessing whether you were hurt within a couple of seconds. No, apparently, you were alright: you moved just like before; your hair wasn't ruffled, and your makeup wasn't smeared eather. He had overreacted again.
"Welcome back, sweet pea." Steve moved closer to you, giving you a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead as you giggled softly, throwing your arms around his broad back. "How did it go?"
As your face turned gloomy for a fleeting second, he knew his sixth sense wasn't lying to him: something didn't go well.
"Nah." You brushed it off as you sat on the chair, carelessly leaving your clutch on the table and stretching your legs with a loud sigh.
"What is it, sweetie?"
Furrowing his brows, Steve sat across from you, his hands folded as he stared at you with worry. Shit, did this guy try doing something funny? Did he offend you? Oh, Steve was going to have a nice talk with him, a moron who thought he could do this to his little girl and it would never come back at him. Should he call Natasha? Maybe Bucky? He knew they were still in town. No, no, he would take this matter in his own hands and go have a nice talk with that stupid ungrateful ba-
"It's alright, I swear." You muttered and forced a smile, drawing his attention back to you. "He just... well, just didn't return my feelings."
"Did he reject you?"
For a second Steve felt both relieved and ready to go murder that kid in a cold blood. Rejected you? The prettiest and smartest girl in the town with a heart of gold? Who did that little shit think he was, rejecting Steve's precious daughter?
But it was better than him forcing you to do something you didn't want. At least that asshole didn't do anything inappropriate to you, probably too scared to face your angry dad who could crack his skull with one hand.
"Not like reject in the full sense of the word, but... um, I feel like he was a little scared of me." Your smile turned bitter, and you leaned onto Steve, pressing your forehead into his chest as you exhaled loudly.
Well, it wouldn't be the first time it happened. Everybody around knew you were the daughter of retired Captain America, and people were treating you with such caution as if you were some time bomb, clearly unwilling to make the world's first Avenger angry. Partly, it was a good thing since no one tried messing with you. However, you were also left pretty much alone, ignored by the majority for the sake of their own well-being. Although you had found several friends, dating someone was a completely different thing: guys were running away from before you even spoke to them.
"I'm so sorry." The man said quietly, rubbing your back and gently caressing your head with his other hand. "This is my fault."
You sighed, lifting your head and looking at Steve so tenderly he suddenly felt like he was the happiest man in the world. What, weren't you upset?
"Come on, dad." His heart sped up when you called him that, and he was ready to lift you up in the air, kissing his little girl's nose. "I thought he's different, but he's just a chicken like all other guys. I'll get over him soon."
"Hard to live up to our standards, I guess." Steve smiled and pinched your nose a little, making you laugh again. "But you need to know I am really sorry, sweat pea. I swear I wouldn't stand in your way if you decided he was the right guy for you."
Actually, Steve pretty much would, but you wouldn't know about it. Happiness of his only child was the only thing that mattered to him now: what was the point of being a parent if you couldn't make your kid happy?
"It's okay, really, dad. I wouldn't change the things as they are now. When I think what could happen if you didn't see me on the street that night... uh-huh." You didn't finish the sentence, not that you needed to.
If Steve didn't find you that night desperately searching for food on the streets of New York, you'd probably be dead now.
You were born to a good family, and you spent the first 11 years of your life in a nice place, having loving parents, the roof above your head and food on the table. You were just one more happy kid among thousands of others, neither better nor worse than all of them. It all changed when your parents were killed by two robbers who had broken into your house, and soon you ended up in an orphanage - you still had nightmares about this place. You spent a year there before you escaped, choosing the streets over an orphanage. Silly you, thinking it would be better.
When Steve found you, you were 13. Dirty, always hungry, acting like a little wild animal, you were no more pitiful than any other homeless child, ignored by the majority of people, but Steve saw you. He took you with him - forcefully, of course, because you fought him like a little angry cat, frightened to the core he was going to take advantage of you like all those people pretending to help you. But he didn’t. He was the one who had truly cared.
It took him months to get you accustomed to living in a house again with someone close to you. Steve spent even more time trying to make you trust him, make you believe he was your friend, somebody you could rely on, trust, see as a parental figure. You couldn’t even name all those people he hired to help you: countless psychologists and psychiatrists; doctors and nurses of all kinds; visiting teachers and tutors. Despite liking to live alone, Steve brought so many strangers to his house it felt like living in a royal palace with tons of court attendants. All of this was for you, the only person he cared about, his little child.
When you were 15, you started calling him dad, and that was the day neither Steve nor you would ever forget: he scooped you up and kept swinging you around till your head was spinning while he laughed and shouted how much he loved you, the best daughter he could ever had. 
You never knew the extent to which Steve cared about you, following you secretly when you finally agreed to leave the house - he needed to know you were safe and sound. Of course, he was always there when he supposed someone wasn’t treating you right, and he did everything he could to keep his only child happy. Unfortunately, you were lonely until Steve found a couple of good friends for you, but it was alright. You were perfectly okay now.
“I love you too, sweet pea.” He smiled, caressing your head gently. “But you know what? Don’t worry about that guy. I actually have someone who I want you to meet, and he’s a really sweet kid.”
“Whoa, what? What kid?”
“Well, you know. Kid from work.”
“Dad, what work? What kid?” You rolled your eyes at him, giggling. “How old is he, at least?”
“A little older than you, but he’s alright. He’s been wanting to meet you for some time.” But before Steve wasn’t sure kid was the right guy for you, considering that he was still very much an Avenger and was involved in all kinds of dangerous situations. 
“Dad, what kid? Are you talking about your superhero colleagues or something?” 
“... yeah? I promise, you’ll like him. Peter’s a good kid.”
“Peter? Peter goddamn Parker?!” You exclaimed loudly, realizing he was talking about Spider-Man. “Are you joking?!”
“What did I tell you about swearing, sweetheart?” Furrowing his brows, Steve shook his head in disapproval, but laughed in the very next second, watching your guilty expression. “Alright, alright. I’m not joking. If you’d like to meet him, I’ll ask him to come tomorrow for dinner, ok?”
“Yes, please!”
As he took the pie out of the oven with you waiting at the dinner table, Steve thought about giving the kid a big lecture about what he was and wasn’t supposed to do to you, but he was more or less sure Peter knew what was right and wrong. Steve could spot that familiar glint in kid’s eyes when he was looking at your photo that Steve had been showing him proudly. 
It would turn out alright. Your father was ready to do anything it takes to make you happy.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki @helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @iheartsebastianstan @lovelydarkdaydream @sarge-barnes-sir
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Family (Five Hargreeves x Fem! Reader)
A/N: Hi, it's time for a ... Five Fiction, lol. Danny didn't appreciate my joke, but ok. Again this is a one shot, it's just me wanting to share my ideas, I hope you like it. - Val
Important announcement: We still have spots for you to request!
Another important thing: In this one shot, Five’s 19 years old and not 13  like in the series... 
Aaaaaand this is from season 2.
Words: 1,334
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From the office of Sir Reginald Hargreeves,
To my Pursuers:
I, Reginald Hargreeves, request the pleasure of your company for a light supper on the 20th of November, 1963, at half past seven o'clock.
"Okay, we'll go," says Luther getting up from a chair.
At first, Luther didn’t want to go, but a little speech from Diego convinces him. Together with Vanya and I, we walked towards the stairs of Elliott's little apartment. Luther turns to look at me and stops me with his arm.
"Uh, what are you doing?"
I look up at him. "You just said we'll go, come on, we don't want to piss off Daddy Hargreeves!" I take another step, but again, Luther stops me.
“Y/N, I don't think you can go," he says looking at his siblings.
"Why not?"
“You're not part of the family, our father will get confused with all the info, your presence will worsen all.”
“Excuse me?" I say offended.
"What Luther is trying to say,” says Diego, approaching. "Is that, we know who we are dealing with, he’s not the best person.”
"I know that, you’ve told me repeatedly,” I roll my eyes. "Stop whining, all of you seven have powers, I'll be fine.”
"Yes, I thought that too and ended up stabbed,” he growls, “Listen, I just think it’d be dangerous,” he says unsure.
"We've been through worse things," I cross my arms.
“It's different.”
"I don't see a problem with Y/N being with us,” adds Vanya.
"Thank you!”
"Vanya has amnesia, it doesn't count," says Luther.
"What?" She complains.
"Anyway, Y/N you can't come, it’s not right.”
"Oh please, Luther, look around you, none of this is right," I complain.
He looks at me and makes a face.
"Don't make me do something that I might regret.”
“Luther," says Diego, but his brother ignores him.
"What are you planning to do, Ape brain?"
A very bad phrase towards a man with super strength to someone who has no powers. Suddenly Luther takes me by the waist and puts me on his shoulder. I try to avoid it by kicking and screaming, but obviously nothing works.
"Put me down!"
Luther takes me to the roof of Elliott's store where he has all his photography equipment, drops me to the ground and takes my arm and then handcuffs me -I did not know where those came from, and I do not want to know- one of my wrists, to a building’s pipe.
"You got to be kidding!" I screech trying to break free.
"It's for your own good," he says and returns to the building.
"Luther!" I shout. "Diego!" I wait for a few seconds without receiving an answer. "Son of a bitch…” I whisper leaning my head against the pipes.
Truth be told, this doesn't surprise me on Luther's part, but at least I thought Diego would do something.
“I'll avenge myself.”
While Y/N prepares her revenge on the roof, the other Hargreeves head towards the place where their father indicated.
The first to arrive is Five, who walks to the elevator and presses the correct button, but when the doors begin to close, Diego stops them. Little by little, the others arrive, but Five frowns when he does not see the girl.
“Where’s Y/N?" He asks, looking at his brothers.
"Tell him, Luther,” Diego mentions reproachfully.
"Tell me what?" says Five. "What the fuck did you do?"
"Not now, Five,�� answers Luther and the elevator doors open, Five uses his powers to confront Luther.
"Tell me exactly what happened if you don't want me to use your ape hand to make a keychain.”
"I'm not one of the family…” I whisper through my teeth. "Stupid Luther, if it weren't for me, he'd be in a circus."
"Just when I thought you were the sane one of the team…"
I jump when I hear another voice. I turn to find Five walking towards me with his hands in his pockets.
"If you just come to tease, I'll throw you off the roof.”
"I don't think you can do much handcuffed to the pipes," He says, sitting next to me. I sigh.
We’re silent for a few seconds until Luther's words return to my mind. I look at the boy.
"Do you think I'm not part of the family?" I ask.
"You're not," He says shortly and I nod, looking down.
At this point I'm used to Five's cutting and sarcastic comments, most of the time I talk back, but what he says is true, I can't deny it and I hate that.
“I just wanted to go with them. I know that your father is something delicate and I know that he was a horrible person who did a lot of harm. I thought that, just being there as moral support, I could help somehow…”
He laughs at my words.
"Dinner would have ended very differently if you had…”
I frown.
"What happened?"
“We showed him our powers, he asked questions. Luther finally rebelled against him after being his puppet for years, Diego was traumatized by constructive criticism, Klaus acted weirder than usual, Vanya exploded the fruit, Allison used the rumor again and I- Well, I thought he could help me, but I'm still clueless.”
I analyze everything he tells me and it may sound strange, but I’m no longer surprised by the Hargreeves family reunions.
“Yep," He turns to see me. "Let me help you with that…” he says lifting the handcuffs, he gets up and opens them.
I stroke my wrist as I get up.
"Come on, I've got a revenge on Luther waiting for me…” I walk up the stairs. "Diego also deserves it, he didn't do shit to help me.”
I stop and turn to see him a few feet away.
"You may not be part of the family," He looks away. “But I think you are the most important person in the group."
I’m surprised at his words. Five is the least to express any feeling other than anger.
"You think?" I ask with a smile.
"Without you, we would be lost," he says, smiling a bit dryly.
"Awww, you're so sweet, Five!" He rolls his eyes and I laugh. I open my arms and nod, ”Come here…”
“Y/N,” Five complains, but I wrap him in a hug. He sighs and not long after I feel his arms on my waist, his body relaxes.
"It's just a hug, grumpy," I say over his growling. "Thank you…” I whisper as I step away, putting my hands on his shoulders. I smile and then kiss his cheek.
"Aw! Guys come here!” Klaus's voice makes us jump apart. The others follow him closely. "Luther, how can you say that she’s not in this family? She’s getting closer to being an actual sister!” He says pointing at us.
"What!?" I feel my cheeks burn and the others laugh.
"Ben says he hears wedding bells," Klaus adds, clapping his hands.
"Shut up, Klaus!" The boy and I say at the same time. I may be embarrassed right now, but I can't help but smile a little.
"Maybe I was wrong before,” says Luther and my smile disappears completely.
"Oh I'm going to show you how wrong you can be…”
"I don't like that look," Luther backs up a bit and then goes downstairs.
I laugh at his action, it’s not the first time that I carry out a promise, so I follow his steps without hurrying. When we get to the apartment, the others scatter around the place while I rejoice in Luther's agony trying to apologize.
"Who would say that such a small girl can scare someone like Luther?" Allison scoffs, then walks into the kitchen.
Then a blue light flashes behind me.
“That’s my girl…” Five whispers close to my ear and then teleports back to another location.
I feel my face burning again and I grin like an idiot, but that can wait for now.
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of-house-atreides · 3 years
This article is breaking my brain
Have you read this article ?
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TW: mentions of suicide and also I’m an angry petty bitch
Yes I know this article is from like three weeks ago but I just found it... and I have things to say.
I swear I can’t handle this anymore...
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“But today, Loki steps out of his brother’s shadow”... to step in another one. It be the TVA or Sylvie, just... take your pick.
“resuming his role as the God of Mischief” um where? when?
The comedy part is debatable but fine, whatever... I must have missed the noir crime-thriller bit maybe it was between two scenes of Loki getting his ass kicked by literally everyone in this show.
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Yeah you forgot that end-credit scene showing Loki alive and well in IW/Endgame.
And no, alternate/variant Loki doesn’t count, he’s not the same person/character.
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Because of course when you think of Loki you instantly think his story should take place in a “bureaucratic nightmare” -
And why not hire competent experienced people for Multiverse of Madness and Loki? Is this Marvel’s way of telling us they don’t really care about these projects?
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Kevin really said “no experienced writers on this project, let’s just hire whoever” - or maybe it’s a budget thing? Less experience means less zeros on the pay checks?
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Wow, ok.
So not a fan of the movies nor a fan of the character, just a fan of the genre, that explains a lot...
“what was really important to me was stripping away all the fantastical elements” ... ?? I’m sorry?? What?? So removing all the fantastical elements from a show titled after who is supposed to be the main character who is a GOD and a prince from another realm/planet was what was important?? The Trickster God of Mischief, magic wielder, master of illusions NEEDED to be stripped from his FANTASTICAL ELEMENTS???
“find the heart of this story” - is the heart of this story Loki becoming best friends with his (mental and physical) torturer after what? 2 days? Was it falling in love with the ‘superior’ version of himself after only 13 hours together? I’m still looking for the heart of this story.
“what is the relatable message at the center?” - well apparently it’s ‘you can be a God and a warrior with magical powers but still get your ass kicked by literally everyone all the time and never use your strength and skills to fight back’. Or it’s the power of love, idk -
Oh wait, is it falling in love with the female version of himself? For a weird ‘love yourself’ metaphor? That must be it.
Or maybe it’s jet skis.
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Ah yes, the ‘you can be good, actually’ message of this series that is so subtly presented to us...
They really missed the whole fucking point of Loki.
They missed it so bad they made him call himself a narcissist (which he isn’t btw).
For the record, Loki is a prince of Asgard who learnt one day he was adopted and in fact taken from one of Asgard’s worst enemies, the King of the Jotuns, aka Frost Giants “the monsters parents tell their children about at night”. He found out he was not only adopted but also abducted and not out of love. He feels not only betrayed but he thinks he understands now why Odin always favoured Thor and why he’d never have the same love from Odin that Thor has had his whole life. He thinks of himself as a monster and wants to be worthy of Odin’s love. So he tries to get it. And sure, he doesn’t do it in the best way, and yes, he is the villain of that story. But Loki isn’t a villain. He doesn’t like to make people suffer, he did it out of pain, out of hurt. The events in Avengers was after he was thoroughly tortured and coerced by Thanos to invade Earth. There is even a moment in the end when Thor asks him if he thinks this ‘madness would stop under his rule’ (or something along those lines) and he looks unsure and regretful. But due to the fear of Thanos and insecurity about himself (love is weakness or whatever) he keeps going. He redeems himself in Dark World, again in Ragnarok and yet again in IW and he was thrown in the trash for it.
Yes, Loki’s story is complex, but it really isn’t that complex... So maybe Loki is a “scared little boy” but his way of acting out makes sense and there’s a legitimate reason for it that was not explored in the show. And his backstory is probably what she called the “bells and the whistles”... 
“we literally delete his universe” - and apparently you deleted his personality too
“it’s a story of reinvention ... can Loki find goodness in himself?” - again, you’re missing the point. Loki is insecure, but not about his ability to do what’s right, but about whether or not he is worthy of love! Finding goodness within himself comes AFTER!
“Loki’s journey, to me, is really about acceptance of himself” - several questions here, um, first, what about himself does he need to accept? That he’s a Jotun? The show never mentions it. That he’s done bad shit and should forgive himself for it? Give him a reason to. Self-love doesn’t come after being mentally and physically tortured by some guy who acts like he’s your best friend after 2 days of working together and being yelled out that “he can be anyone he wants, even something good”.
Show, don’t tell, isn’t that the point of your job?? The job you begged for??
Loki’s journey should have been about self-love and no, falling in love with the female version of yourself (who keeps saying they have nothing in common (because they don’t!)) doesn’t count!
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“a more mature and darker path” ...
well this is interesting... was making Loki a clown and the butt of every joke part of making the show mature and dark? Were the terrible attempts at humour? Him being beaten up every two seconds? Having him say lines he’d never say in a million years just to be funny but since it’s out of character for him it fails completely? Was making him incompetent and a complete idiot part of that attempt of making the show mature and dark?
Is that why there’s no magic? You cut off the magician so your show would be more “mature and dark”?
Having him cry every episode doesn’t make your show mature and dark.
Loki from Thor, Avengers, the Dark World and even IW is mature and dark. Your Loki from your series is just a pathetic clown.
“don’t give viewers the story they are expecting” - I personally wasn’t expecting any story, I just wanted Loki, you know, in this Loki series, supposedly all about Loki, and you guys couldn’t even do that.
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So this is the author of the article speaking here, I’m guessing, and I think they’re giving a summary of the show so far, so let’s break this down:
“This is Loki as we’ve never seen him before” - I 100% agree -
“Stripped of his self-proclaimed majesty” - ok, first of all, Loki is a prince, that’s a fact, he didn’t make that up, and for the few years he was King of Asgard disguised as Odin, he seemingly did a great job, so...
“but with his ego still intact” - ah, yes, his ego, you know, because he’s such a narcissist... oh wait -
yes he has an ego, but he has a regal one, not misplaced entirely either - his ego in the show is basically him underestimating the TVA and Mobius (as well as the Time Keepers) - his ego is him getting offended by the variant: the ‘superior Loki’ - his ego in the show is used as a weapon to humiliate and belittle him.
“he faces consequences he never thought could happen to such a supreme being as himself” - he literally tried to k*ll himself in the first Thor - literally a result of his own actions - when he returned to Asgard in Dark World, he didn’t try to pretend he hadn’t fucked up. He didn’t try to hide what he had done (he tries to deny to Mobius in episode 2 that he was manipulating them at the fair) - he sacrifices himself in IW... but sure, Loki from the series is indeed surprised that he is powerless (even when he doesn’t need to/shouldn’t be)
“there is a lot of humour ... he is taken down a few pegs by the TVA” ... he is humiliated by the TVA - definitely not what we were expecting, I’ll give you that.
“sentenced to a lifetime of bureaucracy” - definitely did not expect that either
and here comes my favorite quote: “it’s a sad Loki without any mischief”
yes - yes - yes
that is a good summary of this goddamn show, a sad, pathetic, powerless Loki without any personality 
“fallen God” - yeah that’s definitely not what I was expecting either from the Loki series so good job on subverting expectations I guess...
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“who is going to win out in this match between them?”
there is no match - Loki is powerless - he’s been turned into a pathetic docile harmless wet dog - Mobius literally mentally (episode 1 and 4) and physically (episode 4) tortures him, both time in an attempt to have Loki do his bidding - Loki is the dog and Mobius is the master - even when Loki ‘tries’ to manipulate him it fails because he’s underestimating them (by overestimating himself) - he uses obvious techniques to manipulate the TVA (episode 2) and nobody buys it because it’s not subtle at all! Loki is smarter than that, he is a TRICKSTER GOD FFS!
“there is an interesting dynamic between them that maybe you haven’t seen with Loki in the Marvel movies” - yeah, maybe there’s a reason for that... like... he wouldn’t... submit so easily... he’d be wary, cautious, cunning... he’d be... himself...
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Sans déconner ?
It’s like whoever wrote the series didn’t actually know shit about Loki... like that wasn’t fucking obvious...
And those lectures were apparently done after the script was written so... again, no surprise there... we can see that
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“we wanted the show to be imbued with mischief” vs “sad Loki without any mischief” choose your fighter
“Loki has this very sensitive, damaged, broken heart with an enormous capacity to feel emotion on the biggest scale.”
Are surprised that only Tom so far has portrayed and talked about Loki accurately?
“loneliness, sadness, anger and grief and loss”
I love this man.
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I do wonder what Mr. Branagh thinks of the show...
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I’m of the people who see a vulnerability beneath those layers of charm and playfulness. I love Loki because he’s smart and cunning and regal, and elegant and sophisticated. I love him cause at the end of the day, he just wants to be loved, and he deserves to be loved.
And in the end, the only Loki I can’t stand is the one from the series.
41 notes · View notes
The Last Weekend (S2, E13)
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It’s been a trip fam. Hopefully, it continues for a third season. Thanks for sticking with me this far. 
My time-stamped thoughts for this episode are below. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:19 - That taxidermy is creepy af. 
0:25 - Ok. But like, this is amazing. Look at Malcolm. He’s confused,  annoyed, and a little pissed off but he doesn’t actually look scared. He just woke up in a strange place tied to a chair and the last thing he remembers is telling his father to run. He knows his serial killer father kidnapped him but he’s not scared because there’s a part of Malcolm that is so so desperate for Martin to love him. Malcolm is NOT okay. His reaction to being kidnapped by his serial killer father is evidence of that. This dude is not in a good mental place. I'm here for it. This is bad. 
0:40 - Groggy, annoyed, and sassy Malcolm is adorable.
0:51 - This is a woman who thinks not telling the NYPD about that Capshaw phone call killed her son. She doesn’t know where Malcolm is right now or if he’s alive. BUT Jessica knows Martin has Malcolm and therefore - Malcolm is not safe. The guilt and fear is oozing from Jessica and I want to hug her. :( <3
1:13 - Again. Malcolm is in danger. Why doesn’t Ainsley seem to be worried? At all?!? This girl’s lack of empathy is genuinely concerning. If my brother was abducted by our abusive father I would be a wreck. 
1:25 - “Don’t get cocky.” HA. What a great line. Although, it’s really sad to see how desperate Ainsley is for some attention from her mother. Although, I do love the contrast between this line and the line from 1x3: "You watch my reports?" "Not with the sound on". Jessica really is growing as a parent. I love that for her. 
1:31 - “Capshaw is claiming Malcolm was Dad’s accomplice.” WHY ISN'T AINSLEY UPSET ABOUT THIS. SHE’S ACTING LIKE IT’S JUST SOME JUICY GOSSIP. BE ANGRY GIRL. BE SCARED. BE UPSET. THIS IS YOUR BROTHER. At least Jessica is pissed and scared about it. 
1:46 - “Cruel eyes.” Has Capshaw ever looked at Malcolm? That boy has the sweetest eyes ever. They’re a gorgeous shade of blue, wide, and expressive. Never cruel. Often fearful. ALSO the fact that Capshaw looks at the window (where she knows Malcolm’s friends are standing) when she says this INFURIATES ME. I want this woman dead. She is the spawn of Satan and you can't change my mind. 
1:50 - The way Dani looks at Gil when he says, “You buying this?” is wonderful. This girl is scandalized at the idea that Gil might be buying Capshaw’s story. This girl is team Malcolm and I love her for it. She's so offended at the idea that Gil - the man who's known Malcolm since he was 10 years old - might think Malcolm is a bad guy. <3 <3 
1:52 - “Our boy’s crazy, but not that crazy.” <3 <3 <3 Every time JT calls Malcolm “our boy” or “our guy” my heart explodes. I love the evolution of their relationship so so so much. <3 Also JT is giving off major big brother vibes to Dani and Malcolm this episode and I LOVE IT. <3
1:54 - “Good. We all know she’s lying. Problem is we’re the only ones.” This whole scene. *CHEF’S KISS* Seriously, protective!Dani, protective!JT, and protective!Gil in the same scene?!? All going to bat for Malcolm? I’m in love. This is the found family content I’m here for. ALSO look at GIL. This man is so so pissed that someone is trying to paint his surrogate son as the bad guy. Gil is a good man but someone is threatening his family and that means he’s going to break his own rules. <3 I’m here for it. This is the kind of inner turmoil I subscribed to this show for. 
2:02 - "Good morning sleepyhead." I have thoughts. 1) If Martin truly cared about Malcolm why didn't he restrain Malcolm on one of those twin beds (where he could actually sleep) instead of tying him to a chair?!?! 2) Look at how hard Martin is trying to act like Malcolm's friend (not even a good friend). He's not acting like Malcolm's dad. A dad or a good friend wouldn't leave a guy who just suffered from an embolism alone and tied to a chair. They'd take him to a hospital, obviously that was out of the question here. So for the sake of this comparison, a good friend/dad would have put Malcolm on the bed, gotten some warm blankets for him, made sure water was close by, and stayed with him until he woke up - to you know, MAKE SURE HE'S STILL BREATHING?!?! BUT not Martin, this dude just waltzes into the room and delivers a mildly condescending yet cheery rendition of "good morning sleepyhead" almost as though Malcolm's unconscious state was a burden to Martin. Even though Malcolm was unconscious because MARTIN DRUGGED HIM (also not good!Dad behaviour). 
2:04 - "You drugged me?!?" This breaks my heart. After everything, Malcolm is still surprised (and rightfully annoyed) that his father drugged him. Malcolm knows that Martin is a bad man. He knows Martin has drugged him before. He knows he shouldn't trust Martin but after everything there's still a part of Malcolm desperate to believe that Martin loves him. PLUS one of the last memories Malcolm has before he woke up in this motel is of Martin saving his life. Malcolm was giving in to the "maybe Dad really does love me" mentality. It's heartbreaking and I want to give Malcolm a hug. 
2:23 - I find this whole exchange so upsetting yet interesting. Both Malcolm and Martin are being openly hostile to each other. Usually, Malcolm is civil to Martin but right now, Martin is NOT chained to a wall and Malcolm is acting like an argumentative and whiny teenager (and rightfully so but still not a safe move). Martin is matching Malcolm’s mood. Martin is engaging in Malcolm’s frustration with an off-putting amount of cheer. I honestly believe Martin is just ecstatic that he’s been given an opportunity to ‘be a father’ again. There’s also a part of me that is completely convinced that Martin was already hatching his plan to have Malcolm kill him. Why would he do that? My answer: 1) Martin doesn’t want to go back to prison, 2) To finally get revenge on Malcolm for turning him in in 1998, 3) he’s a predatory psychopath and he saw an opportunity to screw with someone, 4) Martin is pissed off that Malcolm keeps trying to distance himself from Martin. Martin see’s it as betrayal and he wants to make Malcolm suffer. 
2:25 - THIS. IS. AMAZING. The way Malcolm immediately panics and tries to escape Martin when the switchblade comes out is incredible. You can see Malcolm’s perspective shift. We actually see it flip back and forth all episode. Half the time, Malcolm is a little boy desperately trying to convince himself that Martin has changed and that Martin loves him. The other half of the time, Malcolm is a logical and educated adult who knows Martin is a dangerous killer who is trying to manipulate him. It’s such a compelling dichotomy.
 2:44 - “We are the victims here Malcolm.” I absolutely believe that Martin believes this statement. HOWEVER, I also think he’s using the situation to his advantage in an attempt to sway Malcolm’s trust in him. 
2:52 - “You’re in a pickle.” This infuriates me. Martin does NOT love or care about Malcolm. What Martin does love - is what Malcolm does for him. ie. Providing him a connection to the real world (visiting him in prison), giving him an outlet for his attention-seeking needs, giving him a plaything to manipulate. Martin views Malcolm as a pet NOT a person and NOT a son. That kills me. 
2:55 - “I need to call Gil.” <3 <3 This is absolutely beautiful and terrifyingly stupid. Beautiful because Malcolm is in trouble and his knee-jerk reaction is “Gil can help. I trust Gil. Gil loves me. He’ll listen. He’ll help.” <3 <3 So precious. It’s scary though because it’s no secret that Martin views Gil as a threat to his family. This will make Martin more determined to manipulate Malcolm. Because again, Martin views everything as possessions. He doesn’t actually love Malcolm, Ainsley, and Jessica. He loves the idea of them and what he can do with them. He doesn’t actually care about them though. He only cares about their wellbeing to the extent of how it will affect him. (SIDE NOTE: I’m honestly crushed that we didn’t get a proper Gil+Martin face off during this finale.)
2:58 - “Gil’s great and all.” This man speaketh from his ass. He hates Gil. This is some damn fine manipulation. He’s interaction with Malcolm in a way he knows Malcolm will have a positive reaction. I respect it. It also makes my blood boil (out of love for Malcolm).
3:05 - “Who would you believe?” This hurts. Look at how absolutely crushed Malcolm looks. Malcolm knows no one will believe him. Why would they? He’s the son of a serial killer with well documented mental health issues and well documented issues with rule-following. It’s common knowledge that he’s an intense and weird dude. And it’s all Martin’s fault. 
3:07 - “Can we talk?” I’m impressed. First, Martin complements the man he knows Malcolm respects more than anything. Then, he appeals to Malcolm’s insecurities and fears of being ‘The Surgeon’s son’. He does it all calmly, in a comforting tone of voice. This is manipulation at its finest. 
3:17 - “You look ridiculous.” This is Malcolm fully aware that Martin just tried to manipulate him. It still hurt Malcolm because those fears about no one believing him are completely rational and a very logical outcome of the scenario but at least Malcolm is aware of Martin’s game.
3:30 - “I’m Clare.” .....Clare = Claremont. Did Martin do that subconsciously or is he aware?  I can totally see him accidentally picking that name because after 20 years he’s begun to define himself as a part of the Claremont institution. He’s almost trying to maintain that link to the life he’s become accustom to. 
3:35 - “Too insane.” Holy shit. Malcolm sassing Martin is 1) hilarious but 2) super scary because I just keep waiting for Martin to snap and hurt Malcolm for his “disrespectful and ungrateful behaviour”. Malcolm really has no fear in this scene and I’m scared for what that means for his mental state. It’s not good. That much I know. 
3:45 - “I’m not your friend.” This broke my heart. Malcolm is so upset as he delivers this little outburst. He can see that Martin is trying to act like his friend instead of a loving father. It’s killing the little boy inside of Malcolm. It’s also frustrating for Malcolm because he wants so badly to do the right thing (turn Martin in) but he also just wants his dad to act like a real dad. 
3:55 - The fear in Malcolm’s eyes when Martin brings the knife back out. <3 Gorgeous. 
4:00 - The trepidation in Malcolm’s face as Martin cuts him loose. <3  ALSO, “I didn’t kill you. That’s gotta count for something.” why the hell should that count for something now? Martin tried to kill a 10 year old Malcolm. That should be the end. Any FATHER who tries to kill his 10 year old son (no matter what the kid may have done) is a garbage human and that child should never be told he has to forgive, trust, or have a relationship with his father. On some level Malcolm knows this BUT he’s also desperately trying to convince himself that Martin is a changed man. 
4:12 - WTF Ainsley? This scene genuinely makes me believe Ainsley has been somehow involved in this whole prison break scheme. Or at least, she’s been in contact with Martin since the escape. 
4:43 - “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Okay. Fine. Ainsley is finally showing a bit of fear here. But is it because of the Woodsman? Something tells me Martin has gotten into Ainsley’s head and Ainsely genuinely believes that Malcolm is safe with Martin. The Woodsman changes things though. Maybe the Woodsman was a variable Ainsley wasn’t expecting or didn’t plan with Martin. 
5:00 - “Why are we in Vermont?” First of all - there’s something precious about the way this line was delivered. Secondly, why is Malcolm eating? Doesn’t most food make him sick (1x1)? This is a high stress situation - presumably he’d be too nauseous/stressed to eat right now. 
5:15 - “That dream’s as dead as your 23 victims.” hahahaha ZING. This line actually hurts though. It’s not just Martin’s dream that’s dead. Malcolm’s is too. Presumably Malcolm has a fantasy somewhere in the back of his mind where he’s happily married with children. Hell, maybe his children visit their grandparents every weekend for Sunday brunch? But Malcolm probably doesn’t actually think he can have kids or a spouse because he’s terrified of what kind of a father and husband he’d be. That’s Martin’s fault. Martin has doomed Malcolm to avoid the deep, meaningful relationships in life that Malcolm clearly craves. 
5:25 - “I’m absolutely right” The anger in Malcolm’s voice is incredible and concerning. On one hand, it’s great that he’s being honest with Martin. He’s making Martin work for his trust and he’s communicating that Martin ruined certain aspects of Malcolm’s life. On the other hand, this boy has no sense of self-preservation. He’s provoking a predatory psychopath. He’s almost begging Martin to hurt him. I’m terrified at what that means for Malcolm’s mental health. 
5:35 - “Don’t you ever think it’s possible that I changed?” Look at Martin’s big stupid face. He doesn’t believe that he’s changed. He’s just trying to manipulate Malcolm. Martin doesn’t view Malcolm as a son. Just as a plaything. 
5:55 - “You want to find a missing woman. That’s your brilliant plan?” It’s an excellent plan. It’s a plan Martin knows Malcolm won’t be able to deny. Martin has observed Malcolm’s obsession with understanding serial killers for 23 years. Martin has watched Malcolm torture himself to save the victims of serial killers. Martin knows this is the one plan that will (at least temporarily) stop Malcolm from turning him in. Malcolm’s need to help other people is stronger than his need to help himself. So again, Martin is a shitty father. 
6:19 - “I worked the Woodsman case at the bureau for years.” Of course he did. $100 bucks says Martin knew that and he planned this out before his escape. Capshaw was an inconvenient hiccup in the plan but he was always going to kidnap Malcolm and try to manipulate Malcolm into becoming his partner in crime. 
6:42 - “Someone who’s not going to call Gil Arroyo the first chance he gets.” Damn. Martin feels threatened by Gil’s relationship with Malcolm. Which is why an escaped!Martin and Gil showdown would’ve made my year. 
6:46 - How convenient that Jeannie is from New York. 
6:52 - “But we could save her. Together.” Ugh. This breaks my heart. You can see that Malcolm knows Martin is manipulating him. You can also see that this is an offer Malcolm can’t deny. Saving people and finding/understanding killers is what keeps Malcolm sane. PLUS he desperately wants to spend time with the ‘nice’ version of his dad. The one he remembers from 1998. Malcolm is eating out of the palm of Martin’s hand and it’s so so so upsetting. 
7:01 - Why does Gary look so much like Deputy Crutchfield? It’s the moustache. 
7:10 - “This is my partner. Cameron.” UGh. I’m going to throw up. 1) Malcolm’s startled expression melts my heart. This boy does not want to be Martin’s partner in any sense of the word.  2) Was Martin implying that Cameron is Clare’s sexual partner? The hand around Malcolm’s shoulders made it feel that way to me. 
7:15 - Ugh. :( The way Malcolm looks at the hand on his shoulder. :( You can see how conflicted he feels. He likes the gentle, fatherly physical affection from Martin but he knows that Martin is a killer and this is an act. You can see that Malcolm knows this is all a hoax but you can also see how desperately Malcolm wants to believe in it. 
7:45 - OMG. This is a man who hasn’t been in public for a very long time. This is not socially acceptable behaviour and Malcolm looks so embarrassed and scared (that someone will recognize the serial killer making loud noises of pleasure over his pancakes). 
7:55 - I love that Malcolm isn’t eating. It aligns with Malcolm’s canonical eating problems. Kudos for the rare plot consistency.
8:13 - “I suppose I’m a little bisexual.” Ugh. Shut up Martin. You absolute moron. You’re not bisexual. You’re just a manipulative nutcase. It does make me wonder though, is this Martin’s way of trying to bond with Malcolm? Like maybe (whether it’s true or not) Martin thinks Malcolm might not be straight and he’s trying to have a father-son coming out of the closet moment? .....it sounds like a reach even in my head but here I am with this theory.
8:39 - The fact that Martin is such a verbal feminist throughout this show is so off putting to me. He’s a serial killer. He has no issues MURDERING people for FUN. Yet somehow it feels like I’m supposed to respect him more than the average man because he believes women are people with rights? Nah. It makes me hate him more because I don’t thinks he’s an actual feminist. I think he’s acting. He’s trying to appeal to what will make him seem more likeable. I think it’s a tactic he uses to soften Malcolm to his manipulation. 
8:48 - “I worked this case for years. Almost lost my mind over it.”........okay so I want more details on this. Did the FBI take him off the case? Did he stop working the case because he was fired? Did Gil watch Malcolm become consumed by the case and beg him to take himself off the case? 
8:52 - “I called every number at the FBI. You wanted nothing to do with me.” I hate Martin. He’s trying to blame Malcolm. He’s suggesting that more women could have been saved from the Woodsman if Malcolm hadn’t been ignoring Martin while he worked for the FBI. Martin is actually implying that the Woodsman could have been caught years ago if Malcolm wasn’t such a bad son. 
8:57 - “...such anger issues. Still do.” I’m going to punch him. I hate Martin. He’s mentally torturing our mental-fragile baby and he’s having fun doing it. Malcolm looks absolutely wrecked and my heart is shattering. Someone needs to give Malcolm a hug. Yesterday. 
8:59 - This moment has been giffed but damn is it worth pointing out again. The way Malcolm is self-soothing with his left hand while his right hand shakes is gorgeous. It really shows the depth of Malcolm’s inner conflict. I’m in love with this moment. Give Tom Payne an Emmy. Please.
9:13 - “There’s no time, my boy.” Every word that comes out of Martin’s mouth is calculated and manipulative. He has Malcolm exactly where he wants him and I hate it. 
10:05 - I’m 90% sure Martin already knows who the Woodsman is. He’s just playing dumb so he can screw with Malcolm’s head for longer.
10:17 - YES MALCOLM. Stand up to Martin. I love it. It also makes me worry about Malcolm’s mental health but I think we can all agree that Malcolm’s been on a downward spiral for months. At this point, our boy is not going to start improving his mental state until he hits rock bottom. 
10:19 - Martin actually looks shocked when Malcolm demands he earn his trust. Like it never occurred to him that Malcolm might be willing to rebuild the trust to begin with. 
10:30 - This whole scene between Gil and Ruiz is genuinely one of my top scenes of this episode (maybe even of the season). “The media will crucify him” “You might as well issue a shoot on sight order” “This isn’t a joke” “He has his demons but he’s not his father.” “I’ll stake my career on it.” This is one of the purest Papa!Gil scenes of the season and Malcolm isn’t even present. I love how Gil is literally willing to put his entire career on the line for Malcolm. I love how Gil is fighting for Malcolm in a public setting. Look at how the whole precinct watches the exchange. Gil is putting himself on the line in front of an entire precinct of people who respect him out of love for Malcolm. <3 <3 <3 
10:47 - “If he’s still alive.” If. Gil is terrified. Gil is losing hope. This isn’t like Watkins. Gil knows how desperately Malcolm wants Martin’s love and Gil knows that compromises Malcolm’s ability to profile his way out of a dangerous situation. Gil knows that Martin will kill Malcolm. Maybe not today, this week, or this year but it’s part of Martin’s plan. Gil knows that even if Martin doesn’t kill Malcolm - he’s capable of taking Malcolm away forever. Maybe by going on the run but maybe just because he tormented Malcolm to the point where Malcolm regresses to the scared 10-year old that Gil worked so hard to help. Gil knows Malcolm won’t survive that kind of trauma again. At least not mentally. Gil is terrified and I’m in awe. 
11:05 - “C’mon kid. Where the hell are you?” Hear that? It’s my heart shattering into a million pieces because this is the type of father Malcolm deserves. The fatherly concern Gil has for Malcolm is everything to me. 
11:20 - “Damn his daughter’s smoking.” hahahaha the irony. 
11:24 - Why am I so shocked and delighted that Malcolm has an NYPD ID? <3 It makes perfect sense that he’d have one but now I have these headcanons of Gil taking Malcolm around to the accounting office, and the administration offices to get him set up at the NYPD and my heart can’t handle how cute it is. 
12:12 - “You brought egg salad.” Ugh. These guys are so artificially in love and it grosses me out. 
12:54 - See what I mean? Crutchfield looks like Gary from the motel. I can’t unsee it. 
13:12 - Look another moment where Gil is CLEARLY thinking “this family I swear” hahahaha this man is so done with life today 
13:44 - “I know that look Jess.” <3 Aww....they’re practically married. <3 Jokes aside, this is amazing. Jessica respects Gil and she stops her plans when she notices the look on Gil���s face. She knows he’s not trying to control her - he’s trying to protect her and her children. He loves them and he’s trying to lighten her load. 
15:00 - “It’s your Lieutenant.” there’s a split second when you can see the hope, confusion, and fear clouding Malcolm’s face. For just a moment he thinks Gil is on the phone. Then the deputy says “Clare” and Malcolm’s expression transforms into one of annoyance and disgust. 
15:20 - “I didn’t have a credit card.” BAHAHAHAHAHA can we all just agree that talking about porn with your adult children is gross?
15:27 - This. Is. The. Worst. Thing. That. Could. Happen. The headline says “Son of Martin Whitly” and then later we find out Malcolm BRIGHT is on a wanted poster. Malcolm’s privacy from the press has been compromised. His life has been compromised. Nothing will ever be the same. This is bad for Malcolm’s already fragile mental health. His flimsy sense of safety has been forcibly removed and the public is going to crucify him again. Just for being Martin Whitly’s son. People are going to Google him. They’re going to find out he went to Harvard, that he was fired from the FBI, that he has mental health problems (although, Ainsley already exposed that). 
15:52 - Damn. It should be illegal for someone’s wanted picture to be that attractive (and I say that as an asexual).
16:00 - “You need a minute?” I love LOVE this interaction between JT and Dani. You can see that JT is a little unsure of how to talk to Dani because he loves her like a little sister and he knows she loves Bright. It’s adorable. <3 Big brother JT is my favourite JT. 
16:17 - “I like the guy.” UGH. I’m going to go sob in the corner. <3 <3 This line is AMAZING for two (2) reasons. 1) JT is admitting that he likes Malcolm. The bromance is real and I’m here for it. 2) This is JT subtly telling Dani that he knows she likes Bright as more than a friend and it’s not a bad thing. Malcolm isn’t a bad person and he can understand why she’s attracted to the annoying little dude. <3 
16:35 - Why is Ainsley working with Dani and JT? Does she actually want to find them? I still think she’s somehow involved in this. 
16:48 - “Did you steal this truck?!?” Good boy Malcolm. Don’t trust him. 
17:05 - Martin’s biggest mistake: he underestimated how devoted Malcolm is to his ‘mission’. He wasn’t able to manipulate and subdue Malcolm as quickly as he would’ve liked and now his plan is unravelling because Malcolm is snapping out of his ‘Martin might be good’ trance. 
17:19 - “I’m calling Gil. I should’ve known.” <3 I have no words. Just joy.
17:45 - “I do not want my son getting killed because of it.” LIES. Martin tried to kill Malcolm because of it when Malcolm was 10 years old. Martin didn’t care when Malcolm was bullied, shunned, and literally locked in a closet because of Martin. Martin didn’t care that the weight of his crimes destroyed his son’s childhood and continued mental health. Martin. Doesn’t. Care. The problem? Malcolm so so desperately wants to believe that Martin cares about him. You can convince yourself of almost anything if you want to badly enough. 
18:13 - Annnnnd Martin’s plan is back on. He’s lied his way back into Malcolm’s tentative good graces and the manipulation is still in full force. 
18:18 - The parallel that Martin is going on a stakeout with Malcolm right now and the fact that Gil used to take Malcolm on stakeouts as a kid is overwhelming. Do you think Martin knew about those stakeouts? Is this Martin’s way of trying to prove to Malcolm that he’s a better father than Gil?
18:33 - I DO NOT LIKE THIS. I DO NOT LIKE THIS. I DO NOT LIKE THIS. Capshaw is crazy and I don’t like her alone with my queen Jessica. #stressed
18:37 - “Believe me, I understand.” Ugh. Someone (preferably Gil) hug Jessica. This woman has been repressing her emotions for too long. :( 
18:56 - Ooooooooohhhhhh Capshaw just made the biggest mistake of her life. This woman is actively trying to convince the world that Malcolm is just like Martin Whitly and then she said as much to his mother’s FACE. I’m here for the lady fight. Say what you want, but vicious girl fights are so much more entertaining than dudes who just hit each other. 
19:29 - Bitch. Jessica regularly mixes pills with alcohol. Research your victim, moron. This isn’t going to work. 
19:56 - “You. Always you.” .....isn’t that what Malcolm said to Eve? Ew. ALSO the way Martin dismisses Malcolm’s admittance is very upsetting. If he wanted to prove that he’s a good father he should really pretend to care. At least a little. 
20:25 - As far as Martin is concerned, this is a victory. His son trusts him enough to let him out of the car - unsupervised. Martin’s plan is working (as far as Martin knows anyways. Malcolm is still definitely conflicted).
20:43 - I love that Malcolm keeps calling for “Martin”. Not “Dad”. Not “Dr. Whitly” (that would be bad on account of the manhunt). Just “Martin”. This goes back to Malcolm not knowing who “Martin” is to him He’s still trying to figure it out. Hell, he only resorts to calling him “Clare” when he thinks it’s the only way Martin will get back in the truck. 
21:15 - “What the hell is he doing?” EXCELLENT question. Seriously - did this moron not recognize the Surgeon and his son? There’s a literal manhunt for these two right now. It’s all over the news. It was playing on the precinct TV only a few hours ago. WHY DID CRUTCHFIELD NOT CALL ANYONE ABOUT THEIR IDENTITIES?!? Isn’t it protocol to call the NYPD about this or a hotline? I’m sure it said as much on the wanted flyers and the news.
22:05 - I’m honestly so stressed that Jessica is tipsy and drugged right now. 
22:35 - “Back then I wasn’t a good judge of character. Now I can sniff them out a mile away.” UGH. This honestly gives me PTSD. My mom says the same thing. She married an abusive man and now she claims she’s self-aware and is an excellent judge of character (spoiler alert: she’s not). My mom is about as good at it as Jessica. I mean, anyone remember Endicott? Or Eve? 
23:06 - “What was that Jessie?” OMG. I hate Capshaw more with each passing moment. 
23:34 - Is that a picture of baby Malcolm on the mantle? <3 So cute. <3
24:10 - This bitch is going to jail for a looooonnnng time. Gil Arroyo and Jessica Whitly just heard her admit to torturing their son. She’s going to suffer. I’m happy about it.
24:28 - “Daddy. Daddy.” My heart is breaking. This is a real insecurity that Jessica has about Malcolm. She feels like she’s not enough for Malcolm. That’s why he keeps visiting Martin. That’s why Malcolm was so attached to Gil and Jackie as a kid (and now). Jessica feels inadequate as a mother. That probably contributes to how she emotionally neglects Ainsley. She’s afraid of trying and failing to be enough for both of her children. So she denies herself the possibility of failure by throwing the match. 
25:07 - Jessica and Malcolm studying Krav Maga together. Headcannon accepted. My heart swells at the thought. 
26:12 - Anyone else think it’s interesting that the picture of baby Ainsley was smashed over Jessica’s head. It just feels too convenient. It has to be some sort of hidden message. Does it mean that Ainsley’s the one who is going to destroy the family? Does it mean Ainsley’s working with Capshaw (or Martin)? It has to mean something. Right?!?
26:34 - “I meant for her sake.” I love Gil. He’s not threatened by the fact that Jessica is a badass. Hell, he thinks it hot. Weak men are intimidated by strong women. Gil’s a keeper. 
26:46 - WHUMP. <3
27:15 - This wasn’t part of Martin’s plan but I do genuinely think Martin’s not nearly as scared as he’s acting. 
27:38 - Why doesn’t JT introduce Ainsley? Because she’s not law enforcement and she’s not technically supposed to be there?
27:56 - Damn. Ainsley is desperate for attention from anyone. I bet you that’s why she became a reporter. People have to listen to you when your face is on their TV reporting the news. 
29:41 - JT is triggered. :( This is PTSD. The last time a gun was pointed at him it was extremely traumatic “I’m a father. I’m a good man and I am not a threat to you.” :( Someone hug him. 
29:57 - “But she is.” <3 DAMN. Badass!Dani for the win. <3 
30:34 - “Predatory psychopath married an emotionally compromised enabler.” Is this a comment on Jessica and Martin’s marriage? Jessica didn’t consciously enable Martin but her rich lifestyle and the things she was willing to overlook to maintain appearances definitely gave Martin more leeway than he should have had. 
30:48 - “You haven’t been in my league for decades.” Yep. Now Martin wants to kill Don. He didn’t need Malcolm to beg him to hurt Don. Martin was already chomping at the bit. 
32:00 - “NO.” Malcolm’s not his father. Even now he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. He tries to protect everyone from physical harm. Even serial killers. That’s a good man. 
32:30 - I hated this speech from Ainsley. It felt....artificial? I just can’t see Ainsley actually believing that her Mother is light, kind, and good when she clearly resents her Mother for paying so much attention to Malcolm and neglecting her. This whole speech just felt really out of character to me. It felt like Ainsley was pulling a Malcolm - saying whatever she needed to get the suspect to confess to the truth. 
33:43 - “I can’t. Not anymore.” Bullshit. Martin clearly wants to hurt this guy. He just refuses to do it until Malcolm begs. Also, it feels like the show is trying to suggest that this is Malcolm giving into the ‘darkness’ that Ainsley was referring to. I disagree. This is typical Malcolm - consumed by the need to save a victim and solve the case. This is the guy who chopped off a guy’s hand to save his life, the guy who tried to infiltrate a cult to save Andi, the guy who tried climbed out of an elevator shaft to arrest a serial killer. Malcolm just doesn’t care about himself and his mental health isn’t doing so great. That doesn’t mean he’s becoming a killer. He’s not ‘going dark’.
34:40 - “Please. I’m asking as your son.” This wrecked me. 1) Malcolm looks so utterly destroyed here. Anguish is all over his face. You can see him grasping at straws because he’s so desperate to save Jeannie. He’s willing to compromise the idea that his Dad may have changed. Malcolm knows Martin hasn’t changed but asking him to do this will make it real and kill Malcolm’s desperate fantasy of a bio-dad who loves him. 2) Martin is a piece of shit. You can see how utterly delighted he is when Malcolm begs and refers to himself as Martin’s son. Martin views Malcolm as a possession and it delights him to hear Malcolm confirm that possession (”I’m asking as you son.”)
35:00 - Okay. His hand isn’t shaking but look at him. You can’t tell me he’s enjoying this. He looks terrified, guilty, nauseous and I don’t think it’s because he’s suddenly realizing that he and Martin are the same. I think it’s because he just compromised his moral code to save a total stranger. He somehow found it in himself to favour a Jeannie over Don. Yes - Don is a serial killer. Yes - Jeannie is his victim. So, yeah - picking Jeannie over Don is logical but does that make it right? That’s what Malcolm is struggling with. That AND the fact that he just asked his Dad to hurt someone - the screaming is probably bringing back suppressed childhood PTSD from that camping trip in the woods. 
35:13 - Another crazy theory for why Malcolm’s hand isn’t shaking. Have you ever been so so so scared/stressed/anxious that you felt nothing? Seriously - it’s like your brain just shuts down everything but life support and your body goes on autopilot. I honestly think that could be happening to Malcolm as a way to cope with the stress. 
35:20 - This is Martin pretending to be tormented and I HATE HIM FOR IT. He’s playing with our broken boy and I despise him for it. Hasn’t Malcolm suffered enough?!?!
36:04 - Something tells me that Don’s testimony will be vital to clearing Malcolm’s name next season (yes, I’m in complete denial that this show is cancelled). 
37:03 - This hurts. Martin is comforting Jeannie and it’s bringing back childhood memories for Malcolm. Memories of a Dad who used to read him bedtime stories and tuck him into bed at night. Memories that are tainted with the knowledge that Martin is a serial killer. Look at how sad Malcolm is. He’s fully accepting that Martin hasn’t changed and that he never will. He’s letting go of the desperate hope that Martin might love him the way he remembers as a child. He’s remembering that the love he experienced as a child was all a hoax on Martin’s part to begin with. 
37:14 - “The bad man is gone now.” Except he’s not. He’s always been here. He didn’t change. He just tried to be cleverer than his son. It failed. 
37:52 - Do you know what would have made this scene even more powerful? A flashback to the phone call baby Malcolm made to 911 in 1998. 
38:08 - NOW Martin is Dr.Whitly because Malcolm has fully accepted that Martin = The Surgeon = Dr. Whitly. They’re all the same and they all suck.
38:33 - “Maybe I need to work on that.” <3 <3 Yes, get sober sweetheart. Your dependance on alcohol and pills is not healthy. 
38:45 - This Gillica moment will live forever in my heart. I swear I’ve never shipped to people so hard while fully wanting them to be my parents. 
38:51 - OMG. Of fucking course it’s Edrisa. <3 hahahahaha
39:29 - The fact that Malcolm gave Jeannie his jacket is so cute to me. Just more proof that Malcolm’s a good guy. 
39:57 - Looks like the Claremont cardio program is lacking. (I’m so mean).
40:08 - I love this whole exchange between Martin and Malcolm. 1) I fully believe that Martin is genuinely upset that Malcolm turned him in (the dude doesn’t want to go back to prison - fair enough). 2) Malcolm just looks so broken as he listens to his father rant. You can see how bad Malcolm feels for turning his own father over to the cops. Again. The guilt is consuming Malcolm. Very bad for his flimsy mental health. 
40:22 - “You made me become him again.” Okay. Stay in your lane Martin. Let’s not victim blame here. You’re a monster. You’ve been manipulating Malcolm all day and you’re still at it. You wanted to hurt Don but you want to hurt Malcolm more. 
41:11 - “This world isn’t for you.” My heart is shattering. You can hear the pain in Malcolm’s voice. This isn’t a conversation anyone should have to have with a parents. Especially not when you’re already wracked with guilt and mental health issues that you’re not coping with.
41:20 - “Dad. Listen to me. I’m trying to save you.” THIS. THIS is the show. For two years we’ve watched Malcolm try to empathize and understand killers because he’s desperate to save his father and alleviate his guilt for turning Martin in. 
42:00 - “I was a good father. But you, you were never a good son.” ...............this is bad. Shit. This. Is. Bad. This is going to torment Malcolm for the rest of his life. He is going to constantly question “should I have been nicer to Ainsley? Should I have been more obedient? Should I have shown more of an interest in medicine? Would that have stopped that from killing? Did he kill because I wasn’t a good enough son?” Logically Malcolm will know none of that is true but it won’t matter because pain isn’t always logical. 
42:26 - 1) Damn. This family is stabby. 2) holy shit holy shit holy shit. 3) I’m shook. I fully expected it but I’m still shook. It was self defence but that won’t matter. Sure, there’s a 90% chance that Malcolm won’t suffer legally for this but there’s a 100% chance this is going to ruin Malcolm’s life. The guilt is going to swallow him whole. His mental health is going. to reach an all time low. The media will crucify him. No one will look at him the same. He won’t be able to go anywhere without people making assumptions about him. He’s going to be transported back to 1998 - this time with more trauma. It’s not going to be good (and I’m ecstatic at the thought of it because I’m an emotional whump whore). 
42:40 - His hand’s not shaking. I honestly think it’s because he’s in shock because Malcolm still looks like hell. He’s dissociating. If this triggers a mute!Malcolm episode I’m going to be the most excited person in the world. 
42:46 - “I was right. We’re the same.” This was Martin’s master plan. He knew once he escaped Claremont there was no going back. He didn’t want to go back to prison so he found a way to get himself killed (I’m assuming this kills Martin because that’s a lot of blood). No only did he plan to either 1) be on the run forever or 2) die trying  - he made sure that he could torment Malcolm as much as possible along the way. This sentence is going to destroy Malcolm. That sentence has been his greatest fear for 23 years. Now he thinks it’s true. It doesn’t matter that he stabbed out of self-defence. Fear isn’t logical. This is a big problem. 
43:12 - “Bright? What did you do?!?” ..................It’s been 3 days and I still can’t handle this sentence. You can see the shock on Dani’s face and the fear in Malcolm’s eyes. He looks like a cornered animal. He thinks she’s going to arrest him - he knows she has to. He thinks he just ruined his chances at a happy ending with Dani. He’s realizing all at once just how bad his life is about to get. AND DANI - she doesn’t believe he’s a killer but that doesn’t mean she’s not scared for him. The dude looks like he’s in the middle of a mental breakdown plus the legal issues - it’s not going to be a good day. 
I sincerely hope another network picks us up for a third season - I’ll be back if they do. If not - thanks for hanging out with me. I’ve had fun and this show will always have home in my heart. 
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battlemaiden13 · 3 years
Sup, I recently saw your blog and I got hooked, so I figured I might as well submit a request for a headcanon to see if ‘ya would write it out. Also, sorry for the bad language, I have a sailors mouth I know. (Also some of this is kinda dark so if you wanna modify it a bit I completely understand, I’m just trying to incorporate a little bit of my crappy childhood in here lol)
Could you possibly do something with the Older & Younger brothers (If you want you can just do either or) reacting to learning about their Hella Protective Male S/O’s rules involving meeting his Innocent Younger Sister? like, “Don’t drink around my sister”, “Don’t cuss around my sister”, “If you make her cry, I will make 𝘆𝗼𝘂 cry”, “If you make her feel self conscious about her scars, I 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿”, and “If you even try to do ANY nasty shit I will be dusting you on the spot, lover or not” (I think it would be fucking hilarious to see how the Older brothers react to being on 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 side of the threat lol)
(His Younger Sister is like 9)
For Some Backround: M!S/O had a pretty traumatic and god-awful childhood, and had to get involved in some pretty dark shit to survive and keep his Younger sister healthy and happy. (Resulting in him having a high LV if you want to being that up that aswell) M!S/O had some very shitty parents that would abuse him and his sister very badly, and that would occasionally target his younger sister when he was away trying to pay the bills or trying to keep his younger sibling fed and in school. Due to this, his Younger Sister sometimes faced their parents wrath alone and gained some brutal scars across her face that some kids at her school teased her for, making M!S/O be super protective of her.
If you wanted to do a part two it could be about the brothers actual reactions to meeting M!S/Os younger sibling.
With that being said, if you do end up writing this you have my best regards, -🗡Anon
13: since this is a longer ask I only did 4 skeletons. If I missed your favourite or you're curious about one of the others' reactions let me know and I’ll answer for them too. For now I hope you enjoy the ones I did answer for.
Sans The threats -He’s really just offending that you think he would do any of those things but he understands being protective of a sibling so he doesn’t hold it against you too much. Even the dusting threat he takes with a grain of salt and really just takes it as an indication to how serious this matter is to you so he is also going to take it very seriously.
Meeting the sister -He’s great with your sister. He never mentions the scars and your sister seems to really like him. He’s good with kids, talking or getting her to talk excitedly about her interests and even manages to make her laugh, like a lot. The day is a huge success. Even when you think something is going to get to your sister Sans easily manages to distract or smoothly changes the subject so there are no incidents.
Edge The threats -Makes the comment that he’s not his brother and that you are going overboard. He’s offended that you think he’ll be anything less than perfect and honestly does think you are going a bit overboard here but just nods and agrees to whatever you say to calm you down.
Meeting the sister -it could have gone better. Edge is obviously trying for your sake but he’s not the best with new people. Because of this the topic of scars does come up and you are fuming until Edge says something that makes all the anger disappear. It’s no secret that he has a large gash across his eye socket and your sister brings it up as Edge just seems so confident, your sister might not understand why. Edge goes on to explain how important and amazing scars are. They show that you are a fighter and a survivor. You’ve stood up for something and although it hurt in the past now you should be proud of what you achieved. He tells your sister how he got his scar and although tells her she doesn’t need to tell him about hers that he should be proud because she is strong and he can see that. Edge mentions when you leave that You might want to consider introducing your sister to more monsters from this underground as they all would help your sister with self love of her scars and if that can make her feel just a little bit better than it would be worth it.
Blue The threats -Is a bit taken aback by the threats but he assures you he won’t do anything to make your sister uncomfortable. Actually he sort of appreciates the heads up about your sister so now he knows what not to mention, not that he would have anyway but it’s nice to know that it is a bit of a sore spot.
Meeting the sister -He was so excited to meet her that he had planned a huge day full of fun activities the three of you can do together. It’s an action packed day with a bunch of adventures packed in such as the movies, laser tag, an escape room, bowling and more. The day is complete with homemade desserts made by Blue himself. He just wanted everyone to have a good time and maybe take your sisters mind off of everything while you did. It seems to work and mixed with Blue’s child-like personality, him and your sister get on great and both of them even beg you for a sleepover so the fun can continue into the next day.
Syrup The threats -He just sort of accepts them. He knows what it’s like to be overprotective and he doesn’t want you to hate him or anything although he does find it amusing that you think you could dust him so easily. He assures you that he isn’t going to do anything to upset your sister and he honestly means that. If something is important to you then it is important to him too.
Meeting the sister -Syrups holds up his end for the whole day. HE doesn’t make your sister feel subconscious, some random on the street does force you all to leave early. Syrup can tell how upset you are over the events of the day, you just wanted to make your sister happy, so he does the one thing he can think of, he takes off his shirt. He shows your sister the mirad of scars he has littering his bones and even shows her a picture of Berry proudly smiling and showing off the slashes in his skull. Syrup tells your sister about how he would struggle with his own scars and how his cool older brother made him feel better about them. Syrup talks about Berry for ages, it’s the most he’s talked all day but by the end of it your sister does feel slightly better about herself and might want to meet the other skeleton. Syrup is just happy that you seem ok now and has to go on the hunt to hurt the idiot kid that made you upset. Maybe a scar of their own so they don’t point at random kids and laugh on the street.
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ohhmyheart5678 · 3 years
When in the streets of seoul (4)
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*warning* this mentions death, murder, suicide, guns, and other gruesome and dark content if you are sensitive to these kinds of things do not read it
Word count: 1.3k
Pairing: Chan x female reader
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I was currently being dragged down the hallway. "No! No!" I kicked and screamed and yelled and fought them the whole way until we finally reached a room at the very end of the hallway.
They aggressively pushed me in causing me to fall on the floor with a slapping noise since the floor was pure marble. "sorry, nothing personal it's just what we're ordered to do" says Changbin. They closed the door behind me locking it. Who fucking makes houses with locks on the outside anymore? What even is this shit?
I stay in there for hours but hours seemed like days. I never moved from the spot that I was placed. Soon it got dark , I was sitting in pure darkness. It was pitch black dark I couldn't see anything but blackness, that's how I felt on the inside anyways, like nothing.
I saw a crack of light coming from the doorway. It was really small at first and then it grew. Then the light flickered on and I see Hyunjin's hand still resting on the light switch. "Hey" was all he said giving me a soft smile but all I did was stare blankly at him.
How dare he smile at me at a time like this? "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about everything that happened and I hope with time you'll learn to forgive us" Hyunjin was still by the door and when I didn't give him a response he took that as his sign to leave.
I definitely was not in the mood for company at the moment. I don't care how good looking they all are, I could give two shits. "Ok well that's all , Chan will be in here shortly to discuss some things with you." He hesitates to wave but decides to give a single wave before turning around. "Do you want me to turn the lights off?" He sweetly questioned, but still no response. "Right that was a stupid question, I'll just um, I'll leave it on for you" he scratched the nape of his neck before leaving and closing the door behind him.
Soon Chris comes into the room sticking his head in then fully entering. "I have absolutely nothing to say to you right now" I spat at him. He was slightly taken back by my words but not offended. " I deserve that" he sits next to me on the ground keeping some distance so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
Things were silent for a moment before he spoke up. "I completely understand why you're mad trust me I get it. Things weren't supposed to turn out this way" he reaches over to touch my arm but I quickly pull it away while giving I'm a deadly look.
"We were supposed to just hang out and we spend time together. I actually um planned on asking you out. It wasn't supposed to work today just things went a littl-" I didn't want to hear anything he had to say any more. "I wouldn't have said yes" I didn't even look at him "you- I'm sorry what do you mean?" The Australian boy wasn't getting what I was trying to say.
"You disgust me and for you to think you even had a chance with me just proves just how delusional you really are" my eyes got watery but I refused to let him see me cry, not in front of him. I lied I actually kinda liked Christopher and maybe would've given him a chance, but this ruined all chances he had with me.
"Oh ok, good to know" I could hear the sadness in his voice and I almost cared for a second until I realized that this psycho is a mafia gang leader that killed people, and locked me up in a bedroom. A very nice bedroom in fact the most beautiful bedroom I've ever been in, but still it was against my will.
These boys are the reason my father barely sleeps at night, these boys are the reason no one could stay out past a certain time in Korea anymore, and most of all these boys are the most heartless boys I've ever met. "Ok let's talk business now then" the seriousness renters his voice.
Chris straightens his back and proceeds. "Because you seen way too much you will be held here against your will. You cant go to school but you can go out in public just not places that are in the city you live in, and after you must return back home" He says so matter of fact like . "Chris, just let me go I promise I won't tell anyone just please let me go" my voice cracked from holding back my tears. "Look! You're lucky to even be alive! We would kill people like you that know to much and depose of the body without thinking twice" he raised his voice but when I jumped he realized yelling was not the approach he should take.
"All I'm saying is I'm trying the save you. We did research on you and your family and saw that your dad is not only a detective but he's working on our case. I'm so sorry that this has to happen but I can't let you go." Chris says, his voice much softer than before. "I don't want to hurt you, I would never want to hurt you" "but will you?" I finally looked at him, my eyes tearing up so much that it's almost impossible for me to see.
I could tell that was a question he was not prepared to answer "goodnight" the Australian boy gets up and dusted himself off and walks towards the door. "If you need anything just go to this speaker right here" he points to a speaker next to the bed that had a big red circle on it and numbers 1-13. "Push 1 if need me the room goes me, then oldest to youngest so if you need Hyunjin push 5 I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping you out either." Chris gives me one last look before closing the door.
I can't believe I'm stuck here forever all because I went to school and accidentally made friends with the biggest mafia in Korea. I sobbed, my mind was filled with all kinds of questions but the one thing that came out of my mouth was
"How could you do this?"
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
Dialogue Prompts (G/t)
could maybe be not G/t if tweaked?
some a little lengthy. or have some slang. a couple of some swears iirc. tweak as me you wish. idc.
Oh & If these have already been done, I’m sorry. I haven’t read through any list... but I’ve seen some one shots based on them so I’ll be avoiding those at least.
1) "Dammit! I'm not crazy! I mean - ugh! Ok, sure. It sounds crazy but it's true! The walls really are talkin' to me!"
2) "Oh... Well, you are certainly not what I was expecting?"
3) "Oooh no! Ooh crap! U-uh... A-are you okay?"
4) "Wow. That sure was, uh, something. Let's never do that again."
5) "10 bucks on shorty over there"
6) "Hey! Watch it, stretch! I'm walkin' over here!"
7) “I remember when you were knee high to a grasshopper.”
    “We just met yesterday though. And I’m not a child??”
8) "That was nice... Said no me ever".
9) They giggled coyly, "Sure, thing! My number is '964 - 686 - 4355'" (Note: phone # translated to their letter equivalent reads: "yo, go to hell")
10) "Well, that was different. You're different. And you know what? That's 'aight by me!"
11) "Doesn't that get exhausting?"
12) Using a mocking tone and animated hand gestures, they groused, "Meh. 'HoW's ThE wEaThEr Up ThErE?', they said"
13) "Go home, ________, you're drunk"
"I... I can't. I can't find my keys."
Tiny version response: “You don't have keys. You don't need keys. You live in the walls here, my mini moron."
Giant version response:  "You don't have keys. You can't even have a car. You wouldn't even fit in the damn cargo bed of an 18 wheeler, you giant idiot"
Human (not g/t?) version response: They sighed. "Dumbass. What part of 'You are drunk' don't you understand. Thank Gawd you can't find your damn keys"
14) "I had a great time, _____" 
       "No. I lied. I had a terrible time."
15) “Oh my-...(Name of giant character here)! I would think that someone of your ... stature... with a brain that is multiple times bigger than my entire being would not be so idiotic all the time but here we are. I think my pet rock, Peter, had a higher IQ...”
“You had a pet rock? And you named it... Peter? That’s so...so.. dumb! Pffftt.”
“Dammit, _____, stop proving my point!”
(Note: meaning of the name Peter:  Stone/Rock)
16 - as an alternate to 15 maybe?) "Such tiny hands, tiny feet, tiny everything! It's amazing how something so small could be a fully functional, intelligent lifeform."
 "Well, if ya ask me, something with such a ginormous head thus it should  also have an equally ginormous brain should not such a total dumbass yet here we are...," quipped the smaller being without missing a beat. 
17) "Hi, my name is ______," said the jabbing at their own chest before repeating their name slowly, painstakingly enunciating each syllable. "What is your time, they added as they went to poke the much smaller person on their chest.
 "STOP!" screeched the tiny person as they leapt back to avoid the offending much-too-large finger. "Don't you ****ing touch me! And for Arietty's sake, I was raised in the walls, not by gorillas. I can understand you just fine and dandy thank you very much!" 
"Oh. I'm Sorr-Wait, what? You were raised in the walls? These walls? Of this home? My home?" 
18) “Hey! I’m 3 inches tall, not an idiot!”
19) “Oh, oh no. This was a mistake- a terrible, horrendous mistake.”
      “Nah. it’s fine, honest!”
       “Then why is everyone screaming?”
20) “How many fingers am I holding up?”
       “Wha? There is more of you! I thought you were the only one!”
       “Hmm. Yeah. Ok. You definitely need help. But what to do, what to do... Uhh... Maybe if I call 911 and then hide super fast...”
       “So, so many. It’s like an infestation of tiny people.”
        “Woah. Before I do anything promise me you will NOT say that to the people who come help you!”
21) “If you even think of yacking on my hand I swear I will yeet you across this room. Hard. I’m not playing!”
       “Heheh. 5 points if you can hit the dart board bullseye over there.”
22)  “Oi! Go long!”
       The bigger of the two beings took one step. “That was easy.”
       “Sh-shut up!”
23) “Just because you are so tiny doesn’t mean you need to be so shortsighted.”
      “And just because you are so damn tall doesn’t mean you always have to be way too big for your britches, buddy.”
24) “What a pompous jerk. If I never have to say ‘All hail emperor/empress _______ !’ again it will be too soon!”
       “Heh. That’s one positive thing to being a tiny ‘helpless’, ‘dumb’ alien whose only seen as property. I’m a nobody, not worthy of personhood so I don’t qualify under the ‘all’. So I hail no one. And never will! Regardless if some day I miraculously get granted the ‘privilege’ of you oversized tyrants finally realizing my kind are people just like you, just smaller.”
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ttttaehyungie · 4 years
ice-cream and waffles | ksj x reader
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ice-cream and waffles | kim seokjin x reader drabble
genre | established relationship, drabble summary | You just want to be ready for everything life may throw at you as you prepare to begin a new chapter in your relationship with your boyfriend. rating | PG-13 word count | 906 words warnings | none a/n | It’s another free-flow drabble!! but why do my free-flow drabbles always turn out food-related slkjdflkj
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“____.” You jump at the sharp call of your name coming from right behind you. When did he enter the living room? Was he done with his shower already? “Really?”
“What?” you begin defensively, craning your neck to look at your boyfriend.
“An ice-cream machine?”
Jin has his hands on his waist. His pointed stare, with a single arched eyebrow to magnify his judgment, has you squirming internally.
“I can always remove it from the cart if it upsets you that much,” you mutter, frowning. Returning to your previous position hunched over your laptop, you click on the shopping cart icon.
While the webpage loads itself, Jin comes around from where he was standing behind the couch and plops himself down beside you. His hands grasp the sides of your laptop and he looks at you, asking for permission.
“Your hair’s dripping water onto me,” you whine. But you lean back, relinquishing control of the laptop. He takes a closer look at your list of potential purchases, and your antsy hands take the place of your laptop where it previously sat in your lap.
A crease forms in his brow as he considers the items you’ve added to cart- towels, sheets, cleaningware, and now that you’re in the kitchen section, tableware, pots and pans, and-
“A waffle maker?” he asks, the incredulity plainly evident in his tone. “Why would we need a waffle maker?”
“What if you have a craving for waffles?” you counter.
“Then we’ll just go to a cafe nearby!”
“What if you have a craving for waffles at 2am?”
“Are you really going to get out of bed to make waffles at 2am? I sure as hell am not.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll remove it, okay?” you snatch the laptop back and X the waffle maker and ice-cream machine, deleting the offending items. “I just wanted to be prepared for all situations, y’know?”
“Like 2am waffle cravings?”
“Yeah,” you mumble. When puts it that way, the entire thing feels stupid. You feel stupid. Your lip juts out in a pout that doesn’t go unnoticed by Jin.
“2am ice-cream cravings too?” You can hear the teasing tone in his words and the smile in his voice. And despite your earlier annoyance, you can’t help but crack a smile too.
“I don’t know.” You shrug. “It seemed plausible.”
“Everything seems plausible when you’re overthinking.”
Well. He’s not wrong.
You lean your head backwards to rest on the back of the couch and close your eyes for a second. This couch- it’s lumpy and it’s old and not all that comfortable, but it’s seen you and Jin through the countless date nights spent just chilling in Jin’s current apartment.
It’s lumpy and it’s old and not all that comfortable, but it’s familiar. You’ll definitely miss it when you move out to the new place.
You open your eyes when you feel Jin’s fingers tugging yours to interlace them with his own.
“Are you nervous about moving in together?” he asks.
You look at him. There’s no judgment nor worry on his face as he poses the question. That’s your boyfriend. He’s always been so emotionally sturdy even in the times when you’re not. No, especially in the times when you’re not.
Gaze dropping back to your joined hands, you nod.
“Honestly? Yeah. A little.” You pull your hands away from his to rub at your eyes, not daring to look at him. “What if we fight?”
He grasps your hands to gently pull them back into his. “Over waffles?”
“No. Over ice-cream, obviously.” You roll your eyes. “But seriously, though. What if we just end up fighting all the time? What if our relationship is not ready for this step? What if moving in together ends up ruining what we have?”
“Hm,” Jin rubs at his chin in feigned thought. “Ok, here’s my deal-breaker question: Are you a shoes-on or shoes-off person?”
Scoffing, you kick his calf lightly (with your foot that’s very much bare, just for the record), and he circles his arms around your waist to pull you into a tight embrace as you playfully protest.
Kissing the top of your head, he whispers into your hair, “Are you having second thoughts?”
“No, it’s not that. I just,” you sigh out your frustration, “I just want everything to go perfectly, y’know? Because I love you. And I want to start this new life with you. I want it so much. And that’s what scares me.”
He nods, and turns you around to press a kiss to your forehead. It makes your eyes flutter shut and your heart beating faster while simultaneously calming you down with a deep sense of assurance, your anxious thoughts finally dwindling into silence.
“I love you too,” he says, raising your joined hands to skim his lips over your knuckles, making your heartbeat spike once again. “And that’s why I’m not nervous. Because I know we love each other enough that we’ll figure it out. Honestly? Fighting is inevitable. But we’ll talk it out. We’ll build this new life together.”
With your free hand, you close your laptop gently and place it on the coffee table. You snuggle into Jin’s warmth, and your next words are muffled as you speak into his chest.
“Will that new life include a waffle maker?”
His chest vibrates with laughter, shaking you along with it.
“Maybe. If we have enough 2am waffle cravings. We’ll see.”
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morbidanthem · 4 years
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-> Prompt HERE <- By: @otpprompts
(( A/N: Here is the other part, again, I’m trying to clear out my Google Docs. I will probably upload this to my AO3... maybe. IDK yet. ))
Continuity - Boku no Hero Academia
Character(s) - Mirio Togata, Fem!Reader, Shouta Aizawa Parring - Fem!Reader/Mirio Togata Genre - Fluffy Rating - M for Mature Warning - Cursing, Implied Heavy Petting
Word Count - 2,183
➡️ [ Izuku Midoriya Ver. Here ] ⬅️
✏️Written 06/13/20 - ??/??/20✏️
Mirio Togata
“Oi, there is a surprise Dorm Inspection in Five Minutes!” You heard a loud feminine voice shout, it was coming from right outside of your dorm room door, and you took notice that they hadn't even bothered to knock on the door.
You ignored the shouting though, as the sound was nothing more than an annoying muffle that was easily tuned out.
You were too focused on what was going on on top of you to really care about what the voices in the hallway were screeching to you.
The one and only boy scout, Mirio Togata, had you pinned hard to your mattress while his strong hands gripping your wrists above your head as you whimpered under him in submission.
He didn't seem to pay any mind to the voices in the hallway either, as he groaned into your mouth at the warm feeling he was experiencing in his core, as you began to defy his display of dominance by sliding your tounge around his to try and wrestle the control he had over you.
You wanted to break free from the grip he had on your wrists, but even without his quirk, he was still able to over power you with his physical strength.
It drove you wild, as you felt a shiver jolt down your entire body and through your spine.
It was pure ecstasy.
Moments like these were so few and far in between… you don't think you'll ever get your fill of Mirio Togata.
“Hey! You and your Boy Toy need to throw some clothes on and separate before the Teachers or Class Rep. catches you!” The snickering singsong voice shouted again, this time banging loudly on the locked door.
You grunted uncomfortably as he pulled away from your lips a little too quickly, causing a small pop to reverberate through the room from the sheer force of separation between the two of you.
"Ugh, OK! Thank you, Nini!" You shouted in response, as Mirio looked down at you with a quizzical expression on his face.
You couldn't help but memorize the flush on his face so deliciously mixed with the color of his slightly swollen lips.
"This boy will be the death of me."
"Didn't we just have a Dorm Inspection last week?" Mirio asked, moving to wipe his mouth on the back of his hand, while he began to sit up straight. He was still straddling your hips, as you both strain to listen to the incoherent yelling that was going on through the door.
'Dude! Help me hide my stash!'
'Does anyone remember if we were allowed to have snacks in our rooms or not?'
'Ok, but how much trouble will I get if my room is trashed?'
"You have enough time to fix your room, right?" You asked, as you tapped Mirio's thigh to get his attention back onto you.
"Yeah, besides some dirty laundry on the floor, I'm good." He smiled, shifting his weight off of you, so that he was sitting next to you. You yawned and stretched as you sat up, watching Mirio trying to piece together a puzzle in his mind.
"I wonder why they keep doing inspections so frequently like this..." He hummed loudly, placing a hand on his chin, with a very cute thoughtful look on his face.
"Probably because of me." You sighed, stretching your legs as you stood up.
How long had you two been "napping'' anyway?
An hour?
Who knows.
"What?" Mirio asked, watching you with so much interest in his gaze, as you began to clean your ruffled aperance.
You casually tried to smooth out the wrinkles on your tank top, and shifted your lounge pants so that they sat on your hips once more, instead of down past your thighs… When has he had time to pull your pants down?
"Haru is absolutely hellbent on catching me doing something wrong." You spoke, with a very nonchalant tone to your voice, while you turned to help fix Mirio's disheveled appearance as well. "He hasn't forgiven me 'ruining' his chance to date you, you know."
You could have sworn you've had this conversation with him, but judging by the surprised expression on his face, you've probably forgotten to mention it.
"No! I didn't know that!" He replied, shocked, as you ran your fingers through his hair to try and brush out the knots that had formed in it earlier.
"Huh, it must've slipped my mind,I forgot to tell you that part." You laughed, sending him a cheeky smile as you continued. "He has a huge crush on you, and is mad at me because, because I quote- 'dug my claws into your heart and refused to let go'."
"That's… there is a lot to unpack here…" He mumbled, turning his gaze to look at the floor.
God, when he is all distracted in thought like that, you would have loved to just grab the back of his head and pull him in close until your lips swallowed his in another passionate kiss… but, getting any more intimate can cause the clean-up to take a lot more time than the Five Minute warning you just got.
Good thing the two of you didn't get very far in that time.
Because, you honesty might not have been able to stop had he gotten your pants further down your hip.
"God, Mirio, you really are oblivious." You laughed out loud, as you brought yourself back to reality, by standing in front of him and smoothing out the wrinkles on his short.
Instinctively, he placed his hands on your hips, as you continued to grooming him while he sat on your bed. He couldn't help but huff at your words though, a cute pout replacing his once quizzical expression, as he turned his face up to look into your eyes.
You can see he had questions he wanted to ask, as that curious glint never left his gaze.
You don't have time, really, you don't have time to stand here and fix his appearance either… but you just can't seem to keep your hands to yourself when you were around him.
"Wait… So what does calling a surprise inspection have to do with you, though?" He asked, pulling you into a hug, as you giggled and patted at the back of his shoulders.
"I am offended right now, I can't believe you forget about El Perro!" You spoke in a dramatic tone, a mock hurt present in your voice as you couldn't help but tease him. "Dios Mio! I am hurt! Hurt on El Perro's behalf." You laughed as you felt Mirio's shoulder shake under your grip, as he began to chuckle as well.
"I did, actually. He is so quiet that I forget he lives in here too." He said, turning his head to look at your closed closet door, with his trademark smile back on his face.
"That's how I've gotten away with having him for so long. Not even my Mom knew I had him, she would have kicked my ass if she ever found out." You chuckled, as you pulled away from Mirio's grasp, to meander over to softly pull your closet door open.
There he was, El Perro, the infamous Black and Tan Teacup Chihuahua.
The dog himself was no bigger than 2 pounds, and could easily fit in the palm of your hands. He was a short hair, and had the cutest bug eyes you've ever laid your eyes on.
He wagged his tail happily, as you went and picked him up off of his pillow, to hold him against your chest, as his tail wagged happily at the affection you were showing him. Your fingers caressed through his long soft fur, as he begins to pant as his tail wags harder.
You cooed at him, saying how cute he was, as you handed him off to Mirio so that you can go through the routine of hiding the evidence the dog leavea behind.
You heard Mirio laughing in the background, as you went to work by hiding the dog's bed and food dishes that were on a small dresser in your closet.
You began by unceremoniously shoving his bed and blankets into a large pillow case, quickly shaping it to make it look like a rather terribly lumpy pillow. But that was the whole plan though, as when the teacher looked into your closet, they would just assume that it was shoved in the closet because it was uncomfortable to sleep with.
His food was already hidden in a cereal box that you had, it was cleverly placed next to other various snack foods that you were allowed to keep in your dorm for midnight snacking. His water bowl was collapsed, and was easily clipped to your backpack that was hanging up next to your clothes, so it looked like something that you would use for hiking.
You were an expert at this by now, and if your Mother was never able to catch you, then it was far beyond the reach of the nosey Class Representative and his gaggle of teachers.
Five minutes... two minutes after your messing around was done, was more than enough time to hide the evidence that you had a dog in the dorms.
The final piece to complete your charade, was a baggy black sweater that you slipped on over your tank top, just as there was a loyd knock on your door.
"Hey, it's inspection time, open up." You heard a bored voice speak, as you quickly took the dog from Mirio's hands, and gently slid him into the pocket of your sweater.
El Perro was used to being in your pockets, so it took him no time to settle and be still, as you placed your arms through the pocket of your sweater as the teacher walked in.
"Aizawa? You're inspecting the 3rd Year Dorms?" You blurted out in shock, as you unlocked and opened the door to let the tired looking teacher into your room.
He always seemed to have bad bags under his eyes.
"Yeah." He sighed. "Your Teacher is off, having an exciting weekend…" He mumbled flatly, as you and Mirio stood off to the side as he began his inspection by opening up the drawers to your dresser.
He really looked tired, more so than usual, which made him not really inspect much of anything.
You could tell he just wanted to get this over with, as his eyes lazily roam around the room.
"You're not off having an exciting weekend as well?" You chided, as he slid the closet door open, while he scanned the small nook.
He didn't answer your sarcastic question.
He didn't even really acknowledge you'd actually said anything.
He also didn't say anything about all the snacks you had stashed in there… but, he probably didn't really care about that.
That isn't what he was looking for.
"Your Class Rep. wanted to call an emergency search. He was convinced I would find something amiss in here." Aizawa mumbled, mostly to himself, as he slid the door shut slowly as he turned to face the two of you. "What did you do to the poor kid?"
"M-Me? C'mon Aizawa, I didn't do anything..." You muttered, flabbergasted he would accuse you of anything, as you gave El Perro a little squeeze in your pocket.
"Right." He said, rolling his eyes at your feigned ignorance. "Just make sure you're behaving in here, no… after hour dorm visits."
"Of course!" You laughed loudly, spoke a little too quickly, and if you were to ask Aizawa's opinion he would look further into why you both had the door locked before he came… but he had so many more dorms to check that day, he just nodded and walked out. "Your Dorm Check is coming up soon, Togata, you should head over there now so I don't have to wait for you."
"Right! I'll be there!" Mirio said, watching Aizawa turn and leave the room, as he intentionally left the door wide open.
"Why does everyone think I'm the instigator?" You huffed with a scowl on your face, as you turned to face Mirio, who had a big smile plastered on his face.
"What?" You laughed, his smile infectious, as you pushed him on his chest lightly.
"Oh, I was just thinking about how much of an instigator you are." He laughed too, as you playfully slapped him across the chest.
"Tch, whatever!' You tutted, as you tried to push him out of your dorm.
He barely budged.
"Go away, Lemillion, lest you fail your dorm check for making Aizawa wait."
He just laughed again as he turned to leave your room, but not without giving you his trademark goofy smile and a small wave.
You waved back, as you watched him disappear out into the hallway.
'Girl, that boy is going to get you into trouble if you're not careful.' You thought to yourself, as you closed the door as you went back into your dorm.
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anathewierdo · 4 years
Call of the Ocean  Chapter 13: When Reality Hits
Pairing: CEO!Mechanic!Dean Winchester x Mermaid!Reader
Word count: 6260
Chapter summary: After Y/N’s incident, Thasman is wary towards Dean. Dean finds out just how little time he has to be with Y/N. Thasman begins his driving lessons.
Series summary: CEO of Winchester Auto Dean Winchester has had enough of the office life. With his father keeping him from what he wants to do, which is work on the plant floor, Dean decides to leave for a quiet life. In Matagorda, Texas, he finds something he never thought he would, a chance encounter with a mythical creature.
Call of the Ocean Masterlist
A/N: God I love Saturday’s. This series is a collaboration with @flamencodiva​ , the text dividers were made by the awesome @talesmaniac89​ 
Next chapter will be posted on Wednesday, September 30
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Y/N took a bite of a pastry called an eclair. The sweet taste of the chocolate, mixed with flakey pastry and the cream on the inside made her moan in delight. 
“Dis is goof!” she forgot her manners for a few seconds speaking with her mouth open.
“I know,” Dean smiled at how cute she looked. He was reminded of himself. While pie’s will always be his favorite, he did have a sweet tooth for other sweets. 
“Sorry,” She blushed, swallowing the last bit of the eclair. “Ellen did say I have to mind my manners.”   
Dean shrugged it off. “It’s fine. After all, it is your first time trying all of this, so might as well enjoy it!”
“How many are there left?” she asked around the last piece of the eclair.
“Well”, Dean began, “You still have… two whole boxes to go.” he chuckled.
Y/N slumped into her chair, groaning, “So much good sweetness, and not enough space in me to eat it.”
Dean snorted at her choice of words, laughing his ass off and making Y/N start laughing too. 
After a few moments, Dean was able to get a grip on himself and sighed away the remains of his laughter. “Ok, I think we should go back to Ellen. She–” he chuckled again, recalling Y/N’s comment once more. “She’s gonna be pissed if we’re not there on time.”
Y/N nodded and stood up to help carry the small boxes filled with pastries to Baby while Dean went ahead to keep the door open so she could put them in the seat. 
“This was fun,” she smiled at him. “Thank you.” 
“It was--” Dean cleared his throat as he looked over at her. His heart seemed to skip a beat as he watched her tuck some of her hair behind her ear. “It was nothing. Although you did scare me last night. Are you sure you’re okay now?” 
“Yes. Thasman and Ellen took care of me… Thank you for helping me, Dean."
“It was nothing,” Dean shook his head. “I was just worried, you seemed to have been running a high fever. Not even Sam gets that hot when he’s sick.” 
“Sam?” Y/N tilted her head at him. 
“My brother,” Dean beamed. “I used to help my mom take care of him whenever he was sick.” 
Y/N nodded, “I see. The closest thing I have to a sibling is Thasman. We have both known the other from a very young age.” 
“Huh,” Dean licked his lips. “So you two really aren’t--” he trailed off. 
“Aren’t what?’ Y/N tilted her head to the side. It gave her the most innocent look Dean had ever seen on a girl. 
 “A couple,” Dean breathed. “He’s… he seems very attached to you and… maybe he might even--” 
Y/N bursted out in laughter. “Thasman and me?” She continued to laugh. “I’m sorry,” she wiped away a stray tear of laughter. “No, I promise Thasman is only a really good friend. Albeit a bit overprotective, but he and I will never be more than friends. I think I told you that, right? When we met?” 
“Oh,” Dean chuckled at her reaction. “Yeah you did. I-- I guess he must be a really good friend to get a reaction like that. But I am glad you are doing better. You did scare me there for a minute.” 
She shook her head, smiling softly. “Don’t be. I’m ok now.”
“Alright, then let’s get you back to Ellen’s,” Dean turned on the ignition and backed out of the parking spot. 
The drive back to Ellen, Dean turned on the radio singing to the song. 
“This is fun!” Y/N yelled over the music. “I never heard this kind of music before!” 
“You’ve never really lived until you know Rock music, sweetheart. It’s the best thing ever.”
“I would love to listen to more of this!” She smiled brightly. 
Just hearing her say that made Dean smile to the point that his cheeks hurt. Not even Cassie tolerated his music, and to find someone like Y/N made it seem like a dream. 
They arrived at Ellen’s a little too soon for his liking. “Alright,” he took the keys out of the ignition. “We’re here, Y/N.”
Ellen received them with a knowing smile and a hug. “You guys had a good time at Al’s?”
“We did,” Y/N held up the two boxes full of pastries. “We have snacks to last a long while!” 
“Did you buy the whole bakery, Dean?” Ellen raised an eyebrow at him. “Or are you trying to fatten up my little Y/N, here?” 
He helped her set the boxes down on the kitchen table and showed his hands in surrender. “She had never tried any kind of pastries! What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t let her live one more day without knowing about the existence of pie, Ellen!”
Ellen laughed and nodded, “Well I do have to give you that.” she looked between Y/N and Dean and smiled. “I’m going to go call Bobby and check on Thasman. I’ll leave you two to continue talking.” 
“But what about the homemade pizza?” Y/N called after her. “You’re still going to show us how to make that, right?”
“I will, you just have some more fun with Dean. I’ll be back.” Ellen disappeared into her room. 
“So Ellen is going to show you how to make Pizza?” Dean rocked on his heels. 
“Yeah,” she affirmed. “Thasman and I have been wanting to make one for days now.”
“So let me get this straight: no rock music, no pastries, no sweets, no cars like Baby, and you don’t know how to make a pizza.” he counted. “Well, to be fair, I don’t know how to make one either, but sweetheart, how did you even get here from someplace that sounds completely cut off from the world?”
“I-- well,” Y/N licked her lips. “Thasman and I traveled by boat. And honestly, our customs and traditions are very archaic. I mean… in just six days I have to go back and well… pick a husband--” 
Just like that, reality had smacked Dean across the face. Because of course, of fucking course everything that had been going so great would have to be taken away from him when it came to her. 
“You’re shitting me.” he found himself mumbling in shock.
“I don’t want to,” she whispered. “I hate the stupid tradition and would love nothing more than to stay here and live. But--” she licked her lips, “But I’m next in line to become an important person for our community and… I can’t… I want to name someone else but I know it would be difficult.” 
“So what is this?” he gestured around her. “Some sort of last wish vacation before responsibility takes over?”
“I don’t know,” she avoided his gaze. “I just wanted to experience something different and bring back what I have learned.” She closed her eyes before opening them to gaze into his green ones. “I didn’t mean to insult you or offend you. I just… It was nice of you to show me Al’s. I-- I’m sorry.” she could feel the tears begin to form in her eyes. 
“Hey, no,” he rushed towards her, “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not mad at you. You didn’t insult me. I just find it really hard to believe that you are going to be forced to marry someone in the twentyfirst century.” he explained. “And how does it work? Do they just put a bunch of people in line and tell you to go nuts?”
Y/N wiped her eyes and smiled, “No, I guess. They have a tournament of sorts. So the winner gets to marry me I guess.” she frowned. “It’s archaic and I hate it.” 
“Because you’re the prize.” he realized. “And you can’t just… not marry anyone and go on with your life doing whatever it is you have to do back home?”
“I wish it were that simple,” she turned away from him and walked towards Ellen’s porch to look out to the sea. “Everything I do, I do to make my father happy. He knows I hate it, but I’m his only daughter and there is no one else.” 
“Now that I get,” he grumbled. “It sucks. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Y/N sniffled a bit, “Not your fault. I--” she let out a laugh. “I guess it’s the tides that control my life. There is no changing them.” 
He nudged her softly. “Hey, if you guys are leaving, would you mind if I hang out with you and Ellen tonight? Help you guys make some pizza? I could use the cooking lessons.”
Y/N laughed, “I think that would be nice. You can never have too many friends.” She reached out her hand for Dean to shake. “At least that’s what Ellen says.” 
Dean laughed as he took her hand in his, ignoring the familiar electricity flowing through him. The way her hand just seemed to fit right in his made his heart skip a beat. The look in her eyes, he wanted nothing more than to keep that happy, smiling look on them. Neither of them noticed Ellen watching them with a smile on her face before barging in. 
“Alright you two,” She poked her head out the door. “Thasman’s going to be a bit late. His driving lesson is um… well let’s say it took an interesting turn.” Ellen chuckled. 
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Is he alright?”
“He’s fine,” Ellen waved her off. “Now, let’s start making some pizzas!”
Y/N and Dean made their way back into the house and towards the kitchen where Ellen was grabbing what they needed. Y/N couldn’t shake the giddy feeling that overwhelmed her. She could feel her heart pound in her chest. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling, but whatever it was, she didn’t want it to end. 
“Hey,” Ellen snapped her out of her thoughts, “come back to Earth darlin, we need you to measure out the flour,” she looked to Dean. “You’re going to grate the cheese and cut up the pepperoni into slices. And don’t be stingy on the cheese; I want to see lots of it!” 
“Yes ma’am!” he smiled. 
Y/N grabbed the measuring cups and began measuring out the ingredients needed for the dough. She looked at the small packet labeled ‘yeast’. And tilted her head. 
“Not flour,” she mumbled. “Where is it?”
“Here it is hun, but you are going to need that yeast to help the dough rise,” Ellen pointed to the packet after putting the container of flour in front of her. 
Y/N nodded, looking at the flour and yeast like they were the strangest things ever. “Ok”
Y/N let her tongue stick out of her mouth as she looked at the recipe that Ellen had laid out. She grabbed the luke warm water that Ellen set out and followed the instructions for the yeast.  Following the rest of it she grabbed a separate bowl for the flour measuring the ingredients as the yeast mixture began to froth up. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Dean called out to her as he was cutting the pepperoni. 
“Ye--” as she was answering him, Dean placed a piece in her mouth. 
“How’s that?”
Y/N held back her laughter as she chewed on the piece, “It’s delicious!” 
“I know,” he nodded, popping a piece into his own mouth. “Ellen got us the good stuff.”
“She knows just how to get the best meat,” Y/N smiled. Moving closer to Dean, Y/N began mixing the flour into the yeast mixture. “I wonder how this will taste when it’s done?” 
“Amazing.” He answered. “Pizza is always amazing.”
“I can’t wait,” she smiled. “Most of the food we eat are fish, seaweed soup and kale.” she sighed. “If we hadn’t met Ellen, I never would have tasted Prime Rib.” 
Dean stood in silence for a moment and turned to give her an incredulous look. “No sushi?” 
“Do you need a tissue?” Y/N reached for the box of tissues that Ellen kept by the sink. 
“What?” Dean let out a chuckle. 
“You just sneezed, didn’t you? Do you want a tissue?”
“No! No. I’m talking about sushi. It’s food.” Dean stopped cutting the pepperoni and mimicked what Sushi looked like with his hands. “ It’s food rolled up in kale and rice and you’ve eaten fish and kale your whole life but no sushi. I’m not the biggest fan but it’s decent… Oh man, Sam would freak if he met you.” He laughed.
“Well, we eat raw fish, but we do not have any rice. It can’t grow where we’re from.” She smiled and continued to knead the dough.  
Dean could see she was having trouble and moved behind her. 
“Here let me help. I used to watch my mom do this and she always used the heel of her palms. Like this.” he demonstrated. “Now you try it.” 
He put his hands on her shoulders, sliding them down to her forearms. “Use more force. You got this, sweetheart.” 
Y/N felt a shiver down her spine as he touched her. She remembered the recipe said to add more flour if the dough was too sticky. As she went to reach for it, she could feel she grabbed too much and flour went everywhere. 
“Oh no,” she gasped. “I’m sorry I--” she stopped and laughed at the flour that covered Dean. “That’s-- wow.” 
Part of his face had ended up covered in flour somehow, along with his wrists and hands. She watched him blink away some of the flour that had ended up in his eye.
“Wha?” he asked, giving her an accusing smile. “Are you laughing at me sweetheart?” 
“No,” Y/N shook her head but failed at suppressing her laugh. 
“Why don’t I believe you?” he commented sarcastically, reaching out a hand towards the bag of flour. “Ya know what? I think you could use a little bit more white. It suits you.”
He threw the flour to her face, making Y/N squeal as she tried in vain to save herself from the attack from there it turned into a small flour war. With Dean and Y/N throwing small bits of flour at each other. Dean and Y/N began chasing each other around Ellen’s kitchen island. It didn’t take long for Dean to catch her and begin tickling her sides. 
“Would you two children stop messing with my kitchen?!” Ellen laughed, interrupting their fight even if she couldn’t exactly see them with her back turned due to her cutting up another chunks of meat. “You’ve had your fun, but this pizza is not gonna make itself.”
They froze in place, Dean’s arms still around her his face close to hers. They both stared at each other for what seemed to be an eternity. Dean reached up and cupped her face, his thumb cleaning off a bit of flour from her face. His eyes shifted  from her lips back to gaze into her eyes. Licking his lips, Dean could feel himself leaning forward, bringing his face closer to hers.
“Sweetie, are you done with the dough? We have to put it in a bowl to let it rise.” Ellen called again.
Y/N broke out of her trance and gently pushed away from Dean. “Yes, Ellen! I have it in the bowl ready to rise.” 
“Thank you, hun. Dean? You got those pepperonis nice and sliced?”
Dean blushed at the thought of what was about to happen between them, “Yeah Ellen, although I might be eating a few if you don’t get in here.”  
Ellen turned around, giving him her best glare and toughest mom voice. “You will do no such thing if you want to eat pizza, Campbell.”
“Okay, okay,” Dean gave her a devilish smirk as he placed the pepperoni into a bowl and placed it in the fridge.
Thasman adjusted his low bun and sighed as Bobby stared at him. The lessons were not going off to a good start. Plus Bobby was upset that Thasman doesn’t have what the humans called a ‘learners permit’. Apparently it’s what would help them learn to drive large metal deathtraps. 
“Ellen has some nerve,” Bobby huffed. “Alright, so, we need to start with baby steps. Now Ellen says you are leaving in six days back to your home?” 
“Yes sir,” Thasman nodded. “The Pr… I mean Y/N has her birthday celebration back home.”
“Well, I have my work cut out for me, don’t I?” Bobby ran a hand across his face before grabbing Thasman and sitting him in front of the computer he owned. “You need to learn the rules of the road and get your learner's permit. Now, I’m going to call Ellen and get your info from you. Mind you, all this will be coming out of your pay.” 
“I--” Thasman sighed. These humans had strange customs and traditions. “How long will it take?” 
“Longer than what you are here for,” Bobby sighed. “Do you have a birth certificate with you? Or even a passport. Your country had to have given you a form of identification so you could get your license right?”
“Well… we… our country is very late in receiving modern things like identification.” Thasman tried to cover. 
“What country did you say you were from again?” Bobby crossed his arms as he raised an eyebrow at Thasman.  
“Sindarta,” The young merman said as he smiled. “It’s very remote and a very small community.” 
“I bet,” Bobby huffed. 
“I think maybe I should head back to Ellen’s,” Thasman sighed. “I’m sorry to be a burden to you.” Thasman offered him a sad smile before making his way towards the door. 
The old man rushed to his side, putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him. “Boy, don’t be like that. I didn’t mean anything by what I said. I’m just surprised.”
“I’m surprised by your way of life too, you know?” Thasman frowned. “Y/N and I have only known a tiny part of your ways, and it is really confusing, scary and exciting at the same time for us.”
Bobby’s expression softened. “I know,” he conceded. “I guess I forgot that not everyone gets to live like us here.”
“Yeah,” Thasman nodded. “It happens.”
Bobby guided him back towards the old machine he was trying to get Thasman to drive. “I never did show you each part and how it works, right?” Thasman shook his head. “Ok. Let’s start from scratch.”
As Bobby pointed to the different things in the car, he couldn’t help but smile at how Thasman absorbed the information. The kid was as sharp as a whip. As they worked together, Bobby saw a small gleam of metal hanging around Thasman’s neck. It looked familiar to him somehow. The chain seemed to be silver with a small medallion at the end. The chain itself was threaded through a ring of aquamarine gems. Clearing his throat Bobby looked at the time and sighed. 
“I think that’s enough looking under the hood for one day,” Bobby grumbled as he stretched his back. “You seem to be getting the hang of how to look under the hood.”   
Thasman chuckled nervously. “I’m not really sure of what I’m doing, Bobby.”
“Let’s get you back to Ellen’s,” Bobby tossed him the keys to the truck. “You’re going to drive nice and easy. I think you can handle it.” 
He nodded, opening the driver’s door and getting into the car. He mumbled to himself with every action that would wake the metal beast and smiled excitedly when he heard the engine come to life. 
“That’s it, boy,” Bobby praised. “Now, go slow. No pressure.”
As they drove down the road, Bobby glanced over at thasman. The poor boy was too tense and driving at the speed of a snail. 
“You’re doing fine,” he’d assured every once in a while. “By the time you have to leave you’ll be a natural at this. Maybe we can get Y/N to drive too.”
Thasman smiled, “I think she will like that.” 
“So,” Bobby tapped a finger on the dashboard as Thasman slowly picked up speed as he gained more confidence. “What’s your mother like? Must have been one heck of a woman to raise a good son like you.” 
Thasman gulped and felt his grip on the wheel tightened. “I actually never met her.” He confessed. “I asked questions… how I got there, who was she… It was like I just… appeared. There was no sign of her.”
“So Y/N’s family took you in?” Bobby inquired.
The young merman shook his head. “Not exactly. Some time after I showed up, this woman, a friend of my mother apparently, returned from a trip. They assigned her to take care of me and she couldn’t exactly refuse, but she wasn’t opposed to the idea either.”
They had reached another one of the lights that humans put in the streets. The circle on the top glowing a bright red, indicating that Thasman had to stop the metal beast. Trying to follow Bobby’s instructions and lessons from before, he stopped the car. He took his hands off the wheel when the car fully stopped, running them through his hair. 
Bobby’s frown seemed to get bigger in confusion and concern. 
“So, this woman… she at least treats you right?”
Thasman let out a big smile, “She’s tough,” he admitted. “But she is the only mother figure I ever knew. She always cared for me and was proud when I was chosen to be Y/N’s bodyguard.” 
“The light’s green again, boy,” Bobby pointed out.
“Oh, right! So… yeah. That’s all there is to know about that. You said the turn to Ellen’s house was where again?”
“Just take the next left, Thas,” Bobby said as he pointed the way. “You’re Y/N’s bodyguard? Is she important where you’re from?” 
“Very,” he confirmed. “Her father is… they’re important. I’m not just a guard. I’m her friend. But it’s my duty to make sure she’s alright. That nothing happens to her.”
Bobby hummed. “I guess that’s where you get your strength from.” 
“Comes with the job,” he shrugged. “I’m– ok, you said I’m supposed to do what now?”
“Turn the wheel to your left right here, and do it gently. Brake slowly and just turn the wheel.” Bobby instructed as he pointed to the turn.  
Thasman did, and in no time, man and merman found themselves once again outside of Ellen’s house.
“Do I just– do I turn it off now?”
Bubby grumbled, “Well it isn't going to turn itself off.” 
Thasman nodded as he turned the truck off after putting the car on ‘P’. Giving Bobby the keys, Thasman got out of the car and made his way up Ellen’s porch followed by Bobby. As they opened the door, Thasman and Bobby came in to see Y/N and Dean cleaning up the flour from the small fight they had. 
“Poseidon’s fury!” Thasman exclaimed as he walked up to Y/N and touched the flour in her hair. “What happened?” 
The green-eyed man put a rag back in the sink, smiling as he crossed his arms. “We had a little bit of a disagreement. You came in just in time to see us get the pizza really started.”
Thasman frowned at the man as he walked to Y/N and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Princess, are you alright? Did he hurt you? What is this stuff?” 
“I’m fine, Thas,” she whispered back and shrugged him off. “It’s just this powder. It’s completely harmless, I promise. We used it for the pizza dough!” 
“Why is he here?” Thasman had yet to trust the green-eyed man. “Shouldn’t he be in his own dwelling?” 
The last bit seemed to be caught by said intruder. “Ellen and Y/N invited me. I could still go if you want?” 
“No!” Y/N shouted and cleared her throat as she blushed. “Please stay. You helped in making the pizza it’s only fair that you get to enjoy it as well.” 
“Y/N…” Thasman looked at his friend. 
“Do you have a problem with me?” Dean huffed and looked at Thasman. “I have not nor will I ever hurt her. You keep looking at me as if I’m going to attack her or something?”  
“Last time you were with her she got sick.” 
“You know very well that it wasn’t his fault Thasman!” Y/N growled. “Stop it now.” 
Thasman took her forearm, and gently led her away from the prying eyes of the humans, stating they would be right back. 
“What do you actually know about him?” He prodded. “Besides his name, besides the fact that you have seen him once before we got here. Y/N/N, please think about it. We barely know him.” Thasman closed his eyes in frustration and sighed, already knowing he wouldn’t win this. “I don’t trust him.”
“He has a brother named Sam,” she countered. “He drives a beautiful ‘67 Chevy Impala that he calls Baby, and he listens to what they call Rock Music. Which I found I liked. Thasman he is just becoming my friend please. He helped me last night, he probably saved my life.” 
A tense silence settled between them. Y/N watched as little by little, her friend’s face went from rock hard seriousness to defeat. Thasman groaned, and watched her with a deadpan look.
“You know, you make me look like the worst guard to ever exist. What would your father say if he knew this?” He asked himself.
“You are not the worst guard to exist!” Y/N said as she punched him. “And besides, you are helping me experience a bit of freedom before I am forced to stay in the ocean forever.” she sighed dramatically. 
Thasman chuckled at her theatrics. “If they ever know about this, I’m dead.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Y/N said as she made her way inside. “He would imprison you in the dark caverns.” she joked and rushed inside laughing.  
“Oh, so much more comforting.” 
Dean tilted his head at the interaction between the two. He could tell Thasman was not liking him. He didn’t want to be a wedge between the two friends, and he liked Y/N. He really, really liked her. As Y/N made her way to him, Dean motioned for her to come over. 
“Are you two okay? I don’t want you to lose your friend.” Dean looked at Thasman and offered him a small smile.  
Thasman rolled his eyes, although Dean was able to catch a small smile there this time. “Yeah, we’re fine.”
“You want to roll out the dough, Thasman?” Ellen offered trying to ease the tension. 
Thasman nodded, heading over to her, already immersed in her instructions to do it correctly. 
Dean watched as Ellen guided Thasman on how to roll out the dough. The merman smiled as he saw how easy it was. Dean couldn’t help but smile at the fact that the man who could despise him, was having fun rolling out pizza dough. He looked over at Y/N who seemed to be studying Thasman’s work. There was something intriguing and innocent about how Y/N would observe something new. He wondered what it would be like to show her how to work on a car?
“Okay,” Ellen smiled. “How about we put some topping on this pizza!”
“Oh!” Y/N exclaimed excitedly. “What goes first?” 
Dean laughed, finding her excitement completely adorable. “The sauce, then we put the cheese, and then we go from there.”
Thasman and Y/N nodded, the latter mumbling “awesome” to herself.
Time seemed to fly when you had eight hands and a running commentary from Bobby to help get the pizza done. Thasman preferred to stay quiet for the most part, focusing on doing things right and every single movement Dean made. 
He noticed, of course. It was hard to ignore the blank stare that seemed to be trying to look into his very soul as he tried to talk to Y/N and listen to Bobby’s jokes. Eventually, the pizza was put in the oven, and Ellen popped open a few bags of chips for everyone to munch on while they waited.
“Thasman,” Bobby called, “how did you end up as Y/N’s bodyguard?”
“Bodyguard?” Dean looked from Thasman to Y/N. “You said your dad was an important man, but I didn’t realize he was that important that you needed a bodyguard.” 
Thasman wasn’t pleased at Bobby’s question. The old man was just curious, he knew that. The unexpected guest was the problem.
“Y/N’s family is very important back home.” He answered.
“Thasman had to go through rigorous training at first,” Y/N smiled remembering when Thasman was at the academy to become a guard. 
“It was a nightmare,” he recognized, still somewhat reluctant. “I went from being a simple boy to a guard in training. It took a few years for me to be officially named a guard.”
“It was on my 21st birthday when Thasman was appointed to me. It was funny. I kept running away!” Y/N laughed at the memory of swimming away from Thasman and hiding to get away.
“Yeah,” he sighed smiling, “I thought it wouldn’t be so hard, since I’ve known her my whole life… but no. Little Miss Rebel made it clear the second I showed up it wouldn’t be easy.”
“Oh?” Dean straightened at that. “She’s a rebel, is she?” 
“She is. To an extent, she is.” Thasman looked at her, a fond smile on his face as he spoke. “Us being here is her biggest scheme yet.”
Bobby whistled at that. “How did you get the money to get here?”
“I--” Y/N looked to Ellen for help. 
“I know a friend of theirs!” Ellen smiled. “Thasman’s guardian is a good friend of mine and she told me of them coming over. We arranged for it. Since Y/N’s father is a big shot on that Island of theirs.” She passed a quick wink to Y/N. 
“Yes,” Thasman smiled. “Ellen knows my guardian Liara.” 
“So, you took a plane or a boat?” Dean asked as he took a bite of a chip. 
“A plane.”
“A boat.”
Thasman and Y/N shared a look as their answers collided, then turned to Ellen for help. She could only mirror their expressions, and urged them to think fast with her eyes. 
“We took a boat to land,” Y/N took over, “it was a short journey to the nearest island with an airport, then took a plane to America and we just… we pointed at random and landed here.”
“Uh-huh,” Dean and Bobby both responded at the same time. 
Dean cleared his throat as he looked at Y/N. “So you had a really long trip?” 
“It wasn’t as bad as it sounds,” Thasman stepped in. “It felt a lot shorter than it actually was.”
“I’m not big on flying on planes,” Dean smiled. “I prefer to be closer to the ground.” 
“That I can agree on.” Thasman grumbled. 
“Didn’t you say the trip wasn’t that bad Thasman?” Bobby pressed.
He shrugged. “I never said I was conscious for most of it.” 
“I had to put him to sleep for a good amount of the trip,” Y/N smiled as she winked at Thasman. 
Before anyone could ask anything else, a loud ding sounded through the house, alerting everyone that the pizza was finally ready. Dean helped Ellen take the pizza to the table and before long everyone was enjoying the home cooked meal. Dean tried to talk to Thasman more but realized that the young man would not become his friend easily. With the pizza gone, Dean realized he had to go home. Benny and Cas would most likely ask him questions about his day.  He was headed to the door when Y/N appeared behind him. 
“Can I walk you home? I think it’s only fair since you helped with everything today.” She blushed slightly ignoring the looks Thasman gave her.
The huge smile that made its way across his face was inevitable. He opened the door, then stepped back, motioning for Y/N to go through. “After you, sweetheart.”
“Thank you,” she smiled as she walked down the porch steps and waited for him. “I hope it’s okay though. I know it’s usually the man who walks the woman home.” She brushed a hair behind her ear. 
“I promise you, Y/N.” He said as he gestured between the two of them. “This is more than okay with me.”
“Then on to your dwelling!” she laughed and skipped a bit in front of him. The sea air blew in her hair as she laughed. 
“Why do you call houses' ‘dwellings’?” Dean asked as he watched her having fun. Her laugh was music to his ears. 
She turned back to him with her hand on her hip, “why do you call dwellings ‘houses’?” 
“Shit,” he laughed, “touché, sweetheart. I have no fucking clue.”
“Maybe we can find out together someday,” She waited for him to reach her before she took his hand in hers. “You have big hands! And they are not smooth.” She studied them for a bit. “What do you do that makes them slightly hard?” 
Dean snorted at her remarks, “I like working with my hands. I work on cars mostly.” 
“Cars like Baby?” Y/N asked as they stopped right in front of the black Impala. 
“Among other things,” He said as he turned to her. “I had a really good day today. You helped me relax and forget some of my troubles.” 
“I enjoyed today as well,” Y/N sighed contently. “I have six more days before I must return home.” she whispered sadly. 
“Then maybe I can find some time to take you out. And you know, Thasman could join in too.”
“He is my bodyguard,” she chuckled. “Maybe we can find him someone nice to distract him?” 
“That’s not what I meant, sweetheart.” 
“Oh? How did you mean it?” Y/N tilted her head innocently. 
“He’s your bodyguard, yeah, but he’s your friend too, right? He cares a lot about you from what I could see today alone.” He gently ran his thumb along the back of her hand as he held it. “I just thought, you’re not the only one who needs to try all the pastries we bought.” he said giving her a small smirk and a wink. “I wanna show him around too, so you can both have fun and… well, if I get a few brownie points on the way, what’s the harm in that?
“Brownie points?” Y/N whispered. “Do I need to give you brownies?” 
Dean chuckled, “no, no, sweetheart. It’s a figure of speech. It refers to getting into someone’s good side.”
“Oh!” Y/N let out a laugh and blushed. “Well,” she bit her lip and glanced at him. “You have gained a good amount of brownie points for today.” 
“Hopefully,” he sighed, “You know? We start renovations tomorrow. It’s gonna take two whole days– maybe three, if we really want to open the garage before you guys leave. Maybe you could come around? Bobby and Thasman will be there, most likely, and my friends too.”
Y/N nodded. “I’ll try to, what’s that you say? Swing by if I can.”
“I would like that,” Dean said as he took a step towards her. 
He lifted his hand and reached out to caress her cheek. Her skin was soft against his calloused hand. 
“Y/N?” Dean whispered as he brought his face close to hers. 
“Yes, Dean,” Y/N whispered as the tip of his nose touched hers. 
“I’m starting to really like you,” His green eyes looked into her Y/E/C/ eyes. 
Y/N’s heart clenched at his words. “Me too, Dean,” she sighed, “I’m really going to miss you when I go back.”
The reminder of her leaving felt heavier this time. For a moment, they were back at Ellen’s house, and he could still see the hurt in her eyes at the thought of marrying whoever she’d have to marry when she got home. She was leaving in five days, and Dean had really, truly realised just now, that it would most likely be the forever kind of leaving.
Last wish vacation, her biggest scheme so far… they took a very different meaning once he truly understood how trapped she really was.
Instead of letting himself go and find out what the lips of the woman of his dreams felt like, he kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly against him. 
“I’m really going to miss you too, Y/N.” Dean muttered into her hair as he squeezed her once more.
“I should head back,” Y/N whispered before kissing his cheek. “I’ll talk to Ellen about swinging by tomorrow.”  
Dean pulled away and smiled as she began to walk back towards Ellen’s house. Taking a deep breath, he walked up the steps and opened the front door in time to see Benny and Cas rushing away from the window. 
“Not a word,” he grumbled as he made his way towards his room.
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Well holy crap! We’re thirteen chapters in already! I wanna thank everyone who has liked, reblogged, commented and sent asks about the story. Every single one of you has made my day <3
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sockpansy · 4 years
Accidents happen
Rudony ( tony x rudolph)
@rudolph-sackville-bagg. I finally posted it
Nights with tony were lively.
Rudolph loved the feel of the warmth his hand had when they flew over the tops of trees and over ponds. He loved seeing him cheer in excitement as he did a loop. He enjoyed the way his voice would change on the calm nights they sat under the moonlight on the rooftop, Tony reading a few books from the castle library. Rudolph loved how being with Tony, in any way, always felt alive.
Nights with Rudolph were adventurous.
Tony would jump in delight when Rudolph offered his hand for a flight from his window at sunset. He loved the way he would tease him reminding him to close his mouth before he caught a bug. He loved holded his hand as they walked beside the river, jumping in and splashing each other until they were soaked. No matter how small it may be, there was always an adventure with Rudolph.
It was no wonder the boys had fallen in love with each other. If only they both knew it.
Tony walked up a small hill on the way back to the castle, Rudolph flying after him. 
" I never knew turtles could bite so hard." Tony laughed as he turned to face Rudolph, walking backwards, 
" I told you it was called a snapping turtle. You're lucky it only got the stick you poked it with and not your finger."  Rudolph only laughed at the recent memory.
" I'm a vampire, I'm sure a small bite wouldn't have caused that much damage." 
" Well i still think vampires need their fingers,"
Tony smiled and shook his head, he started to turn back around to continue the walk up the hill. Rudolph flew over him and appeared in front of him upside down. He went to say something when Tony had turned his head forward to face him.
Tony had been stepping up and forward, not knowing how close he was to the boy until his warm lips met his cold ones.
In all his 300 and 13 years, Rudolph had never felt a moment so long and so short all at once. He faintly thought "warm and soft" before he flew backwards at realizing what happened.
Tony on the other hand, had jumped back almost a second later blushing. He touched his lips with one hand, and even though it was brisk, he could still feel how cold and chapped Rudolph's lips felt against his.
Both boys stared at the other, neither being able to come up with an excuse or reason or even a word.
Tony managed to find one first.
" i didn't know you were so close...that um..wasn't...on purpose." But he really wished it had been. He wanted to kiss him again already.
Rudolph had turned right side up and had the back of his hand to his lips, trying to hold the feeling of the kiss there. He nodded as he observed Tony, looking for any sign he might have been ok with it, but quickly dismissing all the obvious signs as just nervousness or surprise or tony being...Tony.
" Ah yes. I'll be a bit more careful next time." He completely planned to not do that.
The boys stayed there another minute quietly. Rudolph cleared his throat first.
" The sun will be coming up soon. Uh...how about I fly us home?"
 The flight there was silent, even as they both had the same thing screaming inside their heads.
Rudolph dropped Tony at the front door. Said a quick good day and flew to his window. Tony waved as he left and headed inside to have breakfast with his family.
As Tony zoned out eating cereal, Rudolph was having trouble sleeping. He kept touching his lips and imagining what it would feel like to feel them again. If he even could feel them again. 
After agonizing over it for far to long into the day, he gave into the only thing he knew to do. 
He went to Anna and Gregory for advice.
" it is 11 am in the morning. The sun is glaring down outside those curtains...and you wake me up. Drag me all the way out of my room..for this. " Gregory crossed his arms as he stared at his little brother. He brushed lips for half a second and now he can't even face a mere mortal?
Anna, on the other hand? She was also upset at being woken up but she was not happy about what happened either. 
" It's not fair that you got to kiss Tony first!" 
" that is not the problem here! I don't even know what to do and it wasn't a kiss on purpose!" 
Anna huffed crossing her arms " well if it had been me i wouldn't have let it end so quickly." 
Rudolph held his head in his hands " why did i think going to you two would be any good advice." 
Gregory yawned " let's hurry up so I can get back to sleep. I had been having a nice little daydream before you rudely interrupted." 
Rudolph let himself float as he tried to think " I mean..it..it wasn't even on purpose..we just gotta little close is all...but i don't even know how to face him!" 
Anna chimed in" upside down apparently," Gregory nudged her and she let out a puff of air, then floated up to Rudolph. 
" this is really bothering you that much?" Rudolph nods
" yes anna...i don't quite know what to do...and i don't want to avoid him...and i want to kiss him again but i'm not even sure he would be ok with that. Let alone like to be romantic." 
Anna tapped her foot in the air, making no sound, but she sighed defeated.
" if he says no, then i get him. No take backs!" 
Rudolph turned to face her better, " what do you mean?"
" I mean tonight when he wakes up, ask him to go flying, and talk about the kiss. Ask to do it again. But if he says no or if you don't do it. He is mine." Rudolph didn't quite know what to say to that,or where to start either. Luckily- or unluckily- she went past him and into the hall, heading to her room.
Gregory yawned " she has a point rudolph. You won't know until you ask him. I'm sure it will all turn out fine." And he followed Anna out so he coule grt bsck to sleep. This wasn't his problem. This left Rudolph to deal with the advice he did not want and a deal he didn't agree to or ask for. 
Waiting for Tony to wake up was misery. To keep Tony from sleeping all day. His parents set his bedtime from 4pm to 11 pm and he could stay up the rest of the night and day. Sadly this also meant a few hours of the night were spent without Tony, and tonight those hours ticked by like years.
Finally. At 11pm on the dot. Rudolph flew into Tony's room from the open window. 
Tony hadn't been able to get much sleep himself, and had gotten the same advice from his parents as Rudolph had from his siblings. But in a much less challenging way, although that didn't make it any easier. 
He sat up when Rudolph came in and yawned. 
" goodnight Rudy." He waved a bit nervously. Rudolph took a quick breath and did his best to act as normal as vampirely possible as he held out his hand.
" ready for your wakeup call?"
 Tony couldn't help the grin that spread over his face as he took Rudolph's hand and they flew into the night.
It wasn't long before the two were sat on top of the tower rudolph had left Tony on once before, neither filling the open with words quite yet. 
" hey about yesterday-" 
" about the kiss-" 
They said at the same time. Then Quickly went quiet, waiting for the other to finish. Stars. They are so awkward.
Rudolph remembered anna' s decree over Tony, even if tony wasn't a prize to be won ( unless rudolph won, that doesn't count), he didn't like the idea of her stealing him away. 
" Tony, i apologize if this comes out...rash." He started. He kept talking, hoping that if he didn't stop he wouldn't back out," but yesterday, I admit I didn't plan to be so close for that to happen. That is to say i didn't plan it but i- i may have - perhaps it was-" he stumbled over his words.
Tony took over quickly,``I haven't kissed someone before!" 
Rudolph fell quiet " huh?"
The mortal continued, rubbing the back of his head as he did to get some nerves out,``I um..mean that..since i havent kissed anyone before that would have been my first kiss. But um..i was..wanting a proper kiss. " 
Rudolph felt his heart sink, he didn't mean to accidentally take his first kiss! 
" I apologize Tony, I didn't mean to take that from you." 
Tony was wearing the same red his hoodie had on his face by this point, " i'm not saying that it was..bad..i..am saying." He took a small breath and took one of rudolph's hands.
" kiss me again?"
Rudolph stared at Tony for a bit. Unsure what to say or even do. Did this mean that Tony liked him? Or did he just want a proper kiss and it happened to be Rudolph who kissed him on accident, so he was asking him to do it proper this time?
Tony bit his lip and looked away quickly 
" im sorry, that was...a selfish request...i was um..just hoping maybe you...wanted to kiss me too." 
Rudolph had to say something. Anything. Something at all!
"Your lips are very warm." 
Not that!
" -and i'd like to kiss you again!" 
That's better!
Tony blushed as he faced him and nodded, holding one hand and putting the other gently behind his neck. Tony pulled Rudolph into a soft kiss.
Rudolph had been right. Tony's kiss was very soft and warm. He could stay like this for hours if he would let him. 
Rudolph put his free hand on Tony' s cheek. Pulling him closer, and he swears he could taste strawberries on him.
It only lasted a few seconds, before both boys pulled back from the kiss, still holding onto each other. Tony laughed a little bit.
" so um..does this mean you like me?" 
Rudolph looked offended, " you mean i can kiss you and you think I would only just like you? Tony, I love you." 
Ok, Rudolph did not plan to say that tonight.
Tony did not expect to hear that tonight either.
But Tony just kissed him again quickly, and mumbled against his lips the same words he just heard. 
When Anna heard the news in the morning, she was sure to remind Rudolph she would grab Tony if he let him go, and Gregory just gave him a pat on the back as a congratulations, but no one was surprised they had gotten together. Just glad they finally did. 
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