I still have classpects I wanna do, but I’ve been busy working on other things. I’ll get back to it eventually though.
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This blog is awesome!!
Thank you so much!
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Bnha classpects pt.4
Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for....
Shoto Todoroki!
Shoto Todoroki - Rogue of Doom
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Todoroki was a tough one. He has many layers to him, and sometimes hard telling which ones truly represent him at his core. In the end, I settled on Rogue of Doom. His aspect was the easy part, it was clearly Doom. Doom players are described as “fate’s chosen sufferers.” They have difficult lives, and are often quite cynical and nihilistic. Despite this, they are quite empathetic, and are good at comforting people. Todoroki fits this quite well, due to his miserable childhood and the suffocating pressure his father has placed on him. These things gave him the typical Doom outlook on life. He has also been shown to be good at comforting people, such as when he helped Midoriya feel better during his work study. Onto his class: the difficult part. I had a hard time thinking about how he might channel doom, but I eventually settled on Rogue for him. Rogues are naturally very rebellious, and hate being bound to ideals they disagree with. This is reminiscent of Todoroki’s refusal to use his powers in order to spite his dad, and his general attitude towards his dad in general. Rogues also tend to isolate themselves using their aspect when situations get too stressful for them to handle. This is what Todoroki did during the sport’s festival arc. He separated himself from the rest of the class by partially resigning to his miserable fate as his dad’s puppet. This could be seen as him channeling doom. A Rogue of Doom would steal Doom for the benefit of others. He does this with his intense desire to help others, despite what the rules say. He instantly went to save Midoriya when he was in trouble, despite his dad ordering him not to. He was also one of the people to initiate the plan to save Bakugou, despite being told not to by all of his peers. He is stealing these peoples doom, by being so intent on saving them. Those are the reasons why I think Todoroki is a Rogue of Doom. 
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Bnha classpects pt.3
I’m going to do Todoroki soon, but he’s proving to be more difficult than I anticipated. Anyway, next we have....
Ochako Uraraka!
Ochako Uraraka - Sylph of Breath
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Uraraka was probably one of the easiest characters to classpect. She is a sylph of breath through and through. Let’s start with her aspect: Breath. Breath is tied to flexibility and freedom and is the representation of “going with the flow.” This is definitely an aspect of Uraraka’s personality, she isn’t easily fazed and just seems to do whatever she feels is right no matter what others think. She is also non-confrontational and a bit of an airhead (pun intended,) which are also common features of the Breath bound. Onto her class. A sylph is a passive class who creates or creates with their aspect to help others. As a sylph of breath, Uraraka would be creating freedom. This is a role she has quite early on in the story, when she meets Midoriya. She start’s calling him Deku, and takes away the negative connatations of the nickname that Bakugou created. By doing this, she is freeing Deku from Bakugou’s influence, and he is so affected by this he makes it his hero name. Uraraka is creating freedom for Midoriya, by letting him define himself by his own terms, and not by Bakugou’s. She also does this with her parents. Her entire reason for becoming a hero is to help her parents and “free” them from poverty. Anyway, that is why I think Uraraka is a sylph of breath. 
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Bnha Classpects pt.2
Sorry this took so long! I’m going to try and make these more often. Onto the other main character...
Katsuki Bakugou!
Katsuki Bakugou - Prince of Time
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Bakugou was more difficult to parse. Eventually, I figured that the combination of class and aspect didn’t necessarily have to make perfect sense, primarily because these characters aren’t playing sburb. This method is a bit harder, but it worked. Starting with aspect, Bakugou is a textbook Time player. The Time bound value action above all else, and are extremely goal focused. They often disregard conventional logic and the safety of themselves and those around them in favor of completing their goals. Bakugou fits this perfectly. Everything he does is a method of reaching his goals, and he completely disregards the safety of anyone in accomplishing these things. His class was a bit harder to parse, but he seems like a Prince. First, the Prince is a destructive class, and Bakugou is an extremely destructive person. His response to any problem is violence and aggression. I also think he’s a Prince, because the typical problem of a Prince is ego. They consider themselves to be intelligent, capable people, but bounce between the extremes of an extreme superiority complex and an extreme inferiority complex. The only way for them to be truly fulfilled is to strike an even balance between the two. This is the focus of Bakugou’s character arc. He pushes himself to improve so hard both because he believes he’s better than everyone and wants to keep it that way, and because he feels inferior to Midoriya and wants to best him. He is beginning to learn how destructive this mindset can be and starting to improve. Once he can balance himself out, he will reach his full potential. That’s why I think Bakugou is a Prince of Time.
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I’m working on the next bit of analysis, but I’ve had a hard time feeling motivated to work on it due to quarantine. It’s on it’s way though!
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I have recently realized that I fit more as a Seer of Heart, so new icon time!
That moment when you feel like you identify more with a different classpect, so you’re gonna have to change your icon…..
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I’ve spent… I’m not sure how long pacing my room thinking about a couple of “Hero classes” from Homestuck. See, I’m currently on page 5523 (on a reread far enough later that the story hadn’t been finished yet before), in “Act 6 Act 5″, with Jake recounting their adventures and goals the day before Jane’s birthday. It’s left me thinking about the nature of the Page class and what seems to be in common with the three of them (Tavros the Page of Breath, Jake the Page of Hope, and Horuss the Page of Void).
The main idea I’ve latched onto in my pacing is how artificial all of the Pages come off as. All of them seem to actively put on a persona. It’s nearly laid out explicitly with Horuss; Aranea explains that his Void aspect left him as something of a blank slate, to which he consciously applied his “personality” traits and quirks—one of them being robotics, which actually coincides nicely with the concept of artificiality. Tavros has his Rufio persona (and his “self-confident” persona). Jake has his treasure-hunting, monster-slaying adventurer extraordinaire persona.
I don’t think these consciously crafted personas are even a bad thing necessarily. In my pacing, I had even thought of the Page as “a class of imagination and creativity applied to oneself.” Said another way, the Page is a “Dreamer” (perhaps in a similar way that a Prince is a “Destroyer”). I certainly wouldn’t say that it’s a bad thing to be a dreamer; dreams can be motivating and inspiring.
The main challenge for the Page (mostly Tavros and Jake since I’ve seen very little of Horuss—and wouldn’t expect any more) is how being constantly absorbed in these personas slows them down. It takes so much more time and effort for them to stop and think: “What would my ideal self do/say in this situation?”
Now that I’ve written that, it’s suddenly clear to me that Pages are challenged with perfectionism. It’s why Tavros and Jake are so consistently hesitant. They constantly have to stop and ask themselves not only “What would my ideal self do?” but “Can I even do it at all?” Further, if the answer is “No,” they would rather avoid action entirely.
I do think both questions are necessary. I feels tempting to say that the failure-avoidance is enough, but I do think it is just as important (if not fundamentally so) for an action to match up with the “perfect” idealization of themselves. The main example that comes to mind is Vriska trying to get Tavros to kill her in her quest-cocoon. He was certainly physically capable of killing her. (Tinkerbull would probably have been able to finish the job.) But it wasn’t something that his persona would do: killing a friend.
Though, reflecting on what I just wrote, that might undervalue the emotional struggle that comes with trying to kill someone that you know, face-to-face, while they are talking to you (through mind-control blood-writing). It’s a bit cheap to say “he was capable of killing her, physically speaking”. Honestly, I’m just continuing on with the thoughts from my pacing.
To grow from this, to reach God-tier (because, thematically, God-tier represents character growth), a Page likely needs to accept that they will make mistakes sometimes—even a lot of the time. Their dreams and ideals should be used for guidance and inspiration, rather than being a constant obsession.
Some ancillary thoughts I had were about Knights, as a point of comparison. There is similarity in the way these classes struggle with not “being good enough.” The Page struggles to match up with an imagined ideal version of themself, where the Knight struggles to match up with others, whether their peers or guardian. More specifically, I imagine the Knight struggling with “imposter syndrome” and feeling like even their best isn’t enough (whether in comparison to others or in simply achieving their goals). This is in contrast to the way the Page is specifically unable to perform at their best due to the way they burden themselves. A Knight is more readily capable of giving their all: they just won’t think that’s good enough.
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That moment when you feel like you identify more with a different classpect, so you’re gonna have to change your icon.....
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Bnha Classpects pt.1
It’s nice to finally start this. The first character is of course...
Izuku Midoriya!
Izuku Midoriya - Page of Heart
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I knew that Midoriya would be a page, because his arc very clearly follows the unlikely hero archetype, which is also the archetype pages seem to represent. The unlikely hero is a character who is initially seen as ordinary in nature and lacking in traditional qualities that are associated with heroism, such as strength or bravery. Despite this, they are thrust into a heroic role, and start out as seemingly incompetent, but become immensely powerful over time. This can be summed up as someone with a great amount of potential that takes a long time to be realized.... which are often what pages are described as. Midoriya fits this description perfectly, he was a plain, timid boy with no quirk, but thanks to All Might, he gained a quirk and an important destiny. He started out as one of the worst students in his class, but slowly, as the story went on, he’s gotten very powerful. This is the story of him becoming the number one hero, so we can assume that is the point where he reaches his full Page potential. On to the aspect. He seems like a Heart player to me, because a Page of Heart is one who is served heart, or, in another sense, served identity. That is pretty much what happened with him and All Might, as All Might gave him his powers, and expects him to follow in his foot steps and become the number one hero. One of Midoriya’s struggles throughout the story is his identity as a hero, as he spends most of the first half of the story trying to literally be All Might. The only way he was able to advance his journey and continue his path to full potential was to break away from this identity imposed upon him and become his own hero instead of the next All Might. I think this is fundamentally a large part of what the Page of Heart’s arc would be, which is why I think Midoriya is a Page of Heart. 
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I am not caught up with the My Hero Academia manga, so most of my analysis will probably come from the anime.
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I’m going to start my next group of character classpections. This time it’s going to be My Hero Academia characters, so look forward to that!
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Any relationship ideas for a snarky but withdrawn Seer of Doom?
Well, a seer of doom is someone who knows doom for others, so they would be very burdened with the knowledge of possible death and despair based on certain actions. This would lead to them being very cautious and probably very worried about others. If they were snarky and withdrawn, they probably wouldn’t let this immense concern show particularly often. A good match for them would be someone who can see through their facade and provide them with emotional support, as their role must be very taxing on their mental state. I’m thinking a Knight of Hope, as they are on who serves hope. They would be able to support their partner by believing in them and being able to show them that not all actions can lead to negative outcomes. Hope this helps!
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Scott Pilgrim Classpects pt.5
Onto the final Scott Pilgrim classpection, the villain of the comic himself....
Gideon Graves
Gideon Graves - Lord of Mind
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Gideon’s classpect was surprisingly easy to figure out. Let’s start with aspect. He is very clearly a mind player to me, as he created and has complete control over “The Glow” which is a powerful weapon which he can use to manipulate people’s minds when they come in contact to it. He used it to alter Scott's memories, and to control Ramona’s mind. He also used it to become an all-powerful god within Ramona’s head. His use of the mind aspect seems like the behavior of a Lord. A lord is a player who has complete command over their aspect and can pretty much manipulate it to do whatever they want it to. A lord normally has a lot of people working under them, and only does something themselves when they absolutely need to. This is very much what Gideon does, as he can use the Glow to manipulate the mind however he wishes. The only time we see him in the story is for his final fight with Scott. At all other points in the story, he uses the evil exes to accomplish his goals for him. He is basically an evil puppet master in complete control from the shadows, which is why it is so hard to defeat him. That is why I think Gideon is a Lord of mind. 
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Scott Pilgrim Classpects pt.4
It’s now time for...
Knives Chau!
Knives Chau - Thief of Heart
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I initially took this classpection in a fairly literal sense. Knives is a thief of heart, because her character arc is focused on taking Scott back from Ramona, or in a more metaphorical sense, stealing his heart. Now, this is a fine interpretation, but doesn’t make for particularly interesting analysis, so I figured I could think of it from more angles. At the beginning of a thieves' journey, they start out with a distinct lack of their aspect, such as Vriska’s perpetual unluckiness. This leads to them stealing their aspect in order to get enough of it. Heart represents identity, and one’s self. At the beginning of her arc, before she met Scott, Knives was lacking in identity. She wasn’t happy, both with herself, and with her life in a more general sense. This is probably why she was so interested in Scott to begin with. He represented something new and exciting, a way to break out of her boring life. This is when she began to “steal” identity. In order to fit in more with Scott's lifestyle, she began stepping out of her comfort zone by trying to enjoy his hobbies and dressing like his friends. This is even more obvious after Scott breaks up with her, as she starts trying to be more like Ramona, for instance cutting and dying her hair in order to get him back. This can be seen as stealing identity in order to construct a more concrete identity for herself, which would make her seem more desirable. At the end of the story, she has found a concrete identity outside of those around her, and she seems much happier. When a thief finally has enough of their aspect, they no longer feel the need to steal it and allow themselves to be happy and content. She finally has enough identity, or “heart”. That is why I think Knives is a thief of heart.  
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Scott Pilgrim Classpects pt.3
Now, onto my personal favorite Scott Pilgrim Character....
Wallace Wells!
Wallace Wells - Knight of Light
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Classpecting Wallace was the easiest so far, because his role in the story is more simple, due to his nature as a side character. His main purpose in the story besides comic relief is to provide Scott with knowledge of his enemies and insight on how to advance toward his goals. This is shown both with the dossier he gives Scott about Gideon, and him telling Scott to break up with Knives. This seems like a role a light player would have, as light represents knowledge and plot relevance in a story. Now, onto his class. I immediately knew that he would be a passive class, as while he is important, he himself never directly affects the plot. Going by my understanding of the class system I think he would be a knight. The knight class is passive and is one who serves their aspect to others. He has lots of insight, but he just uses it to further Scott’s understanding of what he needs to do in the story and never to further his own goals. This act of serving Scott plot relevant information could be seen as serving Scott “light”. That is my reasoning as to why Wallace is a Knight of Light. 
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