#if you can't tell this is my first time uploading patterns like this
gatorbites-imagines · 2 months
i was wandering if you can write bane x reader [ i'd ascent to god if its trans/ftm reader, it's ok if you can't or dont want to write it :) ] with a big size difference that's all! have a good day/night and take care of yourself <3
Bane x FTM reader
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Still have no internet in my apartment, but luckily my sister is letting me visit her place to do assignments, so I can upload stuff from there.
This is based off of comic Bane more than anything, but i cant really find any gifs of that guy, so comic panel it is.
All in all, I don’t think it matters much to Bane that you are trans. It isn’t something he would see as a dealbreaker, or even care too much about. As long as you guys get along and both have feelings for one another.
Bane is extremely smart too, so if you can’t legally find ways to get treatment, then he would probably know at least 10 different ways to get the result you need.
If you want to build muscle, then Bane is also your guy. He knows as much as one can about the process of working the body and getting the result you want, so he would be able to help you get the look you want, even if you aren’t on any testosterone or hormone blockers.
If you want to work out then Bane could also help you out if you aren’t one for top surgery, as you can get a similar look through the right diet and workout routine. But if you want top surgery, you bet he’s taking care of you afterwards, since he would know a thing or two about medical procedures.
Bane being who he is probably also knows different ways to get you to the hormone level you want, but he would most likely avoid doing anything as drastic as his own mix up with chemicals and the likes, unless that’s what you are trying to go for as well. Would make sure you knew all the dangers first though, just in case.
If you want neither and don’t care much for hormone treatment, surgeries or even presenting masc, then it doesn’t pose any issues either, since Bane wouldn’t really care. Hes one of those “wear whatever you want, I can fight” kinda boyfriends. As long as you are happy and comfortable, then he is comfortable and happy.
He seems like a big scary dude, but Bane would be very respectful of you and how you present yourself. Gives very much “big scary dog privilege” when you guys go out, and you do go out sometimes, as I could imagine some of the bats would let you two go on dates, as long as Bane isn’t causing any trouble. You’ll have to live with being shadowed the entire time though.
The huge size difference also strengthens the whole scary shadow thing, so even if people wanna be transphobic too you, they sure as hell don’t dare to do so, since Bane is towering over literally everyone there with muscles that could kill.
Sharing clothes with Bane would also be entertaining, since hes so much bigger than you. Even just his tank tops would hang off you and slide right off you. You would have to tie it with something or tuck it into your pants with a belt, and even then, it would still look super baggy.
You don’t get the chance to borrow his mask, since he needs it himself. But I could see him finding it kinda sweet if you worked the pattern or colors into your own style. It also helps to tell anybody who wants to hurt you that you hand in hand with Bane. So, crossing you is crossing Bane, even when he’s locked away in Arkham.
The extreme size difference also means you can climb him like a tree, like hanging onto his back like a backpack, or hanging around his neck with your arms without your feet being able to touch the ground if he stands up straight.
You being Banes lover also probably becomes some of the “in the know” knowledge around Gotham. The bigger fish know not to mess with you since Bane would be breathing down their necks if they as much as thought about it.
But being Bane’s partner also means you’d know how to protect yourself and even kill if need be. Being much smaller than him and also being trans puts you at risk, so your lover would want you to know how to take care of anybody that tries to harm you when he’s not around. So, you end up knowing how to use a lot of different weapons and fighting styles one way or another.
But in the end, Bane is a respectful guy whose too damn smart to let you being trans get in the way of a relationship. Your big size difference is also cute in his eyes, since he can easily pick you up or just wrap you in his arms. It’s pretty damn great.
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reikorun · 3 months
KlubOutside Q&A 101-200 [Translation]
Translated by @reikorun
Renji is my favorite character, but my surprise exceeded my delight at seeing him as Ichigo's counterpart on the cover of the JET illustration collection. I would like to know if there is a reason why you chose Renji as the paired character?
On the contrary, I've never once thought of Ichigo's counterpart as anyone other than Renji.
Are there any recent Jump manga that you find interesting?
Jump manga have been interesting lately huh? My absolute favorites are Undead Unluck and SAKAMOTO DAYS. And recently, High School Family: Kokosei Kazoku too.
Are Harribel-sama's Fracción (Apacci, Sung-Sun and Mila Rose) modeled after Nocchi, KASHIYUKA and a-chan from the music group "Perfume"?
A long time ago, I was asked the same question by the individuals in question themselves. It's an incorrect assumption, however I like Perfume so I don't mind.
I have a question about the illustrations published in the Gallery's Guidelines on KlubOutside. Are the numbers noted on the side the Copic color number?
This is the screentone number (a polka dot pattern film that is cut and pasted onto an analog manuscript.)
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Have you ever watched professional wrestling?
I used to watch WWE (known as WWF back then) quite often around the time The Rock was at his peak.
Did someone give Rōjūrō the nickname "Rose" because it was difficult to call him "Rōjūrō"?
Rose gave himself that nickname because he thinks it's cool.
Why does Ninny wear suspenders in the BTW anime?
When they saw her wearing it in the color spread for the one-shot, the anime team said "it's cute so is it okay if she wears it the whole time in the anime?"
I think the illustrations from Brave Souls at this opportune time captures the essence of the original work and is incredibly cool, as the original author, what sort of impressions do you have of the Brave Souls illustrations?
I think it's getting better with each passing year. The design roughs that are submitted for supervision are also excellent.
Where do you start from when making a drawing?
When I'm not doing a rough underdrawing, I start from the bone around the eyebrows.
I'd like to know about what you've purchased and found useful recently, or something that you're enjoying.
A Yogibo Pod, Tom Ford sneakers, JINS PC glasses.
Is the playlist on KlubOutside the list that Kubo-sensei is listening to?
I'm uploading the songs I often listen to in real time.
Did Kubo-sensei decide the OP and ED songs for the anime?
Basically that doesn't involve me. Occasionally, I'd receive a demo version, and there were also times when I gave a little input when it didn't feel like much of an opening theme.
Will you ever publish a continuation of your one-shot stories like Rune Master Urara.
Urara had a story prepared for the purpose of serialization but it didn't get past the serialization meeting because it had a female protagonist in a battle setting and the story was hellishly dark. I'm not interested in drawing dark stories right now, but I might do it if I get a lot of free time.
Kubo-sensei, please tell us your favorite font (like Ming typeface or Gothic typeface etc.)
During BLEACH's serialization, I liked Impact.
Byakuya-san said that Ichigo was only the second person to ever bear witness to his Senkei, but who was the first person to have seen it?
I can't answer this here.
Regarding the animation production, you mentioned that it would make your stomach hurt while watching it at home due to discrepancies that arose from your lack of involvement in its early days. But, from approximately what episode did Tite-sensei get his hands involved in the production?
Starting from the Bount arc, I began to do only dialogue checks in the script for the characters belonging to the original work, just before recording.
Old-man Zangetsu tried to reveal his name while in Kurosaki Ichigo-kun's inner world, but it was blocked out with black ink and he was unable to convey his message. Was this the work of Hyōsube Ichibē.
That's correct.
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Is "Rondanini's black dog" Kotodama originating from the West Branch of Soul Society? ×[1]
That's right.
Your photos of Uni-chan are very beautiful, did you take them with a digital camera? Or was it a smartphone?
A smartphone.
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Did Captain Hitsugaya and Rangiku-san realize that Ichigo is Shiba Isshin's son when they came to the Human World as part of the Hitsugaya advance team?
Both of them realized.
It's come to be that Gin's Special Move in Brave Souls is "Shukyoku - Kamishini no Yari, Butō: Renjin." Is this "Shukyoku" an established concept in the original work?
That's heart Gin isn't it? It's a game original expression.
When you listen to a character's theme song, it can heighten the depth of each individual considerably, so I enjoy having the opportunity to listen to them. At what stage in the development of a character are these theme songs decided?
It depends on the character. Some characters change midway through the drawing process.
What kind of thoughts went into the name "Tite", Kubo-sensei's pen-name? The alphabetical notation has always been "Tite" rather than "Taito", but is there some reason for that? Furthermore, I'm also curious as to why the unusual character "帯" is used in your name.
It means something like "one's head is always filled with many people." ×[2]
When Kurotsuchi Mayuri's bare face was revealed for the first time, his skin color was dark, but was that the case from the beginning? Also, will Kurotsuchi Mayuri's bare face never be seen again? He was more handsome than I expected.
This is about the anime? I recall watching the broadcast at the time and saying to my editor "his skin color is different!" The request for editorial supervision didn't come to me.
Which organization assigns names to Hollows?
There's a guy in charge of naming in the Shinigami Research and Development Institute.
In the final chapter, Orihime appeared as Ichigo's wife, but there was no ring on her left ring finger. Did Kubo-sensei forget to draw it? Or is it establishing that she's pregnant with her second child and her body is swollen, therefore she intentionally took off her ring?
Huh? You're right! I forgot to draw it.
Why were two Hyōrinmaru born?
I'd be happy if you could watch the movies as a parallel story rather than considering it part of the official canon.
How do you come up with the subtitle for each chapter? In BLEACH especially, most of the subtitles are in English and occasionally there is Japanese, but is there a particular emphasis placed on that? Additionally, I would be so glad if you could also tell us about any subtitles throughout your entire body of work that you are particularly fond of or any that evoke some special memory. 
At the time, there was no other work yet which combined Japanese style clothing with the English alphabet, so I deliberately added English subtitles, and in special chapters I made a point of adding Japanese subtitles in order to leave an impression. In that sort of sense, many people may prefer the Japanese subtitles.
I was interested in manga artists' fan clubs and joined one! I started reading BLEACH for the first time last week and am currently on volume 22. I'm looking forward to getting to the final volume! I would really like to know who exactly is sensei's favorite character!?
Eh? You joined without reading BLEACH!? Is this person real…. I don't have a favorite character. On the whole, I like them all about the same and am equally uninterested in them about the same.
To what extent is Kubo-sensei involved with Brave Souls? Did you ever get to play it again?
The gameplay mechanics don't concern me, but I oversee the design for the anniversary characters and characters who appear to affect the main story similar to the novel variants. I returned to the game after a long hiatus during BTW, but I was surprised at just how much easier it has become to play.
How did you decide the names of your characters? Do you have some kind of image in mind when you come up with names like "Bambietta Basterbine" and "Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez" etc.?
Everything is named based on how it sounds and my own intuition. I genuinely love naming things, so I always have a list of names belonging to (or sound like they belong to) various nationalities, enough to accommodate several hundred characters. I often draw out names from there.
A fair amount of difference can be observed in Kubo-sensei's art style when comparing the first volume with the last volume, but did you intend for this change at the time the manga was being serialized? Or did it change over the course of drawing a large number of illustrations?
It's not so much a conscious effort, but more like a perpetual feeling that this isn't the best style for portraying my characters, and I'm trying to explore that while drawing. In the case of BLEACH, of course the final stages are closer to the ideal, and at present I'm even closer to that ideal compared to back then.
I believe Tōsen can Hollowfy → activate Resurrección, but can Ichigo and members of the Visored do this too? Does this mean that both Bankai and Resurrección are possible if they are in a Hollowfied state?
It's possible.
Is "Top of Horns" a metaphor for various genres of music? For example, I think Bruno represents rock and roll and Roy represents R&B.
It's different for Top of Horns, but it was actually like that for the Visored.
Please unveil the mystery behind "Ururu" and "Jinta". Who are they?
They are both Artificial Souls created by Kisuke.
In the illustrations for BLEACH, the characters are seen wearing western style clothes with various designs, but were these designs drawn independently by Kubo-sensei himself.
All illustrations in the original work are my own designs, all illustrations from the anime do not concern me.
Sensei, when you draw an illustration, do you draw the figure and such without using any references, like an artist's mannequin?
I once went to check out an art supply store because I thought it would be cool to have a drawing mannequin in my workplace, like one of those skilled painters, but in the end I didn't buy it since I couldn't figure out how to correctly use it as a reference.
I like Senju Kōten Taihō and often chant it, does sensei have a favorite incantation to chant too?
I generally always like the newest ones the best, so right now it's probably Blue Spark or Supernal Jail.
Was the BLEACH logo sensei's idea?
That's correct. I had a logo which I drew myself brought to life by an acquaintance, Shueisha bought it and are using it. By the way, the logo on the first chapter spread of Zombiepowder is hand-drawn, and I had BTW use my hand-drawn logo as is.
When you were contemplating the map of Karakura Town, were there any places that you used as reference?
I sort of used my local town as reference but it turned out completely different.
If it's okay, I would like to know Hinamori Momo-san's name before the change. Also, besides Hinamori-san, are there any other characters whose names have been changed since the initial stages?
I changed it because it wasn't very good, so the original is a secret. Additionally, Hitsugaya had a completely different first name too until the very last moment of the manuscript. This is also a secret.
I have a question regarding Kira Izuru-kun's healing abilities and the history of his affiliations. He was first assigned to Captain Aizen's 5th Division, while there he was found to have an aptitude for Kaidō and was recruited to the 4th division, but does that mean that he was later poached by Ichimaru Gin of Squad 3? 
When he was a member of Squad 4, it was Aizen who recommended the transfer to Unohana.
How was it that Kuna Mashiro came to be appointed as "Super Vice-Captain"? Is her armband official? (Personally, I think it's something she wilfully made on her own, or perhaps someone in her Squad prepared it just to placate her.)
When Kensei returned to the position of Captain, Mashiro pestered Kensei alone saying it's "unfair", so it's a post that Kensei made up himself without consulting anyone. The armband is also a complete fake made with shiny material in the hope that it would please Mashiro. Though, with a single glance Mashiro was satisfied.
In volume 31, when Grimmjow tried to break Loly's leg clean off, she says "if you stop, wait! We can make this our secret!" What was she trying to say next? I haven't spoken openly about it much since being told that I have a bad personality, but the scenario before and after that scene is one of my favorites!!
It was "I'll let you have your way with me." Loly's the kind of character who would deliver a line like that when she's in a desperate situation. A famous manga artist friend of mine once told me that he loved that scene too, so I think it's fine to openly discuss it.
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I thought that the 5 members of the Bambies from the Wandenreich looked similar to Momoiro Clover Z, but what are the facts actually like? 
The very first design motif I used for them was indeed Momoclo, but after I had finalized the characters I thought "well then, who is Gigi?" So I decided not to say anything. (I just said it.)
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I'm really looking forward to the Ninny-chan and Noel-chan figurines, when will the news be updated?!
I'm looking forward to it too. I wonder when!?
Kubo-sensei, do you drink alcohol? If so, what kind of alcohol do you like?
I recently discovered that I'm able to drink if it's "Horoyoi*." I like the white one. (*Horoyoi is a brand of canned, alcoholic beverage in Japan.)
Do you have a favorite YouTuber?
I don't know if I can classify them as YouTubers, but I sometimes watch YouTube videos of people free diving then catching and eating strange fish.
Why is the Shihakushō, which can also be called the Shinigami uniform, black? Is it so that the Monk can enlist their help in case of an emergency?
The color was decided upon in the days of first Gotei generation, the reason was "so you wouldn't have to throw it away every time it gets stained with blood." However, your idea about the Monk would also make a good backstory.
How do members of the Sternritter perceive Giselle Gewelle's gender? Are they not aware of it, are they aware but pretending not to notice it, or are they just not interested in it? I would be glad if you could tell us.
It depends on the person.
I have a question concerning Kusajishi Yachiru. Is it a result of the fact that she was called by the name "Yachiru" that she herself possessed a Zanpakutō called "Sanpo Kenjū", while also being "Nozarashi" - the Zanpakutō of Zaraki Kenpachi? 
Like Hihiō Zabimaru or Fuji Kujaku, there are many scenes where a Zanpakutō not called by its true name was unable to demonstrate its true power. I reckon "Nozarashi" bore the essence of a Shinigami and materialized as a consequence of being called by the name "Yachiru" - a Shinigami who actually exists, and perhaps because it was the name "Yachiru" (*Yachi = eight thousand, Ru = flows/styles), she acquired Sanpo Kenjū which was specialized for the act of cutting. 
I'm quite curious about the true identity of Kusajishi Yachiru, so I'd be overjoyed if you could give us an answer.
Wow, amazing! It's not even written that Yachiru is Nozarashi, yet you managed to find your way here. You are mostly correct within the scope covered by your question. To go further, Yachiru is a form of Nozarashi's Bankai manifestation separated from its main body, and having received her name from Kenpachi, she harbored the power of a Shinigami. The embodiment of Nozarashi itself takes the form of a grown woman. I think it's easier to understand if I got you to imagine Zangetsu and Tensa Zangetsu.
Why are the names of Chad and Orihime's Fullbring not in English unlike the members of XCUTION? I was intrigued because sensei used different languages for naming depending on the faction. 
Since these two are in a special category, their abilities were given names in their respective native languages.
With Madarame Ikkaku's appearance in the Fullbring chapters, attached to his right shoulder we see some kind of gold plated equipment with the kanji for "dragon" printed on it, is that his own work? I'm curious because it's established in the lore that he's good with his hands.
It's Ikkaku's own work.
What kind of person is the manager of ABCookies where Orihime worked?
I have the concept art for him. I ended up having so much fun while drawing him that he became a creepy old man, but he's a good person.
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Did Baraggan not reveal his own rank, nor refer to himself as "Espada" due to his rivalry with Aizen?
That's right.
Please tell us your favorite places in Hiroshima!
I don't get to go back that often, but I like Soleil (now Aeon Mall). It's huge and exciting.
Is it intentional that the number of English words used in the subtitle from BLEACH chapter 679 "THE END" up to 683 "THE DARK SIDE OF TWO WORLD ENDS" increases with each chapter? 
Aizen said "From the very start, no one has stood upon the heavens," and while looking at Ukitake he said "not you, not I, nor even gods," but was this "you" here hinting at the connection between Ukitake and the Soul King? 
That is correct.
The haori, jinbei, and hat which Urahara Kisuke wears in the Human World can probably be described as his only good clothes, did Urahara Kisuke himself purchase them at a Human World draper or something?
Those are all items Kisuke made himself.
To what extent does Kubo-sensei supervise the color scheme of the digital color tankōbon? 
I'm supposed to give them all a look over around the time of their debut, but since I'm making my checks while busy with other things during serialization, I sometimes find myself wondering "did I really choose this kind of color!?" In Brave Souls, occasionally the color of the skills just happen to change, well that is the reason why. I'm sorry!
Spanish is used for words related to the Arrancar and Hueco Mundo, German is used for words related to the Wandenreich and Quincy, but I would like to know why you chose these two languages? Does Kubo-sensei have a special attachment to both languages? 
I think Spanish has a devilish charm, German has a hard-headed sound to it. By the way, when I told this story at an event in Germany, it was amusing to the Germans. It seems that the German people themselves consider the German national traits to be "idyllic and easygoing", apparently they found it amusing because of the disparity between this and my "hard-headed sound" assessment.
In the 13BLADEs. "Frank Questions!" segment, you said that you haven't actually drawn a certain character's Bankai up to its final form yet, was that referring to adult Hitsugaya? If so, from what point in time did you decide you were going to draw the concept of a "slightly aged up" Hitsugaya?
I was talking about Hitsugaya. It was decided when Hitsugaya was designed therefore it was already decided by the time he debuted.
Kubo-sensei, please tell us the reason why you named your dog "Uni".
It's an anagram of 'inu'. Just kidding. I named my dog "Uni" because it was expected that her fur would become orange as she grew. It turned out to be a burnt mochi-like color though. ×[3]
Taking into account Isshin and Masaki's origins, it seems to me that Ichigo's grandparents do not exist in the Human World, but is "Grandpa Rin", whose name was mentioned in the Lost Agent arc, an individual who actually exists? Is he a relative of Tsukishima-san? 
Tsukishima Rinshirō. He's Tsukishima's grandfather.
In the past, there was a "Love Bleach" film featured at a BLEACH event, but would you consider launching the actual product for sale in the future?! 
"Love Bleach", wasn't that supposed to be some kind of dating simulation game? I guess, If a game company can make a profit, I don't see why not. ×[4] 
I went to the opening day stage greeting for BURN THE WITCH! I saw on social media that sensei also came to see it, but where did you watch it from?
The seats on the 2nd floor are like cozy sofas. It was awesome.
Q167. *Deleted entry from KlubOutside*
This is a question regarding the origins of the name "Yhwach". In the original work, it was derived from being called "Yū", "ha", "vē", "ha", but does this have its roots in the monotheistic God of Judaism and Christianity, "YHVH" (Jehovah, Yahweh)? 
Originally the spelling of "Yhwach" itself was like that, but I was asked to change it because it would 100% cause controversy overseas so it's come to be this current spelling.
Has the status of the Shinigami Men's Association improved since Iba-san, its President, became Captain?
Isane also became a Captain, so….
In the earliest iterations of BLEACH, the Shinigami wear Western-style outfits and are armed with guns. It seems that in this universe, Rukia was the only one among them to use a scythe, but what was the reason for making Rukia the only one to wield a different weapon?
The lore was that Rukia was the only one who continued to use an old-fashioned scythe due to a difference in ideology. Also, at the time, the Shinigami characters were all foreigners.
I would like to know the origin of the name "Macy Baljure" (it's my favorite). If possible, please by all means, let us know!
I don't know the origin, but Macy's name was the one I struggled with the most and I made alterations within the name alone like three times.
Is there any difference between a short release call for a Zanpakutō and a long one like in the case of Kyōraku or Ukitake?
Basically, the longer ones are often older Zanpakutō.
When drawing manga, do you tend to forget details in the costume blueprints for characters who, for instance, you haven't drawn in a long time?
I forget things very easily. Even during the series, I forgot the location of Rangiku's mole.
Did you devise the opening and ending of the BLEACH anime together with the anime staff? I was wondering if sensei's ideas were incorporated as well.
I'm not involved with the OP & EDs. Each one is good in it's own way.
Why did Hisagi fail the entrance exam for the Academy twice? 
Because it's Shūhei.
Regardless of whether they were in a higher or lower position, members of the Visored have been quite casual since their days as Shinigami, using informal language and addressing each other without honorifics. Just because they're all together, I don't think that necessarily means that they were at the Academy at the same time, so what could be the driving force for them to have become this close? 
All of them are diehard individualists, or rather, the type to follow their own rules, so people of that type get along well with each other, and I get the impression that because they're the same type, many people don't care how informal they are with one another. Rather than a 'driving force', it's more like "for some reason, I feel like I talk to this guy a lot."
I love Sado-kun. I would like to know if there is a backstory regarding Sado-kun's tattoo such as when and how he got it inked.
When his Abuelo died, Sado got it inked in order to keep his spirit strong.
What is sensei's shoe size in cm? Also, if you have any favorite shoes, please let us know!
My ankles are big, so it's 27 or 27.5. I like shoes but I don't particularly have a favorite brand.
Are you reading what your fans are writing in the comments in the [DESKSIDE] section of your website?
I'm reading them all.
This isn't really a question, but I hope that the Radio Kon letters segment, which appeared in the early Tankōbon, makes a comeback.
I didn't want to do that anymore because I had to draw the cutout faces of characters, every volume, just for that segment which was quite exhausting. I planned to do this myself though.
Will sensei's illustrations mainly be done digitally from now on? I'm curious because I love the illustrations that were colored with sensei's Copic markers. Also, which one do you prefer, sensei?
Right now, I'm having fun with digital. I'm still not very good at using digital, but going forward, I'd like to be able to switch back and forth between both depending on my mood.
I would like to know what your favorite buildings are?
"The National Congress Palace, Brasília" by Oscar Niemeyer and Louis Kahn's "Salk Institute for Biological Studies". Oscar Niemeyer is the origin of Nimaiya Ōetsu's name.
Why does Tatsuki want to become stronger? Her name seems strong, though there is some backstory which revealed that Tatsuki herself doesn't like it, so I'm just allowing myself to imagine that perhaps her parents work at a dojo or do something related to martial arts. I'm also very interested about Orihime in her middle school days, viewed from Tatsuki's perspective. Ichigo and Orihime's pasts have points of similarity, being bullied because of their hair color and experiencing the death of a family member, so I wonder if Tatsuki noticed that they have these things in common?
The karate dojo that Ichigo used to attend is attached to Tatsuki's home. Additionally, in a flashback which I had to cut due to page limitations, there was a scene where Tatsuki draws a parallel between Ichigo and Orihime. You're quite the reader, huh?
I want to be able to draw illustrations like Kubo-sensei so I'm practicing, but whether it be male or female characters, please let me know if there are any points you pay particular attention to when drawing people.
There isn't much difference in how I depict men and women. I get the sense that I draw each character with a feeling that's like "this aspect of this character is good."
I have a question about the feathers around Yumichika's eyes. When he appeared in the story about Ikkaku's past, and also 10 years later, it doesn't appear that he's wearing any accessories, but is that sort of like ‘his thing’ these days?
All the things Yumichika wears are fashionable items, so it varies depending on the season.
What is your favorite Doraemon movie?
It's "Little Star Wars." It's because I like the theme song.
I would like to know the details about the relationship between Mask De Masculine and James. Is it correct to infer from Yhwach's line "James, so you have died?" that Masculine is like a false manifestation and James is his true form.
James is the true form, and Masculine is James's ideal hero.
Regarding the subtitle of BLEACH volume 6 "THE DEATH TRILOGY OVERTURE", if literally translated, it becomes "prologue to the Shinigami trilogy", I think perhaps this means the prologue of the series is about facing the Shinigami, the second chapter is about facing the Arrancar and the final chapter is about facing the Quincy. Is it that you decided on the overall structure of the story from the early stages, resulting in a title like this?
That is so. Since the Lost Agent arc initially wasn't about Shinigami, it was my plan to mix elements of both preceding and upcoming chapters for a smoother transition.
I know this is a terrible question, but I would like to know Kuchiki Rukia's bust, waist and hip measurements….
It's a secret. All the people asking about BWH measurements and other boob related questions are women…. Well, it's fine then I guess.
Some time ago, I watched you begin to draw an illustration on a Shikishi board by hand and without a rough sketch too for Jigoku no Misawa-sensei, I was in shock thinking "you must be kidding…." When you draw a picture, are you drawing with a clear image of the whole composition already in a completed state in your head? Also, where do you usually start from when drawing a character? I was all the more astonished because I saw Kubo-sensei's craft in a character that was not sensei's own. ×[5]
From the time I was an elementary school student, I have been drawing Kitarō starting from his toes, so ever since then, the order in which I draw things has always been chaotic.
Ichigo's attendance score is 13 overall and 6 for male student attendance score, these are also the respective numbers of the squads to which Rukia and Renji belong, that is, two Shinigami with whom he shares a particularly close bond. Was this something you set up intentionally?
It's just a coincidence. 6 is my lucky number so it makes a frequent appearance within the story.
When I look at illustrations, I often look at the fashion designs of the characters, but I am always impressed by how meticulously Kubo-sensei's illustrations depict the structural lines and details of the clothing. I would like to know if there are any fashion brands and the like which you associate with a certain character's image?
I was about to say that for every character I've never thought "this character would probably wear this brand", but there was actually one individual alone. Äs Nödt would wear Rick Owens. 
Your pen-name in the past was Kubo Noriaki, but why was your name changed to Tite?
That's because that 'pen-name' is actually my real name and on top of that, it was a misprint.
How old is Ikumi-san from Unagiya Shop?
She's 33.
In the original story and the novels, it is mentioned that Soul Society has a one million year history, but of the Four Great Noble Houses, if Byakuya is the 28th generation and Yoruichi is 22nd generation, it seems this falls short of one million years, what do you think?
The history of the Nobles is the history of the Seireitei, not Soul Society.
I remember that Kubo-sensei frequently used an au talby A5508SA cell phone for many years. Is that the same cell phone model that is hanging from Ichigo's waist on the cover of WJ issue 23, 2005, and the same one that Rukia is clutching in her hand on the cover of chapter 298
That's right. I still have it at home. I love Marc Newson.
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Kubo-sensei, do you prefer raw eggs, boiled eggs, or hot spring eggs?
I like raw eggs. Isn't this dependent on one's eating habits?
"PIPERS" WOVEN JACQUARD MUFFLER was sold on Whiskrs, but does sensei own serial number 1? (*These were sold in a limited number of 99)
I have it. Personally, I thought it would have been easier to use if it was a little longer.
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Ganju who reappeared in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc has, from where I'm standing, gained a butt-chin, but did that just happen over the course of his growth? Or was it the discipline he received from Kūkaku, or perhaps he was influenced by Shiroganehiko who similarly has a butt-chin? I would be grateful if you could tell us.
Huh? Wait, Ganju wasn't supposed to have a butt-chin!? Well then, let's go with growth!
The name Nīhashi = 15 → 2+1+8+4.
The names Nīha and Ninny = 15 → Nīha: 2+1+8 and Ninny: 2+2.
Is this something you were setting up as a goal? ×[6]
I happened to see this on Twitter and surprised myself. The person who spotted this is amazing. However, it's just a coincidence.
Hitsugaya always wears something that looks like a brooch, it appears to be a marigold, is this correct? 
You mean the clip on his sash which held his sword in his earlier appearances? That's a sun motif. 
I would like to see that school parody with the BLEACH cast (the one that was in JET), will it be released somewhere?!
I want to see that too, but it would be hard to draw the manga myself, so I'm thinking of sharing character profiles and maybe someone will draw it for me.
Translation Footnotes:
×1. "Rondanini's black dog" is part of an incantation for a Kidō spell. See BLEACH chapter 21.
×2. 帯 = to wear/ to carry/ to bear | 人= people | 帯人 (Tite) = to bear people
×3. The joke is: Inu = dog in Japanese. Uni is sea urchin, in Japan we eat sea urchin as sashimi or sushi and it is orange in color.
×4. Back in 2005, a BLEACH dating simulation game parody video, known as "Love Bleach" was made by staff for a BLEACH event. The gag involved teasing a TBA dating simulator. The video is available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0cA-jySdzYE?si=-5OX0MQX1bZKsqws
×5. Tite Kubo drawing for Jigoku No Misawa: https://youtu.be/xRAfswhrQC4?si=6rgKaPK94EbzcBY1
×6. Based on Japanese numerals, Ni = 2, i = 1, ha = 8 shi = 4. 
109 notes · View notes
totothewolff · 8 months
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Season of Love (1/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: Hi, fam! I'm nervous since this is my very first fanfic. I have been following this tag for a while now, and I got so inspired by all the talent here that I went and wrote my own story. Please be kind to me. English is my second language. I will upload chapters regularly - using this hashtag and on #seasonoflovefic. I have been dealing with anxiety the entire year; writing this has been part of my healing process. I hope you like it. By the way, this story is fun and light-spirited.
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Dances with Wolff Arc Chapter 1: Engines on and hearts off!
It is a hot and sunny day in Bahrain. Golden hour is set, and every single person in the paddock seems to be in a rush. It is the usual chaos every pre-season brings.
Toto makes his way through the sea of people, cables, tire carts, and cameras at his regular pace - which means those toned and long legs going full speed - rocking this year's Mercedes kit and a new pair of designer sunglasses, phone in hand when it buzzes.
—Breaking news: After lengthy negotiations during the break, the De Vos Group acquired Williams Racing - as speculated. New female owner Y/N De Vos will be joining the paddock this season. The team's principal will soon be announced. Check our exclusive first look with her.
Toto reads on his iPhone after tapping the Sky Sports push notification, slowing his pace a second. He raises an eyebrow and gazes around, noticing many people in the packed pitlane doing the same, slowing the frenzy on the floor for a close bit. 
He reaches out for his pockets and puts on the Bose earbuds before hitting the play button. Curiosity is overpowering him - and, honestly, excitement, too - as he looks at the preview thumbnail. A stunning, tan-skinned woman with great, shiny hair and a beautiful smile appears in front of the microphone with a smug smirk.
—God, she's gorgeous —Toto lets out to himself. Continuing his way to the Mercedes garage. This year, it is located one spot before Williams and following Ferrari's.
Finally, something exciting, someone new. After years of dominating the game, trying not to sound too egomaniac, every season starts to feel like routine to him. Toto is hitting a personal low, avoiding calling it what it is: depression mixed with boredom, especially this season and at this moment in his life. Same old tracks, same old challenges, same old people, same old ways, same old Toto.
You answer the interviewer's questions with ease. You are very well-spoken in his eyes like you are used to doing press or public speaking, and you have a cheeky sense of humor. Toto gets captivated, to say the least. He puts his phone into his back pocket and continues walking while listening to your interview, muffling the paddock's noise.
You have a soft voice, a professional speech pattern, and excellent enunciation, reinforcing Toto's idea of you being trained at it. He detects some accent but can't figure out where it is from. He listens to the whole thing; it's impossible for him not to sigh at the stupid questions they ask you a couple of times. The more Toto listens, the more questions he has for you in his mind. He may get them answers later when he finally meets you.
So far, you seem like a breeze of fresh air, and Toto is desperate to breathe you.
And yeah, no question Williams looks different. Toto, as usual, ventures to inspect more than he should - and is allowed to - taking a good peek at your brand-new garage. Knowing quite well, he also is hoping to spot you in person.
The garage looks tech and minimalistic, matching your new modern W logo. Whites, blacks, and touches of grey colors predominated. The lighting, screens, and interior design look so futuristic, expensive, and dope; it's a whole vibe. It is a sexy garage! A phrase he never imagined using. What F1 has done to a man?
Toto can feel the desperate modernity Williams once needed and the resources. Of course, he knew firsthand the Williams family was looking to sell after years of struggling to win races and its economics. Toto remained neutral throughout the process, informed but not too involved. He had felt a little indifferent about the entire ordeal till now. 
He hopes not to sound insensitive. Of course, he has a special place in his heart for that team and its people, he first started there, but the businessman side of him knows it is the right call and best for them. Of course, it's sad, but that is the game: evolve or die.
He knows his investment is in good hands because last he had heard, and in Niki's words, it got acquired by a Belgian zillionaire, and Niki reassured him it was a perfect choice. He was respectable and trustworthy, and Toto didn't need to know more. But this sudden change - and announcement - took him a bit by surprise. Little did he know.
Gossip and theories fill the paddock. Supporters and haters - already - are all over social media, typing divided opinions as usual. It is the talk of the town, and you, you are the center of it at this point; there is more to come.
Toto greets his team on his way to his chair, already inside Merc's garage after doing his little on-site research. A couple of pats on the back and hugs later, he makes himself comfortable in his spot while catching up with Bono. 
Just as Toto is about to place the headphones on his head, the corner of his eyes caught Samanta, better known as "Sam" - a beautiful, thin, young, pale-skin, platinum blondie - Niki's assistant, hugging you goodbye and walking towards him. 
You wave Niki hello from afar and on your way to the W garage.
For the briefest moment, Toto's eyes and yours met. You are more petite than he expects. And you dress very classy and minimal but with a sexy touch. You match the new identity of Williams, or well, Williams matches your style. The Jacquemus "La robe saudade" dress you wear hugs your curves, accentuating your beautiful toned legs and great ass. He couldn't avoid staring you down as you walked past. Sometimes, he was just a simple man.
Toto suddenly feels the Arabic heat rushing through his body.
—Getting up close with the enemy, tearing down its walls, I like your style, evil as I would expect from you —he says to Sam, now next to him, as she takes off her access badge and picks up her tablet from a drawer.
—Bok, dumb. No bad blood! Just a friendly welcome to this testosterone hell, you know, girls being supportive of one another. I'm pretty sure you will like her, and judging by that look you just gave her, I guess you already.
—Začepi, dumber —Toto answers in his usual authoritarian and collected deep voice, but jokingly. He feels his cheeks turning red. —Spill how, when…
—We were roomies a long time ago. I adore her, she's great, strong, intelligent, kind, fun, and so damn hot. That's all you need to know for now, and that's all I'm telling you.
Sam is the youngest daughter of the Dobrev heirs, a very wealthy and old-money Croatian - almost royal - family who owns multiple fleets and half the country, like filthy rich. They are famous for being all platinum blondes, having many scandals, and investing in motor and water sports. They are one of the main Mercedes-AMG sponsors. 
As far as Toto knows, Sam doesn't have the best relationship with her family and dislikes talking about it, but he knows she cares a lot about her elder brother, to whom Toto hears her speak on the phone now and then.
After years and years of working and traveling the world together, Sam lets her walls down with Toto, becoming great friends and this sort of family away from family, although she remains pretty reserved on some subjects. He loves her like a little sister. She is pretty younger than him and sometimes reminds him of his own sister. Niki always describes them two as his annoying children, always teasing and bickering at each other when possible. The old man cares so much for them personally and at work, and they do, too.
Toto wonders if by "old roomie" she means ex-girlfriend? He has met some of Samanta's "roomies," and… Toto doesn't feel like pushing. He wonders if you may have someone... You know... As team principal, he has to learn about other teams' dynamics, right?
He tosses the thought off and gets in the zone. They have another title to win.
You hug Samanta goodbye and take a glance at the Merc garage. Sam is family to you, and you heard so much about them and F1 over the years, ever since she moved out of the Manor after having that massive fight with her parents and started working for Mercedes-AMG, swearing to make a living of her own and never needing them EVER again, a bit over dramatic reaction but that who Sam is and you love her that way. 
She is also your bestie; you two text each other daily. Thanks to her, you knew everything about everyone in the paddock: the good and bad, scandals, and more. Yet they knew nothing about you. For them, you are brand new and the perfect excuse to gossip about.
And there he is, Torger Christian Wolff, the guy Sam couldn't stop gushing you about. Damn, she is right, Toto is gorgeous. You would feel slightly jealous of their closeness if he wasn't Sam's cup of tea. But you can't get distracted; you have a purpose for being there, and nothing will get in the middle. Even if you are dying to meet him, even if you treasure every detail you know about Toto, even if you have been fantasizing about him for the longest time, not to mention being half in love with the man already or the idea of him. Sam made him sound like such a remarkable and caring human being. 
Niki waves hello to you from afar, and you wave back. You adore that old man. He is one of the reasons why the Williams family agreed to sell you the team. Without his support, it wouldn't have been possible.
You met Niki two winters ago; thanks to Sam, you explained to him your motives and why you wanted to buy a team, and he fully agreed to support you and mentor you throughout the whole process. He is a badass and one of the kindest people you have ever met. You immediately felt embraced by the Laudas. Along with Sam, they are among the very few people who know your entire story and genuinely know you, the real you. 
Back to the present day. You feel Toto's dark eyes set on you and can't resist ignoring them even if your life depends on it, so you look back at him. For the briefest moment, your eyes met. The desert is too hot, isn't it? Uff, what's going on with this heat? Damn you global warming! 
So you better hurry yourself away before it is too late and you dare to get closer to him. You reach your new team's garage at the speed of light, so it is fittable for the place you are at. It feels weird saying "your" so much. 
Everything is so different from the world you are used to, but you don't feel nervous. You are a woman on a mission, and after all you have gone through in life, you are not that kind of girl. You bear a challenge.
You greet your team. —He hasn't arrived yet? —you ask the aero performance engineer while he is placing green and yellow dots on the left side of the new car. You reached close to inspect the latest upgrades.
The car is beautiful, matte black with a powerful Lamborghini engine. They are your main sponsor and partner and the only one, which is insanely impressive. No million logos, no visual noise - it is something to see due to F1 budgets. 
Commotion and gasps come from the outside. While you ask the engineer that question, a frenzy starts in the front of the garages. You watch camerapersons and fans pass by, running crazy. Total mayhem.
Oh, there he is.
Toto's phone buzzes again - in the middle of that circus - "Breaking news; The legend is BACK. Michael Schumacher joins Williams as Team Principal, son Mick Schumacher, and the sensation of the moment, female driver Millie Dobrev joins him along as drivers."
The FIA, in its many attempts to be perceived as "forward" or "woke," has allowed for the first time mixed-gender racing, starting this season - about damn time! Millie is one of the top female drivers and the youngest, achieving a lot at a young age and becoming a serious threat to everyone on her way. 
—Dobrev… Dobrev?! —Toto looks from the photo on his phone screen to Sam and back; a very young petite girl - with sun-kissed skin, short platinum blonde hair with pink ends and clear blue eyes, a round face with delicate features - poses in a pastel color outfit doing a Korean heart gesture with her hands, fingers full of expensive jewelry. —Care to explain?
—Yes, did I mention she's my dear niece? —Sam answers, deadpan.
—The fuck —Toto says —Are all blond Croatians your family? —Toto teases.
—Hilariously accurate —she laughs it off.
—Your niece?! You are like twelve, how old is she, two!? Can't believe you are an aunt already. I don't know what to do with that fact..."
Samanta rolls her eyes. "Thank my gross old uncle with a young trophy wife?" she thinks.
—So you keep secrets from me, huh? I thought ours was special.
—You give yourself too much importance. And yes, that's why my hair grew bigger during the break. It's full of secrets! —Sam replies. Swinging her long, straight locks.
—What??? —Toto doesn't get her Mean Girls reference.
—Sometimes I forget you are prehistoric, almost fossil.
They both fulminate each other with gazes in a classic and frequent stare-down. Then Sam proceeds to cross tasks on her tablet, slowly stepping away.
—Don't you dare run away from me! You have things to explain, missy.
—Sorry, I'm so busy right now, unlike you.
—I'm busy.
—No, you are not; you are trying to gossip!
—I'm always busy. I'm this team's principal, to remind you, so yes, I'm important, and maybe… maybe… I'm trying to gossip… a little bit —Toto gestures with his hand.
—Could you two stop?! —Niki calls it quits, half annoyed, half laughing, struggling to hear clearly what the tactics team is trying to tell him, turning around on his barstool and waving his hand at them.
Toto and Sam laugh softly, and Toto makes a small O with his mouth while Sam pretends to adjust her invisible tie before returning to business and being professional people doing professional tasks.
Toto looks once more at his phone screen. —Impressive —it's all he lets out. Toto can't wait. He can't wait.
It's been a long time since Michael set foot on the paddock, after years of being retired and living almost exclusively to recover - after his infamous accident - and trying to enjoy being a father and a husband when possible. He became this mythical figure that existed in F1 and people's minds but is nowhere to be seen, making him feel like a ghost. Nowadays, he is doing way better but was getting bored of being a recluse at home waiting for the right moment, for that one sign that make it all start over for him. 
And there she is, in front of him, doing a fake courtesy.
—Welcome back, Kaiser —you joke with him.
—Hi, boss! —Michael greets you with a thick German accent and sweet voice. —Sorry about that! —He pushes you aside as a photographer flashes photos. The lens almost hits you in the face while two other cameramen bump into each other. —Better if we go inside. There's lots to talk about and to get ready to start testing. This is bonkers! —he finishes saying, looking at the circus surrounding you two.
—Okay. Let's go then, Schumi —you reply to him.
You feel ready.
The testing goes out smoothly for Mercedes. There are just a few sensor improvements and small details to fix, but only a little to worry about. Lewis and George seem happy with their car's performance, and the team feels optimistic.
As for Toto, his day was stressful; he felt exhausted after many meetings and people asking him questions all day, demanding his attention at all times. The hours went at an alarming speed. Somehow, the day is done, but the amount of work has just started. He blinks and is dark already, and the chauffeur is now driving him to his suite in a high-end hotel.
Tomorrow is a crucial day for the team, and his schedule is full of press, too. So he needs a good night of beauty sleep; at the moment, he looks like trash and feels like it. Toto likes to keep it real. He loves the attention of being under the reflectors and calling the shots but still isn't a massive fan of media day.
Speaking of the devil, he takes out his phone and opens his news app. Toto relaxes in the big luxury car seat. He has bookmarked several sites that cover F1, his long, unhealthy habit. He likes to stay current, even if he has "briefing" and a person in charge of doing that.
Even though he doesn't want to feel like a stalker, he pretty much is acting like it. Toto refreshes the app to read the latest news about Williams and you. He learns all he can of you from the newly released press articles; there is little about your background, past, or in general; all he keeps reading appears to be PR-approved since it is constantly reprised on different platforms, which feels weird.
Google doesn't offer him much either, just a couple of articles with photos in which you appear in various charity events related to children's foundations. It is like you don't exist online.
Toto reads your most recent interview and Michael's, and you both appear in good spirits about your car performance. He hates losing but loves a good challenge. A good old-fashioned on-track battle. For a change.
The bellboy opens the suite's double doors for him and carries Toto's things inside. It is a massive entrance and makes him feel tiny in comparison. Toto notices a small LV suitcase in front of the large door, next to a big antique wooden carved table, in the middle of the foyer under the soft dim coming from a stunning Tiffany's chandelier, which lits the room and reflects on the exquisite tile walls. The Arabic architecture and interior design of the place are breathtaking.
It means Susie has stopped by. Their relationship is in a weird spot, in one of those hiccups they face occasionally after dating forever and from a very young age. Their relationship at the moment feels monotonous, and love is lacking, which is slowly killing him. He still loves her very much but could sense he is losing her. Especially since they started seeing each other less and less - although he wouldn't blame anyone who has to bear with his crazy schedule - they almost stopped texting and talking to each other, too, and sex is nonexistent. So many red flags.
—Hi, schatzi —Toto greets her.
—Hi, Toto —she gives him a quick kiss. —You look tired.
—I am, but I'm happy you are here —he says, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his temple on hers. Soon after, he lifts Sussie from the ground into a tight hug. There is a clear height difference.
—I know. I'm happy to see you too, even if it's for a brief moment. I was hoping you got free sooner. Our jet has permission to take off in an hour exactly.
—I'm sorry, today was crazy —Toto apologizes.
—I can imagine. I tried to communicate with you earlier, but it was impossible to reach you; it was almost like you were avoiding me.
God, she knows him so well. Yes, he has been avoiding her - although not today, he honestly had a crazy day - but since they had that awkward and hurtful conversation at their New Year's Eve reception at their house in Oxford. Not because he is angry at her or scared, he misses her a lot. It's just he has been unable to decide and come up with an answer to the situation.
—I wanted to clear things out between us before the start of the season. I'm aware that from now on, you only get busier and more challenging to reach, and my schedule this year is also insane, Sussie says.
—Yes, love. Tell me what you need?
—Your thoughts.
—On what? —Toto pretends to be confused and not get what she is referring to. 
—Come on, Torger. Would you like me to remind you of our last conversation at New Year's?
The last time they saw each other in person was months ago. He panicked after that conversation and left for Austria, calling it a business trip and a visit to his sister to spend time with his nephews. She didn't follow him around. Because it was clear he was running away and needed time alone without her.
—So... as I mentioned to you that night... You wanted to try for children this year, and I let you know I didn't see that happening this year or any year. And that I have been feeling increasingly lonely since you spent most of your days away. Honestly, every day, we spend more time away from each other. My career keeps taking off, and I'm not raising children on my own amidst it! I can't even imagine the idea of being pregnant to start with! Plus, you said there's no way you are quitting your job, and I'm neither, so...
—I didn't say that. That's not how it went —Toto feels his head hurting now. He rubs his forehead, exasperated hearing Sussie's Director's Cut version of the events. "It went more like this: I don't get your full attention at all times like before, I'm not able to control you as I once did, and every time you ask me to spend time together, me traveling to you or you traveling to me, if it's not the way I want it I always come up with something to avoid it. Plus, I never mentioned to you before that I didn't want children, not once in the thousand times we discussed family and raising kids together, ah! And I always blame your job as the reason why things aren't working between us." That's how it happened, Toto thinks.
—The point is... —Sussie ignores him. Throwing him a look. —We didn't reach a middle ground but chose not to break things off immediately because none of us felt sure.
There is a pause and a big exhale from her. 
—That's why I suggested exploring having an open relationship. We would establish rules and limits. I know you are more traditional and don't envision this for us, but I wanted you to think about it and give it a chance, not to run away and avoid me after suggesting it. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to be with someone else behind your back because I still love you, and I want us to work. I feel we both need someone who is present in our lives to touch us and hold us when we feel like it. 
Toto feels crushed. All he wants is to settle down, start a family, and become a good father - as his father was to him - he never expected Sussie to go in the opposite direction. His intention has never been to make her choose between a career or kids. This isn't the case. It is going to be a two-person job. Besides that, they have all the privileges, resources, and support to successfully achieve being both parents and having careers simultaneously. —This isn't the right moment for this conversation. I had an...
—It's never the right moment for you! Christ's sake, Toto! I..! —Sussie starts losing it and gets emotional. He can't avoid feeling miserable. Suddenly, Toto felt the day's weight on his shoulders and back, which was killing him now; he needed a soft mattress to lay down so desperately. He doesn't want to make the drama bigger.
—Okay, easy, love —he hugs her. —I will think about it and give you an answer this week.
—You promise? Won't you run away from it anymore?
—I promise. I won't.
—This week, Toto! —Sussie wipes her tears, hugs him once more, and kisses him goodbye. —Let me know.
—Yes, this week. I will.
She grabs her suitcase and exits through the doors. Toto drags himself to bed with the remains of his energy, tosses his phone on the wireless charger nightstand, and lets himself drop on the mattress, face down. As he drifts away, a new notification red dot appears in the news app.
Now, an open relationship looks like an acceptable idea.
He falls asleep.
The view from your suite is impressive. Bahrain's entire skyline of modern skyscrapers is lit under the night skies, and the desert surrounding it looks beautiful through the floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows. 
It isn't your first time in Western Asia, but your first time traveling so far from home on your own. This hotel is insanely expensive, and the suite is humongous for you by yourself. If you weren't so used to inhabiting a massive, almost empty Manor with you as your own company, you would have felt anxious in such an isolated, huge, and quiet space. 
It is already late at night to text Samanta and meet her to chat. You both have work tomorrow and need to rest. But you have so much to catch up on - since yesterday? - No, but seriously, a lot had happened during your first day at the paddock.
As you are relaxing in the bathtub - you chose a bath bomb made of sea salt soap and local herbs with delicious scents - you let your mind go through all the day's events. You can't stop thinking of that pair of dark eyes going all over your body. You wanted to do the same. You wanted to admire him all. 
You have created many scenarios of what it would be like to meet him. But it went so differently than what you pictured. He doesn't even know who you are or doesn't even care about you. You two could become friends in the future, but for now, your feelings for him are all over the place, and you don't wish to let your heart shatter, not again. Besides, he has Sussie - of course, you have no idea what those two are going through - and you, well, who would want to be with you and your whole "situation"? Your chances with him are zero minus a hundred.
You do your skincare routine before sending yourself to bed - for sure, you will be visiting the hotel's spa in the following days - already dreading tomorrow, a day full of meetings and interviews, you are slightly nervous about what the press is going to ask you, even if Michael does the heavy lifting for you in those matters, everyone seems so curious about you. 
You turn the lights off and pray for a good night of sleep, free of the frequent nightmares you experience.
The following day, the driver's parade happens inside walls, while all drivers gather together in a small meeting room - a very office-looking space with sad, white-empty walls, gray carpeting, and way too lit up. Cold lighting is the worst! No F1 glamor on sight - this is part of one of the new progressive and "brilliant" ideas from the FIA. 
Chaos is unleashed as everyone looks for a chair with their name tag.
—Did everyone see her? —Lando asks loudly to the entire room - filled at the moment just by drivers - He is sitting backward in his chair, on the front row, facing the rest. He is wearing his McLaren kit and cap, which is worn backward.
—Yes, we all did. Unless you live under a rock, you have missed that circus, but coming from you, it wouldn't surprise me —Checo answers, joking. 
Lando purposely ignores him and throws him a dirty look and a kiss. —Then, ladies… From 1 to 10, how hard would you bang her? Starting with you, Seb —he asks everyone.
—Seriously, mate? So… sexist… —Vettel answers.
—Come on, bee-guy. What? It's just friendly chit-chat among us drivers, as the FIA would love to remind us, "This meeting's purpose is to establish communications between all teams drivers, their principals, along with the FIA representatives to build relationships and sportsmanship among-"
—Stop reading from the sign, idiot —Carlos says, following Lando's gaze to the sad poster pin crooked on the open door.
—Fine, but let's be honest here: she's the most exciting thing to happen to us in a while, not to mention the most recent. It's not like we are going to admire new guy Yuki's hips. All here have excellent vision, and she looked so FINE like you pervs didn't notice.
—Speak for yourself —Pierre answers jokingly, coming through on his way to his chair, passing in front of Lando in that reduced space, trying not to step on someone. Everyone laughs.
—She is so out of your league anyway; why bother? —Max mentions from the corner, sitting stretched out, his back against the wall, legs on top of the chair beside him. —And I agree with Pierre, Yuki's hips are immaculate, by the way.
—If someone cares, I think my vision is starting to fail me. I will need glasses soon —Nando jokes.
—Don't you worry, abuelo! It's just you getting even more ancient —Pato adds.
—I thought this meeting was for drivers? I mean real ones —Alonso jokes back.
—Oh, mate, low punch! I saw some of her interviews on telly; she is cheeky —George adds, drinking from a Merc bottle and standing near the door.
—Couldn't sound more British if you tried —Bottas adds. 
—He is your Royal Highness, Prince George —Lewis jokes.
—More like your Royal Ass-ness —Leclerc adds amidst laughs.
—I saw her interviews too! It's like Ricciardo got female, but was actually funny and hot —Lando replies.
—Fuck you, mate —Daniel answers, laughing. —You know, she could breastfeed you.
—I wouldn't mind —Lando kids, hitting Dani - sat beside him - on the ribs with his elbow. Today, he is set to act like a naughty boy.
—Lando!! —four drivers say in unison, in shock.
—You're so gross, mate, I swear —Lewis adds simultaneously, palm on his face, half laughing, half wanting to rip his own ears off.
—I'm pretty sure that would be so illegal. I don't want to go to jail, Mr. Officer! —you say, entering through the door. Everyone turns to look at you. You overhear that part of the conversation; it doesn't feel mean-spirit. Then Lando's face matches the red color on Charles' shirt as he slowly turns around on his chair and sits - the proper way - quiet and still. It's a hilarious scene.
—I'm not into minors, but I could change your diaper and read you some bedtime stories to make you fall asleep. "The Little Orange Tin" you would love —you joke to break off the tension.
Michael follows you inside, laughing under his breath. You two take your seats and start chatting casually, two places away. You are seated next to Lewis - to your right - and to an empty chair with no tag to your left by the end of the row. 
You are already a fan of Lewis. And again, you know so much about him because of Sam. Now, he is her favorite person on earth. You feel slightly hurt by that fact, but he sounds lovely, so honestly, it doesn't bother you.
—Hi, I'm Lewis —he offers you a fist bump.
—Hi, Lewis. I'm Y/N 
—How is F1 treating you? All good? —Sebastian asks you, popping out from Lewis's right. Both their attention to you. Heavens, those are some beautiful eyes. You can't figure out if they are green or blue, but you don't want to stare too long.
Sebastian's actual chair is next to Charles, some rows at the front, but he sits next to Lewis because he feels like it. Messing the order. An anarchist at heart.
—All good, thank you —you answer. —It's been chaotic, but I'm enjoying it. And I'm eager for the first race.
—Me too. I always miss driving during breaks —Lewis tells you.
—I agree —Seb adds. —It is the best feeling in the world, so it's hard to let go.
Then Millie enters the room - pink cat-ears headphones on, rocking the new Williams kit: A minimalistic stretchy sports jersey, a white tee with black seams, and the W logo in black print at the center of the chest. It is a fully fitted silhouette with a high neckline and short sleeves, paired with some sleek black sports slacks. 
Michael and you point Millie to the chair next to Michael - with her name tag - she gets there fast and takes off one side of her headphones.
—What up! —Millie greets. —Hi, Sebs!, Hi Lew! —she says extra sweetly and high-pitched tone, waving a hand while facing them. That girl is like a walking cartoon. She looks extra petite and young among those guys.
—Hi, Millie!!! —both of them answer in unison, with the same sweet-pitched tone. It's a cute moment.
Then, the room starts to fill up. And the FIA representative enters, meaning the meeting is about to begin.
A very rushed Mick gets in, also wearing the team's kit. Millie raises a hand and waves it, catching his attention. He moves very fast to his seat. And behind him enters Mattia and Toto, chatting with each other.
Holy shit. The fact that Toto would be there didn't cross your silly mind. And since Seb swapped chairs. The one where he sat belonged to Toto. So the chair next to you is empty and available for the Austrian. You see Mattia sit on the last free spot at the front, and Toto glances around, confused, till he spots the space to your side. You see him walk towards you almost in slow motion. And you set your mind to "if I pretend to not notice him, it means he's not there."
You sense him sitting only inches from you, his arm skin almost touching yours. While you keep your eyes locked straight ahead, point to the FIA guy without daring to move. He stretches while trying to adjust himself to a comfortable position. He is tall and muscular, and these chairs are a joke. His knee moves dangerously close to yours. For a moment, you see the inevitable contact coming. And your heartbeat starts to rise. But it doesn't happen. Damn, he smells so good! How on earth are you to get focus? 
And then the meeting begins.
The whole thing is lame. You and Lewis laugh several times at Seb's under-his-breath comments and jokes about what is happening right at the moment. The German has excellent timing and good puns and one-liners. Those two seem like besties, Lewis being the "serious" of the pair; go figure!
The open mic section starts and the FIA guy offers the microphone around. Lewis instantly and discreetly crosses an arm over Seb's hands, and Vettel raises his eyebrows. —Freedom of speech, much? —Sebastian jokes. 
—What are you going to ask? Seriously? —Lewis tells him.
—I have a genuine question!
—Why I don't believe you.
—Like why? You don't trust me?
—Oh, I do, but...
—But then... let me grab the mic.
Lewis lets out a sigh. Seb raises a hand, now free from Lewis's grip. And the microphone goes to him.
—Check, check —The entire room pays him attention. —Ahm, I have a question for you all.
—Yes, please, go ahead —The poor FIA guy looks overly excited that someone cares enough to say something. Most of them, not to say all of them, look forced to be there, bored, and by that point, so done with this meeting.
—Gentlemen, a short view back to the past. Thirty years ago, Niki... —The more he talks, the louder everyone laughs. Michael loses it. Sebastian recites the whole thing by heart.
What an icon.
The FIA guy couldn't look more confused.
You hear Toto's laugh for the first time; he has been sitting there quietly this entire time. You briefly and occasionally feel his gaze set on you, but you don't dare to turn, look, or talk to him. You know very well that any moment of weakness from you means your doom. Back to Toto's laugh. What is that heaven-sent sound? You want more. How can you get more? Can someone get addicted to a sound?
—Blimey, I knew it! —Lewis lets out, shaking his head and also smiling.
With that question, it is clear the meeting has ended.
As everyone is getting on their feet, you feel Toto purposely caressing his arm against yours as he gets on his feet and then walks to the exit without looking back at you. Your eyes follow him around till you lose sight. Sweet baby Jesus, those toned arms.
Race day arrives. 
The Sahkir circuit is a whole party, and the atmosphere is to the roof. All drivers get in position after the entourages move quickly out of the way. The chaos on the track dissipates within seconds. 
Then, after the formation lap, the red lights turn off, and the violent roars from the engines fill your ears. Oh, what a sound, now you are addicted to it.
After a great start from your team and almost two hours later, Lewis and Millie face down in a back-to-back battle. Switching positions 3 times in the final ten laps. It is a monumental effort from the drivers, teams, and their strategies. Emotions are on edge at the pitlane and at the benches.
Millie crosses the line first, less than half a second ahead, and fireworks go up in the air. Fans roar, and you all go nuts! Your crew runs to the pit wall fence, climbing it up and waving as she passes by, lots of fist pumps onto the air. It's your first podium! Your? Like you did something, lol. Your team gets their first podium!! - better - it is a great start. And for the first time in forever, you feel alive and cheerful.
Amidst hugs and pats on the back from crew members and supporters, you make your way to the podium area, following Michael. He is dragging you along; you are in a blur with all that adrenaline rushing through your veins, the noise, the lights, and the crowds.
During the podium ceremony, when the Croatian anthem plays - you are now surrounded by all three teams' entourages, all watching the ceremony together and supporting their driver - you notice Millie getting emotional. It is a first for her, too. And when it finishes, everyone around you starts cheering and clapping like maniacs for her as she raises and kisses the trophy. 
Michael, right next to your side, takes off his white W cap before Millie, and she gestures a praying sign with her hands from high above the podium to thank him and thank you. You blow her a kiss just before rivers of champagne fill the place.
Millie is the sweetest. You felt a genuine connection from the first moment you met her - a couple of months ago at the new Williams headquarters - before she agreed to sign the deal. She trusts you, and you believe in her. So you are on this journey together and feel so happy for her.
You get so distracted by these thoughts and others, too, that you don't notice the place started to empty. When you return to reality, you turn around to leave, following Michael's steps, and almost crash into someone walking in the opposite direction. You are left facing a very nice-looking chest - mere inches away from your face - wearing a white Mercedes shirt. You raise your gaze from those fine pecs that belong to Toto and look at his handsome face.
—Hi... —He says, looking down at you, he is way taller than you.
—H-h...i —You feel weak on the knees.
—I... I'm.
You both say at the same time. You step to the left, and Toto steps to the left synchronously. 
You both keep talking over each other. So Toto moves aside, gesturing with his hand to let you go through first.
—Nice meeting you —you say calmly and quickly rush away.
—Same —he replies, following you with his gaze and watching you walk away. You feel he wants to say more, and you do, too, but it is better this way.
"What the fuck was that. Why on earth were you so nervous, girl? It was like you forgot how to speak!" You think.
"The fumes in the garage are starting to affect me," Toto thinks. "Is she running away from me? Yeah... The fumes are definitely affecting me. Damn, she walks fast."
Thanks to poor scheduling and the worst jet traffic, Michael and you aren't able to land on time. All tracks are being used at the moment, so you get sent to another terminal further away from the circuit. Qualy for the Australian GP is about to start, and obviously, you two are running late.
A Lamborghini Sian car is already waiting for you when you land. So you ask the chauffeur to toss the car keys to Michael. —We have like ten minutes to be there —you tell Schumi.
—Understood, boss.
You instantly regret phrasing it like that. Schumi is driving like a madman while getting directions from the chauffeur in the backseat. Michael pushes the engine to the limit, and the car goes full speed. You feel your body melting with the car seat as you hang for your dear life to the seatbelt. Ten minutes was a say, you didn't truly mean it, let's try another one: To get there alive if possible, this one you meant it.
Michael enters the staff parking lot at the Melbourne circuit by taking an extreme corner still at full force. The two security guys sprint to open the gates; it is that or get run over. 
Once you get in, you see him letting the wheel go a second, and the car starts spinning around - it twirls at an alarming speed. "Am I going to get projected out of this window?" you think. And in just one wild movement, he parallels parks, tires burning. The Fast and Furious stunts were a kid's play next to his. Everyone stares at the scene, astounded.
—9.48.00 minutes, boss —Schumi says. Turning off the engine while checking his Rolex Daytona.
He was insane for this.
—Well, I hope you are as fast on your feet as you were on this car —You joke, grabbing your purse and access badge while getting out of the vehicle, heels hitting the ground like nothing had happened. Because, above everything, you are a bad bitch.
—Are you? —he dares you. Walking past the front of the car, catching your step.
—Haven't you seen my legs?! —You joke. Toned they are.
—You make the 100-meter dash athletes jealous —He jokes back. 
You are going to get so many fines. So many.
You two make it to the W garage on time. You "fashion walk" there, according to the people who mock you. Since you don't feel like blending in with the mechanics - and because of your outfits and looks. The Williams garage is located dead last on the pitlane, so you have to walk in front of all other teams' garages to get there every time - expensive bag-swinging in the air, designer heels clacking on the floor, always wearing a chic something; dresses, shorts, skirts - as if they don't enjoy it! Of course, you expected toxic masculinity and sexism on your way, especially since your team is dominating! But not this early on.
—You are late! —Millie jumps at you.
—Let's not talk about it. I'm going to need therapy, thanks to that experience.
—What?! —She looks at you with a funny face.
—Nevermind. All ready?
—Do I look like ready? —She says, gesturing at herself. She is wearing an oversized lilac tee - at least twice her size - and a white tennis mini-skirt with matching white Jordans. 
She follows you to the dressing rooms right across from your remote office, where you quickly leave your purse and stuff inside. As you two get there, Millie tells you how excited she is that Sanrio offered to design her helmet for Suzuka before going to change.
—What do you think? Is it too much? —she asks you. Inviting you into her custom dressing room and pointing around. It looks like Minisio had puked that room out.
—Is very you! —you answer.
—I know, right!!! —she gives you a big dumb smile.
—Are your boobs out? —Mick asks while entering through her dressing room doors - eyes closed, arms extended in front, walking mummy-like - not seeing you there, obviously.
—What?! No! —Millie answers as Loretta (her trainer slash assistant) finishes suiting her up.
—Great! I can open my eyes then! —he says.
—I don't think there's much to see, Mick —Millie jokes while putting on a sad face and looking down at her chest. —Two lemons, barely.
—I don't think Marc from statistics thinks the same. I saw him trying to find them —He jokes. Mick gains a smack on the arm.
Millie's popularity has skyrocketed; she is already a paddock favorite. By this point, she had already rejected three engineers who asked her out - not because of ego, being rude, or wanting to break hearts - but because she is so clueless and a shy dork with zero social skills, in her own words: "I communicate better with cars and engines than with people, at least I know how to work them."
—Kids, kids! —you say, amused at the scene.
—Oh, hi, boss! I didn't notice you there —Mick looks at you, a bit embarrassed.
—No worries —You are glad those two are getting along well.
Mick drops himself on the fluffy pink oval puff in one of the corners. One leg up.
—Why are you here on my land? —Millie asks.
—Oh yeah. I came to say something —Mick adds like he is just remembering. —Yes! My father is waiting for you two to start the team's meeting. Everyone is there already. It's urgent. So hurry.
—Oh god, and you just let us know now.
The three of you get on your feet real fast.
After a good team catch-up and an impeccable motivational speech from Michael, all of you get to your positions inspired and ready to give it all.
As the Qualy starts, you turn to Michael. —You are a great leader, you know? We are lucky to have you —you tell him.
—I'm glad to be here, more than you imagine, boss.
Millie secures a pole position. Sparks flyed. Damn, that car was fast, and she, she was faster!
When the workday is done, you wait for Sam across from Merc's hospitality. It's getting dark.
You are sitting on a bench a few meters away, next to a tree with beautiful yellow flowers, looking at your phone and minding your business, avoiding looking like a threat near competitors' territory.
—Waiting for Sam? —Toto asks you from the other side - at the bottom of the stairs of their main cafeteria entrance - you raise your gaze at the sound of his voice.
—Yes! Hi! Will she be taking long? —You can't avoid smiling at him and sound slightly nervous.
—No, she is on her way, but I must warn you, she's been insufferable the entire day. She had one of those, what she calls it? A bad ha...
—A bad hair day —you both finish in unison. —Yikes! How bad it was? The hair? I mean.
—Oh, terrible! I had to look at it all day —he answers jokingly, putting an ew face. Toto walks towards you and sits on the bench by your side, stretching his legs and resting one on top of the other.
The truth is, Samanta doesn't have naturally straight locks; she has long, curly hair she straightens. And sometimes, some days, some weather gave her that wavy, frizzy, wild, non-combable hair.
—You are such an inspiration, a true survivor. Tell me all about your journey —You make him laugh, you love that. More, please.
The door interrupts you two as you both smile at each other like dumbs and lock eyes. Sam goes out, black Merc hoodie on, covering almost her entire face, overdramatic as usual.
—Rocking the Palpatine? —you tease her.
—Hilarious. Bad hair day. I look like Monica Geller on that trip to the beach beneath this —she says with sarcasm. Toto laughs. —Ah, now that reference you get —Sam rolls her eyes.
—Jezz, that mood, huh? A few drinks will get you through these dark times, my friend. Let's go! —you add.
—Oh no, I'm not going.
—What?! Why?! Why are you like this, Samanta?!
—No, why is humidity a thing? Who needs it?
—Aem, all of Australia's wildlife? —Toto adds.
—Shut up, smarty pants —Sam lets out.
—You look like Hagrid —he replies.
—Torger, don't test me, I swear —she warns him, fingers rubbing her forehead.
—So, when will you be available then? —you ask her, cutting off the bickering.
Sam opens her weather app to check the humidity levels. —Ahm, like next week? Not in Australia?
—Are you serious, dude?! I already booked! —You two were going to that Michelin star blindfolded dining and drinking experience. It was so on trend that booking a table there was Melbourne's most challenging and expensive thing at the moment.
—Sorry, I'm not going out looking like this! But for sure Toto could join you! He desperately needs to get some of that stress out of his system. He's getting meaner.
—What!? Me, the meaner one? —Toto lets out.
—What?! Sam! No, no. He is probably busy, and I don't want to bo... —you add, quickly, getting nervous while trying not to show it.
She interrupts you.
—Busy?! No, he is just in an antisocial mood swing. Toto barely left his office today! All grumpy, he was inside there. Besides, didn't you, my guy, tell me you were going straight to your hotel to lock yourself and binge-watch Love Island while eating ice cream straight from the bucket? —Sam teases him, well aware Toto is feeling low - more like heartbroken - Sam hates Sussie, but of course, she will never admit it publicly, and definitely not to him. This is her weird way of showing him her support by setting him up to go out and have fun with a great person instead of being miserable and all alone. Classic Sam.
—What? No. What's Love Island? I wasn't being antisocial; I had a ton of work today, unlike you —He answers deadpan. 
—Do you even own a TV? —Sam is seriously curious.
—Of course, I do! Several, in fact —It doesn't mean he watches them.
—You must be rich! —you joke. He smiles.
—Yeah, whatever. Come on! Get to know each other! Have a good time on me and my hair's behalf —Sam grabs you both, each by the arm, and walks you towards the exit.
—Is it me, or is she getting worse with age? —You address Toto.
—No question!
—Hey! You can't trash-talk me! —Sam complains.
—Oh, that's all we will be doing; we are going to talk so much trash about you, piles of it, that the garbage collector will plead to us no more —you mock her.
—I'm hating this already! —Sam crosses her arms.
Well, now you have a date with Toto. A date, yeah, in your dreams.
To be continued... < Masterlist | Next chapter >
291 notes · View notes
OPD spoilers up to the end of episode 7, because episode 7 was fun but brain insisted on a couple of thoughts before I can move on (or, apparently, work on thing I was supposed to upload today). Injury warnings, spoiler warnings, and talk about potential death, and also er I've had these characters for one episode running on auto-translated-auto-subtitles. You will pry them from my cold-dead hands, but it's not exactly the best way to study things like speech patterns, especially when my Portuguese is... I can now catch the gist of things and follow the rpg mechanics mostly, but very very far from me being able to use any words? I just kinda can sort of follow via context and stuff I /recognise/ but don't /remember/. Enough rambling, have two guys in a car.
"Where to now?" Johnny asks, as they drive away. "You're the one with the maps."
A groan.
Johnny glances up, checks his partner in the rear-view mirror. Some of his muscles still shift in ways Johnny is pretty sure aren't entirely voluntary, and Rubens holds his entire body like it is in pain. Still, he gives half of a shrug, and keeps looking out of the window.
Johnny is also sore, yes, especially from having been immobilised - but he's /not/ the one whose breathing sounds kind of janky, and hissed when the seatbelt touched his ribs.
"That bad?" He adjusts his question to, glancing up from the road every few seconds.
"Just head home," Rubens answers the first question instead of the second. "We can pick in the morning."
"What morning? It's already gone seven," Johnny takes the turning towards their flat regardless. A pause and then. "You sure you're good just to go home?"
Yes, they need to continue the investigation, but even Johnny can see that Rubens can barely stand; no matter what help they wanted to give those two other agents, it wasn't going to happen.
"What-" Rubens is cut off, hissing, as they go over a bump.
"Yeah, you know what, driver's rules - we're going to the hospital."
Rubens' lack of reply, not even a grimace, is pretty damning. It is also a little worrying, especially with the flinches and extremely deliberate breathing.
It is not that Johnny is paranoid, it's that he knows what that attack did to Johnny himself, and he's gained a decent feel for Rubens' tolerance over the last few months.
He takes the turn towards the hospital, and already starts constructing a lie. Rubens can probably pass for an electrician, and Johnny could have just been helping, and maybe someone turned the mains back on before they were finished? That's got to happen all of the time, right?
"Do you think we'll see them again?" Johnny asks, searching for a conversation topic. He's got to keep driving, but he is more than starting to get worried. "No clue what's up with the boy, but they seemed decent. Good to know the Order's always got people."
Rubens' laugh isn't very happy, "no."
"I thought you were an optimist?"
"Your job," Rubens shifts, seemingly trying to alleviate some discomfort, and only making it worse. "I'd like to, but… you saw them. Injured, electrocuted, and going to where their team went dark? They won't survive. We might not."
It's true, but that doesn't mean he has to say it. There's been a lot of deaths, recently, if what Sam has been telling them is true. Johnny isn't sure, but can't see any reason for Sam to lie about that; Johnny and Rubens have been undercover for months, but have managed to keep themselves above water so far.
A lot of people haven't, though. A great many people haven't.
"You left them your knife," Rubens follows up with.
"Shut up and sort through that notebook instead."
"No." At least he's perked up a little, actually sounding a bit more awake, thinking and shifting a little and worrying his lip before he speaks again. "Maybe they'll surprise me and you'll get it back? Can't read the notebook. The bag is in the boot."
Neither of them comment on how, usually, Rubens would still just lean over and grab it.
"Maps, then?"
He makes a left turn, and they find themselves nearly there.
"They're maps," Rubens replies. "We need the notes to work on a target... Gameshow, orphanage, orphanage, gameshow, Menefreda, puzzles, Energy... I can't see the link; do you think there's any crossover in the cases? Should we ask Samuel for their notes? Something's missing here."
"Can't be sure," Johnny has to focus on this bit of road, busier than the further out streets. "We can ask, though."
"And the girl? Erin? She said the woman's voice was-" Rubens cuts off with a gasp.
Immediately Johnny looks up, checking over his shoulder. Rubens' back is arched and he struggles for air; he shoves on his hazard lights and pulls over before unplugging his seatbelt, and inelegently scrambling across.
By the time he has done so, Rubens' body has relaxed. He has leant back, breathing heavily and clutching at his chest. Johnny places a hand on his back, rubbing a thumb into the twisted muscles there.
"Rubens?" Johnny asks, voice lower. "You good?"
The shudder looks just as involuntary, but a little more normal; Rubens leans slowly forwards, resting only one elbow on his knee, and folding his chin onto it.
One moment, two.
Rubens starts gesturing a reply, only to cut himself off with a wince.
"An answer, please," Johnny keeps his voice low, doing his best to be reassuring.
"I'm good," he answers, blinking fast as he shifts to looking at his hands. "I'm... Good, yes, good. Just, fuck, the speed bump."
Johnny had barely even noticed it; Rubens has got to be much more injured than he looks to react that badly to just a speed bump.
"I'll be more careful," he promises, though he isn't quite sure how. "Good to keep going? We're another ten minutes out, looking at this traffic."
"All good."
It is not quite believable, given everything going on, but Johnny chooses to let it pass. He knows shit all about these things, only that his partner is suffering. He's also suffering, but he's Johnny - he can take it.
Rubens... Not so much. Not really his skill-set; Johnny doesn't jump in the way of fists because he enjoys getting punched, after all.
Choosing to climb back over instead of getting out, Johnny only slightly catches his ankle on the gear-stick. Still, he gets back to the driver's seat safely, turns off the hazard lights, and pulls back into the road.
"Any thoughts so far?" he asks instead.
Johnny can put pressure on a gunshot wound just fine, but electricity is weird. Magic electricity? Even weirder. He does, however, know that so long as everyone is managing coherent conversation he /probably/ can just drive to the hospital instead of faffing with an ambulance.
(Don't they have their own doctor now? Johnny isn't quite sure, but he does know that contacting the Order, outside of secure and prearranged chats with Samuel, is likely to break their cover.)
Rubens shifts his face from side to side, mouthing words to himself and gesturing his hand around in a much more typically Rubens fashion. After a little while he shrugs - only with one shoulder and that's something to make the doctor check - and answers, "hopefully the paperwork is more useful to us; I don't think the Director was actually anyone important. Show, Director, he only does this one bit most likely? And only had, what, five staff members?"
"Barely a crew," Johnny replies. "I don't like the thing with Erin's grandmother - she's definitely not any of the corpses. None were old enough. So why was her voice there?"
"The man too," Rubens replies. "You shouldn't have told them we were Order agents; the cameras were running. Whoever runs it might have heard."
"Shit," Johnny can immediately see the problem but, to be fair, in the moment that had been far from his highest priority. Getting the grenade out already blew more of his cover than either of them liked - he should have just stolen the gun and tried shooting the glass. "We can adapt, but..."
"Danger," Rubens replies. "We'll need to be more careful, right?"
"Right," and, fuck, Johnny has been here before. "We might need to be subtler to get in."
"Games," Rubens replies.
"He likes games. If we-" another speedbump, and Rubens gasps again, entire body twisting at the pain, but he settles himself quickly, moving on. "Fuck. But, if we do get in... it might be to play with us specifically. If the recording got through. Champion's match. New difficulty."
"Maybe the information we have will be enough?"
The look Rubens gives him is absolutely scathing.
"Yeah, okay, they weren't important enough to have anything actually good. I can wish, though; don't really want to be watching over my shoulder forever."
"It could work in our favour," Rubens settles on. "We need to get into deeper areas anyway. Toying, playing - if we interested whatever's in charge, perhaps it will bring us deeper to try again."
"They're deathtraps."
"But somebody always has to win. It's a bad game, otherwise."
Two people could have won the game they were playing, if they stuck to the rules, or perhaps there would have been more to it. Johnny doesn't expect them to be that generous again, though.
Ah, well, they'll work it out.
They always do.
It is not that much further to the hospital, and 7:30am is a blissfully quiet time. Most people from the night before have already left, but it's too early for most sorts of accidents.
Parking is easy, but getting out is more difficult. Well, no, Johnny can get out fine - stiff and weirdly cramping, but fine. It's Rubens he worries about, Rubens who scoots rather than steps out of the car, and still almost immediately collapses to the floor.
The concern - the /worry/ - is back nearly instantly.
"Ow, fuck, shit," Rubens mutters, in between the curse words as he uses the side of the car to leverage himself up.
Yeah, no, that is not going to stand. Johnny comes back over, taking the one of Rubens' arms that he isn't holding strangely, and pulling it over his shoulders. His own arm he wraps around his partner's back, protecting him from any potential falls.
When he squeezes his fingers, Rubens hisses; Johnny shifts them further down with an apology on his tongue.
"It's fine."
It's not fine.
The angle is awkward, so Johnny much crouch a bit as he helps Rubens to the emergency room. Even with the help and the rest he still keeps staggering and stumbling, his legs barely able to hold his weight.
The reception desk is even worse. By the time they get there, Johnny is supporting all of Rubens' admittedly meager weight.
"Hey," he says, reminding himself she may be the gatekeeper but if he isn't polite then they are both in trouble. "Sorry, we were doing some repair work, and some asshole turned the mains back on while we were working. I'm just kinda sore, but my buddy's having trouble breathing."
Always mention the breathing. They hate it when you cannot breathe properly.
Her eyes flicker momentarily wider, looking at the now disturbingly grey Rubens.
"Names, please?"
"I'm Johnny Tabasco, this is Rubens Naluti."
Rubens seems to try to smile and wave, only to grimace and flinch instead.
A few more questions follow - dates of birth, occupations, next of kin, particularly concerning symptoms... Rubens says unusually quiet, getting slowly heavier against Johnny's side.
Eventually, the questioning comes to an end.
"Please go sit down, and fill in these forms," two clipboards are handed to Johnny. Right. Insurance paperwork and medical history - at least he knows enough of Rubens' to fill it in, after so long doing this work together. "Someone will likely be with Mr Naluti shortly, though you yourself will likely have to wait longer. We're not overly busy, but there are still a few incidents already."
"Thank you," and oh, Christ, he's just glad to be able to get Rubens off his feet.
They end up on the plastic chairs, Rubens flinching at it.
"You alright?" Johnny asks him.
There are a good number of fast blinks before Rubens nods, "let's not repeat this, though."
"Sure thing."
Rubens' hand (and only one hand, the other stays at his side) shakes badly as he starts filling in his form - the simple bits like address he leaves just in case, and starts with his medical insurance details. Allergies, pre-existing conditions... Rubens is doubling back to fill in his basic details when a doctor appears.
"Mr Naluti?"
"Here," he raises his clearly good hand.
"If you would come with me, please?" she asks.
He glances to her, to the gap between them, and then to Johnny. Johnny goes to get up to help, and she says "wait here, please, triage for adult patients is done alone."
And, sure, but didn't they get the notes?
Rubens looks at Johnny, only slowly nodding after they have made eye contact. Johnny is not entirely sure what it means, but he prepares himself for trouble anyway.
And then Rubens /tries/ to stand.
This time when he falls, he catches his weight on his bad arm. Johnny just about manages to stop his head or chest crashing into the floor, snapping at the doctor with a "didn't you /read/ he can't walk right now?!" as he helps him back onto the chair.
It leaves Rubens even more off-colour, and shaking, and Johnny not a great deal impressed with what is going on.
"I'll be right back," the doctor vanishes back the way she came.
"Will you be okay alone?" Johnny asks.
"Eh," Rubens manages a small laugh - his breathing is not settling this time, remaining too fast and too shallow. "I'll manage."
"Of course you will."
Johnny wishes there was an easier way to solve this specific bullshit at least.
Quickly, Johnny finished Rubens papers, and lets him sign them. They are ready when a different doctor appears - this one accompanied by some lower ranked staff member pushing a wheelchair.
"Mr Naluti, I'll be taking over from my colleague," the new doctor says. "We need to speak to you alone - privacy and protocol, you understand - but he can help you transfer if that is better for you?"
It is better for Johnny, at least.
"It's up to you," he still manages to say, standing and offering his arms, just like getting out of the car.
Rubens nods, and takes them, struggling the few short steps from the chair to the wheelchair. Johnny helps him get... not comfortable, but less uncomfortable, before placing Rubens' clipboard on his lap.
"See you shortly," Johnny promises.
"Yeah," Rubens replies between tight breaths. "See you soon."
Johnny does not see Rubens shortly, not even close thereto. They did bring the evidence with them, split between their bags - it's been stolen from their car before, and that was it's own form of nightmare - but he cannot exactly work on it here. Neither can he work on it without Rubens, who...
"Mr Tabasco," one of the nurses had told him. "Your friend - Mr Naluti? He asked us to tell you... He needs to be admitted due to internal damage? Primarily to his lung. There is surgery involved, though the tear is small and so it is a relatively simple procedure. It is not common with electrical injuries, especially with mains supplies, but it can happen. The doctor wished to work on it immediately, and he consented. There were some other internal injuries too - all consistent with severe muscle spasming or electrical burns. You'll be able to see him once the doctors have finished, but he'll be here a few nights most likely; until the chest tube comes out, at least, perhaps longer depending on his ribs. Given the nature of his injuries, and that you were injured together, the doctor wishes to see you immediately."
And Johnny liked none of that, not at all. He complied with the doctors simply to get through everything, and given an injection to force his muscles to stop cramping. He hates how it helps him feel less like shit, and concedes to their desire for at least 24 hours of wires and monitoring only once he realises it will place him and Rubens on the same ward.
The ward is louder, and busier, and Johnny hasn't slept since this time yesterday, if nobody counts getting knocked out and kidnapped. Still, he cannot rest yet, not until he knows Rubens is fine. There are, at least, some non-work related books in his bag; he'll text Sam with an update once he's sure what's going on, and until then at least try to relax.
Thankfully, he does not get more than two chapters in before Rubens is brought through. Something he said must have stuck with the doctors, as he is given the next bed along. Propped to half-sitting, with some wires and tubes and thick bandaging around one shoulder, but awake and unhappy about it. Johnny waits for the medical staff to finish adjusting him to take a better look; Rubens' eyes trail after them somewhat nervously, and hospital blue does not suit him but he is looking a distinctly better colour.
"You alright?" he asks, drawing attention from the room to himself.
Rubens visibly relaxes when his eyes catch on him, bored and reading. He gestures to himself with his unbandaged arm, clearly moving carefully so as not to disturb anything.
"You?" he returns with.
"Painkillers help," Johnny offers, and receives a firm nod of agreement. "I'm sore, but fine. Might have torn something, but swelling needs to go down to check. The burns are too deep, but my nerves are a bit sensitive and they want to be absolutely sure the ones around my heart are fine before they let me leave."
"Heart?" Rubens asks, his attention focusing in for a second, before someone dropping a tray of medicines with a loud 'fuck!' draws a flinch and his attention.
"Doctor said if there was going to be a problem there probably would be by now, but he wanted it monitoring just in case," Johnny does his best to reassure. "You... look a bit more alive?"
"Not alive enough to read."
Johnny laughs, "I wasn't going to ask you for that already. Did they say how long you're here for...?"
Rubens shakes his head a little, "no 'heavy exercise' for at least 4 weeks. Maybe more. Depends on my ribs."
"I'll let Sam know. We can sort through the paperwork and update reports in the meantime."
"Ugh," he flops harder into the pillows, seemingly trying to lay down - something the nurses made impossible for the both of them - but gestures consent. "Tell him 'just hack the hospital records'."
"Alright. Get some sleep, or I do have our bags? I think your wallet is in there if you want to buy access to the TVs. Not sure what else you packed."
There is just the problem of getting Rubens' bag to him.
Rubens seems to choose sleep, though, or at least closing his eyes to think about something - it's been a long night, and Johnny will probably follow once he's reported in.
Just a short text message; Sam can work out a more secure connection if he wants information immediately, otherwise he can wait until at least Johnny can head home and ring. Scanning he can also do, but accessing the digital documents will have wait for Rubens. Not that the Order is ever running to time anyway.
'Hey Sam' he types, keeping things on their personal phones as civilian sounding as possible. 'So first off, don't panic, nobody's dead or dying, but Rubens and I are in hospital. He said to tell you to just hack the hospital records, so now I've said it. Not really in the mood to explain
.., but the short is some asshole got us electrocuted...'
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ivaspinoza · 21 days
For the ones joining my new writing-only blog, my baby Substack: I will upload one poem every day for the next 15 days, so expect some e-mails in your inbox! :)
If you have been here for a while, you must know I was in desperate need of a writing-only platform — in fact, if you remember, I even tried a side blog, but that didn't work for me (and the novel is cooking atm). So, for the sake of my peace of mind and my writing, I will upload all the poetry in here to this sparkling, brand-new Substack.
After a few days on that platform, though, I can already tell I'm not going to follow what I perceived to be the pattern. Do I feel like a fish out of the water? Yes. Do I plan to change? No. Is it good for ''marketing''? Nope! But I literally can't force myself into a non-authentic space. It gives me anxiety.
I believe in using the platform instead of letting the platform use me. I'm free. That is unnegotiable. So, I will do my best on my own terms, as many things annoy me about the writing culture of these times we live in and I refuse to wear the halter. Oh, I promise I'll never try to coach you, start mothering you, or try to sell you a "how to write poetry in 5 steps" guide. No hooking titles. I won't join the experts-on-shit FOMO cult to prey on other people's triggers or to feel ''good'' about myself at the expense of others. This type of thing actually creeps me out.
But I do promise we can just resonate and inspire each other by being honest and raw, by having a brave heart so we can keep being kind, and by pursuing truth, beauty and art... How about that? We can enjoy the vibe and cultivate this appreciation of words! We can even chat as writer friends, as reader friends or just as friends friends — and encourage each other through real, second-intention-free presence.
If my writing doesn't touch you, it's fine. If yours doesn't touch me, it's fine. It's not personal, it's not a bad thing. We are all finding our voice. The day you think you know everything, you're dead, so we have to keep searching, moving and growing together! How many times have I needed the words from @cssnder @goodluckclove @hersurvival or @remnantofabrokensoul, and so many others around here (iykyk)? And I'm very grateful for every word and idea you all shared here in this amazing space, helping me to keep going, to break from my shell and lay another brick in the foundations of what I want to create.
That is the beauty of it. Creation demands connection. That is respect and human experience. And I repeat it: sometimes what I create won't touch anyone but me.
Oh, but what if it does!
Well, that being said: I actually do have some crazy ideas for the Substack. At first, the focus was on creating some substantial and self-indulgent content about literature (I like to study). Although I still think that's important, exciting and valid, Poetry is making its way through my inked fingers more and more, demanding space, attention, and voice; so I will not neglect this calling.
What about the future? I don’t know. Paid subscriptions for specific academic literature content? Prophetic, devotional newsletters?Generating debates on books for the community? Just poetry that you can read for free and not engage at all because I can be quite antisocial at times? Digging around some old ancient advice on writing? None of the above? Anything is possible, really. For now, I will slow down and avoid contributing to the hamster wheel of modern despair for the speed of light living and likes.
For now, poetry, please.
And tea. Lots of tea, because it's raining.
The grass looks so green!
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lesbiandanhowell · 6 months
Sam (begrudgingly) reacts to: Dan and Phil play Poppy Playtime CHAPTER 2!
I fucking hate horror games and I am have a high anxiety day so this is like awful timing BUT HERE GOES NOTHING.
- Not a fan of the runtime because I don't enjoy horror so the longer the worse for me personally so fuck this actually oops
- Babes I am literally shaking and almost crying 4 minutes in this will not be fun lmao (but also I know my anxiety won't go away without dan and phil content so might as well hope they will be funny and cute enough to make me calm down).
- I hate this I want to cry UPDATE: I literally started crying right after this, about 8 minutes into the game, but it got better afterwards.
- The touch when saying 'we have to be brave' was very personal to me. (Someone give me someone to watch this with and hold me please because I am scared)
- The buttplug jokes being the only thing to make me laugh, thank you Phil. Dan what do you MEAN "tails in" in reference to buttplugs, did you see the unhinged shit we said on tumblr, because oh god please no.
- "What are we going to do now?" "Cry" Phil gets me actually thank you I feel seen.
- The color game is actually calming my anxiety SO much it's hilarious, like it's just logic and following patterns and those things are so calming even when Dan is screaming.
- "For our lesbian audience that has mommy issues this is gonna be a weird episode" YOU DONT SAY DAN YOU DONT SAY
- new lore alert: Phil going to a wrestling party
- Phil lore: he was afraid of the KFC man as a kid
- PINOF MENTION AND CLIP AHAHA, they love doing these references since they uploaded the first react video.
- Dan hiding in his hoodie is adorable, like he just fully went "nope!" and hid haha.
- I think you can see Phil's hand shaking in the whack a mole, like the camera was SO shakey which was either his inability to use a mouse or he was shaking, place your bets.
- Dan playing the mini game after all, Phil is never beating the younger brother stereotype truly.
- When did they film all of these that their heating is still broken?! Makes me think they really did pre-film most of these to have a less stressful time now during december, which good job guys!
- Mommy's voice reminds me of someone else in a tv show but I can't figure out what? Anyone know?
- Their delighted faces at seeing jacksepticeye are adorable, like you could tell they were so happy truly and I love these little easter eggs!
- "Sean you down there?" HOWLING
- They edited so many clips and memes into this (which makes me think they edited it rather than an editor) haha
- Phil just, maybe unconsciously, moving impossibly closer to Dan is a big mood (only I am alone rip).
- Weirdly enough the mini games are the most calming part for me, like there is a clear focus and clear objective of what to do and it's like: here is a problem, solve it and I think that does wonders for me.
- Unsure if I am shaking from anxiety or being cold (also great I have more uni work to do after watching this)
- Yes please sanitize my boobs. What
- I agree Phil, we have gotten a lot of lore (about you)!
- Phil's panicked "geese!" gets me every time because it's so cute.
- "I feel kinda bad" aw ofc you do Phil and ofc you don't Dan, so very in character for both of them honestly.
- "Sometime in 2023, so not much longer" Phil, honey, there are like 20 days left what do you mean?!
This actually wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, after I had my little cry at the beginning. I was actually quite calm by the end and I think my anxiety actually is less, which I didn't think would happen. The magic of Dan and Phil, see you tomorrow!
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stephaniebrownslover · 6 months
Stray Souls[A TicciWork Centric Creepypasta Fanfiction]—Part 1 | Prologue|
I decided to upload this story on here since not many people showed interest on AO3. Like it has 108 read and 5 kudos, this fandom is really dead.
Anyways this is my first writing ever, I have started writing in January of 2022. It's a 16-year-old-bad rather than a 12-year-old-bad but it's still awful. This was my first creepypasta fic so the characters may seem out of character.
I'm publishing this story with only little editing.
Read it at your own will.
Also if you decide to read, please act like Toby stutters because I can't write them properly.
Ships: Hoodie x Kate The Chaser, Mary Vaughn x Jane The Killer, Clockwork x Ticci Toby
A 4-letter word.
But why doesn't this 3-letter word have the same effect on everyone?
Why does it arouse a great feeling of hatred in some while butterflies are flying around in some people's stomachs?
What exactly is love?
Is it like a winding maze that tooks a long time and disappoints you most of the time, or is it like a chess board where you take each step by sifting carefully and analyzing exhaustively?
Is it the two halves of an apple that complement each other in perfect harmony, or is it two opposite sides of a locket, that despite being completely opposite to each other, form a unique image when they come together? But what if it's something else instead of these two?
Perhaps love is when two people accept and complete each other's flaws and oddities as they are. Who knows?
Who exactly said that we must have to fit it into a pattern?
A young soul full of pain, both of whom have lived hell on earth.
They are both full of anger and cruelty against life.
What happens if these two people, who are both very similar and very different from each other, get together?
Do they complement each other like two puzzle pieces that have been missing for a long time, or is it a living example of fire and gunpowder coming together?
Who knows what will happen?
"You know what? The first moment I saw your emerald green eye, I felt like I had found something I hadn't known I lacked for a long time."
"You've spending a lot of time with Liu lately."
The young boy's giggle, which was already quite light, had come out too muffled to be heard, which had been thoroughly blocked by his mask. Nevertheless, he could tell that the brown-haired girl was laughing because her head was on his chest. She could also say the same thing for the brown-haired boy, from the way his own rib cage was moving up and down faster than usual. They were lying against each other in the darkness of the night, which covered the area like a blanket. It was a very peaceful moment for both of them.
Who needed therapy or relaxing sounds when you could sleep together at the end of a long day full of endless work?
"What, so I can't compliment to my love?"
"Normally you don't, so you probably want something."
"Not at all! I just wanted to say Toi tu es mon soleil dicen et mon coeur ne bat pas sans toi."
"What the fuck does that mean, you trying magic trick or something?"
"No, I was speaking in French. Just wanted to be a little romantic. Wasn't I?"
"Ooh, so you were saying that to yourself in the mirror today, thought you had an imaginary friend or went nuts finally."
"Don't you dare bring Richard to that."
A foolish smile had taken its place on Toby's face as Clockwork frowned at his words where she lay.
"What the hell does this mean, and why are you saying words that seem romantic for no reason? Besides, did you take your ass out of your head to try to memorize it?"
Toby, just as he was about to start talking, Clockwork said something else and his word got stuck in his mouth.
"If you want to adopt a seal and be her father, and you're sucking up to me for it, I swear to fucking god-"
He let out a hearty laugh as his body shook with a sudden tic.
"Wow, know me so well."
''I know."
The last word she said had come out as hoarsely as a whisper. Although she wanted to continue talking, the fact that she hadn't slept for close to a week had made her faint from exhaustion, and she didn't even have enough strength to manage to keep her eyes open.
Her eyelids were now against her brain, which had caused her to involuntarily close her eyes due to fatigue.
The tick-tock sounds that echoed inside her brain were gradually disappearing. The silence, on the other hand, was unexpectedly very peaceful. Progressively, as she let herself fall into the sweet arms of sleep, a feeling of confidence was instilling in her that she was with the person she felt safe with, perhaps that was the reason she was going to fall asleep.
Toby, after not hearing a sound for a while, finally guessed that the girl between his arms had fallen asleep. He hated that she was beating herself up by keeping herself awake for so long, but it wasn't easy to tell such thing to someone stubborn enough to succeed in gaining a place in the history of world records for stubbornness.
Although he was sure that she could not hear him, he whispered in the ear of the girl in his arms before closing his eyes and going to the realm of dreams.
"I love you."
Other parts
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jinmukangwrites · 1 year
Bad Things Happen Bingo; living at the mercy of pain and fear
Tumblr media
Fandom: Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor Rating: G Warnings: Minor panic attacks, minor description of canon character death, angst, SURVIVOR SPOILERS. Ao3 Notes: sorry for the late Tumblr update, uploaded this on AO3 but couldn't on Tumblr until I had an updated card, and then I came home to find my iPad out of battery. So I made due with my phone. That goes to say that I usually upload things on Ao3 before Tumblr, you can find me @ jinmukang.
Summary: Cal and Merrin run into a mysterious Inquisitor while on a mission to disrupt supply lines. Turns out, Cal's not the only one who knows how to confuse an enemy into fighting their allies.
Cal ducks under the glowing, red-hot blade.
His opponent, while they wield a lightsaber, is no Jedi.
He snarls and brings up his own blade, parrying the next blow before it can slice through his neck. His enemy grunts, their entire body covered in black and their face covered by a familiar, demonic helmet. He can't tell what gender they are, nor have they even introduced themselves. All he knows is that they're at least not human, though he can't be sure of any other exact race. Thin, uncannily tall. Arms too long, torso too lanky.
But one thing is for sure, this is an Inquisitor.
Now, Cal's fought his fair share of Inquisitors, three to be exact, however only the Ninth Sister he could ever really count as one he personally defeated. That doesn't help him here, however, as every Inquisitor seems to have a different fighting style, a different motivation, a different determination to remove Cal's heart from his chest while it still beats.
Vader's been cracking down on tracking Cal down ever since he had personally torn Nova Garon asunder; sending more deadly groups of foes to track him down every time he left Tanalor; even going as far as to work with the Haxion Brood.
This time, they've managed to corner him and Merrin on a Mid-Rim forest planet just as they've entered what they thought would be a mostly-unguarded, uninhabited warehouse considering the time of night it was. They had planned to burn the place down, participating in an old time Mantis Crew practice called disrupting Imperial supply lines. And yet, the second Cal and Merrin made a step too far inside the warehouse, the shadowed, mysterious enemy appeared, blood in the visors of their helmet.
The fight was immediate, Cal sprinting forward to engage before Merrin could become a target. The Inquisitor met him blade on, sparks flying off the clashing blades, only separating when Cal attempted to shoot them with his blaster.
From then, it's constant block and dodge while Cal attempts to find their attack pattern. They fight elegantly, only one blade lit, but each swing seems brutally heavy. Every time Cal attempts to get a hit in, the Inquisitor seems to anticipate it. Frustratingly, Cal seems more easy to read for them than the other way around.
Merrin stalks from the shadows, occasionally trying to hit or break the stance of the mysterious attacker, but each ball of green flame as the Inquisitor side-steps easily, like gravity, doesn't apply to them.
Their blade swings violently for Cal again, and Cal gives everything he's got into the next parry, finally causing the enemy to stumble back to catch their balance. Cal rushes forward, not wasting a second, swinging his saber down over their head. The Inquisitor just manages to recover, igniting their second blade just as Cal's saber lands a hair's-breadth from their neck.
I see.
Cal almost startles at the sudden voice he... hears? It's disembodied, almost directly in his head, similar to how Merrin had used to taunt him on his first exploration of Dathomir.
So this is the Jedi Darth Vader wants to replace the empty seats with, they continue, I'm almost impressed.
"What do you want," Cal snarls. "You're not capturing me."
No, the Inquisitor says, I am done here. I just wanted to see.
Suddenly, they turn off their clashing blades, causing Cal to stumble forwards. His own saber blade grazes across their pauldrons before they jerk their body out of the way from real damage. Cal can barely right himself before a hand is swiped across his face. There's no contact. No wound.
But Cal sees red anyways.
You're surrounded.
Cal shouts, stumbling back and grabbing his head. BD-1 boops worriedly. He tries to push through the red, fight it, but the fog closes in and- and he hears Merrin scream his name.
Adrenaline surges through his veins, his eyes flying open and his lightsaber raised. There's troopers everywhere. Stormtroopers raising their blasters, scouts with electro-batons raised, Purge Troopers laughing menacingly.
Merrin screams again, and he whips around desperately, but all he sees are more enemies. He cannot see their faces, but he can see their leering. A heartbeat is all that passes before a Purge Trooper charges him, electro-staff flaring a violent purple.
"Merrin?!" He shouts, swinging his blade up to block. "BD-1?!" His heart is pounding so hard he can hear it. The staff lands on his blade, and he pulls back and slams forward, knocking the Purge Trooper off balance for just long enough for Cal to thrust his lightsaber forward and through their chest.
Cere blinks back at him, mouth gaped in a cut off gasp, a lightsaber through her gut. His lightsaber through her chest. He pulls back, choking on a scream as she falls dead onto the floor; his blade stained red with her blood. His clothes black, skin-tight. Wrong.
"No-" he gasps, but he cannot even think a moment longer before another enemy is charging towards him. He reacts on instinct, whipping his blaster out and shooting the trooper in the head.
Bode stumbles back, eyes foggy before he hits the ground.
The red spreads. It's everywhere. Every enemy he kills, he blinks to find a dead loved-one in their place. Prauf. Gabs. Bravo. The Twins. Trilla.
Bodies pile up around him. People he couldn't save. People who are dead because of him.
The Inquisitor outfit feels suffocating around him. Constricting his chest as he's forced to fight on. They're not even Troopers any longer. They're innocent civilians he was forced to watch be killed. Scrappers beaten for accusations of stealing from the guild. Soldiers working for Saw Gerrera who couldn't keep up.
Zombies of the past swarm him, and he screams, defending himself out of pure fear and instinct despite how badly he wants to drop to the floor and weep.
Merrin continues to scream somewhere around him.
He- he has to find her.
He spins on his heels as a presence invades his senses. Mechanic breathing rips through the air and a single red lightsaber erupts; the vibrations feel like a swarm of buzzing bugs has invaded every bit of his sinuses.
Darth Vader stands before him, and Cal feels terror rip its claws through his ribs.
The Inquisitor had left, and Merrin missed where they had gone when Cal had cried out in pain. She didn't know what the Inquisitor had done to him before disappearing into the shadows, but she knew it had affected Cal in some way. By the time he stumbled away and quit clutching his head like his hands are the only thing keeping his skull from splitting open, she knew he'd been hit with some sort of mental attack.
Her fears were confirmed when he looked up, eyes blown wide, staring directly at something that wasn't there with his lightsaber lifted in defense.
At first, she tried to shout at him, hoping her voice alone would be enough to snap him out of it as she didn't want to risk herself being perceived as a threat in whatever lie he's trapped in, but the more he swung his blade around blindly, shouting her name, the names of the long gone, begging the Empire to stop, she knew she had to be more hands-on for this. Eventually, even BD-1 gives up trying to convince him out of it, flying off his back and onto Merrin's shoulder, demanding her to do something.
He's hyperventilating, his knuckles must be white under his gloves with how tightly he grips his lightsaber, and once she finally steps close enough for him to notice her, she sees tears streaming down his cheeks.
He spins on her, and for a moment she's hopeful that seeing her is all he needs as he freezes in place like he's been suddenly doused under carbonite. However, her hopes are dashed as his hands quickly and expertly switch the stance on his lightsaber, splitting the two halves of hilt and stuffing the blaster to where it goes on his hip. He widens his footing, his duel blades running parallel to each other in front of his body.
"I'm," he chokes, "I'm not afraid of you."
"Cal," she says softly, yet firmly, "whatever you are seeing, it isn't real."
"I- I won't join you."
Offense bleeds through his posture. This is the most tense she's seen him in what must be years. He looks one pin-drop away from snapping.
"Cal, stand down."
His back foot slides just a fraction, and she pulls out her staff. Talking will do nothing. She doubts he's hearing her words, let alone seeing her.
She must do what she must. She cannot allow himself to hurt himself like this.
"Stand back, BD-1. I will get him back." BD-1 reluctantly complies, rocketing off her shoulders and onto a nearby crate to worriedly watch.
The second her staff is in her hands, Cal pounces like every ounce of muscle in his body was sprung tight to release.
Cal is a terrifying force of nature even in the best headspace. And the thing is, the intensity that he comes at her, fire in his eyes, it almost startles her. She's never seen that look on his face directed at herself. She's been Cal's enemy before, yes, but she's never seriously fought him directly. They've sparred before as well, but... but a fight to the death is something entirely different no matter who your sparring partner is.
Her staff is decently lightsaber resistant. She hadn't spent most of her early life fearing the Jedi and distrusting Malicos to not have researched what materials could slow their swings. Then, she didn't spend most of her adult life traveling the Galaxy to not get her hands on some.
So, when she blocks, Cal's saber hits her staff but doesn't cut through.
A sigh of relief almost pushes through her lips; despite her persistence in gathering material for this exact weapon, she's never actually gone against a lightsaber since she's gotten her hands on it. For all she knew, the merchant could have sold her fake materials and she wouldn't have known until it was too late.
Regardless, she shoves back against Cal to create distance. He comes back at her however in a flurry of brutal blows. His two blades are nearly impossible to track, moving quickly in succession, barely giving her enough time to deal with one after another.
She manages though.
She blocks, ducks, weaves, pushes and pushes against the little cracks in his guard that have begun to form due to his exhaustion and desperation.
The burning blade of his lightsaber gets a few good skims across her skin here and there, even a few singes at the tips of her hair, but eventually she's the one to make the first contacting blow.
She goes to block the swing of his weapon, but gathers her energy to teleport away before he can actually hit her. He crashes forward, struggling to keep his balance. She does him no favors by swinging her staff across the ground at ankle level.
He trips and lands hard on his hands and knees.
She doesn't waste a second, scrambling to charge at him and tackle into his prone form.
Cal shouts desperately as they tumble together, arms and legs flailing as staff and sabers fall out of grasps at the initial contact.
Merrin manages to get him on his back, one hand pinning one of his own besides his head and the other struggling to pull the blaster that he had grabbed in the scuffle out of his own free hand. His finger squeezes the trigger, and she throws her head to the side, almost losing balance.
Almost. The blaster bolt flies past her ear.
"Stop!" Cal screams, his cheeks stained with fresh tears. "Let me go!"
He attempts to shoot her once again, but she rips the blaster out of his hand and throws it across the warehouse.
He shouts, fear and anger roughening his vocal chords, before he gives one final full-bodied shove against her balance.
She loses it. He attempts to switch the position, digging a knee into her gut, but she cannot allow that. She slams an elbow across his jaw, then uses her legs to get underneath him while he's recovering and kicks him off. He goes tumbling.
Scrambling to her feet, she ignores the pain in her stomach to rush at Cal before he can fully find his footing again, grabbing him around the torso and pushing the both of them back. Her tailbone protests at the landing, and Cal grunts as he lands between her legs, back against her chest.
She wraps her legs around his waist, then works to pin his arms beneath her own. He struggles, swearing, cursing, begging, but she eventually manages to grab both of his hands with both of her own. She crosses her arms across his chest, then holds tight while he struggles and struggles.
The sound of his cursing turns into helpless sobs as exhaustion catches up to him. His begging becomes unintelligible. She presses her head between his shoulder-blades, her arms burning against his weakening struggles. His legs are barely kicking.
She doesn't know how long they stay like this, only that it takes some time for anything to change.
Tension melts through Cal's muscles pressed against hers. He almost goes limp, the dead weight nearly making her lose her grasp.
With lethargic movements, Cal's chin slowly lowers to his chest, his eyes squeezed shut and his hands twisting. He shakes his head, groaning.
"Cal?" She asks. "Cal, can you hear me?"
He blinks sluggishly, his head aching. There's a pressure around him, squeezing him, but it's different from what it had been a few moments before. Last thing he knew, he was on the ground struggling against the pressure of Darth Vader's Force, like air itself had turned against him and wanted him nice and still for the killing blow.
But a flash of light-headedness had overcome him, and he blinks to find there's nothing in front of him. When his chin lands on his chest, he sees his clothes are back to normal; a not-loose but not-skin-tight shirt accessorized by lightweight leather pauldrons and a chestplate. His arms are wrapped around his own chest, and holding them are very familiar chalky-white hands covered by a black leather jacket. Around his waist a pair of legs belonging to the same person as the arms restrain him.
"-can you hear me?" a voice asks. Merrin.
She's right behind him. Not somewhere in the darkness, screaming.
He clears his throat. His sinuses are a wreck right now. He's embarrassingly aware he's been crying.
"I'm," he croaks, "I'm back. You can let go."
She does, unwrapping herself from him. She skooches away from his back and towards his side where she sits, their hips and shoulders one lean away from touching.
He welcomes it, leaning into her, resting his head on her shoulder and wiping his eyes and cheeks.
BD-1 beeps, nuzzling in by his knees.
Nothing goes said between the two of them while he recovers. The more time Cal sits here, the more he realizes how obvious it was that none of that... was real.
It felt real. The terror felt real.
"The Inquisitor?" He asks.
Merrin shakes her head, her jaw brushing the top of his hair. "Left. What was that?"
Cal sighs. "Some sort of mind trick. You've seen me use them before."
"Not like that," Merrin says. "You confuse enemies into fighting each other, but whatever this was, it was sadistic."
"Fueled by fear," Cal agrees softly. Silence settles between them for a moment and he closes his eyes, rationalizing the illusions like he usually does after a bad nightmare. Once his heart doesn't feel like it's going to pound out of his aching ribcage he reaches over and grabs her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Thanks for having my back."
From the top corners of his eyes, he can see her smile. It doesn't fix everything, the lingering anxiety, but her smile makes him think the stars are ugly and dim in comparison. "Literally, yes?"
"And metaphorically," Cal agrees, finding a small smile twitching on his lips too.
"What do you say we get out of here," Merrin asks. "Get you back to the Mantis and rest. Do you think burning this place down to the ground would make you feel better?"
Cal hums lightly, as if considering. "Yeah," he says easily, "a little."
Merrin helps get him to his feet, her hand never leaving his as BD-1 chirps and climbs on his shoulders. He feels shaky and on-edge, embarrassed by what his companions must have seen and uneasy at the thought of running into that Inquisitor again. He needs to train on his mental walls, he should have known one of his own tricks would be used against him someday.
However, for now, he finds a fraction of relief helping Merrin line fuel over the supply crates, then tossing a spark to set the whole place ablaze so not a single memory, not even one he can sense later, remains.
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"...when I'm lying wrapped up in your arms, the whole World just fades away; the only thing I hear is the Beating of your Heart..."
Breathe, by Faith Hill
"...we should talk about this, right?"
His voice is soft, when he speaks; you wouldn't be able to hear him, if you weren't lying on his chest.
You draw patterns across his skin with your finger, contemplative. "Maybe. I'm not really sure how, though."
He makes a humming noise; you can feel the vibrations more than you can hear them. It's a moment before he speaks, and in the quiet you feel his arm move, a tendril of your hair lifting with it. (He always did like playing with your hair.)
Finally, he speaks. "Maybe we should start with... Being honest, with each other. Say what we really feel. Tell the truth."
You lift up your head, until you can rest your chin on your arm, and look at him; he's staring right back, eyes a warm brown, filled with affection.
You lift your other hand, to play with his own unruly curls, as you think. Honesty, huh? You've always been good at hiding your feelings, concealing the truth. How honest do you want to be, really?
But... Looking into his eyes, shining in the moonlight... You find you can't hide anything. Not from him. Not anymore.
"If honesty means telling the truth... Well then, the truth is, I'm still in love with you."
The fanfiction this scene is from is currently in progress, but you can read Chapter 1 here!
Bonus Post 1 (Jesse and Beca's Playlists): Link
Bonus Post 2 (The Bonus Tracks): Link
Artist thoughts, an alternate edit, links to my other RarePair Week entries, and close ups below the cut; image ID is in the alt text.
....y'all don't wanna know how long this thing took me 😅. For the illustration OR the first chapter of the associated fic, really.
Yeah so soft!Jeca lives rent free in my head, like, constantly these days, and I'm making that everybody's problem now, sorry. 😅 And when I saw the prompts for the Pitch Perfect RarePair Week, specifically #5, I knew immediately what I had to do: a fanfic/fanfic illustration! (...Or 2. ........or 5....���)
I've actually been working on this fanfic for... A while, shall we say, because I had a LOT of thoughts that I needed out of my head and a fanfic was the best way to accomplish that. I wasn't sure when I was gonna try to have it done, figured it would get there when it gets there, but this prompt fit just too perfectly not to take advantage of it, ya know? So my new plan was to have the fanfiction done in time to upload with this prompt, buuuutttt.... That didn't quite happen 😓 ya girl's been busy alright!
But. But. I did get Chapter 1 finished! And uploaded! A day early, no less! ...Except Chapter 1 doesn't actually include the prompt line in it, that'll be in Chapter 2 😅. So uh. That'll be written here soon, I promise. In the meantime, at least there's Chapter 1! AND bonus posts, linked above the cut! Check them out!
Now, to set the scene: we're 6 months past the ending of Pitch Perfect 3, keeping everything from canon (except for the Chloe/Chicago thing but that's not relevant here, that's relevant for a different pair of days). We're 2 and a half years post-Jesse and Beca breaking up due to the fact that their lives and careers were taking off on opposite ends of the continent; it was an amicable breakup, but not a happy one, and while both of them have moved on from the relationship (and Jesse has had--and then broken up with--another long term girlfriend), they both still harbor some feelings for each other. They both think that ship has sailed though...until Beca moves to LA as part of her partnership with DJ Khaled, right when the producers of the movie Jesse and his team are scoring have asked Khaled to write and produce an original song for their movie, and wouldn't you know it, he has a brand new, extremely talented music producer who'd be perfect for the project!
So of course, Jesse and Beca reunite completely by surprise, take some time to talk a few things out once they've each panic-called their respective in-town confidants Benji and Emily to freak out a little bit but it's fine they're chill, and start to reconnect over this new project they have together... And afternoon visits to the neighboring cafe, mutually grabbing lunch at a nearby combination-deli-and-bookstore, and, finally, a week after the Big Damn Reunion™, an actual honest-to-god dinner date-that's-definitely-a-first-date-but-they-won't-admit-it, at a fancy (but not too fancy, they're not quite stars yet) restaurant and everything.
This scene? Comes directly after that dinner; or, rather, it comes directly after they've finished their dinner, and Jesse (ever the gentleman) has walked Beca home, all the way up to her apartment door; it comes after they've just stood there for a long moment, neither really wanting to make the first move to leave, until, finally, Beca literally says "Fuck it!" And drags the poor man into the apartment by the lips and collar. 😂 After all that, here in the dead of night, under the moonlight, they finally just... Talk. Really talk, not just the small talk from the deli/bookstore, or discussing their project in the studio, or even the brief acknowledgements of their past and the ways they've each moved on, from that first day in the cafe. Now, they talk through everything. How they're feeling, what they want this thing between them to be... How absolutely fucking terrified they are of screwing this up again... And how much they want to try again anyways. This scene, right here, is the true beginning of their eventual, maybe-it-was, maybe-it-wasn't, maybe-it-doesn't-matter-if-it-was-or-wasn't, inevitable, happily ever after. Because, well... "If honesty means telling the truth... Well then, the truth is I'm still in love with you."
Below are some close ups to show the details I added--like Beca's plaques!--as well as an alternate edit with lower contrast, because I couldn't decide whether I liked the glow effects better or the dim nighttime atmosphere better. So, both. And finally, below that are the links to the rest of my RarePair Week entries!
Alternate low-contrast version (I couldn't decide which vibes I liked better so y'all get both):
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Close Ups:
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Days I'm Participating In (and the Entries I've Posted):
Day 1 (this is me trying): Link
Day 2 (I've missed you): Link
Day 5 (if honesty means telling the truth... Then the truth is I'm still in love with you): You Are Here!
Day 6 (there's no way that it's not going to happen with you looking at me like that): Link
Day 7.1 (I can't say it, so I'll sing it): Link
Day 7.2 (part 2): Link
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dazzledpuppet · 2 years
Your eyes were heavy to begin with -- that was the first issue.
Spending all night playing games with your friends from abroad was exciting until it wasn't, and you realized, with the faint blue beginning to tint the window beside your monitor, that it was around four in the morning. Somehow, the realization of how late it was was enough to trick your body into feeling even more fatigued.
So you said goodnight and logged off. You didn't turn in right away, though, something preventing you from shuffling off to your bed, a frenzy for digital stimulation. You had many tabs open, including your email -- a (1) was present in the tab text. New mail.
Almost certain it was just spam, you nevertheless checked. The subject of the email was "ILOVEYOU" and, strangely, the sender's address was represented by the confused empty boxes of bewildered Unicode. These two facts, though arousing suspicion, were enough to bypass the technologically literate part of your mind into the curious part, so you checked the email.
Your eyes grew heavier.
You swore you had a setting on to not automatically display images in the bodies of text, but somehow this pink-and-purple fractal render bypassed that restriction and assaulted your retinas. You find yourself staring at it, for a second. Those words in the subject repeat in the back, dimly lit part of your mind. "I love you, I love you..."
You snap your pupils away from the geometric mess and down to the equally-dizzying body of text below. It's written in bright, neon text, in all caps and a large font, and goes on for paragraphs and paragraphs.
Between each paragraph, a button, pink, like everything else, with white text: "DOWNLOAD."
Below this paragraph, alongside the button, various glittery graphics of angels and hearts that look like they crawled out of the Geocities page of a greeting card company from the 90s.
Images of fire.
You realize you can't stop reading and scrolling and yet you dread to click the button, a feeling like molten lead filling up your lungs.
Then an image. A digital portrait of some sort of -- your mind immediately goes to deity.
The portrait is rendered in flat, geometric shapes, a collage of pinks and pastels. They are a tall figure, red and pink with highlights of blue. From what you can tell from the abstracted image, they are wearing a large magenta robe with heart patterns strewn across it, long red hair pooling to their shoulders, a delightful, loving smile on their visage rendered through triangles and vertexes and...
You keep scrolling.
Images of yourself, uploaded over the past few years, with hearts and smiley faces and glitter pasted over them, your face always highlighted in pink and sharpened and brightened and smiling so so so so so happy so happy forever.
You find your cursor hanging over the button. It doesn't feel like it's in your control.
You shiver, and click.
It's somehow 6 AM, but you're not around to see it.
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p-receh · 5 days
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First! I blame my local tv, RTV, for not providing further detail of information regarding the premier episode in local time, like:
Ieu teh kumaha Sori tea tayang di tipi?! Kamana notip Windara na?????
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So then I have decided to go back to streaming it on youtube, again.
I'll give free spoiler part first. The ads!
This time I literally give them more respect for fixing one issue that people were upset about.
I get it, sooner or later they will showcasing the Boboiboy Sori toy figure on public. But please, put it after the character himself appeared, not before it. Like what happened in episode 6.
Uuuuuuurh... I take it back. Monsta didn't learn anything from Sori.
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Then again, this is youtube. Why am I complaining at this? They have to. This strategy is also what made them to not easily get re-upload by many many unwanted users. This promotion strategy is what made most of SEA youtubers, whether from big companies or even creators to stay alive.
This is also the reason why I wanted to watch it on local tv. (I cannot watch it on Netflix btw because of.... reason.)
Also—woooooooowie! Adding more merch collabs with DOREMI! And this time they add more characters!
I got one in February with my lovely Glacier😘😘
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Expect the unexpected tbh, buying cosmetics for kids where the fragrance usually will not last long. But I genuinely like it! It doesn't has a strong smell that can make my eyes burn or sudden vertigo since I personally not using cosmetics. It has some scented fruit that I guess...strawberry?
And it might be my first merch that I actually intend to keep. Now I regretting my 11 years old decision which I purposely ignored any merch that they had been with other collabs all this time.
Oh how could I forgot—
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Oh baby yes starting with Fusion pack first!
Because Indomaret as a retail store is hugely wide spread across all over the country. I absolutely understand if they only release it on certain big cities. Maybe started on Jakarta first since they already hint it with the picture of Monas. I already talked about it before.
And due to fact I live outside of Jakarta, maybe I could travel there sometimes. 😅
Uuuuuuuuuh I wanna buy that Vortex pack....
Moving on
The opening!
Ooooh I guess they will do the same pattern in the upcoming DWIFUSION eh? Interesting.
As always Monsta intentionally hide some scene for their 2nd iterations after in episodes 4 onwards. They already did this tactic in Sori after all.
My personal highlight tbh is Angin cameo! XD
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Boy oh boy, I never thought I will see a 1st tier character again after Galaxy season 1. :')
Look at that whirlwind! Monsta doesn't need to animate it again, they could use the same assets from Galaxy 1, but yet they still beautifying it again for a short time.
You guys have no idea how I miss that effect, I can't—😭
I honestly want to talk more about the episode but it will full of spoilers.
But wow. That is a good way to start the arc. 😎👍
I couldn't say much so I just put my version of windara's bingo card list. If I need to add or correct something, do tell me.
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hotarutranslations · 5 days
Utakata Saturday Night! Kimi no Kawari wa Iyashinai
After Budoukan, I had a day of dancing for the first time in a while but, I still don't have any energy() I was surprised~~🤦🏻‍♀️ lol
I made the wrong transfer 3 times on the way home🤦🏻‍♀️
I thought, thanks for your hard work, I also thought I would enjoy the sweets I received today, tomorrow but as expected I snacked on them…
Thank you for your hard work today everyone as well🪽
Continuing with talking about 4 songs in the second half the tour,
Sukatto My Heart The Matenrou Show Utakata Satuday Night! Suggoi FEVER! They're a really fun 4 songs connected by funk
Are you Happy? Kimi no Kawari wa Iyashinai Password is 0 Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke (23 ver.) 4 songs that make it even more exciting in the last spot
With Utakata Saturday Night! I finally,
With breakin' that I learned at Hello Pro Dance Gakuen,
I incorporated it into my solo dance! The max!
On NamaTake📺, That aired the day after our first day of the spring tour, I talked about taking care of my shoulders, and that they hurt right now, Because I was practicing the max too much🤦🏻‍♀️ But when I do the max it doesn't hurt so, I'm able to do a full performance with no issue~~~
(After 4 performances I can't keep doing it with 1 hand anymore physically! I only did the cartwheel for 1 performance⚠️)
I don't have shoulder pain anymore!!!
Really, really, From doing a handstand with the max shape, Maybe its a Jordan? I want to be able to do that, and I practiced but,
Since I have a mic in my hand after all, I couldn't do it all out, I did my best with the max…🕺
But its difficult, right, the physicality of doing this in the 2nd half,
Even though I wish I could have open my legs more, Its like, I tried doing a handstand? With 1 hand? There were a lot of days where I could show it as best I could🤦🏻‍♀️
But I enjoyed being able to challenge it🕺🤍
Thats right, with my long pants…
I didn't know it yet when deciding on the outfits… But its like, I'll do it, since its Utakata Saturday Night!
I'd really, really, like to discuss,
The much talked about? Plaid outfit, Mine was long and short😭😭
I have great respect for the stylist… Really, thank you very much
But I forgot to take a photo of the long one😭😭
The long one is also cute🫶🏻
I'm sure it will remain in some video()🫶🏻
With the songs performed at Budoukan,
Kimi no Kawari wa Iyashinai, This is also a really memorable song
At first I did the pair dance with Sayashi-san, Kudou Haruka-chan, Morito Chisaki-chan, I've done 3 different back-to-back dances🤍
I went into the rehearsals excited, like, I wonder who I'll dance with next~~
Kitagawa Rio-chan!!!
…Its difficult to know how to say it, This is something I should tell Kita-chan herself, I've been writing too much what I should say to the person itself since yesterday
When Kita-chan had to take a break from lives, Since it was the pattern we were performing,
On purpose, I danced the entire choreography as-is, I also took pictures with the camera like she was next to me,
With the message of the song, There is really no one who can replace Kita-chan, I really really thought this😌🩵
Thank you😌🩵
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Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
"Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11" TSUKUSHI (Sasaki Tsukushi) Collaboration Video ※Limited Time※
Its amazing! I'm thankful! Its uploaded onto YouTube! Please definitely watch it a lot everyone!
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" April 13th (Sat) at 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show ~Seiki~" Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special YokoAri's 2nd Day With Fukumura-san's Graduation Performance
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show" SPECIAL YokoAri's 1st Day With OG Performances
⚾️《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
🪩Hello! Project Kenshuusei Happyoukai 2024 6gatsu "Lily"
June 9th (Sun) Osaka June 16th (Sun) Tokyo
🪩The MusiQuest 2024 July 21st (Sun) PiaArena MM
We're challenging a new festival stage❤️‍🔥 Absolutely, Definitely, Thank you for your support❤️‍🔥
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12854218922.html
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #109
(taken january 31st, uploading surveys taken while gone... we're at least over halfway done? haha)
Have you ever gotten your legs waxed? No, that sounds absolutely excruciating, especially when your hair is as thick and long as mine is. Waxing my lip and eyebrows back in the day hurt enough.
Have you ever read anything by Edgar Allen Poe? Yeah, The Raven and The Tell-tale Heart off the top of my head.
Do you know anyone named Hunter? I do; he was my neighbor when I lived in the woods (I think where I've lived most of my life so far), and we used to play together as kids a lot. I'm quite a bit older than him, but he was still fun to hang out with, especially when it came to catching bugs and stuff and playing video games. He's all grown up now with his own girlfriend. :')
What was the reason for the last time you restarted your computer? Oh I was SO annoyed, Roman walked on my keyboard and did something where the computer totally, completely froze, and I was deep into an RP post so I was furious. Had to restart it incorrectly, but THANK GOD the drafts function on the site saved my post, lol.
Can you say anything in Korean? If so, please do: Nah, I can't.
Do you like horses? I absolutely love horses and I am VERY much looking forward to photographing horses soon thanks to a friend. <3
What are your grandfathers’ names? William/Bill and... WOW I'm awful, I don't remember Dad's dad's name. :/
Were you forced to read The Odyssey in high school? Yes; maybe not all of it, but I at LEAST remember reading some. We also watched the movie.
Have you ever seen a snake in real life? Yeah, both in the wild and as pets. I currently have one and love her to death.
Are you against seances? I don't care. I DO believe in treating the dead with respect though, if you're gonna do that; we don't have the slightest idea what really happens after death and I definitely do believe in angry spirits and their ability to loosely interact with our reality, so I wouldn't tempt shit, just to be safe.
Do you own any superhero shirts? No. I only have a couple Harley Quinn ones.
Game you were best at in P.E./gym? I absolutely hated P.E., so nothing.
Favorite crystal? Dragon's breath opal.
What did you learn from your first job? I am an absolutely horrible salesperson.
Favorite website from your childhood? Webkinz.
Least favorite flavor of food or drink? Cranberry flavored drinks are so awful I literally cannot drink them. I also don't like really fishy foods.
Least favorite pattern? Uh... I'm not sure. I'm not big on like, animal print as a fashion thing I guess. I love cool patterns ON the animals, of course, but not elsewhere.
Favorite weird flavor combo? I absolutely love waffles that also have a layer of peanut butter on them, like I prefer it over only syrup.
Favorite potato food? French fries.
Earth tones or jewel tones? Oh, come on, that's hard! It really depends.
Do you call them fireflies or lightning bugs? I've used both, but I think I only ever said "lightning bug" as a kid.
Writing or drawing? I get more joy out of creating a drawing I'm proud of, but I'm much more likely to write.
Lamps, overhead lights, fairy lights, or sunlight? FAIRY LIGHTS!!!! For Christmas I got this "tree" that you can wind across your wall(s) that have little tiny light bulbs as its "foliage" and I cannot wait til we can move my bed and set it up because that shit is ALWAYS gonna be on.
Nicknames? "Britt" is the most common one that everyone uses. Online though, "Ozz(y)" is frequented bc of the username I usually use. In WoW, everyone in my main's guild know me as "Alessa" because my main character is Alessand(a)ra. Oh, and my childhood nickname from Mom is "Twinkie" lmfao, she gave all her children sweets nicknames. She still uses it sometimes. Girt's pointed out he wants to have the "perfect" nickname click for me one day, which I think is absolutely adorable, but he can't pick one.
How many phone numbers do you have memorized? I have only JUST memorized my mother's phone number, and that's it. It took months upon months of regularly giving it to doctors and stuff to learn and as terribly sad as this is, I'm literally PROUD of myself for finally internalizing a phone number.
Do you prefer heroes or villains? Villains, duh.
What political cause are you most passionate about? Proooobably LGBTQ+ rights. I just find it so, so remarkably hard to fathom how people are against people consensually being in love.
Have you ever considered having children? I've never considered it for like, that current moment, but I go back and forth about the future.
Have you ever considered acting? Nope.
Who was the last person you slept next to? Girt.
Do you think you can be in love and still cheat on your S.O.? No, I don't.
What is the most embarrassing thing anyone has on video of you? Oh who even knows.
Did you ever get lost as a child? Yeah, in a Food Lion I think? Maybe Wal-Mart? An old lady helped me find my mom.
What was the last dream you had? I had a newborn baby is all I can remember. I forgot it until I read this question.
What is the best television show you’ve ever watched? Extraordinary Attorney Woo had the most touching story to me.
What do you believe is your weirdest habit? I take my breakfast biscuits apart to eat each thing individually.
What color are your parents’ eyes? They both have brown eyes.
Have you ever had a surgery before? Yeah, tubes put in my ears and a pilonidal cyst removed. I'm also being put to sleep to get my wisdom teeth taken out; there's simply no fucking way I can stay calm through it with my newfound fear of the dentist. I very barely stayed calm during my last filling.
Would you rather visit the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower? Taj Mahal.
Was your mom over 30 when she had you? Yes.
Who is your 4th phone contact and how do you know them? Dad, and well... he's my dad.
Have you ever lived in a dorm? No.
Do you live in an apartment? No.
What’s the story behind your most noticeable scar? I passed out in the bathroom directly onto my chin.
Have you ever SERIOUSLY considered any kind of plastic surgery? I am very serious about getting loose skin removal on at LEAST my stomach if/when I lose all the weight I want to, and a breast lift also because of the effects of extreme weight loss.
What was the last thing you cleaned and why? My desk, because it was quite the mess.
Does blood make you queasy? No.
What physical features can you just not stand about yourself? My weight in literally every part of my body. How dark and thick and obvious my leg hair is. Cellulite and stretch marks. How insanely dry my skin is everywhere. I have absolutely zero ass. Because of my weight I developed sagging breasts. I could go on and on and on still but I'd really prefer to stop upsetting myself.
What is your favorite crayon color? I like hot pink ones.
Have you ever snorted cocaine? No and I absolutely never will.
Where is the scariest place you’ve ever been? In a bus-like... truck thing that carried me and other mental hospital inmates (some that were VERY unstable and aggressive) in full-body restraints to the local courthouse to argue about our expected stay lengths. If I hadn't argued, I would have been in this specific hospital for months. That whole experience, getting there and talking to the judge, was one of the scariest things I've ever done.
Do you like string cheese? No.
What state/province/country is to the west of your own? Tennessee.
Were you breastfed as a baby? Yes.
What is the cutest baby animal in general? Maybe I'm biased, but meerkats; they're cute when they're born, but pups become absolutely precious once their fur grows out and they open their eyes. I also really love kittens.
Do you find it difficult to tell others what you want for Christmas? Unless you're my mother, yes. Well, I'm even kinda uncomfortable telling Mom, but she's very insistent on us kids telling her straight-up what we want.
Do you enjoy literature from the past or more recent times? I'm perfectly capable of liking both; I don't have a preference. A good, strong story is a good, strong story.
Do you know anyone who plays World of Warcraft? Do you play? *raises hand* Girt also used to play, but it's not his thing anymore. My former roommate Jacob played, too, but he doesn't now (I know because we're friends on there and you see when they log on). I'm absolutely positive I have other gamer friends who have in the past too, just from like, contextual Facebook posts and stuff.
Have you ever been called a nerd? Yeah, but just playfully and not at all with degrading intent.
What is something that you do not like that everyone else seems to love? Manicures and pedicures come to mind. They make me uncomfortable. Oh, and the beach.
Do you enjoy poetry? I really do. I'd love to start writing it again... I even have poem concepts saved in my phone notes, I just haven't written them. I'm always so afraid of it not coming out how I want.
Have you ever written a poem? Oh, loads since middle school.
Do you own any fingerless gloves? Haha I sure do, all the way back from high school... They're still in my top drawer. I barely ever wear them anymore, though; they don't fit as well but also when I tried a few on the last time, I thought I looked pretty childish. I don't at all think fingerless gloves in general are, I think they're hot as fuck, but these ones just didn't look right on me anymore.
Last time you went out to eat, where did you go? We most recently went to McDonald's a good few days ago.
Tell me about the last animal you touched. My cat, Roman. <3 He's my literal shadow - he goes where I go almost without fail, unless he really feels like napping in bed. He's a COMPLETE cuddlebug that very, very obviously adores me/his mama and he's everything to me, too. ;_; <3 He is SUPER shy around strangers, like he will run and hide under our bed the moment he thinks he hears someone at the door, and it takes seeing you MANY many times before he's cool with you; like it took Girt months to earn his trust, and he comes over regularly. He is such, such a loving cat though once he's into you. Oh, and also very bossy, lol. He has such a personality.
Have you ever witnessed a birth? I've only seen cats give birth from my childhood; I absolutely fucking refuse to witness a human birth, I will not make it through it still conscious, and I also DO NOT understand the "oh but it's beautiful!" argument, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no it isn't. I don't even like seeing videos of animals doing it, but it is slightly more bearable.
Have you ever known something that no one knew you knew? Uh, maybe?
Your thoughts on bacon? I like it, so long it's not mega crunchy or burnt.
Out of the 7 deadly sins, which are you most guilty of? Sloth.
Ever held a newborn animal? Kittens, yes.
Do your pets have collars? Describe them: Yes; Roman's is a light blue, and Cookie's is... wow, I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure pink.
Why do girls go tanning when it just makes them look orange? Because girls can do whatever the fuck they want with their own bodies.
What is the last thing you searched for online? "What is a revenant" haha, I've heard it plenty in fantasy material but I never really learned what it was.
Do sluts make you mad? lol no???????? If a person engages in a lot of completely consensual - and safe - sex and isn't keeping it a secret from a partner or something, that's whatever. If the person is open about it and takes care of their safety, that's their goddamn business that they shouldn't feel shitty about. Get mad over something that actually matters.
If you could live for a year with any foreign family, where would you go? Germany. If I hadn't had a boyfriend I refused to leave, I would've loved to do that in high school.
Think of a friend you know; how would you feel if they kissed you? I wouldn't be okay with anyone who is just a friend kissing me because I'm in a monogamous relationship. I would also probably stop that friendship because I expect my friends to respect my relationship. I don't think a kiss on like, the forehead or something from a close friend comforting me or something like that would upset me, but on the lips would.
Do you have bills to pay yet? No. Something Colleen once said that haunts me to this day is the claim that I'm never going to know what it's like to get my first paycheck and pay my own bills.
Will you be changing your hair any time soon? I desperately need a trim, so I hope I can at LEAST do that soon... but I can't afford to put money aside to dye it when I'm saving for my tattoo, no matter how badly I want it dyed.
Does your mom have a celebrity look-alike? I don't think so. There is, however, a deceased celebrity who had her exact first and last name, and people her age would sometimes point out how cool it was.
Why don’t girls like porn? ... Many... do...? I personally don't just because I have no interest in seeing two random people have sex, but that's just me.
Do you think it’s pretty when 100s of balloons are let loose into the sky? I don't even think about whether it's pretty or not, because I find it extremely, extremely upsetting. Those balloons end up as litter, and many animals even get wrapped up in the strings. If I'm not mistaken, in the ocean, some sea life mistake the deflated balloons as jellyfish and even ingest them. Don't fucking do this shit.
0 notes
obliviousriki · 3 years
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Gengar Pokedoll pattern
Disclaimer that I almost forgot to add: these don't account for seam allowance, as I usually don't use seam allowance (never run into any problems with it but it's probably a good idea to do in the future)
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gayaristocrat · 3 years
I Got Everything I wanted...
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Episode 1: Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience...
Pairing: Vision x Male Reader
Taglist: N/A
‼️Authors Note‼️: I'm finally at a point where I can write this story. I know that It is long overdue, so I hope this can make up for it. This story is going to be breaking the 4th wall a lot since they tend to do that in the actual show. Also, please let me know in my Inbox/Askbox if you would like to be tagged every time I upload a story to this series. While reading this, you may realize that it seems rushed, and that's because it was. I wanted to put this out as soon as I possibly could. Also since you guys voted that I just divide it up into parts for you to read. I will be uploading part 2 whenever I am able to.
Summary: (Male Name) and Vision struggle to conceal their powers during dinner with Vision's boss and his wife
Time Period: 1956 (So everything in this chapter is going to be colorless and in black and white)
Word count: 4k+
Word Key:
Have you ever dreamed of living the life you always wanted? Have you ever dreamed of something so bad to the point where you would do anything to get it. Have you ever dreamed of something so bad to the point where all of your care for others went out the window? Have you ever dreamed of wanting something so bad to the point where you would stop anyone who gets in your way.
"(Male Name), I love you so much. Please don't do this, cant you see that everyone is hurting, that everyone is in so much pain?"
"I'm sorry Vision, but I can't. I can't loose you...not again. I never meant for things to be this way, but now I can't go back. Not without you"
For a second, everything is black. The TV clicks on and a burst of grey static illuminates the screen. Everything is black and white, not a single drop of color is in the area. A happily little tune starts playing as a colorless 1956 Buick Special drives up a tiny hill and back down past a sign which says 'Speed Limit 35'. The camera angle changes to the back of the car, showing a banner above the license plate, 'Just Married'. Next, the camera cuts to us, (Male Name) and Vision, newlywed husbands.
It finally happened, we finally got married! Both of us turn take a quick look and smile at each other with nothing but love and glee, it seemed like nothing could go wrong in this moment.
A newlywed couple just moved into town,
A regular husband and husband,🎵
Vision turns his head back to the road and continues driving until we turn down a happy little neighborhood. Each house on the street has a pattern of different color greys with black roofs, their yards decorated with equally bland colorless flowers and grass. Children playing outside, and adults chatting with one another while they tend to their gardens, or while walking their dogs. Everyone is just so cheery and happy, even the mailman waves at us as we pass him. Everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be, perfect.
🎵Who left the big city,
To find a quiet life,
(Male Name)Vision!🎵
Vision drives into the driveway of our new home. We quickly hop out of the car and approach the house, but before we walk in I take notice of the 'For Sale' sign still in the yard. I quickly flick my hand and use my magic to change the sign to 'Sold'. After that I dust my hands off with a proud smile on my face as Vision scoops me in his arms bridal style, opens the front door, and carries me inside. I flick my wrist again and the front door closes and locks as we both move to the Livingroom of our already decorated 2 story home.
🎵He's a magical boy,
In a small town locale
And a hubby who's part machine,
How will this duo fit in and pull through?🎵
Once Vision puts me back on my feet, we start swaying with the jingle playing in the background while title cards pop up of written words that I don't care to read right now since I'm too busy enjoying this happy moment with my new husband. Vision then gives me a little twirl before wrapping his arms around my waist as we both dip into a loving heartfelt kiss.
🎵Oh, by sharing a love,
Like you've never seen
(Male Name)Vision!🎵
The scene suddenly changes as the lights flick on and cameras start rolling. You start the scene off by walking into the kitchen and start making your way to one of the grey drawers next to the oven and you grab one of your favorite aprons. Humming a little tune, you wrap the white cloth around your waist and start observing the kitchen to see what needs to be picked up or cleaned. Deciding to work on putting up the dishes, you raise your hand and the newly cleaned plates start levitating off of the counters and float off to the display racks, you then raise your other hand and a dark colored dish cloth floats out of the cabinet and it begins drying a glass cup. You then turn your back to the cup to observe if it had been cleaned good enough, suddenly you jump as a loud crash echoes through out the kitchen. Turn to see what the problem is, you only to find Vision looking up from today's news paper and glances at the shattered plate at the ground while a laughing crown erupts out of nowhere.
"My husband and his flying saucers" He says in his thick English accent (or is it British🤔), with a joking tone.
"My husband and his indestructible head" I reply back in the same tone as another laugh erupts from the crowd.
He then folds his newspaper and walked over to your direction, giving you a kiss on the cheek when he arrived, causing you to chuckle while twirling your finger, making the plate form back to it's original round shape before it floats off to it's designated spot.
"Vision, honey, what do you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orang juice and black coffee?" You say while walking over to the refrigerator, opening it and bending down, getting ready to grab out everything needed to make the meal for him.
"I'd say 'Oh, I don't eat food' " He says smiling at me, while the crown laughs again.
You look inside the fridge and hum to yourself in surprise while putting all the pieces together in your head before saying "Well, that explains the empty refrigerator then"
"(Male Name), my darling. Is there something special about today?"
"Well, I know the apron is a bit much dear, but I'm doing my best to blend in and have the 'Perfect House Husband' look." You say walking to meet him, assuming he's talking about the apron.
"No no, you don't have to try, you already are the perfect house husband." He says as he lightly grabs your chin with his pointer finger and thumb and lightly giving you a 'boop' on the nose. "But I was referring to the calendar. Someone's drawn a heart right above today's date." You then looked at him as you cluelessly try to figure out what he's talking about, so he puts his hands on your shoulders and turns you around to face the calendar behind you and he rests his chin on your head as you both look at the heart.
Trying to act like you know what day it is, you say "Well...d..dont tell me you've forgotten Vis?"
"Oh silly (y/n), I'm incapable of forgetfulness. I remember everything. That's not an exaggeration. In fact, I'm even incapable of exaggeration" He rambles boastfully.
"Hmm, well then if that's true, then maybe you can tell me what's so important about today's date"
He pauses for a second and thinks before he blows a slow puff of air out of his mouth, then deciding on saying "Uhhh...what was the question again? Oh well, no matter, perhaps you've forgotten yourself"
"Me? Heavens, no, haha. I've been so looking forward to it."
You both have actually been looking forward to day. Today you are celebrating...The first time you...uhhh...have ever celebrated this occasion before. It's a special day indeed, perhaps an evening?...of great significance?...to you both, naturally.. obviously...exactly! Well done for the both of you.
You two ramble on for a few more minutes trying to drill the other into spilling on what was so special about today, but you two couldn't since you were both obviously unknowing about it, then Vision remembered something.
"Well, sorry darling, that's me off to work, then." Vison says fixing his grey suit jacket and grabbing his suitcase walking to the front door. You quickly grab his hat hanging on the coat rack and place it on his head, fixing it to make it look straight.
"Also don't forget-"
"(Male Name), my dear how many times do I have to tell you I don't forg- oh you mean my face right?"
You nod letting him know that was what you were getting at. The audience laughs again as he quickly shakes his head and his face and hands transform from cold metal to warm flesh. Vision then puts his palm to his face and pretends to blow you a kiss, while you play along and pretend to catch it and put it over your heart.
Once he leaves out the door, you lock it a return to the kitchen, and make your way to the calendar, chewing on your polished nails (if you don't want nail polish then skip that part) as you try to remember the symbolism of the heart. Not even a second later your thoughts get interrupted as a loud knock at the door startles you back to 'reality'.
Going to go see who it is, you push the door that separates the living room and the kitchen, closer to the knocking. You quickly open the door and see a woman with a dark plaid dress and a styled black hairdo holding a grey plant in a white pot.
"Oh hello, dear. I'm Agnes, your neighbor to the right. My right, not yours" She says in a sing-song tone as she uninvitedly makes her way into the house. The eruption of cackles echo as you look at her in confusion as to why she decided to step inside, but decided to keep a calm attitude and not say anything about it.
"Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother-in-law was in town...so I wasn't!" she says laughing with the audience once more as her dress sways with her movements. She rushes the potted plant into your arms and you smile and take it as she makes her way into the living room to continue her snooping. "So what's your name? Where are you from? And most importantly how's your bridge game, hon?" She says not loosing a single breath, and of course not giving you time to answer in between questions.
"Umm...Well I'm (Male Name)" You say reaching your hand out to shake hers
"(Male Name)? Charmed!" She joyfully says and returns the gesture.
"Golly, you sure do settle fast! Yes sir you did indeed! Did you use a moving company?"
"Why I sure did. Those boxes don't move themselves." The audience laughs as your inside joke, because let's be honest, the boxes did move themselves since you used your magic to decorate everything. (Damn (Male Name), you really are a powerful sum' bitch)
'"So (Male Name), what's a single boy like you doing rattling around this big house?" She says siting on the couch.
You laugh to yourself and dreamily look at the finger your ring should be on that Vision gave you to claim you as his, (He liked it so he put a ring on it.....sorry...anyways) but paused as it wasn't there. That's not right, because you could have sworn that it was there when you created this rea-
"Oh no, I'm not single I-"
"Well I don't see a ring
"Well I can promise you, I am indeed married...To a man. A human one and tall too! A a matter of fact, he'll be home later tonight for a special occasion just the two of us." You say putting emphasis on 'occasion' with a wink.
"Oh is it somebody's birthday? A holiday?" Agnes questions bouncing up and down in the couch with her legs crossed like a 'proper lady'.
"Well, no and no"
"An anniversary then?"
"Ye-uhh...yes, Its our anniversary!" You shout, finally able to remember what that heart meant.
Agnes waves you over to come sit on the couch with her and you obey, sitting down she grabs and rests both sets of you two's clasped hands on your apron.
"Sooo...tell me, how many years" She asks letting out a little squeal.
"Well..uhhh..it...it uh feels like we've always been together"
"You lucky man-" She shakes her head remembering about her own husband "-the only way Ralph would remember our anniversary is if there was a beer names June 2nd." She chuckles as the audience laughs from nowhere again. "So what do you have planned?"
"How do you mean?" You questioned her. I mean you never really did have time to come up with anything since you just realized, or assumed, what today was.
"For your special night, (Male Name)! A young boy like yourself doesn't have to do much, but it's still fun to set the scene. Say-" she says standing up to slowly make her way to the door "-I was just reading a crackerjack magazine article called 'How To Treat Your Husband To Keep Your Husband', and let me tell you somethin'...what Ralph could really use is, 'How to Goose Your Wife So You Don't Loose Your Your Wife'. She kidd's as her and the audience laugh. You look at her and shake your head trying to hold back your own laughter. "Hang on, I'll go grab it and we can start planning. Oh, this is gonna be a gas!" She shouts running to the door so she can leave and run to her house.
-----Time Skip---
Both Agnes and you are back on the couch, looking through her magazines trying to find ideas for the anniversary dinner you planned for you and Vision to share, when out of nowhere, the phone started ringing interrupting you two. You got up and rushed over to it hoping you don't miss the unknown caller, you pick it up and put it to your ear and then start talking.
"Vision residence how may I help you"
"(Male Name), darling I-"
"Vision, my dearest husband. How are you sweetheart?" You say cutting him off from his obviously panicked and frantic voice. I mean come on, you are just excited to hear your husband's voice after a hours of him being gone.
"Listen about tonight-"
You cut him off again, already knowing that he was going to talk about the anniversary. "Don't worry, dear, I have everything under complete control"
"Oh, well, that is a relief. I must confess, I'm really rather nervous" He says over the phone.
"Nervous? Whatever for?" You question.
"Well, you know, darling, I still get a little tongue-tied."
The audience coo's and aww's at how a dust of grey creeps up on your (dark grey/grey) cheeks. "Vis, after all this time..." you giggle out.
"There's a lot riding on this (Male Name)! If tonight doesn't go just so, I think this could be the end.
'Wait what' you think to yourself
"Well, it's just one night. There's no need to get dramatic." You say in a worried tone as you grasp your now queasy stomach.
Vision's tone begins to get more serious as the conversation continues in his attempt to express how important this is to you. "Look, I think the best course of action is to impress the wife."
"Well, first, I think you mean husband. And secondly I also think the best course of action is to impress the other husband too." You look over and give Agnes a thumbs up and a wink in her direction, and she does the same while sipping her martini.
"Glad to know we're both on the same page, love. Until tonight, then, my sweet little husband" Vision says making two smooching noises through the phone to you.
"Until tonight...my robotic husband" You return, whispering the last part so Agnes doesn't hear you. She couldn't hear you anyways, being too busy sipping her drink and flipping through the pages. You finally gently put the phone on the hook and return to the couch.
---Time Skip, Later Tonight---
Before Vision made it home, you set the big dining table that was next to the living room and tossed colorless silk scarfs on all of the laps in the room to set the mood and made your way to the bedroom to get dressed to surprise him for when he gets home. When you heard the door open and heard his voice, you tip toed your way out of the bedroom and into the living room, dressed a long fluffy white lingerie robe with white fur that wrapped around the arms of it which was trailing behind you, exposing both of your (dark grey/grey) legs. You then went all the way to Vision's black silhouette and gently wrapped your hands around his eyes, causing him to jump form the sudden contact.
The audience laughed again as they know your mistake. 'Where the hell is that laughing coming from, and whey is it happening right now of all times?' you thought to yourself in confusion.
"Guess who~" you seductively whispered to your husbands.
Suddenly the lights turn on and you hear Vision's voice that was filled with a mix of shock, embarrassment, and irritation at your recklessness. "(MALE NAME) WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"
You gasp and look in his direction. "Vision? What are you-" then it hit's you, if Vision is right there, then who's-
"Oh! Oh my stars, I'm so sorry!" You say to the man you mistook for your husband. You quickly uncover his eyes and stumble away from him as he stares at you in shock. Then you look down at your attire and try to cover your exposed leg as much as possible.
"What is the meaning of this!" The bald headed mad says appalled, as his wife stands behind him looking around cluelessly.
Vision interrupts with his stammering voice just as confused as everyone else. "Well..uh yeah (Male Name) what is the meaning of-" Suddenly it hits him and he tries to comes up with an excuse off the top of his head. "-Oh, the meaning of it! You want to know the meaning of it...and...the meaning of it is...that this is the tradition of (Random Foreign Country/Continent) greeting of hospitality. Uhh...guess who???" Vision says as he runs behind you and overs your eyes.
"Oh is that my host being me?" You say playing along.
"It certainly is, darling. Lovely to make your acquaintance" Vision says vigorously shaking your hand. "See i forgot to tell you my husband is from (Random Foreign Country/Continent)" he giggles along with the audience.
"Oh, how exotic!" The man's wife cheerfully laughs.
"I never knew such a place as that existed" He says in a dark yet serious tone.
"Oh hush Author, have you no culture. Oh and the robe, I absolutely love it!" His wife replies trying to lighten up the awkward mood.
"Thank you so much ma'am-" you march through the living room and snatch off the silk scarves from all the lamps and tightly grab Vision's hand. "-Can I just see you in the kitchen for a moment, sweetheart?"
You both then slam your way through the kitchen door and it swings closed behind you, leaving Vision's boss and his wife behind as they sit down on the couch and patiently (more like impatiently on Arthur's end) wait for your return. You then turn around and look at each other before throwing questions.
"Who are those people?!"
"What are you wearing!?"
"Why are they here?"
"What are you wearing!?" Vision questions again boldly
"Well, it's out anniversary, that's why I'm wearing this!"
"Our anniversary of what?" Vison says, desperate to know what the hell you were talking about. Eventually you had enough of these shenanigan's and throw the scarves down at his feet stomping your way to the kitchen chairs. "Well if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you!" you exaggerate, crossing your arms and pouting like a child
"(Male Name), darling! That...that man through there is my boss Mr. Hart! And his dear lady wife Mrs. Hart! The heart on the calendar was an abbreviation!" Vision whispers, roughly tapping his hand on the black heart drawn on the dull colored calendar.
You grab your head and shake it trying to put everything together. "Vision sweetie, you move at the speed of sound and I can make a pen float through the air. Who. Needs. To. Abbreviate!?"
Vision grabs both of your shoulders in an attempt to collect his thoughts and calm you down. "Darling, listen, it's all romantic to do the candles, the music, that stunning outfit. I don't wanna be unappreciative, but right now-"
"Your boss and his wife are expecting a home-cooked meal. Correct?" Vision nods his head while muttering 'exactly' while look around the kitchen in order to find somethin to serve to the unwarned visitation of guests. After looking around for a but, your eyes land on the mini round table that held a plate and food on it. "Well, does your boss and his wife have a hunger for a single chocolate-covered strawberry, split three ways?" Vision hisses while clenching his fists and shaking his head no.
"Oh wait, I might have better ideas" Without hesitation you raise both of your sands and snap your fingers, magically changing your outfit to the one you were wearing earlier that day, a pair of dark high waisted cuffed slacks and a white blouse to match (you can change if you don't like), and the audience claps in astonishment at your transformation whilst you tie your apron in a bow behind your back. Vision gives you a quick peck on the cheek and runs back to the living room to keep others company while you figure out what to serve everyone.
---Time Skip---
After minutes of looking, you couldn't find anything in the kitchen, and the refrigerator was empty, so you decided to call your good neighbor Agnes to see if she could pick up some things from the store and bring it over. A couple of minutes pass and you finally hear a familiar knock on the back door in the kitchen. As soon as you open it Agnes rushes through with her hands full of groceries stacked to her chin as she stumbles through the kitchen. Before you could even mutter out a 'thank you' she stops you dead in your tracks and puts all the food down on the table. "Before you can say anything don't think about it. I mean, what kind of housewife would I be if I didn't have a gourmet meal for four just lying about the place. Not that Ralph wants to eat anything other than baked beans, which explains a lot about his personal appeal, mind you." The audience laughs one more at her silly humor as you quickly render to her aid to grab some of the groceries before they could fall. Unfortunately, it seems like the Universe was not on your side since the large cooking pot crashed and hit the ground, echoing throughout the kitchen, while Agnes yelled out an overexaggerated 'oh my'.
You had to get rid of Agnes and as quickly as you can, so you decided to just push her out the back door despite her protests to help you cook. "Thank you so much Agnes but I can take it from here-"
"Are you sure dear, many hands make light work. And many mouths make good gossip too!"
"Oh ahahaha, you are so naughty! But-"
"Oh, shall I preheat the oven then? hmm?"
"That won't be necessary, thank you for your time!"
Somehow she managed to escape your grasp on her waist and make her way back to the counter to crab some kitchen tools to start cooking for you. "Well, I know you're in a pinch so this menu can be done in a snap." She says snapping her fingers before continuing her rambling. you run back over to her and snatch the utensils from her, setting them on the counter, and grabbing her arms to march her back to the door. "Lobster Thermidor with mini-minced turnovers to start. Chicken à la King with twice-cooked new potatoes for your second course, and Steak Diane with mint jellies for your main. Oh wait! Do you set your own jellies, dear?"
"Yes Agnes I do, now can you please-"
"Ah there you go, good boy! Recipe cards are all on the counter there. Bon Appétit!"
"Haha, yes will do, thank you so much again Agnes! Bye now!" You say slamming the door, making the audience laugh at your exhausted expression. Now that she's gone, you run to the middle of the kitchen and throw your arms around, making all of the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen fly open, the dishes start floating out, and the food starts cooking. Out of no where the doors to the island bar swoop open to show Mrs. Hart, but before she could see Vision distracts her by breaking out and singing Yackety Yack by The Coasters, causing her to break out into a little dance, making her way back to the couch. Dear gods and goddess', how lucky are you to have a savior like him.
But little did you know, that the night was only just beginning.
Finish the fic? Leave a like and comment if you enjoyed it. Also, give it a reblog too! Once again, I'm so sorry it was rushed! Please don't be afraid to let me know if there are any typos or errors. I will go back and edit this
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sinfulwrites · 2 years
For the fanfic ask game: 2, 17, 19, 23, 32, 39 (if it's too many questions, just pick some of them 😊)
Hi Doots, thank you for sending in some asks!
2: How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
I want to say I'm a 50/50 split, but that's just not the truth. I do both, but I sometimes don't have any time for reading in between work and writing anymore. I try to read as much as I can though.
17: How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you've just posted and wait for feedback?
So, I actively try to avoid every new upload for a while. Sometimes the lack of response in the first day or two of a post can be very disheartening, so I avoid my works after I post them for a couple days for my own sanity.
19: Do you edit your fics after you write them, or do you prefer to just hit post and run (because it's someone else's problem now.)?
Oh I make tweaks all the time after I post stuff. I can't stand looking at it, it bugs me, so I gotta fix it. Even if people don't care about a typo, I know it's there and it's gonna bug me until I fix it. (Yet I somehow keep making typos and errors in every single post, you'd think I'd learn my lesson at some point.)
23: What' your absolute favorite trope to write?
I really really really love writing soft domestic stuff. Just everyday stuff. Like having normal everyday conversations with characters, listening to music with some characters, imaging how they are with simple things like, for an example, how a slasher would deal with a bed hog S/O. Simple stuff like this. (And then of course, right after that is porn lol)
32: Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you've ever written. What fics do they come from?
Ooh, this is a good one.
“Film it…” You panted up at him. “Film it.. I want you to fill my pussy on camera, Vincent." from this wonderful fic
“I love you, and you deserve it, Thomas.” from this lovely fluff, just because I've always wanted to tell him that.
"Where did he learn to drive? God only knows." From my beloved Michael road head fic.
39: What's something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I pride myself on writing as accurately to the character as I can. Yeah, I definitely add a lot of extra stuff that probably doesn't fit, but I do my best to add every quirk I see, I make note of any behavioral patterns I may see in the characters, I remember little things they may have done, even if it's only once. I want the character to feel like the actual character, not like I just made a new character and just slapped their name on it.
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