teacup-baphomet · 3 years
About the drama in the g/t community (PLEASE READ)
Part 0 
ok. first. if cussing weird you out, skip this. i ... i needed to cuss. like it’s in my blood. it’s part of who i am. it’s nothing terrible. it is just easier to express myself when i use colorful language. honestly i find it disarming to see cussing personally because it makes things sounds a bit more exaggerated/ridiculous... or maybe i’m just making excuses. look. i curse. it’s a comfort thing. i saw the neflix series. im totally vindicated as such. so says i at least lol.
i regret writing this  already. anyways.
i like things coming full circle so i’m gonna start with the statement i end with. or nearly end with.
fuck that bitch. bitch being j.k. rowling. jk fowling? cuz she’s fowl? but yeah fuck ‘er because i think she is to blame for this. or partially so. and also just fuck her because. like do I rlly need to list the reasons???
Okay. I said some things yesterday well in the wee hours of the night. i don’t know. i’m already insomniac and sleep deprived but yesterday I was struggling with food poisoning as well so it’s all a fucking fever dream to me.
and I was gonna write it like some sorta scholarly article with citations and shit but yeah fuck that im not getting much sleep and my head hurts and i just want to post this and be done with it.
but yeah. the more I think about the whole incident. the more yikes i think it is. was? whatever.
this post is a bit of a disaster and a mess but it says important shit and has important links and stuff and i really would like y’all to read this. in its entirety. or to ignore it. do NOT read and tiny bit, get mad at me, and rant to other about. read it all. or go away. i am NOT here to have someone misconstrue my words alright? 
this isn’t an attack.
everyone has feelings.
feelings are valid.
people are valid.
and like certain things are like more valid than other things... but that is also a problem because who tf decides that? who has the right to? 
i mean i have my own thoughts on this.
like tbh here in america i kind think immigration and race relations (BLM) are the stuf I’m more sensitive to. as well as lgbt stuff...
like i dunno. you ever site and watch Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino’s music video This is america and like try to find on all the hidden meanings in the video. kinda wish the song was out when i took that sociology course on issues in society years ago :/
it would be a real good conversation starter for race relation topics. also its got lots of barely noticeable stuff that means a whole heckin lot imagery wise
but i digress...
i gotta admit i’m wary of religious rights being a thing. because that leads to discrimination against lgbt people (i’ll get into that later. but yeah. stay tuned for how i got yelled at my law professor for being “anti-religion” and “insensitive” because i was upset about a certain supreme court ruling about a certain cake maker)
that being said I’m not about bend over backwards for someone being accused of Christian propaganda/evangelism. I don’t like the notion of trying to convert people in general. blegh. I was visiting my parents and i still get mail there and they totally set me up. they were like you got this male. and it was a hand market letter. i was like woah. is this a person i was friends with that i forgot existed... but it was a fucking jehovah’s witness asking me how my relationship with Jesus was. and my parents got a good laugh at my disgruntled look when i realized it was what it was... they apparently got it too.... it was fun tear it up at least. lol.
and i WOULD throw hands if someone was being discriminated against for being Jewish or Muslim irl. I HAVE done so irl. Multiple times. I was complicit with bullying i witnessed as a child. was like fuck at by the end of high school. and yeah. i’ve sat next to people on the bus looking at means as i can (and i’m not big but i try!) because ugh its always adults picking on children... i hate this world... trying to convert these children. yeah. i want to tell them fuck off so bad. but instead i just lecture them about being inappropriate in their treatment of other people’s children and shit... gotta be professional when people can see me and stuff for uh professional reasons (can’t think of a different word. but yeah. so i can keep my job i’m not the asshole* i want to be... even if it were deserved. i think i could get in trouble...)
*tho honestly if you think telling off an adult whom is harassing and trying to convert and unaccompanied minor is being an asshole don’t talk to me or any of my 0 children ever again. u_u
p.s. gonna probably drop offline for a few days though. so like if someone says something to me. i probably won’t notice. i’m tired. i need sleep. no drama. just sleep. wish tumblr wasn’t so fucking hard to figure out in regards to like finding content. algorithms are so fucking weird.
either make no sense.
or it’s like capitalism internet style.
so yeah i hate algorithms is what im saying.
Part 1)
But with further adieu. About this hoopla about Goblins. and more than that. so much more. honestly, there are so many “ted talks” I could give about the many nuances of bigotry and how fucking complicated it is for everyone to get along and about this my trauma c*** is bigger than your trauma c*** rhetoric. 
It’s not so black and white.
And if it was.
Dwarves and Witches/Witchcraft would also be on the poo poo list too.
And that is only if we are talking about anti-Semitism.
wait. still on (potentially) anti-Semitic fantasy critters also kobolds may or may not be on that last. because i thought kobolds were little lizard furries (scalies?) basically that served dragons... but the people who said the kobolds were anti-semetic (1) called it just another word for goblin (2) said making them fuzzy and ape-like was a solution... and just ?????
and on that note dragons might be anti-Semitic too if we are going down that path.
and there are creatures that hurt POC and women.
Witches actually hurt women even more than Jewish people historically (i’ll get into this more but basically old Jewish texts uses witch stereotypes against their own women. like “haha. but our wives are witches wink wonk* kinda gross misogynistic shit. it not murderous for the most part. which is a plus. but it’s not helpful in it’s view of women. and I mean. I refrain from considering being compared to women as an insult as that was kinda the case with witches. Christians. you can read about it in the links i give later. I HAVE AN IMPORTANT SELF CARE TIP HERE BOLDED SOMEWHERE. mostly it’s in regards i think being informed is important. but the world sucks. people suck. so it’s imperative to also look for stuff that shows the good in the world and that people are fighting the good fight. i think i give an example later but yeah what i just said is more or less it. if you read about a certain type of person being a certain type of bigot look for an article where that certain type of person is a being a big support of the minority group that person you read about was bigoted against... so like the positive anti-article to the terrible thing you read that was the truth you guess and you hate it... i dunno if this is like a bit of the hair from the dog that bit you cure kinda thing or not... all i know is especially reading drama at night. it helps me sleep. unfortunately yesterday i was sick as a dog so it was hell (and confusing. lol. like i was partially stoned outta my mind or something..) but yeah... eventually fell asleep. at like 7 in the morning ... got a few hours of rest... i’ve not devolved into a rabid, creature that eats left socks and speak in riddles that make no sense whatsoever yet so there’s that... ).
And there is an issue with this reclaiming thing beyond dictating who or who can not reclaim.. actually that is the issue itself.
cuz with witches.
yeahhh... the reclaiming thing has led to bullshit from terfs
like trans women can’t be witches because “they aren’t real women (tm) cuz they have (or had at some point) weenies”
and trans men, they are often like “fine they can be witches” but for transphobic reasons such as “because they never had weenies/will never be a “real man” (tm). though terfs don’t want anything to do with real men (tm) either so i don’t know what the fuck they are after. i have no knowledge or what’s real or not tho i guess. according to terfs at least. i think i’ll live tho.
Part 2)
here are some sources about witches and goblins that I’m just gonna drop smack dab in the middle of this because i don’t know when to do so thus now is better than ever... or never? or I don’t know. just doin’ it now cuz i can so there (the reddit stuff you have to root around for the legit/decent comments. of course most of the comments are trash (not cool trash but like trash trash). but i’m too fucking tired to handpick them out for y’all im sorry. like really i am. i would/ but i really am tired :c )
other articles about bigotry and fantasy (hope no  one likes drows, tieflings, orcs, half-orcs, or half-elves, half-anything really)
and like within g/t itself, the fantastical racism trope is super common. I mean yeah it makes sense... but... uh.... where are lines drawn and why?
I mean lines being drawing would be more reasonable to than decrying the entire fantasy genre (and thus g/t in itself to be honest).
g/t also normalizes very problematic (read: TOXIC) relationships.
like the tols kidnapping smols and it’s very pet-like at first but then they fall in love so it’s all okay or some shit like that.
or it spreads the notion that the strong dominates the weak and that’s okay cuz we like it cuz that’s kinda our kink? or relationship type preference is not super sexual? idk...
abuse is abuse after all... if we aren’t gonna ignore abusive scenarios in regards to fantastical beings that are unrelated to the given portrayal by someone in the g/t community for whatever reason..
why should there be an excuse for there to be an abusive scenario simply because the person in the g/t community is dealing with their own personal trauma or real world scenario in a way they feel comfortable (and that is, to note, purely fictional)...
and further more, whose boss and gets to decide where the lines are drawn and why?
is there gonna be a g/t committee? who decides whose on it? will it just be the most popular people decide shit because ...don’t know how to word my thoughts on that lil thought beyond yeesh *cringes*
also in the future people need to USE THEIR WORDS AND TELL PEOPLE WHAT MAKES THEM UPSET AND WHY - EXPLCITLY (like i mean in detail not y’know... s/exily lol). Otherwise, nothing is solved. and people are upset, angry, hurt, or like super effing confused (I couldn’t have been the only one. right???)
Part 3)
also with the goblin thing.
is this about harry pooper? like because do not give J.k. Rowling power. She doesn’t deserve any. she’s failed POC (especially Asians). And she’s like a TERF. Her goblins didn’t even look like the fantasy goblins. they looked like angry old people??? but yeah once you see the correlations you see it....
I can’t have much of a say in anything to be honest. Because I’m like not in the club of anything.
I’m not Christian [well. Catholic. which is just another Jesus flavor/Christian sect] enough (dont’ want to be thanks. but yeah) despite being raised as such because i’ve been an atheist for a lot longer.
i’m not Jewish enough because i wasn’t raised as such and my only connection to the heritage died when i was a baby. my oma/opa were secular anyways. idk why my mom became quasi religious. but she did. either way both my parents are liberal especially my dad who I call to rant to a lot about the state of things and like “why the fuck does the senate have more power than house” or “can you imagine if the Jan 6 “protest” was BLM for Trumpers, there’s be a huge death count and no cop posing for pictures, and like is this the first cop death that was investigated immediately. maybe????” or “fucking health care here is a joke. i hate this. trying to get this covered is like a part time job fuck this i want socialized medicine like all the other first world countries rant rant rant”.... my dad whose Catholic... I guess... He sees it as part of his identity more than actually believing in the all the ... i forget the word for the list of stuff people in a certain fatih believe.. is it doctrine? i dunno...
Catholics are so fucking weird to be honest. like this one person was ranting about how cafeteria room Catholicism is terrible and you can’t pick and choose but would rip into anyone who used gay as an insult because it is mean to gays... like what? you think picking and choosing is bad so you don’t think gays are valid right? why do you care if they are insulted? make up your fucking mind?)
also it’s so sex negative. run by people supposedly literally sex negative... so bleugh. required celibacy is dumb. but i’ll leave that for another ted talk. i’ve got many. I’m OLD. and yeah this is maybe why I’m just letting lose all these thought. each year older i get, i paradoxically give more shits about certain things, like the world being not so shit but less shits about things such as what others think about me. like, it sucks that people judge me as a bad person because i’m loud and passionate and stuff but whatever... i was taught as a woman that i shouldn’t be that so fuck people judge me for it ... It’s not like I’m not empathetic towards people. I’m just looking at things in a nuanced way. 
it’s not easy. and honestly, it hurts seeing how hard it is to achieve a place where everyone can being themselves and be safe... i can’t help but think this can’t be that hard... and i still do kinda think that... but i dunno... I guess it is... because there’s a lot of people with their various different issues and in the end it becomes less about sticking it the those in power (cis/white/men basically) and more into okay which minority group has more influence than each other.
Part 4)
like i’m currently taking a class to prepare to take LSATs and i got reprimanded for being anti-religion because I criticized heavily the supreme court ruling where it was considered this homophobic cake-maker’s right not to make cakes for gay weddings because he’s expressing his religious beliefs. 
and i’m like. he’s doing his job. he has a store front. so like. maybe if he did stuff via mail order or delivery from home he could make more excuses about what he could do or not do. but I don’t like the idea of their being a store that can be bigoted in a way that invalidates a person’s existence. 
i went about how it hurts the couple being rejected more than for a person to make a cake with two women on the top (or was it two men? I forget)... because it’s more of simply an annoyance to go against this belief. it doesn’t hurt them. it doesn’t even mean they condone gay marriage. they are doing their job. just like how Christianity has considered it okay for soldiers to commit murder cuz the nature of war and its their job, a cake make making cake is just doing his job... but yeah... I was told how anti-religious i was and shit... ugh... still salty about that... lol... I don’t regret what I wrote though! I’ll take this thought to my grave. 
I support religious freedom. but not if it’s used as a vehicle to discriminate others. feel free to write this on my fucking tombstone. not that I want one. led me fade to nonexistence in peace lol. But yeah... I’ve like always really been wary of religious people. I’ve never not been disappointed in any given religion. Of course it’s the easiest to be annoyed with Christians if you an American who is either not Christian or an outlier within Christianity... like i’m not Christian at all. though I mean. some of this jesus dude’s teachings sound like they’d be neat if Christians gave it any though but pretty much none of them don’t so it’s hard for me to take Christianity seriously. like Christ is smack in its name and they are like “we gonna focus on made up rules that are inflammatory/not inclusive/and often downright cruel rather than what the majority of us have down our main dude actually says such a love others like they were your family or something. and if I hear one more Christian say something like “i don’t gays. i love everyone but... says something that invalidates lgbt people” i will cut a bitch. unfortunately, pretty much every religion has major sects that are anti-lgbt... 
but there’s a lot of fight for inclusivity including from non-lgbt religious allies are being the allies religion needs (at least for my salty ass not to be /as/ anti-religion)... and yes, I actively look for stuff to read to soothe my chaotic mind after reading disappointing bullshit. 
you know how people go “whatever helps you sleep at night”. that self care thing helps me sleep at night and i’m not ashamed to admit it lol.
Part 5)
but yeah I’m basically not enough anything.
i’m not gay enough as a bisexual.
i’m not straight enough enough also as a bisexual. (beings ‘bi’ sounds like it’s the best of both worlds and it SHOULD be gdi but alas....)
i’m not white enough as someone with a olive skin tone, dark hair, dark eyes (so jelly of people with light eyes and i hate myself so bad for this... i’m chill with most of me except... i find my eyes so poor. they are like very dark brown.. not even a warm brown tone. i have dark purple outlines around the edges of my iris but someone else would have to be TOOO EFFING CLOSE to see it themselves). i’m not in that club either. well, at least according to racists. to this is a technicality but not really a functionality. as everyone else is like. what. but you ARE white though ?? (see next thing).
as far as i’m concerned i’m definitely white despite my heritage being partially jewish ethnicity-wise (and some turkish [Muslim] as well via my mom’s dad’s family).... because I’m like mostly white and I look white - especially as a vampire who avoids the sun like its the plague lol- so I’m white. Being vaguely tan even at my lightest doesn’t mean shit. I’m not gonna try to be like ‘but i’m not white; because i  DO have white privilege bennies whether nazis/racist d-bags in general would be game with that or not so i’m white and that’s that.... I don’t really question it. Or feel the need to. Maybe if I was a practicing Jewish person I might see more worthiness to do such... but I’m not so... *shrug*... I’m not gonna reach for some sort of  i dunno inclusivity I don’t really deserve??? I dunno how to describe it...
i’m not women enough as someone who does NOT want children (I’m severely tokophobic), and I don’t wear make up very often. I’m not super feminine. I dunno... I don’t like kids really. at all. they annoy me. i’m not super romantic. like i get romance. i can fake it. but to me romantic is very different than most... like someone who’d burp louder than me and take attention away from me. that is romantic. i don’t want jewelry that i’ll never wear and is impractical... I don’t want to get married. I’d rather elope....i don’t want certain organs that are inside me. i’m not gung-ho about pronouns personally. I mean I respect those who are and try my best to remember the right pronouns for people (though only people I know irl are gonna get a 100% correct score as I have a terrible memory and I’m adhd. like very badly so. medicine doesn’t even help. trying to do stuff via like on my own via behavioral changes but i’m a  helluva hot mess so ....
and i live in a populous diverse area. the “clubs” I am partially/kinda of part of are all here and plentiful! there are lot of white people. a lot of poc (black, hispanic, asian, and so on). lots of jewish people. there are also hindi people. and buddhist people.  and lots of muslim people! lgbt galore! I’m in the DC area. we have Dupont Circle and various lgbt clubs (tho again it’s been the pandemic so yeah... doesn’t mean shit now but yeah...) I’ve had my heart broken over and over think I’ve found people who are inclusive or whatnot because ‘they’ve experience prejudice/bigotry due to x’ so they can’t be prejudice/bigoted’ themselves only to find out they are very much prejudice/bigoted just not towards their specific minority group. or perhaps there is only one specific minority group they are against.
I’ve seen lgbt groups have fights about trans people, bi people, bi vs pan (i still don’t know what the difference is tbh so i so i see why bi ppl are up in arms to be honest. they existed already. bi technically means you like two OR MORE genders. that is the official definition. so idk. assuming by default bi people are transphobic or decry nonbinary people is bad but i digress), also there is arguments about ace people and within the ace community itself with people are sex repulsed versus those who like to have sex and there’s there’s those who arent sex repulses but have no libido really and they are kinda just *shruggg*), and i’ve seen stupid arguments about whether members who straight friends (allies) could come to meetings or not. i never got why not. like what is wrong with being there to support your friend. some people are very shy and need someone to sorta lean on. at least at first... i am like this at big parties when i don’t know many people...
I’ve seen colorism in action within various non-white races.
I’ve listen to friends talk about how they were criticized over having “natural” hair versus relaxing it, wearing wigs/weaves, etc... One girl had to fight tooth and nail as a child for their mom to stop using skin bleach on their them. I did not know skin bleach was a thing...
I’ve also listened to other criticism of the irl witchcraft movement.
beyond the reclaiming thing that terfs ruined.
the witchcraft movement has been very white... and it has involved a lot of white people appropriating cultures that aren’t there own. including white people of different ethnicities appropriating each other’s cultures. 
I’ve heard BLM activists complain about how there used to be a strong alliance between pro-black and pro-jewish organizations but that biggest local jewish organizations were radio silent during BLM protests (I mostly know of pre-pandemic stuff as my ass has stayed home during the whole thing btw).
I read an article by Kareem Abdul Jabbar about how there was a rise of anti-Semitism among some of Hollywood and in Sports within some vitriolic tweets from some actors/actresses/athletes and he was like why is there no uproar about this? it is bullshit.
and btw Kareem Adbul Jabbar is a BLERD. He plays DnD. And he’d totally call out a problematic characteristic in a person’s character if he saw it,
That being said, I’ve read a lot of his stuff on race relations and bigotry towards minority religions... as well as some feminist-leaning stuff... I don’t know his stance on lgbt people. I’m almost scared to look because i’m tired of being disappointed by people. But I’m not surprised when it happens. because its always happening. and yes, this includes myself. like i disappoint myself a lot. but at least i know i’m trying. like literally any one else. i don’t trust much. not even my own parents lol. my trust issues say what up? eyy
Part 6) Is this part 6? I lost count. well it’s part 6 now!
So yeah. Again. This is the G/t community.
It is based on fantasy critters for the most part.
It’s a very dangerous path - or may fruitless, nonhelpful path would be a better way of wording it?- to start striking down fantasy races as a whole.
and via stuff that is more exaggeration than truth.
Goblins were NOT created just to mock Jews.
They were used post-created to mock Jews. But there creation was not rooted in it.
And in the end, I’m disappointed with literal attempts at Jewish reclaiming anyways because one of the worst goblin-warpings in literature involved an evil vile goblin queen
so some Jewish author decided to make a good Goblin.. King????
if you go back to the first mentions of Goblins... there is a mention of a poem about a good goblin. I don’t think it was rabbinic literature. but i don’t know if it was Christian either. but the Goblin was a male.
so good Goblins can only be dudes I guess?
gonna ignore the whole ass Labrynth movie that had a Goblin king and it’s pedo-undertones???? (note: I really like David Bowie btw. He is aesthetic is *chef’s kiss* and shit but that move was yikes... and honestly I couldn't’ get into it anyways. Muppets are kind creepy on their own as well...)
and this one lesbian into goblincore (i have a hard time writing that and not feeling kinda ridiculous. is everything a xcore now? it’s seems excessive.... ) described what it meant to them and it sounded pretty okay.
nothing about greed or big noses.
a lot more rejected feminine steretoypes via being dirty and messy and chaotic (jewish stereotypes aren’t very chaotics. they are extreme predictable. unoriginal. easy to avoid!)... 
and most goblincore people reject greed. They are in tune with nature. so of course they are dirty. there is dirt everywhere. literally. they aren’t like subterranean as much as out deep in the woods and shit... they always talk about the rejection of capitalism being a thing. 
this notion isn’t about reclaiming goblins.
it’s about being a chaotic little thing who likes collecting buttons or something. and these people don’t identify with greed. and that’s that.
goblins were often morally gray at best... but greed wasn’t always part of what they were... it was something added to a couple of poor, gross portrayals and sadly it stuck...
Part 7)
note: I’ve never heard anyone call anyone a goblin as an insult in real life. I’ve heard plenty of slurs. but not that one. Honestly anti-lgbt and racist behavior I’ve witnessed a whole lot more than anti-Semitism.
and BY THE WAY, because i feel like this should be touched upon maybe? like the only people that use the term goy/goyim for that matter tend to be the very conservative sects who aren’t very good for trans people, gay people, or women themselves... most secular, non-practicing jewish people use non-jew. they don’t like to use gentile either as that too has been used as a negative word. and more liberal practicing jewish people don’t tend to use it as much at least when non-jews are around. using the words in front of non-jews in considered inappropriate by many (like many Jewish people, More the modern/reformed/liberal types I think).
there is the excuse it only means “non-jew” or whatever. then just say non-jew then. it’s not hard. lol.
plus neo nazis are making memes and being gross and trying to “reclaim” goy/goyim so yeah I’d avoid that term definitely. and I’d probably avoid gentile too. just say non-jew. it’s not that hard. it’s a lot less polarizing. there’s nothing to take offense from with that term. and if this is all about people taking offense from something, I feel that something potentially being offensive then should be a notion respected, no?
part 8
one for those of you in the back (who may or may not have fallen asleep during my rambling - speaking of chaotic stuff, hu?): fuck j.k. rowling!
this can go on my hypothetical tombstone. as well as the other stuff.
like maybe instead of waiting to die. when again i def will not want a tombstone.
i will just get a bunch of tombstones while i’m alive. i can actually enjoy them then lol.... as well as have a say in what is written on them.. that’s the biggest plus probably heh >_>...
kay now that i have a full fledged migrain now. gonna sleep for 10 years.
my head hurts. idk when i’ll be able to sleep. if ever /dramatic
at least i probably wont be bowing to the porcelain god tonight lmao so there’s that 
0 notes
teacup-baphomet · 3 years
Me calling myself out (G/t meme edition)
Hmm... I wonder how Tumblr will auto-resize this... hopefully it won’t be too blurry to read 8D
Tumblr media
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
G/t plot bunny 1
ugh generic title is generic but whatever.
so basically there are these two people - humans - and they are like ghost/cryptid hunters. 
in my head. There is one guy and one girl. The guy is very excitable and happy-go-lucky (an optimistic ray of sunshine type with his head in the clouds). 
The girl is more down-to-earth. A tad on the pessimistic side maybe. a little more rough around the edges. will throw hands at the drop of a dime to protect the people she cares about no matter how daunting the challenge is (like she will take on an entire gang herself is she needs to orr - well, you’ll see later in this plot bunny).
They are currently somewhere - idk where- and there is like big arse castle thing. Entirely made of stone. Ornate. and mostly like “f***off” big. like the theories/lore behind it is some ancient, archaic civilization made this castle for their god(s) as some symbolic gesture.
But the duo is here because it’s supposed haunted af.
And they want to either prove that or disprove that. 
all for the sake of likes on the internet. such a noble causes lol. nah. they get paid too so mostly there’s that.
anyways. as it turns out it is NOT haunted.
but rather someone - something? - BIG is sorta imprisoned in the structure. Not visible at first. Hidden away ... somewhere, perhaps an alternate dimension or something. Until freed. 
And the duo accidentally frees him. 
Anyways, the big guy is basically the result of a king from the long dead civilization getting super greedy and basically doing some weird ritual to get limitless power. It goes terribly wrong - for the king- and he ends up getting possessed, well more like completely hijacked and the king is kinda dead now - by some sorta being. a shapeshifting something that tends to be on the lorg side. 
The being didn’t really have a gender until he took over the king’s earthly form and then he decided “huh, guess i’m a dude” so he tends to shapeshift into a male form. typically big. typically kinda monstrous. haven’t thought of how monstrous. or if the shapeshifter being is demonic or not. or what does “demonic” even mean if so. 
kinda leaning towards a monstrous in a dragon-boy kinda way. wings. horns. rows of sharp teef. claws. scaly forearms and lower legs as well as various other patches of scales. glowing eyes. firebreath. 
with some hints of elderitch monstrosity. so maybe like a third eye on their forehead and perhaps a wee eye on each of the little clawed hand things on his wings. idk. plus the ability to make prehensile shadow tendril/tentacle things shoot out from his body. or something like that.
but i dunno. if i write this or not is hecking big IF anyways. like most of my ideas -writing and especially drawing. my muse is so dang fickle. i could come up with ocs and plots and dumb banter/dialogue and i can get to vague sketch stage with drawings but after that it’s like uhhhh... i lose steam i guess..
but yeah... how monster-y big dude is, is well up for debate i guess
but yeah. so he appears. and the shapeshifter monsterboy king dude is thinking it’s gonna go like ‘k. i’m free now. gonna just get rid of the people who freed me with a condescending thanks and then take over the world mwahahaha”
but it does not go like that. at all.
because oh no. the lil guy who freed him is adorable. and he’s so..so happy? but... why? and his first words to him are “wow. you’re amazing! so friggin cool! I wish i looked as bad*ss” or something like that
and the big guy is like all flustered because he’s used to people running and screaming at him and his monsterous appearance. that is partially why he likes to be monstrous looking to be frank.
he never considered how nice it is to be genuinely complimented. or you know to have friends. or even something more~
so he’s at a lost. which is something that’s never happened to him before. making him even MORE at a loss.
and he’s rather amused, impressed with the bravery the wee gal as well. as she looks ready to fight him herself if he even thinks of hurtin’ the lil ray of sunshine guy. it’s kinda.... endearing???
so oops. no world domination. ah, well...
instead he has a best friend and maybe something more with that lovely ray of sunshine man~
and maybe... just maybe... being good and kind... isn’t all that bad?
even if he is a monstrous eldritch giant maybe demon thing.
who says he has to stick to stereotypes. he’s BIG. he can do what he wants. right?
and i dunno after that..
I’m thinking. that this is when they find out he’s sorta attached to the castle for some reason. and thus stuck in his BIG monsterboy  mode (as well as stuck to a certain area). and thus beyond being stuck to the vicinity in the castle and near the castle atm he can’t temporarily shapeshift to human in order to more easily travel with them as they do their ghost/cryptid hunting anyways.
so the next phase of the maybe story is the human duo and their monster trying to figure out how to f r e e h i m. like even more so than they already did heh.
and once they do that - uh shenanigans happen i guess. cuz you can’t have a g/t story without big(s) and small(s) engaging in shenanigans. that’s like g/t law or something.
and that’s it. that’s the maybe story i will likely never write. 
anywho. if anybody wants to use this as a plot go ahead. i don’t care/mind. it’s not all that original anyways lol. it’s just a bunch of tropes thrown together to make soup (read: a plot) basically. i think. i dunno.
i mean let’s be real. i can’t even say:
people using the same plot in a g/t story? more likely than you think.
because we all effing know the same plots are used in g/t stories over and over again. ain’t no one able to pretend that isn’t common lol.
but that’s okay. because everyone has their own style of writing. and a lot of us are desperate for more g/t content anyway so we ain’t gonna complain regardless.
not sure if these last few sentences could be considered a call out or sh**post or something but i don’t really care. it is what it is.
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
Something occurred to me at three am while I was staring at the ceiling trying to sleep.
Regarding the small banter/dialogue about Lyle finding out uh alien person I already forgot the name of’s perception of gender. I realized I messed up some and need to clarify. I think. I don’t remember if I clarified well enough. so uh i’m gonna now.
if you don’t think there is anything needing to be clarified I guess you don’t have to read further. but just in case it appeared that I’m so dip**** who doesn’t know the difference b/w s/ex and gender, I guess keep on reading...? or don’t. I’m not your boss, I can’t tell you how to live your life lol. Tho a boss shouldn’t either... a good one at least...
Like, I mentioned stuff about “s/ex” rather than “gender” at first. and like sex is biological stuff and gender is a social construct and stuff. and I know that.
I began with the stuff about “s/ex” (talking body biology not bonking kay so this ain’t n/sfw) because imo if a planet only had animals (both human-like intelligent ones and lesser intelligent ones more similar to idk dogs and mice and tigers n’ stuff ) that only had only one s/ex (or more it was like both sexes in one? idk)... then there would probably be no development of the concept of gender on this planet... because it never developed binary concepts of male and female to begin with... because I’m fairly certain that the two most common human bio sexes is was lead to these binary concepts... and yep...
so I was never meaning to confuse s/ex and gender in that scenario. I just maybe forgot to mention stuff. Or more likely I thought it was  implied. But thinking back on it (or at least in 3 am staring at the ceiling mode, thinking back on it. tho it’s the afternoon now cuz yeah... didn’t have the energy or time to retouch on this til now lol. but i digress...)... but yeah I thought maybe it wasn’t as implied as I thought idk.
so yeah. that’s why like the alien person (shoot i feel so dumb forgetting the name. I want to say Kevlar but i don’t think that’s quite right lol.) is supper confused about gender. Like they wouldn’t understand the concept of s/ex (or would find it super weird at least). So the concept of gender would be even more “what the heck!?” to them. If that makes sense. 
But they do know what an agenda is. Which is close. Well. just phonetically ofc. But yeah. They’re an alien relying on technology to communicate with a human (who is actually the alien in this drabble but w/e), what do you expect. words with similar phonetics might confuse the technology a tad p:
G/t Drabble (Crash landed on a hostile planet trope but NOT via the a tiny vulnerable human in a planet of mean powerful alien bigs route)
tw: a bit of censored cursing. Uh. I’m not sure what else. Maybe broaching of sensitive tops such as sexuality and religion. But not really. Mostly it’s just rlly dumb word play/lame humor and a confused alien being confused (and kinda freaked/troubled due to the confusion? you’ll see if you read it i guess). there is some sad lorg boi times. idk. no romantic relationships. just a shaky friendship is forming between a crash-landed big-arse alien (a human! *gasp*  i woulda never guessed something as vile as that o: ) and one of the much smaller, very much not human locals. most want to kill the poor dude who got stuck on this planet of hostile lil guys who think he’s a monster and immediately decide they much off him asap. so like having this one ally is kinda important to him. But it’s hard. because. lots reasons rlly. culture differences. the language tech can only do so much. the size diff creates definite issues because trust is hard in general. and trusting a big being that could easily cause havoc on your planet mostly just cuz he /seems/ nice is not a very good foundation… there is much to learn between the two before they can be truly good frens. so uh good luck to them lol *raises glass* I mean. I don’t think I’ll ever write these two again. but I’m sure they’ll end up good friends. probably.
Anyway without further adieu, here have a disappointment (read: attempt to be creative but i’m kinda lazy tbh and still kinda bitter I can’t draw for more than like 10 minutes before I start spacing out :/ )
Keep reading
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
G/t Drabble (Crash landed on a hostile planet trope but NOT via the a tiny vulnerable human in a planet of mean powerful alien bigs route)
tw: a bit of censored cursing. Uh. I’m not sure what else. Maybe broaching of sensitive tops such as sexuality and religion. But not really. Mostly it’s just rlly dumb word play/lame humor and a confused alien being confused (and kinda freaked/troubled due to the confusion? you’ll see if you read it i guess). there is some sad lorg boi times. idk. no romantic relationships. just a shaky friendship is forming between a crash-landed big-arse alien (a human! *gasp*  i woulda never guessed something as vile as that o: ) and one of the much smaller, very much not human locals. most want to kill the poor dude who got stuck on this planet of hostile lil guys who think he’s a monster and immediately decide they much off him asap. so like having this one ally is kinda important to him. But it’s hard. because. lots reasons rlly. culture differences. the language tech can only do so much. the size diff creates definite issues because trust is hard in general. and trusting a big being that could easily cause havoc on your planet mostly just cuz he /seems/ nice is not a very good foundation... there is much to learn between the two before they can be truly good frens. so uh good luck to them lol *raises glass* I mean. I don’t think I’ll ever write these two again. but I’m sure they’ll end up good friends. probably.
Anyway without further adieu, here have a disappointment (read: attempt to be creative but i’m kinda lazy tbh and still kinda bitter I can’t draw for more than like 10 minutes before I start spacing out :/ )
"We are called humans or the scientific name is homo sapiens" spoke the large alien, Lyle.
"Homo sapiens? That is rather long, is it not? Why is a "scientific name" even a thing? Why would that be necessary? Scientific name versus what kinda name? Emotional name? Why are these science names two words? Seems annoying. What is wrong with just calling yourselves simply homos? Or something else just as nice and concise. Straight to the point if you will. Probably. I... Uh.. I obviously don't know what exactly is the purpose of a scientific name as i already implied... Sooo..." The much shorter – and much scalier- native being (called Torrynts) awkwardly looked off the side to stare at the plain, blank, siding of their dilapidated, isolated house as if it were the most interesting thing in the entire vicinity. Which it wasn’t of course. There was a f***ing alien 15 times their size only a few them-sized lengths way…
 Lyle gave his new comrade – and only friend on this gawdforsaken planet that mostly wants him dead- th pondering, and possibly ironically, rather colourfully scaled Torrynt by the name of Kyvlar a bemused look, bordering on coy.
"Huh. 'Straight' to the point you say?" He paused with a small snort. "Well, my not-so-statuesque friend, do I got news for you~"
Kyvlar suddenly blanched, giving a Lyle a look that was like a knife to the heart while blurting out. "Wait, wait, wait! Hold up! We? There are more than one of you? Here? On this planet? Were you just a distraction the whole time. Oh... Oh no.... Have we really been victim a secret homo invasion this whole time! I-"
 Their panicked monologue was interrupted by a most horrendous noise. Like a slowly dying tornado with the hiccups or something.
"STOP. Stop I-I can't. I can't. This is too much much!" Spoke Lyle with his hand covering the bottom half of his  and his eyes scrunched shut.
 'Welp,' thought the Torrynt, 'This is the end. This is when I die. I should have known better than to immediately put my trust in such an enormous obviously dangerous specimen. Ho-'
 Kyvlar’s dramatic internal speech was interrupted when the alien surprised them by uncovering the his face, revealing a huge grin. ‘They weren't upset? Huh?’ The Torrynt blinked owlishly at the human in confusion.
 "Sh*t, bite-size (Kyvlar noticeably paled at the impromptu nickname not 100% the foreign joking tone, well it would have been noticeable to someone their size at least), I know you don't mean to, context-wise, but you reminded me of my great aunt Karen when my Uncle Todd and Uncle Copper decide to have their friends over along with relatives for a gatherin'."
Plastering on a faux distraught look and blatantly mocking tone, he  continue with exaggerated hand gestures. "Oh no, it's the...the...," he paused with snort, "... the homo invasion... No, no, no... Not here... not in this... this good, Christian neighborhood. Aren't just two of them enough? Oh woe is me!" The alien dropped the mocking tone and smirked towards the smaller being. "Heh. Good ol' great aunt Karen could never remember Uncle Todd was Jewish and so was the majority of that neighborhood.... It’s where my Uncle Todd was raised actually…"
 The said smaller being just stared blankly at the homo-no-human they supposed as just “homo” meant something else, they weren’t sure what else, beyond just something else.
 "Uhhm. Wh-what? U-Uhm, so what exactly is “homo” then? And what’s Christian? And Jewish too. What’s that? Are... Are those other types of -uh- intelligent, sentient creatures on your planet? Y-you know, b-beside hom-er-h-humans? Or are these subtypes of humans? What kinda are you? What is a great aunt? or Uncle? Does the great indicate a larger size? Oh gawd, a-aren't you humans b-big enough regularly? Oh... W-wait. O-or are you a great- uhm- great aunt, was it? E-er, g-great something? Ohhh. Zyntall (Torrynt swear). I'm sooo confused r-right now... " The timid tiny being, sighed in frustration before their eyes snapped open wide in a panic, and they did an immediate one-eighty with their behavior, and it was off all their previously trust, as wavering as it was, vanished in an instant, squeaking out a quick "sorry. oh, Z-zyntall... I'm so-so-sooo sorry. I-I hope I d-didn't offend y-you or anyth-thing... p-please, oh please, don't hurt me" while gazing everywhere except towards the much larger alien, hoping desperately the 'bite-size' nickname was just a bad joke...
 Clearly they not only didn't get what so hilarious about the whole thing but also thought he was a monster prone to violence – still. Lyle sighed, all the mirth that was previously in his expression draining out of him leaving him with an uncomfortable grimace on their face. How disappointing... They really wish there was another human here to share in the jesting. But alas, that was not meant to be. At least as far as they knew there was no "homo invasion" in the making. Lyle wasn’t naïve. He knew humans were easy to slip into a gray moral state, at best. The role of villains at worst. And many of his kind would likely take advantage of a planet full of tiny, vulnerable people. Lyle couldn’t help but inwardly cringe at the thought, getting nervous about something that wasn’t an issue. At least now. Currently, human-wise, it was just him on this distant planet. And as far as he knew, no one - well, no other human at least- had any clue where they were. It probably just seemed he simply disappeared. Never to be seen again most likely. Trapped on this random alien planet in scenario that is akin to some sort of a personal hell of sorts.
'Wow. Hello, major depressive episode that’s making me overly dramatic. I haven't seen you since I was - what - eighteen?' thought Lyle regretfully. Calling this planet a personal hell was probably a bit over the top. But still, he couldn’t even seem to keep the trust of his single native ally. It only adds to his feelings of lonely isolation. And he feared his lonely angst will only get worse and worse. But only time will tell.
Giving a small sigh, he mentally prepped himself to try and get back his small friend’s trust. At least he was able to laugh for a wee bit earlier. It had been so long since he had done such. It was nice. Hopefully next time it will not lead to a backtracking in his attempted friendly ships with an open local, or even worse, a hostile local. The little laser guns that native being had stung like a b*tch. It reminded him when he got bit a couple times by some fire ants during a vacation as a child.
So yeah these were rando improvised characters made on the spot.
But Lyle is a guy (he/him. He’d be chill with they/them too)
And Kyvlar is… a Torrynt. So like they/them I guess. Torrynts don’t have genders. Like at all. I guess they hermaphroditic (intersex if talking by human terms but not really as they are capable of reproduction and they aren’t human so… I dunno… Not even sure if hermaphrodite is a useful term. As idk if hermaphroditic animals, in nature, are capable of reproduction… I don’t think so? But I’m not sure tbh…). There is no variants like there are with human “sex”. And male/female concepts are 200+% foreign to these wee reptile-like aliens (albeit warm-blooded minded, so perhaps more draconian than reptilian idk. Also aliens being described as reptilian gives me hives due to a conspiracy theory that is like super bigoted actually n’ stuff. Very yikes. Don’t want to talk it about it rlly…). Their reaction would def be “wtf. That’s the weirdest sh*t ever” to such a thought as male n female binary dynamics & whatnot. No exceptions. They’d be like why a lot of you guys limiting yourself because of whether or not you are a potential offspring vessel or not. I don’t understand.
So Yeah. Uh. Anyways.
Their conversation about this prolly (or close to this):
Lyle: Hi. I’m Lyle. Just some random dude form Earth I guess.
Kyvlar: a random dude what?
Lyle: uh. I’m a dude. I guess I meant that I’m a boy though dudes don’t really have to be boys I think. But not to derail too much… Yeah. I’m a man/guy/boy/brosef, whatever you wanna call the male gender. Please not by brosef actually, heh. Anyway. Yep. A boy. That is what I am. Uh. How about you. I can just tell… you ….you have uhm two legs. Oh damn. Wait. That sounded so stupid. I wouldn’t assume your gender or anything. I just… You don’t look exactly human so..uh. UGH. Nevermind. I don’t even know where I was going with that... Heh. ANYWAY, so yeah what’s your gender is what I’m trying to say. Sorry I’m awkward as f***. I’m not used to socializing much. Been doing deep space sh** on my own for a few years now and.. uh.. yeahhhh….
Kyvlar: *stares blankly*
Lyle: Uh. Yeah. So. A Gender? Do you, uhm, have one? Or…????
Kyvlar: Uh. I think so? I mean I’m mostly a day-by-day I’ll figure it out then type but I, I really want be able to fix my home up. I want to learn to cook. Kinda suck at it now. Uhm. I guess… Uh. I should probably help you get on good terms with my people so they stop trying to kill you. You seem nice n’ stuff… so yeah. There’s that. I could use a little more purpose in my life. Not to-
Lyle: wait. Huh? What are you talking about? Are you talking about an agenda?
Kyvlar: Yes????
Lyle: *snorts* I didn’t say an agenda. I said a gender. As in A. Gen. Durr. Like are male or female or maybe something off the typical binary track??
Kyvlar: Uh. Er. Huh??? I, I’m so confused right now…
Lyle: Hooo boy. I’m so not prepared for this discussion at all.
One of these days I’m gonna have a character that’s silver-tongue and smooth af and not some bumbling awkward doofus (*cough* like I am *cough*).
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
Dialogue Prompts (G/t)
could maybe be not G/t if tweaked?
some a little lengthy. or have some slang. a couple of some swears iirc. tweak as me you wish. idc.
Oh & If these have already been done, I’m sorry. I haven’t read through any list... but I’ve seen some one shots based on them so I’ll be avoiding those at least.
1) "Dammit! I'm not crazy! I mean - ugh! Ok, sure. It sounds crazy but it's true! The walls really are talkin' to me!"
2) "Oh... Well, you are certainly not what I was expecting?"
3) "Oooh no! Ooh crap! U-uh... A-are you okay?"
4) "Wow. That sure was, uh, something. Let's never do that again."
5) "10 bucks on shorty over there"
6) "Hey! Watch it, stretch! I'm walkin' over here!"
7) “I remember when you were knee high to a grasshopper.”
    “We just met yesterday though. And I’m not a child??”
8) "That was nice... Said no me ever".
9) They giggled coyly, "Sure, thing! My number is '964 - 686 - 4355'" (Note: phone # translated to their letter equivalent reads: "yo, go to hell")
10) "Well, that was different. You're different. And you know what? That's 'aight by me!"
11) "Doesn't that get exhausting?"
12) Using a mocking tone and animated hand gestures, they groused, "Meh. 'HoW's ThE wEaThEr Up ThErE?', they said"
13) "Go home, ________, you're drunk"
"I... I can't. I can't find my keys."
Tiny version response: “You don't have keys. You don't need keys. You live in the walls here, my mini moron."
Giant version response:  "You don't have keys. You can't even have a car. You wouldn't even fit in the damn cargo bed of an 18 wheeler, you giant idiot"
Human (not g/t?) version response: They sighed. "Dumbass. What part of 'You are drunk' don't you understand. Thank Gawd you can't find your damn keys"
14) "I had a great time, _____" 
       "No. I lied. I had a terrible time."
15) “Oh my-...(Name of giant character here)! I would think that someone of your ... stature... with a brain that is multiple times bigger than my entire being would not be so idiotic all the time but here we are. I think my pet rock, Peter, had a higher IQ...”
“You had a pet rock? And you named it... Peter? That’s so...so.. dumb! Pffftt.”
“Dammit, _____, stop proving my point!”
(Note: meaning of the name Peter:  Stone/Rock)
16 - as an alternate to 15 maybe?) "Such tiny hands, tiny feet, tiny everything! It's amazing how something so small could be a fully functional, intelligent lifeform."
 "Well, if ya ask me, something with such a ginormous head thus it should  also have an equally ginormous brain should not such a total dumbass yet here we are...," quipped the smaller being without missing a beat. 
17) "Hi, my name is ______," said the jabbing at their own chest before repeating their name slowly, painstakingly enunciating each syllable. "What is your time, they added as they went to poke the much smaller person on their chest.
 "STOP!" screeched the tiny person as they leapt back to avoid the offending much-too-large finger. "Don't you ****ing touch me! And for Arietty's sake, I was raised in the walls, not by gorillas. I can understand you just fine and dandy thank you very much!" 
"Oh. I'm Sorr-Wait, what? You were raised in the walls? These walls? Of this home? My home?" 
18) “Hey! I’m 3 inches tall, not an idiot!”
19) “Oh, oh no. This was a mistake- a terrible, horrendous mistake.”
      “Nah. it’s fine, honest!”
       “Then why is everyone screaming?”
20) “How many fingers am I holding up?”
       “Wha? There is more of you! I thought you were the only one!”
       “Hmm. Yeah. Ok. You definitely need help. But what to do, what to do... Uhh... Maybe if I call 911 and then hide super fast...”
       “So, so many. It’s like an infestation of tiny people.”
        “Woah. Before I do anything promise me you will NOT say that to the people who come help you!”
21) “If you even think of yacking on my hand I swear I will yeet you across this room. Hard. I’m not playing!”
       “Heheh. 5 points if you can hit the dart board bullseye over there.”
22)  “Oi! Go long!”
       The bigger of the two beings took one step. “That was easy.”
       “Sh-shut up!”
23) “Just because you are so tiny doesn’t mean you need to be so shortsighted.”
      “And just because you are so damn tall doesn’t mean you always have to be way too big for your britches, buddy.”
24) “What a pompous jerk. If I never have to say ‘All hail emperor/empress _______ !’ again it will be too soon!”
       “Heh. That’s one positive thing to being a tiny ‘helpless’, ‘dumb’ alien whose only seen as property. I’m a nobody, not worthy of personhood so I don’t qualify under the ‘all’. So I hail no one. And never will! Regardless if some day I miraculously get granted the ‘privilege’ of you oversized tyrants finally realizing my kind are people just like you, just smaller.”
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
I’m calling this the Pocket Protector Jacket.
Random Person: OMG!
Pocket Protector Jacket Person: *internally panicking that they are being noticed smuggling ~175 tinies to safety/freedom but tries to act cool* Wh-What are you talking about? Not m-me, right? I’m, I’m just hanging out. Minding my own business. Uh. Y-yep. Heheh.
Random Person: Uh. Yes, yes you. That is just about the ugliest damn article of clothing I’ve ever seen. What the hell were you even thinking even purchasing that abomination? I feel I need to call some exorcist here or something.
PPJ Person: Uh Uh Uhm... *mumbles something unintelligible and hurries off*
Random Person: Huh? *snorts* What a frikkin dweeb.
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
If tiny cat people were a thing...
aka The Tiny Catfolk Manifesto (Take 1?)
1) give them good scritches, specially around the ears and they’ll love you forever.
lol. just kidding. they’re cat people. they’ll tolerate you more though with some good scritches. 
2) they either will welcome attention and cuddles with glee or they bite/scratch your face off if touched (or even looked at “funny”). There is no in between.
3)They will never outright word their affection for their larger friends/roommates/whatever out loud. But you will know care when they display “scenting tactics” of rubbing their face all over your neck. preferably when you asleep. the less you know they care, the better, as far as catfolk are concerned. they have a reputation to uphold after all.
4)Yeah. They’re moochers. So what?
5) They can be really effing cute. And it’s all to lure in favors and scritches and snacks & so on.
6) If you live with one (or more) of these wee folk, make sure they know ahead of time when people are coming over. especially if they are coming over a lot. or heck, moving in. As doing it wrong may trigger a more primordial cat-like part of their brain and they just might p*ss on the new person’s stuff before they even realize what they are doing - and how unsanitary and gross that is. They, of course, will never admit to doing such and be very embarrassed about it. So approach these situations with grace and empathy. Not just for you and your friend with the soiled stuff... but for all of wee catfolk kind. 
7) The previous primordial cat brain thing could also be triggered if you irritate the catfolk to a most extreme level. catfolk don’t forgive. they don’t forget. they only deal in revenge. Though they prefer to do it with more class and wit than blacking out and finding themselves whizzing on their roommate’s stuff but it is what it is....
8) Catfolk will bathe when they damn well feel like it. Do not test them with this. They are not the biggest fans of water (literally and figuratively) but they are intelligent beings and realize hygiene is important.
9) Catfolk will sometimes lick - platonically- those they are close to. This is a sign they care. But it is more than that. So be very wary of licking back to show your own affection. as catfolk live in a partial hierarchy. read: an imaginary one where they are alphas all days every day because catfolk are egotistical little b*st*rds. So yeah, with the licking thing, catfolk tend to only lick those they see as beneath them (which yeah is basically everyone). 
10) Do not take their small size for granted. they may be small but they can be fierce, violent little mo fos and will be able to make you bleed more of your own blood than you thought they could with their ridiculously sharp little teefs and nails.
11) They either will LOVE scritches whether their tail meets the small of their back. Or they will HATE it. There is no in between. Approach these type of scritches with caution.
12) They are carnivorous with a preference for fish, poultry (preferably from small birds), and rodents. 
13) They love dairy too. But it gives them tummy aches so they should probably avoid it... but lol catfolk and self-control? not gonna happen. so good luck with that, buddy!
14) Sometimes they have hairballs. It will be disgusting. Try to give your smaller friends an easy time with this occasional embarrassing, but necessary habit.
15) Yes. They are moody lil guys. If you didn’t know this already, you need to leave that box you live in a lil more.
16) remember they are intelligent beings. Just as capable, intellect-wise such as with learning and so on, as humans. But with a little more instinct thrown in their behavior patterns. So it’s harder for them to be model citizens I guess but they could be such if they really wanted to be. But, again, they’re cat people so I doubt being a model citizen is on their to do list...
17) Do not upload videos of them doing something you consider cute or funny without their permission. It will be tempting. Very tempting. but remember. These are people. really small people. And thus more vulnerable. Regardless of whether they will ever admit to their vulnerability or not. So please give a little respect to your smaller companions.**
**Yes, even knowing they would sell you out with a stupid video of you in a heart beat. if it’s any consolation it would be a bit harder for them to take a video of you being silly or dumb due to logistics. As well as humans are less likely to do something that could be perceived as silly or dumb due to instinctive impulses. So this is more of a respect your smaller companions in that they have this disadvantage beyond size that they prolly hate - catfolk are a prideful people who hate any weakness they exhibit whether it’s an actual weakness or just perceived either by themselves or someone else- and so please do try not to make them feel even more sh*tty about it.
**They’d be anywhere between ~6″ and ~1′2″ tall (or between ~15 cm & ~36 cm)
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
Heyyy, now wait a goshdang minute here!
Human during the pandemic: Ugh. I’m kinda a loner by nature and don't like socializing a whole heckin’ lot but ugh I've been housebound for nearly a year now and I'm tired of the only person I've truly been able to talk to face to face is my roommate whom I kinda tolerate more than actually like. Now I see why humans are considered social creatures even people like myself can get to the point where we’d want to actually go to a party... Or maybe just a small gathering but still... Alas... Prolly won't be getting my vaccine for at least 6 months. Cants even call this apartment a home anymore. It is but a cage. People don't belong in cages.
Borrower who is starving because everyone is home all the time and borrowing is scary af as a result but they are desperate (Abd lowkey literally dying of hunger) so they very hesitantly approach a seemingly gentle, quiet seeming human (see above): Hey, uh yeah. Tiny people exist. Surprise? *jazz hands* anyways you seem nice and..and I'm rather hungr-
Human: *grabs the borrower* omg a friend! Finally. And you are SO small n’ cute too. I could stare at you for hours*mcf*cking jars the borrower* this is only temporary. Gonna hop on Amazon rn and get the coolest looking cage I can find. You new home will be amazing I swear. We are gonna be such. Good. Friends. Forever! Just you wait and see! Haha. I never woulda thought of sharing my room with someone prior to this pandemic. So aren't you lucky, lil buddy? *laughs airily at the “convenient” coincidence*
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
yay: spice (I wanna re-label it as “pizzazz” tho?)
nay: sweaty palms/tiny interactions
That’s a win-win if I ever heard of one.
G/t handhelds but with gloves. 2 add spice. Leather? Velvet? Felt? Silk?
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
So I’m a hypocrite I guess...
Mostly in relationship to my made up fictional bull**** (OCs, fantasy worlds, original plots, parodies, etc) but still just clearing the air here... u-u
Me: *Makes a character in a story that some people may get extremely attached too (I have no idea why) but they are only really around for like 5 minutes before they get killed off - often in ultraviolent ways to give trauma to a more major character or something like that*
My response: Eh, whatever. They were more or less “born” to die anyways lol. Just plot device tools and what not. I don’t why some of ya’ll even liked that character. I mean I totally forgot they even existed, haha. I guess I’m sorry though?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Me: *Reads someone else’s story/book where a character that I got extremely attached to (I have no idea why) dies after only ~5 minutes of existence - 5 mins of amazing btw!- often in an ultraviolent way*
My response despite knowing - at least deep down- the character was probably made just to be used as a plot device by author and was very, very, very likely irrevocably doomed since the moment of their inception as such:
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
Wooooah. How many noses (and/or other types of olfactory appendages I guess) do you have?
ok but
everyone: Ok. That Same g/t scenario/couple/whatever but with merpeople
Me and my stupidly over-sensitive nose: Have y’all ever been to a fish market? A pier? Like Omg the piers in San Francisco w/ the sea lions?? *gags at the memory alone*. I mean have you guys at least been to the seafood counter at your local grocery store??? Just walked by it even?
Aesthetically though I feel it. Sure. Merpeople are purty. And fun to draw. yadda yadda.
But deep down I just can’t help that my nose… knows :s
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
ok but
everyone: Ok. That Same g/t scenario/couple/whatever but with merpeople
Me and my stupidly over-sensitive nose: Have y’all ever been to a fish market? A pier? Like Omg the piers in San Francisco w/ the sea lions?? *gags at the memory alone*. I mean have you guys at least been to the seafood counter at your local grocery store??? Just walked by it even?
Aesthetically though I feel it. Sure. Merpeople are purty. And fun to draw. yadda yadda.
But deep down I just can't help that my nose... knows :s
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
inspired by pandemia
I wrote pandemia on purpose. Rip pandemic but im different.
This is a g/t post I swear. Just take a sec to get there
So the whole zoom meeting thing.
Pandemic happens. People who can work from home do. And that's a heckin lot of people going by post pandemic meme.
And the responses about that and zoom meetins were all
Most people: I hate this. I miss people. Im getting stir crazy. I've been caught without pants twice by now and an important meeting with our best client was ruined because some technologically-challenged moron accidentally turned themselves into an effing potato with their eyes and lips. Why is that even an option, zoom, why?
Introvert: Eff yeah. No people. No pants. No problem. Also Kaley turning herself into a frigging potato during that boring-arse meeting was the best thing ever. I took like a million screenshots and 5 vids of it. Lol.
Office building landlords: *enjoying their easy $ dancing and singing to “Money (In God We Trust) by Extreme*
Office building Janitors: *got their hours cut by a lot* f*ck...
But okay what if instead of face pandemia the human world was integrating with much larger counterpart (so giants. Or probably some word for that isn't “giant” per se.
Instead of the intro to zoom meetings galore. The memes would all be about loom meetings
Most people: I hate this. Like. This asshole has been standing over me and breathing LOUDLY for the past 10 minutes and its SO upsetting. And ugh. When peoples stomach rudely announced their presence in demanding for suztinence it was a little awkward, maybe evena lil funny but now its just effing unsettling and this one time, it sent triggered this ex-colonel’s pstd and he just yelped, dove off the table - thankfully only got some scrapes at worst - and like crawled under the table calling for back up. The awkward tension in the room was dang thick it would be impenetrable even with an ak-47. Oh. And I hAte feeling short. I am 6′2″ of manly man. I am NOT short. But compared to /them/..ugh. What? What is this emotional intelligence you speak of? Empathy? Why don't you ask THAT GIANT about empathy. Are they thinking of us ...tiny... pathetic... humans when - hey my self esteem is amazing! - they so effing oppressively loud when...when they... When they are... uh... breathing.... Stop laughing, Louise! This is a very legitimate issue!
Macrophiles: This asshole has been standing over me, being loud.... And .... And all empompassing n’ sh!t for the past 20 minutes and oh f!ck im so turned on right now. Pls jesus take the wheel before I royally embarrass myself and lose my job
G/t fan: Wtf. Why did it suddenly get dark. W o a h. That person is b i g. I.. I could get used to meetings like this. Ohhh. They’ve been standing over me for a hot minutes. Do... Do.. They want be my friend... Or... Or oh my gosh do they like me.... Like, like even maybe u/////u ohhhhhkay me. Let’s not embarrass ourselves just yet. Just act cool... Coooool. Oh what am I doing. I have anxiety, im awkward, I'm drenched in my weight of sweat by now, and if my heart beats any faster I'll be saying hospital over  getting to say hi to my - maybe uwu - fren....
Office building landlords: Oh god these new required renovations are gonna require a whole tear down and rebuild. Im never gonna financially recover from this.
Office building janitors: *they full time with better pay in this scenario but alas also human* f*ck....
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
@bittykimmy13 & @neonthebright
Yo this is ya’lls story right?
On dA.
Called like myth meets myth or something like that?
Or am I remembering wrong.
Please help me find this damn story.
Okay at this point I'm just gonna throw this out here cause I cannot find it for the life of me.
There's a G/t story I read a few years ago that I cannot find, and I can't remember who wrote it. What I do remember is that it featured a species of tiny called a Shadow Bat, as well as a kind of tiny that had bat wings that could turn into a bat, as well as another with some kind of bird wings that could do a similar thing. The bat shifter got injured and taken in by a human, and slowly piecing what the hell was going on with all of those characters went from there. I want to say it was 24 to 26 parts long, but I'm sure it was at least over 20.
Anyway, if this sounds familiar to you please let me know. And if not please share this around so maybe someone who does know of it can see it.
Thank you.
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teacup-baphomet · 3 years
I dunno if this is a trope exactly (at least yet...) though the idea Def has trope roots. It deserves to be some overused trope. I don't care if that makes it less special.
But yeah. My jam is loud, confident, protective, borderline overly aggressive, maybe even a lil mean, tho kind of scrawny tbh smol with a demure, insecure, kind-hearted, sensitive soul, yet buff af tol friend (friend or “whatever”. idc as long as the relationship is positive. Or perhaps familial could be a gray area in regards to positive/negative. Otherwise, I'd need to edit ).
This smol will not hesitate to eff the h e c k up anyone- no matter how tall/strong- who has the gall to make their tol sad or hurt.
And the fact that at least two curled up smols could hide in the space that tol’s bicep uses does not stop the smol even from being the leader/”top dog”/the dominant one/etc etc within the duo for even a fraction of a second and they won't let anyone forget it. The tol doesn't mind though because even though smol is a lot of hostility in a small package they shower tol with more praise than everyone else in tol’s life combined- a lot of the time secretly so smol can keep their.... questionable... reputation up. 
But not always! Smol would def yell at as loud and angrily as they can a list of all of tol’s best traits at some jerkwad whose bullying tol.
Yeah that’s good the good g/t $h!t. At least in my humble opinion.
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